#was staring at it for 5 minutes ngl
sebfreak · 5 months
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Prince Soma Asman Kadar
117 notes · View notes
Title: Burn Clean Fandom: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Rating: M Status: One-Shot Main Characters: Queen Galfrey, Knight-Commander Lilith de Marc Ships: One-Sided Galfrey/Lilith Additional Notes: Angst, Manipulation, Devil Mythic Path & Galfrey Corruption, Character Death, Canon-Typical Themes Word Count: 5.2k Summary:
How could you go so far? How could you let this happen? How could you- our queen, our icon, our picture of golden perfection- sell your soul?
read below or here on ao3
How could you?
That is the question you’re left with, when all is said and done. It is the cry you hear from those few paladins who linger in Mendev, as they wail and clutch their useless holy symbols to their chests. It is the accusation Irahai flings at you, when you meet again in Nerosyan and all the lies she’s used to comfort herself can no longer be believed. It is the last wordless plea you see in Laya’s eyes, the one that plays in your mind over and over again, however much you try to forget.
How could you go so far?
How could you let this happen?
How could you- our queen, our icon, our picture of golden perfection- sell your soul?
You hate the question. You’ve always hated how these people think they can know you, how they have granted themselves the right to judge. As if they have answers. As if carrying the weight of the world is something easily done. As if a soul is something pure and whole that can be handed away yet never damaged.
The truth is this: yes, you did sell your soul. But that was hardly the moment your soul was lost to you.
No, that happened long before the contract, long before pen met paper. And it did not happen all at once, in some swooping, dramatic moment worthy of being put to the stage.
No. It happened slowly.
Piece by broken piece.
You feel the beginnings of loss after the Battle of Iz. The expedition was a success…but the success was not yours. It was the Knight-Commander who emerged victorious, after coming to your rescue and besting Deskari and once more securing the Sword of Valor. It was her name the people chanted upon the army’s return.
It is her voice that cuts through your thoughts as you stand on the citadel balcony, looking out over the city.
“You’ve been out here a while,” she says, with a faint note of disapproval- but then, she always sounds like that, unwavering and cold and revealing just enough emotion to let you know she considers you beneath her. It’s one of the many, many traits of Lilith de Marc which has always caused you grief.
Lilith’s eyes are still on you; you can feel her gaze, piercing as ever, even after the transformation of her mythic powers. Perhaps some trace of the Aeon still remains, buried beneath her devilry and hellfire.
“It has been a long few days,” you say, and you wish your own voice were not as weary as it is. “I am reflecting.”
“You’re brooding.”
You close your eyes. Take a deep breath. She is right, you know this. For all your flaws, you do know when you have been wrong. You know when you have been unfair. You know that she has every right to harbor a grudge, a right which you simply do not share.
“…I suppose I am. I apologize, I should not be so…despondent. It is not good for morale.” Another deep breath, but you cannot keep the bitterness from slipping through. “I should be lifting people’s spirits, not worsening the gloom. Heaven knows they’ve lost enough faith after the defeats we have suffered.”
“I believe you mean the defeats you have suffered. The people still have plenty of faith in me…or they did, before you exiled me to the Abyss.”
Your eyes snap open and you whirl on her without thinking. But your indignation catches in your throat when you meet her eyes- sharp and judgmental, just as you expected, but also flecked with gold from some inner fire. The gold is mirrored in her veins, visibly shining through her porcelain skin, lit by the telltale aasimar glow. Her burnt-red hair is long and loose, and she wears simple dark robes.
When she spoke to the people of the city, she’d done so in her Devil form; now, she forgoes those mythic trappings to stand before you in her mortal guise. It is the first time she has made such a gesture, and you do not know what to make of it.
Your surprise has smothered your anger, and without it you cannot deny the truth of her words. “That was a mistake. Yet another mistake. I made the wrong decision. I admit it. What more can I do?”
It is a demand made in frustration, yet Lilith takes it as seriously as she does everything else. Her lips press together as she thinks, and you wonder what she sees when she scrutinizes you so. You quickly decide it is better not to know.
Finally, she sighs and approaches to stand at your side; the scent of smoke thickens the air.
“You could be less eager to expose your own faults,” she says coolly. “A ruler should exude strength. You betray your own doubts far too easily.”
“You yourself called me arrogant not one day ago.”
“And I was correct then, too. Arrogance is not the equivalent of confidence, and in attempting to correct yourself you have become insecure in a manner not befitting a leader of anything. The Crusaders have lost faith in you, Your Majesty. Cease your moaning and reclaim it. Remind them that you are their Queen.”
Conflicting reactions whirl inside you, all fighting to be acknowledged: anger, grief, blame, guilt. In the end, you are simply tired, and you know there is no use in hiding it. “Such things are more easily said than done.”
Lilith steps closer, the gold in her veins flashing brightly. “Allow me to aid you, then.”
You cannot help the disbelieving laugh which falls from your lips. “You? Why?”
She does not flinch in the face of your skepticism. “We are not friends, you and I. But we are, unfortunately, allies. If I could win this war alone, I would…but I cannot. Without a strong hand to guide it, this Crusade will fail.” Her voice hardens; her eyes practically glow. “And I do not allow failure.”
She regards you again, her chin tilted high, and you find yourself wishing you could exude such certainty. You did once, you are certain; but lately such a feeling has been impossible to grasp.
That is why all this happened, isn’t it? Your insecurity, your jealousy. You. The icon who slipped from her pedestal and almost lost everything in the panicked scramble that followed.
So when Lilith leans in and whispers, “Let me help you,” you do not deny her.
She tells you her plan: a hunting party, a trapped demon, a victory. A small win, but one which could easily be maneuvered to buoy the sinking morale of the Crusaders. Not a lie, of course, she says when you protest. A persuasion. An opportunity, one which Mendev desperately needs and which you cannot afford to set aside. And then, at the end of it all, a renewal of the Knight-Commander’s declaration of fealty to Mendev and her Queen.
It is a convenient offer. Too convenient, and you are not a fool. You do not trust Lilith. You never have.
But you realize now that you trust yourself even less.
“Very well,” you say, despite the doubt which sits like lead in your stomach. “We shall put this plan into motion.”
And the first piece of your soul cracks away.
The cracks continue to spread. Every time you push away your questions, every time you wrestle with your conscience, every time you tell yourself this deception must be made: another chip, another chink, another tiny piece lost.
And it is a deception, no matter what Lilith says. As you approach the demon’s lair, you do not feel like a Queen or a Paladin on a noble quest; you feel like an actor on a stage.
But it is too late to turn back now.
You feel your new squire’s eyes on you as you ride, so different from Lilith’s probing gaze. Laya Linkers reminds you of yourself, so many decades ago- young and brave and idealistic.
And alone. Her family has all fallen to demons, and she is now the last of the Linkers line. She has been in your service since Iz, where she proved herself a formidable knight and indomitable spirit.
You wish to do right by her. She deserves the kind of queen Lilith speaks of, one who is strong and certain of her path. So you continue to ignore the whispers of doubt playing in your mind, and you charge with sword drawn into the demon’s cave.
You are not prepared for what you find.
The demon has your Crusaders- your people. Their screams echo off the walls, their blood colors the floor. Disbelief screams inside your head- how did this happen, how many, how long, how- but there is no time for that as the demon attacks.
The battle is a flurry, a slaughter, a mistake. It is Iz all over again, down to the moment when your endurance falters, your weapon slips, and you watch the demon’s killing blow descend.
In Iz, there had been some strange solace in the moment. If you’d died then, at least you would have died a martyr, doing something you believed in. To die here, in this desperate farce…
The last thing you feel is shame.
And then: relief. A blast of fire overtakes your vision, aimed not at you but at your attacker. Cheers rise from your soldiers as suddenly Lilith is standing in front of you, the demon lying dead behind her. Reinforcements have arrived to flank the target, and this is just what the two of you had planned, and yet…
Lilith takes your arm and pulls you to her feet, hellfire burning in her eyes. As always, the smell of smoke hangs around her, clouding your head.
“What happened to you?” she demands.
Your stomach sinks. Your chest aches. You cannot answer. Never did you imagine that the plan you two concocted would end in the bodies that surround you now.
“What did you do?” You ask hoarsely, and Lilith’s grip tightens.
“Are you to blame this on me, then?” She hisses. “I did as we agreed. Tell me- does the fault belong to me, or to the one who attacked before the time was right?”
The heat on your arm increases, Lilith’s fingers warming like embers against your skin. In a low voice, she warns, “Do not repeat the mistakes of Midnight Fane, Your Majesty.”
Laya raises her voice in protest, but you hold up your hand to silence her. You are still reeling; the destruction around you makes it difficult to think straight. How did this go so wrong?
You cannot look Lilith in the eyes. You don’t notice when she releases your arm, but you do hear her voice when she calls out to the soldiers.
At this point, you expect nothing more than her final coup; the revelation that this was all some trap of her design, the final move on her chessboard as she wrests control away from you for good. Yet you find yourself unable to move as you wait for her treachery to reveal itself.
“Sacrifices were made today,” she declares loudly. She turns to you, her intentions unreadable. “Yet…we emerged victorious under the leadership of our Queen.”
And then Lilith kneels. She recites the oath, just as planned, and despite all that has happened gratitude and relief threaten to overwhelm you.
Soldiers behind you grumble. One shouts out, indignant, and relief turns to fury because you know they are right. Lilith led them to victory; you have only ever led them to their deaths. But you are still their Queen, and you cannot let what happened here have been for nothing. You turn to face the seditious knights but the shouts do not cease, not until-
Lilith barely raises her voice, but the discontent quiets in an instant.
You are shaking. From anger or fear or humiliation- you cannot tell. Lilith moves to your side but you move away, biting out, “At least they listen to one of us. Linkers, collect the bodies of the fallen. We are leaving.”
Something in your chest breaks, just a little bit more.
Amid the new cracks and fractures, resentment creeps in.
You try not to allow it. Resentment is what got you into this mess, back when you used Lilith’s mission in the Abyss as a convenient excuse to eliminate what you knew to be a threat. You lost your footing upon your own shaky ground and that was nobody’s fault but your own. You have admitted as much time and time and time again.
But it is not Lilith at whom your ire now directs itself. You still do not trust her, but she did as she said she would and played her part. When you ask her about it after, she just gives you that inscrutable look of hers and says, as if it were obvious, “I said I would renew my vow of fealty, did I not?”
You still don’t understand, and she sighs, frustrated. “Say what you want of Devils, but we do keep to our promises.”
So, no- odd as it may seem, it is not Lilith whom you feel betrayed by.
It is your own people.
It started as the dissatisfied grumblings of those who’d witnessed the failure of your mission. They call you callous, as if you could have foreseen the lives that would be lost. They call you a tyrant, as if you had forced Lilith to bend her knee. They call you even worse, you are certain of it, even if the darkest whisperings are kept away from reports and the ears of your generals. You can see the truth of it in the looks of disdain and accusation thrown your way when you walk by the barracks.
Even Laya, that young, brave, idealistic girl…even she doubts you. She stays by your side and speaks in your favor, but she is no good at deceit, and there are times when she falters, when she hesitates to carry out your orders, when she looks away too quickly from your gaze. If these rumors have poisoned even her opinion of you, what hope do you have of swaying others?
“You do not need to sway them,” Lilith says when you confide these thoughts to her. “You need to nip this treason in the bud.”
“And how do you suggest I do that?” you snap back, but of course she has a ready answer.
“Arrest them. What else? So long as you leave them free, they will continue to spread their dissent. We have dungeons in Drezen for this very reason, so use them.”
It does not feel how you expected, to hear her say this. To let her give voice to your harsher impulses. To listen to her simple, straightforward solution and note how she shows not the slightest hint of shame or remorse.
You would think yourself capable of dismay. In reality, you find solace in her venom.
Even so… “They are not truly treasonous. It is only words. And how much more a tyrant would I look if I simply arrested whomever I please?”
“They are Crusaders who have sworn themselves to you. By sowing such discord, they have broken their vows. What is treason, if not that?” She shrugs, the motion sending ripples through her burnt-red hair. “Those who keep their faith are rewarded. Those who do not are punished. Is this not your creed?”
She truly is difficult to argue with, and you find it all too easy to loosen the grip on your exhausting nobility and agree. You still do not trust her…but you want to, and that is just as dangerous.
Once you give the orders, you are left with a gnawing guilt…but also an unanticipated satisfaction. You have attempted restraint, and that has clearly never worked. But you are a queen, and perhaps Lilith has a point.
For all of your very long life, you have always prioritized the duty you owe to Mendev. Perhaps it is time to remind the people of what they owe to you.
If you feel yourself suffer another crack, then at least it is not a painful one.
In the midst of it all, you start spending more time with Lilith. You can’t say why, but it’s suddenly easier with her than with others. She’s still playing her own game, but at least you know that about her- with the others, you can never be sure, and the second-guessing is wearing on your damaged soul.
So you keep your distance from those who would trap you with their questions and their criticisms, and you fall deeper into Lilith’s gravity. The two of you discuss diplomacy, strategy, allies; you watch her make deals with the Chelish dignitaries, and even as you despise her you must admit that there is something hypnotic in the way she treats the world as her own private chess game.
Laya is less enthralled.
“Couldn’t we order them to leave?” she asks one day, following another debate between Lilith and the Chelish general. Her dark brows are furrowed in disapproval as she watches the general’s unit march through the citadel. “The reports we’ve seen from these soldiers…the things they’ve done…”
“Are all for the Crusades, and therefore under the Knight-Commander’s purveyance,” you answer. “And besides, fighting the demons is enough of a task. We cannot afford to offend our neighbors, especially such powerful ones.”
Laya frowns, still disapproving, and you suppress a sigh. She is young, you remind yourself. Young and brave and idealistic and foolish.
Her concerns are not shared by the other soldiers and citizens. Of course not; the people may scowl at the Chelish in the streets, but they cheer at the news of every military victory, and when they do it is once again Lilith’s name on their lips.
It bothers you just as much as it ever did, more so now due to the traitors who continue to spread sedition against you. A handful of arrests have been made, but many more investigations are still ongoing, all while word against you spreads and darkens with each passing day. You see now that Lilith was right all along- your only choice is to find the cause of this trouble and yank it out by the roots.
You are conducting a meeting with Lilith in the library one night when this festering resentment slips out, and all too soon you are lost in bemoaning the entire state of events as Lilith listens on over a bottle of wine.
“They call me a tyrant and a despot, yet they love you.” You motion to Lilith, who takes in the gesture without reaction. “As if they don’t know what you are.”
What you wouldn’t give to peer behind that stoic mask and see her thoughts; as it is, you cannot tell if she is offended or intrigued. She simply raises an eyebrow and takes a drink from her glass. The dark red wine matches the color of her lips.
“You have them chanting for Hell,” you continue, and unlike Lilith you make no attempt to hide your own storming emotions. You don’t have the energy left for such an effort, and even if you did the wine has loosened your composure. “Why is it me they hate?”
Lilith takes another sip, then sets her wine aside and leans close. You’ve grown accustomed to the scent of smoke which follows her everywhere, and now you detect the faint undercurrent of incense as well. It reminds you, uselessly, of the days you used to spend in deep prayer. It reminds you that you haven’t stepped foot in a chapel since Iz, and that you don’t feel nearly as much guilt over that as you should.
“Love and hatred…” Lilith murmurs to herself, unaware of the effect she’s had on you. “Is that really what matters to a ruler?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.”
Lilith scoffs and shakes her head. When she speaks, her voice carries something infuriatingly similar to pity. “They don’t love me.”
“Of course not,” you snap. You’ve been doing a lot of that lately. “They fear you. Forgive me, I assumed you were above such cliches.”
“They see my power. They want what I have. People like to be on the winning side. It’s as simple as that.”
You wish you had another retort in your arsenal, but you find yourself struck by the truth of what she has said. As loathe as you are to admit it- and oh, you are loathe- you cannot deny that when you see Lilith sweep out to the armies and command them with utter confidence, utter control, utter loyalty…you do want that.
She hums, as if she can see the gears turning in your head, and adds, “And yes; call it cliche if you must, but most of them do fear me as well. And I am better off for it.”
You wish you could ignore her words, but they stick in your mind for the rest of the night, just as the smell of smoke sticks to your clothes.
This strange equilibrium you’ve found does not last.
Inevitably, the simmering anger amongst the soldiers boils over, and the news of a traitor’s death at the hands of your guards has barely reached you before the mob is at your door.
Some part of you, you think, knew this would happen. That knowledge does nothing to quell your anger as you face the horde gathered outside the citadel- those belligerent, unfaithful, ungrateful soldiers who scream out your misdeeds and demand justice.
Justice! The word inflames you further, because what do they know of justice? You serve the goddess of justice, and this is precisely where her justice has led, and they have the nerve to hate you for it.
“Enough!” You shout, and there is no disguising your anger. You don’t want to disguise it, not anymore. “Fall back! All of you, fall back!”
They do not listen. Fury is etched on their faces, angry and ugly, as they scream back at you.
Killer. Monster. Tyrant.
They point at the bloodied body at their feet, that culmination of every choice you have made during this cursed Crusade. The cracks in your soul spread outward, turning everything brittle and sharp. Lilith is at your side, and you’re not certain how long she’s been here but you were always expecting her, weren’t you? Just like you’re expecting it when she leans close to hiss in your ear.
