#was gonna have like wounds but... nahh
dreamypumpkins · 6 months
🍂The Harvester🍂
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dozing-marshmallow · 9 months
could i maybe request some yandere!chris mclean headcanons if thats alright with you? (bonus points if its with a reader that lowkey fears him)
ps love ur work, you're one of the very small amount of people that write for my man chris
Helloo, and of course it’s alright!! Thank you for the request, I hope these headcanons below are good enough, and aw thank you, I appreciate that! 💗 (Don’t worry, I plan on posting Chris McLean content for a long time ;).) YANDERE!CHRIS MCLEAN HEADCANONS 
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Chris didn’t know what to do. He had never cared so much about another living person before.
But here he was, hiring a private investigator to find out everything he could about you.
For someone who was meant to be his personal assistant, you noticed he was way too proud to showcase you to the public and showered you with more gifts than you had received your entire childhood.
Because of this uncontrollable hearts for eyes he had for you, he had an internal conflict pulling him from both sides of his head. Should he use you as a punching bag for laughs or should he reserve your body as its natural state?
Nahh he already had those moronic teenagers to feed his sadism- Alright, but imagine how good it’ll feel to see you cry...and hear your pleads...for him to stop...
Such that human life was too cheap for him.
Don’t worry, Chris isn’t the type of yandere to tie you down in a dark basement whenever he has to leave for extended periods: instead, he was more than happy to still have you on the show, as long as you played along for the cameras. Now that you knew the full truth behind his continuous gift showering and sweeter treatment, hearing him hide the lovesickness in his voice everyday to the others made you nauseous.
Another day of agony led you to his same heavenly bed.
Nothing was as enjoyable as it used to be.
At least the guy was loyal- he gave up on attending parties and social events, unless he arranged his own with you, and was immune to alternative admiration.
That doesn’t mean it got better. Occasionally, Chris appears to have let his darker conscience win, seeing how he would stick his saliva into your wounds with his tongue where your warm blood cried, or caught it to use as an ingredient for his coffee.
One day, he must have wondered what it’d look like for the roles to be reversed, openly admitting it as you drank your hot chocolate that he had mixed some of his blood in it so that “you could always have a piece of me inside of you.”
“How...can you give me something with your blood in it to drink!?” You spluttered horrified, wiping your mouth.
For a second, it’s like he gained a realising glimpse at what he’s done, but then happily turns it into a milestone,“Haha okay, I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think about how messed up that was until I heard you say it. Soooo, I might be a bit of a masochist? Whoo! Love really does teach you things you never knew about yourself, doesn’t it, my love, (Y/N)? I love that name, by the way. (Y/N). It suits you reaaaaaaally well!”
Yeah and thanks to him, you grew to hate it.
It spirals to the sickening point where Chris didn’t even want anyone else to look at you, whether it was from the screen or in person. How did he ensure this? Simple. You were going to make one final appearance on Total Drama to bid your departure from show business so nobody would suspect your absence in future episodes.
Well, it worked. So authentic that no one thought of anything more when you started sobbing right there and then or how Chris came to escort you away.
Albeit your friends and family weren’t deceived for long when they never heard from you again.
And it’s going to stay that way, for Chris paid the police department situated in Ontario to ignore, close, reject all reports filed in your name. He may as well have removed your citizenship.
The frightening power of the bourgeoisie.
Now you were truly prohibited from leaving his grounds.
“Why the long face, (Y/N)? Aren’t you happy?”
“No...” You tremble,“I... I want to go home...so badly.”
“Home?” He twirls you around, hands gripped on your shoulders in true puzzlement,“This is your home.”
“No, it’s...not. I...don’t belong here... You scare me.”
“Huh? Me? Scare you? (Y/N), whatever do you mean? Everything I’ve been doing so far...is for you! Now that we don’t have to worry about the police, it’s way easier for us to be together in peace! See how thoughtful I am, (Y/N)? No need to thank me.”
“Chris I’m sorry, but...” you wince, knowing such bold answer may trigger a dangerous reaction,“I can’t...reciprocate. See, I didn’t know th...there was something else you wanted from me other than me working for you... I...think you’d be better off spending your time and love on someone else.”
“Oh (Y/N),” he chuckles darkly, sprinkling your disbelieved face with kisses,“It’s all these well meaning, pure hearted things you say that has me falling more and more in love with you... I’m not worried you don’t feel the same. In fact, I honestly couldn’t care less. As long as I can hear you breathe...”
He could hear it alright. Just the same in his sleep... Perfect.
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strangerthingsn · 8 months
My evil dad
Summary: You’re Eddies pregnant girlfriend during season 4 of stranger things. Eddie is not gonna die at the end tho!
a/n: I just came up with this idea a week ago so now I started writing it! (If you find any type of faults or anything else please mention!)
warning:(actually not that much warnings) sweet names like: sweetheart and babe, maybe a little bit angst, and y/n is a female :)
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Chapter 6~ the drive
Yesterday was a long day for you and Alice. You both are not used to do so much in a day. Plus she cried really much because of the pain of her lil wound. She woke you up this morning on 4am because she was hungry. You breastfeed her what took about like an hour because she kept falling asleep while she was hungry. After that you both fell asleep again on your bed.
Yesterday night was horrible. So much police rushing through your street. It was really complicated to fall asleep for you both. You were worried about Eddie had been found.
Now it’s 1PM and You turned the tv on for maybe some news.
“Oh no…” you whispered. You see a officer standing next to reefer ricks garage / Eddie’s hiding place. He’s holding a photo of Eddie and he tells he escaped again. The police are hundred procent sure Eddie was the one who killed the 3th person. You knew him, he was for the basketball team, some friend of Jason.
You sigh and walk downstairs to the kitchen. You got some yogurt with strawberries, and took it back upstairs with you to watch Alice. You ate everything on your bed. It was pretty late already but you decided to have a lazy day today.
You had already almost fallen asleep as you hear some noices from under your bed. It scared the shit out of you at first, but then you decided to look what it was. You found your walkie-talkie and heard Eddie on the other line.
“miss y/l/n?” he asks. You grab the walkie from under your bed and sit down.
“Eddie?!” You smile as you hear him for the first time in almost two days.
“hey, yeah it’s me.” He sounded a lot less happier then you was.
“are you okay? Where are you, I can give you some help?” You look at some lil baby legs going in the air in Alice her crib.
“nahh.. I’m not, not okay… but don’t worry babe, I don’t want you to come hire. That’s too dangerous for you and Allie..” He sniffs. He’s crying.
“but I can come alone, I can let your uncle babysit her?” You still looking how Alice gets her socks off for the 4th time today, “Alice…” you mumble softly but Eddie heard it.
“what is she doing?” He has a shaky voice that hurts you. You get up and walk to her crib.
“she’s getting her socks off…for the fourth time, it’s so annoyin” you giggle while you try to get them on again with one hand.
“I wish i was there to see that” he sighs.
“I will record it for you” before she was born you bought a camera to record every lil sweet moment with Alice. Sadly Eddie can’t be with you to do that right now.
“still not the same..” Alice noticed her dads voice and she starts brabbeling.
“I think she hears you” you smile ”hey sweetheart” Eddie says while you hold the walkie closer to Alice.
“daddy is gonna vist you soon, then I’m gonna cuddle you and give you lil kisses and love” Alice smiles.
“She’s smiling babe” you kiss her nose.
“She probably thinks im a horrible dad..” he sobs.
“no no no, don’t say that babe… every time she sees you she’s super happy, she’s too young to realize any of this.” You pick her up and hold the walkie between your shoulder and head.
“hmm.. I’m not sure if she doesn’t notice it..”
“Where are you?” You sit down on bed with her holding the walkie again.
“you’re not coming y/n”
“Wasn’t my plan darling, how bad I even want it.”
“Well… Im hiding at skull rock..” he sighs, he probably stopped crying.
“what happened..? I mean you don’t have to tell it..”
“That motherfucker Jason found me last night… I tried to get away in time on the little boat but they were swimming behind me…..”
“and then the 3th person got killed?” You guessed
“yeah. Fuck…Why me again?”
“Just want you to know you’re a fucking strong person Eddie. I’m so proud of you. And I’m sure Alice is too. Whatever is murdering those people, we gonna kill it. Don’t worry and keep going please..” those words came straight out of your heart. Eddie was silent for maybe a minute.
“I love you.” He started crying again, “I promise not to give up, for you and Alice.”
“and your uncle. He misses you too.”
“Will you vist him? I mean he’s lonely.. where is he even living?” Eddie sobs again.
“yeah I’ll invite him today, and he is staying at his work he told me in the hospital.”
“he sleeps at his work?” He mumbles.
“yeah he is sleeping in a caravan“
“poor Wayne, I had to just stay there by Chrissy and go to fucking jail.”
“that wouldn’t change the fact he’s lonely baby.” You pull your shirt up to feed Alice.
“what did you do yesterday?”
“I went to that creel house with Steve, Nancy, Max, Lucas, Robin and Dustin.”
“why the hell did you go there?” He sniffs.
“there is much information of the monster that’s killing the people hire” Alice is drinking and you have to help her holding her head up.
“you found anything?”
“yeah, it’s probably his place in the upside down. He was there when we were there too. Strange things happened..”
“be careful next time alright princess?”
“I will be careful babe.”
“I have to go, I hear Steve and Dustin” he wipes his tears away.
“I’m gonna miss you. Love you.”
“Love you more princess.”
you lay the walkie down and look at drinking Alice who is already falling half asleep. You grab a tiny soft hair brush from your nightstand and starts brushing her hair really carefully. She opens her eyes from the feeling but they fluttered shut fast enough.
“Feels good?” You whisper. You know you’re not supposed to brush curls but she’s still a baby so it won’t mind that much. Plus you don’t even know how to take care of curls you definitely need Eddie for that.
When she stops drinking you pick her up to burb because otherwise she’ll maybe throw up in her bed. You rocking her carefully up and down against your shoulder. And there it was; the cutest little burn ever.
“Excuse you” you giggle. You get up to lay her in her crib again. After that you walk to the bathroom and undressed yourself. Before you turned the shower on you did a lil face mask and some other skincare.
After the shower you wrapped a trowel around you and you dried your hair. Then you put some concealer, eyeliner and mascara on. You walk to the phone and call Wayne his work.
“hello you’re speaking with Bill from auto repair business Hawkins, where can I help you with?” A man voice spoke on the other line.
“Hey, stupid question but do you know Wayne Munson?” Your voice spoke soft.
“yeah he works hire.”
“is he around?”
“He’s outside but I can get him if you wanna speak to him?”
“yes please, would be amazing.” You lean against the wall.
“one moment” you hear some noices on the other line but you waited patiently for him to get Wayne.
“Hello?” You hear Wayne his voice.
“hey it’s y/n. How are you?”
“hey kid. I’m fine what about you?”
“I’m okay, the baby is doing great.”
“that’s awesome” he said.
“you wanna come over today to come see her?”
