#watch rhis make no sense lmao
kidcooper02 · 2 years
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This is like a goddamn essay I'll present the information and tell my thoughts at the end.
Anon 1 brings up the point of Bart telling Jaime about his involvement with the Reach invasion. And the phrasing Bart uses is very guilt trippy and unfair to Jaime, despite Bart having the baggage to back it.
And I agree with it being a fucked up thing to do! And I want to preface that this isn't like, "how dare they!" Kind of a thing. Its incredibly interesting plot wise and character wise for Bart and I love it a lot. Characters doing gray things is my favorite. Anyway, in terms of their friendship, this isn't a great start lmao. I see it as Bart thinking this is a logical step in the plan. Calling attention to the problem, no sugarcoating, and let's get this shit done. If it hurts his feelings a bit, not his problem. Of course, Jaime had more going on than just that, he hadn't even had Scarab a full year and Tye goes missing. It just piled on Jaime. So yeah, fucked up move but I don't hate it.
Anon 2 brings up how Bart continues to mess with Jaime it seems. Its not really a time to be cheeky Bart, but he does anyway. Which does hurt Jaime, you can see it on his face.
Again, fucked up but I like it. That moment, definitely felt more intentional than the last one. Couldn't have chosen a worst time tho. Its not like Bart WANTS to make him feel bad, hes just not being careful with his words. And that's just a Bart thing, not really a "I'm doing this specifically to Jaime."
Anon 3 brings their perspective on the duality of their relationship in season 2 and how their friendship doesn't just come out of nowhere and where it leads us later.
And this is a fantastic discussion, because its true. Its very easy to get wrapped up in Bart's passive aggressive attitude towards Jaime, especially because for a long time the most vocal the fandom didn't acknowledge it. But you also have to remember that, he still wanted to make sure Jaime was OK whenever there was a battle. If it was half motivated by future saving reasons, so be it. But for as much as there's passive aggressive Bart, there's also Bart who just cares about his teammate. And Jaime, despite being low energy and mostly being exasperated with Bart, does appreciate him. I mentioned this last time and anon 3 mentioned that right now, Jaime is kind of alone in his thoughts. Tye doesn't know he's a hero AND he's gone. Jaime has all sorts of anxieties about Scarab and Bart's intel only pushes him even more away from the others. Is that slight manipulation to lead him to Bart? Yes. Is it a terrible thing? Not entirely.
They're casual. Jaime likes his desert self portrait, Bart seems genuinely worried for him on the Reach ship. Is it a super deep relationship, no its too soon, but there is a foundation.
I still believe their friendship starts off with not the right intentions, but that doesn't make their ENTIRE relationship bad. And I like how anon 3 describes it with "complex" and that its OK that it starts off in this way.
My problem is majority fandom treatment for the longest time in not exploring these nuances in their relationship and simplifying down to the point that they're both ooc. Bart is not just a goofy idiot with personal space problems and Jaime isn't his handler. Growing up seeing content as season 2 was coming out and after, that was how it seemed people chose to explore their relationship (again this is because the fandom wanted a new birdflash, so they tried to fit Bart and Jaime in a mold not made for them. Birdflash also gets some bad interpretation but not near what happened with bl u/e pl us/ e i think).
I hope I got everything out right? I adore Bart and Jaime as two separate characters and they're fantastic to explore. And I want to thank all these anons I've gotten recently to allow me to explore these 2 more in depth. Very interesting conversation to be had all around!
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
I just re-watched season 4 of Stranger Things and here's the takeaway for me - whoever I was when I watched it last year is essentially the same girl you see before you lmaoooo.
(Season 1 thoughts here. Season 2 here. And 3 here.)
I realised that my season 3 rewatch was not entirely on topic. It was more a general recap rather than noting the differences in my opinions, so getting back on track...
The Wipeout/milkshake scene at the roller rink would have hit harder if I'd re-watched season 1-3 just before going into 4. It was sad the first time around, but now it's tragic. I've just watched El be strong and brave and go through all that bullshit, just to come undone at the hands of high school bullies. It's infuriating and so fucking miserable.
It's cool re-watching and being able to see Jamie's eyes in the Vecna suit.
I wrote last time about season 3 versus 4 Robin so I won't go over it again. However, I think I didn't recognise a lot of the 'smart Robin' moments this season. She does a lot. She's not season 3 Robin, but she's still better than I remember.
The first time I watched this season I don't think I realised how nice it was for Jonathan to have a friend. It's nice.
The Russian plot still boring: confirmed.
Max choosing life and running for it while Kate Bush plays still gives me goosebumps: confirmed.
Haven't mentioned him in any re-watches yet, I don't think, but Ted Wheeler is stale white bread. During the re-watch, I found I notice him more but in a bad way. Dude's a dick.
How did I not question Hopper's lack of a limp??? Like his ankle was FUCKED and the next day he's chilling and walking around as per usual lmao?
I don't remember if I thought so the first time I watched it, but the CGI where 001 is banished to the Upside Down is getting lightning bolted etc., looks so weird. Like that isn't Jamie's face at all?
The Brenner/Owens dynamic does not get less jarring the more times you see it. Brenner is living in an apocalyptic soap opera, while Owens is more grounded and focused on El's autonomy. It's a weird pairing.
When you watch episode 8 it still totally feels like it's setting Steve up to die. It's actually annoying watching it and knowing how it ends, because it feels like you're being lied to/tricked?
