#was so mean to him back and his mom came and visited our class one day and he told her i was a bitch or something and i said he thinks i ca
lowrylesbian · 5 months
i was going to say « not to be a hater » but actually i love to be a hater. nolan patrick (?) misogyny burner account twitter discourse is really making me go huh. some of yall don’t know jack about hockey culture. sometimes i forget that there’s so many hockey lovers who didn’t grow up around Hockey Guys tm and sometimes i forget just how different of a perspective i (lesbian who grew up with hockey guys) have from some people
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phantomrose96 · 5 months
Sham Sacrifice
(Hi it's time for my favorite headcanon)
Vlad Masters sat firm and proper on the Fenton Family couch, legs crossed, teacup pinched in his fingertips, fighting subtly against the sinkhole that came with the mistake of taking Jack’s usual spot on the couch. He appeared with all the same charm and delightfulness of an ant swarm rearranging your picnic.
Danny stood at the doorway, just-still-in-the-kitchen, just not inviting himself to join the adults in the living room where Jack boomed and rambled and Vlad sat so stiff and polite and nice that his tea in his hands was going cold.
“Oh, Danny you’ll love this story—Danny, you should join us—Danny this was, what, summer of ’84? When was that heatwave, Vladdy? The one where you—”
“There’s no need to bore Daniel with the mad ravings of two old kooks, Jack. Kids would rather be off at the mall or—some store, surely. No need to stick around Daniel on my behalf. I assure you I won’t be offended if you leave.”
“No worries, V-man. I’m good right here. I love hearing Dad’s stories." Danny met Vlad's challenge, speaking with more poisonous courtesy than Vlad had proffered first. "In fact I think he should tell a few more, if he’s got more in mind.”
“In fact I do have more in mind—” Jack answered.
Neither Danny nor Vlad were listening to Jack. They held eye-contact, Danny with a stern unblinkingness of a sheepdog on duty. A lot was said without words. A lot was understood when Vlad decided to visit through the front door. Vlad only used the front door when he wanted something.
And it was never good when Vlad wanted something.
“—the core reactor project, yeah? That summer? That was in the lab with no A/C. Top floor. We were sweating like pigs, all of us. And I dared you to eat the really moldy pizza from our fridge the night before and you ralphed right into—”
“—Surely you remember this more fondly than I do. Daniel, really, you can go.”
Not a chance.
“Actually,” Danny answered, brightening some as his opportunity struck. “I am interested in this. For science class I need to write a report on the invention of an important piece of technology. I was gonna ask Mom and Dad about the Ghost Portal. And now that you’re here, I can get the whole history.”
Jack made a giddy little noise. He leaned forward, words primed, but Vlad was quicker to the draw.
“Sorry to say, your faith in me is unfounded. I wasn’t the portal guy back in college—that was always your mother and father’s passion project. I was their skeptic.”
“Bet that’s got you feeling pretty foolish right now, doesn’t it V-man?” Jack chided, a quick jab to Vlad’s ribs that nearly unseated the teacup from his suspended saucer. “Considering the fully-functioning portal right beneath our toes.”
“I hardly feel foolish, Jack. Your calculation for the portal in college was never going to work.”
“What do you mean? Of course it did.” Jack thumped the ground with his foot. “It’s running the old girl right now.”
At this, Vlad’s eyes narrowed. For the first time he’d been shaken off whatever skeezy machinations had brought him in. His pride was being challenged, and by Jack no less.
“Absolutely not. With that calculation? Absolutely not.”
“Well forget the tea biscuits Vlad, because you’re going to be eating your words in a second. Mads, hold my spot,” Jack said, as if anyone was planning to take his spot. He bounced from the couch, scooted from the living room, and vanished into the dark maw of the lab stairs, leaving only the waning beat of his footsteps behind.
His absence filled only a swallowing few seconds. The footsteps returned, bounding upward, creaking with his heavy cadence, and Jack bounced back into the room in much the manner he left. A pad of yellow lined paper was clutched in his hand. When he dropped it on the coffee table, it revealed row after row of tight scribble, churning math, carrying down the page and occupying two entire pages more that Jack flipped through.
“Same baby I came up with in college. It just needed heavier dampening and higher voltage than what we made back then. The portal downstairs has that in spades. Well, in like two-thirds of a spade.” Jack tapped something on the last line. “The projection was still only hitting 70% of the threshold we calculated to reach dimension penetration. But it’s an art, not just a science. We fired it up anyway, and it took!”
Vlad grabbed the paper pad, agitated. His eyes ran over it. Then again. Until he settled on one line, a firmness overcoming his face. He tossed the pad back onto the coffee table, and Vlad leaned back into the couch, arms crossed.
“The lambda, Jack.”
“The lambda?”
“Check it again.”
Jack did, lips pursed, pad of paper nearly swallowed in his big meaty hand.
“What about--?”
“It squares. The units don’t balance otherwise. It originates from an integration step of λ*∂λ/∂t. It squares.”
Jack’s brow remained furrowed, firm, until delight cracked into his eyes, and he let out a laugh.
“Gods, my handwriting is gonna be the death of us. Mads,” he tapped something unseen on the second page. “That’s the genius of Vladdy. Cracked this puppy wide open with just a glance. I never noticed that in all my checking. That explains the missing 30%, at least. That explains how the portal took. Lucky for you Danny that Vlad was here—”
“Jack,” Maddie said.
“—your report can have the correct formula. It’ll be—”
“—A+ worthy—”
“—Jack,” Maddie said, curt. “Lambda is the ambient ecto-energy. It’s a few ten-thousandths of a unit.”
Maddie had surfaced a pen from her pocket. She sheared a few blank pages out from the back of the pad and started the formula fresh. She made quick work of copying it over, quicker work of solving it through – lambda-squared intact.
She hit the final line and hatched a pen mark beneath the number. Jack stared, confused.
“That can’t… no.”
He repeated the same. New pages torn loose. Formula copied over, processed, line by line by line—lambda squared—by line by line by line.
Jack settled on his answer. Same as Maddie’s.
Confusion made his face tense.
“So it’s not 70% of the way to the threshold… It’s 0.013% of the way to the threshold.”
He held the pen hard, his whole body holding firm and taut as the gears turned in his head. Jack’s eyes flickered across the formula, again and again and again. He looked to Maddie, like a dog issued a command he did not understand.
“But it worked,” he said, small. “But it worked.”
Jack stood, robotic almost, eyes lost in something far away. He disappeared into the lab almost as quickly as he had a few minutes before, but now he exited with a smoothness and a quietness so very uncharacteristic of him. It bothered Danny, somewhere deep in his gut.
Maddie followed, a possession matching Jack’s.
Danny’s fingers curled and uncurled. He’d succeeded. He’s successfully interrupted Vlad’s… whatever this was. But the disquiet infected him. He didn’t like it.
“So what does that mean?” Danny asked, perhaps to Vlad. “What’s wrong with the calculation?”
Vlad sipped on tea ice cold.
“Who knows?” Vlad lied.
The math didn’t work.
Maddie and Jack burned through paper, burned through pencils, burned through hours.
The math didn’t work.
Clothes stuck to skin. Sweat lingered fetid and stale in the cold basement air. Exhaustion beat like a slurry through their veins.
The math didn’t work.
The portal supervised all, placidly green, the light for their table, the light for their work when the lightbulb overhead burnt clean out and neither Jack nor Maddie could be pulled away to replace it. It stood, it watched, a testament of contradiction to everything they could not solve on paper, and yet everything they built directly into the fabric of reality.
And it should never have worked.
They threw every radical what-if they’d ever conceived over 20 years of ghost research.
The ecto-ether layer.
The latent activation stitches in space fabric.
The anti-ectomatter collision proposal.
The positive-feedback crystallization theory.
And still nothing worked.
All together, every crackpot theory in their favor taken for granted, racked them up to an activation energy 200x more potent than the calculation, and still just 2% of what would be needed to rip open, and hold open, a stable fissure between their reality and the ghost zone.
Maybe by pure luck, unfathomable luck, Fentonworks basement was directly situated atop a natural portal.
Maybe that would explain ripping it open. It did nothing to explain the stability. Natural portals were unstable by definition. There and gone in a few seconds. Not hours, days, weeks, months, a year, that the Fenton Portal had been open. Never so much as faltering.
It was late. 3am ticked away to 4am, and 4:30am. The discarded paper stacked higher than Jack and Maddie both. Calluses oozed from their hands at another attempt, and another, and another.
Maddie flipped through a folder’s worth of yellowed papers, aggressively thumbed over and over after two decades left untouched. And she settled on the one she’d passed over a few dozen times already, always seeking something else, something better.
This time she unsheathed it, and she placed it on the lab table.
“…If a mouse died. In the machine. If a mouse ran through the machine and accidentally bridged two live wires, and died of violent electrocution. 500 milliamps. Instantly melted into the circuitry.”
Maddie’s mouth was cotton-dry while she wrote. Ambient ecto-energy was low. Always very, very low.
Unless something very, very bad happened to something with the capacity to become a ghost.
The numbers wove. Maddie started the formula fresh, and it was pure muscle memory. A mouse. A big mouse, even. A 99th percentile beast of a mouse. And a wire that had been wired incorrectly. Something grounded that never actually grounded. An absolutely horrific amount of electricity.
0.37%, by pure numbers. If she included every permissive crackpot idea they had thrown on top, it topped out at 6% of the needed activation threshold.
Not a mouse.
“A cat,” Jack said, words gummy, tongue dry, face tired. “If we’ve got mice down here, maybe… a stray cat wandered in. Chased the mouse.”
Maddie nodded. It didn’t matter if it made sense.
She penned it in. A large cat. A devastating electrical short. Cats carried more ecto-potential than mice did. Ecto-potential did not necessarily go up with size. It went up with complexity. The things with the most ecto-potential were the things that most became ghosts.
1.45%, by pure numbers. 18% at absolute, absolute crackpot best.
“A dog,” Jack proposed with a shaky laugh. He swallowed. “A mouse… chased by a cat… chased by a dog… all electrocuted at once”
Maddie didn’t say the thing they both knew, which was that both of them would have noticed the evidence left behind by the electrically exploded pieces of a dog.
Maddie did it anyway. A mouse and a cat and a medium-sized dog, maybe just small enough to notice no evidence of, all together. All at once. All violently ripped apart, sacrificed to a machine still asleep in its wall.
Mice did not often make ghosts. Cats did not either. Dogs, occasionally. But infrequently. Very infrequently.
37%. At best.
“Maddie, I know just—maybe something really smart—”
“—like an octopus—”
“I hear, maybe, pigs are smart. If it was—”
Maddie was writing, already. Not for a pig. Not an octopus. Jack watched, and he knew what the numbers meant. The ecto-potential she penned gave her away. An ecto-potential that high.
65kg, an estimate
10,000 milliamps, a catastrophic accident, a death certificate.
A human’s amount of ecto-potential.
Maddie wrote.
And she wrote.
And she did not apply a single crackpot theory, not a single discredited proposal, not an ounce of exaggeration.
Threshold, and then some.
Comfortable, easily, then some.
For the first time, after all the hundreds of times she and Jack had penned this equation over the course of 2 decades, the number met her and Jack’s threshold.
A breakthrough.
A revelation.
A pure eureka moment.
Jack and Maddie were silent.
Alone in a humming basement. Alone with only the soft swirls of the portal for company, happy, stable, purring its contentment, singing to the cold air.
“It has to be something else,” Maddie said. And she said it weakly. And she said it childishly.
“You’re right. It can’t be this,” Jack echoed. “If someone died down here, we’d know. Dead bodies don’t walk away. We’d have seen it. O-or even if, if the body got stuck in the portal, we’d have heard of someone going missing.”
Maddie sat, quiet. A thought held her mind hostage.
“Unless they didn’t go missing,” Maddie said, and she said it barely audibly. “Unless the portal spit them right back out.”
“Then—that’s what I said—a dead body, on the floor, we’d have seen.”
“Not a dead body.”
“It had to be lethal, Mads—”
“I know Jack. But if they died, here, in the portal Jack, then their ghost did not get ripped away from the body and sent to the Ghost Zone. …They ripped the Ghost Zone here.” Palms slick with sweat smoothed over her notes. She pointed to one specific line and found her pen tip trembled no matter how badly she stabilized it. “The ecto-potential of a creature is how strong of a pull their ghost creates on the Ghost Zone. A strong enough pull means the ghost can reach the Ghost Zone and stabilize, like a fish reeling itself up, yeah? We agree on this Jack, yes?”
“Yes,” Jack answered.
