eclipsedcrystalstar · 9 months
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MLS AU Watcher!Flare
I think he gets to exert his control onto the others. As a treat.
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robo-dino-puppy · 10 months
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alarm call
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hptx7777 · 1 year
As much as I love seeing depictions of Canary Jimmy with large expanding wings, it’d fit so well if he just had small puny little wings that he can’t even fly with to show how much of a wet paper bag he is
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blazingflareon · 11 months
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baldurs gate coop is a riot
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sensoryled · 2 years
marcellus and going nonverbal.
marcellus is prone to occasionally going nonverbal; in addition to being deaf, he is also autistic. this generally manifests as difficulty with the physical act of speaking, and does not bar all forms of communication. when he is nonverbal, he can still typically sign, write, or text to communicate.
when he is nonverbal, he is generally more docile, more complacent ( for want of a better word ). he does not actively seek out trouble, does not actively break rules without good reason. furthermore, when he is nonverbal, he is usually content to watch someone else go about their business. with flare, this could be anyone -- he prefers fidel, but he might watch xerosic or the other scientists, or even lysandre, given the opportunity. contrary to what one might think, he does not actually enjoy being alone when he is nonverbal. even if he isn’t communicating with the people around him, he still wants to be around them. part of this is that nonverbal is an uncomfortable state for him and he finds comfort in being around people. the rest of it is just his own personality quirk, i suppose.
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cursezoroark · 2 months
.... there are stats flying in my brain
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dduane · 5 months
Today's auroral shenanigans
Relatively speaking, yesterday night (May 11/12) was a bit of "not much" for aurora-watchers, compared to the night of the 10th/11th. (Which, to be fair, was a most unusual event, and it wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't equaled for a long, long time.)
Nonetheless, the Sun continues to be in an interesting mood at the moment... specifically the big sunspot region AR3664, which is the one responsible for the auroral extravaganza of May 10th. You can just see it in this next image, getting ready to rotate away from us around the Sun's rightward limb.
(For those interested in scale: that complex of sunspots is about fifteen times the diameter of the Earth. You could drop the whole planet into the middle of the biggest one and lose it. A timelapse video of its growth is over here at YouTube, if you're interested.)
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As AR3664 continues to spit out CMEs and flares, the NOAA has issued a geomagnetic storm watch for today, tonight and tomorrow—with the suggestion that conditions like those of the night of the 10th may in the relatively short term be about to repeat themselves.
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This is a "watch" rather than a "warning," reflecting some uncertainty over exactly how the various incoming coronal mass injections are likely to behave on reaching Earth orbit. (Also, the CMEs aren't being aimed straight at us, but off to one side as the sunspot region rotates further and further toward the sun's edge: so this adds somewhat to the unpredictability of it all.)
The animation below comes from the SOHO spacecraft's LASCO C3 coronagraph instrument. It starts on May 10th and runs through until early on the morning of May 12th. You can see the newest incoming CMEs right at the end of it.
(BTW, I think the two bright objects to right and left of the Sun are probably comets passing through, as LASCO images normally mask out any planets that would be in view.)
Anyway, as for what this means for auroral activity tonight? It's tough to tell as yet. The planetary K index (which expresses the relative strength of geomagnetic storms) has dropped back down into near-baseline levels at the moment.
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But when those new CMEs and the solar wind associated with them hits the atmosphere, things may change suddenly.
We'll soon see...
And an afterthought: AR3664 will soon be off around the Sun's edge, and invisible to us. It'll be interesting to see what happens to it after that.
The Sun takes 27 days to rotate, as a whole: the poles take longer, the equatorial regions a shorter time. In a couple of weeks or less, what will greet us, rotating around toward Earth's POV on that left-hand side? Will AR3664 have dissolved and vanished away, as sunspot groups so often do... or grown even bigger?
ETA 1, 12 May 2024, 1820 UT: Like a kitty coughing up hairball after cosmic hairball, AR has popped yet another X-class flare.
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ETA 2, May 13 2024, 0100 IDT / 0000 UT: New G3 storm warning dropped.
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aris-has-a-paracosm · 2 months
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So we all know Canary Jimmy, but what about Albatross Jimmy? Hear me out on this:
Okay, so firstly, Jimmy has a very big personality. He is loud, highly interactive with those around him, and is impossible to ignore in any situation. Plus he's usually depicted as one of the tallest members of the Life Series. Is that not fitting for the bird with the biggest wingspan on earth? (On top of that, albatrosses are seabirds, which is definitely helpful in bridging some gaps with the Codfather.)
The Canary Curse in of itself is based on the concept of Jimmy's death foretelling the tragedies that are about to occur for everyone else, but what if Jimmy's death is what *brings* the curse? I was thinking about Rime of the Ancient Mariner again, and the albatross there is supposed to be an omen of good luck until the titular Mariner shoots it down with his crossbow. After a while of still waters and horrendous thirst, every sailor on that ship drops dead except for the Mariner, who is bound to the albatross, cruelly spared only by Life-In-Death (Watcher symbolism anyone?).
I know there's a headcanon stating that Skizz is the cause of the Boogeyman Curse (I don't know who created this headcanon, so please tell me if you know), and Albatross Jimmy only strengthens that: Skizz is the Mariner.
Skizz causes Jimmy's final death in Third Life with a bow of all things. He effectively “shoots him out of the sky." And not only did the chaos increase in Third Life immediately after, but every season Skizz has been present for since has involved the Boogeyman Curse in some way.
The only series Skizz was not in was Double Life, where there was no Boogeyman Curse. How would the curse continue if there is no Mariner to accompany the Albatross? Easy answer: Tango took on the role of the Mariner for Double Life, as the cause of Jimmy's first death via Dare To Flare all way back in Third Life. Since this death was not as permanent as the death that Skizz caused, the intensity of the curse was not near as strong, and resulted only in the Ranchers being soulbound (which became a very wholesome, comforting thing for them rather than staying a curse).
Since the curse is primarily based in the events of Third Life, Jimmy dying first may not continue to be a requirement for it as the seasons go on (as evidenced in SL and RL), but what it does require is 200 final deaths total before the curse can end.
Including Real Life, there have been 89 final deaths across the whole of the Life Series, including all six wins assuming that the winners died after each season anyway for the series to continue. Therefore, also assuming an average of 17 players for every subsequent season, there would need to be seven more seasons of the series to accumulate 200 final deaths, in which Skizz would be the final winner.
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Not Mushroom for Love (Genshin Impact)
Pairing: Tighnari x reader
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I love Tighnari he's so cute i just wanna AAAAAAHHHHHH
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Tighnari was a hard ass. It was for good reason, sure, but it didn't mean that it annoyed you any less. Another thing that annoyed you was how much you wanted to prove yourself to him. Not only did you want to be a worthy forest ranger, but you wanted to be someone worthy of his love. It was frustrating, not only to be in love with your superior, but to also know he'll never see you the same.
