#voltron apocalypse au
phiixomath · 1 year
wip wednesday #2 ✧・゚apocalyptic au
context: this was an au i planned and eventually abandoned over a year ago. there are bits and pieces of this au i wanted to keep and incorporate into yet another au i have, but its specific circumstances made me want to preserve it and make its own. i’m now in the process of workshopping it because i want to have as personally satisfying a take on an apocalypse as i can.
this is the first part of the first chapter entitled “into the night” where pidge is preparing to run away from the garrison’s encampment to find their brother and father who they haven’t heard from in months…
thanks for reading!
Pidge lies curled underneath their blanket. Their unlocked phone emanates light, glaringly bright against the otherwise pitch-black, and it stings their eyes but keeps them alert. Small, frayed-edged pillows cocoon their body, completing the outward illusion of normalcy but acting as an ineffective barrier against the chill seeping in from the tent's thin polyester. They lifts a corner of their blanket and peeks at their mother. She sleeps close by on her fold-out bed, mouth parted, hair fanned out in a display that serves as a momentary distraction from Pidge's nerves.
Pidge glances at the time on their phone.
They turn on their back. Rubbing their eyes and repeating their mental checklist, Pidge tenses at the sound of the expected footsteps and dappled shadows that appear against the opposite wall of the tent. The tall figure—a guard—has a flashlight and walkie-talkie and holds the latter toward his mouth to murmur a brief question, undoubtedly asking for and awaiting confirmation to leave his post. He presumably receives it before his shadow fades. Pidge glances at the time again and springs into action.
Attempting to remain quiet, quick, and inconspicuous proves a challenge. Pidge curses after they stumble from trying to pull on sneakers whilst simultaneously shrugging on a jacket, heart-rate skyrocketing from the slight sounds their shuffling creates. Taking a deep breath once the task is accomplished, they smooth down their attire and roll up the sleeves of the Garrison-issued winter clothing. It offers respite against the biting cold, yet still allows the mobility they'll need. Pidge's lips quirk upwards, feeling additionally grateful for the grey colours that, in the night at least, will help keep them camouflaged.
All dressed, they kneel to unzip their closet. They fish out the prepared backpack, kept tightly packed under several layers of clothes as a last resort to prevent discovery. With their phone's flashlight at its lowest possible setting, they struggle to distinguish the contents of their backpack as they rifle through each of its near-overflowing pockets. The bag is filled with haphazardly coiled wires, cables, bulky screens, pen drives, their last few pairs of clothes and all their snacks, and the contents pull worryingly at the seams, pushing the well-worn backpack further toward its expiration. Pidge lets out a huff as they painstakingly zip the last pocket closed and wince, rubbing their hands to soothe the residual red zipper marks off of their fingertips. Once the bag is successfully hefted onto their shoulders, they pause to scan the room as a last unnecessary, albeit anxiety-easing, effort to comb the living space for any additional items. Everything else awaits in their truck.
Pidge reaches on the tips of their toes, as far as they can, to unzip the tall entrance of the tent. Lost in the repeated mantra of phone, communicator, backpack, they almost miss their mom's muffled murmur. Shit.
"Katie?" Fuck.
"Hmm?" Pidge says, mustering a reply as sleep-filled as they can.
Colleen stirs. "Still can't sleep?
"Just going to the bathroom," Pidge grits, legs involuntarily shaking from under the weight of the bag. Their hands blindly travel the chain of the zipper until they find the pull tab. They gradually inch the door flap open. "It's fine." They glance upwards, sending a short prayer their mom doesn't question further or, god forbid, open her eyes to see her child wide awake, clutching a backpack with items less than legal for a journey slightly more perilous than the bathroom.
They don't receive an audible reply and thus stay frozen, choosing to wait until certain that their mom's quiet exhales have slowed. They glance at their wristwatch.
They whisper a quick goodnight, vowing to return with their family restored, and step out.
