#w.d. gaster tries his best to be a good friend
thefreedomskeleton · 2 years
ᅠᅠ W.D. Gaster
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➤ You've probably heard of a person who speaks with his hands. Well, our friend can speak more than just sign language. But it's not so important, now the main thing is that he is with us again.
(What does that mean? Well... It's a secret. 👌🕆❄ 💧⚐⚐☠ ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎 ☜✞☜☼✡❄☟✋☠☝📬)
• I hope you liked the official look of our Gaster. LinaJano, Oladushek, and I have tried our best, specially for you.
Art by: LinaJano.
(Another dear member of our team. I advise you to remember her name because she deserves it just as much as your likes!)
(The design of the appearance was created by me and Oladushek.)
Good luck and see you in the new posts!
➤ Вы наверняка слышали о человеке, который говорит руками. Что ж, лично наш друг может говорить не только на языке жестов. Но это не так важно, сейчас главное то, что он снова с нами.
(Что это значит? Ну... Пока что это секрет. 👌🕆❄ 💧⚐⚐☠ ✡⚐🕆 🕈✋☹☹ 🕆☠👎☜☼💧❄✌☠👎 ☜✞☜☼✡❄☟✋☠☝📬)
• Надеюсь, вам понравился официальный внешний вид нашего Гастера. ЛинаДжано, Оладушек и я очень старались, специально для вас.
Art by: LinaJano.
(Ещё одна дорогая участница нашей команды. Советую запомнить её имя, потому что она заслуживает этого ровно так же, как и ваших лайков!)
(Дизайн его внешнего вида создавали я и Оладушек.)
Удачи и до встречи в новых постах!
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zenpai-senpai · 4 months
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My take on Blue/swap!
Dose he wear armor? Yes, absolutely but these are supposed to be more casual outfits and you can't tell me this nerdy jock doesn't wear a letter jacket, blue jeans and Velcro sneakers?!
Swap sans, Blue called in this case, is a strong, charismatic and sweet jock type whose favorite things are sewing, working out and motivating his friends and loved ones. He's not so much a health nut as most jock types and he's not incredibly stupid but he definitely misses some social cues and tries to encourages others to eat healthier even if he ends up looking like a hypocrite. He's the type to work out to ignore his problems and it often results in him bottling up his anger, allowing resentment to grow and can occasionally even become passive aggressive or explosive if it gets too much. Due to some babying from his fellow star Sanses since he's the only mortal, it's not a huge shocker he can be a little short with them but they are all collectively working on those issues. He feels a lot of pressure from all angles however and it shows as he tries to be the little bit of sunshine everyone calls him. He can relax but struggles to sit still without doing something and prioritizes other people's feelings over his own. He's an optimist to a T and it often results in people thinking he's stupid and naive, however, he knows in his heart the likelihood of him being wrong, he just chooses to look on the good side of things. He's trying his best to prove his worth not only as a guardsman to Alphys but also as a worthy member of the team as a star sans all while trying to keep his brother afloat and help his waneing mental health as he suffers from the same problems as classic. He's got a lot of weight on his shoulders and although he loves the pressure and believes whole heartedly that he can achieve all he's put his mind to, poor boy could definitely benefit from reaching out for help more often and a lot more breaks.
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Info beneath the cut
(bonus: his original outfit beneath the cut. He was part of a small group I redesigned a little bit ago. Not really any difference but a small color change to clarify the fact its a letter jacket, a change of pants and a small update on art style.)
Name: Blue/Blueberry/Berry
Gender: (Cis)Man
Pronouns: He/They
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Skeleton
Age: 24
Birthday: 03/28
Magic Color: Teal (Baby blue)
W.D Gaster
Bonus old outfit
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
Hi hello can I hear your deltarune swap au it sounds very interesting! (also kitten seam is something I didn't know I needed in life)
anon i am [insert phrase with the same sentiment as “kissing you on the mouth” but without the weird connotations]. also everyone needs kitten seam
all right so here’s the basis for those of you who didn’t see the first post:
this is yet another deltarune swap au. i’ve decided to call it “mage from the dark” since the first characters i sketched out in it were seam and ralsei (who are swapped).
seam is a young plush cat (kitten) who lives a lonely life of wishing to be loved like plushies are supposed to be. sure, seam finds ways to pass the time—knitting, sewing, crocheting, collecting things, making tea, practicing magic, failing to learn how to grill—but it’s a dull life. then, finally, the other heroes of light arrive in ruintown: a warrior and a boss monster.
undyne, the warrior, was once eager to prove herself, but has spent her whole life unintentionally intimidating the people she was trying to impress. as a result, she’s embraced this persona, getting into fights and trouble, and often assuming a hostile front. coming face to face with the same childhood friend who abandoned her when something better came along doesn’t help matters, especially since she’s living the comfortable life undyne secretly wishes for. but a part of her still longs to be a hero like in the comic books of deceased writer w.d. gaster…
toriel, the boss monster, is the daughter of schoolteacher mx. kris dreemurr. she’s faced a lot of scorn for being raised by a human (since everyone’s too scared to say that stuff to mx. dreemurr’s face). she found solace in puns, and in her uncle asriel, who she was very close with from their unique shared circumstance of being a boss monster with a human family member. however, kris and asriel had a falling out a couple years back, and he moved out of their house, now working and living in his videogame shop. at least she still has her partner, asgore—but ever since he left for college, toriel’s started to wonder if it’s meant to be. isolated from her peers and doubting her relationships, toriel wished there was someone to tell her what to do, and, well...
it didn’t go as planned.
that’s the main trio, plus hints at some of the others! here’s some other swaps:
the rest of the class is alphys (noelle), mettaton (berdly), papyrus (jockington), carol (mk), sans (catti), maddy (snowy), and napstablook (temmie). there are actual reasons for these decisions, which i will share if pressed.
rudy is swapped with chara, alphys’s godparent and azzy’s best friend, who’s currently in the hospital after a childhood sickness came back.
dess is swapped with goner kid. they’re alphys’s auncle, who disappeared when she was a kid. (this is reminding me how messed up canon noelle’s life is.)
the castle kingdom was once ruled by ralsei, benevolent prince, but after the lightners abandoned the world, he felt he had failed his subjects and stepped down, instead working as an advisor to the new rulers. these were clover, starwalker, mr. society, and jigsaw joe, so as to represent four of the main residents of the kingdom: cards, stickers, chess pieces, and puzzles. (the other groups wisely chose to stay out of the politics.) the starwalker later adopted a ward, after no one wanted to claim a suitless card, who was a young jester named jevil. at first, starwalker attempted to bond with the boy, but its grumpy nature and general lack of motivation made it a somewhat neglectful parent, often handing jevil off to tutorial-maker queen. queen knew what it was to not fit in; although she’d formed an alliance with cards from the spades suit, she never truly belonged among the toys, considering she was a laptop (albeit with child restrictions set on her). as a result, queen tried to be a good mother figure to jevil, and the fact that it got her in the starwalker’s good graces didn’t hurt either—she was always eager to please others.
ralsei didn’t particularly mind his new role—he had a new friend now, after all. lancer, the jack of spades, was hired by clover to be the court party planner, and was known for his salsa, beanies, and hole-digging skills. but after a strange old turtle appeared on the horizon, lancer and ralsei began to drift apart. lancer stopped pestering ralsei to come on motorcycle rides, and to his surprise, ralsei missed those days, terrifying as they had been. and then lancer began to change. his humor got darker yet darker, his pranks became less harmless, his magic grew stronger. then, suddenly, he was back in ralsei’s life like he’d never left—telling him about a new "evil plan.” but unlike previous such plans, this one was frightening and unsettling. lancer spoke of a plan to create a world without a purpose, where everything was meaningless, and then, one day, to suddenly end it all. at first, ralsei laughed it off, but the more lancer spoke of this plan, the more ralsei’s anxiety grew, and the more he suspected his friend wasn’t joking. 
and then it got worse.
it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when the rulers of the land ordered ralsei to lock lancer away... but it was the first time the former prince had truly regretted giving up his power. ralsei won the battle, but was devastated, and not just physically. unable to bear living at the castle any longer, he turned in his resignation and set up a small, peaceful shop, as far away as he could manage. but even so, he could never forget lancer’s words, nor the undeniable truth he had felt in them. and so, quietly, he waited for the world to end.
oh yeah, and then one day a strange knight appeared and the starwalker locked the other rulers in the dungeon and hired queen as the duchess of puzzles, despite her insistence she had no puzzlemaking programs.
meanwhile in the cybere city...
after a lightner accidentally took him away from his home, rouxls kaard has lived a vastly different life. he somehow managed to instate himself as the rouxler of the cybere worlde, because really, what is code but rules? he hired a cd player named k_k as his head butler, and speaker system sweet as his head of security, because the two of them were among the first to treat him with reverence—and to think, back home they’d never even respected him! yeah, he’d show that god damn(it) starwalker what he was made of. for a while, he was a fairly decent ruler—but after the knight came to visit, rouxls’s perspective began to change. 
of course, people had problems with this. mainly, a trio of artists: tasque manager, spamton g. spamton, and swatch, or as they liked to call themselves, tasque spam’n swatch. the three of them attempted to start a rebellion. it has decidedly not been working, but heck, they’re dedicated!
(yes, cap’n is spamton. i’m still working out the details with that—and trying to figure out what berdly’s version of neo would be.)
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variantia · 7 months
Undertale muses
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Asriel is the prince of monsters, a formerly lonely child who loves nothing more than flowers, his adopted siblings, and extra dessert for good behavior. He has actually been dead for quite some time, but thanks to a few friends, he’s managed to regain his soul and physical form. He’s a bit of a crybaby, in addition to being very shy and unsure of himself, but he’s also extremely open to making new friends.
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After an abusive childhood drove them to suicidal feelings and down the opening of Mt. Ebott, Chara was adopted by the Dreemurrs. Like Asriel, they’ve been dead for some years, but have been resurrected. They’re overly polite with most adults, sporting a near permanent smile, and are almost alarmingly astute. They harbor a hatred for humanity after everything they’ve been through, and try to avoid close connections, but… despite it all, just like any other child, they crave love.
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Corsiva is a skeleton monster who studies soul power and souls. She is married to and serves as the assistant of Dr. W.D. Gaster. The two of them created Sans and Papyrus as soul experiments, and whether or not Gaster cares for them emotionally, Corsiva is attached to them so much that she refers to them as her sons. Her soul is purple, calling to her main trait of perseverance, and although she is kind, she is also rather insecure. But if anybody tries to harm her loved ones, she won’t hesitate to protect them.
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Em is a young adult who fell down Mt. Ebott about the same time as Frisk did. She traveled with them, meeting many new friends, and staying with Asriel until the two could figure out how to truly save him. Eventually they did, and Em is a frequent visitor to the Dreemurr household to play with and care for Asriel.
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Frisk is a young child who fell down Mt. Ebott by accident while playing one day. As they traveled through the Underground, they refused to truly fight. In the end, their pacifistic nature was what helped set the monsters free. Today, they live with their mother, Hope, and their adoptive parents Toriel and Asgore, but spend lots of time with their siblings and friends, too.
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KRIS DREEMURR canon / Deltarune AU
Adopted by the Dreemurrs when they were a teenager and now the only adult child of the family, Kris was always a troubled kid, weighed down by something no one else could see. Like their sibling Frisk, they have the power to SAVE and LOAD, but… there’s also a malevolent force who tries to take over Kris’ body. They’re doing their best to keep it at bay, and they’ve been away at college for a while in an attempt to keep this entity from terrorizing their family. However, when they do come home, anything can happen; they’ll never stop trying to be the responsible, if very antisocial and lonely, older sibling.
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Lauren is a human who works as a therapist/rehabilitation specialist for Bitties who have been seriously ill or injured, abused, or disabled. She’s a revolutionary in the world of Bitties, and lives with four of her own in addition to having up to five patients at a time. Her heart is big enough for all of them, even if she doesn’t end up as their forever home.
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UNDYNE canon
Undyne is a fish-like monster who lives in the Underground, a massive system under the human world where monsters are sealed. She is the head knight for the Royal Army, under the command of King Asgore, who she is completely loyal to. Although she loves to fight, she also has a big heart and loves to smile.
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
A Good Father
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there.
It's Father's Day where I live, and since I wrote something for Mother's Day, I just HAD to do something special for this day as well. I had a busy day today, so this is coming out later than I'd hoped, but the day still isn't quite over yet, so it still counts as a Father's Day fic!
I'm really excited about this fic, because it introduces a new AU idea which I've quickly become obsessed with, and it also stars one of my absolute favourite Undertale characters: Asgore Dreemurr, the Best Goat Dad Ever.
It was another beautiful day in the Underground. Bright light from the crystals in the ceiling was streaming in through the windows, illuminating the golden flowers blooming in the Throne Room. Asgore, king of the monsters, was cheerfully humming to himself as he watered the flowers, listening to the birds singing and the distant voices of his beloved people, as they went about their day in the Capital.
Suddenly, a piercing scream rent the peaceful atmosphere, startling Asgore so badly that he dropped his watering can. Another high-pitched cry soon followed the first one, coming from the direction of the Barrier. Whoever was making that noise sounded like they were in a great deal of pain. Alarmed, Asgore dashed off towards the cries, too concerned about what could be hurting one of his subjects, to wonder how they could possibly have snuck by him while he was in his Throne Room.
When he reached the Barrier, he was astounded to find, not a monster, but a human woman, who was clearly very heavily pregnant and sporting numerous scrapes and scratches across her body, most notably a large gash on her upper arm, still slowly oozing blood. The human was leaning her full weight against the wall, barely managing to remain standing, as she clutched her protruding abdomen, sweating and panting, and moaning in pain. Asgore was momentarily struck speechless, as he stood, rooted to the spot, gaping at this most unexpected of sights.
This had never happened before. In all the years monsters had been trapped Underground, no human had ever crossed the Barrier from this side. He assumed that this entrance was either too difficult to reach, or was so obviously not something any person should go through, for none had ever tried to. Whenever a human fell, it had always been through the large, gaping hole in the ceiling of the old Home, where it was easier for someone to accidentally fall through, or where the presence of a magical forcefield was far less noticeable. And yet, here was this human, who had gone through the Barrier, despite being alone, injured, and with child.
As Asgore stared in muted shock at the intruder, the woman cowered before his towering height and monstrous appearance. Backing away from the large goat monster, the human’s legs finally gave out beneath her, and she slid to the floor. A tremor suddenly wracked her body, and she let out an agonised wail. With sweat dripping from her brow, the human turned her head towards Asgore and gazed at him consideringly, eyeing his stunned expression and regal clothing. After a few tense seconds, she seemed to push past her fear and her pain, to give him a pleading look.
“Please...! My-... my baby!... Ahh...! My baby’s coming!... Please, help us... please ,” she forced out through gritted teeth, her voice tight with pain, desperation shining in her watery eyes.
It took a couple of seconds for the human’s words to truly sink in, but when the gravity of the situation finally hit him, with all the force of a punch to the gut, Asgore gave a jolt, letting out a panicked bleat, before hurrying to the human. Bending down, he mumbled kind reassurances to her, while gathering her trembling form into his arms with a gentleness belying his massive size. He then rushed out the door, making his way swiftly, yet carefully through his castle, all while trying to avoid jostling his delicate cargo as he ran.
In the back of his mind, he knew that he should kill this human and take her Soul, for the good of his people. It was his solemn duty as king to do whatever was necessary to free his people from their imprisonment Underground, even if it meant forever staining his Soul by taking the lives of any poor human unfortunate enough to have entered his domain. And yet, he simply could not bring himself to ignore this woman’s cry for help. As tainted by LV as his Soul was, it still refused to let him ignore a person in need, no matter who they were. He could no more turn away from this human and her unborn baby, than he could shatter the Barrier with his bare hands. Despite all that he’d done, he was still a kind and compassionate person at heart.
Upon reaching his bedroom, Asgore laid the human on his bed, helping her to sit up and propping up his pillows behind her back. Once he’d made sure that she was stable and as comfortable as she was likely to get in her state, he dug his paw into his pocket and retrieved his phone. With shaking hands, he struggled briefly to punch in a number, before succeeding, and held the phone up to his ear.
The seconds ticking past felt like hours to Asgore, as he listened to the dialling tone with bated breath, keenly aware of the human in his bed, groaning and panting as her body went through the long and arduous task of giving birth to her baby. After what felt like an eternity, his call was finally answered and he heard the voice he’d been so desperate to reach.
“Wingdings!” Asgore felt like crying, so overwhelming was his relief. He unconsciously gripped his phone tighter in his hands, as he all but shouted into it. “I need your help! The human- the baby- my room-! I don’t know what to do, please come here right now , the baby could be here any moment -!”
“ASGORE, PLEASE CALM YOURSELF,” Doctor W. D. Gaster’s strong and steady voice cut through Asgore’s panicked rambling. “TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND EXPLAIN TO ME CLEARLY: WHAT EXACTLY IS GOING ON? YOU MENTIONED A HUMAN? AND A BABY?”
Asgore did as instructed, inhaling and exhaling as he tried to calm his agitated Soul, and felt his nerves settle just enough for him to resume his explanation.
“A pregnant human has just passed through the Barrier in my castle, and she is currently in labour. Please come to my room as soon as possible, Wingdings. You’re the only one knowledgeable enough on humans to be able to assist us in safely delivering the child. Please, I need your help, old friend.”
His speech was a little more rushed than usual, especially towards the end of his plea, but his voice didn’t shake. His eyes flicked to the human, still visibly (and very audibly) in pain, as he anxiously awaited the Royal Scientist’s response. Thankfully, Gaster’s reply came swiftly.
He then promptly hung up, leaving Asgore to stare blankly at his phone for a few seconds, before a sharp cry brought him back to the matter at hand. Schooling his face into what he hoped was a reassuring look, the King under the mountain went to the human’s side, leaning over her and hesitantly placing a large, fluffy paw on her shoulder. He gave her a soft smile, as she gazed up at him, still obviously wary of him, but no longer afraid of him, given his willingness to help her in her time of need.
“Howdy. I am Asgore Dreemurr, the Monster King,” he introduced himself, making sure to keep his voice calm and gentle. The human’s eyes widened, but she didn’t pull away from him, which Asgore considered a good sign. “My Royal Scientist will be arriving shortly to lend us his aid. He is a very capable and intelligent man, who has done extensive research on humans. Besides myself, he knows the most about your kind, and I trust him implicitly to do his very best to help you and your child.”
The human nodded her head jerkily, and gave him a strained smile, the pain and exertion of childbirth painted clearly across her features. “Thank you... Your... Majesty...” she breathed shakily, each word seeming to take a tremendous amount of effort to get out. “Thank you... so much...”
Inwardly, Asgore was impressed by her ability to look him in the eyes, and speak to him so fearlessly, knowing only too well how intimidating his physical appearance was to humans. She seemed to have taken her situation in stride, despite how strange and scary it all must have been for her. Asgore couldn’t help but marvel at this small, defenceless human’s ability to trust him, a large boss monster, in spite of her vulnerable condition. He hoped that that courage would stay with her throughout her labour. She’d definitely need it.
A loud knock jolted him to attention, and he all but flew to the door. He swung it open, revealing his Royal Scientist and long-time friend, who wasted no time in pushing past the king with a brisk greeting, and moving to place his large carry bag on Asgore’s desk. The large goat monster hovered anxiously behind Gaster, unsure what to do with himself.
“Thank you for coming so quickly, and on such short notice, Wingdings. I really appreciate it,” he wrung his hands, eyeing each item the tall skeleton monster took out of his dimensional bag.
Dr. Gaster didn’t look up from his task, as he tilted his head to his king. “NO NEED FOR THANKS. IT IS MY DUTY AS YOUR SCIENTIST, AND MY DESIRE AS YOUR FRIEND.”
Asgore smiled at his back, and went over to the human’s side once again. With much more confidence than before, he patted her hand comfortingly.
“This is Doctor Wing Dings Gaster. He’s not only a brilliant scientist, but has powerful healing magic at his disposal. You’re in safe hands, I can assure you, human. The both of us will do everything in our power to help you deliver your baby safely.”
