#was thinking about the scene by the pool and then the true love's kiss bit hit me
theapangea · 1 year
Omg do you think he gets jealous easily?? Like if someone is flirting with innocent!reader and she doesn't really get it and thinks theyre being nice and like Lip comes over and just starts talking dirty to her or something.
Ok ok ok I think Lip is not like jealous jealous. He's pretty confident in himself and may not care if other dudes hit on you per se but he is definitely the type of dude that would say "He can't fuck you like I can". ughhh I love him sm
This how I think the situation would play out...enjoy cuties <3
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The Alibi is loud tonight, louder than normal and here you are sitting all alone because Lip has to use the bathroom. When duty calls, duty calls he laughed before placing a quick peck to your forehead. You baby the cold beer that sits between your palms. Lip mainly got it for you to fit into the bar scene but knows he will probably be the one drinking it.
Your eyes follow around the small room, card game in the corner, a group playing pool, a quick smile from Kevin as he keeps a close eye on you while Lip is away. Feet lightly tapping the bar stool to the faint music you can barely hear over the talking, yelling, shouting.
"Hello there, pretty lady," an unfamiliar voice speaks to the right of you, turning you head to meet with an unkept man about 30 or so years old. "Mind if I sit?" He questions, gesturing at one of the empty bar stools.
"Sure," Your voice is calm, a quick smile peaking through.
While situating himself on the stool, "So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?"
"Waiting I guess."
"I'd never keep you waiting." His is quick and confident in his comment. A smirk dancing across his face as he fingers reach out to graze your forearm.
"I see you made a friend." Lip's voice sends a shiver down your spine. The volume breaking through the loudness of the space. His arm instantly finding its place over your shoulders.
Smiling up at him, "Yeah, yeah...this is...um?" Realizing you actually don't even know who you are talking too.
"Ricky." You repeat back to Lip.
"Got it," His thumbs wipes his bottom lip. "So Ricky you plan on fucking my girl tonight?" He leans against the table, his arm slightly pulling you with him.
Lip's comment sending blood through your ears, the heat rising to your face as Ricky chokes on his alcohol.
Lip continues, "Because you and I both know you'd never be able to fuck her like I can so..." He nods his head, signaling for the man to leave.
Ricky taking the hint as he tilts his glass towards Lip, moving to the other side of the bar.
"Lip." You lightly hit his chest, the embarrassment coating you like a blanket.
"What?" Lip laughs, "You know it's true."
ok just a little bit of what may happen. I do think here is a time and place for a Jealous Lip which is so HAWT so maybe I will write something about it -- let me know.
a little kiss for you for supporting me!!
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As Intimate As Chocolate Cake
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x female!reader [2nd-person pov]
Word Count: 3.3k
Rating: T for swears; no warnings
Description: When Toni is put in charge of the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm, she decides to use the opportunity to set up two of her friends
A/N: Loosely based off a scene from Hart of Dixie season 4, episode 5: Bar-Be-Q Burritos, where George and Annabeth are set up on a date by their friend Lemon
Disclaimer: I’ve only seen up to parts of season 3 of Riverdale, therefore I know nothing about the current seasons and what has transpired, so there will be no spoilers. Also, this was written with minimal editing, so any errors are accidental. Gif credit to the owner, as it is not mine.
- - -
Cheryl Blossom walked into Pop’s, looking for Toni, but instead she found someone else.
Two someones, actually.
You’d been enjoying your strawberry malt and fries all by yourself when Sweet Pea had decided to join you without warning.
“Careful now - rumor has it if you drink too many strawberry milkshakes in one sitting, you’ll wake up as a strawberry.”
You couldn’t resist the urge to roll your eyes, dunking a pair of fries in the malt before bringing them to your lips. “Thank god this is a strawberry malt then, or I’d be fucked.”
He sat down in the booth across from you without asking, grabbing a fry before you could pull them away. “Milkshake, malt - same thing.”
“Nope,” you replied, popping the p. “Malts have malted milk powder; milkshakes do not.”
Sweet Pea pulled a face at that. “And why would you want that?!”
You shrugged. “Personal preference.”
You looked up to give Sweet Pea a piece of your mind at that, but found him smiling instead. It was rare to see a smile from the Serpent, and seeing it made something that felt awfully like desire pool in your stomach. You ignored it, taking a sip of your malt while you gathered your thoughts. “Wow, a compliment? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the world was ending.”
Sweet Pea snagged another fry, popping it into his mouth, the smile turning into a smirk. “Who knows? It might be.”
“Guess we’ll find out.”
Before you could respond to that, Cheryl interrupted. “Well, well, well. Fancy seeing the two of you here. And looking chummy, no doubt. What’s so funny?”
“The end of the world,” you quipped, causing Sweet Pea to snicker and you couldn’t help joining him. 
“Haven’t you looked outside, Cheryl? Pigs are flying!”
Cheryl let out a huff, shaking her head. “Ignoring all that,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, “have either of you seen Toni? She said she would meet me here, but I can’t seem to find her.”
“Whyte Wyrm?” Sweet Pea supplied. “You know she’s been spending all her free time there ever since she became part owner.”
“I just didn’t think she’d get so caught up in it that she’d forget about date night!”
“Have you tried calling her?” You suggested, regretting it when Cheryl fixed you with a glare.
“Of course I’ve tried calling! She didn’t pick up and I-”
Just then, the door to the Chock’lit Shoppe opened, the bell signaling a new customer. The three of you turned to see Toni Topaz making her way over, pulling Cheryl in for a hug and a kiss. “Sorry I’m late,” she murmured. “Got a bit caught up reviewing the new menu for the Whyte Wyrm’s grand reopening.”
“You’re here now and that’s all that matters,” Cheryl said, her smile returning. “Ta-ta, you two. Don’t get too cozy over there.”
You and Sweet Pea burst into laughter once Cheryl and Toni were seated at the opposite end of Pop’s. “God, she can be so eccentric at times,” you giggled, shaking your head. 
“I don’t know what Toni sees in her, but I’m glad the two of them have each other.”
“She sees in Cheryl what I have since elementary school: a girl with a lot of love to give who just needs someone to see her potential.”
Sweet Pea shot you a look as he grabbed another fry. “If you say so.”
“Hey, if I said the same thing about Toni, you’d be defending her, too. Cheryl’s my friend like Toni is yours - we go way back.”
“True.” You were almost taken aback when the Serpent agreed with you. He slid out of the booth before you could process what had just happened, but not before stealing a handful of fries off your plate. “Let me know when you’re here again - I can always get behind free fries.”
“In your dreams, Serpent!” You shouted at his retreating back, no malice in your voice at all. 
- - -
“See what I mean?” Cheryl whispered to Toni, the two of them tucked away in their usual corner booth that surveyed the whole of Pop’s, splitting a milkshake. “There’s definitely something there.”
“Maybe,” Toni drawled, narrowing her eyes as she watched Sweet Pea duck his head and smile to himself when his back was turned from you. “I haven’t seen Sweet Pea look this smitten in a while.”
“Do you think they’d have a chance if we worked our matchmaking magic?”
“What is it you’re always saying? Sometimes the craziest ideas are the most brilliant ones?”
Cheryl smiled, leaning in to kiss Toni. “You’re absolutely right, Tonikins! Shall we start plotting now?”
- - - 
“What’s up, Toni?” Sweet Pea growled into his phone, his frustration bleeding over from one phone call into the next. Fangs had been giving him shit for something and while he was glad to have Toni’s phone call as an excuse to hang up on his friend, he was still pissed.
“What’s up, Sweet Pea, is that I have the perfect solution to your dilemma.”
“What kind of solution?” He paused. “Wait. What’s my dilemma?”
“Nevermind that. Meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning so we can discuss.”
“Discuss what? I’m gonna need more details than that, T.”
Toni couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “All will be revealed tomorrow morning, Sweets. Riverdale Cafetorium at seven sharp - don’t be late!”
She hung up a moment later, leaving a stunned but obedient Sweet Pea in her wake.
- - -
“Cheryl? Is everything okay?” You asked when you answered Cheryl’s phone call. Before she’d met Toni, you and Cheryl spoke on the phone almost nightly; now she rarely called so you figured something had to be up.
“It will be. Meet me in the cafetorium tomorrow at seven?”
“Uh, sure? Why the phone call, though? You could’ve just texted.”
“Just wanted to hear your voice, YN. See you then!”
Nothing was said after that, the line going dead as Cheryl presumably hung up. “See you then,” you said into the void before going back to your nightly routine.
- - -
Toni and Cheryl were already seated at a table when you arrived, the two of them sharing a pastry as Sweet Pea looked on across from them.
“What’s he doing here?” You asked, unable to keep the harshness out of your voice. It was way too fucking early for this and you didn’t even have time for coffee.
“Calm down, dearie. Take a seat.” Cheryl was unusually perky but the tinge of obey me in her voice had you doing just that.
“Yeah, dearie. Take a seat,” Sweet Pea mimicked, and you couldn’t help shooting a glare in his direction. “But really, you two. What is it that was so urgent you couldn’t tell me over the phone last night?”
Toni sat up a little straighter, glancing at Cheryl briefly before she spoke, “Well, because Cheryl and I have a favor to ask. As you know, I’ve been stressing over the reopening of the Whyte Wyrm - particularly the menu - and I was hoping that as my friend,” she looked at Sweet Pea, “and my girlfriend’s best friend,” she looked at you, “that both of you would be willing to come over this weekend for a sample meal.”
“I knew she wanted something,” Sweet Pea leaned back, crossing his arms and muttering under his breath, and you couldn’t help but agree with that statement.
“Of course she did,” you said in the same tone before turning your attention back to Toni and Cheryl. “All you had to do was ask! Of course I will!”
“Me, too. But YN is right - next time just ask us. Not everything has to be a big scheme.” 
His statement shocked you. The two of you hadn’t ever really agreed on much since Toni and Cheryl’s relationship had started, and now you were both agreeing with each other more than once in twenty-four hours? It was almost too much for you to handle. Sure, the two of you were polite and cordial with each other - for the most part - but lately it seemed to be getting out of hand. 
“That’s really good advice, thank you,” Cheryl said, cutting in. “So, we’ll see you Saturday at eight? Oh, and dress real nice. Tonikins and I wanna see what the vibe could be like if we manage to bring in some fancier customers.”
And just like that, Cheryl and Toni stood up in unison just as the bell signaling first period rung, leaving both you and Sweet Pea stunned for the second time.
“Why do I feel like the scheming isn’t over yet?” Sweet Pea asked, turning to look at you.
Your eyes narrowed towards the doors where Cheryl and Toni had just exited. “Probably because it’s not…” Your voice trailed off as your gaze met his and you finally got a glimpse of his face up close and in broad daylight. A flash of his face from last night illuminated by the neon lights of Pop’s crossed your mind, specifically of him grinning as he popped a fry into his mouth. That same desire came flooding back and you knew you had to leave before you did something stupid and make a fool of yourself in front of the Serpent.
“See you Saturday at eight!” Sweet Pea called after you as he watched you walk away, wondering what the weekend had in store.
- - -
You sat in your car, putting the finishing touches on your lipstick and tugging at your dress one more time before taking a deep breath and getting out. After the ambush in the cafetorium by Cheryl and Toni, you’d spent more time than you cared to admit agonizing over your outfit, but in the end it was a no-brainer. You’d worn the dress you felt most confident in, pairing it with strappy heels and light makeup that accentuated your favorite facial features.
Seeing Sweet Pea all dressed up made you stop in your tracks. His version of ‘fancy’ was nice jeans and a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms. His Serpent neck tattoo was on full display, standing out against the stark white of his shirt.
“Hey,” he said, crossing his arms and drawing your attention back to them. “You ready for this?”
“I guess so. There was never really an opportunity to back out now, was there?”
“Those two make it very hard to say no, don’t they?”
You huffed out a laugh, shaking your head. “Don’t I know it.”
Before either of you could say any more, the door swung open and out stepped Cheryl, clad in her signature red. “There you two are! Come on in! Welcome to the new and improved Whyte Wyrm!”
“You look…nice, by the way,” Sweet Pea murmured as he held the door for you, letting you in first.
A shiver of need raced through you at the feeling of his eyes on your body. You paused, looking back at him and meeting his gaze. “Thanks. You, too.”
Your mouth was practically watering as Cheryl set down a filet mignon in front of you. “And this is our bourbon-maple glaze filet mignon.”
“This looks delicious,” you said, smiling at Cheryl. “Give my compliments to the chef.” Toni stood off to the side, the first time you’d ever really seen her look nervous about anything.
“I gotta say, everything has looked fantastic tonight, Toni, and I’m sure the Whyte Wyrm’s reopening is going to be a huge success,” Sweet Pea chimed in, surprising you. You hadn’t really ever heard him give anyone a compliment, but you figured if anyone deserved a compliment from Sweet Pea, it was Toni.
“Thank you,” Toni murmured, nodding stoically. 
