#also the character who made these hand movements is really hypnotizing
sebfreak · 5 months
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Prince Soma Asman Kadar
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prosaic-bun · 2 years
Envy and Jealousy Part 2
Genshin Vignettes Genshin!men x Male reader Characters featured: Gorou, Heizou, Itto, Kaeya, Kaveh & Kazuha; 
Content: Fluff and a hint of spiciness.
Note: Boy oh boy did I take my sweet time to put this out. I hope you all like it as much as part 1. The problem is never the ideas, but more the time and motivation to actually type it out. Thank you so much for the flood of interactions I really felt the appreciation.
Gorou - The moon was slowly rising in the night sky, and even if your day shift was over, you were still carrying out your duties to the Watatsumi army. Under the sharp overhead lights specific to the infirmary, you were cleaning up the wounds of a novice soldier who had an encounter with a fatui squadron on the north beach of the island. The newly trained soldier's absence was quickly noticed by the general of the Watatsumi army and he was quick to come to his junior aid bow blasing. The man was quickly brought back to you in Bourou village and thankfully most lesions and contusions were superficial. However, the colouration of the soldier’s ribcaged worried you. Gorou stayed to help and brought some water to the unnerved soldier in hope it would help him feel marginally better. You bandaged the now cleaned wounds and proceeded to osculate the soldier, asking him to take deep breaths. Gorou watched your expert hands move the stethoscope to the different areas on the soldier’s back, torso and side, carefully listening to his heartbeat and breathing. With extra care you asked your patient to lie down so you could continue your examination. Your fingers gently palpated the soldier’s ribcage and you cautiously reached the bruised area. Behind you, Gorou watched you intently as you inspected the soldier's torso for internal injuries. You made sure to examine the soldier's traits when you would touch a new area to make sure he wasn’t trying to hide away the pain. Your assured movements were almost hypnotic, but the amount of care you exhibited also made the general yearn for the same treatment. How would you behave if you were to heal him, try to soothe his body or alleviate the pain? Well he already knew since he remembered the numerous times you had patched him up during the war. How you were always concerned regarding how he was pushing the limits of his body. Your hand had applied ointment many times to his wounds - now ashen scars covering his body. Lost in thought, Gorou was brought back to reality when his junior thanked him once more for saving his skin before it got ugly. Gorou reassured him it was nothing and that he would always be there for his troops.
Once the soldier left your infirmary, you took the road leading up the Sangonomiya Shrine where the quarters you shared with your partner were located. Gourou was unusually quiet and after spending so much time with him, you were able to read him better than anyone else. You took his hand and squeezed it lightly making your valiant hound of a lover turn his attention to you. You leaned closer to murmur softly into his ear that you wanted to take care of him tonight, your favourite patient still needed to have monthly check-ups. You could see that your words had an impact because the tip of his ears shuddered, along with his tail which confirmed everything you needed to know. He answered that he would truly appreciate it, but with a determined look he added he wanted to make things fair and reciprocate everything you would do for him. You started with a relaxing midnight bath which led into you tending to his tail’s fur, half naked on your bed while sharing how your respective day went. In that moment of proximity and warmth, you gently kissed each and every scar adorning his body, applying some regenerative lotion after your lips had appeased the skin. Satisfied with your work, you finally kissed his lips. Gourou delicately led you into a different position where you came to be lying down on your stomach, your limbs sprawling across the mattress. He made you blush once he straddled you, which he assured was only to have a better access to your back muscles. Your lover started his massage, relieving you of the stiffness and the discomfort. From time to time he would interrupt the massage only to press himself against your form and enumerate everything he liked about you. Maybe it was his words or maybe it was his body heat combined with yours, but in those moments you wondered if you were going to melt away into oblivion. Once he finished rubbing off any residual tension in your back, he freed you from underneath him. He moved aside to lie down on his side, facing you and started massaging and kissing your overworked, gentle hands, preparing them for your next shift.

Heizou - It must have been at least 3 days since you hadn’t seen Heizou. You knew he was deep in a case and looking at every relevant document from the police station archive, but you still missed him and decided to go see him before going to work at the Yae publishing house. You felt a smidge more house husbandy than usual and decided to cook a serving of radish and fish stew for him. You were aware of how he likes fried food so the warm dish was sure to be appreciated. As a side bonus, the omega-3 contained in the fish would help your boyfriend’s overworked brain. You were at these reflections when you realized your feet brought you to the police station’s main entrance. There, you were greeted by a doushin that introduced himself as Uesugi. He said that you would need to be accompanied to the archive because no civilian could go unsupervised. On the way there you patiently listened to the new recruit gloat on the fact he was only waiting for an exciting case to show everybody how great he was.
When you arrived at your destination Uesugi leaned on the archive room door and commented on the mouth watering smell that was coming out of your neatly wrapped bento. He affirmed that he should be rewarded for coming to your aid and guiding you to the archives. Before you had the time to answer, the door the doushin was leaning against abruptly opened and made him fall to the ground. Heizou came into view and peeked to the man at his feet stating that he was paid to be a public servant and not the other way around. He then mentioned he should get going before Owada, the yoriki of the police station (in other words their superior), noticed his prolonged absence from his post. The scolded man took to his heels and was quickly on his way back, feeling that the glint in Heizou’s eyes wasn’t that amicable. Before you could ask your boyfriend if he was always this way to his kōhai, he pulled you into the archive storage room and pulled you lower so he could kiss you properly. After inquiring about each other's respective last few days, you offered the lunch you had prepared to the detective who opened it as soon as it was in his hands. He took a seat at the nearest table and after a few bites, a string of compliments left his lips only to be halted by the next eager bites. He somehow must have felt that you were about to leave, so he pulled a chair next to him and tapped the seat to invite you over. You explained you had to go to work or you would look like a bad employee. In response he pleaded that he just wanted to spend a few more minutes in your company. You agreed to spend ten more minutes with him, but he would have to accompany you to work and give an excuse to Kuroda.

Itto - Your boyfriend was getting more and more cranky because he hadn’t seen you all day and he was missing you terribly. Itto knew you had prepared this fishing activity with Thoma for weeks, but this was one of those days he wished he could have stayed in bed with you since he wasn’t feeling like his usual bubbly self. How could he predict that not receiving a morning kiss would feel like an arrow pierced his heart. How could he predict that not being able to share breakfast with you would feel like eating his last meal in a cell. He didn’t want to impose, but everything felt so dramatic today of all days. He spent some time with the members of the Arataki Gang, but winning a TCG battle didn’t feel like it should. To make matters worse you probably had the time of your life with that housekeeper twink. No it wasn’t the thing. YOU were making Thoma’s day super great and the one and oni was left aside. Itto was brooding in your shared apartment when he heard the front door open. You were putting away your fishing gear when the oni sprinted towards you and embraced you into a hug. After kissing him on the cheek you told him that Thoma was treating you to dumplings and bubble tea in Ritou and that you would be back later that evening. Itto told you to have fun mechanically, but in a panic he started to ask you the whereabouts of his elusive lucky comb, the location of his favourite drums and asking what he was going to eat for supper. You answered that it was in the bathroom, under the bed and that there was miso soup he could re-heat and some leftover onigiris in the kitchen. Itto watched you decrease in size until you had left his line of sight on the road leading towards Ritou and then closed the door. He was devastated. Maybe you didn’t like him anymore. No he couldn’t doubt you like that, you were the boyfriend of The First and Greatest Head of the Arataki Gang. The one he would put his life on the line if needed. He reheated the miso soup and ate the onigiris. He smiled at the little note you had left him next to the platter. But maybe you were faking your affection with this little note to make things easier for him. No it couldn’t be. Or could it.
Itto was stuck in this very mindspace when you finally returned to Hanamizaka. He heard you come back and announce that you were home, but he didn’t flinch. He heard you make your way to your shared room where you would find him seated upright on the mattress with a blanket covering him. You approached him and teased him asking if he was sulking. You noticed how he refused to look at you, his eyes glued to the wall and if you tried to turn his head towards you he would exert all the strength his neck could exert to make sure he wouldn’t budge. You regained your seriousness and gently told him that if he was giving you the silent treatment he was either trying to make you feel bad or he was trying to signal he wanted to be comforted. One way or the other Itto needed to tell you what was happening for you to help. Your boyfriend finally looked at you and started to cry hugging you and admitted it was a hard day and he didn’t know why but he felt bad all day. You got seated next to him and made him lay his head on your lap. While you twirled his hair between your fingers you asked him to remember the exercises you had done with the wheel of emotions and to take his time to name the emotions he was feeling. He frowned in concentration and stayed silent for a little while. He then said he felt many emotions at the same time. At times he felt jealous, but also abandoned and lastly inadequate because he wanted for you to have fun, but couldn’t control himself to be better. You answered that sometimes even the almighty Arataki Itto couldn’t control his emotions and that maybe it was better to acknowledge and accept them and just let them be for a while and let them wash over him until they didn’t feel so intense.
He scrunched himself against you and hid his face in your lap. You gave him time and he eventually moved to hug you tightly. You then asked him to list 10 things you liked about him. At first the question seemed to puzzle him a bit and he tentatively answered that you liked his smile. You nodded and encouraged him to continue. Each new statement was becoming easier to say. You liked how he didn’t judge you, how he was genuine, how he listened to you, his enthusiasm, how he was helpful, the way he hugged you, how he took care of you and how he was always trying his best. Each thing he was able to find made him feel lighter. Each time you nodded to notify he was right, he got more earnest - smiling brightly. Once he reached the 10th thing you liked about him, he looked at you passionately and opened his arm to draw you in. Once in his arms he started to kiss you fervently, only you could bring him in this state of desire. You two were the perfect pair. How could he have doubted that? You both spent the rest of the night proclaiming your love for each other.

Kaeya - You were tasked by Hertha, Captain of the 6th Company - Logistic, to show the new recruit around since you were one of the most experienced field officers under her. She also knew you had a good work ethic and wouldn’t cut corners while showing the most mundane tasks there were. The new recruit wasn’t exactly your favourite type of colleague. He seemed to care more about the appearances than the efforts needed to back them up. You blamed it on his nervousness, he probably tried to play the tough guy as a way to hide his nervousness. You spent most of your day teaching him the basics, but as the good senior that you were you also instilled in him the sense of why the 6th company was important for the knights. The charter and administration of baggage train, resource management and record-keeping weren’t exactly glamorous tasks, but they were still cogs in the machine that is Ordo Favonius. You also introduced him to the other personnel he would work with, Noelle as a representative of the maids, Lisa who helped with bookkeeping, etc. You then left the library and headed to the office of the quartermaster. As you found the office empty, you concluded your presentation of the Knights of Favonius and indicated he would be appointed to a regular task and schedule tomorrow morning. He thanked you for your help. He seemed to hesitate to leave, and you raised an eyebrow, wondering if he still had any questions. He decided to shoot his shot and put on his bravado once again. He leaned towards you and asked you if you were going to invite him for a drink since you were so obviously pining after him. You couldn’t help yourself, but to burst into laughter, effectively turning the proud expression of the recruit into a meek one. You told him you only did your job and that he didn’t receive any special treatment. Obviously vexed, the man cut his losses and turned around to leave the quartermaster office.
Kaeya came into view and blocked him from retreating. With a devilish smile, Kaeya introduced himself offering his hand out, cold air seemingly coalescing around the recruit who extended his hand only to be caged into the other’s grip. After ending the rigid handshake, Kaeya mentioned he occupied the role of Cavalry Captain and quartermaster, but more importantly he was ‘his’. The recruit babbled that he didn't quite understand. Kaeya took the expression of a patient teacher and explained that he had the utmost honour of being able to call the man beside them - you, his beloved partner. The recruit understood all but too late that he had made a move on someone that was already taken. He bowed his head several times, apologizing to the both of you while hastily leaving the office. You looked at the pleased expression plastered on Kaeya’s smile and could only snicker to yourself. Kaeya came closer to you and asked what was so funny. You answered coyly that you didn’t know that ‘being his’ was one of his titles. Kaeya answered that he was serious when he said that it was his honour to be yours. Kaeya had closed the distance between you and him and looked intently at you while you tried to chase away your chuckles to remain impassive. He softly reached out to hold your chin up and asked if he may. You agreed and he started to kiss you passionately. Each time he would take his breath, he would mumble ‘yours’ to your ear. Sometimes he would say it shyly and sometimes like a one word statement; changing tone each time you were catching your breath from the passionate kiss. His voice was now a faint whisper, and he let out one last ‘yours’. However this time he clearly denoted the question that was hidden in the word - like followed by an implicit question mark. You smiled and said he was yours as much as you were his. You left the office bickering lovingly at each other and in the following weeks you noticed that Kaeya was more keen on holding your hand whenever you were out in public.

Kaveh - For once you were lucky and had the opportunity to leave the Akademiya early for the day. You had made plans with your boyfriend Kaveh for the evening and took a chance to pass by his place, maybe he would’ve finished his day early as well. The grey clouds above your head suddenly let out the rain they were carrying, as you made your way through the overpass and archways leading you down from the House of Daena. You soon reached the familiar yet impressive house decorated by many stained glass windows. You knocked at the door and you were soon invited in by the Akademiya’s scribe himself. Al Haitham offered for you to wait for Kaveh here since he shouldn’t take too much time to come back home. The scribe then disappeared in the kitchen to boil some water and make some tea while you made sure none of the books in your backpack were damaged by the rain. You put out an aged tome treating of ancient runes on the table to make sure there was no humidity that would linger in between its pages. Al Haitham came back with two cups of mint tea and commented on the book you had brought out. You mentioned you were trying to understand the scripture you had stumbled upon in some Dahri ruins and that you were currently trying to translate it, but it was no easy task. Al Haitham offered his help and you were amazed by his translating skills. After taking some notes and promising that you would get back to him to notify him of your research advancement, the conversation slowly moved on to your respective Darshans, yours being Vahumana - history and social sciences, and his being Haravatat - linguistic and semiotics. Kaveh entered the house as you were talking about the benefits of multidisciplinary research units, especially in your two fields of study. You paused to greet Kaveh and he stole you a kiss before eyeing scornfully his roommate. He excused himself, saying he needed to change his clothes - something about being less formal and more comfortable. You continued your conversation while packing your things in your bag to be ready when your boyfriend would come back.
Kaveh came back looking even more exquisite than you had expected with richly decorated garments and accessories. Your boyfriend was a sight to behold. He walked directly towards you and offered his hand to help you stand up. Kaveh simply stated that Al Haitham shouldn’t wait up as you would spend the night out. Kaveh escorted you outside and took the direction of your favourite restaurant. Although he was all smiles while inquiring about your day you halted and asked him if there was something bothering him. He knew he couldn’t hide anything from you as you were the one that read him best. He asked if you were going to do a joint research with Al Haitham since you get along with him so well and that your Darshans were closely related. He went as far as to mention that if he was going to have the house to himself at the cost of you bringing Al Haitham with you in some ruins he didn’t want the empty house at all. You reassured him that you didn’t view Al Haitham as someone you would want to pursue a professional endeavor with (nor a romantic one). You just happened to have similar academic interests and that he knew about some runic language you wanted to decipher. You resumed walking in the direction of the restaurant, but felt Kaveh still harbored some negative feelings. You squeezed his hand and mentioned you were thinking about writing a paper on the architectural style of the Dahri ruins you were currently investigating. Kaveh perked up at your words waiting to hear the rest. Having his attention on you, you asked him if he would like to accompany you during your next expedition. After all, Al Haitham wasn’t the only one with whom you could do a multidisciplinary research project. Kaveh knew how much you value and enjoyed your expeditions and the fact you invited him meant a lot. He asked if you were suggesting this idea only because he was jealous, to which you answered that you had planned to ask him for a while, but you didn’t have any good opportunity to do so. He bashfully lowered his head and said he would really enjoy coming with you. He hugged you tight and you were back on your way to the restaurant, Kaveh asking you about your day once more.

Kazuha - The Alcor and its crew had been quite on demand during the last few months. Different commissions took the crew all over the seas of Teyvat and Beidou was able to strike plentiful commercial deals with important actors of the trading business. As a reward the beloved captain decided to hold an evening celebration including a feast and some music on the side. You and your partner were able to eat to your heart's content, you couldn’t decide if you had preferred the Golden Shrimp Balls or the Lotus Flower Crisp. Your partner was delighted by the Stir-Fried Fish Noodles to which you took a mental note to try and get the recipe from Xinyue Kiosk. You weren’t sure your cooking skill would be enough to recreate the dish, but you were confident that Kazuha would appreciate it anyway. Kazuha suddenly stood up from beside you and kissed your temple before getting to the small stage in front of the dining area. It wasn’t a stage like the one Yun Jin or Xinyan, but more a cozy little platform that could accommodate solo artists. Kazuha took out his zitar and started playing a tune, sometimes humming along with the melody. After a few minutes of rehearsal and warming up, the beat morphed into something livelier and fast paced. Soon the tables were out of the way and the crewmate made their way on the newly formed dancefloor. You were softly gazing at your boyfriend’s finger brushing against the cords of the zitar when a big hand landed on your shoulder. Taken by surprise you turned around and none other than Suling - the Alchor’s chief smith, came into view. For once it seemed the ironworker had his mind off the maintenance of the weaponry. He offered you a dance to which you accepted after looking at the concentrated yet elated expression on your lover's face. You stood up and joined the others on the dancefloor and let the notes carry you around, guiding your movements. You didn’t expect Suling to be such a good dancer and paired with Kazuha’s music, time really flew by. The moon was now high above you and you requested a break, going back to sit at the dinning table to bring some relief to your legs. You accepted the cup of tea Yinxing offered you to rehydrate yourself. As you were drinking the liquid, Kazuha finished the last notes of the tune he was playing and everybody cheered for him. Kazuha came beside you and asked for you to follow him. As exhausted as you were, you managed to get up and Kazuha pulled you aside to a more secluded area where he leaned his elbow on the wooden railing of the Alchor. You felt the salty air on your face and Kazuha’s finger running on your arm. you turned to face him and asked him if he was bothered that you had danced with Sulin; each time you had checked on him you couldn’t meet his gaze, but he always harbored a soft smile on his lips. Kazuha chuckled and answered that in the end he was the one that really made you dance so it didn’t matter in the slightest. However he got closer to your ear and asked you if you would have preferred him as a jealous boyfriend. His traits kept an enigmatic demeanour and before you could answer he pulled you towards your shared quarters. If Kazuha isn’t the one to fall subject to jealousy, he still dedicated all those songs to you while longing to have you in his arms.
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shaving-for-a-penny · 2 years
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it was an interesting cross between paths. surrounded by lesbians and bisexual women ready to to see josh groban covered in blood, I sat and watched a man I’d never seen before act my favorite character from my favorite penny dreadful. it was magical for all involved.
now here’s some more fun things that happened
I’d only ever heard of Josh Groban. I didn’t even know what he looked like until I saw the promotions.
Everyone around me in the theater didn’t know that this was the first time they’d had a full orchestra in decades. It felt like nobody understood the incredible magnitude of the revival, but maybe that’s just my crazy fan side talking.
In A Little Priest, mrs lovett laughs so hard she falls to the ground in a fit and does this
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this caused the audience to laugh harder so she paused and did another full circle before getting up
I’m not sure if it was in the script but Anthony forgot where he put his cap briefly.
Johanna’s actress was perfectly jumpy and afraid, I wanted to hug her the whole way through Green Finch & Linnet Bird/Kiss Me
Also she’s so quick to shoot dr fogg it was almost comical. I had to stop myself from cackling. She was so ready to kill that guy. Good for her.
Todd has little reading glasses
Mrs lovetts actress, oh my god. So clever. Lifting up her skirt when talking to sweeney, pushing her corset up, rubbing up against him, throwing herself onto his lap. The way he just let her manhandle him into whatever position she wanted with only mild irritation was a very fun portrayal of their dynamic. By The Sea was adorable
God, That’s Good! I was just blown away. Every detail. Tobias’s body language. The new shop decorations. The pies!
THE ENSEMBLE. i hope to god they know how appreciated they are. Their movements, so synchronized, so fluid, so expressive! Those people making gnashing teeth at the pie as Toby went past I SAW YOU. i thought it was funny. I appreciate you. The exaggerated movements during The Contest, God That’s Good, etc etc… ugh, gorgeous, hypnotic
I don’t recall who played Sr. Pirelli but Godspeed! They seemed so fun! I have a very particular interpretation of his character in my mind that not many actors appeal to, but this fellow nailed it. Not that they had to, but it is always nice.
The finales. This show really knew how to end a scene. Sweeney and Lovett slammed their weapons on the table at the last note of A Little Priest, sending a flurry of flour and drops of blood into the air as they cut to black. At the end, the two (covered in blood and soot) took each other’s hands as the ensemble backed away, and dropped down into the floor with a final note from the orchestra
I’m not an orchestra person, so I do not know the technical terms / what to compliment, but they are so appreciated as well. They were flawless. Sweeney Todd is a very hard musical to sing, much less play, and having the live performance made it all that much more magical.
In conclusion, my autistic hoard of knowledge about this story has a treasure chest to add to its piles of gold. Props to absolutely everyone and anyone involved in that production. It is masterfully done.
sweeney todd
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 2 years
Mutual Desire - Chapter 10
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*Warning - Adult Content*  
Damien Clark had officially given up desperately trying to make the end of this awful day seem pleasant. 
He had the impression of being in a cliché horror movie where his character found a malevolent object in a garage sale which caused a curse to anyone who would have the misfortune to take possession of it. 
Damien didn't really see any reason other than that, that would explain why nothing seemed to work in his favor today. 
Evidently, Alexander Nabokov's presence before him was somehow a good thing since it gave Damien the opportunity to profusely apologize as he had planned. 
But was it really asking too much to not, again, bump into ‘Grey- Eyes’? 
Clearly, it was. 
If this wasn't bad luck, then Damien had no idea what it was. 
Nabokov was staring intently at him, his enigmatic face revealing no emotion. 
He certainly excelled in poker thought Damien who quickly analyzed the unusual man in front of him, from the face to the waist and then rest his intent gaze back on his breathtaking face. 
Damien noticed the coffee stain had disappeared, Nabokov's white shirt being completely spotless. 
If only the act itself could also vanish in Damien's mind. 
Damien and Nabokov attentively examined each other without any of them engaging in any movement. 
As if their gaze on one and other hypnotized them and prevented them from looking away. 
Damien attempted putting on a neutral, non-impressionable mask. 
He struggled to ignore his beating heart and the reasons behind it. 
Bizarrely, his anxious heart's nervous reaction wasn't due to fear or nervousness but to a certain excitement.
 An odd sort of stimulation that Damien had no idea where the source of it came from. 
Damien took a step back when he instantly noticed the obvious proximity between him and Nabokov. 
The grey-eyed man didn't move, remaining completely still, his right hand in his pants' pocket. 
The two men stared at each other in an almost sinister silence that gave Damien the absurd impression that he was really in a horror movie. 
From a distance, they looked like two boxers who were ready to fight. 
None of them blinked, their defiant eyes resting on each other in a silence that was downright intolerable to the ear.
"Should I expect this to become a habit?" Gray-Eye's calm and imposing voice finally broke the heavy silence, his burning gaze cooling and Damien inevitably felt full force the dominance aura that emanated from the man. 
However, Damien didn't flinch and his eyes remained riveted on Nabokov. 
Damien's face twitched and he tried as best he could to not look irritated but failed.
"I might start taking it personal," Nabokov said nonchalantly.
Damien thought for a moment that he saw a certain amusement in the man's tone voice but the completely illegible expression on his face and his stern eyes made Damien doubted this presumption. 
Which he had to admit didn't suit Nabokov. 
This man probably smiled five times and laughed twice a year.
"But it must happen often," Damien unexpectedly answered dryly.
He took a time before realizing he had just spoken aloud.
Couldn't he just close his big mouth? 
It assuredly wasn't the time for him to act impertinently, on the contrary. Nabokov's presence represented the perfect opportunity for Damien to place the pieces back together and learn from his mistakes. 
He had already screwed up by throwing hot coffee at his best friend's boss. 
Damien knew he had to stop acting in this immature and unthinking way and control his mouth, which became ‘strangely’ quite spontaneous in Nabokov's presence. 
Conscious of his words, Damien wanted to display a friendly smile but simply couldn't.
"Oh. Really? And what makes you think that?" Nabokov instantly asked, raising an eyebrow.
Looks like it's time to change the subject. 
