#wanted to try something a little different from my usual style :D so I put them in a box (like making the area small around them you know?)
bluishfrog · 4 months
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Inspired by "let's make this night last forever" by alisonsomething and dizzy (@alittledizzy)
Fic Art Friday - event tag - event description
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ozzgin · 8 months
I can't get your yakuza headcanons out of my mind, Daitou's got me in a chokehold and I'm not complaining, like--
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in regards to that doodle you made to show height difference between reader and the boys [I love your art btw (●♡∀♡)] - I can't picture myself in reader's style, I'm currently going through my goth phase in my 20s lmao; picture a big bitch with tattoos and messy hair who's listening to nothing but 2000s hits and screamo bands - so I'd like to request a headcanon of how Daitou would react to a gender-neutral reader like this :D I also like to incorporate the idea of them once being in a famous band that he's a fan of! (sorry if this seems like a lot, I have a huge imagination hehe)
but if he's more into the cute and helpless type, I'll just walk my ass out the door and yeehaw my way into another yandere's arms ✌😔
That's on me for not drawing the reader inserts as cartoonish cinder blocks :') In truth I'm a little bit embarrassed seeing how many likes that doodle has gotten, it was something I put together in a hurry and the clothing was meant to be baggy, shapeless, with not too many folds for the sake of simplicity. I myself am more of a pilgrim goth, just to emphasize the randomness of the choice.
Drawing reader inserts always leaves me a little anxious. If I use a light shade of gray, will people think I'm excluding poc? Will plus sized readers feel like they've been disregarded? What about masculine readers? As someone who's demiromantic I always struggle taking appearance or gender into consideration, because to me it has no influence whatsoever. Which is hard to express when you want to offer blank slate visuals as an extra to the story.
What I'm trying to say is that all of my characters would like you for who you are. Sure, they find your looks cute, but it's not the defining reason. Maybe you have similar traits to them, maybe you're the complete opposite and they find it intriguing. You could be a buff man and Daitou would be just as grateful to have someone who isn't afraid of him. I usually stick to a female reader for bigger stories to avoid messing it up long term, but in the grand scheme of things it makes no difference. I always imagine reader to be a shapeless blob that provides the dialogue I need for the story mood. There's no concrete preference or type for any of my OCs. I mean, ideally you'd like them back and not hang them upside down above a BBQ pit but I feel these are sensible requirements (?).
And now for the actual headcanons since my ramble is over.
First encounter is comically awkward but for reasons you’re unaware of yet. You’re obviously used to people staring at you (more so in a country like Japan), so you were expecting the curious glance every now and then. On the other hand, being under scrutiny, from a man even more unusual looking than you at that, is odd. Mildly uncomfortable. You’re shifting yourself from one leg to another, hoping to be done with the introductions soon.
On his end, Daitou is anxiously fidgeting and trying his best to focus. He’s seen this face before and he can’t shake off the familiar feeling. Where the hell…He obviously can’t downright gawk at you, and he isn’t sure how to politely formulate a question. After several sheepish peeks, it finally dawns on him: weren’t you part of that band he really likes? No, what would the chances be? Then again, how many people out there would look exactly like you? Is it rude to ask? He has no idea. He resumes his mumbled description of the apartment and hands you the papers to be signed.
Back at his place, he finally digs through his merch and sprawls out the available clues. “I didn’t know you were into this kind of music”, Kazuya comments as he looks over the man’s shoulder. He’d come over to ask about the new tenant. “I’m pretty sure it’s them.” He concludes, confidently placing his index over a CD cover. “Huh? Who? The tenant?” Kazuya holds back his chuckle. “Why would a celebrity show up for a shady apartment offer? You’re tripping, man.”
“I’m sorry, this is getting ridiculous.” You finally exclaim, annoyed by the persistent stares of the now two men facing you. You’re standing in front of the apartment building, arms crossed, huffing at the tall scarred man and his blonde friend. “No, I’m sure of it. Even the tattoo is the same.” Daitou turns to whisper to Kazuya, oblivious to your complaints. In turn, Kazuya lightly elbows him, mouthing something about being rude. “Just ask them, man.” He adds, this time louder. “Ask me what??” You groan. “W-were you…um…in this band by any chance?” Daitou manages to blurt out, searching his pocket for the CD case and ceremoniously laying it under your eyes.
Ah. It finally clicks and you exhale, relieved. You confirm their suspicions and show them some backstage photos to solidify your claim. You ask Daitou if he wants an autograph or something, then swiftly scribble your signature on a piece of paper and hand it out to him. He holds it with a wide, childish grin. “You’re a weird one, you know? You could’ve just asked. I guess I didn’t expect to find a fan in the wild, especially here.” Daitou carefully folds the souvenir, eyes lidded with nostalgia. “Oh yes, it’s great. Drowns out the screams.”
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eddiediaaz · 10 months
hi lovely!! do you have any tips on making cool fun and sexy typography?
hey joanna!! this made me giggle haha, i'm not quiiiite sure how to answer that, but here are some tips i keep in my when i do typography, and some examples:
don't be afraid to "shop" for fonts and try funky fonts you've never used/seen. i often try so many before settling. i almost always use at least 2 different font for gifsets, even 3 sometimes. i think a good font pairing can do a lot for a gif. it's usually something like:
serif + cursive/funky fonts (example)
sans serif + cursive/funky fonts (example)
serif + sans serif fonts (example)
two different cursive/funky fonts (example)
or even simply the same font but all caps + all lowercase (example)
in case you're unsure where too start or want inspiration, here's a great resource: usergif's font pairing guide and its fonts page
i think playing around with different blend modes and layer styles will always elevate your typography game, in my opinion. it's usually a bit more dynamic than just an opaque color. tho this minimalist typography can also be really good.
when you double click on a text layer, you get all the layer style options, as well as the blend modes. a very popular layer style is setting the layer's blending option to difference, paired with a color and/or gradient overlay (often set to multiply/color dodge). a drop shadow is also important so the text is more easily readable. we often see a black soft drop shadow, but don't hesitate to be creative with it, for example a thick, hard line, colorful drop shadow.
i feel like this step often takes the most time for me because the possibilities are endless. definitely play around with layer styles, especially drop shadow, color overlay, gradient overlay, stroke. and also try different blending modes for these settings.
as for the layer's blend mode, also definitely play around with them. and keep in mind that the text's color will also give a different result, it doesn't have to be white + blend mode set to difference, even tho this is a classic that works well.
a great feature on photoshop is definitely the text warping tool. to access it, right click on a text layer and go "warp text". from there you'll get a few different styles and setting sliders. my favorites are flag and wave (example). you can always go back to edit these settings once they're done by right clicking again. and you can even keyframe/animate these settings!
typography doesn't always have to be centered and straight, i often prefer it on a side and rotated a little. you can easily rotate typography by selecting the layer(s) and hitting ctrl + T. you can also play with the skew and pespective after hitting ctrl + T by right clicking the canvas and clicking on either. these will give different ways to move your text.
i love playing around with different font sizes, it makes the typography more interesting in my opinion, and it's a way to emphasize some words.
so for that reason i usually put each word on a different layer so i can edit each word separately. sometimes i will also put each letter on a different layer, because it can be interesting to offset/rotate some letters sometimes (example) (another example).
i often pair a quite small serif or sans serif font with a much bigger funky font (example). and often that bigger font will also have different sized words (example). i play around a lot with this!
there are some things than can be done to enhance typography:
adding a colorful rectangle block behind the text (example)
using text symbols such as quotation marks or backets (example)
using lines around the text (example) (another example)
these can definitely bring typography to a different level
great font website
usergif's typography tag
my fonts tag
this is all i can think of right now, i hope it helps :D if you have any question on a specific text effect let me know, i can definitely make a tutorial!
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dduane · 1 year
Triple Vanilla Ice Cream
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I think vanilla gets kind of a bum rap in at least some parts of popular culture.* Vanilla is an incredibly subtle and complex flavor if you're just paying attention to it (and the best ways to use it). So I like to take it out and run it around the block every now and then to see what kinds of changes I can ring on the basic theme.
As a result, this recipe, in a number of variants, is a favorite around here. I’ve referred to it now and then online, but realized (when I went looking, per a request) that I’d never actually posted a full recipe. So here it is.
It’s based on the “sweet cream base #1” recipe from the Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book (which we picked up when it first came out, and I’m really pleased to be able to tell you is still in print. There’s also a Kindle edition, which is a nice plus).
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The recipe for this goes as follows:
2 cups / 475ml heavy or whipping cream
1 cup / 240ml milk
2 large eggs
3/4 cup / 170g sugar
Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time, then continue whisking until completely blended. Pour in the cream and milk and whisk to blend. (Makes one quart.)
If (as may be the case) you aren’t comfortable with using uncooked eggs, or just don’t want them in there at all, there is also Sweet Cream Base #2:
2 cups / 475ml heavy or whipping cream
2/3 cup / 160ml half and half
3/4 cup / 170g sugar
Pour the cream into a mixing bowl. Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time; then continue whisking until completely blended. Pour in the half and half and whisk until completely blended. Makes one quart.
Now, as for the three vanillas: Generally speaking, my idea, when I started doing this, was to use three vanillas from different regions, or at the very least, three vanillas made using different styles of preservation/processing… the general idea being that, if it all worked out, the flavor of the finished product would present a sort of spectrum of vanilla flavors instead of one flat background effect.
The three vanillas I routinely try to use tend to go this way:
(a) An alcoholic-based vanilla extract. I routinely use Nielsen-Massey, though frankly there are a lot of far cheaper ones that will do as well, considering that a number of vanillas are involved in this procedure.
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(b) A different form of vanilla, ideally of a different origin, and usually in a paste form. (I like this one, which we get from our local grocery.) 
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(c) At least one fresh vanilla bean. (Meaning, unprocessed except by the usual drying and curing that’s part of preparing the seed pod of the vanilla orchid.)
