#was too much of a Finale for me to just forget about it and move on with my life
starfxkr · 3 days
can we have trailer park JJ, rubbing your puffy pussy after you’ve had a long day at work. just laying on his chest, daddy takes such good care of you littering you with soooooo much praise and telling you to let it out. maybe u cry bc it feels so good and you squirt
today was a nightmare, you were in the weeds for 70% of your shift because the new hostess kept putting people in your section, and you wanted nothing more than to just come home and relax after you wrung her neck like a wet towel.
but jj helped you forget all that, sitting you on his lap naked as the day you were born with your legs spread as he circled your throbbing clit so gently you wanted to scream, but you didn't. you just let him take the reigns.
"you're doin good sweet pea, just take it easy. gonna make yo open right on up for me." jj kissed your cheek but he didn't pull back, instead letting his lips linger as he trailed them to the sensitive spot under your ear, ghosting them just enough to make you moan. he spread your lips open with the v of his fingers on one hand an circled your twitching hole with another, barely dipping in despite your frustration, "your pussy's hungry ain't it? i bet you been needing this all day."
tearfully you nod, practically gasping when he finally gives you want and you struggle not to cum right then and there, "ne-needed it so bad, today was so bad-"
"shh, don't gotta worry bout that now, papa's got you." he curls his fingers up, and the squelch of your cunt is so loud you'd be embarrassed if you didn't feel so good. he continued kissing you, whispering soft praises in between of how pretty you were and how good you were at taking his fingers. it was no surprise you dripped a wet patch onto his sweat pants.
you shifted slightly to look at him, batting your lashes at him in a way that had his already hard cock throbbing against your ass, "i-i love you..."
jj groans, capturing your lips in a deep kiss that makes a surge of wetness coat his fingers, and moves faster, now rubbing your clit in quick motions and stroking harder against that sticky spot inside you to make you shake, "fuck i love you too sugar, more than you even know."
by now you can barely keep up with the kiss, even as he chases your lips and you can do nothing but lean your head against his shoulder--eyes screwing shut as your begin to tremble around his fingers, and he knows you're there.
"just let it go, i wanna see how pretty you are when you cum go ahead.
with a long shuddering moan you cum, vaguely aware of the stunned oh shit coming from jj as you squirt in quick, hot gushes--more than you ever did before and your body feels it because he doesn't stop, smacking your sensitive clit and he wrings you dry and your left crying and blubbering for him to slow down, that it's too much and with one last he stops, cupping your puffy cunt as you sob and he shifts you in his arms to cradle you instead.
"shit, m'sorry sweet pea, you okay?"
shivering, you nod, taking a death breath as your body settles, "uh huh, just- jesus christ that was a lot."
"i know it was, thought you needed it though i don't like when you're so stressed."
this time you just hum in agreement, sniffing slightly as you bury further into his chest, "we can talk about it later...i'm hungry now though."
jj snorts, leaning down to nip at your shoulder just to hear you giggle, "yeah, i fuckin bet. you're gonna eat me outta house and home."
he gets up and sits you in his chair instead, kissing you one good time before he walks to the kitchen to fix you something to eat.
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emphistic · 2 days
Blood in the Water
A/N: i know, i know. i said this chapter was gonna be the angst, but the wc was just too long. and i got carried away writing the smut. PS: this was not beta read
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Sukuna wasn’t a morning-person; he never would be. Sukuna was a you-person, however. All the same, though, right?
Sukuna was like a plant.
To Sukuna, you were the sun. To others, that sounds absurd. But, people could think what they think and say what they say, and Sukuna would continue loving you anyway.
It sounds cheesy, yes, but you lit up Ryomen Sukuna’s life, with your smile, the sound of your voice, the melody of your laugh, everything. If he really thought about it, he would be totally unsure of how he survived for so long before he met you.
Sukuna was like a plant. (A/N: a poisonous one, if that were true)
Now, if you don’t pay attention during science class, here’s the gist of how Sukuna’s unconventional thinking came to his conclusion. 
All plants need sunlight, water, and air to live. They need all those ingredients to perform photosynthesis, make their food, and thus survive. (A/N: this is one of the only times Sukuna paid attention to your tutoring)
You completed Sukuna. You made him whole. You made him him.
Without you, Sukuna would wither away, whether you were the sun and him a plant or you two were your normal human selves. It didn’t matter, at all. Sukuna needed you like he needed air to breathe. Sukuna needed you like he needed water to drink. It didn’t matter, not at all. Any one of his metaphors would work. Whether you were the sun, water, air, Sukuna needed you. But he was just beginning to realize that, and maybe it was too late. Too late to turn back. Too late to forget about the bet. Too late to be afraid. Too late to have regrets.
“How long are you planning on staring at me for?” you asked. Though not having even opened your eyes yet, you felt Sukuna’s heavy gaze on you.
He did this often. After you two made it official, you started coming over more frequently. Before, you seldom stayed at his apartment for things unrelated to tutoring or just school in general.
Sukuna didn’t enjoy many things in life. Hell, he didn’t like many things in life. But he certainly liked this.
He liked staying up late and watching the silly, stupid movie that you decided to put on. He liked sitting around with you and sharing a large bowl of popcorn. He liked not having to bid you goodbye when the clock struck; it was very different from before — when either one of you would have to hang up the call. He liked settling into a non-empty bed; he used to never be able to fall asleep; then, when he met you, he fell asleep quickly and giddy; but now, he practically never shut his eyes, too busy admiring the most beautiful face he had ever and will ever see.
He liked it. He liked it all. So much so that,
He loved. He loved you.
“Ah, Sleeping Beauty’s finally awake, huh.” Sukuna gingerly pushed a strand of hair off your cheek, and tucked it behind your ear. His touches had been so gentle lately, as if he was worried that even one wrong move would result in an empty bed and a blocked number.
Sukuna wasn’t used to this kind of stuff. He never stayed in one place, and he certainly never stayed with one girl. Sukuna was scared. Scared of change, scared of changes, scared of losing, scared of losses. The bet, you, everything. He wasn’t going to let Naoya think he was a pussy; and, somehow, he also wasn’t going to let everything he worked hard for go to waste.
Because, if there was one thing he wasn’t going to lose, it was you. But, Sukuna was no more than a man. He was afraid. Thus, each morning, he could only gaze upon your face with such sentimentality, regret, longing, that even God would think about changing his fate.
Sukuna didn’t want you to go. He knew you would, though, probably as soon as you found out about the bet. But, nonetheless, there was a sense of hope that you would wait. Wait for him to explain, and say he tried to end the bet multiple times, though fruitlessly.
“I’ve been awake; I just didn’t say anything,” you grumbled, lifting your head up from the pillow beneath you. You would’ve liked to continue laying there under your boyfriend’s watchful gaze for a few more minutes or hours or days, but the Adult Life calls you.
“Yeah? You enjoy having my undivided attention?” Sukuna grinned, though you sensed a melancholic ring to his tone. The pink-haired man was never one to truly reveal his emotions and feelings, but over time, you did get a little better at reading him. You just wished he would stop bottling himself up like that.
“Don’t push it, babe.” You cupped his cheek, placing a chaste kiss on his lips before rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.
Sukuna laughed, “You’re not denying it!”
“Uh huh, doesn’t mean I’m confirming it, either.” You turned around, a cheeky expression plastered on your face, to which Sukuna snorted.
With your relationship only beginning more recently, people were, obviously, unaware of it. You were never one to flaunt around your partners or be that open about your personal life online on your social media or just in general. People knew you as the President of Student Council, someone who many could rely on for advice and help, someone who knew definite or at least rational answers to questions people inquired. 
You stood out as a role model to most students on campus. So, if anyone ever were to imagine you, they wouldn’t ever envision you on Sukuna’s arm walking around the mall or sleeping in his bed curled under layers and layers of blankets or watching TV on his couch with your head on his shoulder and his arm around you.
No, it was an impossible idea, one that never ran through anyone’s mind. And, to be honest, you didn’t mind. You liked the stillness and tranquility of being on the sidelines — figuratively or literally, it was true.
Sukuna’s life, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of yours. He was known for his charisma, charming smile, outstanding performance on the court; everyone on campus knew him, and either loved him or feared him, or both. His life was loud; that’s a fair way to describe it. Girls threw themselves on him all the time. He was invited to parties and after parties as if that was the only reason he attended college, for the fun, and for the thrill.
But, that didn’t mean you were unpopular. Yeah, your life may not have been as boisterous and eventful as your boyfriend’s, but your personality brought you your own fair share of fans, and possible suitors and beaus. 
That’s right, people liked you for other than your brains.
