lytefoot · 1 year
Still thinking about Much Ado About Nothing, and how Hero and Claudio aren’t really characters in the story so much as stage dressing.
And also thinking about how that would fit into a Muppet version of the play, because who doesn’t want to see Muppets do Shakespeare?
Just had to share this, especially with @hillnerd @warriorlid14 @abradystrix @headcanonsandmore and @nagemeikenu from book group.
Because ordinarily in a Muppet movie, the human character(s) are the protagonists. But there has never been a couple that were perfect for Kermit and Miss Piggy like Benedick and Beatrice. Although would that be too on the nose? I’m not sure. I’m definitely picturing Kermit’s little scrunched face in response to “Kill. Claudio.” and taking great delight in it, though.
So what if Hero and Claudio were the humans, and they think that the B plot is actually the main story? That would ultimately work as well as making them lamps or cardboard cutouts or blow-up dolls.
Fozzie is Don Pedro. I’m thinking maybe Gonzo is Don John, Rizzo the Rat is Borachio, Margaret is another one of the rats. Margaret being muppet makes Don Pedro and Claudio falling for the nonsense so much funnier. And although he’s usually a lovely fellow, I can’t help imagining Gonzo working well in the role of, “I think I will cause problems on purpose because I’m carrying the Villain Ball.”
Sam the Eagle is Dogberry. This is incredibly funny to me.
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krakendra · 1 year
Fic title ask game: 'The Graveyard's Children'
Title: The Graveyard's Children
Summary: Did you hear about the boy who killed his entire family?
What the Story's Actually About: An in-depth look and exploration of the Berenson cousins, from Tom to Forrest. Their tragedies, their ends, what they knew and what they didn't know.
credit to @warriorlid14 for the summary line that's been living in my head for two days now.
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qkmlh · 2 years
Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! No skipping!
I’m actually excited for this because my favorite playlist is a game of roulette so thank you for tagging me @monbebexol 💛🌼💫
Holiday by Seventeen
Mad City by NCT 127
Desesperado by Evan Craft
Dancing in the Moonlight by Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
she’s all i wanna be by Tate McRae
Hot Sauce by NCT Dream
A Sky Full of Stars by Taron Egerton
Criminal by Taemin
The Passenger by Iggy Pop
I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
Ahh as expected the vibes are all over the place asjfkdh let’s see I’ll tag @yixingminseokjongdae @red--hero @warriorlid14 @sjabe @wonderkimi-chat @xiu-bee @chestnutheadkyungsoo @whereisthedamni @itsrudyyy and anyone else that’s up for it if you’re interested!! >v<
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Hi!! I’m new to THG fandom and decided to start the series when I saw the new prequel in my bookstore. I finished book 1 in a couple of days (absolutely loved it!! Can’t wait to start Catching Fire) and am looking for different blogs to follow.
I’m trying to do something fun and am asking different blogs to recommend me to one another BUT with a special request of finding a variety. I’m trying this to stay well-rounded and so I can avoid going down a rabbit hole. So is there an Everthorne/Gale blog you’d recommend? Afterwards I will visit them and ask them to recommend Everlark/Peeta blog and keep going down the line as far as I can!
Hello, welcome! Always love seeing new people reading and joining in the fandom fun :).
Before anything, I do want to caution you about spoilers! Since the series isn't active rn no one is giving spoiler warning or anything of the sort, so if you haven't gotten to read Catching Fire or Mockingjay yet, I'd just be very careful what you are reading until you get a chance to finish them!
Wow...as for your recommendation request, that's actually a little tough!
I don't know many Everthorne blogs. I...actively dislike them as a romantic relationship personally. There are a few I have blocked, but that should say why I'm not recommend you to them. BUT I do love Gale! And if you want some an awesome blog for positive Gale content in general aside from shipping, I'd go to @warriorlid14 's blog. She doesn't SOLELY focus on THG or Gale, but she does chat about him very positively so I'd recommend going there for sure!
Yea. Other than that, and a lot of Everlark blogs I know are very cool about Gale, I can't really think of anyone else to recommend. I don't know any specifically Galeniss blogs that I'd be comfortable suggesting checking out.