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(You can grow them, did you know? But apparently they require very specific conditions and are not easy to work with. See this article for details. There’s also a useful article here with a lot of basic background on vanilla and its harvesting and preparation. Yet another of those products that one tends to take for granted, while at the production end it’s amazingly labor-intensive…)
(d) And sometimes I might go for a fourth vanilla, if I had another form around.. such as, for example, a vanilla powder.
Or: I make a pretty fair vanilla whiskey. Recipe: Slice open a vanilla pod. Scrape out the seeds in the usual manner. Chop up the pod. Put all of this in a little bottle—maybe about 100ml, tops—and add whiskey. …Generally I wouldn’t use too smokey a whiskey for this: mostly I use one of the more innocuous Irish whiskeys like Powers or Paddy’s.
Leave this alone in a cupboard for at least a month or so. This is what mine looks like at the moment (and you should have seen how dark it was before I topped it up just now!).
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As you use it, you add more vanilla beans and top it up with more whiskey. (And there’s no reason this wouldn’t work with other alcohols. Vodka occurs immediately, or Polish pure spirit, as something that would more or less stay out of the way of the flavor of the vanilla. All the same, now I’m thinking about vanilla gin…  Hmm.)
…Anyway! A reminder from the food chemistry department as regards alcohol in ice cream: if you add more than about a quarter cup of alcohol (60ml, give or take) to a given quart of ice cream mix, it will function as antifreeze and you’re likely to wind up with a very sweet and lovely slushie, but not much more. So don’t get carried away. Do your math as you put the vanillas together.
I have little experience with non-machine-based ice cream making, so if you have a recipe for a no-machine version that you like, just make a very plain one and add a couple or a few of your chosen vanillas to it. If you’ve got a machine, the procedure is simple: to your basic mixture, add the vanillas you prefer, whisk them in, and freeze as usual. If vanilla powder is one of your chosen ingredients, I’d mix about half of it into the initial mixture, and sprinkle in the rest of it close to the end of the freezing period, as the ice cream’s firming up. Over the next 48-72 hours in the freezer (assuming you like to leave your ice cream alone for a bit to let it develop its flavor), the dry vanilla’s flavor will intensify.
… And that’s it! Noting of course that adding fruit to this mixture (either in the ice cream, or on top) works really well. Or maybe just grate some chocolate on top, as I did for the pic above.
(Disclosure: We’re in the Amazon Associates program, so if you use the Amazon link(s) above and buy something with it, we get a wee tiny commission. Just so you know.)
*I mean, I'd sooner have "vanilla sex" with somebody who loves me than "woowoo wild insane multiple-flavor sex" with anybody else. (shrug) Your mileage may indeed vary. But I like mine.
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double-0h-no · 2 months
Doctor's Note
Prompt fill for both 3000 words and medical staff. This is a… very different kind of thing. Not my usual perspective, not my usual style of writing, but hey, this here is to try new things, and I had fun writing this. I hope you enjoy :)
on ao3
What's it like being a Doctor for Medical at MI6? Well, it goes a bit like this…
Hi. You must be the new Doctor working here, right?
I'm Hermine Dalton, pleasure to meet you. I've been with Six for longer than I'd like to admit to, and I'll be showing you the ropes the next few days and weeks. So, if you've got any questions, fire away. Should I at any point not be around, the nurses know more about the way of things than I do. All right, let's not dawdle. And welcome to the team.
Right, so we have a couple of divisions that you're not really used to from a normal hospital, and obviously, we're completely lacking others. No paediatrics, no oncology, stuff like that. A lot more forensic medicine and maybe in ways you're not entirely used to. And we have an intersection with Q-branch, if you're interested in that, namely with R&D where we have some guys who work on toxins and antitoxins and some creative biological weapons. That sounds a lot more malicious than it is, the creative part is mostly about how to target it and prevent the agents from accidentally injecting themselves with it or something similar. Should you wind up there at some point I have one advice for you: Trust the Q-branchers there. If they say "we can't do it like that, the agents will totally do this and that with it", no matter how outlandish it sounds, trust them. They know what they're talking about. All safety regulations are written in blood, and all that.
So this is where you'll start out. I know it's not the most exciting, but it'll give you a bit of time and peace to ease into things. So, most of this is from some sort of ongoing investigation. We have a colour coding system for prioritising those things, there's a list on the server. Take your time familiarising yourself with everything, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it fast enough. Tomorrow you can join me for my round with the current patients.
Good morning, so glad you'll join me. So, we don't have a whole lot of patients at any time, usually not more than five who are supposed to stay here. When I left last night, we had six patients, let's see how it looks this morning.
Why? Oh, let's just say there is a certain type of patient who is less than inclined to stay put.
Stop them? Oh, no, love. We... it's a recent thing, admittedly, one I've managed to painstakingly build up. It's... Let me explain this to you over a cup of tea after. Let's see the patients first, yeah?
So, that's them. Only four patients left, admittedly, but I would have made that bet. Let me show you what we do now.
Of course we'll have a coffee over it. What else is there to do? And we'll take a look at this nice little document there. Okay, so the people who were here last night and aren't anymore, that's Agent Booth, and 004. So, Booth wasn't hurt too badly, he was supposed to stay because we suspected he might have a concussion. He has a wife here in Six, she works in accounting, and they have two kids. So him not being here just means that he wants home to go and see them, and I sent his wife an email when he was admitted. She knows about his medical status, I'm not worried about him, so we'll let it go. Prep the paperwork for him to sign as soon as he's back at work, backdating it all, so that the bureaucracy monster working on the fourth floor is fed and satisfied.
Now, 004, that's a different thing. She had a... Sorry. Sometimes the job still gets to me, too. But she had a... fucked up mission. I don't want her to be alone for even a second, and she's in no good condition healthwise, either. What I do now is, I pull up the Double Oh roster, and check where 003 and 007 are. Three is out in the field, so that road's blocked. Seven is in London. Great. Let me just text him real quick.
Okay. That's done. And now we can only hope and pray.
How I know what? Oh, the mission. Yeah, no, we're not supposed to - hm. Hm. See, that's... It's easier to do than you might think. And not all agents take it too seriously. I know you've only been here for two days, and you already picked up on the reputation of Double Ohs, but...
Yes, they are the worst patients you could wish for. Horrible. Rude. Don't keep to any of your orders. But... They're our patients. I care for them. And with most of them, I've managed to build a rapport. They trust me with details of their missions, so I happen to know more than I'm supposed to. Sometimes, you find out things because you treat them. You'll get practised at it eventually, recognise certain types of injuries, all that. And other times, you have to ask, because maybe they've ingested something, or you need to know what happened to be able to judge how deep the injuries might be, how likely a concussion is, questions are important.
What that third column is? It's their handlers. Let's go through the list real quick. You will not be needing it for a good long while. Treating Double Ohs takes a bit of time until you're at a point where you can make decisions for them without them raising hell on you. But I hope the insight will help you a bit. So the first two columns are the agents and their designations. The next two are their usual handlers. They might change in between missions, but those are the two they trust the most.
If an agent comes in and they are in a really bad shape, you contact their handler as soon as they're stable and look human again. Q-branch needs to know that their charge is home safe and sound. If an agent acts up while they have a bed here, just being a little bitch, pardon my French here, you can also call their handler, and they usually get the agents in line. Do it surreptitiously, though. The agents have not yet caught on to me strategically ordering Q up when I need to get them in line, and I'd rather keep it like that for as long as possible.
Next column is significant others or people that the agents themselves have cleared for me divulging medical information and all. It's empty for a lot of them, but that's usually not as much of an issue as it sounds.
Next columns are people to send after them if they pull a runner. That one I know by heart. The trick is finding out who's available. Scarlett's first contact is, and always will be, Tanner from admin upstairs. Don't know why, I don't ask, don't care. But Tanner's busy, and I have the feeling that she would appreciate someone who knows what it's like to come back from... that. So one of the other Double Oh, then you pull up the roster, check whether they're in, and Bob's your uncle.
Okay, I know that was a lot, but you're a quick study. I know you've heard all the horror stories about our most notorious patients but... Well, I'm sure you'll figure them out. Just don't -- Don't listen too much to others.
Oi, come over here, I need another pair of hands! Don't just stand there, it's only blood and there will be more if you don't put your hands right here!
Thank you! Fuck! Fuck!
007, get out of the way now, you did your part, we'll take over from here. We've got her, she's safe.
Fuck, I need more coffee. Thanks for that. Sorry for just jumping that on you and barking orders but -- Oh. Yeah, thanks. That doesn't usually happen, mind. By the time we take care of the patients, they're usually not in any immediate danger anymore. We do surgeries, but they're stable, not bleeding out anymore. At least when they get a medevac. 007 has a horrible track record of dragging his sorry arse all the way to London by himself, no matter his physical state. But still... This is not a regular occurrence. Hold on --
Bill? Yeah, she's in room two. She's not awake yet but I don't think she should be alone. Yeah, I sent James after -- Oh hush, you know better than that. She badly pulled those stitches of hers and -- Yeah, I think so. I mean she had wet hair and was scarcely dressed, so... Go see her. Can she stay with you, if she doesn't want to hang around? I'll make sure no one's watching. Thanks.
Now, how was your first week? Eventful enough? Exactly what you expected from working at Six?
Yeah I bet. Hope we haven't scared you off. Have a nice weekend, and see you on Monday.
Oh, hello. Had a nice weekend? What can I help you with?
What was that? Oh, yes, that's... Yes. I see. Of course. Let's... I'll be right with you. What did you say that they did in Q-branch that caused this?
Right. Of course. Just a regular Monday morning, right?
I'd like you to assist me this afternoon, if you don't mind. We've got 007 coming in from his latest mission and he's being transported back in with a medevac. It's not too bad, nothing you haven't seen before in clinic.
So, how was that for your first foray into Double Oh field medicine?
Oh no, I dare say he was perfectly pleasant, actually. Oh you sweet summer child. No. That was him being kind.
All right, now, what do you know about the mission?
No no, not the things that Bond told us, however begrudgingly. The rest.
Like what? The wound on his shoulder, for example.
