#wally shrine
ittybittybattyart · 5 months
Aaaaa my little wally plush just got here! I love him so much he's the most!!! Here he is on the hyperfixation shelf with the embroidery i made based off of Clowns art, I gave him many things he likes as enrichment haha. This was such a wonderful thing to wake up to today ❤
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(Here's pictures of the embroidery I did while waiting for him to get here, original art belongs to Clown)
EDIT: omg?! thank you all so much for the sweet comments on this, and Clown and his crew to! Your all SO nice and I wanted to thank you for making such a wonderful project! I'm so excited to see it progress and your other future works!
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jazzzzzzhands · 3 months
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The Wally Shrine grows!!
He sits on a little chair and I keep pouring love into him!
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skullaton · 11 months
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I made a fan shrine/site for Wally!! I'm super proud of it! It's like baby's first gallery and functional JS!
There's even a hidden site if you can find it. :3c
Come check it out! (Best viewed at  1920x1080)
disclaimer: All assets on the site belong to Clown Illustration. This is only meant to be a fun shrine for my favourite character from Welcome Home, and I do not own Wally or Welcome Home.
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fightwing · 1 year
dick. i think we're running out of room for our joint flash shrine. :( where am i supposed to put this flash rubber duck?
simply move the nightwin.g ones babe 😇 overrated anyway
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Lovey Dovey Darling
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I’m obsessed and clearly you guys are too! (Might make a part 2 of that other piece if people want it enough) [Another Drabble]
His eyes widened, his pupils nearly incasing his whole eye. He wants to just eat you up. Will you allow him to eat you up?
You don’t even realize that he’s tasting you. Enjoying you. Why if you knew, you’d probably be creeped out.
But you loved him, so you wouldn’t mind? Right? Oh of course you do!
Wally doesn’t want to admit it, but he gets steamingly jealous. Why must you talk to Julie when he’s right there! Talk to him. Talk to him. Talk To Him!
Nevermind that, he loves to paint you. Even if you’re unaware. Ah, that’s when he gets the best artwork done.
He’d have a shrine of you, of course. A bit of your hair, multiple paintings, a toothbrush yiy thought you lost, an article of clothing… You know, simple everyday things.
Wally loves talking to you. Well I say that, but you do most of the talking. You just have so many things to say and Wally wants to memorize it all. God you’re so cute, he could just Eat You Up.
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plleeeepppyyyy · 1 year
I have a request if you’re doing any!!
Wally Darling x Rockstar Reader
I don’t care what you do with this but I hope you enjoy it!!
Reader is the singer and dancer of the neighborhood! Very happy go lucky, loving, and even a little clumsy. Yet always calm during making music
Which I can picture reader being a great muse. And reader singing a lot to Wally.
this was def fun to write!! all the ideas and cutesy stuff came to me in a flash ngl.. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
really cute request!! you guys are so creative with these,,,(•̀ᴗ•́)و
wally + singer/rock star reader!
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•this man,,, god,, this man.
•he’s literally ur number one fan girl. he’s there for every performance, writings, everything. you name it he’s there!
•wally just loves watching you in the process of making music, its like an art! to him, it’s wonderful of how passionate you are about it. he adores watching you almost trip on a cord as you just jam out,, doesn’t matter how clumsy you are,, you’re just elegant to him. seeing you so peaceful as you strum on a guitar or something.. 🫶 (if he had a camera he would take a pic of you 200x)
•literally every-time you come up to him with ur newest draft of a song, he gets so excited!! that inner fangirl comes out.,, wally is pretty honest when it comes to stuff. but he just can’t help himself, every song, draft, album,, literally all perfection to him. you cannot do no wrong with that. he buys all of your stuff if you ever sell it. (prolly got a shrine.)
