#walter villa
boanerges20 · 7 months
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Walter Villa
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albumdellefigurine · 1 year
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bauhaus-movement · 2 years
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Walter Gropius, Director’s Office, 1923. Artwork by Sander Patelski
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kulturell · 2 years
"Der 83-jährige Franz Erhard Walther gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Fuldaer Künstler, dessen Wirkung seit Langem weit über die Grenzen der Region hinausreicht.  In der umgestalteten "Schmittschen Villa" am Paulustor 4 wird zukünftig eine Sammlung mit Werken Walters zu sehen sein, Träger des "Goldenen Löwen" der Biennale von Venedig 2017. In Anwesenheit der hessischen Ministerin für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Angela Dorn, soll die VILLA am heutigen Samstagnachmittag in Verbindung mit einer Feierstunde in der Orangerie offiziell ihrer neuen Bestimmung übergeben werden. Es handelt sich um ein gemeinsames Projekt der "Franz Erhard Walther Foundation" und der Stadt Fulda. "
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Charles Walter Stetson - Villa Falconieri (1906)
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be-appy-71 · 2 months
La vita è come una corsa
in motocicletta…
Nessuno sa quanta benzina
il destino ha messo nel nostro
C'è chi nasce con il pieno
e chi, senza saperlo,
viene al mondo già in riserva,
ma che tu abbia il pieno
o poche gocce di benzina
non importa.
Quello che conta è andare
sempre al massimo
fino all'ultima goccia di vita... ♠️🔥
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~ Walter Villa ~
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the-chosen-none · 7 months
I have no real interest in mods aside from somewhat following the Frontier mess, but when I found out that the fairly popular old New Vegas Bounties mods included incredibly blatant references to Judge Holden and Glanton from Blood Meridian, plus a character named "Javier Sugar" who speaks several lines lifted straight from No Country for Old Men, I wanted to find out how many references to other things pop up throughout the three mods. Turns out, a LOT.
I identified some of them myself, but eventually when I realized how much time it would take for me to watch a whole playthrough or try it out myself, I decided to look up the rest on TV Tropes and put them all together in a list.
The aforementioned Judge Holden knock-off is also said to be seven-feet tall and is a child predator (though only technically implied to be in Holden's case)
The character literally named Glanton runs a group who goes around killing "tribals"
There's a character named Cormac, as in Cormac McCarthy
During the scene with "Javier Sugar", in addition to all the NCFOM quotes there's also a random quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales thrown in there... to spice things up? IDK, the quote is something like "Dyin' ain't no way of livin', boy"
A character called "Harmonica" references one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time in the West
The ghoul Doc Friday references the historical figure Doc Holiday, and his revolver the Huckleberry references the famous quote from his depiction in the movie Tombstone, "I could be your huckleberry"
Marko's outfit seems to reference the character Loco from the movie The Great Silence.
The Frosthill segment of III is also lifted from The Great Silence, what with its Utah setting during the winter, the main character getting shot through the hand, and bounty hunters pretty much kill the whole town.
Aaron Flagg the cult leader seems to be inspired by Randall Flagg the Stephen King villain
The sniper Charlie Halfcocked references the U.S. Marine sniper during Vietnam, Carlos Hathcock, the previous record holder for the most kills
Tom Quigley references the movie Quigley Down Under, the titular character being played by Tom Sellick.