Oh no, that's... older. That shoulder is just banged up. If you want a case study in "how is that human body still moving?", I recommend the files of 004, 007, and the previous 006. He retired, so he, too, is still moving around, just not in active service anymore. No, what I mean is the cuts that we tended to. What happened there?
It's all right, there's no shame in not knowing. I've spent years here learning to read between the lines, and you can do your job without ever questioning the pattern of injuries. Now, what I gather from those wounds is an explosion. The way those scratches were scattered, the kind of shrapnel we got out of the wounds, it all looks like an explosion inside of a building.
Then there's the bruising. It's on the opposite side, so that suggests - exactly, the blast probably flung him into a wall. There were marks on his thighs and arms that suggest close combat. The marks on his neck were the thing prompting me to ask whether wants to get tested.
Why I offer? Most agents are really conscientious about that part. Not 001, but then, I never have to treat him, either. He's sexist like that.
Thanks for your help, by the way. Don't count on Bond hanging around for the night, though. He's mobile enough, he might make a run for it.
Oh, hi. Sure I have a moment, what's up?
Whether what--? Oh. Oh!
Right. Sometimes I forget you've not been here for ages with how well you've managed to settle in. No, no, take the compliment.
So Q snuck up here with dinner for Bond yesterday evening? That's kind of him.
Did he? Well, usually I'd say, do with that what you will, but remember one thing, in this very specific case: There is such a thing as plausible deniability. Should two people who work together as closely as an agent and their handler be in a relationship, that might end their working relationship here. There are precautions to be met and everything. Unless that's inconvenient, because they clearly work well together and who would disrupt that. So sometimes, there's nothing where there's something, and everybody knows unless someone comes asking, you see?
Yes, they are. It was the most exciting thing I've seen happen here. They're actually good for each other, if you can believe it. A lid for every pot, as my gran used to say.
004 and Tanner? Oh Lord, no. She's the godmother to his daughters, though. I think they served together. Oh, yes, Tanner's a military man. Doesn't look like it, does he? No, from what I know, they were in some deep shit together and have been inseparable ever since.
Other gossip? I mean, someone probably warned you about the Double Ohs being prone to sexual advances, especially if they think they can wheedle some special treatment out of you. Everything else, I won't tell. I'm sure you've caught plenty on your own.
Now tell me, how's your first month been? Ready to take on your own patients?
Hey, could you fetch me a rape kit real quick? I don't want to leave her alone.
She's an agent, she says she's fine, all part of the job, but... She's only human, too, you know?
Thank you.
My goodness, I've got to tell you what just happened. So, you know how Nomi's currently here? Well, she just woke up, incredibly high on pain meds, and I went through the usual questions, who are you, do you know where you are, what day is it, and she answered it in absolute Double Oh fashion, and then we got to the current events question and i asked her who the current prime minister is, and she just groaned and mumbled "Don't make me say it'' and I think that counts, too, doesn't it?
Anyway, Miss Moneypenny showed up shortly after, awfully chipper for a Friday afternoon, and spent over an hour in there for the debrief. A bit long for a person who can't string two coherent thoughts together, don't you think?
Hey, can you take over Trevelyan's check up for me? My sister's in town and I'd love to meet up with her if you -- Oh thank you so much, you're a lifesaver.
Have you ever had the pleasure? No? Oh, well, it's rather easy, though he might try to get under your skin. Don't let him, he's all bark and no bite. Terry will be here, too -- yeah, PT, that's him, and Camilla from Q-branch -- I know, I know it sounds like a big thing, but it really isn't. Just routine check up, we just all pool together because it's more convenient. Trevelyan is Q-branch's test bunny for their new prosthesis that they're trying to link to his neural pathways and muscle impulses to use a robotic prosthetic that can react to those impulses. Mostly it's Camilla and Trevelyan talking and you and Terry looking pretty until your expertise is called upon.
Yeah, they're actually on to something there. Last time Alec started asking whether they could weaponise the thing, and I'm living in fear ever since.
Oh, right, that was before you. Trevelyan was 006, not too long ago, and he has a propensity for arson and explosions.
Still has, I meant what I said. He occasionally helps out in Q-branch. Those are usually the days when the fire alert goes off somewhere in the building.
I have a note with my standard questions and procedures for this meeting so I don't forget anything, I'll forward that to you. Alec will answer the questions before you can ask them, he knows them by heart.
Thank you so much, I owe you one. No, really. If I can jump in for you at some point, please let me know. All right. Thanks. See you!
Yeah, I heard. How... Well, stupid question, but how bad is it?
It's crazy, isn't it? When it's agents, that's no big deal, but Q? I ran into James -- Yeah, probably why he didn't kick up a fuss. You're welcome, but it really only was a coincidence. That man looked murderous, and I would know.
Yeah, he's in there with Q now. And I don't think he'll leave his side. I think M officially assigned him as Q's security detail now. We'll have to take care of the visitors. Not too many and all that. Not a problem we usually seem to have, but there's a first time for everything, huh?
Anything broken?
Cracked ribs are a bitch. I bet he's glad it's not his fingers. God, that's morbid. Okay, I gotta get going. I've got a meeting with the Head of Department.
Don't call him that! You're insulting those old and cranky dragons with that comparison.
Yeah, I also shudder to think what this is about. I'll let you know as soon as I'm done. Take care of the head boffin for me, will you?
I know, I can't believe it either! Head of Medical! Look at me, having even less time for my patients from here on out.
No, it's... Wow. Still can't believe it. Then you've got a new old and cranky dragon to complain about.
Thank you so much.
Hey, what would you say to a promotion?
I can't anymore. Just shoot me, please. Or let me take a good, deep breath from one of the funny gases we have around. Chloroform, nitrous oxide, I'm not picky.
I mean, I knew that the budget meeting had the potential to be my Waterloo, but this... It's so disgusting to argue for a budget that's supposed to keep people alive. No, we can't cut back on our expenses for the blood bank, we actually need that considering the state of our agents. Goodness.
Come on, hon. Go home. You did what you could, and nobody will feel better if you run yourself ragged. You did well. Good night.
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bunnycat4 · 9 months
hobby ideas!
these are some fun ideas of things to do. I would like to do a little reminder at the beginning that if you want to start doing anything, or want to try something, that it doesn't mean you have to like it. you are allowed to try to pick up a hobby, but then decide it's not for you, and you don't want to do it anymore. then you can drop it! that's all cool! and that, it's something I often find, that if I'm not as good at something as people I see, I feel as though I don't deserve to do it- if that makes sense. [I think it's called imposter syndrome. unsure.] but that's not true! and we have to remind ourselves that something we do for fun needn't carry any pressure to it. there is no need to get to a certain level or certain achievement in anything if you don't want to. there aren't rules to enjoying anything! so, if you're bored or want something to do. I make a list of potential
the list starts with things I do, and then I will go through activities I may not actively participate in
of course the first thing I will say is beading. I love beading and if you don't get too excessive with it, it can be quite cheap. I use pony beads, and I like elastic string, but it isn't a necessity. you can get supplies at most dollar shops or art stores I would say. beading is my main interest/hobby, so if you have any questions I am. very enthusiastic and open :]]
review writing is also something you can do. I do it in a notebook or in Google Keep or the Notes app, but I think you can do that anywhere really. you can watch movies or shows or read books and review them on what you think, even analyse it a little if you want. or you can review products if you want. I think it's fun to do, and I pretend I'm telling someone or putting it in the newspaper.
you can also do other types of writing, like poetry or story writing. fanfiction is always an option. vignettes are also a pretty easy thing to do i think. fake news articles. honestly you can write about anything.
origami. im not the best at origami, i can only fold really simple things but all you'd need is paper. If you want to be fancy you can get patterned origami paper in different sizes, but otherwise you can cut anything into a square and fold stuff
fanart forever ✨ i draw a lot of fanart when i cant think of any original stuff to draw. just draw little guys a lot. i find it fun to imagine animal characters as more humanoid.
playing games, either board/card games [i am a board game and card game enthusiast, i would love to talk about them] or online games. it's a fun thing to do and you can get your friends/family involved, or not.
trying recipes is also a fun thing to do. I am notoriously a bad cook but that does not stop me :D I like to try recipes from magazines. This may be a more costly thing to do, check what you have in your cupboard. if you like your neighbours enough you can give them things you make to get on their good side
experiment with makeup. with a cheap eyeliner you can do quite a lot of funky things. try out different styles and shapes, follow tutorials, copy references, etc. if you have sensitive skin you may have to be choosy with what products you buy, and it may take a while to find something that doesn't irritate you. also, would recommend using makeup remover before you go to bed, or whenever you want to take it off
doing your nails. this is another expensive one, i think. nail polish costs a fair bit if you want to get different colours, but its a fun thing to do if your bored. im not sure if the chemicals in nail polish actually matters so i cannot advise on that, but i usually pick up a bottle from the health food store whenever im there.
paint anything. you could paint pictures or buy those things from art stores or bunnings that you can paint. I like painting coasters. you could also paint bottle caps and stick safety pins on the back to make little badges
make/decorate hair clips/pins/headbands. These things are pretty cheap i think, and you might be likely to have some lying around in your home. decorate by sticking stuff on them, like little toys or beads and other things you find
clay. im unsure about the actual price of clay. but you can do quite a few things with it. you can buy airdrying clay from department stores, it takes a couple of days to dry in my experience
loom bands. they are selling them again and they are pretty easy to do. you can spend days on end making them. there are many possibilities
knitting or crocheting. I can actually only french knit but i am learning to crochet. wool 👍 and whatever tools you need
journalling. I'm not sure if that counts as a hobby but i think its good. there are a few different types of journalling and you can find prompts. i have some journalling stuff from my therapist [you do not need to be mentally ill to journal. to clarify.] which i can share if anyone wants? but its fun to talk to yourself and feel more useful for it. just talk about anything
ah, another jewellery making thing. i should have organised this list better. I might redo it later. but you can make woven friendship bracelets by tying little knots and stuff in embroidery thread
you could also do embroidery with said embroidery thread. I dont really remember how to do it anymore but i could ask my friends. Yeah.