"And I never should have knocked" gets more cringe each time I watch it. Caleb kills that scene, but imagine if they gave him good dialogue.
Fuck this ending so bad. Literally every time I watch it, there is more that stands out as being so badly written, or shit that doesn't make sense. Fuck this entire goddamn episode.
This has been a Stranger Things Rhi-Watch.
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seijorhi · 1 year
Rhi! How are you? How have you been? Hope you’re enjoying m 2023 so far!
Glitter and Rot blew me away! It felt like I was watching a movie. When I was reading the first couple of paragraphs, I thought OC was in some kind of twisted game where she was being hunted.
I think what makes it fascinating is that I keep waiting for any indication of the Miya twins’ yandere tendencies unlike in Means to an End, where I already knew they pulled crazy shit. But reading this pulled me into a false sense of security. The whole I was asking myself, “if Osamu was already her husband, then what the hell is going on?” I was waiting for Osamu to snap at one point, not going to lie. And I was also lowkey counting on the cheating angle lol. This one definitely kept me on my toes!
I do have a question! How did the Miya twins decide on who gets to be her husband? Is Hikari their schoolmate? Thoroughly enjoyed myself reading this one. I will now binge your previous contents 🤤
Ahh thank you!! And I’m doing good, bby!!
By now most of you guys know not to trust a single male character (and the occasional female lmao) in my fics, but I still wanted you guys to feel uncertain with this one, especially when Atsumu showed up haha. You might’ve known someone was lying, but not necessarily who and about what :))
But to answer your questions, it was Samu simply because it made more logistical sense for him to stay. Atsumu can’t up and disappear for weeks on end as some kind of ‘sabbatical’ mid season without raising too much attention.
And Hikari was Suna’s sister, hence her caller ID on Atsumu’s phone was ‘Little Suna (🌞 Hikari)’. It’s also why she was so distressed and kept calling the two of them. She’d just lost her brother, her soon to be sister in law was missing and the poor girl was falling to pieces.
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hassanfield · 2 years
im passing hbd around so late lmao i apologise!! but happy birthday!! i can say that this game was probs a direct hatecrime against you and rhi bc why onyour birthdays?? why?? makes no sense, but come reverse fixture and you're probs still gonna lose [sorry sorry might be too soon i love football lmaoo]
on a serious note though, i hope you had a good day and i hope that this next year is only filled with good things for you mwahhh
all good doll, do not worry about it at all!!! the game was a hate crime i stopped watching at half time tbh, thank u so much for the well wishes my darling! i love u millions!!!!!
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Hello friend! :D
May I request dorm leaders plus Cater, Floyd and Jamil (though those last three are optional if you don’t want) with a reader to whom they say something they didn’t think much about and reader takes it as an insult and becomes very competitive and aggressive with the character and they have an enemies to lovers arc?
Saaaaaaalutations, dear friend!! :D
This is a very fun prompt!! I have a character limit, however! I will be doing this ask with all the characters, but I'll have to do Cater, Floyd and Jamil in a separate post, if you don't mind! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Pt. 2: Cater, Floyd & Jamil!
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- haha oh no
- i like to imagine he probably compares you to ace and deuce
- or perhaps you got a bad grade on your test, he'd insult you for that (might be by accident ehheehd)
- he doesn't realize that this pisses you off probably
- when you start getting competitive, he starts getting competitive
- will use your grades against you im sorry
- riddle will feel bad after a while, though
- but he'll contemplate apologizing- he wants you to apologize first but he realizes you're a bit... Stubborn, and he is the one that insulted you
- riddle also starts to realize that he might have... Feelings, for you.
- so that gives him even more of a reason to apologize
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- this man does not hold back omg
- hell he might even insult you for ur reaction
- probably says "could you be any louder." When ur just talking normally 😡‼️
- he does realize this pisses u off, and he doesnt care 🤩🤩🤩
- now he pisses you off daily 🥰
- i like to think that he thinks ur cute when ur angry, and thats why he does it
- he like,, he
- he insults u
- then goes "haha ur cute i like u"
- if u question him abt that he'll go "ur stupid stfu"
- you have a mean lion on ur hands hunny 🥰
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- yet again, this one was difficult for me
- however, i feel as though azul would comment on the fact ur human and stuff
- "You humans are quite confusing, how anyone can understand you is impressive. Its highly annoying not understanding what you're on about most of the time, especially with that tone of yours~ fufufufu"
- octopus man grr bark bark 😡‼️
- he probably doesnt mean it tho... Completely.
- a rivals to lovers arc with him sounds so... Interesting to me hehe
- azul comments on small things, but might a accidentally take a jab at your insecurities without realizing
- however if he does realize he accidentally took a jab at your insecurities, he feels so bad??
- but bc u guys are being all aggressive and competitive he puts it aside
- grr bark
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- i imagine kalim accidentally says something thats mean but i assure you he didnt mean it in that way!
- i cant imagine getting mad at him :(
- thinking about a lovers to enemies arc with him,,, i can only imagine you saying ur his rival/enemy now and him going "okay!!! 😇👍✨💖"
- doesnt even realize ur angry at him ;;
- if he does realize, he apologizes so sincerely?! Then asks if u wanna watch finding nemo with him
- im so sorry rhis is short i cant think of much for him
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- i imagine the reason this whole arc begun would be because vil would comment on ur appearance
- like, on perhaps your skin- or how you should brush your hair?
