#vomiting and (honestly) sometimes shitting your pants
Where the Tainted Kiss [Chapter Twenty] Mixed Emotions [Vaas Montenegro]
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A/n: There are only 6 chapters left in this story, I can't believe it. I'm extremely sad that it's coming to an end. Lots of crazy shit happen in the next 6 chapters, so get ready. On another note, I planned to have this chapter done yesterday, but I kept adding more to it. Please enjoy.
Warning(s): drugs, sexual content (oral), movie references, mentions of suicide, tears, blackouts, and lots of plotting.
No Minors Allowed!!
The first thing Liv heard when she came to was the raucous sound of someone continuously inhaling something through their nose. She peeked over her shoulder, having her back turned to the computer desk, and spotted Vaas snorting a bump of cocaine with a rolled paper. This honestly didn't surprise her much given how energetic and alert he was at times. He mentioned having drugs, as much as he wanted, but seeing him do them in front of her was another thing entirely. Liv wasn't sure how to react; she was neither thrilled nor sickened by him and his choice to use them. His state of mind concerned her a tad, however, but it wasn't her place to judge him. He clearly didn't want the help or the advice, so she wasn't going to offer it.
Noah made it clear to me that he had no intention to stop using Oxycodone.
She learned this the hard way. But that was another story. Hell, she wasn't without guilt either; she drank from the moment she woke up to the moment she passed out, sometimes alone in a pile of her own vomit and sometimes with a stranger. No one was perfect and Liv sure as hell wasn't about to pester Vaas about how he was messing up his life one bump at a time. Just because she got better didn't mean she had to fix the entire world. She turned her back to him and faced the wall, resting her head against the pillow as the raucous sound continued to permeate her ears.
Once it stopped, a moment later, she heard Vaas utter something to himself in Spanish and then crawl back into the bed beside her, pressing his chest to her back. His bare skin soothed her, almost urging her back to sleep until his hand sank beneath the covers, resting on her ass. Liv held back a snort and raised a curious brow as he gave her cheek a light squeeze. His hand wormed its way between her thighs and to her surprise, he slid an eager finger into her sore pussy. Her walls burned in protest as he pumped into her, making Liv arch her back in pain; it felt like thin sharp needles were stabbing her.
"Vaas–– I don't think... it hurts."
For a moment she was scared that he wouldn't stop, but with a humorous snort, the pirate removed his finger from her. She was thankful, but a part of her felt bad for shutting him down so quickly. Chewing on her bottom lip, Liv turned onto her back and glanced at him anxiously; she could feel his erect cock against her bare leg.
"I'm sorry."
This is awkward.
Vaas grinned in response.
"You know how fucking innocent you are? Hmm? Apologizing to me."
Did he really see her as such? Liv supposed that compared to the things he had done, she was a saint, but she wasn't. She hummed and reached a hand down between them, stroking him through his pants.
"Then it might come as a surprise to you that I... thought about you like this before today."
Vaas raised a scarred brow.
"Tú niña mala (you bad girl)." He wet his lips and hummed. "Tell me about it."
Liv felt her face heat up in embarrassment. Was he serious? With her hand on his cock, he must have thought she'd talk dirty to him as she gave him a hand job. What a mess she was in.
"That night before you... fed Chris, I had a dream about you," she mentioned as she undid the button on Vaas' pants, easing down his zipper. "In the dream, it was me buried in the sand and you were hovering over me, mocking me. But then you unfastened your belt and took your cock out."
She paused to slide her hand beneath the waistband of his briefs, running her fingers over him; Vaas moaned in response.
"Jodida pequeña burla (fucking little tease)."
"I shut my eyes and the next thing I knew your cock was against my lips and you were ordering me to let you in. I knew I was dreaming, but I didn't hesitate to do as you said. And since then, I've had a craving to taste you," Liv explained.
Vaas reached down and grabbed her wrist, stopping her. For a moment she thought she had done something wrong until he grinned.
"You want to suck me off, querida (darling)?"
"Please," Liv retorted.
Vaas released her hand and turned onto his back, yanking his pants and briefs down his legs; his cock was exposed to her and with a motion of his hand, he was eagerly inviting her to do as she pleased with him. Liv smiled a brief moment, then wet her lips. She sat up on her bare knees and crawled between his thighs. With one hand she pushed back her hair; the other wrapped around the base of his cock, stroking him a moment before she leaned down and kissed the head. Again, she gave him a sweet kiss, before she opened her mouth and sank on him, taking him a little at a time until his shaft was wet enough for her.
Vaas filled her mouth, making it hard for her to use her tongue. Liv chose to press it against his shaft and took him to base, almost choking on him; her blue eyes teared up, but she easily recovered and wrapped her hand around him to keep herself at a comfortable length as she bobbed her head. A soft groan permeated her ears, urging her to grin. At least he seemed to be enjoying this.
His hand slid into her coarse locks and massaged her scalp as though he was congratulating her for taking him so well. Liv hummed and brought up her head; her lips made a soft pop on the head of his cock as she dared a look at the pirate. He had the back of her phone pointed at her, mouth somewhat opened in pleasure.
Shit! Was he recording her? When did he start? Liv felt her face heat up in embarrassment. She never much liked being the center of attention; her job put her behind the camera, not in front of it. Ignoring it the best she could, she focused on the task at hand. Tilting her head some, she took him at another angle before returning to the previous one, sinking to the base of her hand and back. She felt him press on her head and with a hum, she went down on him again; his strong grip kept her locked there as he filled her mouth with cum. Releasing her, Liv continued to bob her head until she was sure that he was done, then sat up on her legs; Vaas rose with her and brought the camera to her face.
"Smile pretty for me, querida (darling)," He ordered as he hooked his thumb into her mouth. His green eyes watched her through the screen.
Liv wanted to shy away, but she allowed him to open her mouth and record the mess of saliva and cum on her tongue. Once he released her, she swallowed on command and turned her burning face away from the cell phone's camera.
"La inocencia te conviene (innocence suits you)," Vaas mentioned. He hummed and turned her face toward him. "It's too late to be nervous, querida (darling)."
"I just... don't like being in front of the camera. But if it pleases you, then I can try," Liv explained.
The pirate snorted and tossed the phone down on the bed.
"This is some Hollywood shit, no? The innocent city girl falls for the ruthless pirata (pirate). And has a fucking mouth that can give the women of Badtown a run for their money."
There was that word again; innocent. Liv ignored it.
"I'm pleased you liked it."
She had a lot of experience in the matter, given the fact Noah was a big fan of oral; receiving more than giving.
Humming, Vass poked her on the forehead.
"Where is your mind, querida (darling)?"
Liv considered quoting the lyrics to 'Where is my Mind' by Pixies, but she decided against it. He always asked her this question when she spaced out, but she never knew what he was thinking.
"What about you? Where is your mind?"
"Always so curious to know about me. Hmm?" Vaas asked.
Not able to help herself, Liv grinned.
"Quid pro quo. I tell you things, you tell me things."
"Isn't that a movie quote?"
She didn't think he'd get the reference.
"It is. 'The Silence of the Lambs' 1991. It was a good movie, but so was the book."
"You're a little cinephile, no?" Vaas asked with a snort.
Liv was embarrassed to admit it, but she was. Born in a small town there wasn't much to do but farm and consume whatever media she could get her hands on.
"My city friends would call me a geek but unlike them, I made a living and went to film school," she mentioned as she played with the corner of the blanket.
When she and Noah broke up, she also walked away from the friends they had made. Liv thought about them often, but honestly, it was the best option considering they were enablers.
"I've never seen it," Vaas mentioned, tearing her from her thoughts.
"You haven't?" Liv asked turning her curious eyes to him.
For a moment she forgot that he was born on an island. His knowledge of movies probably came from the bootlegged copies he stole online.
"It's one of the greatest psychological horror films of all time," she pointed out. "Now we have to watch it."
"You want to watch a movie with me?" Vaas asked with a grin.
She didn't see why not.
"If ever you feel up to it. I won't make a peep. Promise."
Vaas stared at her for a moment, then got off the bed, walking over to the writing desk. He opened the side drawer and rummaged through it as Liv watched in curiosity. Tossing what appeared to be a rolled poster and several charge cords onto the top of the desk, he found what he was searching for and tossed it onto the bed beside Liv. Her eyes widened.
"My 'Olympus'?" She reached out and took the camera in her hand checking it. Other than the dust on the lens, there was nothing wrong with her. "You're giving it to me?"
"Quid pro quo," Vaas answered with a suggestive wink.
Liv felt her face turn red. He was referring to sex. Regardless, she was happy to have her camera back. Chewing on her bottom lip a moment, she sighed.
"May I ask for a favor?
Vaas raised a brow and motioned for her to continue.
"It's been a while since I've had to chance to use it. Is... there any way you can take me to the beach where I can take pictures? I can always use the camera here inside the outpost, I just––"
A knock on the door interrupted her midsentence and to her horror, Vaas called them in. Liv yanked the cover over her bare legs and watched in awkwardness as Carlos sauntered in. He met her stare and his eyes widened, before averting his attention to Vaas; the latter raised a brow in question.
"I didn't see her in her cage."
He usually woke her for work.
"She stayed the night," Vaas mentioned, sticking out his tongue.
"I have to place her with someone else while Barto recovers. He got shot in the arm," Carlos mentioned.
Was he serious? Liv knew sooner or later another incident would occur and push back her plans to escape. She chewed her bottom lip as she tried to come up with an idea. One came to mind, but it wasn't her place to suggest it.
I don't have much of a choice.
She faked a snort, gaining their attention.
"I'm sorry... but he was only grazed. If he needs someone to hold the rifle for him, I can do it; I'm a better shot than him anyway."
"He can suck it the fuck up until tomorrow," Vaas mentioned with a grin. "The three of us are going down to the beach today."
Liv widened her eyes. Was he seriously going to take her? An air of excitement consumed her; she turned on the camera and began to tinker with the settings. Hearing Vaas send Carlos away to prepare the Scavenger, she peeked up from the screen to see the former searching through the bag with his clothes. He took out a familiar black tank top and tossed it onto the bed, then retrieved a pair of green camo-printed pants and did the same. Were these the same pair Liv wore after she bathed beneath the waterfall?
"Get dressed," Vaas ordered.
But I have clothes that fit me.
Not wanting to start an argument, she grabbed the pants and stood, putting them on first. Liv quickly removed Vaas' red tank and put on the one he wanted her to wear. At least they were clean; she wasn't sure who did his laundry but she was thankful for them. Once she was done, she retrieved the key chain from her former outfit and hooked it to her belt loop, then tied the red cloth that Vaas gave her around her neck, hopefully covering the marks she knew was there.
Despite the humorous expression on his face, he said nothing as she approached him wearing a wide smile; one hand clutched her camera and the other attempted to keep the camo-printed pants around her hips. Vaas motioned for her to follow and led her from the house and into the open for his men to see.
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For hours under the warm sun, Liv sauntered around the beach near the shore taking pictures of the scenery; the clear ocean, and the jungle. To her back were Vaas and Carlos, no doubt watching her like hawks as she searched for material to inspire her.
As she drew hearts in the sand with a stick, she peeked around at the area; the same area where the boats were beached.
It should be easy to push the boat into the water.
But were the keys in the ignition? Done with the sandy heart, Liv wandered closer to the nearest boat; she took pictures of the DShK heavy machine gun as a cover as she looked it over. From her angle, it was hard to see the helm, but once she backed up and raised the camera a bit she could see it on the screen. The keys were exactly where she thought they would be.
So far so good.
Liv took an uneasy breath and turned, sauntering over to Carlos and Vaas; the latter was sitting with his legs crossed in the sand, one arm beneath his chin as he stared into space as though he was in thought.
With the jungle at his back, this would make a great picture.
But would he mind?
"May I?" Liv asked, gaining his attention.
"You want to take my picture, querida (darling)?"
She shook her head.
"Por favor y gracias (please and thank you)."
Vaas grinned and motioned for her to hurry, watching in humor as Liv kneeled in front of him and raised the camera.
"Can you take out your gun?"
He raised a curious brow but did as she asked. His position was perfect but something was missing; an extra accessory.
"Do you have a handgun, Carlos? Can you give it to Vaas?" Liv questioned.
Once he handed over the weapon, she crawled forward and repositioned Vaas; one hand rested over his knee, and the other was perched beneath his chin. With a pleased grin, Liv scooted back and took the picture.
He looks intimidating as fuck.
Turning the screen around, she showed Vaas the picture.
"Iconic, no?"
He grinned.
"Are you content?"
Liv hummed and shuffled closer, sitting beside the pirate. She stared out at the open water, running her finger over the keychain, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Vaas.
Things could be much worse, I suppose.
"I'm... Content. Thank you."
A hand touched hers making her flinch until she realized that Vaas was doing it only to get a better look at the keychain.
"Why do you carry this everywhere with you?" He asked.
Liv widened her eyes and stared at him. She wasn't sure she wanted to tell him.
"It's a long and boring story."
"I let you take your pictures," Vaas countered.
Quid pro quo. I guess this is how we are doing this from now on.
Liv was certain he knew when she was lying. He was like an animal; he could smell it on her. Or perhaps her eyes gave away her emotions.
It's just a question. I don't have to tell him everything.
"I um-- it was a gift from my father," Liv answered with an uneasy sigh. "It was our movie. We watched it every Halloween since I was 10."
"He's dead?" Vaas asked.
She clutched the keychain, feeling the warmth of Vaas' fingers against her palm. Liv was unaware that she had started shaking. Her eyes filled with tears.
"Yeah. He um... Got sick. Cancer and--"
"It's more than that, no? Quid pro quo."
Did he honestly need to remind her?
"I don't want to talk about it. Please," Liv declared.
Prying her away from the keychain, Vaas turned and rested her shaking hand against the long scar that spread out across the side of his head.
"I was attacked by some lovesick fuck named Dennis, who wanted to be me. But he fell flat. I gave that cocksucker a matching scar; should have cut off his fucking head."
Was this man still alive? And why was he telling her this now?
Liv shook her head.
"I said please."
"You want to fucking know about me, then tell me your fucking story!" Vaas exclaimed. His grip on her hand grew tighter.
Her bottom lip trembled as she fought back tears. Would he be angry if she told him she didn't want to know him? All at the expense of having to bring up memories she tried so hard to live with.
"H-he was so stubborn," Liv uttered with a sob. "And I was a fucking kid. I wanted to be one so badly that when he got weak and the treatments got more expensive, I tried to convince him to sell our dairy farm. I didn't want to be stuck there, tending to him and working my life away."
She remembered the argument. Her father, Daniel was so kind. He never raised his voice at her the entire time; he just listened. But she could see in his tired blue eyes how upset and disappointed he was.
I never even listened to what he had to say.
Tears poured down her face as she struggled to find the words.
"I told him that if he wanted to keep the farm--"
Liv paused to drop her head and sob. It was too much.
"You told him what, querida (darling)? What did you say to your papi (father)?" Vaas asked.
"I can't," she cried shaking her head.
Why was he doing this to her? What reason did he have for pressuring her into this?
"You can," Vaas assured her as he brought her head up, making her look him in the eye the best she could. "Because I know how much your life is worth. And you are gonna tell me, or you can live in the cage for the rest of your fucking days."
He knew something she didn't. Liv narrowed her eyes.
This is his angle? Knowledge over fear.
Who the fuck was this maniac?
"I... I walked out on him and I knew something was wrong. But I was so mad," she explained. "For two days I stayed with a friend of mine until I couldn't bare to think of how I left him. And when I came home, he was there in the same chair I left him in by the window, but... He had shot himself."
The amount of blood and his dead-eyed remains permeated her thoughts. At least over the years whenever the memories resurfaced, she stopped vomiting.
All the drinking, all the blackouts; nothing takes them away.
Her head was light, as though the oxygen she was breathing in wasn't reaching her brain. Liv felt her face heat up, then a buzzing noise flooded her ears.
"I don't feel good."
She didn't even realize that she had lost consciousness until she came to, being toted back to the Scavenger by Vaas. He laid her down in the back and ordered Carlos to take them to the outpost. Liv didn't even move. She kept her cheek against the cool leather and listened to the engine roar, aware that her skin was warm and sweaty.
And as Vaas pulled her from the vehicle and carried her indoors to his room, she didn't make a sound.
"Rest, querida (darling)," the pirate ordered as he laid her on the bed and removed her shoes.
Liv nodded in agreement. She could use the rest; her body was weak but she was alert now.
"How much is my life worth?"
Vaas snorted.
"50,000. And that's low for what I paid for you."
Liv widened her eyes.
He... He bought me?
"I don't understand. Why would--"
"Get some fucking rest," Vaas ordered. "And consider yourself lucky. You don't have to leave the island now."
How was that lucky? Liv watched him stand and walk out of the house, leaving her alone. She turned over onto her side and hugged the pillow to her chest, trying to understand what just happened. A mix of emotions was swirling in her chest; fear, anger, sadness, and confusion.
Why did he keep this a secret from me?
And how long ago did he buy her? It had to have been after she met Hoyt. In a spurt of anger, Liv sat up and tossed the pillow at the desk, knocking a charger and the rolled-up poster onto the floor. She considered leaving them there, but Vaas was set off by the smallest of things, so with a grunt she got off the bed and picked them up.
As she placed the items back onto the desk, Liv noticed a corner of the poster had folded back revealing thin lines. In curiosity, she unrolled it to see that it was not a poster, but a map; a map of the Rook Islands.
Her eyes widened in shock. Not only was it a map, but the names of the outposts were written above certain locations. She could not believe her luck.
This is it.
She knew the keys were in the boat and where it was beached. Now she had a map.
I can't take this with me, but I can memorize where to go.
Liv found Amanaki Village and ran her finger over to the island she knew they were on; the island was Northeast of Broken Neck Home and from there, the village was Northwest. It would be one hell of a trek through the jungle, but she was determined to make it.
All she needed now was the perfect opportunity to run. 
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spielzeugkaiser · 3 years
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Things are hard, but they have many happy moments too. [Masterpost]
Jaskier started out with a thyroid tumor here (which was more or less my modern take on the djinn) but things got complicated after that. There are also (here and there) little hints of what it means to be a witcher in that universe, but we will see if I get to draw more of that! (the rest of the wolves are gonna be so pissed once they find out.) This is still pre-relationship, since this is a flashback, but it’s also not an completely unknown quantity between them that they love each other. This somehow ended up being the slowest slowburn that ever burned, but with them (while not knowing for sure) also kinda recognizing what simmers there and in which direction they are moving.
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lxngbottom · 3 years
Cramps. | N.L. (+ D.T & S.F.)
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in which the reader is having a really bad period, so her three best friends come and check up on her.
warnings: pain, periods, bleeding, swearing, we know how it is.
i’m on my period rn, & these three boys are my fav characters so this is mostly to comfort me (and idk if you guys can even relate, but my periods get THIS bad) (edit: this was NOT supposed to be this long but oh well i love these three)
gryffindor reader! (but anyone can read obv)
somehow, you had managed to make it through the previous school day. but, the whole time your stomach felt like it was completely turning on you, and with every step you took, the bleeding was so heavy. you couldn’t even remember the last time you went through so many pads and tampons in one day.
on top of that, you were an absolute emotional wreck. and, that became apparent to neville when seamus laughed over tripping over your shoe lace, and you looked up at your three best friends with tears in your eyes.
“merlin, y/n! i was only messing with you! what’s wrong?” seamus furrowed his eyebrows at you, only for you to bend down and groan in pain as you attempted to tie your loose shoe laces.
“i can’t do it!” you whined, a tear finally escaping your tired eyes. you stood up, and sniffled, not noticing the genuine concerned looks plastered across the three boys’s faces.
and then, if things couldn’t get any worse, you felt someone tap your shoulder. you turned around to meet a terrified looking ron and harry, staring down at your legs,
“y-y-y/n... blood! t-t-there’s blood running down your legs!”
you looked down, and sure enough, there was a bunch of it. you automatically began to cry, and the sobbing only got worse as you realized that this was happening in front of not one, not two, but five boys.
“nev—neville... p-please give me your jacket...” you choked out, rushing as the blood seeped between your thighs. he did so quickly, tossing it to you, and your tied it around your waist before running into the nearest bathroom.
“why would you point that out?” dean asked ron, eyeing him,
“what?! would it be better for her to stay like that the rest of the day?” the ginger snapped back, still not putting two and two together. ron wasn’t exactly wrong, but his execution was awful.
the boys sighed, deciding that maybe waiting outside the bathroom would do you some good. but, unfortunately, as 15 minutes passed, you never came out.
“m-m-maybe someone should go and get hermione. or lavendar. or one of the parvati twins?” neville suggested, scratching the back of his neck. seamus shrugged, honestly clueless on how to handle the whole situation.
luckily, a saving grace skipped by, grabbing the attention of all of the boys,
“ginny!” ron called out, and she stopped in her tracks, “thank merlin you’re here!”
the look on her face was questionable as harry, ron, neville, dean, and seamus all stared at her.
dean spoke up first, more than concerned, “y/n went in there. she—she had—blood running down her legs. and, she started crying...”
that’s all it took for ginny to nod her head, “okay. you guys go ahead. i’ll take care of her!”
they did so reluctantly, more so your three best friends. as ron and harry wanted to be away from the whole scenario as soon as possible.
and, that was the last they heard from you yesterday. today, they waited for you to come down from the girl’s dorm, but you never came.
they waited for you in the great hall, but again, you never came.
little did they know, you were curled up in a ball on your bed, sobbing from the excruciating pain that filled your whole body. this cycle was hitting you like a truck, and you’d wished that somehow you had been more prepared for it.
hermione had left you reluctantly that morning, never seeing a fellow girl having such a bad period before. you had cried all night, and you and her both had barely gotten any sleep. so that’s why when neville saw hermione drifting off to sleep during a shared class, he was absolutely baffled.
as that same class ended, the three boys caught up with hermione,
“hey, granger! where’s y/n?” seamus asked, and she rubbed her eyes.
“she—um—“ a yawn interrupted her response, “she’s in our dorm. she doesn’t feel well.”
neville’s mouth went agape, and he finally put two and two together.
“i wouldn’t go and see her, though. you guys embarrassed her yesterday. she told me all about ronald, and ginny, and seamus. she’s really upset, and... she’s just in a lot of pain. so, just let her be for a while.”
and with that, she left the three boys. they gave each other weird looks, mentally questioning each other.
you on the other hand at this time, were crying as you changed out your bed sheets for the second time that day. it wasn’t necessarily the most comfortable experience to have to explain to a house elf why you needed a bunch of new clean sheets.
dinner soon came, and even then, the boys expected to see you sitting with them, eating and laughing. but, you still hadn’t left that dorm.
so, neville packed some extra food, and the three made a journey to gryffindor tower, just to see if they could break the rules to make sure you weren’t dying. (of course, all three of them were convinced that you were on your death bed.)
they slipped past the prefect, climbing up the stairs to your dorm.
dean was just about to knock when they all heard your voice,
“stop, hermione! please! i don’t care that i missed my classes! i’ve been puking all day, bled on my bed, almost shit my pants four times, so, i really don’t care about snape and what he said about me! piss off!”
seamus’s lips curled, and the sound he let out could only be described as pure disgust. but, neville nudged him,
“she can’t help it. don’t be like that...” he whispered, still not sure if you were alright with visitors at the moment.
“well, i’m sorry! but, dean, neville, and seamus are all worried about you! they—“
that’s when they heard a blood curdling scream, and it sounded exactly like you. it made them jump,
“don’t say that! it’s only for a few days, y/n! i told you i would help you with anything you needed!”
“then you can start by fucking off! go away!”
the boys looked at each other,
they all mutually agreed, and ran down the stairs before hermione had the chance to see them.
they settled in the common room, deciding to do their homework until they knew it was a safe call to go and see you. they all worried about you tremendously, as they had never heard you talk to a fellow friend like that. you simple weren’t that type of person in their eyes. you had always been patient with people, so it was a wonder to them how you loved them so much.
they spotted ginny, walking up to the girl’s dormitories with a glass of ice cream in hand. they naturally assumed it was for you. and truth be told, when ginny entered with a sweet smile on her face, holding the cold treat, you realized you had never been more happy to see a weasley before.
as pathetic as it sounded, you cried to ginny while eating the chocolate ice cream. you sobbed to her about all the events of that day, and the day before. your crush on neville and how you believed he didn’t feel the same, the way that seamus chewed too loudly, and how hermione was too uptight sometimes. she simply listened, knowing that’s all she could really do.
finally, the three boys saw ginny coming down the the glass now empty, and they ran up to her,
“is she okay?”
“what’s happening?”
“can we go and see her?”
she chuckled and shook her head them, “she’s fine, you guys. calm down. i’m not so sure if she’ll want to see you guys, but you guys can sure try.”
they all three looked at each other, slightly terrified.
but, they sucked it up and made their way up again. of course, seamus couldn’t hold back from making a snide comment,
“i swear, if i get a book thrown at my head and end up in the hospital wing with a concussion, i’m blanking it on neville.”
“why me?!” neville scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air,
“because! you fancy her and are the most worried about her! she’s just on her period! is it really that big of a deal?”
before neville could answer, dean cut in, “yes, seamus. it is a big deal. maybe not to us, but to her it is. try bleeding out of your dick for a week while your inside are ripping apart!”
if you would’ve been present, you definitely wouldn’t hugged dean for that one.
they finally arrived, and they argued for a moment over who would be the once to knock on the door. it felt like they were stepping into a death trap. finally, neville agreed to do it.
he did so gently,
“what?” you asked, “who is it?”
dean and seamus eyed each other, definitely panicking.
“erm—it’s... us...”
you groaned, and looked down at your state. you were only in your bra and underwear, trash bucket in your lap, nausea getting the best of you... again.
but, you figured seeing your three best friends would bring you some comfort. this wasn’t their fault, and you didn’t want to take it out on them anymore.
“um... you can come in, but warning! i’m—“
before you could warn them, the door flew open,
“naked...” you breathed out, looking down at the trash can.
they all went wide eyed, and neville covered dean and seamus’s eyes with his hands, and closed his own.
“close the door, you gits!”
neville did so with his foot, still covering everyone’s eyes. you let out a small chuckle at the fact, and shook your head.
“you guys can look, you know. you act like we haven’t been best friends since first year.”
“b-b-but you’re—naked!” dean responded, through neville still keeping his own hand over the boy’s face.
you pursed your lips as you felt vomit climbing it’s way up your throat, “who—“
that’s when they heard it. the violent sound of puking. neville thanked merlin that his eyes were closed, because he probably would’ve puked too.
“who cares?” you breathed out, wiping the slobber from your chin. that’s when seamus took neville’s hand away from his eyes, and realized how you looked.
you looked unrecognizable almost. you looked exhausted, pale, and like you had just been hit by twenty cars at one time. your eyes were all puffy and red from crying, and your hair was definitely not put together like it usually was. makeup was smeared all down your face, makeup from the day before that you simply didn’t have the motivation to get up and wash off. but, seamus couldn’t help but notice your bra and underwear.
“you—“ he chuckled, “you have teddy bears on your undergarments, y/n?”
you clenched your jaw, and tightened your grasp around the trash can, narrowing your eyes at him. his eyes widened,
“kidding! i was only kidding! they suit you well!”
finally, dean shoved neville’s hand off as well, and neville opened his eyes back up reluctantly. neville and dean took in your state, much less of a laughing matter to them, as they were more of the calm friends.
“merlin, y/n... are you alright?” neville asked, approaching you slowly. you shook your head,
“i’m dying...”
the three boys gasped, and you looked at them funny, “i’m kidding... but i feel like i might...”
that settled their nerves a bit, the theory of you dying slowly fading away. you spit in the trash can, and set it back down on the floor. of course, seamus being the curious cat he is, looked in the trash can.
“don’t look at my vomit, finnigan! don’t you have any manners?”
he jumped back, and nodded his head.
“what are you guys doing here, anyway?” you asked, laying down fully on the bed, stomach and legs exposed.
“well—we know—you—you sorta—“
neville sighed at dean’s awkwardness about the whole situation, “we know you’re on your period. and, we know that you’re in a lot of pain. and, we just wanted to come and check up on you.” he glanced at the other two boys, “right?”
“yeah, definitely!”
you giggled at seamus and dean, “oh, what gentlemen. how could i ever thank you?”
seamus couldn’t hold it in. the comment just slipped from his lips,
“well, seeing you in your bra and underwear is thanks enough in my book!” he joked, nudging dean.
surprisingly, the only one who laughed beside seamus... was you. this surprised the boys, as you were sure that would earn seamus that book to his temple, or at least a smack to the face. but, it didn’t.
“see? i told you guys she’s fine! she’s laughing like she always does!”
neville seemed to look over at you for reassurance, just to make sure that seamus hadn’t crossed a boundary with one of his crude jokes. it was something that seamus had done quite a few times, without even realizing it, but it was simply because he didn’t know how to put a filter on. you knew at the end of the day that seamus wasn’t trying to disrespect you. plus, it was something you had go get used to, being one of his best friends and all.
at one point, the boys had eased into the floor, getting things for you if you needed it. seamus even asked why exactly girls even got periods, and you explained it to him in full detail.
“so... like—the inside of your uterus is actually tearing? i thought dean was joking about that!”
you shook your head, “unfortunately, it’s not a joke, finnigan. it’s very real...”
“well, is it this bad for all girls?”
“no, actually. some girls only bleed for a couple of days, and it’s very light. they can go without cramps, puking... lucky bitches!”
that’s when the boys fell silent, even seamus himself. until he raised an eyebrow,
“is it bad that i’m kinda curious? you know—to see how it feels to... bleed... down—there...”
dean furrowed his eyebrows, but neville nodded his head in agreement.
“well, boys... i can’t make you bleed out your dick for seven days straight... but, i can punch you guys in the stomach with full force and show you how cramps feel!”
collectively, they all disagreed, which caused you to fall into a fit of laughter.
“but—it can’t be that bad, right? i mean, everyone can get a stomach ache...” dean questioned, but unsure of what he had just said.
“let me put it to you like this, thomas. imagine the weasley twins sneaking a muggle laxative into your morning pumpkin juice...” you started, “but that stomach pain for a whole week.”
dean put his head down, finally understanding. no wonder you had talked about almost shitting your pants.
that’s when the door swung open, revealing a surprised hermione,
“y/n! where are your clothes?! boys are in here! and plus, they’re not even supposed to be in here, anyway!” she snapped, immediately storming over to your closet, and pulling out a random shirt, throwing it at you.
“but, it’s too hot! and, any tightness hurts!”
“i don’t care! i couldn’t imagine sitting around with ronald and harry with my—lady parts hanging out!”
you chuckled at her hidden shaming, quite used to it by now. “oh, whatever, granger! it’s the same difference as a bathing suit! lighten up!”
seamus and dean snickered at the look on her face, and the way she stormed out.
