#vote blue like your life depends on it
wilwheaton · 3 months
There’s no plausible evidence that Republican voters are opposed to acts of sedition but will begrudgingly tolerate them if that is the only option available. Trump’s Republican competitors had been parroting nearly all of his flamboyantly ridiculous policies, only to be shot down by those very voters. You can offer up a Nikki Haley, but it will go nowhere. You can lob a Ron DeSantis onstage, full of hydraulic fluid and have him mimic the same Trump mannerisms and grievances and demands for violence—not just persecution but bullet-to-the-head violence against immigrants—and they won't bite. They like Trump. They want Trump, and when presented with candidates who are not facing 91 criminal charges, not found to have committed sexual assault, not proven to be a lifelong tax and bank cheat, and not the ratbastard personification of malice, they will not bite. This is a movement premised on ending the government itself if that's what it takes to assuage paranoia about globalist cabals and plotting immigrant hoards.
The GOP is about to officially coalesce around a seditionist for president
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ronehmke · 3 days
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The powers that be don’t want YOU to see this message.
… Or DO they? 🤔
Break the Spell.
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ianmelchizadek · 2 months
Inside the Christian TV show rallying Trump superfans with apocalyptic warnings
This quote would be hilarious, if it weren't also terrifying: “This is the only news show where you hear what Jesus thinks,”
It's scary that they seriously believe Jesus is giving news commentary via proxy...If they manage to get the upper hand politically, this is not a group that has any willingness towards (or even concept of) working across party lines, or governing for everyone - they see it as their way, or straight to hell. No discussion, no compromise.
If you don't want to live in an absolutist theocracy with no personal freedom around your healthcare, sexual/romantic, and reproductive decisions, then it's absolutely critical to get organized and vote against every candidate who aligns with/is supported by this element.
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theozgnomian · 3 months
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rosielindy · 2 years
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Check your registration and make a plan to vote!
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mcbangle · 4 months
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labelleizzy · 2 years
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thereallovebug · 4 months
SCOTUS can kiss my ass. 🤬
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ronehmke · 4 days
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ianmelchizadek · 3 months
Trump advocate calls surrogacy ‘evil’ and says anyone involved ‘should be imprisoned for life’ https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/06/trump-advocate-calls-surrogacy-evil-project-2025/
In May 2023, the Heritage Foundation’s official X/Twitter account tweeted: “Conservatives have to lead the way in restoring sex to its true purpose, & for…ending recreational sex & senseless use of birth control pills.”
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theozgnomian · 3 months
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Bear in mind the ReThugliKlans have, by and large, been behaving like Nazis and murderous savages since Reagan. It's just that they're all "out of the closet" now.
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rosielindy · 2 years
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Long Fall Shadows with a tiny green heart 💚 that appeared for reproductive rights. Unedited, unfiltered.
Vote. Bring friends. Do more than believe. Spread the word.
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mcbangle · 4 months
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fromorigintofinality · 2 months
crazy to think that the current U.S election is going to have impacts across the world with how stuff like project 2025 can encourage the far right movements in other western countries to go full dictator, but apparently peoples consciousness matters more than actual lives.
if you're one of the people advocating to not vote at all and/or vote third party because of biden's current policies regarding israel, i hope you know that if trump wins (which is certain if enough people take these ideas to heart), he would be fully in support of shit like dropping a nuke on Palestine.
there's a chance biden will regret his policies, but that is going to matter so little with how much worse things will get for the world at large.
reality matters more than moral purity.
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knitmeapony · 4 months
In the law, there's this idea called the "last clear chance" doctrine.
If you are in an accident, and you had the last clear chance to avoid the accident, then you are, at least in some portion, responsible for the accident.
For instance, if you are driving and a car pulls out in front of you, and you could've slammed on the brake but do not, you're responsible for that, even if the turn the other car made was illegal. Moreover, you might be held partially responsible for the other person's injuries, depending on how things work in your location.
This is even true if you can merely mitigate the damage. If you have a chance to limit the damage -- again, let's say you don't brake and the result is a collision at 40MPH instead of 10MPH -- the additional damage you cause could be considered your fault.
To me, this seems very applicable to voting.
The two parties in the US are going to put a couple of candidates up in the next few months. Both of them might be dangerous. But in the end, everyone who can vote is going to have one last, clear chance to avoid, or at least mitigate, damage.
It sucks that both parties are out there driving like maniacs.
But the fact of the matter is, they've put us in this position. And if you don't put on the brakes -- that is, at least mitigate damage -- you are responsible for the additional damage caused.
In the national elections, a choice not to vote for Biden is a choice not to brake when some jerk pulls into your lane. And if there's an accident and a lot of damage -- to voting rights in general, to reproductive rights, to the health and safety and life of trans and other queer people, to education, to the environment -- then you are responsible for not attempting mitigation.
You have the last clear chance to minimize danger and damage. And while you can yell until you're blue in the face that the Democratic party put you in that position in the first place by not running another candidate, you are still responsible even if you try to abdicate that responsibility.
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ronehmke · 5 days
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Rich people don’t want you to be rich too.
Break the spell.
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