“It’s what makes the math even work, Jack. Someone dying in the portal didn’t reel themselves to the boat. They reeled the boat in. Jack, they brought the Ghost Zone here…” Maddie wasn’t breathing right. She pulled sweat-soaked bangs away from her face. “Their ghost never left their body Jack. They died, Jack. And they walked back out.”
“…No. No,” Jack said. “No, they didn’t.”
“Then what?” Maddie asked.
Jack stared. He looked away. He didn’t like the expression on Maddie’s face.
“It—what about the ecto-ether theory?” Jack said, of the theory they’d tested and retested and tested all over, all night. He grabbed his pencil back up and pointed it aimlessly at Maddie’s piece of paper, pointed end out in self-defense. “If the ecto-ether is maybe… if it’s only 250-times stronger than we calculated. Then it could…”
Jack’s voice died. His pencil hung idle. Maddie’s paper remained unblemished.
“If it… was a pig,” Jack offered. “If it was a pig that died in the portal.”
“How, Jack? How would a pig get in? We lock all the doors at night, Jack. No one else can get in, Jack. It’s just us, Jack.”
Jack and Maddie were not there when the portal turned on.
Maddie’s statement carried two possibilities. Only two. Both felt like claws digging all the flesh right out of Jack’s heart.
“I want… I want to try the ecto-ether theory again,” Jack choked. “I think it’s the ecto-ether. I think it’ll work.”
Jack slid a piece of paper over, already covered in scribbles. In its single untouched corner, he started the equation for the several-thousandth time that night.
Above their head, birds were singing.
Sunrise hailed unseen from the windowless laboratory.
At 6am, Vlad answered his cell phone. The reception crackled, struggling through the layers of sheetrock above his head.
“Vlad?” Maddie’s voice crackled. “Sorry, did I wake you up?”
“Not at all my dear.” Vlad leaned his weight against the wall, playing with the singsong melody in his voice. “But you sound exhausted. Is anything the matter?”
“Yes. Well… Yes. Jack and I have—all night—trying to fix the equation.”
“We found something that maybe works.”
“Oh?” Vlad asked. He straightened, pacing now, cracklingly attentive. “And what might that—”
“If someone died. Activating the portal. We have an on-switch inside the portal’s interior. The trigger we use to press it is external to the portal, of course. But if someone went inside the portal, and they pressed it directly, and if they died, and pulled the Ghost Zone here—”
Vlad’s red eyes reflected pools of iridescent green. He twirled his free hand in the fringes of his cape, tongue working over the fanged edges of his teeth. He stared, consumed, forward.
“—and just, you, I was thinking, you’re the only other expert I’d trust to… maybe weigh in.”
“What does Jack think?”
“He denies it. He’s still. He’s trying other theories.”
“Well who knows, surely? The answer may lie somewhere you haven’t looked.”
“…I’ve looked everywhere, Vlad. That's the thing. There is no more ‘somewhere else’. I’ve looked.”
“You sound like your mind is made up.”
“I just… if maybe you have some idea.”
“Am I meant to talk you out of this idea?”
“Do you think I have some secret information you don’t? Sorry to say, I’m just your skeptic.” Some noise came through muffled from the other side. Vlad flashed a smile. “But…as your skeptic I will offer you this—It all sounds a bit absurd, doesn’t it? To kill someone and have them come back intact and… for you to never notice? Who would they be? How would they be? Surely not human anymore, surely. How would you never notice?”
Vlad paced forward, booted feet clicking along his laboratory floor.
“It would be ridiculous,” he continued, with a building crescendo, “so unfathomably self-centered surely, to not notice something like that befall someone so close to you, who died at the hands of your own invention? …If I’m correctly inferring who, in your household, you suspect of having activated the portal?” Vlad’s tongue lingered along his teeth.
Maddie’s line held, quiet. And the seconds of static drew long.
“Ah, apologies. I’ve overstepped,” Vlad continued. “I meant this as a vote of confidence in you. You and Jack both. Two people as attentive, caring, compassionate as yourselves. You would notice. I promise.”
“You’re… Okay, thank you, Vlad. I appreciate it.”
“Is there anything else, my dear?”
“No. No. Thank you, Vlad. I’ll think about this.”
Maddie’s line clicked dead. A chuckle built to Vlad’s lips and he let his head tip back with mirth. It lasted only a moment. He stowed his phone. And as if the interruption had never happened, Vlad reaffixed his attention on his own portal swirling in front of him. It bathed him, swimming green, purring contentment.
And Vlad vanished into his portal.
(Chapter 2)
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: After decades of being alone without a love of his own he finally finds her in a gloomy town of forks, his brother Edward isn’t the only lucky one
Pairing: Emmett Cullen x f! Swan reader
Warning: angsty, fluffy sunshine Emmett
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I never thought much about the future until suddenly the friends I adored most started relationships and left me in the past as if our friendship never even mattered, like their boyfriend was the most important thing
My sister and I use to be close as kids but when she moved away with our mom and rarely visited me and dad, who she regularly called Charlie, we grew apart leaving me feeling like I lost all my friends and my sister, after a while I grew depressed and I never wanted to leave the house, dad grew concerned and after many absent calls from school he allowed me to start home schooling myself and my grades have never been better
Most nights it was just me and Charlie some days I’d get the courage to go down to the reserve hang out on the beach with Leah, Seth and Jake, sometimes I’d go for hikes in the forest behind the house just to clear my head, but other than that I’d stay in my room listening to music, reading the books dad would bring home for me, and doing school work
That’s how life was for so many years, it was routine and it never bothered me and dad loved having me around, after Bella and mom left he was so broken and with my help, even as a little girl, I pulled him out of that deep dark hole and he became that Charlie that joked around and made me smile
But then dad got the call that Bella was moving back for the rest of highschool since mom would be traveling with Phil for baseball, hopeful that I could reconnect with my sister again
Dad and I picked out a new bed spread for her hoping she’d love it, and he even let me pick out a new book as a thank you for helping him out with getting everything ready for her arrival, after a few days it was time for dad to go pick Bella up from the airport in port angeles, I was a nervous wreck which was crazy I mean she’s my sister why should I be nervous
Finally the familiar sheriff cruiser pulled up in the drive way, I walked out the door with an umbrella quickly shuffling over to Bella to cover her from the rain knowing how she favoured the warm dry weather, complete opposite of me
“Welcome home Bella!” I smiled as we walked back inside as dad got her bags following closely behind
She shook off her coat and placed her little cactus down on the counter
“You’ve grown so much you’re a year younger but you’re already taller than me” she said as she hugged me
“Come on bells we’ll show you your room!” Dad said as he walked up the stairs with her bags
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She settled in for the rest of the day until it was supper time, I set out the table and dished up our meal, dads game playing in the background as we ate
“So are you excited for school on Monday?” I asked
“Not really but atleast I’ll have you there”
“What? No im homeschooled remember”
“Well…..” dad drawled out
“Dad what did you do?” My heart was racing now at the implication
“I thought since Bella’s back now it would be good for you to get out there again, you need some experiences honey”
“But you know I have no one there, no one wants to be friends with me we’ve been over this”
“You might make new friends honey, give give it a chance for your old man” I sighed slumping back in my chair trying to wrap my head around having to socialize again
“Atleast you’ll be with me, dad said since your grades are so good you got bumped up a grade and can have some certain classes together, depending on our courses” that settled my anxiety a little
Bella and dad cleaned up from dinner as I sat out on the porch, in desperate need for fresh air to do its magic, only 2 more days and I’ll be back in a school again, who knows maybe some new kids have arrived and aren’t too set in their groups yet
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Monday came quickly and I was a ball of nerves, I glanced in the mirror as made sure my hair was just the way I wanted, wearing a casual outfit, simple flared black leggings, a dark rich blue longsleeve with my old worn out dark brown carhartt jacket, quickly spraying my vanilla perfume
I walked down stairs to meet Bella in the kitchen, she grabbed an apple as she picked up her backpack from the table
“Are you ready to go?” She asked
“Almost can I make a tea quickly?” She nodded and I quickly wiped together a chai tea latte, grabbing my lunch from the fridge and meeting her in the truck dad had gotten for us but since I didn’t have my license, seeing as I never needed one before now, she would be driving us
The drive to school was calming, hearing the steady rain fall against the windshield, pulling into the parking lot everyone stared until we got out, I kept my eyes down as Bella led me to the schools main office
“Okay here’s your schedule, we have math together at the end of the day, the bells about to ring so I gotta head to world history are you good to find your way to chemistry?”
“Oh ummm yeah I’ll be fine”
“Okay see you at lunch” she smiled gently before she left down the hall
Looking at my schedule I memorized the room number hoping it wouldn’t be too hard to find, turning the corner I rammed into what felt like a brick wall, dropping my books I look infront of me to see the most beautiful guy I’ve ever seen, his eyes a golden amber, hair as dark as night and his skin as pale as snow
“Sorry about that, I haven’t seen you around before” he said soothingly as he handed me the books that had momentarily scattered the floor, not even realizing he had picked them up, too busy oogling him I suppose
“Oh yeah I’m just re-enrolling here again, just trying to find my class” he looked down at my schedule a striking smile adorning his face
“Come this way gorgeous, got the same class” walking along the mostly bare hallways I noticed his gentle glide, I’ve never seen such a…..well such a perfect human, obviously I was way out of my league if I could think he’d ever be interested in me, I mean I’m plain and simple what would he ever see in me, best I stay in my lane, but dad did want me to make friends so that couldn’t hurt….right?
We got to the classroom and the teacher assigned us to sit together, the class went by pretty boring, every now and then I’d take glances at Emmett and I swear he did the same but he was probably just looking at someone else, moments like this made me wish I was a beautiful as my sister, she never had a problem with guys wanting her, they basically drooled over her, even if she never acted on any offers she was still wanted
It felt like I was a living ghost most days, no one noticed me anywhere I’d go, a big reason I wanted to be homeschooled, now I’m thrown back into this miserable place, I’ll bet by lunch time Bella with have a table full of new friends while I sit alone, not even a second glance from anyone
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Lunch time rolled around and as I entered the cafeteria I searched for Bella and just as I guessed she was surrounded with bright smiles, excited to get to know her, she glanced my way and I waved hoping she’d wave me over to sit but she just gave a half assed smile and got back to talking with her new friends, I felt my heart rip at that, thinking things would be different this time with her here but I guess I was wrong
I found an empty table near the windows and made myself comfortable for another lonely lunch, I pulled out my bag from my backpack but my appetite was lost and I had no desire to eat so I just pushed my lunch to the side and looked out the window just wanting to go home
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{Emmett’s POV}
I couldn’t get her out of my head, she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and her blood sings to me, when she bumped into me in the hallway I felt my whole world shift, she didn’t talk much but just being near her felt right
Lunch came, my least favourite part of the day, having to pretend for an hour, I glanced around the cafeteria hoping to catch a glimpse of my mate again, my eyes landed on her sat alone looking glum a few tables down, the others followed my gaze and smiled knowingly
“Who’s she?” Rosalie asked
“I think she’s my mate”
“Her thoughts are overwhelming loud” Edward stated
“What do you mean?” I asked nervously
“She’s not the happiest girl, I can hear how depressed she is, how unwanted she feels”
“I can feel how broken her heart is” Jasper added
This has to be the worst feeling knowing the one I’m suppose to love unconditionally and she is quite perfect in my eyes, has been broken and feels unloved
I got up from the table and made my way to her sliding in the seat across from her, her eyes were so glazed over with sadness she didn’t even realize I sat down
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{Normal pov}
“So how’s your first day?” I jumped snapping out of my thoughts noticing Emmett is sat across from me
“Oh sorry I didn’t see you, ummm today has been fine I guess, thanks again for helping me earlier”
“It’s not problem, umm I was wondering maybe if you’re not too busy this weekend if you’d wanna hang out?” My heart raced at this
“Really? You wanna hang out with me?”
“Yeah of course, who would wanna spend time with the most beautiful girl in the school” his smile warmed my heart but quickly faded at a realization
“Is this a prank, because if it is it’s cruel” I said as my bottom lip wobbled
“No what? I would never do something like that I really wanna get to know you, so how about after school on Friday I’ll meet you in the parking lot and we can go do something?”
“Okay……sure id really like that” his face beamed with excitement
“Perfect it’s a date then gorgeous”
This felt surreal there’s no way there wasn’t a catch here, how could someone wanna spend their free time with me, but like Charlie said it doesn’t hurt to try, I just hope this doesn’t break my heart more
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Part 2
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juztscrollingthrough · 7 months
Seven by Taylor Swift
I always interpreted this song as someone looking back at their childhood nostalgic memories and remembering that one troubled friend who left a deep mark in their psyche but for whatever circumstances they lost touch with one another.  This edit kind of depicts the time during the “between years" where they thought of one another but never reached out. This one’s especially from Ian’s POV and all those flashback of memories that compelled him to finally reach out and arrange the meet up with Anthony after a nudge from Dianne.  Ian wonders if Anthony still thinks of him, if he still reminisces about their past as fondly as Ian does. 
