#waxing moon job spells
loveemagicpeace · 2 months
🌙Phases of moon & what they are good for🌙
New moon - it represents first phase in the moon cycle. The moon is not visible in the sky. the new moon is associated with new beginnings. Therefore, this is the right time for a fresh start and creating new projects. In that phase. You can create the first steps to the manifestation of new goals and also the right time to think and decide on new intentions. It is also great time for journaling. This moon is also great time for cleaning anything. Clean your room and environment. This moon is also associated with erasing bad energy from your life. In addition, some believe that this moon is also manipulated because it affects the free will of others, while others find it useful. Some people can become anxious, nervous or tired under this moon. You can feel very intense energy under this phase of moon. This moon is great to take care of yourself and being with yourself ,doing things that you like to do. Also, it's great time for bathtub.
Waxing Crescent -this time is good for manifestations and to take advantage of the things you want to achieve, for example: a new job, wealth. Write down your intentions and read them. This moon reminds us that we can clearly visualize the things we want. Change your thinking to a positive one. This moon represents change and everything u want and wish. Strengthens self-confidence and sense of self-worth. This moon is good for visualization, intentions, affirmations, a clear plan, goals. Best for manifestation. To change your negative thinking into a positive one and extract as many good things as possible. To trust yourself and your own feeling and believe in yourself and your goals and dreams. Bring as many things into your life as possible that you want to have. It is associated with positive magic.
First Quarter-This menu features the light and dark side of the moon equivalent, which helps to know how balance is important for your own good feeling. Each part of the lunar cycle marks another phase in the development of your intentions from idea to manifestation, and the first place is not here no exceptions. At the New Year, intentions are accepted, by the waxing moon pinch these intentions crystallize. Now, at the first quarter, it's time to take action and start focusing on the action that will bring you closer to your goal. There is more energy available at this point in the cycle, so this energy boost helps you manifest your intentions. The first quarter is therefore an excellent time for active action, as it is associated with power and growth internal energies and energies in relationships. But it is also a suitable time for a break if you need a break from work and obligations.
Waxing Gibbous-this moon is great for : Rituals and spells for confidence, manifestation and meditation magic, action for growth and success, focus on healing, manifesting money and wealth. This moon is the time to take one last look at your intentions and plans. Sharpen plans and goals. Look at everything you've accomplished so far. This moon reminds us that the manifestations will come but we have to be patient. It reminds us that we can be patient and believe that it will happen. A good moon to increase growth. An overview of how achievable the dreams we set for ourselves are.
Full Moon-This moon is most exposed because of the power it holds. It gives strength to overcome all the obstacles and challenges we face. Is now the time for manifestations of our goals that we have been waiting for to show up. The seeds of intention were not sown in the youth, they have developed and are now blooming profusely, which is expressed in transformation, abundance, fruitfulness and perfection. Now is the time for their manifestation and reaping the results. Good time for tarot/oracle reading, divination by sight and all other ways divination. A good time for crystal clearing. The full moon is a time for intuition and creativity, but it is also suitable for letting go. The full moon often fills us with energy, but sometimes these energies are very intense and mentally exhausting.
Waning Gibbous-During this phase, the moon begins to wane. The high and often uncontrollable power of the full moon, this phase can be a welcome energy from the sea of ​​intense lunar energies. This makes it a waning moon good for magic related to reduction, expelling, banishing, cleansing negativity. Up until now, the moon has encouraged you to define more clearly what your inner workings should be like on the outside, so that you can successfully manifest your intentions. think about your feelings about things that no longer support your higher purpose. If you want to clear, destroy or let go of any non-green energy or force in your life, for example addiction, abuse, regret, guilt. Write those things on a papir. Write things that u are greatful for.
Third quarter-good things to do during this phase: take time to think, find activities that make you happy, do what invigorates you, clean out the closet, put yourself first and treat yourself to a good coffee or tea. A good phase to cut your hair too.The reminder within the lunar cycle of how important balance is in our lives. Examine the areas of your life that are out of balance. An important part of balance is recognizing when to slow down. During this moon phase, the moon's energy is waning, so you may feel that you have less energy than usual. The moon allows you to let go of the things and blockages you have. It can be, for example, breaking a bad habit, learning how to be more decisive, or cutting off contact with a person or situation that drains your energy and throws you off balance. It's time to remove these barriers. It is time to look back on all that you have accomplished and to reflect on the lessons learned from the last lunar cycle. If you want to get to the bottom of the meaning of the teachings, it is most likely that you will come to a deeper understanding in this lunar phase. This makes the last quarter the best time to complete any personal growth work, such as finally letting go of limiting beliefs or fears that prevent you from moving forward.
Waning Crescent-practice magic for healing, meditate, rest and take care of your well-being, be grateful, write things down in a journal. It is the last phase of the moon. which is most visible before sunrise. Since the moon's energy is waning during the waning pinch, it is very likely that this will affect your personal energy level. This should remind you that rest is a necessary step in ending the old cycle and starting a new one. This is the time to take care of yourself, be kind to yourself. Don't be tempted to overdo it, instead focus on activities that recharge your batteries. Avoid activities that will rob you of energy. With theWaning Crescent, we need to focus on letting go of everything that has already passed. What happened during this lunar cycle is now firmly rooted in the past, where nothing can be changed anymore. It reminds us that we are not always in control of life and that is completely okay! Sometimes it's better to trust the moment. Meditation and journaling are therefore good activities for the time of the waning crescent.
🌙Moon phases are an important part of our life because they indicate when we can do things better, when to let go and when to manifest.A large part of how we feel is related to the moon and the phases of the moon.🌙
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booksbeansandcandles · 10 months
Moon Phases and Their Importance
This moon invites us to take on the new challenges we have always wanted. With the new moon, you can set your intentions and begin implementing changes that will lead to powerful results. This is the best time to begin a new habit. You can work spells to bring some freshness into any aspect of your life. The new moon’s energy will prove useful if you want to manifest something new.
The waxing crescent moon is the phase where the new moon begins to grow. This is the time when you should perform all constructive spells and rituals. It is the perfect time to draw forth everything you seek from the world of the unseen to the seen so that everyone else can witness the reality that you have created. It’s about going within to craft and fine-tune the manifestations you want to see on the outside eventually. If you want to encourage better behavior, cause a change in attitude for good, boost emotional well-being, or start implementing the plans you’ve made for certain projects, this is the time. The waxing crescent moon will fill you with the courage you need to fearlessly take the bull by the horns and make the best out of new, daunting situations. It’s the time to look within yourself and drink from the fountain of wisdom that lies within you. It’s time to seek the knowledge of the divine, work ancestral magic, and go into dreams to get the answers you seek from your ancestors, spirit guides, and spirit animals.
The first quarter moon is different from the waxing crescent. The latter (waxing crescent) is about pulling outcomes from yourself and higher guidance, while the former (first quarter) is about external attraction from the world around you. If you want to perform spells and rituals meant to attract things to you, the first quarter is an excellent period. Use this time to perform magic to bring back lost things, amass job opportunities, money, clients, friends, love, success, and whatever else you seek.
The waxing gibbous moon still involves construction. At this point, the moon’s energy is even stronger than ever, and there is nothing that can withstand its influence. If you have been struggling to get past something, get over a hump, or get out of a rut, this is the time to draw on the moon’s power to get things done. If you sense that there’s been a slowness in some aspect of your life, or another’s life, when it comes to healing, finances, inspiration, or anything else, you can draw on the moon’s power to force the tides to move in your favor. If there’s some project you have been dragging your feet on, work with the moon at this time and see if you do not amaze yourself with how quickly and efficiently you can get through it. If you are helping someone else, they will thank you for it because this is the time that can give them the strength to overcome their inner resistance to good things and progress while keeping them away from the temptation of wanting to put things off until the last minute.
The full moon is not to be trifled with. This is a very powerful time in the moon’s cycle. If you want something, and you work with the moon at this time to get it, you are going to get it. Thus, it would help if you thought about whether you want what you want and know that there is no going back. You must be able to deal with the consequences. This is not meant to sound ominous about getting your desire, but people want things without thinking about the consequences. For instance, if you want a better job, that might mean you should be prepared to do more than you already do. If you hate being responsible, do you want a job? Likewise, you may want a car, but are you ready to sink money into maintaining it? Feel free to work your rituals and spells when you’re sure that you’re okay with receiving whatever you want. This is a good time to address the most meaningful things to you. If you want to be even more in tune with your intuition, go deeper in spirituality, develop psychic power, and become better at divination, this is the time to do magic for that.
The waning gibbous moon is the phase when the moon wanes. We use this time to get rid of whatever is not wanted. It is a good time to work banishing and repelling magic and cleansing rituals. It does not matter whether what you want to get rid of is an energetic or physical thing. You can use the waning gibbous moon by allowing its energies to carry away whatever is no longer needed. This is a good time to look within and reflect on who you are and what you want out of life. As you dig deep, the moon will help you discover everything that doesn’t align with your ideas, and you can then deliberately work to end those things with her help.
The third-quarter moon is a good time to work on overcoming any obstacles you are contending with in life. When you need a boost or have not seen any progress in certain issues for a while, it is a good idea to use this phase of the moon to work magic to help you, especially if you have been tempted to give up on your dreams. Also, if you are dealing with changes, this is the time to make the transformation you’re undergoing even smoother and easier.
The waning crescent moon is good for banishing the bigger energy drains you have been contending with. If there is something that perpetually takes away your joy, makes you feel tired at a soul level, or is just too much of a burden to bear, the waning crescent moon has energy suited to intense banishing work. Want to get out of a project that is going nowhere? How about a friendship that’s horrible for your peace of mind? Or a relationship that has become torture to you? Perform banishing spells for them during this phase of the moon.
