#wanting to believe they're no devil..... or is it just me and Sam Winchester..........
suncaptor · 3 months
anyone else feel like oh they believe man they had potential. if they had it got it right. could have been there could have been special. in the white light. but they've been having trouble they're not well. got lost along the well. the devil dragged them straight to hell. no sleep no way you can't stay. how did they end up this far gone was it on them all along?
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franklespine · 6 months
They really didn't do enough with the sam seeing visions and thinking that they're from God, when really they're from Lucifer plotline in s11, because holy crap that was good. There is something that is just so devastatingly fascinating about sam, desperate to believe in a force greater than himself, and for that force of divine intervention and purity to have chosen him. Then to have these visions show him his deepest and most central traumatic wound, to lead him back towards this suffering. Oh the TURMOIL.
Sam has always craved purity - he has always wanted desperately to belong, to be pure like everyone else. The little kid who thought he could never go on a holy quest because he wasn't clean enough, who went on to find out about the demon blood fed to him when he was an infant and thinking this is the puzzle piece he was missing - this is the answer to why he feels the way he does - he is impure and wretched on a biological level. He is filled with self-doubt in s1-2 as to his powers and what this means for him, clawing at faith (faith in Dean and their policy of saving people as much as faith in a religious sense) to feel stabalised. He is frustrated and angry in s4 at this demon blood in him, the fact that there is something innately evil in him that he can never 'rip out' or 'scrub clean'. Then by the time s8 rolls around he LEAPS at the chance to purify himself. Yeah, cause that's healthy. All of this is to say that when sam gets his first vision after praying in the hospital chapel, he wants so desperately to believe that it is God who has looked down on him and thought him worthy. That, for once, the divine have been the ones to put their faith in him, not the devil.
And then the reveal. It was never God. It was never something holy.
Evil has kept its claws in him since he was six months old and he will never be clean of it. It was the devil all along. This realisation is crushing and I will never get over Sam's face as he realises, wide eyed with shock and horror as a tears spills out of his eye. Devastating.
But yet the deep seeded horror of this plotline is so underexplored. Like, call me biased but I would have really stretched this idea out a few more episodes at LEAST. Place more emphasis on this moral conundrum between wanting to have faith and yet this faith asking you to do something no person should ever go through.
In fact, I loved the first few episodes of s11, they had me on the edge of my seat. The black veined virus thing?? Amazing - I want more. It would have been cool to have seen this be a continuous thing across the whole season. Like if the season slowly devolved into this kind of wrought post-apocalyptic thing. Ik that probably wouldn't work but I would have loved to see it. And creepy baby Amara and that exorcism stuff - so cool. Anyway, this post is kind of a mess, but I just loved how s11 started; the darker tone, the boys completely out of their depth, the idea of this biblical plague that makes people 'unclean, in the biblical sense' - super fun ideas. It's not that I didn't like where s11 ended up, but I just feel like at some point the tone completely changed and it just got a bit... goofy. I blame Lucifer, mainly (and chuck). Every scene with Lucifer and Sam I was pulling my hair out cause WHY IS SAM SO CALM?? This guy literally tortured him for centuries and had him so dreadfully freaked out at the start of the season and now its like yeah whatever. And it's not like I expected it to take centre stage or anything but in theory, the idea that the Winchester's bestest bestie Cas is possessed by Lucifer, who they actually now need to stop Amara should have been some crazy psycho horror shit. Sam should have been seeing Lucifer's mannerisms like second nature, thinking he's going crazy. Dean should be worried that Sam's is going off his rocker and yet also feeling something so fundamentally off with Cas. But they just didn't feel the need to delve into that whatsoever I guess.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I really loved the ideas, particularly surrounding Sam, that were going on at the start of s11. I think using this as a springboard would have been a really interesting exploration of character for him, and Dean too as he is forced to confront how Sam's relationship with faith and purity differs from his own, and then ultimately a revaluation of the way he sees him. I mean, he wasn't exactly supportive once he found out Sam having demon blood had some side effects. Even when he didn't know about Sam drinking demon blood or Ruby, even when Sam was truly just saving people he called him a monster, told him that if he didn't know him, he's want to hunt him. Crazy times.
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calaryssia · 2 years
Unexplainable | "Let's Ice the Devil."
Unexplainable Masterlist
Dean Winchester x Reader
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"Hey darling, I need you asap." I rolled my eyes.
"why do you always tend to need me at the worst of times?" I sit in the middle of my room looking at my nails. "come on, you know you owe me for everything i've helped you with." I got up and finally turned around to face him.
"what is it?" I say with a harsh look on my face.
" I need you to help me with a trade I'm making. I need the backup just in case."
"okay, sounds easy enough. whose it is?" he looked at me like he knew that my reaction would not be good. "they're hunters." and he was right.
"hell no!" i can't believe he's doing this. setting us up like this. It's basically like asking for us to get killed.
"i promise darling, nothing will happen to you." he looked into my eyes with promise. "fine. when will they be here?" then we heard the door open from downstairs. "now.'' Crowley then snapped his fingers and we were downstairs in the living room. nazi's were on the tv, of course. the power suddenly turned off signaling they were here. We both got up and crowley led the way, me trailing behind him. He walked through the entrance and stopped so I stopped a while after him. making sure i wasn't seen by whoever was in the other room.
"it's crowley right?" that voice sounded familiar.
"so.. the hardy boys finally found me. took you long enough."
he walks forward more while i stay in my place, out of sight. He walks up to a rug that is slightly scrunched up. what do they think that he's dumb or something? he lifts it up to reveal a devils trap. he gets back up. "Do you have any idea how much that rug costs?" I hear them get grumbled up by crowley's goons. I decided to make my presence known. I came into the doorway and looked toward the middle part of the room and there were the men that I never thought I'd see again. the winchesters.
"belle?" Dean said looking at me with surprise and a bit of betrayal in his eyes. "shit."
"you know these lads?" Crowley looked at me with confusion.
shapeshifter. been tracking it for a little bit. wishing i was doing something better with my time but here I am doing all i can. who knew that i was going to meet some hunters along the way.
i was scoping the suers when i saw two guys looking at the peeled off skin from the shifter. I use some of my powers to push them up against the wall. they grimace at the sudden contact from the wall. I pull out my silver knife just in case they are shifters themselves.
"who the hell are you?" the shorter one questions and the taller ones look at me with confusion.
"are you shifters?" I say walking closer to them.
"no, we aren't" the tall one says looking at me with his puppy eyes. I bring my silver knife up to his arm and nick him a little with it then do the same to the other guy. I sigh with relief and wave my hand as they come off of the wall. they come down relieved of the predicament that they were in.
"again like i said, who the hell are you?" the shorter one keeps giving me the eyes of 'i'm totally going to kill you' i raise my hands in surrender.
"My name is Belle, I'm a witch, but i'm good. i mean no harm to you, i'm hunting this shapeshifter just like y'all." he pulls out his gun aiming it at me. "and why should we believe you?`` I keep my hands up. the tall one grabs the other by the arm to make him aim his gun away from me. "dean, can you not? she may help." 
"you're kidding me right? what after everything, you being good and all. that was what, a whole bunch of bullshit?" the dean was mad. very mad. 
"Dean calm down, I'm sure she has her reasons." Sam is always on my side.
"i mean really belle, working with a demon."
"Like Sam said, I have my reasons, now can we get to the problem at hand." i say, i wasn't necessarily wanting to have this conversation right now. I didn't want Crowley to get any ideas that I was weak or anything.
"let's get this show on the road shall we?" Crowley says looking at me like 'we will talk more about this later.' he then pulls out the colt. "this is it, right?" he handles it lightly. "This is what it's all about." He then aims it toward Dean, then moves it over to the goon holding him, shooting him in the head, killing him. He then does the same with the one holding sam. when they dropped to the ground they looked at crowley confused. "we need to talk, privately."
we walk into the study, me and crowley in front, the boys following close behind. "what the hell is this?" dean says questionably. "do you know how deep i could have buried this thing?" he turns to the boys as he walks behind the desk as i sit in the chair next to him. "belle.'' Crowley said as he nodded toward the door, with the wave of my hand the door closes. The boys look back after hearing the door close.
"there's no reason you or anyone should know this even exists at all." I look at them both and nod with a giggle escaping from my lips. "except that i told you." crowley continues.
"you told us?" Sam says confusion on his face.
"rumors, innuendo... sent out of the grapevine." I spit out looking toward the boys with purpose in my eyes. they look at me for a second then look back at crowley. they weren't going to look at me the same. not until we actually have a conversation.
"why? why tell us anything?" Sam can be so cute when he's confused. I smile thinking about it. Crowley picks up the colt again aiming it near dean. "i want you to take this to lucifer, and empty it into his face." Crowley put his serious voice on. I always made fun of him when he did that to make the situation light hearted but it didn't seem good to do in this situation.
"uh-huh, okay." Dean says, then pauses for a split second. "and why would you want the devil dead?"
"it's called.." Crowley starts putting the colt back down. "survival." I finished off for him. "but i forgot, you two, at best, are functional morons." Crowley says I chuckle a little bit.
"yeah, you're functioning.. morans... mor-" dean tried to say as a come back but fails.
"lucifer isn't just a demon, remember?'' Crowley continues with ignoring deans previous comment. "he's an angel. an angel famous for his hatred of humankind. to him your just... filthy bags of pus. if that's the way he feels about you." he pauses for a second. "what can he think about us?"
"but he created you." Sam says questionably.
"to him were just.. servants. cannon fodder." crowley says. I then decided to voice my opinion or give my two senses. "if lucifer manages to exterminate mankind, they're next." I say, with crowley nodding. "so, help me huh?" crowley speaks again. "let's go back to simpler, better times. back to.. when we could all follow our natures. i'm in sales, damn it." he pauses again for a short time. i decided to speak again.
"so what do you say?" I move to the front of the table with crowley and grab the colt and start to hold it out in front of me as a way of offering it. "So what if, we give you this and you go kill the devil?" I say smirking at them.
they both look between each other questionably. before Sam brings his hand up to grab the colt from my hand. "okay." he mumbles out. Crowley smiles looking at them pleased "great." the boys pause there for a second. Sam then starts back up again. "you wouldn't happen to know where the devil is, by chance, would you?"
Crowley thinks for a minute before drawing his conclusions. "thursday.. birdies tell me.. he has an appointment in Carthage, missouri." Sam stares back down at the colt, dean and him both exchange glances. "Great, thanks," Sam says then points the colt at Crowley's head. i tense up a little bit, but crowley looks unfazed, i know that if he's not worried i shouldn't be. Sam started to pull the trigger but nothing happened. Sam and Dean looked at the gun confused and I let out a sigh of relief.
Crowley moves a little from his spot and starts to the desk while saying "oh, yeah, right. you probably need some more ammunition." he pulls the drawer out, i look at him confused but he ignores me as dean speaks. "uh, excuse me for asking but aren't you kind of sighing at your own death warrant? what happens to you if we go up against the death warrant and lose?"
