pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Ebb & Flow:
When one makes a conscious decision to become their future version. It’s like a tide.
Moments of clarity appear and disappear. Old and new dance together sometimes even fight each other, then there is a harmony of self.
I constantly fight my old version. I mean constantly. The belief of being less than, the facade of fear, and just defaulting to a life unnoticed.
Maybe it’s a reminder of being humble. Never forgetting where I came from, and learning to adapt to those at the places I’ve been.
We all go through things and the ebb and flow is part of the constant. It’s about being at peace with it.
It’s natural. It’s normal. Be at peace with your journey. Sometimes love isn’t felt without loss.
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frameofchiku · 3 years
Showing up:
Showing up is a challenge when distractions are so easily accessible.
To continue to show up, all the things that serve me have to happen in that order. It can’t break.
When it breaks, I break and I cannot see myself.
Part of my focus today:
James 1: “But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves…”
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1103films · 7 years
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Currently watching an episode of On Purpose with Jay Shetty with Will Smith:
Something I absorbed...humans are forever interesting to me. I know I am one but I have an experience from time to time where I feel I can look outside myself so to speak.
They’re discussing how humans naturally want revenge when they feel wronged or disrespected. (Very true) which to me is a natural response but, us humans have free will. We can choose to act on it or not.
It’s funny, in some cases, I’ll express my ability to not react in certain situations since it’s just not worth my time or peace, others would perceive me as “crazy”. Now I know what their version of “crazy” means to me.
“Crazy” is not doing something someone else would do, so of course it would seem “crazy” to them. It’s not in their vision currently to behave this way.
There is not right or wrong, however there is a doing of what’s best for the person.
Lesson: focus on your peace. This is ones truth.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
“Your attitude is more important than your aptitude.“ - Zig Ziglar
Think about your favorite teacher. Why do you remember them? Did you pass the class? Do you still remember what they taught you today?
Attitude makes everything. It’s like water for the flower to grow, it’s necessary and it makes growing, easier. 
Attitude helps people learn, helps people connect. 
Attitude makes sweeping floors a meditation instead of just an annoying task. 
So the next time you want to do something that you don’t really want to do, but need to do, mind your attitude. 
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
My girlfriend mentioned that there was a 21 day meditation 🧘🏾‍♀️ available on Spotify.
We started doing the meditation together and I’m enjoying it. It’s a great addition to my life to get back into this practice. I used to meditate more in the past but, my time shifted to working often.
It’s important to take time for you, and reflect on you and your experiences. Life is a journey of learning who you are and why you’re here. Everyone’s experience is different.
I feel sometimes we may get caught up in the experience and expectations of, and from others that we forget to learn who we are.
We are not a “complete human” when we are born. Our experiences shape us.
Meditation is a great way to realign with what is happening, why it’s happening, and most importantly how it affects you.
I encourage you to try it. Be well.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
There are moments that arise in life when you start to work with and not against yourself.
Some may say, “Well, I’ve always worked with myself…” well, that’s great for you! Keep going!
However, there is a group of us that have moments where there is such a huge impact on what we’re willing to accept, what we’re willing to move with and even, who.
We may fight it, try to understand it or even try to deny it but it will always be so big that we can’t unsee it, or not feel it.
It’s happening for a reason. It’s the red pill or the blue pill.
The choice is yours.
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pryceonpurpose · 4 years
It’s the moments that are the most difficult where faith is present. It’s the moments where you’re feeling doubt is where faith thrives.
I’ve come to learn that faith is a lens. It’s a moment where your mind is attached to fear, but you choose to see the light. It’s a choice to focus on the end result instead of attaching to the “what if” or “will it” moments.
With faith, you’ll always get a response. You get your answer. It just takes some time to get.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
The freedom to create:
Watching an episode of Home on Apple TV. If you have the ability to see this, please do so.
I love watching shows that make me think. Make me see how other people think. Stories of people taking a path that they created vs a path that was already made.
This is why I love creativity so much, it’s “beautifully risky”. As someone that used to deny themselves this gift, embracing it now is liberating and magical.
When we step outside of “the norm” we can see there is beauty already all around us. It’s so important to change and embrace change.
This is a freedom we all have and it looks different to all of us. Creating. We can create things from food, to cleaning to whatever it is, creativity lies in it.
Today, do something creative. Whatever it means to you.
You’re human, dig into your creativity.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
The wonderful mind:
When we learn to realize that the most authentic way to understand someone and their mind is through communication, understanding and vulnerability, we will start to embrace the power and understanding of the human brain.
Communication is one of humanities greatest things. It can bring us together, or push us apart.
When we speak, we should ask ourselves what our intention is, what are we trying to communicate and what do we look for in that moment. We all may desire different things, however it’s important to think about the outcome of our message.
I’ve been reading a lot. Learning a lot not just about our world but also about myself. It is truly a blessing. We humans are beautiful and blessed. Once we realize how abundant we are, we can learn to start a journey of healing ❤️‍🩹.