Right now.
It was the opportune moment for Damien to utilize the gift he acquired of diverging any conversation to another subject with ease. 
But Damien couldn't use this skill right now. 
He ‘didn't’ want to use it. 
Something about this man made Damien want to act like an insolent prick. 
He never acted in this way, always remaining polite and pleasant to be with. 
Although he had some colleagues whose ego was oversized, he always stayed professional with them and never emitted impudent commentary, though it wasn't the occasions that were missing. 
So, Damien didn't comprehend why he was incapable of acting indifferently when it came to the man who was presently in front of him. 
As if he couldn't absorb the words that terribly wanted to come out. 
As if he gained a certain pleasure in conversing with the man in such a subtly smart-ass way. 
Nabokov stared at Damien, clearly waiting for Damien to explain himself, his right eyebrow remaining lifted. 
His slight frown produced a more severe on his face. 
Damien swallowed with difficulty, struggling with himself to subtly shift the subject or assert what he genuinely thought. 
He decided on the latter.
"Well, you're clearly hanging out with some spare shirts or a washing machine with you," Damien replied, staring at Nabokov's clean white shirt for a long time to prove his sarcastically say.
Damien's defiant eyes returned to the man's face who finally seemed to display a written expression on his face. 
Well, it was rather his eyes that expressed emotion and seemed amused. 
Seeing this only encouraged Damien to continue to disclose his words, as if he wanted to extinguish that glimmer of amusement from the man's eyes and turn it into irritation. 
Yes, he wanted to annoy Nabokov, to witness him lose his composure and see him abandon that indecipherable expression.
"This precaution on your part is certainly due to this type of accident which unfortunately must happen frequently to you."
Damien was trying to control the intonation of his voice that he hoped didn't sound harsh. 
Nevertheless, just like the expression on his face, Damien wasn't sure he succeeded in that.
"And the second time the coffee spilled on me, would you also call it an usual accident?"
Damien felt like he was once again listening to this contemptuous amusement in Nabokov's grave voice, which contradicted the expression on his completely unreal face.
"Totally," Damien replied promptly. "I am very blundering. I wanted to sincerely apologize for that," he added, with a wan artificial smile.
"For someone who is blundering, you hadn't had a clumsy moment at the presentation which was quite successful, I must admit.”
Nabokov's doubtful compliment didn't calm the dry intensity at which Damien was staring at the man.
On the contrary, Damien's frosty smile grew.
"The best out of the bunch, if I may add."
An amused glow appeared in Nabokov's eyes and the muscles of his mouth moved slightly. 
It wasn't a smile but it was close.
"Would it be wrong to say that your opinion is not very objective?" Nabokov retorted, his unseen smile still there.
"Still, it doesn't change its truth," Damien replied promptly, his fake smile widening again.
Nabokov said nothing for a moment, looking at Damien with a ‘not quite’ smirk and eyes that Damien had the impression could devour him raw. 
The silence made Damien uncomfortable and his smile was quickly gone but his eyes remained slightly irritated.
‘Why is he looking like me like that?’
"I didn't catch your name. You are?" Nabokov finally said.
Damien's smile returned quickly as if it had never left.
"Should have paid more attention during the presentation, Mr. Nabokov. I don't like repeating myself."
Nabokov looked thoughtfully at him without uttering a word, his eyes narrowing and intensifying.
"Do you work here?" Nabokov asked, his head slightly crouched to his right.
"From what I understood, you're the person in charge of this company. You should have an answer to this question, right?" Damien answered with a smile that was sincere.
Yes, he ‘really��� did enjoy it. 
Nabokov didn't seem to be affected by Damien's reckless audacity, who smiled with his eyes. 
He hadn't look away from Damien since the beginning of their conversation.
"I have thousands of employees. Unfortunately, I don't know all of them," Nabokov answered banally.
"That's your problem, not mine," Damien said, his bitter smile now back. Damien mentally cursed.
He had gone too far. 
Nabokov's presence really disallowed him from thinking properly before letting words out of his mouth. 
The man's presence prevented him from doing many things. 
To think correctly, to breathe normally, to act and to talk with strangers as he usually does. 
Yes, the man's presence affected Damien in many effective ways and Damien didn't really like that a stranger could produce even an ounce of effect on him. 
He wanted it to be the opposite. 
He wanted to be the one to affect Nabokov. 
To make him lose control of that cold calmness and that indecipherable face only him seemed to know how to well display it. 
Nabokov barely reacted to Damien's words the way Damien wanted him to. 
The intimidating man didn't seem to be bothered by Damien's coldness and the amusement in his fierce eyes persisted.
"It's not really a problem to have multiple employees but it's a problem when these employees have cheeky friends and that's interfering unduly with their work."
Nabokov's words should have startled Damien or even reminded him that he was in the middle of a conversation with his best friend's boss. 
A person who could overnight change Nick's work status to an unemployed one. 
But no. 
None of that resonated with Damien. 
These words didn't haul him back to order, far from it. 
Damien didn't flinch and his almost condescending expression remained. 
Those provocative words had only inflamed him.
"How fortunate that it must very rarely happen," Damien smilingly replied.
"Indeed, it happened only once and very recently."
The two men were smiling at each other with their eyes but it wasn't a glimmer of joy but of challenge.
"That's a shame. I hope you took proper care of it."
"Yes, I intend on taking care of it and much more."
"So much the better," Damien replied instantly with clenched teeth, the smile not reaching his eyes returning.
"By the way, your smell is absolutely exquisite," Nabokov leaned slightly toward Damien until his mouth was a few millimetres from Damien's ear and murmured to him. 
"I love the cologne you're wearing, Damien."
And just like that, Nabokov left while Damien remained still, trying to properly understand the discussion he just had seconds ago with Nabokov or whatever the hell that was.
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scarletnakazato · 2 years
Initial D Headcannons - Their Favourite Body Part
• All Initial D Characters x Reader • Word Count: 3,716. • Synopsis: In which small descriptions are made about the boys favourite part of Reader's, as well as Reader's favourite part of them.
• Keisuke: He loves your thighs and how soft and smooth they are. He loves trailing his hands up and down them, the feeling of the soft muscles is very satisfying to him. He will definitely use them as a pillow if you two are on the couch watching TV or sitting on his bed as he lies on his back, head on your thighs reading one of the many car magazines he's collected. If you're both out driving somewhere, he will frequently put his hand on your thigh as he drives, after he's finished shifting gears.
• (Y/N): You have a huge weakness for Keisuke's back. The muscles he's packing under his shirt make you w e a k. The way those muscles ripple like smooth waves when he rolls his shoulders or stretches is almost hypnotizing. Surprisingly, they're also very soft. His aren't tense and constantly solid like someone who's always working out would be. You like to give him massages from time to time, especially after one of his races when the tension gets to him and his muscles are tight. You simply use it as a clever excuse to help him get rid of said tension but really, you're pretty much doing just to feel up those perfectly toned and defined, god-like muscles of his.
• Ryosuke: Ryo is a man of class, so you can bet that he's gonna love your ass. Since he is a very professional person in all conditions, he won't hold your ass in public or even when you're both leaning against his car at a street race and it would be subtle. But when someone starts eyeing you up and tries flirting with you when you're not around Ryosuke, but in his general area where he can see you and this stranger, you can bet he's gonna get a bit possessive. As soon as you walk back to him and is in arm's length, he's got an arm wrapped around your waist and his hand is resting on the side of your ass. In more relaxed cases, when you both are chilling at his place watching a movie or sleeping together, he simply likes to rest a hand on top of it, maybe trace patterns lightly against it as well. He'll occasionally give it a light squeeze to which you normally just roll your eyes and giggle a bit.
• (Y/N): Ryosuke has some amazingly defined forearms that you can't help but stare at for hours. Watching him type on his laptop, you soon notice the small flexes his arms make when he moves them. Even better is when he's driving, and you get the pleasure of sitting in his FC as he does his rounds on Akagi. The sharp movements of turning the wheel and shifting gears gets those beautiful arms of his flexing full on. When his button up shirt sleeves are rolled up just past his elbows, you can bet that you're wetter than a freshmen college girl.
• Takumi: Takumi has a soft spot for your hands. He loves the way your smooth, small fingers fit perfectly with his when interlocked together with his slightly bigger ones. His hands are soft too, but slightly rougher due to the deliveries and work at the gas station. He adores how gentle you are when you run your fingers through his hair, and anywhere else on him. He finds them very relaxing and comforting; like a safe spot to run to when you have nowhere else to go, and you know you'll be safe there.
• (Y/N): You adore his face. The entirety of it is simply perfect in your eyes. From his smooth eyebrows, sleepy doe eyes, button nose, to those small, soft lips of his. He was God's best creation. (And we all know Bunta is God.) You ended up getting a habit of spacing out like Takumi, but to stare at his face instead of thinking of nothing. Anytime the two of you are alone, you enjoy trailing your fingers along his features and trace the outlines. He always has a blush on his adorable cheeks when you do it, but certainly never complains.
• Takeshi: Takeshi is a man of culture and loves all of you as a whole. But if he had to pick one thing he loves the most about your body, it would have to be your thighs. They're just so soft. Your hips would be a very close second for him, since he always has a hand resting on one and when laying down his arms are wrapped around them. What gets him giddy the most is when he lays on his stomach between your legs, his face half buried in one of your thighs with arms wrapped securely around your lower hips. You can guarantee that this man is the happiest in the world during this moment.
• (Y/N): Takeshi likes to wear those long, loose collared shirts that goes down past his hips and hides his upper figure besides his arms. He's got some sexy defined arms, sure, but it's what he's got under his shirt that's truly heavenly. In the rare moments you're alone with him and he takes his shirt off, you're basically drooling in milliseconds. This man has a godly set of abs and a sinfully delicious v-line. You would shamelessly feel up his stomach and trace the V along his hips until your finger reached the waistband of his pants. This act normally resulted in the two of you doing some delectably sinful things in bed for quite a few hours.
• Shingo: This man is a hips kind of guy. With your hips, he gets a thigh and ass combo out of it. You can be sure that Shingo will touch all three of them as much as he can. Otherwise he "just might die" if you don't let him. He's a very proud guy and loves to show off, that includes you. At a street race, he'll hold your thigh if you are sitting on the hood of his car. If you're both leaning on the side, he's holding your hip, and if you're both standing completely, yep, your ass. You've given up at telling him not to do it so much in front of people, but he always retorts back with, "Just showing them all that you're mine, babe" and his signature cocky smirk.
• (Y/N): You got a sweet spot for his arms. He's got some finely toned and defined forearms, and his biceps are hella packed with muscle. You love seeing him cross his arms, watching them flex as he does so and staying tight once settled in their position. Just imagining the feeling of them being wrapped around you tightly and feeling the small ripple of the muscles moving on your skin is enough to make you weak in the knees. He knows the effect it has on you and give you a smirk that moves his nose a cute way. There's something about his nose that you like, you can't just put your finger on what it is.
• Itsuki: This innocent boy absolutely adores your mouth; more specifically, your smile. Every time you smile, and your cheeks lift up a bit, his entire world brightens up. The little crease under your eyes and on the bridge of your nose, makes him want to drop to his knees and praise God for your existence. When your bright white teeth make their appearance from behind your soft lips, he wonders how he ever landed such an angel like you.
• (Y/N): You love Itsuki's hands. He's naturally a very sweet and gentle guy so you'd obviously know his hands would be just as gentle with you. His hands were fairly soft, often moisturized as well. The work at the gas station has roughened his palms up a little bit, but you liked the feeling of both textures.
• Iketani: Koichiro is obsessed with your hair. The way your silky soft locks flow in the breeze and reflect the light of the sun make this man s i m p for you. If you have long hair, he loves running his fingers through it and even brushes it from time to time just see to see the smooth waves of silk. When you have your hair pinned up with clips and pins, he always asks to take them out when the day is over, and you no longer need them in. He loves undoing any braids you have just to feel the softness of the hair that was tangled together in such a beautiful way. If you have short hair or are sporting a tomboy look, where you barely need to brush it at all or have no need for clips and pins, he loves the way it fits your facial structure and compliments it at the same time. You and him will play with hair gel and put the short strands in wacky places to stand up funny.
• (Y/N): You love how Iketani's hands are calloused and well worked. With how much he works on his car, they roughened up quite a bit. His arms are also a great thing to feel. He's very in shape and his arms have great proof of that. You like to stop by at the gas station occasionally to watch him work on his car a bit and when he replaces his S13's tires, your eyes gleam at being able to see his arms lift up the wheels, his rough hands holding onto them as he puts it back on the car.
• Kenji: Kenji is a sucker for your waist. He loves how the curves of it accent your body's figure. This man will hold onto your waist with both arms forever if he could. But most of time he has to settle for just one arm going around the side. He like to give it small squeezes from time to time just to feel the softness of your side muscles and move his hand up and down repeating the process.
• (Y/N): Kenji's hair is definitely your favourite. The style of how its cut and his side bangs fit him oh so perfectly. It super soft, too! You have a habit of purposely messing his hair up and having the strands stick out in every direction. He cheeks turn pink when you do it and tells you to stop, but you both know he loves it. (It's why he doesn't fight it. He knows his fate.) With his messy hair and blushing cheeks, he is so much cuter!
• Kenta: This boy loves your arms. Especially when they're wrapped around him. You give great hugs and the feeling of your arms is always very stress-relieving and calming to him. He likes to run his hands up and down them slowly as he hugs you from behind, his nose buried in your hair, taking in the nice scent. If you're both laying together, he will happily be the little spoon if it means he gets to feel your arms wrapped tightly around him.
• (Y/N): Kenta loves getting his tans, but sometimes if he's in the sun too long, he gets tan lines where his clothes covered his skin. And boy, do you love those tan lines on his shoulders when he wears tank tops. His shoulders and top part of his chest are dark, as well as part of his collarbones and upper back, but the light shades of skin that replicate the straps of his tank top compared to his darker tone, is hot as hell to you.
• Kyoichi: This man, is an ass man. He will 100% hold your ass square on at all times. You can bet said ass that he's gonna have a firm grip on it at races. You're a gorgeous lady and a lot of people notice you. Kyoichi would be damned if some other guy sparked your interest and you left him for them. So, to prevent that, he shows the people who you belong to. You like to steal his jackets and wear them almost everywhere as well, making him happier, but he doesn't outwardly show that. It gives him reassurance that you want to be as close to him as possible and no one else. But that isn't stopping Emperor Kyoichi from holding his woman's ass like the proud man he is.
• (Y/N): Kyoichi has some hella good muscles. Your particular favourite would have to be his thighs. When the two of you get going with your sinful delights and he slips his thigh in between yours, the strong muscles rubbing and flexing against yours as he leans on it gets you h o t. When his arms work their magic as well, holding you firmly and keeping you still, the definition and sharpness of them just intensifies that heat your already feeling.
• Rin: The oldest Hojo brother loves the curve of your hips up to your waist. The feeling of your soft skin gracing his hands as he trails them over your sides, gently and smoothly. He likes to leave soft kisses on the side of your hips and waist while having a secure hold on your other side. With all the hardships in his life and the pain he's dealt with for many years, your presence alone had brought a new light of life to him. He started to see the beauty in things again and that's thanks to you.
• (Y/N): Rin has some lovely hands. They are thin and long, a bit calloused, probably from holding the steering wheel of his GT-R roughly often and when he works on it. When the two of lay in bed together you like to hold both of his hands in yours and trace them and small shapes on his palms. He always wears a small smile as he watches you take great interest in his hands. When you notice he's watching you, you ruffle up his long soft locks a bit to which he groans in slight protest but lets you do it anyway. He's a huge softie whether he's gonna admit it or not.
• Go: The younger Hojo bro hands down, is a tits man. He just loves your boobs beyond all rational reason. When alone, he will lay his head on your upper chest just under your chin and shamelessly stare straight at your cleavage. He likes to massage them a bit because it "keeps them in a perfect state" according to him, seeming to believe that if boobs are massaged routinely, they will be in peak condition. "I don't think that's how it works" you'd tell him, but he'd simply shrug and continue doing his thing. This man has no shame.
• (Y/N): There are a few things you dearly love about Go, consisting greatly of his broad shoulders and silky hair in that sexy style he always wears it in. You even have a little spot for that small mole just above his lip. Something about it fits him so well and makes him just a bit sexier. You can't deny though, the feeling of his strong shoulders gets you giddy every time you touch them. When he carries you on his back you love to rest your head on one of those godly shoulders and thrive in the salvation that they give you.
• Wataru: Wataru loves your distinct facial features more than anything. Everything about your face is unique even if the differences are small to barely noticeable. He loves your cheekbones and the smooth arch of the bridge of your nose. His smooth, slim fingers trailing ever so softly along your face and leaving light, loving kisses on your soft lips, nose, cheeks, and jaw. If this boy can kiss you everywhere, he will.
• (Y/N): Your favourite part on Wataru is his eyes. The shape of them are slim and sharp, making them stand out the most. He looks even hotter when he's pissed. His eyes narrowing down, and the ends of his eyebrows become pointed, hot damn. If he was still mad about whatever pissed him off earlier, you can bet there's a good chance you're in for some rough sex.
• Nobuhiko: This genius has a love for your back. He adores the curves it holds and the dip that follows your spine. Your shoulder blades are smooth and relaxed, your lower back is curvy and perfection in his eyes. When he's stressed or worked up about something, he has a habit of resting his head on the middle of your back, arms wrapped around your waist. Part of his chest may also be on top of you, but the little bit of his weight is quite comforting.
• (Y/N): His neck is one hell of a sweet spot for you. His Adam's apple only makes you weaker. The way it moves up and down when he swallows or talks with that rich voice of his, is a glorious thing. The muscles on the side of his neck are a bit noticeable and a line on each side makes a long V down to his clavicle. It's gorgeous and you love leaving kisses and light bite marks on it. On a nonphysical part of him, his glasses are another weak spot. His hair only pairs together with the slightly nerdy look he's sporting, and it fits him amazingly. He knows you love it and when he reads, he'll slide his glasses down slowly over time without you noticing until they're resting on the tip of his nose. When you realize where they're at and how you can see his eyes not covered by glasses, you can't help but blush and wear a cheesy smile. He's so cute with and without them!
• Mako: Mako is a wholesome girl, hands down. She definitely loves your face and how every part of it makes you, you. Every curve and sharp definition of your jaw, to the shape and colour of your eyes is astounding in her eyes. The way your hair style compliments your facial structure and other features blending right in is another soft spot to her. You can bet she'll trace the outlines of your face and run her fingers through or along your hair when you're both alone.
• (Y/N): To you, Mako has some gorgeous hair. Those long reddish-brown locks that softly sway in the breeze is mesmerizing. She could put her hair in any style, and it will always look beautiful. Her bangs somehow make her both look cuter and hotter at the same time. She would easily fall asleep if you run your fingers through her hair long enough, as well. (Which probably won't take long at all.)
• Sayuki: Sayuki is a lady who knows what she likes and she sure as hell has a thing for your stomach. The way your muscles define its shape and give off a small ripple of movement when they tense up, gets her all heated up. If you're packing some abs, you can guarantee she will feel you up as much as possible. She'll always give compliments about how perfect they are and how the shape of you is so damn perfect.
• (Y/N): Let's be real, Sayuki is packing a rack. As soon as you took interest in her, you became a tits kind of person. She's a very confident lady who loves to show off her body shape. When she wears tank tops or dresses that show off a lot a bit of her cleavage, you're most likely staring with no shame. (You're just like Go, honestly.) She'll most likely roll her eyes, put on a smirk and say something along the lines of, "See something you like?" If you're alone together you'd most likely say something like, "Hell yeah I do." If it's in a public setting with a lot of people around and someone notices, your answer might be a bit more shy -if you get a bit embarrassed in public-, which might come out as, "uhh, well, m-maybe? .... Y-yeah."
• Mika: Mika loves your forearms. Since she plays golf a lot it requires a lot of arm usage, thus you can be sure that she'd take notice in yours. She'd always hook her arm around yours when you both are walking together or sitting close. If you two are watching TV on the couch, she'll lean into you and gently hold your arm as she cuddles up with you. She'll give them small massages and rub them up and down unconsciously as well, loving the feel of those muscles.
• (Y/N): Again, since Mika is a golf player, it not only requires a lot of arm work, but upper body as well. She's got some lovely curves, and slightly defined places along her upper body from the time she's spent on practicing her postures. Going to the beach with her is definitely a treat since those gorgeous curves will be showing the whole time and reflecting water droplets which never fails to get you staring.
• Kaori: Kaori is a wholesome girl so she's going to love every part of you, and it would have to be your personality. It's not a physical part of you, but she deserves an exception. She loves hearing everything you talk about passionately and what your dreams of the future are. She's very supportive and encouraging to urge you further to achieve those dreams. She loves every aspect of you and even if you have differences and things you don't have in common with each other, she'll be there for you every step of the way.
• (Y/N): This beautiful lady has some gorgeous curly hair. It's silky smooth and very shiny. Anytime she would stand out in the sun, you'd think she's a goddess with how it shines and fits her entire being so... perfectly. It frames her face in just the right way, compliments her skin tone, and the bit of makeup that she wears, beautifully. Running your fingers through it feels like an ocean of silk.
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Rivals - Prince!Reader x Prince!Eret
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairings: Eret x Reader
Characters included: Eret
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request from 🌱🌟 my beloved <3 /p
Summary: Prince Y/N and Prince Eret hated each other. That was just a fact. Mostly causing trouble together in order to one up the other. Though over the time even their relationship can change.
Words count: 5367
Authors Note: I’ll be honest you hit me with this request at a very good time so I ended up writing 10 pages in one go haha
At the end I made the executive decision to finally cut it off or I probably would have written even more, for which I’m honestly don’t have the time at the moment. I hope it’s not that obvious but if it is I apologize.
Thank you for the request 🌱🌟
I am reposting it since the original post doesn’t seem to appear in the tags no need to check the original post but I wanted to give a reason why it’s twice on my blog
Prince Eret and Prince Y/N hated each other.
That was just a universally accepted thing and something that made sense. Just like how water is wet, the ground was made out of dirt, Eret and Y/N hated each other.
Both of their respecting kingdoms never had a good relationship to say the least. Way back in the day the two nations have wared against each other which almost ruined both kingdoms forcing the two to an act of neutrality with the behest of the neighboring kingdoms.
Though this was way off in the past. Nowadays they had rebuilt. Their forces and monetary situation stood strong but they stayed neutral. Eyeing each other closely for any slip ups, though they were also bound to contracts that would involve other nations as well should they begin to go to war again, which wasn’t in interest for both parties.
So they tried to mostly ignore each other which only worked to an extent. If you are a strong nation with an impressive military force or with a lot of money, other nations will invite you to their balls, banquets or whatever fancy party they have going at that point. And it was in your best interest to join these as well, to show off your might, wealth or to connect with other foreign powers.
The first time Y/N’s family took him with them to one of these balls, he was barely six years old.
For a six year old a ball was a boring affair. All the adults were courteously laughing and only sipping on their drinks. Occasionally walking on the stage to dance to the slow and boring music.
Y/N was busy watching two older women dance in tandem. Their dresses and silk moving together in a sea of fabric that seemed to hypnotized the child as he sat on the side of the stage. His parents were off somewhere else, feeling they could trust enough in his proper upbringing to not cause any problems, that they left him. Saying that he should try to enjoy himself.
Enjoy himself how? Dance with the lonely grandma that was busy drinking away all the wine in the castle? No, thank you.
Finally tearing his eyes off the dancing women Y/N noticed how someone else was cautiously approaching him. It was another kid in what he assumed was his age. This stranger had fluffy wild hair and had a sympathetic smile on his face. He wore a simple suit similar to Y/N’s but there were a ton of differences in details.
As he got closer Y/N could swear that something seemed off about him. Something in him was screaming but he couldn’t place why he felt like that.
“Hello.” The other kid greeted Y/N.
Y/N looked around the room for a second before setting his attention back on him “Hello. Who are you?” There was a small hope in him, hey maybe this boring ball won’t be so boring after all.
With a proud expression the kid did a proper royal greeting, bowing in front of Y/N for a second “I am Prince Eret from the mighty nation of-“
But Y/N interrupted him “Prince Eret?! I know of you! My parents warned me and told me to ignore you.” He then stuck his tongue out and made a point to look away from him.
Eret furrowed his brows, exclaiming loudly his confusion to this reaction “Huh? Why?”