•if you ever write a song based on him,, he would actually cry out of happiness, at least be on the verge of it. you just give the song to him and he’s just like, “it’s so perfect,,,, tysm,,” while he’s on the verge of letting it out. he’ll listen to it every day. :) <3
•bonus points if you write it for your guys’ one year anniversary! that man will be so happy,, he probably would let a few tears out too..,,. like you used your creativeness on little old him?!(!(ಡ‸ಡ) wally would cherish the hell out of that song, he can just mumble out a praise as he’s about to ugly cry. like.. THANK YOU?!(!? (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
•he’ll just grab a hold of you and not let go,, it just makes him feel so happy. he’ll probably cry into ur shirt tho,,
•if you ever had some albums posted out or whatnot, he will put them on his wall. wally would prolly accidentally buy out the whole thing,, like cmon, he’s has to use some of them for display and hearing!! ( ˘ ³˘)
•ur his main inspiration for his art too,, seeing you so into doing what u do, gibes him strength. he will ABSOLUTELY paint tf outta you! literally you guys would be in the same room while he sketches and you just strum your guitar or smth, ack he’s a sucker for moments like those. ur for sure his muse. got ten whole folders of drawings and projects that are meant for you.
•he might even call you his muse tooo! :)
•he asked you once what type of music you were doing and you prolly replied with a random genre he’s never heard up,, and he’d just be like. “ah, that’s wonderful.. can’t wait to hear it.”
•he do NOT give a care,, any genre in his eyes and ears it’s perfection. like said before, you do wrong.
•if ur the type to do sad songs, he’s a little worried. like bby what’s got you so sad? :(
•sometimes (if you offer) he also does stuff with you. to him he thinks he’s better at playing instruments, which is lie he’s hella good at singing.
•he’ll give you ideas, suggestions; whatever you need!
•i literally will say it here, ya’ll do duets with each other. especially with old timey love songs, it’s just cute,,, a bit sappy. but who cares, I IMAGINE you two just singing together. (bonus points if he’s playing a piano,, well trying to,, he needs some practice..)
•every time you put on a performance,, he just sits there with the dopiest smile on with lovestruck written all over him. bro is VERY in love, he could listen to you alll day. if he had a tail it would be wagging. he will never take his eyes off either, all of his attention is on you, just you.
•even if you got a recording studio, he admires how much you get into the music. its so amusing seeing you be so calm during the whole process of making a song, but when you perform your songs. like thats my baby fr!!! wally is ur number one hype man,, i mean this all the way.
(i feel like hes such a sucker for singers,,)
•if ur in a nice suit, dress; whatever while ur singing, agh.. this man is knocked out. ur soo gorgeous,, and you sing?! like, sorry, wally is just in love.
•after one of your performances, once he sees you walking to him, all giddy and stuff. wally ain’t letting you go once you run into his arms, he will keep his arms around you as you just ask if he liked it, thought it was great,, while he’s just nodding and mumbling praises to you. (it’s honestly so sweet to watch you two.) if ur wearing heels or boots, you’re probably towering over him as this happens,, (i honestly find this so sweet, ur jus towering over him, asking him excitedly if he loved it, while he’s just practically sings praises to you. so sweet,,)
•to pick up the instrument part, he will totally help you with demos and drafts by playing the music for you. he’s pretty average on most instruments and would totally drop whatever he had and help you out! (will def help you out with drums, i think its canon that its his main thing,,)
•sing him to sleep, please,, he will eat that up. if you do, he’ll sleep so fast. as said before by me, i don’t think he sleeps much. but with ur singing? knocked out, my brother is dead asleep. what can he say? you’re just a good singer.
•honestly to him, ur like a siren. you’re just too good to be true and sing beautifully. corny he knows but,,, its true <3 (to him.)
•even house loves your singing! if wally needed the help he would call you and try to make house stop with ur singing,,
•the first time he’s ever heard you sing, his mind was blown. how did you sing that good? like all of his other friends could sing,, but you were just different. you sounded different, did things differently.. ack. he fell in love with your voice. as he listened to one of ur song’s for the first time, and ur just anxious. wondering if he’ll like it, or not.. he turns to you. blank stare, and says, “this is the best music i’ve ever heard,, ur so talented..” with just pure adoration and fondness in his eyes.