“How far will you let this go? Execute these traitors or you’ll never know peace again.”
At your other side is Laya, and no longer does she look so brave and idealistic. She just looks young- young and foolish and frightened.
Frightened of…you? Of you, when it is they who have driven things to this point?
And under this last bit of pressure, you break.
“Cease this at once! Disperse now!” Your voice is barely recognizable to yourself. Your hand is on the hilt of your sword. “Or else you shall all be labeled traitors and dealt with as needed!”
The chaos and the shouting increases. You draw your sword. “Laya, be ready to fight.”
“But, Your Majesty-”
“Laya.” Lilith’s voice cuts harshly through the increasing shouts. “Do as you must.”
For the briefest of moments, Laya wavers- and then a storm passes over her face, and she does indeed draw her sword.
And she points it straight as you.
“I will do as I must,” she declares in a hoarse voice. “The only enemy here is you. I was there. I heard you give the orders that led to bloodshed! Down with the traitor queen!”
She is so young. Against a warrior of your years, she does not stand a chance.
You cut her down as easily as you would any demon.
The sight of her blood on the stones of the courtyard shocks the onlookers, and their anger turns to panic. Above the screams, your voice rings out as you call for order and obedience. You are not even fully aware of the words you are saying, but you know that this time, they will listen to you.
You are their queen. You will remind them what this means. No matter the cost.
As this revelation sinks from your mind into your bones, a blinding light envelops the courtyard, and thunder roars.
Iomedae’s angels have arrived.
And oh, they make such a lovely sight, with their heavenly glow and their pretty words, and they ignite the sharpest, cruelest anger you have felt in decades.
Isolation. Contemplation. Redemption. This is what they offer, but you speak their language, and you know what they mean. They have come to take you prisoner- to whisk you away until you return to that golden shining beacon of faith they shaped you into so long ago.
How dare they?
And that is the moment you realize this did not start with Lilith. She has no claim to the first broken piece of your soul, not when you’ve been losing bits and pieces of yourself for years and years and years.
When your armies fell and you bared your heart in prayer, begging for aid, and only silence answered.
When you were handed a potion that would bind you to this life of duty and servitude with heavy, gilded chains.
When your god died, and you kept on living and living and living.
“Now you come?” You choke out. “Now? Where were you when I called? And even now, where is she? Could Iomedae not come down and face me herself?!”
They do not offer an answer. They never have. They only demand obedience, though they have the nerve to call it faith.
You have no faith left to give. When you tell them so, the angel draws his sword, and you know they will take it, just as they always have.
Lilith steps between you and the Angels, and you see that she has shed her mortal guise. She faces the Angels with fire-touched skin and curved horns, smoke billowing around her feet as dark wings stretch out behind her.
“The Queen has stated her intentions, and I will not allow you to take her by force.” She glances over her shoulder, and her blazing eyes sear into your skin. “She is under my protection now.”
Is it validation which blazes through you as your eyes meet? Solidarity? Or is it hatred, resentment, anger at what this woman has brought forth in you?
Is it something else entirely?
You have no time to decide before the Angles descend upon you, and so you decide on anger, and you unleash that anger upon these messengers from your former goddess. Every insult, every frustration, every shame- you let it flow through your sword as her blessing once did, and you feel more powerful than you ever have before.
With Lilith at your side, you are powerful enough to slay Angels.
The two of you stand side by side when the battle is over, and a maelstrom of emotions hits you all at once. Yet mostly you just feel empty- all that holy grace and duty which has sustained you through the years is gone, all those pieces of your soul scattered and shattered and lost.
And yet, you also feel something you haven’t felt in ages: you feel alive. Your heart races, your blood burns, your skin is hot with the rush of victory. You look down at the defeated Angel and you want to sing.
You look at Lilith, in all her blazing, devilish glory, and you want to ask: what have you done to me?
You don’t. Instead, you walk past the remnants of the slain Angels, past the body of the girl who once reminded you so much of yourself. You walk right up to Lilith and without a trace of doubt you say, “I am ready.”
She raises an eyebrow, but you refuse to take the bait. “Do not play coy now. You know of what I speak.”
And then she smiles, damn her. Damn you both, you suppose, for with a simple motion she unfurls a contract from her long sleeves.
“Then I won’t waste time with words. All you need do is sign.”
You’d been expecting it; hoping, really, because in this moment you are a crusader without a goddess and that is a very dangerous position to be in. You still have a war to fight and a nation to rule, and you are certain this will not be the last of Heaven’s efforts to ensnare you. You need the protection, the assurance, of some higher power. You always have, just as you have always given all of yourself to this war.
But where Heaven would take you for granted, where it softened its words and its promises, Hell would mark your sacrifices down for posterity and give you an oath forged in fire and iron.
You sign.
Let my soul belong to you, Lilith, and to Hell, so long as you uphold your side of the bargain.
And maybe you were wrong, again, when you claimed your soul was already as fractured as it could get. Because as the signature dries, you could swear you feel one last piece crack and splinter.
But the feeling is gone soon enough. Just like that, you have become something new.
The scroll vanishes up Lilith’s sleeve, and her eyes shine with undisguised victory. It may be the most emotion you’ve ever seen from her.
“I look forward to working with you,” she says. “I believe this is the beginning of a very fruitful…partnership.”
She lingers over the word, enjoying her own private joke, and you still cannot decide how you really feel about her. Even now, you want to wrap your hands around her throat. Even now, you want to wrap your arms around her waist.
Either way, you suppose, you’re already damned.
“Likewise,” you say, and she smiles again.
Somewhere beneath the distraction of Lilith, your mind is already at work. Everything is different now, and a new power is in your hands. There are many, many plans to be made.
When you turn and climb the steps back up to the citadel, the scent of smoke follows in your wake. Perhaps it always will.
How could you, they will ask you later, and the act of asking itself means they will never understand.
So you do not attempt to explain. You let them ask, and you allow the accusations to bounce harmlessly off that empty place inside your soul. They need no answer; they need only look at the results as you take back control of your kingdom. What almost slipped away from you is now forever yours, and you grip it tightly with your iron fist.
It does not matter how you got here, nor who you did this for.
You’ve done it, and there is no going back.
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torawro · 1 year
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meant to show u guys this last night but I FINAAALLY got geppie too ! <33 look at the pretty man ISN’T HE GORGEOUS 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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eternalxvenus · 7 months
↳˗ˏˋtoji's special workoutˊˎ˗ ↴
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summary: You were late to meet your personal trainer Toji at the gym. Luckily he let you stay after hours, but he was going to make sure you got a proper workout before leaving.
cw: smut 18+, personal trainer!toji x f!reader, pet names (doll, slut), p in v, Toji is a little mean/rough in this ngl, deepthroating, handjob, unprotected sex, light nipple play, slight orgasm control, degradation, fingering, squirting
wc: 2k
notes: i really hope you guys enjoy this fic! i'm actually kind of proud of it lmao. once again sorry it took so long but feel free to send in asks/requests!
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You were driving in your car, contemplating going faster than the speed limit, when you saw that the time read 8:34 pm. You were supposed to meet Toji, your personal trainer at eight o'clock, but you were running behind. You knew he would be irritated since you already pushed your regular workout time from six to eight, and now you were late when the gym closed at nine. 
You pulled into the parking lot, and thankfully, the lights inside the gym were still on. You breathed a sigh of relief, grabbing your gym bag and jogging inside. 
Placing your bag by the lockers, you walked over to Toji, who was lifting weights in front of the mirror. “You’re late. Luckily, I'm friends with the owner. He's gonna let us stay late s'long as I lock up tonight,” he said, his voice slightly strained from lifting the weights. 
"I know, I know, and thank you. My meeting went on longer than it was supposed to and then there was the traffic-"
"Start stretching," he says with a grunt. He sets down the weights and looks over at you. "You're gonna be doin' legs tonight."
You nod and do your usual stretches for your leg days. As you were doing squats, you glanced at Toji through the mirror, and it seemed like he was looking at your ass. You brushed it off as him just watching your form and continued.
You finished your stretches and headed from the stretching area over to the leg press machine with Toji. You got in position as he placed the weights on. "I want ya to do 5 sets, 15 reps each." Your eyes widened. "Last time I only did 3 sets with 12 reps!"
Toji snickered, a smug look on his face. "You're supposed to be getting better and stronger, not staying the same. Plus, you wasted my time being late." You scoffed, "I apologized, and it wasn't even my fault." He rolls his eyes. "Don't care. Just get it done."
You finally finished all your workouts (they were excruciating, and you will definitely feel it tomorrow) so you headed off to the showers while Toji cleaned up. You realized after showering that you had left your bag out by the lockers. You called out from the shower room door, "Toji! Could you bring my gym bag?" You didn't hear a response but sat on the bench and waited.
A few minutes later, you heard Toji's voice. "Alright, I'm comin' in." He walked into the shower room, your gym bag in hand. "Here ya go." 
You thanked him and took the bag. You both stood there for a moment in silence, and he didn't make a move to leave. He stood there and took in your damp body from head to toe, and you held the towel a little closer to your body. Toji's tongue peeked out and swiped across the scar on his lip.
He took a step closer before speaking, his voice lower than usual. "Y'know, I don't think I worked ya out hard enough." Your breath hitched as your heartbeat sped up, hammering inside your chest so hard you thought it burst out.
Of course, you knew Toji was attractive. He had a perfect build, his abs, pecs, and biceps constantly straining against his compression shirts. And when he was shirtless, he looked absolutely jaw-dropping. Other women in the gym would ogle and stare, he was a wet dream come to life. He also oozed sex appeal. Whether it was intentional or not, you had no clue. The deep smoothness of his voice and the harsh encouragement given during training caused wetness to pool in your underwear more times than you would like to admit.
The thing is, not only is he a few years older than you, but he has a kid (which you found out after getting a text saying he had to cancel because his son was sick.) This made you assume he was married but didn't wear his ring to the gym. He was also your trainer, so there was the professionalism of it all.
Toji took your chin between his fingers, his thumb lightly brushing your bottom lip. "What do ya say, Doll? Think I should work you out a little more?" He spoke again with a smirk on his face. 
Your eyes couldn't help but stare at his lips, the scar more noticeable up close. You figured this would be a one-time, heat-of-the-moment thing. Why the hell not. “That's what I pay you for, isn't it?”
The moment you said those words, his mouth was on yours in a bruising kiss. His tongue massaged yours in a way that made you melt. Both of your bodies were pressed up against one another. You could feel the growing bulge in his sweats pressing against you.
“Get on your knees. Let's start by trainin' that throat of yours...” You immediately obeyed, watching impatiently as he removed his sweats and boxers. His cock sprung up right in front of your face, and you realized he was big. Not wasting any more time, your fingers reached his base as your tongue licked his slit, tasting pre-cum as you sucked the tip. Toji hissed at the feeling and bucked his hips towards your touch. When you took him into your mouth, he groaned, placing a hand on the back of your head. You felt unbelievable. His taste makes you even wetter than you were before. “Let's see how much you can take Doll.” He pushed your head further down his length, making you gag as his tip hit the back of your throat, but the noise made Toji groan. 
Your nose was pressed against his pelvis and you reached your hand up to tease his balls. "F-Fuck! You tryna make me cum?" he said looking down.
You nodded making a muffled sound of 'mhm' as your eyes started to water. Toji pulled you off his cock and a string of saliva and pre-cum dribbled down your chin. 
"Such a pathetic slut. Taking my cock down your throat and playin' with my balls like that. You just can’t fuckin’ help yourself, can you?” He moaned as his hardness twitched right in front of your face. “That desperate for my cock, huh?”
You moan as you clenched around nothing. Your voice was breathy and slightly hoarse when you spoke. "Love having you in my mouth Toji." Your hand starts to pump his length while the other cups his balls, fondling them as he bites down on his lip. His head is thrown back, half-lidded eyes fluttering as he rolls his hips along to your touch. 
After a few minutes of you stroking him, Toji pulled you off the floor and laid you on the nearby bench. Your towel had come off, and he finally had an unobstructed view of your body. His hands came up to play with your now stiff nipples. "You're so fucking sexy, Doll. I can't tell you how many times I got hard just watching you work out. These perfect tits bouncing and that sexy ass."
"So you were looking at my ass earlier." you giggled. You noticed Toji's staring at times, but always thought it was a professional gaze, not a lustful one.
"How could I not. Those shorts make it hard to be professional. Now it's time for stretching. Gotta make sure I don't break you."
Suddenly your legs were spread apart, and Toji was working two of his long fingers into you while his thumb focused on your clit. Your breath hitched, and you clenched around him immediately. "Oh- shit! Please make me feel good Toji. I wanna cum, please."
Toji scoffed. "Already begging to cum? How desperate are you, huh? You're not cummin' anywhere except on my fuckin' cock. Got that?"
You nod, unable to focus on speaking while his fingers piston in and out of your cunt, spreading your arousal.
"Use your words slut."
"I won't cum anywhere except on your cock. I- fuck... I promise."
He gave a short hum of approval as he took his fingers out of you, slipping them into his mouth. "Such a sweet cunt. I'll have to taste you until you shakin' and cryin' another day."
Before you could even process his words, Toji removed his sweats and started rubbing his hard cock up and down your slit, collecting your arousal. In a swift movement, you felt your hole being stretched by his girth.
"Ah- holy... shit Toji!" You nearly screamed as you felt him bottom out inside you, his tip pressing against your G-spot. "You’re so fucking deep!"
Suddenly, Toji's hands were placed behind your knees, pushing them down towards the sides of your head. His pace was nothing short of ruthless. His heavy balls were slapping up against your ass with every harsh thrust. You didn't know if it was because you had just finished working out, but everything felt much more intense. You could hear the wet sounds coming from your pussy. One glance down, and you saw the white forming at the base of his dick.
"M'gonna fuck this tight pussy until I've ruined you for every other man. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Knowing I'm the only man who can make your pussy feel this good." You nodded mindlessly at his possessiveness. A light sheen of sweat covered both your bodies as he fucked you into oblivion. He released his grip on your legs and watched as your back arched into his touch. His hands moved to cup your breasts, pinching at your nipples. Toji then leaned in to place a painful kiss on your lips, and as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his tongue made its way into your mouth, causing you to moan sinfully.
The force of his thrusts caused a distant pain on your back from laying on the hard bench, but you didn't care. All you could think about was your orgasm that was quickly approaching.
"Damn it... your greedy cunt just keeps suckin' me in. Gonna get me fuckin’ addicted." Toji's thrusts became harder as he placed one of your legs on his shoulder.
"I'm close- so close Toji. Please can I- ah!" Loud whimpers and broken moans spilled from your mouth as Toji fucked you. You were so close.
"Yeah? You gonna cum for me? Cum on my fuckin' cock then, slut." He brought his thumb down and worked fast circles on your clit. Your whole body tensed up as you screamed, eyes rolling back into your head, back arched off the bench. White hot pleasure shot through your entire body as you squirted all over Toji's thighs and abs. Your walls squeezed him, nearly suffocating his dick.
"Fuuuuck... that's it, good fucking girl. Cum all over my- god damn- cum all over my cock!"
You were finally coming down from your high when you felt Toji pull out. Your eyes were hazy and unfocused as you watched him stroke his cock, his eyes squeezed shut before spilling his cum all over your stomach with a groan. "Oh... fuck yes"
He took a moment to catch his breath before taking in the sight in front of him. "Look at that... all fucked out and covered in my cum like a true slut."
You smiled lazily as you sat up on the bench. "I'm only a slut for you."
He gave a low hum of approval before helping you stand up. "You bet your ass you are. Now how 'bout we go get cleaned up in the shower."
You gave a nod as you started towards the shower on shaky legs. Once you were both inside with the water on, you turned to him and saw his dick hard once again and realized you weren't going to get cleaned up just yet. You knew you'd definitely be sore for the next few days and that you'd have to do more late-night workouts with Toji in the future.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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totheseok · 4 months
☆ boynextdoor reaction to you biting them
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requested: no
genre: fluff ig?
warnings: none that i can think of
word count: 1.1k
a/n: more self indulgent things because I have a biting problem.
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yk that really shocked face he makes where his mouth is open and his eyes are wide?
that's his face when he realises you bit him
it's a light bite but it's unexpected
you two are in the lower homes living room just chilling. sungho is playing fifa while you just mindlessly scroll on your phone. eventually you get tired of your phone and now you need your boyfriends attention. but sungho is locked in on the game and you know simply asking for his attention wouldn't work. so naturally you do what must be done. and you bite his arm. you bit him lightly but you've never bitten him before so man was s h o c k e d. he looks towards you eyes wide, mouth open and then looks at his arm, then back at you.