Below are the lyrics with explanation/interpretation in Ian and Anthony's context:
Please picture me In the trees I hit my peak at seven feet In the swing Over the creek I was too scared to jump in
Ian wants his friend to remember him by the fun escapades they shared together. He reminisces about their first 6th grade science project, all their sleepovers, the trips, their first experience with alcohol near the riverside in Sacramento. In their big group of friends how these two became closer due to the fact that he didn’t know how to drive and Anthony was the one who drove him home after school, how after graduation when everyone left for college, these two remained in the suburbs, unsure about their future.
But I, I was high in the sky With Pennsylvania under me Are there still beautiful things?
Ian once said "I'm not exactly the poster child for following your dreams, because I never had any”. He never had exact dreams about career or whatever the future had in store for him. Smosh became a place where Ian and Anthony expressed themselves, an outlet to make each other laugh and with smosh blowing up he finally found his dream: to keep making fun stuff with his best friend which for some reason random strangers over the internet connected with. They were riding the high that came with smosh’s success unaware of the fact that this newfound business relationship would tower over their years of close friendship.
Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long
Their genuine love and adoration for one another, how they shared every secret with each other, how Ian lied to Anthony about his first kiss in hopes to impress his new friend in 7th grade and in later years opening up about the lie as he finally got his actual first kiss…. in his friend’s bedroom. Slowly these tender moments fizzled out as they grew up, as their channel grew, and so did their stress and workload. Though, they aren't the people they once were, but their mutual love and respect for each other remained deeply ingrained in their hearts.
And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on
Ian knew that Anthony came from a broken home, and how he lost an authoritative figure, his step dad, who abandoned Anthony’s mother and his step-brothers when he was merely a 12 year old, and due to his tumultuous situation at home, Anthony got this heavy responsibility on his shoulders of his family. Anthony feared that his mothers agoraphobia would somehow find a way towards him too and he would stay stuck in this haunted situation which he desperately wanted to break away from. When Anthony fell sick due to his autoimmune disease, Ian’s mom urged his son to visit his friend. The get well soon card he got signed by everyone in their class and gave to Anthony. After their graduation Ian’s parents invited Anthony for a trip to Hawaii and that was the first time when Anthony got to experience something away from his haunted house back in Sacramento. He got to experience what a complete family felt like vicariously through Ian. 
Passed down like folk songs Our love lasts so long
No matter how many obstacles there were, the power of friendship conquered it all. They not only got their company back but also rekindled their friendship. They said everything had to happen the way it happened for them to eventually reunite. They might be complete opposites but there is this red string of fate that lingers between them. Their creative partnership is too strong and in the end they proved that “Friendship always wins”.
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
Belong (3)
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: omegaverse au, hurt/comfort, Angst, romance
Synopsis: You seem to be falling in love with the pack and Jungkook isn't very happy but what will happen when. He realises you are his mate?
No warnings?! (Did I actually 😳 manage that)
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Am I regretting making the different moodboards yes yes I am but was I still too invested to back out also yes
Your mother knocks on your door.
"Coming!!" You tell her opening your window and spraying all sorts of perfumes in the air so she doesn't worry about you.
Happy thoughts think happy thoughts . You think to yourself.
And it kind of sucks that all in the top of your head belong to the pack.
Your mom sits in the kitchen working on her laptop . A food package opened.
"Did you order something?" You ask sitting on the other side of the table.
"No the neighbour brought it."
"You hang out."
"Yeah a bit."
"Isn't he too old for you ?" She asks munching on the muffin her work abandoned for now.
"It's not like that he just helped me out before."
"Fine this old mother will nor interfere in your life."
"It's not that... ugh" You say picking for yourself some savory focacia bread.
"He did bring you breakfast after whatever happened to get you so depressed."
"You noticed."
"If I don't point everything does not mean I don't notice young lady."
"Mom." You say and go hug her. Nothing beats her calming scent anyway.
"My baby." She cooed. "Should we invite them to dinner so you can show me the skills you learnt in your cooking classes."
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Yoongi is kind of nervous he fixes his good shirt called it. It was the new designer one Hobi had gifted him after getting a sponsorship.
Since only four of them Taehyung Hoseok Namjoon and himself were going. Yoongi felt a bit responsible, usually Seokjin would be a good at this sort of thing but Jungkook had latched onto Seokjin. Junkook had been pretty sensitive this morning throwing a tantrum when Jin left for the bathroom. He'd been biting their necks and scent glands. The need to mate high but probably subconsciously realised they weren't his mate.
True mates were rare and double mates even more. That is someone could be your mate but that didn't necessarily mean you were theirs.
Yoongi did think it was unfair but life wasn't ever fair.
He'd read an article which pointed out on how single mating was true more for males rarely seen in females to compensate periods experienced by the female population.
Yoongi checks the cake he had bought one last time and a vase Namjoon had selected as a gift because they were visiting your house for the first time.
Once everyone was ready they all marched to your door.
Luckily you were the one who opened the door. You too were dressed nicely. You greeted them with a smile and ushered them in.
Inside they sat on the sofa set as your mom entered. Namjoon straightened and put on a charming smile. He stood up to greet her.
"Hello I'm Namjoon, our pack Alpha and these are my pack mates Hoseok like myself an alpha, Yoongi is a beta and Taehyung our youngest omega." Namjoon introduced.
Your mother nodded.
"Are you close enough to be aware of our family history?" Your mother questions.
Yoongi answers. "She has mentioned a few things but we didn't want to pry and make her uncomfortable."
You on the other hand were in the kitchen bringing out snacks to hopefully lessen the tension.
Taehyung stood up and offered to help, your mom only nodded getting back to the conversations with the others. Asking about the others of the pack.
Taehyung enters the kitchen it smells amazing.
"Hello Y/nie"
"Tae." You respond smiling.
"Do you need help, I came to help."
"I'm done just need to check if everything is done properly."
"Do you want me to plate it. I'm good at setting up masterpieces." He says.
"Sure. Thank you."
"Anything for you sweetie." He replies and gets to work.
When the two of you bring out the snacks and beverages the atmosphere is pleasant.
To be fair you were worried about your mom grilling them. When it's time to set the dining table even Yoongi offers to help.
Later Namjoon and Hobi offer to cleanup.
When they are leaving you pack over the extra food you'd made for the others.
Hobi offers a kiss on your forehead this time you don't deny him. Shyly even yoongi forwards his cheek and you giggle before planting a soft peck.
Namjoon though was a bit stressed so he left earlier Taehyung went with him because a Namjoon inside his head was a disaster waiting to happen.
"Did something happen you ask?"
"Don't worry about it its just Jungkook. Jin texted about Jungkook calling Joon out."
"Oh ok."
You still didn't know how heats with your own pack worked. You had read about it but you and your mom spend them together and that was just you or her behaving like you did when you were sick and the other comforting and cooking if required. Though you did have a maid who cooked and cleaned and came twice a week.
You close the door still in your thoughts.
Your mother is on her phone probably going through work. You sit beside her.
She engulfs you into a hug. You both stay silent enjoying the peace.
"Mom.." You began.
"They seem like good people. Namjoon talked about you being important to them and being Jungkook's mate."
"What should I do?"
"Whatever you do.. know that you will always have your mom?"
Talking with your mom didn't give you an answer but it did clear your head.
Her phone rang.
"Who is it?" You ask.
" Maeum" your mom replies and checks the message.
Maeum was your mom's best friend and in a pack and wanted your mom in her pack but your mom had refused, they were still good friends.
"She is calling us for Christmas." Your mom informs.
"Why don't you go?"
"I go?" Your mom asks.
"I think we both need to spend time with a pack."
"Don't get smart with me young lady." She chides playfully.
You giggle.
"I love you momma." You say a little childish but you know it makes your mother soft.
"Love you to my baby."
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You had not considered the possibility that nearing your winter vacation instead of you and your mom spending time together, your mom would go on to hang out with her bestfriend and their pack and you would be spending time with your neighbours.
Particularly Jungkook who in his rut induced state smiles very brightly as soon as he spots you. It unsettles you the fondness his primitive brain brings about.
You and Namjoon and Yoongi had discussed bringing you infront of Jungkook this very morning.
"I'm so grateful for this. Thank you. For real like whatever happens I.. I am so very grateful." Namjoon says rubbing your hand which he is holding with his thumb. He leads you towards the drawing room.
You feel you'd anxiety rise. Yoongi is helping Jimin set up a makeshift nest in the drawing room.
Before you step in the nest. Namjoon stops you.
You look up at him eyes slightly widened.
"What...?" Before you can fully question him he presents his proposal.
"May I scent you?" He asks softly. "I'm worried he'd jump you if he scents distress."
You nod.
Namjoons scent is woody and masculine and so him and when he rubs your scent glands with his you feel limbless all thoughts leaving except for your omega purring alpha.
"Baby stay here with me."
"Huh?" You ask dazed. Strong arms steady you and help you into the nest.
Yoongi sits beside you, this close you can feel a slight tinge of his smell and when he offers you his scent gland. You feel yourself break out of the heady alpha scent. It's an intimate act people especially beta offering their scent glands to another because if an alpha or omega scent mark it the scent can last for months and it's like saying the beta is accounted for.
Beta's usually prefer being scentless even in packs the dont feel the need to be gobbled up in the scent of their partners especially because it might result in a pseudo heat or rut depending on who marked them and unlike alpha's or omegas who experience it at set times Beta's can go through multiple cycles within weeks.
It is said that the Beta's resemble the earlier humankind the most, before the great breakdown such packs were frowned , people kept to themselves any human interactionwas severely limited with focus on independent mode,s of living. Due to a string of war, disease, natural disaster and decreased birth rate , resources were severely affected, increased potential but lack of manpower to actually be accessible. The existing people formed packs to combat this.
When vaccines got introduced a lot of people underwent physiological changes and thus the subgenders arose. With now developed sharper senses especially the olfactory, humans were more easily able to find a mate because biologically a person with opposite immunity had a more attractive scent and thus the offsprings had a better chance of survival.
Namjoon rubs the small of your back. You sit now relaxed but aware. Jimin gives you a reassuring smile. Mouthing a thank you.
Jungkook is flanked by Hobi and Taehyung. Jin behind them.
"Mate." He calls out. Slowly coming closer.
He reaches out to take your hand linking it with his and bares his scent gland.
You come close to him and rub his skin a little around the gland and that is enough to prompt him to take you in his arms.
You move a bit even though his grip is strong.
"Alpha please." You say softly coaxing him.
He nods a bit dazed. But he loosens his hold.
He settles hugging your waist. Soon you are sat beside him until the scent high makes him sleepy and he looses consciousness.
You too are tired and end up crashing next to him. The rest of the pack wants to cuddle you and Taehyung's temptation to take a picture is great but he is not sure how comfortable you would be with that.
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When Jungkook wakes up the last vestiges of the rut are gone. The body hugging him is softer than his hyungs and smells nice, real nice and it's a scent he knows but he cannot place.
Mate, his subconscious whispers.
He opens his eyes disoriented. He seems to not be in the nesting room and instead in the living room. He searches for water his throat dry.
You whine as he moves.
Jungkook for the first time registers your presence.
Only one thing on his mind.
What in the world happened during his rut?
He pushes you away. Waking you up.
"Get away! Get off me" he says not realising he used his alpha voice.
A hurt whine escapes your lips. Your inner omega hurt on an alpha they'd just scented rejecting them.
Before the rest of the pack can wake up or react you are out of the door promising yourself to never be treated like this again.
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This was was less possessive than expected but but hey it was almost nice. As always thoughts and ideas are welcome.
Hope you liked it 💜
Taglist : @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @gooooomz ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky
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filmbyjy · 2 years
A request for more imagines/reactions of a poly relationship with Jaywon plz
a/n: hmm more jaywon😏 so you guys do have to agree they’d be the best duo for poly relationships. since you didn’t specify, I think headcannons would be the best for this! unless you want an imagine then you know where to come back😉
P.S; i had to write this on my computer or else it would mess the 'read more/keep reading' up🥲
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what is like dating jaywon?
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how did you, jay and jungwon meet? a short story by filmbyjy
as idols, it was hard for jungwon and jay to really go out as normal people without being noticed. however, they did one day manage to find a small coffee shop that was pretty secluded. surprise surprise, you were working there.
