#vore as a secretive thing is tried and true
softidolproject · 2 years
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I posted 732 times in 2022
That's 732 more posts than 2021!
202 posts created (28%)
530 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 587 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#ask call - 175 posts
#silliness - 175 posts
#the mun speaks - 152 posts
#anonymous - 140 posts
#snapshot - 126 posts
#irl stuff - 94 posts
#please specify muse - 88 posts
#ask prompt - 84 posts
#fallen angel - 84 posts
#protein diet - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 57 characters
#just send them some fun and silly and wholesome-ish stuff
My Top Posts in 2022:
The next exciting ask on You's Big Secret!
Hatton squirms as he is on his back, with Yousoro giving him an ominous look on top of him. "Y-Yousoro, why're you doing this? I haven't done anything wrong to you!" He tries to break free, but was unable to.
Finally, the epic continuation begins!
"First off, that's my line. You don't get to say that!" That's a slap across the face to Hatton as she gets it out of her system, before clearing her throat and collecting herself w little again. "My name is You (Yoh) and 'Yousoro~!' is my catchphrase. Everyone knows that!"
"Second off, your mistake was coming into town while I was also in town. And blatantly admitting how close you are to Chika-chan? My Chika-chan? Oh no, Hatton. That's strike three, you see." She huffs as she looms over him like this, still wondering what to do with him. "Strike three is where things get interesting~."
She leans down over him fully, grinning maliciously. "Oh, Hatton. Maybe in another life we could've been just as good friends. However, you are now the enemy. Top of the list, even, so I must take care of you immediately."
That doesn't bode well.
3 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
As for what the heck happened, Yohane... well. One little unintended misspelling by someone led to a FRYING PAN getting launched at her instead of a tasty cookie, and then the ouch happened, and now here we are.
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“I see...good thing that you lot can usually fix that stuff, right? Right?”
3 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
📜 between Mari and Yoshiko!
Mari: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Yoshiko: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Mari: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
3 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
⚠️ Yohane - "Vore Machine" (Is it true? Irrelevant.)
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“Well, I dunno about that? Definitely a streaming machine and converting machine! Maybe definitely a spicy food-eating machine, too~.”
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“Though, uhhhhh, I guess if you watch my more recent streams...you would think that “Vore Machine” is very accurate~? Ehehehe~.”
4 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
8 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nomstellations · 2 years
Hehe preds showing off their big bellies, and competing to see whose prey can make their stomach gurgle the loudest
there’s honestly something charming about preds who are more open and showy with the fact they eat people! showing off their prey filled bellies to their fellow preds, telling them who they have with them today and how good they tasted, letting other poke and prod and feel all the squirms their meal is kicking up and hearing all the gurgles they’re making
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cyncerity · 3 years
(Trapped wilbur au)
What would happen if Ranboo or Tubbo found out about who Tommy is hiding? Would they keep it secret and just not bring it up or would they immediately start endlessly questioning Tommy about it? I feel like they would probably freak out first though-
I was working on this on and off for like a month and then forgot about it and your ask literally just reminded me that I meant to put Tubbo and Ranboo in this au, whoops
Anyways, beeduo entry! I’m very excited for this one because it’s actually important to the story going forward! Hope you enjoy!
Tw: cursing, vore, blood, digestion (no one dies)
“And you’re sure that’s what you saw?” Tubbo asked. Ranboo nodded, and the goat hybrid slumped back in his chair, unsure how to react. It was surprising, for sure. But, how could he know it was true? Of course he believed Ranboo thought he was telling the truth, he knew Ranboo wouldn’t lie to him on purpose, but his husband did tend to have a bit of a memory problem. Plus, being told your best friend had just eaten his supposedly dead and apparently now tiny older brother was rather…unrealistic.
“You’re su-“ “Yes!” Ranboo shouted, eyes wide and pleading. “I know what I saw, Bo, you have to believe me. Wil’s back and he’s tiny and Tommy literally ate him! I was just going to get Tommy and I saw him grab tiny Wil and he was yelling and kicking and Tommy just- he just- shoved him in his mouth!! And swallowed him whole!” Tubbo sighed. He looked up to his now frantic husband, “Look, maybe you’re right, but don’t you think we’d have seen a tiny Wilbur running around by now then?” “Actually, no.” Ranboo replied. “I think that Tommy, as crazy as it sounds, may be…keeping Wilbur in his…stomach? I don’t know why, but with the right combination of potions it’s probably at least possible. Plus, I heard Wilbur shouting what I think was ‘I don’t want to go back.’ Maybe he was talking about going back…in Tommy?? I mean, it’s probably not the weirdest thing to happen on this server, so why not, right?” Tubbo sat and thought. Everything Ranboo was saying made…a surprising amount of sense. Plus, it would explain Tommy suddenly refusing to eat, and always eating by himself when he was eventually forced to. “Ok, I’ll give you that. But that still doesn’t answer why Wil would be tiny-“ “Ghostbur. Ghostbur was tiny.” Tubbo looked up at Ranboo, the pieces finally clicking in his head. “Dream. He said he could revive the dead. He actually did it. He revived Wilbur. Oh my god, he actually…” Tubbo trailed off, lost in thought, stuck in the memories of his last fight with Dream and all that he had gone through under Wilbur’s direction. Ranboo knelt down to be at eye level with his husband. “You ok?” Tubbo shook his head. “Yeah, fine, but I think we need to talk to Tommy about this.” Ranboo nodded. “How are we supposed to bring this up though?” They thought for a moment before Tubbo’s head shot up, a mischievous, even dangerous glint in his one working eye as he grabbed Ranboo’s hand, gaining his attention. “I’ve got an idea. You get Tommy here in 10 minutes and we’ll have our definite answer.” Ranboo swallowed nervously but did as he was told. He knew better than to say no to Tubbo, especially when he had that look.
30 minutes later, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were at the cabin in Snowchester, sitting near the fireplace. They had been talking and joking with one another for a while, and though Tommy tried to act care free, his appearance gave him away. His eyes looked more gray against the prominent eye bags that hung just above his sunken cheeks. His skin was grayer and he looked tired and older than any seventeen year old should. Part of Tubbo wondered if it was from the lack of food, rest, or the stress of having a tiny man apparently practically live in your stomach for however long it’d been. “Well,” Tubbo said, standing up and looking back to Tommy, “You came all the way here, I might as well get you something to drink.” “No it’s fine you really don’t have t-“ Tommy tried to argue, standing up to be at eye level with the goat hybrid, but at that point Tubbo was out of ear shot. He looked to Ranboo, who seemed to be just as confused, giving Tommy a shrug at Tubbo’s weird behavior. Before long, Tubbo walked back into the room, holding a steaming cup in his hand. “Here, Tommy! I know it’s a little colder out here than you’re used to, so I made you something!” “I-“ Tommy tried to interject before Tubbo pressed the mug to his lips with no warning, making Tommy stumble back and take a mouthful of the liquid, swallowing it down before he choked. Tommy quickly shoved the mug away shortly after, only now taking in the somewhat concerning faux innocent that painted his best friend’s face. And only now taking in the weird taste of what he’d just drank. “Ugh, Tubbo, what the hell man?! What even was that!” “Oh, sorry if I surprised you there Tom! And sorry, we ran out of cocoa beans a few days ago, so it’s kind of just heated up milk. So sorry if you were using any potions, cause they should be cancelled now.” Tubbo smiled. Ranboo saw what little color in Tommy’s cheeks pale before he pushed past Tubbo and ran into another room. Tubbo simply smiled down at Ranboo, who still sat on the floor. The ender hybrid looked up to him.“You didn’t…” “I did.”
It didn’t take long for the beeduo to find where Tommy had gone. And they had debated on how to approach the situation for a total of three seconds before Tubbo had gotten impatient and kicked down the door, catching Tommy red handed. Literally. Apparently in the few minutes it took for Tommy to drink the milk and realize the affect, Wilbur had been subjected to his stomach acids, giving him an ugly mosaic of burns visible under his torn and melted clothing, blood seeping from the wounds and into the hands of Tommy, who was trying to patch the injuries with bandages that were too big and probably stolen from the chest in the corner of the room. Ranboo gasped at the sight making Tommy freeze in his actions. “I- I can explain-“ “There’s no need for that.” Tubbo calmly interrupted. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, guys, I just- I-“ “Why didn’t you tell us sooner? You’ve been dealing with this all alone?” Tommy winced as he began to slowly get back to focusing on finishing Wil’s bandages. “I thought you’d hate me for it. I know it seems…weird, but…I think I know what I’m doing.” Tubbo walked closer to Tommy, making Wilbur flinch back away from him. “Tommy, I’d never hate you. If you ever need help, just ask me.”
“And what about me, yeah? You don’t care that I’ve been stuck in this idiot’s gut for weeks? It’s just ‘Oh poor Tommy for abusing his big brother and doing this all to himself,’ yeah? Fuck him, help me!” Wilbur shouted. Tubbo looked down at him, seeing that he was clearly trying to act like the biggest person in the room (ironically), while the tear tracks lining his face betrayed his fake confidence. Tubbo looked to Ranboo, who had since moved closer after hearing Wil speak up, but remained silent himself. “Y’know what, Wil? I don’t. You kinda deserve it. Why did you think we wanted Tommy to admit to this, huh? So you could go back to making everyone else’s lives a living hell?” “Admit to it?” Tommy interrupted. “What do you mean ‘admit to it?’” Ranboo cleared his throat, looking away from the group. “I may or may not have seen you swallow him before, and I wanted to know if I was hallucinating or not.” “So you knew I was there!” Wilbur screamed. “You knew right where I was when you gave Tommy the milk! You knew what would happen and you didn’t care!” “N-“ Ranboo tried to deny that he had anything to do with Wilbur’s injuries before Tubbo roughly grabbed him out of Tommy’s hands. “Don’t yell at my damn husband, I’m the only one you should be concerned about right now. And why should I have cared, huh? You couldn’t have cared less about me.” Tubbo held Wilbur higher up to his face, taking in every bit of fear emanating from the man. “Maybe it was finally time for you to get a few burns, huh? So you can know how it feels. Know how I felt while you watched on and did jack shit as I sat awake at night, to scared to sleep and in to much pain to even lie down without upsetting the burns.”
Tubbo looked to Tommy, who had fallen into silence along with Ranboo. “By any chance, do you have any more of those potions that you used to keep him alive in your stomach?” Tommy blinked a few times before actually absorbing the question. “Uh n-no. I didn’t think I’d need any so I didn’t bring them.” “That’s what I thought. Well, I think I have a solution. Tom, do you know anything about goats?” He shook his head. “Well,” Tubbo continued, “goats are herbivores. And I myself can’t even digest anything other than plants. That, and I have four stomachs. So I thinks he’d have plenty of extra room.” Tubbo smirked down at Wilbur, whose face fell after the last sentence. Tommy’s eyes widened. “Wait since when do you have fou- never mind, that not important. You’d be willing to put up with him?” “I don’t see why not.” “I do!” Wil protested, doing his best to fight back against Tubbo’s grip without making his burns hurt worse. “I very much do! Tommy, he literally just tried to kill me! You can’t leave me with him! You can’t let him eat me! Please!!” “Oh, but I think I can, Wil. You’re in there to learn your fucking lesson, and you don’t seem to have learned much from me yet. Maybe Tubbo can teach you for a bit. As long as he’s up for it, of course.” Wilbur paled as Tubbo quietly chuckled behind him. “You know I am. And I’m sure Ranboo’s fine with it, right Boo-“ Tubbo turned around only to see Ranboo missing. How he had missed a seven foot tall Enderman hybrid leave the room was beyond him, but it didn’t really matter. Tubbo just turned around and shrugged before lifting Wilbur higher above his open mouth, ignoring the pleas and screams from the tiny.
Ranboo walked along the snow path that he had burned in his memory. No matter how many things he forgot, he doubted he’d forget his way here. He just…couldn’t stay and watch that. There was no way Tubbo would actually go through with…with eating Wilbur. A chill ran up his spine just thinking about it. He hoped he wouldn’t. It just seemed wrong. Wilbur was back, alive and whole again, and Tommy’s first reaction was to keep him trapped, turning his own body into a prison. Ranboo walked faster.
He had always been a firm believer that everyone deserved a second chance. And he knew that Wilbur had done some terrible things, but even if he hadn’t completely changed, he was small now! What could he possibly do? Maybe he was too naive. He hadn’t even met Wilbur before he died, but he sure just made one hell of a first impression. By making the man think that he’s wanted to kill him. Great.
He eventually made his way to a small hidden house deep in the Arctic and made his way up to the front porch, knocking on the door. A few moments later a familiar looking piglin opened it, looking surprised to seen Ranboo. Before he could even ask why he was here, Ranboo spoke out. “Is Phil here? There’s something I really need to tell him.” Techno shook his head. “Just missed him, unfortunately. He should be back in a few days. Want me to take a message?” Ranboo took and deep breath in and sighed.
Tommy was going to kill him.
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slimy-vore-bog · 3 years
Consuming Curiosity
Disclaimer: all my work is non-sexual N/SF/W interaction is not appreciated
Hi, this was the story I was talking about... It’s kinda boring, but it’s probably the last thing I’m going to be posting for a long time.
Um... This AU is a little weird to explain. At least, how I came up with it. It’s basically a pokémon AU with size-shifters and safe vore. I have a few posts about it, so if you want to read some about they are there. You don’t necessarily have to, but it can help.
Though, a couple thing to note outside of that is:
The confession in this story was written before s2 ep5
Luz has a flashlight, despite flash being a thing. So let’s just say that’s what the light around trainers are in caves.
The title is supposed to be silly, not serious.
I’m going to say a few more things under read more, just to avoid spoilers (for season 1) but here’s a summary:
Amity tells Luz she's a size-shifter, before asking to eat her, but Luz isn't too comfortable with the idea when it’s brought up.
Ao3 (sorry, you’re going to have to copy paste this, unless you check out my reblog to main) https://archiveofourown.org/works/32602456
Spoiler warning: I do talk briefly about s2 ep 5 on Ao3
Word Count: 7.4 k
It’s not a big spoiler, but in this AU Amity has never threatened Luz��s life, because she has never snuck into the school pretending to be an abomination. The duel also wouldn’t put Luz herself in harms way as much.
Also I use the word “fearmongering”, but I’m not sure it’s the right word, so feel free to correct me.
That was kinda the last thing I wanted to note... So onto the story.
Luz looked around, as her and Amity walked along the small forest path. A thought suddenly hit her. “You know, it’s really quiet out here! I thought there would be more people and pokémon training!”
Amity looked over at her unsurely. “Yeah, uh, that was why I took you here.” She glanced away. “For the quiet, I mean… And we’re not there yet, but I have something I want to talk about with you.” She locked eyes with Luz for a few seconds, but she couldn’t keep the eye contact. “I don’t want anybody else to overhear it.” She turned her head from side to side, before she walked off the path.
Luz’s curiosity was instantly piqued. A secret? More about Amity’s past? She jogged up to Amity, unsure where to start with her questions, or if she should keep them to herself a while. Amity did say we weren’t actually there yet. She pushed her questions down for the moment, but her curiosity about the girl was still strongly on her mind.
Amity led Luz to a large clearing, before glancing over at her. “I think this place is quiet enough.” She said it more to herself than Luz. “I’m sorry it might take a while before I’m ready to talk about this.” She took her bag off her shoulders, placing her poké balls it, before slowly walked out into the clearing.
Luz looked out at the different sorts of plant life. There were a few trees starting to spread out into the open space, but they were still just saplings and small enough for any herbivorous pokémon to eat them and others to accidentally trample them. A few giant thistles were starting to bloom here and there, and a few bushes had snuck in too.
She stepped out into the clearings too, the grass nearly went up to her knees; she noticed how oddly beautiful the place was. There was something wild about it, it wasn’t a flower meadow or anything, but it still had a strong natural beauty. The thistles were blossoming pretty purple flowers and the sky was clear today, shining on everything in the gorgeous way. Luz looked over at Amity, as a thought popped into her mind. This would be the perfect place for a love confession.
Luz shook her head. Why would I want a love confession from Amity? She felt her heart sped up a little as she looked over at her friend. Why would Amity even give me one? We’re just friends. But the ‘what if?’ made her heart beat way faster than it should.
Amity looked over at Luz, when they were only a few feet apart. She took a deep breath, before she let out a strained sigh. “I’m…” she hesitated again, before she decided to spit it out. “I’m a size-shifter.”
Luz’s eyes widened in surprise, for a second feeling lured into a trap, before she shook her head. “You are?!” She took a step back, instantly feeling the fear creep back into her. “You’re dangerous?” she didn’t manage to cut herself off before she saw the pain on Amity’s face. It’s still Amity, why am I acting like this? “Don’t size-shifters eat people?”
Amity already looked like she was about to cry. “No!” she shouted at Luz. “Luz, why would you think I would kill someone?” She looked away from Luz.
Luz’s eyes widened once again. “I’m sorry! But I don’t really understand.” She thought back to all she had been taught about size-shifters. They are dangerous, they will eat you and don’t trust them. Luz had a realization she should have had a long time ago. It’s not actually true. It’s fearmongering! Luz’s brow furrowed. It feels like a strange thing to lie about. “Can you explain?”
Amity looked tired. “I guess I have to… You’re not going to get the right answer from anybody else.” She took another deep breath. “I know everybody always talks about how we are all murderous cannibals, but it’s not true.” Amity held her breath for a moment, looking unsure. “And I know there’s sometimes footage of it and ‘the rescues’, but-”
Luz cut her off. “Wait, the footage isn’t fake?” That had been her first thought after thinking it was fearmongering. She hadn’t ever wanted to believe the footage was real, but the way Amity said it and hesitated to say it made her think it was real. “So-” Luz was about to take a step back, before she shook her head. “But… Wait.” Luz couldn’t wrap her head around it. “How can the rescues be faked? And how do the people stay alive?”
Amity paused. “I don’t know exactly how the biology behind size-shifters work, but we can swallow people alive safely.” Amity had to think about her second question. “They aren’t exactly ‘faked’, but they aren’t what they seem.” Amity’s face suddenly fell into a sad grimace. “Haven’t you noticed that the size-shifters never hesitate to spit the people back up? If I was an attempted murderer; I wouldn’t just spit people up because I was asked to.” She shook her head. “My point is that size-shifters aren’t worse than anybody else.”
Luz had another question on her mind. “But… Why would they want to eat people, if it gets them in trouble?” It wasn’t like she had a problem with breaking unfair rules; she lived with a criminal who was broke laws, pretty fair and unfair. “What do they gain from it?” It wasn’t even a meal, since they wouldn’t be trying to kill the person.
Amity avoided Luz’s gaze. “Uh… I have heard it feels comforting, in a way.” She glanced over at Luz for a second. “But I have never really… I’ve never tried it, so I don’t know if it’s worth getting in trouble over.” Amity quickly changed the topic away from eating people. “But I really want to try holding you in my hands…” She looked expectantly at Luz. “Can I do that?”
Luz smiled, already feeling a lot more at ease. “Sure!”
Amity’s shoulders untensed, before she grew to a size where Luz was barely the size of her index finger. She carefully sat down and lowered her hand to the ground.
Luz looked at it for a couple seconds, intimidated by Amity’s new size, before she climbed up on her hand with an exaggerated huff. She could feel as Amity raised her up and closer to her.
Amity sat like that for a while, as they didn’t say anything to each other. She gently brushed Luz’s back with her finger, making Luz flinch in surprise. “Sorry,” apologized Amity, as she quickly pulled her finger away. “You’re just so…” she tried to come up with a good word that wasn’t ‘cute’, “small.” She gently grabbed Luz’s hand in her fingers, letting it rest on top her finger; it couldn’t even reach across the slimmest part of it. “It feels strange to hold you.”
Luz kept looking into her giant eyes. “It’s really strange to be held too.” She looked down at the ground. “You’re really big when you’re a giant…” Amity felt a little too big to be real in her mind. “I mean, obviously, but you’re so big, it doesn’t really feel possible.” She talked absentmindedly, as she leaned onto Amity’s finger, which twitched under her touch. “I’m not even the size of this finger.” Luz tried to wrestle it downwards, but it barely budged. “I’m not even as strong as your finger!”
Amity raised an eyebrow. “Did you expect to be?”
Luz shook her head. “Not really, but it’s still weird.” She leaned down on her finger again, but this time she just felt like lying down. “Man, today has already been a day, huh?” She chuckled. “My brain feels just as mushy as when I first got here…” She took a moment to take it all in, narrating some of her thoughts out loud. “You’re a size-shifters. Size-shifters eat people, but not really, so people fear and hate you guys for no reason…” Her brow furrowed. “I got scared of you too. I’m sorry.” She had a better idea of how much it must have hurt Amity to hear her freak out and call her dangerous after the whole explanation.
Amity ignored the last part of it. “Yeah, today has already been a lot.” Or maybe she didn’t… It was part of her day that she thought she was about to lose Luz as a friend from how she had reacted. She moved her finger away from Luz lowering her down to rest her arms in her lap. She sighed. “I don’t think it was all on you… Maybe I should have explained everything and if you caught on it wouldn’t be as bad.”
Luz felt even worse for her. “No, it’s not at all your fault; I didn’t wait to hear you out.” She looked up at Amity. “I should have trusted that you would never hurt me.” It was even strange, because she would have completely trusted Amity with her life just before she told Luz her secret. Why was my first thought she was tricking me? “I trust you so much and I promise that we are still friends!”
Amity gave her a small smile, and Luz was happy that her reassurance worked. “Thanks.”
It was silent between them after that.
Amity carefully stroked Luz’s hair in the silence, and Luz found it calming. She liked knowing that there was nothing wrong between them and neither of them hated each other over what had just happened. But it was strange with the sudden affection from Amity’s side. She usually veered away from physical contact with Luz. Maybe she just doesn’t like it when others touch her? Luz felt a bit conflicted. I hope it isn’t for a bad reason.
Amity shifted her fingers to brush Luz’s back instead, but her head was filled with other thoughts. It had been bugging her from when she picked Luz up in her hands, but it was even worse after Luz had told her that she trusted her. She couldn’t stop thinking about swallowing Luz alive. Her brain kept shouting at her that Luz needed to get somewhere safe, despite the lack of danger. I guess I know why others do it despite the risk now. She stared down at Luz, wishing she could just shove her into her mouth without scaring her. Should I bring the idea up? She decided not to.
Luz relaxed, as Amity stroked her back, but she did seem to be a little distracted. She decided not to ask about it. It wasn’t like she always paid attention when she was with people. She could get a little lost in her daydreams about her favorite shows and books from time to time. But what type of thoughts would Amity get lost in? Luz straightened her back, immediately changing her mind about not asking. “What are you thinking about?”
Amity hesitated. “I’m trying to figure something out…” She shifted her hands a bit, before she stroked Luz again. She looked like she wanted to say something more, but changed her mind about what. “It’s annoying.” That was what she left it at.
Luz tilted her head. “What are you trying to figure out? Oh! Maybe I can help?”
Amity laughed. “You could, but that is also the problem… It could solve it too.”
“That sounds like some weird cryptic riddle… Sooo what do you mean by that?” Luz watched her, while she thought about what to say next.
Amity tried to pick her words carefully. I think I should ease her more into it… maybe it won’t startle her as bad? “It’s just that… Hmm, no…” Saying it like that would be more ominous. Imagine hearing that… She shook her head. ‘I think have figured out why other size-shifters want to risk swallowing people whole’. Even thinking it to herself made her shiver. “I’m thinking about how it feels to swallow a person whole.” Amity watched Luz’s face for a reaction, but she didn’t see any fear yet, though she did make a face. “It has to feel good, right?” She tried to avoid the fact that she knew that was not the reason others did it, until she saw Luz’s reaction.
Luz felt a bit weirded out by her, but she decided it was better not to judge her too harshly. Maybe it’s some weird feeling she gets when she’s giant. “So… you were trying to ask if you can swallow me whole?”
Amity’s fingers twitched a little closer around Luz, before she nodded. “And, actually… I think I have figured out why-” she stopped herself abruptly. “I mean, not in a scary dangerous way, but I think I have figured out why other size-shifters risk so much to do this.” She paused again, as she watched Luz intently, making Luz squirm. “I don’t know why, but holding you like this makes me feel like I need to keep you safe from everything and never let anyone or anything get to you. And the same feeling is screaming at me to eat you.”
Amity was being a little overdramatic, but so were her thoughts. Or at least the feelings it gave her. It pressed heavily in on her mind, as she stared down at the relatively tiny girl in her hands. She tried to calm the thoughts, in case Luz said no, by reminding herself that if anybody or thing did try to hurt, she could still protect her normally. It obviously didn’t help, but that was also maybe part of the fact that she, even without the strange feelings, wanted to try swallowing Luz whole.
Luz smiled uncomfortably, glancing down towards the ground. It wasn’t as much a lack of trust, as it was an ‘I don’t want to be swallowed alive’. “Well, uh,” she laughed anxiously, “I mean… it’s nice that you want to protect me, but-” she wondered how to say it. “I think you should just put me down and we can go back.”
Luz could see Amity’s mood drop, before she replied. “I guess that would solve it too…” She placed Luz down on the ground, going back to her regular height, holding a hand to her forehead. “Okay, now I’m confused.” She stared at Luz with a weirded out look on her face.
Luz could guess what the problem was. “Maybe it takes a while for the feelings to disappear?” she guessed, hoping she was right. Or I would just have to deal with being swallowed alive. She shivered, trying not to feel too disgusted with the idea. “Wait, what if the feeling stays forever? Even after you’ve eaten me and let me back out?”
Amity’s eyes widened. I would not be able to handle that! Was what Luz said actually possible? It sounded like it. What if I eat Luz and never let her out? She wanted to get away from her ‘protective’ thoughts immediately. Her mind filled up with horrible images and scenarios. Both of them dying of hunger from neither being able to eat. Or her eating something and getting her stomach to work again. Her thoughts started spiraling into more horrible scenarios.
Luz noticed Amity’s distress, but she had no idea how to help. “It probably won’t! Uh…” Luz looked around, trying to find something to talk about that could distract Amity. “Sunny!” Luz grabbed one of her poké balls from her belt, sending the pokémon out. “Look at Sunny, hasn’t she gotten stronger?” Her shiny Luxio’s fur sparkled in the light, as Sunny looked up at Luz, before rubbing her head against her. “Can you go over to Amity?”
She listened, turning around to see Amity still looking alarmed. Sunny looked surprised, before she used her head to guide Amity’s hand to pet her.
Amity looked down at Luz’s pokémon, letting her shoulders untense a little. The thoughts were calming down a lot faster than she thought they would, both the eating ones and the anxious ones. She felt the thoughts about swallowing Luz slowly disappear. There were still memories of the thoughts when she looked at Luz, but nothing like what she had just felt. It was more like having said something completely seriously in a dream and then waking up to it being completely ridiculous. Amity smiled. “Thanks…”
“No problem!” Luz was happy everything had resolved itself so fast. She wouldn’t really know how else to fix this. “Sorry for bringing… that… up.” She hadn’t expected Amity to react like that at all, but now she could see how it would be worrying. “I promise I wasn’t trying to scare you.”