"hi? did you just bite me?"
you bit him again and cuddled up in his side 😌
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goes silent
riwoo.exe has stopped responding
like remember the funnextdoor episode where he went quiet and woonhak was like "riwoo is trying to think of something funny to say"
kinda like that
riwoo gives me yapper vibes so...
you two are sitting at the table in the kitchen just enjoying some snacks while talking about your day. he's probably telling you about a new dance he's learning or something stupid that happened at dance practice. you're just listening and watching your absolute cutie patootie of a boyfriend yap away. as he's doing this you cant help but notice how cute his cheeks look. and how biteable they look.... and so to preserve your own sanity you do just that. you bite his cheek 😌. following your bite all you hear is, well, nothing. sanghyeok is just sitting staring at you with wide eyes, bite unfinished. man is shocked, flustered, flabbergasted and so much more
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menace pt1
bros probably going to start singing bite me ngl
but we know hes a dramatic pookie
so that too
you and jaehyun are in his room. hes studying some english. youre having the time of your life, laying with your head in his lap, watching him struggle to pronounce "yacht". you offered to help him but noooo, he can do it. refuses to let you help because he wants to prove he can do it himself and with any other word you wouldnt doubt him. he's quite good at english and hes improving rapidly but the word "yacht"... its a pain in the ass to learn at first even if english is your first language. i mean look at it it should be pronounced "ya ch t" or something. he had first said "ya ch t" and was convinced that's how it was pronounced until he looked at your face and realised he was wrong. but was going to ask for help? no? but manz could NOT figure out what else it could be.
after about 5 minutes of watching him struggle you got fed up and decided to MAKE him listen to you. so you leaned your head down. and but his thigh. surprised at first, bamboozled even. but once he realised what had happened he started giggling soon followed by you. after recovering from the laughing fit, he did not miss a single beat and started singing in that voice he uses to annoy sungho.
"its you and me in this world 내게로 다시 와 tie me"
"seriously? thats you first response?!?!"
"날 구원할 거라면 just come kiss me and bite me"
"sure but say 'yacht' first"
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bites back.
thats it
thats the headcanon
jk but fr
i cant find it now but theres a video of taesan biting jaehyun and bro just nommed in jaehyuns arm
which is why im 100% sure he would bite back
honestly wouldnt even be phased
its probably your love language as a couple
you and taesan were at the studio, taesan was working on some new songs while you sat nearby doing some assignments. eventually the words you were typing started floating around the screen and you didnt even know what you were typing so you decided it was a good time to take a break. but if youre taking a break then taesan should also be taking a break because 1. he was probably tired too and 2. how dare he work while youre taking a break instead of giving you attention. so you decided to give him a few minutes so that he wouldnt lose his train of though. plus he looks so cute when hes focused so...
HOWEVER a few minutes turned into 10 minutes. 10 minutes turned into 20. and eventually half an hour passed. you realised taesan wasnt about to take a break any time soon, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. you slowly crept up behind him and attacked. bro did not move. just looked at you smiled and pulled you into his lap. you may not have gotten a reaction but hey, now you get attention from your boyfriend. with no consequences... right? err❌ wrong.
"whats up?"
"you should take a break youve been working for so long. nonstop"
"youre just going to listen? that easily?"
"hmm?" *bites you*
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menace pt2
takes it as an opportunity to flirt
teases you to no end
i keep thinking about that boynextdoor 2night video where while spinning bottle the jaehyun told him he was doing it the wrong way
and he was like ill do it how i want
so like
think abt that
you and leehan were watching a kdrama while cuddling. initially both of you were very invested and you kept fangirling over the male lead (me every time i watch unlock my boss) and leehan would laugh and jokingly complain about it. after about two more episodes you noticed that leehan hadnt said anthing in a while so you looked towards him and saw that he had dozed off. but this was unacceptable how could he leave you to watch people try to kill each other on your own. no absolutely not. this was not allowed. how dare he. you first tried slightly shaking him awake, it woke him up but he just mumbled something unintelligible and closed his eyes again. time for plan b. biting him.
it worked. quite well. too well.
"why what?"
"baby i know i taste good but if youre hungry the gummies might serve you better"
"you left me alone to watch mr.oh be mean to my husband 😔"
"hey its ok i didnt hear anything he said about me~"
"oh god you know what go back to sleep"
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774 notes · View notes
imaginespazzi · 2 months
Part 3: Miss Me, Miss Me Not
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
And it hits me when the lights go on (shit, maybe I miss you)
(In which a lazy writer somehow still manages to make her deadlines, much to her own shock)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining and a teensy bit of Fluff
Words: 5.8K
TW: Swearing (once again I think that's it?)
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 I'm not gonna lie til about an hour ago, I very much did not think I was gonna give y'all a Monday update but here we are! A couple of housekeeping things, I went back and added months to the years so hopefully that's more helpful. I lowkey dislike this part but I felt like the fic needed it and I'm excited to write the next part. Ngl, the editing on this is pretty nonexistent because trying to read this back lowkey killed me so please feel free to point out mistakes so I can fix them. As always, let me know what you liked, and disliked and anything you wanna see going forward. I really appreciate all of y'alls feedback and the long reviews make my day! Have a good rest of your week lovies <3
September 2017
Azzi: just got home :) 
It’s a simple text and it should be easy for Paige to conjure up an equally simple reply. Instead she finds herself typing and deleting, over and over, because nothing sounds quite right. There’s this hollow feeling thrumming in her chest, that has only gotten stronger every passing minute since she’d said goodbye to Azzi at the airport. If she tries hard enough, she can still feel the remnants of their last hug lingering against every inch of her skin. She wants to memorize that feeling and create a blanket out of its threads to numb the ice cold shiver that’s been repeatedly running through her veins from the second Azzi had gotten on that plane. But even that might not be enough. Not when she’s learnt just how warm Azzi’s presence can be and how everything else pales in comparison. 
Paige lies to herself that it’s an accidental slip of her fingers, that she’d meant to press send not call, that she had every intention of hanging up the facetime on the first ring itself. 
But then Azzi picks up on the second one.
And really it would be rude to hang up. 
“Hey what’s up?” Azzi’s face fills the screen, tired eyes staring intently at Paige through the screen. 
“Oh um-” Paige fumbles for words, awkwardly shuffling her feet that are dangling off the side of her bed, “I just wanted to ask how your flight was?”
Azzi raises an eyebrow, “you couldn’t have texted me that?”
“Too tired to text,” Paige lies and the words i just wanted to hear your voice stay stuck, burning hot, in her throat, “gotta save these money-making fingers for more important things.”
“Yeah I’m hanging up-”
“NO-” it comes out far more forceful than it should and if possible, Azzi’s eyebrow shoots up even farther, as Paige clears her throat, “I mean- uh- you didn’t tell me how your flight was.”
Paige is too busy cringing at herself to notice the light blush that tinges Azzi’s cheeks. She’s too busy wondering why this girl brings out this nervous bumbling side of hers to notice the fond smile that almost cracks through Azzi’s lips. 
“The flight was okay. I actually got to sleep this time,” Azzi says pointedly and Paige laughs. 
“So what you’re saying is it was boring as hell.”
“I’m saying it was really peaceful not having someone yapping in my ear while I was trying to sleep.”
“So you didn’t miss me?” Paige presses, trying to keep her voice teasing despite how desperately she wants the admission. 
Azzi hesitates, as if she’s debating with herself, before, “I didn’t say that.”
It’s a little ridiculous how large Paige’s grin is but it’s okay, because Azzi’s smiling back, soft and shy. They’d look foolish to anyone else, the way they’re so intently gazing at each other through a screen as if there’s no barrier between them at all. 
“It’s gonna be weird going to the gym without you tomorrow morning,” Paige confesses after a second, moving to lay down on her stomach. 
“I bet. You’re gonna get absolutely nothing done without me,” Azzi teases dramatically before her eyes soften, “it’s weird that I’m not gonna see you at all tomorrow.”
There’s something gut-wrenching about that admission and yet, there’s something in it that heals a part of Paige’s heart that she hadn’t even known needed to be fixed. It means something to her that Azzi must feel it too. Because if she’s honest with herself, Paige had been just a little afraid that maybe the connection was just in her head, that maybe Azzi was simply tolerating her presence out of kindness. 
“You should just move to Minnesota,” Paige replies finally, “much nicer than Virgina or whatever.”
“Have you ever even been to Virginia?” Azzi asks, eyebrows raised as she flips herself to lie on her back, holding her phone above her in a way that lets Paige see entirely too much and yet not nearly enough. 
“No but it sounds boring as fuck.”
“Not with me,” Azzi says, biting her bottom lip sheepishly as soon as the words are out. 
Paige smirks, suddenly filled with a brand new confidence, “yeah? You’d make Virgina interesting for me Fudd? What would we do?”
Azzi licks her lips and Paige feels her mouth go dry. 
“We’d be together,” the younger girl says finally, averting her gaze as the depth of her words begin to make Paige feel like she’s being flooded by an ocean of emotions she’s not quite ready to feel yet, “anything can be interesting if we’re together.”
It would be so easy to come up with a sarcastic quip or tease Azzi for being a sap and yet there’s a certain sincerity in this moment that feels too fragile for Paige to feign nonchalance. 
“Is Virginia nice in the winter?” she asks finally, hands fidgeting with the hair ties secured around her wrist, “Minny’s a little too cold sometimes.”
Azzi’s eyes shine and Paige wants to try and read them, find the little clues hidden in her irises and solve the mystery lingering behind the crimson flush of her cheeks. But the truth is that Paige is a little scared of what she’d find, a little scared that discovering Azzi might mean discovering herself too. 
“You should come find out some time,” the brunette says, casual tone filled with intricacies of something far deeper. It’s the closest they’ve gotten to saying anything of actual substance and they tip-toe around saying what they both want, daring the other to ask first. 
“I dunno,” Paige says, determined to win the game, “I’m not in the habit of showing up to places without a proper invite.”
Azzi scoffs, “a proper invite? Are you expecting someone to send you a carrier pigeon with a gold letter addressed to her royal highness or something?”
“That would be nice,” Paige surmises and Azzi rolls her eyes.
“Does your back ever hurt from carrying that ego?”
“Only hurts from carrying my team.”
“Oh my god you’re so full of it.”
“Full of talent? Yessirrrr.”
Azzi huffs, “Paige.”
“Azzi,” Paige hums. 
“Do you wanna come visit me in Virginia during winter break?” Azzi says finally, a small smile playing on her lips like she’s okay with losing this game as long as it’s to Paige. 
“If I must,” Paige says dramatically, shrugging her shoulders and everything as Azzi lets out an offended squeak. But inside, her heart flutters at the offer, at the idea of seeing Azzi again, even if it feels like a lifetime away. Because as long as it’s Azzi on the other side, Paige and her impatient self can wait however long it takes. 
“Actually you know what nevermind, you don’t gotta come,” Azzi concedes bitterly,  scrunching her face (and Paige would never tell her this but she thinks Azzi looks just a little too cute when she’s mad and so maybe she riles her up on purpose)
“No takesies backsies Az,” Paige sing-songs before her lips uptick from a smirk into something more sincere, “hey Az,” she whispers, giggling to herself when Azzi pretends to ignore her, “I’d really like to come see you in Virginia during winter break.”
And as a brilliant grin dazzles across Azzi’s face, Paige realizes that her favorite thing about Azzi’s smile isn’t when her dimples show or when her eyes twinkle, it’s when it’s there because of Paige, when it’s there just for Paige. 
“Good,” Azzi whispers as they fall into a comfortable silence. 
There’s this serene sense of calm that laces itself around Paige’s nerves. Her normally fidgeting body is content to be perfectly still, an anomaly to her usual demeanor. The truth is that Paige isn’t the kind of person who’s okay with just existing; she likes to spend every second in motion, living out the high. There’s a part of her that’s scared of missing moments, scared that the people around her will leave her behind if she doesn’t chase them. But it’s different with Azzi. The younger girl makes Paige feel like it’s okay if she takes a moment to just breathe. Because Azzi will wait. Because Azzi won’t leave Paige behind. 
“Wait,” it’s a little while before Azzi pipes up, shaking Paige out of her thoughts, “what time is it?”
Paige’s eyes flicker to the time on her phone, confused by the line of questioning, “it’s almost 9 why?”
“Don’t you have a team party or something to go to tonight?” Azzi asks, face scrunching, “I swear you told me you had something tonight.”
“Oh-yeah- Amaya’s back to school thing,” Paige sheepishly scratches her neck, suddenly feeling itchy in her flannel shirt. She’d forgotten she was wearing that instead of her daily clothes. Hell, she’d forgotten she was supposed to be going somewhere in the first place, too occupied with other thoughts. 
“Bro get up,” Azzi orders, “you’re already late.”
“Nah it’s fine. I don’t think I’m gonna go,” Paige says and she thinks she should probably feel a little more guilty about it. 
“What do you mean you’re not gonna go?” Azzi asks in disbelief, “dude you’re the star of the team. You have to go.”
“Amaya will understand besides-” Paige drags in a deep breath, feeling vulnerable as the next words fall out in a quiet whisper, “I don’t wanna hang up yet.”
“Paige c’mon we can talk tomorrow,” Azzi tries to protest but it’s half-hearted at best.
“I wanna talk right now,” Paige argues, “you don’t wanna talk to me?”
For a second Paige thinks Azzi might just say no, might just chip away a little bit of heart with a well-intentioned rejection, but she doesn’t, “always wanna talk to you P.”
“Then don’t hang up. Talk to me.”
And Azzi does. All night. 
Two weeks laters there’s a letter, in an envelope with a picture of a carrier pigeon, that arrives in the Bueckers’ mail box. 
To her royal highness, 
Unfortunately I couldn’t find an actual carrier pigeon (I swear I tried) so this envelope and the mailman will have to do. 
~ You are formally invited this winter break to the Fudd family residence in Virginia. ~
(And you better show up Bueckers)
February 2033
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me,” Ice whines petulantly as she makes herself comfortable on the couch across from where Paige is getting her makeup done, “this is parental neglect.”
Paige laughs, eyes closed, her makeup artist does her mascara, “you’ll survive.”
“You don’t know that” Ice argues, plucking a grape from the fruit basket before segueing into a rant about how boring Arlington, Texas is. 
Paige is grateful for the distraction her younger friend is providing. Her nerves had been on edge since the moment she’d woken up this morning, anxious to get the impending farewell press conference over with. She’d already started accepting that the Wings weren’t the right place for her but that feeling had only been heightened by her trip to the Valkyries. And ever since she’s come back, Paige feels a little bit like she’s sleepwalking through her final moments in Dallas. If she’s honest, she’s probably rushing things a little bit. There’s still plenty of time before she really has to move to Oakland but it had been her choice to move there as soon as possible. Paige had always been good at conjuring excuses and she had plenty as to why she needed to be in California so soon. But at the end of the day it isn’t about training or team bonding or any of the other hundred justifications she’s given anyone who’s asked. It’s about a little girl who’s eyes had been brimming with tears when saying goodbye, a little girl who had made Paige pinky swear that she’d be back as soon as possible. 
Really, Paige thinks she should be applauded for her restraint, because truth be told, the second Stephie’s lower lip had trembled, Paige had been prepared to ask Ice to just ship her stuff to Oakland so that she’d never have to let go of the little girl’s hand. 
And here’s the thing, Paige is willing to admit she wants to go back to the Bay Area for Stephie. It’s that pesky little part of her that’s desperate to go back for Stephie’s mother, to go back for one more hesitant yet lingering touch, that she won’t ever share with anyone else. 
“I never thought I’d live to see you and Azzi willingly playing together again,” Ice says as soon as Paige’s makeup artist leaves the room, “KK and I didn’t even try betting on it, we were that sure it wouldn’t happen. Shit I should have. I totally would have won.”
“Don’t y’all get tired of betting on my life?” Paige asks, rolling her eyes, trying to ignore the first part of what Ice said. 
“Betting on your life has made me hundreds of dollars bro,” Ice says, before a more earnest  look crosses her face, “but genuinely P, are you sure about this? There’s a lot of history there.”
Paige sighs, “it’s not about our history. It’s a basketball decision. And we’re both mature adults who know that. I’m just tryna win. Nothing else.”
“It’s never nothing when it comes to you two.”
“It is this time,” Paige argues adamantly and Ice raises her hands in surrender. 
“I just don’t want another set of teammates to have to deal with y’alls bullshit,” the younger girl teases, but it’s laced with a hint of seriousness that sends a flare of guilt shooting through Paige’s body. 
“Ice-” she begins.
But Ice is quick to change to a lighter subject, “can’t believe Jana’s the one that gets mom and dad back together. I always knew she was the favorite.”
“We didn’t have favorites,” Paige plays along, thankful for Ice and her ability to always keep the tension to a bare minimum. 
“Oh don’t lie. We all know you did,” Ice scoffs and then lets out a chuckle, “and now Azzi’s actually a mom. That’s kinda insane. And you met the kid right?”
“Yeah. Yeah I did,” Paige says and she can’t help the way her entire face breaks into a gleaming smile as her thoughts turn into memories of Stephie. She doesn’t even realize she’s gotten lost in a different world until Ice coughs, an amused grin playing on her lips. 
“You’re so royally fucked Paige,” Ice shakes her head, “the only person I’ve seen you smile that big for before is Azzi.”
“She’s a cute, smart, adorable kid, that’s why I’m smiling,” Paige tries to defend herself. 
“She’s Azzi’s cute, smart, adorable kid,” Ice counters. 
“That has nothing to do with it,” Paige protests again but it rings hollow to her own ears.
“Oh my god I needa call KK and get this bet started. It’s only a matter of time for real,” Ice says, more to herself than to Paige, as she whips out her phone, probably texting KK. 
“A matter of time till what?”
“You’ll find out Paigey,” Ice says gravely with a mocking smile, patting Paige’s head, “all in due time.”