— placing this in case the read more messes up —
"good afternoon! welcome to 'jewel bean'. what would you like to have?" you happily say. they were surprised to see the enthusiasm coming out from you since it was a simple and boring afternoon.
there wasn't much people in the small shop but you were still optimistic about it. it makes them smile. they quickly scanned the menu.
"can we have the green tea frappuccino and java chip frappuccino?"
"to go?"
they turned to each other, "uh, yes."
"alright, that will be $15.50." the boy taps his card. you quickly tapped on the buttons and hand him the receipt.
"oh right, so sorry. may i also have your name?" you asked them.
"it's jongseong."
"alright, the drinks will be done in a minute." you say. jay nods. he watches an older lady exit out of the supposed staff room.
"sweetie, don't you have classes soon?"
"i'll just finish this last order and then get to class, mom." you say. your mom nods and pats your back. she spots the two boys.
"oh my, sweetie. why didn't you tell me these two young men came in? they look really skinny. dear, let's give them a cake on the house." your mom says. you turned to your mom. the two boys blush.
"oh. no, it's okay." the boy in the beanie shyly says. you shook your head while giggling. you simply started packing a slice of cheesecake and red velvet cake into a box. you knew your mom wouldn't give up.
you placed the two drinks and the box of cakes on the counter in front of the both them, "i'm so sorry about my mom, unfortunately she doesn't take no as an answer. so here you go. she made these cakes so they are homemade. hopefully, you'll like them."
they looked at each other and then shyly smiled at you.
"thank you."
ever since that day, jay and jungwon started visiting your cafe more often. moreover, it was also secluded and not many people came here. they became quite close to you too since they started opening to you more. you found out that they were both idols in the same group so it was a little shocking that they even found out about your family's cafe.
"so, do you need help?" jay asks. you shook your head.
"jongseong, i'm fine. you aren't even studying for this." you tilt your head.
"i took biology in high school if that helps?" jungwon snorts.
"you went to hanlim and graduated in practical dance, there was no biology in there. if this is your way of flirting hyung, it didn't work." jay shoots daggers at jungwon.
you blushed, "flirting?"
"jay hyung likes you and he keeps talking about you, noona." jungwon says.
"what do you mean? jungwon uses the picture we took together as a wallpaper for our chats. he likes you too!" jay folds his arms.
the blush playing on your cheeks reddens even more.
"so the both of you like me?"
"well, i like you both too."
and that’s how it started…
what are dates like with jaywon?
very laid back
jay likes staying at home and cooking for you and jungwon
he also likes clothes shopping/grocery shopping with you and jungwon. he gets to see his two favourite people run around aisles and getting whatever you’d like
jay especially likes to see you dress up bc he likes whenever you doll yourself up! put on a cute dress, skirt, top etc. whatever you like, jay likes.
jay also likes fancy dinner dates but those are saved for special occasions like a 1 year anniversary.
jungwon likes amusement park dates, arcade dates, movies dates. classical and cliche romance novel dates.
and there will be a picture booth for you to take pictures with your two boyfriends. since both jungwon and jay love keeping memories in forms of pictures. jungwon also has a scrapbook of all the fun dates you guys had.
oh another classical date I think jaywon would like beach date/picnic date! they like the idea of lounging around with you. like cats :D
they are like cats. it’s a push and pull thing
there are times where they get really clingy and other times where they don’t cling much (especially if there is college work to do)
jungwon does like clinging more though. he likes cuddles and head pats. makes him feel loved.
jay on the other hand, loves kisses and hugs. he likes back hugging for sure. he does it to you, you do it to him. vice versa.
jungwon likes spooning, whether it being you are little spoon and he is big spoon or the opposite. he just likes having you close to him.
oh oh oh!! jungwon does this thing where he nudges his head onto your arms like a cat to get your attention or jay’s attention. kinda like what ni-ki did to get jungwon to continue playing with his hair! it’s really adorable trust me.
sleepover with them
at night, these two boys are the epitome of cats
as if you guys didn’t know it😀
they will wrap their arms and legs around you so you have no personal space
they just love waking up tangled with you
they also love how they get to see you still sleeping bc they find it adorable.
since jungwon wakes up the earliest, he decides to always wake you up first. he does so by like pecking your lips and forehead over and over again. which in my opinion...let me give you hugs and kisses won🥺
then you wake jay up by kissing all over his face bc he loves it when you do so.
one thing about jay: if he is the first one awake, he will stare at both you and jungwon. he likes looking at people he loves. this is rare though since he is usually in deep sleep.
what are their love languages?
jungwon likes quality time and acts of service.
quality time being he just likes to spend time with you and acts of service bc he likes to help you out. he doesn't really voice out how much he loves you rather he does it through his actions. he is a little shy when it comes to these types of things.
he also like physical touch when it comes to being alone with you.
he doesn't do much when you come over to the dorm and there are other members. he feels a little shy doing it.
though, i do think if he really misses you...he doesn't care if the other boys watch him being babied by you.
jay likes words of affirmation, physical touch and giving you gifts. actually he can be all of the 5 love languages at different times.
jay especially likes to express his love for you by words and giving gifts. it doesn't have to be big gifts. just small ones like clothes and sweets.
physical affection for jay would be like backhugs, kisses (read: neck kisses)
words of affirmation for jay, i think just suits him. he really great with his words. he knows how to comfort you.
as i've said before, jaywon are just the perfect candidate for a poly relationship. they are both givers in a relationship. they prioritise their partner's happiness over theirs and in turn this also makes them both husband material.
jay and jungwon would never demand for things rather, they are both chill and laid back. as we know, jungwon loves paying attention to small details and still listens attentively. as for jay, he puts his whole attention to you and only you (or jungwon).
in other words, jaywon best boys!
P.S, jaywon cat agenda?
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taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo @http-gyu @simpforniki @vatterie @victoriazynui @myu3ki @jhopesucker
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
What Will It Be? Chapter 3
Dash and Kwan walked out of the school together. Their last couple classes had passed without incident and now it was the end of the school day. 
“What do you mean you can’t come to our nightly run? You always come!”
Kwan shrugged. “Sorry, Dash. I’d love to get all sweaty with you in the dusk of night…”
“Why did you have to say it like that?”
“But my mom scheduled for me to get my senior pictures done today and then we’re going out to eat with my grandparents.”
“Ah, yes, can’t disappoint the grandparents.”
Kwan nodded sagely. “Sorry. You could always skip tonight's run.”
Dash waved the comment away. “Nah. Then I’d have to make it up on a different day and I’m gonna be using the whole weekend to relax.”
“Face masks, rom coms, and ice cream?” Kwan smirked at him. 
“You know it!” Dash held his hand up for a high five and Kwan hit his hand with a whoop. 
“Well, I gotta go. Have fun getting sweaty by yourself.”
“I will. Bye.” 
Dash waved at Kwan as he walked away. Stuffing his hands in his pockets he began to walk across the schoolyard. He had time before he had to go home and start working on homework. Maybe he could go to the Nasty Burger. 
He heard a loud laugh and he looked up. Standing there were Danny, Sam, and Tucker. He smiled and started heading towards them. 
“Hey, guys!” He waved at them. “Kwan’s being a nerd and being busy, you guys wanna go hang out at the Nasty Burger?”
Sam and Tucker both shot Danny looks and he was about to respond when he was interrupted by a gasp coming out of his own mouth. 
“I, uh, sure. But I gotta go to the bathroom real quick!” 
Danny ran off and Dash raised a quizzical eyebrow at him. He was about to ask Sam and Tucker why Danny always had to use the bathroom so much, but a scream interrupted him. 
Running from around the back of the school was a giant green dog with red eyes. It stopped running and looked around everywhere. Its eyes landed on Sam and Tucker and it barked, looking at them excitedly with its butt in the air as its tail wagged. 
“Does this dog know you guys?” Dash asked them. 
“Sort of.” Sam said. 
“Cujo!” Phantom yelled. “I told you, no visiting the high school! You’re too big like this!” 
The ghost dog panted happily, wagging its tail. It brought its face closer to Phantom’s and gave him the biggest, wettest lick Dash had ever seen. 
“Gross!” Phantom yelled, shaking saliva off of his arms. “Playtime isn’t until later, Cujo. You don’t even have your toy yet.”
Cujo’s ears picked up at the word toy.
“Yeah! Your toy! Can you go find it for me? And bring it back at the time we’re actually supposed to have play time?”
Cujo barked before giving Phantom another lick. He shrank down and started running quickly through the air into the distance. 
“He couldn’t have shrank back down before licking me again?” Phantom groaned and shook his arms off a second time. “Now I have to go home and take a shower.” 
“Bro just phase it off.” Tucker cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted up at Phantom. 
“Yeah, then you don’t have to go take a shower.” Sam shouted.
“Ghosts shower?” Dash asked. 
“This one does.” Tucker smirked. “Stinkiest teenage ghost there is.” 
Sometimes Dash was jealous of the relationship Sam and Tucker seemed to have with Phantom. He didn’t understand how they managed to become so close to him while Dash could hardly ever get a conversation out of the guy. 
“Hey Phantom! Want to come hang out at the Nasty Burger with us?” Dash shouted.
Phantom glanced at Sam and Tucker and then back at Dash. “Sorry I’ve, uh, got previous engagements already. I’ll see you guys later!”
He waved and flew away. A few moments later Danny came walking back out of the school. 
“Ready to go eat our faces off?” Danny smiled up at him. 
“You bet I am! I think I’m gonna be able to stuff my face more than Foley over there.” 
“No you won’t!” Tucker yelled at him as he turned to start walking towards the Nasty Burger. “I’ll have you know I won Casper High’s hot dog eating championship with a new high record! There’s no way you can beat me.”
“You guys are so gross.” Sam wrinkled her nose as she followed after Tucker. “What’s the point of eating if you’re just gonna inhale your food anyways? You won’t even be able to taste it.”
“It’s the principle of it, Sam.” Danny said. Dash fell into step beside him as they started walking. 
“What principle?” She waved her hands in the air. “Of being gross?”
“Of being a man.” Tucker puffed his chest out and smiled at her.
“Yeah, okay. I’m sure real men eat Nasty Burger’s entire stock.”
“Yeah, exactly! Now you’re getting it!” 
Sam rolled her eyes and continued walking. 
Dash looked around them as they walked. The trees that grew alongside the sidewalks were a bright orange and red. Football season had just ended and he was looking for a more relaxing couple of weeks before basketball started. It gave him a good opportunity to actually get outside and admire the pretty colors. 
Dash glanced at Danny. He was also looking around at his surroundings, admiring the leaves. Maybe one of these days he’d have to take everyone to his favorite hiking trail. Or just him and Danny could go. That could be where he confessed his feelings to him. 
Then Danny’s eyes met his. Dash could feel his face turning red and he quickly looked away. How was he going to confess anything if he couldn’t even look Danny in the eye?
“They’re pretty, huh?” Danny said. Dash looked back at him.
“The leaves.”
“Oh.” Dash nodded. “Yeah, they are.”
“We should go walk around the park before they all fall to the ground and turn brown. It’s really pretty there.”
Dash smiled. “Yeah! We should do that.”
“There are prettier places to walk around and see the leaves.” Sam turned to face them. “We all have our licenses. We could drive somewhere over the weekend and do some hiking.”
“Yeah!” Tucker smiled. “Tiny roadtrip!”
Danny rolled his eyes. “It won’t be a road trip, Tucker. We’ll probably only be gone for a couple hours.”
“That’s why it’s called a tiny road trip.”
Dash smiled as he watched Danny and Tucker bicker. It was nice that they could be like this, that they were friends now. Danny threw back his head and laughed. 
Dash hoped he never got to stop seeing his smile.
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter)- Ch. 5: Royal Announcement
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It’s been a few months since I first came to Auradon, and I must say I’ve managed to settle in fairly well. My ‘initiation’ that Chad had mentioned turned out to be me being bombarded by silly string in the middle of the night by the fencing team. I swear if it weren’t for Binx I would have jinxed them into croaking like frogs.
My magic classes include potion-making, antidotes and anti-don’ts, hexes, jinxes and beyond, and Goodness 201 (advanced goodness class). When I asked why I had to take a goodness class Fairy Godmother said it was “to prepare for distributing good deeds with our magic.” It’s just a bunch of please and thank-you's mixed in with helping the poor and needy, and in all honesty it’s the most boring class I’ve ever gone through. Fiona, daughter of Fauna (as in Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather) became my unapproved tutor. She’s constantly reminding me of what I’m doing wrong- and I’ve come close at least 5 times of cursing her perfume to smell like a skunk.