•which got you SO HAPPY, he loved your songs!!!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
•sometimes if he feels a bit snarky that day, he’ll brag a bit. just all like, “my s/o is a beautiful singer,, can YOU sing that good? they’re so amazing at what they do, no one can compare…” wally is sometimes a bit of a prick (╥_╥)
•never a prick to you tho, said it before i’ll say it again, to him you do no wrong, see no wrong, hear no wrong, speak no wrong. 🫶
•he makes sure you know that you’ll always be in his corner, all of the time, being ur numba one fangirl! (✯◡✯)
•wally definitely tried making a song for you too,, didn’t go right tho. (٥⁀▽⁀ )
(seriously this dude is crazed over you.)
•you always make sure he’s the first one to hear your songs, after writing a draft you sprint to him and show him it. it makes him so excited too, cause like.. how did he get so lucky that he’s the first person to look and hear your talent?
•this dude just adores you, so much.. like what’s not to love? to him you’re just the peak definition of passion, he enjoys watching you have fun and play music. wally is sorta taking this into seriousness,, but he can’t help it!! he can’t get over how he bagged you, this person who’s a whole peak of inspiration for him. ❤︎︎
•he just loves to support and cherish you, i won’t lie but he’s basically a lovestruck puppy who watches you and everything you do. everyone in the neighborhood can tell.. (¯ ³¯)♡
ACK,, okay i got a bit carried away on some points, but they were jus too cute to not put in.
BUT 1000 NOTES ON EACH OF MY FICSSs?!?! thats insane, thank you guys sm!! (╥_╥) i didn’t think i would get that much positive feedback for these, im rlly glad you guys are liking these!
hope you enjoyed reading this one! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
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ablobwhowrites · 1 year
hear me out ahajhaj yandere howdy?
hear me out yandere welcome home neighbors, no mercy for m/n or gn y/n in this, we are going all the way gentlemen/my friends. Plus wally definitely doesn’t make paintings and drawings of you while he’s at home and has a shrine from all the stuff he stole and you have given him. And Eddie give you love letters he wrote for you. Frank would study the bugs or kind of flowers you like. Julie and poppy would make sweets for you. Howdy would have things you like in his shop and oddly you have never said anything to howdy but hey your favorite stuff is in his shop. A Barnaby would have you hangout and him being like the funcle like spirit, he’d talk about random shit with you…….and you always feel off when outside…..like something is staring at you even if no one is outside….always Wally’s house that was always off putting to you but hey at least your neighbors will never hurt you……right?
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jacenotjason · 5 months
i dont know what happened, but as soon as i got my wally plush i had sudden motivation to clean off my bed
i think wally possessed me into making him clean off a nice area for him to sit in
here is him chillin with the gang on their newly clean shrine area
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saccharinescorpion · 9 months
oh christ i typed up way too many thoughts about the Teal Mask story
spoilers of course
TO BEGIN WITH literally everything here has a big ol’ asterisk with “subject to change” attached to it, i was surprised at how much of a “to be continued” ending the main story had and i’m trying not to get my hopes too high for Indigo Disk, but wowzers
Carmine’s line about tourism… i have a lot of feelings, but the one looming over my head like a fucking sword of Damocles is “did the writers not intend this to have as much weight as i am ascribing to it lmao” because it’s only the one line and GOD i don’t want to be the “reading too much into stories for babies” person all the time but!! But!!!!
(recalls the scene where Nemona talks to you about feeling isolated because of her talent and recalls my feeling of “why was this only in one scene where she flatout looks at the camera and says this”)
well even if it’s not supposed to be “that” important-
1) sure makes the TCG Tournament in Hawaii feel even more bitterly ironic lmao (obligatory yes i know the game writers are not responsible for most stuff that happens in the wider franchise i’m just SAYING it’s ironic)
2) GOSH it sure does make those ugly jokes people kept making about Carmine even grosser than they already were (if you don’t know what i’m talking about, Don’t Worry About It)
As someone on twitter said it feels weird to have this sort of plot point after not exploring it at all in the game with the Hawaii analogue. at the same time i do have to wonder if it was a response to working on those games and doing some thinking. Who can say
God ALL of that was for one line
KIERAN!! Okay, i know i’ve been giving Kieran a lot of shit but his plot progression is genuinely very compelling. recent games have been exploring the “rival who feels inadequate” type of character but this is the first time one has gone off the deep end like this, and i really hope they push it into interesting places
Cutesy shy “oh gosh oh wowzers” pre-development Kieran… in the end i did feel a bit charmed by how sincere he is for the record!