“Sure, I work different times since two days ago so I can be there around… four?”
“sounds good to me, my mom will be home also then” you smile.
“alright see you!”
“bye!” You hang up the phone and walk back to your bedroom, you open the closet to choose a simple outfit. Then you fix your hair and makeup. It’s 03:07 PM now. You actually kinda hoped Eddie would talk with you again through the walkie, but the didn’t. What you understand because he’s probably trying to safe Hawkins together with the others. You get another outfit for Alice so if she wakes up you can put it on.
“I’m home!” Your mom said from downstairs.
“hey”you walk to the stairs so you could talk with her.
“Wayne comes at four” you smile.
“Nice, does he bring his girlfriend?”
“I don’t know he’s coming to see the baby for the second time, he might brings her because he’s proud of Alice”
“alright I’ll clean the house a little then, did you already eat? I got pancakes for lunch maybe you want too?” She gives a soft smile.
“sounds good” you nod and smile back.
“alright I’ll make them , is Alice awake?”
“not yet, probably in 30 minutes she will”
“okay” she nods and walks to the kitchen. You walk into your room again, sitting on your bed just to think a little. You decided to grab the walkie.
“Eddie?” “babe?” You start to give up when he suddenly awnsers.
“hey princess, something wrong?” You smile of hearing his voice again.
“no, just wanted to know what you guys are up to” he’s probably in the car by Nancy like you was yesterday. You could hear them talking and the sound of a driving car.
“we going to the lake to look if there is something there, since anyone had floated out of the water…”He mumbles.
“Be careful Eddie. Alice and I can’t loose you.”
“I know my love. I’m gonna be careful”
“Wayne is coming maybe he brings Sandra” You look around for Alice her pacifier.
“I wish I could be there”
“you doing something much more important, you gonna be a hero” you found it laying on the ground next to her crib.
“I’m not a hero.” He chuckles.
“Maybe for some people you are a freak but you’re mine and Alice our hero.” You giggle a bit too.
“Hey y/n” Dustin shouts from somewhere in the car.
“Let him talk with his girlfriend dumbass” you hear Steve saying frustrated.
“how if Alice? Does her wound still hurt?” Robin asks from probably next to Eddie.
“wound?” Eddie asks.
“yeah we were yesterday at that creepy old stinky house and suddenly the lights going on we followed it into a attic, what was super creepy. And it’s probably where he was in the upside down because the light went brighter and brighter, so did our flashlights. And then suddenly they all exploded and the glass flew everywhere and it accidentally hit your daughter..” Robin says almost in one breath. Eddie is silent for a moment to realize what she just all said.
“sooo… Alice is hurt?” He asks you.
“Yeah.. but it’s just a little bit, she got a bandage on it” you say soft.
“I’m not mad y/n. But just don’t do anything dangerous with her anymore, oki.?”
“okay Eds”
“I need to hang we are almost at the lake, I’ll speak to you sometime” he is already getting out of the car because you hear some doors.
“Alright… bye babe..”
“bye sweetheart. Love you.” He makes a lil kiss sound and he was gone again. You get up and grab the pacifier and put it in your pocket, you take it downstairs to you to wash it.
“almost done, just one pancake.” You mom smiles.
“You don’t have to hurry Wayne is probably late anyways. He’s just Eddie” you smile back at her.
“I know but I have to clean a little”
“I think the house looks fine mom.” You wash the pacifier with some water and you lay it next to the sink.
“did she dropped it?”
“I don’t know actually, just found it on the ground” you shrug your shoulders. “Also she takes her socks off the whole time and it starts to get annoying” you chuckle.
”well that’s a life with a baby, you did that too by the way.” She winks as she put the pancakes on the table. You roll your eyes a bit and sit down by the table.
“I got strawberries and whipped cream” she sits down next to you.
“you know that’s my favoritee!”
“I thought I should give you something extra since you doing such a great job being a mama all alone” she grabs a pancake and puts some syrup on it. You do the same but with whipped cream and strawberries.
“do you remember that pregnancy graving with pancakes, syrup, union and pickles.” She laughs.
“I know right I was so crazy” you take the fist bite and it tastes so good. “Hmmm.. love it.”
“guess I did a good job deciding to buy this on my way home”
“absolutely.” You were just silently eating for a moment.
“a couple days ago your dad told me he found you with Eddie. Is that right?” She asks carefully.
“Well…” You look down, “he didn’t actually kill anyone and we both know that.”
“Im just happy for you. He also finally got to see his daughter. Where is he now?”
“I don’t know actually, probably still hiding since the police is a hundred procent sure he killed those people” you lie while cause you know exactly what he’s doing. you take a bite again.
“I hope it will all be good soon. I miss him around. He was always so nice.” Your mom is eating her second pancake.
“Yeah but can you please not tell anyone else.?”
“our secret, and I will tell dad he can’t say anyone else.” She smiles softly. You nod and continued eating until the doorbell rang.
“ill open you can get Alice” your mom gets up and walks to the door, you get up also and you walk upstairs. When you walk into your bedroom you see her feet in the air trying to takes her socks off. You smile and grab the camera silently. You had already filmed the first time you feed her. Or you giving the plushie to her, basically all the sweet moments you’ve had. You filmed her taking her socks off while walking closer.
“what are you doing babyy?” You tickle her feet a little with your other hand. She smiles and let out a silent scream, she kicks her feet to get your hands away. You giggle and stop filming.
“Come hire” you pick het up and put her socks in your pocket, you take her to your bed and puts her other outfit on you choose earlier.
You walk downstairs after you’ve put her outfit on. You heard the voices from your mom, Wayne and his girlfriend already upstairs.
“there she is” Wayne says looking at you. You smile at him and his girlfriend.
“hello! I’m sorry it took a lil longer, she was sleeping”
“that’s okay” Sandra smiles. You sit down on the couch next to Wayne. Wayne looks at Alice and he starts smiling only if seeing her. “we’ve got you a little present” Sandra says giving you a little onesie with Corroded coffin on it and a new pacifier. You gasp,
“That’s so adorable, thank you so much” you smile big while taking it from her.
“I thought you and Eddie would love it, we bought it before she was born but I forgot to give it last time” Wayne looks at it.
“it’s super cute! I love it!..you wanna hold her by the way?”you totally forgot asking.
“I’d love too” he takes Alice from you.
“She looks just like Eddie” Sandra looks at her.
“you’re not the first one who said that” you giggle.
It’s 11PM, Alice is already sleeping in her crib with her new onesie. Wayne and Sandra leaved a couple hours ago after you all had dinner. You’re laying on bed and you’re really tired but you liked to see Wayne and Sandra again. They feel like family to you.
The first time Eddie showed you Wayne already liked you. He got you presents for your birthday, he gave you and Eddie much advice. And you could always talk to him, on good days but also your bad days.
When you told Eddie you were pregnant he came crying to his uncle because he knew how bad his father was, he was scared to be just as horrible in fatherhood as him. Wayne calmed him down and het told him to take good care of you. He also told some stories of when Eddie lil was. Still Eddie was scared, but it turns out he’s a perfect dad, even when he’s hiding for murder.
To be continued…
Hey y’all! I was on a vacation this weekend that’s why it took a little longer.. I also made a master list yesterday since I finally know how to even do that lol
tagg list❤️: @kellyxo1 @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @notsobubblybaby @amira0303 @ali-r3n @eddiesguitarskills @goth-cowgirl-03
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
A Hunch - Jason Todd × Reader
You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you.
Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping, Light swearing. Angst with comfort/happy ending. Reader is unintentionally a badass.
A/N:I....might have gotten a lot a bit carried away with this one, but I am really happy with the way it turned out.😁
Also Don't blame me for the spelling mistakes and grammar coz I am TIRED OKAY?! But do tell me if you find any
This was your second day on work and you would much rather be anywhere else, right now being kidnapped by The Joker himself would feel like a field trip.
When you decided to work in a café, you expected to smell the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans all day long, to see happy faces of customers and co-workers alike, and to get the amount of money which can cover your expenses since all Jason does is sleep all day and kick the crap out of people all night. One of you had to be the responsible one. What you didn't expect however was that you'd have to deal with whatever the hell this guy in front of you was trying.
"Sir, I already gave you what you ordered can you just stop holding up the line now." You were sure everyone except this dumbass could see the vein popping on your forehead but you guessed he couldn't see past the forced smile plastered on your face.
"Oh come on babe, It's not like these people have anywhere important to be. Now have you been covered in bees recently?"
Oh god no. No. No. No. NO. If he uses a cheesy pick up line I am going to KILL HIM.
He continued "Oh you know I just assumed, because, well you look sweeter than honey." The guy winked and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
'THAT'S IT I AM KILLING HIM. Sweeter than honey?!!! Seriously!!!! Wait, What if throw his coffee in his face? Nahh I will probably get fired. Damn you manager!! This day cannot get any worse.'
You raised an eyebrow at him and sighed to yourself. This is gonna be a loooooong shift.
After going through this torturous day, safe to say you were more than relieved when you got back to your shared apartment.
Maybe if I am lucky enough I will catch Jason before he leaves for his 'night job' You thought to yourself as you unlocked the door and stepped inside.
As soon as you entered, you noticed the dim lights and the smell of freshly cooked food. You assumed it was one of those nights in which Jason behaves like a hopeless romantic and it turns into a cliché dinner date followed by a movie marathon while being cuddled up on the couch.
You smiled to yourself at the thought.
"Jay you will not believe what happened at work today." You started babbling the way you usually do as you made your way to the kitchen. "There was this really weird guy who kept flirting with me and--" You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
This was all very, very wrong. There was an uneasy silence which was soon however, broken by a groan, you whipped your head around at the source of the sound.
There he was Jason. Your Jason. All battered up and tied to a chair. Just as you took a step towards him a hand was placed on your lower back. You froze completely. Another hand made its way up, tracing up your spine, the palm of the hand was then placed on the back of your neck.
You were wrong. This day just got a helluva lot worse.
You were yanked forward and now you could see Jason up close. He looked at you with dizzy eyes, "it's going to be okay" he spoke softly, there were clear indications that he was disoriented, no wonder he didn't get out of his bonds yet. Jason's gaze shifted towards the intruder behind you. He gritted his teeth and spoke in a low and dangerous tone.
"Sionis this is between you and me So. Let. Her. Go."
"From where I am standing, you are not in any position to make demands, Red. And a word of advice, you really shouldn't make promises you can't keep."
The hand on your lower back disappeared and before you could even blink, you felt the muzzle of a gun being pressed on your temple. Your eyes widened in fear. The only thing keeping you from a full-on panic attack was Jason's presence. You knew, as long as he was there, you were going to be just fine.
"We could have done some good together-- you and me. We could have rebuilt Gotham in a way she deserves." You gasped as Roman's fingers tightened around the back of your neck. "You see Red Hood you took my beautiful Gotham city away from me and now I get to take this beauty away from you."