I also got to meet other, more friendlier students, such as Tiffany and Doug. Tiffany, daughter of Tiana and Naveen, is the best cook I’ve ever had the pleasure of taste-testing for! She definitely inherited her mother’s talent for cooking, and her dad’s talent of dancing. Every time I visit the kitchen she’s waltzing around whipping up some new recipe, and is always looking for test subjects.
Doug is just as good a friend. He’s my study partner, and basically knows every textbook cover-to-cover. Unlike Ben, Doug supports my ingenious prank ideas and sometimes comes up with his own ideas- such as letting a squirrel loose in Audrey's dorm. After ten minutes of her banshee scream I let Binx and Twilight chase the poor creature out. Audrey then appeared to see me as an important ally in regards to pest control and has become somewhat less bitchy ever since.
Right now we’re being taught about illumination vs flame spells. Hopefully I won’t set anything on fire this time!
“Now, instead of saying ‘illumincerate,’ I want you to recite: lumicious!” Fairy Godmother announces with a very enthusiastic grin.
“Lumicious,” we all chant in unison. Sure enough, a tainted pink light appears in the palm of my hand- and it’s not fire!
My success causes me to start clapping and cheering (something surely from my Mom’s side), leading to the others to look at me with confused stares. I try to calm down and go back to being quiet and discreet.
“Magica, Prince Ben has requested your presence,” I hear Jane say from behind me.
She appears to be nervous around the other magical students, so I quickly follow her out to provide some comfort.
“Don’t worry about them- their bark is far worse than their bite. You just need to know how to navigate a conversation with them without spelling them to sleep.”
Jane frowns. “Why would I do that?”
I snicker. “So you don’t have to talk to them.”
She gets the joke and gives a carefree laugh. “I wish I was as good as being popular as you!”
My smile twitches. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on! You’re, like, one of the most adored kids in the school, Magica! Everyone likes you. You’re so nice and helpful, talented…”
I see her face drop and I put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, hey. Jane, you’ve got something I will never, ever have. I can’t exactly say what, but just know that you are very fortunate in the family department. I don’t want to be ‘cool’ or ‘popular.’ I never asked for that, and I don’t want it. So if you’re cool with me hanging out with you and hiding from all the snobby stuck-up princesses,” I give her a quick, tight hug. “Then I’d really appreciate it.”
Thankfully, my input seems to lift Jane’s spirits. “So, how’s it been being the Royal Advisor?”
I tilt my head. “You know, it’s kinda just a job that means saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Ben’s crazy new ideas. Did you know last week he asked if we should try exploring the Trident Seas? I told him we should focus more on international matters before worrying about diplomatic expeditions. Seriously, Ben says he’s grown ‘more mature’ and ‘wise,’ but at times he’s still the scatterbrained boy I grew up with. A truly good heart, but not so much in the think-before-doing department.”
We get to Ben’s room and Jane leaves me to deal with the new appointment with the soon-to-be king. Inside, Ben is trying to stand still on a pedestal while the royal tailor measures him, although he’s much too fidgety to get any proper work done.
“Greetings, my liege! How might I serve thou?” I announce dramatically with a curtsey.
Ben rolls his eyes and gives an annoyed grunt. “Enough with the fancy talk, Sparks. I don’t have the patience.”
“Note taken. So, what service do you require from me today?”
“I’ve… kinda got a new proclamation. A royal announcement, if you will.” Ben points a finger.
I give the tailor a look of apology. “And… this couldn’t wait until you’re not as… occupied?”
“Ugh,” Ben groans as the tailor gestures again for him to stand still. “Another fitting, yeah. I can’t wait- it’s too important!”
“What’s too important?”
Just then, King Beast and Queen Belle themselves enter. I must admit, I’m surprised they’ve grown to like me in the past few months. One might say they’ve all but adopted me as part of the family.
King Beast shakes his head, smiling. “How is it possible that you’re going to be crowned king next month? You’re just a baby!”
“He’s going to be sixteen!” Queen Belle swats his arm.
While they do small bickering back and forth I take a moment to get out some paper and a fountain pen to write down any notes Ben has for me.
“I’ve chosen my first official proclamation.” Ben looks at me for support, and I give a warm smile. “”I’ve decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance to live here in Auradon.”
Wait- what?
Did I hear that right? Ben’s requesting that more villain kids come to Auradon Prep? Not that I’m opposed, it’s just… I’m opposed! If supposedly ‘good’ kids like Audrey and Willow can be bratty jerks then I don’t even want to know what evil-rooted villain kids are like!
Ben’s parents seem to share my feelings, because they’re already arguing.
“Every time I look out there I feel like they’ve been abandoned!”
“The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?” Ben’s dad questions with steep doubt. “Magica is an exception, but how can you wish that kind of evil upon our kingdom?”
I’m… an exception? Um, thanks, I guess? But I must admit a part of me does feel guilty that I’ve been able to build a stable, ‘good’ life in Auradon while there must be other kids on the Isle that wish for the same thing.
“Everyone deserves redemption,” I add to help back Ben up.
Ben gives me a bright smile. “Exactly! Just look at how Magica’s come to terms with being good! She’s proven that a descendant from a wicked witch can choose to be good and helpful!”
This sends Ben’s parents looking at each other with nervous, anxious glances.
“Have you decided on which kids to invite first, or is it a free-for-all?” I ask.
“I’m getting to that,” Ben points to me. “Cruella de Vil, Jafar, the Evil Queen, and… Maleficent.”
Queen Belle gasps and King Ben’s mouth drops. “She is the most evil villain in the land, Ben!”
Ooh, Maleficent. From what I’ve heard, even my Aunt Winnie was afraid to tangle with the infamous dragon queen. Although not as big of a temper, Maleficent’s powers far surpass my family’s coven. Not that I’m afraid of her or her daughter, but I am curious as to how much Ben has thought this selection through. Cruella? Alright. Jafar? Why not? Evil Queen? A bit egotistic of herself but not everyone’s perfect. But Maleficent? One could say inviting any kin of hers is a recipe for disaster. I know he just wants to make his parents proud, but to what extent? In a way, he’s using these kids to prop up his image to make him seem more inclusive.
“We could let them stay for a semester and see if they can learn to fit in with our society?” I pitch. “I’d personally see to any magical mishaps.”
Ben gives me a thank-you thumbs up, while his parents are still stewing over the new idea.
“I suppose it would be a fresh perspective to invite other kids to the school…” Queen Belle thinks out loud.
King Beast still seems unconvinced, but says no rebuttal. “Very well. But remember, son, they’re your responsibility.”
I scrunch my nose. These are people we’re talking about, not dogs. Why are we acting as if they can’t think for themselves?”
“Well done,” Queen Belle whispers to Ben before she turns to leave with her husband.
Ben gives a surprised smile, but still seems unsure.
I walk up and pat his shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll make them proud. I know it. But I do have one condition for this new proclamation.”
Ben goes back to the impatient tailor. “What’s that, Sparks?”
I hold my head confidently. “Keep the charade that I’m an orphan. Don’t tell the new students I’m a VK. If they do plan on double-crossing us then I don’t want them to see me as an edge.”
Ben waves it off. “They won’t, Sparks. We’re offering them a second chance-”
“Yes, but even I have my doubts. Call it intuition, call it a foreshadowing spell, but I don’t trust anyone but my father and you. Don’t make me become torn between sides, Ben. I can’t promise I’ll be able to control my powers when extreme conflict breaks out.”
“Jeez, relax Sparks! You’re talking all mystic-magic like. It’s kinda creepy!”
I scoff. “Do not insult me by pretending to know anything about being cursed with this, Ben. You’re already the poster child for the good guys, at least give me leverage to be seen next to you as an advisor, and as a friend.”
“Aw, c’mere Sparks.” Ben wraps me up in a hug. “Don’t worry too much. You’re the best Advisor I could ever ask for, and you’re fitting right in!”
I smile. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
And maybe I can help these new VKs fit in too...
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lyraminerva · 3 months
This is a scene I wrote out years ago for a fic and just rediscovered. I’m turning it into a oneshot but this is what I found:
They’re hanging out in the UA dorms, Todoroki isn’t there because he’s visiting his mom. Todoroki has been really protective of Midoriya lately so the squads saw this as the perfect opportunity to see why the class cinnamon roll has been more cinnamon and less roll as of late.
Uraraka: What’s wrong Deku, you’ve been a bit irritable lately? Did something happen?
Izuku: No! I’m perfectly fine! Everything is fine! Ok?!
Kaminari: I think you just proved her point there man.
Kirishima: yeah, what’s up with you lately midobro?
Deku: I said it’s fine, can’t you just drop it already?
Iida: Midoriya, we’re worried about you and your well-being. If something is bothering you, you should tell us. We might be able to help.
Deku: Trust me, you won’t. This isn’t something that can just be fixed.
Shinso: So you admit there’s something wrong?
Deku: Wow you really aren’t going to let this go are you? Fine, you caught me, I’m mad at all might. There! Happy now?
Bakugou: What?Why! He’s been your idol since you were 2!
Deku: You know what? *inhaling sharply then releasing with a frustrated sigh, mumbling the rest of his response * Nevermind, it’s nothing. I’m just being petty over something that’s none of my business to begin with.
Tsu: If it’s bothering you then it’s not nothing, Midoriya. You know you can tell us anything right? We won’t judge. *kero*
Sero: yeah man! If it’s making you this mad it’s clearly not “nothing”
Deku: You really want to know what happened?! Fine! All Might’s fucking my Mom! He’s dating my fucking Mom! *Midoriya starts to dissolve into a fit of angry tears*
Everyone: trying not to laugh
Todoroki comes back from his weekly meeting with his mom to find deku bawling in the living room with a pissed looking Iida scolding Kaminari and Sero for breaking. Uraraka and Tsu are trying their best to comfort deku while Mina is busy choking on her water after doing the spit take to end all spit takes. Kirishima is busy trying to keep Bakugou from killing All Might. Katsuki is screaming “THAT BASTARD!ILL KILL HIM! HES GONNA PAY FOR WHAT HES DONE!HES DEAD,HEAR ME?DEAD!” Then devolving into growls and screams. Todoroki isn’t one to show a lot of emotion but he’s pissed.
Once everything has calmed down…
With the baku squad without Bakugou.
Jirou: does anyone know why Midoriya is so on edge lately? He snapped his pencil earlier today when All Might came in for heroics…
Kaminari: Oh, yeah. It’s because All might us Detroit smashing his Mom.
Kirishima and Sero both die of laughter. Jirou looks at Kaminari disgusted, which, fair enough, who would actually want to know about their teacher’s sex life.
Kirishima pulls himself together: not cool bro, you can’t just say stuff like that
Kaminari: But it’s true!
Sero: yeah, I mean, he told us himself.
Kirishima: still, it’s not our place to joke about it
Kaminari: maybe not, but that doesn’t change the fact that All Might is Full Cowling Fucking Mido’s Mom.
Jirou laughs at that one.
Jirou: shut up *can’t stop laughing*
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chalterdh22 · 11 months
Chapter 53: Is This the End?
This is the final chapter of this story. I truly love these characters and will hopefully continue writing adventures for them. Thanks for everyone that stayed with this story! This is the way!
We went to talk to the Armorer.  After explaining what we wanted, she asked Din to remove his helmet for her, so she could look upon his face as a new man.  She seemed quite pleased with our decision and helped us settle into our new quarters.
Grogu also seemed excited, although we weren’t sure he fully understood everything.  But for him, life was a rollercoaster, so most things were fun to him. 
I let my mom know what was going on, and she also seemed more pleased than usual.  She even wanted to come and visit!  Come to find out, she sold the ship we gave her for a ton of credits.  She paid everything off and was able to work when she wanted to, not that she had too.
Greef was happy for us too, although he said he would miss having the reinforcements readily available.  We were still allowed to go help fight when absolutely necessary, so he seemed content with that.
After deciding to become a clan of three, we had our vows down by the living waters.  I didn’t know 90% of the people that attended, but at that moment, when we said our vows, Din officially removed his helmet in front of everyone to kiss me and seal our relationship.  It was at that time I met Bo Katan, who I knew a lot from others’ stories.
She was very stoic like the rest of the Mandalorians, but seemed genuinely happy for us, as was everyone else.  Mom was able to make it in and a few other of Din’s friends came as well.
He introduced me to Cara Dune, Fennec and Bobo Fett, amongst others.  They seemed so happy for him, and he walked around with the biggest smile on his face as he greeted everyone and introduced me.
We were allowed to take a post marital vacation, just Din and me.  We went back to Naboo, just the two of us. 
