#vote yourselves into positions of power
princesssarcastia · 5 months
i have a problem with the theory that by not voting for democrats and letting democrats lose badly enough this november, we can force them to take a good hard look at themselves and swing to the left. well, actually, there are a couple problems, but here's tonight's object lesson:
the problem is the RNC Autopsy.
Republicans got pretty well spanked in the 2012 presidential election, and VERY well spanked in the 2008 presidential election. people decided not to vote for republicans, and let them lose so badly that the republican party took a good hard look at themselves.
The result was a report released in 2013, wiki page linked above. And they did exactly what some people on the left hope democrats will do in the coming years, should they lose in november 2024! They said hey, apparently being racist and hating poor people and only talking to whites isn't getting us anywhere! Why don't we try a different, kinder, more inclusive approach if we want to win elections?
Nice, right? Good proof of concept?
Unfortunately, history didn't stop in 2013.
Unfortunately, we all know how this story ends. It ends with a fascist reality TV star becoming president and encouraging the republican party that actually, its problem is that it wasn't racist and poor-hating enough. Actually, Trump told the republican party, your problem is that you've gone too long without saying the quiet part out loud. No more euphemisms, no more obfuscation, and definitely no movement to the left. Be full-throated in your hatred of immigrants.
And, like it or not, that did win Trump the election. Which convinced the republican party that he was right. They completely abandoned the ideas proposed in the RNC autopsy, and I don't know that they'll ever find their way back to that point.
So, when people say they don't want to support democrats, and they hope that by letting democrats lose the elections they'll move the democratic party to the left...i wouldn't be so sure.
In fact, if that happens, what I predict we'll see is a democratic party prepared to swing to the right. Sure, it'll still have a progressive wing. The Squad will live on. But they'll be increasingly ostracized by a party that will be even more obsessed with courting the forgotten white man, by toning down its inclusivity, by backing off of more expansive social safety nets and wealth taxes.
Like it or not—I certainly find it depressing to consider—Joe Biden is the most left-leaning president we've had in a long, long time. Certainly since Jimmy Carter, and perhaps since even before him. If he loses in November, if his party loses in November, I guarantee their washington insider strategists will find a way to blame it on progressiveness and walk us back at least a decade, if not more.
I'm not happy about any of this. But this is, I believe, the reality we're facing.
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creamecafe · 1 month
Could you do Wednesday Addams x Sinclair!Reader where like Enid catches Wednesday and Reader cuddling and gets all excited abt it
Summary: After a long day of school, Wednesday asks Y/N to cuddle, and to their surprise, Enid sees it all.
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Sinclair!GN!Reader
Word Count: 640+
Warnings: none just fluff
Author's Note: This request is almost two years late but here it is!
Navigation | Request Guidelines | Who I Write For | Wednesday Addams Masterlist | Wednesday Masterlist | Join my taglist
Read this also on Wattpad and AO3 if you like!
Being at Nevermore High has been a huge change for Wednesday. Learning how to manage her powers and also meeting you as well.
However, it was also causing her stress and becoming tired, although by her looks, her expression wouldn't be different to anyone else. She knew she would like one thing and wouldn't admit it to anyone else. You.
Her last class had just finished and she was more than eager to just spend the rest of her day with you in her dorm, or your dorm, whatever the circumstances are.
She decides to stop by your dorm and knock
"Come in." She hears your voice and she opens the door
There Wednesday sees you working on your homework.
"Hey Wednesday." You turn around to see her
"Hey Y/N." She said with a half smile
Wednesday walks up to you.
"What are you doing?"
"Oh I'm doing homework right now. How was your day?"
"It was good thanks." She goes to your bed and sits down.
"Are you okay? You seem tired."
You're the only person to notice Wednesday's demeanor change, even to everyone else it looks the same.
"I just have been tired of school and homework."
"Would you like to cuddle for a bit, maybe take a nap? You deserve it Wednesday."
Wednesday smiles at what you say and nods.
"Yes please"
You get up from your desk and walk towards her. You sit down on the bed. Wednesday takes off her shoes along with her jacket and tie.
Both of you get into bed and shift yourselves to be comfortable. Wednesday becomes close to you and holds her. She's hesitant to hold you back, but she decides to lightly grasp your arms.
You kiss Wednesday's head and begin to rub your thumb along her shoulder.
Wednesday sighs at this, but with a happy sigh. She knows she's safe and vulnerable in the right arms.
You guys stay in this position for about 15 minutes or more
Back at Enid and Wednesday's dorm
Enid goes back to the dorm where her and Wednesday share and she's immediately confused by not seeing Wednesday there.
She looks around the dorm to see where Wednesday could be, until she thinks of one place.
Her sibling's dorm. Your room. She walks over to your dorm and knocks. She hears no response. She knocks again. She then decides to just open the door and is shocked by what she sees
She stumbles the sight of you, her sibling cuddling with none other than the Wednesday Addams. Squealing with joy, she immediately takes out her phone to take a photo.
She desperately wanted to post on her story, but due to her squealing, you and Wednesday woke up.
Wednesday sees Enid with her phone, her mood changes.
"Post that anywhere else, and you along with your phone will go missing."
Enid stops smiling and puts her phone down. But she still kept the photo.
When you and Wednesday have finally taken a nap, you woke up to a Snapchat photo with a black line over with the text,
"Found these two lovebirds sleeping together" 💗💚💗💛💜💗
You smile and show Wednesday. She's not happy Enid didn't listen, but can't help but find it funny on the inside
Don't forget to vote, share and comment on what you think!
Feedback is always appreciated!
Read it also on Wattpad and AO3 if you like!
[ ©-creamecafe | 2024 ]
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mythica-ithaca · 1 month
I've decided to stop typing out the same responses to the same braindead US Liberal questions so I'm making this post in order to save time.
•"But Kamala has called for a ceasefire!"
She has called for a temporary humanitarian pause, which she and Biden have worked tirelessly for months to completely rebrand into a call for "ceasefire". If they truly wanted a permanent ceasefire they wouldn't have just sent Israel $20+ billion in financial aid and weapons. Use your brains. That is not something that someone who opposes more violence would do. Empty words mean nothing. She has not taken any actions so far that actually demonstrate a work towards a permanent ceasefire, in fact all her actions have been in complete opposite to her calls for one. She is lying to you and telling you what you want to hear in order to get elected. And you are letting her by falling it and not demanding any sort of results. And just because she wont spell it out for you like Trump will, her "ironclad support" for Israel translates to her allowing them to "finish the job" should it come down to it as well. There is no other way to interpret that.
