#voice recasting
s10127470 · 1 year
The Rick and Morty Voice Acting Situation
As most of you probably know by now, the co-creator of the long-running Adult Swim series “Rick and Morty”, Justin Roiland, was faced with various charges and allegations for crimes such as domestic abuse and grooming earlier this year.
And although the court cases have been dropped, Roiland was still fired from not only Rick and Morty, but also every other project he was working on at the time.
This made of lot of people wonder what would happen to said projects, specifically Rick and Morty.
But those wonders would fade quickly as it was announced that Rick and Morty and Roiland's other projects like the Hulu original animated series "Solar Opposites", would still being continuing....but just without the involvement of Roiland.
Or....lack there of.
Oh yeah. Shortly after that announcement, a lot of people who worked on Rick and Morty came out about their experiences working with Roiland.
And apart from revealing how much of a shitty person he truly is, they also revealed that beside voice acting, Roiland hasn't really contributed to much to the show (like directing and writing) since Season 1.
So yeah, Rick and Morty was more or less going along perfectly fine without much of Roiland's involvement, and will pretty much continue to do so.
And after everything we found out about him, let's be real, the crew are really better off without him.
If only we could have it both ways.....
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Anyway, although the series is going to continue on just fine without Roiland's involvement, there is one notable area where his removal has put the crew in a bit of a tight spot....
Voice acting.
Roiland was not only the co-creator of Rick and Morty, but also the voice of the titular duo.
And since Roiland's gone, the crew are currently looking for new voices for the duo.
A lot of people have been speculating and suggesting that the crew would look for imitators (particularly fans of Rick and Morty) who can should just like the duo.
But after a recent announcement given by Adult Swim, it seems that's not gonna be the case.
When Adult Swim president Michael Ouweleen was asked about the current casting process, he said that the crew wasn't really looking for imitators.
In his own words....
"No, not imitators... In any case the idea is that we feel that they are the same characters.....I'll take an example: there have been several great Bugs Bunny voice actors, and I love what Jeff Bennett has done with them. But it's not Mel Blanc! And yet we recognize the character. I even think that for Rick and Morty we will do even better... It will be fine. It'll be great."
This was a pretty insightful quote into their casting process.
And although many are hoping that one of many imitators, specifically Sean Kelly, to get the thumbs-up, the quote seems to indicates that the show isn't really looking for fan imitators, but instead professional voice actors.
I know that a lot of people (knowing how Rick and Morty fans are like) would be against this, I feel like this route has a bit more integrity.
It seems like they want to get actors who can actually deliver the best lines and performances, rather than just getting actors who could so 1-to-1 with Roiland.
And while I'm not against them casting imitators, I think they're better off casting professional voice actors since they tend to have much more range and more importantly, much more experience.
Plus, the comparison to Bugs Bunny also does bring up a good point.
Bugs has had many voice actors over the years.
Such as Jeff Bergman, Billy West, the late Joe Alaskay, and his current voice actor, Eric Bauza.
And although none of them sound like Bugs' original voice, the late Mel Blanc, or each other, their performances still fit the character perfectly.
Hell, just about every cartoon/fictional character that has existed for many, many decades have gone through this.
Having more recent voice performances that while fitting the character, don't sound quite like their original voice performance.
So if they can do it, Rick and Morty can do this as well.
And in all honesty, I find pretty admirable that the crew want to cast voice actors based on their merits rather than being able to sound just like Roiland.
Also, I hope they get separate actors for Rick and Morty.
I feel like that having the titular duo being voiced by separate actors would allow for better chemistry since they're not being voiced by the same actor, and don't have to rely on the honestly over-done improving that Roiland was know for.
But in that regard, I want to leave you off with this.
Out of all the professional voice actors you know, would do you think be the best choice?
Although they wouldn't be able to sound just like Roiland, who do you think would be able to capture the spirit of Rick and Morty the best?
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kurokonobrainrot · 3 months
I still haven't given up on a KnB remake, this time with the entire manga adapted, not with so much missing and only half of Teiko's flashback. And Extra Game with a real adaptation, not a joke that butchered all the character development.
The manga truly deserves it, i like the anime but it's really not comparable to the manga. And can you imagine how much new fans that would bring ?
And Takao should have his amber/orange eyes, and Akashi his red hair (although pink is pretty too, it doesn't make sense that Akashi is the only miracle that doesn't follow the color scheme in the anime, why change his true hair color??). And they should all look more age accurate too, like in the manga.
And as a treat, they can also adapt the light novels, because we deserve it for our patience.