Just sharing:
Also, check out the last episodes of Pryce on Purpose and if it speaks to you, share it with a friend. I would greatly appreciate it.
My vision is to encourage thought and questioning to help others unlock their true selves. Life can be tough, but it may be more of a challenge hiding in shame and doubt. Be yourself.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
It’s not in what we do. It’s not in how we do it. It’s in who we are and the essence of that.
Bills late?
Got into an accident?
Failed a test?
Lost your phone? Lost your keys….. again?
Another girl/guy broke up with you?
That’s not who you are.
Don’t attach to the things that happen. Attaching to this is detrimental to the soul. It’s like putting a blanket over a diamond, it doesn’t shine that way.
It shines when it’s free and shown in the light.
Identify with the essence, the thing that is you which is a miracle. Your existence is precious, don’t waste it on moments and obstacles.
Know that you are great… focus on being great.
Live. Love. Learn.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
I think more than ever, the sense of understanding is more loud than before. Or, it could be just me.
In this post pandemic world (depending on where you live, and how) we saw a rise in things that we thought weren’t possible. Societal fear, concern and lacking of answers for a wide range of questions.
We desired a means to an end and we got anything but that.
A sense of understanding is connected to empathy and compassion.
We weren’t put on this planet to believe everything everyone says or does. We are built different. It’s okay to be different, it’s okay to not have the answers it’s okay to be … eh.
Focus on what’s in your power. Breathe.
Be different.
One of the benefits in life is the ability to think differently.
Embrace it.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Giving it away:
Why are their moments when we give away our happiness for pain?
Our peace for suffering?
Some time ago, I read “The art of happiness” by the Dalai Lama. There was a part in the book that mentioned to be aware of what you consume. These aren’t the exact words however, it mentioned the importance of being conscious of things, people, experiences etc that add to or take away from ones happiness.
Consuming news / gossip. How do you feel when you watch this or read these things?
Everyone will have a different answer. However, some people get angry, or annoyed and frustrated yet we still gravitate towards these things...why? (Maybe there are moments where we are trying to understand why another has made a decision they made that we wouldn’t make.....LOL it makes sense but, it also doesn’t. They made the decision because they are them, you are you....but... I get it 🤷🏾‍♀️)
I’ve come to ask myself further, “Will consuming this information add to my peace, joy, happiness, overall knowledge or education ?” If the answer is no, I don’t read it, or watch it.
Take time learning what adds to your joy. We’re all different.
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
I started reading the Bible. I ran from it for so long due to my way of life and what I heard from others. When I was younger I didn’t read it due to someone mentioning there was a passage about being gay and how it was a sin.
At this time, I used to be abrupt with how I felt about my reading materials, and used it as a reason to not read any of it. Wild.
Present day, I’m a little more open. I started with the book of genesis and ended up skipping around a bit, but there is one thing I obtained from these stories.
During this period in time, people used physical sacrifices as a way to connect with a higher power, until they realized the hire power came from ones way of life, purpose and belief.
It’s interesting how many stories there are of killing etc. sheesh
However, I’m grateful for reading and will continue to read it. During this time I feel we can use a little more faith and belief. We’re on our way though…
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
Wanting to do something and nothing at all...
I work. Often. Maybe too much. I’m not certain. However, I found myself yesterday wanting to take a day off, and I did. It felt weird.
I’ve constantly been obsessed with anything I do. I think about it often. I thought about blogging, I thought about doing deliveries I thought about doing a podcast, I thought about reading LOL.
I ended up working out, and Netflix-ing at the same time then listening to a part of an audio book and part of a documentary. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Did I learn anything yesterday? Yes, I need to learn how to balance my time and structure in time blocks for specific moments. Rest is important. I’m still learning about me and learning to execute “tricks” to help me focus on a specific task when necessary.
Anyone have moments like this?
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pryceonpurpose · 3 years
One more day:
I recently learned that May was Mental Health Awareness Month. For me, I’ve struggled with human interaction since I could remember. For some reason, I didn’t allow my social anxiety to hinder me later in life.
If I tell someone today of my struggles of my past, they wouldn’t believe me. It’s hard to imagine the past versions of someone when their new version is standing right in front of you.
I used to be caged in my house and invested in not leaving… ever. I still have issues with going to the grocery store, or any store…. There is this brief moment of “no” and now, bigger moments of “yes”.
With anxiety, for me…it never goes away, but I learned to live with it. I still get the voice in my mind that tells me to stay home, don’t interact, just be shy, observe your surroundings, you’re in potential danger etc etc… the only difference with my past version, vs the person I am now, is that I don’t believe my fear and I go through it.
I hope that, if you or someone you know is going through a tough time that they reach out to someone. There are so many numbers online and groups and even myself, that are willing to listen. You’re not alone.
Cheers to living life and going through the fear!
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