Love was never meant to be, when it came to Tighnari. It was like the two of you were polar opposites. He was smart, consistent, and stern. You were aloof, not the brightest, and tended to bend the rules. You honestly had no clue how you fell in love with him. Was it the way his ears twitched when he was reading a book? The way his tail swung happily from side to side when he was talking about something new he learned? Maybe it was the way he pulled his hair back while doing an experiment? Whatever it was, one day you realized you had loved him. And it was terrible . How can someone as stupid as you love someone as incredibly smart as him?
You had failed your promotion exam. It was the fourth time in the row you tried to become a Forest Watcher. Some people were fine with being Rangers their whole life. But not you. You wanted to make everyone proud. Prove them wrong. You weren't just some stupid Ranger that always got in trouble or made mistakes on tests. Yet here you were, sitting with Collei as Tighnari stood in front of both of you with his arms crossed. 
"You got more questions wrong than the last time," Tighnari shook his head. "I thought you were studying?"
You sighed in frustration. "I am! But for some reason, I can't- the material just doesn't stick."
"Well, it needs to. It can be a life or death situation when you're out there."
You rubbed your forehead in frustration as he turned his attention to Collei. This happened all the time. You barely were able to learn the material to become a Ranger. It was the field test that had given you your position. It was your ability to act fast in a situation and keep your calm that made you keep your position. You stared down at your test, seeing the big marks of ink that glared at you. Mockingly. As you read over your answers, you realized that you did know all of this. So why did your mind always blank when it came to testing?
"Are you listening?"
You were pulled out of your thoughts and raised your head. "Huh?"
"We need to talk about your rescheduled test."
"I can do it tomorrow."
"Why not?" You frowned.
Tighnari motioned to Collei who looked uncomfortable. "She needs to rest since she's been having more flare ups recently. I think it would be wise of you to use this extended time to think about your path."
"What about my path?"
"Well," His head tilted to the side. "You have been consistently failing in the tests. You don't seem to take in information like the others. We should consider keeping you as a Ranger instead of trying to become a Forest Watcher."
Collei looked between the both of you. She could tell that things were going to get heated. "Uhm, why don't we discuss this at a later time?"
"But Tighnari, I know what I'm doing!"
"Your test scores say otherwise."
"I know my stuff! Can't I have a field test instead?"
He shook his head. "We have standards that we need to uphold. Knowing things in the moment is good, but you need to be able to know this stuff outside of that as well."
"That doesn't-"
Tighnari said your name sternly. "You know we have rules for a reason."
You stood up. "You just don't trust me."
There was a pause. The two of you stared at each other. It would have been easy to follow what Tighnari was saying. He was smart. He knew what he was doing, saying, and teaching. But there was something inside you that left you feeling frustrated. So you wanted to challenge what he thought of you. 
"I don't trust you to go out there alone."
"That's all I needed to hear."
Collei and Tighnari's calls fell on deaf ears as you left. You weren't stupid. You can be trusted. It was your job as a Forest Ranger. You've been doing this for years, for crying out loud. You clenched and unclenched your fists in anger. The one thing you hated about yourself is that you cried when you got angry. It made you seem even more weak and stupid than you already were. You took slow, deep breaths to keep your cool and your tears inside their ducts. The scent of last night's rain made you calm down, only a small bit. You stomped down the path through the village.
"Wait up!" You turned your head to see Tighnari running after you. Your heart skipped a beat. "Why did you leave?"
You tried to not let your feelings for him let you soften. "I need to go for a walk." 
"Can I come?"
"Why?" You huffed as you continued to walk. "Do you not trust me to even take a walk?"
"No," Tighnari spoke in a matter-of-fact voice. "I don't trust you to go off into the forest on your own. You know, a Forest Ranger is even stronger in pairs or more. Not only that, but if something were to happen, you have someone to have your back."
"Forest Rangers go out on solo patrols all the time."
Tighnari sighed. The two of you were now walking precariously over a fallen log. "That's not what I mean."
"Of course not. What you mean is that I'm too stupid to go out on my own."
He stopped. "Is that what you think?"
You turn towards him. "It's what I know. Don't act like you don't want to get rid of me."
"I don't!"
"Liar!" You point towards his chest. "The disappointment in your eyes whenever you see my test scores, the sigh when we go on patrol, the constant lectures. Admit it!"
"Oh please." He rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic."
"I am nothing but a liability to you!" You poked at him again, slowly making stepping forward. 
"Watch it," Tighnari reached out towards you. "Just calm down."
"Don't touch-"
Your words were cut off as you lost your footing on the log. Tighnari called out your name, trying to catch you. Of course, this was why Tighnari didn't trust you to be out alone. Of course the wood was slick. The rain still didn't dry out. A log as big as that one would take a while to become safe to walk across. But it was too late. You crashed through vines and branches. The wind was knocked out of you as you landed on the hard ground. You desperately gasped, trying to get air back into your lungs. You stared up at the sky, the log you fell off of nothing now looking like a faraway stick.
After gaining back a semblance of normal breathing, your training kicked in. Wiggle your fingers. Check. Wiggle your toes. You winced, your left foot sending a shooting pain all the way up to your lower back. Ok, not good. You raised your arms. Some cuts and scrapes, new bruises forming. That was ok, something you can handle. You slowly, very slowly sat up. Your bones and muscles ached. You turned your neck from side to side. It seemed you had no spinal damage, which was a relief. 
"Oh, archons have mercy."
Your left leg was swollen and twisted in an unnatural angle. Adrenaline pumped through your veins, enough to keep the scathing pain of a broken leg away. You took a deep breath. There was no way you could set it on your own, but the least you could do was move it in its right position. The pain pulsated as you slowly turned your calf, and then your ankle. That was when the pain really started to flare up. Tears streamed down your face as you reached into your pack that was snuggly attached to your waist.
"I'll be ok," You whimpered to yourself as you took out an antiseptic balm and started applying it to your cuts and scrapes. "Just don't focus on the pain. Focus on cleaning the cuts. You've trained for this."
"Are you ok?"
Tighnari had already made his way to you. He kneeled down, his eyes searching your body for any terrible injuries. You started to sob. You felt like a child who had fallen and scraped their knee. Your hands tried to desperately wipe away the tears to no avail. Tighnari's arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug. 
"Hey, it's ok! It's ok. I'm here."
You clung to his sweatshirt. "I'm so stupid!"
"Shush, no you're not."
"Yes I am. Just look at me-" You pushed him away and sniffled. "I almost killed myself."
"Well," He looked at your arms. "It seems to me that you did exactly what you were supposed to. Now your wounds won't get infected. Good job, Ranger."
You rolled your eyes. "You're just saying that. I wouldn't be surprised if you want to kick me out after this."
"Why do you keep saying stuff like this?" His voice grew dark as he started to wrap your arms up in bandages. "It's- I just…I can't have you out here!"
"Because I'll just do something stupid-"
"No! I don't want you to die out here! Do you know how scared I was when you fell? I could've prevented that. I wasn't fast enough. I couldn't save you in time, and I failed at what I'm supposed to do as a forest watched. I thought…I thought that if you were to die, it would be my fault. Because I couldn't teach you. I was the one who wasn't good enough." Tighnari's ears lowered, and he hid his gaze. "Let me finish bandaging your arm."