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districtunrest · 2 years
thanks @petruchio !! 🥂♥️
last song: off my mind by joe p
currently watching: season 3 of futurama. also just watched when harry met sally for the first time and it was so cute 😭 
currently reading: devotions by Mary Oliver, and still lots of soc fanfiction lol
current obsession: freaking six of crows, man - you know i am down bad when i even like modern day AUs 💀 also the youtube channel simple living alaska has my whole heart, no one is doing it like them
tagging @atleastmymomlikesme @thelettersfromnoone @endlessnightlock @juxtaposie @worldwithinworld @jenniferiawrence @warriorlid14 @flnnickodair if you're interested 🙃
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livingincolorsagain · 3 years
Rarry of course for the ask game
Gives nose/forehead kisses: Ron, more often than not. Harry’s too short and has to push Ron to the closest flat surface to kiss his nose/forehead. It’s not easy having a giant boyfriend. 
Gets jealous the most: Both. Equally so. Though after years together, it gets better, with better communication and them being more confident in their own skins and their relationship. 
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: Ron.
Takes care of on sick days: Ron. Well, Harry tries, of course, but he fumbles with this kinda thing a lot. But it’s the thought that counts anyway. And he gets better. His chicken soup alone is enough.  
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Ron. He drags a fully clothed (glasses included) Harry to the water after ten warnings that Harry didn’t take seriously, which is his own fault, of course. 
Gives unprompted massages: Harry. He’s naturally good at it for some reason. 
Drives/rides shotgun: Harry drives and Ron rides shotgun, seat all the way back, hat and sunglasses on as he sleeps most of the ride away, despite Harry’s complains and the loud music. 
Brings the other lunch at work: RON.
Has the better parental relationship: so rude. Ok. Harry. Like the obvious answer is Ron, but we all know it’s Harry. 
Tries to start role-playing in bed: Ron.  He’s kinky, ok, I don’t care what y’all say. He would want to try everything at least once.  
Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Harry. Harry is just an embarrassing drunk all around. 
Still cries watching Titanic: Both. Every time. It stopped being embarrassing after the fourth time. They even started holding each other while watching it, which led to them cuddling every time they’re watching tv, no matter what movie they’re watching.  
Firmly believes in couples costumes: Ron. Especially after they started watching all those muggle movies. 
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: Harry, obviously.  
Makes the other eat breakfast: Ron. Breakfast is Ron’s specialty. 
Remembers anniversaries: They both do. Only Hermione is surprised by this. 
Brings up having kids: Harry brings it up first, a few months after they got together. Just a small offhanded comment about wanting to be a father one day. Ron, years later, when he’s telling Harry he wants to quit his job and ready to settle down and have kids. 
Thank you <3 
♥ Send a ship and I’ll give you who. 
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
The following hot takes from the book club, this week discussing ‘Emma’ by Jane Austen;
Paul Rudd should play Lord Havelock Vetinari in the next Discworld adaptation
Emma is bisexual and in love with Harriet
Said-bisexuality is why she dislikes Mr Martin
Harriet is a introvert who was adopted by an extrovert who everyone seems to like (not too dissimilar to another introvert with a similar name, who was adopted by a certain extroverted redheaded wizard)
Alan Cummings is hilarious in everything he does
The meaning of the phrase ‘he made passionate love to her’ has changed immensely since Jane Austen originally wrote it to mean a love confession
Fancying both Emma and Mr Knightly is bi culture
Any other thoughts @hillnerd @lytefoot @warriorlid14 @nagemeikenu and @fivenamereveals? 
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So I'm rereading Animorphs and reread the scene where Jake finds a picture of Elfangor's family in the ship. I always assumed it was him and Ax and his parents, but the children described are small- so it can't be adult Elfangor and a small Ax. Do you think Elfangor had another family? Did K.A.A screw up? Maybe the family of a friend who he also sees as family? I was wondering what your thoughts were on this.
I’ve always wondered about that moment, and tbh I just go with it being Ax and Elfangor as kids, because otherwise it doesn’t fit.  Yes, it’s a little off with the age difference, but maybe Elfangor’s in, like, late andalite-adolescence and Ax is an andalite-toddler at the time?
Jake: *sees a photo of Elfangor, Loren, bby!Tobias, and Dude just sitting on Elfangor’s fighter console*
Jake internally: Huh.  Guess those andalite types look really different under all that blue furry stuff.  Except for the ones that, apparently... *squints* Sprout even more fur?  And it’s orange?