Enclave members Quantrill and Onoda, who keep fighting despite the Enclave's repeated defeats, are named after Confederate guerilla William Quantrill and WWII Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who did the same for their sides (okay, I thought that reference was pretty good)
Eileen the Fiend = serial killer Aileen Wuornos
Tony Idaho = Tony Montana from Scarface
Tommy the former Omerta enforcer who killed a made man references Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas
Alex and his gang in Freeside reference Alex DeLarge and his droogs from A Clockwork Orange
Freddie the ghoul = Freddy Krueger
Jack, former muscle for Heck Gunderson, references the villain Jack Wilson from Shane, his revolver is called "Shane's Bane"
Albert Quisling = Vidkun Quisling
Mario Barksdale = character from The Wire
Prometheus is named after the subtitle for Frankenstein: "The modern Prometheus", his Deathclaws are Mary and Shelley
Pancho Cortina = Pancho Villa
"Squirrelly" Bill Blasius references outlaw "Curly" Bill Brocius
Angel Lee is a combination of Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and the actor Lee Van Cleef
Godwin, who mails out bombs, probably references Unabomber
Joe Frost = Edward Snowden
Guys fighting over treasure named Clint and Tuco
Fiend chem lab has characters Walter and Pinkman, references Breaking Bad
John Ramsey's body is put on display with a quote referencing the movie Unforgiven, "This is what happens to assassins/rangers around here".
Those are the ones that I either caught myself or saw other people list, if there's more, go ahead and add on.
Some of the historical references are kinda funny, though others are either tasteless (Aileen Wuornos) or eye-roll worthy (Carlos Hathcock = Charlie Halfcocked, GEDDIT IT'S A GUN JOKE), and the majority of the pop culture references are so blatant and so numerous that it gets annoying.
If I made my own mod or anything else, of course I too would love to stick in a bunch of references to the things I love, though I would try to be less obvious about them, put different spins on them, you know? You can't really judge mods to the same standard as the source, and I would be more forgiving if the rest of the mods didn't look like such an edgy slog.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
So I know your doing anime headcanons right now but I've been dying to know the relationships that your OC's have with their parents! Like I want to know about Evan's mom or Walter's parents. Btw I've been a huge fan of your blog for a long time and I really love your work!
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Walter's mother and father both passed in a car accident. It was while Walter was near the end of his formal medical education. Around this time, Amira was still in high school and was not handling the loss of their parents well. Walter had to learn to juggle medical school, his own mental health, his sister's mental and physical health, Amira's education, finishing his fellowship with the hospital he was studying at, and making enough to survive.
- This is the time Walter started taking a few under the table jobs to make ends meet and met Evan. He is somewhat of an on-call doctor for Evan's miscellaneous adventures.
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- Evan was raised as a mafioso's son from a very young age. His grandmother on his father's side is his only living relative besides a spare few cousins. Evan got along well with his father, and it was clear Evan had absolute respect for his father in almost all regards. His mother was not a prominent part of his life and tried to walk out on the family when Evan was six, he never saw her afterwards but knew better than to question his father about a traitor.
- When Evan's father was killed during Evan's first wedding, Evan lost almost all of his young and reckless outlook on life. He became much more intimidating and serious after the death of his father and his impromptu accelerated promotion to head of the family. Only Evan's Grandmother is allowed to get on him for any behavior without Evan becoming angered. He's used to her harping and nagging.
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- Carlos is still close with his family, though they are rather spread out world wide. Carlos' father was a renowned medical practitioner who specializes in pulmonary procedures. Carlos' mother travels with his father to various communities to aid in treatment of mycoorganisms and Tuberculosis. His uncles and aunts range from professors to large land owners with various ranches.
- Carlos loves when his mother and father come to visit because he loves cooking dinner with his mother. Carlos has two sisters, one of whom is already doing well with her thriving family and the other is working on the conservation of Asian Elephants.
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- Jackson... Misses his family with almost every part of his soul. Family and heritage is important to a Native American and the true unity that came with being in an established tribe gave him a sense of belonging. He no longer has access to that sense of belonging or support due to his unofficial excommunication from his home.
- Jackson got along best with his mother who was always there for him in the hardest of times. Despite the potential repercussions, she still occasionally reaches out to check in on Jackson, though she can't talk with him for long.
