#was talking to a friend and she was like 'leigh bardugo should do a short story collection about the grishaverse'
the-way-astray · 10 months
hate it when people want a short story collection or a spin-off of a certain series and then want it to be all about the main couple of the original.
(ranting in the tags)
#kotlc#tfota#soc#grishaverse#six of crows#the stolen heir#yes this is about those weirdos that wanted the marella short story to be about sokeefe (???)#but also about so many other things#was talking to a friend and she was like 'leigh bardugo should do a short story collection about the grishaverse'#and i was like OMG YEAH THAT WOULD BE SO COOL#but then she was like 'yeah she should do a short story on kanej!!!'#and i was like bro#why#not that i don't love kanej but omg#we got an entire duology about them#we don't need another short story about them when there are so many other characters to explore#also about those people that wanted there to be way more jurdan in the stolen heir duology#like??? did you not read the whole-ass trilogy that was centered around jurdan???#i quite like jurdan and their fucked up dynamic but omg#we don't need more of them we got enough#the point of spin-offs and short story collections is to explore something that hasn't been explored in the main series#to flesh out the world or the other characters#we don't need more of the main couple we got enough of them from the main series if you want to read them then just READ THE MAIN SERIES#TIRED of seeing this and authors need to stop caving to that too#so many authors write short story collections and then it's just. the main characters from the original series#we got enough of them#we don't need more#you have so many other characters and aspects and lore you could explore and THAT'S what you choose to do#waste of potential honestly
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There was a crow feather tacked to the center of Kaz Brekker’s desk when he walked into his room.
For a moment, he contemplated walking out and pretending as if he’d never seen it. Of all times to get a signal from his Crows… now felt like the absolute worst time. This week he had barely gotten back to operating as usual and he was finally starting to feel like himself. Whatever it was that Jesper or Wylan or maybe even Nina had to call a meeting for—Kaz felt like it would only detract from all the progress he’d been making into fabricating this façade of normalcy.
The feather’s meaning was simple: Emergency. Meet at the safehouse. Now.
Jesper was the one who came up with the code, back when he was the only lone Crow in Kaz’s murder. At fifteen, Jesper was convinced that their life in the Dregs would be filled with codewords and espionage and secret messages. So, he implemented the crow feather as a signal for secret meetings. Kaz had to admit that it was one of Jesper’s more functional ideas back in the day. Nobody would ever think twice about a stray crow feather in either of the boys’ rooms. The black birds practically plagued the city and were part of the Dregs’ iconography.
The code had been introduced to both Wylan and Nina when Kaz brought them into his inner circle over the years, along with a few of the newer Dregs recruits. To date, it had only ever been used a handful of times. First: when Jan Van Eck had so graciously introduced the market to jurda parem and Kaz had been given a not-so-friendly first look at the cursed drug. Second: when the news first spread that Fjerda had attacked Os Alta in Ravka. Third, the last time: when Nina so brilliantly decided to help smuggle the deposed King of Ravka and his guard into Ketterdam. That was two years ago.
Since then, using the code for anything short of treason felt like a violation of the standard Nina had unwittingly established.
Kaz tugged the feather free and spun it between his gloved fingers, watching as the fading sunlight bounced off the oil-black sheen. He should be rushing out to their rendezvous spot right now. He should be diplomatically helping refugees for a country he doesn’t give three shits about because apparently that’s what friends do to each other.
But Kaz didn’t want his world to change anymore. He wanted to go back one month when things were simpler. Back to the times when Jesper and Wylan didn’t look at him with pity. Back to when Nina was too busy with whatever she was scheming with Zoya Nazyalensky to call a meeting. He wanted to go back to the days when he could look forward to going to the dock at the end of a long week and talk with Inej . Before he ruined everything.
However, a lot of things had changed since he last saw Ketterdam’s Wraith in Fifth Harbor. And Kaz didn’t have the novelty of ignoring the signal in his hands.
Per Haskell planned on having him killed tonight, and for what it was worth, on the slim chance that Haskell’s men succeeded, he couldn’t have his Crow’s last memory be of him ignoring their call. They didn’t deserve a lot of the mess he inadvertently put them in, but to leave them with disappointment was something he couldn’t bear.
Not anymore.
Not after Inej .
He tucked the feather into the pocket of his waistcoat and turned on his heels, stuffing his hands into his pockets. It was a long walk to the edge of the Warehouse district where they’d established their new rendezvous point. He shouldn’t make them wait.
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serpenteve · 3 years
Are you still taking hotcakes? If so, here's one:
The Darkling and Alina's character dynamic and relationship writing are actually not that good to explore/convey abusive relationships. Not only would it be just the first book, because the rest of the series treats him as an enemy, but even in the first book they barely got it going. Yes he lies and manipulates her but, at least in the beginning when finding her out, she's not exactly special in regard. He does it to everyone to some extent. You can say this makes the Darkling toxic. Yeah. Dark daddy literally can't trust anyone. But when specifically talking about Darkling being abusive, I can't really... I can't really think of any quiet emotional beats that made me horrified and want to hold Alina? She never had a hard time leaving the Darkling. Darkling never really broke her down to be completely dependent on him, literally only the letters and I guess the Stag were indications of it. Besides that, he only does the bare minimum and affirms her worth to a serverly self deprecating Alina. Dark daddy is not even an effective cult leader. Leigh just wrote a charismatic intelligent man that dedicates himself to the little palace and put a sidenote like "and he kicks puppies so.."
Do you know what would of been good to explore abusive dynamic/relationship with? Who puts her down? Does little digs into her self worth? Makes her completely dependent on him? Who she has a difficult time leaving? Who has these very drastic unpredictable mood changes that put me, as a reader, on edge? 👀👀👀
Yes, we are always open for hotcakes here! 🔥🎂
If Bardugo really wanted to convey an abusive relationship, it would have been more effective to put Alina in an actual relationship with the Darkling. Even with Shadow & Bone being the book with the most amount of their interactions, he's barely even at the Little Palace.
I also don't understand this critique of "he isolated her" because he only isolated her from Mal. She was still a student with free rein at the Little Palace, free to make friends, did make friends, and was constantly surrounded by people. It's Alina who chooses to hide in her room and avoid everyone and sticks up her nose at the other Grisha girls. Alina herself even admits that had the Darkling not sabotaged her letters with Mal, she never would have unlocked her powers. And the only reason this is framed as being evil is because Mal is supposed to be the chosen love interest. If Mal was just another dumb fuckboy who ghosted her while Alina went on to make new friends and build a social circle at the Little Palace, literally no one would care.
(Also, as an interesting tangent, in the short story The Tailor, the Darkling leaves it up to Genya whether to give Mal's letters to Alina or not. Genya is conflicted for a while but ends up burning them.)
I think the problem is that while the Darkling is manipulating Alina, Leigh is also manipulating the reader through the way she frames and tells the story. And Leigh's manipulation falls flat and ultimately backfires because:
If she wanted Alina to be disarmed by the Darkling's encouragement, why is he literally the only positive mentor figure she has? Why make Baghra so abusive and antagonistic? Why connect Alina's journey to claiming her powers to the villain?
If she wanted us to believe everything he does is pure manipulation and cold calculation, why does he mess up when he corners her at the Winter Fete? He straight up admits that he hates that he's attracted to her because she's distracting him from his ~evil plans~
If she wanted us to see the Darkling as an abuser, why let him give Alina the most powerful amplifier ever made and ultimately end up empowering her???? He wanted to use her power for himself, yes, but she really should have milked that exploitation for a lot longer because 2 seconds later, Alina gains control back and now she's got the legendary power of the stag on her side and makes the Darkling look like an idiot.
Why did she let Baghra warn Alina on the night of the Winter Fete? This is particularly interesting point in the story because a lot of fanfics like to explore the direction the story could have taken had the Darkling himself eventually told Alina about his past as the Black Heretic. Or if Alina had joined him in hunting for the stag and taken the collar with consent, like she was originally planning to.
What makes Alina easy to manipulate is how desperate she is for validation and approval from other people, especially men. Compare that to show!Alina where the ""manipulation"" is a goddamn joke ☠️If anything, the show!Darkling played himself by simping so hard. If the Darkling manipulates Alina, so does Baghra, so does Genya, so does Mal, and so does even Nikolai.
This isn't to say this ship isn't trash, because it 100% is 😂But if the Darkling is abusive to Alina, it's not abusive in the same way as a toxic boyfriend is. It's an abuse of power, a control of information, emotional manipulation, mind games, intimidation, blatant lies, threats to loved ones, and some light negging because Aleks really can't understand Alina's cottagecore dreams ☠️and neither can i tbh
At the same time, I'm not sure how useful it is to frame this in the same way as relationship abuse when Alina and the Darkling are enemies in a civil war.
This might be why many more readers mapped their own abusive relationship history to the way Mal treated Alina in Siege & Storm, an unintended consequence of Bardugo's poor writing choices that has been fueling book!M*l hate to this very day.
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heliads · 2 years
Haha being sick means I have nothing but time so I can spew out my thoughts about things that have bothered me so I'm all in for spilling the tea 😂
i'm not saying fic writers have to jump through hoops trying to perfectly fit every facet of a character's personality into their fics
That's one way how some people seem to misinterpret people who ask for in character Kaz pieces, they start defending themselves and being like "yoU CAN'T ASK ME TO BE LEIGH BARDUGO" and I'm like??? No??? But it can't be so fricking hard to keep Kaz's fingers off Y/N 😅 And if you can't create cuteness and a romantic relationship into the fic without Kaz being glued to the reader, people will less likely read it if they appreciate in character stuff more than OOC stuff. If you simply don't know how to do that realistically, you should practice, ask for advice from writers who know how to do it etc if you actually want attention here and want more people to actually read your stuff and not just scroll past.
For some time, I offered help with people's shorter pieces (under 1k), looking them over and saying if I found anything to fix. A lot of times, when a OOC Kaz piece was presented to me and I pointed out that (for example) that passionate, heated kiss against the wall comes way too soon with Kaz's character, maybe it could be replaced with a partial handhold or something, some people defended themselves with "BUT I WANT THEM TO KISS!!!" and I replied ok, that's cool, it's your fic. Once a writer came back after a discussion like that accusing ME for still not getting enough attention for their piece even through they had me proofread it and "approve it" and said I was no use and they wasted their time on me, the situation ended in me having to block them. (This happened in like October? November?, I made a post about not being a public beta anymore shortly after and deleted all my posts where I advertised my will to look through short pieces and giving constructive feedback if someone wants to improve as people rarely bother to give other feedback than "part 2?" if that either)
I've gotten thank you's more than once because I write Kaz as he is, or at least try to write him as he is. People feeling the need to say thank you about it tells me that they haven't found many other writers who write in character Kaz either which is… kinda concerning in terms of enjoyable Kaz x reader content.
Also!! I've talked about this once in my blog last year, but imo people writing Kaz as this cuddle monster who healed only because of the Power of Love creates a harmful illusion of the reader having "fixed" him. If Kaz was real and I encountered him and immediately started to train him into being able to touch me, it might end up with his condition becoming worse because I'd pressure him into it too quickly and too soon. A lot of such relationships lead to breaking up because the partner isn't patient enough/is just unable to work through their s/o's traumas which prevents them from doing normal relationship stuff. It's incredibly exhausting in the end, and most of us might think we could do it but if we really got a such person in front of us we start crushing on and dating them, it would most likely turn out to be a lot harder than we thought, it's incredibly emotionally draining.
I once had a friend who had intense traumas because her mother was a monster and all that stuff and those delusions she had of her own husband… yeah, if my boyfriend constantly accused of me of something like that, I wouldn't have been able to take it for very long. Like she weekly accused of him of cheating, talking shit behind her back to her friends and they all having a "conspiracy" against her to ruin her live, stealing money from her, planning to leave her, insulted him having hypersensitive hearing and he couldn't stand her playing a flute etc. Those accusations eventually also mirrored onto me after she quit her medicines which, on a bad day, made me snap at her -> she wrote shit about me into multiple forums with my name -> her other friends attacked me on social media, through my irl friends and even here in my blog -> I confronted her about it -> she cut ties with me and poured all the fault on me and still continues with her parade after 2½ years from that, lastly she sent me an anon message accusing me of trolling myself which she has done multiple times since 2019. But if my boyfriend, someone who I'd deeply love, would be like that, I'd probably break into a million little pieces. Well, I don't think Kaz would be that messed up in a relationship, but it's just that traumas may do a lot of stuff, they may turn a person toxic even, like it did with H/that ex-friend.