•Trump can't be reasoned with but Kamala can be convinced/pushed left after we vote her in!
You people said this about Biden as well and look how well that worked out. Around 200k Palestinians are dead, and so is Roe v Wade, which they had the opportunity to codify and they didn't. His own staff were protesting in front of the white house and he didn't budge an inch. Neither will Kamala. You are deluding yourselves into believing that after you give these people all the power in the world that you have any sway over them whatsoever. Our votes are our leverage, and you are throwing yours away by voting for words over actions. You get exactly what you vote for, there is no putting in the work afterwards. And a vote for Kamala at this point is a vote for Genocide.
•"Why are you protesting Kamala and not Trump?!"
First of all. Do you people think he can be reasoned with or not? What is the point of going to his rallies with his violent supporters if you think he can't be swayed anyways? Cause if he's not going to change his position and he's not going to drop out, what exactly do you think it would accomplish?
Second of all, Trump isn't the one committing genocide right now. The democrats are in power. They are the ones responsible for this and the ones with the power to stop it. They deserve to be protested.
Third of all, we aren't voting for Trump regardless. Kamala is the one who needs to change her position and show actual results in order to earn our votes. If you think you can "push them left" then prove it and stop bitching when people actually start pushing instead of sitting around in complacency just because the dems are in charge. Supporting a genocide hurts her prospects way more than having anti genocide protestors at her rallies does. She wants to be president of the united states, she deserves constant pressure and criticism.
•"Trump will be even worse for Palestine! Vote for the lesser evil!"
This is incredibly callous, cruel and dismissive of what is happening to Palestine under the democrats right now. Gaza is completely destroyed already. Families are torn apart. Thousands of babies and children and men and women are literally being torn apart every. single. day. And every single day Kamala and Biden wake up and decide not to stop it. To not even condemn it. Their administration actively lies about it. We are far past the point of it getting worse. There is nothing worse than hell on earth. Would you ever tell a jewish person that the holocaust "could have been worse", simply because not every single jew was wiped out? By saying it can always get worse, you are ignoring and tolerating how catastrophic things are right now.
This is what voting for the "lesser" evil and voting blue no matter who has come to. There is no option that doesn't result in continued genocide. There is no lesser evil anymore. Only one that you will personally benefit from more than the other. You cannot look at what is happening in Palestine and Sudan and Congo and begin to tell me that the democrats are in any way "less" evil. You are downplaying the severity and suffering of these conflicts by implying that, and it's disgusting.
You need to realize that this line of thinking is enabling you to tolerate and excuse certain levels of depravity and that is unacceptable. In no world is the a "less evil" form of genocide.
•"What you expect Kamala to do about it right now? Shes not even president yet!"
This is probably the most pathetic attempt to absolve her of any responsibility. She is the fucking Vice President. She is not just there for show, she has power and influence. She is 100% able to disagree with and speak out against policy. She could have even resigned in protest if she was truly disgusted by Bidens actions. She acts his advisor and is currently not giving any push back to Biden on his policies. Biden can't just fire her and she's already the nominee.
•"We need to save ourselves first in order to help others!"
We are in a sinking ship and you are pushing peoples heads underwater and drowning them in order to get yourselves to a lifeboat, all while promising that once you're safe you'll help pull others up. But by the time you save yourselves everyone else is already dead and you're stranded all alone.
Nobody wants your fucking help. They want you to stop giving power to people fundamentally indifferent to human life so you can live just a bit more comfortably at the expense of everyone else's suffering. Stop trying to play the saviors of the world. They know that you will always have an excuse as to why it's not the right time for you to help anyways. They know you will never put anyone or anything before yourselves. And you all know it too.
•"There's never going to be a perfect candidate! Get over it!"
In what world is demanding someone be against genocide equal to demanding a perfect candidate? I'm aware that I am not going to ever agree with a politician, or anyone really, on every single issue. I'm absolutely willing to make sacrifices in certain areas. Genocide is a red line. Just like I wouldn't vote for anyone who was against abortion or lgbt rights, I'm not voting for anyone who is fundamentally indifferent to human rights.
•"So you want to just sacrifice (insert any vulnerable group in America)?"
No. It is a myth that you can sacrifice one group to liberate another. You can't sacrifice Palestinians in order to save your own rights. Ask yourselves why you should even have to. There are better ways to secure rights like abortion and healthcare than voting blue no matter who. Stop letting the democrats dangle abortion right over your heads in order to scare you into silence. Our rights and Palestinian live are not mutually exclusive, you are allowed to demand both. You are not allowed to act like our lives are somehow more important than theirs. What are you going to do when it's abortion, lgbt, disabled, or bipoc rights that have to be sacrificed to save democracy? Because it will eventually come to that if we let this "lesser evil" shit continue and refuse to fight for our rights and just keep giving more of them up in order to preserve others just a little longer.
•"You want a revolution and yet you haven't firebombed a Walmart??"
I mean. Considering that you all insist you can just sit back vote your way out of fascism by backing whatever candidate they decide to throw at you without making a single demand. Yeah, you're right, it's starting to look more likely that violence will be the only solution to this problem. But we aren't there yet. Because far too many of you are too comfortable living the way we do at the expense of people suffering all over the world. Until a significant amount of you become actually uncomfortable with the way things are, instead of just saying that you are and then continuing to reap the benefits of living in the empire, there won't be a revolution. Violent or otherwise. Because you're all content to play this rigged game. You are just comfortable enough with the way things are to be more scared of losing what little you have than fighting for what we deserve. A better world is still too inconvenient for you to do more than cast a vote every four years.
RIP to Aaron Bushnell btw. He lit himself on fire in order to protest Americas role in all this. I'd say that's braver than firebombing a walmart.
•"So you want us to just not vote at all then!?"
I want you to stop voting for empty words and demand action before throwing away your leverage. There is no pushing them left after you give them all the power in the world. You get exactly what you vote for. You say that voting third party is throwing your vote away, but what the hell do you call voting for empty promises over and over again? Bullshitting harm reduction? Because I don't think constant school shootings and police brutality is harm reduction.
The democrats have been promising $15 minimum wage for so long that it isn't even sufficient anymore. Promised to codify Roe. Didn't deliver. Promised assault rifle bans. Didn't deliver. Haven't abolished ICE. Haven't defunded or reformed the police. Haven't guaranteed parental leave or child care. Students are still drowning in debt. Kamala has stated that she will not push for medicare for all. How is it that they've been incapable of any of these things for years after having majority multiple times, and yet somehow the republicans are supposed to be able to pass project 2025 with ease?