The fingers on your neck were now threaded through your hairs. Tears welled up in your eyes as the stinging sensation in your scalp intensified. For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you. You meant the world to him. At the same time he refused to give Roman the satisfaction. Jason made sure his face wouldn't show how much pain he was in, seeing the tears in your eyes and the absolute fear behind them.
"You are the most feared crime lord in the Gotham underworld Sionis, or well atleast you were, and this is the best revenge plan you could come up with? That's just...sad." You could tell Jason was taunting him. He was trying to get the attention off of you and surprisingly it was working. You went along with his idea and bit your lip to stop any and every sound that can come out of your mouth.
Roman was already blinded with the rage he felt towards Jason and the mocking tone in his words was the last straw, he threw you to the side and got in Jason's face, a gun was placed underneath your lover's chin as you stumbled to the floor. The tension in the room was thick. Both men were defiantly staring each other down. Even though Jason managed to get you free, there was no after plan, there was no way he could take on Black Mask in his current state, so he did what he does best, he got on Black Mask's already ignited nerves.
"Are you going to shoot me or what Blackie? Because if I get back to my senses before you kill me, I will fill you up with so much lead Superman won't be able to see through you."
Roman seemingly calmed himself down, stood up straight, aimed the gun straight at Jason's forehead.
"Here I thought you were special Jason, that you were worthy to be my heir, my friend. What a waste. Now you will die like any other disappointing employee of mine."
As soon as you were free and you saw Jason distracting the crime lord, you quickly scanned your surroundings; you could get a knife from the kitchen counter but you'll probably be shot down as soon as you try to make a run for it. There is also a spare gun in the bedroom but that's not happening because well the same reason.
And then your heard it, Black Mask cocked his gun and seeing the gun pointed at Jason something in you snapped, there was no way in hell you were going to lose the one person you loved more than anything in this world. Not again.
Thankfully there was a chair within your grasp and before anyone could register anything you jumped to your feet, grabbed it and swung it hard.
"HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!", Your voice was heard in what seemed like forever, as the hard wood of the chair connected with Roman's back. He fell to the floor as pieces of the chair dropped down around him. You reared back your foot and before he could get back up, the heel of your foot connected with his jaw and just like that, he was down with a thud.
You heard Jason mutter a surprised, "Well wasn't that anticlimactic", as you stood there looking at the unconscious body on the floor, unable to wrap your head around the events of this evening.
By the time you turned around to untie Jason, he was already free and you were pulled into a hug as your face pressed against his chest, you inhaled his familiar scent and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"(Y/N) I was so scared. That bastard got the jump on me. I wanted to do something. I wanted to stop him. I couldn't see you get hurt but I couldn't move. I-I love you more than anything I have ever loved." Jason buried his face in your neck.
You just hummed as Jason soothingly ran his fingers through your hairs. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you hugged him tightly, keeping him impossibly close to you. You knew there was nothing you could say to make him feel less guilty so you both just stayed there for a while, feeling safe in each other's embrace.
"We are getting reports that earlier tonight after a deadly run in with a bat-vigilante, the notoriously known crime lord of Gotham Underworld, Roman Sionis aka The Black Mask, was apprehended today, The Batman himself was seen handing this dangerous criminal over to the Blackgate prison guards our sources tell us--"
You saw Jason switch off the headlines, he was sitting on the bed's edge, he squeezed his eyes with he heels of his palms. Seeing his distress you made your way over to him with a first-aid kit and a few extra bandages. You stood in front of him and for the first time since the fiasco, you were able to see how bad of a shape he was in and a frown made its way on to your lips.
Jason looked up at you and brought both of your hands towards his lips. As he kissed the knuckles of your hands, he whispered, "I'll be fine. Don't worry. I am in this condition every now then...But Lets talk about you." You raised an eyebrow at his comment as your hand moved to dab the alcohol swab over his wounds. Getting the hint, he further explained himself.
"I mean how did you take him out? Like did you take some self defense classes while I was away or Cass taught you some stuff or...?"
"Oh That! That was just instinct, my love. I saw him point a gun at you and I just--I just lost it I guess. Plus I had a hunch, the chair was sturdy enough to knock him down, the kick was just reflex so...", you shrugged.
"So you mean to say you took out someone from Bruce's Rogue Gallery on the basis of a hunch? A. Frickin. Hunch?!"
You grinned and pecked his lips, moving away to get some supplies for stitching up the bigger wounds.
"(Y/N) you are insane!"
"Says the one who wears a mask underneath a mask, thinking it gives him a dramatic flare", you smirked at his dramatic gasp.
"Just so you know it more of a helmet than a mas--", you cut him off by a playful smack on the chest.
"Todd, I swear I can make this stitch much more painful for you if you don't shut the hell up right now"
"Yes ma'am", He gave you a mock salute as you smiled went back to tending his wounds.
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sugako · 3 years
pairing: college!kuroo x gn!reader synopsis: you realize your feelings for kuroo after he takes you to a party and you have to look after him  warnings: alcohol use, lots of hand holding and some cuddling a/n: uhh did i make the reader a little too much like kenma...probably..this is really mostly just a bunch of fluffy mutual pining and bad writing
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you couldn't believe he had dragged you here. well, dragged was a strong word. you had willingly agreed to come to this party because his normal party friends were busy and he thought it would be fun. the loud shitty music, swarm of sweaty bodies, and intermittent yelling was not for you though.
it wasn't all bad. it was kind of fun to watch kuroo in his element. he could chat with almost anyone and he seemed to know most people here. you admired how easily he could weave through the crowd. how at ease he looked in this unfamiliar apartment. you almost wished you could be more like that.
on the other hand, you were getting tired of the people and the noise. about three hours in, you got separated from your human security blanket. a little defeated and not nearly as drunk as everyone around you, you slumped against a corner and waited. and waited. it wasn't like he was hard to miss with his messy bed head that towered above most everyone. still, you hadn't spotted him once in nearly twenty minutes.
you really didn't want to be a drag, but you were tired and drained from all the energy around you.
to 🐔kuroo: hey i think im gonna head out im pretty tired
as soon as you shoved your phone into your back pocket it buzzed.
from 🐔kuroo: wait up meet u by the door!!1!
you typed with one hand as you slipped through the crowd. when you heard his rowdy cackle you knew he wasn't far away.
to 🐔kuroo: you don't have to leave now if you don't wanna im good to go home
from 🐔kuroo: nahh I'm already there anywayy I'm ready to go
you smiled lightly at your screen. while you hadn't been paying attention you feelings of admiration for the man had slowly morphed into infatuation. it crept up on you slowly. you hadn't realized all at once, but it was starting to make more sense now as you stared at the little screen.
"hey!!" he called over the heads of a group blocking the door.
you peeped up and waved, pushing your phone back into a pocket. he grabbed you by the elbow and practically threw you out the door. when you stumbled, he caught your hand and tutted obnoxiously.
"you are not 'good to go' alone. how much did you drink when i lost you?"
heat, not from the alcohol, seeped into your cheeks. you tried to pull your hand out of his iron grip, but it was impossible. not that you actually minded.
"only one," you huffed, "i think you're the one that needs help." you watched his roaming feet as you both shuffled down the street toward the bus stop.
"hmm, nah. i was worried for a bit when i lost you, were you okay?"
his fingers squeezed around yours. "i-uh, yeah, i was fine. i didn't really talk to anyone, but it wasn't bad. i know i'm kinda bad at parties, but did you have a good time?"
kuroo giggled and swung your arm with his as he leaned heavily against the bus station sign. in the middle of the night on this empty street, it felt almost like it could be an intimate moment between the two of you... if he wasn't sauced.
"a great time, only i wish i hadn't accidentally abandoned you like that. i know you didn't really want to go."
"no, no!" you said a little too fast. "well, i didn't mind it, i'm just not used to big crowds like that. or the music." you trailed off. "i had a pretty good time though. maybe except for babysitting you." you joked, lightly nudging him as the bus pulled up.
he kept his hand in yours even as you sat down in the empty space. it seemed like he was processing what you said and answered just a little too late.
"i am not the baby that needs to be babysat, baby."
"you're very drunk, tetsuro."
"maybe so..." he breathed out, leaning heavily against you.
your eyes fluttered from exhaustion, alcohol, and the heavy heating pack slumped against you. two stops later the bus had arrived at his place, but his hand was firmly laced with yours.
kuroo had been watching you closely as your eyes drooped. he looked down at where your warm hands were intertwined with his and he couldn't help the giddy feeling that courses through his body. maybe you were just being nice because he was drunk, he thought. still, it felt nice to just exist with you like this.
"hey," he jostled you a little rougher than intended. you startled out of your half sleep. "wanna spend the night?"
"mhmm..." you murmured, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as he dragged you off the bus. around the corner you stopped at a tiny convenience store for a few overnight toiletries like toothpaste and deodorant. it wasn’t the first time you had spent the night, but you were feeling a little flustered under his gaze tonight. 
when his hand left yours, you felt colder and a little incomplete. 
you were still half asleep, but you listened as best you could as kuroo blathered on about his favorite tea. when you made your way up to the counter, he dumped a pile of snacks along with your things.
as he was attempting to slur out something along the lines of an argument for him to pay, you were already handing the sleepy cashier your cash. thanking the worker, you moved with him to the exit and he slipped his hand back into yours.
you couldn't help the dumb smile plastered on your face even as he sloppily keyed into his place. this time it didn't feel so bad when his hand left yours. in a flash, he had thrown out some sweatpants and an old t-shirt for you to wear to bed.
you quickly changed and headed for the couch where kuroo was already sprawled out, rifling through the snacks. 
“hey, movie?” he asked, glancing over at you as you settled in beside him. when your thighs brushed against one another neither of you made and move to part. you nodded and hummed, a little less tired now. while he clicked through dozens of titles, you reached for a small bag of chips on the low coffee table. “got those for you.” he mumbled before you could ask if you could have them. “you like those right?” 
“yeah...uh, yeah, i do.” you bit the inside of your cheek.
“this look good?” 
you looked up at the title card of some film you had heard good reviews on. truly, it didn’t really matter to you either way. “yeah, play it.” 
only about ten minutes in your eyes were getting heavy again. when your head knocked into something sturdy and warm you didn’t even stir.
kuroo sat back, trying to be as steady as he could as he leaned back on the couch, guiding you to lie on his chest. he knew if you kept your head cocked against his shoulder like it had been you would wake up with a cramp. although his knees were starting to get numb from the awkward half-laying, half-sitting position he was in, he didn’t dare to move. 
after a particularly loud noise from the movie, you stirred. you let out a small grunt as you tried to sit up. kuroo’s eyes were closed beneath you, but you weren’t convinced he was asleep. his arms were still wound tightly around your shoulders.
“kuroo?” you choked out hoarsely. his eyes blinked open and he flushed under your stare. “what are you doing?” 
“you fell asleep.” he muttered, sheepishly. you didn’t say anything back, but you didn’t make a move and neither did he. “hey, what was your first impression of me?” 
you chuckled, clearing the sleep from your voice. “you looked really cool and mysterious, but then you opened your mouth and i realized that you’re a dork.” he scoffed and ran his fingers soothingly up and down your back. 
