#waiting around in dim lunch rooms as we waited for our turns
orcelito · 2 years
ladue is bringing something out of me (latent orchestra nerd remembering what it was like to participate in a school orchestra)
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marilynthornhilllover · 3 months
Anyway, don't be a stranger.
Mortica Addams x fem reader
Warning: fluff, smoking, past breakups, ex girlfriend talks, cheating, brutal dialog, memories, reader has a daughter, slight depression, talk about moving on, one kiss, a few flash backs, ending on good terms, getting closure.
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It was a relaxing rainy Friday evening, as gentle rain drops spilled against the rooftops of countless homes across the neighborhood. You picked up your glass of wine taking a sip as you listened to your exotic teenage daughter ramble about her P.T.A meeting tomorrow. She went on about how much she couldn't wait to show you around her dorm room, or to show you her plant science projects she made with Ms.Thornhill.
But most of all, she just couldn't wait to introduce you to her new very best friend Wednesday adams. Although the name sounded weird enough for a teenager you were still fascinated by the cute stories your daughter mariam would tell you every afternoon after school. You really wanted to know who was this Wednesday mariam would always talk about.
Maybe meet her parents and thank them for giving life to someone mariam could call a true friend. You smiled as she took up her fork to finally eat her food thats been sitting infront of her for hours.
" all that talking and now your dinner is cold mari" you chuckled as you got up from your seat shaking your head, the chair gently scratching the ground. At that she sighed before giving her food one look before refocusing on her conversation.
" and I want you to see what Wednesday and I made for our cooking competition i—" you rolled your eyes as you took away her plate and placed it in the sink.
" That's enough Missy, I've heard quite a lot in one night and for the past two weeks" it's true, every afternoon the only conversation topic was P.T.A meeting and Wednesday Addams. You honestly didn't mind but sometimes a little " so mom how was your day?" Or " today the lunch you gaved me was amazing thanks for making it" would be nice, but only on rare occasions were those phrases ever mentioned.
You quickly fixed her another plate of some chicken pasta before washing the remaining dishes that had been in the sink. You sneeked a glanced at mariam to see her giggling with her phone in her hand as her fingers typed swiftly across the keyboard, her food once again becoming cold.
You quickly turned around and with your soapy hands you snatched her phone away from her. She gasped turning her full body around to look at you with quite a perplexed expression.
" hey! I was texting Wednesday!" You shook your head and pointed at her food.
" eat, now. You'll need the energy to introduce me to this Wednesday" she smiled, doing as was instructed she began to stuff her mouth and not another word was mentioned until the plate that laid before her was cleared. When she was finished you took the plate and discarded the left overs.
" goodnight kiddo, please do get some sleep we have a very long day tomorrow and you won't wanna be dozing off at random points" you kissed her forehead before turning off the lights but leaving the dim ones on for her incase she maybe wanted to finish reading her book.
You threw on your robe around your pajamas then got into the comfort of your bed. You cuddled up in your duvet and not long after you weren't even aware when you had fell asleep.
The next morning went surprisingly smooth, you didn't have to rush mariam because she was already up two hours before you and she didn't speak a word about Wednesday. You both gathered all the necessary things and left the house.
You didn't really have a heavy breakfast because the school would be having a little parent and child meet and greet where parents and students can get to chat with food. Literally the part that mariam couldn't wait for, she was dying for you to breathe the same air as Wednesday.
When you both arrived at the school mariam practically flew out of the car.
" Come on mom! Your walking too slow Wednesday is probably wondering where I'm at" you held onto her hand as you both walked briskly through the crowded room. You were separated from your daughter when a young usher stopped you and gaved you small piece of pink paper with your seat number and seating section on it.
You were given only a small moment to catch your breath before mariam continued to drag you along to your seats. You placed your handbag down on your seat and pushed the small piece of paper into your pocket as you fixed your hair and lip gloss.
You scanned the room and your eyes were immediately hooked to the scene of mariam hugging this short pale girl. Her jet black hair was styled in two pigtails and her face frowned and eyebrows furrowed. Her uniform was not it's customary blue and black, no, it was grey and black. Her ankle high boots quite literally matched the aesthetic especially with her impressive mewing.
Maybe it was her smile, maybe it was was her choice of dressing or maybe it was the way she played off a very familiar serious face all to well. You were quickly snapped out of your trance when you heard mariam calling you from across the hall. Your eyes met hers as a small smile made an appearance on your face. Wednesday did a small gesture as mariam waved aggressively urging you to come.
The two looked every uncomfortable. If you had looked at them for the first time you'd think they were the cousins at the family reunion that were being forced to get to know eachother.
But Wednesday rather looked kind, she did hug mariam back regardless of her dark and gloomy appearance, with her hand on the lower part of mariam's back and a small smirk of her face. Something about her reminded you of someone... you just couldn't quite place your finger on it.
You chuckled before proceeding to walk over towards her.
" mommy this is Wednesday!" Mariam shrieked, doing a cute tiny jump before clasping her hands tightly together. The girl extended her hand and did a small bow. Before you could react, you noticed her necklace. It was a Obsidian Talisman with her initial engraved on it and you knew it well because you were also wearing one with your name initial on it.
Yours was a gift from your ex lover....
These necklaces are rare and hold a strong meaning, you weren't quite sure if others could get them that easily. Suddenly a wave of pure betrayal and utter regret shook you to your core, a shiver took over your body as a heartache you knew far too well struck you in the deepest depths of your heart. The touch of mortica's unsettling love burned your veins.
Your stomach did flips as your head slightly pounded. The feeling of the heartbreak still lingered within you, matter of fact it never left. You hadn't realized that you left Wednesdays hand hanging mid air. You reached beneath your shirt to touch your necklace — for comfort.
" mom? You ok?" Mariams voice brought life back to your body and just there you realize why you forced yourself to move on from mortica, so that you could love yourself and be the best mother possible to your daughter mariam. You couldn't allow yourself to fall, to return to that state of pure emptiness and guilt again.
You couldnt allow Mariam to see that side of you, what would she say? What kind of example would you be setting for her as a young teenager who hasn't even experienced love yet?. Mariam was the better version of you, the brighter, happier, less stressed, more energetic version of you. And you are so happy that you gaved birth to such a good person like mariam.
You nodded and looked towards Wednesday, who was standing there with a blank face as if nothing had happened. Before you could speak up and sincerely apologize to the young girl a voice asserted from behind you.
" Wednesday, there you are darling! I've been looking all over for you" a voice far to familiar to not recognize, and again that aching pain took over your body and you completely froze as you felt time stopped. Your throat felt as if something was cutting off your oxygen supply and your eyes slowly began to burn as they swelled up with tears. Your ears started ringing and you could have sworn that your vision got blurred.
You started hyperventilating as flash backs of you and mortica paced like rapid hot flashes across your eyes. The soft hand of your daughter gently wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to them.
" mom, seriously are you ok?" Mariam removed your bag and made space for you to sit.
" I'm fine mari , just a little headache" you laughed it off but you can tell that mariam was still worried. You both held an Intense eye contact for a while and again just as you were about to reassure her, Principal Weems spoke up.
" Greetings to all parents and to all of my extraordinary students, it's a pleasure to have you all with me this afternoon, I do hope you enjoy yourselves, also just letting you know you all have approximately fifteen minutes before we begin which we will start with our student honor ceremony" and with a twinkling of a honey coated smile and swayed hips larissa disappeared off the stage and into the distanceto greet more parents who were arriving.
You excused yourself leaving Wednesday and mariam to chat, you sped pass mortica faster than lightning not giving sparing her a glance.
You sighed as you stopped and leaned against the stone cold wall of the secluded bathroom hall way. The area was silent and well blocked out from any pass byers. You reached into your purse and took out your cigarette, lightning it you placed it between your lips and laid your head back against the wall. You closed your eyes and granted your mind permission to escape reality.
After a while you opened your eyes and gasped loudly as your hand quickly covered your chest, you can swear that your soul almost left your body. Standing on the other side of the wall was mortica. Black dress that almost showed her cleavage— as always and jet black hair straighten to it's thinnest layers. Her eyes gleamed as they bored into yours.
You scoffed before removing the cigarette from your mouth and throwing it into the nearest trash bin. She just stood there staring at you as if she wanted to you feel sorry for her, or maybe the other way around.
" didn't mean to scare you darling" she whispered under her breath so quietly that you almost couldn't hear, almost as if someone was listening. You rolled your eyes and kept avoiding eye contact with her.
" I'm not scared of you mortica" you said bitterly. She slowly took a step towards you. She analyzed you as if you were the world's most dangerous creature before taking another step.
" no one said you were darling, but i mean you did avoid me for almost two decades" she spoke, her tone was some what sorrowful but it sounded beyond sarcastic. With that your eyes snapped up towards hers.
" and who's fault was that?" You both stood still, no one moved, no one blinked, none of you breathed. The air temperature seemed to rise as the tension slowly became unbearably thick.
" look y/n don't say that as if I did something so horrendously terrible, it's been 17 years I mean I deserve atleast a bit of air—" you immediately walked up to mortica and pushed her.
" you made me question every possible reason as to why I couldn't be good enough for you! Question what larissa had that I didn't!" It was at this moment you felt all the lungs be pushed out of your lungs as a feeling of stored up pressure can be felt being released. You could feel the stinging sensation of your eyes as tears overflowed from them.
" you broke my fucking heart mortica! That's what you did, I tore myself apart for years because you walked out of my life when I needed you the most and you stand there and talk about air when i was the one who was suffocated!" You hadn't even realized that streams of tears were flowing down your face as your lips quivered.
And the look of pure hurt could been seen on morticas face, as if your words had stabbed her thousand times.
" i- I," taking a deep breath, then sighing she found the courage speak up. " y/n, I taught that I wasn't good enough for you, I was the kid with that bad grades, always getting in trouble, the bad influence, while you were always on all the scholarship list, joining after school clubs, getting honor awards, I felt like a burden to you."
" so that's your sad womp story as to why you cheated on me one week before our two year anniversary date? Oh mortica you are more pathetic than I thought—" she was going to cut you off but you spoke over her. Your chest rising and falling as you slowly started to hyperventilate again. The memories came back like hot flashes.
You froze.... is she being for real?.... that's her excuse....
" you are so unfair, mortica you knew that I loved you with every bone, every cell within me, and you knew I didn't care about the odds that stood between us! you are utter unbelievable!"
You did want a second chance with mortica.... so bad... to give her a chance to be who she didn't get to be, to do what she wished to do. But it was too late, and you've already been hurt enough. There was no second chances for a heart that hasn't even healed yet.
You both just stood there in dead silence.You both stared at eachother, the pain too much to bare with one's soul. You could hear your heart breaking like pieces of tiny glass shards.
You both had too many emotions for words to express. The weight of it all was too heavy, it was weighing you down, it has weighed you down all theses years and it's exhausting.
You knew if you let mortica back in there will be consequences and wounds will be reopened.... wounds that you fought so hard to close, just so that your daughter wouldn't grow up with a sadistic, numb mother that was dying from her heartbreak.
Mortica on the other hand wished she loved you sooner, better.... wished she had took other roads to fix how she felt about herself in the relationship. Instead of taking matters into her own hands and breaking the heart that she loved the most, the heart that she fell so desperately in love with. Because now you won't let her back in the mend it.
And she understood......
It would be selfish of her to ask for a second chance.....
And it would be foolish of you to give it to her....
You did love the small moments you got to spend with mortica. And you did cherish the memories you both made.
The days when you'd both buy ice cream just to lick it off eachothers nose.
The days you'd skip class, just so she could pretend to be your Romeo at the park for her theater practice.
The days when you both slept in and savored the cuddles while the rain sprinkled love and harmony outside the window.
The days you'd kiss til both your lips went sore.
You swallowed before sighing. You slowly walked closer to her, instantly feeling the body warmth you loved on the winter days. Her bitter sweet perfume that would burn your nose everytime she sat next to you in lab class.
She took a step closer to you, pressing all her body weight on you. You both locked eyes with one another. Your pupils deliate as your eyes glanced down to her lips and back up to her eyes. She got the message. She leaned in, with one hand wrapped around your waist and the other around your neck both your lips met in the dance of love for one last time.
Her lips were just as soft as you remembered them to be. She swiped her tongue across your bottom lip requesting entry and to which you granted. Your tongues gently and slowly twisted and interlocked with eachothers. And for the first time in a long time you remembered what love felt like, what her love felt like.
You remembered how safe and protected you felt in her arms, how cared for and loved you felt when she kissed you. You melted in her arms before pulling away. You both stayed like that for a minute, hugging eachother. Her skin against yours in the warm embrace.
" dont be a stranger darling, I don't wanna be a stranger in your life, if you need me for anything, I'm just a touch of an necklace away" she whispered before pulling away. You kissed her cheek and nodded.
You both returned to you seats to be there for your children and enjoy the afternoon. The food was great, the conversations were amazing, especially with mortica's silly jokes that never failed to make you laugh. Wednesday and mariam said their goodbyes and so did you and mortica. No longer holding on to any guilt or regrets you both went your separate ways.
It was like a fresh start, the one where your heart wasn't aching everytime you had memories of what you and her used to be.
Sometimes people come into your life to show you what love feels like, not to stay and in this is the hardest form of the word goodbye.
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iluffyouxo · 4 months
𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨
╰┈➤ 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 ✮⋆˙
Cigarette smoke truly is forlorn.
I watch the smoke curl around his head, and in the dim light of the setting sun, it is blue. It wreathes his face, reaching up to swirl through his dark lashes before outstretching to kiss his hair, rising into nothingness. And it's beautiful; yet I feel somewhat doleful every time I glance at it.
The evening was turning out like any other.
Drawn out like his breath, and boring like his dazed-out leer. His usual scowl and frown.
It was late, or, truly, it felt late. The cherry on his cigarette flared as he sucked in. I was busy doodling away on the corner of my homework textbook as I sat leaned against the wall next to my most loathed co-worker.
Except...right now I didn't loathe him as much as I did a mere six hours ago, when my shift began. It was peaceful, nicotine scented tranquility.
"We should go inside soon, Dixon, it's almost time for our shift change." He puffs out a solemn cloud, a loud sigh passing along his lips with it; a beat passes before he finally responds… “Yeah, I’m sure Eliza is waitin’ on us to clock out wit’ her.” I chuckle, “No, I’m sure she’s sneaking in the back to finish her burrito.”
Daryl glances down at me for a second before looking back up. “Ya make her lunch again, Shorty?” My lips tighten as I give a single slow nod. “She says my cooking reminds her of her mother.”
It takes him another brief moment to reply, “…I see,” is all he says when he finally speaks. And after another paused breath he turns on his heel from his spot leaning against the railing. I quickly scramble to gather my things and shuffle after him. “Hey! Wait up!”
“What were you two doing up there?” As I anticipated Eliza was sitting in the back finishing off her lunch from this afternoon, with the door wide open in case a costumer decides to stroll in.
Eliza is quick to scold us as Daryl and I descend down the final few steps that lead to the roof from the break room. “Your break ended ten minutes ago!” She points to Daryl in an accusatory manner.
Daryl ignores her, opting to answer her by sitting at the only other table across the room exhaling another puff of smoke. “And your lunch ended over two hours ago, what’re ya doin’ back here?”
Eliza’s face turns a deep red before she’s spouting insults at him in Spanish, to which Daryl again completely ignores and continues to smoke the butt of his cigarette. I shake my head at the spectacle, setting my things aside and walking out to the floor, closing the door behind me. “Don’t want costumers witnessing that,” I mumbled.
“Is Daryl getting another tongue lashing tonight?” A soft voice pokes through the silence.
“AH!” I spin around—hand on my chest to ease my rapid heartbeat and jagged breath—to be met with a sly smile and light brown curls on the other side of the counter. “Rick!” I slap him lightly on the arm, “I told you to stop doing that!”
Before Rick can respond through his laughter the back room door swings open to reveal a frantic-looking Daryl and Eliza behind him with a broom gripped tight in her hands.
Their eyes quickly land on Rick and the two visibly relaxed. Eliza discards the broom somewhere in the room as she pushes past Daryl. “Hi, Rick,” she smiles, “How’re you doing tonight?”
Daryl rolls his eyes and moves to stand next to me. “Really, Shorty?” He tsks, “You’re such a pussy.” I glare up at him, “The hell did you say, street rat?” Daryl glares back at me but says nothing as he huffs and leaves from behind the counter.
Rick grinned at Eliza—though, it seemed a bit more forced than before—with a small hum. “I’m doing good, just waiting for Lori, again.”
At the mention of Rick’s wife, Eliza huffs and walks away annoyed. The three of us chuckled under our breath. It was no secret that Eliza had a thing for Rick; however, Rick was a committed man and wasn’t leaving Lori any time soon.
“Cerise?” A voice beckoned me as the entrance opened and someone new walked in, and I smiled upon seeing them. It was my younger sister and my nephew, Anthony. “Michonne!”
Out of the corner of my eye Rick freezes and I sent him a knowing look before I walked over to greet them. “Hi, Auntie!” Anthony grinned when I bent down to give him a hug. “Hi, nephew!” I stand up to say something to Michonne but, I find her preoccupied with staring back at Rick.
“Ummm—“ she clears her throat, “—hi…Rick.” His face grows red as his name rolls off her tongue and he averts his gaze towards me. “Hello, Michonne.”
I shake my head at the spectacle, returning to my post at the register. I suppose Rick wasn’t completely committed to Lori. Not if my sister was involved.
Before the pair could converse further Rick’s phone began to ring. He fishes it out of his work duffel. “Carl?” He answers. “Yeah…alright, I’m on my way.” Rick hangs up with a sigh. Michonne and I instantly notice the shift in his demeanor, she asks him what’s wrong. “It’s Carl,” he starts for the door, “Lori forgot to pick him up from practice again.”