+ People seem to forget that Kaz definitely isn't a good man. He's feared, and he aims to be feared, the most feared man in Ketterdam. Being a teary-eyed puppy whenever Y/N bats her eyelashes at him just doesn't fit the picture. And yeah, of course people can write about a character like that who's named Kaz Brekker who lives in Ketterdam and runs a gang, but it isn't the Grishaverse Kaz. It's just someone who took slight inspiration from Kaz but has mostly been built again, and most people don't want to read about a Kaz who isn't our Kaz.
hope you're feeling better, jenni! also i'm so sorry to hear about that stuff with your friend, you definitely don't deserve any of that.
but yeah, i feel like it's pretty difficult to find in character kaz fics. i mean, every fic author has a slightly different take on any given character, but still. if you want a grishaverse morally gray mob character who's affectionate, jesper is right there!!
aa it's just so frustrating to get reqs for very ooc stuff. i agree, most of the time i don't take them either, it just gets annoying after a while lol
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lilisouless · 3 years
The grishaverse´s best female relationship and how gender roles play a part on them.
Most group dynamics with only two girls, normaly have a tomboy and a girly girl/woman in order to set up how they are diferent. There is nothing wrong with this dynamics if done well (like anything else in writting) , but is notable that this is using gender roles as defining the characters (she is girly, she diferenciates from her because she is not) and setting them as oposites, rarely there is a third girl since this dynamic is mostly used as "there is only two type of women" narrative.
In the case of Six of Crows, the desition of having only two girls is probably not made with this distinction in mind: the author wanted three romantic storylines with six characters , but since she also wanted one of them to be a same sex couple, then the female-male radio was not going to be equal, and in this case she decided to make a male mayority (the oposite would happen later in the Nikolai Duology)
Let´s see it for a second how this compared with the original grisha trilogy (yes, me again praising Bardugo by critizing Bardugo)
Leigh doesn't write a lot of tomboy characters, the only one i can think is Tammar (yes, Hanne exist but i am not sure if i should be talking about them as "girl" with all that obvious trans coding) that could also be a factor. So, there are not a lot of girly girl/tomboy comparissions,but this doesn't mean gender roles doesn't make an impact in female relationships
There are a few ,important woman/woman dynamics: Genya and Alina is a dynamic that is still in the dark for me, i haven't finished S&S not read R&R , so i would rather keep them out of this, but as long as i got, they are not an equal relationship and neither are Tammar/Alina since most of the dialog is bringing Alina up, Tammar only had a couple of lines about herself .The other is Zoya and Alina and is what normally happens when you put two femenine women together: The virgin/whore complex
warning,warningwarning this may not be friendly to Alina fans warningwarningwarning skip this skip this
Alina is the inocent ,virginal "just like you" girl, but at the same time is "not like other girls" and Zoya is presented as the bitch, the sexually active, those other girls Alina can't stand.
Alina deep inside, is just as bitchy as Zoya , the only diference being that Zoya is more aware of this and actually voices it while Alina keeps it to herself.
Leigh eventually would realize the potential in Zoya, or maybe she planned it since early but managed to save Zoya and only the first book is where she is unlikeable and the designated target so the viewer could spill her internalized misoginy without feeling guilty. But even if Zoya gets most fleshed out in the second book (when by accident, is shown how she is actually more put together than Alina) they are still against each other: because Zoya becomes phisically involved with Mal , she is placed as the wrong choice while Alina is the right one. Compare it with the opposition of Mal/Nikolai where Nikolai is possed as a tempting rebound (yes, he is too good to be the rebound but that´s how the book makes him to be) and a good, even better option as Mal, but Zoya is made to be Mal´s terrible mistake. Yes, Alina is the narrator therefore we see this since her perspective but the double standard is still there. (see Anne with an E for an example where this doesn't happens as Gilbert is not shown in the wrong for dating Winifred instead of Anne)
Zoya and Alina´s conflict only gets resolved when Zoya is the one who becomes nicer and (like every other woman on this series) beggins to adore the floor Alina steps on.
In an ironic note, Leigh would eventually realize she liked Zoya better ,she is a character that was rescued but the point here is: this is not a mutual relationship, Zoya is the one that must prove she is a better person that she let on and Zoya is the one that has to realize Alina is amazing.
I could go on for a lot, but you people don't have the whole day, the point is this: Not all female relationships have to be compelling , rivaldry exist, BUT when gender roles play into said relationship you have to be carefull ,because you, accidentaly or not, may be saying that there is one type of woman superior to another one. Zoya/Alina is NOT the worst dynamic, in fact is almost almost out of this problem, but almost is not enought. In this case,Alina=the inocent and virginal girl is placed as superior as Zoya=the sexualy active girl,despite the author´s better eforts not to.
Now : Six of Crows
Before getting to the relationship you actually came to see, i´ll point out that Bardugo DID wrote a relationship based on contrast femenine vs Masculine traits, but she did it with two guys,just to note the author is no stranger to this dictonomy
Now, the point of this: instead of being girly girl and Tomboy , both Inej and Nina are presented as femenine.
So, you are probably right now yelling for what i promised in the title , so now i´ll get back to Inej and Nina, unfortunately i am better talking about things i don't like and the ones i do , so this could be disapointingly short:
Reminder,they are both femenine in very very diferent ways.
-Inej is more quiet, wise ,graceful,and overall softer
-Nina is more loud, sexually open,charming, childish and overall more extroverted
They have some traits that can be oposite ,yet still quite femenine. And the most important part: none of them is presented as superior to the other.
Like i said, not ALL female relationships must be perfect and sweet, conflict is interesting but in this case there wouldn't make sense for them to be in conflict. Their beliefs and goals clashes with Kaz and Matthias , not with each other. And of course they don't fight about boys because there is absolutely no need for that,not fight for dominance.
Unlike the Zoya and Alina example above , Nina is not somehow seen as inferior than Inej.Sure Nina is the flirty one that uses her sex appeal to her advantage and Inej is (with very good reason) adverse to sex. Inej doesn't look down at Nina, she encourages to be herself unshamelessly , since she knows what is like to be stripped from will and is happy to see how free spirited her friend is, also can't tolerate Matthias calling her "too much" . Nina is someone with a very diferent temperament from her and admires her,without actually trying to be like her.
And in return, Nina doesn't look Alina down for being diferent for her, for her more calm character, she actually shows to be grateful to having Inej around with her sweet but blunt honesty.In fact, with all Nina´s good self steem, she still feels that Inej "saved her" and her final speech makes you think Nina thinls she much say thank you to Inej for "tolerate her" even if Inej actually feels just as grateful for having her.
The way they express their feminity not only compliment each other, this is something they both consider "saved her life" Nina for having someone to listen to her and Inej for having someone to light her up.
As a bonus,in comparission to , to say ,Alina with Genya or Tammar, none of them is reduced to be the other girl´s best friend. They both have their storylines and goals, can exist without each other, they just don't want to.
With dynamics like Inej and Nina is shown that there are more than one way to handle gender expressions, and this doesn't mean one personality traits are better than the other, they are just diferent people.
Now, let´s adress when the reader is probably thinking: there are two female vs female confrontations in the book.
Tante Heleen is femenine as well, she wears expensive jewellry , clothing and make up. But Heleen´s apareance is more reminicent of a privileged rich woman , and she harms and abuses girls for a living and her looks are not to punish her for being femenine, but for gaining all those expensive items by the horrible things she does to other women, in contrast, Inej wants money to help and liberate sex slaves.
Then there is Dunyasha, who has a more polished look than Inej, with white and gold elegant clothing. As Inej´s speech is worth something, i don't have to say a lot to remind people this was a privileged vs opressed conflict and gender traits doesn't really play on that much.
In conclussion, Nina and Inej´s relationship is aspirational, it feels real because there is a mutual understanding and it helps expand the traditional writing of female dynamics and how the gender roles play into it in an actually positive way.
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thrillridesz · 3 years
This is completely unnecessary and completely dumb but as an avid fan of six of crows, I’m going to assign a crow + shadow and bone character to my moots today for no particular reason other than the fact I feel like it. (if you haven’t already read Leigh Bardugo’s six of crows duology, what are you doing. I haven’t yet read S&B so I’ll base it completely off the Netflix show.)
!NO SPOILERS! (So rest assured)
+ also consider this a love letter to y’all.
[My moots as SoC crows + Shadow and Bone characters]
Kaz Brekker - @timextoxhajima
Resourceful, ingenious and cunning - these are all words that describe Ketterdam’s infamous ‘Dirtyhands’. Having single-handedly led the Crow Club to its esteemed, notorious status in the Barrel in a matter of a few short years, this man is shrewd and nothing can get past him. Determined in everything he does and well-prepared for any obstacles that stand in his way, Kaz Brekker is a crook to be well-respected, valued and feared. 
Just like Kaz, I think Dana is a very clever person and I’ve never really seen her break a sweat over anything even when under intense pressure. She’s strong and very dedicated to everything she does which is super admirable. I feel like both Kaz and Dana give me the vibes that if they’re around, everything will be fine because they are able to handle anything thrown in their way.
Inej Ghafa - @sunqnyu
Inej, for a wraith, is probably one of the characters with the strongest moral compass I’ve ever seen in a book about a heist. She is kind, sensitive and merciful. When she’s after something she really wants, she doesn’t hold back and charges ahead (and she's great at what she does) but will never hurt others on her way there. Inej is a crow that cares about the people around her, especially the ones she loves, sometimes putting their own needs above her own. 
To me, Bella and Inej have a lot in common when it comes to their kind personalities and ability to see the good in everyone. They don’t treat people differently and are never mean to others. They may be soft hearted at times but can also be some of the most headstrong, competent people. Sometimes, I read SoC again and think of the similarities between Bella and Inej. It's uncanny.
Jesper Fahey - @yangyanghater
The best way to describe Jesper, the sharpshooter would be that of a volatile, crackling firecracker. Restless, full of chaotic energy and teasing, this man has a silver tongue and can quite literally chat his way either into trouble or out of. He lives on adrenaline rushes and when you talk to Jesper, you never know what you’re going to get. Laughter would be a good bet.
Cal and Jesper should just be twins at this point. Seriously, when it came to Jesper, I was just immediately like ‘Ok, Cal. No doubt about it.’ They both radiate such chaotic energy, I HAD TO. The sarcasm that they both have are one of a kind and I think talking to Cal would be very much like talking to Jesper. You always feel excited or intrigued. 
Nina Zenik - @moonsunwoojoong
A Grisha heartrender, Nina does more than practice the small sciences and is able to quite literally charm others just by being herself! She is confident, witty and very strong at heart. Never one to care about what others have to say about her, she expresses herself freely and openly. Her flirtatious wiles endear to everyone and she is truly a people’s person. Loyal to a fault, Nina never leaves her own people in a rut.
Amber and Nina... God, they would make an amazing pair. I feel like they would both sort of ‘get’ each other? Like they would both understand each other because of how similar their views are. Amber gives me very confident, segcy vibes just like Nina does and like Nina, Amber’s loyalty and softness for her ‘own people’ (like friends, family) is super endearing. 
Matthias Helvar - @berrysungie
Matthias was my favourite character in the SoC duology when I was first reading it, and he still is. Courageous and protective of those he loves, this Drüskelle will stop at nothing to defend those he considers dear to his heart from any danger out there even if it meant putting himself in harm’s way. He is a fighter, noble and though frigid and misunderstood at times, he only truly loosens up around his loved ones and will never, ever betray his allegiances.
Daisy and Matthias are both FIGHTERS. They never give up without a fight and firmly stand by their beliefs but are also very open to new opinions and are in no way, close-minded. They both strike me as very noble people and not gonna lie, sometimes I’m intimidated by Daisy as I am when I read about Matthias sometimes. It’s like they’re both so cool and I’m a potato.
Alina Starkov - @nyuwings​
Alina is upright, inquisitive and brave. We’re talking about a girl who chooses to face almost imminent death for the sake of a close friend. She may be naive at first but she learns quickly and she learns well. When she puts her heart into something, she excels at it. At the end of the day, no matter what happens, her loyalties are firm and she knows her rights from her wrongs. Willing to learn from her mistakes, that’s what makes the Sun Summoner so great compared to the other Grishas who are largely blinded by their own egos.