And unfortunately for you, Naoya Zen’in was one of those people. And that’s why when that blonde-haired fucker saw you in the crowds at one of Sukuna’s games, he knew this was his only opportunity. Naoya saw the way Sukuna looked at you nowadays; Naoya knew you had that man wrapped right around your finger; Naoya found Sukuna’s weak point and was going to use it against him.
The bet didn’t start because Naoya wanted to see Sukuna court the un-courtable. The bet started because Naoya Zen’in wanted to see the impossible. Which, Sukuna had previously assumed was him getting with you, his oh-so dear tutor. But no, Sukuna was wrong. The bet started because Naoya wanted to see the impossible: vulnerability from Ryomen Sukuna. And vulnerability, he got.
Sukuna managed to take you out on a date. Sukuna was able to make you his. There was blood in the water now, and it was clear who bled.
Naoya’s ploy was executed just like how he had planned; the puzzle was in the right place; he just needed one last piece before everything would come crashing down.
The last thing you expected after Sukuna won his basketball game was for him to face you from all the way in the court. No one knew of your relationship yet — or so you thought — and you didn’t take Sukuna to be one to put it out for the world to see. Not like you had a problem with that per se; people always knew the pink-haired man as someone who went from girl-to-girl and bed-to-bed, did Sukuna want others to know he had settled? For starters, it would definitely cause a whole lot of talk.
You wondered what he wanted when he wouldn’t take his eyes off of you, but when you saw his hand move in a way as if to gesture for you to come nearer, you were a little hesitant. On the other hand, Sukuna was anything but unsure. He stood there as the crowds hollered and yelled and bellowed, but he paid them no mind as he absentmindedly continued to wipe the sweat off his forehead with his jersey. Sukuna’s abdomen was bared as he did so, and the audience only became more wild.
Your chest tightened as you weighed your options.
When your relationship was solely tutor and student, you still came to watch his games, but only because it was your college that was playing, so it was expected for you to cheer for your peers.
Back then, you never met up after his inevitable victories, sometimes it was a short embrace like a hug or pat on the back, but that was it. Sukuna knew this, so when you hurriedly came down the bleachers, the last thing that he expected was for you to jump into his arms. He caught you, of course, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t stumble backwards a bit. Nevertheless, he wasn’t complaining. 
Behind closed doors, Sukuna was the main initiator for doing anything intimate. He didn’t mind your shyness, because, he had been pining for you for years — though he only realized recently, so why would he not be reveling with the woman of his dreams. Sukuna knew you loved your personal space, but he loved your personal space, too. And that’s why as soon as you lay down on the couch to catch the latest episode of your show, he’s laying his head right between your legs. And that’s why as soon as you try waking up early to surprise your boyfriend with breakfast in bed, he’s also jumping out from beneath the blankets to follow you like he’s your shadow.
Sukuna loved you, he thought to himself, as he leaned down to slot his lips against yours. But ‘love’ was a dangerous word, and what type of world would it be if nothing was at least a little dangerous?
You wrapped your arms around his neck, and returned the kiss as the sound of cheers and whistles from the crowds bled into the distance. It was just you and Sukuna. That’s all there was to it, and you liked that.
On your first date, and during your first kiss, you were obviously unfamiliar with the feeling of kissing Sukuna. It was new, but it was pleasant. This was a different feeling, a different type of kiss. For, you had gotten used to this experience, you spent many nights — most, even — familiarizing yourself with the feeling and sensation of Sukuna’s lips on yours, peppering your neck, trailing down your shoulder blades, almost everywhere.
Sukuna was soft, gentle, nice, until he wasn’t. Sukuna was mean, rough, teasing, because he knew you liked that. You two developed a guessing game; the rules were simple; you just had to guess when Sukuna would end his nice guy act. It was mostly only you playing, though. But for the instances when it wasn’t, Sukuna sometimes even surprised himself. It was like he was a whole different person when he was alone and around you. He didn’t need any phony drug, you alone were an aphrodisiac.
It's a shame, because you weren’t alone. When your eyes fluttered open, and your ecstasy gradually bled out, you noticed all players on the court — Sukuna’s team and opponents — were standing as still as statues. Some with their eyes blown wide in shock; some with their gazes averted and pointed at the ground in timidity.
“Damn, Sukuna, you beast. When you gonna kiss me like that after we win?”
Gojo, and most of the players on your boyfriend’s team, were already either highly suspicious of your relationship with one another or already knew the truth about it. The former because who the hell hangs out with their tutor so much off of school? And, the latter because as soon as Sukuna informed his younger brother about everything that went down, Yuuji could not keep his mouth shut.
You abruptly hastened to push away from Sukuna’s grasp upon hearing the teasing sound of none other than Gojo’s voice. How could I have done such a thing in front of so many people? you asked yourself, wanting no more than to combust right then and there. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at anyone in the face with the way your cheeks started reddening, coincidentally, like the color of the eyes belonging to the man whose arms continued to hold you unwaveringly.
Choosing to freeze in place — to keep your peace, you mentally slapped yourself in the face. You thought you were better than this.
On the other hand, Sukuna was far from embarrassed, and wasn’t planning on letting go any time soon. He placed a tender kiss on your cheek, slightly disappointed at you pulling away so early. Was merely kissing one’s girlfriend such a wrong act? After all, he hadn’t seen you all day after dropping you off at a Student Council meeting or some other shit; he missed you, to say the least.
“In your dreams, dumbass,” Sukuna spat out, sending a glare in his teammate’s way, to which Gojo only responded with the raising of both his hands as if in a defensive manner.
Sukuna had his arm around your shoulder whilst you two walked through the hallway on your way out to the parking lot. It brought you a sense of comfort, and ease. Both from Sukuna alone and also his arm around you. He had just got out of a quick shower, changed out of his sweaty and grimy jersey, and was now planning on spending the rest of his evening with you.
The air was cool, the wind light, and there was a noticeable and welcomed absence of boisterous crowds and players, there was neither noise nor sound, save for the pitter patter of your footsteps upon the tiled floor. Well, that is, until someone else decided to show up.
“We should celebrate your win, babe; do you want to eat out? Or I could make that dish that you liked? Or, or, we could order?”
Sukuna hummed, “Whatever you want, baby.”
You stopped in your tracks, turning to face your boyfriend, who raised an eyebrow, curious. “That’s, like, the only thing you have to say, nowadays. It’s your win, not mine, I can’t choose how we celebrate it.”
“But that’s the thing; you can.” Sukuna couldn’t care less about the food you two ate, where you ate it, or how much the bill would charge. If you wanted something, you would get it. Sukuna made sure of that much.
You crossed your arms, giving him a stern look.
“Alright, alright,” Sukuna pulled you back into his side — already desperate for that fluttering feeling you gave him whenever you two came in contact. “I fold. We can go try out that new seafood place that just opened down the street; I’ve been meaning to try their lobster—”
“That sounds good; do they have any grog?”
You almost jumped at the unfamiliar voice of, actually, who was that? You hesitantly turned around to get a good look at the culprit of your near heart attack. Blonde hair? Sorta tall. Lean build. Was he on Sukuna’s basketball team? Never mind that, had he been following you both? How long has he been listening in to your conversation?
“Naoya,” Sukuna snarled. “What the hell are you doing here?” If looks could kill, Naoya — whom you’ve just remembered as the guy who asked you to tutor him —would be six feet under, right now.
“Oh, you know. I’m just a little bored, that’s all. Anyway, I’m guessing that place doesn’t have any alcohol, after all?”
Sukuna deadpanned, and Naoya should’ve taken that as his cue to leave right then and there, but he didn’t. Besides, you were right there. Sukuna wouldn’t get all fired up in front of his girl just because of some small nuisance, right?
“I’ll take that as a ‘no’, but y’know what, that won’t be a problem! I’m hosting an after party back at my place, and there’ll definitely be drinks there. ‘Sides, we should all let loose after that long game; you were MVP, after all. You should be there.” Naoya playfully gave a weak punch to Sukuna’s chest. 
It almost looked like they were friends for a second, before Sukuna rolled his eyes, wanting to take his leave already. He was tired of listening to the blond’s obnoxious voice; it gave him a headache. “Yeah, it won’t be a problem because we weren’t planning on drinking all night, anyway.”
You put a coaxing hand on Sukuna’s arm. Ever since you two started hanging out, Sukuna stopped going to after parties, and just parties altogether. And, although he always reassured you, saying, “They’re boring, trust me,” you still didn’t want to be the reason he missed out on fun.
“I don’t think it could be that bad; you should go, Sukuna. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”
Naoya was surprised to see you unintentionally side with him, but he used that to his advantage, “Not that I have experience, but, I think you should listen to the lady, capt’n. She sounds like she knows what she’s talking about.” The blond shrugged.
