#was experimenting a LOT w shading and colors and such
voidrots · 1 year
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artistic nudity under tha cut! just putting this on main since its not rly spicy and i spent a lot of time on it so
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god i havent fully finished an art piece in so many months. enjoy 👍
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saeiken · 3 months
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OMG AND ANOTHER ONE OF GOJO ,,, hcs again 😈😈 it literally just came to my mind but what if reader wanted to match nails or clothing with him ??? do you think he’d be down for that ??? 🤔🤔
- 🫐 anon <3
Gojo and Geto w/ an S/O who wants to match nails!
Ft. Gojo and (Bonus) Geto
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Satoru Gojo
• Gojo is all about fun and standing out, so when his lover suggests getting matching nails, he jumps at the opportunity. He loves the idea of doing something cute and unique together.
• Gojo would be very hands-on in picking out the nail designs. He'd lean towards something flashy and bold, perhaps incorporating his signature shades of blue and white.
• Once their nails are done, Gojo can't resist showing them off. He'll take plenty of pictures and post them on social media, proudly tagging his lover and making sure everyone knows about their matching nails. (He @s Kento. And gets blocked)
• He can't stop admiring their matching nails, often lifting his and his lover’s hands together to appreciate the designs. He’ll frequently compliment how great they look, both alone and together. <3
• Expect lots of playful teasing. Gojo would make jokes about how fashionable they are now, and he might even pretend to be a hand model, dramatically resting the back of his hand on his forehead, reciting some shitty movie script you two had seen together.
• Surprisingly, Gojo becomes very protective of their nails, making sure not to do anything that might chip or ruin them. He wants the matching nails to last as long as possible. Hell, even if Infinity is active, Satoru is hellbent on keeping them pretty? 🤔
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Suguru Geto
• Geto might be a bit more reluctant at first, but he’s always supportive of his lover’s ideas. When they suggest getting matching nails, he's a bit conflicted. But he trusts your word and he enjoys spending time with you. So he's down.
• Geto prefers something more understated and elegant. He would choose designs that are simple yet meaningful, perhaps incorporating symbols or colors that hold significance for them both. It could possibly be a distraction for his cult if it were to be too spontaneous.
• The act of getting matching nails is about spending quality time together. He enjoys the process, from picking the designs to sitting side by side at the nail salon, cherishing the shared experience.
• Unlike Gojo, Geto is more private. He’ll often glance at their matching nails when they’re alone together, a small smile playing on his lips as he appreciates the connection it represents.
• Most def would occasionally surprise his lover with small gifts related to their matching nails, like special nail care products or a follow-up appointment to refresh the designs.
(An: I know I haven't posted in a while but I've been going through a lot recently. Hopefully this makes up for some of my lost time)
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 10 days
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yes I gave him eyelashes I was bored. wtf are those sparklie things I added on his ray called- it’s not even a special affect-
experimenting with colors- lots of this is w lime lol
I love the shading I did on the crown tho- looks better w/o the line art when you can see the details lol
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thefrogman · 4 months
Recently I took a panorama of the Pittsburgh skyline at night that got a positive response. That was done on the spur of the moment with an iPhone. I want to do that again and more, but this time with a dedicated camera setup. It's been years since I've had one, so I'm basically starting over again. I'm mostly interested in getting day and night cityscapes, and maybe the carryings-on at this year's Anthrocon. Would you have any particular knowledge to pass on as I set off on this journey?
Since you didn't specify a budget I'm going to assume it is in the $10K range.
And you're probably thinking I'm going to suggest a Leica. Every dentist and his brother (who is also a dentist) gets a Leica. But I just can't take a camera brand seriously when they charge you an extra $2200 for the privilege of not being able to shoot in color.
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Sure, you can hit a single button in Lightroom to get B&W and save some money, but then you won't be able to brag about how limiting yourself to only shades of gray has opened up new artistic pathways in your brain while a clueless person responds in mumbles during their root canal.
What you really want for your landscapes is a Hassie.
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They were the first camera on the moon! How could you *not* want a Hasselblad? That is some camera gorgeousness right there. And it's so reasonably priced*!
*compared to their previous $40,000 camera systems.
And if you are doing landscapes with the Hassie you'll need a nice wide angle lens to go with it. This one is actually quite affordable*!
*compared to their previous $8000 lenses.
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Can we all agree that is a work of art? They even use their H logo as the knurling.
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That is just so... extra. And I love it.
Out of the entire alphabet I've heard Hs give you the best grip.
Man, I almost wish I was a dentist just so I could buy a fancy camera.
Sorry... I was just having a little fun.
I never get to recommend the super cool expensive cameras. Because, ya know, the economy and the fact that only dentists have Hasselblad money.
You probably think I'm being silly but there actually is an entire community of dentist photographers keeping the high end camera market alive.
Okay, let's get started...
Landscape Buying Guide
Opening Thoughts
For landscapes I would highly suggest a full frame camera and a high quality wide angle lens.
Full frame has several advantages but it is not necessary. You can go with a smaller sensor like APS-C and get great images. Personally I would not go any smaller, but there have been some great landscapes taken on micro 4/3 and even smartphones. Technique, knowledge, experience, and composition will usually win the day over a camera, but having a nice camera makes things a lot easier.
At this point, with full frame options being very affordable now, the main reason to get a smaller sensor is if you want a smaller system that is easier to carry for extended periods and easier to pack when traveling. Or if you aren't sure you want to take on photography as a hobby, you can get an old APS-C DSLR for under $200 to learn with and test out.
So if you need a very cheap OR very compact system, APS-C and Micro 4/3 might be worth considering, but a bigger sensor will cause less frustration most of the time.
Froggie Note: The expensive Micro 4/3 and APS-C systems are the compact ones. The cheap systems are about as bulky as full frame.
The biggest advantages to full frame are low light shooting, lens selection, and field of view. Full frame cameras have many, many more lenses to choose from. And since the sensor is bigger, it is much easier to get a wider field of view that is often needed for landscapes. And the high ISO noise performance tends to be better on full frame.