“she’s right, y/n. not about—you know, we don’t care... but, just—seamus will be talking about it for the rest of his natural life if you keep your clothes off any longer.” neville stated, standing up and taking his sweater off. he passed it to you, making sure not to touch you in anyway that would make you uncomfortable.
you smiled at the kind gesture. sure, it was a sweater, and you probably should choose the lighter t-shirt that hermione had snagged out for you. but, it was neville’s sweater, so, how could you refuse?
you slipped it on over your head, and pulled your hair through the hole. it was quite comfortable, and you were just the right amount of warm and cool. so, it worked out in the end. “thank you, longbottom. that was sweet.”
his face turned red at the small grin etched upon your face, but he shook it off and sat back down on the floor.
you all began talking again, not even noticing when seamus had gotten bored and ancy, and started snooping in your drawers. but, his eyes went wide at the sight of something in your drawer. he picked it up, and stared at it for a moment.
“uh... y/n...” he started, voice a bit shaky, “what’s this?”
he held it up, and you, dean, and neville all looked over.
“that’s a tampon, finnigan. i use it when i’m on my period so the blood doesn’t leak out.”
he took a beat of silence as he connected the dots, and his eyes seemed to widen even more,
“and... you have to put this where exactly?”
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celestialmango · 3 years
(an anon sent me a prompt a while ago that caught my interest and I tweaked it a little so I wouldn't get writers block and get stuck but honestly whoever you are anon, great job👍, I loved it but it just took awhile for creative juices to flow so I could write it out.)
Soft vore, stuffing, unwilling Prey, ambiguous ending, reader insert, fatal mentions.
Holy shit, you shiver in fear at the knowledge just given to you by the college staff, you shouldn't have signed up for the dorms fuck what do you do? You don't know but you don't have a choice now, you chosen a college far from home and didn't have the money to rent a place. You can see pity on the staffs face as if they know they signed your death warrant. You take a deep breath, stand up and leave.
You don't have a choice, you can't afford to go anywhere else, you were just assigned to be the roommate of a well-known upper class man Pred on campus, as you slowly walk a down the path to the main dorm you feel you have to think, what do you do? as you enter the building....you have an idea, it might be dumb, might not even work but if a plan like this might help you survive you have to at least try it right? You clap your hands and pray to whatever deities are out there that this will work.
You walk down the hall to your assigned dorm room and knock on the door, after a moment it opens and you're face to face with a gurgling bulge of a stomach, you try not to let it phase you as you look up at the towering form rubbing the back of their neck before they look down at you, before the can do anything you play your cards 'o-oh wow you're tall! Hi I'm (y/n)!' you say with an innocent friendly smile 'the dorm manager assigned me as your roommate, from the sound of it you sound pretty hungry which is great! I wanted to invite you out to a buffet I saw on my bus ride to campus for lunch, my treat!' you look at them expectantly waiting for a reply after your word vomit.
After a few minutes of silence and them just staring down at you begin to fidget in place, they just blink at you slowly, looking as if they're debating some as they lift a hand to their mouth and yawn, you fidget a bit more nervously as you see how wide their maw can stretch and see their sharp canines dripping with saliva before their hand drops and their jaw relaxes. Their other hand finds it's way to the back of your shirt and they bring you inside the room before dropping you on a giant beanbag chair, they yawn again "Nnnn fuck it sure, give me a minute, I gotta put on some pants."
Phase one of plan play dumb success! The staff members said your roommate would eat you as soon as they opened the door, but instead you convinced them to a buffet instead, you take your chance to look around the room and your smile drops a little into a look of concern and confusion. There's only one bed. After getting dressed the come out of a bathroom and see your face "what's with you?" They ask sounding a little hostile, you respond by letting your face flush and scratching your cheek with a finger 'u-um well.' their eyes are gazing at you like a hawk 'there's only one bed in the room, this college doesn't really make roommates share a bed do they?' the Predator responds with an unnerving grin "most of my roommates don't last long."
Deflect! Deflect and act cute! You smile at them innocently again and tilt your head 'oh? Did they get kicked out for some reason or something?' their grin gains an aura of menace. "Or something." You put a hand on your chin in thought, 'by the way how do we get to town from campus? Do you have a car or will we be taking a bus to buffet.' their grin drops as they pause for a moment raising their eyebrow, "do you honestly think someone my size can fit in a car? Because the answer is no." You just grin at them 'guess I'll be paying for bus passes too then' they shake their head "naw, the college provides monthly passes, now come on, we'll want to hurry because the next one will leave soon." You look startled before you leap up, 'ok'.
You have trouble keeping up with them as you both run so they quickly turn back pick you up and tuck you under their arm before rushing to the bus stop, they really want that free food you offered, a chance to pig out that they don't have to pay for sounds great to them.
To saw you were surprised at how much $5 at a buffet could stretch was an understatement, barely half an hour and a tower of plates was stacked on the table you two sat at and as the pred finished their final plate a well dress person came up and banned you both from coming back, as you both stood on the sidewalk you spoke with a stunned look on your face 'i didn't know it was possible to get kicked out of an all you can eat buffet' the pred patted at their large gut "yeah, pity. I'm not even full yet." They pause looking like they're thinking about something again when you spoke again 'what? Seriously? You ate out the entire buffet.' they look towards you again with a strange gaze that you don't even notice and answer.
"I could go for more." You don't even see them reach for you before you turn to them with a mischievous grin while ask them an question that interests them greatly 'wanna see how many buffets we can banned from in a day?' they hesitate, the hand they were about to snatch you up freezes for a second before it reaches down to pat your shoulder instead as they give you a wide grin and an enthusiastic reply "hell yeah." And off you both went to cause as much chaos as possible before you had to go back to campus.
A few hour later and they can barely squeeze themselves out of the doors of the bus as you return to campus, their gut bulging out so large it look as if they ate a moose, the both of you laughing '-i mean the look on that guys face when you snatched up and ate an entire turkey whole as they chased us out was priceless' "pfft yeah but what about the other guy when I ran out of the kitchen with that pot of soup a chugged it?" You both walk towards the dorm 'he looked like he was about to faint! That was right off the stove! Like boiling hot! How in the world did that not burn like you were drinking lava?' "heat resistance is a wonderful thing" they reply grinning from ear to ear.
After they open the door and you're about turn to leave to talk to staff about finishing the dorm paperwork their hand presses against your back a shove you into their room, you don't see a dark look flash across their face for a moment before disappearing, there is an unnerving tone to their voice that gives no room for argument as they speak "hey now, how about we spend a bit more time together?" It doesn't sound like a question but more like an order. Afraid and nervous about what may happen if you say no, you agree.
They hand you a controller and ask in a voice, as if they know exactly how the words sound
"Wanna smash?" 'Hah' you can't help the laugh that comes out, you shouldn't have told them about your weakness to dirty jokes.
Time passes fast as you play smash bros together for a while then move on to more multiple play games, you keep noticing they way they glance at you sometimes with a look that scares you, sometimes licking their lips, you notice as time goes by the size of their stomach decreases and the more it does, the more these moments of staring increase.
Their stomach growls a low long sound and you feel like you're sweating as you shiver while a chill shoots down your spine,you speak in a shaky voice as you get up and start walking towards the door 'w-ell t-this has been fun but I have speak to staff about sleeping arrangements as there's not room for me her right now' you open the door a crack before it slams shut, you see the Pred's hand above you and the other engulfs your shoulder, the tone Pred speaks to you in makes your heart stop "oh I have room." Before the spin you around, pinning your arms to your sides as their jaw stretches open and they lift you up , shoving your head inside and swallowing before you can properly process the situation.
The grip of their throat is tight, but the fleshy tube contracts and releases easily as the experienced muscles drag you deeper inside, you snap out your stunned state a futilely kick and squirm , the struggles doing nothing except helping you slide down faster, the Pred groaning at your flavor as they gulp heavily and fast, impatient and greedy they feel they have waited for this long enough. Your head passed through the opening to their stomach and thinking fast you hold your breath, closing your eye as your face is shoved into the pile of half digested remains of the multiple buffets they cleaned out.
You're quickly force inside, curling up you gasp as your head emerges from the slurry of food, it stick to your hair, a foul acidic smell in your nostrils, you barely have the room to move and you start to cry feeling a bit betrayed but your soft sobs can't be heard over the gurgles and groans of the chamber as it continues to work on the food around you.
"Aaah that hit the spot." They plop back down on their beanbag, their gut having grown in size once more, they give it a couple pats then rub it lightly "out of everything I ate today you are definitely the tastiest." They mean that fully, they had been planning to do this since they were first told that staff was going to once again, try to give them a roommate, a freshman this time, you were always going to feed them, they just didn't expect you to do it in more ways than one.
They continue to switch between rubbing and patting their their gut as a thoughtful look crosses their face, they had made up their mind to eat you, nothing you did was ever going to change that, however, what happens afterwards is still up for debate because honestly you are probably the first one staff sent that was actually friendly towards them instead of an entitled jackass , you also took them out and let them stuff themselves till they couldn't eat anymore, they had to wait to digest a bit before they could fit you in too, but even then they had a really good time today with you.
Considering who and what they were it wouldn't take but a second to cast the spell they would need to keep you from being lost inside their stomach forever, hell you might even actually be a good roommate if they give you that chance....a low whiny gurgle sounds from their gut. Whatever their decision is they will need to make it soon, they have about 15 minutes before the acid in their stomach starts to affect you too.
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Just What The Doctor Ordered~
ꕥPosted: 3/14/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut
ꕥPairing: FemReader! x Wooyoung
ꕥWord Count: ~2.0k
ꕥWarnings: Language, Protected sex (Reader’s on the pill), Public sex (sort of), Praising, Wooyoung has a thing for being called doctor, Dirty talk
ꕥA/N: Please respect your healthcare workers—Doctor Wooyoung hella hot tho 🥵🤚
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I pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to will my migraine away.
“You know you should probably go see a doctor.” My best friend and coworker, Hongjoong, spoke as he stirred his morning coffee.
“It’s fine. I get them all the time.”
“Yeah and that’s the problem. You shouldn’t.”
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, “Honestly, I’ve trying to avoid going to the doctor but I think you have a point. I can barely focus on anything anymore.”
“Good. Schedule an appointment as soon as you get the chance. You don’t want to wait any longer.” He walked closer to me and ran a hand along my back, “And let me know how it goes, alright? I worry about you sometimes.”
I let out a small laugh, “Thanks, Joongie. I will.”
“Miss y/n.”
I raised my head to meet a young woman in light blue scrubs. She smiled at me, but I could see the tiredness in her eyes. I certainly understood, I’d had many long, long days at work myself.
I hope your day gets better, miss.
“Right this way, please.”
I stood, following her as she lead me into a room and instructed me to sit in one of the chairs.
“The doctor you normally see has been quite busy today, so we’ll have one of our newer doctors see you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah that’s fine.” I pressed a hand to my forehead.
“So could you give me run down of what’s been going on?” She clicked a pen, grabbing a scrap of paper from her pocket.
“Sure, basically I’ve just been having really bad migraines.”
“How severe have they been?”
“I mean they’ve been bad enough that I’ve had trouble concentrating.”
“Anything else troubling you?”
“Nope that’s it.”
She scribbled some notes on a sheet of paper and smiled at me.
“Alright, the doctor will be with you soon.” Were her last words as she exited the room with a sigh.
Knowing it’d likely take awhile, I unlocked my phone to mindlessly scroll through social media, eventually getting bored and playing a game instead.
The door opened and I jumped in my seat, placing my phone aside. The young man that walked into the room smiled, running a hair through his parted black hair.
“Hello, I’m Wooyoung. It’s nice to meet you.”
As ridiculous as it sounded, my breath seemed to leave me all at once. His sunkissed skin was seemingly flawless, the closed-mouth smile that he flashed showing slight dimples on his cheeks, the lab coat and stethoscope around his neck left me to admire his appearance. He was certainly the most fit and attractive doctor, let alone man I’d ever seen.
“Oh you, too.”
He reached out to shake my hand and as we touched I felt sparks shoot through me. His hands were slightly rough but still soft. He released my hand with a kind smile.
“So do you mind telling me what’s going on?” He moved a stool that was in the corner of the room closer to me, sitting on it and slightly spreading his legs, his hands on his knees. I felt my head fogging as I fought myself to not stare at him.
“Well I’ve been having really bad migraines recently. I don’t really know what’s causing them.”
“How long have you been having them?”
“For a few months actually, but they’ve only become really bad within the last couple weeks.”
Wooyoung nodded, “Could they be stress induced, by any chance?”
“I mean...I don’t think so? My job is usually stressful but I haven’t been more stressed than normal.”
“Hmm okay. Have you been experiencing any other symptoms? Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light?”
“No, no other symptoms.”
“Could you be pregnant? That can often-”
I laughed, “No, I haven’t had a boyfriend in a quite a while so that’s not it. I’ve been busy with work.”
I could’ve sworn I saw a slight smirk on his face, but it was gone before I could fully register it.
“I certainly understand that. I was able to get through medical school faster than most but I was studying all the time so I’ve never really had time for a girlfriend.”
I nodded, not exactly knowing what to say as I felt happiness bubble up in my stomach knowing that he was single.
“So how often do you normally get them?”
I cocked my head and raised a brow, “Get what?”
He let out a chuckle that released butterflies in my stomach, “I mean your migraines. How often do you get them?”
“Oh.” I felt my cheeks turn pink, “Maybe four times a week.”
“Cute.” Wooyoung muttered under his breath. I was relatively confident he didn’t intend for me to hear it and I blushed even more.
“Well the nurse told me she forgot to take your vitals so...do you mind?”
“Not at all!” I internally slapped myself for sounding far too enthusiastic, but Wooyoung didn’t seem to care, giving a small smile.
“Could you take off your jacket for me, please?”
“Of course.” I said, ridding myself of the thick coat I was wearing, placing it on a nearby chair. He walked towards me—the smell of his cologne intoxicating—and put the eartips of the stethoscope in his ears.
Wooyoung placed the diaphragm of the stethoscope to my back, “Breathe in and out normally for me, please.”
I did as I was told, blocking my mind from the devilishly handsome man right next to me.
After a moment he removed the tool from my back. “I’m going to place the stethoscope on your chest now, okay?”
Wooyoung eyed my sweater which had slightly thicker material in the front, “Is it alright if I put the stethoscope down your shirt? It’ll be hard to hear your heart through your sweater.”
“Oh—yeah that’s okay!” I cleared my throat, “I mean like yeah it’s fine.”
Way to be smooth.
Wooyoung chucked as he reached down the collar of my shirt with the tool, its cold making me shiver. He apologized for the temperature, assuring me it wouldn’t take but a minute.
“That’s odd,” He stated, an eyebrow raised, “Your heart shouldn’t be beating that fast. Do you know why that might be?”
His dark eyes looked into my own and I swallowed. “I...I just...”
I looked at the floor, unable to say it while looking in his eyes, “It’s you.”
“Me? How’s that?” I saw from the corner of my eye a slight smirk growing on his face.
I looked into his dark eyes, “My heart is racing because you’re so close to me.”
“Tell me, then. Would it beat faster if I got even closer?”
Stethoscope still on my chest, he leaned down, his lips almost touching my own.
The man let out a deep laugh, much deeper than his speaking voice, “I was correct.”
I was barely able to speak when my eyes drifted to his lips, “It’ll beat even faster if you kiss me.”
“Is that an invitation?”
“It is.”
Wooyoung grabbed my cheek with his free hand and pulled me closer, pressing his lips to mine. He didn’t have to tell me that my heart was racing. I could feel it. I could feel my heart rate increasing the longer his lips touched mine. My hands wrapped around his neck, hands running through his thick hair and pulling it slightly. He bit my bottom lip in response and I whimpered into the kiss, pulling him even closer.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, girl.”
I pulled his hair a bit harder and he groaned against my lips. As if he just remembered the stethoscope, he broke the kiss to pull it away from my chest, removing it from his ears and tossing it on the nearby table.
I giggled and he smiled at me, placing his hands on either side of the chair I was sitting in. Leaning in closer he teased my lips with his, giving me a slight peck before kissing down my jaw to my neck. I reached for his coat and hurriedly removed it from his shoulders, wanting nothing more than to get him undressed.
Gasping for air I grabbed at his hair once more, desperately needing to hear him groan again and he didn’t disappoint. His hands danced to my sweater, slightly lifting it.
“I hate to say it, because I’m really enjoying this, but you are on the clock.”
“Fuck it.” he growled, “I don’t have any patients scheduled today and I work harder than anyone here. I want this if you do.”
“I really do. Fuck me, Wooyoung.”
Without hesitation he pulled my sweater and bra over my head, leaving kisses all over my chest.
“Help me take off your pants, bunny.”
I whimpered, “Yes doctor.”
“Shit that’s hot.” He leaned in close to my ear, “Say it again. Doctor’s orders.”
“Whatever you say, doctor.” I pulled my pants down and threw them across the room.
Wooyoung’s hands teasingly ran up and down my thighs, making me shiver.
“You’re insanely gorgeous.” He growled into my ear.
I couldn’t come up with a solid response, my desire speaking for me, “It’s your turn, doctor. Off with the shirt.”
He made a dramatic flair of pulling his shirt slowly over his head, my eyes growing hazy while looking at his perfectly defined abs.
A cocky look formed on his face as he watched my eyes scan over him, soon after lifting me from the chair to the exam table.
He ran a digit along my clothed clit, prompting my back to arch off the table. I grabbed his arms and pulled him towards me, hips bucking into his, the friction setting my body on fire.
He groaned, head falling back as his body gave into his pleasure. Before long he was pulling down my soaked panties and leveling his face with my core.
“Don’t.” I said through heavy breaths, earning a concerned look from Wooyoung, “I want you in me now.”
His eyes widened, “Shit I don’t have a condom.”
I pulled him closer to me, “I’ve been on the pill for several months don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” The genuine concern in his eyes currently outweighing the lust I could see behind them.
“I promise.”
The lust returned to his eyes and I couldn’t help but feel small under his gaze. The rest of his clothes were discarded in a hurry, his member then lining up with my core.
“Let me know if you’re uncomfortable or want me to stop, okay?”
His consideration made me smile, knowing full damn well I wouldn’t want him to stop. “I will. You too.”
Wooyoung let out a short chuckle and entered me slowly. I felt my eyes close as I focused on the feeling of him inside me, feeling out of breath already. I moaned as he pulled out slightly and rammed his hips back into mine.
“You like this?” He growled, “Knowing that anyone could catch us?”
I nodded, letting out quiet whimpers as I gasped for air. His speed was quick and hard, hitting every spot inside me my fingers could never reach.
“What a dirty girl you are.”
My walls clenched around him as tears welled in my eyes from the stimulation, my moans gradually getting louder without my control.
He leaned closer to me, “Quiet, sweetheart. Can’t let everyone here know what we’re up to, can we?”
I whimpered as he picked up speed and I forced my eyes open, needing nothing more than to see him. His pupils were dilated, his face flushed, and his hair was sporadically sticking to his forehead. He looked godly.
“You look so beautiful under me, taking me so well,” He said through half-lidded eyes, “How are you feeling, love?”
I whined at the pet name and clenched around him. He groaned and I brought myself to speak, “I feel f-full, doctor.”
Wooyoung nuzzed my neck, placing a few kisses upon my skin, and I felt my high approaching.
“Touch me, please.” I pleaded.
He complied, teasingly running his fingers along my clit and I felt sparks of pleasure shoot through me.
“Are you gonna cum, baby girl? Be my good girl and cum for me.”
I bit my lip to keep from moaning loudly as I came, feeling Wooyoung release at the same time. He stilled, watching me catch my breath as he did the same.
“Pretty sure I just broke several medical moral codes but damn I don’t regret a minute of that.”
I hid my face in his chest, face heating up, “Me either.”
He pulled out of me and I pouted at the loss of feeling him.
“We just had sex and you’re still needy?”
“Listen, you just feel good inside of me.”
He leaned over me a gave me a long, sweet kiss, “You feel pretty good around me, yourself.”
Wooyoung pulled back and reached for his boxers, putting them on before grabbing some paper towels and cleaning me up. “Get dressed, doll.”
I nodded and slowly slipped my clothes on, legs feeling wobbly. He noticed and smiled at me, fully dressed now.
“Well,” He started, “I think we should exchange numbers in case you experience more migraines. We’ll have to monitor that, of course.” His eyes twinkled.
“Ah yes, of course.” I giggled, handing over my phone.
I watched his fingers glide over the keyboard, my eyes once more trailing down his chest, unable to forget how good he looked shirtless.
Without looking up he spoke, his voice lighthearted, “I can see you, you know.”
“No you can’t.” I teased.
He laughed and handed over his phone for me to do the same. “I can write you a prescription if you feel like that’s something you need. Have you tried over the counter medicine?”
I chuckled and he gave me a questioning look. “It’s just that the conversation took a different direction than I was expecting. But no, I haven’t.”
Wooyoung nodded, “I would recommend that you start with Ibuprofen and if that doesn’t work, let me know and we can prescribe you a stronger medicine, okay?”
“Sounds good.”
A silence fell over us. Noticing my nervousness, Wooyoung pulled me into his arms, placing a kiss on my lips, “I need to go, but I’ll call you, okay?”
I gave a shy nod and bit my lip.
“Do you like coffee by any chance?” He questioned as he ran a hand through my hair. I welcomed his touch, leaning closer to him.
“Love it, why?”
“I say we meet up at a coffee shop soon. I’ve got a particular one in mind and I think you’ll really like it.”
I smiled, beyond happy to know he wanted to see me again, “Works for me.”
“So it went pretty well, I think.”
“Good, have you been feeling better?” Hongjoong asked later in the week.
“Much.” I bit my lip, looking down, “I’ve got a date later today.”
“What? With who?” Hongjoong asked with a smile, genuinely happy for me.
“Um...the doctor I saw earlier this week.” I scratched the back of my head.
“Oh my god you do not.”
“I do. I really like him.” I confessed, “We’ve been texting a lot.”
“Damn.” He shook his head, “That’s definitely a surprise but I’m happy for you girl. You know, why don’t you head out early? Our shifts are almost over anyways and I can finish up anything you’ve still got to do.”
“No I can’t ask you to do that!”
“I insist. Go ahead.” Hongjoong all but pushed me out of the office, sending me on my way and wishing me luck.
I waved back at him, thanking him again before leaving the building. I hopped in my car and drove off, feeling happiness bubble in my chest.
I took a step into the cute coffee shop, looking around at the full tables before locking eyes with Wooyoung. His eyes sparkled with the same playful look as I remembered. I walked over to where he was sitting and took the chair across from him.
“Hey,” He smiled wide.
“Hey yourself.”
“Are you gonna order anything?”
“Maybe in a bit. I wanna spend time with the handsome man in front of me first.”
A slight red dusted his ears as he tried to laugh away his shyness. “How’ve your migraines been?”
“Honestly, I haven’t had any since I saw you last.”
He cocked his head. “Wonder what could’ve fixed that?”
I bit my lip, meeting his eyes, “I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
“Incredible. This is a medical breakthrough. I can just imagine the medical articles.” Wooyoung raised a hand, moving it in the air as he spoke, “Sex cures chronic migraines, experiments suggest.”
I laughed, playfully hitting him on the shoulder.
“What? Am I wrong?” He said with a mischievous smile.
I quirked a brow, “I think we should probably conduct more experiments though, right? In the name of science.”
He pressed his lips together in a tight smile. “You make a compelling argument. I think I have to agree. My place after this?”
Final Note: Listen I know Wooyoung probably should have actually prescribed y/n something for her migraines but it’s to further the plot okay please understand—
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
In Your Eyes
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Bokuto Kōtarō x Chubby!Reader
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Author’s Note : There are some dark things in here and if you feel suicidal please do not keep it bottled in. It’s not healthy and needs to be addressed. The really bad stuff isn’t until the middle (right before the smut, basically), so be warned! That’s where the suicidal stuff is and like I said, if you do any of this or feel suicidal please seek professional help because it’s not worth keeping unhealthy feelings inside ; If you are wondering why Bokuto’s obsessed with licking and biting in this, I have been rereading a doujin where Bokuto does that and, well, it’s hot ; I swear this would not have taken me so long if I didn’t keep crying while writing it omg I would be dead if I had a shot every time I had to stop writing so I could wipe my tears and snot. This is why I don’t like to read or write angst but wow was that therapeutic.
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Warnings: angst, fat shaming, use of the word “pig”, body dysmorphia (inability to look in a mirror), vomit, suicidal tendencies/intention (via overdose) + implied past actions alcohol, soft!dom Bokuto, choking, creampie(s), mating press+doggy style, licking and biting, facesitting
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The cheers of the crowd erupted as the whistle blew. Once again, the MSBY Black Jackals had won. This match was against the Red Falcons, another team in the V.1 division. It was a close call, but Hinata managed to break the deuce with his monstrous quick attack and seal the set with their victory.
The team was jumping and bouncing, giving out high fives as they did. Of course, they had to shake hands with the Adlers, bowing to the audience and thanking them for their support. When Bokuto did his classic ‘Bokuto Beam’ move towards the audience, you could hear the girls squealing and giggling. It isn’t like they didn’t do the same when Atsumu or Hinata waved to them, but it hit you different. After all, they were beautiful in your eyes, slim and flawless.
Oh, yes. You’re the MSBY Black Jackal’s manager, being a classmate of Hinata in his second and third year (as in you tutored him and helped manage the volleyball club with Yachi). Hinata was your first friend, which kind of sounds pathetic. It was, if you were being honest with yourself. Being heavier than the average girl at your school subjected you to bullying and pranks that ended with you crying until you threw up. Hinata never made you feel like that, though. He always made sure you were comfortable and every member of the club at Karasuno treated you like an angel. You ended up applying to be the MSBY manager when Hinata asked, saying they needed a manager and wondered if you could apply. Well, it was either that or finding a job at the circus, as your family would sneer at you. Truly, Hinata was the first to accept you.
Once you got the job, it was like being back at Karasuno, honestly. Everyone was friendly and treated you no differently than they would treat others. However, you wished one of them would treat you differently.
He was the ace of the team, a goofy fella that could make anyone smile. Including you. Aside from Hinata, he made you feel accepted and made you forget about any woes and horrid thoughts you were facing. He didn’t know about them like Hinata did, but you were sure he’d treat you different if he knew.
Once everything was packed up, you and the coach headed out, the team not too far behind you.
“Shōyō-kun, that was one of yer best sets yet!” Atsumu cheerily piped up, walking behind Hinata. Hinata was right beside you, as he always was.
“I’m glad you think so! I don’t know if we can surprise the Adlers next time, though. Kageyama still knows my tricks,” he huffed as he finished his statement, putting his hair down so he could mock Kageyama. You giggled at his antics.
“Alright, change up and meet at the bus in 10 minutes, let’s go!” Coach commanded. Each member voiced their acquiescence. You decided to use this opportunity to go to the bathroom. After all, their match lasted almost an hour, if not more.
In the restrooms, you were almost done when you heard a bunch of girls giggling as they entered. Instead of leaving, you stayed in place, waiting for them to go.
You wish you hadn’t.
“Gosh, those boys are so attractive!” One of them said. Two voices agreed.
“Have you seen Atsumu and Kageyama? They’re both so hot!”
“I was too focused on that number 12,” oh no, “Bokuto, I think? He’s a good looking man, bet he has the stamina of a god, too,”
“Yeah, it’s a shame their brand is ruined by that mascot of theirs.” What?
“Mascot? Oh! You mean the pig? Yeah, she does put a damper on everything, doesn’t she? Imagine being that attractive and having that thing follow you around!” The girl cackled, her friends following suit. You felt your stomach drop, tears springing in the corner of your eyes as you listened to them.
It was easy to forget you were different when you with the team since they made you feel normal, but that didn’t mean others wouldn’t notice you.
The girls eventually left, the door slamming shut behind them. Whether they came in there to do makeup or just talk shit about you knowing you were in there didn’t matter. Not when you were crumpled up on the floor as sobs wracked your frame. Life sucks.
It’s not like you didn’t try! That’s the other thing! You try to lose weight and nothing happens, exercising doesn’t do much and diets are practically useless. You used to go to the gym, but stopped when you kept getting stares. You also used to run with Hinata in the mornings, but since he was so much faster than you, you stopped. What’s the point if you’re panting and breathless after a minute while he’s still going strong after 30 minutes? It felt like nothing would ever help.
A buzzing interrupted your crying fest, you sniffling as you wipe away the tears and look at the screen. It’s from the groupchat, Hinata asking if you’re okay and they were all at the bus. You typed back a quick ‘K’ and got up. The best you could hope for was nobody would point out the red eyes and the sniffling.
Hinata knew of your troubles, being there for you when you broke down in school more often than not. When you confided that he was the first person you felt comfortable with, it broke him. Seeing you had bottled up your emotions because nobody bothered to listen or care, it made him want to include you in his life. He would invite you over for dinner and his sister would excitedly talk to you, never making you feel uncomfortable. When he heard that you were in Osaka, he immediately called you up about being the MSBY manager.
He also knew of your crush on Bokuto. It was obvious to him, with how you looked at the ace with longing. Hinata even encouraged you to confess, but that was quickly dismissed when you told Hinata how you felt like Bokuto deserved better than someone like you. Bokuto was muscular, attractive, and charming — in your eyes, he deserved to be with someone his equal. That did not mean you. Hinata knew of your troubles, but he also knew of Bokuto’s. Bokuto has a crush on you, too, finding himself more accepted with you around. Contrary to the ace’s personality, he was insecure in a lot of things. He wasn’t very smart, which was often pointed out by others. He knew when someone was upset, though, so he always knew he needed to make you feel better.
Once you arrived at the bus, Hinata greeted you as everyone else had boarded. “What’s wrong?”
“The same old thing, you know,” you sniffle, your voice cracking as you remember the hateful words. Hinata’s face soured as you said those words. Back in high school, he would sit down and cry with you. Now, he was tired of you still being picked on as an adult.
“Immature, that’s what they are. Come on, we’re gonna stop by that restaurant you love.” Oh great, food. You may have been starving when the match ended, but after the incident, you just wanted to go home and cry. You numbly nodded and followed Hinata onto the bus. The coach didn’t bother pointing out anything, but he sent you a sad look when he noticed the red eyes on you. You sadly smiled and continued to your seat, behind the coach as the bus started to move. Curling into your jacket, you tried to think of something else.
The restaurant was a disaster. Everyone had been excited and gotten off the bus when a bunch of fangirls came up to them. You had just smiled and shook your head, feeling better already. At least, you had been until the girls noticed you and gave you looks of disgust. It was short lived, their attention turning back to the boys, so you briskly walked off, into the restaurant, away from the crowd. It took almost 5 minutes for the girls to leave, but you refused to eat anything other than a salad and drink water. Even then, you excused yourself to the restroom to take a break, crying and attempting to force yourself to throw up. Once home, you locked the front door and let your emotions spill out. Crying and screaming was common, so that’s what you did. Then came the process — getting rid of any reflective surface. Turning off the lights, turning on the tv, covering the mirrors with sheets, closing the blinds, shutting out any possibility of looking at yourself. Even with nobody around, those words and looks stuck and struck deep, you eventually curling into yourself on your bed as you cried yourself to sleep.