It didn’t take long for you and Sukuna to head over to the (as Sukuna called him) punk’s house, and, to say the least, it was totally not what you expected, like, at all. You had already known that the Zen’ins — as they had a big name around the area — were rich, crazy rich, if you will, but it’s always still a surprise to see big houses, right? Not to mention, there was a whole ass gate, too, not like it would be protecting anything, anyway, as it was wide open. Probably to be more accommodating for the entering guests.
The booming music could be heard even from your parking spot outside, and the volume only increased as you entered the lavish abode. You were starting to question if this was a bad idea, after all. However, when you spotted a couple of your friends, and they pulled you aside to play some beer pong or something — you weren’t really paying attention, most of your misgivings diminished. 
“You look so good, babe! C’mon, let me show you where the best drinks are,” Nobara said, pulling you away as soon as she spotted you amidst the people entering and leaving.
Albeit, you were a little saddened at having to leave Sukuna.
Speaking of which, he, on the other hand, was not holding up as much as you. He was immediately dragged off by Gojo to the kitchen, and was offered a solo cup filled up with a liquid which bubbled. It was a shade of greenish-blue and probably tasted as disgusting as it looked.
“You gotta try it, dude. I spent hours mixing all of these drinks together. Man, I probably deserve a medal for doing this. Just look at how much alcohol Naoya has. Damn.” Gojo pointed to the countless bottles in the countless cupboards; there was so much booze that it took up a whole room. This was definitely a little much, even for an alcoholic. And that should say a lot.
Fortunately, the both of you weren’t separated for too long. A game of Seven Minutes in Heaven was started up by a bunch of already clearly tipsy people, and your friends were not going to let you pass up on the opportunity. Apparently, and according to one of them, “You look too hot to not get laid tonight, girl. Don’t be so boring.”
A couple of your complaints and protests went unnoticed, so you reluctantly sat down in the circle of college kids and random people whom you weren’t even sure if they went to Jujutsu Tech. An empty bottle was placed in the middle of the carpeted floor, and as a brunette girl moved to spin it, an assertive voice stopped her.
“Yo! Got any room for three more?” Gojo flashed a smile which showed his pearly whites and almost blinded you and everyone else in the room, but nevertheless, several girls backed up to make room for him, a long-haired man trailing behind with an unamused expression, and Sukuna, who held an indifferent look on his face.
It was almost comical to see the speed at which the ends of Sukuna’s lips quirked up once he saw you amongst his peers, and the speed at which his smile flipped upside down when he noticed there was no room by you and he had to sit next to his white-haired teammate instead. 
Sukuna quickly mouthed to you, Help me, before turning back to face the bottle which was already beginning to spin.
You counted the minutes you had left of your life as more and more people entered the small closet down the hall of Naoya’s house, and either returned with smug expressions on their face or bored looks. Some people were forced to pair up with those they were infatuated with but couldn’t actually ask them out and needed just a little push to do so, while some were forced to go with people that they totally hated. 
You felt bad for the latter, but then again, no one had to actually go in the closet if they didn’t want to. They could choose to skip and keep playing. That’s what you planned on doing—
“Hey, guys! Madame President hasn’t had a turn yet; we can’t let her miss out on all the fun, right, everybody?” asked an unfamiliar voice.
A couple of Yeah’s and agreeing comments filled the living space, and you wanted to dig a hole in the ground and just die. But nonetheless, you didn’t want to seem like a chicken, so you begrudgingly crawled from your previous spot on the ground to the center of the room and spun the bottle.
The bottle went so slow, so slow. To the point it was agonizing to watch as your fate was sealed. You blinked, licked your lips, swallowed the lump in your throat; God, when was this going to be over?
The bottle neared its stop as it unhurriedly passed by Naoya, fuck, the long-haired dude you saw earlier, could be better, Gojo, could it get any worse, until it finally came to a halt at . . . Sukuna, who remained emotionless except for an unexplainable glint which flashed in his eyes. Okay, maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad, after all.
Gojo let out a holler at the truly unexpected event, and most people followed. “Was this magic?” someone even asked; many others said similar things.
Though your nerves did go down a bit, they came back worse than before once you were actually in the dimly lit closet. Sukuna closed and made sure to lock the door behind him, before turning to face you with an unreadable look on his face.
You both spoke up at the same time, but you let Sukuna go ahead first. For, you didn’t even know what you were going to say if you did otherwise; you just wanted to break the awkward silence.
“Look, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to; I’m not some monster. And,” Sukuna scratched the back of his neck, “I know all those idiots out there expect us to make out and have sex — since we’re dating and whatnot, but fuck whatever they’re thinking, okay?”
“Sukuna, I—it’s okay. I do want this, with you, and no one else.”
You hoped Sukuna would get the hint, as you two had come close to this moment multiple times, yet never actually indulged in it. The both of you being in close proximity always brought a lot of tension. Sukuna could never keep his hands off of you; playful touches frequently turned to ones filled with a different desire. You reminded yourself to take things slow, and just go with the flow, since you two had only started dating recently. But, needless to say, it was hard to restrain yourself from jumping his bones, and sleeping over at his apartment more often definitely did not help you one bit.
“Oh yeah? It might be a little too late for you to change your mind later on, though,” Sukuna murmured, drawing nearer and nearer until he had you backed up against the wall. 
“I won’t be able to help myself, and neither will you. Can you blame me, though, when I’ve got an absolute work of art standing right in front of me?” He tipped your chin upward with a single index finger, while his other hand trailed up your side.
You knew what was coming, as you closed your eyes the second Sukuna gingerly connected his lips with yours. It was tender at first; Sukuna wanted to savor the taste, smell, feel, of you. He had been craving this for God knows how long. And you knew he wasn’t planning on letting you go when Sukuna gripped you by the jaw as his other hand rested on your hip.
Sukuna tasted of the chapstick you had recently bought him, and his unruly hair was soft beneath your fingertips — as always. You both moved in sync, like your lips were molded just for each other. And, they probably were. If not, that would be a shame, since Sukuna wasn’t planning on kissing anyone else but you. He was already in too deep; nothing was going to coerce him.
Sukuna only — though resentfully — pulled away when you tapped him twice on the shoulder, indicating you needed to breathe.
“Fuck, you don’t know how long I’ve been waiting, dying, for this,” Sukuna groaned, burying his nose into the crook of your neck. “That white-haired dipshit is the bane of my existence, y’know. Can’t fucking stand him, not when he’s in the way of getting to my girl, not when he’s doing stupid stuff simply because he’s stupid, not when he’s being careless at important games, never.”
It was amusing, the way Ryomen “King of the Court” Sukuna was so wrapped around your finger. He was crazy for you; you made him crazy.
“Damn, you’re really driving me nuts, huh. Can’t even think without you clogging up my head. What are you, a witch or something?” You felt Sukuna’s grin widen as he laughed aloud.
You pouted, your bottom lip jutting out as you threaded your fingers through Sukuna’s pink hair. “Hmph, don’t be mean. Seriously. What’s your problem?”
“Haven’t I made it obvious enough? ‘Sides, aren’t you supposed to be, like, smart and whatnot?”
“. . .”
Sukuna raised his head from your neck to look at you, curious after your silence. “Aww, don’t give me that look, sweetheart. You know I was just joking.”
When you wouldn’t even look him in the eye — not because you were genuinely upset, no, you just wanted to test the waters, Sukuna exhaled and dipped his head so his face was only mere inches away from yours. Your noses nearly touching.
“C’mon, don’t be mad at me. Hell, I should be the one who’s mad. After all, I’ve become a mad man because of you. Fuck, never leaving my mind, running through my head twenty-four seven, because of you. You, baby, you’re my problem. I’m a deranged mess . . . all for you. You, you, you.
“Shit, look at me, damnit,” Sukuna grasped your chin, forcing your face upward to meet his eyes. 
He wasn’t wrong when he said he was a mess; he was a hot mess. Because of you, All for you, you mulled over Sukuna’s words. You liked this side of him, you had to admit. You loved this side of him, you decided, as you cupped his cheek, bringing him in for another kiss. This time, more zealous, and impossibly more fervent.
It would be a lie to say Sukuna wasn’t surprised, because he was utterly amazed. The pink-haired man wasted no time in letting his hands roam up and down your waist as he pressed himself against you, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. 
“Mmph, Sukuna—please,” you whimpered, your words barely intelligible as Sukuna’s tongue explored your mouth. 
Sukuna felt overwhelmed by the feeling of you; it was almost as if he was being drugged — he wouldn’t be surprised if it was just the taste of you that did it for him, though. 