"number one: he's gonna wipe us all out anyway. two: after you leave here, i go on an extended vacation to all points nowhere. three: belle's going with you to help / make sure you get the job done. and four: how about you don't miss?!? okay?! morons!" welp didn't know i was doing that but, i can't lie i'd love to see that asshole die if this works out. He then tosses the ammo to Dean before he disappears to wherever.
"Welp," I say before crossing my arms. "never thought you'd see me again did ya boys?" i'm smirking toward them then dean fixates on me finally and his face turns sour. this can't be good.
"so you're working with a demon now? what the hell, belle?" I laugh. "hehe you just rhymed." Dean stares at me with his cold green eyes. "answer the question."
"i can't tell you right now. Maybe after we ice lucifer we can talk but my situation isn't important right now. If you're worried about me, don't be. I'm not in trouble or anything, I'm doing this out of my own will."
"why do i find that hard to believe?'' Sam is staying out of this. He knows better than to get between us when we fight. the few times we have it hasn't been pretty. "what happened to you? what happened to the good little witch we met all those years ago, huh? whatever that demon has over you, we can get you out. you just have to tell us."
"what part of i'm fine do you not understand? gosh dean why do you think i'm gonna help you? if i was bad would i want to help you the tiniest bit?"
"I don't know belle." he says rolling his eyes. I hate when he does this.
"hey, thanks again." Dean says looking at me smirking. ever since he finally let me help him and sam with this hunt he's been flirting with me. i thought he was just casually flirting with me like it was his personality but, after what the shifter said i'm pretty sure he just wants to get in my pants.
"yeah, whatever dean." i roll my eyes annoyed but let out a laugh. Guys like dean always thought they could get what or who ever they wanted. I wasn't gonna let him have me. I ignore him and walk over to Sam who's waiting outside of the car.
"Hey, here's my number, if you ever need me call me. i can help you out." I gave him a piece of paper with my number on it. I sigh and look over where Dean his, he keeps staring at me. I look back at sam. "thanks, really you helped a lot." he says smiling at me.
I smile back at him and pull him in for a hug. Sam is shocked for a little bit then ends up giving into the hug. I pulled away and turned around to see Dean a little hurt that I hugged Sam before him or over him. I laugh and open my arms and motion for Dean to come over and hug me.
he smiles a little coming over to me. He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his neck. this hug was longer than the one me and Sam shared it meant more. Once he pulled away I placed a kiss on his cheek. I smiled for the last time before I backed away looking at them both.
"bye boys."
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sarah-dipitous · 7 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 272
Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell/Smile
“Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell”
Plot Description: The Winchesters must unravel a complicated case of a demonic deal one wrong when an invisible hellhound claims a soul at a campsite
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: yes because I wouldn’t be camping. Too many people on supernatural die while camping for me to ever go
Aw man, they were (maybe) gonna get engaged
Deeeeeean being interested and still grossed out in how many monster parts are…all over him
Why is Sam’s……….Sam named his monster hunting algorithm Frodo. That’s so unbelievably cute. Sam has a Frodo he takes along to defeat evil 🥹
What….what is Cas even investigating?? I forgot that this came out before last year for a second and I really thought this guy believed the queen was killed by aliens and not that she was one
I hate this restaurant owner. Even Castiel can see through his bullshit
Unfortunately, there IS something, but it’s not aliens, it’s angels and demons
Literally though, I am ON Crowley’s side but in the way I’m terrified for him. He’s been so much about self preservation this WHOLE TIME, why would you fuck up and do to Lucifer what he did to you?? Are you out of your goddamn mind?? He is AWFULLY sure of himself and i don’t think he should be
Has he been spending ALL his time taunting Lucifer instead of his Hell responsibilities??
I get so tickled when normal ass people get dragged into conversations they shouldn’t around the Winchesters. This woman doesn’t NEED to know the whole backstory of the hellhound that tried to kill her straight from Crowley’s mouth, but she’s getting it and she’s taking it surprisingly well
Omg did these demons double cross Crowley and purposely let out the hellhound that’s only loyal to Lucifer?? It’s really that simple? Look, I love Crowley as a character but the simplicity of Lucifer’s plans is so fucking good
Ok nope, they did this on their own (probably…maybe?). They planned all that out of loyalty to Lucifer, but Lucifer had nothing to do with it (maybe). Crowley really needs to get his house in order
Do you really WANT to be back under Heaven’s thumb, Cas?? You know better…you know who your family is.
Lucifer is gonna kill these demons IMMEDIATELY after getting freed. He doesn’t have the bureaucratic heart Crowley does….he doesn’t care about the deal he just made. HE’S THE ACTUAL FUCKING DEVIL FROM THE BIBLE
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I get it, girl. I, too, would like to give Crowley a hug. He’s gonna need it
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Sorry not sorry for loving characters that sit like this, especially on a throne
Oh holy shit. How…how did Crowley turn off Lucifer’s ARCHANGEL POWERS?!?! How’s he absolutely kicking Lucifer’s entire ass? I’m not attracted to Crowley but this is doing something for me. So much for Crowley getting soft over the years
I know that name from Good Omens! Dagon was not as powerful in that…
Castiel. I can’t believe you’re going back to heaven…
SAMUEL I-DONT-KNOW-YOUR-MIDDLE-NAME WINCHESTER!!! I don’t know how I didn’t see it. I’m feeling a little dumb that I got fooled. To be fair, there was a lot that went on between when I watched yesterday’s episode and now. Of course “Frodo” is actually the BMoL. I’m so mad at him and me
Oh Dean. Dean. Deeeeeeeeean…you shouldn’t have had to find out this way. More people need to be honest with him forever and always. How can you look at his betrayed face and ever want to see that again??
He’s taking it way better than I expected. Is it practice? From feeling betrayed so often? And so recently? He’s still hurt though….
Plot Description: The Doctor takes Bill to a spectacular city--but where are the colonists?
Ahaha! I've wised up since last time! Now, WHY does my tv like to occasionally not show the video and only give me the audio? I don't know, but at least now I know better than to think they're gonna serve me up a blank screen for ten minutes.
As a mode of transportation, the TARDIS is a funny thing. It CAN take you anywhere, but hearing that you don't steer it, you negotiate with it...maybe I've been a driver too long. Even though driving is basically second nature, hearing about having to actually negotiate with your mode of transportation....like....we haven't had to do that since horses.
Why...why is the Doctor not supposed to go off-world? Like, I'm glad we're finally finding a balance between the Moffat- and RTD-esque seasons, but I do want to know now, please and thank you. Also, why doesn't Nardole like Bill?? Bill's great!!!!
Oh...I don't like this place they're going. It is literal toxic positivity central. If you get too sad you get basically vaporized??? Boooooo
Oh good, the explanation (so far) is he did a thing, something happened, he made an oath to not leave Earth. Thanks, Doctor.
I know there's a difference between hieroglyphs and memes and emojis when it comes to communication, but i do love that a form of picture communication has survived millions of years onto humanity's first colony. Did it have to be emojis though?
Omg, the little emoji badge the Doctor has and it's puzzled face is adorable. However...the reasoning behind it is less cute. Oh, when he said skeleton crew...he...he meant the crew sent here to set everything up has been turned to skeletons
I doubt you'll be safe outside of the city precisely because you said you would be. However, in the TARDIS seems pretty safe.
It's so funny that this "have to appear happy" story was given to Twelve. The only one who could possibly also have such a funny time doing this is Nine. Ten and Eleven could appear genuinely happy at any moment if they needed. Twelve needs to convince these robots, and he still doesn't SOUND happy
Billllllll, don't let the TARDIS hear you call this a proper spaceshippp please. I like you too much
Actually, Bill, I'm so sorry I said that to you. This is like a Star Wars spaceship...the interior makes no sense and OSHA would have a FIT if they could see the lack of railings on these bridges. You were right
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Someone, anyone, George Lucas, explain to me why very important technology is always kept in the middle of four walkways over the gaping maw you’re generously calling a room and there are no railings, pleasenowtellmeyes?
Coolcoolcool. All the work the Doctor did just now is for nought and he may have egregiously fucked up…I KNOW they’ll save humanity, they always do, but HOW? Yeah. So he was TRYING to blow up this whole city…….until the people who were cryogenically frozen started waking up.
Oh. Fun. I mean, it does make a certain amount of sense that these robots would start to learn and expand their knowledge, wrong as it may be, that grief is the enemy of happiness and that to eradicate anything that doesn’t bring happiness, you actually have to kill the very people you’re there to help keep alive…which just causes more and more grief. Yikes
Don’t vaporize the kidddddddddddddd. Please don’t do that
Ok ok ok. You hit the reset button, you turned it off and turned it on again, you wiped the robots’ memories, but did you disable the function that allowed them to do what they did? Did you keep them from killing everyone again somewhere down the line??
What a weird solution. Like, sure, the Vardi (spelling optional) became sentient and are therefore pseudo-indigenous to this planet (brought here not sentient, gained sentience while here), but to then make them basically the humans’ landlords and potentially force the human race to only exhibit ‘positive’ emotions for the rest of their time on this planet is A WEIRD SOLUTION, DOCTOR
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to-boldly-nope · 3 years
No Matter What (Castiel x Demon!Reader)
!!!Warning: suicide attempt, insecure thoughts!!! Please do not read below the cut if you are uncomfortable. If you need to talk about anything please let me know
Plot: When you made a deal with a crossroad demon, you offered your human life to save the boys. When you finally return from Hell, you fear to go back home. 
Words: >994
GIF is not mine
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You never wanted to end up this way, you were human at one point in time. You were a friend of the Winchesters and dated their friend and angel Castiel, but once you ended up in Hell it was over. It was all because you made a deal with a crossroads demon to save your friends and yourself in the long run, but it came with a price like any other demon deal.
After being stuck in Hell for three years, you were allowed to leave, but you didn't go back home. You knew that if Sam, Dean, and Cas found out then there would be a likely chance of them hurting or maybe even killing you, so you didn't go back and you probably won't.
You rolled over in the motel bed, wondering where to go next. You didn't have the money for food (even though you didn't need it anymore, you ate it to not raise suspicion) and barely had enough to pay for the room. You just wanted to be back home doing research with Sam or eating pie with Dean or just cuddling with Cas in your room. You missed all of it and it was your fault that can't go back. It was your decisions and your thoughts that refused you to let you go back to them.
You got out of the bed and walked over to the little kitchenette area and pulled the switchblade from your pocket and grabbed the little salt shaker. You poured water on the end of the blade and put salt on it, making it stick. You aimed your knife at your heart and went for it, but never made contact with your skin. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the beige trenchcoat, and the tears you didn't know you were holding back began to fall.
Castiel didn't say anything as your knees buckled and you fell to the floor. He heard the news from both the angels and the demons but he wasn't sure if he believed it when he saw the tears roll down your face.
"Get away from me!" You sobbed. "Please, just go away."
"Come back home," Cas said softly while kneeling  beside you, "we won't do anything to harm you."