- dunno if that makes sense hehe
- i would think hes doing it in a concerned kind of way? but he makes it sound condescending ;;
- but ofc u take it as an insult
- when you start acting competitive, he plays along- and he gets quite aggressive too- however, id say in a passive aggressive way
- he insults your style (even if he secretly likes it)
- however, things start to take a turn
- vil realizes that you- you finally brushed ur hair!!
- jk lmao
- however, he does realize that you're quite.. attractive? cute, even.
- he pushes these feelings aside bc yk hes supposed to not like you 😡‼️
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- probably insults the anime you like BWHSHHSHSH
- or the fact that you play games like the twst version of stardew valley BSHSHSJS
- but then he would realize
- and PANIC
- either that, or insult you for not being interested in anime
- hell he might even make fun of u for listening to dubbed anime 😡 /lh
- ofc, this pisses u off 😩
- " idia i will destroy u on splatoon grrr bark bark" "no u wont im gonna use a chargr"
- i feel like hes already had feelings for u b4 this
- so in his head hes like
- "omg wait are we having an enemies to lovers arc?! This happens in one of my favorite animes-"
- but he doesnt want you to dislike him tho 😰‼️
- so he thinks of ways to apologize
- in the end he asks ortho for help
- please accept his apology he did not mean to make fun of you for liking that one anime pleASE-
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- he'd be like azul, but a bit different
- malleus would not insult you on purpose
- he comments on the way you talk, like if you have an accent, or you talk fast, slow, loud or quietly
- "Fufufu, child of man, could you speak up for me? I'm afraid i cannot hear you- you're gonna have to talk more clearly~"
- probably also accidentally insults you for being shorter than him (despite the fact that literally nearly everyone around him is shorter than him?? Hello??)
- when you start getting aggressive and competitive, he'll get confused
- then, he realizes the fact that he might've hurt you with his teasing
- malles regrets it :(( he basically just lost his bff ;;
- he plans an apology - it's sincere and sweet - and he's also realized his feelings for u 😳
- please except his apology he will cry if u dont 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。
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Im sorry this is so bad- im not experienced when it comes to enemies to lovers bahshshxhd (and i wrote this at 2 AM)
And also its delayed because I've been in a very depressed an unmotivated state but im doing better now! If you've sent in a request, don't worry because i am working on my requests- i just need to get the second part to this done
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purple-saladleaves · 3 years
5, 7, and 11 from the commander asks! :) -kerra-and-company
thanks for the ask!! :) ooh boy these ones were difficult to answer. HoT spoilers under the cut for anyone seeing this who hasn't finished it yet
5. Which death caused your commander the most grief?
I honestly can't decide between Trahearne and Efalynn's sister Rhiannwen for this one.
with Trahearne, his death was the terrible cherry on the top of the emotionally harrowing cake of awful that was Maguuma. (does that metaphor even make sense lmao). he was clearly suffering, and the fact that Efalynn had to do it herself made it even worse. Trahearne was a mentor to her, and eventually an older brother. she misses him a lot. she doesn't regret doing it, she knows it was the right choice, but she regrets that it was ever necessary.
with Rhiannwen, it was a lot more personal. Trahearne may have become an older brother, but Rhiannwen was her twin. they shared their Dream, and being without her was like losing half of herself. Rhi was really young too, they were both only a few months old when she died. on top of that, Rhiannwen's death was the first that Efalynn truly blamed herself for; Rhi took the place of Apatia (during the Blue Orb questline at lv70), and Efy is convinced she could have saved her from the krait somehow. but at the same time, Rhiannwen,,,,,,,didn't technically die. she's not the same person she used to be (in body or personality), but there's hope yet. except that doesn't change the fact that Rhi did actually physically die, that Efy saw her body, and that Efalynn had to grieve her for a long time.
both of their deaths caused her a lot of pain, and I don't think it would be fair to rank one over the other when the circumstances were so different
6. How does your commander feel towards their position of power?
I talked a little about how Efalynn feels about it here (q16). by the end of PoF, she's exhausted, struggling with memory loss alongside everything else, and just generally resentful of the job. and she's trapped in it, for reasons I explained in the linked post above. she desperately wants to rest, but she just Can't.
Efy is still an optimist at heart though, and she tries really hard to see the silver linings in her job. for one, it really makes her happy that she gets to help people. even on a smaller level, like with the renown hearts or events, being able to see the positive impact she makes on the world can sometimes make all the struggle and loss feel worth it. plus, Efalynn gets to travel to parts of Tyria that she might have never seen otherwise, and though she'll always be more at home in a library than out in the field, she does enjoy visiting new places she can show off to Ffoirre. and speaking of him, where else would Efalynn have met her best friend? there's also Dragon's Watch, even if her relationship with them is regrettably tense at the moment. while she wishes she could have become friends with these people in better times without the weight of the world on their shoulders, Efalynn is very grateful that she knows them, and all of them mean a lot to her.
11. What is the proudest moment your commander has experienced?
I think probably the walk back into Fort Trinity after killing Zhaitan. this is partly on a personal level as well as a character level, because that was the first time I ever finished the personal story. yeah the final battle may have been a little underwhelming, but honestly I really enjoyed it! I think it conveyed that we were fighting against a whole army really well, and tbh I'm not sure how we were supposed to physically take down an entire dragon like that thing was Ridiculously Huge. but yeah, doing a slow walk through Fort Trinity with my friends after that final fight while everyone cheers and applauds? that felt awesome. and if I wasn't hooked on the game already, that moment completely got me.
for Efalynn, it was the biggest success that she was properly able to enjoy. yes, there were more threats on the horizon, but compare the endings of the personal story and HoT. they couldn't feel more different. (side note: recently I played those one after the other and yeah oof that is emotional whiplash right there). everything after that was,,,,, bittersweet at best.