Your eyes widened as you stilled. You couldn't speak. If you were more delusional, you would have thought he sounded like he was in love, more than a teacher and coworker. His hands were gentle as he finished fixing you up. He then sat back on his legs and looked at your leg. His breathing was shaky. You swallowed.
"I- uhm…"
"Are you in pain?"
"I would be lying if I said no."
He scooted forward. He took out a pair of shears and snipped up your pants. The gasp he let out sounded even more painful than your fall. "It's definitely broken."
You let out a weak laugh. "You should've seen it when it was all twisted. That was really bad."
"You moved it all by yourself?"
"I'm strong."
"You know you don't have to be," Tighnari looked around and found two sticks. You grimaced, knowing what was coming. "I'm here. I want you to rely on me."
"But I want to prove to you that I am capable of doing things on my own."
"You don't need to prove anything to me." He positioned the two sticks by your calf, pressing them gently against your skin. He took out a thick looking cloth from his bag. "I'm going to wrap some cloth around the ankle first."
"I do. It's because I want you to see me as an equal. Then, maybe, I can confess my feelings for you."
Tighnari suddenly wrapped the cloth around without warning. You let out a shout and fell onto your back, trying not to writhe in pain. Maybe confessing your feelings while he was trying to attach a splint was not a good idea. He glanced at you, then continued wrapping your ankle. He then moved on to the middle of your calf. You balled up your fist and stuck it in your mouth, closing your eyes. Don't pass out. Don't pass out.
"All done." You opened your eyes and saw Tighnari standing. "Ready to get up?"
Your heart sank as he didn't acknowledge what you said. You sat up. "Yeah, sure."
He grabbed your hand and slowly hoisted you up. You tried not to put pressure on your leg, or think about the extreme amounts of pain you were currently in. After wobbling slightly, you were finally upright.
"Lean on me," Tighnari whispered, his arm wrapping around your waist. "I'll keep you steady."
"Well, let's try getting back."
Tighnari didn't answer. Instead, his free hand reached up to grasp your chin and move your face towards his. The only thing you could think of was how soft his lips were. They tasted of a floral balm that you've seen him put on countless times before. You leaned into him and his grip on your waist tightened. It wasn't long before you were breathless. 
"Are you still in pain?"
You shook your head. "N-no."
"Good. Let's go. I'll make sure to get you back quickly so you can get proper care."
It was silent as the two of you started slowly traversing through the forest. Your lips craved his again. Your heart craved his affection, his love. It was full knowing that he had confirmed his feelings. It didn't seem like him to act like this. But love made people act out of character.
“Do you know when I first fell in love?”
"Hmm?" You glanced at Tighnari who decided to finally break the silence. A blush creeped across your face as you registered the word 'love'. “When?”
“When you became a junior ranger. We were on our first outing as a group. You always had a habit of straying, but seeing your eyes wide with wonder as you asked me every single question you could…how you listened with the utmost attention, the way you complained when I told you to be quiet, how you would recklessly touch something without knowing what it was-“
“Wait. Isn’t that something you hate?”
“I could never hate anything about you. Because it is you. I don’t want you to be different.” He looked off to the side as if this was something he'd kept hidden for a while. "You'd make a great Forest Watcher one day. I care for everyone. I care for you. But I guess love got in the way of me being an actually good teacher. I should have realized that testing just isn't the method for you to learn things. I should've taken a different approach. Because of me, you started to doubt yourself."
"I have strong feelings for you. I want to go about it properly. Relationships are something that are built slowly. And I want to spend all my time with you."
"Are you asking me out?"
You forced out a pained smile. "That's very sweet of you, Head Forest Watcher."
"You sound upset. I also wanted to apologize for how I've been treating you. It wasn't fair."
"I appreciate that…" You trailed off. Ghandarva Village slowly came into view and you sighed. "I only sound upset because I'm in immense pain."
"Oh." Tighnari's ears fluttered. "Right. As soon as we get back, you need to be on bed rest for at least six weeks. After that, we can talk about your promotion."
You leaned your head against his shoulder. "Thank you, Tighnari."
"No complaints?"
"I think I'm going to rely on you a little more."
"I'll always be by your side." 
You smiled to yourself. Just like the forest, there needed to be a balance to everything. Tighnari was there to make sure you had someone to fall back on when you got in trouble. You were there to push Tighnari out of his comfort zone. Previously, you had thought that being opposites meant that you weren't compatible. But you two fit together like pieces of a puzzle. It was meant to be.
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starbound-jupiter · 2 years
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SO THIS WAS ME (you can see me editing the account there)
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robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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afternoon patrol
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solqrays · 4 months
obsessed with the idea that due to the flower valley wall being burnt down by joel, and the events that followed it, jimmy is afraid of fire, or more specifically he believes fire to be a root cause of their destruction, the dare to flare game with lava, the flower valley wall being burnt down, the fact that in empires and xornoth and everything- jimmy believes that fire is a bad omen to destruction and death, the prelude to the canary curse. (thats why in lim life, he knew he would be the first out, because of the fact that the bread bridge was destroyed). flash forward to double life, and jimmy is paired up with tango, a blazeborn with fire for hair. he's the reason they lost their first life and even if jimmy doesnt blame him for it he knows he wouldnt last long in this season. but when he meets tango and he feels like his world has been shifted upside down, because before fire reminded him of death and destruction, of unhappiness and eternal doom. now it reminds him of home, a sanctuary in the death game, he thinks he's finally safe from the eyes of the watchers and that perhaps, just perhaps fire could mean something more than a curse. but alas nothing ever seems to go his way as fire comes back again, messing with his life when scar comes back and burns the ranch- a physical reminder that fire will destroy everything that comes in the watcher's way of torturing jimmy. but little do they know how much the ranch and tango has affected him, when he walks up to tango who is in his rage, flaming hair and hands and everything, he knows rationally that he will get hurt, thanks to his avian heritage and his curse, but at that moment he finds himself not caring, he holds tango's hands, and even if the fire burns his own hands he finds himself not caring. because he was sick and tired of fire getting in the way of things he loved (with scott distancing him after the walls burnt down and then leaving him after he died and joel who used to be his loving and caring brother-in-law betraying him and after the grimlands explosion- forgetting him and turning into a cruel shadow of his former self)- but jimmy couldnt let that happen to him and tango's relationship. he wanted to break the phoenix's cycle, burning up and then reincarnating to lose a small part of himself. he couldnt let that happen and so when jimmy took tango's hands into his own, he wanted to change the watcher's plans, and to pay for that he died again, sooner than expected- but to him it didnt matter anymore, because he finally had someone who would be there for him. his relationship with fire was still shaky, not trusting it completely, but he knew he could trust tango, and he knew that he wouldnt hurt him or leave him be- and even when they returned to empires and jimmy was faced with the cruel remarks of the other emperors and their meaningless insults, he longed to be with tango, to be with his fire. sure he may not be doing the best on empires, but he had someone to live for, someone who would help him break free from the cold clasps of the watchers, and thats what mattered. no amount of fire would break this bond, for it was forged in the brightest flames of love and understanding.