Amity petted Sunny for a bit. “It’s okay now.” A conflicted expression fell on her face. “I just felt like it was what was going to happen.” She sighed. “But luckily it wasn’t.”
It was strange… It was supposed to be a comforting feeling after she had swallowed Luz, so why did the thought of doing that so easily panic her? But then again… She wasn’t giant anymore, and she had just feared having thoughts about swallowing Luz for the rest of her life… And then thought about her death.
Luz looked at Sunny, as her pokémon walked back to her. It was good that Luz’s pokémon didn’t hold a grudge. It was good that Luz didn’t either, or she and Amity could never have been friends. She smiled at Amity as a strange feeling made her heart sped up again, like it had when she had thought about how oddly perfect for romance the place seemed.
Amity smiled back, before she spoke. “Well, we should probably be heading back.”
Luz looked at Amity unsurely. “So, you don’t want to try eating me?”
Amity looked a bit uncomfortable. “I’m not sure… Why are you asking? I thought you didn’t want me to do that?”
Luz returned her pokémon to her poké ball. “I did, but… I mean, how can I not be a little curious?” It seemed scary at first, but there was something about it that intrigued her. Even if she had to dig to find it. “It’s crazy that it’s actually possible to be eaten safely!” A thought suddenly hit Luz. “But, if you haven’t eaten anybody before, how do you know it’s safe? It’s not very obvious when seeing the footage of it.”
Amity shrugged. “It’s usually a thing only size-shifters know about. I don’t think other people would be so open to hear us out.”
“I guess that makes sense…” Luz hesitated. “But do you want to try it?” She felt a little hesitant herself, but maybe she could at least try it, just to see what it would feel like. Maybe it could be interesting?
Amity gave it another second of thought. If Luz wants me to, I guess she doesn’t think it’s that bad? And Amity had no reason to be scared. She wasn’t going to live with the urge to eat her forever, it would disappear after a few minutes. She made her decision. “Yes.”
Without any warning, Luz closed the distance between them with a hug.
Amity froze in Luz’s embrace. “Why are you hugging me?” It didn’t make any sense; Luz was doing something for her, so why did she also get a hug? At the same time, the closeness threw Amity’s heart into high-gear.
Luz felt Amity freeze in her arms, as she squeezed her tightly. She let go of her, seeing how red her face had gotten, before she replied. “I felt like you needed it.” Luz stared at Amity’s face, unsure of how to process her blushing. “And I wanted to hug you.” She took a step back from her. What do I do about her blushing? It wasn’t really hitting her what it meant, but she knew it would in a moment, because it was right there in her head. How should I react?
Luz is staring at me. Amity felt a rush of anxiety. She has figured it out. “Uh, well, I was supposed to grow, so I’ll just do that now.” She backed away from Luz, growing back to her biggest height again.
Luz stared up at Amity, as the words her mind was searching for fell into place. Amity has a crush on me. Luz couldn’t figure out what to do about it. Was she supposed to tell Amity that she knew or keep quiet about until she decided to confess? Would that make it more awkward? She played the scenario out in her mind. If I told somebody I had a crush on them and they- her thoughts were abruptly cut short as she was pulled up into the air. She shouted in surprise. “Amity!”
Amity gave Luz a fake smile. “Sorry, I’m just really impatient right now.” She was hoping Luz hadn’t guessed anything at all and that she could distract her. What exactly do I do, if she has guessed it? Wasn’t she supposed to let Luz know that she liked her as more than a friend? It doesn’t feel right yet…
Amity shifted her hands, so Luz could sit in them. “At least ask if you can pick me up.” She took a second to figure out what she had been thinking about, before she fell back into her thoughts. If somebody knew I had a crush on them, would I like them to tell me they knew or not? She tried to figure it out, but she didn’t know how Amity felt about it. “What would you do if you knew somebody had a crush on you?” Maybe that was enough to let Amity know that she knew.
Amity felt her pulse quicken even more. “Tell them.” She wasn’t sure she would have answered that, if it wasn’t glaringly obvious Luz had figured it out, but she needed to hear it from Luz’s mouth.
Luz could sense how uncomfortable Amity was. She already knew that I figured it out… That’s why she’s acting so much weirder. “Uh… well… I think-” she corrected herself, “-I know you have a crush on me.” Luz felt her heart pound quicker in her chest. “And… I think I might have feelings for you too?” Luz looked away from Amity. “You know… The first thing I thought of when we got here was that this place would be perfect for a love confession.”
Amity stared down at Luz, wide-eyed, before she blinked. She looked around the clearing, before she laughed. “It kind of is.”
Both of them stayed quiet for a few seconds.
Amity felt the feelings of wanting to eat Luz slip back in through her worry about her not returning her feelings. “So we both like each other…” she stated to herself, feeling unsure. Everything about this whole day seemed fake. First, she had actually told Luz she was a size-shifter, Luz had agreed to let herself get eaten and now… Now Luz had told her she had feelings for her. “Would it be weird, if I swallowed you whole now?”
Luz smiled awkwardly. “Not any weirder than it would be any other time.” She hesitated again. “But I would like it if I could get more eased into it.” Luz felt a bit embarrassed to ask, because of the absurdity of the situation. “Could you hold your mouth open, so I can look inside first?”
“Sure.” Amity raised her up in front of her face, opening her mouth wide.
Luz couldn’t stop herself from flinching back at the sight of it. Her teeth were way too big for Luz not to imagine her accidently getting something caught in between them and crushed. The sight of her throat was even more unnerving, with the thought of her having to go down it. Luz shivered from both thoughts, before she managed to calm herself down. Relax, nothing’s going to go wrong.
It wasn’t that she hadn’t expected it to be scary, but she thought her curiosity would have made it less scary. Still, she didn’t want to not try it. “I-” she cleared her throat to avoid her voice shaking, “I meant so I could lean in.”
Amity shifted Luz closer to her mouth after she said that.
Luz once again had to take a moment to convince herself everything was going to be okay, before she held onto Amity’s teeth and leaned into her mouth. Nothing’s going to be bitten off. She could feel the heat of Amity’s breath against her face, but it luckily didn’t smell bad.
Amity moved her tongue moved away from Luz’s hands, confusing her. “Uh, you know, if you want to swallow me whole, you have to touch me with your tongue.”
She could see that Amity hesitated, before she relaxed her tongue.
Luz cringed slightly, as the warm wet tongue hit her hands, but she relaxed shortly after. It’s not that gross, just a little weird. Luz let Amity drag her tongue up her arms, as she watched. I wonder if I taste like anything? She pushed her tongue back down when she was about to lick at her face. “I still need to look!” she called out, trying to make it clear she wasn’t that bothered by it and actually found it a little amusing.
Luz moved her hands on top of Amity’s tongue. It felt strange how it twitched under her hands, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Luz suddenly threw herself back out of Amity’s mouth. “Oh! Wait!” She took her poké balls of her belt shoving them in her bag. “Can you take this?” She left her flashlight on her belt, just in case she wanted to look around.
Amity carefully picked the bag out of her hands, before placing it by her own. “I thought something was wrong.”
Luz shook her head. “No, everything is fine! I just thought… I mean, you could get hurt, if I lost something in there.”  She decided not to dwell on it. “Can you open up again?”
Amity did as she was told.
Luz leaned back in on her tongue, looking at Amity’s throat. The sight made her shiver, just like before, but it still wasn’t enough to make her back out of trying this.
Amity was having a bit of a different experience.
She couldn’t figure out why Luz tasted like she did. It wasn’t at all how she would have imagined a person to taste. She had expected them to maybe be a tiny bit salty, if they were sweating, but Luz tasted like her skin was made of sugar. She liked it, but it also weirded her out at the same time. Maybe this is just how people taste to size-shifters? She shifted her tongue under Luz’s hands, trying to get a bit more of her taste…It’s kind of like having a living piece of candy. She felt even weirder about it after that thought.
Luz turned her head to look at Amity’s teeth. The ones farthest in were the size of both her hands curled into fists. She leaned in a little farther, pushing herself up on her toes, to see if her assumption was right. She rested her elbows on Amity’s tongue, comparing the size of her fist to her teeth. Wow, they are! I am really tiny compared to her…
Luz felt a bit unsure of what to do now. Do I want to get swallowed yet? Her gaze fell on her throat. Something in her was telling her that she should tell Amity to stop, but she knew it was just her very rational fear of being eaten.
She sighed, before she relaxed her legs, sliding a bit backwards. Should I let Amity shove me in or crawl in myself? But she felt Amity pull her back out after a second to close her mouth.
Amity looked at her, but Luz couldn’t really read her expression. “Uh…” Amity started unsurely, “can I eat you now?”
Luz shrugged. “Sure, I’m done looking around.” She felt weird about phrasing it like that, but it didn’t matter too much.
Amity gently picked Luz up with her other hand, but put her back down when she saw her confused expression. “What?” she asked carefully.
“Nothing! I kinda thought I would be climbing into your mouth again, but this works too.” Amity nodded, picking her up once again. But Luz couldn’t help feeling a little uncomfortable with it. It can’t be not more uncomfortable than climbing in on my own…
Amity held her pinched between her fingers, still feeling that strange need for protecting Luz by eating her. Yet she also thought about how to do it. Should I tilt my head back and lower her in? She had no idea what she should do, but she felt that there was a right way to do it, even if there probably wasn’t. Would Luz find it weird or even scary? Her mind was getting impatient with her, yelling at her that it didn’t matter as long as she got Luz safe. Amity tilted her head back, hoping she didn’t look stupid doing that, before she opened her mouth.
Luz felt her heart pound quicker, but not in a good way, as Amity brought her legs down towards her mouth. Why is this so much scarier? She looked down into her mouth, feeling a much stronger shiver at the sight of Amity’s throat. She pulled her legs back, as she felt the jolt of fear. “Amity, wait! Give me a moment.” I just need a second to calm down and then everything is going to be fine.
Amity closed her mouth again reluctantly. Her mind was screaming to eat Luz even more severely than before, while she tried to push the thoughts down. She’s scared to be eaten; I won’t do this if she doesn’t want to. Yet that didn’t seem to calm down the thoughts at all. Either that, or it calmed down such a little bit, she could barely feel the difference.
Luz held her hand over her heart, feeling her heart beating under it. Should I back out? With how her heart was thumping; she strongly considered it. She looked at Amity, as she imagined going down the other girl’s throat. “Uh…” she didn’t know how to voice her sudden fright. “Just a moment more.”
Amity already felt let down. “Please…” She stopped herself, not wanting to make Luz feel like she didn’t have a choice. “Sorry.”
She was about to place Luz back on the ground, when she shouted, “Wait!” making Amity stop. “I still want to try it, I’m just scared.” It was pretty clear, giving how she was shaking. “I can do this; I don’t think it’s going to be as scary after I’ve tried it.” Luz looked up at Amity unsurely, fiddling with her hands. “Maybe it’s kinda the same fear that comes from anything scary.” She gestured something with her hands, but Amity wasn’t sure what she meant, or if it even meant anything. “Maybe a roller coaster or trying to climb a really high rock-climbing wall. Something that’s terrifying the first few times, but after that it’s fun?”
Luz could feel her heart still pounding away in her chest, but both not wanting to let Amity down and grasping on to that little bit of curiosity, she knew she had to do it. “Maybe those two aren’t the best comparisons, and it probably won’t be ‘fun’ in the same way, but you know what I mean.”
Amity smiled at Luz’s comparison, before she tried to figure out how to make Luz more comfortable. “You didn’t feel as scared when you were looking around my mouth yourself…” she thought out loud. “Would it help if you climbed in on your own?” Amity realized she was still holding Luz the way she had been before, putting her back down to sit in her hand.
Luz watched Amity’s mouth, feeling an uncertain chill run down her spine. “I think so?” It would feel better than being lowered in.
Amity opened her mouth again.
Luz didn’t waste any time, afraid to back out if she waited for too long. She pulled herself up using Amity’s teeth as fast as she could, feeling a little shove on her feet from Amity. Amity closed her mouth as soon as Luz was inside.
Amity grimaced at the feeling of Luz’s clothes against her tongue, as it sucked the moisture from her mouth. She felt embarrassed about having to roll Luz around her mouth before she could swallow her. Should I swallow her head first her get her to turn around? Amity wasn’t sure what would be best. She couldn’t picture what would be easier for both her and Luz. I guess I should just focus on getting her soaked enough to go down. With how Luz tasted, she guessed it wouldn’t take too long.
Luz squeezed her eyes shut, despite the darkness, as she felt Amity’s tongue move around underneath her. She couldn’t stop herself from feeling like she was a piece of candy. She felt Amity’s teeth grab her foot, before she swallowed the saliva around her. Despite her foot in between Amity’s teeth; she let her shoulders untense for a moment, feeling a little bit less scared. Everything is fine. She tried to reassure herself. Amity isn’t trying to scare me.
Amity could feel Luz becoming less tense, realizing that she was still scared, as she could feel her rapid heartbeat against her tongue. She didn’t know what to do… How scared was Luz? Should I let Luz back out? She didn’t want to at all. She swallowed around Luz again.
Luz squirmed uncomfortably, as her clothes became more and more drenched in drool. Her body was once again pressed up into the roof of Amity’s mouth. She felt the saliva disappear from around her, before she was lowered down again and pushed around.
Amity thought about how to swallow Luz again. Does it matter to her? Luz felt scared, but would one way be less scary? She hesitantly opened her mouth back up, hoping Luz wouldn’t mind needing to get back in.
Luz could feel a change in light behind her shut eyes, before she was pulled back out of her mouth. She uncertainly opened her eyes, seeing the string of drool between her and Amity, before she tried to slurp it in, before licking it away. She couldn’t keep herself from grimacing in disgust. That’s so gross. Both how it looked and how it sounded made her cringe and shut her eyes again.
Amity noticed Luz’s discomfort, feeling incredibly embarrassed. “Uh… I was wondering if you cared how I swallowed you?” She used her free hand to briefly scratch the back of her head. “I mean, head first or feet first?”
Luz opened her eyes hesitantly. Did she care? She pictured both ways. Being swallowed head first would probably be really uncomfortable… But is feet first any better? She tried to picture it. It doesn’t sound like it… But that was more about the whole being eaten thing not being very pleasant. At least I won’t be upside-down… “Uh… Feet first?” Luz knew that meant she couldn’t avoid Amity putting her in her mouth, unless she wanted to try turning around in her mouth herself, but she might as well let Amity do it. Maybe it won’t be as scary now. “And I’m okay with you putting me in your mouth.”
Amity’s brow furrowed. If she’s changes her mind, I can stop. She shifted her hands to hold Luz differently, deciding not to do what she did earlier. She lifted her hand up to her mouth, letting Luz’s legs slip inside, before she quickly, but gently, pushed the rest of her inside.
Luz didn’t get as much time to be scared as Amity pushed her in a lot quicker than she had tried to lower her in.
Amity’s tongue flipped her on her stomach, before she tilted her head back.
Luz’s fear sparked back up, as she slid backwards. Calm down; it’s not going to be that bad. She tried to keep that in mind while her legs slipped into Amity’s throat, before her tongue squeezed her down into it and her feet and lower legs slid down into her esophagus.
Amity felt her brain scream a loud ‘Finally!’, as she swallowed for the first time. But she could also feel how hard and rapid Luz’s heart was beating. She didn’t let herself dwell on it, as she swallowed again. She’ll tell me, if she wants to back out.
The tongue around Luz squash her up into her palate, shoving more of her into her throat. Luz wriggled, trying to feel less squished. It was a lot tighter than she would have thought.
Luz felt Amity swallow again, as her waist was pulled into her throat. Only her arms were still on her tongue, as the rest of her was falling into her throat, but she didn’t feel as scared as she did before. It’s okay… She comforted herself. It’s not that bad. Amity’s throat pulled on her, as she was squashed down farther.
As Luz felt the crushing pressure around her chest, she realized she should have taking a deep breath before Amity had swallowed her this far in. I can’t breathe. She could gasp a little bit of breath in, when she really tried, but it wasn’t easy.
Amity stopped swallowing, when she felt Luz wriggles become more intense. Oh… should I have let her out? It was too late for that now. She swallowed Luz’s arms and hands in one gulp, feeling jumbled, as feelings of worry and joy mixed in her head. I’m not supposed to be happy while Luz scared. But that didn’t stop that part of her from feeling like she had done something good.
Luz hated how tight Amity’s throat squeezed her, as she was pushed down. She couldn’t catch her breath at all. She wasn’t too worried about it, but it wasn’t pleasant. It felt like trying to dive to the other end of a small pool, except everything around her was crushing her and she couldn’t go up for a breath when she felt like it was too much.
Amity felt Luz slide down her throat, as her worry grew instead of lessened. Did I hurt her? She tried to swallow again, wanting to get Luz down faster, but she didn’t know if it would work.
Luz was eventually squeezed into Amity’s stomach, sliding down to the bottom of it. She began panting for breath, finally feeling the pressure of Amity’s throat let go.
Amity didn’t know exactly what to do. Luz didn’t seem like she was scared… She wasn’t screaming or fighting against her. “Uh… Luz?” she started hesitantly, “what was wrong earlier?”
Luz took another deep breath, appreciating her ability to breathe a lot more than she usually did. “I couldn’t breathe.”
It was quiet between them again.
Amity sat for too long trying to figure out what to say, before Luz spoke up again. “So uh… How does this whole thing feel?” There was a sharp jab from inside her stomach. “It better be as good as you thought.”
Amity couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I don’t think it is.” She focused more on her question. “But it’s… something. I think I liked it more when I had you in my mouth, but at least now I don’t have those irritating thoughts about needing to swallow you.” She held a hand over her stomach, unsure of how to feel. “You taste like sugar.”
Luz stared up into the darkness around her. “Oh…” she muttered. “So I do taste like something. You know, I was actually thinking about that when you tried to lick my face the first time.” She felt around for the flashlight on her belt, before she got a hold of it, and turned it on, blinding herself for a few seconds. “Argh!” she shouted. That was stupid.
Amity immediately called out to her, before Luz interrupted her panic. “Don’t worry! I just blinded myself with my flashlight…” She slowly opened her eyes again, turning the brightness of the light down, looking around.
There wasn’t as much room as she had thought there would be, but she was more focused on how the walls around seemed oddly still. I guess that makes sense… Luz stared at the pink wrinkly walls around her. “Hmm…” I wonder what would happen if she ate something? “Do you really not know that much about size-shifter biology?” Luz wasn’t going to let herself possibly die inside Amity’s stomach just for an experiment either way, but she was curious. “What would happen if you ate something while I was in here?”
“I don’t know.” Amity made a weird squeaky noise. “And I don’t really want to find out.” She was quiet for bit, before she thought of something else. “Though I know that if you had eaten me and you ate something I would be safe… But it’s different.”
“Oh…” Luz wondered what Amity meant by that, but she probably didn’t know. “And I don’t want to try anything! I was just hoping you knew what would happen.” She shined the light up towards the entrance of Amity’s stomach, immediately distracting her from the conversation. Luz felt a strong chill run through her, despite the warmth of the body around her. “I am really inside your stomach…” Around Luz were layers of muscles and fat, and skin… and she was just sitting there, inside Amity, completely invisible to everything… Except for Luxrays, but they would only find her if they were looking for her. The thought wasn’t scary, as much as it was fascinating. I would really be completely safe in here… She could hide from everything if she wanted. Not that she did, but the idea of such a quiet place just with Amity… She felt a sting of disappointment. “I wish you wouldn’t get in trouble over stuff like this…”
Amity didn’t know how Luz came to that conclusion, but she agreed. “I know…” She brushed her hand over her stomach, despite knowing Luz couldn’t feel it. This was one of the only things that affected Amity and had all her life, besides her parents. She had never been one to break rules or get in trouble and she didn’t care that she could only use ground type pokémon for the rest of her life. Golett or Golurk weren’t the worst pokémon she could think of training. But being a size-shifter with the rules that were set in place? She was almost breaking rules just by existing ever since she was born. “It’s really hard.”
Neither of them knew how to continue the conversation from there.
Amity heaved a deep sigh. “I think I’m going to let you out now.”
Luz felt like it was a little soon for all the stress, but she didn’t have any objections. “Okay.”
Amity had thought it would have been a lot harder to get Luz back up, but it barely took any longer than swallowing her, and it was far from as painful as vomiting normally got.
For Luz, it didn’t feel worse than first having been swallowed.
Luz slipped into Amity’s hands, before she was placed down on the ground, looking over where Amity had placed their bags. She cringed, imagining get Amity’s drool all over it too, but she knew she had to pick it up somehow. She didn’t really want to ask Amity to carry it.
Luz couldn’t stop feeling a bit awkward. She tried to avoid looking at Amity, as her face heated up. “Uh… I think we glossed a little bit over the fact that we both like each other?”
Amity seemed shy too. “Yeah…”
Luz headed back to where they had come from, picking up her bag. “Let’s just go back.” She yawned. “I’m really tired…” she mumbled, before she continued. “Maybe we can figure it out on the way back.”
Amity yawned too, but Luz was pretty sure it was because she had yawned. “Uh, yeah, we can do that.”
Thanks a lot for reading! I would really appreciate if you liked this story, if you enjoyed reading it!
Have an awesome day! <3
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
7. Ship [Voretober 2020]
Imposter Aliens x Multiple Crewmates Vore
Contains: Soft Vore, Safe Vore, Same Size Vore, Nonbinary Preds, Alien Preds, Multiple Prey, Willing Prey, Roleplay(?) Also that same space reduction idea to explain the multiple same size prey is here too Word Count: 1K
It was another quiet day on the Skeld, on their way back to MIRA HQ. Which of course, meant the crew was bored. Which was only going to mean one thing.
The game was afoot.
They had two aliens aboard the ship as part of an intergalactic exchange program whom also took the forms of their human counterparts just to make things more comfortable for the humans aboard. However, their appetites were a little on the strange side- and one day Mxil's hunger got the better of them. Trying to keep it a secret, they had Auk cover for them- but then it only turned into an eating spree. They managed to silently gobble up the whole crew before their captain noticed, and even then they cornered him too.
Sure, that caused a bit of misunderstanding and some of the crewmates were understandably unsettled at first, but their alien friends explained themselves. Their insides were harmless, but the act of eating someone on their planet was more of a bonding activity. When they craved attention or felt a bond with someone, their appetite would flare up. As a sign of trust and truth, both Mxil and Auk let the crew go and prepared to be punished.
But rather than be punished, it turns out the crew was- accepting of their cravings. Some even showed enthusiasm for the act, asking questions out of fascination. After a long, open discussion, it was decided that this would be a regular activity that was sanctioned on board. Auk and Mxil were ecstatic from the acceptance of their crewmates (and may or may not have gobbled up the crew again out of happiness.)
Before long, the act was made into a game- everyone would swap their suit colors, go about their daily tasks while their two alien friends scurried about and quietly picked off friendly meals. If they were caught, then they would be out and have to be satisfied with whom was captured first. And boredom was common in space, so this game happened often.
Purple and Lime scurried to the Electrical together, trying to get their tasks done. The anticipation was killing Lime, it was so bad that they could hardly stop their fingers from shaking as they tried to calibrate the distributor. Unfortunately their fumbling fingers were messing them up more than they'd want to admit. They were down five crew members and there was still no real sign of an imposter. Just missing people and a few doors locked.
They slipped again and resisted the urge to curse. This was silly, it's not like there was real danger- but they were jittery nonetheless. Still, they trusted Purple to watch out for them. They'd been alone together before and Lime was still in the game.
Finally Lime finished and shuffled closer to Purple, opening the panel to redistribute power. Just as they pushed the slider up- White and Cyan walked in. It startled Lime, but a sigh of relief fogged their helmet slightly when the two new arrivals turned to the electrical panels. Good, more people... Less likely for a sneak attack-
But it took a second for Lime to realize that there had to be an imposter among them- when the door to electrical sealed. Lime jumped, backing away as White and Cyan turned to them- but it was too late. A large mouth split the torso of Cyan's suit, sharp teeth shining in the light. Quick as a flash, Cyan snatched White up from next to them, cramming the flailing figure into their stomach. Lime felt the blood rush from their face as out of the corner of their eye, Purple's suit tore open in the same way.
Lime tried to turn to run, but a long tongue had already lashed out and encircled their arms. They were lifted off of their feet with a muffled cry, kicking in midair as their only resistance. But they too were stuffed into the belly maw of their crewmate, sharp teeth grazing the tough material of their suit. Two quick gulps drew them in, squishing them inside the alien's stomach with ease.
It was cramped inside the purple, glowing innards, slick purple goo oozing down their helmet front. Lime was crammed in with two other crewmates. "Umph-" Pink grunted from next to Lime, "I told you it was Purple."
"They got me in O2 while you were in Nav," Yellow whined to Lime, "Surprised you didn't see it."
"The only one left is Black then," Lime sighed, "Guess we'll be seeing them soon."
"It would be easier to tell imposters if holding crewmates in their belly was more visible," Pink pouted, ignoring the squelching walls pressing them all closer with a gurgle.
"Having space reduction powers for a stomach seems unfair for this game," Yellow added.
"Oh, we all know that we wouldn't make them change it," Lime replied, "Then we wouldn't get a chance to lose."
Cyan sighed softly, a habit learned from their human crewmates. They leaned back against the cafeteria table, nursing their huge stomach resting in their lap with one hand. Purple settled in at another table to their right, letting their hold release. Purple stretched as their belly returned to true size, the bench beneath them creaking as they shifted.
[That was an easy match,] Cyan switched to the low rumbles of their native language briefly as they watch Purple pat and rub their engorged middle.
[You're right,] Purple agreed, [I think they're getting more used to the idea.] They churred in satisfaction as someone inside shifted visibly against their 'spacesuit'. [In fact, I think they like it.]
[They'll fit right in with our peer groups,] Cyan noted, feeling their crewmates inside wriggle as well.
[Speak for yourself,] Purple snipped, holding an arm over their huge belly, [I'm not sharing my friends.]
[You've always been possessive. It's endearing,] Cyan seemed amused, [Shall we let them out to finish their tasks?]
Purple hesitated as Cyan's tummy growled long and low. [In a few more minutes,] they replied, patting their tum, [I want to enjoy this a short while longer... But, perhaps later they might be interested in another game?]
Cyan huffed in laughter. [That sounds wonderful. I hope they'll agree.]
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random-ran-me · 3 years
Tubbo in wonderland 
 warnings: vore mouth play? Heights Family not caring and other things like that..