The human gave him a grateful smile, her eyes flickering to Dr. Gaster for a moment, before returning to Asgore. She turned her hand over to grasp his, squeezing it tightly as she bit out a sincere “thank you, Your Majesty”. Asgore squeezed her hand in return, before releasing it to go over to Gaster, to ask him how he could be of assistance.
The next several hours passed by in a blur, as the human woman laboured to bring her child into the world, while the two monsters worked diligently to help her. Gaster’s hands were aglow with green healing magic, hovering over the human’s abdomen, as he barked out orders at his king, and mumbled observations to himself, a look of intense focus fixed on his cracked skull. Asgore was almost constantly moving, as he rushed to hand over whatever item his scientist required, or to fetch him fresh water and clean towels, and the occasional cup of golden flower tea to replenish his energy whenever he started to wane.
The human was losing a worrying amount of blood, and despite Gaster’s best efforts, her HP continued to decline. The tall skeleton speculated that whatever she had been through before entering the Underground, it must’ve affected her so negatively that her Soul had been damaged too badly for him to heal. Perhaps if her body were not under the stress of childbirth, her Soul might eventually have recovered on its own, but as things stood, Gaster did not expect the human to survive her ordeal.
He kept that realisation to himself, however, not wishing to upset his friend and king. Instead, he resolved to at least make sure that the baby survived. He didn’t think Asgore’s soft heart could take two deaths in one day, least of all that of a baby. What would happen to that baby after it was born, though, Gaster couldn’t say. They still needed two more human Souls to break the Barrier, after all...
After what felt like an eternity to everyone in the bedroom, a baby’s wail cut through the air, momentarily halting all other noise. The two monsters both held their breath as the wailing continued, and with one final, pained cry from the human woman, a tiny, blood-coated baby was pushed all the way out of her mother’s womb and into Gaster’s waiting hands.
The doctor went to clean up the squalling newborn, and Checked them over thoroughly. With a note of relief in his voice, he announced that the child, a female, seemed to be in stable condition and showed no signs of ill health. Her Soul was also surprisingly strong for one so young. With deft hands, in spite of the large holes in their centre, he then wrapped the infant up in a soft, clean towel, and handed her to his king.
Asgore gazed down at the baby, mesmerised by how tiny she was, fitting snuggly in the palm of his large hand, all soft, wrinkly skin, warm and alive and, according to his trusted friend, blessedly healthy. A smile spread across his face. She was so beautiful... His Soul thrummed and pulsed, glowing with emotions he had not felt in so, so long. Not since the birth of his son...
A small noise from his bed drew his attention to the human, her breathing harsh, haggard, and looking utterly exhausted. Asgore quickly went to present to her, her new daughter.
“Congratulations, human. You have a healthy baby girl.” He lowered his hand towards the woman, holding the squirming newborn close to her mother’s head.
The woman turned her face towards her baby, love and relief and wonder brimming in her eyes. It seemed to take every ounce of her remaining strength, to lift her hand and place it on her daughter’s downy head. In a voice barely above a whisper, she greeted her child for the first time.
“Hello... Frisk... my baby... I’m... I’m so happy... to meet you... at last...” Her hand moved to caress her daughter’s head, the corners of her lips lifting upwards in a smile of pure adoration for the tiny life she’d created.
Asgore smiled down at the two of them, his Soul warming at the tender sight. He stilled when the mother’s eyes caught his, her gaze firm, yet pleading.
“Please, King Asgore... look after her... for me... take care of... of Frisk... please ... promise me... that you’ll take... good care... of Frisk... and love her... for me... I... beg you...” Her voice wavered, small and weak, but her tone was strong and insistent. Asgore couldn’t look away from her eyes, determination shining within them, despite everything, and the monster king found himself unable to do anything but nod to her request.
“I will. I promise. I’ll care for her and love her like my own child. You have my word, as a king, and as a father,” he vowed to her, with unwavering resolve, no hint of hesitation in his voice. It was an easy promise to make, really; his Soul was already so full of love for this precious life he had helped bring into the world. Behind him, Gaster made a noise of protest, but Asgore ignored him, his gaze fixed unblinkingly on the woman’s, trying to convey to her his earnestness.
The human smiled at him, her face softening with relief, as she sagged against the pillows. “Thank... you...” were her final words, before she closed her eyes. Her hand fell to the bed, landing on the covers with a quiet thump, and her breathing slowed to a stop, her body going completely, deathly still. She still had a smile on her face.
Asgore bowed his head to her, closing his eyes. He remained in respectful silence, while in his paw, his new daughter wailed loudly and pitifully, as if able to sense the loss of her mother. Their solemn moment was cut short when a green Soul floated out of the woman’s chest. It slowly drifted closer and closer to Asgore, before coming to stop right beside the sobbing infant.
Before Asgore could react, Gaster stepped forward, producing a specialised Soul container from his dimensional bag and using it to scoop up the human Soul, taking care not to let it touch him nor his friend. The goat monster wanted to protest, but knew the necessity of the scientist’s actions, and so merely bit his lip. He instinctively drew his newborn daughter closer to his chest, his free hand coming up to hover protectively over her.
Once the human Soul had been safely contained, and Gaster had sealed the lid shut on top of the large glass cylinder, the Royal Scientist held it up for both himself and his boss to observe. Thin, spiderweb-like cracks ran all across the heart-shaped Soul, but despite that, it still glowed a vibrant, verdant green, a testament to the strength of will of its owner. It reminded Asgore of a previous human who had fallen into his kingdom, many years ago, one whose Soul was tinted the same shade of green.
That particular person had been unusually kind and compassionate for a human, and had avoided harming even a single monster, choosing instead to flee from any encounters they were forced into. Unfortunately for them, it was in their haste to run away from the denizens of Hotland, that the human had tripped on the uneven, rocky floor and fallen into the bubbling lava below. By the time anyone was able to retrieve the Soul, it had already shattered and was lost to them forever. Asgore had grieved both the tragic loss of an innocent life, and the waste of a precious Soul, for a long time.
And now, here was another green Soul, almost as if to make up for the loss of the previous one. That meant that they now had...
“SIX HUMAN SOULS,” Gaster gazed at their latest acquisition with a carefully blank face, the long cracks on his skull seeming more pronounced. His voice was cold, clinical, his entire countenance totally emotionless. “ALL WE NEED IS ONE MORE AND THE BARRIER CAN BE BROKEN. ONE MORE HUMAN SOUL AND WE CAN ALL BE FREE.”
He glanced pointedly at the baby, sniffling softly in Asgore’s hand. With a growl, the boss monster hid his child from the other’s gaze with a large, fluffy paw, shifting his body to shield her from any possible attacks. Not that the doctor would’ve stooped to such lengths, he knew, but Asgore was taking no chances. He had already lost two children. He refused to lose another.
“You will NOT get that Soul from MY child,” he practically snarled, his magic gathering around his free hand, ready to form into his trident at a moment’s notice. The air around him started to heat up, until a whine from the baby caused Asgore to quell the fire magic threatening to burst out from his angry Soul. Gaster bowed his head low.
Asgore let out a frustrated huff, dropping his protective stance. He understood, on a rational level, that Gaster’s words were true, and yet...
He glanced down at his newborn baby. Little Frisk had tired herself out from all of her crying, and was dozing off within her new father’s gentle hold. Asgore felt his Soul overflow with love, almost alight with the depth of his newfound devotion for this tiny creature, and pulsing in time with the rise and fall of Frisk’s chest. She had only just been born, and yet she already meant the world to him.
“Regardless of what my people demand of me, I will not yield to them my child,” his low, rumbling voice proclaimed, an oath both to Gaster and to Frisk. “That is one sacrifice I will never make. Not for anyone or anything.” He looked up at the other monster, his expression almost desperate. “ You understand my feelings, do you not old friend? You would defend your children above all else, wouldn’t you? Isn’t your youngest just a baby as well?”
Gaster looked uncomfortable, his skeletal hands clenching around the Soul container he still held. He cast his gaze to his friend’s imploring face, then to the baby, a difficult expression on his damaged skull, before he sighed, a heavy, helpless sound.
“PAPYRUS WILL BE TWO YEARS OLD IN A FEW MONTHS,” Gaster’s voice was unusually quiet, a distant, yet soft look on his bony face. “HE’S SO YOUNG AND ALREADY SO LOUD. AND SO FULL OF VIGOUR. SANS, BY CONTRAST, IS MUCH CALMER. HE’S BARELY FIVE AND YET HE DISPLAYS A MATURITY WELL BEYOND HIS YEARS. ESPECIALLY SINCE... SINCE HIS MOTHER PASSED AWAY...” The doctor’s gaze focused on the sleeping baby Asgore cradled so delicately in his hand. His eye sockets narrowed slightly, his tone becoming thoughtful. “SANS WAS ACTUALLY THE SAME SIZE AS THE- AS FRISK IS, WHEN HE WAS BORN. SUCH A SMALL BABY...”
Asgore hummed in agreement, his eyes tracing every single one of his daughter’s features, committing every detail to memory, to cherish forever. “Indeed. So small . Asriel was much bigger when he was born. Chara must have been just as little, though. Golly, humans sure are tiny and soft and vulnerable.”
Gaster gave a start at the mention of the deceased royal children, his scarred eye sockets widening. Asgore had refused to speak of either of his lost children for as long as the scientist had known him, the wounds on his Soul still too fresh, even after so many years. To hear him mention them now, so casually... Gaster could feel hope rising, unbidden, in his Soul. Maybe, just maybe, Frisk might be exactly what his friend needed to finally move on from his painful past.
Asgore raised a finger to very, very gently stroke his daughter’s chubby cheek. But even that featherlight touch was enough to rouse the newborn from her nap. With little fussing noises, Frisk blinked her eyes, swivelling her head around, her gaze unfocused. For a brief second, Frisk’s eyes met Asgore’s and he sucked in a breath. She had her mother’s eyes... Asgore hoped with all his Soul that she had also inherited her mother’s strong will. His daughter would need to be brave and determined to overcome the challenges the future would bring.
“No matter what, I will protect you, my child,” he murmured softly. Frisk’s head turned towards the sound of her father’s voice, tiny fists flailing in the air, and Asgore smiled down at her. “Not just because I love you with all my Soul, but also because I feel certain that you are the future of humans and monsters. I’d once thought the same of Chara, but... I was wrong... Now, though, I’m positive. You, Frisk, will one day bring about the future I’d always hoped for.”
Asgore looked straight at Gaster, staring directly into those dark eye sockets, as he replied, “I do. I genuinely believe that Frisk can someday bridge the vast chasm between our two races, showing humans that our kind can be trusted, and showing monsters that not all humans are bad.”
Gaster still appeared unconvinced. He gave Frisk a dubious look, trying to see in her what his king did. “A VERY, VERY DIFFICULT TASK, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THE LAST HUMAN FELL INTO THE UNDERGROUND.”
Asgore’s face turned sombre, as he remembered the previous fallen human’s murderous rampage across much of the Underground. Unlike the human with the green Soul, this blue Souled human had refused to run away, and had stood her ground in the face of the monsters’ hostility, returning their attacks with her own deadly, yet graceful kicks. The violence had only been brought to an end when she had been slain by his previous Head of the Royal Guard. The fierce fish monster had fought valiantly to avenge her fallen comrades, including her husband, and had triumphed in the end, but at the cost of her own life, leaving her infant daughter orphaned.
It had only been a few years since that dreadful time, and the scars on his people’s Souls were still very fresh. Their hurt and their hatred would not easily be assuaged. But Asgore refused to give up hope.
“All the more reason why Frisk must live and grow alongside monsters. My people need to see that our two species are not so different, and that we can coexist in harmony. For the good of everyone.” Asgore fixed Gaster with an uncommonly serious look, causing the other monster to stand to attention out of pure reflex. “This is about more than just freedom.
I know that at any time, I could’ve simply absorbed one or more of the human Souls in my possession, crossed the Barrier, and gathered the final Souls needed to free us all. But doing so would only incite the fury of the humans Aboveground. Merely suspecting that Asriel had killed a human had provoked them into attacking him; if they actually saw me murdering one of their own, and stealing their Soul, the humans’ wrath, and their fear, would know no bounds. They would never accept us amongst them.”
Asgore’s brow furrowed deeply, a dark look in his eyes. It was as if a shadow had passed over his face, as he spoke ominously of the perilous future he sought to avoid.
“Their ire, coupled with my people’s thirst for vengeance, will only lead to another war. One which I fear we cannot win, even with the power of seven human Souls, and which will only lead to innumerable casualties on both sides,” Asgore sighed, long and full of sorrow at the thought of such a devastating outcome. “If monsters are to have any hope of living peacefully on the Surface, then we must first shed our hatred of humanity.” He then glanced down at his baby, his expression softening into a loving smile. “And I believe that Frisk will help us to do so.”
Gaster stood silently for a while, mulling over what he’d been told. He couldn’t deny the truth of his king’s words, and he very much shared Asgore’s dream of peace. But still...
“THAT IS A HUGE RESPONSIBILITY TO PLACE ON SUCH SMALL SHOULDERS,” he remarked evenly, the barest hint of reproach in his voice.
Asgore, dipped his head in acknowledgment. “I know. And I feel terrible for doing so.” He truly sounded it, shame colouring his voice and dragging his shoulders down, as if it were a physical weight on his neck. He looked once more to his young daughter, his expression firming up. “But something in me believes that Frisk can accomplish it. When I look at her, I feel a certainty rise up within me, telling me that she is the one who will bring my people together in a shared desire for friendship and peace. She is the answer to all of our hopes and dreams.”
Gaster privately thought that that’s what every parent believed of their child, but kept that thought to himself, unwilling to dampen his friend’s enthusiasm. It was admirable really. He couldn’t help but be captivated by the strength of Asgore’s conviction, irrational as it was.
Then the king looked towards him, a bright smile lighting up his furry face. “Besides, she won’t be alone! I’ll be with her every step of the way, and I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy. I will raise her with love and compassion, and trust her to show us all the same as well. That is both my promise, and my wish, as her father.”
Against his will, Gaster could feel his own answering smile tug at the corners of his lips, his Soul radiating a pleasant warmth into his bones. And so, when Asgore asked him for his help in looking out for the child and safeguarding her wellbeing, his voice hesitant and meek, Gaster could only scoff.
Asgore beamed at him and Gaster puffed out his chest slightly, looking undeniably proud.
“Thanks Windings! Golly, you’re a true friend. I’m so lucky I have you to count on,” Asgore’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, his voice becoming thick with gratitude. Gaster’s cheekbones tinted a light pink, the colour, faint as it was, standing out starkly against his white bones and the black cracks along his skull. He averted his gaze, coughing lightly into his fist.
His boss was never shy with his praise, but this time felt a little more personal. While Gaster was well used to people complimenting his work, personal compliments were a rarity, and always left him feeling embarrassed. His wife had often teased him about it. To his surprise, that thought was not accompanied by the familiar ache in his Soul. Instead, all he felt was fondness and nostalgia. How very interesting. Perhaps... perhaps Asgore wasn’t the only one whose past wounds were finally starting to heal...
“A-ANYWAY, THERE IS MUCH TO BE DONE! LOTS OF RESEARCH THAT NEEDS... RESEARCHING! I SHALL BE OFF NOW!” he announced, his normally loud voice an octave higher than usual. Asgore nodded his head, opening his mouth to bid his friend farewell, only to snap it closed when Gaster suddenly pointed a long, skeletal finger right at his snout. “AS FOR YOU, ASGORE! YOU SHOULD INFORM THE ROYAL GUARD IMMEDIATELY OF WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED. IT WILL BE THEIR DUTY TO ENSURE THAT OUR NEW PRINCESS IS PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES. MAKE SURE THEIR LEADER IS AWARE THAT FRISK’S SAFETY IS HIS TOP PRIORITY!”
Asgore could only nod obediently at Gaster’s strict orders, his eyes wide. “R-Right! I’ll go have a word with Muttler and his pack at once!”
Gaster drew his hand back, appeased with his boss’s easy compliance. “EXCELLENT. WELL THEN... GOODBYE, MY KING.”
And without waiting for a response, Gaster seemingly blipped out of existence. Asgore blinked at the abrupt departure. “Goodbye, Wingdings,” he whispered into the air. His Royal Scientist was such an odd fellow.
Suddenly, Gaster reappeared, looking very flustered. With hasty movements, he grabbed his dimensional carry bag from where it rested on Asgore’s desk, and shoved his items back inside it without care. Then, without looking at Asgore, he shouted “GOODBYE FOR REAL THIS TIME!!”, before promptly vanishing once more.
Asgore shook his head, chuckling under his breath. An odd fellow indeed.
With the Royal Scientist gone, the room was once again still and quiet. The monster king knew that the coming days would be hectic, with a newborn baby to care for, and with all that he would need to see to. He would need to have a very important discussion with his Royal Guard about their additional duties, he would need to prepare a private funeral for Frisk’s mother, and he would need to address his people, informing them of his acquisition of a sixth human Soul. He would also have to formally present to them his new child.
That last task filled him with dread. He didn’t know how the other monsters would react to his daughter. He dearly hoped that they would accept her, as he had, and that they would come to love her, as he did, but even so... he would have to prepare for the worst. Precautions would have to be taken, as Wingdings would put it. He couldn’t take any chances, not when it concerned the safety and well-being of his precious child.
But just for now, Asgore allowed himself to savour this peaceful moment, and bask in the joy of fatherhood, a blessing he’d believed, deep down, that he’d never get to experience again. Temporarily banishing his worries from his mind, the goat monster looked down at his newborn daughter, feeling a smile automatically blooming across his face. Frisk yawned sleepily at him.
“Howdy, Frisk,” he told her softly, his voice as gentle as his heart and just as full of paternal love. “Welcome to your new home. It may not seem like much, but it’s full of good people. I hope you’ll come to like it here! And I pray you’ll make many good friends.” He very carefully stroked a finger along the top of her head, and felt his Soul squeeze almost painfully with adoration as the baby let out another wide yawn, her little, pink tongue sticking out at him. “I swear to you, on my very Soul, that I’ll do my absolute best to be a good father to you. I may not have been expecting you, and you may have only just been born, but I already love you above all else in this world, and will continue to love you with all my Soul, for the rest of my life, my dear child.”
As I said before, I really love Asgore, and I think he'd be the best dad if given the chance, so I'm giving him that chance! Even if my attention is split between my various WIPs, I'll definitely write more for this AU in the future.
This AU is going to centre around Asgore raising Frisk Underground, and will heavily feature W. D. Gaster and his kids, Sans and Papyrus. Frisk and the skelebros are going to grow up together, and just to let you know in advance, later on (much later on) there'll be some Frans (Frisk x Sans), although it'll just be puppy love and childish crushes until they're a lot older. There will also be some KingDings (Asgore x Gaster), because it fits the story, and because it has rapidly risen to become my second favourite Undertale ship, all within a couple of days! I don't know how it happened, but I love this pairing so much, I can't explain it!
My goal is to give my favourite Goat Dad the happiness he sorely deserves, and I will unashamedly shove as much fluff into my Goat Dad fics as I possibly can! No shame, no hesitation, only love! Because I love him! Also, Happy Father's Day to everyone!
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shadowknight465 · 3 years
The Wrath of Life
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Light. Light of all colours in rainbow except for purple.  Surrounded by a golden aura. It was beautiful yet he is afraid.  When he tried to touch it. It burned him. Causing him screech a unholy sound with repeated phrases like. "Sinful creature and True spawn of hell."
There was a knock at the door.
Do these people have a life outside of bullying me?
He thought as he opened the door.  Except that the person was not who he is expecting, in fact he doesn't think he has ever seen him before. Before he could the stranger's name. He barge in straight to the guest room. "What a lovely house you two have, Nightmare." He said putting down his things . "Do you mind if you can run hot bath for me?" He asked.
"Um. First of all I don't even know you.  Second you can't just go to people's houses and expect them to treat you like royalty. " He said crossing his arms. The stranger look at him. "I thought Dream already told you about me." Nightmare thought of what Dream said before he left. "Neil?"
"That's me."