Sukuna didn’t care anymore, he had already thrown away any thought about anyone else outside that damned closet door immediately after you spared him that one look of yours. The one that made him question why he ever kissed other girls, why he ever dated anyone before you, why he didn’t do this earlier. The one which made him — despite his large stature — nearly fall onto his knees and kiss the ground upon which you walked.
“You fuckin’ minx, use those words of yours. ‘Please’ what, huh? Tell me, and I’ll do it,” he mumbled, between placing hot, sloppy, ephemeral kisses on your lips.
“I—ngh—need you, need you so bad, ‘Kuna.” Your knees buckled, and you would’ve fallen if you weren’t held up by Sukuna’s bruising grip on your hips.
Every ounce of self-restraint and control that Sukuna had left in his body dissipated at the sound of those three words. Something snapped in the pink-haired man right then and there, and you knew — after seeing that feral, crazed look in his darkening eyes — that you would hardly make it out of here the same person you were before.
Sukuna wasted no time in slipping his hands under that flimsy, dainty dress of yours, memorizing every curve and aspect of your body. And, unbeknownst to you, a strap of your dress had slowly slid down your shoulder as your hands found purchase on Sukuna’s chest and bicep. Your boyfriend was quickly made aware of this when he caught sight of more cleavage than he had hoped after the front of your dress dipped forward.
“You’re such a tease,” you whined, at the unexpected feeling of Sukuna licking a stripe up your throat; heat rushed to your face as you grew more squirmish.
“Don’t move so much; maybe then I’ll be a little nicer.” Sukuna cursed under his breath as he planted searing hot kisses upon your shoulder, across your collarbone, trailing down your chest in his path.
His cock twitched under the confines of his pants at the sight of your finally freed tits; he nearly ate you whole when he found you weren’t even wearing a bra. His hand grew nearer and nearer to the swell of your breast as he latched on with his mouth to the other one.
Your back arched off the wall, bringing you even closer to Sukuna’s unforgiving touches as he fondled one breast and nipped and sucked at the other, never once giving either of your tits an unequal amount of attention.
Sukuna’s knee pressed between your legs, right where you needed him most, and you had to cover your mouth to stifle the almost pornographic sounding moan that was elicited consequently. You couldn’t help it; you hadn’t been very out in the open in a long time, no, not ever since Sukuna came into the picture.
“Sensitive, are we? Heh,” Sukuna grinned, pulling away from your chest to admire his handiwork. Your lips were swollen, bruised from his endless biting, kissing, sucking, and your tits and chest were blooming with developing marks — or love bites, as Sukuna called them, when you reprimanded him later on.
Everyone outside the closet, down the hall, knew what you two were doing. You knew this was probably wrong for a president to do; you were supposed to set a good example for others to follow. Yet, nothing had ever felt so right.
The metal of Sukuna’s rings were cold against your thighs as he carelessly pushed your soaked panties to the side. You bit your lip, containing your whimpers as his fingers brushed against your clit.
“What’s wrong, hm? Be a good girl f’me and let me hear those pretty sounds of yours,” Sukuna’s lips ghosted the shell of your ear as he spoke so casually.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, eyes squeezed shut and your nails leaving crescent-shaped marks up and down Sukuna’s arms when he first slipped a single digit inside.
Soon that one turned into two, and you were tightening around his fingers as you felt a knot build up in your stomach. Sukuna quickened the pace, curling his fingers inside of you.
Noticing the way your body tensed, Sukuna couldn’t help but feel bad. Cooing, he murmured, “That’s right. Just let go. Mhm, there you go; you’ve got it.”
You were hot all over; the throbbing in your core intensifying even after you came all over his hand.
Peaking an eye open after hearing a belt unbuckle, you let out an audible gasp at the sight of Sukuna’s stiff cock; the reddened tip leaking precum uncontrollably. 
“Sukuna, I—I don’t think that’s going to fit.”
“Don’t make me laugh.”
Sukuna swiftly turned you around so your back was flush against his chest. You gulped, planting your palms against the closet wall.
Sukuna had you babbling nonsense as soon as he entered you. It was a surprise you even got this far without calling it quits, Sukuna was surprised, to say the least. “F-fuck, you’re too big, ‘Kunaa.”
It was overwhelming, the stretch. You could practically feel him in your guts. But it was crystal clear things were only going to get harder. You knew Sukuna wasn’t a kind man. You knew he wasn’t neither soft nor careful. However, Sukuna was a person who knew how to mix pain and pleasure just right. 
After your walls molded to fit him, his pace was unforgiving, hips snapping against yours with an inimitable speed. A particularly hard thrust had you crying out, clawing at the walls looking for purchase, to no avail.
Sukuna’s hands groped and squeezed at your breasts, even going as far as pinching a nipple, eliciting a loud whimper from your lips.
“‘tis too much, too much, ‘Kuna, I can’t,” you mewled.
In an attempt to soothe you, Sukuna lathered the skin of your shoulders in endless amounts of kisses, while one of his hands trailed down your torso.
“Hahh, you’ve no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this,” Sukuna’s breathing was heavy, and warm as it hit your skin. “Every time I saw you with one of those degenerates you called boyfriends, I nearly lost it. Since high school, too, y’know, ngh, I always wondered if they made you feel as good as I could, if you gave me a chance. But no, I told myself it was better to wait. And, whaddya know, I was right.”
Sukuna rubbed your clit with his thumb, in efforts to get you even louder than you already were. He wanted to get you on the edge, push you past your limits, see you out of your mind on his cock. Your non-stop whining rung in his ears, and he groaned at the feeling of your walls fluttering. The coil in your stomach tightened ever so slightly, and Sukuna just knew you were close when you started panting his name like a prayer.
“I’m a mad man for you, baby. I would kill for you, walk across earth and back, worship you like the goddess you are. So, hah, tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me I’m not the only one. Hell, you feel it, too, don’t you. Fuck, I—God, you seriously have no idea how much I love you. How much I love, ngh, this, and everything about us. Not a clue, huh.” 
It’s safe to say you were beyond overstimulated, your brain already turned to mush, when your orgasm came crashing down on you — Sukuna’s following soon after — leaving your legs shaking and a mess drying between your thighs.
With a final groan from Sukuna, he buried his face in the crook of your neck and snaked his arms around your waist. To be honest, it felt like you were the one holding Sukuna up, when it should be the other way around. Considering your current physical condition, and the ratio between your and your boyfriend’s stature.
Sukuna let you ride out your orgasm, while he breathed in your scent.
Sukuna didn’t find laughter in many situations, but when he saw your flushed face, eyes squeezed shut in bliss, mascara running down your cheeks, he couldn’t help but let a small grin slip out.
You were too lost in the moment to even hear Sukuna say those three words which you longed to hear ever since you two got together. But, it didn’t matter, Sukuna thought. He planned on saying them much more often later, anyway.
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Taglist: @beyond-your-stars @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lordbrainsnatcherr @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside @kelerina-ballerina @emikokomura @xiraxdl @sterzin @catobsessedlady @alwaysfreakingout @uhnanix @ssetsuka @wrldtups @lovra974 @rzcnlb @piercddprincess @satoru2716
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reixtsu · 1 day
Unwanted Attention - Jiyan x fem reader
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Synopsis: While going to the meet up place that you promised to see Jiyan, a drunk man started flirting with you. Jiyan interferes and guides you away from the man.
Genre: idk to be honest
Warnings: none!
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"Nice tits you have there, milady," a random drunk guy whistled at you as you made your way to the meeting spot that you promised to meet Jiyan. The man gazed at you for what seemed to be like hours, lust slowly showing in his eyes. You glared at him in disgust, visibly uncomfortable with being in the man's presence.
"Um, was that supposed to be a compliment?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
The man grinned, snapping his fingers, as if proud that you noticed. "Of course, sweet cheeks." Oh, that cringed you out even more.
"Well, I'm not interested in you. Bye," You turned around, not caring if he still wanted to talk. Just as you were about to0 walk away, the man grabbed your wrist. "Wait! Give me a chance!"
You flicked your wrist away from him, glaring at him in pure disgust as if he was molding trash. "I have a meeting with someone. Move."
"Such a feisty attitude. Come on, I won't bite!" The man teased. "Unless you want me to."
Annoyance bubbled in your chest as you opened your mouth to say something, but it was just then when an intimidating yet gentle figure formed behind you.
"She said she wasn't interested. Is that not clear enough?" a deep and soothing voice addressed, hif voice having an air of authority. You smiled, turning around to look at your beloved Jiyan.