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bettysnooze · 7 years
9, 13, 16, 8, 10 !
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10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
already answered here !!
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
depends on what they do tbh but like if this is ‘fighting for no reason’ than definitely makaria, and if it’s bc they’re an isle kid or like half-animal then it’s otto
and ofc makaria and otto would just 100% fight each other
~*~*~*~*~*~ okay so somehow i got all the long ones kjhbfevkhe so READMORE for otps/notps and How I Met My Muse (also since this got so long i’ll answer 13 on another ask!!
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
so this is gonna be like ‘i once shipped them’ and ‘so many crushes’ (I’LL USE THE SLASH)and it could have been for like five minutes or five weeks so pls welcome to my mind
betty otps: betty/ranon, betty/happiness, betty/feeling-protected, betty/melissabetty notps: like romantically every other guardian kid bc she is literally their mother/sister
veronika otps: VERONIKA/NOELLE, also veronika/a-good-loving-familyveronika notps: veronika/not-good-loving-families
makaria otps: MAK/BAIN, mak/talon JHBCVKDJHFEBJ A MESSmak notps: mak/stress
hershey otps: hershey/ophelia, hershey/self-care, hershey/self-confidence omfghershey notps: hershey/self-destructive tendencies
cestrum otps: cestrum/misty, cestrum/relaxationcestrum notps: cestrum/lola (i stg this was a crackship idea once and lord almighty)
aiwei otps: aiwei/juniper, aiwei/happiness, aiwei/finding-out-more-about-his-family, aiwei/BECOMING-A-REAL-BOY-BC-HE-WAS-ONLY-A-BABY-WHEN-HE-DIEDaiwei notps: aiwei/confrontation :(
otto otps: otto/common-sense, otto/open-mindednessotto notps: otto/any-of-his-dreams-coming-true, otto/winning
illyria otps: ROLLY POLLY OLLY (illyria/ronan), illyria/the-sea, illyria/comfortillyria notp: illyria/not-being-near-the-sea (this is happening rn jfc), illyria/discomfort
kirsa otps: uM KIRSA/SHEN (SHIRSA???? SHIH TZU???), kirsa/talking-about-her-emotions-instead-of-passive-aggresively-making-them-into-playskirsa notps: kirsa/not-being-honest its an issue
dignan otps: dignan/being-himself, dignan/darcy CAN I LET THE POOR BOY LIVE ? NO ?, dignan/FUTURE BOYFRIEND WHERE ART THOU, dignan/baseball the real otp thodignan notps: dignan/closeted
helen otps: helen/swords, helen/coranza, helen/angel, helen/shae, I GOT SO MANY, helen/being-herself, helen/no-responsibilitieshelen notps: helen/keeping-things-to-herself :(
penelope otps: penelope/money, penelope/being-soft, penelope/coming-to-terms-with-her-horrible-upbringingpenelope notps: penelope/being-selfish jcvnfklrfjvbwr
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
( BETTY ): i knew tasha and rhi from a previous rp we were all in, and they’d played guardian characters too and i aLWAYS wanted to play a guardian character but i didn’t have any ideas back then, but then they were like “hey you should join us” and i was like “BOY OH BOY”. sandy was always my favourite guardian, and i had just finished rping a daughter-of-morpheus character so dream powers were like my thing and boom, betty mansnoozie was born aka the sweetest, most good character i’ve ever written. ALSO i’ve always had sibling-ish relationships with rhi so like the betty/jake relationship goes back a LOOONG way
( VERONIKA ): after betty i knew i wanted a darker character, and i was like “okay so who is like completely unforgivable” and i immediately thought of rasputin. there was also another rasputin child around at the time, and they had gotten rasputin’s powers so i was like!! what if i made a kid that wanted those powers, who wanted to be a villain and to be like their parent?? veronika’s gone a long way since then and really like i’m so proud of her and i love her so much, she’s just gone through a lot i lOVE HER
( MAKARIA ): SO OKAY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT ME AND HADES BECAUSE HONESTLY, THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS. i first played a character based on panic (hades’ sidekick) like aaaaages ago, and then i played actual disney hades in another rp. needless to say i really fucking love hades as a character. and betty was too nice, and veronika was too cynical and kept to herself, and i really wanted another mean-spirited CHATTERBOX (because i myself am such a chatterbox i mean look at this). i lowkey had a child of hades in a closed rp sort of situation, his name was macario (because i’d wanted a son) but the original is makaria, and i love my girls sO makaria was born. i also love zendaya, and previously hades had always been white but so much art on tumblr depicts persephone as this beautiful black woman so !! BOOM. i also wanted to try a different villain-kid-parent dynamic, because veronika ends up hating her dad but mak like 100% defends hades still like even to this day
( HERSHEY ): I WANTED A BOY LMAO and i was really into bts at the time so i’m like okay hmm where would yoongi fit in?? i re-watched wreck-it-ralph randomly and i remembered that i always wanted to try a sugar rush child so i was like heeeeeeeeeyyyy :)))). and it kinda just all fell into place because i’d also been interested in making a character that loved cars and racing (fast and the furious got me so bad). and i liked the idea of having another character with some sort of ability, and it was so interesting figuring out how hershey was going to fit into the auradon world bc he was originally virtual sO YEAH. and also the name came like in a second. FUN FACT, hershey von schweetz’s fc (in a different time before BTS took over my life) was going to be hailee steinfeld and now look at wHO USES HAILEE STEINFELD