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awhoreintheory · 11 months
Hello! I hope you’re having a good day/night/whatever!
I was thinking about your hearts infected klance au and I love it so much and I was wondering if you had any tidbits/ideas about it you’d be comfortable sharing
If not no worries!
Hello, anon. Please marry me
ANYWAYS OF COURSE?? It's lowkey my favorite au I just suffer from a very serious illness caused commitment issues 😔 its tragic
Lance is 21, Keith 23, Shiro and Adam 29, and Krolia ans Texas are young at heart
Lance picked up Kosmo when he was a puppy while he was still traveling by car in the beginning of the zombie apocalypse
The zombie apocalypse started when a asteroid crashed into earth, containing frozen alien bacteria inside of it. Humans obviously snooped, samples collected and vials broke, and some poor bloke ended up eating a shitty lab served hamburger with a side of zombie virus!
Zombie apocalypse started in Cuba for the sole reason of angst 🤗
Lance was a med student in NYC before the zombie outbreak, and spent the first two months (its a miracle America didn't go to shit before that) helping in hospitals. Things got so dire it didn't even matter how long yoi were in med school for, hospitals were actively begging for help.
Hunk was in Hawaii at the time of the outbreak, which was a rare part of the world largely left unaffected. In the sense there were no zombies.
Shiro hasn't lost his arm (yet) but he served in the military, same with Adam.
Krolia was special forces in the military. She's like a modern day ninja.
Texas was a police man then fireman, but was largely a stay at home dad once Keith was born.
Shiro is the son of a friend Texas adopted after they died, and technically knew Texas before he even met Krolia.
Adam is from Spain and moved to America after his parents cut him off/disowned him for being gay.
Lance is the oldest sibling! He has (had) 6 younger sisters
The Koganes don't know nearly as much as Lance about zombies bc they managed to fortify their farm and live there for the first 5 months of the zombie apocalypse. They start moving toward DC after receiving a transmission from Matt to head there.
Lance was able to keep in regular contact with Pidge and Hunk before the internet finally went down 3 months into the apocalypse. Pidge tells him to head to DC.
Lance ends up from NYC to Alabama after the internet went down bc he can't read a physical map and Google maps stopped working.
Lance managed to travel by car for 4 months before he realized it was way too loud and had to ditch it.
Krolia advocates so strongly for Lance to stay with them bc she is literally like "omg a baby!"
Texas is willing to go along with anything his beautiful wife's says
Texas killed his first zombie simply bc Krolia told him to, no questions asked. He didn't even know it was a zombie. Krolia was like "kill that bastard!" And Texas was deadass like "yes my queen"
Lance didn't really have to teach Kosmo anything, he kind of just picked things up and did them.
Kosmo is the main reason Lance is alive. Kosmo listens and smells the zombies and alerts Lance.
While mindless, the zombies still have the instincts to avoid the sun as it speeds up the decaying process, thus leading to zombies being more active at night.
Zombies cannot see, they lose this as soon as they turn, but newly turned zombies can hear for the first few months before they decay too badly. At around the 6-7 month mark is when smelling is their only sense left. Despite being dead, they're very strong. They lack the coordination to run fast, but retain the instincts required to hunt.
Anyone is free to add on btw!!! I love love love zombies and theories and ideas I could go on forever about them!!!!
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eggohallic · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron) Characters: Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Cosmo, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Voltron - Character, Lance's Family (Voltron), Adam (Voltron) Additional Tags: Zombie Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Post-Zombie Apocalypse, Gay Keith (Voltron), Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Weapons, Horses, wild horses, wild horse taming, Survival, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Cuban Lance (Voltron), Japanese Keith (Voltron), Japanese Shiro (Voltron), Affection, Apocalypse Family, Found Family, lost family, Zombies, Injury, Older Characters, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Minor Character Death, Major character death - Freeform, Infection, Gore Summary:
Nobody saw it coming. The breaking of earth. It was sudden. It was cruel. Many didn't survive it The once beautiful towns, now drained of life, crumble in the rays of light. Debris tumbling in the wind. The setting sun is no longer a natural wonder. The rising moon doesn't promise rest. The pounding rain cleans the streets of its filth, The fauna no longer nears forests near neighboring towns.