His piercing yellow eyes held no mercy as he glared at the drunk man. You couldn't help but admire his chest, completely forgetting the previous man.
"And who the hell are you?" The drunk man slurred, irritated that someone interrupted his flirting. He was desperate to shoot his shot. "I was in the middle of courting that beautiful lady!"
You laughed, finally having your attention back at the man. it was honestly amusing that he thought that he had any chance to court you when Jiyan was around. Your heart and soul belonged to Jiyan only, but you laid low for a while as you watched how Jiyan would handle the situation.
"Unfortunately for you, you do not meet her standards. Besides, she is already with someone at the moment."
"Heh. So what? She obviously would change her mind if she gave me a chance." You could tell from Jiyan's impatient sigh that he was starting to lose his patience. 
He closed his eyes, reaching out to hold your hand in his gentle grasp. "We must depart now. We have a meeting to attend to. I would appreciate it if you stop bothering my lover."
The other man scoffed, not knowing how to react to Jiyan's polite tone. "Um. Fine..."
With a small hum, Jiyan walked away, hand in hand with you. You looked at him with an amused expression, ready to tease him at any moment. Jiyan loved you, and was willing to protect you no matter the situation. After all, you were the light of his life, and you loved him back just as much.
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Author’s note: I know most Wuwa simps simp for Scar, I kinda do too but I’m trying my best to hide the fact that I simp for Scar or else my girlfriend will tease me. Jiyan and Yinlin though, oh my goodness I simp so hard for them.
Anyways, this isn’t my proudest work. As some might be able to tell, it was rushed. I basically just put all of my ideas onto paper.
Jiyan though… he is hot and fine as heck.
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pedriscroquettes · 12 hours
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summary. your morals are nonexistent when a certain brunette comes into your life.
warnings. cheating, cocky!kenan, and smut 18+
gabri speaks! pookie looked so good in tns match 😋 was listening to suano by ntg while writing.
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the city lights were a blur as the car sped by in the late hours of the night. unlike your driver you were unfamiliar with the host country. kenan had spent countless days in dortmund for competitions and various matches — meaning he knew all the best spots — he was keen on impressing you. your hair can’t help but get in your face every couple of minutes do to the windows being down. you don’t mind tho, you never do, not with him.
a mix of rap and r&b plays through the car as he drives you back to your hotel. you hardly pay attention to the music as the brunette tells you about his training session from the morning. he sounds so excited about being able to play in such a huge stage for his country and you can’t help but smile at his excitement.
that intimate moment was cut short when you felt his hand on your thigh — your short dress allowing him the perfect opportunity to tease you — and you let him. it had been a while since the two of you had done anything due to his busy schedule and your studies. you gladly accepted his advances and opened your legs to allow him better access to where you needed him the most. his hand slowly makes its way up your leg and the closer he gets to your core, the hotter you feel. you grip the door handle as he finally moves your panties to the side and exposes you to the cold.
you feel yourself grow wetter as his fingers get closer to your cunt. your head hits the back of the seat as he moves his fingers along your folds, spreading your wetness, provoking a moan from you. he teases you circling his finger around your clit. illicit and provocative noises leave your mouth as he pleases you. you wondered how he was able to keep his eyes on the road as his fingers were exploring you.
it all felt good but you desperately needed him inside you. you didn’t hesitate as you placed your hand on top of his dragging his finger down to your entrance in the process. he knew what you needed and soon enough he was stretching you causing your legs to close on his hand at the sudden intrusion.
“kenan…” you gasped as he started fingering you.
your grasp on his hand grew stronger as he inserted his finger so deep inside you stretching you out. it was already too much with you clenching around him as he pumped into you. you resisted the urge to thrust against his hand as he continued his slow movements inside of you. your breathing became rigid as you felt him move sending heat throughout your body. you couldn’t even hear the music anymore, your gasps and moans filling the car instead. you could feel his smirk as you lost all your morals beside him.
“more?” he asked you as he drove.
“mhm.” you whined as you felt the familiar warmth of your undoing approaching.
you stayed still as he entered a second finger inside of you, your legs trying to close on your hands at the feeling. you lifted your hips towards his fingers trying desperately to reach your release. it was a sigh for sore eyes seeing you in such a state. kenan wonders how he got so lucky, how he got the privilege to touch you, and how he managed to have your attention for so long. finally, when he curls his fingers it’s when you come undone and reach your peak.
as if on cue the two of you finally arrive to your hotel. as you recover from your high kenan gets out of the car and heads to your side. always the gentleman, he was. he helps you out of the car and the two of you stand outside the hotel entrance. the two of you can’t help but laugh at what just happened. sometimes you forget he used to be your best friend before all of this.
“i need to leave or else coach will bench me opening match.” he interrupts. “i’ll see you tomorrow?”
his brown eyes bore into yours. they’re so full of kindness and joy. you’re always vulnerable to them.
“yeah.” you respond shyly.
he just nods in acknowledgment and he’s on his way back to the car but stops himself. he hesitates this time but nevertheless he kisses you. it’s quick and just a peck but it’s a kiss. one that holds hidden emotions. he gets into his car but doesn’t leave until you’re inside the hotel. and to your surprise you find one of his jerseys on your bed with an upgraded ticket for tomorrow’s match. he had gifted you a ticket in one of the suites. then you notice the note.
see you tomorrow? – love, kenan
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the following night kenan begs you to make him feel better about his disallowed goal and you can’t help but help him. kenan can’t help but be turned on by the jersey you’re wearing, his jersey. it finally feels good to know that he’s yours. you’re too lost in the pleasure of him filling you up you don’t notice the countless messages blowing up your phone.
why’d i just see you on screen?
why are you in germany?
babe, why are you wearing a turkish jersey who do you know from turkey?
are you fucking serious? why has that idiot just announced the two of you are dating. what the fuck?
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brandyllyn · 2 days
Silk from their soul (16)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: E (slight somno) Words: 800 Summary: New plan
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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This was either the best or worst idea he’d ever had.
She’s asleep in his arms, her body so much cooler than his that it’s a balm to his scorched skin. He should move. Should wipe away the cum he’d stained across her skin before it had a chance to scar her. But the Rad-X and other drugs would protect her for a spell, he was certain, and her natural healing would take care of the rest. And besides, he didn’t want to.
He was perfectly content to lay there, holding a bundle of soft, cool woman in his arms.
It’d been a long time since he last did this - before the bombs fell. A little piece of nothing he’d picked up at a bar the night his divorce was finalized. She’d been nice enough, probably even had a name - not that he’d ever asked. Since then there had been an occasional fuck with someone as scarred as he was, few and far between, but never cuddling. Never laying together and feeling the giggles that made her vibrate against him.
A man could get addicted to that sort of thing.
It was plum near idiotic is what it was.
“You’re a damn fool,” he mutters to himself once he’s certain she can’t hear him. It felt necessary to put the words out there. To acknowledge to himself he knew what was going on.
It needed saying.
In over two hundred years he’d never felt the slightest desire to change his life for someone. To let their wants or needs supersede his own. He’d only had one driving force, find out what happened to Janey and put a bullet in his bitch of an ex-wife. 
Simple. Easy.
But now…
Now he wanted to travel north, find whatever piece of land this crazy girl had her eye on and homestead for a bit. His family had waited this long - what was another fifty, sixty years? He could live a life and then continue on after.
It was a tempting thought, assuming she was amenable. It was one thing to fuck him, another entirely to hitch her wagon to him.
Then again, maybe the fucking was enough. If he kept her happy, kept that silly little blissed out smile on her face and her body shaking from the pleasure he could give her… maybe it would be enough to make her stay.
Maybe it’d even be enough to make him forget.
He skates a hand down her back, feeling the way her skin dips under his fingers. She’s smooth, so unlike him in every way. He cocks an eyebrow when he feels his dick stir. Now that it had woken up from its hundred year slumber it seemed eager to make up for lost time.
Slowly, so as not to wake her, he rolls her to her back. He’d been too fascinated by those soft thighs of hers from the start to give up the opportunity now. He shifts his weight over her, pressing kisses across her shoulders and down between her breasts. He’d made his vow and would abide by it, his lips would never approach hers.
Well, at least not those lips.
Taste is just about all he has left and he savors the moment his tongue flicks out into the slick heat of her. She moans softly, bending her knees and he takes the opportunity to sling them over his shoulders. He presses kisses between her thighs, using his tongue to part her lips so he can flick across her clit.
God, he loves hearing his name on those pretty lips.
He rewards her by pressing deeper, digging his fingers into her thighs and sucking at her. She cries out, hands coming down to grasp at his head and he growls. 
“Oh Cooper.”
He’d walk through fire for this woman.
