ready-bek · 15 days
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Struggled today.
Bought a new outfit and the leggings are too big (which is not a problem I've ever had before) and they kept falling down while I was running 🙃
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e17omm · 1 year
Man, I am so used to Svarog being a chump in SU
W4D3 Svarog does not mess around.
His phase 3 is literally:
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itsfarmerphil · 5 months
W4D3: Midweek kickoff into a strong finish to the week.
I do not fear sickness because by the stripes of Jesus I am healed. I have confidence stepping up to today because Jesus has already won the victory. I have faith to press in and press on because God is faithful and true and what He promises will happen in His perfect timing. So, I won’t stop or hold back as we hit Humpday but rather choose to accelerate and trust God in order to leap forward in…
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anthonymccarthyirl · 1 year
W4d3-Aripage-Clickbelow-Mstr-Opti (720P) from Anthony Mc Carthy on Vimeo.
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indigo474 · 2 years
i always feel good when i get done with my trainer. Mentally and physically. funny- he asked what I had for lunch today and i said nothing- my schedule was different this week because of training. i usually take a late lunch 2-3- because of training i had to take lunch 11-12 and in my head that was just too early. i ate lunch on Monday but wasn't real hungry. BUT all week i've been having stomach issues- nauseous . i didn't put it together until after my conversation with James- so you're just not hungry? nope- he says that's strange- i get hungry every couple hours. i've probably been hungry all week. things like this make me feel defective.. Welcome to yourself April- have fun getting to know YOU...
i picked the nicest weekend to work the OT- probably the last nice weekend until GOD knows when. at least i'll be home so yeah and until i know what x is doing i need to work all the OT i can mentally handle. I am going to go to the gym in the morning to lift. There are WAY too many people in that place after work.
i feel like it is going to take me forever to finish w5d3.. w4d3 is longer than w5d1 and yet i'm struggling to complete it- riddle me that. i felt like there was something wrong with my lungs the last 2x i ran-like i couldn't breathe- but not like how it usually feels- like i might be getting sick type of thing. i can feel a subtle difference in my lung capacity but don't know when i am feeling hungry.. besides walking through an energy field the last time i was at the park i kept thinking i saw people where there were no people. there is a planet visible up there next to the moon.
i was going to try and make it through nov without pleasuring myself. i'm going to try- it's been 6 days
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daisydezem · 4 years
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Week 4 Day 3 (4/6)
I do seem to be learning a bit faster... But I don’t think I could learn more.
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rachelfatpants · 5 years
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c25k w4d3 done! After work today my mom and I took Luna to the dog park and she had the best time ever. She played with tons of dogs and ran and ran and ran. Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth the whole time. Then I came home and went for a run, since tomorrow is supposed to get kind of stormy. I put my c25k app and my watch info side by side, so you can see the huge difference between the paces. The app has my pace way faster, which is just really annoying. On my Garmin, laps 2 and 3 are the running/walking portion while 1 and 4 are warm up and cool down. I’ll probably just post my Garmin here from now on to post more accurate stuff. I’m definitely repeating this week, no week 5 for me yet! 
In corona virus news, all schools are now shut down until almost the end of April. I kind of wish I was back in school, cause I’d be pumped! But no, I work one of the only jobs that continues on like normal, we’ll see if Starbucks ends up having to shut down cafes or anything, apparently they are “prepared” to do that according to an e-mail sent out to customers, but we haven’t heard anything on the store level. I’m glad I wasn’t able to go down to Orlando since now Disney and Universal on both coasts are closed! It’s madness out there! 
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nerdy-teddy · 5 years
FMLS90 - 10/29 - Affirmations
Prompt: Do you have any experience with using affirmations or other ways to deliberately enhance your moods? Share them. If not, can you think of any that might work for you?
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So my experience is very little, that seems to be a running theme this week. I’m more acquainted sadly with denial. This is one of the big factors for how and why my moods can shift so fast. I have convinced myself anything that has happened good for me is pure luck and I have not earned nor deserve any of it. I instead accept, focus, and emphasize my failures to the point they are all I see or remember.
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adaradin · 3 years
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#SocialShimmy W4D3 My Proudest Moment As A Performer Any time I try something new, I'm pretty proud of myself. But *this* performance, in particular, was such an important dance. I had just taken a workshop with someone I deeply admire (hi, Shannon!). Because of that workshop, I felt a greater connection to myself - physically and emotionally. In all honesty, this was probably my best performance ever. The video is on YouTube; I'll grab the link and post in the comments. #SocialShimmy2021 #bellydancer #bellydancejoy #fusionbellydance #AMillionDreams #plussizedancer #curvydancer https://www.instagram.com/p/CTCln7Xr52b/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Dad- after my mother died, we collectively hit a rough patch that lasted about a decade. My dad was not always the most involved in school or sports or extra curricular activities, but he did what he could with the situation at hand. And as weird as this sounds, I’m grateful for the struggles that the 3 of us had growing up because while I could give anything to have my mother back, I learned a lot about life and how to be independent from these years. As I’ve gotten older and we have all recovered more, my dad has gotten more involved- from driving 2 hours to watch me play soccer in college, to taking family vacations to Vegas and having him come help me around the house. My dad had a fair share of biases that slowly over the years my sister and I are breaking him of.