Y/N rolled his eyes and got off the chair he was sitting on. Just like Eret, he did his own version of the royal greeting that he got taught by his etiquette teachers “I am Prince Y/N.”
He knew he didn’t need to say more which got confirmed by Eret’s worried and confused expression turning into a proper frown.
“Oh, yuck, so that’s what you look like.”
Y/N gasped in anger “What do you mean yuck? You are the yuck one here! Between the two of us I’m clearly the cooler prince!”
“Oh really? Prove it.” Eret huffed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
Now fired up Y/N looked frantically through the whole ball room but couldn’t seem to come up with anything, that was until he saw a servant of the local royal family sauntering around with a plate of drinks and even with a few cheese and meat skewers.
“I bet I could steal more of these skewers from the servants than you.”
Instead of backing down Eret now had a competitive glint in his eyes “You are on.”
And that’s how both Eret and Y/N got into their first real trouble with their parents and other nobles.
They snuck around the people, hiding behind huge skirts and trying their best to grab a skewer from the plate. At first they waited for the servant to look away while they were talking to someone but soon their maneuvers turned riskier and riskier. Jumping up to grab one or even trying to distract them before grabbing another.
At some point for whatever reason both jumped into the air at the same time, grabbing the same skewer which ended with them smashing into the servant who in return fell down, the drinks spilling onto a couple that stood closely by.
As the adults were trying to understand what just happened Y/N grabbed Eret’s arm and yelled “Run!”
The two begun running away, making their way into the garden, hiding behind a bush as they heard some adults screaming and running around.
Y/N didn’t care if Eret got caught by the adults but he was worried he might sell him out to them as well. No, he was positive he would definitely snitch on him.
Out of breath the two kids huddled together, keeping their ears open, trying to catch any sound that might come closer to them.
Eret looked at Y/N  “I clearly won.” He then showed off the skewers he was holding against his suit, effectively ruining it.
Y/N shook his head, showing his own off “Nuh-uh. I clearly won.”
For some reason or another they managed to acquire the same amount of food so they sadly had to come to the conclusion that this was a tie. As they angrily begun snacking on their loot, they still continued throwing childish insults at each other.
This only lasted for a few minutes until their parents found them and figuratively tore them away to yell at them. Saying things like “this is not the proper behavior of a prince! Now we have to apologize to all the people! Do you know what this could cost us?”
From that point on their rivalry really started. Every few months they would meet up again by proxy of being invited to the same noble festivities. In fact every time Y/N was on such a party he fully expected Eret being there as well.
He would arrive and keep look out for that oh so dashing prince from the rival kingdom. Y/N scoffed, Eret wished he thought of him like that but in truth Y/N probably knew the best what kind of idiot he could be. After all he had firsthand experience for this.
While they always ended up in some sort of trouble there was this one moment, when they were twelve years old, that always stood out to him.
As usual Eret and Y/N found each other during a banquet. Both immediately fell back into arguing and making fun of each other. The adults got so tired of it that they sent the two outside so they could, in their words, cool down.
“You look ridiculous in your suit.” Eret mumbled towards Y/N as they wandered outside into the garden. Y/N just rolled his eyes as a response, choosing to ignore Eret at this point, not feeling comfortable with being banished outside together with him.
The garden was beautiful, of course.
Different kinds of flowers were planted along all the sides of the garden. Between them stood a few Willow trees with their long leaves hanging above the flowers and seating opportunities while in the middle of the whole place stood a beautiful huge pond with a statue protruding from the middle of it. The statue displayed two unidentifiable human beings holding on to each other, both holding an urn up into the air together where some water was rushing out ouf down into the pond.
While this all, together with the moon light, looked almost magical Y/N was more concentrated on what was inside the pond.
As he walked over to the water he could see a few koi fish flitting around in there. He sat down and lazily begun drawing invisible patterns into the water. Sometimes the fish would come close only to immediately swim away once they either saw the hand or felt the movement.
Eret was just standing dumbfounded to the side. Staring at Y/N which infuriated him. He could feel his dark eyes lingering on him and it just annoyed him. Eret finally shut up but now he was just standing there in uncomfortable silence.
Y/N let out a frustrated sigh “Stop doing that.”
Eret looked bewildered at that “Stop, what?”
“Staring! I can see you staring! I know I’m handsome but come on.” Y/N snickered at the last part.
This time Eret rolled his eyes “Nah, I was just thinking how easy it would be to push you into the water right now and was debating if it was worth getting into trouble for it.”
“And what did your small brain come up with?”
Eret walked over and sat down next to Y/N “It’s sadly not worth it. I feel like I would get in even more trouble than last time when I was destroying you in that food fight.”
Y/N angrily shook his head “Oh, no! I was winning! You were lucky my father literally pulled me away from you or you wouldn’t even be standing here right now!”
“You wish! Your father saved the small bit of dignity you have!”
Ignoring Eret’s attempt to obviously rile him up and make him more angry, Y/N turned now fully away from him and instead returned to watching the fish. They looked more interesting and had more personality than Eret anyhow.
It was also definitely easier to look at the animals than Eret. Every time he would look at him even only for a little bit this fuzzy anger inside the pit of Y/N’s stomach would come up and by god he hated it. Unbeknownst to him this feeling was mutual.
Eret almost seemed chuffed that Y/N didn’t seem to react and instead chose to follow him suit with watching the fish.
“If we are already stuck out here let’s make it at least interesting.” Y/N broke the silence “Let’s catch some fish. I’m betting I can catch more than you.”
Eret was already getting rid of his jacket and pushed his sleeves up “I doubt that!”
Not wasting time Y/N shed his jacket as well and rolled his sleeves up only to jump into the water himself once the fish stayed out of both their reaches due to their incessant punching into the water.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Not losing!” was all Y/N said.
Eret not feeling too keen on possibly losing, jumped into the pond as well, trying to ignore Y/N who was inadvertently splashing water his way.
As a bit of a payback Eret threw some water towards Y/N which resulted in him loosing a prime chance for trying to grab a fish.
Everything is allowed in love and war after all and this was definitely war.
Though this action led to Y/N retaliating with spraying water back on Eret. Soon the two didn’t care about the fish anymore and were too busy trying to wrestle the other under the water. It wasn’t a full blown fight, no real punches fell but there was a lot of pushing and pulling.
They only stopped once they heard a blood curdling scream. Apparently the noble who owned the garden saw them inside her pond and was obviously not too pleased with it.
Yeah, there was a lot of anger and screaming afterwards but for Y/N and Eret it just fueled their hatred toward each other. If the other one wasn’t there, then they wouldn’t have this problem in the first place but since this wasn’t the case all they could do as proper heirs to their respecting kingdoms was to make the others existence pain.
Over the years their rivalry became infamous and nobles who invited both to their festivities either tried to keep increased watch over them or to the detriment of both sides of the families, tried to incite them. Noble people where a strange lot, trying to find entertainment in the weirdest places.
Not that Y/N or Eret cared too much. They were too busy trying to screw the other over though their methods changed over the years. As kids they were more physical with it while the older they got they tended to use their words more and more to the relieve of their parents.
A good example for that was when both were about sixteen years old.
At this point they learned to rein in their anger towards the other and instead concentrated more or less on their royal duties. Well, they tried but every time they saw each other anger would just flood their systems.
It was a typical ball really. The nobles were busy mingling with each other, spreading false compliments in order to gain the political or social upper hand. Some called it an intricate game but Y/N thought it was just stupid. Just say what you think and don’t sugar coat it. That was something and maybe the only thing he and Eret could agree on. As much as he hated that guy he wasn’t scared to tell Y/N what he thought of him.
He appreciated him for that. A shiver ran down his spine as soon as that thought crossed his mind and Y/N just shoved it away. Never in his life would he actually appreciate that mad prince.
That said it was a bit weird how he hasn’t spotted Eret yet. Not that he was specifically looking out for him or anything. He just wanted to be aware where he was so he could avoid him. Was he invited? His family was here but he seemed to be gone. Maybe he finally gave up trying to one up Y/N and stayed home.
Y/N doubted that though. The only reason why Eret wouldn’t appear to something like this was if he was seriously sick. It happened only once and Y/N ended up being bored to death. So what if he derived entertainment from his rival? That’s a part of the reason what rivalries are for, right?
Spending so much time thinking about him made Y/N uncomfortable. This one feeling in the pit of his stomach just flared up again which he didn’t appreciate one bit. Just another reason why Eret was so annoying. He was the only person this happened with.
Bored out of his mind Y/N begun moving through the ball room. There was one place Eret could be hiding away at. If anything Y/N could predict some behavior from him over the years. Making sure to stay away from all the dancing people and the conversations, not feeling interested to take part in it. Instead he moved towards the gardens.
It was just the place he and Eret would default to since at the slightest chance of trouble the other nobles liked to throw them out immediately.
So when he spotted Eret walking around the rose bushes it didn’t completely surprise him.
“And here I thought I spied a birds nest in between the bushes but alas it is just Eret’s hair.”
Eret visibly flinched once he heard Y/N. Apparently he had been so busy with his own thoughts that he didn’t notice Y/N approaching him. He frowned at the other prince while he in return was just smirking smugly.
Sighing Eret walked over to a particular big rose and begun inspecting it“ And I thought I would finally be free of you. You arrived late, huh?”
“Hardly my fault, though I too was hoping you finally conceded and stayed home but here you are just staring at some roses like some hopeless romantic prince from some sort of fairy tale.”
When Eret didn’t immediately fire back and hesitated Y/N’s eyes widened “No! Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me you actually have a crush on someone! Who is the poor person?”
As he spoke the words out loud it felt like his chest was ablaze. Something about that thought rubbed him the wrong way. He just labelled it as a different way for his annoyance towards Eret to show up but it confused him nonetheless.
Realistically what did he care about his love affairs?
Finally Eret vehemently shook his head “No, nothing like that! Why was this where your mind went? I was just bored and am looking at the flowers. Even you can admit that they are pretty, right?” Eret chuckled “Or are you jealous somehow?”
“Only in your dreams.” Y/N responded with a disgusted expression on his face.
“Nightmares you mean.” Eret added before pulling one rose out of the bush.
Y/N looked around hoping none of the staff or someone else saw this “Dude, what the hell are you doing? If you get into trouble for stealing flowers and I’m around everyone will think I’m part of this.”
“They won’t notice, Y/N. Well, they will only notice it if you aren’t careful enough. You need to have an eye for such things and me begrudgingly knowing you as well as I do, you do not have an eye for that.”
This is always how it happens. Every god damn time. One of the two would make a statement that the other person couldn’t do a very specific thing and all bets were off.
A dangerous glint appeared in Y/N’s eyes “I’ll give you the most amazing rose bouquet without tipping anyone off.” He didn’t seem to realize what he just said but Eret did.
While Y/N turned around in order to scour out the place Eret was still standing in the back. A soft blush on his face. Almost angry with himself he frowned and turned to the opposite direction Y/N just went. He was just so frustrating to be around. Doesn’t even think before he speaks.
This whole endeavor took longer than both initially expected. Most of the time they would just saunter between the bushes only occasionally plucking a flower off. Often enough the two stood in front of the same rose, trying to act as fast as possible to get it before the other.
Eret clearly went for the flower first but once his hand touched the stem of the rose, Y/N was there as well, his hand brushing past Eret’s, holding onto the lower part of the stem.
“You’ve got be kidding me.” Y/N cursed.
Eret squinted his eyes as he looked at him “What do you mean? I went for it first! You still continued grabbing it like the brute you are!”
Y/N gasped in a fake display of disbelief. Acting like the biggest insult just got hurled towards him when in fact Eret has said worse things before or even the countless nobles who suffered damages due to their shenanigans.
Both stared at each other, not letting go off the rose. Their brows furrowed into deep scowls as they just continued staring at each other. Hoping that for some reason any kind of weakness would just magically appear or that someone will let go off the damn flower.
It was incredibly uncomfortable for the both of them. Y/N and Eret both stared directly into each other’s eyes. Pink dusted faces turned towards one another, not daring to move a muscle.
“God, I hate you so much.” Y/N grumbled.
Eret nodded “Believe me the feeling is mutual.”
After a few more seconds of staring and angry expressions they both let go at the same time.
There they stood. Two princes of enemy kingdoms holding each a small bouquet of roses with blushing faces.
If you would ask them about it they would immediately exclaim the blush was just a result of their anger bubbling out.
Eret let out a breath he didn’t notice he was holding “Tie?”
Y/N looked down at his own bouquet “Yeah, sure, let’s call it a tie. This is stupid anyhow.”
That was the last time they saw each other for a while.
Since they both were heirs to their respective thrones they soon got sent away to boarding schools in order to get properly trained for their future duties. Besides being educated and introduced what these duties actually entailed, they also got trained in the art of combat.
While most of, if not all, nobles learn how to fight it was something expected from Y/N and Eret. They had to get good at it. A tradition that still stemmed from the waring days of their competing nations.
So for the next four years Y/N was sent away to a boarding school inside his own nation, only later hearing that Eret befell the same fate, which didn’t surprise him.
The years dragged on rather slowly. Most of the subjects were boring but Y/N realized they were important so he put himself through the grueling task of proper studying. The daily training sessions helped him immensely by bringing some sort of change to his every day and tended to look forward to them. Mostly since he became good friends with his coach. A mercenary hired by his family to train him.
Becoming a friend to him, while others tried stay away from Y/N. Most didn’t dare to approach the only heir of their kingdom, others knew he was a bit of a troublemaker and stayed away from him because of it.
Y/N caught himself missing Eret from time to time. While he was annoying and infuriating at best, Y/N couldn’t help but think it was more enjoyable than spending his time alone surrounded by people around his age.
Every now and again his thoughts would always jump back to Eret. Hell, he even once considered writing him a letter before he stopped in his tracks, realizing what he was about to do. Silently chastising himself for it.
Y/N graduated when he was twenty. His parents amazed by his progress threw compliments towards his improved behavior.
“Guess Prince Eret was the problem all along.” His mother noted.
He scoffed, of course Eret was the majority of the reason for the problems. His mother only needed to mention him and Y/N already felt the same annoyance from back then again. Guess some things never change.
It was the time for a lot of nobles to graduate so one family took it up on themselves to prepare a grand ball in order to celebrate these young adults. It also helped to bring all the heirs and influential people together to form new relationships that could be beneficial for their future rule.
Y/N got invited as well.
As a graduation gift his parents bought him fancy new clothes made out of the finest cloth. While he thought it was a bit over the top, it was comfortable so he didn’t complain too much. They even fashioned him with a ceremonial crown that complimented the whole outfit quite nicely.
It was only then that it really sunk in what this all meant for him. He had to act proper no matter what from now on. While people were always aware of him, now they were really watching. This also meant he had to start to properly get into contact with other influential families and nations which meant he had to actually dance on this ball.
So when he and his family stepped out of the wagon that brough them to this event, his heart was beating fast. Y/N was nervous and yet he still managed to put on a confident smile. He didn’t go through all these etiquette classes without learning a few things at least.
When he walked into the ball room, a servant announced his and his families arrival which caused a lot of people to turn their heads. It was the first official outing of an heir to an incredibly strong nation, of course they wanted to see what he was like.
In fact it didn’t take long until Y/N got swarmed by multiple people talking courteously and making conversation with him. He returned the gestures and mingled with the others, curious to see if anyone interesting was here. It was the first time in a long time people didn’t seem to avoid him, even if it was purely for the purpose of forming new beneficial connections.
It beat sitting around alone.
Y/N slowly scanned the huge room with his eyes that’s when he spied something that made his heart figuratively jump into his throat.
In the corner stood someone tall with a shock of brown and fluffy hair that got pushed down by a crown. He wore an amazing suit made out of silk and with a variant of different purples completed with something that resembled a cape. As he talked to the person in front of him he had this huge, genuine, beautiful smile on his face that made Y/N’s heart skip a beat.
He was handsome that’s all he could say about him. Knocking all the air out of Y/N’s lungs.
Pressing his hand against his madly blushing face Y/N tried to look like he was deep in thought and not just silently checking out this one person way off in the corner.
“Be still my beating heart.” Y/N mumbled as he pressed his free hand on his chest. Feeling his heart beating fast and hard against his ribcage. Luckily no one heard him but he did receive a few worried and confused looks. Guess he wasn’t as sneaky about his display of emotions as he had thought.
Y/N took a deep breath in and coughed in order to calm himself down a bit “I’m sorry to interrupt you all, but I need to go. I need to find something out. It was an honor talking with you and I hope we can continue this later on.”
With all the confidence he didn’t have Y/N slowly made his way towards that person. Something was just pulling him towards him and he needed to at least know his name. It was like his heart and mind both yelled at Y/N.
While walking he could tell that his breath was short. He felt hot and he was certain that his face was still in a lovely shade of red.
Did he just develop a probably one sided crush? Perhaps.
Once he got close enough, he begun to tremble. His knees felt weak and by god he wanted to turn around but something in him just forced him to move on. As if this was his only chance to ever exchange even a word with that stranger.
Y/N was about to put on a polite smile and wave towards him but the stranger was faster and turned towards him.
The stranger audibly and unmistakably gasped. His eyes wide open as his face suddenly turned into a similar shade of red to Y/N.
“Hello.” Y/N begun speaking. He wanted to introduce himself but his voice failed him. Throat and lips dry out of nervousness.
“Y/N?” he spoke with a deep, soothing voice and Y/N had to admit he liked hearing his name coming out of his mouth.
Wait that handsome stranger knew him?
That’s when it hit him. But that can’t be! That was impossible, he would have recognized him immediately!
“Oh. Eret?”
Y/N put his hand against his mouth trying to hide the smile and blush. Why was he feeling like this? Why wasn’t his typical white anger returning? He still had that fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach but something felt different. Maybe it was the maturity from the years or maybe he just imagined it.
Eret was madly blushing and just staring at Y/N as he slowly lifted up his trembling hand “Let’s talk. Would you care for a dance?”
That feeling in his stomach increased as well as the beating of his heart and yet Y/N put his hand into that of Eret’s. Together they walked towards the middle of the room. Slowly beginning to dance.
Y/N was at this point biting his lip. He wanted to talk, say anything but his mind was running in overdrive. No proper sentences would form. Luckily some sort of muscle memory jumped in when it came to the dancing but everything else? No, he was completely screwed.
Why now? Why was he reacting like this?
“You look like you are doing well.” Eret suddenly spoke. His voice trembling almost as much as his hands.
Y/N nodded as he continued moving in tandem with Eret. Their feet skillfully moving around on the dance floor.
“You look good, uh, I mean, you look alright as well, you do look good but I mean you seem to be doing good as well.” After Y/N stammered that out he mentally begun cursing himself out.
He used to wrestle Eret into the mud, why is this happening to him? Why can’t he just go back to his anger, that was easier to deal with. Wait, is that the reason why their anger towards each other held on for so long? Sure, their families had always a rivalry but over time something must have subtly changed concerning their relationship that it managed to end up like this.
Y/N felt like a lovesick pre-teen and he hated it.
Eret suddenly let out a short laugh “I’m guessing you didn’t expect this as well?”
Y/N raised his eyebrows “I- I have no idea what you mean. Like, seriously, what exactly of this do you mean?” Of course his nervousness showed itself via him ranting his thoughts off.
“Us meeting like this again.”
“Seeing our past track record I feel like it was inevitable, though this time it certainly does feel different.”
“Yeah, I can tell.” Eret smirked and gave Y/N a wink only to end up turning back into a blushing mess himself.
Now Y/N begun to chuckle, his blush ever present on his face, he pressed his forehead against Eret’s shoulder. Trying his best to hide his face from his view, not willing to give Eret the satisfaction that he succeeded in whatever the hell he just did.
Instead of stopping the two continued to dutifully dance. The best way for a private conversation was while dancing after all but the two were too busy snickering at themselves.
While Y/N had his head still pressed against Eret, Eret spoke up “I’m glad you are here, Y/N. Meeting you here like that again after these years, it made me realize something.”
“Like what?” The same was true of him, of course but he was almost scared of saying it out loud.
Y/N looked back up again but Eret hesitated. His eyes landed on Y/N’s lips only to immediately snap back up to his eyes.
So when he asked “May I?” Y/N knew exactly what he meant.
He gave him a nod which resulted in the two stopping to dance. Eret placed one of his hands against Y/N’s jawline and the other continued to rest at his side as he closed the space between their lips. At first softly brushing their lips for a small second but then Eret went back in pressing his lips properly on Y/N’s only to separate after a few moments.
Y/N put his hands on Eret’s chest, feeling his rapidly beating heart beneath his fingertips “I thought you hated me.” He noted smugly.
Eret laughed “I guess we both were wrong in some way.” He immediately dove back into Y/N’s lips, deepening the kiss, ignoring the confused and surprised noises from all the other guests.
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
I really loved your headcannons for sfw and nsfw headcannons for savanaclaw!! I had to stop reading it a couple times bc things got steamy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). May I request a scenario of octavinelle with MC and and the guys taking a bath together, it can be both sfw and nsfw (*^ω^*)
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Woohoo! Right, that's what I was counting on😋 Thank you very much! I hope I caught your intention the right way because I read it like a bath together will all the boys at the same time 😏 You shouldn't have been worried, because there's also a hc ask, but thank you anyway~ So here it is, the smuttiest scenario I've ever written and headcanons for each character separately. Those are mostly sfw, maybe not as fluffy as you wanted, but I tried;
Please remember to use protection, leave your comments and enjoy yourself💗
Bath time with Octavinelle trio 🐙🐬🦈
Deep breathe in and breathe out. Your heartbeat was slowly returning to its usual pace. Finally, the hunt was over, Bean's Day a total success, mostly. Maybe it would have been even better if the competitive atmosphere didn't get to you in the middle of it and rendered you a useless, anxious mess. You were glad Leech twins calmed you down then and took care of you for the end of the event. Perhaps those types of games weren't meant for you.
Resting in the pleasant shadow of the forest's margin while waiting for Azul, you could see how hard they have worked. The way Jade was frowning and sighing heavily from time to time with Floyd just lying near him on the ground whining, not on top of his game anymore. When the white-haired man finally separated from the crowd you got up to wave in hopes of him noticing you. He spotted you quite fast and strode into your direction.
"Good job today, all of you. You gave the monster team quite a challenge, isn't that right, guys?"
The Octavinelle dorm leader's speech was flawless as usual, not betraying the bitterness from his earlier encounters and the adrenaline still present in his system. It was obvious, the facade he was putting on. You learned to see past it, after spending so much time with the boys. To you, their inner selves were much more interesting. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. The year promised to be the most vivid you've had yet if they continued to be the constant presence in your everyday life, those boys.
"Oh, aren't you spacing out, [Name]?"
"Right, right~ Pay attention to meee~"
Voices from both of your sides belonged to none other than the two brothers. You snapped back to reality. Floyd was now hanging off of your right arm, a quite usual occurrence you had to note, and his twin was closely observing your face. A slightly annoyed sight escaped Azul. All the running around was finally taking its toll on him, he looked weary and tired. It seemed even talking was too much for him at the moment, something which was not like him at all.
"The main event is over, but the closing ceremony will be conducted in two hours. We have just enough time to wash up, change, and rest for a bit. We're going to the dorm right now, you're coming with us, aren't you?"
It didn't feel like a question or invitation if anything more like a concealed order, but you nodded anyway. Spending the time in their company was always bringing up your mood and did they love to see you smile happily like that.
"Yay! Bath with koebi-chan! So fun~"
Hm? What was that again? When you looked at Floyd he was already was ahead of you walking with Azul, and even Jade turned away from you when you tried to ask what was going on. Was there anything you were missing?
At the Octavinelle dormitory, you were led to a spacious room, one you had never visited before.
"It was previously used by the residents as one of the dorm's conveniences. It didn't suit us, so for doing a complete renovation of this place, only the dorm leader can now allow to use it."
"And of course Azul doesn't let anybody here, except for us, hehe~"
You listened to Azul's explanation with the occasional remarks from Floyd about how that enormous parlor with a hot tub of the size of the pool was now completely off the limits for regular Octavinelle students. The interior made you think that you entered some underwater cave, it gave off an otherworldly aura. It was a simply wonderful resort. You could only look around and once again realize just how cunning and inventive those boys could be. You felt a warm presence on your shoulder, only to find Jade standing close to you with a usual charming smile playing on his lips.
"I shall show you to the changing room. There's also a shower, but don't take long. After all the main attraction is right here."