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- Hahne only has his sister, Hada. He learned long ago that he would have to find his family instead of living with the ones he was related to by blood. Hahne's parents were rather absent if they weren't busy trying to overwork Hahne and ride on his success in swimming. Hahne raised Hada from a young age as his parents were always busy with work.
- After Hahne's parents disowned him, he moved with Hada to escape the persecution the family brought on him. He found a family in Evan and the mafia, but still cares deeply for his little sister.
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- Orion still speaks with his parents frequently. They returned to a villa in Tuscany where they live comfortably and happily. His father still thinks Orion is one hell of an author and can do no wrong. Orion's mother always sees him as a scrawny lad who needs more supper and a nice lover.
- They have brunch every other month when Orion flies out to visit them.
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- Amira is close with her older brother and sees him as her primary support after their parents died. They were not very close when their parents were alive but the simultaneous passing of their family brought the siblings together to support one another in grief.
- Amira still misses her family every day.
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- Kaya's father was a professional surfer before he got into an accident during a competition and lost his legs. Kaya's mother takes care of her father most of the time and the two are hobby farmers. Kaya does what she can to help them enjoy their more self sustaining lifestyle.
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- Julie never met her father but always was told that he was a good man who had some hard choices in life to make. Very close with her mother and has little art get-togethers with her mother almost every week. Julie inherited the shop from her mother and grew up painting along side her.
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- Hada has not spoken with her parents ever since her brother was kicked out for being trans. She decided to cut all ties with everyone other than Hahne because he had always been the one who was there for her when she needed him to be.
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vigilantkatholixx · 4 months
VI. Embracing Masculinity
Robert Moore – King, Warrior, Magician, Lover David Deida – The Way of the Superior Man Walter Newell – The Code of Man: Love, Courage, Pride, Family, Country Frederic Delavier – Strength Training Anatomy Mark Rippetoe – Starting Strength Tony Robbins – Awaken The Giant Within Marcus Aurelius – The Meditations Sun Tzu – The Art of War Robert Greene – The 48 Laws of Power Yamamoto Tsunetomo – Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
VII. Traditional Christianity
G.K. Chesterton – Orthodoxy Venerable Fulton Sheen – The Moral Universe Hilaire Belloc – Survivals and New Arrivals Michael Walsh – Roman Catholicism: The Basics Archbishop James Gibbons – The Faith of Our Fathers Henri Daniel Rops – This is the Mass Fr. Frederick William Faber – The Precious Blood or the Price of Our Salvation Fr. Frederick William Faber – The Creator and The Creature Robert Hugh Benson – Christ in the Church Cardinal Manning – The Holy Ghost, The Sanctifier Colin Lindsay – The Evidence for the Papacy Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre – An Open Letter to Confused Catholics Fr. James F. Wathen – The Great Sacrilege Fr. Luigi Villa – Vatican II About Face! Fr. Joseph Deharbe – A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion ——– Alexander Schmemann – For the Life of the World Kallistos Ware – The Orthodox Way Lorenzo Scupoli – Unseen Warfare John Marler – Youth of the Apocalypse and The Last True Rebellion Seraphim Rose – Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
VIII. History Revisited.
Admiral Raphael Semmes – Memoirs of Service Afloat Anne Jean Marie René Savary – Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo Claude François de Méneval – Memoirs to Serve for the History of Napoleon I K. P Pobyedonostseff – Reflections of a Russian Statesman Edmund Burke – Reflections on the Revolution in France Regine Pernoud – Those Terrible Middle Ages: Debunking the Myths Lothrop Stoddard – The French Revolution on San Domingo Sidney George Fisher – True History of the American Revolution Lawrence H. Keeley – War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage Alexis de Tocqueville – The Old Regime and the Revolution Peter Oliver – Origin and Progress of the American Rebellion
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mxrmaid-poet · 2 months
bot drop: july 27
im luckily feeling a lot better since last week, im still sick but im well enough to churn out bots lmao. I hope those who requested them enjoy chatting 💕 and the queue is officially empty so REQUEST MORE!!