I am telling you to demand that these people start earning your votes. Because you have made them entirely too comfortable by telling them to their faces that you will vote for them no matter what their policies are by chanting, 'vote blue no matter who'. Every single time you do that, you sacrifice something else instead of gaining anything for the vulnerable people you say you care about.
•"Democracy is on the ballot! We have to save democracy!"
You mean the democracy in which we have two choices, except one choice will be the end of democracy, so we really only have one choice, and that choice was chosen for us because the current president refused to step down until after the primaries, where his party made sure he had no real opponent in the first place, so they just went with his right hand man as a replacement? The democracy currently forcing you choose the annihilation of an entire people in order to maybe secure some of your own rights for just a little longer? That democracy? Does that sound like a system worth saving anymore in the first place?
You will not save democracy by committing genocide in front of the entire fucking world. And if you could, it wouldn't be worth saving.
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glitches-and-bugs · 2 months
The State Of The Community (From an outsider)
Let me preface this by saying that this is all based on information I could gather on my own from the Discord and the various blogs involved. I will do my best to be as accurate as possible but since nobody involved in the situation came to explain, I'm quite limited. Thank you to the two of you (Aside from my main contact) that approached me to tell me what was going on, even though you were both distant from what was happening. I wholeheartedly appreciate you.
Let's get started, shall we?
The Server
This will address both the previous state of the server, the current state, and the demands presented in order to reform the server.
Firstly, the previous state. It's abundantly clear that none of you involved in the management of that server 1) know how to run a server with a mixed age range, 2) Have enough emotional control to not abuse moderator positions, and 3) Know what to include and not to include in a server in order to provide a healthy environment. This is not calling you out, this is a statement of fact because this community is mostly children. Yes, yes, some of you are close to 18. But I'm fucking 25. You're children to me.
The current state. Though the NSFW channels seem to be removed (Which they shouldn't have even existed in the first place without proper age verification and a moderator group of adults), there's still aspects present that should NOT be in a healthy server. Let's break it down. The Trigger Channel. Though I understand that it might be seen as necessary for you to make sure that people don't misstep, you do realize that people can use those against you, right? You should NEVER discuss your triggers publicly. The sheer amount of Vent/Mental Health chats. Look. It's clear that you're all trying to take responsibility for each other and that's nice and all, but none of you have boundaries. These types of discussions are fine to have with friends, it's important to have a supportive net of friends, but you should NEVER have a vent chat unless it is in private. These discussions you're all having in there are things that should be brought up to medical professionals. Some of you should be going to HOSPITALS. The fact that there were NSFW chats at all. This is a community of mostly children. I know nothing can stop you kids from exploring on your own, but there should never be a place where adults and children can go at the same time that has sexual connotation. I know y'all might not think this is serious but you kids can get adults into trouble, or end up in compromising situations yourselves. I pray nobody's groomed or grooming any of you.
Now the demands, reviewed by someone that worked as a professional Twitch/Discord moderator for a few years. Things I understand why you want to change it: The sheer amount of moderators. Too many cooks spoil the stew. By having so many people with that much power, you cause confusion and disarray. Limit your moderation team to 1 moderator per like, 20-30 members, with a good spread of time zone variance. Transparency of moderator decisions. Sorta. This should always be a given. Any rule changes and major events should be publicized, but things like rule violations, bans, and things as such should stay in the background. You are not entitled to every piece of information. No-nonsense moderator applications. Being a moderator is something to be taken seriously. You're ensuring the safety of your peers, not making a secret club. Things I do not understand: Public moderator applications. This isn't necessary. Sharing applications with the moderation team is all well and good, but it's not a public affair. You aren't voted on like parliament or the senate. "Collectivized" server ownership. A server should be made up of one trusted owner and a team of moderators. This isn't a government, it's a leisure activity. A big server I'm in has one moderator per 50 members. YOURS has at LEAST one for every FUCKING EIGHT. That's oversaturation. Any further collectivization and you may as well just make everyone a moderator. Server owner rotates between moderators. This isn't going to work. I promise you with all my little rotten heart that this isn't going to work. You're either going to give up or someone is going to just... Not give up the server owner position. You do realize that can happen, right? That they can just not give up the Server Owner role? What happens then? Did you have a contingency plan? Opt-in Mental Health channels. It's better than just leaving them free and open, but having them at ALL is still not good. Like I brought up before.
Phew, and that's all just the SERVER.
The Tumblr Community
As some of you may know, I was one of the handful of founding blogs in this project.
It has gotten way out of hand.
We have lost the spirit of what we started as, and as a result we have become a very toxic, disorganized community built on the backs of people who cannot support it.
People are being exiled from the community left and right for reasons I cannot figure out but am certain are petty in spirit. You're all great kids, but you're ruthless. You're going to cannibalize this community someday. I pray it happens soon, so you can all get over the grief that much sooner. I pray it rips off like a bandage, quick and efficient, a grand hoorah that leaves this place etched in the annals of Tumblr history. But we all know it won't. You'll all slowly cannibalize the community, ousting any member that stands up against whatever in group is most popular at the time, and you'll slowly decline in number until it's just a handful of you all bickering with yourselves about what went wrong. You'll look back and wonder what happened to change this community so much and there won't be anything to pinpoint because it's not just one event that caused its downfall. It's dozens.
If you know what's best for you, you'll leave on your own terms before that day comes.
Go touch grass. Stay in school, go to college, follow your dreams, and go to fucking therapy. All of you.
I promise you, as someone who was once in your shoes; young and stupid with a big RP blog and a lot of moxie, I know how this ends. Godspeed Tem-ily, you beautiful Undertale blog.
Final thoughts
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I'll give a summary of Glitches' and Bugs' storyline tonight or tomorrow or something. Feel free to send me asks through the day, maybe tomorrow. but after that I'm gonna abandon the blog for good.
As an adult of my age, I shouldn't have even stayed when I realized how young some of you were. This is me rectifying that mistake. Any adults are free to hit me up, but i don't wanna deal with y'all being so young compared to me. It's just not right for us to interact.
Goodbye and good luck.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Jimin’s mail being “omitted” four times. Snapshots of his address and national identity number leaked online. Death threats sent to Magnate.
Now someone has JK’s address and keeps sending him food he didn’t order. That may seem like a sweet gesture, but it’s actually about power and control and it’s creepy as fuck.
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After months of laying low since the insurance “scandal,” they were just starting to interact online again, to hug openly, to be real with us.
But ruiners ruin things.
I may need a bit of a break from fandom. Not to worry that I’m flouncing off in a huff or abandoning our boys, but the timeline is starting to become a source of stress rather than joy. That’s my cue to take a step back and do some head-work.