paper filigree. I tried this one time and never finished it. probably start by buying a kit. it looks pretty cool
customising clothes, if you have clothes you want to do that with. You could embroider on them or sew little cutouts of fabric on. tie-dye is also something you can do. unsure of how expensive that is.
making pom-poms! you can make them out of wool and a fork and scissors. also stick googly eyes on them to make lil soot sprites :33 which is cute. and hang them on your bags maybe
collaging, maybe. Cut up magazines and stuff, and glue
does going on walks count as a hobby? sometimes i do that when im bored. just walk to a park or a trainstation or anything nearby, or just in a circle. and talk to myself or listen to music or make up stuff about the houses around me, maybe talk to dogs/neighbours.
make flower crowns or clover crowns
make playlists! making playlists is really easy and you can make them for pretty much anything. i make playlists for incredibly specific situations and also for every month of every year. Its a greaaat way to keep track of your mental state as time goes on and ensure you dont get bored of your music. since you'll have loads of playlists. You can also make character playlists and oc playlists and playlists for everyone you know that you'd never show to them.
joining a club is definitely not a hobby but is something you can do for fun. and you get to talk to people which i know gives me a sense of achievement. and you can always drop out after one day 👍
make edits of characters, if that makes sense. like, play songs behind them and cover them in sparkles or something
colouring in, that's a good thing if you dont want to draw. you can buy a colouring book or download and print off of the internet. there are a lot of options in colouring in
gardening as well. you dont necessarily have to plant stuff, you could just weed your garden or pick flowers and put them on your dining table. or you could look after a succulent
do courses on random topics. again, may not be a hobby. but there are places you can do courses for free
reorganising things like your bookshelf, your furniture, your wall, your cupboards
on that topic, decorating your home is also something you can do! Stick things on your walls, line up things you collect. it has the benefit of making you feel more at home and express yourself. I find it calming
sewing stuff. I think this is also more costly if you want to buy patterns. buttt idk.
birdwatching or animal watching in general. you could list what you see or just observe, or even sketch/draw the creatures you find interesting or cool
is plantwatching a word? probably not. but you could walk around and see what little plants you see. and you could get little bits of plants you like and stick them in your journal or press them. you could even keep a plant journal.
nature photography, or photography in general. you could get fancy and use a fancy camera, or really just your phone is surely fine
you could make films maybe. I think that it wouldn't be too difficult to get supplies for that
that's all I've thought of for now! I might add more later, or feel free to add on if you have more ideas! remember that whatever you do, make sure to take breaks every now and again, drink water, eat, go to the bathroom, etc :))
tagging @sleepy-vix because she wanted to be tagged
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stitch1830 · 5 months
Hiya Stitch!!! I hope you're doing well!
Who would have the more chaotic household, a Taang household or a Kantoph one?
Hi Ronin, thanks for the ask!
Good question…
With Taang and Kantoph, both couples and families are pretty chaotic. Aang and Toph like to wreak a bit of havoc together and always bring out the fun, “immature” part of each other out. They’d both prefer to just have fun and enjoy their lives. They instigate one another (in a good way), so it creates a bit of chaos.
With their kids, I’d say Toph takes on a more responsible role, Aang is the playful one. But that’s not to say that Toph isn’t playful! She just tones the chaos down just a notch.
With the kids, they have a very open, slightly carefree style of parenting. Their kids explore and go on lil adventures, Toph and Aang try to just let them do their thing and not rain on their parade. Of course, they get nervous sometimes, but they trust their kids and their kids know they can call Taang at any point.
With Kantoph, I think their chaos is a little more tactful. Pointed. They’re not really the pranking type, although there are a few occasions where they’ll instigate something. Usually, it’s them running off to do their own thing away from the crowds. And despite Kanto being pretty mischievous, he’s typically the one that mellows out Toph for the most part.
And with the kids, Toph is the calm, chaotic instigator. After work she typically tries to rest and relax with the kids, but if they’re ever wanting to train or do something that’s a little crazy, she’ll be all for it. But Kanto is trying to be the responsible one and it is a Chore. He freaks whenever the girls nearly get hurt or fall, and he just panics at the mere thought of them hurt or in pain. And the girls think it’s hilarious when Baba is Stressed Out, so that’s just chaos on its own. All the girls are doing crazy little things to get Baba to freak out, and it’s turning Kanto’s hair grey, that’s for sure. Whenever he tries to call Toph over for backup, she teasingly brushes it off until she decides to put her foot down and stop the chaos. Usually, though, she makes Kanto sweat it out for a few minutes longer haha!
My Taang AU has four kiddos, and my Kantoph AU has seven. A little more firepower from the Kantoph side of things, but don’t be fooled. The Dunebabies know how to wreak havoc. Gyatso and Suyin are the “troublemakers” in particular. And Lin typically gets roped into things. Kenji is the baby of the family and can do no wrong ;). Although when he started flying around the city and Toph couldn’t find him… that was a stressful day.
If I had to choose one, I’d say that Taang is a little more chaotic! They have a more open style of parenting that sort of leaves the aunts and uncles stressing out about the Dunebabies. Toph and Aang worry, but they do it in a way that still promotes their kids to be adventurous and curious.
The Kantophlets tend to get tracked down by Kanto and he frets a lot over them (hard to not freak out when there are six baba’s girls running around the city and he’s trying to keep track of all of them!). Because he’s a little more protective and worried, the family’s chaos is pared down just a little bit. I also think I tend to think of the Kantoph household as a little less adventurous? They’re a beach vacation kind of family whereas Taang they travel all the time and go to different, a little more dangerous places. Not saying Taang’s day-to-day life isn’t dangerous, but I think as the Chief and Deputy of Republic City, the danger feels a little more targeted and tangible. So, they try to keep their private life on the down low.
So, there ya have it! Taang family a little more chaotic than the Kantoph family :) Would love to hear your thoughts though, Ronin!
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you have a great day! :D
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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8aji · 2 years
i think you're so good and i'm nothing like you. // i.k.
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pairing: Izana Kurokawa x reader
wc: 1.7k
synopsis: No matter how hard you try to make the wrong puzzle pieces fit, there's always going to be a gap between the edges — or, Izana thinks the differences are too jarring and he’s not worth the effort.
tags/cw: hurt/comfort, insecure!izana, alluded rich!reader, very descriptive language; pls let me know if im missing anything
a/n: so this was supposed to be part of the little ask game i did a long while ago, full fic format bc word count plus the effort i put into this, the style is a little out of my comfort zone ngl :) thank you so much to my beloved @tetsutits for betaing as well as @thelastoreo and @mosviqu my beloveds for giving me lots n lots of input as well :D
m.list ˖ tags ˖ byi/dni
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Never will the warm glow of the sun setting behind rows upon rows of blooming grapevines, not take his breath away. It was so close yet so far; he swore he could touch it just by extending his hand. Even from afar, it felt warm against his tan skin, kissing his body with a warmth similar to the one he felt when he laid beside you.
Despite his aversion to being alone, or more accurately his aversion to being lonely, sometimes he needed the alone time to ground himself and think. You knew that, so it wasn’t a surprise to hear the crunching of gravel underneath your sandals as you took slow yet steady steps, the same way you would approach a scared kitten. Still, though your presence usually brought comfort and calmness, he couldn’t help but feel the way his heart picked up speed inside his chest, each beat anxiously vibrating harder and harder against his ribcage.
“Dinner's almost ready, ‘was looking for you.” Your voice, soft and sweet, coated with just a hint of the Cabernet Sauvignon your family loved to share; wine more expensive than the life insurance he did not have. He could feel how his heart picked up speed inside his chest, each beat vibrating harder and harder against his ribcage, at the sound of your voice. “You okay?”
He could feel his throat knotting up, swallowing up the scream he so desperately wanted to let out. It made him feel like a teenager again, crying after he found out his brother ‘wasn't’ actually his brother; his vocal cords were on fire as tears poured from his eyes, and though they were camouflaged by the cool rain, they fell scorching hot, burning his cheeks like acid. 
And now he was here, standing with his back facing you as he tried to figure out the best way to prevent all those bottled-up thoughts from spilling out. And he knows, he is well fucking aware that communication is this and communication is that, and communication is important, otherwise, he was going to drown trying to escape the endless sea made up of his own thoughts, but he wouldn’t. He’d rather see his lungs well up with salt water than talk about the insecurities nipping at his skull.
He wouldn’t allow himself to ruin this, not after learning what it felt like to be loved and cherished and wanted. Not after making promise after promise, not after planning everything down to a t, after your family had oh-so-gracefully offered one of their properties in Tuscany as venue and had everyone flown down to Italy for a whole week. 
He couldn’t do that to you.
And yet he did. Coaxed by the warmth of your hand against his as it rested on top of the railing overlooking the vineyard.
“I feel like I don’t belong.” He swallowed. 
“Just,” he pleaded, finally plucking the courage to talk about what had been bothering him ever since he got here. “Please, just let me finish.”
You nodded, knowing he wouldn’t continue until he got your reassurance.
“There’s, um, there’s this voice in the back of my head just telling me over and over again that there's something wrong, that I shouldn't be here, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense,”
“You’re smart and funny and kind, and people love you and you managed to befriend my godawful broth— step-brother, how did you even do that? He’s so annoying, but that's beside the point, you're so good, too good,
“And if what everyone keeps saying is true, that the ‘opposites attract’ theory can only be proven right by looking at us, if— if we’re complete opposites then that means I’m even worse than bad, it means I’m awful, pathetic, I–” 
He lets out a heavy sigh, raking his free hand through his slightly overgrown locks. His lips were pursed into a tight line, he bit into his cheek as if the slight pain would refrain his eyes from misting. You don’t move despite the urge to hold him close, you knew he wasn't done.
“I’d like to tell myself that it isn't true, but I’m not the only one who thinks that, some of the people here can’t help but look down on me, and they're not even subtle about it,"
“I know your dad doesn't like me at all,” he let out a dry laugh; to lighten the mood or encourage himself, you didn't know. “Remember when we had dinner together for the first time? He couldn't even believe we went to the same college,"
“Everything’s just a constant reminder that no matter where I am, no matter where I go, I’m just meddling,"
“I meddled my way into the Sano family, I meddled into a friend group that probably hates me, and now I’m meddling into yours, into your life!"