Every living thing now has a common enemy
The dead
Lance had learned this the hard way. Lance had also learned other things through his experience and the people he has met. maybe this zombie apocalypse is the friends we make along the way.
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tinfoilhats-work · 1 year
Ok so this has basically become my post-it note board for all my fanfic ideas
Anyways you know the drill - if you use any of my ideas just tag me in the work so I can see!!
So for as long as I can remember I have loved theorizing about the any type of apocalypse - zombie specifically but I’m not particular
Anyways I have read many fics where the voltron crew goes through the zombie apocalypse and a handful work amazingly well but most end up forgetting or losing MAJOR characteristics for each character AND/OR don’t keep things “realistic” like if someone gets hurt - or bit they affects aren’t consistent, different things like that
Here are a handful of things that I personally think are important when writing ff about a zombie apocalypse (when talking about character consistency’s I will be using voltron as an example)
First and foremost creating the world and the aftermath.
you need to have a realistic idea of how and why the zombies exist.
Was it because of the evil people - bio weapon, maybe the evil people are aliens or from an unknown place and it travels with them?
Was it a disease that mutated
Was it a vaccine that went wrong
Was it caused by eating something that shouldn’t
Is it a rare strain of rabies
How and why does it exist? How do you find a cure/vaccine (if you want one - and if the characters find one will it be scientifically correct?)
Next character consistency
Reminder that I will be using Voltron characters as a reference but you are by no means obligated to use these characters if you chose to follow this baseline
Keith. People seem to always forget that the only reason this dude was able to mature was basically a 2 year vacay/mission with his mom and dog. - he is anti-social, awkward and spent most (if not all) his time in the training room working on his skills and fitness. SO KEEP THAT STUFF IN YOU WORK UNTIL HE SLOWLY becomes more comfortable with the rest of the team. Do not make it happen in one chapter and there should not be just one magical moment. There should be moments where he hesitates trusting them on a judgment call (not in a dangerous spot tho bc he is known to be caring and spontaneous and protective) and there should also be times where he argues and has his boundaries crossed - not because the team meant to but because it happens when your getting to know someone.
Or like for shiro - someone who is a dad friend but also a bit older than the crew - very protective, and self sacrificial but also thinks ahead and tries to make good and safe decisions. Just keeping to that is perfect!
Or Lance. A funny extrovert that likes to talk and do skin care and hangout with his friends, but is also a bit self conscious and worries about his friends and others. Keeping that within the fic is ESSENTIAL and not something that goes away after starting to date someone or making new friends. You also can not forget that this kid is cocky just like Keith, and will be reckless, and will take risks.
In summary the most important thing is to keep your characters consistent with their canon persona, and then once you start working on it keep it consistent within your fic/writing!
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helpimuesless · 9 months
Well, you gotta start somewhere right?
I'm not necessarily new to Tumblr or other platforms specializing in writing/fics/prompts/etc... But I am rusty and wanting to get back into it.
So if you'd like to humor me, send in a request and I'll see what I can do. I have a creative itch that needs scratching, for lack of better words.
I'll tag some fandoms that I enjoy writing for in my free time but they won't all make the list now, so if things happen to pick up, I'll put together a full list of everything I'm familiar with.
I'm also a big fan of getting random prompts and building off of those. Doesn't need to be anything pre-established!
Thanks! ~T
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Not Even Death Can Tear Us Apart - bbazzy
Word Count: 732
Summary: Lance gets turned and the emotional wreck that is Keith has to put him down
Rating: R
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plaguepoetree · 2 years
Give me feed back! Should I continue?