Life is full of wonder and Magic but for some people wondering is hard and they only go off what they know even if it’s not true, Magic is non existent in a world like this..even if it’s right in front of them-well except for one very special little boy..Toby a young lad with brown Curly hair and Beautiful forest green eyes and lots of frecklessd, a rather normal looking boy, and to Toby normal was boring,
Toby sighed as his family played in the park, he was leaning against a oak tree as the wind blew bye his face with a Mighty gust, he was so bored bye these games his Friends and family would play, the same games every summer, he wanted something new and exciting but no one seemed to like new games..
he just needed-needed some-some wonder in his life, Mystery and Magic was all he craved, he was just lost is what he felt come to his brain, why was he like this? Most kids he met were just happy to do anything they were told but toby always questions everything even his parents,
his family has given up on him is what it seems, toby was one of the smartest 12 year olds he new, not to toot his own horn or anything but he had the best grades in his class however this isn’t what makes a person smart,
it is the ability to question and think about things that most people wouldn’t even think twice about, that is what being smart is it is the ability to have imagination and of all things wonder, but his family wasn’t like that. At all, he felt himself cringe and remorse from the thought, Toby didn’t have any friends so he was alone with his thoughts most summers sadly.
as Toby glanced over to his side looking among the tree’s of the park he saw a..rabbit? In a small park? That was out of the ordinary, Toby stood walking swiftly towards the direction of the rabbit, glancing at his mom for approval when he received a nod he quickly sprinted off in the direction of the rabbit, Toby ran past tree after tree before stopping to catch his breath, I’m so late late LATE LATE!! he heard someone saying from the bushes, Toby peeked around a tree to see a black and White rabbit with A pocket watch and a trenchcoat on, wha-wow, that is a talking rabbit Toby thought, hello? Toby spoke up as he slowly walked out of the bushes, the rabbit didn’t pay much attention to him still mumbling about being late,
well the rabbit didn’t pay attention to him until he tried picking it up, la-ahh! Hey! Listen here would you like it if I just picked you up? N-no.. but I was talking to you and you ignored me! Well then maybe you could have realized I was Busy! How was I supposed to know! Toby couldn’t believe he was having an argument with a rabbit..
Toby set the bunny down parting with its soft fur,
THANK YOU the rabbit said sarcastically, ugh I’ve got to go, and I’m even more late because of you! Toby took a step back at the outburst looking at his feet I’m-I-sorry Toby said but was to late apparently the rabbit had went down a tunnel,
That definitely was not there before Toby thought to himself, he slowly approached the huge hole in the ground
He found himself looking down the hole but couldn’t see the bottom he reached his hand out but couldn’t find the ground, odd Toby thought, he tried reaching even farther stretching his arm as far as it could go,
He felt himself fall off balance..
Toby felt gravity pull him down as he tried to get out of the dark hole, AHHH! He screamed as he fell, he expected to hit some ground, he knew the hole was deep but not this deep,
It felt like around two minutes where he still hadn’t hit the ground yet..
He yelled but to no avail he didn’t get a response..HELP!? he tried louder..nothing…
Maybe I’m dreaming he prayed in his head, oh please let me be dreaming he pleaded,
Because if this wasn’t a dream He didn’t think there was any way to get out,
Suddenly he started to see objects? Like tee kettles and tea cups, he sees lots of clocks and a bed? What is happening?! Toby said in a protesting voice,
He started panicking as he fell faster, he flailed around trying to grab any objects big enough to break a fall from this height but he knew he was probably going to die..
His tears flew as the wind blew as he fell, AHHHHHH!!
He screeched.
Suddenly he felt sick as gravity seemed to change, Toby didn’t see what happened as his eyes were shut but all of a sudden he was on a ceiling?
OK he knew he wanted some magic and wonder but he didn’t want to be in a fever dream!
Wha-what?.. he questioned fearfully, where am I? He spoke out loud, he was alone so he was talking to himself,
How do I get down? He wondered,
Maybe..if I try this! Toby jumped and immediately gravity pulled him down again, AHHH!
Was all that was Heard as he hit the ground
He groaned as he sat up with pain in his back, he heard a crack as he stood up..that’s going to leave some bruises.. he thought to himself,
Looking around the room he saw it had a round roof like a dome, it looks rather old yet classy Toby essentially sure, The whole room had curtains in it covering up well he didn’t know,
He looked over to a small table with a glass centre and a wooden outlining, on it small box rested, it had a small tag that was attached to the ribbon that the box was tied shut with, Toby stood up walking with a bit of pain as he approached the small table, picking the small box up to examine it, it was a nice Little box with a yellow ribbon and bow on top and the box itself was pink, it reminded him of Easter,
In the back of his mind he kind of wondered if he had met the Easter bunny earlier…
The tag on the box red
•Eat me•
Huh? I mean there’s no way this isn’t a dream Toby thought, so I mean there’s no harm in eating something you found in a box, in an unfamiliar place?
It sounded better in his head then out loud
Not like anyone could hear him anyways though..
Toby carefully pulled at the ribbon undoing the bow so he could open the box, he reached his hand inside the small box to pull out a cookie that was Square and the cookie had frosting that red “eat me” just like the tag,
I mean no harm could be done in a dream so I might as well just enjoy it!
Toby sat on the floor with the cookie and took a bite, the frosting tasted normal but the cookie itself was awful,
Gross yuck!
He swallowed the rest of the cookie that was in his mouth before putting he cookie down,
He felt tingling in his legs and then it started to spread all the way up to his head, Toby had to close his eyes that’s how queasy he felt,
His head hit something and the queasy feeling went away, he opened his eyes looking around him,
He yelled making the walls shake, he said was now 20 feet tall,
He had new clothes on as well wear ever the heck those came from, he didn’t really understand why he was dressed in winter clothing but he just reminded himself it was a dream right? Everything felt real but maybe he was just having a realistic dream
He looked back down at the table..now there was a small bottle that probably said drink me he thought sarcastically
He really didn’t want to drink it after that but maybe it could help him?
Toby very gently picked up the bottle and very very carefully took the Cork off,
He pressed the cold bottle to his lips just barely feeling the liquid inside Poor into his mouth,
He felt the tingling feeling again but he didn’t feel as sick this time, Plus he wanted to see what it looked like, if it looks like anything that is
His body shrank down to about 4 inches it was very distorting to watch,
His clothes magically changed right before his eyes..
He was wearing a green shirt with rips in it and blue Jean pants? At least if they were going to give him a shirt give him one with no rips in it he thought to himself,
This was his dream but he wasn’t really sure if he wanted to explore, at risk of it becoming a nightmare..
It is only a dream! he told him self he didn’t want to wake up yet he wanted to explore, even if his brain was telling him not to
I wonder what’s behind these curtains?
Toby walked over cautiously, he couldn’t really pull the curtain so he walked around it and behind it
There was a small door?
Toby tried to open it, he pulled and he pushed but to no avail the door didn’t open..
He heard ring around him, uhh? Abracadabra? Open Sesame? Open?
You dumb child use your manners!
Was all he heard after his failed attempts, uh I-my manners! Please open! He yelled,
The door opened he quickly ran out in case it decided to shut, he looked around him in awe this world he was in was Beautiful from what he could tell..but everything was huge now,
He wished he would have brought the terrible tasting cookie with him..
Because now he was alone,tiny, and in a pink and purple coloured Forest
At least the grass was relatively normal, but it was still beautiful nonetheless magical almost,
He heard the familiar voice of.. The rabbit!
Maybe the rabbit can give him directions
Hey! Hello? He heard rustling come from the bushes As a black and white rabbit head came out of a bush
Huh? The rabbit looked down at Toby with the most confused and disgruntled look Toby had ever seen in his life,
Then the rabbit had a look of realization, toby didn’t even know rabbits could show emotions but apparently this one could..
HEY! Your that boy who picked me up and that’s why I was late!!
Oh yeah sorry about that Toby said rubbing the back of his head with his hand
The rabbit walked closer to him almost suffocating’ly close
Ranboo rabbit POV
Gosh dang it ranboo had forgotten to close the wonderland hole and now a human had gotten in, I mean it’s not like there weren’t any humans in wonderland heck they’re are plenty but this one isn’t supposed to be here..
Phil would know what to do!
He just needed to take the tiny human to the mad hatter’s house but how?
Ranboo didn’t want to reveal his secrets to the human especially being a rabbit hybrid
But he didn’t exactly have hands in this form..
Oh god.. he needed to act tuff again..
HEY! your the one who picked me up earlier!
Oh yeah sorry about that the young boy said as he rubbed the back of his head
The fact that the boy was even hear was a miracle only descendants of the wonderland people can get in so he must be a descendant of someone..but who?
The boy started talking again and ranboo felt bad for what he was about to do but he didn’t know what he could reveal..
Ranboo swiftly grabbed the boy in his mouth almost slurping him in like noodle..
He felt the boy kick and struggle but the rabbit hybrid just gently tightened his mouth so the boy was immobilized
Toby POV
Toby kicked and struggled as hard as he could as his delusions went away..
This is not a dream.
At all and his brain new that..
He just didn’t want to believe it…
But now he was in a rabbits mouth probably going to end up as a snack for later as the rabbit did not swallow him yet..key word yet
Toby looked for sensitive spots in the mouth but all he new about was human sensitivity!
Just as he gave one last good kick the roof of the mouth came down on top of him, it wasn’t crushing him but the warm saliva felt weird on his back,
He shivered from the feeling
Plus his face was pushed against a tongue and it was disgusting..
He new the rabbit was running by the occasional bump and feeling of stoping
Ranboo rabbit POV
Ranboo looked around the hatter’s home but Phil nor Wilbur could be seen..
Ugh now I have to take this kid home with me..
Ranboo opened his mouth slightly to let more fresh air in for the little boy before closing his mouth hearing a scream for help with it
Luckily he didn’t live to far away from the hatter’s so he sprinted off to his borrow
Running as fast as he could he finally made it to his borrow,
Now this was no dirt hole it was just a home under ground it still had everything a normal human needed
Ranboo turned into his human form, the boy still in his mouth, he opened up the doors in the ground walking down the stairs and into the Area Where you could hang your coat and leave your shoes, he smelt the carrot stew his dad was cooking,
Ranboo tried to sneak to his room without being detected by his dad,
Ranboo! Is that you buddy?
He heard come from the kitchen, now ranboo would have said something almost immediately but since he had a fragile item or so he would call it, in his mouth he couldn’t exactly speak plus if he took the boy out he would probably cry or scream or try to escape his Grasp…
Ranboo bolted for his room looking frantically for a jar in his dresser or something till he just decided to pluck the boy out of his mouth and put him in his dresser drawer and shut it with a-
Ranboo ran back out to the kitchen, oh uh-sorry dad I-I was just holding a lot of things and couldn’t talk because I needed to focus!
Mhm.. he sounded sceptical ranboo thought nervously, he’s trying his best to make his nose stop twitching but he wasn’t very good at hiding it..
Ok buddy supper will be ready soon,
O-oh-ok Ranboo Sighed out of relief
So how was your first day today?
It was good I was a little late but I made it to king techno with the local news
Good,good may I ask why you were late?
Just stressed a-and couldn’t find my way there immediately..
Well do your best son this was my job, and now it’s yours, you’re the white rabbit’s son, you need to live up to my name,
I know..
Ranboo said sounding defeated…
We’ll head back to your room I’m sure you have homework to do his dad laughed for a second
Ye-yeah I haven’t checked but I probably do,
And with that ranboo sprinted back to his room close ing the door behind him,
Toby POV
Toby wasn’t really paying attention he was mor worried about, yknow dying..so when gravity shifted and all of a sudden he wasn’t in a mouth any more and was in a dark cold place he didn’t question it he was just happy to be alive, Toby tried getting the spit off him as he couldn’t really see anything so he couldn’t really escape..
But what did make him question even more was the fact that he was pretty sure a hand had grabbed him not a paw,
Suddenly he heard a door slam shut and foot steps coming closer but suddenly they stopped and all went quite
Toby’s breath hitched in his throat as he waited for something to happen, and then he saw a crack of light
Ranboo the rabbit POV
——————————————————————————Ranboo wasn’t sure weather to let the boy see his hybrid form or not but finally decided to just go for it as he slowly opened his top drawer,
He saw the boy give him a shocked look before cowering away in the back of the drawer,
Ranboo decided he would start fresh, or at least try, he assumed the boy didn’t recognize him but he could later or maybe he already had..
But he was going to try to get a clean slate,
Ok he was just going to be himself and talk,
Hello? The boy didn’t so much as look at him,
What’s your name little guy?
Luckily ranboo had rabbit ears so he could hear the Little whisper that came out of the boy,
Huh that’s a weird name, you need a wonderland name ranboo said with his hands on his hips
The boy looked at him now coming out of hiding, yes it’s working! ranboo thought,
What about..Tubbo
O-ok he heard a whisper
Tubbo POV
——————————————————————————Toby didn’t know why he expected a rabbit to Open the drawer thingy but what he wasn’t expecting was a rabbit it human hybrid to Open the drawer
He was scared at first but it seem to show no memory of him so he assumed it wasn’t the rabbit from before
He marked it as a possibility because he wasn’t really sure what was happening around him..
He could probably start flying lessons if he tried hard enough, especially in this world?
But the hybrid showed nothing but kindness to him so he deemed it more safe then anything,
The rabbit hybrid had asked him a couple of questions
He happily answered them even if he was a bit shy and scared in the beginning,
He asked the rabbit Hybrid‘s name which apparently was ranboo,
That’s a weird name like why can’t his name be something easy to remember like mark or something,
The giant rabbit hybrid put their hand down in the what Toby assumed was a drawer,
He climbed on very very cautiously, as ranboo lifted his hand up slowly,
So Tubbo I kinda need to keep you here till tomorrow so what do you want to do?
That was an odd thing to say but Toby wasn’t really going to argue he was kind of hoping that he go to sleep tonight and wake up with his family,
He knew that was a pretty slim chance though..
Have any board games?
Yeah, want to play?
Ranboo: Son of the white rabbit
Tubbo: niece of Alice
Philza: descendant of the mad hatter
Wilbur: Phils son
Tommy: also Phil’s son, (We’re just gonna say they’re the tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb but not quite)
Techno: King of hearts
Qwackity: Cheshire Cat (this is up to change) May change it to Nikki later
And there’s lots of others
This is due to be continued
If you were questioning yes the land that Tubbo is in is real he’s not dreaming
Part two may be coming out soon
This is not edited
And don’t worry I’m still working on my other fiction it’s just taking a really long time
Please feel free to ask questions
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vorish-musing · 4 years
One Last Job (Part 2/2)
I wanted to get this out to you guys so badly, I worked non stop on it!
Warning #1: this has spoilers for the show Barry on HBO, this is your official spoiler warning. this show deals with graphic violence (the main character being a hitman) and if you are not okay with the talk of murder/death, do not read this fic. 
Warning #2: this story features soft, safe, unwilling vore, with this comes fearplay, digestion mention, fatal vore (mentioned but not graphic) if any of this isn’t your thing, feel free to not read, I won’t get mad :) there’s also a bit of cursing involved 
Without further ado, here’s part two!
“Help!” he yelled loudly, louder than Barry expected, making him grab his stomach, where hank was, and turn a bright red, luckily he was out of the house, and nobody was there to hear it. 
Hank quickly backed away from the stomach wall, feeling Barry's hand on the other side. His heart stopped for a few seconds. “Someone help me! Please!” 
Barry began to speed walk to his car, trying to draw the least amount of attention to himself. “Hank just please be quiet until we get into the car, then you can scream your lungs out” he mumbled to himself. 
Hank heard the words, but chose to ignore them, going back to flailing about, now turning his attention to Barry “Let me out!” 
Barry opened his car door, quickly getting in and letting out a deep sigh, hoping Hank would stop kicking soon, it didn't hurt, it was more of a nuisance. He turned to the dashboard, looking at his phone, then a lightbulb hit him. 
“Barry I swear to god if you don’t let me out all of my men will know about this” of course, hank had no idea how he was going to tell his men about this, but threats were threats.
“Yeah I get it, give me a moment.” Barry spoke, not intimidated at all by Hanks words, concentrating on turning his phone on, he went to his contacts and phoned the same number he called Fuches on before, putting it on speaker. 
Hank had a sinking feeling as Barry disregarded him, he had never seen Barry like this before, it was like it was a different person. Anger bubbled up inside of him, he realized that Barry wouldn’t care, but he cared, it was his life dammit!
A few rings passed, before Fuches answered “Barry?” the man sounded surprised to hear from him already, or maybe it was hearing from him at all.
“Here’s your proof.” Barry placed the phone at his stomach, a few gurgles we’re heard, before Hank made some noise so Fuches could listen in.
“Fuck you Barry! Fuck you! Let me out of here you fucking bastard!” 
Barry heard Fuches laugh maniacally on the other end of the phone, his gut twisting at the sound “Ha! How's it going in there Hank? Having fun, I presume?” 
“...Fuches?” Hank froze, making him pause his tirade dead in its tracks, remembering what Barry had said before “you can’t just let this happen, Barry ATE me! Do you really want someone to go that way?!” 
“Absolutely! I asked for it after all, surprised he even took the job!” every word that Fuches spoke drained any energy Hank had, it was hopeless “ Anyways, I now have a mafia to run, so enjoy your meal Barry!” and with that, the phone call disconnected. 
Hank was stunned, not even he would want someone to suffer like this. 
Well, they weren’t his men anymore, Fuches was taking over. 
Barry then turned off his phone again, letting out a sigh “Fuck!” he yelled, hitting his hands on the wheel,  laughing out of pure anxiety. “It fucking worked…. Hank? Hank listen to me I-” 
“You hated Fuches... Why would you let him do this, why would you do this for him?” hanks words were quieter, he was in shock, it was like everything hit him all at once. Its scared Barry how his demeanor changed dramatically
“Hank hear me out, I do hate him and you’re going to be fine, this was all for show. If you calm down I can explain, you aren’t going to be digested, and you aren’t going to die.” 
It took a few moments for Hank to register what Barry was saying, but one he had, the man was speechless, he couldn’t even understand what Barry was saying, “I...How?-” he didn’t know if this was a game, or if he was telling the truth
“Trust me, I don’t get it either, I can just...do this,” Barry turned a bright red, realizing that his answers wouldn’t help hank all that much “ Fuches wanted you dead, and wanted me to...do this… I decided to play along, I can’t let him run your men, he’d go ape-shit”
“Why...Why didn’t you tell me?” Hank yelled, trying to poke holes in Barry’s story. 
“The fucker wanted proof that I did the job, so I couldn’t avoid it. I used to use this ability on jobs all the time.” 
Hanks stomach dropped “people have died in here?!” somehow that never crossed his mind, of course it had happened before, Barry seemed like he was an expert.. 
Barry’s eyes widened “NO!” he yelled, his heart beating wildly as another painful memory was shoved into his head. He could feel Hank stop moving, probably shocked at the volume. “no...It was when I needed to transport someone somewhere without people knowing. They’d usually be gagged so nobody could hear them. I wouldn't… do this to kill someone.”
There was an awkward silence.
Hank slumped back in the stomach, feeling it gurgle around him, making him flinch “what's going to happen with Fuches. He’s going to know I’m alive sooner or later” 
“We can expose him, you’re alive and he tried to get you killed, you just need to lay low for at least a day. Which means you’ll be in there for the rest of the day, and tomorrow.” 
He was ready for backlash once more, and he wouldn’t blame Hank for being angry, but he was thoroughly surprised when hank pressed on the stomach wall, not angrily this time, but a soft touch.
“You… did this all to save me?” hank’s voice changed “I knew you we’re my friend!” hank punched the wall of Barry’s stomach, this time in a more friendly gesture. “I’m sorry I fought so much, must’ve done a number on you”
“Not really, I’ve been through worse”
 “How come you didn’t tell me before, you scared the shit out of me, you could have told me and then did it!” hank let out a laugh, more out of pure shock than happiness
Barry sighed, relieved he and Hank we’re on the same page “because he wouldn’t believe it, you aren’t that good at acting scared yakow” 
“Fuck you! I’m a fantastic actor!”
Barry just laughed, pulling onto the street, ready to get home and away from this mess. 
“So how did you find out you could do this?” 
“Not important” Barry sighed, rolling his eyes. 
Hank pushed on his stomach wall, then pushed again, clearly not planning to drop the situation any time soon, and with each push it was getting more bothersome.
Barry gave in.  it was no use keeping secrets anymore “back in Afghanistan, one of my mates were fucking around, it was just us on patrol that night, he was making a shit ton of noise, which was pretty much the only thing that would get us killed, I just snapped and….yeah, I don’t really remember much except for after it happened.” 
Barry felt hanks laughter inside, it almost tickled “you maniac! What happened? Did he tell?” 
“He tried saying I did something, nobody believed him, and the situation was dropped, he never really spoke to me after that, transferred to a different group.” 
“Well that's not fun.” Hank slumped down into the squishy stomach wall, he wanted to hear an entertaining story like what happened to him, call it masochistic, but if he knew none of this and told him what happened to him, he would pitch it as a movie. 
“Not every story is. Its mostly the same pattern” Barry turned into his apartment complexes parking garage “Do...this, go to a remote location, get them out, take out the hit. We didn’t tell the buyer what we did, we just charged them more when they wanted a kidnapping. If you think you did some damage today, these guys did so much worse.”
Hank nodded, wishing he could see inside Barry’s stomach. Wondering what it really looked like, if what he was saying was true, he might have some scar tissue or healed wounds from when it happened.
“How did Fuches not realize you could keep me in here without dying?” 
“He thinks there’s a time limit on how long someone can stay in there for.” Barry turned into a parking spot, turning off his car, then sitting back “there isn’t- if you’re worried about that. I mean if I really wanted to I could do it, but that’s just....cruel.” 
Hanks heart spiked for a second, “Barry-” he laughed, a nervous twinge in his voice.
“I won’t.” Barry cut him off “I’d have to be dying for that to happen, and I’m not dying any time soon.”
Hank patted the stomach wall “I know… its just…” hank sighed, “it fucked up that I’m even in here, allow me to be a little nervous?” 
Barry awkwardly patted his stomach, turning a bit red, he never had genuine conversations about this “yeah… I’m going out of the car now; I need you to be quiet for a few minutes so I can get to my apartment.” 
Hank hesitates, not really wanting to be left in silence. “Fine. be quick.” 
Barry got out of the car, walking out of the parking garage and up to the main floor of the building, hank was still and silent for this time. Barry was impressed, until hank began moving, he wouldn’t mind as much, but the man was basically investigating his stomach. 
Hank couldn’t help himself, he had to explore if he couldn’t ask anything at the moment, hank pushed against the walls gently, moving his hands across the squishy flesh. He moved around the entire stomach doing this. 
Barry began walking faster to the elevators, “Hank calm down” he muttered to himself, hoping the man would hear it too. 
Unfortunately, Hank heard no such thing. He began moving around more, pushing upwards on the top of the stomach, feeling the opening of the esophagus, he gave it a slight push, causing Barry to make a shocked noise, grabbing his stomach out of instinct and stopping dead in his tracks. 
A few stragglers by the elevators gave him a strange look as he turned bright red, looking down and walking over to press the ‘up’ button. 
Hank turned red as well, not expecting that reaction. He chuckled a bit, before doing it once again. 
Barry twitched instinctively, pushing onto his stomach as a silent warning towards Hank to not do it again. He could feel hank laughing, making him roll his eyes. 
Finally, he made his way up to the apartment, ignoring his theatre acquaintances/roommates, who ignored him as well, heading straight to his room, closing and locking the door. 
“I told you to not do anything.” Barry sighed, sitting on his bed. 
Hank couldn’t help it anymore, he burst out laughing “you told me to stay silent” 
‘Whatever” Barry opened his laptop, sighing as he saw his Facebook page, a photo of Sally and him as his header. 
Hank picked up on the sigh, patting the stomach wall “Okay, I won’t do it again, no need to get all upset.” 
“Its not you… its my girlfriend.” Barry pinched the bridge of his nose, “she walked in on me when my ability was going uh… haywire, I was giant, she got scared, and wouldn't talk to me, then I had to leave.”
“You can be a GIANT?!” Hank yelled out, completely missing the other things Barry had said. 
“Not the point Hank” 
“Right right… I’ll ask later” Hank nodded, pushing on the stomach wall jokingly, the organ gurgling back in response “what are you going to do”
“I don’t know, I’m going to talk to her tomorrow at class, you better not say a word tomorrow, I don’t need a bunch of theatre adults trying to gut me.” 
“Got it got it…. So about being giant?” 
Barry sighed; this was going to be a long night. 
It was, mostly answering Hanks questions, Hank messing around with his organs, and at one point, having to cut up pieces of food and swallow them down so hank wouldn’t starve. 
When the time came for the men to sleep, Barry found himself just staring at the wall, he couldn’t fall asleep, his thoughts on sally. 
He kept thinking of ideas on what to say to her, and hoping she would listen, he took a moment to turn his phone back on, hoping to see a message from sally, but there was nothing. 
He considered writing her a text explaining everything, or at least some of the things, but he decided not to, he’d give her the space she needed, and he would talk to her tomorrow. 
He placed his hand on his stomach, feeling hank asleep inside, he smiled a bit, he had never realized how good it felt for someone to be inside, it was always sharp pain and annoying struggles, but this was actually pretty great. 
Finally, sleep took over him. 
The next morning was awkward, hank waking up in complete darkness, forgetting where he was, pounding on the stomach walls to be let out, which in turn woke up Barry, who just sighed and had to calm the man down. 
“I’m sorry Barry I forgot” 
“Well if you fall asleep today you better not forget while I’m out”
“Barry I told you I won’t!” hank hit the stomach wall “you make one mistake and you get attacked nonstop” 
“Listen it could be my life at stake if Fuches hears anything about you being alive, if one of the actors finds out where you are and spreads it, it's your life too.”
Hank just huffed, sliding down against the side of the organ 
Barry quickly made his way to the building where the class was, about an hour and a half earlier, he knew she was always that early. As he parked,  he scanned the lot for Sally, noticing her at the doors. 
“Shit!” Barry whispered, he realized he never really practiced what to say to her. “What do I do” 
“Tell her the truth Barry” Hank spoke “minus the cannibalism part...is this cannibalism?”
“I don’t think about it often enough to answer that” Barry patted his stomach “fuck it, I’ll just wing it. Stay quiet” Barry got out of his car making his way to the building.” 
“Good luck, Barry!” Hank spoke, patting back before quieting down, letting himself sink into the stomach wall, wanting to hear the conversation as much as possible.
Barry let out a deep breath, “Hey sally?” he called gently to her as she was about to open the door. 
Sally froze in place, hearing Barry’s voice, she turned around, putting on an awkward smile “hey Barry!” 
He was taken aback at her enthusiasm, not even expecting her to say anything “are...are you okay?” 
She laughed awkwardly “what do you mean?” she stared at him before her eyes lit up “Oh! You mean yesterday! I’m fine, I think I got a second hand high from my roommate hotboxing while I was in the room, I was seeing things...marijuana sucks” 
Barry stared at her for a moment, “uh… Weed isn’t a hallucinogen…” he saw Sally’s face turn a bit red, her smile faltering a bit. 
