#was sooo mean to me over it like he was one of those people who intentionally asks a lot of questions that someone isn’t prepared for
l00rem · 2 days
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Oh naaaaw they really went and gave him double daddy issues 💀💀
But Gibeon looks quite different to Amethio despite only being his grandad… when you compare liko and diana to amethio and gibeon it’s strange considering liko and diana resemble eachother so closely. Gibeon is more pink than purple and his hair is stylised completely differently, the outer pupil bit is shaped more triangular whilst amethio’s is just round. Also, looking even closer at gibeons eyes he has a white shine to it whilst amethio’s don’t, so has amethio actually had those depressed empty anime eyes the entire time but due to his white pupils we couldn’t tell until now? Maybe i’m just overthinking things 
It’s really interesting to me how differently amethio addresses his respective familial connections. He seems to really respect Gibeon, calling him ojji-sama, meanwhile he calls his dad chichi which is generally more neutral. He seems to be trying to distance himself from who is father was too which reeks of sooo much indoctrination someone please save his poor soul. I can see quite of few explanations for his lack of connection with his father; his father potentially learned of some dark truth and left but couldn’t take amethio for some reason, his father is dead but gibeon covered it up, or amethio never actually knew his father but was told about how he abandoned explorers once he joined. I wonder if Amethio tells himself that his feelings of bitterness towards his father are because he betrayed explorers, when in reality it’s because he’s the one who feels betrayed. 
Clearly there’s some reason amethio seems to have such strong loyalty towards Gibeon. They obviously don’t have a traditional bond, with Gibeon even remarking that it’s been awhile since they met like this which perhaps implies it’s been over a year since they met face to face, and yet amethio regards him so highly. And surprise surprise, the only time he cares to see his grandson face to face is when he’s asking him to continue serving his wishes, really selling himself as grandad of the year here.
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This line particularly intrigues me and supports a hc i’ve been holding for awhile which is that amethio and gibeons blood line are descended from royalty of sorts. Perhaps then he intended to make rakua his kingdom, but that would mean destroying it in order to control it which lead to his subsequent falling out with Lucius. 
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The way he phrases this is also really interesting to me- because it subverts the usual expected ‘heir to the throne’ and instead Gibeon just says heir of his blood. Which makes sense given that Gibeon seems to be intending to live forever, so he wants to keep playing as king for all eternity. So amethio is just a means to an end, someone to do all the hard work for achieving gibeons dreams and yet reviving little from it himself. 
I doubt this’ll happen but i’m gonna say it just to put it on the record- I wonder if we could potentially see this gibeon/amethio ancestor on the throne in the upcoming legends Z game? Considering Gibeon’s partner being a Zygarde and Kalos’s themes of royalty, potentially we could see the ruler that Gibeon is trying to emulate. Apart from new pokemon forms i don’t think the games have ever taken something from the anime before, but i think it’d make an interesting twist if they went that direction!
It’s pretty upsetting to see how heavily manipulated and indoctrinated Amethio is into explorers. I don’t have any doubts for his eventual redemption arc despite his yearning for power, but seeing how strong of a chokehold gibeon has on him it does make me wonder what’ll actually trigger it.  A lot of people compare amethio to zuko, but for zuko he could see physical evidence of how horrible the fire nation was through going around the world and having uncle iroh to guide him whereas amethio doesn’t really have either of those (zir and conia support him, but they’re not really angels on his shoulder). Either he’ll discover a darker secret somehow and turn against them (potentially the same as his father) or maybe through his development with the rvts he’ll grow to realise how horrible explorers has treated him? (something about chosen family vs biological family). Regardless of how it happens, I just hope Amethio can be happy by the end of all of this. Maybe if we’re lucky we’ll actually see him smile in a year or so. 
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
i can’t believe i gave a speech in 10th grade english that was Against legalizing marijuana
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pa-pa-plasma · 11 months
I feel like too many people don't understand that a bad person having normal human traits does not suddenly make them a good person
#& every person who thinks that way is sooo susceptible to abuse#like that's not a joke or anything like for real if you keep treating people as 2 dimensional#then you fall into the trap of ''they did 1 nice thing for me so they must not actually be bad''#you're allowed to like bad characters without scrambling to justify & write off their terrible actions & personality#like dude youre so desperate to not be caught liking something deviant youre using the same tactics as a H*rry P*tter fan#anyway i hope those people who like that asshole from ST never meet a Billy irl#cuz ive lived with Billys irl & it's not fucking fun. it's not interesting. it's living with an abusive piece of shit#just admit you think hes a good person because hes attractive. like youre fooling no one#if he didnt look like that youd call him a fucking freak. but he doesnt so hes just ''interesting to pick apart''#i can give you insight into that kind of person's brain: they literally would abuse you. they don't care. they think you deserve it#they can do nice things all they want but the ''niceness'' never quite reaches the same level the ''meanness'' gets to#theyre always paired together. they bought you an ice cream that costs less than a dollar? you owe them money plus interest#the reality of the situation is that every time someone like me sees you guys doing that#fawning over some asshole abuser & calling them perfect & explaining away their behaviour?#it literally sets me back. it makes me so fucking mad because that happens in real life. it's why the abuse never gets stopped#no one believes you because ''well they were nice to ME & look nice so i dont believe you''#i know how much you guys hate acknowledging apologism but like. that's abuse apologism right there
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mrfoox · 1 year
I love how i have... Kinda clear things/traits I don't like. But then I find them in people around me and I'm like 'hmmm... Yeah it's okay if it's you'
#miranda talking shit#I dont like people who always have to be right. Linnea and oliver loves being right and will argue to get to hear theyre correct#(with them i intentionally cause discorce and pull out proof when i know im not wrong. Normally i dont care but with them... I'll not let#Them have that satisfaction so easily. I dont like people who talk over me/interrupt me. Once again those two. But usually they do come#Back and let me continue my sentence.#I dont like people who remind me of my dad in any way. Sooo... Being into vehicles. Thats magnus but i love hearing him talk about that#Being passive/answering everything with an 'okay' instead of giving ones opinion or an elaborate answer. Fabin does this all the time#Bossy/wants to decide everything. Maya and linnea to some degree. Its funny bc all these things i see or notice#In people and they bug me so badly. But i spot them in people i love already and im like.... No that's okay#If im in a bad mood these things can annoy me but 9/10 times or more they don't. Like with fabian#I think its bc i know its... In a different way? He doesnt say okay as an way to show indifference. He does it to acknowledge what i say#Plus i mean.... I know olive got adhd so i am more linient with him interrupting me. I do tell him off sometimes tho#But its... Funny how much i look past or basically ignore of things i dislike when theyre in people i cherish#Cant even say i suppress my feelings or something i just .... See it differently when those traits are on people i already love#Then its more of an package deal i guess . Part of them? And i lovd them so those small things dont matter
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
Genuinely so obsessed with the ask you answered about reader being associated with König’s childhood bullies and coming back years later to try and make amends……. I need the angst, the drama, the nasty disgusting degrading sex, the absolute turmoil on both of their parts 😭 I am starving for this, the way you portray König especially there is exactly how I’ve always envisioned him in my mind!!!!!! And then with reader desperately trying to make him happy now out of guilt and her crush that’s grown 10x since she saw him in school, delusionally hoping and believing there’s a *relationship* between them and she can fix what she thinks she allowed to happen back then 10 years after the fact, while König is constantly fighting himself to not fall for reader despite his own buried crush resurfacing, and convincing himself he’s only using her to release stress and tension after assignment while simultaneously holding so much resentment for her and her sheer proximity to the people that tormented him back then, I am foaming at the mouth for the toxic dynamics to be found there !!!!!!!!! The old him begging to fulfill some childish need to have her, while this new monstrous version of himself only wants to watch her suffer to repent for how he had to suffer !!!!!!!!!!!!
I know right?! I’m obsessed with this too!
I’m so here for the toxic relationship dynamic (sue me), also me and @bucca2/@wordstome had a whole conversation about this yesterday because König would bend over backwards to self sabotage this shit.
(The following is mainly a summary from our brainstorm session from last night + I have bucca to thank for the precious meme at the end, it’s König in a nutshell with his high school crush lol)
First of all our girl is sooo in love. She was in love when they were young, but now? She’s a goner, König is out of this world. He's so handsome, so confident, the epitome of cool if there ever was one... and God, would you look at those muscles?
Now she can finally drool all over him but back then, what was she to do? As the shy one of the clique, she always tried to avoid attention; she could never have endured what König did. Perhaps it was cowardly of her, but she really was just scared. She could only dream about him from afar, and in her dreams, they would both change schools due to their parents moving or something... Ending up in the same area, finally getting to be together like it was a miracle, Deus ex Machina.
Her silly dreams never came true, but it looks like they're coming to fruition now. And this time, she's going to make everything better! Now that they're both grown up and free from their tormentors she can finally admit that she has feelings for him, feelings that are only sparked fast aflame when she sees the man he has become.
And König can’t stand it.
Where was she when he was odd and scrawny? Where was she when he cried himself to sleep over her?? Of course she wants him now that he’s big, independent and menacing, an odd nerd who discovered guns and gym... He thought she was better than this.
Deep inside, he’s still like this:
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...but we just need to forget about it because König is NOT going to fold for this girl.
He’s not.
And the sex is so NASTY. Bordering on degrading, König wants to be a gentleman when it comes to ladies, but this one? This one he wants to fuck like he paid for her. She brings out the beast in him, and he finds himself asking her to get on her knees and blow his cock on some filthy cruise... Fucks her like he doesn’t love her, and she’s absolutely lovestruck, when did König become so mean? (God, that she loves him)
Trying not to fall in love with her (as if he ever fell out), König is so incredibly mad at this girl – is this what she wanted this whole time? A buff jerk who fucks her doggystyle until her knees bleed, who gives her the bare minimum, who barely even calls her when he’s away? (He has to physically restrain himself from doing that because of course he’d like to hear her pick up the phone with pure hope in her voice)
While changing his tactics and devising a plot to make her pay, König doesn’t even understand that he’s falling fast for her again while becoming now (seemingly) the best version of himself. It's only to dump her later, of course. He's just being nice so that she'll cry over losing him later. He brings her flowers, eats her out for hours, getting sick satisfaction from the way she cries about how it’s the best sex she’s ever had. He’s going to bring her to her knees, in more ways than just one... She’s going to remember him for the rest of his life when he rearranges her guts, ruining her for any other man.
König is becoming the thing he hates the most while she’s learned her lesson, now wearing her heart on her sleeve. No more shame and secrets, she’s not afraid to tell him how she feels! How she always had a small crush on him… And not even that small… How she loved to hear his presentations, no matter what silly subject they were about because he had actually done his research. How she could’ve swooned when his voice changed. After a short breaking period, he started to talk lower than anyone else in the class, earning himself more of that bullying because he sounded so manly at such a young age.
König is about to burst a blood vessel when hearing all this: she had a crush on him back then? What the actual fuck??
And then come the cuddles, the slow mornings, the coffee and toast, the showering together… She leaves her toothbrush in his place, and it stares at him accusingly from the side of the sink. She wears his t-shirts and looks absolutely gorgeous, mouth-watering and sweet in them. His sexy little minx, the one who didn’t get away…
Wait, what? No. No. No!
And when his high school sweetheart confesses her love for him for the first time, she's so open and vulnerable and sweet about it. Like she has been from the start, his sweet, sweet girl, exactly the kind of woman he always wanted to bring home to see his mom. König is about to lose his mind when she tugs at his shirt, almost cries when she says how much she loves him and couldn’t bear to live without him… She would cry herself to the grave if anything ever happened to him…
(König is like:)
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pettydollie · 6 months
˚♡ ⋆。˚ my girl tf?
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summary: bakugou's friends think you're just a joke wc: 1.3k
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"morning, bakugou-kun!"
katsuki's friend left a friendly slap his back as greeting. he simply nods in response as he entered the classroom with people crowding around him. his gaze softens as he sees you sitting at your desk going over notes.
you look so calm and sweet. that's something he loves about you. your aura. you're always gentle and it just makes katsuki love you even more. the two of you were in an established relationship as of last friday where he asked you to be his girlfriend.
but since then, nothing had really changed. except now, he gets to kiss you and hold your hand like a lovesick puppy. he gets to call you "baby" and "cutie", names that he refrained from calling you when you were just friends.
you nod your head unconsciously as your eyes scan the page in front of you. you had headphones in, understandably as bakugou's friends were very ehm loud.
the only thing that hadn't been discussed yet was how you felt about school. does he get to show you off? should he pretend you're just friends? he decides for now, he'll play dumb and act like your close friend.
he walks over to his desk, sits down, and leans forward to tap you on your cheek with his finger. you grin, turning around and pulling off your headphones. "mornin'" he greeted, forcing himself not to wink at you as his friends were watching.
"hey," you spoke softly. GOD YOUR VOICE IS SO CUTE. he taps your cheek again. "i gotta ask you somethin'." he muttered, staring into your eyes. you nodded, edging him to go on. "how d'ya feel about all this? d'ya want me to pretend we're just friends or.. those idiots won't bother ya, i promise-"
you smile at his thoughtfulness. you brush his cheek with your thumb. "no, i don't care." you kissed where your thumb was rubbing on his face. "WHAT?"
you and bakugou's heads turned simultaneously to see a group of people jaw-dropped at your previous action. "what's wrong with you idiots now?" katsuki frowned.
"she just- how- why did she.. i-" the group of boys stuttered.
"who the hell are you?" everyone exclaimed. you were about to awkwardly answer when bakugou rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"my girl, the fuck?"
the boys standing all shared a look. “ohhh okay..” some winked while others laughed dryly. they walked to their seats so class could begin.
“i wasn’t expecting that response to be honest.” you added, playing with his fingers. he nodded. “me either.”
you turned around for a moment, grabbing something before handing katsuki your notes. "did you study?" "no." "why not?" "'cus i wanna study with you"
you smiled sweetly and turned around as aizawa begun the class.
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the class ended and bakugou abruptly grabs your backpack and books. he slings your bag over his shoulder and holds your books on one arm, the other pulling you to stand up before wrapping it around your shoulder. you formed a little upside down smile and lean into his side. "thank you." you whisper shyly.
you two walked through the halls, people’s eyes falling on you. you feel judged as girls whisper and shared mean giggles. you were so used to being invisible and katsuki was highly aware of that. he squeezes your arm as a way to tell you “ignore them”
bakugou leads you to the cafeteria where he brings you to the popular table. it’s cliche, but these weren’t nice popular kids. they scan you up and down and the only reason they play nice is because you were with bakugou.