"Hold on if you are really Neil then give me proof."
Neil removed his cloak. Revealing that the cat has lost an arm. Nightmare felt guilty.  " Don't put on a sad face little boy.  You are just being protective of your home, and that I applaud you." Neil woke Nightmare with his thoughts. Neil then smile. " I guess I forgot that Dream told me you're not very trustful with strangers." Neil scratch his head "Speaking of which ,  Do you happen to know a person name Hubert Cumberdale or better known as Salad Fingers?" Nightmare gulped.  It's been awhile since he seen Hurbert his first and possibly only friend.  Last time he ever saw him was the time he had to take Hubert to the asylum. "Yes. I've know him." He answered. 
"Hubert wanted me tell you thank you." Neil responded.
"For what?" Nightmare asked.  He doesn't remember giving Hubert any kindness in fact he thinks what he did was horrible. "Because of your actions Huber is now married with a beautiful wife they had a lovely child." Neil responded.  Nightmare sigh in relief. " So I was worry  for nothing?"
"Yup. Now can you please run me a hot bath?" Neil responded. Nightmare decided this time he would run him as hot bath.
Dinner was not like what he was expecting.  Instead of him cooking it was Neil. But at least it was good. Baked beans with roasted ham. With a cup of wine. He felt comfortable knowing the person living with him for a while is friendly. "Hey Night, what time is it.?" Neil asked. Nightmare looked outside. "Well it is dark." He said. "Well time for me to hit the sack." Neil got up and went to his bedroom. 
Maybe I should go to sleep as well.
Nightmare thought. He took of his shirt. Brush his teeth with a dry corn cob. And went the his bed.  Falling asleep as soon his head hit the pillow. However instead of his normal nightmares this one felt wrong. He was wearing the same clothes Moon was except it was mostly black and sliver. He has markings all of him and he was behind a female paladin. Her skin was kissed by the sun itself. Her short hair looks like fire and her eyes were a red and yellow gradient.
"Sun. Is something wrong?" He spoke, but it wasn't his voice.  The paladin said nothing. "Sun?" The paladin turn with a flaming sword in her hand. "What are you doing?" He said backing away slowly, but the girl's eyes turned snake-like. And she jumped to him. Stabbing him with her blade. He quickly got the blade off of him screaming.  "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" The girl didn't answer.  Instead she showed her snake-like fangs smiling. He knew this was a fight so he summoned his unprepared scythe. The girl called for help claiming Moon was a traitor again and all the women that came looks familiar.  "But Sun. Didn't Moon said-" One of girls tried the reason. "She lied to us again." She cut her off. Nightmare felt betrayal, but he doesn't understand why. None of the girls responded and attacked him. One tore his mask and shot him in his missing eye with a arrow.  A mix of magic and weapons overpowered him. He knows he can kill everyone if he takes his gloves, but he made a vow to never used his bare hands. So he decided to do the next self defense.  By placing a cursed on them. One where they are trapped in limbo. He place his scythe on the ground and chant in latin. However the paladin attacked him in the back. He felt his life draining from him as he hears a man scream. "Mi Nina." He shut his eyes for the final time with the feeling of wrath and sorrow.
Nightmare woke up in a cold sweat. As he looked around he saw that the scythe Moon gave him was with breaking. Eventually turning a bit bigger with a moth at the bottom. 
What just happened?
He thought. Maybe another vision? He eventually fell back to sleep. He'll think about it in the morning.
The autumn harvest festival has arrived and Nightmare put on his more regal garment. Neil was getting a few beers and the townsfolk had forgot he existed.  He was thinking about looking into the lore of the festival until a mysterious stanger showed up wearing strange garments.  She was pretty however.  Skin that was kiss by the sun, flaming hair that's been put up by a high ponytail.  A gold-red mask covering half her face, but not fully her scar. 
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The priest was the first to got up to her. "Hello madam." He said.
"Olá" She responded.  "Huh?"
"I said hello in my native tongue." She answered.
"Oh. Anyways  What a pretty thing like you brings in our beautiful village?" He said.
Here he goes again trying to groom someone.
Nightmare thought as he rolled his eyes.  He look at her again and felt off. Like he met her before.
It wasn't long till she spotted him. She walks towards him.  Later squinting her eye. "M-Moonie?" She asked almost crying. Nightmare felt awkward.  "No, I'm Nightmare." He said. She blinked. "Oh my mistake, you just reminded me of an old friend of mine." She said as she walk away whispering "Eu sinto Muito.". 
Why do I feel unsafe around her?
Nightmare asked himself.
"You best keep an eye on her." Nightmare heard a familiar voice.  He turned and saw Nox in disguise.
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"What are you doing here?" Nightmare asked. "Errands." Nox reply.
"Hey, Nox can I have a word with you?" Nightmare asked. Nox set the large sack he was carrying down. "What is it?"
"That's scythe Moon gave me.  Is it perhaps any chance curse?"
"What makes you say that?" Nox reply. "Last night I had a dream where I was murdered.  But it wasn't me at all." Nightmare answer. "Maybe the scythe didn't like you." Nox said. Nightmare could feel the jealous aura coming from Nox.
What's make that scythe so important to him?
He thought. "I think there's something that you're not telling me.  In fact ever since we first met I could sense you have some grudge against me and I don't know why." Nightmare said. Nox glared at him than he towered over him getting ready to punch him. Yet he didn't.  Instead he just sighed. "Moon's soul stuck in it. And I don't want anything bad happen to him." Nightmare had seen this behavior before.  In both real life and in his books mostly his romantic novels. "Are you telling me that you're..." Nightmare begin. "No. Not like that." Nox begins to plea. "In love with him?.." Nightmare finished.  He's no love expert, but  He can tell Nox is in love with Moon. Nox blushed a purple hue before covering his face. "Look me and Moon first met we had a rocky beginning.  I was task with killing death by W.D Gaster. I would have succeeded if that man didn't spot me. When we met again  It turns out that both of us aren't so different after all and.." Nox stops himself and put his arm around his chest. "He was the only person I could talk to about these feelings of hate on being born with a uncomfortable body." Even though Nightmare can't understand he felt bad for Nox. "So what do you think about that dream I had? Does it mean something?" Nightmare asked trying to change the subject.  "I don't know myself. And I read all of Moon's books and scrolls." Nox answered. Nightmare watch Nox pack up. "Where are you going?" Nightmare asked. "Home. Hecate freaks out being alone at midnight." Nox replied. Nightmare took a breath.  Then music became louder and more vibrant, with the lights and fire becoming brighter and more warm. He turn and saw the stranger dancing with the strong man. Something doesn't seem right. Usually the strong man would refuse to dance for anyone, but the little girl he was targeting.  And he could've swore he saw scales of a snake on the stranger. The stranger later took the man to a small alley.  Nightmare thought that the man is just showing her around town. So he didn't pay much attention. He decided to try out the bobbing for apples he saw a couple of people did.  He should known better than to trust everyone when they pushed his head into the water. Luckily the little ones are making smores next to its fire they made themselves so maybe he can rest there.  As he headed to the campfire the little boy with the abusive mother grabbed him. "Nightmare, I don't feel comfortable with that girl."
"What girl?" Nightmare asked.
"The girl dancing with my mom." The boy pointed out. Nightmare took a look and saw that the stranger with the boy's mother.
Wasn't she with the strong man?
He thought. He turned to boy. "I'll keep a close eye on them while you have fun with your friends. Alright?" The boy nodded. Nightmare walks towards the dancers, but made sure that both of them can't spot him. He watch as the stranger convinced the abusive mother to go to the alley. Once there the stranger carefully removed the other woman's clothes. Nightmare thought they were going to court with each other so he turned away embarrassed. Even if he wasn't there the two women would eventually be found, and be hanged for committing homosexuality witchcraft. He left to tell the boy he might be getting two moms if they can convince the court. To his surprise the boy didn't pay no mind to it. In fact the boy just ask if it's okay with God. He doesn't know how reply due to him not being religious.  So they change the topic. Eventually Nightmare forgot about the stranger. Later he got tried and decided he had enough partying for tonight. As he went back home he heard a scream next to him. He turn to where the scream was and saw the unimaginable.
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Everyone that danced with the stanger died in pools of blood and a demon snake mantis fire thing licking some from her hands. Nightmare backed away slowly until a woman scream caught the creature's attention. She smile and dash past Nightmare and grabbed the woman and begins to feast on her. By making her paralyze with the vemon in her fangs. Then she gutted her with her teeth. Later riping her limb from limb until she was nothing more than a pool of blood. Worst of all everyone saw it. While Nightmare ran.
Is that a Solarite?
He thought, but someone grabbed him and push him towards her. The Solerite took notice and held him down. Nightmare closed his eyes and hope that the death will be quick, except it never came. Instead she froze in place and is beginning to cry blood. Then stopped. "Você conhece o Nim?" She said.
"W-What?" Nightmare asked. "I said. Do you know Nim? You know that apple tree dryad?" She said.
"Yes. She's my mother." He said. She glared, but not at him. "Essa vadia...I know she would do this. But never to her own son."  She muttered.  "Nightmare, did you summoned this..thing?" A man yelled. "No. I barely even kno-" He was cut off. "As if you weren't evil enough you destroyed a sacred ceremony. " Nightmare look down.
Are they that stupid?
He thought. "Wait, I cause the massacre.  Not him. And how is he a part of it?" The solerite asked. "Didn't he summoned you?" Someone else asked. "No. I came by going on a boat by myself. " She answered.  "Well he bleeds black blood." A woman said. "I have a close friend who bleeds black blood and he would never harm someone unless he has too or is provoked." She replied. The solarite stood up and allowed Nightmare to stand up. Then she put her hand on his shoulder.  Surprisingly it didn't burn him. "Are you a scapegoat?" She asked. Nightmare took a deep breath.  "Yes." She turns to village.  "Raise your hand if you still think he cause the massacre?" Not surprisingly almost all of village raise their hands. "Good thing my pets love barbecues." She whispered. "Now come to me if you think he is innocent." All the children and some of villagers came forward despite their loved ones pleas and threats. She came up to them and pat them all on their heads. Later did the same to Nightmare. "Who are you?" Someone said. The solarite smile. "I am the wrath of life." She said as she turns into a snake and begins slithering away. Many tried catch her, but she was too fast. And those that did hands were burnt to a crisp. Nightmare took the opportunity to run. He went home grabbed Moon's scythe and spent the night at the in-hill. Planning to talk to Moon about her and about that dream.
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fellwhite · 4 years
(Im not sure if that name is taken and its just a temporal name, it will be changed later)
Tws: Genocide, death
Just a heads up, this will be a long post cause i have no idea how read more works in mobile, also i do not know if someone has had this idea before so bruh, anyway here we go:
Basically, the concept is that instead of Chara being the first fallen child, Frisk will be the first one to fall instead in an underground where Asriel hasn't been born yet, effectively swapping Chara and Frisk's roles
And also Asriel is still just a child on Chara's arrival and he will help them go through the underground
This idea was based mostly on Epictale! But in this case it's on the classic undertale. Epictale by @yugogeer012
Frisk being the first one to arrive made A LOT of changes in the underground, some of them being by example:Toriel and Asgore didn't get divorced or anything, but they have been separated for decades, some monsters being more passive, while others are more aggressive, a similar yet fairly different underground with new chara-cters and more.
I still haven't figured out a lot of stuff so yeah this will have plenty of plotholes or things that make no sans-e. But anyway
Frisk:Attack 20 Defense 25
*The first fallen human
*A rather kind and passive human child who heavily dislikes humanity and loves their monster family,while most of the time they act very nice sometimes they can lash out revealing their not-so-friendly side,their metods to achieve what they want or to do what they think is right are a bit extreme sometimes,loves puns and dominates flirting, their favorite food is charamel and chocolate
Chara: Attack 30 Defense 20
*The last fallen child
*A sassy and almost creepy human child,they hate humans but they're a bit more nice to monsters, they love chocolate,hugs and golden flowers
*Asriel is their best friend
(Chara's personality will heavily change depending on the route)
*Toriel: Everyone's favorite goat mom, she stays mostly the same but she is more protective and better trained at fighting, her fight is significantly more difficult in all routes
Asgore: The king of the underground and a big fluffy dad, his fight is a lot more difficult since he feels even more guilty and he's more desperate to end this, he wields his good ol'trident and will sometimes use a knife, he fights in genocide too. Asriel is forced to stay on the entrance to the throne room by royal guards so you have to face the king alone
Asriel: Everyone's favorite fluffy boi, he becomes Chara's best friend in just a couple days and he will help them go trough the underground
He's against murder but he will protect Chara either way and might even take a life for them
In genocide he will disappear after Toriel's death
He's 12 years old
THE GREAT PAPYRUS: Paps is a former member of the royal guard and he is a lot more serious with his job, he still won't kill you and there's also a lot less puzzles on Snowdin because of his job and instead there's a lot more royal guards in the way (mostly dogs)
He still hates his brother's puns and still has great self esteem but he is more aware of many things,he has a bit of knowledge on timelines and resets thanks to Sans but he still does not know when a load happens
Sans: The funny bone man, brother of Papyrus and another member of the royal guard (against his will) Sans is one of the characters with the most changes, he joined because of Papyrus and now has 2 Defense and 2 Attack, still 1hp, still does a lot of puns but just like Papyrus he's more serious and he will fight you once before the fight with paps to prepare you (he can't be killed in that fight as he will dodge and he will use only some simple bone attacks). He fights you on all routes in the last corridor unless you're in neutral and you didn't kill Papyrus, he is not the last genocide boss anymore, still has gaster blasters and karma but both are used only in genocide
Undyne: More ruthless and negative, her fights are all harder but not too much, she is even more determined than before and bleeds during genocide route, her undying form is pretty much the same but the heart in her armor is constantly changing from green, yellow and to white
You'll depend on Asriel to survive
Alphys: Our number 1 lizard nerd
Alphys is another character that's pretty different, she's more confident but she still is very shy, she's also more less kind at the start so you'll have to make her trust you first, she'll be against you for a bit in hotland but she will start to help you once Mettaton tries to kill you with the chainsaw (which by the way it's an usable item here and you get it on all routes after the Mettaton fight, it's the second most powerful weapon only behind the true knife)
Mettaton: He's literally the same, in fact he's a bit easier but has a longer fight and a couple new weapons, in genocide his NEO form can take only 7 hits but the attacks are very long and devastating. Asriel stays out of this one as it's a 1v1
Napstablook: they're a little bit more confident but still incredibly shy, their fight is easier but takes a couple more turns and you will need Asriel to help you
Muffet and Grillby: They united their places in order to have a better chance for their businesses to survive, it worked out really well but they constantly fight. Muffet is the exact same but a bit more stressed and Grillby is more talkative, Muffet offers drinks now aswell as spiders, and the same goes for Grillby
Temmies: hOI
Red: yes baby Red is here too, she appears around the CORE with 2 dog guards (which she mentions on her original fight) and she's an main boss and character
There's some additional characters that i added, like Captain froggit, yes their name is literally captain so their position is quite convenient, and a few more here and there
Toby isn't here, instead there's a wolf with... An smiling face? (yep that's me)
A few additional changes:
Frisk is viewed as an mostly chaotic neutral and inclined to chaotic good, but in genocide this changes ti chaotic evil
Yes Frisk is the narrator and acts somewhat similar to Chara
Both Chara and Frisk use they/them, i personally view em both as female and nonbinary respectively but i'll leave it like this to avoid discourse or anything
Napsta is nonbinary and uses they/them and he/him, prefers they tho, i left them like that since i haven't seen much discourse about Napsta's gender so bruh
Sans and Paps are ??????'? sons
Since im no Toby Papyrus can use his special attack (which is a blaster here) but he will hold back by himself in his fight
Some notes:
There's some guard campaments and the royal guard headquarters, only the campaments are accessible but you can see the hq from far away
You can ask me any doubts or anything idm
There will possibly be a comic, plenty of art, a written version or even possibly a couple playable fights in the future, but it will be a while before that happens
Odds are it will be all written but im not sure yet, references will be on an individual post
The au name is subject to change
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coolbattlegirl · 4 years
The Diamond Rose Chapter 1: The Client
The skeleton stared at the monster who stood in front of him. Horror's voice seemed to die down in his throat as they turned to look at him. Their appearance memorized him, and yet it also terrified the detective. The figure cocked their head to one side, almost curious about the new monster. "It's you..." they moved closer to Horror, their high heels clicking on the stone floor. "I-I..." the monster now stood in front of the detective. They bent down and reached a hand to his cheek. Horror flinched at how cold their hand was. "Why... why are you here?" Just what did Horror get himself into?
*Beep- *Click*
Horror sat up in his bed and looked around. The sunlight that passed through the curtains told him that it was now morning, to his dismay. He wanted to go back to bed. The injured skeleton let out a large yawn before slipping into his cozy slippers. Horror trudged himself into the bathroom and started his morning routine.
After changing into a fresh new pair of clothing he went downstairs to whip up breakfast when he saw the time. "They must have delivered the mail already." Opening the front door, Horror walked over to his mailbox and opened it. Peering inside he saw a letter that was sealed in a fancy seal. Curious he flipped the letter to the front where he saw written in neat cursive were the words Detective Horror. "Welp... looks like work comes knocking at my door once again." Horror went back into the comfort of his beloved home and opened the letter.
"My dear detective, I heard you're back in town. I can't tell you how happy I am. I know you'll relieve me of my worries. A while ago, I've fallen for the Golden Rose Theatre's leading actor, Lust, and expressed my feelings for him. While he kept his distance from me to avoid the public eye, he reciprocated my feelings through his letters to me.  He even gave me a keepsake. Yet, for some unknown reason, he abruptly cut off out communication and refused to see me. I want to find out what happened and hope that you can get me the answer.  Your good friend, W.D."
After finishing the letter he pulled the purple scarf from the envelope, that Gaster had mentioned in his letter, opening his inventory, Horror decided to see the description of the item.
[USE] * [INFO]  [Drop]
*A Keepsake in Purple:  A purple scarf made from extremely rare silk of high quality, and adorned with exquisite embroidery - it's a luxurious custom made item."
Horror made sure to write the information down on his notepad,  "This Lust person must really be living a lavish life..."  Horror debated whether or not he should accept the commission. Gaster was a good friend of his. Despite their interests not being similar, he would like to see the other again. He wondered if the scientist was still interested in the beautiful-- drama, music, gorgeous beauties like in the past. He wouldn't know. He hadn't seen the guy in years! "But... given his status...I might need his help in the future."
*Accept the commission?
*[Yes]  [No]
Well, it looks like he's going to investigate his friend's love life now. Besides... Horror couldn't deny that he was quite curious about this person his friend fell for. Horror grinned to himself, "Let's check out this "Lust" character who's captivated the notability in this town."
Horror stared up at the grand "Diamond Rose" theatre in awe. It was humongous and absolutely stunning. With how the building appearance looked it practically screamed "expensive" at the detective. T-they wouldn't make him pay just for stepping inside right? Horror shook the silly thought out of his skull. That was silly! What kind of theater made you pay just for walking inside? "..." Hopefully, not this one. Steeling his nerves, Horror walked inside the grand theatre.
The moment Horror walked into the "Diamond Rose" he was greeted by a gentle-looking staff member, who the others seemed to all "Blueberry". Blue was really cordial at first. The small skeleton chatted happily about how beautiful the weather was, and how his day was going so far. "So, are you here to see a show?" Blue chirped at the detective, whom in return shook his head. "No, I'm not. I'm here for business in fact." Blue nodded slowly, "My business requires me to speak with Lust-"
Horror was suddenly cut off by Blue, "Another fan? I'm sorry mister, but no.  Lust won't meet with an ordinary fan, " Blue smiled. Horror thought for a few moments before remembering about the purple scarf. "Perhaps this will make me less ordinary." Horror took out the scarf Gaster had sent him and handed it to Blueberry. "This appears to be the work of Golden Shears..."
Blue looked up at the detective after they finished admiring the scarf, "I do believe you're no ordinary fan, mister. Perhaps you can have this invitation to the celebratory party after the first performance. Lust will be there," Blueberry suggested. That wouldn't do... He had to speak with them in private, "But I have something private to discuss with Lust."