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loser-writings · 1 year
Frieza SFW Alphabet
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Notes: First post in 3 years lets go! Decided to go to my roots and hit the old SFW ABC prompt I used years ago
Synopsis: SFW Alphabet Prompt list with my take on Lord Frieza
Word count: ~2900
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frieza is not one for affection, and you would be a fool if you had expected anything more than that honestly. Despite this, He has his moments that surprise you. His main form of affection is subtle and easily missed, especially if you let your fear and intimidation blind you.
He calls for you to join him. When he is alone and finds it too boring, or if his temper had seemingly flared just moments before, he will call for you. Most should be afraid if this is the case, but not for you, because at this point he just wants your presence to calm him or to just have a chat with. This is his form of affection and although it isn't much, it leaves him satisfied.
The more rare forms of affection appear when hes annoyed with you. If you fail a mission or fuck up, he would shoo the other staff away and claim he would be "Dealing with you" without watchers. Though you are not immune from the harsh words of the reptilian man, he is just as quick to slide something that sounds almost like a backhanded compliment. One moment he's scolding you because a mission went awry, but the next he says that he sent you on it because he expected more from you and to not let his minions drag you to their level.
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B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
This is a slippery slope for most people, and you would likely have to remain on your toes just like every other crewmate. If you seemed to climb up the ranks or proved yourself useful, you might gain his attention. He might interact with you a little to see if you squirm under his gaze, or watch you if a fight breaks out among crewmates just to see how you handle yourself. If all goes right, then you might get the chance to be a little closer to the man.
If that chance happens, You would be one of the few to see just how paranoid that man is. Yes, he is a man who is unbelievably powerful with a strength only few could rival, and yet you would see where his true danger comes from. A paranoia that runs so deep that he is on edge all of the time despite attempting to keep a calm front. Though you'll never be able to mention that to him unless you wanted to be killed where you stood.
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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It's an interesting predicament because Frieza cannot stand physical touch. He cringes, snarls at the thought, and just despises it. On the flip side, He enjoys any warmth that he can find because of his reptilian nature.
The only way he would cuddle up to you is if you were extremely warm, nobody was at risk of finding him in such a position, and he was a bit more drained than usual. He would have to initiate the touch, only being drawn in because of your heat, and he might curl up to take a nap. Any little sound would wake him though, and there is a mild risk he attacks you out of impulse but hey. For the moment it's nice.
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D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
No. He will not stop until he is as powerful as he can possibly be. He will not cook because he views it as peasant work, and he would only clean if he is distracting himself by doing other things. He is not a domestic man.
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E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Death probably. If you broke his trust or if he decided you were no longer useful to him, he would just get rid of you and end your life. That way he never has to worry about you betraying him or helping an enemy. It's the safest as well as an easy option in his mind.
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F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Frieza is not one to look towards marriage as a sign of love or affection. If you wanted to be married just because, he would deny it. The only way you could possibly marry Frieza is if it was in the form of a business deal. A way to benefit him through giving him something through your hand in marriage.
His father on the other hand would be thrilled to hear that he would be married, but that is truly about it.
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G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
If you break the mold and actually gain Friezas trust, you would actually be able to see that he can be gentle. The man is elegant and holds himself to a high standard. There is a beauty in knowing that your touch can demolish worlds, and yet his touch can be surprisingly delicate when he is calm.
Now when he is upset? His grip can break bones and he will tug you around if you aren't listening. His words can be cold and even cruel. He is not gentle when it comes to his speech as he has no reason to sugar coat anything.
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H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn't like hugs, but it's a similar deal with cuddling as well. He hates them and will not admit to liking them, until his face is buried in your body somewhere and hes clinging to you cause you're warm. The idea of being touched so casually makes his skin crawl but at the same time…he really likes the warmth.
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I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He likely wouldn't ever say it. The concept of love is something he has always been disgusting to him and has always been viewed by him as a useless weak spot. With that being said, the most I think he would say verbally is "I am fond of you" which is as close to love as that man will have.
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J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frieza is a possessive man who doesn't like when other people play or try to toy with things he deems as his. Because of this, he is prone to being extremely jealous. He initially takes it out on you, accusing you of being unfaithful or being promiscuous but after some time of you proving your loyalty to him, he would instead turn this attention to others and take his wrath out on them.
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K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Friezas kisses come extremely few and far between. As a man who hates physical affection, the only time you'd find him kissing you is when his heat is right on the cusp of starting. During that time, he is more likely to engage in physical touch and affections to help relieve himself during that time. Typically he would end up smashing his lips against yours before whimpering against you all while his hands grip your armor tight. The kisses almost always start harsh and a bit sloppy only to melt into something a bit more gentle and needy.
Outside of those desire filled kisses, the only other time he would let you kiss him is when hes half asleep or cuddled up to you. If you're quick enough, you could plant a little peck to his lips and he wouldn't complain.
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L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He doesn't do well with children. They don't listen, They destroy things, and they cry a lot. To him, Children are weak little annoying fleshbags of life that serve no purpose other than to annoy him.
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M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On the rare mornings where you wake up alongside him, you'll find him curled up on your chest since he craves your body heat. You'll have a hard time leaving since the reptilian man would grumble a demand that you stay for a moment since your warmth made him comfortable. After a bit of time, Frieza would wake up on his own and sit up, clearly not amused by having to be awake. That is how you discover that Frieza is not a morning person.
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N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Frieza typically are calm. He may call you to his chambers to discuss the day with you or talk about what the next day may hold, but after a while there is a chance that he would tell you to lock the door and stay for the night since he feels calmer in your presence. He might have tea made for you both so you can just relax and unwind. Rarely, itll result in Frieza cuddling into your body for warmth and falling asleep, but most nights you would both bid farewell once tea is done to rest on your own.
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O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frieza is a man who only lets people know what they need to about himself. He lets his reputation do the majority of the speaking for him so when it comes to genuine discoveries about him, he is slow and cautious. It would take lots of time and trust for him to reveal how he truly feels about certain things or to know him past the surface level.
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P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
The man has some patience but it can be run thin quickly. He hates waiting for things when he wants it, and will make demands or be prone to having one of his meltdowns where people or things can be destroyed. Though his mood heavily determines this.
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Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Surprisingly, Frieza remembers a lot. The man listens to everything intently and would remember the little things, though he would brush it off by saying it's because he hates when people repeat themselves since it wastes his time. But the man would listen and be aware of what you said at all times.
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R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Though Frieza would never admit it out loud, I do think he would enjoy the very rare moments where he is cuddled into your arms just enjoying your warmth as he takes a nap. It's an oddly peaceful moment for him where he feels protected and doesn't have to be paranoid that somebody is trying to overthrow him or trying to kill him.
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S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would protect you in ways that would be subtle. He would break up fights if you were involved and were being ganged up on, he would punish those who try to slander you, and he would go out of his way to ensure your safety on his ship. That being said, he also will not interfere if it becomes too commonplace or if its a minor skirmish.
As for larger battles, he would protect you if he didn't feel threatened personally. He would have to view you as an asset at this point and losing you to some goons would set him back. In the end though, he values his own life above all else so don't rely on him to sacrifice himself for you.