It was a week of indescribable feelings, intimacy, and love for each other.  I wouldn’t have had a more amazing time if I hand wrote it out myself.  Truly, there are no words.  We were on cloud nine and nothing could ruin this bond between us.
After returning from paradise, I was also recruited to be a teacher of sorts, with apprentices.  Mine were to work with the older ones though, to help them read their environments, fight and be proactive in every way possible.  It was amazing to see these kids grow!  Grogu would eventually be in my class, so that will be special.
Din ended up being one of the most beloved trainers in all of Mandalore.  He did work with everyone to be able to take apprentices out on little adventures with him that he was permitted to do.  He also worked with the Republic on one off situations, and not as a hired hand under the table.
We still didn’t know who was going after Grogu’s blood, but like the Armorer said, it didn’t really matter because there would always be people from the Empire still trying to unlock Jedi secrets.
Grogu ended up being a big brother to our new addition.  We had a girl and named her Dyna.  Very early on, she and I had a bond, so I knew she had abilities like my own.  We talked at length about sending her over to Luke to be trained as a Jedi.  We still haven’t made that decision, but we do plan on making that trip to Yavin to discuss options.  We knew what it would mean for us, to give up our daughter, and I wasn’t ready to make that decision.  Din understood.
I would like to say after all this, we lived happily ever after, but that’s not even close to the truth.  The truth is we had many more obstacles to face, loss to endure and frustrations to overcome.  But one thing I can say is that we couldn’t have done it alone and we were glad we had such a family to lean on.  Without them, our outcomes would be different. 
What will our next adventure be with a toddler son and less than one year old to raise up?  I can say that Din is an amazing father and an even better husband.  All that story can be for another day.  Until then, may the force be with you.
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auror117 · 1 year
Forgotten memories part 3/4
Hongjoong pov
The decision to go to the reunion wasnt an easy one. I thought again and again about it and my parents werent happy at all. Mom tried to stop me for whatever reason, but deep in my heart i felt like i had to go no matter what. Now that i'm here and now that i've seen my friends i have no regrets in coming here.
It 8am when Seonghwa knocked on my door. I was barely awake but he was good and ready to go. He was always a morning bird, the responsible one.
Now we are walking to Jieuns cafe. A million thoughts run throught my head, how is she now? Is she the same? Did she miss us? Did she miss me..........
Hwa; " Isn't it weird, walking this path after so many years " he asks while looking around. It was weird, our childhood was filled with this town until we left and now that we are back the feeling is unfamiliar but familiar in a way.
" Yea it is weird but it also brings back some memories" I reply
Hwa; " You remember getting beat up in that alley by those boys from our next class " he points towards an alley with a smile. I laugh at the sudden rush of memories.
" You mean the time when Jieun had to save us from them. I still remember her running towards us holding her hockey stick and just swinging it around with her eyes closed " I chuckle while speaking.
Hwa:" And she almost hit us with that stick too" he replies with a wide smile. " Do you ever wish that you hadn't left?" He turns to look at me.
I didnt know how to answer that question, did i regret leaving?. If i hadn't left how different would my life have been, but at the same time i cant seem to regret because of how much i've achieved.
" At one point i did but then i never really though about it" i reply, not looking at him.
He was silent for the rest of the journey. As the cafe came in site i couldnt help but get nervous, my heart started beating fast and it felt like i was taken back in time.
Seonghwa's POV
He was different now, much different but i cant help but identify some similarities of his old self. He still dont make eye contact with me and he still holds much in his heart but speaks less. But hearing him say that he doesn't regret leaving made me think, maybe he is different now.
The cafe looks the same as it did in the past. It looks so alike that i felt like time reversed. The memories that this place has holds endless meaning but instead of looking forward to recall those memories i see myself searching for something else.
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Before we could enter the cafe Jieun comes out and walks towards us with a bright smile, i felt like time froze. Seeing her now made me realize how much i missed her. Hongjoong rushed forward and hugged her tightly but i couldnt move, it felt like my feet were stuck in the ground.
I just stared at her without a word unable to process whats happening until she pulls me into a hug. I found myself tearing up while inhailing her scent, its the same her smile, hair, scent its all the same. For a minute i hoped that time would actually stop but i know its a hopeless dream to want this moment to last forever and to want her.......
Jieun; " You both have no idea how much i missed you two, look at you both gosh i'm so proud of you" she breaks the hugs and looks at us with a teary smile.
Hongjoong; "You haven't changed at all, still a cry baby" he says with a small laugh
Jieun; "Oh shut up its been years since i've seen you both let me be emotional" she wipes her tears as she speaks.
" And the behaviour is the same too, it truly feels like nothing has changed" i pat her head with a smile.
Hongjoong; "So what are we doing today?"
" How about we visit our hideout?" i suggest
Jieun; " Great idea! I looked after it after you both left, dont worry i didnt change anything its still the same" she says as she leads the way.
Our hideout was situated at the top of our school, a small room we decorated and used as our safe place. It is filled with sad and good memories of ours.
Hongjoong's POV
She looked so beautiful, so unreal that it feels like a dream to see her but when i hugged her i realised that this is not a dream. She is really here in front of me, the familiarity fills my heart with warmth. This is not like the countless dreams i had of her, she's really here.
At the mention of the hideout i cant help but feel anxious, the last memory i had of that place wasnt pleasant. Looking at Seonghwa it feels like he's forgotten everything that happened that day ofc he has, he had nothing to lose, not then and not now.
Thinking about it, this is a journey to uncover forgotten memories even the cruelest of them all. Maybe recovering them will lead to some mystery and maybe just maybe this time i may win.
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whatupdoecourt · 2 years
have you ever been mad at God before?
i come from a very old school baptist family. “don’t question God.” i never really understood that. so i took it upon myself to research. no where in the bible does it even state that it is wrong or a sin to question God. we are flawed beings, made in the image of God. we will have questions, and plenty. Job questioned God, Abraham, and even Jesus.
God is our creator. however, we have our co-creators, our parents as well. just as we have a relationship with our parents we have one with God. i’m sure everyone has gotten angry at their parents before. maybe they wouldn’t let you go somewhere or do something that you really wanted to do. i believe this can be the same with God.
let me explain. as many may know, i lost my mother in march of 2018, 2 weeks before my birthday. my mother was first diagnosed with stage 3, almost stage 4 breast cancer in 2006. i was 9 years old and at the time my dad was in prison so it was a sensitive time for me. my family is extremely supportive and one thing we do best for sure is PRAY. together, apart, miles away, it doesn’t matter. we had “miraculous faith.” she beat cancer!
fast forward to 2016. my mommy came to me and told me something wasn’t right. you know your body, you know? i’m older now though, 20 years old. my dad has been out of prison for a while. me and my mom have been through sooo much together. i always felt like i had to be strong. it always been me and her. a team. she was my very best friend. when she told me something wasn’t right, she didn’t cry. so i didn’t either.
while on our way to the doctor’s appointment that changed our lives forever i was nervous, but y’all my faith that God would heal her was out of this world. i couldn’t fold now. the doctor that had to bare the bad news, it was his first day. i really wish i could remember all that i said to him, but it wasn’t my best moment. i wasn’t mean at all. but i began to denigrate the practice and blamed them. “why waste her time with all these tests if you guys couldn’t catch THIS?” he just looked at me with the most saddened expression. he left out and i hugged my mommy so tight. “i can’t lose you, mommy!” she hugged me so hard back and said “you won’t, baby.”
2017 my mommy had us all take christmas pictures. she knew. her health was declining, she was losing weight. i was in school, attending wayne state university. skipping class, because i wasn’t missing any of her appointments. i was my mom’s care giver. i chose to, i wanted to, i needed to. the amount of times we had to go to the emergency room. 3am, 5am, it didn’t matter the time of the day. it didn’t matter where i was or what i was doing. everything stopped for her. we became so close with the staff at the hospital because we were there so often. we had been in almost every hospital room on the oncology floor. and i stayed there with her every time. bringing a duffle to leave for work or class because i wasn’t missing anything. i couldn’t.
beginning of march 2018, we had to make a visit to the emergency room. this visit was different though. she was taking a different treatment. my mom was so perfect to me. she was such a selfless person that when her treatments were no longer working she agreed to try clinical trials to be a help to OTHERS. so this last treatment she had didn’t go so well. it was my auntie (i call her pat pat) and i with my mom this time. maybe 20 minutes into my mom’s treatment she began to act differently. she was sooo out of it, you guys. she forgot who i was for a moment. that broke me. but i didn’t have time to be sad. i had to take care of my mom. my aunt went back home for a moment, and it was just my mom and i in the emergency. my mom is admitted of course. i’m there by her side, not leaving her for a second. she’s back to herself and i told her everything that happened and how she lost her memory. my mom began to thank me, “i don’t know how i’ll ever repay you, courtney.” i told her i’d do it over and over again if i was given the chance. in every lifetime.
we then go back home. and she began to break down for the first time ever. she told me that she couldn’t keep doing this to me and that she didn’t want to take the treatment anymore. i didn’t want her to take the treatment either. but i wasn’t giving up. i still knew that she could be healed. i began to look up herbs that could cure cancer and that could potentially get her to great health. i was so desperate i contacted a cancer research facility in arizona. (CTCA)
my family came from all different states and stayed with us to help. first it was my auntie bev, she came from atlanta, ga. she came home pretty often to help. i don’t think she knew exactly what to expect this time though. then it was my great uncle, my uncle jr (lou lou’s brother) he came from bainbridge ga, and packed enough clothes to stay a month. i’m forever grateful. they literally put their life on hold and said they’d stay for as long as we needed them.
my mom began to go out of it again. this time she had an appointment with her oncologist. me, my mom, lou lou, and my aunt bev all drove to the appointment. “i would consider starting at home hospice care.” that did it for me. for the first time in a long time, i lost it. i couldn’t be strong anymore. i ran out of the room, as my family kept yelling after me i just ran. didn’t even know where i was running to. mind you, i’m in the hospital. people were trying to stop me, asking me if i was okay, but i didn’t stop running until i hit a dead end. i remember calling one of my best friends, jay. i just called her crying she couldn’t even understand me.
this is where things started to set in for me. i started to feel so silly. silly for being so delusional. if i had been more realistic maybe i could’ve prepared myself better. i remember driving home after that appointment and driving so insane LOL. but my aunt and grandma didn’t say anything to me, even though they maybe should’ve 💀
things happened very fast. since i am my mom’s only child and like i said before my mom and i, we were a team. if she didn’t get it done, i did, and vice versa. so this entire process was all handled by me. not because i didn’t have the support, i think my family just knew that i wouldn’t let them step in too much anyway. hospice came out, and i had to sign papers basically signing my mother’s life away. what a feeling. indescribable.
my mommy began to sleep a lot. not talking at all. i liked to sit with her a lot in her room. to cry, talk, lay with her, kiss her, whatever i felt like i needed to do because i just wasn’t ready to let her go. one day in particular, i was crying so hard so so hard. “why are you crying?” i looked up at her and said “because i love you so much.” “i love you too, baby.” those were the first and last words i heard her speak for a while.
my mom wasn’t on hospice long. my family all came over one day and while some were leaving out that night, you could hear her force herself to say “love you guys.” my mommy was a fighter. next morning on march 15th 2018, my aunt called me down because my mom’s eyes were opened. i saw my grandfather (my mom’s father/ lou lou’s husband) pass before and i know what that expression looks like. i was listening to my mom take her last breath. i went into another room and just cried. “she promised she wouldn’t leave me” that’s all i kept saying as my pat pat held me while i cried.
i have asthma but it’s pretty controlled i haven’t had an asthma attack since i was very little. i had 2 that day, on top off multiple panic attacks, a lot of that day is blocked out. i laid with my mommy until the funeral home came and picked up her body. i laid with her so long, i could feel the rigor mortis start to set in. my dad had to pry me off of her when they came. i could hear my nails scraping the walls while being carried away. mistakenly grabbing onto the nurses shirt while trying to get back to my mommy. locking eyes with the her and even seeing her cry confirming that i wasn’t dreaming.
the funeral planning started. now sometimes trauma can very very tricky. i knew that i was planning a funeral, i knew it was for my mommy, but it was distracting me for what it was REALLY for if that makes sense. i was keeping myself busy. making sure everything was perfect for her last event on this earth. my mom, lou lou, and i attended (i still do) triumph church. so of course that’s where my mommy’s home-going had to be. pastor kinloch and first lady have always been so kind to us and they were very supportive through this process as well.
i was so distracted by planning the funeral and i wanted it to be that way, so i wouldn’t be so sad. but i was also suppressing a lot while doing so. this caused me to act out in other ways. i walked out of the church meeting room crying because i wanted the funeral at a different location. (drama) argued with the funeral director for no real reason. (DRAMAAA)
the day came where me and lou lou went to view my mother’s body. my mommy didn’t really wear makeup and she had a beauty mark, a mole right on the tip of her nose. i wiped the makeup off of her nose and everything else was perfect. the day of the viewing, i was overwhelmed with love. so many people came out. so many that i didn’t expect to. this meant sooo much to my family and i. i can’t even put it into words.
i dressed my mommy and i in the same shirt for her funeral. hers white, mine black. that day was such a blur to me. recently, i watched lauren london on a podcast, talking about grief. she mentioned how sitting in that front row of a funeral is really a whole different experience. bizarre. there were so many people there to pay their respects. so many friends and family coming to support. i still cry thinking about it. i am truly forever grateful.
when everyone went home, when my “job” was done. i was left to think. i took a hiatus from work and school to take care of my mommy so i really had nothing to do, but to think. that’s when the anger set in. i felt betrayed. had i not been faithful? deserving? if not me, my mom for sure had been. so why weren’t my prayers answered? hadn’t i already been through so much at my young age? how much stronger did i need to be?
i began to pull away from God. i wasn’t praying as much. i shut God out of my life. i was angry. i knew what i was doing, but i didn’t care because i was hurt. as my family would say “BUT GOD.” God’s grace never left me. so to answer my own question, yes. i have been mad at God before. but like my grandmother told me, “you can be mad, just don’t be mad too long.”