Because the relationship between his client and Lust wasn't something to be discussed in public.  Yet this alerted Blueberry . He frowned and looked me over. "No, mister not-so-ordinary. This scarf isn't as special as you hoped it would be."
Horror tried to protest with the small skeleton, but Blueberry stood firm. Clearly wanting Horror to leave.
Just as Horror's last string of patience was about to run out, a familiar voice broke the silence.
"Look who it is! I was going to look for you when the rehearsal was over, but hey. You made my life easier. " Horror turned to see, "Killer?"
Killer was an old friend from the army, who came out from the lobby. Horror used to call the other "Killer of Ness" as a joke.  Just by an exchange of brief pleasantries with him, the detective learned that Killer was now the male lead of this theatre. While Horror had heard about Killer's passion for performing, he didn't know much.  After all, his personality mirrored his name, so that he's not someone you'd want to get to know.
Though, thanks to Killer, Horror finally managed to get into the theatre once Killer talked to Blueberry. "So you're here for some detective work now, huh?" Horror nodded as he followed after Killer, "Alright then... I'll try my best to introduce you to Lust after the rehearsal."
Killer led Horror to the lobby, and introduced him to the playwright, before leaving for rehearsal. The playwright, who called himself "Sci", "So... you write all the plays here?" Sci let out a chuckle before shaking his head, "Actually..." Sci explained that  he was just an assistant playwright. The repertoire was mainly composed of the director, "X". The director used to be a talented writer , and Sci had joined the theatre to learn from him.
"But money and twisted love had corrupted his talent," the way Sci said it made is mysterious. "Anyway enough about myself... what about you?" Horror thought for a few moments telling the skeleton that he was a friend of his client. And then Horror made the mistake of asking Sci about Lust.
Because after that, the young skeleton  went on and on about the many gossips about the theatre.  Like how the previous lead "Chara" fell to her death in her last performance, and how the director then received a sum of money out of ruins. And how the show they were rehearsing then was the sequel to "Chara's Coin", the swan song of the unfortunate female lead.
Horror could definitely tell he was enjoying collecting these gossips, yet when he tried to ask for more details, Sci began to bottle up.
"If you want to know more, you should talk to 'Commander'. He knows everything." Sci pointed to the other side of the room, where sat another skeleton reading a book. "Thanks for the info kid."
Sci gives Horror a thumbs up, "No problem! Also good luck!"
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undertalethingies · 4 years
The Third Worst Day
Loosely inspired by the ninth chapter of @undertalethingems Unexpected Guests comic, and by the end of John Mulaney’s Delta Airlines bit. (“In fact, we’re gonna frame you for MURDER! [...] ~Because we’re Delta Airlines, and life is a fucking nightmare~”)
Sans was not having the shittiest day of his life, because everyone was on the surface and Frisk was being nice this timeline. 
The second shittiest day, though- well, no, not that either, technically speaking. Nothing was on fire except maybe Undyne’s house underground, and that just because no one could be bothered to put it out when everyone was moving to the surface anyway. (Please don’t ask about the second shittiest day of Sans’ life, he will not tell you and will instead have flashbacks)
Ugh, it was really indicative that this BS only ranked third.
So, the curtain opens on the third shittiest day of Sans’ life, and maybe, like, the eighth worst thing to ever happen to him.
What could be bad enough to rank on Sans’ top ten worst days list, though? (which is a list he actually made once, as a joke, and then he looked at it and kind of wanted to cry, before laughing instead because that’s just how Sans copes with things)
Well, you see, he was being framed for murder.
Flowey, specifically, was currently attempting to frame him for the death of the old royal scientist, W.D Gaster, who Sans had met maybe once in his entire life.
Admittedly, the fact that he actually remembered said meeting, and that there had been a previous royal scientist at all, was highly unusual.
He didn’t remember for anywhere close to the reasons Flowey was insinuating, though. No, the reason Sans remembered the old royal scientist had very little to do with the scientist himself and a lot more to do with how remembering across timelines was triggered in the first place.
Cross-timeline memory retention (which are the Official Science Words for it) was triggered by high levels of Determination. No more, no less. And Sans had very high DT levels for a monster. It was pretty much the only reason he’d managed to make it to adulthood with just a single point of HP to his name. (Undyne remembered a bit too, he suspected, though he’d never called her on it)
So the reason Sans remembered the existence of Gaster was the same reason he had what little knowledge he did of the RESETs, though he remembered far less of those, due to having fewer triggers for the memories to resurface. (The fact that no one knew who had built the CORE had been enough for Sans’ mind to fill in the blanks)
Flowey was saying that Sans remembered because he’d known the guy, which was just flat out wrong. The weed was insinuating that Sans couldn’t possibly due the things he did without being a scientist, which was partially true, and finally accusing him of killing Gaster, either to steal his research or because Sans was the Judge, (Nice of Flowey to out him, the little shit) which was blatant slander.
Sans could see that the others (excluding Alphys, who knew the story was bullshit) didn’t want to believe what Flowey was saying, but he could also see that, despite that fact, he was still convincing them.
Flowey, after all, was a very skilled liar. Especially when it came to convincing people of crazy backstories he’d concocted on the spot. It made sense, since he’d had rather a lot of practice.
As Flowey finished his story, Sans looked at Alphys. He texted her a question about an old promise he’d made to her that was suddenly not one he was sure he should keep. (He’d do it anyway, if she asked, but breaking it would make disproving Flowey’s allegations that much easier.)
“And that’s why- are you on your PHONE?” Flowey interrupted himself, looking hilariously offended for someone who was actively framing a guy for murder.
“Is that how little you care? You killed him and you can’t even be bothered to hear out the allegation?” Oh, so that’s how he was playing it. Sans narrowed his eyes, just a bit, before responding.
“eh, you looked like you were having fun. wouldn’t want to interrupt, ya know?” Earlier in the conversation, when Sans was still actively participating, Flowey had interrupted him several times. Alphys snickered at his jab, and hit the send button on her phone.
Sans checked the text, and inwardly sighed in relief. Seemed like he could take the easy way out here.
“Sans, please put away your phone. This is a serious conversation,” Toriel said. Sans supposed he had to agree to disagree on that one. This wasn’t much of a conversation at all as much as it was Flowey using his knowledge to manipulate the room in a way that allowed him to frame Sans for murder.
“yeah, don’t worry, tori. it was relevant,” She looked as if she doubted that, but she didn’t say anything. Sans sent Alphys a quick thank-you and stuck the offending device back in his pocket. He turned to look at Flowey, who probably would have shrunk from the ice in his gaze if Flowey had ever bothered to figure out how to read his expressions.
“so, you done, pal?” There were several winces around the room at the vitriol present in his tone, but none of them belonged to Flowey.
“Yeah, I think I’ve made my point pretty clear!” Flowey looked positively cheerful at the thought.
“good, ‘cause i’m getting pretty tired of hearing you speak. don’t want a repeat of the last time you tried something like this, right?” Last time Flowey had attempted something like this with Sans present, the weed had still been in control of the timeline. Sans had killed him before he could even finish his speech.
“Ha! You wouldn’t dare! Not when Frisk is-” Flowey cut himself off before he could dig all three of them (four of them?) into a hole they really wouldn’t be able to talk their way out of. Frisk shot him a glare, with an expression that said they’d probably kill Flowey themselves, if he didn’t shut his trap. The weed gulped audibly.
“A-anyway! Are you gonna explain yourself, trashbag?” Papyrus made the same pinched expression he always did when Flowey used that particular moniker.
“heh. sure, why not,” Sans’ grin turned predatory. 
“i’m not gonna bother asking you to back your claims with evidence, since we both know you don’t actually have any,” Flowey narrowed his eyes, probably thinking of a thousand ways to justify that, but Sans continued without giving a chance.
“you’re right that i used to be a scientist, so kudos for that, i guess. my leaving the field had nothing to do with gaster, though. it actually happened quite a while after that,” Sans preferred not to talk about this, but with Flowey forcing his hand, it seemed like the simplest solution.
“my leaving had nothing to do with gaster, and everything to do with the experiments that got alph fired,”
When Sans had been younger and more optimistic, he’d wanted to be a scientist more than anything in the world. He’d spend hours combing through the dump for old textbooks, and the few he found, he’d pore over until he had them practically memorized.
So when an ad went out saying that the new royal scientist was looking for an assistant, he’d jumped at the opportunity. Sans had spent hours studying for the required tests, barely even eating in his complete dedication to the task before him.
Sans didn’t know whether he’d had the highest score, or if he’d been selected for his blue magic, (a rare ability that was extremely useful for engineering) or if had simply been because he lived so close to the lab at the time, but he got the job. He’d celebrated for a day straight, and would probably have irritated the hell out of Papyrus if they’d been living together at the time. (Sans was in that young adult phase where he lived alone in a shitty apartment because he was trying to be independent)
When he’d first met Alphys, he was not ashamed to admit to having geeked out a bit. She was considered one of the greatest minds of their generation, after all. 
He’d tried to keep it to a minimum, though, (correctly) figuring that she wouldn’t have much use for him as an assistant if he was too busy with hero worship to contribute anything.
Though they’d been awkward together at first, they’d quickly warmed up to each other, and soon at least half of the new innovations exiting the lab had their roots in Sans’ ideas as much as Alph’s.
Quickly enough, they’d become best friends.
And then…
Then had come the Determination experiments.
Both Alphys and Sans had agreed it would be best not to allow the amalgamates out of the True Lab. Alphys had confined herself to her workplace, moving in a bed and her anime collection so she’d only have to leave for the occasional grocery run.
Sans had kept his status as her assistant under wraps, though, so he didn’t have to worry about being cornered by the victims’ families like she did. Papyrus had mentioned recently that he was looking for someone to go in halfsies with him on a housing lease in Snowdin, so Sans did what he did best, and ran away from his problems, packing his stuff and moving just about as far from Hotland as it was possible to get without entering the Ruins.
He and Alph stayed friends, though. When you’re the only two people who know about a catastrophic disaster like that, it kinda brings you together.
Sans finished his explanation with a nod to Alphys, before saying,
“and as for gaster, the only connection i’ve got to the guy is that i named an attack after him in honor of his scientific prowess,”
The room was silent for a few moments as everyone thought through his words. Suddenly, Flowey said,
“Yeah, that’s all well and good, but how did you even know about him? Everyone else forgot he ever existed!” Sans smiled secretively.
“probably the same way you do, asriel,” Let no one say he couldn’t give as good as he got. If Sans had to share his backstory, well.
Might as well take the flower down with him.
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saintheartwing · 5 years
Undertale: Frost, Pt.2
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Monsterkind had been stuck with table scraps, with a kingdom divided between human and monster, forced to share cities and borders and resources with a species that distrusted, disliked, despised and denigrated them. If Grillersby could just get one foothold, one bit of land back that could belong to monsters alone…it would be worth it.
Of course, they couldn't make it openly clear what they were up to. As far as the rest of the European nations and kingdoms knew, Monsterkind didn't have any type of organized campaign against any human ANYTHING. And "Grillby" was going to make sure it stayed that way. They'd overtake one nation at a time, slowly but carefully, until they had a proper, real home of their own. A continent of their own. It was just going to take a bit longer than they'd thought.
That night, Elisud snuck his way out of the castle, and knelt down by the outskirts in his sleeping clothes, his expression mournful and depressed as he picked up what laid in big, huge heaps all about the grass.
Dust. The remains of monsters was always, always dust, for their very bodies were made of magic. Then a monster died, they left no trace of their existence behind, a thought that made Elisud shudder in disgust as he felt the dust seep down from his palm. To think, an entire species that could only do what cremation-esque type burials. Disgusting. So…so pagan, so…so backward, it seemed so…cruel. To not even have a body to cry over.
He slowly rose back up, sighing sadly as he turned to head back inside the castle, but then stopped, feeling as though he was being watched. He glanced backwards…
The Final Froggit was a good, long, distance away, and glaring angrily at him. Elisud bit his lip…and then headed back for the castle, drawing up the bridge over the moat as he did so, even as the Final Froggit kept gazing balefully in his direction. He sighed as he entered his room, and then took out a small bit of parchment, beginning to write.
"I've sad tidings. We were attacked by monsters. Froggits, led by one with a crown called a "Final Froggit", as I have been told. I tried to get them to leave peacefully, offering them gold beforehand, but they would not listen to me. I feel terribly guilty about all of this. You've much experience with them. Could there be some way I could reach out to them? Write me back soon, my dearest and most secret friend. Tell me how you fare.
Best of wishes, Toriel, from your friend…
With that, he signed his name on the parchment, sealed it up, and put it away in a satchel. Tomorrow, he'd take it into town and have it mailed. He yearned to hear Miss Toriel's soothing words…she always knew exactly what to say. It had been her who'd given him those books on the Church and inspired him to become a monk just as she was inspired to try and join the church in HER hometown.
He wondered how that was going…
...Wingdings Gaster, better known as W.D Gaster, was currently holding onto his mother's hand as firmly as he could. The little monster glanced quietly up at his mother Arial, a slightly nervous expression on his face as they finally made their way to the marketplace in town, people's talking somewhat quieting down as the two approached a stall. Gaster nervously smiled up at the stall owner, who glanced at him, then at Arial, her blue eyes gazing into the black sockets of the skeletal being before her.
Skeleton monsters, "revenants", that was what was whispered under the breaths of many who were looking upon these people. Little Gaster had a big, floppy, grey sweater and a large red scarf, glasses on his face and with a cute little smile…his mother's smile. You couldn't exactly say he had his mother's eyes, for skeleton monsters didn't truly have "eyes". They had big black eye sockets that could somehow still be so expressive, that it was almost impressive how fluidly their jaws could move and their eyes could flitter. It was as if they really had faces…despite being skinless.
The stall owner had a somewhat pockmarked face and sighed deeply, folding her arms over her chest, her face somewhat sagging along with her breasts. She looked out of shape, sad, and tired, Gaster thought to himself, and a wave of pity welled in him as the woman finally adjusted the little cap she had atop her head, and spoke in the King's English. "What do you want today?"
Arial examined the collection of vegetables and fruit assembled before her in the stand as Gaster, in turn, glanced around at the humans looking at him. They kept stealing glances in his direction, some of them muttering and mumbling in rather baleful voices. It was disappointing to hear them murmuring so coldly. Not half an hour ago, Gaster had been seeing them looking upon that sweet Ms. Toriel with awe and wonder, but when it came to someone like HIM, and to his family-There were always rumors about his kind. The biggest being that they weren't natural monsters at all, that all of them had been dead humans at one point that, brought to life anew, were now monsters, and because skeletons so deeply reminded humans of themselves, maybe this was why their kind were so feared and-
Then it happened. She made her way over to the market. Her green hair flowed through the air alongside her husband's fiery red hair, their locks almost intertwining in the wind that blew. She had blue, somewhat pale skin, and sharp fangs within her jaws, and her eyes were golden, with dark black pupils, yet despite all this…she was a beauty to behold. People's heads were turning, and soft "oh's" rang out through the air as she and her husband held hands. Her tightly-fitting, short-sleeve attire appeared to be some kind of cross between a fisherman's outfit and gladiatorial armor, there were distinct, impressive-looking steely armor plates on careful parts of her body, like at her shoulders and the gauntlets she wore, and the fancy looking belt. But even then, none of it gleamed as beautifully as the necklace she had around her blue neck, golden and softly glittering.
"You've got a ichthys!" Gaster announced aloud in his soft voice. The faintest undertone of his race's natural cadence very slightly lingered in how he spoke, but King John's English came out clearly from his bony mouth as he gazed at the mer-woman and her fisherman husband. "A Jesus fish necklace! That's so pretty!"
He saw she was looking at him, and he blushed visibly and turned away, as the woman's husband stared a bit in surprise."…I had no idea your kind could speak such excellent English." He told Gaster, scratching at the blonde hair poking out underneath his cap, blue eyes gazing at his wife's golden ones as she smiled back, then smiled at Gaster.
"Glad you like. I fished it out of the depths of the ocean. Its previous owner shan't need it any longer." She commented as the assembled in the market gazed on, still transfixed by her erotic beauty as she then kissed her husband on the cheek. "In the same place I met my husband, no less. He saved me from a shark. Guess your lot aren't all unchivalrous after all."
"Well, I try." Her husband said with a small smile back as Arial paid up the pockmarked stall woman for several rolls of cabbage and potatoes, with some apples as well for their dinner that week. "Is the cabbage any good today?"
Arial sniffed at the cabbage, the pockmarked stall woman raising a thick eyebrow up. "…how CAN you smell when you've no nose?"
"All monster bodies are magic, miss." Gaster offered to her. "We can taste when we've no tongues, after all! And your apples are always delicious."
"And the cabbage has a fine, fresh smell today." Arial remarked with a nod. "Here, for your troubles. I know your family's garden has been beset with incidents as of late. My sincerest sympathies." She added, giving an extra gold coin to the pockmarked stall woman. "Thank you kindly for your business, Ms. Burroughs."
The pockmarked stallwoman hesitated, and then she smiled slightly. "Please, call me Anne." She said, nodding as she took the gold coin, and let the mer-woman and her husband approach.
 "Do tell me Melusine, how's your daughter, Undyne?"
"Old enough to finally wrap her little finger around mine." The "mer-woman" said with a big, toothy, fanged grin. "She's STRONG, Anne. Truly strong."
"And thankfully, she got my hair!" her husband laughed. "She looks good with her little red locks."
"You know, Francis, you're right. Red IS a good look on us." The mer-woman mused aloud, giving her husband another soft kiss on the cheek, a few of the gentlemen watching all this transpire in the market sighing sadly, or grumbling.
"Lucky dog."
"Some men get all the luck."
"Only thing I'VE ever fished out of the water's a bloody shoe."
Meanwhile, Gaster and his mother were now making their way back home when Gaster took notice of somebody walking not far behind. But he didn't have time to tell his mother as-THRUMPH. They deliberately bumped into him and knocked him towards the ground. 
"Oops. Sorry!" The woman remarked with a sneer as she had one arm wrapped around her husband, having used her shoulder to forcibly knock the young skeleton monster to the ground. "You really should watch where-"
A soft, blue glow emanated from Arial's eyes as the woman and her husband's mouths hung open. Gaster was now wrapped in a faint aura of blue light and being gently hovered up, up! He'd been inches from the street and was now being put back on his feet as Gaster turned around and Arial murmured "Quickly, Gaster."
"I'm very sorry. Forgive my clumsiness." He said, reciting rote for rote what he had to, and giving a bow, then gesturing with both arms for the humans to keep walking. The husband and wife couple now had a distinctly dark flush to their cheeks as they sauntered off, Gaster sighing a bit as he wiped his brown upon the grey sweater he had, he and mother making their way down the street, Arial's beautiful-looking, silvery armor glinting in the noonday sun. He really didn't much like having to apologize for what they'd done, but he'd had to do that so many times, it was now almost instinct.
"We'll be home soon." His mother sighed. "Then we can get started on making-"But it was then that cries and yells rang through the air, and Gaster and Arial smelled the unmistakable scent of flames breaking out. They turned their heads, seeing that houses were going up in flames, billowing black smoke quickly manifesting and choking the sky as people ran left and right in terror."Gaster, take our groceries. Head home immediately. NOW."Arial demanded of her son as she forced the groceries into his arms, Gaster concentrating to hover some of them around him so that they didn't all flop out of his arms. 
Arial barreled her way towards the fire, yelling out loudly as she turned to others. "WATER! We need buckets of water! Water, now!" She cried aloud.Gaster gazed in awe at the fluidity with which her blue magic was working. She swiftly stretched her arms as big, large buckets of wood shot across the air from stands and stalls and outside the doors of people's nearby houses, sliding down into the closest well, over and over. Her eyes glistened with the same blue light that shone from her gauntleted hands, her armored frame working hard as she used the buckets of water to splash at the fire.
Gaster didn't want to leave his mother behind, to not watch her work, he was in awe at this, his mouth gaping open, people watching nearby, looking astounded and mesmerized. Blue magic was a rarity among monsters. ONLY the skeletons could do it. Nobody else could! Well…nobody but-TWHOOOOOSH! 