“What!” Eliza chimes in. I hear Daryl cuss somewhere near the back of the store. I hum, “Doesn’t she have the car?” Rick nods. “I’ll have to walk.”
“I’ll take you!” Michonne jumps up from the table she and Anthony were sat at. “I’ll take you…”
Rick agrees with a sharp nod—I’m sure he’s not opposed to spending more time with her—and the three of them give quick goodbyes before walking out to Michonne’s car. I shake my head again. “Ain’t nothing good coming from liking a married man.”
“Tell me about it,” Eliza snickers as she walks past me with the mop. I cut my eyes at her. “You’re one to talk.” But she continues on as if she hadn’t heard a single word.
A disembodied chuckle sounds from the fridges nearest to the register counter, and I smirk proudly to myself. Sometimes, it was nice to know that I could make Daryl laugh—as reticent as he was.
The rainy season had just begun, now that it was the beginning of April, and as I opened my umbrella a loud crash of thunder boomed and lightning struck against the large, dark clouds. “See you guys later!” Eliza called over her shoulder as she squished into the backseat of her mother’s car, where she was met by the rest of her siblings. I sent her a small wave as I watched the car drive past. “Ya ready to go?” Daryl mumbled against the cigarette between his lips. I nod and we began walking down the sidewalk.
After Daryl moved out of his dad’s house and into his brother’s apartment about a month ago, we walked home together now that we lived in the same direction.
Every once in a while we’d strike up a conversation, but that was rarer than not. We’d usually stroll in an awkward silence that anyone could cut with a knife. It was rather uncomfortable; but he always insisted on walking me despite that fact.
Just then he cleared his throat—I flinched—I guess today was going to be another rare occurrence. “So…why don’ you date?”
I pause in my movement and turn to him with a quirked brow. What an unwarranted question. “What—?” He cleared his throat again, as if something was stuck in it, he was obviously anxious. “Why, uh, why don’ you date? Ya been single for a while now, right?”
I continued to stare in disbelief, “Honestly, I don’t see how that’s any of your business.” Daryl scoffs down at me taking the cigarette between his index and middle finger. “It was jus’ a question. Sheesh.”
“An invasive one,” I tsk. I continue on walking as if the conversation hadn’t happened, Daryl staggered behind.
“Why d’you hav’ to be so damn mean?” Daryl hisses, “It was jus’ a question.”
My eye twitches. The fuck? I spin around and stomp towards him, my finger already raised in his direction. “Every time you ask me something, it’s extremely personal and sensitive! We’re not even close, barely even friends; just coworkers by happenstance! Why do you even think you have the right to ask me shit like that?” I huff poking his chest with each emphasis of my tongue.
Daryl’s eyes are wide and his mouth stayed agape and I could tell he was racking his mind for the right answer. “Well…?” I push against his chest, “What is it? What’s the reason?”
“I want to get to know you better,” he blurts out. His eyes squeeze shut in an attempt to disappear. I take a step back, surprised,“What?”
It takes a moment for him to center himself. Another light clashes in the sky and lands in his crystal eyes when he opens them again. “I…want to get to know you better.”
“Don’t you dislike me?”
Daryl vigorously shakes his head. “No…I jus’ don’ know how to talk to ya.”
At this confession I could only laugh. He huffs. “What’s so funny?” I smile at him, “We’re speaking right now, silly.”
“Yeah,” he mumbles against his cigarette, “After you yelled at me.” I shrug. “Blame yourself. That was the absolute worst way to start off a conversation.” Daryl scratches the back of his head, nodding. “Okay, then how should I start a conversation?”
I think for a moment. “How about you ask how my day was?” He grins, “How was your day Cerise?” I playfully roll my eyes, “It was terrible. Don’t even ask.”
He blinks, dazed. “But you—“ I only laugh as I began to walk away. But with his long strides he caught up to me in no time.
We walked in comfortable silence after that. The loud pitter patter of the rain against our umbrellas sweet background noise. “Hey, Cerise?”
“Yes Daryl.”
“Do you have any chocolate?” I laugh as I reach into my bag to hand him some. “You’re gonna smell like chocolate and tobacco. My favorite combination.”
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notf1obsessed · 5 months
wrapped round my finger: Charles Leclerc x Carlos Sainz (AU!)
Carlos and Charles are both automotive designers who are big names in the car industry, having worked with many companies before. They have both set aside their past, but what happens when they're forced to work together?
Chapter 1: disrupt my life (again)
"It's wonderful to have you with us Mr.Leclerc," Vettel shakes his hand in greeting, "Im sure you'll make a wonderful addition to the team."
Charles shook his hand in response, smile on his face. After many hours spent working, he'd finally made it. He'd finally been able to join Ferrari in designing their new car model. This was a lifetime goal of his; working with Ferrari. This was the moment he'd worked up his whole life for, he knew it.
They were standing in the Ferrari HQ in Maranello, right in front of the meeting room.  If you had told younger Charles he'd be standing here, he'd be laughing in your face. But now, Charles's fantasy was very much a reality.
"Right, you and one other will be our head of this project," Vettel continued, "Come with me so I can introduce you to them."
Vettel pushed open the doors to the meeting room, holding it open for Charles to enter.
His smile was immediately wiped off his face.
"This is-"
"Carlos," Charles interrupted him before he can continue.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow in response taking a seat in front, "I see you have met before."
"Yes something like that," Carlos joins in, smile on his face. He was at on the opposite end of the table, hands clasped together and bent forward.
Charles felt bitterness boil in him, trying hard to keep his doll face on.
He would rather be anywhere in the world than with Sainz right now.
"Well then no need for introductions I see," Vettel now continued, expression much more relaxed, "We can get straight to the point."
Charles took a seat on the table opposite Carlos, eyes glued to Vettel. He turned over his papers as he spoke, dimming his voice which was quite quiet.
Not much help to Charles. Words entered through one ear and exited through the other, though he did manage to pick up some points. It was hard to stay focused with Sainz in front of him.
He could feel Carlos's eyes pierce through him.
Seb went through the points of them having to work on the main design, nothing much besides the clauses and contracts. Though Charles payed particular attention to when Seb mentioned they would have to work together.
He dwells about that point for a short time before refocusing. He can't throw away his opportunity at Ferrari just for some guy who didn't even earn it.
He can't.
The meeting ends quite quickly, Seb simply explaining the days they will work on the design. Charles shakes Seb's hand, walking through the door afterwards. His excitement is very much bursting through him, the goal of his life finally achieved.
"Long time no see, mi amigo," A familiar voice calls from behind.
His excitement is damped rather quickly, stopping slightly before continuing to walk towards the exit.
"You too," he responded, voice barely above a whisper. He doesn't turn to face Carlos, eyes on the glass doors in front.
Sainz picked up his pace slightly, meeting level with Charles (a few centimeters taller).
"Haven't seen you around since you moved away from town," he countinued.
The mention of his past town made Charles freeze abruptly. He left all his memories there and didn't want them to return. Though, with the arrival of Carlos, 2/3 of them already had.
"Yeah well work's been busy," he responded blandly, wanting to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He raises his wrist to look at his watch, trying to find an excuse to leave.
Carlos didn't speak for a minute, hands ruffling to fix his black suit.
"I have lunch with some of my friends so I better not keep them waiting," he lied through his teeth, eyes now lifting from his watch, still not daring to face Carlos.
"Well, see you on Monday," Carlos responded, his face indicating that he knew Charles was lying. The uncomfortable silence stretched for what seemed like hours before they finally reached the doors.
Charles didn't repsond, instead walking towards his Mercedes. He opened the door to throw himself on the seat.
He buried his face in his hands, groaning loudly.
That idiotic Carlos with his idiot smile his idiot hair his idiot suit his idiot-
He lent back on the seat's headrest, slowly opening his eyes to see Carlos smiling smugly through the window.
He wanted to rip that smile off his face so badly.
Charles arrived in his Mercedes on Monday, confidence spilling over. He adjusted it quickly, taking the sunglasses off his face as he entered the building and shoving them into his shirt. His hair was ruffled, not very messy though. He's planning on making a good impression, and he isn't going to allow a shitty Carlos interfere. His eyes navigate the place, looking for any sign of someone who will lead him to the designers. His trip isn't long lasting as he sees a person approaching him.
He seemed quite old, probably in his early 40's. He wore a Ferrari employee fit, his hair combed neatly to one side (probably using a lot of gel in the process considering how his hair glistened under the light).
"You must be Mr.Leclerc?" the man asks, eyes glued to a clipboard in front of him.
Charles nods, not sure the man saw him, so he replies as well, "Yes."
The man nods into his papers, finally taking his eyes off to look at Charles, "Right this way then."
The man leads him to a fairly sized room, not a lot of people crowded inside. Charles stands awkwardly in the middle of the room, not sure what to do. What doesn't help is that the man immediately abandons him afterwards. The people in the room, chattering amongst themselves, turn to face him. He freezes on the spot, not sure of how to take this forwards. And while he had worked on large projects before, this one was Ferrari, and the nerves seemed to kick in quite quickly.
He was brought out if his trance by a tap on his shoulder. A voice leaned into his ear, hot breath on his cheek sending shudders down his spine, "Leave it to me, Charlie."
He hadn't heard that nickname in a very long time, and there were only very few people who called him that. Specifically the one standing next to him, hand still on shoulder.
Carlos's hand left his shoulder, making his way to the front of the room. Charles stayed frozen to the spot, watching as Carlos talked. He wasn't listening for the majority of the time, words becoming noises to him. He wasn't sure when Carlos's little speech ended, but he was snapped out by Carlos walking towards him.
He leaned in closer to him this time, lips millimeters away from Charles's cheek.
"No wonder you always froze in class."
Charles hated what he was doing, pulling out pieces from the past to remind him with. He had already buried his past deep, and was not planning on reviving it.
But Carlos had other plans.
The next day of him working, Charles decided he was not going to let Carlos's reminders of his past affect him from doing his best. So he made sure that before Carlos was to go and give another one of his 'little speeches' that he was going to actually inform him what the fuck he was doing. So that's exactly what he did, trying to avoid his remarks and focus on getting to the point.
"What was your little presentation even about yesterday," Charles grabs hold of his arm, wishing slightly he hadn't. His muscles were tense, veins tracing his skin.
Carlos turns around to face him, same smug face that he always has. Charles hated that smug expression that he had, like he was the one who hung the stars. Like he was the one who brought life to earth. Like he was the centre of the universe.
"I see Mr.Leclerc wasn't really paying attention to the speech, am I really that handsome and distracting," he snarkily replies.
Charles rolls his eyes at him, "and maybe Mr.Sainz wasn't planned out enough to tell his partner what he was actually doing."
"Fine fine, it was simple points about the car's design, someone in here should have the points printed out," he said, eyes tracing as they lit up when someone waved a stack of papers in hand. He went to grab them before shoving them in Leclerc's face.
"Jesus Christ," he muttered taking the papers out of his face, "no need to be aggressive Sainz." He looked through them, they were quite short considering the time Carlos had taken to go through them.
"Since you did all the simple, baby stuff, let's get going with the real shit, shall we?"
Carlos rolled his eyes at him before going to take a seat, paper and pencil in front of him, "If you insist on being so wise, how about you begin the designs."
Charles smiled sarcastically, hand going to grab the pencil from Carlos's hand. Carlos's hands held a slightly longer than expected grip on the pencil before letting go, letting Charles take it out of his hand.
Charles leaned in to the paper, finding an angle for him to work at, pencil lightly waving over the sheet. His brows furrowed and he stuck out his tongue in concentration, taking slow steps in drawing details to the car.
Carlos thought he looked ridiculous like this, but it wasn't unusual to him.
He's seen Charles like this a million times before.
Charles sketched out a very light base of the car, only drawing the rough shape. It was the outline of a convertible, its shape curved inwards giving it a sharp front.
"What do you think," he dropped his pencil from his hand and leaned back into his chair, proud with the sketch he'd made.
Carlos did the opposite by leaning in closer to get a better look of it. His lips folded back into his mouth, dissatisfied with some details.
Read: a lot of it.
He picked up the pencil, fingers holding a firm grip. He flipped the pencil to the erasing side, taking out large chunks from the car. He then went back in to give it a more outwards curved shape, this time closing the sunroof with his detailing.
"Much better"
Charles shot him a look, picking up the pencil and re erasing the shape, restoring his once more. It gave the paper a slight wrinkle, but Charles didn't pay attention to it.
Carlos smiled sarcastically in response, snatching the pencil out of Charles's hand and once again erasing the shape. He roughly restored the shape, giving the paper an uneven look.
Charles shot him a menacing look, aggressively snapping the pencil out of his hands, once again restoring the shape. This time, the paper was severely distorted.
It seemed like Carlos wasn't going to win this time.
Not like this.
So instead, he shot daggers through his eyes before smiling.
"Whatever you say, Charlie."
Charles ignored his remark, eyes darting to the silver clock hung on the wall.
"Oh would you look at that, it's time for my lunch," he responded, getting up from his chair, "See you in the cafeteria, Carlito."
He decided if Carlos was going to have some fun, so would he.
He turned around before exiting the door, his smile fumbling slightly.
Carlos's expression wasn't his usual one. It was a mixture of softness and hurt at the same time. Like a piece of him had been brought back, but cutting him in the process. Like going through a photo album and getting a paper cut.
Like his hope had been shattered and restored at the same time.
Charles didn't waste anymore time analyzing Carlos's expressions, instead darting his way towards the cafeteria.
He wasn't going to let Carlos's emotions interfere with him.
Not again.
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bardicfrustration · 2 years
Screening Process
"We need shirts." The DnD club had finally come to an agreement during lunch, and as leader, Eddie had to agree. The yearbook had started taking club photos and he knew from yearbooks past that to finally be taken seriously as a club, they would need shirts. 
"We need shirts." He echoed, nodding his head. "How do we get shirts then?" 
They’d tried the copier store before, but the prices were a bit too high. Seemingly because the owner was not well inclined to printing ‘satanic propaganda.’ Eddie had tried to be nice and explain that it was basically a book club for nerds who liked math and maps, but that only hiked the price five dollars extra. 
Normally, they could’ve pooled together enough money to scrape by against the bitter bigotry, but Eddie knew the entire club was going through a monetary dry spell. Himself included. 
In a moment of revelation, his black sheep prodigy piped up from the end of the table, "The AV Club."
Eddie cocked his head in confusion, and Jeff asked, “The AV club makes shirts?”
"No," Dustin's smug grin lit up his face, "But because no one really thought it would survive, the school wouldn't hand over the money to get shirts made. So our AV teacher had someone else make them." 
"Homemade? Henderson, we want to look good, not like we’re modeling mommy's craft of the week."
"No! These are good quality!" He pointed to the infamous ‘thinking cap’ adorning his head, “Where do you think I got this?” 
“Geeks ‘R Us.” Gareth replied without a second thought. 
But Dustin continued, “Seriously  guys, they look legit. The other clubs started asking where we gottem because they looked waaaay better than the iron on crap from the copiers. It’s top secret though; nerds, rejects, and losers only.” 
Eddie squinted, “So, where do we find this elusive vendor?” 
Dustin promised to lead Eddie there, as long as he promises not to snitch. Eddie scoffs, “You think I would snitch? Really, dude, and I thought you respected me.” 
After lunch
Dustin only shared away from the cafeteria (‘away from prying ears!’) and after Eddie promised not to snitch (‘you think I, of all fucking people, would snitch?’). 
Once lunch was over, and most of the afternoon classes had settled into routine, Eddie entered the dark, empty art class gingerly, trying to be discreet. This is why he liked his picnic table, no one there but trees. 
It was quiet save for the soft hum of a radio playing somewhere nearby and the gentle scratching of pen on paper. With a second take, he looked around the dim room still to find no one. The only light he could see was streaming under a closet door. So, he knocked. 
The scratching stops and the door cracked open a sliver, just enough for a face to pop through and ask, “Waddya want Dustin-oh.” 
Your hair was pulled away from your face, but it still had managed to fall awry from the motion of art making. Eddie couldn’t see much in this surprisingly well used closet, but he could see the angled desk behind you covered in ink and paper and tape and other wayward materials. 
“Uh, Dustin sent me. Sorry.” He holds up a plastic bag of baseball tees he was able to afford. “We require your assistance.” 
Your face dropped from curious to bereaved. “I told that little snotrag I’m not making him any more personalized crap unless he pays me. I’m not gonna do it just because he sent a pretty face with them.”
Eddie looked behind him, expecting a pretty face to have appeared out of nowhere, which allowed you to slam the closet door when he turned back. 
“WAIT!” He hears you turn up the radio through the door, “It’s not just for Henderson! And I’ll pay you back in time, promise.” 
He’s hanging in anticipation for a response. The pen doesn’t start scratching, but the door doesn’t open. He could practically hear the wheels turning in your head from beyond the barrier between you. 
The door opened wide like a tiger's maw and you snatched the bag of shirts out of his hand before he could even react. 
“Promise?” You held out a hand covered in ink. Eddie shook it without a second thought.
“Fine, enter the studio.” You pushed your chair back into the corner so Eddie could have room to step in. 
It wasn’t much of a studio in terms of size, but the walls were covered in shelves of supplies; paints, glues, inks, papers, brushes, knives, anything an artist would crave while wandering the aisles of an art supply store. His own fingers itches to reach out and test things out, but he was there on a mission, for the club. 
He dug through his pockets for a carefully folded piece of notebook paper. He unfolded it and started to explain his design in mind. “We were thinking something devilish, to match with the Hellfire theme, and maybe a cool flaming sword, oh and some dice, like a d4 and a d20. Uh. I can bring those for reference if you need.” 
You waved the thought away. “I know what nerd dice look like, dude.” You took the paper from him, not unkind or rough, but to take a closer look, “Did you draw this?” 
He scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah, I mean. It’s just a doodle. Ideas, brainstorming, whatever.” 