I still have Friday Thirst posts and such in the queue, but I’m gonna go take a wee bit of a mental health break, puppykitties, and I’ll check back in with you when I feel positive and restored!!
Please keep streaming and voting and, as always, take good care of yourselves and each other. Be back in a bit!
Love, Roo
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rubberizer92 · 1 year
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🌟 OBEY Season 10: Glistening Gladiator Gods - The Ultimate All-Stars Showdown! 🌟
Gentlemen, brace yourselves for the most epic season of OBEY yet - it's the All-Stars edition, and it's nothing short of legendary! Tonight, we unveil the dazzling motto of OBEY Season 10: "Glistening Gladiator Gods." ⚔️💪
In this riveting season, our remarkable contestants have been tasked with creating awe-inspiring looks inspired by the fierce gladiators of the Roman Empire. These ensembles, crafted from a fusion of latex, leather, and metal, are designed to captivate and command attention, leaving no room for imagination. It's all about celebrating masculine strength, chiseled muscles, and the undeniable pride of being an idol for countless gentlemen worldwide! 💥🏋️‍♂️
Now, let's talk about how your voice shapes this extraordinary season. Your votes on Instagram, Instagram Stories, Tumblr, and now Twitter (X) hold the power to determine the fate of our All-Star contestants. Every like, comment, save, or 'Yes' vote on Instagram Stories will push them closer to glory, while a 'No' vote will deduct from their positive votes. And yes, you heard it right – OBEY is now officially live on Twitter (X), responding to popular demand with even more exciting content! 🗳️📱🐦
Now, meet our Polish All-Star, the incredible Marek! 🇵🇱🏆 Marek's journey in OBEY is nothing short of spectacular. His remarkable charisma, exceptional creativity, and unparalleled stage presence make him a standout contender in this fierce competition. Join us in celebrating his indomitable spirit and artistic prowess as he battles for glory in the arena! 🌟🎭
#OBEYSeason10 #AllStarsEdition #GladiatorGods #VoteNow #TwitterLaunch 🌐🌟
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acronymking4tdp · 1 month
Letters from an American
August 16, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson Aug 17, 2024
There is just too much in this letter to try to select bits and pieces. To US voters: Please take this seriously and inform yourself. We are where we are because good people started doing nothing, and now we are fighting battles that haven't even been an issue for many of the users of this platform. To non-US citizens, inform yourselves so that the hard right can't get as far in your countries as they have here. A widespread belief that "it can't happen here" is the first sign that it can. "
The complaint of Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) last weekend on CNN that Democrats are bullying him by calling him weird has stuck with me. As I wrote at the time, Republicans have made punching down their stock in trade for decades, and Vance’s complaint suggests that the Democrats are finally pushing back. It strikes me that behind this shifting power dynamic is a huge story about American politics.
Since the 1950s, those determined to get rid of business regulation, social welfare programs, government infrastructure spending, and federal protection of civil rights have relied on a rhetorical structure that centers “real” Americans who allegedly want nothing from government and warns that un-American forces who want government handouts are undermining the country by bringing socialism or racial, gender, or religious equality. 
In 2024, that rhetoric is all the MAGA Republicans have left to attract voters, as their actual policies are unpopular. Yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump told reporters at his Bedminster availability that to win the 2024 election: “All we have to do is define our opponent as being a communist or a socialist or somebody that's gonna destroy our country." 
But it is not just Trump. A MAGA pundit has called Vice President Harris “Hitler and Stalin combined but times 200,” and on Wednesday, Republicans in Minnesota nominated Royce White as their candidate for the U.S. Senate. “We face an enemy that intends to bastardize our citizenship through an idea called globalism,” White has said. “We must begin to understand how the global affects the local and take a stand for God, Family, and Country.” White has also said that “women have become too mouthy,” and that “Donald Trump could get up on stage, pull his pants down, take a sh*t up at the podium, and I still would never vote for you f*cking Democrats again.”
The rhetorical strategy setting up Republicans against a dangerous “other” was behind Trump’s demand that Republicans in Congress kill a bipartisan border bill so that Trump could continue to demonize immigrants. You could see that demonization of immigrants today in Vance’s straight-up lie that Vice President Kamala Harris “wants to give $25,000 to illegal aliens to buy American homes.” In fact, Harris today called for Congress to expand plans already in place in the Biden administration, and none of those plans call for giving money to undocumented migrants.
Also in that vein today was the announcement of Representative James Comer (R-KY), chair of the House Oversight Committee, that he is opening an investigation into Minnesota governor Tim Walz’s work in China. Walz is the Democratic vice presidential nominee. He went to China in 1989 as part of a teach-abroad program and went on to coordinate trips for students in China, becoming a vocal advocate for human rights in that country as leaders cracked down on opposition. But by suggesting this cultural exchange is nefarious, Comer can seed the idea that Walz is somehow operating against the interests of the United States.
This longstanding rhetoric that positions Republicans as true Americans defending the country against those who would destroy it has metastasized into the determination of MAGA Republicans to replace American democracy with a Christian nationalism that cements the power of white patriarchy. Vance has been in hot water for his derogatory remarks about “childless cat ladies”; interviews have resurfaced in the past few days in which he embraced the idea that the role of “the postmenopausal female” is to take care of grandchildren. 
The New College of Florida is in the news today for illustrating the logical progression of the idea that Republicans must protect the nation from those who would destroy it. The New College of Florida was at the center of Republican governor Ron DeSantis’s program to get rid of traditional academic freedom. He stripped the New College of its independence and replaced officials with Christian loyalists who tried to build a school modeled after those that Viktor Orbán’s loyalists took over in Hungary. New College officials painted over student murals celebrating diversity, suppressed student support for civil rights, and voted to eliminate the diversity, equity, and inclusion office and the gender studies program. Faculty fled the New College, and more than a quarter of the students dropped out. To keep its numbers up, the school dropped its admission standards. 
Yesterday, Steven Walker of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported that the school cleared out the Gender and Diversity Center, throwing the books it had accumulated into a dumpster. Officials said the books are no longer serving the needs of the college: “gender studies has been discontinued as an area of concentration at New College and the books are not part of any official college collection or inventory.” 
The image of piles of books in a dumpster in the United States of America is not easily forgettable. 
But the dominance rhetoric of the MAGA Republicans was never just about political power. Political power always went hand in hand with corruption. A new book by Joe Conason called The Longest Con notes that the modern right-wing movement has its roots in the promise of grifters after World War II to protect America against the communists they insisted were infiltrating the country. Their promises to defend true Americans against an enemy was always about getting cash out of the deal. 