Even more enormous buckets of water were being poured down, at the base of the fires that were trying to spread. The air was becoming less choked with foul blackness as Arial turned and saw a long-haired young man who had flowing locks of white hair, his head covered by a tight-fitting cap. He wore the robes of a mage, distinctly grey but with ornate, swirling, fancy trimmings and a belt buckle with ornate designs emblazoned, his booted feet taking a firm position on the ground as he held his soft hands high. His eyes were also glowing a brilliant blue as stood alongside a rather UGLY looking monster that had a face not even a mother could love.
It was 'Gerald'. 
Gaster cringed, shaking his head back and forth as he quickly began to walk off. The assembled onlookers who had momentarily been awed and amazed by the sight before their eyes were now muttering and mumbling to themselves. Gerald. That type of monster was so…unlikable. Gerald had a rather unusual body type, ooblong, with a big center "hump" in the middle, foul-looking, black-pupiled eyes and unpleasant nostrils and lanky arms and tiny little legs. Everything about him just looked so…disgusting and unnatural. On top of that, he smelled rather foully, and his skin color reminded you of a dead body. Worst of all though…His kind had done the one thing many monsters absolutely could not forgive. They had joined the Royal Court along with one or two other individual monsters and agreed to teach humans specific types of magic, to help bring out the potential of royal mages like this one apparently was. It was one thing to fall in love with a human, monsters could almost forgive that, they could overlook it, even understand it to a degree. Love was, after all, blind. Love was love. And being friends with a human, well…you could understand that too if one had interests that aligned but…To have your family line side with the government that barely did anything to help monsters that lived in human territory? Disgraceful!
 And to think, the one selling these magical secretsto humans was from THAT race, a monster race that had one power and one power alone…slightly amplifying the abilities of others around them.Gerald's family was so…PATHETIC. It was a joke among monsters. They only made your abilities last for an extra fifteen seconds. The "Fifteen Second Failures". They couldn't throw fireballs, couldn't move boulders, couldn't manifest bombs or spears, they weren't super strong, or fast, they just made other people's powers work a bit better and longer.
Gaster "hmmphed", as the visage of his mother and Gerald and the human mage was now long behind him. The mere idea of Gerald made him cringe. He couldn't forgive somebody who had insisted the entire family line work for the royal court. It felt like…like whoring yourself and your kind out.The fire had finally died out, and people were milling away, the royal mage's grey eyes looking over at Arial as she glanced down at Gerald.
"…I had it under control." She mumbled quietly. "I did not exactly need your help."
"I think the Blums would beg to differ." Gerald offered as he gestured at the small family who was huddled in front of their barely-still-standing house, which was still heavily charred, though not utterly ravaged as the human mage approached and held out a hand."Is there anyplace you can stay while you get back on your feet, Mr and Mrs. Blum? Gerald and I can help-"
"Look, we're very grateful you helped, but…" Mr. Blum hesitated as he put one arm around his wife, who cringed a bit. "We, er…we don't really want any charity from you."
"We'll be fine, we'll…find someplace to stay on our own." Mrs. Blum muttered, looking away from Gerald and the mage, and off to the side as the mage's expression fell. He looked genuinely hurt, glancing from them to Arial to Gerald before finally putting his hands in his pockets.
"…very well then. Perhaps I shouldn't bother in the future. And I'd wash your clothes if I were you." He added as he turned away from them and began to swiftly walk off, Arial calling out after him as Gerald began to head after the mage as well.
"You are being incredibly petty."
"I'M being petty?!" The mage now wheeled about, and Arial flinched, the young man's face was positively livid. "I saved their home and I was offering help for absolutely NOTHING and neither you nor them could even give me so much as a THANK YOU for what I did." He said, glaring angrily at the Jewish couple as Mr. Blum tried to return the dark glare.
"I thought your Christian teachings taught you that virtue was its own reward, and doing good for the sake of such defeats the very purpose of-"
"Don't hide behind that, you just don't want to thank me because I'm one of THEM, the same group of "them" that my master is in!" The royal mage snapped, Mr. Blum flinching as Mrs. Blum grasped her husband tightly, the young man wheeling around at Arial. "You don't CARE that I tried to help, all you see is the "other" you dislike, rather than what I actually am. How's that any damn different from the people that call you 'revenant' in whispers as you walk past them, claiming your race only exists because you're dead humans brought to life?"
Ariel, if it were possible, would have turned paler than normal. "Th-that's not…y-you don't…we monsters have to endure such cruelty every day-"
"Boo hoo, so do we, but we get it from both sides." The royal mage snapped, gesturing at Gerald. "At least your type sticks by each other. Nobody sticks by us. Not even the royal court. It's an arrangement. The moment we're not useful to them anymore, they'll toss us aside. We accepted that, because we'd rather have cynical acceptance from them, than disdain from people like you." The royal mage growled angrily, shaking furiously, looking like he was seconds from decking Arial across the face. "You have a nice day. And don't bother calling for help from Gerald and I anymore. We won't bother if you can't even bring yourself to say "thank you". You UNGRATEFUL PILES OF DUNG."
And with that, he stormed off, Gerald quietly sighing and shaking his head. "My poor student is still not quite used to his life."
Arial "harrumphed". "And he's got quite the mouth on him. You could stand to teach him manners along with mag-"
"His poor behavior doesn't eclipse your own." Gerald remarked. "At least the court puts on a smile, fake as it is, when they see us. Your ilk spit on me and disowned my family. Don't act like your hands are clean. " He coldly intoned at Arial, making her flinch a bit. "There's no such thing. Especially not from skeleton monsters. Good day."
With that, he trotted off in the direction the mage went, leaving Arial and the Blums alone to silently stew and think over what they'd just had thrown in their face, the final wisps of fire smoke softly lingering above their heads.
..."Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN!"
The wind was soaring across the plains, the skies clear as day as the chanting filled the air. Scottish warriors with shining armor stood side by side, the plating gleaming in the morning light. They weren't really wearing much on their legs, but that was for a simple reason…what mattered was speed. So they had more of an armored SKIRT than proper plate leggings. Many were also wearing chain mail on their frames and looked suitably impressive, though, admittedly…as nice as their glorious green and red colors were, they weren't looking nearly as good as the monsters that stretched wide across the valley before them.The monsters were many in number, with shining, glittering plate armor. Their helms and various full-form helmets shone silver in the light of day as many carried sharp, piercing spears and swords, or lifted their shields high to display the royal symbol of the Monsters, three triangles, one slightly raised in the middle, the other on equal footing with one another. The monsters had on clearly high quality armor, and their eyes gazed out at the human that stood in front of the assembled Irish forces.
He was IMPOSSIBLE to miss. Especially since everyone behind him and around him kept shouting his name.
"Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! Cu Chulainn! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN! CU CHULAINN!"
He had rather dark-toned skin for an Irishman, with eyes that were piercing, sharp, and grey. His hair was brown at its base, in the middle, it was a rather fiery, vivid red, and a fine crown of blonde hair at the top, and smoothly flowing down his head. Each long loose-flowing strand hung down in shining splendor, down his back, over his shoulders, with adorable dimples, he looked eternally youthful in a way that the Greeks would have admired. Cu Chulainn was, in a word…beautiful. Simply, absolutely beautiful, with his well built frame, majestic chest armor, and the rounded golden helm atop his head glowed like the sun itself in the morning light as slid his sword out of its scabbard and raised his shield off his back, standing at the ready as he looked out over the expanse…
There his opponent was. Asgore stood there, the strong-bodied male púca clad in armor befitting the son of the King of Monsters. He was a magnificent sight indeed, his gaze firm, his jaw set, powerful and well-built, eyes as blue as a Robin's egg, yet even so, despite appearing to be the pinnacle of his race's physical perfection, his white fur softly blowing in the wind, Cu Chulainn could see he was shaking very slightly as he turned to address his own troops.
"My father's made this very clear. We're going to take back our land. Take back the country that's been stripped from us, one inch at a time. I had hoped it would never, ever come to this. But the people of Ireland aren't cooperative at all, and if they continue to deny us our most basic of rights, the right to a home of our own, well…that isn't something I can abide by!" Prince Asgore proclaimed. "I know so many of you may be disgusted and saddened by this…but I know many, many more of you want to give these thieves a good old THUMPING!" Asgoreroared out, holding his enormous spear high as it caught the gleam of the sun. "So today! Today is the day we show the humans we can give as good as we get! Today, we reclaim our freedom, our land! Today we honor my Father's wishes!"
Cu Chulainn, in turn, turned around to his own assembled troops. The warrior mage's eyes glittered as he spoke. "…I'm not much for big speeches. At all. I'm sure some of you might want me to give one, but most of you probably just want me to get out there and show the monsters why I am who I am. So. How about I go do that while he's still going on and on?" He inquired in his rather rough, somewhat punkish voice.
The men all grinned, and then began to bang their swords and shields and other weapons against the shields they had, as Cu Chulainn took off, running, holding his sword and shield high as he tore across the valley plains, letting out a roar of delight, Asgore wheeling around.
"Ask not what your nation can do for-oh! OH, he-he's actually coming right now! Very well! He asks for Hell…let us give it to him!" Asgore proclaimed, as he held his spear up. "CHAAAAAARGE!"
Bunnies clad in powerful chest plate armor let out squealing cries of delight, clanging their maces and swords against their shields as they surged forth. Dragons roared powerfully, tails slightly swishing about like an excited dog as they raced at Cu Chulainn! The merpeople had their tridents and short swords ready, spinning them as they barreled forth, aided by the disturbingly-cheery front line of skeletal warriors who were holding maces and clubs high in the air.They all ran towards Cu Chulainn as he, in turn, readied his sword…and a distinctly powerful blue glow emanated from his eyes. THA-THROOOOOM! Like thunder clapping, he leapt up, high, high in the air, propelled by the most basic of all human magic…blue magic, master of what would be called gravity. He twirled about, and before their eyes, his own pupils now flashed a new color, the color…Orange.He landed down, striking with his sword, a SHAKKA-KAA-THROOOOOM noise filling the air, a shockwave of orange energy cascading forth, as the first wave of monstrous soliderswas sent spiraling back. 
The mer-people, however, had seen this coming…and so had one particular skeleton.Garamond held his enormously, freakishly big sword high as he grinned with pride, the powerfully-built skeleton's majestic scarf flapping in the wind as the mer-people managed to close in around Cu Chulainn. KLANG-KLANG-KLANG! Weapons smacked and clashed against each other, echoing through the air as Cu Chulainn grinned devilishly, and twirled about. His blade glowed with the same orange magnificence as before, one eye orange, the other…blue!He held up his shield, and it shot forward, slamming hard into one of the mer-people, knocking him clean into his compatriot as they both crashed down, and his sword sliced off the arm of another merman who had tried to cut off Cu Chulainn's head. SCHLLLUGHK! 
The merman shrieked, reeling back as Cu Chulainn ducked just in time to avoid another swipe from several short swords, and he sliced upwards at another merman with his orange-blazing blade. KRA-KRRRRRKK! The chain mail on her frame was torn away in an instant and he kicked her into her compatriots as he turned to Garamond."This time…you won't catch me off-" Garamond insisted as he swung his enormous sword at Cu Chulainn…CLAAAAAAAAANG!The shield had returned. Cu Chulainn's left eye blazed blue, the other still burning orange as he lifted up his own sword, forcing Garamond back a few steps. Garamond growled, and pushed forward, trying to shove Cu Chulainn down to his knees. 
"On your knees, human! Today you pay for cutting my foot off!" He growled, as the metallic boots he wore glittered a bit in the midday morning sun.Cu Chulainn remembered the moment like it was yesterday. Although more accurately, it had happened a month had been racing at him, swinging his sword…and Cu Chulainn had ducked just in time and swiped with his own, taking Garamond's right foot clean off. Now the skeletal monster had put up extra thick metal boots and gauntlets to ensure this couldn't happen. 
CRRRRNNNGGG! Cu Chulainn flinched a bit. He could see the other monsters were coming closer and closer, Asgore himself was following right behind, and Garamond had clearly been training, he was pushing so hard! It was becoming an effort just to stand up and push back against the skeleton monster, the Irish war hero flinching as his blade and shield combined clasped together, against Garamond's freakishly large blade. He grunted, Garamond's black eyes narrowing."My leg hurts every day for what you-"
Cu Chulainn could try and force the sword back with a big, final burst of strength. He could reel back in an attempt to dodge. But instead…he did something else. He'd never had much success at this before, he was amazing at doing it to himself, but other people, with their own souls? Much more difficult.
"Oh shut up."
Garamond was blue now. He stupidly stared forward for a second…and then he was shot backwards at high speed. THWOOOOOOOOOOSH! Across the grass he went, slamming into the line of monsters that had been racing to his aid as Asgore managed to duck just in time. He cringed as he saw Garamond struggling to lift himself up along with the tangled mess of monsters he'd landed in, and turned to see Cu Chulainnsmiling a bit in surprise.
"I'll be damned, it worked." The warrior mage commented, before holding his sword at Asgore, tilting his head a bit, and then letting loose a loud whistle that rang through the air. With this signal, his men shot forward, barreling at the caught-off-guard and still-recovering monsters, as Cu Chulainn readied his sword and shield and firmly gazed into Asgore's eyes, taking on a battle stance.Asgore knew what this Irish battlefield master wanted. He had to end this quickly, or Cu Chulainn would do that…THING he did when he got mad. That disturbing, frightening, terrifying thing that made human and monster alike refer to him as more Demon than man.And so Asgore swung his sword as it CLA-KLAAAANG'ed against Cu Chulainn's own. 
The striking metallic echoes of swordplay were filling the air, the monsters barely able to get back on their feet as the Irish warriors finally reached them. The first casualties of the battle had finally been inflicted, and the humans could claim first blood. Or rather, the humans could claim first DUST, for a spearman forcibly shoved his weapon through the stomach and out the back of a merman warrior who had swung too fast and early at the Irishman before him. The merman dropped his short swords, faintly gurgling, as if drowning on dry land, and then-He began to dissolve away into naught but dust before the Irishman's eyes. 
Twas the fate of all monsters…upon death, they were as dust.
"Keep at it!"
"We've got them on the run!"
"Get 'em!"
"Gotcha now!"
The jubilant cries of the humans were filling the air. They were buoyed by these early victories and inspired to push even harder. The formations of the monster side were collapsing right before Asgore's eyes as Cu Chulainn and he kept locking swords. "You're clearly just…ERGH! As strong as they've always said!"The dark-skinned Irishman was silent, just looking back at Asgore, who cringed a bit. His arms were getting tired, the sheer force of will emanating from Cu Chulainn's very eyes unsettled him, and combined with how difficult it was to parry and block the human's moves, Asgore was getting very, very tired. He wasn't exactly used to fighting for so long on the front line."You're not…going to…even say anything?" Asgore finally asked, sweat beginning to dribble down his brow, the monster seeing Cu Chulainn's brow furrowing ever-so-slightly. "Nothing at all?"
"I speak when there's words in my heart to speak." He finally intoned. "I'm not in the mood to talk on the field of battle-"An arrow that had been shot at another soldier went KA-BONK! Clean off his shield, and then sliced itself across Cu Chulainn'sneck. SPLOOOSH! A spray of red blood gushed forth, Cu Chulainn's eyes going wide, and in that instant, everyone on the battlefield froze up. Monsters who'd been inches away from their own death were spared as their would-be killers gazed upon the sight of the dark-skinned Irishman putting a hand to his neck. Blood dribbled out the side, drip-drip-dripping down as Asgore grinned."HA!" He could feel euphoria welling up in him, sheer joy rising before he remembered-
Oh dear. Cu Chulainn was looking…mad.
And when he got mad…he changed.
Cu Chulainn's wound wasn't that bad, it only looked awful. A skin flap, really, slightly peeled form his neck at just the right angle. He ripped it off, and his eyes began to change, as seven powerfully frighteningly piercing sharp pupils manifested within. They circled around and around, forming into an immensely big, demonic, diamond-shaped pupil of an eye as his skin became a horrifying burning reddish color, and his hands became pointed nails, and his body bulged in muscle, his teeth as daggers, his voice a horrific, distorted roar of a thing that brought chills to everyone there.
"WHO! SHOT! THAT! ARROW?!" He roared out, eyes barreling about. The monsters and the men present wisely decided to do the only thing that made sense. Immediately back away from everyone with a bow and arrow. One enterprising young lad had seen the danger coming and the keen rabbit monster had tossed his bow and his arrows away and plucked up the short shield and sword of a fallen comrade to act innocent as Cu Chulainn advanced towards the archers.
"…I…think we need to call for a tactical retreat." Asgore announced aloud.
"Oh, you can all leave." Cu Chulainn intoned quietly, dangerously, cracking his knuckles. "Soon as whomever shot that arrow steps up."The archers gulped. The Irish forces cringed in sympathetic pity as they began to move back, and Asgore cleared his throat.
 "Who, um…who shot it, then?" He inquired. "Let's, uh…let's just get it over and done with.” He was NOT going to let them do a "Spartacus". He knew that if he did, this…demon…would just kill them all. He couldn't let so many men die.Luckily he wouldn't have to, as Cu Chulainn took notice of the fact that the arrow had a specific tail. And it matched, at the moment, only ONE archer's arrows, the other having been the first kill of the battle. The quivering, terrified skeleton, Courier, cringed, looking even tinier than normal, eye sockets wide with terror as Garamond stepped forward.
"Don't you dare-"Cu Chulainn backhanded him. Asgore caught him just in time as the monsters took the opportunity to barrel out of there. None of the humans chased after them as the demon stood before Courier, who's slightly baggy archer's robes were shaking like a leaf along with the rest of his skinny frame.
"On. Your. Knees." Cu Chulainn growled. Courier quivered, slowly getting upon his knees as the demon grabbed hold of his shoulder with one hand, and raised his other up to the poor skeleton monster's neck. "Satisfy my curiosity. Your kind's heads. Do they come off?"
"I…d-don't k-know, s-sir, we've, um…n-not really t-tested what happens if s-someone just tries to…p-pop them off…" Poor Courier the archer squeaked out, his life flashing before his eyes, memories of training with Garamond, nights around the dinner table with his mother Arial, bemoaning the loss of their father Segoe, nights spent on Grandpa Gothic's lap with Gaster…
"Well. Good news for you, then." Cu Chulainn murmured in that roaring, distorted, creepily dark voice. "If it does just…pop off…and can come back on…you get to live."He tightened his grip on Courier's skull, and the skeleton began to SCREAM.
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gems-of-lirema · 6 years
NPCs of Lirema
//Cuz I need a list of relevant characters who have close relations/rivalries with my muses. I can’t elaborate on all their stories so feel free to spam my inbox with asks as to what the heck is up with them. Who knows? Maybe they’ll be guest muses someday... (The list is frigging long of course so more under the cut)
💜 (NPCs of Eusine)
Uncle Oswald: His only guardian. Their relationship has grown distant over the years...
Jasmine: Eusine’s first crush...until he discovered she was dating Falkner...
Burgh: Eusine’s second crush, and a big fan of his artwork
💛 (NPCs of Morty)
Sabrina: Rival/arch nemesis. Likes to make terrible predictions of Morty’s future. So far, her predictions have never been wrong…
Agatha: Foster mother. Severely harsh and strict.
Whitney: Rapist ex. Only dated him for publicity.
Marty: Twin brother who was given up to adoption out of fear that his psychic powers will hurt his twin...Also took his job. Yes, this is the HGSS Morty we’re talking about here.
Lance: Former boss. Hated Morty from the start and was just waiting for a good excuse to fire him.
💎 (NPCs of Steven)
Joseph Stone: Evil dad.
Princess Elise: Evil cousin.
Mary Mortuary: Questionably evil mom, due to the fact that she disowned him minutes after meeting him.
Wallace Schild: Childhood friend with a tragic fate.
Winona Eglantine: Childhood friend with no tragic fate at all.
💙 (NPCs of Wolf Grunt/Gen)
Ayako: Abusive mother.