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spacesquidlings · 8 months
In The Starlight I Was Free
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Description: Astarion hadn't thought he would ever know happiness, and more than that he'd thought he would never know what it was to truly love, and loved in return. And yet here he was, with his partner curled so lovingly against him, who showered him in affection every day. Who he so wholly adored, and who he wanted to show just how deep his love, and his want of her, go.
Pairing: Astarion x Female Tav (Aspen)
Warnings: NSFW, cock warming, blow job, hand job, exhibitionism (sort of), sleepy sex
The sky was awash with starlight, so bright it could have been mistaken for the sun.
Well, not entirely. There was a gem-like glitter to the stars, a cold, sharp light more reminiscent of sharp-edged diamonds. In comparison the sun could be anything. Buttery and soft, gliding across his skin like feathered wings. Harsh and brutal, unforgiving as fire. Thin and watery, like weak beer. There were words he did not have to describe the sun, how different it could be every day, how it could change at any point during the day, how it could set the sky ablaze, or soften the edges of the world in blush pinks and bruised purples.
Not that Astarion was a connoisseur of the sun by any means, he hadn’t set foot in it for centuries, fearful of the scorching pain that would turn his body to cinders. 
But doomed though it was, to have the tadpole buried in his brain, he could not help but be thankful for it, for allowing him to wrest himself free of his enslavement, for allowing him to set foot in the sun once more, to feel it on his skin, to experience the ebb and flow of its light and warmth like ocean tides.
He found he much preferred it, the sunlight, to the coldness of the stars and the darkness that bled out between their light like a fathomless pit.
Tonight, though, the stars were so bright he couldn’t help but stare up at them, watching as they flickered, as deep purples bled into the sky, softening the darkness. The moon was nearly full, casting a veil of silver over everything he could see, turning benign things into something nearly magical.
He could have laughed at himself, waxing on to no one about the stars and the sun and the moonlight making the dark seem ethereal, like some wild place he could vanish into and be safe from the monsters stalking the world, where he would no longer be a monster himself.
Yet even if that were true, if a portal made of moonlight appeared, a doorway leading him to a world where he could be safe, he wasn’t sure if he would even take it anymore. This world had been cruel, but he had found scraps of kindness, of precious, delicate things he wished he could hold safely in his hands, to cradle it against his heart.
Beside him, his partner yawned, stretching her arms above her, dragging them through the grass before rolling onto her side and nestling against him.
“Are you still awake, darling?” He slid one arm around her middle, tracing his fingers over her waist, her hip.
Aspen’s nose wrinkled, her lips pressing into a thin line that told him she was trying very hard not to laugh. “No.”
“Ah, I see.” He chuckled, mirth dancing in his heart. “Don’t let me disturb you from your dreams, then.”
Mirth was new to him, a strange giddiness that reminded him of sunlight bleeding through a canopy of leaves, staining everything in gold. He had only recently added it to his repertoire, and now it seemed to bubble in his chest alongside his traitorous heart at the slightest of provocations. She would say something objectively unfunny, like some tragic little pun, and he would feel it stirring. She would wrinkle her nose and roll her eyes when he teased her and there it would be, like seafoam gathering on waves. She would take his hand, or laugh brilliantly, or look back at him with delight in her eyes after mastering some new spell or song, and there it would be like a laugh in his throat.
He felt it almost every day, trailing behind him as they drew closer to the end of their quest, to whatever would lie beyond them in the future when the tadpoles were gone. This was certainly no time to be feeling such a childish delight, and yet he did. He did constantly.
He felt it now, lips quivering from the effort of not smirking as she nuzzled against his side, her arms wrapping around him. He’d never known himself capable of loving someone as much as he did her. He’d never known himself capable of being loved, certainly not as much as she loved him. 
It was in all the little things she did, in the quiet questions before kissing him, before so much as holding his hand. It was in the way she would run her fingers through his hair, let him rest his head on her chest while she slept, listening to her even breaths, relishing the warmth that seeped into him until he felt like he was truly alive. It was in how she trusted him entirely, never doubting him. In how she’d begun to open up about herself, as much as she was always asking him about him.
He could have spent another century listing off little things. The way she smiled, the way her hands tangled with his, the way she would always try to make him comfortable before she went to sleep, the way she always did odd little things that brought a smile to his face.
She’d managed to get her hands on a cloth notebook, how he wasn’t even sure, insisting that she planned to learn to draw so she could show him how she saw him, since mirrors still would not reveal his face to himself. He’d managed to get a peek once while she was practising, and had nearly burst into laughter. She’d been trying so earnestly, but she had neither skill nor talent for it, and the sketches reminded him more of something a child first learning to hold a pencil would create.
“My dear, please don’t take this the wrong way,” he’d been smirking, trying to hold in his laughter as she’d glared at him from the corners of her eyes. “But I think you’d better leave drawing to the professionals. If you’re that hellbent on having a portrait of me, perhaps you can commission a skilled artist.”
He remembered how she had snapped the book shut, stuffing it into her pack before he could get a second glance. “I thought it would be nice.”
“And darling it is nice. Well…” He’d sat beside her, trying to draw her into his lip, thinking surely she couldn’t stay mad at him if he cuddled her. “It’s a nice thought.”
She’d huffed, bottom lip popping out in a pout. She’d looked ready to run, or perhaps to smack him. But she’d done neither, although she had crossed her arms, leaning as far away as she could considering he’d been holding her.
“Perhaps once we’re done with all of this.” He’d gestured to the camp around them, to the general situation of the world potentially ending. “We can find you some drawing lessons.”
Her eyes had remained narrowed, and she’d turned away from him. “Well your options are that, or I could write a song, I suppose.” She’d relaxed against him then, some of her ire having ebbed away as the idea had struck her. “I’m not half bad at that, you know. Although I’d be verbally describing you, and I would include something about your smile lines.”
At the time, Astarion had huffed, even as that strange feeling of mirth had awoken in him at his words. It was true he’d prefer the most beautiful parts of him to be described and immortalized only, but what were songs but drawn out poems, romanticizing even the most mundane of things.
“You know, I wouldn’t mind a song written about me.” He’d mused, leaning his head to the side so it had rested against hers. “A long ballad about how wonderful I am, about all my exploits.”
She’d snorted, easing into his arms, toying with the strings dangling from the collar of his shirt. “Could I include a verse or two about how much I love you?”
“Oh darling, I would expect nothing less. I want to know just how much you adore me.” He’d nipped at her ear, earning a small squeak. “And about how marvellous a lover I am.”
She’d dissolved into a fit of giggles then, threatening him with the promise of really writing some lovesick song about him, as if that wouldn’t be something he’d have wanted terribly.
The rest of their conversation had devolved from there, Astarion growing needy for her touch, to feel her burning skin against his. And Aspen had been happy to oblige, had wanted to shower him with all her love as she’d let him lead her far from their camp, into the shadows of the woods where no one would hear them.
She’d murmured quiet questions in the shadows, her face illuminated by nothing more than the liquid moonlight pooling in the gaps between the leaves. She’d helped him to lie down, had sung sweetly to him between fiery kisses trailed over his skin as she’d undressed him slowly. 
She’d been unskilled, ignorant of the ways of seduction when he’d first met her. And when he had first taken her, she had been entirely innocent, needing guidance to know what would make her feel good, what would make him feel good. But she’d been a quick study, and in that moment she’d unlaced his shirt with deft, nimble fingers before pushing it wide to trail her lips over his skin, knowing exactly the way to swirl her tongue around his nipples, to suck at his skin while he’d moaned.
Soon enough his shirt had been discarded, crumpled in a heap as she’d made her way down his torso with her mouth, one of her hands lightly stroking him until she’d reached the waist of his pants. They were gone in an instant, followed by her own clothes, having learned how much he enjoyed tracing his eyes over the curve of her body, watching the sway of her breasts as she knelt between his legs, trailing kisses along the inside of his thighs before drawing his cock into her mouth.
She’d made love to him so sweetly that night, bringing him to completion with her mouth first, swallowing his release before planting a loving kiss to his tip before moving on. She’d scattered kisses over his body once more, but he’d grown far too impatient, taking her face in his hands and bringing her lips to his, tasting himself on her tongue, aching terribly for the feel of her body around him.
All his instruction and guidance was turned against him then, for she had grown sly now that she knew how to make him feel best, how to coax music from his lips. He’d melted in her arms as she’d circled the pads of her thumbs around his nipples, as she’d reached a hand between his legs to stroke his cock, to squeeze his balls, to make him whimper as his mind grew hazy and blank but for the quiet way she murmured his name, telling him pretty he was, he much she loved him.
When finally she’d straddled his waist, hovering just above him, he’d been able to do nothing but grip her thighs, fingers digging into the plush skin, covered in sweat and panting from previous releases. But she’d only teased him further, grinding against him before finally, finally drawing him slowly, inch by delicious inch, into her body. He’d been allowed a few moments of smug satisfaction as he’d felt how she’d clenched around him, Aspen just as needy for him as he’d been for her. Then she had moved, slowly at first, languorously. Asking him if he’d felt good, if it had been nice, if he could keep making such pretty sounds because she’d loved his voice.
She’d spent the entire night bringing him to the edge, again and again, letting him fill her body until his release spilled down the insides of her thighs, smearing across them both as she’d continued to move. She’d kissed him, over and over until their lips were both bruised, until they were both breathless, her hands stroking his sides or twining with his as she came along with him.
It had been like she’d been worshipping him, like he’d been her god and she a faithful supplicant at the altar of his body. Her words had been fragments of prayer, reverence in the way she murmured his name, adoration in the sweet words that fell from her lips like rain.