( CESTRUM ): so after the craziness and Extra-ness of makaria and hershey i know i wanted someone more chill. i had always loved alice in wonderland i knew i wanted a son of the caterpillar because 1) alan rickman’s voice is God and 2) i always wanted to rp the caterpillar in like so many disney rps but i never got the chance lmao. so the idea for cestrum actually came even before i found the perfect fc (kibum), and it took me ages to find the perfect fc. i knew he was going to be weird and quiet but also talkative but also nOT? and just a different moral compass and way of thinking from everyone else. i was so sure about applying for cestrum and it was only after that i was like “ok but am i going to be smart enough to play this like 5000 IQ person wtf did i get into” and yEAH. also i always like making new characters with types that (during that time of the rp) aren’t so common yet, so having this stoic character was like yEAAAAAHHHH
( AIWEI ): so hershey and cestrum are my first boys and this is basically the start of my “one boy after another” streak and then i got AIWEI. the real babe. everyone’s been pretty mature so far, or like dealing with a lot of responsibility etc. and now i wanted someone who would be like a real teenager (more or less) and just have that childlike wonder and be rly innocent tbh. so aiwei is all of this, and he’s young and inexperienced but the twist was that he’s actually this boy who died in a fire when he was a baby and his father, in the underworld, resurrected him and performed some magic frankenstein stuff to make him grow older. and he’s the oldest out of all the kids but he’s been a baby 60% of this life until elder gutknecht finally got all the tools necessary to make him old and i jUST !! also i really loved that tin-man song from the wizard of oz. my actual baby, aiwei gutknecht i love him and will die for him
( OTTO ): AND AFTER ALL THE NICE, SEMI-NICE PEOPLE i was like “so what’s happening with the isle thing right now do ppl not like them like is there active resentment or what” and then i was like “what if i had a character that did the active resentment!!” and otto white was born. i knew he was going to be a jackass. i knew he was going to be anti-isle. and i knew he had to be a prince and a kid of one of the ‘original’ disney princesses. and i ended up choosing snow white because she’s technically the ‘oldest’ and there was evie and vera and i was like aayyyyy conflict. but yeah so otto was going to be the personification of fear and bias against isle kids, and i thought it’d be fun to play with that politics and society thing that i’ve never really done before. otto’s my first character that is actually irredeemably an asshole. i wanted to see how far i could go and where i could go with a character that was actively trying to not change. i was super nervous about applying for him tho bc like i knew he was going to insult a lot of people and i didn’t want to be like hated rip bUT it turned out well so YEH
( ILLYRIA ): i’ll be honest i watched pirates of the carribean and like calypso/davy jones is still the otp of otps for me. and i once had my fortune-telling phase and i saw valentine was there anD ALSO AN OPPORTUNITY TO USE A FILIPINO FC !! HECK YEAH !! and at this point i wanted to like branch out from my usual characters and try something different, to add new things about characters so i thought about illyria’s aversion to touch. and i knew she was going to be stoic and weird like cestrum, but she was also going to be charming and i wanted to see how that would go and it’s hard getting into illyria’s head sometimes but she’s like a Fave
( KIRSA ): so i watched this movie called “the darjeeling limited” and it’s basically about this dysfunctional set of siblings – one of them feels super responsible for the other two but is a big mess, the other sort is more put together but has problems he actively avoids, and then the last is this playwright who’s been in love with the same girl for like 10 years and falls in love easily. and i was like “who does that remind me of???” SO TBH the idea for kirsa first started out as a brother for the stahlbaums but then i realised there were no more spaces and i was like “tHE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY!!” and the rest is history. so kirsa is the dramatic playwright who falls in love too easily but also doesn’t know how to love properly, and she drinks and smokes and has all these vices and she’s still 17 so like what a hot mess. she’s as talkative as mak and as flirty as hershey but kirsa is less put-together and although she thinks she knows herself, she really doesn’t. she needs guidance pls
( DIGNAN ): so this really just began as a “i wanna get in on this waters family drama” business LMAO. and i love sarah’s misty so i wanted to see how it would go if she had a little brother. it also made a bit of a change because most of my characters are like the ‘older’ siblings or friends and i wanted more young people so i thought of dignan!! i also wanted a character that would be more pro-authority than other characters i’ve had before (dig’s always going to think highly of the auradon royalty bc he understands them and knows they don’t rly have much choice sometimes and that they try their best). and i chose joe keery (aka steve harrington, love of my life) as an fc bc i JUST FINISHED WATCHING STRANGER THINGS and charlie heaton was darcy, and natalia dyer was being used too and i was like hEYYY FC CONNECTIONS. 
               FUN FACT: dignan’s two defining things right now (baseball and being gay) weren’t even in the cards at the start, he was literally supposed to be more john watson, i’m-gonna-be-a-serious-doctor and like be fun but a guy who loved to study. but now he’s sporty and he’s figuring out this new part of himself and he’s literally my actual favourite character right now i love dig so much. also i needed a character that would 100% share my love for the 80s (hershey loves 80s music but only sings to annoy ppl so its not the sAME). and now dig has the hair and the fashion sense and he loves 80s music too man.