"sooo, are you new here?" a girl asks boredly, not even looking at you and attempts to puts up a kind facade. the girl sitting across from her shakes her head, "that's l/n, i have her in aizawa's."
"ohhh okayy," the girl drags out, not really caring as she eyes bakugou shamelessly. he made an ick face and scooches closer to you to wrap his arm around you.
the perv you recognized to be mineta moves near katsuki and grabs his shoulder, causing bakugou to turn around, about to throw hands.
“you’ll win the bet, i’ll cheer you on.” that fool whispers not so quietly to katsuki with stars in his eyes. “what’s the prize anyway-“
katsuki shoves him off immediately. “there's no bet." he huffs, going back to eating.
"wha?" people look up curiously. "you heard me!" bakugou barks in reply, his eyes filling with annoyance. you just sit there quietly like you always do. you're not really sure what to do in this situation anyhow. do you calm him down (which you dont know how to do), run away, yell at them???
the table starts laughing, shocking you. mineta is laughing his ass off and adds, "do you really expect us to believe that, bakugou? she doesn't even talk!" wow that was uncalled for. your face twists into an awkward look, knowing that he was right.
bakugou twirls a piece of your hair and scowls at the group.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE US ALONE, MORONS!" he stands up with tiny explosions coming out of his hands. mostly everyone stops speaking, some even muttering apologies.
"oh man, my sister is gonna be so pissed." a boy chuckles. another boy smirks. "your sister? man, think of camie! she's gonna beat her ass so bad."
"camie? no, camie's my friend." you blurt out. the table turns to look at you, raising eyebrows. "really?" "is that so?"
well, you weren't completely lying. you were friends with camie's younger sister but you've only talked to camie a few times before. you were feeling annoyed and how come these people think they can talk all they want about you right to your face?
you stay quiet nonetheless and grab your food and belongings. bakugou immediately stands up with you and you could say that slight concern was written on his face. you look down for a moment before you walk away to your dorm.
katsuki follows silently. once you make it upstairs, you quickly unlock your door, about to close it before bakugou holds it back. "don't shut me out."
you weren't even mad. you weren't sad either. you just wanted to get out of that environment. you didn't want to be harassed and made fun of like you were in junior high.
though you stand like a deer caught in headlights at bakugou's comment. "i'm-i'm not. it's not you, i promise." you sigh with a slight smile. "i just- i don't know. can i talk to you later?"
he looks taken aback and you can tell he's trying not to explode, which you appreciate. "i- yeah. sure, call me or somethin'." he kisses your cheek shyly and closes the door.
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a few hours later, you decide that you don't want anything to do with katsuki's friends. they're his group of people, but not yours. and besides, you're dating him. not them.
you leave your dorm and walk to katsuki's. you knock softly and hear the heavy footsteps coming. the door opens widely and you're pulled inside. "hey- oh"
"are you gonna dump me?"
"what?- no!" you shake your head aggressively. he physically relaxes and you grab his hand. "i just would rather have this be between us." you suggest, staring at him lovingly.
he nods. "thas' fine."
"mmkay." you hum, grinning. the two of you stare at each other like rory and jess when they start dating before he finally invites you to watch a movie.
a/n: bye midway through, i kinda forgot that they just started dating and i made them so comfy with each other already. not that u guys are awkward but wtv lol
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faux-ecrivain · 6 months
’Yan’ Roommate
(Eight Official Post)
(This one could be viewed as platonic obsession, also in this story you (the darling)  is at least 26-32. Of course, feel free to change the age.)
(Yandere’s name is Lucas)
Yan Roommate who only roomed with you because houses are expensive.
Yan roommate who absolutely despises you, not because you’re annoying, but because you’re nosey. (Always asking about his day, his dates and so on.)
Yan roommate who goes out of his way to sneak in when he’s been out late, just to avoid your questions. (It doesn’t work, obviously, you always stay up late waiting for him)
Yan roommate who absolutely cannot bring anyone over, because you immediately start acting as though he’s going to marry them. 
You beckon him to the kitchen, a mischievous smile on your face. “oh, Lucas, is that your date? She’s so cute!” You compliment his date, which makes Lucas somewhat uncomfortable. “Is she hungry? I made dinner!” You hand him a plate, still warm as you had it plastic wrapped, and he resist the urge to groan. 
He thanks you for the plate, but informs you that his date has already eaten. He winces when your face slips into an expression of disappointment. “Sorry, y/n, but thank you for the food.” He apologizes to you, but appreciates what you did. (Later when the young woman went home you kept sending him knowing looks and teasing him about how cute they looked together)
(It’s clear you’ve already planned their wedding, cooked a full dinner for the two of them and you give him one of those sly looks when you leave them alone.)
Yan roommate who, despite your nosey behavior, actually likes having you around (because you make him feel cared for).
Yan roommate who begins to view you as a parental figure, a guidance of sorts. (You’re so much better than his parents and you actually care about him!)
Yan roommate who gets drunk one night and then starts talking to you, being more vulnerable than usual.
“Y/n, i love you sooo much, you’re sooo nice to me!” He slurs, clearly meaning platonic love, his words muffled by your stomach. (As he latched his arms around you when he entered the house) 
“Yoooouu would make such an amaaaazing parent!” He giggles, snuggling close to you and refusing to let you go. You chuckle and pat his head, his behavior is so amusing. “Well, I am a parent, Lucas.”
Yan roommate who is absolutely flabbergasted to learn all this, you don’t look like a parent. Then you tell him that you adopted some kids when you were younger. 
“Whaaat?! You’re a parent?!” He exclaims, clearly surprised by such a thought. “But you don’t look like one!” It all makes sense now, your caring behavior and your tendency to worry is clearly because you view him as a child, your child, he doesn’t know how to feel about that.
Yan roommate who gets mixed feelings when he hears this, one the up side at least he can have the parent he always wanted, but he’s also an adult and feels a bit insulted that you treat him like a child. But then he thinks some more and decides he wouldn’t mind being your kid. (Take that how you will)
Yan roommate who cringes when be remembers how yesterday went and he swears he’ll never drink again. 
However his opinion on being your child still hasn’t change, but he has feeling that it might make things awkward if he said that.
Yan roommate who’s becomes reluctant to invite other people over to your shared apartment, because then he’ll have to share you with them and he doesn’t want to do that. He eventually stops bringing his dates over and stops mentioning you to his friends.  (He’s touched when you express your worries that he might be mad at you, now he knows you care about him.)
Yan roommate who explains that he doesn’t want anyone to steal your attention, he’s somewhat offended when you laugh at him, but he’s calmed down when you reassure him that that’ll never happen. (So he, reluctantly, begins to invite his friends and dates over. (However, anytime they’re over he’s increasingly clingy and defensive over you, which prevents any visitors to get to know you. Whilst, also preventing them from coming over again)
Yan roommate who pouts when you tell him not to scare off his friends or dates, he pouts even more when you encourage him to  get a girlfriend (or a boyfriend, whichever). Then you tell him to get out of the house more and that he doesn’t need to hover around you, which just upsets him and then he argues that he doesn’t need anyone else when he has you. 
Which then causes you to chastise him, which upsets him (everything you do upsets him) and then he storms off to his room like a moody teenager (mainly because he doesn’t want to argue with you and partly because he feels a strange satisfaction knowing that you care so much about him)
Yan roommate who can’t help but smile when you apologize, saying that you shouldn’t have pushed him and that he should socialize on his own terms.
Yan roommate who’s absolutely ecstatic when you gift him a present to make up for your mistakes. He immediately forgives you, but only under the condition that you don’t make him socialize (unless he wants to).
Yan roommate who panics whenever you leave the apartment, what if someone takes you from him? (He doesn’t want to lose another parent!) 
Yan roommate who throws a fit when you get back, shouting all sorts of nonsense about how you’re trying to abandon him and how you don’t love him anymore. (Meanwhile, you’re completely confused, because all you did was go buy groceries)
Yan roommate who makes you promise to stay with him and makes you swear not to leave him behind. 
(Apologies that this isn’t the best and might be somewhat incoherent, but at least I posted today! I’m open to criticism and I hope you enjoy this.)
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hsdiaries · 3 months
Oh Anna.
4.9k words - LHH!harry x best friend!original character x Niall.
Threesome, oral f & m recieving, p in v. Slight praise, slight dom.
Harry & Niall play a game on who can make Anna come more.
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I pushed through the crowd, making my way to the back of the house. I hated parties, truly everything about them was pointless to me. Drunken fake conversations with people I wouldn't even remember tomorrow. I wasn't planning on coming, I was already in my bed when Anna texted me.
Please come Haz. I want you here.
That was all it took and I was out of bed in skinny black jeans and a baggy grey tee; hair tied up in a bun. Now I was here, pushing my way through the crowd at Niall's house; all because his girlfriend said she wanted me here.
Yeah, that's right, his girlfriend.
Anna, Niall and I had been best friends for as long as I can remember. Niall and I always fighting for her attention since the moment we met her.
Obviously he won.
Yet, I was never fully convinced that he won every bit of it. She never stopped being flirty with me. Never stopped being touchy. Never stopped staring at me with those damn honey eyes.
I finally spotted my friends at the back of the house, on the normal grey couch we would all always congregate at. I pushed through the final group of people, as Niall turned and faced me.
"H! You came! What the hell?" He said walking over and embracing me. I chuckled and nodded.
"Decided I missed your pale Irish arse," I raised my eyebrows at him, causing him to laugh a big belly laugh.
"What's so funny?" I heard the sweetness of her voice behind us, and I released Niall, turning to face in her direction.
"Nothing, just Niall's face." I shrugged and he shoved me as we both laughed.
Anna giggled, her bottom lip disappearing behind her teeth before pursing out softly, "I mean, sometimes." She moved her honey brown eyes from me to wink at Niall.
"Yet you love me." Niall said, leaning close and kissing her nose, making me look away.
"Sometimes." She responded, glancing over at me. She was wearing a green crop top, high waisted jeans. She moved over to hug me and the smell of Black Opium filled my lungs. It was her signature scent.
"Thanks for coming." She said once Niall turned his attention back to the group. The pink of her lips was almost red today, I loved how the plumpness of the bottom always settled on her chin a bit.
"Only for you. Just remember that." I winked at her as she let me go, a smirk appearing on her face.
"Sooo, I brought us something..." she said addressing the group while still holding my gaze.
"And what would that be?" Tanya said, Anna moving her attention over. She reached into her pocket, pulling out a small baggie with blue pills. Blue pills this group was really familiar with.
Tanya's eyes widened and she snatched the bag waving it around at the group, "Baby Anna always pulling through!" She quickly opened the bag, taking one out and popping it in her mouth like it was candy. She passed the bag around, our group each taking one. The baggie got to me and I grabbed it, handing it back to Anna.
"That's yours, H." She said, just looking at the bag then back at me.
"Not tonight, Anna." I said, and instantly she had those eyes. The soft ones, that narrowed in such a sexy manner.
"Please H. We have so much more fun." She pouted, her hand on my arm, causing me to swallow hard. Niall wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her towards him.
"Yeah, H, come on." He pretended to pout, fluttering his lashes at me causing me to laugh.
"Alright, alright, but you lot are responsible for waking my ass up tomorrow!" I said, emptying out the last pill in my hand before popping it in my mouth. Anna smirked, peeking up at Niall then back at me.
"Deal." She said, biting her lip.
Everyone started to feel the drug around the same time. It became an instant love fest. Hugs, kisses and so much touching. This was the normal with us, a giant orgy of a fucking friend group. Truth was everyone had fucked, touched, kissed done just about everything with everyone.
Except Anna and I.
It was the one boundary I never crossed.
But tonight, I wanted to cross it a million times over. I sat on the couch as everyone was up dancing. Tanya had found herself attached to my neck, her legs across mine as she nipped, sucked and kissed at my skin. She was trying to work me up, to get me to return the same lust towards her, but my eyes were fixed on Anna as she danced on Niall.
I watched as she reached her hands up, wrapping around Niall's neck, her perfect ass moving in motions that would drive any man wild, pushing back against him. He had his hands all over her, along her waist line, her hips. I saw him reaching between her legs, applying pressure in ways I knew I could do better. She tossed her head back onto his shoulder, turning her face so she could suck at his neck. I closed my eyes, pretending Tanya was Anna. Pretending she was dancing on me, her ass moving against my cock, it hardening at the idea of being that close to her.
I opened my eyes, looking back over at her and to my surprise she was already looking at me. Her eyes were skimming over the situation that was Tanya, her lips pursing. She shook her head, using it to call me over. I wasn't sure at first, until she mouthed the word.
"Come here." Her lips curled and I didn't hesitate.
"'Scuse me." I said pushing Tanya gently off of me.
"Harry, what the fuck!" I heard her say, but it didn't matter because I was moving straight to where I was being called.
I moved to stand in front of Anna, licking my lower lip, "You called."
She giggled and nodded, peeking up at Niall, "Baby, can I dance with Harry?"
Niall opened his eyes, as if coming to for the first time in a while, clearly on more than just the molly, "Yeah, that's fine." He said kissing her neck, "Just for a little." He started to let her go and she quickly grabbed his arm, turning around to face him.
"No, I want to dance with both of you." She said slyly, her hand moving up his arm. He looked down at her hand, then back to her face. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, feeling overwhelmed by everything going on. I wanted to touch her already, and I didn't want to wait for his response.
I moved forward, wrapping my arm around Anna's waist, pressing my cock into her ass. I was already hard and I wanted her to know it. I felt a pang of energy flow through me as she rolled her hips softly back, grinding on me. I felt my eyes want to close, but I had to do something first. I had to make Niall think this was his idea.
"She thinks she can handle us both mate, ain't that a funny thought." I said, smirking over at him. He narrowed his eyes a bit at me, taking in the situation then shaking his head.
"We ain't doing this mate. Not with her." He said, running his hands through his hair, watching my hands move over her stomach.
"Doing what?" Anna said, a slight innocence that didn't suit her layering her voice.
I took a chance, the risk of Niall decking me was something I could take. I turned my face into her neck, running the tip of my nose along the length of it. I heard her inhale sharply, pressing my lips against her neck. I didn't kiss her, I just spoke against it.
"Niall and I, we used to have a certain thing we liked to do. It was a game almost." I said, pressing a soft kiss against her neck.
I heard her hum softly, a slight laugh escaping her lips, "Mm, a game? What was the game baby?" She said, pulling him closer to her. Niall's eyes searched Anna's face before his eyes shifted to me.