Mewtwo: They trained their whole life to become his psychic apprentice. Now he’s just a distant friend.
Janine: Rival and potential crush.
Roxie: Second crush. They own all her albums.
Ruthen/Silver: Rival/arch nemesis and yet another potential crush.
Prof. Sycamore (deceased): Yet another crush, as much as they hate to admit it.
Seth/Lucas: Cousin. Forgot to mention that he’s basically Lucas/the male protagonist in Gen’s bio...whoops.
💚 (NPCs of N)
Anthea & Concordia: Adopted sisters. N disowned them both.
Ghetsis: Adopted dad. Definitely didn’t disown him.
Mary Mortuary: The woman who found N’s mom and helped her raise him...until Ghetsis showed up to kidnap him.
Burgh: A good friend of Mary’s and former babysitter. Tried to convince N to come home to her. Keyword being “try”.
❤️ (NPCs of AZ)
Diantha: Theatre coworker. He designs some of her costumes.
Gomorrah Sodom: Adopted brother who vanished without a trace. Presumes him to be dead...
Lysandre Laissez-Faire: GS’s descendant. Disguises himself under the alias Mortimer Davis. Extremely depressed/suicidal.
Prof. Sycamore (deceased): Never really knew him personally. After his death, however...he can’t stand him.
🖤 (NPCs of Guzma)
Prof. Burnet: College classmate and crush. Yep, even after her marriage he still can’t get over her...
Kahuna Hala: Mentor. While he won’t admit it, he’s become a second dad to him.
Lusamine (deceased): Do I really need to explain this one? She was just using him, after all...
Plumeria: Younger “sister” (there’s an 8 year difference between the two). Grew to trust her over time...even if she can be super sassy.
W.D. Gaster: Past life. The first one, in fact. The Nihilego helped him unlock his memories...which is why he tries his best to forget him.
[REDACTED]: Second past life who occasionally invades/controls his mind in his sleep. Another reason why he tries to forget his past lives.
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undergrads-au · 6 years
The au no one asked for
Undertale highschool au where everyone is a student or teacher. Just some headcannons.
@andonehyena ‘s input blue text.
Mettaton: President of the drama club and school bully, but no one really minds. He slams you against the locker and instead of blocking you with his arm it’s his leg. Will shake you down for lunch money but he’s pretty polite about it. “Now darling let's make this easy, you give me your lunch money and I won’t have to destroy that pretty little face of yours.” He’d still be friends with Alphys who’s this science weeb and clearly a target for bullying but he never does. Alphys is the one who helped him practice his lines when he was first getting into drama. Mettaton is in every play.
Papyrus: Member of the drama club, home ec, and wannabe royal guard. He’s got a natural flair for the dramatics and Mettaton needs more of that raw talent. His favorite class is home ec but he makes some kind of pasta every time even if the assignment was to make a dessert. He made a dessert pasta, the teacher didn’t even know those existed. Wants the join the Royal Guards hockey team but Undyne won’t let him.
Undyne: Captain of the Royal Guards and member of the anime club, music.. Knows Papyrus would be pretty good at hockey but won’t let him join in fear of everyone of his bones breaking. Encourages everyone to do their best in her own really aggressive way.
Sans: Goalie for the Royal Guards, student teacher, is in music class. Sans is somehow in all the classes at once, even the ones that happen at the same time. He never does homework. He’s usually awake for science and music class, as well as lunch because “lunch period is also a class.” Always roots on his brother. He never shows up for practice so Undyne is always threatening to kick him off, but he’s the best goalie they’ve had in years.
Muffett: Home ec and accounting. She’s in charge of every single bake sale and fundraiser that involves baked goods. Refuses to haggle prices lower. She actually haggles up when you try.
Toriel: Teaches a really specific class about snails. She’s in a portable. Asgore could be the principle and whenever he tries to correct her about how to do things “in his school” she just yells out her window “IM NOT IN YOUR SCHOOL” and slams it shut.
Napstablook: stagecraft and music class. Like the weird kid who never talks to anyone. He also works on the sound mixes for all MTT’s plays. Not on speaking with terms with MTT until Frisk fixes it.
Monster kid: Middle schooler. Is in Toriel’s snail class. Is in most of the same classes as Frisk. Probably follows undyne to all her classes. Carries her books.
Burgerpants: stagecraft and MTT’s Personal errand boy. Smokes pot behind the school. He’s in stagecraft because he thought it would get him in more productions, now he’s just Mettaton’s errand boy. He ends up being tree #2 most of the time. Not even #1. If he’s lucky.
Nicecream Guy: Accounting and yearbook. Runs the year book with Catty and Bratty. Makes nice comments about people.
Catty & Bratty: Year book. They give Mettaton his own page. Mettaton, basically has multiple pages cause he’s heavily featured on the drama club page.
W.D. Gaster: Science teacher??? A science teacher who’s never there and is instead replaced by like ten rotating subs. The one time he comes in he blows up the chem lab. Sans and Alphys are 2 of the rotating subs as student teachers. Except those days you don’t do science. Sans either teaches something so advance no one gets it, or spends the entire time making science puns. You watch Ghibli movies with Alphys. But in dubs because “you get the emotion the director was going for.” Alphys is too nervous to actually teach.
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undertrash-jes · 7 years
Another Medium- Chapter 1: Final Preparations
Another Medium
Chapter 1
Final Preparations
*The Gaster Home*
"M-mom! Mom! Mom, it's okay. I think I can handle it from here."
"I know. I know, sweetie. Just let me get this last thing right here."
"Mom, please this is embarrassing! If she shows up now . . ."
"Then you will be the most handsome and the most presentable young monster she has ever seen."
"Mom . . ."
Nyala laughed as she straightened her son's bright orange bowtie after just having tied it for him. It wasn't quite right . . . so she undid the knot and started over.  
Corbel let out a little bit of a groan, resigning himself to stand still just a bit longer while his mother helped him.  
He tried not to let it bother him, but having lost a few fingers when he was a child, it was sometimes difficult to accomplish little things which required fine motor skills. Even when his father, renowned Royal Scientist Dr. W.D. Gaster (it was a mouthful and a little tiring to say the entire thing), fashioned him prosthetic fingers, Corbel found that they were troublesome to use and a bit awkward in the way that he couldn't get them to do exactly what he wanted them to . . . even with magic.
So, that sometimes came down to the boy begrudgingly asking his mom for help with things, securing buttons and snaps, untangling cords and headphones, folding summer prep applications, and even tying this damned tie!
"What I don't understand is why you aren't going to her to pick her up?" His mother sighed, continuing in her work, "Things sure have changed. When I was young, it was the gentleman's responsibility to escort his date through every aspect of the evening. He was never to leave her side and it was his job to make sure she got home safely."
"It's not a 'date,' Mom." Corbel corrected, We're just going to the dance together, that's all. And we're doing it this way because neither of us have dates. And it's more of a group thing anyway. We'll be meeting up with the Blooks there and we'll all be together. Besides, do you honestly think she needs anyone to escort her around?"
"You do have a point there, Son." Nyala giggled, pulling on the final end of the tie, making sure everything was symmetrical.
"There. We. Go!" She cheered, stepping away from her fifteen-year-old to look at the end result of his preparations.
"Perfect!" She mused, "You look wonderful! The spitting image of your father when he took me out for the first time!"
Corbel hummed at the thought, trying to let his slight irritation with the comment remain unseen, "Is that so? Interesting."
Nyala tilted her head in a way that made Corbel realize he'd been caught. "Corbel, honey?" She questioned softly, "Are you —"
There was a sharp, insistent, and relentless knocking at the door, sounding off like rapid gunfire. The boisterous call of "Hey! Gasters!! Anyone home!?" Let the two inside know exactly who it was at the door.
"I should get that!" Corbel answered, dodging the unasked question and slipping away to greet their guest.
He pulled away from his mother's studying eyes and stepped out of the way to get to the door. As soon as he opened the door, a blue-scaled monster made for his neck, looking to throw an arm around him. Expertly, Corbel dodged the "attack" slipping under the arm and letting the momentum of the swing propel the monster inside the home. He entered after her and closed the door again behind him.
The new monster stumbled as she righted herself with a bright grin and a loud laugh as she nearly ran face-to-gut with Nyala. "Hey, Mrs. G!" She greeted, "It's been a while. How've you been?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Good to see you again, Undyne." Nyala smiled back, taking in the blue monster's outfit. Undyne was sporting a neatly tailored suit much like Corbel's with long coat tails and a long red neck tie. It matched the shoulder-length ponytail she wore almost perfectly. Contrasting with the rest of her outfit, she wore comfortable-looking canvas shoes for ease of movement. Nyala couldn't help but think again on how much had changed since she was a teenager. If she could have gotten away with wearing something so stylish at that time . . . She let her smile spread, "You look as if you're ready to have fun!"  
"You know it!" Undyne cheered, pumping her fist into the air, "That party won't know what hit it!! Heh, we should get going soon, though. You know how Meta gets when we're late."  
With a quick turn on her toes, something she picked up in her ROTC class, no doubt, she spun to find Corbel with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Sup, Puff!? Just as agile as ever, I see!" She scoffed, "You dodged me easily enough!"
Corbel shrugged, letting the tiniest smirk pull at the corner of his mouth, "Years of practice." He answered.
Undyne had been Corbel's best and closest friend since before either one of them started school. She'd been the only person to stay by his side even after Corbel had gotten sick and started falling apart right in front of her eyes. She'd always kept him smiling and looking on the brighter side of things even when it seemed like there was nothing to smile about anymore. She kept him going, pushing him even when he felt he was ready to give up.  
She was the only person Corbel allowed to call him "Puffball" or any variant of the name. Where the other children had used it to make fun of him while he'd been sick, Undyne had turned it into his encouragement. Using the name as motivation and as a drive to keep fighting to recover. From her and only her, Corbel found it to be a sense of solidarity.
"So, how'ya doin', Red?" Corbel greeted, using his own childhood nickname for her, "Looking good."
"Right back at you!" Undyne grinned widely. She swept bright red bangs out of her eyes and tucked them behind her ear fins. "Ready to hit it?"
"Ready as I'll ever be!" He answered already reaching behind him for the doorknob once again.
"Wait! Wait!" Nyala interjected, "Let me get a picture of the two of you! My baby's first school dance! And of course your father will want to see!"
Corbel tried not to make his smile look too forced. The resulting "Tch . . . " was involuntary. "Do we really have to? We're late enough as it is."
"Aw, c'mon!" Undyne winked, "What's one picture? Besides everyone knows it's not a party until we get there anyway! Let your mom get a shot! It'll make her happy."
" . . . Fine."  
"Haha!! There you have it!" Undyne cheered, finally succeeding in throwing an arm around Corbel's shoulders. "C'mon, Mrs. G! Before this one changes his mind!"
Nyala was there in a moment flat with her camera as if she'd had it ready and prepped in her pocket all night. She focused through the viewfinder and centered the photo, ready to snap.
Before she could, however, she couldn't help but notice the stark difference in energy between the two friends.
Where Undyne was energetic and seemed to be genuinely excited about the photo, there was something off with her son . . . something that seemed to be distracting him . . . irritating him. It was as if a switch had been flipped and made his mood instantly sour.  
Corbel kept his gaze turned away and his smile seemed somewhat forced. She wished she knew more about what was going on in that skull of his. What was bothering her baby so much that it was getting in the way of him having fun with his friends?
"Over here, sweetie!" She called.
"C'mon, Puff!!" Undyne joined in, "You gotta smile! It's for your mom's album!"
That seemed to do something, Corbel almost immediately fell out of his previous thought trail and smiled brightly at the camera with Undyne as if he'd only just noticed the device.  
After the photos were taken, and every pose and angle had been tried, Nyala finally lowered her camera, thanking both of the teens for their patience while she tried to find the best way to preserve the moment.  
"All right! All right!!" Undyne called again, "That concludes today's impromptu photoshoot! Now, we really should get going before we miss the dance all together! Thanks for everything, Mrs. G! C'mon, Corbel!"
"One last thing before you go!" Nyala called a final time, "Let's do a quick run-through of the checklist. Now, how are your cuffs? Fully charged?"  
To appease his mother, Corbel stood forward, facing her as he pushed the sleeves of his shirt slightly up over his wrists. Around each of his wrists was a thick band secured tightly. Those bands were what allowed Corbel to control his prosthetic fingers using his magic. On their best days, Corbel barely even noticed they were there and he could use his hands normally. But he was still, understandably self-conscious about them, so he often kept them covered with long sleeves.
Corbel wiggled his fingers, showing his mother the full range of motion. "Check."
"And your inhaler?"
Corbel reached into his pocket, fishing the little tube from his pocket. That little tube saved him countless times when he had been suffering with coughing attacks and his bones began to crumble. He had been coughing up so much bone dust that it drew the attention of his peers. He had been nicknamed "Puffball" ever since then.  
Now, whenever he had a coughing attack, that inhaler had been his salvation. It soothed him and cooled the fires in his throat and chest. It dampened his dry passages and fortified his brittle bones.  
He held the little tube in his fingers, proving its presence, "Check."
Nyala nodded with a smile. "I know it's frustrating, having me ask all the time. But I just want you to have everything you need . . . if something were to happen and you didn't have your inhaler and I wasn't there . . . I don't even want to think about that . . ."
Corbel stilled for a moment, watching as his mom did her best not to let her latent emotion get the better of her.  
"Hey, Mom." Corbel said softly. After a moment, he took her in his arms, wrapping himself around her in appreciation, "It's okay. I'm fine. I have my inhaler and my cuffs are working fine. I'm going with friends. We're gonna have fun and we're gonna dance. I'll tell you all about it when we get back, okay?"
Nyala, in turn, took her son in her arms, holding him tightly and securely. She nodded wordlessly, taking in several deep breaths. She couldn't help it. Every once in a while, she remembered a night or two when she was sure that Corbel's coughing was going to get the better of him. There were a few really close calls and she had been terrified that she was going to lose her son. She was constantly grateful that his inhaler was so helpful for him. She saw it as a sort of a lifeline for her baby and as long as he had it, at least a tiny part of her worry was lifted.  
After another moment or two, she pulled away with a smile. "Goodness, look at me. I'm sorry! I'm supposed to send you off with more poise than this! Have fun, you two! Tell the Blook boys I said hello!"
"Will do!" Undyne assured, "And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on this one too! I won't let him get too rowdy!"
"I'll be counting on you then, Undyne! Take care of my Corbel! And Corbel?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Mom." Corbel answered with a hesitant but genuine smile and a slight nod. From there, he turned away from his mom to lead Undyne out of the house. He firmly shut the door behind him and headed off with his best friend to his first school dance.  
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ichiwashername-o · 6 years
What Are Friends For Ch. 18
An Undertale fan fiction
Written by Ichiwashername-o
Summary: The human continues their journey through the Underground …
Rating: Viewer discretion advised.  Contains swearing, trauma, and psychological horror
Cast: Undyne, Papyrus, Sans, W.D. Gaster, Grillby and others
[CH.1] [CH.2] [Ch.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] [CH.7] [CH.8] [CH. 9] [CH.10] [CH. 11] [CH.12] [CH. 13] [CH. 14] [CH.15] [CH.16] [CH. 17] [CH. 18] [CH. 19] [CH. 20] [CH. 21] [CH. 22] [CH. 23] [CH. 24]
CHAPTER 18: No Stone Unturned
“Human, don’t you know how to greet a new pal?  Turn around and shake my hand.”
The human complied. The shadowy figure extended its hand. The human took it.
A slow, wet, sloppy fart punctuated the otherwise hushed winter air.
“Heh heh heh,” Sans laughed, cracking a wide smile.  “The ol’ whoopie cushion in the hand trick.  Gets ‘em every time.”
He eyed the human, his otherwise friendly face betraying nothing as he kept talking.  The kid wasn’t covered with dust, no.  They held an old splintered stick in their hands, their sleeves were dirty with mud and scuffed with age and wear, but no dust. Just the frost of snowfall.
Sans didn’t make any sort of assumptions what was going on this go-around.  So he’d play it casual.  He directed them behind a lamp, and they complied.  They wandered through Snowdin, talking to all the residents and poking at all the snow poffs.  They played, petted, and romped with the Guard Dogs.
They talked to Sans every chance they got.  He kept it short and delightfully cryptic, underlined with the occasional pun.
They looked impatient.
They fought with Papyrus. Although “fought” was a generous term; all they did was stand there and flirt, flustering the poor Royal Guard-skeleton.  When the fight concluded, Papyrus declared he had no choice but to date the human.
And much to Papyrus’s delighted dismay, it went extremely well, but he ended up friendzoning the poor human so hard.
The human walked out of the house, unsatisfied.  Of course, who wouldn’t be, getting turned down by the coolest skeleton in the Underground?
They found absolutely nothing different.
They fought Papyrus, and good lord, did they fight.  They fought with everything they had, they pulled no punches.  They gave it their all and Papyrus enthusiastically returned the favor.  And just as Sans was starting to get worried, standing on the edge of his toes as his brother was just one blow away from being nothing more than dust, the human showed them MERCY.
Impressed by the human’s strength and prowess in battle, Papyrus decided the next logical course of action was to go on a date with the human.  They had a great time.  They talked about pirates and cars and fashion and engaged in a very intense dating simulation.
But at the end of it all, Papyrus decided it was best if they were just friends.  The human left, feeling unsatisfied.  But who wouldn’t be, getting friendzoned by the Great Papyrus?
Nothing was different.  They had to keep going.
They wandered through Waterfall.  They evaded Undyne, they talked with the Monster Kid and Gerson, they visited Temmie Village, they played the piano and recovered the mysterious artifact, only for an annoying dog to steal it.  But no matter how hard or how deep they pried
Nothing was different.
At least, until they fought the Captain herself.
The human readied themselves.  This was one of the few things that was really different from the original timeline!  They fought Undyne, and when the Captain pinged their SOUL red, they fled. They ran until Undyne caught them, and just as they were about to make it to Hotlands-
Undyne rose her hands, and a wall of spears blocked their path.  The human tried to hide their grin.
“You’ve put up a hell of a fight!  I suppose I should congratulate you!” Undyne mocked, her hands on her hips.  “But your path ends here!  I will not let you best me, and if you think you can beat me, you are sorely mistaken!”  She let out a familiar toothy grin.  “Because I’ve got one last trick up my sleeve!  Prepare to meet your devastation, human!  Prepare yourself to meet the most terrifying monster in the Underground!  Prepare to meet my partner in arms, and your DOOM!”
The human snickered as nothing happened.  Undyne poised, but no one came to her call.  She looked around, aggravated.
Undyne loudly cleared her throat.  “I said,” she said.  “Prepare to meet my partner in arms and your DOOM!”
Still nothing.  The human was practically dancing with anticipation.
Undyne hissed.  “You numbskull!” she said in a very loud and hoarse whisper.  “That’s your freaking cue!”
<<Oh, whoops!  Sorry, here I come!>>
And then Papyrus, unrecognizable in his skeletal dragon form, leaped onto the bridge, his jaws splitting open to unleash an earth shattering roar.  The human pumped their fist.  There we go!  Now, time to see what these two could really do!
Both Undyne and Papyrus attacked, and the human did so in turn.  They reminded themselves they SAVED just before this fight.  So . . . it wouldn’t hurt anyone if they killed one of them, just to see what would happen, right?  They’d just RESET, be back on their Pacifist route, and no one would be any wiser. Everyone would still be alive and no one would ever know.
There had to be something different, and they had to know what it was!
The human bit their lip. They chose Papyrus first.  It’s not like they hated the skeleton or anything.  In fact, they were rather fond of the cheerful guy.  He was their favorite character!  It was nothing personal.
They brought down their knife, landing a solid blow on the skeleton.  Papyrus let out a pained yowl.
They winced.  That sound was just like they kicked a poor puppy. They felt a bit bad about that. But this fight would be over soon.
Undyne ground her teeth, beat her chest with her fist, and her attack increased dramatically.  The human recoiled, caught off guard by the sudden ferocity in the captain’s attacks.  And Papyrus wasn’t going to let them off easy, either.  He kept attacking them with the same intensity as before.
