#was Slumped today but it was really nice to just rest and vibe ;--;
good-beanswrites · 5 months
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Her ass is not writing !
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kashi-prompts · 3 years
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Prompt: Above (but slightly altered)
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader (POV alternates between them) 
Wordcount: 4,963
Rating: M 
Trigger Warning: Graphic depictions of domestic violence, implied/suggested rape, and violence
A/N: Ok, so I got carried away with this one. This prompt has been in my head for a long time, and I didn’t know where I wanted to go with it. But if you’re a little emo millennial like I am, you’ll remember the song “Face Down” by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus that came out in like, 2010 or something. I listened to this song over and over again one day while I was driving and this idea came to my head. Please abide by the trigger warnings, as I feel this is pretty triggering. But I do hope those of you who enjoy the whole angsty vibe enjoy this. 
And [y/f’s/n] = Your friends name
Prompt below the cut: 
"Over here," the grip of his hand on your upper arm alerted you that you were moving through the crowd too quickly. He directed you back down the path he wanted to go. Hundreds of people lined the main street of Konoha in the culmination of the day's festival. You looked up, adjusting your kimono as you noted some teens arranging fireworks to be set off on the roof across from you. 
"This is a festival to celebrate love and relationships," you reminded your husband, frowning as he continued away from the festival's main road. You pushed a piece of hair away from your face, the hot air causing it to stick to your forehead with sweat. 
"What does it matter? We're already married, aren't we?" Aiko sighed, his irises pointing north in irritation. You noticed and agreed not to speak of it again. 
"Hey, Jiro!" Aiko's demeanor changed instantly at the sight of his friends huddled around a table, sake being poured generously all around. Slapping his hand between the man's shoulder blades, you watched your husband smile for the first time that day. 
Within moments, the lanterns in the streets were lit, and a glass of the fermented alcohol shoved haphazardly in your hand. The three men leaned against the table as you watched more people walk by, snippets of conversations passing you. You smiled dolefully as a young couple crossed the path before you, their enamored expressions radiating off their faces. 
You wearily twisted your wedding band with your thumb. 
Across the street, three men leisurely pitched themselves against the plank siding of Konoha's Dango shop. Despite the men lacking the commonly ordered shinobi uniform, one could still discern the nature of the three ninjas simply the way they displayed themselves. Although they were not on duty at the moment, their demeanor barely skimmed the surface of leisure. 
"Oiy," one burly gentleman sighed, exasperated by his friend's lack of interest, "Kakashi, won't you put that book down? Just enjoy the evening." 
The taller man shrugged, the tilt of his grey hair below the paper lantern above casting a shadow over his already partially covered face. He turned another page calmly, not looking up. 
"I'm here, aren't I? Isn't that enough for you both?" Kakashi responded, his thumb resting between the pages of his novel. A single dark eye glanced up at the two men. 
"Just listen to Guy," the brown-haired man exhaled, gesturing to the enthusiastic friend between them. "It would be nice to have you present once in and while. Maybe you can find a girlfriend here instead of always relying on that stupid book of yours for pleasure." 
Kakashi sighed heavily, scoffing at his friend and snapping the book shut in his palm, replacing it in the pocket of his kimono. Above them, the sudden popping sounds of fireworks shooting into the night sky filled the air. 
"I love the energy here," the man named Guy proclaimed suddenly, turning to look at the teenagers on the roof above them set up another round of colorful bursting rockets. The man clenched his fists in enthusiasm, smiling broadly. 
"I remember being that young," he said suddenly, "the rich life of youth!" 
Kakashi folded his arms across his chest and slumped deeper against the building. He had waited for this festival to end hours ago, imagining the familiarity of his warm bed at home and the burning desire for his mind to rest in the comfort of the book in his pocket. 
As the stream of citizens bustling down the dirt street finally divided, the silver-haired shinobi's eye settled on a woman across the street. Despite the clarity of her disquieted gaze, her appearance caught the shinobi's attention as his eye swiveled back to her. 
For a moment, something within his mind was set ablaze. The silver-haired man tilted his chin, studying the woman as she nursed a small glass of the clear liquid in her hand. Her slender fingers tapped against the drink while her thumb nervously twisted at the silver band on her ring finger. 
Behind his mask, he frowned slightly. She was taken, obviously. How could she not be? There was a grace to her that would be swept up by any man lucky enough to get close to her. Despite the obvious conclusion that he had made about her status, his eyes couldn't seem to leave her. The uneasy expression on her delicate features tugged at something within him. 
"I'm going to go get us a drink," Tenzo clapped a hand to his thigh, leaning forward from the wall. "Sound good?"
Kakashi nodded, looking away from the woman as another pack of eager teenagers wandered between her and the men. Instead, he watched Yamato push his way to the bar across the street where she stood, offering three fingers to the bartender in request. 
As Yamato waited, Kakashi observed the man at the table in front of the bar. A boisterous laugh echoed from the man's husky chest, slamming down an empty glass that once held a generous amount of sake. 
"If I really wanted to, I could take on any of these shinobi," Kakashi heard the man say to his friend. "I don't need to know any of that ju-ju shit." 
Beside him, Guy was oblivious to the entertainment unfolding before them. Kakashi managed to stifle a chuckle, looking away as the man began to roll up his sleeve to show off his beefy arm muscles. His single eye swiveled back to the woman, clearly embarrassed by the man's humiliating masquerade of virility beside her. 
The connection was suddenly made clear to Kakashi. 
"Hey, you!" the man yelled over the table, pointing to Yamato as he used an extra wooden hand to carry the three glasses back to his friends. 
"You're a shinobi, aren't you?" 
"Yes," Kakashi heard Yamato say, clearly unaware of the man's prior antics moments before, "Why?" 
"C'mere for a second," the man chuckled, waving the shinobi over. The burly man's friends snickered around the table, turning around to observe Kakashi's friend. Kakashi stood straighter. Beside him, Guy did the same, also suddenly aware of the strange situation displaying before them. 
A fist flew through the air without warning, and the sound of shattering glass filled the bar. Three glasses of sake spilled around their feet as Yamato's hand gripped the man's fist in front of his face agilely. 
"Aiko, stop!" The woman Kakashi had noted minutes before cursed at her husband, her eyes wild with embarrassment and anger. "What is wrong with you?" 
Yamato pushed back with one hand as Kakashi and Guy carefully made their way across the street to assist if needed. The man stumbled back, shaking his head in disgust. 
"You men are useless," he spat at Yamato. Kakashi and Guy stood at Yamato's shoulder. "All you stupid fucks do is go out and use your little magic to bring war to our village. Just because people aren't inherently born with your stupid-"
"That's enough," Kakashi commanded suddenly, taking a step forward. His other lid slid open, the twirl of three tomoe in his glowing eye a jarring sight to the group of men. Aiko scoffed, brushing off the scarecrow's display of authority before sitting back down. 
Kakashi turned, impervious to the man's words. As Guy opened his mouth beside him, Yamato quickly directed him away. 
Making his way back through the crowd, Kakashi glanced over at the woman beside him, her expression a blend of humiliation and gratitude. 
Clutching your drink, you stared at the silver-haired shinobi in front of you as he passed. The glow of his red eye eerie as he slowly closed his lid again. Did he know? 
2 Months Later
The humidity in the air was stifling. The typical steady flow of children darting about in the streets seemed to have been reduced to merely a trickle of one or two Genin desperately trying to cool themselves with the gardening hose outside the Yamanaka Flower Shop. 
The wait between missions was always a relatively appeasing time for the jounin leader. Although today, as he patrolled the streets with a book in his hand, he longed for a mission to a place with a cooler temperature than the sweltering climate he walked the streets in now. Drips of sweat cascaded down his spine, dampening his undershirt all the way to his vest. 
"Oh!" was all Kakashi heard as he felt the weight of someone walk into him. The pages of his book flew through the air, minging with a bag of groceries that fell to the ground.  
"I'm sorry!" he heard as he quickly assessed the situation. A messy lump of [y/h/c] knelt before him, picking up the groceries that had been scattered about the street. 
"No need to be sorry," he told the woman quickly, kneeling beside her. 
"I should have been looking where I was going," clearly flustered by the situation, she continued to grab her groceries and place them back in the bag. 
"It's okay," he chuckled, glancing up at her. His chest tightened for a moment as he viewed the woman he had seen in the bar a few months prior. Her beauty remained, but the apparent cast of malaise had overtaken her. He blinked, taken aback by the situation that had suddenly unfolded before him. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, lifting an arm to her shoulder, "did you hurt yourself?"
She evaded his touch, pulling away with her bag of groceries. He withdrew his gesture as she stood, clutching the bag to her chest. Looking down, he observed the wedding band still on her thinning finger. She looked ill, he thought. Or, at the very least, quite exhausted. Beneath his mask, his lips curved into a frown. 
"I'm fine. I must be going," she told him quickly, brushing by him. It was now evident to the jounin how this large bag of groceries had obscured this woman's view enough to run into him in the first place. 
"Let me at least help you carry your bag," Kakashi offered, taking a step towards her. 
"No!" she told him quickly, pulling the paper bag away from his grasp. "I'm fine, thank you." 
As she turned the arm grasping the bag away from him, his single eye glanced down at a deep-set bruise on her upper arm. The clear markings of four fingers having once gripped the skin caused his stomach to churn uncomfortably. He opened his mouth, attempting to frame a sentence of carefully composed words to her, but only a pause came from his lips. 
Without another word, the woman turned from him and quickly began heading over the bridge to the other side of town. Her gait struck him as rather peculiar, almost as though she were trying to make up the time she had lost moments before. Looking down, he grabbed his book from the dusty street and shoved it in his pocket, uneasy from the interaction. 
3 Months Later
Fall had arrived before you had even noticed the conclusion of the warmer days of the year. The lustrous canopies of trees that cocooned the village had shifted to autumn's mute yet vibrate colors. The crisp air of the night nipped at your cheeks as you walked at the ankles of your husband, keen to keep a distance yet knowledgeable enough not to fall behind. 
Another festival had arrived, this one focused on family. The two of you were supposed to be a family, having been married over two years ago. Yet you didn't feel like that was the case. It was almost as though the moment you had said "I do" to Aiko, he had changed. He had wanted a maid, a mother, and a ragdoll in one package. 
As the evening had progressed, you were sure he had learned his lesson from the previous spring festival. But once the arrival of his friends had commenced, you knew it would be similar. The gnawing, raw feeling in your stomach caused acid to flow freely into your mouth. 
You remembered the last festival, the one where he had made a fool of himself in front of those shinobi men. He had scolded and ridiculed you for not supporting him at that moment. It was considerably evident that your husband was no match for a trained ninja of the Leaf. Yet, his disgust for the protectors of the village only grew more. You suspected it was rooted in jealousy. 
Not realizing the extent of his burned complex that night, you had continued to go about the evening, unaware of what was to come. Once you had arrived home, it had been the first time the verbal abuse had turned physical. The memory of his grip flush against the curve of your neck, pinning you to the wall as he spat in your face, was as clear as it had been the night it happened. You could still hear his words, appalled that his wife had not supported him- maybe then he would have won. You could still feel the glass that had shattered and plunged into your skin as he threw you into the coffee table. 
You took in a shaky breath, trying to calm your anxiety that rose within you. You prayed it wouldn't be that kind of night. You prayed it wouldn't be the type of evening where you were both his physical punching bag and his sex ragdoll. The apologies he whispered to you after as he held you down to "make love" to you caused your skin to crawl. 
The abuse was blatant; there was no denying it. You couldn't say to yourself, "he loves me," because he did not. Yet, you couldn't find the strength or the dignity to leave. The more his words stung, the more you felt you deserved them. 
As you traveled through the street, you looked around, watching families partake in the street vendor sweets and games provided to them. Your hand went to your stomach, the emptiness within it a sad reminder that you were still not a mother. 
"What are you doing?" Aiko asked abruptly, his voice dripping with contempt and impatience. You turned your head, hurrying back over to him as you hadn't even realized you stopped walking. 
"Sorry," you mumbled. 
Later in the evening, the wind had picked up, and the festival lanterns waved in the breeze. Once again, the sake was flowing freely. It was setting up to be just as it had been that night in the spring. Your skin itched with anxiety. The wedding band on your finger was looser than before, falling to your knuckle as you sipped your drink nervously. 
"I bet you could take him out," you heard Aiko's friend say to him. Your eyes widened, and you looked to the sky, a silent prayer for peace falling from your lips. The obsession with shinobi had only grown worse since the incident. As unbenounced ninja passed them on the street, spit would fly from your husband's mouth to their sandaled feet. Mortified, you would always look away. 
But tonight, as you looked over at your husband in the bar, you realized the three men from that evening were behind him. The realization of what your husband and his friends were discussing hit you, and you quickly sucked down your alcohol to ease your distress. 
That shinobi that had helped you in the street that one day was there as well—the same one with the dancing red eye that had looked at you at the spring festival. 
Was he looking at you? You wondered, catching the gaze of his dark eye from across the room. You looked down at your empty drink, feeling a blush creep up your neck that didn't seem like it was from the sake. 
He was handsome, you thought to yourself. You remembered the day you had bumped into him in the street, the way he had chucked at the way you apologized so profusely. When he had walked by you with that eye that night in the spring, it had felt like a real shock of electricity ran through your body. 
A clamor of chairs brought you out of your daydream as you quickly looked up, startled by the sudden noise. 
"Aiko!" you yelled, seeing your husband up against a wall with the forearm under his neck that belonged to the same shinobi he had tried to fight in the spring. This couldn't be happening, you thought. 
The shinobi with a terribly styled bowl cut pulled your husband off of the young man, restraining him. 
"What is your problem?" the brown-haired man shouted to Aiko, pushing him as the other held him in a headlock. 
"Guy, Tenzo!" the silver-haired man stood between them, pulling the men apart. 
A glob of spit flew through the air, hitting the man named Tenzo in the cheek. He gritted his teeth, angered as your husband looked at him in satisfaction. 
"Fuck you," Aiko said, "and fuck your stupid job." 
"Tenzo!" Kakashi forcefully shoved his comrade back as he lunged towards the man. "Enough! Guy, let's go!" 
Embarrassment flooded you like no other. The overwhelming realization of what had just unfolded before you caused acid to erupt in your stomach. You put your glass down, running out of the bar and into the street. You didn't care if your husband couldn't find you - you didn't care about it at all. You were mortified, mortified to be around him, associated with him, to be married to him. 
You pushed through the crowd, finding a dark alleyway at the end of the street where you could find solitude and rest for a moment. Tears streamed from your face as you slid your back down the side of a building. You held your face in your hands, unable to control the sob that erupted from your chest. You stayed there, clutching your knees to your chest as time ticked by. 
You were angry with yourself. You were disgusted for having been stupid enough to get yourself in a situation with such a dreadful and disorderly man. This was your fault, you thought. Your responsibility for not seeing the signs, for not realizing who he was - 
"Get up," you heard, interrupting your thoughts. Your body froze, unable to register the gravity of what was about to happen. You looked up, seeing the outline of your husband against the backlight of the street behind him. 
"Please, Aiko, I'm just-" 
"Get up!" 
You stood to your feet, your knees shaking uncontrollably beneath you. There was nothing you could do now. You had to deal with whatever was going to be delt to you. The rational side of your brain knew it wasn't your fault he had made a fool of himself, yet his tainted reputation and burned-out dignity only enraged him more- and somehow, you felt responsible. You were his punching bag - his relief. 
"Why did you leave?" he demanded, taking a step forward. 
"I was feeling ill," you told him, standing your ground as you lifted your chin. 
"You think you can leave?" he asked, his hot breath on your face. The stale smell of alcohol on his breath tickled your nose, causing nausea to churn in your stomach more. 
"You think you're better than me? Do you think this is all a game? That these men are better than me?"
"I never-" the sudden grip of his hand on your jaw caught your tongue between your teeth, the taste of metal in your mouth quickly spreading. 
"You disgust me," he seethed, the sweaty skin of his nose touching yours. Without hesitation, he threw your body to the side of the alley, slamming your head between the trashcans. 
"Go ahead, get up," he urged you mockingly as his foot slammed into your stomach. 
"Get up!" he yelled, watching you curl your body in pain on the concrete.
Aiko curled his hand into a fist, raising it above him as he leaned down. You braced your body for impact, knowing full well what was about to happen. Anger at yourself overwhelmed you. 
The sound of trashcans being pushed to the side abruptly filled the air of the small alleyway. You felt one hit the top of your head, and you moved quickly, sitting up with wide eyes. Your husband's arm was twisted behind him, and his face pushed into the brick building behind you. Blood seeped from a cut on his forehead. 
"You can't hit a real man, so you think you can hit a woman? You feel like a man now? Huh?" 
The comprehension of what was happening hit you as you scrambled back from the scene. The silver-haired ninja with the red eye slammed your husband harder against the wall, using the firm grip on Aiko's wrist to move him as though he weighed nothing. 
"Get off of me!" Aiko cried furiously, forcefully trying to free himself from the man's grip. You looked down, seeing the shinobi's forearm flex as he gripped your husband's wrist tighter. 
"Break your arm," the shinobi urged mockingly, "that's the only way you'll get out of this." 
Your husband thrust himself backward, wildly trying to free himself. Your eyes widened as you watched in one swift motion the shinobi pull Aiko to the ground, a fist landing firmly on his jawline. You closed your eyes, hearing the sounds of knuckles to flesh penetrate your mind. A mixture of anxiety and relief overwhelmed your senses. 
When the noises had settled, you looked up, watching the shinobi's chest heave in and out as he caught his breath—blood coating his knuckles. Your hand went to your mouth, shaking. He turned to look at you, his red eye open and glowing in the darkness. You scrambled to your feet. 
"I'm not going to hurt you," he said quickly, his expression turning from blind rage to concern. "Are you okay? You're bleeding." 
You reached up, touching the trickle of blood that streamed down from your hairline as the adrenaline from the situation began to die in your system. You felt dizzy, whether from the situation or the injury, you weren't sure. But when you looked back up, the man's spinning red eye was closed again, and he stared at you with worry. 
You looked to your beaten husband, his face puffy and red as he slumped against the wall, unconscious. 
"Is-Is-" you tried, words failing you as your body shook uncontrollably. 
"He's not dead," the shinobi told you quickly, "just unconscious. I just - I saw what he did to you and - he's the lowest scum on this earth."
His words fell silent as his chest still rose and fell with heavy breaths. You looked up at him, your eyes locking with his. The adrenaline and anxiety that had been building up in you peaked as your knees gave way below you. Your body fell to the ground as you let out a loud sob, one that had been accumulating within you for months. The overwhelming, unrelenting sense of fear that consumed you day in and day out had diminished, if only for a moment, right now. 
"Hey," he called quickly, kneeling before you. His voice was calm. You felt his hand on your shoulder, gentle and assuring as you cried. "Hey, it's okay." 
"This is my life," you felt the words tumble from your mouth, "this is how I live, day in and day out. These bruises are normal; this fear is normal." 
His silver eyebrows turned up in grief as waves of emotions overtook your body. After a moment, you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest. This stranger, having saved you and comforted you in a dark alley in the middle of a festival. This stranger, who knew nothing of you, yet held you close to his beating chest as you clutched his kimono. You felt his hand on the back of your head, his skin sticky with your husband's blood. 
"It's okay," you heard him say to you, his chin atop of your head, "It's okay. I'm not going to let him hurt you again. I promise." 
Spring had come again. The blossoming sakura leaves a staple as the annual festival celebrating love commenced in the streets once again. You walked by yourself through the crowd, the newfound strange sense of independence feeling like a breath of fresh air to your lungs. You looked around, observing the same throng of teenagers pass by, another year older. 
You stopped, letting the dog at your side sniff a street pole. You smiled, leaning down to pet your brute of a hound. He looked up at you, wagging his tail at the affection you provided. 
"Good boy, Megumi," you smiled, flipping his ears warmly. Megumi had been given to you by that ninja named Kakashi after you had returned from the hospital for the severe concussion you had received that night. You were unsure where he had gotten the pup from, but the dogs small, doting eyes staring back at you won you over instantly. 
"He'll serve as a good sense of protection," Kakashi had told you, "and if you need any help training him, I'd be happy to help." 
That had been the last time you had seen the man who had saved you. Although often, you were sure you had seen him pass by you in the streets, only to realize it was someone else. You wondered how he was doing. 
Your husband had been promptly thrown into prison, collected on domestic abuse charges that were not tolerated within the village whatsoever. You slipped your bare ring finger through one of the loops of Megumi's chain. The divorce had been finalized last month. 
"[y/n]," someone had called. You turned, seeing your friend, [y/f's/n] wave happily to you. You smiled as she handed you a cup of warmly brewed tea. 
"How are you?" She asked brightly, "it's so nice to see you out. And how is little Megumi?" 
She bent down to pet the dog's ample head—another tail wag. 
"I'm good," you smiled. Your smile was genuine, your heart light. "Thank you. How are you?"
"Happy to see my friend!" the woman smiled, hugging your shoulders from the side. You beamed, laughing with your friend for what felt like the first time in years. Just as you turned your head, tittering off a laugh, your eye caught sight of a turf of silver hair in the sunlight. Your heart jumped in your chest, and you blinked.
"What is it?" your friend asked, her face falling. 
"Nothing, it's just -" you tried but couldn't form the words. It had been seven months since you had seen Kakashi. The angle of the lantern's light catching his sharp features as he conversed with his two friends. Beside you, your friend traced your gaze to the man a few meters away. 
"Is that-?" she trailed off, watching your face flush as your fingers tapped nervously against the cup of tea in your hand. 
"You're blushing!" she pointed out, a playful finger pointed at your nose. 
"I'm not," you waved a hand, "I'm just surprised to see him." 
"Why don't you go talk to him?"
"Oh no, I couldn't," you shook your head, fidgeting with Megumi's leash. 
"But he saved you! You should at least see how he's doing." 
"He was just doing his job, [y/f's/n]," you sighed, rolling your eyes at your friend. 
"No, it doesn't matter. You should go talk to him," she urged, pushing you towards him. 
"[Y/f's/n]!" she pushed you through the crowd, children dispersing as your dog sniffed his way over to Kakashi's leg. 
"Hey!" Kakashi chucked to the dog, a smile forming under his mask. His eyes traveled up the dog's chain to you as your friend's hands left your shoulders, disappearing into the crowd. 
"[y/n]," Kakashi smiled in surprise, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he looked at you. "I didn't-"
"How are you?" you asked suddenly, feeling your face flush. Kakashi blinked his single eye, tracing your face with his gaze as if to memorize it. You were sure you looked healthier than the last time he had seen you. 
"I'm good," he said finally, not realizing his friends disappearing behind him with snickering looks over their shoulder. "How are you?"
"Better," you smiled softly, holding Megumi's leash tightly as the dog sniffed at his feet. Kakashi leaned down to pet the dog, smiling as he patted the side of his chest. 
"And I see Megumi is doing good too," he cooed at the hound. 
"He is," you nodded, "thank you again." 
"Not a problem," he leaned back up, catching your eye again. You looked away, your chest flushing. A few awkward beats passed between you as you watched a couple pass by, their hands intertwined as they strolled down the street.
"Would you- like to grab something to eat?" You heard him ask, his voice dripping with nervousness. 
You turned back suddenly, your eyes snapping back to his. He smiled softly, lifting his eyebrows. 
"They have some good food stands here this time of year," he commented, "but if you'd rather not or if you're with your frien-"
"Of course," you said quickly, "I would love to." 
His eyes perked up at your acceptance, turning into two small crescent moons. He turned, waiting for you to follow. Your instinct told you to stay a foot behind him, but when he waited for you to step beside you, you realized he wanted you next to him. 
"So, are you wishing for anything?" he trailed off as the two of you began walking, a smile on your face. 
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yniswaifu · 3 years
1. Suna
You exit the booming nightclub through the emergency exit, wanting to escape the loud music. Nothing about it was YOU. And yet, here you are.
You see a tall shadow already occupying the other side of the wall, their shoulders hunched as if they were hiding their activity from the outside world. But well, what did you know. Everyone has stories – just like you did when you decided to take up your friend's advice for a 'good distraction'.
What's so good about it? You think as you close the door behind you, the music fading in the background.
After you're out in the open you see the person. It was a man. A very, very pretty man.
His eyes were downcast on the phone in his hand. The hair reflected the neon lights above his head, and the outfit – a hoodie and some sweats from what you could see in the dark alley if you squint made him look broad. From what you could make out in that split second checkout session, he had a great side profile.
He could have been a good eye candy were you not in a sour mood.
But not today handsome.
Sighing, you turn away. You were regretting everything. And the nightclub trip wasn't at the top of the list. You shuffle inside your jacket pocket, to reveal a pack of cigarettes. Again nothing about it was you. Then why were you doing it? Because it's a 'good distraction'.
"smoking is bad." you were in the middle of lighting the white tobacco stick when the voice spoke to you.
You stop midway, slowly lifting your eyes to see the possible eye candy looking at you with a blank face. His eyes were slanted, almost fox like. Heck, he almost resembled a fox. But boy was he attractive. And popular.
You weren't unfamiliar with sports. In fact, you quite enjoyed watching sports as a pass time. So this man, who was telling about smoking, Suna Rintaro himself, was no stranger to you.
But you weren't in a mood to either ask for an autograph or talk to anyone. If you were, you wouldn't have left your friend behind in the club to come here. So you certainly weren't going to talk to him.
Suna kept looking at you, expecting a reply perhaps. But what you did even shook you to the core.
You looked right in his eyes and took a smoke.
Of course, the plan backfired.
A rough round of cough threatened to leave your lips and you immediately turn to the other side, trying to be discreet about the failed mission. You were expecting him to laugh, or scoff, something remotely snarky, but there was no sound. Curious, you slowly turn back, peeping at Suna from under your lashes to see him look at you with...confusion?
"what is it?" you ask him, your voice barely audible.
Shaking his head, the six feet something fully turned towards your direction and stood straight, with his hands crossed.
"do you seriously have so much tragedy in your life that you'll resort to" he directs his head towards to the cigarette, "this?"
You looked at him baffled. Was this guy always this nice? As far as you remembered him, he always has a poker face. He didn't talk much during interviews either. But he was a great player, and the crowd cheered like crazy whenever he would block those super strong spikes. So what's with this extempore counselling session?
Laughter bubbled out of you, looking at the situation. Here you are, standing in the back alley of some nightclub, talking about life with a famous sportsman.
Suna waited for you to finish laughing. If anything, he kinda felt glad you laughed. Because the moment he saw you, and your eyes, he couldn't grasp the fact that someone could have such sorrow in them. He didn't even have to go under proper lighting to know that you were here to distract yourself. Including the pack of cigarettes you took out of your pocket. Suna was a sportsman, and health was something he always had to take care of. So he couldn't stand seeing someone else try to ruin their health just for some temporary relief. It was so not worth it.
You slump against the wall, your laughter dying down. He was right. You couldn't deny that. These things will only give you temporary satisfaction.
"I'm sorry." you say, smiling because you're suddenly high on adrenaline and pumped for this heart-to-heart. You don't know why, but you felt you could just go bare in front of this man. And he wouldn't say a thing. Moreover, you didn't have anything better to do. And it seemed like Suna didn't either because he too leaned against the wall, making himself comfortable.
"that's fine. I'm sorry too. Didn't mean to be so rude and abrupt." he says.
And he's polite, you think.
"nah. It's fine. By the way, I don't smoke."
"that I can see. So? Why did you do it?"
You look at Suna for a minute before looking to the front. "boy problems."
Before he could even say anything, you start laughing again. Adrenaline or not, you definitely seemed high on something.
"can you imagine? I'm resorting to these methods because some stupid person decided to dump me." you continue, your voice bitter.
Suna was silent. You turn to see him looking at you with an emotion you couldn't quite understand. He was frowning, but he didn't look mad or anything.
"why are you looking at me like that?" you ask him, a little flustered because come on, it was Suna Rintaro and he is staring at you so intensely.
"I don't understand..."
You tilt your head at this statement, confused. You expected him to roll his eyes and leave, which you didn't want, but he had better things to do than listen to you talk about this.
At least that's what you thought before his reaction.
"was it your fault that he broke up with you?" he asks after some time.
Was it? You don't remember. You always did everything, even went out of your way to make your partner happy. You sacrificed so much. Then why? Why did he break up with you and didn't even say the reason? What were you missing? Why couldn't you make him happy?
So many questions, and to think the break up happened over text. You hadn't even gotten a chance to resolve this because all you can think about is — distracting yourself from the issue will somehow make everything better.
Suddenly the vibe surrounding you both dropped certain degrees. The question that Suna hit you with brought the memories and words back like a big wave, and suddenly you felt like you were drowning. It was suffocating, overwhelming, and your hands shook beside you. But you didn't move. The therapist you consulted, in other words Google, had advised you to take deep breaths when you are hyperventilating. So you did just that.
You hadn't realized that during your moment, Suna had already come by your side, rubbing your back in a soothing motion, whispering words that you didn't quite catch. But it was something between 'breathe' and 'it's fine'. It's like your ears were blocking his voice and everything else.
Slowly, you return to your senses. It was so embarrassing, but you were grateful Suna caught you before you fell deeper.
"thank you" you tell him, moving his hand away.
Suna backs up the moment you stand straight, his hands beside him. "no problem. I'm sorry for asking it."
You sigh. "it's not your fault. I just...I'm sorry for this. You shouldn't see me like this."
"you couldn't help it. It's okay. We don't have to talk about it."
You don't reply immediately. After a few deep breaths, you calm down, then look at Suna. His expression neutral, with hints of worry. "it's not something I did. Or...maybe I did." you decide to answer his question. "I...I don't know. It's just, I thought I could forget it. But you know what they say, first love isn't easy to forget."
Suna just nods in understanding. "I guess it isn't."
Both of you fall into silence. Suna observes that you need to calm down, and he felt he shouldn't pry more. First of all, the words he had spoken were something no one tells a stranger. And Suna wasn't the type to do it at all. In fact, this whole encounter was surreal to him. All he wanted was to call home but the restaurant across the street was filled with Bokuto's loud ass and he wanted some peace and quiet to talk. So he came here, in the quite place and then you exited the club. The rest is history.
"so..." he starts off, unsure what to say.
"so, I hope you have a goodnight Suna." you reply, smiling at him. This was enough for the prompt therapy session.
Suna's eyes widen for a moment before they go back to normal. He had almost forgotten he was a national player and that people will recognize him. He returns your smile and you were dazed by that smile. Well I'll be darned, is what went in your head.
Shaking off the thoughts, you wave at him before turning to return to the club and inform your friend that you want to go home. You were never a party person and you certainly ain't gonna change now.
That's when Suna interrupts you and goes, "do you...maybe wanna exchange numbers?"
What compelled him to do that? Even he himself didn't know. He asked for your number before even asking your name. He asked for your number when all he did was help you from passing out because he triggered bad memories.
But he wouldn't want to take back this moment. In this moment, your vulnerability resonated through him. It's not he's had first love or any serious relationship, but seeing you like this, made him curious and cautious. Do people really spiral down when they lose what they hold on to tightly? Do expectations hurt this much? Because he wouldn't know. He never expects much from anyone.
Perhaps it was some repressed saviour complex inside him, or the fact that you looked beautiful even when you were breathless. Or that when he held you up, he didn't feel like letting you go and was disappointed when you moved him away. He just felt a certain attraction towards you. It didn't hurt to act upon that feeling right?
You stop in your tracks. The gears in your brain turn, and you went into a deep thought. Finally, you look at the hopeful guy in front of you.
"sorry Suna. I really appreciate you talking to me, but I can't do this. I'm still not over him." you say, your voice solemn.
A flicker of disappointment passes his eyes, you notice. You felt bad for doing this. But you had to. Because from what you saw tonight, Suna didn't deserve someone like you. He was a great guy, who should go for a great girl.
That's why you had to do this. But you also wanted to be clear about how you reciprocated the attraction. The timing is wrong. So you walk up to him, and place your hands on his cheeks. "I need to get over him before I come to you. Because you are more than just a random stranger at this point. I mean, you saw me at my worst and it's not even been an hour since I met you. And if we start this, we do it the right way. So I can't just brush you off just like that. That's why I'm asking you – will you wait for me?"
Your words were sincere, but does Suna believe that? Not really. For him, it was a clear no. In a nice way.
Nodding, he looks away, probably regretting this with every bone in his body. But your words still held onto him like an anchor. How long did he have to wait for you? His whole life? Surely you didn't expect him to do that. So you thought of a better way to reject him. And guess what, it worked.
"right. Have a goodnight then." he says and walks off hurriedly. You watch his figure disappear off the corner, and you close your eyes shut to assure yourself.
This was for the best.
Suna waited.
He said he wouldn't, he said he will do everything in order to forget about you. But he waited. Somewhere in him he hoped you actually asked him to wait, and that you were going to come to him, with a smile reserved only for him. That you would go lengths for him and that he will replace the first love you had.
So he waited. He was glad he did.
Because there you were, standing in front of him. Your face looked better, healthier, and you were smiling. Your eyes that once held sorrow and pain was looking content in this very moment.
He walked up to you, his breath visible in the cold winter evening. It had been almost six months when he last saw you. He never expected to see you standing outside his apartment complex when he was going to the convenient store to get groceries. And you had changed so much in that time. Beautiful nonetheless.
As soon as he was close enough to see your orbs soaking in his figure, Suna slowly exhales. "how did you know where I live?"
You laugh at his question. Well, he ain't wrong. You did pop out of nowhere.
"I have my ways." you say, a sly smirk forming on your lips.
Gosh, how much you had changed. You're even making jokes now.
"I asked my friend. She works for the paparazzi." you answer truthfully after some time.
Suna's eyes widen. "dang. Then I better stay away. Who knows where you are hiding your friend now." he jokes, looking around.
You giggle at his words when you see him looking at you with a soft expression. You know what he was thinking, but chose not to say anything. You stepped closer to him, your fingertips almost brushing with his. Your breaths mixed together as you continued to stare at each other.
Suddenly Suna's eyes flash with worry. "are you sure you're over him?"
You knew he'd be worried. You wanted to make sure you finish everything you held onto before moving forward. So you went back, and talked it out with your ex. Truth was, both of you had fallen out of love. But you realize that much later. And when you did, you felt terrible to push away the only guy you saw a potential future with. So you got to work. You fixed your life, fixed your relationships, and fixed your head space. When you felt yes this is it, you asked your friend for Suna's address. Of course, she was curious at first. But when you answered that you like him, without any explanation to be exact, the friend didn't even bother asking for details. She knew how much the previous relationship hurt you, and seeing you moving on was enough reason to give you Suna's address.
"yes. I have no lingering feelings left. I never did actually. But I knew I had to fix myself before I move forward. So that's what I did. And here I am." You shrug.
The man in front of sighs in relief. Suddenly, he rests his forehead on your shoulders, fingers intertwined with yours. "took you long enough." his voice but a loving whisper.
You tighten the grip on his fingers, his cold hands in your warm ones. "but you waited."
A smile forms on his lips. "but I waited."
I'm going through an Inarizaki phase guys. Please bear with me. Also, can you tell I have a special place for Suna in my heart? Because I do. I felt Suna needed a serious scenario, one where he's actually mature and don't just look bored with life. I mean, grown up Suna would definitely be more in touch with his emotions. Yeah. So I did that. It's a bit on the sad side, but the ending is happy enough I guess? I'm sorry if you didn't feel like it. I tried.
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sbirdmrapinoe · 3 years
OKAY delayed because I had to get my heart rate under control first, but time for thoughts on the US vs. Netherlands game:
- First, to all y’all USWNT fans who are being cocky and snotty about this win, sit down please. This was nothing to be cocky about. This was a very even match and could have easily gone either way. The US did not play better than the Netherlands, whatsoever. And Miedema was hands down the best player out there today. She is a legend in the making and the fact that she’s so young and already has accomplished what she has is just... wow. Every time she touched the ball I felt nothing but awe, respect, and a sense of impending doom as a US fan. Give credit where credit is due, and stop living in an alternative reality. Nothing but love and respect to the Dutch team 🇳🇱❤️
- NAEHER lord have mercy I almost cried when she saved the first PK and largely became unhinged in the shootout. She was an absolute brick wall. Just phenomenal. I will admit, I had concerns going into this tournament because of her slump in the NWSL lately, but she has found her groove again and damn I am thankful for that. She is saving the defense’s—and the whole team’s—asses this tournament. A clinic out there from one of the best goalkeepers of all time🙏🙏🙏
- Becky and Crystal had some very important saves/tackles in this game. Also, Crystal did some solid work moving up the left side and had much better passing this game. Still, neither seemed to be as sharp or impenetrable as usual
- O’Hara and Dahlkemper have been completely exposed in this tournament. That right side was so, so fragile. Dahlkemper simply couldn’t keep pace, and she made some nearly (and sometimes actually) fatal errors in regards to passing and blocking. O’Hara also left too much space and was sloppy with clearing. Plus, her fouling is a liability. With that little time left??? In the box??? That was practically inexcusable to me. Very disappointed in both of their performances tonight and throughout this tournament
- Speaking of risky/sloppy, Horan was looking pretty good at the beginning of the game, but in the second, things took a bad turn. Her passes became terrible, and she turned over the ball in the worst possible areas. She is not clean and doesn’t make good decisions in the heat of the moment
- Ertz. As much as I hate to admit it, we NEED her. Like *need* her. She is a rock out there. Taking falls and getting back up. She is a beast and integral to breaking up the opposing attack as well as starting the offense for the US
- Sam!!! She is starting to get her magic back!! 😄🙏 Although I didn’t notice her all that much other than her goal, it was so important to get that goal to tie things up. Great timing on her part. She also had a great little tap to Lynn to keep things in play for her goal
- Rose’s speed is really underrated in my opinion. Once again, she was putting in great work on both sides of the ball. I have never really appreciated her defense until this tournament, but my eyes have been opened now. She didn’t stand out to me as much as the other games, but still, very solid out there. Stepping up first for the PK was also HUGE. Big plays in big moments for Rosie
- LYNN!!!!!! 🤩👏👏🙌 I very much doubted Vlatko’s choice to have her start over Press, but she proved me wrong and I am SO glad she did. Her speed was necessary and an absolutely beautiful assist AND beautiful goal. She really stuck with it before the goal, stayed ready. If she stays in this form, she should be a fully rostered player from the get go for the next major tournament. We know she can deliver, and now we are finally seeing her do it on an international level. Flowers to her!
- Lloyd didn’t exist to me today. Did absolutely nothing. I didn’t register her existence. Idk what else to say than that lol 🤷‍♀️ Added nothing meaningful in my opinion
- Heath hasn’t found her stride yet it seems... For one, she should not be doing set pieces. I know that without Press, Pinoe, or Davidson there is no clear option, but it shouldn’t be Heath. That’s not her game. She seems to be getting some of her confidence and creativity back footwork wise which is nice to see! I just would like to see her creating more chances for herself and others. She was relatively quiet for me this game. More games versus Mexico vibes please ✨
- Morgan was also quiet for me today. She didn’t seem to do much? Bless her making her PK, of course, but otherwise it just seemed like a good bit of flopping. She had some chances created for her, but no magic from there
- Press ALSO seemed to struggle today. Similar to last time, she was dispossessed a lot and seemed to have a very hard time organizing her feet to keep the ball to make any meaningful chance for herself or her teammates. She just didn’t seem as poised or under control as she normally does. She also fell to the background for me today. Like Morgan, huge props for the PK. She 100% kept her cool and composure there. The PK was peaceful to watch almost haha, very on brand for her 😊
- Oh, Pinoe. 👩‍🎤🥶🤩✨ The PK queen. What a fitting punctuation mark to a tense, exciting game. She is a big time player in big time moments and that’s exactly why you keep her on the roster. She thrives in that pressure. I guarantee that Horan was set to go fourth but they switched to have Megan go fourth once they knew they could clinch the win. That was just a world class PK shot as well; her positioning made it nearly impossible for the goalkeeper to save it no matter what. The joy I felt when she ran back to the rest of the team and the bench players ran out onto the field. 🥺 As for her play prior to the shoot out, I really have no idea what Twitter is talking about because she was the second best forward today after Williams in my opinion. When she first came on, she had a VERY sloppy pass that resulted in a dangerous turnover. Pretty soon after that though, she got it together, and from there her passes were—for the most part—well chosen, precise, and clean. Her service on set pieces is very off. While I would still choose her over Heath for those, at this time, I’d pick Press or Davidson over P for set pieces until she is out of her slump (the olympics is not the place to have her play through the slump; let her do that in league). Megan made some great runs, did a wonderful job of maintaining possession, showed some great creativity with her footwork, and had some fantastic crosses/passes that resulted in some very much welcome chances for her teammates towards the end of the match. Most of those final chances were coming through her, and I think that was important from a morale perspective as well. Also she dropped back for a couple of really solid defensive plays??? I live to be surprised by the purple soccer elf.