"No, no," you whimpered while shaking your head in denial. "You're gonna say that and then I'm gonna show up and you're gonna hurt me."
"(Y/N)," Cas repeated while putting his hand on your shoulder, making you flinch back, "we won't hurt you. We know you haven't done anything to hurt anyone. I won't let anyone hurt you."
Cas seemed to be reading your mind. You knew all the Winchester's plans and schemes and you knew that they probably followed Cas and had their salt guns and exorcisms ready. You saw Cas shake his head, "No, they're not with me, they're at Bobby's. I haven't told them anything."
"Bobby's place is laced with traps and you know that. It'll hurt me if I even go near there so that's why I'm not going back. I don't deserve to go back and I don't deserve to be loved either. Demons can't be loved or feel love, what makes me so different from the rest of the demons? Is it because I was a human before? Is that what makes me so different?"
Cas grabbed your hand and it hurt you, not physically, but mentally. "You think you being a demon makes any difference? I tried everything to get you back even knowing the consequences of your deal. I tried breaking it, I tried to offer myself instead, I tried going after you, but nothing worked. Sam and Dean tried everything too, we've all been worrying for the past three years. We all want you home with us. I still love you, (Y/N).”
It was funny to you. You watched him smite demons without hesitation but he wouldn't dare hurt you and that just made you so mad. You wanted him to do the right thing, something a hunter would naturally do. He's an angel and you're a demon and it wasn't right!
He pulled you into and held you. You felt yourself begin to cry again as you held onto his coat to the point where your fists shook and your knuckles turned white. Only Castiel could see the humanity left in you and you wanted to yell at him for it. Only he can be so naïve.
He placed a kiss on your head and you felt yourself relax. For once in weeks you've finally relaxed. You did want to go home, get out of this dirty motel room, and into some new clothes.
"Maybe we can go home," you told Cas quietly. "But how are we going to tell Sam, Dean, and Bobby?"
"They all assumed this would happen, I don't think they would be very upset."
You gave a soft nod as you finally let go of him and wiped your tears away. "Will you take me home?"
"Of course, (Y/N)."
You and Cas looked at each other before walking into Bobby's. You forgot what the house looked like. You stepped onto the rug and stopped because of the devil's trap.
"(Y/N)?" Sam asked, making sure it was you. You nodded and his smile grew. "Dean! Bobby! (Y/N)'s back!"
The three of them came up to you, very happy to see you. Sam was the first one to hug you, slightly picking you up and making you laugh. Dean scruffed up your hair and welcomed you home. Bobby gave you a soft smile and patted your shoulder.
"I-uh-I'm sure you all assumed what happened," you started, "and it's correct, sadly, but I promise I won't-"
"You want out of the trap or not?" Bobby asked, making you nod. He pulled out his knife and raised the rug, scratching a little bit of paint off. You stepped foot outside the trap and inhaled. "Welcome back, kid."
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sofreddie · 3 years
Serendipitous Souls (Part 3)
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Summary: Y/N reveals a bit more about herself as the clock winds down to midnight.
Characters: Dean x OC!Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1,581
A/N: Here's where some of the OC comes into play. Were working to the smut, I promise.
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"Two hours," she heard Sam whisper to Dean as Sam glanced at his watch, "I think I'm gonna go lay down," he announced louder to the room, "Chuck twisting my insides really took it out of me," he chuckled, rising from his seat and tucking in the chair. Dean nodded in response, his mind too preoccupied with his own situation.
"And, Y/N?" Sam said, stopping and turning his attention to her with a genuine smile, "Thank you. For saving my life," he said with all sincerity and it made her heart clench. She didn't feel like she had done anything. But in retrospect, she supposed she had.
"You're welcome," she responded with her own soft smile. Sam nodded before heading to his room, leaving the pair in awkward silence.
Y/N sighed, her gaze falling to her hands as she fidgeted with the new ring on her finger.
"Have you ever been married before?" Dean asks.
"I have," she nodded, "Didn't end well though."
"I'm sorry," Dean responded. She merely shrugged in response, "Any kids?"
"Uh, no," she said, meeting his eyes as she flashed him a small smile, "He left because we had trouble conceiving," she huffed a laugh, "But I guess that's not going to be an issue now."
"I feel like everything I say is the wrong thing," Dean confessed defeatedly.
"No, it's fine, really," she finally relaxed, shifting back into her chair like she was ready to settle into the conversation, "They're standard 'get-to-know-you' questions. I just have shitty answers," she smirked at him.
"Mine aren't much better."
"I know."
"Yeah, I guess you do," Dean said with a furrowed brow, remembering she's a fan, of the TV show, about their lives. He shifted in his seat, a look of deep thought crossing his features, "So then I guess you know a lot about us then, right? What we do, how we live, who we are?"
"Well, tell me about you then," Dean shook it off and decided that regardless of how he felt about that information, he couldn't be upset about it. She may be a fan, but she wasn't like Becky, which he was grateful for. For starters, she wasn't squealing with excitement or trying to rub all up on either of them. If anything she was distant and trying to avoid or pull away from touch as much as possible. He supposed she still could be like that. But he just didn't feel like she was.
"Uh, well," she laughs and blushes and Dean thinks he likes the sound and look of that. It's such a stark contrast to the somber mood they've been experiencing, "Actually, it's kinda of funny-not-funny, but, uh," she chuckles again, this time seemingly embarrassed and Dean's chest feels warm, "I always felt that your existence-slash-nonexistence was like some big cosmic joke. A-and it turns out it really is!"
She's full-on laughing now and Dean's pretty sure it's a mix of the alcohol and a few hysterics. He reaches a hand across the table, resting it atop one of hers in an attempt to ground her.
"Why is it a joke?" Of all the things she could've said, that's certainly not one he expected. A joke? How could it possibly be a joke?! He remains calm and holds her gaze when she raises her head to meet his eyes. She sighs heavily and pouts and his eyes flit to her lips before quickly going back to her eyes.
"Because," she half-groans, half-whines, slumping back into her chair and removing herself from his touch. He kind of misses the feel of her already. She groans and a series of expressions cross her face and Dean realizes he can read that look. That look says 'let's rip off this bandaid and get it over with'.
"Because, my whole life I've felt so alone, so misunderstood, so out of place," she began. And all Dean can think is, 'Yeah, 'cause you were supposed to be with me'. "I'm the oldest sibling," she starts and Dean thinks he sees where this is going, "My sister? Is four years younger than me. Just like Sam is to you. And me too, by the way. I was born about seven months after Sam," she says with a light blush and a shake of her head, getting herself back on track as she rambles. Dean thinks he likes listening to her talk, even if she is rambling. She's so animated and he's enjoying just quietly taking her all in.
"I also have a younger brother, who's a year younger than my sister," she took a deep breath and Dean's eyes trailed down her neck and to her heaving collarbone peeking out from the top of her shirt. He decided she had a very nice collarbone.
"Both my parents worked all the time, demanding jobs with long hours just to pay the bills. So I was left in charge of my siblings," Dean's eyes snapped to hers and he felt a deep empathy. That was a life experience he was all too familiar with. "I had to cook and clean and do chores and walk them to school and home again. I was this weird third parent to my siblings and this sort of peer to my parents. It was a weird in-between to live in," she complained with a pained expression. Dean wanted to smooth away the crease in her brow.
"There's life experiences that are so precise and unusual, but somehow we share those things in common. When I first watched the show and discovered you," she shook her head, that embarrassed blush returning and Dean realized it kissed her collarbone. He wondered how far it went. "I didn't like you at first," Dean frowned at that, "You were too pretty, too cocky, too 'devil-may-care'," she smirked, "But after you came back from-" she hesitated with a wary glance, "-you know- you were different. And I saw you different. There was somehow more to you, more revealed. So I watched more," she explained.
"And then I quickly realized: here's this person - who has been through the same things as me, the same unusual things that make me so different, so difficult to understand. Here's someone I've been looking for my whole life. Finally! Someone who could truly understand me," she smiled but it wasn't happy as her eyes were filled with tears, "A-and he's a fictional character. It was the most painful cosmic joke ever!"
Several tears fell from her eyes and trailed down her cheeks, dripping off her jaw and chin. She shook her head to come to her senses, quickly and roughly cleaning up her face with her hands and shirt.
He froze, processing her words and how broken she looked over the whole thing. For the life of him, he could only think to say one thing.
"Y/N," he rose from his chair and walked over to her, swinging her chair sideways and crouching in front of her, "I'm right here."
"What?" she mumbled, sniffing away the last of her tears as she looked down at him in confusion.
He shifted, kneeling between her parted legs and resting his hands on her knees.
"I get where you're coming from. And I know how you feel. I get it," he emphasized, squeezing her knees, "I don't know how all this is gonna go or play out," he sighed, shaking his head, "But I know we're in this together, forever," he held up his hand to show his ring before placing it back on her knee, "But if you feel like you need me, for whatever reason…I'm right here. I can be that for you."
"You don't have to," she tried to backtrack and Dean shook his head, moving closer into her and moving his hands to her lower back, keeping her close and focused on him.
"Beyond tonight, we don't have to be anything if that's what you really want," he offered, "But I figure, if we're in this anyway, then why not try?" he shrugged, "Maybe it'll work out and we can be happy. Maybe it won't and we find we're better as friends. I don't know. But I'm willing to find out."
"Just like that?" she was skeptical, but wishful all the same. He was a million times more attractive and distracting at close proximity. His eyes. They were a force of nature all their own and she knew - especially as a fangirl - that she should've seen it coming. But somehow - despite the comments from others who had gone to conventions or the fans who wrote fic after fic about his eyes in painstaking detail - she was not prepared for the depth and captivity of those intense eyes.
"You and I," he said, gesturing between them with one hand while the other remained on her back, "We literally share a soul. We are literally two pieces that make a whole," he chuckled and shook his head, a broad smile adorning his face and she felt her heart stutter and damn near stop for a few beats, "I have to believe that means something. I feel like it does. So I'll trust in that and see where it takes us."
She was surprised and amazed at his confidence, the surety of his statements and confessions. How could he be so okay with it? He so quickly resigned to this 'fate'.
She swallowed hard, very aware of his hands on her - respectfully, but still there.
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Dean Winchester:
Serendipitous Souls:
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The Same bed - Chapter 4
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: Friends are there to help each other out, but can they help falling for each other when all the long days they spend together turn into late nights they have and their reliance on each other.
Word count: 2544
Warnings: Fluff, angst, description of blood and injuries, nightmares, slow burn.
A/N: Chapter 4! Off we go. Read it enjoy and I’ll see you on the other side. There’s also a tag list, so be sure to tell me if you want in, as well as a masterlist so be sure to check it out. As are the latests, Unbeta’d all mistakes are mine.
Series masterlist 
Dean didn't sleep that night, too busy cursing himself for hurting Y/N and simultaneously afraid he may have a nightmare. He had gotten up several times with the intention of going to her room and seeking forgiveness if she'd give it to him, though he wouldn't blame her if she refused. Instead, he'd pace around his room or make it as far as her door before heading to the bathroom to wash his face rather than knocking.