( HELEN ): the idea for helen really began with like this ‘bodyguard’ idea. i wanted a character that was like 100% protective. they were going to be this warrior, trained-as-a-child kind of person, and they were gonna be connected to royalty. i first tried this with kirsa but that didn’t work out, and then i tried it with dignan but he was too soft and easily persuaded tbh he can never be mad at his royals. and then i thought of tangled (and the mess the hoods and the greenes were in at the time LMAO). 
helen was first gonna be max’s child (for the full guard effect) but then i saw a space opening for rapunzel and eugene’s child and !! and then she became princess warrior, who wanted to protect her people rather than rule them and LIKE WHO DOES THAT REMIND ME OF??? PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA THAT’S WHO so seriously fun fact, a lot of the inspriation for helen is leia. and i chose the name ‘helen’ because of helen of sparta, a beautiful woman who started the longest war, and together with the fact that helen is very much a fighter of wars rather than the starter (and she has low self-esteem rip) its so fun i love helen, my sword princess child
( PENELOPE ): so i have an asshole auradonian, and mak is like simmering down, i knew i wanted an asshole isle person. and mak/blythe have such an awesome friendship and i loved blythe’s character and all the people in the cinderella family and world and i knew i wanted to get some of that action ;)))) so i rewatched the 2015 movie (I LOVE CATE BLANCHETT SO MUCH) and then i rewatched ‘ever after’ which is this 90s cinderella movie with drew barrymore. after watching ever after, i knew exactly how i wanted this daughter of drizella to be like. she’s going to be the worst parts of mak and kirsa (they’re bitches but like nice ones) and just be this snooty sugar baby gold-digger. she knows exactly what she wants, she knows she’s going to get it. she’s part daisy buchanan, jordan baker, very much this hedonistic character who understands life as being good if you have money and status. such an old idea but it’s what she learned from her fAMILY. 
a lot of penelope’s character came from me wanting to explore what i’d found with otto, the unapologetic asshole, but now she had reasons to be. otto’s rich and gets ltierally everything he wants so he sucks even more because he’s still mean-spirited – but now we have penny, who grew up with nothing but wanted everything, and her grandmother and mother put all their hopes and dreams on her, told her not to associate with her nicer aunt and cousin and even her little sister – and she’s an asshole. literally guys penelope is going to change and become better i just dunno how yet but shE WILL
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
have i told you guys i love y’all recently?? no??
Spoilers for Finders Keepers: Rhi are we about to be gangbanged by Inarizaki? Because I'm not complaining but I am not ready either. - @ks350 
hehehehe hell yeah you are. of course the twins would wanna keep you for themselves, but really, it’s kita’s rules, and sharing is caring :))
Also, "I know what I saw, she came in this way." got me so scared for some reason 😭
Amazing as ever 💝
i wondered it people were gonna pick up on that. there’s no supplies left to raid in the prison, no benefit to going inside... unless that pretty little thing you’ve been following for a while heads in all by herself, right? but i’m glad you liked it!
This can't end just like this, right?? I wanna see Oikawa's reaction at not seeing mc come back.
Also, where were the rest of seijoh 4 when the zombies came after mc and Oikawa?
ahh thank you nonnie!! i kind of imagine oikawa being delirious enough that he doesn’t really know whether the reader’s there or not, because he just starts to hallucinate her to comfort himself :((
and makki, mattsun and iwa are off on a supply run with a few others from the sanctuary.
Lmao no you wouldn’t asdghjkl but it’s a zombie au what else am I supposed to think 😭💔 seriously, the way you wrote that whole scene with Oikawa pulled at my heart strings in the best way possible. your writing is so good AHHHHHH
Omg omg omg your response to the last Anon about wondering if you would really kill Oikawa has me excited
I-is there a Aoba Johsai vs Inarzaki fight bout to happen?!?
Even if not, the fic is just an absolute work of art. I am in love with your writing - @brivetaroundtown 
it depends on how strongly fairy bullies me. possibly. possibly not. but thank you anyway, bby <33
Rhi I dunno how you always wrap me up in your web and suck me back in but you do. Your writing and the imagery you create???? I’m in love 🥺
gfhdjkvgfhjdk you’re too sweet ily 
Aaahhh! Finders keepers was so good! It hurt to see oikawa weak (and dying?). Your writing honestly reads like a movie. I would love to see more of this AU. Will there be a sequel 👀?
i was so nervous about this fic flopping so this is so nice to hear <33 there may (may) be a part 2. but don’t hold your breath
omggg finders keeper was soooo good 🤯🤯🤯
aw thank u bby
your writing is literally amazing!! have you ever considered writing a book? bc girl i'd buy that so fast i swear
bby i can barely write a 10k fic a book is beyond me fghjdklfhjdksl but thank you tho
i luv u. take a break if you need. refresh.
i luv u too <33
I love you 💞🌸💘💝💗💞💓💗 you’re really sweet and an inspiration
fgdhjkhgjfkldfhgjfkd you are making me MELT i hope ur proud of yourself >:(
Hi Rhi! Just popping in to check on you. How are you? Are you doing fine? Hope you're doing fine. I miss seeing you on my dash 😭 Ilysm, have a great day 💕 -🍮
ahh bby i was just taking a little break because i was a bit burnt out, but i’m doing better!! thank you for the sweet ask ILY TOO! please take care of yourself!