“Hm.” You looked him over, more thoughtful than before, “I can get it done by the end of the week. I take cash and cookies.” 
“An artist requires sustenance.” You pointed to the tin of sugar cookies on a short table in the corner. “And my preferred method is sugar. Are you good for that?” 
Eddie nodded, “Aye aye cap’n.” 
You smirked at him, but turned back to your work table, “I need to start now if I’m going to get this done soon. Come back with cookies.” And you shut the closet door in his face once more. 
He stood there for a moment, grinning to himself, before heading off to find someone who was willing to bake. 
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Suptober day 4 - Commencement
Castiel completes his training with Rowena, and it all goes very fast after that!
A new part to my 2019 series Rowena's Shop
Suptober prompt: Nimbus Flufftober Prompt: Cinderella Moment Fictober Prompt: “Do you even know what this means?” Inktober Prompt: Dodge
(Read on AO3)
“Oh, well done, Castiel! Very well done, indeed! You've gotten it exactly right! Look!!”
Comfy and dozing in his overstuffed armchair, Dean can hear Rowena's words of effusive affirmation drifting in through the curtained doorway to the back of the store. The cooing, approving tone of her voice is one she's never used with him, of course, but Cas has been drawing it out of her more and more often lately as he's neared the completion of his studies. From the sound of it, he's just ticked another box on the list of spells he needs to master before he “graduates,” whatever that word means for a literal sorcerer's apprentice in the Year of our Lord 2023.
He's starting to doze off again when his boyfriend comes bursting through the doorway, a wide, gummy grin on his handsome face.
“Did you hear?!? I did it!!” he trumpets.
Dean stands to give him a hug. “I heard, honeybee! Nice work!! Does that mean you guys are done for the day, or are you taking a break? Maybe we could go grab a late lunch...?”
Cas gives him a firm, full-bodied squeeze, then pulls away, shaking his head. “No, beloved, I did it. That was the last one. I'm finished. Do you even know what this means?”
Dean watches, mouth agape, as he murmurs a few sibilant words and flicks a finger. The cozy glow of the shop's chandelier dims as a nimbus of luminescent power gathers around Cas's head. The blue highlights in his hair coil and eddy, then the color surges, flowing down the man's body and draping it in a floor-length brocade cloak that perfectly matches his gorgeous eyes. It's a Cinderella Moment if Dean's ever seen one.
“Holy shit,” he mutters.
“Indeed,” Rowena intones sarcastically as she walks into the room. “Eloquent as ever, I see.”
“Hey, screw you, Broom Hilda,” Dean snipes back. “Forgive me for being in awe of my boyfriend the fucking wizard.” He rolls his eyes at her and turns back to Cas. “So, what happens now? Can we celebrate? Go out for a nice dinner? Or should we just skip to dessert?” It's a cheesy line, but God help him, that little display of power got him so freaking turned on. If Rowena wasn't here he would 100% be on his knees right now.
Cas seems to be on the same wavelength, because he's got a dirty smirk on his face. He opens his mouth to respond, but Rowena throws up a waggling finger.
“Ah ah ah, there'll be plenty of time for that sort of business later. Right now I need your help with the last o'my cases.” She gestures behind her, at a teetering pile of steamer chests that definitely was not there a minute ago.
And the same-wavelength thing must still be in effect, because the two of them reply in unison, “Wait, what?”
“I've been stuck here long enough, boys. Now that you're ready, Castiel, I'll be goin' walkabout for a bit.” She points again at the trunks, an imperious quirk to her brow, and the two men scramble to fill their arms.
Rowena herself picks up the tiniest, daintiest little handbag and leads them, shuffling under the immense weight of her luggage, out the side door to the alley. Her car, like her a sporty little compact number of indeterminate age, make, and origin, seems much too small to hold so many massive cases. But of course, like magic, it all fits neatly into the boot, with ample room to spare.
Dean slams the lid down, then rounds on her. “So, what, Cas finished his training five minutes ago and you're getting outta Dodge? How long are you gonna be gone? What's gonna happen to the store? Wh–”
Whatever other question he'd been about to ask dies on his tongue when she snaps her fingers. (He's honestly not sure whether she did a silencing spell on him or he's just terrified of her.)
“It's tradition, you utter gowk. I've nothing more to teach our Castiel, and the shop practically runs itself, has done for centuries. And, much as I loathe to admit it, you've become quite an exemplary assistant in all the years you've been lollygaggin' around here waiting for your fella to do his lessons. The pair of ya'll do fine. And I'll be back around, in a few months or years or... Well, eventually. Cheerybye, boys!”
And she's gone, in a puff of sweet-smelling exhaust.
Dean and Cas stare at each other for a full minute, slack-jawed and stunned. Finally, Dean gathers himself enough to break the silence.
“Honeybee,” he says hoarsely. “What the fuck.”
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Tour Diary; Sixties Gold Tour 2022 Part 7
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Day 21, 12.11.22; Chesterfield - Day Off
So unfortunately the gig in Chesterfield was cancelled but the hotel was booked so we travelled over after checking out of Darlington. Went for lunch at a nice little cafe then had a wander through the market. Jodie treated himself to some new jewellery totalling £4 then we checked into the hotel. West Ham were playing so Al and I had another wander and watched Chesterfield close up for the weekend!
Post game we had a drink in the bar then went to the Thai restaurant across the road.
It was an amazing location; done up very traditionally, no shoes at the tables, which were dug out of the floor. We had to wait for a table but completely worth it for the excellent food and the most entertaining of company.
As we had finished eating, the lights dimmed and the neverending version of Happy Birthday played over the speakers; i suddenly realised it was directed at me as the staff brought out ice cream with a candle in it, much to the amusement of the others. Two things to note; it was neither my birthday and that happening is my worst nightmare. Still had to pay my share of the bill!
A great evening despite not playing a gig; off to Doncaster tomorrow. The ‘never a bad night in Chesterfield’ legacy continues!
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Day 22, 13.11.22; Doncaster
Started the day with a late checkout then went for lunch in Chesterfield. We tried one cafe but upon learning they had no oat milk we left en mass! Such demands!
Ended up in the same place as the day before but this time upstairs in the Tudor building next door. An awesome (if slightly cold) location.
There was an outdoor record fair happening so we had a look around that before heading off to Doncaster where we were very well looked after by hotel manager Julie. She even arranged for us to have a free nightcap after the show to celebrate my birthday. It appears every day is now my birthday. We also learned that if Al gets something for free it is known as Vospertality. Brilliant.
We attempted to eat at the pub across the road from the hotel but were greeted with ‘foods finished’ at 6:40pm. Back to the hotel to eat before heading to the venue.
The dome is like a massive sports hall / ice rink so it was cold but a massive room.
Al introduced us to an alternative form of karaoke which included the new ultimate version of “I Just called To Say I Love You”. That set us up perfectly for the show; we were in a great mood as was the crowd. A fantastic way to end the weekend.
Back to the hotel for the promised free drink; back home for a couple of days tomorrow.
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Day 23, 16.11.22; Manchester
A relatively smooth drive to Manchester; actually got there just as the show was starting so unloaded the gear then went to the pub across the road.
It was quite a quirky little place with little rooms and tables in the corridor. We got chatting to the guys at the next table and as we were leaving one asked if he could take a picture to make his FB friends guess the band. Would love to have seen his account the next day when he put it up and said ‘guess the band’; ‘Chesney Hawkes’; ‘Wrong - The Tremeloes!’
The dressing room had a wardrobe so it was deemed to be used in our backstage picture. Ches managed to climb onto the top shelf; quite impressive! Made for a good shot.
Brilliant crowd in Manchester; very busy on multiple tiers. Ches had a bit of a funny turn towards the end of the set but Dr. Showbiz carried him through.
Staying with friends in Liverpool so a drive back in the rain; nightcap and a catch-up before bed.
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walkingdaryls · 4 years
domestic life with loki
i hope you enjoy this, it’s super fluffy (but it has some minor nsfw at towards the end!). enjoy :)
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while loki is the god of mischief, and brings a little too much chaos with him practically everywhere he goes...
you and loki’s settled life together was anything but chaotic. it was pure tranquility in everyway possible
you were convinced this is what heaven was like
you and loki, once you two decided to settle down together, decided to leave the states
and so the two of you found the nicest place to live in ireland
with loki’s magic and what not, you two built a cottage in the middle of a beautiful, endless forest on a large hill
it was the kind where if you followed the path down the hill, it’d lead you to a lovely stream
sometimes you two would spot harmless wild animals pass through the area
there was not another home in sight, but if you walked a couple minutes up and over the other side of the hill, you’d find yourself amidst a gorgeous tiny town
full of locals, cute shops, bookstores, and more
every single morning, without fail, you’d wake up with the rising sun in your face coming in through the windows, before loki pressed a soft, warm kiss on your forehead
he’d make his way out (and you’d admire his shirtless back as he walked away) and into the kitchen, where he’d be awaiting you with a cup of tea or coffee
“good morning, darling” and he’d wait for a passionate kiss first before giving you your drink
every. single. morning.
your day to day routines would vary a little bit each day
sometimes you two would hop on your bikes, or walk into town hand-in-hand
you’d stop at a farmer’s market, as loki chose all of his favorite fruits
he’d pull you into the bookstore and would have you close your eyes as he gently dragged your pointer finger along the shelves until you said “stop”
he’d stop, pull out the book, and try to read to you the most romantic passage he could find in it
you blushed every single time.
little shit had such a way with words
you’d stop for some lunch or dessert at a local bakery nearby
if you were feeling really up to it, you and loki would catch a train and visit dublin, or perhaps go all the way to england for a weekend trip
your cottage had a long, winding garden out in the back, so some days you’d tend to it as loki was reading inside, or on the swinging bench
you had music playing while you worked out in the dirt, so you wouldn’t hear loki as he’d come behind you, grab you gently by the waist and kiss you so passionately, you’d drop your gardening tool on the grass
he’d chuckle at your funny gardening hat, kiss you once on the nose, and say “c’mon inside, love. i made tea. you deserve a break”
when it was rainy (which was more often than not), you two would sit outside on your swinging bench under a covered area, and just listen to the sweet sounds of nature
you’d lay your head in loki’s lap as he ran his cool fingers through your hair tenderly
“is this what true peace is?” you’d whisper, just barely over the pouring rain
loki would sigh contently, remembering all of the chaos, violence, and stress from his past. he’d take one loving glance at you, run his fingers over your cheek and say,
“i’ve never known peace until you.”
you smiled shyly, “i love you.”
“and i, you, darling. until the end of our days, and so on.”
“and so on...” you closed your eyes, soaking in the feel of his touch
your absolute favorite pastime with loki, though: baths.
you two were very much fans of skin on skin, not even in a sexual way
loki would magic away the lights, leaving only the soft dim of candles lighting up the bathroom
he’d take you gently by the hand, discard you of the thin robe you were wearing, and carry you into the tub
you two would take turns shampooing and lathering one another. it was so quiet, so peaceful...it was almost meditative
the only sounds you’d let out were soft moans when his fingers would scratch just the right spot on your scalp. he’d laugh softly at that.
there was nothing more tranquil to him than the sounds you made
you’d lay on his chest until the water got cold, then he’d help dry you off and get into bed
but not before another long kiss
(a little nsfw) with you and loki’s home being in such a quiet, secluded place, you two ravished each other and made love almost any place you possibly could
he’d take you on the bed. in the bathtub. on the kitchen table after a candlelit dinner on your anniversary. in the living room while some old movie kept playing.
one time, you and loki had a romantic picnic out in your garden
and he ended up making love to you right there and then on the ground
every moment intimately spent together was nothing short of sweet whispers of affirmations, pleasureable moans, and pure passion
you and loki would also take advantage of the view, and you’d make your way down the hill, and sit by the stream late at night to star-gaze or watch the full moon
loki would point out the stars and tell you the history about them. and if he didn’t know it, you two would name it together
“you see those two stars over there? the ones that look almost...attached by the hip? we can call those after us.”
“you mean our names?”
“you fucking sap.” but you devoured him in a kiss anyways.
sometimes you and loki would turn on soft, intrumental music, and blast it in your living room
you’d walk in wearing a nice, long sundress that drove loki mad, holding two glasses of wine
and he’d pull you in close to him, and you two would sway in each other’s arms for what seemed like hours
when you two were tired, and ready for the day to be over, he’d pull you into him in bed, wrapping his arms around you
you’d press a warm kiss to his neck, and he’d leave one on your forehead. then you two would meet in the middle with a kiss on the lips.
you guys sleep with a window open, letting the sounds of nature filter through
as your eyes began to droop, loki whispers softly by your ear, sending light shivers through your body
“my little dove, i am yours forever.”
pure tranquility. and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
For the old @drarrymicrofic prompt: Lunar. It turned out to be like 1.6k lol. I got my info about space from this website. Big thanks to my darling @written-in-ash for the beta!
🌑New moon: The moon is between Earth and the sun, and the side of the moon facing toward us receives no direct sunlight; it is lit only by dim sunlight reflected from Earth.
He brings the bottle to his lips, grinning into the sip at something Weasley says. Leaning against the bar, he swallows and says something in return that makes Weasley laugh heartily and Granger roll her eyes.
Next to me, Pansy nudges my arm gently. "Go over and talk to him."
I shake my head. "Not now."
🌒Waxing crescent: As the moon moves around Earth, the side we can see gradually becomes more illuminated by direct sunlight.
"Malfoy," he says with a slight nod as he passes me in the corridor.
I choke on nothing, spinning around and watching his retreating back.
"Hi Potter," I whisper to the now empty hallway.
I kick myself the entire way back to my office.
🌓First quarter: The moon is 90 degrees away from the sun in the sky and is half-illuminated from our point of view.
"You're right."
I blink. "What?"
He shrugs. "You're right. We hadn't thought of that. I'll have someone from my team look into whether the suspect has a history with rare curses. Is tomorrow soon enough for us to get that to you?"
I clear my throat. "Er, yes, that would be acceptable."
He nods once. "Thanks, Malfoy."
"Sure," I say, resisting the urge to run out of his office. I'm sure I'm imagining the heat of his eyes on me as I walk away.
🌔Waxing gibbous: The area of illumination continues to increase. More than half of the moon's face appears to be getting sunlight.
"Malfoy, wait up!"
I hold back a sigh and turn to face Potter, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. "What is it, Potter?"
He catches up to where I'm stopped in the hallway. He grins brightly. "Want to get dinner? With me, I mean. Together."
I furrow my eyebrows. "Is this a work thing?"
He blushes. "Er, no. It's just...y'know, I'm hungry, and I assume you're hungry since you just had that apple for lunch and—"
"How do you know what I had for lunch?"
"I, um, I just noticed. Y'know us Aurors, always hyper-aware," he chuckles nervously. "So. Dinner?"
"Y-yes. Okay. Yes."
"Great, it's a date." He smiles, already walking away. "Meet at The Rose Garden at 7?"
I can only nod in response, but his wide grin is enough to tell me he saw it—and to keep me rooted to the spot for several minutes.
🌕Full moon: The moon is 180 degrees away from the sun and is as close as it can be to being fully illuminated by the sun from our perspective.
"Merry Christmas, Draco. We're glad you're here." Mrs. Weasley—Molly, I remind myself—hands me a soft lump wrapped in thin wrapping paper.
I tear it open, the paper coming apart easily in my hands after I undo the stubbornly knotted ribbon holding it all together. I can't help the way my lips part slightly in surprise at the soft green jumper, a 'D' stitched in silver on the front.
I look up at Molly, my throat thick with emotion when I whisper, "Thank you, Molly."
"You're welcome, dear," she smiles, reaching up to cup my cheek gently before moving to the other side of the room, muttering something about the mess of wrapping paper strewn about the rug.
I look around the room at the others, watching them exchange gifts, thank-yous, hugs, and laughter. My eyes meet Harry's and I hold his gaze as I pull on the sweater, only breaking eye contact when it goes over my head.
His eyes lock onto mine again, and I never want to let go.
🌖Waning gibbous: More than half of the moon's face appears to be getting sunlight, but the amount is decreasing.
"What do you mean you're not coming, Harry? This has been planned for months!" I'm done trying to keep my tone perfectly even, indignation and disbelief tightening my chest.
Harry at least looks contrite. "I'm sorry, okay? I thought it was the weekend after."
"The invitation has been hanging on the refrigerator for months!" I huff.
Harry sighs. "I had every intention of attending Pansy's charity ball, but this is the biggest match of the season and no one expected the Cannons to make it this far. Ron would be devastated if I didn't go with him."
I grit my teeth. "And Weasley's feelings are more important than mine?"
"That's not what I said and you know it," Harry narrows his eyes. "And honestly, it won't kill us to be apart for a weekend. It's okay for us to do things separately."
I ignore the weird way that stings. "Except that Pansy has been relying on you to make an appearance to bring in more donations." I roll my eyes. "But whatever, Potter. Go to the stupid game. I suppose it's alright for you to miss this. But next time, you'll come with me, alright?"
Harry nods. "Yeah, I will. Thanks, Draco." His smile is soft and hopeful, and most of my anger melts away.
🌗Last quarter: The moon has moved another quarter of the way around Earth, to the third quarter position. The sun's light is now shining on the other half of the visible face of the moon.
I say it without really thinking after we babysit Teddy together for an afternoon. "Other people's children are great because you can give them back at the end of the day," I chuckle, leaning back against the couch.
"You think so?" Harry smiles wistfully. "I can't wait to have kids one day."
"You want children?" I ask as nonchalantly as I can. Not now, not now notnownotnownotnow.
Harry scoffs lightly, but not unkindly. "Of course I do. Who doesn't want kids?"
"Plenty of people, I'd think."
"They're crazy," Harry shakes his head. "I'm so excited to be a father."
"Well, not all of us want to be parents, Potter," I snap. His eyes widen and jump to mine.
"You don't want kids?"