However, you can use full frame lenses on APS-C camera bodies within the same ecosystem. They just get a little... zoomier. Roughly 1.5x zoomier. A 35mm acts like a 50mm, for example. So if you want to spend a little less now you can get an APS-C camera with a full frame lens and then upgrade to full frame later on without having to buy a new lens. Full frame lenses work on APS-C bodies but not the other way around.
Most landscapists have a really solid 16-35mm lens and that covers almost all of their needs. So I would suggest something comparable. Please don't get suckered into some crazy 18-300mm superzoom. Just get the focal range you need for the photos you want to achieve.
A purpose-built lens always outperforms one that was made to do everything.
As far as where to get used gear, I highly recommend using KEH or MPB when buying used camera bodies. They check every device and offer between 3 and 6 months warranty to make sure the device won't crap out on you. Lenses are typically a lot more robust and a safer thing to buy on eBay or Facebook Marketplace if you can find a better deal. But the security of having a warranty and a return apparatus if something goes wrong might be worth the extra price when using these two sites.
I am going to recommend Canon, Nikon, and Sony systems. I feel they have the most complete ecosystems with gear that spans all budget ranges. I'm not saying there aren't good cameras from other brands, but you have to remember every camera has an ecosystem surrounding it. There are accessories and upgrade paths and niche lenses that may not be available with other brands. I think Fuji has some tempting options and if you like the look of vintage film photography, their emulation options are quite stunning. Their cameras are also quite attractive and have very satisfying knobs. But I still can't recommend them unless you have a specific reason for wanting their gear.
Just remember that for every Canon DSLR I recommend there is a comparable Nikon option available as well. There are more lenses for a Canon full frame DSLR body than any other brand with Nikon coming in a close second.
So if you choose not to go mirrorless yet, the Canon and Nikon DSLR camera ecosystems are immense and have tons of gear and accessories available to go with them. And since used gear holds up really well, those ecosystems will survive for decades.
Should you buy a mirrorless camera or a DSLR?
Mirrorless cameras are the latest camera technology for interchangeable lens camera systems. At this point they are superior in every aspect and they continue to improve year by year. Because of that, used DSLRs have plummeted in price. This allows people greater access to a starter ILC (interchangeable lens camera) without a significant investment. You can get professional quality images on either format, but mirrorless has a shallower learning curve and much better automatic modes.
The in-body image stabilization (IBIS) stabilizes *every* lens and the eye tracking autofocus make "focus and re-compose" extinct. These are huge selling points for a lot of people. With IBIS you can take photos with up to 2-4 second shutter speeds without a tripod. And never missing focus on a human or animal or bird is pretty cool too.
DSLR camera bodies are no longer being designed by most of the major manufacturers. Thankfully Canon and Nikon developed plenty of bodies and lenses, so you will always have options and upgrade paths. But you will not be able to upgrade to systems with the latest advanced features.
The best DSLRs available are probably the Nikon D850 and the Canon 5D Mark IV. That is as good as it will ever get. The technology ends there. So if you want to enter an active camera ecosystem then you will have to get a mirrorless camera.
DSLR Camera Systems
Full Frame DSLR Camera Bodies
If you buy a used DSLR, there are some very affordable full frame options. In fact, the classic much-praised budget full frame Canon 6D can be had for under $300 right now.
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This is an old camera. It has no fancy features. It only has 20 megapixels. It just does what it says on the tin. But it has a big sensor and a *ton* of really cool lenses available for it.
If you are specifically looking to create really high resolution panos, you could also look at the 50 megapixel 5DS R for around $1000.
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There is a community of landscape pano-maniacs that love to create "gigapans" that have endless amounts of detail where you can zoom in and find new details in every photo. I was only able to create a 120 megapixel photo, but you can still find things like people starting a campfire and a dude fishing and a truck on a far off bridge. So even though this seems expensive for a DSLR, you are looking at another thousand bucks to find anything with more megapixels than this bad boy, so it is quite a good deal relatively speaking.
Probably the best DSLRs ever made were the Nikon D800 series and you can get the Nikon D800 for $464.
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This is a newer camera than the 6D with more megapixels (36) and a better sensor. It also has a more modern autofocus system and about 3 more stops of dynamic range which can come in handy for landscapes. This is an incredible camera for this price.
APS-C DSLR Camera Bodies
If you aren't sure you want to commit to this hobby, you can look into a Canon APS-C sensor body like the Canon Rebels and Canon 60D through 90D models and get good results.
And there are many Nikon DX APS-C bodies that would be great starter cameras as well. If you get a Nikon, you'd have an upgrade path to the D800 if you get hooked by the photography bug. I would miss a few very special Canon lenses like the 100mm f/2.8L macro and the 400mm f/5.6 telephoto but I'm sure I could figure out some reasonable Nikon alternatives that would do roughly the same thing.
Canon APS-C
There is a Canon 60D for $139 right now that would be perfectly adequate for landscape work on a tripod.
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That was my first camera and I took some very nice photos with it. Only 18 megapixels but it has a very convenient flippy screen which was really helpful for a disabled photographer trying to get low angles.
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This was in 2014 and I didn't know what I was doing but that is a pretty stellar-looking sunset for a (now) $140 camera.
Nikon APS-C
And the Nikon D3400 would be a great option as well at around $184.
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You get some extra megapixels (24) and it is a bit newer than the Canon. I get the sense that used Nikon DSLRs give you more value for your money right now but I don't have a large enough sample size to confirm that.
Full Frame DSLR Lenses
Froggie Note: I am recommending full frame lenses even if you choose an APS-C DSLR body so you have an upgrade path. But also very few purpose-built APS-C lenses had superior glass. Just remember, crop sensor APS-C cameras add ~1.5x to your focal length. So a 16-35mm will have the equivalent field of view of a 24-50mm lens. Still quite acceptable for landscapes, but you may benefit from doing panoramas more often. And if you upgrade to full frame down the road, you'll already have the ideal lens.