He flips her over even as she’s still shuddering, coming to his knees behind her and settling his cock deep inside the wet heat that calls to him. He’s been watching her ass sway for the better part of a week and he slaps a hand across one cheek just to hear her gasp his name once more.
“That’s it, sweetheart, rock that wet little cunt on me.”
She is, hands fisting into the sheets while she squirms under him. It’s enough to make him throw his head back, dig his fingers into her hips and beg the sweet Lord above for some patience.
Keep her pliant.
Keep her blissed out.
Keep her his.
Just… keep her.
☢ ☢ ☢
For updates follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
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lightyaoigami · 2 days
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welcome to my long promised grief media master post! my credentials: card carrying member of the dead dads club. i chose the books, tv, and movies based on vibes alone and i was guided by divine vision. possible spoilers below the cut.
Catcher in the Rye
I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalyzed and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don’t blame them. I really don’t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. It was a very stupid thing to do, I’ll admit, but I hardly didn’t even know I was doing it and you didn’t know Allie.
The Goldfinch
And what would I do? Part of me was immobile, stunned with despair, like those rats that lose hope in laboratory experiments and lie down in the maze to starve. I tried to pull my thoughts together. For a while, it had almost seemed that if I sat still enough, and waited, things might straighten themselves out somehow. Objects in the apartment wobbled with my fatigue: halos shimmered around the table lamp; the stripe of the wallpaper seemed to vibrate.
Hard Boiled and Hard Luck
Sometimes you go back again to the place you’ve just come from, stop and close your eyes, and realize that not a second has passed, and time just leaves you there, stranded, in the darkness.
The Fellowship of the Ring
I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.
The Stranger
 At that time, I often thought that if I had had to live in the trunk of a dead tree, with nothing to do but look up at the sky flowing overhead, little by little I would have gotten used to it. 
Life of Pi
I still see him in my dreams. They are nightmares mostly, but nightmares tinged with love. Such is the strangeness of the human heart.
TV Shows
the grief and loss show of all time. 10/10. don't look it up just watch.
i like this show because it depicts someone whose life just sucks after their dad dies. like she just becomes a worse person with a more unhappy life. real!
Never Have I Ever
people hate this show because the main character is a nasty little pill but i hate to tell you that that is literally what happens when you lose a loved one unexpectedly and traumatically. sorry.
Eternal Sunshine
captures the surreal nature of forgetting someone you love(d) and knowing exactly what's happening despite being powerless to stop it.
truly beautiful and moving film about the utter listlessness of life after loss. if you have ever felt unmoored, this movie is for you. one of the most beautiful soundtracks ever, too.
The Farewell
people were weird about this movie but the final scene where billie is being driven away from her nainai's house is one of the realest things i can remember seeing in a recent movie.
Disco Elysium
just play it. don't look anything up about it just play it immediately.
Life is Strange
people found the dialogue in this stilted but this scene (spoilers) is so true to life especially for the early 2010s.
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for unknown reasons this panel of calvin mourning a raccoon that he found is the ultimate expression of grief - the horror and resignation and dissonance are captured so well in his sunken eyes. i think about this all the time.
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lunarharp · 5 months
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wip thing...
of my bg3 avatar hellebore. i also did some casual nude studies of my 3 characters which i'll put under a cut... rather unlike me after all. (so WARNING for abrupt non-sexual full Artistic nudity lol...,,,,) (< won't be making a habit of this)
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they mean the world to me
#bg3 spoilers#?? idk. gith look so..Emaciated. And long. i guess we don't eat on the astral plane :) anyway..well..too much to say.....#it is very very very depressing having to live in the Real World after that final playthrough meant so very much to me.#i normally feel Hope & suchlike after finishing a highly immersive emotional game..but it's too hard this time and it hurtsssss lol yippee#i appreciate bg3 very much for being a place where i could access the concept of nudity & such like in a way that finally felt comfortable.#bodies are inherently non-sexual. they just Are a Fact of Life. this game being NORMAL about nudity from the character creation screen#makes it possible for someone like me to actually have a chance at accessing sensuality in a way that feels comfortable from there.#dont feel like putting it into words further. im ace. just very grateful to this game. even despite the horrors i will never ever forget it#augoh..gugf.. want to go back. my friends & love are in there.....i'm supposed to just move on? in the real world??? THIS place???? UHH????#my characters canonically look like that too!! i see them as intersex and not so much trans. They just look that way.#Diversity win!!! the people who enacted horrors upon you and are trying to kill you again respect your pronouns!!!! <3#I FAILED HONOUR MODE IN THE STUPIDEST WAY POSSIBLE..ACCIDENTALLY TOUCHED AN ITEM. MY LOVER TOUCHED SOME BLOOD-TOUCHED RAG ITEM @ THE CRECHE#AND MY PEOPLE MASSACRED US... YOU BELOVED PRAT. OF COURSE IT WOULD BE YOU AND IN THIS WAY#grateful for love triangle chaos...INTENSE EX DRAMA... IT HAD MAJOR REPURCUSSIONS THIS TIME...ohh so very much happened ohh my dear#truly don't know how to face the Real World now for real. I Don't Know. something has snapped. ive realised twt just makes me feel sad lol#if something in my spare time isn't at least half as fun as bg3....like.. it's not good enough. god we only have one wild and precious life#being Online makes me feel a loneliness so wretched and painful and horrible i really don't think this is the answer.#Why did you even start drawing in the first place? Why did you start this?#For real..the need to work this out and decide what on earth i'm going to do now has presented itself. Why try to get better..why be online#someone who has an imagination that can keep them so happy and fulfilled...has no business also feeling a loneliness as profound as this.#why was someone THIS introverted and withdrawn and anxious also cursed with such a restlessness?#What are you going to DO now? because hellebore and their lover are fine....... So what about you...?#hellebore..😭😭 AUUGHH!! I JUST WANT TO GO TO MY BED IN THE INN...PLAY ON MY VIOLIN THAT'S WHAT I'D DO!!!! i'd drink some ALE DAMNIT!!!!!#i was rereading My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness- the only time i've seen this level of emotional isolation depicted-and was grateful.#but then i read her latest book and now she has a debilitating substance abuse situation and it's upsetting.#I hope she finds what she was looking for. I hope we all make it. kind of wild that i dont do such major self-sabotage at this point myself#I truly think anyone who manages to find dear friends and achieve fulfillment and happiness with others outside themselves are amazing.#I see it happen from my tower. i hope we all make it. I hope we can make it through everything to come.#Why did i say all this on drawings of my characters naked. ah who even cares any more......
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fragmentedblade · 8 months
The way Luocha's conversation and confrontation with Jing Yuan was established in terms of a xiangqi match (or whatever it's called ingame in the English translation; "starchess", I think?) was great, especially with how Jing Yuan congratulates his last move.
How Luocha's course of action is laid is also very typical of xiangqi strategies for what I've been reading, especially when it comes to the use of the general piece. Jing Yuan has to abide to the law, can't move, and is forced to let Luocha get away with what he wants to do.