The next day came, your alarm ringing and the sound bouncing off the walls. You turned it off, completely turning off your phone. Instead of dealing with alarms and people, you’d suffer alone behind the comfort of your home.
The team was worried, you were never late. Bokuto was more pouty than normal, your cheerful greeting missing from his morning and his bear hug. Atsumu also missed your cheerful greeting, asking Hinata if he knew of anything. When Hinata said he did not, he texted and called you, receiving no answer.
Okay, then he’d go to you.
Hinata had stayed at your apartment before, spending the night or just to hang out. Sometimes he brings you food and snacks when you need it, or he just checks on you. He has a spare key in case of anything and he’s glad he does when the door’s locked with no answer. He calls you once more time, knocking until he hears something. It’s faint, but it sounds like movement. So, you’re awake. But not answering the door. Sighing, he unlocks the door.
The apartment is not surprising to him, the windows covered and reflective surfaces covered. He was afraid of this, but he continues on. When he reaches your room, he hears more sniffling and crying. “[Y/N]?”
“Leave me be, Shōyō,”
“[Y/N], please. The team misses you,”
“Fuck off. I’m a charity case to them, I know it. Why else would they keep me around? I should just wallow away,” your voice sounds tired, the thought of the boys sticking with you out of pity a common thought you’ve had.
A thought that isn’t true, but breaks Hinata’s heart. “You know that’s not true. Everyone loves you! Even Bokuto,”
“Shōyō, shut up. Empty words do nothing. Maybe it’d be better if I just... stayed here. Maybe I should just end the misery,”
“Do not. Talk like that. Please.” Hinata’s voice cracks with each word. He knew you were bad, but you could pretend like everything was fine. He should’ve known the harsh treatment yesterday would affect you like this. He should’ve spent the night with you when you ordered a salad and a water. He should’ve told the coach or Meian when you went to the bathroom for 10 minutes that you were trying to throw up. Your lie of there being a line was obvious, a common excuse after a long time away. Hinata felt his chest tighten as he realized you didn’t answer him. “I’m getting Bokuto.”
“Shōyō! Don’t you dare!” Your screams do nothing as he basically runs out your apartment, you flinging the door open to see him gone. You start crying more, afraid that Bokuto will see just how pathetic you are. If he ever looked at you with disgust, the way everyone else does, you don’t know if you could continue on with your life.
Maybe it’d be better that way.
Bokuto doesn’t really know what’s going on, one moment he’s stretching and the next he’s running to the train station with Hinata’s words repeating over and over again.
‘[Y/N] needs you’
Bokuto’s first thought immediately went into the gutters, a blush coating his cheeks until Hinata continued.
‘I think she’s in trouble’
With those two sentences, Bokuto ran off, forgetting his bag and just taking his phone with him. He only needed his phone, really. Strange stares from the public didn’t bother him, he knows he’s still wearing his practice clothes and his knee pads, the material looking like leggings. He made it to the train station before it left, getting on and calling Hinata back.
“I’m on the train, is everything okay?” He was panting, the train station being a bit away from the practice gym. He didn’t even bother sitting, just standing beside the doors.
“I don’t know. She’s.. She’s in a bad place. She won’t listen to me, but she’ll listen to you,” Hinata’s words are slightly muffled, sniffling accompanying his sentence. The words make Bokuto’s chest tighten.
“I don’t know what I can do, you’re her best friend. What could I do?”
“She’s in love with you. Has been for a while, actually. I know you can help her where I can’t. Just — I’ll give you her apartment key when you get to the station. Once I do, please go to her. Please,”
“I—“ Bokuto’s eyes are wide, his face definitely pink now. He’s still worried about you, but the idea of you actually liking him — no, loving him the same way he loves you, it makes him giddy. It gives him the push he needs to make it to you.
As soon as the doors open, there’s Hinata, holding a key ring for him to take. Bokuto doesn’t hesitate, a quick nod in Hinata’s direction before he rushes off to your apartment complex. All of the boys have been to your apartment before, but Bokuto and Hinata are the only ones who know the way to the place. Bokuto has gotten a bit drunk before and ended up crashing at your place, as well as just staying there when practices run late since his place is the farthest away from their practice gym.
Arriving at the apartment, he slides the key in and turns the knob, momentarily confused at the sheets covering your glass coffee table and the TV, but he continues in. He knocks on your bedroom door. “[Y/N]? Are you in here?” When he gets no response, he freaks out. Turning the knob, he notices you’re not in there, but there are more sheets covering things, as well as the blinds being shut. Even more confused, he turns back to the hallway and notices the bathroom door is closed. Fear strikes him as he thinks he knows why you’re not answering — he hopes he’s wrong.
When he opens the door, he realizes he was partially right. With a bottle of wine pressed to your lips, an empty pill bottle in one hand, your eyes wide as Bokuto’s golden eyes met yours. A brief moment of anger flashed across his face before you were forced over the toilet, his thick fingers going down your throat.
“Shtap!” Your muffled voice comes out, gagging around his fingers as he attempts to activate your gag reflex. He doesn’t stop, your squirming easily quelled against his strong grip on your arms pinning them back. You feel the bile rise and then you’re expelling the contents of your stomach into the toilet, coughing and sputtering as the painkillers you just took are now emptied into the porcelain bowl. Bokuto doesn’t let go of you as you cry, trying to get out of his hold.
He doesn’t know what he should bring up first, the fact Hinata called him over or the fact he caught you in the middle of a suicide attempt. You’re screaming and telling him to get off of you, but he instead holds you closer, your sobs fading as tears spill out of his own eyes, staining the hoodie you’re in. “Why would you do that?” He whispers.
You don’t know how to respond to that, instead choosing the phrase, “why not?” His face scrunches up and you don’t know if he’s in pain or angry as he shakes you.
“Why would you do that?! Don’t you know how many people would be distraught over you? Hinata would be inconsolable! Who would TsumTsum and I joke with? Did you even think about that? Did you think about me?” His voice is loud and it makes you cry harder, the weight of his words hitting deep. Bokuto’s been there for you through a lot and you’ve been facing all your problems on your own. “You can’t just do that! That’s selfish!”
“Why would it matter, Bo? What’s the point? I can’t face myself let alone face my feelings! Why not just stop hurting?” You’re both crying, him holding onto you tightly as you dry heave a bit, a stinging in the back of your throat and an arrow in your heart.
“Why can’t you face your feelings? You have Hinata and me!” Before you can tell him something else, he presses his lips to your forehead. You freeze. “I don’t know what I’d do if you left me. I don’t think I could live without you,” He dryly chuckles, tears still streaking down his face. You hiccup and look down, afraid to face him.
“You don’t mean that. You’re trying to make me feel better, I know. Just be honest with your feelings. I’m already low enough, no reason to keep up appearances,” more tears come out as you try to not break into another fit. Bokuto would never look at you the same you looked at him, especially not after seeing you like this. You couldn’t blame him, you look like a mess in your old sweatpants and the old hoodie that felt too tight even if it was one of the largest sizes you could find. Your hair is no better, hasn’t been brushed and you’ve been in bed for a while.
“Hinata said you loved me—“
“So I came because he said he was worried—“
“You don’t need to say it,”
“If I had been a second later—“
“Stop it, please,”
“I wouldn’t have been able to tell you my feelings—“
“Please, don’t,” you cover your face, tears blurring your vision anyways. Bokuto removes your hands, looking into your eyes. His own are full of warmth and love, not disgust or regret. It makes you cry more, a horrible wail as you dive into his chest. He laughs as his arms wrap around you, comforting in these dark moments.
“I love you, you know? I have for a while,”
“Why? What do you see in me? What could I possibly have to attract you? I’m not—“
“Don’t say it. Don’t say ‘I’m not like other girls’, because everyone’s different. You make me want to be a better man, you make me excited for each new day. Nobody can compare to you,”
“I can’t.. I’m sorry, I can’t trust you. I’ve— I’ve been made fun of for too long, I want to trust you, I want to love you, I want to be with you, but I don’t know if my heart can take another one,”
“Another— what?”
“It’s a long story, I don’t want to bore you,”
“Baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he nuzzles your cheek, more tears spilling out as your chest tightens with love.
You decided to explain to him what happened in the past and how you trusted Hinata. Bokuto brought you to your room and made you some tea, brought a bottle of water, and also made you a snack. The thought of eating made you feel sick, but a pouty buff man had you slowly nibbling on the piece of toast. You hadn’t eaten since dinner the previous day, so you wanted to inhale it, but you didn’t think you could stomach it.
After explaining everything to Bokuto, you tried to laugh it off, saying it wasn’t a big deal, but he refused to accept that. A quick call to Hinata to let him know you were okay and that Bokuto would be taking a day off was the next step, letting Bokuto stay with you for the rest of the day. He didn’t want to leave you alone, the fear of almost losing you still making his heart race in a bad way. Even as you just scrolled through InstaGram on your phone, he worried if he left you’d go back to the dark headspace. He couldn’t stop it, but he figured he could prevent it.
The first thing to change your mood is get you in the shower.
When he bounced back into your room, you looked at him from your position. You looked exhausted, the toast only half eaten but the glass was empty. Bokuto shook his head and clicked his tongue. “You need to refresh yourself. Time to take a shower!”
“What are you, my dad? If you want me to do it then make me,” You muttered, snuggling back under the covers. Bokuto closed his eyes and sighed, trying to not say anything sexual.
“I will throw you over my shoulder and into the bathroom. Don’t underestimate me, [Y/N],” the bed dips as he sits on the edge. “I’ll strip you down and wash you if I have to,”
“Why are you so forceful? Damn,” you made it sound like a bad thing, but you were smiling. “Fine, I’ll shower. You don’t gotta wash me, I’m not a baby,”
“But you’re my baby?” He sounded so confused, you freezing half out of the bed. Clearing your throat, you continued.
“Uh, sure. Are you planning on leaving soon? Or..”
“Nope! I’m staying over. I’ll change the sheets while you shower, too!”
“Oh, okay,” you say, numbly getting up to get clothes. With the lack of clean clothes, you have a few shirts and some pajama pants, but your stomach twists as you realize why they’re clean. They don’t fit as nicely as the other clothes, so you face two options: reuse the hoodie you’re wearing or face the humiliation of putting on a tight shirt. Thinking of the restriction, you decide the hoodie would be best. A large pair of pajama pants and a pair of panties is all you take, but Bokuto notices the lack of clothes.
“Are you just changing your pants? You’re showering, right?” Hes rifling through his bag, planning on changing out his practice clothes while you’re in the shower. He doesn’t want to get your clean sheets dirty, after all.
“Um, I’m out of shirts, so.. I’ll just reuse the hoodie,” you shrug, not seeing a problem. His eyes light up as he holds a finger up, digging through his bag once more. Apparently, Hinata dropped it off while you were taking a nap, all that crying had exhausted you. Bokuto smiles brightly as he pulls out his own hoodie, the black hoodie with the golden MSBY brand and the Black Jackal claws. “I don’t think—“
“I’ve been dreaming of you in my hoodie for some time, so this is a perfect opportunity! I’d prefer you to wear this,”
“Uh, I’m pretty big, Bokuto. I don’t think it’ll fit, if I’m being honest,” you look down at the ground, the disgust from earlier rising in your chest. Bokuto just tilts his head to the side.
“I think it’ll fit. It’s pretty big on me, so it’ll fit. If it doesn’t, let me know. I’ll get you something else,” he just shrugs, holding out the hoodie. His name is on the back and in a way, it feels like he’s marking his territory. You take it, thanking him as you head towards the bathroom. If it didn’t fit, you didn’t know what you’d do.
When you finished washing up, you put on the clothes. As big as Bokuto was, you still didn’t expect the hoodie to fit. When it slid on easily, you were highly surprised, but also it took you a moment to collect yourself. Seeing you in his hoodie was something out of your wildest dreams, him even telling you he’s fantasized about it making your body hotter than it should be. You had to calm yourself down before exiting the bathroom, entering the bedroom to see him lying on the bed in sweatpants. That’s it.
“Where the hell are your clothes?!” You cover your face, spreading your fingers a bit to see him stand up excitedly.
“You look so good in my hoodie!” He hugged you tightly, lifting you up a bit.
“Don’t pick me up, put on a shirt!” The only thing separating your skin from his was the hoodie which, well, wasn’t very thick. The zipper itself was as high as it could go but still felt too low.
“Why? Don’t I look good? Are you uncomfortable?”
“Yes, you look good and I’m uncomfortable. This is just a weird situation,” you try to explain... as if you had a shred of dignity left. The laptop propped open with the opening of your favorite movie caught your attention. “Are you gonna watch a movie?”
“We’re gonna watch it! To make you feel better, of course!” He seemed so proud of himself, standing with his fists on his hips as he smiled. You shook your head, rolling your eyes.
“Okay, then. Do you want snacks?”
After getting snacks for the movie, to which he fed you some while you fed him, you ended up falling asleep as you watched the movie. It was nice and warm under the covers and Bokuto’s body heat right next to you helped to lull you to sleep. He didn’t seem to notice you falling asleep until your head hit his shoulder, eyes closed as you peacefully slept. After pressing a kiss to your forehead, he closed to laptop and got comfortable under the sheets. The worry of him losing you was still there, but he kept his arms around you tightly in case it was a dream. Like you, he hoped it wasn’t.
Waking up wasn’t that bad, an urge to quench your dry throat a common thing to wake up to. What wasn’t common, however, was the thing poking your butt. Now fully awake, you tried to shoot up in bed to see what was going on but Bokuto’s arms held you down. It was then you realized what was poking you. Attempting to get his arms off of you was a hard feat, trying to squeeze out of the grip when he moaned. You froze and looked at his face, still asleep. Attempting to move again, he let out another one. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out.
He was having a wet dream. In your bed. Beside you.
Your immediate thought was who? Your next thought was me? You dismissed that idea, rolling your eyes as if that could happen. Well, until your name came past his lips. You were surprised to hear it, even if he showed and attempted to prove his feelings for you. Him dreaming of you subconsciously? It gave you confidence.
Enough confidence to wake him up and let him continue his dream in reality? No.
But, you didn’t think you’d have another dark episode anytime soon. He didn’t seem to relent his grip on your body, so you dealt with it, staring at the wall in the dark as he continued his noises. Well, at least until he bucked his hips. You gasped as he did, him waking up to your noise. “You ‘kay? Somethin’ wrong?”
Wide eyes looked at him, before glancing down and flickering back up. He follows your eyes and his face goes red. It’s hard to tell in the dark, but the moonlight coming in from the uncovered window illuminates enough. “I am so sorry, I’ll le—“
“Why?” You can’t stop yourself from asking, immediately smacking your forehead. He’s a bit confused from your actions, but you continue. “Um, I’d, uh- I’d like to know what you dreaming about.” Confidence? Yeah, right. You’re practically shaking from the fear of his answer. Of course, it was your name but you could’ve heard wrong, right? Yeah, you—
“My boner speaks for itself, doesn’t it?” Does he have shame? You just look at him so exasperated as he just stares at you, not too sure what you were expecting. “Or do you not know?”
“I— Okay. Was it me?”
“Who... who else would it be?”
“Oh, okay. Why?” You’re both so confused, you not understanding the appeal while he’s not understanding why it’s so weird. Or confusing.
“Why not? I’m in the bed with my girlfriend, longtime crush, who I find extremely attractive? Is this too much? Is it wrong for me to, um, wanna do that? Or dream about it?” No shame!
“I’m still having problems seeing things from your perspective, but okay. Still cannot see the appealing side of me, so it’s just... it’s weird for me to actually realize you like that. You actually,” you gulp, “like me,”
“I’ll say it as many times as I need to, [Y/N]. You’re perfect in my eyes. I want you to see that in your eyes, too,”
“I cannot, if ever, do that. Sorry,” you just shrug, going back to lay down. It isn’t long until he’s straddling you. “What are you doing?”
“I want to make you see things how I do. You gave me this,” he gestured to the bulge in his sweatpants. Looking at it too long scares you, the size scaring you more. “I want you,”
“Oh my god, I’m being dead serious now: you are not gonna like what you see. I’m not attractive, Bo,”
“Let me be the judge of that, hm?” It’s the only thing he says, but you hesitantly nod. He smiles and as much as you want to enjoy it, you’re still shaking. You have no idea what’s coming next, you don’t know what he’s gonna do once he sees what’s underneath and it scares you. So badly. His hands go underneath your—his hoodie, running over your skin. “If you’re scared, I can stop. I don’t want to push you into anything,”
“It’s not that, I just can’t see what you see. But I want to. I want to see myself in your eyes, if you can do that,”
“All you gotta do is give me a signal if you want me to stop. I’ll try my best but you’re gonna have to relax, baby,” he has no idea what his words are doing to you. You just nod as he smiles, leaning down to kiss your forehead. He isn’t rough and excited, but rather gentle and soothing. Hands running under the hoodie eventually go up to the zipper, slowly pulling it down. It’s a small thing, but you notice his eyes flickering to your face for any sign of distress. Evening your breathing, you let him completely pull the zipper down as your skin is completely bare to him. You hide your face in shame, ready to apologize and have a million excuses lined up, but he doesn’t let that happen when he starts licking your chest.
“Oh!” Your hands thread through his hair, softer than you expected as it barely brushes against your skin. His eyes are still on you, your fingers moving his strands away so he could clearly see you and you, him. The way his predatory gaze latches onto your face has heat pooling between your legs, rubbing them together to create some kind of friction. Keeping his tongue connected to your skin, his eyes on yours, he moves onto one of your breasts. Popping your nipple into his mouth, he swirls the perked nipple in his mouth as his hand tweaks your other nipple. You’re panting, your head is thrown back as he continues. Soon enough, just rolling your nipples in between his fingers is not enough.
Gathering spit in his mouth, he lets it dribble onto your skin. It’s warm and slick, when he smears it across your other breast as goes back to tweaking your nipples. You look down at what he’s doing only to find him grinning devilishly at you. He then goes down to your stomach, biting into the flesh there. “Bokuto!”
“What? I just wanna taste you,” he shrugs, before licking the area he bit. He has a lot of spit, too, sucking into your flesh and leaving behind a bite mark and his saliva. It’s.. kind of gross, but hot. When he comes back up to your face, he pushes his lips against yours so forcefully that you’re reeling back, mouth opening as he slips his tongue in. It’s a deep, passionate kiss as he runs his hands over your body, squeezing anything he can as he slips his fingers into your pants. “May I?”
“Of course.” Once he has the okay, he moves back down, occasionally leaving love bites as he does. Pulling down your pants, he finds himself face to face with your damp panties. You don’t have time to get embarrassed, however, when he sticks his nose into your crotch and licks the fabric. “What is up with you and licking?” You giggle, finding humor in it. He just pops back up, shrugging. You giggle again, throwing your head back in the pillows. He goes to pull down your panties, sliding them down your legs until they’re completely off. Except for his hoodie, you’re completely naked.
Now if only you could have his cum in you, then would his wet dream be complete. However, there was one more thing he’s always wanted to try, but he’s worried you’ll be against it. “Babe?”
“Is something wrong?”
“No! No! Nothing’s wrong!” He hates how your mind immediately goes negative. Your shoulders relax and your wide eyes slowly lessen as you realize nothing wrong, yet. “Um, can you sit on my face?”
“Bokuto, I don’t-“
“C’mon, please? I’ve always wanted to try it! Especially between them delicious thick thighs of yours,” he then licked his lips with a resounding moan. Although embarrassed, you roll your eyes.
“If I’m too heavy, let me know. I’ll— I’ll get off,” you prop yourself up on your hands, feeling his spit ooze down your body. “You have a lot of spit. Reminds me of how much you sweat,”
“I produce a lot of liquids, y’know?” If it wasn’t for his wiggling eyebrows as he widely grins, you would not know he meant it to be sexual.
“Lay down!”
“Yes, ma’am,” he excitedly gets on his back, his bulge much more prominent than before now that it’s just there. You can see it. You’re still hesitant, but eventually move to straddle his face. He helps you, easily maneuvering your dripping cunt over his mouth. With his strong hands, he forces you down on top of him to the point where your legs can’t keep you up. You attempt to get up, afraid you’re crushing him but he keeps you firmly planted on his face.
A growl erupts from his throat when he gets tired of your squirming, you halting your movements as you try to calm down. His thumbs run over the skin of your thighs to try and soothe you. And it works. You’re feeling lightheaded as he sucks and licks your cunt and probably makes it messier than it is. He brushes his teeth over your clit, sending shivers down your spine as you moan from the feeling. With a grin, you can tell, he gets to work on tongue fucking you as well as sucking on your clit. It isn’t long until your fingernails are digging into his abdomen as you let out a high moan as you come undone on his face. He moans himself, using his thick tongue to gather up every ounce you produced. He also makes a loud slurping noise as he cleans it up.
You move off of him, panting as you look at him. He looks absolutely blissed out, like he saw Nirvana and Heaven all at once. You smile at him, his own smile wide and proud. He immediately gets up, pushing hips lips against yours once more as he licks the corners of your mouth. He is quickly moving to pull down his sweatpants and boxers, but hesitates. “You sure you want this?”
“You aren’t allowed to stop now,” you giggle as he glows, pulling down his pants. Your eyes go wide as you realize how big he actually is. The bulge in his pants was nothing. It is scary, you wondering if it’ll fit.
“Everything okay? Do you— Do you not want it?” He sounds so sad, you immediately coo at him, forgetting the third leg he has.
“No, no, no baby! It’s just— you’re very big. I did not expect that. Just be gentle, yeah?”
“Of course!” Another kiss to your lips, this one more of a peck than a passionate open mouthed kiss. “Can you get on your hands and knees?” You listen to him, rolling over on your stomach before getting in position. This way, you don’t have to worry about seeing him and can focus on what he’s doing, so it’s better in a way. Really, Bokuto just wants to end the night with you on your back and he plans on having you shaking from multiple orgasms before it’s over. He guides his cock to your entrance, a shaky breath leave him as his tip brushes against your folds. You shiver yourself, feeling yourself about to cry, but you wait.
Once he pushes into you, the tears come out for a different reason. “I’m sorry, it’ll feel better in a moment,” he licks your cheek, nuzzling you. You nod as you try to relax, him continuing to push into you. It isn’t until he nudged against your cervix does he stop. Even then, he is still not completely in you. He focuses on evening his breathing, inhaling your shampooed hair. It’s hard to not blow his load so quickly, you squeezing him so tightly. You’re nice and snug, though, your walls eventually relaxing as he stays inside.
“You can— you can move, Bo,”
“Fuck yeah,” he grunts, pulling out only to roughly thrust into you. You lurch forward from the thrust, immediately dropping your mouth open to moan as he sets a steady pace. It’s not fast or slow, but he’s definitely rough with his thrusts. It’s the grunts that really do you in, the way his hands grab at your ass and hips, sounds of pleasure coming from his as sinks his cock into your cunt that has you tightening around him. With a mewl, you have another orgasm and he curses, a low “shit” coming out as he struggles to pull out. He leans down to put his mouth next to your ear, biting the shell as he continues. He doesn’t even break a sweat as he does, stilling himself deep inside you as he lets out a low groan, your eyes scrunch together as you whimper. His cum fills you up to the brim, his hips swiveling to make sure he’s all done.
Well, for that round.
You’re panting heavily as he leaves you, leaning back as he watches your legs shake. His cum oozes out of you, your cunt clenching as it makes more pour out. It’s a beautiful reality, but he wants more. You’re soon flipped onto your back as he is over you again, his hands on the back of your knees, pushing them up. It’s not uncomfortable, but it’s not a very comfortable position, either. Confusion is etched in your face as he does, but his lidded eyes as he licks his lips tell you he’s not done. You’re exhausted, but he’s not.
He wastes no time in sinking himself back into you, his eyes focused on your face as you moan. His grin is almost evil, the way his lips stretch as he bottoms out inside you before roughly thrusting into you. It didn’t take long for another orgasm to start to buildup in you, your head thrown back as your back arches, your head turned to the side as he leans down to lick and bite your collarbone, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. His hands find yours, intertwining his fingers with yours as he brings them up to your head. You focus on the way his arms flex, the muscles bulging with each thrusts as he puts every ounce of effort into the action. It really shows to how much he loves you and your body.
Even with all the marks on your body, even with all the places he’s touched and licked, that gnawing thought of you worrying nags him. The thought that you’ll still not know just how much he loves you. The thought that you’ll think it was a one time thing. He needs to know you know. He needs to know you’re seeing things in his perspective now. One hand leaves yours, it finding itself around your throat.
“Say my name,” he grunts, alternating his gaze between your face and his cock disappearing inside you. It’s something he’ll never get over. Maybe next time, he can record you two.
“No, my given name. I want you to scream it,” his grip on your neck gets tighter, your walls tightening at the same time. He groans as he throws his head back, his thrusts slowing down as he drags his cock against your walls. “I want your neighbors to know who’s fucking you,”
“You, Kōtarō!” You loudly moan, humming in pleasure as he picks up the pace.
“Who’s making you feel this good? Who does your little cunt belong to?”
“God, you! It belongs to Kōtarō!” You scream, your eyes rolling back as his hands go back to under your knees, pushing them up to your chest. It’s hard to breathe, but you’re clamping down on his cock as a sheen of white forms around it, your slick dripping down your ass and down his balls. The last urge he needed to fuck you like an animal was that, you screaming his name. Your ands wrap around his neck, the material of his jacket rubbing against his thick neck as your nails take down his back. Hissing, he fucks you faster and harder, determination set to get you to one more orgasm. It doesn’t take long, your mouth hanging open as you come undone for one last time, him burying himself as far as he can as he spills another load into you. It’s heavy and fulfilling, but it’s wonderful. A wonderful feeling of being loved.
As you both come down from your highs, he gives you another sloppy kiss. Instead of pulling out, he released your legs and lays on his side, taking you with him.
“Shouldn’t we clean up?”
“That can wait. I don’t wanna leave quite yet,” he pants out, another sloppy kiss. Like he can’t get enough.
Really though, he can’t. He loves you too much
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bobohu4eva · 3 years
Pink Lace - Chapter 6
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader (feat. EXO members)
Genre: College AU, stripper AU, fluff, smut, slow burn
Summary: Baekhyun, a philosophy professor with mysterious wealth, got himself completely fucked over a girl who can’t let him into her life.
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: sex work, mentions of sexual assault, adult themes/situations, eventual smut
Tag list: @smolbeanmika @leave-me-in-the-summertime @totallynerdstuff @bbhmystar @nana-banana @kimyhappy @thegreatandi @geniusloey @deligxt @baekswifey @bbhyun506 @lovebuginlove @bellamendoza @baekyeonoreo @bobohumyonlyboo
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You didn’t sleep. It just wasn’t possible, not when your mind was still going 500 miles per hour replaying every little detail of your time together in Baekhyun’s office. The way he sucked on the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, how you felt him dig into your hip as he’d sandwiched you between himself and the wall. Your entire stomach felt like it might leave your body if you didn’t get a hold of yourself. What end it would come out of, you had yet to decide on. 
The night dragged on and on and eventually you gave up, knowing it wasn’t going to happen. Sleep was not an option when your brain felt like it was running a marathon with you powerless to stop it. The thought just would not stop. Your own hormone filled brain had you by the balls.
Eventually you dragged your groggy self into the shower in an attempt to wake back up. The second you felt the hot water pour over your skin, you felt some of the tension in your muscles dissipate. It was like you could finally breathe deeply again, the heat forcing your body to relax, at least physically.
 By the time you were out of the shower it was around 5:00am. When you stepped out and began to dry yourself off you noticed the trail of dark purple marks going all the way from your neck down to your collarbones. Damn genetics for making you bruise so easily. You internally cursed yourself for letting him leave marks on you at all, but of course that had been the last thing on your mind in the moment. Mia would immediately have something to say when she saw them too, and you were not ready to recant the events of the night prior out loud to her. 
Seeing as it was already the early morning you decided it would be best to just get ready and get out of the house so you wouldn’t have to face her yet. You did your usual routine, and decided that after all the stress you’d been through in the last several hours, you’d treat yourself to breakfast at your favorite bakery. It was a quaint little place only a few blocks away that had amazing croissants and coffee and you figured it would at least temporarily help block out the crippling thoughts of his teeth grazing against the skin of your neck. Why the fuck did it have to feel that good?? 
You didn’t bother trying to cover the marks. It was far too warm still to wear anything like a turtleneck and you knew they were too dark for concealer to work. Damn his beautiful lips for creating something so visible yet so blasphemous.
After finishing your usual morning routine, you headed to the café and ordered your favorite. 
Croissant in hand, you were flipping through a book, sitting and enjoying your coffee when you heard your name, and looked up to see a familiar man, tall and slightly dorky looking, gazing down at you. 
“Yeah that's me, Chanyeol, right?” You asked.
“Yeah...” He stared down at you with an unreadable look on his face, and you wondered if he would force you to talk to him. You had only met Chanyeol once before, the first night he brought Baekhyun to your work. “Can I sit down?” 
“Uh... I guess. How do you know my name?” 
In all honesty you really did not want him to sit down with you. Of course he would want to talk about Baekhyun. You’d have rather poured your hot coffee down your pants than talked to him in that moment. This was exactly what you’d come here to avoid but the universe just had not been on your side lately. 
“Baekhyun told me. I’m glad I ran into you, I’ve never seen you here before, I always get my coffee here in the morning.”
“Well I’m usually not much of a morning person.” You replied, eyes on your coffee as you raised the mug to your lips, hoping it would magically invigorate you with the energy to have this conversation. It didn’t. 
“I actually need to talk to you about him.”
You immediately groaned in frustration. “Does this have to happen right now? I’m trying to have a relaxing morning and I’d really rather not talk about him right now.” You looked at him with a face that more or less said ‘please for the love of god just leave me alone’ but unfortunately for you he was quite determined, so he sat down across from you anyway. This stranger was really about to ruin your desperate attempt at a peaceful morning. 
“Just.. please be careful with him.” He started. “He’s the best person I know and he’s been through a lot recently. I don’t know what your intentions are with him but he likes you a lot and I don’t want to see him get hurt even more than he already has been.” 
You sighed. You could see where he was coming from. Anyone would be worried about their friend if they were in his situation. He probably thought you still only wanted Baekhyun’s money, that you were just the stripper who hit the jackpot with a guy who’s rich and nice. It was a realistic thing to be worried about. Customers like him were definitely the most profitable and girls would string them along all the time knowing how attached they were and take their money anyway. The more they thought they actually had a chance, the more they were generally willing to spend, too.  
“If you think I’m just using him for his money, I’m really not. I don’t know how much he’s told you, but last time he paid me I even tried to give it back.”
“Yeah he told me about that, so I figured you weren’t all bad, but still. And he talks to me about you a lot. It almost makes me regret bringing him to the club in the first place. If you end up screwing him over I’ll feel like it’s my fault too you know. That’s why I knew I had to say something when I saw you.” 
“You’re a good friend. But you really don’t need to be worried.” 
He raised an eyebrow, obviously not convinced. “Does he know you’re seeing other people?” 