The human struck Papyrus once more.  Another howl echoed through the caverns.
“YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE, YOU LITTLE BRAT!” Undyne cried, throwing a torrent of spears at the human.  “I’LL FLAY YOU ALIVE!”
Again, her attack increased. The battle was getting significantly more difficult, far more difficult than her usual battle, and that was factoring in Papyrus’s added strength!  This was nearly as difficult as the Genocide fight!
One more blow-
They struck true.
Everything seemed to pause as the blow set in.  Papyrus stared, eyes wide, stunned, as if he was trying to understand what happened. Undyne looked on, her face contorted in horror.
Papyrus’s form shifted and his edges became hazy as his bones slowly deteriorated into dust.  And his head clattered to the floor, decapitated from his body.
<<Alas, poor Papyrus!>> he wailed.
His body then disappeared in a cloud of dust.
<<Well, at least I still have my head!>>
He only lasted for a moment longer before his head too crumbled to dust on the cold wet rocky ground.
The human’s jaw dropped. No.  NO.  That couldn’t be it!  It . . . it was still the same!
Undyne howled.  She screamed with such desperate heart-broken rage that the Echo flowers chorused her cries.  The spears came like a blizzard.
“YOU!” she seethed. There was no humor in her eye, her rage was cold and subdued, silent and furious.  There were no more quips, no more taunts, just unbridled fury as she unleashed everything she had.  The spears were coming faster, in greater numbers, and they cut deep.  The human hissed, their health dwindling under Undyne’s volley.  They dodged, they tried to see if it was possible to show Undyne MERCY-
But they had run out of healing items, and a spear struck their heart.  Blackness enveloped them.
They were back at the bridge, fighting only Undyne.  They sighed. Did they really have to do that whole fight over again?  Ugh.  So be it.
They kept fighting Undyne. They ran as soon as they could. And once their path was blocked, Papyrus once again came to the captain’s side.
The human steeled themselves.  They were going to have to be very conservative with their items and their health.
Once again, they felled Papyrus.  Once again, Undyne’s anguished cries echoed the caverns.
The human tried everything. They tried to plead.  They tried to taunt.  They could no longer flee.
MERCY was no longer an option.  They could not end the fight killing only one of them.
In hindsight, it made sense. In every other battle where they fought two monsters at once, it was impossible to let one monster live while they killed the other.  This fight was proving to be no different.
So they attacked Undyne, landing blow after blow.  They sliced her, the knife cutting deep, until her health plunged to zero.
And . . . even so . . . despite everything . . . Undyne refused to fall.
She hung on the precipice of death, her fiery determination alone keeping her alive long after she should have expired.
“I will not die!” she cried out, even as her form began to deteriorate.  Even as her form faded and her entire body began to turn to dust.  “I WILL NOT DIE!”
The human struck, blow after blow.  And still, Undyne fought.  But her attacks were getting weaker.  She could barely conjure a single spear.  And still, she stood.  She refused.
“No!  NO!  Alphys, Asgore . . . Papyrus!  Everyone is counting on me to protect them!”  She yelled out a resounding defiant cry as she once again attacked the human.  “HUMAN! In the name of everyone’s hopes and dreams, I WILL DEFEAT YOU!”
The human deeply admired Undyne, they really did.  And even after all this time, after all those RESETs, this was one of the few deaths that truly broke their heart.  Seeing the captain hang on with such tenacity, refusing to give in, despite all odds . . .
It was admirable.
Even as her body threatened to crumple to dust, she kept fighting as if nothing was wrong.  She smiled right in the human’s face.  Even when the knife came down, again and again.
“You’re going to have to try harder than that!”
So the human did.  The knife came down.  Again and again.
“S-see how strong we are when we believe in ourselves?!” Undyne rallied.  She refused to let her fading body stop her.  Even as her attacks grew weaker and weaker, slower and slower, her spears coming in fewer and fewer numbers . . .
And she laughed.
The human struck another blow.  Undyne flinched, her head hanging low.
“ . . . I won’t . . . give up . . .” she gasped.
The human delivered one final blow.  Undyne could hold on no longer.
But still, she refused.
“NO!” she screamed. Her body distorted.  “NO!  I won’t die!” Her voice became alien as her entire body began to melt away.  “I WON’T DIE! I WON’T DIE!  I WON’T-! . . . I . . . !”
The human could only watch.
“Asgore . . .” Undyne called out.  Her voice was weak and fragmented.  She reached forward with a hand that no longer looked anything like a hand.  “Papyrus . . .”  Her teeth clenched, her eye stared at nothing as her form sunk into the ground.  “ A L P H Y S . . .”
For all her strength, for all her determination, Undyne could not survive.
The human showed them the only mercy they could, and ended her life right then and there, instead of letting her continue to suffer in such a grisly state.
And her dust joined Papyrus’s.
They wiped at their eye. That was still just as sad and tragic as the first time.
But it was no matter. With a single LOAD, she and Papyrus would be right back, like nothing ever happened!
They once again stood at the bridge, Undyne towering above them.  And they began to fight.  But still, their curiosity was not sated.  They wondered, no, they had to know . . .
What would happen if they killed Undyne?
The fight progressed as usual.  But now, with Papyrus in the fray, they focused solely on the captain.  Their weapon cut deep, and the captain winced, but smiled.
“Not bad!” the captain jeered.  “How about THIS?!”  Undyne increased her attack, throwing more and more spears at the human.  And Papyrus winced with every blow the human landed on the defiant captain, his voice whimpering as he watched Undyne’s health plunge dangerously low.
“COME ON!” Undyne continued to taunt the human.  The spears came, faster and faster.  Papyrus kept up his attack with his claws and teeth.
One more blow.  One more final attack, and Undyne would fall.
They raised their knife, and brought it down.  They felt it connect-!
Everything stopped.
Their blow landed.  
But not on the Captain.
On Papyrus!
Papyrus stood before Undyne, between her and the human.  The blow that landed upon him was enough to rend him to dust.  No one moved.  No one--not even the human!--could believe it!
“P-Papyrus!” Undyne gasped.
Papyrus’s form shifted and he was a skeleton again, standing there with a big goofy grin . . . and a knife in his chest.
“Tis b-but a scratch!” he wheezed.  “N-nothing t-to worry about!”  He fell to his knee, choking out one final laugh.  “Nyeh! Heh! . . . Heh . . . heh . . .”
And then he was nothing more than a pile of dust.
There was a terrible pause as both the human and Undyne stared at the skeleton’s remains.  The human couldn’t believe it.  Did that mean it was impossible to kill Undyne?
Undyne screeched in rage and grief.  The captain attacked relentlessly, mercilessly, her eyes wide and wild with pain. She had watched her friend cut down right in front of her!  After she promised-!
That blow was meant for her!  She was supposed to--!  Not Papyrus!
“I promised I would protect him!” she seethed between clenched teeth.  “I promised Sans!  I promised . . . I promised I would watch over him!”
Her attack increased. The human tried to once again show Undyne MERCY, but again, nothing would work.
Undyne bowed her head, her molten rage consuming her.  “Papyrus . . . who I knew was too goofy and naïve, who I knew could never hurt anyone . . .” Bitter tears stung her eyes.  “I knew, and still . . .”
She choked back a sob.
Sans had been right.
“I should have never made him a Royal Guard.”
Her heart hardened.
“And for that, human . . . I’LL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!”
MERCY was not an option.
And Undyne’s dust joined Papyrus’s, scattering in the howling wind.
They continued along their Pacifist route.  They SPARED both Undyne and Papyrus, they tricked Papyrus into subduing the Captain, and then later came over to her fishy little house for tea, where in the midst of a burning house, they became friends.  With that settled, they continued onwards.
So at least that one bit was different.  Although it was very curious.  They had tried a few times to see if they could leave Papyrus alive and kill only Undyne, but the same thing happened again and again: Papyrus would step in at the last possible second and take the blow for himself.  
How very Papyrus.
They made their way through Hotlands, through the lab and through all of Mettaton’s annoying hijinks, until they finally, finally ended up at the Golden Halls.
Sans was waiting for them. The human greeted them with a smile.
There was one thing they needed from Sans.  One final place they had not been able to check.  
And as Sans spoke, they gave him a nod, and a knowing look.  The skeleton paused.
“Wait a second,” he said. “That look on your face . . . you’ve already heard my spiel, haven’t you?” The human nodded.  “I suspected something like this.  You always act like you know what’s going to happen, like you’ve seen it all before.  So, I have a request for you.”
He looked up at the human, his eyes black and staring right through the human.
“E N O U G H.”
The human flinched backwards, blinking.
Sans let out a laugh. “Yeah, that expression you’re wearing. It’s pretty unmistakable.  You’ve seen this all before.  Like, a lot.”  Sans cocked his head.  “And honestly, even if I don’t know exactly how many times you’ve been here, how many times you’ve heard me say the same thing over and over, it’s a bit frustrating knowing you’re still here.”
He shrugged.
“Welp.  I don’t got anything else to say.  Later, ya freak.”
And he was gone.
The human jumped, shouting out to the skeleton.  Wait!  The key-!
They clenched their fist. They had been to Sans’ room a handful of times, they were always careful to scour every inch of both the room and the lab for any clues, but they only found a few curious items that indicated Sans had been involved with the Labs.  But nothing more solid than that.  But they knew if they could get in there now, knowing the brothers’ true forms, they could find something else!  
But Sans wouldn’t give them the key!  How frustrating.  They sat there, thinking.  They wracked their memory for every little detail in that secret room.  And the more they thought . . . no, there hadn’t been anything in there that could give them more of a clue to the brothers’ secret. Just those diagrams of the DT extractor, which looked all too similar to the Blasters, and to the draconic secondary forms.  But nothing to indicate how the skeleton brothers got that power, or why it had been hidden so carefully.
They knew one thing, though. They weren’t going to get anymore answers from this timeline.
It was time to try the others.
They suspected things wouldn’t be too different if they performed any combination of deaths with Toriel, Mettaton, Asgore, or really anyone but Undyne and Papyrus.  And they were right.  The Neutral runs were relatively unchanged.  At least, until they finally decided it was time to see what would happen if they killed Papyrus in Snowdin.
His fight nor his death were any different, despite him being a guard.  Although they noticed that when they went to Grillby’s afterwards, it was completely dead.  There was no one there.  Everyone, all the dogs, all the regulars, were just gone.  The human raised an eyebrow.  They approached the bar, looking around.  
Grillby, the bartender himself, emerged from the back room.  He was expressionless, but his fire crackled dangerously.  Wordlessly, he indicated that the bar was closed.
The human then found themselves outside.  The bar had now been locked.
Huh.  That was new.  As they explored the rest of Snowdin, they found that the rest of the town was eerily silent and empty.  The remaining residents were curt and short with the human.  Businesses were closed.  The Inn had a sign saying “TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR BEREAVEMENT.”
Their heart ached. Man, this town really liked Papyrus. They took his death pretty hard.  The whole town just . . . shut down.
They kept going.  Sans was still gone.  And they wouldn’t find him until they reached the Golden Hallway.
Waterfall was the same. They still had to evade Undyne, they still explored Temmie Village and talked to Gerson.  They skipped all those unnecessary puzzles; they weren’t worth the time.
They met Undyne at the mountain.  She stood at its precipice, her back to the human.
“Seven,” she began. “Seven human souls, and King Asgore will become a god.  Six.” She turned her head to look over her shoulder down at the human.  “That’s how many we’ve collected thus far.  Understand?”  She turned around fully, staring down beneath the hellish visage of her helm.  “Through your seventh and final soul, this world will be transformed.  First, however, as is customary for those who make it this far, I shall tell you the tragic tale of our people.  It all started, long ago . . .”
There was a long pause.
Undyne once again turned her back on the human.
“Forget it.”  Her voice seethed with hatred and anger.  She removed her helm.  Her eye didn’t meet the human’s.  “Look.  Papyrus didn’t come to his meeting today.  Say what you want about him.  He’s weird, he’s naïve, he’s self-absorbed, but Papyrus has NEVER missed a meeting.  And no matter what time you call him on the phone, night, day, afternoon, morning . . . he ALWAYS answers within the first two rings.”
Once again, silence, as Undyne stared off into the distance.
“But now he’s gone. And his brother isn’t around, either.” She finally looked at the human, her yellow eye piercing, cold and furious, filled with that same familiar grief and silent anger. 
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“What did you do to him?” Her voice was like ice.  “What did you DO TO HIM?”  Her fists shook.  “Papyrus, who I trained every day, who I made a Royal Guard, even though I knew he was too goofy to ever hurt anyone . . . even thought I promised him . . .”
She became very still. Resolution filled her being as she stared down at the human.
“Go ahead.  Prepare however you want.  But when you step forward, I will KILL you.”
The human was filled with determination.  They stepped forward, and they began to fight.  With Papyrus no longer here to lend his aid, the fight was just the same. And now they were finally able to SPARE Undyne.  They led her to Hotlands, where she collapsed from the heat.  They gave her water to rejuvenate her.  She rose back to her feet, staring down at the human.  Her rage was more than palpable.  Every fiber of her being wanted to slaughter the human where they stood.
They killed Papyrus.
They killed him.
Undyne shook.  But she could barely stand.  She barely had any strength left in her, especially in such a sweltering area.  She had no choice but to retreat.  Like a coward, she ran home.  
She had failed him. She promised him . . . she promised she’d watch out for him.  She promised . . . but now he was gone.  The human had cut him down.  Goofy, naïve Papyrus . . .
Undyne swore to herself she’d wreak havoc on the human if they ever dared showed their face again. They were rotten.  All of them.  All the humans deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth.  Every single last one of them.  And Undyne would see that not a single human remained once they breached the surface.
And the first human she would kill would be that brat of a child.
This was getting tedious.
The human had long lost count of how many variations they’ve done of the Neutral Endings.  They killed countless combinations of monsters, they even went so far to kill all but one, or kill only one, just to see what would happen.  But the differences were miniscule and insignificant.  There wasn’t anything that helped them reveal more of the skeleton brothers’ shape-shifting powers.  There wasn’t a single phone conversation they had with Undyne and Papyrus that uncovered their secret.
They were starting to get frustrated.
Fine.  They gave it a shot.  They played it peacefully, they played it not-so-peacefully.
Time for the third and final option.
There had to be something.
It’s not like they enjoyed killing.  They didn’t get any sort of sick satisfaction from the act, really. It was just curiosity, plain and simple. They could always go back and fix everything.  But they just . . . they couldn’t leave things alone!  They had to know the truth, whatever it was.  
So they stalked their way through the Underground.  They cut down any and all monsters in their path.  Their hand wavered as they felled Toriel with a single strike.  But they had done this before so many times. Her final haunting words were beginning to lose its affect.
They exited the ruins, and into Snowdin.  There, they continued their rampage.
The guard dogs fell. The residents fell.  And when they finally reached the town, it was as silent and empty as a crypt.
They approached Papyrus. He stood before them in his shining armor, standing resolutely before them.
“Halt, human!” he commanded.
The human stepped forward.
“Hey!  Quit moving when I’m talking to you!” he said.  “I, the Great Royal Guard Papyrus, have some things to say.  First: you’re a freaking weirdo!  Not only do you not like puzzles, but the way you shamble about from place to place, the way your hands are always covered in a dusty powder.  It feels like your life is going down a dangerous path.”
The human narrowed their eyes.  Was he really going to say the same damn speech?!
“However!  I, the Great Royal Guard Papyrus, see great potential within you!  Everyone can be a great person if they just try!  I mean, just look at me!  I am a great and fantastic Royal Guard, and I barely had to try at all!  Nyeh heh heh heh!”
The human stepped closer.
“Hey, quit moving!” Papyrus scolded yet again.  “This is exactly what I am talking about!  Human!  I think you are in need of guidance!  I know it is my duty as a Royal Guard to capture any humans that I may find, but I see now I have a duty to something much greater, and much more important! And that is you, human!”  The human blinked.  “I see what you really need is not to be captured!  What you need is a friend!  Someone to keep you on the straight and narrow!  So worry not!  I, Papyrus, will gladly be your friend and tutor!  I will turn your life right around!”
The human hesitated. But they knew what had to be done. They stepped closer.
“I see you are approaching,” he said.  “Are you offering a hug of acceptance?  Wowie! My lessons are already working!”
The human felt their heart churn.  They always liked Papyrus . . .
“I, Papyrus, welcome you with open arms!”
And when they engaged in their fight, Papyrus immediately spared them.  Like he always had.
The human raised their weapon.  They hesitated.
No, wait . . . they didn’t have to kill him now!  They could still hang out!  Yeah, that’s right!  On their date, after an aborted Genocide, they hinted at their true secret attack! Maybe if they hung out again . . .
The human showed Papyrus MERCY.  
Papyrus beamed. “Wowie!  You did it!” he exclaimed.  He raced forward and swept the human up in his arms for a fierce bear hug. “You didn’t do a violence!  To be honest, I was a little afraid, but you’re already becoming a great person!  I’m so proud of you that I could cry!  . . . wait, I’m a guard!  I’m supposed to capture you!  Well, forget all that, then!  I just want you to be the best person you can be!  So let’s let bybones be bybones.  I’ll be at home being a cool friend!  Feel free to come by and hang out!”
He then went on his way home, and the human eagerly followed after them.  They went on their hang out with Papyrus, following him up to his room. They went to the box of bones and curiously asked about it.  Papyrus laughed.
“I am relieved you chose not to do a violence!” he said.  “Otherwise, I would have had no choice but to use my special attack and blast you-“  He stopped, his eye sockets going wide.  “Wait! My special attack!  Where did it go?!”
A little white god popped out of the box, a bone clenched in its jaws, and it shot out of the room.
“Darn it!  Stupid dog!” Papyrus cursed.
The human gestured back to the box, prying into the matter.  Special attack?  Papyrus grinned.
“I can’t tell you about my special attack!  Otherwise, it won’t be special!  Nyeh heh heh heh!”
The human scowled. This had been a bust.
“I, Papyrus, welcome you with open arms!”
The human sighed.  He was sparing them, right as the fight started. But they were already this far down the path.  Time to see where it all went.
He fell in a single blow.
“W-well, that’s not what I expected to happen,” he said in a wavering voice.  His body crumpled to dust, leaving nothing but his head. “B-but still!  I believe in you!  Everyone can be a good person if they just try!  I p-promise!”
And then, he disappeared altogether.  The human sighed sadly.  It baffled them how Papyrus could be so delightfully kind and optimistic.  
They kept going.
They expected the fight with Undyne to be different, they expected her to say something about Papyrus. But it was still the same.  It was all the same.
The human gritted their teeth as they fought against the undying captain.  They admitted that this particular battle always gave them such trouble.  Thy actually died a few times.  They were admittedly rusty, but after a handful of tries, Undyne fell.  Just like all the others.
“Damn it . . .” she trembled.  “So even all that power wasn’t enough?!”  Her knees quaked, threatening to buckle beneath her.  Then, she smiled.  And laughed.
“If you . . . if you think I’m gonna give up hope, you’re wrong.  Cuz I’ve . . . I’ve got my friends behind me!”  and she kept smiling in defiance, her voice wavering and her body beginning to lose its shape. “Alphys told me she would watch me fight you, and if anything went wrong, she . . . she would evacuate everyone.  By now, she’s called Asgore and told him to absorb the six human souls!  And with that power-!”  Her form began to slip, to melt away.  Her features became hideously warped under the power of her own determination.  “This world will live on!”
Undyne then became nothing more than dust, and the human ground the pile underfoot, kicking it into the wind.
The denizens of Hotland were shown no ounce of mercy.  Everyone fell to them, everyone who got in their way was cut down like an annoying weed. Even that loud-mouthed, annoying sack of bolts Mettaton could only taunt and harass them so many times before they met the same grisly fate as all the others.
And of course, Alphys was nowhere to be found.  The only smart monster in this entire kingdom, apparently.
They reached the elevator, and began to make the long, arduous trek to the castle.  And on their way, a familiar smiling face accompanied them.
“Howdy!” Flowey said, dancing side to side.  “We’re going to have so much fun today, aren’t we?  Hee hee hee!”