“And it's so confusing because I feel so good when I’m with you, I feel like I'm home and like I’m safe and like everything's gonna be alright,” he turned to you, locking gazes despite his eyes being swallowed by tears he could no longer contain; he looked so small, so fragile in a way he always was but never showed. “And I know it’s selfish to want to keep you, but I just can't help but feel that you’re making a mistake by choosing me.”
Eyes heavy with sorrow, you’re sure he was holding back his breath waiting for a response; the tightness in his chest at the lack of oxygen less painful than another—though unlikely still possible—rejection. After the dramatic monologue exposing his feelings of inadequacy and insecurity he’s sure you’d call the whole thing over before it can even start. Don’t get him wrong, he’s shared his fair amount of emotional baggage and not once did you cast him aside because of it. In fact, every time he talked to you about whatever it was that plagued his mind he couldn’t help but feel your worry. It was like you had the utmost necessity to sew his wounds back together, kiss the ragged skin in the process. He trusted you like no other, and yet, though he can acknowledge the irrationality of his thought pattern, he can't help but indulge it, let the thoughts feed on his brain until his skull is rotten and empty. 
He could feel his heart crack once he felt the warmth of your skin slipping away, like a cruel premonition whispering your departure. The urge to apologise burned inside his chest and the words, bitter like bile, settled at the bottom of his throat.
“You’re not a mistake,” cupping his face in between your hands, you gingerly wipe the stray tears rolling down his cheeks. Your words were soft like silk as they tried to mend the cracks in his heart, sprinkle them with gold. The gentleness made his eyes well up with tears once again, sobs bubbling up in his throat and threatening to escape. “You’ll never be a mistake,” 
Too weak, too fragile, your warm palm against his bare skin, your touch silently whispering that he was safe, that everything was going to be okay; the shimmer in your eyes, the softness of your reassuring smile, it’s enough for him to break. He cries against your body, holding you tight between his arms as if you might disappear once he lets go. He coughs through ragged breaths, choking on his own sorrows and, in spite of the uncontrollable crying, he’s able to focus on your touch, raking your fingers through his hair and leaning your cheek against his head to give him some sort of grounding weight.
“You’re my one and only,” you whisper, holding his trembling body impossibly closer with as much desperation, as if you too, thought he might disappear. You place a tender kiss on the side of his head, softly rocking the both of you in your place until the heart-wrenching sobs turn into soft sniffles. “And I promise you,” nuzzling your cheek against his hair, you almost stumble over your own words, like pressing a freshly formed bruised, the rawness in your chest makes you internally flinch in hesitation. But it’s Izana who you’re talking to, and if anyone deserved to know the sheer importance of their existence, it was him. “Forever and always, for as long as you’ll have me, I’ll be yours the same way you’re mine.”
You stayed like that for a while, in each others’ arms, even after the sun had fully disappeared behind the horizon, the sky now a mix of pinks and purples and orangy hues. His breathing had evened out by now and had the both of you not been standing, you would’ve sworn he had fallen asleep. That was until he raised his head, with his eyes still tightly shut, and leaned his forehead against yours, “Thank you for loving me.”
You pecked his lips, softly rubbing your nose against his, making a wobbly smile break through his lips. “And thank you for loving me.”
The tender moment is broken by an incoming call, the sweet melody of an acoustic guitar as your ringtone makes him melt even more; it was him playing. He could hear both of your soft giggles in the background, and he remembers very well that one time you stayed up until the wee hours of the morning when you recorded him playing in secret and then had a playfight over your phone to delete the video. You didnt delete it, and it surprised him you still kept it as your ringtone after all this time.
“Dinner’s ready now, we should get going,” you sigh, looking from your phone screen up at him, before tilting your head to the side and using your fingers to trail the edge of one of his earlobes, making him shiver in the process. “Right, ‘saw you left your earrings on the bedside table, why?”
“I– your dad doesn't like them very much.”
“Don’t listen to him, my dad doesn't like anything,” you half-joke, a hint of truth staining your words. “Can I put them on for you?”
From the pocket of your shorts you pull out the pair of hanafuda earrings, and he nods, shivering as your fingers delicately close the clasps.
“There you go,” you smile, making his cheek warm up as you check him out; your adoration for him clear in your eyes. “Pretty as always.”
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© 2022 SHINACHIRO ; Do not repost my work. Do not recommend my work outside of tumblr. Do not translate my work. affiliated with @tokyometronetwork
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luinhealthcare · 9 months
Hello lovely Lofty❤️
What would you say is the pros and cons of EMS work?? Or like, things you would say to someone looking to be an EMT?
I have a full time job I don't plan on leaving, but tbh learning about what you do and reading your stories has kind of put it on my heart and I was curious if volunteer EMT jobs are a thing. Like, getting all the training done and then volunteering when I can?
Idk, I was just curious if you had anything to say regarding this😅
I could probably google some of this info but if if you feel like answering it would be appreciated! I value your opinion❤️
Ok, give me just a sec—*SQUEALS excitedly into pillow*
Hello Anon! :D That’s so exciting to hear!! I’m glad you’d rather just do it volunteer, as career EMS pays very little (my nursing job is what keeps a roof over my head, not my EMS one lol), but nearly every agency in my area has volunteers so I imagine it’s the same for your area!
So general pros and cons for EMS:
Tight knit work crew - These people see some bad things together, and trauma bonding is a thing, so they tend to be pretty close and have a lot of fun together. A note of care, we all have dark senses of humor. It’s a natural coping mechanism for people, and it can make life really funny too. But generally, working with EMS providers is quite fun! There will probably also be things like banquets, cookouts, and other fun bonding activities!
Boo boo bus - Driving is one of my least favorite parts of the job, but it is very fun to drive the truck around with lights and sirens and have the power to stop traffic and go through a red light lol. Super dangerous, but very fun
Knowledge - You learn so much in EMS! Medicine and our understanding of diseases and injuries is constantly changing, so you’ll always learn something new if you keep up with your training. Speaking of which, your agency will provide training opportunities to help you grow!
Patient care - You’ll find that the majority of your calls aren’t actually emergencies, but when you can actually take care of someone who needs you, you’re gonna ride that adrenaline high for ages. I still remember calls from years ago where I actually made a difference in someone’s life, and it’s a thrilling feeling.
Shift style - We work in 12-24 hour blocks, which means you knock out your work week in 2-3 days. As a volunteer your hour requirement would be much less than 36, but you could knock out a 24 hour monthly requirement in a single day if you wanted. Also, depending on a few factors (day vs night shift, busyness of your run area), you could literally just be spending your time chilling between calls. Sometimes I bring video games to work and play the switch because we have so much downtime. At night we get paid to just sleep if nobody’s calling 911.
Management/staffing - Like most jobs, somehow we’re all cursed with idiots in charge. Obviously this is variable, but a general trend in EMS is to overwork its people and toss them out to sea before they sometimes feel ready. And also like most jobs, we’re perpetually short staffed and everyone gets stretched thin to make up for it. Luckily for you, this shouldn’t be as big a problem because volunteers are usually treated very well!
Patient care - It’s a pro but it’s a con too. 85% of your calls are going to be for things that people should have never called 911 for. Your big pretty Boo Boo Bus is mostly going to be an Uber. And it will get frustrating, and you will have frequent flyers, and some people are not kind at all. They’ll call for your help and then get pissed off at you for trying to help. Anyone who’s worked customer service can relate, I’m sure. You get trained to handle life and death emergencies and then instead you’re picking someone up for a cough they’ve had for three days and you’re wondering when you became their mother/father and have to take the baby to the doctor when they haven’t tried anything to take care of themselves at home or see a less urgent health facility. It will burn you out if you’re not careful.
TMI - Speaking of patient care, get ready to see people at their absolute lowest. Hoarder houses, maggots, abusive households, all that jazz. Another reason for trauma bonding with your coworkers! 👍🏻 (This won’t be the majority of your calls, but you’ll see them)
Physical strain - If you don’t take care of your body, this job will hurt you. I’ve thrown my back three times working EMS; there were times where I was hobbling around like an 83-year-old and I was 22. You’ll be lifting patients of every weight, you’re gonna be contorted in weird positions trying to splint someone, CPR is a cardio exercise in itself (lol), you will probably be sore after some calls like you just went to the gym. Also, we don’t take meal breaks - you eat when you can, and you will become a speed eater very quickly in this line of work.
Mental strain - You’re gonna learn a lot about yourself and others in this work. How do you cope with stress? You will watch people die, you will see suicides and shootings and stabbings, you will watch family hurt each other and grieve over lost loved ones. You will be on edge for the majority of your shift as you wait for the tones to drop, you will be stressed trying to find an address or navigate the road and make sure nobody gets into a wreck with you. Military and first responders are so alike because the stress level and distribution is quite similar - downtime with boredom gets interspersed with spikes of huge adrenaline rushes. Have good coping skills, have a strong support system, take care of yourself. 95% of the people I know on duty are in therapy to stay sane.
Overall, I adore EMS. If I could survive off EMS pay I’d work it full time and do nursing as a side gig for funsies lol. The majority of the work is fairly mundane, but when you get to make a difference boy do you get to make a difference. And you’ll have so many funny stories to share. And the people are awesome.
Hope this helps! :D
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tbgkaru-woh · 11 months
Might have asked you that before I'm not sure but. Do you have some sort of process for your redesigns?? What kind of stuff do you try and pay attention to when redesigning a character? I also wonder what is important to you visually when designing clothes? like, is there any type of shape hierarchy you try and go for? Also Where does your knowledge of clothes come from?