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T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are something that he would not admit would happen, but there would be little moments where he would request your presence. He might pull you aside to share a meal as you both discuss things happening on the ship, or the next planet up for trade. He may request you join him as he goes to explore a new island because he trusts that you can hold your own alongside him if anything goes wrong, or that you would protect him if he doesn't want to get his hands dirty. They wouldn't exactly be high effort, but the fact he requested for you would be a lot for Frieza.
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U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He is very paranoid and can be accusatory. If he notices the smallest thing is off, he will get paranoid. At first, his questions seem like they're coming from a place of curiosity as he calmly asks you why something has happened, or about the new rumor he heard on the ship. If he thinks that you are lying or are hiding something, You can prepare for him to attempt to intimidate you, but after a while of knowing him though, you realize he is doing this as a way to protect himself.
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V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is EXTREMELY vain. He takes extreme care of himself and values his appearance greatly, especially in his final "true" form since it is something few have seen. He goes out of his way to ensure that he looks both intimidating as well as beautiful.
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W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Frieza has seen so many come and go in his life so I don't believe he would feel incomplete if you were gone or had died, but I do think every now and then he would think of you and sigh a little since you did make his life a little easier when you were there. It would be small and a rare thing to have happen, but he would miss you for a moment before going back to whatever he was doing.
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X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Frieza suffers from PTSD because of the Legend of the Super Saiyan becoming true in front of him, which he knew deep down meant his inevitable downfall. This lessens as time goes on, but after his death at the hands of Goku, he could be triggered and have a PTSD episode. This usually leaves him shaking, wide eyed, and struggling to remain composed. he would be more prone to attacking impulsively in an attempt to just destroy whatever is threatening him at that moment.
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Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn't handle secrets well as he is too paranoid for his own good. If he believes you are being secretive or sly, he might approach it one of two ways. He will rather approach you and be upfront, asking you if you are hiding anything and if there is a reason why your behavior has been off, which is his way of giving you the opportunity to be truthful with him if you are misbehaving. Or, he will send spies to subtly watch and report back to him after your every move which may eventually lead to an explosive downfall on your end.
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Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Frieza sleeps on his stomach. His tail might sway a little in his sleep or wrap around something, but he always has to rest on his stomach. He also tends to find really warm areas to sleep in, so don't expect to be in long clothes anytime soon if you are resting with him.
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boolger · 5 months
I’m dangerous ☆ chapter 1 ☆ COD fanfic
Originally posted on my AO3, where I post all my stuff. Always read the tags of my fanfics. MDNI
[chapter 1] ☆[chapter 2] ☆ [chapter 3] ☆ [chapter 4] ☆ [chapter 5]☆ [chapter 6] ☆[chapter 7]
☆ fem!reader x Kate Laswell ☆ explicit. MDNI. ☆ 1/10 ☆ 1,843 words
☆ Summary: You were a hacker and had been a thorn in the side of the 141 gang for a while, in particular as you tried to find out who the famous leader, Watcher, was. But they refuse to be blackmailed and won’t pay you.
So, to prove that you weren’t just bluffing, but were a serious threat to them, you kidnapped a random woman that you saw coming out from one of their meetings, figuring she was a secretary or girlfriend or something.
Oh, how wrong you were.
☆ Tags: au mob, gang, kidnapping, blackmailing, dub-con, angst, smut, death, grief/mourning, hacking, non-con drug use, bondage, spanking, kissing, rough sex, inaccurate portrayal of mob, more will be added.
☆ note: I’m trying to keep the reader’s appearance vague, but she is afab, chubby and has shoulder length hair. ☆ As for plot – I’m not sure if I saw the post on tumblr or tiktok and I cant find it lol, but it mentioned reversing the more classic fanfic plots. So for example, the main character isn’t kidnapped by a mob boss - but kidnaps the mob boss. So, that is what I started with and then I will freestyle along the way. ☆ There will be mention of chronic illness and death of a character, not a main one, but the reader's little sister, but I try not to go into details about the illness aspect (since I don’t know too much about that). There will be focus on grief and the loss of a sibling however, so if that triggers or makes you uncomfortable, maybe don’t read this one. ☆ dubious consent in the later chapters, that might border to non-con. ☆ Badly described hacking. I don’t know shit about hacking, I've studied things in the humanities category the last six years. So if a bad understanding of tech makes you upset, I'm sorry.
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Being a hacker wasn’t as glamorous as you had expected when you were younger. After everything with your sister, you had expected things to change, sure, but not into this. Everything was even more of a mess than before and somehow you got into blackmailing. Which, well… When you hit the right people, it paid well.
And sure, you had felt strong at first. Like you were invincible, a vigilante who blackmailed rich and awful people. You needed the money more than them, after all. Yet, the clock kept ticking and you needed more money fast. You needed more money to pay the last of your debts off and run away.
Which was how you ended up like this, blackmailing the mob.
The 141 gang was infamous on the streets of London. Most people knew who you talked about and those who didn’t, were often tourists or recently moved to the town. Whether they were hated or loved, really depended on who you asked. Some people said they made their areas safer, so they now had less crimes - others said they were horrendous bastards, who acted above the law. In truth, you didn’t really care. You weren’t a model citizen yourself, running around and blackmailing people. All you cared about was the fact that they had money, lots of it and they were easy to blackmail, since they didn’t want to be exposed.
Now, threatening them with the local police? Wouldn’t do much, it had to be to everybody – and then all the journalists too. Sure, you didn’t really have the energy to mass email out all the proof you had, but the 141 didn’t need to know that. You had them believe that you were a small group of people anyways and not just… you.
You, out in the almost empty house, over 50 miles away from London. It was much more lonely out here now. Half a year ago, you and your sister lived out here in peace, happy with how everything was going despite her illness flaring up now and again.
Now it was empty and lonely. Sometimes, when the wind hit the house at the right angle, you could hear the cars from the nearby motorway.
Alas, the 141 thought you were a big and bad group of hackers, threatening to take their kingdom down - and sure, you had a lot of stuff of theirs that could be bad in the wrong hands. You had papers, screenshots and recordings from when you hacked into different security cameras. You had traced a lot of them too, you had evidence.
Now they just needed to pay.
So far, they hadn’t really been fun to play with. They refused, saying that you were bluffing. Saying that if they saw you, they were going to kill you, which wasn’t really nice of them. You doubted they couldn’t survive without 60,000 pounds. Sure, it was a lot of money - but you needed them too. A bit more, you dared to think. And for a whole mobster empire? Seemed like a good deal to you.
Besides, you were so curious that you wanted to die: Who was their boss? Nobody knew. Everyone had ideas and theories, sure, but the famous Watcher was still unknown, even to you - which bothered you so much. You had your own theories, your main one was that this Watcher was really just John Price.
No matter who the Watcher was - and how good your deal was - they were just so fucking stubborn. So, you needed to prove that you were serious. You didn’t really have the time to mess around and send them more photos or shit, so according to movies you saw - and google - it was time to step up.
Go from hacker to kidnapper. Which really hadn’t been a career plan of yours, but here you were.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
You had tracked one of them, the Scot that everyone called Soap, so that you could follow them from a distance. You weren’t stupid enough to actually try to shadow them. Despite them not hanging around the finest streets of London, your beat up van stuck out sometimes.