Devotion had been in every roll of her hips, in every shudder of her body as she’d came around him. Sweat had streaked down her face, pooling in the hollow of her throat, and still she had devoutly breathed sweet nothings, had given her body to him like a sacrifice.
She’d stroked his face, had played with his hair, promising him that there was nothing she’d wanted more, would ever want more, than his happiness. She’d described his expression of ecstasy like she’d been reciting passion-filled poetry, her fingers gentle even as they traced lines of fire over his jaw and his lips and the curve of his ears.
When, so lust-addled and drunk on her, his own personal goddess, he had asked her to sing her pretty words instead, she had obliged, promising that all she wanted was to bring him joy, to make him feel good, in every way he wanted.
When at last he had been so entirely spent that he’d been unable to make an intelligible sound but breathy moans she had finally stilled, kissing tears and sweat from his face until he had laughed. Strength had returned to him as languidly as the sun setting on a summer's evening, and as she’d kissed him he’d slowly wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close, not wishing for even a breath to pass between their bodies.
She’d been happy to stay where she was, to keep her legs locked around his waist and cradle his head in her arms. He’d stayed buried deep inside of her until the sun had come up, until they’d tarried so long their companions would have certainly been looking for them.
The memory of that night, of how she made such sweet, gentle love to him, made his cheeks flush now, his breath coming in short gasps. Beside him, Aspen opened her eyes to regard him curiously, stirred to consciousness by his sudden ragged breathing.
“My love?” Her voice was heavy, thick and slow with sleep. “Is something the matter?”
There was such gentleness in her voice, such care, it nearly brought tears to his eyes. She was half asleep and still she wanted to care for him, wanted to wrap him in the softness of her love.
Perhaps he really would cry, because he was sure he did not deserve this love, as sure as he was that he would forever stay with her if she let him.
“It’s nothing, darling.” He turned his gaze back up to the stars, watching as their light glittered and danced like gemstones tossed skyward. “I was only thinking.”
She hummed, the sound vibrating through him like the beginnings of a song. Her voice was so pretty, and he could have sank into it like sailors falling for sirens at sea. He was no fool and would not be so easily tricked, but he loved her so entirely he would have followed her to a watery grave.
“Thinking of what, my love?” She splayed her hand across his chest, above where his heart beat a steady rhythm. It was strange, to be dead but to have a beating heart. It was not something he’d even noticed until her, until their lives had been inextricably tangled together.
But he did have a heart, beating, stumbling at times, reminding him that he was still alive in the ways that counted. That he could love, that he did love.
Astarion twined his fingers with hers, bringing her hand to his lips. She watched him with heavy lidded eyes, lashes fluttering as she tried and failed to keep her eyes open.
“Nothing much,” he murmured, staring at the stars. They really were bright tonight, as though the world were suddenly awash in light now that he was free. But not even the stars could compare to her, and although he’d turned his head to look up, his eyes wandered away from the jewel-encrusted night, fixed on Aspen as if she were the only thing in the world that was worth looking at.
“You’re staring at me.”
“Am not.”
She forced her eyes open, glowering at him. He couldn’t help but smile, having provoked her into waking. “You’re staring right at me.”
“I can’t help it,” he cooed. “You’re more brilliant than the stars. I look at you and I feel like I am standing in the sun, like I am truly alive.”
A tender smile curved across her lips, her eyes falling closed once more. “Would you like me to wax on about all the ways I love you? About the softness of your hair? The creases in your face when you smile? The rumble of your laughter in your chest?”
“I’d much rather you tell me how striking my eyes are, or how I look like I was sculpted to look like one of the gods,” he drawled, stroking her hair. “But I suppose if you are that fond of those other things you could make mention of them as well.”
Laughter flitted from her lips like butterflies taking flight. “I’ll take that into consideration. But truthfully, my love, there is much more to you than just your face, handsome though it may be.”
He held her closer, tighter. His heart fluttered like the wing-beats of a hummingbird, so warm from her body pressed against his that he could have been melting into her embrace. She was always reminding him that he was beautiful, although it was a fact he knew quite well, but then she would always remind him of other things she loved. The sound of his laugh, the handful of freckles scattered across his face and chest, the way he always turned his head towards the sun when it rose in the morning, the line between his brows when he was reading.
All things he would have cringed away from not that long ago, soft parts of himself he’d have rathered stayed buried in the dirt alongside whoever he’d used to be.
Perhaps it was the cadence of her voice, the musical way she listed off the parts of him that he had long considered faults in his facade of perfection. Perhaps it was the earnestness in her eyes, the way they shone and held his for the briefest of moments before flitting away as colour rose in her cheeks, as if she were overwhelmed with a feeling so strong she could hardly speak the words. Perhaps it was in the way she asked to hold his hand before she told him, how she nestled close when she did, how she had to be touching him in some way as if she couldn’t bear to be away from him.
Whatever it was, whatever magic she’d cast over his heart, had made him view himself differently. His imperfections were no longer hated, and he felt more secure in himself, in all the shards of who he was. He wasn’t just a pretty face, not to her, he was someone worthy of life, of love.
“Do go on,” he murmured into her ear, earning a delighted shiver for his efforts. “I’d love to know what else about me you adore.”
“Where would you like me to start?” Her laugh was more of a sigh, but it was infectious nonetheless, and he warmed as it reverberated through him.
The memory of the night she’d most recently sung praises for him surfaced in his mind. He tried holding her tighter as she dozed, murmuring words to him that were becoming more and more unintelligible as she drifted away. He rolled onto his side in an attempt to tuck her close, his eyes scanning the contours of her face, the line of her jaw, the softness of her lips. Her dark lashes fanned out across the tops of her cheeks, the corners of her lips quirking up as she made a contented sound, shifting closer.
Astarion had no practice in the art of writing or of music, but he was finding that there was no end to the parts of her that he loved. It was like he was falling in love with her a little more every moment, every day. There was always something new, something he hadn’t known before but that delighted him once he did. If he’d had the skill or the desire, he would surely be able to weave every little thing into a poem, perhaps a song.
Not that he was particularly keen on such an idea, but he ruminated on it for a few moments before discarding the notion as he trailed a finger down the side of her neck. She did not seem the type to desire songs and poetry of herself, always flushing so spectacularly when he breathed sweet nothings in her ear, her entire body trembling as if she might faint from such gentle words.
She never pushed him away or begged him to be quiet, but he’d noticed that when he was only trying to express simple affections, she seemed to respond better to his touch. She was always leaning towards him like a tree torn free from the earth, whether she realized it or not. Her face would brighten if their knuckles brushed when they stood together, her eyes turning to twin stars when he reached out to take her hand in his. She would nestle into his arms when she slept, trusting him to keep guard of them both, and she was forever accepting requests to hold him with her arms opened wide.
Perhaps it was not sweet words that he needed to use, but his touch.
Which was more than fine with him. Sometimes he felt as though his words rang hollow, did nothing to encompass the vastness of the warmth he cradled in his cold, undying body. He needed something else, something more. Not sex, no, but to hold her close, closer than he was holding her even now. 
He would be lying if he said it was just for her. He was selfish, and he wanted her closer, needed it, more than air, more than blood. He felt like he would die all over again if he could not close the remaining space between them.
“My love,” he breathed the words quietly, stroking her throat, above the twin puncture marks that had scarred from the daily feedings she so willingly offered herself for.
“Mmmm?” Her lashes fluttered, but her eyes did not remain open for very long.
“Do you trust me, my love?” His heart beat an erratic melody, his fingers twitching. He had an idea in mind, but he wanted to make sure she was alright with it first.
She slurred her response, and when he prompted her to repeat herself she tilted her head back, peering at him through slitted eyes as she murmured “of course.”
Astarion traced his hands lower, grazing her thigh. “And you know I love you, don’t you?”
Her brow furrowed. “What are you planning?”
“Nothing terrible, my love.” He hesitated, his hand hovering on her leg. Since he had freed himself, since he had confessed the entirety of his shadowed heart to her and she had accepted him in full, he hadn’t been able to resist slipping into her bedroll each night. Not always for sex, not when he usually wanted some modicum of privacy for that and often spirited her far from their camp so their companions did not hear the sounds of her pleasure. 
Aspen had long since grown more comfortable with him, in many ways, and at night she often discarded her trousers as she slept, wearing nothing but a long tunic that nearly reached her knees. It would be such an easy task to lift up the hem of her tunic, to stroke the sensitive flesh between her thighs until she was ready for him.
“Then trust me, love,” she murmured, reaching up to stroke his cheek. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
“It’s nothing much, only…” He trailed off, deciding to start slowly, reaching beneath the hem of her tunic to stroke the plush skin of her inner thigh. “Is it alright if I continue?”
Aspen’s eyes snapped open, holding his for a long, long while, surveying his face in the dark. She was human, and he wasn’t sure how much she could make out in the shadows, even with the light of the fire flickering nearby. But whatever she saw seemed to appease her, and her eyes closed once more. “Yes, love, it is.”
He dragged his fingers higher, keeping his touch light.
“Do you want me to do anything? Would you like me to help with your clothes?” She moved her hands to his chest, her movements slow and muddled from sleep.
“No my darling.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I just want you to lie still and feel very good.”
“Are you certain? Are you truly sure, because I can-”
Astarion brought his lips to hers, cutting off her argument before she could finish it.
She was breathless as he broke away, and he couldn’t help but smile at how flustered he’d already made her. “I am very sure, darling. This is something that I want.”
“Okay.” Her voice was small, her hands gripping his shirt tight.
“Although I do need you to do something for me, pet.”
Fatigue must have been a powerful opponent, because Aspen fought to keep her eyes open for more than a moment at a time, even as she spoke. “Anything.”