Canon DSLR Lenses
If you get the 6D or another Canon you could pair it with the beloved-by-landscapists Canon 16-35mm f/4L.
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Honestly, it is blowing my mind you can get that combo for under $600. Me from 12 years ago is super jealous right now.
If you are worried you might need something to work in lower light and still want a zoom, the f/2.8L starts at around $434.
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This might be the most famous landscape lens of all time. Kinda boggles the mind how many gorgeous vistas this thing has captured the light of.
If you can live without the zoom, you could get a much sharper prime lens that can also be used in even lower light. A used Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens is $439 would be a fantastic option.
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24mm is still a very good focal length for landscapes and the sharpness of this lens lends well to panoramic stitches. Seriously, these art lens are so freaking sharp. Although 35mm is typically preferred for most street photography, I think this would do great for that purpose as well. It couldn't do close up portraits, but 3/4 and full body portraits would look great. I also love this focal length for doggos. It enlarges their heads a bit which enhances adorable-ness.
Though I probably wouldn't recommend the 24mm on APS-C for landscapes as it would put you near a 40mm full frame equivalent field of view.
Nikon DSLR Lenses
And on the Nikon side of things you could get the Nikkor 16-35mm f/4 for $399.
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This is a great lens too. Very comparable to the Canon L glass. And paired with that D800 you would have a better shooting experience than with the 6D if it fits within your budget.
It's a little harder to find, but you can also get that same Sigma 24mm f/1.4 Art lens for Nikon at around $528 used on Amazon and in the $400 range on KEH and MPB when it is available.
The older and softer Nikkor 28mm f/1.8 is a little more affordable and easier to find.
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What if you are not a dentist but are willing to save up for something a little nicer?
Enter the world of...
Mirrorless Camera Systems
Sony currently has my favorite ecosystem of mirrorless cameras and lenses and they are consistently ahead of the other brands as far as technology and features. In fact, many other manufacturers use Sony sensors. They literally supply their competition with their own tech. They are also pretty good about updating firmware—even with older models. So I feel like Sony has a lot of future-proofing advantages over other brands. Sony has a great selection of 3rd party lenses like Sigma, Tamron, Viltrox, Laowa, Samyang, etc. These lenses often have nearly the same optical quality as Sony's G Master lenses at a fraction of the price.
Full Frame Mirrorless
Currently, I think the best value full frame mirrorless camera for landscapes would be the Sony a7R III.
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This is very nearly a top-of-the-line landscape camera for a little over $1200.
That might sound like a lot, but I want to be clear...
This isn't just decent. This isn't "good enough." This is a spectacular professional grade full frame camera.
10 years ago you could spend $6500 for a *worse* camera. 5 years ago you could spend $3000 for a *worse* camera.
It can do every genre of photography except for maybe fast paced sports/action. It has an amazing 42 megapixels—which are not necessary but they do make editing and printing a lot less of a headache. The file sizes can get a little big, but storage is a lot cheaper than it used to be.
Oh, and it can be used for professional quality 4K video work too.
The a7R III comes with all of the modern bells and whistles including in-body stabilization (IBIS) so you can handhold at very slow shutter speeds. It has one of the best autofocus systems—complete with eye tracking. But not just human eyes! Dog eyes. Cat eyes. Bird eyes. If it has an eye, the Sony can probably lock focus on it. And it has an admirable 10 fps burst shooting mode.
APS-C Mirrorless
If you want to enter the Sony ecosystem but can't afford full frame quite yet, you could do the a6400 for about $600.
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You still get the eye-tracking and the in-body stabilization, but you will lose some image quality at higher ISOs due to the smaller sensor size. However, you can get the same full frame E-mount lenses for it and upgrade to a bigger sensor later on and not have to buy new lenses.
Mirrorless Landscape Lenses
I think a good value landscape lens would be the very impressive Tamron 20-40mm f/2.8.
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This is a newer lens so there aren't many deals on used options yet. But this is still a great price for the quality and versatility you get. You will never regret spending a little more on glass.
The 20mm range can fit an entire cityscape in the frame without needing to do a panorama. But if you zoom to 40mm and mount the camera vertically, you could stitch together several photos to get well over the 100 megapixel range.
Also, the 40mm focal range is long enough to do street photography and even head & shoulder portraits. The wide f/2.8 aperture combined with the high-ISO friendly full frame sensor and in-body stabilization means you can shoot in very low light without a tripod. You can also get some great pictures of stars if you travel to someplace with minimal light pollution.
The cheapest landscape zoom lens I could find was the Sony 16-35mm f/4 at $384.
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It's one of Sony's older lenses and may not take advantage of all of the a7R III's pixels, but it would be a good option to get you started in this system and upgrade the lens later on.
Mirrorless Prime Lenses
Zoom lenses are great but you have to spend more to get tolerable quality. Kit zooms can be softer than even the tiny plastic lenses on your phone. So a great way to stretch your budget is to get multiple fixed focal length "prime" lenses. Primes can be built inexpensively while still having good low light performance and decent sharpness.
For instance, you could start with something like the Tamron 20mm f/2.8 for $175. And if you want to do more than landscapes you could add the Sony 50mm f/1.8 for $170 later on. Cheap primes will outperform any of those mediocre kit zoom lenses in that same price range. You lose some versatility and have to deal with the pain of changing lenses or zooming with your feet, but sometimes a tight budget demands a little pain.
There is also a higher quality 3rd party wide angle prime lens that is very popular right now. The Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 is only $549 and the reviews say it has similar quality to lenses 3 times its price.
If you have to choose between a better camera body or a better lens, a good lens will help your photos more than a fancy camera body.
Froggie Note: These are examples. You should always do your own research before making a major technological purchase. This post could be a year old by the time you see it and there could be new stuff that is better. But all of the principles I tried to convey should hopefully guide you to a good decision. Also, feel free to message me if you want to ask about specific gear you are considering purchasing.
