#was gonna wait til I had more chapters ready but T w T i couldn't LOL
impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Phoenix Down
T w T story wouldn't leave my head for months so i wrote it instead of new chapters LOL but I hope y'all like it too~ Here's an excerpt below ~
The rain. It didn't matter where it rained or how heavy, Dick didn't like it. It made jumping off buildings more risky, visibility low, wrecks more likely to happen, and worse of all... it made him panic. Every time he was caught out in the rain, he felt his chest tighten. An uneasy chill in his spine that wouldn't go away. His stomach would churn and it took all his mental power to focus on anything else. This time wasn't any different. Or at least he thought. He stood perched on the edge of a rooftop, staring down below at the lights blurred by the heavy rain and mist. He was doing everything in his willpower to focus on the few moving lights. Keeping his mind blank as his hair stuck to his face. Just a few more hours, and then it will be time to head home. To a warm shower, and cool bed. Just to wake up in a couple hours and head off to his day job. No rest for the wicked nor for the vigilantes that fight them, as they say. Well, as they should say. Dick flinched, as his eyes saw movement in corner of his eye. There was a grayed out figure on the rooftop of one of the abandon buildings below. Small and staggering. He furrowed his brows watching the figure, as it stumbled closer to the edge of the roof. No. That's not good. Dick stood up from his perch, he took a step back and leapt forward off the roof, diving to the building below. He curled his body in the air to flip himself around, using his grappling hook to grab onto the billboard sign just above the building. Slowing his descent and landing onto the rooftop with a roll. The figure seemed startled as it fell back onto its bum. Water splashing as they hissed in pain. Nightwing smiled apologetically, as he took in the other's form, now that he could see it better. He couldn't be older than fifth-teen if he was being generous, though he looked closer to thirteen or twelve even. His hair was black and scruffy, and his eyes were piercing blue. Striking and clear despite the heavy fog and mist. He wore a torn hoodie, holding his arm to his chest. It was bandaged with ripped fabric. Presumably, from another article of clothing. A backpack was slung around one arm, looking just as worn as the rest of him. “Sorry for dropping in, but you look like you could use a hand.” Nightwing forced a grin, kneeling down as he offered his hand out to the boy. He didn't mean to scare the kid. Just to stop him from potentially dropping himself. He half-expected to be cussed at, after all, Nightwing was not well liked here. Neither was any vigilante. Instead, he was greeted with an annoyed glare, and quick wit. “I already have two, thanks.” The scruffy teen showing off his hands, letting go of his injured wrist for a moment. He then hissed in pain and returned to put pressure on his injury.
“One and a half.” Dick pointed out, still keeping his distance. He didn't want to overwhelm the teen, but he really hoped he let him look at his arm. “An extra pair, wouldn't hurt?” “No thanks, I can make do with less.” The teen scooted back from him, before shifting to get up on his knees. His feet ready to push himself up and run if need be. “Doesn't mean you have too.” He couldn't let him run away. His eyes glanced back at the injured arm. Nightwing offered, “At least let me clean up your arm.” The boy glared at him suspiciously, keeping his injured arm to his chest. “Its fine.” “The fabric is soaked in blood.” Dick pointed out, which seemed to be the wrong answer as the kid panicked down at his arm, hiding it away from him. Strange. Nightwing peered, trying to get a better look at the arm. At least he knows it wasn't self-inflicted by the way he reacted. Or at the very least, not intentionally created to be as bad as it was. Maybe he was running away from the gangs? They didn't have any problem hunting down a teen who was struck with bad luck, or anyone really. If only he could inch.. just a little.. closer-
The teen glared at him, moving back even more. Nightwing held up his hands, with a sheepish grin. “I concede.”
Way to mess up. He had to be patient. Think. “So water wing, why did you come up here all by yourself?” “Water wing?” The teen repeated with a raised brow. “It's raining, and you're holding your arm like a broken wing.” Dick tried to explain, when really he was just trying to think of what to call him on the spot. He doubted “kid” would receive a good reaction. “Unless you have a name for me to use?” “That's fowl.” The teen stuck his tongue out, but his response made Dick grin. “A real quack way of asking who the heck are you. Normally people, I don't know, start with their own name before they ask someone else's.” Name. He could do that. “Nightwing. I'm here to help you.” Dick held out his hand, hoping the teen take it.. or at least shake it. The teen raised a brow at the hand, then stared hard at Dick's face. His face trying to hold back showing his expression, as his mouth stressed trying to keep in place as he thought. Then his eyes widened, muttering. “Duck.” “Duck?” Nightwing uttered before he could register what the Teen meant. “Not so far off. It is a waterfow- “No. DUCK!” the teen lunged forward into Nightwing.- read rest on a03
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