The next night Dean had been too exhausted to stay awake, now accustomed to getting around 8 hours he passed out some time just after 2 in the morning while everyone else slept soundly. Dean managed to get just over an hour of shut-eye before waking up to one of his worst nightmares. He jolted up with a scream though quickly cut himself off as to not wake anyone. Nevertheless, he was half a scream too late as Y/N sat up in her own bed wanting to go check on him but refused due to her own stubbornness.
Dean mumbled a 'son of bitch' before getting up and making his way to the kitchen to get started on some coffee. Dean was given about 2 hours to contemplate his idiocy towards Y/N before his brother found his way to the kitchen.
"Huh? Hey, morning."
"Man, you look like trash."
"Oh, thanks you're not so bad yourself in the shorts." Sam looked to his running shorts before rolling his eyes.
"You always did give me a hard time for wanting to stay in shape."
"Hunting keeps you in shape, not some little jaunt you do every morning. Hey, speaking of, have you found any new cases seems like forever since we've killed a deserving asshat."
"I've been talking to Jody and Donna, they've got a lead on a vamp nest, said they're heading out in two days and we're more than welcome to tag along."
"So, tomorrow. What time."
"They wanted to hit it just after sundown. So, we would leave tomorrow morning if you're interested."
"Oh, I'm interested, give me some' to kill."
"Dean are you sure you're okay. You usually become self-destructive when you've got something going on, something you need to talk about."
"I'm fine, Sammy."
"I'd mention that Y/N isn't sleeping in your room anymore, but I think that'd just make you mad considering that's probably what's bothering you."
"So much for not mentioning it." Dean swallowed what was left in his coffee cup before washing it and setting it in the dry rack. He made his way back to his room hoping his brother would take the hint and leave for his run, which he did. Once he heard the bunker door shut Dean went back to the kitchen to have another cup of coffee. As he sat down the sound of footsteps padding down the hall alerting him that Y/N had awoken. Dean straightened his posture as she entered the kitchen making her way to the cabinet to fish out a mug without making eye contact.
"Morning Y/N."
"Oh my god! It speaks." She filled her mug before walking out having not looked him in the eyes once. Dean rested his chin in his palm kicking himself for having hurt her. After a deep sigh, he dragged his palm over his face closing his eyes momentarily allowing them some rest from the lights of the bunker. Dean strolled his way to Y/N's room and knocked on her door. He heard her sniffle some before the door swung open, Y/N standing in front of him, eyebrows raised clearly on her last nerve.
"I just wanted to let you know we've got a case tomorrow, with Jody and Donna, we've got to leave early-ish so, you know, you might want to pack today so you're not rushing. Anyway, just keeping you in the loop." Y/N looked at her best friend whose eyes were tired, red, and glossy, staring at the ground in front of him. She missed him, but she didn't know why he was angry at her.
"Thanks." She turned away from him intent on closing her door to block the view of the broken man she so deeply cared about and wanted to help, and he spoke.
"Yeah?" Dean swallowed trying to think of what he wanted to say to her but came up with nothing. There wasn't anything specific he wanted to tell her in that moment he just wanted to be with her. In the same room sitting next to her, looking at her. He wanted to spend time with his best friend whom he had been missing lately but if there was one person more stubborn than Y/N it was Dean.
"Nothing...nothing." With a sad smile and a sigh, Dean walked to his own room with the aim of avoiding her, once again, all day.
Dean listens as Y/N played her music in her room and smiled when the Grease love song came though it wasn't given a chance to finish before Y/N skipped it. He could hear his brother and Y/N talking in the library during the day occasionally finding something funny as they giggled in unison. He missed having her, missed being the one laughing with her, or even just talking with her.
Nearing the end of the day, Dean made his way out of his room for the first time that to grab a snack before trying his hand at some forty winks, wanting to be rested up before their hunt tomorrow. The energy of the room sizzled to nothing as he entered the kitchen. Sammy and Y/N were sitting next to each other looking at pictures of haircuts on the internet.
"Seriously Sam, I've been cutting my own hair my whole life. Just let me add a little shape to it. A little trim here and there I can make you look like the handsome devil you really are."
"I'm not letting you cut my hair. I don't trust you not to just cut it all off. Besides, I don't—" Both their eyes looked up to Dean as he stood in the doorway observing their interaction. Once he noticed their gaze he moved to the counter, pulling a bowl from the cupboard and reaching for the box of cereal.
"Sam and I made pasta if you're hungry for real food." Dean looked over the noodles as his tummy growled, licking his lips.
"Dean, just have some, we're not gonna finish it. It'll just end up going to waste." He hesitantly looked over his shoulder forcing a smile to Y/N who had the smallest one of her on her face. She watched him as he traded his bowl for a plate. Dean plated himself some of the homemade food before Y/N gestured at the spot in front of herself and Sam along with the parmesan on the table. Dean took a seat not wanting to be impolite more so than he'd already been.
"Anyway, I'm trying to convince Sam to let me trim his hair."
"You're not touching my hair with a ten-foot pole."
"Oh, come on Sam it grows back. You'll see, it'll look really good and you won't even want to grow it back. Won't be in your eyes anymore, won't distract you during hunts, monsters won't be able to grab at it. You know I make a good case."
"Sure. But you're still not cutting my hair." Meanwhile, Dean was silently moaning at the flavours on his plate. Y/N watched as the eldest closed his eyes savouring the taste, before he spoke, displaying his voice to them for the first time since the early morning.
"This is kind of amazing. I don't think I've ever had spaghetti this amazing. What jar did you guys use?" Referring to the sauce that had his taste buds dancing on his tongue.
"Actually, Y/N made the sauce."
"My mum used to make these gigantic pots of spaghetti sauce and freeze it so we could have it whenever we want. I was missing it, so I made some from memory. It's not hers but I think it turned out alright. I know I missed something, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was." Dean looked up, his mouth full, to the women speaking, no longer focusing on him rather in her head desperately searching for the missing ingredient, as he swallowed.
"You made the sauce? From scratch?"
"Uh-huh. Yeah, I mean it's not really that hard just time consuming, you have to let it simmer for a little bit, but I think it's worth it. Once in a while at least."
"You mind if I have more?"
"Go right ahead. Sam and I both already had seconds." Dean finished what was left and helped himself to more before moving back to his spot at the table.
"Sam promised to make me the 'Winchester Surprise' one day? Said you used to make it for him." Sam looked to his brother who reminisced, thinking back to the worst meals he had prepared for his baby brother.
"It was terrible. Sam that's — to repay her for this. Seriously Y/N you won't want to eat anything we make for the rest of your life. It was god awful."
"As much as I believe you because I do, by the description, Sam gave me, oh boy, I'll still be the judge of that." Dean chuckled at her retort missing her effortless comebacks and modesty when it came to the things she was good at, though he found it frustrating when she didn't accept the compliment he'd give her. He wanted her to brag about how many Djinns she could kill in a week, or in this case how good the sauce was instead of saying it wasn't perfect, so he'd done it for her, telling his brother when she would do something 'awesome', as he'd put it, that made him feel proud to call himself her friend. The guilt he felt was sudden and overwhelming. Even after he'd gone days without speaking to her, after pushing her away so abruptly, she was still offering him dinner, the conversation, the casual smile, the eye contact. How he longed for her eye contact. She had always been able to communicate with him with her eyes. He craved her gaze, how her orbs would sparkle when she was happy or grow dark when hooded with anger. But the thing he loved the most about her eyes was the fact that when they looked into his, it was like nothing else mattered. He could see he had her attention, and he wouldn't want to look away.
"I'm—ehem— I'm heading to bed, didn't sleep well last night, gonna try to rest up before our hunt tomorrow." Dean looked to Y/N who had a saddened look on her face, clearly angry and confused as to why Dean wouldn't let her help him. When he noticed the look on her face, he realized his words and quickly made up an excuse for why he couldn't sleep hoping to ease Y/Ns mind indirectly.
"Maybe it was a full moon, could never sleep well during a full moon."
"Full moon was last week Dean." Y/N answered him with an unreadable expression along with it. He didn't respond in an effort to save what dignity he had left. He forced a smile in Y/Ns direction as he passed by, once he'd finished cleaning his dishes.
"You mind telling me what's going on between the two of you Y/N?"
"Honestly Sam I haven't got the slightest."
"I know you two were sharing a bed... was that like—"
"If you're suggesting that we were a thing then no. He slept better when there was someone in the room with him, so I was that someone. Then out of the blue, he got distant and said he didn't need me anymore so." She shrugged not sure how to further explain their recent exchanges. "I know he's not through with the nightmares though because I heard his screams last night. I didn't check on him 'cause I was angry at him saying they were done, and he didn't need me anymore, but it was petty. I wanted him to stew in his nightmare, remember how bad they were before I told him I'd stay. I just don't understand him, I didn't do anything to warrant his actions. I haven't bothered asking why he's mad at me and even if I did, he'd just ignore me some more so what's the point. He's being a child. He's acting like I killed his brother when really all I'm trying to do is cut his hair." Her joke succeeded in lightening the mood as Sam chuckled moving to the sink to clean off his plate.
"You're a good influence on him, you know?"
"Why's that."
"Well for starters, he washed his plate."
"Oh yeah, I yelled at him this one time for leaving a mess, which I'm pretty sure was actually mine from the night before, but he hasn't left dirty dishes since so I guess it all worked out." Sam outright laughed at that before excusing himself to prepare for bedtime.
By the time 8 o'clock rolled around the bunker was silent, everyone in their respective bedrooms reading or watching a little telly before getting some rest. Due to the lack of sleep the nights prior and the upcoming hunt, Dean closed his eyes tight willing the nightmares away as he gripped his sheets. It didn't take him long to doze off though and it didn't last long before he was startled awake by Y/Ns voice. "Dean! Wake up!" She looked terrified, holding Dean down by his shoulders. "You idiot. Get up."
"Y/N? Why? What's—" She dragged him out of bed to the bathroom.
"Look at your hand Dean." She could hear the anger in her voice frustrated with him for refusing her help. The help they both knew would work. Dean looked down at the palm she hadn't grasped as she marched him down the hall like a child in trouble. It was bleeding, trailing down his fingers, shards of dark glass still imbedded in the tender skin of his palm.
"How did—" It came out as a whisper, laced with sleep as he did his best to orientate himself. Y/N turned on the light in the bathroom before forcibly sitting him on the lid of the toilet.
"You must have grabbed the beer bottle on your nightstand in your sleep." Y/N had pulled out the first aid kit they had stored under the sink along with a pair of tweezers, kneeling in front of the older Winchester.
"Y/N you don't have to—"
"I swear Dean if you tell me you don't need my help one more time I swear," she looked up from his palm to glare at him, "I’m going to tie you down until you get past... what ever this is." She didn't break eye contact with him until he nodded, shamefully looking down at the injury he only now started to feel.
Chapter 5 ~~ Out now!