Elle always gave me main character vibes, I swear. Especially when we’re talking about main characters like Alina Starkov. When I talk to her, I sometimes feel like she has this untouchable, special aura? Like I want to tell her everything and I trust her. Like Alina, she's got a good head on her shoulders and I’m not sure honestly... Could it be the ‘Chosen One’ vibes?
Wylan Van Eck - @lsangyeons
Another gravely misunderstood character. Wylan is first seen as timid, afraid and constantly underestimated. Yet, what hides beneath this facade is an intelligent, tenacious soul. He is polite, considerate and full of good mannerisms despite being a part of the Dregs which honestly should have taken all of that from him but somehow they didn’t. Very kind and friendly, one should not take this sweet persona as something to be picked on because this man can quite literally blow your minds.
Yu and Wylan are to me both very overlooked. Not enough people appreciate them and it sucks because they deserve SO MUCH. They are the people that everyone takes for granted. They do not choose to make themselves known or try to take the spotlight away from their friends, but rather choose to support them from the back. They are talented but often don’t realise that they are. Very, very admirable.
Malyen Oretsev - @hhjs
Malyen to me is a very hotheaded, bold and valiant character. He never backs down from a fight and stand firm for what he believes to be right and doesn't care if there’s a thousand men going against him. This is what makes him so appealing. He does what he want when he wants and has a very strong sense of what is right and wrong.
I feel like Amal and Mal have a lot in common such that they are both very daring and firm people. They don’t let their opinions get swayed by anyone - what is right is right. They are unafraid to stand up to injustice and voice their opinions. Both exude a lot of confidence and somehow they just seem like people you like or look up to.
Genya Safin - @experimentalwrites
Genya is very much like a mentor. Her personality is gentle, encouraging and sweet. As a Grisha tailor, most of her job is focused on helping people and helpful she is. She is caring towards everyone and never discriminates. Good-natured and wise, she is the perfect definition of what a great role model should act and be like. 
Like Genya, Nabi exudes mentor like vibes to me. Around her, I feel like I can talk about my problems and seek sound advice from her. She doesn’t judge and can be depended upon. Her friendship is one I treasure a lot and her caring nature is what makes her so extremely attractive and amazing.
Zoya Nazyalensky - @sly-merlin
Zoya is what comes to mind when I think of a strong, independent woman whose leadership qualities far surpass that of others. Although prickly towards those she considers her enemies, she is very kind and forgiving towards the people she cares for. Even in great pressure, she is able to think clearly and exercise logical thinking. Her mere presence comforts those around her.
Simmi was the first person I thought of when I was thinking of Zoya. Competent, strategic and giving to her friends. They both have boss lady/queen vibes and though both may seem intimidating, are actually very sweet people. They have a hard exterior but a very soft, endearing interior. Precious beans, seriously.
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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Welllp These Are Books: the January 2021 Edition
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Tumblr’s gif search leaves a lot to be desired, so there’s no actual gif of her slamming the book shut, which is—y’know, disappointing. Still, the continued ability of the public library system to send books to my Kindle ensures that I continue to read every romantic comedy and fantasy story I can find. Of which I have plenty of thoughts and opinions. But, like, what’s the point of having thoughts and opinions if you’re not putting them on the internet? There isn’t one, obviously. Books and links and feelings and more ridiculous headlines all under the cut. 
The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a suspicious surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi’s wit and will, indeed, get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she’s falling in love with the very boy who killed her dearest friend. She discovers that the murderous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. Shazi is determined to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all.
This was so good?!?! I finished the first book and them immediately started the sequel, like no break whatsoever?!! I wish they weren’t teenagers?!! But seriously I wish they hadn’t been teenagers. Like, I get it. It’s YA. That probably sells better, something about markets that I don’t understand. I don’t care. It was weird that they were teenagers. Also, some of the plot points just kind of...happened? And I’m not entirely sure they were ever resolved. (Although there are a bunch of short stories, so. Maybe I just haven’t gotten there yet.) Despite that, the writing was gorgeous, I remain as prone to swooning over sad boys patent pending as I was when I was sixteen and Shahrzad was a fantastic heroine. Nine out of ten (would have been ten if they weren’t teenagers) and have already put holds on other books Ahdieh has written. 
Head Over Heads by  Hannah Orenstein The past seven years have been hard on Avery Abrams: After training her entire life to make the Olympic gymnastics team, a disastrous performance ended her athletic career for good. Her best friend and teammate, Jasmine, went on to become an Olympic champion, then committed the ultimate betrayal by marrying their emotionally abusive coach, Dimitri. Now, reeling from a breakup with her football star boyfriend, Avery returns to her Massachusetts hometown, where new coach Ryan asks her to help him train a promising young gymnast with Olympic aspirations. Despite her misgivings and worries about the memories it will evoke, Avery agrees. Back in the gym, she's surprised to find sparks flying with Ryan. But when a shocking scandal in the gymnastics world breaks, it has shattering effects not only for the sport but also for Avery and her old friend Jasmine.
I stopped reading it. Honestly. I got, like, 46% of the way through, kept complaining to Justin about how goddamn annoying Avery was and how no one had any personality and I wanted them all to fall off the beam and he was like—stop reading it, then? And I was like—I can do that? And then I did! Also, I understand it needed conflict, but the “shocking scandal” in the description is a sexual assault that was not only NOT my cup of tea, but felt like a massive attempt to be topical by using what happened at Michigan State without actually saying it was about Michigan state. 
Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes In a sleepy seaside town in Maine, recently widowed Eveleth “Evvie” Drake rarely leaves her large, painfully empty house nearly a year after her husband’s death in a car crash. Everyone in town, even her best friend, Andy, thinks grief keeps her locked inside, and Evvie doesn’t correct them. Meanwhile, in New York City, Dean Tenney, former Major League pitcher and Andy’s childhood best friend, is wrestling with what miserable athletes living out their worst nightmares call the “yips”: he can’t throw straight anymore, and, even worse, he can’t figure out why. As the media storm heats up, an invitation from Andy to stay in Maine seems like the perfect chance to hit the reset button on Dean’s future. When he moves into an apartment at the back of Evvie’s house, the two make a deal: Dean won’t ask about Evvie’s late husband, and Evvie won’t ask about Dean’s baseball career. Rules, though, have a funny way of being broken—and what starts as an unexpected friendship soon turns into something more. To move forward, Evvie and Dean will have to reckon with their pasts—the friendships they’ve damaged, the secrets they’ve kept—but in life, as in baseball, there’s always a chance—up until the last out.
I am admittedly a sports snob. Writing about sports is my thing and I’m super particular about reading about it. But this sounded good and for the most part it was good. Emotional, too. Like, “jeepers, that was intense” kind of emotional. But also some of the things Dean talked about were just...not how sports work and that drives me nuts. Also another story that was, as mentioned, super emotional only to get tied up in this nice little bow. Which, cool, but also...not? Just felt rushed at the end. 
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo Soldier. Summoner. Saint. Orphaned and expendable, Alina Starkov is a soldier who knows she may not survive her first trek across the Shadow Fold—a swath of unnatural darkness crawling with monsters. But when her regiment is attacked, Alina unleashes dormant magic not even she knew she possessed. Now Alina will enter a lavish world of royalty and intrigue as she trains with the Grisha, her country's magical military elite—and falls under the spell of their notorious leader, the Darkling. He believes Alina can summon a force capable of destroying the Shadow Fold and reuniting their war-ravaged country, but only if she can master her untamed gift.As the threat to the kingdom mounts and Alina unlocks the secrets of her past, she will make a dangerous discovery that could threaten all she loves and the very future of a nation. Welcome to Ravka . . . a world of science and superstition where nothing is what it seems.
I wanted to like this so much. So, so much. And sometimes I did. Sometimes I did not. At all. World building is my weakness and this has got it in spades, but the characters are kind of—boring? I couldn’t really bring myself to care about Alina and I wanted to kick Mal in the shins sometimes. The only interesting one was The Darkling who’s like the embodiment of all evil and I am not here to ship-shame anyone, but it’s kinda weird to ship him and Alina. I pictured Ben Barnes the entire time. I’m still excited for the show. I’ll read the sequel at some point, probably. 
Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters It's Evie Summers's job to find out. Because if she can't convince her film agency's biggest client, Ezra Chester, to write the romantic-comedy screenplay he owes producers, her career will be over. The catch? Arrogant Ezra thinks rom-coms are unrealistic—and he'll only put pen to paper if Evie proves to him that it's possible to meet a man in real life the way it happens on the big screen. Cynical Evie might not believe in happily ever after, but she'll do what it takes to save the job that's been her lifeline . . . even if it means reenacting iconic rom-com scenes in public. Spilling orange juice on a cute stranger? No problem. Leaving her number in books all over London to see who calls? Done. With a little help from her well-meaning friends and the adorable father-daughter duo who keep witnessing her humiliations, Evie is determined to show Ezra she can meet a man the way Sally met Harry. But can a workaholic who's given up on love find a meet-cute of her very own?
I love cliches. Love ‘em. Want to read about ‘em, want to write about ‘em. Here for happily ever after. Much less here for the overused and antiquated cliche of dude doesn’t believe in love like girl does, dude ridicules girl’s belief, dude was secretly in love with her the whole time. It’s super dumb. And we should stop writing it. Also really done with rom com girl can’t figure out her life! she’s overworked! she doesn’t have time for her friends! Super duper dumb. I don’t know guys, this book happened. 
The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler He had a strict "no tourists" policy...until she broke all of his rules. When Graham Barnett named his diner The Tourist Trap, he meant it as a joke. Now he's stuck slinging reindeer dogs to an endless parade of resort visitors who couldn't interest him less. Not even the sweet, enthusiastic tourist in the corner who blushes every time he looks her way...
Two weeks in Alaska isn't just the top item on Zoey Caldwell's bucket list. It's the whole bucket. One look at the mountain town of Moose Springs and she's smitten. But when an act of kindness brings Zoey into Graham's world, she may just find there's more to the grumpy local than meets the eye...and more to love in Moose Springs than just the Alaskan wilderness.
This story of Alaska marries together all the things you didn't realize you needed: a whirlwind vacation, a friendly moose, a grumpy diner owner, a quirky tourist, plenty of restaurant humor, and a happy ending that'll take you away from it all.
I’m not one for slow burn, but I also have a hard time believing romances that happen in, like, a blink. Not the case here! It was so goddamn cute! There was a moose! Graham kept calling Zoey darlin’ and it made my heart try to explode in my chest! Stars Hollow-levels of small town with lots of side characters and a good plot and a restaurant that everyone always went to! You guys know I’m trash for everyone always going to hang out in the same restaurant! I’m reading the sequel now, so that’s how much I enjoyed it. 
Elodie of the Sea by Shari L. Tapscott (part of the Eldentimber Series) Eight years have passed since the marriage tournament that decided the fate of Princess Pippa of Lauramore and strengthened alliances between the kingdoms of Elden. The competitors have moved on with their lives. Some have found adventure; some have found love. Prince Bran of Triblue, however, has put his life on hold, preparing for his father's crown. Two days before Bran's winter coronation, just when the prince cannot afford distractions, a girl washes onto the Triblue shore. She has no memory of her past life, no clue who she is or where she belongs—nothing but a ring on her finger and a peculiar marking on her cheek. And the newly crowned king has more than a mysterious girl to worry about. The sea has become unpredictable. Storms claim ships in the dead of night, and sailors return with horrifying stories of monsters from the deep. It soon becomes clear the girl and the bizarre events are connected. The girl came from the sea... and the sea wants her back. But Bran isn't willing to give her or his kingdom up without a fight, even if it means he must request help from every corner of Elden.
Listen, sometimes you have to read about a mermaid who lost her memory and the soon-to-be-king who’s, like, immediately in love with her. I mentioned Tapscott’s books in the 2020 post and the sentiment remains the same. You ever read a book that reads like fic? Lots of banter, some romance, steady pacing. That’s what her books are like. There are five in the Eldentimber series, all about a different princess in a different kingdom, but they all connect so characters pop up again and again and then they kiss. It’s real good. 