More Resources
This is my Encyclopedia of Lens Terms which is a helpful primer in understanding all of the wonderful and different lens options available on ILCs.
This is my buying guide for low budget used DSLRs. Similar to this post but less geared toward landscapes.
And this guide for getting decent landscape photos with any camera.
This is a free tutorial that teaches you everything you need to get started with an ILC system.
And this free tutorial by Karl Taylor is quite good as well.
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fallenclan · 6 months
Related to FallenClan designs! All your designs are super amazing, what’s your simplifying process/how do you decide design for cat pelts? Cause I always struggle with simplifying/deciding how they look especially bengals and cats with white patches… thanks if you respond!
I’m ADHD and struggle with consistency and simplifying lol, though more complex designs are pretty, I lean more towards what you do w/ you’re cats as they are simple but still super pretty + it makes it easier to consistently draw them all for stuff like this! (These comic like moon updates :])
(Also hope none of this came off as offensive, it’s all meant positively! I really really admire you and your designs :])
ty for the compliments!!! very sweet ask and I shall do my best to give a good response o7
generally my method with designing characters/drawing is to just wing it. fuck it we ball basically. but i DO take a lot of inspiration from other people's warriors art, taking the time to analyze what i like about their styles and what different sorts of patterns i can use
(i also regularly consult the Clangen Sprite Guide for better looks at white patches/tortie patterns and such, highly recommend)
the first thing i decide when i'm designing a new cat is what fur texture i want them to have. i have four that I pick from (pictured below, in order), wavy, spiky, curly, and square.
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i decide the fur pattern based on the cat's personality (a more stoic cat might have square fur, while someone more bubbly might have curly, or someone more excitable have spiky, so on and so on), and also based on their parents/how many cats i've designed with that fur pattern recently.
after that is snout shape, which is probably my favorite part. i love to draw cats with a very pronounced snout, not unlike an oriental shorthair, but i generally slide around between that and a more typical, stubby snout, occasionally veering off into the very square snout of a maine coon. this is also a great spot to determine how sharp you want their jaw to be, which is something that can really help set a design apart! (a couple of snout examples below)
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then i usually move onto colors. i like to pick an undertone for the cat first, so i know what sort of pallate to work with. as you can see in the pictures below, ravenstar has a purple/blue undertone, and toadbelly has orange/red undertones
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this helps me make all the colors look nicer together, so i don't end up doing something like making a very warm colored cat with blue-toned white patches (which would make the white patches look super cold/too bright), which can be a really cool stylistic choice, but isnt what i tend to go for
once i've drawn out the cats fur shape and picked my colors, i'll move onto the base coat. over my time of having the fallenclan blog i've discovered that having a very simple pattern underneath the normal pattern can add a lot of visual interest to a cat, and make them look less plain.
here's a good example! one of the first cats i designed, oaktuft. their pattern was super basic--one base color, plus the inside of the ears, and then the color of their patterns.
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and here's another cat that i designed a little more recently--Shiverspots! you can see that even just the small change of adding a bit of a lighter color to her underbelly made a world off difference. plus my style got a lot more defined lol
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i have a couple of different base patterns that i use. here's a few more examples. i've even started to experiment with more than two colors!
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once i've got the base done i move onto patterns. this part can definitely be tricky; trying to make a dozen brown tabbies with short fur be distinct can be . a challenge. i like to follow the steps of what i've already designed--a cat with spiky fur might have very sharp, angular stripes, and a cat with curly fur might have much rounder ones.
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i think a good rule of thumb for if your pattern feels a little too basic is just to throw some more colors in there. another shade of orange, a more pale tint to some of them, whatever. and don't be afraid to erase it and start again! sometimes a design just won't work, and thats fine :)
the final thing i do is to add little design quirks. a particularly sharp jawline, downturned eyes, a crooked smile or a gap tooth, whatever! little things can really give your cats character.
i really hope that this helped!!!
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merakiui · 8 months
Do you have any physical appearance hc for fem Riddle? 👀 Like, hair length, if she would use jewelry and/or heels...
Aaaaaaaa I love fem riddy so much T°T ❤️
I do!!! >w< please enjoy my thoughts and headcanons!
✧ her hair is long, either around armpit length or mid-back. She often puts it up in prim, elegant styles that mirror how her mother styles her hair, or she does something like these styles below which incorporates braids (my favorite is the one with roses):
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✧ she’s had much the same hairstyle for her whole life. Her mother would be appalled if Riddle expressed interest in cutting her hair anything shorter than shoulder-length.
✧ her mother selected and curated Riddle’s wardrobe, so it isn’t until NRC that she starts to look into other fashion styles. This includes makeup! Her mother probably wanted her to look more natural, so Riddle usually only wore very subtle colors: nudes, soft shades of pink or red, and very light touches of blush. Now she’s free to experiment with all kinds of makeups. She loves red lipstick the most. Additionally, she wears the lolita style. <3
✧ for jewelry, I imagine she wears earrings. Anything with roses or hearts. She likes silver more than gold, but sometimes she’ll match gold with the accents on her dorm uniform (like the crown or on her heels). I feel like she wouldn’t wear a lot of jewelry. She usually just wears earrings, but perhaps she’ll wear a ring or two or a dainty necklace.
✧ as for heels, her mother was immensely strict with heel height. The heels were only allowed to go up to her ankles as well. Nothing more than that (Riddle very happily breaks this rule when she has her dorm uniform heels designed). Modesty is a rule constantly engraved into Riddle, and showing skin is akin to asking for your swift execution in the Rosehearts’s household. Riddle is accustomed to walking in shorter heels, but it’s the taller heels she had to practice more in. She isn’t too fussy about shoes, but she does like heels. There are so many styles and each is more fascinating than the last.
✧ for physical appearance, she’s still petite and short like male Riddle. He’s 160 cm, so I imagine fem Riddle is just a little shorter than that. Something like 153 cm perhaps.