The adjacent room wasn't as big, but it had enough place for the four you. The setting minimalistic, the only furniture was a sofa and hangers with few dressers. You could see the shower on your right. Jade's gentle grip remained on you for a fleeting moment you were observing the room before he moved away. While you were contemplating your disposition, Floyd was already casually ditching his sports clothes. You gaped at the sight unfolding.
"Hm? Is something wrong, my dear? If you have some problems, I'll be happy to assist you."
Azul's voice had the most genuine concern in it but you knew better than that. "It's all preplanned", - was reading in his eyes. Wrong? Of course, nothing was wrong in how he languidly unfastened the belts on his uniform, in the sinful grace with which he was doing it. His azure orbs were unmoving, hypnotizing you with their gaze.
"No need... I was just thinking about how fitting those clothes actually are."
Trying to escape from the whirlpool the man was trying to take you in, your eyes darted in the opposite direction, accidentally falling on Jade's rear, still clad in those skintight pants. The merman's cheeks turned pink, not missing your action, slightly misjudging it even. Daring not to make eye contact, you swiftly occupied yourself with the task of undressing.
You could finally let out a sigh of relief, having fully submerged yourself into the hot water of the pool, generosity of Azul, who prepared it. You closed your eyes and tried to enjoy the calming aroma, the steam curling, and caressing your face, but the unyielding ogling of pairs of eyes was unnerving. You were not escaping out of this, you understood.
You could feel him ripple through the water, his hands enveloping your waist. It was the sight of Floyd looking up at you with a placid smile that welcomed you. He was resting on your knees, drops of water cascading down his face. He was still. For now.
"So?~ Pretty sick, land's "jacuzzi", won'tcha say?"
His effervescent voice echoed in the room, disturbing the quiet noise of popping bubbles. You stretched your hand to place in on his face only for it to be immediately trapped in his grasp. His token toothy smile slowly returned to his face. The temperature was rising. More and more closer Floyd was moving to you until two strong hands finally trapped you between his body and pool's side. Red against your skin, his tongue traced a way from your neck to jaw. Your breathing was now much more rugged than before.
"Tasty little koebi-chan~ You have no right to look so delicious-"
A bite followed. Floyd had successfully learned all your most sensitive spots and played them smartly even now. You could no longer keep your moans to yourself. The sweet noise spurred into action two other occupants of the room, who too longed for some attention.
"How greedy of you to steal [Name] all to yourself, brother. I too want a taste."
"You guys are not the only ones in the room. How annoying..."
In your peripheral vision, you could see them move closer until you felt your arm and leg being seized on each side. You were rendered immobile, each boy molding your body into the desired pose.
"Tsch~You two can get lost, for all I care."
Saying that in low voice, almost dropping down to a growl, Floyd was relentless in his task of forcing moans out of you, your already heated body unable to resist the pleasure he was giving you. You whined when his hand dropped down to your core, aching for more stimulation. Teasing and gliding, tension fluctuating, it was driving you crazy. When he decided that it wasn't enough for him anymore, Floyd dragged you out and hoisted on the cold surface outside of the pool. The difference in temperatures and his moist fingers plunging into your hole made you wail on top of your lungs. Your body was burning up and shivering from cold at the same time, wringing in his firm grip was just spurring you further into an igneous frenzy. Your vision blurry with water dripping down your face, or were those tears of pleasure, you were no longer the master to your body. The man before you controlled your every breath, every moan, his own form partly morphing to merman's.
White bliss overtook your mind when he sharply thrust into you. It wasn't gentle, at all, but it was precisely what you wanted, what you accustomed to, and welcomed with your very own thrusts back. Floyd's fast tenacious jerks were working you into an even more nonsensical state, the weight of his body on top of yours was superseding all your thoughts with flaming hot want. The lack of free air in the steamy room was affecting you, making you light-headed. The man rocking into you with immense strength was now your only leverage in the hazy world you were residing in at that moment. Continuing to bite and mark you up, his movements became even more erratic hinting at how close your lover was. You felt it building, the imminent release, when it finally crashed down upon you. Your last scream Floyd too claimed as his own, capturing your lips in his in a messy kiss, continuing to languidly trust up into you, riding out your orgasms.
While you were regaining your consciousness, a cacophony of hisses and screams, clearly somebody bickering, was the only thing you could hear besides the low buzz in your head. They stopped abruptly, a moment of calmness took place. You could register a shadow looming over you. A warm, somewhat slippery hand caressed your hot cheek. You couldn't help but lean more into a comforting touch.
"Barbarian-! My dear, are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"Just thoroughly fucked~♡"
The harsh smack ringed through the room, most likely not reaching its destination. Azul's attention returned to you, the man carefully cradled you to himself, when you felt some smooth appendages slithering around your body. You reasoned, that just like the eel merman, cecaelia had also accidentally sprouted some of his octopus-like features. While Azul most certainly still stood on his two legs before you, a few tentacles, deep purple and supple, coiled around you gently, but firmly. He won't be releasing you just like that, will he?
"I'm fine Azul, don't worry."
""... I'm ready to be fucked again, go for it~" Ahaha- Auch!"
Another smack and Floyd's yelp now following it. Serves him well, mocking you like that. You drew the octopus merman closer to you and kissed softly in a reassuring gesture.
"Everybody did a good job today, only fair to have some recreational moment together. Come here."
Azul's blush only deepened from your bold invitation. He was being seduced and he had no objections to that. How jealous he had been, observing how his friend was selfishly claiming you. He could now be the one to touch and explore your soft, heated body. The thought of it made him immensely happy. The dorm leader didn't get to spend some time with you today, given you were on the opposite teams, so right at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to have you close to him, sighing languorously.
When you finally regained control over your limbs, you made the man release you so you could sit on him instead. The ell's rough loving still panged in your rear duly, but Azul soft moans and the sight of his sweet red cheeks aroused you too hard to ignore your cravings. Strong tentacles once again twisted around you, the young man was drawing you closer still, skin to skin contact was putting him to a state akin to trance, the need to have more of you, of your scent, your taste, your love overwhelmed him. You placed open-mouthed kisses down his neck and jugular, moving lower with each kiss and hickey until you reached the soft flesh of his chest. Azul was practically melting under you, pleasure clouding his mind. It was so long you made love to him, he missed the tender moments so much and here you finally were, on his lap, teasing his hardened nipples, eliciting more sweet noises out of him.
A loud sob broke out of him when you descended down on his hard cock. Swiftly encompassing your legs in a vice-like grip, his tentacles vehemently squeezing you like ivy. You could feel his suckers sticking to you, sure to leave numerous marks for you to discover later. The faster you started to move, the more vocal Azul became, his pleasured noises reverberating in the room. Desperate for more, he started to thrust up into you from his position bellow, but too shallow from being completely bewildered by the tightness of your hole. While you were desperately chasing your high, relishing in Azul's sexy expressions, eagerly kissing them away, you felt two hands reach out for your chest from behind. Jade was there flushed and needy, but the man made no other moves except for lightly twisting your nipple, aiding your second orgasm for that day, while his other hand was busy with his jerking himself off. It took just a few more thrusts for both you and Azul to reach your climax, with each other's names on your lips. The hot liquid that stained both your walls and back, was the evidence of the two men's release. Satisfied, but completely worn out by your lovers, you slowly drifted away to a dark bottomless pit of unconsciousness.
When you woke up you found yourself on the same couch you saw in the changing room, this realization coming to you a few moments later that the memories of your previous activities.
"Oh, you're finally awake. How do feel? Does it hurt especially bad somewhere?"
Jade's questions nearly missed you as their addressee, for you were slowly coming back to your senses, which also meant facing the excruciating consequences of your supposed relaxation time.
"I can't feel my legs at all. Was I out for long?"
"Not that long. I had just enough time to carry you there and run for a few things, like a transformation potion, because those bumpkins got so excited they turned to their original form."
"I genuinely don't know how that happened. [Name], I'm deeply sorry."
Azul's remorseful voice drew your attention to him and Floyd standing near the door, in their human forms, already dressed in their uniforms. Jade was wiping your body with wet cloth in the meantime, carefully inspecting your body for marks and other "love confessions".
"You have nothing to feel sorry about, I enjoyed it very much. But it seems I won't go anywhere with you today anymore."
"Indeed, doesn't seem like [Name] will be able to visit the closing ceremony. Don't worry I'll stay here with you."
Jade addressed Azul and you in turns, gentle smile was playing on his lips. Reassuring you that you will be in caring hands the man lovingly pecked your cheek.
"Heeeeh~ You want just want some alone time with koebi-chan, don'tcha, Jade?“
Floyd who was silent before neared his brother with a mischievous grin.
"Not quite right, I surely exercise more control of myself than to prey on defenseless and fatigued [Name] like that. Not to mention, I already got my share earlier today. Motivational supplies were just the best."
Jade retorted with a wicked smile of his own, showing his razor-sharp teeth in this rare instance. His twin could only blink in confusion, not ready for such a twist.
"So you were ahead of us this whole time, Jade? It's also quite unexpected from you, my dear [Name], but I'm not in the position to complain. Please rest up and restore your power, we'll go and come back."
Azul came close to you and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Love you very much."
He added in a quiet voice before he left the room to prepare for the last event of the day. Before Floyd could follow him out, he ran up to you to briskly kiss you on the lips and say his own goodbye:
"Koebi-chan is always so fun to play with, it's too hard to stop sometimes. Be a good little one and relax. Don't get lonely, I'll come soon, 'kay?~"
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Bathing headcanons(SFW/slightly NSFW)
Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
• Very diligent about his bathing and grooming routine, Azul takes shower at least once a day. To be a successful businessman one needs to take care of himself and his looks and the dorm leader doesn't slack off on it. Not to mention, he loves water and misses the ocean and how freely he could move in it. The land's shower is just a small gateway to dull his nostalgia.
• His personal care products mostly smell of some fruit or flower. It's the type of smell that makes you want to just inhale it over and over, maybe just nibble on his skin a bit, flustering poor octopi.
• Maybe sweet smells don't exactly tie in with the image of the powerful, all-mighty magician he works hard to uphold, but practice shows different results. He smells pleasant, relaxing, like somebody who you would gladly entrust your unique magic or valuable possession. How can a guy with such a sincere smile and the air of the flower field in spring around him be threatening? Azul may have lost all of his contracts, but he steadily grows his collection anew, more determined than ever.
• It takes him a lifetime to confess that he wants to shower with you, much faster is just to invite him yourself. You can sense just how eager he is, but the thought of you seeing him naked, and vice versa makes him too shy. Just grab him and take with you, he won't protest much. He helps you to wash your back and hair, loving every second of it. And when you rub him back and massage his body, any and every insecure thought just evaporates, leaving only raw and vulnerable Azul starved for tender touches and appreciative words. When you stay with him, Azul always subtly suggests having a shower together, blushing profusely each and every time. He doesn't even think about doing anything sexual, just washing each other is already intimate enough practice for him.
• He took a habit to always rub and massage your back, be it in the bath or shower, he too finds enjoyment, especially when he hears you sigh in approval or relax into him. Azul would love to receive the same gentle treatment but to his head. With the amount of mental work he does daily he's not a stranger to migraines anymore. But somehow, when when you rub and massage his scalp the annoying pain goes away. He jokingly complains that you've never told him you could use a magic like that, but he's grateful nonetheless.
• Baths are a whole event for him. He's the type to place aroma candles everywhere, throw in a beautiful bath bomb and bring a glass of his preferred drink. And you, of course, his dear lover. Now everything is set for the perfect evening with you, his most favorite person, by his side.
•❗ No action in water unless it's a big enough place for you to safely attempt anything in there. And definitely not the shower, not in a lifetime. He's not strong enough to support you, and he's still adjusting to walking on legs. And it's much more exciting to tease him until he practically begs you to take him right away, only to make him wait for when you're out of dangerous grounds of the shower.
Jade Leech 🐬
• Not as disciplined as his dorm's leader, Jade still makes sure to take a shower once every few days, he has to look presentable and smart as a vice dorm leader himself.
• He smells like the sea breath, very fresh and subtle, not enough to make him stand out, but special enough to understand that this guy is not an ordinary one.
• it's somewhat of his fantasy to take a shower with you. You and water? The perfect combination. It would be a one morning when you stayed at his room, that Jade would tell you, blushing, that he was going to shower and wouldn't mind if you joined him. He would go ahead, not really hoping that you will follow him until he feels a kiss on his shoulder and hands enveloping. Didn't take him too long to understand who just decided to join him, Jade smiling happily at that.
• He wants to wash you, take care of your every body part. If you insist that you can do it yourself or shy away from him he'll tease you and still continue to do his thing. He pampers you to the fullest, just about everything is taken care of. He loves to feel your skin, to see how water streams down your body. If you two are in a rush, Jade won't relent, but he'll be grateful if you wash him in return.
• Baths are also nice in Jade's mind, but he'll take one exclusively if he is exhausted or is promised to have you with him in it. It'll take some bending and working around with it, this man is too tall for most baths. He'll casually hug you while you two relax and enjoy each other's company.
•❗He's pretty open to bathtub sex, Jade thinks that your wet, flushed body is one of the most erotic sights he's ever seen. There he was, thinking you couldn't get even hotter, but he can't keep his hands off of you now, please take responsibility. Still not safe to fool around in the shower, but at least you tried. It wasn't half bad, but Jade confessed later that it was too stressing - he's not willing to risk your health like that anymore.
Floyd Leech 🦈
• He's like a small child when it comes to bathing. It's too bothersome, he doesn't stink, what's the problem. It's a damn war, when Jade tries to stick him in a shower or a bathtub, because a certain furious octopus, hard bend on self-grooming, ordered to have Floyd showered one way or another. The catch is, as soon as he's in water, he's the calmest angel ever. He'll spend there as much time as his human body allows him. Generally, it's twice a week, but he goes to shower willingly after each PE class, he hates the stench of sweat even more.
• He doesn't smell like anything, at best you can smell a candy he ate just recently. He despises strong smells. If he's forced to shower with such shower gel or shampoo he'll be furious and snappy the whole time until it wears off. If he can smell it, it's bad and makes his skin crawl, annoying him to no end. He feels like biting himself, and he doesn't like it. On you, however, he prefers tasty, yummy smells, since he can take a bite no problem.
• The one who accidentally buys a juice-like bottle of some gel and gets a poisoning. "But it looked so edible~", he's banned by Jade and Azul now from any sections of the store, where there can be any chemicals in "misleading" covers.
• Actually baths are his favorite! Cue him clinging to you and just freeze there. He's enjoying it so much. At best you just sit there in his embrace, until the water becomes too cold for his liking, but other times he reverts back to his merman appearance and now he's all over you and you can't breathe properly. He's not oblivious thought, when he deems that he's teased you enough he'll release you. Your reactions are just the best, he can't get enough of them.
• One time he slipped into your shower and just grabbed a handful of your tight and thought it was the funniest thing ever, while you nearly went into cardiac arrest when somebody in all-boys dorm touched you out of nowhere. But who else could have it been, if not your capricious boyfriend. Now, Floyd is suddenly all about going to shower each day, of course dragging you with him. He doesn't even shower, he just stands under the water and squeezes you, ultimately not giving you the chance to clean neither you nor him. It takes colossal efforts, to make him scrub his body, but he still doesn't leave your side.
• ❗By far the most dangerous to have shower sex with, but also the most exciting. Does it stop you? Mostly. Him? Never. He always looks forward to when you inevitably get frisky. Floyd will edge you till the point of crying, have you begging for him to fuck you. He also has enough strength to pick you up and ram into you, or he'll just turn you around and press himself behind setting a fast pace right away.
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
Hi, it’s me again— the one who asked for the aot characters x music :D
I really enjoy your writing, hence why I’m always coming back!!
Anyways, this is also music related, but by any chance are you able to do a fic/hc where Armin meets a pianist/violinist at a concert/orchestra and he kinda like falls in love— how and why? And maybe like some interactions or something??
It’s up to you how you want to write it, I don’t mind! The reader is preferably Fem!reader but that doesn’t matter either. If you don’t have time/you don’t want to write it, don’t feel like you have to!
Thank you so much and keep up the good writing!
hi again sweet! i feel so happy to see that you’re here again! thank you so much for requesting again and for your words, so kind! i hope you like it! <3 i made a little scenario <3
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armin x reader
a/n: wrote this listening to reflections by Toshifumi Hinata, Merry-go-round of life by Joe Hisaish and the Dance of the little swans by Tchaikovsky
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Armin likes the atmosphere of the place where you are supposed to play. How that lot of people share the same interest: music. He feels in his atmosphere, surrounded by well-dressed people that have instrument bags with them. His own violin is on his back. He likes this. He’s sure the orchestra will be his comfort place. The director talks to him.
“Oh, Arlert, welcome!” Armin smiles sweetly at the director when he enters the stage room. Is empty. “The rehearsal starts in half an hour, we have a piano test now. “ He looks to the stage. The piano is empty now, but some minutes later, you’ll be there, playing, trying to enter the orchestra.
You worked hard for this. For getting this audition. Your hands shake on the backstage and you try to breath deep. You’re going to make it. You’ll enter.
“Oh, I see. Can I stay for the audition?” he was there half an hour early, but he hoped he could see the selection process of new orchestra members. The director nods and asks him to sit. He calls you.
“Y/N, please.”
You enter the stage quietly, looking around you. Just the director and a boy are sitting there, looking at you. The piano has a light bulb pointing at it. You sit, cleaning your hands on your trousers. 
“Wich song are you going to play?” the casting director asks.You clear your throat, taking the sheets our of your bag.
“Hm.. Merry-go-round of life, by Joe Hisaish.” The director nods. Armin raises his brows. That’s definitely an interesting chose. He scans you quietly, from your shyly pose on the piano, to the tenderness your hands caress the tiles, to your little smile when the pedals finds your feet. You look at the casting director. 
“Start, Y/N”
You nod and look at the music sheets again, even when you know this song from memory. The music flows from your fingers to the tiles, touching them with graceful movements. The music fills the theatre, your body moving gracefully with every tempo change. The director is pointing something on his notebook, and Armin has his eyes fixed on you.
He’s hypnotized.
From how your hands treat the piano, with such a carefulness; how your body moves along to the music, as if every single atom of it was feeling the music; how your expression shows how much you’re enjoying playing. The song sounds good, sounds really good. Sounds classy and elegant, even when the violin duet part is missing, along with all the percussion at the end, when the tempo is faster. The sound of the piano makes his skin electrify, all his senses drunk with it. He could hear you forever, playing on your piano. 
He wants to know you better, to listen to you play on his living-room piano, to wake up with the sweet sounds your hands make with the tiles. He wants to feel that tender touch on his skin. Maybe he’s fantasizing too much, but how you treat the instrument gives him almost a secure feeling of how you will treat people. With care. With love. With calm and serenity.
Faster than he wanted, the song ends. He stands up to clap, without even remembering this was a casting. You blush and smile quietly, almost laughing when he realized it was a casting and not a performance. The director looks at him before looking at you, and then, smiling, he says.
“I think our violinist said all. You’re in.” Your body feels weak all if a sudden. Maybe it is because you were nervous all this time, so the reveal made your strength fail and you sat again on the banquet. “Your execution was awesome, it sounds good and you have presence and charisma. Why don’t you try to play that with violin too? Maybe Arlert could help you, and I’m sure it will be amazing.”
He blushed. He wasn’t ready to talk to you yet. The director smiles at him.
“Y-Yeah, of course...” Your smile makes him smile. The director leaves and you take al your things, your legs shaking. Armin stands up and reaches you, helping you to go down the stage. Your hand touches his, and his theory is confirmed: your touch is as tender as it was on the tiles.
“Thanks, hum...” you look at him. You don’t know his name.
“I’m Armin.” he completes. You nod.
“Nice to meet you, Armin. I’m Y/N.” you say. Armin realizes he has been holding your hand since he helped you, so he lets it go. 
“Congratulations for entering, Y/N.” he says. You thank him again.
“Then, will you be interested in playing a duet?” you ask. Armin blushes.
“If you’re okay with it... I will love to.” he answers. 
After the first time playing together, it quickly came another, and another. You counted the days to play with him as much as he did. There was more than a beautiful duet growing whenever you were together, maybe a music sheet that will flow between you quietly, attracting you together. 
Maybe the symphony of your life was made for being a piano and violin duet.
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
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Dabi and Bakugou rarely got along but when they do, it's to double team you. You had been riling them up every time you entered the bar but never let them get any satisfaction, until you agreed on Dabi's dumb challenge. Drink the Blowjob shot the way it's suppose to be had, from between their legs and using no hands.
(This is a re-post from my AO3 work)
Genre: Smut, just smut, Bar!au Characters: Bakugou x reader x Dabi
The neon sign glared down at the people on the street, illuminating everyone in a bright red light. You basked in the light, surrounded by your giggling friends as you made your ways through the crowd of people. This wasn’t your first time in the light and you knew it wouldn’t be your last either. Best bar in the whole district, the whole city even if you asked any lady leaving the place. But you did agree, if you were going to have a drink anywhere then Valor would be it. If you could be so bold then you’d even call yourself a bit of a celebrity at the place. Everyone there knew who you were and knew how you took your drinks. So you often brought your friends along so both brag and give the place some extra income.
After some shuffling of bodies and holding your friends hands you made it to the front of the people, right up to the entrance. You smiled at the bouncer and he smiled right back, showing off his sharp teeth. He was suited up like usual, the suit pants and white button up fitting well around his crossed arms and muscular chest. His bright red hair was spiked as usual and his face was now highlighted red from the neon sign.
“Good evening, ladies! What can I do for ya?” Kirishima asked as if he didn’t know what you wanted, looking behind you to see the awed looks of your friends as they obviously checked out the cutie in front of you. You placed a hand on your hip, pulling the coat you were wearing a little closer to you to keep the cold out.
“Oh you know, just wanted to show my friends this really nice bar i’ve been visiting.” You said with a coy tone, looking around you as if you didn’t know the layout. You made eye contact with the blondie guarding the other door, the black streak in his hair reflecting the red light. He winked at you with a grin before looking over your friends, clearly curious. But he quickly needed to go back to his queue and checking ID’s so the line wouldn’t be held up for too long. Kirishima followed your eyes while nodding, humming in fake curiosity.
“Is that so… Well why don’t you ladies head in then and order something then? Show them why you like it so much, eh?” The redhead looked past you and at your friends, giving them a charming grin and wink before looking at you again. He took a step to the side, making way so your whole group could enter. You gave him a pat on the arm and mouthed a ‘Thank you’ while you walked past him. He just nodded and watched the rest of your friends also walk past him. As you enter the bar you’re met by the warmth first of all. The bodies filling the place was heating up the whole room but you didn’t mind, it was actually very welcoming compared to the cold outside. The second thing that hit you was the music playing through the speakers. While it was soft the music was obviously from the weeks top lists, the beat of the songs being felt through the air. You started peeling your jacket off of you, eyes scanning over the environment. The whole place was dimly lit, the only bright lights shining being the ones under the bar and behind the shelves filled with alcohol. There were the occasional lamp used to set the mood in the place but they were never at full power. The interior was mostly black with details in gold and the dark wood surfaces. Fancy.
You walked confidently to the wardrobe section, smiling at Momo as she took your coat and handed you a number plate that you placed in your handbag. Your friends did the same but you stopped paying too much mind to them, they could handle themselves and you knew the place took care of their customers so you had nothing to worry about. You had something more important in mind. Eyes locking onto the bar you quickly found a spot you could sit down at, miraculously.
You searched the space between the bar and quickly found one out of the two people you were looking for. The tall young man was pouring a beer from the tap while having eye contact with a girl leaning on the counter, smiling at him. He looked mildly amused, raising an eyebrow as she kept talking. He responded to her, his bright red eyes illuminated by the bar lights but you don’t know what he said. You didn’t particularly care either, most of the girls kept repeating the same conversation subjects. He dragged a hand through his blonde hair but it didn’t do much to deter the spikes from forming again while he handed the girl the glass with a smile. You noticed he had shaved the undercut shorter since last time, it looked much neater and clean cut tonight. He was as always dressed in the bartender outfit, the bright red button up and black vest. You could see from your seat that the top buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned, obviously revealing parts of his collarbone and chest. He had yet to notice you but that was about to change.
While you were staring at one of your favorite subjects the other had found you before you had the time to find him.