“Well, I was seeing things, right?” she asked, not to him, but to herself. It broke Barry’s heart to hear her question herself. 
He thought of agreeing with her, saying that everything was fine, that nothing happened yesterday, but he lied to her enough, and she clearly didn’t believe herself either. 
“We need to talk” Barry spoke, Sally’s smile gone, a fearful look replacing it. Barry continued, “please just sit at the stairs with me” 
Sally, her heart pounding in her chest, silently moving to the outside stairs, sitting quietly. Barry followed her, sitting down. 
“Listen, Sally?” Barry looked into her eyes, she looked into his, the man sighed, butterflies in his stomach… actually it was Hank moving. “Yesterday, everything you saw was real.” 
Sally paused for a few moments before laughing “Barry what are you talking about?”
“Sally you know it's true.” she looked for anything other than seriousness in him, but his eyes didn’t waver for a second
She shook her head a few times, looking down at the ground, almost embarrassed at what she was saying “No I don’t, because if you actually knew what I was seeing you wouldn’t be saying this-”
“I was giant, Sally”  Barry winced internally, he just had to rip it off like a band-aid. “I was giant in one of the back rooms, you walked in and ran away.” 
Her brain processed what he was saying to her, before her face contorted into a look of fear, she wanted to believe she wasn’t thinking right, but she just had to face the music. 
“W-what?” she tried to scoot back on the stairs, but the wall of the building hitting her back stopped her from doing so. 
“Sally,  I’m not going to hurt you, I’ve never wanted to hurt you before, it isn't different now.” Barry put a hand on her shoulder. 
She flinched away at first, until she looked into his eyes, those were the eyes she fell in love with, the eyes she knew well, she felt safe with. “H-how?”
“I...fuck” Barry looked down, distracted by hank moving around, it seemed like he too was nervous and moving around as a result. 
Sally gave him a strange look “are you okay?” she tried coming closer to him, noticing he was focused on his stomach for a few moments “do you feel sick?” 
Barry pulled back, making her jump at how fast he was “I’m good…” he trailed off awkwardly, she nodded, backing up as well. “I just… don’t want you to be afraid of me, I...I’m not going to hurt you Sally, I love you” 
Hank sat in almost disbelief, he hadn't seen or heard Barry express...normal emotions before. He almost thought the man couldn’t express anything other than Annoyed. 
“Barry I…” Sally paused, worried to say the wrong thing “I overreacted, I shouldn’t have run away I should’ve let you--” 
“No” Barry put his hands on her shoulders, looking her dead in the eyes “you reacted how everyone would react to...that. I’m not mad at you, I just want to help you understand so you’re okay.” 
To this, he noticed Sally get a bit misty eyed, whenever he would show her any affection like this, she would always cry, and he was okay with that, he didn’t want her to be afraid to react to anything he did, she’d been badly hurt before, but he would never let that happen. 
She wiped her eyes, smiling softly “about that explanation?” 
Barry smiled, letting her go, and explained everything. 
Well, not everything. 
He told her everything she needed to know, he could shrink and grow, shrink other people and objects, to prove this to her, he took a pen out of her purse, and proceeded to shrink it, then resize it. 
She was absolutely amazed at what she was seeing before her eyes, they were lit up like the stars. 
He could feel hank getting more and more restless inside though, maybe it was the environment around the shrunken man, maybe he was bored, maybe he just wanted to cause trouble and piss Barry off, who knows. 
“So, it just… is apart of you? Do you know anyone like this too?” 
“Basically, its just something I have to live with, and no, there’s not really a place I could go looking for people like me” Barry shrugged.
“That’s… interesting” she laughed as he finished his explanation, all of her worry and fear melted away, and it was back to just same old Sally Reid. “In a good way, I mean you could probably make an entire play out of this” 
Barry Laughed softly “I guess so.” 
Then… it happened. 
Hank didn’t mean to laugh out loud, and definitely didn't mean for it to be that loud.  He just simply found it funny that out of anything out of his life, this would be the thing that would be perfect for a play. 
A PLAY of all things, not a movie or even a short film, but a play. 
Barry turned a dark red, grabbing onto his stomach, there was no way that she couldn’t have heard it. It may have been muffled, but there was no playing off what that sound was. 
Sally looked back and forth for a second “did you hear that? Sounded like someone was laughing.” 
He couldn’t play it off as a passerby, there was practically nobody around, hell, Gene wasn’t even there yet, she had to bring her own set of keys so she could get in when he was gone!
“I uh..I-” 
“Barry are you okay? Your face is really red” she looked him up and down as he panicked, his face giving everything away “Barry, you can talk to me” 
He had to think of a lie. He had to think of something so he could change the subject. He couldn’t let her know about this. “Its just...fuck…-”
“Okay okay Barry the Jig is up!”
Hank fucked this up, so he put it upon himself to fix it as well.
Barry tightened his grip on his stomach. Horrified enough to lose all use of his voice. He was stunned.
Sally whipped her head around “okay Barry what the fuck is going on?” she spoke, her tone much less concerned and much more upset. “Who’s there” 
“In here Miss Sally Reid!” 
“Hank shut the fuck up” Barry spoke extremely quickly, the panic and anger in his voice rising with each word. 
Her eyes trailed down to Barry stomach, which he was holding onto for dear life. She was about to say another thing, before she heard the voice again.
“No, I won’t shut the fuck up, she heard and now she knows!” 
Sally let out a small squeak in shock, there was no way that voice was actually coming from inside of Barry, but the sound was in that area. 
“Sally I can explain-”
“What is going on!?” she yelled, silencing Barry “you need to tell me right now if this is a joke, right fucking now!” 
“Listen Sally its not a Joke its just…. Dammit thanks Hank, couldn’t keep quiet?” he took his hand off of his stomach, taking a deep breath in attempt to calm his scattered brain. “Its not a joke sally, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.”
“So, you’re telling me that someone is… in there? Like you...you…” she couldn’t say the word, it made her nauseous to even think about. 
“Yeah I uh...I had to do it… he needed a place to go, he’s in a bad crowd, and they’re not that uh… pleased with him right now.”
“But he’s… he’s dying?” it was more of a question than a statement, he didn’t seem scared. 
“I’m okay” hank chimed in, “Barry is a great guy, he wouldn't hurt anyone” hank poked the wall of the stomach as a sort of inside joke between the two of them. 
“Hanks safe, its like, my own personal space for anyone who needs it.” Barry spoke “its okay, I just...didn’t want to tell you, this is much worse than just growing and shrinking things.” 
“Yeah… a lot different.” she nodded “are you sure its safe? You wouldn’t be able to actually hurt someone in there, right?”
Hank heard Barry’s heart pick up when she asked this, he was nervous about...something, hank didn’t know what.
“No… I’d have to be dying for that to happen” he answered, saying the same thing he said to hank, to her. 
He hated telling lies to her, but if he was honest with her, or even with Hank, they’d both never speak to him again. 
It was an accident really, he didn’t want to kill the guy, but as he was leaving the warehouse where he had swallowed the man, he failed to notice the other man hiding in the corner who had saw the whole thing. 
The stranger stabbed him in the gut in an attempt to kill the hitman, and then bolted to let him bleed out, unfortunately as he struggled to keep himself alive, his focus wasn’t really on the person inside of him… and when he remembered, it was too late. 
Fuches wasn’t bothered by it, he couldn't have cared less. It destroyed Barry though, he almost quit being a hitman right there and then as he was being stitched up. 
That was the last time he had ever swallowed someone, until now. 
So, he was technically not telling a lie...He’d have to be dying for it to happen. 
“Oh, my fucking god...my boyfriend can eat people” she spoke out loud, taking Barry out of his heavy thoughts. “Oh my god!” all she could do was laugh, it was such an unbelievable concept, but she couldn’t deny what was right in front of her.
Barry quickly hushed her, “you need to keep this quiet though, I can’t risk this getting out to anybody.”
“Got it!” she answered quickly “you have no idea how many secrets I’m keeping in this class alone, I basically know everyone’s secrets, so yours is safe with me” she smiled proudly at him, and he returned it. 
“So, Barry! Everything worked out in the end! Win for Hank?” the man interrupted, making the normal sized humans laugh together. 
“You did exactly what I didn't want you to do, Hank.” Barry spoke, poking at his stomach “if you do that while the class is going on I swear you’re going to stay there for a whole week”
“Yes, yes Barry, I know,” Hank trailed off, before pushing on the stomach wall, making the skin bulge so the two could see “I’m not trapped in here with you, you’re trapped out there with ME” Hank chuckled. 
Sally’s gaze couldn’t move from his stomach as the shirt barely covered the moving person inside, Barry telling hank to knock it off while also chuckling “that is honestly terrifying” 
“Hopefully you won’t have to see it again.” Barry gave her a smile, which she returned with a soft kiss. 
He melted into it, feeling all of her energy enter him, making him feel better every second the kiss lasted. 
“Good Morning love birds” the two pulled apart to see Gene, walking up to the front doors of the building “Sally, I thought you’d be inside by now. I forgot my keys.” 
Sally turned a slight pink “oh uh, sorry Gene! I just got caught up talking with Barry.” she quickly got up giving Barry a wink before grabbing her keys out of her purse, opening the door for Gene” 
“Barry, you look better today, you ready to perform?” Gene asked as Sally unlocked the door. Barry just nodded in response “good, I want you to go first since you’re Mr. Early today.” 
Before Barry could answer, Gene already went inside, Sally motioned for him to join, “come on!” 
He smiled at her, holding up his hand “Give me a sec!” She nodded, holding the door for him as she waited. 
“No fucking around Hank.” Barry patted his stomach, the man only replied with a pat back, most likely getting ready to take a nap for the next few hours. 
Barry stood up, walking into the building with sally, not another word spoken. 
he always thought his ability could only be used for bad things, but now, he realized that he could do a lot more than use this on Jobs, hell, he could probably get someone to help him explore it. 
It could be used as a blessing now, not just his curse.
and Done! I hope you guys enjoyed this, i wanted to try something new and please let me know if you liked it or not! should I have more multiple chapter stories? let me know!
Have a good day and remember that y’all are fantastic! be good people!
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bluepenguinstories · 4 years
Happiness Overload Chapter Sixty-Four
I bobbed my head to and fro. Then I decided to practice my speech in front of the designated villain:
“So you have me in your sights. Nowhere for me to run. You can complete your goal, become all-powerful, and more than anything, be satisfied.”
“Something doesn’t feel right,” he muttered as if he were in a Tom Waits song. “I’m supposed to work for this. You’re just giving in.”
“Are you mad that I haven’t experienced the full extent of despair and hopelessness? But you should have known that me having Euphoria within me, that it would be impossible for me to feel anything other than happy.”
“That’s not it. I need to earn it.”
He spoke with such clarity as if all of his jumbled thoughts had been formed because during every moment of his existence, he longed for the one he found himself in.
“You have! You’ve worked very hard and your efforts should go rewarded! You should know, vore isn’t one of my fetishes, but I’m open to try new things.”
“Heh,” his smile once again rest plastered on his face, and I could make out a faint whiff of a chuckle. “It’s as if our personalities have reversed.”
“Not at all! I am, after all, the blank slate!”
“I don’t get it. I must have won. I already know you won’t try to resist. I’ve done everything up until this point and once I devour you and take your power, I can finally rest. But then...why does it feel like I’ve lost?”
I shrugged my shoulders. I almost wanted to shout with glee, but it wasn’t quite time yet.
“I’d say ‘sometimes you just gotta take that L’, but...it’s not really like that. As we speak, The Flashbulb is dissolving. They were an enemy of yours, weren’t they? And if not for the events which you orchestrated, their plans for this world wouldn’t have been foiled. So you won.”
In fact, seeing as things were about to end, I was more than a little curious how things were going back there now that I wasn’t able to support Velvet or any of the other friends I might have made along the way.
That was it, huh? Blanc was gone once again, and in their place was the reality of the situation: that things weren’t quite over yet. No, I already knew that. I was a fool to believe that things would be so easy. As soon as Blanc left, the fight was back on, with a glint of smugness in the eyes of the Flashbulb members. I knew I had to act, but I was still trying to process everything. My friend, gone once more. How many times has it been? Hell, it didn’t even matter. The impact was the same each time.
“Now that that’s out of the way, let’s go ahead and turn back time,” Dr. Humble declared, and that was the moment when I was broken from my trance. I jumped in front of the two Flashbulb members, and whether they were in charge of the whole operation or not didn’t matter much to me. In its own twisted way, it seemed like every member was equal measure all powerful and powerless against the other members. Less a check and balance and more two magnets in the same direction, unable to connect.
Look, the metaphor was better in my head.
Either way, I snatched it out from Dr. Humble’s grasp, and while Dr. Asparagus (or Modest. Potato, tomato. Same difference) tried to fight back and restrain me, I fought back and shoved my elbow into his stomach and stomped on his shoe. Both of them gasped now as I held their device in my hands, and I retreated back toward Coriander.
“What’s the deal?” Dr. Humble protested. How ironic, considering the position of power they held.
“You said yourself that you couldn’t turn back time until the ‘celestial’ or whatever you wanna call it this time is dies along with Earth!” I fired back at them. I didn’t know how to use their time travel device, nor did I care to. Perhaps if my endeavor proved fruitful, however eventual, Coriander and I could work together to find a new purpose for the device. As much as I didn’t want to fixate on it, there was a certain air that things were much less certain ever since Blanc departed.
“Please, that world of yours will come to an end whether we create a new timeline or not, so why not just start now?” Dr. Asparagus argued, his voice with the same smugness one would expect from a moldy piece of asparagus.
“I’ll be the one to decide that!” I declared, and maybe I didn’t have a reason to and maybe he was right, but damn it, this wasn’t just a battle over time preferences, but a battle over power.
When Coriander finally spoke, having been in the background the whole time, motionless, just as dazed as I was sure that I was, she sounded the least confident of all.
“What are we supposed to do now?” She asked. “I wanted to be able to return to the world.” She sounded like she was about to get choked up.
Now’s not the time to lose confidence, I wanted to tell her, but it wasn’t like I was any more hopeful.
“Velvet?” Her voice came in once more.
As soon as Coriander said that name, a screen popped up in the air with my likeness, as well as a series of writing.
“Ah, so that’s who you are,” Dr. Humble was now the one to sound smug. Quite a big deal of humblebragging, I’d say. “You’ve been a nuisance throughout your adult life, haven’t you? Governments have embellished stories of you, making you out to be some larger than life threat, when really, you’ve just spent much of your time with reckless impulses. All of your feats seem to be nothing more than lucky breaks. So insignificant to us, that when figured into the dangers of humanity, you’re not even a thought.”
Sheesh. You get your own Wikipedia page and all of a sudden everyone thinks they got you figured it out. Much of what that profile says about me could be applied to The Flashbulb themselves. Embellished? Check. Larger than life? Check. Nothing but lucky breaks? Also check.
“Is any of that wrong?” He asked me, as if he already thought himself correct.
“I mean, sure, I’ve definitely thought that way about myself,” I shrugged. Maybe it was the whole “nothing left to lose” attitude, but hearing such an amusing report gave me quite the ego boost. “People thinking I was some badass secret agent, when really, I just got where I was through a series of fuck ups. It could be that everything that has brought me here was due to countless lucky breaks, as well.”
They both laughed. I didn’t dare look through the corner of my eye, but I suspected there was a great fear and apprehension from my dear lover.
“I can’t believe this! We were scared over nothing! Nothing!” Both of the two men began to cackle, less like witches and more like they just discovered fire. An ever-widening crooked smile crept on Dr. Humble’s face as he spoke: “I’ll tell you two, hell, if Dr. Katsushika can hear us, I’ll tell that damned wild card as well! We as an organization are eternal! Countless others before you have tried to defeat us, all ending in utter failure to the point where we started to view having enemies as routine! And with that in mind, you thought you had a chance?”
True, they had an impressive track record against their opposition, but something about their speech of villainy just irked me.
“You’re right on that count, too,” I conceded. “We may not survive, either. Hell, I’m willing to bet our chances are slim to none.”
“Velvet!” Coriander scolded. Or maybe that’s what I interpreted from her tone. My head could be a real mess sometimes. But I knew why she would have scolded me, if that was the case. I mean, she didn’t want to die. Nor did I. Plus, it probably sounded to her like I was giving up or admitting defeat. Easy mistake to make, especially when I was less focused on communication and more focused on what should come next.
“That said, even with low chances like those, I’m still going to try and I’ll keep trying so long as I live. You’re probably thinking that all my luck has run out, but I have to ask: are you willing to test yours?”
Without so much as a reaction, Dr. Mumble (err...not Humble, but the other one) reached for one of the buttons on their console and spoke into it.
“Guards, dispose of these two intruders at the front.”
“Loud and clear,” a guard at the other end responded. At once, my heart both ceased to beat, for even just a second, and then it beat way too fast.
“It shouldn’t take them more than a few minutes to get here,” Dr. Microbe (like hell I was going to dignify that Flashbulb goon with their name) explained. “Especially with their numbers. You made a valiant effort, but when all is said and done, it won’t be so much as a footnote in a small section of our history.”
“How?” I balled my fists. They shook and I had to be careful not to crush the time travel device I held in my hand. It wasn’t like I knew how to use it, nor would I turn back time. As lucky as I may have been at times, I still preferred to do things on my own terms. “Popsigirl should have disabled all communications!”
“You’ll find that much like the code to Dr. Etna, much of our system constantly rewrites itself and corrects any errors along the way. Even if communication was temporarily cut off, it was never going to last long.”
Tenser than before, Coriander once again asked, “what do we do now, Velvet?”
I turned to her. As I did, I noticed something else. Call it keen eyesight, or potential for yet another lucky break, but I had to take any chance I could.
“I’m not going to ask you to trust me,” my words were just as shaky as hers had been. “Not when things are looking the way they are. But I will ask for you to check that wall next to you. If you find a panel, well, you know what to do.”
At first she gave me a baffled look, like “English, motherfucker!” But then she nodded.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“You’re as capable a hacker as I.” While I knew her specialty was more hardware than software, there was a certain amount of blind faith that I had to employ. Not to say I doubted her abilities, but that I had my doubts that anything could have helped us at that point.
While Coriander got to work with visible frustration, it appeared that Humble and Modest (screw it, just this once) weren’t living up to their names.
“Even if you two manage to figure a way out of here, what then? Like always, the predator becomes the prey, and here you are, on the defensive,” one of them spoke. Did it matter which one? I sure as hell didn’t think so. “Even if we were to lose all of our members, we could just recruit new versions of those same people in another timeline! You could kill us right now, in fact, and so long as one of us lives to bring new members in, what can you do? You’re fighting a losing battle!”
Talk it up. Every second you guys waste running your mouths gives me that much more time.
“Got it!” Coriander declared. I turned to see an opening beside us. Hell, as soon as I saw that, I couldn’t help but show off a sly grin.
“Well, not to be as cliché as you guys have been, but as they say, ‘we’ll deal with you later!’”
I shoved the time travel device into my pocket and ran into the opening along with Coriander. As we did so, the wall closed behind us and the two of us were surrounded in darkness. I’ve spent many nights by her side with the lights off, so that moment seemed like nothing to me.
“Good job, bae,” I put my thumbs up. Being as dark as it was, I had to be careful not to stick my thumb up her nose on accident.
“I’m surprised I managed to figure out something, I mean, it was tricky and even then, if we hesitated even just a second more, it might have closed on us.”
“Ugh,” I felt nauseous with what I was about to say next.
“It really is the case that every second counts,” I said, just as I knew I would. Oh, the cliché. Oh, the disgust that was mediocre dialogue.
“Oh yeah. Gross,” she dismissed. “I think we’ve got more on our plate than rhetoric.”
We continued to move forward as we spoke. Any second, those guards would enter the room, and I was sure that both her and I knew that it would only take an instant on their end for that same wall to open up for them. We had to be on the move and figure out a strategy. I was aware of the real possibility that they could hear and catch every word we said, but I think our greatest asset was that we didn’t really know what we were going to do next. Really kept them on their toes.
“We can’t return to the world we knew,” her worries spilled forth. “It will still end, regardless of what we do. We can’t even get rid of the angel without having the world be destroyed in the process. I can’t stop thinking about this. How there’s nothing we could do. Bitterly, I already knew that, but I wanted so bad to believe there was a solution where we could reverse course and come out victorious. So what now?”
I gulped. My, how easy it was to give in to despair. I didn’t think she was quite there yet, but I wouldn’t have blamed her if she was.
“It’s easy,” I spoke up, at last thinking that I had an answer. “I know we didn’t get the most satisfying outcome, so now we try for the next best thing.”
I couldn’t tell whether she nodded in agreement, or if my words didn’t inspire much confidence, as with the total darkness, there was any number of ways one could interpret silence. Regardless, we continued to move forward.
We were on our way to bear the bad news when we both heard the announcement. It meant nothing to me, but it shook Dr. Hepburn to her core. She did a little jig, then turned to me and began poking my shoulders with such intensity and I was left wondering why I kept letting her.
“Hey. Psst! Hey.”
“Yes, HR lady?” I smiled. I couldn’t help but imagine that if I were in her position, I’d act the same way.
“You know that feeling when you go around giving people false hope but then you find out that hope is even more false than you realized?”
I shook my head.
“That’s how you’re feeling right now, huh?” I replied.
“Yeah!” She pumped her fists. “Everyone wants to be Grandmaster Flash, but there is no Grandmaster Flash, so everyone’s been vying for a false position at a false top!”
“Right, and I only like true tops,” I joked.
“Sorry,” she looked down and shook her head. “I’m not a fan of hierarchy. In fact, in some ways, this is quite a relief to me.”
“How so?”
“Because now everyone’s morale will be shifted from super low to super high...in your guys’ favor! They’re probably all pissed right now, like they’ve been cheated! Well, the ones who weren’t driven to despair, anyway.”
“Hmm...that’s one way to look at it, I suppose,” I wasn’t sure if that’s how things worked with people, but it seemed like a possibility.
“You know, I was always rooting for you guys,” she snapped her fingers.
“You were?”
“Well, once it turned out you guys were winning, anyway. If you guys were on the losing end of things, I’d be like ‘I wish they’d protest in a way that didn’t affect us’.”
“Gee, thanks,” I scoffed.
“Don’t mention it!” She held her thumb up and grinned.
Soon we entered a room and Dr. Hepburn had me sit next to her as she addressed a group.
“Greetings, I hope all of you in the Design Department are well,” she began. “I regret to inform you that going forward, your department will be laid off. The Flashbulb wishes you all the best in your future endeavors.”
All around the room were blank stares. I’m pretty sure I could be counted as one of those blank stares.
“All right, Hepburn. Cut the bullshit,” one member finally spoke up. Some gruff guy with a gray pompadour haircut.
“No, no, she’s serious,” I waved my hands out. That proved to be a mistake as the guy turned his attention toward me.
“First of all, no she isn’t. Everyone knows none of us get fired or laid off here. We’re stuck here ‘til the day we die, which usually entails us getting killed by someone. Second, who are you?”
Before I could answer, Dr. Hepburn tapped her pen away at her clipboard until his attention turned toward her instead, to which she took over.
“She is my auntie assistant,” she explained.
“What kind of sick roleplay…” I heard him muttered. I wanted to defend myself and go, “It’s not sick! It’s perfectly healthy!” But why would I when it wasn’t even roleplay?
“Anyway, I don’t know why you’re wasting your time with such an excuse when we already know the big secret. Hell, now that the cat’s out of the bag, a big lot of us are asking ourselves, ‘what was ever the point?’ I mean, the obvious point should have been, ‘to help each other improve one another’, but with this sham of a competition, it’s clear we’ve not really been a help to anyone, let alone ourselves.”
Hepburn’s tapping continued with such a frenzied intensity that I imagined she would make a great drummer, if she wasn’t already one to begin with. Maybe if I got the chance, I could convince her to take up the drums. But then maybe she wouldn’t be into that sort of thing. It’s the thought that counts, anyway, right?
Then the tapping stopped and she smiled a big smile.
“Good! Now you know why you’re being laid off!”
“Oh for crying out loud!” He got up from his chair and flew into a rage.
“Anyway, now that you’re no longer with the company, wanna burn it down?” Dr. Hepburn suggested.
He froze in place.
“You know what? Yeah. I do. I’m sick of all the micromanaging and the way every department can’t seem to help but do more harm than good. Worse, I’m sick of hearing ‘Grandmaster Flash told you to’ when no, no they didn’t. That’s just an excuse to make me do something you didn’t want to do.”
I was glad he seemed to be on our side. Now there was just the matter of the rest of the Design Department…
I shot my hand up.
“Hey, is there someone here named Dr. Oz?” I looked around and asked. One of the members, a sheepish looking young man with mutton chops and a wool sweater turned to me.
“That me,” he bleated. I couldn’t help myself, I was beaming at the prospect that I could be a matchmaker.
“I met Dr. Phil!”
His eyes widened, like he had just seen a wolf. Jeez, I didn’t mean to put him on the spot like he was some sacrificial lamb.
“Did he say anything abaa-t me?”
“Yeah! He said that he thinks it would be great if you two worked together to rally up more departments! He said his department’s sick of this shithole and he bet he isn’t the only one!
“Did he really say that?” The pompadour guy interrupted, ever the skeptic.
He said some of those things. Look, I’m improvising here.
“Sure did! Who are you, anyway?”
He grunted. “I’m Dr. Toto. What about you? No more games, either.”
I bless the rains down the yellow brick road – no, now’s not the time for that. I have to think of how to answer. Probably not a good idea to make something up, but what else can I say?
“Dr. Hepburn, go ahead and tell them the truth. I’m still a little shy,” I tugged on her sleeve.
She looked down and smiled. She must have known just what to say.
“The truth is, Juniper is best girl.”
I just about fell back in my chair. I was rooting for you, Dr. Hepburn! We were all rooting for you! “Back in her original timeline, there was a contest all around the vote all around the world, and it was decided at the end that she was best girl. The company caught wind of this and just had to find out what all the hype was about, and so she was brought here. There was a raffle in the cafeteria with the grand prize being to meet her. Needless to say, I won.”
That had to be the among the top ten most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard.
“Yeah, okay. Seems legit,” Dr. Toto grunted as he nodded.
There were two other members of the Design department, one of which had long, flowing fuchsia hair, and the other had short, iridescent indigo hair. Both of them were pretty, but if I had to choose one over the other...no. That wasn’t what I was there for.
The one with fuchsia hair turned to me.
“How did you do it? Become best girl?” Fuchsia’s voice was soft and soothing.
Way to put me on the spot, Hepburn.
“By starting a revolution!” I declared. Hey, if Dr. Hepburn was going to make a bold claim, so was I.
“Cheers, sis, I’ll fucking drink to that,” Indigo added, and if Fuchsia’s voice was beautiful, then Indigo’s voice was hot, with the way it was husky and self-assured. Still, I didn’t mean to compare the two.
“Anyway, we gotta get a move on and lay more people off. If you guys can work on getting the word out, we should at least have a few more departments on our side,” I explained. Dr. Hepburn gave me a pat on the head.