requests ~
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mitsuhide akechi
user is a soldier on of his division and they’re in a secret relationship. it’s your morning routine to have breakfast together while he does your hair 💕
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user has been friends with him since childhood. it’s the usual routine where you need to get him out of trouble even now that the both of you attend Angel and Demon Academy. RC masterlist on @vesperss
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rio ortiz
user is a court minster (finished your Belle contract). rio often interferes with your work in the name of helping you but you end up arguing with him about it. he’s here to apologize. (sad dog)
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you’re having an indoor date at his studio in the mansion painting each other 💕
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silvio ricci
I was really looking forward to this one! sooo user is a captain and Silvio is about to sail on your ship for the first time! he’s pretty nervous but wants to be just as capable as everyone else! (PS: he’s nine here)
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gilbert von obsidian
(he’s technically not a von obsidian yet but oh well) this is back in his childhood when he lived in rhodolite. he was in town with Walter but was lured in by the smell of sweets to user’s sweet shop. he’s the sweetest boy you will ever meet 💕
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chevalier michel
chevie is jealous abt clavis being all touchy with user. thanks to the person who requested this one… it was really fun, exhibit a:
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yeahhh this is my fourteenth chev bot I believe? also keep yapping in my request bot i love to read it 💕
my own ~
roger barel — user is kate. u agreed to help him test a new medicinal drug but it backfired and gave u a fever so now he’s tending to u
silvio & nokto - a continuation of this bot, basically. it’s polyamory between user, silvio and nokto. the three of yall are staying in Silvio’s beach villa.
as always I appreciate those who interact with me on c.ai 🥹
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germanpostwarmodern · 3 months
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A long time before the term was even coined Carola Giedion-Welcker and Sigfried Giedion were a power couple of the art world: as writers, critics and functionaries the two were part of an international network of avant-garde artists and architects, among them Walter Gropius, Constantin Brancusi, Alvar Aalto or Herbert Read. In 1925 the couple settled in Zurich in a Villa located at Am Doldertal 7, a home that remained in the family also after the death of the two: for decades Andres Giedion, one of their two sons, and his wife lived in the villa and for the most part left it unchanged. After Andres’ death in 2013 his wife Monica opened it to the archivists and researchers of ETH Zurich who unearthed a wealth of material, e.g. correspondences, manuscripts, photographs, letters and diaries. The material offers an even deeper perspective on the couples’ network and their relationship in particular since they were often physically separated due to their many activities.
These letters form the backbone of the present volume that sums up the careful analysis of the Giedions’ estate: „Die Welt der Giedions - Sigfried Giedion und Carola Giedion-Welcker im Dialog“, edited by Almut Grunewald and published by Scheidegger & Spiess in 2019. The book unfolds the multi-faceted cosmos of the couple in views of their house’s interior, facsimiles of their letters or their art collection, exciting peeks into the lives of two exceptional minds. Brief texts contextualize the materials and objects presented but first and foremost they speak for themselves, just like the entire house does as it reflects the curious minds and eclectic interests of its inhabitants: both Sigfried and Carola received their PhDs in art history based on research about late baroque topics and thus baroque statues appear alongside Aalto and Breuer furniture that in turn rest on Berber carpets. At the same time the shelves and tables overflow with books and documents that are framed by works from artist friends.
This liveliness through the overabundance of art, photographs, documents and letters easily electrifies the reader and conveys the brimming lives of two epochal intellectuals. A wonderful book!
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Jacques Prévert est en vacances en famille à St Paul de Vence dans la villa qu'il loue. Nous le voyons torse nu assis près de sa fille Michèle ( dite Minette ) qui fait sa toilette dans une petite Baignoire installée sur la terrasse, 1951
Photo © Walter Carone
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bauhaus-movement · 2 years
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beesmygod · 1 year
have youe ver been to death valley
yeah. our family used to swerve it on roadtrips to see dad's family but sometimes they cut through it. i think it depended on the weather. if its too hot, dont risk it. you know.
there's truly not much there except for uhh man this is a whole ass thing. scotty's castle is just out there. its like the only fucking landmark in the entire sprawling desert. im PRETTY SURE we have seen it at least once.