And on to the semi-finals! Let the North American dual commence haha 🇺🇸🇨🇦
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Vampire!Katsuki x Vampire!Eijirou X Fem!Reader
What: fluff, flirting, aged up characters, minor angst, comfort
Word count: 4.2K+
A/N: Requests are welcome. I hope you enjoy this story.
~3rd person pov.~
It was late at night, the moon was shining bright in the clear sky littered with stars. You're walking down the sidewalk after a long day of work. It's already late, past 11, and it's cold outside. You're glad you're dressed warmly today. Hands deep in your pockets and shoulders hunched you slowly walk.
The streets are empty and in some houses the lights are already off downstairs. You can feel someone or multiple people watching you. Taking a deep breath you glance around the street, not moving your head. It's a dangerous world you live in. Vampires, werewolves and witches are known to roam the cities and villages.
This caused your father to teach you how to defend yourself and how to be wary of your surroundings. He also taught you how to observe your surroundings without making it obvious. You hated him for it when you where younger, but in moments like these you're glad he did it and that you actually payed attention.
You spot a couple looking at you. One has spiky red hair and the other ash blond hair. They stop looking as soon as they notice you looking at them and keep walking the opposite direction. You softly sigh and keep walking home. When you finally reach your house you walk inside and take of your shoes and coat. You put your keys in the basket.
Walking into your bedroom you get changed into some comfy nightwear and prepare for bed. Once you're done you crawl into bed and get comfy. For some reason unease settles in your stomach as you have your eyes closed and try to sleep. After a good ten minutes the feeling hasn't left yet.
You turn onto your other side and open your drawer, looking for your hand knife that you keep in it. You find it and put it under your pillow, keeping your hand on the handle as you take a fake pill, making it look like you where looking for sleeping pills. You lay down comfortably once again and listen as you grip your knife tight.
The next morning you wake up to the light shining through the blinds. You sigh in relief as you notice nothing happened last night. You start getting ready for the day and just do what you always do on a free day. Later that afternoon you decide to go for a walk in the park and get ready to leave.
On your way there you listen to music and hum along, enjoying your free time. Upon entering the park you spot the couple from last night, at least, you think it's a couple. They're holding hands, talking and just give those vibes that tell you they're a couple. You decide to sit down on a bench underneath a tree.
Looking around the park you smile. The park is always so calming and relaxing. You think back to the uneasy feeling you had last night, you really can't place it. 'Maybe I just had an upset stomach.' You think, but deep down you know the feeling had a reason. Your father has trained you too well for you to believe it.
You release a sigh as you slump ever so slightly on the bench. You lean your head back so it's leaning on the back of the bench as you look up at the sky through the branches and leaves. As you feel someone approach you look to your left. You spot the couple from before walking over to you.
The one with the red hair is smiling brightly at you while the ash blond wears a scowl. Sitting back up you look at them questioningly. They stop beside the bench and look down at you. The redhead doesn't do it in a degrading way, but the blond does. He glares you down, making you squirm ever so slightly.
''Hey, I can't help but notice how we keep seeing one another, mind if we join you?'' The redhead asks.
''I don't mind, and I’ve been noticing it too.'' You say with a kind smile.
The redhead sits beside you while the blond sits on his other side. You look at the lake as you can hear them faintly talking beside you. You notice how they're whispering, not talking, like they're keeping something or talking about a secret. You shrug it of and keep staring in front of you.
''Do you mind if I ask for you name?'' The redhead asks.
''I don't mind at all. I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you.'' You say with a smile, extending your arm.
''Eijirou Lirishima, nice to meet you too.'' Kirishima grins as he shakes your hand. ''This is Katsuki Bakugou by the way.''
''The two of you have nice names.'' You giggle.
''Thanks, you have a nice name too.'' Kirishima chuckles.
''I'm sorry if I'm intruding, but...are you guys a couple?'' You ask.
''Yeah we are. How could you tell?''
''You were holding hands and talking. You guys also gave off the couple vibes to me. Sometimes I have that. I look at people and I'm like; 'Oh. They're together or having relationship problems, etc.' I'm sorry if that creeps you guys out.''
''Nah, it can come in handy sometimes.''
''Why the fuck were you wandering the street so late at night, alone, yesterday?'' Bakugou asks.
''I was on my way home from work.'' You shrug.
''What do you do if you need to walk home that late?'' Kirishima asks, a curious expression on his face.
''Ah, I work at a bar. Usually I do the day shifts, but I covered half of someone else's shift yesterday, I do that sometimes.''
''I see.''
''Fucking stupid. Covering for others.'' Bakugou grumbles.
''Well mister Sunshine, it so happened my friend had to go to the hospital and because of some other patients before her it took longer.'' You remark.
Kirishima chuckles and Bakugou growls at you. You giggle softly at their reactions.
''I think it's manly to cover for a friend.''
''You think everything is fucking manly.''
''Well, you're manly and you don't seem to complain about that.'' Kirishima smirks.
''Fuck off.'' Bakugou grumbles, cheeks dusting pink as he looks away.
''You two seem like a funny couple.''
''Ah, we hear that from others sometimes.'' Kirishima smiles.
''From your annoying as fuck friends, yeah.''
''The squad is literally named after you.'' Kirishima dead pans.
''I didn't fucking ask for that!''
''But you don't complain either.''
''You're all pain in the asses.''
Bakugou crosses his arms in front of his chest as he glares at the lake. The conversation between the two seemingly closed. Kirishima turns back to you and smiles.
''Sorry.'' He chuckles awkwardly.
''Nah, it's fine. Me and my friends get like that too sometimes.''
''Ah, we have to go soon. We're meeting up with our friends. Maybe I'll see you again. Bye!''
You wave as they get up and leave. You watch them as they walk out of the park, seemingly bantering back and forth again. You smile as you look back at the lake. You sit there for a while before heading home. At home the image of the two boys keeps flashing through your mind. You don't really know why, but you can't help it.
The next few weeks you don't see them again. Right now it's Saturday evening and you have a night shift. You don't mind all that much and happily serve the costumers as you talk with your colleagues. It's close to midnight when a group of people walk in. You spot Kirishima and Bakugou among them. You smile and turn to your colleague.
''I can do the group!'' You say over the music that's playing.
''You sure?!'' They ask.
''Yeah! Don't worry!'' You smile.
They nod and walk back to their side of the bar. The group sits down at a table and a blond walks over. His hair is gold and has a black lightning bolt in it.
''Hello cutie!'' He flirts as he leans on the bar.
''Hey, what can I get you?''
''Two cola's, a fanta, sevenup, pepsi and casis!''
''Coming right up.''
You turn your back to him and grab six glasses. You turn back to him to see him looking at you with a smile. You skillfully fill the glasses, making a little show out of it. The guy looks at you amazed, causing you to smirk.
''Here you go!'' You smile as you place the glasses on the bar.
''Thanks cutie! What's you name?!''
''Ask Kirishima and Bakugou!'' You smirk as you walk over to the next customer.
You hear the boy release a gasp and walking off with the drinks. You serve the customers as you glance at the friend group out of the corner of you eye. After a bit Kirishima looks over at the bar, his eyes widen when he spots you. A smile soon appears on his face as he gets up and walks over. You give the customers their drinks and walk to the spot Kirishima is heading for.
''I didn't know you worked at this bar!'' Kirishima says.
''You never asked!''
''What are you doing here so late?!''
''Night shift! I do them sometimes when I feel like it!''
''Want me to walk you home when you're done?! The nights aren't safe for pretty girls like you!''
''Thanks! I would like that! Can I get you anything?!''
''Some snacks!''
You put some snacks on a plate together with some sauce and hand him the plate with a smile.
''Will do!''
He walks off and you feel your colleague stare at you. You look at them and smile brightly. They smile too as they shake their head. The rest of the night Kirishima keeps coming back to the bar and you serve others. When it's 2 AM you get ready to leave. You walk over to Kirishima and his friends with your coat on and handbag in hand.
''Hey!'' You smile.
''Hey! You finished?!''
''Okay, well guy, me and Kat will be going!'' Kirishima smiles as he gets up.
''Flirt!'' His friends joke.
''Fuck off extra's!'' Bakugou growls as he gets up and heads to the door.
You smile and wave to their friends. They wave back and keep talking with one another. Kirishima walks out of the bar with you. As soon as the two of you exit the bar you spot Bakugou leaning against the wall just beside the door. Kirishima smiles at him and grabs his hand. He turns to you with a big, goofy grin on his face.
''Where do you live?'' He asks.
''Just follow me.''
Walking away the two man follow behind you. They talk with each other as you just enjoy the chilly night air. Your eyes roam over the empty streets as your breath forms little clouds in the air every time you exhale. The entire way home you stay silent as Kirishima and Bakugou follow you while talking.
''We're here.'' You state as you turn to them, you standing in front of your door.
''Ah. Well, bye.'' Kirishima says.
''Bye.'' You wave as you walk inside your house.
Over the next months you keek running in to them at random places and moments. You don't think much of it, because Kirishima is nice to you and you don't mind Bakugou that much. He's silent and you appreciate that. You find it funny how opposite they are, yet they fit perfectly together. A bit sad actually, because this funny feeling in your chest has been growing.
You know what it is, but you choose to ignore it. You lost your father and haven't opened up to anyone ever since. At least not completely. You have some friends, but you don't love them, not even in a friend way. Shaking your head you keep walking through the empty streets. You'd worked another night shift.
An uneasy feeling settles in your stomach once again. Lately you've been feeling it a lot and it's starting to annoy you to no end. Grumbling lowly you kick a rock that's laying on the streets. It flies for a bit before bouncing and rolling over the street. Walking past yet another alley you feel a hand on your arm and one over you mouth.
Your eyes widen as you freeze. As you get pushed up against a wall you see a dark figure in front of you. The figure has it's lower arm pushed against your shoulder, keeping you against the wall, as the other hand is over your mouth, preventing you from yelling. You kick the person in the private parts, but nothing happens. You glance at their chest and see it's a girl.
The woman moves her head to your neck. You realize it's a vampire. Grumbling you kick her shin, but miss because she moves her leg away. 'Crush vampires and their fast reaction time.' You grumble in your head. You move up your arms and try pushing the woman off, failing miserably however.
You see, magical creatures have amazing strength and reflexes. Vampires are mostly known for their beauty and reflexes, werewolves are known for their strength and aggressive and protective behavior, witches are known for their beauty and brain. It seems this vampire is also stronger than the usual vampire.
''LET HER GO!!'' A dark voice howlers from your right.
Looking that way you see two figures standing in the entrance of the alleyway. Judging by their silhouettes they both have spiky hair and are well build. Taking advantage of the shock from the woman pinning you down you push her away from you. She stumbles back and you hit her square in the face, breaking her nose.
You hear footsteps approaching and get into a fighting stance as you turn to the two figures. One walks over to you slowly, holding up their hands as the other walks to the woman and hits her a few times, knocking her out. The both of them look at you, keeping their distance as you glance from one to another.
''Who are you?!'' You ask.
''It's us, calm down (l/n).'' Kirishima's familiar voice says.
You relax and both figures walk closer. Kirishima places his hands on your shoulders and inspects you while bakugou stands beside him and just looks at you. As you get more used to the dark you see Bakugou's looking at you proud, yet worried. Kirishima just looks straight up worried. You giggle softly and get out of Kirishima's hold.
''Don't worry, she didn't do anything yet. You two came just in time.'' You smile.
''Thank god.'' Kirishima sighs.
''Don't walk around alone this fucking late at night. Shit's dangerous, especially this time a year.'' Bakugou grumbles.
''I'll keep that in mind, thank you mister Sunshine.''
Bakugou grumbles as Kirishima chuckles lightly.
''Well, you should go home. We'll bring you.'' Kirishima smiles.
You nod and walk out of the alley. The both of them follow you and keep watch on your surroundings as you just walk. You're not that worried since you don't have the uneasy feeling in your stomach. As you reach your home you wave off the two man and walk into your house and get ready for bed.
Two days later you're walking through the park at 9 in the evening. You spot Kirishima and Bakugou and smile. As you approach you hear them talking. It seems they're arguing about something. Sneaking closer you hide behind a tree and listen to them. You make sure to stand so the wind blows away your scent from them, you never know what they are.
''We should tell her. People are starting to notice we're around her and it's bringing her in danger.'' Kirishima says, tone urging and slightly mad.
''We don't know what she thinks off us. For all we know she's a fucking Matagi.'' Bakugou growls.
''We both know she's not. Kat if she was she would have done something about the vampire.''
''We can't be too fucking careful. I ain't loosing you too to those fuckers.''
''Your parents fell into a trap. We've been careful around her. If she was a Matagi she would have slipped up over the seven months we've know her. You're just scared she will stop talking to us.'' Kirishima growls.
''What if I fucking am? You gonna beat me up?''
''No. Kat we have to be honest with her.''
You frown as you listen in on their conversation. They're hiding something from you? Stepping out from behind the tree you take a step closer to them and another and another. You can see the frustration on their face as they talk. Taking a deep breath you open your mouth.
''Be honest about what?'' You ask, standing tall.
Both males freeze as their heads slowly turn to you. Their eyes are wide as they stare at you. You cross your arms in front of your chest and tap one foot on the floor, looking at them. They exchange glances before sighing and looking at you again.
''We have to tell you something.'' Kirishima mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck.
''No shit.'' You remark.
''We're not human.'' Kirishima says.
You freeze, hands falling to your side as your eyes widen and your mouth falls open. You stare at them, raking your brain as it processes the information. Slowly pieces are clicking together and you look them up and down. They're beautiful, you already know this, but never thought anything about it.
''....You're vampires.'' You whisper.
''Yes.'' Bakugou says as Kirishima nods.
''I......Wow.....Uhm......Just......Uh...'' You stammer as you start slightly pacing.
''We get this is a shock to you and all, but.....we had to tell you. The reason that woman attacked you two days ago is because you've been hanging out with us and other vampires started to notice. When vampires take a liking to a human it means they're special. Other vampires will hunt that person down unless that person is marked or turned.'' Kirishima explains as he steps closer to you.
''So......W-Why? Why did you guys take a liking to me?'' You ask, looking them in the eyes.
''We.....We kept seeing you and where intrigued by you. When we got to know you we....we....uhm...'' Kirishima stammers, looking down.
''We grew feelings for you.'' Bakugou finishes.
''So.....Okay. I......Uhm.....Wow.''
''You don't have to say anything and we're sorry for putting you in danger. We thought we didn't see you enough for that to happen.''
''I....I......I have feelings too.....But....I'm scared of loving someone. I lost both my parents.....I...I don't want to love you guys and loose you.'' You admit, looking at them with sad and conflicted eyes.
''You won't loose us. It's extremely hard to kill us.'' Kirishima smiles.
''You....You guys will live longer than me. Are....Are you guys really okay with this?'' You ask softly.
''We....If you want we can turn you into a vampire too, but if you don't want to that's fine. We....We just want to be with you.''
''Will you be our fucking girlfriend?'' Bakugou grumbles.
''.....Y-Yeah.....J-Just.....Can we take it slow?'' You whisper.
''Of course.'' Eijirou smiles as he hugs you.
''Whatever you fucking want.'' Katsuki says, the faint sign of a smile present on his face.
He walks over and hugs the two of you. You smile and cuddle up to them. While hugging you weigh your options. You can turn yourself and live with them forever or you can stay human. When you make up your mind you break the hug and look at them with a determined look on your face.
''I....I want you guys to turn me.'' You state.
''You sure?'' Katsuki and Eijirou ask.
''Yes....Does it hurt?'' You ask.
''No, but we should do this in a place you feel safe. How about we go to your house?'' Eijirou smiles.
You take one of their hands in a hand and walk home with them. You all talk a bit. They explain the proces and how it will work once you've turned. One of them will bite you and turn you. After that you'll be hungry for blood, but drinking from them is fine and will fill you. After that you'll only be able to consume blood, you can eat normal food, but you'll throw it up soon after. Your sense will enhance and your looks will change slightly.
Reaching your house the three of you walk inside. You walk into your kitchen and drink something to calm your nerves. They just stand in the hallway, waiting for you to tell them what to do. You turn to them and walk over. You hug them tight and take a deep breath. They hug you back and rub your back.
''Is it normal to be nervous?'' You mumble.
''Yeah, I was nervous too when Kat turned me.'' Eijirou whispers.
''C-Can.......Can Katsuki turn me please? I......I......I want Eijirou to comfort me.'' You whisper softly.
''Of course.'' They say as Eijirou kisses your hair.
''W-We should do this in my bedroom.'' You whisper, breaking the hug.
They nod at you and follow you to your room. You sit down in the middle of your king sized bed and look at them, patting the bed. They smile and walk over. Katsuki sits behind you as Eijirou sits in front of you. You look at him with big eyes as he simply smiles.
''You ready?'' Eijirou asks softly.
You shake your head as your eyes tear up.
''Hey, hey. It's okay. Take your time. Here, why don't you hold Katsuki's hands?'' Eijirou says as he guides you shaking hands to Katsuki's big, strong ones.
Katsuki intertwines your fingers and rubs comforting circles on your knuckles to calm you down. You lean back into him and look at Eijirou silently. He smiles and places his hands on your knees, rubbing circles onto your skin with his thumb. You take a deep breath and look at Katsuki.
''Promise it won't hurt.'' You whisper, voice shaking a bit.
''It won't, I fucking promise.'' Katsuki whisper as he kisses your temple.
''It's okay to be scared, this is not nothing. Just tell us when you're ready and feel comfortable with it.'' Eijirou reassures in a soft voice.
''Just.....Eijirou can you talk to me, keep my mind of it. T-Then....I....I don't know, give Katsuki a signal so he can turn me....I...If I know when he's going to bite I....I'll be tens...'' You say.
''That's fine. I'll signal Kat when he can bite you. Just relax into him and focus on me, okay?'' Eijirou asks softly.
''Okay.'' You sigh.
Eijirou starts talking to you, telling you stories and asking you random questions. Katsuki just listens and watches Eijirou, waiting for the signal. After a while Eijirou blinks twice fast. Katsuki slightly nods and lets his fangs grow. He moves closer to your neck carefully. Once he sees you don't notice he bites down.
You yelp, not because it hurts, but because you didn't expect it. After a second or two you relax into Katsuki's hold and look Eijirou in the eyes. He's smiling at you and you return the gesture. Your eyelids grow heavy and you fight to keep your eyes open. As Katsuki pulls away from your neck he licks your neck and nuzzles it with his nose, holding you close.
''You did good, Princes, don't fight the sleep. Let it happen.'' Katsuki whispers against your neck.
Nodding slightly you let sleep take over as you completely go limp in Katsuki's hold. The two males sigh and Eijirou moves closer, giving Katsuki a kiss. The aste of your blood still on his lips. Eijirou hums into the kiss once he notices. He pulls away from Katsuki and lays down. Katsuki places you down beside Eijirou and lays behind you.
''Her blood is sweet.'' Eijirou hums.
''Mhm.'' Katsuki mumbles as the two of them slowly drift asleep beside you.
Stirring you groan as you open your eyes. You feel your stomach growling lowly. You sit up and rub your eyes before looking around yourself. Seeing you're in your room you hum and look beside you. You see Katsuki and Eijirou cuddled up on either side of you. As you look at Eijirou your eyes wander over to his neck. You move closer, but stop yourself as your eyes widen.
A soft whimper leaves you as your eyes tear up. You don't want to drink their blood, scared it'll hurt them. Your slight trembling wakes both males up. Groaning they look around them. When they see you sitting between them with your hands over your mouth, eyes teary, breathing fast and body shaking they sit up.
''Baby? Hey, hey. What's wrong?'' Eijirou asks, gently removing your hands from your mouth.
''I...I...I....I...I was....You....Y-Your....I-I...'' You stammer.
''You're hungry.'' Katsuki states.
All you can do is nod as a tear falls. Eijirou smiles gently at you and wipes it away.
''It's okay, Baby. I promise it's okay.'' Eijirou whispers.
''D-Does it hurt? W-When I...d-drink?'' You sniffle.
''No. It feels just like turning. Did that hurt?'' Eijirou asks softly, voice soothing.
''Drinking and turning is pretty much the same. In order to turn someone you need to drink their blood, but your fangs will release a substance turning you.'' Katsuki explains.
You shakily nod before your eyes wander back to Eijirou's neck. The redhead seems to catch on quickly and tilts his head to the side, exposing his neck more.
''It's okay, Baby. I promise it won't hurt. And if you drink to much by accident Katsuki will pull you off. It's completely safe. I promise. Don't fight your hunger.'' Eijirou whispers.
You nod and move closer slowly. You feel your fangs grow as your lips cup over Eijirou's neck. Your fangs sink into his skin gently. He doesn't even flinch as you start carefully sucking on his neck. Slowly the thick, red liquide fills your mouth. It's a bit weird, but not grosse or anything. You drink for a bit before you feel full. You pull away from Eijirou after licking his neck. You wipe your mouth and look at him.
''D-Did it hurt?'' You ask softly.
''Not at all, Baby.''
''You have great control already, Princes. The first time Ei drank I had to pull him off because he was drinking to much.'' Katsuki smiles as he hugs you from behind.
''I love you guys.'' You whisper as you lean into Katsuki.
''I love you too.'' Eijirou and Katsuki say as Eijirou joins the hug.
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helnjk · 4 years
Crazier - F.W.
Fred Weasley x fem!reader 
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This was written for @vivianweasley ‘s 400 writing challenge! I used the song Crazier (by Taylor Swift) from the Hannah Montana movie hihi. Congrats on the milestone lovely ❤️ I hope you enjoy 🧚🏼‍♀️
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: just fluff! and wedding vibes 💗
A/N: ok but this song is ADORABLE ! it makes me so giddy when I listen to it (& i did, A LOT, especially in the process of writing this) 
Flashbacks are italicized
 Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes
There was something special about a war time wedding. 
 The atmosphere surrounding the Burrow seemed to glow in the morning light. The gentle breeze rustled the surrounding fields and the sun was just peaking across the horizon. Champagne colored rays burst from between the clouds littered in the sky, providing warmth for anyone who found themselves outside. Despite the early hour, the residents (and guests) of the Weasley household were already up, busying themselves with tasks that Molly had assigned them. 
You found yourself still wrapped in your fluffy dressing gown, nursing a warm cup of tea in your hands as you directed Fred and George. You three were in charge of making sure the flowers, arches, and chairs were all ready for the upcoming ceremony. A smile couldn’t help but inch its way onto your face as you watched Fred jokingly shove George and cause him to lose his footing for a moment. 
 The soft laugh that escaped your lips caught his attention and your eyes locked. Brown eyes glimmered with mischief and adoration met yours and you couldn’t help the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach. 
 “Oi! Be nice to your brother, Fred!” You called out as George once again lost his balance, “We don’t want him losing any other body part!” 
 “Don’t be silly, Y/N.” He retorted, pretending to look like he wasn’t about to send a jelly-legs jinx his brother’s way, “He’s a big boy, he can handle it!”
 You made your way towards the boys who couldn’t stop roughhousing with each other now, “Well regardless, we’ve got to get the flowers and arches up and perfect before your mother comes and has a right fit!” 
 Slightly amused at how much you reminded them of their mother in that moment, the twins stopped horsing around and actually got their wands out to be as efficient as possible. You were able to get back to peacefully sipping on your tea and telling them where they should put certain flowers and which arch belonged where. 
 The sun was fully risen when the three of you finished, standing side by side admiring your handiwork. 
 “Great job team!” George announces, patting both you and Fred on the shoulder before turning on his heel, “I’m gonna go check and see if mom’s made some food! I’m starving!” 
 Before you could follow him, Fred’s arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you from behind. Your back connected with his chest in a huff, and he placed his head on your shoulder, “Yes, Freddie?” You giggled. 
 “Nothing love,” He kissed the side of your neck, “Just love you, is all.” 
 Your heart fluttered at the simple words and you practically melted in his arms, “Where’d that come from?” 
 “The whole atmosphere of today, of the wedding, I dunno” He hummed, “It just made me think of seeing you walk down the aisle in a white dress in the future.” 
 Turning around in his grasp and wrapping your arms around his neck, your eyes met and it was the most genuine and sincere you had ever seen Fred look. It made your heart stutter and butterflies fill your stomach. 
 “You’re such a sap, Fred Weasley,” There was no malice in your voice, just adoration for the wonderful man in front of you. 
 “Only for you darling.” 
 Bill and Fleur’s wedding was nothing short of magical. 
 The moment the blushing bride walked down the aisle, the crowd seemed to freeze in awe of her beauty. But nothing could compare to how she glowed the moment she reached the arms of her loving husband. 
 As the newlyweds shared a loving kiss, your eyes locked with Fred’s and you were struck with the image of him in his best dress robes, pulling you in for a sweet kiss just like the one happening in front of you. When the redhead sent you a cheeky wink from across the room, you had no doubt in your mind that you wanted to marry him one day. 
 You couldn’t help but reminisce on the years past and how your relationship with the cheeky mischief maker developed. 
 I watched from a distance as you made life your own
 Laughs rang through the crowded hallway as the Weasley twins rushed to get away from Filch. You rolled your eyes at their antics, but a small smirk graced your lips. Being yearmates and housemates with the rambunctious pair for four years now had allowed you to grow used to their mischievous pranks and their witty ideas. 
 “Oi, watch it Weasley!” You teased, turning to face the boys who nearly knocked you over in their rush to get away from the cranky caretaker. 
 “Sorry, Y/L/N!” One of them yelled over his shoulder, before the pair of them rounded the corner and disappeared from view. 
 Despite being in the same year and house as the twins, that was usually the most interaction you would have with them. Nothing against them, but you had your own group of friends and they had theirs. As much as you admired their mischief and wit, that wasn’t really your thing. You preferred to keep to yourself or your little group of friends, not fading into the shadows but not exactly stepping into the spotlight either. 
 When you were accidentally on the receiving end of their pranks meant for Snape, though, the twins forced themselves into your life. 
 You were sat on one of the beds in the hospital wing, waiting while Madam Pomfrey puttered around looking for some bruise cream and muttering under her breath about how dangerous the twins could be. You hid your smile behind your hand, it honestly wasn’t all that bad, you just had a bruise on your cheek and one on your shoulder. They were both sore and aching, but you knew it could be fixed in no time. 
 Before the mediwitch could apply any salve to your exposed shoulder, the twins burst into the hospital wing. 
 “Y/N!” One of them, you thought maybe George, yelled. 
 “Oh Merlin, we’re so sorry!” The other twin said as they reached you. 
 Madam Pomfrey began to protest the twins’ presence, but you were quick to reply, “It’s fine you guys. Madam Pomfrey’s just about to fix me up and I’ll be good as new!” 
 The rest of the week, the twins didn’t leave you alone. Constantly opening doors and pulling out chairs for you, the pair of them weaseled their way into your daily routine. You could feel them wriggling their way into your heart too, and you knew that there was no going back now. 
 Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know how that would feel
 “Y/N?” You turned around to the source of the voice only to be face to face with none other than Fred Weasley.
 “Fred,” You breathed, hitching the books in your arms a little higher and tighter, “What’s up? Do you need something?” 
 The castle was decorated beautifully for the Christmas hols, and more importantly to impress the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang guests you were hosting that year, but you were in a bit of a rush and you couldn’t really stop and chat. The professors had made sure to assign as much schoolwork as possible before the break began, which meant you were scrambling to finish everything on time. 
 You noticed Fred rock back on his heels and shove his hands in the pockets of his robes, “Are you alright?” You asked. 
 “Huh? Oh yeah, I’m brilliant really,” He muttered, his eyes shifting around and his ears tinging pink ever so slightly. 
 “O-kay,” You said, “Sorry, Fred but I’m rushing to get some coursework finished. I’ll talk to you later, yeah?”
 “Yeah, of course.” He mumbled as you turned on your heel and rushed away. His shoulders slumped slightly, “Bloody idiot, couldn’t get a word out of your mouth…” 
 Unknown to you, Fred walked all the way back to the common room muttering under his breath. The Yule Ball was coming up and the only person he wanted to take was you, he just needed to buck up enough courage to actually ask you. Every time he tried, though, he clammed up and nothing could come out of his mouth. 
 When you climbed through the portrait hole a while later, he was still sat on one of the couches, staring at the fireplace and brainstorming ideas of how he could gather up some of his Gryffindor courage and ask you a simple question. He actually made it a point to write down a few of them on some parchment, but most of them were crossed out. 
 Sonorus charm during breakfast 
Sending her a letter (? possible)
Ask Hermione to ask her for me 
 He hadn’t noticed that you came in, so when you plopped down on the couch beside him, he almost jumped out of his seat. He looked right suspicious to you, trying to shove the piece of parchment he was holding back into the pocket of his robes. Knowing the kind of mischief he could cause you, you did what any other sane person would do.
 “Accio parchment.” You said, pointing your wand at his robes. The paper flew out and into your open palm. 
 “No, Y/N-” He protested, but you stood up quickly and got out of his grabbing reach. 
 “What’s this Fred? Haven’t gotten any good ideas to ask someone to the Yule Ball?” You teased after skimming over his messy notes. 
 At that moment he thanked Merlin and Morgana that he hadn’t actually written down your name. Still, his ears and neck were pink and he could feel his face grow hot as you read over the dumb ideas he wrote down. 
 “That’s none of your business, don’t you think?” He mumbled, taking the parchment out of your hands and sticking it back safely in his pocket. 
 “Oh alright,” You smiled, “Just teasing!” 
 He nodded quickly then proceeded to make his way to the staircase, wanting to just curl up in bed and scream into his pillow. Something stopped him, though. He paused right at the doorway and turned to face you slowly. 
 “Y/N?” He said. 
 “Yeah, Fred?” You asked, busy trying to smooth down the disheveled uniform and hair that came from running away from him so quickly a few minutes before. You weren’t paying as much attention to the redhead as you should’ve, adjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder. 
 “Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?” 
 His question rang through the empty common room and made you pause what you were doing. 
 “Sorry, what?” You asked, turning to look at him. 
 “Erm, I asked if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball with me,” He mumbled, rocking back on his heels. 
 A slow smile spread across your face, “Of course! I’d love to.” 
 “Great!” He nearly yelled, “Great, yeah. I can’t wait!” 
 You stood at the top of the staircase, your gown swishing gently as you made your way to where the rest of the students were waiting. Fred’s hair could easily be spotted above the crowd, so you weaved your way through to him. 
 When his eyes found yours the world seemed to stop. Blood rushed to his ears and his breath came out in short puffs. His vision seemed to tunnel and the only thing he could see was you. You looked absolutely stunning.
 “Wow,” He breathed once you reached him, “I think I’ve just died and gone to heaven. You look phenomenal, Y/N.” 
 Your heart stuttered at the compliment, “Thanks, Fred. You look great too.”
 Fred was nothing short of the perfect date. He held your waist as the two of you entered the Great Hall, held your seat out for you as you reached your table, and took your hand to lead you to the dance floor when it was time for the waltz. The both of you weren’t great dancers, but you stumbled and giggled through the whole thing with smiles on your faces. 
 When the two of you grew tired of dancing, he gently whispered in your ear, “D’you wanna get out of here?” 
 “Sure,” You smiled. 
 In a moment of bravery, you took his hand in yours as the two of you walked leisurely through the snow filled grounds. Heart still beating in your chest, you stole a glance in his direction. To your surprise, he wore a goofy smile on his face and his ears were slightly tinged pink. Instead of letting go, he squeezed your hand and led you to an empty bench. 
 You sat in peaceful silence for a few minutes, taking in the gorgeous decorations made for the ball, but after a while you asked “Knut for your thoughts?”
 Fred turned to face you slightly and let out a small puff of breath, “I’ve actually wanted to talk to you about something.” 
 Your brows furrowed in concern, “What’s up?” 
 “I fancy the hell out of you, Y/N.” He breathed nervously, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear and staring at the ground. 
 “Oh Fred, I really fancy you too.” You grinned giddily, a small laugh leaving your lips. 
 His eyes widened at your statement and his grin seemed to match yours, “What’s so funny then?” 
 “Nothing,” You shrugged, snaking your arms around his neck, “I’ve just fancied you for so long, I just didn’t think you’d actually feel the same for me.” 
 Instead of replying, Fred swooped down and pressed a searing kiss on your lips. You gasped slightly, not expecting his lips to be on yours, but soon you melted into his touch. His arms wrapped around your waist before the two of you broke apart. 
 “That answer your question?” He breathed, going back in to peck your lips again and again until you were giggling and playfully slapping him on the chest. 
 “You’re really something else, Weasley.” 
 You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier crazier
 “D’you wanna get out of here?” A familiar voice asked in your ear as strong arms wrapped around your waist. 
“Now where have I heard that before?” You teased, placing a soft peck on Fred’s lips. 
The wedding reception was in full swing now, a crowd of redheads filling the tent. You were standing to the side, taking in just how much happiness this event sparked in your life and in so many others’. It was as if the world stopped to celebrate the love that Bill and Fleur clearly felt for each other. 
Without answering you, Fred merely took your hand in his and led you out into the dusk. The breeze cooling down your slightly warm skin. 
“Care for a dance?” He grinned at you, holding out his hand when you two had reached a relatively empty area in the surrounding field. 
“I thought you’d never ask,” You joked, taking his hand and putting your other one on his shoulder. 
Gently, the two of you swayed together as the sun finally set beyond the horizon and as the first few stars appeared above you. No music was playing, nor was it needed, as you were wrapped around the love of your life. 
He sighed contentedly, “When all this is over and we’ve won the war, I’m going to marry you.” 
“Good,” You said confidently, “Because I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Fred Weasley.” 
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,653
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You were woken up by Peter slapping your face lazily with his hand. You groaned and stirred in your sleep and open an eye up to see what he wanted. He was half asleep too, just patting your cheek and telling you to wake up. “What?” You hummed, your morning voice cracking a bit. It wasn’t light outside, so you knew it was early. But then you realized why he was waking you up. “Oh.” You said, perking up and sitting up on your bed. “Ok, come on let’s go.” You threw the covers off you and went to your bathroom to brush your teeth before going down to see the guys off. They were leaving for their mission today and you wanted to see them and wish them luck.
Peter slid off the bed, lingering on the floor for a few seconds before shooting himself up with a huff and pulled on his shirt on the floor that he took off in the middle of the night. He waited for you to finish up in the bathroom before following you out to the window room, which was the room that you had to go through to get to the backyard where the Quinjet was. You saw Nat, Bucky, Wanda, Tony, Steve, and Sam when you came in, and you both smiled and said good morning.
You went to give Nat a hug, squeezing her tight. “I’ll miss you. I’ll see you in 2 days.” You smiled. Nat rubbed your back affectionately and agreed. You moved onto Wanda, giving her a tight hug as well, her kissing your cheek and smiling at you. “We’ll come back soon.”
Lastly you went to Bucky, him lifting you up and kissing your cheek, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Have fun at the movies ok? You’ll tell me all about it when I come back.” He said, giving you a sweet smile and put you down. You watched as they walked outside towards the Quinjet and left, disappearing into the sky.
“Alright then. That’s that. You kids do what you're gonna do and get everything done before noon.” Steve said, patting you back and leaving to his room. You grinned at Peter excitedly. Steve had explained to you that morning that he was allowing you both to skip school today and do something fun to take our minds off the mission, which is why you were now going to go watch a movie that was coming out in the theaters with the team. You were basically jumping in place right now; You hadn’t gone to the movies in quite a long time with everyone. There weren’t many movies that caught their attention but when it did, they would make plans to go see it.
You and Peter worked to get what you needed to get done; laundry, dishes, homework, etc. It was about 11:30 and tony suggested that everyone had a snack before leaving. “Get something light to eat to hold you until after. Not anything too heavy cause we’re going out to eat later.” He said. Everyone ate a granola bar and you ran upstairs quickly to put on an outfit. Once the clock hit 11:45, you all were out the door.
Since it was Steve, Tony, Pepper, Sam, Pietro, Peter, You, Clint, Bruce, and Thor, you all had to take the van to the movies. It looked a bit extra, but to transport a big family like yours, it was necessary.
You and Peter sat in the back, in the last 2 seats. They were all separate seats, one on each side on the van. The van was a twelve-seater, so all of you fit perfectly. Everyone buckled up and Clint started to drive towards the theater. Since the compound was a bit secluded, it took a while to get to the city but it was a good pass time to listen to music and talk about Star Wars with Peter. There was traffic as you got closer to the city, so you and Peter took your seat belts off to face each other fully. You were sitting facing him with your leg tucked under you. Peter went from Star Wars, to explaining the physics of the multiverse. You smirked as he talked, loving when he would geek out like this. While he was going on about it, you leaned back and brought your other leg up to rest in across the van, on his lap. He probably didn’t even notice since he was so into what he was saying so you laid your head back against the glass, nodding at what he was saying. You weren’t as sharp as him when it came to multiverse physics or quantum stuff, but it was still interesting to hear what he had to say. After a minute, Peter was calming down from his nerd high and you giggled lightly, shaking your head. “What?” He asked, a small smile on his face.
“You are such a nerd.” You hummed. You meant it with love of course, but apparently Peter didn’t take it that way today. He gasped and put his hand to cover his heart, feigning offense.
“What'd you just say?” He asked, a hint of mischief clear in his tone. You sat up a bit to look at him right. You were about to explain that you were kidding but the only thing coming out of your mouth were giggles as he grabbed your leg that was on his lap and scratched his nails under your knee. That was an extremely ticklish spot you had and you squealed, pulling at your leg. You brought your other leg from under you and put it on the floor to get more grip to pull. You began to laugh louder the longer he stayed in that stop so you tried to use your other leg to kick his hand away. “Plehehehease!” You begged. Peter however, saw this as an opportunity to grab your other leg. “Please what? Get your other leg too? Of course!” He teased. You felt your cheeks heat up and you laughed, slumping more and more in your chair. Peter was now having a firm grip on both your feet and squeezing right above your knees.
You threw your head back and fell to your side, desperately trying to get your legs free. Tony turned behind his seat to look at you both and smirked, chuckling at you and Peter’s insatiable need for games. “Peheheheter! Quihihihit it!!” You hiccupped, shrieking when he moved off his seat and got closer to dig into your sides. You were now trapped, since you were laying on the seat on your back, not having anywhere to go with another seat blocking the front and Peter towering over you at the side.
This made it almost impossible to defend yourself as peter dug his digits into the middle of your belly. He laughed along with you, switching up to your ribs, scratching his index and middle finger at your upper ribs close to your armpits. “Tickle tickle tickle!” He teased in a babyish voice, knowing you could never stand being teased like that. Your face was practically scorching as you fell into silent laughter. Peter laughed at how a few little teases could make it that much worse for you. He grinned widely as shook all his fingers into your ribs. You arched your back violently, shaking your head side to side. “Are you gonna take it back?” He asked, not stopping his attack. You couldn’t form any words, so you just nodded frantically, mouthing for him to stop. Luckily, peter did, helping you sit up and sit in his own chair. You let out an exhausted sigh, melting onto the seat and resting your head on the window. Peter chuckled and sat back in silence, giving you moment to recover. He knew you meant it with love; you would always say that when he would go full nerd on you. But since peter was kind of an impatient person, he got bored easily. And when he got bored, he usually found it most entertaining to torture you whenever he wanted.
Fortunately, traffic had finally loosened up and you got to the theater 10 minutes later. You all hopped out of the van once you parked and made your way into the theater. Many people there were a bit surprised to see almost the entire Avengers team in a movie theater. You received quite a few stares from people, and a few fangirls who asked tony and your brother to take a picture with them. After things settled down, Steve took you to the snack bar to get you some candy. You got a cherry Icee with Nerds candy and gummy worms. Everyone got their own snacks after and got their tickets.
You all made your way to the assigned room and took your seats. You sat next to peter and thor, trying not to eat all of your snacks before the movie even started. The movie was funny and entertaining, eliciting a lot of laughter from everyone in the theater. You all left as soon as the end credits started rolling, since you all were very hungry now. “That was a good movie.” Thor chuckled, everyone else nodding in agreement. “So where are we eating at?” Clint asked. Everybody shrugged and stood in a circle in a secluded corner of the theater lobby.
“I kind of want seafood.” Bruce hummed.
“Ehh, I say pizza.”
“That’s too repetitive. We eat pizza all the time. I say burgers.”
“Burgers sound good, that’s a good post-movie food.” Tony chuckled. You all agreed on burgers, finding a good burger place a few blocks away from the theater. “This place also serves pizza do those who want that.” Clint cheered at that and you made your way back to the van and drove to the restaurant. 
The place was nice, not too crowded and it had a nice patio to eat outside. It had a really nice vibe to it; almost as if it wasn’t located in the middle of NYC.