My sister- we might fight like the best of them, but she is a perfect example of “ride or die”. If I was ever in a pinch, she’s the first person I’d call (and then have to call 5 times until she actually answered the phone, lol).
Tumblr friends- for encouraging me even after I’ve spent the last 9 months spamming your dashboards with covid info, even though most of the people who follow me have the same thought processes as I do and don’t need anymore covid education. Thanks for listening to me whine and moan, for offering advice, and for letting me into your lives!
Daily challenge: laundry; pay my water bill
Weekly challenge: work on my December healthy habits plan
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xokona · 4 years
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Turkey Trot W5D1 // C25K W4D3
Skipped my scheduled run on Friday because ??excuses?? I was feeling super tired and then let the weekend get away from me.
This run was actually fun! I could tell my body felt fatigued so I turned down the speed and that made all the difference.
(Also also GO HAWKS!! 2-0 baby!!)
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anthonymccarthyirl · 1 year
W4d3-Molatiff-Clickdesigns Webinar (1080P) from Anthony Mc Carthy on Vimeo.
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indigo474 · 2 years
Scorpio season-transformation ahead
I heard my first Tupac song today. an audible gasp escaped me-wow- i've always been interested in the whole Biggie Tupac thing- mostly because i remember when it went down. Plus unsolved murder..I NEVER listened to the music. I guess i can kind of understand a little better after hearing this song. If i was Biggie i would have been pissed. Not just Biggie but he said a BIG fuck you to East Coast- Bad Boy. Crazy shit.
i told myself i would buy myself a new pair of sneakers when i finished w4d3- I didn't think i would finish so soon-so i'm gonna push out that goal because i really don't need a new pair of sneakers.. yet. so new sneakers once w5d3 is complete. i pretty much know if i am going to complete a run before i start- most of the time. sometimes i'm just not feeling it. I like my trainer- he's nice. he was right about me not being as sore as the weeks go on. I have breakfast and lunch down. I need to figure out dinner. My plan is to eat the same thing everyday- or mostly the same thing. Breakfast is a protein shake with fruit-lunch is salad with chicken- more chicken for dinner or stuffed peppers again.. it's just so much easier if i don't have to think about anything. i read something about highly successful people eating and wearing the same thing everyday- one less thing to think about. it's the truth.
My coworker told me more shit about our Supervisor- she's meeting with Drew tomorrow and actually called him. Our Supervisor says things to this girl that she would NEVER say to me- she's saying sexual stuff to this young girl- it's weird. I've complained about her 2x. i do kind of think it's messed up i was put on her team. i hate to say it but i'm kind of looking forward to the drama- only because i have nothing to do with it. I was doing pricing today- the girl who hates me was in the office- she could hear me doing my renewals- i had a thought( thanks Pitbull) if i was her i'd hate me too.. she's been with the company 2x as long as me and i'm doing things she has no idea how to do. i just wish if people are going to talk shit about me they would do it in a way that i wouldn't know about it- what people say about me is none of my business..
Mads is a good kid. i tell her i am on her side- because i am. i want the best for her. sometimes i just wish she was a little nicer. i told her to shut the fuck up last week. it makes me feel like shit to tell someone i love to shut the fuck up. it's just not nice. i don't like myself when i get like that- i feel attacked and i attack back
I'm looking forward to this new moon-there is something special about this time-exciting changes ahead-
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daisydezem · 4 years
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Week 4 Day 3 (6/6)
Judy: You’re getting good at this. If you ever want to be a chef... Come to my restaurant. Lori: *blush* Thank you. Erich: Where did you learn to cook? Lori: My mom. She wanted me to have at least the basics before I left her house.  Bristol: Must have been fun cooking together. I do it with my sisters often. Lori: It is was. Enjoy the meal. Bristol: Thank you!
@terrahji, @flethro​
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Wish was only neutral so no points 
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rachelfatpants · 7 years
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C25K W4D3 NOT done. With a minute left of the 3rd run my body was like nooooooope, I don’t wanna run anymore! My legs were just no. So I gave up and just walked the rest of it and didn’t do the final run bit, so I’ll have to do this one again. I don’t know why my legs weren’t feeling it, but I was sweating balls, it was hot and kind of stuffy and I just didn’t want to run one more step. But I’m proud that I stayed and walked, cause I thought about just stopping all together and going home. Now I get to shower and get ready for work. yay. 
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canadiangrower · 4 years
Nov 26 2020 - W4D3 - NLxC99 grow - 3ml/gal GH floranova grow @3.4pH w/ 6.5 drain pH adjustment.
More LST with some supercropping to start manifold.
Strain is delicate. Some damage to node. Taped to fix, should pull through.
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