The Dallas Wings media room is buzzing, reporters desperate to ask Paige questions and the blonde tries to maintain a smile despite the fact that her heart is lurching in her throat right now. Her opening speech had been short and sweet, parroting basically the same thing that had gone out on her social media the night before; she’d been desperate to just get it out. Generally, Paige is pretty good with the media, having been immersed in the spotlight since basically forever. The attention and how to maneuver it has always come naturally to her so she’s not sure why she feels so unnerved by it all today.  From the back of the media room, Ice sends her a thumbs up and a reassuring grin and Paige lets out a breath, glad to have at least that comforting presence with her. 
“Aidrian Ginsburger with Bleacher Report, Paige, you’ve obviously spent all of your career so far with the Wings, can you tell us a little bit about the impact this organization has had on you?”
Paige smiles at the question, letting her brain skim through pages and pages of fond memories she has of time spent with this team. It might be time to move on but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have plenty of cherished moments. 
“Yeah um- this place has really shaped who I am as a person. Since day one, the front office, obviously it’s a different one to the one I came in with, they did a lot to make sure that I was comfortable. My teammates through the years have been incredible and I wouldn’t be the player I am today without them. And of course the fans you know, they always showed out for the team, for me. Always supported me in anyways and I hope that I was able to give back the love to them that they always gave to me,” she says, suddenly nostalgic for the team that had started it all. 
The next questions are similar in nature and Paige’s answer varies only in words but not substance. She feels herself start to settle into it, now fielding the expected questions about the Wings and Valkyries with an air of confidence. There are a couple questions about Azzi that make her heart thump, but that was to be expected. It’s a pretty brilliant story in the making, two MVPs who used to play on the same college team coming together. Talia had warned Paige in advance that there was no avoiding it. But for the most part the questions have an easy answer about how Azzi’s a brilliant player and she’s excited to play with her old friend again. That is until a familiar hand shoots up and all the tension that had previously dissipated, comes roaring back with a vengeance. 
“Olivia Reynolds with the Dallas Morning News, Paige, as others have said today, you and Azzi Fudd played together at UConn and you were best friends.” Olivia’s eyes glint viciously, “I mean it’s pretty well documented how hard you tried to recruit her to UConn. But despite being best friends, the two of you have been never seen hanging out, outside of games and formal events, unlike your other teammates that is-”
“Is there a point to this?” Paige asks, hands fisting in her lap as she tries to keep herself calm. 
Olivia smiles, sugary sweet, “I was just wondering if maybe there was some tension and how that would affect your on-court chemistry at the Valkyries?”
“There’s no tension,” Paige lies through gritted teeth, “we didn’t hang out because we live far apart. There isn’t much else to it. And even if there was, Azzi and I are professionals. We wouldn’t let anything off the court affect our goal to win.”
“You lived far apart before UConn too, but that didn’t seem to stop you guys. What changed?” Olivia presses.
“Time did. Our lives did. There’s nothing sensational here. It’s just a case of two people drifting apart,” Paige says and the fabrication feels heavy on her tongue. If only it really had been that simple. 
“But clearly not that much,” Olivia says, and Paige glances at the moderator, desperate for an intervention, “there were plenty of fan pictures of the two of you out getting ice cream with Azzi’s daughter. It seems like you’re already fitting into that Bay Area life-”
“I’m not hearing a question at the end of your sentence,” Paige hisses and she can practically already hear the scolding she’s going to get from Talia once her agent gets wind of how this press conference had gone. The entire media cohort is watching the exchange with wide eyes, no doubt questioning whether they were embarrassed or impressed by their colleague. Ice is mouthing something to Paige, probably something along the lines of please keep your shit together, but Paige is steaming. Really, she should have expected this. 
“Well if you’d let me finish,” Olivia snarls, the façade of innocence dropping, “even if the two of you have drifted, as you put it, clearly there’s still a relationship there. How big of a role did Azzi Fudd play in your choice to move to the Valkyries?”
Paige sucks in a deep breath, nails digging into her palm at the question, “Azzi is the best shooting guard in the country. That was her role in my decision to move to the Valkyries. I don’t know what else you’re trying to imply, but I want to play with her because we play well together. That’s it,” she stands up and there’s pin drop silence, “thank you all for coming but we’re done with this press conference. 
Paige is seething as she exits the media room, Ice hot on her heels trying to calm her down. The sane part of her knows she should head back to the makeup room or even to her car, instead she finds her feet carrying her in the direction of where she knows Olivia Reynolds will be, reviewing her press conference notes by the coffee machine like she always is. 
“What the actual fuck was that?” Paige spits as she comes to a halt in front of the reporter. 
“I know you think playing basketball is the only job in the world Paige, but that was a reporter doing her job,” Olivia says, her calm and composed voice only furthering Paige’s irritation. 
“Bull-fucking-shit.” Paige sneers, “that wasn’t a reporter out there, that was my ex-wife grilling me like we were back in fucking divorce court.”
Olivia cocks her head, “oh so you do remember who I am to you then?”
“Because if you did remember, I’d like to think you’d have the courtesy to at least personally tell me that you were moving to your,” she drops her voice, “ex-girlfriend’s team instead of letting me find out with the rest of the world. You don’t think you owed me that?”
“That’s what this is about?” Paige sighs, “Olivia we’ve been divorced for almost three years now, I don’t owe you-”
“You didn’t owe Azzi anything either,” Olivia whisper-yells, the calm in her voice replaced by the same anger that had tainted the last year of their marriage, “but when we first started dating, you kept us a secret for months. You wouldn’t even tell your fucking teammates cause you were so scared she’d find out,” her eyes drift towards Ice who looks like she wishes she’d made a different decision rather than following Paige out here, “you said she deserved to hear it from you but apparently I don’t-’
“I didn’t mean it like that Olivia. Look, I meant what I said up there. There’s nothing between- ”
“Spare me,” Olivia says, as she stuffs her notepad into her bag, “you can lie to all those other reporters out there about how all of this is a basketball decision. You can even lie to yourself if you want. But you can’t lie to me, not when I spent four years fighting to keep our relationship from getting crushed under whatever it is that Azzi is to you.”
It doesn’t matter how far Paige burrows her head into her pillows, she can’t seem to stop herself from hearing Olivia’s words reverberating through her ears. The two of them had done well at co-existing in their social circles after the divorce had been finalized. While no one could quite call them friends, they’d done a good job at being friendly, being able to converse and share an occasional drink when in their combined friend group. And if Paige is honest, she knows she’s fucked up, knows she probably did owe Olivia a call. But calling Olivia would have meant calling someone who would inevitably make Paige face the truth, just like she had today. The truth that, even with the deal Talia had concocted with the Liberty hanging in the background like a dark presence, the move to the Valkyries was about a lot more than just basketball for Paige. 
She’s so entrenched in her thought that she doesn’t bother checking who it is when the facetime rings, irritation seeping into her voice as she answers it, face still buried in her pillows, “WHAT?”
“Miss Buecks?” a tiny voice comes through the phone and for a second, Paige thinks she must be dreaming, until she finally lifts her head to look at her phone, and Stephie’s small face lights up the whole screen. And it’s like she can feel little hands on her shoulders, slowly unknotting her tightened muscles. 
“Stephie,” she breathes out, a sudden sense of serene calm washing over her previously tense body. 
“Hi Miss Buecks,” Stephie says happily before she squints at the screen, “you sleep weird.”
Paige laughs, “and why’s that?”
“You’re not wearing pajamas and it’s only seven. ‘Dults don’t sleep at seven,” Stephie says matter-of-factly. 
“It’s actually nine here,” Paige says, a little surprised by the time; she hadn’t realized she'd been moping in her bed for that long. Ice had forced her to get lunch together, not wanting to leave Paige alone after the encounter with Olivia. Once she’d finally gotten back to her apartment, Paige had flopped on her bed, taking out her frustrations on her poor pillow. 
“That’s not poss-ble,” Stephie scrunches her face, “Mama’s phone says it’s seven.”
“It’s seven in California, it’s nine in Texas,” Paige tries to explain though by the way Stephie’s looking at her, she thinks she’s probably just confusing the girl more, “how’d you figure out how to call me babe?”
Stephie gives her an exasperated look, “Miss Buecks I’m five. I know how to use facetime.”
“And does your Mama know you're facetiming me?” Paige asks, eyebrows raised.
“She’s in the shower,” Stephie whispers, grinning sheepishly. 
As if on cue, Azzi appears on the corner of the screen and Paige feels her mouth run dry. The darker skinned woman is clad in a light pink fluffy bathrobe that ends right above her knees, giving Paige the perfect view of her long, toned legs that seem to shimmer despite the shitty quality of the facetime. Rivulets of water cling to her neck, delicately cascading down the valley of her breasts before disappearing from sight. And Paige must be dehydrated because never has she wanted to taste a drop of liquid more than she does right now. 
“Stephie,” Azzi groans, as she walks towards the phone and Paige gulps, heart beating faster with every step the other woman takes, everything about her becoming clearer and clearer, “what did I say about using my phone.”
“Only in em-a-gencies,” Stephie recites, “but Mama I had an em-a-gency.”
Azzi tilts her head, eyebrows raised as she gives her daughter a knowing look, “and what was your emergency?”
“I really, really, really, this much” Stephie stretches out her hands as far as they’ll go,  really, really, really, miss Miss Buecks.”
Paige feels her heart flutter. Stephie’s words feel like a hand carefully pulling her out from under the pile of stress she’d been buried under the whole day. It’s like the little girl is pushing away the rubble pressing against her lungs, turning the rocks into dust with a light touch and Paige feels like she can finally breathe. 
“Sounds like a pretty big emergency to me,” she says, relishing the way Stephie’s face lights up at the admission, “cause I really, really, really miss you too Steph.”
“See Mama,” Stephie says, placing the phone against a wall so can place her hands on her hips and look up at Azzi with a pleased smirk. 
Azzi rolls her eyes before glaring at Paige, “you’re a bad influence on her.”
“I’m the best influence on her,” Paige argues, sending Stephie a conspiratorial wink, “just you wait Az, I’mma teach her all the good things.”
Something unreadable flashes across Azzi’s face before she’s back to looking at Paige with an unimpressed arched eyebrow, “I am not letting you corrupt my daughter Paige Bueckers.”
“We’ll see,” Paige says slowly and Azzi shakes her head before turning to Stephie. 
“Alright Stephie bean time to go brush your teeth. It’s almost bedtime babes,” she says with a stern look 
“But Mama-”
“No arguing, you have school tomorrow missy,” Azzi reminds the little girl and Paige can’t help but marvel at the mother that Azzi’s become. And it makes her heart ache for the fantasies she’d dreamed of when she was in her early twenties. She’d always known Azzi would be a great mother; Paige had just naively thought she’d be there alongside her too. 
“Can Miss Buecks stay on the phone till I fall asleep?” Stephie asks, peering up at Azzi with big doe eyes, “please Mama pleeeease.”
“I’m sure Miss Buecks has other things-”
“I don’t,” Paige cuts in far too enthusiastically, clearing her throat to get back some semblance of restraint as both mother and daughter turn to look at each other, “I don’t have anything to do tonight so I can stay till you fall asleep Stephie.”
“YAYY,” Stephie cheers enthusiastically while Azzi studies her with a weary look, “I’m gonna go brush my teeth and then you can read me, my story Mama.”
With that, the little girl runs in the direction of what Paige can only assume is the bathroom, skipping with childlike joy as she sing-songs about something Paige can’t quite make out. 
“You know you don’t have to say yes to everything she asks right?” Azzi says slowly as she grabs her phone and sits on the couch. 
Paige shrugs, “I have time to stay.”
“Do you?” Azzi asks skeptically, “because from what I heard the Wings are having a little farewell party tonight, for you.”
Paige narrows her eyes, “and how exactly did you hear that?”
“I have connections.”
“You talked to Ice.”
“I talked to Ice,” Azzi concedes, “and I’m pretty sure you’re already an hour or so late for it.”
“Exactly. I’m already an hour late so why bother,” Paige says, sitting up so she can rest head against her headboard, “why were you talking to Ice?”
“I can’t talk to my friend?” Azzi asks slowly. 
“Of course you can but why specifically today?” Paige presses 
Azzi bites her lip, “I um- I watched your press conference today. You uh-” she averts her gaze, “you seemed really stressed at the end and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
A soft grin upturns Paige’s lips before she can stop it, “were you worried for me Fudd?”
“That’s not-” Azzi groans, “shut up.”
Paige smirks, “you were worried for me.”
“I was concerned for my future teammate," Azzi huffs, “besides,” her face hardens, “she was way out of line.”
Paige sighs at the implied mention of Olivia, “maybe but maybe I deserved it.”
“No you didn’t,” Azzi protests and that oh so familiar protective tone in her voice carves itself into every crevice of Paige’s heart, “no one deserves to be put on the spot like that. She was being unethical trying to dig into your personal life like that.”
“This is nice,” Paige says softly, unable to help herself. 
“What is?” 
“Seeing you get all defensive over me. It's nice to see you still care. I didn’t know if you still did.”
Azzi’s quiet for a second, gnawing at her bottom lip as she looks at Paige, “I’ve always cared Paige. And-” she hesitates as the tightrope beneath them wavers, “I’m always gonna care.”
There’s years worth of unsaid words lingering in the silence between them as they breach some unspoken rule they’d both inadvertently agreed to. And they both know that they shouldn’t be saying things like this to each other, that they’re teetering on the edge of falling into an abyss that has nothing but destruction at the bottom. But Azzi’s words feel like sunshine, like heat waves across her skin and Paige is so tired of feeling cold. 
Before either of them can say another word, Stephie comes back into the room, crawling into Azzi’s lap.
“I’m back,” she beams, completely unaware of the way the two adults are scrambling to act normal around her. 
“Here baby,” Azzi hands the phone to Stephie, “take Miss Buecks to your room. Mama’s gonna go change and then she’ll come read to you okay?”
“‘Kay Mama,” Stephie complies, pressing a soft kiss to Azzi’s cheek before running towards her room. For a second Paige’s screen is blurred in motion until Stephie fixes her again and Paige catches a glimpse of Stephie’s room, specifically the walls that are painted the perfect shade of Valkyrie purple. 
“I love your walls Stephie,” she compliments.
“They’re pu-ple,” Stephie exclaims, “that’s my favorite color.”
“First the ice-cream, now the color, you’re stealing all of my favorites kid,” Paige teases but she’s secretly pleased by this revelation. It’s dangerous how fast Stephie’s starting to whittle down Paige’s walls and build herself a permanent shelf in Paige’s cabinet of my people. 
“Can I tell you a secret Miss Buecks,” Stephie whispers, bringing her lips closer to the phone. 
Paige smiles, “of course you can.”
“I think Mama misses you too,” Stephie says softly and Paige feels her heart catch in her throat, “I heard her tell Nanna on the phone.”
“Can I tell you a secret Stephie?” Paige lowers her voice, leaning into her phone. 
“‘Course you can Miss Buecks.”
Paige swallows as the admission falls from her lips, “I really miss your Mama too.”
I miss her always and I think I’ll miss her forever. 
“What are you the two of you whispering about,” Azzi’s voice cuts in as she tucks herself next to Stephie, a children’s book in her hand. 
“Nothing Mama,” Stephie says immediately, winking at Paige through the phone. 
“Yeah,” Paige echoes, ignoring her erratic heartbeat, “nothing Azzi.”
Azzi looks between the both of them, clearly aware she’s being left out of something, but doesn’t push further. Instead she flips open the book, pulls Stephie closer into her arms and starts reading. If anyone were to ask Paige later, she wouldn’t have the faintest idea about a single word in that damn book. Because as Azzi’s soothing voice begins to lull Stephie to sleep, and the younger girl, despite her yawns, holds the phone up so the blonde can be included in every second of it, Paige feels herself being pulled into a dream she has no right to dream. She dreams of being in Stephie’s purple bedroom. She dreams of her and Azzi lying against Stephie’s lilac bedspread, their hands entwined in the middle over Stephie’s little body. She dreams of a forever that she’d long forsaken.
332 notes · View notes
Head Empty. Thinking about high!plug!fontaine n high!reader. He’d def be the plug that flirts with her and gives her deals and one day he asks her to smoke wit him for free and they just start making out in his car listening to music. 😱😱😱
gurl the new pfp frightened me a bit ngl 💀💀
but coming right up! i took some creative liberties cuz i kinda forgot to double check what your ask said. im srry its just once i got that ball rolling, i couldn't stoppp ( ´,_ゝ`)
plug! fontaine x high! reader | (the nsfw is below the cutting off)
♤ taine wasn't exactly your first choice for a plug. he was a well known dealer in the glen, but the things he was known for made you hesitant. he was a no nonsense type dealer, he gives a price, you pay on time. if you can't do as simple as that then you wasting his time. and knowing you were tight on money sometimes, you decided it best to stick to the plugs you knew.
♤ but twelve wack ass joints later, you found yourself sitting in a certain green cadillac that you never thought you'd set foot in. both of you sat in silence for a few seconds, only a few feet away from each other.
♤ you patiently watched as he tried to light his spliff with the faulty lighter. growing more frustrated, he soon tossed the lighter onto the dash, then turned to you expectantly. and as if you could read his mind, you pulled your lighter and held it up for him to take.
♤ he stared at you for a bit, you felt as if you body was on fire. he had a pair of the scariest eyes you've ever seen. and he kept those eyes on you the entire time. not once looking away.