Conason emphasizes how drumming up fears of an “other” was a deliberate grift to put money into the pockets of those who told small donors that their dollars were vital for defending the United States. The biggest prize for the extremists, though, was the control of government purse strings that allowed them to turn federal and state largesse toward their own cronies. Conason notes that under President Ronald Reagan, Republicans’ cuts to government oversight and reliance on the private sector to regulate itself, along with their belief that unfettered capitalism was a form of resistance to communism, led to a boom in corruption. 
That corruption has continued in the Republican Party, largely unaddressed as politicians insisted that those calling it out were simply un-American malcontents engaging in political hits against good, patriotic Americans. In contrast, as any corruption on the Democratic side can be expected to be sliced and diced in public, the Democrats have stayed relatively clean. 
And this is why Vance’s comment about Democrats bullying him jumped out at me. Republican dominance is cracking as Trump struggles and Vance offends people, and as that dominance falls away, the many things it covered are starting to get attention—among them, stories of Republican corruption. And they’re doozies.  
On Sunday, for example, Garrett Shanley of the Independent Florida Alligator, the student newspaper of the University of Florida, reported that when former senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) took over the presidency of the University of Florida, he “channeled millions” to his Republican allies and to secretive contracts. In 17 months he more than tripled spending from his office, with most of the money going to his former aides and political friends, most of whom continued to live and work outside the state. Sasse was appointed in November 2022 in an opaque hiring process and stepped down unexpectedly in July, citing family issues, although Vivienne Serret of The Independent Alligator reported that DeSantis allies on the Board of Trustees forced him out.
One of the biggest stories in the country these days is the corruption scandal in Ohio, in which dark money groups led by the FirstEnergy utility company worked with former Ohio House speaker Larry Householder to put into office politicians who, thanks to about $61 million in bribes, backed a $1.3 billion bailout for FirstEnergy paid for with tax dollars. 
On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost agreed to settle the scandal. FirstEnergy will pay a $20 million fine, an amount that Marty Schladen of the Ohio Capital Journal notes is less than one-third the amount FirstEnergy spent to bribe legislators, and a fraction of the money ratepayers have had to pay because of the corrupt legislation the bribes paid for. 
Nothing better illustrates the grift at the center of today’s MAGA Republicans than Donald Trump’s Big Lie that he actually won the 2020 election and that it was stolen from him by those dangerous “others,” the Democrats. The Big Lie enabled the Trump team to continue soliciting donations in order to fight for the White House. According to Conason, Trump and his fellow election deniers pocketed $255.4 million between the 2020 election and the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol to stop the counting of the electoral votes that would make Democratic candidate Joe Biden president. 
On Monday, jurors found former Colorado election clerk Tina Peters guilty on seven counts in relation to her compromising of her county’s election system. Peters was determined to get voter information to My Pillow chief executive Mike Lindell, a key Trump ally, in order to prove the Big Lie. She is facing more than 22 years in prison. Link to the Letter.
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yanyanspeaksout · 1 month
To the 25 million Filipinos who voted for Senator Robin Padilla,
We must pause and reflect on the significance of leadership in our society. Recently, a question was raised by your chosen senator that has sparked outrage and deep concern. Senator Padilla asked how a husband can legally coerce his wife into bed, a statement that touches on the sensitive and serious issue of marital rights and the autonomy of women.
This is not just alarming; it is deeply disheartening and reflective of an outdated and dangerous mindset. Marital coercion is a violation of human rights and undermines the dignity of both women and marriage. It disregards the concept of mutual consent, which is fundamental to any healthy and respectful relationship.
The responsibility now lies with all of us to hold our leaders accountable. This is not just about one senator; it's about the kind of society we want to create. A society where respect, equality, and consent are upheld as core values. We cannot allow such rhetoric to persist, for it endangers the progress we’ve made in fighting for the rights of women and all individuals.
The power of your vote put Senator Padilla in a position to influence national policy. The same power can demand better from those we elect. Ask yourselves: Is this the representation we need? Is this the future we want?
Now is the time to speak up, demand accountability, and ensure that our leaders understand the gravity of their words and actions. Let this be a wake-up call for all Filipinos to strive for a government that champions respect, equality, and justice for all.
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sarahhillips · 3 months
The Tea: An Intro
For Those That Hate Watching Videos and Prefer to Read Instead:
Greetings fellow Americans. If you’re watching this video and think, ‘That girl looks kind of familiar’, you’re not having deja vu, I’m physically standing before you. Since most of you don’t know who I am, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Sarah Hiller, formerly Phillips, and from 2001 to 2002 I was the star of a show on PBS Kids called ‘Libertys Kids’. Libertys as in plural, not singular. It’s not ‘Liberty Kids’. But I won’t hold that against any of you because it happens all the time.
You’re probably wondering, ‘Sarah, what are you doing here?’ Well, I ended up here from my show and because I have no idea how to get back, I’m going to take advantage of the rights that were denied to me before.
Consider this a passion project if you will. Until the president bans TikTok or I get a cease and desist order from PBS, I’m going to be making videos where I, as you call it, ‘Spill the Tea’.
To say I was appalled when I first got here is an understatement. It took you people over a century to abolish slavery and you wouldn’t let (white) women vote until 1920. In addition, you people were such toddlers about having to wear a mask during the covid pandemic.
If you think wearing a mask makes you look stupid, try having smallpox. It’s not fun.
Then I find out that our government runs on a two-party system that does the opposite of uniting people. You can’t call yourselves the United States when a two-party system is causing all of you to bite and claw at each other. It’s like a game of political tug-of-war and it is exhausting.
It’s been nearly 250 years and this is the best your lawmakers are willing to do? That’s pathetic.
Don’t get me wrong, because I love to have sushi delivered while I binge John Oliver in an apartment that I pay for with my own money. I love walking through the city with a reusable cup that allows me to drink my tea on the go. I love having my own bank account with nobody around to tell me how to spend my money. I love that I got to vote in the last election. The workers and protestors who made these things possible are amazing.
In case you haven’t heard, the Supreme Court of the United States just voted to give the President complete immunity from any prosecution. So of say, the president sexually takes advantage of a young intern, word breaks out, and then she becomes the laughing stock of the country, he would not lose his job.
You know who else had immunity from prosecution? King George the Third. And if you watched my show or paid attention in your grade school history class, you know how that story ends. I’ll bet you if social media existed during colonial times, he’d also be tweeting from his chamberpot about those damn rebels ruining everything for him.
This kind of power should not be granted to anybody in a political position, because when you give a world leader this kind of power, they become dictators.