All Thats Left (Klance TLOU AU)
Day: 736
Jackson, Wyoming
The teeth had ripped into his skin. They pressed down gripping but not quite breaking the surface. That is until he jerked. It had happened so fast but he felt it as if it where a slow process. Molars sliding slightly, and canines gathering flesh. Pinching till the layers of skin snapped individually between each tooth. Then finally the jaw latched down. Pressing hard until meeting the resistance of bone.
Blood frozen, stilt between a tightly pressed mouth holding everything in. He screamed jerking again, this time ripping free allowing the blood to spill. It was over. He was done. That's just it though; it hadn't set in. The only thought through the adrenaline haze was that he was going to kill Keith when saw him again. He was going to grab the boy by his mullet and...then it did hit him. Flaring through his muddled brain. Reminding him that whatever he planned or desire to do didn't matter. He wouldn’t be able to act of his rage or any other impulse. Lance McClain wasn't going to see Keith Kogane again.
The infected launched forward trying to reattach. Lance rolled away attempting to crawl back to his feet. He was gasping trying to get breath back into his lungs. It had been knocked out of him so sudden. The horde of infected had taken him by surprise. The one with his blood in its teeth even more so. He scrambled to his feet. Stumbling back down. He managed to catch himself with his right knee. A wave of vertigo rising as he hauled himself back up once more. The movement wasn't tactful or graceful; it was wild and unorthodox. Like a newborn fawn taking its first steps.
Once upright Lance whipped around firing his rifle point blank. The infected head exploded, soaking Lance's clothes and skin. He stood there watching the headless creature cripple to the ground below. With its resigning thump Lance felt the burn of his wounds surface. The gashes from his tumble, the bruises from impact. The bite on his arm.
Here's the thing, Lance had experienced bites multiple times before. When he was five his sister Rachel sunk her teeth into the flesh of his right arm. She broke skin. She’d been missing two from her bottom row but it didn't make it hurt any less. The pain had been instant. Two doted lines forming crescent shapes bleed neatly on his flesh. He cried at the sting of his puncture wound until his older brother Marco showed up and dragged them both back to Mama for a scolding.
Bite marks usually always get infected. The human mouth contains numerous bacteria. Even though Lance's Mama cleaned the wound and patched him up it still grew puffy and swollen. It ached for days and scared eventually. It was hardly noticeable to anyone. Just a couple pale Cheshire cat smiles. Sometimes Lance even looked at it fondly. Like some with childhood battle scars did.
Lance was eight when he’d tried petting a stray cat. It had been a tabby that would leave dead birds by his front door. He doesn’t know why but he and his sister Veronica decided one day they were going to catch it. With a laundry basket and pure luck they managed. It been Lance who was tasked with grabbing the furry creature when Veronica lifted their makeshift cage.
They count to three. By four, two fangs had sunk into the junction between Lance's thumb and pointer. It hurt. The pain had seared brighter than any of the scratches he’d also gotten. Mama hadn’t been sympathetic about that incident. She'd chided them for their stupidity. Told them how it was cruel to try and capture such a wild creature. Maybe she believed those words. Though it was more than likely the fact she hadn't needed another mouth to feed.
Food was always low.
Then there was the time when Lance was ten. This time he wasn’t on the receiving end. He'd got into a fight with a boy twice his size. He couldn't quite recall what the fight was about much less the boy's name but he did remember the taste of copper. The boy had attempted to drag Lance into a headlock. Lance had responded with fangs sinking into muscle. That boy had wailed and spewed words that would have earn Lance a spanking (Lance did receive a spanking but that was for fighting not cursing).
Lance was grounded for weeks, his mama making him pick up extra chores to keep him busy. There wasn't much about that fight significant enough to remember. Only the taste of the boy's blood and skin. It had been horrible. The flavor of metal heavy on his tongue. He remembered spitting it on the concrete, glops of pink saliva. Lance had been horrified but slightly satisfied by his opponent's cries. The boy had released Lance pushing him away before the adults could even get to pull them apart. For several moments the adrenaline convinced Lance he was invincible. The feeling ended rather quickly.