"No, I don't," I say shortly.
"Why haven't we talked about this before?" He furrows his eyebrows.
I shrug. "I don't know. It's never come up."
"But—are kids a dealbreaker for you? I mean, would you come around to it if I—if your partner wanted them?"
I release a shaky breath, looking away. "I don't know. Would you be happy being with someone who doesn't want children?"
I see him clench his jaw out of the corner of my eye. He's quiet for a little while, and I nearly startle when he breaks the silence.
"I don't know."
🌘Waning crescent: Less than half of the moon's face appears to be getting sunlight, and the amount is decreasing.
His knuckles are white around the handle of the suitcase. "This is just something I have to do."
My body responds as if some emergency lever is pulled inside of me. My arms fall to my sides, my back straightens, my face is blank, my voice is emotionless. "Leave your key on the side table. I'll owl your things tomorrow."
His eyes well with tears, and something inside my mind is screaming at me to do something, to fix this, to pull the suitcase from his hand and his body into my arms.
He nods and turns around. I close my eyes so I don't have to see him leave.
🌑New moon: Finally, the moon is back to its new moon starting position. Now, the moon is between Earth and the sun.
I don’t watch him as he approaches me, waiting until he’s standing at my table before acknowledging him.
“Hi, Draco.” Time has been kind to him; the pictures in the Prophet don’t do him justice. But I don’t tell him that.
Instead, I say, “Potter.”
He nods at the empty chair across from me. “May I sit?”
I raise an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be getting home? I’m sure your kids would want to spend time with their father now that they’re home for summer hols.” I try not to sound bitter, but the wry twist of his mouth tells me I wasn’t entirely successful.
“They’re with Ginny. And they’re not kids anymore. Lily just graduated Hogwarts, and the other two are at university.” His smile is just a little bit far away, tinged with pride.
“Congratulations, Potter. You and your wife must be very proud parents.”
He gets a funny look on his face that makes me want to both punch him and wipe it off with my lips on his. “That’s all we are. Co-parents, I mean. We’ve been divorced for two years. I thought you knew?”
“I’m not one of your adoring fans, Potter. I don’t read about your life in the papers,” I roll my eyes. “I thought that’s what you liked about me,” I can’t help but say it, and I don’t care how petty it looks.
His eyes twinkle. “It’s just one of the things I like about you.”
“Do go on, Potter,” I drawl to belie the thrill that rushes through me.
He chuckles. “I will. Maybe over dinner? I’m hungry, are you?”
I squash the hope that rises before I let myself sink into it. “What are you doing, Potter?”
His face falls a little, but he looks into my eyes with a determination that still makes my heart race. He sits in the empty chair at my table, taking my hand from across the wooden surface between us.
“Starting over.”
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o feeling stressed
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↳ a/n: hello my lovelies! we are back with another tbz reaction! side note, with every reaction i get it’s going to be canon with my ‘as your boyfriend series’ so keep that in mind when requesting. this is for the lovely anon who requested this. i hope you enjoy it. ☻ 18+ due to language
↳ genre: fluff? slight angst? i don’t even know someone tell me
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 3.4k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
you normally weren’t one to get stressed out often but when your job decided to give you a promotion you weren’t expecting the extra workload it would bring
you got assigned to one of the major projects your company was working on and slowly but surely you felt your energy draining with each day passing by
even though sangyeon was extremely busy as well he was worried about you  
after coming home from a long day of practice sangyeon noticed when you weren’t in the front foyer to give him his welcome home kiss like you usually did
as he walked to your bedroom he saw you sitting by the desk typing away at your computer
as he made his way towards you he squatted down slightly to give you a warm cheek kiss
“hey baby, how about you take a break huh? you’ve been working so hard, let me cook something for you” he insisted
“hmm? oh.. okay, i’m sorry sangyeon, work has been driving me up the wall lately i didn’t mean to shut you out” you mumbled
he gave you a small smile as he stroked your cheek before replying “don’t worry about it baby i just don’t want you to overwork yourself” he said
during your break sangyeon is cooking you dinner, listening to all your troubles and even trying his best to help you with your project. by the end of the night expect a lot of cuddles and kisses.
「 Jacob Bae  」
stress was something you’ve always experienced, especially being a university student finishing your final year
jacob was super supportive of your dreams always helping you study in any way he can
sometimes even distracting you to get your mind off it so that you wouldn’t burn out
but as final exams were just around the corner you were so stressed to the point that you cried and threw your book across the table in frustration
jacob turned his head and quickly took notice since he was only a couple of feet away reading a book which he swiftly set down and rushed to your side
“oh babe, don’t cry please, i promise it’s going to be okay” he whispered as he wiped your tears away  
you completely broke down sobbing uncontrollably onto jacob’s sleeve as he held you close giving you hushed praise
“how about we go and rest for a little? a nap would be good for you” he softly asked as you simply nodded
jacob helped you up as you made your way to your bedroom where he made it relaxing as possible turning on the air humidifier and lighting a lavender candle. he also made sure that the curtains were closed so that the room was dark enough to fall asleep to
soon enough your drifting into a calming sleep in jacob’s arms.
「 Kim Younghoon  」
it had been 3 months since you’ve started dating kim younghoon, your relationship was everything you could’ve dreamed of. it was absolutely perfect with no flaws what so ever.  
with all that in mind you started to wonder why you both hadn’t exchange i love you’s. you knew younghoon felt strongly for you, always making sure you were taken care of, constantly hugging and kissing you.
the whole situation started to stress you out and make you second guess everything
you loved younghoon but you had to admit you were a bit apprehensive on saying it first, since you didn’t know what younghoon’s response would be.
he could’ve said it back, or worse, not say anything at all.
one evening when younghoon was sleeping over your place you decided then and there that you were going to muster up your courage and finally say the three words you’ve been stressing over.
as you both were watching t.v his arms draped over your shoulders you looked up over at younghoon who was fixated on the drama that was playing. you cleared your throat
“younghoon.. i have to tell you something… something i’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile now” you announced hesitantly
as he looked over at you he adjusted his body to fully look at you face on
“really? i actually have something to say as well” he replied
your ears perked as you continued “how about we say it at the same?”
he nodded smiling before counting down “3…2…1..”
“i love you” you said “i’m in love with you” he whispered
you breathed the biggest sigh of relief before sliding in his lap giving him the softest kiss as you felt younghoon’s arms around your waist
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
your relationship with hyunjae was many things, exciting, passionate, intense. never in a million years would you think it would be stressful, or let me rephrase: you never thought it would be this stressful  
you received a text message from hyunjae one afternoon saying that he needed to talk to you and that it was important
at that moment your mind was going through so many options on what it could be, your thoughts becoming worse and worse.
oh god is this it? he wants to beak up with me
did he cheat on me? i’ll fucking kill him if he did
oh my god what if he’s not in love with me anymore?
as your mind was going a mile a minute you finally broke out of your daze when your friend who you were out to lunch with told you that it probably wasn’t all that bad and that you should trust hyunjae.
when the evening finally  rolled around you went to visit hyunjae just right when he got home from practice.
“hey baby” he smiled giving you a peck on the lips, giving him a small you replied “hey” back as you two sat on the sofa
“so what’s going on?” you asked as you were rubbing your palms against your knees trying to get rid of the sweat
hyunjae instantly noticed your anxious aura and grabbed your hands holding them tightly giving them a kiss
“well, we’ve been dating for almost a year now and i think it’s time.. for you to meet my parents” he said proudly
you blinked a couple of times as your brain still hadn’t registered the information he just said
“i want them to meet the girl i’m madly in love with” he continued
when you finally heard his words your first instinct was to hit hyunjae’s arm
“ah! hey! what was that for?” he shouted rubbing his arm
“jesus christ hyunjae i thought you were breaking up with me!” you shouted back
he laughed grabbing your waist pulling you close on his lap putting his head in the crook of your neck “i could never” he whispered giving your neck a light kiss
「 Lee Juyeon 」
to say that you were having a bad week was the understatement of the year.
it all started when you caught the flu, you felt horrible. it was constant sneezing, throwing up, runny nose, all of it.
you started to feel stressed when juyeon risked his safety getting sick to take care of you. you especially didn’t want him getting sick when the boyz comeback was nearly a month away.
you told him that you could take care of yourself, but juyeon didn’t take no for an answer.
you had to admit even though you were sick you couldn’t deny that you loved having juyeon with you 24/7 he was being the perfect boyfriend getting you tea, wet cloths for your forehead, and making sure you took your medicine every night.
“open your mouth, good girl” he praised putting the spoonful of medicine in your mouth
“you know if i wasn’t sick you would be saying those exact words another way” you teased coughing slightly
juyeon smirked and kissed your forehead in response
slowly but surely after a week you were starting to feel better but then your sickness hit juyeon as predicted delaying the comeback for nearly two weeks.
「 Kevin Moon 」
it was a hard month for kevin, the boyz comeback had just started and he was stressing over all the performances and interviews wanting to make sure that each one was up to his standards
it was so bad that all his stress levels were slowing creeping up on you making you become stressed yourself
it was starting to effect your relationship and you knew you had to do something quick before you and kevin would get into a fight you were not mentally prepared for
the comeback was closing in on it’s last week and you had decided to make one evening extremely special pampering kevin.
you decided to make his favorite meal, wearing your sexy yet tasteful red dress, with your black lacy bra and matching panties for later activities.
as kevin walked into your apartment he noticed you immediately smiling at your attire
“hey babe, what’s all this?” he asked pointing to all the candles and dim lighting
“what do you mean? can’t i do something special for the man i love?” you replied innocently walking up to him giving him a soft kiss on the lips
as kevin deepened the kiss your back found it’s way to the cold wall behind you as kevin started to trail kisses along the side of your jaw making his way down to your neck
you were excited it wasn’t often that kevin was a dom but you had pressing matters to attend to first
“k-kevin wait… i want to talk first” you whimpered as he finally reached your sweet spot
kevin stopped immediately to your words and gave you a quick peck on lips before nodding
you grabbed his hand and made your way to the dining table where the food was most likely cold by now and sat down on the chair
“kev, i just wanted to talk about how you’ve been so stressed with this comeback and everything it’s.. it’s starting to effect our relationship” you mumbled
he sighed and agreed “i know it has, and i’m so sorry for that babe” he said grabbing your hand as he continued “i’ll promise to be better about it, you know that i don’t want to ruin what we have. i love you”
you smiled feeling 100 times better about the situation giving kevin a kiss on the cheek  
you lightly laughed as you pulled apart “the dinner is totally cold now by the way”
“let’s just order a pizza, it probably wasn’t that good anyway” he teased before you shoved him playfully in response
「 Choi Chanhee 」
what was suppose to be a relaxing day off spending it with your boyfriend choi chanhee it drastically changed into a nightmare
you both decided to spend the day shopping for some new clothes together
at first you thought it was a cute idea, thinking you would get matching couple outfits so that you can coordinate for the upcoming summer season
but it quickly turned into a stressful day when chanhee wanted you to try on every shirt, every dress, and pants, you were starting to regret this little outing until you finally snapped at him
“love, you would look so cute in this why don’t you-”
“no!” you yelled quickly covering your mouth at your sudden outburst in public
chanhee gave you a puzzled look not expecting your sudden change in mood
you quickly apologized not wanting to start a fight in public, pulling him to the side of the store where it was secluded from prying eyes
“chanhee… i’m sorry it’s just i’m tired i thought this would be fun but it’s stressing me out, it’s all too much” you sighed looking down at your shoes
chanhee pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear and lifted your head up with his index finger
“oh love, don’t apologize i should be the one apologizing i’m sorry for being excited, i just wanted to have a fun day with you, let’s go home okay?” he reassured kissing your temple
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
you had it all planned out, you were going to introduce your friends to your wonderful boyfriend ji changmin
you ultimately thought that they should finally meet him after dating for nearly 4 months
at first you had no idea why you decided to wait this long, considering you already met all the members and were close to each of them
you were extremely nervous and stressed for their first interaction you just wanted everything to be perfect with smooth sailing
changmin was going to meet two of your closest friends who were also a couple themselves
it was a chilly fall day when you all decided to meet up at a nearby cafe changmin’s hand in yours trying to warm it up blowing on it while pressing kisses
“don’t worry babe, it’s all going to work out fine” he smiled easing your nervousness
when you finally made it to the cafe your friends were already waiting and quickly made introductions  
they easily took noticed when changmin ordered your drink he knew you loved and paid for everything with his card as your friends gave you hushed whispers
“wow, he’s such a gentlemen” she gushed “yeah, and he even knew your order by heart” he replied giving you a thumbs up
you smiled when changmin returned with both of your orders giving you a cheek kiss when he sat down
to your surprise the conversation between the four of you went smoothly changmin easily wooing them with his charms and cheerful aura
your friends especially had a million questions when it came to his idol life out of general curiosity
changmin didn’t mind at all answering every single one with ease even laughing at the humorous ones
your heart melted at the interaction when you realized in the end you had nothing to worry about
「 Juhaknyeon 」
you knew juhaknyeon always loved your home cooking as he was always excited whenever he came home from practice knowing he would have a hot meal ready for him
but this time was different, you weren’t just cooking for him but cooking for his parents who so happen to be visiting you two
you met juhaknyeon’s parents before who were very down to earth and humble people always making you feel welcomed
but you had to admit you were a bit stressed trying to live up to the expectations
it was less than a couple of hours away before they would be arriving and you were running around the supermarket with juhaknyeon on your tail
“babe, slow down your gonna run out of energy” he grunted breathing heavily
“juhak you don’t understand your parents opinion mean the world to me, i want them to love my cooking” you said looking down at your hands trying to decide between the beef or pork belly
juhaknyeon gave you a side hug pulling you close “they are going to love whatever you make, because i love it too” he promised kissing the top of your head
when you finally made it back to the dorms and cooked up a storm that would’ve fed all 11 members juhakyeon’s parents finally made an appearance
after the quick greetings and the light scolding from juhak’s mother telling him to keep his room neater she finally took in your food spread
“wow! it all looks amazing [name] i’m sure it taste wonderful too” she smiled warmly pinching your cheek lightly
when you all finally sat down to eat you anxiously waited for juhakyeon’s parents comments
after a couple of bites juhak’s mother proudly exclaimed “it’s delicious [name] really! everything taste amazing, i’m so happy our son found someone who can feed him like this” she praised
you bowed your head thanking her for her positive comments as haknyeon grabbed your hand under the table squeezing it giving you a wink
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
you loved your mother dearly, but she was starting to text and call you nearly everyday about when you and sunwoo were finally going to get married
even though you loved sunwoo and were dating for a year and half you told her that it wasn’t a good time yet. sunwoo had major responsibilities when it came to his idol life
not to mention that you and sunwoo were still very young and just wanted to enjoy being together before you had to tackle even more responsibilities like marriage
you were laying in bed when you got off the phone with your mother after another hour long call
you sighed staring at ceiling fan feeling pressured and stressed when sunwoo walked in the bedroom
“hey babe, have you seen my adidas hoodie?” he wondered as he saw you looking emotionless at the ceiling
he hovered over you waving his hands across your face trying to get your attention
“hm? oh sorry it’s behind the door in the bathroom” you mumbled
sunwoo swiftly climbed on top of you resting his chin on your chest “what’s wrong babe? who was on the phone?” he asked
you hesistantly replied “it’s just my mother, she keeps wondering when.. well.. she keeps asking when we’re getting married” you laughed lightly
sunwoo smirked “oh really? close your eyes” he instructed
confused you did as you were told as you felt sunwoo get off you hearing the sound of the dresser opening
“okay now open” he said as you saw sunwoo with your own two eyes on his knee with a black velvet box in his hands
“sunwoo oh my god, don’t do this to me i-i’m” you stammered as you felt your hands begin to shake
he smiled and open the box where you saw a gorgeous sterling silver infinity ring with a small diamond in the middle
“[name] this isn’t an engagement ring, it’s a promise. a promise to always love you and cherish you, and to always respect you. i am going to marry you one day, when we’re both ready. i’ve never loved anyone as much as i love you” he vowed putting the ring on your finger
you then felt the tears flow grabbing his face with both your hands giving him a longing kiss falling back on the bed with him on top of you
as sunwoo began to take off his shirt that’s when you saw his necklace with the same infinity symbol as your ring
you smiled as you grabbed his necklace pulling him back down for another kiss
「 Eric Sohn 」
it was official you wanted to kill eric, he knew you were afraid of heights. yet he manage to persuade you on getting on an airplane to go to okinawa for a weekend getaway trip
you loved that he put so much thought into your weekend, making sure to pick the nicest hotel with a view by lots of restaurants and attractions
but you were beyond stressed, the only time you’ve been on an airplane is when you were little and moved to seoul from america, you barely remember the experience sleeping the entire trip
your body was shaking as you walked up the ramp finally boarding the airplane going to your seats
eric put away your luggage above the overhead bin and took the window seat hoping you would feel more comfortable being in the middle
as you took your seats your heart started to beat extremely fast and you started to breath heavily
eric took your hands in his “babe i promise it’s going to be okay flying is one of the safest ways to travel” he promised rubbing the side of your arm trying to calm you down
you nodded “no yeah your right i need to face my fears sometime” you bravely said
when the flight finally took off your nerves managed to subdued until you hit mild turbulence which freaked you out all over again
eric quickly grabbed his sleeping mask putting it over your eyes and large headphones with loud music trying to mask your senses which worked wonders as you lay your head on his shoulder
he held your hand tightly when you finally landed getting off the 2 hour flight
as you made your way to the hotel you were in awe of okinawa absorbing all the buildings and the mass of people walking by
you looked at eric “thank you eric this is amazing, i don’t think there’s anyone else i would trust to help me face my fears” you said bashfully
he leaned over and kissed your jaw “anytime babe” he murmured
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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caravelmp3 · 3 years
pairing: josh kiszka x female!reader warning(s): mostly fluff, just brief mentions of alcohol and sex  word(s): 2k note: hi hi hi !! this is just a little something i wrote up the last couple of days with the inspiration of light my love, canyon moon by harry styles, and the interview where josh talked about road-tripping the u.s. last summer <3 i don’t write one shots often but let me know what you all think bc i might shuffle some more out soon lol. hope you all enjoy !! :) 
The Los Angeles sun was hot, beating down onto the city basking in its late-summer hues. You parked your car on the street in Silver Lake and carried a bag of food and drink tray to the door of a recording studio, more than prepared to be swarmed by hungry boys who had been cooped up in the studio since five a.m. on the dot that morning. They had a breakthrough the night before with a new song, and after getting home and going to bed for a few hours, the creative juices started flowing again and they were back in the booth. 