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thatwritergirlsblog · 5 years
Books You Should Read to Improve Your Writing (Fantasy Edition)
1. The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo
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Travel to a world of dark bargains struck by moonlight, of haunted towns and hungry woods, of talking beasts and gingerbread golems, where a young mermaid's voice can summon deadly storms and where a river might do a lovestruck boy's bidding but only for a terrible price. Inspired by myth, fairy tale, and folklore, #1 New York Times–bestselling author Leigh Bardugo has crafted a deliciously atmospheric collection of short stories filled with betrayals, revenge, sacrifice, and love. Perfect for new readers and dedicated fans, these tales will transport you to lands both familiar and strange—to a fully realized world of dangerous magic that millions have visited through the novels of the Grishaverse. This collection of six stories includes three brand-new tales, all of them lavishly illustrated with art that changes with each turn of the page, culminating in six stunning full-spread illustrations as rich in detail as the stories themselves. (Goodreads summary)
Aspects of writing this book will teach you: Mythology, Fairy Tales & Short stories
This is one of the few books to receive a 5/5 star review from me. It was so stunning that I just couldn’t put it down. Each story is rich with original myths, interesting lessons and gorgeous story lines.
If you want to write fairy tales, short stories or mythology - this is the book for you.
2. His Dark Materials series by Philip Pullman
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The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass are available together in one volume perfect for any fan or newcomer to this modern fantasy classic series. These thrilling adventures tell the story of Lyra and Will—two ordinary children on a perilous journey through shimmering haunted otherworlds. They will meet witches and armored bears, fallen angels and soul-eating specters. And in the end, the fate of both the living—and the dead—will rely on them. Phillip Pullman’s spellbinding His Dark Materials trilogy has captivated readers for over twenty years and won acclaim at every turn. It will have you questioning everything you know about your world and wondering what really lies just out of reach. (Goodreads summary)
Aspects of writing these books will teach you: Creating a magic system and fantasy world
Anyone who has read these books (or even watched the movie) will agree that Pullman’s magic system is unlike any other. The world is so intricately woven and the fantasy so original that it has become one of the most popular series of all time.
So, do yourself a favour and learn from the best.
3. Keeper by Kim Chance
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When a 200-year-old witch attacks her, sixteen-year-old bookworm Lainey Styles is determined to find a logical explanation. Even with the impossible staring her in the face, Lainey refuses to believe it—until she finds a photograph linking the witch to her dead mother. After consulting a psychic, Lainey discovers that she, like her mother, is a Keeper: a witch with the exclusive ability to unlock and wield the Grimoire, a dangerous but powerful spell book. But there’s a problem. The Grimoire has been stolen by a malevolent warlock who is desperate for a spell locked inside it—a spell that would allow him to siphon away the world’s magic. With the help of her comic-book-loving best friend and an enigmatic but admittedly handsome street fighter, Lainey must leave her life of college prep and studying behind to prepare for the biggest test of all: stealing back the book. (Goodreads summary)
Aspects of writing this book will teach you: Pop-culture references
Most of the time, pop culture references in books feel forced and inauthentic. But not in this one. Kim sprinkles in references that are actually relevant, contribute to the scene and that readers will actually get.
4. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
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The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around—and Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian, has always feared that his dream chose poorly. Since he was five years old he’s been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself, in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever. What happened in Weep two hundred years ago to cut it off from the rest of the world? What exactly did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving? The answers await in Weep, but so do more mysteries—including the blue-skinned goddess who appears in Lazlo’s dreams. How did he dream her before he knew she existed? And if all the gods are dead, why does she seem so real? (Goodreads summary)
Aspects of writing this book will teach you: Creating absolutely original stories and worlds
I don’t know where Laini Taylor gets her ideas, but that woman’s mind is amazing. You will never read anything else quite like this book.
5. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
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Laia is a slave. Elias is a soldier. Neither is free. Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy. There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself. (Goodreads summary)
Aspects of writing this book will teach you: Morally grey characters and political intrigue
The characters in this book have various different motivations and beliefs, and they intersect in very interesting ways. If you want to write a story that weaves together fantasy and politics, this is a must-read. 
Plus, if you want to move away from the black-and-white of old-school fantasy characters, this book will show you how to do it.
That’s all I have for you for now :)
Reblog if you found this post useful. Comment with the fantasy books you think all writers should read. Follow me for similar content.
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plusultrcs · 3 years
Okay so now that i’m done crying about shadow and bone to my friends i want to make a controversial statement. Don’t bite my head off for my opinion bc 1. idc i said what i said and 2. it aint that serious these are fictional characters moving on though. I don’t think the show is bad AT ALL i really enjoyed it and seeing the inclusion of leigh and her books was so fucking cute but i will say i think combining both series into one did a huge disservice to the character development of most, if not ever, character. and i’ll explain why so (obviously) sab spoilers ahead. this also obnoxiously long so if you dont read it thats fine <3 lmao
I know going into it everyone, including leigh pretty much, was saying not to expect it to be like the books. That it was going stray away and be more like a fanfiction than the original works. Which was true, but only for the six of crows characters. The show leaned heavily and relied heavily on the plot of shadow and bone. Which, of course, makes sense but because of the inclusion of a heavy heavy re-worked six of crows plot that didnt fit the plot of shadow and bone at all it left them feeling incredibly displaced. Like on shadow and bones part every single major and sometimes even the minor plot points were followed to the number, but on the six of crows front the only thing closely followed was the nina and matthias backstory. I wont talk about every single character because i anticipate this to already be long, but the ones i noticed the most were done a disservice.
For instance Alina. Despite shadow and bone being followed so closely you dont really get to see the natural progression of alina’s character the way i was hoping we would. And that’s definitely because of the time restraints. They had to find a way to somehow balance the screen time for both separate plots so that they could hold the audiences attention for both. Like when nina and matthias plot wasnt on the screen for i think 2 episodes i almost forgot about them and what they were up to so i understand why they timing had to be so split, especially when you only have 8 hours to cover the characters of 2 over 300 page long books yknow? But that means important moments alina had to herself in the books were completely cut, and so a lot of that growth we got went with it. The the biggest thing i was disappointed to see go was the defeat she felt when she was first captured and collared by the darkling. She was feeling absolutely helpless, mal was in their hold, she had no power to do anything but sit there and let him use her. All the training she did felt pointless to her and she really was at the point of giving up. She went quiet, wouldnt speak,was basically a zombie until that moment in the fold when she saw innocent people suffering when she knew she could stop. And she found a way to break free. There were other moments like this in the book, like moments at the little palace where shelt herself getting further and further from mal and feeling like an outside on her own all over again. They tried to show it in the show but without the time to develop her life on her own at the little palace it definitely fell short.
Speaking of mal: THANK YOU WRITERS FOR FIXING HIS WHINY ASS. And while he was annoyingly whiny in the books, he is not a boring character. Not to me at least, honestly he never was. While i do appreciate them not making him so whiny, I would have appreciated seeing that same dissonance realizing alina was grisha brought about in the books. Its just like alina said, grisha were people they scoffed at and talked about in a joking way. Their lives felt miles and miles away from their own, and then to learn that she had been one the entire time. I know i know, it has nothing to do with, and alina didnt know either. BUT THAT IS STILL HIS BEST FRIEND. And obviously girl he’s in love with even if he wasnt aware of it at the time. it made him question everything he thought about grisha, and more importantly brought both of their biggest fears to light: being torn apart. In the book he doesnt deal with this well at ALL and while leigh bardugo does a great job throughout the series showing him growing to me he never got where he should have been, and the show did place him there but i think they do so prematurely. I definitely wanted him to be as understanding as he was, to take notice of how much healthier and stronger she looks since she’s not withholding her power anymore, but i did still want the tension of him wondering what it means for them, how their lives would change, because just based on laws alone she is a grisha and would typically never be someone he would have the chance to befriend but neither of them would be okay with that.
AND ON THE TOPIC OF MALINA. THEY ARE NOT A BORING SHIP. I think the only person other who would work for alina is nikolai (dont fight me on this im right), and that is who i wanted her to end up with. However, I understand why Mal was the choice. Alina has always been someone who just wanted to belong, to fit in somewhere, AND THAT IS OKAY. IT’S NOT A CRIME TO WANT TO BE ORDINARY. I know shes the main character, and has the prophecy of being the ~chosen one~ but that doesnt mean she suddenly has to alter change and rearrange herself entirely. she never wanted to be a saint, and even by the end of the series she still doesnt. Choosing to let the world believed she died so she could live a quiet life. tHAT’S ALL SHE’S EVER WANTED. And Mal is the perfect person to give her that. People who claim she gave up her life for mal, to me, didn’t understand her character. She bounced around from needing mal by her side, and when she couldnt have him there she still sought acceptance in the only other person willing to give it to her, i.e. the darkling. and then when she couldnt have it from him she’s forced to find it in herself and while she learns she doesnt need him or mal she doesnt need anyone, she still chooses mal bc she wants to be with him. she doesnt feel obligated and even later on in the books makes plenty stands on her own without him but she loves him and they honestly make perfect sense. a softer ship doesnt make it a boring one js.
NOW THE SIX OF CROWS GANG. I hate to say it, i do but they felt reduced to a form comedic relief. they had their serious moments ofc but for the most part whenever they popped up on the screen i knew a joke or gag was soon to follow. i will say kit as jesper? best decision that could have possibly been made he fucking did what he had to DO. Kaz’s development for me felt really really rushed and forced. Like he was saying things to inej he wouldnt have said so quickly and especially not while he wasnt under stress??? it honestly felt like fan service??? which im not mad at because again i dont think the show was bad at all the actors brought really great life to the crows, but it just makes me sad to see all that development and build up go out the window.  i think if they were that set on combining the crows story with the shadow and bone story it would have been so much nicer to get a sort of prequel on the crows. like they should have given them the same treatment they gave nina and matthias. so that we could see their backstories as explained in the book happening in real time like how they all came to ketterdam. i know theres no point in wishing that now since whats done is done and again I DONT THINK ITS BAD. Im just sad about all the character development and strong subtle points lost because leigh bardugo always does such a great job in dropping subtle hints and always bringing them back in the end, and that was sadly lost. STILL A GOOD SHOW STILL LOVE THE BABIES. STILL PRAYING FOR A SEASON TWO.
EDIT: IT ALSO MADE ME SAD TO SEE THEM LOSE SO MANY TIMES??? ESPECIALLY AFTER SOC WHERE THEY ALWAYS MANAGED TO WIN?? Like ofc it made perfect sense for them to be unable to capture the damn sun summoner !!! but kaz and all of the crows are meant to be the best of the best when it comes to criminals top tier and they were bested by a ball of light and a jog???? and them going home basically empty handed was kinda :// like i got it but also where did alina get that necklace lmao so yeah once again still great still love it questions had to be asked 
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nostalgic-pancakes · 4 years
Room 73- Chapter 3/8
The ghost is spoken to, but we also see more character trauma. (at least Virgil and Logan are having an okay time)
Pairings: Implied Thomas/OC, implied sibling-y c!Terrence and c!Valerie, sibling-y Analogical, Creativitwins and Moceit, platonic DLAMPR (soon to have a T in it!), and Romantic husbands Remile! (Also married parents but they don’t have names yet)
Read on AO3!
Word count: 2217
Warnings: References to shifty parenting, unhealthy relationships with food, depression, and of course, the general angst that comes with being yanno... dead for about a century with implications of period-typical sexism and the fallout that death has on your loved ones. Stay safe!
Other notes: Hi! I know this is sooner than usual (and also a bit shorter than usual) but I really wanted to get this out early, because there's two other things I'm working on! A c!Thomas-centric number+1 with friends and side interactions, and a Cartoon Therapy oneshot collection (with only cartoon therapy characters! no sides!) that has found family, Dot and Larry VS the internet, and everyone punting mitchell in the face because he deserves it. You can vote for which one you'd like to see posted FIRST on here! 
Now, sorry for that wall of text- here’s the chapter!
Thomas didn’t have anything even remotely resembling a clue as to how he just did that. He hasn’t been able to so much as move for decades, now. Almost a century!
(The only reason he still knows the time is because classrooms date the boards. Everett is 96, Val 95, Terrence 87. )
But somehow, somehow these highschool kids around Thomas’s (? do ghost years count?) age managed to hear him hiss, and now he can talk to them.
In the words of that one kid here in the fifties who was usually half seas over, “ fucking shit!”
The one with the glasses (Logan? Or was it Nico? Naw, Logan.) is still tapping on the funny small glowing box. A phone, or something. (It looks too small to be a telephone, and it has no wires, but the future is pretty crazy!) and the other one, Janus is looking at the space that he inhabits like it’s on fire. Whatever else is happening today is happening, but the corner that Thomas lives in is definitely not on fire, that’s for sure.