Rhi oikawa and the ugly duckling would save my soul!
maybe i’ll write the full fic one day anon
hi rhi! may i ask in bully part 2, what was oikawa’s initial reaction when iwa first told him the reader’s secret. also, why did oikawa let iwa watch what he did to the reader? was it to brag?
he was infuriated, and he lets iwa watch because he wants the reader to know that he’s the reason she’s here, and also because he knows his best friend ain’t exactly as emotionally uninvolved as he pretends
Hello! I read your drabble about “Yandere Oikawa dating your friend,” and I’m curious to know if he’s actually over the reader? Or if he’s manipulating the reader into believing he is over their relationship, but he’s not? (By the way, I love your writing!)
oh no, it’s 100% an act. and thank you bby!
i just wanna preface by saying that i LOVE ur fics,, but i was rereading rabid for the like seventieth time,, and i just can’t get over the fear that kyoutani and a bunch of these boys,, live like single straight guys? if that makes sense? it really adds to the horror
kyoutani might live pretty rough, but at least he spoils his girl (whether she actually wants him to is irrelevant) but gfhjdklhfjdk i know what you mean. 
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seijorhi · 3 years
alright i’m compiling these because today was a lot 
i dont think there was even any negative stereotizing of black men bc all of the men in your fics do dark things??? pls ppl be looking for crumbs to hate 😭😭😭
i mean that’s kind of my view. if you’re writing like mainstream fics and characterising aran (and aran alone) as somebody who’s aggressive and rapey and all of that, absolutely, that’s a real red flag, but everybody is equally as awful in my fics. i don’t do fluff or any kind of safe, sane and consensual so??
 Who is aran? And what fandom?
aran is from haikyuu, he’s an outside hitter for inarizaki :)
Please bb write that Aran fic! That man is sexy af and there is not enough content out there for daddy Aran! Please! I’ll give you my whole heart if you write it out of spite!
haha i’m honestly tempted 👀
Lol maybe the aran anon sent to the apology to the wrong creator 😂 
I don’t think it’s nice to tell people to delete their fics cause that uncomfortable. Also it’s not your only JUST writing Aran fics 😂
yeah idk the ask felt very half cocked but it’s whatever
I’m sorry there are people being mean to u :( is there anything I can do to help? Is there a way for you to blog that aran anon?
it’s okay, i’m not really bothered by it – mostly because it doesn’t actually apply to me but anyway lol
Anon, if you don’t like dark content then use the content AND tag filter to block it. I don’t think you understand how both HATEFUL and RUDE it is to demand a writer to delete their fic. If you really dislike their content, then block it. Every single writer does not exist to cater to YOUR preferences. Sorry you’re getting this rude and ridiculous anon Rhi! Thank you so much for writing amazing pieces 💕
it’s all good, bby, but i do agree. tumblr has a blocking system, people should use. also i would never delete a fic just because somebody came to complain to me about it
What’s a moot? Sorry i should know this
a mutual - somebody who you follow and who follows you back :))
Did anon think you were just writing yandere fics for Aran or smth👀 Did they ignore the entire masterlist full of other characters
i don’t think they bothered to think about it, just went straight to jumping down my throat after making an assumption over blindsided
To Aran Anon, don’t you think intentionally excluding the black characters of haikyuu in fanfic writing is inherently ✨ r a c i s t ✨?
I think anon needs a pair of glasses, cause I don’t think they see the bigger picture of this issue.
i understand where they’re coming from i just think that their viewpoint (at least in this case) kinda doesn’t make sense, but hey, they’re entitled to feel how they feel, i’m more irritated that they came up and asked me to delete a fic over it
first time sending something in but i gotta bc wtf is that aran anon on?? like i get that it can be seen as demonizing black men but does anon not know that literally almost every other character is asian lmao dont pick and choose which group of poc can or cant be in dc fics its all in good fun and horniness at the end of the day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also i love you youre one of the few haikyuu dc creators thatll always have me entertained keep it up babes <3
yeah, it’s just all a bit ??? but what’re you gonna do. 
also i love you too thanks for this bby!
Pretty sure I just bombed my Math exam 😢
Please send one good vibe my way it would be appreciated (also big fan of your work, please never stop being great!!!)
aw i’m sorry bby, i’m sending you all the good vibes and love 💕
I’m writing for Oikawa rn and I need help because your yandere Oikawa is so...amazing. What nicknames do you think he uses with reader? Like darling, cutie, sweetheart...anything?
sweetheart, cutie & babe/baby are my go-to’s for oiks :) but darling works too!
hello this is the anon who u made simp for oikawa even tho ive never having seen haikyuu dropping by to say you are my favorite writer!! i picked this flower for u ✿
omg i would love a second fic for final girl! the whole story and concept is super interesting ALSO i love bo kuroo and akaashi 🤍 (i love your fics and ideas in general ily)
well it’s currently winning with 354 votes so :))
So I voted for Final Girl but I'm sure whatever fic wins it will still be a masterpiece but what fic are you rooting for Rhi?
honestly i think i could go for a blindsided part 2 or et tu part 2 efbhjvkl i just wanna write more manager au’s
don't mind me, just coming here say that y'all are really sleeping on Good Girl 😟 It's a total chef's kiss 1000/10 fic.
fdhcbjiewrkoviwhrtj my first hq fic 
Do you read manga or watch anime? 🥺 Where do you watch you’re anime (if you do), I can’t find anywhere to watch after kiss anime was shut down 😭
i watch animes across crunchyroll, hidive and netflix. manga’s i just google but i’ve only read a few
Istg the way you write these fanfics are
We love you!