Plans? Sure, you had… some of those. At least, you knew what not to do.
First of all - You weren’t going to take Price, people were around him all the time anyways and if he was the leader as you suspected, that wouldn’t go well.
Secondly, all his men were out of the picture too. At least those who always hang around him, because some of their biceps were bigger than your face.
Third, you had to avoid a proper fight - so that meant waiting for the right moment. You had a taser, duct tape and you had some strong sedatives. You were going to hack your way out of fighting.
Fourth and final point so far - get away as fast as possible. You weren’t going to stick around.
So just… wait for the right person, then tase, inject, duct tape, drive away. It was fine. You had all the components, you just needed to put it all together, then blackmail the group, get the money, drop off the person and then get away.
Your van was blue and rusty, the engine was loud and all the back seats were taken out, since you had lived in it for a little while, outside the hospital. The mattress you used to have in the back was pulled away, since you needed it for the captive to sleep on inside the house. They would have to deal with being on the car floor for the trip - they would most likely be sedated anyways. Now there was just some trash in the back of the car that you should probably have cleaned up, but didn’t care to, since the car bore bad memories - as well as some small electronic pieces that you had picked up here and there, thinking you would need to use it for experiments.
As the group came to a stop at a pub you knew they went to sometimes, you went behind it and parked next to a bigger car, which hid your van a little. Then you waited.
You wore some of your more discreet clothing. The baby-metal band t-shirts were hidden beneath a grey hoodie, with the least monster energy drink stains on, and a pair of rugged jeans. If your sister had been here she would have rolled your eyes at you and said you looked like a teenager trying to be rebellious - and not a 25-year old woman. You missed being told that. Your hair was hanging loosely, hoping it would hide your face a little. Your septum piercing was tipped up and hidden, and you had changed your usual silver tongue piercing for a clear one. Though you doubted that it was your tongue piercing that would be damning evidence.
After waiting about 25 minutes you crawled over the seats rather inelegantly, opening the sliding door to turn towards the other car, for some fresh air.
You were tired, yet stressed at the same time. It was unnecessarily stressful to kidnap somebody, especially when you didn’t really want to.
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It was about a power nap and 30 minutes later, when you were ripped from your thoughts at the sounds of the back door opening and a female voice telling somebody that she needed her cigarettes. You tipped your head forward a little, seeing how she closed the backdoor behind her.
You had seen her before. She seemed to be near the others a lot of the time.
She looked in her 40s, with light brown hair that almost looked a little blond in the rare sunlight of London. Nicely dressed, a confident smile on her face as she pulled her car keys from her bag and the car right next to you lit up.
Maybe a girlfriend? Wife? Secretary?
No matter what, the chance was too good to be true.
Somehow you managed to catch her off guard as she seemed more focused on finding her cigarettes as she opened her car door – so that was when you struck, tasing her. Everything happened so fast - yet not fast enough at the same time.
You pushed the needle into her skin, as she groaned, clearly a little confused from being tased - and most likely from hitting your car floor - as soon as the contents were injected you pulled the needle out again. The woman groaned and grabbed your wrist, mumbling something. You pushed it off, grabbing the roll of duct tape you had prepared, pushing her onto her stomach. She wasn’t going without a fight though and you wanted to cry as she managed to pull her hand free. You needed the bloody drug to kick in this minute.
You sat down on her back, your weight useful - the work of wrapping her wrists together was honestly shit. YouTube made it look so much easier.
You ignored her as she began to curse you out. grabbing her bag, emptying the content on the floor of the car, eyes constantly flickering to her. She seemed confused - so you focused. There was an Apple air tag in it, that you hurriedly picked up. There was no phone though. You wanted to throw up, this was taking longer than it should.
She tried sitting up, having rolled onto her back again, your eyes meeting. Hers were cloudy, while yours were focused. You pushed her down again, hands running over her jacket. The moment your hand touched the familiar shape of a phone, your hand dug into the pocket, not even trying to be nice about it. She was mumbling about how what you were doing was wrong, but you didn’t need to be told that.
As soon as you got the phone, you got up and crawled in between the front seats, sitting down and starting the car. You needed to get the hell out of here, now.
The sound of the shitty engine drowned out her complaints. You drove off as quickly as you could, throwing her phone and the AirTag out in a couple of bushes that the car passed.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
It was several minutes later that you concluded that nobody was following you, which made you breathe a little easier.
As you waited for the green light, you looked over your shoulder, taking in the sight of the woman on the floor of your car, in between empty monster cans, cables and small electronics. She was laying quietly, but you could see her chest moving.
What the fuck had you gotten yourself into? You could feel an anxiety attack crawling along your ribs, threatening to overwhelm you.
As soon as the money was transferred, you dropped her off again - and then you could run, somewhere up north. Start somewhere fresh, where you don't know anybody. Where the 141 or bad memories couldn’t find you. Maybe get a dog.
First things first, however. You needed to get this whole kidnapping thing done.
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screamingcrows · 2 months
Nothing will be spared
Chapter 1 - The future can't be real
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Notes: Shhh... I know I said 'no Dottore series' but that was a different me. There'll be eight chapters in total, that's it. Don't squint too hard at this, and do not use this for AI. Tags: dottore x fem!reader, reincarnation au, canon-divergent, angel reader, death, hurt/comfort, teyvat speculation if you squint Minors, blank, and ageless blogs; DNI
"This world is flawed!"
A silence reserved for the grave settled between the watchers present, countless of their moonlit gazes sharpening. Your voice rang through the assembly, painfully accusatory to your own ears.
The amber eyes of your Mistress burned in their inquisition, radiance too great for you to bear in this moment. Not when your thoughts had become mercurial, expectations of hidden cruelty pleading for you to turn and run before blades impaled themselves in your wings.
Whispers erupted in Her silence, questions of your own erosion floating between the countless gilded pillars that held up the carefully crafted dome of protection, the beyond too much for Her fledgling children to withstand. Their golden trims were beautifully crafted, reflecting only warmth whenever your eyes had apprehensively examined them. From the very beginning, the act itself had torn at your being, guilt working so desperately to push back the accusations that were now flowing from you lips.
A steadying breath before the continuation was needed, "Blessed Mother, I seek not to question your judgement, yet-"
"Yet you speak with such malice in your heart, step forward then, let me see from where your doubts spring," Her voice curled pleasantly around your form, tiny pinpricks moving along your skin at the sorrow that tinged her words.
Fate was inescapable. Even for one as you. How long and in what detail had She known that this moment would come to pass?
Still, your eyes remained firmly on the marbled ground as you sank to your knees, intent on showing the immense regret that She no doubt expected to sense. The whispers had died with the first syllable on Her tongue, the only merciful distraction being the occasional ruffle of feathers.
"My kin were created to care for the humans and guide them through their lives, such was the purpose we received from your lips when life was breathed into us. It pains me to see shards break from their souls, it must be possible to do-"
Her raised hand froze the continuation on your tongue, the eternal summer night dispersed within seconds, "They are perpetual, my child, nothing is lost, that was my blessing to this world, even to apostates like him," a brief hint of something unfamiliar, uncertain perhaps, hung in Her voice "you all know this."