He had been lectured by more than his mother that day. Biting someone was frowned upon. It was one of the worst actions someone could commit (of the not quite illegal doings). Especially in the world Lance knew. Thirty years before the world had fallen to the infection biting another person had a similar reaction. It wasn't approved of. In the current world it was like wishing them dead; in the before it was just unsanitary.
Lance had never seen the 'before'. He’d been born after the end. He only experienced what life was like back then, through old movies and books. The adults that had lived it, did not like to speak about it. They only spoke what needed to be taught. His Papa sometimes mentioned things that he missed. Mostly food, from fast food restaurants. His mama talked of theaters and parks. They told those stories with mourning tones. They'd say it felt like yesterday. They'd say it felt like forever ago. Sometimes they'd question whether it was real at all. Mama had told the story of how they got to The Garrison once.
Thirty years before when mama had been pregnant with Marco, the small things everyone took for granted was snatched away. The infection had presented itself in widespread quantities. From then the world changed. Mama talked about the panic that flooded the streets. Chaos that had stricken the world. Cities burned, the sky filled with smoke. Gun fire and screams echoed in the air. Mama and Papa had been lucky. They’d been one of the less than a thousand to be evacuated to the Garrison. The group had been the first and only one to be brought to safety with no casualties. Those that followed weren't as lucky.
"All the movies, and the books, and the games…they had it wrong," Mama had whispered, "The end…it is…it was so much worse."
Marco was born in the Garrison walls as were his children. As was his siblings. As was Lance.
The "Galaxy" Garrison had been a military organization with the intention of training future astro explorers as well as basic air force cadets and cargo pilots. Like all military bases and government officials' offices it had been turned into an evacuation center for its surrounding areas. Lances family happened to be within its territory. The Garrisons evacuation teams had started with the places that hadn't been touched by the infection. The areas surrounding the major Outbreaks.
The infection sprouted in largely populated locations such as cities. The small towns and villages along those cities' perimeter were extracted first. It was from there the teams made there way inward. However, even with the outer civilians cleared it didn't make it easier to access those in the center of the outbreaks.
Not many people were rescued from inside before the airstrikes. The cities were bombed in attempt to block the sick from following. It hadn't worked. The infection couldn't be contained. In the end all the destruction did was create harder terrain to navigate. However, the dead eventually managed. Those that didn't festered in the rubble
Bombing the cities had only made them more of a death trap. The longer the infected remain, the harder they got to kill and the worse the areas they inhabit become. Their bodies began being taken over by fungus. The fungus spread in the environment leaving spores. Small damp spaces were the worst for it. Places like underground tunnels and decaying buildings.
"Similar to Ophiocordyceps unilateralis in carpenter ants," Iverson had explained during homeroom weeks before. It was the best way to describe the infection. That's all they could really do. Describe it. Even after thirty years.
Iverson spoke about the theories of the infection. What it was and how it started. All anyone had about the matter was considered a theory. A conspiracy. Lance hadn't been listening much to the lecture. Keith had been sitting in front of him like always. Lance was distracted. He spent that lesson like most. Counting the freckles he could see on the back of the boy's neck. Lance had hated Keith Kogane. He was the best at everything. From grades to fighting. He was perfect (besides for the mullet). So of course Lance was smitten. He had been crushing on Keith since he can remember, and had despised him just as long.
Keith was the reason Lance became the best long range shot in his class. He was the reason Lance pushed himself so hard best Keith in everything (rivalry reasons). He was the reason Lance continued forward despite the crushing weight of everything. Keith Kogane was the reason Lance got up in the morning. He was also the reason Lance McCain was going to die.
"You're okay," Lance had muttered, wiping the blood from his forearm. The indents pushing beads of blood back through the surface.