Jake’s narration: Anyway, there was a photo of, like, two larger andalites?  And two andalite kids?  I guess?  I’m not a xenobiologist.  But based on context clues that’s what it must’ve been.
--- two days later ---
Jake: Hey Tobias, are you sure that your cat is really a cat and not, uh...
Tobias: What’s that?
Jake: You know, not...
Jake: *sticks both hands on top of his head and wiggles his index fingers like they’re stalk eyes*
Tobias: Uh, what?
Jake: You know what, never mind.  Must’ve imagined it.
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princesserica84 · 4 years
When we are talking about The Silver Doe chapter in Deathly Hallows on the zoom book chat :
@warriorlid14​ : “ok but ron saving harry was the best way to break the ice”
Tumblr media
I totally started a laughing attack, @hillnerd​ had to mute me. 
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lytefoot · 4 years
I'm thinking about the “you think I can’t recognize my best friend?” trope you brought up. And just imagining that scene from many movies where there's the real person and the clone (polyjyiced version). And usually there's so much drama and indecision. But in this case the clone is barely opening his mouth to say "I can prove it" before Ron immediately stuns him. Harry doesn't even get a chance to think about how to convince Ron it's him. The dramatic music in the background immediately stops.
I feel like Harry is much more the “Stun both of them and wait for the polyjuice to wear off, just to be safe,” type, or at least would hesitate and fret over the possibility of being wrong.
Whereas Ron wouldn’t even need to see the two of them together, he’d just be like, looks at fake, “That’s not Harry.” “How do you know?” “Because I recognize Harry.”
On the other hand, the idea of someone trying to imitate Harry around someone who actually knows him is super funny to me, because Harry’s public persona is very different from his actual personality. Like, most people don’t actually know what an enormous dork Harry is. So, like.
Impostor: Acts grim and intimidating, misses one opportunity for sarcasm.
Ginny, already casting a hex: “Who are you and what did you do with my husband?”
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Hey, I just noticed we're the top Gale Hawthorne blogs. High five!
Omg, really!? I had never noticed! That's awesome, high-five! :D :D
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fivenamereveals · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Ron likes being the little spoon, too!
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
He deserves to be the little spoon!
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districtunrest · 3 years
author self-interview
tagged by endlessnightlock :) thank you!!
name: we’ll still say Gabbie, even though that’s very much an alias leftover from being a minor online. I also go by MarbleSharp.
fandoms: THG is the only one I’m active in lately but this blog reflects my other, more passive fandom interests lol
where do you post: Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net. and then I advertise/preview things here on tumblr. 
most popular multi-chapter fic: Somthing of Our Own, or SOO, a WIP about Haymitch and Hazelle Hawthorne with peripheral Everlark, reconstruction, and other fun post-MJ things. 
favorite story you’ve written so far: gosh, Idk. I think I like SOO best because it’s my most recent writing and it’s my attempt at a mature slow-burn between two middle-aged people with shared history and a good deal of baggage but a good deal of hope, too. it’s just flat-out compelling to me and I care about it a lot which makes it more than a little painstaking to write, haha
fic you were nervous to post: my very first one, To Have and To Hold, back in 2011 when I was in the eighth grade(!). but it’s a nice, little, bittersweet AU about Haymitch’s girl, had she and his family survived.
how do you choose your titles: agonizingly. 
do you outline: for multi-chapter stories, I do. but they’re loose outlines where I leave room to let things happen ~ organically ~ in between major plot points. I tend to be very character-driven.
Best of Luck, Mockingjay - for a horror prompt, featuring Jackson toward the brutal end of the Squad 451.
bronze legacy - a prompt about Finnick & Annie’s son that sort of explores the genetic/societal onus of carrying a late parent’s legacy. there’s a happy ending though!
The Callers from the Coffin - my first multi-chapter story, where I used Markus Zusak’s narrator Death from The Book Thief to narrate parts of Haymitch’s life that either Haymitch remembers on his deathbed or Death witnessed itself. it’s not really a crossover but I labeled it as such because there are general spoilers for TBT. it was fun to write and the reception was pretty good, though much of the character backstory within is no longer my headcanon lol
cinderella man - a short and sweet multi-chapter story where I use the Cinderella fairy tale to tell Peeta’s side of the Everlark story (or one interpretation of it, anyway).
eat your heart out - about Titus, the cannibal tribute.
