#wardrobe stealing
historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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spooksicl-e · 7 months
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but first, watson, we smoke.
no, we don’t.
yes, we do.
we don’t.
we must.
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Magnus Archives earrings Magnus Archives earrings Magnus Archives earrings
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uproariousscarecrow · 10 months
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star-laboratory · 1 month
i just started watched dead boy detectives for the first time and omfg WHY has nobody recommended it to be before. this is amazing i am one and half chapters in and i would die for all of the three mcs. but especially for edwin. he's going into my certified babygirl wall
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devi1sange1 · 7 days
Jude Duarte’s Wardrobe (Styled by Cardan Greenbriar)
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melljam · 19 days
it’s unhinged long post time again! and this one’s about gitae kim >:)
so its assumed that gitae holds some form of resentment over his absent father, gap … (since he did vaguely murder him with james after all)
… but there seems to be some subtle hints that gitae might have also idolized gapryong kim
-> first up: gitae’s pipe being engraved with gapryong kim’s name in chinese (金甲龍) 「link to my post that goes more in-depth about gap’s chinese name」
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as i mentioned in the linked post, it seems like that smoking pipe belonged to gap in the past and gitae somehow got ahold of it
so why would gitae keep a piece of memorabilia that belonged to his absent father if he only held resentment for the man? it might have some sentimental value for him, especially since he chose to bring it back to korea with him.
perhaps the motive behind gitae’s possession and usage of gap’s pipe could be comparable to jake deciding to don gap’s gloves
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the two of them both hold resentment for gap as a father, while also selectively admiring and emulating aspects of him as a gangsters
-> secondly, on the topic of emulating gap …
jake seems to unwillingly (or subconsciously) follow in his father’s footsteps through his passion for protecting people (which is the symbolic reason he wears gap’s gloves), but he also inherited gap’s moral compass. jake dislikes unfairness or ‘cheating’, just like how gap could never “ignore any kind of injustice.”
also the way that gap is mentioned to never be able to pass by someone in need, while jake constantly gets involved in other people’s business for the sake of helping them (showing up to save victims in 3a and his entire dynamic with xiaolung lol)
by all means, minseon was correct (ofc she is <3), and jake takes after gapryong kim’s ‘good side’
and in the same vein, following in minseon’s words, gitae takes after gapryong kim’s evil side.
he’s selfish, he’s power-hungry, and he has the raw strength to do (or get) what he wants
all of which are also traits belonging to gap, shown through his cheating, his (failed) political campaign, and his strength making him the ‘legend of the pre-generation’
no one truly aspires to be any of the first two traits listed, but what about the third?
to be a legend, in terms of strength (which is very, very important as a gangism lookism character whose ability to succeed is correlated in their ability to fight …)
wouldn’t that certainly be appealing to a selfish, power-hungry man?
and it seems that it indeed was very appealing to gitae, since jinyoung alludes to gap failing to mimic gap’s fighting style in the past
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-> “no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be gapryong kim.”
perhaps this was just a one-off comment about gitae attempting to mimic gap’s fists, but it could be indicative of another facet of gitae’s admiration for his father
gitae might have admired the idea of his father being gapryong kim, korea’s strongest gangster, to the point of idolization (which sounds a lot like a certain someone samuel hahah … )
if so, then he might have become obsessed with following in his father’s footsteps and attaining power as a gangster, especially if he lived in poverty as an abandoned child (just like samuel)
perhaps, in a similar manner to samuel, gitae might have grown up viewing himself as needing to be worthy of being gapryong kim’s son, needing to live up to his father’s name.
but is ptj really going to rehash the same backstory for gitae? there’s a possibility, but ultimately, i don’t think so. gitae seems like he’s driven by something different to samuel, something a little less insecure hahah :)
gitae may have found himself obsessed over another aspect of gapryong kim, something distinct from the validation that samuel craved, something like:
-> the identity of gapryong kim
the legend of the pre-generation, korea’s strongest gangster, an all-around powerful man
someone to admire, someone to idolize (only for these guys that is, jake is right in hating gap lol)
what gitae wanted was to be ‘gapryong kim’.