“You did well as an auntie assistant,” she told me.
“Thanks,” I blushed, though really I didn’t want my hair messed with.
As we left the room, we heard the siren call of an alarm.
“The guards…” I heard her mutter, and before I could react, she took me by the hand and we ran.
Well, wasn’t that just swell?
I mean, I should have expected it, really. If it happened just as planned, then I wouldn’t have found it to be such a masterpiece, just a simple work of art, instead. So revise, improvise. After all, you couldn’t spell painting without ‘pain’ and you couldn’t spell drawing without ‘aw’ and without a doubt, you couldn’t spell revolution without ‘vore’.
Once the alarms outside of my head went off, the alarms inside my head did as well.
Soon, I could hear the click-clack approaching the door to the command room I was in. Which command room? Did it matter? Why did we have so many command rooms? Beats me, but I was sure going to miss this place once it was all over. Which, ‘over’ was just an anagram of ‘vore’. I felt that was worth pointing out.
“Wah! Ha! Ha!” I let out a proud laughter as the door to was busted down and fine chiseled armored specimen stormed in with their suits of shiny metal and their heavy weapons. Each of them fell before they could even pull their itty bitty triggers. Turns out I was right to hold on to Cilantro’s laser backpack. That thing could pack a PUNCH with a capital ‘UNCH’.
As the three guards lay on the ground, I stood over them in triumph and announced:
“It’s just like the tools of the ruling class to be anti-creator. Well I’m here to tell you that I’m pro-creator, and I plan to procreate for as long as I live!”
I couldn’t just stand there over them, as much as that would have made for a fine work of art, as I wasn’t quite sure if they were dead. Yes, I could have fired another shot or three, just to make sure, but there was a beauty in the uncertainty of it all that I just had to relish in. I sniffed the air, which mostly smelled of the smoke produced from that laser blast.
“I was really hoping to catch the whiff of a charred corpse,” I sighed with disappointment. That mood didn’t last, and soon I was back on the drawing board. “Anyway! As they say in Spain, Seeyanara!”
If my calculations were correct (and while some may have thought calculus not to be my strong suit, they would be wrong, as not only was I not good at calculus, but calculating was an art, so being good or not was irrelevant) then Velvet and Lil C should be close. Good! I could return the cute backpack to its rightful owner.
We were still alive, but at a disadvantage. Sure, I could hack into stuff as well, although if someone were to ask me, Velvet was still better in that department. She could roll with the punches and think fast on her feet. Me? I needed total concentration.
At the moment, as we moved forward in pure darkness, concentration was the one thing I did NOT have. It’s not like I wanted to admit it, but it was the reality we were in: at any moment, the walls we found ourselves between would be blasted open and the two of us, shot down. It got me thinking about what our impact would have been. The “close, but not cigar” in terms of success stories of those who went against The Flashbulb? The little clone that could, until she didn’t? It’s not like I cared how I was remembered, if I was remembered at all, I just expected a little more.
Well, my worst fear came true: in front of us, a blast tore through the walls and we both jumped back.
We’re gonna get raided and we’re gonna get shot down without so much as a fight and we aren’t going to have any romantic last words between us it’s just going to be violent and bloody and –
Instead of an army of guards, only one figure entered, one who I wished I didn’t have to see again so soon: that mad artist.
“Smart thinking, you two! Making out while the enemy’s looking for you!” Were her first words upon us meeting, and I was not amused. In fact, I’m pretty sure I growled without so much as a word.
“Ha. I wish,” Velvet joked back, though by now I could tell that was just how Velvet acted when she was tense.
“Anyway, you two should get out of there. Don’t worry, I took care of the guards that were after you. Though there’s going to be a buttload more.”
“Is that the scientific term or…?” Velvet shot back.
Disregarding the useless small talk, we walked forward, through the new hole that was formed. Velvet first, me just behind her. There was no way I was going to trust that popsicle stick lover. Then again, she hurt Velvet before, too. Ugh. Just the thought of either of our wounds was enough to send shivers.
Light illuminated us (get it? Because...oh, who gives a shit?) as we stepped out. I still wanted to keep as much distance from that...you know. I selfishly wished that Velvet would do the same.
“Jeez, I can’t believe you guys didn’t defeat the bad guys yet? How hard could it be?” You-know-who (or you don’t, and if you don’t, lucky you) began questioning. Although not quite accusatory and more playful in tone.
“Gee, I don’t know. Army of guards, code that self-corrects, time travel devices, the list goes on,” Velvet was incensed, no longer playing around.
I didn’t look that artsy fartsy helper in the eye, but I was still compelled to speak up.
“I-It’s not just that!” My fists were balled. We didn’t have time to stand around and argue, but dammit, someone had to set the record straight gay. “So long as one Flashbulb members wishes to stay in power, then we may as well consider the whole thing a loss! They can always go back in time! This is the problem with the organization as a whole! Those guards may as well be members too, because even if they aren’t official members, they have a vested interest in killing anyone who threatens their power! What’s to stop them from forming a new Flashbulb? We can’t just go 75%!”
I began to huff and puff. Hyperventilate. Even though I didn’t see her face, as I refused to, I could just tell that she smiled in return.
“I see your point, and that’s why I’m saying, it’s easy to beat them! You just gotta send them back to their own time and leave them nothing in their possession! I don’t see what’s so hard about that!”
I didn’t give her a reply. I never wanted to speak to her, or around her again in the first place. But I spoke once and that was already too much.
“Now, this is a big organization, so there’s bound to be plenty of departments that don’t care about the lack of a Grandmaster Flash. In fact, they might have been elated when they heard that! You guys will probably have to deal with them. Well, you guys, or the ones who defect. I suspect there’s been a few departments who have been unhappy with this company for a while now, and probably want to tear the whole thing down. So you got that going for you.”
I heard every word, but none of them meant anything to me. Maybe they held significance, but I just let them flow in and out.
“I’ll be real with you guys, you’ll probably still need to kill some guards, unless you can strip them naked and send them flying to some deserted island. Either way, their bodies will have to go somewhere. I’m going to go help out these other departments who are on your side! I’ll be sending plenty of doctorates flying home!”
I looked down and noticed Velvet reach into her pocket and pull out the time travel device that she stole from Dr. Humble.
“I see what you’re saying, but I don’t even know how to use this thing,” she must have pointed to said device as she told Dr. Popsicle.
“Well gee, I’d help you figure it out, but I can already tell there’s more guards approaching.”
That was weird. I didn’t hear any. But then, I heard a little tap-tap sound in the back of my mind, and that could have been them in the distance.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You’re good at figuring things out under pressure. In fact, you should go back in that room you were in and kick those two men out.”
“Really? After we just left with our lives?” Velvet interrupted.
“What better way to practice a craft? As for you, Coriander…” Popsigirl spoke, and I felt like screaming for her not to say my name, but instead I said nothing. “I’ve come to return your backpack.”
I didn’t take it. Instead, Velvet took it and handed it to me. For what seemed like an eternity, I stood in place. Then, arms wrapped around me, the familiar arms that I’ve felt many times before, and I looked up.
“I get it,” Velvet whispered while still in her arms. “She’s gone now. You’re safe.”
“Right,” I nodded. “Let’s just go back there and show those two what’s what.”
At least if Twee-humble and Twee-modest wanted to put up a fight, I could fire my lasers. So for their sake, they should have played nice if they knew what was good for them.
In all my years, I never understood the hype with Audrey. Katharine, however, she was worth all the hype and then some. Really, where was the Katharine fandom when you needed them? If they wouldn’t show up, I would just have to be Special K.
Okay? Okay. Focus. OK? Right. Rikki-tikki...tic-tactile.
My auntie (no relation) assistant, Dr. Not-a-Doctor Juniper was right beside me as someone who just happened to be right beside me. Where were we? I think we were in hiding. In a closet or a broom room. Something about guns and guards and not wanting to die. That sounded about right.
“You look scared!” Junie B. Jones commented. Really, I heard that name somewhere before. Probably in a newspaper somewhere during some time period.
“I’m more than scared,” I assured her. “They probably don’t like traitors, just like they don’t like intruders.
“Well...that makes sense, I guess,” she gave it some thought. “I’ll be honest, I wish I had some kind of plan. I thought things were going pretty well back there with the Design Department, but now I’m losing hope again.”
“I know what you mean. It’s like a civil war here. Flashbulb vs. Flashbulb. It’s like we’re trying to pin each other down, but neither of us wants to be underneath the other.”
“...Did you have to phrase it that way?” She sounded concerned. I didn’t understand, and more than that, I didn’t think there was any other way to phrase it. It was just the reality of the situation.
Even in the darkened room, I could tell Juniper was sullen.
“The truth is...it seems like everyone’s doing their part, but I feel like I haven’t really done anything.”
“Don’t think of it that way! You came up with suggestions that probably wouldn’t have been implemented! I can tell you have a desire to help others, and sometimes that desire is good enough!”
“Gee, that’s real nice of you to say, but…” she looked away. “Is that really enough?”
I shrugged. “Who knows, but sometimes it is, so maybe one of these days, it will be!”
I pressed my ear against the door. From the sound of things, it seemed like all the commotion died down. Though the alarm kept sounding, there was nary a threatening aura to be heard.
I opened the door.
“I think we’re safe for now,” I told her.
Then, as if I just tempted fate (which hey, if I did, that’s pretty cool, I mean, it would have been bad for us, but it would also be just like one of those ironic lines in a movie), other faces met ours.
“Dr. Phil?” Juniper noticed one such face. Some chubbyish guy who looked ready to hit the hay. That was, until he smiled a big smile and right next to a human-shaped hay pile was Dr. Oz.
“Hey! Dr. Juniper! Look! Dr. Oz and I are a couple now!”
Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz shared a passionate kiss and everyone in the Marketing and Design department cheered.
“Don’t worry, I’m not a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” Dr. Oz reassured us. “In fact, Dr. Phil and I have been spreading the word, just like you suggested, Juniper! We’ve got the Agriculture, the Housing, and the Clothing Department coming over to help us with possibly others on the way!”
Juniper smiled and I thought I saw a tear roll down her cheek, but she wiped it away, whatever it was she wiped away.
“I’m glad for you guys. I’m glad to have made some friends, even when I thought I’d make enemies and be scared for my life.”
I watched as those two departments and Juniper shared a hug with one another. Meanwhile, I had a No. 1 pencil in my mouth (a rarity. Most of them had been eked out of existence in favor of the inferior No. 2).
“Yeah, yeah, soak it in,” Dr. Toto cut the heartwarming moment short with a cross of his arms. “But we still gotta deal with those guards, as well as the departments that don’t want to defect.”
“Right. Good thing Dr. Glinda and I have constructed a shield to block any artillery,” Dr. Ozma declared.
“Dr. Glinda?” Juniper asked.
I pointed my tender pencil at the member of the design department with fuchsia hair.
“Oh! Fuchsia! So who is indigo?”
I wanted to burst into laughter. I never thought to call Dr. Ozma ‘Indigo’ before. I couldn’t help but think, “my name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to –” but I didn’t know where I was going with that.
“That’s Dr. ozma, Junebug.”
“Oh! Junebug! That’s a cute nickname!” Juniper grinned. With much brighter spirits, we charged on. I thought to let everyone know that it seemed like none of us had a clue where we were going, but I kept my mouth shut because nobody liked a buzzkill.
Anyway, things seemed to be going pretty fine and dandy. Some guards rushed in and after warning us to go back to our departments. Dr. Glinda and Dr. Ozma raised the protective barrier around the two groups. The next logical thing was the guards opening fire, but after their artillery was depleted, Juniper seemed to gain a new set of confidence and declared:
“We have gay and anime on our side!”
Those same guards ran up to us and tried to break the shield down by bashing their weapons against the shield. It seemed like that was actually working as I noticed our shield start to break. But before it broke fully, each of the guards fell to the ground. Dr. Toto looked confused, but once everyone saw who had taken the guards down, we all froze in fear: the dreaded Dr. Katsushika stood, with several giant marionette dolls beside her.
“Who let her out of her cage?” Dr. Glinda asked as she trembled.
“Coming out of my cage and I’ve been...doing...just…” Juniper muttered, her teeth chattered. Must have been a nervous tick of hers. Cute.
“Nice revolution you have there. Shame if something were to happen to it,” Dr. Katsushika grinned. We all got ready to scream and run, until that same artist laughed. “I’m just messing with you guys! I’m on your side! Let’s go!”
Relieved, we followed behind her. I recall Juniper asked Dr. Katsushika something like, “why’s everyone so scared of you?”
To which Dr. Katsushika replied, “People tend to think I’m evil, that’s all.”
“Aw, I’m sure you’re not that bad. You’re probably just misunderstood.”
“Right!” Dr. Katsushika agreed. “Just give me five, no, ten years, and I’ll be a full-fledged artist!”
It was really nice to see everyone come together, even if it was for the purpose of making us all break apart. Would our organization really be no more? And if so, what would that make me, then? That thought was fraught with a frailty I couldn’t fathom. Some eternal entity, falling. I hoped at least one of us could see the end, if not me, but for the moment, I chose to close my eyes and wait for whatever outcome.
Two figures sitting. Both of us humanoid. Both of us eager for it all to end. Neither of us human. Well, one may be, but at times I knew better. Then at times I knew worse. Even to the bitter end, I couldn’t keep myself consistent.
“I never really cared whether The Flashbulb was defeated or not,” I said once I managed a split hair of clarity. “I always considered them too easy a target. Anger was fine, but anger wouldn’t last me. My true frustration was finding something that would.”
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or none of the above, looked down on me. Not with pity, not in contempt, but just because they sat on a rock while I sat on a flat surface.
“Is it frustrating?”
“I can’t...be happy...if I don’t find something...that will last me...until death...but...being immortal...makes things...all that more...difficult.”
I didn’t need to space out all of those words. I think I just wanted to for dramatic effect.
“I see, then!” That bright light beamed.
I couldn’t help but smile, even after everything that happened. All that I caused, and all that I didn’t. What I let happen and what I perpetuated. I still never found what I thought to be happiness. Soon, even the dissatisfaction would be gone.
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Dinner Lesson
Alright! Another choose your ending fic! I like these really. There’s a little more world building inside so yay! Enjoy this chaos featuring our favorite Newsies leaders/”parents”
As a warning for ships just in case, Javid (Jack X Davey) and Sprace (Spot X Race) There, you have been warned 
Vore under the cut
Did it look like the three of them almost never all got along? Yes. Was it all an act? Also yes. There were few times when the three boys dropped said act, leaving everyone to think that the times they weren’t acting they were. Which worked out perfectly.
Now was one of those rare times. They had made it a point, the three sometimes four of them, to go out for dinner at least once every two months. Perks of the three of them being who they were included no one questioning them if they walked into somewhere most kids wouldn’t go, for instance, a restaurant late at night for a decent meal. Who in their right mind would mess with Jack Kelly, Spot Conlon, David Jacobs, and sometimes Katherine Pulitzer anyway? No one. That’s who.
The Pred of the group absolutely sucked at hiding when he was hungry. That was a fact before any of them, including himself, even knew he was a Pred. He had obvious enough tells he couldn’t hide if he tried. These included things like drooling, licking his lips, staring at whatever it was he wanted to eat before looking away like he did something wrong, swallowing a lot more then usual, gently rubbing at his middle, and the most obvious, a very vocal stomach. This, of course, lead to teasing, but he could handle that. If it meant having caring, actually accepting friends for once then he could take it. It wasn’t like he couldn’t tease back either.
The two switches at the table had talked before hand. There had been three certain Newsies that had managed to get on their nerves quite a lot over the past week and they needed to be taught a lesson. Davey would most likely be 100% willing to help if they worded it right, but that meant it only would take a small explanation from the other three to get them down with them. That was opposite of ideal. Leaving them with two choices: blindfold Davey and feed them to him without him knowing who’s who or trying to get him to swallow them without knowing. The latter was chosen without a second thought.
They laughed and talked for a while, talking about their boys and such, the two more then aware of their, soon to be David’s, captives. Only difference was that they had them in their pockets. Davey would be keeping them somewhere a lot...closer.
“So You’s is tellin’ me that they actually managed to piss off the Delanceys enough that they forgot the first “lesson” of yours, Dave? I mean, I knew They’s was runnin’ from somethin’ but I didn’t think it was those idiots.”
“Believe me, they did. Beat up Les too. Buuut, if the way I found Dave curled up next t’me a few days later said anything then he taught the “lesson” again.”
Davey, already turning red, groaned as he tried to pull his cap over his face. “Jackie....”
“Hush. It’s true.” Jack pulled the cap out of the Pred’s hand, revealing his tomato red face. Damn feelings, making his heart beat all fast. “Not t’mention th’ way they totally turned tail at th’ smallest smile from ya th- Oh hey, foods here.”
That seemed to be enough to get Davey to ignore his heavy blush for the time being. He sat straight up, a hand pressing into his stomach as if to keep it quiet. It didn’t. Not by a long shot, earning him a good amount of teasing after the waiter left. Teasing that served as a distraction.
“Remember what I said bout your stomach bein’ anythin’ but quiet when you’s is hungry? This is what I mean.” While Davey’s attention was turned to the Manhattan boy Spot seized his chance. Taking the small boy out of his pocket he was quick to dunk him into Davey’s cup. Thank god cola wasn’t clear.
“Oh give me a break, Mr. Uses-Me-as-a-Human-Pillow.”
It was Jack’s turn to go pink, stumbling over his words. “W-When the hell have I eve’a done that?”
Davey raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Let’s see....The first night after the strike, almost any day in the winter months, about two months ago in the back of Medda’s after you refused to take a break and almost passed out, last week when-“
“Alright! Alright! We get it!”
Spot couldn’t hold back a snort. “No no. Do continue, Dave. You seem to have quite the list.”
“Oh says the guy who I’d have seen cuddlin’ wit’ Ra-“
“Can it, Kelly!”
It was Davey’s turn to laugh. Guess they all had embarrassing secrets. Not noting the look between the two boys, he goes to take a sip from his cup. What a shame he doesn’t notice the small Newsies floating in it, trying to get his attention without talking. Not thinking twice, he parts his lips for the liquid to flow.
As if being in the cold, fizzing liquid in the pred’s cup wasn’t bad enough. Seeing him not even notice he was there when he slipped into the warm confines of his mouth. Feeling the tongue shift with, giving him false hope before he was flicked back. Just his luck.
Davey wasn’t expecting a odd taste to pair with the cola. Smoky....almost like bacon. Like Race. How funny. Without much thought he swallowed the mouthful down, followed by another before setting his glass back down.
One out of the way, two to go. The two nodded at each other before starting to eat their own food. Wasn’t often they got meals like this after all. This process repeated too. One after another until all three were down. Then it was just smooth sailing from there.
“So,” Davey started, swallowing a mouthful of food. He couldn’t describe it but each time he drank from his cup it had a new taste. First Bacon, then a rosy lemon, and finally a Caramel. Odd. It almost reminded him of the boys too. Imagine that. “Anything interesting happen over in Brooklyn recently?”
Spot just shrugged. “Nah. Not really. Another Rando went missing but ask any of the boys on th’ bridge and they’ll let ya know where he’s at.”
Jack dropped his fork. “You didn’t.”
“Who’s to say it was me?”
“Cause you’s is like, the only part Pred of Brooklyn. That’s what says.”
Davey rolls his eyes. It was...unnerving to hear someone talk about that so normally. Maybe he was just weird though. A Pred who hated the idea of swallowing people as if they were just food. Hell, he was certain that his mind always had the “don’t break down people” setting on. If the sleeping incident said anything, then it did. At least that was good to know. He swallowed another bite of food. “He isn’t, Jack.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“He’s not the only one. They have a full Pred too. Goes by Kid Blink. Pretty cool person,” Davey explains to a clearly confused Jack. Something was telling him Blink wasn’t behind that situation though....
“Exactly. Thank you, Dave.”
“I was not aware of this?!”
“You ain’t aware of a lotta things, Jack-ass,” Spot shoots back without second thought.
Davey only sighs, not bothering to correct any language. That didn’t really matter here. He just turned back to his food, wanting to finish it before it got cold. They talked for a little before the check came, then payed, talking a bit more outside about random things that came up. Future plans and such. Then came time to leave....
Chose your path
Lesson Learned
Lesson Learned
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askbloatedbellyblog · 5 years
I'm not sure if you've watched/read this far, but any headcanons for Josuke in JJBA: Diamond Unbreakable
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I read the manga YEARS ago and apparently blocked most of it out of my memory but Diamond is Unbreakable did just finish on Toonami where I was watching it so you’re in luck, I can actually answer this one. Josuke is an interesting target partly because of his stand and others, though I’ll probably ignore some limitations about it as well or I’ve forgotten some of it.
I know that Josuke can’t exactly use his stand on himself but he is able to use it on others and even mix and combine people (like with the rock) so there still might be ways around things, so I’ll still take them where I can get them.
First off with stuffing there are a few different options out there. To start at the VERY beginning and what I think was a significant plot hole that was never resolved and would have made PERFECT SENSE if they used more of Another One Bites the Dust for more extended time travel, is Josuke and his encounter as a child with the person that saved him and his mother in the car with the pompadour (which someone go back and make their hair go down to give Josuke a better hairstyle. Yes I said it. He looks SO much better with his hair down.). If that person happened to have a stuffed belly or burp or something while rescuing them that definitely would have an effect on Josuke and his eating habits as much as it has his hair. There could be a lot of fun dialogue if that was the case, like if he burped and said something like “I think I might have eaten too much before lifting a car” or “Burps are just my manliness escaping to show off” or “Eating more than even you thought you could is a true show of strength!” and that all has an effect on Josuke as he’s growing up where he’s trying to be like that guy, in shape but a big eater.
This doesn’t bring up the alluded to paradox where Josuke IS the person that saved himself in the past! Which could be interesting if he already had a big appetite and had spent the day eating in town and had gotten a rep before then saving himself and then Josuke connects the dots on the stranger and finds out that he has a big appetite and tries to emulate it as well. So then it happens all over again as part of the paradox where he’s destined to always have a huge appetite. (With the side benefit of, say he didn’t have one but he had to make sure that he did have one when he went back and had to keep the timeline consistent and making himself eat even more and thereby compounding the need for capacity for eternity unless the paradox is broken. So goes the flow of time, so goes Josuke’s belt and buttons.
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Now there are some other options. If we keep in mind that Josuke can’t heal himself and he’s injured there may be a problem. And while I don’t agree with how it was depicted in the anime (because it was kind of gross), there is someone who is a solution to the problem. Even though he’s shown basically once and never returns as a stand user or threat, but there is Tonio Trussardi. Thanks to his stand and dishes that violently heal people (though not sure if it’s without their knowledge or its just Okuyasu being dumb. Also keep Okuyasu there until he’s finally both smart and actually handsome), in time of need Josuke could be sent to Tonio’s and have to stuff himself (or have to be force fed if he’s incapacitated) to make sure he’s actually healed of any injuries. So if Josuke did have a buffet/menu’s worth of food he’d for sure be all healed up and ready to go back to whatever fight he’d want to. Plus it would be a good way to force himself to up his capacity because any time he actually hurt himself or stuffed too much for his stomach, then the food would actually end up healing him all over again and make himself even stretchier. (Add that he does it after a hard workout and it might even help make him buffer over time because has to have the golden time for eating protein but also the food would help with muscle repair.
Additional stuffing ideas would be that Okuyasu would be exactly the type that would always pester Josuke with eating bets. He’d already have an affinity for money and with access he’d always be betting Josuke to eat massive amounts of food or giving him his own food. Or as the bully he is, he’d steal lots of other kids food and then give it to Josuke without telling him where he got it. If he was for whatever reason helping to feed Josuke or during a contest, he could use his The Hand power to magically bring the next plate of food closer to him and Josuke without any effort.
Rohan would be interesting because he could easily make things happen with his stand. So either he could find out that Josuke is a secret eater, or if he was a feeder or belly lover for any reason or just wanted to torture Josuke, he could totally write in new eating habits or abilities to Josuke making him eat way more than he usually did and forcing him to binge and up his capacity with either Josuke thinking it was totally normal or having no control over it at all. Heck Josuke in pursuit of an eating contest prize might even ask Rohan to do it to him on purpose.
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Koichi would be harder to do anything with his stand other than making it so he could help decrease the weight of Josuke’s belly when he eats too much or slow others down during an eating contest. But truth be told, I think that Koichi in a stuffing scenario would be a feeder. He’d be eager to please and probably be the type that would give Josuke more food everyday. Depending on how big Josuke got, he may even help to carry and support his belly thanks to him being so small. I also think that he’d be a good gopher for Josuke’s requests for food if he’s in the middle of stuff and end up coming back with more.
I won’t go through all the enemy stand users, though I’m sure there are ways to probably incorporate several of them of if I tried hard enough, though I would be remiss to not talk about Yoshikage Kira. The strangest scenario is with his time repeating that he might kidnap Josuke and stuff him for torture and then go back and do it all over again. If his blasts by his stand were less, I would actually think he might make Josuke eat smaller versions of it and make him burp if they went off in his stomach. Mostly it would be interesting if his time travel was used over and over again with some left over consequences like if Josuke had been in the middle of eating each time they went back in time and the food kept compounding in Josuke’s stomach as he became fuller and fuller.
Now the interesting bit might be with Josuke’s own stand. If there was a way for him to heal himself then it brings up a bunch of possibilities of him eating way past his limits but then helping him repair any damage. But it could be used to put back anything he might try to puke up if he got to full and just because it didn’t repair his stomach, I absolutely believe that his stand would give belly rubs like all the time. He could easily use it both with the stand seen or unseen and give him an advantage when he was trying to eat so even if his stomach was upset then he could have Shining Diamond help soothe his own stomach. But this also means any medications he took like tums or pepto could be reconstituted and used again to help settle his stomach. I do think it’s very possible that he might view being a stronger eater than Jotaro as a point of pride and might use the same motivation to up his eating and hit the gym to try to surpass his half nephew. The other options are still having Shining Diamond help feed him when he’s alone and leaning back already very full, his school uniform broken open and basically having his own feeder and belly rubber while he continued to eat. This would totally help him be able to continue eating while he leans back with his own hands on his belly and a smile on his face happily glutted and dreaming of Morio while his buttons break.
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(this is why he may end up eating Okuyasu)
When you get into vore related stuff, that’s when things get a little bit interesting. First, nearly all of what I mentioned before could apply in a vore scenario with a few modifications.
First off, I think that Josuke would have two different modes. First off with his usually happier personality, I think he’d be more a safe vore person and not digest unless he had to or wanted to. On the other hand, I think if they made fun of his hair or hurt him or his friends then he’d digest without mercy at all.