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hoziersonofnyx · 1 year
Betty was a smart girl. She said she knew everything, even when she was young and 17. That's what English girls do after all: they learn and behave in a ladylike manner. But this, she never expected.
Her friend Inez had just told her boyfriend James, also 17 but he didn't know anything, had been cheating on her all summer. So what if she wanted to dance at the far side of the gym to her favorite song under a vintage mirrorball and he didn't?
That didn't mean he was free to cheat on her with that Augustine girl from Literature, the American with the rich mom and the key lime green dog (privately, Betty always thought any normal pet owner would have a meltdown if they met the mad woman that was Augustine's mother, Rebekah).
Feeling her tears ricochet, she left to her favorite part of town: Windermere Lake, where she was always at peace. She wanted to die here, like so many poets did.
Watching the roses bloom, she had an epiphany: It was the first time she'd been cheated, but it would also be the last.
She left Sixth Form and moved to America where her uncle Aaron lived. He owned a bar, and last year she visited to see if she'd like attending a college near his town. She didn't, but she really wanted a drink right now.
The next few months passed by in a blur. Betty finished her year at the top of her class, and she's long since decided to ignore Augustine and James' existence.
She practically exiled herself, telling only a few close friends and family where she was going. She decided to travel in her favorite cardigan, the one James knit for her after she cut herself going for a dive off Hoax Cliff. He always teased her about its shape, which looked remarkably like a star.
When she got to America, her uncle greeted her with a quiet fanfare. Apparently, the Super Bowl was taking place a few miles away, so business was BOOMING.
Feeling a little guilty, she offered to help him with the bar. She wasn't old enough to serve alcohol, but she could clean the floor and bathrooms, take patrons' orders and cook a little.
While she was there, she began moonlighting as an auteur. She listened to the patrons' stories, which were always filled with random events, but all of them tied together by an invisible string.
Deciding to publish her first manuscript as a collection of these stories, she began to realize how many of them spoke to her. Not in a physical way, but they seemed to advise her on the situation with James.
Publishing it as <strong> folklore </strong>, it was an international hit. She got offers for book signings EVRYWHERE, but she knew the first place she wanted to go to. You see, she had first published the stories as fanfics on the online site Archive Of Our Own, and from the start there had been one reader from England that always supported her. After talking to them, she had developed a fancy, and her shock was akin to a lighting blast when they said they lived in her old town.
Finally back in England, she realized just how much she had yearned for it, the sound of high heels on cobblestones and the smell of wisteria.
She was greeted with an abrupt surprise: Augustine and James had gotten married almost right after she left, and divorced a little before Folklore was published.
Augustine had realized she was a lesbian and didn't truly love James, and rumor went, she was merely in love with how much he made her think of Betty. Either way, she moved back to her home country, the last great American dynasty refusing to go quietly.
In line at the grocery store where the reader had said to meet, she died a million little times when she came face-to-heart with her first supporter, who was none other than JAMES.
After an intense discussion, Betty came to a conclusion: she wasn't over her old flame and moving to another country rather than talk about the problem might *not* have been such a logical thing to do.
She decided to give him another chance, on one condition: they would have to reconnect in Windermere. James was a little confused, but he agreed.
Eventually, they fell in love again and decided to fully commit. She made him sign a prenuptial, though, because no way was she going to share her hard-earned assets with him.
A few years later, they had a kid, which they named September: the month after August.
Evermore yours,
Augustine Harkness
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soberdoingit · 2 years
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shimmeringlights44 · 2 years
Strawberry Wine
cowboy!austin au reader insert
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part one
tw: none?? but there are sexual themes
minors dni
word count: 1.8k
It was finally the end of my first year in college. I truly could not be more over it then I was right now I mean you couldn't pay me to stay another day here. I had my car all packed up and ready to go. This long drive home would give me plenty of time to reminisce on my great freshman year.
My dorm was literally inhabitable, not to mention the devil of a roommate I had. I don't know of any other person whose head was so far up their ass for no reason. And I hope I never do again. Class wasn't too bad except for me being enrolled in multiple courses I didn't need but couldn't drop because it was too late.
I thank my advisor for that one.
Lastly, I'll admit I was looking for love in all the wrong places. Like that one Johnny Lee song. I didn't like to think about the way my life was going so I used people to try and distract myself. Clearly did not work out for me. I just really needed time to myself to be quiet and still. I knew where I could find that.
Home. I can say I was truly blessed to grow up where I did. Our ranch is on a couple acres of land with huge willow and oak trees covered in moss. On the other side of the property we had a cute little cottage built for when the family came to visit. Down behind the house is our garden with the old shed daddy built across from it. We had a big pond put in and that was probably my favorite thing about the place. It has a little dock and I used to sit there for hours watching the water.
This drive couldn't go any faster.
But before I knew it I was finally pulling up to that familiar driveway, a little dark as the sun was going down but I could honestly navigate it blind. I heard momma yelling for me as I pulled up to the house. Flying out of the car, I ran to her, pulling her into the tightest hug.
“I missed you so much momma” “Me too bun, me too” she said into my shoulder. We grabbed all my stuff and went inside the house. It was just as I remembered.
That evening we had dinner and watched a movie together like old times. I truly missed her. After all the fun I decided to go to bed after my long day on the road. Laying down I decided that this summer was gonna be nothing like the past year. The theme is ‘Me, Myself, and I’. It’s what I need to get back to who I really am. Studying in the city for college was such a culture shock for me, it was interesting but I missed my trees and big wide open sky. My solidarity. I needed this.
I woke up around 8am that next day unfortunately. After peeling myself out of bed I lazily pulled an outfit of shorts and a top together and decided to go look at the shed. I went to the garage half asleep still, grabbing a hammer to go ‘work’ on the shed. Not sure about the thought process there. Walking back through the kitchen I stopped to greet my mom and down a banana quickly.
“Oh I forgot to say I hired a ranch hand for some help around here” she tells me. Confused, I ask “Do we really need one momma? I mean I was kinda looking forward to the work..”. “Well I figured you just wanted to be able to relax but you're more than welcome to help him if you want to.” She said that oddly. “Mmmm, I don't think I want to hang out with some random old guy. Thanks though.” I say under my breath as I leave the room.
Finding my way outside I saw the beat down building for the first time in a while.
“Well… this looks like shit.” I muttered to myself. I mean, I knew it needed work but it was practically falling apart with pieces of the wood disentegrati-
“Sorry I-” A deep voice startled me out of my thoughts.
“JESUS” I flew around throwing the hammer. I had to croon my neck up to meet the gaze of the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Before me stood a tall, muscular, looker of a man. His blonde locks stuck in place but curled so beautifully upon his head. Trailing down his face my eyes latched on his lips, so plump and soft looking. It was as if time stopped.
Was I dreaming? The way my heart was pounding was telling me otherwise.
I was broken from my trance when the beautiful man spoke again in a certain country drawl.
“I- I’m sorry little girl I didn't mean to frighten ya.” Little girl? “I wasn't sure where I was going.” he chuckled. Words couldn't form from my brain to my mouth. I just stared at him.
Luckily at that point my mother came to my rescue as always. “Austin? Hey honey you are at the right place!” He whipped his head around at the sound of his name, going to greet my mother. I took this opportunity to bolt inside the house.
There's no way he's the ranch hand momma was talking about. He's too pretty.
After a bit she came back inside and explained to me that the beautiful man was in fact the ranch hand she hired.
“That boy is a sweetie! He's the one who rebuilt the fence around the garden last fall. I figured he would be handy to have around this summer!” she said. “Why did you say it like that?” “Say it like what?” she said with a giggle.
She's playing me.
“Okay momma but don't expect me to be his friend. He comes to work and goes home every day.”
“Momma, he comes to work and goes home, right?” “Technically yes.” “You gave him the cottage didn't you?” “I did.” she sheepishly responded.
So, now I have an insanely attractive neighbor that I didn't ask for. Am I mad about it? Not at all. I'm just going to ignore him as best as I can. I cannot get caught up again. This summer is supposed to be about my self growth. Point blank period.
After giving myself a pep talk about the expectations I had for the summer I decided to do some work to take my mind off of it. Luckily mom gave me the sole task of tending the garden so I was going to put my heart and soul into it.
Going back outside later in the day I decided to start with the tomatoes, there were plenty to pick. Squatting down I started picking tomatoes and pulling the weeds from the ground. It was pretty quiet for a few minutes when all of a sudden I heard the sound of wood clacking on the ground. It made me snap my head up. Looking through the plants I saw movement by the shed. I moved some of the branches around to get a better view and boy did I.
Peering through the bushes I saw this so-called Austin ripping the old wooden boards from the shed, glistening with sweat, and his muscles tensing. Lord have mercy. Due to the heat at this point he was only wearing the jeans and work boots I met him in, no shirt. I've only heard of men looking like this, never seen one in the flesh.
He stopped pulling boards to take a swig of water from his reserve. He was drinking like he was in a drought. I watched it fall out of the sides of his mouth and dribble down his chest almost in slow motion. After quenching his thirst he poured some of the ice cold water on his forehead, leaning back and wiping his hair with it. Almost as if he knew I was watching, putting on a show for me.
My breath caught in my throat at the thought.
He pulled a rag out of his back pocket and dabbed the wetness from his face. There was a feeling growing in the pit of my stomach, it was a feeling I was missing, craving, but I knew I couldn't allow myself a taste of this forbidden fruit. Even just watching him was so intense I couldn't imagine touchi-... I had to stop myself. He went back to work and the loud noise pulled me out of my thoughts. Slowly looking down I've completely demolished the tomato sitting in my hand. Whoa. I ran inside to wash the juice from my hands and the sins from my mind.
The rest of the day I spent locked in my room hoping for the thoughts to go away but the more I tried the more they stayed. His washboard abs etched in my mind. That evening after dinner I decided to go sit at my favorite spot on the dock by the pond. Watching the water move from the wind would maybe calm me. It was always peaceful and made me feel at home. Maybe I can find some solace here.
Sitting outside I heard a door close behind me expecting momma to be coming over. But once again that deep southern voice startled me.
“Sorry, I didn't get to properly introduce myself, I’m Austin,” he says reaching out his hand. I looked at them, big and calloused. I wonder what they feel like. I grabbed it expecting a shake when he easily pulled me to my feet. Not expecting that, I unintentionally fell into him with my hand landing on his chest.
“I- uh..I- my name is y/n.” I said breathlessly. He smiled down at me.
“Y/n, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, it's a pleasure to meet ya.” I could just about melt in his arms. He was freshly showered in a half opened button up with his chest peeking out and a new pair of jeans. My hand slightly felt over his open shirt.
I need to stop.
The smell of his musk was almost over bearing being this close to him. It was heavenly.
I didn't even realize he was talking to me, I was too busy trying to look deeper into his shirt.
“I said it was nice to meet you, but I've got to go.”
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, pulling away. “It was nice to meet you too.”
He bit his lip at me and looked me up and down for a split second before turning around and walking off. Boy did that ass look great in those jeans. He hopped into an old yellow ford and started off down the driveway.
Once again I was left breathless by the ranch hand.
Please let me know what you think about it!! i already have part two in the works lmk if u wanna see more :)) also thank u to @wtfsteveharrington and @sassy-ahsoka-tano for beta reading and helping me edit !!!