“Back again, huh, dollface?” The hoarse voice welcomed you back to the bar and you already knew who it was. You smiled and turned your face to notice you were mere inches from the owner of the voice. He was giving you lazy grin, the movement of his mouth extenuating the port wine stain birthmarks around his mouth and going down his neck, the thick tattooed on stitches between his normal skin and the birthmarks still in view. You two stayed like that for a moment, daring each other to move away first. His warm breath hit your lips when he huffed and leaned back, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Placing his hands on the counter he made you feel trapped in his presence. You looked at the tattoos covering his arms, full on sleeves creeping up under his rolled up shirt. Finally you met his eyes again, those bright blue eyes staring down at you. You could see the fading scars on the birthmarks under his eyes, a probably long story you had only heard bits and pieces of. Apparently he had gotten in some trouble and the guys had threatened to cut his eyes out and almost did too. He always jokes about how lucky he is to still have sight or he would never have been able say he’s seen an angel. And if you were the angel then it was no doubt he'd be the devil. With the multiple piercings you've seen glimpses of in the light and the jet black hair playfully sticking up everywhere, you wouldn't be surprised if he revealed himself as an incubi.
“Indeed. I mean, I know I can’t be gone for too long without your ego getting too big, Dabi” You smirked back at his lazy grin, watching his hands move to make you a mojito. He chuckled and looked down to measure the content of your glass, nodding in joking agreement.
“You’re not wrong, the girls around here are easy when you look as good as me, you know? Gets boring after a while. But you… You’re fun Y/N.” He points a black straw at you before putting it in your drink and placing it in front of you. You keep the eye contact going as you pick up your glass and take a sip from it, the refreshing sweetness filling your mouth. The tension was palpable and it had been like this every time you hang out here for a long while now. Everytime you were there you’d tease him and play hard to get, only giving him enough to hold onto the hope that maybe one day you'll be another notch in his belt. Never accepting his dumb bets yet never saying no. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi, if you two are finished eye fucking each other then maybe emo boy here can get back to work?” The tension was broken by the voice of dear blondie who had left the conversation with the girl and come to join you and Dabi. Bakugou didn’t look pleased as he glared at the taller man and defensively placed a hand on the counter to the right of you, making Dabi lift his own hand from the spot and releasing you from his almost hypnotic hold.
“It’s called goth, hot shot. And I was working, can't you see I provided angel here with a drink?" he motioned to the drink in your hand which you helpfully raised to show the truth of his statement, smiling sweetly towards Bakugou the whole time just to annoy him. He looked at the drink for a short moment before giving it a look of disgust and making eye contact with you again, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"You should keep yourself to your simple fucking shots, you can at least make those right. Leave the actual drinks to the actual…" Bakugou looked Dabi up and down before staring him in the face. "Bartenders. We don't need to pretend we know what we're doing unlike you extra." The two had started to attract a small crowd, some girls because they thought the two men were attractive and some because they actually wanted to know what was going on. You just sat there calmly, this wasn't their first dispute in front of a crowd nor your first time having a front row seat. Dabi didn't move a visible muscle and instead just stood there with a deadpan glare, watching as Bakugou prepared another mojito. All you could see was his chest rising and falling in an even pace.
When Bakugou finished the drink, with some flare of course, he placed it in front of you. It was neater than your first one, a lime slice delicately placed on the rim of the glass together with a mint leaf as garnish. During the time it took to make the drink Dabi had already sighed and poured himself a shot, downing it when your glass had hit the table. He knew he wasn't supposed to drink on the job but he also knew there wasn't anyone that was gonna stop him. Bakugou ignored him and instead took to watching you, impatiently waiting for you to try his obviously superior drink. And so you did, taking an equally big sip as you took from the first one, you knew how picky he was.
"Well… While I appreciate the thought and concern you have, Bakugou, and it's true that your drink was served better… They taste the same. And I'm pretty sure I'll get just as drunk from either." you place your final verdict, eliciting a laugh from Dabi and a look of something akin to horror from Bakugou. Dabi slung his arm over Bakugou's shoulders, leaning heavily on him as a smug grin crept onto his face.
"What was that now again, hot stuff? Didn't need to pretend huh? Sure, sure… Well if I'm better at shots then I am at drinks then I must be a master at them, so how about we have one?" The tattooed man asked, standing up again and pulling up his shirt sleeves again. As he started on those, pulling out three shot glasses for each and every one of you presumably, you looked towards your favorite blonde who had crossed his arms and was bitterly staring at your two drinks.
"Do you want me to pay for both, or do I get one for free?" You smiled at him, sipping on the drink made by him just to appease him a little. While you didn't have as obvious of a sexual tension with him there had been countless moments where you were sure he'd been so riled up he would've taken you on the bar itself you allowed it. The hot headed man might be smooth in front of the ladies coming and going, it's part of the job, but you liked to get just a little too close. A little too on the edge for him to truly be in his element. And it frustrated him to no end. Yet now he just shook his head in vague defeat.
"No, obviously not, why the fuck would you pay for both? And since we made a crowd take both, just don't you fucking dare tell Iida we're drinking shots while working." he gave you a serious glare while you just laughed and nodded, obviously promising to not rat them out.
In the next moment you had three glasses put before you and Dabi once again joined the conversation. You examined the shots and realize what was going through the blue eyed man's head. The whipped cream at the top was the biggest clue but the shit eating grin he was wearing didn't help his case either. You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms, watching Dabi closely, waiting for his excuse this time.
"Well since you're getting drinks on the house then maybe you owe us a little something. You always decline my challenge with a smug fucking smirk on your pretty face but now I find that you have few excuses, princess. C'mon, for poor Bakugou whose ego you crushed." Dabi patted Bakugou's chest while staring at you, ignoring Bakugou's futile protests. You watched them, glanced at the shots and then looked back up to them.
The light shone from behind them, illuminating them and reflecting off the glasses you were drinking from. Both their shirts had unbuttoned buttons and you had a clear view of parts of their chest, further enticing you to accept Dabi's challenge and maybe show them who's got who wrapped around their finger. You soak in the view for a second before unraveling your arms.
"Well you still haven't issued the challenge, Dabi, or what's in it for me if I win."
"Or lose, Angel. I want you to drink the blowjob shots the way they're supposed to be taken. From between our legs without using your hands. If you don't spill anything then I'll pay for your drinks for the rest of the evening. If you do spill… Well I'm sure we can agree to a fitting punishment when we get there. And you can't spill anything from either of them, deal?" This wasn't the first time Dabi had challenged you, nor were you the first person he'd used this tactic on. You'd usually hear Bakugou complaining that he'd found the two making out in the backroom afterwards, even if the other participant had won. But this time he involved someone else too and well, the look you're imagining Bakugou having during it might just be worth it.
"Pay for my friends drinks too and we have a deal." you informed him on your condition as you stood up, knowing that you'd have to move to find a better fitting spot to do this, away from too many peering eyes. Dabi didn't respond and instead just grinned and grabbed two of the shots, following you out from behind the bar. Bakugou took a second to debate if this was a good idea or not but watching you walk away, your hips swaying enticingly managed to convince him. "Fuck it…"
You knew exactly where you all could get out of the spotlight and moved over to a corner with a booth. You sat down on the end of one of the couches, watching the two men arrive after you. Bakugou had grabbed the last shot and was cautiously looking around for anyone watching you, or a co-worker noticing their absence. Dabi on the other hand had his eyes on you, placing one of the shots he was holding besides you on the table, towering over you. You just looked up at him and smiled. He grinned back before grabbing a random chair from one of the other tables, dragging it so it faced you.
Dabi didn’t hesitate to sit down, spreading his legs apart so you could see the pants straining against his crotch. With one hand he placed the cream topped glass between his legs on the seat, the other arm he leaned the elbow on the back of the chair. His muscles were tensing up under the red shirt as to keep the position and you could just imagine what was hiding underneath. He cocked his head to the side and gave you a shit eating grin, lifting an expectant eyebrow at you.
“Well, dollface?” You made eye contact with him and an involuntary shiver went down your spine going straight to between your legs. You didn’t expect it to affect you this much this quickly. Free drinks sounded really good at the time but now you’re not even sure you’ll be able to stay long enough to enjoy them. Yet you couldn’t give up before you’d even started.
You didn’t dare respond to him and instead hid the rush of blood to your face with a smug smile, straightening your back. You dragged your hand through your hair to pull it back before you bent down, keeping eye contact with those blue eyes. If he was going to try and mess you up then you could at least try and do the same. He had moved his hand from the glass and had instead placed it on his thigh besides your head. You opened your mouth and glanced at the glass to make sure you got it. Before you took it into your mouth you made sure to lick the cream off the top, looking up at him through your lashes.
That got a reaction out of him. The grin he was so proudly wearing dropped and instead he stared down at you with his mouth slightly agape. It looked like he was already breathing heavy and you could see him clench his hand in the corner of your eye. Proud of your work you grabbed the shot glass with your mouth and threw your head back, downing the shot in one go. You gracefully grabbed the now empty glass and then slammed it on the table. You removed some of the cream that had gotten on the corner of your mouth with the knuckle of your finger.
“Next.” You said, confidence dripping from your voice. If the music wasn’t blaring through the speakers then you swear you could’ve heard Bakugou swallow nervously. Dabi just chuckled and stood up but before he had fully turned around you could see the outline of something in his pants, pushing against the fabric. You ego only grew at the sight.
“Your turn, hot stuff.” Dabi patted Bakugou's shoulder, pulling him from his hypnotised staring at your lips. He quickly realized what he had been doing and looked away, not ready to admit to his actions. Despite that he still walked over and sat on the chair.
He mimicked Dabi and spread his legs as well, his pants also straining on his crotch. Even in the dim light you could see that something was pushing against the fabric in his pants as well. Your gaze fell to it and your mind was about to start wandering if Bakugou's hand hadn’t gotten in the way when he placed the shot. Unlike Dabi, Bakugou wasn’t as confident and had a difficult time knowing where to place his hands, deciding in the end to just cross his arms. The action just made the muscles on his arms even more visible. He didn’t dare make any eye contact Once again you could feel your body react, your breathing slowing and becoming heavier but you were hoping they didn’t notice. But with your luck, Dabi must’ve. But you didn’t let him say anything as you just smiled again and leaned down. Bakugou was still not looking though and you just couldn’t have that. So you took your hands and placed them on his inner thighs, grabbing onto the surprisingly muscular meat.
You felt him jump slightly and snap his head to look at you. You just looked back up and smiled, giving him a wink. Bakugou would argue that it was just the red lights but you knew he was blushing mad. You decided to cut his suffering short, afraid that if you turned him on any more it’d start to be painful in those tight pants of his. So you opened your mouth, ignoring the obvious hard on right in front of your face and took the glass into your mouth. But as you pulled back up you heard Bakugou mutter something under his breath.
“Fuck, babygirl…”
His voice had been strained and quiet but you caught it in the middle of all the noise surrounding you despite him trying to cover his mouth with his clenched hand. And you lost it. You choked on the shot and had to grab the glass from mouth before your could down the whole thing. You coughed and placed a hand on your chest, trying to regain your breath. You placed the half empty glass on the table beside the other two. Bakugou shot out of his chair to make sure you were alright but didn’t quite know what to do.
“Shit…” You mumbled, realizing what had just happened. You lost. You looked up at Bakugou who was still worried about you choking while Dabi was closing in from the side. His grin was already giving away what he was thinking.
“Well well well, angel. You talked so big yet couldn’t take a little dirty talking. Cute. But what should we do with you now? Bakugou?” Dabi had snaked an arm around Bakugous shoulders once again, caging you in between the two men. Bakugou just looked at him confused and disturbed before it clicked in his head what he was talking about. He just grunted and looked back down at you, something had shifted in his eyes and they weren’t as innocent as they had been before.
“Let’s get out of here.”
You weren’t prepared for the tone of voice from the blonde. Your heart began beating quicker as you started to form an understanding of what you had gotten yourself into. Dabi just grinned and took a step back, motioning for us to “go ahead”. You looked to the table and saw the last shot and decided to down it too before standing up. Bakugou didn’t take a step back though and you hit his chest with your own, looking up at him surprised. You felt his hot breath against your face and his stare made you weak in the knees. His hands grabbed your waist and without a second thought he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulders.
You yelped at the sudden motion and saw the whole world start to move as Bakugou turned to head out the backdoor. Dabi soon joined your view, casually strolling behind you two, chuckling at the sight.
“Your place is close to here, right?” Bakugou asked, glancing back at the taller male who just nodded.
“Yup, third floor in the building just across from here.” Dabi took the lead and Bakugou followed. You just clinged to the back of Bakugou's vest, trying to see what was happening in the front and hoping not too many people saw you in such an embarrassing situation. But you couldn’t help but feel that maybe it didn’t matter, maybe what was about to happen was worth the embarrassment.
“I swear to god if the apartment is filthy or you haven’t changed the bed sheets since your last fuck buddy I’m taking her and leaving.” You watched the stairs as Bakugou went up them, still carrying you. One hand firmly planted on your ass, either to keep your dress from riding up or just because he wanted to cop a feel. As he finished his sentence you two stopped and you could hear a key turning in a lock and a door opening just after.
You weren’t put down until the door had once again been closed and you were all in Dabi’s apartment. And even then you didn’t have a moment to take in your surroundings as Bakugou blocked your view, grabbing your chin gently. You looked up into his eyes once again, meeting his deep red ones with your wide ones.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since you opened those pretty lips of yours.” He muttered, eyes glancing down at your lips and then up again. Wasting no more time he pressed his to yours and you almost couldn’t believe it. He was pressing firmly, almost as he was afraid it was a dream he’d wake from, tilting his head to the side as his hands found your neck. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment and moving your hands over the shaved part of his head. That’s when a third pair of hands joined in.
“Don’t forget that this is a punishment, angel, not a prize.” Dabi whispered in your ear, his hands going down your front, finding the hem of your dress and pulling it up, exposing your panties. You gasped at the sudden movement only to have Bakugou use it to his advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing it against your own. Your sounds were muffled as Dabi used one hand to cup your boob, the other sneaking down to feel you through your underwear. You knew he could feel your wetness through the fabric.
“Shit, so cute, you’re already wet… At this rate you’ll have to problem taking both of us.” You heard him muse as he looked at you from over your shoulder. You couldn’t respond thanks to Bakugou's invasion of your mouth and only whimpered. Dabi chuckled at your predicament and instead of trying to help you just made it worse by slipping his hands underneath the hem of your panties instead. Sliding two fingers between your nether lips he found the bundle of nerves placed between them. He didn’t even hesitate to start drawing slow circles around your clit.
You had to pull away from bakugou, putting your hands on his chest to keep him from going back for round two too quickly. You were panting and letting out small whimpers, unable to look at his face. He stared at you confused before realizing what the other man was doing and how it was affecting you. The two made eye contact with you in between them, Dabi never relenting on his assault on your bud.
“Oi, don’t you have a better place to do this then your hallway?” You heard Bakugou speak above you. His hands moved to your waist and then your back, pulling you closer to him defensively.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep it in your pants long enough to move to the bedroom so don’t blame me, hot shot” Dabi finally pulled his hands out of your underwear and you took a deep breath of relief from the constant stimulus. You legs were quivering from the assault on your senses and the sudden lack of it. But before you could truly calm down you were pulled from Bakugou's warm embrace and into Dabi’s arms instead as he started to lead you away. You could hear Bakugou’s hurried steps behind and the rustling of clothes.
You moved through the small apartment and to a bedroom. The double bed was made and you were about to go sit down, give yourself a break. But as soon as you moved towards it a hand grabbed your arm, looking back at the owner of the hand you saw Dabi shaking his head.
“Remember what I said before? Punishment, not reward, babygirl.” You felt your stomach sink but ironically also fill with butterflies.
“Help her out of that dress and underwear, will ya, hot stuff?” You were handed over to Bakugou who looked about as confused as you. Dabi went and opened a cupboard and you heard the clinking of metal from it as he searched it’s content. He hummed in satisfaction as he placed a bottle on top of the cupboard and then something that glimmered in the light coming from the window. At the same time Bakugou had done as he was told, pulling the dress higher and higher and with your help it had slipped right off. The bra was quickly unclasped and thrown to the side as well just like the panties had been. You could feel his red eyes look you up and down, watching the newly exposed skin as if it were gold.
“Here we go… Hands in front, dollface.” Dabi sauntered back to you two and without thinking you obeyed, holding out your hands in front of you. He grabbed your wrists and soon the sound of something clicking shut filled the room. You looked at your wrists and saw handcuffs now hanging from them. The black fur was kind to your skin though and they weren’t too tight so you couldn’t complain. But you still stared in awe at them, as did Bakugou.
“Ain’t too tight? No? Good. Then get on your knees.” A simple hand on your shoulder had you falling to your knees without second thoughts. You began to wonder what these men had done to you.
As you were down there you watched Dabi unzip the black pants which had been getting tighter and tighter the further the three of you had gone. He dropped them to the ground and you watched as if hypnotised by the tent formed in his underwear. You could hear him chuckle above you, amused at your wide eyes stare. He did quick work of his underwear as well, fishing himself out of them with practiced skill. He was semi hard already, a tuft of hair at the base of his slim cock. He lazily started to work himself to full mast while watching you.
“Liking what you see, I take it. Good. I can see your mouth salivating already, why don’t you taste it?” You looked up at him for a split second before looking at his cock again which he’s let go already. You almost timidly pull on it, opening your mouth to take him in. You swirl your tongue over the tip before taking more and more into your mouth. You close your eyes to focus, letting him slip further down your throat. A hand carefully grabs the back of your head and grabs a handful of your hair. He’s impatient, probably from the build up at the bar and start to set a slow pace which you follow. You feel the tip of his dick drag across your tongue and the back again as the pace speeds up. Soon he’s set a reasonable pace and you open your eyes again to look up at him.
He’s panting and watching you closely, his eyes half lidded by now aroused he is. The sight makes you even hornier and you feel that you need some release yourself and move your hands down to your own crotch. But nothing slips past Dabi's watchful eyes and he speaks up before you can do anything about your own arousal.
“Hey, we didn’t tell you you could touch yourself. Why don’t you do something productive and jack Bakugou off instead? He’s been drooling all over you since you started bobbing your head like a good girl.” You looked to the side and saw Bakugou, he had pulled down his pants and underwear without you even noticing, even his vest was gone and shirt unbuttoned as he worked his own manhood. You two made eye contact and you reached out with your handcuffed hands. The blonde sucked in breath from between clenched teeth and took a step closer, letting you take over for him.
The three of you kept this up for a bit, you bobbing your head on Dabi's dick while he controlled your pace with his hands while your own hands were jacking off a panting and cursing Bakugou. You had lost track of time until Dabi pulled out of your mouth, your spit covering his shaft and your own chin. The lack of fullness had you desperately looking up at Dabi who was visibly trying to restrain himself. At the same time you slowed your hands movements, bewildered by the sudden pull out.
“Shit, don’t look at me like that, dollface, or I might just finish in your mou-” He was cut off by Bakugou grabbing your head and pulling you to him instead, taking full advantage of your open and confused mouth. He was much rougher than Dabi, instead of pacing you he was face fucking you, keeping your head still as he pounded your throat. But the moment only lasted so long as even Bakugou had to pull out as to not cum down your throat and cut his playtime short. You sputtered and coughed after the sudden invasion but was ultimately sad he had stopped.
“Sorry, babygirl but I had to know how your mouth felt wrapped around my cock.. It just looked so inviting and I couldn’t stand you looking at juts him like that.” Bakugou confessed, looking down at you, panting after the sudden burst of energy.
“I was wondering when that explosive personality was gonna play part in this. But enough foreplay, get her on her feet..” Bakugou helped you up, holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. He pulled you up to his chest and slipped a hand between your legs. Now it was his turn with you and his fingers were much thicker than Dabi’s had been. He didn’t dwell too long on your clit, only playing with it a second before traveling deeper. By now your juices had stained your thighs and he had no problem slipping two fingers into you. Despite the roughing up he had done to your face before he was now slow and calculated in fingering you, pushing in and pulling out in deliberate movements. You were desperately needing something more and ground your hips into his hand. He paid you no mind as his mouth latched onto your neck, sucking on it so he knew it would leave marks. There was nothing you could do but moan and sigh, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
You two were soon pulled out of your little bubble by the sound of chains falling. You opened your eyes and saw Dabi pulling on a chain from his ceiling. He noticed your staring and just smiled lazily, giving you a come hither motion with his hand. You could feel Bakugous hesitation but you were soon let go, his fingers slipping out of you. You stumbled forward to follow Dabi’s instructions. When you got close enough he pulled you to him by your handcuffs and raised them. Another click and your handcuffs were stuck to the chain, your arms raised above your head. Dabi took a step back and examined you, seemingly proud of his work.
“There we go, angel… Now the fun can really begin.” He stepped in close again and kissed your lips briefly. Then he left you standing there in the otherwise cold room. He went back to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle he placed there before. While he was gone Bakugou had once again snuck back to you, figuring out just what he had planned. He stood in front of you without saying a word, just watching your chest heave. Then he bent down and grabbed the back of your thigh. And then the other. Standing back up he pulled you with, lifting you up into the air and keeping you there, spread legs presenting everything to him. He looked down and then back up, grinning and leaning in close to you.
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you, babygirl? I’m gonna pound into you until you can’t think of anything but my cock in your pussy. How many times I’ve imagined pushing your face down on the counter at the bar and taking you right then and there, letting everyone see what a good fucking looks like. And I bet you would’ve taken it, wouldn’t you? Like a good girl you would’ve begged me to make you cum. Let’s see if you beg like my mind thinks you do.”
You were speechless. The words coming from Bakugou were something you wouldn’t have expected yet he was growling them to you as if he’d practiced it before hand. You swear you would’ve come right then and there if you didn’t know you’d be punished for it. He didn’t make it any easier when he pushed his thick dick inside of you, slowly but surely pushing himself to the hilt.
You were pulling yourself up on the chain involuntarily from the pleasure entering your system. Arching your back you felt your back hit something warm. Another hand joined on your body, one holding onto the underside of your thigh. Then something cold hit the small of your back and running down your ass making you gasp and clench on Bakugou’s cock.
“I see you two started the fun without me… That isn’t fair but I guess it wasn’t your fault, was it (Y/N)?” Dabi’s voice was behind you and you tried to look at him but your arm was blocking you from turning your head. His other hand suddenly appeared, clearly lubed up and pushing at your other hole. You naturally clenched up more and hear Bakugou curse in front of you.
“Shh no no babygirl, relax… You trust us right? We’ll make it feel good, I promise you’ll be cumming and screaming our names in minutes if you just… relax..” Dabi’s soothing voice calms you down and with some effort you managed to calm your muscles enough to let Dabi’s fingers enter. He praised you as he starts to pump one finger in and out of your whole, then two. It’s clear he’s done this before and knows exactly how to work your buttons. Bakugou wasn’t patient enough to wait for that long and was slowly pulling in and out of you himself, one hand having moved to have his thumb rub circles on your clit. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you relax more.
Soon enough Dabi was able to scissor his fingers in your ass without you wincing in pain. He pulled out and used his now free hand to help hold you up after having lubed up his own dick. He started to push slowly, the head of his cock slipping into you and you gasp and arch your back again. He stops for a second, looking to make sure you’re still alright before he starts pushing again. Soon he’s pushed himself to the hilt together with Bakugou filling up your pussy. You’ve never felt this full and it did feel amazing, both men pushing at your most sensitive spots.
“See? I told you. Now let’s show you what it means to take two men at the same time, dollface. You’re gonna love it.” He whispered the last part in your ear and your eyes widened as they started to move. What started out in synchronised thrusts soon derailed as they picked up pace. Both of them pushing in and pulling out of you at whatever pace worked for them. Bakugou made sure his thrusts were deep and made you feel full as he sheathed inside you while Dabi was much more erratic and quick, stimulating and pounding the sweet spots of your inside. And their moaning, sighing and groaning was mixed together with your own noises as you all chased your releases. And they came quick
“D-dabi… Bakugou…. I’m about… to.. to cum... “ You managed to get out between moans and you hoped the two men heard you. Luckily they did as they both slowed down much to your own dismay.
“Is that so, angel? You’re gonna cum on our cocks as we pound into you, huh?” Dabi asked teasingly from behind you but Bakugou had other plans.
“Beg for it, babygirl. Beg. for. it.” Every word was emphasised with a thrust of his hips and you whimpered. You couldn’t help but hesitate as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was completely serious, his eyes glazed over and primal. But your need for release was greater and won over your own embarrassment rather quickly.