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astrxealis · 2 years
it's pretty hard to find more like minded people who like ffxiv esp as a minor & in ph ;; but i know quite a few! not any in my country bcs :") but my twin & my 2 irls i got into it <3 so like. idk but maybe i cld make a discord q-q ( oh gods warning for tags. very long ,,, )
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#there's a few reasons as to why i'm hesitant to do so though ......#and i don't even like talking /too/ much with others. so that's that too dohfidhskdjs#but i literaly know two people on twitter 17-19 and my twin who doesn't rlly count bcs we do everything together and two close friends T__T#and it's hard for some friends i know who are interested bcs either they don't have a device/console or they need space !! or too slow >_<#or. i'm not close enough w then orr we're not of the same mind yeah ?? like. my former fc mates in twin b4 i moved to oce ^^;#i tried looking thru a website and saw 1 that'd be cool but just for adults. valid T___T#& i saw another !! from twintania even :O but idk regardless TwT#man it rlly is difficult as a minor & shy & kinda socially anxious & philippines eee#BUT I DID SEE 2 Y'SHTOLAS AT THE CON. i will never forget that. no pic but i'm so happy#it's kinda hard to rely on my people in the country to get into xiv (as a minor) bcs y'all just play uhm. free games WHEEZE#💀💀💀 many other reasons that i'm iffy about but i don't want to come off that way bcs i'm not that Yeah. also wtvr ig <//3#UGHFHFJEHFJ SORRY FOR. TALKING ABT THIS. uh. i've been a bit less subtle abt it bcs it's been almost 2 years since i've played and it still#feels rather lonely ;; yeah ;;; idk it's honestly been eating me up from the inside for so long esp w not being in an fc yet in ravana ><#wahhh so yeah T___T ig the best thing wld be for my irls to play more xiv or hang more w my friends who ik r in xiv but for various reasons#that isn't. easy either :( aaaaaaaaaaaa#like. idk man but my experience in ffxiv is just. really yeah#nothing has captured me just as much as this esp bcs my interests tend to fluctuate but this has stayed w me for so long#even w the fact i played it the whole summer in '20 and i'm endgame alrdy ?? and the fact i think abt it everyday and don't even get tired#the story is INCREDIBLY good. none of what i've played can compare. not even other final fantasies. esp when it comes to shb bcs i barely#can think of criticism about it ;;; the other expansions are all beautiful (yes. all) even w their imperfections and flaws? for me it adds#to my appreciation but i like to be critical abt it regardless and all !! tbh maybe it's also just me actually being a fan of mmos but#ffxiv rlly is an rpg first and an mmo 2nd >< and the most final fantasy at it's core honestly !! and the music is incredibly top tier :O#idk man but p5 and fe3h and gbf and octopath and other games i've played ;; what makes the story good is all in xiv imo ??#altho it's kind of a cheat bcs it's an mmo WHEEZE but it rlly does feel like an rpg first and this is from someone who honestly mostly#played rpgs b4 xiv >< i cld go on and on but lehfoebfisj i do that too much and i'm rambling so much na ere aaaaaa#idk but. yeah. idk. when i think abt what makes 3H and p5 and gbf good and others. it's just also in xiv#i hope i don't come off as close minded and ignorant though T___T this is just me rn being yeah over my greatest passion !!#oh gods i accidentally deleted a tag up there and reached 30 tags GOODBYE i talk (text) so much oml
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
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idontdrinkgatorade · 26 days
couldn't fall asleep and started feeling depressed and anxious and horribly paranoid about my future so guess who's on tumblr at 12:15 a.m.
#my phone's in the front and my computer was already put up#but i just. could not go to sleep. no matter how hard i tried#i was on the verge of a mental breakdown i guess#i feel like i'm going to lose contact with all my friends#like all of my close friends are either going to a completely different college or aren't even graduating yet#and out of all of my friends i have the furthest driving distance to their cities and i hate driving#like everyone will be living within an hour of each other EXCEPT ME i'm gonna be at least three hours away#and i hate driving so much it stresses me out i think i'm just gonna die on the road and have no future#and i made an insta specifically to attempt to keep contact but idk what i'm doing and idk if it'll even work#i feel like i'm just gonna be another name that people see#i'm so scared of being alone and i'm so scared of losing the people i love#and i'm so scared of them forgetting about me or losing interest in me#they're so important to me but i'm afraid i'm going to stop being important to them#god i'm afraid of leaving the damn cat. she's going to forget about me too#i'm so bad at keeping contact with people i don't know what i'm going to do#i'm so scared of trying to talk to people bc i always think i'm just annoying them no matter how close we are#people say we'll keep in contact but i know i'm just going to be too scared to put in the effort and then they'll stop too#i dunno i miss the times when we fantasized about leaving the country and moving together with all our friends#i wish that could be a reality#and we're going to be so busy too so even just trying to coordinate something won't work#i should have made an insta sooner fuck this is stupid. if i made it sooner i would have more time to create connections and get used to it#rather than just sit there not knowing what to do#i'm just scared of losing everything i know#well fuck i forgot i had attachment issues. i forgot that was literally one of the most substantial aspects of my early childhood trauma#fuck why can't i be normal. why can't i be okay. why can't i be a social person and actually be able to talk to people#there's so much i'm going to miss about my friends and my life. i just. idk what i'm gonna do now#i was looking forward to it bc i would finally be free from the grasp of my parents but at what cost?
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cinnamon-notes · 2 months
leaving the apartment where i lived with my ex turned out to be more painful than her leaving the apartment where we lived together
#i keep unconsciously forgetting stuff there that will have me go back there just one more time and somehow it's so hard and soooo painful#tried to talk to my mom about this but that era of my life is actually something she cant bring herself to reminisce at all#i could really use a talk with my mom abt this but i dont wanna force a subject on her especially if its something i know she cant talk abt#it was the darkest era of my life and we had that phase lorelai and rory went through when rory dropped out of yale#and i have to thank GG because it made me realize in how much pain my mom must've been at seeing her gifted elder daughter become her worse#self and literally waste everything she was and had and knew. which also helped me realize why she isn't that happy when i mention that time#we went through. cant blame her. i literally threw away two years of my life and all the beautiful people ive been up to that time.#but still- i really need to talk to her about this. because it was indeed painful to walk around an apartment newly emptier and not be able#to be eaten out alive by all the spots of that apt where some things happened or some things were said or some things were seen. it was. it#was extremely painful. it hurt so fucking much. but leaving those spots omg- being willing to never spot them again. being willing to lose#the memory of them. forever. wow- it's a completely different level of pain. it just hurts differently. because i know it's time and i know#it's been time for a very VERY long time. and i know this is literally all it takes for me to be more free from the thought of my ex. i know#it's more than necessary and i know it's the right thing. it still hurts. cuz it's all damn over. and i let it pass without ever actively#process it. because to process it was too painful. and i will heal silently. away from here. alone. with a few true friends. i know i will.#it still hurts cuz like- you can know you made the right decision ans you can still grieve and hurt. so yeah im ceying bye i need my mom and#i need to process many things and im way too traumatized and i probably wont have any other romantic/platonic/sexual relationship for many#many years. and i probably wont have that many friends for a little while. and its okay. its time to settle a little bit steadier than i am.#always remembering im not a tree and im actually allowed to move whenever and wherever i wish. but i need more stability right now. i need#to learn how to love myself without becoming cynical. and im almost there. i know i am. i can feel it. and i feel this steadiness for it to#final.#cinnamon diary#sorry about the rant im just in desperate need to cry and hurt
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thistlekiss · 6 months
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neverendingford · 8 months
#tag talk#vent#idk. I've been dissociating worse than normal recently. leaving the stove on. forgetting to clock out at work.#I've caught myself spacing out more. staring at the same place and I know how long it's been because I look back through my music queue#I'll flip back five songs until I finally find one I remember listening to. I can't do anything without constant music or other audio#I feel like I'm not myself. or.. idk. not in my body. and I don't know who's piloting it. we're both tired and dead.#I don't know what autopilot program is running this body but it's not very good.#I keep realizing that time is passing but I'm not the one spending those minutes#I'm afraid to drive anywhere because I don't know if I can safely drive. I've just been so faded into the background#I just. idk. this stress is fucking me up and I need to keep moving forward I need to keep moving forward I need to keep moving forward I n#but everything is so hard everything takes so long everything is going to be so much more work#and I keep fighting the trained bit in my head that keeps reminding me how well we slept the day after I drained my blood into the tub#how empty and clear my head was in the three days I recovered from opening myself up#I want to be back there. a closed environment. no more worries about my responsibilities.#to be fair. I did spend a pretty bad night with panic attacks and flashbacks and shit so I shouldn't idealize it so much#yeah. hmmmm. I think I've done my best to not think about. but it wasn't all That great#idk. I just. I'm so distant right now. the input lag is hard to work with. I'm zooming in just to see anything.#I'm traveling backwards at constant acceleration and yet somehow I'm still present in the world#my ears drone and the pressure builds in the back of my head but I still have work tomorrow and I can't afford to die#I have too many things to do and I know I will feel better in a few weeks#but also. Christmas is coming up. religious trauma is gonna be a constant zap in my brainstem until January#I was gonna rip a new one but I decided to shower first And Then do it but I lost motivation after the shower so uh I guess I've healed?#like. I just... don't wanna anymore. which is a testament to my recovery over the past five years I suppose.#idk. I'm gonna make it through but I'm not gonna be happy about it
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yuukiiqwq · 3 months
Satoru is the type to get jealous over little things because he just wants you all to himself. Right now, he's sulking on the couch. Why, you may ask? Let's rewind a bit.
When you finally moved into Gojo's house, you got a cat. No, you didn't adopt one. It was Gojo. He came back one day with a cat.
"Toru. Why are you holding a cat?"
"Excuse you! His name is Fluffball!" He huffed. "And starting today, he's living with us!"
You blinked at him. Did he just name the cat Fluffball? What kind of name is Fluffball??
"Satoru Gojo."
He flinched at you, calling him by his full name. His brain instantly went into danger mode and activated his secret weapon.
"He'll keep you company whenever I go on missions!" He said as he gave you the puppy eyes. "And isn't he adorable?"