Janus begins to step forward a bit, towards Thomas (!!!), and attempts to touch him. His hand goes through, like most things do (bar the occasional stray acid droplet, but they don’t burn anymore) and he pulls it back slowly.
Logan clears his throat, looking up from his ‘phone’ and at Thomas.
“Hello.” he says cautiously, not daring to hope. But Thomas can’t get the words out anymore, it’s like the single work took too much out of him to say it back. So he tries hissing in the morse code that Daddy taught him and (and he taught Val, because she’s amazing, woman or not) hoping, hoping they’d figure it out.
.... .. (hi)
Janus looks confused, but Logan lights up immediately, tapping frantically on his ‘phone’, until it shows something with morse code translations written on it.
“Could you possibly repeat that?” asks Logan, and he’s beaming, and that face is now one of the nicest faces he’s seen since he died. So Thomas tries again. It saps a little energy out of him, but not enough to really be an issue. Not like talking.
“Hello there, uh… do you have a name?”
- .... --- -- .- ... (Thomas)
“Thomas. That’s a nice name. Is it alright if we ask what year you ar- were from?” That question was unexpected, but one Thomas was willing to answer.
.---- ----. ..--- --... (1927)
“Nineteen twenty-seven”. Huh. Wasn’t this part of town a boy’s military school at some point back then?” asks Logan, and Thomas hisses again to signify the yes. He was a student there, under Pop’s behest, while Val stayed home to get ready for being married, even though she was all of eight years old and barely old enough to start her midwife training with basic first aid.
He wonders if she ever got to join the Red Cross like she’d dreamed to do. He hopes so.
Logan’s still asking questions, but Thomas is getting tired again, and the extra clarity letting him reminisce about his family is not helping at all. He makes a series of somewhat weaker clicks, trying to convey he’s tired, and Janus seems to pick up on it, patting Logan on the shoulder and motioning at the door for them to leave, citing a ‘Virgil and Patton’ (brothers?) as a reason to go soon, anyways. Logan huffs a bit, though clearly as a jest, and they say their goodbyes, probaby, based on their hand movements, but by now, Thomas has faded enough to lose a bit of track.
“Hey, Val.”
“Yeah, this is a gravestone. Didn’t expect you to reply. Well, I was always the talkative one before,a dn I can do it again.”
“So uh, Hey! It’s me again, Terrence, coming with the daisies as usual. I can’t believe that it’s me doing this, ya doof. It was supposed to be you, Val.”
“Yeah, I guess I should go back soon. Everett’s cold isn’t getting better, nor worse. I wonder what you’d do.”
“Yes, love you too. I hope you, Barry and Linda are doing alright up there. We’ll… probably see you soon anyways.”
“Hey- tell Thomas we said hello, and that we still miss him. All the time. Eighty years should be long enough, but it really isn’t, is it?”
(Tommy isn’t here.) …
“Okay, so you’re saying that the ghost, a literal ass ghost--”
“Language!” chirped Patton. It was starting to become routine. “Sorry Pat but okay, so a ghost talked to you over morse code??!!” Exclaimed Virgil, his tone getting more and more excited by the syllable.
“Yes, I literally just said that Virgil.” huffs Logan, pressing his knuckles to his temple. He loves his twin, but times like this really test his (already dwindling) patience with shenanigans.
“Okay, so what did he tell you??” asks Virgil, looking almost starry-eyes with the sheer level of excitement. It’s been a while since Virgil was this excited about something.
Logan clears his throat and taps Janus’s shoulder, taking him away from something he was talking about with Patton, which was involving hushed voices of some sort. Janus extracts the notebook from one of the many, many button-up pockets in his cloak (Patton is good at economical design, whie Janus handles the drama), after scrambling around for a few seconds trying to locate first the book, then the page, handing it to him very quickly before jumping right back into his conversation with Patton. Logan is mildly perturbed by this action, but tries to ‘roll with it’, as Roman would say if he took the bus.
“His name is Thomas, or at least we’re relatively sure that he’s a he, and he died in nineteen-twenty-seven. He was a student here back when the plot of land that is now Haley-Dove lower and upper secondary was a boy’s military school. He began to exhaust himself around here, so we dropped the questions.” Virgil nods, perusing the notes, scribbly as they are that Logan’s made as if they were a short story written by an author he really respects, like Leigh Bardugo, possibly. It makes Logan oddly happy to think about it that way. Virgil’s eyes keep widening over the course of his reading, to levels that are almost comical. Janus and Patton’s conversation has gotten a bit louder, but not enough to hear, still. At the moment, he can’t really bring himself to care. In the end, the bus stops before Virgil can finish reading, so Logan gives him the navy-covered notebook to keep for now and return for dinner, with the instruction to add in his own commentary and ideas on a different page.
Patton and Janus leave the bus last out of everyone, looking rather perturbed and avoiding each other’s gaze, though they’re still clutching each other’s hands tightly. Logan will likely ask what happened on Monday. For now, Amma is at the bus stop, waving at them. She’s the only Indian woman on the stop, so, decently easy to see. Amma picks up Logan’s bag, even though he’s insisted for years that he’s “adjusted accordingly for years, and does not require any assistance!”. Amma usually just retaliates that he shouldn’t need to get used to something with a rather strange expression, but he’s digressing now.
(She started saying it after middle school, and everything that happened there.)
“Hi!” she exclaims, while taking Logan’s bag. Virgil just has his laptop bag and notebook, with his headphones around his neck. They both smile the same.
“Hey, Amma. How’re you doing?” Practiced. Synced. It works every time, as Amma’s grin gets even wider, causing Virgil to start stimming with his ring and Logan to start flapping his own hands.
“Sooo- how’s your day? I see Logan’s notebook with you, V!”
“It’s for a…” Virgil looks at Logan, quietly betraying the fact that he has no clue what to say. Logan indicates to the lizard along the cobblestone path, and his twin’s expression changes into dawning comprehension, as he quickly finishes his sentence.
“It’s for a report on Lizards, Amma, that I’m doing with Remus. You know, Roman’s brother?” she nods, and then smirks.
“Oh, you mean the boy you have a cruuuuuusssshhhh on?” she teases, and Virgil goes red immediately, batting her hand away from his hair, where she was ruffling it.
Wait- how did Virgil have a crush on Roman? They had been friends for all of two weeks, and did not display any crush-like symptoms such as reddening of face, gushing about the crush for hours or purposely trying to get into more situations with the crush, or even doing simple things like taking an obnoxiously long time on singular texts. To his relief, Virgil shakes his head.
“No, it’s not a crush. He’s a good friend, but no.” he says, a bit more seriously, but not dismissively. To Logan, because Logan can hear those things, he says “Not yet.” Logan does not bring it up yet, because it feels like Virgil might need some process time for that, and besides, they share a room. Logan can grill him later, when Virgil is willing to be teased lightly. Or well, he hopes he’s light enough.
Mom and Dad are fighting again.
It’s not like the walls are soundproof, no matter what they seem to think. The argument is pretty typical. Small issue begins with civil conversation, becomes slight aggression as two very different people are unable to see eye to eye, and then someone in the middle of a bout of particularly aggressive mood makes an attack on personality, and then it’s all ‘fuck off’’s and crying.
Yeah. it’s a thing. But Remus and Roman know what to do- it’s the fight law. Headphones on, loud playlist on, door shut and internet in full use to avoid the fact that their parents are incapable of shutting the fuck up. This is fine.
Actually no, that’s what Roman says, but Remus knows it isn’t. Roman’s just too scared of conflict by now to bring it up. And who’s fault might that be, huh? (okay, so maybe Remus is a bit resentful.)
Whatever. It’s not like they’ll stop if he and Roman tell them. They’ve tried before.
The problem is that they’re good people. And parents. They definitely try to be the best parents possible. But Remus (unlike Roman) has never had the illusion that his parents are gods, only to have that slowly broken down over time to see his parents as people. They’ve always been people to him- people who try their hardest, but also fall flat in other areas, areas that also happen to be important.
But he should probably make his way to the kitchen to make some fruit salad. Roman probably isn’t going to eat anything else tonight, with how he seems to be doing. Otherwise, those stomach acids are going to gargle and gurgle till they consume his stomach whole! (it doesn’t feel fun to imagine that, so he stops)
(he’s so angry that those idiots thought it was a fucking joke. It’s something he and Virgil agree on, for sure.)
And if Remus tears the granola packet wrapper a little too harshly? Well, it’s not like anyone’s going to hear it at this rate.
Patton and Janus aren’t talking to each other, which is probably the one thing he never expected from them.
But they aren’t, and it’s becoming more concerning by the hour. They’re still hanging out together, currently working on one of their sewing projects- embroidering a hoodie in protection sigils as a paid commission for the witch’s girl, and they seem okay in each other’s presence, but they aren’t talking to each other. Just making overly meaningful eye contact, and looking away as quickly as they met eyes.
Patton in particular seems to be pretty upset, as a marked difference from his usual demeanor. He’s pricking his fingers left and right, something that never usually happens, choosing to hand stitch rather than go ahead with the sewing machine that he got for christmas, which was being used by Janus for the moment. In fact, Emile was about to get him some bandaids when he overheard them speak to each other for the first time since they got back.
“Pat, you can’t keep it in forever. You can't. It’ll kill you.”
Patton isn’t replying.
“It almost killed me, Pat please, please just… say something.” Patton does say something after that, but Emile can’t hear it, and he doesn’t feel like it’s something he’s meant to hear anyway. Janus lightens up after that, and Patton starts talking again, monosyllabically and softly, but Janus seems so relieved, that that must be a good thing.
Emile goes, heart heavy, and decides to speak with Remy about the best ways to show that they’re there for Janus and Patton. They’ve only been living with him for a few months, but they feel like their kids, and Emile (and definitely Remy- he’s the ultimate parent-friend) wants the best for them, and for them to be happy. They didn’t deserve the lot they got.
Hopefully, he and Remy can prove that yes, some things are
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hms-chill · 5 years
The Dewey Decimal System, and Other Love Languages
Alternate Title: Love in the Time of Midterms
Summary: A few weeks into his job at the library, a patron asks Henry where to find “the gay books”, kicking off half a semester of pining.
Henry is finishing shelving a cart of large print books when his life changes forever.
"Excuse me, hi. Do you have any gay books?" The boy asking is around Henry's age. He's short, and he's dressed casually in a polo and jeans, dress shoes and backpack categorizing him as a student at the local college. Henry's brain notes that he's attractive, though Henry refuses to acknowledge that thought.
"Of course! Fiction or nonfiction?"
"Oh. I... I guess either one? I wasn't sure I'd get to pick." Henry isn't offended that this handsome college student wouldn't think there were queer books in the library. He isn't, not in the slightest, offended that he seems to think the library is stuck in the 1940s. He refuses to let the other boy see how not offended he is, and he certainly doesn't use the excuse to show off a bit and display just how many queer books the library has.
"Alright, well, for nonfiction, you're going to want the early 300s for books on gender and sexuality. I believe it's somewhere between 303 and 307, and I want to say 306, but I've only been here a couple weeks and don't know the Dewey decimal system as well as I'd like to. I don't get to shelve much nonfic. If you're looking for fiction, we don't exactly have a queer section, but I could direct you to some that I've enjoyed or heard about."
"That would be good."
"If you like Greek mythology, Madeline Miller's A Song of Achilles is very queer. So are most of Rick Riordan's books, especially his later series. If you like travel novels or adventure books, Mackenzie Lee's The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue has a bi lead, and the sequel focuses on his aro/ace sister. If you're into fantasy or fantastic realism, Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Cycle has queer characters, and Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows is a heist story with a bunch of queer characters. There's also How to Fix a Mechanical Heart, Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit, and Kiss Number 8 in YA, though I haven't read those. In sci-fi, I haven't gotten around to them, but the Welcome to Night Vale novels under Fink would almost certainly have queer representation. The main character of the podcast is gay. He wrote an Alice Isn't Dead novel, too, and that podcast is about a woman looking for her wife, so I can't imagine the book would be... Sorry; this is probably more than you want." The other boy is typing furiously on his phone, brow furrowed just a bit as he tries to get everything down. The way his tongue pokes out the side of his mouth most certainly isn't the cutest thing Henry has seen all day. He has a dog, after all. David is, objectively, much cuter than a handsome boy seriously taking notes on queer fiction that Henry likes.