♤ you felt him wrap around your wrists. he pulled your hands closer to his face. your entire body became solid rock. all you could hear was your heart beating in your ears. the grip on your wrists were slack, giving you enough leeway to pull back if you wanted to. but something about the way he looked at you, made you stay still for him.
♤ he motioned for you to light the joint. you obliged. the orange glow of the flame made his eyes even more sinister. god he's terrifying. hot but, terrifyingly hot. once it was lit, he leaned back and let your wrist fall from his grasp. he took two puffs before he passed it over. " 'ere. take it. ' tell me if 'sgood enough."
♤ your breath was shaky as you inhaled the smoke. it was strong, definitely would get you fucked up in less than a minute. you handed it back to him. "you barely took tha' shi'. come 'ere."
♤ he placed the blunt back between his lips, as he settles one of his hands behind your head. "was he gonna gimme a shotgun right now. he's not....is he?" you let your brain rambled for bit till a low "open" brought you back.
♤ taine never does this, especially with cilents. but he took an interest in you. you seemed nervous, unlike most of his clients that just want their quick fix. and it helps that you weren't bad looking either. kinda cute in fact.
♤ but that didn't mean he wasn't fed up from watching your pretty little lips not taking his blunt properly. that shit ain't cheap. but you took the shot gun gave you pretty well. he saw how the smoke made your eyes a little teary, so he wiped a couple away before he let you go.
♤ you stared at him for a bit. he found you amusing that's for sure. and while he was trying to subside a smirk, you were trying to calm the ache between your legs. god you needed to get out this car before you did something you regret. but would you regret it? from the way his pants seemed to be stiffening, he probably felt the same way.
♤ reaching into his jacket he pulled a small plastic baggy,,that looked to contain at least 5 grams. your eyes went wide. this was way more than the agreed amount, that's at least $45 bucks, you didn't have that much on you. shit shit shit.
♤ "easy ma, this one's on the house" and with that you became one of his regulars. and his favorite at that.
♤ of course you became his favorite. i mean he'd never let a customer come over his house. much less one sit on his couch, smoke his blunt and watch a show on his tv.
♤ he certainly wouldn't let a customer stretch their legs across his lap either. or let one inch closer to him than appropriate, to the point where they made it onto his lap. he didnt mind, it definitely did help him relieve the ache between his legs. and he wasn't opposed to the way you let him kiss alongside your jaw, and even suck a couple marks into your skin.
♤ no regular of his ever let him pull down their shorts and toss them to god knows where. he's never gotten on his knees and licked a fat stripe along over their panties. never has he had to pull said panties to the side just so he could finally get a good look at how at your cunt.
♤ you were the only one who's clit he's mouthed at till his jaw ached. he didn't stop till he had to wrap his hands around your hips to hold you still.
♤ never once as taine let a regular, eagerly lick his precum from the slit to the point where he'd lull his head back everytime he felt their tongue dip into his slit. or had one force his cock into their mouth till the tip hit the back of their throat. and they stayed deepthroating him till he finally released. or had one lick up every last drop of cum that could find. no matter if it some was on his stomach, chest, thigh or on their face. he's never given a regular a couple puffs of his joint as a reward for sucking him to completion.
♤ he wondered if his weed made you like this. was it so good that it made you do your best to take him to the hilt, even though you could barely take a proper breath. probably it was the reason he'd take a minute or two cause the way your walls squeezed him, he swore he was gonna cum inside you right then and there.
♤ was his shit so good that it made you cry out his name and claw at his back with every thrust. had him having to slap your tits whenever you looked too far gone. make him tell you to how good you were, or that from the way your walls started to push him out, you were close. make him coo at you whenever you finally came, so you knew how proud he was. maybe it was why you bared the overwhelming sensation that your release brought so he could reach his edge. maybe that what made you mumbled about him cumming inside you.
♤ tempting but he preferred to release on your cunt so you could reach your hand down and desperately collect his droplets into your mouth. god he loved when you did that. he especially when you parted your slit so he could get one last lick before he let you suck it off his tongue.
♤ never had he had a regular make him feel that good to the point he gave them free weed.
566 notes · View notes
ivryne · 2 years
late night, telephones ˖ ࣪
⋆ ᳝ ֺ alhaitham x gn!reader | modern high school!au
— in which Kaveh made it his life mission to find out who is his roommate’s secret lover. [ pt two here ]
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“Yes, goodnight darling. I’ll see you tomorrow. Yeah, love you too.”
Accidentally overhearing Alhaitham’s late night phone call was one thing Kaveh didn’t plan on. But hearing those words spur from his literally cold-as-ice tongue made him question his existence. Alhaitham?? Being affectionate with someone???? Saying ‘I love you’ back??? Was Kaveh about the be called up to celestia and live his remaining life with the primodial one??
Okay it’s not even about the fact that he called them darling. OR THE FACT THAT HE SAID I LOVE YOU BACK. Even though those facts alone were something he desperately need to talk about later. But one thing Kaveh was mostly surprised at was the fact that someone wanted to be affectionate with him.
That made him wonder. Like the green haired moron does literally nothing but sit and read. Without his pretty face, perfect brawns, and outstandingly smart brain, he would be nothing. No but seriously, did you ever see Alhaitham taking a step forward to start a conversation? No, exactly! In fact he’s the one that takes the initiative to stop them.
So from now on, Kaveh decided to make it his life mission to find out who exactly is willing to suffer for the sake of being with Alhaitham.
Going to his lists of candidates he has…uhm. He can’t really think of anyone right now rather than the librarian that spends 24/7 in the library. I mean he guessed they do have one thing in common. But no let’s cross that out.
Oh yeah! Alhaitham was in the student council. He was there as secretary! Okay that opened up a few spots for some people Alhaitham could be dating.
Okay so far here is his list:
1. Vice president of the student council, Cyno
Notes: possibility 40%. Seen them talk before but they hate each other sm. Honestly giving enemies to lovers vibe but didn’t Cyno had a thing w Tighnari? Idk need to check again.
2. Student council head of social media department, Nilou
Notes: possibility 60%. Very very pretty, single too (I think??) Seen them talk but I think only abt student council matters (or is it??). Kinda too good for Alhaitham. She doesn’t seem to be the type that likes cold guys. Does that cross her out??
3. Student council head of sports department, Dehya
Notes: possibility -100%. Definitely not. Rumour spreading around that she’s dating Dunyazard. Ship them sm ngl if she turned out to he dating Alhaitham I’ll kill him for ruining my ship. But overall definitely not.
4. Student council president, [ Name ]
Notes: possibility 25%. Nah bro they too good for him. They’re literally the definition of social butterfly and he’s likes the opposite. So many ppl chasing after them fr so if they turned out to be taken by Alhaitham, I’ll personally go back to celestia myself.
So far that was the list! It was okay so far but he needed more evidence. The one with most percentage on his list was Nilou. He’ll have to ask around to find more candidates too. But he was sure that the list of candidates wouldn’t be more than 5.
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Before you questioned Kaveh to why didn’t he just asked Alhaitham, it’s because he would just stare at him blatantly and said “It’s not your problem” ! Honestly, getting an answer from Alhaitham aside for calculus matters is extremely difficult.
He did his research and observations. Alhaitham goes to the library every day (literally). He spends his time there reading the same kind of shit he does at home, staying quietly at a remote corner, away from all the other students.
There was no way this man is taken. The problem is he doesn’t even try. Like at all. 0 efforts. If Kaveh was his lover, he would’ve dump his ass in public and let him suffer the embarrassment. The worst part about that is the fact that he probably won’t even care!
After what seemed like 30 minutes, Kaveh decided that all was hopeless and finally went his merry away. Ah, if only he stayed just a minute more. Then he wouldn’t have missed your approaching figure heading towards the man whose nose is stuck in a book.
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“Hi.” A small smile graced your lips, your eyes melt into those turquoise hues, one that reeked of fondness and admiration.
No words of greetings has yet to leaves his tongue, but the way he scooted over to the right, indicating you too sit by him was more than enough.
��So, when are we going to tell him?” Alhaitham averted his gaze from his book unto you. His eyes slightly squinted, showcasing evidence of him clearly thinking.
“Is it really equivalent for him to know?” Your boyfriend asked, earning a soft chuckle from you.
“Statically speaking, not really. But the way he’s searching for candidates is so hilarious and amusing to watch, don’t you think, darling?” Alhatham lifted his book up to eye level, covering the dust of pink that shimmered around his features.
He pondered awhile before replying “Ah you’re not wrong. It is quite the fun to see him run around chasing for some bit of evidence. A mastermind are you, my love?” Now it was your turn to flush shades of red. You can see the smile of adoration on his eyes cascading through the shades of his irises.
Times like these are where you love him most. Where the two of you sit in the presence of one another, quietly scheming and watching that friend of yours running around like a detective on a case. Seeing him desperately looking for the answer when it is right in front of him, sitting cross legged and maneuvering the most amusing smile.
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do not repost, share, or copy ! Reblogs and likes very much appreciated!! Thankyou for taking ur time to read this hope you enjoyed it! Follow me for more xx
©️ shrslair.
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1K notes · View notes
bookworm551 · 11 months
Take the Edge Off | Part 8 | Pillow Talk
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You finally get a quiet moment of quality time with Miguel.
A/N: wooooooow It’s been a hot minute. I feel like I’m coming back to my neopets after abandoning them for years. Tbh I just needed to take a break, I’ve been working and going to school, so it’s been a lot. Anyways, I’ve come back to feed you before disappearing again for an unknown amount of time. Also, this is pretty self indulgent ngl, so this is for the praise kink girlies. Enjoy <3
Warnings: smut, overstimulation, the usual
Word count: 6.8k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 9 Part 10
You woke up slowly the next morning. The soft light that flooded into the room caused you to stir lazily from your dreamless sleep. You stretched with a deep yawn, feeling a dull a soreness in your arms and shoulders that reminded you of all the things you had done with Miguel the night before.
You shifted under the covers and blinked your bleary eyes open. As your vision adjusted, you registered the figure of Miguel asleep next to you. He was positioned on his stomach with his face half-way buried in his pillow, and his back moved up and down slowly with his deep, even breaths. He had his arms tucked under his pillow, and there were some loose strands of hair that had fallen over his face. It took every ounce of your strength to not brush it aside for fear that you would wake him and break this quiet moment together.
You watched him for a second with a soft smile. Laying on your side, you admired his resting face. This was the first time you had ever woken up with him still there next to you. Every other time he had either left immediately or after you had fallen asleep. It was a nice change, and as you lay there quietly, you couldn't help but wish you woke up like this every day.
"I can feel you staring," Miguel grumbled quietly, startling you out of your reverie. You smiled sheepishly as he blinked his eyes open to look at you. They were still bleary with sleepiness, and his soft gaze warmed your chest.
"I didn't realize you were up," you stated, your own voice hoarse from sleep. He let out a little huff before closing his eyes again, not saying anything in return. "How long have you been awake?" You asked quietly. He sighed, not opening his eyes. "I woke up with your tossing and turning about 20 minutes ago," he replied finally.
You hummed and offered softly, "Sorry." You had gained a reputation in your life as a restless sleeper, and apparently, it didn’t matter how much he had worn you out the night before. "It's fine," Miguel grunted as he shifted and rolled onto his back. "I should've been up earlier than that."
You smiled. You were glad he had chosen to stay here, to let you see him like this. Knowing he was a busy man, it meant a lot to you. "Full schedule today?" you asked.
Miguel sighed, running a hand down his face. "The briefing for our mission is at noon," he said. "After that, I've got a stack of reports I need to review." That sounded boring to you, but you couldn't help but grin at his words: our mission. You had almost forgotten that he added you to the team, and the notion of working with Miguel again excited you.
"Who else is on the team?" You asked casually, fighting a lazy yawn as you stretched out next to him.
"I don't think you know all of them," he stated. You hummed and replied, "Well, who would I know?" He paused a second to consider. "Me, a handful of Peters," he began. "Malala, Jess, and she's been asking to bring Gwen, too."
You rolled over onto your side, resting your head on your hand with a smirk. "Me," you added smugly. Miguel rolled his eyes. "You," he conceded. "And I think that's it."
You gave a short, thoughtful hum. There was one name you noticed was missing from the list, someone you thought deserved to be on the team as well. You knew trying to change the roster would upset Miguel, but you couldn't ignore the gut feeling you had telling you that there was one more person who should be added to the mission.
Miguel seemed to notice that you were thinking about something. "What?" He questioned, an eyebrow raised suspiciously. You looked up at him and smiled reluctantly. "You're not gonna like it," you told him. His dark eyes narrowed. "What?" He repeated, sounding even more suspicious than before.
"Promise you won't be mad?" You asked. "No," he responded evenly. "You probably piss me off more than anyone here."
You chuckled at that. "That's probably true," you admitted, moving closer to him as you did. He had a few faint scars that were littered across his shoulders and chest, and you began absently tracing your fingers over them.
After a quiet second, he prompted gently, "What is it?"
You didn't reply for a moment as your fingers danced over the faint lines on his skin. Finally, you looked back up at his face and found he was gazing down at you expectantly. With a sigh, you finally said, "You need to add Ben to the team."
Miguel's face hardened immediately. "No," he replied sharply. You sighed again. "I already know what you're gonna say," you stated. Miguel huffed an irritated breath. "He's the reason we're in this mess. He's the reason this anomaly has been able to cause all that damage."
"That wasn't his fault," you defended gently. "It could have happened to anyone, and I know how badly he wants to make it right." Miguel scoffed, and he sat up from the bed. "Nothing he can do will bring back Earth-2319," he stated sharply. "All those lives are gone forever."
He turned his body to step out of bed, and you sat up with him, allowing the covers to slip off your bare torso. You had known he would to be upset by your suggestion, but you didn't want this to turn into an argument.
Reaching a hand out, you gently grabbed his shoulder to keep him from leaving. "And don't you think he knows that?" You pointed out softly. "Can't you imagine how terrible he feels?"
Miguel felt tense under your palm, and he didn't reply. You were afraid that he was going to shrug you off, and you wouldn't have blamed him. You could still remember his haunted gaze when he came to you after the loss of Earth-2319. This mission was personal for him, and you knew Miguel wasn't going to do anything he thought would jeopardize it.
After a silent second, he sighed heavily, and his stiff shoulders sagged under your hand. "I don't have to imagine," he muttered quietly.
A taut silence followed his words. The air around you suddenly felt fragile, and you were afraid of breathing for fear of breaking it. You didn't know what he was referring to, and you wanted desperately to ask, but it seemed almost disrespectful to do so. So instead, you waited.
Miguel seemed to sense your curiosity and breathed out another sigh. "When I first traveled across the multiverse," he began slowly, "I found something I wanted—badly. I thought it was harmless, so...I decided to take it for myself."
You closed your eyes regretfully, understanding that what he was implying broke the canon of that universe. You shifted your body closer to the edge of the bed so you could see his face. His eyes were downcast with the memory replaying in his head, a faraway look on his face.
"I didn't know what would happen until it was too late," he finished softly.
You let his words hang in the air for a moment before taking the hand that was still resting on his shoulder, raising it up to cup his cheek, and turning his face toward yours. His eyes were still fixed downward, but he allowed himself to be guided by your hand.
"You didn't know any better," you said finally. "You can't blame yourself for what you didn't know." He let out a small huff and turned his face away from you again, pulling away from your hand. "It was reckless and stupid," he muttered. "I was stupid."
"You weren't stu—"
"I destroyed a universe," he snapped, his eyes finally flashing up to your face. Grief and anger were etched in his face, and in his eyes, you saw the same pain the night after Earth-2319 was lost. You realized now how much worse it must have been for him that day, and your chest ached for him.
"I understand," you whispered softly. "And I’m sorry, I didn't know." He scoffed. "It's not exactly something I brag about," he stated darkly. "And it's not something I ever plan on repeating. I can't afford to be wrong. Being wrong costs lives."
You didn't say anything for a moment, and Miguel’s shoulders slumped in defeat. There was that quiet openness again, the subtle vulnerability that seemed to be showing more and more. He obviously meant what he said, and you understood that his words came from painful experience.
Your hand raised up to rest on his bare chest, and your thumb brushed his skin gently. "You can't put it all on yourself," you whispered to him. "Nobody is that strong." Miguel didn't reply for a second before whispering back, "I have to be."
You sighed quietly and shook your head. "No, you don't," you insisted. "That's why you have all of us. Jess, Peter, me, everyone—we're all here for you."
Miguel had been staring at the ground as you spoke, but his eyes moved up to meet yours at your last sentence. His gaze was piercing, almost overwhelming. It made you almost nervous to say what you were going to say, but you held his stare as you emphasized your next words: "I'm here for you."
Your statement hovered in the air, leaving the silence that followed to rest heavy around you. Your chest tightened anxiously as Miguel stared at you wordlessly. His eyes were impossible to read. Had you gone too far? You knew he didn't want a relationship. Were your words too close to a confession?
Finally, your worries were allayed when Miguel leaned in and pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss. It was different than the passionate way he usually made out with you when you were fucking. This was slow, like he was taking his time just to appreciate how your lips felt against his. It almost felt like a token of gratitude.
"You make it easier," he whispered when he finally broke away from your mouth. Your chest swelled as you smiled softly at him. “Good,” you replied quietly. “That’s what I’m here for.” A small smile cracked the grave expression he wore, and you kissed him again.
When you pulled back again, he studied your face for a second. “You still want me to add Ben, don’t you?” He guessed.