maybe not in a literal sense, but rather to have the power as a gangster that gap held during his heyday, to be a legend in his own right
gitae wanted to lead the life of glory that gapryong kim did, but might have felt ultimately limited by only being an illegitimate son of his
admiration, idolization, and obsession
gitae could have been obsessed with everything that gapryong kim represented, and the tortuously resentful ache of being unable to claim legitimacy to gapryong kim’s name might have driven gitae to commit his ‘ultimate sin’
perhaps gitae figured that the only way to ‘get what he wanted’ out of his life as an unwanted son was to murder his father and idol, gapryong kim, and thus allow himself to create his own legacy, one that eerily mirrors that of his deceased father, gapryong kim
-> additionally, as stated by minseon, gitae went to mexico because he ‘got what he wanted’
it’s very interesting that gitae went to mexico (since lookism takes place in south korea lol), and i think the reason that gitae decided to start a gang in mexico is an extension of his character motivation of power
gitae might have wanted to leave south korea because he was unable to attain the power that he wanted there, to build a legacy separate from gapryong kim’s, but very similar in nature
immediately after gapryong kim thwarted the ‘great threat’ that south korea faced in the past, he went into politics because he realized that was the only way for him to gain true power in korea
gitae didn’t want to follow in the path of the disgraceful politician gapryong kim, but rather the powerful gang leader gapryong kim
in mexico, the magnitude of the crimes, the underground businesses, and the authority that gangs have all fit someone like gitae better, someone who craves greater power and control
-> and to tie it back to the beginning of this post, gitae’s bitter obsession with gapryong kim might be why he keeps his pipe, or why he values that coat so much (since it likely belonged to gapryong in the past)
it’s a little morbid, especially if gitae gained access to gapryong kim’s belongings during or as a result of his murder, but gitae seems to cherish his father in his very own, twisted way
(gitae’s line about the coat being worth a life takes on a whole new meaning if he took it after murdering gap lol)
also, is it just a coincidence that gitae is currently dressed in a similar fashion to gap in his prime?
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slicked back hair, black pants, a red shirt, and a black coat (possibly the same coat?)
anyway, thanks for reading my insufferable ramblings !!!
very excited to see what ptj has in store for gitae’s character now that he’s finally back :3
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cruxxio · 4 months
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"That's the 5th jersey you stole..." "Well what's yours is mine now." 😈
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k-kipper · 5 days
ooo boyo boy the canonisation of a ship but it's a six year long montage shot in three minutes, no dialogue, one location, no outfit change of it all has sent me scurrying back to tumblr for the first time in years like a feral raccoon looking for crumbs.
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mollysunder · 6 months
If Silco used to dress like a punk when he was younger, to the point that some of Jinx's LoL outfit looks like it has the same material from his flashback outfit, does that mean Jinx will have a sinister suit era in her 40s too?
Like father like daughter amiright?
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hexedwinchester · 3 months
Guys! Look!!
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It's the same t-shirt!! 🤣🤣
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nepttunnee · 7 months
hc that annabeth chase has absolutely no idea how personal space works. there is at least a foot of distance between her and someone she doesnt know/like at all times. if youre friends you now have a permanent annabeth sized object on you the moment she spots you. she is now an article of clothing.
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desultory-novice · 10 months
For Magolor, the Dimension Mirror drastically heightened his bitterness, to the point that he can't even lie his way through...
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An explanation:
"Why is Mirror Magolor dead," you ask?
See, I've been thinking a lot about what Twitter Magolor said about the Dimension Mirror, that nothing would come out if he looked into it. Now, of course it could just be a joke at the fact that Magolor is sooooo truthful and good the idea of a "bad" Magolor would be impossible! He HAS no bad traits to amplify~ ^o^
But I assumed that, much like the Halcandran thing, that too was one of his lies. So, what does that mean...? See, Magolor in the main timeline winds up... kinda all powerful if you think about it? Magical powers enhanced from a life or death struggle with the Master Crown plus a legendary ship capable of traveling dimensions. But with a character who can travel to multiple dimensions/timelines at will, you need to have some way to balance them.
Not every Magolor can be a dimension hopper, right?
So, we offset this via making Magolor almost universally doomed. The being known as Magolor is so cross-cosmically misfortunate, that EVERY OTHER Magolor outside of the main timeline Magolor no longer exists, because they've all met with an awful fate!
Just like our Magolor almost did. He was the lone survivor, thanks to Kirby.
Now, did Mirror Marx really kill Mirror Magolor?
...Not with a knife or anything! If he had killed Mirror Magolor in that way, Magolor would have known. Did Marx set up Magolor to be killed from Marx's point of view? ...Absolutely.
Does Marx also regret doing this? ...You do know what blog you're on, right? XD
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fierceyetflawed · 3 months
the gender envy is so real w david
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wickedcriminal · 1 year
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I had a vision that Wrath would look cool in Ed's black getup so here's Wrath casually stealing Ed's stuff while staying with the Rockbells for automail rehab
because. I mean it's not like Ed's coming back for it
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blorbocedes · 1 year
rich bitch mommy barbie class consciousness⁉️⁉️🤨🥹
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