You followed everyone inside the restaurant, lining up at the counter to be seated. There were a few people in front of you, waiting for their seats. Peter, Clint, Pietro, Pepper, and Tony took seats at the benches while Bruce, Thor, Steve, you, and Sam were standing in line. You were standing behind Thor, Steve standing behind you. He had his arms wrapped loosely around your shoulders, swaying you gently side to side. You were letting him sway you, daydreaming about random stuff and assignments that were due soon, listening to the mixed, loud chatter of everybody in the restaurant.
It was taking longer than expected to be seated, and everyone was growing hungrier and more impatient. Your hopes were lifted when you saw the waitress come your way, but were slightly disappointed by what she said. “Hello, I'm so very sorry for the long wait, we’ll be ready with your seats in 10 minutes. We just had a small setback but now we’re back on track.” She said with a smile. The team nodded with a grateful smile and sat up a bit in their seats. You leaned back into Steve again and he put his hands on your shoulders, absentmindedly massaging them. He added a bit of pressure, squeezing close in between your neck and shoulders, causing it to feel weird. Ticklish. You coughed, shrugging your shoulders up a bit to show your discomfort.
Steve smirked and continued, massaging closer to your neck. It started to tickle a lot more so you giggled and whined at him, trying to step away but he kept you in place, increasing his speed. “Steheheve!” You growled. He chuckled and started to flutter his fingers in your neck all of a sudden, making you squeal loudly and recoil. You bent over a bit towards the floor to get your neck away from him, and stepped away, accidentally bumping into Thor. He turned around out reflex and looked away again when he realized it was just you. “Stop!” You scolded. 
“Stooop!” Steve mocked, wearing a big smirk. You tried to give him a death glare to get him to back off but you apparently didn’t look intimidating enough since Steve grabbed you back and held you in a loose headlock, using his other hand to poke at your belly. You face was hidden by your hair since you were bent over, and you tried curling in on yourself more to protect your belly. You bit your lip, trying to contain the laughter that wanted to explode out of you so bad. Steve chuckled evilly, changing his technique to pinching your waist, going all the way up and down your torso. You broke out into giggles, reaching behind him to push at his back to get out of the hold.
Steve ‘tsk’ed and brought his hand under to pinch at your armpits, immediately making you bring your arm down. You started to blush profusely as you started to realize people were probably watching you be embarrassed by your brother. You laughed loudly when Steve scribbled his finger in your belly button, sliding his hand under your shirt. You let out a high-pitched squeal that was almost too high for anyone close to hear, but Steve laughed when he heard it. You desperately slapped at his hand and wiggled around enough to free yourself.
With a loud pant, you pushed yourself away and kept him at arms length. Steve giggled your messy hair, looking like you just got in a fight with a bull. “God, you’re so embarrassing!” You whined in between your residual giggles. Steve let you get away and you ran over to Tony, snuggling up to him. Tony wrapped an arm around you and sighed, resting his head in the wall and closing his eyes.
A few minutes later, you were all called over to your table, eager to eat. You sat next to your brother and across from Peter. Pepper was sitting on your other side, next to Tony. You ordered your food and you were playing iMessage games with Peter while you waited for your food to arrive. You grinned when the waiter placed your burger on the table, thanking him and digging in. Since Steve’s burger hadn’t arrived yet, he was constantly stealing your fries. It took a lot of self control to not growl at him for taking his 10th fry. You were fine with sharing anything, as long as it wasn’t your gummy bears, ice cream, or fries. But you stood strong and let him take the eleventh. Finally, he stopped and you thanked the higher force up there in the heavens that he did.
In the next few minutes, everyone had their food, quickly digging in. You were thankful for this event today, because it took your mind off the mission that Bucky, Nat, and Wanda were on. By the time you had all gotten home, it was night time. Only one more day after this and they were home.
You spent the rest of the night in Steve’s room, cuddling with him while he read his book. He had a record player in his room and some soft 40’s music was playing softly in the background. Although you mostly had modern music on your spotify playlist, you really enjoyed the old music that he would play. It made you feel a little nostalgic, but it was a good feeling. It didn’t take long for the music and Steve softly rocking you side to side to make you fall asleep. He smiled faintly when he saw your sleeping form and laid you down next to him. It was then when he realized it was late, and turned off his lamp to go to sleep.
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maruzzewrites · 3 years
(Every breathe you) Take #1
Hello! This is what was supposed to be the April’s Fool fic but I didn’t write it in time. It’s an Actor AU in the “universe” of EBYT. All nice and cool. Not real content warnings.
You looked down at your car’s clock. It was barely late afternoon, maybe he was in class. You let the phone fall onto the passenger’s seat, and continued to drive.
The director shouts. Your shoulders go lax and the tension melts over your back, making you slump over the fake car seat. You stretch as everyone around starts to walk around, taking props and placing them outside the set. You climb out and look around to see your fellow actors, all gathered somewhere just outside the current scene.
You try to catch up with them, but you are stopped halfway. You almost trip over some cables on the ground when your manager calls you. She rushes to grab your arm, and you can see the burning desire to reprimand how clumsy you can be. She decides against it, yanking you straight and clearing her throat.
“You remember you got an interview today, right?” Her question is simple and, luckily, you do remember. Having an acting role is a new thing to you, especially with the role of the protagonist, and you did mess up a bit at the start. You are so used to minor roles or filling other positions around the set that you needed a bit to pick up the pace.
“Of course,” you answer. You see she is about to speak again, you even know about what: you need to plan what to say and what to omit during this interview. But you really don’t want to think about it, not with the filming being finished for the day. You will catch up later, “I will see you later. I need to do something…”
Before she can protest, you march away towards your colleagues. They’re now outside the building to allow some of them a quick smoke break, and they welcome you in their little circle without any problem. You look at each of them, and you find it hilarious how similar they are to their own characters – without the threatening auras, of course.
“So,” you cross your arms, “do you guys know what to say in this interview?”
 “Excuse me,” One of the reporters raises his hand, a pen between his fingers. You look up at him and ask him to ask whatever he wants. He grins, “Thank you. So, can you tell us anything more about the idea behind this show?”
“Well,” you start and look around the other actors to see if someone wants to speak instead. No one even attempts, so it’s in your hands, “I was said it was supposed to be about normalcy and what it means in a dangerous place. The director has experience with people who are called not so legally to clean at strangers’ houses and wanted to show it more.”
The reporter thanks you for the answer, even seems to want to ask one more, but someone else jump on the occasion to inquiry, “Did you choose it because of the premise? It seemed like a difficult role for a new actor.”
You think about it a bit, “I liked the premise. It’s dark and I don’t know if I can fake falling in love more than being scared. These goons make it rather easy, too.”
You point at them with your thumbs; some of them chuckle, some of them roll their eyes, some seem more embarrassed than anything. You hope you haven’t offended them too bad – it’s not your fault they really look rather menacing at times.
“Means we are good actors,” Formaggio chimes in, grinning like a fox. He turns to you and points a finger, “You too. Sometimes I really think we are intimidating you. The first time you saw Risotto, you looked like you saw a ghost.”
Some of the people in the room giggle at that, while Risotto pouts a little at the observation. The poor man can’t help his appearance or his size, and you came to understand he is one of the calmest and nicest people in that group. To avenge him of this direct insult, you decide to tease Formaggio a bit, “Look who’s talking. You’re the one who looks like he belongs in an actual gang, here.”
The joke makes even the imperturbable Prosciutto crack a smile, along with the sneer from Illuso at Formaggio’s frown. You even see the next reporter barely contain a laugh when she raises her had to speak, “You seem to get along quite well. Do you find it interesting to work with your colleagues on this project?”
The question is general, but you figure you talked enough for all of them. When a second too much of silence lingers, Melone is happy to jump in, “I enjoy it quite a bit! I barely get the opportunity to work with people who are so funny.”
“Really?” Ghiaccio almost yells, before he can reign in his tone. His inside voice is still loud, but it borders a stage whisper, “Because you’re really annoying during breaks. You say the most inane things and we’re supposed to just take it.”
Melone smiles, affable, “As I said, funny. You’re all entertaining. I get why you would become actors!”
Someone in the public clears his throat and then stands up to speak. Doesn’t really wait for his turn, but no one seems to mind besides turning around in their seats to look at him. He asks, “How did you come to accept your parts? You seem like a very varied bunch.”
The others look at each other, then Prosciutto takes the stage, “Formaggio tried for the role before us, then told us about the auditions. I assume we were just the right fit for the characters.”
The reporter nods and then looks at you with expectation. You don’t have quite the same story to them, “I… I just wanted to try for a big role, for once. I was told I had the face for the story, even if now I knows it means being somewhat average.”
A bit of an awkward silence before someone – Melone, specifically – intervenes, “I don’t think you are average or plain. You just give a friendly vibe.”
You smile at him just when Illuso decides to speak up, “That’s a nice way to say homely.”
He gains a light punch in the arm since he is sitting right next to you, which makes him chuckle and pretend to fall over on his chair. Ghiaccio, sitting at his other side, shoves him almost violently when they are close to touching. Risotto tells them to calm down.
“Do you have anything to tell us about the future of the show?” A reporter takes advantage of the ruckus to ask before anyone else can. He looks at every actor for a handful of seconds each before elaborating, “Fans really want to know what’s coming up in the near future.”
You ponder on answering that one question. You don’t let anyone chime in before you take your decision, explaining, “I don’t think we can reveal too much, but what’s coming is probably obvious. You know about stories with gangs. There may be something surprising to it, maybe.”
The reporter nods and waits patiently. You just shoot him a kind smile and you can almost see the disappointment coloring his face. You were told not to speak too much about the future plot, direct orders from the director and your manager – who was very eager to let you know how much you needed to shut your mouth.
The reporter evidently knows when to drop it because he doesn’t prob further. The rest of the interview goes smoothly, with jokes and teasing, with answered questions. People are really curious about the show despite being so grim, but you appreciate the fans.
At the end of the whole thing, you wonder what you will read the following days in online articles from those reporters.
 “Have you seen the new theories? People are really quick to take every ounce of info they can get from exclusives.” Melone scrolls his phone right before leaving it inside the pockets of his jacket, ready to put on his outfit.
You hum in response, too busy rereading the script for the episode. You hope you will finish quickly so that you go somewhere and eat with your colleagues – it’s been a while since your last lunch together. It may or not be because you end up giggling during the most tense scenes, during the first few takes.
Melone leaves you alone, wishing you good luck for the first scene of the day. You take a deep breath and replay it in your mind, trying to visualize it.
Going back home after a stressful day. After having to play a game of cat and mouse with dangerous men, wanting nothing more than a doll in their hands. You feel the tension harden your muscles, your shoulders and back stiff with anxiety.
You are a cleaner dealing with something too big for you, and you return to that house.
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lady-grace-pens · 3 years
Wip Excerpt: HTKAG
In light of this wip hitting another 10k word goal recently (currently sitting pretty at a whopping 120k/150k 😅), another excerpt is due! This babe I wrote today, buut I actually loved it so much I knew I had to share it with y'all right away. That all being said, let's stop wasting time and get straight into it!
Our scene begins with Allister entering a restaurant to have dinner with Mikko, Fingal, and Perci, but Perci is late.
Upon telling the hostess Fingal’s name, she leads me away to the right half of the room. Off in a booth stowed away in the corner sit Mikko and Fingal jabbering away mid-conversation. Once they notice me, they stop and smile.
“Hey! There’s the man of the hour,” Mikko exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
“Not late, am I?” I grin, taking a seat beside him.
“Nope. Right on time to get some drinks,” Mikko starts smouldering at our hostess.
“With what money?” Fingal retorts with a glare.
Mikko blinks, struggling to come up with a defense. It seems he mustn't have anticipated Fingal to interrupt his attempt at flirting…
“Wha - With our money, of course,” he laughs, trying his best to make a smooth recovery.
“Aye. Which is why we’re not using my money to buy alcohol while a minor is here.”
Mikko doesn’t reply. Then again I suppose he doesn't need to, his confusion is written all over his face.
“Don’t tell me you forgot about Perci. He’ll be here any minute.”
“Oh! Fuck, that’s right. Him. Well obviously he won’t be getting any. And come on! You know how fast I can down a beer Fin! It’ll just be a few. Just a few rounds! Don’t be an ass.”
“Watch yourself Mikko, it's not polite to use such language in the presence of a lady.” I chime in, giving the hostess a polite smile.
“Oh I’ll show you what’s not polite-” Mikko says before slapping my head.
I try to hit him back, but he catches my hand before I can. Before we know it, we’re caught in a ridiculous slapping fight, both laughing our asses off.
“Not in a restaurant, not in a restaurant!” I speak through gasps, trying to end things.
Mikko obliges, tossing his hands back in his lap.
“A waiter will be right with you,” the hostess makes a case to look at each one of us except for Mikko before finishing her sentence, “... gentleman.”
Much to my surprise, Mikko doesn’t seem to be affected by that backhanded insult. Instead he kicks his knees up against the table and rests his head back, totally listless.
“Mikko, I would’ve thought you’d be more offended by that.”
“Huh? Why would I be offended at something when it’s true?”
“I’ll say. You and Al couldn’t be any more opposite. If there’s anything larger than the truth, the fact that you’re not a gentleman is way beyond it.”
“Exactly. And Mikko, you are aware of the fact that she was just a hostess, right? It isn’t even her job to serve us drinks.”
“I... “ Mikko laughs before leaning over the table again. “Listen. You two just don’t get it, do you? No. You don’t. Allow me to be the one who graces your palettes here, eh? Let me tell you what I’m gonna do. Okay? I’m gonna give you a tip. A piece of advice that will change your lives forever. All for free! You don’t even have to pay me. All you gotta do is listen. Got it? You both ready?”
Fingal and I share a look. I can tell we’re thinking along a similar vein of confused intrigue. We should most likely stop Mikko here, as whatever will come out his mouth won’t be anything good. However, we’re both too stunned to stop him, so…
Mikko beckons us to lean closer to him. Fin and I oblige. We’re almost touching heads when at last our dear mentor speaks once again, in a hushed voice. “It’s not about what you say. It’s about how you say it.”
There are no words. For about a minute straight Fingal and I are just staring at each other wearing the same expression that exudes two questions. ‘What the fuck? You’ve heard that too, haven’t you?’
Soon after that’s established and our shock subsides, we burst back to life. Fingal starts us off with, “Dammit Mikko. What the fuck? Where did you learn that? Who taught you that?”
“Some guys from the bar! Why, what’s wrong with it?”
“Which guys from the bar?”
“I don’t see how it-”
“Mikko. Which guys from the bar taught you this?” Fingal insists, a flash of anger showing in his eyes.
Mikko seems to notice this, and complies straight away. “Leo, John, Peter and Paul!”
Fingal buries his head in his hands. This sparks my curiosity. I haven’t heard these names before, but Fin clearly has.
“I can’t say I’m familiar with them, who might they be?”
“Bar friends-” Mikko starts, only for Fingal to finish for him.
“Jokesters. Jerks. Cheapskates always looking for a laugh. Assholes. Can’t wait to give them a piece of my mind.”
Mikko shrinks away from Fin. His head is turned away from me, but I don’t need to see it in order to know how stunned he is. It’s expressed flawlessly through the abnormal quietness of his voice. “Fin? What’s up, why’d you-”
“Because those dicks have been filling your head with shit like this every damn time I turned my back, Mikko! Dammit, this - this is why you always get rejected! Universe, I just wish you would’ve checked with me first about things like this. Not some strangers you barely even know, yet idolize them anyway.
You wanna know how you get a girl Mikko? Huh? You be nice. You be nice to them, you talk with them, and you listen. Compliments and flirting, all that helps, of course, but not forever! And you sure as hell can’t build a relationship strictly off of it. Okay? Standards and expectations vary from girl to girl, but with each and every single one there are a few things that you just have to do. Be nice, have respect, help them just for the sake of helping them! Don’t expect anything in return. Overall just - just be a decent fucking human being. That is how you get a girl.”
Mikko sits there, staring at his brother. I can’t help but do the same. In every respect, Fingal is right. Of course he is. It’s just… rare that we see him so worked up. I can hardly believe my eyes. I can hardly believe my ears, I… I can’t imagine how Mikko must be feeling.
Oh so gradually his head sinks down into his lap. He slumps over, and I swear I can see fractions of tears reflect the golden light radiating above us.
“Can’t believe I’m actually telling you this when you’re eighteen. Fucking eighteen,” Fingal scoffs, crossing his arms.
“I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be. I’m not mad at you. This is my own fault, I blame myself.”
“Aw, come on man! That’s even worse,” pouts Mikko.
Fingal then turns to me with an abruptness that makes me jump. “Al, what’s up? You’ve been quiet for a while. You can back me up on this, can’t you?”
“I…” I force a chuckle to try and lighten the air some. “I don’t think that I’m currently in a position to give advice like this, to be honest with you.”
Fingal leans his elbows on the table, holding his head with one hand. “Why? Something happen with Maddie?”
“Oh, did it ever,” I shake my head.
Aand that's all you guys get for spoiler reasons! Lmao
(also because that's all I've written today but shhhh don't tell anyone)
Buut yeah. Legit I swear I didn't mean to go so hard on feminist Fingal 😂 I mean don't get me wrong here, he's absolutely right and I'm keeping it in. But still, the words just kept on coming and coming and we ended up with this
writing is super fun sometimes
Plus tbh, writing the part where Mikko is stroking his ego and whispers his ‘top secret trick to get women’, I was literally laughing out loud 😂 like he's just so wrong, and I love how horribly Mikko fails in life. It's just super funny to me, I enjoy it a lot.
Fingal, however, clearly does not enjoy it, lmao. Legit I had no clue he could be so protective until today! Especially over Mikko. I mean I always knew their dynamics, but today… it really hit home for me.
Go back and look at the line of dialogue Fingal says right after Mikko apologizes (a rare occurrence, actually).
It’s just one little piece of dialogue, barely a few sentences! Yet I feel like it hits you. You know? It reveals so much about his and Mikko’s vibes, their situation. A pair of brothers poor and orphaned by their birth parents and raised by their grandmother, who is only growing older and weaker each year. Fingal, the eldest, having to take responsibility often. He feels pressured to raise his little bro, and feels like he's failed when Mikko turns out to be the way he is. Ya know? It's just one little thing of dialogue but I feel like it makes you feel the pressure Fin has to bear in a situation like theirs. Even if it’s only for a moment.
And Mikko! While he does incite a lot of the comic relief in HTKAG, I wouldn’t call him a strict comic relief character because that's never what I had in mind while writing him. He and Fin actually play a vital role in the plot of the story! Much more than what I can currently reveal to y'all.
Buut anyways, I'll stop rambling now. I really hope you guys enjoyed this little excerpt just as much as I adored writing it :)
taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @vampire-with-a-pen @writingonesdreams @justyouraveragewriter @kazenokaori @dahladahlabills
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4kominato · 4 years
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A/N: just thought id write something a little more realistic to what id possibly do irl... the whole sex thing aint really my vibe (i admit, it is nice in fics though). its a bit ironic how soft and understanding ive portrayed Mei here 🙃 but idk, my brain really liked him for this fantasy for some reason ~ kuri
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Pairing: Narumiya Mei x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff? Smut? (me… expressing my feelings?) - SEXUAL CONTENT
to save you all from disappointment...
[[ OVERVIEW ]] vibrator, male masturbation, fem!voyeurism
Word Count: 1,752
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Today is one of those days that you just want to feel good. With the stress of school and work starting to pile up, you decide to reserve some time for yourself to relax and unravel on a day that your boyfriend said he’d be back late. Having been in just an oversized t-shirt and your panties all day, you don’t bother to undress, simply pressing the bullet vibrator that Mei had gifted to you a few months ago for your two year anniversary over the thin material of your underwear and letting the powerful toy effortlessly do its job. The bundle of nerves unravelling in your core has your toes curled and thighs quivering in anticipation of your much needed high, but you’re alarmed by the sound of footsteps approaching the door, making you scramble to turn off the noisy device.
“I’m home!” your vivacious boyfriend announces as he emerges through the bedroom door, “I was able to get out of practice early today!”
“O-oh! That’s good!” you answer nervously, watching as Mei changes out of his uniform and into more casual clothes. After tossing his practice wear into the nearest hamper, he immediately joins you in bed and pulls you into a quick kiss as a greeting.
“So what did you do today?” he asks, nuzzling his nose against your cheek.
“Uh, not much honestly…” you mutter, awkwardly averting eye contact with the painstakingly oblivious boy.
“Did you at least enjoy your day off?”
“Mm… I suppose…”
Finally picking up on your uncomfortable body language, Mei scoots away from you with a worried look and asks, “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine!” you quickly assure, feigning a smile in hopes that he’ll drop the issue, but he doesn't. Pouting at you, he reaches out to hold your hand which is balled in a tight fist to conceal your bullet, considering you had nowhere else to hide it with Mei barging in so suddenly.
“Why are you clenching your fist?” he questions, caressing your whitened knuckles with his thumb, “Are you hurt?” Pursing your lips, you remain silent and unwilling to provide an answer for a brief moment, but when you meet his troubled gaze, you feel the concern radiating from his bright blue orbs and can’t help but feel bad for making him anxious over something so miniscule. Letting out a deep sigh you finally uncurl your fingers, releasing the cylindrical piece of plastic into your lover’s palm, which he recognizes immediately seeing how his eyes widen in shock.
“I was using it just before you came in…” you disclose quietly, unable to look at him directly.
“Oh… I’m sorry,” he replies immediately and places the novelty back into your care, “You should have said something earlier. I would’ve left you alone.”
“I didn’t want to just kick you out… Having you home early was a nice surprise.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it now then, alright? I’m going to start preparing dinner.”
Just as he climbs off of the bed, you blurt a quick “Wait!” before he can leave the bedside and you wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest. “Stay.”
Letting out a soft chuckle, he strokes the back of your head with one hand and holds you in a tight embrace with the other before responding, “You don’t want to do it anymore?”
“Well… I was thinking…” you start, still hesitant about whether or not you should share with him one of your little reoccurring fantasies.
“You were thinking?” Mei repeats after a long silence, your cliffhanger spawning curiosity within him.
“Um, it’s… kind of embarrassing actually…” you murmur before leaving him hanging yet again.
“You can’t just say that and then change your mind,” he whines and pinches your cheek, “C’mon, just say it. The suspense is killing me.”
You can’t disagree with his point, considering you’d already opened your mouth, it’d be rude to back down now. If you didn’t want to tell him, you shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.
“I… I was thinking…” you start again, your reluctance to confess what was on your mind causing you to stumble over your words, “I-it might be… well uh… a little weird… b-but um… maybe… you can… y’know… use it on me…” Pulling away from his body, your trembling hand places the toy back into Mei’s calloused one, and while he quickly accepts it from you, his furrowed brows seem to portray a different message.
“Are you sure?” he asks lovingly, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d love to, but… would you enjoy it?”
“I… I’d like to enjoy it… I don’t know for sure if I will,” you admit, still apprehensive of the idea, but hoping you’ll muster up the courage to follow through, “I know it’s not much… but I think it might be good for us to share intimate moments like this together.”
“I’m already satisfied with what we do. You don’t have to force yourself to do more.”
“I want to… for you. Even if we don’t go all the way, I really want to let my walls down with you. It’s the least I can do with how understanding you’ve been over the course of our relationship.”
“How could I not be when I have the best girlfriend ever,” he smiles, cupping your face in his hands, “If you really want to, I’d love to do this with you, but if you aren’t enjoying it, don’t hesitate to tell me, okay?”
Nodding up at him, he rejoins you on the bed and gestures for you to sit in his lap, so you do, positioning yourself in between his legs and without hesitation, he wraps his arms around your waist. Pulling you flush against him, he peppers soft kisses down your neck, making you hum in satisfaction at the feeling and roll your head back onto his shoulder, granting him further access and he’s quick to accept the invitation.
“I’m ready when you are,” he mutters against your neck between kisses.
“I’m ready…” you answer under your breath, unsure if there is actually truth in the words you’d just spoken. You’d already made up your mind about going through this and you had no intentions of backing down, but the nerves that follow are no joke, considering it isn’t easy allowing yourself to be so vulnerable in front of someone, even should it be someone you’re comfortable with.
At the sound of the obnoxious buzzing initiated by Mei turning on the device, you unintentionally tense up and he feels it, so he immediately turns it back off to check on you.
“Are you okay? You still want to do this?”
“Yes,” you answer quietly, reaching out toward the hand which held the vibrator and turning it back on, “I’m just nervous… but that’s to be expected, right?”
“Well yeah… but don’t forget that you can stop me at any time. Okay?”
Giving him a final nod, Mei proceeds to lower his hand between your legs, pressing the smooth surface of the toy against your clit. You jolt at the abrupt wave of pleasure that sears through your core, but it’s nice for once to be experiencing this while being held in the arms of the one you love most. Having him there somehow adds an extra warmth that you can’t really explain and on top of that, with him doing all the work, you can relax more than you’d normally be able to.
The feeling of him growing hard behind you only adds to the sensation, every twitch of his cock turning you on more than you thought possible, and with heat radiating from your sweet spot and a familiar tension rapidly building up below, you know you won’t last much longer. Entwining your fingers with the ones that lovingly encompass your frame, you squeeze tightly on his hand upon climaxing while the rest of your body convulses rhythmically in response to the sheer bliss rushing through your body.
“I love you,” Mei whispers, turning off the vibrator and setting it aside as you fall limp against him, gradually ascending from your peek.
“I love you more,” you argue breathily, pulling his arms tighter around you while you lay slumped against him, eyes still comfortably closed.
“Impossible,” he refutes with a peck to your cheek before trying to discreetly untangle his arms from yours and urge you off of his lap, “But if you’ll excuse me… I have things to take care of now too.”
“I wanna watch,” you plead, clinging onto his arm to prevent him from leaving the bed.
“Okay,” he agrees and frees his stiff member from the confinement of his briefs. The tip is glistening with pre-cum and you can’t resist swirling the substance around his engorged head, forcing a soft groan out of him.
He allows you to continue toying with the top half while his fingers encircle the base of his shaft, milking out more of his essence for you to play with, but you only indulge for a while more before finally withdrawing your hand and snuggling close to him, pulling him into a heated kiss as he starts to pump himself at a steady pace. Slipping a hand under his shirt, you trace over his tensed abdomen, your extra touch helping to entice his orgasm.
“Pull it up,” Mei speaks desperately, his voice raspy as his hand movements start to speed up. Recognizing his end is nearing, you do as he says, lifting the hem of his shirt to at least his chest and stealing one last peck from him before letting him chase his high.
“Fuck,” he grunts through gritted teeth, his brows knitted together and eyes squeezed shut while his hips jerk upward, his thick seed shooting out in thin ropes over his smooth abdomen.
You can’t help but admire his post-orgasm appearance for a moment before making your way to the master bathroom, retrieving tissues to clean up the mess. There’s just something about him lying there peacefully with beads of sweat on his temples and the sound of his labored breathing that gives him a different glow in comparison to his usual handsome features. It’s really a beautiful sight to witness.
Noticing your staring, a puzzled look forms on Mei’s face before he addresses it, “I know I’m handsome, but you don’t need to stare.”
“Shut up,” you giggle, playfully elbowing him in the arm making the two of you break out into a fit of laughter. It ends with Mei pulling you on top of him and pressing his lips against yours, but momentarily separating them to speak.
“I love you so damn much… I hope you know that I’d do literally anything for you.”
“I do, and that’s why I love you even more.”
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grumpigremlin · 4 years
College Blues - Chapter 2
Here it is. Grammar checked 4 times but probably still hiding some errors <3 This chapter turned out longer than the first, so I’m glad.
Themes: Tired Student Vibes - Uni is hard ok? - Angst - Family
Synopsis: With only 3 months left of their first year attending University, Danny and Sam decided to take a trip back down to Amity Park to visit family for a week to take the edge off. It soon becomes clear that visiting home was something Danny desperately needed.
Word Count: 1482 
06:00 << Guess who brought a load of snacks for the trip 🍫🍿 >>
06:15 << Remember the train leaves at eight >>
06:30 << U alive? And if u reply with no I swear… 😂 >>
07:30 << Danny? >>
Sam sat there, thinking of what to type next. She didn’t like to pester but considering Danny hadn’t even looked at his phone for this long, giving him another poke seemed more than reasonable. Sam knew how assertive she could be towards both Danny and Tucker at times. It was normal for both of them to leave things until the last minute. But after checking in with Tucker to see if he’d received any replies, Sam was half-tempted to head round to Danny’s dorm and spam the buzzer until he responded. No, that’s too far. They weren’t kids anymore. She should’ve tried to call him instead. Why didn’t she think to do that earlier? Ping. A new message.
07:35 << Sorry, yeah dw im on my way >>
Typical, she thought. It was a little rude that Danny didn’t even think to give a reply sooner than 25 minutes before their train was due to arrive. At the thought of this, Sam began jabbing at her phone, crafting he perfect response to convey her annoyance. What happened next caught her completely off guard. It was silent, but the action of Danny swiftly phasing through the wall behind her was enough to cause Sam to jump up from the bench.
“Shit Danny, do you even use doors anymore?”
“Sorry I was… I was in a bit of a rush. Didn’t have time to, you know, take the long way here.”
Furrowing her brows, Sam opened her mouth, ready to lecture Danny that if he had only gotten up earlier then he wouldn’t need to rush. But she paused, taking in her friend’s face. Danny looked… awful. His normally brightly lit blue eyes were dull with fatigue. It was almost as if he had just rolled out of bed. Considering the chances of a late-night ghost encounter, she chose to let it slide.
“You look...” She begun.
“-Like crap? Yeah I know.” He’d moved to slide off his backpack and sit down on the bench. “Was it a ghost? You could’ve woken me up you know. I don’t mind.” He shook his head, slumping forwards to rest his elbows on his knees. “No, just got distracted with other things.” Probably playing the new video game that he and Tucker had been raving about for the past week, Sam had figured. Now that Danny had eventually turned up, they had around 20 minutes to spare. After grabbing some coffees from the platform over, they returned to the bench and continued conversation. As they spoke, Sam continued to take in the state of her friend. His hair was slightly unkempt, and she was surprised to see that he had only brought a small singular backpack along. Though this made sense due to how much time he had given himself to pack. “I really am sorry by the way, I completely lost track of the clock.” He repeated for what must have been the third time. Finishing what was left of her drink, Sam gave a small laugh and looked back up. “Nah it’s fine. You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t lose track this often, right? I’m just glad you’re alive.”
“Debatable.” He smirked. She practically walked into that one. Ghost jokes were their only source of humour at this point, and the boys would take any chance they got to use them. After a few more minutes of back and forth banter the train finally arrived and the journey commenced. Amity park was a good two hours and thirty minutes away. This made food a must, and as promised, Sam had brought a selection of treats for them both to snack on. “Oh, I actually already ate.” Danny shrugged sheepishly looking down at the pile of treats that had been laid out between them. “But you said you didn’t have time to get anything this morning?” Did he say that? He played back their previous conversation from the platform. He must have done because Sam was right. He took a second to think of an appropriate response “Oh, I meant that I had something on the way over. Good thing I had time, right?”
Things were not adding up at this point. Sam wasn’t stupid and she could tell when she was being lied to. But what he was lying about was still unclear. Was it that he disliked what she had brought? No, that couldn’t be it. Sam had made sure to include things that he liked as well as the usual vegan variations for herself. Maybe he felt unwell? She looked over at Danny, who was gently resting against the train’s window, staring unfocused at the passing scenery. He didn’t look much better than he had around 10 minutes ago. Danny never really liked to let his guard down, especially since being outed as Phantom. While this made sense, it irked Sam when Danny refused to come forward about anything. “Hey, you alright? We could crack open the window if you want.” She motioned, giving him a light nudge. Jolted back into reality, Danny wearily lifted his head. “Huh? Yeah that’d be nice. Could do with some fresh air in here.” That was good, she hadn’t expected him to comply so easily. Getting up, Sam reached overhead and pushed the window latch open. “What do you think is up? Could it be your ice core?”
Danny shook his head. “I doubt it. I haven’t had issues with my ice core in years now. It’s probably just a lack of sleep. It’ll be fine.” There it was. It was this kind of dismissiveness that became so irritating to put up with. It made Sam want to retort back in defiance, but that wouldn’t be fair. It was best to assert herself without causing any more stress than there likely already was. But what else would work other than to push a little further? “Come on, at least drink some water.” She’d insist, offering him one of the many water-bottles she brought. After slight hesitation, Danny accepted the bottle and moved away from the window. He didn’t drink much from it, but it was something.
While most of the snacks remained untouched, the rest of the journey was well spent as the two continued to reminisce over the new ghosts they encountered over the course of the year, and how less manageable they were compared to the ghosts of Amity, which was saying a lot. They discussed what they would do once they got back. While meeting with Tucker at the Nasty Burger was on the agenda for tomorrow, today would be spent settling into their homes and catching up with family. When Danny had notified Jazz that he would be visiting for the week, she was more than happy to travel back down herself. While small, the Fenton family were close. To their parents, it wouldn’t feel the same if only one of them visited at a time. With this in mind, Jazz had insisted that her little brother mention if he were to come down so they could plan accordingly. Familiar buildings could now be seen through the window, indicating that they had reached Amity Park. The two gathered their bags and prepared to leave the train.
“Let me know when you touch base.” Sam said, giving him a quick hug as her parents pulled over to the side of the road. Danny gave an affirmative nod, returning the hug and stepping back. The two waved to each other as the vehicle turned a corner and out of sight. Now it was just him. Five minutes or so had gone by when the phone in his pocket began to buzz. Once again being brought back into the land of the living, Danny hastily grabbed the phone and slid it right to answer. “Hello?”
“Danny-o! Just calling to let you know we’re almost there! Did you arrive safely?” The screeching of car tyres through the other end of the phone were grating to listen to. “Uh, y-yeah, Dad. I’m waiting outside…” The blaring of a passing car horn caused Danny to move the phone away from his ear. “Remember to watch the road, Jack.” Maddie chimed in from the passenger seat. They were definitely close, as the same sound of the car horn was heard from a few blocks down. As if on cue, the all too familiar Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle slide into view. It was a miracle that the tires were able to withstand the backlash as the vehicle came to a sudden halt. Rolling down the window, Jack beamed at his son.
“There he is. Our favourite ghost boy!”
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jungshookz · 5 years
stuck with you || [roommate!taehyung]
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❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here 
❥ wordcount: 37k if ur reading this on mobile get rekt
❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you. 
❥ note: it’s finally here! this is my biGGEst fic to date and all i’m going to say is get comfortable and maybe get a snack because you, my friend, are about to read a whole ass novel and embark on a rollercoaster of a fiC. hopefully this was worth the wait!! i didn’t think i was capable of writing so much and my fingers are about to fall off but it was totaLLY worth it!!!! there’s kind of a 10 things i hate about you vibe if u squint and also most of the dumB things tae does in this fic were inspired by my ex-roommate so i hope she never finds this lol but also everyone say thank u to her for inspiring roommate!tae! i hope u guys love/hate him just as much as i do! happy reading!! 
pst if u wanna talk to y/n or tae (or even applicant #8 if ur brave enough) ((you’ll get it soon)) u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
“what do you mean you’re moving out?!”
namjoon can safely say that he’s never seen such pure, unadulterated rage simmering in your eyes
some apple juice dribbles out from your straw as your grip tightens around your juice box
he swallows nervously and tugs at his collar
is it just him or is it getting kind of hot in here
“i-i mean, you know, i… i don’t really know how else to explain it..,., i’m moVing out.,.”
it’s a good thing he decided to break it to you while you guys were in a public space because he knows what you’re capable of
all he’s going to say is that there are witnesses everywhere so you probably shouldn’t hurt him right now
“who are you going to be living with?” you huff and lean forward a little “i’ll kill them.”
“i’ll be living by myself…,.,” namjoon smiles sheepishly “…please don’t kill me” he adds meekly
“no promises.” you mutter grumpily and take a sip of juice
you knEW there was a reason why namjoon gave you two cookies instead of one today
he was trying to butter you up!!!!!
that smooth bastard
a moment of silence goes by
you groan and immediately slump down on the table and namjoon jumps slightly
“namjOON why didn’t you tell me earlier??”
“i’m sorry!!!!!! i’ll make it up to you somehow!!!!” he reaches across the table to pat your head “and i’ll pay my share of the rent for this month so you don’t have to worry about the power going out!”
“that’s not the poinT, joon! the point is in first year we promised we’d live with each other until we graduated and you’re pulling out of the deal a yEAR earlier-“
“i will very gladly help you find a new roommate! i know you haTe meeting new people so i will happily sit by your side as we meet all the candidates. look, i already put an ad up for you and a bunch of people already messaged me saying that they were interested!”
“but i don’t want a new roommate.” you grumble and prop an elbow up on the table before resting your cheek against your fist “who’s going to pack my lunches for me now?”
“is that the only reason why you’ve kept me around for so long?” namjoon teases lightly and reaches across to pinch your cheek “c’mon, it’s not going to be all that bad! part of university life is opening yourself up to new people and all that!”
namjoon frowns slightly when you don’t respond
there’s a little divot in between your brows and the smallest of pouts on your mouth anD your eyes are getting a little glossy so he can’t help but feel a little bad
it’s not that he’s sick of living with you
it’s just that.,,. he feels like third year is a good time to get his own place!
he’s loVed living with you and it’s not like he’s never going to see you again!!!!! he’ll just see you less!!
besides the fact that you two literally live together you guys practically see each other every day on campus because you always have lunch together (except for wednesdays and the occasional friday when namjoon has lectures/tutorial sessions that bleed into lunch time)
not to mention you’re always welcome to come and hang out at his new bachelor pad
namjoon purses his lips before letting out a sigh “say, how about this? i’ll continue to pack your lunches two times a week, how does that sound?”
you slurp up the rest of your juice and namjoon reaches over to yank the straw out of your mouth when he notices you starting to chew on it (you always start chewing on your straws when you’re stressed about something)
“are we still going to hang out on the weekends and stuff?”
“of course! and you can come hang out with me at the library after classes and we can walk to the bus stop together and then go our separate ways”
namjoon probably shouldn’t have thrown in that last bit but oh well
you let out a sigh “pack my lunches three times a week and you have yourself a deal.”
namjoon sticks his hand out and you give him a firm shake and follow it up with a fist bump before ending it by wrapping your pinky around his (when u guys came up with this handshake he was the one who added that last part)
“so -“ you raise a brow “let’s figure out who i’m going to be replacing you with.”
namjoon gives you a warning look
and so, it begins
the hunt for your new roommate
this should be easy!
a lot of people have contacted namjoon through his ad showing interest in the apartment and namjoon did you the favour of organising all the names onto one long list
namjoon actually took care of a lot of the details so all you have to do is sit there and talk to people
and you love talking to people!!!
you have a long day ahead of you but if it ends in you getting a new roommate you’ll be satisfied
luckily it’s a sunday and you don’t usually have plans on sunday
you even put out snacks and drinks for them on the coffee table to show how amazing of a roommate you’ll be (but also you put it out mainly because you know you’re going to become peckish halfway through the day)
“so, what are some of your hobbies?” you smile lightly and lean back against the couch
katie (she’s suPEr duper nice and you have a good feeling about her and she’s literally the firSt person you’re interviewing) grins excitedly before clapping her hands together and turning around to unzip her backpack
your brows knit together in confusion when you hear the slight tinkering of glass coming from her bag
and then she unzips it fully and shows you what’s inside
“you have a bag of… empty mason jars…?” you trail off and tilt your head
why in the world would she collect empty mason jars
maybe she… sells mason jars?
either way it’s kind of odd but as long as she’s not hurting anyone it’s whatever
you can deal with a mason jar hoarder
“yep!” katie sighs and taps the side of the jar gently “i collect sounds.”
you blink owlishly at her and the whole time she keeps a faT smile on her face
“you collect- i’m sorry, i don’t think i follow-”
“do you like harry styles? i went to his concert last summer.”
you’re not sure how harry styles relates to mason jars but
“oh yeah, i love harry styles, he’s very easy on the eyes and his songs are-“ she pulls out a mason jar and turns it so that you can look at the label on the front “…does that say harry styles concert?”  
“this memory is vEry special to me so i don’t usually open it, but i quite like you, so i’ll share some of this with you-“ she leans forward and untwists the cap before lifting it juSt a little bit
“oh, jesus.” namjoon mutters to himself
namjoon raises a brow when he sees you lean in a little
you have goT to be kidding
you cannot seriously be falling for this  
“ya hear that?????” she squeals and closes the jar before tucking it back into her bag “when i get angry i just listen to my sounds and they bring me to my happy place.” she sighs and cradles another jar to her chest
you squint your eyes to read the label
the label on it says-  
my goD that jar is labelled ‘grandma’s funeral’
what sound would even come out of that jar?? the sound of her family soBBing??