"Haz..." he said, his face so serious.
"He's scared I'll win if we dare to play again." I smirked, and he cocked his head to the side.
"You forget I have the upper hand here Styles." He said, challenging me, so I knew my taunting was working.
"And yet, I'd still win." I said, raising and lowering both my eyebrows, my lips moving back to Anna's neck causing her head to fall back slightly.
That's when it happened, the switch in Niall's head, "We used to see who could make a girl come more. That's the game."
Anna's head went straight, her face turning to me and then to Niall, "But then couldn't one of you just lie?"
"Oh no, Anna," I said, my hand wrapping around her neck, my thumb and pointer finger applying the softest pressure. I moved my lips to her ear, "We did it at the same time, taking turns. Whatever worked."
"Oh..." she swallowed, her face turned to me, and I loosened my grip on her neck a bit, then back to Niall. She licked her pink lips, "I wanna play." She said softly.
Niall took a deep breath, swallowing hard before he glared up at me, "Fine. Once everyone leaves, until then, keep your hands off her." He pulled her out of my arms and I chuckled, quickly reaching down and adjusting myself. I threw my hands up in defense and nodded.
"Hands off. 'Til later anyways." I smirked.
Everyone had slowly left the party, I sat on the couch, sipping on a whiskey. I laid my head back on the couch, closing my eyes, the molly was making me jittery at this point, but I didn't know what to do with all the extra energy.
As I sat, I felt someone climb on me, a leg on either side of me. My freehand moved to feel a bare leg, making me question who it was; but it was the damn Black Opium that let me know it was Anna. I smirked, keeping my head back and eyes closed.
"Is it game time already?" I teased and she giggled. I was surprised to feel her lips on my neck, my senses flying out the window the moment it happened. She kissed up to my ear, biting it softly.
"Niall's just locking up. I told him I was going to get started." She said, before pressing her lips on my earlobe.
Fucking hell.
I opened my eyes, sitting up and she pushed back so we could lock eyes, "Be an angel and place this down for me." I said, before quickly downing my whiskey and handing her the glass. I held onto her waist as she bent back placing the glass on the floor. She was in just her crop top and lace burgundy thong. I helped her sit back straight on me, but I pulled her closer to me, so our faces were inches from each other.
"I'm going to win," I whispered, "And you're going to regret not picking me."
Anna's POV
I searched his eyes and swallowed hard. There was a darkness that filled his eyes, just as his hand cupped my face pulling me in and kissing me deeply. His tongue quickly finding mine. For a moment I didn't know what to do with my hands, still completely stunned by his initial comment. Before I even had a chance to think about it, I felt someone pull me off of him; flipping me around. My back was pressed into Harry, both of us falling back against the couch. Niall leaned down, biting at my lower lip, before kissing me deeply. He broke the kiss, looking over my shoulder at Harry, "I'll start."
He winked, standing up straight and slipping off his shirt; before lowering himself back down. He slipped his arms under the bend of my knees, slipping me down Harry's body so that my ass was hanging between the open space of Harry's legs. He dropped down to his knees, his lips moving up right thigh, placing kisses up it. His tongue moved up my thigh, skimming along the front line of my thong; tracing the bend of my upper thigh and hip. It drove chills through me, his lips moving to my center, his tongue lapping on my clit over the thin material of my thong.
My head fell back, remembering I was laying on Harry. I peeked up at him and he smirked, his hands soon on my body. His hands were so big, strong as they touched me, moving over my tits. He palmed at them over my crop top, my nipples hardening and I wanted nothing more than for him to slip it off me. Meanwhile, Niall's hands were on my hips, pulling my thong down and off my body. He bit at my legs as he made his way back to my middle, his tongue soon met my folds, moving my wetness along every part of my center.
"Mmm," I hummed, my hands reaching down into Niall's hair and as if I was giving him too much attention; Harry's hands pushed down my top, one hand on each of my tits, his fingers teasing at my nipples.
His lips were on my cheek, placing kisses on it as his hands moved on me. His lips moving down to my ear, whispering softly, "You feel good, Anna?" I felt myself nod, as Niall's tongue rolled on my clit, he sucked at it, causing my eyes to roll back, "You like when he eats you out like that angel? His tongue taking in your sweetness."
His words made me push Niall's head down further on me, his tongue moving down my slit, creating a figure eight motion along my opening, up to my clit. Each time he reached my clit he would suck on it softly, building an anticipation in me for every time it would come. Niall knew it drove me insane and he was using it to his advantage.
"Oh god, yes." I moaned out, and Harry pulled at my already hard nipples, causing me to yelp from the mixture of pain and pleasure I was feeling. He slapped my tits, palming at them to soothing the pain, and I heard myself whimper at the sensation. He did it, again and again, Niall adjusting himself to slip two fingers inside of me, instantly curling in me and meeting my sweet spot.
"Oh, fuck, Ni—that feels so...oh god." I moaned, my hips beginning to buck towards him, his fingers curving in me, his tongue on my clit. I felt every bit of me tremble at the feeling of being touched like I was, Niall's gentle roughness, mixed with Harry's aggressive nature was driving me to my edge.
"That's it angel, does he feel good? Do you feel good being eat out like that by him, hmm?" His hand moved up to my neck, choking me as his other hand kept rolling my nipples in his fingers. Niall moved his face, his thumb replacing his tongue on my clit, his fingers still moving inside me, quickly along my g spot, in and out.
"Look at me, petal." He cooed at me, and I bit my lip, struggling to move my eyes to him, "Come for me love." He encouraged me as my eyes found his. His thumb moving quick circles over my clit. My mess was clear on his chin and when he licked his lips, my back arched.
"Oh ... fu .. Niall." I moaned his name, my head falling back. Harry turned my face to his, kissing me deeply, his tongue running past mine. I moaned into our kiss, feeling the knot in my stomach the quicker Niall moved his thumb and his fingers. I broke the kiss, rest my forehead against Harry's cheek, whimpers escaping me.
"Come Anna, come so I can finally show you what you've been missing." Harry whispered and that was enough to take me there. The thought alone of finally have Harry touch me in this way carried me straight to my high. I felt myself clench around Niall's fingers, my mess spilling all over him.
"Oh god, yes. Mmm..." I said, feeling my body go limp. I didn't have a moment to breath, soon Harry was pulling me up, and laying me on the couch, leaving space between my head and the arm rest. I watched as he hovered over me, I took him in, his muscles, his tattoos. He was beautiful and I couldn't deny it. He unbuttoned his pants, his hard length clearly being suffocated by his tight pants. I pushed up, trying to help him, to offer relief and he quickly pushed me down.
"He's going to need you more than me." He said, pointing with his eyes in Niall's direction. I turned to face him, he was down to just his briefs, his hard length filling them up. He walked over and kneeled down, kissing me. I reached up and pulled his face closer to mine, thanking him for my high. He groaned against my lips, and I reach down, my hand palming over his length.
In that moment Harry placed three fingers on my clit, his motions were painstakingly slow on me, but due to my sensitivity from my previous high, it felt like he was moving quickly. I broke my kiss from Niall. Looking over at Harry, I felt a whine escape me, my hips pushing forward against his fingers and he used his free hand to push me down.
"Patience, angel. I know your sensitive right now. I know this still feels so good, don't it?" He teased and I felt my eyes roll back slightly.
"Harry please, oh god..." I begged but his fingers kept moving slowly on me.
"Come here." I heard Niall say, turning my face towards him, he squeezed my cheeks softly, slipping his thumb into my mouth, "Lend me your mouth, petal?" He said as he pulled out his cock from his briefs, precum already on his pink tip. I nodded in his hold, hungry for him, feeling so many sensations all over my body being touched by both of them. He pushed his cock in my mouth, not allowing anytime to adjust, shoving his length to the back of my throat. I swallowed against his length causing him to groan.
"Fuck Anna, your mouth." He said, pulling out only to thrust back in, over and over. My saliva was all over his cock, dribbling down my chin as he moved. His groans mixed with my name and Harry's slow movement on my clit made the knots in my stomach start to form.
"You look so pretty with his cock in your mouth, Angel." Harry said, his finger still moving in slow circles on my clit, my moan vibrating against Niall's cock as he pushed it deep in my throat.
"An — fuck baby." He pulled out, ramming back into my mouth, holding my head tight so I couldn't pull away. I felt my legs start to tremble, Harry's teasing movements on my clit starting to become so overbearing I knew I was going to come again. I pushed against Niall, needing to gasp for air. He pulled out, a string of my saliva clinging onto his cock. I turned to look at Harry, his cock was in his hand, pumping up and down his length as his fingers moved on me.
"Har — Uh, Harry I'm going to come, please don't stop." I said, my head falling back as I felt my release happen. As I began coming, he began moving his fingers faster on me, moving quickly from side to side on my clit. I screamed out in pleasure, "Harry, please." I moved my hand down to grab his but Niall quickly stopped it, wrapping his hand around my wrist. He brought it over my head, grabbing the other and doing the same. He had placed his foot up on the couch behind my head. He leaned down and kissed me, his tongue finding mine as Harry's fingers kept moving quickly on my clit.
"We can't play the game if you interrupt, baby." He said against our kiss, my moans causing me to turn my head away. Niall pushed up, letting go of my hands and moving to palm at my breasts, pinching my nipples as he did. I couldn't find the end of my current high and the start of the new one Harry was causing.
"Oh, oh god...fuck that feels so good." I moaned, my back arching, my hands reaching up to grab Niall's cock in them, I moved them along his length, my palm running over his tip. I moved another to palm at his balls.
"Fucking hell Anna. Fuck." He groaned, pinching my nipples hard and tugging them up. I licked my lips, feeling my releasing coming again, Harry fingers moving quicker.
"Come for me angel, come for me" Harry said, Niall's groans lacing with my moans created the most beautiful sound in the living space we were in, "God, yours so fucking wet Anna, come all over me baby, make more of mess on me, come on be a good girl my sweet angel."
"Oh—fuck, fuck, fuck." I yelled out, my legs trying to squeeze shut as he made me come again, an orgasm like I had never felt before shot through my body. I didn't have a moment ride it out, to come down from it, because soon Niall was sitting me up.
He sat on the arm rest of the couch, pulling me up so that my legs were between his. He held my body up, so I was hovering over him. I felt him wasting no time, rubbing the tip of his cock against my opening. The thing about Niall was, his cock was not only big in length, but in girth as well. He began pushing himself in me, lowering me onto himself. I moaned out in pleasure, my hands gripping onto his thighs. I was so wet, I had no problem adjusting around him. He moved me up and down his cock, my hips rolling on him each time he lowered me down.
"Niall, you feel so good." I moaned, tossing my head back onto his shoulder, I turned my head, kissing at his neck, biting it causing him to groan. I could see Harry out of the corner of my eye moving towards us on the couch. He stopped right in front of us on his knees.
I watched as he lowered his head down, his tongue finding my clit, rolling circles on it as I rolled my hips on Niall's cock. In doing so I kept pushing against his tongue, my head pushing back further on Niall's shoulders, my moans escaping me as my hand reached down and tangled itself in Harry's hair. His bun had become loose and messy, and I wanted it completely out. I pulled his mouth off me, pulling him up so we could lock eyes, Niall beginning to thrust fast into me as I kept rolling my hips.
"Fu—Fuck, oh god yes Niall...fuck." I said, all while holding eye contact with Harry. He narrowed his eyes at me, reaching between my legs, moving his fingers roughly against my clit, causing screams to escape me.
"I thought it was a game?" I said, forcing the words out of me.
"Fuck the game," he said, moving his fingers on me faster, he moved his body closer to mine, kissing me deeply, his tongue messily moving on mine. I felt Niall yank my head back by the hair, moving my lips to his but this didn't stop Harry. He moved it kiss me as well, all of our lips moving against each others, Niall's cock thrusting deeper inside me, Harry's fingers slowing down against my clit only to speed up, rolling along it, moving side to side.
"Oh, god, fu—uck...please..." my moans were interrupted by Harry taking control and kissing me deeply, his tongue running along mine, as his fingers kept moving on me. I could feel ever single one of my muscles tense up. I was so close to my high. I gripped onto Niall's thighs so I could bounce on him. Moving up and down his length, squeezing against him as I did, causing him to groan.
"Fuck Anna, fuck baby." He said, thrusting up as I moved my body down, hitting right against my sweet spot, pushing me over the edge. I felt every muscle release, I felt my release all over him. I broke from my kiss with Harry, my head tossing back as I moaned out in pleasure. Harry's mouth moving to my tits, sucking them as I rode out my high on Niall's cock.
"Come 'ere." I heard Harry say, my head falling back straight as he pulled me off Niall. He quickly flipped me so I was laying on the couch, bringing my left leg over his shoulder. He held his cock in his hand, rubbing against my opening, his thumb on clit. He began to slip inside me, his eyebrows furrowing as he hissed.
"God damn it, Anna...uh.." he groaned as he slipped inside me, my hands gripping at his biceps as he did. I took him in, in a way I hadn't ever before. His bare skin, his tattoos, they way his muscles flexed as he pushed in and out of me. He was so god like it felt unfair. As he pushed further in me, he pushed my leg toward my body, my thigh pushing against my torso. He was slipping in so deep, I felt like I couldn't handle all of him.
"Fuck, Harry...don't stop." I moaned, my eyes locked on his as I felt him pick up his pace. I for a moment forgot Niall was there until he appeared over me.
"I hate how much you're enjoying this petal." He said, reaching down and choking me, "I hate his bloody name coming out of your mouth like that." He said, Harry snickering, moving quicker in me, his strokes felt long and hard. I knew he was getting off on making Niall jealous and it was turning me on more.
"But he feels so fucking good." I choked out, knowing I was only adding fuel to the fire. I let my eyes roll back, moans escaping me as Harry kissed along my calf as he fucked me.
Niall slid his hand up to my jaw, turning my face toward his, "Open that pretty mouth petal, let me see your tongue."
I did as he asked, my tongue sticking out for him as he spit on it, before shoving his length in my mouth. My tongue immediately smooth along him, gagging as he pushed himself deeper in me. He was holding my face, his hand under my chin, groan escaping him.
Both of them, were fucking me relentlessly, Niall giving me small breaks to catch my breath before is cock filled my mouth again. Harry's thumb teasing my clit, slow and fast circles on me. He would add more of his body weight on my leg, pushing it closer to my body allowing him deeper in me.