These ended up being many questions haha. Anyway love your redesigns, every one you do is like a little gift in my day!
those are all wonderful questions and i hope i can answer them (or even understand my creative process enough to give them) There are two design choices I try to stick to, one is thanks to me playing hero shooters and that's recognizable silhouettes: try to give the characters a unique shape or trait that even if you put them in different clothes or hairstyles, you can always tell it's meant to be them by that specific thing. The other is, thanks to fandoms, i know people like making OCs or trade characters around if there's factions, so I like making "faction" clothing that's unique to a group of people, whilst still making each character wear it uniquely even within the group itself lot of the designs are affected by what i SUBJECTIVELY perceive the character to be like and what style of clothing i connect to that kind of behavior, be it from real life experience or what just. flows nicely, i don't know how else to say it :') like there's difference between elegant or street wear, of course they can overlap, of course they have no dictating on what each of those means about each person, but good rule of thumb is that we dress to express ourselves on first glance (those that can afford to do so for whichever reason) so if you're daddy's little lawful good you're gonna dress differently than a bold punk. those are pretty basic thought processes, not much unique :'D so sadly i think lot of it just comes from my subjective perception of who these characters are and what i could highlight about them. as for the clothes themselves, i don't even know really, character design- from clothes to size, shape, color to body language- is just something i always loved to do and wanted to do, be it for games, comics, or re-designed existing characters :') i used to watch fashiuon shows, went to art school where most are poor students that are very creative and pretentious, i changed my style multiple times during each chapter in my life, i try to meet variety of people that affect me and inspire me. i usually have multiple ideas for a look per character but don't want to put a pin on it until it just clicks for me. there are few of those clicks i've missed in my MDZS redesigns but were close enough that i posted it anyway, as i was too excited to share them :') still may want to revisit it though! I'm so happy to know they did well though, it's something i've heard the most praise for from all of my art and i really wish i could follow up on it in more ways than just few more art of those looks. there's nothing that bothers me more than boring or not cohesive looks for a cast of otherwise interesting characters, MDZS donghua and CQL costume design were destroying me :') but it was enough to at least inspire me thank you for this task ♥♥
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walrus150915 · 1 year
I have no idea what I'm on lately tbh but guess what dear people
This post is dedicated specifically to Aquila, goldenheart kid I made up because fankids are very fun to create. It's especially fun to try and analyze your blorbos' relationship and how they'd raise a kid if they had one, what hurdles they'd face in a calm family routine, when, instead of fighting the government and dancing with anarchistic sharks, the main problem is "What should I make for dinner today?"
Specifically I wanna talk about Aquila's design and why they are the way they are
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When making their outfit, what I took most inspiration from was citizens' casual style of clothes. They wear a long purple dress (I hate the order of adjectives so much english why are you so damn hard), their boots are actually supposed to be those baggy boots the hero of every old fairytale wears. To mix medieval with modern, tho, I took Ambrosius's hoodie (WHY DID I CALL IT A SWEATER ON THE PIC- MY BRAIN IS NOT WORKING) and renovated it a little bit :D
I can imagine the fam cleaning the house as usual when Aquila finds something in the old box, that being the hoodie
Aquila: Appa, look what I found! It's so cool! Can I wear it?
Ambrosius: Honey, this thing is two decades old! Let's just buy you a new one
Aquila: But I want this one. Specifically. Please🥺
Ambrosius: A-a-alright, you can keep it
And then they made a new clothing out of it
As for the face, their features aren't that sharp, they're soft, round, the face is flat. I guess Ambrosius kinda won the genetics battle
Like look at this
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Shoutout to that one half-Pakistani half-Korean guy who popped up when I searched for references
Their nose, however, is something entirely on its own lololol. And their hair is exactly like Ballister's, very dark brown and soft and beautiful💅
As for the eyes, I think they're like. The prettiest dark brown color you've ever met. Ballister's gorgeous brown eyes + Ambrosius's gentle voids surely do mix greatly
I have no idea why the need to describe how this one made-up silly fankid I made look but!! I sure know I have a comic for you at the end lmaoo
Ambrosius Boldheart ft. the Goldenloins and awkward family relationship
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Ambrosius gives his parents ZERO mercy. As they deserve tbh. He's ending the cycle y'all, he's a Boldheart now and he won't let the fruit of his and his husband's love be put on as many expectations as he had on his shoulders way too young
I have so so many ideas about how Goldenloins are like, I could blog a bunch of different things about my guesses of their personalities and looks hahaha!
Goodnight y'all, I'm going to sleep since it's my mom's birthday tomorrow
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infraaa · 2 years
Can i get all (or any dragon of ur choice)
So! With that in mind! For the alphabet thing(sfw/sugar) with the letters being
N AND R!!!!!!!!!!
So there- :D
『Ah hell let’s put em all in a pot yeah? Lil skrunks I lub em』
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400 Followers Milestone Event — Draconic Five (Pitaya, Ananas, Lotus, Lychee and Longan with… we’ll that’s pretty clear now is it just look above sjdjdka)
Again, from the Sugar List! 🍡 Time to get fluffy!
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
Pit is just all over the place with nicknames. They call you something different each day however it usually falls on the lines of “babe,” “baby,” “babes,” “babeycakes,” etc etc…
They do it because you did it first and was like “huh how cool I got a name 😎”
However they also make up nicknames to annoy the shit out of you.
Like say if you were on your period this is where you would have to get your shoe out to beat them with. They make up period style nicknames that get weirder as the day goes on.
Such as “hey my little red rocket❤️” or “what’s hangin my little blood fountain of goodness?” it gets weird and gross, prepare to fight.
But on a serious note they usually use the pet names because you do. Simple.
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
They’re creative in their own light. They’re… special.
“For you, babe!~” cue the ring of fire that transforms into a heart, a demon popping out of it with a stuffed plush heart that says “u cute” on it.
Holds your hand in public and snuggles up to you on car rides. They purr a lot too, it’s a wonder how people see them as a big tough guy. They’re a teddy bear practically look!
Sets up dates that usually have some kind of entertainment like going to hibachi grills where they cook in front of you, it stimulates his tingling braincells and he loves seeing you laugh.
All in all, very creative and romantic in their own special way. They’re very “I’m original and not like the other dragons,” yk?
“lob you bb ❤️” a lot in texts
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
Ananas wasn’t the first to use them, no. But ever since you called them “honey,” he blushed, pouted, crossed his arms, said “stop,” in a very tsundere type fashion, went to their bedchamber, and melted with the hearts and flowers around them gushing.
They call you their treasure, something that sounds personal and sweet, warm to the touch. They did this after they finally gave into the fact that they liked you.
You primarily use pet names like “your majesty,” in an attempt to poke fun at them, however, Ananas actually takes a liking to this.
Other than the occasional “darling” or “dear,” there really isn’t another nickname they use. They call you by your name if not a nickname.
However there is one other name they have for you, which they use on very special occasions, which is “emas,” or “gold” in Malay.
They love the nicknames you give them, and albeit they aren’t the huge fan of them, Ananas tolerated them greatly. 🧡
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
It can be half and half with them. Ananas can be romantic if they really wanted to be, however, they normally come off as someone from a ghlibi film when they try.
Takes you out on flights and courts you with the finest gold they can find in their hoard, being extremely selective on the gifts they give you. They are also very selective on who prepares your food, how it’s prepared, etc. They want you to have nothing but perfection, which is romantic to them.
They love sunsets because of the colors they emit; the pinks, oranges, purples and yellows and blues, they take you to the highest point on the archipelago just to watch the sun set with you. They may also bring dinner with them along with refreshments and a blanket to sit on if they want to stay with you for a while.
They love nuzzles as well, and while sitting with you they may nuzzle into you while low quiet purring comes from their throat.
Merry Go Round of Life or Dearly Beloved in the background of course, some nice soft songs, leaving you both warm and comfy within the guise of the setting sun.
Even their gaze softens around you, on private that is. Soft smiles and pupils that don’t look as sharp, a far more tender side to Ananas that that rarely ever show anyone but you.
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
They call you “Kirei,” and write it out as 綺麗、meaning “pretty” in Japanese. They may also call you “utsuku,” or the first kanji in the word “utsukushii,” written like 美しい、meaning beautiful.
Lotus primarily uses nicknames in private, and they use them often to show affection. You haven’t called them a nickname up to this point, however after your relationship began you tended to call Lotus Dragon… Lotus, shortening it to show familiarity.
Even this though makes them smile. They tell you that you don’t have to put a nickname on them if you don’t want to because even the shortening of their name is enough to show them how you feel.
Eventually you start calling them “love,” which leads them to hug you.
Cherishes every name you give them and will lick your cheek out of happiness.
Often sends you text messages in the morning, telling you to have a good day, to not forget to do anything important, and that they love you. 💙
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
Makes songs for you, sometimes adding lyrics to them. These are played on their mandolin, and they play these songs for you at night when all the servants are sleeping.
Allows you to stay in their bedchambers with them, or in their throne room during the day, where you both sit in comfort, with you oftentimes sitting close to Lotus as they wrap you comfortably in their tail.
Loves the way you smell, and once commanded some of the servants to make them a cologne that smelled like you.
Will hold dinners for you, making sure that all food prepared and all refreshments provided are of purest quality, the most superb pure ingredients that are so fresh you wouldn’t be able to tell if they were the real thing or out of a commercial.
Likes to cuddle and will allow you to touch their horns, a rather sensitive place for all dragons. This is a sign of trust as they hug you with their arms and tail, softly combing their finger through your hair and humming to themselves, letting out soft purrs here and there.
Probably the most romantic out of the five.
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
“Bestie, girlboss, queen, lovely, king, dolly,,,”
you best believe lychee is gonna be the first one to use a nickname with ya.
Loves to call you these names while hugging you from behind. They’re so preppy that they call you these nicknames whether in private or public, they don’t care about what people think about your relationship with them. You’re special to them and if anyone says otherwise they’re gonna get their foot in their mouth.
You are the Angel that they couldn’t kill, so be glad they’re letting you keep your soul. They love it too much to take it.
Wonders if you have a nickname for them as well and often asks you about it with them pink draconic pupils and uwu like smile.