“i can be cool.” he pouted. 
“you are cool,” you rolled your eyes, “you’re just also kinda a dork. you have a good balance.” you brought your hands up to more comfortable rest around his shoulders and shifted so your legs were on the couch. “what did you think about me at first?” 
“that you’re smart and quiet. you looked like you knew me. i also thought you looked really good in that sweater.”
you snorted, remembering the awfully cold night you had met kuroo through some mutual friends when the group of you went out to a bar. it had been so frigid you hadn’t bothered to dress nice even though you were going out, you put on the fuzziest, warmest sweater you owned. 
“hey.” he whispered. 
“do you like me?” 
your heart was pounding so hard you knew he had to be able to feel it against his chest. “are you still drunk?”
“only a little.” he answered honestly. “you let me hold your hand for a long time earlier and you seem pretty comfortable right now.” 
glad that you were tucked below his chin, you couldn’t help it that your face was heating up. “yeah, yeah i think i do like you.” 
“cool, you weren’t really trying to hide it.” you rolled your eyes at the smirk in his tone. your heart was still reverberating behind your ribcage. “oh, yeah, i like you too.” 
he groaned like an old man as he shifted under you to lay his legs out flat on the couch.
“did you...did you plan this?” 
“hmm, maybe.” he mused. “when you didn’t pull your hand away and dozed off on me on the bus i knew that i could tell you. didn’t expect you to snuggle up on me so fast though, buy me something to drink first.” 
finally, you completely relaxed into his hold. with your head nearly buried into his neck now you could faintly smell his woody soap. he tapped little rhythms into your shoulder blades with his fingertips, drawing small circles with his thumbs. 
“i bought you tea and junk food.” 
he laughed quietly, not wanting to shake you too much. “this is a pretty good sleepover, huh?” 
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marvel-m-lee · 3 years
Squirmy Tony •Part 2- M-Verse•
Warnings: Medications, small mentions of blood, no gore dw x
Fandom: Marvel
●○●This is a Tickle Fic Story●○●
-M-Verse may also include Gore in some chapters-
Steve sat at the window in the Lab while Tony worked. Slight blush on his face from when Rogers had tickled him to hell but he tried to focus.
Steve was drawing in the little A5 pad Tony had handed him, he watched the stars outside and tried not to worry about the girl whom he had saved hours prior. He began to focus on Tony, watching his every move. Once he had noticed his pattern and his main move, he began sketching the philanthropist.
He looked at the little details, like the way his hair was a littke greasy and messed up, the tiny drops of sweat and the way his eyes focused on his work. Moving his eyes from the paper to his friend seemed comforting, the billionaire may be a genius but he absolutely sucked at comforting, so it was nice that he could be from afar.
Steve drew a little version of Tony, leaning over his desk and focusing on one of the IronMan helmets. After a while Steve placed on the finishing touches and smiled between his friebs and his art.
"You alright there Roger's?" Tony asked, still working on his helmet.
"Much better, thanks Tony" Steve smiled at Stark and then turned back to his drawing to add a few more shading detail. Unknowing to Steve, Tony could and always could see Steve in his visual perversion, so Tony saw the smile and continued to smile back at himself with a smirk.
Stark coughed to cover it up and then stood tall, turning to see his Super Soilder friend.
"So what did you draw in the end?" He asked walking over.
"Hmm? Oh nothing too great. Just some trash" Steve chuckled to himself, soon noticing the playboy walk over to him to get a glimpse of the art.
"So you gonna show me?" Tony asked impatiently, leaning his head to the side. Steve then looked back and forth of his friend and drawing. He shrugged and turned it around, sure Tony would get annoyed at him for calling him trash.
"Oh damn Rogers, that's pretty good" He seemed surprised, he knew the super solider enjoyed drawing but he hadn't expected him to do so well.
"Yeah, but its such a trashy model" Steve sighed, silently chuckling to himself as he got up. Tony gasped, placing a hand on his heart and stepping back.
"Excuse you! That model is one of the best around, though ya didn't get my ass" Tony Winked at the soldier, he knew he was only messing so he played along.
"Meh, but it ain't America's ass is it?" Steve smirked, stepping closer to his friend with a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Nah but its better" A remark Tony would quickly regret at the strong blond man lifted his friend into the air and over his shoulder and began walking him to the couch in the lab.
"Steve! Steve put me down!?" Tony knew what would happen, but his ego was too big to let go of.
"Okay" Steve then threw his friend onto the couch long ways with a humph. Tony tried to crawl out but there was no way he could. Steve had grabbed his arms and placed them above his head as he sat over the smaller man that was between his legs. Tony and Steve locked eyes, mischief burning.
"Let go Rogers-" Tony hesitated. Steve thought for a moment, jokingly of course, and then agreed.
"Okay!" And dug into the brown haired man's sides causing a squeal to escape, followed by heart laughter, after a second Syeve slowed down and started to spider his fingers lightly across his stomach, this made thousands of babyish giggles escape into the open air.
"Steheheveeeeehehr!!!" Tony pleaded as he tried to think straight, he wasnt expecting it to go like this, usually Roger's would start by teasing and lightly then rougher, this time he went all in and it caused a brilliant reaction.
Steve began to drag his fingers up Tony's sides and ribs, occasionally tapering the man, sending him into squeals and wiggling around even more harshly.
"Steheheveee! NooAHAHAAAHHH NAHH" Steve tasered the billionaire and shook his fingers between his rib cage.
"Sorry Tony, does this Tickle?" He teased, making the billionaire squirm even more, leading perfect access to his underarms. Steve shit his hands up that automatically caused Tony to slam his arms down, they both stared at each other for a moment. Tiny nervous giggles coming from the all powerful Tony Stark and a mischievous look coming from the War Hero Steven Rogers.
Suddenly he began to wiggle his fingers in the mans under arms, making him buck and squeal, trying to push Steve's scratching arms away.
Tony wasnt the most ticklish person in the world, no where near, Steve might have been a tiny bit worse to be honest. But Steve was much larger than Tony, and knew all the ways to make the billionaire scream if he wanted to. Turn the richest, sarcastic, one of the most powerful men in the world into a puddle of giggling laughter.
Steve scratched the unshaven hollows of Tony's armpit, then began to scrape down his ribs. He soon had the billionaire begging with his belly laughter and tingles everywhere.
"Stoooppppp!!! StehAHVEAHH sT0Ppp!!!"
Steve knew Tony was tired now, so he did the last thing he would usually do to torture his friend. Steve lifted up the white tank top his friend had on with slight dirt on. Tony knew what was about to happen, and squirmed more than he had before. Trying to keep his shirt down. It only landed him with Steve sighing with a smirk and placing his hands above his head.
"No- no Rogers don't you dare- I cant- no- NO STEVE DON'T"
Steve then bent down to the billionaire's outty belly button, and blew on it sending shivers down Tony's spine.
"But you always love it" He smirked up. It always seemed to surprise Tony how taunting the blond man really could be.
"Roger's! Ihihi- nohoho" Giggles began to sprew out Tony's mouth, Steve had begun blowing on it and his belly, just pushing cold air.
Suddenly Steve stared Tony right in the eyes and placed his lips over the man's most sensitive area, blowing a massive raspberry causing an inhuman scream to come from the billionaire mouth.
"NAHAHAHA" Tony buzzed as the sensation spread through his body, making him squeal and laugh harder than before. Destroyed by ticklish sensations the man gave in, his laughter echoing throughout the compound.
Steve let go of his arms and sat next to the now curled up teary man on the couch giggling. He patted his thigh and laughed laying back closing his eyes just listening to the laughter. Steve was and is glad he had these moments with people, it made him smile.
"Fuhuhuck youhoho" Tony giggled, clutching his sides and belly, turning onto his back to look at Roger's. Steve opened his eyes and innocently looked at the billionaire in confusion.
"What do you mean Tony?"
"I'm getting you back capsical" Tony Grunted.
Steve laughed, he knew it was probably true, but even so he enjoyed the memories. It wasn't uncommon for the two of them to get into tickle fights. They weren't sure why but it was an unspoken agreement between the two of them. It made everything seem a little more child like in their hectic lives.
Tony lay back, still clutching his sides as he giggled his way back to reality, Steve chuckled at the endless giggles that poured from his friends mouth. That's when F.R.I.D.A.Y notified them of the young girls health.
"Mr. Roger's, the young female child you brought in earlier is now getting better. If you would like to see her she's reating but is in good condition."
"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y, I'll be going" Steve hopped up off the couch and smiled at his sighing genius friend. "You wanna come?"
Tony sighed for a moment, opening his eyes looking over the super solider. He grunted, "sure, why not" the man proceeded to get up and sigh looking towards Steve. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, delete the last however long that tickle fight was footage."
"No! Save it and put it on a tape or something, dont delete it please." Steve smirked at tony who now was blushing a little harder with a death glare. "And anyways, it wasn't really a tickle fight, more like an ambush in which you failed" Steve began walking off as a very pissed Tony was left to glare at him before running towards him to follow.
Tony pressed the code pad and they both exited. Tony then tweaked Steve's side, making the much larger man jump and stare at him. Making Tony laugh.
The two made their way to the med bay, chatting about the mission and what Tony had actually been working on the whole time Steve had been sketching him. Once they made it there they saw Bruce outside waiting for them. He smiled at the super soldier and other genius.
"So that was the laughter I assume?" He asked pointing his head at Tony and his light blush, the billionaire rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile, Steve on the other hand automatically agreed and laughed with Bruce.
"Well anyways, now you're done would you like to come see her?" Bruce already knew the answer so they all walked into the Med Bay and towards the young girl while bruce explained the situation.
"She seem's to be alright to some degree, her heart is beating quite fast or slow at sudden changes and her blood type seems a little off (your blood type) but it seems okay. We've stitched up a few wounds but otherwise shes healing appalling fast which is a good sign. Allhough she is pale and quite skinny."
Steve looked over the young girl, her hair was now much smoother, having washed out the gruesome things now her (y/h/c) hair stood out even more. Her skin was washed and she were now in a much cleaner hospital grown.
"Shes gonna be alright, but Tony I need to speak with you" Bruce turned a little more nervous within his speech as he motioned Tony to follow him as Steve looked over the girl.
"What's up Anger?" Tony joked, he saw the girl, she seemed fine- well to a degree. Something was off but he pushed it away.
Bruce looked between the girl and Tony, then focusing on the male he began to explain once more, "She has no record. I can't find anything on her from her blood type, she had woken up earlier- dont tell Steve. But she was out of it, she seemed in pain but dizzy. I asked her if she could answer some things and she agreed quietly, she said her name was y/n y/l/n she doesn't remember anything else though. I've searched files and even got F.R.I.D.A.Y doing back round checks on y/l/n's but we found nothing"
Tony raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl and Steve, "you found nothing and she presumably has no life?"