He grinned. “Spread your legs a little wider for me.”
She did as she was asked, and Astarion sighed in contentment as he began stroking his fingers along the soft skin at the apex of her thighs. Slowly at first, although he would be lying if he said he did not move quicker as her breaths turned ragged, her lips parting so prettily for him. He circled her clit with a featherlight touch, then again, with more force. She moaned, leaning into him, and he felt his own body responding in kind, tension growing in his core, heat spreading through him.
Aspen writhed beside him, her neck arching, her chest heaving. Even in the dark he could make out the colour spreading across her cheeks, reaching below the collar of her tunic.
“I’m going to get rid of this now, okay?” He murmured next to her ear and she nodded furiously, lifting her arms to make it easier for him as he peeled it away from her body.
“Good girl,” he breathed, smug as she whimpered. 
Her thighs twitched, her hips moving of their own accord, and it was with his other hand that he had to steady her, pressing her down so she could not move. “Hold still, darling. Didn’t I tell you I wanted you to lie still?”
Another whimper, a breathy please as she trembled.
He chuckled, drawing his hand away to lick his fingers clean. “I’ve hardly touched you, and you’re already a mess.”
“Astarion, please.”
“Yes, my darling?” He couldn’t help but tease her, only a little. It was so easy, especially now. She was still half-asleep, but every time her eyes fluttered open he saw her pupils, so dilated they looked fully black in the night. “Use your words. Tell me what you want.”
Aspen whined, grasping his arm with a grip like iron. Her words were breathless, broken up by little gasps as he stroked her. “You’re not being nice.”
He clicked his tongue, enjoying the sight of her squirming, of her struggle to remain quiet and still. “How could you say such a thing, darling? I’m very nice.” He flicked her clit as she whined, earning a soft whimper as her nails dug into his arm. “Well… I’m a little nice.”
Astarion did his best to keep his movements slow and even, coaxing her to the precipice of her climax without letting her fully descend into it. It was difficult, a feral part of his mind wanting to make her scream his name into the night, to bring her to release over and over until she was an absolute mess. But that was not his intention, not tonight, and he wanted to focus on something gentler, something much more tender.
He alternated between kissing any part of her skin his lips could reach and whispering softly into her ear, delighting in how she shivered in his arms when he did.
“Shh, not too loud, love,” he murmured, circling his fingers around her entrance. “We don’t want the others to hear.”
“Do you- Do you think they’ll catch us?” She was clutching his shirt so tightly he felt certain that it would tear.
“Not if you stay quiet,” he breathed, laughing at her stricken expression. “Don’t look at me like that. I just wanted you so terribly, pet.”
Aspen moaned again, his name a prayer on her lips. It made him ache so entirely he didn’t think he would be able to last for much longer. Her chest heaved, her breasts soft and inviting, and he distracted himself with them, drawing the bright pink nipples between his teeth, biting them as gently as he could until she was mewling, even his name sounding incoherent as it was caught by the wind.
“I want to be close to you,” he said, pressing his lips to the valley between her breasts, breathing in the smell of her skin, sweat and growing things and the subtlest hint of the oils and perfumes he used for himself.
Her arms snaked around him, scrabbling for purchase against his back, pulling the material of his shirt taut. “Then come closer.”
Drawing back, Astarion’s gaze fell on her face, on the deep blush that set her aflame, the heady desire in her eyes. There was something else there, too, something hidden in the depths of the need he was filling her with.
There was love in her eyes, in the curve of her smile, in the way she let out a soft breath as she met his gaze, one of her hands sliding up to bury in his hair.
It was bright as sunshine, as gentle as an embrace. His knees grew weak from it, his body trembling as she gazed up at him with such sweet adoration.
“I want to be close,” he breathed, fingers fumbling as he quickly discarded his shirt, and his trousers next, not wanting even the slightest scrap of fabric between them. He wanted nothing but her skin against his, her heart beating a furious tempo against his chest, her breath tickling the skin of his throat. He wanted there to be nothing, only her, only him. “I want to be buried inside of you, and I never want to come out.”
Her fingers ran through his hair, sketched along the shell of his ear. She didn’t hesitate, didn’t look away, spreading her legs a little wider. “I want that too.”
A lump formed in his throat, nearly choking him. He felt like a boy, like he was taking a tumble with the first person he’d ever fallen for. His heart was beating a discordant cacophony, unused to loving and being loved so entirely in kind. He felt vulnerable, his heart bared to her, but he felt no fear. He trusted her, trusted her to hold him, to love him, to keep his heart safe.
Never in all the years of his life that he remembered would Astarion have ever described himself as soft. But he felt soft now, felt like he was melting in her arms, his tenuous hold on himself fraying.
Here he was, falling apart in the face of a kind, softhearted woman, her arms open to him, her voice a murmur in his ear. This was not something he’d ever envisioned for himself, had never even considered. There was no room for softness in his world, no room for love.
Yet he had it still. He had her love; she’d entrusted her entire heart to him, her entire being. Were she not so warm in his arms, her shuddering breaths against his skin making him shudder, he would have mistaken this all for a dream.
“Astarion.” Her voice drew him back to the present, away from the churning tides of his thoughts. Anxiety had begun to bubble in his chest, fear that this truly was a dream, that it was some great trick of his mind and he would awake and be lost in the shadows once more.
But no, there was no way for his mind to conjure a voice such as hers. Hands caressing his face the way hers did, fingers twinning in his hair as she so often liked to do. He would never have been able to imagine such sweetness as this, not in his hundreds of years of life. So she must have been real; she had to be real.
“Astarion?” Sleep still clung to her, and she drawled his name, a smile on her lips. “My love, what are you thinking?”
He did his best to offer a devilish smile, although he knew he was failing spectacularly by the way Aspen’s brows drew together, the corners of her mouth twitching.
She wiggled her hips, gently rolling them against his, and he nearly choked in response, the ache in his core steadily growing. “Tell me,” she beseeched him, rolling her hips against his once more. “Please, my beloved? I want to know what’s going on in your head.”
There were a slew of things Astarion could have said to her in that moment, but with her wide eyes and her open expression, he couldn’t bring himself to say something sharp. He was well beyond feigning indifference now, having confessed to her before the grave his old self had been buried, having clung to her almost every night since, seeking the comfort and steadiness of her embrace, of her beating heart. And now, so desperate and needy for her touch he’d disposed of their clothing so he could feel nothing but her skin against his, so he could sink deep inside of her. So he could be held, so he could feel beloved and precious and safe.
“I was thinking of you,” he professed, his voice small as a child’s. He sounded like a lovestruck fool and yet he could do nothing to change it. “I can think of nothing else but you.”
“I’m right here,” she murmured, brushing his hair back from his brow. “I’m close, my love, I’m not going anywhere.”
“It is undoubtedly selfish of me…” He trailed off, trying again to grin. It was like second nature to him, to feign rakishness. But in this moment he really could not, no matter how hard he tried. How could a disciple, kneeling before his goddess, ever hope to be anything but devout, to give himself entirely with anything other that wholehearted sincerity? “But I want to stay with you for as long as you’ll have me.”
The corners of her eyes crinkled, and she spread her legs a little wider. “Oh my love, I want to be with you always. I want to be with you forever. If you’ll have me, of course.”
Astarion leaned down, brushing his lips against hers, a hunger more consuming than his desire for blood taking over. “Forever, then.”
“Forever,” she agreed, breathless from the kiss.
He didn’t give her much time to breathe, capturing her lips once more as he pushed her legs further apart. Aspen’s body complied with his needy demand, thighs shaking around his hips as he lined himself up, tip pressing against her entrance.
If there was one thing he knew he would never tire of, it would be the sounds she made as he pushed into her. The delicate whimpers, the way she sighed his name, a melody spun of spider silk and starlight, meant for only his ears.
Aspen shuddered, her body fluttering around him as he sank deeper. Her hands moved from his face to his shoulders, a delicious pressure that sent shocks of pleasure across his nerves, that made him want to move faster, to thrust with ruthless abandon into her. It took every last shred of his self control to keep his movements slow as she trembled in his arms, until a little gasp fell from her lips as his hips finally, mercifully, met hers.
“How’s that?” He murmured, pulling back just a little, just enough to sharply roll his hips against hers, earning another needy little gasp.
“You’re being mean again.” Her whine was breathy, her fingernails digging into his skin.
He shushed her. “Not at all, darling. I’m only enjoying those pretty sounds you’re making.”
She opened her mouth to whine once more, and he took the opportunity to capture her lips again, swallowing the sweet sounds she was making as he slid his tongue between her lips.
“Not too loud, though,” he teased, and the laughter that rang through the air was genuine, warm and earnest as she stared up at him, utterly dazed. “Those sounds are for me, and only me. I don’t want the others to hear.”
Aspen’s mouth snapped shut, her body trembling harder now, whether it was from the arousal he had woven with his touch or from the desire to smack him he wasn’t sure. It was adorable all the same, and he trailed a line of kisses from the corner of her lips to the hollow of her throat until her head fell back, her neck arching to allow him better access.
“While I appreciate the gesture, darling, I have something different in mind.” He couldn’t resist pressing a few more kisses to her throat despite his words, scraping his teeth against her skin so she knew just how badly he wanted the hot blood that pulsed in her veins.
She opened her mouth, closed it again, struggling to find her words.
“Take your time, my darling. I don’t plan to move anytime soon.” He had only planned to fill her body, to press himself as close to her as he could. He was still so desperate for her, and he feared he would never want to pull away, never want to move from her arms again.