Lance had been bitten one other time. The memory would have made him blush if not for his predicament. It was several weeks ago on a simple supply run. Keith had volunteered and Lance followed despite Keith's obvious desire to go alone. Keith was stupid of course because it was a rule to atleast travel in pairs. Then again Keith was Keith and the whole lone wolf thing was an aspect of his personality. Maybe Lances current situation made him a hypocrite.
Long story short Mullet had bit him. In a totally hot sort of way. It had been sudden, the pressing of hot lips on his own. The kiss had been quick and hard shifting quickly to trail to Lance's neck. It was hot and fast and rough. Lance's first, not that he'd ever let Keith know. At the end they both had their fair square of marks. Lance supports a necklace of deep bruises hovering his collarbone. Keith had mirroring marks just much lower.
Keith had bit his shoulder hard but not enough to draw blood towards the end. Then in a haze they were off with the supplies they'd gathered back to the others. If they were both a little ruffled it wasn't any more so than a run in with some Infected. They didn't speak of it and Lance hadn't gotten the courage to ask. He never would get the chance to ask now.
He rubbed the wound again. It was numb with the adrenaline raising up his throat. His heart pounded and he gasped throat closing in fear as his eyes leaked. He should have stayed home.
He was going to kill Keith.
It wasn't really the mullet boy's fault. Lance knew that but it didn't stop the desire that burned into blind rage. He needs someone to blame other than himself. He let out the negative feelings from the last month whelm up inside, It was a distraction from the realization of his inevitable death.
How did he end up here?
Slav had explained the domino effect more than once (he was a probability nut job). Everything had led to this horrible moment. The way Lance had rolled out of bed, which shoe he put on first this morning. Maybe the dominos began farther back than that. Maybe leaving the Garrison, maybe falling in love with Keith. Maybe Keith leaving. Somehow it brought him here.
All stories had a beginning just as they had an end. Lances thought back on all those days leading to this. It was funny how long and short it seemed. Time was so hard to grasp. How every event seemed like yesterday and a decade ago. Like his mama and papa had said about 'before'.
How did Lance McClain get into this situation?
It was kind of a long story.
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discordiansamba · 6 months
some fun facts about the zombie apocalypse au to start the morning with:
the Garrison survivors know for a fact that Keith has the potential to spread the infection because they tested it :)
(oh that's not a fun fact at all)
what's a zombie apocalypse au without someone having to get their arm amputated to prevent the spread of the infection. sorry Shiro.
also sorry Keith, since he's the one who has to cut the arm off.
but hey! at least later on down the line, Shiro can get himself a cool Altean prosthetic! thanks, Coran.
Allura might not be able to send the paladins home, but as early as Olkarion, she starts to send supply runs to Earth via wormhole. The supply network grows as the Voltron Coalition does, giving the people of Earth their first real sense of hope in a long time.
The downside is that the whole universe learns that the red paladin is a carrier for the same disease that's the source of all Earth's problems. between that and the knowledge that he's half-Galra, he gets the cold shoulder from a lot of their allies.
(but Allura just makes note of the ones who DON'T, and views them as her most trusted allies)
Matt tags along when one of the supply ships return to space, because excuse you, he can't let his baby sister fight a space war alone.
Kolivan and the Blade of Marmora take some precautions in relation to Keith, since he could potentially infect the Galra as well, but it's nothing even remotely close to the stringent procedures that Admiral Sanda had in place.
Keith has totally lost the knack of getting close to people, and doesn't truly get it back until he's stuck on the back of a space whale with his mom for two years and has no choice.
Pidge, Hunk, and Lance all eventually lose their nervousness around Keith, even as he still keeps them at an arm's length. I mean, if the infection was going to spread to his brain, it would have done so by now, right?
all I'm saying is. the black paladins episode is in reverse :)
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prpfs · 2 months
Hi, looking for a 21+ long term rp partner
I'm 23 myself. 👍👍
EST, generally pretty fast replier.