“Please… Please let me cum. I need to cum, I’ve been needing it since t-the beginning. Since I sucked your big cock, I’ve never been so horny. Fuck, please? Please pound i-into me until I can’t think of anything else, I wan’t you two to fill me and fuck me and and fuck shit, please.” You rambled on and on, trying to convince the two men to let you cum while your head felt fuzzy and you couldn’t think straight. You could see Bakugou’s grin grow on his face and he sped up his pace.
“Good fucking girl, begging like that…. shit… Alright, we’re counting down from 10. You can’t cum… until we reach 0.” You felt them both ready themselves to destroy you in those last 10 seconds and yet you didn’t care, nodding your head desperately.
“Good. 10”
They started, with a newly regained energy they went back to their quickest pace, no mercy this time. But you didn’t mind, you head went all fuzzy again and you got a far away look in your eyes.
One of Dabi's hands moved from your thigh and started to rub your clit again. You felt his grin against your shoulder and you cried out.
“Little more, babygirl. 4”
You felt the orgasm approach you like an oncoming train.
It wasn’t fair, none of this, you realized. But why did it turn you on so fucking much?
“Come on, (Y/N), cum.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement then that as you let the tidal wave hit you. It washed over you and made you spazz out, closing your eyes tightly as the two men didn’t stop. They became even more erratic in their movement and even quicker to pound in and out of you. As the white light flashed before your eyes you felt them cum too, filling you up yet they still moved. They both went quiet, trying to keep themselves from buckling under their own orgasms. Dabi’s fingers never stopped rubbing your clit.
Your orgasm had come and gone yet they didn't’t. Fucking. Stop. You were desperately whimpering and trying to pull away from the two but there was no way you could from your position. So you took it. Dabi’s fingers were rubbing your over sensitive clit and the two were like wild animals in heat as they kept fucking you. You didn’t know how but you didn’t care either, another orgasm was on its way way quicker than you had anticipated.
It hit you again and tears spotted your eyes, the electricity going through your body and making you shake once again. Only then did the two seem satisfied, slowing themselves down to a halt yet not pulling out. There’s was a moment of just silence apart from all of you panting and catching your breath from the whole ordeal. Then you started laughing
It was quiet but you laughed, exhausted. Soon the two joined in with their own quiet chuckled.
“Shit… That was really fucking good. Didn’t expect to have this good of a fucking time with this loser” Bakugou looked around you to give Dabi a look before looking back to you. He paused for a moment before he leaned up again, giving you a gentle kiss. You felt Dabi take his turn to leave a hickey on your neck as you kissed Bakugou but you couldn’t care less at that moment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hot stuff. Thought you knew I was the best fuck in this whole damn place. Apart from angel here, of course” Dabi responded after he let go of your neck, happy with his work.
“So… Whose up for another shot?”
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bubblyani · 4 years
(Rick x Reader)
A Rick (Knight of Cups) One Shot
Movie: Knight of Cups (2015) Terrence Malick
Summary: When he pays a visit one fine morning, you realize the immense effect Rick has on your mind, body and soul. 
Word Count: 2000+
Rating: Mature
Warning: Sexual Content
Author’s Note: Rick was a visual treat in this movie, thanks to Christian Bale. And thirsting for this character led to another One Shot. Tried to give the writing an aesthetic feeling more than last time. A tribute to Terrence Malick’s style, I suppose. Did my best. But also with some added fan girl frustration *wink* Enjoy y’all!
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You’re regretting it now, aren’t you? Coming to see me?
Your heart was aware of your smug query. A sense of smug, that stemmed from the confidence of your words. A sense of smug, that unfortunately was stained by an obvious sadness. The type of stain that refused to be rinsed off. An obvious sadness, for you meant every word.
With your knees locked in an embrace, there you sat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes succeeded in finally freeing themselves from the tempting grasps of the polished wooden floors. They moved up in slow motion, to fill oneself by the breathtaking sight of him. Leaning against the Bedroom door, Rick gently shook his head in a mild manner. As if a frantic response was nearly impossible. And truthfully, that would not have suited him:
I couldn’t stop.
Raising one’s eyebrows, you felt your head tilt to the side:
Stop what?
You swore your eyes were expert enough to trace a soft smile form in that angelic face of his:
Thinking about you.
His words so breathless, tickled your ears long enough, that butterflies began to flutter within you. So breathless, you despised the mere thought of losing them to the wind. His gaze managed to pierce through the distance, resulting in the subtle blushes of your cheeks. Simply put, You were gluttonous for his words. More important, you were gluttonous for him.
However, never did you display it. How could you, when imaginative dark clouds of despair reigned over you with such weight?
Shaking your head, you smiled bowing it down:
Heh…you’re crazy.
Your pointed feet reached the floor with control and grace, feeling the chill in the morning greet your skin. And the very moment you did, the floor urged him to take careful steps towards you. Barefoot and quiet:
Maybe I am…for you
Goosebumps resulted in your skin, and you blamed his seductive poetic soul. Keeping one’s head down, your eyes stealthily watched him approach you. With your pulse quickening all of the sudden, you were tempted to conceal it all. Conceal those lines in your face that nature had bestowed upon you. Conceal the skin your mother had gifted you. Conceal the imperfection that you yourself had stowed away with such expertise, from the entire world. Undoubtedly, the flame of insecurity was certainly strong and burning bright at that very moment.
Until it was extinguished, by the his mere touch.
Shaky breaths exited your lips as his hand rested on your head, his long fingers digging into your hair with the sole intention of intimacy with your scalp. Your eyelids fluttered frantically, for you were intoxicated, you were spellbound. The manner in which his fingers  made contact with your scalp, some would even wonder if they were lovers in secret. For his fingers, they treated it as if it was the most precious, awakening your entire body in every possible manner. Gathering courage, you looked up to find the man who rejuvenated your senses.
With his beautiful, chiseled frame adorned with a long sleeved black v-neck top and pants, Rick was nothing short of a refreshed, visual pleasure. While the satin negligee still lingered in your frame, with messy bed hair and smudged eyeliner as the shameful accompanists. Empty bottles of wine and spilled bottles of pills occupied the bedside cupboard. Already 11 in the morning, and you were nothing short of a mess.
This…this is me. This is who I really am.
Your eyes enunciated every word, gazing directly into his very own. Truth was inevitable to escape your soul, when you were staring at divinity. The sunlight streamed through the white curtains, illuminating his frame, for he was a god. A deity who descended into earth, robbing himself of time, just for you: A withered flower.
You never hid that.
Rick’s eyes shone, warm as the sunlight on a winter’s morn.
Never with me.
And before you could protest, a gust of wind swept you away. The wind that were his loving arms, pulling you up with ease. Permitting your body to press against his, you felt his lips unite yours in a gentle kiss.
You first ever knew of Rick’s existence not too long ago. More specifically when your eyes met from across the room, at a party one Summer’s Eve. And it certainly did not seem like sweet coincidence, especially in the comfort of a Billionaire’s Mansion in Los Angeles. Truthfully, it would seem eventual, for all knew all in entertainment. As the distance between the two of you grew smaller, his curiosity was made well known to you. A curiosity, which was satisfied the very moment an onlooker of a musician hurriedly played your latest music video on his phone, posing the question to Rick with disbelief:
“Don’t you know who she is?”
“Dude, Rick’s a legend. Doesn’t she know who HE is?”
In all fairness, a smile could have graced your lips upon glancing at this handsome stranger, in the midst of the queries from the onlookers around. You could have acknowledged the dilation of his pupils, by showing him your very own. You could have made very clear of your own growing curiosity about him. But you did not. For you were weary, in mind, body and soul.
Live Shows, Recordings, Photo shoots and Press Junkets. In the midst of them all, you were just a name, a mere symbol of profit milked by all those around you. Blinded by power, it seemed none of them were aware of the husk they leave behind when the day was done. The husk of a young woman, left to mend herself back in her lonesome. The young woman swept away by the tornado of fame with such speed, she lost her sense of purpose that existed in the very beginning.
Until his curious kiss that night, urged you to engage in a rediscovery.
You never hid that. Never with me
He was right. With him, you were always yourself: unapologetically. Without question.
His kisses were consistent. They were the sips of water the dry throat craved for days. His lips were the hands that held on to you with care, guiding you sensually to form your own Rumba. And this morning, with the sunlight streaming over your own head, and with your hands wrapped around his neck, you were bestowed with a rush of pure exuberance. In simpler terms, you were alive.
Possessed with life, your movements suddenly were the epitome of energy and speed. You pushed him away, giggles causing your voice to crack as you leaped to the bed. And for Rick, it was simply an invitation to join you in a game of catch. A game that will be won without hesitation. And he did, gripping you by the ankle, only to pull you back to him as you fell on the mattress. Squeals vanished the moment you found his figure hovering over, leaving you breathless. And all the sudden, exuberance morphed into tranquility, for you were transfixed, hypnotized. For he was responsible.
With the blink of an eye, you found his face inches away from yours. When breathing were finally in syncopation, the world seemed to stand still. The soft brunette hair that framed his face, dared to tickle your cheeks as his lips were drawn in to yours with a magnetic force. However, he defied nature’s law, by pulling away in tease. Just when they were millimeters close. Frustration was evident in your stomach, that your eyes began to display it without a shred of embarrassment.
But he caught you by surprise, as his accentuated nose brushed against your forehead.
You’re beautiful.
Shivers managed to appear, for those words never failed to move you. Taking the role of painter, he moved downwards in sweet torture, awakening every inch of your face: Your closed eyelids, your own nose, your burning cheeks, and under appreciated chin. Your lips yet, were discriminated.
Parting them with frustration, you stared at the ceiling with desperation as his torture continued south. Shaky breaths were incited, when his nose made contact with your bare neck. Even more so when he mindlessly painted your body with desire, crossing the borders through the collarbone.
Butterflies fluttered as the tip of his nose made strategic, temporary stops over your mountainous geography. Two erect peaks formed through the satin plains on either sides once he wandered over your heaving bosom with leisure. Nether muscles tightened, resulting in moans of the softest nature. Throwing your head back, you winced and gasped when he pulled your negligee up, permitting his brush to paint over the exposed stomach. If your body was awakened before, now it was slowly being lit up in flames. A slow burn, to be precise.
You’re intoxicating
Moans grew loud and unabashed, when he had the audacity to reach down your thighs.
I want you.
Putting his brush of a nose aside, he began to play Aesthete. And it was evident he did, the moment his lips attacked your inner thighs with gentle kisses.
Leaving your thighs burning, he kept his gaze affixed while his fingers urged your lace panties to part from your legs, opening the door that deemed most secretive. His intentions were made aware. And feeling the growth under his pants with your foot, you could not help but agree. Especially when your legs locked around his waist in a hurry. However, you were surprised even further when he switched positions in a heartbeat, allowing you to straddle him in return.
All of you. All mine.
His eyes, they burned. His words, they haunted. His hands, they were impatient. Not to undress himself, but to hold onto your own hands instead. Pulse quickening, your mind was full of queries as he pulled you closer.
And closer, past his stomach. And closer, past his chest.
The very moment he gave a final tug, realization washed over you. For you knew how exactly Rick, the wanderer, the observer, the adventurer wanted you. Right to the exact detail. Licking ones lips, you shuddered as you lifted yourself up:
Then want me. Please.
Your plea was sudden, desperate, yet there were no regrets. Desirous need was all that was filled in you, when you sank yourself low, when you sank yourself slow, to have his ethereal face welcome the region right between your quivering thighs. To have his hungry lips finally taste the mere essence of your being.
You gasped, out loud. The simplest brush of his lips, his facial hair were simply triggers, akin to a centralized button that set off a theme park a lit. And like in a theme park, you were on a ride of a lifetime.
Want me, like you never wanted anyone.
Keeping your balance with your knees firmly rooted on the soft white sheets, you rolled your hips. You rolled them in steady rhythm. Back and forth. All the while you felt his nose rub against your moist opening, and while his generous mouth proved his hunger for you. And he was not the one to waste any time.
Want me, as if your life depended on it.
You rolled, you rode. Holding on to your own hair, you were possessed with such greed, you knew you would go mad. Mad with ecstasy. For his lips were divine. His kisses translated to hunger in abundance. His tongue, did not fail to fall behind. If his nose played the artist, then his tongue played the writer, versatile enough to weave his own love notes in poetic form in the inner most intimate centre of your glorious body. His words roused you, till your moans were melodic and repetitive.
Want me, as if you love me.
With your pleas, your arms extended involuntarily. A shadow, caught your attention, as your eyes moved towards the bedside. It appeared so flexible, so lively. It was yours. As you kept glancing at it writhing in pleasure, in the midst of your moans and his, the realization was clear as the morning itself. No sign of exhaustion, nor any sign of hopelessness. A smile was all your face could provide you, and empowerment was all your heart could afford.
The withering in you had vanished. Your heart had no trace. For Rick, he was the sunshine, and hydration incarnate. For he was the nourishment. Your nourishment. And thus you, a once withered flower, now finally bloomed in full.
Tagged: @tammykelly​​​ @ladyerina​​​ @kittenlittle24 @everyday-imfangirling​​​ @lucy-roo​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​ @bale-is-a-babe @badsext​​​  @maddistyles17 @truly-insatiable @gooseyhouse​​​ @artsymaddie​​​ @quarterback-5 @mamooska8 @jensen-impala​​​ @lilyofthesword​​​ @woodencupcake​​​ @fonduebitches @soullesstaco​​​ @spicybellinger​​​ @marvel-lously​​​ @glitterypinkkitty​​​ @danceyreagan​​​​ @barikawho​​​​  @lostgirl0020​ @diogodxlot​​​​ @xxdearlybeloved​​​​ @shewearsprada​​​​ @lexiespeaks​​​ @misterlords-fics​​​ @readingslumpfanfic​
Once again, lemme know if you wanna get tagged. And those who only want to be tagged for specific Bale characters, please do let me know. I didn’t take out those who didn’t tell me just in case. But feel free to let me know, i totally understand.
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Not Alone: Chapter Two
-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck I want :3 ik last post says bakugo is the main love interest but that tis not true anymore there will be a love triangle k bye
-> Word Count: 3.9k (lowkey popped off once again)
-> Warnings: Blood, mentions of gun, mentions of sexual assault
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat [if anyone wants to be added feel free to lmk <3]
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Y/n sat by the fire, zoning out while watching the flames as Hades sat pressed against her. Suddenly his ears perked up. Y/n’s aching feet twinged, begging her to not follow through with her instincts and stand. So she watches Hades as his hackles rise and makes no sound. Y/n believed that it was a survival instinct he picked up from her. He never gives himself away with a growl like a dog. Instead he hides in the shadows, waiting for his prey to make a move. Hades crept to the door of the old cabin and Y/n picked up the rifle and silencer that she had stolen from a military base. She crept low, just as Hades does.
They sat in the dark, waiting for any noise or movement. Y/n never turned the lanterns on; she rarely used fuel for anything. If someone’s here it followed the smell of the smoke from her fire.
Suddenly, in the dark of her cabin lit only by the glow of the fire, there is a sound.
The sound at her door was worse than anything Y/n had ever heard. This category included women being dragged into trucks while their kids scream on the side of the road. Worse than the sound clothing makes when greedy fingers tear it. Worse than listening to the infected eat people who are still alive.
It was a knock.
A simple yet quiet knock. It was timid. It felt as if the person knocking was too afraid to knock, but had no choice in the matter. It was like their failing bravery can only muster a tiny pathetic little tap. In the same breath the knock was pathetic, but it was also more frightening that anything Y/n has ever encountered.
The knock might as well have been one of the infected clawing at the door and making high pitched moans with the way Y/n trembled. Either way, it means she had been discovered.
Hades looked at her, he too seemed confused by the weak little knock at their cabin door. The very same cabin where she found Hades outside whining and scared of everything in the world, just as she was. The cabin where they sat together hiding, praying, hoping, that they would be left alone.
Y/n stood frozen, holding her gun and trembling.
Hades sunk into the shadows of the coat and boot closet as Y/n slid up against the wall and tried to take her breaths slowly. She doesn’t move, just watches Hades's yellow eyes. They were hypnotic in the way they never moved. They calmed her with the way they wait, focused and calm. She nodded at him, which made him crouch lower, ready.
She put the chain lock on, making no noise just like she’d practiced numerous times. Putting her hand on the knob she stepped back slowly and positioned her gun. Her hand was shaking as one finger was put on the trigger and the other hand turned the door knob to open it quietly. She had positioned one foot behind the door, in case whoever it was decided to kick the door open.
In the tiny crack of the door there were two eyes, black eyes. They belonged to a girl, younger than Y/n. Y/n thought she was maybe fifteen but no older. She had dirty pink hair and a gaunt face. Her tears clumped her black lashes together, which made the pleading look in her eyes tremendously convincing.
“I-I’m sorry please don’t hurt me.” Her lips trembled. She was shaking in fear as she sniffled.
Y/n quickly closed the door and clicked the light. She felt her stomach sink, she knew she was in a fight for her life. She was bait, Y/n thought. If she’s ever seen bait, that girl’s it.
Hades cocked his head as he sauntered to the door and sniffs. Y/n thought about just opening the door and freeing him on her, but his tail wags. That made her doubt his ability to eat the adorable girl.
“Please miss. I need your help. Please.” She shouted, no longer stuttering. Her voice was desperate as she banged on Y/n’s door. “Please, he's dying! My friend is dying, please!”
Y/n had watched children be left on the road screaming. She watched teenage girls get dragged into the woods and be forced to listen. Y/n had survived because she watched and listened. She ignored everyone at every cost. Several times she had lain under a truck with her eyes closed and waited for it to end. Waiting for the screaming to stop.
Y/n was sure that the girl was bait.
Y/n closed her eyes and waited, but the banging kept getting louder. If they weren’t already here they would hear the banging. Dejectedly, Y/n opened the door again, putting the tip of her gun through the door. She was ready to shoot and again she felt the path of the coward before her.
“If, if you kill me, please just go find him afterward. He’s hurt. They’ll find him. He’s a hole south of here. Please help him.” Her words weren’t a plea. She was resigned to die for him. She wasn’t a coward. She wasn’t like Y/n.
Y/n slumped and pulled her gun back, closing her eyes for a second to let herself acknowledge that this was a bad idea. She had no doubt in her mind that she would regret this. Y/n opened the door and watched as Hades walked cautiously to the girl, sniffling and circling her.
“Please if you must kill me just go to him. He’s back a ways down the big hill. He’s fallen in a hole and broken his leg I think. He isn’t conscious.” Y/n watched her eyes, they never darted. The girl was speaking the truth. Y/n didn’t say a word as she grabbed the bundle of rope she kept on the storage shelf and closed the door behind her. “Thank you so much. Thank you. My name is Mina.” She held her hands together like Y/n had saved her life. Her tears still pour down her face. She was small and weak, but appeared stronger than Y/n. Braver.
Y/n looked at her and chose to ignore her. After she had gotten Mina’s friend out of the hole she would send the two on their way. Hades rubbed himself against the girl.
“He’s not going to bite me?”
“He might. Let’s go. Stay in front of me where I can see you.”
Mina nodded and tucked a stray strand of her short pink hair behind her ear. She was thin, everyone was thin, but she was thinner than anyone Y/n has seen in a while. Y/n frowned herself at that thought. Who had she seen in months? No one.
Mina’s gaunt face told Y/n that her and her brother had been alone since the beginning. Like Y/n and Leo. No one takes care of her. She fights for everything she has. That is what made her Y/n’s enemy.
Y/n knew the exact hole her friend was in, if he was really in there.
Y/n kept her ears sharp and was thankful that Mina never spoke. It was easy to tell Mina was a survivor, she had common sense. She walked silently as Y/n did, her breathing was even. As the two girls approached the hole Y/n waited at the far side, assuming that she was being led to be pushed in. She had a bad feeling that they would take her cabin and leave her here to die.
Mina got onto her knees and crawled to the edge, “Kiri?”
“Mina?” A guy’s breathless voice rised from the hole.
Mina started to cry again, “Kiri we got rope, I found her. She’s back now. Everything will be okay now.”
Y/n felt the hair on her neck rise at the words ‘she’s back’, “How long have you been following me?”
Mina put a hand out, “Let me have the rope.” Y/n took a step back as Hades took one forward. Hades could sense Y/n’s agitation. “Just let me have the rope please, he’s hurt.” She pleads.
Y/n shook her head and pointed the rifle at the girl’s face, “How long have you been following me.”
When Mina realized Y/n wouldn’t let the question go she slumped slightly, “Two months. We stayed in the woods outside the cabin. We needed the well water. I’m sorry.”
Y/n wanted to feel nothing, but she knew that she was lucky. Her father had told her about the cabin in the woods his family owned. She knew she had somewhere to go when it all ended. They, on the otherhand, were no doubt, left with nothing. But that thought didn’t take away the sick feeling in Y/n’s stomach, knowing that she had been spied on for two months. Y/n glanced at Hades and raised an eyebrow. He knelt his head down slightly, he was ashamed but didn’t know why.
“I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you. We saw how many guns you had and we knew you had the wolf. We wanted to leave you alone but we had nowhere to go.”
A voice spoke up from the hole, “Look, don’t hurt Mina please, just pass me the rope and I’ll pull myself out. We won’t bother you again. I know you’re scared but we really are just regular people like you.”
Y/n heard her father’s voice again, ‘it’s us and them Y/n’ and remembered that there were no regular people in this world. Not anymore.
Y/n leaned her gun against a tree and Hades stood beside it at the ready, just like Y/n had trained him to. She turned the rope around the tree next to her and tossed the remainder of the rope down the hole. Y/n thought about setting booby traps when they were gone, she would not be caught by surprise again.
“Tie it under your arms,” Y/n says toward the entrance of the hole. She could see the rope moving as he tied himself up. “We’ll pull you up, just try to help a little, okay.”
Y/n looked at Mina, waiting for her to come help, but Mina just looked back at her expectantly.
Y/n frowned, “I’m not pulling him up alone.”
Mina laughed slightly and it felt weird to Y/n. She couldn’t remember the last time she heard someone laugh. She gets up and walks toward Y/n. Neither of them trusted each other. She eyeballed Y/n as much as Y/n did to her. They both take the rope into their hands and wrap it around their palm.
Mina nods, just as he calls up from the hole. “Ready.”
“One, two, three.”
They dug their feet into the dirt and pulled hard. Y/n could see Mina’s neck straining against the pull. It’s the hardest thing Y/n has ever done and she grows frightened of just how big he was. He weighed a ton.
Y/n watched as a huge hand reached up out of the hole and clawed at the dirt. Mina dropped the rope and ran to it. Another huge hand popped up and dug into the dirt. Mina reached down and pulled on his arms and Y/n tried to not gasp as a massive man crawled out og the hole. It was easy to tell that he was thinner than he should be. His frame towered over Mina.
He smiled at Y/n, “Thank. I never thought I would get out of there. I honestly didn’t think you would help us”
Y/n’s heart does something it’s never done before. His dark red shaggy hair hung around his forehead at eye level. His red eyes sparkled, even in the faint moonlight. His smile was devastating, with chiseled features and a strong jawline. For the faintest of seconds Y/n imagined the feel of his lips against her’s.
Y/n shook her head, and saw the smile across his lips, “What?”
He laughs. They laugh a lot.
“My name is Kirishima, but you can call me Kiri. And this is my friend Mina,” He stood on one leg and rested his arm over Mina’s shoulder, supporting his hurt leg in the air.
“You’ll need that set.” Y/n said, pointing to his hanging leg.
He smiled again and Y/n felt like something inside of her was being lit. “You can do that?”
Y/n nodded her answer and tried to calm down the disturbing feelings she was now riddled with. She pointed to the cabin, “Let’s go.” and picked up her rifle.
“What’s your name?” He asked. Y/n liked his voice.
She walked over to him and tried not to stare, “I’ll help you, I think I’m stronger than her.” Y/n didn’t trust herself around him, but the fastr she helped them the faster they could leave.
His warmth crashed onto Y/n as he clutched her shoulder. Y/n never really wondered if she was short, but he made her feel tiny. She could smell him all around her. His smell made her insides hurt. Y/n looked at Hades, who walked up to Mina and nuzzled her, encouraging her to start walking.
“Traitor.” Y/n whispered.