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uniquetosmbody · 10 months
please tell me what brushes do you use and how do you make your drawings so textured? your artstyle is fucking beautiful and i wanna study it a little bit but I cant figure out how you make the colors have the noise they do
Gonna start with the fact that I’m working in ibis, and one of the brushes was added from the library, but I don’t have a qr code for that one, sorry, you still can try to find similar to it one
I dont use ALOT of brushes, and these four are my basic ones
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I use this for sketches and line art
When you see me posting b&w art, it’s probably done using only this brush cause I’m obsessed with it
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Coloring with this one, basic dip pen
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That one I use to add more texture to the skin and some types of clothes. I usualky use it to create more blush, freckles etc on the multiplied layer or the soft light layer
That one is from the library idk how you can add this specific one, but you can try to find the brush that suits ur style
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That one is for the final touches like light, some small shadows, more details, hair etc
Well that’s it! I hope i helped you with this one🫶 my art style is not that hard as you might seemed it is. I think my whole *thing* is rendering, adding lights, atmosphere, more shades of colors etc
Just don’t be scared to experiment with your style! Sending a lot of love 🫂🫶
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loupy-mongoose · 11 months
I don't know how you shade things so perfectly! I'm excellent at blending colors but I can't shade even if my life depended on it!😅🤣
How do you do it so good? Could you lend me some tips?
First off, thank you very much, but I refuse to accept my shading as "perfect". I'm proud of how far I've come, but it ain't perfect!
Tips... Hmmmm...
I have a pretty good understanding of the characters' and objects three-dimensional shape in my mind, so when I shade I subconsciously keep in mind how the light will affect them and where shadows will form.
Don't be afraid to look at books, references, tutorials, and Youtube videos! Take advantage of the vast library of resources at your fingertips!
I've spent a lot of my teen years watching speedpaints--Twarda8's Pokemon paintings on Youtube are old favorites of mine. Ironically their playlist called "Junk'n'Old" played a MASSIVE part in my artistic upbringing. One man's trash is another man's treasure~ I've also looked at many many mannnyyyy tutorials over the years, some of them multiple times, taking in how different shapes affect the shadow outcome. For example, sharp cut-offs will result in solid lines of shadow, while rounder shapes will have softer transitions from dark to light.
Take, for instance, my latest masterpiece; The eyebrows are meant to somewhat sharply overhang the eyelid, so they cause a sharper shadow cut-off.
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While rounder parts of the body have smoother shading.
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Mix and match them depending on the shapes present! (Hopefully that's coherent enough. X3)
A few extra things;
-Different light sources and surroundings can influence shadows as well. For example, the sun will create sharp, defined shadows, but clouds will soften the shadows considerably.
-When shading colored artworks, try to avoid using pure black to shade. If possible with your tools, use a darker color set to the Multiply or another darkening blend mode. Experiment! (I have another post about my painting process here if you're interested, although the canvas size in that may be incorrect now.)
-Find brushes you're comfortable with! I don't want to advocate that an artist can't be good without certain brushes, but I do think it's important to love the tools you use. But also don't feel like you have to stick with them for eternity--Every once in a while I get dissatisfied with my brushes and tweak them a bit, or dump them for others.
-For doodle shading like the above, I scribble in rough chunks where I want the shadow to be, then smudge and erase them as I see fit. All on a separate layer from the line-art, of course.
That may be more than you bargained for, but you can pick and choose what you want to take from this, if anything at all. I just felt like dumping. Happy shading! ^w^
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pleucas · 1 year
Would you ever consider doing a colouring tutorial?
I've done a coloring post before (a few months prior), but somehow, my coloring/painting process has changed a lot since then lol. I'll give a breakdown of my process (and go into specifics on coloring) here, but please do take it with a grain (or a spoonful) of salt... I'm still very much learning, and though you can use my process as a guide, experiment on your own to find what works for you! This post got a little long I'm ngl so. open at ur own risk. it's really just me rambling and being a bit too pretentious for my own good
using my recent post as an example, my process is basically just:
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first i get a clean sketch (after many hours of pain finding detailed references lol), not gonna go into that since you asked abt coloring
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then i immediately go to block out shapes over the sketch. For big paintings, I don't do lineart (because i find that it eliminates a lot of depth that can be achieved with shapes and shading) — for smaller sketches and pieces, i'll do lineart tho.
I started darker to lighter in this painting because I knew I wanted harsh light. For me, it's a lot easier to project "additions" onto a surface — ie, if there's a harsh light, that's the addition vs. a shadow in neutral lighting as the addition. dunno if that makes sense, but breaking tones down like that helps me understand how i want to chronologically color smth and choose my bases:
for example, since I knew I was gonna have harsh light here, I felt comfortable with just getting the tones for my shadows down immediately. There won't be many midtones due to how extreme I saw it to be, so there was no point in finding a neutral base tone.
how i choose colors varies from painting to painting, but for this one, I decided to lean purple-blue because skk are just one of many red and blue gays (same reason why most of my other skk works lean red-blue-purple), and also because I knew I wanted my light to be on the warmer side — thus, the shadows and unlit areas will be cooler.
i also wanted it to recede (to emphasize the perspective and for depth), so for the base colors, i made them cooler + darker as they went back. This wasn't as clear in the finished product, but i think it did a good job at reminding me the vibe i wanted as i rendered
By how much I've written for this step, I guess you can assume that it's the step I put the most consideration into — and you'd be right. I think base colors really determine the vibe, and it sets you up for the rest of the painting. Sometimes I have to color adjust my bases over and over (with hue adjustments, color balance, curves) until I'm satisfied. I think that satisfaction is obtained w/ more ease as I've painted more and more. Alongside the sketch, this step takes me quite a while. Sometimes it's fun to mess with really wild color combos, but that's another topic.