"Nada nothing, it's like she came out of no where. Not only no life, no family, no DNA relatives of known. Even her DNA seems intertwined." Now both men were watching you. Yes, you.
"I guess we've got a new kid then" Tony shrugged.
"What? Tony you can't just adopt her-"
"I dont see why not? She has no life Bruce, nothing. What are we going to do with her? She has no records and the government will have questions. It's best she stays with us" Tony explained, still watching you as Bruce watched him. Partchly in shock but he too could agree.
"I mean... are you sure Tony?"
Stark shrugged and chuckled turning to Bruce, "I've already got a teen or two, how hard could it be?"
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jswahaarts · 4 years
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“Kion! You’re out of control!” Fuli argued towards her friend.
“Am I?! All I wanna do is get to the tree of life so I can get better!” Kion argued back, “But everyone keeps slowing me down!” He said, looking at Fuli and the guard.
“We’re not try’na slow you down! We’re TRYING to help you get there!”
“Ugh... feels like I’m dragging you along.” Kion rolled his eyes, growing more impatient with the group as a whole.
Fuli sighed. “Kion. Your scar hurts. So you’re not thinking straight.” She calmly explained. “That’s why you were mean to Beshte-”
“I’m NOT being mean!” Kion objected.
“You kinda are...” Bunga whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear, giving a akward smile afterwards, having been exposed. A growl escaped from Kion’s throat, baring his teeth at the honey badger, who took a step back in response.
“Kion.” Fuli started, moving swiftly in front of Bunga, bringing herself to the lions attention. “Maybe this is one of those times where I should take over.-”
“Take over!?”
“Until you feel better!”
“I’M the leader of the guard, Fuli!” Kion snapped at her. “And I don’t think so!” He said, hunching down and letting out a growl, as if preparing to attack.
Fuli glared at Kion in disbelief. He’s seriously not gonna pull something like this, would he? It’s just a mere bluff. Still, she couldn’t risk to take any chances. Especially now—with his current state. “Don’t do this Kion.” She warned, hunching down.
The guard was frozen in shock. Were they about to fight? No, that’s impossible! Kion and Fuli are friends, they’d never-
“Wait!” Makini squealed, running in between the two. “Kion, shwari! Remember? Shwari?” The mandril repeated slowly, though, not sounding too calm herself. “We can talk about this! You and Fuli don’t need to-”
“This doesn’t involve you, Makini!” Kion roared, pushing back the Mandril, though, a little too hard, knocking her harshly, to the ground.
“Makini!” the guard cried in a union, all going over to help her. They stared, shocked at Kion, as the leader glared at them, not even seeming to show the slightest sign of remorse on his face. Once the group made sure that Makini was fine—or at least that was how she insisted on feeling—, that’s when Fuli stepped in to voice her thoughts, once again, butting heads with Kion, “Kion, you’re OUT OF CONTROL!” Fuli growled.
“What!? She was getting in my way!” He growled back.
“You didn’t need to push her! You could’ve-”
“I could’ve WHAT?” Kion snapped back. “Didn’t you forget? I’m the LEADER, Fuli!” Kion reminded her. “I get to make the decisions around here!”
Fuli couldn’t reply back. She just—couldn’t. This wasn’t the Kion she or the rest of the Lion Guard knew.
“And as your leader, I say that we keep moving.” Kion finally finished with a huff, starting to walk the other direction, paying no regard for if the guard was to follow him or not. He didn’t care at this point. They were slowing him down from his objective. Being nice to other animals or helping them out was not gonna bring them any closer to where they needed to be.
“Y’know, Kion...” Fuli started, “You’re really starting to act a lot like Scar.” She called out, bitterly. Kion came to a halt. “He hurt others around him, and only cared about himself! Can’t you see that’s what YOU’RE doing right now!? That’s not what the leader of the Lion guard does.” She finished. Suddenly all went Quiet. Did Fuli finally grab Kion’s attention with this? Did this get him to think back on his actions? Was he going to apologize, like he’d normally do? Was he-
“Don’t. EVER. COMPARE ME TO HIM AGAIN!” Kion roared, lunging at Fuli, knocking her to the ground, catching her by surprise. The rest of the guard yelped as they witnessed what was going on. “Hapana! What’s happening?!?” Ono panicked, “Oh, I’m glad I can’t watch—”.
“Kion! Stop!” Makini demanded, but was too afraid to stop him. Fuli took no time and fought back, Clawing, scratching, punching and biting, and basically what it took to force Kion to stand down. She dodged his attacks, actually inflicting more damage onto him. By now, Kion’s expression was scrunched up im a blind rage. No matter how the group looked at it, they knew that this wasn’t Kion. This wasn’t the friend they grew up with. The lion and cheetah rolled around, and threw one another towards the ground until Kion suddenly had the upper hand, pinning down Fuli with a paw. The guard didn’t have a moment to lose. They knew that they had to act now, and fast. Anga, Beshte and Bunga came up with a quick plan. The three nodded at one another and parted, doing their parts. Bunga and Anga latched onto Kion, holding him back, desparately trying to get him off of Fuli, and at the same time, preventing him away from landing another hit on her.
Kion turned to face the two, “Huh!? Bunga? Anga!? Let go!” Kion ordered with a growl, but the two wouldn’t budge. “That’s not gonna happen.” Anga called out. “Nahh!” Bunga replied, almost playfully.
With Kion momentarily distracted, it gave the guard a chance to unleash the second part of their plan, and it involved a- “Big B’!” “Beshte, Now!” Both Bunga and Anga called out, signaling for Beshte to carry out his part of the plan. Beshte nodded. “On it!” He shouted. “Twende kiboko!!!!” “Wait- wait, Beshte- I’m still on here!! HapanaaaAaaAAAA!!!” Ono squaked as he gripped tightly onto Beshte as the hippo charged in.
“Sorry Kion! You’ll thank us later!” Bunga said as an ‘apology in advance’ as he hopped off of Kion. Anga, at the same time letting go, as Bunga yelled a quick “Zuka Zamaaa!” before Beshte crashed into Kion, sending the lion across from them, hitting the ground with a thud and a very painfull grunt, away from Fuli.
“Sorry Ono.” Beshte apologized to the egret that was shaking above him, holding the hippos ears closely together. “Next time... please tell me to get off BEFORE you do that...” he replied, sickly. “You got it!” Beshte agreed, cheerfully.
The guard all huddled around Fuli, asking and making sure if she was alright. Though, she only had slight wounds, it was nothing serious, or permanent. “I’m fine, you guys, really!” She insisted, managing to crack a smile. “Are you sure?” Makini asked. “Kion seemed like he wanted to hurt you really bad!”. “Huh! Please! If anything I would’ve taken care of him by my...-” Fuli’s voice faded as her eyes trailed off onto Kion, who was now getting up, shaking the dirt and dust off of himself. He looked towards the group. His expression held a look of betrayal. A look of sadness that soon turned once again into bitterness and frustration. But, Everyone knew that he wouldn’t try something again. A hit from Beshte is a tough one, and if he even tried, Fuli knew that she would’ve put him back in his place. “...self” she finally finished, though with a lower tone.
Okay, so, this was a what-if scenario on what if Kion, during that one iconic scene from the episode “Friends to the end” in season 3, actually let his anger and frustration, towards the group, get the best of him. Also, with the additions of other things to actually push him to the edge!
I actually felt REALLY proud writing this! I had been working on it for a few months now :v Though, I’m not really finished here! There’s gonna be another part of this ‘what if/rewrite’ so, yeah! I hope y’all liked this part!
For the Kion and Fuli poses, I refrenced the poses from this piece by Panther85!
https://www.deviantart.com/panther85/art/Rivals-709446456 !
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heartxofxaxvillain · 4 years
Give me fake your death for Dabi and hurt my feELINGS BBY
It’s not good at all, but I’ll get better the more I try (I hope??) aaaaa i hope its okay! There’s probably a BUNCH of errors, but et ees what et ees ig,,,
It had been years since that last time you saw him.
Dabi, a mysterious and gruesome villain, best known for the trail of charred victims he’d leave in his wake.
How the two of you met was a bit cliché in your opinion.
It was a rainy night, and you were walking home, deciding to take a smoke at the end of a dark alley, dimly lit by nearby neon signs from active clubs and bars from across the street.
I choose defeat...
It wasn’t preferable to be there at this hour, after all, your home was just on the outside of the worst part of town, but that’s just how it seemed to play out.
You quickly jogged into the alley, your thin jacket draped over your head and shoulders to try and stay dry, you weren’t intending on staying at work that late so your didn’t think you’d be caught in the rain.
You sighed quietly as you stopped to lean against the alley wall, moving to hold up your jacket in your hand to reach into the right pocket to pull out a lighter as well as a pack of cigarettes, frowning to see you only had on left.
Rolling your eyes, you place the last cigarette in your mouth, lighting your lighter and holding your other hand around the flame so it won’t go out with the harsh wind.
That’s when you heard it, a quiet, but noticeable shuffling coming from inside a nearby dumpster a yard or two back.
It grabbed your attention for a second, but you didn’t bother turning around to face it, raccoons and other animals weren’t uncommon, after all. After a second though, while the shuffling persisted, something with it seemed off. You decide to focus on it a bit more, and you almost regret doing so, because that’s when you noticed the heavy breathing and panting along with it.
Before you had time to register that though, a much louder, pained groan escaped from the dumpster, making you jump and snap around to look towards the source.
You were frozen, your mind buzzing with thousands of thoughts, was this a trick? A setup for a kidnapping?
‘No...I know what pain sounds like...that had to be genuine...”
You may have been a fool for doing so, but you took a slow step towards it anyway, not realizing you had dropped that last cigarette in a nearby puddle, either.
As you made your way to the dumpster, you couldn’t help but notice a very strong, disgusting stench, but with a hint of a metallic scent. There was definitely blood, and a lot of it. If it weren’t for someone possibly about to die in the dumpster before you, you would have sighed in relief, maybe you weren’t going to get kidnapped. Maybe.
Then there was another groan, and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Taking a deep breath, you very hesitantly opened the lid to the dumpster where the groan was coming from, and inside you saw the silhouette of a tall, dark haired man with an enormous tear on his side, blood pooling in the light-colored shirt under a leather trench coat that was laying under him.
I walk away...
You stared for a second, you were used to seeing wounds like this, but the strong, disgusting smell was making it much more unbearable then ever before, but you figured out what that smell was when the man opened his eyes.
A neon turquoise, glowing bright enough to illuminate quite a bit of his face. Your jaw fell with a gasp and you let go of the lid of the dumpster out of fear.
This wasn’t some guy, this was a criminal- no, villain. A well known villain, identified by his blue flames and thousands of scorched enemies.
You were definitely going to get kidnapped.
And leave this place...
“Nn...fuckin rude..” he spoke from the dumpster.
You jumped a bit, not thinking you’d hear him speak at all.
You stood there, thinking about how you should walk away, run away even, get law enforcement to take him, maybe even look for a hero.