“Baby face.” “What?” “Babyface, because you got a babyface and you’re cute.” “Aww, hehehe! That’s so cute! I love that- wait you think I’m cute?~”
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
They’re def more cliche with showing their love to you, often taking you somewhere on their island that they think is pretty to show you.
Pretty clothes that have but no longer wear are given to you as courting gifts as well as jewelry or makeup.
They may also have these bonding nights with you where they wanna give you makeovers n such, like having a girls night, complete with wine, Facebook or Twitter, face masks with the cucumbers, Madonna, etc.
Also Madonna karaoke, if anyone disagrees on the fact that lychee listens to Madonna I’m quitting-
“MATERIAL GIRL!” Tells you to slay cutely and that they love ya!
Spams you with hearts and flowers bc why not it’s cute
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
okay they’re stiff as hell with nicknames. You started to call them “dear,” just to see how they would react. And they just continued to call you by your name. As your relationship progressed they did start to call you “honey.” Thats about it.
Longan is weird about nicknames. Don’t get too soft with them, they don’t like it.
Prefers you call them nicknames in private as they do so as well. Is very private and doesn’t like to show much emotion.
Calls you pet names when they’re tired, as they don’t realize all the time that they do, plus they when they’re tried, there a lot more docile.
Calls you “princess,” and “my beloved” while cuddling.
Will not admit it no matter what you or the other dragons do but they love to be babied when tired. Call them baby boy when he warms up in cuddling. Will kiss your neck and tell you they love you.
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
No that’s wrong ❌
You think Longan is romantic and caring?? They can get this way… after some millennia. But love is something Longan fears. They’re extremely protective of their heart and will not get attached quickly.
However, if you’re immortal, that’s different.
The fear still lingers though that somehow they will have to outlive you. So they try to be as understanding as possible to make sure you don’t leave them. Key word being try.
Most if not all their knowledge on how to be romantic comes from movies and or books they have read. 
So they are probably the most cliche out of the dragons. Roses, jazz, that shit. Incredibly cheesy and their attempts make you laugh, which makes them confused, but they’re trying, okay? It’s the thought that counts! If it makes you feel better they really like movies and will watch them with you. 🧡
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abysskeeper · 24 days
Writing Interview Tag Game!
This was fun! Thanks for the tag @dr-demi-bee :D!
If I tagged you in an answer and you want to steal it from me, please do. Otherwise...hey friend @captain-castaway // @scrawlingmouse! And open tagging anyone else. There's only a select few I feel I can annoy these days.
Under a readmore because I, per usual, am long winded and do not want to ruin people's dashes.
When did you start writing?
Oh I was quite little, probably 6 or 7? I have a distinct memory of standing in my grandparents' kitchen, showing my step-grandmother a little flip-book I made about a frog when I was around that age. I had some of my poetry published in a children's anthology too. Unfortunately, at that time most of my family were more interested in my math and science scores than anything creative I did.
I got into forum-based roleplay when I was 10 (joined a Warrior Cats guild on Neopets) and from there really, the rest was history. That's why I say that I'm truly an rper at heart, to this day rp and collaboration are still where I have the most fun writing. But otherwise, I got into writing solo stuff when I was 10 or 11 and met friends who actually enjoyed creating as much as I did and didn't treat writing like some weird interest that got in the way of school. And I started writing and posting fanfiction when I was around 14 or 15.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I'm pretty much in the boat of what you see is what you get. I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy and primarily write sci-fi and fantasy. Specifically, my subgenres could be specified as 'post-apocalypse' and 'urban fantasy' in such a way that they're pretty indistinguishable from each other. High fantasy counts as my guilty pleasure. My reading picks usually follow suit.
I guess the one place where I do split is romance. I tend to write a lot more romance than I read. Honestly, I'm not really a huge fan of reading romance...but I think that's a combination of me being incredibly picky on what I want in a romance and an over-saturation of the market that I'm not willing to put the work into to find exactly what I'm looking for.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I'm not really trying to emulate any one style or author. I believe it is important to read multiple authors and get an idea of what's out there--both classic and contemporary--but at the end of the day, I do want my own, distinct voice in my works.
That said, I was compared to Gaiman a few times in my creative writing courses in college. Current scandal aside, I still consider it to be a compliment. Funny too, given I've never read any of his works. Also, I list Ray Bradbury as my favorite author...so I'm sure that influences something.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
"Space" is a generous term.
I have a small Asus laptop that I use as a writing computer. It's tiny and portable and can go wherever, thus I write wherever. Primarily at home, I'm either in the living room sitting in the 15-to-20-year-old rocking chair I inherited from my parents or up in my bedroom, which has access to both a gray loveseat and my bed. There's nothing remarkable about either of these places really. My bedroom has some figures and odd knick-knacks, as well as the stuffed penguin and Eeyore pillow I hug or use as lap pillows.
I've also been known to break out the laptop in the break room at work, at my work desk, and at various Paneras/Starbucks/local cafes throughout the city. I like being malleable.
My home desk is currently in a large room filled with boxes, as we're still unpacking from buying a house. I imagine that once it's a little more filled, I'll be more likely to start writing at my desk again. I want to, it does have all of my fun things (figures, charms, the switchblade I bought at the Ren faire, the standee @gothamcityneedsme got of our OCs together), but for now the desktop is used for gaming almost exclusively.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music 100%. Want me to write something? Give me a song, explain to me why it fits what you want me to write, and let me go for 2-3 days. I'll come back to you with something.
Also, not being able to write. Catch me daydreaming and plotting while I'm super busy at work. Nothing brings out a muse faster than 2 hours of mouse colony maintenance that I absolutely do not want to be doing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Hello, yes, I think way too much about this all the time. My answer to this could be a 5k essay on its own. I am restraining myself.
In late high school/early college, I did a turn-heel on all of the angsty and dark stuff I was roleplaying with my group at the time, and instead got really really into the concept of 'hope as spite.' Hope in the face of all the violence. Hope spitting on the cycles that came before you and promising to do better. That's remained true over the years since, and I think it's where I'm going to be remaining for the rest of my time.
My other biggest thing is probably themes regarding identity. I told my AP English teacher in high school my favorite rhetorical device was mirrors/reflections, and that's still true. Primarily, I really like the concepts of lost and rediscovered identities. Rebuilding yourself after a crisis and discovering what parts of you remain, what parts are gone, and what parts are new and forged in the fire that built you.
Other, more common themes include: intergenerational/familial tensions and trauma, martyr complexes, explorations of death, explorations on love (what is selfish vs selfless and how both are necessary), interplay of light and dark dynamics, and I could probably give a whole Ted Talk on why magical healing is terrifying, actually. Lately, chronic illnesses have been creeping into a lot of my characters as well.
Which is all to say, I think about my favored themes and rhetorical devices a lot. None of them really surprise me anymore. A part of you goes into every bit you write, I think, and those all are surely a part of me in some way, shape, or form.
What is your reason for writing?
If I do not, the urge will eat me alive. I'm mostly kidding, I write for fun and as an outlet and escape from day to day life. However, I have tried to quit multiple times and I always only felt worse at the prospect of never writing again.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Anything. Anything at all. Writing is an incredibly lonely venture most of the time, and as I said, I'm an rper at heart. If I get anything that signifies there is someone on the other side of the screen enjoying what I'm throwing into the void, it means the world.
That said, I guess the comments that motivate me the most are the ones that actually look and engage with what I've written. Ones that notice little thematics or rhetorical devices that I put into my work, or ones that like the characterizations that I've done (or the real way to my heart, like my OCs). It's something @gothamcityneedsme and I have been doing with each other with our own original stuff for years...so I kinda got used to that and completely forgot that it isn't the norm.
Also, I entered a zine server once after getting accepted and @aevallare informed me one of my application pieces made her feel things. Of course, she had something nice to say to every writer by way of being a sweet human, but it still floored my ass and, quite frankly, I've been chasing that high ever since. It helps on the bad days to remember someone of Alex's caliber found worth in my work...really puts the final nail in the coffin of the imposter syndrome. (And really, please go read her stuff. She's incredible.)
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Approachable and honest and genuine. The former is the rper again. I want to talk, I do! I'm just a severely socially anxious mess who can't start a conversation and gets far too nervous about being a bother.
The latter is...well. Look, I'm well aware my writing isn't for everyone, and I don't necessarily want it to be. But I do want it to be honest and something I genuinely wanted to write and put into the world. I also want it to be honest in the sense that I fully believe the messages and emotions I'm trying to convey. A little piece of you goes into everything you write. I don't need everyone to accept or like what I write, but I hope the ones that do know that I mean it.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dogged perseverance. Outside forces, chronic illness, depression, and imposter syndrome have all attempted to get me to give up writing multiple times in my life. They've nearly succeeded more than once...but nothing has actually succeeded yet.
Also weird, philosophical character studies that no one actually wants, if we're going on a more technical "what's your best form of writing" route.
How do you feel about your own writing?
On the days where I'm trying to build confidence? It's the best thing ever. On the worst of the worst days? I'm one click away from deleting everything I've ever publicly posted.
In general, I'm in the middle. I'm a tiny fandom writer with minimal engagement and no intentions of publishing anytime soon (if ever). But I'm also having fun and I like what I write. That's enough...that's all it needs to be. It can be incredibly frustrating and demotivating at times for any number of reasons, but it's also some of the most fun I've ever had, and at this point I think it's safe to say that I'm never trading that in.
Love what kills you, and when it doesn't it'll make you stronger. Or something.
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 11 months
hey howdy hey, guess who it is (hey now, back again!) i know i keep coming back again and again, please don't get sick of me/lh!
ok ok so uh,,, how would the turtles react to having an s/o who is VERY into the decora kei subgenre (i.e, bright colors, puffy underskirts/clothing, a thousand different hair clips, sanrio themed purses/accesories, etc.)... but they're in trouble- they overhear (like the s/o scream or something), come to help, and like,,, the s/o has everything under control. the patent leather pumps they always wear are now stepping down HARD on the assailant, that little cute My Melody purse now has the straps wrapped around their neck in a chokehold, etc.
tbh, I have never heard of that style before now, but with the contrast between the initial description (plus a Google search) and the end of your prompt, I'm all for it.