You gave him a puzzled look, but quickly understood when his eyes drifted down to the marks decorating the skin of your neck. You knew he was only asking to protect his friend, but the accusing look on his face irked you anyway. Blood was already rushing to your cheeks at the thought of having to tell him where they’d really come from. 
“I, um, I’m actually not seeing other people...” You crossed your arms over your chest, slumping down into your seat in a subconscious effort to hide. By now you knew you were probably red all over, easily giving you away. The feeling of dread made its way back into your stomach, and your croissant didn’t even seem appealing to you anymore. “You haven’t talked to him since last night have you?” 
 His eyes went so wide you worried for a moment that they might pop right out of his skull and roll across the table and into your lap. 
“Did he..?” You nodded slowly, desperately trying to avoid giving him any of the thrilling details. “You guys slept together? You didn’t just come from his place did you? You didn’t just leave? I swear to god if you-”
“No!” You quickly clarified. “We didn’t sleep together, and I never went to his house, we just, um..” Your guts felt like they were about to end up on the table again, but Chanyeol was still looking at you expectantly. “I needed help with an assignment so I went to his office last night... we kissed, but that’s all.” 
“Quite some kiss it seems...” He said staring at the path of blue and purple that went all the way from below your ear to the hem of your shirt. And oh how he was right. It really had been something. Never in your life had a kiss affected you as much as Baekhyun’s had. Of course it had been much much more than just one little kiss, but there was no way you were going to say any more. The feeling of your stomach desperately trying to escape your body was too strong and you liked this café too much to get kicked out for vomiting all over the booth. 
“I thought more was gonna happen but he kind of threw me out of his office before we could, you know...” 
“He threw you out?” 
“Yeah, like grabbed my arm, dragged me into the hallway, and slammed the door behind him.” 
“Jesus what a dumbass.” You heard him whisper. “Do you like him the same way he likes you though?” You hesitated for a moment, but nodded again, and immediately noticed how his face lit up. “You know I really thought you were just going with it for the money. I’m glad you actually care about him as a person.” 
 “I mean I’ve known him a while now, how could I not...” You found yourself staring down at your hands as you fidgeted nervously, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of you. “Even if he wasn’t my professor now, he’s still just a good guy. I’ve never had a customer like him before. As dumb as it is, I’d be stupid not to like him, he makes it too easy.”
At that point Chanyeol was smiling widely back at you. “He’s an amazing guy, and he’s crazy about you. You won’t regret it.” A smile plastered itself onto your face as well, satisfied with his comment. “You know at first when me and the other guys found out he was coming back to see you every weekend we gave him so much shit.” 
You laughed, because you could imagine it perfectly. It honestly was quite stupid of him to get involved with a stripper of all people. You saw how many times guys would try to start something real with you or the other girls at your work only to leave with a broken heart and empty pockets, but that was just a part of your job. When you were first starting out you’d feel bad for them sometimes, but eventually you got used to it. These men weren’t exactly the pinnacle of society anyway, you told yourself. It didn’t help that those guys were always willing to spend more money too. They were really just screwing themselves over. It’s silly to expect anything real from a woman whose job it is to take money in exchange for temporary affection. Technically Baekhyun was also just another one of those stupid men who got themselves in too deep with someone completely unattainable, only now you actually liked him too.
“He is an idiot for that, for sure, but I’m just as much of an idiot for liking him back so I guess he won.” You laughed together, and you were beginning to feel much more at ease with him and with the conversation, thank heavens. 
“Thanks for letting me sit down, you really have no idea how much of a relief this is.” You rolled your eyes, you hadn’t allowed him to do anything, he’d just done it anyway. “I was so worried I got him into something that would hurt him even more. Women tend to really fuck him over.” 
His last statement puzzled you. Was he talking about Baekhyun’s ex? Sure what she did was awful, but had things really ended that badly? From the brief talk you’d had with him about her he didn’t seem to be that affected anymore but that was only one conversation. 
“Can I ask what the deal is with his ex?” Chanyeol leaned back, crossing his arms. His brows were furrowed, looking agitated by your question. “Sorry if that’s too far but I feel like that’s kind of important and I know almost nothing about her.” 
“She’s fucking bitch is all you need to know.” He scoffed. “They were together for 4 years and the whole time she treated him like a doormat. I never liked her. But it’s not really my place to talk.” 
“Oh... Sorry for asking, It’s just I found some pictures on Facebook when I looked him up. They looked really happy, she’s really pretty too.” You felt slightly embarrassed at your own words, but the curiosity was killing you. 
“Sure she looks nice but she’s a goddamn demon on the inside and they definitely weren’t happy, although she loved to make it look like they were so their families would keep being supportive. He deserves someone who actually gives a shit about him as a person, and not just what he can offer them. He cares about the people around him too much sometimes. Even when she’d treat him like shit he’d make excuses for her, saying she was dealing with things too, or some other bullshit.” 
Your heart ached. “Was he really upset when she left?”
You heard him let out a disappointed sigh, and knew the answer was yes. “Of course he knew she was only trying to use him for his money at that point, he’s not stupid, but when you’ve spent years of your life trying to make something work it still sucks when it ends. His parents really liked her too, they would get onto him all the time about why he hadn’t married her yet or given them grandkids. Thank god he didn’t. I think that’s what made it really sting when she left though. She didn’t just betray him she betrayed them too.” 
“What a bitch...” You were in disbelief that anyone could treat someone as wonderful as him so cruelly. The idea of him having possibly married her made you feel sick all over again.
“Yeah, she’s pretty much a megacunt. Thank god you seem to have a conscience.” He joked.
“I’m not gonna hurt him if I can help it. He’s so sweet I don’t think I’d ever forgive myself if I did.” 
“Well I’m glad to hear it.” He gave you a deep-dimpled smile and you laughed. “I’ll leave you alone now, I have work to get to, but thank you again for talking to me.”
“No problem.” You smiled back. “Hopefully you like me better than her already.” You joked. 
“That doesn’t take much” he laughed “but yes, definitely.” He got up and waved you goodbye, leaving you to enjoy the rest of your breakfast. 
In the end you were glad you’d run into him. You hadn’t given much thought to what Baekhyun’s friends might think about you, but it was a relief that the person closest to him didn’t just think you were using him for his money anymore. Obviously everything about your relationship with Baekhyun looked terrible on paper, and being able to explain your intentions made it feel like there was weight lifted off your chest that you hadn’t even known was there. 
Baekhyun woke up to his phone blowing up with messages from Chanyeol. Unlike you, he’d slept like a baby once the excitement of the evening had worn off a bit. 
Chanyeol: (7:23am) Just got done talking to your new gf, you seemed to have a fun night. About time you finally made a move on her.   
Chanyeol: (7:46am) You better call me when you wake up and tell me what the hell went down though. 
Chanyeol: (8:37am) Dude you’re killing me 
Baekhyun groaned when he read the messages, mind immediately thinking about all the embarrassing things Chanyeol could’ve possibly told you. Of course he talked to his best friend about you all the time, but you didn’t need to know that. His hands felt clammy as he began typing out a response
Baekhyun: (9:04am) What the hell did you guys talk about??? 
Chanyeol: (9:06am) She didn’t need to say much, you made things pretty clear with the way you attacked her neck, that shit looked intense. Good for you bro. 
Baekhyun quickly dialed his friend’s number, and not even one ring in he picked up. 
“What the fuck?” Baekhyun started, a bit too loud for how early it still was. “Why were you talking to her? What did you say to her? I swear to god if you told her some dumb shit I’m gonna-” 
“Relax! You know I’m a good wingman! I ran into her at the café and just wanted to make sure she wasn’t still leading you on for the money or anything so we talked for a little while. But she seems to genuinely care about you, I think she likes you a lot actually.” 
Baekhyun felt his heart skip a beat at his friend’s statement. Of course he figured you liked him after what had happened in his office, especially since you’d said it to him directly, but the fact that you had discussed your feelings for him with his best friend made it feel even better. He still thought that maybe you’d regret it in the morning, or it was just hormones that led you to act the way you did.
“What did she say?” 
“Well at first I thought she’d let someone else mark her up like that so I called her out, but then she told me what happened in your office last night. Well, sort of.” 
“Sort of?” 
“She didn’t seem to really want to talk about it in detail so I didn’t make her, but any girl would have to be crazy about a guy to him them maul their neck like that. I thought y’all had gotten into some weird BDSM shit at first. And why the fuck did you kick the poor girl out of your office? Are you dumb? You were totally about to get some.” 
“Because we were in my office.” 
“So? That’s pretty hot if you ask me.” 
“I just... I like her too much to end up fucking on the desk in my office like some sort of horny animal. I need to do it right, she deserves that much.” 
“That’s up to you, but man you must have some serious self control. She’s really hot.” 
“Watch it buddy.” Baekhyun said, trying to sound as threatening as one can over the phone. “What else did she tell you?”
“That was pretty much it about last night, she did ask about Jisoo though. I’m telling you she’s into you if she wants to know about your ex.” 
Even just the mention of her was enough to sour Baekhyun’s good mood. 
“What did you tell her about her?” 
“That I think she’s a massive bitch, obviously. And that you deserve better than that.”
Baekhyun stayed silent. He knew Chanyeol was right of course, she wasn’t a good person and he was better off now without her in his life but the way he talked about her still bothered him. 
“You don’t have to call her a bitch every time she comes up, I know she’s far from perfect but she’s still a person you know.” 
“Why are you even defending her? She fucked you up. And you actually seem to have found a girl who isn’t going to step all over you this time. So don’t ruin it.” 
“I’m not going to. Or at least I’m gonna try my best. I like this girl a lot.” 
“I know, you never shut the hell up about her. And she likes you enough to be stressing about your ex, so relax. She’s into you.” 
A small smile pulled at Baekhyun’s lips. After all this time, you really did like him. How fucking cool was that? The hottest girl at the strip club, who he’d fallen head over heels for like some dumb kid, was into him for real now. 
“Thanks bro, I needed to hear that.” 
“I know, I’m the best. So when are you asking her out?” 
Baekhyun felt stupid for not having considered that yet. Technically he was still just your professor/customer with benefits, but that definitely wasn’t the title he wanted to keep forever. 
“Shit I don’t know... Where do I even take her? What do I do? I haven’t had to do this in years.” 
“She’s a college student, I’m sure a nice dinner would impress her enough. You just have to do better than those greasy kids she goes to school with.” Chanyeol suggested casually, but Baekhyun wasn’t having it. 
“I want to do something special, not just some lame dinner. I’m sure she’s had plenty of college boys take her out to expensive restaurants with daddy’s money before. I have to do better than that.”  He was pacing now, trying to think of what the hell people even did for first dates aside from get food or see a movie. 
“Do something different then, drive her out into the country and prepare a nice picnic or something and watch the sunset together, girls love romantic shit like that.” 
“First I have to ask her out though, maybe I should bring some chocolate and flowers too. I want it to be perfect. And for her to say yes.”
“I know you’ll do great, don’t worry about it too much, she already likes you anyway. She’s gonna say yes. Just don’t say anything weird and she’ll totally fall in love with you.”
“I hope you’re right.” 
“I’m always right.”
It was getting later and later in the morning and Baekhyun needed to actually start getting work done, so he ended the call there. 
He had come up with some ideas for the date throughout the day, but they would all require quite some planning. He was going to do whatever he could to make sure you were thoroughly swept off your feet, he wouldn’t accept anything less than that. 
First though, he had to make sure you’d agree to go at all. 
The rest of your Thursday was spent more or less successfully getting Baekhyun off your mind with various school work and other mundane tasks. You’d stayed on campus, still avoiding Mia but eventually your classes were over and you needed to get back home. You knew you’d have to face her eventually anyway and at least now you’d had enough time to chill out about it a little.
Unfortunately for you Mia was in the living room when you entered the apartment, and within seconds her eyes traveled to your neck and she squealed with delight. 
“Sorry to disappoint.” You responded, cringing and taking your shoes before going to sit with her on the couch. 
“But something happened! Tell me everything!!”    
So you did. Right down to his dick stabbing you through his pants and how he kicked you out of his office. Unlike Chanyeol, you knew she wouldn’t leave you alone until she knew everything, and in great detail, so you didn’t hold back. 
You felt all the emotions from the previous night rushed back to you as you got into the intricacies of the kiss itself. This was exactly what you knew would happen, and why you’d been avoiding it. The whole time Mia just stared and nodded, seemingly fascinated by your thrilling tale. You were thankful she hadn’t made fun of you at all for how flustered you were getting while talking about it. 
When you were finally done retelling everything, she didn’t speak. Instead she pulled you into a tight hug. 
“You like him a lot, I can tell. And he has a lot of respect for you if he had enough self control to make you leave before more could happen. I think he could be really great for you.” She pulled back to look at you, keeping both hands on your shoulders. “And I’ve never heard you talk about a guy like that before.” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever liked someone the way I like him. He’s not some college boy, he’s a real man. It just feels different. Much more... real.” 
“Do you want something real with him? More than just a fling?” You nodded. “Do you think he’ll ask you out on a real date?” 
“I hope so.” 
“I hope so too. I’m sure he’ll come up with something amazing for you guys.” She smiled, lightly punching your shoulder in excitement. 
You felt elated to finally have gotten everything off your chest. Talking about it really hadn’t been that bad, if anything it only strengthened how you felt for him.
“I’m really lucky, aren’t I?” You asked, letting yourself fall backwards to lay across the couch. 
“Duh. You found a super cute, nice, and rich guy who thinks you’re the greatest thing since sliced bread. Any girl would envy you.” Her eyes went wide, and you could practically see the lightbulb manifest itself and flicker on over her head. “He has hot friends right?” 
You laughed, amused by her usual boy craziness. “Yeah, he has some pretty cute friends but I don’t really know any of them, give me some time and I’ll report back to you if any of them are available.” 
For some reason, you didn’t tell her about your conversation with Chanyeol. Maybe it was what he’d said about Baekhyun’s ex that was still hanging in the back of your mind, but it didn’t seem like something you needed to bring up to her now anyways. 
“Well, please do let me know.” She responded, grinning, getting up from the couch and making her way into the kitchen. 
“Aye aye captain.” You shot a thumbs up at her from the couch, giggling. 
She ended up cooking dinner for the both of you, and you spent the rest of the evening collectively fantasizing about what sort of extravagant outing he’d take you on once he asked you on an official date. 
You couldn’t wait.  
Next Chapter
A/N: Just wanna say I love Jisoo and used her name purely to convey the characters appearance! She in no way represents the real Jisoo who is obviously a wonderful girl :)  also if the spacing is weird on mobile I blame the fact that I wrote this on my laptop 🥴 sorry
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Hello!! I love how you write your stories! Is it okay if I request a story about Peter figuring out he can move/control metal while hanging out with the other x-men? And he accidentally makes them all start floating (because he's controlling the metal in their clothing) and everyone is trying to get him to calm down? Maybe even throw in some dadneto?
Hey Love ❤️ really sorry about the wait work has been a real bitch lately. I promise I haven’t forgotten any of you.
Pairing: mostly just dadneto but it does have a pinch of cherik because it’s canon in my mind
Warnings: my language but that’s about it
Summary: Peter becomes a human magnet 🧲
Peter didn’t get upset often, he was the type to bottle his emotions until they exploded from the internal pressure. He had been shoving down his feelings about Erik for over ten years now and unknowingly shoving down his secondary mutation from manifesting along with said emotions. But like with all things emotions can’t be stamped out they will come out sometime if you don’t deal with them and it’s usually at the worst moment possible.
Peter’s moment came in a petty argument with Scott. Something a twenty six year old shouldn’t be doing especially with someone nearly ten years younger than them. It wasn’t even a good argument; it was over something as asinine as whether Peters silver pants were lame or not.
Peter and the kids had been chilling in one of the common areas. The kids pretty much flocked to Peter like a cool older brother. It had made him uncomfortable at first, he didn’t want to be that guy who hung out with teenagers. Adults that hung out with kids were weird, he was much more comfortable hanging out with Raven. He just wished she would drop the whole you should talk to your dad thing.
“Nice pants” Scott had scoffed at the speedster who only raised his eyebrow at the kid.
“Thank you, I spray painted them myself,” Peter informed him, his eyes twinkling. This only seemed to piss off Scott even more, he wanted to argue and it seemed like Peter wasn’t having it.
“Oh we can all see that” Scott scoffed and Peter felt a small thread of irritation run through him. Scott was notoriously a shit stirrer and liked to get under people’s skin.
“Nobody likes a bully, Scott,” Jean said without looking up from the copy of Hamlet she was reading. Scott looked properly chastised after being called out by his girlfriend. Peter knew that wouldn’t keep his mouth shut long.
“Yell nobody likes looking at a metallic eyesore” Scott laughed and Peter could feel his irritation building up. Jean huffed and got up just in time to drag scot away. It was too late though the emotions had already started to bubble up and instead of word vomit all the loose metal in the room started to levitate.
Once the objects were floating they started shooting towards Peter causing him to make a very “manly” squeal of surprise. Jean and Scott who had been in the doorway about to exit stopped to stare.
“What the hell” he yelled, unable to unstick any of the metal that had become attached to his person. Peter could feel the panic and anxiety start to build up which only threw his new found powers even more out of control. He tried shaking at superspeed to get the metal to fall off.
“I’m gonna go get the professor” Kurt declared with wide eyes when he saw that Peter was not in control. Kurt was gone with a bamf up to the professor’s study. Unfortunately for Peter or some might say it was fortunate, his father Erik happened to be up there playing chess with the professor.
Erik blinked in surprise when the blue child teleported directly into Charles’ study. His surprise quickly turned to irritation, he was reminded again that this was a school and there would be no peace. His irritation then turned to slight guilt when he saw Charles’ worried face.
“What is wrong my boy?” Charles asked the nervous blue child. He couldn’t be more than 15, still all gangly limbs and awkward stares.
“It’s Peter, everything is sticking to him!” The frazzled teenager yelped. Erik felt an inexplicable rush of concern for the silver haired mutant. He had grown to like the boy in the brief time that he had known him.
“Kurt would you be kind enough to take us to Peter” Charles’ voice sounded right like he knew something and wasn’t sharing the information. Kurt nodded, taking each of the men’s arms. With a bamf the three were in one of the common rooms.
Erik for all that he had seen in his life could honestly say he had never been more stunned. There standing by the sofa was Peter covered in metal odds and ends looking completely miserable with a teaspoon stuck to his cheek. Erik stared mouth agape at the sight before him.
“It seems Peter has manifested a secondary mutation” Charles' voice brought Erik out of his stunned stupor. Peter, who had only just noticed the two new arrivals turned lobster red with embarrassment and began frantically shaking his limbs trying to dislodge the metal from his person.
“Peter, you need to calm down, only that will free the metal, Charles' voice cut through the chaos. Peter froze resembling a child with their hand caught in the cookie tin.
“Students please clear the room please,” he continued and the students dutifully filed out of the room leaving just Peter, Charles and Erik. Erik took the time that Peter was standing still to study the boy with his new knowledge. He hadn’t noticed before, his shock of silver hair and loud clothing drew one's eye away from his facial features. Peter had a very familiar face, he had Magda’s smile. He also had Erik’s nose and his Mama’s eyes. Erik was floored how he could have missed something so glaringly obvious.
Peter was his child, his adult child. He had missed out on his child’s entire life. He refused to miss a minute more he would be there for Peter no matter what, the Brotherhood be damned. Nothing came before his family, not even mutant kind.
Peter was following Charles' instructions , breathing in deep and holding them before letting them out. Slowly the bits of metal began to drop from Peter’s body.
“That’s it Peter, find your happiest memory” Erik suggested, coming to lay a hand on the boy’s shoulder. Peter’s breathing stuttered at the physical contact but quickly evened out again. It took Erik and Charles another fifteen minutes but soon Peter was completely calm and a pile of metal lay at his feet.
“Peter, can we talk?” Erik asked, Peter’s eyes went wide but he nodded. Charles excused himself without a word and Erik made a mental note to confront his lover about keeping things from him.
“So...what did you want to talk about?” Peter asked laughing nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“You said something to me ten years ago, with the chaos I didn’t have time to give it thought,” Erik started and Peter made an audible gulping noise in the back of his throat.
“Huh? Did I, about karate I think?” Peter deflected, uncomfortable with the building tension.
“No Peter, I think you know what I’m referring to. You mentioned something about your mother knowing someone who could bend metal.” Erik stated pointedly but not unkindly.
“Uh yeah” he rubbed even more furiously at the back of his neck.
“Yes and now you are experiencing a secondary metallokinesis mutation. Tell me Peter, was your mother’s name Magda?” He asked and Peter could feel all the emotional walls he had built crumble.
“Yes” Peter answered looking anywhere but at his father. That’s why he didn’t see it coming when he was suddenly wrapped in Erik’s long armed embrace.
As always thank you for reading. Feel free to drop an ask.
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luvspence · 3 years
darling, you’re the one i want
spencer reid x reader
{im not quite sure this is how a song fic works but this is basically stolen from paper rings by taylor swift, i’m using the lyrics as like prompt one liner things?????? idk bare with me}
- 1,3,4 are mainly fluff but 2 is a lot of fighting and bickering
i want to drive away with you
“do you ever feel”
you took a pause in the middle of your thought, spencer spun around in his chair to face you
“indeed, i do feel”
“shut up i’m thinking” you said as you laughed and slapped him on the arm
“do you ever feel like, trapped? like boxed in almost”
he chewed on the end of his pen
“i guess? elaborate”
“well, i love my life. i have no regrets. but sometimes i feel like just running into the streets and screaming and keep running and never stopping? just fleeing in a sense”
“yeah, i get that. sort of an intrusive liberating type thought”
“exactly” you said tapping your finger to yourself head, a few seconds of silence passed before you spoke again
“i want to drive away with you”
spencer looked at you in confusion
“you’re all i need, seriously. i love everything in our lives right now i do, but i could go without all of it, besides you”
he rolled his chair up next to your and caught your hand in his
“i’d get up right now, keys in the ignition, and i’d drive into nowhere with you y/n. you’re it for me”
i want your complications too
you chased spencer up the stair way
he turned around
“listen to me would you? every time i open my mouth it seems that you turn off your ears”
“i’m all ears y/l/n” he said, giving you more attitude than necessary, but you were having a hard time getting through to him
“that was unbelievably stupid! you could’ve gotten yourself killed! spencer this isn’t the first time, let alone the second, let alone the 7th time you’ve put yourself in harms way! this is so dumb spencer you understand this shit but you still are reckless! and don’t give me that crap about calculated risks”
you were fuming at him
“so what i’m alive, so is our victim what more do you want?”
“why are you turning this on me? i don’t want shit from you spencer! it’s not what i want! it’s your life! my god i shouldn’t have to justify to my colleague, god to my friend why i care about them being alive!”
“well i am alive. so i don’t know why you’re so bothered y/n it’s like your my mother or something” he said as he continued walking up the stair case
“no, you don’t get to do that. you don’t get to put your life on the line and then treat me like i’m the irrational one. painting me as the villain when i only just care about you”
“why do you care so much?”
“because i’m your friend?! because i love you?!”
he ignored you and resumed walking up the stairs
“you know what spencer? it’s because i love you. it’s because i love you so much that it affects my sleep. so much that i always make you coffee when you come in. so much that no matter what i’m doing, where i’m doing or who i’m doing it with, you’re always on my mind. the problem is spencer, not that i love you, that i’m IN love with you. and even at that you can’t seem to let me in. so i don’t know what the fuck to do anymore”
a tear fell down your cheek as you slammed the door and left
spencer standing dead in his tracks on the stair case. honestly wanting to vomit
you spent the rest of your day scream crying. so many emotions that you couldn’t quite process anything
you were laying on your couch, radio head on your phone, dried tears on your cheeks when your heard the doorbell ring
you go and open it
you stood in your doorway, looking at each other with swollen eyes
silence, 2 seemingly frozen bodies
until spencer opened his mouth
“look, i’m sorry.”
“yeah me too”
you were sick of him, sick of how he couldn’t communicate, of how blind he could be. but something about his face was so so good. you were about to shut the door in frustration before spencer started to speak again 
“and with what you said, about the love thing...”
he took a big gulp 
“i do too. i love you too. i mean i’m in love with you too”
what. the. fuck.
between the shock and the upset you were feeling, there was little part of your heart that warmed when he said those words. you opened your mouth to speak but spencer cut you off
“and i just wanted to say that because i uh i owe you the truth always. regardless. but anyway, i don’t think we should pursue that though”
you stood in your doorway in shock
you didn’t know if you wanted to fight him, cry, or vomit
probably all of the above
you were blank, nothing came to your mouth. you tried to speak, tried to scream , but the only thing that came out was 
“i’m no good for you, you deserve someone who can be perfect for you. you deserve that truly. and i can’t be that. so i’m sorry but that’s just how it is. i just want you to be happy. you don’t deserve a guy that you have to yell at in stairways, that makes you cry until your eyes swell shut, a guy that cant reconcile his emotions for crap or can’t communicate or anything that i am. so im sorry, but i think this is what’s best for you.”  he stuck his hands in his pants
“so bye i guess”
you were paralyzed, a surplus of information hitting you all at once. you couldn’t quite process it but you knew you couldn’t just let him walk away
“you’re idiotic” you shouted as he was about to get on the elevator
“i’m what now?”
“idiotic. no ones buying the ‘i’m not a nice guy’ crap”
“it’s not crap, it’s true. i’m no good for you”
“oh please spencer you’re acting like this is your villian orgin story. first off, who do you think you even are? i’m an adult i don’t need a white man who doesn’t know how to brush his hair to tell me whats ‘good for me’”
“i’m just looking out for you”
“okay, thanks, but i’m a big girl spencer i know how to take care of myself. and even so i don’t even think thats what this is about. you know what i think? i think that you’re too scared to admit that you don’t feel the same way. which is fine by the way, but if you’re to scared to face the reality of whatever your feeling and youre covering it by turning it on me? by saying that ‘i’m too good for you’ thats fucked up and thats that spencer.”
you caught your breath and continued 
“because spencer i know you’re pulling all this shit about not being good for me but is that even true? spencer reid we’re perfect for eachother. in every way. and if you’re blind to that than whatever, but i don’t want you to lie to try and tiptoe around my feelings”
“ever since you walked into the bau y/n ive loved you. every word you’ve ever said to me get played on repeat in my head. i love you i would want nearly nothing but to be with you y/n. i love you that much. that’s why i’m trying to our myself above what i want and above whatever so that you can be the happiest you can be. it’s just that i don’t want to hurt you. you don’t deserve that. i never want you to hurt ever. and i can only prevent that by taking myself out of the picture”
“spencer, when i said i love you. it means all of you. i want every side to spencer reid. i want your complications too. it’s all worth it spencer because you’re the one for me”
you two stood there for a couple minutes. it was the longest and shortest time of your life. spencer eventually took a deep sigh and stepped in a step closer to you, looking down at your face
red from the crying, left eye swollen shut, giving him a weak smile
“you’re the one for me”
i want your dreary mondays
“no?! the worst day of the week is monday obviously”
“monday is underrated in my opinion”
you were conversing with spencer while walking through the park after dinner
“monday is the worst, it’s so hard after the two perfect days of rest to return the mundane process of life”
“so thursday? story behind that?”
“hey have you seen spence?” you asked around the office, only getting head shakes
it was the monday after a long weekend, and spencer has had a less than ideal day
just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, spilt hot coffee on his pants, forgot his satchel at hole
you searched around for him, when you realized
when spencer was overwhelmed or stressed or sad or anything like that, he retreated to the basement file room
no one ever went down there, and there was a closet with a couch in it that was good for taking mid day breaks
you ran down the stairs, opening the door to the closet and sure enough spencer was there
he wiped his hand across his face, presumably for a tear
“what’s up spence?”
you said scooting next to him on the closet couch
“having a monday”
“i’m sorry to hear that, what’s going on”
“well besides the coffee incident and satchel problem...” he began to rant about how his day was going less than ideal. when he stopped abruptly
“hey, you don’t need to listen to this”
“i dont have to, but i want to”
“are you sure? i’d hate to bore you with my bad day”
“come on spence, i want your dreary mondays something you gotta recognize, is that you’re such an incredible person, that your bad days are better than most people’s best.”
“yeah, perspective right. my worst days are someone’s best”
“yeah, but don’t ever feel invalidated abt your bad days, you always deserve to feel upset, and i’ll always be here to listen to it”
“god i love you”
wrap your arms around me baby boy
spencer wasn’t a touchy person
germaphobe habits
but something about you, he was magnetic to you
no matter what it was, on the jet, in the office, while in line at the grocery store, anywhere and everywhere he always had you in a hug
coming up behind you while you were cooking, wrapping his arms around the back of your neck while you were working
he adored you, and you adored him
after a case, the team decided to hit the local bar, nearing the end of the night, they started to play slower stuff
slower jazzier beats, the dj came on and said
“okay you couples! get up there”
a few couples hand gone up, you were tugging on spencer’s arm to accompany you up there
“well if you don’t go you know morgan will”
derek raised an eyebrow at him, and before you knew it he was dragging you on stage.
poor spencer didn’t know how to dance correctly, he was standing so far from you. hands in each other’s hands like middle schoolers
“jeez spence, wrap your arms around me”
you grabbed his hands, positioning them on your waist, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and leaned into his chest
swaying back and forth, as the sinatra echoed the other the bar and the click of garcias camera could be heard
and in that moment, nothing felt better or more right, than dancing in spencer reids arms
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years
Not Alone
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Title Not Alone
Pairing Yoongi x OC
Summary University is kicking your ass so you always make sure to dedicate a day for yourself and take time to pamper your body and soul. However, you’re cautious around Yoongi your roommate and double-check the d-day to prevent accidents. You're not a fan of revealing any skin because of your insecurities but it’s just happening to be the day when you are - not so alone.
Genre university au, roommate au, romance and fluff, smut
Warning(s) smut (body worshipping, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, messy sex, first time, virgin reader, dirty talk, vanilla sex, yoongi has a virgin kink but not explicitly mentioned) implication of insecure reader, shy and curvy reader
Word count: 9k
This universe is related to my other fic I wrote recently ’one time boy space friend’ you can read that one here.
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Washing the excess shaving cream off of my hand I grab my phone I previously placed on the toilet’s folded lid lightly humming the outline of the song currently playing. The new playlist Yoongi recommended is full of bangers as always I have no doubt his fate was eventually to end up as a music major. I take a glance at my reflection when I was able to secure the new position for my phone on the laundry basket with the top slightly open reminding me that I need to do laundry if I want to have clothes to wear.
I take a glance at my reflection removing the fog that made the lines of my face blurry with a towel hanging next to the sink on a hook realising later that I used Yoongi’s looking back at the sheepish smile that greets me in the mirror I placed the fabric back hoping that Yoongi won’t mind.
An unknown rap song’s first beats suddenly interrupted by an incoming call that the familiar piano version of my favourite song signalled. I smile seeing the callers ID, placing the toner back to its dust-filled spot next to Yoongi’s shaving cream I make sure to use the right towel this time to dry my hands with before swiping right on the call.