“Well, you both have exquisite taste buds and despite how much you both have grown and changed over the years, I knew I could count on you-”
“Okay, what is going on with you?” Sweet Pea asked, the two of you exchanging a suspicious look.
Toni laughed awkwardly, trying to drag Cheryl away.
“Yeah, what’s so funny?” 
“It’s just that we’ve all known each other for so long…” Cheryl trailed off, realizing her mistake.
“I knew it!” Sweet Pea clapped his hands, more excited than you’d seen him while he was stealing your fries at Pop’s. “I knew it!”
“Knew what?” Toni asked, her turn to look suspicious.
“You and Cheryl are out here trying to get YN and I closer so we can be some weird, messed-up version of the Breakfast Club.”
You let out a groan, shaking your head. “Seriously? Cheryl, you know how I feel about you trying to set me up with people! I thought we agreed you were going to stop doing that after eighth grade.”
Sweet Pea crossed his arms and your attention diverted to his delicious forearms once again. “And that’s why we’re here…this is a scheme within a scheme,” he tutted, giving both Toni and Cheryl a reproachful look.
“Excuse us for wanting to try to get the two of you to see in each other what Cheryl and I see in both of you!”
“This is just like that time Toni and Cheryl left us in the woods for some fucked up bonding experience over our hatred of Weatherbee.”
“Or when they sent us on that futile mission to the abandoned Southside High and we had to hide in the janitor’s closet until they were able to get us out.” Sweet Pea glared at them. “The two of you can be so annoying.”
“So fucking annoying,” you agreed, seething as more memories popped up where you and Sweet Pea had been thrown into situations thanks to Toni and Cheryl’s scheming.
“Do either of you want dessert or not? Cuz if you keep whining, Cheryl and I will just eat it ourselves.”
That shut the two of you up and Toni nodded, satisfied. “Enjoy your filet mignon.”
“We’ll be here,” Sweet Pea said, finally getting a chance to cut into his steak.
“Oh, fuck this is good,” you couldn’t help groaning at the first bite. “I had my doubts about a bourbon maple glaze on steak but this is…wow.”
“Mm-hmm.” Sweet Pea’s hum of approval sent another foreign feeling racing through you. 
You tried to think of another conversation topic, but all you could think of was yet another time you and Sweet Pea had been forced together by either Toni’s or Cheryl’s schemes.
Conversation flowed pretty easily after that, and neither of you paid any attention when Toni slipped in and cleared your plates while Cheryl served a single slice of chocolate cake between the two of you.
The cake was delicious, maple syrup infused into the icing, of course.
“Fuck, this chocolate cake…Wow. You’d think Toni would’ve splurged and given us two pieces,” Sweet Pea shook his head as he brought his fork in for another bite.
“I know,” you agreed, nodding. “It’s like you’re stealing my fries all over again.”
“Ha ha,” Sweet Pea deadpanned, making you giggle. “Doesn’t Cheryl have some weird, fucked up saying for this?”
His question took you by surprise, but you knew exactly what he was talking about, rattling off the phrase as if Cheryl herself was saying it. “It’s the most intimate thing two people can do other than…” You stopped short, your eyes widening as you realized the final word.
Your eyes met Sweet Pea’s, his expression mirroring yours as you both finished the word in unison. 
The sounds of your forks hitting the fancy china were the only sounds in the room as the two of you processed what had just happened. 
“Are they…?” You started.
Sweet Pea finished. “Trying to set us up?” You nodded and he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “They better not be.”
“They’re really outdone themselves this time. It’s a goddamn scheme within a scheme within a scheme.”
“I mean, I just don’t understand why they think we would make a good couple. It’s so random and strange - no offense.”
You shrugged, truly unoffended even though you’d have been lying if you said you hadn’t been entertaining the idea all night. “None taken.”
“I’m still not convinced there isn’t more to this scheme.”
“God, I hope not,” you said, resisting the urge to run your hands over your face but you didn’t want to ruin your makeup. “There’s only so many schemes I can participate in during a year and I think I’ve already hit my limit.”
Sweet Pea looked around before leaning in, a smirk on his face. “What do you say we get out of here? We’re not technically dining and dashing because this was free, but I could definitely go for some fries and a chocolate milkshake.”
You didn’t have to be asked twice, dabbing your mouth with your napkin before pushing your chair back and heading out, Sweet Pea instinctively taking your hand in his as the two of you made a mad dash for Pop’s.
“Thanks,” the two of you said in unison as Pop Tate set your malt and Sweet Pea’s milkshake down in front of you, placing a large order of fries in the center of the table. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to finish all these fries after the meal we’ve just had,” you said, eyeing the basket as you took a sip of your malt.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way if we sit here long enough.”
Your phone vibrated with an incoming text from Cheryl but you ignored it, turning your phone facedown on the table. Sweet Pea did the same and you couldn’t help feeling secretly thrilled that all his attention was now focused on you.
“So,” you started, picking up a fry, “Fancy a trip down memory lane?”
You didn’t think you’d ever seen the Serpent smile as much as he did tonight, and it was starting to affect you. Before tonight, you never would have thought twice about considering someone like Sweet Pea as boyfriend potential, but there was something about both Toni and Cheryl butting into your dating life to bring Sweet Pea in that was making you reconsider. 
You reached for the last fry at the same time he did, your fingers brushing his. You recoiled as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, but it didn’t seem to affect him. “It’s all yours,” Sweet Pea said, gesturing to the solitary fry.
“You sure?” You hesitated. “We could split it.”
Sweet Pea shook his head. “Like I said, it’s yours.”
You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your lips as you dunked the last fry into the dregs of your malt. “Maybe there’s more to you than just a Southside Serpent.”
That made him chuckle and duck his head - and in that moment, he had never looked more attractive. “Well, maybe there’s more to you than just Cheryl’s sidekick.”
It was well past midnight when the two of you exited Pop’s, making your way to your separate vehicles.
You stalled at the door to your car, part of you not wanting the night to end. “I…had a lot of fun tonight.”
“Me, too.” Sweet Pea stepped closer and you sucked in a breath. “Maybe, we could do this again without Cheryl and Toni’s interference?”
“I’d like that. Are we counting this as a date?”
“I don’t know. Would you like it to count as a date?”
Not one to shy away from getting what you want, you decided to go for it. “Well, if you were planning to kiss me goodnight if this was a date, then yes, I would like tonight to count as a date.”
Sweet Pea towered over you, his eyes flickering between your eyes and mouth. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears as you stared up at him, waiting for him to make the first move. “I’d never turn down an opportunity to kiss a pretty girl goodnight.”
With that, your lips met in a tender kiss, the promise of something more lingering in the air when you finally pulled away. “Goodnight, YN,” Sweet Pea murmured, his thumb brushing over your cheek as he stepped back. “Get home safe.”
“Goodnight, Sweet Pea.”
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winxanity-ii · 7 months
⌜Tactus Mortis | Chapter 00 Chapter 00 | Blurb⌟
╰ ⌞🇨‌🇭‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇩‌🇪‌🇽‌⌝
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❘ prev. chapter ❘༻✦༺❘ next chapter ❘
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Your body shakes uncontrollably as the voices escalate, their demands piercing through the fragile peace.
❝Please, let me tell my family that I love them!❞
❝My husband deserves to know what his sister did to me!❞
❝Help us... Help us... HELP US!!❞
❝I can't. I can't. I can't,❞ you trembled as you covered your ears in hopes of drowning them out, but it was no use.
Just as you're about to succumb to the overwhelming despair, a sudden grip on your shoulders jolts you, and you brace for the familiar mockery of a spirit's deception. Instead, a voice cuts through the chaos, clear and unmistakably real. ❝Hey, Y/N. Calm down. Please, calm down. I'm here.❞
Cautiously, you open your eyes, meeting two pools of green filled with worry.
Your heart wants to believe it's truly him, but your mind rebels, scarred by too many deceptions; too many times than you could count, you found yourself in a similar predicament, yet when you allowed yourself to relax, you found that instead of really being someone you cared for, it was just a spirit playing jokes.
Flinching back, you shook your head, ❝No. No. No. You aren't real. You aren't real. You aren't real,❞ you chant, body curling in on yourself as you expected a spirit's mocking laughter to follow.
Yet, the laughter never comes. Instead, you feel two hands cover the ones you held over your ears.
They were...warm...a sensation both unfamiliar and comforting.
Spirits have never possessed warmth; their touch has always been a cold reminder of their otherness.
Slowly, your breathing steadies under his touch, and you dare to lift your gaze, allowing yourself to truly see him. 
Golden-brown skin that speaks of sun-kissed days.
A wild mane of curls that defied gravity, seemingly untamable, no matter how much it was brushed.
Two gorgeous green eyes that made you feel as if you were lost in a forest of evergreen trees.
And freckles—so many freckles to count—scattered across his nose and cheeks  like stars against the dusk of his skin.
Noticing your attention, Camilo offers a gentle smile. ❝There she is,❞ he whispered, his hands moving from your ears to cradle your face.
❝Y-You're real,❞ you manage, the statement half question, half revelation.
Camilo's smile widens, and he hums in affirmation, his gaze softening as he looks at you. ❝Yeah, Y/N,❞ he gently caressed the side of your face. ❝I'm real.❞
..... ... ..... ━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━ ..... ... .....
You were blessed with the gift of seeing the undead.
Though seen as evil and devilish by many, the Madrigals showed you the beauty that comes with it and that your gift doesn't define you.
Now, turning 17, you find that your gift continues to grow—from being able to just see the dead, to being able to allow them to communicate with the living through you.
You find yourself drowning under the pressure from both the living and the undead, yet before you can completely hit rock bottom, a certain curly-haired trickster vows to be the one to save you.
..... ... ..... ━━━━━━━☆☆━━━━━━━ ..... ... .....
╭─↬ ❗𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆❗ ↫─╮ There will be mentions/descriptive scenes of the following:
╭ ⁞ ❏. Death/Mentions of death
Lol, I don't know if I got them all, so if you see anything I didn't list, come back and comment right here so I can add them to the list later ➡
Enjoy (•͈˽•͈)
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ㅡ   This book takes place 2 years after the main plot in Encanto, so just think of it as a canon-divergent, since all that happened in the movie stays true.
ㅡ   Also, no smut since Camilo is underage. IDC if he got aged up, it still wouldn't make it any better; 17 is a minor. Now, Uncle Bruno tho 👀 jkjk. Unless??
ㅡ A few headcanons will be immersed into the story, just to make it a bit towards my liking (you'll know when you see them) and I would like to just paste the link of a few of what I liked; I may or may not include them, who know?
**Most of these won't be from the reader herself, but fromㅡAAHHH! I want to say it, but I don't want to give away any plots 😭. Just know it won't be the overall theme of the book, just a few scenes. So don't worry, and if it'll make anyone feel better, I'll put a warning in a chapter that has these.
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Bed Friend Episode 8 Thoughts
I don't have like anything cerebral to say that I could write a full analysis on (yet) but BOY OH BOY DO I HAVE SO MANY FUCKING THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS ABOUT THIS EPISODE so here comes a ramble:
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Honestly, a travesty that we didn't have more time of them interacting, as much as it would have been bittersweet to see just how much he lost by moving out of Lampang, I want a little bit more security that he will have family who loves him unconditionally. I wanted a little bit more time of him getting to bask in familial love.
BUT THAT'S OKAY BECAUSE I REALIZED SOMETHING, PINK IS HOME IN THIS SHOW! At least for Uea. He's surrounded by it when he's asking his aunt if he can stay for awhile...
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It's the color his sister wears at his "birthday party"
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Which like, is that whole event a tragedy for Uea? Yes. But is this the first time we get to see Uea and his sister interact with each other as adults? Also yes, so they have to establish how Uea sees her.
It's the color that Uea wears when he is talking with King in the pool
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(and honestly, talking specifically about Lampang, but because I am gay and read in to everything, we're going to say it's also how Uea feels about King and vice versa)
So Jade tells King about Krit and Uea's resignation, and it cuts to King practicing dangerous driving habits, BUT ALSO LITERALLY CRYING?
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It's kinda hard to see, but I swear I see a bright line of shiny tear running along the bride of his nose. King may be the world's Goodest Boy, but he definitely fucked up and he knows it and I, personally, am glad that he is thinking back to his fight with Uea and seems to be feeling bad about it.
And now for what @respectthepetty has been waiting for
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And this shot is going to be my argument that King is fundamentally a blue boy because there is an establishing shot of just the blue jacket as he walks up to the inn, his face isn't present in this scene until Uea turns around to see him, so we only follow this light blue jacket.
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OK LISTEN, I literally have been going back through every episode to take pictures of all of the reflections in each episode so I can compile a like master post of them because the reflections in Bed Friend tells a lot of the story/does a lot of work to show the character's true feelings. But I saw this image and said "fuck it! I can't save this for later, I have to talk about it now" the way UEA HAS KING'S BACK AND KING HAS UEA'S BACK! The way their only thoughts are of each other, the way there is no way for them to break eye contact. If Uea faces the other direction, he will still face King's reflection. I JUST!!!! a million forehead kisses a couple massive hugs to whoever on the production crew was like 'hey! you know what could be kinda fun...?"