You sighed softly and nodded. “Wouldn't you do anything to make it right?” You asked him quietly. His eyes were still fixed on your lips, but you could tell he was thinking about your words. Without replying, he simply nodded his head.
“So would Ben,” you continued. “Please let him come.”
He still didn’t say anything for a moment. He sat quietly for a few heartbeats before letting out a deep sigh. “I'll think about it,” he said finally. You smiled at him, knowing that even him contemplating your plea was victory enough. “Thank you,” you told him, closing the space between you with a kiss. He hummed against your lip before murmuring, “You know, I thought I said I don't want you to talk about Ben around me.”
You smiled mischievously. “Well, we're breaking my rule about not discussing work in bed,” you pointed out. A faint smirk appeared on his lips. “Well, maybe I don't care about your rules,” he stated with a hint of humor in his voice.
“Then why should I care about yours?” You shot back. Miguel shifted from off the edge of the bed to lean forward over you, forcing you to lay down slowly under him. “Because there are consequences to breaking my rules, remember?” He said in a low voice, his eyes darkening with desire.
Your heart began to race as he trapped your body under his. “No,” you replied coyly, “I think I forgot.” Raising a hand to his head, you pulled his face down just above yours. “You'll have to remind me,” you whispered to him before pulling him down into a hard kiss.
You brought your hand around his head to run your fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss. After a second, he moved his lips down to your neck while one of his hands traveled up your stomach to palm your breast, earning a quiet moan from you. Even after all the things he had done to you last night, you were ready for more.
You pushed yourself up off the mattress, forcing Miguel to roll back over onto his back as you straddled his waist. The seriousness from his face had disappeared when you settled on top of him. A smug grin pulled at his lips as the covers slipped off of your body, and his eyes drank in the sight of your bare body before him.
"Not too tired after last night?" He asked in an amused tone. You leaned forward and planted your hands on either side of his head as you brought your face close to his. "Baby, I could go all day," you purred before pressing your lips to his and slipping your tongue between them.
Miguel's hands gripped at your thighs, and his breathing deepened as he shifted under you. You brought one hand up to run your fingers through his hair, and when you broke away from his mouth, you moved your lips down to kiss under his jaw. He tilted his head back with a soft sigh to allow you better access to the soft skin of his neck.
Before you could go any further, Miguel's watch began beeping, disturbing the growing anticipation you both felt. You groaned, and he sighed regretfully as he raised his arm up to read the message he had received. You lifted your head up slightly to look at his face. He was clearly irritated by the interruption, and his eyes flicked back and forth as he quickly read the message.
"It's Jess," he explained. "She's asking about the meeting later." You rolled your eyes. There was always somebody or something that demanded his attention, and you were sick of it. You didn't want to let him go this time.
"You know," you began slowly, "there's this cool feature on these gizmos." You grabbed his arm and raised it up so you could see the screen. Miguel watched in amusement as you pressed the screen until you found what you were looking for.
"There," you said proudly, pressing the 'silent' button in his watch's configuration. "Much better." His eyes moved from your face to the watch and then back to your face with a raised eyebrow. "Is that why you never respond to my messages?" He asked suspiciously. You gave him a sly smile. "I just like it better when you tell me in person," you defended innocently.
"Mhmm," he hummed in response, a subtle smirk pulling on his lips as you kissed them again. You were eager to pick up the momentum you had lost to Jess's message, and you quickly returned your mouth to his neck again.
"We can't," he murmured, the bass of his voice vibrating against your lips. "I need to get up."
You hummed softly before whispering against his skin, "No."
You heard him breathe out a chuckle, and his hands came up to pull your arms gently off his body. "I know," he replied, sitting up as he did. "But people are going to notice I'm missing."
A spike of determination shot up in you, the frustration at his constant leaving finally showing. With both hands, you shoved him back down against the mattress by his chest, using most of your weight to keep him down. "Let them notice," you told him. "You're not going anywhere."
Under your hands, Miguel's breathing deepened, and his eyes flashed with lust at your assertion. His desire for you was clearly painted on his face, but with a clenched jaw, he sighed regretfully. "I can't stay," he insisted. "There's too much to do."
Despite his words, his fingers were gripping at your thighs, and he shifted under you restlessly. His resolve was hanging by a thread, and you knew exactly how to snap it.
Your mouth curled in a wicked grin as you lowered your face to hover over his own. "You're gonna stay right here with me until I'm through with you," you whispered to him. "You know why?"
Miguel was obviously fighting to keep his breathing steady, and his eyes were fixed on your lips when he managed to ask, "Why?" You lowered your face just above his, your eyes locking and noses brushing against each other. Then, softly, smugly, you said, "Because this pussy is yours, and I know how much you love it."
Miguel's jaw clenched at your words, and when you pressed your lips to his again, he was no longer holding back. His tongue pushed its way into your mouth aggressively as his fingers dug into your hips. From beneath you, his body shifted as he propped himself more upright and pushed your hips down to where his hardened cock was waiting.
You smiled deviously as he kissed you. The feeling of power rushed to your head at being able to distract him from his work with only a few words. Your heart was pounding in anticipation, and with the soft breathy moans you were both making, the ache between your legs was growing almost painful.
You allowed yourself to be guided back by his hard, gripping hands. A thrill ran up through your body when you felt his cock brush against your hot entrance. You could see the unfocused look in Miguel's eyes, like the only thing he could think about was being inside you.
To be mischievous, you teased your pussy around his length. Miguel groaned ever so softly, and his eyes burned with lust. "I don't have time for your fucking teasing," he growled. You smirked, always enjoying getting him riled up. He was even better when he was frustrated.
"You're so impatient," you observed with an amused voice. "I'm gonna have to teach you how to wait nicely one day." Miguel wasn't so amused. "I don't have time for this," he replied, shifting under you to try and align himself to you. You laughed. "That's the point," you said. "You need to learn how to—"
You cut yourself off with a sharp gasp. Miguel clearly had enough of your lecture and finally slammed himself into you, causing you to fall forward so that your head rested against his. The sudden feeling of him stretching you out so unexpectedly had made your mind freeze, and for a second, you couldn't speak.
"You were saying?" Miguel muttered smugly when you opened your eyes again. You couldn't even remember what you were saying. The only thing on your mind now was how badly you needed to fuck him.
With Miguel's hands still on your hips, you began moving eagerly along the length of his cock. You rocked your hips against his, grinding your pussy hard against him. Quiet whines began to rise up from your throat as you raised yourself up and down, slowly at first, but you soon increased your pace as he began grunting from the feeling of you riding him.
Miguel was gripping your waist tightly and gasping quietly as he helped you move up and down his length. You fell forward, planting your hands on his chest as you moved your hips against his. His eyes met yours with an electrifying gaze that only encouraged your movements.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, his eyes fixed on your face with a lustful sort of reverence as his hands slowly slid up the sides of your torso. "You're so fucking pretty."
Damn him and his words that sent your heart fluttering. Even there, in the midst of riding him, you felt your face grow warm from his praise. Of course, you had heard him say things like that before, but for some reason, it hit you in a different way that turned you into a blushing mess on top of him.
Miguel apparently noticed the effect his praise had over you because his lips twisted in a half-smirk, and he sat up off the bed to bring his face up to yours. "My pretty girl," he murmured, his voice deep as he spoke the words against your lips.
You seemed to forget how to breathe. Your heart was pounding furiously in your chest as you locked eyes with him. His dark, piercing gaze that once seemed like an impenetrable wall was now soft and warm. The way he was staring at you made you feel like he could see into your soul, like he knew what you felt for him, what you wanted from him. And in his eyes, you could almost swear that you could see it, too.
His strong arms wrapped themselves slowly around your torso to hold you against him, and his lips pressed against yours gently. You didn't even realize that he was rolling you over until you were on your back beneath him, and he began driving his hips into yours.
You let out a soft moan and broke away from his lips. Miguel's head fell to your shoulder as he moved steadily inside you, his cock pumping in and out of your soaking cunt. His hot breath fanned against your collarbones, and you could hear how he grunted softly with each thrust.
"God, I can't get enough of you," he panted, his voice hoarse and quiet. "Fucking you is—it's like Rapture."
You nearly came apart right there. His words and his cock had you completely at his mercy. One of your hands gripped at his muscular back while the other slid up the back of his neck to run through his dark hair. It took most of your effort to even form a coherent thought, and speaking felt next to impossible.
"Only you—," you started, cutting yourself off with a moan. "Only you can m-make me feel like this. You fuck me so good."
Miguel groaned quietly at your words. Lifting his face up from your shoulder, he rested his forehead against yours. "You know why?" He asked quietly. You opened your eyes to meet his, not even bothering to respond. "Because you're my pretty girl," he asserted. "And this pussy is mine." As he spoke, Miguel's hand slipped down between your bodies until he found your clit with his thumb.
You cried out in ecstasy as he circled his thumb around while still driving his cock deep inside you. Your hand moved from his back to grip the headboard above you as he fucked you relentlessly. The sounds of his hips slapping against yours were in-time with each whining moan you made. You barely had time to register that you were cumming until it took over your whole body.
You were practically screaming his name as your body shook uncontrollably. You pulled him close to you while his hips continued thrusting into you ceaselessly. Bliss completely overtook your every faculty, and the only thing your mind could process was Miguel.
His eyes never left your face as he watched you completely unravel under him. He gave a long, deep moan at the feeling of you clenching around him. His lips brushed against yours as he slowed down his pace for you, aware of how your body was beginning to grow overstimulated, and he murmured your name under his breath softly.
As you finished riding out your high, your body was still alight with pleasure, and your heart was still beating wildly in your chest, but you finally managed to breathe properly again. Blinking your eyes open, Miguel's dark gaze was hypnotizing. He was clearly proud of how he had caused you to come so undone, and he whispered, "You're so pretty when you cum."
All you could do to respond was moan softly. He never failed to get you off, and he never failed to praise you when you did.
With one hand still entangled in his hair, you pulled his face down to yours in a sloppy kiss. As Miguel's tongue danced against yours, he pulled himself out of you. You were still breathing hard when he sat up off your body. Taking advantage of the fact that you were still recovering from your high, he turned you over so that you were on your stomach and lifted your ass up to him.
Even if you had wanted to resist him, your mind was still hazy from all the pleasure buzzing through your body. Following his prompts, you obediently propped yourself up on your knees, your back arched as you held onto the sheets.
"What a good girl you are," he murmured, running his hand down your back. You hummed softly at his touch and turned your head to look at him from the corner of your eye. "Only for you," you whispered. You heard him give a heavy sigh, and you felt the head of his cock teasing the entrance of your soaking cunt.
"That's right," he purred. "You're my good girl."
That was the last thing he said before slamming his cock back into you. You gasped sharply, startled by his sudden movements as he picked up an eager pace. Still sensitive from your orgasm, you whimpered softly against the sheets.
"It's too much," you whined, gripping the comforter to try and pull yourself forward to escape the sensations overpowering you. "You can take it, babygirl," he assured you gently, his cock moving faster and harder inside you. "I know you can."
You couldn't say anything in response. You were high on his words and drunk off his cock. Your eyes were clenched shut as he pounded into you. The sound of his hips slapping against your ass filled the air, and with each thrust into you, he hit against your G-spot over and over again. Your body felt weak, and you were completely at his mercy.
"Miguel," you moaned, unable to say anything else. He cursed softly under his breath, and his hands gripped your hips tightly to keep you steady. "You're doing so good, cariño," he told you, his fingers digging into your skin. "Just a little more."
His gentle tone contrasted sharply against the almost savage way he was fucking you. Your breathing came in shallow gasps, and your legs started to give out from under you. Miguel dropped one of his hands to support himself on the mattress. His large body seemed to envelope yours, and you could feel the heat from his skin warming your back. His panting breath tickled your ear as he continued ramming into you relentlessly.
You turned your face toward his, your noses brushing against each other. His lips were grazing the corner of your mouth in feather-light touches. Your eyes, blurred and unfocused, met his, and in that moment, a three-word phrase entered your mind that you had sworn to yourself you would never say to him.
"Miguel, I-I—"
You couldn't finish your sentence before your body was racked by another orgasm. You hadn't expected it, and it hit you hard and fast. A strangled cry emerged from your throat as your body trembled under his.
Miguel became desperate when he saw you were cumming again. With each thrust, he grunted loudly, overpowering the sound of your quiet gasping. Your whole body was shaking, and just when it was getting to be too much for you to handle, Miguel grew still with a ragged moan as he came inside you.
For a moment, there was just the sounds of your rapid breathing as you were both lost in the intoxicating feeling of finishing together. His head rested against yours, his skin hot to the touch. The sounds of his panting still tickled your ear while his hand slowly roamed from your waist up your back. Finally, with a gentle kiss to your shoulder, he pulled out of you.
Your hands released the vise grip they had on the sheets as you slumped down against the bed. Your mind was still flooded with the pleasure you felt, and you didn't have the capacity to do anything besides lay there and try to recover your breath.
Turning onto your back, you looked up at Miguel. His hair had fallen into his face in a messy way that made him even more handsome. Raising your free hand up to his face, you brushed his hair back so that you could see him clearly. His eyes seemed unfocused as his mind was clouded with pleasure. After a quiet second of staring at each other, he lowered his face to place a lazy kiss on your mouth.
God, how you wanted this to last. You wanted him to fuck you senseless every day. You wanted him to kiss you every hour, to think of you every minute, to be with you every second. Being together like this, open and vulnerable and comfortable with each other, it was the first time you felt a sense of connection with another person since you became Spider-Woman.
When he broke away from your lips, he slumped down beside you with a deep sigh. You glanced over at his face, a faint glimmer of sweat shining on his forehead, and admired for the millionth time just how good he looked.
As your breathing was finally evening out, you closed your eyes and felt like you could fall right back to sleep next to him again.
"Don't even think about it," Miguel mumbled, breaking the silence between you. "Hmm?" You questioned, opening your eyes to look at him.
"You're not falling asleep again," he said with a pointed look.
You groaned, rolling onto your side to face him better. "Why not?" You asked innocently. Miguel stretched his arms before answering, his muscles flexing in a way that made you crave another round with him. "Because I need to go," he sighed. "And that means you do, too."
You raised an eyebrow at him. "You can't just fuck me like that and expect me to be able to get up and leave after," you told him wryly.
Miguel huffed out a laugh, a cocky smile on his face. "I'm serious," you insisted, unable to suppress your own grin. The rare sight of Miguel's smile paired with the high you were still feeling made you giddy. "I'm sure you are," he replied, "but I'm also serious about needing to go."
You rolled your eyes. "Then go," you told him theatrically. "I won't beg for your company." Despite your words, you did indeed want to beg for his company. Every time he left, it was harder and harder for you to let him go.
He huffed again. "I'm not going to leave you alone in my room," he replied dryly.
You smirked at him. "Afraid I'm gonna steal your stuff?" You joked. Miguel's eyes turned to you with an amused gleam. "It's a possibility," he said evenly. "You still haven't given me my shirt back." You closed your eyes for a moment with a sigh. "Oh, yeah," you mumbled as you stretched out like a cat. "I definitely meant to do that."
Miguel hummed his disbelief, but there was humor in his subtle smile. "If I didn't know any better," he began slowly, reaching over to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer to him, "I would say you're lying."
Your own smile widened as you looked up at him mischievously, and you rolled over so that you rested on his chest. "Oh, you think you know better?" You asked in a sly tone, hovering your face over his.
His mouth was pulled in a crooked grin as his fingers brushed lazily across your bare back. "I know I do," he replied with a deep voice, his eyes fixed on your lips.
You hummed thoughtfully. "Well, maybe you're wrong," you asserted.
"I'm never wrong."
"I don't believe that."
"Name one time."
You paused, trying to think of a time when he did or said something incorrect, but unfortunately, nothing came to mind. You rolled your eyes. "I don't know," you admitted finally, earning a smug look from Miguel. "But one day, you'll have to admit you were wrong about something," you insisted, "and I'll make sure I'm there to see when you do."
"You may be waiting for a while," he remarked. You hummed thoughtfully, tracing a finger over the outlines of his face. "I’m a patient person," you stated simply. "And you never know. That day could come sooner than you think."
He stared up at you in amusement. "If you say so," he replied. "Though, I wouldn't use 'patient' as a word to describe you." You raised an eyebrow in interest. "Oh? And what would you use?" You asked smoothly.
Miguel pretended to think as he slowly stroked his fingers up and down your back. "There are a lot of words I could use," he began. "Stubborn is probably at the top of the list." You rolled your eyes, trying and failing to suppress a smile. "And?" You prompted, feeling genuine interest in how he perceived you.
"And..." he thought for a second, "passionate."
You smirked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah?" You said smugly. Miguel's lips also turned upwards in a subtle smile. "Not just sex," he clarified. "You're passionate about being Spider-Woman, and you care about the people around you. You're...kind."
Your stomach fluttered a little bit. You could tell he wasn't just saying that. The sincerity in his voice as he spoke was perfectly clear.
You smiled softly at him. "Keep going," you urged, though you were still trying to seem aloof at his words. He hummed thoughtfully. "You're strong," he listed. "You're fast. You're smart."
"Don't forget funny," you added.
Miguel gave you a skeptical look. "I didn't," he said. "It's just not on the list."