“o-oh! that’s… great. it’s good to have… hobbies.” your knuckles tighten around the clipboard and you swallow thickly
it turns out katie is on a one way train to crazy town
“…we’ll let you know!”
the next guy
you’re definitely a fan of
probably even more than katie before you found out she was kind of veRy crazy
in fact
you like him so much that you’re allowing him to stay and chat for longer since the next person texted namjoon and said they were going to be a little late
his name is bukjoon which is a name you’ve never really heard before but the most important thing here is that he seems like a sweet guy anD he seems like a great roommate
he fits into your life perfectly and you’re honestly ready to just hand him a pen so that he can sign the lease
namjoon, on the other hand
namjoon doesn’t like the vibes from this guy because he’s eErily similar to him and he doesn’t know how you’re not picking that up
also he brought homemade chocolate chip cookies shaped like stars and you’ve already eaten like half the batch and namjoon doesn’t like that you haven’t touched the finger sandwiches that he made for you
“just to double check… your- your name is bukjoon. kim bukjoon?” namjoon tilts his head slightly before looking down at the list of names again
“yep!” the other male smiles brightly at namjoon before turning to look at you “now, a little bit about me as a potential roommate… i love cooking, cleaning, doing laundry - that includes ironing, steaming - i love all of it!”
you gasp
“that totally works out because usually namjoon takes care of the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry! i help take out the trash so-“
“oh, great! i hate taking out the trash.” bukjoon laughs lightly and namjoon narrows his eyes when he spots the faintest of dimples embedded in his cheeks
what in the freSH hell is this
he trails his eyes over bukjoon’s crisp button up tucked into a pair of slacks
his sensible dress shoes glint slightly from the lights and namjoon looks down at his own pair of dress shoes
he isn’t going to lie
he feels slightly threatened right now
“also, i’m a total nature documentary freak-“
“oh my god, that’s so perfect! i love watching nature documentaries and i think you’ll make a great replacement for nam-“
“you know whAT-“ namjoon looks bukjoon dead in the eye as he aggressively scratches out his name on the clipboard “we’ll let you know.” he smiles cooly and tilts his head “…you can leave now.”
and bukjoon can take his damn star-shaped cookies with him for aLL namjoon cares
now, this guy…  
to say the least,,.
is very, very creepy (he didn’t even write his name down on the sign up sheet - he wrote down ‘applicant #8’)
“so…” you clear your throat after a full minute of silence (you asked him how his day was going so far and he just glared at you in response) “are you a student or do you wo-“
“i work.”
“cool! what kind of job-“
“i’m an embalmer.”
…what the heck is embalming
“an embalmer- sorry, what’s an embalmer?” you furrow your brows and lean forward a little bit
“i preserve corpses. would you like to know more about how to embalm bodies?”
okay ur not saying that’s a little weird
but uh
that’s a liTTle weird
“not particu-“
“there’s a lot of work that goes into it. for example, i have to embalm arteries as well after completely draining the blood from the heart.”
wait what
“how about you tell us about how you’d be as a potential roommate for y/n?” namjoon clears his throat and gives applicant #8 a polite smile
“i keep things very clean. very neat. i go to bed quite late. i do not usually invite guests over. i am quiet. please respect my privacy. do not go into my room. especially at night.”
you nod in agreement “yes, of course, i would never want to invade-“
“also, if the police ever call you, it would be best if you just pretended that you’ve never heard of me.”
you swallow thickly and scoot a little closer to namjoon
namjoon reaches over and holds his arm out over you as if the both of you are preparing for this guy to just whiP a knife out and stab your eyes out
applicant #8 looks around before staring at you dead in the eye
you smile uneasily and wrap an arm around namjoon’s bicep “hey, that’s… funny! that’s a funny joke-“
“i see dead people.”
“wE will let you know!” both you and namjoon exclaim simultaneously
“i don’t know how much longer i can do this.” you groan and flop your arm over your eyes as you slump back against the couch
“you better buCk up because we’re only halfway through with the list.” namjoon looks over at the front door when the doorbell rings
you give your cheeks a couple pats to wake yourself up
you can do this
you just have to get through a handful of people and then you’ll be done
namjoon squeezes his own cheeks because they’re so soRe from smiling politely all day
he plasters another smile on his face as he opens the door
“hi, you must be-“
“before we get started, you need to know a couple of things about me.” she pushes past namjoon and plops herself down on the couch
you and namjoon exchange glances and joon shrugs before closing the door
“well…” you clear your throat and cross your legs “that is what we’re here for, so-“
“firstly, i’m going to need to rearrange all of this furniture after moving in. the feng shui in here is way off.” she scrunches her nose up before digging through her huGe suede mary poppins looking bag
“i don’t know a lot about feng shui but i’d be happy to rearrange the furniture if you-“
“i’m in touch with my inner chi. are you?” she raises a brow and pulls out a tuft of sage and a lighter “the energy here is… dark. i’ll cleanse this place for you.”
“that’s really not- well, actually, the last guy in here was kind of creepy so maybe the sage is a good idea.” the sage immediately starts smoking as soon as she lights it and she gets up and starts pacing around the living room “i, uh, i don’t know a lot about my inner chi either, so…”
“yeah, that’s pretty obvious.” she snorts and waves the stick around
you could do without the attitude but so far she seems harmless
“…is that going to set off the fire alarm?”
“i’ll go and open the balcony doors.” namjoon murmurs and points to the balcony windows before getting up off the couch
“i need to be in the privacy of this apartment for at least five hours a day because i like to take the time to meditate alone and i don’t want you to disturb my crystals.”
“you don’t want me to disturb your crystals…?”
“they charge in the sun to regenerate energy so i’ll need you out of the apartment from… 12 to 5. crystals are good for my energy and my soul.”
jesus christ
that’s IT
you’ve had ENOUGH
“i’m going to need you out of my apartment right now before i shove those crystals up your-“
“we’ll let you know!” namjoon slaps a hand over your mouth before you get to finish threatening her
“well… what do you think?” namjoon shuts the door behind him after escorting the crazy sage lady out (she was upset that she wasted her tuft of sage at a place she definitely wasn’t going to be living in and you’re pretty sure she tried casting a curse over the apartment but namjoon kicked her out before she had a chance to do that) “that was everyone…”
“you’re kidding me. that was everyone?” you frown and look over the list of names that have all been crossed out
“i mean… we met twenty eight candidates today… that’s a lot of people!” namjoon purses his lips and taps his pencil against the clipboard “just to let you know, that bukjoon guy was my least favourite-“
“i liked him! he was really nice-“
“he wasn’T-“
“he was-!”
“look, i have to go because i took the late night shift at the library-“ namjoon checks the time on his watch and winces slightly “shit, i’m going to be late!” he hands you his clipboard before picking his backpack up off the couch and unzipping it to check if he has everything “dinner’s in the fridge, don’t open the door for strangers - definitely don’t open the door for that embalmer guy if he comes back - if you turn the stove on please remember to turn it off… i’ll be back by midnight!” he smiles brightly and swings his backpack over his shoulder
“see you later, alligator” you hum and set the clipboard aside before making yourself comfortable on the couch
“in a while, crocodile!”
you purse your lips in thought as you flick through all the new movies and shows on netflix
you could binge watch friends for like the tenth time
maybe watch that new murder mystery movie?
you definitely don’t want to watch a horror movie alone because you get the feeling that applicant #8 is going to pop out of nowhere and slit your throat with a dull knife
oOh you can watch that new nature docuseries
surprisingly those nature documentaries aren’t as boring as you thought they were
you can thank namjoon for your newfound love for nature documentaries
you nod to yourself and turn the volume up before pulling the throw blanket up to your chin
time to watch tv until your eyes roll out of your skull!!!
“nothing symbolises our relationship with the high seas better than the blue whale…”
it’s about 10:30 now
namjoon left for work at around 5
the pasta casserole that namjoon made for you sits on the coffee table half eaten and with a fork stabbed into it
an open bag of tortilla chips and some guacamole also sit abandoned on the table
you’re pretty sure you ate like a family sized serving of pasta but you know what
sometimes it just be like dat!!
you’re also pretty sure namjoon would’ve scolded you for not using a plate and instead eating straight out of the pan but he’s not here so touGH luck
you’re on episode five-and-a-half of the docuseries (each episode is about an hour long) and unsurprisingly your eyes are starting to get a bit fuzzy because of how long you’ve been staring at the screen
which is why you took a break from your binge to take a shower just to give your eyes a break
you left the episode playing because it always creeps you out when the apartment is completely silent and you’re home alone
so now you’re sitting on the arm of the couch with your hair wrapped up in a towel and a toothbrush shoved into your mouth
“weighing 200 tons and 30 metres long, these are the largest animals ever to have existed…” you brows knit together in fascination when a blue whale swims across the screen
wowIE those things are huge
you reach down to scratch at the side of your bare thigh before continuing to brush your teeth
you’re so enthralled with the whale on the screen that it takes you a couple seconds to register that someone’s knocking on the front door
you turn to look at the door and feel a little bit of pAnic rise within you when you hear them knock again
you don’t know if you should quickly run to the bathroom to spit your toothpaste out or just open the door with a frothy mouth
it’s probably namjoon
he always forgets his house keys!!!
“i’m comingph, i’m comingph!” you reach up to wipe at the toothpaste beginning to dribble out of your mouth as you make your way to the door
you shove your toothbrush into the side of your mouth before reaching down for the handle
“did yvou pheriously forget your keyphs again-?!” you open the door expecting to see namjoon standing there with a sheepish smile on his face but-
“…you’re not namvjoon.”
oh good god
you have no idea who this person is but whoever he is he’s making you sweAT
he’s wearing a plain white tee tucked into a pair of distressed blue jeans and he has a comfy looking black and white flannel draped over him as well
obviously dyed honey brown hair peeks out from underneath his beanie
two black studs in his ears
“sorry to let you down.” he smirks lightly and his tongue pokes out to swipe over his bottom lip
he has the kind of face that you would describe as rather boyish and handsome
very chiseled as well
and that voice
oh, that voice
it’s slow and deep and it feels like you’re wading through warm honey
it hits you that you literally don’t have any shorts on and you instinctively tug your (namjoon’s) shirt down in a pathetic attempt to cover up a little more
you pull your toothbrush out of your mouth and pRay that you don’t accidentally spit on this veRy attractive stranger and you reach up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand
you have half a mind to just swallow the mouthful of toothpaste but that’s just nasty yo
so you kind of manoeuvre the toothpaste to one side of your mouth so that you can speak normally
“can i help u?” you clear your throat
he pulls a flyer out from his back pocket and you recognise that it’s the roommate flyer namjoon made
“you still looking for a roommate?”
“who… wants to know?” you clear your throat and keep your eyes trained on the flyer
“i’m taehyung. kim taehyung.”
cool so he introduces himself like james bond
“my friends call me tae.”  
“well, taehyung, it’s nice to meet you. i’m y/n y/l/n. …my friends call me… y/n…” you stick your hand out for him to shake and turn your head discreetly to look over your shoulder
the living room is a mESS
you turn back to face him “…could you give me a minute?”
taehyung doesn’t get a chance to respond before you’re shuTTing the door in his face
the next minute spent is the most chaotic minute you’ve ever experienced in your entire life
you turn the volume down on the tv and for a secOnd you can’t help but wonder if taehyung is going to judge you based on what you’re watching on netflix
maybe you should turn the tv off??
nO no you’re overthinking it just leave it on
you put the bag of chips and the tub of guac on the empty side of the casserole dish before rushing to the kitchen and shoving everyThing into the fridge
you spit the toothpaste out into the sink and quickly rinse your mouth out before tossing your toothbrush aside
it would probably be a good idea to leave your hair up in a towel otherwise your wet hair is going to make you look like a drowned rat
is it too late to slap on some makeup??? maybe cover up the pimple on your forehead or drAw some damn eyebrows on????
taehyung raises a brow when he hears a loud thump from inside the apartment
you nearly trip over yourself as you hop back to the front door while slipping a pair of pyjama shorts on
jesus chRISt
you check yourself out in the mirror hanging on the wall next to the coatrack
this is as presentable as you’re going to get
“everything okay?” taehyung laughs lightly when you open the door sliGhtly out of breath
“everything’s perfect!” you nod enthusiastically “come on in” you step aside to let taehyung in and you let out a breath as you shut the door behind you
just take it easy
be cool
be cool!!
you’re super cool
cooler than a dang cucumber that’s how cool you are
“pretty nice place you got here…” taehyung hums as he looks around and makes his way to the couch
“thank you! make yourself comfortable… do you want some tea, or coffee, or… i have a couple juice boxes in the fridge if you’re into that?” you scratch the back of your neck and gesture towards the kitchen
“a juice box sounds nice!” he smiles and plops himself down on the couch and smooths his hand over the soft fabric
you nod and head to the kitchen but turn to glance at him over your shoulder briefly “so, taehyung, tell me about yourself!”
“well, i’m a third-year student, i’m majoring in business and economics, minoring in art history, uh… oh, sorry i came by unannounced, by the way! i meant to sign up for a slot but i completely forgot and i figured it’d be alright to swing by briefly just to talk to you-“
“it’s totally fine! no big deal” you step out from the kitchen with two boxes of juice in your hands and you hand one to taehyung before sitting down next to him “as you saw i was just getting ready for bed but it’s honestly no biggie”
he punctures the hole with the straw before taking a sip
“tell me about your previous living situations” you cross your legs and turn to face him
taehyung tucks one leg under the other and turns to face you a little more
“well, i used to live in a… house, with a couple of other guys, but uh, i just thought it’d be a good idea to find a place with less people, you know? sharing a washroom with four other guys gets rough sometimes.” he snorts lightly and takes another sip of juice
“hm, that’s a fair point. i mean, if you lived here you would have to share a washroom with me but i’m a loT cleaner than four guys.” your eyes flicker to the tv for a second
you’ve always been awful at maintaining eye contact and there’s nO way you’re going to be able to hold taehyung’s gaze for more than five seconds without breaking into a cold sweat
“yeah, i don’t think i have to worry about you pissing all over the floors.” taehyung teases and shakes his head “but, a little bit more about myself as a roommate since that’s what i’m here for - i’m pretty chill, so i don’t think you have a lot you need to worry about. y’know, i try to keep things neat, try to keep things quiet and respectful and all that. you don’t have to worry about me bugging you or anything because i usually just keep to myself - it won’t even feel like you have a roommate!” he jokes before clearing his throat “is there anything that you… want to share with me?”
“well, let me think…” you purse your lips in thought and shift slightly “i think it’s super important that household chores are split evenly so like… if you finish the milk then yoU should be responsible for buying a brand new carton of milk at the supermarket! i actually have a chore chart stuck on the fridge so that we can see who’s in charge of what for the week.”
you falter slightly
does the whole chore chart thing make u sound dorky
to be fair the chore chart was namjoon’s idea so he’S the dork in this situation but there’s no time to expLAIN
QUICK change the subject and make yourself sound like leSS of a freak
“uh, paying the bills on time is always a good thing! so… as long as you have money for me at the end of each month it’ll keep me from nagging you - noT that i’m like constantly going to be nagging you if you moved in with me but you know-“
taehyung lets himself space out for a moment as you continue to babble on and on
from what he can gather you seem like a decent person
a little bit of a doofus but still a decent person
you’re not bad to look at either
there’s something oddly endearing about you but he can’t quite figure it out yet
he nods and smiles and continues to pretend like he’s listening to you when in reality he’s singing that new taylor swift song in his head
all he has to do is play along and work his charm so that he can weasel his way into this apartment
are you still talking about the chore chart?
he has to admit
you seem like you’re a little uptight about certain things but honestly he just needs a place to live for the next year so he’ll have to find a way to deal with it
“you can go over the rules when i officially move in, how does that sound?” taehyung reaches out and places his hand over yours and you feel your cheeks flush slightly at the sudden initiation of c o n t a c t
“oh! uh, well, there’s a whole list of people that are also looking to move in so i can’t just…”
this is why you can’t do these things alone
if namjoon was here he would know exactly what to do
he’d probably tell the applicant that he’ll keep in touch and let him know but it seems like taehyung is taking advantage of the fact that you are alone..,., and defenceless.,,..
taehyung is noT leaving without knowing that he’s going to be your new roommate
“i’d like to move in as soon as possible, if that’s okay with you.”
“i, um, well, the lease expires this thursday and namjoon’s moving out on friday-“
“great! i can totally do friday.” taehyung chirps and sets his empty juice box down on the coffee table
your eyes widen when you realise that he’s talking as if you agreed to let him move in which is something you definitely did noT do yet
“moving in will be easy because i only have a couple of boxes of stuff anyway.” he hums and scoots a little closer to you until his knee bumps up against yours
“i-i, uH, you see, the thing is..,,.” you laugh uneasily and put your own juice box down “i still need to think about-“
“i personally think we’d make great roommates, don’t you, darling?” he hums and reaches over to tuck a strand of hair back into your towel with his pinky and you swallow thickly
for some reason you feel like you’re not allowed to say no to him
you already hate saying no to people but you feel like you really reaLLY can’t say no to taehyung
it feels like everything is happening too quickly
what would namjoon do
u know what
just say: ’i’ll let you know’
saY IT
“…i’ll see you on thursday, y/l/n!” taehyung chirps happily as he steps into the elevator
he pokes his head out to give you one last wave and you let out a nervous laugh before shooting him a thumbs up
you close the door and reach up to scratch your head  
what just happened
what just haPPEneD
“…what just happened?” you breathe out and press your hands against your reddening cheeks
what just happened was that yoU just found your new roommate
goodbye kim namjoon
hello kim taehyung
you feel like you need to take another shower to shake yourself out of the funk that kim taehyung has put you in
“oh, by the way!!!! i don’t know how i completely forgot to tell you this but - i found a roommate!” you smile excitedly as you and joon take a seat at your usual lunch table
“oh!!!!!! that’s great!!!” namjoon grins while polishing his apple on his sweater vest “what’s his name?” he falters and narrows his eyes at you “…it better noT be buk-“
“taehyung! kim taehyung? something like that.” you shrug and take your baggie of baby carrots and cucumbers out of your lunch box
namjoon packed ur lunch for you :~)
“kim taehyung? kim… taehyung…” namjoon furrows his brows
that name sounds oddly familiar and he doesn’t know why
“i think you’ll really like him! he’s super polite and very charming and-“
“oh! kim taehyung!” namjoon’s eyes light up for a second when he remembers the face to the name
and then you can point out the moment the light dies in his eyes
uh oh
that doesn’t seem good
“oh. kim taehyung…” he lets out a breath “huh. i didn’t think you… would get along with someone like him.”
“what are you talking about?” you knit your brows together in confusion
namjoon presses his lips together and shrugs
“you really haven’t heard about kim taehyung? at all?”
you shake your head
“all i’m going to say is one time he came into the library with his frAT-bro friends - they were all very obviously drunk out of their minds - and he used the copier machine to make copies of his bare ass before plastering it around the library.” namjoon raises a brow before shuddering “i still get nightmares about it. i can’t touch the copier machine without disinfecting it three times beforehand.”
you wince
that doesn’t seem like someone you’d want to be roomies with
“maybe we’re thinking of different kim taehyungs?” you offer meekly and crunch down on a carrot
“mm… no. i’m sure we’re talking about the exact same one. super deep voice - one that would be good for narrating a nature doc or one of those asmr videos on youtube - dyed brown hair - i think i saw him walking around with like, eLmo red hair once - are we talking about the same one?”
“…okay, we’re talking about the same one.” you swallow your bite and suck some hummus off your thumb “well, you said he was drunk! people do silly things all the time when they’re drunk. you know, like that time you got super wasted and wouldn’t let me leave your room until i sat down and read the entire dictionary as your bedtime story.”
“what are you two squabbling about without us?” you jump when hoseok and jin suddenly appear with their lunches
hoseok slides in next to you and steals the baby carrot pinched in between your fingers before popping it into his mouth
“y/n’s new roommate is kim taehyung.” namjoon deadpans and hoseok and jin immediately exchange glances
“oh boy”
“bold choice”
“wha- am i the only one who doesn’T know about kim taehyung??” you exasperate and steal one of hobi’s fries in retaliation
he smacks your hand immediately and you scowl
“he’s a playboy - and that’s coming from me.” jin raises a brow and namjoon nods in agreement
“so what? what he does in his personal life doesn’t matter to me.”
“it’ll matter when he starts bringing girls home and the only thing you’ll be able to hear is obnoxious moaning aND the headboard knocking against the wall.” hobi snorts
“well, if it gets out of hand i’m sure he’ll tone it down after i talk to him about it.” you grumble and push your lunch box away a liTTle more aggressively than intended
“as if kim taehyung is going to listen to you - you’re about as intimidating as a baby lamb, y/n.”
you hate it when the guys treat you as if you’re a helpless little baby
you can make decisions on your own!!!!!
even if this was a bad decision it doesn’t matter because the point is yoU made this decision all by yourself and that’s something that’s super important to you
you don’t need to rely on anyone else!!!!!
with that being said
you’ve completely lost your appetite
you feel sick to your stomach
you can’t help but feel like you just made a fatAL mistake
the boys are acting like you signed a deal with the devil and you’re starting to believe you actually did
“how do you guys know so much about him anyway??”
“finish your lunch or else you’ll get cranky later-“ namjoon pushes your lunch box back towards you and raises a brow and you huff before digging out your sandwich
“i’m very good at eavesdropping.” jin points out “also, he’s usually at all the parties i’m at. aLso i hung out with him a couple times at those parties - he’s a friendly guy, don’t get me wrong, and i’m sure all it took to convince you to let him become your roommate was him looking at you with those chocolatey brown puppy dog eyes - but you, my friend… you’re fucked.”
“i am not fucked!”
“he’s friends with…” hobi trails off and drums his fingers against the table “what are their names again?”
“park jimin and jeon jungkook.” jin’s always been a walking encyclopaedia of campus gossip which is proving to be very useful at this time “they’re all basically the exact same person. sleeping around, causing trouble, being dickheads in general… one time i got hit in the back of my head with jungkook’s football and i didn’t even get a sorry-”
“you just said he was a friendly guy!!!” you don’t mean to interrupt jin in the middle of his fun little story but you just need to know what you signed yourself up for
“yeah, he’s friendly when he wants something from you, duh. he’s a dickhead the rest of the time.”
o god
taehyung definitely wanted something from u
he wanted the apartment from you
does this mean he’s going to become an asshole now??
what have you DONE
“…i’m sure it’ll be fine, though!” hobi smiles and pats your shoulder gently “…you gonna finish your sandwich or what?”
thursday rolls around muCh sooner than you would’ve liked
after your many, maNy conversations with jin (you sat him down and forced him to tell you eveRything that he’s ever heard about taehyung) you have come to the conclusion that kim taehyung is not who he presented himself to be and the next year of your life is going to be a living nightmare
he sleeps around a lot (which is totally fine with you like that’S not the thing you have a problem with) = loud sex is going to keep you up!!!!
he’s messy = you’re neat-ish!!!!
he’s a night owl = you’re a morning person-ish!!!!
he’s loud = you’re quiet-ish!!!!
he likes to throw parties = you hate parties!!!! you hAte the idea of having a group of strangers chilling out in your apartment getting their grubby straNGer hands all over your couch and your tv and youR food and youR juice boxes
“please don’t leave me.” you whimper and tighten your grip around namjoon’s arm before propping your chin up on his shoulder
most of namjoon’s stuff is already at his apartment but he came back to pick up one last box of his belongings but he feels like he should’ve just abandoned his sweaters
because you won’t let him leave and he needs to gO because he’s roasting a chicken in his oven!!!!!!  
“you’ll be fine, relax.”
“can’t you stay here til he comes?”
“my apartment’s going to burn down if i don’t leave now. look, i’m only a ten minute walk away, if you’re overwhelmed, you’re welcome to come and spend the night.”
you purse your lips in thought and wrinkle your nose
“maybe i should just move in with you-“
“absolutely noT you are not moving in with me-“ namjoon reaches over and thwacks your forehead so that you let go of his arm “good luck - i’ll text you later!”
damn it
taehyung swings by an hour and a bit later with a bright, boxy smile on his face ready to move on into namjoon’s room
you had to give yourself a mini pep talk before opening the door for him with a forced smile
you asked him if he needed any help bringing anything up but he insisted on taking care of everything himself because he didn’t want to be a bother to you which definitely surprised you
you also offered to help him unpack his boxes but he told you to take it easy and just watch some tv or something (“why don’t you watch one of those animal documentaries you like so much?”)
maybe jin was wrong about him!!
you shouldn’t believe rumours so quickly!!
you were silly to get all scared and panicky
you gave him a quick tour even though there’s not a lot to the apartment
his bedroom is next to yours
the bathroom is down the hallway
the kitchen is there
this is the living room
the laundry room is on the 10th floor and you keep a little baggie of quarters in the chest by the front door
“taehyung?” you knock on his door before poking your head into the room
he already has a couple posters up on the wall so it seems like he’s settling in pretty nicely
taehyung lets out a quiet breath and rolls his eyes when he hears your voice
you can’t go like 20 minutes without bugging him and he gets that you’re just trying to be friendly and helpful but like
you really need to relax
he’s in the middle of hanging some shirts up in his closet and he forces a smile onto his face before turns to look at you “hey! what’s up?”
“i have a little housewarming gift for you!” you pull a little potted plant out from behind your back before stepping into his room “it’s a baby peace lily!” you hold it up for him to look at “it was actually supposed to go to namjoon but i forgot that i already gave him a little cactus for his desk so… i thought maybe you’d like something to spruce up your room!”
taehyung looks at the tiny plant in your hands
that’s kind of nice of you
it’s not that he doesn’t like you or anything because you do seem nice
you’re just on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to him in terms of personalities (and from what he can tell, social status)
which isN’t a big deal but
he’s just not used to you
your smile falters for a second and you look over at him with wide eyes “noT that your room isn’t alreAdy spruced up but i just thought that maybe-“
“thank you very much, i love it already.” taehyung laughs lightly and walks over to you before plucking it out of your hands “i don’t have any gifts for you because i didn’t think i…” he sets the plant down on the window sill and brushes his fingers over the leaves before glancing at you “-needed to give you anything…”
he smiles sheepishly and scurries over to his bed for his backpack
he unzips it quickly and spills the contents of it out onto his bed
“oh god, don’t worry about it, you definitely didn’t have to get anything for me, i just-“
“ah! here we go.” taehyung grins as he pulls a brand new pack of gum out of the mounTain of loose papers and pens
he stands up before handing it to you with both hands and bowing a little “a fresh pack of gum for my wonderful new roommate. it’s my favourite flavour - strawberry!”
you laugh lightly and take it from him
you think you’re going to get along really well with kim taehyung
he’s not bad!!!
not bad at all
now that namjoon no longer lives here you’ve taken it upon yourself to become the ‘captain’ of the apartment
this basically means you’re in charge of eveRything because you feel like taehyung isn’t exactly the leader type
the thing is
every morning after you got up namjoon would already have the apartment cleaned up from the night before
the pillows would be fluffed and arranged neatly; the throw blanket folded up and sitting on the sofa chair
the blinds would be pulled up to let the sunlight in (and he usually opens the balcony doors just a crack to let some fresh air in)
the coffee table dusted and free of greasy fingerprints or watermarks
the coffee machine turned on and churning away
the plants out on the balcony are watered (he took the bonsai and left you the daisies)
the dishes on the drying rack put away from the night before
namjoon did a loT now that you think about it
you never really realised how much he did around this place until now
now that.,.,,. he’s not ur roommate anymore.,,..
it still huRTS
you thought it would be easy to fall into your new schedule but you fell asleep on the couch in the middle of fluffing the pillows and you ended up taking a 20 minute snooze
you woke up when you rolled over and fell on the floor with a thuMp lol
you rub at your bleary eyes as you shuffle over to the blinds
it’s 7am so the sun is just starting to peek out and say hello
you let out a yawn as you pull the string and the blinds go up slowly
one thing that you’ll always love about living all the way up on the 21st floor is the beautiful view of the city skyline
you see all the highways intertwining with each other and all the tiny cars going here and there
and of course the view of the ocean!!
no wonder namjoon liked to get up so early
the peace and tranquillity of watching the city beginning to wake up is actually pretty pleasant  
you let out a happy sigh before pushing the one of the balcony door handles down and opening it just a little-
“what do you think you’re doing?”
“jEsus-“ you practically jump ten feet into the air when your new roommate makes himself known
you whip around and almost jump again when you realise that taehyung is literally riGht behind you
“how did you get here so quietly??” you mumble before shaking your head and moving to open the other set of blinds so that you can open the other balcony door
you yank the blinds up and taehyung groans and squints at the sudden onslaught of liGht
“when you do it like that it’s sO LOUd”
you clench your jar and turn to face him before putting a hand on your hip
“well, how else am i supposed to open it??”
taehyung shoves you aside and pulls the string again so that the blinds roll back down
he turns to give you a pointed look before sHOVING his hand right in between the shutters and pushing the handle down to open the door “like that.”
“but- buT then you bend the shutters and- sEE SEE look you dented it!!!!” you push him aside to at least tRy and bend the shutters back into place and scowl to yourself when you see the little dent even after you straightened it out
“so what? if you have to open the balcony doors every morning you should do it like that because a) you don’T have to open the blinds and hurt your eyes so early in the morning, and b) you won’t wake me up from all the ruckus!” taehyung states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“i’ll take your suggestion into consideration next time, thank you” you smile through gritted teeth and follow him to the kitchen
taehyung opens up the fridge and pulls out the carton of apple juice
he unscrews the lid of the apple juice carton and you’re about to ask him if he knows where you put the cups but thEN he starts chuGGing out of it like an uncultured sWINE and you literally fEEL your heart stop
that is so nASTY
he lets out a satisfied ‘ah~’ before putting it back into the fridge
“anyways, now that i’m up,” he slams the fridge door shut and turns to face you with a bright smile “you gonna make breakfast for us or what? because i am starving!”
you know what
you think you’re getting used to sharing a washroom with taehyung
it’s actually not that bad besiDes the fact that he occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat back down but u know what it’s totally fine it’s not a big deal
all you’re saying is that joonie never forgot to put the toilet seat down because he’s very courteous and knows that in the morning when you’re half asleep you’re not going to remember to put the seat down-
“chRist-“ you gasp in shock when your ass basically falls riGHt into the toilet bowl and you reach out next to press a hand against the wall while the other grips at the countertop
you let out a groan and get up before quickly turning to put the seat down
but yes
as you were saying
it’s really not that bad sharing a washroom with taehyung
you flush the toilet before pushing the shower curtain aside to turn the tap on
you hum to yourself and pull your shirt off before tossing it into the hamper
you just have to get used to the fact that taehyung isn’t like namjoon
your brows furrow when you reach under the tap to check the temperature of the water
,.,.why is it still.,,. cold
it doesn’t take this long for the water to get hot
you poke your tongue into your cheek when something crosses your mind
taehyung must’ve used up all the hot water
your grip on the edge of the bathtub tightens until your knuckles turn white
no problem!
a cold shower will certainly wake you up for sure!!!!  
and you remember namjoon mentioning something about how cold showers help with your metabolism or something like that so maybe you should be thanking taehyung for using up all the hot water like a selfish pRICK-  
“no problem, we’re all good…” you mutter to yourself and pull the little knob on top of the tap so that the water will go to the showerhead-
you yELP when you’re suddenly blasted with icy cold water and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself in a pathetic attempt to keep yourself warm
oh my goD
o-o-o-okay this is going to be the f-f-fastest shower you’ve ever taken in your e-e-entire life because you’re pretty sure that if you spend another f-f-five minutes in here you’re going to get h-h-hypothermia
you shiver as you pick up the bottle of shampoo and-
oh you are k-k-k-kiDDING
you don’t have any shampOO LEFT
you bought this two weeks ago!!!!! how the hell did you use it all up???????
you clench your jaw when it hits you onCe again
k i m
t a e h y u n g
this shampoo is expensive too!!! it’s goat milk shampoo and it makes your hair smell suPer good and feel silky soft  
no wonder he smelled oddly familiar the other night
you jump when you hear knocking on the bathroom door
you push the curtain aside aggressively “what????”
“i need to take a piss!!!! hurry it up in there!!”
you resist the urge to huRL the empty shampoo bottle at the door
anyone who knows you knows that sundays have always been your favourite day of the week
sunday is the perfect day to just relax and unwind from the whole week aND saturday
plus you and namjoon sometimes go to brunch on sunday so that’s another reason why you look forward to sundays so much
you don’t have any plans today which means you have all the time in the world to just chill out and-
“oh. my. god.” your jaw drops in pure shOCK when you walk into the kitchen
it looks like a tornado blew through the kitchen while you were sleeping  
hoW did this happen????
the kitchen was completely spotless yesterday!!!!!!
you know that because you literally spent like 2 hours cleaning the kitchen last night!!!!!!!!
you were on your hands and knEES scrubbing at the kitchen tiles until each one of them were smooth and polished!!!!
but now??
the garbage bin isn’t closed all the way because it’s literally overflowing with traSH and there’s a banana peel hanging out over the edge
there’s a whole mouNTAIN of dirty dishes and mugs in the sink
you just stepped on a sticky spot and you don’t even want to know what dried up there
and the fridg-
you feel a shiver tingle up your spine at the thought of all of your food going to waste because of a warm fridge
you immediately rush over and open the fridge door all the way to see if-
“oh nOnOnOnonoooOooo-“ you reach forward to press the back of your knuckles against the carton of milk and curse to yourself when you realise that it’s literally room temperature
you don’t know how long the fridge has been opened but you know that it’s probably not safe to eat whatever’s in there
everything in the fridge is spoilt as far as you’re concerned
even your overpriced honey-cinnamon greek yogurt that you literally bought two days ago
you’re going to have to dump everything out
what a waste of money!!!!!! now you have to go grocery shopping today and replenish all the food!!!!!!
you should wake tae up and ask him to chip in for the grocery fees
“i can’t get over how comfortable that mattress is…” you turn to look when a sleepy taehyung steps into the kitchen
“what the hell happened??” you exasperate as you grab another garbage bag from the cupboards and shake it open “when i went to bed last night the kitchen was spotless because i cleaned it but i come in this morning and it looks like someone hosted like thrEE frat parties in here all at once-“
“y/l/n, cchhiiiilllll.” taehyung yawns and stretches his limbs out before reaching up to rub at his eyes “i just brought all my dishes and my trash to the kitchen a couple hours after you went to bed, it’s not a big deal.”
he’s right
it’s not a big deal
as long as he takes out the trash and washes his own dishes it’s not a big deal
“this is… it’s a lot of trash and a lot of dirty dishes…” you mutter as you take a look around
“it’s only like five days worth of trash and dishes - it’s not that much.” taehyung nudges you aside so that he can look into the fridge “…where’s all the food?”
“in the garbage bag.” you step aside to gesture to the veRy full garbage bag behind you “the fridge was open when i came down and everything in there was warm so i’m throwing everything out.”
“you’re- oh my goD you’re literally wasting so much money right now-“
“most of the things in there were mine anyways so it’s not that big-“
“you threw out that honey-cinnamon yogurt?? i was almost done eating that!!!” taehyung frowns and shoots a glare in your direction
your eyelid twitches
he’s been helping himself to your organic vegan yogurt hUH
and he was ‘almost done eating’ it??
you bought it tWo days ago and it’s a huge thing of yogurt which means he must’ve really reALLY been helping himself to it
“hey, so when are you going to go grocery shopping?” tae closes the fridge before nudging you aside again to get to the sink
and at first you think he’s going to get a head start on those dirty dishes but theN-
you feel a wire inside of your brain short circuit almost immEdiately when taehyung uses a wet paper towel to wipe the rim of a dirty cup before turning your coffee machine on and placing the dirty cup under the nozzles
you remind yourself to never accept a cup of coffee from him
it’s totally not a big deal
some people have certain quirks that you’ll never understand but that certainly doesn’t mean that they’re not nice and that you can’t get along with them
“well… i wasn’t going to go until thursday but considering the fact that the fridge is literally empty i guess i’m going today-“
“great, because i have a list of things that i’m gonna need you to pick up for me.” taehyung sighs and plucks an apple out from the fruit bowl
you furrow your brows immediately
“well, you could always come with me-“
“nah, i’m not good at it.” he takes a giAnt bite of his apple
“…you’re not good at- how can you not be good at grocery shopping-?“
“wait, does this mean you threw out the creamer, too?? now i have to drink black coffee?? dude, groSS” taehyung whines and wrinkles his nose at the fresh cup of coffee he just brewed for himself
“…just give me your stupid list.”
if you had a dollar for every time taehyung irritated you, you would honestly be a billionaire at this point
not even a billionaire
you would be a triLLionaire
“would it kill you to do the dishes sometime?” you wipe your damp hands down on the back of your leggings as you step out of the kitchen and into the living room
taehyung is currently lazing on the couch helping himself to a bag of chips while scrolling through his phone
“you know what, it actually would.” taehyung glances up at you “i’m like super duper 100% deathly allergic to dish soap. frankly, i’m offended you even asked.” he pops a chip into his mouth
crunch crunch crunch
you clench your jaw in frustration
for a second you can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to drive your fist right into the middle of that pretty little face
“ooookay, if you can’t do the dishes, then you can help me take out the trash.”
taehyung sighs and shakes his head “no can do, buddy. i’m also allergic to garbage bags.”
woW what a friCKin coincidence
“…you can do the laundry!” you clap your hands together before placing them on your hips
your foot starts to tap against the floor impatiently when taehyung bring a chip to his mouth slowly and bites it in half
a couple crumbs fall onto his chest and he brushes them onto the floor
he clears his throat  
“detergent falls into the same category as dish soap-“  
“you know what? forget i asked! forget it!” you lauGh and raise your hands in defence before walking away “i give uP! i frickin GIVE UP-“
taehyung jumps when he hears your bedroom door slam shut
he shrugs and pops another chip into his mouth
namjoon, jin, and hobi aLL think that you’re not getting along with taehyung
and even though that is a very true statement
your natural instinct is to prove them wrong
“we’re getting along just fine, thank you very much for your concern.” you adjust your backpack strap before shaking your head “he’s actually super great, contrary to your guys’ belief. he’s a wonderful roommate! i love taehyung!”
the way you’re speaking almost sounds like you’re trying to convince yourSelf that you love taehyung
and you’ve never really been good at persuading people
namjoon can’t help but roll his eyes
you’re already very stubborn and he haTes dealing with you when you get like this
he doesn’t understand why you can’t just admit that taehyung is a horrible roommate!!!!
“i mean, sure, he’s a little messy, but who isn’t? it’s totally not a big-“
“hey, check it out!” namjoon interrupts your little speech about how amazing taehyung is as a roommate to point over by the vending machines “why don’t you go and say hi to your super duper wonderful angel of a roommate?”
you swallow thickly when you follow namjoon’s line of sight
that’s taehyung alright
you’d recognise that beanie anywhere
it looks like he’s with a group of his friends
you see him pull a plastic baggie of quarters out of his backpack
hey look at that!
that’s nice of him
he’s treating his friends to some snacks
wait a second
you feel one of your veins buST open when it hits you
is that.,,.,. is that the lauNDRY MONEY
he’s using the laundry money to pay for snacks and drinks???!??!