"This is good. It's perfect. Thank you," the boy says, still looking at his phone. He looks up a moment later, suddenly quieter, to ask, "Um, another question; do you have any books on mental health?"
"Mid or late 100s I think. They're before mythology in the 200s, but I'm not entirely sure where, sorry."
"No, don't be sorry. You're new. That's perfect. Thank you. Have a nice ga-- day. Have a nice day."
"You, too. If you need anything else, I'm working until six, and I spend a lot of time shelving in the kids room. I'd be happy to help."
"Okay. Yeah, thanks. Have a good one." With that, the boy turns to leave, and Henry finishes shelving his cart, trying to forget the other boy's smile and the way he'd furiously typed every book Henry recommended. He tries to forget the other boy's hesitation to ask about mental health books, the endearing shyness that most definitely did not tug at Henry's heartstrings. After all, there really isn't a point pining over a patron he'll never see again.
As it turns out, Henry does see the patron again. He's back a few days later, and Henry looks up just in time to see him dump a massive stack of books into the return slot. He smiles at Henry, making a beeline over to where he's shelving.
"Hi again, um, do you have any cookbooks?"
"Upstairs; 641."
"What the fuck. Hod do you do that?"
"We have a lot of cookbooks, and they're popular. I reshelve them a lot." It's really not that impressive of a thing to know. Some of Henry's coworkers know the Dewey decimal system forwards and backwards, but the other boy is looking at him like he's just done something incredible."
"What else do you have memorized?"
"Um, let's see. World War II is in the 940s. Current politics are in the 900s; The Meuller Report is in the 990s I think. I shelved that a lot. Mythology is in the 200s, folklore and fairy tales and stuff the late 300s. UFOs, cryptids, that kind of thing in the 90s, and computer stuff before that. Hobbies are in the 690s or 790s. Animals are 590s; sharks in particular are... 597? No. 587. I think. Airplanes 626. 808 is short stories, poems are after that and then by 811 you're into plays. Workout and health stuff is before cookbooks, so 639 or 640. Queer and gender stuff 306. Biography 900s is princess books, and 400s are foreign language. Travel is the late 800s or early 900s I think; they're in the back somewhere."
"That's incredible. I thought you said you were new. How long have you been here?" He's so impressed, and Henry isn't sure he's ever felt so proud of something so simple. The fact that this random patron is one of two people in the city to actually compliment him recently certainly doesn't help with the crush he's working hard not to develop.
"About three weeks."
"Holy sh-- cow. You're so smart. How are you this smart?"
Henry feels his face start to go red. "It's just one of those things you pick up."
"Still, it's incredible."
"Thank you. But you needed a cookbook? Any type in particular? We have a pretty large collection, so I can show you the online catalog if you want. It can give you more exact information than I can."
"Yeah, but if you teach me to use the catalogue, I won't have an excuse to come bother you." He winks, leaning against a shelf, and he really doesn't have any business looking so carefree and handsome. He came here to check things out, not get checked out. Not that Henry is doing any checking out.
"Well, I wouldn't mind if you still come bother me. It's a nice break from the monotony. The catalogue could just help for when I'm wrong or not here."
"Alright, fine. I'm not sure how much help a search is going to be, though. I doubt there's a book called What to Make When You Invite Your Family to Your College Apartment to Tell Them You're Bi." He freezes for a second, and Henry knows all too well the sudden nerves, the tense moment of waiting for a reaction.
"If you find one, let me know. I'm sure I could adapt it for being gay," he says, and the other boy relaxes. When he looks up, his smile is back, and he follows Henry to a computer catalogue.
He comes down from the cookbook section nearly an hour later, three cookbooks in his arms. He's headed for the checkout, but he turns when he sees Henry with an empty cart.
"Hey, hi. I, um, well, I found a rainbow cookbook. I'll have to change the colors and things, but I thought maybe I could do something from that? Like a layer cake with a pride flag or something? I mean, I know they'll be okay with it. At least I think they will. My... my dad's pretty catholic, but we have a family friend who's gay and my dad's done a ton to look after and fight for him. We all love him. And my best friend is bi, and they've practically adopted her so it should be okay. I don't... I don't think it'll go badly, but... sorry. This isn't part of your job."
"I don't mind. You're making a cake with a pride flag; what else are you going to make? Would it help to talk it through?"
"Sure. Yeah. I'm thinking elote, since we made that a lot growing up, and one of these has a recipe for doing it on a stovetop instead of a grill. And then I was thinking ribs, but I don't have a grill, so I thought instead I'd make some pulled pork? It's got that barbecue thing that'll go well with the elote, and it's really easy to make a lot, so I can just tell everyone at once and get it over with. And if there's extra I can freeze it."
"I think it sounds good, and it sounds like they'll be happy to support you. I can tell they mean a lot to you; you're lucky to have them. You'll have to let me know how it goes if we bump into each other again."
"I will, yeah. Thank you. You've been wonderful."
"Good luck."
The other boy smiles and goes to check out, and Henry takes his cart back to the staff room, hoping he'll get an update soon.
On Monday, the other boy is back, and he comes up to Henry with a giant grin.
"It went well! It was so good. My mom got a bunch of brochures about staying safe, which was awkward but it's how she shows love, and my dad didn't care, and my sister won't stop trying to get me to join tinder so she can set me up with someone. They... they love me, and they don't care that I'm bi. It doesn't matter."
Henry grins. "I'm so happy for you. That's huge."
"Thank you so much for everything. Seriously, talking to you helped a lot."
"It was the least I could do."
"No, it-- I'm trying to say thank you; just let me."
"Thank you for letting me talk to you about coming out. Was that so hard? You're more important to people than you give yourself credit for. Anyway, I've got to run to a thing, but I wanted to stop in and see you. And update you. And thank you. You helped."
He's gone before Henry can respond, but he's surprised to realize he can't stop smiling for the rest of his shift.
Over the next few weeks, Henry sees and hears a lot of the things that happen in the library. He hears a little boy complain that there's loud noises in the library, and he hears the woman with that little boy explain that by yelling, he is the loud noise in the library. Henry sees a little girl falling asleep on a parent's lap as they read to her. He sees the handsome boy from before help a fourth grader through her math homework in a tutoring session and hears him talking to a little boy about Nancy Drew. He doesn't see everything, though. He doesn't see the mystery patron re-shelve some of the books that are out of order, making Henry's job easier. He doesn't hear the other boy call his sister on his way out to gush about the cute librarian he just saw teach a mom how to find Percy Jackson books so she could teach her son. What he does get used to seeing, though, is the same cute boy, settled at a table that Henry walks past regularly.
By the time midterms roll around, Henry's gotten used to seeing the other boy in the library. On the first day of midterms week, he's already there when Henry's shift starts. Henry, who has three essays due soon and only one started, plans to stay in the library when he gets off work. If he can't find any open tables, well, it must be due to midterms. He certainly didn't avoid looking in a few less popular places in order to justify going up to the table where his mystery patron is sitting. The other boy looks up with a smile.
"Do you mind if I sit? It's full everywhere else. I swear I'll be quiet; I've just got to draft an essay."
"Not at all. Here; let me slide some stuff over. What's your essay on?"
"Identity and fluidity in Virginia Woolf's Orlando. What are you working on?"
"A study guide for the politics of international economics."
"Sounds thrilling."
"What are you writing on? A book about Florida?" and god, Henry has to fight not to laugh just a bit.
"A book about Virginia Woolf's girlfriend."
"No way. Wasn't she like... old?"
"The 1920s aren't that old; we have examples of queer folks going back to the 400s BCE. Sappho's poetry would be in either the 200s or 808 if we have any, and tons of queer folks from Julie d'Aubigny to Alexander Hamilton are in biographies."
"Maybe later. Tell me about your essay; I can't study anymore."
"Okay, so, this book is a fake biography of a person named Orlando who, halfway through, changes from a man to a woman. I'm arguing that by using water to symbolize major change, Woolf signals to readers that their sex change isn't actually a big deal in their identity. Basically, every time Orlando gets a new opportunity or something else major happens, there's water involved somehow. But when their sex changes, which at first glance is the most drastic thing that happens to them, there's no water anywhere. In fact, there's fire, and that fire is mentioned a few different times. So I'm arguing that this shows readers that gender doesn't actually have that much impact on who someone is, but it's instead just how we present to the world. Therefore, it shouldn't matter if Virginia's in love with a woman, because Vita's just another human, and this whole thing is just a massive love letter to Vita and also a screw you to everyone else, because they all knew it was about Vita and Virginia didn't care."
"Wait, people knew? People knew they were lesbians."
"Well, they were probably both bi, and Virginia was probably demi-romantic, but it's not fair to put labels on them because all of those terms are more modern than these women. But yes, people knew they were dating. Vita's mom complained that Virginia stole her daughter."
"That's incredible,"
"Portrait of a Marriage by Nigel nicholson, Vita's son, is probably upstairs in biographies. Chapter five especially goes into detail on their open relationships."
The other boy laughs at that, throwing his whole body back as he does. He has the weight of five midterms on his shoulders, but for the duration of that laugh, he is happy and free and light as a feather.
"You're amazing. I'll let you write your essay, but just know. You're incredible."
Henry pulls out his laptop and opens the file for his essay, but it's a good five minutes before he can start to actually write anything. When he's finished, he nearly asks the other boy to get dinner with him. He doesn't; he can't. He's not confident enough. Instead, he just wishes the other boy good luck on his test as he says goodbye.
When Henry gets to work on Wednesday, it doesn't look like his patron has moved. When Henry gets a bit of a break, he texts Pez, who responds immediately with a series of emojis. The man is an enigma, but fifteen minutes later, he's arrived with two of the cookies Henry made them the night before. Henry takes them to the table where his favorite patron sits, the eye of a storm of notes, highlighters, empty coffee cups, and granola bar wrappers.
"Hello. Sorry to bother you, but you look like you could use these," Henry says, setting the cookies on the table as he passes.
"What... thank you! Thanks."
Henry is gone before the other boy can say more, his face going red. He doesn't see the little smile that spreads across the other boy's face or the way his whole body relaxes as he bites into the first cookie. When he passes the table again, though, he does see an empty bag and a somewhat refreshed patron.
As midterms pass and life settles down a bit, the table where his patron sits starts to be empty occasionally. Henry tries not to miss the boy who used to sit there, surrounded by clutter and wearing adorable glasses. He must have other things happening, a life outside of class work and study sessions. Still, it's a bright spot in Henry's day to see the familiar backpack in a chair, even without his patron at the table.
He finds his patron a few minutes later, or more accurately, his patron finds him.
"Excuse me, hi. Do you happen to have any books about how to ask out the hot librarian who's super smart and puts up with my constant nagging and helped me come out to my family and brought me cookies during midterms?"
Henry freezes, then says, "If we did, I would assume the first suggestion would be to tell this person your name." He's doing his best to stay calm, but the other boy isn't making it easy. He's leaning against a bookshelf, casually, like asking to date another boy in a public place is the easiest thing in the world.
"Did I not... fuck, I-- I'm Alex. Alexander Claremont-Diaz. Sorry. Shit. Yours is on your nametag and I just kinda assumed we... sorry."
"Alex, it's nice to meet you. I'm Henry. Back to your question, if we had such a book, I would assume it would also suggest waiting until the person you want to ask out is off work. But, when he's not on the clock and can be his own person, you shouldn't have any problem. You're smart, and you're nice, and you're good looking."
"You think?"
"I do. And you didn't ask, but I get off at six, and I don't have dinner plans."
With that, Henry finishes sorting his cart and walks away to shelve it, leaving Alexander Claremont-Diaz, mystery patron, grinning behind him.
On AO3
To my knowledge as someone who's worked at a library for a month, the Dewey decimal numbers in this are accurate. 306 is definitely gay books, and that'll be the case at any library that uses this system. Also, the fiction books mentioned are all real and queer. Especially Orlando. - Speaking of Orlando, read it! It's so good! I'm working on the play (adapted by Sarah Ruhl, who's incredible) and I'm in love with it.
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moonb-eam · 5 years
Hi! I just started reading your fics. You're such an amazing writing. Do you have any writing advice? Also what books/movies/TV shows have influenced your writing?
ahh hello darling!! 🧡🧡🧡 these are such lovely questions thank you so much!! 
okay, so i answered a fanfic ask about writing advice here a little while ago, but i’ll reiterate a few points, and add some new ones!!
i do want to say that these tips are just my opinion, and writing, like any other form of art, is so specific in process to each individual writer that what works for me definitely won’t work for everyone 🧡
(these are going to be very general and conceptual, but if you’d like some more technical “craft” advice then please let me know!!)