You couldn't stop yourself from laughing at that. "Shut up," you chastised, lightly smacking his chest as you recovered from his joke. His eyes gleamed as he stared up at your laughing face. There was a brief moment of silence as he looked up at you with half a smile on his lips before he murmured, "You're beautiful."
Two words and your heart was beating furiously in your chest. You were struck dumb, unable to think of what you could say to appropriately respond to him. He had called you pretty a dozen times, and you logically knew that he found you attractive based on your many encounters, but it wasn't just the words he spoke, it was how he said it—softly, earnestly, like it was something too precious to be said aloud.
And there was that three-word phrase again whispering in your mind. You could never say it, you knew that. It would be awkward, uncomfortable, and even potentially ruin your standing in the Society, but none of those reasons could stop you from thinking it when he was gazing up at you with his soft, brown eyes with a subtle smile on his full lips.
Miguel must've realized you were having trouble coming up with a response. Breaking the half-awkward silence around you, he said, "But you know what word I would use to describe you right now?"
You were pulled out of your stupor by his question, your face growing warm in embarrassment. "Hmm?" You hummed curiously.
"Treacherous," he replied simply.
Your eyebrows scrunched in surprise. "Treacherous?" You repeated. "How so?"
He lifted his head up just enough so that your lips were barely touching before whispering, "Don't think I don't know what you're doing right now."
You blinked down at him innocently. "What am I doing?" You whispered back, your lips grazing his softly.
He let you place a ghost of a kiss to his lips before finally replying, "Stalling." With that, he began sitting up off the bed, forcing you to roll off his body. "We have to go.”
You draped your arm over your eyes with a groan. He knew you too well. You had hoped he wouldn't notice you trying to drag on the pillow talk to keep him there with you. Now, it seems you’ve run out of time.
Miguel sat up off the bed and stretched. You watched how the muscles in his back flexed tightly before he stood to get dressed. Sighing, you also sat up, grabbing your underwear from off the floor where Miguel had discarded it the previous night before walking to the bathroom.
When you came back out, Miguel was already dressed in his suit, his hair slicked back in his typical fashion. He noticed you emerging from the bathroom and tossed you your web shooters. Catching them, you placed them on your wrists and watched as your suit enveloped your body.
He must’ve seen the wonder on your face because he said, “I told you it’s cooler than nanotech.” You smiled at him. “It is,” you conceded, stepping over toward him. “I don’t think I ever said thank you.”
He smirked down at you, his gaze flickering back and forth between your eyes and your lips. “I don’t recall that you ever did,” he replied. You placed one hand on his chest and let it wander up to his neck. Even on your tiptoes, he was too tall for you to kiss, so he had to follow your prompting hands and lean over to kiss you.
When you broke away from Miguel, you whispered, “Thank you.” He wore a soft smile on his lips as he whispered back, “You’re welcome,” before pressing them back to your mouth. Kissing him was so addicting, and you regretted having to leave once again.
Pulling away from you, Miguel sighed. “Listen,” he started, “finding the anomaly needs to be our first priority now.” You nodded in agreement, but you could sense there was more he was going to say. “That means,” he continued slowly, “no distractions.”
You studied his face for a second before you understood his implication. “You mean this?” You asked, your stomach tightening anxiously as you thought about him cutting you off. “Yes,” he replied before quickly adding, “until the anomaly is caught.”
You frowned. You had no idea how long that could take. The anomaly, ‘Ghost’ as he had been nicknamed, had already been at large far longer than any of you could have guessed, and he could stay in hiding between universes for far longer.
Miguel apparently could tell what you were thinking, and he raised one of his hands up to hold your chin gently. “You are a distraction for me,” he told you. “Now, I put you on the team because you can be useful, but I can’t be here lounging around with you when I need to be preparing for this, understand?”
You sighed in resignation. It made sense. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, it made sense. He was trying to run this whole operation by himself, and even though you wanted him to stay with you, you knew that you were just being selfish.
“Yes,” you replied reluctantly. He nodded, his thumb running back and forth along your chin gently. “Good,” he said. “I’ll see you at the meeting at 12.”
You sighed again. “Alright, I’ll see you there.” You turned to walk toward the door, but when Miguel called out your name, you paused and turned back around. He stepped toward you purposefully, and your heart leapt as you thought he was going to let you stay a while longer.
With his body hovering close to yours, he reached a hand out to grab your arm gently. You let him lift it up, your eyes never leaving his face as you noted how close his lips were to yours, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking down at your gizmo and was tapping away at the screen.
Confused, you looked down to see what he was doing. You watched as he pressed the button marked ‘silent,’ effectively disabling the setting you had it on. “No more of that either,” he told you with pointed look.
You gave a guilty smile. “Fair enough,” you conceded, taking back your arm. “But just so you know, I think this new rule of yours is a good idea, because now I’m going to catch this anomaly so fast, it’ll make your head spin.”
He smiled in amusement at your statement. “If you do,” he said, “I’ll fuck you until you can’t speak.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “You already do that,” you pointed out. He shrugged. “Not anymore,” he countered evenly. You shrugged back at him and replied casually, “But soon enough.”
With that, you turned back to the door with a smirk on your face and the determined notion that you were going to be the one to catch the anomaly.
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gojofavho3 · 1 year
Ngl, I was really horny and sleepy while doing this, AND ALSO there so little when it comes to toji x male reader, so why not doing it now?
Also English it's not my first language, and I'm not really the best writer, at least that's what I think but that is for you to judge
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This story contains heavily smut, read at your own risk ‼️
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A few months ago you let toji fushiguro live with you, He was going through some crises after his wife died, and he spent a lot of his money gambling after coming back for his old tendencies, so he was totally homeless. with that you let him and his son to live with you
You knew toji for a long time, 3-5 years, he usually would go to the bar you worked almost every night, and with time, you two got close
and it led you to where you are now
Legs spred wide, handcuffed with your hands attached to the headboard legs, d1ck overstimulated of coming so much in that night, blindfolded, Some headphones with loud music so you couldn't hear anything, his boxers in your mouth, why the boxers you said? Well because you don't have any gag, and I'm sure that guy wouldn't buy one
While toji is sitted on the chair Infront of the bed looking directly to your hole while smoking some cigarette that you had in the pack of cigarettes in the kitchen table
Staring especially in his cum that is leaving your pretty hole right now as it doing a mini pool on the bed sheets covering the blue sheets between your legs to white as your chest goes up and down like kenjaku jumping on itadori father
Toji gets up and walks slowly to you, butt naked, still with the cigarette in hand, as he takes the blindfold and headphones, Throwing them to the other side of the bed, you hear the headphones hitting on the wall
you can still some parts of the music because they're not so far away.
While your focus on that, toji is looking in your watery eyes as he bends over and gives a small kiss on the tears, as your attention is on him again, his hands travel over your body, turning you onto your stomach, Then grabbing your ass, spreading your butt cheeks with one hand looking at your asshole, as he sits on your back, you can feel his balls making contact with your upper part of your back
He rubbs it with his thumb open it a little more, he puts the cigarette on your hole. Your eyes wined as your feel you hole squeezing it, as you try to say something, but can't because of his boxers on your mouth
After a few seconds he takes it out, putting the cigarette on the ashtray in the headboard next to the bed, he slaps your ass lightly, starting to eat you out, you moan and whimper through the boxers, as he stays there eating you out for like .... 15? 20 minutes maybe? You cummed at least two times, in those two toji leaked all like it was cake
No matter how many time passed it or how many times you cummed, it looked like the clook didn't move not even a inche, you were tired but very satisfied
He finally stops, getting out of your back, taking the wet boxers out of your mouth as you give a loud breath trough your mouth
He goes to bathroom putting the boxers there and take paper to clean you off, as your conscious goes away closing your eyes as you feel the world doing spins, as you feel your arms free and toji cleaning you up
After some time he puts one of his shirts, like one of the 3 he has, and cleans boxers, as he puts you inside the covers, yes, he also cleaned the wet spots that you soiled with your juices, well, not only your juices
As toji still doesn't know much about pda, he didn't join you in bed, he just stared at your sleepy form for a bit with a slight smile, And then he went to the living room to think about the things watching some random shit
" hm... next time I should go rougher, this was just to experience, for now.. "
Well, and where was Megumi in all this? Don't worry, dear reader, somehow toji managed to convince Shiu to take care of him, after all, it wasn't the first time that it happened
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I started this at 1:34
It's 4:25 am, I need to sleep so bad, I rushed a little at the end tbh
Well, till next time
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x idol!reader
genre mostly comedy, maybe fluff ? reader is in zb1 🤝
warnings mentions of food/drinks in hao and hanbin’s
notes hi anon, thank you for requesting ! i didn’t want this to be romantic as idol life is,, something.. but still, i hope you enjoy this ! 🫶
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— zhang hao
you’re playing drinking games
and before you ask, no. it’s not actual alcohol
you mix up the most unhinged drink combinations
like soy milk + tea + mountain dew 😃
the drink literally has particles in it
you play the ‘of course’ game and it turns ugly real quick
“you know that i’m better than you at everything, right?” zhanghao says, feeling proud
“of course! zhanghao.. you know that hanbin loves me more, right?” a smirk tugging on your lips that zhanghao so desperately wanted to slap off
loses the game because of that and has to chug down every drop (he’s ok tho i think)
“you’re lucky we’re live right now.”
— sung hanbin
since he was a barista, you guys are making drinks
he teaches you some tips and tricks but it’s more complicated than you think
his drink is so much more visually pleasing than yours although you both followed the same steps 😭
like pretty gradient colors that blend well together
but it’s expected cuz he’s a professional
you do a taste test
and his drink tastes like heaven 👍
you offered yours to him and he tries it
ngl, you were nervous about his opinion
“uh, it’s definitely a new experience.”
— seok matthew
some kind of crafts live
where you both are making those bead bracelets
you make ones for eachother and also the other members !
and matthew is all like ‘oh, you’re gonna love what i made for you’
he’s so proud of his creations
and at some point he accidentally spills every bead onto the table 😭
and you both take a look at eachother like 😐
and it becomes quiet for a whole 5 minutes as he picks everything back up
after that, you both continue making bracelets for the other members 🫶
“jiwoon hyung likes this color, i know him better than you!”
— shen ricky
painting live
you guys are making paintings to hang on eachothers walls
it’s actually pretty chill with ricky 👍
but then he accidentally splattered some paint onto his designer white shirt
his honest reaction to that: ☹️
but its okay, he can just buy a new one. maybe get a car too while he’s at it
since ricky is really good at arts
you wanted to paint him smth nice too
so you just put your autograph onto the canvas
he loves it tho and keeps it in his room 😔
“i can sell this!”
— park gunwook
workout stream
it was actually supposed to be a live for gunwook and matthew
but matthew had to do smth else
so you offered to accompany gunwook instead !
gunwook shares his workout tips and you just nod and agree
you both share your workout routines and people make articles abt them 🫢
‘zb1’s gunwook and y/n workout routine: is it effective?’
oh and you also get thirst trap edits bcuz of this
flaunting your muscles and abs and stuff idk 😭
“do you guys wanna know the secret to my godly physique?”
— kim taerae
from the content we have now..
it’s 100% a karaoke live
wbk he loves singing and he wanted to invite you to ‘taerae show #2’
has his anpanman guitar, ready at hand 🤝
you both have a blast singing and taerae becomes main rapper at some point
he’s so immersed in the ballad songs, he prolly starts crying for effects 😔
biggest hypeman
like he’s all ‘OH MY GOD WOAHHHH’
and he also harmonises w you
don’t be surprised when you get a compilation of ‘y/n and taerae: 5th gen main vocals’
“100 points?! i’m so good!”
— kim gyuvin
q&a stream
answering fan questions and basically fan service
“is a butt one or two?”
gyuvin actually thinks about it for a second and is like “oh my god.” 😭
it got too confusing though so you continued reading the comments
someone asked what he did today and he started thinking
“uh..” “sorry, i forgot.” you joke, making gyuvin stare daggers to you 🫢
he looks back to the screen
and with a wide smile he said
“i’m sorry zerose! i think we have to end the live here. thank you for watching!”
— kim jiwoong
makeup stream
where you do his makeup
and he’s giving you those eyes yk 👀
the comments are going crazy bcuz of it
and when you do his lips, he smiles and it curves so perfectly (ahdguajskshaikahdh)
you accidentally went overboard with the glitter
but jiwoong pulls off everything so it still looks amazing
everyone loves what you did and your makeup style is trending 👍
“i think some glitter got stuck in my eye.”
— han yujin
i don’t know why but you both are face painting
but instead of face painting on yourselves, you face paint eachother
“i’m gonna make you into a piece of art” he says as he paints a streak onto your face
he stops to take a step back and look at everything from a bigger picture
and bursts into laughter 😃
you’re so worried abt what he did to you
he tries to regain his composure but laughs every few seconds
“what’s wrong? what did you do?” “nothing! i made you look very.. cool.” 😁
and then you look into a mirror and you look like shrek's offspring (yes, you get turned into a meme)
“this is my best piece yet! should i leave my signature too?”
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© keiwook
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sarahs-secrets2 · 1 year
what do you think phillip would be like with an s/o who’s a struggling (or successful) painter/artist? idk just a crazy idea I had (ngl it would be so cute if he got his s/o their own studio or sum 💀) love ur writing!
Whatever You Want ˋ♡ˊ
phillip graves x gn!reader (pet names, swearing)
this is very Home Depot husband-esque, hope you enjoy!! thank you sm!! :)
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
“You think I’d be any good at it?” He scratched the back of his head unsure. Since you were an artist, it was only natural he asked you for advice, your word was gospel to him. 
“Of course baby,” placing a kiss on his lips for reassurance. 
Phillip had always been good with his hands, in more ways than one. It's why you suggested he look into building, and woodworking while he was on his break. 
Ever since you said that Phillip Graves had been in and out of the local hardware store nonstop. Luckily he had some time off due to his most recent stint of not being in the tank. The first couple of weeks you thought maybe he would drop it soon, move on to a new hobby. Little did you know what Phillip’s plans really were. 
You were sitting staring at a basically blank canvas. The only thing somewhat visible were faint sketch marks that you had tried to erase one too many times. In the background there was a faint sound of a screwdriver, Phillip had taken over the spare room for the past month. His newfound hobby had become much more serious. Of course, you didn't mind as long as he wasn't making too much of a mess. 
“Fuck,” mumbling under your breath, your brand-new set of pencils had just vanished. Not even 20 minutes ago they were on the kitchen table where you were working, and now… gone. “Honey!” you called out hoping you were loud enough he could hear. 
“Hm?” Graves stuck his head out from the door, pushing the clear safety goggles onto the top of his head. “You need me?”
“Do you know where my pencils went?”
He smirked, not answering right away. “Maybe…” his voice trailed, eyes darting back into the spare room. “Give me a few more minutes,” and just like that, the door slammed shut and the sound of the screwdriver returned. 
5 minutes later, Phillip stepped out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him. “You ready?” 
Hesitantly, you got up and followed him into the room. Almost immediately you froze taking in the new appearance of the room. Saying it was a dream come true was an understatement. An entire furnished art studio had now taken up residency in your spare room. 
“You did this?” you gestured to the brand-new studio in shock. Phillip smiled whilst stuffing his hands in his back pockets, obviously very proud of his work. The shelves were filled with your artwork from previous years that Phillip had saved. Against one of the walls, the perfect-sized desk sat already loaded with supplies (and your previously “lost pencils”). “For me?” 
“Of course,” his smile was warm as he stepped closer, “I’d build you whatever you want darlin’,” his eyes glued to yours, hands dragging slowly up and down your arms. You knew he meant it, he had always been your biggest supporter. 
“Thank you baby, this is…” your arms wrapped around his neck drawing him in. “This is everything, thank you,” 
He whispered, leaning in for a kiss, “Anythin’ for you doll,”
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
i didn't proof read bc im sleepy!! ill do it in the morning!!
graves masterlist!!
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midnight-mourning · 22 hours
Day & Night. (Sun & Moon Drabble)
Requested By: @luckyyyduckyyy
Word Count: 500
Summary: Being stuck together 24/7/365 had been bad enough, working together is somehow worse. In certain aspects, anyway.
Note: Not canon to CS but utilizes the same personalities! Bri's here too lol Also third person POV bc I don't want y'all to get too into the boys' heads just yet :)
No outward reaction from the bot as he continues to orchestrate his craft session.
The slightest twitch of acknowledgement, and perhaps definitely annoyance.
The naptime attendant doesn't bother attempting a third time, instead opting for a more direct, though dramatic, approach. 
When he disappears from his yellow counterpart's view, it's under the assumption that he won't be returning. And frankly, he couldn't be happier-
His sensors alert him of a rapidly descending presence from above before his optics do. Though he's unable to stop from flinching when Moon appears eye to eye with him, hanging upside down from the wire he's so proud to show his mastering of. 
The night-themed bot's words are as blunt as his stare, "It's naptime."
Sun, despite his urges to do otherwise, remains polite. Or at least, his tone does, "Naptime begins at exactly 2:00:00 PM. I still have 5 minutes, 32 seconds, and 6 milliseconds."
"Light's off at 1:55:00 PM," Moon tilts his head, "You know that."
"I do."
Moon's eyes narrow, "Then why did you start another activity at 1:53:45 PM? Knowing that the children need time to wind down and prepare."
"Oh, did I?" Sun raises a hand to his faceplate, "Goodness me, it seems that without you constantly reminding me I've lost my ability to effectively keep track of time! What a shame."