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
i love you guys, just putting that out there 💕
We stan a supportive dad who hates the miya twins 💅 @lovelyvillainess idk it won’t let me tag you :(
I figured at least one of them should have an ounce of common sense lmao
Holy shit! The Miya twins meet the parents was soooooo good. I've just finished reading it and come here to gush and now I will go re-read it because wow. The tension. The feeling of dread that sinks in when you realize what reader might be in for tomorrow or the next day. But the dad is my hero!! It makes me wonder what Kita and the crew would say because they certainly saw the Miyas bullying their soulmate. We are not worthy of your genius
🥺 dfghgfhkl thank you!! But also yeah, it’s a temporary victory at best and you’re definitely gonna pay for it the next day 👀
🥺🥺🥺 go dad for having our back i feel like its rare for parents to actively support u in yan!fics so like...heart is warmed
so who wants to see daddy dearest go ham on the Miya twins and beat their asses??? 
omg ive never sent a message before but the meet the parents with the twins when her dad protected her i 🥺🥺❤️❤️
He is the only valid parent just sayin (still won’t make a difference in the long run, but at least he tried?)
I'm reading your newest drabble and came across the line, "it’s the pity he’ll give you. He thinks he ruined your life when he left (he didn’t)" I love this reader's energy lmao
Definitely not me projecting one particular ex of mine onto this fic, nope, not at all. But seriously those ex’s are the fucking worst 😒
Hi! Just popped in to say i love ur meet the parents drabble. One of my fave things about ur writing in general is how well you write dynamics between characters and that recent drabble was some good food brah. Thanks!! ❤️
ahh thank you so much, bby! 
Just passing by to say you are an absolute queen and that I love you and your writing very very much !! 💞💗❤️💖💓💘
Hi anon, i’d die for you i just wanted you to know that! 💕
Reread NFWMB again. Idk if you have watched or if your familiar with Bungoy Stray Dogs, Rhi but reading it again made me think of OdaSaku 😅 Idk, it's probably the opening line about kids. So I kind of had this screnaio in my head where Iwa's higher ups and contractors are surprised that he finally agreed to kids but what they don't know is that instead of killing them, he is taking them to the reader.
I have not watched BSD but I’ve heard about it?? it is on my ‘might fuck around one day and actually watch’ list, if i can ever stop re-watching my other faves. I did write Iwa as much more of a morally ambiguous character - he’s not gonna push an old lady in the street but he also probably wouldn’t stop somebody if he saw they were getting mugged kinda guy - obviously with the reader being the exception to that. But I do like the idea of Iwa just bringing home some kid he was supposed to kill and being like ‘this is now our child, we’re a family and i will straight up murder anyone who tries to take either of you from me’
but then i also like the idea of him seeing her be good with kids and just suddenly *breeding kink* ya know?
Okay unironicly??? Nice guy yandere Bokuto is my kink and that last piece hit the nail right on the head. Everyone is cooing that you guys are adorable together, so why does it feel so awful every time he puts his hands on you~ you cant find it in yourself to say no, but you want to get away from him as soon as possible~
Yandere Bokuto makes my heart horny and it is a straight up tragedy that I don’t have more written for him (soon, bby, dw) because he’s all soft and cuddly and needy and incessant, but the moment you start pulling too far away - oop. Now you get to play with an upset Bo 👀
For all the hard work you do, someone should write for you. Depending if you're into the really disturbed, angst, smutty kind where there are no such things as regrets. That's me. I write that stuff all the time. Keep up the great writing beautiful. What's next on your upcoming lists of fanfiction you're going to post? 💋💞😍🤗👀 Love ya! @doloresdaizhamorgan
Ahh thank you, bby! You always send the sweetest asks (and btw I hoped you liked vamp Touya!!) Next up is slasher Bokuto, Akaashi & Kuroo which I am v excited about 🔪
Hi! I was wondering how you think the yandere soulmate pairings would react to the reader favouring one over the other? Would they get jealous of the other—leading to the reader's possible escape route? Also just wanted to say I love your writing so so so much—it genuinely gives me chills in all the best ways :)
I think it would be difficult for the reader to prefer one to the other as they’re all bad in different ways. However as it’s kind of implied that both Oikawa & Iwa and Ushijima and Tendou are also each others soulmates as well, I think they’d find a way to manage it without too much drama between each of them - probably exposure therapy. Say you start to cling a little more to Ushi because Tendou’s being sadistic mean, he’ll leave the two of you to spend some ‘quality time’ together - surely you’ll be feeling better by the time he gets back (you aren’t). Or if you start showing more favouritism to Iwa because he doesn’t go as hard with his punishments, the two of them will agree that next time it’s all up to Iwa, and he’s gonna make it hurt while Oikawa will be there to take care of you afterwards.
It’s all about balance.
If its with the twins, good fucking luck. They’re already bickering over the small stuff - they’ll just take it as an excuse to lord it over the other one - which ill inevitably prompt the ‘loser’ to remind you of exactly why you should really reconsider, especially with how good he’s gonna make ya feel. Basically - it’s a tug of war with you caught in the middle. Have fun tho!
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