”Hey, What’s the matter?” I answer it with a huge grin plastered on my face making my cheeks ride up into a chipmunk-like smile.
Our class was cancelled at the last minute so I wasn’t expecting a call from her she told me while we were waiting for the instructor to arrive that she has plans with his boyfriend Jimin. Only having calculus that day after an exchanged heated curses for our lazy professor for not e-mailing about the reschedule I happily took a sweet nap and made an easy breakfast I normally don’t have time to consume or even make in the morning I was able to get my relaxing time to start earlier so it meant more time for me since Yoongi supposedly took the afternoon shift.
This piece of information I remembered while chewing on my sandwich as I thanked the gods that I overheard his conversation about the shift change last night when I went to get my late-night snack but seeing the date expired on the comfort food I had to engage in a yoghurt instead.
”Y/N. Are you home?” She asked matching my good mood in the background I heard clinking noises of a pan she must be cooking. I insert my head through the large black t-shirt’s hole as I started to freeze standing here only in my undergarments the effect of the hot shower faded leaving me in the significantly colder bathroom.
”Of course. I started my pamper routine. I cannot tell you how good it feels to be hairless. If only my hair would grow this fast.” She chuckles hearing my banter the faint sounds of crepitation usually the hot oil makes overpowering her giggle for a few seconds. I remember the sandwich I ate this morning around ten-ish that did not prove to be enough. I get sidetracked with what should I make for lunch.
”Oh, so Yoongi is working?” Knowing about my only one rule regarding this d-day I like to call it is that no man should be around when I’m wearing this revealing clothing. He only saw me wearing jeans and yoga pants before these jelly-like legs cannot make a debut in front of eyes outside of mine.
”Yep.” I confirm. I take a look at the time I still have lots of time to relax before I should start that assignment I postponed.
I have everything planned out since Yoongi usually comes home from work in a grumpy state he likes to shower first and then he retreats into his room to do his assignments and sometimes he writes a song or the song even could be the assignment itself I honestly don’t know how’s everyday life as a music major. Yoongi is not exactly the talkative type.
My silent activity is helping his concentration and the best thing is that I have the apartment by myself to do what I please and leave the comfort of my room wearing what I please without worrying.
The best would be if I could rent out my own apartment but I know I wouldn’t be able to pay it by myself and the fact that Yoongi and I share the expenses of the bill makes things so much more easier.
”Why did you call though? I’m sure it’s not because you already miss me.” Tired of holding the phone up I place it back where it was before leaving the call on speakers so I can rub the cocoa scented lotion into the skin on my legs.
”Right. I almost forgot. Jin taught you that Mexican dish that I don’t know how to pronounce its name, right?” Her voice fades a little mid-sentence probably changed ears hearing the cooking noises seeping through the background she seemed very busy.
”What about it?” I question closing the lid of the lotion after I rub the remaining cream on my hand onto my neck so nothing goes to waste.
”I need the recipe.” She demands. I laugh how desperate she sounds through the phone. I make my way out of the bathroom I need my notebook since I didn’t memorise the dish I only made it once and as it was previously stated with the help of Jin.
”Hold on I don’t remember where I left the notes.” I arrive at the kitchen area placing the phone on the counter I begin rummaging through the drawers bending down to peek at the content of each. Spoons and forks. The second one where Yoongi placed the aprons and towels my notebook must be in the last one. ”So, what are the plans for today?” I ask while still searching for the black shiny cover of my notebook.
”Well, I wanted to cook something Italian since Jimin told me once he wanted to try it out but a crucial ingredient is missing so I thought about making that one you told me about a few weeks ago at Jin’s birthday party. After I’m finally done with this shit I’m going to sneak into his room to give him the blowjob of his life while he’s playing some shit games boys do and tell him lunch is ready.” The huge breath she took before starting the word vomiting makes me praise her lung capacity.
Finally. The book was under the aprons what a hassle. I straighten up turning the pages when I hear the front door opening and shut soon after. I turn to see the face of the intruder as I’m still standing in the middle of the kitchen with my hair evidently wet from the shower I took earlier only in my panties and a huge ass shirt to cover myself with.
Yoongi drops his coffee-stained shirt by the foot of the couch the angle is letting me see the living room area without a problem but he can’t clearly see the kitchen from there but my relief is not long-lasting as my friend decides to choose that moment to speak drawing Yoongi’s attention to where I’m standing.
”Y/N are you still there? Shit. I burnt my finger.” Grabbing the phone off the counter I switch off the speaker option and push the device against my ear.
”Yeah, um, I’ll send you the recipe via message. Good luck. Bye.” I aggressively push the red phone button at the bottom left side of the screen until the call ends. Hearing my voice Yoongi walks through the door separating the living room and the kitchen to halt his steps when he takes the image in.
It’s not one of those best times to ponder over how good looking he’s after finishing work and how he always smells like freshly brewed coffee which is not a surprise knowing the fact that he works at a coffee shop near our rented place.
He doesn’t wear the shirt uniform it must be the one he got rid of because of the stains today he wears a simple white t-shirt with washed-out blue jeans. Focusing on his face again I see that his eyes no longer studying my face instead his gaze dipped lower and I swear he's not so subtle about ogling at my exposed legs. My legs!
”You’re … early.” I talk first considering my options. A, I can still make a run for it but the damage is already done. He saw me. Or B, I can try to make small talk pretending that nothing is embarrassing at all just to later enter my room and dig a hole with all of my self-pity and scream into my pillow.
”Um, there was a shift change but I finished 2 hours early in return.” He explains this time his gaze was on my face the entire time no more strayed glimpses. Fuck. I should have paid attention to the whole conversation. ”Don’t you .. have class normally this time around?” He trails off a faint trace of blush appears on his porcelain skin. I use the notebook to hide my panty line that peeks out of the shirt.
”Class cancelled.” I’m horrified how my voice sounds so high pitched the embarrassment paints my cheeks bright red. ”Um, I have something to do in my room so I’ll be there.” I use the lame excuse to escape from Yoongi when I close the door behind me I close my eyes as well because of the extreme humiliation I had to go through.
My phone buzzes in hand I suddenly remember the recipe I promised. I write a quick message to her attaching the picture of the ingredients and notes to help her with the preparations. Now since I’m done with the responsibilities I can swim in my tears for the time being.
I can’t believe after months of caution fate decided to take away from me the deserved me time days. Yoongi is probably weirded out by me too I don’t know how to look him in the eye from now on and it’s a serious problem. For lords heaven, we live together! There’s no way I can avoid him without being obvious about it.
I mean maybe I’m just overreacting. It’s Yoongi we are talking about. He most of the time doesn’t give a flying fuck about anything he certainly won’t mention it and for obvious reasons I won’t either so I can just leave things like that. Just acting as usual like he didn’t saw my legs and my black underwear not to mention he is the very first one to see it I mean outside of my family of course. He’s a boy. No. A man. And he saw me underdressed like that.
It’s okay Y/N, let’s see the bright side at least he saw me when I was shaved. Well, that doesn’t help. Not at all.
”Shit. I’m hungry.”
I waited an hour and forty minutes to be exact despite the rumble of my stomach I sat down to start the book one of my friends lent me to read and I’m over a quarter of the pages when I decided enough is enough.
I waited long enough so he must be cooped up in his room slash studio for the rest of the day. But to be extra cautious I peeked out before fully leaving the safety of my room. I stop once I step into the corridor listening for any noises that might indicate Yoongi has indeed occupied his nest the soft sounds of the synthesizer helps me to relax I leisurely make my way then in the direction of the kitchen.
As I flip the switch the room is enveloped in light. My favourite mug is sitting on top of the counter even though I don’t remember leaving it there. I walk to take a closer look the mug is filled with coffee it’s in a light brown colour so it must a latte. It smells like latte indeed.
My favourite drink. There’s a note glued to the bottom of the mug it’s a messy handwriting and I don’t have to guess to know to whom this belongs to. How did he know my favourite coffee order?
”Sorry for startling you earlier. - myg”
The simple worded note even had his initials at the end. Realising that I never tried out his coffee made me curious about the taste. He works as a barista so It cannot be bad. I’m always late for class so I never had the chance before going into the shop when he’s on duty and order a drink from him.
Most of the time I’m saving on it and just use the shared coffee machine. Don’t blame me I’m just a broke university student.
But if I drink this I won’t be able to sleep it’s pretty late. Fuck it. I’m going to drink it. Not that the unholy time for coffee consumption deterred me before and picked up on some of Yoongi’s personal characteristics I think I can confidently say he doesn’t care either.
I bite into my lip while carefully straightening the lines out on the sticky note. After I was convinced the note won’t come off of his door I leave to go to bed.
”Thanks for the coffee. I liked it. – Y/N.”
”Can you guys stop shovelling food into your mouths for a millisecond. I’m serious!” Hitting the table for further emphasis.
Rori and F/N digging through a pile of food before our morning class is something I got used to first as I befriended them and it doesn’t bother me any other time but I wanted some serious advice for once and they don’t even stop digging to say well that’s was awkward. Or shit that sucks.
Not that I don’t know that without them telling me. I appreciated the note and the subtle apology he didn’t phrase it like hey dummy I’m sorry for seeing your sausage legs my bad. Also, it would be unlikely, too wordy for him he’s tight-lipped even in messages. I don’t remember he ever told me like a two full sentence in one go.
”Serious for what Y/N? He saw your underwear and legs. Tell us if you display your boobs or something. Now, I would be interested.” Rolling my eyes at the sarcastic remark I steal one of her favourite apple pie sticks for good measures.
”Hey! I was going to eat that.” She pouts but I take another big bite out of it. It’s too sweet for my liking but everything for the even sweeter revenge. If there’s one thing I learned about these two throughout the years of knowing them is that they take their food very seriously. ”Look. We love you, that’s why I’m going to tell you this. It’s not a big deal.” She pats my cheek before picking up her fork again.
”So what happened F/N. Did you gave Jimin the blowjob of his life?” I used a quote mark at the end of the sentence just how she phrased it yesterday. Rori is more interested in that, of course, there’s nothing more important than sex.
”Let me say the food was cold once we were finished.” She chuckled bashfully. Do I have the right set of friends? Maybe I should be pickier about who I call as a friend.
”So he’s big?” Rori asked with a smirk and I almost spitted out the diet coke onto the dining table. We are in a fucking coffee shop for god damn good. Thankfully not the one Yoongi works for but I think he has morning class so he won’t be working either way.
”Please don’t go into details.” I plea and Rori presents me with a devilish grin while picking the chicken breasts out of my salad.
”It’s fine Y/N. I was a virgin too before Jimin. Your time will come, not that it’s a choice.” F/N tries to console me.
”It’s a choice just not mine.” I murmur it under my nose stabbing my salad with the fork before chewing on it without the meat it’s quite sour.
”Yeah. It’s because you and F/N are both have big sticks up your asses.” Used to her blunt remarks I’m not even hurt or surprised for that matter. The busy cafe drowns out the voices of their inappropriate talk at least.
”It’s not our fault that you fuck every man with a pulse.” F/N retorts back with a giggle satisfied with the remark we exchange high fives.
”How do you know it’s a requirement?” Rori lifts one of her brows making us do gagging motions.
”Ugh, That’s disgusting.” I abandon the food on my plate that was a bit too much and we are in the middle of breakfast.
”A person cannot even joke here? I wasn’t serious. Duh.” I should really search for those new friends.
”That’s something I can believe.” The insult wasn’t even spoken out too loud but she heard me all the same and it earned a kick under the table from Rori with his high heels, I returned the glare she sent my way.
”Oh, hi.” I step aside to let Yoongi enter, he furrows his brows in concentration if I wasn’t running late I would ponder over the fact how he measures my body by centimetres. I fidget with my earrings but without a mirror, it’s a difficult task to carry out.
”I thought we’re going to meet with the guys at 8.” Realising the motive behind his stare I nod furiously.
”Yeah. But Rori accepted that guy’s offer to taste wines and she’s afraid she’s going to be abducted so me and F/N will accompany her.” I tell him and he doesn’t seem pleased I wasn’t either at first but I hope he won’t do anything with three girls there.
”Be careful. Anyone else knows about this?” He asks with evident worry lacing his voice he steps closer helping to finally get that chape snap into place.
”Jimin knows and I think Jungkook knows too.” Once he’s done he restores the distance between the two of us. ”Also you know F/N she’s apt to be violent.” Yoongi nods.
”Fuck. I’m late.” I swear as I look at the time. With hurried steps, I pick up my boots and size up my keys ready to leave.
”See you later.” Hearing his voice calling out to me I look back smiling a little managing to whisper back a ’see you later’ of my own. I think this was the longest conversation I held with him so far, what a shame I couldn’t stay to talk more.
The wine tasting went better than I expected. That guy is filthy rich he gave us a little tour around the house before letting us each pick out 5 wines of our liking. We learned that he’s a sports major he’s a swimmer and he told us stories about his practises with the swimming team and talked awfully long about his wins and trophies. To be honest he seemed like a bit eccentric and pompous for me but Rori liked him.
We were late because our taxi on its way to the bar got into a little traffic jam. I got a text from Yoongi at the same time F/N got one from Jimin they were curious about where we are and how we are. We wrote back a short text that we’re almost there.
”So? Whose’s the guy?” Jin asked once we are seated down. F/N took her place next to Jimin and Rori beside her leaving me with the only option of sitting down next to Yoongi at the other side of the table.
Once I’m comfortably seated I look around the table I catch in the corner of my eye Namjoon and Jungkook taking shots. Yoongi grabs his alcoholic beverage before him from the table our shoulders brush against each other due to the motion. I bite the inside of my cheeks don’t want to fidget in place.  
”He’s a sports major.” Rori told Jin she told him about our little tour but she conveniently left out the offer about a threesome that I politely declined.
”Oh Y/N you remember that guy who wanted to get your phone number?” Scrunching my nose as the scene flashed before my eyes, of course, I remember. That was one of my most awkward moments and believe me when I say there’s a lot of option to choose from on my list and it’s still the worst. As far as I know, that guy was a sports major too and he was very persistent.
”Yes, what about him?” I nod. I try to shoo the pictures out of head but a forming blush creeping up my neck quicker than I realise.
”Well he’s here. And he’s coming this way.” F/N tells without looking my way her eyes trained behind my form probably to report back his every move. I physically have to hold myself back from whimpering and its not the good kind.
”Shit.” I bite my lower lip don’t want to make things more obvious I don’t turn around to confirm it.
”Oh. I remember. You gave him Rori’s number, don’t you?” Jungkook, you traitor. He was with me when it happened I was flustered enough that he asked Jungkook is my boyfriend or not that I didn’t want to expand my suffering so I gave him my friend's number. She told me if someone I don’t want tries to get into my pants and bothers me I can use her number as a bait knowing her even though my pants were not on the line I still did that. Well, she did more than that after.
”Then what’s the problem?” Jin asks so invested in our conversation that I want to smack him on the neck.
”I was sexting with him and we fucked.” She shrugs. That was what I tried to say. I really don’t want to face that guy.
I stand up with so much vehemency that I almost knock down a glass from the table it’s Yoongi’s empty glass at the bottom of it there’s a thin line of whiskey left. Yoongi grabs my thighs to stabilise me. Looking over his shoulder I saw that said guy indeed walking into this direction.
”Uh, please dance with me?” I grab Yoongi’s hand surprising him for a moment or two but lets me pull him up.
”You have a habit of running away, huh?” I look back to get a grip at the situation. I led Yoongi into the dance floor even though I don’t even know how to dance. He sees the panic settling in my face so he starts guiding me with his hand flat against my lower back. There’s a lot of bodies to avoid so Yoongi is extremely close.
”I don’t like confrontation.” I subtly hide behind his broad shoulders I can see it on him how he tries to stop himself from laughing. I like the sound of his laugh.
”I’m aware.” He purrs into my ear pulling me closer by a hand wrapped around my waist the sweet scent of his cologne hits me like a tone of bricks. I’m painfully aware how his body touches mine my breast pushed against his flat ribcage I can feel him inhaling and exhaling the used oxygen.
”Y-your hand Yoongi.” His hand is dangerously low on my back I’m sure he feels the curve of my ass under his fingers. The bar is dimly lit so my blush remains subtle in a certain extent seeing me blush so many times I wouldn’t be surprised if he would recognise it before it fully blooms on my face.
”What about it?” He clearly wants me to say it but there’s no way I’m going to bluntly say that his hand touches my ass. Rather die.
”What are you doing? Are you drunk?” I defensively ask answering the question with my own questions. He openly finds my antics amusing because this time he laughs. That gummy smile makes my knees weak for him he strengthens his hold on my waist like he knows it.
”My car is here. I’m as sober as I can be.” The hand I placed on his chest when he suddenly pulled me closer itched. He’s touching me and he’s sober. Heaving a sigh he replaces them around his neck I can’t relish in the feeling as his hand on my ass beyond doubt gone since he places it back soon after even lower. The grin he shows me makes me want to give him my fist instead of my virginity.
”Then why are you touching me?” My confidence wavered significantly as he lowered his head his lips closer than ever but instead of kissing me, he blows air into my ear riling me up with the gesture.
”This makes you uncomfortable?” I wanted to say yes, but the full truth would be it’s undeniably uncomfortable and exciting it makes my blood boil under my skin and it scares me how much I want him to touch me tossing aside my insecurities just to feel him like this. At least he knows his boundaries. I don’t know what would I do if his hand suddenly moved.
”No. I’m just embarrassed.” I nervously twist a hair at the nape of his neck didn’t realise the act just when I did it.
”You ran away because you were embarrassed yesterday too?” I stop toying with his hair once the words register in my head. Is he talking about the kitchen incident? And here I thought that there’s nothing more that could make the situation more awkward.
”Y-yes.” The confidence I felt before left me I shy away from his eyes the way he sized me up that day still vivid in my head.
”Why?” A perfect arch of his eyebrows indicating that he wants his answer this time and I am about to give him.
”Because you were staring at me.” I tell him oh so matter of factly. He practically beams at the offered answer the glint in his eyes telling me that’s the answer he seeks in the first place and he has his own set of words in return.
”Wanna know what I thought about while staring at you?” His eyes pinning me to my spot I wouldn’t dare to move away even if I wanted to he seemed determined to get under my skin and maybe under my clothes too.
”No.” I challenge drunk by the boldness maybe the gin tonic I consumed earlier and the wines finally appearing be to be the liquid courage I needed. Reading between the lines Yoongi tells me despite the answer.
”I imagined how you would look like wearing my shirt. It would cover you below your knees since you are tiny. Tell me you’re wearing one of those black panties I saw before?” I don’t answer but I let him pat my knee I can feel his warm palm under the fabric of my jeans he continues with more words even bolder than the first.
”I imagined how you would look like under me on my bed wrapping those long legs around my waist.” Affected by his words I mirror his hungry expression. He’s normally not a man of so many words and hearing him talk this much makes me feel special that he’s talking to me because he feels the need to let me know what’s plaguing his mind. I entertain the idea that maybe he wasn’t sure how to convey the message since I’m so shy he didn’t have a lot of opportunity cornering me before the kitchen incident. Perhaps it was the undo he needed.
”Tell me Y/N. Do you find me attractive?” His fingers stroke the flesh of my jaw he’s getting confident as I don’t push him away.
”You are attractive.” I tell him honestly and he grins but not in a malice kind of way his grin more like a boyish grin that boys wear after hearing that their high school crush likes them back. The happy kind of grin.
”Have you thought about me too? Like I did.” The next question hits differently it’s not so innocent and I wasn’t in the illusion he is.
”Yes.” Holding onto the boldness I agree.
”Tell me.” He urges. He’s sober I remember. Avoiding his stare I let my shyness getting to the best of me he brushes a strand of hair behind my ears coaxing out the reply. It feels nice to be touched by him.
”It’s embarrassing.”
”I told you mine. You have to tell me your fantasies so I can make them come true.” He trails a finger following the line of my collarbone my outfit leaves literally everything to the imagination the only skin he can feel is on my arms.
”You’re unfair.” I whine the words out Yoongi stops his movements to see the emotions behind my eyes. He seems confused by my conflicted expression. His eyes were always expressive and I loved staring at them. Those rare moments shared, eating together at the weekends letting me hear one of his song he proudly introduces.
”How so?”
I take a deep breath cupping his cheeks. ”You look good with dyed hair but I prefer it black. You look the best when you come home from work all sweaty because the air conditioner still not gotten repaired in your workplace so you always take a shower before doing anything else.” There’s glint catching the light in his orbs watching me closely while I tell him the things I locked away in my memories. He caresses my wrist with a raised hand the other directly resting upon mine as it's his face still trapped between the heels of my palms.
”I like your voice.” I let the words flow out like a river caught up in a thunderstorm. ”I always wanted to know how it would sound like moaning my name. I like your hands too.”
”What about them?” A big smile stretches his face knowing too well he won. I don’t feel the frustration of losing I’d gladly accept this fate again and again if it will give me the same results at the end of this.
”Yoongi.” I whine.
”Did you imagined this? Or this?” His hands leaving their position fondling the flesh on my hip hiding me behind his body he walks a hand up my decolletage.
”Stop, we are in public.” I hiss.
”No one pays attention Y/N. But I’ll gladly take this to the bedroom.” The offer temps me but I remember the boys.
”We can’t. You are the only sober one and the guys need their ride home.” I reason and Yoongi groans in frustration. He forgot about them already. He looks at the booth the others are drinking and laughing.
”If I tell Namjoon to stop drinking he would be sober enough to drive them back.”
I shake my head it would be too dangerous and considering he competed with Jungkook about who can take more shots I bet he’s drunk like a donkey alongside with the younger boy. ”I’m drunk too.” I tell him when he tries to come up with more solution.
”Fine.” Yoongi hugs me close probably to hide his displeased face doesn’t want to sound so desperate maybe he’s embarrassed.
”Don’t be like that. I promise if in the morning when I sobered up you still want to do it I’ll let you.”
He perks up gently pushing me away to look into my eyes. ”Let me do what?”
”Let you take me.”
I feel something warm tickling my sides a sudden wave of cold air hits my stomach but the cold soon replaced with a warm and wet feel against my skin. My eyes narrowly open I try to fidget away wrapping my fingers around the comforter when I feel that wet and warm feeling on my thighs.
Hands and tongue. The fog in front of my eyes clears I don’t remember when did I fell asleep or how did I end up here. Where am I? I spot the synthesizer in the corner Yoongi’s synthesizer. Yoongi’s room.
”Yoongi, what .. ah” My voice raspy from sleep the way he rubbed his nose into my neck just to deliver a long kiss to it after halted my question before I was able to voice it out.
”Did I wake you up. My bad.” He smiled into my skin loving the way my heart beats erratically with his every touch, his hand above my breast feeling the movements of it.
”You don’t sound so sorry about it.”
”Do you have a headache?” He caresses the side of my face helping to curl the locks behind my ear that interfered with my vision. The thoughtful gesture made me smile up at his face mirroring his expression of tenderness.
”No I’m good. I didn’t drink that much.” My fingers itch to touch his face maybe it’s because of the dreamy state I’m currently in that I have the confidence in doing so. I brush my hands through his bangs his eyes closing the caress urges a smile he grabs my hands once I’m about to pull away to move it against his mouth giving a small kiss onto my palm before intertwining them with his much larger ones.
I could get used to this. The image of him looking so raw and so vulnerable his eyes puffy with sleep lazy motions of his fingertip exploring my body under the duvet. My shirt is rolled up just below my breasts the shirt’s neck hangs around my shoulder in a loose coverage it smells like Yoongi just like the covers. Looking down I realise it’s not my shirt. It’s his.
”Glad to hear that. I want you to repeat your promise to me.” Yoongi burrows his face into my neck again his hair brushing against my bare skin the hand that’s not holding mine drops under the covers finding my hip guiding me to drape my right leg over his waist facing each other sideways.
”Promise? Can you be more specific?” I boldly move my hand caressing with feather-light touches his side I can feel his bare torso and hips under my fingers he shivers and not because of the cold. He’s shivering because I touched him and he’s not wearing a shirt. The thought crosses my mind that the shirt I’m wearing is the one he did wear the whole day but not now. Every other day I would be embarrassed but I quite liked the idea of wearing his clothes in his bed.
”A tease I see.” He recovered quicker than I would like he gave a quick peck onto my shoulder where his shirt didn’t cover that much skin. He cupped my breast above the fabric of my bra the sudden feel of him squeezing me there I whined a little bit too loudly. I pulled my hand away shielding my face due to embarrassment.
”Yoongi.” I shyly call his name. He let his hand stay there but he remained motionless giving my hands each a kiss just where my eyes would be if I didn’t hide behind my limbs. His hand felt warm against me where my bra wasn’t covering his two fingers rested directly on the skin of my breast.
”Do I have your consent baby?” I gulp my shy personality says no but my body says yes for me.
”You can have anything.” I place my palm against his that lays on my body my eyes still closed but I don’t shield my face anymore. The words came out as whispers even though I wanted him to hear me say it. I wanted him to go on.
”Love. Answer me.” I open my eyes again when I feel his hand leave my boobs to cup my face with it instead.
”You can have me. You can fuck me. Did it answer your question or should I be more specific?” I wet my lips poking my tongue against the inside of my cheeks trying to calm down the rapid movement of my heart my hands shook as I grip his hair moving my mouth against his to not just say but show my consent. I want this. I want him.
”No. I think it was explicit enough, I like seeing you blush.” Hearing him say that makes me blush harder and he gifts me with a gummy smile basking in the responsive reactions. I would be more embarrassed if I wouldn’t feel the sticky substance dampening my underwear.
”Do you have something in mind? A preference? Or can I surprise you.” The way he explicitly asks about my sexual preferences makes him appear hotter a new wave of arousal hits me making me grind my thighs together forgetting that Yoongi’s leg is between them. I know he felt the wetness but doesn’t comment on it he instead pushes his knees further up parting my legs.
”You d-decide.” I moan when his knee brushes against my crotch. He hummed delighted by my answer. Placing back his hand once more squeezing my breasts before undoing the clasps behind my back. He slowly lets the material fall he strictly looks into my eyes not wandering downwards seeking out my every reaction. I gave him a little nod he takes it as the permission he needed he moves the cover so he can take a look.
”So pretty.” He sighs into my skin he turns my body to be flat against the bed the cold sheets meeting with my back goosebumps travelling up my spine. ”So soft.” He mumbles the endless of praises dragging his fingers over a nipple before licking it with his tongue a choked moan leaves my parted lips his hair gently caressing the skin. He circles the nipple with his poked out tongue kneading the other neglected one with his free hand. Mewls and sighs, in turn, filling the room trying to keep my voice quiet but it’s hard since the only thing I can concentrate on is his mouth on me and his hands those long fingers as he drags them down on my body a finger slides under the waistband of my panty he stretches the material out before letting it snap back into place. The uncomfortable feeling of it sticking to my folds gets frustrating by every passing minute.
”You smell good.” His raspy voice helps me return from my sudden astonishment I scrape his scalp with my long nails as I weave my fingers through his hair he lets out a low growl my skin covering up the noise the vibration he sends up my body by it makes me tighten my legs around his waist my underwear covered cunt pressed against his firm chest forces a not so silent whine out.
”It’s m-my lotion.” I reply absentmindedly. He hums into my collarbone not sure my answer registered truly in his brain I feel him taking a big inhale before pulling away he pushes himself up with the help of his hands planted beside my head looking with heavily lidded eyes taking in my hazed eyes and swollen lips before connecting our mouths. I almost forgot how good of a kisser Yoongi is.  
The light touch against my inner thigh makes my hip jolt up in surprise Yoongi’s eager mouth swallows all the sounds and whimpers. ”Relax.” He purrs aiming for my hips soothing circles into my skin. I take a few deep breaths Yoongi waits patiently for me to calm down a little the way his eyes sizing me up like I’m some kind of goddess eases some of my nerves. Once he’s positive I’m not going to run away he lets his palm touch me the barrier that’s my underwear stays in place as he drags his fingers directly onto my heat. I feel it throb under his ministrations having confidence after a few moans I let out he gets bolder using more pressure to dip between my folds the underwear’s silky touch lets him move smoothly. ”Can I feel it? I want to make sure you’re wet enough before I do anything else.” Nodding even before the question was fully out I anticipate a laugh or something to tease me about my eagerness. I don’t think I wanted someone this bad before to touch me. But he doesn’t laugh he seems as eager as I feel. He slides a finger under the damp material but he retreats too soon. ”Please, can I take it off?” To persuade me further if his plea wasn’t enough he rubs his fingers where my clit is over my panty. The plea was enough but I’m not complaining. I manage to signal him with a breathy yes. Don’t have to tell him twice he slides the ruined material down my legs his big warm hands gripping my inner thighs preventing my legs from closing before he can take a look.
”Look at that. So pink and swollen for me.” Previously he was careful with every move waiting for approval before doing anything bold but like he’s lost all the continence in him Yoongi drags two fingers up my folds coating his fingers with my arousal letting just the tip of his fingers penetrating just to pull back. I let out the loudest moan blushing as I realise just how loud I sounded but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind, not at all. He wanted to coax more of those sounds as he bent down parting the lips with his tongue letting out his own moans while tasting me and if it’s even possible at this point I feel more turned on than ever.
”Warm too. Sorry, my love, my hands are a little cold but I hope you don’t mind.” He finally slips a finger in my eyes slightly open he watches me with a grin loving the way I squirm wanting it chuckles deep and I don’t mind at all. The stretch his one digit means feels familiar reminding me when I was chasing relief on my own but his fingers are so so much better longer and thicker. I can’t wait to feel the second one.
”I want to make you cum on my tongue.” Delivering a kittenish lick sucking on my clit for the demonstration before he goes on. ”Just to bring you another orgasm with my fingers.” Yoongi curls the one finger in me rubbing it into my throbbing walls ”Lastly let you cum around my cock.” He throws his head back moaning sinfully just thinking he’s about to make everything he said come true. ”You deserve at least three orgasms but I shouldn’t be greedy your virgin cunt can’t handle three.” He eases another finger in this time the stretch is a bit more uncomfortable.
”Let’s start with two.” He says settled with the idea he places a wet kiss onto my hip before finding my abused clit again sucking and rolling it around his tongue my walls contacts around his two digits I feel the sticky substance coating my inner thighs and dripping onto the sheets the mess, the way Yoongi’s hair tickle my thighs, the way he moves his fingers inside me, the pleasure gets overwhelming something starts to build up promising a relief I never had the chance of feeling before.
”Yoongi fuck, Yoongi” His name spills from my mouth and it seems to encourage him to be faster.
”It’s fine.” He tells before sucking harshly on my clit. ”Cum for me.” The proud grin he forms still buried between my legs and the vibration of his hum makes my legs shake I let my head fall back into the pillows closing my eyes until I see literal stars.
He stops lapping my juices once I’m finished the proud smile still plastered on his face licking his lips capturing the remaining of my pleasure. He looks so hot. I never knew I’m capable of coming this hard.