but also i’m genuinely so glad he ended up having Inner Darkness lol
Sorry Kieran i just don’t like it when it feels like the writer is trying way too hard to make me say “i want to protect you”
By extension sorry Wally lmao because he really was the ancestor of this type in the Pokemon franchise
I tried not to take the fact that i really didn’t want the damn Ogerpon too personally lol, this is one of those moments where i really had to force myself to step back and remember that these games are not for me, they are for tiny children who often really do buy into the Gotta Catch Em All thing and probably felt some genuine inner turmoil at this
But god like, please. I have my giant puppy lizard who makes vroom vroom noises. Ogerpon you are so cute but we can never have the bond i have with my bike
Kieran falling to his knees after the last battle genuinely got me, so did him punching the shrine even with the dumb “owie ><” gag afterwards
OKAY talking about the battles damn Kieran and Carmine were tough opponents i had to try Kieran’s last fight like three times (admittedly because i was using my weaker Kitakami team but STILL)
Kieran feeling bad for the ogre was projecting “THIS CHARACTER FEELS LIKE AN OUTCAST” and i picked that up loud and clear, and that was good, but i wish they actually… made him seem like an outcast?
Don’t get me wrong, Kieran definitely has self-confidence issues, issues with talking to others, anxiety issues (possibly), and that can easily make someone feel like an outcast
But i feel like there’s a big difference between that and someone (Ogerpon and her trainer) who is actively shunned and mistreated by the people around them, and i was really hoping for that from Kieran
It’s just the Pokemon thing of finding it hard to depict people really being actively malicious (see Penny and Team Star’s bullies and their enablers all doing their thing off-screen and then leaving off-screen)
But it’s doubly weird because they didn’t have much issue with showing characters in this story being terrible (Carmine)
Carmine!!! Her terribleness was genuinely so entertaining, a lot of the time i was simultaneously laughing and thinking “oh people are going to be SO mad”
But real talk for all my love of Girls Who Suck i do actually kind of get where some people are coming from, she is genuinely very abrasive and unpleasant at times, and though i don’t agree at least i can tell where the character hate is stemming from (unlike some of the absolute batshit stuff i saw about Geeta and Nemona, don’t get me staaaarted)
And speaking of… okay i feel like i’m pushing it even talking about this but i feel it would be dishonest to pretend that i’m not thinking about it
SOOOO the “it’s not like i hit him” line… another case of “did the writers intend this to be as big as it is in my mind,” combined with uhhh writers from a different generation than me, let’s say
For now i will interpret that at face value, but like… damn, i don’t think that reads as you want it to especially in a Pokemon game
Carmine pleaseeeeeee say you’re sorry to Kieran in Indigo Disk please please please i know she apologized for leaving him in the dark but my dearest dream is for her to apologize for being so mean to him all the time. she needs to just treat him better in general. please i will forgive Kieran having to apologize for taking the mask if we can do this please
I know i know cultural differences but we already had Clavell apologize for the failures of the school system, this isn’t THAT big of  a stretch
I am genuinely curious if Indigo Disk will pull a reverse plot twist and reveal Ogerpon’s trainer to be a bad person or reveal that he was the one to attack the Loyal Three first because if not DAMN we’re just going to have some flat out evil Pokemon? that we can potentially put on a team with Ogerpon?????