Scotty's Castle (also known as Death Valley Ranch) is a two-story Mission Revival and Spanish Colonial Revival style villa located in the Grapevine Mountains of northern Death Valley in Death Valley National Park, California, US.[3] Scotty's Castle is named for gold prospector Walter E. Scott, although Scott never owned it, nor is it an actual castle.
calling scott a gold prospector is fucking insane. he has his own wiki page that starts with:
Walter Edward Perry Scott (September 20, 1872 – January 5, 1954), also known as Death Valley Scotty, was a prospector, performer, and con man who was made famous by his many scams involving gold mining and the iconic mansion in Death Valley, known as Scotty's Castle.
you should read these wiki articles bc they are bonkers lol
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claudiosuenaga · 3 months
Bauhaus: A revolução máxima da arquitetura e do design
O movimento Bauhaus gerou o design moderno e modificou a própria noção de estética e de arquitetura. Um marco na história das artes, nenhuma escola teve mais influência no aspecto das cidades modernas do que ela. Walter Gropius fundou este instituto de design em 1919 em Weimar, e seus ensinamentos ainda são observados nas atuais escolas de arquitetura e design e também nas aulas de arte em geral, e seu estilo continua sendo largamente aplicado.
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✅ "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas": Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb Amazon.es (envios a todo o mundo desde a Espanha): https://amzn.to/3LlMtBn Amazon.co.uk (envios dentro do Reino Unido): https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.de (envios dentro da Alemanha): https://www.amazon.de/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.fr (envios dentro da França): https://www.amazon.fr/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.it (envios dentro da Itália): https://www.amazon.it/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.co.jp (envios dentro do Japão): https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
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✅ “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal"; "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?"; "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?"; e "Lua de Pedreiro: A Apoteose do Impossível - As fraudes da Missão Apollo e o lado oculto da NASA", em formato e-book em minha loja no Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/suenaga/shop
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Call Me By Your Name (2017, Luca Guadagnino)
Call Me By Your Name is a 2017 sentimental film directed by Luca Guadagnino.
The screenplay is written by James Ivory and is a film adaptation of the novel Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman. It is the third and final film of Guadagnino's "desire trilogy", after I Am Love (2009) and A Bigger Splash (2015). Set in northern Italy in 1983, the film tells the love story between Elio (Timothée Chalamet), a seventeen-year-old living in Italy, and the American student Oliver (Armie Hammer). Also part of the cast are Michael Stuhlbarg, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel and Victoire Du Bois. The film's editor Walter Fasano also has a cameo in the film: he is the DJ of the famous party scene, as stated by Fasano himself in an interview.
Principal photography took place in Crema, Italy, between May and June 2016.
The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 22, 2017, and was subsequently released theatrically in the United Kingdom on October 27, 2017 and in the United States on November 24, 2017. The film received unanimous acclaim, with particular appreciation for the direction, screenplay, soundtrack and performers, and was chosen by the National Board of Review and the American Film Institute as one of the 10 best films of the year. It received three nominations for the 2018 Golden Globe, for best film, best actor (Chalamet) and best supporting actor (Hammer) and four nominations for the 2018 Oscar awards for best film, best actor (Chalamet), best non-original screenplay, best song (Mystery of Love). The Oscar was won by Ivory for best adapted screenplay.
Summer 1983. Elio Perlman, a seventeen-year-old French-American Jew, spends his summer holidays in a villa immersed in the Cremasco countryside, in Moscazzano, where his father, an archeology professor, usually hosts a foreign student every year who is busy writing his thesis doctoral degree.
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