Tag List: @akshi8278​ @bargedog @just-someone-difficult​ @mila-dans​ @valhallavxlkyrie​
Series Tags: @autobotgirl15-blog​ @classyunknownlover​ @laycblack​ @lovememisha​ @music-is-all-i-need​ @redbarn1995​ @wellfuckmyexistence​
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
What Do I Do Now?
Hello my dear fellows! We reached the last meta from season 12! This is a sad one, my friends, I know. But we embrace the destiel angst, as good shippers, right?
So, let's cry again with Dean again at the end of this season.
Let's start...
The Promise
When the episode starts we have Kelly Kline dressed in light blue.
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Gif credit @kingofthecrxssroads
The light blue and white color talks about purity and is related to divinity. Those are the colors weared by Virgen Mary, the mother of God, which is now very meaningful to see Kelly Kline, the mother of the future god, wearing the same colors.
After this beautiful detail in the visual Narrative, let's focus on that promise that changed Castiel's priorities for ever.
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Gif credit @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs
This is gonna be the new mission for Castiel. His change of priorities, the cause of the future Destiel break up in season 14. This promise will lead Castiel into his decision that will en with his death, exchanging his life for Jack in Heaven, the deal with the Empty.
Then, in another scene, we have this dialogue:
KELLY: Tell me again. Tell me again what you saw.
CASTIEL: Right, I saw– I saw... I saw the future. I saw a world without pain or hunger or want. I saw the world that this child... that your child...
CASTIEL: ...will create.
CASTIEL: And it is a world without fear and without suffering and without hate.
CASTIEL: I saw paradise.
This is a reflection of episode 15x19, with Jack as the new God, defeating Chuck, creating a new Paradise, Heaven.
Another interesting visual Narrative was Jack's room.
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Pic credit @fallenandinlovewithhumanity
The tree represents: FAMILY, each word of his name is colored in TFW colors BLUE, YELLOW AND RED. The meaning is all over that wall, Jack's family, Jack's parents will be Sam, Dean and Castiel. The family settled with strong roots, like a tree.
Noe the rainbow 🌈 in the Bible represents THE DEAL BETWEEN HUMANITY AND GOD, is a promise of no more harm. An example of it, was the rainbow that appeared after The Great Universal Flood.
I will talk here about a little and funny foreshadow... You'll pick it up quick!
MARY: All right, then. Kind of always wanted to punch the Devil in the face. So how do we find them?
Yes, my friends, this was an easy one, right? Is a Foreshadow of Mary Winchester punching the devil, not just once but twice, one in season 13.
Another beautiful and blatant parallel was this one...
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Gif credit @godshipsit
Those are the same words Mary said to Dean when she was pregnant.
This marks the Jack as Dean's mirror. The kid will try to be like him, to follow his steps. Because just as Dean is a role model to CAS, he will be the same to Jack.
Another foreshadow of Castiel's dead, and example of those who takes bad decisions to have a win, was Crowley.
SAM: Crowley...why did you do it? Save Lucifer– What did you want?
CROWLEY: I wanted to win.
The desire of a win is remarked as the precursor of bad decision. First we will have Crowley explaining why he let the devil out, which will end in his death, and then we will have Castiel at the end of this episode dying after taking a collection of bad decisions. But for Dean it will mean to get Castiel back in 13x06.
Dean and Cas
The reuniom between Cas and Dean was full of dramatism, jealousy and sassy looks, just to exalt their relationship as romantic.
We all recall the scene in which Case opens the door, and everyone is there: Sam, Mary and Dean, but CAS just calls DEAN hahaahaha. Is just Dean for his eyes, well, that's love.
We have Dean and Sam giving a discourse about loyalty and family and work together... Very dramatic.
DEAN: Look, Sam's right, okay? We'll work through our crap. We always do. But right now, we are here to get you, get Kelly, and get gone.
They heard Kelly, and Mary goes to assist her. But then Dean keeps scolding and talking to Cas, but Castiel replies with his sassy self:
DEAN: Hey, if he shows, can you flame on again? Can you torch Lucifer like you did Dagon?
CASTIEL: I don't know. No, that wasn't me. That was the child. And in case you haven't noticed, he's a little busy.
After this Dean will show himself in pain, just to caught CAS attention, like a annoyed boyfriend that doesn't want to ask for help to his boyfriend, because they're fighting, but whining and moving his harmed knee to his boyfriend, is a great method to get away from the fight they're having, showing Castiel 'look how i was hurt when you weren't there, you weren't there so I had to carry with this pain in my knee.' Believe me, i know this method very well. Hehehehe. So, it works, because Castiel goes immediately to heal him.
DEAN: [bends and grasps his injured knee] Aah. Son of a bitch.
CASTIEL: Here, Dean.
CASTIEL: Let me.
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Gif set credit @shirtlesssammy
So, this is the beginning of jealousy Dean has Because Castiel will put Jack first on his list, just like now, Because is the arriving of a son, and that's a crisis for couples.
Look how Dean accepts his healing, and then smiles shyly, happily, goofily, avoiding Castiel's eyes. He is happy because he got the attention he wanted from his angel. Because even after fighting for the bad decisions CAS had taken, he is still his Cas, and he'ss still caring about him. After feeling Cas was acting odd, this healing is like getting him back.
Another scene full of jealousy, coming from Dean feeling Cas was staying away from him, doing his own life, is this scene:
SAM: Whoa. Cas, what is this?
CASTIEL: As I said, it's– it's Earth. But this Earth is locked in eternal war between Heaven and Hell. There are armies of angels fighting hoards of demons, and the few humans that remain are caught in between.
SAM: How do you know that?
CASTIEL: A friend told me.
DEAN: Oh, good. Now you're makin' friends? That's...
Dean is jealous that Cas is making friends out of his sight.
CASTIEL: You don't have to worry. The child, he opened this door. He'll close it.
DEAN: You sure about that?
CASTIEL: I have faith.
DEAN: Really? In your unborn baby-God?
DEAN: Well, then, you're a dumbass.
Jealousy again, reflected in how Castiel is having faith in Jack, and how he used to have faith in Dean. So Dean is feeling maybe, he is replaced slowly by this child.
After this Castiel explains to Sam and Dean that this Apocalyptic World is a world in which they never born. Trying to remark that Dean and Sam are important to our world.
Then, AU!Bobby mentions bullets that kill angels and Dean goes...
DEAN: Wait, angel-killing bullets? Awesome.
And sassy married look from Castiel...
As I said, everything is so dramatic, because they're so married.
Another important scene was Lucifer appearing in front of them, and saying the following words...
LUCIFER: You're right. What should I do? Oh, God! Don't strike me dead! Come on, Sam. You sound like a virgin in Jesus camp. "We can't. God is watching." No. Chuck "walked." He's gone.
When Lucifer mentions this, Castiel turns around to see Dean. It was filmed that way toake us see that was a thought in Castiel's POV, this is something that will be developed to in episode 14x15 and 14x17. In the first one, Peace of Mind we will have a Castiel's POV, with pink color everywhere (representing happiness) and green all over (representing Dean) as something forbidden, something HE CAN'T HAVE, the second episode, we will have a girl and a boy making out inside a car, and the girl is afraid of her dad finding out their relationship, HE COULD SEE US. As if they were doing something prohibited. Both examples are linked to this scene, and Castiel's Sacred Oath.
Crowley's redemption arc was him sacrificing for the boys. As a prelude of this.
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Castiel sacrificing himself for Sam and Dean, and dying after this...
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Pic set credit @akitescoldstrings-blog1
The dead that had been foreshadowed for two seasons is here. Stabbed by the back, the bright light showing he is dying, Dean's desperate shout, and his worst nightmare becoming truth.
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Gif credit @they-stare-i-ship
The burnt wings on the ground is another sign that Cas is gone for real. Dean's facial expression is the most sad we an see, defeated, he will bend down on his knees.
Sam will run to the cabin, because Jack is coming, even with Mary falling with Lucifer into the AU, even with Castiel dead, Sam is focused on the mission. But Dean can't. He can't react, because he had just seen the love of his life dying in front of his eyes. And nothing will be normal again for him.
To Conclude:
This episode is linked to with season 15 final episodes. Talking about the new Paradise the New God will bring.
It shows too the role Cas, Sam and Dean will have in Jack's life.
It talks about sacrifice for love, and how Castiel will change his priorities, leaving Dean feeling a little jealous about it.
And this episode ends with Castiel's dead, in front of his lover.
Hope you like this meta. See you in the next one in season 13!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list, just let me know.
Of you wanna read the previous metas from season 12, here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, December 13th 2020 9:07 PM
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took a little break to deal with my emotions and collect a drink, hopefully we can finish this season today!
let's go
the knife that kills things
the gun that kills everything
super weapons!
can't wait for the fallen angel wearing a trench coat, to be honest
why was her toothbrush in a box?
oh, because it's new, because the other was stolen
i'm a genius
she's losing all her teeth, that is such a fucking nightmare
would losing your teeth really kill you? or that's just a fun side effect of this killing spell? 🤷🏽‍♀️
unsanitary witches
thanks Dean
omg gross
ugh I had to look away fuck man that was fucking gross
omg it's about to get even grosser isn't it?? 😫😫😫
god fuck this episode, worst episode ever
there, that's what you deserve for being fucking gross 😒
Witches killing witches uh
killing circle...or triangle?
witch-on-witch violence
this shitty inspirational picture of an eagle fills you with determination
this is the kind of book club support ladies you need in your life tbh
with less, uh, murders, of course
I was going to add gifs but so far, everything is so gross and I wouldn't force anyone else to see the shit I've seen
if you're so damn interested in throwing up, you'll look it up yourself
Renee Van Allen, said like that, is definitely a killer's name
come on, you didn't have to say it so ominously
they definitely marked themselves as targets, bad idea
damn Sam, what a fucking 180° since the beginning of the show, uh?
- They're humans, Sam.
- They're murderers.
Well, yeah, but earlier, you didn't want to kill mass murderers my dude
Ruby's just trying to save your ass you moron
the walls in this place are like a Riopelle painting
Worried, concerned
take your pick
Sam's gotta make new friends and people who can protect him, or else, he'll die the minute you're gone, Dean
Sam's leaving and driving back there and hr's about to murder a bitc- witch, I mean a witch
Stop calling me bitch.
Yeah Dean, she's saving your life, ONCE AGAIN
"It tasted like ass."
does-does that mean you've... you've tasted... you know what, I don't wanna know. You do you, Dean Winchester
"That's what happens to witches who get voted off the island." yeah, because a demon knows pop culture, of course
what the hell, when did it have time to watch crappy tv shows?
Sam being the Jesus of the demons, with some thinking he's the Messiah and others 'not believing in him' 😂
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"But then again..."