Kirishima laughed again, “She’s really good with animals. It’s the only fucking reason we are still alive.” Y/n didn’t understand what he meant by that. Was she going to eat her wolf? To Y/n she didn’t look like the kind of kid who hugged and pet her food before eating it. She wasn’t even sure there were kids who do that.
They walked the short bit back to Y/n’s cabin in silence. He tried talking but Y/n just listened, not to him but everything around them. This wasn’t how she wanted to do and had no clue about how much noise they’ve made thus far. He didn’t seem to have a clue how to be quiet. Mina was the opposite. She listened like Y/n does. Y/n started to feel considerably better when she was able to smell the fire from her cabin and could see the front door.
“How’d you find this place? He asked as Y/n opened the door.
She put her finger to her lips and crept in with her rifle raised. She never locked the door. Another rule she’s broken. After clearing the two rooms and the bathroom she turned on the small lantern, creating a tiny orange glow.
Kirishima hopped to the couch and sat down and grimaced in pain. Y/n felt as if her house was exposed. No one has been here before.
“Kiri you’re going to be okay, right?” Mina knelt in front of him and then looked back at Y/n. Y/n locked the door and closed the curtains completely. She felt vulnerable and Kiri’s eyes watching her made her feel worse.
She needed them gone.
“He’ll be fine, just let me take a look.” Y/n brought the lantern and sat on the floor beside her, “Go sit by the fire and warm up. There’s a stew on top. Get a bowl and eat.” Mina didn’t have to wait to be asked twice.
Y/n looked up at him. He laid his head back on the couch and looked like he would fall asleep any second. She smirked, knowing that he would be wide awake the moment she touched the break.
“You can’t scream okay?”
He lifted his head and smiled bitterly, “I screamed like a little girl when i fell in that damn hole.”
Y/n took a deep breath and put her fingers to his button on his jeans to undo them. Her fingers trembled. She hadn’t touched anyone in ten years. It’s only been her and Hades. He’s all she’s touched.
He grinned, “Don’t I get anything to eat before you try to take my pants off?”
Y/n glared at him, “No. You’ll throw up and we don’t waste food here.” She didn’t appreciate the awkward joke.
He laughed weakly and gripped the couch with his massive hands. Y/n unzipped the pants and started to gently pull them down.
“I would probably be enjoying this if it weren’t for the unbearable pain. I need to get injured more often.” His stomach flexed which revealed muscles like Y/n has never seen before. His hip bones stuck out a little too much, but otherwise his body was strong and amazing. He looked like the men on the cover of romance magazines.
Y/n started to slide the jeans down his legs just below his grey underwear. She tried to notice his grey underwear or what was beneath them. When she tried to pull the pants down his legs they got caught on his thigh. Y/n grimaced as she heard him cry out.
Y/n had seen disgusting things in her life and as she felt around his thigh for the break she prepared herself for the worse. Fortunately, there wasn’t a break, but instead a large piece of wood had pierced his thigh. Y/n didn’t think that it had hit the artery in his leg. His blood loss was nowhere what it could be if it had been pierced. Y/n wondered about removing the stick and what damage that would cause. Because Y/n did not actually know where the artery was, she just knew that it existed.
“Your leg isn’t broken.”
He looked down at Y/n, “What? I felt the bone sticking out.”
“It’s a stick not bone. A stick must have stabbied into you. I need some things. I’m going to have to cut the pants from your body though.”
Mina speaks through mouthfuls, “I can sew them.”
“Don’t watch this Kiri. Just lie back and give me a minute to grab everything I need.”
He nodded and laid his head back. Y/n walked to her bathroom and sat on the earth-friendly toilet. Y/n sat and cried in the dark. She looked at her filthy hands. Even in the dark she could see the dirt. She could cause an infection and he would die from that. She could pull the stick out and rupture his artery and he could die from that. She wished that she had read more of the books that she has.
Y/n didn’t know what her options were, but the thought of Kirishima dying hurt her more than any possible loss she could face, beyond Hades. She thinked about her family and the years of life experience that had brought her to this moment.
She lit the candle in the bathroom and stood up to look at her reflection in the mirror. She was a ghostly girl in the muted light of the candle. Her mother’s bracelet and necklace glisten in the dark light. She lightly touched the metal and wished she was here. Not just her, any adult. She didn’t want to do what she was about to do. She grabbed her medical kit and took a deep breath, walking into the kitchen and pouring a pot of water.
“Boil this now.”
Mina hoppedup and grabbed it, stoked the fire and placed the pot on it. Y/n was glad that she didn’t have to tell her how to do it. Mina was capable. Y/n liked her for a moment, before closing her heart and turning away from her. They still have to leave when this was all over.
Y/n grabbed the whiskey from the cupboard and cracked the bottle, she’s never opened it. She poured some on her hands and hisses at the small sting. She scrubbed her hands and put more on, then dried her hands with a clean.
She drank a swig of the whiskey and carried it to her couch. Her throat was burning. She grabbed a thick blanket and put it under his leg and felt a small sense of pity when he groaned slightly. He was falling asleep. Y/n took the scissors and forced her hands to become steady and started to cut the fabric. She tried to cut along the seam to make it easier for Mina to sew it back. After pulling the pants off she threw them to Mina.
“The sewing kit is in the bathroom.” Y/n said before turning back to look at the stick in his upper thigh. Y/n realizes that this could be a real problem, the stick had broken off and gone in deep. She grimaced as she touched the opening of the cut. Y/n walked to her tool bag and grabbed a wrench and poured whiskey over it and her hands. She took another swig and there was fire in her stomach now.
Mina returned with the sewing kit and looked at his leg.
“At least the stick went into the side.”
Y/n nodded and passed her the whiskey,” He’s going to scream when I do this. You need to put a pillow over his face and hold him down. I’ll need that boiled water the minute it’s ready.”
She took a swig of the whiskey and nodded, “Okay.”
Y/n dropped to her knees and placed the old wrench around the nub of the stick. She tightened it so the bark made a very slight crunching noise. Y/n looked at the blanket she had ready and took a deep breath. Mina goes around to the back of the couch holding a pillow and wrapped her arms around her brother.
Y/n tried not to think about what she was about to do.
“One, two, three.” She pulled the stick hard and fast, ripping it from his leg. He jerked as hard as he could and kicked her in the face with his other foot. In mere seconds Y/n is on her back on the floor. He screams but his friend and the pillow muffle it. Y/n saw stars for a moment but found her way back over to him. She picked up the whiskey and poured it over the wound. He started to scream again, ripping the pillow off his face and shoving his friend off of him.
“FUCK! FUCK! WARN ME NEXT TIME!” He looked towards Y/n as if he could rip her head off and for a second he scared her. But Y/n just nods.
“I’m going to do it again.”
A tear slips from his left eye but he nods, his jaw trembling slightly from the pain. Y/n looked towards the wound as the blood rushed out. The flow was lazy, meaning it wasn’t an artery. Y/n sighed in relief, knowing that at least that wouldn’t kill him.
Y/n poured more alcohol and mopped up the blood and liquor and then pushed the towel against the wound and waited for his body’s natural clotting to at least make an attempt. As she looked down at the wound she saw blood drip down onto her hand. She touched her fingers to her face and found out that her nose was bleeding. She grabbed the other towel beside her and pushed it against her face. Hades nudged against her to check if she was okay. Y/n rubbed her elbow against his fur in an attempt to soothe him.
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katelyn--renee · 4 years
This Is Crazy, Isn’t It?
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Title: This Is Crazy, Isn’t It?
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Dean Winchester (Mentioned) 
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words:  ± 2000
Description: The trio enjoy a night out in Las Vegas. Things don’t go quite as expected.
Written For: @anyfandomgoesbingo​ - Square Filled: Accidental Marriage
Warnings: Fluff, Stranger Danger, Mentions of Alcohol Use, Hints of Smut and gets a bit smutty towards the end.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. :) I don’t own any of the characters or gifs used. :) As usual, there was no beta, so all mistakes are my own. 
Please leave feedback, like, share, or whatever. It gives me life and motivation! Thank you loves!
As always, thanks for the awesome dividers @talesmaniac89
​Interested in more of my work, check out the link below.
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The afternoon sunlight was bright and intrusive as it cascaded in through the large window overlooking the city, interrupting (Y/N)’s sleep and stirring her awake. She groaned and scrunched her face up against the unwelcome light, her nose wrinkling with discomfort. 
Her mouth was dry and her head was pounding painfully - courtesy of all the alcohol she and the Winchester brother’s had consumed the night before. They’d been out celebrating Dean’s birthday and naturally, he’d insisted they go to Vegas for a night of fun. 
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Now, as fun as it may have been at the time, her body was definitely regretting her choices. 
With another groan, she tried to roll away from the source of the sunlight and yanked the covers over her head, shifting on the mattress to face the other direction. The comforter was fluffy and heavenly, wrapping her into a cocoon of warmth. Her body connected with something solid beside her and she froze, having not expected the sudden skin on skin contact. 
Her (Y/E/C) eyes shot open wide and she gasped in surprise as she looked beside her, eyeing the naked man she currently shared a bed with. She withdrew herself, nearly falling out of bed in her haste to get away from the stranger.
She hugged the covers close when she realized her clothes were also missing, covering her bare chest as best as she could. She stared at the man with wide eyes, trying to put a name to the shaggy brown hair. Upon further inspection, she soon realized that the man in her bed wasn’t a stranger at all… It was Sam.
Sam fucking Winchester. 
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She brought a shaky hand to her head and tried to recall the events from the night before, but the effort only resulted in a piercing headache and fragmented images. Her eyes wandered back to Sam - who remained unbothered, laying face down into the mattress. She studied his face in an attempt to help jog her memories, to no avail. She exhaled heavily, blowing the air from her lips in a frustrated sigh. 
The white sheet was draped over his bare ass, contrasting heavily with his sun bronzed skin. She couldn’t help but let her eyes scan over his naked form, traveling up the length of his muscular back and strong shoulders. She traced every dip and curve along the planes of his back, her breath hitching in her chest. He had his large arms folded beneath his head, tucked under his pillow while he slept.
(Y/N) felt her heart flutter with excitement and her cheeks grew warm and darkened in color, something inside of her stirring and building at the sight of him. She shifted a little and chewed on her bottom lip, her eyes taking in his peaceful expression. It wasn’t often she saw a Winchester so relaxed, especially Sam. It was a refreshing sight. She almost didn’t want to wake him.
A hint of a smile tugged at her lips, despite the situation she found herself in. What the hell happened last night? She tore her gaze away from the youngest Winchester and began to search the room for some answers, scanning over the discarded beer bottles and nearly empty bottle of Jack Daniels next to the sofa. The sight of it made her stomach flip and turn. She wouldn’t be drinking any of that for a while.
Another groan left her and she had to shut her eyes to help fight off a wave of nausea. This would be the last time she’d let a Winchester talk her into drinking again. She combed a set of fingers through her tangled (Y/H/C) hair, ruffling it up a bit at the roots in an attempt to tame it after her apparently eventful night. Something snagged in the strands and she pulled her hand away to examine it further, her eyes going wide once again. 
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There, on her left hand, a delicate diamond ring sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. It wasn’t overly large or bulky and it felt out of place on her finger, but it was breathtakingly beautiful. Her eyes darted back to Sam and, regretfully moving too fast, she yanked his pillow from under his head to get a better view of his hands.
He woke with a sharp intake of air, his head jerking upward and making his vision spin. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He mumbled incoherently, still half asleep. (Y/N) ignored him and grabbed for his left hand, while also carefully keeping the blanket tucked close to her naked frame. 
Sam was confused and groggy, his face heavy with sleep. His hair was tousled and sticking up at odd angles, and if (Y/N) wasn’t already preoccupied, she would have thought he looked adorable. Though, in her eyes, Sam Winchester was always adorable. 
As suspected, there on Sam’s left hand, was a black wedding band circling his ring finger. Uh-oh. An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of her stomach and the blood seemed to drain from her face; what did they do?
Sam studied her face, his own filled with concern as he followed her gaze, dropping it to their hands. Realization quickly took over and a hint of a smile pulled on his lips. He shifted and took her hand in his, their fingers lacing together. 
(Y/N) was puzzled by this gesture and her eyes snapped to his, his hazel gaze overwhelming her. She felt her heart beat a little harder, a little faster, inside of her chest as she watched Sam. He moved on the mattress, his muscles flexing and shifting under his tanned skin. His weight caused the bed to shift and dip differently as he moved closer. 
She couldn’t breath, couldn’t speak. He lifted a hand and gently brushed it against her cheek, tucking away a few strands of hair. Her face burned with a blush and she found herself wanting to burrow into the covers and hide forever, but she was frozen in place, hypnotized by the beautiful man in front of her. 
“You don’t remember, do you?” He asked, his voice a bit gravely with sleep, but full of kindness and adoration. Was this really happening?
(Y/N) shook her head, still unable to find her voice. Sam smiled fondly, dimples creasing his handsome face. “I’m not surprised, we were both pretty wasted.” He laughed lightly, the sound filling her with so much joy. He rubbed circles into the back of her hand, the pad of his thumb much rougher than she’d imagined. It was nice, though, and the gesture made her chest swoon. 
“The shortened version; after Dean ditched us at the casino, we decided to check out The Strip. More alcohol was consumed, feelings were announced, lots and lots of kissing,” He flashed her his boyish grin and looked up at her through brown bangs, his own cheeks flushed with color.
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The more Sam spoke, the more blanks he filled in and the distorted images in her mind were starting to become clearer. He chuckled before continuing, “We, uh, accidentally stumbled into one of those,” He used his hands to emphasize what he was saying, “over-the-top, overly exaggerated churches,” He laughed again.
“With the Elvis impersonator. Oh god.” (Y/N) recalled and dropped her face into her palm, hiding it. They both laughed, a little embarrassed by their actions… but somehow, not regretting them. 
“Right.” Sam confirmed, a smile still adorning his face. “Well, one thing led to another and…” He held up his hand, twisting the band around with his thumb. 
The pair of them sat in silence for a moment, despite a few longing gazes and giggles, letting everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours sink in. Her eyes fell to the diamond sparkling on her finger again and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. 
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty head of yours?” Sam asked with care, gingerly touching her exposed knee to steal her attention. He offered her a closed lip smile for assurance, urging her to share her thoughts.
“This is crazy, right?” (Y/N) stated, the rational part of her brain taking over. Her heart couldn’t be happier, but there was no way this would actually work, right? They were drunk. Fuck, were they still drunk? Panicking, she moved to stand up, taking the sheet with her and wrapping it around her tiny frame, covering her exposed skin. 
She paced a little, padding the length of the bed and back again. “I mean… we’re married, Sam. Fucking married… man and wife… sickness, heath, death due us part… married.” 
Sam watched her, his eyes lingering over the skin he could see from where the blanket hung low, hesitating on the dimples of her lower back. “Is it though?” Sam asked from his position on the bed, stopping her in her tracks. 
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“What?” She snapped back and looked at him in bewilderment, but then quickly averted her gaze, having forgotten he was completely naked. 
“Is this really that crazy?” Sam corrected, moving to join her on the other side of the bed. 
(Y/N) didn’t notice his movement, her eyes closed with frustration. “Sam.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose between her finger and thumb.
“No, I’m serious. (Y/N/N), look at me.” He encouraged, his voice gentle. He stopped in front of her and gently caressed her cheek, before hooking his finger below her chin, tilting her head to look up at him. She couldn’t help but lean into his touch, her worries already beginning to ease. 
His large, puppy dog eyes bore into hers, making her legs feel weak. “I don’t regret our decision, however reckless it may have been.” He laughed a little, before continuing, “I haven’t been this happy in a very long time,” He said, swallowing thickly and forcing his Adam's apple to bob with the motion. 
“I am beyond crazy about you, (Y/N/N), have been for a while now and I know you feel it too… you admitted it last night.” He reminded her with a smirk, making her blush again. “I just… I fail to see how this is a bad thing. And I don’t want to.”
(Y/N) stared up at him, stunned into silence. How could this be happening? Everything she’d ever wanted to hear him say, he was saying it. Right now. Right in front of her. Sam and all his glory, was admitting that he loved her. “Well what are you waiting for, then? Kiss your wife.” She muttered, breathless.
A smile broke across Sam’s face. He didn’t need telling twice. He dipped his head and her eyes shut, her long lashes fluttering. Their lips crashed together, molding and morphing into one, as if they were meant for just that purpose. She parted her lips for him, inviting him in.
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(Y/N) felt herself moving closer to Sam, her body moving on it’s own accord, her hands releasing the blanket in her grasp as she pressed her palms firmly into his bare chest. The sheet fell into a heap around her feet, forgotten. Her hands travelled up, bracing herself with his strong shoulders as she hoisted herself higher, wanting to be closer.
He groaned and placed his large hands at her thin waist, spraying out his thick fingers and dimpling her skin. His tongue eagerly tasting the inside of her mouth, hungry. He lifted her with ease, his hands moving down to cup her ass and she responded with a moan, her legs wrapping around him. 
Sam turned toward their bed, gently laying her against the mattress while he hovered above her, careful not to put too much weight onto her. His lips left her mouth and attacked her neck instead, leaving a wet trail along her jawline, traveling down to her pulse point where he suckled gently. He nibbled at her ear, his breath hot and heavy against her flesh. She shivered beneath him. “I’m going to do more than just kiss my wife.” He promised through a lustful growl.
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Thank you for reading!! <3
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Constitution Caster build (Theory Build)
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(Ursine Spiritwalker artwork by SixMoreVodka Studios. Made for Legends of Runeterra by Riot Games.)
Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of “I’m making a build to delay the creation of my Irelia build.” Yes I have an Irelia build coming out and yes I do still hate Irelia as a champion. The idea for this build mostly came about after I watched Dungeon Dudes’ review the Tasha’s Fighters which reminded me that Rune Knight has not-quite casting based on Constitution. It gave me an idea: “hey what if you made a character who was primarily based on Constitution?” So here’s my very loose idea to make a character with Constitution as their primary stat.
Constitution should be your highest obviously lol, and you need at least 13 in Strength for multiclassing. Choosing to max DEX or STR second will be a tough choice: STR gives you more damage overall but DEX gives you more AC. I think it ultimately depends on the party you have as well as the theme you want for your character.
You want at least three levels in Storm Herald for the Sea Aura which lets you blast people with Lightning as a Bonus Action! This Lightning does a d6 of damage, but the damage doesn’t increase until you hit level 10 in Barbarian. The only thing you really get out of Barbarian other than more uses of Rage is Fast Movement and resistance to Lightning damage for you and your nearby allies, so I’d honestly suggest investing more into Rune Knight instead.
Now for Rune Knight: which Runes do you want?
CLOUD - As a one-time reaction this is very good to divert damage in a hectic fight, but it’s only one-time use and it’ll take from your other abilities like Runic Shield. Either grab this super early or super late. 3/10
FIRE - Very strong; essentially Hold Person that does continuous damage. Does require you to hit the enemy however. Can be weak if your main combat stat is bad. 7/10
FROST - More utility than anything. You won’t really need the +2 on CON checks / saves, but a boost to Strength checks / saves is nice. Good if no one in the party has Strength and you need to be the guy who lifts everything. 5/10
STONE - Fire rune but a reaction, so it doesn’t require you to hit the enemy. Unlike Hypnotic Pattern (which this Rune seems to be based on) your allies can wail on the enemy all they want! The only real downside is the range as well as the fact that it’s a Wisdom save. 8/10
HILL (lvl 7 requirement) - You’re a Barbarian you have Rage. Can be good if you want to hold onto Rage, but this should probably be the one Rune you skip entirely. 1/10
STORM (lvl 7 requirement) - The best one hands down. Grab this at level 7 and use it whenever possible. 10/10
My personal build for Runes would be as follows:
LEVEL 3: Fire, Cloud
LEVEL 7: Fire, Storm, Stone
LEVEL 10: Fire, Storm, Stone, Cloud
LEVEL 15: Fire, Storm, Stone, Cloud, Frost
Maybe pickup Frost if I’m building for Strength. Oh and speaking of building for Strength or Dexterity: what type of weapon should you use? Most of the runes (Cloud, Stone, Storm) have a limited range and your Storm Aura is very limited (10 feet) so this build does encourage a melee build, but you could also use a Bow along with the Fire rune and the Storm rune to play more of a backline character. I think a Thrown weapon build (Soul Knife?) could actually be very interesting for this kind of character, as you’d occupy a sort of “medium range” while also being able to give your character a unique theme. Grabbing the Thrown Weapon Fighting Style would also increase your damage output nicely.
Path of Wild Magic is kind of the most obvious choice for a “caster” but it’s somewhat unreliable (as Wild Magic is) and takes up your reaction which should probably be used on Rune Knight runes. There is perhaps a compelling argument to be made that Wild Magic scales better but it does sort of rely on you using Unstable Backlash often, unless you get lucky an highroll effects 3 or 8. Wild Magic does make a more compelling argument for a thrower build though if you can roll option 4, which can allow you to dual-wield a Battle Axe along with a Hand Axe that you’d normally be throwing.
Path of the Beast gets an ability that requires a CON save at level 10, and an ability based on CON at level 14. While they’re strong their use is unfortunately limited, and it does require you to actually hit your attacks. A 3-level dip into Rune Knight is a compelling argument for Path of the Beast however, as becoming a giant werewolf is pretty pog.
Path of the Battlerager is trash, but you can use Reckless Abandon while Raging to constantly boost up your AC. If you grapple your enemies (which you can do quite easily as a Large creature!) and use the Fire and Stone runes you can easily lock down several foes with your hulkin’ bulk, which does make for an interesting playstyle! It’s also a very compelling character to play a completely insane Dwarf that thinks they’re a giant or something. The only obvious downside of Path of the Battlerager is that you’re literally forced to wear the Spiked Armor which will massively gut your AC, but if your DM lets you use Unarmored Defense while wearing Spiked Armor this multiclass actually becomes semi-viable.
Echo Knight and Cavalier Fighter both have abilities that scale off CON I guess, but they still expect you to have a good primary attack modifier.
This would be a really fun build for Tier 1 - Tier 2 play, where you could enjoy the benefits of a big health bar while also still being able to do damage. If you can get a lot of Short Rests to refresh your Runes (and Second Wind and Action Surge I guess) you actually become a potent lockdown pseudo-support character.
This scales like fucking ass because most of your legally-not-spellcasting scales like ass lol. Your Rune Knight runes are limited as are your Rages, and regardless of what Barbarian you choose you’re going to be doing fairly little damage with your Bonus Action abilities.
In short: This build is dumb lol, but it’s just a theoretical thing I’m throwing out if you want to try something unique in your next one shot. This is probably less powerful than my other “random builds” but I think it’s fun and interesting which is why I wanted to share it.
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firefield · 3 years
David Bowie - Reality (2003)
“The thing, probably, that keeps me writing is this awful feeling that there are no absolutes. That there is no truth. That we are, as I’ve been thinking for so many years now, fully in the swirl of chaos theory.” DB, 2003
I always learn new things about David Bowie whenever I listen through his complete discography chronologically, and this run through is no different. As I get close to the end here, I’m reminded how much less I know about these later works, due simply to the fact that they have existed for a much shorter time, and my experience with them is more limited. “Reality” rocks more than I realized on release day, especially coming off the heels of “Heathen” with all its layers and mystery and subtleties. An empty house afforded the opportunity to really crank this one up, a vinyl pass, and CD pass, and finally the 5.1 surround sound edition - and yeah - DB said he wanted a simpler sound, and wanted a record that could be translated into a live show easily and effectively and he got that in spades.
As with all his post-80’s work, and especially his post-heart attack material, “Reality” embraces the darker and more cynical side of DB’s many characters - from the irony of the album title with album art portraying a very cartoony space-man Bowie looking about as unreal and non-Reality as possible and still be recognizable - to DB’s insistence that he made a “positive!” record despite themes of aging and death, loneliness and anonymity, geopolitical strife, day-in-day-out mundanity and the creeping threat of urbanization to nature. Regarding the subject matter of Reality he told Interview Magazine, “This is probably a period when, more than any other time, the idea that our absolutes are disintegrating is manifest in real terms. Truths that we always thought we could stand by are crumbling before our eyes. It really is quite traumatic.”
I read quotes like that and I think, for a guy that is largely known for (and criticized for) his ability to synthesize the past and his surroundings into something entirely David-Bowieingly unique, he certainly shows skill at synthesizing the future as well. Beyond things like financial chicanery like Bowie Bonds and the impact of the internet on the creation and distribution of music, Bowie often hit at the very essence of what unites as well as divides.