Humiliation flared in your chest at the subtle questioning of your faith, murmurs of acknowledgement carried upon the soft clouds. The same comfort that mercilessly bid storms to rage below.
"With my own eyes, I saw the cavity left behind. Please, at least let some investigate it, I want nothing more than to be proven wrong" you knew this was beyond your rights, but She was always kind, and you could no longer handle how you had been choking on guilt ever since, how thorns dug into your wings whenever they spread to ferry another, "if your beloved creations are in danger, shouldn't you do something?"
Color drained from the stars, plunging the ethereal abode into a pale night. You needn't look to know the rest of your kin had dropped to their knees as well. With eyes closed, you awaited judgement, jolted to life when icy fingertips brushed your cheek.
Surely, after all the care of creating them, She would listen.
"You will abandon this course."
The days since had been filled with nothing but confusion and misery, forced to return where you'd first awoken and relive the extensive instructions on carrying souls between their tethers. A duty that was, and had been, second nature for millennia while phantom weariness settled in the corners. The instructors refused to meet your gaze as they drew maps across the stars, showing each constellation to which you'd been assigned.
Nourish the dead so they may tread the path paved for them. Guide them to shed their toils so they may be born anew.
The words tolled ceaselessly in your mind, but instead of invoking contentment all that spread with each pulse was a dark fog further muddling thoughts already bordering on blasphemy. With a heavy sigh, you reminded yourself that the shadows lining your vision weren't the blackening of feathers as mortals so loved to portray.
With a heavy heart, you watched as the young man went up in flames, futile cries for a mother who hadn't responded for years, for anything that would have him, were drowned out by passionate yells. The first few times life had bled from those garnets, it had been no different than any other meeting an unfortunate end. A final screech tore apart the air before the spectators roared, backs being patted with a careless satisfaction only humans could wield.
How come he had those striking eyes every time?
The crowd was nothing as you moved, a flicker of satisfaction tingling when shivers ran down their spines. For some so willing to mete out death, their unease in the presence of life had always been a conundrum. With the gentleness of a lover, you coaxed the soul from its charred vessel, brushing along the cerulean hair that seemed to haunt him in every life. As flames continued to lick at the lifeless husk, lips were pressed to it in what had become a silent ritual, ensuring that no body decayed before it could be loved.
Shimmering tendrils connected the soul in your arms and tethered it to the ground, the energy stretching to accommodate as you rose through the air, once again at ease as the sights below vanished. The cracks were there, thin and barely visible, but so unmistakably present, spreading their threads from the small cavity that had formed. Slowly, the energies shifted, connecting him instead to the stars above. You needn't look to know where they led, having long since learned where in the sky oculus haeresis sat.
Why had She woven such a thing into being, claiming it done as an act of love? If the beginning was certain and the end determined, their will would still be free throughout the rest, fate operating on a separate layer of existence than they would ever influence. Suffering was free to exist in the space between, you knew this, it gave their lives purpose to have. But to force tragedy onto every end was different.
Clouds gathered beneath your feet, golden pillars visible in the distance from the recluse you'd chosen. Away from the main areas was always preferable for souls like his, requiring as few disturbances as possible. Containing the possibility that he might influence others. A soft hum rippled the clouds, urging them to become what he needed to see upon waking. Imagining what exact shapes and colors they took always in the back of your mind, curious to know what could put fated prey at ease. Perhaps it wasn't a bad question to ask, meaningless enough at surface level to lower his guard while allowing for further discussion.
Voice a gentle melody, the soul slipped from your grasp, tendrils of mist wrapping around it and give it a shape of its own before he awoke. "You're safe now, open your eyes slowly."
Nothing was expelled with the cough that wrung itself from him, and a smile tugged at your lips at the human mind's blindness to the change in bodily composition. They were creatures who thrived on habit, no matter how furiously they claimed otherwise.
"Safety?" another cough, voice still as though breathing cinders, "safety is nothing but an empty promise."
For a moment, you merely observed the way his eyes darted around, surprise, confusion, and disbelief all flickering across his expression in the span of a breath. Times like these always rekindled your purpose, smiling as the young man laid back down, chuckles bubbling forth to fill the space between him and the barrier.
Despite time being meaningless, no more than a few breaths passed before he spoke, voice eager to understand as always, "I was burned at the stake," a hand ran through the hair, exploratively tugging at the strands, "yet here I am, waking as if from a bad dream."
"Perhaps that's all it was."
"Then all my life has been nothing but a slumber," he felt along something in the illusion before continuing, "how else can I explain these sights? Foliage only recorded in tomes, a forgiving sky, and a someone looking at me as though they understand. This cannot coexist with the life that I know, and such, one must be false."
He was always so tantalizingly close to seeing the truth, a warmth blooming in your chest at the peaceful expression, an unspoken hope - no fear - that this was the only place he experienced such calm.
"And what life did you know?"
His body righted, hands reaching to cup and crush nothing, "I do not recall sunlight touching my skin for the first decade, and for the second, there was far too much of it."
It was hauntingly familiar, so similar to what he always described. Stowed away as a child and tossed away once his peers had faith their consciences could remain clear upon his exile. There was no indignation in his voice, just as there had been no lasting scars on his soul. Most of the time he went easily through the flames, willing to forget the short life that had been lived. With maturity it became more difficult, took further coaxing before he parted with the experiences.
"If not a dream, what is this place where roses shimmer around the edges? We have yet to hear a single sound except our voices and a tolling bell."
So even now, he heard the cleansing bell? A relieved smile settled in your eyes before answering, "This is a place of rest, and I am here to guide you so that your life can no longer burden your soul."
You saw his eyes narrow and rove over your body, bitterness creeping into his tone, "An adeptus? No, unlikely. Whatever you are, such kindness is never offered freely."
A small chuckle ran through your body, oh how you'd missed this soul and the eternal bite of his tongue. His hands were swatting at the clouds, as though he could dispel the mirage to prove himself right.
"There is no need to be so wary, as a child of these stars, it is your birthright to be offered serenity," until you are once more ready to descend, "tell me, who were you?"
A snarl wrenched itself from his lips, the sheer force briefly dispersing a part of the soft clouds cradling you both. Once, you had asked the question, crimson eyes growing distant and a hand tugging at soft tufts of hair before the child admitted to not knowing. Another time, the teen had hugged his legs a little tighter, whispering a single word. 'Unwanted'. Other times, the man would laugh, titles falling like feathers from his frame.
"Not before you tell me what you are."
"I guide the souls of the departed, that will have be enough to satiate your curiosity for now. Rest assured, you will know more in time."
He spat out the answer, "Zandik," while boring holes into your form, most likely attempting to cut open your intentions.
Unless his parents had somehow gleaned fate it had to be an epithet, and if they truly had there would've been far worse consequences for his village of birth to handle. Your expression betrayed nothing, a small nod the only fitting response to a fate crueler than the ends he met. Zandik had grown quiet as well, as though reality was settling in the bones that lay far below, ephemeral hands brushing along a body as real as them in motions that appeared soothing.