“you know, i don’t know if that’s a good idea!” you clear your throat when you feel the boys slowly nudging you towards his direction
hobi literally has his hands pushing against your lower back while namjoon has his fingers wrapped around your wrist
“he looks like he’s in the middle of a very riveting conversation and i wouldn’t want to-“
“kim TAEHYUNG-“ hobi screeches before plopping down on the bench and gesturing for namjoon and seokjin to duck down as well
you panic and you’re about to sit down too but it’s too late
taehyung turns around to understandably find whoever it was who just screamed out his name in the middle of the cafeteria and immediately locks gazes with you
oh god
okay just say hi
“hi taehyung!” you smile brightly and wave at him a liTtle too enthusiastically
jin immediately grabs your hand and pulls it down because your wrist is going to pop off if you wave any harder
a normal person would wave back when they’re being waved to
unfortunately for you taehyung is not a normal person
taehyung raises a brow before snorting gently and turning back to his group of friends “as i was saying…“
your jaw drops slightly
what the hell was that
namjoon kisses his teeth and shakes his head
he’s about to hit you with the faTTest ‘I Told You So’ of all time
“it’s a fun little game we play.” you sit down quickly and smooth out your skirt
you can feel your cheeks growing red at the complete mortification of the situation
“you guys wouldn’t understand.” you clear your throat and laugh lightly “he’s so silly!”
namjoon frowns and turns to look at taehyung over his shoulder for a second
you are one of the moSt important people in his life and he hates that you’re being treated like shit
“you still think we believe you when you tell us that you like him?” he sighs while wiping his apple on his shirt
“…just eat your lunch.”
you’re starting to think that you’re incapable of noT thinking about taehyung
you don’t get it!!!
maybe it’s because you have this innate need to be liked and when you realised that taehyung might noT like you that much your brain was like well,.,,. now i’m going to keep thinking about why he doesn’t like us.,,.,.
even when you’re asleep it sounds like your brain won’t stop repeating the words ‘oh my god, taehyung, oh my god, taehyung-‘
“oh my god, tae, fuck yes-“
oh my god
your eyes pop wide open and you stare into the darkness
maybe you just imagined it
that was just your imagination and it definitely wasn’t-
“yes, right there, fuck me with your huge-“
“oh god, yes, i’m cumming, you’re gonna make me- ah!”
you feel your entire face burning up as you try to suppress your own screams by flipping over and shoving your face into your pillow
this is a nightmare
also this is a schOOL night so they have no business getting it on when all of you have classes tomorrow
and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse
you hear the headboard beginning to smack against the wall and- “oh my god, tae-!”
and you nearly start crying
“oh my god, tae...” you whimper to yourself and feel a shiver go up your spine
you yank the covers up over your head and curl up into a ball
you didn’t even know he snuck a girl home!!!!
how did he do that so quietly!!!!!!
when you wake up the next morning you’re not sure if the entire night was some sort of weird fever dream or not
you finally fell asleep at like three in the morning because thaT’s when the screaming and the bed-rocking died down
and then you woke up early because you’re pretty sure taehyung woke his pal up with his head in between her legs (“tae, your tongue feels so-!“)
she’s very communicative which is key in a relationship so hopefully things work out between the two of them!!1!!
you blink down at your bowl of cereal and watch as the now-soggy cheerios float around your spoon
you.,,. don’t have an appetite this morning which is very rare because you’re aLways in the mood to eat
“hi! you must be tae’s roommate!” your spoon clatters against the side of your porcelain bowl when taehyung’s lady friend pops out of nowhere
jesus chRist
she was quiEt
she’s dressed in what appears to be one of taehyung’s tattered t-shirts (the same one he was wearing when he left the apartment yesterday morning) and you allow yourself to stare at the hickies decorating her neck and collarbone as she reaches up to pull the shirt up slightly
you’re tempted to offer her a pair of shorts or something because homegirl’s ass is fully out right now (she’s wearing a g-string which is basically noTHING)
“this is the part where you introduce yourself, y/l/n.” taehyung pops up behind her and raises a brow at you
you reach up to wipe away the milk that’s driBBling down your chin and you reach out to shake her hand “hi! yes, i’m the roommate… i’m y/n.”
“i’m soo-young, but you can call me joy if you’d like…” she’s a little preoccupied because she keeps looking over your shoulder at tae who’s currently drinking out of the orange juice carton like an animal
joy, huh?
very fitting considering she was screaming of joy last night anD this morning
“well, it’s very nice to meet you, joy.” you push yourself up off the counter before spinning around and promptly grabbing the carton from taehyung’s grubby hands “can i offer you anything? we have cereal, instant oatmeal, frozen waffles and bagels…” you hum and pull a cup from the cupboards before pouring a glass of juice for tae
side note
if you ever need to make a little money in the future maybe you can open up some kind of bed and breakfast thing
taehyung can take care of the bed part and you can do the breakfast part lol
anyways back to it
you hand the clean glass to him with a little glare and he smirks before accepting it and taking a small sip
“of course, i’ll toast the bagel for you… unless you eat frozen bagels?” you joke and put the orange juice back into the fridge before standing back up and leaning against the fridge door “we have cream cheese, oR i make this really good cinnamon butter that i’d be happy to share with you”
joy’s eyes widen before she looks over at taehyung
“uh, i… actually, i was thinking that tae and i could go out for breakfast or somet-“
“i’m gonna go take a shower.” taehyung chirps and hands you the empty glass before moving to head out of the kitchen
“maybe we can take a shower together! save some water?” joy offers shyly and grabs onto taehyung’s wrist
bless her heart
his eyes flicker down to where she’s gripping him and he shakes her off gently “um, we’re trying to conserve hot water so… maybe you should wait til you get back to your place. by the way - would you mind tossing the shirt into the hamper after you change? thanks, sweetheart.” he clicks his tongue and gives her a heaRTy pat on the shoulder  
you mouth a quiet ‘yikes’ to yourself when taehyung leaves the kitchen and joy looks like a puppy who’s just been kicked in the face
her entire face is red and she looks like she’s about to start crying
it’s not greAT of taehyung to brush her off like that but according to your knowledge taehyung is a one night stand kind of guy so.,.,,
you really hope she doesn’t start crying because you never know how to comfort people and ur not about to start now
you clear your throat as joy looks down at the shirt she’s wearing and picks at a loose thread on it  “…how about i smear extra cream cheese on your bagel for you?”  
“bye! thanks for putting the shirt in the hamper…” you offer joy a sheepish smile and watch as she steps into the elevator before you close the front door
she didn’t want the bagel even after you toasted it anD put extra cream cheese on it
she definitely wasn’t as joyful as she was when she first came out of tae’s room reeKing of sex
...okay it was funny the first two times but now ur just beating a dead horse
you were about to offer her some clothes for her taxi ride back home because if you were in this situation you would rather be dressed in a hoodie and leggings instead of a tight mini-dress and six inch platform heels at 9 in the morning buT uh
that would give her an excuse to come back and you get the feeling that taehyung doesn’t want her to come back
“taehyung?” you give the bathroom door a couple knocks before taking a step back “i toasted a bagel for joy but she didn’t seem to have an appetite so do you want to split it-“
the bathroom door swiNGs open and you flinch slightly at the onslaught of heat and steam that comes out from it
and then time seems to slow down
taehyung steps out of the washroom with a towel hanging loosely around his hips and a smaller one hanging around his neck
h-holy.,,., holy shIT
smooth, glistening caramel skin with the warm bathroom lights illuminated behind him like a halo
droplets of water practically cascading down the ridges of his broad chest and the faint ridges of his abs and woW that’s a v-line for suRE
you swallow dryly and look up to see taehyung staring right back at you with the coCkiest of smirks on his face
“oh, god, i’m sorry-“ you immediately spin around so that you’re facing the other way and you feel your face starting to heat up  
“it’s all good.” taehyung chuckles lightly “what were you saying about a bagel?”
“i, uh, i was wondering if you wanted to split a bagel because-” you turn to look at him over your shoulder and your eyes widen when you realise he’s standing a loT closer to you as he dries his hair “-b-because joy didn’t seem to want it-“
“yeah, i’m down. lemme put some sweatpants on and i’ll join you in the kitchen.” taehyung puRPosely brushes past you and you catch a whiff of his musky aftershave
you feel your knees grow weak when you see his back muscles flex slightly as he walks down the hall to his bedroom
“head’s up!” he turns around quickly and tosses the smaller towel at you and luCkily your reflexes are fast enough to catch it before it hits your face
you shake yourself out of it quiCkly and pat your hot cheeks
“…wait, are you putting a shirt on too or are you just coming in sweatpants-“
tae’s white towel fLIes out from his room before the door slams shut
“so… joy seems like a nice girl.” you drum your fingers against the side of your mug before taking a sip of coffee (it’s coLD now but you’ll drink it anyways)
“mm.” taehyung murmurs and takes another monster bite of his bagel
“are you… planning to call her or text her or-“
“you shouldn’t have let her weAr your clothes if you’re not going to call her again-“
“she put it on herself and she already knew this was going to be a one time thing” taehyung glances up at you from his phone before giving you an expression that screams ‘duH’ “plus, it’s none of your business.”
you scoff at taehyung and raise a brow “it becomes my business when the vigorous and veRY loud sex happens in my apartment and i’m going to be the one the landlord contacts when we get noise complaints.”
“it’s our apartment”
“my name is on the lease. it’s mine. you’re renting from me.”
taehyung pokes his tongue into his cheek before setting his phone down harshly “what do you want from me, huh? it’s not my fault she was so loud. i can’t help that i’m so good with my-“
“i want you to keep things respectful because you are noT the only occupant of this apartment. keep your sexcapades at a decEnt volume! gag your next friend for all i care!! i was going to sleep in but i had to get up early because someone was moaning up a storm-”
“again, not my fault- it seems to me that someone needs to get laid because you’re waY too uptight and it’s obvious you’re kind of a prude-“
“i am noT a-“ you let out a breath of frustration before shaking your head and turning around “you know what, i’m going to go and get ready to head out!” the mug nearly shatters from the sheer force of you setting it down in the sink
you should’ve said yes to bukjoon
you should’ve!!!!!!
you let out a sigh as you stare blankly out the window
where is bukjoon?
what’s he doing now?
you miss him
you just let him sliP through your fingers
sure, you would have to had face the fiery wrath of namjoon but the guy’s about as intimidating as a baby penguin so that wouldn’t have been too hard to deal with
speaking of namjoon
you’re looking forward to the lunch that namjoon packed for you today!!  
you managed to calm yourself down a little after your chat with taehyung this morning and now all you can think about is how greAt today is going to be
your outfit is cute
your hair isn’t frizzy
your makeup looks nice and deWy just the way you like it
and one of your lectures got cancelled today so you get to come home a little earlier!
a classic namjoon lunch (specifically personalised and created for (1) y/n y/ln) includes the following items:
1x smooth peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich with no crust
he avoids chunky peanut butter because he knows that you have sensitive gums aND you don’t want peanut bits all up in your teeth after you’re done eating
he used to shape them like hearts but one time you opened your lunch box (yes, namjoon even got you a tin lunch box) in front of hoseok and jin and they immediately started teasing you and asking you what other shapes mama namjoon could do
namjoon wasn’t the least bit embarrassed because he loVes preparing lunch for you but you were traumatised and from that moment on you requested that namjoon simply slice off the crusts and leave it at that
1x baggie of baby carrots and baby cucumbers
1x little pot of hummus
1x homemade chocolate chip cookie that’s always the size of your palm never bigger never smaller
1x carton of either banana/chocolate milk oR apple/orange/pineapple-strawberry juice
you take the box out of the fridge and-
your brows immediately furrow
why does the box feel so light
you give it a little shake
it certainly doesn’t sound like there’s little baggie of baby carrots and cucumbers waiting for you to devour them
your heart sinks to your stomach and your eyes actually begin to water when you open up the box to see that all that’s in there are a couple empty plastic baggies and some breadcrumbs
you swallow thickly
“hey, when are you doing the laundry?” taehyung pops into the kitchen and perks up when he sees you with the lunch box “oh, the bagel wasn’t enough for me and i noticed that the food in that box was the only other decent thing to eat. if i didn’t eat that i would’ve starved to death. by the way, there was a note in the lunch box and it seemed like it was for you but honestly… who’s to say?” taehyung tosses a crumpled up note at you and you catch it before uncrumpling it and-
‘i know you asked for no more heart shaped sandwiches but i bought a new cookie cutter and i just had to use it. see you later today! -joon’
this son of a biTCH
“also, who has the time to shape sandwich bread into-“
“what do you mean ‘who’s to say’???? this was obVIOUSly for me!!!!” you feel your eyes glazing over even moRe purely out of frustration with taehyung and his eyes widen “i’m the only other person who lives in this apartment and if this lunch box doesn’t belong to you then obviously it’s meant for mE you IDIOT”
“jesus, y/l/n, calm down! it’s just food!!” taehyung furrows his brows before scoffing “here, i’ll give you $20 for lunch.” he rummages through his pockets and pulls out a couple of bills
you look at the bills before looking at him and shaking your head
“you’re a dick.” you sniffle as you dump the plastic baggies into the recycling bin
“…what, do you need more lunch money? how much do you eat??”
“that is not the point!”
“okay, $30 for lunch! god, take all my money, why don’t you??”
as time goes on you begin to realise that kim taehyung is truly an asshole
there’s no better word to describe him than an asshole
he’s an inconsiderate, arrogant, uncaring, selfish, complete asshole of a man and you don’t know what you did to deserve this
you really don’t!
he doesn’t care about you at all
in fact
he treats you as if you were his personal maid or something
you’re always picking up after him and you’re always cleaning up his messes anD you’re always escorting his lady friends out of the door the morning after with a to-go cup of coffee and half a bagel
you don’t havE to do all these things for him but you do!!!
you say you’re only continuing to do all these things for taehyung because you’re a nice roommate but according to namjoon you’re a-
“pushover. a complete pushover!” namjoon pauses to glance at you over his shoulder as you trail behind him and his book cart
he hands you a book and you slide it into place
“i am not a pushover!!”
he turns around with a thiCk dictionary in his hands and starts flipping through it
you scoff and place a hand on your hip as you watch him slide his finger down the page
“what are you doin-“
“pushover: noun.” he clears his throat and adjusts his glasses “an opponent who is easy to defeat or a victim who is capable of no effective resistance. someone unable to resist an attraction or appeal; a sucker.”
you see what he’s doing here
you raise a brow and snort “can you use it in a sentence?”  
namjoon claps the dictionary shut before sliding it into the shelf
he leans against the cart and crosses his arms before reaching up to stroke his chin in mock thought
“ah! i’ve got it.” he smiles sweetly at you “y/n is a pushover when it comes to taehyung, and she’ll do anything for him with a snap of his fingers-“
“alRight alright i get it-“
“synonyms for pushover include but are not limited to the following: doormat, weakling, wimp-“
“fine! fine, i’m a little bit of a pushover. it’s not that bad!”  
namjoon turns around and starts wheeling his cart down to the next shelf “a little bit of a pushover? oh, please. what are you doing after you help me out here?”
“going grocery shopping.”
“uh-huh. and what’s on the top of your grocery list? check the list on your phone.���
“i don’t see how this is going to help prove your theory that i’m a pushover-“
“just do it.”
you pull your phone out of your pocket and open your notes app before tapping on the grocery list
the first thing you typed was-
“…’peanut butter cups for taehyung’.” you mutter lowly and scratch the back of your neck
“yep. not honey-cinnamon yogurt, not bagels, not cinnamon toast crunch - peanut butter cups for taehyung. i said it before, and i’ll say it again - you, my friend, are one bIG pushover.”
“pushover. i am not a pushover.” you mutter to yourself as the elevator starts taking you up to your floor
you hug the bag of groceries to your chest tighter to keep it from slipping
“i’m just being a nice person! just because i do things for him whenever he asks me to do things doesn’t mean i’m a pushover. if anything, i’m a… i’m a pullunder! i’m a biG OL pullunder!!!”
you step out of the elevator and make your way down the hallway to the apartment
you’re not a pushover no matter what namjoon says!!
even though the first thing you looked for was taehyung’s peanut butter cups the moment you stepped into the grocery store does noT mean that you are a pushover  
“hey they didn’t have the peanut butter cups that you like so much but i got these- oH GOD SORRY” you squeak and slam the front door and immediately feel a chunk of your soul leave your body
because you fully just walked in on tae really REALLy getting it on with someone on the couch
how does this keep haPPENING
why does he have to have so much sex!!!!!!!
you fluffed the pillows so nicely this morning
you’re not particularly sure what to do now
are you allowed to go in
are you supposed to wait out here until they’re done
maybe you can go down to the lobby and just wait there
you should probably send tae a text and tell him to just let you know when he’s done
oR maybe you should go in there and tell them to go to the beDroom and finish up because you were really wanting to vacuum the living room today
you jump in surprise when the door swings open violently to reveal a very frustrated looking tae along with a very half-naked tae
he has your throw blanket wrapped loosely around his waist and your cheeks immediately flush
he’s an asshole but it would be inhumane of you to noT check out the faint outline of his six pack
“ever heard of knocking?!” he snarls at you and anY physical attraction to him at this moment immediately fizzles away
you gawk at him
“knock- i live here-!”
you’re about to pick up the grocery bag and shoVe past him to get into the apartment when suddenly he steps aside to let his guest out
“call me later?” she gets up on her tip-toes to give tae a kiss on the cheek and he hums in response
why.., does she look so familiar
your brows knit together as you diG through your brain
what the
you immediately pale when it hits you
rose???????? sweet little rose??? from your history class????? the one with the colour-coded notes and the glittery pens????? sweet little rose from your history class the one with the colour-coded notes and the glittery pens bent over the arm of the couch while tae dRILLS-
“bye y/n! see you monday” rose smiles sweetly at you and muster a smile before stepping aside so that she can make her way to the elevators
you wait for the faint ding of the lifts before you open your mouth to speak but tae beats you to the chase
“i was going to get at least three more orgasms out of her but someone had to come home and ruin the fun” taehyung sighs as he turns to head back in the apartment
“well i’m sorry i live here” you grumble and bend down to pick up the groceries “and three orgasms sounds positively draining”
“of course you would say that, you prude” taehyung tosses the pillows back on the couch
you huff and resist the urge to drop the groceries just so you can kick his ass
“you wanna help me put the groceries in the fridge?” you grunt and kick the door shut behind you
“nah, you can handle it”
“..,.oh, okay! uh, as i was saying, i didn’t find the peanut butter cups that you like so much but i did find these-”
“leave them in my room. i’m gonna take a shower!” tae chirps and slams his bathroom door shut
he opens it up again and pokes his head through “by the way - i’m having a couple people over tonight so it’d be suuuuPer cool if you could like.,.., not be here when that happens.”
“what about if i just stay in my room-“
“thanks, roomie!”
you let out a breath as you stare at the bathroom door before shaking your head disappointedly
how did you get stuck with a prick like that
what did you do in your past life to deserve this?????
you turn to inspect the dishevelled state of the couch
you are going to have to disinfect the entire couch
maybe burn it
maybe just buy a new couch???
you honestly don’t even know how one person can have so much sex with so many different people
you’re all for having a healthy sex life and you fully support someone having multiple sex partners if you’re that kind of person but this is ridiculous
you can’t help but wonder if tae’s had sex on every surface in the apartment
…that explains the handprints on the balcony doors  
“i hate him! he’s driving me crazy and i have to live with him for the next year.” you groan quietly and pinch the bridge of your nose
“so just drive hiM crazy right back”
“how am i supposed to do that?”
“what does he hate the most?”
you purse your lips in thought and make a face
“…not getting laid every weekend?”
namjoon pauses and gives a little shrug
“touché - but, no. he hates you the most. at least, it seems like he hates you the most.”
“gee, thanks-“
“i’m serious! from what i’ve heard - and what i’ve seen - you guys boTh despise each other, so just hang around him 24/7 and you’ll drive hiM equally as crazy!”
“aren’t you the one telling me not to fight fire with fire whenever i get into sticky situations?”
“this is a special situation.” namjoon clears his throat and adjusts his glasses “didn’t you say he was throwing a party?”
“he’s not throwing a party, he’s just hanging out with his friends and they’re all chilling at the apartment. that’s why i’m hanging out with you at the library instead of being in the comfort of my own apartment.” you snort
“oh my god, you dumbass. ‘having a few people over’ almost always translates to ‘i’m throwing a party’. even i know that!” namjoon scowls and reaches over to flick your forehead
you scowl and reach up to rub at the sore spot “taehyung wouldn’t throw a party without consulting me about it first” you huff stubbornly and lean back against the wheely chair
“wow. the midterm exams really made your brain cells disintegrate, didn’t they? you don’t think there’s an inkling of a chance that as you’re sitting here with me, kim taehyung isn’t taking advantage of the fact that he has a very spacey apartment all to himself?”
“you know what, namjoon? i really don’t think so. i think you’re just making an assumption based off perceptions of-“
“there might be people bumping uglies on your bed right now.”  
you immediately pale
“…yeah, so i’ll see you later!” you squeak and bend down to grab your bag
“yep, that’s what i thought.” namjoon snorts and watches as you make a mad dash out of the doors
taehyung is typically a very carefree guy when it comes to throwing parties
he kind of just goes with the flow and doesn’t let anyone harsh his mellow
he doesn’t care if people have sex in his room as long as they keep it clean and fasT and they don’t do it on his bed
he doesn’t care if the cops come and tell him to keep the noise levels down because he knows he has the ability to charm his way out of a charge
but one thing that he definitely cares about?
there’s no way in hell he’s going to let you ruin his party
so imagine his surprise when he walks out from the kitchen to see you asking people to ‘please use the coasters that i’ve provided for you!’
“what the hell are you doing here???” taehyung hisses and grabs you by the arm before pulling you out of the apartment and into the hallway
“what does it look like i’m doing? i’m joining the party!” you grin before pointing to the door “it seems like everyone’s having fun in there!! also, it looks like there are at least twenty people in our apartment and i only have enough juice boxes in the fridge for like six people, which is unfortunate. anyways-“ you’re about to step into the apartment but taehyung reaches out and wraps his fingers around your wrist to hold you back
“you have to leave. i thought you were hanging out with..,,. what’s his name.,., four-eyes tonight?”
“who? namjoon?”
“yeah, four-eyes.”
“namjoon was busy tonight and i didn’t have any work to do so i figured i’d stop by at the obvious party that’s happening in my apartment. what happened to ‘having a couple of friends over’?”
“our apartment.” taehyung corrects you and pulls you back again when you make a move to walk in again
“debatable statement.”
“look, just go and hang out with your friends, alright?” he exasperates “come back in a couple of hours.”
“no!” you frown and let out a huff
“get ouT of here!” he points towards the elevators
“no!!! do you not want me here? is that it??”
taehyung clamps his mouth shut before pursing his lips
you immediately gawk at him
why doesn’t he want you at his party??? you’re not thAt lame
you’re super fun at parties!!!
sure your dance moves aren’t that impressive but you can get jiggy widdit once you get a couple drinks in your system
“why not!!! that’s totally unfair!!!”
you’re aware that you’re acting like a petulant child right now but it’s not fAIR that taehyung doesn’t want you at his party with his friends
you don’t care if he’s ashamed of you even though that’s what it feels like and you can’t help but feel sliGhtly offended
you just want to make sure nobody breaks anything or sets anything on fire
anD you want to make sure that, as namjoon so delicately put it, nobody’s bumping uglies on your bed  
“fine!” taehyung grumbles and gestures towards the door
it seems like you’re not going to take no for an answer so he’ll just have to deal with you staying at the party “you wanna hang out at my party? be my guest. but don’t come running to me like a scared little deer when you realise that you don’t fit in when it comes to these social situations.”
“oh, please.” you snort and push the door open
almost immediately you feel the bass from the music pumping through your veins “i’m going to fit right in with your gang of- hEY feET oFF the coffee table-!“
taehyung lets out a breath and sends out a quick prayer hoPing you won’t be the cause of the death of his party and his social life in general
you’ve been to a couple of house parties before with namjoon and hobi and jin
usually you just hang out in the corner of the room with some unidentifiable drink in your hand while you scroll through your phone while hobi and jin are debating over something dumb like ‘do pigeons truly have feelings?’
this is a brand new situation for you
you’ve never been alone at a party
you’re almost always glued to namjoon’s side and you just have to give him a tug on the wrist to let him know you’re ready to get the heCk out of here
and as much as you want to leave you can’T because you made a big deal out of taehyung not wanting you at the party so if you leave now it’s just not going to look good for you
and you don’t know why but it feels like the number of people have increased tenfold because it feels like you’re in a can of sardines right now
of course
you want to prove to taehyung that you can be super cool so you’ve tried to be a little more lax with everyone
but that hasn’t stopped you from scolding somebody who was very happily helping them-self to the peanut butter chocolate ice cream in the freezer
you don’t know how you slipped into a party straight out of those cheesy high school movies but here u are
playing seven minutes in heaven
to say the least
you’re.,,. uncomfortable
you didn’t even play this game in high school for crying out loud
also it’s not the 70s anymore why would anyone still be interested in playing seven minutes in heaven
you inspect your nails uninterestedly as taehyung digs his hand through the bowl of names
he had everyone write their names down and put them in the bowl and he foRced you to come play because when he found you you were lecturing somebody on the consequences of mixing alcohol and weed (“do you know how quickly you can become dehydrated with this combination???”)
taehyung feels a sense of relief when he pulls out the slip of paper with your name scribbled down on it
thank god
if he can’t get rid of you for the whole night at least he can get rid of you for seven minutes
“y/n! you’re up.” he smiles brightly when he sees the sheer look of panic wash over your face
good >:-)
taehyung falters when he unfolds the next slip of paper to see that it’s,.,.,. his name that’s scribbled on it
he doesn’t want to play seven minutes in heaven with u
no offence
“hey, look at that! jungkook, you’re y/n’s partner!” taehyung cheers and shoves the slip of paper back into the bowl
jungkook nods before getting up off the ground and you immediately curse to yourself
it’s not that you don’t want to be paired up with jungkook
it’s just that he’s so intimidatingly preTTy and you get very nervous around pretty people
first impressions are important and you get the feeling that you’re going to find a way to make a fool out of yourself as per usuAL
you don’t know the guy at all
you’ve seen him a couple times around campus throwing a frisbee around with his pals
one time you saw him in line at starbucks but other than that
absolutely nothing
of course you don’t have any time to panic and ask if it’s too late to back out because the next thing you know the two of you get ushered towards the front door before getting shoved riGht into the closet
it looks like taehyung cleaned out the closet specifically for this game
you’ll have to ask him later where he shoved everything
you clear your throat and look up at the flickering light in the closet before looking over at jungkook who is aLso avoiding your gaze
“i’m y/n, by the way.”
taehyung already told him that
this is already going downhill and it’s barely been ten seconds
“i’m jungkook.” he smiles politely and sticks his hand out awkwardly for you to shake
it’s awfully cozy in here
he’s about the length of your elbow to the tip of your middle finger away from you which seemS like an appropriate distance away but when ur shoved into a tiny closet it’s very, very close
“you’re taehyung’s roommate, right?”
“yep! and you’re taehyung’s… friend?”
“eh, i guess so. we’re just part of the same fraternity but i don’t actually know him too well.” jungkook shrugs “we lived together last year but i kinda kept to myself.”
“oh yeah! i remember him mentioning something about living with like four other guys…”
“it gets messy” he laughs lightly “do you get along with him?”
“well, we have our good days, i suppose. he uses my shampoo-“
“no way, he used to use my shampoo too!!!!”
you immediately snort and roll your eyes playfully “i just don’t get why he can’t go out and get his own damn bottle!”
“exactly!!!!!” jungkook gasps in exciTement because he’s finally being given a chance to rant about taehyung
he accidentally raMs his elbow into the wall and lets out a groan before crumpling over
oh oUCH
“are you okay????” you immediately burst into giggles and reach over to give the top of his head a gentle pat
“whyYyYY are you laughing at me??” he whines and rubs at his sore elbow
it’s weird
you thought jungkook was just a carbon copy of taehyung
and for the first time ever
you’re pretty happy that you were mistaken
seven minutes goes by fAr too quickly for your liking because the next thing you know taehyung’s banging on the closet door and telling you guys to ‘get your asses out here’
“i’m sorry about... you know, not actually following the rules of seven minutes in heaven” you smile sheepishly and scratch the back of your neck
“technically, the players get to spent seven minutes doing whatever they want with each other and i just wanted to get to know you a little better, so i think we played the game right.” jungkook teases lightly
he reaches out for the doorknob but pauses and turns to look at you again “by the way, i… would you maybe want to hang out sometime? grab some coffee or something?”
your brows raise in surprise
your cheeks warm immediately and you let out a soft chuckle “i, uh, yeah! i would love to grab some coffee with you sometime. maybe after we get out of this closet i can give you my number?”
jungkook beams at you and nods happily “yeah, that’d be-“
all of a sudden the closet door swings open and you instinctively take a step away from jungkook when you see taehyung standing there looking less than happy
“the game is called seven minutes in heaven, not teN minutes in heaven.” he steps aside to let the two of you out and you can’t help but roll your eyes
for someone who accused you of being a buzzkill muLtiple times he’s certainly doing a good job at being one right now
taehyung can’t help but narrow his eyes a little when he notices you and jungkook exchanging shy glances as you guys sit back down in the circle
“i���m baaaack!” your keys jingle as you shove them back into your backpack
you’re genuinely surprised that you didn’t walk in on tae fucking the lights out of someone on the couch
you were expecting to see a pair of someone’s boobs or a flash of his dick but it’s a pleasant feeling to be able to walk into your own apartment and not want to completely bleach your eyeballs
“you would not believe how packed the bus was because it’s tuesday and you wouldn’t think that the bus would be super jammed on a tuesday night but obviously-“
“i’m going to need you to shut up before i throw my books at you” taehyung raises his pencil in your direction but keeps his eyes glued on his laptop
he’s sitting crosslegged on the ground and he’s surrounded by loose papers and open books
his laptop is on the coffee table and it looks like he had a whole bag of m&ms for dinner which cannOT be good for you
he has the tv turned on but the volume’s really low
“wow, alright mr. grumpy…” you raise your hands in defence before bending down to untie your laces “what are you doing?”
“none of your business.” taehyung mutters in response and lets out a huff of frustration
side note
you’ve never seen him wear these rectangular framed glasses before
his hair is frizzy and slightly damp from a shower most likely
he’s in a white and blue stripey pyjama set
you’ve never seen him look so.,,.., dare you say it,.,,.. so boyfriend material-y before
so warm n snuggly n cozy
it really sucks
the fact that he looks like that and then once he opens his mouth all the attraction just fadEs away in a millisecond
god really has it out for you doesn’t He
“fine, sorry i asked…” you can’t help but feel a little dejected every time taehyung shuts you down like that
you’re just being a nice person!!
taehyung falters and pokes his tongue into his cheek when he glances at you and sees you hanging your jacket up on the coat rack quietly
ur just minding your own business
,.,.ok he feels a little bad for being rude to u all the time
he doesn’t know why he’s so mean to you
you guys have been roommates for a couple of months already and every time he’s mean to you you never fight back
in fact you usually just flash him a smile and then wander off and leave him alone
“i’m just…” taehyung sighs and leans back against the bottom of the couch “i’m taking this dumb art history class and i have a presentation in a couple of days that’s worth 25% of my final grade that i haven’t worked on yet.”
you narrow your eyes at him “that… i can’t feel bad for you because you did that to yourself. you should’ve started earlier!”
okay now he knows why he’s so mean to you all the time
it’s because you’re a bratty little know-it-all
taehyung shoots a glare in your direction and you shrug
well it’s truE
“would it kill you to stop being such a smartass all the time? you always think that you’re right and that everyone else is wrong-”
“because most of the time i am right and everyone else is wrong.”
“jesus- you know what, whatever. just leave me alone, y/l/n.” taehyung grumbles and brings his attention back to his laptop
“what are you doing?” taehyung furrows his brows in confusion when you suddenly plop yourself down across from him and pull your laptop out of your backpack
“i’m going to help you, that’s what i’m doing.”
“do you even know anything about mesopotamian art?”
“nope” you pop the ‘p’ before raising a brow “but i’m going to research the heCk out of it and we’re going to make a bombass presentation and you, good sir, are going to ace it.”
“i don’t get it. why are you helping me?” taehyung narrows his eyes at you and you give him a warm smile in response
“because this is me being nice. don’t question it. now share your google presentation with me!”
believe it or not
you actually think that making presentations are pretty fun
you get to choose the pretty fonts and the colourful backgrounds and if you’re really wanting to spice things up you can always add in those funky transitions
of course taehyung has a certain minimalistic aesthetic to his slides so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to infect it with your multicoloured block letters
the two of you have been working for about an hour and a half and you have to say it’s been a pretty productive hour and a half
taehyung said that his presentation has to be 10 minutes long which really isn’t thaT long if you think about it but the difficult part about it is that you have to jam as mUch relevant information as possible into it
thankfully he already did some research so you guys didn’t have to start completely from scratch
of course you chipped in and did some research on your own as well that you thought would contribute greatly to the overall quality of his presentation
but picking and choosing what to cut out and what to put in is surprisingly taking a lot more time than you thought it would
it’s been relatively silent
all that can be heard is the tv is playing softly in the background along with your guys’ fingers on tapping away at the keyboard and the occasional flip of a page or scribble of a pencil
your eyes flicker over to taehyung over the top of your laptop
he has his necklace trapped in between his teeth as his fingers fly across the keyboard
there’s a divot in between his brows and for a brief second you can’t help but think that his concentrating face is actually pretty cute
wait wat
u didn’t say that
taehyung glances up at you and you quickly look back down at your laptop screen
a soft smile twitches at the corner of his mouth
you’re cute when you’re not running your mouth and constantly telling him what to do  
you took a quick break earlier to change out of your clothes so now you’re in a pair of shorts and a comfy looking sweatshirt
also you had to pull out your reading glasses because it felt like your contacts were starting to dry out anD your eyes were starting to get fuzzy from staring at the screen for so long
and taehyung didn’t think he had a thing for girls with glasses but.,,.,. he might have a thing for girls with glasses
wait wat
he didn’t say that
you’re chewing on the back of your pen as you scroll through an article when all of a sudden your tummy lets out a little grumble
it makes sense considering the fact you haven’t eaten in like nine hours
“i’m going to order some takeout for us because a bag of m&ms does not equate a proper meal” you get up off the ground and stretch your sore limbs out before heading towards the kitchen
taehyung glances up at you briefly (your butt looks cute in those shorts) before shaking his head “nah, i’m good. you can go ahead and order-“
“orange chicken, broccoli beef and vegetable chow mein without celery and with extra bell peppers, right?” you poke your head out from the kitchen with your phone sandwiched in between your ear and your shoulder
“wha- um, yeah. how did you know-“
“great! also, could i get an extra order of egg rolls-“
you know his order by heart which is funny because he happens to know that your usual order is sweet and sour pork, honey-walnut shrimp, and fried rice with extra green onions
wait what
taehyung brows knit together in confusion
how’d he know that
what the heCk
from: jungkook - ok what about this one: if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together
to: jungkook - bOo i give that one 2/10 points
from: jungkook - your standards are too high, woman!!!!!! what are u doing now?
to: jungkook - eating dinner. guess what’s on the menu?
from: jungkook - what’s on the menu
to: jungkook - me-n-u
from: jungkook - omg ur so lame u literally just stoLE my pickup line i’m giving you -2/10 points
you giggle softly as you type in your response
you and jungkook have been texting back and forth since taehyung’s party a couple of weeks ago
he’s super sweet anD super funny and he just has that boyish charm about him that makes you squeAL if you think about it for too long
all you know is that ur kinda sorta maybe wrapped around his pinky and you’ve only gone out for coffee with him once
he pulled your chair out for you!!! you guys split a slice of carrot cake!!! he even feD you a bite!!!! and after coffee you guys just wandered around campus and it was just super nice talking to him!!! he draped his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm!!! you like him a lot and he makes your heart go boom-boom!!!
“hey - for one of your pieces of shrimp, i bet you that i can catapult one of my pieces of chicken right into your mouth.” you look up from your phone to see taehyung grinning at you
he wiggles his brows and you look down at your little dish of shrimp
you guys are taking a dinner break and you thought the entire dinner would go by with nO words being exchanged between you two but this is a good sign because taehyung initiated a conversation
you should take advantage of this!!! this is your winDow of oppoRtunity!!!!!
you set your phone down and raise a brow “you drive a hard bargain, kim.” you sit back a little and open your mouth expectantly and tae rubs his hands together excitedly  
he places a piece of chicken on the spoon and clears his throat
he pokes his tongue out in concentration and flicks his wrist forward quickly
your eyes widen in excitement when it actually lands in your mouth and you make sure to chew and swallow before sticking your arms up in the air in viCtory “it worKed!!!!! i guess that means you get one of my shrimps - which i will aLso be catapulting into your mouth”
you place the overly saucy piece of shrimp on your spoon before quickly flicking it anD-
“oh shiT” you laugh when it hits tae’s forehead before plopping down onto the table
“you did that on purpose!” he groans playfully and reaches up to wipe the sauce off his forehead with a napkin
“i did not!!! i just have terrible aim!!!”
taehyung pops the shrimp into his mouth and hums happily
this is definitely a muCh better dinner than a bag of m&ms
“aw, they only gave us one fortune cookie!” you push your bottom lip out in a pout as you rummage through the plastic bag in hopes of finding another fortune cookie “it looks like we’re going to have to split this one…”
you unwrap the cookie before holding it out for tae
he grips the other side and-
the fortune is stuck in taehyung’s portion of the cookie and his eyes lighT up in excitement
“it’s probably going to say something stupid like how you have to look inside yourself to find the true meaning of life” he snorts and pulls the slip of paper out
“either that or something like ‘you’re going to die in 24 hours’” you raise a brow and inspect your half of the cookie before popping it into your mouth
that cut into your gums a little bit
tae unfolds it and gives it a quick read
‘☺ the love of your life is right in front of your eyes ☺’
his dark brows knit together once he reads it and his eyes slowly trail up from the slip of paper to right across from him to where you’re sitting
oh boy
“well?” you swallow your bite and reach up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand “what does it say?”
tae doesn’t know why he’s nervous to tell you what it says
his eyes widen in panic when you reach out to take it from him and he quickly smacks your hand away
“ow!!!!” you scowl and cradle your hand “what was that for??”
“it’s my fortune!! if you read it… it won’t come true!!”
“that’s literally not how it works-“
“dinner break is over! let’s get back to work” tae tucks the fortune into his breast pocket before popping the cookie into his mouth and dusting his hands off
“fine, you weirdo.” you roll your eyes playfully as you start cleaning up the empty takeout boxes
‘the love of your life is right in front of your eyes’
he watches as you hum to yourself and tie the straps of the flimsy plastic bag together before getting up to toss it away
tae snorts quietly and shakes his head
love of my life my aSS
it’s not a big deal
fortune cookies are stupid anyways
“-and with that being said, it is clear that the geographic division of the area is reflected in the history of its cultural development from the earliest civilisations.” you mouth the words along with tae as he finishes up his presentation
you immediately start applauding after his concluding statement and tae smiles brightly
“yes!!!!! that was so good!!!” you laugh lightly when tae bows and blows kisses into the audience (aka just you)
you let out a yawn before reaching up to rub at your bleary eyes “now that we’re done with your presentation we should probably get some shut-eye.” you let out anoTher yawn as you check the time on your laptop
jeez louiSe
it’s 5:14am
the two of you have to get up at 8 and you’re definitely not looking forward to that
“goodnight, tae!” you turn to glance at tae over your shoulder as you step out of the washroom
the two of you decided to do your nighttime routine together just to save some time
you pause when you get to your bedroom and furrow your brows “or… good morning? good-might? goodnighting?”
“you’re delirious. go to bed.” tae snorts and waves you off as he turns off the bathroom light “thanks again, y/n”
“anytime, tae”
your door closes and the light flickers off
taehyung stares at your bedroom door for a couple for seconds
“you’re not so bad, y/l/n.” he mutters to himself with a smile before walking into his bedroom and closing the door “you’re not bad at all.”
oooOOh boy
you’ve never felt so drained in your entire life
you let out a yawn as you make your way to the kitchen before rubbing at your sore jaw with a scowl
that was a big yawn and you were [this] close to getting lockjaw
you hit your snooze button a couple of times this morning  
you’re exhAusted from staying up all night helping tae with his presentation but you need to get some food in your system before you head out for the day
your nose twitches when you smell,,…,. burning.,.,,. why,,.., why do you smell burning.,,..,
your heart immediately starts to race as you quicken your pace
did you leave something in the oven last night??
you didn’t usE the oven last night
maybe taehyung left something on???
jEsus of course he left something on
he’s going to set this place on fire and-
“hey, i was wondering when you were going to get up! you’re usually halfway through a bowl of cereal by this time.”
needless to say
you are nothing short of shOCKed when you see tae with a tea towel slung over his shoulder padding around the kitchen as if this was a normal thing for him
what is going on
he pulls a stool out for you and nudges you over so that you take a seat
oh god
is this what a stroke feels like?
are you.,., literally having a stroke right now?
“sorry about the burning smell. i guess the crumbs in the toaster were starting to clog up the thing so when i popped your bagel into it and turned it on all the crumbs starting getting burnt… but your bagel made it out alive!” taehyung smiles and sets your bagel down in front of you
one side is smeared with cream cheese and the other is smeared with your homemade cinnamon butter
just the way you like it
“what?” you blink owlishly at taehyung and he raises the coffee pot in his hand
“…coffee? one cream two sugars, right?”
“right, yeah. uh, yes please. thank you.” you smile meekly and taehyung nods before pouring some coffee into your mug
you lean over a little to glance at the sink
all the dishes are drying on the drying rack
there are no dirty dishes in the sink
the counters are spotless and polished
and you’re pretty sure you can smell some floral air freshener in here
“here you go-“ taehyung hands you your mug before pointing to the fridge “also, i, um, packed lunch for you today-“
you figured it out
you know why he’s being so nice to you
you’re a genius!!!!
“-to make up for that one time i ate it and you almost cried over it-“
“what did you break?” you interrupt taehyung and he raises a brow at your accusatory tone
“what are you talking about?”