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Ruby, you poor thing
she was a human, became a witch, died, and became a demon
that woman died to save them
it's very sad
everyone keeps dying for them
wtf eh
flickering lights
devil may care, uh
demons used to be humans
that's what hell is, forgetting what you are
can you imagine, Dean, what he's thinking right now
knowing he'll become the things he hunts
I tagged Ruby and a tag that came up is "shut up Ruby" and tbh, yeah, I kinda get it 😂
not sure if it's this Ruby or RWBY Ruby, but nonetheless, yeah, I agree
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kay-is-krazy · 5 years
Literally No Title
Please help
Idk what I’m doing
This is a fanfic
Deanxreader kinda
It needs work sorry
I will hashtag
Damp. Everything that surrounds you is damp. As you start to come to, you smell the stench. Sulfar. Confused, you try to open your eyes, brows furred as the light tries to chase away your sight. Your adrenaline pushes you to figure out where you are. Looking around weerily, you notice the familiar iron door. Your parents old farmhouse storm cellar. Opening and closing your eyes making sure this is what you're actually seeing. It's been years. Decades even since you've seen these walls. Theyre different now. Moldy, but with cobwebs. You start to realize you're strapped down on the old iron table you used to eat spaghettios on when the tornados hit. No use in trying to squirm your way to topple over. Your father bolted it down in the cement. How did you get here. As you push and strain yourself to remember, the door opens. A tall red flannel emerges, and you go cold...
Life wasn't always fighting monsters, and saving people. You had a family of your own, until the vampire mafia ripped in to town destroying everything in their path, including your home and everyone in it. You still remember their screams as you fled into the woods. Revenge is a choice you have to make, and it sure was a hell of a ride. In this life, you run into auhtorities, but very little hunters like yourself. After bumping into the Winchesters working a werewolf case, they sort of took you under their wing. Noticing you needed guidance, before you ever could. You were in constant rage, before meeting the boys. Searching for answers, and never being satisfied with the kill. It all blurred into a blood bath of vengence. A lot of trust, losses, and whiskey, but you found a new family. You need them as much as they need you. And just recently, it was Dean needing saving.
The mark had completely consumed him. Being the hero, the guinea pig, has led him to be desperate in saving the world. You knew he was always staying strong, putting on a good face for Sam, but deep down, he is slightly broken like the rest of you. His hope depleted as the mark's strength took over his judgement. He was like you were before they saved you, scared and fuming with anger. You're just trying to return the favor before he hurts anyone else, especially his brother Sam.
After months of research, you found something. Slight chance of hope in fixing Dean. Confiding in Sam, he decides to look for it himself. The word of God. Once touched by a demon, it is said to purify them. No one has seen it in over 100 years, but you got a lead. The only thing that's near impossible is finding Dean. So time to draw him out... He wants a fight, you'll bring him a fight.
Scrounging up as many demons as possible, making sure they're alive but bleeding, you make a devils trap and wait. You heard through demon grapevine, that Dean can sniff them out. He's the big bad now. Being a demon himself, he hates them even more, if that makes sense.
But your plan didn't work. There have been plenty of close calls while working on the job, but this wasn't just a regular monster case. It was so much more, and there's a lot at stake. You realize why you're scared. You're in a situation even you can't get out of alive. Fear sets in as Dean walks closer. Each step like a predator closing in on it's prey. That red shirt, being even more red than usual.
He smirks, “Welcome back sunshine. Thought I killed you too soon”.
Your head is pounding as you try to look at your body. Realizing its broken, bruised, and bloodied, you must have put up a fight.
“Oh that, sorry, I couldn't help myself. After I knocked you out, I had some fun.” Your heart is beating so fast as if it is going to jump out of your body. The last thing you want is for him to see you afraid. You try to muffle out his name, but your voice is hoarse. “Please don't speak, I don't want my ears to bleed as you plead with me.... or on the other hand, I'd love to hear you beg for your life”, he whispers the last part in your face.
Wincing at his words, you turn your head, and say “You're not you right now. We'll fix this, Dean.”
He puts his hands on your chin, for a second you think it's him. His oversized, warm strong hands that wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was unnatural.The ones who taught you martial arts, and the ever so famous air guitar. But looking into his eyes, noticing they are lacking the softness, they flicker, and those green eyes are no longer. Black eyes, and his hands smell of sulfar. “There's nothing to fix sweetheart, I'm better than ever.” he jerks his hand away making your head turn to face him. As he walks to the door to open it, you yell out, “Just get it over with and kill me already!” He stops, turns his head just so you can see his profile, and scoffs. Walking out, and leaving you alone once again.
Wondering where Sam is, you try to squirm free from being tied up.Your fastens on your wrist have some wiggle room. Using the pointiness of your sister's ruby class ring on your left hand, you try to cut the leather bands. It's going to take hours, but you're not giving up yet. You know there are only two ways out of this, and you'll be damed if you don't fight.
'Pour some sugar on me' plays from your cell phone. Sam's calling you, the signature ringtone for drunk, fun Sam. Reminding you of the nights at the roadhouse, playing the same G43 on the old jukebox driving Dean insane. While Sammy and you sang until your voices were unrecognizable.
The door opens, and you straighten up, not making a move to let Dean know you've been trying to break free. There's a cart that he's pushing inside, full of old kitchen utensils, some tools from a shed, and a few of Dean's things from the trunk of his Impala that have been missing since the mark took him over.
“I know you and Sam have been looking for me, trying to save me. I'm going to show you how much I don't want or need you two around. Lets send Sammy a message, hm?” He walks over to your jacket with your cellphone in it. Dean throws it in the air and catches it. Holding it like a gun, making fake noises pretending to shoot you. “Glad to see you havent lost your adolescent behavior”, you say, “I know you're still in there Dean”.
He puts your phone down on the cart, picking up a rusty knife used for cutting fish. “But I'm not, and I'm going to prove to you just how wrong you are about me.” He cuts your cheek, and you feel the skin break open, stinging.
“You can hurt me all you want, you'll just be hurting yourself.” You say and spit in his face. The dark smirk scurries from his face, and you know what's coming next is worst.
The torture that he tortured you with only stems from Hell. Picture after picture taken and sent to Sam. The laughing, the darkness, and the insults coming from him, you start to lose hope that Dean is even in there. You keep reminding yourself that demons lie. Not believing anything DemonDean says, even though you desperately want it to be true. The remarks about how he used to think about you like a little sister until a couple years ago when you got stood up on a date with some guy named Brett. Thinking back from a different perspective now, you realize Dean was the one there who saved you from getting kicked out of the restaurant for using up a table. Waiting for some loser you met online, but seeing Dean sitting down across from you, feeling a sense of clarity and sureness. But now ever since he's turned into something evil, he doesn't feel a thing at all for you or Sam.
In and out of consiousness, you decide you wouldn't give up on him. Even though your body is mangled, you keep pushing.
“Dean, this isn't the path your mother would have wanted. You have to know that. You don't want to let her down or she'd died for nothing.” You plead and try, but he slaps you hard in the face. The hit seemed personal, as if you were getting somewhere with him. You reason, “Isn't family what brings people together, it's what brought us together. Aren't we family, you could let me go, and Sam and I can help you see the light again. Just like your mom used to say right? The light will guide you home. Come home Dean!” Another blow to your head. He knocks you out again.
As you come to, Dean is reaching for the blade. He's actually going to use it on you, kill you. Coming to terms with your fate, you start to hum and mumble 'simple man by lynryd skynrd'. It was always your favorite. It was everyones favorite. You figured it was a good enough song to go out to. You peek open your eyes as much as you can. Throbbing and seeping blood, you're finally able to see Dean stop and stare at you. He drops the blade, looking down at the mark and then back at you. His face twisted, unsure of what is reality. You don't stop singing. Second verse, he's closer now. A single tear rolling down your face; knowing if he ever came back, got the mark off, he wouldn't forgive himself. Even when he's unable to save someone on a job, he's hard on himself. You can't imagine what he'll feel like, so you pity him.
He's closer now, hands around your throat. He's trying to fight you and himself. The pain and anger in his eyes turns black, then normal again. You look him straight in those familiar faint green eyes, and say your final words, “I forgive you.” The world goes dark.
Heaven was always described as 'your own personal paradise'. You're wondering why yours is in a hospital. White walls and curtains. The coldness in your nose suprises you. Who knew paradise would be so cold, gray, and foggy. Nothing was easy to make out, but you could definitely tell it was a hospital. You hate hospitals, confused as to why you're heaven isn't what you expected, you look around to see if there is a recognizable face. Hoping for maybe your Dad, Mom, or sister.
No one. There's a loud beeping noise and you look up to see a monitor. Looks like the vitals of a dead man. You start to wonder maybe God put you in the wrong paradise. So you pray. But words don't come out, and you drift back into the dark.
Blinking once, then twice, then several times. The light is bright. You can tell it's daytime. Still the same Heaven as before, but this time you feel everything. The pain, the tenderness. You remember, and know that you're not dead. Relieved, but still uncertain, you try to move. Expecting straps to hold you back, your right arm goes flying in the air. Not used to being free. You look down at your body. It's bandaged and braced. A mountain of a man peeks through the curtains. You have instant relief when you recognize Sam. He has the 'poor puppy eyes' look, and you put your hand on his. He grips it tight, but gentle enough. The gentle giant. Trying to let out a smile, a shadow lurks behind Sam. Instant fear as you realize it's Dean. Panic sets in, and your body cannot handle it. The monitors go off, you see Sam try to calm you down, and Dean sneaking away, head down, disgraced with himself. Nurses rush in with the Doctor to make sure you're okay. Tears well up in your eyes. You somehow cannot forget what Dean has done to you.
Weeks in the hospital, the only visitor you had was Sam. Trying to keep your spirits up, he shows you all of his research following up on possible cases. Between playing cards, reading books, and making fun of the new Taylor Swift song, you ask Sam, “How is he?”, and each answer is the same. “No better, no worse,” Sam replies. After the panic attack, Dean thought it best if he didn't show his face anymore to you. Once healed, you were allowed to go home as long as you didn't saw off the leg brace, and practice using the crutches. Knowing how stubborn you are, Sam rolled his eyes, and promised to watch over you.
Happy to finally break out, you laugh as you fumble with the crutches. Sam lets out a worrisome smile. “I'm fine Sam. Really.” You look up to him and give him a carefree toothy grin. Throwing all of your things into the impala, because Sam refused to drive “that stupid pink truck”, you beg Sam to let you pick the music.
Pulling up to the bunker, your stomach sinks a little. You know you'll have to face Dean eventually. Fogiving is easy for you, but forgetting is a whole other learning curve. Never being the one to admit you're wrong first, or facing real problems, you know it's somehting that needs to be worked on. Staring off into the distance a bit, Sam pulls you out of it as he opens the door. “We're stocked up on all your favorite foods, drinks, and even have Netflix!” He says, nudging you arm and attempting a playful laugh.