A windchime on the door sang as you pulled the door open and walked inside, greeting their manager who was at a table by the door. 
“The boys here?” 
“Down the hall,” he nodded, pointing a finger in the direction of the hallway. “They’re more rowdy than usual so be prepared,” 
You laughed and turned down the hall, walking towards the studio. The walls were decorated with memorabilia of rock and roll greats and record plaques, and among them, you spotted a picture of the four boys with their Grammy award. It seemed like time had passed so quickly. They won the award for the first album and they were already working on their third, shooting them further into stardom. 
“Coffee’s here!” You shouted in a really bad New England accent when you noticed the recording light was flipped off above the door. 
You stepped into the room to a chorus of cheers and “thank god you're here”’s that made you laugh while sitting the food and drinks down on the table and they all rushed over. You handed out the specific orders and pointed to which drinks was theirs when they got handsy and tried to grab everything from her out of both excitement and some desperation for caffeine. 
“Our savior,” Jake said, reaching out and grabbing your shoulders to give them a gentle shake before taking the coffee you were holding out to him, and then you handed Danny’s to him, too. 
“Just the coffee girl here,” 
“Well, you’re a little bit more than that,” Josh said, walking over to the table to grab his full cup. 
You pressed a hand against the table, leaning over to him. “Just a little?” 
“A little bit,” he shot you a wink before swiftly pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
You were more than just a “little more” than the coffee girl, you were typically their designated drunk driver, the one who took all of their candid photos, the mediator in times of need, and well, the girlfriend of the lead singer, too. 
Everyone in the studio took their food and drinks and scattered among the seating area in a break from recording. Instead of one tiny room with all of them cramped together, they had a wide open space with booths for the different instruments and bean bag chairs and big comfy, velvet sofas, and there was dim lighting with deep toned rugs that gave off the vibe of a more relaxed feel rather than the fluorescent-light, tiled-floor feeling that made them feel rushed and confined by rules they didn’t set themselves. 
You liked the studio, too, and often took naps on the sofa while listening to them play instruments individually in the recording booths and while they were writing. One night they had found you at two a.m., bundled up with a blanket on the bean bag chair after they spent the night writing in the front room on the piano, but it wasn’t the first time as you often napped in their Nashville recording offices, too. 
“You guys been busy today?” You asked jokingly while lowering onto the sofa armrest, receiving nothing but glares shot in your direction. “Okay, okay, touchy subject,” 
With a mouthful of bread, Sam pointed to Josh, “Josh finished a song, didn’t you?” He was grinning. 
You hummed in joy and surprise, grabbing Josh’s knee as he sat next to you. “Really?” 
It had been a rough few days for all of them as they tried to shuffle out a few more additions to the new album. It felt incomplete with something missing, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on what it was exactly, so they attempted to bring back and revamp old songs, write and record new ones, but nothing seemed to stick, until now. 
“Yeah, wanted to wait and show you later, but someone can’t keep his trap shut.” Josh said, pretending to be serious before cracking a smile and taking a sip of his coffee. “Just wanted it to be a surprise,” 
“Well it can still be a surprise, I’m surprised now,” you said. “Can I hear it? Or read what you got?” 
Josh nodded and stood, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. There was a little recording room fit with a piano inside, his writing journal placed on the music stand where he had scribbled notes and keys and melodies in pen. He picked it up and handed it to you. 
“Nothing seemed to click until last night, when I started putting it together.” He said. 
“Is that why you wouldn’t tell me what it was when you all got back to the house?” 
Josh shrugged, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Yeah, yeah, I wanted it to be special when you first heard it.”
You sat the coffee cup down onto the floor while lowering into the small chair in the corner, holding the journal like it was the most delicate piece of art in the world. In silence, while Josh watched on anxiously, you read the words he had splayed across the blank page. 
     Can you light my love?      Flames glowing bright as the sun      Deeper than oceans you run      Watch as our world has begun 
     Your mind is a stream of colors      Extending beyond our sky      A land of infinite wonders      A billion lightyears from here now
You felt your throat tighten, tears tempted your eyes. 
It was a love song. 
“Oh god you hate it don’t you, you dread it, despise it,” 
“Oh shut up, I’m in tears right now, you know I love it.” You looked up at him with a smile and a sniffle. 
His words across the page were sloppy, some cursive, written in different pens of different colors, some lines crossed and scribbled out, others underlined. 
“Your mind is something I will never fully understand.” You told him as he sat down on the chair next to you. “How the fuck did you come up with this-” 
“I was thinking about our trip out here, the week we spent driving out and all of the stuff we did… and how I think I fell more in love with you.” His voice softened. 
You reached out, placing your arm on his shoulder, fingers playing with his curls. “I can’t put it into words how much I love it, how much I love you,” you said, “and you make me sound so lovely when in reality I know I was a pain in the ass that entire trip.” 
“Yeah, but my pain in the ass,” he kissed the inside of your arm. 
Two weeks before the boys left Nashville to head to Los Angeles, Josh called you at midnight with an idea in mind – the two of you renting a camper to drive out to L.A., falling into all of the tourist traps along the way and stopping in random small towns to sleep while exploring the in between, which would definitely beat the boring four-hour flight. And you, half asleep and across the country, agreed. 
It would be fun. Right? 
And it was. Every time someone asked how it went, you called it “the most magical week of my life.” 
While the others waited behind for their flights the next week, you and Josh set off from Nashville, heading west with only the destination in mind and a trusty map in hand. Everything else just came to you both. 
The first stop was three hours in the trip, in Memphis. You and Josh roamed Graceland on Elvis Presley Boulevard and had lunch near Sun Studio before taking in the mementos and relics at the Blues Hall of Fame where Josh talked your ear off, rattling off more details about each band and singer than was on the info-cards on the wall. 
Then it was two hours to Little Rock, falling asleep in the back of the camper after a take-out dinner outside of a random supermarket. Sitting in lawn chairs in the middle of a parking lot, you held Josh’s hand under a blanket and watched the pink sunrise over the hills, and then it was back on the road again. 
From Oklahoma City to Amarillo, you fiddled with the map when Josh got lost after a wrong turn in a small town where he insisted on seeing the giant 66-foot LED soda bottle sculpture, and in the middle of northern Texas, he made it up to you by cooking your favorite dinner. You thanked him in a quiet whisper as you crawled into the bed with him that night, sliding under the covers where he greeted you with warm hands and kisses against your neck that made you squeal with the tickle of his mustache and he grinned against your lips. 
Josh got to choose the music all the way through New Mexico – Neil Young and Crazy Horse to John Denver’s Thank God I’m A Country Boy, and you were only able to squeeze in Joan Baez every hour when you stopped to stretch your legs on the side of the road, belting the words to him while he laughed at your voice cracks. 
And after you both pitched the tent in the Petrified Forest in Arizona, Josh hummed the tune to some new song while you two sat under the midnight stars in the canyon with a roaring fire, his arm around you, his sweatshirt draped over your shoulders. When he tried to start telling you a scary story after you heard a weird noise outside the tent, you blindly hit him in the dark and accidentally hit his nose, causing you both to burst into laughter after the initial panic left. He laughed loudly into your shoulder as you held his face in shock, catching the scent of your lavender lotion, and his body relaxed when the laughter died down, feeling so at peace in his life with you there. 
It was the tail end of the trip, but the excitement hadn’t died down yet. After showers in the camper in the middle-of-nowhere-Arizona and five hours west, you and Josh found a bar outside of Las Vegas that resembled Coyote Ugly, so you both had a round of tequila sodas and margaritas before walking around the small town that evening and sleeping off the tipsy-headaches in the air conditioning. On top of the covers, you looked at Josh napping in the sunshine, cheeks flushed red, curls poofy from the wind, and you felt your heart grow in your chest before falling asleep next to him. 
And then came Los Angeles, the final stop, the dreaded one. But you and Josh didn’t tell anyone that either of you were sad to be back with them in L.A. when they asked, and instead, you two smiled and hugged everyone after piling out of the camper in the drive-way of the Silver Lake house. 
Cleaning out the camper, tossing cheesy novelty t-shirts at each other and laughing at how many socks you two managed to lose along the way and how many bug bites were added, watching the developed clips Josh had filmed of scenes in the desert and you asleep in the passenger seat, you both were nostalgic about a trip that just ended. 
It was so easy, so freeing to just be together on the road, with only the destination in mind. It revealed a part of them that the other didn’t see often, like your tendencies to get your lefts and rights mixed up while giving directions, and Josh’s equally awful sense of direction didn’t exactly pair with the fact that he was a maniac while driving in the first place. 
But those parts were just added to the long list of why you and him loved each other in the first place. So you became the designated driver after Amarillo and Josh stuck to telling you “left or right” for the rest of the time. It was a compromise, another reason why you two worked so well together. 
It was a form of love in itself. 
“We’ll have to drive all the way back to Nashville then, so you can write more songs about me.” You teased. 
Josh rolled his eyes but cracked into a grin a second later. “Let’s not get too carried away,” but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t always mentally reliving the night under the canyon moon.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Fandom:My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: ” If possible can you write about different times where Benny weir tries to impress the reader and fails but ends up successfully wining her over somehow please 🥺👉👈 “
Genre: Fluff
Warnings:Mentions of violence
Benny's crush on you was nothing short of obvious. You'd known him and Ethan since grade school, so there was no way not to notice his change of behavior towards you.
At first he started texting you more often. Instead of talking on the groupchat you had with the fang gang, you would have long private conversations about movies, school, Friday night plans, the supernatural and spells and everything in between. You weren't special in any way, didn't have powers like Benny or E and you weren't a vampire like Sarah or Rory, you were just you. Nevertheless, you loved helping your friends through all of their adventures. One of these charades, however, ended poorly for you. 
You had gotten beaten up by a couple of vampires one night, as revenge for taking out their leader. They left you for good on the ground, covered in blood and dirt and tears. Almost instinctively, you made your way to Ethan’s and from there, everyone found out about what had happened. Benny got to you first, after he received the messages about the incident
"What happened?" he burst through the door of E's room. You were laying in bed, all bandaged up, with E bandaging your wounds. That didn't last long, cause Benny decided to take over and take care of you himself. 
"You feeling ok?" he asked, once Ethan left to get you something sweet from the kitchen, to cheer you up
"Better and better" you replied honestly
"You could have come to mine, too. I would have cared for you just like E!" 
"You're helping me now, it's all that matters!" 
Soon enough, you were back in action, back to your old self, as if the accident never even happened. 
Couple of weeks after that night,you and Benny were walking home after school when he cracked a joke about how great of a couple you would make 
"I mean, could you imagine everyone's face if we got together?" 
"Sarah would lose her mind" you laughed
"I know but like, honestly, I think it wouldn't be that crazy?" he raised his shoulders, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal but failing miserably "I mean we've been friends since forever and we both like the same things and have the same idea of a perfect date night!" 
"Oh do we now?" you laughed "Care to share?" 
“A movie night in!” he replied, very confidently “Pizza, snacks, cuddles and action movies. What more could you possibly ask for?”
“Some romance for starters” 
“Did I forget to mention the cuddles?”
“No” you laughed at his silliness “But what about something a little more fancy than pjs and doritos”
“First off, my star trek jammies? Bomb! You even said so yourself” Benny pointed an incriminatory finger at you and you nodded your head “Second off, go ahead! Tell us about this elegant dream date of yours!”
“Dinner in town!”
“A walk through the city center after? Dressed in fancy clothes and looking up at all the Christmas decorations! Oh, did I mention it’s the winter season?”
“I can sense that you are trying really hard to redeem yourself but still pretty lame”
Talks like this, about perfect dates and ideal partners became a routine between you and Benny. You opened up to him a lot more than you ever did to anyone else and he was opening up to you just as much, if not more. And then the compliments came next.
“Y/N, your hair looks really good today!”
“That shirt fits you well!”
“I like what you did with your makeup!”
“Y/N, you look especially pretty today!”
Each day that went by he got more and more bald with his comments. Compliments turned into flirtations remarks that made you blush and than, finally, he asked you on a date. It happened after you and your friends captured a fairy that Rory summoned by accident, while playing with grandma Weir’s spell books.
“So, anything else planned tonight?” Benny asked you, on your walk back home
“After that?” you laughed “No, I think whatever plan I had went out the window after that”
“So then maybe you could come over? Grandma made brownies, we could steal the tray and watch horror movies'' Benny stuffed his fists into his pockets and took a  deep breath before adding “ Like a little date night…”
“A date night?” you questioned
“Well, yeah!”
“It’s kinda late...” you said after giving it some thought “And I’m tired.”
“Oh, um, yeah! No problem!” he smiled in a poor attempt to hide his disappointment
“Thank you though!”
“Yeah, no problem.” you walked past him and turned the corner on your street but before you could get too far away, Benny screamed
“The offer is still open whenever, you know?”
“I do” you smiled before waving goodbye!
Next day at school, things were back to normal. Benny was as flirty with you as ever and even a little more touchy than you knew him to be.You were getting used to this Benny and the more time went on, the more you were growing to like this new version of him. 
One day, a little over a month after that night, after classes, he was helping you study in the library. You had an important history exam coming up and needed help learning. You had spent all day there and were beyond exhausted by the time you finally exited school with B by your side.
“ You will do great, don’t even worry about it!”
“Easy for you to say. This grade is important to me Benny. Maybe after I get home and have some lunch I will look over my notes some more and…”
“No, no no no!” you were cut off by Benny “You are tiring yourself out for no reason! Listen to me, you are more than prepared!” B stepped in front of you to look into your eyes “You did amazing today and got incredible scores on all your practice tests. You are more than prepared and I believe in you! You got this!” you smiled at his kind words
“Is the offer still available?”
“What offer?” you giggled. It had been a long time since that night
“Date night offer” Benny’s expression turned to panic as he realised what you were talking about
“Aaa, yeah! Absolutely”
“Cool. Then I’m free on Friday?”
“Yeah, yeah! Friday works fine for me!”
“Just a few more steps…” Benny whispered to you as he was helping you navigate his house blindfolded. He had a surprise for you that he was very excited about.
“Don’t peak!”
“I won’t”
“Ok, you ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be” when B took off your blindfold, it took you a moment to adjust to the dim light of the candles, that were flickering all around the dining room. The table was decorated with roses and 2 servings of pasta were waiting for you
“Benny…” you were left speechless
“It’s the middle ground for both our perfect dates! A fancy dinner, except in the comfort of our home” he laughed before adding, somewhat more shy this time “Do you like it?” but all you could do was wrap your hands around his neck and kiss him deeply. At first he was taken by surprise but as soon as he registered what was happening, he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer to his body and kissing you back with even more passion. His soft lips felt like heaven, like the way you always imagined they would. Had it not been for your need for air, you wouldn’t have pulled away ever. “That usually happens at the end of the movie” Benny laughed
“Yeah, well, we aren’t exactly your standard couple” you giggled
“Yes, Bens. Couple!” and with that you leaned back in for another kiss, getting lost in his embrace and the taste of his lips.
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dubersbutt · 3 years
Take a Bow (4) - Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
Warnings: Babies, anxiety/feelings of heightened anxiety, smut
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It’s not that Connor hates kids. They just make him uncomfortable.
Like when his aunt had a baby when he was 13 his mom asked if Connor wanted to hold him. Connor was fine when his mom gently placed the baby in his arms. Up until his mom told her to be super careful with his head or else he could snap his neck and kill him. Or if Connor accidently pressed his soft spot it could severely detriment his brain development. It was too much responsibility.
At least that’s what he used to think.
He fell in love with Emilia the minute you walked through the front door with her in the baby carrier. The dogs were excited by the tiny squirming arms inside the carrier, he had to hold Lenny back so he didn’t crush her.
“This is going to sound super cliche,” Connor says as he coos into the carrier where Emilia is trying to open her tiny eyes, “but she is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen.”
“She’s a lot cuter now that her head is a normal shape,” you joke, munching on a cookie Connor had set out for you.
“Can you stop making fun of our daughter’s cone head?” Leon rolls his eyes.
“You didn’t see it, it was terrifying.”
(Connor googles a picture of it later. Babies are fucking weird.)
He helps you up the stairs to the waiting cup of tea on the mug warmer in your bedroom. He lets you get settled, handing you the TV remote and giving you a kiss on the forehead before going back downstairs to meet his daughter (step-daughter? Connor didn’t really know).
“Can I hold her?” Connor asks when he finds Leon and Emilia in the living room.
“What happened to the three month rule?” He raises an amused eyebrow.
Connor had created it after the incident. He didn’t hold a baby that was younger than 3 months.
“I’m feeling brave.”
Leon scooches over so Connor has room to sit comfortably. Leon gently places Emilia in his arms, and gives Connor a pillow to prop his arm on. Emilia’s blinks at him before squirming and stretching her little arms over her head. Connor feels all warm and fuzzy in his chest.
“Hello, Emilia,” he says, with a smile on his face, “I’m your other dad.”
Connor’s not inherently a jealous person.
Or at least he thought he was. But ever since Emilia came home he’s been feeling it. He loves Emilia, don’t get him wrong. Well, actually, he should backpedal for a second.