”Good?” Placing a kiss onto my nose he caresses my arms I didn’t realise I was grabbing onto the sheets this tight I let Yoongi place my hands onto his shoulder blades he moves to get between my legs once more.
Instead of answering, I can’t help but impatiently point out. ”You’re still wearing clothes.” I grab his hips pulling on his sweatpants playfully.
”Wanna take it off?” He asks smirking. I roll my eyes at his cockiness not that he’s all talk when it comes to his skills but he has more ego than he can manage and I’m not going to increase it for him.
”So what? Don’t tell me you are not eager even more than me to bury your dick into my virgin pussy.” His eyes grow bigger for a split second before it regains its original state, so he can be startled too. I’m surprised by my boldness, but god, it’s worth it seeing him so fucked up by those words.
”You’re playing a dangerous game Y/N. I need my self-control right now.” Something shifted in his eyes he looks like he’s about to devour me. Yoongi shifts onto his knees to get rid of the final barriers between us. I close my eyes my shyness returns too soon but Yoongi doesn’t mind it I open my eyes again as he positions myself above me placing a firm kiss onto my lips he senses I’m anxious.
”Do you trust me?” Seeing the open vulnerability in his shiny orbs, not entirely clouded by lust makes my head swim with a lot of suppressed emotion. I feel the urge to smile lifting my head from the pillows beneath me I give him a peck.
”Of course I am.” I kinda like you. I bite into my lips before the next sentence could slip through we’ll talk about this another time. Right, the only thing I want to focus on is Yoongi. Only Yoongi. His tip brushes against my stomach, shit, I haven’t seen how big he is. His lip pressed to mine swallows the tiny moan leaving my lips as he pushes the first inch inside parting my walls in a painful stretch. Fuck. He’s big.
”Tight.” Yoongi moans, more in pleasure than I am currently in but it’s ok. He made me cum I want to see him cum too. ”Relax for me angel I won’t hurt you I promise.” Relishing in the way he caresses my side I try to relax my body he pushes another inch in slowly his tip must be fully buried by now.
”That’s right. You’re doing so well.” He praises his eyebrows knit together in concentration he’s holding himself back because of me. Touched by the gesture I move my hip to meet his advances he slips in deeper than he intended his groan significantly louder by the sudden pleasure.
”Does it hurt?” He pulls himself together to keep the eye contact he caresses the skin under my eye I nod before answering.
”A little.”
”Let’s try a few more thrusts if it still hurts after that I’ll stop and eat you out again. Shit. Maybe I should have made you cum again for the extra lubrication.” Yoongi regretfully gazes at my face.
”It’s fine. Just go slow.” I say the burning is bearable I’m getting used to the feeling slowly but not sure if I can cum again.
”My baby is so tight.” I’m definitely a sucker for those pet names. It helps me focus on his words instead of his slow thrusts. ”I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel. Feeling you wrapped around me a dream come true.” I experimentally squeeze around him and he lets out a loud moan his head nestled into my neck groaning and moaning between filthy words his pace got quicker but I don’t stop him even though it’s not feeling as good as him eating me out. I want to please him though and by the sounds, he seems very pleased.
”Are you alright?” He stops after hearing a louder whiny moan on my part but I don’t let him I circle my hips in place dragging out moans from him but he forces himself to reset his previous slower pace. I’m not having any of it. I want him to cum and want it soon.
”Yoongi” I whine out his name an idea foggily forming at the back of my head. ”Yoongi, I wanna ride you.”
”Are y-you sure?” He stills inside of me waiting for the confirmation and I nod inviting him into a kiss that turns slopy by time. I feel his hands grabbing at my waist to change position this way he sinks in deeper.
Holy shit it feels so much better.
”Fuck. Do you like this?” He grips my hips dragging his cock touching every sensitive part in me as my walls swallow his shaft he pulls me up just to let me sink down with a needy moan I’m starting to feel the appeal.
”Yes. I-ah-think.” I can almost picture the way my eyes roll back behind my skull right now. What was I saying? ”Go faster.” I choke out and Yoongi with a following set of groans obligates I’m too far gone to pay attention to how Yoongi watches with hungry eyes that I ruin the bedsheets.
”I like that you are so messy.” He places a stray hair behind my ears our chests pressed together so he can thrust up faster and harder. Yoongi holds me in place taking control the way his eyes shuts involuntarily and his member twitching inside of me signals that he’s close.
He’s breathtakingly beautiful as he reaches his high he’s so lost in the pleasure my walls provide so tight around him that he doesn’t have the mind to kiss me back so I just press them together for a minute longer. My legs ache because of the exercise but I let him use me to ride out his high the pretty sounds and satisfied look he gives me once seated firmly inside me with our mixed cum spilling out he looks down where our body connects rubbing the skin of my hip lovingly while watching me ruin his sheets. He likes that I’m messy.
”I hope you like me back because I don’t think I could fuck anyone else from now on.” I end up in a pit of laughter leaning my head on his shoulder he feels my body shake with the motion Yoongi whines in overstimulation when I accidentally squeeze his spent member. I peck the skin where my head previously rested before searching for Yoongi’s eyes.
”I do like you back.” I admit it shyly even though there’s nothing to be shy about his dick is still inside for fuck’s sake.
”Glad to hear that.” His grin returns faster than the speed of light. ”I thought I fucked your brains out when you suddenly started laughing. I was concerned for a minute.” I try to hit his shoulder but he’s faster grabbing my hand by the wrist and gives the flesh an attentive kiss the gesture is sweet and melts my heart.
”How are you feeling?” It’s cute how he seeks my reassurance. He lets me move away careful when pulling out so I can finally take the previous position lying down.
”Hm, sore but good. I just need .. some time. I don’t think I can stand up just yet.” I offer my honest reply burying my nose into the duvet that got tossed aside. He leaves the room making me confused but once he’s back with a towel in hand I pierce two and two together. It’s his towel. The thought is enough to make me blush furiously.
”Spread your legs for me.” I take the request as an order shyly spreading my legs so he can clean me up. ”There. All cleaned up.” The bed squeaks under the weight of his one knee pushing me further into the sheets. Yoongi bows down to kiss me his tongue teases my lips as we kiss asking for permission that I eagerly permit.
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
sooo I remember reading a thing (I don't remember who wrote it) about reader being a tailor and doing Sebastian Stan's measurements and him getting turned on by it.
and theeeeen I came across THIS picture:
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and my mind is GOING PLACES
AHA dude that was me and if anyone is interested, you can read it here.
But...you were saying-
“There were some last-minute changes. Get your shit together and come with me.” You looked up from your station and stared at Kevin for a few seconds as you continued to write in your notebook.
“Snap out of it and let’s go!!!” He sighed and motioned for you to hurry up, shaking his head when he saw you frantically getting out of your seat and grabbing your tool bag.
You almost tripped a couple of times as you followed him through the lot and into one of the production buildings.
“You mind explaining to me what’s happening?”
“Joe took over from Kristin, not sure why, and now he has too many clients for this movie so you’ll be taking three of Jo’s assignments and he was planning on getting most of the measurements today and since he can’t do that, you’re coming with me.” He swiped his card and pushed the door open for you, telling you to continue walking until the end of the hallway.
“Wow, alright then. Thanks for the heads up.”
“Look, I’m sorry, I only just found out like an hour ago. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve heard that most of the actors in this movie are nice so you won’t have to deal with any assholes. Here,” he took a few steps ahead of you and pushed the door open again before motioning for the next room.
“Just go through there and he’s waiting for you. You have my phone number, let me know if you need anything okay?” Kevin said as he patted you on the back before leaving again. You hoped for his sake that he was telling the truth about the actors. It was too early in the morning to deal with anyone’s shit.
Taking a deep breath, you fixed your bag and clicked on the mechanical pencil a few times before walking to the door. Knocking three times, you waited until you heard a soft response before entering.
And as soon as you walked in, you regretted not asking Kevin which actors you were taking over from Jo.
“H-hi, I uhh, I’m supposed to be taking your measurements...for the suits.” You swallowed nervously and looked at the two actors before zeroing in on the one fixing his glasses and drinking coffee.
“Hi, I’m Taron. Didn’t know Joe is a girl’s name!” Taron asked as he stepped forward and stuck his hand out for you to shake.
“Oh sorry, my name is Y/N. There were some issues with one of the tailors so I’m taking over some assignments from Joe...he has too much on his plate.” You smiled awkwardly before returning your attention to the other man.
“Sorry but I was told there was a third actor I will be working with?” You put your bag down and began to take out the pins, threads, and measuring tapes.
“Yeah Channing is running a little late so I guess you’ll start with us until he gets here. And it’s nice to meet you, I’m Pedro.” He stepped towards you and shook your hand as well before moving to give you some space as you took out your tools. You hoped he didn’t notice how nervous you were at meeting him. Fuck, the man was more handsome up close.
“So which one wants to go first?” You turned around and looked at the two men, raising an eyebrow when neither said nothing. You swore you saw Taron smirking at Pedro but you paid it no mind and flipped through the pages of your little notebook.
“Come on guys, I promise I don’t bite.” You joked and dug your fingers into the notebook when Pedro raised his hand.
“Y/N, how do you like your coffee?” Taron asked as he grabbed his phone and his keys before heading to the door.
“Oh god no please, you don’t have to.”
“Nonsense, I need some anyway.” He shook his head and waited.
“An iced hazelnut latte will do. Thank you so much!” You thanked him again and turned around to Pedro when you heard the door shut behind him.
“If you don’t mind, I usually prefer taking some preliminary measurements before we try on the suits?” You stretched out the measuring tape as you approached him, rolling up your sleeves as you waited for him to finish his coffee.
“Go for it, you’re the expert here. Just let me know how you want me.” You swore there was a flirty tone to his last words but you brushed the thought aside. Come on. Focus.
“T-thank you, and over here is fine.” You pointed towards the large mirror and asked him to take his jacket off.
“And feel free to let me know when you need to move around or anything, I know how hard these things get sometimes.” You smiled at him as you stuck the pencil behind your ears and stretched the tap out from his neck to his shoulders. He whispered something in return but you couldn’t catch it and thought better than to ask him what he said.
A few minutes passed by in silence with you scribbling down more measurements and trying to not pay attention to the heat radiating off of his skin.
“Just a few more and we’ll move on to the suits.” You made the mistake of looking into his eyes and blinked nervously when you noticed how dark and piercing they were.
“Take your time.” Pedro smiled at you and purposely looked down at your lips before meeting your gaze again, his smile growing further when he saw the obvious effect he was having on you.
All you did was hum before getting on your knees and putting the notebook and pencil on the floor.
“Fuck,” Pedro swore as soon as you pulled the measuring tape from his ankle to his inner thighs and you snatched your hands away immediately, hoping you didn’t make him uncomfortable by accident.
“S-sorry, I didn’t mean to...would you like to take a break?” You weren’t sure what you were supposed to say and you continued to stare up at him until he shook his head.
“Just surprised me...go ahead Y/N.” His voice came out hoarse and you couldn’t help but look at the way his jaws clenched as he looked down at you. Moving quickly through the last measurements, you stayed on the floor and wrote down the last numbers, not noticing the way Pedro was eyeing you as you remained at his feet.
"Ok, so we’ll be trying different suits to see which style matches you best and I’m honestly not sure when I’m supposed to let you go so depending on your availability, we can either finish this today or meet another time.” Pedro nodded and you walked to the chair that had the suits Joe chose for him. “Please put on this shirt and pick whichever suit to start with. I’ll be here.” 
“Thanks Y/N.” He took the suit and walked away quickly, and you frowned when the door slammed a little louder than it should have. Maybe he was just having a bad day.
Less than ten minutes later, you heard the door unlock and saw Pedro walking towards you from the corner of your eyes. “One sec, I’m looking for some ties here.” You forgot to hand him one when he went to change and when you heard shuffling behind you, you grabbed the black one and decided to match the colors later.
When almost gasped when you turned around and looked at Pedro.
“Is something wrong?” He asked when he saw the expression on your face, unsure of how he looked.
“Oh god no it’s just...damn, you really know how to wear a suit. Your shoulder to waist ratio is perfect.” The response was out before you could stop yourself and you laughed nervously before approaching him and ignoring the way he was smiling at your word vomit. When you looked down to avoid stepping on his shoes, your eyes widened in surprise at seeing the obvious tent in his suit pants.
Fuck, he was big.
“That might be the first time someone’s ever complimented my, what is it, shoulder to waist ratio?” Pedro unbuttoned the jacket and put up his collars when he saw the tie in your hands. He said nothing of your obvious reaction to noticing the not-so-little issue he was having, hoping that he wasn’t misreading the interaction.
“S-sorry, I can’t help it sometimes. There are some people that were built to wear suits and you’re one of them.” You said nothing as he leaned down so you could put the tie around his neck. He put his hands in his pockets, silently telling you that he wouldn’t be fixing his own tie. You didn’t look at him once, instead focusing on the fabric beneath your fingers and how perfectly chiseled his jaw was.
Your breath hitched when you felt him softly place his hands on your hips. You said nothing as you finished tying the fabric and fixing his collar, hands moving across his shoulders to flatten the creases.
“Tell me sweetheart, how am I supposed to go about my day now that I’m dealing with this issue?” You smiled when he pulled you closer to him and traced your jaw with his nose.
“I...uhh, s-sorry, I didn’t mean to- it’s a perfectly n-natural response.” You finally allowed yourself to shut your eyes and lean your head back as he skimmed his lips over your neck.
“Well, I can tell you that I’ve never had this problem before.” He kissed the skin below your ears and chuckled when he felt your grasp tighten around the suit.
“Mierda...every time you say ‘sorry,’ makes me want to bite your lip baby, kiss the breath out of you. So fucking sweet...” You shivered at the whispers he was speaking across your skin, barely managing to breathe when you felt how hard he was against your stomach.
“P-pedro...” Just as he was about to lean over and kiss you, the door unlocked and in came Taron with your coffee. You jumped as far away from Pedro as possible and pretended to jot some stuff down on your notebook, completely missing the way Pedro was silently swearing and pointing at Taron to leave.
“Ah mate I just realized I forgot to get Channing’s coffee. Be back in a bit.” You ignored him and stared at the numbers on the page. 
Your embarrassment was replaced quickly with shock when Pedro came up from behind you and pulled you to his chest. He turned your chin around until you were looking at his lust-blown eyes.
“Now, where were we?”
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najaeminsbabygirl · 4 years
Jeno A-Z
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):  Attentive, caring, soft, a perfect man when it comes to making sure you're clean and okay afterwards. Cuddles, hoodies, and snacks is usually the plan tbh  B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): On you: Your hips and thighs On Himself: His biceps and back C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): He’ll cum anywhere you ask him too, especially if you beg for it. But Jeno likes it if you cum on his tongue  D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): Jeno’s dirty secret is that he gets off on you wearing his clothes E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) Jeno doesn’t have a lot of in person experience but he’s seen enough porn to know what he’s doing. F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual):  Doggy style. It’s where he has the most control. G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): If you’re trying to be super serious while doing the do, he’s gonna bust out laughing. Y’all aren’t that serious while in bed tbh. H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): He shaves occasionally. Sometimes he gets lazy but he’ll still trim if he doesn't want to shave all the way.  I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) : He’s so gentle and sweet until you ask him to wreck you, then he’s not you Jeno anymore. He’s Sir. J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): His libido is super high, sometimes you can match it. When your sleeping he wont bother you and just head to the bathroom and rub one out. But he jerks off like 3 times a day so... K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): Hair pulling, biting, impact play, Sir/Daddy kink, BDSM, praise/degrading. He’s a kinky lil shit. L = Location (Favorite places to do the do): Jeno LOVES fucking in the car.  He also loves messing around in the living room but we don't talk about that.  M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): You just existing gets him going, but the most you have to do is touch his thigh. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): food play, watersports, vomit, or anything to do with that. He’ll try everything else once. O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): As much as Jeno loves you choking on him, he prefers you to sit on his face. P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): Fast and rough is his pace unless he's sleepy. Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): Jeno lives off of quickies during comeback season, 2 quickies gets through the day when he’s training.  R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): read L and you’ll note that he likes to risk being caught by members, the thrill makes him harder. S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): HIs stamina is no joke, each session ends up being like 5 rounds. and he only cums on the 5th. T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): Jeno, being the sadistic asshole he is, owns multiple vibrators specifically for you. If you aren’t crying, he isn’t stopping.   U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): Jeno’s whole existence is a tease. But he’ll happily frustrate you. V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): Super vocal, loud, he likes to growl. He doesn’t care if anyone is home either.  W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): Jeno likes it when you scratch the hell out of his back and arms. X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): 7 1/2 inches of torture <3 Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): Refer to J. But honestly he could do the do all day if you’d let him.  Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): As soon as you’re both cleaned up, he’s out. Dead to the world until noon tomorrow.
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elisela · 4 years
your name like honey on my lips stiles x derek, g, fluff & softness, 1.6k (ao3) for @tylerhunklin‘s prompt: “okay but like…what happens when derek gets too drunk at the bar and stiles has to drag him home…” -- lauren my sweetest love this is likely not what you were expecting but guess what, neither was i so.
It’s a bit of a surprise that the bar Stiles was called to abruptly in the middle of the night wasn’t terrible. Stiles had, when he’d finished stumbling into his jeans and made it outside, assumed that any place Scott would choose to get plastered in would be run down and disgusting, lacking appeal in everything except for cheap booze. Scott’s lucky to have a friend like Stiles, honestly, someone who’s willing to drag themselves out of their warm, comfortable bed at half past one in the morning and brave the frigid streets to go pick his drunk ass up. It makes him feel better to tell himself that, to dwell on his response to this situation instead of giving in to the irritation that Scott didn’t even have the decency to tell Stiles he was going out that night.
It was supposed to be Stiles’ night to celebrate; he’s got a brand new master’s degree in hand (okay, he’ll have it when they mail it to him in four to six weeks), he’s got two weeks to do nothing but laze around playing video games in his underwear until he starts his new job, and said job will finally afford him the chance to move out of his ninth-floor walk-up and hopefully into a building where the hallways don’t smell like three week old garbage that’s been left out in the summer heat despite it being January.
He loves Scott. Scott is his best friend in the entire world, the person who’d packed up everything he had and left his hometown just because Stiles had admitted to being lonely in New York; Scott is the person who makes Stiles believe there’s still good in the world. Scott is—
Not at this bar.
There’s hardly anyone in the place, not that he’s surprised—it’s Tuesday, a cold front has swept the city, and anyone with an ounce of sense is home. In bed. He mutters a curse under his breath and steps up to the bar. “Hey man, sorry—I’m Stiles? Someone called, said I needed to come get my buddy?”
The bartender jerks a thumb towards the end of the bar, and Stiles opens his mouth, ready to ask what the hell is going on because that’s not Scott, Scott’s got adorable wavy hair that stills flops down in front of his eyes sometimes, and he’s not nearly as built as this guy is; the guy may be slumped over the bar, head burrowed in his folded arms, but he’s got more muscle on him than Stiles and Scott combined. Whoever this guy is, Stiles doesn’t know him, doesn’t know why he asked the bartender to call Stiles to pick him up or how he even has his number, because Stiles only knows one person with a body like that and there’s no way that—
“You said adorable,” he hisses as the bartender, pointing wildly in Derek’s direction, because of course it’s the guy he regularly makes a fool of himself in front of over there, the one who he’s pretty sure can’t stand him even though Stiles has tried at least seventy-eight different ways to get his attention. “You said talkative. You said—”
He stops.
She holds up her hands and shrugs. “Look, we’re closing. If you don’t want to deal with him—”
“No, it’s fine,” he says, staring at the back of Derek’s head. He wonders how many drinks it took Derek to turn talkative; Stiles had, until this moment, seriously wondered if Derek had some sort of curse placed on him that only allotted him a few dozen words a day. He says more in ten minutes than Derek says all day, something he knows due to a combination of spending long days in the library writing his thesis and strategically choosing tables that offered him a view of the reference desk.
For easy research access, of course.
“You want me to call a cab for you two?”
He should stop staring. When he’d answered the phone—the Sheriff’s kid never, ever lets an unknown number become a missed call in the early hours of the morning—and she’d asked him to come get his adorable, talkative friend who wouldn’t shut up about him, he never expected this. “Yeah, that’d be great, thanks,” he says. He hopes Derek doesn’t live far, he’s still got a month before his first paycheck will hit his bank account and his take-out budget is going to get a serious chunk taken out of it if it turns out Derek lives out in Brooklyn or some shit.
He makes his way over until he’s on Derek’s other side and can see his face, eyes closed and resting peacefully. Stiles kicks at his foot gently; when that does nothing, and wraps his hand around Derek’s bicep—oh sweet Jesus—and shakes him a little, shoving his hands into his pockets when Derek’s eyes flutter open. “Hey, big guy,” he says, and Derek blinks up at him for a moment before smiling. Stiles draws in a breath and pastes a smile on his face because no, he is not affected by this. So what if he hasn’t ever seen a smile grace Derek Hale, permanently grumpy research librarian, before? There’s no reason why such a sight should make him want to melt into the floor right there. “Need some help getting home?”
Derek, it seems, has passed the point of happy, talkative drunk and has fallen straight into sleepy and silent. Stiles can’t decide if that’s better or worse, and when Derek finally slides off the barstool and straight into Stiles’ arms like he belongs there, nuzzling his face into Stiles’ neck with a sigh that bleeds contentment, Stiles starts calculating the odds that he actually died earlier in the day and this is his own personal heaven.
Or, more likely, a dream, because even though he’s got ten fingers and the cab waiting for them outside smells like vomit and greasy pizza, Derek shrugs helplessly when Stiles asks where he lives and his license lists somewhere upstate as his address, which means that his only real choice is to take Derek home with him, back to his shoebox of an apartment that’s barely big enough for a bed and a table, where he may have just enough room to sleep on the floor but certainly doesn’t have enough extra blankets to ensure he won’t freeze to death.
So he gives his own address to the cab driver, even though it’s only six blocks away, and stays pressed too close to Derek’s side, comfortably numb over the way Derek’s hand rests against his wrist, pinky and ring finger pressed against Stiles’ pulse point as they sit in silence. There’s so much he can’t wrap his head around that he doesn’t even try, because what good would it do to ask questions when Derek’s not said a single word to him so far? It’s startlingly familiar, just a different setting, a different hour, a different look on Derek’s face when Stiles helps him out of the cab and into his building.
By the time they’re up the stairs—a not insignificant feat—Derek is staring at him openly, mouth soft at the corners and eyes wide, fingers walking slowly up Stiles’ arm as he wedges his key into the lock and coaxes it back and forth until the deadbolt finally gives in and slides open.
“It’s not much,” Stiles says, curling his arm back around Derek’s waist and pulling him in, “and uh, I hope you don’t mind sharing the bed, I’ve got some—well, no, I don’t have any pants for you, sorry, but I have a shirt that might fit. It gets a little cold in here.”
He digs around in his dresser, pulling out of one the long sleeved shirts he wears to bed—it’ll be tight on Derek but it’s better than nothing—and tosses it at him while he pulls his own clothes off for the second time that night and looks around for the sweatpants he’d abandoned on the floor in his haste to leave. Derek’s still sitting on the edge of the bed when he’s done, looking down at his hands, and Stiles kneels in front of him without thinking, working at the laces of Derek’s shoes until he can pull them off.
“You’d be more comfortable without these,” he says, rubbing his palm against the jeans Derek’s still wearing. “You can leave them on if you want, but—it wouldn’t bother me if you took them off. If you’re comfortable with that.” Derek nods after a moment, leans into Stiles as he strips, keeps his hand on Stiles’ arm even as they crawl into the bed. He lays closer than Stiles thought he would, knees coming to rest together as they turn on their sides.
He’s almost asleep when Derek finally says his name. The light from the street below falls across Derek’s face at an angle, casting most of his face into shadow, but Stiles can see how Derek’s eyes sweep over his face, can feel the feather-light pressure of Derek’s thumb coming to rest against the corner of his mouth. “Is this real?”
There’s a slight slur to his words, a drunken lisp, and he can’t help but smile, Derek’s thumb tracing the line of his bottom lip. “You think this is a dream?” Maybe he shouldn’t touch—Derek’s still drunk, can’t really consent to anything and has never even remotely indicated that he would be interested in being in Stiles’ bed before this, but Derek’s touching him like he matters, so Stiles brings up his arm to rest around Derek’s waist and scoots a little closer.
“Yes,” Derek says quietly. “I won’t see you anymore. You’re—gone. I didn’t want you to be gone.”
“You can see me anytime you want,” Stiles says, tilting his head in, releasing a breath when Derek does the same, foreheads pressed together.
Stiles yawns, tugging Derek closer. “Every tomorrow,” he murmurs as he closes his eyes, and he falls asleep slowly to the sweep of Derek’s thumb across his cheek.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years
Seven Stages (Pt. 4)
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x reader
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Warning: Season 2 spoilers, death, violence
Main Master List | TUA Master List
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
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Once we got to Sissy’s house I couldn’t help but stare in awe at the unnatural weather. Snow littered the yard and a tunnel of energy formed into the sky coming from the barn. The trees bared no leaves showing how this must’ve been happening for a while now. 
“You think what ever is inside is causing the cold front?” Diego asked as we all exited the car. I mean it was obvious whatever was happening in the barn was causing the strange weather. 
“Well the correlation is high,” Five stated. I feel like sometimes he says bigger words just to make himself seem smart. I mean don’t get me wrong, he is the smartest person I’ve ever met, but still. He could’ve said something simpler than that. 
“Sissy!” Vanya shouted out. “Sissy!”
Sissy cocked her gun and pointed it at us, “Get back!” I mean a shotgun won’t do much to us but I understand where she’s coming from. “All of you, just get the hell back!”
“Sissy!” Vanya shouted once again holding a hand out. Klaus raised his hands up making me laugh to myself silently. Five was ready to do something if need be and so was Allison. I had my hand over my pistol which was strapped to my thigh. “Hey! Hey! What’s wrong?” Vanya asked with genuine concern.
Carl,” Sissy replied, looking over all of us nervously. 
“What did he do?” Vanya asked. 
“He’s...” Sissy said shakily. “He’s dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin’. What did you do?”
“No,” Vanya said breathlessly.
“What the hell did you do to my son?” Sissy asked, I could tell she was really scared, and someone who is scared with a gun never mixes well. 
Lightning hit the barn and Diego started to walk forward, “We don’t have time for this.”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Sissy asked aiming her gun at him.
“To help your son,” He responded holding out a hand like Vanya did earlier. 
“Look Sissy,” Vanya said trying to calm her. “I found my family. These are my brothers and my sister, and our family friend.” Sissy looked at us all, slowly lowering her gun.
“Ma’am,” Luther said with an awkward wave and smile. 
“Where you lyin’ to me the whole time?” Sissy asked. 
“Of course not,” Vanya said honestly. “Look, I didn’t know who I was. But now I do. And we’re not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We’re not here to hurt anyone.”
“Then...” Sissy panted lightly. “Who are you?” 
“The only one who can help Harlan.” 
Sissy finally trusted us and let us into the barn. Inside was a kid who was stuck in a ball of energy that he seemed to be creating. He wasn’t seem to be responding to anything Vanya said. So she stepped into the spinning energy ball. I stood next to Five who was standing in a defensive stance, ready to help his sister if need be. Poor man never relaxes. On the other side stood Klaus who...where did he...?
“Uh...guys?” Klaus asked, standing on the other side of the barn looking out at the field. 
“What?” I asked out already making my way over to him. 
“Oh fuck me,” I whispered noticing the handler and another person standing next to her. 
“What, who are they?” Klaus asked.
“One’s the handler,” I started.
“And the other’s Diego’s girlfriend,” Five finished for me. Diego has a girlfriend?
“Lila,” Diego said. “That’s my ex-girlfriend.”
“What?” Klaus asked genuinely surprised.
“You know what? Doesn’t matter now,” He said still staring at the two. 
“They both look angry,” I spoke out rocking on my feet slightly. 
“Our brother has that effect on people.”
“We’re going to go out there and find out what they want,” Five said motioning me and him. “You guys stay with Vanya and the kid.”
“I’m going with you too,” Diego said. “Come on.” With that the three of us walked out to the Handler and Lila.  
“I love that smell of fresh country air,” The Handler spoke up with a chuckle. “Don’t you darling?”
“It makes me want to vomit,” Lila replied grouchily. 
“What do you want?” Five asked, wanting to get this over with. 
“To watch you suffer,” Lila spouted making me stand in a more defensive position. Over my dead body will Five suffer any more than he already has. 
“What about me?” Diego asked like a puppy and it was clear he still liked her. 
“You’re not even worth my wrath,” She responded like that was the stupidest question asked. I would’ve high fived her for being strong but right now she was my enemy and I’m sure she also did something to Diego. 
“Easy,” The Handler smiled with a warning tone. “We’re here on official business.”
“What business is that?” I asked keeping my hand over my pistol once more. 
“As head of the commission, I’ve decided to eradicate the criminals responsible for the assassination of the former head of directors,” The handler said calmly. I looked at Five who looked even more on edge now which answered my question on what the fuck happened there. 
“Yeah right,” Diego said. “We didn’t kill the board.” Diego obviously hasn’t realized that Five did yet.
“That’s not entirely accurate,” Five said nervously.
“You didn’t tell them?” The handler asked, she seemed to be having too much fun with this. Five shrugged and she continued, “Oh Five.”
“Five what the hell did you do?” Diego asked. Is...is he really this dumb?
“What I had to do to get my family home,” Five replied and I felt my heart break a little. “Until someone regened on our deal.” He had to kill again, and the deal obviously didn’t work out or they would be in 2019 at the moment. The handler probably had something to do with it and at that moment I wanted to tear her to shreds even more than I did before. 
“Somebody wouldn’t have regened if somebody could’ve met a simple deadline,” The Handler countered, making it seem like Five was at fault. 
“You set him up to fail,” I spoke up with a glare. 
“He set himself up to fail, friend,” She smiled condescendingly and I almost launched myself at her if I didn’t know any better. “You and your brothers and sisters,” The Handler faced Five once more. “Kinda a running theme of your little life, isn’t it?” She had the gull to laugh. 
“He didn’t fail in finding me,” I said crossing my arms. 
“It won’t matter in the end,” She shrugged. 
“Dude, I can’t believe you killed the board of directors,” Diego whispered to Five. “You have no idea how messed up the commission is right now.”
“Messed up?” The Handler asked. “Who’s saying that?”
“Everybody,” Diego glared. “Christ even the janitors think it’s going to shit!”
“That’s not all he killed,” Lila chimed in. “Her too.” She looked at Five and I with a glare. 
“What are you talking about?” I asked confused. I haven’t killed anyone since I left the Commission. 
“Don’t play dumb you prepubescent piece of shit,” She growled and Five stood slightly in front of me. 
“Enough,” The Handler said. “The point is that you all are going to die today.” 
“Oh, well I don’t like your chances,” Diego stated. “Eight of us, two of you.”
“You know? You’re right,” The handler agreed, clearly something up her sleeve. “Let’s change that.”