Weeks of healing, you finally are able to get up into your truck. You need some air, and desperately needed to get away. The outside world was calling your name, so were the pink wheels on that old ford. First hours, days, then weeks went by, and not a single glance from Dean. No words, no contact. Ignored you completely. Anytime you tried to reach him, asking to grab a drink at the dirty bird bar, to researching a simple ghost job, he pushed you away. You spent so much time in your room with your thoughts. Trying not to think about the event that almost ended you, and most importantly the relationship with Dean. Even Sammy has started treating you differently like you're broken. After Sam telling you to stay home again, while they hunt monsters, you'd had enough. Weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods. You leave your phone on your nighstand and decide you need some peace to clear your mind.
“Fill her up,” you say shutting off your truck to get gas. Getting out to grab snacks from inside, a long lost friend appears. Not able to look away from the light, he shields your eyes for you. You forgot how enchanthing the bright white was. “Cas what are you doing here?” You ask as you looks at you stearnly.
“I was told to keep a tab on you, and you left the bunker. So I'm here to bring you back.” He says reaching for your arm.
“Under who's orders?!” You demand. Not letting him answer you back away and say, “The boys? Really can't even get some fresh air!” Clearly angry, you hit your tailgate. Cas immediatley lays his hands on you to heal you. Being an angel has it's perks. But you wanted to feel something, Cas didn't exactly understand what being human was really like.
Brushing his hand away, you try to reason with him. “Go back to the bunker, grab my phone, and bring it to me. That way I have it on me in case I need anything. I'm still going on my very needed trip. What I don't need is a babysitter” Before you could blink twice, Cas had your phone in hand. “Do not turn this off and always keep this on you.” Rolling your eyes you respond sarcastically, “Thanks Dad. Can I leave now?” Clearly unsure of his decision, Cas side eyes you, but finally nods, and leaves you to your road trip snacking.
The cabin is the same as you left it two summers ago. A couple empty beers scattered, but the rest of the place in neat tidy order. Your mom always liked everything in a specific spot, and you try your best to remember that while staying there. Picking up the bottles to recycle them, you smile and remember the good times spent here with your family, both families. Thinking about the boys, you let out a sigh of relief. Thanking the angels that Sam showed up when he did in the storm cellar that day. The word of God being forcefully put in Dean's hands, purifying him instantly. A bright gold light shining through the brick like object, blasting Dean into Sam. His brother holding onto Dean as he comes to and realizes, he's saved. Sam's words will stay with you forever, that story will stay with you forever. You smile as you remember, you were the one who stalled Dean as Sam had come to the rescue.
“Oh shit!” You say as your line tugs and gets stronger. You were too busy admiring the cotton candy sunset to see your fishing line got a bite. It was a warm afternoon, but turning brisk fast. Fall was settling in, you could tell as the wing picked up every now and then. The trees leaves turning the auburn colors. Setting your beer down, you reel it in, but your bait is completely gone.
“You never were good at fishing.” You quickly stand from a lousy folded plastic chair, and turn around to find Dean, smiling at your loss. Clearly shocked, you ask “What are you doing here? Cas told you didn't he. Lousy friend.”
You put your pole down, and open the cooler to offer Dean a beer. He takes it and slowly sits down on the edge of the dock, feet dangling. You sit down next to him, opening your own beer. “Where's Sam?” you ask.
“Working the case still.” He notices your cocked eyebrow from a side glance. As if he would ever leave Sammy alone, he continues, “It's easy, just some pyscho vengeful ghost.” He sips his beer, straring at the now setting sun.
Getting straight to it, you ask, “Why are you here Dean?” Staring at him, you notice the weariness.
He lowers his head, gripping his beer tight. You see his shoulders move up and down slowly. Sighing heavily, he looks at you, completely looks at you for the first time. It catches your breath, because you have never seen a man so broken, Dean so vulnerable. You can tell he's been fighting with himself, beating himself up over the events that took place. Defeated, face full of hatred for himself, he doesn't say a word. You see his jaw tighten, his temples twitching. Reaching for his shoulder to show trust, but he pulls away shaking his head. “I don't trust myself with you” He musters, as he stands up to walk toward the cabin. Thinking about chasing after him, forcing him to talk, but you can't move. Like cement, you stay planted in your spot. The sun finally sets, but you still sit there, listening to the sound of the frogs.
Grabbing your things from the dock, you head inside. What could you say to make him believe you. Would you believe yourself if you said, “Everything is okay.”? Is it? Inside, you notice Dean is cleaning up what seems to be like the bathroom mirror. Understanding what just happened, you bend down to help and he stops you. Gripping your hands tight, he says “No. You don't need to clean up my mess. Any of my messes.” With a dustpan, he walks to the trash to dump the shards of glass.
“What's that suppose to mean? Am I not allowed to care? To try to save you from yourself?” He winces at the last part.
Turning around to face you, but leaning against the kitchen counter, he looks at you cold and promises, “You will never have to save me again. I will never hurt you or anyone else again.” He looks down and then back up into your eyes, moving towards the door, “You wanna know why I'm here? I came here to say goodbye.”
Stopping him dead in his tracks, you look up at him wondering how you and Sam could even survive without Dean. You start to cry. It's not like you to let anything out, but you stand there, tears pouring out of your face. “No.” was all you could muster up. Very stearn, you said it again, “No.” He grabs you and pulls you in close. Hanging on to eachother, as if it's the last time.
You both stay like this awhile, not realizing it's way over due. “You're not leaving us. We won't let you.” you say confidently, and at this he lets go. He tenses again, trying to be strong, and insists “You and Sammy have to let me go. I've been nothing but trouble. I'm bad. I'm not worth your lives.” Clearly needing reassurance, but not knowing how, you yell, “I went through all of that for nothing?!” Talking with your hands like usual, brows furious now, you continue, “After everything, you still think you're not worth it? Sam and I have done everything for you, for us, for this family.”
He turns his back on you holding back tears, but instead letting out his frustration, “You don't what it's like to need constant saving. I need control of myself, I don't have control.” He yells as he punches the wall. It startles you.
“Oh, I don't know what it's like?” you start, “You don't think that I was ever at a low in my life. What losing my family did to me, the things I did in return. It wasn't until you and your brother, that I finally found solace!” you scoff, “Please you're not the only broken one around here.” Realizing that anger isn't the route to go down, you quietly move toward him. Pushing back the fear that has been dormant, you hold his hand. “We are family.” you say softly. “Family doesnt end in blood.” You wipe away the blood trickling from his knuckle with your shirt.
His hands are shaking now, as he holds them up inching closer to your neck. You flinch, and he tries to pull away. You immediatley grab his hands, and put them to your cheeks, making his squish them together a little. Tears welling up in your eyes, you let out a low, “i'm a little guppy...” It was something you two always did to cheer eachother up. Getting the other to laugh when you're both at a low point has been almost like a game. So far, he's beeing in the lead. Before you can finish, his lips are on yours. Waves of heat roll from your head to your toes, your wet cheeks brushing his scruff, and you give in, even being scared and uncertain. Dean pulls away, looks at you stearn, and says “I'm going to miss you.”
You're still standing not sure of what just happened, and you hear the door slam shut. It seemed as though your feet wouldn't move, but then you finally took a deep breath, turned around and bolted out the door. He was getting in the impala, but before he could jet off, you opened that door and ripped him out. Standing toe to toe, you slap him. That bottled rage unleashes. Then you connect your fist to his face. Unprepared, Dean fell against the car. Shocked at how hard you hit, he starts to realize you're not going to stop, so he holds your hands down. Red in the face from anger, and him red because well there's now blood pouring from his nose, you finally relax so he loosens his rains on you.
“What was that?!” You ask. “Who do you think you are? That is not okay. I am not okay.” Turning around, hands on your hips, shaking your head. Instantly defensive, you gasp, turn to face him, and make sure he knows, “I am not like every other girl. I don't deserve to be treated like any other girl.” He opens his mouth to say something, but you immediatley talk over him, “You're going to have to kill me.” Dean looks at you clearly confused. “Why do I have to kill you?”
Walking back and forth now, you respond, “Over my dead body...You're not walking out on us. Not Sammy, not me. Not our future. People need us, they need you.” Stopping, and turning to face Dean, you say, “I need you. And if you get in that impala, you better have shot me first because I won't stop looking for you.” Walking toward him now, pointing your finger in his chest, you end with “I refuse to give up on you.” At that, he looks down at you, smirks, and responds, “You're stubborn, you know that?” You break a smile, and say “I learned from the best.” Throwing you over his shoulder, he walks into the cabin.
Completely surprised as to what took place last night, you turn around and look at Dean's green eyes. Understanding now, the feelings that were dormant for so long. Realizing now that DemonDean only told the truth to hurt you.You put your hand to his face, brushing his cheek with the back of your finger, and he closes his eyes to just feel your touch. “You're not allowed to leave.” He nods, reaches for your hand with his, and lightly kisses your fingers. “I will never forgive myself...” He says, and you respond instantly, with your pointer finger shooshing his lips, “I forgive you, and will continue to remind you that you're the good guy.” Closing your eyes, thinking about the first time meeting these boys, not knowing how they would change your life for the better, you smile. He rolls you over with ease, and tucks you in close to his warm naked chest. Deep, and grunting, he says your name into your hair. You lift your head a little to let him know you're listening, “hm?” “I don't deserve this” he says, “I don't deserve you.” You respond while picking his hand up moving it closer to your chest, “Neither do I.”
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Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. XXIV)
It was a love story, from the very beginning.
Hello my dears! How are you? This is another Chronicle and the last one for season 6!!
This is gonna be a hard meta... *Sobbing* we're here together so...
Thanks to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed a while crying profusely, with me.
Ok, let's start with this!
When Cas broke Dean's heart
Still in episode 6x20...
When Cas saves the guys from demons, Dean is happy to see him, and everyone in the room felt sorry for doubt about him, but...
Remember all that blind trust Dean had in Castiel, even with the proof on the table? Well... Cas said something that broke Dean's heart and trust. He mentioned the whole Superman going to the dark side thing. A talk Bobby, Dean and Sam had gotten alone, well, they thought they were alone.
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And Dean's face is... Gah... He realizes Cas is spying on them, and lying, and cheating... And... His heart breaks and is all over his face.
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Even his smile is sad, very sad... Mixed with anger.
And then we are dragged again to Cas's memories...
You know when you watch your crush with longing eyes... Yes... Cas contemplating Dean, is a very romantic scene, he didn't want to perturbed him, and in his own words...
CASTIEL So I went to an old friend for help. But watching him, I stopped. Everything he sacrificed, and I was about to ask him for more.
Is curious how an ancient creature as Cas thinks his friendship with Dean is old. Dean is an old friend of Castiel.
And also... He saw Dean was having a good life, well, that's what he thought, and because he loves him, he didn't want to break that life. He, as Bobby and Sam, thought Dean wanted that life, they assumed Dean was happy having that life. And they were wrong.
In this point, Crowley appears... He's the temptation here, and Cas fell for it. The devil tempting a desperate angel that needs more power to stop the new Apocalypse and save the world and his friends. His old friend, mostly, Dean Winchester.
So, he did it for him? Sure. He'll say that later...
Falling in Temptation
Is very interesting to analyze the sequence of how Crowley tempts Castiel... Is the same mechanism the devil uses with his victims...