Though, something in the back of your mind was telling you to help him, that you should.
“NO. No, no, no! I am NOT going to help a villain! I am a good man! That’s not what good people do! That’s..”
“Gnnh..you’ve got a pretty me...messed up view on good then...” he interrupted, his words quickly followed up by loud, raspy coughing.
He was right though, you always wanted to save people, and just because he was a villain doesn’t mean he deserved to sit in die in such a horribly painful way. Probably.
The same today...
After a few more seconds, you swung open the dumpster lid to the side where you could see his face.
“L-Listen...If I help you...you have to promise not to kill or hurt me! I know your probably could give a shit less about a life like mine, b-but...”
“Holy fucking shit, you’re actually still here.” He said, sounding genuinely surprised.
Some like to sleep...
“W-Well...I cant just leave someone hurt...” you replied, quietly.
“Ghah...still, I’m a person who could kill you in less then a second if I so pleased...but I guess you’re lucky I’m too fucked up to kill anything right now heh—“ he tried to end his words with a laugh, but let out a very loud, pained groan, writhing a bit along with it.
That’s how is started, you ended up taking this villain to your apartment. Nowhere else was safe for him, if you had chose a hotel, they would have called the cops. You still cursed at yourself for bringing him there, though.
You laid him on the living room couch, cutting his shirt off of him so you could see what was happening. You quickly found the source, a badly torn skin graft, one of many on his body. Now is a time you’re kinda glad you took a few years in medical school.
“HGGN— fuck!” He cursed as you tried to clean up the tear.
We like to play...
“Shhh! Shut up! Someone’s gonna hear you screaming and call the cops!” You quietly yelled at him, the fear of getting caught helping a criminal with his wounds showing through your tone.
“Then just sew it back up and be done with it! None of that extra ‘cleaning’ bullshit, it doesn’t even do jack shit!”
“Well I think you’d prefer it to not get infected!”
“I could care a whole-fuckin-lot less about it getting infected. Never concerned me before!”
Your face twisted in disgust, you couldn’t imagine someone leaving so many wounds untreated, villain or not.
Just look at all that pain...
After a bit more grunts and curses, you stitched that part of the skin graft back together with his healthy skin, to which he scoffed, complaining about how ‘it fucks with the style he’s going for.’
You didn’t respond, just glaring and quickly getting up to walk into the kitchen to dispose of your gloves and wash your hands.
After some silence he spoke up,
“Hey..I just realized, I don’t know your name,”
“And I’m not going to tell you it.” You quickly replied.
“Rude...can’t I know the name of the man who took a stupid amount of time to put back together” he laughed.
“Why do you care so much? You’re just going to try to kill me or something, anyways...”
“Nahh, I want to know cuz a owe you. You kinda did a huge favor for me with all this, even if you took an annoyingly long with it all.”
You scoffed at that, villains don’t owe shit to people like you.
While you aren’t a hero, you’re also definitely not the type of guy to want to be associated with villains.
You want the heart...
With no response, he spoke again,
“I’m serious, dude. I’m not gonna hurt you, in fact, if you tell me your name I’ll make a promise to never kill you or some shit.” He sounded slightly annoyed, which weirded you out a bit.
“As if I’m falling for that. And don’t try with any of that ‘I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours’ bullshit either, I already know your name.” You retorted.
Dabi gave an aggravated sigh, and started shuffling to get up, to which you sped over to get him to sit down again at a safe distance.
“Sit back down, you dumbass, it gonna tear again!” You insisted.
“Well if I don’t even get to know the guy who helped me then there’s no point in just sitting around and healing here or whatever. I’ll manage.” He hissed.
You actually started to feel bad, but you weren’t sure why. Was he really serious about owing you something? What did he even owe you?
“M-my name is Y/N!”
You clamped you hands over your mouth after blurting your name, Dabi stopping in the middle of opening the door, turning slowly back towards you.
Or to be saved...
You too a step back out of fear, but he just seemed to look surprised.
“What?” He raised a brow, seemingly trying to make sure he heard you.
“My name..is Y/N” you continued. You already said it might as well clarify, but your voice shook a little out of fear, and the two of you stood in silence for a second while Dabi looked as if he was contemplating something.
He then let out a long, almost relieved sounding sigh as he walked back over, sliding off his jacket and throwing it over a nearby chair as he eased himself back on the couch.
“Thank FUCK, this shit hurts like hell, and with me that’s saying something.” He hummed.
But even good guys still get paid...
The next three months were all very, very unusual.
The first one was hard, you were wary of him, but after about two weeks he started trying to help around your apartment while you were at work.
You were very very confused, as he’d try to do the dishes, take out the trash and clean the bathroom.
No matter how much you complained about him getting up, Dabi moved as he pleased anyways. During that time, you thought maybe this is what his idea of “paying back what he owed you” meant.
After the third week, you gave up trying to tell him not to stand up, he didn’t listen anyway.
Then when month two came, he was gone every other day or so for the first week and a half. It really frightened you and made you extremely paranoid, even worse then the first month he was around.
You confronted Dabi, clearly upset at the more then likely possibility of him coming back from villainous crimes. You didn’t want to be tracked down and arrested because of this, but confronting him and expressing your distrust apparently upset him, he ended up melting the apartment’s doorknob as he stormed out.
So watch my back...
You thought he was gone for good, till about 5 days later.
He was back, and slightly tore the stitching of the wound, so he asked you to redo it.
At least he came back with a new, nearly identical doorknob to the original.
Was the tear an excuse for him to come back? It wasn’t even bleeding.
The rest of the month he barely left your apartment at all. He’d always be home when you got back from work, helping as much as he could, actually trying to make small talk, and sometimes even leaving small gifts for you in random places.
You started to realize that this big, horrifying man was a lot like some strange, stray cat you managed to get close to and now it won’t leave you alone.
You didn’t seem to mind Dabi being around, though. He more often then not would help you with chores, and his presence was actually somewhat pleasant.
Around the start of the third month, though, things got odd. He got weirdly affectionate, leaning his forehead on the back of your neck while you cooked in the kitchen, sitting oddly close to you no matter where you sat.
And keep the blade...
Dabi even got you to agree to let him sleep in the same bed.
You didn’t hate it though, and that’s what was bothering you though.
‘Is this some strange ploy? Is he using me for my money or something?’
You’d always ask yourself thing like this, but they never did add up.
Money never left your bank account, and he rarely ever took food out of your fridge unless you asked him to make dinner.
It wasn’t till about two more weeks of the increasing affection that you realized what it was.
“Y/N, would you ever consider loving a villain?” Dabi asked.
I think it got you laid...
It was a Sunday night. You were both watching the television on the right side of the couch, his arm pressed up against yours as he leaned up against you.
“Huh...? I..I don’t know...” you suddenly weren’t hungry for the popcorn in the bowl in front of you anymore.
Dabi sat up a bit, leaning forward to turn and look at you.
You couldn’t read his expression at all, but there was some sort of a look of anticipation.
“What do you mean you don’t know. It’s a yes or no question, Y/N.”
“I...I’m just not sure...” you averted your eyes, trying to focus on the TV again.
“Don’t avoid my fucking question, Y/N. You know what you would and wouldn’t do, so answer me!”
“Dabi, please—!”
Dabi grabbed you by the collar of your pajama shirt, pulling your face up to his own.
You then remembered exactly what you had been dealing the past three or so months.
This wasn’t a roommate, this wasn’t a friend or a lover.
This man is a bloodthirsty criminal, powerful and aggressive, and meant to be feared.
Your face went white and you must have shown the sudden realization, because Dabi let go of your shirt, the imprints he left smoking a bit.
He didn’t say a word, looking to your shirt where he started to burn it and then back to you.
He got up and walked out of your apartment while you said nothing. Dabi was gone.
It was lonely without him, no matter how much you tried to push him out of your mind.
Why was this man...this villain so stuck in your head?
You didn’t get it.
So fake your death...
Six months later, your watching the news. You took the week off of work and you’ve been sitting at home watching TV the whole time.
An emergency broadcast takes the screen, a hostage situation from a building on the same road home from work. A familiar face is shown, a tall man with dark hair and purple skin grafts all over his body stands at the top of a large building on fire.
You practically lunge at the remote on the coffee table, turning up the volume to hear everything perfectly as your entire focus is now on the the screen.
Dabi watches everyone around the building scream, police cars pulling up as they wait for a hero to arrive to the scene.
He seems confident, standing tall while unresponsive to any requests from the police below him.
Or it's your blame...
That is, until the building begins to crumble unexpectedly. Dabi loses his balance and falls backwards as the building caves in on itself.
You watch in horror as he seemingly panics, using his quirk wildly and burning everything around him, but accidentally engulfing himself within a ball of bright blue fire.
Somehow, the fire is out in less then an hour. All that’s left on the scene is ash and rubble, and Dabi is proposed dead, a victim to his own quirk.
And leave the lights on when you stay...
That’s it. A man who was in your life for only less then a fraction of it, a man who you managed to care so much about is suddenly just gone.
But he was a villain...
Why the hell do you feel so bad...
You end up constantly thinking about Dabi, even now, as you leave your new apartment in the town he was presumed dead.
Even now, as you call for a taxi to take you to the nearby mall to get some food.
‘Would it really have been that bad to admit to falling in love with a villain...?’
You ask yourself this a lot, trying to think if it would have been fine, or if you could have maybe even convince this villain, this man who you barely even knew if he could have stopped his evil ways.
Take off your clothes...
Maybe that was too selfish though. Though, you’re being selfish anyways.
While you’re stuck on the man, the villain, who killed so many people and how you could have possibly loved him, nobody else would bat an eye at his death nowadays.
You walked through the mall quietly, your mind clouded and busy with your lingering thoughts from over the years.
You walk over to your favorite tea stare, stepping in line and waiting to order. You can’t stop thinking about the fact that you managed to care so much about him when you only knew so little about him as well. Did he actually care for you like that?
You jump a bit, you hadn’t even realized that it was your turn to order.
“O-oh Sorry...uh, one large matcha boba please.” you mumble as you place the right amount of change on the counter and step aside.
You wait beside the front counter next to this tall man with red hair and a face mask as well as some girl with her friend who seem to be gossiping about some app.
You lose yourself in your thoughts again, but notice the barista getting a green drink ready and realize it’s probably yours.
“One large matcha boba!” She announces
“Oh that’s m..”
“That’s me—“
And dream that fame...
You and the red haired man look at each other instantly, both of your voices a bit too familiar for comfort.
And the moment that mans bright, turquoise eyes land on you, you know exactly who you have been standing next to.
How did you not notice.
“Y/N?” He asks, brows furrowed as if he’s trying to see if it’s really you.
You hesitate for a second, but quickly go to hug him.
“You asshole...I know we didn’t know eachother too well, but you can’t just love a guy and then leave to fake your death...” you mumble into his chest, quietly.
He laughs “it’s not like it’s the first time I’ve done that.”
Come on and feel that shame.