Slowly, her grip on his shoulders began to loosen, her nails no longer digging deep enough into his skin to draw blood. Her lips were still parted, ragged breaths billowing into the air as she clung to him. For his part, he tried his best not to move, stroking her hair, the contours of her face, the gentle rise of her collarbone. Shudders still wracked through her body like the aftershocks of an earth-shattering quake, but they were becoming fewer and farther between.
“How’s that?” He murmured as she grew still. “Feeling better?”
A nod, her eyes dark as night as they found his. “What did you have in mind, my love?”
Hearing that sweet name of endearment on her lips, ‘my love,’ made him feel like he was fracturing. Her love, her love. He was entirely hers, and she was entirely his.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say that,” he breathed, utterly lost in her words, in the fathomless depths of her eyes.
The pink of her lips reminded him of flower buds, a frivolous detail he never would have taken note of before, and yet as he drew the connection in his mind he felt the fractures growing, splintering into shards of crystalline glass, reflecting the sunlight that he had not gotten to feel for centuries. Every part of her was perfect, every part of her was so alive, so soft and flush with colour. 
He did not have the words to describe it, and nor did he want to. There was an enchantment to it all, something delicate he did not wish to sully with saccharine words and overwrought lines. He only wanted to love her for as long as she would let him.
The corners of her lips quirked up in a small smile, her palms pressing against his shoulders and sliding down his arms. “What did I say?”
“That I’m your love.” His voice was small as a child’s, vulnerable. But he felt no fear, only a comforting warmth that curled around him like a second embrace. He was safe; here, he was safe. “That you love me.”
He was grateful for her patience, for the kindness that he had scoffed at when they’d first met. He couldn’t imagine someone being so patient, not with him, but he didn’t have to imagine. She just was, and she was patient for him, she was kind for him.
She was patient and kind for other people, but he chose to ignore that for now. It was different when she was looking at him.
“Of course I love you.” A breathy laugh fell from those sweet lips, and he was once more reminded of a flower, something beautiful and colourful. She looked at him like he was her sun, even if he was doomed to be veiled in shadows for eternity. “I love you so much.”
He chuckled. “So much?”
“Yes!” She drew the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth. “More than I have the words to say.”
“And I love you,” he breathed, because he could not stop saying it. He had said it once truthfully, and now he could not stop, doubted he would ever be able to stop. “I love you Aspen, my beloved, with all of me.”
There were no other words that he could find that would even come close to describing the depth of his emotions, but he was thankful that she did not seem to need it. That those simple words were enough, that the embrace he held her in was enough for her.
“You never answered my question, love,” she said after a moment, the starlight reflecting in her eyes.
He frowned. “What question?”
“What did you have in mind? For right now?” She traced her fingertip over the curve of his ear, tugging lightly at the sharp point.
“Well, my darling…” He trailed off, covering her hand with his. “I had… That is…” He trailed off, struggling to find the right way to explain it.
It should have been easy. He wanted her, he wanted to be close to her. He craved her nearness, not sensually, just to be close. He wanted to crawl into her skin, he wanted to be held so tightly by her that they would never be parted.
He was quickly learning that it was much easier to yearn, to want, and so much harder to give those feelings form with his words.
Aspen remained quiet as he mulled over what he wanted to say. She ran her hands up and down his arms, reaching up to play with his hair, twisting curls around and around her fingers, dragging her fingers across his scalp like a massage.
Finally the words came to him, falling from his lips like a confession. “I just want to be close to you. I want to stay like this, in your arms.” He hesitated, feeling helpless as she watched him, with nothing but the shine of the stars to illuminate her face. “For as long as you’ll allow me.”
“Then we can stay like this, my love.” Her arms wrapped around his neck, hands pressing against the back of his head as she gently drew him close. “We can stay just like this for as long as you’d like.”
“Really?” He could scarcely believe it, even as she tucked his head beneath her chin. His cheek was cushioned against her breast, the steady pulse of her heart echoing through him.
“Really.” She rubbed circles against his back, her hand gliding up to tangle in his hair before sliding back down along his spine. “I love being close to you, too.”
A familiar wave of uncertainty made his belly clench, and he couldn’t help but hazard a look back at her. “Are you sure? There is nothing else you want?”
Her fingertips drummed against his back as she hummed, face scrunching up as she feigned contemplation. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a nice pastry and a coffee. I hear there are some delightful places in the city.”
He snorted. “That’s it?”
“I wouldn’t mind a new book when all this is over. I think I’m going to need a few quiet days to recover.”
Astarion scraped his teeth against her skin, earning a yelp.
“You asked!” She hissed. “I was only telling you of some things I wanted.”
“Forgive me, love,” he murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to the bite. “I’d meant are you sure there is nothing else you want in this moment?”
“If it’s not too much trouble,” she began, fingers dancing along the nape of his neck. “Can I kiss you?”
The tension that had been clutching his stomach with an iron-grip fell away, replaced by the feeling of a thousand gauzy wings fluttering within his stomach and his chest. They flitted idly between his ribs, perching on his bones, sending ripples through the oceans in his veins, like waves and tides.
Aspen brought her lips to his brow, smoothing his hair back as she kissed him. Gentle, soft as a feather brushed against his skin. Her breath fanned across his brow, her lashes tickling him as her eyes fell closed.
He reached up, his hand cupping the back of her head. “Wait.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, only…” His words came out in a breathless rush. “Could you do that again?”
Another kiss to his forehead, just as soft and sweet as the first. “Like this?”
“Perhaps you should try that again, darling,” he drawled, smiling against her skin. “I’m not sure if you got it quite right.”
Aspen tsked softly, but she kissed him again. And again. And then her hands were reaching up to grasp his face, to tip it up towards her as she pressed kisses all over his face, from his brow to his cheeks to the tip of his nose, no part of him was safe from her affections.
She kissed him until he was quivering with laughter, struggling to keep it in, lest they wake their companions.
“Aspen,” he hissed, although he was smiling so widely his face hurt, bubbles of laughter nearly choking out his words.
“I can’t help it!” She sighed, giving him her best pout as she tucked him back against her chest. “I just love you, and I just get overwhelmed by it. I want you to know that I love you.”
As his laughter slowly melted away he began to relax in her arms once more, a small smile still lingering on his lips. He rolled his hips in revenge for her making him laugh, earning a sharp gasp. “I know you do. Everything you do shows me how much you adore me, my darling.”
He expected a stuttering response, her words to turn to nonsense as they were prone to do when he teased her. But she only smiled at him wickedly, her touch still gentle as a breeze rustling through his hair. “I do. And I know just as well how you, my beloved, love me dearly.”
It was Astarion who ended up struggling to find a response, his tongue heavy in his mouth, his words nothing but stammering nonsense. He opened his mouth, floundering like a beached fish.
“Am I wrong?” She teased, mussing his hair. “Have I assumed incorrectly?”
“No, my darling,” he gasped, his words spilling like a flood. In the back of his mind he questioned who he was becoming, this soft-hearted, blathering, lovesick fool who could not even string together a coherent sentence as she held his gaze. Surely he could not be the same person as he was when they had first met, roguish and clever and sharp-tongued.
Although then again, maybe he didn’t want to be that person anymore. Maybe he wanted to be someone different, maybe he wanted to be himself, whoever that person was.
It would take him a long while to figure that out, and perhaps it would change every day, but he did know one thing that would forever be unchanging, one thing he wanted to be more than anything. He wanted to be cared for and loved, he wanted to be hers.
“I care for you, more than anything,” he admitted, the words still falling free before he could think them through. “I love you more than I thought I could ever love. That’s the truth, I swear it.”
He was holding her so tightly his fingers had dug into the soft skin at her waist. He loosened his grip, smoothing his palms over the crescent moon indents he had left in his wake. “I know I’ve lied when I’ve said those words before, but I mean it. I feel like I am alive, truly, in a way I never was, even before.”
She remained quiet, playing with his hair, watching him with a little smile. Starlight shone in her eyes, or maybe it wasn’t starlight. Maybe the stars were only reflecting her light back from the skies.
The final words he spoke were little more than a breath, stolen away by the quiet keen of the midnight wind. “I love you.”
Aspen’s eyes glowed all the brighter, silver pooling at their edges. “I didn’t know you were such a romantic.”
He scoffed, although his heart wasn’t in it.
She didn’t seem to mind, her touch so loving as she slid her hands from his hair, stroking his neck and back. “I’ll try to be worthy of your love.”
He held her tighter, burying his face in the valley between her breasts once more so she could not see his blush. “Just keep holding me. Keep holding me and don’t let go.”
“I can definitely do that.” He felt her cheek pressing against the top of his head, her breath tangling in his hair. “I’ll hold you for as long as you want.”
Although he could not sleep, not the way Aspen did, Astarion still closed his eyes. Nestled safely against her, he let his mind wander. He no longer bothered to look at the stars, did not even think of them. He knew that even if he were cursed to live amongst the shadows once more, there would still be light. Aspen would be there with him, brighter than any star, brighter than even the sun.
She would keep him close, hold him tight whenever he needed it, and whenever she wanted to be close too. And in her arms, he was finally free, he was finally home.
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breelandwalker · 4 months
Witches, I have a confession to make -
I am terrible at self-regulation when it comes to crafting.
I mean, aren't we all, right? But specifically, my brain keeps trying to come up with new ideas for the shop when the new site hasn't even been up for a month and I definitely Do Not Have Time to take on another activity for merch prep, to say nothing of the funds or space needed for the additional supplies.
None of that stops my ridiculous ADHD brain from twirling giddily around the room and yammering on about spell kits and patches and bumper stickers and enamel pins and incense and wax tarts and tote bags and new types of moon jars and bottle charms and and and....
It's all stuff I'd like to explore and perhaps add to the store someday in the future, but it's like....brain, can you let me find my damn feet first?