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mizunetzu · 4 years
omg i’m so excited i like,, spam read all of your writing and now i can request,,, anyway, could i request maybe something similar to your Tanaka x femboy reader, but with Oikawa? like he mistakes him for a girl and maybe flirts with the reader a little bit and the reader i just like ,,”you do,, you do realize i am a man correct” and hijinks ensue?? sorry if this is too vague i suck at describing things. lotsa love your writing is literally my favorite 💕
Omg wait Oikawa??? And femboy reader??? Hijinks???? Take me now—
Oikawa x reader - Oikawa Tooru Goes Both Ways
⚠️warnings - reader is mistaken and referred to unintentionally as a girl. I assure you, this is a male reader. Femboy reader, if that triggers you.
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Oikawa couldn’t help but stare as a...rather cute girl stepped into the gym.
“Oi! Shittykawa! Focus!” Iwaizumi was about to hurl a volleyball at Oikawa’s head when he caught sight of where he was staring. He looked from the newcomer, back to Oikawa’s eyes tracing their form up and down.
“Iwa-chan...” Oikawa held his breath as he pointed subtly. “Who is that?”
Iwaizumi looked over back to the intruder. Sure enough, some girl with (h/c) styled hair stood at the foot of the door awkwardly. They weren’t sporting the school uniform, instead wearing a skirt with a cafe apron tied around their waist. Oikawa recognized the cute logo on the somewhat dirty apron as the coffee shop he’d visit on days he wasn’t particularly busy.
All in all, this stranger was incredibly attractive.
Eventually, coach Irihata emerged from the storage closet, and motioned the stranger over. The stranger perked up, pulled out a slightly-wrinkled paper from their back, and timpered off into the office.
Oikawa sighed dreamily. “Iwa-chan...is this what I think it is? Are we fiiiiiinally getting a cute girl manager to manage our team?!”
He draped himself over Iwaizumi’s shoulders. “Aaaaah~! I’m so happy~! And it’s such a cutie too!”
“Get off me, dumbass. You have like...millions of girls throwing their panties at you, literally all that look like her. And you go for the one who decides to join our club?”
Oikawa huffed. “What’s so wrong about that! She’s cute! And she looked so shy standing there...aaaah, I’m swooning just thinking about wrapping her up in my arms-!”
“I’m saying,” Iwaizumi bonked Oikawa on the head. “If you manage to get with her, then break her heart, or at the very least make her uncomfortable, she’ll have to see your annoying face all day at practice, and then she won’t wanna be manager anymore! Because she has to see you!”
Iwaizumi pinched at Oikawa’s scalp. “I want a cute girl manager and to have them actually stay! And who knows? We get brownie points if it’s not another one of your fangirls trying to get in your pants by joining the club!”
“Ow! Mean Iwa-chan, bad!”
“I’m not a damn Pokémon-!” Iwaizumi was about to kick Oikawa in the back, before letting himself simmer down and take a deep breath. He lowered his legs, and turned towards the office door. “...I’m gonna go look at that girl’s application and see what class she’s in. Maybe we can, I dunno, make her a welcome basket of fruit or some corny shit like that.”
“Let me come with you-!”
“No! You’ll just scare her away, and you have cleaning duty! All you need to do is take down the net, and I’ll meet you outside when I’m done. If you be good, I’ll tell you her name.”
Oikawa thought about it for a second.
He disappeared to take down the net from the poles. Iwaizumi sighed, and walked towards the door. They were the only two left in the gym, as they were in charge of cleanup for the day, so no one else but him should be in the office. Well, minus the new girl and coach Irihata.
Iwaizumi slid open the door. “Yo.” He greeted. He looked around the room, only finding coach Irihata.
“...Didn’t someone come in here with you with an application form?”
Coach Irihata chuckled. “Oh, yeah,”
“He just wanted to drop in his member application before his part-time job made him go back to work.”
Iwaizumi froze.
“Yeah, he wanted to join the club as a (Position name). He’s not confident about his jumping or spiking abilities, but he claims to be really dang good at digging and receives.”
The two looked at eachother in silence. Wasn’t she-well, he—wearing a skirt? Now that he thought about it, everything about him looked like...well...a him, minus the skirt. Iwaizumi dashed to the table and picked up the application resting there peacefully.
‘(L/n) (Y/n) - 2nd year, class 4’
‘Position - (Position name)’
Iwaizumi scanned the page. He wanted to doubt this was the ‘cute manager’ they laid their eyes on, but they even had a school photo clipped onto the corner of the paper. Sure enough, that was him. His eyes eventually landed on something printed on the middle of the page.
‘Gender - male’
That proved it. The ‘cute girl manager’ Oikawa was just fawning over turned out to be a guy. And their future teammate, no less. Iwaizumi wanted to laugh in Oikawa’s face.
“Is there something wrong, Iwaizumi-kun?”
“Pfft-no! N-no, sirrrrr....” Iwaizumi set the paper down and walked out the the room, doing his best to keep in his snickers.
Oikawa jogged up to him excitedly once he stepped out of the gym. “So? Did ya find out her name? Her class? Is she our manager?”
Iwaizumi opened his mouth to say something, before letting his mouth clamp shut.
“Nah, coach said I couldn’t see it.”
He watched as Oikawa deflated, trudging his way over to the club room to change and go home. Iwaizumi did his best not to bust out laughing on the spot.
This should be fun.
“No, you stalker.”
“But Iwa-chaaaaaan!” Oikawa whined. “Why not?! Practice ended early, and we could use some coffee! Come buy coffee with me!”
“You just wanna use me as an excuse to see that bo-that girl who came into our club yesterday, idiot! That’s stalking! You’re acting like your little fangirls!”
Oikawa pouted, and Iwaizumi prayed he didn’t catch him on his little slip-up. He turned around, walking off out of school gates. Oikawa dejectedly trailed behind him.
“I’m going home. Don’t bother me if it’s about that manager again—“
Just then, a text tone pinged from Iwaizumi’s pocket. He stopped mid-sentence, fishing out his phone and opening his messaging app.
‘Mom - no ones going to be home because we have to go out real quick. The house is locked, and you left your spare keys with me again. Go out and have fun with Tooru-kun before I come back!’
Iwaizumi deadpanned. Oikawa had his chin resting on his shoulder, with a shit-eating grin Iwaizumi didn’t even have to look at to know was there.
“Yeah, Iwa-chan. Listen to Mrs. Aina and hang out with Tooru-kun for a bit. We can go to the cafe and hang out like your she said, Iwa-chan~”
Iwaizumi pushed past Oikawa bitterly. “Don’t... fuckin’... call my mom by her name... dumbass... stalker... Shittykawa...” he grumbled as he trudged his way in the direction to the cafe. Oikawa let out a small “Yay~!”
Hiding behind the big, laminated menus the cafe provided, Oikawa kept glancing over to the cashier-area to try and find (Y/n). Iwaizumi deadpanned, sitting back in his chair nonchalantly.
“You’re acting stupid.”
“I’m being sneaky.”
“You look more suspicious than if you were to act like yourself.”
“As if you would know!” Oikawa whisper-yelled to Iwaizumi, momentarily letting his menu fall flat. “I’m trying not to get caught, unlike one of us-!”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi froze. Oikawa rigidly turned to the voice, while Iwaizumi almost fell back in his seat.
There stood the boy—well, the ‘girl’, in his work apron, this time, up close. Oikawa could see the detail in his eyes, the way a few of his hairs fell onto his face and stuck because of the small layer of sweat on his forehead, even taking in the small kitty hair clip resting in his hair.
“Hu...huaai...” Oikawa breathed out. Iwaizumi bit his lip. If he started laughing now, Oikawa would tell his mom he was bullying him again.
“Hello! I was wondering if I could get you two anything to drink! No worries if you aren’t ready to order yet.”
His voice had a soft tamber to it, a warm, welcoming aura that fit the vibe of the cafe perfectly. Iwaizumi could see how Oikawa, and probably other people, could mistake him for a girl. Especially with the way he dressed and carried himself as evident to yesterday’s practice.
Iwaizumi tilted the menu infront of him up a bit. “I’ll get a small black coffee. Whabout you, Oikawa?”
When he got no response, other than the hum of acknowledgment from (Y/n), Iwaizumi looked up. Oikawa was staring dumbly at (Y/n) again, and seconds later (Y/n) was caught under his gaze. He stared back awkwardly, waiting for Oikawa to say something or at least order something, until he suddenly jolted up in pain.
Iwaizumi dug his heel deeper into Oikawa’s foot. “Say something, dumbass! Stop staring!” He hissed, covering his mouth from (Y/n) in petty attempts to mask their conversation.
“Ow! Ow! I’ll get a peppermint tea please-! Stop it!”
(Y/n) scribbled down Oikawa’s order, smiling patiently as he did. Iwaizumi removed his foot. There was a beat of silence, until Oikawa smoothly rested his chin on his hand.
“Soooo, (L/n) (Y/n)-chan, is it?” Oikawa said, as he peered at (Y/n’s) name tag. “Pretty masculine name for a cute girl like you~”
Iwaizumi choked on his spit. (Y/n) tilted his head to the side, looking up from his notepad to peer back at Oikawa.
“What...did you say?”
“Sorry, sorry!” Oikawa rubbed the back of his head cutely. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I think (Y/n) is a cute name~”
Iwaizumi didn’t know if he wanted to die from laughter or embarrassment. He was going to pop a vein trying to keep in his cackles.
“Ah. It’s the clothes, isn’t it?” (Y/n) mused. He took a step back, looking at his rather-feminine clothing choices for the day. “I understand why. I get that a lot.”
“...What does your clothes have to do with your name?” It was Oikawa’s turn to sound confused. Iwaizumi let out a few haggard, stifled snickers at his dense expression. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“You...” He pointed at himself with his pen. “You do realize I’m a man, correct?”
Oikawa choked. His eyes widened as his smile cracked a bit. Iwaizumi had to hide his face in his jacket to prevent himself from bursting out into hackles. Oikawa gave a nervous smile.
“Aha...haha...funny joke..”
“I’m not joking, though...” (Y/n) smirked. He wouldn’t deny that seeing the faces of people flirting with him after he told them he had a dick was a guilty pleasure. “Want proof?”
(Y/n) grasped Oikawa’s wrist, tugging it forcefully, and moving his apron to the side. He brought it down closer to his groin until Oikawa sputtered and flailed on the table.
“No! I-I believe you! I-I can see it from here—I don’t need to touch it-!” Oikawa shrieked. Iwaizumi clutched his stomach from laughing too hard, already given up on keeping it in. He snorted loudly, choked on that snort, and erupted into a series of cough-laughs.
By the time Iwaizumi’s laugh turned into the kind where no noise came out-but it hurt in your stomach anyways—Oikawa was laying his head on the table, embarrassed, while (Y/n) chuckled along.
“You knew, Iwa-chan! You knew!” Oikawa hissed, holding his poor, abused hand. “You set me up for failure!”
“You did that to yourself.” Iwaizumi said between breaths. “He’s actually gonna start attending practice as a (position name) starting next week. We don’t have a manager after all.”
“And you got my hopes up for what?!” Oikawa cried out, making Iwaizumi snort again. (Y/n) raised his eyebrows.
“Oikawa thought that when you came to drop your registration form in yesterday, that you were signing up to be a manager since he thought you were a girl. I saw your form though, so I knew but this guy here didn’t.”
Iwaizumi nudged at Oikawa, who was hiding his face in his hands. “You better be nice to him, though. He’s your new captain starting next week.”
“Ah! How fun! Having my new playboy captain flirt with me before I even join the club. ” (Y/n) mumbled, as he scribbled down something else in his notepad. Iwaizumi heckled when Oikawa whined with his head down.
He didn’t raise his head back up until a slip of paper was placed gently on top of his head. He heard a “I’ll go get your drink ready.” From (Y/n), before he looked up and noticed he was gone. He caught the slip of paper falling off his head as he sat up.
“What’s that?” Iwaizumi said lazily. Oikawa was staring giddily at the paper. He turned the paper around smugly, holding it up for Iwaizumi to read.
‘Call me. If you’re feeling fruity, that is. (xxx)-xxx-xxxx. -‘(Y/n)-chan’’
Iwaizumi stared at the neat handwriting, then back at Oikawa’s smug face.
“...Were you not just listening? He just tried to make you touch his dick? He’s a dude?”
“Eh. Cute girl, cute boy, he’s still cute~” Oikawa dreamily sighed as he watched (Y/n) make his tea behind the counter. “I’d still hit it till he breaks~”
“Says you.”
Oikawa earned a sharp thunk to the head.
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