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Then I block out the lighting, which is probably the most drastic step but also somehow the quickest for me. Once you understand how light affects color (warmth, tone, etc) and you gain confidence with it, blocking out values in relation to base tones isn't too hard. That ofc takes practice and a lot of fundamental understanding of Shapes & Colors but there's a lot of stuff online abt the theory specifically from professionals, so I'm not gonna lecture y'all as a fanartist for glorified literary author rpf
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then i just start rendering, layer by layer. above is a screenshot i took mid-rendering; at this point, dazai's clothes were basically done but I later worked on the face + hair more and textured the tie.
I try to do the stuff I want people to focus on first, because at least for me, that's when I have the most energy to make smth detailed — the more detailed an area is, the more naturally drawn you eye is to it (this is because the brain likes areas of high contrast, and details are entirely founded on the placement of contrast).
My art has never been too extremely detailed — I enjoy flatter + bigger shapes, styled texturing and silly patterns, but I find that "detail" still translates into "effort". When I look at paintings, it's very clear where someone put most of their effort — and when I can't tell, then I know I have a very confident + experienced artist who can effectively distribute their workflow (goalz). So yeah, I render in my very silly poly style but still keep that in mind.
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eventually, I finish rendering. This part is kinda a blur tbh, and it always varies from artist to artist. I'd say the things I keep in mind are:
shape + form (making sure my rendering doesn't mess up gesture or vibes, and that it keeps things loose)
composition (making sure i don't overdo areas where i don't want people to focus on)
and tone (ensuring that the depth and believability of the scene stays intact so that my non-realistic style can work)
I added the bullet because i wanted a reason for the goofy expressions, just a bit more pizazz so that skk's drama was also believable lol. also visual storytelling or whtv (but that's not something i usually prioritize, it mostly comes with the concept and sketch).
I also added the bullet for some compositional spice. the dark shadow on dazai's arms was there to also emphasize the warped perspective, but it also left a weirdly empty vibe that I didn't enjoy lol. So yeah, bullet! and ofc my favorite, weird flowy line pattern thing that doesn't adhere to the laws of physics
I think a lot of my traditional painting experience leaks into my digital painting practice. I don't like lineart too much, and since I mainly work with acrylic, I rely on opaque color blocks, layering, and "carving out" shapes. probably explains my affinity for solid flat brushes in Procreate,,,,, but yeah. It's a little all over the place, but at its core, it's a lot of technical stuff mixed with habits after finding what works for me.
Dunno if this helps at all, or if it was interesting lolol. Thank you for reading until the end if you're still here! I appreciate it. I'm still learning but I've definitely learned a lot since I started this blog so it's exciting to track my progress. I'm sure I'll see this in a few years and laugh lolol.
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dgdraws · 2 months
Artfight Postmortem
as you may know, i am prone to reflection on my art and process and progress. herein, i'm gonna navel gaze a bit about artfight 2024.
top line: really enjoyed myself, did a bunch of new things and this was "The Year of Artist Friends" which is spectacular.
i completed 20 attacks this year, including my first ever mass attacks! altogether I drew 28 different characters (incl 4 of my own).
for the first time, I had *users* i wanted to attack, rather than just characters i'd gathered via search or discord. honestly, three years ago when i picked up the stylus i was just excited at the prospect of drawing for other people, period. artfight was a cool way to be in community without prerequisites. i didn't quite dare to dream i might make some real connections and make proper friends. and yet :) here we are! i went in with three 'art friends' and i'm leaving with at least three more
in addition to being the year of artist friends, this could be "the year of clip studio paint was on megasale a week before artfight" because i knocked out like 2 practice pieces before July 1st so i wouldn't be starting with completely unfamiliar tools, but i used/learned csp for the vast majority of my attacks. one i finished in krita (lonnie), and my final attack i only used krita.
definitely trial-by-fired myself! but it motivated me to explore csp, and most important, gave me a reason to practice practice practice. last year i drew almost exclusively humans, lots of full bodys, because i wanted to get a better grip on anatomy and drawing a variety of faces. it worked then, and, well, i think i learned more of csp in one month of artfight than i would have if i was just plodding through my personal projects for 33 days :) *looks at my wip folder with months old files* pretty sure.
ok i'm gonna look at a few faves/standouts now:
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came in hot with 0tt0 here! the main brush for this one (froggy pencil) was a mainstay for the whole month. so versatile!!! and lovely texture. this isn't quiiite brat green but this was what made me go, hmm, what if i... did a few pieces inspired by this album i can't stop listening to?
and then i took a huge turn and just used a soft round brush for Desa and Iryna for my dear friend @bobomcfoe bc i really wanted to turn these out in something approaching my "usual style" of late and i feared getting too deep into the temptations of csp if i put them off. and, um, yeah i love them. i got sooo close to matching that angle but ahh i can see the tilt now! nonetheless, love these two, not least bc brookie has some of the most pleasing color palettes to work w :)
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then on to Rosé and baby's first vector lines! you can RESIZE lines in csp. did you know that? i didn't know that. i did forget to use it as much as i could have in later ones though, so i still only kinda know it ig. and halftone shading! bc why not? another thing i really only did this once, but want to experiment with more
Rook here, for my new friend @gender-premium-tm, was me realizing how to use filters/filter layers in csp. now THAT is something i used a lot this month! also something i use often in krita. i must say, though the csp options are slightly more limited (afaik), they have oomph!
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okay these two are my "explicitly brat pieces"! artfight keeps you moving, which i find really valuable, bc i could have dithered foreverrr over Lonnie's gif here. like, do i add his arm? maybe he should be wearing a shirt? or, what if i just draw him twice, instead of splitting the expressi--see it just never ends. and as i am always going on about, art is so precious bc it is a reflection of us when we make it. maybe for some future artfight i'll redraw this (as Lonnie's artist @wenmistry did for me with Ebon this year), but for july 2024, i'm amazed at how well i executed this for just 2.5 days of work! (i did forget his glasses, which realization gave me a different take on the composition, so this is high on my list of potential redraws)
and then Aagatha. this is in my top 3 for this year. the pink just works so well with the green and her artist added the song to her character playlist AND added the necklace to her actual dnd inventory. like. omg. the impact your art can have!!! how freaking cool is that???