First of all... The adulation...
CASTIEL: I'm not strong enough, and you know it.
CROWLEY: Ah, not on your own, you're not. But you're not on your own, are you? There's a lot of angels swooning over you. "God's favorite." Buddy boy, you've got what they call sex appeal.
CASTIEL: Thank you. Get to the point.
Watch here how Crowley praises him, you're the God's fav, angels follow you, you have sex appeal... I mean... Is obvious he's trying to seduce Castiel to make him accept a deal with Hell... Is the same method the devil uses for tempting humanity.
The second part of this is the offer... Generally, the offer is POWER, so here... Is the same.
CASTIEL: This is ridiculous. I mean, the amount of power that it would take to mount a war...
CROWLEY: More than either of us have ever seen, yeah. But what if I said I knew how to go nuclear?
CASTIEL What do you mean?
CROWLEY: Purgatory, my fine feathered friend. Purgatory. Just think about it. An untapped oil well of every fanged, clawed soul. I mean, what's that over the years? 30 million? 40 million? Just sitting there, plump and rich for the taking.
Here is when Crowley put the coin, he does adulated Cas and now he offered him a way to win the war... Becoming nuclear, the immense power of souls... So Cas takes it.
But there's something interesting too when Crowley designed the plan, he infered he needed Sam and Dean to get the monsters, and Cas was determinant here ...
CASTIEL No. Not Dean. He's retired, and he's to stay that way.
He's protecting Dean's apple pie life, he thought this was a way to protect him. He wouldn't let Crowley to hurt Dean or to get him into that war.
The Betrayal
Well, we need enter now in the worst par of all... Let me cry under that tree for a moment... I'll be right back...
Ok... Let's start this...
Dean prays to Castiel and he appears, they lock Cas in an angel trap, and Bobby and Sam began to confront him.
And because he's desperately looking to one side and another but avoiding Dean's gaze... This is what happens... (Damn...)
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You know how sacred are our Destiel's stares... They talk with their eyes. Is the way they share their emotions... So Dean needed that, Castiel look at me in the eye!
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It hurts a lot, because Dean's facial expression when Cas averted his eyes to the ground, because it was truth. Dean is heartbroken.
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Dean named the things Bobby and Sam had been trying to make him see. And he can't believe it. He can't believe HIS CAS, the one he was defending with his whole body and soul against the suspicious, had betrayed him... And everything was truth.
I need some ice cream and cry a lot...
After this the confrontation goes on, and Sam is thinking Cas saved him from Hell without soul on purpose? That's the extreme of Castiel becoming evil, but Sam is thinking that because he never trusted blindly in Castiel, because he was Dean's best friend, not his... (But this will change in the next season. Their relationship will have an important turn.)
The next time Dean talks is here...
CASTIEL Listen. Raphael will kill us all. He'll turn the world into a graveyard. I had no choice.
DEAN: No, you had a choice. You just made the wrong one.
(This is the next thing Dean said to Cas, he had a choice, ask him for help, he's showing him the path he should choose. He's teaching him, as always.)
CASTIEL: You don't understand. It's complicated.
DEAN: No, actually, it's not, and you know that. Why else would you keep this whole thing a secret, huh, unless you knew that it was wrong? When crap like this comes around, we deal with it... Like we always have. What we don't do is we don't go out and make another deal with the Devil!
Here, Dean gets mad because he more listen Castiel's excuses, he more understands Castiel's is covering his lies with more lies.
CASTIEL: It sounds so simple when you say it like that. 
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This is so, so romantic people, the longing stares, the sadness in their eyes. Is like loosing a precious thing you found, a precious, beautiful and warm thing, that vanishes. It was Dean's hopes and faith. Cas was his savior, his best friend, his angel.
Give me just a minute, I need to roll on the floor and cry a little more ...
And then... The danger is near again, and Cas is trapped but he's worried about them, and he asks them to leave, to run... And that last looks between them... People who says this isn't a romantic scene... Fight me, because that's Dean saying... "Why you did this to me?, I love you," and Cas is saying "I love you too, but I had to do it. The mission comes first."
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They talk with their eyes people...
Destiel breakup
Ok... Idk if Bobby draw the no angel sigil wrong, I like to think it was Dean. Because is weird Bobby not doing things like that well... And Dean wanted to talk with CAS again... It's obvious because he will try twice to convince him.
CASTIEL: I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you.
Well we have the confirmation here, is for him, for Dean, to protect him.
DEAN Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me.
CASTIEL You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will --
DEAN You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!
Dean knows Cas tries to do things right, he was his free will teacher, that's why now, he'll try to convince Cas.
Now... First try...
DEAN I'm not gonna logic you, okay? I'm saying don't...Just 'cause. I'm asking you not to. That's it.
CASTIEL I don't understand.
Dean is asking desperately, because he sees Castiel has his mission in first place, and it doesn't let him see things as Dean want him to see it. So he says I SAY YOU DON'T, SO YOU DON'T, THAT'S IT. Like a father to a child.
Second intent...
DEAN Look, next to Sam, you and Bobby are the closest things I have to family -- that you are like a brother to me. So, if I'm asking you not to do something...You got to trust me, man.
Again, he uses the same technic, but Cas just gets it as an attempt of defiance... Bc he's at war.
CASTIEL Or what?
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Here's a different way to impose his power over Dean with that time Soulless!Sam tried to defy him. He went straight to confront him physically, invading his personal space, showing him not fear, "Would you, boy? How?"
This time... Is Dean... So... The way he says these words, with sorrow in his face. That's the difference between you and me, Dean... I'm an angel, you're just a man. We're from two different worlds... I'm stronger than you. So don't say you would stop me as if I was a monster.
DEAN I don't know. I've taken some pretty big fish.
CASTIEL I'm sorry, Dean.
DEAN Well, I'm sorry, too, then.
Mission comes first. Cas is a soldier.
This was their break up.
Loosing people, loosing you
If you were sobbing with 6x20, now 6x21 is... A sea of tear... "Let it Bleed".
At the beginning of the episode they're talking about Cas, Dean's face is a mix of sadness and longing, he's asking a question he maybe already knew, why did Cas come last night? If he didn't want to fix things?
Dean wanted to fix things with CAS, so when he saw him he tried fiercely to convince him, but he couldn't, then Bobby reveals Cas stole some book.
More dagas in Dean's heart. So he didn't come to see me, but to steel some book?
Crowley kidnapped Lisa and Ben, and Dean got crazy... Sam wanted to help him but he didn't know how... Balthazar didn't want to help, so he proposed something...
SAM: Look, Dean. Let's just call Cas. Maybe he doesn't know anything about this.
DEAN: We are not calling Cas.
SAM: Yeah, but Dean.
DEAN: We're not calling Cas!
Definitely not calling Cas, Dean is tremendously mad at him.
He will try to get some info from demons, and one will attack him... Cas will save him, and again... The struggling with the feelings...
This time is Cas trying to convince Dean he had not choice and he has to do it.
And the following lines...
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Gah!!! That had to hurt... Damn, Cas you don't have to say Dean things he already knew... You was his ally, his best friend. He trusted you with his life. But Castiel's face is like someone who's pleading... Please Dean understand, forgive me, I love you. I'm doing this for you.
Can I die now?
And Dean's face is... Ugh! Suffering, suffering... I love you man, but you just screwed things up, badly, I can't forgive you.
And then...
CASTIEL: I came to tell you that I will find Lisa and Ben, and I will bring them back. Stand behind me, the one time I ask.
DEAN: You're asking me to stand down?
DEAN: That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that, right? Well no thanks. I'll find 'em myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my ass.
Now he's mad, very mad... He walks away and gives Castiel his back, clenching his fist with anger.
He's trying to control himself, he can't believe CAS is talking like Crowley, is the worst, where's his Castiel???
The face he made after Cas is gone is priceless, is a mix between pain, anger and sadness... Gah.
Ok, hospital... Lisa is in bad shape... And Castiel appears...
DEAN: What do you want?
He's so, so mad at Cas.
CASTIEL: Dean, listen.
DEAN: What do you want me to say? She'll be dead by midnight.
CASTIEL: I'm sorry.
DEAN: I don't care. It's too little, too late.
CASTIEL: Okay. Well, regardless, I didn't come for you.
DEAN: Meaning?
CASTIEL: (he walks up to Lisa and places his hand on her forehead, healing her) She's fine now. She'll wake soon. Dean, I said I'm sorry and I meant it.
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Ok... This was sad and it'll be the last time they will talk about it before Cas become Godstiel.
Dean is heartbroken, he lost Lisa, Ben and now Cas... Because he can't elaborate in his head Cas isn't his friend anymore. So heartbroken, his face is priceless here. His eyes with unshed tears. Because of CAS. He will ask him to erase Ben and Lisa memories, but Castiel's Betrayal, as he will say in 7x17, he couldn't swallow it... So yes, this face is mostly for Castiel. Bc he lost him.
Godstiel, and the last intent to get Cas back
In episode 6x22, the last of the season, Cas did two things, in my opinion, were out of character.
1) He broke Sam's mental war (when in Season 5 he will kill anyone who tries to hurt him) he never NEVER would do something to hurt Sam.
2) He killed Balthazar, another friend, bc he felt he'd betrayed him.
Ok... This maybe was used by the showrunner to present us the wrong path Cas was following to his mere death.
Don't worry, she'll be asked to fix this by writing Castiel's return to the show in 7x17 (oops).
After doing these two things, he become Godstiel, he wasn't Cas, he was a new entity.
The way he was talking to Dean showed us that. He was like a heartless powerful creature.
Even so, Dean will try to get to him...
We can see in the hunter's face fears and concern about his friend...
DEAN: Listen to me. Listen, I know there's a lot of bad water under the bridge, but we were family once. I'd have died for you. I almost did a few times. So if that means anything to you... Please. I've lost Lisa, I've lost Ben, and now I've lost Sam. Don't make me lose you too. You don't need this kind of juice anymore, Cas. Get rid of it before it kills us all.
So desperate, he knew it was a huge danger Cas was like a nuclear bomb, but there's love in his words. He's trying his best to get his angel back. It was in vain, as we know...
To Conclude
Dean and Cas break up showed us the profound love they feel for each other, 6x20 and 6x21 were purely romantic, and you can feel the pain and the longing all over it.
It was clear that loosing Cas wasn't loosing just a friend, it hurted badly to Dean because, as I said in the last volume, Cas was more than family to him.
The performance from the actor was deliberately played as a romantic scene. Jensen and Misha knew what they were doing there. It was two people in love breaking up.
Ok, we finished this season people, sorry for the long post! But next one we will get into season 7, I assume it'll be less volumes.
I hope you like this, see you in the next chronicle.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @koshisekisen @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @angelneedshunter @trickster-archangel @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @mishka-the-angel-of-saturday @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @xsghn @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
If you want to be tagged, please let me know.
If you want to check the previous volumes...
Buenos Aires, Augusto 14th 2019 8:07 PM
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