With a snap of her fingers people from the commission started showing up. Hundreds of people all surrounding her and pointing their weapons at us. Five staggered back slightly, clearly fearful of what will happen to us all. My heart started beating rapidly and the hold on my pistol tightened. 
“What should we do now?” Diego asked. 
“Fight and die now, or run and die later,” I breathed out shakily. 
“Either way we’re food for the worms,” Five agreed. 
“Preference?” Diego asked looking at the both of us. 
“Wouldn’t mind breathing air for a few more minutes through the old wind bags,” Five shrugged and I let out a strangled chuckle of agreement. 
“Let’s get this over with shall we?” The Handler asked looking at her wrist, did she even have a watch? She lifted a red flag and I shouted out ‘run’ while we slightly tripped backwards. 
We all ran towards the barn and the sounds of people shouting followed us. They started to shoot while we were running for our lives. Five grabbed me and Diego and blinked us towards a red tractor. We took cover behind the big wheel.
“What now?” Five shouted over the sound of bullets ricocheting off the metal.
“We blink into the house man!” Diego shouted back. 
“Okay,” Five mumbled softly and tried to blink us into the house, but it wasn’t working. 
“What?” Diego asked. 
“He’s out of fuel!” I replied, joining the conversation. “He’s too tired.”
“Go, I’ll...” Diego trailed off. “I’ll cover for you.”
“Diego what are you...?” Five asked as Diego stood up. 
“Just go!” Diego shouted stopping the bullets from moving. Five grabbed my hand and dashed towards the house, taking one last look at Diego. Opening the house door he let me enter before following. I went under the table, Five joining me. He held me to his chest in a protective manner as something outside blew up. Bullets were nonstop firing into the house, the only safe spot being where we resided. All I could hear was bullets and Five’s heavy breathing. I felt tears prick my eyes, ‘This is it’. 
The sound of energy bursting emitted and suddenly the firing stopped. Five lifted his head from my neck and looked around, as did I. We hesitantly looked out the widow to see everyone dead...besides the Handler, Lila, and his family. Vanya was floating in the air, a bright beam of energy showing from her chest. Suddenly Lila floated up in the same manner, same glowing energy, and I brought Five with me back under the table. 
Luther crash landed in the living room. Five and I stared wide eyed at him for a second before rushing over. 
“Luther, you alright?” Five asked worriedly. 
“Oh, I think I swallowed my tongue,” Luther muttered out. 
Five rolled his eyes, “Luther, if you swallowed your tongue you wouldn’t be talking, you big moron.” I rolled my eyes at how Five’s demeanor changed so quickly. 
“Come on, to your feet,” I said gently grabbing his hand and helping him up. He stumbled back slightly dragging me with him, Five right behind me just in case. 
“Hey what the hell was that?” Luther asked. “What was that?” Luther held onto Five’s shoulders to stabilize himself. 
“She must’ve redirected,” I responded as Five looked back out the window. “Vanya’s energy wave.” I clarified. 
“Yeah I know,” Luther said. “But how?” 
Some bricks started to fall and Five looked up with wide eyes, “Watch out!” Five pushed me and Luther out of the way as bricks fell on top of him. I felt my stomach drop and the world around me seemingly blurred. I fell to my knees in front of the pile  and started brushing away the bricks. Luther helping me. 
Lila blinked into the house and I glared up at her, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. 
“What are you?” Luther asked. 
“A bitch,” I choked out. My throat felt like it was closing, but I had to keep my emotions under control. 
“Someone who want’s to kill your brother and his little girlfriend,” She replied nonchalantly. I grabbed my pistol and aimed it at her. 
“Well that’s understandable,” Luther said with a shrug. “Diego can be a lot to handle.”
“She’s talking about Five,” I grumbled, keeping my weapon trained on her as she made her way to Luther.
“Him too,” Luther agreed. “But unfortunately, they’re family, so you’re shit out of luck.” 
Luther went to punch her and she held his fist. I analyzed what she was doing like a Hawk. I couldn’t shoot because that would endanger Luther and I only have six bullets to spare. 
“How is this possible?” Luther grunted out. 
“Gotta believe in yourself big boy,” Lila mocked as she threw him out of the house. Lila glanced at me but decided she needed to deal with the super family before taking on normal me. I let out a breath as I realized what is going on with her. She’s super, she can use people’s powers against them. I went back to the brick pile and started digging for Five once again.
He can’t be dead, I mean he’s Five. Five the smart mouthed bastard who just couldn’t die. He couldn’t. He won’t. Not under my watch. I found blue in the pile and kept moving bricks. Suddenly Five sat up looking around. He looked at me and looked over my entire, for the most part, unhurt being. I helped move more bricks so it would be easier for him to get up. 
“Don’t do that again shit-heel,” I muttered out, once again almost crying. 
He brushed a stray tear away, “I’ll try not to.” We walked over to the opening that Luther left.
“Looking for us?” Five asked shrugging his shoulders slightly. I quickly wiped some blood from his lip as she called him a turd. “Let’s dance.” 
Five blinked and Lila did too. Shit I didn’t tell him that she has powers too. I ran into the house where they started to fight. 
“Five don’t blink!” I shouted but he ignored me as he continued. I fought where I could. Landing a few square punches, her doing the same. She grabbed a pan as Five was still trying to figure out how Lila could do what she could do. Five blinked out of the house, as did Lila and I ran out try and find them. I saw the rest of the Hargreeves out by the red tractor and  ran over to them. 
“Where’s Five?” Diego asked as I panted. 
“I don’t know,” I breathed out. We all decided to go to the barn then, since that could be the only place left. When we got there they were talking about some kill order. Yet all I could focus on was the knife she aimed towards Five. I was about to go in there, or better yet shoot the bitch, but Diego stopped me. 
“She never cared about your parents,” I chimed in entering the barn after getting Diego off of me. “She was looking for you. I was also confused on why she came on that mission with us.” 
Lila looked back at me, confusion and hurt showed on her face, “Why?”
“Cause you’re one of us,” Diego spoke up behind me, patting my shoulder, glad I didn’t immediately kill her. “The Handler stole you Lila, just like our asshole father took all of us.”
“No,” Lila denied. “It’s not the same thing.”
“You’re right,” Diego agreed. “Because he didn’t have our parents murdered. Listen to me Lila. You were born October 1st, 1989, the same day as all of us.”  
“Stay back!” Lila threated as we all were circling her. We backed up defensively as Diego continued to try and calm her down. Luther even joined in to try and gain her trust but she just faked gag.
“All right I tried,” Luther said rolling his eyes. 
“You’re right, we have to kill her,” Five said wildly. I can tell all this stress was going to snap him. Yet I kind of agreed with Five, having someone this unstable with those type of powers was dangerous on the loose. Five and I got closer to her but Diego stopped us.
“Five! Hey Five, (y/n)! Stop,” Diego shouted making us look at him. “I got it.”  Five stopped and so did I, and once again Diego tried to get her to trust us. She looked at us all and I smiled gently, hoping it would ease her into the right decision. Right as it seem like she was going to agree the world seemed to stop. 
Bullets shot into us all and I felt myself gasp as I felt my body become riddled with them. I fell backwards as I continued to gasp for air. My only thought at the moment was Five. I turned my head slowly to look at him and if I could at that moment I would’ve let out a sob. Seeing him riddled with bullets made the pain 10x worse. 
I grabbed his hand weakly as my last thought ran through my head, ‘I love you’.
╚═════════════.✾. ═
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sicjimin · 3 years
A.N : *hands you Namjin* this still from the prompt: 6.) “Hey, I hate to cut this conversation short, but I’m gonna go throw up, be right back–” but not as request. Just from my messed up brain :D i hope you like this one !! and i'm sorry i have been posting a lot. I will tone it down after this since i already finished all the request:) l
TW : emeto, graphic description of vomiting
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Seokjin groans, diving his head deeper into the pillow when he could feel a mild thumping sensation knocking his skull, not the mention the sore feeling in his throat and his inability to smell anything—his nose runny, making it difficult for him to breathe normally. He knows it was a bad idea for him to pushing through the rain when he's aware his schedule has been packed this past week, and unfortunately, his body decided to give up this fast.
Seokjin rolls his body and stretches his arms to reach his phone, the blaring of brightness making him squint. 8 AM. He still has 3 hours before his schedule starts, even though he doubts he will make it there. He pushes his slightly feverish and aching body to the bathroom, freshens himself so he looks at least.. decent. He walks slowly to the kitchen, gulping down cool water that calming his scratchy throat, and start making toast—light enough for his upset stomach to digest.
He was waiting for the toaster to pop when his phone buzzing.
"Bighit Kim Namjoon ❤ calling... "
A small smile starts forming on his lips before picked the call up, placing his phone in a proper place so he could eat while watching his boyfriend. This has been their routine since Namjoon goes to some works in Japan with Yoongi and Hoseok a few days ago.
"Hyung!!", Namjoon's cheery voices echoing through the empty kitchen, followed by the younger face that's too energetic and happy in Seokjin's eyes in the morning. " Hi babe, why are you so happy?", Seokjin asks, eyes occasionally moving to place jam on his toast. Seokjin lowkey hopes that the younger won't notice his deeper and congested voice.
"I'm gonna go sight-seeing here hyung. That's why i am so energetic. Even though Yoongi hyung still sleeping and look", Namjoon turning his phone, now Seokjin's screen showed Hoseok laying on top of Yoongi and Yoongi, with all his might, try to push the younger from him. Some of the grunts could be heard. Seokjin laughs at the sight. When his laugh tapered down, he clears his throat awkwardly when the screen shows back Namjoon, but the younger watching him intensely, " Hyung, you sound different and you look tired, are you okay?"
Seokjin sigh, suddenly aware of the disgusting feeling of sickness in his body, "No. I think I caught a cold .. or bug. I don't know. I woke up feeling like shit today", he turns his gaze to the plate below him, a wave of sadness suddenly hitting him. How he wishes Namjoon was here, being sick alone isn't a great feeling, " I wish you were here, Joon-ah", he adds softly. His voice is small, Namjoon almost didn't catch it if he wasn't paying full attention. "Hyung.. I'm sorry, I wish I'm with you too there. I will try to get home as soon as possible, okay?", didn't want to make the situation more gloomy, he changes the topic, "Have you eat breakfast hyung?"
"I was about to", Seokjin lifts his plate, " Oohh toast? Usually you eat a full course hyung", Namjoon giggling.
"Yah! i told you i'm not feeling well", Seokjin grunts, " How about you? Have you eaten?"
Namjoon nods, "Now eat hyung, i will accompany you. It seems like", he turned his gaze to the bed across him, " Yoongi-hyung and Hobi will take .. some times more"
So, they did their breakfast date. Namjoon going on about his day, how the staff messed up some of the works that triggering the outburst of PD-nim, how he found a cute coffee shop and promise to take Seokjin there. Seokjin listening attentively while slowly chewing his toast, sometimes giving his response.
Namjoon was talking about his night-stroll yesterday when Seokjin lost his focus. Namjoon's words lost behind the overwhelming feeling in his stomach, it's sloshing around. He ducked his head down, trying to hide the pained expression while rubbing his stomach. He's too focused to calm down his stomach until he didn't realizes Namjoon falls silent there, "Hyung?", he calls out. Seokjin perked up, " Uh? Yes? I'm sorry Joon-ah, what were you saying?"
"Are you okay hyung?"
Seokjin buried his head in his arms, shaking his head before mumbled weakly, "No .. i feel nauseous, maybe because of this toast"
"Try to drink water, hyung"
Seokjin does as he told. But the water sits heavily in his stomach, he could feel it turning around in his stomach with his toast. Seokjin groans, "Joon-ah .. i feel so sick"
Seokjin hasn't heard Namjoon's response yet when his body convulses with a wet gag. His eyes widened as his hand quickly clamped his mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut as his breathing becomes quick-paced. He swallows thickly, pushing another gag down. He could hear Namjoon calling his name in panic on the other side, "Hyung!!''
Seokjin opened his eyes slowly when the wave passed, "Joon-ah, I think I'm gonna be sick—", he gulped down a splash of liquid that creeping on the back of his throat, "—soon. You can end the call and I—", another wave, "—will call you back later". Seokjin pressed his fist to his lips when he managed to finish the sentence. Nausea now becomes more prominent, ready to escape his mouth like a yawn. Namjoon agreed hesitantly before the younger end the call with, "Call me back soon, I can't wait anxiously here knowing you're sick. If you're not, I'm flying back there first time tomorrow"
Seokjin tosses his phone and pushes himself to the sink, a loud gag immediately rocking his body but brings nothing. His mouth parted slightly, letting a copious amount of saliva falls to the sink as he waits for the inevitable wave of nausea to come. He spits before another gag escaped his throat, followed by a mouthful of dark brown vomit that he recognized as his chocolate toast he just ate spurts out of his mouth. He coughs as some of it stuck in his throat. He retches again, making his body swaying forward further, dragging more of watery vomit out of his body, and splatters to the sink. He barely catches a breath as his stomach keeps clenching and sending his stomach content rushing from his mouth. His sink already filled with murky brown vomit everywhere. He shakily turn on the tap to slowly drain his sick.
Seokjin pants after he let the last round of vomit out of his body. His congested nose didn't help in the slightest, only adding to the pounding sensation in his head. He rinsed his mouth and take few sips of water again. It still sits heavily in his stomach.
At least, if he gonna be sick again, he will have something to throw up, he thought.
He drags his exhausted body, his phone, and trashcan to the couch. Seokjin curled his body there as he presses the recent call history. Exhaustion almost take him to sleep when the call connected, followed by Namjoon's worried voices, 'Hyung! How are you feeling? are you feeling better? have you take your medicine? i was worried because—'
"Joon-ah, slow it down, my head hurts", Seokjin croaked out weakly.
" Ah sorry hyung"
"To answer all of that, yes i just throw up and honestly i feel worse. No i haven't take medicine, i think i will later when my stomach already feels better or i will just throw it back .. 'm exhausted Joon", Seokjin sigh. Tears start welling in his eyes because of how terrible he felt right now. " I know baby, please wait okay. You will feel better soon"
"I miss you", Seokjin blurted out.
"I miss you too hyung, now go to rest, okay? Then take your medicine and eat something when you wake up. I need to go somewhere", Namjoon says. Seokjin gulped down a little bit of disappointment he felt in his heart and nods before he end the call. He's better sleeping now, maybe he will feel better after some naps.
Seokjin awakes with a shiver and pounding in his head. He groans before he blindly grabs his phone, 8 PM. He squeezed his eyes shut and bite his lips, everything in his body just become worse. He turns his body, try to hypnotized himself to sleep again, but the moves apparently too much for his upset stomach, as he immediately leaned his body to the edge of the couch when his stomach clenched, bringing a stream of clear liquid rush from his mouth. He's grateful he already prepared a trashcan down there. His stomach squeezes again, sending another rush of liquid. Seokjin pants and readying himself for another round.
He almost yelp in surprise when he feels someone massaging his nape, "Jimin-ah?", he croaked out before his breath hitched again as another liquid pouring out from his body, " That's it hyung, let it out"
Seokjin choked out, "Joon-ah?", he tried to turn his face to his boyfriend but his body has another decision as he pukes again. Namjoon smiles fondly at the sight, " Finish your business first hyung, breath, i'm not going anywhere"
Seokjin leaned back when he managed to let go of the half-filled trashcan, eyes half-opened as he's not fully awake and exhausted. "Joon-ah?", he calls out weakly, arms blindly searching for the younger hands. Namjoon takes Seokjin's warm hands and engulfs it before placed a kiss on the older burning forehead, " I'm home, baby"
Seokjin opened his eyes fully, even though it still seems like he's half-awake, but he tries. "Why are you .. here?"
"I told you, i will come home the first thing. You're sick, and i can bear sitting and walking around in Japan knowing you're all miserable here"
"I'm not miserable!", Seokjin pouts.
"Have you seen your condition now?"
"Touché", Seokjin leaned his body to Namjoon's and fiddle with the younger sweater, " I'm not dreaming right? Maybe this is because of my fever i'm seeing things"
Namjoon leaned down and place a quick kiss on Seokjin's lips, making Seokjin's eyes widened, 'You gonna be sick!?"
Namjoon giggles, "I'm not, and is that enough proof?", Seokjin hums shyly, " Thank you, Joon-ah"
"What are you thanking me for? this is my duty as your boyfriend", he squeezes the older in his embraces, brushing the blonde hair back, " Now, let's eat and take your medicine okay? i have prepared porridge and your favorite tea"
Seokjin groans nuzzled his head deeper and tighten his arms on the younger waist, "No. You cant move either"
Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I forget that you're baby when you're sick"
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
7. Home for the Holidays
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Y/N promised herself she would never date a musician. It was her one rule–her only rule, actually–when it came to dating. But then, Harry Styles rolled into her life and asked her to break it, just this once. And this is what happened.
a/n: thank you for all the love lately!!! <3 u guys
pls reblog to spread the word about only exception! 🥰
Harry and Y/N had discussed the idea of having some elaborate reveal that they were having a baby, but they decided to just do it in the fashion of buying onesies for their parents for Christmas gifts and letting their parents open them and discover the truth. Harry and Y/N spent hours one evening picking out onesies on Etsy that said things like “I love Grandpa!” and giggling over the prospect of telling their parents, excitement seeping out of them.
But first, Y/N knew she had to tell Hanna and Jamie. She suspected that they already thought something was wrong, after she had cancelled on all of their recent requests to go out for drinks. So when she asked them over to her apartment for dinner, she didn’t know what the mood would be. They arrived in normal fashion, though, Jamie bringing ice cream for dessert and Hanna bringing a bottle of wine for them to share.
When she plucked glasses from the cabinet—three, one for each of them—that’s when Y/N knew her time had come. “Not one for me,” she said calmly, turning away from the salad she was making.
Hanna looked at her, confusion across her face, and then at the wine. “But…it’s wine.”
Y/N nodded. “I can’t have any.”
Hanna gasped, the glasses dropping to the counter and barely avoiding cracking, and rushed to her friend. Jamie stood there, shocked, eyes flickering between Y/N’s stomach and her face. “You’re pregnant?” He asked finally, eyes wide.
She nodded, and Hanna dropped to her knees. “Can I touch?” Hanna asked softly, eyes on Y/N’s belly. She was the first person to ask, the first person who would feel the place where Y/N’s child was growing, but she didn’t mind. It was her best friend, after all. So she nodded.
“What’s it like?” Jamie asked, coming over to stand next to her, head cocked to the side.
“What, pregnancy?” He nodded. “Well, so far, it just means I can’t have wine and I vomit a lot. I’m also so fucking tired all the time.”
“When you were sick,” Jamie said, putting the pieces together in his head. “Shit.”
Hanna slapped him. “Stop it, you.”
“No, what is it?” Y/N asked, pushing Hanna away from her so she could turn to Jamie.
“I just…” Jamie ran his hand over his face, eyes flickering to her. “Harry knows?” She nodded. “And?”
“He’s over the moon,” she informed him, voice stern. She got it. He didn’t think Harry would want the kid, that she was going to be raising it alone. And maybe, if Harry wasn’t so goddamn stubborn, she would be. “I tried to tell him he didn’t need to be around, but he literally started crying at the prospect. He’s the one who convinced me to let him stay, to do it together.”
“Wow,” Hanna said, leaning against the counter. “I always knew he was wonderful, but that—that’s something else.”
Jamie reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, his expression softening. “I’m sorry—I was worried about you. I’m happy for you, and Harry, as long as you are.”
She took his hand and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of it, something they always did to make up. “Honestly, I am. It’s not what I was expecting, but doing it with Harry, it’s not as bad as I was expecting. It’s actually kind of incredible.”
“Is the sex, like, insane?”
Her head swiveled to Hanna and Jamie gasped, swatting at Hanna’s shoulder. “Han!”
“What? Your hormones are like raging right? It’s got to be incredible.”
Y/N coyly smiled and this time both Hanna and Jamie gasped, their questions toppling over one another. She had never shared too much of her and Harry’s sex life with her friends, valuing his privacy, and that wasn’t going to change. But she did tell them, “It’s on a whole other level,” which earned clapped hands and shrieks. And she wasn’t lying. The added hormones raging through her bloodstream had her wanting him at every time of day, and Harry seemed even more infatuated with her than normal, touching and kissing her every chance he had. She couldn’t even count the times they had had sex in his kitchen, not being able to wait until they went upstairs, or the times he had dropped to his knees in the shower, desperate to taste her. Sex with Harry was always mind-blowing, good in a way she had never experienced before, but sex with Harry while pregnant neared an out of body experience sometimes. He could oscillate so well between kind, soft, cuddly, and this man who was simply dying to be inside of her, murmuring words in her ears that had her blood rushing straight down.
When her friends left, she called Harry and told him exactly what she had been thinking about, and he promptly drove to her apartment, not wanting to leave her desiring him and unable to quench her thirst. He took her on her bed, their teeth gnashing and hands scrambling over skin, Harry sucking harshly on her neck until she reminded him they were seeing her dad tomorrow, at which point he opted for a spot on her breast. Their increased size and sensitivity was driving Harry—and Y/N—mad, so he had his lips on them whenever he had the chance.
“How,” he exhaled as he drove deeply into her, the only sound audible in her room the sound of their panting and skin slapping, “do you feel better every time I’m inside of you?”
She knew what he meant. She could never tire of him, the way he fit inside of her, the way he touched her body, the way he made her feel. Fingers threaded in his hair and she yanked him down to her, begging for his lips to reach hers again. And when they did, she murmured, “You’re the best I’ve ever had,” against them. Harry groaned, deep and throaty, and pressed a deep spot that had her seeing stars.  
Afterwards, Harry asked her to lay down and he slipped down her body, pressing his lips to the spot right below her belly button where their child rested. “Hi Peanut,” he whispered against her skin, Y/N smiling down at the sight of him talking to their child. “It’s Papa. Sorry if that disturbed you, just needed to show Mama how much I love her. I hope you can understand and forgive me.”
“Shut up,” she told him. “That’s much too crass for them still!”
“Shh,” he told her, finger to his lips. “I’m not done.” He bent back down and rested his hands on her hips. “Can’t wait to meet you. I’ve been dreaming about you, you know.” Y/N didn’t know that and she looked down at Harry in wonder, curious how she had gotten so lucky. “Dreamed you were a girl. Not that that means anything—you are whoever you want to be, Peanut. I’ll love you no matter who you are, always, unwaveringly.”
“You didn’t tell me that,” she whispered, hand curving over his jaw and tugging his head up so their eyes met.
He pressed a lingering kiss to her belly before crawling up to her face, fingers brushing across her flushed cheeks. “I wanted to tell Peanut first.”
“A girl, huh?” He nodded, and she smiled. “I’d like that, I think.”
“I think you’ll like whoever they are,” he told her. “Because they’ll be utterly perfect, just like you.”
She smiled into the kiss she gave him, hoping he knew that it wasn’t her they’d resemble in perfection, it would be him.
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Harry was bouncing on his toes in both excitement and fear at the prospect of telling her father. He genuinely liked Peter, looked up to him even. Even as he grew older, he had managed to maintain his career, finding new and creative ways to make a living, which was not easy. Despite his success, he was still incredibly down to Earth and didn’t make you feel judged when you wrote with him—which was something Harry, as a relatively new songwriter, deeply appreciated. His imposter syndrome in the songwriting room was something he constantly battled, especially when he wrote with new people. But Peter put Harry at ease immediately, making suggestions in a way so Harry didn’t feel like an idiot, and praising him when he had genuinely good ideas.
So that was all to say, the last thing he wanted was for Peter to hate him for getting his daughter pregnant at 23.
Peter opened the door to his house beaming, the Motown Christmas Album playing in the background as Y/N and Harry stepped in, a flutter of hellos and hugs. “It’s been too long!” Peter said, giving Harry a clap on the back. “How was tour?”
“Good,” Harry said as Peter shut the front door. “Long.”
“Heard from Jeff you’re doing March to July this year,” Peter said, leading them into the living room where the tree was set up, the jolly holiday spirit wrapping around Harry like a hug. He and Y/N had decorate his place a bit, putting up a tree she went and got from the store and decorating it with ornaments, but he never went all out with decorating. Decorating any house that wasn’t his mom’s just felt wrong somehow.
Harry nodded, taking a seat next to Y/N on the couch, loving the way she leaned subconsciously into him when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Yeah, should be a long one.”
“Didn’t know you and Jeff were friends,” Y/N asked her father, taking a sip from the hot coco her father had placed in front of them.
“Decided I should get to know him a bit better ever since you and this one started spending all your time together,” Peter said with a chuckle. “Especially since you don’t call enough and give me the information yourself.”
“That’s a lie,” Y/N said, glancing up at Harry as if to reassure him that she was, in fact, a good daughter. “I call him all the time.”
“Don’t doubt it,” he replied, pressing a kiss to her hair. He was an affectionate person, and he had always appreciated the fact that Y/N never pushed him away, always seemed to lean in for more. Made him feel even more loved by her.
Peter set down his own cup of hot chocolate and made his way over to the tree. “Now, I know you have to head up to your mom’s, so should we get started on the presents?”
Harry and Y/N had decided to go to her dad’s on the way up to her mom’s house, driving up a rental car and fly out of San Francisco to London to cut down on the amount of time they had to drive. It was busy on the highways and honestly, Harry hated driving for long distances in the states, but for Y/N he’d do it. Driving on the wrong side of the road was something he never could fully adjust to and doing it for hours at a time took the utmost concentration.
“Yes!” Y/N replied, grabbing their gift for him from her purse and setting it under the tree. “But I want mine first.”
Peter chuckled and dug around for Y/N’s, the red and green wrapping paper making Harry smile. He liked that Peter wasn’t perfect at wrapping but he still made an effort, the crinkles in the paper and jagged edge of the paper authentic and loving. “Hope you like it, doll.”
Y/N ripped open the paper, a green slim box revealing itself in the paper. She shook it like a little girl, which made Harry laugh softly next to her, before opening up the box. Inside lay three concert tickets to the upcoming Taylor Swift tour, which had Y/N squealing, launching herself into her father’s arms. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She said, giving her dad a tight hug, Peter’s full body laugh filling the room.
“You’re welcome,” he said. “You never took me up on last year’s gift, so I decided to just make an executive decision. Harry, I know you’ll be gone, but I thought you could take Hanna and Jamie with you.”
Y/N nodded, a quick look to Harry that made his heart clench. “Yes, of course. They’ll scream when I tell them how good the seats are.”
Her dad chuckled. “I have no doubt.” Y/N gave her dad one last squeeze before settling back into her spot next to Harry, the way she interlaced her fingers with him sending him the message that She wished it could be him going with her, but she wasn’t mad. “Now, Harry.” Peter reached around the tree and grabbed a gift for Harry, wrapped up and looking like a book of some kind.
“Oh,” Harry said, reaching up to grab it, “thank you so much. You didn’t have to get me anything, though.”
“Nonsense,” Peter replied, waving the idea away. “You’re with Y/N, so you’re part of the family.”
Y/N shot him a knowing smile, the thought passing through both their heads at how right her dad actually was. Harry ripped at the paper, his fingers curving around a leather journal that quite resembled the one he lugged around with him everywhere he went. “Oh,” he said, looking up at Peter. “Wow. Thank you so much.”
“Of course,” Peter replied. “When we were writing I noticed you were about halfway through your old one, so I thought you were probably due to have a new one.”
He was right, in fact. Harry had planned to buy one back in London at his favorite shop, but it seemed that Peter had beat him to it, the mark on the back from the same place as his current notebook. “This is incredible,” he said, wiping at the tears threatening to spill from his eyes at the thoughtfulness. “So thoughtful. Thank you.”
Y/N threaded her hand through his, giving it a squeeze to remind him she was there and he glanced down at her face to help stitch his emotions back into place. “Now, Dad, we’ve got ours for you.” She scrambled up, grabbing the bag from under the tree that held their carefully selected onesie for him.
Peter ripped out the tissue paper, digging his hand in and reaching around for the gift. Y/N bit her lip and looked up at Harry who gave her a reassuring smile, reminding her with his eyes that Peter was going to be happy for them, just as they had discussed. “Oh!” Peter said when he pulled out the onesie that said “#1 Grandkid” on it and an ultrasound photo they had had printed for him. Tears welled in his eyes, looking up at Y/N and Harry in disbelief. “Really?” He asked, words breathless.
Y/N nodded and Peter yelped in excitement, rushing to grab them both into hugs, a flurry of love and warmth they desperately needed. “Due in June,” Y/N told him.
“Summer baby,” he said, to himself looking back down at the ultrasound photo in his hand. “Good. Could use one of those in this family.”
Harry laughed and Peter reached out, a soft hand on Harry’s cheek. “Welcome to the family, son.”
The word made Harry’s heart clench, the thought of being a permanent part of Y/N’s family a prospect too good to be true. “Thank you,” he replied.
Peter proceeded to pepper them with questions, cracking a joke about how he almost got Y/N a crate of wine as a joke from last Christmas but was glad he didn’t, and they chatted about what he was going to be called. They decided on “Pop”, something short and sweet, and a shortened of what Y/N had called her grandfather before he passed. Over brunch they talked about their upcoming trip to England and their plan to tell Y/N’s mother that evening. Peter nodded at the sound of his ex-wife’s name, and Harry thought for not the first time about the fact that both he and Y/N had parents who were divorced. He hoped it wasn’t a sign for him at Y/N—he wanted to stay with her forever. They hadn’t talked about the idea of marriage, but it was something playing at the back of his mind ever since they’d learned they were going to have a baby.
He didn’t want to get married just because of their child, but at the same time, he loved Y/N and couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else. She challenged him, loved him, made him a better person. Made him laugh like crazy, bought him all the weird foods he liked, gave the best massages. Reminded him that he had a life outside of work—a life he loved. The prospect of marrying her wasn’t scary to him. In fact, it sounded like heaven.
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Y/N couldn’t help but watch Harry as he drove, one hand on the steering wheel, one on her knee. At first, he did it because she was bouncing her knee up and down, but then kept it there, and Y/N suspected it was because of the same reason that her fingers crawled up his forearm: to feel his skin under her fingers. The drive was long, probably eight or nine hours, but she didn’t mind it—nine hours to spend with Harry’s undivided attention, the coast whipping by them.
They got on the road by noon, hugs and teary eyes as they said goodbye, and she texted her mom they’d be there at nine and would grab dinner on the way, so no need to wait up for them for dinner. Harry told her to DJ and she put on their playlist first, belting out lyrics to all of their favorite songs, Harry even using her water bottle that sat in the center console as a microphone. His seat dancing had her laughing hysterically and his smile never seemed to fade from his face as they drove. After the playlist ended, she put on the NPR podcast she had been listening to lately, and Harry asked her political questions, still trying to wrap his head around American politics.