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kataangiscanon · 1 month
Thank You to my Amazing and Beautiful Bestie!!! @azulamakesmeblank who helped me with this petition. Love ya!!
To all fellow ATLA fans,
Regardless of your favorite ship or character in our fandom, if you've ever felt the pain of the people of Palestine, I urge you to support this petition. We cannot allow a Zionist to voice our beloved character, Avatar Aang, a survivor of genocide.
Let's come together and sign this petition to make a difference. Together, we can ensure that we all get to enjoy the Adult Gang movie we've been eagerly waiting for.
Sign now and let's make a change!
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werewolf-cuddles · 6 months
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I suppose this was inevitable. That big fuck-up a few months back really did put the Crush Crush devs in an awkward position.
Removing Ayano from the game entirely wouldn't have been feasible, despite there being multiple calls for the developers to do so, so replacing her with an expy was probably the best possible outcome here.
And now we know why it took the developers so long to respond to the allegations. Re-doing her art, and re-writing and re-recording dialogue to use her new name, that must have taken a while.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
guys I'm so fking sad..... one of my favorite (maybe even my favorite) Korean VAs passed away... Lee Woori-nim(이우리)... I just heard the news so I don't know why he died but I'm sure he was way too young... This is so devastating. You may know him as the korean voice of Cyno from genshin, or Lord Oyster from CRK...I need to find his other roles too... He had one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard and his acting was good too, I was really really looking forward to hearing him in many more roles esp main chara roles ㅠㅠㅠ I even included him in my TWSB fancast (for yeseo/jesse)... I've only discovered him recently (bc of crk) but I just instantly fell in love w his voice T_T so angelic and gentle and handsome... I'm so sad man. Rest in peace...
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
i was so excited about the shadow levels and what stuff from his backstory that we could see and black doom being the main villain that for a moment i lived in a world where the worst voice actor shadow has ever had wasnt still in the role
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sidetable-drawer · 28 days
Since there's a new PPG in development from Craig (which I hope actually HAPPENS considering WB now), and a CERTAIN PPG voice turned out to be a horrible person...if Bubbles gets recast I can totally hear Kimiko Glenn doing her voice. Izzy Moonbow from the new MLP movie reminded me so much of Bubbles anyway. I love her voice.
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beemovieerotica · 2 years
if y'all are angry on behalf of Charles Martinet, this shit just happened to the VA for Bayonetta
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In a heartbreaking video on Twitter, Hellena Taylor stated the reasons she did not reprise her role: the Bayonetta franchise has made almost half a billion dollars (not including merchandise) and Platinum Games offered her a $4,000 flat rate to do voice work for the entire third game.
"I was just asking for a decent, dignified, living wage. What they did was legal, but it was immoral."
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Imagine spending 7.5 years studying and perfecting your craft, voicing a character for over a decade, and then getting offered roughly 2 months rent to prop up a franchise worth half a billion dollars.
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scionshtola · 3 days
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okay...they look better with something other than their resting expression
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thiscatisbisexual · 2 years
No, the reason they're not gonna recast Mario's voice for the movie isn't cause it would be too much for the animators etc etc.
The reason they're not gonna recast Mario's voice is cause it's fucking Chris Pratt who's a big name celebrity actor they've spent a shitton of money on and who's gonna draw in mcu fans who don't care about Mario but want to hear starlord or whatever his name is.
Neither Illumination nor Nintendo give a shit about crunching the animators, they only care about money.
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nocturnal-impala · 2 months
Looking: VA character recast [PAID]
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artsyneurotic · 1 year
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oh hey there Cullen, didn’t expect to see you in here
shame that your voice actor didn’t get a chance to voice anything in there...  *cough* lol 
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
"It's not like anyone could have listened to Mario's regular voice for over 2 hours!"
Are you stupid
Do you expect fucking robert downey jr to start talking when you watch a mickey mouse movie
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flwrpersona · 1 year
I can’t wait for the Persona 4 reload to come out and they pitch Adachi’s voice higher again.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
im generally not a fan of the idea of any of the early 2000s sonic games being remastered because i think those games not having the most updated looking graphics or the best voice acting ever is part of the charm i dont want them to be changed to look and sound exactly like every other sonic game thats come out in the past 14 years
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lecliss · 1 month
Started watching Bastard!! and I'm very pissed to find out Wendee Lee is voicing yet another black woman. Like I know she wasn't publicly racist until the (failed) Yoruichi recast last year and this came out in 2022 but like, I don't wanna fuckin hear her ever again after that.
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