Ogerpon is a silly lil girl :)
I still haven’t done Perrin’s plot lol
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walli3darl1ng · 6 months
Hello there darling
Can I request for a welcome home ppl react to a 9 tales kitsune reader
Like she/he has lived in the woods for a long time and was curious what the neighborhood was like and the people that were in it
And the fact that there tales were soft and he/she was beautiful and helped wally finally get a good rest sleep with his/her tales
if u don't mind
(I dont mind at all, Darling! I apologize for getting to this late TT but I really love this! Hope I live up to your expectations! Before we continue…as much as I personally dislike this I really want to post something for you guys ;))
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The Kitsune Fox; a fox spirit that can turn into a human to trick and fool those who are easily fooled. Although even the most cautious can’t resist the temptation the spirits posses. In some folklore these spirits are wise and humble spirits that help the living, others say they are evil and only wish to hurt those that are weak.
They are rumored to see and hear all that goes on in the world and if deemed worthy—they can interact and help.
“Sally, I know you like this kind of thing but is it really necessary to say all the scary and nasty stuff on our sleepovers?” A slightly shaken and worried Julie interrupts Sally’s dramatic explanation of the fantasy tale making the star puppet stop and turn to her.
“Oh, sorry! I just really love those stories,” she gives a brief pause and glances around at the rest that were asleep. The only ones still awake was her Julie and Wally. “Besides everyone else is asleep.” She whispers back.
“Yeah, but now Julie won’t be able to sleep, you know how she gets.” Wally tiredly replies, patting Juliet’s shoulder softly. The scared blonde hugging her stuffed doll close to her chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Julie.” Sally frowns then opens her sleeping bag to her friend. “We can cuddle until you fall asleep, how’s that sound?”
“Okay!” Julie nods and smiles as she crawls over and hugs her best friend. “We can go see the small shrine tomorrow? The one you were talking about earlier.”
Sally hums and nods, already half asleep due to the warms Julie was providing. She was telling them that she found a small shrine not that far and wanted them to go with her to check it out.
Speaking of which here you are, draped over the roof of the shrine, your fox ears tall and alert and tails swinging about as she let out a boring sigh. “How boring…I guess a couple 100 years will do that, huh?” This is a common thing for you. Talking to yourself I mean. You have been alone for over a few centuries.
Your ears flicker when you hear slow and relax heartbeats, the neighborhood must be asleep now. You’ve noticed the neighborhood not that long ago but was always a bit hesitant to go down there and say hi. What if they think you’re evil and cast you away?!
Anyways, you’ve been keeping an eye on them for the time being. Just watching over them.
“What..?” You sit up when you pick up on a faster heartbeat, was someone having a nightmare?
“I need to investigate..what if someone’s in danger?” With a new found determination you gracefully float down and toward the neighborhood.
As colorful and unique the neighborhood is you can explore just yet. Your ears snap to the sound of the beat of the racing heart to a house. You peek inside a window to see a blue haired puppet rubbing his eyes as he takes a few deep breaths.
You tilt you head as you can still hear his heartbeat beating a bit too fast so you swiftly float in through the cracked open window which gets his attention.
“Who’s there?”
“I’m sorry…you had a nightmare?” Way to start a conversation, I suppose. Then again it’s been so long since you had a conversation with someone else and have gotten a response.
Wally however wasn’t worried at the fact that you, a complete stranger has entered Julie’s home but the fact that you were the exact tale sally was gushing out early that night. You are so beautiful, majestic and grateful even in your tone. Your ears are tall and huge, your tails! Gosh they look soft and the fact you got nine of them! Blow his mind, alright.
“Um…hello?” You asked, waving your hand in front of him making his jump a bit.
“Oh! Sorry, you’re just…you’re so pretty that’s all.” Wally shrugs it off and smiles.
You blink at this, he think you’re pretty? Seriously? What does that mean exactly? “..thank you?”
“..so you’re here because you thought I had a nightmare?”
“Your heartbeat was fast, that’s not normal.” You said as you pointed to his chest. “Then again, it’s been a few days now that I hear that from you, you’re the one that live in the red house, right? The one that’s alive.”
“Home you mean? Yea that’s me, Wally.” He smiles, his heart beat is calming down. That’s good.
“Wally…I’m (Y/n), I live on the shrine that’s up the hill.”
“Sally was telling us about it earlier! That’s where you live, that’s fantastic, you can meet the others.” Wally was now so excited to share his new found friend with the rest.