It's all going on the Later List. Cause I can't afford to spend all my time and money on new stuff while I still have to worry about silly things like day jobs and mortgages. 😅
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Paper Poppet Spell for Luck & Success
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Poppets are a very popular way of typically conducting baneful magic – however, in this spell, the poppet will be representing yourself, and you will be performing sympathetic magic to increase your success and luck! This spell is to help aid you in achieving goals and success in any endeavors you may be attempting right now. I recommend carrying out this spell during a full moon, and/or on a Sunday. Of course, feel free to tweak this spell and its components as needed to better suit your needs/practice! This spell is a great beginner spell for sympathetic magic, and you can use this as a template if you wish to create any other poppet spells in the future.
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Wax warmer along with wax (in the color of your choice), or a candle (in the color of your choice) with a way to collect/use the melted wax. I personally used a mix of green and gold wax, as those colors typically represent abundance.
2 sheets of origami paper, 20cm x 20cm (if you only have typical printer paper, you can use scissors to cut to the correct size!)
Taglock – a piece of your hair, nail clipping, etc. You could also write your name on the poppet! (optional)
Art supplies - paint, colored pencils, markers, etc. Anything you feel comfortable using. (optional)
Star tarot card (optional)
Prepare your workspace and yourself for spellwork however you typically would. I personally like to smoke cleanse with incense, clear off my work area, and work through a guided meditation for focus. I also tend to light a candle or two that corresponds with what type of magic I’m trying to perform. During this step, be sure to turn on your wax warmer or light the candle you’ll be using for the spell.
Create your paper poppet using origami - you can follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDkxJi4kGz4. When folding your poppet, imagine you are pouring yourself into the folds of the poppet - your personality, your likeness, your life story, etc. Take some time to sprinkle each of the herbs (mint and chamomile) into some of the folds of your poppet as well - this step will help you “fold” success into yourself (your poppet). Instead of origami, you may also choose to instead cut out a human shape out of your paper - this is a great option if you are short on time, or have mobility/joint issues!
Once your paper poppet is complete, you may decorate it however you see fit - or choose to leave it plain. You may also choose to write words corresponding to your goals. For example: “new job”, “wealth”, “happy love life”, etc. Get creative with it - this poppet is supposed to represent you, after all! You may also add your taglock to the poppet during this step.
By now, your wax should be ready. Take your poppet and carefully dip each foot, hand, and the head into the wax. (Please be EXTREMELY careful if you are using a candle as a method for obtaining wax. And remember, wax is VERY hot!) As you dip each body part, feel free to recite the following (or come up with your own):
Submerge these hands in abundance; these feet in opportunity; And this head in gratitude for what’s to come.
Before the wax dries, sprinkle a bit more herbs on the wet wax to further “glue” success to yourself (your poppet). Be sure to hold onto your poppet as the wax dries before moving onto the next steps; taking care not to touch the wax as it dries.
Once the wax is nice and solid, set your poppet down on your Star tarot card (optional) and add your citrine and herbs to a bowl of water. Dip your fingertips in the bowl, and anoint your poppet with a bit of water. Be careful not to completely get it wet, as the poppet will obviously begin to fall apart - the goal is to just give it a light misting/sprinkle of water.
Finally, the ritual is complete! You may feel the urge to hold onto the poppet until your success is evident. Stash it on your windowsill or somewhere that sees a lot of foot traffic or sunlight – perhaps on your mantle or by your front door. If you’re in the broom closet, you could stash it in your daily bag/purse or wallet. Once you feel you’ve achieved the success you expected, you may dispose of the poppet in the garbage.
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windvexer · 5 months
im curious if you maybe have any sources / books that talk abt spells that are more water based / air/ earth instead of a candle spell / fire? I just genuinely hate working with fire but I feel like everything is a candle spell rn 💀
No books off the top of my head.
What initially comes to mind:
A container/jar spell (very easy to combine with earth and water vibes), especially try search term Witch Bottle for a classic protection.
Witch's ladders (use of feathers easy to connect with air)
All kitchen magic (unless the use of an oven/stove counts for you in working with fire).
Kitchen magic also including brewing of special beverages which you consume to enchant yourself (or others 👀).
Baking magical pizzas, etc. Kitchen magic is great.
All knot and fiber magic (here's a post I made on making simple crystal nets for magical purposes - a good use of earthen stones)
Divination using liquids in a jar (@maddiviner has many excellent divination posts, I'll link this one regarding water scrying and then her excellent divination masterpost).
Tarot magic wherein a card is petitioned and plied with offerings in order to affect change (this example does use a candle as an offering so it's not the best example, but perhaps it imparts the idea; here the candle is metaphysically relevant as it's a fiery spell for fast manifestation, but compare this to using a pentacles card and earthy offerings for building prosperity, etc.)
In general trying the substitution of energy work to raise and imbue energy instead of using a candle for this purpose; not to over-simplify candle magic but a major component IMO is that the candle literally powers the spell, but you can power spells in other ways.
Other sorts of petition magic where an herb or stone are petitioned to provide a certain outcome (sorry this example ALSO uses a candle, but like the fiery 8/Wands spell linked above, I hope I've adequately explained in each post exactly WHY the candle is used, so hopefully that makes substitution easier)
Freezer spells for binding or banishing.
The creation and employment of poppets of all kinds, and by extension sympathetic magic in general; embody the desired target into a Thing, and do something to that Thing. E.g., baptize a stone as your problem, and throw it away to throw away your problem, etc.
Sigil magic of every variety except varieties which dictate you burn the bit of paper
Direct spirit work, such as courting and petitioning a familiar spirit, engaging the help of spirits in magic, and so forth. In offering rituals, nix the candles and offer something else.
Creation of artificial spirits (often called servitors or thoughtforms, depending on who you ask; sometimes they're called elementals but I think that's a bit more oldschool)
Hypersigils, or basically using a journal or story that closely identifies with a situation or person, and you "rewrite" them.
Weather magic in general doesn't seem to call for fire; usually has to do with dumping water and yelling at the sky that it's not so hard to make rain, is it.
Working directly with plants to tie fate or fortune to the plant or assign the plant a job in the home; an example is to sprout a little basil plant in the pursuit of a career change, and that as the basil grows and matures, so do your plans and career, etc.
Moon magic of many varieties, especially to tie an issue to the phase of the moon so that as the moon waxes or wanes, such-and-such issue also waxes or wanes.
That's all that's coming to mind for the time being. Perhaps the Dash will have more ideas also.
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Coin's Attraction Spell
This is a spell for casual, romantic, or sexual partners. It’s not meant to attract a specific person and is not a “love” spell. It’s just meant to turn heads your way, it’s your job once that’s done to keep them around <:
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Day: Tuesday
Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent, near full.
Use only dried herbs!!
Pink candle to attract a more casual relationship and red for a more passionate and serious one
Dragons Blood
Pink or red rosebuds/petals
Raspberry leaves
Rose quartz
Mortar and pestle
If looking for friendship please follow this recipe:
Orange or Yellow candle
Dragons Blood
Yellow rosebuds/petals
Passion Flower
Rose quartz (Clear works as well)
Tip: I use tea for the herbs as it's not easy to come by these dried herbs in large quantities near me.
Cleanse your space and tools. I also suggest meditating, exercising, or showering before this spell, anything that gets you into a calm but focused headspace.
Place Rose Quartz near the candle, you won't be crushing this, unless you want to I suppose!
Crush the items in the mortar and pestle until it becomes a powder, and state the intent of the spell as you do so, as many times as feels right to you (I choose to use multiples of 3 or 7).
Imagine the type of person you’re trying to attract the attention of. It helps to state this out loud if you can.
(Optional, but helps) Listen to music that matches the energy of the spell.
Sprinkle the powder on the candle (blow off any large bits) and light the candle. If the candle is too large or you can’t let it burn all the way down for one reason or another you can light it again on the next full moon or the next Friday.
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tipsycad147 · 11 months
Moon Phases and Their Magical Meanings
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The moon has long been an integral part of many pagan practices. Balanced by the male energy of the sun, the moon can be seen as a representation of the divine feminine. As it goes through its phases it can represent a cycle of rebirth just like the wheel of the year (this is a common theme, and with good reason, as it’s a common theme of our lives as humans as well!) However, each of the moon’s phases has its unique meaning and can be used for different kinds of magic. 
In this article, we’ll take a look at each of the unique moon phases and how you can use various times of the month to help guide or power your magical life. We’ll also go over a few of the different correspondences for the moon in each of its phases as we work our way through the cycle of the moon from the new moon all the way through to the full moon. 
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General Moon Correspondences 
In general, the moon is considered the astrological body that is associated with the divine feminine. Like the cauldron, we can see the moon as a representation of the womb, fertility, and the cycle of life. Indeed, just as the cycle of the seasons can be seen as a metaphor for the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. So too can the cycle of the moon. 
As one of the planets, the moon has a connection with the element of water. While gold is associated with the masculine sun, we find that silver is associated with the feminine moon. Herbs and plants associated with the moon include Blackberry, Gardenia, Jasmine, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Rosemary, and Sandalwood. Gemstones associated with the moon include Angelite, Calcite, Moonstone, Opal, Quartz, Selenite, and Turquoise. 
Many female deities have an association with the moon, including Aine, Ariadne, Artemis, Bendis, Cerridwen, Coyolxauhqui, Diana, Freya, Hecate, Heng-O, Isis, Ix Chel, Juno, Mawu, Persephone, Rhiannon, and Selene (Luna to the Romans). However, there are also some male deities associated with the moon such as Khonsu and Thoth from the Egyptian pantheon or Su-En from the Mesopotamian pantheon. Japan also has Tsuki-Yomi, a Shinto moon god.