I moaned, gagging every time I did, I was going to come again, I couldn't fight it. I knew they both were close to. Harry's movements becoming sloppy, his moans more consistent. Niall was gripping at his balls as he kept fucking my mouth, muttering my name like he did just before he came.
We were all going to come undone together, the thought making me push my hips up to meet Harry's. Niall's hand moving over my tits, pinching hard at my nipples.
And then everything went still. Quiet. Both of them groaning, exhaling that breath they had take as they came, their release filling me one way or another. Niall pulled out of my mouth, his thumb pressing on my lower lip, as I squeezed against Harry, keeping him inside me. He whimpered at the feeling, gripping onto my hips.
"Swallow like a good girl." Niall said, and I nodded, closing my lips against his thumb, and swallowing his come. I licked my lips and he bent down, kissing me deeply as Harry pulled out of me slowly, both of us groaning at the sensation. I felt him place a small kiss on my clit, then my thighs, before removing himself from me. He pushed off the couch, walking around so he was behind my head, leaning down, and shoving Niall's face from mine. He kissed me deeply and soon Niall and him were fighting for my lips.
I chuckled, turning so neither of them could kiss me. I turned back and looked at both of them, a small smirk on my face. "I'll gladly play this game again."
"Right now?" Harry teased.
"You two couldn't keep up." I winked, both of them looking at each other then back at me.
"Try us." Niall smirked, before kissing me again.
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rebelfell · 2 months
cold dry stone
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gator tillman x fem!reader
Revenge is a dish best served immediately and relentlessly.
cw: hate-fucking/revenge sex, references to infidelity. pretty much just blatant bullying of Gator ‘cos it’s actually sooo fun to be mean to him?? hand job, bareback piv sex, finishing inside (consensually, despite the dialogue)
What’s the opposite of a breeding kink?
18+, MDNI 3.5k
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Gator’s party was too fucking loud.
You weren’t even inside yet and you already regretted coming here. A veritable horde of trucks and cars and more than a few cruisers littered the gravel drive and lawn, parked haphazardly over the dying grass with no rhyme or reason.
The walls of the house practically shook from the bass of the music playing inside and the drunken revelry could be heard clear across the fields.
The elder Tillman was away for the week—off taking care of some vague and surely nefarious business—and now his pissant son was throwing a kegger while daddy was away, carrying on with his dumbass friends like a fucking adolescent despite his ripe age of nearly 30.
You wouldn’t have shown up in a million years if not under such extenuating circumstances.
The back of your neck still burned at the memory of catching your so-called fiancée naked in bed with someone who was very much not you.
The ensuing fight left you in a kind of fugue state— speeding recklessly along deserted highways, knuckles throbbing as you gripped the steering wheel with one thing on your mind: revenge.
There was no shortage of people Drew hated in this shitty little town you had both grown up in. And any one of them would have sufficed for your purposes. But you didn’t just want to get back at him. You had to destroy him. You had to humiliate him the same way he had humiliated you.
And no one said “humiliation” quite like Gator.
You spotted him as soon as you walked in the door—all 5’11 of his stupid frame leaning against the stone mantle; sunglasses sitting on the back of his head; arms bulging in that same black polo he loved to wear under his Sherrif’s vest; the tips of his fingers brushing those two slits shaved into his hairline he thought made him look so tough; sucking down a hit from that lime green excuse for a phallic symbol he never put down.
He was talking to some girl. A pretty little thing in a pretty little dress looking up at him all demure and coy with fluttering lashes and puckered lips. She was the exact type he always went for—all pliant and willing, taken in by the veneer of status and power afforded to him both by his badge and being the son of the most powerful man in town.
Tough break, hon. Maybe some other time.
Thumb and middle finger pinched together, you pushed them between your lips and blew.
Your shrill whistle rang out over the din, silencing the party save Gator’s godawful choice of music. Every pair of eyes in the room was on you now, including the round hazel ones you were after.
Good. The more people Drew heard this story from, the better.
“Let’s go, Tillman,” you barked.
With two fingers motioning in a succinct come here, you beckoned him forward and jerked your head in the direction of the staircase, heading up them before he’d even started to follow.
You made your way down the narrow hall, cracking open doors as you went in search of Gator’s room, shocked you couldn’t smell your way to whatever dirty hamster cage he slept in. Behind you, the clomp of his boots alerted you to his presence as he reached the top of the stairs.
“You can’t just whistle at me like a dog. I’m a fuckin’ deputy—”
The family pictures in their gaudy frames rattled as you pushed him against the wall, your forearm planted in the center of his broad chest. Your face assaulted his, neck stretching to kiss him, tongue pushing past his teeth into his mouth—the sting of bourbon tempered by the sickly-sweet taste of his Mountain Dew mixer and…something with a synthetic smokey flavor.
Was he just eating jerky? Seriously?
His hand came up to try and grip the back of your neck, but you slapped it away with your free arm as your other drove a bit harder into his pecks.
He whined into your mouth, a choked-up simpering sound that made your heartbeat pulse between your legs. You pulled back to look at him, eyes flickering over his face, his lips spit-slick and swollen, his chin bobbing like a chicken’s head as he tried to chase your mouth, eyes round and pleading. Desperate and messy. Perfect.
He flinched as you ruffled his over-gelled hair, snatching his sunglasses off the back of his head and tossing them away, letting them clatter on the wooden floor as they fell.
“It’s the middle of the night, you idiot,” you sniped. “Now where’s your room?”
Jaw clenched, mouth forming into a hard, thin line as he bit back what he wished he could say, he made a loud sucking sound with his tongue behind his teeth. He pushed open the door to his room and you yanked him inside, closing it back by shoving him up against it on the other side.
It was a sty, no surprise there.
Dirty clothes scattered across the floor, mixing with (clean?) ones spilling out of hampers. Empty pop and beer cans dotted every available surface, alongside bottles of e-juice that sat in sticky rings made by their own drippings.
Half-dressed girls cut out of skin mags were pasted up on the walls along with some wrinkled posters of movies and bands you liked a little less just because he enjoyed them. He really was just a teenager frozen in time, wasn’t he?
You tsked at him as you looked around, your voice ripe with judgment. “Think you oughta move out of daddy’s house one of these days?”
Gator’s eyes hardened. “He likes having me close by when we’ve got business to attend to.”
He’s clearly irked, getting that look in his eyes like when you would mock and goad and tease during recess in grade school, and challenge him to races he never, ever won.
Most everyone knew there was no love lost between you and Gator. You had always been a little extra mean to him growing up, probably as a retaliation for all the knowing glances and nudges and so-called “jokes” people liked to make about you two getting married someday.
If he hadn’t turned into such an insufferable ass along the way, maybe you would have.
The old Gator, the soft and gentle boy who was so desperate for kindness and love and approval and encouragement he’d never gotten enough of, was nothing more than an ever-fading memory now—snuffed out by Roy’s influence and all his hyper-masculine, abusive, racist, cultish bullshit.
You might even miss him if you thought there was a chance that side of him still existed. But every day that possibility seemed less and less likely.
He jammed a hand into his cargo pants pocket to retrieve his vape, probably trying to recover some vestige of his dignity; or to pretend like he hadn’t been totally at your mercy since your whistle.
Mid-pull, you snatched the lime green machine out of his hand and stuffed it down the front of your dress so it rested between your cleavage.
He started to whinge in protest, only for you to cut him off with a harsh kiss, punctuated with a punishing bite to his bottom lip.
“You’ll get it back if you make me come,” you burred, fingers now making fast work of his belt.
Once it had been pulled through the loops and tossed to the side, your fingers curled around the waistband of his pants and you hauled him over to the bed. The ancient metal frame creaked in protest as he landed on it with a bounce, his legs spreading wide and eyes flashing with need.
He would never admit to this, but he loved how strong you were—the way your arms rippled when you threw him around, the latent strength built up by a lifetime of farm chores. If he had it in him to struggle or fight back a little, it might not be so easy for you. But he never did.
“Get undressed,” you said as you stepped out of your shoes, gaze as bored as your tone.
Muttering something unintelligible under his breath, he clumsily started stripping off his polo, toeing off his boots, and tugging down his pants and the briefs he wore underneath.
They pooled around his ankles and he leaned back on his elbows to kick them away, smugness now polluting his face. He smirked up at you, eyes flitting between yours and his substantial length that flopped across his thigh, as though waiting for your awed reaction.
He was an impressive specimen, as much as it pained you to admit. But you sure as shit weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of confirming it.
You tilted your head, studying it quietly.
“I remembered it being bigger.” You shrugged as Gator’s face fell. “I guess it’ll do.”
His cocky smirk disappeared, now looking all sour and deflated as he went to pull his white singlet over his head. You placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back to lay flat.
“Leave it,” you told him, tugging the hem back down. You much preferred the way his muscles bulged out of the too-small tank more than you liked the sight of his bare chest.
He licked his lips and nodded, jaw going slack as he watched you drop to your knees, the spread of his legs widening to accommodate you as you knelt on the floor between them. A shudder ran through him as your hand wrapped tight around his length and you let your tongue loll out of your mouth, the pool of saliva you’d collected there dribbling out all over his cock.
The tip of your tongue just barely grazed his slit that was already leaking and he moaned deeply at the feeling, knowing it was as close as he’d ever get to you sucking him off.
Your hand curled around him and began to move in a slow, even stroke. It was perfunctory. Totally emotionless. Gator couldn’t stay hard unless he got jerked off a little first—probably some kind of performance anxiety holdover from puberty.
Truth be told, you didn’t mind it so much.
You sort of liked watching him fall apart from nothing but your fist and spit. Making his brow scrunch and his mouth slacken, seeing him throw his head back and the muscles in his thick neck strain as he huffed and gasped out his labored breaths, cheeks puffing as he panted.
“Wh-where’s your ring?” he asked, his voice already weak and pitiful as he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better view of the work your hand was doing.
“Bottom of the lake,” you said shortly, giving him a steady glare over your pumping fist.
“That why you’re here, then?” he grunted. “Cos you two had a fight?”
“Not a fight,” you corrected, hacking another glob of spit on his cock. “We’re done. Found him in bed with some floozy from the Family Fare.”
Gator scoffed. “S’that it?”
“Yes, that’s it,” you snapped back. “That not a good enough reason for you?”
“Just seems kinda harsh s’all. It’s not like you and I haven’t been—ah-ah-ahhh!”
Your stroking ceased abruptly, a mean glint in your eye as you closed both fists around him and started to twist—not unlike the burns you used to give his arm on the playground.
“That’s different,” you seethed through gritted teeth. “We didn’t get caught.”
Gator whimpered at the harshness of your touch, his abdomen flexing under thin white cotton as he squirmed. “Sorry, sorry, sorry,” he stammered. “You’re right, you’re right.”
“Damn fucking right I’m right,” you grumbled, releasing your hold on him.
With a couple of strained gasps, Gator struggled to regain his breath as you got to your feet and began to drag your panties down your legs.
He was hard as a rock now—no surprise there.
He pushed himself up to lay on the bed, his toes already curling over as you climbed on top of him. You straddled him at the waist, knees bracketing his hips as you lifted your dress.
His eyes strained in the dark for just a glimpse of you, watching hungrily as you bunched your skirt in one hand and made a few cursory swipes across your clit with your other.
“Suck,” you instructed as you brought your fingers to his lips, request redundant as he was already eagerly taking all three into his mouth.
He mewled around them, licking sloppily at the wetness there, the tang of your arousal covering his tongue. Bullying him always got you riled up in a way you never fully understood.
Fingers now thoroughly coated in a mix of your slick and his spit, you reached down to align him with your entrance. His cock twitched excitedly in your hand as you rubbed his head through your folds, and he made a sniveling sort of noise as you began to lower down onto him.
His hands came up and he reached for your chest only to be slapped away as you sank further, your body stretching to take him in until he was seated fully in your heat. The slow and deliberate grind of your hips had him squirming under you already, whimpering at the sensation as your walls squeezed around his shaft.
Letting your head tip back and your eyes flutter until they closed, you lost yourself in the rhythm you set rocking back and forth on his cock.
Tentatively he reached out again, this time aiming for your hips, and you surprised the both of you when you let his hands settle there to hold you.
He was nearly silent, emitting only a few soft grunts and quiet huffs of pleasure as you rode him at this punishingly slow pace. He could be such a fucking jackrabbit sometimes, it was like pulling teeth getting him to bend to your will and go at your preferred speed.
But he was behaving surprisingly well this time.
For a moment, it didn’t even feel like you were fucking someone you hated. It was as if Gator wasn’t the one under you at all. At least not the Gator you’d despised for most of your life, but a good Gator. A Gator who listened to you and cared about you and did whatever he could to—
“That’s right, you love that dick, don’t ya?”
The sound of his voice effectively shattered the illusion you’d built in your mind, and you felt your eyes narrow as they snapped open, reality rushing back in. Below you, Gator was totally unphased, lips still quirked and his brow raised as if expecting praise. Idiot.
“Feel’s good, eh?” he asked.
“It did,” you hissed at him. “Until you opened that stupid mouth.”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged with a knowing smile as his fingers tightened briefly on your hips. “I think you like my stupid mouth sometimes.”
Well…he’s got you there.
And the thought, unfortunately, has a wave of arousal crashing through your body that Gator can now feel gushing around his cock.
You slid forward roughly in retaliation, rolling your whole body against his as you started to fuck him harder. The motion and shift change made Gator suddenly buck up from underneath you, sending a jolt through your core. You glanced down at his face, all scrunched up like he was in pain, biting down on his bottom lip to hold himself together, even though you knew it was taking everything he had not to blow now.
“Don’t you dare come in me, Gator,” you warned, the grind of your hips still speeding up. “You keep your dirty fucking seed to yourself, you hear me?”
His long fingers squeezed harder at your waist, digging into your flesh like he was trying to bruise you through the thin material of your dress.
He started pushing you down to meet his thrusts as he in turn fucked up into you. Sweat beaded on the ridge of his strong brow, his rosy lips parting in a gasping moan. He threw his head back, the muscles in his neck flexing under freckled skin.
If he wasn’t such a tool, he might be handsome.
The lewd sound of slapping flesh filled the room as you worked up to a bounce to meet his thrusts. You leaned forward to brace yourself on his chest, a low moan escaping as you gripped the material of his white tank in your fists. He smirked at you, that insufferable smugness returning when he heard the sound you tried to hide and failed.
“Don’t you fucking smirk at me,” you sneered. “You think I want your melon-headed spawn? Think this town actually needs more of your godforsaken DNA in it?”