Discord rps only right now. I like having a healthy amount of ooc chats along with the rp.
Making a server for our chats and having an RP, sharing Pinterest stuff, playlists, tiktoks whatever that's my jam. ✨
Currently looking for a MxFTM or a MTFxFTM rp, my character being an ftm OC.
OcxOc usually but fandoms I'm in are.
Jujutsu Kaisen , My Hero Academia (Aged up), Voltron Legendary Dedender, Witcher, God of War, Attack On Titan, but shoot me a message and we can discuss more too, I'm into a lot of fandoms those are just my most experienced rping.
Dead dove rps are great, sorta smut fishing here but I love some angst, toxicity etc amongst our spice.
The only things I'm not down for rping are scat, vomit fetishes, and active eating disorders, and self harming. Recovered characters and references are fine as long as it's not too encompassing, and they're not just a tragedy all the time. Hopefully that doesn't sound mean or anything, it just burns me out.
A plot I'm really dying to do, is a Mafia Boss, and Renowned assassin or body guard, my character as either.
And/or a vampire lord and their human feeder consort.
But I'm open to anything really besides apocalypse au's right now.
My side blog sherbet-steve has a more complete list of my fandom characters I'll rp as, and some of my preferences as well.
Send me a message here or my discord @ beecomber. Or leave a like and I'll hit you up.
(If we've chatted in the past and it fizzled out don't be scared to hit me up again, bygones are bygones. And if I was the one to ghost it definitely was not personal I have been going through it the past few months and I'm finding my muse and motivation again.)
Thank you!! Sorry for rambling.
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totalbrainrot · 4 months
Introduction!! <3
Since I'm starting to use this account more I figured I'd do an introduction post!
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☆ The Basics
My name is Miki!
Full time college student :) Majoring in criminology!
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☆ Fandoms
Schoolbus Graveyard
Wolfs Rain
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☆ Music
I listen to a little bit of every genre so i'm just listing my favorites :)
Dr. Hook
The Front Bottoms
The Flat Stanleys
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☆ Current WIPs
The Rot Within | Voltron (AO3)
The Stars Weep for Us | Voltron AU (AO3)
The Sun Rises Without You | Voltron Cowboy AU (AO3)
Picture Perfect | Voltron Celeb AU (Not posted yet - Only listing here as I will 100% talk about it on this blog)
Divide of the Damned | Original Work, Apocalypse (AO3)
+ 21 others (all voltron) that aren't worthy of being named now
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☆ Socials:
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WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all your works in your WIP folder. Let people send you asks based on those titles and any that especially intrigues them, and then respond to them. Lastly, tag as many people as WIPs you have.
was tagged by @littlerit (yes i name WIP art, although usually i slack on that until i make backups when its less of a pain to have them named already. fortunately, i made backups very recently! so everything has a name! Mostly very bad ones)
Pixel Plans
god fuck my autocorrect for Properly Capitalizing All The Titles, im not doing that shit manually
pixel plans
paranatural comic
paranatural 1
pixel apocalypse hut
promo redraw linessss
fish man atwq
ouch ben
old fives
delores x five
the library
voltron gravity falls
mb animatic
mb animatic (yes there are 2 of these)
mb pixel art space station
isometric bedroom
screen cap redraw (coraline)
screencap redraw
tua tarot (in progress)
vld gravity falls au
I dont think i even know 22 people let alone 22 people that havent already been tagged. if you're seeing this, consider yourself tagged!!
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weepingfireflies · 2 years
Fic Writers for Reproductive Rights
Yo, I'm working with @ficwritersforreproductiverights to raise money for organizations that protect reproductive rights. Send me a screenshot of your donation (careful to remove any personal details!) and tell me which idea you would like me to write. The prompt with the most votes wins (please specify which fandom(s) you want to vote for)!