The moon has an association with fairies and mermaids in some cultures. In addition, the lunar cycle is also believed to be associated with the Norns from Norse mythology, which makes it a great time for divination, self-reflection, and growth.  
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Photo by nousnou iwasakion
The New Moon 
Deities: Artemis, Cerridwen, Diana, Hina, the Morrigan, Selene (Luna)   
Chakras: Crown, Heart 
Color: Black, White 
Plants: Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cloves, Hyssop, Mugwort, Myrrh, Sage, Vervain 
Gemstones: Aquamarine, Black Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Selenite, Smoky Quartz
Animals: Hawk, Tiger, Dragon 
The new moon is considered the first phase of the moon cycle. This is the period of the month when the moon is only just visible in the sky (although sometimes it won’t be visible at all). It might be a tiny crescent or just a shadow depending on what day of the moon cycle it currently is. 
This moon phase can be thought of as the womb of creation (and not just of life, but also things like ideas, inspiration, wealth, etc). It is a time to work on things that you want to bring into your life. Perhaps you are looking for a new job or a new relationship. This phase of the moon is a great time to start any spell work for that. It’s also a great time to work on things such as optimism, creativity, self-work, psychic abilities, and wisdom. 
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Photo by Dean Hayton
The Waxing Moon 
Deities: Artemis, Aine, Diana, Hina, Ishtar, Juno, Sadarnuna, Selene (Luna), Yemanya 
Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral 
Plants: Laurel, Nettle, Rose Hips, Peppermint
Gemstones: Ammonite, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Jasper, Malachite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye
The waxing moon phase is the period of the lunar cycle when the moon appears to be growing in the sky. It is the time when the moon goes from being practically invisible to being almost fully present and visible in the night sky. 
Just like the growing visibility of the moon, we can think of this moon phase as a great time to work on things we want to increase in our lives. It’s also a great time for attraction, luck, and abundance spells or anything that you want to draw to you. This could be in your personal life, spiritual life, or in business matters.  
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Photo by Ganapathy Kumar
The Full Moon 
Deities: Artemis, Arianrhod, Selene (Luna), Rhiannon
Chakras:  Heart, Root
Color: Gold, Green, Red, Silver, White, 
Plants: Cedar, Sandalwood
Gemstones: Celestine, Clear Quartz, Labradorite, Moonstone, Opal, Selenite, 
Animals: Cow, Hare, Peacock, Wolf
The full moon is the period ( usually about three days ) when the moon is completely visible in the night sky. Sometimes pagans refer to this phase as an esbat and treat each one as a special day in the pagan calendar. 
The night of the full moon (as well as the day before and the day after for some pagans) is believed to be a time of amplified power. Some choose to save all of their spells to do on the night of the full moon. Others only save the spells that need a little extra oomph for this night. Either way, it’s a great time to do magic of all kinds. However, it’s especially powerful when it comes to healing and transformations. 
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n general terms, the full moon can be used for all different kinds of magick. However, each of the monthly full moons has a slightly different significance and particular workings that may do better than in other months.
You can plan out your spell work to use the monthly full moon in a specific way by focusing on the aspects of a particular month or you can simply focus on the fact that the full moon amplifies power to do spells as you need to do them. There is not really any right or wrong way here (although I’m sure there are at least a few out there who disagree with me). 
January (The Wolf Moon) – Great for healing spells, money spells, and spells for new beginnings 
February (The Snow Moon) – This moon is a good time for spells surrounding fertility and empowerment. It’s also a great moon for working in the astral. 
March (The Worm Moon) – The third full moon of the year is a great time for working on spells that focus on prosperity and success. 
April (The Pink Moon) – This moon that sees spring in full bloom is a wonderful time for fertility spells as well as those for growth. This could be personal growth, growth of spiritual powers, growth of a business, and so forth 
May (The Flower Moon) – This moon is a great time for self-reflection and introspection. Spellwork surrounding self-care, spiritual growth, and love of all kinds can be quite effective. 
June (The Strawberry Moon) – This is a moon of abundance. This could be in material things, such as possessions or money. It could also be abundance in terms of better and more meaningful relationships. 
July (The Thunder Moon) – A truly mystical moon, the July full moon is one that empowers things such as dream work and divination. 
August (The Sturgeon Moon) – As we move into fall, we find a full moon that is the perfect time for spell work and rituals surrounding wisdom, prophecy, and animal magick. 
September (The Harvest Moon) – Perhaps the best known of the full moon names, the Harvest moon is a great time to work on confidence, protection, and manifestation. 
October (The Hunter Moon) – This moon, which helps to fully move us into the dark part of the year, is a time when spells for courage, healing, and stability will be most powerful. 
November (The Beaver Moon) – Similar to the Hunter moon from October, the Beaver full moon in November is a great time for healing, hope, and cooperation. 
December (The Cold Moon) – The last full moon of the year is a time that enhances spells focused on love, devotion, and peace.                      
In general, however, the full moon is thought of as a time to work on spells of abundance, empowerment, inspiration, and transformation.  For some, it is also a time of preparation and housekeeping. This could include things such as collecting moon water or charging crystals. 
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Photo by Luiz Felipe S. C.
The Waning Moon 
Deities: Cailleach Bheur, Cerridwen, the Morrigan, Rhiannon
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat 
Color: Black, Grey
Plants: Mint, St. John’s Wort
Gemstones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Clear Quartz, Kunzite, Obsidian, Smoky Quartz
This is the moon phase where the shadow takes over once again. The moon slowly disappears from the sky as it makes its way back to the new moon, where the cycle will begin again. As you might have been able to guess, this period of the moon cycle is a great time to do magic on things you want to decrease in your life. 
Spells during this moon phase could include things like banishing, ending, purification, release, or renewal. It’s a great time for introspection and really noticing things that aren’t serving you. Once these things are identified, you can do magic to help decrease them and then follow up with the new moon on better habits and beliefs to take the place of those you purge during the waning moon. 
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Thank you so much for stopping by and reading our article on moon phases! I hope it answered any questions you may have on working with the various phases of the moon or that it gives you a few ideas on how you can add a little more magick to your life by following the lunar cycle. 
If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts on your favorite moon phase feel free to leave a comment or join our friendly Facebook group where we discuss full moon rituals, mythology, and all kinds of other witchy things! Be sure to join our mailing list to stay up to date on all of our latest articles, events, and much more! 
Further Reading: 
Moon Magic: Pagan Portals by Rachel Patterson
Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life by Cerridwen Greenleaf
Mansions of the Moon for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Lunar Magic by Ann Moura
The Witch’s Moon: A Collection of Lunar Magick and Rituals by Edain McCoy
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i know you've probably talked about this but can you wax poetic about their sun/moon dynamic again
Oh, god, these two. So, so defined by their upbringings.
Ash, an only kid with two loving parents and a devoted grandmother in the City of Vanithea. Doted on and encouraged and supported, delighted when she wanted to become an Auxiliary like her parents. And then having two thirds of that ripped away the day she got the job she had been chasing under their tutelage. The Auxiliary life, now soured by grief after her parents were lost on a voyage that the Auxiliaries sent them on. Ash’s entire world shattered. The silver constellation necklace, a tie to her mother’s sun necklace and father’s moon pendant, remains a physical reminder of it all that she never takes off.
Zach, part of a large family that had the space (both literally, on their farmland, and emotionally, making time for all of their children). Interests were indulged in just as heavily as the lessons on manners, teamwork, and practical knowledge were taught. There was hard work to be done, all the time, but there were just as many nights of laughter, song, and games. Life in Hillgate produced a young man quick with a sunny smile, optimistic to a fault, and almost completely unprepared for the gut punches that can come your way. His girlfriend breaks up with him, and he wakes up from his night of drinking with the sun shining down on him in a new city, across the ocean from his hometown.
At first, Ash helps him because of a sense of duty. He walked into her Help Center, she is going to help him. Then, curiosity—he came from where? And how? She forgives his irritating habits, his strangeness. He’s a new mystery to figure out, and that is more alluring than any irritation is.
And then they go further. They end up the only two humans in a foreign nation, trying to figure out what is going on and why everybody is refusing to tell them things. Then, further, they become the only two humans who look the way they do, the only two humans who have taken on the physical prices of spells. The are the first two humans who have golden scars from teleportations; Ash has horns and is taller than they remember; Zach has pointed ears and eyes that reflect the light.
Altered by a powerful magic ritual that revealed their fears to themselves and to each other, they have no choice but to understand the other.
And separately, they each decide to stick together. Ash can’t help but be reminded of the way she was, and Zach is a taste of that positivity back in her life that she would have denied that she was missing, and would have rejected if circumstances had not forced her to rely on him and speed run the insight that creates friendship.
And Zach is prone to making friends with people already, especially when he sees someone hurting like she is. But, more emotionally intelligent than Ash, he also recognizes that she is a kind of no-nonsense, harsher personality that he has only encountered in curmudgeonly elders around town. She is driven, and maybe a little bit mean, but she gets stuff done in a way that he admires and lacks in his own life.
And then together, they accomplish some wild stuff.
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redgyl · 1 year
Not entirely sure if I'm happy with this, not sure if I got every character right, but it's time to continue the story, so here.
Much thanks to @applestruda for creating this universe to begin with. It's fun. Also, thanks to @hopepetal for some ideas they had in their story that I'm using.
Chapter 3
The moment Pearl saw Jellie zip off into the woods toward the point of Darkness, she knew she didn’t have much time for mistakes.  With the presence of the Darkness and the sudden absence of the familiar, she knew that Scar would go feral, and that the only thing that could safely stop him would be either returning that familiar or beating away the Darkness.  With Grian down, she would have to face that Darkness alone.