Connor is still annoyed at Leon.
He knows he should probably bring this up (because look what happened last time) but he hasn’t because Leon was trying to make things right with you. He obviously was trying with Connor as well, but he couldn’t help but feel like he was an afterthought. Some days were better than others, but everytime Connor thought about how he woke up and couldn’t find Leon in the penthouse he felt like puking.
Emilia eases the pain. He truly does love her like his own. The only time he uses the “she’s your kid” card is when it's 2 am and he’s too tired to get up. But he rarely even does that because Connor’s always been the heaviest sleeper out of the three of you. But other than that, he volunteers for bathtime, plays with her while you’re in the shower, he doesn’t even hate changing diapers that much.The puppies love her too, they’ve transitioned from napping on the dog beds in the living room to the spot on the couch closest to the bassinet to keep an eye on them. He regularly has to stop Lenny from trying to jump in and crush Emilia.
Back to Leon (Connor tends to get side tracked when talking about Emilia). Connor’s still annoyed and he’s been working up to talking about it. But it never seems like a good time. First you were pregnant, and Connor didn’t want to upset either of you. Then it was playoffs and Connor didn’t have any time to think about anything else. Then they got swept and Connor did nothing but eat ice cream for a week like he just had his first heartbreak. And after that…well, he just hates confrontation.
He keeps telling himself that he’ll get around to it, that he just wants to gather his thoughts but he knows he’s stalling at this point. Mostly because -
“So did you do what we talked about last session?” Sophie, his therapist, asks him at the beginning of his appointment.
-his therapist calls him on his bulshit. And he realizes that’s the whole reason he pays her, but it’s still rude.
“About that…” Connor trails off.
She gives him an amused smile, “Connor, you know I don’t like telling you what to do but I strongly suggest you talk to Leon.”
“Sophie, my girlfriend gave birth, we started playoffs and got swept all in the last two weeks,” he says with an exasperated sigh, “I deserve a little time for myself. Isn’t that what you told me last week?”
“I was getting to that,” she says.
Connor almost didn’t show up to his first session. He spent the whole ride over that he his therapist would be a quiet homophobe and who’d sell his story to the presses and ruin his life.
But then he went in and saw the framed photo of Sophie and her wife and their twins. He let out a sigh of relief and felt more comfortable telling her about his life. She didn’t even really watch hockey and she told him that he thought he was a “good player” for his age. Connor always has to stop himself from laughing whenever she tries to compliment his playing style. She’s adorable.
“And what about  (Y?N)? Have you thought about what you were going to say to her?”
He knows. He just doesn’t know if you’ll want the same thing.
“I have, a little bit.”
“And would you like to share what you’ve been thinking about?”
“I-uh,” he swallows, “I want another baby?”
“Is that a question?”
“I don’t think so.”
Sophie sends him home with the same homework he had last week: try to slowly figure out what he wants to say when he’s eventually ready to have a talk.
When he comes home, Leon’s standing in the kitchen by Emillia’s bottle warmer. He looks stupid hot holding a baby and Connor’s only mildly annotated about it.
“Hey,” he flashes Connor a bright smile when he notices Connor’s presence, “Can you hold her while I make her a bottle?”
“Sure,” He takes Emilia from Leon before sliding the dimmer down on the light switch. Her eyes slowly open in the dim light and her gumless smile warms Connor’s heart.
“Hello sweet girl,” he coos, watching as she somehow wiggles an arm loose from her blanket, “I love you. I hope you had a good morning.”
He doesn’t expect her to answer, obviously, but she does start to open and close her mouth, indicating she's hungry.
“Leo, you’re too slow,” he taunts playfully, watching as Leon carefully measures out the formula, “she’s starving over here.”
“I can only move so fast,” he laughs.
When Leon finally gets Emilia her bottle Connor relaxes into the dining room chair as she eats her lunch.
“How was therapy?”
Connor told you and Leon that he started going when he came home from his session. Connor didn’t divulge everything that happened in his sessions but it felt nice to have someone ask.
“It was good,” he says, leaning over and resting his head on Leon’s shoulder, “I only cried a little this time.”
Leon chuckles, “Does that mean therapy’s working?”
Connor can’t help but laugh when he rewatches the interview of Leon talking about Emilia. He manages to somehow be adorable and sarcastic at the same time. You’re settled against his chest with your ipad resting on your lap and he can feel your giggles as Leon gives his short, glib answers to the journalists' annoying questions.
(Congratulations, she’s very cute.
“I know. She is my daughter after all.”
Your girlfriend’s not going to get mad about that comment?
“She’s gonna get mad if you keep asking questions about her newborn.”)
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen this yet,” Connor says as he runs his fingers through your hair.”
“Neither can I,” you giggle as Leon looks into the camera like he’s on the Office.
Leon rolls his eyes as he emerges from the bathroom, now freshly shaven.
“It’s not that funny,” he says.
“Don’t sell yourself short, Leo,” Connor says, gently hooking his fingers in Leon’s chain to pull him down for a kiss, “You’re very funny.”
“Why did you shave?” you say as Leon turns to give you a kiss, “Your beard looked so good.”
“It was also getting super scratchy,” Connor says.
Leon gets under the covers on Connor’s otherside, “Yeah Emilia’s been distracting me from the beard routine.”
You scoff, “the scratch is the best part, Con.”
“Tell that to the scratch marks on my ass,” Connor says without thinking, and then immediately blushes.
You groan, “Don’t talk about anything remotely sexy when my poor vagina is still healing from pushing out a whole watermelon.”
Leon laughs, “Don’t worry, baby, the beard will be back by the time you get your 6 week all clear.”
(5 weeks later - after your 6 week all appointment)
“Guess what bitches,” you shout as you enter the kitchen, “I can finally have sex again.”
“Mhm,” Leon hums, feigning disinterest, “And what would you like me to do about that?”
“You’re mean and not funny,” you say lightly hip-checking him, “Besides I have two boyfriends for a reason.”
“Yeah about that,” Connor stretches and yawns, “Emilia kept me up last night so I was gonna take a nap.”
You blink, “I will go to Whyte Av and find some rando to screw in a coat closet, don’t fucking test me.”
Leon grabs your hips and pulls you against his body so your back is flush against his chest before walking forward and pressing your hips into the kitchen counter.
“As if I could pass up the opportunity to fuck this sweet little pussy,” he grinds his hips, pushing your hips further into the counter.
“What have you been cleared for?”
“L-light, non-strenous sex.”
Connor laughs, “Boring, but better than nothing.”
“Davo, take her upstairs,” Leon commands so Connor scoops you up and carries you bridal style to the bedroom.
“Wait wait,” you say when they reach the top, “Where’s Emilia.”
“She’s napping in her crib,” Connor says as he drops you onto the bed, “Leo’s gonna check on her before he comes. So you can turn your brain off for a little bit.”
Connor doesn’t wait to hear your answer, just presses his lips to yours. He fels you moan against him. Connor’s hands slide under your shirt, slowly exposing skin. When he gets it over your head he trails his kisses down your body, unhooking your bra as he does. His kisses move in between your breasts to your belly.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs as he kisses your belly button, “you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met.”
He hooks his fingers on your shorts, pulling them down your legs. He settles himself on the bed as he spreads your legs to press kisses to your inner thigh.
“Perfect,” Connor says, lightly nipping at the sensitive skin.
The tiny hitch of your breath causes all of his blood to rush straight to his dick, but he can’t bring himself to care. He takes his time, warming you up with kisses to your inner thighs, gently scraping his teeth against the skin. He kisses your pussy before running his tongue through your folds. His tongue gently caresses your clit with his tongue. Your hand comes down in his hair when he sucks your clit into his mouth. Your hips start to move against his face, grinding down to give yourself more friction.
“So impatient,” he hums, fucking one finger in you.
“It’s been six whole weeks,” you say,  “I haven’t gone six weeks without sex since I was a virgin.”
Connor chuckles, “Easy baby, we’ll get there.”
Connor can’t help himself when he sees you changing Emilia’s onesie in her nursery. He walks up behind you, wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder.
“Good morning,” he says, planting a kiss on your cheek, “And good morning to the world’s most adorable baby.”
Emilia gurgles but doesn’t retort. Smh, someone needs to teach her how to be humble.
“Morning,” you reply, buttoning up her fresh onesie, “How’d you sleep?”
“Good,” he responds with another kiss, “Except when you kicked me in my ribs.”
“I take offense to that,” you raise an eyebrow, “I am an angel in bed. And, yes, pun intended.”
Connor snorts, “We both know that's a lie.”
Both Connor and Leon have been victims of your aggressive sleeping style. One of these days he’s gonna tie all your limbs down, and not in a sexy way. But not in a murderous way either, let’s make that clear. In a Connor-wants-one-singular-night-to-not-get-punched-in-his-sleep way.
Oh god, his brain is rambling. Oh god, he does not want to do this.
“(Y/N),” he says before he can talk himself out of it, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”
“About what?” you ask, holding Emilia close as you sit down in the rocking chair.
“I…” Connor has never been this sweaty in his life, “I want another baby.”
“Oh,” you say, indifferent, “Congratulations.”
His brow furrows, “what?”
“On growing a uterus,” you arch an eyebrow, “Because I sure as hell am not using mine again for like 3 years.”
Connor laughs, “I wasn’t saying right away. But, I just want to know if it’s something on the table.”
“I want another baby,” you say, “And as long as you’re willing to wait, I don’t see why it would be an issue.”
And Connor definitely feels lighter after his talk with you. And he even impresses Sophie by actually doing his homework for once:
“So did you talk to Leon yet?” She asks after he’s finished giving his rundown of his week.
“No,” he says sheepishly, “But I did talk to (Y/N) about having another baby.”
She has the professionalism to not look shocked, but Connor is getting a little better at reading her. Or at least he thinks he is. He still gets anxious whenever she writes things on her notepad, “and how did that go?”
“Honestly, it was better than I expected.”
“How so?”
He shrugs, “I guess I was just expecting the worst?”
“And why is that?”
He shrugs again, “Isn’t that something that you’re supposed to figure out when you psychoanalyze me at the beginning of every session?”
Sophie throws her head back in laughter, “You do know I can’t read your mind right.”
It sure feels like she can sometimes. Which is why he pays her but still, it’s rude. ~~~
Connor thought he was sweaty and anxious before talking to you. However, when it comes time to talk to Leon he also feels nauseous. Like, he might throw up in the kitchen sink again nauseously. But he’s been sitting on this for a few months now - but what if Leon hates him. What if he doesn't want to be with Connor anymore. What if he asks for a trade?
No, Connor’s spiraling. Leon’s a rational person; he's not gonna hate Connor for talking about his feelings, something Leon encourages because Connor tends to bottle things up until he explodes.
But what if-
No. No spiraling, yet.
“Leo,” Leon hums against Connors chest from his spot on the couch next to him, “You still awake?”
“Yeah,” he says quietly, “But I was thinking about going upstairs soon.”
Connor shuts the TV off, “Um, actually before that can we...talk?”
Leon sits up and stretches, “What about?”
Connor takes a deep breath, “I think - I think I’m mad at you?”
Leon looks a little confused, and Connor can’t say he blames him, “You think you’re mad at me?”
“I-yeah,” he takes another breath, “I know you’ve been trying really hard to reconcile with (Y/N), and that’s great, and I’m definitely not trying to say I take priority over her, but it kind of feels like you’ve put me on the backburner a bit.”
Leon nods, “How so?”
Connor shrugs, “I mean, when you came back and you apologized it was definitely pointed towards her. And it’s the little things, like you always make what (Y/N) wants for dinner and not me. It feels a little bit like there’s a hierarchy here.”
“Do you...feel this way with (Y/N) too?”
“A little bit,” he says, “But mostly with things concerning Emilia, so it’s not as big of an issue.”
Connor realized he feels a bit…scorned, for lack of a better word. Connor was with you first, and that’s not something he feels jealous about but now it’s all coming up. Connor never left you, Connor was the one who held back your hair and wiped your tears when Leon was MIA. Connor was there, Leon left.
...maybe he did need to talk to you some more.
Connor and Leon spend a long time talking on the couch before they join you in bed. Eventually, Leon puts his head in Connor’s lap as the conversation turns mundane and they just enjoy each other’s presence. It’s been a while since they’ve done that. They end the night with a little make out session that doesn’t lead anywhere more. It was nice.
The next morning Connor’s on baby duty. Not that he minds, it’s always nice to start his day with a smile from Emilia. He changes her diaper and puts a fresh sleeper on her, listening to the little baby noises she makes. When he’s finished he takes her downstairs to the kitchen where you and Leon are making breakfast.
“Good morning, babe,” Leon says when Connor turns the corner, “Do you want strawberries or blueberries on your french toast?”
Leon was making his favourite breakfast. Connor can’t stop the smile from spreading on his face.
“And how’s my favourite girl?” he asks, giving Emilia a little kiss on her forehead.
“A pooping machine,” Connor responds to her, and Emilia laughs at him.
“Did she just-?” you get from your spot on the barstool and run to Connor’s side.
“Her first laugh?” Connor says, “Yeah.”
He tickles her belly in an effort to get her to keep laughing, but she chooses that moment to be a stubborn newborn and frowns instead.
He looks at Leon, “She is absolutely your baby.”
“I smiled when I was a baby!”
“No, Leo he’s got a point,” you say in between funny faces, “your mom said she has one baby photo of you smiling because you would refuse to smile for the camera.”
“I was shy.”
“You’re a robot,” Connor says.
“Like you’re one to talk,” you scoff.
“Connor please,” you pant, “I don’t know what I did to deserve this.”
Connor holds back a laugh, watching the sweat drip down your face, “I thought this is what you wanted?”
“Leo!,” you yell, catching his attention from across the room, “Tell Connor he’s being an ass.”
Leon does not hold back his laugh, “He’s got a point.”
“I can’t believe I’m getting bullied right now.”
Connor wraps his arms around you and pulls you close into his body, “It’s just some squats, baby, it’s not the end of the world.”
“It is when you keep adding weight!”
“Because you’re stronger.”
You just stare at him and, honestly, Connor feels a little scared.
“Tell you what,” he leans down so he can whisper in your ear, “If you make it through your sets, without complaining, Leo and I will take turns eating you out tears run down your pretty little face.”
“Promise?” you hold out your pinky.
Emilia’s being babysat by her grandparents so Connor feels no qualms when he links his pinky with yours, “Promise.”
“Promise what?” Leon pipes up from his place on the leg press.
“Connor offered up your body in exchange for squats,” you say, shouldering the bar once more.
“And what did Connor say I would do?”
“You’ll find out,” Connor says, waving a hand at Leon nonchalantly.
“I don’t even get to know how I’m being used as a bargaining chip?”
“Nope,” Connor says with a smile, popping the ‘p’.
Leon learns what the exact terms and conditions are of the agreement about an hour later. And, just like Connor expected, he does not complain.
He even has the audacity to wink at Connor as he’s tongue-deep in pussy. Ugh, he forgot what the butterflies in his stomach felt like when he’s not constantly annoyed with Leon. He can’t help himself, he gets up from where he was giving his jaw a break, and slides his fingers over Leon’s hole. Leon tenses up ever so slightly, he breaks the momentum he had on you, evident by how hard your ankles are digging into Leon’s shoulders.
“Don’t stop,” Connor grunts, slipping one digit past the rim, “You don’t cum until she does.”
He slides his finger all the way before uncapping the lube and lathering his fingers up and adding a second. Connor knows when he hits Leon’s prostate when He lets out a low groan into your cunt.
“Fuuuuuuck,” you whine, writhing against the sheets.
Leon pushes back on Connor’s fingers at the same time your hips start to grind down feverishly on Leon’s face.
“Make her cum, Leo,” Connor says, removing his fingers from Leon’s ass and teasing his hole once more.
Leon’s focus changes completely. His fingers dig into your hipbones, pulling you closer to him so he has a better angle. Your chest is rising and falling quickly, heaving off the bed when Leon finally sucks your clit. You cum with a shout, tumbling over the edge, pussy clenching around Leon’s tongue.
Connor wastes no time, grabbing Leon’s hips to steady him before spreading Leon's cheeks and swiping his tongue in long, broad strokes. Connor’s not the biggest fan of rimming, but Leon loves it. Leon groans as Connor teases him, starts to rut against the bed when Connor’s tongue dips into his hole, loses it when Connor starts to fuck him open with his tongue. He reaches over to jack Leon off, pumping him as he continues to take him apart. Leon goes limp beneath him, reduced to nothing but moans. Connor speeds up his ministries, revealing in the way Connor’s name falls weakly from Leon’s mouth. Leon bucks hard against the bed, cums with a shudder. Connor takes his hand off Leon's cock, and places it on his own but doesn’t quite relent on his tongue, working Leon through the aftershocks' pleasure. It doesn’t take very long for Connor to cum, finally letting up on Leon and effectively ruining his boxers.
“Aw Leo,” Connor says once he can catch his breath, “We have to watch the duvet cover now.”
“Where is my baby?” Connor teases playfully when you walk through the door, baby carrier in hand.
“Calm your tits,” you say, placing the carrier on the kitchen counter and allowing Connor to take her out, “She’s home, and just woke up from a nap.”
“I wish I took a nap today,” Connor says as he rocks Emilia in his arms. She gives Connor a toothless smile and Connor just wants to smoosh her.
“Has anyone ever told you, you look really good holding a baby?” Leon says, giving Connor a quick peck on the cheek.
“Good enough to have another baby?” Connor asks.
You roll your eyes, “Two years, Con.”
“I’m just teasing.”
And, yeah, Connor finally starts to feel like he’s home again.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Hello!! Can I request for Bokuto, Oikawa, Ushijima, and Kuroo to you getting hit in the face by their spike or serve and like you pass out..? tysm I love your writing sm!!!! You’re my favorite writer on this app probably
:’)) These will be written before anything significantly romantic happens and they start dating, I hope you enjoy!!