So first off on the safe vore side, there is the idea of Josuke using Shining Diamond to make sure that whoever he ate is perfectly fine from any acids. Either could make it so there is no effect at all or only some as a form of mild torture. Now the terrible idea is that Josuke eats someone and then starts to digest them and then uses Shining Diamond to repair any damage to be able to keep them even longer in his stomach. That means he could keep someone in his stomach for a VERY long time, either gently or roughly. This could also solve any swallowing problems since Shining Diamond could basically deconstruct the person and then reconstruct them in his stomach so he’s just suddenly bloated.
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Depending on how much digestion took place either with safe (and reconstructed without any pain) or more torture style, the fun idea is that of consequences to that. First off, if long term, it means that Josuke would either have to eat whole meals on his own for them and and then have Shining Diamond reconstruct them back to normal in his stomach or just reconstruct them in his stomach to begin with. Second, is if there is some digestion this would still have some effect on Josuke. Either means he really doesn’t need any food during this time, but it does mean he’s still consuming calories and either he has to work out to keep off extra weight or he starts to gain weight over time which he may not notice until they are out of his stomach. I think in the case of safe vore really any of his friends would be fair game like Okuyasu and definitely Koichi. Rohan gets the more torture treatment.
Koichi would be fun safe or not because of his stand because as a way to fight back it first means that in his regular forms that the stand could amplify the sound of his burps or moans even weaponizing them if he didn’t want to be eaten. Next would be that Koichi could also increase the weight of the belly so it feels much heavier than it really is, making transport and waddling that much worse for Josuke. Now if he was eaten safely and didn’t want to move or was also trying to keep Josuke safe, just means that he could increase the weight of the belly until Josuke couldn’t move and was basically pinned by his own belly despite whatever size it may be.
Rohan using his stand to make Josuke eat would be a fun one here as well. It could be an extension of him stuffing and upping his capacity and easily get to the point of unintended consequences. For example if it was just an instruction of “Josuke kept eating more and more and beating his own records” or something then it’s very possible that Josuke keeps eating bigger and bigger meals until he finally attempted to eat someone and because of the influence of the stand, totally could. Same could be just a direct addition of “eats someone” and then Josuke eats someone and still has to fight Rohan before he can set them free. It’s also easy with Rohan for when Josuke is using Mikitaka as dice when things go wrong that to cover Josuke has to hurry and eat the dice or some other object and swallows them down with then Mikitaka becoming his regular size in his belly, much to Josuke’s surprise. Though then he might have to do his best to actually tell Mikitaka to come out who make end up in his stomach, digesting and regenerating on his own and deciding he likes it in there and Josuke is stuck like that until Mikitaka gets bored.
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With Kira, there is again the thought of time travel being used against him. Where he might be forced to eat someone and have them come back repeatedly in his belly or having to swallow them repeatedly. Could even be that is the way that they repeatedly get killed in that timeline before being rolled back. I do think it’s possible that he does eat Kira as a way to be rid of him and that even after he tried to use his bombs it didn’t do anything and only make Josuke burpy.
There are a few other options with him eating as well. First off I think if someone asked/paid him to be eaten, he’d initially look at them incredulously and then be all for it and even excited to be getting money for such a strange but fulfilling thing (I think that Koichi would do this a lot. Even if it’s just to hide from Yukako). I also Josuke could use the power in battle to protect someone and even using Shining Diamond to heal someone in his stomach the entire time he was still fighting. Or if there was a stand after someone, in the gut they go. Even some strange combo attack might work well with that and being able to use them as a sneak attack all from his stomach.
I also think that if someone pisses him off about his hair or maybe gives him crap about his belly size after a stuffing, he’d snap and eat them right up. In those cases, I think he’d have no remorse on digesting and getting revenge. I also think this might be the case with any of the stand users that hurt his friends that don’t end up joining on his side, the best revenge is to just end up in his stomach.
The one person that I think could also be digested (aside from maybe also Koichi but that’s a different idea) would be Rohan just because of how much he hates him and rightfully so even if he’s sorta friendly with them by the end.
Josuke is also one that I think could digest completely and have a plausible way to bring them back to life and reform them. He could in theory digest them and not bring them back until much later if he so desired as a way to teach them a lesson though it might have more effect on his waistline then he would have wanted.
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I’m sure there a bunch of other ways that Josuke could eat or use his stand but at least here’s a bunch for him. With all this, I think it’s very possible that Josuke may not be as slim as he usually is and be seen around Morio with a very bloated belly for a variety of reasons.
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vore-scientist · 5 years
Good Intentions (In Which There Are Thieves)
[M/m safe, soft GT vore]
A (mini) Tale of the Mystic Woods
Yonah (the “evil” giant wizard) deals with thieves on a regular basis. They are rather a nuisance but they do taste good!
Almost every encounter with a thief follows a pattern: 1) Thief breaks in to the tower. 2) Yonah catches and eats the thief. 3) Yonah releases the thief and if they accept it, gives them some money for their trouble.
“In Which There are Thieves” is a collection of short stories that all follow that pattern, but each encounter is unique!
Content warnings: the vore is soft and safe but VERY unwilling and it’s Yonah’s job to be the big bad giant so expect fearplay. And the thieves don’t know that he plans to let them live. (Especially when he tells them the opposite)
Note: this encounter takes place before Sophia comes to live with Yonah
This fun short was inspired by this ask:
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“Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of the human kind. It matters not the things you stole, I’ll capture you and swallow you whole!”
/Great/, thought Sparrow. He was already captured so that only left being eaten. He thought this was supposed to be the lair of an evil wizard who worked for the king! A king’s secret wizard must have loads of shit worth multiple fortunes! He had not expected this wizard to also be a giant. He had not come prepared to fight a giant! And thus, he had been captured. Rather quickly too. 
The giant had him in a tight grip, large brown hungry eyes fixed on him. It had taken his sword, his dagger, even his mother’s pocket knife! That was an heirloom. Sitting in this giant’s lair it wouldn’t get handed down to anyone and since he was about to die he dearly wished to still have it on him for his trip to the next world. 
“Now you see what happens to petty thieves!” it growled with delight. 
“I am no petty thief, Giant,” Sparrow spat, “I am a hero! I steal from the rich to give to the poor! You have no business eating me.”
The giant cocked his head at him with unnerving quizzical innocence which rapidly contorted into mischief. Sparrow didn’t like it, not one bit. Especially not when it laughed and licked it’s lips. 
“Wonderful! Then your next and final act of charity will be to fill my poor belly!” it pat it’s stomach in a horrible childish manner. 
The next thing Sparrow knew he was in it’s mouth. He thought for SURE he would be bitten in half. Whatever strange breed of giant this was, it was too small to swallow a person whole. At least that would be a quicker death than the agonizing drawn out demise to be found inside it’s stomach. 
He just wished it would get it over with!!! The giant’s teeth dug into his ribs as it held him ⅓ the way in its mouth, the massive tongue familiarizing itself with Sparrow’s texture and taste. The slobber was thick and warm and he tried not to breath. UGH he got the giant’s spit in his mouth!!!
The hum of giant’s delight at his flavor buzzed around him, adding to the humiliation. 
What was going on? Gravity shifted and he was upside-down! The jaws loosened and he slid back at the same he was pushed by the tongue and pulled by the muscles into the giant’s throat. 
No way. No! 
The hot rubbery flesh enveloped him completely. With his heart pounding and his breathing rapid he feared he would pass out. No not feared. Hoped. Death by suffocation was much preferable to… digestion. 
Seemed like he didn’t even have that amount of good fortune however.
His feet were still in the giants mouth! It had taken off his shoes and the tongue tickled but Sparrow did not laugh. For pounding against his head, against his heart, was the beat of the giant’s as he slowly inched past the powerful organ. 
There was a strong swallow and a deep breath from the giant as Sparrow’s body entered it in its entirety. 
In the same moment his hands passed through a much rougher section of flesh into a void. Then his head did the same and he instinctively drew breath and then gagged. There was air in stomach but it was noxious. 
The stomach. 
The giant’s body forced his own into the space which stretched to hold all of him but it was a tight fit. He was really crammed in there. While he could kick out he couldn’t put much power behind it, and with the slick walls he couldn’t maintain any outstretched position for longer than a second. 
Time didn’t slow down, if anything it sped up. His impending death drawing closer with every beat of his racing heart. 
“Enjoying your stay? I am. It’s a pity it won’t be a long one.” The giant’s voice thundered around him. 
“Bastard! I’m a HERO! I’m supposed to defeat evildoers such as you! How did you beat me! This isn’t how it works!”
The laughter of the giant shook him violently, rattling his brain. 
“Good does not always triumph over evil,” came the venomous reply. 
“You could have at least bitten my head off or something! I don’t want to suffer in here!”
There was a jolting chuckle. 
“But I would miss out on all of your wonderful struggling! And who said anything about suffering? I certainly didn’t!”
There was a pronounced pressure on Sparrow’s side. The giant’s fingers most likely. It clearly wanted to enjoy every bit of his slow and painful death. 
“So, my tasty little hero, you ready to say goodbye?”
WhAT? Sparrow flailed and the giant laughed again. He barely felt any tingling in his skin! Was the giant about to do something terrible? 
The pressure increased from all sides and Sparrow screamed. The walls got angry and convulsed, rolling him around until.
He was forced… back the way he came. 
So shocked he froze and let it happen. He could not believe it was actually happening! The  retching sounds which normally might cause himself to retch were like an angelic choir as with each one he traveled up the giant’s esophagus. 
Still hot and muggy the breath of air he gulped in when his head emerged into the giant’s mouth was the best he’d ever had. It was a breath of life! 
His wits miraculously back to him he opened his eyes, extended an arm to grasp at the giant’s front teeth to yank himself forward. 
The giant choked in surprise but helped out by pinching his sides and pulled him the rest of the way out. He was tossed unceremoniously onto the bench. Right next to his things. 
Sword in hand he stood up, slipping only slightly on the spit and mucus that pooled at his feet. 
“Stay back giant! Or I’ll-”
“Do what, exactly?” The giant was wiping its mouth on a long sleeve grinning. “Get eaten by me again?”
He raised the sword in a fighting stance. The giant frowned. 
“Wow are you stupid? I’m letting you go! Unless you think we have unfinished business. You’re welcome to give this another try. But I warn you, the second trip down my gullet is one way. Are these poor you speak of worth the risk?”  
Sparrow said nothing, his mind was racing in a white void 
“Go on. I’d love to have another taste.” The eyes of the giant flared bright orange for a second. 
Sparrow lowered the sword but did not sheath it. He cautiously gathered up the rest of his things. Shoes, knife, pocket knife, bag, gear harness. It all squelched against his foul smelling soaked through clothes. The giant watched him, the gaze no less hungry than before. By some miracle he had been shown mercy, but he didn’t know if it would last very long. 
The giant’s unnerving kindness extended to carrying him from the desk to the windowsill so he could climb down. He took one last glance at the window, The giant was leaning out the window, head in it’s elbows. Not looking down, but looking out into the forest. 
Before he left the giant warned him not to disturb the garden. OR ELSE. and Sparrow was not about to disregard the one who would happily gobble him up again. So he ran into the woods. 
Once he felt a safe distance away, and made it to a cheerfully babbling brook, he sat down to wash up. 
He opened his bag to get out a bar of soap but found something else. Something that had not been there before. A large brown sack tied with a string. Had the giant put it there? 
From simply picking it up he knew it to be full of coins. Opening it revealed them to be gold. 
And there was a note. Surely this couldn’t be the giant’s doing. The note was so small and oh-
It unfolded and unfolded. 
“If this money doesn’t make it to the poor, I will know and I will find you. 
-PS, you were delicious P;”
He could have done without that post-script, especially that little drawing. What a complete wacko. Most evil wizards were. 
Thankfully, Sparrow was true to his word! This money would be put to good use. 
No need to worry about being hunted down by a giant wizard. 
[for more mystic woods go to vore-scientist.tumblr.com/tagged/+mystic+woods+story or search ‘mystic woods story’ on my blog! I’ll have a tag for thief stories soon. probably “MW Thieves”]
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smolnoms · 5 years
A Wolf’s Gotta Eat
I’m writing a story, didn’t think I’d make it to three chapters, but to celebrate doing so I’m putting up the first chapter. It’s my favorite, as it’s got all the good shit I like in it.
What’s In It?: Mouthplay, unwilling prey, animal-human hybrid giants and tinies, mouthplay, foodplay (of sorts? It’s with alcohol.) teasing at soft/fatal vore, and lastly, mouthplay.
Plot’s not super relevant, but to summarize; This world is one of animalistic tinies and giants. Think hybrids. The tinies used to live on lands far below, but due to famines and shit, they found a way to the top through the generations. However, they weren’t expecting the large dangers that lay above…
Character desc. for your convenience: P’veil is a black wolf hybrid, Juol a monkey hybrid, and Hugh is a lizard hybrid. The tiny gets described in ch. but is currently unnamed until later chapters.
Down the wet, empty streets came a dark figure. 
They were one of the many mutts found infesting the shadiest parts of a town so run down and run over, it was a miracle that it still stood. 
Hard working to all, loyal to a rare few...but honestly? That could be said of many.
No, truly, despite their reputation and the respect they held, they never let themself be anything more than another faceless grunt of the back alleys, selling questionable products at best, and morally horrific at worst. Sometimes, even they were a tad frazzled by some of the things that found their way into their little corner of the market, such as the severed leg of a wolf, one that so closely resembled their own…
But, hey! That wasn’t relevant right now. 
What they were really focused on now, was getting a drink.
“Hey, world to P’veil!”
A snapping finger inches from their face jerked them back to reality. Standing before them was a gruff, round man, sporting a grin sharpened with fangs, and a lower portion heavily drabbed in the scales of a reptile. He even sported a short, thick tail just beyond him, one with rounded edges and stained a dull green.
Another voice, higher than his, spoke up besides him. “You’ve been rather spacy tonight…”
P’veil turned to look at a female this time, one with a lengthy brown tail and wide, clawed brown furred feet and hands.
“D’aww, guys, there’s no need to worry about me, I’m just fine.” The entire line was delivered without the friendly mirth one might have expected, and yet, it was paired with a genuine smile, one that shot past them and out beyond the stretching street.
“Well, if that’s the case, then hurry your little furry butt!” Hugh, the reptilian man, barked out in laughter.
“Yes, let’s,” the other, Juol, agreed. As she passed by P’veil, she grinned cheerily, and gently dragged her dull claws across P’veil’s arm. They shivered, goosebumps trailing behind.
“Come on now, wolfy,” Juol cooed, and P’veil couldn’t help but continue alongside their two friends.
The three walked the abandoned streets, void of the rare few honest folk still left in this town. On occasion, pairs of glowing eyes would appear from deeper, untredded roads, either sitting still, or scurrying away as soon as they were noticed.
It did not trouble these three. Not at all.
Having let the silence stretch out long enough, P’veil piped up, curiosity making their voice softer than it ought to be. “I hear this bar is different than the rest.”
“Oh, it’s true! Tell them, Hugh,” Juol sing-songed.
The old man grinned playfully, and paused to sweep a hand outwards to a single building. It was an unusually long building, brown bricked and colorfully stained by sputtering neon sign that hung, crooked, above the entrance. The narrow steel door was not one that invited the pure or the weak to join in on the fun.
“Why don’t you find out for yourself?”
P’veil found themself standing just in front of the door, brow raised and eyes flickering in appraisal. The only real thing that caught their gaze was the neon sign. 
Depicted in bright purple and yellow was a humanoid lioness. She was poised with a hand raised towards her mouth, and fingers wrapped around something. However, it didn’t appear to be a glass of wine...
Done loitering, P’veil finally placed a clawed hand on the cold door, and shoved it open.
“Right up to the front, now! To the bartop!” Hugh crowed, shuffling his overall straps higher before waddling over.
Juol merely hummed, and sauntered over with a toothy grin.
P’veil glanced around quickly. It was dark, with small lighting here and there that made it clear that it was deliberately dim. Numerous human-animal hybrid creatures were milling about, more or less quietly, all sectioned off into their little groups, and occasionally casting looks around at the others, just as P’veil was now doing. They stopped before they could make the mistake of making eye contact with someone, and went to join the other two.
Hugh and Juol sat siddled next to each other, and P’veil gravitated over to Hugh’s side, settling down on a plush, worn-red stool. Their pure black tail hung off the edge.
“I already took the liberty of ordering for you,” Hugh said. “For the joy of mystery!” he tacked on, to appease P’veil’s flash irritation.
“Oh, right, the secret,” they murmured. 
“Hmhmm! Oh, I just know you’ll love it! Perhaps, even more that Juol!”
“Impossible,” Juol smirked, eagerly awaiting her own drink with little bouncing motions.
Humming, P’veil settled further in their seat, softly tapping a sharp claw against the hard countertop. Hells, they were intrigued now. They supposed they could wait, just for a bit, for such an anticipation.
As they awaited their drink, they tried to guess at what the mystery was. First off, they relied on their best sense, and scented the air.
...Sweat and alcohol, expectedly. The heavy odor made them huff, though for a second, they detected something hiding just underneath. They licked their lips, and looked up at the menus that hung above the back of the bar.
And, as expected, it listed off all the drinks that were available, paired with the occasional image. 
Yet what was most curious about some of the drinks, from half the menus, were the strange words freshly painted next to them. Something about it sparked a familiar feeling from P’veil. They remembered that these things were very new, and a sudden popularity to the black market.
“Wait...are, is this-ow!” They sneered at Hugh, who had swatted them. “What was that for?”
“For cheating,” he smugly said. “Honestly, there’s no fun with you, I swear-”
Just then, the bartender returned. The three leaned forward on their seats, eagerly awaiting the reveal of their drinks. 
Not one to tease, the bartender (a hulking man with a snake’s head), swiftly slid a glass in front of each person. 
And P’veil...smiled...wide.
For, sitting right in the middle of their drink was a little, pink, amphibian, tiny humanoid.
And it was staring right up at them with scared, orange eyes.
“Oh Hugh! Ya really outdid yourself!” P’veil hollered, ribbing the man. He returned their laugh while dragging his own glass closer to himself. 
“I’m real glad you think so,” he rumbled, toying with his glass and his own prey that sat within. “Now, bon appetit!” 
“Yes.” They lifted up their glass in one swift motion. The pink axolotl-boy yelped and scrambled feebly for a hold as the glass began to tilt. “Bon appetit!”
The small hybrid cried out, his pleas ringing off the glass. “No!”s and “please!”s and “I don’t wanna die!” crashed and burned on their ears. 
The glass was emptied, and the prey tumbled into their mouth.
The rushing burn of alcohol was swallowed, and following it was the smooth, warm, struggling form of the small youth. Tiny hands feebly pushed out, brushing against their tongue, their teeth, and even smaller head nubs tickled the roof of their mouth. They simply sat there, feeling his squirming on their tongue, and relished in the euphoria of having something so small, so vulnerable, trapped within the heat of their mouth. After a moment sampling his taste, they teased their mouth open.
He gasped in a breath. Brown hair was matted, wet, to his forehead, along with his shorts, the only clothes to drape his body.
“Please, stop...I can’t…” he wheezed, already withering from the assault. He tried crawling outward, and they lifted him along with their tongue, watching amusedly as a tiny arm reached out into the open air.
And gently, ever so gently, they brought their tongue back in, and closed their fangs down on the arm.
He took in a sharp breath. They felt his body go impossibly still inside their mouth. In the silence, they felt his tiny heart hammering away inside his tiny rib cage, shuddering along at a mile a minute.
And then, with a rumbling laugh, their sharp maw opened once more. Their hands fished inside their teeth and removed the drenched, tiny body, and let him hover right in front of their face.
He stared back with impossibly wide eyes.
“Oh, yes,” they purred. A long tongue slid out and lapped up the sides of his body, taking extra pleasure as his tiny hands and feet pushed out in retaliation. “I do believe I will be coming here more often, eheheh. Now, shall we get this show on the road?” they asked. For some reason they couldn’t discern, a small spark lit up in their prey’s eyes, but they ignored it, preparing to slurp him up again. 
“Wait!” he cried, much louder than ever before. They ignored him, and decided to start with that tail of his. Licking a long stripe up its back, they opened up just enough to suck it in.
“I remember! I-she was- there was-!”
Two tiny legs kicked out as they opened up for those too, slipping them in and along their tongue without a second thought. They kicked and clawed, but found no hold along the slick muscle.
“Her name, it, it was-“
In came the torso. They felt his abdomen contract and wobble with his words, and small hands grasped desperately at their fangs.
“Her name, it was Ohrei!”
P’veil felt every muscle in their body freeze as their tiny prey warbled out that name. They gasped, and unfortunately began choking as this sent their prey halfway down their gullet.
“Woah, easy there P’veil!” Hugh slapped down hard on their back.
With a great spasm, they coughed the tiny body back onto the bar top. It slid along the polished wood, leaving a trail of saliva behind.
A heartbeat or two was spent coughing and sputtering, banging a fist on their chest as they fought to catch their breath. As it slowly came back to them, their gaze quickly sought out the form of their prey.
“Hey,” they barked. They leaned in and peered down at their prey. A long claw poked at him. 
“Hey! What did you say? Say it! Say it again!”
A groan issued out from him. He turned to them with bleary eyes. “Ohrei...she-she told me she knew someone who looked just like you…”
Dead silence. Large red eyes locked onto small orange ones, and for a moment, everything felt delicate and strained.
And he dared not move, watching with a wary eye as his fate twisted and coalesced into a new form…
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secret-vore-lair · 6 years
As Far as We Will Go
This is a vore story. Kind of. The title’s what it is because the vore only gets talked about. This is a story about two good friends who’ve just gotten through what amounts to a generic fantasy story’s plot together, and one has a secret to share with the other. This is complicated by how adorably shy they both are.
As a warning, there’s brief mention of a cruel, villainous pred, but she doesn’t actually get any screen time here, and the implied noms session this story leads up to is of the purely gentle and cuddly variety.
I hope you enjoy!
It is a sunny, breezy day. The air smells of pine. Mina and Riln meet at the edge of the woods. Mina is human. Her hair is brown and she wears the clothing of a hunter. She is walking back and forth, balancing on a log.
“Oh, Riln,” Mina says, “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Back when we fought Khez—”
“Ah, yes,” Riln interjects, “the shrouded dragon Khezhiernaal, who had ruled your fair city with an iron claw for years. You took it upon yourself to end her terrible reign, but you couldn’t do it alone. You decided you had to enlist a dragon of your own.”
“Riln, I don’t think—”
“And even though I was reluctant, at first, to endanger myself for your cause, I was moved by your plight. Your courage and ideals sparked something in me, and together we fought bravely to defeat the tyrant. And now we are heroes, and friends, in a time of peace.”
Mina tries to look miffed, puts her hands on her hips, nearly topples, and after some windmilling says, “Riln, you are expositing unnecessarily. I was there. Like you said.”
“Humans have short memories, and I know your lives move at a much faster pace than my own.”
Mina is incredulous. “It’s scarcely been a week.”
Riln soundlessly counts and multiplies some numbers. He looks at Mina. “So that’s like … months for you, right?”
“Ugh. I give up.”
“Well that doesn’t sound like you at all.”  The wind picks up slightly, and Riln extends his wings into it, feeling it wash over the batlike membranes, experiencing a hint of the joy that is flight. Mina sways. Placidly, Riln asks,“What were you saying, before?”
Mina steps down from the log. She studies the dragon as she thinks about how to phrase her question. She has always thought the patterning of his scales — yellow, green, and blue interweaving — would look equally at home on a snake. Mina liked snakes, too. “Right,” she says. “When we fought Khezhiernaal, she said something.”
“She said many things,” Riln says, growing suddenly concerned. “I’m sure it isn’t best to dwell on them.”
Mina continues, undaunted, “She said she was going to devour me.”
“Mina, don’t… You don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
“She also said,” she presses, as though he is missing the point, “that I would pay for my rebellious ways, squirming the remaining years of my short, miserable life away in darkness.”
Riln is unnerved. “Really?”
“It’s so.”
Mina looks at Riln expectantly.
Riln fidgets. “Mina…”
She makes a gesture like, What?
“You’re staring.”
“And you are not answering the question.”
“What question?” Riln says in a way that makes Mina suspect he knows exactly which question.
“The implied one!” Mina says, exasperated. “How can both of those things be true?”
Riln nervously scratches at the ground. “She was just trying to scare us. So we’d run. Or beg. I don’t know. Look, you probably just need some more rest and recovery. It’s only been a week, you know.” He laughs weakly. “I bet it feels like yesterday, since you’ve been spending a lot of time with me and you’re likely used to the slower pace of dragon time. How about we get you home—”
Mina, defiantly, sits.
“Okay, fine. Fine,” the dragon sighs. “You really want to know?”
Mina nods. “It’s been nagging at me. Can you do that? Eat something without immediately killing it?”
“I… Yes.” Riln sinks to the ground, resigned.
“Why the interest?”
Mina shrugs. “I just want to know.” It isn’t the whole truth.
“Well,” the dragon begins, like he’ll make himself dizzy if he speaks too quickly, “When we swallow, um.”
He is about to say, “prey”, but he is unsure how Mina will react to the word. Especially with a hostile dragon’s threat still fresh on her mind.
He takes a breath.
“When we swallow something, there are two places it can go. The first is the stomach. That’s obvious, I think. The second is another, similar chamber. Some dragons don’t have it, but most do. It doesn’t fill with acid, and we can gulp down air to fill it, so one could, uh, reasonably keep something alive in there. Really it’s just so we don’t tax our digestive systems if we overeat. Holding meals until there’s room for them in the stomach, or until we’ve the energy to digest.”
He stands again and begins to pace in front of Mina, who watches him without expression.
“I don’t make use of it, honestly. I try not to be gluttonous. And as for holding a living, frightened creature in there?” He shakes his head. “That seems awfully cruel. I’m sure that’s why Khez used it as a threat.”
Mina scratches under her chin. “But it isn’t painful, right? To be, you know, in there?” she points to Riln’s general midsection.
“Well, no. I should think it’s cruel for other reasons. Also, could I trouble you to stop pointing? You know I’m rather self-conscious.”
“What if,” Mina says, selecting each word carefully, “an … ally, who understood what was going on and knew they had nothing to fear, needed to be, I don’t know, safely transported? But you can’t hold them in your claws for some reason. Wouldn’t it be a good thing to be able to swallow them, then? And then regurgitate them later?”
Riln’s snout twists into a thoughtful frown. “What’s the reason I can’t pick them up?”
“I don’t know,” Mina says, waving a hand, “just some reason. It’s not crucial to the hypothetical.”
“I’ve never considered a scenario like that. I … hmm. I guess it would be.”
Mina, stiffly, stands up. She frees a leaf caught in her hair. With trembling fingers she lets it go.
“And what if,” she says softly, “a close friend, one you’ve admittedly only known a short time, but it feels like a lot longer because you’ve been through so much together, you know … tells you — has the courage to finally tell someone — that she’s always been fascinated by something she never thought she could experience, or, well, never thought she could experience and survive, at least not without a great deal of pain? And that, now that she knows it’s possible, it’s almost not fair how happy you could make her by just allowing her to—”
“Mina, what are you… ?”