The naptime attendant doesn't move an inch, "They're going to become tired quickly if you don't allow them to rest. Is that really something you wish to deal with?"
It's now that Sun begins to falter, gaze also implying irritation, "A few extra minutes of playtime will hardly do them any harm. Now too long of a nap on the other hand-"
"So you admit you're purposely trying to take extra time-"
"-Certainly not purposefully but if that's the outcome so be it-"
Both animatronics voices grow quieter but more forced.
"The children need their nap, Sun."
"They also need time to play, Moon."
"Hey, am I supposed to be turning out the lights or what?"
Both bots turn to where the security guard sits at her desk, hand hovering over the light switch with a brow raised. 
Moon snickers quietly, too quietly for Bri to hear.
Sun responds for both of them, "Just give us a moment, Officer Perry!" Then lowering his voice to mutter a threat of "Shut it." to the other attendant. 
Before his opposite can say what he wants to, Moon rises back to the ceiling again, thus ruining any chance of satisfaction for the day-themed bot. Which was of course the intention of such an action.
Instead, he's forced to receive a message which would have been spoken in the cheekiest, most frustrating, most grating, of voices.
'You have three minutes before I instruct Officer Perry to turn out the lights.
You have two and a half minutes before I decide to just do it myself.'
What pleasant company these two make. One would truly envy who ends up with them.
Ngl this was a fun challenge for me! I know how they interact when together and how that dynamic works but have never considered separate before. Next request should be up on Thursday :) Thanks for reading!!
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chosos-husband · 3 months
Y’all seemed to like Nanami last time and I have many ideas for this guy 💔
This is for all my homies who worked in fast food(maybe this one is too specific)🫵
Nanami with a partner in the food industry
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-Iykyk, but work sucks. Especially if it’s a job you just have for the paycheck.
-However, it sucks extra when the paycheck is not that grand for the sucky hours you are forced to work.
-Nanami knows all too well about long hours and having no passion for your job. He understands dreading clocking in and staring at the clock for the minutes until you can clock out. Or, if you are closing, avoiding the clock to not know how late you are being forced to stay.
-When you come home late, Nanami does make sure you’ve eaten something. Man gets mad if he clocks out after 5. Therefore, it is very common for him to be home hours after you are.
-Either that or you both come home late and are crabby. One of the two.
-Nanami is an absolute legend about letting you vent about your sucky day. Any annoying coworkers or costumers, he is more than welcome to listen to you ramble.
-Nanami is definitely caught up on all the work drama. Idk if it was just my work but there was LORE.
-If you are upset about costumers yelling at you, Nanami is also very understanding of that. His corporate job more than likely had a lot of higher ups constantly barking at him about deadlines and things of that nature.
-Nanami gives shoulder rubs idc
-He makes sure you take care of yourself. He gets that sometimes it’s hard because of how late it is and how tired you are. But, he finds it extremely important.
-If Nanami is tired as well, he pushes for you both to get a good night of sleep.
-Sometimes Nanami gets a little mad towards you when he is stressed from his job. He doesn’t mean to and always apologizes. Because of this, he is understanding if you are a bit snappy because you are stressed from work. He does want you to apologize though.
-Nanami might offer to get you a different job because he can tell how miserable you are. However, respects whatever decision you make about keeping your job or not.
-Nanami is so reassuring. These jobs are emotionally exhausting. He is very much there for you. Telling you that you are doing very well. That you are smart and a very hard worker.
-Husband gives many kisses after long shifts 💓
-I’m ngl he thinks your uniform is cute more than likely
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s-4pphics · 1 year
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more mechanic!ellie x snobbybitch!oc lol i’m kinda obsessed and i missed them ngl 
wc;cw: 765 reaaal cute, oc is a cunt lol, joel slander i love him dont start, ellies a sub, more monologues, dassit
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you smashed the second window of your three day old, freshly glossed pink bentley with a metal baseball bat
and you couldn’t be happier! 
not only was ur dad getting you a new car but u were seeing your girlfriend today!
you were giddy with excitement as you went to your contacts and called the number saved as i wanna fuck the freckly girl! 
“YELLO!”… joel… great
yawn…. he’s nice or whatever but yawn 
where’s ur daughter gimme ur daughter
but you put on an act before ur annoyance could come through the phone 
“uh darlin’, i’m not a cop….. you know that right?” 
“no i KNOW but i need repairs on my back window, could you pleaaaaase help me?” 
you sounded honey sweet, he wouldn’t say no to you! 
“uhh sure. you shouldn’t drive it if glass is everywhere, we’ll come pick it up to bring it into the shop.” 
you smirked devilishly 
“thank you sooooo much! you’re a doll! i’ll see you soon?” 
“umm…. it’ll be a few hou—“
you weren’t hearing that, they’re coming now!
“ten minutes?! great! see you then!” 
and you hung up, your heels clicked on your garage floor as u walked into ur fathers marbled kitchen
this calls for a celebratory glass of lemonade! 
u and the devil on ur shoulder clinked glasses
you heard a knock at the door ten minutes later 
but you were already standing there! you ripped it open and was greeted with… joel
“hey! your car’s pretty messed up, someone went crazy on it, looks lik—“
“yeah it’s sad isn’t it, did ellie come?” 
“ellie, did she come?” 
“…no…. she’s at the shop” 
“doing what?” 
“she’s…. she’s working. on a car. at the shop.” 
you pouted 
“well, why are we still standing here! let’s go!” 
“uh…. okay.” 
and you smiled as you brushed past him, hopping in the tow truck with a giddy smile on ur face 
you applied more lipgloss and chanel no. 5
u were finally seeing ur girlfriend! 
he tried to make conversation the whole drive here, but you didn’t care about shit he was talking about
“that’s so funny joel! gonna go inside now!” 
and the minute you slammed the truck door and ran inside the garage and glitter obscured ur vision
the love of your life
the only star in ur sky
you felt your pussy clench in your lacy panties
and ur nipples got hard 
she was under the hood of some raggedy ass car and her muscles were out and she was biting her lip and she was covered in filth and u wanted to bend her over and fuck her in front of everyone in here 
wanted to make her scream for u 
wanted to make her cry and beg u to stop—
“why are you standin’ here, darlin’?”
“just sightseeing!” i’m gonna fuck your daughter so hard! 
“alright i’m gonna examine ur car and we’ll have a price for u in a bit.” 
and he left
fucking finally
u walked over to her
she had earphones in so u tapped her shoulder 
she took them out and turned and her face immediately fell 
you were smiling so hard! you were so happy! 
“whatcha up to!”
“did u miss me!” 
“you’re fucking crazy.” 
she’s making you wetter
she was so dirty, u wanna make her dirtier
u wanna ride her fucking face—
“what the fuck r u staring at?” 
“you. you look so cute right now.” 
she scowled harder, but u caught that pink tint on her face 
mhm, u knew she liked u
“take a break!” 
“the fuck r u talking about?” 
and her expression changed at ur serious tone. a little intimidated. a little scared. 
“take a break.” 
she blushed harder 
and u held her gaze 
hers flicked down to ur mouth
she put the tool she was holding down on the side table before she turned to look at u
u saw that little glint in her eye as she scanned you up n down. you want her you want her 
u took a step closer 
and closer and closer 
until u were right in front of her
her heavy breaths were hitting ur nose and you wanted fuck her now!
“where’s the bathroom?” 
her breath hitched and u heard it 
“in the back.” 
the devil on ur shoulder applauded u 
“show me.” 
and she nodded shakily
you grinned like a kid in a candy store!
u loved ur girlfriend so much!
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theyre gonna fuck so hard l8r lol
p.2 to this
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Best and worst of both worlds (part 12)
Tw: injury, yandere and monty just being a creep
the University option was 60% wben the votes were 20, idk y suddenly u guys decided to favour 5 blocks away from ur house too
Damn from what i seen theres like distinct team monty and team Yves, ngl as writer i am biased towards Yves he my favourite
Part 13
You told him that you need to go to class.
Montgomery frowned. "If ya' say so." He shifted his gears and began driving away.
You looked at the scenery around you. This place is definitely not somewhere you visited before, you see a few buses driving by. But none of which you recognize.
"You free during the weekends?" He asked.
You said no.
Montgomery pouted. "Well, when are you free?"
You shrugged and said being a university student is demanding.
He sighed dejectedly. "What do I know, I only have a high school diploma. Wasn't one for the books, I'd rather git' out there and make me some cash."
You stayed silent.
"You ain't built for that, it really ain't for the faint hearted. So you gotta stay in school and try your hardest, sweetheart. Follow your dreams of becoming... whatever you wanted to be."
You nodded in acknowledgement. But Montgomery kept talking.
"I came to the city 'cause I heard I can make it big there. I didn't really have a plan, I was hopin' I'd make big bucks and start my own business." He switched his blinker on as he readies himself to make a turn.
"It was totally harder than I thought. I moved from city to city, was broke in every single one and I had to live out of my car if I wanted to eat. The people, all of 'em were mean as hell no matter where I go. They're nothin' like the people back home."
Curiosity gets the best of you and you asked why didn't he just return to base.
He laughed. "I didn't wanna hear an 'I told you so' from my family. I had to fight to get out of that damn farm. I can't imagine the humiliation if I come back home, tail between my legs, empty handed."
The air between you became quiet after that.
"So... what are ya' studying?"
You tried your best to explain your degree and the profession that you're hoping to work as. Montgomery hummed in response.
"I dunno much about that. But it sure sounds stressful and too brainy for me. You're such a smart kid."
You said thanks.
"A little lackin' in the brawn department though. That's why you need me to protect ya'." He grinned. "We sure are such a great match! When I get that business idea of mine up and runnin', you're gonna be handling the books. I'll be handlin' the shop- the physical part. We're gonna be swimmin' in riches, in no time!"
You didn't respond to that, making his excited laughter die down quickly.
"...Or you could just choose what'cha wanna do. Fine by me, I'll fund it the best I can." Montgomery is starting to look uncomfortable, it seems like he's trying to make some conversation with you. But you didn't want to give him any more of your attention.
The rest of the ride went by smoothly.
"Sixth period, I guess." He stopped in front of the entrance. You wonder if he's confused as to why he barely sees anyone around now.
You looked at the time. It's 11:45AM. The bus is coming in 5 minutes.
"Here." He shoved something into your hands. "Treat yourself to something nice." You uncrumpled it to reveal two $20 bills.
You thanked him and pulled the handle of the door.
"Wait! I want your number!" He got out of his car and ran up to you.
You said that you don't remember and you don't have your phone with you.
"You don't remember your own phone number?" He stared in disbelief.
You said that with the advancement of technology, no one needs to remember any phone numbers. It's all stored in the smartphone.
He scratched the back of his neck. "Well, I think you should memorize at least a couple of em'. What are ya' gonna do when your phone breaks, huh? You're gonna be doomed!"
Yeah. Like how you are right now.
You tried to end the conversation by agreeing and saying bye.
"I have an idea." You yelped as he grabbed you by the wrist. He pulled out a pen and uncapped it, Montgomery wrote a string of numbers on your arm.
You can only watch as he decorated your entire forearm in horror. How are you going to explain this to Yves?
"There, that's my number."
You pulled your arm away and told him that you're going to be late for class.
"Don't forget to call me!" He hollered as you move far, far away from him.
Finally, $40 richer, 100% more disturbed, 200% sweatier, you reached your house. 20 minutes late.
You dragged yourself onto the porch and struck your arm repeatedly against the door. Panting with your tongue out like a dog.
You wiped the sweat off your brow as the door opened. Thinking it's one of your housemates, you tried walking past them, only to be grabbed by the shoulders.
You looked up and saw Yves with the most haunting expression you've ever seen on his beautiful yet bruised face. Half it was still concealed by his hair. There was a mix of worry, sadness, anger and relief. It was an expression that guarantees you're in trouble.
You stared at him for a few seconds, his dilated pupil never left yours. You felt like you were on a court trial during those 20 seconds, Yves seemingly scrutinizing every aspect of your soul.
You burst into tears, sobbing loudly and pathetically. You didn't know where to start, you had so many unmet needs at the moment.
You're roasting in your own skin and sunburnt, you don't even have a wink of sleep, you feel violated by Montgomery, your stomach hurts from eating the greasy fast food, your muscles are aching from that epinephrine shot, you have a headache, you don't like how your clothes stuck to your body and Yves is mad at you.
One of the needs was immediately met when he pulled you into a hug.
"I'm not upset at you." He whispered, pressing kisses on your head. You cried harder and sunk into him deeper.
Of course, he knew what happened, where you went and what Montgomery did. All of it was caught on surveillance cameras and they're easy to hack into. He heard the conversations between you and him, Montgomery should upgrade his phone, it didn't even put up a fight when he tried accessing it remotely.
All because he didn't predict that you would be anaphylactic to your new medicine. If you knew he's virtually everywhere and watching your every move, Yves would have immediately intercepted before you could even put a foot down on the floor.
Yves let you wet his clothes until you calmed down enough for him to pull you into the house, where it is much cooler and dimmer. Your nosy housemates were peeking from the hallway, but this time Yves wasn't acting so nice. He shot them all a death glare, which made them promptly retreat into their rooms.
He closes the door and leads you to the sofa. Where he allowed you to let your emotions out on his chest, while sitting on his lap.
A hand stroking the back of your head, another pulling you close to him. Yves placed his lips on your forehead as snot drips down your nose and onto Yves. He doesn't mind your sweat or skin flakes.
Yves does appreciate that Montgomery was there at the right time. When you started to rub your eyes excessively, Yves was already on the highway, doing 120 miles per hour on an 80 limit. He knows something is wrong.
Unfortunately, though, he was too late and Montgomery already drove off with you. So he had to do a detour and tailgate him instead.
He did all the calculations and thought of all the possible outcomes in his head. And... to his dismay, the best one was to let everything that happened to you happen. Yves lets go and allows Montgomery to be the hero for today for the sake of your life.
But you were never in any real danger. Yves was following closely behind this entire time. Of course, you're definitely going to be uncomfortable. However, he knows you're not stupid, he could not slip a single "coincidence" that will allow him to save you from Montgomery. It's going to be too implausible to happen given that Yves is still a relatively "normal" person in your eyes.
You hiccupped in his chest, apologizing over and over again. Yves assured you that you did nothing wrong. He reached for his bag, taking out a packet of wet wipes and dry facial tissues.
He began cleaning you with the damp towel. Yves did not flinch when you coughed right into his face and had thick, opaque mucus land on his eyelashes. He continued wiping away the snot and tears while letting a glob of green rest on his eye.
If you had lingered at the university longer, Yves would have 'coincidentally' bumped and picked you up instead. Under the guise of him searching for you because he arrived early at your place to find the front door unlocked, your bag in your room and your phone on the table. Very unusual behavior of you.
But he underestimated your desperation to catch the next bus. You have broken his records, that was the fastest you ever ran since middle school and he has the data to back it up.
Now that you're slowly relaxing, Yves removed the goop from his eye using another wet wipe. His long eyelashes clumped together from the moisture. He continued by drying you using the facial tissues, which includes drying the sweat from your back and to your rear. Who gives a damn if Yves has his hands up your shirt and down your pants, it's Yves. You trust him.
You didn't pay enough attention to wonder why he brought some aloe gel today out of all days. Yves snapped the lid open and applied a pea sized amount on his fingertips. Yves spread it evenly on your now peeling skin, you let your shoulders sag as the gel soothes the burning pain.
Montgomery proved himself useful, twice. First, by saving your life. Second, by helping Yves look much more appealing to you. Doesn't his feather-like touches feel nice? It's nothing like that brute's talons.
Yves only wished that he had half a brain to feed you something appropriate and not an artery-blocking lump of fat and sugar. Four, of them plus two grease saturated hash browns, to be precise. God, Montgomery is spineless, he should have stopped you or at least found a way to make you eat slower.
You fell limp onto him as he skillfully massaged your scalp with his fingers. Your eyes rolled back into your head as the tingles travel down your spine, causing you to forget about the soreness you've been experiencing.
Yves had a look of disdain when he caught a glimpse of Montgomery's phone number written on your arm in pen ink. He doesn't know when to quit, does he?
You never once stopped to wonder how he knew to prepare a pack of ice wrapped in a towel even before you came back. He brought the chilly item to your neck, cooling down one of your crucial points.
Yves continued massaging your head to relieve you of any tension. He ticked off his mental checklists on your needs, another thing is going to be off his list very soon.
He watches your eyelids droop until your eyes are fully closed. Now draped across his lap, you're starting to snore and drift into slumberland.
He sighed. Caressing your tender leg as you sleep.
"You are such a troublemaker." He quietly hissed. Scooping you into his strong arms.
Yves carried you into your room, where he lowered you onto your bed. He didn't put the blanket on you, because you will overheat, wake up and panic again.
He went out and retrieved his bag. Yves took out his portable fan and placed it near you, so the moving air could cool you down further. If you weren't so bashful and considerate, he would have installed a portable air conditioning unit in your room already. But he knows you will find the gesture too extravagant and start to spiral out of control with your self depreciation.
He closed the curtains, turned off the lights. The only thing illuminating the otherwise dark room are the holes in your curtains and his laptop screen.
Yves took a seat, put on his reading glasses and began typing away. One hand keying in the information, the other holding the wretched medication that hospitalized you.
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