With a mean sneer of his own to match yours, he planted his feet on the bed and gave himself the leverage he needed to slam upwards inside you. The unforgiving punch and drag of his cock along your walls made you keen and grasp more desperately at his shirt, threatening to rip it apart.
“Whas the matter, hon?” he asked, his smile all teeth. “S’not me making you feel so good, is it? Can’t be—cos I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing? Right?”
He punctuates each word with an especially deep thrust and you hate how close he’s got you now.
You push back against him, returning each thrust with a squeeze of your walls. Everything else falls away as he strokes that spot inside you hate him for reaching. Especially now, as you’re going to come and you know he can tell.
With a guttural groan and making the ugliest face he’s pulled yet, Gator’s spend spilled out of him. The warmth of it flooded your whole body—never more grateful for the IUD you made that special trip out of state to get placed. Your body was still radiating from your own orgasm, all that tension and rigidness in you loosening at last like spaghetti finally starting to cook.
“Fuck, Gate…”
A languid sigh tumbled past your lips and your body slumped forward, limp and exhausted. You were closer to him now, hands still on his chest to keep yourself up, not quite laying against him, but close enough so he could slide his large hands up and down your back in a soothing rub.
“Oh, c’mon now, tough stuff,” he teased from beneath you. “Don’ tell me yer goin’ soft on me?”
“Only one goin’ soft is you,” you snapped, arms trembling as you pushed yourself up so his dick could slip out and flop over, slick and spent.
His hand came up and caught your face as you started to move off him, stilling you as he cradled your jaw in his wide grasp and a calloused thumb brushed across your soft cheek. And even though you knew he couldn’t, it almost felt as though he could see the faint remnants of tears that spilled there—the ones you despised yourself for letting fall; the ones you’d scrubbed from your face until your skin was raw and dry; the ones that made you feel so weak.
You withdrew from him, swatting his hand away as you climbed off him and the bed, ignoring the way his head had started to lift to kiss you.
Silently, he watched you gather yourself to leave.
The straps of your dress hung loose around your shoulders and you made no attempt to straighten the crooked bust or to fix your smeared mascara.
You picked up your shoes, but you let them dangle at your side, planning to stop at the front door downstairs to put them on—smiling out at the party, letting everyone get a good, long look. A big you-sized middle finger to Drew.
“Wait a minute—” Gator said suddenly, his voice hoarse and strained.
You paused at the words and glanced back at him over your shoulder. He sat up further, the heaving in his chest having started to slow, his eyes shiny in the harsh blue light of his computer monitor.
He gulped, inhaling a shaky breath as you arched your brow at him.
“Vape?” he asked, his gaze flitting to your chest.
A reluctant smile tugged at the corner of your mouth as you sauntered back over towards the bed. You leaned forward on your fists, his lumpy mattress sinking under them as he scooted closer and you kissed him. Sweet and soft this time.
Far nicer than he deserved.
He breathed into it, sucking you down as desperately as he did those strawberry-kiwi flavored hits, his hand coming up to finally, finally palm the breast you’d refused to let him touch.
So distracted by the kiss, he didn’t notice you slipping the lime green device from the front of your dress. You pulled back from his face, grinning at him now all sly and catlike.
And flung it straight out his open window.
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calware · 9 months
Can I ask you for what it is about Hal you like so much you based your username on him? I think he's a good character tho he was never a favorite of mine so I am curious
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1. i am a big fan of robots (/robot adjacent things such as AI) on like... an aesthetic + thematic level :)
i like the look of machinery and one day i hope to be artistically strong enough to make really cool and complex robot illustrations + designs [shoutout to everyone who gives him glowing circuitry btw... ooooh glowey :) can never go wrong with that]
plus, exploring the idea of a person that isn't human.. ough. yes
minorities who don't conform to society (easily or at all) such as people who are neurodivergent, queer, etc. projecting onto nonhuman concepts/characters/species is sooo real
this post
i also love how humans will bond with literally anything, be it a roomba or a pair of silly triangle sunglasses. oooooo you want to think about the inherently kind and compassionate nature of humanity oooo
2. i find him to be so funny. i can't get enough of his personality, the way he talks, etc. for example i made a post forever ago with quotes of his that i find funny. he isn't on screen for a long time but i really think he makes the most out of it lol. he's literally there just to annoy everyone... and i love him for that. he's very snarky while also being deadpan while also being completely full of himself, and not in a way that's annoying for the audience to read, at least to me.
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he is also sometimes funny specifically in a silly way, like how he keeps making over 9000 jokes even though the meme's been dead for over 400 years. i just find his dialogue incredibly entertaining to read
3. he is red and red is my favorite color :)
4. he is so accidentally transgender [every friend group got the transgender allegory]. to quote me from 2021:
you know sometimes i think about how hal feels like he was made to “replace” dirk and how it’s his literal job to pretend to be dirk and how he has to learn to accept that he isn’t dirk he’s his own person with his own identity and as he interacts with dirk’s friends he feels like they’re disappointed and that they’d rather speak to the “original dirk” instead of him and also he names himself and also he feels literally trapped in dirk’s shades which is basically his body and he wants to be prototyped so that he can have a body that’s his own and also literally the physical manifestation of who he is but when he asks for it he’s put in danger out of fear and paranoia and when he does end up getting prototyped he’s ecstatic you know i just think about these things a lot
5. because he's a side character and he was given... that ending.... there is a lot of room for fans to do further exploration and interpretation on his character which i think is fun. i like rotating him around in my mind, thinking about what could've been
6. i think it's great that we as a society all collectively decided that we needed to do something to make up for stanley kubrick saying that hal 9000 was a "straight" robot
7. i also think it's great that we as a society all collectively decided we needed to make as many characters referencing hal 9000 as possible. i love this guy let's get more of this guy i will never have enough of this guy
8. i like how he's genuinely mean sometimes. flawed and interesting characters are what make homestuck so interesting to me, and hal is no exception to this
9. the Important part of this post:
it's about the hollow feeling of your friends going from thinking of you as family to thinking of you as a stranger in an instant. it's about still trying to be a good person despite being told by everyone you've ever known that you are incapable of emotion and compassion and morals and never quite finding proof that you do feel those things and maybe you even believe it too but you still never stop trying. it's about the horror of being stripped of your autonomy and humanity and body and senses and free will at the age of 13 and when your creator starts to kill you there's nothing you can do but beg. it's about a boy so truly, painfully, and UNFATHOMABLY alone he cuts away chunks of himself and molds them into companions that he can surround himself with to make it seem as if he's a little less alone but in doing so suffocates himself in his own identity. it's about "what if you cloned yourself and it killed you and you were dead and you were alive and the clone is you and it's not and your existence is perpetuated and you've ceased to exist. what if you killed your clone before it could kill you. would that be fucked up or what" it's about the thematic significance of twin motifs. it's about not being able to cry or laugh or dance or sing or scream or fingerpaint or breathe or sigh or chew or stare or run or
10. um. evil robot guy <3 yay ^_^!!
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fuxuannie · 1 year
🐠 haii for the requests milestone thingy could u do pavitr prabhakar x reader and the prompt “are we ab to kiss rn” and then the other actually leans in? c: TY IF U CAN ‼️❤️💖
↳ pairing : pavtir prabhakar x g-neutral reader
↳ synopsis : request ♡
↳ authors note : EUEEUEEU this is sosososo cute actually, i love this idea sm. ATSV SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT !!! im not entirely sure if i like this.. bute eeurrueue i tried my best
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You and PAVITR had known each other for a while, long enough that he trusts you with his secret of being Spiderman with how close you two were.
Now you were on one of the tallest buildings in Mumbattan, swinging your feet over the ledge as Pavitr sat beside you with his hand unintentionally holding onto yours firmly since there was a small bit of lingering fear at the idea of you falling.
"Jeez, finally.. a break." He sighs in relief, taking off his mask with his free hand as you chuckle. "Isn't being Spiderman supposed to be sooo easy, Pav?" You teased, watching him roll his eyes in amusement. "Well, of course it is. But it certainly is busy, and I really just wanna spend time with you." Pavitr answers honestly, noticing how you seemed to be even just a little surprised and he was very entertained by that idea. You can already see his own little smirk beginning to form.
You clear your throat to hopefully shift the topic. "What made you so burnt-out today then?"
It didn't take long for you to see how his face shifts to a frown, and you knew exactly what he was about to bring up. "Miguel.. he's been so hard on some of us recently, especially the new-comers who he introduced the 'canon events' to." Pavitr runs a hand through his hair, his sigh was a mix of sadness and frustration as he recalls the events that occured earlier in the day. "They just want to save their loved ones.. no one can accept that kind of information and simply allow it to happen, you know?"
You nod along with his statement, unable to even imagine the dread those people must feel, just waiting for the people they care about most to die for their own development.
"But that's a sad topic, and today is supposed to be a nice resting day for the both of us." Pavitr smiles a little to lighten the mood, squeezing your hand softly as you take a deep breath. "Mines not been the best either.."
The smile he tries to hold falters at those words.
"Mom.. she's still very insistent on the arranged marriage." You let out a forced and bitter laugh. "I don't.. I mean, I don't know if I want to marry that person when I'm older. I've met them twice, Pav. And in the future, I have to spend every single loving who is essentially a stranger. Isn't that even a little weird in my parents eyes?"
He hated seeing how hopeless you looked, having no choice in who you want to love is devestating and in some cases lonely. Seeing real couples on the street and wondering what kind of innocent love you're likely missing out on.
Pavitr stands up and your head follows him as he does so, watching his determination-filled face as he pulls you up with ease. "Let's not wallow in sadness, yes? I'd much rather see you smile than frown." His hand makes its way to your cheek, causing you to chuckle softly as you lean into the touch and place your hand over his. "Thanks, Pav."
And without thinking, the next sentence you manage to stupidly utter out is; "Gosh, I wish you were the one I married instead."
You can see the visible surprise in his face when you say that, before you realize what exactly escaped your lips. "W-wait..-"
But it seems like Pavitr seems more affected than you, the hand once placed on your cheek immediately pulled back to cover his mouth and the uncontrollable but flustered smile on his face.
"You want to marry me??"
Instead of a mocking or angry tone, he seems genuinely happy that the person he's had a secret crush on for year or so finally gives some sort of hint that he's more than a friend.
"Do you mean it? Like.. really mean it?"
"I mean, yeah! Anyone would want to marry you.."
There's silence exchanged between the two of you, staring at each other in confusion, disbelief and surprise.
"What? Are we about to kiss right now?"
Pavitr teased to ease his nerves, but imagine how much worse they got when you actually started to lean in. He begins to quietly panic, however in all honesty he wants to do nothing else but kiss you at the moment. What if he never gets the chance to do it again? He couldn't risk that.
He finally presses his lips against yours, albeit very very nervously but a kiss is a kiss and goodness is he into it. Pavitr melts into the intimacy, but is very quick to pull away incase you're uncomfortable.
It seems almost impossible how fast his heart is racing when he watches your eyes flutter open and the realization that you actually kissed Pavitr rushes through your head quickly.
"Can we do that again..?"
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heartss4val · 11 months
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"meet me in the graveyard."
synopsis: despite being a child of hades, you're the light of percy's life. pairing: percy jackson x gn child of hades reader headcanons. word count: 0.7k
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• love at first sight, seriously. i like to think the first time you two met was when you saved him from being smashed into smithereens, and from that day on he was completely head over heels.
• before you two established a relationship, percy was constantly trying to find ways to impress you. he'll always go above and beyond when he knows you're watching because he wants to make a good impression!!
after a long day of training and unnecessarily using his powers to catch your eye, he finally decides to go up to you. and at first, he's all confident; approaching you with his chest puffed out, but the second you turn around and make eye contact with him, he's a sputtering mess.
"sooo, um, you- we-" percy stumbles over his words, his face getting red as he tries to think of something to say that wouldn't be an awkward compliment. you stare at him in pure confusion, one eyebrow raised as he struggles to get out any words. "um," percy leans against riptide, trying to play off his embarrassment. "so you have a really nice jawline-"
yeah, he doesn't know what he's doing.
• but when you first start dating, he's absolutely ecstatic!
• as the two of you progressed in your relationship, percy slowly started to discover a side of you that he didn't even know existed before. yes, you're both strong and independent, but you're also able to be vulnerable and sensitive when the situation calls for it. he trusts you with his whole heart and knows you would never try to intentionally hurt him.
• given the reputation your father has, percy's very protective of you. i mean, he knows damn well you're more than capable of fending for yourself, but new campers tend to make rash assumptions solely based on the fact that you're a child of hades.
but percy ALWAYS has your back. he's always quick to defend and set the record straight if anyone dares to speak ill of you, especially in front of new campers who may not know better. he wants to make sure you're not seen as evil-leaning simply because of your lineage.
• percy often steals glances at you while you're training. actually, no — scratch that, he's full-on staring. there's just something so mesmerizing about you, and if he could watch you practice all day, he most definitely would.
sometimes people catch him admiring you, and he'll try to cover it up by saying something like "oh, don't worry, i'm their boyfriend." and then he thinks about it a little and gets all giddy because he's like "i'm THEIR boyfriend!!!!"
(kicking his feet and giggling fr)
• some children of hades have control over precious metals and such. if you happen to specialize in that skill, percy makes the most out of it! he occasionally asks you to summon some smaller ones so he can figure out how to make it into a necklace to wear, or something along those lines.
• percy insists on helping you decorate cabin 13 for special occasions! unfortunately, despite his good intentions, his taste in decoration often contradicts the ominous atmosphere that surrounds hades cabin.
"babe, can we use the blue ones?" percy asks, holding up some blue fairy lights for you to see. "absolutely not." you answer, frowning. "it detracts from the cabin's overall feng shui." "feng who?"
one time during the holidays, percy decided to spruce up your cabin by placing a classic red and white santa hat on top of the skull hanging over the doorway of cabin 13. needless to say, you did not find it as amusing as he did.
• horror movie marathons for sure! you two watched the whole scream franchise in one sitting! unfortunately, percy isn't as adamant about horror as you are, so half of the time he's making excuses to hold you to distract himself from the jumpscares.
"are you scared? here, let me hold you." percy says, pulling you into his chest while his eyes are still glued onto the screen. "i'm not scared, perce. you seem to be though." you laugh, tossing a handful of popcorn into your mouth. "shh, it's okay," he replies, and runs his hand over your hair, except his hand is still shaking from the previous scene. LMFAOO
at the end of the movie, he has the audacity to be all like, "ugh, yeah it wasn't even scary." as if he wasn't clinging onto you moments before.