She averts her eyes. She wraps her arms protectively around herself and says, more quickly now, “By letting her curl up someplace where it’s warm, letting her squeeze into somewhere soft. Letting her push her hands against the walls to feel the pulse of life in them as they embrace her… ” She shakes her head. “I think I had better let you, um, process … all of this.”
Riln’s mouth works for a while, but sound it does not make.
Finally, he manages, “Oh.”
He is very quiet for a long time, and then he says, “I think that would be … surprising. If a friend told me that. But I believe it’s something we could talk about.”
He is visibly shaken, but the warmth in his tone is comforting. It is free of judgment.
Mina is pretty still.
“Now,” Riln cautions, “we would have to be very, very clear with one another about what exactly it is we want and what we are and aren’t willing to do, but I think we would be able to work something out that would make both of us happy.”
Mina looks up at him. “You think so?”
“I do.”
Then, seemingly without crossing the space between them, she is hugging him tightly, she is pressing her face gratefully into the cool, mottled scales of his neck.
“Oh,” Riln says a second time.
Slowly, he wraps himself around her.
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nom-the-skel · 6 years
[vore] Box of Bunnies, chapter 4
In this chapter: no vore, just Stretch giving birth to his kits :3
Critics are raving: “That was a lot more graphic than I thought it was going to be.” - @deck-of-dragons “It’s a very good chapter.” - Fictional Made-Up Critic #1 “Meow meow.” - my cat
3.7k words - no vore, but graphic details of birth. look, magic skeleton bunny biology works however i say it does :3
[chapter 1][chapter 3][read on AO3][chapter 5]
Sans was just as glad that Papyrus was spending time helping Blueberry take care of Stretch. As much as he loved his brother and, if he was honest, hadn’t been up to taking proper care of himself for a long time after the—unpleasantness—it was a relief not to have Papyrus hovering over him in concern all the time. “it keeps you out of my hare,” he’d commented when Papyrus sought reassurance that Sans wasn’t lonely or bored when he visited the other bunnies.
Papyrus missed the pun entirely. “You don’t have any hair, Sans. But I’m glad you don’t object. It’s entirely understandable that you—”
“aaaaa,” Sans interrupted, not wanting to talk, or even think, about his potential reasons for objecting. “go on, i’m sure they need all the help they can get, i’ll see you when you get back.” He pushed Papyrus toward the door.
“Very well, Sans. I’ll be back to make dinner even if it’s a little late.”
“Hi, Blueberry. How are you feeling, Stretch?” Papyrus greeted the other bunnies as he walked in. Stretch was draped across the couch, looking miserable and swollen.
“urgggh,” he answered.
“He must be getting close,” said Blueberry. “You should feel how much they’re kicking!”
“May I?” Papyrus asked, stepping close to Stretch.
“knock yourself out,” said Stretch, letting his head loll back, eyes closed.
Papyrus placed a hand on Stretch’s belly, over his shirt. He still had on his habitual hoodie, but a looser shirt underneath it, since it would no longer close over the bulge of the kits. Sure enough, something was moving inside. Papyrus’ sockets widened at the sensation. He wondered for a moment if what Stretch was feeling was anything like what the wolf had felt with four bunnies in his belly. He decidedly did not ask Stretch if he thought so. “Nyeh!” he commented instead, ears perking up.
“they’re gonna grow up to be gymnasts,” Stretch muttered.
“Um,” said Papyrus, withdrawing his hand. There weren’t formal gymnastics competitions for bunnies, but that kind of skill was always useful for evading predators. “I hate to bring it up, but perhaps before the kits arrive, we should … decide how to handle some things.”
“like what?” Stretch groaned.
“Maybe it’s not my place to ask, but—what are you going to tell them about Sans?”
“what does he want to tell them?”
“I don’t—I haven’t asked him—”
Stretch narrowed his eyes at Papyrus, but didn’t say anything. Perhaps he understood why Papyrus had wanted to bring it up with Sans even less than he did with Stretch.
“I don’t think he wants to be involved,” Papyrus finished, letting his ears droop back.
“I’m sure he’ll want to meet them sooner or later,” Blueberry said, inserting himself into the conversation. “We can just tell them he’s another uncle! That’ll make sense, since you’re their uncle and he’s your brother!”
Papyrus cocked his skull in thought. It was true he was their uncle, but without the complete truth the link that made him their real uncle was missing. “I guess so,” he agreed anyway.
“now that’s decided,” said Stretch, not moving from his relaxed position, “when’s lunch?”
“Oh, of course! Coming right up!”
Papyrus made his way to the kitchen, long past asking permission to use it. Blueberry followed him.
“What can I do?” the smaller bunny asked.
“Chop these vegetables,” Papyrus instructed, filling Blueberry’s arms with produce.
“Okay!” Blueberry agreed brightly, dumping them in the sink to wash. Papyrus went about collecting the pots and pans he would need, when Blueberry spoke up again. “Um. Papy?”
“Are you okay with—not telling the kits about Sans?”
Papyrus frowned. “Normally I would say honesty is always best. But in this case I suppose I must respect my brother’s right to keep secret the, er, extent of his involvement. I just—it occurs to me that when they’re older, they’ll wonder how they have so many uncles, when you’re Stretch’s only actual brother.”
Blueberry laughed. “That’s easy. If you’re mated to me—or Stretch—that makes you their uncle too!”
Papyrus fumbled the bowl he was holding, but caught it before it hit the floor. “Oh! Right!”
Blueberry was grinning up at him, amused. “Or both!” he added.
Papyrus clutched the bowl to his chest to avoid dropping it again, cheekbones burning even hotter, and looked away. “I suppose! I’ll see if Stretch—is still interested—after he’s free of the influence of all these hormones.” Blueberry had never mentioned formalizing their relationship before, and Papyrus had always assumed Stretch was just taking advantage of his being present and willing to help—he couldn’t blow off that kind of steam with his own brother, after all—and would lose interest once his current difficulties had abated.
Belatedly, Papyrus found himself worried that Blueberry would feel rejected if he placed his relationship of convenience with Stretch on the same level as their more emotional bond. He cautiously looked back over at the smaller bunny; but his cheerful grin was still in place. It had been Blueberry’s suggestion, after all, that Papyrus could continue to be with both of them. He wasn’t joking, was he? Suddenly Papyrus was worried in the opposite direction: would Blueberry be offended if Papyrus’ relationship with Stretch was less emotionally intimate than their own? He must have some protective feelings toward his brother. Papyrus would be furious if someone toyed with Sans’ heart—was furious, with the wolf, for making Stretch hurt him like that. But it wasn’t as if Papyrus didn’t like Stretch. He had a certain charm that reminded him of Sans—but despite what they’d done together, they weren’t on such intimate terms that Papyrus could scold Stretch for being lazy. He still felt he had to be a bit more polite than that. Not that it mattered right now—Stretch was entitled to be lazy while he was growing kits in his belly, and Papyrus couldn’t imagine chastising him while he was recovering from birthing them and caring for the newborn kits. Perhaps they’d grow closer over time, considering Papyrus was committed to helping raise the kits as much as he could without moving in with Stretch and Blueberry—he couldn’t leave Sans alone, and it was doubtful Sans would ever want to live in close quarters with Stretch, after what happened.
Papyrus shook his head. It wasn’t like him to worry this much. Blueberry and Stretch were both admirable rabbits—in their own way—and things would work out somehow or other! Between them they could surely handle awkward questions from the kits. It wasn’t unusual for rabbits to grow up with only one parent, after all, or even to be raised by aunts, uncles, or grandparents. “Are you finished with those carrots?” he said, scooping the chopped vegetables into the bowl.
“Yes, but—actually, I wanted to ask you something.” Blueberry suddenly turned serious.
Papyrus’ soul clenched. He must have some objection after all, but was it about Papyrus being with Stretch, or the fact that they hadn’t even asked him first, or did he feel that Papyrus had taken advantage of—
“It’s about that wolf.”
“Oh!” Papyrus tried not to sound relieved, given the unpleasant nature of the topic. “What about him?”
“Do you—do you think he’s done that to many other bunnies?”
“Oh! Hmm. I can’t say I’ve heard of anyone being eaten by a wolf and then let go safely. But it did seem like he’d done it before.”
“Yeah, I’d like to ask around a little, but—with Stretch and all. It’s too bad we don’t have a Bunny Guard yet.”
“Yes, this is just the kind of thing the Bunny Guard could help with.” Papyrus nodded solemnly. He and Blueberry had been trying for months to start up an organization for bunny volunteers to help and protect their fellow bunnies in an organized manner, but they’d never found enough volunteers to get it off the ground.
“I guess people don’t like to talk about it, after an experience like that,” said Blueberry.
Papyrus nodded. “Even if they were only eaten and not—anything else—I can understand why they wouldn’t want to relive it.”
“I suppose,” Blueberry sighed. “But, uh … I think we should look into it. After things settle down with—with the kits.”
“Yes, of course!” Papyrus agreed readily. They could find out if the same thing had happened to other bunnies. And then they could—well, there wasn’t much they could do to keep bunnies away from the wolf; the bunnies would naturally be avoiding him as much as they could already. But maybe they could at least spare them some fear by letting them know that particular wolf wouldn’t actually kill them—if they would believe it.
“I, uh, have an idea,” Blueberry continued. He seemed oddly hesitant.
“Excellent! Tell me about it!” Papyrus encouraged him.
Blueberry lifted his skull. Were the kits finally going to be born? Or was it just another practice contraction? He’d convinced Stretch to sleep in his room, so Blueberry could be there if he needed him during the night without having to sleep in Stretch’s messier room, but by now he’d stopped getting his hopes up that the kits were arriving every time Stretch felt something new. “Yes, brother?”
“what if—”
Stretch was understandably worried about the upcoming birth. Blueberry had done his best to prepare, but none of the bunnies around here had much access to healers, and there was a lot that could go wrong. Blueberry just had to keep telling him it probably wouldn’t.
“what if i don’t love them?” Stretch asked.
“Oh!” That was not what Blueberry had expected him to say. “Well, we’ll manage. I’ll love them, because they’re yours—and they’re my nephews, or nieces. And I’m sure Papyrus will love them too.”
“but what if—nngh!” Stretch curled in on himself, grimacing.
Blueberry sat up. “What is it?”
“that time was worse…”
“That’s probably a real contraction then! Are they happening at regular intervals?”
“i don’t know … maybe?” Stretch reached for his hand and he grasped it.
“I should get some towels,” he said, but Stretch didn’t want to let go of his hand. Blueberry wasn’t petty enough to care if Stretch’s water broke all over his bedsheets … much. So he waited, squeezing Stretch’s hand back.
It worked out fine. After a while, Stretch had another contraction, and let go of Blueberry’s hand to shift position. “I’ll be right back!” he said, dashing off to get towels and returning as quickly as possible. He wasn’t sure what else they might need. In movies, people always boiled water, but what was it for? And he didn’t want to stay away from Stretch long enough to wait for the water to boil.
He felt sheepish as he spread out a couple layers of towels under Stretch’s legs and pelvis. Stretch was wearing a sort of loose gown to sleep in, so there was probably no need for him to undress.
Blueberry hovered anxiously. Why was he so useless in Stretch’s time of need? He should have been better prepared—he’d tried, but he could have always tried harder. But he didn’t want to let Stretch know how worried he was—that would just make Stretch worry more too.
“How are you feeling, Stretch?”
“how do you think i’m feeling?” Stretch snapped, and turned his skull away.
Blueberry ran a hand over his ears, making a decision not to hold anything Stretch said now against him. “Don’t worry. Rabbits do this all the time. We just have to let nature take its course.”
“easy for you to say.”
If that was how it was going to be, Blueberry was fine with leaving the awkward silence only interrupted by Stretch’s groans as the contractions gradually grew stronger and closer together.
“oh,” said Stretch eventually.
“What is it?” Blueberry jumped to attention.
“i guess—my water broke?”
Blueberry frowned. Was this the way it was supposed to happen? Was it okay for Stretch’s contractions to be so close together before his water broke? “Maybe I should—take a look,” he suggested.
“i don’t think there’s anything to see yet,” Stretch said, grimacing.
“All right … Tell me if anything feels wrong.”
“i don’t know how it’s supposed to feel,” Stretch pointed out.
Blueberry didn’t have an answer to that. He paced around the room until Stretch told him to cut it out. “give me your hand again,” said Stretch, and Blueberry complied, though he half suspected it was just to keep him in place so he wouldn’t start pacing again.
But maybe not, as the contractions worsened and Stretch squeezed his hand tight with each one.
“Hang in there,” said Blueberry, not knowing what to say but not wanting to stay quiet. “You’re doing amazing!”
Stretch groaned. Blueberry kept talking, encouraging him, too distracted to recall what he’d said if he was asked to later. Stretch didn’t seem to be paying much attention, his death grip on Blueberry’s hand now nearly constant.
“why can’t—it just be out by now?” he complained, gasping.
“Do you think it’s stuck?” Blueberry’s sockets widened with alarm.
“no—but—i don’t know.”
“I’m going to look.” Blueberry pried Stretch’s hand off of his own, patting it apologetically. He felt his cheekbones heat up, but this was no time for modesty. Afraid of what he would see—just in case there was trouble! Not because he was afraid to see Stretch’s intimate magic—he walked a few steps toward Stretch’s feet and lifted the edge of the gown—just in time for the first kit to slide out as Stretch clenched up a final time. “Oh! It’s born!” Blueberry announced—although Stretch could probably tell. “Wait—what’s that?” Blueberry bit back an “ew!” as a lumpy mass of orange magic slid out after the kit. He picked up the kit, making sure to support its skull, intending to wrap it in a towel and bring it to Stretch—but its translucent purple ectobody was attached to the lump of magic by some kind of— “Oh, it’s the umbilical cord!” he realized aloud. “What should I do?”
“i don’t know. get some scissors?” Stretch had sunk back in relief, but he had another kit coming. He couldn’t relax yet.
“Okay,” said Blueberry uncertainly. Maybe that was why they needed boiling water? To sterilize the scissors? He wrapped the kit in a clean towel anyway, then hesitated again. Was the cord long enough to hand the kit to Stretch to hold without also giving him the placenta? He set the kit down on the bed between Stretch’s legs. It wasn’t as if it would roll off—he thought.
Blueberry came back as quickly as he could. “I found some scissors, but I’m not sure if—” He kept his distance, hesitant, but as he spoke he saw the magic of the umbilical cord start to evaporate. Was it supposed to do that? He set the scissors aside and picked up the kit again, opening the towel blanket to check on it. The kit’s ectobody disappeared as he watched—but it didn’t seem like a bad sign, it had just been desummoned as it wasn’t needed to anchor the cord anymore. Blueberry looked at the lump of orange, hoping it might vanish too, but it stayed where it was. Oh well, he’d deal with that in a minute.
“Say hello,” he said, grinning, as he re-swaddled the kit and brought it to Stretch to give him his first look at it.
Stretch just grunted but he accepted the kit, cradling it against his chest.
“Look how tiny it is!” Blueberry couldn’t help but gush a little bit over the delicate little bunny with its little furless ears.
“it didn’t feel tiny,” Stretch said, and groaned again. “and here comes the other one.”
“Want me to hold that one?” Blueberry held his arms out for the first kit.
“yes, please.”
“Oh! Hi Sans. I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“heh. yeah.” Sans was kind of surprised himself. “i guess … i can’t stay away forever.”
“May we come in?” Papyrus asked, prompting Blueberry to realize he was blocking the doorway.
“Oh! Of course!”
Sans ambled in after Papyrus. Stretch was sitting on the couch holding one of the kits swaddled in a blanket. He stared at Sans for a moment, then looked away.
Sans thought he should either relish or pity Stretch’s continued feelings of guilt, but he couldn’t bring himself to care one way or another. “there’s two, right?” he said, looking at the kit. It had a tint of purple to its ears, closer to his own blue than Stretch’s orange. Sans couldn’t decide if he felt vindicated or resentful about that, so he just didn’t feel anything.
“right,” said Stretch, shifting to reveal that the other kit was lying on the couch next to him, where he could watch and make sure it didn’t roll off. This one’s ears were sort of pink, closer to orange than blue. Whatever.
“what’re their names?” Sans asked, ignoring the way Blueberry hovered anxiously around him until Papyrus restrained him.
“this one’s rabscuttle.” The purple one in his arms. “and that’s ulfric.”
“really?” Sans raised a brow.
“rabscuttle is a good, traditional bunny name.” Stretch finally met his eyes.
“well, you’re their—parent. you can name ‘em whatever you want.”
“if you don’t—”
“nah, it’s fine.”
“um. if i might ask. to what do we owe the pleasure…?”
“well. paps ‘n’ blueberry are going out on bunny guard business, right? i thought you might need a hand with—rabscuttle and ulfric.”
“oh. uh. yeah, i wouldn’t turn it down.” Stretch looked away again. “if—if it’s not—”
“it’s whatever,” Sans cut him off, shrugging. He wasn’t going to say it was fine, or that he’d forgiven Stretch. But he was pretty sure he could handle being in the same room with him for a few hours. “if things get tough, i’ll bail on ya, okay? fair warning.”
“okay.” Stretch almost smiled. “they just ate so they’ll probably sleep for a while. do you—wanna hold one?”
“sure. but only as an uncle, all right?” Sans walked closer.
“of course.” Stretch held out the purple-furred kit.
It was a little heavier than Sans expected, and he felt it squirming through the layers of blanket, disturbed by the transfer. He was afraid it would start crying, but it settled down again as he held it cradled in his arms. You were supposed to support the skull, right? He had its skull resting against his humerus and ribs, so he hoped he was doing okay. “is this right?” he asked Stretch, to make sure.
“is what right?”
“am i doing this right?”
“what’re you asking me for? i’ve only had them a couple weeks. i have no idea what i’m doing. blueberry’s the one that actually found a book on parenting.”
“Which you didn’t read!” Blueberry pouted.
“I’ve got half a mind to say the book is in charge while we’re gone,” said Papyrus, which got a laugh out of Stretch, even if it was a bit nervous, and at least a grin out of Sans, though his ears still didn’t stand up.
“okay, i promise that if the book gives us any orders, we’ll follow them,” Sans said.
“watch out, someone might rig up something with an echo flower to make the book talk,” said Stretch.
It was almost like old times for a moment, and then Sans spoiled the mood for himself by noticing. His grin faltered, but he pretended nothing was wrong. He didn’t want to worry Papyrus. And he didn’t intend to go out of his way to spare Stretch’s feelings, but he wasn’t going to deliberately add to everything the other bunny was dealing with either. “here,” he said, handing the kit back. “uh. what kinda thing do ya need help with?”
“Just feed them when they wake up!” Blueberry said. “I think bunnies develop faster than the monsters in the book, but they still can’t do very much yet.”
“no problem,” Sans assured him and Papyrus as they left, glancing back with concern until he shut the door behind them.
“um. actually, could you just sit and hold ulfric so i don’t have to worry about them rolling off the couch?” Stretch requested.
Ambling back to the couch, Sans managed to pick up the other kit, who squirmed even more, but settled down when Sans held them close to his chest. “ulfric, huh? named for their dad?”
“what?” said Stretch sharply.
“you know. the wolf.” Sans was kicking himself for not staying quiet, but he couldn’t take it back now.
“i guess it’s obvious, huh? blueberry thinks it’s in poor taste.”
Sans stared at him. Was he begging Sans to make a pun about ‘taste’ here? Sans wasn’t ready to extend that particular olive branch.
“but the—the wolf isn’t—” Stretch continued, protesting Sans’ earlier choice of words.
“he kinda is, though,” Sans said, looking down at the kit so he didn’t have to meet Stretch’s eyes. “he’s responsible for—them being conceived.”
“i guess.” Stretch didn’t sound convinced. “but—that doesn’t mean—i’d ever want him in their lives, or anything.”
“oh, no, of course not.” Sans touched the velvety pink ear of the kit he was holding. “i didn’t mean it like that.”
Stretch laughed a little, relieved. “i know i kinda made it worse with ‘ulfric’ but mostly i just wanna forget he even exists.”
Sans looked up at him. “stretch, you know our bros are goin’ to visit him right now, don’t ya?”
Stretch froze. “what?”
“what did they tell you they were gonna do?”
“they just said it was bunny guard business!”
Sans laughed mirthlessly. “there ain’t really a bunny guard, y’know.”
“i know but—i didn’t imagine—” Stretch started to stand up.
“hey, you’re not going after them and leaving me with both these kits,” Sans told him.
Stretch paused. “okay then, you go!”
“i already told papyrus what i think of this. but they’re determined to go.”
“what—what on earth do they think they’re gonna accomplish?”
Sans shrugged. “they’re gonna try and stop him doing that to any more bunnies.”
“they can’t—they can’t fight a wolf! they’re bunnies!”
“who said they were gonna fight him? sit down, you’re upsetting rabscuttle.”
The purple kit didn’t seem any different, but Stretch looked down at it and sank back onto the sofa. “what are they gonna—are they just gonna ask him nicely to stop?” Sans had to admit it was the kind of plan their brothers would come up with. “did they tell you what they’re gonna do?”
Sans answered with an unpleasant grin. “you don’t wanna know.”
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vorish-musing · 5 years
Dirty Little Secrets
Spoiler Free Summary: Richie needs to Heal Eddie fast, luckily he has a way to do it, the hypochondriac may not be a fan of where it is though.  (Reddie)
Content Warning: This involves soft non fatal g/t Vore, if you don’t like that, please look away. while this fic has safe vore, this kind of safe vore is healing, so this fic contains fearplay, blood and digestion mention (doesn’t happen though)... but it gets fluffy.
Spoiler Warning: this is an IT Chapter Two fic (when they’re adults). So here’s your spoiler warning. This has a lot of the same themes of the actual movie, so please watch that before reading if you care a lot about that kind of stuff.
Spoiler Summary below the ‘read more’ 
Spoiler Summary: Eddie is almost killed by pennywise, but Richie saves him with a gift (or maybe curse) he has. Eddie Is clearly not a fan but there’s not other option available.
Eddie panicked seeing Richie trapped in by Pennywises Deadlights. He watched as Richie floated up, following pennywise's open mouth. He held the fire poker to his chest, thinking that this was the end, they would lose, he felt his breath shortening, as if he needed his inhaler. why was he so scared all the time?!  He looked down at the weapon, staring at the sharp end, Beverly’s voice ringing in his head.
This thing kills monsters if you believe it does. 
Eddie looked back up at the clown, if you could even call it that with its spider like legs. It was going to kill Richie. He gripped onto the weapon tightly “this thing kills monsters if you think it does.” he began repeating the phrase to himself, getting angrier with each repeat, until he was yelling. He took one more look at Richie’s milky white eyes and dead hanging jaw. 
Without another thought, he began sprinting towards Pennywise, winding his arm back, and launching the fire poker into its mouth, screaming,
“Beep beep motherfucker!” definitely sounded cooler in his head.
Pennywise made an unholy sound as it stepped back, the deadlights turning off, Richie fell to the ground, his eyes still white and not moving. It coughed the Poker out of its mouth, before impaling itself on a spike in the ground. It let out even more screams, but nothing coherent enough for the losers to understand. Then, Pennywise stopped moving, and everything was silent. 
Eddie took a moment, before running to Riches side, shaking him and begging for the man to wake up. 
Richie couldn’t hear or see anything in the deadlights, and all he could think of was Eddie, how he was probably fucked as well. He failed the losers. And now he was going to be eaten by that fucking clown before he could tell Eddie that--
Richie woke up. His eyes no longer glazed over, he tries to jump up, before falling back down, he couldn’t move. He panicked quickly before making eye contact with Eddie
“Richie! You’re back!” Eddie’s voice sounds exasperated, but extremely relieved. The man smiled “I think I killed it!” Richie looks behind Eddie, then to the other Losers, they’re also looking as relived. Richie sees the lights from pennywise flashing, he didn’t know if that was good or bad.
“Richie, I Killed it!” Eddie yelled so everyone could hear. He kept saying it. All his fear and panic gone. He’d Been Puked on, stabbed in the cheek and tormented by that fucking clown, but now the last laugh is his! 
Then all of a sudden, he felt a burning white pain in his chest. 
Beverly screamed as one of pennywise’s claws rips through Eddies chest. Blood splattering on Richie's face, who began screaming as well.
Eddie stares at the claw protruding through his chest, spitting up blood. He could barely breathe. All the joy and bravery that was in his eyes, was gone. 
Eddie Screamed loudly and writhed around as the claw lifted him up, he heard the familiar laugh of pennywise as he was launched through the air, the losers screaming for him once again, then landing through the narrow entrance of the cave they were in, just missing the cave wall.
Richie, seeing this horrific sight, finally got up, ignoring the pounding in his head and darted towards Eddie, the other losers in tow.
Pennywise sees the losers running, and gives chase. But it was too late, the losers slid between the rocks, and all the clown could do was try and break the rocks away to get to them. The losers knew they had to act FAST.
Bill helped Richie lift Eddie up, who was groaning in pain as it was happening.
“Eddie, oh fuck….fuck…” Richie took off his button up placing it onto eddies wound to attempt to stop the bleeding. He knew that from Eddie. “We need to get him to a hospital” 
“How are we supposed to do that Richie?!” Bev answered, loud, but not angry. she knew it was impossible to get him out of here. Ben went to her side, and so did Mike, consoling her. Tears were cascading down her face.
 Richie tried to get the other losers on board with him. Mike and Ben were shaking their heads no, siding with Beverly. Richie looked to Bill, who wouldn’t look anyone in the eye. 
He understood why they didn’t want to, they would have to stop fighting Pennywise, and let it escape, which Mike would never let happen, and Eddie couldn't climb out of the hole they came from, and he might bleed out. 
Bill, Beverly, Mike and Ben huddled up, talking to themselves about what to do, but he didn’t care. He NEEDED Eddie to live. He…
He loved him.
He never admitted it before now, it was always in the back of his head since adolescents, but he was always scared to admit what he knew was true.
Then an idea hit Richie, he felt stupid for not thinking about it before! 
After he left Derry when he turned 19, Richie left with a weird, craving… he would look at people and get...hungry. Before he forgot pennywise, he thought it was always the clowns last laugh. But when he forgot, he just pretended it didn’t exist… until it got worse. 
Until he shrunk and ate someone after one of his late comedy shows.
It all happened so fast. He didn’t even realize he did it until he felt the person squirming inside, freaked out as much as Richie, most likely more. He immediately coughed them up, running away as they returned to normal size. Nothing came about on the news about it, nor any people coming to his door calling him a monster, so he moved on, thanking whatever god there was that nobody else was there to witness what he had done.
He found out he could swallow people and keep them alive inside of him somehow, he didn’t really have any idea, just knew he could. He would sometimes find anyone he could, and just do it, to satisfy his weird craving.
One time he saw a guy being beaten in an alley way of New York, and normally, he would turn a blind eye, being a quite weak man when it came to fighting (or so he thought),
 but when he heard the homophobic slurs, bringing him back to his childhood, and begging from the man, he realized what he needed to do, he ended up scaring the attackers away with a fake phone call to the police, and when the coast was clear, ate the man. 