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And then we get this shot? Another beautiful reflection, standing together but in two states of mind. King aware of his feelings for Uea and Uea's feelings for him, but Uea unaware that King reciprocates, still knowing there is something that needs to be fixed between them.
King comes here to tell Uea that he wants him to understand, and before King can make his confession Uea interrupts him to apologize for being rude to him and King does not accept an apology, because Uea has done nothing wrong, and not only does King not accept an apology from Uea, he tells him that he isn't mad at Uea and tells Uea that he himself was being jealous and possessive.
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And honestly, do I think that King should have apologized here? Yes, but I'll accept this because he's able to name the emotions he was feeling that led to the behavior he exhibited. And then finally he confesses! "Uea, I like you!"
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And honestly this show should have been called Tale of A Thousand Stars Reflecting Off Net's Eyes.
And I was SO HAPPY because FINALLY THEY CAN GET ON THE SAME PAGE, only to feel the gut punch of Uea's "Do my feelings matter?' immediately afterward because this has been the core conflict they haven't been able to voice. Uea's feelings have never mattered in almost all of the relationships he has with other people. His feelings never mattered to Pock, his feelings never mattered to Krit, his feelings never mattered to his step-dad, and his feelings certainly never mattered to his mother. Even with his sister, she's frequently used as a tool to get him to do things he doesn't want to do, and she's able to stand at Uea's side in a family argument, but she still allows her brother to compromise his feelings for her.
When Uea and King were in their uncomplicated phase of the FWB, Uea could start to believe that his feelings did matter. King listened when Uea told him to stop, King followed Uea's rules, King didn't use his bet to make Uea engage in pet play. And unfortunately, Uea only started to let his feelings matter to him when King asked him on a beach trip. He let himself be excited by that, and hopeful for that, only to have King cancel on him for a blind date.
King has made some dumbass fucking moves in the last couple episodes, but the smartest move he ever made was taking care of all the loose ends he was aware of before he went chasing after Uea. He resolves all of the conflicts that he knew about before trying to get Uea to come back to a hostile workplace where his relationship to King wouldn't feel secure if he had to still go on these arranged matches.
And King brings up the bet, and because I was kinda hoping earlier in the week for more of a blow out, or confrontation, I was really hoping that King would invoke the bet to make Uea stay and listen to him explain, but I love what they did with it here.
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King asks Uea for a chance to make a move.
Not for Uea to be his boyfriend, not for Uea to forgive him, not for Uea to do anything but allow him to try to hit on Uea. Allow King a chance to date Uea.
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And I honestly think Uea is surprised by this request as well. Because his feelings have so rarely mattered to the people around him, that I think it is still, even when King has been notoriously good about consent and embracing Uea's feelings, that it is a genuine shock that King isn't going for something massive with this bet. Just asking for a chance.
Oh poor "Are you sure?" Uea. Baby boy, I understand that it is hard to believe that someone would genuinely love and care for you, and I know that it is difficult to break through years of internalized homophobia that has been beaten in to you, But sure you haven't been completely blind to how much of a simp King is for you.
Side note: Kicking and screaming because King told Uea that he's never felt this way about anyone the way he feels with Uea.
This is getting long and my only thoughts on the rest of Lampang is "holy fucking shit they are so cute and finally they just get to be together aware of their mutual feelings, yeehaw!" so I'm cutting to when they return because....
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KING FINALLY GETS TO TELL EVERYONE! And he's so fucking happy about it Jesus Christ, this dude. They are about to be disgustingly in love in the office the second that No Touching rule is revoked. And I love that we can tell Uea is getting more comfortable with all of this because, well one, he lets King say this, but two...
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He's trying so hard not to be too obviously happy about this.
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And yay! We get Uea's work family all together celebrating this queer relationship (because almost all of the people here are queer too) AND we get pink as a color in this scene because this is a loving home for Uea too.
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fuck YES GET THAT BOY SOME THERAPY!!!!! I am so pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of therapy as important and necessary both in Bed Friend and in The Eighth Sense. Let's get my boy processing his trauma with a trained professional. I think it was @waitmyturtles who was hesitant this show because she wasn't sure if it was going to be a "Lover Waltzed Into My Life and Suddenly All My Trauma is Gone" type of story. I hope this is relieving to you that regardless of all of the postive changes King has actively made to Uea's life through getting Krit fired, and encouraging Uea to seek justice for his step-dad, that Uea is also being aided by Jade, therapy, and medication for his mental health.
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King, careful, you're gonna be the next one getting a talking to by your boss for not getting your work done if you keep spending all of your time in the office hanging around Uea.
BUT ALSO!!! I mentioned in my Uea costume post for Episode 7 that King favors Uea's left side because he knows that Uea does not react well to people hanging around his right side.
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So I just wanted to take a second to acknowledge the 1000/10 parallel here.
And speaking of comfortable, I do not think you understand how ecstatic I was to see Uea be like...genuinely comfortable and confident in himself. To just response to King's "Why are you sitting here?"question with "because I'm beautiful," FUCK YEAH YOU ARE, UEA. You bare beautiful and you do deserve to put yourself up on a pedestal so everyone around you can admire your beauty. #selflove
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Side note: This is a great shot and King is so in love with Uea, and they make a truly believable couple so shout out to Net and James for the work they put in here. Especially when King spends the night at Uea's apartment and he's trying so hard to restrain himself and Uea is teasing him.
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I know this is kind of a weird screenshot to put in here, but I don't have a gif of it, and I just really love how couple-y it feels for Uea to literally like spin himself over King to leave his bed to take his meds. It feels fun, and it feels comfortable. Uea is happy to crawl over his boyfriend to leave his bed. And shout out to Net for horny bastard rights on King's part cause King literally tracks Uea's every move from the second he dodges the kiss until he gets out of bed.
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King fulfills his role as the doting and worried boyfriend, which is probably the sexiest thing anyone can do lets be real.
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FINALLY IT'S TIME!!! The conversation that needed to be happening a long long time ago. And like, do not get me wrong, Uea is under no obligation to tell anyone any of this information, but without knowledge of Uea's history, King got himself in to a lot more hot water because he has no foundation of understanding for how and why Uea operates the way that he does. When I first saw this scene I think some of the English translation didn't go over the way it was supposed to and I really thought that King had fumbled the ball, but looking back through it the second time, I am interpreting his words a bit differently, and understanding what I think King was trying to get at. Mostly that if Uea is comfortable and trusts King enough to share this information about his step-dad with him there might be a solution to take care of whatever the problem is.
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But honestly, I care more about the way King is hold Uea's hands here than I do about what the translation is saying, and above all I care more about
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The honest conversation about mental health that is happening in this show. As much as I have really embraced and honestly find the like green tea ads in every BL to be endearing and like a staple of the genre at this point, I have a major appreciation and love for the shows that take the time to give the public health public service announcements. The Warp Effect, which I honestly can't remember having any actual product ads, for example spent most of their typically allotted in-universe ad space to talk about getting the HPV vaccine and the steps of a pelvic exam. KinnPorsche has a 20 minute video discussing queerness in Thailand and what is and is not appropriate to say. Bed Friend spent time in episode 2 showing the steps of getting an STI blood test done and now are talking about mental health and taking medications to treat it.
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Listen, I'm a simple bitch, and simple bitches love when the pretenses fall away and the rules no longer apply because this is an extremely important and serious matter and King and Uea both know that he needs these comforting touches, and King doesn't have to ask permission to ground Uea with touch here.
And see! This is what I was talking about in my Uea and Red post, I love this color red on Uea. This feels like a real, legitimate, accurate red for Uea to be in, compared to the bright red that he is shown in near the beginning of the show. I never doubted that Uea was a red rascal, I just...feel like the bright red is a fake red, is a lie. Here, when he is being his most honest with King. When he is sharing information about himself that he had intended never to share with anyone, he isn't in the bright anxiety red, he is in this deeper red.
And listen, Respect The Petty, no one wants to agree with you more than me that King is a Blue Boy, but after this episode I am willing to concede that he is two-toned, specifically because of this outfit and this outfit only:
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Black hoodie with a FUCKING RED ROSE OVER THE HEART like come ON! King wears so little red in this show so far. He wore red and black in Episode 4 for the beach trip, and since then has been sitting on a little red pillow on his chair in the office, but otherwise, this outfit?????? King carrying Uea with him in his heart everywhere????? AND THE YELLOW FLOWERS IN THE BACKGROUND??????????
And again, the English translation had me reeling for a second when King was like "For the thing you told me last night, I don't feel okay about it," before he was like "can I do something to your step-dad" and then I was very "casually threw aside a large rock" about it.
And I love that King does seek permission here to go through with consequences for #pransdaddarktimelineedition because something I did find very interesting in this episode was the possibility for a moral quandry about outing Uea as a victim in Krit's harassment to the entire office without Uea's knowledge or consent and how that could possibly have ended poorly for King's relationship to Uea. But, King is a man of action, and he will find solutions where he can, and will not sleep comfortably knowing that someone who has hurt Uea is existing without consequences and possibly capable of hurting other people. But Uea is here this time and this is Uea's history and Uea's trauma so he asks because Uea's feelings are the most important thing to King.
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Uea back in blue and that blue matching the same blue-green tone of King’s shirt with the lettering on his sweater.
Ok that is mostly my thoughts on this episode, I might just turn right back around and watch it for a third time because fuck it, I have COVID, and I have laundry to fold. We ball.
Can't wait to tune in next week to watch Uea's Step-Dad get his comeuppance. Hope those charges stick. Don't love that we are seeing yet another person trying to get with Uea and threatening the relationship between Uea and King, but I really hope that is swept aside quickly and we get most of this episode and episode 10 of them just being disgustingly in love because I JUST! WANT! UEA! TO! BE! HAPPY! THAT'S ALL I'M FUCKING ASKING FOR!
If you read this whole thing you're my best friend now, sorry I don't make the rules, this is just so long for no reason. But I will not do multi-part posts unless I literally run out of image space. K, byeeeeeeeee
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novelconcepts · 4 months
hiiii, would you mind doing 9. confessions with taivan from your recent wedding fic? i love it so much!
9 - Confessions a scene from this 'verse
"Tell me something."
Taissa rolls onto her back. From this position, she can see her dress puddled on the hotel floor, Van's pants hastily cast over the desk, and Van herself stretched out at the other end of the mattress with both hands behind her head. It's a good position. She considers having a painting done up.
"Like what?"
"I dunno," Van says, her voice husky. A little too much use, probably. She hadn't been nearly as quiet here as back in the wedding venue. "Something fun. Tell me a secret."
"You want me to use my one-night stand as a confessional?" Taissa swings for a second pillow, propping her head up. Now her view is just about perfect. Van's silk shirt hanging open against pale skin. The maroon welts at her throat and clavicle. The sheet pooled low at her hips, barely leaving anything to the imagination.
Not that Taissa needs her imagination. Not that Van hasn't spent the last several hours living up to every fantasy quite marvelously. If you're going to hook up at a wedding, this is certainly the way to do it.
"I think you already know all the important bits," Tai tells her. Van gives a throaty laugh.
"C'mon. You chicken? You too chicken to tell a stranger a secret?"
"We're hardly strangers after all of that."
Van makes a clucking noise and grins. "Come on. I didn't think I was bedding a wuss."
"I already told you I cheated on my last girlfriend," Taissa protests. "It's your turn to tell a secret."
She watches Van shift, her brow creasing faintly as she adjusts her legs under the sheet. One slides free, tangling with Tai's, and she reaches unthinkingly down to trace Van's shin with the tips of her nails.
"I never graduated kindergarten," Van says. She's watching Taissa draw circles in her skin, her eyes fluttering slightly when Tai applies pressure. "And that feels good."
"You never graduated kindergarten?" Taissa repeats. She'd been expecting something a little spicier. For Van to say she's really into bondage, actually, or has always wanted to have sex on a rooftop. Not something so banal, it simply must be true.
Van lifts one shoulder. "Weird, right? My family moved right before the year ended, and they weren't going to bother putting me in a new class for a few weeks. No one ever seemed the wiser."
Taissa is still tracing her skin, exploring a map of freckles. "So, basically, your diploma doesn't count."
"Maybe not. Does that cut my appeal?" She hikes up on her elbows. Her smile is radiant, and Taissa feels her heart flutter in automatic response.
"It should."
"But...?" Van hoists up to her knees, scooting across the bed. Every inch closed brings a fresh flush of heat to Taissa's skin. In a second, she will be within kissing distance again, and even though they've already made use of that desk--and the armchair--and the bed itself--
"I guess I'll let it slide," Tai tells her, a hand curling around the back of Van's neck. "After taking into consideration your many other successes."