Gym Class - an Everlark oneshot where Katniss accidentally (but also not) hits Peeta in the face with a dodgeball, or the origin story of Peeta’s ‘not a piece in their games’ philosophy.
let the memories be good for those who stay - my one (1) story for another fandom. it’s an AU of The Book Thief where the main character Liesel dies and her love interest Rudy lives instead. I’ve gotten many an upset comment about it, which I accept warmly. :)
A New Way to Breathe - a prompt (for shesasurvivor actually!) about Johanna and Haymitch after the war, though in this story the war doesn’t end... well... for some beloved characters. imo, this fic is best read listening to “Alone Together” by Fallout Boy on repeat. 
stronger than her story (once she’s lost the plot) - Enobaria vs. Johanna through the years. and it’s very much vs., not / or &
To Have and To Hold
in progress: 
so this is your maverick - this AU where Thresh and Rue win can be considered finished but I’d love to come back to it and do a second, final part from Rue’s perspective. only trouble is, I’ve read several great fics with this same AU that cover them going through the rebellion together and so I don’t really know what I have to add to it. we’ll see (as if it hasn’t been 8 years lmao)
Something of Our Own 
coming soon:
a month ago, I would’ve said stronger than her story (once she’s lost the plot), a near decade-long WIP lol 
but for right now, I’m just working on SOO. *shrugs*
do you accept prompts: sure, though I tend to be a slow writer and I might have to sit on it for a while before posting it. it’d probably be a drabble, too.
upcoming story you’re most excited to write: the rest of SOO? I feel like a broken record :P 
story/stories you’re most excited to read: the stories or authors I’m subscribed to, of which there are too many to list here. I also love to check out my mutuals’ recommendations or their own work!
tagging shesasurvivor, juxtaposie, hawtnip, warriorlid14, finnicksannie, lorata (all of whom I hope haven’t already been asked this... if you’ve answered, please tag me so I can learn more about your work!!)
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frick6101719 · 3 years
Gale, pls? (Please take all the time you need)
Amazing I was listening to music this morning and thinking about Gale so I am READY
edit: here's a link
1. The Contender - The Glorious Sons
“I could have been a contender  But my head wasn't cold enough As a child my wild eyes made up for what I was not Now the chains rattle and I don't even care I'm too young to be sure And I'm far too old to be scared”
2. And So It Went - The Pretty Reckless
“And so it went The children lost their minds Crawlin' over bodies of those who gave their lives And the fists began to throw And the fire starts to blaze Don't you think they know They're the fuckin' human race?”
3. Crying In The Rain - AHA
“I'll never let you see The way my broken heart is hurting me I've got my pride and I know how to hide All my sorrow and pain I'll do my crying in the rain”
4. Don’t Look Back In Anger - Oasis
“I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed 'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head Step outside 'cause summertime's in bloom Stand up beside the fireplace Take that look from off your face 'Cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out”
5. Brilliant - Shinedown 
“Say it if you're one of us The beaten and the furious Been chastised, analyzed, for the very last time It's all the same (Believe it or not) But this ain't a game (And I'll never stop) So you better run for your life “Let me clear my throat, let me catch my breath Let my heart bleed out till there's nothing left It's my day to be brilliant”
give me a character or ship and i will make you a 3-5 song playlist
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livingincolorsagain · 3 years
5 and 9 for Rarry pls?
5. How would they describe each other?
Ok. The only thing I have is Harry, a bit tipsy, holding Hermione by the shoulders and going on and on about Ron.
“He’s so lovely, Hermione”
“I know, Harry”
“His eyes are so blue and his lips, oh my, have you seen his lips?”
“I did, yes”
“And his hair! It’s so soft and it falls around his face and he keeps pushing it away”
“His shoulders!”
“His shoulders?”
“Yes! They’re so broad and strong”
“And he’s so good with kids! He’s gonna be a great dad”
“Of course”
Probably went on and on and on for an hour or two. Poor Hermione.
9. What made them realize they were in love?
Answered here.
OTP Ask Game
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
Ron/Neville for the ask game pls?
Ron/Neville is *chefs kiss* perfect! 10/10. Wholesome, sweet, wonderful, and beautiful. Cannot recommend enough.
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