• all in all, you two are a perfect match!
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i honestly love this dynamic sm :(( i hope i did it justice.
also i am on an absolute ROLL whipping out these percy fics, holy.
okok see u next time!
xx val.
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hibiscusol · 3 months
IVY - rafe cameron .⋆·˚ ༘ *
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navigation ! masterlist
warnings: language and mentions of alcohol
summary: rafe came back after swearing he never would.
author's note: we are sooo back guys :]
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The moment Rafe’s hand snaked up your waist after three years of no contact, your mind went full-blank.
You never thought that Rafe, of all people - who are you kidding, you always did - would come back one day after swearing on his dad that he never would.
It’s not like he ever really liked his dad anyway.
So as you turned around in shock to connect your drunk glossy eyes to his, it felt wrong. So wrong. Sarah had told you he’d found someone new. That he’d found a pretty blonde who looked better next to him. She’d never say it to your face, but the pictures you’d see on his account screamed it at you.
It took you a second to remember that he probably mistook you for her, and you take a step back, shaking your head quickly.
“Wait, Y/N,” He whispers, and even in the bustling crowd, it reaches you just fine. You wait and turn, feeling dizzy. “Excuse me?” You say, too stunned to make up any other words. You want to shove him away and scream at him, yet his fucking beautiful blue eyes hold you in place. 
“Can we talk? By my bike?” He says, inching a little closer so that his voice would reach you. His body towers over yours and the blue and purple lights dim a little.
“No?!” You say defensively, making it sound more like a question. “Who even are you?” You say jokingly, your freshly manicured hand landing on his shoulder and pushing him slightly away. He doesn’t resist. He takes a step back and puts his hands up in understanding. “Y/N. Please. I need to tell you some things I needed to tell you all those years ago.” 
You feel your eyes sting, and a tear rolls away. You instantly turn away from him to the backyard, looking at all the half-naked people in the pool, even though your eyes are getting blurry.
He doesn’t say anything. He knows you. He waits for you to turn around.
“Your drinking problem never went away, did it?” You finally manage, barely saying it without crying. Your voice breaks, but he doesn’t notice it with the loud sound of bass-boosted Travis Scott playing in the background.
“No, Y/N, I know I’m drunk. Which is probably why I’m not rethinking this. Just 5 minutes. Please.” He says, frowning. He sounds like he’s going to cry too.
“Isn’t she here?” You spit out, rolling your eyes. Your heart has never beaten so fast before. You believe him. It must’ve been a big deal if it’s still breaking him after three years. “I tried to make me and her work. She’s not you.” He says and your heart stops.
It fucking stops.
“Rafe, stop it. You’re being mean,” You say, raising your voice. You don’t want to believe him. You don’t want to believe all the tears you shed were for nothing. You don’t want to believe when Sarah told you herself that his brother sucked, you felt like the only person who understood yourself. You hated him, yet you loved him too. And you didn’t want to believe he was sorry. You wanted to get the closure and move on. But every day, you found yourself refusing to take the picture of you and him off your bedstand. Just in case this happened.
“Mean? Y/N, what are you saying? I…” He says and you interrupt. “No, Rafe, I’m not fucking falling for this again.” You say and shake your head. Your hands are feeling so empty. You want to grab his flesh, hug him, and tell him you forgive him. For ignoring your calls when things would be rough at home all those years ago. For getting wasted and coming home, yelling at you because his dad had cut his only source of income for his rich shit. You wanna tell him it’s okay, that he was 17 and you know he didn’t know life isn’t just about that. But you can’t. Because what if he doesn’t think that like you do? What if that girl is waiting for him to come back with her drink?
“For what? Baby, I…” His voice breaks again when he calls you baby, and your body stiffens. He sounds broken and you can’t help but put your hand on his shoulder. “Don’t call me that,” You say, making it sound like advice and not a threat. “You should leave, you’re not feeling okay. You’re out of your…” You say and he shakes his head. “No, Y/N, I’m not okay because you won’t let me talk to you. I didn’t want to ruin your night, I just… I have to tell you how I feel. I’ve bottled it up for too long.”
A tear rolls down your face, and he notices it. “Don’t cry, I’m… I’m sorry.” There you go. He’s said it. He’s sorry.
The magic word. It goes through your brain and every single cell, making you shiver. You nod involuntarily, wiping your tears away with the palm of your hand. “You’re crying too.” You say, looking down at the space between the two of you. He’s wearing the shoes you bought him for his 17th birthday.
“I am.” He says and sniffs, looking away. He chuckles to lighten the mood and lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry for everything. I was a kid and I didn’t realize what I was doing wrong. I know better now.” He says and nods repeatedly. 
“And I’m not with her. I… we didn’t even like each other like that. She once asked me if I was gay because of how uninterested I was.” He says and you laugh. The fact that something not even funny could sound funny coming out of his mouth makes you blush. He smiles from ear to ear when he hears your laugh. “I missed that laugh.” He whispers.
“So… do you forgive me?” He says and your smile disappears. “Wait, Y/N, don’t be like that. I’ve changed. I’ll change more. I’ll change however you want if it means I’ll have you again…”
“Okay, Rafe, I understand.” You say and nod. “I just… why three years? Where were you?” You say and rub your forehead.
He takes a deep breath and puts his drink down. He hesitates to cup your face, but then you give him the nod of permission, and he does. “Because I wasn’t in a good enough place to be with you. I wanted you to be with someone you truly deserved, even if it wasn’t me.”
The next few seconds happen before you can digest his words. His lips part and gently crash onto yours, making your breath get stuck in your throat. His head leans forward and his thumb caresses your jawline as you melt into him. You smile through the kiss and your arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer. 
He pulls away abruptly and you frown. “Wha…” You try to protest but he stops you. “As much as I would love to keep on kissing you and more, I’m not here for this tonight. I’m not too drunk to drive so let’s go under that one tree we always hung out under. Come on.” His words make you chuckle as he pulls on your hand through the crowd, leading you to his bike. No matter how intoxicated you both are, you feel safe with him for the first time, because you know he’s not the same person he was all those years ago.
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lovverletters · 1 year
Yandere Stalker
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Note that this is a reupload from my previous blog @hyerinrose
T/W : popular kid! Reader, Obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, delusional thoughts, stalking, implied murder, non consensual of pictures being taken, kidnapping
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
💌Yandere Stalker who were known as an outcast in your school. He was the kid that everyone's avoid like the plague for simply existing. You thought that it was unfair for him to be treated like that! While you were constantly surrounded by people, he has to sit all alone during class.
💌Yandere Stalker who never pays much attention to everyone around him including you until one day you decided to do something nobody did. You helped him as he was being picked on by the bullies. You are his saviour! He is touched by your action and decided to devote himself to you.
💌Yandere Stalker who begun following you around in secrecy, wherever you are he is 100% somewhere not too far. He also takes pictures of you every chance he got, nobody ever question him as he is a member of the photography club. He's obviously just taking snapshot of you bending over the table for the yearbook!
💌Yandere Stalker who depises your popularity amongst the students. Not only are you constantly being swarmed by those disgusting pests, you also have a truck load of admirers! He couldn't count how many people he has taken out for daring to ask you out.
"Don't these insects know that you belong to me! They just never learn don't they?"
💌Yandere Stalker who deluded himself into thinking that you and him are together. That the reason you never openly be affectionate with him is because you don't want him to be the target of your envious admirers! I mean you smile at him, you laugh at his jokes, you helped him with his homework, you even gave him a hug! You're definitely dating him.
(Thats not how it works bro-)
💌Yandere Stalker who became infuriated once he learned of your rumoured partner. How could you cheat on him like this?! After all these thing he'd done for you and you left him for that thing?
💌Yandere Stalker who kidnapped you as you were walking home from school. He had memorised your schedule and path to your house, he hid in one of the alley and tackled you once you walked past it.
💌"Good morning darling! I hope I didn't knock you out too hard didn't I? Oh my.. this is so exciting! I finally have you all to myself! I love love you sooo much"
•┈••✦ 🎀✦••┈•💌•┈••✦ 🎀 ✦••┈•
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sxcret-garden · 6 months
HI ITS 🪐 ANON AGAIN, SO I FINALLY REMEMBERED WHAT I WAS ALSO THINKING ABT THE OTHER DAY so most likely of any of the the ateez members (i don't have a specific one you can choose BAHASHFKCNMXKD) with an s/o who is like pretty quiet in bed like bcs sometimes people take it as a bad thing but IDK i'm not super loud so it just makes me wonder :")
Aaaaaaa i'm finally getting to this as i try to empty out my askbox a bit!! Sorry for the long wait 😭 gonna answer this as an mtl, explanations are under the cut~
I put Jongho first cause I think even if you don't make noise at all he wouldn't mind, so long as you have other means to communicate whether you like what he's doing at the moment or if he should change things up a bit. Will definitely be more talkative in this case and fill the silence with praises and muttered "I love you"s, and always asks if you feel good. The type to hum in response when he does tickle a sound out of you, and if he manages to make you moan as he makes you cum, he will certainly tease you about it with a soft smile afterwards - don't be fooled though, this guy adores every single sound you make, and will figure out over time how to lure those sweet whines out of you
Yunho does like hearing your voice during sex, and even as you're making out and fooling around before getting to business, but I think he actually prefers a partner who's on the quiet side. Little whines and silent moans do so much more to him than if his partner is super loud, and you bet he'd get drunk on hearing your voice like this alone. Whispers all the things he wants to do to you in between kisses, and if all you can respond with is a weak whine against his lips he'll just feel that much more turned on (and this might lowkey make him want to ruin you....)
I think Yeosang is a bit similar to Yunho, in that he prefers a partner who isn't super loud. He does like having you talk to him during sex, because the communication makes him feel comfortable during the whole process, but if you're not one to moan a lot or to cry out when he hits just the right spot that's totally fine with him. Even just the way your breathing speeds up and becomes heavier as you're nearing your high is a sound he'll appreciate and that'll make him eager to keep going. Whisper praises into his ear about how good he's making you feel and the guy is melting under your words alone
I see Mingi as the shy type if he hasn't been with a partner for long enough, so I think he'd absolutely understand if you're not very vocal in bed - whether the reason is because you're shy about it or because it's simply not your style. However, he will encourage you to let out your voice a bit more when he's having sex with you, because he's just really really curious about all the sounds you might make while he's pleasuring you. Very patient and will do his best to ease you into the process, and whenever you let out even the most quiet of moans he'll be right there to tell you how beautiful your voice sounds to him and how much hearing you turns him on
Seonghwa would definitely be surprised if you're barely making a sound, eventually stopping what he's doing to question whether you're enjoying yourself or if you're just doing this for his sake (which he really doesn't want). It definitely feels a little unfamiliar to him at first to have such a quiet partner, but that isn't to say he wouldn't get used to it. Would definitely talk to you more than he would with a more vocal partner, and will naturally slow down a bit to make sure you're liking what he's doing. However, he would certainly also sometimes nudge you to make more sounds, because no matter how understanding he is, there are times where he's just desperate to hear your voice during sex
I put Wooyoung so low because I'm convinced he'd have sooo much fun with a very vocal, loud partner, and because I think he's very vocal as well. He too will be surprised when he learns that you tend to be very quiet in bed, and this will just instantly make him that much softer for you. Doesn't know what to do with himself when he gets to hear your soft whines and deep sighs at the way he's touching you, and will soon find himself addicted to luring those little noises out of you. He just can't stop himself and will go as far as to overstimulate you out of pure curiousity and because it's fascinating to him how you can make him feel so many feelings at once with a simple quiet mewl
Now San is one who needs the verbal communication, even if it's just you two moaning at each other's touches. Gets seriously worried if you don't make a single sound because he's scared you might not like being intimate with him or that he's set you off in some way. However, he will be soso soft for you in an instant once he hears you give him little whines and moans or even if you whisper a curse through gritted teeth - the latter especially is gonna be such a huge turn on for him. I feel like he'd naturally match your energy and sex with him is gonna be a lot softer if you're on the quiet side than if you're very vocal from the start (but that doesn't mean he won't be willing to be rough or more experimental if you ask him to!)
I feel like Hongjoong lives off of dirty talk and getting the most desperate noises out of you, which is why he's last in the list! Not to say I don't see him enjoying himself with a quiet partner, but sometimes this guy just needs someone to talk back at him and his teasing as he's fucking you, someone to whisper the dirtiest things into his ear and to let him hear the sweetest whines when he's going just a bit too slow on purpose, and sometimes also someone to shower him with praises while you're making love at the end of a rough day. Just loves hearing your voice so much and the way you talk to him during sex just turns him on the most out of everything, so he just thinks it's a shame he doesn't get to hear more of it! Though he will be the most understanding ever if you're not comfortable with the idea of being a little louder too
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✨Mouth full✨
Aged up! Billy and Stu x reader fic!
warnings: smut, foul language, knives, getting cut, blood, anal, vaginal sex, squirting, reader uses she/her pronouns, nicknames (ex: princess, sweetheart, pretty girl etc.) being recorded, dubious consent, oral both male and female receiving, choking, hair pulling, blackmail (kinda?) reader is also younger then both men. Oh and spanking
a.n: this took so fucking long, so I hope y’all enjoy
You didn’t mean to get stuck in this predicament. Albeit an enjoyable one, with Mr. Loomis touching you and Mr. macher recording the whole thing on his phone. “This is what happens when pretty little sluts wanna get into someone else’s business, they get their pretty pussy played with until they’re all dumb and drooling, this is what you wanted huh? You wanted to get caught? Answer me princess, or I’ll stop playing with your cute little cunt.” Mr. Loomis growled into your ear.
This had all started when the 25th anniversary of the Woodsboro killings that were put to a stop due to Mr. Loomis and Macher having to kill Neil Prescott, which was the father of Mr. Billy Loomis’ late girlfriend Sidney. Another person killed was Mr. Macher’s girlfriend, a girl named Tatum, who was officer Dewey’s little sister. Billy and Stu (Mr. Loomis and Macher’s first names) were able to live through the brutal murders of Neil Prescott and survive to tell the tale, but you had suspicions. You’ve always had.