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methoxyethane · 5 years
Snake in the Snow
The cold air stung bitterly against Keith’s face, making him shiver like a leaf as he made his way through the icy city streets. Keith truly hated January, his snake body always wishing he could sleep through the cold month entirely.
He slithered carefully through the crowd, long black tail weaving through people’s feet as it trailed behind him. Nagas like him just weren’t cut out for winter in the city; his tail wouldn’t allow him to fit on busses or trains or cabs and while ‘walking’ to work suited him just fine in the summer it was absolute hell come winter time. Stupid city with its tiny accommodations. Maybe he should invest in one of those witch’s charms that could turn you human, and use it to walk around the city on legs like the mermaids and centaurs did.
Nahh. He had too much pride. He’d rather slither his way through the city and be known for what he was than disguise himself just for the sake of being able to call an Uber.
Besides, the bookstore was only a few blocks away from his apartment. It was only about twenty minutes to get home, and Keith was far too stubborn to let the snow get him down.
By the time he got finally got home, he had a different attitude entirely. The snow could INDEED get him down, when it started dumping down from the sky and covering his whole body, ten foot tail included, he was a little less than pleased. By the time he finally made his way home to the apartment and slipped up two flights of stairs to get inside he was cold miserable and wet with snow, and all he wanted was the sweet warmth of his flat.
He opened the door and was greeted by a gust of warm air, the heat of the apartment making him sigh with relief as he slithered inside, using his tail to close the door behind him. He stripped off his wet jacket and hung it by the door, hearing Lance call out a distracted sounded “Hey babe,” from the living room around the corner.
Yesssss, Lance was home. His job as a chef didn’t have steady hours like Keith’s did, and he never knew if his boyfriend was going to be home or not when Keith got home from work. He was so lucky, it must have been a slow night in the restaurant because of all this damned snow.
Ugh, and his shirt was wet. Stupid blizzard. He peeled out of that too, blissfully naked but still freezing cold for it, and slid into the next room to find Lance.
He found his boyfriend on the couch, and wasted no time in slithering into his lap, searching out his warmth. His boyfriend was a dragon, and while most reptiles like Keith didn’t retain heat very well Lance had a literal fire in his belly that kept his whole body heated up like a furnace. Keith could never resist slipping into his lap to soak up that heat whenever he got the chance.
Lance laughed as Keith’s arms wound up around his neck, tongue flickering out to get a better taste of Lance’s scent. “Keith, babe, come on, you gotta dry off before you get us both wet like this.”
Keith flickered his tail, snuggling his face into Lance’s neck. “But you’re sssso waaarrm,” he complained mildly, pulling his tail up into Lance’s lap with a loud flop.
Another snort of laughter from Lance, patted Keith on the head. “And you’re so cute. But so dumb, sweetie. Let’s get you up before your tail gets the couch soaked.”
And with that he stood up, easily picking up Keith with him. Keith just snuggled closer into Lance’s chest and let himself be carried to the bathroom, tail dragging behind them.
Lance set him down on the closed toilet so he could reach the linen closet, pulling out a large towel and beginning to wipe down Keith’s long, red-bellied tail with gentle pats and an even gentler smile.
“There you go,” Lance hummed, rubbing the towel through Keith’s damp hair to soak up the snow out of the long black locks. “You feel better now that we’ve got you dried off?”
Keith’s tongue flickered out again, and he nodded. “Stop being right about everything,” he complained mildly, cuddling into the towel in Lance’s big warm hands. Keith loved those hands.
Lance smiled again, letting the towel drop around Keith’s shoulders so he could run his fingers through Keith’s hair. “I made you something the other day, and I think now is the perfect time to give it to you.”
Keith’s head lifted curiously, tilting it to the side. “Made me something?” Lance had already knitted him a full scarf and gloves for christmas - they were hanging on Keith’s coat next to the door right now, and had indeed been helping to keep him warm all winter.
Keith waited in the bathroom while Lance left, wandering off to their bedroom with a swish of his own red-scaled tail. When he came back it was with a lavender pile of fabric Keith couldn’t yet identify, not until he unfurled it with a floof.
It was a sweater. A big one, judging from over here, and it looked fuzzy and comfortable and warm.
He practically snatched it out of Lance’s hands, slithering into the fabric with a contented sigh. It was in fact fuzzy and comfortable and warm all, and Keith was drowning in the scent of Lance’s just to make it all even better.
The yarn must have been in his hands constantly, for the smell to be this strong. Keith flickered out his tongue to appreciate it further, humming contentedly.
Lance laughed, scooping Keith back into his arms for a hug. “You look even cuter than I thought you would,” he said with a smile into Keith’s shoulder.
Keith looped his arms up around Lance’s neck. “Thanks you for the lovely gift Lanccce,” he said with a slight pleased hiss on his lover’s name. The rest of his body slithered around Lance too, his tail wrapping a loop around Lance’s legs to hold him close.
“Oh boy,” Lance said, trying to pull away. “You know if you don’t unwrap a little I’m not gonna be able to get us out of the bathroom and back into the warm, comfortable living room, right?”
“Fiiiiine,” Keith hissed moodily, unwrapping himself just enough to let Lance actually walk. He wasn’t letting go entirely, though. Lance could just carry him back.
Lance did in fact carry him back. They landed on the couch with a muffled “Oomph!” From Lance, and Keith settled himself into his boyfriend’s chest with a pleased sigh, drawing his tail up onto the couch to share in the rest of Lance’s body heat.
Lance sighed, rearranging himself in the coils of red-bellied boyfriend to get comfortable. “I never know if I love winters or hate them,” Lance said as he picked up the TV remote.
Keith snuggled further into Lance’s chest, reaching up to grab onto one of his boyfriend’s curved horns, just for the sake of bothering him. “I love them,” he decided just then, basking in the warmth of their shared home.
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Dabi x Insecure!Fem!S/O
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She always wished to become a Hero, but because of her Quirk, she was always put down by her classmates and friends, so she lost most of her faith in herself, but at the same time, her dreams never died. This came from when she was young, when All Might saved her from a horrible villain with a really scary Quirk and since then, she saw him as her role model.
 Don’t worry, little one! It’s alright now! Why? Because I’m here! All Might!” the #1 Hero said confidently, striking a pose. “M-Mister All Might...? Do you think I...I could be a Hero too? Everyone says m-my Quirk is stupid and boring b-but...! I-I really think I could help people with it!” the little girl stuttered, looking up at her role model in hope, tears flooding her eyes. “What is your Quirk, young one?” All Might asked, kneeling in front of her. “I-I can heal my friends’ wounds! One day Yuri tripped and scrapped her knee and I put my hands above her injury a-and it just vanished!” she exclaimed in glee. “That is a very useful skill, young one! When you grow older, you can enroll in U.A. Academy for the Hero course. After all, everyone needs a Healer in their team!” he beamed, ruffling her hair. “Th-Then, if you ever need help, I could save you?! I can be a Hero too?!” the little girl was grinning so much by now that her cheeks started hurting. “Yes, you can become a Hero! And I’m looking forward to working with you, young...! Uh...” he continued, realising he doesn’t actually know her name.  “Y/N! I’m Y/N and I promise to work very hard and become a Hero so I can save people who need it!” young Y/N yelled, jumping up and down, until her mother came to pick her up, thanking the Pro Hero from the bottom of her heart, but he only shook his head saying it’s no problem and that he’s happy he got to meet a little one with such brimming potential.
The problem was that for those classmates of hers all throughout middle-school and surprisingly even later, in Highschool, her Quirk was just incredibly lame and boring. Nothing flashy or noticeable that would make her stand out from the rest of the Heroes. So clearly, that meant she wouldn't become a significant Hero or anywhere close to that. What was worse, along with the Quirk bullying, the more popular were jealous of her amazing intellect, so like any middle-school, kids kept trash-talking, taunting and putting her down with every occasion they got, especially when it came to the obvious body-shaming for no apparent reason other than being mean. The girl, in all actuality, was average thin, normal curves, a pretty face, nice hair colour, nothing wrong or inaesthetic about her, but like any bullying, she started believing their words and put them at heart, that poor unfortunate soul. Now, here she was, last year of Highschool at U.A. and having earned a full internship at a highly renowned Hero Emergency-Hospital and she only had to go through the exams, and all was well. 
The problem, as far as it goes, was that her mother, her only relative, was killed in a shooting and now she was left alone with no support of any kind, which only led her to further succumb to her darkness. Her only way of saving herself was by going out at night, only a lonely hill, watching over the city lights and listening to music, occasionally crying her sorrows away, until she'd get back on her feet and start again the next day with full strength.
This night was the same for her, pulling her hoodie close to her and muttering the lyrics of "Come as you are" by Nirvana softly, looking up at the stars, absent-minded. Tonight, however, things changed and for the girl, it was the beginning of a completely new world. 
 "Yo!" she heard, as a stranger pulled away one of her earphones and looked at her with a mock-grin. "Wh-Who are you? Don't you know it's rude to disturb people? Or, even worse, take out their earphones?" she said, looking at him with her usual irked resting bitch face. "You're a fun one, aren't you?" He muttered, putting in the earphone. "Oh, lookie, the pretty girl has a nice tase in music." "I'm not pretty. But yes, I know I've got a nice music taste. I mean...Who doesn't like Nirvana?" she said as a matter of fact, looking down. "Hmmm...I think I heard a couple of shitheads dissing them some time ago." the stranger trailed, putting his hand on his chin, as if he was pensive, sitting down next to her. "Heh. People forgot how amazing the music from the 80′s and 90′s was...Eh, that's a pity. At least there're still some people out there who appreciate quality music". The bluenette sighed, fidgeting with her earphones, a little trick she learnt as a way to cope with her anxieties. "So, you come here often, pretty girl?" the weird-looking stranger asked, leaning his head on his fist.  "Stop calling me that, it doesn't suit me. And why do you ask? Planning in kidnapping me or something?" She mumbled, an amused breath escaping her lips as he startef chuckling. "Only if you want me to, Pretty Girl that I'll address as such until I find out her real name." The stranger smirked, looking at her with piqued interest. "You first. It's only common courtesy, if you ask me." Y/N huffed, looking away "Of course, of course, how could I forget the courtesies. Name's Dabi. Now it's your turn, princess." he chuckled, expecting an answer. 
Instead, the girl just laughed softly, got up, dusting herself and turned around, waving at him lazily, saying a simple "Laters, stalker!" . Dabi tried to call out for her, shocked to see her leave, but it only made his interest in her sky-rocket. He needed to see more of her, to hear and learn more about her. He was caught in her web and damn was he up for a challenge. Truth be told, the next day this brunet stranger with mermerising shiny blue eyes was the only thing that ran through her head, which somehow made it easy for her to ignore all the snarky comments or how uncomfortable she felt wearing a short skirt, even if her legs were covered more or less by the black stockings. 
She made her way out of the U.A. Academy, briefly hearing the rude comments and tuning them out, hurrying to get back home, when again, a voice calls out for her, calling her ‘Princess’, and with a surprised look, she glanced at the trees in the park she was passing by and spots the guy with major skin injuries waving at her lazily, jumping down from a tree branch, the characteristic smirk still plastered on his face.