So needless to say, I’m not feeling very patriotic. I don’t know if I’ll ever be. I honestly regret switching sides and I’m starting to believe that Benedict Arnold had the right idea. My husband would be horrified if I told him this, but he’d be even more terrified when I’d explain why.
Today is the 4th of July and I’m not in a celebratory mood. No, I don’t want to go to a barbecue to celebrate independence and watch fireworks pollute the sky. What independence? You cannot be an independent nation when an evil orange threatens your way of living.
Plus, chances are that Kevin, the divorced deadbeat father of three, who believes that burger flippers don’t deserve a livable wage, will burn my burger to a crisp and only offer ketchup and mustard to put on it.
So today, I’m shutting myself away. I’m tired. And I know you’re tired too. It’s only human to be angry with your country, especially when your country does something like fund a genocide with your tax dollars. You don’t owe the United States unconditional devotion.
I’m looking at life through my own eyes, and it is bullshit. I’m ashamed of the United States, and that, my dears, is the tea. Thank you for watching. Be sure to like and follow for more Tea.
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amazing-spiderling · 5 months
For the asks: ❤️💚 and 🖤?
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Apparently you have to like... write words in order to have written something. That just seems far-fetched to me. ((Sorry XDDD I already answered this one and I'm fresh out of hot takes. IDK what theories people even have.))
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
If you don't like MCU Spider-Man because he's too "uwu baby innocent" then... you're doing it wrong. Yeah, I admit fandom has babyized him, but one of the defining characteristics of Spider-Man, along with power and responsibility and all that is his *anger*. He's either constantly channeling it into something positive, suppressing it, or letting it get out in ways that inevitably destroy his life.
We don't see MCU Peter in that position for most of the movies, that's true- but if you view the trilogy as a long form origin story (as I think it's meant to be), then I think it's reasonable that he doesn't reach his breaking point until May dies in NWH. We see that he's not perfect, not wholly innocent, he's just never been tested in this way- and if he wasn't stopped by a version of himself who had made the mistake of letting his anger take over- he would have done exactly that.
No, MCU Peter didn't kill Norman Osborn. But he wanted to. He *tried* to. He was stopped from doing so, but he still has to live with the reality that it was something he absolutely would have done, and figure out how to make sure he doesn't ever sink to that level, especially when there's another way out.
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
Alright, here's the thing- there is this guy, and like, I get it. On paper, he seems great. Hometown hero, wants to make the city a safer and better place for people to live. Came from nothing but he worked tirelessly to get where he is, despite a difficult childhood and a lifetime of keeping secrets from others that made it difficult for him to get truly close to anyone- (except maybe that one guy he works with). And everybody - they eat this up! They love it! They think, oh he looks so sad, we should give him a chance, listen to him, he just wants to help. But here's the thing, he's lying to everyone! He is NOT a good guy! He might wear fancy suits and have a fancy vocabulary but he is no stranger to violence and he's not above using it to accomplish his goals! And people overlook this because he's wellspoken and charismatic but you should NOT LET YOURSELVES BE FOOLED. DO NOT VOTE FOR FISK IN THE UPCOMING MAYORAL ELECTION! THE FATE OF THE CITY DEPENDS ON IT!!!
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Reminder that the whole reason Pakistan is in the mess it is.
With Imran Khan being removed as prime minister.
And his subsequent imprisonment for 3 years after that.
And that whole mess.
... Is because of America.
Imran Khan was in support of a neutral policy in the Russia/Ukraine war.
The Russian invasion into Ukraine hadn't started and he expressed that "there was still hope for a peaceful solution to be reached."
And the US didn't like that.
In a secret diplomatic cable between the than Pakistani ambassador to America had with 2 state department officials from America.
One being Donald Lou who was not happy with Imran Khan.
'He said that "I think if the no- confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the Prime Minister. Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead."
So in other words, because Imran Khan had a different view point that he did, he was threathing Pakistan on the world's stage.
That if they didn't get rid of their leader, their leader who had been democratically elected by the Pakistani public.
Than they would suffer consequences.
... I'm sorry who the fuck put you in charge?!
And if you think oh it's just one guy.
"Don could not have conveyed such a thing without the express approval from the White House."
Aka the Biden Administration.
Which he expressed multiple times.
... I'm not suprised but my god does this piss me off.
Day after this, the no vote of confidence began in the Pakistani Parliament.
And Imran Khan was removed.
And imprisoned.
On some of the most flimsy ass charges I've ever heard.
However, shockingly... People who voted Imran Khan to be prime minister of Pakistan... Actually really liked the guy.
Imagine that.
And protests happened.
And the military, who was already corrupt got a power high from the situation and were arresting many of said supporters.
And Imran Khan might be free now but America has made sure that he can't run in the Pakistani elections.
No matter how popular and how much people want him in charge.
Don't get me wrong the military is definitely fucking shit up.
And their are others at fault.
Infact, Americas involvement was raised by Imran Khan in March 2022 (but this secret cable was only revealed today.)
He stated "a foreign power sent a message that he needs "to be removed" or Pakistan will face the consequences."
And incase you were wondering if it was America.
He the letter he received to be "a foreign conspiracy letter" and it's language was "threathing and arrogant."
But the damage was done.
And while no one else was helping this situation, it wouldn't have happened if not for the USA.
Because who the fuck gives you the right to threaten Pakistan because they wanted to stay neutral in a conflict that they weren't apart of.
Nor had even begun.
You destabilised their government, further corrupted the country and the military for your own gain with no remorse or regard for who it would affect.
You put the person who many feel is the one hope for Pakistan in jail and now he can't become leader.
If someone tried that with America, their government would lose their absolute shit.
We'd be called a dangerous foreign power.
But when you do it it's fine?
But your somehow allowed to dictate the way other countries are run? No offence but you can't run yourselves.
Nevermind Pakistan.
You have no right to do any of this.
You have shattered any peace in Pakistan.
Everyone who has died in the protests and riots is on your hands.
And because of that this news is probably being blocked in Pakistan.
Purposefully destabilise a south asian government and than fuck off like it never happened, who are you, the British?
And their denying it.
US State spokesperson Matthew Miller said "nothing in these purported comments show that the United States talking a position on who the leader of Pakistan should be."
Another spokesperson, Jalina Porter states "let me just say very bluntly, there is absolutely no truth to these allegations."
You fucking liars.