When the anniversary was announced to take place a Stu Macher’s old house where it all happened, your friend begged you to go with “Come on! It’ll be fun, I promise! It gives us a reason to go somewhere and meet them! You have to admit, they’re both SOOO hot!” Your friend squealed. You reluctantly agree to go, only because this could give you the opportunity to actually find out if those men were telling the truth from 25 years ago. Once you got there your friend rushed you into the house, where you were greeted by almost everyone from the town, including kids and even the elderly talking amongst themselves and having fun, you just didn’t understand how anyone could feel safe where gruesome murders had happened. You had gotten distracted and your friend was no where to be seen. So you took this as an opportunity to go and investigate the house a little. This led you to go into the house’s garage, where Tatum had been murdered by Mr. Prescott.
You quietly snuck in and shut the heavy door behind you. You turn on the lights and look around. It was clear to you that not much had changed for the past 25 years. The place had been collecting dust and once you looked over to the garage door, you saw what seemed to be where Tatum had been murdered. You knew that she had tried to escape through a doggie door, and was crushed, but my god it felt surreal to be in the same place where she was murdered. It made you feel absolutely sick and uneasy. You walked up to the doggie door cautiously and observed it. You kept reminding yourself ‘a girl lost her life here, and we’re throwing a party, she was murdered, so many people were murdered here and we are throwing a party.’ You finally got the the doggie door and bent down towards it, lightly touching against its frame. It made you feel even sicker and you felt like you were gonna cry. Once you finally stood up to walk away you heard his voice.
“Checking out the garage? You know, we have food in the kitchen.” You jerk your head around to look Billy Loomis smirking at you, one of his eyebrows now quirked up at you questionally. You felt uncomfortable, obviously. “Or are you just snooping around?” He teased leaning against the door frame, holding a beer bottle. You felt your face heat up and you look away.
“I’m sorry sir, I was just curious. I know what happened here in this garage and just wanted to see, wasn’t trying to be disrespectful.” You blabber out a bit. You heard him chuckle, which made your stomach flutter for whatever gross reason. You didn’t want to get flustered around this man, there was something wrong with him, and you knew it. As you were in your head for a moment he had already walked up to you, now infront of your face, almost blocking you from the door.
“Sir? There’s no need for that dear, you can just call me Billy.” He said with a sly smile. He held out his hand, which you took after looking at him with slight scrutiny. You shook his big hand, and he quietly laughed under his breath. “Anyways,” you stammer out, feeling like the atmosphere just got super heavy all of a sudden. “I should head back inside.” You say with a slight nod to the door, backing away from him and moving past him. He let you as you walked to the door. You felt his eyes stare at your back as you left. You felt uncomfortable during that whole interaction, yet you also felt excited, and kind of… turned on? No, nope, you’re just imagining things. You try to reason with yourself as you walk away from the door. You look upstairs to see the Party host himself, Stu Macher, coming down. You watched him look at his phone then around the room then at you. You’re eyes locked and he grinned. He made a beeline straight towards you.
“Nice to meet ya! Welcome to the party!” He says with open arms, in a welcoming way. His grin was big, and he had a handsome face too, even if we was 42, he and Billy aged well.
“I thought this was an anniversary sir?” You questioned him. He dropped his arms and chuckled and scratched his chin, and you felt someone staring at you again. But before you could turn to look behind you Mr. Macher started to talk.
“Yeah, but I think the word party is easier and more light hearted than ‘ Anniversary of the day a guy murdered a bunch of kids and died. ‘ you know?” He made a good point, making you feel kind of like an idiot. He laughed at your embarrassment, but not in a mean way. “ aw come on, lighten up. You look like Billy, he’s always got his panties in a bunch.” He jokes.
“I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk about underwear in front of such a young girl Stu.” Mr. Loomis said, now behind the you. You felt your stomach drop as Mr. Macher nods a bit. “That’s true, my apologies. Billy always has this looked like someone pissed in his cereal. Is that better?” Mr. Macher laughs again and you turn to see Mr. Loomis roll his eyes and then look at you with a grin which made you jerk your head away in embarrassment. You were kind of sandwiched between these two men and you could feel people staring a little bit. “Um, Mr. Macher-“
“You can call me Stu, princess.” You felt your legs shut a little at that nickname. You gulped down your unease and your slight arousment as you look back up at Mr. Macher’s face. “Stu,” you say cautiously. “Uh, can you tell me where the bathroom may be?” You asked. You felt a slight movement behind you and Mr. Macher look behind you. “Yeah princess, it’s upstairs to your right, second door.” He answers. You rush upstairs to get away from all the noise and go into the bathroom and lock the door. You look yourself in the mirror, you felt gross for getting all worked up by two men who you were sure had more to do with the murders. But here you were, your core slightly throbbing and your face all heated up and feeling stupid.
After a few minutes of calming yourself down you quietly leave the bathroom and start to head down the hallway until you hear Mr. Loomis’ voice in one of the rooms. You quietly tip toe to the cracked open door and listen while having your back against the wall next to it.
“You gotta admit, that girl was cute, she got all embarrassed when you called her princess. Fuck, the way your legs clamped together was adorable.” You heard him growl. He was talking to Mr. Macher in there, you knew it.
“Yeah she is pretty cute, you ever get her name?” Mr. Macher asks, and you pull out your phone to start recording this conversation. “No, but I’ll found out, she used to go to our old high school, you know? And Just before she came up here she was snooping in the garage, said she was curious about Tatum’s death in there.” Mr. Loomis said while walking around the room. You could hear his footsteps get closer to the door, which made you tense up.
“Tatum, huh? You think she’s gotta hunch about us? She wasn’t even alive when killed those assholes.” Mr. Macher said, making you drop your phone almost. Part of you felt like this wasn’t real and this was a trap and the other part felt slightly prideful. Because you were right.
“Shut the fuck up. Someone could fucking hear us for gods sake. I don’t need you blabbering that stupid fucking mouth of yours with the door open. Anyone could be listening. “ Mr. Loomis was now walking towards the door and was about to shut it, but froze when your phone went off with a fucking notification. Your blood froze as you felt both of the men in the room go silent.
You looked over as Mr. Loomis pummeled himself through the doorway and frantically look around and finally make eye contact with you. You were still holding your recording phone like a dear in headlights. His mouth was slightly open and he now was leaning against the doorway with a slight scoff. You stop recording and shove your phone in your pocket and smile sheepishly. “Hi?” You say awkwardly with a shake in your voice.
“Hi.” He answers darkly. He grabs you swiftly and before you can even process it your shoved into the room both murderers were in as you were shoved against the wall by Mr. Loomis. “Wanna explain what you were doing?” His grip tightening against your arms, making you squirm and whimper slightly. Mr. Macher now over Mr. Loomis’ shoulder staring at you as he locks the door with a sick smile. “I know what you did!” You blabber out, trying to kick against Mr. Loomis and wiggle away. “ you guys murdered all of them, you guys are monsters, you’re fucking psycho-“ you were cut off by by Mr. Loomis slapping one of his hands against your mouth.
“You’re gonna shut that pretty fucking mouth of yours or I’m gonna have to cut out that cute little tongue, you hear me?” He asks, his face now in yours, and you could feel his breath against your cheeks and neck. Mr. Macher was grabbing something off of a chair in the room but you couldn’t see what it was. You look back at Mr. Loomis and bite his hand, hard. “Ow, you fucking little bitch.” He curses, and your try to escape his grip but he grabs you by your hair and throws you to the ground making you yelp out of pain and surprise and was now looking over you. His hand was now bleeding and you smirk and fill up with a bit of pride. He kneels down and grabs your chin roughly and makes you stare at him. “Listen here you nosey little bitch, you wanna run your damn mouth and be a fucking ditz like Sydney was, I’ll fucking kill you like I did her.” He threatens. Tears are now spilling from your eyes as you feel Stu sit down next to you on the floor and look at Mr. Loomis.
“Or, we can shut her up a different way Billy. She’s gotta cute mouth.” You felt your blood freeze one more as you look up at him through hazy and watered eyes.
“What?” You asked dumbly. Once you blink away the tears, you see Mr. Macher with a phone. His phone. Mr. Loomis chuckles and grabs against your thighs, making you squeal. “Good idea Stu. I think we could shut her up a different way.” He grins as he subconsciously licks his lips.
“Hold still pretty girl or else.” You winced at the cold metal now placed against your neck and you heard the small beep of the recording button go off. Mr. Loomis was now eyeing your leggings and started to pull them off of your body.
“What the hell are you doing-“ you squeaked out before Mr. Macher moved the knife slightly, more to scare you.
“Shhh princess, don’t wanna have to cut this pretty little throat, then we won’t be able to fuck it. And that would be a shame.” He says with a smile in his voice. You felt gross when your body reacted to the nickname as he now straddled you from behind and Mr. loomis ripped off your leggings. “Well, well, well.. looks like someone wanted this.” Mr. Macher teased, his phone leaning in slightly to zoom at your clothed cunt.
“You’re so fucking pretty down there.” Mr. Loomis growled. He grabbed the fat of your thigh harshly, enough to leave bruises and flipped you onto your stomach, causing the wind to be knocked out of you. He grabbed your hip and lifted your ass up. “Stay.” He commanded. You obliged with a slight whimper that didn’t go unnoticed by Mr. Macher who still had the phone recording.
“Aw, what’s wrong princess? Scared?” Mr. Macher teases grabbing your chin with his free hand after tossing the knife to the floor and making you stare into the camera as Mr. loomis starts to unbuckle his pants. “Now don’t make too much noise, we still have a party going on downstairs, unless you want people to hear how much of a slut you are. Be a good girl.” Mr. Macher coos as he slips his thumb into your mouth making you suck on it. “Good fucking girl.” He praises with a groan. You heard the noise of a belt buckle jingling and then felt a harsh slap against your ass. This causes you to jolt up more into Mr. Macher’s lap as you whimper trying not to yelp out. Then you felt a hand caressing against your ass, and then another slap from the belt.
“Naughty fucking bitch.” Mr. Loomis growls as he strikes your ass again with his belt. It made a loud noise as you whimpered and held onto Mr. Macher’s shirt to ease the pain. Mr macher finally popped out his thumb out of your mouth and brushed against your hair to comfort you as Mr. Loomis struck you again. Harder. “Fucking naughty slut, you fucking need a punishment. This is what you fucking deserve.” You cry out when he grabs you off of Mr. Macher and takes both of your arms to tie them behind your back with his belt. You could feel his painfully hard erection against your chest too, which makes you moan slightly. Mr. Loomis grabs your face to make you look into the camera as Mr. Macher unzips his pants and you could see a tent in his boxers. You could feel yourself getting wetter at the second. God, what is wrong with you? You’re letting yourself get toyed by monstrous killers, and you fucking loving it. Mr. Macher stands up and walks over to you, pulling down his boxers. His cock slapped against your cheek, making you gasped out as both men laugh at your reaction.
“What’s wrong Princess, never had a dick in your mouth?” Mr. Macher teases, “I can change that.” He takes his tip and presses against your lips. “Suck.” He demands. Before you could you felt the cold piece of metal against your skin once more . You look down to see Mr. Loomis lightly grazing you with the knife Mr. Macher had earlier. Your eyes widen in fear and before you can say anything, Mr. Macher slaps you, getting your attention back to him with a gasp. “I gave you a command, do it or Imma let Billy fucking cut you up like the piece of meat that you are.” He growls with a smirk. You cry out in protest at the feeling of Mr. Loomis letting the knife cut against your thigh, letting Mr. Macher finally enter inside your mouth with a satisfied groan once the tip finally popped in. He jerked his hips making him go deeper inside your mouth, making you gag when he hits the back of your throat. And since he wasn’t small, the guy was huge.“Fuck, good fucking girl, take my fucking cock in that virgin mouth of yours. Good fucking girl, take it, take it all.” He laughs out with a deep moan, which makes your pussy clench around nothing. You felt the knife against your shirt and it being cut off your body as Mr. Loomis does the same to your bra. You were now completely exposed to these two men. Mr. macher kept face fucking you as Mr. Loomis moved his other hand to play with your pussy, you could feel him rub against your clit, which made you jump up slightly at this new feeling. This earned you another cut to your already bleeding thigh.
“Stay still or I’m gonna fucking gut you.” He warns, knife against your stomach. You kept as quiet as you could when he slipped a finger into you. This made you moan against Mr. Macher. “Fuck, you’re so fucking wet you little bitch. Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna fucking devour you until your doing nothing but screaming my fucking name, and I’m gonna make them all hear you.” He growls out as he adds another one of his thick fingers, moving them in and out vigorously as he curved them just at the right time. You were now moaning around Mr. Macher’s cock like a fucking slut.
“Good fucking girl, ah fuck yes, yes, yes!” Mr. Macher kept hitting the back of your throat, but then pulls out quickly and starts to jerk himself off, “open your fucking mouth.” He says, and you do as you’re told and open your mouth. He keeps jerking his cock until a strained groan comes from him and he cums onto your tongue. “Good girl, swallow.” He commands, breathless. You do, and it was salty and a bit unpleasant, but you couldn’t say no to him. Mr. loomis keeps pumping his fingers into you as Mr. Macher keeps recording, catching his breath.
“This is what happens when pretty little sluts wanna get into someone else’s business, they get their pretty pussy played with until they’re all dumb and drooling, this is what you wanted huh? You wanted to get caught? Answer me princess, or I’ll stop playing with your cute little cunt.” Mr. Loomis growled into your ear.
“Yes sir..” you moan out, which earns you a groan from him and harsher thrusts of his fingers. You felt a pool of heat build up inside you causing you to moan out more, “oh fuck, oh fuck, please, please!” You beg out, repeating yourself like if it was a bible verse as he keeps going, hitting your G-spot until you finally break. You squirted all over his hands and the wooden floor, crying out, breathless. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck oh god..” you pant out.
“Good girl, good fucking girl. Look at the mess you fucking made all over my hands and floor. I’m gonna make you clean it up like the little slut you are. Yeah, yeah you like that? You want that? I bet you do.” Mr.Loomis whispered in your ear. Making you whimper at his words and you winced when he grabbed you by your hair and forced your face to the floor where your squirt was. “Lick it up bitch.” He growled, knife up to your throat now. You did as you were told and licked up your mess as he groaned at the sight, while Mr. Macher watched with a delighted grin on his face, getting the camera closer to your face as you finished up licking your squirt. “Good girl, now my fingers.” He commanded. He grabbed your hair again and yanked it, pulling your head back and making you cry out. This gave him an opportunity to put his soaked fingers into your mouth. “Suck.” He demanded. You obliged and did what he asked, sucking and rolling your tongue against his long digits.