"Thank you," Van says, almost primly. "Allow me to show my gratitude. And then you can tell me a secret."
Taissa groans, laughing even as Van bends to kiss her. "You suck."
"And I expect a good one, dude." She grins wickedly against Taissa's lips. "I'll be here all night."
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The Summer I Turned Pretty 2x06 - "Love Fest"
In this episode, I really didn't know what happened to the writers, because from episode 5, Belly just wanted to stay focus on Jeremiah and being kissed by him, to the next day remembering Conrad all over again. This is so fucked up, even more so that it has only been six weeks that Susannah has passed away and now, Belly is playing a very very messy game with the two grieving brothers. Teasing to an extreme Jeremiah on one side then remembering the past with Conrad on the other. Do the writers know we are not in a Game of Throne's episode, I really don't see an incestuous relationship taking place between the three of them here.
Anyway, one thing I can tell is that the chemistry between Jeremiah and Belly is undeniable, the sexual tension is so so strong. It's just unrealistic that she hasn't kissed him already. And if I'm not mistaken Belly had more cuddling and scenes with Jeremiah than Conrad.
What I didn't like in this episode was those unrealistic scenes that didn't make sense at all: - This inheritance nonsense, because now we know that the house went to Susannah and Julia, so the Susannah's part should have been to Conrad and Jeremiah. WTF - Belly asking kindly for alcohol, it's not Europe you guys. - The "retro" cloths for the party? Come on, no one used to wear that in the 90's, nor really listen to those songs. - The horrible blue light inside the house which just happened to be there. - The middle name to prove that someone will like you. - Jeremiah and Belly not kissing on the sofa. - The random fight around Conrad asking Jeremiah's blessing for Belly, taking way more proportion than selling the House and Susannah's death. - This obsession over Taylor Swift's songs.
But, let me tell you this episode was a big win for Taylor and Steven relationship. They were the one concerned by the title of the episode. Good for them. Now, we know why Sheila didn't come back (sorry is in Ibiza) this season. I feel sad for that, but in the same time a bit joyful, because otherwise we would have never get those two together.
Finally learning approximatively when Susannah has passed away : "six weeks ago" from what day? The timeline reminds still a mystery to me.
I really didn't understand why they have created this Aunt Julia nonsense. She is useless and not interesting. I think they had to create content. But the same story could have worked with Conrad and Jeremiah's father trying to sell the house.
I don't understand this sudden excellent friendship between Steven and Conrad, this didn't make sense at all, because next season Steven was always hanging out with Jeremiah.
What I liked was the pool scene with Belly and Jeremiah as a call back to season 1 with this time a Taylor Swift's song entirely for them.
I still don't know if I really care about Skye and Cam at all. It's ok, but not necessary to the storyline.
I really didn't like Belly apologizing to Conrad about the words exchanged during the funeral. She wasn't the one to be blame. Conrad acted as an asshole like he always does.
Interesting Belly, so Jeremiah's kisses are the hottest.
Conrad not being serious for one minute while Jeremiah was showing him their old pictures in the garage. Even mocking Jeremiah's greek portrait painted by their deceased mother. Way to go Conrad.
Taylor's advice to Belly was good and logical.
It was nice to see Nicole again and the gang back, even for a short moment, but their only interaction was with Belly, why???
I'm very astonished that Jeremiah and Conrad's fight have taken place only now and not days or months before. I thought the situation would have exploded way earlier.
I didn't really like the beach scene between Belly and Conrad. Belly facial expression wasn't good. Conrad being is true self, almost tossing Belly on the sand. Honestly when he used "We did". It was so harsh. Like she didn't even matter to him. He has moved on from her a long time ago.
Overall, a strange episode that I haven't seen coming at all.
I will post the quotes and the new prediction that I found tomorrow, going directly to bed (having slept only 2h30), dreaming about Jeremiah and Belly kissing and not being interrupted this time.
Good night.
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
Your Majesty: If I Ain't Got You
"You should get out there."
Attuma could always say such words but putting them into action was ten times harder. This reigned true while they lay bare against her satin sheets again.
The church bells had rung and the announcements and invitations for the queen's birthday ball had reached the entire nation. Now that everything was in place, it was time to get out of bed.
Okoye couldn't think about her birthday ball or all the people that would be bustling through her palace like mad men to get ready for it. Her senses were all crowded with him. His heart beat thumping against her ear as she laid her head to his chest.
The tickle of his fingers around her arms, tracing down her spine. His lips soft against her head as he mumbled sweet nothings.
The birds had chirps and the roosters had crowed, but nothing could draw her away from this man. Her man. In private, anyway.
"It pains me to leave this bed." She groans into his chest, her hands running down his abdomen.
"Finally, you see how I feel."
"Yes..If only things were a bit different."
They thought of it often. A different life where they could live happy and free to love each other. Where Okoye's crown was nothing but a piece of jewelry.
"Mmm." She hummed, lifting her head to look at him. "It is my birthday."
"Happy birthday, my love." His finger hooked under her chin, lifting it to meet his lips in a tender kiss.
Her lips parted naturally as she started to melt in his touch and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth. The gently finger turned into a firm grasp on her cheeks to keep her in place.
The kiss grew hot and messy as Okoye struggled to keep up with his dominance over her. She pulled away with a gasp as her eyelids fluttered with dizziness.
"I will return later to decorate your foyer." He sealed the promise with a peck to her cheek and a sly smirk as he left her quite bothered on the bed sheets. "Would you like purple or blue?"
"I would like you to get back into this bed and finish what you started!"
"I don't have time, your majesty." He pulled up his pants and buckled them as slowly as he could, turning to face her as she watched the scene.
"You dare leave me unsatisfied?" The question came out whinier than she wanted it to but as she ached for the relief only he could give her, her tone of voice was the last thing she worried about. "Do not play games with me, Attuma. Be nice."
"Where is the fun in that?" He buttoned his shirt and shrugged on his jacket, shooting her a wink.
Within a mere hour after Attuma had made his departure, the palace became bumbling with workers of all different trades, all putting i. their greatest efforts to please their queen.
Okoye had insisted on over seeing things in the palace, promptly giving Nakia a night off.
“Could we make it a little higher?” She shouted to the men installing her crystal chandelier, dead center of the ballroom.
They lifted the structure slightly and upon seeing the smile on her face, they secured it.
“Oh this is all so beautiful.” She ogled around the area, doing a bit of a spin and making the workers giggle. “Where are the tables?”
“Down the hall, your majesty.”
Okoye turned on her heels, making her way down the hallway and into the dining parlor. Tables had covered the room and there was surely a seat for every guest.
“Good..Is Attuma around?” She asked the ladies maid following her as she made her inspections.
“I’m not sure, your majesty.”
“Well, he did show up. Yes?” She peered over her shoulder at the woman.
“Yes, he was accounted for.” She confirmed, fidgeting with nervousness
Okoye huffed, placing a hand to her hip in irritation. “So where is he? Never mind, I’ll find him myself. Do not follow me!”
The queen tuned the rest of her words out as her feet started to carry her through the palace, down to the kitchen and up into the foyer.
She even checked the garden and pool for him but she hd no luck. Surely, he hadn’t left. He wouldn’t of without seeing her first at least.
Her irritation grew with every second that she did not find him and her palace was much too big to search for him forever.
“Where is Attuma!?” Her foot met the ground in a frustrated stomp.
“No reason to shout, your majesty. I am here and I would like to introduce you to my assistant, Vanessa.”
The woman linked to his arm bowed with a beaming smile on her features. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, your majesty.”
Oh he knew what he was doing. Her arm secured around his and his smug smirk as Okoye’s face twisted into a form of distaste.
“I didn’t authorize her.” She spat, unable to address the girl without losing her mind.
“Your majesty, I could truly use the help.”
“Attuma, a private word.” She didn’t check to make sure he was following before she made a beeline for the stairs and they disappeared down one of the many hallways.
Once they were clear, Okoye let him have it.
“If you wanted to have a mistress-“ She slapped his arm.
“Wow. That’s low, Okoye. I am not screwing her.”
“Oh please! I am not in the mood for games!”
“Do you really think me a fool? To step out on you would be absurd.”
“You are right because I would have your fucking head!”
“Okoye.” He stepped forward only for her to step further back. “Come here.”
“Do not touch me!”
“She is only a ploy to rile you up. I had a stupid idea that if you saw me with someone else, you would claim me publicly.”
“You know that is impossible.” Okoye scoffed, finding his trick childish and turning to go back to the foyer.
Attuma rolled his eyes, finding her claim ridiculous.
“Is it? Really? Because it doesn’t seem that far fetched. Stop walking away from me, woman!”
He caught the fabric of her gown just as she was ready to turn the corner, using the material to yank her back flush against his chest.
Carefully, and against her protests, her lifted her up by her waist and carried her to her bedroom, softly plopping her down on the bed.
“You will listen to me.”
“I am in no mood for you!” She stood with a huff as he blocked the door off. “Move!”
“Say you love me and I will let you leave.”
“There is no point! We will never have a life together!”
“Say you love me, Okoye! I don’t care what we have together! As long as you can tell me honestly that you love me, I could die a happy man.”
“Attuma..” Her eyes brimmed with burning tears.
“Okoye, I love you. I have always loved you and I always will. Whether you are queen or not, I love you. There are no conditions to my love and I need to know honestly if you love me because I can not stand it anymore.”
“I love you.”
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yumejo · 1 year
a shoujo manga theory
「riddle rosehearts x gn!reader」 ↳ gift for @faera-archive !! happy birthday! a small little drabble for you on this day♪
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“Riddle-san, look at what Cater-senpai lent me! Want to read it together?”
Bringing his attentiveness upwards, Riddle discerned you animatedly holding up a book with a prepossessing girl drawn on the cover. Roses and sparkles adorned the space around her, an orthodox and cliché picture. “What is it? A manga?” he inquired, already shutting the magical treatises splayed on the table before watching as you affixed yourself right beside him on the couch.
“Yeah, Cater-senpai said it was really good!” you chirped as you flipped the manga open to reveal the contents. Shifting a bit closer to Riddle, you began reading the heroine’s monologue—about her struggles of being in love. "I want to get closer to him, I want to kiss him—those sort of thoughts are with me all the time."
While you were patently exhilarated, Riddle could feel his body going rigid while wavelets of heat suffused through the fissures of his body; and it made him subconsciously writhe in his seat. Incapable of focusing while you enunciated romantically whimsical things, Riddle only allowed his head to spin.
It wasn’t until you shrilled that his stupor was ruptured. “Look, look! The male lead kissed her!”
As the manga was shoved into his face, Riddle was forced into descrying the scene unfolding on the pages—the male lead had the heroine pinned against the wall, his lips sealing hers. A white-hot sensation of embarrassment twined around Riddle’s nerves as a myriad of thoughts gyrated in his mind, and he only stammered out, “Isn’t it too soon for that?!”
“Riddle-san, you’re blushing,” you mentioned in a hushed voice, finding your own cheeks pooling with warmth at the adorable sight.
Turning his head away from yours slightly, Riddle breathed out with diminutive hues of indignation tinging his voice, “We’re not—I mean, they aren’t even dating yet!”
“I think kisses are a wonderful way to get your feelings across,” you whispered softly, your eyes beginning to shimmer with stars as your pulse quickened. “Ahh, I hope my first kiss is lovely!”
Espying that gentleness in your voice, Riddle felt himself being gradually placated. “Well, if it’s with the right person, of course it would be,” Riddle told you staidly, any tincture of his previous bashfulness eradicated as he folded his arms across his chest.
Nodding your head, you closed the book whilst saying, “That’s true. I wonder how my first kiss will be like~” Yet after you vocalized that thought, you stood from your seat. “I’m going to give Cater-senpai his book back. I’ll see you later, Riddle-san!”
Once Riddle confirmed you had sprinted from the room with no intentions on coming back, he relinquished a deep breath. “Haah, do they even realize what they’re saying?”
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itsbinghebitch · 1 year
"the bdsm is just a part of that that imo doesn't stand on its own without the emotional devastation. thank you for coming to my ted talk"
Exactly! Fucking this!! Like Vegas didn't fall for Pete because he found no other suitable partner sexually. If that's the basis of their relationship, how long would it take for Vegas or Pete to move on when they encounter someone more compatible ( and there always can be someone more compatible).
Also so so true about the pool scene. Pete could have said million other things ( I am not too mad about the "I am hungry", kind of like it) but then he chooses I am your pet, aren't I? And my god I wanted to slap someone. Like whenever I sent asks to people regarding this, they were like oh no no it was to steer Vegas away from harming himself. And I was...like that?! I also wanted more of an ambiguous ending. Like Pete torn between what happened at the safehouse ( the abuse , the talk, the romance, then the devastating day when Gun came etc) and his current feelings ( Vegas risking in to say that he is sorry, Vegas can't make himself shoot at Pete, Vegas confessing and wanting to die by Pete's hands, Vegas being shot at and the horror of losing him). I also think that if Pete was Kinn's most trusted to the point of actually him choosing Pete over Big ( just how?) for the mission...there should be more dilemma on Pete's part. He loves Vegas, might have been the one looking after Macau but there's still his loyalty for the main family. Wanting to be with Tankhun out of his sense of duty. Wanting to be with Porsche ( you know the guy for whom he took on the risky mission?) after his discovery of the not dead mom. And yet Pete isn't now just someone who feels like his purpose is to fade...he has finally been seen.