1. i’m going to keep repeating this until i die - the most important thing is to write, as basic as that sounds! i know some people who write every single day - i don’t, i find that exhausting - but i do try to write as often as i can, even if it’s something i observe on the bus to work that i write down on my phone, or it’s a single line for an opening of a new story. for me personally, i find it important to keep that part of my brain exercised, which is actually why i started writing fan fiction in the first place - so i could make deadlines for myself and keep writing in the midst of a terribly depressing job search, so i don’t lose that part of myself.
2. now, that being said, there are some days where writing just straight up doesn’t work. i sit down at my laptop and i have no words inside of myself, and it’s so frustrating when that happens, especially when you only have certain times of the day/week/month dedicated to writing. when that happens, i don’t force it. i have a friend in edinburgh who bakes every time he’s frustrated with a story - he says it always helps him to methodically create something and see it come to fruition, so he doesn’t feel so mentally stuck whenever he returns to his story. i have another friend who draws whenever she hits a writing snag. for myself, i like to go for runs whenever that happens  - it helps me clear my head and sometimes, gives me new ideas. writing is something that doesn’t just happen at the computer or the notebook. it’s happening constantly, with the media you consume, the interactions you observe, the new words you learn, the  fragments of ideas that pass through your mind. so yes, the actual writing of the words is critical, but so are all the other parts, and above all, it’s so important to take care of your mental state before anything else.
3. it’s also important to read a lot!!! there is no better inspiration that consuming the work of authors you really love and admire! i pretty well always have a book on me, and in the rare moments that i don’t, you know i’ve got ao3 loaded on my phone
4. rules and conventions exist for a few reasons, and one of those reasons is so they can be broken. so often young writers are told time and time again to find their “voice” or their distinct writing style, and what can happen is they feel pressured into boxing themselves up so early in their career - for example, in my master’s program, i wrote mostly science fiction, and was essentially labelled “science fiction girl” - that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because i love sci-fi, but i felt like i could never step outside of that box, because the people in my workshop would say, “this doesn’t feel like you” - but i didn’t even know who i was as a writer at that point, and honestly i still don’t - writing fan fiction has actually been really good for me to experiment with my prose and see how readers react to it. what i’m saying is, try something new, try whatever interests you, whatever you think may be cool, and if it doesn’t work, then it doesn’t, but don’t let yourself be swayed by what you think people may want to see from you. does that make sense? always remember that you’re writing for yourself before anyone else
5. the “don’t be afraid to write badly” advice is overused, but that’s because it’s important. i have a bad habit of self-editing as a write, which means writing a first draft can take me ages. sometimes, the best thing you can do is try to let go, and just let yourself put the words down without overanalyzing them. i described it in a group chat as “no thoughts, only words” asdfjkdf - when i first started in my workshop in edinburgh, i was terrified to write anything that wasn’t perfect, as though i would be judged for it. but the best thing you can do, is to show unfinished, imperfect work to people you trust. it is inherently embarrassing to share your writing, to let people see the inside of your heart, more or less, but it is the best way to improve - to get feedback, and to take it into consideration for your own work. not all feedback is good feedback, but all of it should be listened to! (conversely, if you’re ever asked for feedback, it’s so important to learn the distinction between being critical and being constructive)
6. this is getting quite long 😬 so i think i’ll do just one more - in the midst of practicing writing, receiving feedback, drafting and editing, i think it’s important to remember that, on a base level, what we do is tell stories, and that’s something that is really special. the act of writing isn’t always fun. editing certainly isn’t always fun, but telling stories is. finding new ways to look at the world is. discovering something new about a character is. what i mean to say is, get excited about your own work. get excited by your own ideas. those moments of excitement, for me, always help to carry me through some of the rougher bits
and now for a bit of inspiration!!
there are a lot of writers whose work i really admire - i would never say i’m as good as them asdfjk but i think they all have influenced me in one way or another
for novelists, i’m really inspired by madeleine miller, erin morgenstern, cherie dimaline, maggie stiefvater, leigh bardugo, ursula leguin, kurt vonnegut, mary shelley, shirley jackson, thomas king and kazuo ishiguro 
then there are some writers who do short stories and more experimental work, who have influenced me more in the last year or so: helen mcclory (i highly recommend everyone check out her work!!), shane jones (specifically the short novel light boxes), leanne shapton, and susannah m. smith (specifically the fairy tale museum)
and poets!! anne carson, richard siken, pablo neruda, amanda lovelace, i know there are more i’m forgetting....damn it
then there are a few illustrators/comic artists whose work really inspires me, such as tom gauld, emily carroll, tove jansson (moomins!!) and again i just know there are more i can’t think of!!! 😫
okay, okay lastly film and tv: i love any work by guillermo del toro, jane campion, alfred hitchcock, hayao miyazaki (so i LOVE your icon!!) and joe wright (except the peter pan film...we don’t talk about that...) i also think phoebe waller-bridge and dan levy are such stellar tv writers and i am very, very jealous of them - and OF COURSE skam, and all its iterations 🧡
(and if you browse through my “fic rec” tag on here, everything on there is from incredibly talented writers!!)
alright this got very long, I'm sorry about that!! but i hope there’s something in here that speaks to you in some way ✨ best of luck to you in your writing, and please drop by my inbox anytime if you’d like to talk more about it!! 😚
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ivory-in-rapture · 5 years
My Top 10 Authors of the decade
This is actually a difficult list to make (like any list I have to make!) because there’s a lot of authors who I was binge-reading at the beginning of the decade (Cassandra Clare, Rachelle Mead, Lauren Kate, etc.) who I have not even thought about in years! Then there are also some authors I have just recently started reading who have had big impacts on me even though I have read only one or two works by them. (Catherynne M. Valente, Madeline Miller, Donna Tartt, Holly Black, etc.) I tried to keep a balance on this list with adding the few authors I have consistently read and loved, a few wild cards and then some old favorites to finish up the list:
1. Maggie Stiefvater (The Raven Cycle, All the crooked saints)
I have practically turned this blog into a Raven Cycle fan blog at this point! I love Maggie Stiefvater’s writing. She was one of the first people who friended me in Book circles back when I joined in 2009. She is someone who not only I look up to as an author but also as a person. 
2.Rainbow Rowell (Fangirl, Landline, Eleanor and Park, Attachments, Carry on, Kindred spirits...)
It was love at first book with Rainbow Rowell! I know people are slightly..polarized about her books but when I read Fangirl, it was like someone had taken a look at my mess of a university experience and tried to put it together in a healing, empathetic order. I had a horrible time during my Bachelor’s study and the worst of Cath’s experience captured just that! I love that book so much, it’s been a comfort and a hopeful beacon for me through the years and after that, I have loved everything else I read by Rainbow Rowell as well. Hell, I went on an international trip just to buy Eleanor and Park because it wasn’t available in my country!!! 
3.Leigh Bardugo (Shadow and Bone trilogy, Six of crows duology, King of scars, etc...)
Shadow and Bone was one of those books that pivoted my reading style. I think my unique take on that trilogy might not even be supported by Leigh herself but my god! this book changed things for me. I have been a loyal follower of Leigh Bardugo ever since! fun fact: my blog got(a teeny bit) famous because of my Shadow and Bone related posts all the way back in 2013/2014 before my Tumblr malfunctioned and I got locked out for over a year...anyway the point is, Leigh and her books have been a huge part of this decade for me. In a lot of ways, my memory of my reading experience is a before and after Shadow and bone thing.
4.Laini Taylor (Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Strange The Dreamer)
When I grow up, I want to be Laini Taylor! confession: I didn’t like Daughter of Smoke and Bone when I picked it up first..before I fell in love with it and stayed up all night on a trip and finished the book. Laini’s writing should inspire a new religion, it’s so good!
I don’t have any tattoos but if I ever get one, I know exactly what I’ll get and that’s a quote from Taylor’s books. I know what quote, but I’m not gonna tell ya!!!
5.Hanya Yanagihara (A little Life)
I should probably read her other books at some point but I’m not even over A little life yet! This is arguably my favorite adult novel that I’ve ever read. Yanagihara’s writing style is very close to how I write which I guess can be considered complicated (?) so I really enjoyed connecting to her writing on that front as well. 
6.Naomi Novik (Uprooted, Spinning Silver)
Uprooted was my introduction to Naomi Novik but since then I have learned about her impact on fandom and preservation of fanworks and all that combined makes her one of the most influential people in this decade for me! If only as a nod to all the stuff I’ve read on AO3...
But that aside, I loved Uprooted when I read it and if you haven’t read it either you really should. That book is so amazing and mind-blowing, it’s unreal!
7. Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me trilogy)
I haven’t read anything by Tahereh Mafi since Ignite Me but for the first half of this decade, Mafi’s Shatter me trilogy (yeah I don’t recognize the new sequels! Sorry!) was EVERYTHING! And even though I haven’t read much of her works since, I still follow her activity at a distance. There’s also a personal connection I have to her, which is private but that just makes her very relevant to me!
8. Susan Ee (Penryn and The end of days trilogy)
This book...man! Susan Ee has essentially been MIA since her self-published trilogy ended (she did release a new book recently though) but even for the short amount of time that I spent inhaling her books, she was a huge part of my reading experience. I mean I reread her books twice in less than a year at a time when my only reread books were Catching fire and Fangirl! Iconic!
9. Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games trilogy)
She’s been gone for a long while and i don’t talk about THG much anymore but I did join Tumblr because of THG. and honestly, when you’re living in a dystopian world and then an author writes a book about that, you connect with it on a spiritual level and there’s no way to avoid that connection. I think very few people experience hunger games like I did. I still remember the day I went to my mom and told her how an American writer has written a book that is essentially so close to our lives and how I can’t stop reading it and how HUGE this all is. Suzanne Collins is never not going to be relevant in my life. 
On top of that, before reading Hunger Games, I read a totally different genre of books! Reading Hunger Games changed everything for me! I wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for her and her book trilogy.
10. Kieron Gillen (The wicked and the Divine)
I mean I have a freaking side blog dedicated to that comic series which ended this year...heart-freaking-breaking. He wrote my all-time favorite OTP, I became a comic book reader because of wicdiv, I found my bestie because of wicdiv... so yeah Kieron Gillen was a big part of this decade! HE FREAKING WROTE LUCI! I mean...
Anyway, I hope somebody got through this list! I thought about @ ing the writers but I don’t want to bother them with this sentimental post! This is a part of my end of the decade wrap-up series. If you want me to do any specific wrap-up lists, I am open to suggestions!
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sophygurl · 5 years
WisCon 43 panel Favorite Queer Depictions In Fiction write-up:
Whether it's a coming-of-age coming out story, a love story about queer characters, a drama or comedy centering the lives of a queer found family, or any old story that just includes a queer character or three without making a big thing about it—we all have out favorite queer stories. Whether it's books, TV shows, movies, video games, or something else, this is the panel to share the ones we love, and why we love them!
Moderator: Kate JohnsTon. Panelists:  Cat Meier, Charles Payseur, Sarah Waites, Alberto Yáñez
Disclaimers: These are only the notes I was personally able to jot down on paper during the panel. I absolutely did not get everything, and may even have some things wrong. Corrections by panelists or other audience members always welcome. I name the mod and panelists because they are publicly listed, but will remove names if asked. I do not name audience members unless specifically asked by them to be named. If I mix up a pronoun or name spelling or anything else, please tell me and I’ll fix it!
I missed some of the panelist intro info, but Alberto identified himself as “queer AF” and Cat added “yes, I am also very queer.”
Kate asked the panelists to discuss what brought them to queer fiction, citing Mercedes Lackey as her intro point. She added “we existed and didn’t die in the first book.”
Sarah brought up Privilege of the Sword by Ellen Kushner. When she read it, she wasn’t consciously queer yet. Once she realized that she was, she began to read a lot more.
Alberto also mentioned Lackey, specifically Magic’s Pawn. He had gotten it as a library book and found someone had written in the front of it “this book is about f**gs” and he thought “well, alright then!” He also talked about the short story Things With Beards, a re-telling of The Thing through the lens of HIV/AIDS. 
Cat mentioned Henry Fitzroy as her first queer character love. [ I didn’t catch the specific work/author but it involved the bastard son of Henry the 8th as a bisexual vampire - a quick search shows me this is probably Tanya Huff’s Blood and Smoke novels?]