You tilt you head and hums seeing that Wally was still tired, he’s fighting his sleep but still talking to you. “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“Sleeping? No, no I can’t sleep now.” Was it the nightmare? You mind is racing with solutions but to no avail. Oh wait!
You perk up at your idea and float towards him, shifting a bit bigger as you circle your body around him and using one of your tails to gently push hums against you and wrap the remaining tails on him like a blanket.
“What are you doing, friend?”
“Helping you sleep.” Was all you mumble before gently humming a soft lullaby you wound for centuries and slowly but surely the blue haired puppet closes his eyes and lets calming sleep take over him, the most calming sleep he’s has these past few days.
The morning sun comes up and shines onto the neighborhood, everything was peaceful and—
“AHHH! there’s a fox in the living room!!”
The end :) I wrote all this in a Ross parking lot 🧍🏻now I know I’ve abandoned you guys—IM SORRY! But it’s been a hard couple of months and I’m trying to get into my happy hobby again which is writing and talking to you guys 💜
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muppetsbunker · 1 year
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i made a wally darling shrine on neocities! ^_^
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legylou · 17 days
How did you find out about Peter Platter? I found out about him when I was watching one of my favorite youtubers, Jessie Vee she made a video about characters that scared people as kids, and he was on there. I thought he was cool! So I searched the show up more and then I liked it way more! A few weeks ago, I started liking the show way more, and my bff started liking it too!
I found out about him about on like July, August, or September.
i found about about peter back in March 8, 2023 via seeing the same Jessii Vee video that he was in that u saw and i ended up being soooo intrigued that i was thinking "OMG I THINK HES KINDA CUTE!! (platonically)" and i started drawing fanart of him (in that same time i made chromatic scale of him which were meant for fnf related things even though it is outdated now).
a month later: i made a picmix gif of him and wally (which was the gif that inspired you to make fanart of them) due to the fact that i headcanon the 2 to be friends with eachother as my devotion to him became bigger and bigger
(link to picmix gif):
july: i made another picmix collage (which was a heathers movie parody idea) and it had wally as heather chandler, bugbo as heather duke, peter as heather mcnamara and gradient joe as veronica sawyer (i recommend the heathers movie and/or the musical version, IT'S REALLY WONDERFUL!)
another picmix link:
August: i started pairing peter with moe doodle
October: i started posting stuff (like edits) mostly of him on tumblr. (made a better, updated version of said fnf chromatic scale of him)
November: i made reference sheets of 2 ocs who were meant to be fangirls of him
December: my devotion for peter became EVEN MORE bigger when i made that shrine of him.. (i'm not sure if anything else happened after that month besides literal posting some poll about him and a bunch of other things..)
somewhere between jan-feb 2024 (aka this year): started making remixes for a possible fnf mod called "tumblr-man showdown" or something like that..
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fruityhooliga · 1 year
I got bored,so more info on the YJ as Batkids AU
It started with Conner, he was crying after another …encounter with Superman. Batman has watched it all go down,and he instantly decided, ‘I’m gonna adopt that boy.’ and that’s that,he comforted Conner,and then asked him the million dollar question, “Can I adopt you?” And Conner was quick to say yes.
Next Batkid was Kaldur,surprisingly. Kaldur had an argument with Orin and Mera, it was about his father. Of course it was. It ended with him crying and Zeta beaming to Mount Justice. Thankfully no one was there,he settled down on the couch and just let it out. He was sobbing for a solid 30 minutes. Near the end of his meltdown,he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was none other than the big bat himself. He got defensive but Batman instantly comforted him,he broke down again,ended up crying in Batman’s arms. After a while,Kaldur calmed down,and now he was sleepy,before he fell asleep, Batman asked him, “Would you like to be my son instead?” A nod of the head and Kaldur was knocked out.
Third one was Wally, after a fight with Flash,he stormed off and went to Mount Justice. He wanted to go to the training room to let the anger out but he was intercepted by Batman. He asked him what was wrong, and best believe the flood gates broke. He ended up venting,after he was done he got offered water and adoption.