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two mass attacks! i was in a silly goofy mood. i feel like i really got a handle on vectors w the anthro mass attack, i adjusted every single point on that one by hand. weird what hyperfocus makes you do sometimes, but i learned a lot from that. mainly that i will probably never user vectors as my main linework tool. there are circumstances it is perfect for, and outside of that i'm good w my raster lines lol
which is exactly what i used for this other mass attack, featuring mostly my ocs. hey, sometimes you need to shake things up! i can see here the style starting to hew back to my "usual style", though i'm thinking that might have a lot to do with drawing 5 people very quickly. falling back on practiced techniques. and by this time i apparently knew csp well enough to reproduce them pretty closely! ooh, one thing this made me miss was the transform tool in krita. that floor was ROUGH to wrestle into place in csp.
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purple and green turned up a lot this year!
Echo is my crowning achievement with the froggy pencil, most of the shading here is just layers w that. and one last nod to brat green :)
i've worked in the paper cut style before (both my pfp's use it) but i really exploited csp's clipping layers to make Scraps here. they did make me briefly forget how they work in krita when i switched back, so well done w that
i played with gradient maps a little earlier in the month but for Okanar i actually made my own gradient! really a useful tool for ref'ing real human skin tones to make non-human ones, without muddying them up too much.
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finally, Chaos. this actually might be my favorite! ironically this is the one that i made in krita. it was like, ahh, yes my old friend. wait where is the scroll bar. ah, okay, yes my old friend... the line layer is set to burn which just makes the whole thing so warm (and the cause of the red outlines on the earrings). used my old sable brush, a pattern fill set to overlay... my old stomping grounds! but plus a rendering technique i picked up this month and some other random habits i picked up in csp (like copying a detail to a new layer, moving it where i want a copy, and drawing/tracing it back onto the original layer in the new position. nothing i couldn't have been doing in krita all along, but made easier by the tool layout in csp, and therefore now discovered by me. amazing how one integrates new knowledge. it's like magic sometimes!!!)
that was a good roundup! if you actually read this to the end, wow! and thank you! i hope it was interesting... and inspiring! bc i want to read about your process and reflections too! yes you! and plz tag me, i'm always down to gush about art XD
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bluenightcomedies · 10 months
uuuugh i keep procrastinating cuz i wanna make new refs n' arts n' all for us all but art slow so fuggit placeholder pinned abt the system better pinned with comm details, other accs, etc later :3 will reopen for commissions once arty verifies me! as a whole we're legally deaf and disabled! we can all draw but have diff styles/preferences :3 body is 30 (eugh i don't like admitting that) so am adult BUT we don't wanna be involved in nsfw art so pls respect that⭐ We can't get a formal diagnosis due to various real life issues, so we're not going to claim any particular diagnosis, but we can't exactly ignore the symptoms and stay masked forever. We're going to stay out of syscourse as much as possible, of course. 🌙 each alter has an assigned emoji so ppl can tell us apart easier if needed, use em as our tags too (when we remember) note- using they/them for any of us fine too!⭐
(doesn't include alters that rarely or never front) ⭐star emoji = Blue! she/her pls~ guess i'm the honorary host cuz i front most. uhhh... nothing rly too fancy i can say abt myself, i'm p affectionate and love y2k art and hanging out, i try to be as nice as i can >w< my art's usually sketchbooky, with thin lines and soft colors/shading!
💠this blue gem/flower emoji is Azure! she/her, she's kinda new to the system. looks n' acts a lot like me but uh... more childish i guess? very silly, very 'cringe culture is dead'. loves to rp, say silly things, n' cling to people. hyperfixates on Dot Hack (RIP) her art looks like mspaint x3 🌙 (Writing for myself since I'm available.) The name's Lune, hence moon emoji, and I use she/her pronouns as well. Formerly "Starry" but people kept confusing me with Blue due to her star symbolism. Used to be the designated mask, I'm glad I don't have to do that anymore... Sometimes I re-mask out of habit so if something sounds like me but wasn't marked as an alter, it probably is me. I have a flat tone and chronic paranoid anxiety so uh... Let me know if I come across as rude, I usually don't mean to. I enjoy doing research and organizing information, so I'm often the one to fact-check things or find guides and how-to's for the system. My art's very bold and colorful, and friends describe it as 'angular'. Clashes with my personality, huh? 🗝️key emoji = Sylverwynd! he uses he/him! he's super laid back and chill, i've never seen him upset or anything, but he's rly long-winded talks... kinda poet-y? he loves reading and talking abt lore and myths so he'll pop in if ur talking abt something he likes or if he has trivia 2 share! fave genres r horror n' fantasy he's still experimenting w/ style but likes drawing rly soft
❌cross emoji= Laceburner! it/its or they/them pronouns! tbh i'm not used to it/its pronouns but Lace wanted em; it's very uh... emotionally empty i guess? aroace, agender, can't socialize or empathize v well. it usually fronts when the rest of us are tired or in pain cuz it just ignores all that. likes 2000's scenemo aesthetics though which is surprising but ye idk how to describe its style, but it's trying to mimic emo art n' likes bright colored lines with dark bg/colors 🗡️the dagger is Kal! he/him pronouns, he gets angry and stressed abt things really easy but he gets too hostile abt it so he tries to not front too much; need to find him a way to de-stress n' chill out... when he's not mad at smth he's a good sympathetic listener imo, still swears and talks all rough tho hasn't drawn much yet but does rly harsh lines and fast/messy sketches when he does (and gets riled up by mistakes =w=;)
❤️heart is Weiss! genderfluid, goes by any pronouns, usually uses whatever they like at the time x3 has a hard time fronting but tries to. flirty, loves dumb jokes, overly confident... (we worry they'd get us in trouble sometimes cuz the shit they want to say) loves demon and monster-related stuff! still experimental style but uses bold colors and thick rough lines a lot, may get suggestive (forbidden from outright nsfw, don't ask >:c) btw ur always welcome to direct asks @ someone specific >w< we just might take a while to respond
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artvaris · 3 months
i love your b&w work so much, the shading looks so soft - but have you entirely stopped doing colour work? i always loved your mastery of it!