If that's the basis of their relationship, how long would it take for Vegas or Pete to move on when they encounter someone more compatible
*shouts this from rooftops, blazes this with tumblr blaze* bcuz yes. that's exactly it. you cracked it open everyone else go home
and yes, I'll rectify and say I liked the 'I'm hungry' bit and i love and understand their ongoing hunger motif. it's the pet thing that leaves me..... confused? for lack of a better word? like what does that resolution mean for their third act conflict? if Pete said 'I'm just an object to project your feelings on,' what does it mean that the only ostensible reason for Vegas not killing himself is their pet-owner dynamic? what does it mean for Pete's self-worth statement? how does it make any sense with the later hospital scene, when Vegas admits that Pete is not his pet anymore, but the most important person in his life? these all feel like threads of a conclusion for the pairing, almost as if there were several possible endings in the writers room and Pond said. actually let's just have them all :)
And yet Pete isn't now just someone who feels like his purpose is to fade...he has finally been seen.
let's caveat this with: kinnporsche is a show powered primarily by trope, shock value and melodrama. I try as much as possible to meet it at its own level, but that doesn't mean there can't be good faith critique of what it tries to achieve. your point is exactly why I was left frustrated by much of the latter half of the show. as a viewer you feel gaslit: Vegas claims Pete is the most important person in his life. we get Pete screen time galore. we have Pete go through trials and tribulations, yet why does Pete still feel like an extra? rather than creating a meaningful arc for him, the writing continues treating him as an afterthought.
compare that with Vegas, whose love arc with Pete is beautifully intertwined with his primary internal conflict (his positioning by his father as a competition object to the main family). while Vegas drives the Tawan pinch point and the safehouse arc, it's Pete's own decision to kiss Vegas and start their sexual relationship. his agency doesn't stop there: Pete also makes the decision to escape Vegas and then later on to punish Vegas physically and stick with Vegas as he gets shot and recovers. the reasoning behind these choices remains, however, nebulous to the viewer.
Pete deciding to escape the safehouse after starting a sexual relationship with Vegas--how does it integrate into the larger history of who Pete is? why is a bdsm relationship with his captor appealing to Pete to begin with? why does Pete decide to "take Vegas back" after Vegas's love confession and the parking lot punching during the coup? is this reflective of Pete's values as a character? was that enough for him to consider the conflict resolved?
these are all questions unanswered by the show. Pete feels like an extra because the writing treats him as such: unlike every other protagonist, we don't have a single benchmark for his inner conflicts except a violent past under his father's boxing abuse. at the end of the day, all of his actions are actually re-actions: to Kinn ordering him to follow Vegas, to Vegas's abuse, etc. to me, the only real, fully agentic action Pete takes (as I, as a viewer, understand what exactly powers his choices), is when he offers Vegas his own life story in episode 11: I see you and I recognize your pain and suffering. here is how I surpassed mine.
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soullistrations · 2 years
okay, so after courting all the singles in sdv and experiencing their 10-heart events (and also getting the cold shoulder from the girls for a week because i didn't know about the rabbit's foot trick), here are my impressions. i still have no idea who i'm going to marry, but i've managed to narrow it down a bit.
haley: i screwed up her 10-heart event--should have tried to kiss her! but i liked her character development a lot. she's actually pretty sweet!
penny: i love penny, i do. but i want her to travel the world and get the hell out of town. she's so sweet, and i just want her to figure out what she wants for herself beyond doing things for her mom or the kids in town. like, clearly she wants a little danger and adventure or she wouldn't have invited the farmer to the secluded pool after dark to confess her feelings. yes, i know she's a video game character.
leah: leah would thrive on a farm. had lots of fun watching her punch her ex for stalking her. i think she's a sensible choice who would make my character smile and help out on the farm, even if she doesn't tug my heartstrings like some of the others.
maru: maru is the BEST. however, i already married her in my other save file, and i'm doing something different this time around. sorry, i love you!
abigail: a true badass. i think she would be a lot of fun to be married too. and also pierre sucks. but she also seems really young compared to the others sooo idk.
emily: very sweet, and i love talking to her as a friend, but not my type.
elliot: eh, i feel like he likes the idea of things a lot better than their actual execution. very put off by him implying that writing was harder than 'just being a farmer.' a little too self-absorbed for me.
harvey: he's fine, but i'm not into mustaches.
shane: look. shane has one of the best arcs in this game. i love seeing him pull his life together, and i was so happy that shutting down joja meant he didn't have to work somewhere that sucks his soul out anymore. that being said. i think he should stick around the farm for jas, since he's always saying that he finally found a family in marnie and jas. and also, i looked it up and his bonus room is sooooo ugly. his final date was a bit meh for me too.
sebastian: surprised me! i spent way too long giving him cheese (a little out of spite) before i got it together and actually started to get to know him. I think he'd flourish on the farm away from his family, and i really enjoyed the 8-heart and 10-heart events with him. even though he's friends with sam and abigail, for some reason he doesn't strike me as nearly as young as the other two.
sam: a manchild. love ya jody but give this boy some chores. and the fact that his 10-heart event was trying to canoodle in his bedroom with the door open while his mom was in the living room...do better, man.
alex: alex really surprised me!! he was another character that i took a minute to get to know because i was kind of unimpressed by first impressions, but his beach scene and backstory was really nice, and i really appreciated the effort he went to in the 10-heart event. a really nice date! owning his affection in front of other people after shoving it down for so long!
so i think i've narrowed it down to alex, sebastian, leah, and penny. i really think it may come down to who has the most fun bonus room.
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medacarpyl · 8 months
I dont know if this has been asked before but what are your favorite vns?
*cackling evily* Anon, you just gave me an opportunity to proselytize. This is going under a cut. Also, please do keep in mind: I've been playing visual novels for close to two decades now, you're getting a handful of favorite VNs with justifications as to why they're some of my favorites lol
So, to start: SubaHibi is one of my favorite VNs ever. If you couldn't tell this by looking at my profile, I don't know what to tell you. I could wax poetic about it for ages, but long story short, I loved the writing style and how well it managed to set the tone and mood, and set the tension, and manage to keep that tension up (or dispell it, as the scene needed). It's one of the few VNs that's made me cry at multiple points throughout the VN. There's only a few
I'm also just a denpa fan in general? So I really loved Sayonara o Oshiete as well. I like stories that deal a lot with the cycle of abuse and trauma, and I think much like SubaHibi, it managed to set a good tone and tension. The visual art for it is absolutely stunning, even two decades later, and it has an almost timeless quality to the beauty. Also, the music was amazing. Don't get me wrong, I think the ending could have been better, but I disagree heavily with the people who think it brought SayoOshi down completely. I personally saw it coming from a mile away, and while I find the "omg protag was insane ALL ALONG" trope to be tiring as both a system and a delusion-haver, I think if there's enough foreshadowing and justification in canon, it can be pulled off at least semi-decently, and that is my cross to bear. I think SayoOshi pulled it off!
Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star are two of the best visual novels I have ever played. No spoilers, because I feel the first game works better if you don't know the twist, but please play Hatoful Boyfriend, including the True route. This is not irony, or joking, or exaggeration, not even a little bit. Please, god, just play it.
I played Saya No Uta when I was far too young to be playing it, somewhere around middle school. I shouldn't have been playing it then, however, it heavily shaped my tastes in VNs. It does a wonderful job at giving an absolutely unsettling atmosphere, and it's absolutely grotesque yet deeply gorgeous, especially in some of the descriptions. The OST remains one of my favorites, as well. It isn't quite denpa, but it absolutely helped introduce me to denpa as a genre. Also, I played it pretty soon after a traumatic car accident, which probably didn't hurt.
I played Sweet Pool for the first time around the same time I played Saya No Uta, and a lot of what I said about Saya No Uta applies to Sweet Pool as well. VLG is still one of my favorite VN songs ever lol
Look, man, I know I shouldn't have gotten deeply into guro in middle school, but... My first visual novel I played with intent to play a visual novel was Absolute Obedience at around age 10, which is how I learned to change locale, download an untranslated visual novel, download a patch, and troubleshoot the game itself, because my parents were divorcing and I had a complicated relationship with gender and didn't know what to do about it other than look at boys kissing. At a certain point, you should just expect that I would get into edgier VNs, y'know? Anyways, this was a tangent, but despite being aggressively mid, I do have a soft spot for Absolute Obedience. I wouldn't recommend playing it, but... I guess it does remain one of my favorites?
Last, but not least, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. It was my gateway into visual novels, and the first game I ever played without needing a walkthrough. It still remains one of the best satires of the justice system, and even after two decades, I think it still holds up quite well! Regardless of what VNDB says, I believe it is a visual novel, even if it doesn't fit their narrow definitions of what counts. I mean, come on, they have HOMESTUCK listed as a visual novel, why do they need a disclaimer for Phoenix Wright? Anyways, side tangent over!
Looking through this, I'm starting to suspect my favorite visual novels say something about me as a person. I'm going to choose to ignore that!
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starlitheaven · 2 years
azul!!!! comgrats on your milestone!!!! i love the idea for your event and would like to participate! so the song is “show me” by alina baraz and the character is geto! and it can be nsfw, whatever u feel fits best!
thank you jen! <3 honestly, as soon as I listened to this it just had to be suggestive.
1k+ follower event.
1k words. suggestive, outdoors, public, finger sucking, Geto ready to get on his knees
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it's a popular rooftop bar, the kind that's all over social media as a hot place to be— to make connections in the city. it’s the last place you'd ever think to find your ex-boyfriend, suguru geto. mai zen’in is hosting her birthday here, and you came with shoko and utahime for the open bar. now your two friends are kissing by the pool, while you're met with the handsome face of the devil.
his long black hair is spilling down his shoulders in a messy half updo, just the way you like it. he knows this. petty bastard.
"you need me," geto murmurs into your ear, as if you two have to be thisclose to hear each other through this noisy outdoor bar. his palms are keeping a steady hold over your hips—intimate. "no one can fuck you like i do, love."
"is that so?" you laugh lightly, holding back a whimper as his teeth teasingly nibble on your soft lobe. the smell of his cologne is nostalgic. you’ve also forgotten how arousing his gentle voice could be. still, you remain unaffected. "well, if that’s what helps you sleep at night."
geto's brow pulled together in irritation. he's noticed that you haven't melted in his hands the way you once did as his girlfriend, or how he expected you to when he approached you tonight. he knows it's an excuse, but he tells himself maybe it's because you're in public. "what do you mean?"
with a palm to his broad chest, you pushed him back gently onto the double chaise lounge behind him. despite his tall height and heavier weight, he went down easily. a testament to how pliant he really is. how he still lets his guard down with you.
geto’s violet eyes widen as you straddle him, ass snug against his hardening cock. with a cheeky smirk, you began to slowly roll your hips. sensually and painfully slow. he’s suddenly keenly aware of all the people around you. the rooftop is large, with the bar, pool, open space, and loungers sectioned off apart from the other. the ceiling of the hardtop roof over the lounge area has mirrors, and geto gazes at his blurry form with you sitting pretty on top of him. 
"what I think," you begin, snapping him out of his thoughts as you take gentle hold of his wrists. your pussy is right over his dick, fuck. "is that you're the one who needs me. let's not fool ourselves thinking otherwise. I know you're keeping tabs on me, love."
whatever protests geto had, died on his tongue as you began to guide his large hands over your gorgeous body. heat begins to rise on his cheeks. you two aren’t alone in the slightest. there’s a group of guys drinking in the double chaise lounge right beside you. there’s several girls right by the pool taking pictures of each other.
you paid them no mind. you placed geto’s hands over your tits, and his stupid monkey brain automatically begins to grope at the plump flesh. he licks his lips at the mere thought of taking those sweet tits of yours into his mouth. he hasn’t touched you in so long that it leaves him buzzing.
"this isn't your scene, geto. you knew i'd be here tonight." you hummed, taking his other hand and hovering his index finger right over your lips. your ex-boyfriend's half lidded eyes were blazing with want. 
fucking tease.
you're sharp and not afraid to call him out on his bluffs. it's something he's always loved about you, but now he wishes you weren't so perceptive. because it’s true, he did know you were coming here tonight and it’s the only reason he’s here. because after all this time apart, he had to take the chance to see you in person again.
he doesn’t regret his embarrassing actions one bit. making that burner account so he could lurk on your stories. using naive haibara to find out whether you’ve been seeing anyone since shoko told him she’s keeping out of your situation. but haibara is too honest for his own good, and geto should’ve known he’d make it obvious.
one look at you though, and geto knows it’s all worth it. your dress is skintight, hugging your curves and showing off your alluring body. the lipgloss makes your lips look kissable. fuckable. he wants his dick and balls sticky with it. wants those lips wet with his come.
geto’s mind is completely blank as he watches, transfixed, as you finally slide his thick finger through those glossy lips. you keep your gaze on him, not stopping the torturous motions of your hips. he’s fully hard now and sure that your hot cunt him.