Artemis was next up. She took it as a joke when the big bad Batman asked her to be his first daughter. She said yes,mainly because GA pissed her off earlier that day. She soon realizes it was not a joke,too late to back out now. At least some team members were there with her.
M’gann knew it was bound to happen,she accepted it easily,she had gotten into a fight with MM,she was sad and low key depressed. She tried to cry in silence,but Batman was not letting that slide,he ended up guiding her through it,she did not hesitate to say yes when he asked “Can I adopt you?”
Zatanna and Raquel actually got adopted at the same time. A mission went haywire,they were trying to comfort each other,but it wasn’t enough. Suddenly Batman was there,he was the anchor they both needed. Batman didn’t even get the chance to ask before they both said, “Could you adopt us?”
That’s how the adopting went,now their rooms at the Mansion.
Conner’s bed has a bunch of pillows and blankets,he replaced all his Superman merch with Batman,he has posters,drawing,figures and so on…
Kaldur’s room has its own personal pool,walk in closet, a desk, and a king sized bed,this fish boy was living the dream. He has a bookshelf full of trinkets,pictures,books and other random stuff, and a bunch of doodles on his walls.
Wally’s room still has some Flash merch but it’s all practically taken over by Batman posters everywhere. He also has a wall dedicated to pictures of the team,he also has his own bathroom.
Artemis’s room was somewhat normal. (She has a Zatanna shrine in her closet.) Moon lights all over the room. And a massive vanity,she has the room with the biggest window.
M’gann’s room is really bright,curtain lights everywhere,pink bedsheets,baby blue walls,and she has LED lights,she has a big mirror taking up half of a wall
Zatanna’s room is. Chaotic to say the least. She has those glow in the dark star stickers on her roof, the most normal thing. Two posters of Houdini. On different walls. A tapestry of Shrek standing in front of the bisexual flag. A million fans everywhere. Cold asf in there. She also painted half a wall Neon Green. Not even the whole wall.
Raquel as I said before,obsessed with butterflies, Butterfly posters,butterfly bedsheets,she even had her walls painted with butterflies. Anytime Bruce sees something butterfly themed he instantly gets it for her.
Sibling bonding time :)
Movie night,they were watching The Little Mermaid to troll tf out of Kaldur,who was not amused. Like 40 minutes into the movie everyone was asleep, Kaldur in the middle and somehow everyone was physically touching him. Bruce walked in,took a few pictures,turned off the tv and threw a blanket over the pile of Bats on the couch.
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irishqueen12 · 1 year
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Forgotten gods WH au Tw: impalement, wounds and blood? Wally, God of Arts and Creativity and illusions. Last to go dormant. Preferred offerings: Art pieces, supplies and also fruit! mainly apples! also likes it when you paint or decorate his shrines!
more to come!
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alteredsilicone · 3 months
Random Duviri lore that I might use later:
>Albrecht arrived "early" in Thrax's reign, built his labs and then disappeared.
"The other stranger came far earlier in Thrax's reign, before even the Bleeding Earth."
>Albrecht's visit preceded any disturbances by the Void/Wally, we can assume this was when the kingdom was still intact.
>Duviri was LARGE, like a genuinely giant kingdom, most islands are now lost and consumed by the Void
"From horizon to horizon lay island after island, each one different, bearing distinctive color and life."
>Some islands were lost naturally, some were destroyed on Dominus' orders
"I dream of a Lost Island returning one happy day, or an entirely new island appearing, birthed from the Void. But this place has not changed in so long, except for the worse, and there is no reason for hope. One day, I am sure, the Void will engulf us all."
>No new islands are made, which means that whatever Duviri started as, it is only deteriorating.
"Void Storms were not unknown in Duviri, but the storm I shall speak of was unlike others. It hung in a red veil across the sky. There was a great sound like tearing metal, and all at once a pelting rain fell. Not water, but broken metal chains, in lengths and coils and great rattling whipstrands."
>The rain of Chains coincides with the Operator freeing Rell, it also destroyed the Lighthouse and killed Mathila's husband, whom nobody talks about anymore.