“what… did you break? did you damage something? is that why you’re being so nice? so that later on when you tell me you like kicked a hole through your wall or something i won’t be able to get mad at you because you made breakfast for me anD packed lunch for me…”
“i didn’t break anything, y/n. calm down.” taehyung snorts and shakes his head as he takes a bite of his own bagel
he swallows his bite
“i just wanted to say thank you for helping me yesterday.” he shrugs and walks over to take a seat on the stool next to you
you swiVel around so that you can face him
taehyung does the same
since you two are sitting so close together that means his knee is sandwiched in between yours
“you wanted to thank me… that’s it?”
“there’s no ulterior motive?”
he purses his lips and shakes his head “not that i can think of.”
“…so you’re not going to throw some sneaky party or anything-“
“y/n, this is me trying to be nice. don’t question it.” taehyung reaches over to pinch your cheek before giving your knee a gentle pat “now, c’mon! eat up!”
tae knew that the presentation was coming up soon
but now that he’s literally about to present it he feels like time went by waY too quickly
he doesn’t know if he’s been so nervous in his entire life
he knows it’s just a 10 minute presentation but he hates, absolutely dreAds giving presentations
especially solo presentations!!! in front of like 200+ people!!!!!
he needs to stress-chew on some gum
nothing like good ol strawberry flavoured gum to calm his nerves
he unzips his backpack and shoves his arm into it
his brows knit together in confusion when his fingers brush over a foreign object in his backpack
he pulls out what appears to be a little stack of flashcards held together with a ribbon
there’s a little sticky note on the top of the stack and tae flips it upside right to read it
tae: these might come in handy! good luck today - i know you can do it. - y/n ☺
you made presentation flashcards for him
when did you even put these in his bag?
when did you find time to make these for him??
taehyung pulls the ribbon off and flicks through the flashcards briefly
you wrote down every single one of the important points down on the cards
you really did that for him
“kim taehyung?”
taehyung swallows thickly when he hears his name being called
he clears his throat after making his way to the front of the room
his lips pull up into a friendly smile and he stares into the ocean of people “today, i’m going to be talking about the history of mesopotamian art in relation to its cultural development…”
it’s weird
the one thing calming him down isn’t the strawberry gum
it’s the thought of you
the presentation is actually going fairly well
tae nearly dropped his flashcards at one point but thank god he didn’t because that would have been a nightmare to have to reorganise
but yes
so far so good
he’s actually about to wrap up the presentation which is giving him a great sense of relief because he’s pretty sure he’s going to have a nervous breakdown if he stands up here for any longer than 10 minutes
“-and with that being said-“ taehyung freezes when he suddenly sees you sitting all the way in the back of the lecture hall
what the heck
what are you doing here?
he haTes that he feels his heart skip a beat when you give him a little wave and a thumbs up
he clears his throat and offers the prof a sheepish smile before continuing on and tapping his spacebar to get to the final slide “-uh, it is clear that the geographic division of the area is reflected in the history of its cultural development from the earliest civilisations. thank you.”
he lets out a breath of relief when the audience breaks into scattered applause
and unsurprisingly you stand up and bounce up and down excitedly aND clap the moSt enthusiastically before giving a little ‘woohoo!!!!!’
you are such a dork
…he loves it
the first thing taehyung sees when he leaves the lecture hall is your smiling face
he’s about to ask you what the heCk you’re doing here but he doesn’t get a chance to because-
“hey, you! you did so well!!!!” you squeal excitedly and pull tae down for a quick congratulatory hug
his eyes widen in surprise but he finds himself hugging you back almost instinctively
he wraps an arm around your waist tightly and can’t help but wonder why his first instinct isn’T to shove you away and tell you to cut it out
“i… literally couldn’t have done it without you but- what are you even doing here? don’t you have class right now?”
“i would not miss your mesopotamian art history presentation for the world, my friend. of course i had to come and support you!” you give his arm a playful punch before checking the time on your watch “i actually have… three minutes to get to my next class so i have to go but i’ll see you at home?”
“yeah, yeah. i’ll… see you at home.”
taehyung smiles softly when he sees your backpack bouncing up and down from your frantic movements as you scurry towards the exit
that was really nice of you actually
you didn’t have to come and watch him do his presentation but you did
that was very nice of you
he blinks twice
son of a bitch
it’s not.,.. possible
taehyung stares blankly ahead before furrowing his brows and reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
there’s no way he’s harbouring feelings for you
you’re y/n!!!!
you’re his dorKy ass roommate who he would never hang out with if it weren’t for the fact that you guys lived together
you’re y/n
you’re y/n who snorts when you laugh too hard at one of his jokes
you’re y/n whose idea of fun is watching a nature documentary about dolphins or sitting on the couch doing crossword puzzles
you’re y/n who’s always asking him if he wants a snack or one of your juice boxes or if he needs any help with his work
you’re y/n who uses a wooden spoon as a guitar as you bounce around the kitchen jamming out suPer hard while making dinner (he’s never going to let you live that one down)
you’re y/n who stayed up til 5 in the morning helping him with his presentation even thought you literally didn’t need to do that
you’re y/n and taehyung is 99.9% sure that he likes you much more than a roommate or a friend should
he swallows thickly
o god
he likes you
“…seriously?!” taehyung groans loudly and smiles sheepishly when the people around him give him weird looks
and so
as seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and days turn into weeks
you find that you become a lot closer to tae than you thought was possible
it turns out that when he’s not being a complete dick he’s actually a very sweet and caring guy
he always holds the door open for you when you guys come home together (his classes end earlier than yours so he just waits til you get off class so you guys can catch the bus together)
he’s always offering to make you a cup of coffee or a little fruit salad whenever you’re busy studying because he knows you get peckish when you’re working hard
not to mention
you can’t remember the last time you had to toast an extra bagel for one of his special friends
you can’t remember the last time you nagged him to take the trash out or wash the dishes or do the laundry
you can’t remember the last time he did something that irritated the heck out of you
most of the things that he does nowadays make you smile and laugh and just feel all waRm and cozy inside
it just took a little bit of time but you knew that eventuaLLy you guys would get along
you truly are living your best life
taehyung doesn’t know how you managed to convince him to watch another one of your dumb nature documentaries (it miGht have something to do with the fact that he definitely has a super big crush on you) but to be honest it’s really not as boring as he thought it would be
“wait, i don’t get it.” tae shakes his head before glancing at you for a brief second “seahorses are monogamous? are there seahorse weddings?? can seahorses get married????”  
“mm, yeah” you hum absentmindedly before popping a kernel of popcorn into your mouth
“for real???”
you reach over to pat tae’s hand gently as a gentle reminder to shut the fuck up or i’ll cut u and it looks like you’re waY too wrapped up in the nature doc because you don’t pull your hand away
“seahorses mate for life, and when they travel, they hold each others’ tails…” tae’s eyes flicker down to your hand resting on top of his and he lets out a little sigh
he kind of wants to ʰᵒˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵃⁿᵈ
he turns to look at you again and feels his heart skip a beat
you’re not even doing anything but you’re still so cute
he honestly doesn’t know what he’s going to do because this is truly the first time he’s ever felt this way towards someone BUT mushy feelings are suPer duper lame so there’s that
he turns to look back at the tv
“do you think i would win in a fight against a beaver? i think i could take a beaver any day.” tae mutters through a mouthful of popcorn
he keeps his eyes glued on the screen but nudges your side with his elbow “hey, i asked you a question-“ all of a sudden you’re slumping over and your head drops onto his shoulder
he freezes almost immediately and turns slowly to look down at you
you fell asleep
what time is it?
you guys have watched like four episodes of this docuseries so he can assume that it’s already pretty late
he puts the bowl of popcorn down before glancing around for his phone
he curses quietly when he sees that it’s on the coffee table but it’s just out of reach
you know when your dog or cat falls asleep on your lap
taehyung thinks that this is kind of like that
except instead of his cute dog it’s his cute roommate and he doesn’t have the heart to wake you up because you look pretty comfortable
he’ll just let you snooze for a little while longer and then he’ll wake you up so that the two of you can go to your rooms
no biggie!
he lets out a little yawn
it wouldn’t kill him to take a little snooze as well riGht
n…o….. b…i…g….g…i…e….
tae’s brows furrow in discomfort when he tries to flip over onto his other side
why,,.,. can’t he move
he sniffles and reaches up to rub at his nose before wrapping his arm back around his pillow
why does his pillow feel so firm all of a sudden
tae gives his pillow a gentle squeeze
it’s like soft and firm at the same time
he peels one eye open just to check-
oh jESUS
he jolts in surprise when he realises that he’s not in his room and he’s not cuddling up to his pillow
he’s still on the couch with you and you guys are definitely snuggled up together and he was definitely groping your ass three seconds ago
his thigh is tucked in between your legs
you’re using his bicep as a pillow which explains why he couldn’t move his arm earlier
he’s sure that his heart is going to bust out of his chest because
hi there
u look very cute when you’re asleep
your cheeks are warm n rosy (presumably from being wrapped up in tae’s arms all night) and your hair is a little mussed up
and your face is smooshed against his bicep which is adorable
the tip of his nose bumps against yours and he feels his cheeks flush red at how close the two of you are
he’d only have to move like an inch to kiss u
you grumble something under your breath as you stir and suddenly you’re changing positions and turning around so that your back is pressed against tae’s chest
tae keeps his free arm lifted so that he doesn’t accidentally grope you again or anything lol
to his complete and uTter surprise
you reach up and grab tae’s arm before wrapping it around yourself and tae feels his heart beating a mile a minute
you’re so soft and warm and you smell so sweet and it wouldn’t hurt to just.,., doze here with you for a little while longer
taehyung can’t help but nuzzle into the back of your neck before pulling you closer and wrapping his arm tighter around you
just a little while longer
it’s about an hour later when you peel open your cruSty eyes
you let out a soft yawn and wince at the light streaming in through the blinds
you must’ve fallen asleep on the couch yesterday night
…why does your blanket feel like an arm
you glance down and your eyes widen in surprise when you see what is inDeed an arm wrapped tightly around your waist
oh my god
you’re cuddling with taehyung
“tae-“ you tap his arm and wiggle around in his grip-
what the
what is that?
there’s something hard pressing into your bum
it kind of feels like-
“oh my goD tae-“ you shove his arm away before rolling off the couch with a thuMp and tae shoOts up from the couch from all the commotion
“wha- what’S happening what’s happening-“ his voice is significantly deeper and raspier considering he was sleeping very peacefully like a second ago but you can barely think about that because-
“gO take care of your thING you freAK-“
tae immediately looks down and-
his face flushes bright red and he grabs a pillow to cover himself
“i can’t HELP IT oh my god you’re such a pruDE-“
to say the least
this has been a very chaotic start to the morning
“cinnamon toast crunch…” you mutter to yourself as you look over the grocery list in your hands
usually you take care of the groceries and tae just pays you back for half of them but for some reason he insisted on tagging along with you today
but you’re starting to regret your decision of letting him come with you because going grocery shopping with tae is like going grocery shopping with a five year old
“y/n, check it out! a two for one deal on m&m’s!!!!!” you look over your shoulder to see tae looking vEry excited at being in the candy aisle
you let out a sigh and shake your head before pointing to the piece of paper in your hand
“we don’t need m&m’s, it’s not on the grocery list that i meticulously curated-“
“head’s up!” you immediately duck when tae suddenly huRLS two bags of m&ms over your head and right into the cart
“tae! you could’ve hit me!!!!”
“but i didn’t”
“but you couLD have”
“…but i didn’t!” he chirps and nudges you aside a little so that the both of you can push the cart
tae’s eyes flicker down to where you’re both gripping the handlebar and he moves his hand a little closer so that his pinky is pressed right up against yours
and surprisingly enough
you don’t flinch or move your hand
tae turns his head to hide the giddy smile on his face
“you’re going to get us kicked out of the store if you keep goofing around like that, you know”
“they can’t kick us out - who else is going to buy their insanely overpriced organic vegan honey-cinnamon yogurt?” tae picks the tub of yogurt up and inspects it before putting it back down “i don’t know who else would be crazy enough to spend $18 on yogurt.”
“you’re the one who eats half a tub in a sitting so it looks like i’m not the only crazy one here.” your eyes scan over the shelves and they light up when you spot your favourite cereal calling out your name
“why can’t we get froot loops instead?” tae purses his lips as you chuck the box into the cart
“because froot loops are gross and they’re full of artificial flavours and weird preservatives-”
“cinnamon toast crunch is like a having a bowl of diabetes in the morning-“
“there’s 2.1 grams of fibre in it sO-“
“but froot loops are multicoloured!!!!!”
it’s funny
the two of you are bickering like a married couple and tae can’t help but feel some sort of odd satisfaction from that
“tae, did you get the orange juice with pulp or without pulp??” you glance over your shoulder to see tae at the ice cream freezers
“without pulp!”
you hear the faint slam of the freezer door but you don’t think too much about it as you unzip your wallet to find your rewards card
you turn to look at him again
“and are the bagels-“
“yes, i got one bag of cinnamon-raisin and one bag of plain bagels, don’t worry-“
“here you go-“ you hand your rewards card over to the cashier with a smile and she scans it before handing it back to you
you continue to place the groceries onto the conveyer belt but you look up for a second when you notice the lady stopped scanning your things
she pauses for a moment as her eyes flicker from you to tae (who is coming back with a tub of ice cream behind his back)
you’re about to ask her if your card didn’t work or something but then-
“you two make a very cute couple.” she murmurs discreetly and your entire face immediately flames up at the comment
“who, me and him?“ you laugh lightly and shake your head “trust me, we’re-“ your eyes widen in surprise when taheyung’s arms suddenly snake around your waist from behind “what are you-“
“thank you very much, i think we make a cute couple too.” he presses his cheek against yours before not so subtly sliding a pint of ice cream onto the conveyer belt “but let me tell you, susan… if i was a couple years older, i think we’d make a much cuter couple.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes because there’s no way someone would fall for a line as cheesy as that
susan immediately bursts into giggles “oh, you’re awful!”
apparently you were very wrong about that
“he really is” you snort and nudge your elbow into his stomach to try and get him to release you but he only tightens his grip around you “also, put the ice cream back because we’re already way over our budget-“
“aw, c’mon, baby… won’t you buy a tub of ice cream for your darling boyfriend?” tae pouts and nudges his nose into your reddening cheek
you literally don’T know why he’s doing this and you also don’t know why you haven’t pushed him away and knocked him over the head for acting all crazy
“cut it out, you weirdo. put the ice cream back-“
“you know what? the ice cream is on me. you two are just too adorable!” susan swipes the tub over the scanner before sliding it into the bag and you and tae exchange glances
he was only acting all cutesy to try to convince you to buy the ice cream but it looks like it worked on susan instead
either way he’s happy!!
tae pinches your side to get your attention
“you think if we make out in front of her she’ll give us the groceries for free?”
,.,..oh my god
“i’m really glad you decided to help me out with folding the laundry because-“
“check it out - i’m a fruit fly!!”
you look over to see that tae has one of your bras strapped around his head so that the cups are facing upwards and your cheeks immediately grow pink when you see him bouncing around the living room like a big ol dummy
“jesus- tae, nO” you groan and toss the shirt you’re in the middle of folding aside before holding your hand out “give it to me!!”
the two of you are standing at opposite ends of the couch and you can practically hear the cowboy showdown music in your head
“you’re going to have to rip it away from my cold… dead… bODY-“ taehyung breaks into a sprint and you immediately do the same
when he sprints past the laundry basket full of freshly dried undergarments he digs his grubbY hand into it and pulls out a-
“hey, you should wear something like this around the apartment more often.” tae gawks at the verY thin vERY lacy burgundy thong hanging around his finger “instead of those dumb fruit panties-“
“get over here so i can kiCK your ASS-“
he starts cackling when you begin to chase him around the room again only this time you’re hurling balled up socks at his head  
“and… checkmate.” taehyung knocks namjoon’s chess piece out of the way before picking it up and placing it on his side of the table
namjoon furrows his brows and tilts his head as he looks down at the chessboard
what in the world
“that- you can’t do that. your move didn’t make any sense.”
tae purses his lips and looks down at the board
“…yeah, i don’t actually know how to play chess.” taehyung chirps “i don’t even know what checkmate means”
namjoon snorts
“okay!” tae turns around and leans against the front counter when you return clutching a book to your chest “i finally found the book that i was looking for so i’m ready to go when you are!”
“i just won a game of chess against namjoon” tae points out with a bright smile and namjoon squaWks in offence
“you did noT-“
“i said checkmate so that means i won”
“that literally- get out of my library.” namjoon deadpans and points towards the door
he takes chess very seriously and he will not be riDICULED in his library!!!!!!!!
“-all i’m saying is that we didn’t have to come all the way to the library for some dumb book that you could’ve easily bought online-“
“i like holding a physical copy of a book when i’m reading!! plus, i told you you didn’t have to come with me” you nod in acknowledgement when tae holds the door open for you “why thank you, good sir”
“no problem dweeb”  
you immediately stop in your tracks when you notice the thunderclouds in the sky and the drizzling of rain
you didn’t know it was going to rain today
you didn’t bring an umbrella out!!!!!
“oh, shoot… it looks like we’re just going to have to wait out the storm and then head home…” you purse your lips as you look up at the dark clouds
you stick your hand out from underneath the canopy and let out a sigh as a couple fAT droplets splatter down on your palm
tae sticks his hand out and lets out a hum “don’t be ridiculous!” he scoffs “here, you’re going to use my jacket as an umbrella-“ tae takes his jacket off and drapes it around you so that it’s covering you  
“but you’re going to get wet?” you pull it up slightly to make sure that it’s going to keep your hair from getting wet
“that’s where you’re wrong, y/l/n. you’re going to be my umbrella-“ tae squats down in front of you and you immediately let out a snort
no way
no way!!!!
“if you’re implying that you piggyback me the rest of the way home you’re crazy” you shake your head and resist the urge to kiCk his ass and knock him over “you’ll drop me!!!!”
tae looks back at you with a raised brow
“i’m not going to drop you, i promise!! come on!!! riDE ME”
you gawk and lean over to slap a hand over tae’s mouth when a couple of people exiting the library give you guys weird looks
you laugh nervously and give them a thumbs up
it looks like you don’t have a choice
“if you drop me, i’ll kill you.” you grumble as you hop up onto tae’s back and hold the jacket out so that the both of you are somewhat shielded
you yelp when he stands up straight and bounces you slightly to adjust you
he squeezes the underside of your thighs playfully
“not if i kill u first, nerd”
you don’t know why
but you feel like the vibe with jungkook tonight is a little different
usually when you guys hang out (you’ve hung out a couple times already but this is the first time you’ve been in such an intimate and private environment) are always wrapped up in playful banter but.,.,. tonight is just.,.,. different
it’s not a big deal but
you don’t know how else to describe it
you invited him over for dinner and a movie and just to hang out in general
and you’re in the middle of choosing another movie to watch buT you guys can’t decide on whether you should go with captain america or iron man first
“this is the hardest decision i think i’ve ever had to make in my entire life.” you frown before pursing your lips in thought
“i honestly don’t care because i’ve watched these movies like ten times each.” jungkook snorts and scoots a little closer to you as you continue to flick through the choices
you let out a little sigh of frustration
choosing a damn movie should noT be this difficult
“just choose something. anything.” jungkook says a liTtle more aggressively than intended
you turn to glance at you and he flashes you a smile and shifts closer until the side of his thigh is pressed up right against yours
“i mean, i’m biased because captain america is my favourite but if you wanna watch iron man i-!” jungkook hooks a finger under your chin and turns your head before pressing his lips against yours to shut you up and you know what
it woRks
you didn’t think this was going to happen but you’re not complaining
you pull away quickly and gesture to the tv “w-we haven’t chosen a-“
“shush” jungkook pulls you back down and you twitch when you feel his hands slide down your back
your eyes flutter shut and your grip loosens around the remote and jungkook pulls it from your hand before tossing it onto the sofa chair blindly
you’re so lost in jungkook that you don’t even hear the front door opening
“oh, so you get to do it on the couch but i don’t?”
you pull away agAin and jungkook lets out a little huff before resting his head back against the couch
“tae! i didn’t… think you would be home so-“
“no way.” taehyung gawks when he sees who you’re straddling “jeon jungkook??? seriously????” he snorts as he kicks his shoes off “i mean, i knew you had low standards, but i didn’t think they were this low.”
“kim, nice to see you too.” jungkook mutters sarcastically and clenches his jaw
tae rolls his eyes almost immediately
“looks like someone still doesn’t know how to take a damn joke”
you clear your throat
it seems like there’s a little bit of tension in the air
maybe it’s time to break that tension with a jokE
“so like do you guys only address other people by their surnames or-“
“how do you two know each other anyways?” tae keeps his glare on jungkook
you let out a sigh and crawl off of jungkook because it lookS like you’re not going to be getting any more alone time with him anytime soon
“we met at the sneaky party that you threw.” you prop your elbow up on the top of the couch and lean against your fist before tucking one of your legs under the other “remember? you made us play seven minutes in heaven and-“
god damnit
tae wants to punch himself in the face
“oh, rigghhhttt.”
he should’ve gone in there with you instead of setting you up with jungkook
this is his owN fault
if he hadn’t invited jungkook in the first place then you wouldn’t have met him and you wouldn’t be making out with him in the middle of your guys’ living room
or maybe this is your fault!!!
if yOU didn’t come home that night then you wouldn’t have met him and you wouldn’t be making out with him in the middle of your guys’ living room
“well, don’t worry about me! you guys keep doing your thing.” taehyung smiles sweetly before disappearing towards the bedrooms
you wait to hear the faint click of his door closing aaaanndd-
“now… where were we?” jungkook tugs on your wrist and you smile shyly before moving back to your original position
as nice as it is making out with jungkook on your couch you can’t help but think about what taehyung has up his sleeve
because there was something about his smile that didn’t sit right with-
“oh, jesus-“ you pull away from jungkook in surprise when taehyung suddenly pops out from the hallway with the vacuum cleaner
“don’t mind me! y/n sheds a LOT so i’m just cleaning up all of her hair!!” taehyung rolls the vacuum underneath jungkook’s legs before whistling a happy tune to himself “just wanna make this experience as comfortable as possible for you two lovebirds!”
“do you have to do this now???” jungkook groans and taehyung pauses before reaching down to turn the vacuum off
“you’re right! i won’t do this now-“
“-god, thank you-“
“i’ll get to it after you leave! what are we watching, folks??” jungkook purses his lips in frustration when taehyung wiggles his way in between you and him
he retracts his arm down from the couch slowly
“you know what, i should probably leave…” jungkook glances over at you with a small smile “maybe i can come back when… you know.”
“yeah, that’s probably for the best…” you laugh uneasily
this is only slighTly embarrassing
“aw, come on! the more the merrier!” tae pushes his bottom lip out in a childish pout “how could you say no to iron man??”
“i have some things to do anyway. it was good seeing you, kim.” jungkook pats his knee before getting up off the couch
“mm… i can’t say the same.” tae shrugs and brings his attention back to the screen
you can’t help but roll your eyes at how immature he’s being and you get up from the couch as well “i’ll walk you to the door, jungkook-“
“he’s perfectly capable of walking to the door by himself- oW” tae hisses when you reach down and pinch his ear to shut him up
“so… i’ll see you around?” jungkook smiles shyly and scratches the back of his neck after he gets his shoes on
“mhm!” you nod and reach over to pinch a piece of fluff off his shirt before getting up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek “i’ll text ya”
taehyung turns his head and watches you and jungkook talking to each other by the front door
he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and chews on it anxiously
this sucks
do you like jungkook?
obviouSly you do because you were sucking his face off when he walked in here
this sucks >:-(
you’re super lame anyway so it’s not a huge loss
he can just.,.,,. he can just find someone else
tae looks away quickly when he sees you giving jungkook a kiss on the cheek
that’s not fair
how come u won’t kiss him on the cheek
he deserves cheek kisses as muCh as jungkook
maybe he was dumb to think that he had a chance with you
either that or he realised faR too late that he has feelings for you
the loved-up smile immediately drops from your face the moment jungkook disappears into the elevators and you shut the front door
“i think i’m going to take a little snooze. all that vacuuming tuckered me ouT” taehyung lets out a yawn and gets up off the couch
your body seems like it’s on autopilot mode as you practically stoRm down the hallway and follow him to his room
he’s craZy if he thinks you’re going to let him get away with doing what he just did
“by the way, since i did the vacuuming today, it’s only fair that you do it for the next month - don’t you think so?”
“what the hell was that?” you snAp as you cross your arms “you totally sabotaged my date with jungkook!”
taehyung plops down on his bed and leans back against the headboard before pulling his phone out “i have no idea what you’re talking about”
“we were having a really nice time together-“
“yeah, it sure looked like you were enjoying yourself considering you were practically sucking his face off-“
“and you just swoOp in and start vacuuming???? and-“
“you know what, y/l/n? take it up with the complaint department of kim taehyung.”
you pause
what the hell is he talking about
“wh- what are you talking about?”
“you heard me. call the complaint department.” taehyung raises his phone and wiggles it
you’ll play along with whatever stupid game this is
you dial tae’s number and bring your phone up to your ear all while maintaining eye contact with tae who looks vEry smug at the moment
taehyung’s phone buzzes in his hand
he clears his throat and hits the answer button before bringing it up to his ear
“hello! this is kim taehyung headquarters, you’re speaking to secretary kim taehyung. how may i be of service today?” he greets brightly and flashes you a bright smile and a thumbs up
you have literally never felt so ridiculous in your entire life  
you let out a quiet breath to calm yourself down
just play along!!! just play aloNG  
“i… i would like to file a complaint about kim taehyung tO the kim taehyung complaint department!”
“great, can i get a name?”
“y/n y/l/n.” you can’t believe you’re taking this phone call seriously
taehyung leans back against his headboard and crosses one ankle over the other
“alright, miss y/l/n. i’ll connect you to the kim taehyung complaint department right now. i’m going to put you on hold now, if that’s okay?”
“taehyung, you’re wasting my TIME-“
taehyung literally puts you on hoLD and tosses his phone aside and you scoff when your phone starts playing an overly-cheerful piano version of twinkle twinkle little star  
you glance over at tae
he pokes his tongue into his cheek uninterestedly as he inspects his nails  
“…taehyung, i swear to god-“  
“shush!“ taehyung holds a finger out to shut you up “you don’t want to miss your call, do you?”
“jesus christ.” you mutter and pinch the bridge of your nose
this is ridiculous
taehyung picks his phone back up
he clears his throat
“hello! this is the kim taehyung complaint department of kim taehyung headquarters. you’re speaking to head manager kim taehyung. how may i be of service today?”
you roll your eyes before shaking your head
“okAy now that you’re finally giving me a chance to talk about-“
“oOh, sorry!” taehyung winces “my lunch break just started. you know how it is.” he pushes his bottom lip out in a mocking pout before trailing his pointer finger down from his eye to his cheek “try calling again in an hour! byeeeeee.” taehyung hangs uP on you before tossing his phone aside
he looks over at you and raises a brow “…any success with the hotline?”
he drives you CRAZY
you don’t know what happened!!!
he’s been so sweet to you for like a month and now it’s like the taehyung you met five months ago
and now he’s calling you y/l/n again and he’s making snide comments and being ruDe and wow
you should’ve known it wasn’t going to last forever
bAck to normal
this sucks
you honest to god don’t know what happened
if he’s going to be a stubborn prick there’s nothing you can do about it
taehyung lets out a breath once you close his door
and he can’t help but think:
maybe this is a wake up call
you hanging with jungkook and all
maYbe this is god’s way of telling him to make a move otherwise he’s going to regret it
he’s liked you for nearly a month and he literally hasn’t done anything about it so mAYbe this was a swift kick to his ass telling him to man up and dO something
“yeah.” taehyung whispers to himself
…he’s going to tell you that he likes you!!!!
and he’s going to do it as soon as possible
it’s been about a week and a bit since your faiLure of a date with jungkook
he hasn’t made a move to reach out to you which is kind of odd
you diD leave him a text message but he never got back to you and you didn’t want to be that person who double-texted and just radiated desperation  so you didn’t do anything else
maybe he was just weirded out by tae or something
speaking of tae
you pull your phone out of your pocket when you feel it buzzing and you bring it up to your ear
“where do we keep all those takeout menus?” you hear some clattering on the other end of the line and you safely assume that tae’s going through all the drawers
“in the-“
“oh, never mind! i found them. okay, see you soon… raccoon!”
you snort and roll your eyes
taehyung noticed that you and namjoon always said see you later alligator and in a while crocodile to each other instead of saying goodbye and he wanted to be a part of it too buT namjoon was like if you still the alligator thing from me i will give you a million paper cuts
so he came up with an alternative and that was see you soon..,.,. raccoon
it’s cute that he tried
“toodle-loo kangaroO” you hum before hanging up and slipping your phone back into your pocket
“y/n!” you turn to glance over your shoulder and you feel your heart beginning to race almost immEdiately when you see jungkook jogging towards you
oh god
what are you wearing today
you look down
jeans and… is this tae’s sweatshirt?????
he must’ve mixed your guys’ laundry up agAin
“hey!” you smile brightly and wipe your sweaTy palms down on your jeans
you don’t know why you’re so nervous all of a sudden
you’ve literally had his tongue in your mouth before so
okay ew
“hey, i was hoping to bump into you! i’m sorry i haven’t texted you all week, i’ve been like, super busy.”
you’re far too infatuated with jungkook’s pretty brown eyes to notice that he smirks and nods in acknowledgement at another girl behind you
“oh! um, no, don’t worry about it.” you laugh nervously “look, i’m really sorry about what happened the last time we hung out… i didn’t think tae would be so… y’know…” you trail off awkwardly and scratch the back of your neck
“it’s totally fine, don’t worry about it!” jungkook shakes his head and smiles brightly at you “that’s actually why i wanted to talk to you… would you maybe be interested in a makeup date? i don’t want to seem too eager but… are you free tonight? maybe we can pick up from where we left off…?” he hums, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
you flush almost immediately
he wants to hang out toniGht
you need at least two to three business days to prepare when you make plans with someone
oH but it’s jungkook.,,.,.
“uh, yeah! yes, i’m super free tonight. i mean, not like, not that like i didn’t have plans or anything but-”
“great! i’ll come and pick you up at your place around… 7 o’clock?”
it looks like you officially have plans tonight
here’s the thing
taehyung has decided that tonight is the night
tonight is the night where he’s going to tell you that he might have a teensy crush on you and he’s just hoping it’ll work out
he’s never really had to.,,. confess to someone before considering he’s usually the one being confessed to
so this is a whole new game for him
he’s sure it’ll be fine though!!
he made sure to vacuum and dust the apartment and just make everything a lot neater before you got back
he timed it perfectly so that the pizza would get here ten minutes before you got home so that when you guys dig in you won’t burn the roof of your mouths with hoT cheese
he even picked up a bouquet of roses for you just because he felt like that would be something you’d like!!
and now he’s busy lighting candles because he wants everything to be perfect for you
tae perks up when he hears the front door slam shut and the faint jingling of your keys
you’re home!!!!!!
he nearly trips over himself as he rushes out from the kitchen
he glances over his shoulder at his romantic setup just to double check that he didn’t accidentally light anything on fire lol
“hey!” he greets a liTTle too enthusiastically before clearing his throat
keep it casual
“i mean… hey.” his voice deepens a little bit but his boxy grin returns to his face when you look over at him “there’s an extra large pizza sitting on the table with our names on it anD i even ordered that garlic aioli you like so much-“
“did we plan something tonight?” you furrow your brows in confusion and wrack through your brain to see if you remember making dinner plans with tae or not
usually you remember these types of things
taehyung falters before pointing at the tv over his shoulder “uh, well, no, we didn’t plan anything but i thought that maybe we could have some dinner and maybe watch another one of those nature documentaries again!”
if he’s lucky maybe you’ll fall asleep midway through the documentary which will result in an accidental-but-totally-on-purpose snuggle on the couch again
you look over at the tv and notice that he’s already turned netflix on
your favourite candle is burning away on the coffee table
there’s a bowl of warm, buttery popcorn (your favourite) mixed with mini peanut butter cups (his favourite)
that’s awfully nice of tae
you feel a twingE of guilt knowing that you’re about to shut him down because you already have plans
but you’re sure he’ll understand
“that’s super nice of you and all but i actually already have plans…” you smile sheepishly and scratch your temple
the bright smile starts to fade from tae’s face and he purses his lips slightly “oh…”
that’s kind of a bummer
he really wanted to spend the night with you
tonight was supposed to be the night after all
“maybe another time! you can invite some of your pals over and hang with them! no parties, though. i’m serious.” you tease and press your hand against tae’s chest to lean against him as you take your shoes off
“right, yeah…” tae reaches up to place his hand over yours and his heart is beating so hard he’s sure you can feel it “are you… going out with namjoon or something?”
“nope - i’m going out with jungkook!”
ur what
taehyung swallows thickly
what do u mean ur going out with jungkook
“considering the fact that you kinda ruined the last date i had with him - he asked me today if i wanted to go out for dinner tonight and i said yes!” you squeal excitedly and give his chest a pat before brushing past him to go to your bedroom
“why… why would you say yes?” tae blurts out
“why wouldn’t i say yes?” you raise a brow at tae before heading over to your closet and starting to rifle through your options “it was kind of a last minute thing so i don’t have a lot of time to get ready but luckily i know jusT what to wear…”
“but like… i ordered a pizza for us?” taehyung doesn’t know why he’s so nervous all of a sudden
“uh-huh - could you turn around for a second? i need to change.”
he wants to ask you to cancel ur plans and hang out with him
he ordered a pizZA for the two of you to share!!!!
he just doesn’t like that you’re hanging out with jungkook because he knoWs there’s a mutual attraction between the two of you and he doesn’t liKE THAT
not to mention
jungkook is a one night stand kind of guy and he’s probably going to bail on you after getting into your pants
the only reason why he’s still spending time with you is because you haven’t had sex with him yet and jungkook isn’t a quitter
taehyung only knows all of this because he lived with the guy last year for crying out loud
jeon jungkook is a young man of many talents and one of them is playing the ‘i’m not like other guys :-)’ card very, veRy well
“tae? could you help me?” taehyung is snapped out of his thoughts by your soft voice and he-
oh wow
god you’re pretty
you’re wearing a baby blue mini dress patterned with little daisies
you reach up to tug at one of the sleeves before turning around and gesturing to the zipper in the back
“oh, uh, yeah.” he steps towards you and you pull your hair aside
taehyung clears his throat as he pulls your zipper up slowly
his eyes flicker up to yours in the mirror
“you look… good. you look really pretty.”
the shyest of smiles tug at the corner of your mouth and you mutter a little ‘thank u’
tae can’t help but wish that you were dressing up for a date with him instead of a date with someone else
“i’ll see you later, tae!”
taehyung lets out a breath as he hears the door slam shut
looks like it’s just dinner for one tonight
he leans over and blows out the candle
you rub your hands together and shiver as you step out of the building
you hop down the stairs happily
it’s definitely a little chilly tonight but you’re not going to let that dampen the mooD
maybe you should’ve brought a cardigan with you
you still have time to go up and get it
but then again, jungkook’ll probably be here soon so you’ll be in the warmth of his heated car in no time
you just have to wait for a little bit!
you sit down on the steps and pick a piece of lint off your dress
and so, you wait
and you wait
and you wait
and you wait and you wait and you wait until you’ve been sitting on the steps for two whole hours
jungkook hasn’t texted
he hasn’t called
you’ve heard absolutely nothing from him
the only reason why you haven’t gone back up to the apartment is because you’re paranoid that if jungkook comes and you’re uP there then he’ll think that you’RE the one who bailed and you definitely don’t want that-
you nearly drop your phone when it starts buzzing in your hand and you don’t know whether to feel angry or relieved to see jungkook’s number on the screen
“hello?” you clear your throat and wrap your arms tighter around yourself
jesus it’s coLd
“y/n, i am so sorry… i completely forgot about dinner tonight… can we reschedule?”
“n-no, it’s okay, it happens to all of us!” you shake your head as you push yourself up off the stairs “i didn’t think i would be so easily forgotten considering the fact that you asked me like four hours ago but-“
you freeze when you hear the sound of someone else’s soft giggle and a faint ‘who’s that, kookie?’ in the background and you immediately pale
is he
is he seriously with someone else right now
“sorry, were you saying something? i think you got cut off.”
you poke your tongue into your cheek and let out a scoff
“…go fuck yourself, kookie.”
you hang up on him before he has the chance to respond and shove your phone back into your purse
what a jerk!!!!!
you waited two hours for him!!! and it tuRns out he was with someone else the entiRE friggin time
you feel so stupid
the entire elevator ride back up to the apartment you’re thinking of a hundred different ways to castrate jeon jungkook
you would love to just drive your fist riGHT into that absurdly-toned stomach
put some high heels on and jump all over his muscular thighs
maybe even-
“you’re back much earlier than i expected.”
you close the door behind you and double lock it
tae is sitting on the couch still watching the nature docuseries
and it looks like he finished most of the popcorn and peanut-butter cups himself
taehyung furrows his brows as he checks the time on his phone “it’s only-“
“he didn’t come. he forgot about dinner.” you force a smile on your face as you bend down to untie your shoelaces
taehyung frowns
uh oh
“…but you’ve been gone for two hours-“
“because i was waiting outside on the sidewalk-“
“well why didn’t you just come back up-“
“because he said he would pick me up outside, and i didn’t want him to think i bailed on him or anything if i wasn’t waiting for him downstairs.” your voice wavers slightly as you yank your hair down from your high ponytail
taehyung can see that you’re visibly upset and it makes hiM mad that jungkook flaked on his date with you
but at the same time it makes him mad that you said yes to going out with jungkook instead of hanging out with him!!!
he doesn’t know what to think!!!
maybe it’s because he’s eaten like 100 mini peanut butter cups and feels suPer jittery but he’s just vEry confused and frustrated about a lot of things but one thing that he knows for sure is that he likes u a lot and he’s hurt because yoU chose jungkook over him
and he knows that you’re not obligated to hang out with him anD he supposes it’s not fair of him to act so selfishly considering the fact that you don’t know about his feelings for you but stiLL
he’s allowed to wallow in a pool of self-pity for as long as he likes!!!!  
“i’m not surprised he bailed on you.” taehyung mutters to himself and turns the volume up on the tv
you immediately stop in your tracks
oh boy
if you weren’t upset a second ago you’re definitely upset now
you drop your purse to the floor before storming over and grabbing the remote from him and promptly turning the tv off
“hey, i was watching that!” taehyung snaps and reaches over to grab the remote back from you “give it back-“
“why are you such an asshole?!” you hiss and toss the remote aside “for the last couple of months, i’ve been nothing but a wonderful roommate! i cook, i clean, i buy the groceries, i make sure the bills are always paid on time so that you can enjoy your hot lava showers, i do the laundry, i even iron your stupid bandanas for you because i don’t want you walking around with crinkly ass bandanas on your head - and you have repaid me with absolutely nothing!” tears of anger sting at your eyes and you reach up to wipe them away aggressively
taehyung gets up from the couch “jesus, y/n, take it easy-“
“all you do is sit on your ass all day and whine and complain and make mean comments and push me around and leave your shiT everywhere a-and constantly bring girls home and i hate you! i absolutely, 100% hate you with every fibre of my being and i want you out of my goddamn apartment by the end of tomorrow night. i want you out!”
taehyung’s eyes widen in surprise
first of all
“you don’t hate me.” taehyung shakes his head and gets up from the couch
“i do. i do hate you. like, a lot.” you mumble and cross your arms
he’s quiet for a second and he clenches his jaw  
“fine, here’s what we’re going to do.”
you furrow your brows in confusion as tae pushes the couch to the side of the room before proceeding to push the coffee table to the side as well so that the centre of the living room is bare
“what the hell are you doing??”
“you stand by the front door,” taehyung points towards the door “and i’ll stand way over there by the balcony doors. from this point, there are approximately twelve steps away from both the front door and the balcony doors, so it’s fair. every time you list one reason as to why you hate me, you take a step forward.”
you immediately scoff
“oh, please. i can list a hundred reasons as to why i hate you.“
“however!” taehyung raises a finger to shut you up “if i can defend myself against you, i can take a step forward as well. if i get to the centre of the room before you, i get to stay. if you get to the centre before i do, then i’ll leave.”
“what do you mean defend yourself?? that hardly seems fair-”
“hey, i’m giving you the chance to kick me out. don’t you want to take that chance since you obviously hate me, y/n?” he seethes and clenches his fists at his sides
“you know what? fine. i have a vEry detailed list of reasons why i hate you in my notes app and i’m glad that i finally get to share it with you” you pull your phone out and open up the document
(you made this document within the first month of him moving in but you haven’t actually opened it in a long time so it’s kinDa empty so it looks like you’re going to have to improvise)
taehyung snorts and rolls his eyes as he leans back against the balcony doors “you’re not doing a very good job at hiding your crazy, y/l/n.”
there he goes again with anoTher snarky comment
you are sO ready to win this fight and kick kim taehyung out of your apartment
you ignore his remark and clear your throat before taking one step forward “reason #1: you constantly use my shampoo. it’s my shampoo!!! i bought it with my own money aNd it’s on my side of the tub!!”