Accidental Ambush w/ Bokuto, Oikawa, Ushijima, and Kuroo
“Bokuto-san, should you really be trying out a spike you’ve never tried before with full force?” 
Akaashi Keiji sighs, watching with a tired stare as the nationally-known spiker grins, gold-eyes gleaming with excitement as the owl-haired boy spins the ball in his hands for good measure. 
“Learn to live a little, Akaashi!! If I’m gonna be the bestest spiker in the world-” 
“Bestest isn’t-” 
“-then I’ve gotta have more tricks up my sleeve!” 
The banter between the two had kept both boys occupied as you entered the gym, planning to grab the sneakers you left behind from practice with the girl’s basketball team. In doing so, you eye the two as the darker haired one finally obliges to set for the over-hyped boy, causing you to pause. 
It wasn’t every day you got to see the skills of one of the top spikers in the nation up close. Realizing neither had noticed you, you hum, leaning against the wall as you think that it wouldn’t hurt to watch from a distance. 
What you didn’t expect, however, was for the ball to come hurtling in your direction, so fast and uncontrolled you hadn’t even been able to react as the weight of the ball knocks you off your feet, feeling the ground hit your back as the impact causes you to begin to lose conciousness. 
Bokuto Kotarou’s jaw drops as Akaashi’s slackens a little, both pairs of eyes widening as the last thing you hear is the sound of sneakers on the squeaky gym floor as Bokuto looks down at your limp figure in shock. The ball bounces away, leaving a trail of blood coming from out your nose. 
“Shit! Shit Shit SHIT OH MY GOD DID I KILL HER?!” 
“No, I...don’t think so.” 
“Yelling won’t change the fact that you just hit one of the captains of the girl’s basketball team.” 
“You wanted me to set it, so techinically, you did this.” 
Bokuto’s golden eyes dim down a little, a wilt to his shoulders as he scoops you up carefully, guilt bouncing around his chest as he brushes some hair out of your face, Akaashi crossing his arms when Bokuto seems to gaze at your face for a second. 
“Um...are you gonna take her to the nurse, or is something supposed to happen-” 
“Right! Right, the nurse.” 
When you finally gain conciousness, your first reaction is to sit up quickly, groaning as soon as you did. What the hell happened? 
You blink when you’re immediately pushed back down again, but slower and gentler this time as the owl-haired boy in front of you gives you a nervous grin, golden eyes looking a tad sad as he begins to ramble. 
“You’re awake!! Do you want money? I can buy your lunch! Shoot shoot, uh...a goldfish! How about I buy you a goldfish?” 
His words are a tad difficult to process as you blink once, then twice before realizing he had been holding a warm towel to your nose, pink staining the white material as it indicates you had bled. You smile a small grin, pushing his wrist away as Bokuto rubs the back of his neck guiltily. 
“Bokuto...is it? Uh, I’m okay. Really.”  You assure him, telling the truth. Most of the pain had faded away, and you were left with a dull throb in your head. “I just really wanted to see you spike, I should’ve made myself known..”
“Really?” Bokuto’s eyes widen the slightest bit. “You wanted to see me spike?” 
“Yeah, that’s weird, right?” You laugh awkwardly, looking off to the side. “You’re one of the most talented players in our age range, right?”
Bokuto swallows, feeling heat rush to his cheeks as he sees you, slightly bloody nose and all, smile as if he hadn’t just socked you in the face with a volleyball as you openly compliment him to his face. 
The words rush out before Bokuto can think twice. “Do you...want to?”  
“Want to...see you spike?” You arch a brow, surprised as Bokuto nods brightly as he grins, putting the warm towel on your nose again as he brushes some hair out of your face to keep it from getting wet. “I can make a private showing just for you as my apology! I’d just need to get your number...and your name...”
“Y/N.” You attempt to push the towel away again, only for Bokuto to catch your hand, slowly intertwining his fingers with yours as he gives you a half-grin. 
“Whaddya say we make it a date, Y/N?” 
“Depends, are you gonna hit me again?” 
“I’ll definitely be hitting on you, that’s for sure.” 
Akaashi Keiji fights the urge to roll his eyes as he closes the door quietly to the nurses office, wondering how the hell his best friend managed to turn the situation into an opportunity to get a cute date. 
“Ladies, remember: if you’re gonna hit it, hit it until it breaks.” 
“Lame as hell.” 
“Iwa-chan, I’ll give you my attention in a second, okay?” 
Oikawa Tooru misses the flicked off finger in his direction as he continues to talk up his group of fans, grinning his playboy grin at all of them in the middle of the lunch period. Hanamaki coughs as he approaches the middle of the courtyard, choking back a laugh as he examines the situation. 
“Is he really showing them how to serve a volleyball like they actually care?” 
“At least he’s not talking to us.” Matsukawa shrugs, boredly watching as well. “I say it’s a win-win situation.” 
“Show us, Oikawa-Kun!” 
“Yeah, let us see your famous serve up close!” 
“Girls, girls...” Oikawa puts his finger to his lips, winking once. “Promise to keep it a secret?” 
“Hey now...he’s not actually gonna hit it, right?” Iwaizumi sits up fully, drinking his melon juice as he sees his childhood friend actually take position, causing Iwa to choke. 
“Oi, shittykawa, is that really the best-?” Iwaizumi questions through a fit of coughs, but doesn’t manage to finish his thought as Oikawa’s already running to hit the volleyball already set into the air as he hits it towards a space with no students-
or so he thought. 
Through a herd of squeals and praises, chocolate brown eyes widen as your figure enters the direct line of fire, time seeming to slow down as you manage to turn in question at the sound, only for your jaw to slacken. 
The sounds of his fans drown out to Oikawa’s ears as the ball hits you straight in the face, causing you to stumble confusedly as you feel your face go numb, pain slowly taking its’ place afterwards. The distance doesn’t allow the setter to pinpoint exactly who you are, but he begins to move without thinking. 
Oikawa is careless as he pushes aside the girls surrounding him, legs moving so fast before breaking into a run just in time to catch you from falling into the grass. He blinks once, eyes in shock at what he had just done, all to show off for some girls. 
He watches the tears prick your eyes, eyes beginning to flutter shut as his rushed thought process doesn’t realize just who he hit. 
“I-I’m so sorry, I-” 
Oikawa feels a lump grow in his throat as your lips form a simple, yet meaningful smile as the colors in your vision begin to close in on you, his panicked mind still trying to register who exactly he had harmed. 
It’s okay. Your smile seemed to have meant. 
Weren’t you mad? Shouldn’t you be angered that this stuck up pretentious playboy had nailed you right in the face with the oh-so famous serve known to make half the teams in his district tremble at the thought of it? 
“Congrats.” Oikawa feels a familiar hand clasp his shoulder to see Iwaizumi looking down at your now unconcious figure. “You just hit the school sweetheart square in the face.” 
“S-School sweetheart? Shit, wait, Y/N?!” Chocolate orbs widen with realization as his adrenaline-rushed mind finally registers. 
Iwa grins a tad sadistically as Oikawa gapes at the beauty in his arms, now slightly bruised and passed out because of his doing as the setter carefully picks you up, regret brimming his eyes. 
“The one girl in the school you wanted, and you had to hit her? Nice.” 
You don’t have time to do anything of the sort as you had just slid the door open to the entrance of Shiratorizawa’s volleyball club practice room just as Ushijima had nailed another practice spike, this one hitting the inner court so hard it had rebounded back out of control in another direction.
That direction just so-happening to be yours. 
The papers meant for the advisor slip out of your grasp as you try to process what had just happened, hearing the once boisterous gym drain of noise as the ball hits you square in the face. You had known of Ushijima’s scarily powerful spikes, but you had no idea the rebound back could feel like a ton of bricks. 
Ushijima seems to still in place as you faint backwards, eyes widening the tiniest fraction as the rest of the team surround your now blacked out figure, bruise forming on your nose along with a trail of blood. The powerful male slowly raises his hand to examine his palm, eyes betraying no emotion. 
He had done that...to a girl?
“I-Is she dead?” Goshiki whispers as Subaru nudges him, nodding over to a staring Ushijima as he takes in what he had done.
“Y’all are such babies.” Tendou yawns, walking over to begin to wrap your arm around his neck. “She wouldn’t die from something like a rebound, but if it had been the real thing-” 
“Shut up, you ginger.” Semi begins to take your other arm before the culprit’s voice makes him freeze in place. 
“No.” Ushijima’s steps manage to silent the team as they, excluding Tendou and Semi, all take a subconcious step back. They watch in bewilderment as Ushijima takes your unconcious figure with a gentleness they didn’t know he possessed, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifts you into a piggy-back position. 
“I’ll take her. Continue practice.” 
Ushijima ignores the gapes and questioning stares as he walks out of the volleyball room, never had left practice early before for any reason. 
As he walks, feeling your even breaths against the back of his neck as he carries you easily to the nurse, he wonders just what he would say to you when you came to in addition to his apology. 
The stranger on his back seems to shuffle a bit, causing the ace’s steps to slow to a stop. 
“I’m sorry, but try not to sleep. We have to make sure your head’s alright.” Ushijima says straight forwardly, blinking when you hum in agreement, still seeming to be out of it as you nuzzle your face into his neck. 
Before Ushijima can tell you not to do that, your next words make him press his lips together. 
“You’re a lot nicer than you look, you know?” You seem to slur, head lolling on his shoulder. “Sweeter too.” 
Ushijima pauses for a few moments, beginning to walk again before stopping abruptly, grip on your legs relaxing as he feels your breathing even back out again. 
“Kuroo, you’re hitting too hard.” 
“I don’t care!” The captain fumes as he grabs another volleyball from the basket, throwing it up to slam it across the gym angrily. “Stupid sensei! I don’t even know if I’ll be able to play in the next game if I have to take those dumb classes.” 
Kenma dodges the ball with a slight movement to his head as he doesn’t tear his gaze away from his console just as it hits the space next to his head. The setter looks up lazily as Kuroo grabs another. 
“I’m telling you, you’re-” 
Kenma’s cut off when he hits the ball again, this time not even bothering to put a spin of direction on it when it suddenly gets slammed outside a nearby open window, followed by a yell of pain. The two childhood friends exchange looks, Kenma getting to his feet with a sigh as Kuroo rushes outside. 
“I told you so.” 
Kuroo’s footsteps bring him to the point of contact, eyes widening at the sight of someone he recognizes leaning on the building for support, a hand rubbing your cheek as tears prick the corners of your eyes. 
“Shit! Are you okay?” Kuroo questions hastily as the captain’s heart beats in fear. How could he lose control of his power like that? The two friends watch, one less worried than the other, as you wave it off, laughing a little with a blush on your features. 
Kuroo breathes out the anxiety in his chest at your laugh, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards the slightest bit as you go to say something-
The smile on your face seems to fade as you lurch forward, the impact of the spiked volleyball finally processing in your body as Kuroo catches you swiftly, anxiety back in his chest. 
“Hm. Well, have fun with that.” 
“K-Kenma, what?!” 
Kuroo sighs, annoyed at his best friend as he walks off carelessly, leaving you in the hands of the captain, who looks down at you guiltily before scooping you back up in his arms and back into the empty practice room. 
When you come to, the first thing you see are the eyes of the captain, ice pack on your forehead as you realize your head had been placed in his lap, Kuroo nursing you until you had woken up. 
Startled, you sit up quickly, his forehead colliding with yours as the ice pack falls into your lap. You share a groan, and you scramble out of his hold with a redness to your cheeks that the raven-haired captain couldn’t pinpoint. 
“That couldn’t have felt good.” Kuroo frowns, a hand reaching out to touch your forehead before you turn away, causing him to arch a brow. 
“Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” The captain questions the victim of his doing, and you laugh a little too loudly. 
“U-Um! Nope, I’ve just got to uh- feed my shark-” 
Kuroo catches your arm before you can go, pulling you back down gently. 
“Do I need to kiss you or something to make you stay still?” 
The capain catches on as a pink hue takes over your cheeks as you do as your told, a smirk tickling the corner of his lips. 
“Y/N L/N, right?” 
“You know my name?” You squeak, only prompting Kuroo to come even closer as his feral eyes seem to keep you from running. 
“I heard through the grapevine someone of the sort had a crush on me all of last year.” 
You blanch, finding movement in your legs again as you ignore the dull throb in your head. Kuroo puts an arm on the opposite side of you, resting it on the bleacher as he leans even closer, seeming to trap you. 
“What I didn’t hear however,” 
The ice pack in your lap continued to melt. 
“Was that the girl who liked me was this cute.” 
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ninyard · 3 years
more stefan/andrew au? the last one was fucking amazing
(following on from pt 2 kinda following canon a lil bit but imagining their relationship panning out earlier than it did in the series? Fab)
Part 1 / part 2
“Andrew?” Neil was woken up by Seth’s pissed-off, tired moan. “Get the fuck out of here, you fuckin’ freak.” Neil heard the rustling of covers and Andrew’s footsteps coming into the room. “Yo, hey, are you deaf?!” It’d been a couple days since the incident in Columbia, and Andrew and Neil hadn’t really spoken since then. Coach had tried to get them to make up when Neil came back to his apartment, but his attempts futile. They’d only had a short conversation before Andrew got bored and left. All Neil got from Andrew’s lot since then was hostility and cold shoulders. Now, in the middle of the night, Andrew was breaking into the room of the three people he actively seemed to hate the most. Neil pretended to sleep, until he felt weight on the rungs of the ladder on his bed, and hands on the back of his T-shirt. Andrew practically pulled him off the bed, immediately waking him up from any bit of sleep he had left in him.
“Car. Ten minutes.” Andrew didn’t lower his voice for Neil’s half-asleep roommates. “I don’t like waiting.”
“I don’t care.” Neil retorted back in a hushed voice. “Leave me alone and let me sleep.” Andrew got real close to Neil’s face. The dim light of the moon outside the window showed Andrew unsmiling face. He was presumably sober, and Andrew sober was a much scarier sight than him being medicated and violent.
“Ten minutes.” He repeated again, matching Neil’s volume, hazel eyes burning a hole through Neil’s natural blue. Andrew put a finger to his lips and switched to German. “This is the only chance you’ll get.”
Neil had almost forgotten he’d spoken to Andrew in German in Coach’s apartment. He was startled at the sudden language change, and obliged when Andrew finally left the room. He got dressed underneath his covers as best he could, and decided against putting in his contacts, before jumping down off the top bunk.
“Bring that monster around here one more time and you’re moving out.” Seth groaned, but fully meant what he said. He turned around to face the wall and through the muffle of a pillow, Neil heard him say, “Now fuck off.” Matt, sleeping like a rock, was snoring on the other side of the room, totally unphased and undisturbed by Andrew’s swift entrance and exit.
Andrew was alone at his car when Neil pulled the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands in a desperate attempt to stay warm, the door of the dorm building shutting behind him. It was freezing outside, and Neil hadn’t realised it was literally the middle of the night until he saw a clock in the hallway reading an early 3:54am. The wind blew leaves across the parking lot with a whistle and a rustle, the dry fall leaves swirling around like tiny twisters on the tarmac. The campus was silent, on the night of a weekday, so Neil didn’t expect anyone to be out. Yet here Andrew was, leaning on the bonnet of his car with a cigarette between his lips, smoke quickly disappearing in the biting wind.
“You never answered my question on our little night out.” He spoke through the smoke, as Neil approached closer. “We’re going for a drive.”
“Do you ever sleep?” Neil’s voice was groggy from his own interrupted sleep. Andrew didn’t answer, instead flicking away his cigarette and sitting into the drivers seat. Neil walked around to the passenger side and sat in. When he tried to warm his hands on the hot air Andrew had blowing through the air-con, Andrew turned the heat off. Neil was sure if Andrew was medicated he would’ve laughed, but he instead opted for watching the road as they drove in silence. Neil sat back and tried his best not to fall asleep. His head bumped about on the headrest as they drove, and every time his eyes started to close, his sleep cycle begging him to come back to rest, Andrew would snap his fingers in his face or lay a punch down on his thigh. After a short drive, they pulled up into the empty lot of some National Park Neil didn’t know the name of. He was too tired to pay attention to the signs, but figured Andrew wouldn’t bring him to a park to kill him or let him go. Andrew was a man of truth when he wanted to be; He wanted to know why he was on the run and Neil didn’t have the energy to argue.
“Why are we here?” Neil asked at the same time Andrew said “What brought a runaway to Oakland?”They both paused for a moment, but Neil knew Andrew wasn’t going to answer his question until Neil answered his.
“It was the first place she wanted to stop.” Neil spoke through a yawn. “The others before there made her too paranoid. It was the first time she felt like she could close her eyes and actually sleep without feeling like she was…” He thought about his words for a moment. The last conversation they’d had, he told him he was on the run, but Andrew already knew that. Neil thought he’d got through to him by giving him half-honesty, telling him his parents were dead. He never brought up Riko, or his family, instead choosing the option of trying to appeal to Andrew’s inner child, who remembered Stefan. It was a stupid choice, and Neil knew that the second he chose it. “She could sleep without feeling like she had a target on her back.”
“Did you kill her?” Andrew said it so casually it felt like murder was something so normal, like eating lunch or going for a walk. Like asking if he killed his mother was just like asking if he liked the taste of garlic, or if he was having a good day.
“No,” Neil answered. He’d been thinking about what he would tell Andrew about his life since he seen him in Arizona. Who was he before Oakland? Where did they go? Who was he running from? “Riko’s family did.”
And suddenly Andrew was interested. His face was a mixture of disbelief and boredom. Neil told him his manufactured version of the story; that his parents were killed by the Moriyama family, and that they’d been on the run since the execution of his Father. He kept out the part about the Butcher of Baltimore, or the fact that he was actually still alive, but Andrew’s mind was at work as Neil told the story. If he didn’t look awake before, he did now. Neil spoke for an hour, maybe less, maybe more, flowing from story to anecdote to answering questions that Andrew slipped in whenever he wanted. Neil answered it all with mostly-truths, redacting the stuff Andrew simply didn’t need to know. Neil was a runaway, his family were in some bad business, but Neil was the only one left.