"With admirable presence of mind, he describes a form steadily approaching out of the Void. A monstrous hand, possessed of only three fingers and a thumb."
>Garmi lived to tell the tale of witnessing the Man in the Wall. Presumably this is the first sighting in Duviri.
"We could not know that down on the lake bed, a portal to the Undercroft and formed. Predatory creatures writhed in. They were golden, slender, with massive fanged bivalved maws. And they were ravenous. They devoured the rainbow eels, and then they devoured each other until only a handful were left."
>A cute story about an island that served as a festival spot which also tells that Void portals would spawn spontaneously and that those led to the undercroft and that things from the Void would crawl into Duviri (in this case - Golden Maws).
>MITW emerged from the ground in the Galleria and that scared Thrax so much, he ordered the island destroyed without much thought.
"How I loved the Galleria. It was and island of simple beauty, where white statues rose out of the ground as if they had grown there. They were classical in their features, masked in due propriety, each bearing an instrument or an emblem of their craft. I gave them names: the Scribe, the Scryer, the Shawzinist."
>Might use these titles for my own purposes, assign them to my OCs.
>The Doll Mausoleum is a faux graveyard made by the Drifter to honor the Tenno lost to the Zariman. Dominus Thrax is drawn to it for some reason. It is now lost to the Void.
"When adults came to collect their children, they noticed an additional oddity. Among the Hollow Children were exact duplicates of themselves when they were younger. Each day there were more of them."
>After the Rain of Chains, Limini (?) started appearing, as well a Wally-mimics of the adults.
>There apparently was a powerful family of wine-makers who saw themselves as Orokin and did not respect Thrax. Thrax destroyed their island for this.
"When Duviri came into being there were many islands whose contents were - to put it bluntly - horrific. The Execution Cyst, the Golden Hive, the Inversion Tree, Stitcher's Gulch and the Bountiful Swamp were all notorious, but each met a natural end, engulfed by the Void. Lorn was exiled deliberately."
>Duviri wasn't just beautiful, there were odd places even before the coming of MITW. Also the island of Lorn is haunted and the shrines you reassemble in Duviri can summon those ghosts - Thrax Grineer?
"The stuff was dark, almost black. It had a heavy metallic odor suffused with grave spices. One venturesome soul tasted it. His eyes instantly became pitch-black orbs, his voice a smoky whisper."
>The Bleeding earth tells us of an island that suddenly started bleeding... Kuva.
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egyptologylessons · 2 years
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The reclining Anubis 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱𓃣 “inpw” shrine protects the canopic jars of the deceased. The vintage photo (left) was taken in the newly discovered tomb of Tutankhamun (𓇋𓏠𓈖𓏏𓅱𓏏𓋹𓋾𓉺𓇑) “twt-ˁnḫ-ı͗mn~hq3-ı͗wnw-šm3ı͗” ‘The Living Image of Amun, Ruler of Southern Iwnw (Heliopolis)’ (1341 – c. 1323 BC) by Howard Carter (c. 1922). Anubis protects 𓎂 or 𓎃 “s3” the canopic jars inside the guilded shrine in the background. The papyrus of Ani 𓄿𓈖𓏬𓇌𓀼 “3nı͗” (right) (1250 BC) The scroll was discovered in Luxor in 1888 by Egyptians 𓂋𓐝𓎀𓀂𓀭𓏪 “rmṯ” trading in illegal antiquities. It was acquired by E. A. Wallis Budge. The same identical shrine upon a sled is being pulled along with the funerary procession. 1. The shrine and papyrus are approximately 90 years apart 2. The shrine and Howard Carter’s discovery are 3,263 years apart 🤯 3. On November 4, 2022 we will celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the discovery of Tutankhamun 𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬𓋹𓎬 @egyptologylessons 𓋹𓊽𓋴𓆖𓎛𓇳𓎛 © 𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁𓊁 #Ancientegypt #ägypten #egyptianhistory #egyptology #hieroglyphs #egypte #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #이집트 #tutankhamun #shrine #anubis #howardcarter #bookofthedead https://www.instagram.com/p/CkOEs7Uu_v8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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