The seeds of this malleablity of truth that DB describes had been planted in my country during the civil rights movement and the tragedy of the Vietnam War, but began to flower and bloom after the 9/11 event - affecting Bowie’s home turf and his family profoundly. Heathen is prescient, Reality is a little angry about things. DB took time to specifically say what Reality was not: it was not an angry album, it was not a response to 9/11, it was not his “New York Album” - but then he’d spend just as much time gently walking back those claims, almost wondering aloud if it was, in fact, all of those things and more. He speaks around this time about how naturally writing music came to him. Unforced, calmly. I think this “flow” is why you can glean so many little contradictions about Reality and it’s intentions and meaning. He’s letting it happen, not dictating the plot; the tensions of that city and that moment in time allowed to mold and shape the work. Polar opposite to the Heathen recording environment at Allaire Studios in the Catskill Mountains, Reality was recorded in the cramped Studio B of Philip Glass’s Looking Glass Studios in NYC and both those disparate studio choices impact their respective products acutely.
Reality is Bowie’s most “hands-on” record since Diamond Dogs, employing all his multi-instrumentalist abilities, and it’s also one of his most thoroughly demoed. Most all of Reality was demoed out in Studio B by DB and Tony Visconti playing all the instruments, with Mario McNulty (the same engineer DB would later trust with the posthumous reimagining/re-recording of Never Let Me Down) as studio assistant. According to Tony, he had a feeling that many of these “demo tracks” would not ever actually be re-recorded, so they were laid down at a useable fidelity. Consequently, much of the demo material survived on the final album. The band brought in for final overdubs was chosen with the live show in mind specifically. This was a smaller, tighter unit of BowieLive veterans and by all accounts recording was smooth and productive.
New Killer Star opens the record, and is also Reality’s debut single (that contained one of his more surprising B-sides, Sigue Sigue Sputnik’s ‘Love Missle F1-11’) and is a spectacular Earl Slick led hazy, woozy guitar statement.
This is followed by The Modern Lovers - Pablo Picasso - recorded in 1972 but delayed until their 1976 debut. This track mimics the space occupied by the Pixies cover Cactus - the second track on Heathen - DB pulling tracks from his past that he enjoys and placing them where they give the record momentum. Quite a different interpretation if you have heard the original - DB took liberties with both the lyric and the arrangement and it’s a cool little track.
Never Get Old follows and addresses the common theme of time and aging in DB compositions…. (Cygnet Committee, Time, Hearts Filthy Lesson, Changes, Fantastic Voyage, and many more) and the composition itself references much of his past in Space Oddities countdown, the elongated guitar strands of Heroes, bits of melody from Crack City, the four-walls-closing-in sense of Low and some of Hunky Dory’s ominous moments. A pounding live favorite.
…and seamlessly right into The Loneliest Guy. Anyone who saw the Reality Tour knows the captivating power of this piece, and it’s honesty and fragility was one of a few reasons why I thought this would be DB’s final album.
Looking For Water. Man, I *love* this song. It’s one of my favorite vocal performances on Reality and would certainly end up on my list of “underrated DB songs” were I compelled to make one. I like repetition in music, and it’s hypnotic and mantra-esque qualities - and this is one that always gets a significant volume boost.
She’ll Drive The Big Car - a supercool stab of Bowie sash and swagger, and a killer vocal performance, masking some seriously sad lyrics. Bowie manages to sound defiant, tired, funky, deferential, sexy and soulful all in the course of a single song. He’s such an effortlessly great singer, that’s it’s easy to become so accustomed to it that you almost miss it. It’s just “him.”
The exceedingly sweet “Days” fits nicely with all of Realities reflections, and has for me become a song I pay much more attention to since we lost the man to cancer.
Fall Dog Bombs The Moon is one of DB’s most overtly political songs, and was apparently written very quickly - under a half and hour - and directly addresses the Iraq War and the profiteering involved. Relatively bleak with murky lyrics, it’s a interesting and unique DB composition.
Try Some, Buy Some is just beautiful and I think one of Bowie’s most interesting and genuinely heart-felt covers (along with Waterloo Sunset, also from these sessions.) The inspiration to do this song comes directly from the 1971 Ronnie Spector version and the impact it had on him personally. DB seems to be absolutely sincere when he claimed that he had completely forgotten that it was a George Harrison composition until he sat down to work on the album credits.
Next up is the sizzling rocker Reality that has one foot in Tin Machine and one foot in The Next Day. Love Earl’s guitar sound here. Like New Killer Star, the guitar layers in this one sound amazing on the 5.1 surround mix.
Ahh yeah. Another in an amazing number of fantastic Bowie album closers. I’ve made it a point in my life to quit ranking art into “good/better/best/sucks categories and hierarchies and see art as an experience, not a competition. My friends know this about me, and consequently tease me and attempt to prod me into breaking this creed. Under unrelenting pressure to name a “favorite David Bowie track” I named Bring Me The Disco King.
I could give many reasons why this would be the one…. The repetition I mentioned earlier, here found in Matt Chamberlain’s drum loop (interestingly snagged from ‘When The Boys Come Marching Home,’) the overwhelming sense I had when I first heard it that this was DB’s final record, the sense that the threat of jazz that had always pounded on David’s door in his chord structures and harmonies had finally broken down the door… the very tangible sense that this was a composition that had already had a long life but stayed tucked into the shadows by its unsatisfied creator, only to be given life and light on this great album after it had been stripped down to almost nothing - simplicity being the sought after key to its finally being allowed to soar. If it’s not already obvious, I think this song is magnificent. Literally. The fact that David knew it was deep inside there, he just had to mine it out over the course of a decade or so is extraordinary.
Couple of thoughts about a track that didn’t fit well on Reality but made it to bonus/B-sides…
How cool is his cover of The Kinks Waterloo Sunset? In the years after his death, when I feel that loss in my heart, it’s Waterloo Sunset I turn up to 11 and allow it to yank me back out of that murk.
“People so busy
makes me feel dizzy
but I don’t feel afraid
as long as I gaze on Waterloo Sunset
I am in paradise.”
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Like The Stars Miss The Sun In The Morning Sky (Mitsuhide x MC)
Summary: The irony is that sometimes when you are afraid to lose someone, you lose them exactly because of that...
Words: 1498
Warnings: break up, anxiety, but there is a happy ending
These are going to be the longest notes I've ever written at the start of a fic... I had the honour to meet a man who reminded me lot of Ikesen's Mitsuhide. He was a wonderful, intelligent man who lived by his own principles and a delightful tease who could hypnotize me with his voice alone. He was so generous with his affections. He was also someone who worked so hard, who gave everything he had to help others at the expense of himself, his mental and physical health and his freetime. Sounds a lot like Mitsuhide no? I also had the honour to date him for a while and he made my life so much more interesting, wonderful and magical. But we do not live in an otome game and real life is shit sometimes. As if starting to date during a pandemic wasn't hard enough already there is also the fact that we're both damaged humans. I'm not an MC in a game and I have my fears, insecurities and past trauma's and I make mistakes. And neither is he a perfect love interest in a game, he's just as human as I am and he makes mistakes too. So yeah, this is me writing about my own heartbreak, about dealing with the pain and guilt of losing someone you were so afraid to lose. Because it hurts like hell, waking up every morning and realizing you (both) screwed up and someone you hold so dear is no longer part of your life. So if Mitsuhide feels a bit out of character, you know why.
I did give the story a happy ending, because it's a story and while real life doesn't always have a happy ending I felt like the story still deserved one. Let's spread more happiness and love in these horrible times. I hope that one day I get to the point where MC is stronger because of what happened to her, that would be a great happy ending for me. Slowly, step by step I'm getting there. And who knows... maybe... one day...
It was in that moment, when their gazes met and the universe shifted just a little and everything felt right and good and wonderful, that she realized she needed Mitsuhide in her life. And for a while, a blissful while, he was. Until he wasn’t. Neither and both were to blame, although she would blame herself for a very long time, letting the guilt eat at her heart and soul like a slow poison. Never really sure where she stood with Mitsuhide, she had grown insecure and anxious that one day he would leave her, slipping through her fingers. How ironic really, how her fear of losing him had led to exactly that. She had never meant what she said, never meant to sound ungrateful, never meant to blame him for her own insecurities. All she wanted to hear was that they were okay, that the fox was hers just as she was his. Fear can make you a monster, clawing its way out in venomous words while all the monster wants is to be soothed with love and reassurance.
And so she found herself as she was now, sobbing into Hideyoshi’s shoulder, hot tears burning a path on her cheeks. “I... I lost him...,” was all she managed to choke out. Hideyoshi was drawing soothing circles on her back, for once clueless about what to do to make his favourite chatelaine feel better. It was devastating to see her like that, curling up in herself in a futile attempt to keep the shards of her broken heart together.
Days went by and her heart stayed broken. She wanted to explain to Mitsuhide what had happened and make things right again. They could talk this out and continue their story, of that she was sure. If only he would let her. But Mitsuhide was in the middle of an important mission for Nobunaga, barely having hours left to spare to eat or sleep, let alone to listen to a scared and insecure girl. She would have to wait.
And wait she did. She would run into him at the castle from time to time, her eyes meeting his and longing for the familiarity of the way he had looked at her when they had been lovers. One day, she tried to stop him in the hallway, wanting nothing more than to simply ask him how he was doing. The question was well meant, she did still worry for him and his well being but for the first time in her life she saw panic in his eyes while he tried his hardest to get away from her as swiftly as possible. Needles went through her soul. The embers of hopefulness that had been smouldering brightly inside her diminished slowly as time went by and she started to realize that Mitsuhide had no intention of actually giving her a chance. The pieces of her heart that had been salvaged together with the glue of a fool's hope shattered again.
The other warlords did everything they could to distract her and make her happy. Masamune cooked all her favourites, Mitsunari was his sweetest and kindest self, Ieyasu let her pet Wasabi, Sasuke visited her more often and brought little trinkets, Nobunaga even shared his secret stash of konpeito with her. Hideyoshi, her dear best friend, was always there to listen to her and lend her his shoulder. Letting her speak out when her brain was running in circles, letting her cry when the pain was too much to keep inside. She felt like Mitsuhide had taken part of her soul, leaving her incomplete. Oh and she missed him… She longed for his teasing, for the ways he could make her shake with laughter and smile with glee. She yearned to hear him read stories to her like he used to, immersing himself in the act like a true performer. She wished she could tell him about her day and all the mundane things that happened to her and hear him do the same in return. She just wanted to hear his voice, that voice she had grown to love so much.
Time passed by, day by day and somehow she got accustomed to the feeling of constantly drowning. She was tired, so tired, but with the support of her friends she kept paddling, her head barely above the water. Until one day she found that she could swim. Not long or far but for just a moment the movements came easily and she went forward. The next day she tried again and she went forward and then the following day she did the same. Some days were easier than others, the water calm and gentle. Other days she could barely manage, feeling like she was trying to swim through a storm. But she kept trying, day after day. The mornings hurt the most, waking up when her heart and mind were at their most raw and vulnerable and realizing that Mitsuhide was no longer part of her life. But every morning she shouldered through, determined to face the day with courage and grace.
The warlords were relieved to see her ease into herself again, to see her smile and genuinely enjoy her life. Yes, she would indeed never be the same again but while she shone with a different light now, it was just as beautiful as it used to be. Like true kintsugi pottery, the gold that filled the scars in her soul made her who she was. Broken but mended and more stunning than before. She was human and perfectly imperfect.
She has stopped counting how long ago it was that she had last seen or heard Mitsuhide. While a small part of her would always long for him, he was no longer in the forefront of her mind, the pain no longer consuming her every waking moment. She cherishes the peacefulness of being able to concentrate on her hobbies and herself, to feel like she is living again. With utmost concentration she pulls needle and thread through the fabric of the kimono she’s making and almost misses the sound of the door sliding open. It is only when she looks up that she realizes who is standing in her room, her breath hitching in her throat.
 He kneels in front of her and while she used to pray for this moment in the past, she now feels oddly calm. No fear, no anxiety, just the certainty that whatever happens next she can handle.
 “What are you doing here?”
 “I… I miss you.”
 Mitsuhide looks at her, his golden eyes meeting her own. She can spot no lies in them, no deceit or teasing, only honesty and an open vulnerability.
 “You left me alone for a long time. No closure, no chance to work things out.”
 It’s an observation she makes, not an accusation. While it had hurt and cost her a lot to get where she now was, she could never bring herself to hate him or even be angry. That was not her way.
 “I know and I am sorry. I was afraid, afraid of the intensity of your love. Afraid that I could never answer it, that you would always love me more than I love you. Afraid that one day you would realize that and see that you deserved better.”
 The words baffle her. How would one start to measure love anyways?
 “You literally ran away from me when I tried to simply talk to you. Why?”
 She needs answers, needs to ask the questions that kept her mind burning for so long even if they do no longer.
 “Because it was so hard to stay away from you and if I had stopped to talk to you, if I had dared to look at you then I would not have been able to resist you.”
 Mitsuhide looks at his knees, at his trembling hands resting upon his legs. Then he looks at her again and he sees her, sees her for who she truly is. A phoenix risen from the flames.
 “I didn’t realize it at the time. I just thought I was too busy and that you would only give me trouble. I believed I had no time to help you or be what I thought I had to be for you. I was a fool, you never needed my help to begin with. I see now that I was wrong, I know that I wasn’t running from you, I was running from myself.”
 “Oh Mitsuhide... “
 Her hand reaches out tentatively to rest upon his own, the warmth of her skin seeping into his. She is no longer the same woman, no longer the frightened mouse that succumbed to anxiety. She is more, she is stronger. And she finally feels that she is capable of truly loving Mitsuhide, unconditionally and unafraid.
His eyes meet hers again and the universe shifts just a little and everything feels right and good and wonderful.
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Yandere prompt no. 20 with Dabi or Keigo takami?
Ho boy you give me 2 options I love, imma do them both lol both are probably gonna be long too so hope you enjoy lol
Prompt #20: “Give everything to me, and I’ll make you the happiest person alive.”
Yandere prompts
Obsessive behavior
Death (minor characters)
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      “I’ve told you more than once, doll, running away is pointless.”
        That voice, (F/n) knows it all too well. It’s haunted her nightmares for months, enveloped her in fear day after day before she made the daring escape when she saw the chance. The gruff, deep voice laced with danger she knows better than anyone, a danger she’s seen first hand when she’s tried to escape before.
        His footsteps echo in the hall of hospital she came to to get help, which he was quick to scorch all that came in his way after entering without a care. His boots snap glass from shattered windows beneath his heels and his steps are slow and purposeful, all she can hear over the pounding in her ears. It was like he knew where she’d go, or he followed her, giving her that sense of false freedom she thought she’d finally gotten when in reality he watched her every movement showing she's still apart of his twisted game. (F/n) knows she should’ve been more wary or careful. She was in such a rush to escape with the sliver of a chance she had in the palm of her hands that she didn’t consider the man that always seemed to be ahead of everyone else would know exactly what his doll was up to. He’s toyed with her before, and this was no different, only now... Now there are at least a dozen or so burnt corpses in the hall and other hospital rooms, the place is charred in certain areas while others remain lit up in blue. The hospital is eerily silent aside for the raven haired villain stalking the halls.
        (F/n) hides in a room he has yet to reach and inspect. She’s tucked herself into a ball behind the bed and tries to keep her head low while watching under it, her sights on the door across the room. She can see the flicker of azure light and she trembles as he comes closer and closer to her hiding place. She can hear him check every room he passes, the screams of those he’s killed having died forever ago, anyone still alive is hopefully hiding well.
        She freezes when he makes it to her room and the door creaks open; his boots are what (F/n) sees first as well as the shins of his pant legs and the ends of his overcoat. He casually walks in, probably with his hands stuffed in his pockets and looking aloof as always. Her heart thunders, she knows he’ll find her in these last few seconds, and as tears roll down her cheeks she stops following his boots as he checks the room before making his way to the bed. She knows he can see her when he stops and she can almost hear the smirk as he says,”There you are, I expected to be looking all over but you made it pretty easy. How boring.~”
        Slowly her (eye color) orbs lift and she goes pale; his grinning but that along with his eyes look... unhinged. His glowing blue orbs are more intense than usual, and underneath how ‘happy’ he appears to be that he found her she can see the underlying rage and possessiveness she’s come to recognize in the months she’s been able to study her kidnapper. He’s pissed, his scars smoking and the villain walking closer. Immediately she jolts up into a sit and backs away scooting against the corner of the wall and shaking her head, sobbing,”I-I’m sorry, please-!”
        She’s interrupted when her jaw is grabbed and she’s forced to look up at the now kneeling man. His hypnotizing azure eyes capture hers in a terrifying stare and he brings his face close as he breathes,”Then stop running away if you’re so sorry. How many times do I gotta tell you... Give everything to me, and I’ll make you the happiest person alive.”
        She whimpers and he chuckles coldly, kissing her softly but possessively before pulling back so their lips are only a few inches apart. “Now, are you gonna be a good girl and stay put from now on, or do you want to be the reason more people die?”
        She furiously nods, this being hard with the harsh grip he has on her jawline. The villain grins, but demands,”Say it.”
     “I-I’ll... Be good, Dabi...”
        That’s all he needs before he places a rough kiss on her then stands with her in tow. (F/n) is thrown over his shoulder after he wraps her hand and ankles in binds he finds as well as muffles her with a cloth. The two leave the scene just as authorities are rushing inside, leaving only carnage behind but no way to follow Dabi’s tracks as he heads home with his (F/n).
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           Nothing could prepare (F/n) for finding out what her boss has been trying to hide from everyone. A man whose image is important to him, finding out he’s been stalking her was something she would have never believed had she not found the evidence with her own eyes.
           (F/n) has been with Hawks’ agency for a little over a year now as a secretary, and it’s been one of the best jobs she’s ever had. Not only is she paid well the benefits are a bonus and her boss is, well, the #2 hero himself! Someone laid back and nice, he seems fairly understanding when it comes to his employees.
           Over her time working there she also made, at least in her mind, friends with the big name hero himself. Work friends is how she’d put it, but more than once he’s text her outside of work, posted pictures of selfies with her, and even taken her home when she has had no ride. To her it’s all a bit different from what she’d expect of a hero being her boss, but it is Hawks after all, who wouldn’t take this chance with open arms?
           The last couple of months, though, things have been.... Weird. He seems to be flirty with her, somehow making it both sly but also very obvious what he’s insinuating. He seems to brush his hand against hers or gets rather close when she’s showing him something, and he’s asked if she wants to go to dinner more than once (every time she’s kindly declined.) While that’s all a bit odd enough she has felt like she’s been being watched, like she can’t keep her curtains open without the cold feeling of intense eyes staring at her as she tries to sleep. Amongst this she’s noticed her window open a crack when she gets home when she knows it was shut before she left, some things seem out of place or missing, and little gifts left on her bed or dresser that are definitely expensive and were definitely not there before. Each time she’s about to catch the person they seem to get away...
           But she has caught the glimpse of wings before, one time when she’d been walking home late from shopping and seen them fly away from her window. Her heart pounded, and she almost wondered... No, there was no way...
           That morning (F/n) came in and asking Hawks if he was busy and if they could talk the hero hummed,”Oh, anything wrong?” Her mind was whirling, how could it be Hawks? He’s a good guy, why would he stalk her and break into her home? 
        “I, um... Just wanted to take you up on an offer for dinner, if you’re free,” she replies after a few moments of contemplating this plan out. A voice is telling her this is a bad idea, but the other side of her thoughts is telling her that it’ll all be unfounded suspicions and that Hawks isn’t involved. She’s brought out of her thoughts when he replied,”Ohhh, finally ready to go out with me, huh?~” He winked, which made her look surprised; ‘Go out’? Granted, it’s been obvious he’s meant for the dinner plans to be dates.
           “Uh, yeah, I just was hoping to talk about something with you, not really a date,” she tried to clear it up, waving her hands in front of her. That should still be fine right? For a moment she saw something flash in his eyes as his grin dropped, but it was gone as soon as it came as the bird hero returned the lazy smile and simply replied,”Of course, meet me after work and we’ll go.”
           (F/n) never expected this to be the worst decision she could have made; While she met the #2 after work as requested and they flew to a location, something seemed off about his demeanor. He seemed to hide something under the grins he’s displaying, and his eyes intently watched her. Dinner went smoothly, but she struggled to find the right ways to ask her questions so she simply brought up the ‘stalking situation’ she’d been having to gauge his reaction. He feigned shock and anger, but she wasn’t blind; the way his eyes flashed again with something dark and rather scary sent chills down the young woman’s spine. 
        “That’s unfortunate, maybe I’ll look into it for you, see if there’s anything I can find out,” he tried to act sincere in concern, but (F/n) can only feel off. He seemed more concerned in learning more about her diverting away from the stalking, too. Getting an idea she’d go to mention something about herself and he seemed to answer for her, saying something she knew he’d have no way of knowing normally since it was personal or only one or two people knew. Excusing herself to the bathroom the secretary stared in the mirror trying to calm her nerves. ‘It has to be him... I think I should go.’ 
           Coming back out (F/n) told him it was late and she needed to head home Hawks seemed sad for a moment, and sitting while they wait on the waiter to come back with Hawks’ credit card Hawks seemed to watch her, staring. It was uncomfortable, and (F/n) tried to avoid his golden orbs as much as possible as she finished her drink. It tasted strange, and she blinked confused, looking into the last little drops inside while Hawks started to say,”You know, I thought you seemed pretty smart the moment I met you in your interview... But I never thought you’d actually catch on.” She freezed and looked at him with wide eyes, catching how his eyes narrow and he smiles, placing his chin on his palm. “I thought you might’ve seen me that one night too, guess I slipped up, huh?” He sounded laid back like always, but something about his words sent a chill through her. She tried to get up and run out, but her head felt dizzy and she collapsed back into the seat. 
        “Now, now, chick, don’t want to hurt yourself, do ya? Here, let’s get you home,” his voice ringed in her ears but everything started to suddenly go hazy and she’s lifted into his arms. The waiter came back, and Hawks smiled at him saying charmingly,”Thanks, she’s alright, just feeling a little under the weather.” He took the card, slipping it into his pocket before the two left, (F/n) going unconscious during flight. 
           When (F/n) wakes up she's somewhere unfamiliar on a soft, plush bed covered by silk sheets. The room is dark but she sees light under a doorway when her vision returns to normal. Her heart pounds in fear and she as quickly as possible gets up and leaves the room, her head still hazy. It’s dark outside, and despite the lights being on she appears to be alone in the house before hearing someone showering. Remembering what happened sometime earlier she panics knowing exactly who it is. Trying to move around the penthouse without making noise is difficult when her legs feel like jello, but she finds the entrance... Only to discover it’s locked. She’s ready to unlock it, but gasps when something red flashes past her. One of Hawks’ feathers, and it shoots at her again, cutting her along the arm as she whimpers and rushes away from the door in fear. There has to be someway out, right? Or someway to lose the feather! 
        Finding another door she throws it open only to freeze; it’s an office, which seems normal for a place like this, but the pictures around the room are definitely anything but normal. They’re all of her, in different places, situations, some of her unclothed and some while she’s out with friends or at work. She’s frozen, ice cold as her breath picks up. On the desk are different objects she’s found have gone missing like special pictures of she and her family or a perfume she has put on before. She doesn’t even hear Hawks sneak up on her before two strong arms wrap around her as well as his large, crimson wings enveloping them both. (F/n) starts to cry, not sure what to say as he whispers to her,”You kept rejecting me for so long, I couldn’t stand it... What other choice did I have?”
           She pulls out of his grip, or tries to, but his wings keep her entrapped and close as she asks shakily,”You... Why....” 
        “Because I love you,” he starts, smiling like this is all normal, like his confession isn’t seen as insane,”because what else was I supposed to do? Here, you’ll be safe, you can have anything you want, you won’t have to lift a finger! All you have to do is...” He cups her face in his hands and brings his own close, staring into her (eye color) eyes and saying,”Give everything to me, and I’ll make you the happiest person alive.” He looks unhinged, and she’s shaking. Hawks finishes,”Now, how about we get you back to bed, pigeon?~”
           Her suspicions were right, but now that’s meaningless as she becomes the bird trapped in his cage.
(WHELP those were both a lot longer than expected, but I was having fun so I hope you enjoy!)
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