“mmm.” you moan like a slut, beginning to slowly suck on his finger. 
geto groans pathetically as he feels your tongue under his finger, the way you’d do to his cock. the group of men beside you have ceased their chatter, and you see them staring at you through your peripheral. you continue sucking on geto’s finger without a care. 
geto finally folds when your lips meet his ring at the base of his finger. one of the rings you gifted him, he realizes belatedly. “f-fuck yeah, I need you. I need you. I miss you so bad, sweetheart.” he admits shakily, taking control and curling his hands over your waist to roughly pull you even closer.
damn, you’ve missed him handling you like a weightless doll. tucking some of the loose hair behind his ear, you decide to have some more fun and challenge his competitive nature. “show me then. right here. if you can handle it.”
he smirks. “think i won’t?”
you don’t respond. instead, you hold onto the hem of your dress and begin to slowly slide it up your soft thighs. you avert your gaze towards the group of men. they’re leaning forward like idiots, practically drooling as the fabric begins to scrunch up over your hips and they’re met with a flash of your lace underwear.
suddenly, a bruising grip halts your little show. you’ve caught his bluff once again. 
“you better fucking not, you little slut.”
you gasp at the harsh grip geto has over your wrists, and he forces your hands to pull your dress back down. meeting his violet eyes once more, you whimper at the possessiveness you see raging in them. geto is gritting his teeth and turns to glare at the group until they get up and scurry away, knowing that he isn’t fucking around. 
never with you.
“i’ll do whatever i want,” you huff, unable to stop riling your ex up. he’s sexy like this, when his calm demeanor finally breaks. when he finally loses control. “beg me if you really want me that badly. beg me and maybe i’ll be yours again.”
it’s now that geto realizes he never stood a chance against you. he’ll always be wrapped around your pretty finger.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
Hear me out
Step-brother Shigaraki shoving a vibe in (male) reader during a dinner and Shigaraki is controlling the vibrator and then after dinner Shigaraki fucks the life out of Reader
i was gonna work on monster stuff but this is just *chef's kiss* i think i'm going down the road of a pseudo-incest kink whoops and laughs at myself as i add plot for no reason (also gives you guys a visual reference of the toy in the fic)
pairing: step-brother shigaraki x male reader content tags/warnings: dub-con, pseudo-incest, mild exhibitionism, choking, sex toys, degradation, mind break word count: 2.1k
Things around the household have changed drastically since your mother remarried. You love your mother and want her to be happy, but you feel that things have changed far too fast and far too much.
You had been told that your step-father wanted you to move in with him for two reasons. One; you don't have a job since you're attending university full-time and two; his house is pretty close to your university. You've seen his house from the outside and you can't deny the thought of living in such a large house is pleasant. It's a good deal. But if you had been told that your step-father has a shut-in son that lives with him before moving in, you might've reconsidered it.
Shigaraki is rude and has zero social skills. While you don't actually mind people that don't have social skills- it's often times not their fault- there's something about your step-brother that just unnerves you. You see him and alarm bells go off in your mind.
He likes to catch you off guard. Coming into your room to watch you, pinning you to surfaces, groping you, watching you shower- there's something really wrong with him.
You're trying to walk downstairs to go eat dinner with your mother and step-father. Trying, being the keyword. Shigaraki has you pinned to the wall once again. One of his hands is able to completely hold both your wrists- he's not even that much bigger than you! He's using his free hand to tug your sweatpants down to your knees. The pinning isn't exactly new, but he's never actually pulled your clothes off.
"I bought something for you. It's a little present for having such a cute brother." His voice makes you shudder, but the item he holds up next to your face makes you tense up. It's a brand new, probably expensive, sex toy.
"Tomura- hey- let's not-" You squirm and shake your head.
"Don't cause a fuss. Just let me do this, 'kay?"
The lube on the toy is your only saving grace as he nudges your legs apart with his knee and tries to put it on you. It doesn't work very well, the lubed up toy sliding against your limp cock a few times before Shigaraki growls lowly.
"I'm taking my hand off and I expect you to stay still." True to his word, the hand on your wrists disappears. If this were the first time he tried to do something like this, then you might've run away. But you've unfortunately learned through experience that your step-brother is far stronger than he seems. It's only because of your knowledge do you stay.
His hand is cold and calloused, an uncomfortable feeling against your skin. You grimace as he grabs your cock to slip the ring over it, making sure it’s snug against the base before he pushes the vibrating part of the toy into you. It doesn’t actually seem that bad until he turns the toy on. 
“Shit-” You’re not oblivious to the toy’s function but you didn’t expect it to be so snug against that spot inside you. Shigaraki grabs you before your legs buckle, laughing at your state. 
“Wow, you’re that sensitive?” He’s taunting you, making fun of you. “Is my little brother just a slut in disguise?” 
Your pants are pulled up and a small slap is given to your ass. It brings a small yelp out of you, making you turn around to glare at him. He doesn’t seemed fazed by it. Instead, it spurs him on and you can feel him grind against your ass. Even through the fabric of both of your sweatpants, you can feel how hot and heavy his cock is. You can tell it’s thick and that’s barely hard. 
A sliver of arousal makes itself known with a twitch of your cock. The realization makes you stand up straight and shove your step-brother away, adjusting your clothes to hide the erection beginning to strain underneath your pants. 
It’s difficult to sit down at the dinner table and act normal. You give your mother a small smile as you squirm in your seat for a moment. The toy’s low vibration stimulating every part of you- the base of your cock being teased, vibrations going through your balls and taint, the dildo pressing snugly against your prostate- and it’s difficult to hold your composure. 
“Are you okay, dear?” Your mother is looking at you with concern.
“O-oh, I’m alright, mom.” You force another smile.
“Go lay down after dinner, okay?” 
You give a small nod before you start eating, not waiting for your step-brother to sit down. He’s probably snickering to himself and thinking of what he should do. The sudden increase of vibrations of the toy surprises you and you choke on a piece of food. 
“Don’t worry, he’s just a little out of it, right lil bro?” A large hand comes to rest on your shoulder. As you turn to look over your shoulder, Shigaraki stares down at you with a small smirk. You can see the small remote in his hand and you almost want to reach out and grab it. But that’d cause a scene- the last thing you want at the dinner table.
He slides into his seat, not bothering to eat. All he’s doing is staring at you and analyzing your reactions as he plays with the remote in his pocket. 
“Yeah, j-just a little bit out of it.” You try your best to keep yourself together. Eating your dinner as fast as possible is your goal, hoping that this torture is only for the sake of humiliating you in front of your mother. 
The vibrations of the toy change rapidly. It seems like Shigaraki’s just cycling through them for the first time, gauging your reactions as he does so. He’s trying to find the best setting for you right now, surely. The one that does you in is the low and slow pulsing of the toy. 
He’s learning so much about you. You’re smart enough not to fight him physically but still have the guts to snap at him with your words. You prefer to be teased with a lack of stimulation rather than overstimulation. You won’t tell your mother about anything he does so she’ll stay happy. The best part... You’re easy to read.
Now that it’s been a few minutes of dealing with the toy, you’re settling down. It’s still uncomfortable, the low stimulation keeping your cock hard, but you’re able to eat your dinner for the most part. You’re eating quicker than normal just so this can end. 
“Thanks for dinner, mom.” As you stand from the table, Shigaraki cycles through the toy quickly to put the vibrations at its most intense setting. You curl in on yourself and groan, facing contorting. 
You give her a reassuring smile despite the heat pooling in your stomach. As much as you want to leave the table, you’re not sure you can do it yourself. It seems to be part of your step-brother’s plan. He puts his arm under yours, holding you up to help you shuffle back upstairs.
“I’ll make sure he’s alright, don’t worry.” 
They can’t see it, but you’re glaring at him as he helps you up. With him being the only reason you’re still standing however, that’s all you can manage to do. You hold onto his torso as he takes you up the stairs and opens the door of your room. 
“You’re close, huh? You were about to cum in front of our parents, weren’t you?” Shigaraki throws you onto the floor of your room with a thud, using his foot to turn you onto your back. He stares down at you and steps on your cock, moving it back and forth. 
“Alright little bro, cum for me.” 
With a particularly large amount of pressure, almost painful, you tense and spurt ropes of cum inside your pants. A stain begins to seep into the fabric and Shigaraki looks down at you with a sneer. You’re squirming under his foot, the toy still vibrating aggressively inside you and around the base of your cock. 
He picks you up by the hair and drags you to your bed, manhandling you so your face is against the comforter and your ass is in the air. He doesn’t even bother turning the toy off as he takes it out of you and slides your cock out of the ring. Your ass clenches around the air pathetically, teasing Shigaraki. Even with something inside you, stretching you out, your ass still looks tight and almost untouched. The only thing eluding to its use is the lube smeared around it. 
You’re given no warning when your step-brother grabs your hips and slams his cock inside you. When did he take it out? You don’t know.
“Shiiiiiit- Do you know how tight you are?” He doesn’t give you a chance to respond. Shigaraki begins to fuck you with abandon, thrusting into you with no care for your comfort. The stretch of his cock, how it reaches almost too deep inside you- it’s horribly uncomfortable. There’s a tinge of pleasure from the stretch of his cock pressing against your prostate almost constantly, but not much else. 
His balls slap against your ass with every heavy thrust and the grip on your hips is bruising. You can feel his nails digging into the skin and you’re sure they’ll leave marks. He’s leaving reminders of this.
A hand leaves your hip to hold your limp cock, pumping it aggressively. The sudden stimulation is painful and you squirm. 
“Now, now, little bro. Be a good slut for me and let me play with you.” Shigaraki sneers at the way you stop squirming at his words. “There... See, you’re a pathetic little slut for your big bro, aren’t you?” 
You refuse to answer, only burying your face into the sheets to hide your humiliated tears. It’s not like it matters. He continues to pump your cock at a fast pace, enjoying the way your walls twitch and tighten because of it. Even if you’re not feeling anything, he is. Your pleasure is more of an afterthought, a bonus. Then your cock begins to twitch back to life. 
“Seriously? You’re feeling good?” Shigaraki leans against you, biting your ear. “Getting off from your step bro treating you like a whore and fucking you? You really must be one if you like this.”
“I’m not!” You protest, turning to look at him. Tears are falling down your face, cheeks red from the embarrassment. “It’s your fault! You’re forcing my body to feel like this!”
Both of you know it’s a lie. You’re definitely enjoying it. As cute as your denial is to your step-brother, he isn’t in the mood for you being like this the whole time. He wants to have to shut you up so your parents won’t hear you begging for his cock. 
With a bit of reluctance, he pulls out of you. You’re allowed a brief moment of confusion as he decides how he wants to position you. Once he decides, he flips you onto your back and hikes your legs over his shoulders. In this position, he rubs your cocks together. His is undeniably thicker than yours, but your length isn’t too drastically different. There’s only a few seconds of rutting them together before he lines his cock up with your ass and slams back in.
Much to his surprise and amusement, you let out a confused moan. The new position must feel good. Your face contorting into pleasure with a mix of self-disgust is beautiful to him.
“Little bro, come on. Just let yourself feel good.” His thrusts slow and he reaches for your neck. The grip on your throat is intense and you can feel yourself becoming lightheaded almost instantly. It’s an intense feeling that mixes with pleasure, clouding your senses. 
Maybe it’s the lack of oxygen or just you giving up, but you begin to buck your hips against Shigaraki’s. Your jaw goes slack and your mouth is open, eyes rolling back into your head. The choking keeps you from making much noise so all you can let out are strangled groans. 
“Finally. Let yourself go. Become my whore, my pathetic cumdump of a little brother. Just be my personal cock sleeve, yeah?” 
The words go in one ear and out the other and you let out a string of agreements. Your back arches, cock twitching and covering your stomach in your own cum. It’s the sudden tightness around him that pushes Shigaraki over the edge. He stills inside you as deep as he can and cums, filling your ass. As he comes down from his high, he lets go of your throat. 
“Good boy.” He smacks your face gently and chuckles at your lack of response. “Gone already? Come on, we’ve barely started.”
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fficway · 3 years
I had to put this somewhere as this has been living rent free in my head for the past week, so here it is:
Obey Me Brothers, and Their Preferred Sexual Positions/Kinks!
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
This is written as headcannons and MC is Gender Neutral!
Firstly, Lucifer is definitely a switch.