“how dare you?” taehyung scoffs “i’m helping you by using your shampoo.”
what the hell is he even talking about
“what- please, enliGhten me.” you snort “how are you helping me by using up all of my shampoo?”
“see, the thing is - you use too much conditioner. i’m a very observant person, and i’ve noticed that since you use too much conditioner every time you wash your hair, you’re always having to buy a new bottle of conditioner way, waY before you’ve finished using up the shampoo. so i’m just helping out by using up all the shampoo so that the ratio of shampoo to conditioner is always consistent! if you think about it, i’m actually helping you out.”
taehyung takes a step forward and you gawk at him before shaking your head “that is noT fair-“
“hey, i defended myself and i backed myself up with good reasons. next reason!”
“fine!” you take another step forward and look at the list on your phone again “you always, always leave your dirty dishes in the sink and you never wash them which means i end up having to take care of them for you. have you noticed i never leave any of my dirty dishes in the sink?”
“you know, you’re right about that.” taehyung lets out a sigh and crosses his arms “…however, the problem with your statement is that you don’t give me the chance to take care of my dirty dishes in the sink. i leave them there for one minute and the next thing i know, when i walk back into the kitchen, you’re already there scrubbing away at the dishes. i don’t wash my dishes because you won’t let me. you’re right! you never leave any of your dirty dishes in the sink because you always eat takeout - do you realise you’re contributing to the plastic waste pollution that is already greatly impacting our planet? do you hate the earth, y/n? is that it? you like watching nature documentaries yet you don’t seem to care about our planet…”
“i-i don’t hate the earth!!!! i love the earth!!!!” you stammer over your words at the sudden accusation of you wanting to watch the world burn
“say that to the fAT bag of plastic straws in the kitchen cabinet. i highly suggest you invest in a reusable metal straw, like me.”
okay it’s fine you still have plenty of things to complain about
“you drink juice straight out of the carton!”
“i drink the juice out of the carton because you constantly complain about me having dirty dishes. if i drink out of the carton, i won’t have to use a cup, which results in less dirty dishes. you’re welcome.”
“you consTAntly leave the toilet seat up”
“actually, you constantly leave the toilet seat down.”
“whenever you bring your special friends over you guys are always too loud aNd it always sounds like goats screeCHING”
taehyung holds a finger out and takes another step forward
oh you have goT to be kidding
“you haven’t-“
“have you ever heard me?”
you falter for a second
he hasn’t brought a girl around in a while but you remember that when he would bring them over usually you’d just hear,.,. the girl
thinking about it now you don’t know if you’ve ever heard taehyung moaning obnoxiously
“the ladies are the ones making the goat noises, not me - so you can’t blame me here because i’m not the one making the sounds.” taehyung laughs lightly and the smug smile drops from your face when he takes a step forward
oh my god
this game is impossible
you’re never going to win
you’re never going to get rid of him
taehyung totaLLy rigged the entire thing
you hate him!!!!
“i hate you.” you take a giAnt step forward
taehyung raises a brow
so that’s how you’re going to play it
“i hate you more.” he does the same
“i hate you most!” you take another step forward
“i hate you mostest!”
“i hate you… x100!!!!”
“i hate you infinity!!!”
and now
you’re both standing toe to toe nose to nose in the middle of the living room and taehyung raises a brow at you as if daring you to make a move
you want nothing more than to wipe that cocky smirk off his face
and he wants nothing more than to continue to push your buttons and piss you off
the sound of your phone clattering to the ground might as well be a starter gunshot
the two of you practically lunge at each other and your mouths smear together clumsily
your teeth bump together with scraping kisses but honestly you can’t bring yourself to care
there’s something sweet about the way his lips taste
…it’s that damn strawberry gum he’s always chewing on
you feel tae’s hands slide down from your waist and skim over your bum briefly before he’s wrapping his fingers around the underside of your thighs and hoisting you up in one swift movement
you let out a gasp of surprise before winding your arms around tae’s neck instinctively “jesUs tae give a girl a warning next time-“
“next time?” he jokes and your cheeks flush at the implication that this is going to happen again sometime in the future
luckily the bedroom isn’t far from the living room because tae’s low-key afraid he’s going to drop you at some point
“u know what i mean”
“no, i don’t think i do- also, we’re fucking in my room because i’m the one with the condoms-“
“how do you know i don’t have condoms???”
“…you ever think about becoming a comedian?”
you roll your eyes before leaning down and covering his mouth with yours
“hey, i just realised i didn’t get the chance to tell you about all the things that i despise about you!” the mattress bounces underneath your weight as tae plops you down on it
you let out a huff and reach up to brush a couple strands of hair away from your face
“impossible because i’m literally perfect in every single way possible-“
“you wanna know what i hate about you?” tae cuts you off and parts your legs before crawling over you “you watch rilakkuma and you are an aDULt-”
you gawk immediately and resist the urge to smack him on the side of his head “says the one who watches naRUtO-“
“and not to mention i hate your stupid fruit-printed panties-“ taehyung growls and grinds down against your centre as he nips down your neck
you instinctively arch your back against him before letting out a snort “they’re cute and comFORtabLE-“
“if you’re going to walk around the apartment with no shorts on, at least wear something a little lacier.” he rolls his eyes as he pulls away from you and hops off so that he’s standing at the foot of the bed
you shuffle up to settle your head back against the pillows “oh, fuck you”
before you get a chance to get comfortable tae’s grabbing your ankles then pulling you back down so that your legs are dangling off the end of the mattress
your eyes widen when he suddenly appears above you
“trust me, i’m about to.” he leans down to give you a quick kiss before pulling away and you unconsciously let out a whimper
taehyung lowers to his knees and pushes your dress up until it’s crumpled up around your waist
of course your panties have peaches on them  
fitting, considering the fact he’s going to be eating your peach in a minute
“oh, i also hate that you watch nature documentaries instead of shitty reality television shows like the reST of us-“ he grumbles and yanks your panties off before tossing them aside
you instinctively squeeze your legs together and taehyung reaches up to grip onto your kneecaps
“you know, i don’t know why you have to be so judgemental about eveRYthing that i do!! like so what if i watch rilakkuma and documentaries about sharks and- namjoon was actually the one who introduced me to nature docs in the first place because he said that cartoons would rot my brain so if you’re looking to put the blame on someone i personally would hiGHly suggest that- oH“ you yelp in surprise when tae suddenly fuLLy spreads your legs in one swift movement
he looks up at you from in between your legs and his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your thigh when he feels you wanting to cloSe them again
“are you going to shut up and let me go down on you or what?”
it doesn’t take you very long to discover what soo-young, or joy, was so damn happy about
your back arches and your lashes flutter in disbelief when you feel tae gliding his tongue in between your folds in quick, deep strokes
you don’t really want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan because of him but goD he’s making it really hard to not moan
your fingers grip tightly at the bedsheets and you nearly bite your bottom lip off when taehyung’s the one who lets out a throaty groan
“a-ah-“ this is the first loud moan he’s been able to pull from you and you feel the curve of his mouth as he smiles against you
“where do you think you’re going?” you let out a little yelp of surprise when taehyung wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you down so that he can get even deeper
“tae- oh my god-“ you’re practically blubbering at this point and taehyung is very satisfied knowing about his effect on you
your knuckles feel creaky from clutching at the bedsheets so tightly but somehow you manage to pry one hand off before you’re tangling your fingers into tae’s honey brown locks and giving him a little tug of encouragement
the strands of hair feel awfully soft between your fingers and you’re reminded for a brief second that it’s because he’s using your organic shampoo and condition-
“don’T stop, oh my god, don’t stop-“ you accidentally give him a particularly rough yank when he suckles harder and flicks his tongue rapidly over your nerves
you can feel your muscles starting to get tighter
your abdomen starting to clench and unclench
and that familiar warmth growing in your stomach
the tingly feeling from the tips of your toes to the tips of your fingers
you’re almost there
getting closer and closer to cloud nine
and just when you’re literally a second away from exploding-
your eyes pop open when tae suddenly pulls away and your body twitches in response to being so close yet so far  
“wait, wha-“ you prop yourself up on your elbows
your dress is drooping off one shoulder and you gawk at tae when it seems like he’s not going to get back down there anytime soon “what are you doing?? i was literally about to-“
“if you’re going to cum-“ tae gets back up onto his knees before tugging his shirt off in one swift movement
he tilts his head and offers you a smirk when he notices your eyes wandering
“-you might as well do it around my cock.”  
it doesn’t take very long for the two of you to prep for the main course
in fact it kind of seems like a competition as the both of you riP your clothes off  
you’re pretty sure you broke a thread or two on your dress but it’s fine
“you ready?” there’s a playful glint in tae’s eyes as he rips the foil package open with his teeth
you resist the urge to roll your eyes as you settle back against the fluffy pillows
“are you ready?” you challenge with a raised brow
christ almighty
he likes you but you’re reaLLy getting on his nerves
“i cannot wait to fuck the brattiness out of you” tae grumbles more to himself than to you
you knew tae was packing even beFore you got to see it up close and personal (like all those times he’d walk around the apartment wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants) but it still doesn’t fail to surprise you looking at it now
he’s an impressive size, to say the least
tae glances at you for a second as if to gauge your reaction as he rolls the condom onto his length smoothly
the way you spread your legs for him the moment he gets the condom on is definitely a good sign
tae settles in between your legs and leans down to give you an (unexpectedly sweet) kiss as he presses against your entrance
he immediately notices the way your brows pinch together in discomfort
it hAs been a while after all
“you alright?” he asks softly as you envelope him in your arms
“don’t get all soft on me now, kim” you tease and brush some hair out of his eyes
he snorts
“trust me, i’m the opposite of that-“
your mouth falls open in a silent gasp when tae slides in smoothly with no resistance at aLL from your walls
he did a really good job warming you up that’S for sure
you dig your nails into his shoulders when he drives forward hard and he swoops down to catch your lips in a kiss
“jesus, you’re tight-“ he huffs when he feels you clench around him
you whimper breathlessly while pulling his broad, muscled shoulders closer and bucking your hips up towards him
“do you hate me now, hm?” tae growls lowly as he hitches one of your legs up to his hip and continues to piston into you
“i, nngh, i h-hate you s-so much-“ you’re practically sobbing with pleasure and taehyung is most definitely going to keep this memory in his spank bank for future use heyO
he’s going so mind-blowingly hard he’s sure that he’s going to break the bed
his breathing is raggedly in time with every push into you
he groans and throws his head back when he feels himself getting closer n closer to the edge
he never thought it was possible to feel this good
god is a woman yes She IS
your head digs back against the plush pillows and tae lowers his body so that he’s resting on his forearms
his sticky chest is practically crushed against yours as he continues to drive you into the bed and you can’t help but let yourself indulge in the feeling of his muscles rippling underneath your fingertips
“you don’t- fuck, you don’t hate me, admit it-“
“jesus tae of course i don- god, h-harder,” you hiccup and dig your nails into his back so hard that you’re positive you’re drawing a little bit of blood “please-“
if there’s one thing that taehyung knows he’s super good at
it’s taunting you
and he’ll never forgive himself if he lets this window of opportunity close on him
“please, who?” he taunts you with hot breaths against your ear “say my name-“
“f-fuck you-“
“jesus, fuck, say my fucking name-“ his hand slips in between your legs and you twitch when he starts rubbing quick circles over your clit “let everybody know who’s making you feel this good-“ taehyung groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck
“tae- oh my god, taehyung-!” you cry out sharply and immediately tighten around the next powerful push he delivers inside of you
your orgasm shockwaves through you as you pulse hard around him
you can practically hear your blood roaring in your ears as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm
speaking of orgasms
tae’s thrusts are starting to get jerky and uneven and you can tell by the way his nails dig into the soft flesh of your hips that he’s close
“so fucking tight-“ tae stiffens and rams into you one last time before his orgasm practically explodes from the centre of him and into the condom
his lips part and he lets out a low moan of satisfaction before going slack on top of you
you’re nothing but light twitches and whimpers as taehyung pulls out of you gently
you feel him pressing soft kisses to your shoulders and you reach up to stroke your hand over his damp locks before he’s rolling off of you with a gasp
you just
you and tae just
y’all really did that
the realisation that the two of you just had sex seems to hit the both of you at the same time
tae clears his throat
“so.” you repeat quietly
you prop yourself up on your elbows and turn to look over at him
“you can keep living here, i was just… pent-up anger, you know how it builds.”
“oh, yeah, i get it.” tae clears his throat as he sits up to toss the soiled condom away
you lie back down and let out a breath
would it be weird for you to stay
is he not asking you to leave because he’s just being polite
o god
maybe you should go back to your room
you lift the covers off gingerly and sit up as your eyes flicker about to search for your dress “i should probably-“
tae reaches out quickly and wraps his fingers around your wrist
you turn to look at him
he looks dewy in the warm glow of the bedside lamp (but also because he’s kinda sweAty)
his cheeks are rosy and his hair is mussed and he has blotches of red dotted along his neck and if you look hard enough you’re able to make out the faint crescent moon marks embedded in his bicep (you really need to cut ur nails soon)
he’s so cute
“you- uh, you can stay if you want to… you didn’t get a chance to put your fresh bedsheets on anyway”
his heart skips a beat when you nod and curl back under the covers with him
a moment of silence goes by
tae turns over onto his side so that he’s facing you
“do you actually hate me?” he murmurs and reaches over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
you hum
“i could never.”
he smiles happily before flipping over onto his back
he doesn’t know if now would be a good time to tell you about how he feels about you
the comfortable silence is nice and also he’s still a little anxious about how you’re going to respond
he doesn’t want to ruin this bubble that you guys are in right now
so maybe it’d be better to tell you tomorrow
he’ll do it tomorrow
as you’re lying there in the dark, the thought of ‘do i like taehyung?’ crosses your mind
and there’s really only one answer to that question
there’s a reason why you weren’t all that hurt when jungkook didn’t show up
there’s a reason why the entire time you were waiting for jungkook to pick you up, the only thing you were thinking about was how you definitely bailed on tae and how much fun a pizza and documentary night would’ve been with him
there’s a reason why you let him join in on your supEr private air-guitar concerts in the kitchen that only namjoon has been able to experience
there’s a reason why you don’t mind all the teasing and the hair-pulling
there’s a reason
why you don’t get mad at him when he wakes you up in the morning by whacking you with a pillow before bouncing up and down on your bed like a maniac
why you don’t roll your eyes when he complains about there not being any yogurt left or when you eat the last piece of orange chicken or when you insist on watching another episode of ‘our earth’ before going to bed and he responds by calling you a nerd
there’s a reason why you feel like this unintentional hookup was actually intentional this whole damn time
there’s a reason why you agreed to stay with him instead of going to your room which is literally ten steps away
oh, god. i like taehyung.
taehyung wakes up the next morning in a cold, empty bed
he props himself up and rubs his hand over his face to wake himself up a little bit
his eyes flicker over your side of the bed
the pillow still has a dip in it from where your head was and-
yep of courSe you left a couple stands of hair behind lol
he turns to check the time on his phone and thaT’s when he notices the pink sticky note stuck to the pole of his bedside lamp
he squints a little because his eyes are still a little bleary with sleep
but once the note comes into his focus and he gets a chance to read it
his heart drops to his stomach
‘taehyung - i think that was a mistake.’
here’s the thing
you’re not just stressing out a little bit
you weren’t even this nervous when you were studying for finals!!!!!
you’re stressing out a LOTtle bit because now that you’ve had the entire day to think about it
you’re 110% sure that you have a crush on kim taehyung
and you have no fuNKing idea what the heck you’re supposed to do now
tell him that you like him??? what if he doesn’t like you back?? he’s still going to be your roommate even if he doesn’t like you back and things will never be the same again because you’re always going to have that elephant in the room you’ll be tip-toeing around and it’s just going to be a biG ol mess
but what if you don’t tell him that you like him?? then things will go back to normal except you guys will just never talk about the fact that his p was inside of your v and you’re probably going to have to deal with him bringing girls over again which is something that would honestly probably break your already weAK heart
but if you really think about it
at the end of the day, you’re always going home to taehyung
taehyung is your home.
“sometimes you just have to be willing to take a chance, you know?” namjoon shrugs as he flips a pen in between his fingers “otherwise you’re going to spend the rest of your life wondering to yourself, ‘what if i…?’”
you let out a little huff and lean down to press your face against the counter
sometimes you feel like namjoon was some kind of wise old owl in his past life
or maybe because he just reads a lot of philosophy books
he spends a lot of time in the library after all
“i don’t know, joonie… it’s not that easy, you know?” you sigh and shake your head “what happens if he doesn’t feel-“
namjoon literally shrieKs and ducks down when the library doors suddenly swing open violently
your eyes widen when you see taehyung storm in looking like he’s about to kill someone
he looks around frantically before locking gazes with you
it looks like the person he’s about to kill is you
“what the hell do you mean by ‘i think that was a mistake?’”
oh boy
you swallow thickly
“it either was a mistake or it wasn’T a mistake! you can’t think you made a mistake! you make a mistake, or you don’t make a mistake! there’s no in between, y/n!” he exasperates as he stomps over to you
you flash the people around the front counter a sheepish smile before looking at a veRy angry tae
you clear your throat
“hello to you too, roomie.”
“oh don’T give me that roomie bullshit right now, y/l/n.” he snaps and fixes the strap of his backpack “i think we need to talk.”
nice reference
how clever of him
the cheeky boy
“i… don’t know if we have anything we need to talk about…” you shrug innocently before turning to lean back against the counter
if that’s how you’re going to do things then tae will happily play along
“oh? we don’t?” he raises a brow before poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek
he scoffs and crosses his arms before looking you dead in the eye
“okay, fine. we don’t have to talk about the red scratch marks down my back left by your nails due to our mind-blowing sex last night because they’re kindA starting to sting and i was hoping we could go to the pharmacy and pick up some ointment for them… we also don’t have to talk about how you practically went cross-eyed when i did that thing with my tongue where-“
“okAY so it looks like we do have a couple things to talk about after all!!!!!” your voice cracks and namjoon gives you that look that you knOw is the ‘you have a lot of explaining to do’ face
it kind of makes him look constipated but that’s not the point
the most private place you could find in the shortest amount of time was behind the library
there’s a faint smell of garbage since this is where the dumpsters are but it seems like neither one of you care
“what is the matter with you??” you hiss and cross your arms
“what’s the matter with me?” tae scoffs “what’s the matter with yOU??”  
you resist the urge to roll your eyes
“look, i’m sure whatever you want to talk about can wait til we get back to the apartment-“
“where were you in the morning?” tae interrupts you and raises a brow
the thing is
this morning when you woke up and realised that you still had feelings for taehyung and it wasn’t just a post-orgasm hormonal thing you kind of freaked out
so naturally you just… left
you just needed some time to think
anD you needed to hunt namjoon down because he always gives the best advice
you didn’t think it’d be such a big deal
in fact you’re not even sure why taehyung is fussing so much over it
“what- what are you talking about?”
“i don’t know how else to state the question. where were you this morning?”
“…i was… look, taehyung, i-“
“how do you think it makes me feel when you promised you would stay with me and i-i wake up completely alone and instead of seeing you the first thing i see is a stupid sticky note with-“ he raises his hands to do air quotes “-taehyung, i think that was a mistake?????”
“i can see why that would make you upset but i really think it’d be best if we just forgot about what we did and simply moved on-“
“oh my god, you are so stuBBo- you know what, i actually didn’t get the chance to finish going through the list of things that i hate about you, so i think now is the perfect chance to finish telling you aLL about it” tae laughs coldly and your brows knit together in confusion
“i don’t know if that’s very relevant right now-“
“you wanna know what the biggest thing i hate about you is?”
oh god
here we go
“what? my apparent inability to differentiate between making a mistake and-“
“i hate how much i like you.” tae interrupts you and your eyes widen at the sudden confession “i like everything about you, y/n. i like seeing how happy you get when you’re watching an episode of rilakkuma or when we’re having a nature documentary marathon. i like your stupid fruit-printed panties and i’m pretty sure my heart went into overdrive when i saw your dumb peach ones last night.” tae rolls his eyes playfully, “i like you, and i’m like 97% sure that you like me back, but you’re just too stubborn to admit it! i just- you are so fruStrating and usually i can tell if someone likes me back but it’s like i can’t even tell with you!!!!!” he scoffs and flaiLs his arms around before starting to pace around in front of you “jesus, y/l/n, i like you, and i wanna hold your hand, and i wanna kiss your stupid face after you wake up and before you go to bed, and i want you to wear my sweatshirts not because it was accidentally mixed into your laundry basket but just because you like wearing my clothes, and i wanna go grocery shopping with you and see how many tubs of ice cream we can get for free-“
you’re barely paying attention to what taehyung’s saying because:
taehyung likes you
and you like him
the realisation makes a soft smile appear on your face and you feel your heart skip a beat
taehyung likes you!!!!
and you like him!!!!
you guys like each other!!!!!
oh my god!!!!!
oH My gOD!!!!!!
“and you know what, even if you don’t like me back i don’t regret telling you about my feelings because i feel good knowing that it’s off my chest-“
“tae-“ you clear your throat and tae holds a hand out as if to tell you to shUT it
“-and at the end of the day we’re still going to be roommates which is finE with me like if you don’t like me in that way i guess i’ll have to get used to rejection but-“
“-i just wanna know!!!! i just wanna know what’s going on in that duMb ol head of yours because one minute you’re cuddled up to me and the next you’re acting like i’m crawling with germs oR one minute you’re calling me tae-tae and feeding me chicken because i’m too lazy to feed myself and the next minute you-“
“kim taehyung!!!!!!!”
“what?!” tae stops in his tracks and whiPs around to face you
he’s surprised to see that you’re looking at him with the softest smile on your face
there’s a little twinkle in your eye as you take a step towards him
“i think… this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.”
the frown fades from tae’s face
wait what
you want him to kiss you?
does this mean…
well now he feels a little silly
you should’ve saiD something before he went off on his angry rant about how much he haTes that he likes you
taehyung clears his throat “…sorry, what was that?”
you let out a sigh and roll your eyes before reaching out and grabbing onto the collar of tae’s t-shirt and pulling him towards you
your nervous happiness transitions to a giddy excitement as you press your lips against his
this kiss is definitely veRy different compared the one you shared last night
more sweet
more loving
your guys’ mouths meld together so perfectly it almost seems like you guys were made for each other and damNit you can taste that obnoxiously sweet strawberry gum on his lips
tae’s arm snakes around your waist and his palm presses against your jaw as he tilts your head up
you feel like you could float up to the sky like a balloon if it weren’t for his grip on you
his lips are insistent and he parts for a brief second before going back in for another kiss
he tilts his head a bit juSt so he can press a tiny bit harder and you giggle when his nose nudges against yours
it feels like sparkles are just blinking everYwhere around the two of you
tae smiles softly as he pulls away and up this close you’re able to see the golden flecks in his brown irises twinkling like little tiny stars
“does this mean i can drink straight out of the orange juice carton now?” tae hums and brushes a strand of your hair back gently
you purse your lips in thought
“…we’re going to have to talk about that one.”
so yeah
out of all the people in the world to get stuck with
kim taehyung really isn’t all that bad.
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Hey! So! I’m not dead! Surprised? Me too!
This story was written for my good friend @comfortably-chaotic-mind -  I love them, please go follow them and read whatever they post. Some ColdFlash written just for you, buddy, since I know I haven’t written much...and this is honestly kind of garbage and not in any way explicitly ColdFlash until the end, and I might eventually continue it in a real story (probably not). But anyway! Good job with school! Here you go!
Oops? a ColdFlash Fic for @comfortably-chaotic-mind - 4700 words
He glanced up, fingers pausing their furious typing but still hovering over the keys. “Yeah?”
“There’s some guy at the door, says he knows you.”
Barry’s brow scrunched. “Who?”
His roommate shrugged. “Didn’t give a name. Said he was your friend, asked me to get you.” A pause, and he looked over his shoulder almost nervously. “He’s creepy, dude—I think he might be on the run. Who the fuck you hangin’ out with?”
Realization dawned, and he laughed. “Oh, okay,” he said, still laughing. “Yeah, it’s fine. It’s just Len—you can let him in.”
“You sure?”
Barry rolled his eyes. “Yes, Hal. I promise he won’t steal your stuff.”
His roommate’s eyes narrowed at that. “Even more suspicious,” he muttered, but he disappeared back into the hall.
There were muffled voices—Hal telling Len where to find him—and then the front door shut and the TV in the living room turned on. If he listened really carefully, he could hear quiet footsteps on the creaky stairs.
The door to his bedroom-slash-office opened again, and he turned back to his computer. The data report wasn’t going to finish itself. It didn’t take long for the door to shut, and then a man’s figure came to lean against the desk beside his arm.
“No Cold-Gun today?” Barry asked, conversational. “How bold of you. You know, without that thing, I could take you to jail whenever I want.”
The man scoffed. “We have a deal, Scarlet—I don’t kill, you don’t turn me in. I haven’t killed anyone, so…”
He rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Snart?” he sighed. “And how did you even find me?”
“I asked Vibe.”
Barry waited for him to continue, but he left it at that, so Barry finally stopped talking and looked up with a raised brow and a completely nonplussed expression. “What do you want, Cold?” he snapped.
Len just frowned. “What are you doing here, Scarlet?”
“What do you mean?” He gestured pointedly around them. “I’m working.”
“You work in Central City,” the man corrected, almost…grumbling.
Barry shook his head, face scrunching in utter confusion. “No, I mean—I had to go back to school.”
“Yeah? Back? This is where I went to get my degree in the first place, and now I have to take an updated course. Just a few weeks. I should be back by next month. I’m even getting paid for it.” He grinned, though it almost immediately fell when Len just stared at him. “What?”
“When did you get your degree?”
“Every CSI has a college degree, Snart. It’s mandatory.”
“No. When were you in Coast City?”
He shrugged. “I moved the summer after high school. School for three years, training for one, and then I went home.” The other man was silent, and his brow scrunched in concern. “Why?”
Len shook his head. “No reason,” he said quietly, glancing around the room. The way he said it indicated that there was, in fact, a reason, but that he would not be disclosing it. “What are you doing back?”
“Refresher course,” Barry replied slowly. “They updated the curriculum for the new tech we have now, and Singh offered to send me back here instead of doing the course in Central, since Coast City is way better in the university department.”
The other man didn’t ask anything else, still looking around the room, and the speedster sighed deeply.
“Look, Snart, I have a lot of work to do, so if there’s a reason for this visit, please get to—”
“What was it like,” he interrupted, the words rough and halting, as if he were forcing them out of his throat, “for you, when you were in your coma?”
Barry blinked in surprise. “How do you know about that?”
“Humor me, Scarlet.”
“I…” He hesitated before shaking his head. “Well, it was hard, at first. Not just because I woke up with superspeed, but—when I was…asleep…I was just dreaming. About anything, everything—and it didn’t really feel like anything more than just regular dreams and stuff. And then I woke up, and it had been, like…nine, ten months without me even noticing. So I had to deal with that.” He sighed. “The world just kind of…I mean, the world doesn’t stop because a random CSI is in a coma. No one really cared—No one other than Iris and Joe, and STAR Labs kinda. So, yeah. It was rough for a while. Everything had changed, and I didn’t even get to see it.”
Len was quiet for a long moment. Barry watched him carefully, searching for any sign as to what this was all about.
Finally, the older man sighed and shook his head. “How did you know it was me at the door?”
“Hal’s description,” he replied without hesitation. “He’s pretty intuitive about stuff. Said you looked like you were on the run, and creepy, and suspicious, but if he thought you were actually dangerous, he would have come out and said it. And you’re the only one I know that could pull that off and still say, I’m a friend of Barry’s, can you get him? with a totally straight face.” He shrugged. “Anyone else who might have done that is still in Central. I got an update last night—they all went out to celebrate Caitlin’s first official catch.” He grinned.
Len rolled his eyes. “You left a bunch of newbies to protect the city,” he sighed disapprovingly.
Barry frowned. “You know, when we first met, I was a newbie,” he pointed out. “I had only been a speedster for like—a month.” He huffed. “Cisco and Iris have it under control for now. It’s fine. The city’s in good hands.”
“I don’t like it.”
The speedster paused, head tilted as his eyes narrowed. “Why?”
“I just don’t. A lot can happen without the Scarlet Speedster around.”
“There are three other speedsters in town right now. I think they’ll be fine.”
“None of them are you.”
“What’s your point, Len?” he sighed, exasperated now. “Did something happen?”
Just then, Barry’s alarm sounded, startling him. It was noon: officially lunchtime. He huffed, shutting down his laptop and standing to stretch. Then his phone started beeping again—not his alarm, this time, but his text-tone. And then it started ringing. Like, ringing ringing, in the way it only did when Cisco’s latest installation was being put to use.
He had only let him put the app on his phone a few weeks ago, before going to Coast City, just in case. If several people called him at once, he could choose which he wanted to answer rather than hearing the busy-line beeping noise when he answered the phone.
Barry raised a brow and reached for the device.
Len grabbed his arm, pulling him back. “Don’t answer that,” he all but ordered. “Trust me.”
“Why?” His face scrunched. “What’s going on?” he demanded.
“They’re just going to tell you that I’m on my way here,” the man explained carefully. “And since I’m already here, you don’t need to know.”
“How did you get here so fast, then?” Barry retorted.
“Kara lent me her generator.” Len shrugged. “She was…strangely nice.” His brow rose. “I’m guessing you only told her the good parts, and not that I’m a criminal?”
The speedster ran a hand through his hair. “Maybe? By the time I met her, you were with the Legends.” He paused. “How did you meet her?”
“Long story.”
“Obviously, I’ve got time.” He crossed his arms and glared pointedly. “What the hell is going on, Len? What did you do in Central that has everyone trying to get ahold of me? When did you get back from the Waverider? Why are you here?”
“I didn’t know where else to go!” Len shouted, expression crumpling. “Mick won’t talk to me, Lisa’s underground, Sara thinks I’ve lost my mind, and the rest of the crew—they can barely look at me after what they did! What they let me do!”
Barry was utterly confused, now, and he took a slow step forward as if approaching a scared, wounded animal. “What are you talking about?” he asked carefully.
“I died, Barry.”
He froze—actually froze, standing stock-still like a robot shutting down. This was… “What?” he asked. “What…That…What?”
Len sighed, slumping down into the vacated office chair. “The Time Masters were—They were gonna let Vandal Savage wreck the timeline. Kill whoever he wanted. They said they had to, to ensure the world’s survival.”
“What does that mean?”
“In a couple hundred years, we’re going to be invaded by Thanagaar—an alien planet with a warlike people. And the Time Masters don’t think we’ll make it unless Savage is there to help us. So, they let him do what he wants, shape the world into what he thinks is best, and he’ll save the world.”
“It’s Vandal Savage, Len. He can’t be trusted.”
“I know,” he snapped. “We all knew that.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We decided to destroy their time-keeping device. The Oculus, they called it. It held the records for every timeline, every little change that would or could occur. Destroy that, and time is guided by freewill.”
“And the only way to destroy it was to stand right next to it, holding down the button until it exploded.” He looked up, watching the horror dawn across Barry’s face, and nodded. “Ray was going to be the one, thinking his Atom suit would protect him, but we saw that it wouldn’t. And then Mick tried to step in, because Rip convinced him it was the way to repent—by saving his friend. I couldn’t—I couldn’t let him die.”
“I couldn’t let Mick die, Barry,” he snapped. “Not like that. Not when I—I was the one who dragged him into the whole thing. Into the Legends. He followed me, after everything, after everything I did to him, and…and I couldn’t do it.”
“I get it.”
“I knocked him out, took his place…blew up the Oculus. Took out half the Time Masters, too.”
“And then?”
“I died. Disintegrated. Became…Nothing.”
Barry reached out to set a hand on his shoulder, brow scrunched in sympathy. “How long?”
“I don’t know.” Len shook his head. “Days? Years? Centuries? I…I wasn’t sleeping, exactly, or dreaming. It was all…real. And then you were there. Every time I managed to pull myself together, every time I relaxed into the pain enough to think…You were there.”
He was confused again. “I don’t remember…”
The man was already shaking his head. “An older version of you,” he clarified. “You were…maybe thirty?” He sighed. “There were so many fragments, different timelines…It’s hard to keep track. Most of them didn’t make sense.”
“I’d rather not say. If you don’t mind.”
Barry shrugged. “That’s fine, I guess. It’s your trauma.” He sighed. “So this was maybe…three, four years in the future.”
“Most of it.”
“And the rest?”
Len looked away at that, silent for a minute. Then, quietly, “The last one was a few weeks ago. He brought me back to the Waverider.”
“You…Future-You.” He chuckled softly. “I fell through a wormhole onto his kitchen floor.”
Barry laughed. “I’m sure that was surprising.”
Len shrugged. “He didn’t seem surprised. But it could have been because he was older.”
“What do you mean, he didn’t seem surprised?”
“He…” Hesitation, again. “He just leaned over and said, Finally. Then he helped me up, explained some science stuff that I couldn’t understand, and offered to take me back to my time.”
“How old was he—I?” Barry stuttered.
“Forty? Maybe forty-five?” Another shrug. “You might have been older, though—I had a feeling. Speedster aging must be slower.”
“Strange.” He shook his head. “How long did you stay with the Legends?”
“Not long. Like I said, they can barely stand to be around me.” He sighed. “It didn’t take much to get them to drop me off in 2016.”
“You still haven’t told me how you met Supergirl. She’s on another Earth, Len—the Waverider couldn’t have taken you there, and I don’t think you have any favors left with Cisco. So how did you meet?”
Len nodded, thoughtful. “That…is complicated.”
“More complicated than literally dying?”
Barry huffed and sat down on his bed, crossing his arms. “Hit me with it, then.”
“First of all, I didn’t meet her this year. I met her…probably at least fifteen or twenty years from now. It’s all a little fuzzy.”
“She—Well, her team, really…They were the ones who pulled my threads together.” He shook his head. “They didn’t mean to, not really—they were looking for some sort of robot, or something—but they got me out first. I was unconscious for that part. Woke up in a hospital bed next to Kara’s.”
“She was hurt?”
Len shook his head again. “Not exactly…More drained. The machine they used drew power from her. She insisted it was fine, that she just needed some Vitamin D, and she’d be fine.”
“Her power comes from the Sun.”
“I know that now—I didn’t know back then.” He sighed. “She asked who I was…and when I told her, she immediately asked if I knew you and Oliver.”
“Of course she did,” he muttered. “And then?”
“I don’t remember a lot of it,” Len admitted. “She gave me one of her spare generators, and then I woke up on Older-Barry’s kitchen floor.” A scoff. “And then I get home to a crew that no longer wants anything to do with me. They dropped me off in Central. I looked for Lisa, but it looks like she’s underground—she’s not at any of her usual safehouses.”
Barry grimaced, shifting slightly in his seat. “Um…”
The former villain narrowed his eyes. “What’s that, Scarlet?”
He winced. “Lisa’s not underground, Len.”
“What are you talking about? Is she in jail?”
“No…” Barry sighed. “She’s on Earth-2.”
“Why?” Len demanded, lurching from his seat.
“Because she’s sick,” he said calmly, holding his hands up in a placating gesture. “Harry—Earth-2 Wells knew a doctor who specializes in her condition, one who’s much better than anyone we know on this Earth, and we sent her over there to get help. Cisco’s probably on his way there right now to tell her you’re back.” He paused. “Actually, she’s probably with the you who lives there, now that I think about it.”
“What?” That made him pause in his anger, at least, now confused and concerned. “Why?”
“I don’t think you want to know,” Barry hedged. “But she’s in good hands, I promise.”
“Just tell me, Barry.”
“Fine,” he sighed. “The doctor I told you about, the specialist? It’s her—Earth-2 Lisa Snart is a bio-engineer with a Medical Degree. Basically, she’s Caitlin. Minus the ice powers and with the addition of some pretty sweet inventions.” He grimaced. “Her brother is…the Mayor. Of Central City. They killed their dad when they were kids—self-defense.”
Len was quiet for a moment. Then: “You’ve met, then?”
He nodded. “Twice, actually. Once on accident…and then again when Harry introduced us to Lenny and Doc. They’re…nice. Safe. Very protective, which isn’t surprising.” He grinned. “Last I talked to Lisa, she was awake and feeling a lot better. She hasn’t had an episode in almost two months, and her brain activity is back to normal. She sounds better, too—more like herself. Even flirted with Cisco when they talked, which she hadn’t done in a while…”
“She’s okay, then?”
“Not at a hundred percent yet,” Barry warned with a shrug. “But yeah. She’s safe. Happy. Feeling better than she did when she first came to us.”
“What happened?”
“She just—Showed up at Joe’s one night, out of nowhere. I think it was maybe a month or so after you left—she had called Cisco before that, asking if we knew where you were, and we told her, and she was pissed at me for some reason.” He laughed, just a little. “Then she just shows up out of nowhere at Joe’s house, scares the hell out of me when she just walks right through the front door. Which was locked.” He shook his head. “Apparently, she stole your key?” His brow raised.
Len just smirked. “Lock-picking gets tedious after a while.”
“Where did you even—”
“Iris should be more careful about leaving her purse lying around.”
“…Whatever.” Barry huffed. “So, anyway, Lisa just walks in one night—middle of the night, out of nowhere—sits right next to me on the couch, scaring the hell out of me. She looks at me, and I could already tell something was messed up with her, because she just…she didn’t look right. She looked tired and sad and…sick.” He sighed. “She looked at me for a minute and then said, Don’t freak out. You know, like she hadn’t just appeared out of nowhere. And then she said, I need your help. And I was like, With what? And she told me she ran into an old boyfriend and he did something to her.”
“What the f—”
“Not that,” he assured quickly. “That was my first thought, but she kind of lost it when I asked her, and—yeah. So then, when she calmed down from that, she got this headache…migraine…thing, and that was when I first saw her get one of her attacks.” He grimaced. “It was…bad. Weird, and scary, and it actually kind of freaked me out.” A sigh. “So, uh, I called Caitlin first, and then Cisco and Harry, and asked them to meet us at STAR Labs. Harry had actually seen something like it before, on his Earth, and he knew a specialist—other-Lisa—who could help. So we took her there. She insisted that I had to come with her, and she wouldn’t let me leave until she was with Lenny and Doc, until she was sure she could trust them.”
Len thought this all over for a moment. “What exactly did this attack entail?”
“Hard to describe…” Barry thought about it. “She kind of…exploded? Not her body, but like…her spirit, kind of. Like an astral projection, except she couldn’t control it enough to actually appear as a person.” He sighed. “We met the ex-boyfriend a few weeks later…Roscoe?”
“Dillon.” He sneered. “He’s still around?”
“Not anymore,” the speedster said darkly. “He was a metahuman…some kind of tornado-hurricane-spinning abilities. Cisco called him Topsy-Turvy, but after he just kept coming and coming…it was an accident, but he died.”
“How did he hurt Lisa?”
“As far as we can tell…She was working on some sort of mercenary work or something, and he was robbing a bank, and they…literally ran into each other. She got thrown into a wall, got a knock on the head, and apparently the concussion triggered some kind of ability she didn’t know about.”
“She wasn’t in Central—”
“When the Particle Accelerator blew.” Barry nodded. “Yeah, we know.” He winced. “You’re not gonna like our theory on that.”
“Why not?” Len asked, very slowly.
“Because it might be my fault.”
He blinked, surprised. “What?”
“Turns out…I kind of…give off small amounts of Dark Matter because of the Speed Force…mostly when I run.”
“And, the people that I transport, if they carry a metahuman gene, could, theoretically, absorb that Dark Matter in the same way that people affected by the Particle Accelerator did…and, theoretically, this would make them more likely to develop an ability when exposed to violent trauma.” A pause. “I transported Lisa a handful of times when we were helping you guys last year, and even before that for different reasons.”
Len didn’t say anything to this, instead looking down at his hands.
“I’m sorry, Len,” Barry said quietly. “If I’d known…”
“It’s not your fault,” he told him. “You didn’t know.”
“Not every bad thing that happens is your fault, Scarlet,” Len said with a smirk. “It’s alright.”
Barry huffed. “Fine.” He was quiet for a minute. “If you want, I can take you to her. You know, so you can see for yourself.”
He thought about it for a bit before shaking his head. “No,” he decided. “If she’s getting what she needs, I don’t want to interrupt it. If Cisco does tell her and she wants to see me, I’ll go, but for now, she needs her rest.”