The strangest part about it wasn’t that though, it was that after an hour or so, he let the man out. And all the scratches and bruises were gone, only faint scars barely noticeable left. 
Richie knew what he needed to do to Eddie.
 “You guys go ahead and do whatever I’m staying with Eddie.” Richie said, the other losers hesitated, but soon found another way in and began to try and fight pennywise again. It was just him and Eddie, who was looking even worse by the second.
“Richie” Eddie coughed, more blood spilling out his lips “go fight, I’ll be fine” he tried to smile, but it was so clear he was in a lot of pain.
“Eddie, I’m not leaving you” 
“Really, this clown is more important than--”
“Don’t fucking finish that sentence!” Richie yelled, tears beginning to fall down his face “ you are the most important thing to deal with right now.”
Eddie closed his mouth, cringing as blood began to fill it, he was worried, Richie was never like this, Richie was more of a pessimistic person, Eddie knew he was a goner, why was Richie even trying to help? 
“Listen,” Richie spoke softly, which surprised Eddie since he’d been yelling the past few minutes. “I can help, and I know you’re going to hate what I’m going to do.” 
Richie felt bad because he knew it was gross, but it would be funny when everything was okay, and Eddie would be complaining. 
He couldn’t explain it to the guy, but he’d freak out and panic and make his wounds worse before he could do anything!
Eddie gave Richie a weird look, but that didn’t stop Richie from grabbing a hold of his shoulders, holding tight, making him cry out in pain. 
“Sorry Eds, it’ll be okay soon”
Eddie wanted to scream at him to stop holding him, that it hurt, and whatever he was doing was NOT helping. 
Then  a dizzy feeling came over him, he could barely keep his eyes open, was this death? It felt a lot different than he imagined. 
Richie let out a sigh as Eddie began shrinking, he picked the man up in his palm, so he could move as quickly as possible without hurting him more than he probably already was. He stopped shrinking him when Eddie got to four inches, just small enough for Richie to get him down safely. 
Eddies head stopped pounding, and his eyes flickered open. He let out a small yelp of shock seeing how huge Richie had gotten. What the hell? “Richie?!”
The giant before him smiled, “yeah its me eds.”
Eddie coughed more blood up “you’re...big” Eddie was shaking, was this Richie? Was this a hallucination? Was this...Pennywise?
“Woah take me out on a date first why don’t ya” Richie smiled, trying to lighten the mood, seeing how frightened Eddie was. 
Eddie let out an exasperated laugh, clearly in shock with everything that was happening.
 He saw the blood dripping onto his hands more and more, he had to act quick. “Listen, please trust what I’m about to do is safe, I’ll explain later”
“wh-AT ARE YOU DOING?!” Eddie was confused at first, what did he mean? Then all of a sudden, Richie opened his mouth pulling Eddie closer.
Richie brought Eddie into his mouth, cringing at the amount of blood that was on his tongue. He cringed as he coated Eddie in a thick coat of saliva, washing away the blood.
“Wait! Stop!” Eddie yelled, the slimy tongue rolling around him, clearly tasting him, it was enough to make him sick.
Eddie panicked, not Richie not Richie NOT RICHIE! 
This had to be a sick joke from Pennywise, bring him into a safe environment, then when the time was right, snatch him up and finish the job It started. Adrenaline finally hit him, Eddie squirmed, Screaming in pain from his wound “Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!” he kept screaming, if he was going to be eaten by that fucking clown, he would not go down easy.
Richie felt awful hearing Eddie panic, it hurt him hearing Eddie in this much pain. He also felt Eddie moving, and the amount of blood was increasing, so he did the only thing he could, Swallow.
Richie tilted his head back cringing once more at Eddie's screams, swallowing. He knew Eddie would squirm and fight, but it wouldn’t work against him, Eddie was weak from blood loss, but he had to give it to him, he was putting up a great fight.
Eddie clawed as much as he could at the tongue, but it was too late, he was already halfway into the esophagus. God this was disgusting. He was coated in blood and saliva. The sounds were the worst part though, he could hear the gurgling and groaning of the stomach below him, eagerly waiting for his arrival, chilling Eddie to his very core.
Richie cringed as Eddie moved halfway into his throat, but stopped moving, He was putting up a real fight. It didn’t hurt , but it was very uncomfortable. but another swallow, and Eddie was fully in Richie’s esophagus, the muscles gently massaging Eddie down.
Surprisingly, this didn’t hurt Eddie, it just felt...weird! And he was shocked at how… normal it felt!
Yes, Eddie knew that what was happening was the exact opposite of normal, but he had expected pennywise to drop the act now, that he’d line the esophagus with spikes to tear him to shreds, or maybe send a group of spiders down with him to rip him apart.
But… nothing. All  he heard was the drumming of a human heartbeat, beating a lot quicker than normal, the sound of air being inhaled into the lungs, and of course, the sound of where he would soon be below him.
It wasn’t like pennywise to keep things calm. In a way, that scared him more. What was its plan?!
All of a sudden, he heard a voice “ Its going to be okay, fuck, Eddie please be okay.”
Eddie’s heart stopped, he couldn’t tell what was real or not anymore. Was this even pennywise fucking with him? Or was it somehow actually Richie? 
Eddie let out a cry in pain as he was squeezed into the stomach, expecting bubbling acids to melt him away, or maybe even lava instead, but it was just dark, empty, and surprisingly didn’t smell as bad as he thought it would. The thought it would reek like bile, but it really didn’t smell like anything.
He jerked back as he felt pressure on the wall, gasping in pain from his wound. He then realized what it was.
A hand. 
Eddie laid back, shaking slightly, worried any sort of movement would somehow start up the acids.
Unfortunately, he felt the stomach juices seeping onto his back, and pooling into the chamber, he tried to pull away, but at that point, his adrenaline was gone, and he couldn’t move as much as he could before. He could do nothing as the liquid (he presumed to be acid) gathered around him
Richie held his stomach, feeling Eddie move around in there, he could never get used to that feeling no matter how many people he ate. He began massaging his belly, it happily gurgling at its new ‘meal’ inside. Richie knew that the stomach juices would help Eddie heal faster.
All of a sudden, he heard a loud crash behind him, along with pennywise screaming incoherent words “Jesus Fuck!” Richie yelled, covering his ears. He was thankful that he swallowed Eddie before that happened, who knows how the little guy would react.
Eddie Paused, hearing Richie’s voice once again, this time sounding too real to be a fraud “R-Richie?!” oh god, Eddie thought, it this was Richie and not Pennywise I’ll… I’ll…
What could he do? He was already in his stomach; it was only a matter of time before he would be nothing but soup.
“Yeah Eds… its me” Eddie began to choke back tears hearing the happiness in Richie’s voice, was he happy to digest his best friend? Is this what deadlights do to you? questions buzzing in his mind. How?! Why?! Before he could get a word in, Richie spoke again. “You Okay?”
“oKAY?!” Eddie Exploded, the liquid up to his hips now, “YOU. ATE. ME. I don’t even know how this is even remotely possible, not to mention that its fucking GROSS, AND I’m going to DIE in here!” Eddie let out a yelp as he felt the liquid enter the hole in his chest. Again, it didn’t hurt, it just felt weird. “So, no Richie, I’m not Fucking okay.”
Richie flinched slightly, he expected the anger, but not this angry! He thought Eddie would be feeling the healing process already.
“Eddie, I did this to save you! You don’t feel any pain, Right?” Richie paused, realizing how dumb that question sounded “Other than your chest glory hole, I mean” Richie snickered to himself, he knew Eddie would be fine, maybe lighten up the mood with some jokes?
Eddie was about to Start yelling again, especially at Richie making jokes, but paused, Richie was right, not even his chest was in that much pain anymore, and he stopped coughing up blood. He lifted his hand slowly, expecting to see his hand burning away in acid but, it was clean. Even the scratches from when he was thrown were gone!
Eddie looked down, hesitating before bringing his hand to his chest, feeling the open wound, he jerked back. He felt it moving, like it was repairing himself.
“what. The. Shit.”
“listen Ed’s I’d love to explain but—” as Richie spoke, a loud crash interrupted him, followed by Beverly screaming angrily. “I have to help; I can’t let them do this on their own. Just please, stay as calm as possible.”
Richie was never this polite, he never once tried to console him before. This must’ve been serious.
Eddie had so many questions, he wanted everything answered, but he knew what was more important here. “Richie?”
“I lo—” he backpedaled, realizing what he almost said “Be careful, don’t want you to die with me in here”
Richie’s heart skipped a beat, was he about to say… no no. as far as Richie new, Eddie was straight as a board. He just patted his belly, running back into the fight.
The first thing he was faced with was ben running at him “Eddie?” the other man asked. Richie turned red for a moment, realizing he didn’t have an excuse ready for why he left Eddie by himself.
“uh..” he stammered for a moment “he’s fine” Richie pointed back to the opening, Ben nodded. “lets just go kill this fucking clown.”
Ben gestured for Richie to follow him, both men joining up with the other losers, he was ready to kill this fucking clown with his bare hands, nobody would hurt Eddie like this again, Never.
The next thirty minutes or so were a blur to Eddie, being thrashed about in the small confines of Richie’s belly. He cringed hearing Richie yell, the man's voice booming around the chamber. He prayed to any god out there for Richie to be okay.
He tried feeling his wound again, it didn’t hurt at all anymore, so what was the harm? He placed his hand on the hole, and instantly he was intrigued. It was so small now! he felt the enzymes around him building his tissue back up and healing him. It was so…fascinating.
He brought a hand up to his cheek, feeling the gauze where Bowers had stabbed him, and carefully peeled it off, he cringed at the tape pulling at his skin, and winced at the cut opening once again, filling his mouth with blood.
Without hesitation he submerged his entire head into the Liquid, feeling the cut begin to heal instantly. He could feel the tissue and skin repairing. He brought his head back up to breathe, the cut still healing itself as he sat there.
As he finally got to explore the area around him, Eddie realized how not bad it was. Sure, it was slimy, and gross, and weird as hell…
But it was also...soft. And the sounds around him weren’t as scary, the stomach gurgles making him feel better knowing they were helping him live, other than being the catalyst into his death. Of course, he could never let Richie know this, that would be too weird. 
But then he wondered, does Richie like this too?
As Eddie was having a calming time relaxing in Richie’s belly, Richie was having to juggle excuses on Eddie's whereabouts, while also fighting Pennywise. 
Once the being was finally defeated, the losers noticed the world around them begin to break, and began to book it out of there 
“Richie! Go get Eddie!” Mike called, Richie just shook his head 
“He’s already out of here” Like they’d believe that one, nice going dipshit. Richie thought to himself. 
Nobody decided to question him, but they all knew it wasn’t true. They’d rather focus on all of them not dying, compared to Richie being sneaky. 
Mike was noticing how much Richie would grab a hold of his stomach, though. 
Once the losers got out of the house, Beverly, Bill and Ben dropped to the ground, laughing out of pure adrenaline and shock, Richie just stood there, holding his stomach, trying to be inconspicuous about his real intentions.
“Richie, you okay?” Mike looked him up and down, gesturing to Richie’s hand clutching his stomach.
Richie paused, thinking of an excuse “Jesus fuck mike we just crushed a heart of a baby clown thing, you think I can feel a bit Ill?” the losers laugh softly at the words, mike just nodding. he felt Eddie tense at the idea of Richie being sick with him inside but calmed when realizing it was a lie. 
After that Bill, Ben, Beverly, Mike and Richie didn’t speak, spending the next hour in silence outside of the neibolt, on the ground, speaking only to lighten the mood with jokes, (this was mostly Richie)
At one point, Beverly sat up, turning to Richie, who was still lying down “is Eddie dead…?” the rest of the losers turned to Richie as well, all clearly worried about their missing friend.
Eddie only tuned in when he heard Richie’s heart speed up, pounding fast. His breathing became irregular, but only Eddie could really tell. He gasped softly as Richie’s stomach tensed around him, Richie was afraid.
Carefully, Eddie made his way to the stomach wall he presumed to be the ‘front’ placing his hands on the organ and began rubbing. He wanted to send a silent message to Richie that he was there for him, and that everything was going to be okay, he didn’t care about how gross it was at this point, it was Richie.
The man tensed, feeling Eddie rubbing him from inside. He had never had a willing participant doing this before, it felt fantastic! It was quite soothing as well, knowing someone was there for him, and that someone was Eddie Fucking Kaspbrack.
“Eddie is…” he paused, seeing Beverly's eyes begin to water “Eddie is alive, I got him out of neibolt, got an uber to take him to the hospital.” 
Beverly began crying out of pure relief, and so did ben. They didn’t care how strange the situation sounded, all they cared about was Eddie being safe. 
“We can visit him when he gets out. He told me he wants to be alone for a while, so we won't see him being a baby in the hospital, being spoon fed by his mommy.” 
This made everyone laugh, well, except for Eddie, Richie feeling a small kick from inside.
At that point, the Losers decided to leave, ben and Beverly leaving together, bill and Mike going their own separate ways. Richie, being the last one to leave, took one last look at neibolt, before making his way back to the town house.
He was glad to see it empty, going up to his room, lying on the bed. “You doing okay Ed’s?” he finally spoke out, poking the lump underneath his shirt, chuckling as it moved around and away from his hand.
A muffled voice called back to him, “I’d be better if you let me out Tozier, I need some questions answered.” 
Richie hushed the person in his belly, “Yeah yeah I get it mom” he laughed, but he felt a little upset, wanting to keep Eddie in their longer, really enjoying the feeling of him inside. Moving and massaging, he swore, sometimes he could feel him breathing. But he would never keep him in longer than he wanted to, except if he was hurt, like this time. 
Unbeknownst to Richie, Eddie too didn’t want to leave. It was nice to be close to Richie, he was never able to get close to him as a kid, Richie always being very inappropriate with jokes about Eddies sexuality when they got a little too close. (he has since apologized, but it still made Eddie nervous to show his true feelings)
Richie Sighed, getting back up from his bed, heading to the bathroom “Eddie, please don’t move, it was hard enough getting you down, if you’re moving a lot, you’re not coming out”
Eddie felt a seed of guilt plant inside of him, knowing he had possibly hurt Richie, he also couldn’t blame himself for moving and freaking out, he did think he was about to die after all, he called back an okay, staying as calm and still as possible.
Richie focused on Eddie in his stomach, tensing the walls around him, pushing the tiny man back up the esophagus. The muscles began to pull him back up from the esophagus to the throat, soon enough, Eddie was back in Richie’s mouth. Richie opened his mouth, taking Eddie out.
 Eddie Cringed at the change in lighting, trying to get his eyes to adjust. Once he could actually see, he looked up at Richie. 
Richie was staring at Eddie with a worried stare, wanting to make sure he was okay. Eddie lifted his shirt, a very faint scar left from where he was impaled. Nobody would’ve known he was almost dead a few hours ago. 
Eddie looked like a mess, alive, but a mess. Saliva made his hair stick out every which way, and he was coated in saliva as well. Richie held back a laugh, then began regrowing his friend. 
“There.” he said, helping Eddie stand up straight once he was back to his normal height. “You should take a show-ER” 
All of a sudden, Eddies Lips were on his. 
Eddie, out of pure impulse, had kissed Richie, the man who Eddie has had feelings for since childhood, the same man who saved his life. 
Richie was in complete shock; his brain didn’t know how to function with Eddies lips on his. This was his dream for over thirty years, and… he was doing fuck all! 
Eddie pulled away, covering his mouth and hanging his head down in shock and despair. “I-I...I’m s-so-”
“Jesus Christ you sound like Bill.” Richie spoke , laughing, still in complete shock. His face flushed a bright red.
“You...You’re not mad?!” 
“I…” now it was Richie's turn to stammer and panic “I’ve always wanted you to do that” Eddie smiled, “maybe not when you were covered in my saliva, but I can make do.”
“Oh man I’m sorry.” Eddie laughed “but its really not my fault you ate me” yep, still fucking weird to say out loud. 
“Hey, I did it to save your life.”
Eddie nodded “I know saying this is absolutely not enough, but thanks. For absolutely everything”
“Take a fucking shower and come to my room when you’re not slimy,” Richie walked out of the bathroom “if you don’t… maybe I’ll just keep you in there next time” 
“Not really a threat Tozier!” Eddie yelled quickly, before covering his mouth, it was too late to backpedal, what the fuck is wrong with me today?!
Richie turned back, slowly closing the door, “good to know Kaspbrak ...Good to know” and before another word, he slammed the door shut, walking back to his room, missing the feeling of Eddie being in there already. 
After a few minutes, Eddie came into the room, wearing a new set of clothes, the others just thrown out. “Still can’t get the smell of your spit off of me.” and exaggeration, but it did take a lot of soap to make him smell normal again
“Ah yes the same spit that saved your life huh.” Richie smiled, sitting on the bed, reading emails from his team back in New York. He tapped the other side of the bed, right beside him. Eddie sat down.
“How did you know it would work?”
“Well I did it before.” the answer was plain and simple “I can heal people who are about to ring death's doorbell, crazy right”
“So how the fuck can you do that.”
Richie sighed, adjusting his glasses “well, I’ve been able to do it since our first fight with IT” Eddie nodded “I just got hungry, and no matter how much I ate I was always hungry. At one point I blacked out after one of my shows, woke up with someone inside. It was awful. They were trying to rip me open.” 
Eddie nodded “Did you know how to get them out?” 
Richie Laughed, “It took me a few hours, but I got it. Too bad though. The guy was a fan, and I swear I saw him again like a year ago at one of my shows, every time I looked in his direction, he averted his eyes.” 
The two of them laughed, “wish I could’ve been there” 
Richie stopped, smiling sweetly at Eddie “I wish you were there too.” Eddie looked down, trying to contain his embarrassment. 
“Listen Richie, I’m sorry for what happened in the bathroo-”
“Eddie, I like you, but if you don’t shut the fuck up with your sorry’s, I will hate you.” Eddie put his hands up in Defeat. “Clearly I liked it since I didn’t stop you, I was kind of dreaming for that to happen for a while.”
Eddie looked back up “how long?”
“I don’t know, since we were teens. I don’t have it on a calendar for you”
Richie then got a pillow thrown onto his face, and before he could get it off and yell, he got another one.
“So, you’ve liked me all of middle AND high school” Eddie grabbed another pillow. Hitting Richie with each word “AND. YOU. DIDN’T. TELL. ME?!” the last swing, Richie caught it “I thought I was being to obvious back then.” Eddie wasn’t mad, he was just playing, his laughter filling up the room, he felt like a kid again.
Eddie knew the real reason why Richie didn’t share his feelings, it was the same reason why he didn’t, they’d be crucified by anyone around! 
Richie grabbed the pillow; it was his turn to hit Eddie “ I. was. Stupid!” Richie began to laugh, pummeling Eddie with pillows. 
The men fought with the pillows like they were kids again, finally stopping when Eddie surrendered. Richie turned to Eddie, their noses touching. 
This time, it was Richie who leaned in for the kiss, and Eddie didn’t hesitate to kiss back.
And there we have it! my coping mechanisim i created after watching the movie, if you enjoyed, please don’t be afraid to request some stuff, I would love to write more!
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mirceakitsune · 4 years
Trump and the events that transpired today
It's AM as I start writing this journal, likely past 5 AM once I finish it. I'm tired after today and don't know to what extent I can be fully coherent, politically and socially correct, or whatever else I'm supposed to about what happened. But after the events that took place today I need to speak up. I am sick, feeling I have had it... but for once it's on a matter I can discuss with others in this world, shared by millions of people. Even though I'm nervous to even talk about it as the divide keeps growing; I don't know on which of those websites even journals discussing politics will still be allowed by the administration, I already have a hard time keeping track of the different rules on each of the +8 websites I post anything on... as far as I'm aware we're still allowed to discuss for now.
I don't know exactly who the people that invaded the Capitol building today were. Many say it was Antifa protesters disguised as Trump supporters; I find it hard to understand why they'd interrupt the crowning ceremony of their lover Biden if they were already winning, but who knows at this rate. The people who initially walked in there were likely Trump supporters, with Antifa coming later to start violence so they could say Trump did it. A woman was shot in the neck and unfortunately died soon after, no footage showing who did it yet... scary stuff but it's to be expected given the times we're living in, RIP.
I will start by saying the following thing: I was NEVER a real Trump supporter, and I likely never will be. I'll share a little secret: In 2016 when I first heard he won, I fell in a depression for the entirety of the next day, fearing that he was going to bring about the end of the free and modern world that seemed to be going well till then. And in some ways I was right: Bullshit like SESTA / FOSTA and the repeal of Net Neutrality and other garbage happened under his leadership. But things have changed SO much since that day. The true liberals and progressives I once knew and was proud of being among no longer exists: The left's tolerance has been replaced with hate and fascism, their love for freedom with "freedom as long as we aren't offended or our narratives challenged", even the free internet they once praised is now seen as a tool of "spreading hate and misinformation" unless guided by their censorship regime. No matter how difficult this was for me, I had to accept that only Trump and some of the people around him are still fighting for REAL freedom... putting aside some religious or "think of the children" bullshit the Republicans can't let go of; Freedom to think and say what you want, to live your life as who you are, to go outside without having to wear a god damn mask and breathe like a fucking sapient being that still has any right to live! I don't care that much about either left of right doctrine... all I truly wanted was to be free, to live in a world where everyone minds their own business without using fear and prejudice to control others. I'm also not a patriot as one way or another I believe in a world where people are just citizens of the planet and countries are mainly different legal / cultural zones... I do however believe in a movement to support the people of the world, even if that's currently dressed under patriotism.
Today I watched Trump's speech before the Capitol was stormed. I literally saw and felt a different man from that fool I too once hated and demonized. And I hated him for good reason: He still hasn't denounced his wall of hate (the Mexico border wall bullshit), never had the will or bravery to openly defend the LGBTQ community and distance himself from those supporters that oppose them, attacked Section 230 which is unacceptable despite his justified war against big tech and the corrupt media... I am and will remain outraged at those things about him, he was no ideal example. But you know what? He's not the demon the media makes him out to be either. And as much as I HATE to say this... he is a hero in his own way: For having the courage to fight the biggest organized crime network in the history of humanity... one known as globalism. THAT is why some people turn to him while others want him to look like the devil: Not because they're fascists but because he stood up against a problem everyone else is one way or another a part of, a problem you can't even talk about without being called a conspiracy theorist and raving nut, a frustration many of us feel yet is only deepened by this denial instead of anyone ever addressing it.
Let me be very clear on an essential thing: I'm well aware there are real neo-Nazis, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, transphobes, puritans, psychopaths, etc. in Trump's circles. Yes they are pests, and I too will smite those fools if they try to use Trump (or any other means) to impose their own bullshit on this world! The vast majority of Trump supporters I've seen have nothing to do with this hate: I've watched livestreams from dozens of Trump rallies by now, have only seen decent and peaceful and creative people dancing and having fun... unlike some Antifa and BLM rallies which are far more aggressive by comparison. It's always the media transmitting from those protests, journalists putting up theatrical scenes about how they're surrounded by dangerous extremists on their crusade to find the Proud Boys hiding in the crowd. There were at least 1 MILLION people supporting Trump in Washington DC today, kilometers of street filled with people. Including countless black people who were allegedly discriminated by him, who will also tooootally die from COVID tomorrow because they didn't respect social distancing... did I forget to mention the pro-LGBT flags being waved at those rallies? Really: Is anyone trying to tell me those are all evil intolerant whatever-phobic lunatics? Because I'm not going lie to myself because the media decided what we have to believe: The traitorous brainwashing media can go to hell, together with big tech and especially big pharma after what they did to the world with COVID.
I also watched dozens of livestreams from courts, of proof being presented regarding the massive election fraud that put Biden in office. There is no such thing as "there was no fraud", there were hundreds of testimonies under oath some with footage and documents; Courts simply refused to see the evidence or decided to ignore it citing procedural grounds... because like everything else, the globalist octopus (mafia reference) owns the justice system and every part of society. Dominion voting machines were programmed to default to Biden votes, they were designed with the mindset "here's a big button to vote for Biden... because you don't really want to vote for Trump do you, though if you really want to I guess you can click here". And other forms of manipulation that ultimately caused Biden to get MILLIONS OF VOTES OVERNIGHT, which is so normal and definitely not suspicious at all.
Now that the brave and mighty police secured the Capitol building and drove those pesky citizens away, senators led by lowlife-by-profession Mike Pence resumed their session of shoving Biden down our throats at any cost (sadly not in a fun vore way). I watched their vomit inducing speeches as they went on about how they're sticking to their duties in such difficult times, and how those thugs who entered the building tried to stop them but failed. This will only add to the frustration, which they don't even realize or care about: They know all too well what their duty is... to sell the world to those who are desperate to have UNLIMITED POWER AT ANY COST. Their decision was fueled by sheer stupidity and ambition, and will only ensure that if Biden is allowed to become president he'll only be even more illegitimate than he already was. After such a shock there was no way any valid session could continue, no one is in the capacity to count electoral votes and certify a fucking president right now after today... they haven't even cleaned up the fucking blood from the staircase! An absolute disgrace.
But fear not: There are people who will stop this, people who won't allow this hell to come true. They aren't racists, homophobes, psychopaths... the media will no doubt paint them as such, and many will believe the lie, but with the same force others are seeing the truth now more than ever. They think China's authoritarian domination can be forced on us, just as their Covidist masks, or their censorship in the name of stopping hate, and everything else the globalists decided must be forced upon the planet. They have no idea how badly they're furthering this divide: The hate and sickness on both sides has reached a point where riots and tragedies are going to be unavoidable. Of course they tell themselves "we're gods on this Earth so we'll be able to control it", they're used to thinking they can hold unlimited power and nothing they do ever has any consequences. The truth will strike, the more you keep the pot on the kettle the harder it will explode once it blows off: All they did today was ensuring it will strike even harder. Save this journal if you wish, so you can remember those things for future reference, to know that some fool out there and in this community saw this and wasn't afraid to say it.
Whatever you think of me, believe me when I say this: I truly am sorry that it had to come to this... on multiple scales. I don't know if many friends that I do care for will ever understand me... such as a certain purple furred vixen, or a kind albeit sometimes rough unicorn who is one of my soul parents, not to mention a very close fox working on building a lab and bringing genetic transformation to life; They all more or less believe some of the official narratives, and I feel barely tolerate me for not doing the same. If there was another way to see the world and live this life, I would have taken it. If something would have been different in the past and led to a different outcome, I could be living a life of standing with the majority instead of against it... something I wish I knew what was like, I never did, I can only presume it must be peaceful and relaxing to live in such a world, but I'll likely never experience it as I don't have the naivety for such a leap. I'm sorry it's like this. And my only wish is that all of you will get to see who truly made it like this once all the lies are exposed! Whatever happens, whether it will be Biden or Trump in the end... please let what they did be exposed.
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