He's a dominant person normally, but during Guest Appearances he enjoys when MC whips him, AND he's always willing to call MC "Master" when it comes up
Next, when everyone was sucked into Levi's game, Lucifer skipped classes because Diavolo wasn't in that world and he enjoyed the freedom
SO!! This makes me think he has fantasies of slacking off from his work as he pleasures you 👀
Specifically: it gives him a rush knowing that he's purposely not working just to fuck you, with the possibility of getting caught any time!
If you fuck in his office, he's the dom, no question!
He is still a work driven demon, so it would take some time pushing his buttons to get him to that point of abandoning his responsibilities
You do so by teasing him or by playing the sexy aloof card to get him almost drooling
If you fail, the worst that would happen is he would dismiss you from his office and punish you later in the bedroom when he's finished.
But if you succeed...
Your prize (punishment) will be Lucifer's favorite position:
You splayed across his desk, papers scattered everywhere as he rails you!
He'll first lock the door to give you a "proper lecture," and the look in his eye would make your lovely areas heat with excitement
He'll have you bent over his desk, pounding into you while lecturing you
Throwing in some degradation and spanking as he pleases (and it pleases you)
He loves to hear you get loud with his name on your tongue. He wants everyone in the House of Lamentation to KNOW your his, and being fucked good in his office.
Its also a dare for anyone to try to interrupt the two of you and reap the consequences
I repeat: Purposely slacking off from his work to rail you is such a rush for him
Of course, he also enjoys being pleasured from you under his desk as he works too ;)
For the Bedroom: I think Lucifer would def have a bondage kink (you or him wearing it, it doesn't matter to him!)
He is responsible with the after care as well!
It's literally a character trait of his that he's greedy. I mean, he IS the Avatar of Greed!
He's also a Tsundere who gets flustered easily!
So, Mammon always wants more of everything! You give him a kiss on the cheek, he'll want one on the mouth.
"How do you expect that to be enough to satisfy the great Mammon! That isn't nearly enough" (of course he says this with a blush as his Tsundere self can't just ASK for another kiss!)
So you give him a kiss on the lips.
Then another.
Then some tongue action.
Then his kisses will wander to your neck.
"More. I want all of you MC. Every inch. I want you to be mine"
HOWEVER! He would never push you to do anything you don't want to do or aren't ready for!!
Now going onto his favorite position 😏
Its canon that he likes to have things easily without having to work, so he'd love it if you ride him from on top!
He loves where he can see as much of you as possible! He wants to take all of you in!
Mammon is very vocal about what he wants from you during your sexy time!
As for his bedroom talk, his tsundere self would normally beat around the bush when he's trying to be honest, but once he's in an intimate position with you, he'd be showering you with all of the secret thoughts and feelings he has of you that he'd normally hide!
His hands would wander every inch as he'd praise your body
He would kiss you where he could and tell you about how much he adores you
When you talk to him, he'd definitely have a praise kink!
Being lectured by his brothers all the time just gets frustrating to him, and even if it were consensual, he wouldn't prefer being degraded sexually because this is the moment when he's the most honest and vulnerable with you
(Though I'm not saying he wouldn't like it every now and then 👀)
If you told him how great he is, and how amazing he makes you feel, he would be THRILLED
He wants you to feel as amazing as you are
He would be vocal through the entire thing, but as for volume, even though he normally has a loud mouth, he'd probably keep it down as he wouldn't want Lucifer interrupting you two 😂
Mammon on top would definitely bring out his true demon form, and he'd get more bossy with telling you what "more" he wants from you ;)
Of course he would push for aftercare in the most tsundere way
"You probably can't walk after I made you feel so good, so let me get what you need to clean up" (Face RED)
He loves cuddles and for you to fall asleep on his chest :3
(He also totally drools in his sleep!)
This Otaku would totally be into role playing xD
Would have you dress as one of his favorite characters (if you're willing)
At first he'd be so out of it trying to comprehend if this blessing of you in front of him is real life or not before ending up too nervous to do much at first.
So, you end up with a foreplay reward system as he plays his video games to comfortably ease into it!
The more he wins, the more action he gets ;D
From kissing, to groping, to giving him a blow job as he plays his games until he can't take it
Which leads to his favorite:
Shower Sex!
As Leviathan, the aquatic demon, he'd feel most comfortable (and feel like you have more privacy)
To him it feels like he gets to be closer to you
He loves to be able to touch you all over as you fuck
This boy is LOUD!!
(This is canon, we all know this xD)
As for vocal kinks, this Otaku would probably love it if you used allusions to his favorite games in some sexy way
"Like Ezio, I'm great from behind and above"
"I know my way around the cleft of dimension, want me to show you?"
"Are you up for a little tactical insertion?"
He'd also love skinny dipping and fucking you in pools and lakes too for sure! ;3
You can clean up easily in the shower afterwards!
Cuddles!!! (You replace his body pillow! What a privilege!)
It is no question this man has a LOT of experience
He loves it every which way and more!
He's all for the Vanilla but LIVES for the kinky stuff
Praise kink to the GODS!
As long as you're admiring him, he is happy!
He doesn't need a scene set to get to business, he's ready to go anytime!
Which is why its more than likely his favorite sex is Public Sex.
He loves to share with the world the art of sex and the beauty that is the two of you in intercourse!
This of course would depend on your comfort! If you wanted to keep your sexual encounters private, he would oblige!
He's a pleaser!!
He loves admiration, and he loves sex, so as long as you're happy with how he's fucking you, and you're vocal about it, he is pleased himself!
Position-wise, I think whatever is your favorite is what he'd be ready and willing to do!
Basically any and every kink he loves, and is more than willing to be the top or bottom!
He can go for MANY rounds!
((@mogmoe drew their headcanon for what the brothers' tongues would look like while in their full demon forms and gave Asmo tentacle tongue so do with that as you will ;3))
(Sorry this seems kinda vague but I mean anything you can think of he's probably already done it and more, and enjoys every bit of it!)
With how this man wants to be seen as an individual and not just a prior part of Lucifer, he wants to be SEEN during sex!
He's a dom! He can blush and act shy and all normally, but in the bedroom he is totally dominant!
Would definitely have some hot angry sex with you given his temper!
Pushing you up against a wall and fucking you stupid
Splay you across his book clad floor or toss you on the bed to rail you
But you always have to be looking at him!
"Who's the one fucking you right now?"
Loves hearing you say his name!
He'll kiss you every time just to taste his name coming off of your tongue
He also reads a ton of books, so this man has read his fair share about how to pleasure his partner properly ;)
No matter if you're on the bed or against the wall, you have to stay wrapped around him!
He wants to know how much you want him!
He'll deny you your orgasm to make you beg him and say his name
He'll eventually let you have your relief and loves if you'll hold him close as you do
Sweet forehead kisses after you both finish as he praises you
Proper aftercare! Whatever you need, he's sweetly obliging
He'll love to fall asleep in your arms! :)
First of all, this man almost never stops eating
He'll give you plenty of affection, but he'll usually be stuffing his mouth or snacking as he does.
But he's not neglectful! It's just his nature as the Avatar of Gluttony that he's always hungry!
So you play into this so that he enjoys the process as you get him in the mood 👀
Using whatever treat you like to eat, you eat it in front of him, but only have the smallest portion possible (for example, maybe just two or three pieces of candy)
Of course he'll ask for a piece, so that's when you'll hit him with "Oh I'm sorry Beel, but that was the last one"
Before he has a chance to get sad about it (or you can wait until he pouts since he's adorable) you offer to share the last piece
Naturally he'll want to share it
But its already in your mouth ;)
He'll shyly kiss you to get a taste of the treat off your lips
"So soft"
He'll kiss you again, but this time with a flick of his tongue
He'll make another remark, but this time about the taste of the treat
"I want to taste more"
Cue the tongue action!
If the treat is still in your mouth, prepare to fight to keep it
If it isn't still in your mouth, he'll explore every inch to taste what's left of it
This man uses his mouth muscles to eat pounds of food every day, so he is a fantastic kisser!
He'll get so invested in the taste of you that he forgets about the treat altogether
This is where it gets steamy 😏
He wants his mouth everywhere
On your neck
Your chest
Your shoulders
Your stomach
There's not much sex talk from him because his mouth is always busy on you, but he makes plenty of comments to compliment you and your body!
Eventually, he'll want to taste the best parts of you 😏
His favorite: having his mouth on your nether regions ;)
He'll get so invested that he'll accidentally transform into his true demon form
((@mogmoe 's headcanon for Beel's tongue while in his true form was large like the size of a cow's tongue, so I'm playing off that!))
If you're a person with a vagina, his large tongue will be pumping in and out to taste every inch of your walls/If you're a person with a penis, he'll suck you like a popsicle to get your juices, and you know he can deep throat with no issue
If you like getting your ass eaten, he'll do that too
All the while you hold onto his horns like handle bars as he works his magic tongue and mouth
He doesn't have a preference for how you talk during sex, but if you praise him, it would definitely make him happy and encourage him to do more for you!
If you want to get him off too, he definitely loves 69ing!!
It feels to him as if you're both sharing a meal together, but in a more special and intimate way!
Afterwards, he would be super sleepy. He'd pull you close and be like a very large teddy bear cuddling up to you.
(Though he would wake up later for some midnight snacks!)
I can already tell you now: Lazy Fucking!
This man loves to cuddle as much as possible!
He'll sleep with his head in your lap, he'll fall asleep on your shoulder, he'll spoon you (little or big, it doesn't matter to him!)
If he wants to get steamy after waking up with his head in your lap, he'll start to work with his mouth as his face is already down there
If he wakes up with his head on your shoulder, he'll start lazily kissing along your neck
During cuddling, his hands will mindlessly wander. He may reach back to get handsy if he's the little spoon. Or he might grind on you a little while kissing your neck from behind if he's the big spoon.
But his favorite: lazily fucking you from behind
Laying on top of you, his chest pressed to your back, his hand intertwined with yours, all as his dick slowly pumps in and out of you
He would whisper sweet praises to you, maybe tell you about what he dreamed while he was asleep!
His other hand would help to assist with your pleasure.
He probably would be too tired for aftercare, but for you he's always willing to do it!
Of course more cuddling will follow!
I dont know if it's obvious but I'm still kinda new to Obey Me! I'm in chapter/lesson 13, so if some of these seem OOC, please let me know! This is my first time publishing headcanons, or rather any of my writing in general, so let me know what you think!
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
How about a major nsfw scene where they are walking around the castle, just talking, but end up in the dungeon, if ya know what I mean ;)
@krispytidalwavesheep This is the fic I was talking about from your ask!
Warning: NSFW
“...And you’ve contacted the florist? Will the flower arrangements be arriving by tomorrow?”
“Yes, my Lady,” you say, pushing your glasses back over your nose as you check over your checklist for the hundredth time that day. You and Lady Dimitrescu had been going over the preparations for the ball tomorrow all morning. She had followed you around as you walked the length of the Castle, making sure everything was perfect for the occasion. The parquet floor has been swept to perfection, the windows polished, the banisters a riot of flowers.
As you are walking, you turn a corner and suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar corridor. You turn to Lady Dimitrescu, a question forming on your lips. Suddenly, you hear a guttural growl, and find one of the Moroaicǎ bearing down on you with a Claymore. A scream rips from your throat as you cover your eyes, bracing for impact. It doesn’t come; instead, you hear the slash of metal slicing flesh. You open your eyes and find Alcina standing before you with her claws extended. The Moroaicǎ’s head rolls forgotten on the floor.
Alcina immediately runs over to you, cradling your face in between her large hands, running her thumbs along your cheekbones. “Darling, did it touch you? Are you hurt?” Concern is evident in her golden eyes.
“I’m fine, my Lady,” you say, feeling your face go scarlet at Alcina’s ministrations. “Really.”
The truth was the two of you had gotten rather close over the past couple weeks after the manthings’ attack on Castle Dimitrescu. You had even shared a couple nights together. When you saw Alcina’s muscles ripple as she severed the Moroaicǎ’s head from its body, you remembered what it was like having those arms wrapped around you and you felt your core heaten with desire.
Alcina smiles and kisses the back of your hand. “Come along, pet,” she says, taking your hand in hers. “Surely there won’t be any preparations needed for the dungeon?”
She turns to go, but you suddenly find yourself rooted to the spot. She looks at you in confusion.
“My, Lady,” you say slowly. “I know that we’ve been intimate…”
Alcina chuckles. “Whatever made you think of that, dear?”
You blush further but press on. “When you make love to me, my Lady,” you continue. “You’re always so gentle with me. As if I’m a fine piece of china and you fear I might break.”
Alcina puts her hand under your chin and tilts your face up to meet hers. “And do you not like the way I touch you, ingeras?” Her tone is mild, but her aureate eyes are alert and you find yourself unable to break away from her intense gaze.
“No, my Lady,” you whisper softly, holding her hand in place to your cheek. “I rather enjoy it. But there are times when I wish you would be...rougher with me.”