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in too deep: side story [3]
The ball was beginning to wind down, and Reinhardt had retreated to the relative safety of an upper balcony. Riven was in the hands of Ameliance and Fourchenault, with Sebastian accompanying her. Reinhardt closed his eyes, taking in a steadying breath. Paien hummed along his nerves and the back of his mind, the dragon had been uneasy all night--
"You alright?" Reinhardt's eyes opened to see Augustine walking toward him. The dragoon felt his tension slowly unwind by several degrees, though he couldn't tell if it was due to the calming presence that the paladin normally gave off or the fact that Augustine was blood-brother, was kin, here was somebody at their back--
"I'm...not." Reinhardt admitted. His gaze flicked towards a trio of hyur dressed in lab coats--and the Forum member accompanying them. Augustine turned slightly-following his gaze.
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"Ah. Had an encounter with that particular bastard?" That 'particular bastard' being Forum Member Hirito Juntai.
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"Him and those three...scientists." Reinhardt answered. "They were the reason why I didn't want to circulate. They wouldn't stop asking me questions--about being a dragoon, my power, if I was cursed..." Augustine glanced to Reinhardt as the younger man exhaled through his teeth,then glanced at the small group, and then back to Reinhardt again.
"Did Juntai say or do anything?" The Fourm member was known to the quintet, and not in a positive way. When Pandaemonium had appeared in the aetherical sea upon their return from Elpis, the Fourm had called an emergency session. There had been quite a few members who hadn't been happy about Claudien's research--and less happy that Riven had offered her assistance. But it had been Hirito who had voiced-quite loudly, that Riven should have reported what her plans were to the Forum, and should have waited for them to give permission before going forth. Augustine still could see clearly in his mind's eye Riven going stock still in that moment--and still hear the sheer frost in her voice as she had replied.
"Is Forum Member Hirito Juntai telling me that I need to ask permission to render aid? I would remind him that I am not under anyone's jurisdiction! I help whomever I damn well please! If you want someone to blame for this mess, look to yourselves! Who was Professor Claudien's oversight?!"
"No." Reinhardt's voice broke into Augustine's thoughts. "If he was--Sebastian came by and got me away. But ever since then Paien's been restless, and we just..."
"You should have told Riven, and left. We have this handled." Augustine's mismatched eyes met Reinhardt's own, which had narrowed.
"And leave you in this snake-pit?" He countered.
"I've considerable more experience than you handling said snakes." Augustine replied. "And when Riven finds out about this, she's going to be upset that you didn't leave." Reinhardt huffed.
"I can live with Paien being twitchy in my skin." His gaze flicked back over to the Forum member and his lackeys heading for a nearby exit.
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"But I won't lie...something about them has me uneasy. Especially after what happened when we returned from Elpis."
"You and I both." Augustine agreed. "I did a little eavesdropping tonight. Not only are the Biblotechs trying to force a second vote on Sharlayan rejoining the Grand Alliance, there's some who think we should be under Sharlayan oversight." No need to describe the intensity of the bad feeling that had washed over him when he'd heard those words, Augustine thought. And from the looks of Riven and Sebastian earlier--they'd heard those same mummerings as well.
"How the hell could they do that?" Reinhardt asked.
"The simplest way would be probably to make us Archons. Or if not all of us, Riven." Reinhardt opened his mouth. "And before you ask, yes, saying no would probably cause a diplomatic incident."
"Yeah." Augustine worked his jaw, watching as a group of ball-goers passed them, heading for the main exit. Reinhardt's gaze followed the group, and then flicked back to where his other two sworn-siblings were.
"...I wouldn't want to be bound here." He said softly. "In fact--I don't want to be bound here. I never thought I would say this, but home is more honest than this city. At least with the nobles of Ishgard, you know what to expect. Here, it's..."
"Smiles and charm and too late you notice that the knife's not gone into your back not once, but several times." Augustine said softly. "And not to kill you, but to cripple you." Reinhardt was silent for several moments.
"We need to get this business settled." He said softly. "We need to get it settled, and we need to get gone when it is."
Poison Ewer masterpost
in too deep side story [one]
in too deep side story [two]
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rurpleplayssims · 2 years
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One of her next customers to walk in was Jasper, her nephew who she hurried over to hug in greeting. “Jasper!”
He smiled as he returned her hug “Hey Sylvie, you ok?”
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Sylvie smiled endearingly at him “I am. How’s Ellen and Dalton?”
He smiled at the thought of his family unit “They’re good. You coming around on Thursday? For dinner?”
“I’d love to!” Sylvie enthused. “What time?”
He shrugged “Head over around five. We can have a catch up whilst I cook dinner.”
Sylvie was about to continue speaking when she saw Tony was at the till. “I’ll be two minutes, let me sort out Tony’s purchase.”
“He’s been in a weird mood lately” Jasper muttered. “Seems like he can’t get over Cheryl.”
“His loss” Sylvie said unsympathetically. She knew a womaniser when she saw one.
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After she’d received payment from Tony, Jasper lounged near the counter for about half an hour as he spoke to his aunt and making the time go by quicker. He saw a small queue starting as he turned and spotted the town’s founder Althea.
“Afternoon boss” he said with a smile. “How’re you?”
Althea smiled “I’m very well, yourselves?”
“We’re all good” Jasper said as Sylvie nodded. 
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“Anyway, I’d better get back home. I did tell Ellen I’d only be forty minutes and I don’t want to stress her out.”
“Remind me when she’s due?” Sylvie asked as she took the money he handed to her.
“She’s nearing full-term now” Jasper said, feeling a little apprehensive. “I mean, she and Emily are due within a few weeks of each other, so we should be having some more babies incoming soon!”
He gave her another hug before he left.
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“You must be so proud to see your town growing” Sylvie said to the founder as she stepped up.
“Always” Althea said with her heart-warming smile. “I feel like it’s not just my town anymore. It’s ours, the people who live here.”
Sylvie gave her an enquiring look “Thinking of changes?”
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Althea tilted her head, thoughtfully. “I’m thinking of expanding the powers that the residents have, and reducing the ones I currently use” she admitted.
“Sounds like a wise idea” Sylvie said. “Unless, you want to be a Queen to the town?”
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Althea burst out laughing, thinking the idea was ludicrous. 
“Never” she said seriously. “The founder role is ceremonial. The Mayor’s position runs the town, and even there, I’ve already started to dilute the duties and responsibilities to Becky, Luke and Thomas. It’s not fair for me to make all the choices anymore and I doubt it’s healthy. We’ve been here for nearly two years now so I think the town is in a stable enough position to transfer to a more democracy than me leading the charge.”
Sylvie nodded “A very good idea Althea. Any ideas specifically?”
“I want people to vote on what they want around town. Suggestions for businesses to open, what areas to focus on for funding and if they have any fresh ideas for incentives to think of.”