And hey y'all, I am back from the dead. If I'm honest, I likely won't post as much but I'm here now. Lets a go.
He would try to understand the subgenre/subculture so he can keep an eye out for things you would like
He often has April do shopping runs when he finds out a specific store has something you would like
(She always tells him, "You owe me one," but doesn't really mean it. She does love the things he picks out for you.)
He would most definitely panic if you texted him you were in trouble
You guys have your locations shared with each other, which helped him find you quite easily
But when he got there, he actually panicked even more
He was also kind of scared (But he'll never admit that)
There were a total of four assailants
You had the chain of your purse choking one of them
Another was already unconscious
A third was halfway conscious, and Leo was sure he had at least three broken bones in his legs.
The fourth you had pinned under your foot- the heel of your shoe was one millimeter away from breaking the skin of his neck.
You look at him and smile for a second
"Wanna help?"
"Oh shit, yeah."
He takes care of the one who had your purse chain around his neck
You end up kicking the one under your foot, which ends up knocking him unconscious
"What happened?"
"I panicked. I was just trying to get some snacks."
You pulled out a small pack of macarons from a nearby bakery
He just awkwardly laughed at the fact you went from knocking out four grown men to your usual self
You notice but don't say anything
He handles everything a bit differently.
He finds Decora Kei a bit weird at first
He doesn't get the appeal
But then you guys actually meet in person, and he gets it
Compared to the bland colors of the city, he loves the colors of the style
He doesn't go as far as Leo does with getting you gifts, but he does knit some things for you once in a while
Bright pink fingerless gloves, a bright yellow scrunchie, thick multicolored socks for when the colder months come, and other stuff like that
When you received the first gift, you were confused
You loved it but were confused
But then you saw pieces of yarn stuck to his clothes occasionally, and you put the pieces together.
He would leave them on your back patio and stuff for you to find.
He would get freaked out if you said you were in trouble
He was able to find you, and when he did, he was afraid
Very afraid
There were three unconscious men at your feet, and you were currently beating the ever-loving shit out of a fourth
It took you a minute to notice him
But when you did, the guy you were beating was unconscious
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."
"If you keep knitting me things, you'll be good."
You laughed when he got flustered.
He knew of Decora Kei before you guys met.
When he found out you were into it, too, he was so excited
He is able to 3-D Print some personalized hair clips, bracelets, earrings, etc.
If there was anything you wanted, he would make it for you.
He had always wanted to make stuff like that before but never knew what to do with it after- he knew his brothers would judge him for it.
But now that he's with you, he has a reason to make everything and has someone to share that general interest with.
When you called him to say something was wrong, he was out on patrol and absolutely panicked.
He felt that you were stronger than you let on but had no way to prove it, so he had offensive weapons ready- just in case.
But when he got there, he was immediately proven right
You had only one shoe on- the other was heel-deep in the throat of one of your attackers.
You had knocked the second attacker unconscious with your bag
You also had the third attacker at knifepoint with his own knife to his throat.
"Hi, Don."
"Hi? That's what you have to say?"
"What else is there to say?"
"Fair enough."
He tied up the one you had at knifepoint as you tied up the one you had knocked unconscious.
Neither of you worried about the one with a shoe sticking out of his throat.
Neither of you talk about this in the presence of his brothers, either.
He immediately loves all of the colors.
He begs you for some of your spare hair clips even though you don't know why
Then, after a while, see the clips on the strings of his bandana and his necklaces.
He loved watching you get ready.
Seeing you go from your boring work uniform to your usual style fascinated him.
He valued every part of your passion for Decora Kei, which you're not quite used to yet.
Having someone who appreciates your style "just because" is a foreign concept.
He's also your biggest fan, especially when you're trying new makeup.
When he gets your text saying you're in trouble, he almost brushes it off
Many of your older skirts had been ripping lately, so he thought another had torn.
But then you called, and he heard other people in the background that didn't sound all too friendly.
When he found you, to say he was surprised was an understatement
"When did you get a bedazzled pocket knife?"
"Last week- I had it personalized."
He piled the three attackers in the back of the alley, left a quick note for Vincent apologizing, and then took you home.
He would not stop admiring your pocket knife.
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
Hiiii! How are you??? :) hope you are having a good day<3 may I ask for a romantic Tokyo revengers matchup, please??
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual, but mostly attracted to men. I'm usually very friendly with everyone and willing to help people. I make friends easily and I'm very easygoing, like I could make friends with other random girls on the streets because if I find a girl very pretty or I like her style I usually come up to her and tell her and we start talking and talking like we already knew each other, lol. I'm very very loyal with my friends and family and I'm willing to go confront someone for them if they are having beef with someone else and asking for my help. I talk a lot about things that I like but I am a very good listener. I'm also very very forgetful and very very messy. I'm not good at school, like at all, I just have my head in the clouds most of the time. I'm also a very affectionate and touchy friend, most people find me pretty funny and chill, I tend to swear a lot even in normal conversations, even when I'm not mad, and I fall in love soooo easily, like way too easily😭 I have very very low standards even though I like more older, masculine and tall guys I also really really don't mind nerds, sensitive boys, artists, ykwim?? But I usually gravitate towards people who I think can take care of me and give me a little bit of princess treatment, patient lovers. I'm also kind of the type of girlfriend who is kinda like your best friend. But I just fall very easily and get heartbreaks a lot. I'm a very sensitive person, very empathetic, but sometimes I'm unintentionally rude to my friends or other people, so I can be rude and uncalled sometimes and I'm very ashamed of that after, and sometimes especially with professors I can be easy to put up a fight with since I have a sharp tongue- my hobbies are drawing, photography, watching anime, singing, theater, acting,the history of cinema and animation, makeup and hanging out with my friends :)
I dislike people who are mean just because they think it's fun to be randomly mean to someone, people who look at you weird or snob you when you compliment them, when people touch my stuff without asking, when someone hurt animals and people who just can't stand up for themselves not even a little bit. I really like Italian old love songs, love books from the 50s 60s (they are literally so romantic without being cliche), musicals, disney movies expecially the old ones, animation, flowers (even though im allergic🧍🏻‍♀️), making people laugh, imprevedibile and fun people, dressing feminine, horror and romantic movies, videogames, old rock and romantic music.
I'm 5'0 with long long brown hair with highlights and bangs, amber eyes with long lashes, thin lips, a mole next to my nose and I always try to smile bc I like how I look when I smile :) my skin is pretty taken care of and clear, i love dressing feminine but mostly dress with baggy pants and a crop top or compression shirt, something like that, but sometimes i love putting on very short miniskits and platforms to look taller (I never wear non-platform shoes bc I wanna look taller). Also I love wearing hello kitty stuff😭❤️
I feel like this is way too much I am so so sorry- you can ignore if you don't feel like doing it🙏❤️
Have a great day, love the way you write, keep it up :D
Hi. I am doing pretty good. You didn't write too much at all and I would never ignore it. And thank you for the kind words. I want to let you know that I picked someone who could be considered controversial. If you don't like it, DM me and I will give you another. I hope you like it!
You Got...
Tetta Kisaki!!!!
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I know. He's...him. But hear me out!
He's into girls who are friendly and super nice. You also give me Hina vibes.
He seems to be into very into things like history and film. I think you two would talk about film, it's history, how different camera angles are used, etc.
He would get you so many vintage things like books and old records. Anything to see you smile.
He would love that you fall so easily. That means it is easier for him to win you over. Although, he will try very hard to be the perfect partner.
Will treat you like a princess.
Most people would think he would hate someone who is not great in school. But I believe he would like that because then he could tutor you and spend more time with the person he loves.
Slow dancing to old songs in the living room!
Would love that you can fight for yourself. Makes him worry less about you and your wellbeing. He will still worry, but a little less
And lastly, he will love you no matter what. If you are rude, he will love you. When you are upset, he will love you.
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
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@brideofsevenless hope you don't mind me pulling up your comment like this, but it's easier to answer that in a new post.
What I did (but would not actually recommend) is get a spinning wheel and figure it out from there. Didn't even look up online tutorials or anything at first. I suspect my spinning style is a little weird as a result. Even a basic spinning wheel is quite an investment, so this might not be the smartest way to go about it XD Worked for me, I started in 2016 I think? And have gotten yarn worth the initial cost out of it many times over by now (also, the wheel was a gift).
However. If you want to just try out spinning, I would recommend a fall spindle. They are easy to make, and can also easily be found online. I don't know where you are located & thus can't really recommend anything other than Etsy (with a certain amount of disgust, horrible website), but if you search for "spindle starter set" you should find something. Combed wool like I have in the post you replied to is called roving, wool that has just been carded is called fleece, if you just want to look for fiber (roving is generally easier to work with).
Another great thing if you're just getting started if mixed bags of fiber. Wool doesn't equal wool, the breed makes a massive difference, as does the origin of the fiber, even if it's the same breed, especially merino wools can vary massively depending on the region.
Wools that are very silky, soft and fluffy are usually a bit more tricky to spin than fiber that has a good grip to it and feels a bit more robust. I would not recommend starting with non-wool fibers such as alpaca or silk and would definitely not recommend plant fibers (linen, ramie, viscose) for an absolute beginner. These can be very frustrating to work with if you're still figuring things out.
You can also make a drop spindle yourself, if you want to, all you need is a stick and a weight, basically. An old DPN will work, just make sure the weight is evenly distributed. You can put glass beads at the bottom, or an eraser cut into a round shape. a little beat on top will keep the yarn from slipping off:
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(I recommend bying a spindle though, they are inexpensive and usually better balanced than something thrown together with whatever scraps one has at home)
As for the actual spinning, there's countless youtube tutorials. Again, I can't really recommend anything specific because yt tutorials are not really my learning style at all but I'm sure there's someone out there that works for you. If just to get a glimpse at the actual mechanics of spinning & seeing that it's really not that intimidating.
If anyone has more tips feel free to share! Happy spinning it's a very nice hobby (but also addictive and a sign you have terminal fiber craft brain :D)
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