“I really didn’t think you could get any more stupid, yet I am constantly surprised.” Andrew tutted as he shook a cigarette out of the packet, into his hand. He rolled down the window on his side and smoked out of it, seemingly unbothered by the wind that just blew the smoke back into his face. “You knew who I was, but you knew Kevin too? How forgetful do you think people are?”
“I don’t know,” Neil told him honestly. “I just- We were so young. I met Kevin years before I met you. I just didn’t think I was important to anyone.” Andrew laughed a laugh that wasn’t really a laugh at all. It was the sound of dismissal, as though he didn’t believe a word that spilled from Neil’s tired lips. “I didn’t think I’d ever be particularly memorable or mean anything to anyone. That was the most important thing to my mom.”
“What, being unimportant?” Andrew didn’t look at Neil as he spoke.
“Being forgettable.” Neil sighed, thinking about his mother’s words that had been drilled into his head. If you’re too interesting, you’re asking to be killed. Be boring. Be normal. Be forgettable. “You fucked that up for me.”
“See, you keep blaming me,” Andrew shook his head as he took a drag from the cigarette that had been half-smoked by the wind. “I didn’t fuck up your life, Abagnale, you did.” Neil didn’t get the reference, but he didn’t ask either.
“I don’t mean it’s your fault. You didn’t do anything,” Neil tried correcting himself. “I couldn’t help it when I was around you. And all I could do every second of my days after Oakland was blame you because I couldn’t deal with the fact that I let you in. Everything I learned, everything I’d done, you came along and turned the place upside down because I just had to know you. I had to.”
“Why?” Andrew looked at him with that same uninterested look he usually had, when a medically-induced smile wasn’t spread across his cheeks. “What made me any different to the hundreds of other kids I’m sure you met on your travels, hmm?”
“You were real.” Andrew scoffed. Neil frowned at that and shrugged his shoulders. “We’ve been through this. Don’t waste my time getting to know me if you just want me to run. You want me to get lost in the park, is it? Is that why you brought me here?”
“Nothing better than some honesty with a view.” Andrew tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. “How do you expect me to trust you when you’ve spent your whole life a liar? Be mad if you want, but I’m much less gullible now, you see. Once a liar, always a liar.” Neil sent Andrew a look as he hovered his hand over Andrew’s. When he just stared at it, Neil brought Andrew’s hand up to his collarbone where was a small, raised, pink scar sitting just above it.
“The motels phone.” Neil spoke quietly, as if Mary would hear, as if she was waiting to jump out from behind the car to take him and beat him again for letting his guard down, for being unforgettable. “It was the first thing she could grab when we got into our room. I never told her your name, and she beat me harder for it. I never wanted to let her anger ruin your name.” Andrew dropped his hand from Neil’s grip.
“Pretty unintelligent to take hits for someone you thought you’d never see again.”
Then Neil said, “I knew I’d never forget you.” Andrew tensed up at the almost-promise, and the memories came flooding back for Neil like a tsunami sweeping over every other thought he had. “I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.” Neil almost reached out to touch Andrew before he remembered the boundary Andrew had set that night in Columbia. Neil didn’t have a right to touch him anymore, and he knew Andrew noticed as Neil’s hand lifted and then hesitantly fell. “Tell me something I don’t know about this Andrew. I’ve told you my life, tell me yours.” He gestured to Andrew, sat across from him with an almost-frown on his face and a thinking mind hard at work.
“This Andrew doesn’t give a shit about what answers you think you deserve.” He looked Neil up and down. “I don’t owe you anything.”
“Why doesn’t Nicky know you’re gay?” Neil asked, instead of waiting for him to come up with something himself, it was much easier to get honesty from Andrew by prompting him. Neil watched as his jaw tensed for a second, thinking about the answer.
“Nicky is too involved in being the gay cousin to un-assume.” Andrew barely lifted his shoulders in the form of a shrug. “He hasn’t asked.”
“Why don’t you tell him?”
“I don’t ‘come out’,” He brushed off the thought with the flick of his wrist and a roll of his eyes. “I don’t fuck women in my spare time. Who cares?”
“Yeah, sure, but-” Neil had started to speak when Andrew cut across.
“At least I’m out to myself,” He nodded towards him. “You, on the other hand? Was it just Stefan who was into it or is the unnamed you just in denial?”
“I’m not, like…” Neil hated the sexuality question. It was confusing and messy and Andrew and Andrew and Andrew. “There was no one after you. It’s only been you.”
“By choice or by mothers hands?”
“Neither. Both?” He wasn’t sure how to answer. “The foxes are the first people I’ve let get somewhat close since then. That’s the truth. I haven’t wanted to. I’m just not interested in anyone.” The except for you part was silent, but he knew Andrew had somewhat heard it when he sat back, one hand on the steering wheel, the other arm resting on the door, as he took a deep breath that he tried to hide. Neil wasn’t even sure he was still into Andrew like that, because they were so young, after all. Andrew was still experimenting, and they never spoke about those kinds of feelings. They were friends who kissed each other because they wanted to know what it felt like. They kissed each other because maybe they thought they liked it. Maybe they’d have to do it again just to be sure. But that was so long ago, and so much had changed. Neil had had a crush on that Andrew, but this one? He wasn’t so sure. This one was harsh and mean, angry and unmoving. This one had been hard-boiled by life and wasn’t going to crack any time soon. He didn’t know if he felt things anymore. He didn’t know if Andrew was capable of a crush, or a kiss, or a simple, electric touch of fingers to skin.
Without a word, Andrew had switched on the ignition and idled the engine for a moment before pulling out and starting on the drive back to campus. Neil didn’t say anything else, he only rested his head on the window and watched as the morning sun slowly lit up the night sky, the dark navy blue taking over the black sky so slowly it was hardly noticeable.
He had pulled into his usual parking spot not long later, still not looking at Neil or speaking at all. He stayed still in the drivers seat after switching the engine off. Neil took that as his cue to leave. Matching Andrew’s silent treatment, he got up and shut the door without a word. Andrew had rolled down his window again, another cigarette already stuck between his lips. He watched as Neil walked around the car before he tapped the outside of his door twice to catch his attention. Neil spoke before he could.
“Give me a chance.” The wind blew his hair off his face, reminding him how cold it was, and why he should’ve worn a jacket. “Let me stay. I don’t have anything else.”
“Don’t be fooled into thinking I trust you.” He hung his hand out the window finally looking Neil in the eyes again. “It’s a matter of time before your egg timer runs out. Make use of it while you can.”
“I’ll bury Stefan forever, if you ask.” Neil offered in payment for the sudden change of heart in letting him stay, in cleaning his hands of the idea that Neil was after Kevin, or that he was a threat. “Say the word and we start fresh from today.”
“I don’t care,” Andrew took a long drag, one that felt like it was centuries long, like the sun would be up by the time he finished. He blew it out and raised his hands. “Kill what wasn’t real. Prove to me what was.”
Neil wasn’t sure what that invitation meant, but he didn’t ask Andrew to keep speaking. When they broke eye contact, he knew then Andrew wanted him to leave. Neil didn’t look back, heart racing, practically ready to burst out of his chest by the time he reached his dorm room. He opened the door as quietly as he could, careful not to disturb his peacefully sleeping roommates, and he crawled back into bed to try get some sleep before the practice scheduled for the morning. Instead of counting sheep, battling restlessness like a fight for his life, he thought of Stefan. He thought of the heart of Nathaniel that had gotten wrapped up in his blond hair and tiny frame. Neil fell asleep thinking about who he used to be, and what parts of that were real. What parts could he keep? His mind spent its last morsels of energy on dissecting Neil Josten, to make him feel a little more real.
The next time they saw each other outside of practice was when Kevin started coming to find him late at night to go to the court and practice together. Neil realised quickly he was going to become a night owl as a Fox, but it still took him a while to adjust to the late nights and early starts. But him and Andrew kept their distance; they didn’t speak if they didn’t have to, and their conversations were kept to a line or two each. They played their first match of the season, and Andrew had sent out shots for Neil like they were capable of working together. Then there was Kathy Ferdinand’s show, at which Andrew had hands all over him, holding him back from killing Riko on live TV. He had made a deal to protect Kevin, and then he was being psychically held back from doing so. Neil did what he couldn’t, and stood up to Riko, a conscious effort to gain his trust, to prove he was on the side of the foxes. Then there was that touch, that simple, light, barely-there touch, and Neil knew he’d won. He’d earned Andrew’s trust, at least for a moment, but that was all that mattered.
When Andrew ever-so-kindly reminded Neil later that Riko would find out about him, the original “Neil”, as easily as he’d strolled onto that stage to sit across from Kevin, there was no choice but to run. He couldn’t imagine any other option. His entire body went into fight or flight, and he struggled to sit still as Andrew held his collar and told him to stay.
“Why?” Neil asked, throat dry, hands shaking, after Andrew offered him protection for the year if he promised to stay. It was funny to imagine, as if there was anything he could do against the actual, guns-blazing, internationally dominating mafia. “Why would you help me?” Andrew laughed, and just about caressed Neil’s jaw in the most non-affectionate way possible. Neil felt his touch leave blood on his skin, but he didn’t flinch. Andrew was manic, and didn’t care. He looked as if he didn’t even feel the pain of a glass-shattering punch, and was actively enjoying the chaos that the morning had brought with it.
Andrew didn’t give him any sort of an answer until later that night, when he stepped into Neil’s space and told him to remember the feeling; Neil couldn’t run anymore. He had given his word to Andrew that he would stay, and as much as he had started to hate the Present-Day-Andrew-Minyard, he trusted him as a man of his word. Neil had killed the parts of Stefan that were untrue; all that was left was the real emotion he felt when he looked at Andrew. He was an asshole, but he was Andrew, and Neil trusted this five foot blond boy with his life. Perhaps it was crazy, perhaps he was officially, undeniable, finally signing his name on his death wish, ticking down the hours until his past caught up. Whereas running was his old line of defence, his current one was Andrew. Andrew was an unlit fire suddenly gaining embers, and Neil knew it was dangerous to let that fire grow. Especially when Andrew leaned over in Eden’s, crackers on his tongue, a drink in his hands, and whispered in German;
“Mommy’s not here to hurt you anymore.” Neil snapped his gaze towards Andrew, who was coming up on his high, speaking to Neil but watching the crowd on the dancefloor. His breath at Neil’s ear sent shivers up his spine, goosebumps on his arms. “My hands are open to have your back. Give it to me this time.”
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weasleyscumslut · 3 years
Good Ol' Fashioned Lover Boy | | Ronald Billius Weasley
summary: based on the song “good ol’ fashioned lover boy” by queen. it was very obvious that Ron had a crush on you, no matter how hard he tried to hide it. so, what else were you supposed to do other than pester him about it?
word count: 1639
warnings: food. that's about it, it's fluff.
master list
I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango just for two
I can serenade and gently play on your heartstrings
Be a Valentino just for you
It was obvious to everyone. What was obvious exactly? That Ron Weasley had a crush on you. You didn’t remember exactly when you found out, but that was never on your mind. The only thing you could seem to think of is when your crush would ask you out.
You had gotten up from the red couch in the common room of the Gryffindor tower. You saw Ron look up at you and smile before pretending to look back at the book in front of him.
“Hey, Ron!” You said happily as you walked over to him. You sat down in the chair on his right, thankful that the trio hadn’t decided to study in the library.
“Hey, Y/N.” He replied, a slight pink tint on his pale and freckled-covered cheeks. You giggled as your eyes went over his figure. His strawberry-orange hair dangling in front of his eyes, his pale skin glowing from the glare of the fireplace to their right.
Harry and Hermione quickly looked at each other before getting up with their books.
“We just realized that we need to go save some seats at the table if the three of us wanna eat lunch together. Y/N you’re welcome to eat with us.” Hermione said, a slight smile on her lips as she looked at the two people in front of her.
You nodded your head and sat down beside Ron as you watched Harry and Hermione leave, whispering to each other as they kept glancing back at you two.
Ooh, love
Ooh, loverboy
“So, Ron. How are you? I always catch you looking at me during class, so I figured there was some part of you that wanted to talk to me.” you said, both of your cheeks turning pink at the thought of him looking at you.
“I’m good, even better now that you're here.” His hand slowly slid closer to yours, his pinky barely touching yours. His lips curled up into a smirk as he watched you blush even harder at the slight touch he gave you.
Whatcha doing tonight?
Hey boy
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
That’s because I’m a good old fashioned lover boy
“I have a question for you, Y/N. Would you wanna go with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” he asked, his gaze falling on your figure as he watched your reaction. “Don’t worry, if you wanna go as friends we can, I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable. We don’t have to go together at all if you don’t want to go,” he said nervously after a few minutes of silence.
“Is it a date?” You asked nervously, your hand quickly moving to pick at your nails on the other side. He nodded his head as he watched you.
“Then yeah, I’d love to go on a date with you,” you said quietly, feeling your heartbeat against your ribcage. He smiled and put his hands in his lap before looking at the clock, quickly grabbing his books, and walked to the great hall.
Ooh, feel my heartbeat ( grow faster, faster )
Ooh, can you feel my love heat?
Come on, sit on my hot seat of love and tell me “how do you feel right after all”
Write my letter, feel much better
And use that fancy patter on the telephone
You sat across from Ginny and Neville as you two started talking about your homework.
“Neville, I don’t understand how you’re amazing at herbology, I’m terrible at it.” You said, your fork barely touching the plate in front of you.
“I’m not amazing at it, I just like the class,” he replied, blushing at the compliment.
“You are amazing at it though. For instance, in our fourth year, I would have never thought of giving Harry that gillyweed.” You heard the owlery hatch open and you looked up confused as you saw your owl with a letter.
You quickly opened it and smiled as you noticed Ron’s handwriting. You folded the letter up and put it in your jacket before looking up at him.
“We’re still on for that date, Ron. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” you smiled as you poked your fork into his arm. He giggled as he looked at you.
“Good, I’d be rather upset if you had already changed your mind.” He smiled and looked at your lips as the same daydreams played in his head. You blushed and went back to talking to Neville and Ginny as you tried to tune him out.
You heard Dumbledore tell everyone that lunch was over and that the teachers were waiting outside to go to Hogsmeade. You stood up and walked outside as you waited for Ron. He saw you and quickly said goodbye to the people around him as he rushed over to you.
When I’m not with you, think of you always
I miss you
When I’m not with you, think of me always
I love you ( love you )
“Hey, Ron. I had gotten worried you chickened out on me.” You teased as you lightly pushed him. He giggled and held your hand as he looked at you.
“I didn’t chicken out, Fred and George kept trying to give me advice.” he turned red at the thought of their conversation as he tried to shake the thought of it out of his head.
“What did they say?” you asked confused, your thumb tracing patterns on the back of his hand as you looked at him. He quickly whispered things into your ear and you turned red.
“I might use the advice later though,” he mumbled, his lips curling into a smirk at the idea of you on your knees. You heard him and turned even more red as you hid your face into the sleeve of his jacket.
“Oh shut it,” you mumbled, embarrassed.
Hey boy, where’d you get it from?
Hey boy, where did you go?
I learned it from the good ol’ fashioned school of lover boys.
“Which store do you wanna go to first?” He asked as you two walked around Hogsmeade.
“Do you wanna go to Honeydukes first? I heard Fred and George say how they were gonna go to Zonkos and then leave rats inside Honeydukes after, and I don’t want to deal with those rodents.” you looked at him and squeezed his hand.
“Ladies first,” he said and you smiled as he opened the door for you. You quickly headed inside and headed to the back of the store. He walked after you and smiled.
“Do you want to get a chocolate frog? I can’t reach them.” you pointed up to the high shelf and smiled as he reached up and handed it to you.
“Here you go, darling.” he teased, his lips ghosting against yours as he put the piece of candy in the basket you were holding. You blushed and quickly turned around as you put some more candy in the basket.
Dining at the Ritz’s, we’ll meet at 9, precisely
( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 o’clock )
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
“So where do you want to go now?” you asked as you headed to the cash register, slowly putting everything in the basket on the counter.
“We can go to The Leaky Cauldron and share a butterbeer if you want.” He took out his wallet and paid for the candy, ignoring your confused expression.
“Why did you pay for that?” You took the bag and headed outside, holding Ron’s hand as you walked.
“I’m the one that asked you one the date-” you cut him off. “ I know, but that was also all for me, it doesn’t seem fair.” He cupped her face and looked down at her.
“I don’t care if you think it is fair or not, I asked you out on this date and I will pay for it,” he replied as he looked you in the eyes, blushing as he felt you melt into his hands.
Driving back in style to my saloon will do quite nicely
Take me back to yours that will be fine
Come on and get it
The two of you headed back to Hogwarts, your fingers intertwined with one another as the sun started to set.
“Thanks for the date, Ron. I enjoyed it.” you looked up at him and smiled as the two of you stood in the common room.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. I enjoyed it too.” he smiled back as he looked down at you, his eyes fully taking in your figure as you stood before him. You felt your heart start beating faster and faster as you two made eye contact, the two of you slowly leaning into one another.
Ooh, love
Ooh, loverboy - whatcha doing tonight?
Hey boy
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, his lips ghosting yours as his hand was placed on the side of your cheek.
“Please do.” You begged, your pinks turning even darker as he slowly leaned in, his lips touching yours as the two of you kissed, the world seemed to melt around you.
And for the first time in forever, you felt complete.
Everythings alright, just hold on tight that’s because I’m a good old
( fashioned, fashioned )
a/n: this is literally my second fanfiction, so I hope you enjoyed it hoes
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