"Oh, look at that, it's stalker boy again. What brings you here?" the bluenette asked mockingly, looking in the exact opposite direction, biting her lip, trying to make sure nobody was around to see her. "I had to find out the name of the pretty girl who likes nice music, right?" he smirked, leaning on the tree in a cool, macho way. "Yes, totally something a normal person would do, y'know?" the girl said amused, trying to stop herself from smiling at the one who calls himself Dabi.   But before he could say anything, a group of girls could be heard pretty close to their location. Recognising the voices, Y/N tensed up and tried to hide somewhere, but a pitch "HEY, QUIRKLESS!" , which only made the girl try to move faster, facepalming. "What are you doing here, Quirkless? Urgh, you're wearing a skirt and a short-sleeves shirt, nonetheless. What, you think showing your body like is gonna make people like you? Fat chance, much like you." They sneered at their highschool mate. "It's our uniform. I can't wear anything else at school." She mumbled, holding her hands together tightly, trying to control her emotions. "You're useless, remember that. You are never gonna be a Hero so just give up!" The bullies laughed at her in a mocking way, but the bluenette only gritted her teeth, not wanting to retort to violence. "My Quirk is not useless and I am going to become a Hero! All Might said I have potential and I'm going to go by that until the day I die!" the girl said with much conviction, stomping away from the troublesome squad. "Is that what your mother said too before she died?!" one of then yelled, which only made made her go away faster, tears threatening to escape her eyes, as the topic of her mother was a very sensitive one still. She could feel her heart being stomped on with each second she could still hear their annoying, taunting laughs, not even realising the stream of tears flowing down her porcelain tears as she got into an empty alley and seeing herself alone, she allowed herself to slide down a wall and hug her knees, crying as she got flashbacks of when her mother jumped in front of her to save her from the bullet and died in her arms, telling her to stay strong and happy. But how could she be happy when she was all alone in such a cruel world?
“Don’t tell me you actually listen to their yaps, Pretty Girl.” the same voice of the brunet man was suddenly heard in the alley, making the girl glare at him through the tears, clearly pissed off. “What the hell is your problem?! Can’t you just leave me alone?!” she yelled at him, feeling fire surging through her veins. “Calm down, babes. All I’m saying is that they suck and you don’t. Take it as you want.” he shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. “Oh, really? Because the way you said it was quite patronising and invalidating!” she sneered at him, which only made him chuckle. “Nahh, nothing like that, don’t worry. I mean, for you, I can be anything you want, but the last thing I can imagine you’d want is some guy making sex jokes to make you laugh. Oh, hold on-” he faked being surprised at what he just said and looked away, sheepishly, making the girl laugh softly. “Well, guess that guy was successful, somehow” she muttered, hiding her smiling face on her knees. “Oh, look, Pretty Girl can laugh! How cute~.” he teased her, poking her cheek, which she only slapped away, making him smirk amused. “Why do you keep calling me pet names, damn it? They aren’t even true, anyways.” she asked with a pout. “Because, babes, if I don’t call you pet names, what am I supposed to call you?” he asked, crouching to he level, raising an eyebrow at her, challenging her. “Well...You could start by calling me yours...?” she whispered shyly, barely looking up to face him, hiding the small blush on her face, not believing that SHE just said that. “No waaaaay you said that. No way the cute, innocent, little toots just shamelessly flirted with a stranger like that.” he grinned in satisfaction getting dangerously close to her face, making her yelp in surprise and glue herself to the wall, avoiding looking at him. “I said nothing! You must have hearing problems or something! I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she refuted, biting her lip. “Well, I guess I won’t have who to listen to Nirvana with anymore...That’s a pity. Can’t be helped, I guess.” he shrugged, mocking disappointment and raising to his feet, turning around to leave.
But before he could even make another step, his jacket got grabbed and his motion stopped, as he chuckled darkly, knowing full well that he wasn’t the only one interested in the other.
“I...I have a playlist for that on my phone...If you want...” she mumbled, looking away as if it wasn’t that big of a deal, but Dabi new better, helping her on her feet and walking with her around, listening together to Nirvana and Guns’n’Roses, sharing earbuds and singing the lyrics together.
It was probably the most beautiful and memorable night for the both of them as the light of the moon was guarding over them, making sure nothing disturbs the two who just seemed so happy.
Many weeks passed and they kept meeting up in secret, the girl still teasing him, not wanting to tell him her name, claiming that it will ruin they air of mystery surrounding her, so he just continues to call her stupidly cheesy pet names that she fake-hates, but in all actuality, make her feel very good.
Since she was one of the very few students with a Healing Quirk, she had to go everywhere on the field when activities happened, and today was a special test for the Seniors of U.A. Academy where they had to fight the teachers and she was to be there to heal everyone in that whole mayhem, without anyone being “killed”, be it ‘Hero’ or ‘Villain’.
This was a fun game they played at U.A., but it didn’t last long for a mysterious Nomu attack took place where the ‘Heroes’ aka the Students’ side was placed and it was needless to say that none of them managed to beat the mighty beast, only making the girl run from person to person to heal them, until she completely exhausted herself. Despite the basic hand-to-hand combat that she had to learn in order to save herself if needed, there was nothing protecting her, since her Quirk was in no way offensive.
She noticed the Nomu approaching the place where most of the injured students lay, trying to catch their breath, including the mean bullies who kept teasing her endlessly, but this was a life or death situation and she put aside the differences and with her last efforts, created a big water bubble that rained on them, healing their wounds, as she yelled at them to run away and get the teachers since they were no match for the beast that even made All Might sweat.
The leader of the bullies, the girl who was once her friend, Yuri, tripped on her way, and despite having been mentally tortured by the girl for so many years, Y/N’s heart just couldn’t bear seeing her in pain, so she jumped in front of her to protect her from the monster, which took her by the neck and threw her on the other side of the field, as she heard Yuri’s frantic voice calling out her name in desperation and fear.
It was clear that now that she sees her old friend in real pain, about to die after protecting her spurred her memories and emotions enough to realise that she never hated her, but was jealous of her...However, she never wanted to see her in pain...Or worse, dead.
Y/N used all her strength to raise a bit, and crawl on her knees to see the situation at hand, but when she saw the Nomu looking at Yuri again, she started yelling at it, throwing rocks at it, trying to get its attention so the girl could make her escape.
He took the bait as she screamed to Yuri to take everyone and run away to get help, but her words were interrupted half-way as the monster picked her up by the neck of her costume and slammed her on the ground, creating a crater. It took every ounce of power she had not to faint or cry from the pain, when she heard a low, dark voice booming around...Voice that she recognised immediately.
“You stupid beast, did Shigaraki put you up to this? Well then, you’re welcomed to leave, this is my territory now...Oh? You’re not leaving yet? Very well then...I’ll just have to cremate you...Burn you to ashes and scatter them away.” he said threateningly at the monster in front of him as she crouched to pick Y/N up from the crater and place her in a safer place. “Don’t fight it...The teachers are on their way...” she muttered, coughing blood and trembling in pain. “Don’t talk, you’ll just get worse. Nobody can get away with touching my girl.” he said in a stern voice as he got up, preparing his blue flames. “I can help you...I can empower your flames, if your body can take it...” she tried to speak, grabbing his leg in a way to give him her life essence and power. “Give me your best shot, babes. I’m treating you tonight.” he smirked as he could already feel a strong energy going through him. “Mhhh that’s hot...And I didn’t mean your flames. Show them who’s the boss, love~!” as she focused on sending him steady power energies in a way that it wouldn’t overwhelm him, he only chuckled darkly as she flirted with him even now, in such a poor state.
He was revenge-driven.
The brilliant blue flames engulfed every inch of the monstruosity, which tried to escape and fight back, but it was to no avail, as it started crumbling on the ground, ashes falling and scattering away, the threat easily gone.
“How pathetic. It takes all the 3rd years to just get injured by that weirdo, but only one hot guy to burn it to crisps.” the girl chuckled from the ground, looking up at him, smiling, releasing his leg. “Didn’t know I could do that. Must be the power exchange or somethin’...Hey, are you feelin’ okay?” he shrugged, but as soon as she saw her face paling, he caught her in his arms, getting slightly worried. “Urgh, yeah, don’t worry...I just overused my Quirk that’s all...Nothing I can’t handle.” she smiled at him reassuringly. “Take it easy, babe. I said I’m treating you to dinner, better don’t faint on me.” he muttered, but she only put her arms around his neck, kissing him softly. “Y/N.” she whispered in his ear, making him look at her with a victorious smirk. “Y/N~?” he repeated in a seductive voice. “Unless you still want to call me yours or other pet names. It’s up to you...Babes.” she winked at him as he lifted her up bridal style. “And it only took about a month to-” Dabi tried to say, but was cut off by a girly voice, uncharacteristically meek. “Hey Quirkl-...I-I mean...Y/N...Uhm...Are you okay?” Yuri muttered, looking at the ground. “Uh...Yeah, I guess I am. That is, if Dabi likes the taste of blood. And you? You almost got attacked by that thing.” she said, looking bored at the girl. “Oh, I’m alright, thanks to you...Uh...So yeah...Thank you for saving me...I-...I guess you’re not so bad, after all...For a Quirkless, that is.” she stammered, trying to sound tough. “Well, this Quirkless just saved your life so I guess maybe you should stop using that stupid name when you address me. Now go to the teachers, you’re wasting time.” Y/N yawned, dismissing her quickly. “Do you...Want to get back to how we were? When we were friends and all-” but she was cut off by a strong negative reply. “You’ve been bullying me since middle-school and you think we can be friends again? No. I saved you because I swore an oath to aid people in need. I didn’t save YOU, Yuri. I saved a human’s life. That’s all.” she muttered with an air of superiority, looking at her from above, as she turned her full attention to the brunet man she called ‘hers’. “Ramen and soda? Sounds like the perfect date, hm~?” Dabi asked, leaving the place, just in case the Heroes arrived. “We don’t even need candles to make it romantic. You’re just THAT lit~.” she winked at him, making him chuckle at her lame but adorable flirt attempts. “Can’t imagine many pubs wanting to have a human torch randomly throwing fire here and there.” he stated, looking at her, leaning his head slightly to the side. “Who said anything about a pub? There’s a 24/7 shop next to my house. Can’t miss it~.” she grinned, making him stop mid-way. “Toots, I almost don’t recognise you. You amaze me~.” he chuckles at her, which only made her kiss him again. “Hope you like the taste of metal, cause my last Iron Maiden CD just broke yesterday.” she laughed at her horrible joke, poking his cheek. “Then I can only hope you have some very good movies, babe.”  he mumbled, kissing her forehead and enjoying the way home in a comfortable silence, her snuggled to his chest, finally feeling safe and at peace in his arms.
Who’d have thought that a Hero and a Villain could get along so well~?
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