They stopped for dinner at In-n-Out and Y/N took the wheel for the remaining two hours of the drive, since she knew it by heart and Harry was getting a bit stressed. They switched shakes back and forth as she drove, chattering about their favorite holiday memories as kids and laughing at their embarrassing moments. She loved glancing over and seeing Harry’s eyes already on her, a twinkle in his eye she knew well—it was the one where he was overwhelmed by his feelings for her. He had told her one time when they were wrapped up on his couch and she asked him why he was staring at her like that, and it had made her pull him into a deep kiss, much like the one she wanted now. But she was driving, so she settled with kissing the back of Harry’s hand, the smile he gave her settling deep in her heart.
The porch light was on at her mom’s house, the simply blue post-war bungalow the perfect place for her mom to have moved into. It was the right size for a single woman and her dog, June, who they’d gotten shortly after her and Y/N’s day got divorced. Y/N usually stayed in the guest room, which she didn’t mind too much—she was proud of her mom for making a new life for herself in San Francisco. It just meant her bedroom at her dad’s house was even more special to her, the one remaining shred of her childhood.
“Nervous?” She asked Harry. He’d met her mom once, back in the summer before he left for Dunkirk press. They’d gotten on famously, but they definitely weren’t as close as Harry and her dad. One time she’d walked into his house to find him on the phone with her dad, jabbering about songwriting and the brilliance of Stevie Nicks.
He shut the car door behind him and walked to the trunk, popping it open. “A bit, yeah.” He pulled out their suitcases and shut the door, looking up to where she leaned against the car. “I just don’t want her to think I’m horrible for getting her daughter pregnant, ya know?”
Y/N scoffed, and walked over to him, hands on his cheeks. “H, it’s not like you were the only one having sex. It’s a two-way street—I’ve got just as much responsibility in this as you.”
He nodded, leaning into the press of her fingers on his skin. Together they walked up to the front door, Y/N knocking softly. The door swung open not even a minute later, her mom standing there beaming at them. “Mama!” Y/N wrapped her mom up in a hug, her mom’s blunt bob swinging as they rocked back and forth. Her mom was a hugger, always had been.
“Hi you two,” her mom said, embracing Harry next. “Come in, you must be exhausted from the drive.”
They made their way inside, the screen door slamming shut behind them. Inside it felt like her mom—a winter candle burning on the counter, the news softly running on the TV, a blanket thrown over the couch. A glass of wine sat on the coffee table half-empty and Y/N looked at it longingly. How was she going to make it until June without a nice relaxing glass of wine at night?
Harry was talking to her mom, telling her about the drive and how they’d stopped for burgers, her mom telling him about her preferred In-n-Out order. “Let me take you back to the room,” she said, and Y/N and Harry trailed behind her to the guest bedroom where a fresh set of sheets adorned the bed, a soft glow from the bedside table lamp. “Here you are,” she said, leaning against the wall as Harry set up the suitcases in the corner. “I’ll let you guys settle in for a minute. I’ll be in the kitchen, okay?”
Y/N nodded and her mom left the room, shutting the door behind her. She looked to Harry, who was sitting on the bed, a lingering gaze on her face. “What are you thinking about?”
“Didn’t realize you didn’t have a bedroom here.”
Y/N glanced around the room, the nondescript art making it obvious that it wasn’t Y/N’s room. There were no traces of her in it except for the framed photos on the dresser of her and her mom from her childhood, the ones her dad’s best friend had taken when she was seven. “When she moved up here it just didn’t make sense,” she explained. “Only two bedrooms, after all.”
“Mhm,” Harry said, grabbing her waist so she could nestle between his knees. “Kinda liked the idea of sleeping in your childhood bed.”
“Dirty, dirty boy,” she murmured against his lips, bending down to kiss him. “Well, don’t worry, we’ll be sleeping in yours to make up for it.”
He nudged at her neck, pressing a kiss to the skin there, a soft gasp leaving Y/N’s mouth. “Can you believe I’ll have my girl and my baby in bed with me?” He kissed the juncture of her jaw and neck and she carded her fingers through his hair, loving the way his eyes fluttered shut from the touch.
“Lucky man,” she said.
He kissed her one more time before saying, “Got that right.”
Hearing her mom in the kitchen, she pulled away from his grasp. “We should go out to my mom.”
“Gonna tell her now?” He asked, standing up from the bed.
Y/N considered it. It was late, but she couldn’t very well stand in her mother’s house and pretend. “Yeah. I don’t want to pretend.” She bent down, unzipping her suitcase so she could pull out her mom’s gift from where it was tucked in between her clothes. With a kiss between her shoulder blades, Harry followed her out of the room, their gift held tightly in her fingers.
She was nervous, she had to admit, as she walked into the room. Her mother had always wanted her to wait until she was older to have kids, to have a full career and life before she started a family. But she didn’t think that her mom would be unhappy with her once she told her—her mom had always been there for her, through thick and thin, every step of the way. This was changing Y/N’s life forever, so of course her mom would be supportive, she told herself.
Her mom’s head popped up from where she stood at the sink, washing dishes from her dinner. “Room okay?” She asked, drying her hands on a dish towel.
“Great,” Harry answered, hand squeezing Y/N’s. “We wanted to give you your Christmas gift, actually.”
“Oh!” Her mom’s eyes widened, eyes darting to her small tree nestled in the corner of the living room. “Thought we could wait for the morning, but that’s fine. Can I get you anything? Wine, water?”
“Water is perfect,” Harry replied. He had promised to abstain from the same things she had to, a promise Y/N wasn’t sure he would be able to keep but loved the idea of. He had been so sweet when he’d made it, pushing the bottles of wine to the back of his pantry and swearing he wouldn’t touch a sip of alcohol until the baby was born.
Her mom filled two glasses with water and together they all migrated to the living room. Y/N could feel her heart hammering in her chest. This was more anxiety-inducing than telling her dad, who she knew wouldn’t say a word to her about it, be nothing but supportive. But her mom had a tendency to be a bit judgmental, a side Y/N had experience a few times in her life and one she hated. She swallowed her fear, though, and handed her mom the paper bag, the tissue paper crinkling in the room.
She leaned into Harry’s side as her mom opened the bag, thankful for the comfort of his arm wrapping around her waist softly, the reminder of him being there to support her.
Then her mom pulled out the onesie, “I <3 Grandma!” embroidered on the front, flowers all over the material, and her mom yelped in surprise. She looked up at the two of them, eyes wide, disbelief all over her features. “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes,” Y/N said, unsure how to read her mom’s reaction.
“This isn’t a prank? I’ve seen them on the internet before.”
Of course she had. “No, Mom. It’s real.”
Her mom didn’t said anything for a bear, her eyes flickering between the onesie and Y/N, and then to Harry and back down. “Congratulations, honey,” she finally said. “Harry, can I talk to Y/N alone for a bit?”
Harry stirred against her. “Uh, of course. I’ll be in the room, okay, love?” He pulled away, a lingering kiss to her head, and left the room, leaving Y/N and her mom alone.
When the door clicked shut, her mom finally spoke. “Are you sure this is what you want to do?”
“Yes,” Y/N replied without even thinking. “I thought a lot about it before I even told Harry, and we talked about it once I told him. He wants this baby, and so do I.”
“But your career,” her mom said, voice hardening and the sound making Y/N stomach curl. “It’s just starting out. Won’t this affect it at all?”
“I can still be a mom and work,” she said, pointedly. “You did it, after all.”
“I was 33 when I had you,” her mom reminded her. “You’re only two years out of school.”
Y/N sighed. This was the exact reaction she didn’t want from her mom, but at the same time it didn’t surprise her. “This wasn’t in the plan and I know the timing isn’t great, but I want to have this baby. I love Harry and he’s going to be an amazing father.” Her hand slipped down to cup her belly, where a bump wasn’t quite apparent but would be soon enough.
“When he’s here,” her mother said and Y/N glanced up from her belly to her mother, whose expression was blank.
“What does that mean?”
Her mother gave her a pointed look. “You know exactly what that means, Y/N. You’re going to be essentially a single mom. It’s not even like it was with your dad—Harry’s one of the most popular celebrities in the world. How is he going to be able to be here for you? For your child? And what about privacy—have you even thought about what it’s going to be like to raise a child in the public eye? How are you going to have playdates and send your child to school and let them live a normal life? It was so hard for me—you saw that. It was hard on you to have your dad gone all the time, and you always told me how you didn’t want that. And now here you are, doing it all over again.”
Y/N could feel her heart beating faster, the anger rising in her body. She hated it when her mom spoke like this about her father, as if all that happened in her life was all because of her dad, but she knew it wasn’t true. She loved her father, always had, despite her mother’s attempts to sow seeds of discontent in her. “Harry isn’t my dad,” she said, trying to keep her voice measured, but failing miserably. “He wants this child, Mom! I tried to shut him out, tried to force him to leave, and he wouldn’t let me! He wants to raise this child and he wants to raise it with me. We talk about things, you know—it’s not like you and Dad, living in a house where you don’t even talk to one another.” Suddenly it was spilling from her, all the things unsaid over the years, her anger at her mother’s attack on not only herself, but on Harry who had been nothing but good. “You don’t know Harry, so how dare you paint him to be someone he isn’t.”
“He may want this baby now,” her mother said, a lace of venom dripping from her words that Y/N hadn’t heard in years. “But what about whenever you’re telling him he can’t tour because you need help? And what about whenever you’re left at home, taking care of a child while the father of your child is off gallivanting across the world? Will you still want him around then?”
She pushed herself off the couch, the desire to argue with her mother not something she wanted to play into. She just wanted to get out of there, to grab Harry and go. The way her mother spoke to her about Harry made her see red, and she didn’t want to hear it anymore.
“Don’t you walk away from me, Y/N.”
At the sound of her mother’s words, Y/N whirled around, staring her mother straight in the eyes. “I’m not a child, Mom. I know what I’m getting myself into. I’ve thought long and hard about this decision, about how my life is going to change, and this is the decision I made. This is the decision I made with Harry. We’re talking about his tour, how he’s going to do it. We’re talking about the life we’re going to have together. But I also know who he is—he loves what he does, and I love that it makes him happy. I can’t ask him to give it up, even if it would be easier, because it’s part of who he is. If he didn’t have that, he wouldn’t be the man I fell in love with.
“I don’t care what you think about this,” she said and she realized the words were true. Her mother’s opinion of her didn’t matter nearly as much as it used to and she didn’t know when that had changed. “I’m doing this and I would love your support, but if it’s not there, I’ll be okay. But I’m not going to sleep under your roof while you speak about the man I love like that.” And with that, she spun on her heel and walked down the hall, heading straight for the guest bedroom where Harry was waiting for her.
When she pushed open the door, Harry was already on his feet, walking towards her. “We’re leaving,” she told him, ignoring the arms he held out for her. “Now. We’ll find a hotel—I just cannot be here with her right now.”
Harry nodded, not fighting her on it. He had probably heard the entire fight—the walls in her mother’s house weren’t thick. He helped her zip up her suitcase and find her phone that she had plugged in, tucking everything into her purse without a word. They left the room they had barely even settled into, suitcases behind them as they walked down the hall.
Her mom stood in the same exact spot, staring as they walked towards her. “Please, Y/N—“
“No,” she said, cutting her mom off. “I came here hoping you would be happy for us, but if you aren’t that’s okay. Just don’t call me until you are ready to welcome Harry, and our baby, with open arms.” She unlocked the door and pushed the screen door open, holding it as Harry exited behind her.
“Wait,” Harry said as she went to close the door. He pushed it open and stepped into the house, Y/N watching as he looked her mom straight in the eye. “I love your daughter, Trisha,” he said, “and I’m not going anywhere. I cannot wait to have a family with her, to love her for the rest of my life. And I hope you can come to accept that.” He pulled the door shut behind him, Y/N watching him with wide eyes and love in her heart. “Come on,” he said, tucking his hand in hers. “Let’s go.”
He pulled out of the driveway wordlessly, holding Y/N’s hand tight over the console. “I love you,” she said, her words making Harry glance at her. “Endlessly.”
With a soft kiss to her hand, she knew that she had made the right decision. “I love you more,” he said.
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They found a hotel downtown, Harry running the room on his credit card despite her protests, and took the elevator upstairs to their room. Y/N was exhausted from fighting with her mom, even if it wasn’t long. She hated arguing with people, but especially her mom. And now she was sitting on a hotel bed as Harry set up their room, running through the argument in her head over and over again, playing over each of her words, analyzing each with precision.
“Baby,” Harry said, crawling across the bed behind her so his body surrounded hers. “Come shower with me.”
She leaned back into his body, letting him absorb her weight. “I can’t believe she said those things.”
“Me either,” he agreed, “but can we shower and then talk about it? Know you’ll feel better after.”
“I guess,” she said, letting him pull her off the bed and guide her into the bathroom, the look on her mother’s face when the door slammed shut behind her in her brain on repeat.
With delicate hands, Harry untied the laces of her Converse, peeling her socks off and not reacting when she tried to get him to stop, worried her feet smelled. Instead, he looked up at her and said, “Bit past that, love.” He pulled her sweater off, then her loose-fitting jeans, then made her turn around so he could unclip her bra and shimmied her underwear down her body, leaving her naked in the hotel bathroom. He shed his clothes in rapid time and turned on the shower, warm water cascading down from the shower head. “C’mon,” he said, stepping in and beckoning to her, his curls flattening under the water. “Let me wash your hair.”
The prospect sounded divine, so she followed him in, letting him position her so she was directly under the stream. He hummed a tune she hadn’t heard before as he squirted the hotel shampoo in her hair, running it through her locks tenderly.
“What’s that?” She asked, bobbing her head back so he could get better access to her locks.
“The song that you’re humming.”
“Oh,” he said, pushing her head forward to let the water rinse out the shampoo. “Wrote it a few days ago.”
Conditioner was next, a blob in his hands before he started massaging it into her hair. “What’s it about?”
He was quiet for a minute, untangling each of the knots in her hair like he knew she did. “Our baby,” he said, words so quiet they were almost lost under the stream of water.
She turned around in his hold, eyes fastening on his. The water was warm on her skin as she looked up at him, wonder in her brain at the sweetness in his eyes as he ran his fingers up and down her arms. “Really?”
He nodded, a flush to her cheeks that she adored. “Woke up in the middle of the night and the tune just…came to me. Don’t quite have all the lyrics yet, though.”
Without a pause, she pulled his body into hers, struggling to find the way to show him how that made her feel. “Will you play it for me when it’s done?”
“It was goin’ to be your birthday present,” he mumbled.
“I guess I’ll wait,” she told him and turned back around to let him continue washing her hair. “I meant what I told my mom.”
“Hoped so.” He brushed his hand through her hair to let the conditioner run out of it. “Nearly made me cry.”
He paused. “So different from when you first told me,” he said, words rough in his throat. “To hear how you feel now, how you defended me to your mum, it meant a lot to me.”
“H,” you said, “I love you. No matter what.”
He didn’t reply, but she knew it wasn’t because he didn’t feel the same way, but because if he told her he would cry. She could hear it in his words, feel it in the air between them. Instead, he showed her how much he loved her by lovingly pulling out the knots in her hair, by washing every inch of her body, by even helping her shave her armpits, by wrapping her up in a hotel robe after and rubbing lotion into her skin. He passed her a toothbrush with toothpaste on it and side-by-side they brushed they teeth, soft gazes in the mirror. And then he turned off the light and pulled her into bed next to him, arms surrounding her body and holding her as she cried, her mother’s words swirling through her thoughts. He pressed kisses to her hair and murmured how much he loved her, how proud he was, what a great mother she was going to be. With each touch he helped heal her heart, push the words away, focus on the truth: that she was  happy with him, no matter what anyone tried to convince her of. She just hoped he would stay around even when she doubted it.
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The drive to Holmes Chapel brought Y/N peace, the English countryside a warm embrace, the settled and peaceful look on Harry’s face making her smile as he drove. She had been ignoring text messages from her mother since she had woken up, and being away from Wi-Fi meant her phone wasn’t buzzing with text messages and phone calls every few minutes. Suddenly, Y/N was thankfully for the fact that she didn’t have cell service in England, because it made her push away her worries and focus fully on Harry.
He was describing his mother’s home to her. The furniture collected from charity shops over the years, Anne having a knack for finding the thrown away and giving it a new home, despite his many offers to buy her new furniture. She liked filling her house with stories of the past, of considering the life a side table or a throw pillow had before it found her. Y/N thought it was quite sweet, and from what she knew about Anne it didn’t surprise her in the slightest. Gemma and her boyfriend Michal were going to be there when they arrived, both of the Styles children bringing home their significant others, something which apparently Harry hadn’t done in a while. When he revealed this, she smiled and told him that she was honored to be there.
It was a three hour drive that passed quickly, since Y/N fell asleep about halfway in, her head lolling on her shoulder as the countryside passed by. She woke to Harry’s voice, murmuring, “We’re here, love,” in her ear and unbuckling her seatbelt. “Time to go give my mum the surprise of her life, yeah?”
That idea woke Y/N up right away. She was admittedly nervous to tell Harry’s mother, especially after how telling her own had gone. Although from what she knew of Anne and Harry’s own accounts, Anne seemed to be much more willing to go with the flow, surprises rolling off of her quickly after years with Harry Styles as her son. So she tried not to dwell on it as Anne and Gemma rushed out of the house, enveloping Harry into their arms and then Y/N, a flurry of hugs and kisses to the cheeks that had her feeling like she was being welcomed home.
The house was smaller than Y/N expected, but somehow perfect. A wide white door and a lovely patio outside, white framed windows that reminded her of her own childhood home. There was red brick she loved and a large tree outside. “You look beautiful, dear,” Anne said, an arm around Y/N’s shoulders as she guided her inside. “Glowing, you are. You must tell me your secret!”
Pregnancy, she thought to herself, but instead just said, “Lots of moisturizer,” which had Anne chuckling to herself.
The house was just as Harry had described. Laden with rugs and family photos, a few of Harry’s awards on the walls, displayed with pride. A giant Christmas tree sat in the corner, hung heavily with ornaments and tinsel, Y/N smiling at the sight of an ornament with a young Harry’s face on it, her having a nearly identical one at home on her mother’s tree. Although she didn’t have time to notice it. “So this is it.” She turned and found Harry standing behind her, watching her study his childhood home. “What do you think?”
“It’s exactly as you said,” she replied. “I love it.”
He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Want to see my room?”
“Desperately,” she replied, which had Harry chuckling.
“Mum,” he called into the house, “I’m going to show Y/N my room. Be back in a jiffy.”
“Don’t make too much racket!” She heard Gemma holler through the hall, “These walls are thin, in case you’ve forgotten!”
“Shut it!” Harry replied, Y/N laughing at their exchange, it making her wish for not the first time that she had a sibling. “Come on, love.”
They climbed the stairs, Y/N commenting on his yearly school portraits that decorated the staircase, which he tried to cover her eyes for so she couldn’t see them, but she managed to wrangle free. She had to admit that Harry was a downright adorable child, although when she looked at his face—dimple and crinkled eyes from laughter, she wasn’t surprised. The thought had her considering what their child would look like, which she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of.
“Whatcha smilin’ about?”
“Thought about what our child would look like,” she said softly, Harry’s eyes lighting up at the thought.
His hands found her waist, tucking her close to him, her back pressed against the wallpapered walls of the second floor. “And what are you thinking?”
“With your face,” she said, a finger running down his cheek, “and my brain, they’re going to be unstoppable.”
He frowned. “But your face is nicer.”
“They have to have your eyes,” she said with a pointed look. “I’m not willing to compromise on that. And your dimples.”
He smiled at her, the dimple in question popping out. “My dimples, eh?”
“Mhm,” she murmured. “Quite like them.” She stuck her index finger into the depth of it, the chuckle escaping his lips warming her body that was still cold from the December chill.
“I’ll allow it as long as they have your ears and your lips,” he said, a lingering kiss pressed to the latter. “Now let me kiss you in my childhood bed, for Pete’s sake.”
“Dirty, dirty boy,” she said, and let him lead her into his room. It was an alcove room, one he could barely stand up fully straight in, and somehow it suited him. The walls were a simple cream, but covered in posters of bands from eight years ago, when life was simple and he was still sixteen. An overstuffed bookcase sat against one wall and an oak dresser, most likely empty, sat next to it with photos of him and his family scattered across it. The main attraction though, was the bed, an oak headboard attached to it with plenty of pillows and a checkered duvet cover that reminded her of the ones she had seen in the dorm rooms of boys at college.
“Well?” Harry asked from where he leaned against the closed door. “Is it how you imagined?”
She turned and she couldn’t help herself—the appearance of Harry in a beanie and an oversized sweatshirt in his childhood bedroom with a shit-eating grin on his face made her want to have him in every way possible. “Better,” she replied before backing up until the back of her thighs hit the edge of his bed. “But better if you eat me out on your childhood bed.”
“Fuck me,” he breathed, feet moving quickly to reach her, hands on her cheeks before she could process it. His lips were sweet, wet from when he’d licked them before pulling her in, and his palms were calloused against her skin. But he felt like Harry—her Harry—and that’s all that mattered to her. With a nip at her neck, he fell to his knees in front of her, eyes darting up at hers as he shimming off her leggings and the blue cotton underwear underneath them. “Like these,” he mumbled against the skin of her inner thighs. “Might have to keep them.”
She gasped when his tongue licked up the length of her slit, the sensitivity from not having him on her skin in the past few nights combined with the raging hormones in her bloodstream had her keening for him. “They’re just cotton,” she said through gritted teeth when he sucked on her clit, toying with her. “Harry, Jesus.” “Not my name,” he smiled against her and Y/N couldn’t help but tug on his hair as if to tell him Shut it you narcissist, which just made Harry chuckle. The vibrations sent shockwaves through her body, her head falling back as a moan of his name left her mouth. “Gotta be quiet,” he reminded her, shoving two fingers in her mouth that she quickly accepted, lolling her tongue around them like it was a lollipop. The sight had Harry bucking into the end of the bed, which Y/N just grinned at, not missing it for a second. When Harry had his mouth on her, she couldn’t look anywhere else.
Then he darted his tongue inside of her and Y/N’s hand went to her breasts, which had grown from her pregnancy and Harry didn’t seem to mind, adoring how sensitive they were. “More,” she begged, voice rough in the room. “Please, please, H.”
“Comin’ love,” he said, sucking on two of his fingers before pressing one to her slit, the cold feeling of his rings on her hot flesh making her gasp. “Like that, baby? Like it when I fuck you with my fingers, my rings still on? The fingers you just had in your mouth?”
“Harry,” she groaned, trying to contain the sounds threatening to escape her. Not being able to hold up her body anymore she rested on her hands, propping up her body on his mattress. She knew that it made her breasts stick out, which Harry loved—he was a man, after all—and the sound of him grunting at the sight made her smile at him coyly. “Like the view?”
He sucked on her clit in response before twirling his tongue in a cruel circle around her labia. “Love the view,” he muttered against her, spit falling from his mouth. “Love you, baby. Fuck, look at you as I fuck you—like you’re made for me.”
“Close,” she said, the sound muffled against her hand she had thrown over her mouth to keep the sounds in. She was leaning on just one hand, unsteady and about to let go if he let her. She loved to let him control her orgasms, the sound of him telling her to come always sending waves of pleasure through her body.
“Yeah?” He said, inserting another finger and curling them so she was bucking against his hand, his name an echo on her tongue. “Come for me,” he murmured, fingers digging into her thighs to hold her steady, his rings imprints on her skin. “But you gotta stay quiet love—I’ll have you screaming for me when we’re home, okay?”
She turned her head into the duvet in an attempt to silence the scream rising in her chest, but when she came, it just simply wasn’t enough. Anne and Gemma would’ve probably heard her if they were outside the door, a muffled scream of his name flowing from her mouth. She bucked against his hand, chasing her high and Harry licked her through it, the cold saliva from his tongue and his rings inside of her making her body shake.
“Fuck,” Harry said when she finally came down, body pliant in his hands. “That was bloody incredible.”
He pulled his fingers from her, a hiss leaving her teeth at the emptiness inside of her. “That’s how you got me pregnant,” she told him with a laugh.
“But that involves my dick,” he informed her, crawling up her body so he could smother her face in kisses, the slick of her still on his chin.
“Yes,” she said, pushing him away. “But it was that and then your dick that got me pregnant. You’re good, you know.” She rolled over, a hand on his chest. “Not that you need to hear it. Your ego is already too big for this relationship.”
“Ha!” He grabbed at her sides, pulling her closer into him. “You love my big ego. And my dick.”
Her head dropped to his chest with a groan of defeat. “God, you’re such a boy sometimes, I swear.”
With a kiss to her temple, he sat up and tugged her along with him. “C’mon, we can’t stay too much longer or Gemma will never let me forget it.” She licked at his chin, letting the rest of her juices land on her tongue before following him downstairs, trying not the laugh at the way he walked, obviously trying not to let the material brush against his dick too much. She truly loved a menace, she thought to herself. But he was her menace.
In the kitchen, Gemma, Anne, and Michal were sat with cups of tea, two set out for Y/N and Harry that had now gone cold. “Took you long enough,” Gemma said. “Tea’s gone cold while you two got reacquainted upstairs.”
“Gem,” Anne scolded. “Don’t embarrass your brother.” Gemma rolled her eyes, but stood up to reheat their tea.
Harry wrapped his arms around Y/N and she leaned into him, loving how his hands subconsciously rested on her lower belly, right over where their child rested. “Mum, Gem” he said as Gemma returned with their now warm tea. “We have somethin’ for you.”
“Oh!” Anne set down her tea and surveyed the two of them. “But we don’t do gifts until the morning of.” That was still two days away, but obviously Harry was eager. Y/N had told him that he could choose when he wanted to tell Anne, and it seemed like now was the time he had chosen. He was like Y/N, she thought to herself, unable to keep a secret from her parents for long.
“I know,” Harry replied. “But want to give it to you both now.”
Gemma shrugged. “I don’t mind an early gift,” she said.
“Perfect. One second,” Harry told them, disconnecting his arms from Y/N’s waist. “It’s in our luggage. Meet me in the living room?”
They all nodded and Harry disappeared, the sound of a zipper in the other room. “Well, he’s certainly excited,” Anne told Y/N, coming over and giving her a smile. “It’s good to see him so happy.”
Y/N couldn’t help but wonder how often Anne had seen her son unhappy over the years, how many women had broken his heart, how many times the world had broken him down. Harry had shared some of it—the disappointment over Zayn leaving, the women who had ripped him to shreds since Harry gave his heart so willingly—but not all of it. She supposed with time, she would learn it all, but she was no longer eager to uncover every stone of him that she was when they were starting out. Now, she knew she would have quite a long time to know every part of Harry, and the idea quite appealed to her.
Anne and Gemma sat on the couch, Michal in one of the armchairs, and Y/N took the other one, the one closest to the fire burning in the hearth that stockings hung from. After growing up with solely warm winters, it was nice to be someplace cold for a change.
Harry wandered in with the last two bags, one for Anne and one for Gemma. Gemma’s was Y/N’s favorite, the one that said, “I love Auntie” in multi-colored letters and confetti all over it. She fully planned on finagling it back from Gemma so she could actually dress their child in it one day. “Here you are,” Harry said, handing both the bags over before going to sit on the arm of Y/N’s chair, her hand in his.
Gemma looked at her mother. “On the count of three?” Anne nodded, a playful smile, and they counted down, Harry squeezing Y/N’s hand in anticipation.
“Oh,” Anne said when she pulled out the onesie, the one nearly identical to Y/N’s mom’s. She looked up at Y/N and Harry and there were tears in her eyes that made Y/N want to cry. “Really?”
“You’re pregnant!” Gemma shrieked, dropping the onesie before bounding over to Y/N. “Oh my god, I’m going to be an Aunt! A little niece or nephew!” She grabbed her into a hug, laughing with joy in Y/N’s ears. “Best Christmas gift. Oh my god, Haz!” Gemma pulled her brother into a tight hug, and Y/N’s eyes rested on Anne who was full on crying at the onesie in her hands.
Harry saw it and went over to his mom, his arm around her shoulders. “You’re going to be a grandma,” he told her, which only made her cry harder. “Mum?”
“Happy,” she reassured him, before taking his face in her hands. “So happy I could explode!” This was the reaction Y/N wanted, she thought to herself, surveying the scene of pure joy. “Y/N,”  Anne said, arms outstretched. “Come here, love!”
Y/N practically floated to Anne, the prospect of a mother’s arms around her exactly what she needed. Anne bundled her up in them, tears still streaming down her face as she gave her a tight hug. “We’re due in mid-June,” she said when Anne pulled back, it being the only thing she could think to say.
Anne beamed at her, eyes darting between her and Harry. “My word,” she told them. “This it the best surprise. A little baby! My baby boy,” she said, taking Harry’s face in her hands and kissing his cheeks, “is going to be a Dad.”
Harry’s eyes caught Y/N over his mother’s shoulders, a reassuring gaze that told her he knew what she was thinking. That he wanted to remind her it would all turn out okay. And when she looked around her to the happy scene, the fire in the hearth and the joy on the faces in the room, she knew he was right.
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Harry purposefully woke up earlier than Y/N on Christmas morning. He had been trying to figure out when to give the key to his house (not that she didn’t already have one, but it was the idea that counted) and finally he had settled on Christmas Day. So when he awoke, snow falling softly outside his window, he scrambled out of bed to grab the key he had wrapped up in a box the night before with his mother’s help.
“Harry?” Y/N’s sleepy voice came from the bed, her hand sticking out to the place where he’d just been lying.
He loved that she always craved his presence in her sleep. He had noticed it early on, the way she held him in her sleep, always burrowed deeper into his body, was hesitant to let go of him in the morning. With the box in his hand, he crawled back onto the bed, occupying his old space. “Morning, sleepyhead,” he said, placing the box on her pillow, right next to her head.
Her eyes fluttered open, eyelashes brushing against the pillowcase. Then her gaze met the blue box tied with a white ribbon sitting on the pillow, and her eyes widened. “What’s this?”
“One of your Christmas gifts,” he said. “Didn’t want it to be in front of the whole family.”
She sat up, pushing back the duvet cover revealing his old school shirt that she had worn to bed. When he had told her to pick anything she wanted, she had gone through every shirt in his drawer before settling on this one, loving how soft the material was from years of use. Harry loved how she looked in his clothes, but seeing her in the mornings with messy hair and adorned in his Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School shirt made his heart clench.
He didn’t know how she would respond to the gesture, the request for her to move in with him. To his brain, it made sense—they were having a kid together, after all—but he also knew how Y/N was about these things. It meant commitment and she was always hesitant to take that next step. “Open it,” he told her, sitting up too so their bodies faced one another.
Her fingers grasped the edge of the box, eyes flickering to his face before pulling it open. Inside lay the key to his house, golden and ridged, the one that fit perfectly into the lock on his front door. “Harry…”
“Will you move in with me?”
For a few beats, she just stared at the key, but when her eyes raised to his, he knew what she was going to say. “Yes.”
He leaned over and kissed her, one filled with love and passion and everything he was trying to say. She dropped the box to the bed and let him press her back into the mattress. “Can’t wait to make you come in our bed,” he mumbled against her cheek, drawing a chuckle from her, but she didn’t stop him she he drew her underwear to the side and dropped to his knees, wanting his girl to start her Christmas off right.
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