Arranged/Fake Marriage AU
High school AU
Witch Trials AU
Fandoms: MDZS/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Heaven Official's Blessing (TGCF), SVSSS, Let's Talk About the Guy Who Transmigrated to Pursue Me, Not Easy Being Master, Nan Chan, Yu Wu/Stains of Filth, PJO, Voltron, etc.
Rules: No incest, no sexual assault, no underage p!rn (or romantic relationships between minors and adults)
You can donate to an organisation you trust on this issue, but if you’re not sure, here are some suggestions: 
Sign up here if you’re a writer who would like to take part:
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ao3-feed-shadam · 2 years
Hearts Infected
by AWhoreInTheory
It's been eight months─ nearing nine─ since they invaded. Zombies, rotters, walkers, call them what you will, but they were dead. Supposed to be dead. But they weren't. America was in shambles, perfectly reflecting Lance's mental stability right about now. Nine months and Lance might just be the only non-cannibal around.
Except he's not, and after run in with your average family from Texas, Lance starts actually living again instead of just surviving.
Words: 1989, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith's Father/Krolia (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Zombie Apocalypse, Voltron Zombie AU, Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Socially Awkward Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)-centric, Krolia (Voltron) is a Good Parent, She deadass just adopts Lance, also Keith's dad is alive, His name is Texas in honor of 2017 voltron, Gay Disaster Shiro (Voltron), Established Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Kosmo being the good boy we all know he is, fr he carries, zombie land references everywhere
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41574192
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caesurah-tblr · 2 years
I’m so disappointed that I haven’t seen the typical AUs that normally get discussed when a fandom is born:
-Spideypool AU? (I’m a Deadpool!Dylan and Spidey!Ryan truther you can fight me on this)
-zombie apocalypse AU
-Harry potter AU (or at least a discussion over who belongs in what house. If you put Dylan in Hufflepuff I will smite you. He’s a Ravenclaw or Gyriffindor for sure)
-A Voltron AU (I’ve seen this in every single fandom I’ve been in. Dylan is Lance for sure.)
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soggykatsrkute · 2 years
ill be posting a voltron zombie apocalypse au on wattpad
after all these years i still dont have ao3 so im on that rn
but yeah its the same @ here
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we got allura up in the goon squad too
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peachyoftime · 2 years
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my name is clumsy:P
my pronouns are he/him and i’m 18+
I’m a mexican artist and writer
the fandoms I write for:
stray kids(ot8)
nct 127
nct dream
nct u
the boyz
xdinary heroes
soul eater
ouran high school host club
your name
the promised neverland
blue exorcist
light on me
semantic error
my love mixup
mr. unlucky can only kiss
until we meet again
bad buddy
not me
love mechanics
the eclipse
history 3: make our days count
we best love
voltron: legendary defenders
the owl house
the maze runner
over the garden wall
sweet home
miraculous ladybug
stranger things
little nightmares
I may have forgotten a few so ask me about any other related fandoms!! 
list of finished fics:
Say Something - the boyz fic, 1/1 chapters, 5729 words
Little Miseries - little nightmares, 1/1 chapters, 1445 words
Our Book of Memories - stray kids, 8/8 chapters, 6237 words
list of wips:
Last Waltz (p1harmony) - a prince wants nothing more than to dance with someone who isn’t who they say they are.
My Journals at the End of the World (stray kids) - felix writes a journal during the apocalypse. 
Maze of Memories (various) - maze runner au with kpop idols.
The Darkest Thoughts Live in My Mind (nct ot22) - the darkest minds au
Trigger the Fever (nct dream) - garage band au with the dreamies.
Untitled (p1h, txt) - voltron legendary defenders au
The Lost Star of Tomorrow (txt, p1h) - harry potter au
The Star Seekers (txt) - a story based on my theory for the +u universe.
25 USD/ 1k words
plus 5 USD for every 1k words after that
+ I accept payments through paypal, cashapp, and venmo!!
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