You bit the bottom of your lip. This was cheating. He knew that you couldn't resist. You don't mind adopting a cat... but out of nowhere? Do you trust yourself with taking care of a pet?
You sigh as you gave in. You couldn't say no. The cat was adorable after all...
"Fine. We can keep him."
His eyes instantly lighted up as he smiled down at the cat in his arms.
"You hear that Fluffball? She said yes!" He spins around with the cat, causing the cat to let out a series of meows.
You shaked your head from his antics. "Stop spinning the poor cat. And we will not be calling him Fluffball."
Thus causing Satoru to whined immediately. After all, in his opinion, Fluffball was a great name!
That was a few weeks ago. Now, back to the present. You ended up adoring the cat. Which is fine and all, but you've been paying attention to the cat more than Gojo lately. Like he's right here next to you, and instead of cuddling him, you're cuddling that cat.
And the name you came up with for the cat? Even worse. You took his nickname and gave it to the cat.
How did he find out? Well, it started with you asking for the cat to come over to you.
"Toru, come here," you called.
Satoru immediately came to your side, but you had a look of confusion, thus causing him to become puzzled himself.
"Satoru, why did you come over?
"You called for me! Obviously, I came to your side as fast as possible!"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "I was not calling for you. I was calling for Toru." You motioned your hand towards the cat that came over. You immediately picked him up and covered him with kisses.
He was absolutely confused, and it wouldn't be the last.
Out of nowhere, all the nicknames you would call him would go straight towards the cat. No, he was no longer Toru. Or Babe. Or Darling. Or Baby. Or love of my life. Or beautiful dashing amazing boyfriend. He was just Satoru.
He regrets ever bringing that cat home. So what did he do? Well... he called Suguru for a favor.
The next day, when you came home calling for the cat, no noise was heard. You searched all throughout the house but didn't find the cat anywhere. Then you heard the front door unlocking and Satoru walking in with the biggest smile.
"Satoru, do you know where Toru is?"
He walked up to you and immediately wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
"Well... I invited Suguru over while you were out, and Suguru just fell in love with the cat."
"He wanted to bring him to his house for a few days! He said something about how he adores that little thing and wanted to spend a lot, and I mean a lot of time with him!"
You immediately knew something wasn't right. There was no way Suguru would do something like that.
You sternly repeated his name– "Satoru."
You stared him in the eyes, waiting for him to tell you the truth.
"Fineeeeee. I called Suguru for a favor," he whined as he nuzzled against your neck. "You're spending too much time with Fluffball! You're forgetting your amazing boyfriend!
"I am not forgetting you, Satoru. We literally live together. You're insufferable, and like you said, you're my boyfriend. I can't forget you that easily. And his name is not Fluffball."
"Oh, so now you remember your poor lonely boyfriend! Don't lie to me!" He huffed at you. "You're calling that cat by my nicknames! What happened to calling me Toru! Or baby! Or my beautiful dashing amazing boyfriend!"
"I have never called you by that last one in my life," you said as you rolled your eyes at him. "Are you really jealous of a cat, Satoru?"
He leaned into you, putting all his weight on you. He was basically crushing you as he continued his whining.
"So what if I'm jealous! You're not paying any attention to me! I thrive off of attention! Especially yours!"
You chuckled at his response.
"There's nothing to be jealous of Satoru. How can I make up for your horrible suffering?"
You felt the instant regret the second those words left your lips. You see the way his eyes get clouded with lust as you feel one of his hands trail up your thigh.
"Oh, you'll make it up to me, alright," he whispered in your ear. "At the end of this, the only thing you'll be able to think of is me and my cock."
He then pulled you into a hungry and greedy kiss. He kissed you like he had been deprived of you for years. And in his opinion, he has.
You only noticed you're in the bedroom once you felt the soft mattress behind you. You don't recall how he brought you into the bedroom. All you know is that you're in for a very long night because he's not letting you go anytime soon.
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k0yaz · 10 months
idk if you write for more than one character at a time, but can i please request the male hashira x gn reader headcanons for when their crush sits on their lap? mostly fluff maybe slight spice? thanks
when you sit on their lap hcs
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Pairing(s): male hashira x gn!reader (except muichiro)
CW: sfw, slightly suggestive, gn!reader, lap sitting, very suggestive on tengen’s part, slight mention of thigh riding and grinding
A/N: again, I am so sorry this took awhile because I was on vacation I will be working on what’s in my inbox now <33
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Gyomei is weirdly calm about it
Probably because he’s blind or cause he doesn’t have a hard time keeping his composure
He’ll adjust himself so you have a more comfortable position to sit in
Keeps his arms wrapped around your waist or torso to help you balance on his thigh or wherever you’re sitting down
Rests his chin onto your head occasionally
Sometimes forgets to tell you to get off, and you guys just remain in that position for a long time just talking like normal
Another hashira would have to see you two and point it out in order for you to finally get off
Gyomei would apologize if necessary and let you off calmly
“Y/N, I enjoy you sitting on me, we should have more conversations like this.”
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Sanemi on the other hand is a little more aggressive…
When you sit down on his lap, he’s completely flustered, his face bright red and hot
He’d yell at you to get off, even though he made no effort to get you off
We know you enjoy it Sanemi it’s okay
If you got off, he’d growl under his breath and try to scoot himself closer to you until you sat back on him
If you stay on his lap, he averts his eyes from yours, and grits his teeth while blushing furiously
After some time of awkward silence of him holding your waist and you cuddling him in his lap, a thread basically snaps inside him, and he pulls you close to him, burying his face into your neck
Sanemi would plant your hips down using his bare hands, and press his teeth to your neck, making sure there’s no space between the two of you
“You got me all hot and bothered, Y/N. Now take responsibility you damn brat.”
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Rengoku would have a fairly normal, but excited reaction
He would laugh loudly and hug you tightly, smiling up/down at you as you’re situated on his lap
He allow you to rest your head onto his shoulder in a loving manner
Bro literally can’t stop smiling the whole time you’re on his lap
You two just sit there in a joyful manner, hugging each other tightly while laughing and smiling casually
Rengoku definitely holds onto you as tight as he can after atleast 10 minutes of cuddling
He just can’t get enough, you’re too cute
Probably also presses an overwhelming amount of kisses to your cheek every 20-30 seconds
You can literally feel him smiling against your skin as he kisses you
“Y/N! We shall do this again after our next mission!”
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Tengen is definitely the most suggestive and flirtatious with this
As soon as you take a seat on his thigh, he smirks and pulls you into him without hesitation
His arms are locked around your waist as he leans into you with a depraved expression
Constant teasing while you’re on him, no doubt about it
Like, he kisses you everywhere accessible, and grips your waist tighter
When you’re on his thigh, he moves his thigh up and down a little, and helps move your waist back and forth against him
Basically allows you to grind on him if you’re okay with it
Teases you by leaning back and placing his arms to rest against a nearby surface as you keep your movements against him up
“Come on Y/N, don’t keep me waiting.”
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Giyuu is quite calm and unfazed when you sit on his lap, similar to Gyomei
He just sits back, and occasionally rests his hands onto your waist or shoulders
Poor guy hasn’t had much affection, and is hella disliked so he just stays quiet the whole time
But, he does hold you tightly. It may not be something huge, but you can feel his affection and love in his embrace
Rests his head onto your shoulder
His breathing is calm and slow against your skin as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, with his chin situated between your shoulder and collarbone.
If you try to get up, he’ll let you, but not before asking you to hold him a bit longer
Maybe, just maybe, he’ll smile against you if he feels comfortable with your body pressed against his on his lap
“Y/N…I love you. Don’t leave me, please.”
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Obanai remains silent, but it’s no secret that he’s flustered.
He looks away bashfully and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to avoid eye contact with you since it’s too embarrassing for him
He sighs heavily, trying to maintain his composure with you literally seated on his lap
His face is tinted a bright red, not even his bandaged mouth can hide the heavy blush dusting his cheeks
When you look over, you can literally see Kaburamaru giving Obanai a “you’re a fucking pussy” type stare
I guess that causes him to finally look at you and make eye contact
When he does gain some sort of confidence, he rests his hands onto your shoulders, and eventually wraps his arms around your torso, pulling you closer
He pulls you a little too close- putting you chest to chest with him, and his arms locked around you tightly and squeezing you
If you point out the fact that he’s hugging you too tight, he’ll get embarrassed and quietly apologize, before loosening his grip around you
Just let the man hug you and tough it out okay
“I- Y/N…I’m at a loss for words..?”
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A/N: hehheehhe did y’all miss me I’m back <3
I’ll come clean and admit- although I came back recently, I have been writing shit for myself the past week or so?
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