Glad you enjoy my work so much, thank you for your kind words! Hmm I haven't made a conscious decision to entirely stop doing colored work, it's more like I've just happened to draw more b&w work since right now, that is what I enjoy (and what brings money to the table). But I don't intend to stop doing colored work, right now I just go with the flow if that makes sense! A little background story related to this: I basically burned out really badly a few years ago and had to completely change my artistic routine and the way I approach painting and drawing. That was when I went back to the basics and started drawing my b&w sketches to get better at drawing alone. But soon after, my financial situation changed rather drastically and I started to take on private commissions to keep myself and my cat afloat, so I had a lot less time for personal work and (colored) style experiments in general. But I should have more time for personal work for a few months now, so I'm excited about that!
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mellowmaidenhairs · 11 months
have 2 ask… what’s ur rendering process??? because like idk if this makes sense but your work always looks like if someone drew with oil pastel colored pencils and i have NO IDEA how u do that shit 😭😭 sorry if this is like. a lot to ask i’ve always been so curious
i usually start out w a rough sketch and lay down base colors under it and when i’m ready merge the layers and start painting it and adding detail ! sometimes i even just paint over the sketch on one layer
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i do this with most of my stuff becasue it makes it easier to bring together the lines and color in an interesting way and also easier to like. redo a face or something without having to go back and forth on each layer.
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and for colors and shading i just experiment with colors and diff hues. go crazy use a bunch of varying hues and shades for shading and lighting instead of one chosen color. putting a slight hue change/jitter on ur brush also adds a lot to the piece. and when i render if it’s more stylized i just go in with fun shapes and scribbles and lines!!! sometimes a color choice looks really weird up close but really good once ur finished. just go crazy and experiment is my advice.
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lil-gae-disaster · 6 months
Okay so little funfact about the world(s) of my spidersona:
I first played w the thought of giving them a whole 'nother suit, but this suit was too painful to draw. And it was obviously the colors of the transflag remastered, because the first thing I knew about him before I patchworked my lore and other ocs together was that he would be trans. Because back then I identified as a transman and he was a projection of me w a slightly different name.
The reason for him being trans and not simply a guy was that I made this during the peak of the anti-trans bills in the US and I KNEW that this would flush over to Europe if it wasn't gonna be put to stop in the US. And, to comfort myself, I have made a trans & aroace spidersona who is basically me w more trauma and leads a successful life even with being trans. And aroace. It was important to me to have a successful, alive and happy trans character after seeing the statistics of the suicide rates of trans people. :)
And then I went through a lot of brainstorming, until I came up with
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Back then I didn't really think that his old superhero name wouldn't be of my liking.
This is a bit over 9 months old.
And as you can see, I have only changed my artstyle slightly, as one can see when comparing this picture and a picture of his suit I very recently drew
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Same pencil used, same color palette, just slightly different shading)
Then, I was goofing around w him a bit, drawing him and only him, but then I decided upon a Deadpool because, honest to God, we need a Deadpool to spiderman.
And so this picture happened:
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Then I goofed around again.
Until I made the picture below and needed to categorize the girl in the drawing
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And since I already had a Deadpool and didn't think of venom and ALSO didn't want someone as important as Deadpool dating some civilian (and it also didn't fit in into the lore as seen in the now slightly outdated text), I decided that she'd be black cat.
Then, I came to the conclusion that I hated drawing a beanie as much as I hate the subject Latin, so I redesigned the suit a bit, and also came up w a new artstyle. :D
The first picture of said redesign:
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I was goofing around a bit, by then I came to the conclusion I'm agender, and was like "ykw? I need a new spidersona so that I can actually project onto them." This was also when I was experimenting w my new style I have designated to earth 5426.
So, I painted this picture:
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And then I was just playing around, being a good little puppeteer, and kinda forgot about my spidersona and friends. UNTIL I managed to draw in spite of my artblock. That is also when I introduce new villain and a new artstyle.
Everybody, welcome ???? ?????? !
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And now I'm in possession of about 20-ish OCS all covered in various parts of the multiverse. Some of their lore is explicitly planned (like Novah and Coy) and some is loose (Like MJ, Noah and Wade) and upon some I haven't even decided upon their role yet (???? ??????)
And now I'm vibin' coming up w lore and just drawing what my heart desires :)
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tiny-little-godling · 6 months
Hewwo I'm Loki nice to meet you
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Call me Loki or Lei Lei whatever you prefer ^w^
(also known as 🐍✨ anon if you guys are fine with that)
Hi guys @loki104-uwu here, this is my little Age regression blog so please nothing inappropriate or mean I really don't want to block anyone
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Are You Currently Regressed?: Yes!
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Big age: 15
Little age: 3-6 years old
Pronouns: she/her, they/them.
Note: i'm kinda a flip?? I guess, more so a big sister than a full on Cg so if you ever need a big sibling talk to me, I got experience little ones :3
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Fav shows: Blue's clues, Octonauts, Bubble guppies, Special agent Oso, Paw patrol, Sesame street, Little Einsteins, Bluey, Wonderpets, Baby looney tunes and a lot more.
Fav colors: any shade of blue, purple, and pink along with green and black ^^
Fav Little snacks & drinks: peanut butter and apple slices, apple juice, milk, grape juice, and fruits really, anything animal shaped, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Random things I like: horror stuff(as long as it's not too scary), drawing, coloring & painting, watching my shows ^w^, stickers!, pastel stuff, Gir from Invader Zim, and my buddies! I'll always love my buddies!
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Here's me!! <3 I'm wearing a Gir onesie and holding a Croki plushie :3
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I don't really know if i'll do baby talk but there is most likely a possibility i'll do it from time to time :3
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