The human narrowed their eyes.  This wasn’t fun, this was frustrating.  They tried everything, and barely anything was different!  They just discovered the skeleton brothers’ monstrous (quite literally!) secret, and nothing was different!  They tried everything!  They could find no clues, could find no details about that mysterious power of theirs, and they were getting very frustrated with how little they actually knew about the skeletons.
Flowey tilted his head, grinning a devilish smile, cackling.   “Oh, not everything!” the flower assured. “Not yet, anyway!”
The human stopped, looking at the flower curiously.  Flowey’s grin split his floral face in two.
“You haven’t yet fought them at their full power!”
The human huffed. They already fought Papyrus in his dragon form, and the only way to fight Sans was in this path, and they doubted they could make him go dragon on them-
They stopped.  They looked at Flowey.  They rose an eyebrow, asking a silent question.  Flowey cackled harder.
“Oh, yes!  Yes, indeed!”  Flowey leaned closer.  “I know how to MAKE them fight you in their full, terrifying, dragon forms! Oh, wouldn’t that be FUN?!  Fighting a skeleton dragon!  Hee hee hee! A battle for the AGES!  Ah, but of course, it must be done delicately!”
The human leaned closer, urging Flowey to tell them!
“So impatient!” Flowey teased.  “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you!  It’s simple, really!  You just have to push him to the very edge!  Right at the very doorway of death!  And he’ll have no choice but to turn!”  From Flowey’s vines, he revealed a thorn-like whip, and held it out to the human.  The human took it, examining the weedy weapon.
THORNY WHIP -- WEAPON ATTACK 0.9999999999999-
The human held the thorn whip in their hand.  And smiled. Flowey shared their manic grin.
“Do you get it?  You know what you have to do?” Flowey cooed. “It’s all you need!  One blow, and he will turn!  One blow, and you will finally have The Ultimate Battle!”
Now, finally, with a promise of something worthwhile, they proceeded to the castle, a grin on their face. They marched across the Capital and into the Golden Hallways.  Ah, but best not let Sans know of the surprise quite yet!  They put the whip back into their inventory and took back out their trusty knife.  They would use the whip when Sans’ guard was down.
The skeleton stood before them, hands in his pocket, looking as nonchalant as always.  He grinned that permanent smirk, his expression unchanging and unsettling.
He looked at the kid, at the dust that covered their hands and arms, at their devious little smile, and at the all-too-real knife clutched in their hand.
“That expression you’re wearing . . .” he began slowly.  His eyes turned black as the pupils in his eyes blinked out.  “Well, I won’t grace it with a description.  You’re really kind of a sick freak, aren’t you?”
And the battle began.
The human was really rusty.  It had been a while.  They died numerous times from the opening sequence alone.  Man, if all the monsters began with their strongest attack, this journey would have been a whole lot tougher!
But soon enough, it all came back to them.  Dodging, ducking, diving, their movements became automatic as their numerous attempts at this exact same fight came back to them.  They dodged the bone attacks, they evaded the blaster blasts, they watched with careful precision every one of Sans’ tells to avoid the next strike.
Sans was strangely silent through the entire battle.  Possibly tired of the same old speech over and over?
“What can you possibly get out of this?” he asked.  “What sort of sick, perverted nostalgia drives you to such derangement?”
Because they had to know.  They couldn’t NOT know!
“Just give up.  I know I did.”
I can’t.
It was time for the final attack.  The human prepared themselves, every nerve on edge for the most intense sequence they had ever experienced.  Rows and rows of bones shot before them, their soul was bashed relentlessly against the walls, the blasters chased them in circles, but Sans was at his limit. He could fight no longer.  He was forced to relent, and his attack ceased. Or, at least, his attack became nothing.
Literally nothing.
But the human was patient. They waited.
Sans was always so lazy, and especially after giving every ounce of his strength to this fight, he could not ward off his exhaustion for very long.
The human reached for their other weapon.  The thorny whip.
They struck.
Sans snapped, dodging the initial strike.  He laughed.
“Did you really think-“
They attacked again, the whip now finding its mark.  Sans’ eyes went wide, the thorns cutting through, and he fell to the ground.  A red liquid oozed from his wound.  He stared down at disbelief.  A skeletal hand rose to his chest.
But he wasn’t dead. Not yet.  He still had a sliver of health, just a minute fraction.  A breeze cold kill him right now!  But for the moment, he was alive, if only barely.
He looked up at the human, confused.  They had their chance to kill him.  So why was he still alive?
The human loomed over them, grinning wickedly.  They TAUNTed him.
Show me what you’ve got!  Show me your REAL power!
Sans froze.  Once again, his eyes went dark.
“So,” he began in a low and dangerous voice.  “Is that what you want?  What you REALLY want?  You want to fight me . . . at my full potential?”
The human’s widening grin confirmed that statement without them having to say a word.
Sans gritted his teeth. He could feel a dark and terrible energy build within him.  He felt his bones sear with an inner fire as he felt a terrible change build within his very being.  A primordial instinct prompted to do whatever it could to keep Sans ALIVE.
Sans laughed. “Oh.  OH.  I get it now.”  He rose to his feet.  His fingers were beginning to grow claws.  His teeth grew into pointed fangs.  They could see the human quivering with excitement.  And it made Sans SICK.  “You’re not just doing this out of a deranged sense of curiosity, although, admittedly, that’s a pretty big chunk of it, isn’t it?  You’re doing it because you can, and just because you can, you think you have to.”
He gritted his teeth. God, everything hurt so much . . .
“Because you want to brag to the world, whatever world that is, that you beat the ultimate monster. That you beat the toughest enemy.  Some sort of . . . sick egotistical prize to say ‘hey, look who I killed!’ Isn’t that right?”
Sans doubled over, laughing. It was getting harder to suppress the changes.
“Well, don’t worry, kiddo,” he seethed.  “I know what to do to sick little freaks like you.  And that is to-“
The human leaned forward in anticipation.
“-not give it to you.”
The human blinked. They balked. They stared.  What . . . ?
Sans stood up straight, that same red liquid freely dripping from his mouth as he grinned a manic fanged smile.  “Heh heh heh. I get it now.  I really do.  All that DETERMINATION of yours, it won’t let you quit when you know there’s some stone out there to overturn, when there’s one plausibility you haven’t yet explored. And you won’t ever stop until you get what you want, what you think you need. Well, I know one thing that can stop someone like you right in your tracks.  I’m gonna refuse to give you the ending you want.  I’m gonna take away from you the one thing I can.  I’m gonna rob you of your big, epic, final battle.  I’m gonna take away your bragging rights.”
The human stared, unblinking.  And slowly, they felt themselves grow furious.  No.  NO! They came so far!  They worked so hard!  They couldn’t have this taken from them!
“Now that,” Sans said with a pained laugh.  “That’s the face of someone who’s very frustrated. Don’t worry kid.”  He winked.  “I’ll tell all the Sanses out there the same thing.  No matter what you try, no matter how many times you come back here, I won’t let you have your grand finale.  And maybe, just maybe . . . you can finally let this world go.”
The human suddenly felt their SOUL turn blue.  With a gasp, they were suddenly jerked forward, right towards Sans-!
Their whip cut right through him, and they stared face to face with a grinning, bleeding skeleton.
“See you on the other side, you sick freak.”
And then, he died.
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“You know, you still haven’t tried everything.”
The human kicked the dirt under their feet, scowling.  Sans was a complete bust.  That damn skeleton knew what they were looking for, and snatched it away from them! What else was there?!
“There’s still one other skeleton!” Flowey sang.
The human gave them a look. Papyrus?!  They already fought him, and he-!
“No no no no, silly!” Flowey giggled, swaying to and fro.  “Oh sure, you may have fought him normally, but you haven’t yet seen him at his full strength!”
The human tilted their head. They were listening.
Flowey grinned.
“Reload your SAVE file and meet me in Snowdin!  I’ll show you a fight you will never forget!”
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necromancindancin · 8 years
Post-Pacifist Undertale headcanons
So there is a story coming this week and it’s gonna be Undertale but I need to finish up the ending. Today I was thinking about headcanons for the snippets I’m writing since it’s post-pacifist and there is so much up for interpretation. I’d also like to preface all this saying there are lots of cool ideas and pairings out there so I don’t want to come off as “anti-” anything, alright? Headcanons under the cut (Might post more if I think of them or people ask about specific things):
It didn’t actually take that long for humans to come around to the existence of Monsters. Granted, there are always going to be those who are prejudicial, but things went pretty smoothly! Part of this is the many, many children who absolutely lost their minds at real monsters. I mean, oh my god the kids alone who grew up with stuff like “Monsters, Inc.” or “Lilo and Stitch” who would beg their parents to hang out with the new friends. 
Mettaton, when not on stage performing with Shyren and Napstablook, is sought-after as a fashion consultant. Has been on talk shows all over the world. 
Monster Kid is studying to be a teacher at Toriel’s school. His cheery personality is very popular with kids. 
Grillby’s is more successful than ever Aboveground. Many humans think his fire room is one of the coolest things to exist in a bar. 
Frisk and Sans ran into Nice Cream Guy and Burgerpants at a restaurant a few years post-pacifist. BP immediately got flustered and said it was not a date. Sans pointed out no one asked if it was a date. NCG just laughed and held BP’s hand. More flustered speech ensued. 
They never officially chose a specific gender to identify as. Anyone who tries to give them shit about it will be given hell. 
As a child played dress up with Mettaton frequently. 
Frisk is really lean and muscular from physical training sessions with Undyne. Can and has broken up fights by trouble-makers. 
Not always the best student because they are always seeking out adventure in the great world. Is a little lost in what they want to do for the rest of their life, but who isn’t?
Frisk went through an edgy teenager period where they’d say things such as “you’re not my real mom!” to Toriel (and then would immediately apologize after Toriel would start to tear up). 
The skelebros
Papyrus, lacking a royal guard to join, volunteers EVERYWHERE. Animal shelters? He does the jobs no one else wants to do. Bake sales? Guess who made the best brownies in town. Reading to kids in hospitals or senior homes? The dude has entire collections of books to bring. He’s well known in town and everyone pretty much adores him. 
Sans returned to his true calling: science. He works with Dr. Alphys as well as a whole team of scientists in a lab. Although some days are still very difficult, he’s doing a lot better emotionally. On that note, he has begun his own research into the disappearance of an old colleague. If Frisk could help release the monsters from the Underground, anything is possible, right?
Papyrus may be naive, but he knows a lot more than he lets on. 
Toriel and Asgore
After some convincing from mutual friends, the two went to counseling together to discuss the loss of their children. Lots of things were said on both sides that needed to finally be let out. 
Toriel has never completely forgiven Asgore for the death of the children who fell. Over time, however, she’s allowed herself to move on and let go of the anger. 
While there is no specific definition of their relationship, the two now live together and seem to be very close romantically. Yet, it’s still not as it was before the events of the game. 
Sans and Toriel are ALWAYS texting each other god-awful puns. If it’s a particularly good one, Toriel will show it to Asgore for a good chuckle.
Toriel’s school is particularly popular for disabled students because of Monster’s natural inclination to not even bat an eye at the many differences of others.  
Alphys and Undyne
Undyne runs a local gym that teaches self-defense. Also does classes involving spear-weaponry. Surprisingly (or perhaps not), the spear class is not as popular as Undyne would like it to be. 
The two totally go to anime conventions in full couple’s cosplay. They have won several competitions. 
 Alphys is a pioneer in research on the possible uses of magic in combination with technology. 
While Sans doesn’t know it, Alphys is completely aware of his project to figure out what happened to W.D. Gaster and the others. She helps in whatever ways she can, but so far hasn’t had the courage to tell him she knows. 
They got married a few years after going Aboveground. It was a gorgeous ceremony and when they read their vows to one another, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. 
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canadian-buckbeaver · 8 years
Foxtale: Official AU Story - Chapter 1
@theshippingcharacter here it is! Your AU! Just a short little story, but hopefully you guys will enjoy!
By now everyone already knows the full, tragic tale of the monsters of the Underground.
In the Great War between monsters and humans, the humans were victorious and had slaughtered many monsters, coating the ground in their fine dust. To save his remaining people, King Asgore surrendered and allowed his people to be driven to Mount Ebott and sealed by the barrier. The barrier that could only be broken by seven human souls, and one monster.
During the collection of these souls, Asgore and Tori’s son made his way to the surface using the soul of their adopted human child’s and, upon laying their lifeless body in the flowers, he was killed by the humans. Tori and Asgore, in their grief, divorced, and the collection of souls continued.
The monsters’ hard life continued on. Humans were rarely found in the Underground kingdom, and were more often than not, accidently killed before their soul could harvested. Resources, food and magic were starting to run low. Hope and Determination were beginning to become hard to find – the lives of countless monsters were at stake. But the monsters knew that this way of life would only continue…
Until the day that the angel would descend to the Underground through the way of the ruins, and the Underground would become empty.
This is the Undertale legend that we all know and love. This is the legend that has spawned so many tales of heroes, of sacrifice, and of love. The tale that has caused so many others to take up their pens and contribute to it. Artwork, stories and many more fantastic pieces, these all sprung from this original, and fantastic legend.
This universe, through the powers of reset, caused many more alternate universes to spring forth. Underfell, the violent universe – a world of kill or be killed, where collecting EXP and LOVE the only way that you could be feared and respected. Underswap – the cute and friendly universe, where, to be the very best, you made the most friends. Underlust – kiss or be kissed, a universe of a… special kind of love. Swapfell – the feared fusion of both the Swap and the Fell universes. There are many more of these unique and wonderful universes, and many more being created all the time.
But we are here to talk about one of these in particular. There is one universe that is vastly overlooked and underappreciated. One were not only were the monsters sealed in the Underground but, due to their cleverness and crimes of the past, foxes, too, were also sealed away. Not even the monsters trusted these beings. They were feared for their vile tricks, their terrifying schemes, and their bloodthirsty history.
These foxes were unlike the ones that we see on the Surface. They still had their majestic tails, their tall, fluffy ears, they had their sharp teeth and canine mouths, not to mention their quick and clever brain. But the foxes that were sealed away were the descendants of foxes that had merged their race with the rarest of the monsters – the skeletons. This resulted in strong, magical beings that thoroughly enjoyed their pranks and tricks… many times taking them too far. Often times this would result in injury or death of the poor victim, their tormenter collecting EXP and LOVE from their death. But, as we know from the tales of Underfell and Swapfell, the gathering of EXP and LOVE is a cruel addiction. It has the power to overwrite a monster’s characteristics, making them savage, hungry for both power and dust. This is why even the monsters had begun to fear them.
Once the monsters and foxes were sealed away, and the humans had carried on with their own boring lives, the foxes found their own place to live. With them being banished by the monsters, hidden away from the humans, they had no chief, no one to rule over them. For a time it was comfortable but, tensions rose, and a desire for power hovered over the community. It was during this time that the foxes clashed, not with the other monsters, but with one another. Arguments were shared, heads were bashed, and soon the meeting, once of proper monsters, became a screaming ground. Eventually, they all had came to a simple conclusion, “the strongest will rule us all!” they declared, the contestants of the crown taking up arms against one another in a battle to the death.
The survivor would have been crowned their supreme leader. Even as good as this idea had originally seemed however, there soon was no monster left untouched by this battle. Even monsters with no desire to join in, with no desire to rule, were pulled in or killed on the spot. Turns out even foxes did not trust other foxes. As the battle had carried on, each warring fox would remember that he or she had a forgotten enemy. One that could potentially overthrow them if they were successful in this contest. “This could not be allowed to happen!” they are swore, killing those they deemed a threat. One prevention kill led to another, then and to yet another. But, as a wise man once said, there is no peace with war, as war only breeds more war, blood breeds more blood. These so-called prevention kills quickly led to retaliation kills by the other monsters. The contest had turned into a bloodbath.
Murderous instincts took over and the constant thirst for LOVE and EXP became unleashed. Fox clashed with fox, friend clashed with friend. There was no one left unscathed. Their snarls and weapon noises soon were drowned out by death howls and their barks. The entire Underground shook with the force of their violence. It was amongst the insane chaos that two brothers escaped, although they too were not unharmed. The taller one had received a slash to eye socket as he ran through the mob, resulting in a scar that never healed. The smaller fox was not so lucky. Another fellow fox had been squeezing his already small and weak arms together, causing little cracks to form in the upper bone. Morrow and magic flow were permanently changed that day, leaving his hands small and weak. His brother had been able to save him, attacking but not killing the assailant.
Together, these two brothers escaped, vowing to make a better name for themselves and for the remains of their fellow foxes. They turned their backs on their vile history and chose to make a new name for themselves.
But it was during their getaway, fleeing both the slaughter and the resulting dust storm that something changed within these two monsters. The tall and lanky one, known as Papyrus, was once happy and energetic, dreaming to become a part of the prestigious Royal Guard once he was accepted by the other monsters. He became rude, withdrawn and angry, disenchanted with the Underground. Obnoxious and troubled. There was only one monster that he truly trusted, and that was his beloved brother. His smaller brother, Sans, once lazy, innocent and cute, became more level-headed, and much more aware of everything. They only had each other now. Their father, W.D. Gaster, had somehow had struck a truce with the humans before the fall of monsters, and he himself had cast the barrier that sealed them away. Only he could cross it to freedom. All other monsters were cruelly left to their fate.
Once they escaped their clan, Papyrus and Sans were able to find shelter in a place just outside of the monster village of Snowdin. They had tried to avoid the monsters as much as they could, avoiding any potential conflictions. The Snowdin monsters only kept a wary eye on the two foxes, especially on Papyrus. With his edgy appearance, his long scar, brilliant red eyes, and jagged teeth, he was truly a fearsome sight. Sans was much smaller and completely adorable, his big blue eyes often forming into the shape of stars. To the townspeople, he appeared weaker to the others and was quickly deemed more trustworthy by the townspeople. He was the one that they spoke to, the one that they preferred to sell or trade with. This, in a way, was ironic. Sans had inherited more of their father’s intellectual mind, and was stronger with his magic attacks. He knew the powers of his cuteness, and was able to use it to his and his brother’s full advantage. Papyrus, as was easily seen, was clearly the physical fighter of the two of them. He could take a hit and retaliate the damage, sending the poor monster down.
The foxes, although safe and comfortable in their new home, knew that their new lifestyle wouldn’t last forever. Eventually they would be challenged by other monsters and be forced to reveal their true strength to the townspeople who tolerated them, or risk their own death. As months went on, the town monsters slowly began to trust, at least to a degree, the young foxes living outside of town. Papyrus had even taken up Royal Guardsman defensive training with the Royal captain herself, the resilient catfish, Undyne. He, by now had a new dream. He would become a Royal Guardsman, to become stronger and able to protect his brother from all harm, but also so the other monsters would realize that not all foxes were devious, that there was still some good left in that race. Sans, also through the generosity of Undyne, had found work as a sentry. He pretended to enjoy the constant walking, all through the forest, setting up traps and puzzles, all while watching for humans. His soul just wasn’t in it though. He wanted to sleep, be lazy. But to help his brother achieve his dream, he needed to help too. They needed to rebuild the name and history of the fox.
And so life, as it does, it went on. There was no sign of Gaster, though Sans and Papyrus were not surprised. After all, with access to the Surface, what monster would chose to remain below? They had saved only one of his textbooks, one that explained the fine balance of science, magic and use of Determination. As Sans and Papyrus had puzzled over it, looking over Gaster’s equations and other notes he had made in the barrier’s creation, they came across a small sticky note. ‘KEEP THEM IN’ was all it simply read. Papyrus had grown angry then and had tossed the book in the trash. Their so-called father had left all the monsters and his own sons to rot in the Underground, and ensured that no one would escape. What sort of father does that? However, the monster that Gaster had addressed as ‘Them’, were completely evil beings, ones with no shred of good left in their bodies. They were evil, no amount of HP or small-case love could change them. They were happy being themselves. Sans and Papyrus would not know this vital information however, not until it was far too late. It wouldn’t be until after the human had fallen down to the Underground, that everything would become clear, and that Gaster’s warnings, finally, would be taken seriously.
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