The speedster nodded in understanding. “Okay.” His phone was still ringing, and he looked at it. “I’m just gonna tell them that everything is fine.”
He picked up the device, ignoring the calls, and opened the group chat, which was full of about a hundred messages that all said pretty much the same thing. He sent out a text saying, Yeah, he’s here. Just wants to talk about some stuff. Everything is fine. Thanks, I’ll let you know later. Love you guys.
With that, Barry sighed and slipped the phone into his pocket. “So, what are you going to do now?” he asked the former villain.
Len just smiled. “Not sure. I could go back to robbing banks…but I don’t really need the money. Maybe I’ll offer your team some help in Central.”
“What do you mean, you don’t need the money?” His eyes narrowed.
“Blowing up the Oculus had a few benefits.” He shrugged. “I know all the lottery numbers for the next five years. I’ve already made four-hundred grand.”
“Technically not a crime.”
“Still.” Barry shook his head with a deep sigh. “Fine, whatever. Well, I’m sure STAR Labs could use the help. And I’ll be back in no time…as soon as I finish this course, which is…not what I expected.”
“Too hard?”
“Too easy,” he corrected, scoffing. “I’ve read all the material, and the projects are all…solved with very little effort. Nothing near as challenging as my actual job in Central. Science there is always complicated.”
“Because of the metas.”
“Yeah.” He shrugged. “Superpowers make regular science look way easier than it did in college.” He nodded at the computer. “Actually, after the paper I’m working on right now, I only have two more and a final exam. I could be done by next week, if I wanted. I just don’t want Singh to think I rushed through it.”
“He already trusts you more than any other CSI, Barry. I think he trusts you to do the work on your own schedule.”
“Then I’ll see you back in Central next week.”
“Next week, Barry.”
A sigh. “Fine. Next week.” His phone buzzed, he looked at the message and laughed. “Harry says your sister is attempting a prison break to try to see you. You might want to visit her.”
Len chuckled. “Alright then. I suppose it’s time to tell her what’s happened.” He stood, holding out a hand when Barry followed suit. When their hands clasped, the villain-turned-legend pulled the speedster forward until they were almost hugging. “I’ll see you soon, Scarlet.”
“See you soon, Cold.”
And with the press of a button, Len was gone, leaving Barry to wonder exactly what just happened.
6 Weeks Later
She sighed. “This is getting unprofessional.”
He laughed, a little nervous. “What are you talking about?”
“You and Len.” It had taken a while for everyone to get used to each other, but now he was just Len instead of Cold. Progress. “You guys have got to stop flirting in the field. It’s weird.”
“We do not flirt.”
“You’re literally blushing, Barry.” Her tone was amused now. “Do you have a crush?”
“Iris,” the speedster all but whined, pulling a t-shirt over his head. “This is weird.”
“Why? Because we dated?”
“Barely.” Iris rolled her eyes. “Barry, it’s fine. You have a crush on Len, it’s fine…but you should probably tell him.”
“No!” he said immediately. “No, that’s—That’s a bad idea.”
“Why? I’m pretty sure he likes you.”
That made him pause. “Really?” He bit his lip, looking at her. “You think so?”
“Lisa keeps teasing him about it.” She nodded. “And you’re both clearly attracted to each other, and you’re always flirting, so…Why not just come out and say it?”
“What if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not.”
“What if it ends badly?”
“What if it doesn’t?” Iris laughed brightly. “Barry, sometimes you get in your own way. You just gotta go for it sometimes. Take a leap of faith. It’s gonna be okay.”
Barry was quiet for a long time, and Iris eventually left him to his own devices.
Ultimately, he decided to go for it; he went to find Len. Unsurprisingly, he was at “their” spot: a diner across from Jitters and CCPD, filled with leather booths and chrome and the smell of fresh homemade pie.
Barry slid into the booth across from Len, who looked up from his phone with a smile. “Hey, Scarlet. Look at this.”
He turned the device around so the speedster could see. “What’s that? Oh—Oh, that’s so cool!” He grinned. “Lisa-Squared?”
“Yeah. Lisa drew up the models, and Doc built it. It came out pretty neat, I think.”
“It did, yeah. I like the melting feature—there won’t be ice-streaks all over the city.” He laughed. “Of course they’re gold—Lisa’s choice, I’m sure.”
“Naturally.” Len shrugged. “You can’t take the Gold out of the Glider, I guess. Not completely.”
“No, I guess not.” Barry leaned his head on his palm, elbow on the table.
The newly-branded Citizen Cold raised a brow and put his phone away. “Something on your mind, Barry?”
He shrugged. “Iris came to talk to me today.”
“What about?”
“She said that we flirt a lot when we’re in the field.” He scrunched his nose. “I told her she was crazy, and she looked at me like I was an idiot…not unlike you’re looking at me right now, Len—what the hell?”
“Barry,” he said quietly, slowly, “I don’t know how to break this to you, but almost everything we say to each other is banter…which is a form of flirting.”
“But—But,” Barry sputtered. “But!”
“What’s wrong, Scarlet?” Len teased. “Can’t keep up?”
He frowned, almost pouting. “You never said anything,” he accused.
The other man shrugged. “I was told not to.”
“By who?”
“By you. Older you—The one who brought me back. He said you had to figure it out on your own.”
Barry stammered again, arms flailing. “What the hell!” he said, frustrated. “That’s stupid!”
“You’re calling yourself an idiot?” Len clarified.
“Yes! I’m an idiot, now, but like—that’s just stupid.” He sighed. “I mean, I guess it makes sense to keep the timeline the way it should be. But still.”
They were both quiet for a long minute. Long enough for a waitress to come by and take drink orders and then bring them back.
Once she disappeared, Barry took a sip of his soda and then suddenly blurted, “Will you go with me to Jesse’s party on Earth-2 this weekend?”
Len raised a brow. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? That’s a lot of pressure.”
“It’s just a party, Len,” he said with a grin. “All our friends will be there, and we can be together without doing the awkward first-date thing…I mean, we already did a lot of that without realizing. Unless you want to…”
There was a pause as he thought about it, enough to make Barry almost panic, but Len nodded slowly. “Alright. But I have two requests.”
“One: If Caitlin makes her Speedster Alcohol, you have to stop drinking at least two hours before we leave. I want you sober when we head out.”
“Because, two: I want to go for a walk. We’re not doing the first-date-awkward dinner thing, and movies aren’t something we have time for, but we can go for a walk and talk about things.” A pause. “It’s important, to me.”
Barry thought about this, about what it might mean, but he didn’t see a reason to say no. Besides… “That sounds nice. Okay. I won’t drink too much, and I’ll stop before we leave so we can go talk. It’s a deal.”
“It’s a date, Scarlet.”
“A date, Cold.”
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Sixteen
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
December 31st, 1999
Emile was excited. It was the final minutes before midnight, before an entire new millennium started. Not many people would get to say they lived through that and remembered it, one day.
As the minutes turned into seconds, Emile and his family watched the ball get ready to drop in Times Square on TV. He couldn’t imagine what sorts of things would happen not only in the new year, but in the whole of the two-thousands. He knew he was going off to college in the fall of two thousand-and that was a weird thought, not have nineteen in front of the number-but there was so much he didn’t know about the future. And while that scared him a little, he was also incredibly excited.
When the ball dropped and his whole family cheered, Emile grinned. He couldn’t imagine what he’d be doing next year today, but he hoped it was something great.
  December 31st, 2000
Emile drove into the complex’s parking lot with a smile on his face. He had told Remy that he would be coming back the second of January, but he had been planning to surprise Remy by coming home a little early. His parents had understood and let him go on the condition that he call them the morning of the first. The rest of his family griped a little but still let him go with minimal fuss.
Getting out of his car and grabbing his things from the backseat, he climbed the stairs to their apartment and knocked on the door. He could hear footsteps, and then the light by the peephole dimmed, and the door was opened by a very confused Remy. “Emile? You weren’t supposed to be back for another two days!”
“Yeah, well, I thought I’d surprise you, seeing as how it was your birthday and all. Didn’t want you to spend it alone,” Emile said, walking in and putting his stuff down in his room. He walked back out and noticed the TV along with the VHS player. “I was wondering if that was gonna be here or not.”
“Yeah, well, no point in buying you cartoons you can’t watch,” Remy said with a shrug. “I really like the jacket you got me.”
Emile’s eyebrows shot up. “You went to the shelter?”
“Wound up there after a bit of a walk,” Remy said with a shrug. “Helped with the lunch rush. Gave me something to do, and let me stop thinking about other things. Now, back to the original question: why are you here?”
“Like I told you, it’s your birthday, I didn’t want you to be on your own on your birthday, that’s just no fun!” Emile exclaimed.
“So you...drove two hours just to make sure I wouldn’t be alone?” Remy asked, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Yep!” Emile chirped. “Anything you want to do to celebrate? We could eat out for dinner tonight, I have a little spare cash.”
“No, no, hold up,” Remy said, holding up a hand to stop Emile from continuing to talk. “You. Drove two full hours this morning just so I wouldn’t be alone all day?”
“Technically it was more like two and a half. Traffic was killer,” Emile said with a shrug. “Why, is that a big deal?”
“Is it a big deal?” Remy repeated dumbly. “You’re giving up time with your family to be with me!”
“Yeah, I know,” Emile said. “I made the decision, Rem.”
“But...why? You don’t exactly get to see your family often,” Remy said.
“Yeah, and your birthday only happens once a year,” Emile said. “I wanted to make sure you had a happy nineteen.”
“...Am I really that important to you? That you’d give up more time with your parents just to celebrate my birthday?” Remy asked, his voice soft and small.
“Of course, Remy,” Emile said. “Of course you’re that important, you’re my best friend, and there’s no one I’d rather spend New Year’s Eve with.”
Remy walked over and hugged Emile tight. Slowly, Emile brought his hands up to hug Remy back. Hugs from Remy were special things, not to be taken lightly and rarely given out. But he always put his all into them. Squeezing tight, but not so tight that Emile couldn’t breathe. Sometimes he’d rest his head on Emile’s shoulder, and sometimes he’d whisper something he wanted to say to Emile, but was too scared to say aloud. “I love you,” Remy whispered. “I don’t know how else to say that. Not in a, ‘I’d date you’ way, you know? More in a...‘you’re my best friend and if anything happened to you I’d be devastated’ sort of way.”
Emile smiled and a chuckle slipped out. “I love you too, Remy.”
Remy held Emile tighter and Emile savored the sensation until Remy’s grip went lax, and they parted. Emile smiled softly at Remy, who was swiping the tears out of his eyes. “So, my question still stands: do you want to do anything for your birthday?”
Remy shrugged. “I guess dinner would be nice, yeah.”
“Then we’ll have dinner,” Emile said with a smile. “Anything you want to do until then? Do you have to work?”
“No, I don’t have to work, I’m not on Starbucks’ schedule today and the local shop is closed,” Remy said softly.
“Okay, that gives us the afternoon to do whatever you want,” Emile said.
Remy’s head dropped towards the ground, and Emile could tell he was choking back more tears when he asked, “Emile, I know you don’t want to be my therapist...but can I vent for a second?”
“Of course,” Emile said, putting a hand on Remy’s shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“Toby...” Remy made a choked sound. “Toby doesn’t have our address. He doesn’t have my phone number. And I...I don’t have his. His ex-girlfriend apparently stalked him and he had to change it, and I obviously was not welcome back home at Christmas, so I couldn’t talk to him about that then...he’s gone, Emile. I lost all contact with him. I wanted to at least call and tell him Merry Christmas, but I didn’t get to, and I know that he doesn’t know where I am, but I was still hoping that somehow...somehow, he’d find out, and he’d be able to...to wish me a happy...birthday...but...” Remy was outright crying now, albeit trying to muffle the sounds. “But he can’t. And...and I don’t know what I’m going to do, Emile. We were never the closest brothers in the world, but he cared about me, he was my best friend, and...and I miss him...”
“Aw, Rem...” Emile bit his lip. “Is it okay if I hug you?”
Remy nodded and Emile hugged him fiercely. “This is not your fault,” Emile said with certainty. “And it hurts, and I know that the pain you’re going through must be overwhelming. It really, really sucks. But you know what? I’m sure that Toby is out there, somewhere, wishing you a Happy Birthday anyway. Even if he can’t call, and he can’t write. He knows it’s your birthday, and I bet he’s trying to psychically send good vibes your way.” Remy laughed at that, and Emile smiled. “You’ll be okay, Rem. It’ll hurt, but you’ll get through it. You’re impossibly strong.”
Remy nodded into Emile’s shoulder, and Emile just sighed into Remy’s. “You can hug me as long as you need, I really don’t mind,” he said softly.
They stayed like that for a long while, Emile hugging Remy as Remy quietly cried. He was mourning a loss, and Emile understood that. Remy would need time. And occasionally, this might resurface and he might get hurt again. But Emile swore that he would be there to help Remy as much as he could. After all, isn’t that what best friends did? They helped each other when they were hurt, they let each other cry, they shared secrets and ambitions and plans for the future. And while this may have changed Remy’s plans, Emile was certain that Remy could get through it.
When Remy finally whimpered out a, “I feel better now,” Emile let his hands drop and took a step back. Remy wiped at his eyes and heaved a sigh, but he seemed a lot more level. “Thanks, Emile,” Remy murmured. “I didn’t expect this to have as much of an impact on me as it did, but...”
“Hey, you’re allowed to feel what you feel, and however much you feel that is a valid feeling,” Emile said. “You’re gonna be okay, but it’s all right if you’re not okay right this minute.”
“You sure?” Remy asked uncertainly. “It’s really okay to...not be okay?”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “It takes a while to feel okay sometimes. That’s normal.”
Remy sniffled and nodded. “Okay then. If it’s...if you don’t mind, I’m gonna...uh, take a nap, I think. Just sleep some of the exhaustion off.”
“Yeah, knock yourself out,” Emile said with a smile.
Remy groaned. “That was terrible, Emile,” he grumbled, heading to his room.
Emile just laughed. “I’ll be watching She-Ra if you need me.”
Remy grunted and closed the door to his bedroom, and Emile grabbed his VHS tapes, putting one of them in the player and bouncing excitedly as it began to play the opening.
When two episodes had gone by, and Emile had seen neither hide nor hair from Remy, he knocked on Remy’s door. “Rem? You up?” He waited a minute, then knocked again. “Remy, can I come in?”
There was shuffling, and then the door opened an inch, Remy rubbing his eyes on the other side. “I was sleeping,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, it’s been an hour,” Emile said. “Your sleep schedule is already getting messed up by me letting you sleep that long.”
Remy grumbled again. “Want to sleep more.”
“Well, you can’t do that, but if you want, I have some novels I got at Christmas, you could go through those and figure out what you like?” Emile offered.
Remy grunted but left his room, which Emile counted as a win. He picked up the novels he had placed in his own bedroom and brought them out for Remy to inspect. “You can have your first choice, just don’t spoil anything for me.”
Picking a random book from Emile’s hands, Remy slumped to the floor and started to read. Emile rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed his own book to read, musing that they needed to invest in at the very least two chairs in terms of furniture.
They must have read for several hours, because when Emile came back to the world around them after finishing the novel, the sun was setting. Remy was still engrossed in the book he had picked out, and Emile lightly nudged Remy’s foot with his own. Remy quirked an eyebrow in silent question, glancing up from the book in his hands.
“Want to go get dinner now?” Emile asked. “Sun’s setting.”
“It’s winter, the sun sets at four in the afternoon.” A beat. “Sure, why not.”
“We don’t have to eat it right away,” Emile pointed out as they got ready. “We could get take-out.”
“Nah, if we’re gonna eat out we may as well actually eat out, as in, at the restaurant, you know?” Remy said.
“Okay,” Emile said. “Anywhere in particular you’d want to eat? Considering that lots of places would be closed on New Year’s Eve.”
Remy shrugged. “I know places that aren’t bars but have bars will be open,” he offered.
“What sort of places like that are there around here?” Emile asked.
Remy shrugged. “I’m not sure. We could always just drive around and look? I’ll help you with gas money in return for that.”
Emile hesitated. He didn’t want to just drive around for no apparent reason, but if Remy would pay for gas money... “Okay, fine, we can figure out a place to go by driving around,” Emile said, grabbing his car keys.
Remy hummed and paused. “Actually...”
“Actually?” Emile asked.
“I mean, we know the shelter’s going to be open, right? And the food there is edible, and the workers get to eat after they’ve helped with dinner,” Remy said.
“Are you suggesting that you want to volunteer at the shelter on your birthday, when you could be doing absolutely anything else?” Emile asked in surprise.
“It’ll give me a distraction,” Remy said. “Better than most things would. And I’d still get to talk to you, and we’d get to eat, and I’d feel a little accomplished for doing something today.” He paused. “Is that weird?”
“No, no, it’s not weird,” Emile rushed to assure him. “It didn’t seem like something you’d want to do on your birthday, but if you want to do that we can walk to the shelter and help out.”
“Cool,” Remy said. “I was wondering what it might be like to help alongside you, instead of when you’re not around, and this solves that mystery quicker, too.”
“Yeah,” Emile agreed. Inwardly, he felt a swell of affection for Remy. He was starting to learn how to care about other people, outside his circle. Even if it wasn’t often, even if it was about him and his questions, he was learning. And Emile was incredibly proud of him for that.
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020 
PROMPT: Breakfast in Bed
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
PAIRING: Adult!Verde & Adult!Fon
Verde is sick and Fon brings him his breakfast in bed to be nice.
WORDS: 915 (BONUS: 1502)
Fon releases a burst of Storm flames through Verde’s room, then two more before he takes a step in. He’s not fool enough to think he disabled every devices set up by Verde though, but it’ll have to do.
He puts the tray on the bedside table, and turns on the lamp.
Verde is hidden under the blanket, doesn’t move, breathes evenly as if sleeping. Fon kicks the bed.
“Don’t make me knock you out to actually get you to sleep. Hand them over.”
Verde plays dead. Fon flares his flames and he bursts out of the blanket, his skin pale, his stubble unkempt, with dark bags under his eyes, and his hair in a total disarray.
He throws his phone at him.
“The others too.”
Verde rummages under the blanket and throws a couple of more phones, gives up two laptops from under the pillows, and a third one from a secret place in the headboard.
“Your watch too.”
Verde glares at him throughout the whole process of throwing his watch at him, aiming for it to go straight through his skull if the force—and the flames—he used is anything to go by.
Fon rolls his eyes.
He fries the devices one by one with his flames, and slips in the bed. He releases one last burst of Storm flames through the mattress and the bed frame to disable the last of hidden devices.
“Be glad I'm leaving you your glasses. And speaking of them, you didn’t even take them off. How much of an idiot do you think I am?”
“A lifetime wouldn’t be enough for me to answer you.”
Fon plays deaf out of the sheer generosity of his heart. He picks up the tray, and holds it still on his lap the time for Verde to settle against the headboard too.
“How do you feel today?”
“Perfectly fine. And I have things to do, so I would like it if you could release me already.”
“You’re sick. Science told us that, or are you going to deny it? Here, try some bread.”
Verde slaps the slice of bread from his hands. “And whose fault is that? Who’s the idiot who infected me?”
“Yes, because you live such a healthy life Verde. I can’t possibly imagine how else you could have gotten sick.”
“I’m the smartest man in the world.” Fon slumps against the headboard and starts munching on the bread. “I could single-handedly bring society into a new age, a society you’re part of, but here I am.”
“Single-handedly? That’s quite rude to all your fellows competent scientists.”
“You’re right, actually. They might even contribute more than me, as I’m certain they’re not being forcefully bed-ridden as we’re talking.”
“Are you going to just keep talking?” Fon holds a spoonful to his mouth. “Here, try some soup then. I don’t want you to go on a coughing fit on me again.”
Verde drinks his soup obediently, and oh, he does plan to keep talking then? God forbid.
“Where’s Reborn when you need him?”
“On a job.”
“Where’s Luce? She can’t possibly agree with this.”
Fon scoffs. “Luce can’t save you now. She said she won’t take a step in the mansion again before we’re all proven to be in perfect health.”
Verde grumbles, and mumbles, and mutters, kicking his feet—kicking Fon’s feet, and on purpose, Fon is sure.
He slumps against him, rests his head on his shoulder, so obviously sick Fon can’t believe they managed to debate on the fact so many times already.
“You’re all incompetent.”
“For the record, Viper proposed to attach you to the bed until you’re healed, and I’m the only one who stood against that. So you might want to show some gratefulness sometimes soon.”
“You’re all incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space.”
“You want some yogurt?”
“You’re all so incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space, and—”
Fon shoves the spoonful of yogurt into his mouth. Verde spits it out right back on the tray.
Fon musters all the patience he can.
Was it him that also stood against Lal when she proposed to daze him in Rain flames? What an unwise man he was then.
“This is disgusting Verde.”
“That was incredibly rude. I was talking.”
Fon smiles, with teeth. “I’m listening.”
“Well, as I was saying, you’re all so incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space, and I hate you all.” He pushes his glasses back up his nose, smirking smugly. “That’s all.”
Fon crushes the spoon in his fist, stabs it in the tray. He grabs his chin.
“You listen to me well. You will play nice with me from now on, or I will stop playing nice with you and make this whole recovery so much worse than you could imagine. You’ll never be afraid of anything more than falling sick ever again, because every time you’ll catch the symptoms I’ll come haunt you in your dreams like the most frightening omen of death.” He leans his forehead against his, and brushes their noses together tenderly. “Rightfully so. Did we understand each other?”
Verde blinks slowly, a sharp focus shining in his green eyes. “Interesting. I feel unreasonably turned on right now.”
Fon raises his eyebrow. “What’s so unreasonable about that?” He headbutts him lightly, and settles against the headboard again so Verde can rest his head back on his shoulder. “Now be reasonable and finish your soup sagely.”
I headcanon Fon as a sweetheart at heart who can and will go feral if needed, but let’s go with just Feral!Fon instead.
That’s just who he is at his core, his default state, just completely feral, Take No Shit and Give No Fuck, very indulgent to his every desire, 24/7.
Now of course he learned all about being mannered, and harmless/trustworthy looking, and sweet, and restrained because it is needed for the job sometimes, and he can play the part flawlessly, but even then sometimes he just can’t bother.
Just… No, You Live In A Society And I Intend To Break Every Last One Of Its Rules!Fon, you know?
Fon being an actual Storm à la Gokudera, but so much worse (or so much better I guess, depending on how you see it asdfgh).
And so when he meets with the other Arcobaleno, he kind of just sets the tone for all their future interactions.
He meets with the Arcobaleno at the meeting of the Chosen Seven, and his vibes instantly rub Reborn’s, Verde’s, Lal’s and Luce’s the wrong way.
On the other hand Skull and Viper decide to love him, and it’s the birth of such a chaotic trio, Reborn can only be jealous and admiring.
(And he can’t help but side with them whenever it’s time to face consequences, because he just can’t let such a harbinger of chaos being censored.)
Reborn takes one look at Fon and immediately feels so deeply offended and challenged. “I can see you’re a little shit who likes to be a pain in the ass with the people you care about, but this is my role and there can be only one of us.”
Fon takes one look at Reborn and goes “We could have been such a wonderful team, but I can see you like to be the only one in control and I don’t like being told what to do, so you will have to go down.”
It’s not even an hour in the mansion on their first day, and Fon tries to rip Reborn’s smirk off of his face, and pluck his smug black eyes, and cut off his sliver tongued all with his bare hands, because “No, sorry, I’m Take No Shit Give No Fuck!Fon, so you’ll just have to be your insufferable self with someone else.”
It’s their first fight of many more to come.
Luce has none of their bullshit. She is pregnant, and she can’t believe she even needs to point it out because “Hello, can’t you see this big belly of mine? You will behave or god help you.”
She straight up uses her flames on them to daze them whenever they’re about to lash out on each other too much.
Not in a way where she’s forcing her flames on them or crossing boundaries of course, but just enough they don’t want to risk losing their own limbs if they were to power through her flames.
And when she really can give no fuck either, she just straight up… fakes some kind of help-my-pregnancy-is-going-wrong induced attack.
She just collapses on the ground, wailing, her arms tight around her belly, fake tears rolling on her face, begging like she’s being murdered in the worst of way.
The others are losing their mind other this because “What if one day it’s for real??? And what if we’re too late because we wasted time thinking it wasn’t?????? You can’t keep doing this, we’re begging you to stop.”
And Luce looks them straight in the eye and goes “Well maybe it’s time for you to act like adults who are actually adulting like they should.”
And then they all laugh because “What kind of unrealistic demand is that? Woah, you’re so hilarious Luce, who knew.”
(They just start doing it behind Luce’s back like little kids being naughty and not wanting their parents to catch them.)
Skull takes absolutely none of their shits either and it puzzles them all because “Uhmm, excuse you? You’re a civilian?? And we’re literally the Strongest people in the world???”
And he’s like “What, like it’s hard???”
(And it really doesn’t look like it’s hard for him, and it makes them lose their mind like nothing else ever did.)
Now Skull isn’t BAMF in this, and didn’t learn to use his flames in any significant way before meeting them, but he simply has the highest amount of flames and can go on for the longest time.
(And he’s actually very high on the list of the ones whose flames have the most raw power.)
Skull just retreats in what he calls his Cocoon whenever they want to try anything.
He surrounds himself with thick, dense (and powerful) amount of Cloud flames—the others swear they could actually cut like butter—, and chills in the middle of it until they tire themselves trying to push through.
(And then when they grow out of their urge to bully/take advantage of their “weakest” link, and they actual have a healthy relationship with him, he uses his Cocoon to avoid any consequences whenever he messes with them.)
Fon loves trying to break through his Cocoon. Fon is the best at trying to break through his Cocoon. Fon gets worryingly better and better at trying to break through his Cocoon.
Skull asks for proper flames trying from Viper and Lal because hell no, he doesn’t want to find out what will happen once Fon actually breaks through.
Verde never regretted his intelligence more than now he has to be around these people because of it.
And it’s actually saying all that needs to be said because he actually never regretted his intelligence even once in his life before.
He takes it upon himself to be the bigger person, and just ignores them and lets them to their devices. He fully expects the favor to be returned.
The favor is not returned.
Mostly because the others always want him to help them with their new childish plan of the day, or playing referee, or tacking side.
But also they’d be simply heartbroken to have to play favorites, and so they simply have to mess with him too.
And even then Verde takes it and bears with it because he’s the Smartest Man in the World, and he has other things of utmost importance to do, thank you very much.
But he’s just a man at the end of the day, and always snap at them eventually.
It’s always the most interesting weeks to live in the mansion when he does.
Lal just wants some predictability in this godforsaken house. She wants to have landmarks, a routine to fall back to.
Is that too much to ask? Apparently. Is it going to stop her? It will not.
If the others aren’t willing to cooperate with her, she simply will make them do it anyway. This is a treat.
She falls in a master-and-their-pet type of relationship with them, and the others find it funny because “What, you want to train us? Good luck with that.”
It’s a lot less funny when they go “Hold on, this isn’t right, is it actually working???”
Lal finds it cute they bothered doubting her skills to begin with. One of her jobs is literally to teach people to look death in the eye and tell it to fuck off, but they thought they??? were??? going to be a challenge????
She thinks the fuck not.<3
Her team ups with Luce or Verde (or both) are feared by the others.
Viper is there for the sheer chaos of it all. It would be Reborn’s role but he’s too busy competing with Fon, so it’s Viper’s instead.
They’re in it for the blackmail and information gathering too. Nothing like people lashing out when you want them to be their most open selves.<3
But they’re not neutral at all, on the contrary. They’re the wild card.
Some days they want the brand of chaos that will specifically piss off Reborn, so they team up with Fon and Skull.
Some days they want the brand of chaos that will piss off everyone else but them, so they team up with Reborn.
Some days they want a brand of chaos that is organized, so they team up with Lal and Luce.
Some days they don’t want to deal with any kind of chaos at all, so they team up with Verde.
The others treat them cautiously in this regard, and they love it. They love it even more when they dig a knife in their back and abruptly switch sides lol.
They absolutely do favorites too. (Fon/Skull and, surprisingly, Verde.)
And you know, I’m a big Polyamory!Arcobaleno shipper but I strongly feel in this one they’re just strongly and intimately platonic.
Just, you know, Arcobaleno as Family. The Arcobaleno bonding together by giving each other the childhood they never had.
And maybe they don’t deserve it, but I love them so much so they need to have this anyway.<3
This verse was a lot of fun to flesh out a bit! If it spoke to you too, maybe we can talk together about this? I’d love to!
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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namstruck · 4 years
REQUESTED BY: Cherry_Mocha (wattpad)
WARNING; angst !! soulmate au ! high school student! taehyung !! college student! hoseok !!
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it is said that the age you shall die and leave with your last breath is revealed on your very own wrist on your eighteenth birthday. most people live up to the expected years; somewhere around their mid or late nineties, some even luckier to live a century. but others, not so lucky, have less than a decade, even a year if you count the rare ones. you start truly living once you grow up to whom you'd love to be, trying your best to squeeze every single thing on your bucket list, even though you know it'll never happen because your life now is shorten and everything is being rushed all at once and your time is twice as precious.
taehyung, if he were being honest, wasn't really oh-so excited for his upcoming birthday. he didn't want to know exactly what age he was bound to die, thinking about it just made him anxious ever since his older sister got hers. having only five years left for her. from there, taehyung knew he needed to start living his life at its best, knowing his genetics. but most importantly, he knew his grandmother, the only family he had left, would be devastated, already losing a daughter and now bound to lose a second grandchild. not only that, but, what hurt him most was the high possibility and leaving behind the love of his life.
at the moment, the honey-blonde senior was waiting for the clock to land and ring at two-ten; his index finger tapping ever so impatiently on his wooden school desk. class as usual was slow and the professor's lecture dragged and dragged, taehyung's ears muffling all of it from lack of attention. his uniform itched, his own fault for not wearing an undershirt this morning, scratching the one spot roughly and most likely making a small rash. he'd have to remember to get some cream for it later.
looking outside the wide, glass window on his left, taehyung starts daydreaming again, only this time he places his chin on the palm of his right hand as it rests on his desk.
"oh, hyung,"
the familiar squeaky voice makes taehyung turn his head with a raised brow and blank expression. now getting his attention, the boy calling him walks towards him as he struggles with his backpack and two three-inch workbooks, his uniform slightly wrinkled somehow. once he was walking at the same pace and side-by-side with the taller boy he starts chatting with him, still struggling.
"i told you to stop calling me that," taehyung sternly says. the boy next to him laughs it off as they turn left and into the next hallway.
"sorry, i forget," he looks up at his senior innocently. "force of habit," he continues, "plus, it feels wrong.." taehyung knew that it was very formal and common to address your upperclassmen but he hated it; it was just too much for him. so every time the junior, that was his friend— for some reason—, called him 'hyung' all it did was make him cringe.
the two boys after walking a bit reach taehyung's destination, his locker. as he turned the lock for his combination, the younger kept talking, his chattiness just consisting of upcoming events and daily routine. the raven watching taehyung putting his textbooks away and grabbing his backpack, placing other books inside for his assignments later. his big, doe eyes full of admiration towards the obvious tired older.
"so are you excited for your birthday tomorrow?"
taehyung winces at the question as soon as they came out of the younger's small lips, dropping a small notebook on accident. picking it up on impact, the younger skims his reaction and auden shakiness. seeing this, he apologizes as he realizes the situation. it was fine though, it wasn't his fault. the older never told him how he felt or his worries, so his apologies were just being wasted.
"look, kook," he stammers, "i have to go, see you tomorrow, 'kay?" zipping the two folds of his bag, he excuses himself, speed walking away and out the double doors at the end of the hall. the faint goodbye from the younger fading away.
the walk home was quiet. his head empty. his grandmother wasn't home when he got there, a note telling her whereabouts. his shoes loudly bang going up the stairs of the two-story home, taking them off and carelessly shoving them in his closet next to his bedroom door. his room was surprisingly warm—even though it was below twenty outside—and he immediately removes his uniform, slipping on his regular sleepwear. plopping on his queen-sized bed face-up, the covers ocean blue with white frames as it's pattern, he lets out the deep sigh he had been concealing all day as he stares at the white ceiling above him.
before he could actually start daydreaming again or fall asleep, his text ringtone goes off. rolling over his body slumps, realizing his cellphone was still in his backpack. he groans and curses at himself for forgetting to grab it as usual. lifting himself up, his feet drag to the thrown bag on the carpeted floor, opening a pocket to retrieve the device. it lights up showing the lockscreen of a selfie of his boyfriend and him together, smiling. but it also previewed a text.
seokie <3
hi !!!!!!
how is my peach doing💓
i'm good a bit tired but
there's nothing sleep can't fix right ?
how are you, sunshine?
seokie <3
i'm doing good too !
i just woke up from a napㅠ .. ㅠ
lucky smh
did you go to the interview earlier today??
seokie <3
yes !!
how'd it go?
seokie <3
it went really well !! eeeek !!
i need to tell you everything
so imma call you !!!!
but pick up this time>:((
yeah yeah
𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖:
seokie <3
[ accept ]             [ decline ]
𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖:
seokie <3
[ accept ]             [ decline ]
"hi," the said male chuckles at his boyfriend's enthusiasm and bright, positive vibe.
"okayyyy so where do i even start," the boy on the other line hums before talking again, "oh yeah! right okay so i woke up this morning really late—i'msorrypleasedon'tyellatme—but! i wasn't late to the interview so that's good," taehyung shakes his head, "so when i got to the place, i asked the lady at the front for the manager, and which by the way, she was so nice! she complimented my outfit like!! yes i know i snapped today huh? hehe~ anyways! right..so she got the manager for me and from there we went to like an office or something and we did my interview there and he said he'll definitely hire me!!"
"really?" taehyung asks surprised, his boyfriend confirming what he just said. "i'm so proud of you! i owe you a hug and lots of kisses for sure," he sighs happily as he hears the boy squealing on the other end with him, "now all you have to do it training and after that you'll have the job."
"yes! tae you don't know just how excited i am," the younger could tell he was pouting, "like my heart is beating out of my chest right now and i'm about to cryyyyy!" he whines. "but for now, tell me about your day peach!"
"oh ah, well y'know, my day was boring, like always," he scratches the back of his head, trying his best not to sound troublesome, "...just school things ha."
"even through the phone i can tell that you're lying to me."
taehyung sighs, his free hand rubbing his face, "yeah i know. i'm sorry, i suck at lying."
"do you wanna talk about it? you know i'm always here for you."
"yeah i know," he always knew. but the real question was; was taehyung always going to be there for him?
“thank you.”
"happy birthday hyung—i mean taehyung!"
the raven haired boy holds up a small, wrapped box in his hands towards taehyung. the older receives it and thanks him, opening it in front of him.
"ohhh..kook you really didn't have to—"
"i wanted to, so please accept it!" taehyung frowns and watches the younger beg for him to keep the expensive, valuable gift and leaves him behind to go home for the weekend. there was nothing he could do about it now but just place it carefully in his own backpack, zipping it up and walking out the same double doors. he felt so bad, he never wanted a friend—nonetheless—anyone in general to spend their money on expensive things for him.
spotting his boyfriend's silver car, he paces for it as he tries to actually enjoy the day his lover planned for him, knowing he always hated the thought of his eighteenths, not really knowing why he did. but it was a day he was going to make special just for his taehyungie, and nothing was going to ruin it.
taehyung, opening the right shoulder of the vehicle, hops in and greets the freshly showered and groomed boy. his warm hand holds onto his cold one, their eyes meeting and then his lips to his also warm cheek.
"so, where are we going?" taehyung. finally asks. the older jumping up from remembrance, almost pushing the gas pedal, and exclaims.
"i’m not gonna spoil it but you'll see, it's gonna be super fun!" he gives him a reassuring smile, taehyung trusting him as they drive off.
"are we there yet? we've been driving for half an hour already.."
"we're almost there, you just have to be patient puppy~" taehyung blushes at the sudden nickname, liking it too much. he much of a patient person, he could tolerate certain times but going almost an hour was his peak and he just couldn't wait any longer. not even five minutes passed again when taehyung whiningly asks, "are we there yet?" all his boyfriend could do was laugh at his own impatient one, something he loved about his character.
he pulls up to a flat, plain that was separated fairly from the two-sided road, the sound of gravel crushing against the rubber of the tires vibrates the car. putting the car in park, his boyfriend takes out the key from its place and opens his side door as he slides out quickly. taehyung, confused a bit, hesitates to open his own door until he hears the trunk close shut, seeing the older male carry out a basket and walking towards the right side of his car.
when taehyung pulls on the handle, he feels a burning itch on his left wrist. as he's flipping it over to see he spots a faded two-digit number slowly arising. but before he could clearly see anything, his boyfriend taps on the window and open the door for him. "were you waiting for me to be a gentleman," he asks mockingly. the younger, before processing anything, looks at him with anxious eyes before dropping a fake smile and played along. he gets out of the silver car, quickly offering to help carry some of the stuff the older was holding but was politely rejected.
"so," he starts, "what's with all the stuff?" pointing at the junk in his boyfriends arms, he asks curiously. the other boy just held his hand, dragging him towards a free, green and grassy spot. he lets go of his hand to unfold and place a large, wide square-patterned blanket on the ground as well as the rest of the stuff. once done, he wipes the sweat off his forehead and childishly huffs out.
a picnic.
'how cute', the younger thought. it was really just one of those nice days and now that the sun was soon to set, it started to feel more enjoyable and lovely. the older really was trying his best to make him feel special and it showed.
"do you like it?" his boyfriend asks a bit panicky, hoping he did, "or is it too cheesy?? i can fix it, i mean we can go do something else or—"
taehyung pats him in comfort, "i love it." he smiles gently as he lays his head on the older's shoulder.
"mine said i have until i'm ninety-six, so basically i'll have a full life," hoseok exclaims when taehyung asks about his age expectancy, not really having an interest in it based on his expression and tone. well, the younger was happy at least knowing his hoseok was going to live long. in the same sense, his wrist itched again only this time the numbers appeared darker and vividly. not wanting to catch hoseok's attention to it, he pulls his sleeve down more and avoids using that arm for the rest of the day.
it really pained him to hide anything from him, especially something as important as this. but, it would be less hurtful to say goodbye, that's why...it was better this way. it was better for them both to not acknowledge it. and if he ever asks, he would just have to lie.
their hands hold onto each other as they watch the sunset disappear slowly by the minute, all the snacks and food hoseok made and packed, gone. letting out a deep sigh and closing his eyes, taehyung turns over to the boy on his left. "hoseok," before he could tell him anything, their eyes lock, the number on his wrist aching, not only on his skin but his heart as taehyung holds back his words, replacing it with a genuine, "i love you." a tear rolling down his cheek as their foreheads meet.
happy late birthday btw !!
sorry i missed it:(
thank you^^
you're fine dw !
i owe you your present when i see you
so no saying no:𝙘
okay okay^^
taehyung chuckles at his friend, "he's always so serious," he mumbles to himself before taking a sip of his dark coffee, that was sitting on the counter, out of the red mug when the small pounce in his head hits again. his face scrunches in pain, hand pressing on the spot.
"you okay?"
hoseok's concerned voice echoes the kitchen. "yeah..just," he rubs his temple, "my head's been hurting all morning.."
"probably because you drink too much coffee," hoseok jokes, taking a sip of his own mug. taehyung glares at him before walking out to the living room. and it wasn't long until he was watching the news, later skimming through channels. hoseok takes the empty space next to him on the couch, wrapping an arm around him once he settled on a show. something about cuddling always made them feel happy, even though the younger's head was pounding.
they had been living together for three years, taehyung moving in after graduation. their new home felt cozy and just right, a quiet, nice neighborhood with a lot of green surrounding them. the younger hated leaving his grandmother behind, he loved her dearly, but she had told him that it was time he start his life and that she'd be fine, being the strong, independent woman she was. and so, he listened.
seeing his mug almost empty, taehyung gets up, the older's arm slipping off his shoulder, and heads to the kitchen again. his hand grips on the coffee pot's black handle, the glass hitting the clay mug as it pours hot coffee slowly. but he shakes, his head pounding slightly harder this time. still grabbing ahold of the pot, he winces at the sensation, his face scrunched and he groans. once he feels it go away, he proceeds to pour the rest of his coffee, taking the mug in his hands as he heads for the living room to join hoseok.
before he could fully turn around, though, another pounce strikes him, only this time more painful that it makes the mug slip out of his hands and drops his body to the ground, his unsupported weight causing a loud thud when it comes in contact with the wooden floor. he could hear a low voice calling out to him, a pair of hands wrapping around him. but, somehow, the rhythm of his breathing or heart beating weren't there. he couldn't sense or hear them anymore. and all of the pain he was once feeling, was gone.
everything was gone, including him.
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