“Make sure you let Briony know” Sylvie said as she handed the founder back her change. 
“I shall” Althea said with a smile. “Thank you Sylvie. Have a good day.”
“You too Althea.”
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macwantspeace · 21 days
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Sorry. This is long. I would post snippets and then a link, but Electoral-Vote rotates everything thru the front page. Sort of like Hare today, Goon tomorrow. [I wish you could have been there when Wally {nee Karen} told that story. See, there was a hare with a bad attitude. Wandered thru the woods Bopping the other critters. In poofs the Woodland Fairy to say, "stop that shit or I'll turn you into a goon". "Ha and Ha", says the hare while doing some more Bopping. Poof! Zap! Goon! Hence the moral: hare today, goon tomorrow.] Texas Hates Democracy {here it comes. brace yourselves} In a just world, someone would arrest, convict, and imprison Gov. Greg Abbott and AG Ken Paxton (both R-TX) and then would throw away the key. They are the most anti-democratic, corrupt, power-abusing, self-interested one-two punch in state politics right now. In fact, they might be the worst one-two punch in state politics in the last half-century (go back further than that, and you run into the segregationists, who were also really bad).
Every reader of this site knows that Texas has allegedly been on the cusp of turning purple for at least a decade, if not more. It hasn't actually happened, but that doesn't mean that the thought doesn't keep Texas Republicans up at night. And they go into full freak-out mode when they see a poll like this one from Public Policy Polling, which has Donald Trump leading Kamala Harris by just three points, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) {hiss, boo, I add} leading Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) by just two. It's almost certainly an outlier, but it's also a reminder that Texas' status as a one-party state could be in jeopardy.
One solution to this problem would be to pursue ideas and programs that will curry public support. You know, that thing called "politics"? The preferred approach of Abbott and Paxton, however, is to abuse their positions of power to disenfranchise Democratic voters. To that end, the Texas state government, with Paxton taking the lead, has booted 1 million people off the voter rolls since the last presidential election. Roughly half of those individuals have died or left Texas. The other half, however, simply failed to respond to inquiries from the state demanding that they confirm their voting status. "Coincidentally," the folks removed from the rolls are disproportionately people of color and/or disabled, which means they are also disproportionately Democrats.
And it gets even sleazier. Abbott and Paxton are all-in on the fantasy that vast numbers of undocumented immigrants are casting votes in Texas elections. In order to fight this "problem," Paxton recently executed search warrants {squads of cops with guns drawn} on a bunch of homes in Texas. No undocumented voters, and no evidence of votes by undocumented Texas, were found. By pure chance, however, the homes all belonged to Democratic activists, particularly members of the League of United Latin American Citizens.
This week, Paxton is still busy. Harris and Bexar counties (home to Houston and San Antonio, respectively) were busy at work on plans to allow people to register to vote via mail. On Monday, the AG sent letters to officials in both counties telling them they better not try it, and that he would sue them if they did. {ha and ha, I add, they done did it Tuesday} Paxton claims that the program would "confuse" noncitizens and "induce" them to register fraudulently. Those just so happen to be among the most heavily Latino counties in the state. Paxton probably didn't even know that, though, right?
At the start of this item, we proposed that Abbott and Paxton are as bad as the segregationists of the 1950s and 1960s. Now that we think about it, is there even a distinction? Whether it's Ken Paxton or George Wallace, they're doing everything they can to keep Black and brown people from voting. ~~~~~ The request for voter registration form is a fillable pdf on the Sec State webpage. Just gots to mail it.
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veale2006-blog · 24 days
Executive branch = Mil and President.
Trump never seceded because they appointed him as Commander in Chief of the greatest military operation in the world…
They are taking down treasonous legislative and judicial officials who have infiltrated our government over the past several hundred years, and most recently since the CIA was founded in 1947. Kennedy and Reagan (Bush = CIA Director, Bush = VP) (Assassination, Attempted Assn.)
Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein) Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops GWB + B.O. = Friends since childhood B.O. + Michael LaVaughn Robinson (Michelle) = CIA ops
Take over the middle east, and make yourself rich? War.
9/11 = Inside Job. OSB = pawn OSB + family = safe with Bush family (Washington State)
OSB killed? Body double. Iran pulled him out and demanded $157B from Obama to not release the truth.
Afghanistan shoots down SEAL chopper.
SEALs Doherty and Woods killed in Benghazi
What did they know? Last witnesses?
Trump elected, Russiagate, Stormy Daniels, Taxes, Racism, Xenophobia, attack after attack…
Why? Remove him at all costs to save yourselves.
CCP > Beijing Biden Insert COVID > MSM and Big Tech puppets promote fear Promote mail-in voting CCP prints massive amounts of ballots Use 2010 census for voter registration Big tech installs drop boxes Ballot counters given instructions Dominion flipping votes via hacking Cover-ups everywhere
How do you expose them and take everything from them? You prepare for their cheating and let them do it for the world to see!
Who are these people? Who/what do they worship? How do they practice their "religion?" What/who do they sacrifice for "power?" What group is founded on these beliefs? FMs. (Freemasonry describes itself as a "beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols") Symbolism will be their downfall.
Why did Trump issue EO 13818 & 13848?
Trump won the election and our amazing military knows that (the clowns on TV are bought puppets).
He was impeached after he "lost" because the judicial and legislative branches knew he was still president and they had no control over the military with him having a position in govt. Note: you can only "impeach" people who hold a "position" in govt.
Why would they impeach an incumbent president who "lost?"
They caught them all. They have everything.
Bottom line: NCSWIC
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rubberizer92 · 10 months
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🔥🌟 Brace yourselves for the thrilling OBEY Season 20: The All-Stars Extravaganza, where Obedience Builds Excellence Yearning! Immerse yourself in the celebration of masculinity, muscles, and the guiding Voice in our AI-enhanced, fictional rubberized society! 🎨
🔵 Voting Unleashed:
Instagram & Twitter: Illuminate Marc's presence with likes, comments, and shares!
X Platform: Immerse in the allure of OBEY Season 20.
🔵 Crucial Instagram Story Voting: This season, Instagram Story Voting takes center stage! Your positive Story Votes shape our contestants' destiny. The top nine with the most votes lose only one, while the other group loses two. Your Story Votes wield the power to shape OBEY's legacy!
🌐 Let's welcome back Marc from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Wales, a seasoned participant since #OBEYseason5! Known among connoisseurs as the host of RAW, the show that introduced us to Vincent from France and Robert from Brazil. Ready to witness Marc's return and the electrifying energy he brings to OBEY? 💪🏆 #MarcComeback #OBEYseason20
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