Kate brought up that queer characters often don’t get a family and asked the panelists about queer characters that either have found families or that remained in their families of origin. 
Cat talked about the novella Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night by Katherine Fabian and Iona Datt Sharma.
Alberto said that, as a Latino writer, he writes a lot about family “because some stereotypes are true.” 
Sarah mentioned that Becky Chambers writes about found family quite a bit. Another example was a world where homophobia doesn’t exist in a Beauty and the Beast re-telling - In the Vanisher’s Palace. 
Charles mentioned the found family in Jacqueline Koyanagi’s Ascension [also a fave of mine!], as well as Geometries of Belonging by Rose Lemberg. He also talked about Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed as a story that imagines different ways of thinking about family and queerness, as well as Pan-Humanism: Hope and Pragmatics by Jess Barber and Sara Saab about decoupling possessiveness in relationships. 
Charles also said that he has written both kinds of stories - found family and family of origin, specifically mentioning a found family in his short story Undercurrents.
Kate talked about how the 60′s SF genre was a lot of men going into space without any women, but it was still supposed to be read as cishet. Now we’re at a point where we actually can send women without men into space and it tends to be read as queer. 
She also asked about stories where it’s not just the same nuclear family and/or gender binary but just with same-sex couples slotted in.
Alberto mentioned Nicola Griffith’s Ammonite, which is about a whole world that is female in many different expressions without having to label them all. 
Cat talked about being both queer and poly and feeling very seen by Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night more than any other book. Having an example of a poly community where all relationships are equally as important as one another. 
Sarah brought up The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley where the male/female nuclear family structure is just not possible. 
Charles again brought up Ascension as an example of family structures on space ships. Also Hurricane Heels by Isabel Yap, which has a magical girls trope - heavy on friendship but the importance of friendship is highlighted and some, but not all, in the friend group are queer. 
Kate talked about James Tiptree’s Houston Houston Do You Read and some of Melissa Scott’s work.
Cat added that Melissa Scott has a wide variety of books with queer relationships in them showing a range of queer experiences. The newest - Finders - has queer poly. 
Sarah talked about some of Scott’s fantasy series and the structure of the culture being that male/female relationships were for procreation but the expectation is that love is between same genders. [I didn’t catch the title of these books/the series]
Kate brought up bisexuality in fiction. She first noticed the lack of bisexual representation when she started dating a bi woman. 
Charles said “all I write is bisexual - even if it’s not explicit.” Since it’s generally assumed for people to be either gay or straight if it’s not mentioned, he likes to write worlds where it’s assumed for the characters to be bi. 
Charles also talked about bi rep in Rose Lemberg’s work - Birdverse, Splendid Goat Adventure, and A Portrait of the Desert in Personages of Power. 
Alberto said he wants more queer characters where the drama isn’t about their queerness. In real life, acceptance can take awhile but he’s been there for a long time now and for reading and writing - he’d like for the drama to be focused elsewhere. 
Cat talked about not knowing that bisexuality existed at 13 when she discovered Henry Fitzroy.
Kate talked about the importance of bi representation in creating understanding for others. “I’m a skier. I ski in the winter. It’s summer. I’m still a skier.” 
Kate brought up Sarah Gailey’s River of Teeth. Also Tanya Huff’s work [missed the title] about omnisexual aliens who would screw a hole in a donut and everyone’s happy about it! Also for YA/teen reading - Foz Meadows. 
Alberto mentioned Six of Crows and it’s sequel by Leigh Bardugo as having bisexuality and found family in it. [Gosh I need to get on to reading this series]
Cat brought up Peter Darling - a trans re-telling of Peter Pan with a Pan/Hook romance. [!!] Also The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue as well as The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee. The former has an ace character.
Sarah also rec’d the Guide to Petticoats and Piracy book. She is ace and the character in the book is ace and aro - society wants her to be one thing and she isn’t. Also the character gets called out on the “not like other girls” thing. 
Sarah also mentioned Chameleon Moon, which has a F/F/F triad, as well as an ace man with anxiety. Sarah wants more ace characters who are not sociopaths or robots.
Kate brought up the TV show Lucifer which is “really really really bisexual” [lol]. Kate also likes that the show doesn’t explain how Lucifer, who is white, has a black brother and an Asian sister.
Someone [I only wrote “C”, so either Cat or Charles? unless that meant continued and was Kate?] talked about Tanya Huff’s work having so many queer families with a variety of experiences.
Charles said there are a lot of examples that are just sad and messy.
Kate talked about lots of queer and black fiction is depressing because - “have you looked at our lives?” She added that we need more positive examples of queer characters. 
Alberto brought up Lara Elena Donnelly’s three books - Amberlough, Armistice, and Amnesty - which are about surviving fascism and rebellion. There’s crime, adventures, spies, etc. This is a strong recommendation.
Sarah added on to that by saying that this example of a dystopia is not about the queerness. Also talked about the Machineries of Empire series by Yoon Ha Lee [oh look! one of next year’s GoH’s!], which has no homophobia and almost all of the characters are queer. It also subverts the sociopathic ace trope - other characters think he is and he encourages that belief, but isn’t.
Charles mentioned a short story in Glittership Year Two [missed what it was], as well as The Root by Na'amen Gobert Tilahun which he said has a good depiction of queer families.
Kate posed the question of what there should be more queer characters in. She said video games and TV shows and that both should also be less male gaze-y.
Charles agreed with video games and said whether it’s a relationship game or not. He wants more background characters to be queer. He doesn’t want to have to headcanon it.
Sarah said “besides everything?” Big SFF movies, like the MCU - and that they should stop making such a big deal about adding super small scenes with queer characters. 
Alberto said more TV - especially for stuff aimed at kids and their parents. A good example of this is She-Ra.
Kate said it should be written in the stories - not retconned like Rowling does or killing them off right away. More 3D queer characters. She added that, especially having been out for most of her life, the struggling with queerness/coming out stories are getting old for her.
Cat mentioned movies that are adaptations that have queer characters in the source material, such as the MCU - there are lots of queer characters in the comics but they don’t make it to the TV shows or movies. 
Kate added that Deadpool keeps his pansexuality in the movies. Kate also wants more queer poc characters who are okay with who they are not evil aliens. This is a problem for white cishet Hollywood. 
Charles talked about the issues still affecting us from the Hays Code era legacy. Queer characters are always sad and end up dead - this was once enforced but has now just trickled down. 
Charles also said he enjoys cozy mysteries but the queer characters always die. There was one that he liked that was turned into a TV series and they finally had a queer character - the actor was leaving and the series could have given them a happily ever after but killed them off instead.
Sarah talked about the importance of diversity behind the scenes. It’s easier to get representation in a book because there is less gatekeeping, fewer hands in the pot. When everyone in the writer’s room of a show or movie are straight, it makes it harder.
Cat [I think? just wrote “C” again] mentioned The Wicked and the Divine - gods are reborn into people every 12 years - they’re all queer. [This was rec’d often this con - deffo need to read]
The audience got to throw out recs next. The ones I got down are: [I can’t find this in a search but it was something like Kaitlyn Sterling - Luminent... something? if anyone knows please chime in], Lifelode by Jo Walton, Ethan of Athos by Lois McMaster Bujold about a planet of men, A Door into Ocean by Joan Slonczewski about a world of women, A Big Ship at the End of the Universe by Alex White, The Light Brigade by Kameron Hurley, “everything by Seanan McGuire” [agreed!!], and then apparently Magic: The Gathering has recently been doing some exploring of genderless species and also a trans warrior woman character. 
The audience were still tossing out recs when I left, so I did not get them all, nor any possible closing remarks by the panelists.  
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sicpxrvismxgna · 5 years
100 Truths
Tagged by @hirvitank
Soz I ain’t bolding the text xoxo
1. Real Name: Mia
2. Nicknames: My parents call me munchkin. My friends call me Mia. My names too short 🤷🏻‍♀️
3. Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
4. Gender: Female
5. Nursery: Same as my first primary school. They were joint.
6. Primary school: I went to 3. Also not gonna list for my own privacy
7. Secondary school: Went to 1. It was shit.
8. Hair Colour: dark brown
9. Long or short: long. I want it to my shoulders tho
10. Loud or quiet: I’m loud around friends and quiet when I don’t know people very well
11. Sweats or jeans: sweats at home. Jeans when I go out
12. Phone or camera: phone
13. Health freak: hell nah. I love junk food. Wish I was healthier tho
14. Drink or smoke: Only socially
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Not really. I’m not social enough to have one
16. Political orientation: Labour. But isidewith told me Green so I guess that too.
17. Piercings: 7. 3 in each ear and 1 in my nose
18. Tattoos: I wish :(
19. Airplane: aye
20. Car *accident*: nope
21. Fist fight: nope
22. Piercing: ear lobes
23. Best friend: primary school. Her name was Holly. She was a bitch.
24. Instrument: violin (ik how posh)
25. Award: I got medals for Morris dancing. (Not the traditional kind. It was similar to cheerleading but without the gymnastics elements)
26. Crush: Guy from high school. In year 7
27. Language: English
28. Big vacation: I haven’t been out the country with my family. I went to Barcelona with school though
29. Person I talked to: My mum
30. Person I texted: my friend James
31. Person I watched: Uh what. My mum I guess cos I last saw her?
32. Food I ate: A chicken wrap
33. Movie I watched: Endgame. I’m scarred.
34. Song I listened to: 8 out of 10 by Drake
35. Thing I bought: LikeL1k3 by Jay Kristoff. It’s on sale for 1.99 on Amazon🤙
36. Person I hugged: My mum forced hugged me. In the nicest way. I’m not a big hugger
37. Food: Oooo um chocolate? Or lasagne
38. Drinks: Lucozade or Coca Cola
39. Clothing: Sweats. Anything baggy
40. Book: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
41. Colour: Purple
42. Flower: Daisy
43. Music: Anything tbh. I love 5SOS’ new era and Billie Eilish👅🤘 Imagine Dragons and The Score (v similar music)
44. Movie: Tangled or any Spider-Man
45. Subjects: Art/Science. Tho I’m not very good at them. Humanities like sociology and psych (doing psych in uni)
47. [] Kissed in the rain
48. [] Celebrated Halloween
49. [] Had your heart broken
50. [] Went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [] Someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [] Used a Weapon
53. [] Breathed Fire
54. [] Had an abortion
55. [X] Done something you’ve regretted
56. [X] Broke a Promise
57. [X] Kept a Secret
58. [X] Pretended to be happy
59. [] Met someone who changed your life
60. [X] Pretended to be sick
61. [] Left the country
62. [] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it
63. [X] Cried over the silliest thing
64. [] Ran a mile
65. [X] Went to the beach
66. [X] Stayed single
67. Eating: nothing
68. Drinking: nothing
69. Getting ready to: do revision (not going too well oops)
70. Listening to: One by Lewis Capaldi 😭😭
71. Plans for tomorrow/today: revision revision revision
72. Waiting for: a fuck to give. Sorry.
73. Want kids: Yes
74. Want to get married: Nope
75. Careers in mind: Counselling
76. Lips or Eyes: eyes
77. Shorter or Taller: taller
78. Romantic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
79. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms 👅👅
80. Sensitive or Loud: Both!!!!
81. Hook-Up or Relationship: relationship
82. Troublemaker or Hesitant: i like me a bad boi
83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yes
84. Ran away from home: nope
85. Held a weapon, for self defence: does fighting with my brothers count? I used a ruler?
86. Killed somebody: Nah
87. Broken someone’s heart: Nah
88. Been arrested: Nah
90. Yourself: No. I wish I did. I need to be nicer to myself.
91. Miracles: No
92. Love at first sight: Nah. I think you can have attraction at first sight tho
93. Heaven: Nah
94. Santa Claus: Nah
95. Easter Bunny: Nah
96. Magic: nah. Wish it was really tho. HoW CooL woULD thaT bE
97. Is there one person you want to be with, right now: in a social sense?
Nah. I like my alone space.
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are, in life:
No. I wish I’d planned things out better. Everything has been thrown at me and I feel like I should be more organised, the way I like it, than just making impulse decision because I simply can’t be arsed.
99. Are you happy with the person you’re with:
I’m not with anybody. So no
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people: @glitterprincelu @a-driftamongopenstars @madmadmilk @bellblake @goofy-gomez (lol you don’t have to it obvs)
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