Alcina’s eyes are half lidded with desire. “And is now one of those times, pet?”
You suddenly find it difficult to breathe as you whisper, “Yes.”
She moves in suddenly to kiss you but you quickly sidestep out of her reach. She chuckles low in her throat. “Feeling a bit of a tease tonight, are we?”
You dance your way back to her, taking her hand in yours and leading her to a set of manacles chained to the wall. “Now just what are you planning?” she wonders, an amused smile playing at her carmine lips.
Taking the manacles in your hands, you clasp them over your Lady’s wrists. Then you pull the chain running through them until her back is flush against the wall, her wrists chained above her head. You turn your back to her but feel her eyes upon you as you turn around in the middle of the room.
Without once breaking eye contact with Alcina, you slide your hand up your skirt and slip two fingers into your core. You know your own touch cannot possibly compare to your Lady’s but it is so worth it to see Alcina’s mouth fall open in shock, her golden eyes burning with jealousy that she is not the one touching you, that it is not her fingers buried in your core.
As you increase the pace of your thrusting, you spot the Moroaicǎ’s discarded Claymore and get an idea. You take it and slash open the front of your dress. You rest the tip of the sword over your collarbone and press in slowly until blood begins to pour down your chest, settling between the valley of your breasts.
Alcina is snarling and railing against her bonds. Her teeth are bared, fangs glinting in the torchlight as she struggles to break free. You feel your climax building as she growls in frustration, spittle flying off her lips.
You hear the sound of metal screeching as Alcina finally breaks free of the manacles with a snap. Within seconds, she has crossed the distance between the two of you. With another slash of her claws, she rips the rest of your clothes off, like they were so much tissue paper. Holding you flush to her body, she runs her tongue over your collarbone, greedily lapping up any leftover blood.
Alcina pins you to the wall, slapping your hand away before sliding her fingers into your already dripping cunt. She does not maintain the pace she usually uses. Her movements are faster, more hurried this time. You rock your hips in time to each thrust, but soon find it difficult to keep up.
The two of you have made love plenty of times before this, but this is one of the few times you’re actually getting fucked.
She leans down and intermittently darts her wicked tongue into your core, stroking your inner walls, alternating her thrusting between her fingers and her tongue. Her nails bite into the curve of your hips as she holds you in place. You wrap your legs around her waist, leaning your head against the wall as you feel your orgasm getting closer and closer.
“Is this what you had in mind, slut?” she hisses, nipping the shell of your ear with the tip of her fangs. “I hope you’re prepared for what comes next.” She gives you a manic grin as she slips another one of her fingers into your core.
You choke out a gasp as the extra digit is added and Alcina gives you a satisfied smirk. “This is what our stretching sessions have been about, dear,” she cooes. “Come now, I know you can take it.”
You’re riding three of her fingers now and she is continuing her thrusting at a relentless pace. The stone wall against your back feels cold and clammy even as you feel yourself breaking out into a sweat due to Alcina’s ministrations.
When you finally orgasm, your voice echoes along the dungeon walls as you scream out Alcina’s name. Sinking along the wall, you find yourself going limp in Alcina’s arms. You feel Alcina’s tongue rasp along your thighs as she laps up your juices. “How very sweet you are, draga mea,” she purrs. She looks up at you and you see her ruby lips are dotted with flecks of white. Holding out her hand imperiously, she proffers her fingers slick with your orgasm. “You should really sample yourself, dear.”
You take her hand in yours and gently wrap your mouth around each digit in turn, rolling your tongue around each finger, suckling at your leftover juices. You feel her golden eyes upon you as you remove your mouth from her last finger, your lips making a firm popping sound.
Alcina can see that you are happy but exhausted. She runs her dry hand through your hair, now snarled and full of tangles. “Looks like I’ve tired you out, my dear,” she says, kissing your forehead. “We should get you cleaned up. How does a bath sound?”
You smile at her and give her a chaste kiss on the lips. “That does sound lovely. Thank you.”
Alcina carries you through the castle to the Hall of Ablutions and if anyone is curious as to why the Countess is carrying you naked and bloody, they at least make sure not to ask questions. When you finally arrive at the bathroom, Alcina orders the bathroom attendant to draw you a bath and waves her off after the tub is full.
You step in and sigh as the hot water makes contact with your sweaty and clammy body. You lean your head back against the porcelain and enjoy the warmth of the water seeping into your bones.
“Is there room for one more, draga mea?” Alcina teases. You look up and see that Alcina has already discarded her clothes on the floor. You smile and scoot up a little bit to make room for her. Alcina settles herself behind you and you sit on her lap as she begins tenderly massaging your scalp with soap, getting rid of any leftover blood that may have made its way to your hair.
“Do you know why I am usually so gentle with you?” she whispers.
You turn back to look at her. “You tell me,” you return, smiling mischievously.
But Alcina is serious. She turns your face to her, rubbing a thumb along your jawline. “It is because you are precious to me. When I see that someone so kind and so pure as you would want to be with someone like me. A monster like me-”
“Don’t say that,” you say fiercely, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. “Don’t even think it.”
“Even so,” she continues and you are shocked to see her eyes are starting to pool with tears. “The fact that you know what I am, what I am capable of, and yet you still choose to be with me means more than any words I could hope to express. You are precious to me, my dearest darling. You are a treasure. And I love you.”
You can hardly breathe. Technically this is the second time she has told you that she has loved you. But you are ready for it this time. You kiss her hard, weaving your fingers through her dark locks. You pull away and look into her fathomless golden orbs as you say, “And I love you too, Alcina.”
“Well,” she says, chuckling low in her throat. “After all the the times we’ve spent with each other, it's about time you called me by my true name.” You feel another chuckle ripple through her body as she moves to kiss you again.
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uchiharomance · 3 years
kinktober 2021
day one: first time with gaara
18 +/NSFW minors, please do not interact
“I’ve never done this before.”
That’s it.
You’ve ruined the mood.
Still hovered over you, propped up on his hands, Gaara freezes, mouth slightly ajar on its way to kiss you as though your confession has caused him to forget how.
“I - I haven’t either.”
You’re not complaining, in fact, you’re not really even that surprised much to your own guilt. Actually, you’re rather relieved; two bumbling idiots in love trying to have sex is surely better than one desperately trying to follow a more experienced partner.
And after all, you’ve both already said, Yes.
Gaara’s underwear is the only thing left on his body and you sneak yet another peak toward the growing bulge there, just a small, tantalizing distance away from your already naked body. Not quite as big as your fantasies and the scenes in romance books had lead you to believe but more than enough to set butterflies bounding around in your stomach.
“Are you okay?” he asks you, breaking through your guesswork by pressing his warm fingers to your face and you falter only slightly. Being a past Tailed Beast holder doesn’t give him the ability to read minds does it?
“I’m sorry,” you admit, suddenly realizing just how you must look right now. Lost in your own thoughts with sweat pooling on your head. “I’m just a little nervous.”
Gaara’s laughter, as gentle as the expression on his face, bursts from him, and you blush, suddenly very aware of just how true your statement had been.
“You’re not the only one,” he assures you, his fingers gently landing upon your cheek. “Do you want to stop?”
“No!” you cry, catching his hand. “No but, thank you, that’s sweet.”
And it is. Here he is, ready to devour you and he’s hesitating, giving you yet another chance to back out, to say no.
“I want to feel you inside me,” you begin, cringing a bit at your just how cheesy your words sound. “I want to do this for real.”
Your lover gulps.
“As do I.”
Hesitantly you reach out your hands to slide off the lose, brown fabric that still clings to his waist, giggling a little as it peals back under your touch, slipping off his frame like a show sheet being pulled from a newly finished sculpture.
Would it be too clique to say what’s beneath belongs in a museum?
“It’s really nice,” you say, breathlessly, and it is.
It’s different you realize, than the books and their overly flowery wordplay. Gaara’s cock is long, comfortably thin, and as you look at it, almost unremarkably, normal.
The most perfect one you’ve seen.
The only one you’ve seen.
“Do you want me to er, do something?” you ask, hoping that your eyes, rather than your faltering words will assure him of your desire.
“No.” he says, voice tight. “I want to do this right.”
“I don’t think there is a right way.”
A particular, is that guilt?, look washes over him and you realize too soon to stop your squeak of shock that he’s lowered himself and rubbing his member against your thigh.
“I mean,” Gaara begins, eyes darting about as he reaches a shaky hand for the bottle of lube.  “I want my first touch, the sensation to be inside you.”
In what seems like mere seconds you’ve lathered the blissfully warm lubricant upon yourself and tossed the bottle to the floor along with the wrapper of the condom. More cleanup but in this moment, the least worry in your mind.
You watch as Gaara’s wraps his hand around his dick, his tongue slipping up over his upper lip as he guides it to your entrance, the head bumping into you as he squirms about on the bed, trying to position himself.
“This sounded easier in practice,” he mumbles apologetically and you try to strife your laugh.
“Maybe if I lift my hips?” you offer.
It works.
The tip of Gaara’s cock slips into you, stretching the tight band of flesh there and you find yourself reaching up for his arms. Is sex supposed to be this ridiculous?
“It’s different than I thought,” you admit, squinting one eye closed as he pushes into you, taking long pauses in between his hesitant movements. “It’s almost funny.”
“Easy for you to say,” he chuckles and you flinch as he buries himself to the hilt, and makes a face. Pleasure? Agony?
And it is hot, no warm; a fulling feeling with a comfortable heat and perhaps the romance stories are a little true after all. It does feel good, it does feel whole, it does -
“Incredible,” Gaara breathes, and the look on his face now is relaxed, one of pleasurable content. “You feel good.”
“So do you,” you giggle.
Hesitantly he moves, pulling back an inch and then thrusting back up.
“Should we go easy?”
Probably. Even if there is a small part of you that wants him to go fast, to rock into you with wild passion.
Grabbing onto his arms and lifting one leg slightly you nod.
For a minute or two it’s slow going; a few thrusts, a slip out, and a noise that sets your cheeks aflame before you burst out laughing.
So this is sex.
“How do you feel?” he asks, picking up his pace and finding his rhythm as you lower one hand to your clit, the sensation of your tightening walls and the gentle hammering of his cock into them sending some very delightful pulses up through you into your belly.
“Great!” you answer, a little too fast and he grins, sweat heavy on his face and hair damp against his skin.
“You look beautiful.”
All too quickly your lover begins to reach his end, jerking and groaning as he dips his head to mumble something into your shoulder. Cautiously you lift one leg to encircle his waist, squirming as his cock slips into you at a frenzying pace.
“I-I think,” Gaara begins, searching your face. “I think I - “
There’s a steady ball of nerves in you too, but not quite there yet.
“G-Go Ahead?” you squeak out and as though waiting for your command, he does. Shivering and falling onto you with a small cry and you can fell the effect of his moan in your ear as you clench heavily about him.
Is, that it?
Wrapping your arms about his back you lay there for a long minute, your own orgasm a uncomfortable buildup waiting for its release as your husband catches his breath, still groaning from the effort.
“D-Did you - ?”
“No,” you say, raising a hand to comb through his hair.
“Oh...wait let me,”
Despite your, rather halfhearted protest, Gaara slips out a bit, squeezing his hand in between the two of you to stroke your clit. It’s only a matter of minutes then and you’re coming too, arching your back and jutting your hips up, walls tightening around him again and drawing yet another delightful groan from his lips.
It’s several minutes before either of you can speak again, Gaara pulled out and laying at your side, and you, you staring thoughtlessly at the painted white ceiling above you.
“Is that it?” you ask, rather hesitantly.
“I think so,” he answers, and you laugh at the shy smile on his face. “Temari tells me that it gets much better.”
Giggling you roll over, all but wrapping your limbs about him.
“I thought it was pretty good today. A little awkward though.”
He chuckles.
“She said that gets better too.”
You can imagine.
“Our first time,” you sigh, as he reaches down, slips the condom from his cock and tosses it into the can by the bed. “Our first time can you believe it?”
“I’m glad mine was with you,” he admits, cupping your face. “I’m glad I have you. Just two years ago I was still so alone, like this. I never thought, nor hoped for someone to share this sort of bond with.”
So this is the part where he does the pillow talk. You wonder if it would ruin the mood to say you want to cuddle first.
You wonder if you’d start crying and ruin the moment further if you told him you felt the exact same way.
“I’m oddly sleepy,” he adds, dark eyes becoming lidded as he watches you.
“I think you’re supposed to fall asleep now while I stay awake and mope,” you laugh, and you allow yourself to be drawn into him, safe and secure in his arms.
Gaara hums.
“Would you mope less if I tell you that I love you?”
“No. More. You got me off, you’re doing pillow talk and cuddling. You’re ruining everything.”
But he’s not. And you aren’t. And this feels nice, feels right, feels like everything it should actually even if the experience wasn’t. Because he’s with you, he loves you, and there will be time and time again for more sex, better sex.
And hopefully less mood ruiners.
“I love you too.”
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