"Are you going to sit there and gawk at me like a beast on display for the rest of eternity? I've answered your questions, isn't it time you do the same?" indignation dripped from his words as a hand stretched to reach you, "and don't think I can be placated by beautiful fallacies. Tell me what this place is."
No words were spoken, instead stopping his motion by grasping the curious hand, feeling nothing but smoke from its caress as you placed the palm to your chest, praying he could feel the steady heartbeat you had willed your body to produce. It was an odd gesture, but one that helped calm most souls.
"I will never speak falsehoods, Zandik," the name was spoken with extra care, wishing for the last memories of it to be pleasant, perhaps that could eradicate the rest, "in this world, we all have our purpose. With that comes responsibility and knowledge, some of which is for our hearts only. I will answer all that I can, and in due time, you will know all that you need, such is the aim of the paths we tread upon."
"So you refuse to tell me? Fine, I'll figure it out by myself, I always do."
Such certainty made containing a smile nigh impossible. He always did? If that was the truth he needed, then it was one to be nourished.
The world remained a cresting dawn for far too long as he sat in idle meditation, fingers drumming once more as restlessness settled in the silence. Seasons had without doubt passed below the familiar coverage, had they also passed in the mirage he saw? You could only watch with bated breath as watchers glided past, souls cradled tenderly in their arms as they were cleansed. Their eyes purposefully avoided your direction, tongues no doubt longing to question the sensibility of allowing you the mercy of duty.
A sigh prefaced the question you'd already anticipated from Zandik, "How much longer must we meditate?"
"Until you're ready," patience and encouragement were essential, "perhaps we should take a break for now?"
His head dropped, fists slowly relaxing their grip. The light glittered along the cracks in quiet mockery, once they spread further, would it appear as though delicate lace had been draped across him? If only you could bring Her here without endangering Zandik's soul, if not for Her to mend it, then at least believe that something had gone awry.
'Mortals must be sheltered from these things, lest it overwhelms their soul.' Such were the teachings, and no one dared asked from where the certainty came, knowing the sorrow upon Her face would be too much to bear.
"And what if I will never be ready? How can I declare myself prepared for a future you refuse to share with me?"
There was a distinct lack of bite to his voice, a realization that fostered a blossoming calm, "Then we will continue to sit here and reflect."
You had to wonder if it was painful, if Zandik could feel the strange wounds inflicted on his eternal spirit. It would explain why he was having such difficulties moving on this time, why it had taken long enough that countless other souls had to be brought into the care of others, how could he be expected to forget when a reminder had been carved into him.
"Let me share a glimpse with you," his hesitation at your presence had faded enough that he didn't even scoff at the outstretched hand. A soft thrum hung in the air as an image manifested, the one you used every time, had been instructed to use, not a lie but a stretch. Their mortal body morphing as wings sprouted from their back, skin taking on a glow soft as morning dew, "with patience and understanding, you will shed your constraints and ascend."
"To what, an eternity of servitude here? I may have longed for a different life, but not one with gilded chains."
Despite the reluctance of his voice, a little fledgling doomed to drown as the waters crept closer, his acceptance was inevitable. Just as it had been countless times before. No matter how he refused, the memories he held were far too terrible to cling to, and thus, you watched as his resolved crumbled with every unnecessary breath. The light fading from his shape as the memories were laid to rest, their brightness lighting the tendrils connecting to the sky before eventually dulling.
It was with a peaceful heart that you brought the flickering shape into your embrace, carefully keeping it tethered, before slowly descending. The veins of the world connected and intertwined endlessly, spreading out underneath the earth and capturing everything that was, the life that walked there connecting also to above, to what would be. There was little difference no matter where the souls were returned into the roots, and so your mind led you to the place closest, determined not to relish in the slight warmth that itched along your spine.
"Know that if nothing else, I always look forward to meeting you, Zandik."
You watched with horror as his eyes snapped open, crimson irises bleeding in desperation at the brief pulse of energy that illuminated the night before his body evaporated, soul drawn into the ground. The purest remains of a soul contain no memories, no experiences, and that is what we must return to the ground. With a creeping sense of dread, your wings blotted out the sun during the ascent, unable to focus on neither consequences nor solutions.
The rivers ran red as the newborn child's irises, a moment of silence before his shrill shriek cut through the dawn. How could one who had just entered the world remember both a name and face, one a vicious mockery and the other a warm embrace? He didn't understand, of course he didn't, instead his cries carried long into the starlit night, a solitary constellation and an anxious watcher remaining far above.
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cookie-kisses · 1 year
Yo can I request a platonic friendship Headcannon of Dark cacao cookie meeting the reincarnate of one of the dragons he had defeated in his past but instead of coming back with a vengeance they came back to thank them for ending the many day long battle with their sibling and/or enemy and offered to become a protector of the kingdom.
Dark Cacao Cookie x Dragon! Reincarnated! Reader Headcanons. (Platonic)
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Dark Cacao was initially taken aback by your proposition, albeit his face stone cold. He didn’t expect a reincarnate of a dragon he’s slain before him, let alone a grateful one.
You expressed your gratitude towards the king, thankful as death was a great mercy. No longer filled with bitterness from your past life, wishing to serve and protect along side him with pride.
He accepted.
Your new body was quite weak compared to your previous one, but strong nonetheless. Along with your strength and wisdom from your previous life, you were an unstoppable force, and one of the best warriors in the kingdom.
You sparred with the other watchers and warriors, but always swept the floor, leaving them face down in the cold snow. (Occasionally you’d deck someone too hard and land them in the infirmary, sorry Crunchy Chip Cookie.) Dark Cacao Cookie watched you from afar during your battles, noting your immense strength.
Soon you found yourself to be Dark Cacao’s “sparring buddy.” You might’ve been reincarnated into your new body, but you swear you’ve felt feral instincts flare up whenever you sparred with him. Perhaps it was the sparring, or maybe it was your instincts from a past life, but the adrenaline rush was always unbeatable. You found joy when you fought with him, Dark Cacao took pride in being able to strengthen you as a warrior.
You gained the Black Citadel’s respect, including the king, from your immense strength and power you brought to the battlefield. Occasionally you’d receive a nod from the watchers as you walked by. You were known for your battles and strength.
However, there was softer (and slightly mischievous) side to your friendship. Gradually, you found yourself gravitating towards Dark Cacao. There was an odd comfort you found around him.
When you weren’t sparring with him, you’d occasionally sneak into his office and take some of his things. Minute things like pens, pencils, brushes, and even clothes. You did this partially to annoy him and partially because dragons like hogging treasure and anything they deem “valuable.” If he owned it, you wanted it. His fluffy cape isn’t off limits either, the challenge of nabbing it while he’s wearing it making it more rewarding.
Unimpressed with your behavior, Dark Cacao often lectured you about taking his belongings with a stern face. Albeit annoyed by your antics, he couldn’t help but find it just slightly amusing and endearing as well. Part of him enjoy it, even. However he couldn’t have you taking his cape. Dark Cacao eventually gifted you a replica of his cape as a compromise. You were giddy when you received it.
Despite being an annoyance, Dark Cacao Cookie grew quite fond of you. You are so much more than just your strength to Dark Cacao. You’re a loyal ally and companion. You’re his friend. that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.
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