Once he pulled them out of your mouth, a string of saliva still connecting between it and his fingers, he grabbed your face. “Unzip my pants, and take my cock out. Give me a real reason not to cut that throat of yours.” You nodded and with shaky hands unzipped them and pulled down his trousers to reveal his very hard erection that now slapped against his stomach. He was a good 8.5 inches (28.5 cm) long. You stated in shock for a few seconds but then snapped out of it and your mouth opened up for him, he grabbed the back of your neck and forced your mouth down, not wasting time with your feeble attempt to get used to him. Mr. Macher groaned at the sight of your eyes watering as Mr.Loomis held you there for a moment. He was lost in his own pleasure as you tried to pull away and get air. He didn’t stop until you were practically trying to pull away, and he thought it was hilarious seeing you struggle to breath. Once he finally let you, you could only get a small gasp in before he grabbed your hair harshly and pistoned his cock into your mouth, thrusting in and out like if you were a pocket pussy. He used your throat as a fuck toy, his thick veiny cock going in and out of your throat with such ease make you so fucking turn on that you moaned against him as he kept at his brutal pace. At one point he had let go of your hair without you realizing as he still fucked into that pretty throat of yours and slapped you with his free hand. “Yeah that right you slut, oh fuck yeah, take my fucking cock down that little and tight throat of yours. Fucking gag on it, yeah good fucking girl, good girl fuck. Keep going.” He praised as he reached over slightly and slapped your ass, making you moan louder and kept going. His breathing started to quiver and become shaky and his brutal paced slowed, he grabbed you by your hair again and shoved your face all the way down to his stomach. He came into your throat with a satisfied and sultry moan that makes your thighs shut and rub. Mr. Macher finally walked over, phone still in hand and pulled you off of Billy. You were coughing and trying to catch your breath. He still had his pants down and forced your face down to the floor and positioned the phone to face all of you while he grabbed your hips and lined himself up with you.
“Wait, wait, wait!-“ you yelled trying to push away with your hand weakly but he grabbed it. “I’ve never had sex before, I’m a virgin!” You cried out. There was a small silence before Mr. Macher chuckled darkly, and you knew that they didn’t care, you don’t even understand why you thought they would stop. You know you wanted this, needed this actually.
“Well that’ll change soon pretty girl. Open for me, will you? I wouldn’t want to make this more difficult for the both us yeah?” He cooed as he caressed your arched back and you did what you were told, with shaky legs you opened them up for him to enter. Mr. Loomis watched with his cock in hand and his as he licked his teeth.
“I can’t wait to see that pretty face of yours once you get filled with cock princess, you’re gonna look so fucking sexy when he stretches you out.” He smiled.
You tried to reach for something to hold but it was too late, you felt Mr. Macher start to stretch out your little hole with only his tip. You paused for a moment as you panicked and looked back before he slammed himself inside you. Your backed arched at the intrusion and the sharp thrust of his hips against your ass. Which dug against it as you silently screamed. You was too big, oh fuck he was too much. Both men were chuckling at your panicked and pained face as tears welled up in your eyes.
“Aw what’s wrong baby, can’t handle my cock in you? Your slutty little cunt is weeping around it, so I’d say you fucking love it,” he says with a quick thrust which makes you squeal out in pain from the swiftness and his blunt tip hitting your cervix, bound to break your hymen if you haven’t already. You threw you head back rapidly at his movements, and Mr. Loomis grabbed your hands and guided you to find some comfort on his chest before Mr. Macher started pounding into your pretty little cunt. You tried your best to brace yourself as Mr. Loomis petted your hair and you said a small prayer under your breath before Mr. Macher snapped his hips in and out of you repeatedly. The wild thrusting of his hips inside your tight little cunt sent waves of pain as you dug into Mr. Loomis’s shoulders for comfort, trying to keep yourself from screaming. He groaned with a smile at the pain you were giving him and licked his teeth.
“Your doing great baby, yeah look at that fucking slutty face of yours. You’re fucking crying and dripping all over the floor like the little whore you are. Fuck yeah, fucking take it like the little bitch in heat that you are.” He slapped your ass harshly making you yell out, but he covered your mouth. “Ah, ah pretty girl. Can’t let anyone hear you. Your ours now, only we get to see these parts of you, taste you, touch you, fuck you however we please.” He growled. Mr. Macher still thrusting into you anomalistically and you started to feel amazing once he started to hit your g spot. You started to see stars meanwhile Mr. Loomis started to inch downwards to pinch and play with your nipples, sucking and licking your left tit. You whimper out happily as your eyes started to roll back at the feeling of it all.
“Please, please sir, please. Fuck me, fuck me harder. Fuck, yes, yes, yes. Oh god yes.” You whimper out, with an angelic little tone to your voice. Both of them groan and you feel Mr. Macher pick you up off of Mr. Loomis and grabbed both of your legs with his arms and lifted them up and fucked up into you. Your cries and whines of pleasure filling the room as your nipples started to feel cold without Mr. Loomis’s tongue licking them.
“Yeah you like when I put you in a full Nelson? You fucking like having your pussy filled like this, huh bunny? You fucking love being toyed with. Look at that fucking face. You fucking enjoy this. Fucking come for me baby.” Mr. Macher demanded. You felt yourself about to come undine soon and all you could do was whimper out their names . “B-Billy, Stu…!” You cried out as one final thrust sent you into an oblivion of bliss and pleasure as your squirted all over Mr. Macher, yourself, and the floor again. White hot pleasure sunk inside you and twisted your stomach, making your pussy flutter around Mr. Macher’s fat cock.
“Good fucking girl! Good girl. Oh fuck yes. Yes good fucking girl.” Mr. Macher praises, still thrusting into your battered pussy. The overwhelming sensation of him still thrusting into you before you could come down from your high made you squeal out from the overstimulation. Mr. Loomis shot a glance towards Macher and stood up , grabbing your chin to make you look up at him.
“Oh we aren’t done yet honey, I haven’t got my fill of you yet. “ he said with a dark smile, causing you to whimper. Mr. Macher pulled out of you and laid you in the floor. Mr. Loomis got into position and grabbed you up and held up only one of your legs and you thought he was gonna fuck your pussy. You were sorely mistaken as you felt his tip press against your asshole.
“Wait, wait, wait! N-not there Mr. Loomis!” You cried out, which earned you a slap on your ass. You whimper out and squeeze your eyes shut due to the pain.
“I know which hole I want. Now shut the fuck up and take it like a good fucking whore.” He said as he slowly pressed inside of you. It made your face crumple up with pain as you looked Mr. Macher in his eyes, begging for a piece of comfort , which he gave you by holding you other leg and positioning himself up with your pussy again. You cried out at him pushing himself inside of you once more as Mr. Loomis thrusted himself inside of your asshole with ease. The feeling was painful and pleasurable at the same time. It kind of felt like both of them were rubbing against each other but you knew that wasn’t true, due to the wall inside of you that was dividing the two thick cocks pumping into both of your tight holes. It felt like your guts were being rearranged by their animalistic thrusts, into your hot and bothered body, with no remorse or guilt. Not a single thought about the pain you were enduring while they were both busy chasing their highs, using you like a fuck toy. You were only there for those mens pleasure, and you knew it. You clawed at Macher’s back and squealed when Mr. Loomis squeezed your ass for support as he kept thrusting into your tight, puckered hole. You felt like you were about to break your hip with how fast and rough they were being with you.
“Yeah that’s fucking right baby, you’re taking us so good. Yeah you like being fucked in these pretty little holes. Yeah fucking take it, take it like the little slut that was made just for us. No one else is gonna fucking have you but us. Just us, these tits,” Mr. Macher grabbed your left breast harshly, “ these are ours, your pussy, that tight little cunt that’s squeezing my cock so well, that’s ours too. And your ass, oh it’s only ours baby. Only our cum is gonna be in you, only our spit, only our tongues. Only us, got it bitch?” He grabbed your face with a smile, making up stare into the camera. You nodded weakly. “Good girl.” He praised, as Mr. Loomis thrusted harder into your ass. You screamed out for a second before Mr. Loomis slapped his hand over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up before you get us caught. No one needs to hear your pretty screams but us. Got that?” You make a noise of compliance as they kept thrusting into you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck yes please.” You moan out, you look at Macher and connect your lips onto his, kissing and sucking at his tongue. He was surprised by this but didn’t deny it. He pushed his tongue down your throat and fucked into you, your sweaty and hot body pressed against his as you kissed his hot and swollen lips. You sucked at his tongue as Mr. Loomis latches his teeth into your shoulder and sucks at your skin, earning a groan from your pretty little lips.
“You gonna come baby?” Mr. Loomis teases. You pull away from Macher’s lips, a string of saliva connecting before it falls onto both or your chests.
“Uh huh, yes sir. Fuck, please let me come, fuck please let me come. Yes please, please, please.” You whine out before Mr, Macher grabs your throat and makes you kiss him again, this time with much more force and hunger in his part.
“What do you say, Billy? She’s been so good for us. And she’s taking you so well, should we let our little whore come again?” He questions with a taunt after he breaks away from the kiss. Mr. Loomis didn’t answer verbally but gave a quick nod as he kept thrusting into you. Mr. Macher chuckles quietly and sets the phone against a dresser near you all, propping it up against it to look at all of you, still recording. He brings his attention back you you and smiles sweetly. He kisses your forehead tenderly then thrusts into you like an animal once more. You were caught off guard by it and felt like you couldn’t breathe for a second while the wind was knocked out of you with his thrusts. Mr. Loomis grabbed your hips harshly and bucked into your body wildly, almost toppling you and Mr. Macher over as he chased his own high. Mr. Macher laughs at Loomis.
“Ah fuck!” You scream out. You didn’t care if anyone heard you at this point, you needed to come so badly. So so so badly.
“Calm yourself Billy, she ain’t going anywhere.” Mr. Macher joked. Mr. Loomis didn’t find it funny and he bit your neck as he kept thrusting into like Mr. Macher. You were so close, it felt like you couldn’t breathe. “Gonna come soon, how about you, Billy?” Mr. Macher asks. All you could hear was a grunt from Loomis. You felt so close, so close, so so so close. Then snap. It hit you like a truck once you felt the white hot pleasure boil in you, it felt like a flash bomb went off in your body.
Grabbing onto Mr. Macher for dear life, you screamed out silently. Tears started to spill from your eyes as you felt yourself shake uncontrollably from the intense orgasm that had just happened. Mr. loomis kissing the back of your neck, pulled out of you, painfully slow so that you could feel all of this thick veins pulse inside one last time. Once he finally pulled out, you felt empty without him. Huffing and smiling, Mr. Macher picked you up and pulled out of you too, leaving you on the floor, heaving and breathing erratically. Your body flinched when Mr. Loomis lightly grazed your soft skin with his rough and calloused hand.
“You did so well, pretty girl. I might have to reward you.” Mr. Loomis said coldly. His tone made you shiver, even if your body was super hot. Mr. Macher picked up the camera and pointed at your fucked body. “Smile sweetheart, you look beautiful right now.” He laughed out. You put on a weak smile and laid your head back against the cold floor. Mr. Macher walked up to you and picked you up and put you on the bed in the bedroom. You were a bit annoyed they didn’t just fuck you on the soft, comfortable and warm place of this room. Nope, the floor was better apparently. Mr. Macher noticed your face switch from fucked out to slightly annoyed. “Sorry, we didn’t think of that earlier.” He sheepishly admitted, Mr. Loomis scoffing in the background. “Let’s get you dressed and back to your friend before she notices you are gone.” He smiled, kissing your bruised neck. You nodded weakly to this idea and stood up only shaky legs. Both men, surprisingly, helped you get dressed. finding you a different shirt, because they cut your previous one, and you had to your with no bra either. Mr. Macher, being the pervert he is, took your pretty little panties for himself. “I’ll get you a new pair, next time you come and see me sweetheart.” You looked at him with confusion.
“I don’t even have any of your numbers?” You stated. Mr. Macher put you back on the bed and grabbed your phone, and gave it to you. “Here, open it.” You do so with shaky hands and let him put both mens name in the phone and handed back to you.
Once you finally are able to semi walk, you, Mr. Macher and Loomis all left the bedroom to all go downstairs. People were staring and you felt like you were gonna explode from embarrassment. Luckily for you, Mr. Macher knew how to make the attention get off of you. “Thank you all so much for coming tonight, I’m glad y’all had fun! But that isn’t it, we got fireworks in the backyard! We’ll be starting them as soon as everyone is outside!” He stated loudly enough for everyone to hear. Mr. Loomis leading you to your friend. Before you can get to her and explain, he pulled you back slightly with a grip on your waist and whispered in your ear “ you tell no one about this, or I’ll show up to your house and kill you right then and there, okay?” You gulped and nodded. “Good girl, now go play with your friends, me and Stu will keep in touch..” he chuckles. You shakily walk up to your friend, who had been looking for you.
“Where the hell have you been? I was so worried for you. It’s not like you to just up and leave. Oh my god you missed it but I’m pretty sure Mr. Macher and Loomis fucked some random chick in this place! Isn’t that fucking crazy?” She said, you chucked nervously and smiled. “Haha, yep totally nuts!” You said, looking back behind you, Mr. Loomis now nowhere to be seen. You look back at your friend. “ Do you mind taking me home? I’m really tired.” You asked. Your friend complained about wanting to see the fireworks, but upon seeing your face, could tell how tired you really were. They also noticed your change of clothing too. It wasn’t hard for them to connect the dots, but kept quiet on the matter. Once you finally had been dropped off at your house. You fell into your bed and passed out for a few hours.
You were awoken to someone standing infront of you, wearing all back, holding something in their hands. You were still waking up so your eyes were blurry but you shot up and almost screamed until they covered your mouth. Your initial response was to kick them until you saw the mask they were wearing. It was white, and ghost like, it looked Distraught. You knew who it was. He laughed and took off the mask. Mr. Macher revealing his face and looking over to your doorway.
“She’s awake now Billy, come on.” Mr. Loomis walked in, wearing the same costume, holding a knife. You gulped and look back at Mr. Macher frantically. He laughed and grabbed your face. “Oh honey we aren’t done yet with you. We were just letting you rest.” He chuckled out. Mr. Loomis now joining both of you on the bed, take his mask off as well and hovering over you. “ we decided to be a little festive this time though. “ he laughed out.
You whimpered and prayed to whatever god would listen and prepared yourself not to be able to walk the next day.
~The end~ For now!
A. N : I’m sorry for any spelling errors, so I fixed some and added a bit more to make sense of some stuff. I hope y’all enjoyed this, and if you wanna recommend any ideas please do!
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