She opened her inner eye as she rode toward the point of Darkness, where Jellie’s blue light disappeared to.  Through the thickening woods she saw him: a young man, blond, with a black headband, wearing green.  He stared intently through a spyglass straight to where her friends were, blowing a whistle but making no sound.  The Darkness she saw did not come from him but from the spyglass, the whistle, and multiple items hidden his pocket, including a blue, glowing box and a marble.  She could see Vex-Scar and Impulse, too, as their battle began.  And beyond the other side of the incredibly wide clearing, she could see Mumbo hopping onto his horse, his pack secure.
The brush grew thick between her and the young man, too thick for her horse to traverse.  She took her scythe and slashed a path through.
She was almost upon him when he noticed her.  Exclaiming in surprise, he stuffed the whistle and spyglass in his pockets, rose up, and faced her, a black bow and arrow materializing in his hands.  “Stop right there!” he called, even as he released the arrow.  It hit her chest hard enough to knock her off her horse, though it didn’t damage her chest plate.
Thinking fast, Pearl kept rolling as her horse galloped away, rolling until she herself disappeared behind a bush.  A couple more black arrows shot through the hedge, missing her before they dissipated as black mist.  
Taking this opportunity, she let go of her scythe and cupped her hands around her mouth, then whistled softly in a pitch too high for humans to hear.  A small moth, nearly invisible in the dark, came to her hand.  She gently caressed it in greeting, then whispered to it, then let it go.  As it fluttered away, she cupped her hands together, then started whispering a spell into it.  A pale crescent, like a waxing moon, began to materialize between her hands and grow.
A sudden movement in her peripheral vision gave her enough warning to grab her scythe and throw herself to one side, barely avoiding a black arrow.  The young man in green fired arrow after arrow, but Pearl kept the trees and bushes between her and her quarry, giving the crescent time to grow.  Once it was the size of her hand, she cast it into the trees.
“What are you after?” she asked over her shoulder, more to distract him than out of actual curiosity.  She shifted her grip on her scythe and waited for an opening.
“Just a little peace and quiet,” he answered.  “A jaunt in the little woods.”  Suddenly he crashed through the brush, appearing just a couple of arm lengths away.  “Found you!”  
Pearl acted instantly, swinging her scythe at him.  In that same instant, the man swung his bow to block, but as he did the bow morphed, becoming a black shield.
“Shapeshifting weapon, huh?” Pearl asked, pulling back to swing again.  But she suddenly had to block, instead, as a black halberd sprang out from the man’s open hand straight at her throat.
“It gets the job done, Miss Reaper,” he answered, his shield now a buckler attached to his arm as he grasped the halberd with both hands.
Pearl saw the moth land on the top of the man’s head.  She smiled. She had to keep him distracted just a little bit longer.
“A cat came this way,” she said, swinging at him again, “blue and glowing; know anything about it?”
“It’s adorable,” he answered, trading blows, “as well as low-maintenance.  Ghost cats don’t need much feeding.”
That was when the crescent came crashing down on his dominant shoulder, slamming him to the ground.  He cried out in pain and collapsed to one knee.
Pearl was on him in a moment, scythe pressed to the back of the man’s neck, her other hand holding his long bangs.  All pretense of good humor disappeared as she fiercely said, “Whatever you did to my friend to make him go feral, undo it.  Return the cat.”
The angry, defiant glare he gave her had no fear.  Instead, black mist swiftly flooded up his arms, shoulders, and neck as the weapons dissolved, becoming full armor that shoved the scythe back off his neck and yanked his bangs out of her grasp.  He punched her face with his gauntleted left hand, sending her back.
Pearl stood stunned, reeling for a moment.  Nursing his right shoulder, the man suddenly stared straight ahead, as if hearing shocking news.  Forgetting Pearl for a moment, he whisked the spyglass out of his pocket and peered through it, looking at the place where Pearl had left Impulse to save Grian.  His jaw dropped in an open dismay.  “No!” he said, stuffing the spyglass back into his pocket.  “No, no, no, no, no, no, no.”  He pulled out the glowing blue box, held it straight out in that same direction, and crushed it.
A blue mist flowed out, and Jellie appeared.  She mewed once, then zipped off to be reunited with her owner.
Both fighters stood still for a moment.  Using her inner eye, Pearl watched as the cat reached Scar, beginning his transformation back to normal just in time for Mumbo to knock him out.
“What?” Pearl asked, trying to process what just happened.  “I��m glad you released her, but why did you?”
The man’s face was twisted in frustration.  He glared back at her.  Ignoring her question, he reached back into his pocket and said, “You win this one, I’m afraid.  Here, have a prize!”  He cast a green marble on the ground in front of Pearl.  It shattered in a puff of smoke, and that smoke solidified into a creeper.
Pearl yelped and scrambled back as the creeper exploded.  She was caught in the blast and knocked into a tree.  She didn’t quite pass out, but her ears rang and her head throbbed, and by the time her vision cleared, the young man in green was gone.
We gave you our tools, the things that you need.
Yet in the end you decided to flee.
‘I know.  I’m sorry,’ he silently answered.  ‘Let me try again once I figure something out.’
You were so close, yet failure you choose.  
Watch yourself carefully, your sov’reign to lose.
The man in green rode swiftly through the air on the back of his wyvern, his shoulder completely healed (he wasn’t one to go on a quest unprepared; of course he would having healing potions with him).  The castle on the hill loomed ahead, and soon he came for a landing inside the court.  Servants came and led the wyvern away while he directly made his way into the palace.
A knight with, somehow, a pair of spectacles with dark stained glass lenses, came over to greet him as he entered the large common room.  Along with the glasses, the tall knight wore the mark of a wolf’s head on his left shoulder. “Sir Martyn!” he exclaimed, heartily patting his back.  “Welcome back, my dude!”
Martyn smiled at him but continued on his way, the other knight joining him.  “Good to be home, Sir Ren.”  He dropped his voice and leaned a bit closer to the other knight as they strode along.  “How is His Majesty doing?  Any change?”
“Alas, no,” answered Ren dramatically.  “His stony countenance remains just as ye left.  But,” he continued as he led Martyn down a side passage, “we have removed him from the public eye, thisaway.”
“Good choice, but how many of you did that take?  He must weigh a solid ton, now.”
“Only two, me and Skizz,”  Red opened a door and held it open for Martyn.  “Of course, I needed to be in wolf form, but,” he shut the door behind therm, “we got him here before the word spread.”
Martyn’s face hardened as he looked at the statue.  It was his king — the kind, soft-spoken, friendly Big B — standing straight, looking with curiosity at something that should be between his gray, stony hands.
Quickly, Martyn’s eyes surveyed the room.  “Augh, you left the blinds open,” he reprimanded him, sweeping past the statue to pull the blinds shut, darkening the room immediately.  “We’ve got to be careful to keep this a secret.”
“Oh, sorry,” Ren said, lifting off his shades to see in the dark.  “Just so you know, the others are working to protect His Majesty’s condition from getting out, too.  Lady Symmetry is keeping the commoners distracted, and Joel is out seeking Doc's aid.”
“Joel’s not exactly the most diplomatic person.”
“It can’t be helped.  So, my dog,” Ren said affectionately, relaxing into a seat, “you are back, but the curse on our sovereign remains unbroken.  What happened?  Did you find him, the cur the Watchers said cursed him?”
Martyn sat down tensely into another chair, leaning forward towards Ren.  “No, I found him, but … I am sorry for returning without fulfilling my mission first, but it suddenly got … complicated.”
“Oh?” Ren leaned forward, too, raising a curious eyebrow.  “How so?  Knowing your great loyalty to the crown and skill in the field, it must be something major.”
Martyn first held his silence, listening for any sound out in the hallway, or even for a heartbeat on the other side of the room’s walls.  When he spoke, his voice was low, just above a whisper.
“Do you remember Mumbo?”
“He’s in the same company as my target.”
“Oh,” Ren said, stunned.  “Oh, my.  That does complicate things.
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swampwitchblues · 7 months
My Digital Grimoire: Spellwork under the Beaver Moon
While I am keeping a physical journal where I'm writing everything down during the process of the spell, I also wanted to go ahead and make a digital copy in case anything happens to the journal. For posterity or whatever. So here we go, my first entry into my digital grimoire.
This spell has to do with my current situation at work: I am unhappy in my current work environment, and I am waiting to be relocated... but I decided to try my hand at giving the process a little boost and hopefully speed things up with some help from the Beaver Moon! I call this the "Get Me Out Of Here!" spell.
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"Get Me Out Of Here!" Spell
Intention: Speed up my relocation process at work
Medium: A green candle I chose green as the color correspondence as it is the color most commonly associated with money and career magic in my culture.
Anointment: Peppermint oil Peppermint has many magical properties and correspondences, but in this working, I am specifically calling upon its ability to attract prosperity in matters of money as well as its calming nature to imbue myself with patience.
Ginger: Strength and speed, self-confidence and success
Basil: Move forward with positivity, attract money and success
Cinnamon: Fiery energy to "light the fire" under the situation and speed things up
Cayenne pepper: Same function as cinnamon but turbo charged on the speed, also repels negativity (note to self: this will be a good ingredient for some Fiery Wall of Protection oil!)
Dried aloe leaf: Protecting myself from being "burned" by the fiery ingredients, create peace and patience in the situation, and also bring success
I wanted to incorporate ingredients that have correspondences to success-- especially in matters of money because this spell pertains to a job situation. I incorporated lunar timing as an "ingredient" of sorts for this spell. I performed it on the night of the Beaver Moon in Gemini (Nov 27 2023) in order to harness the energy of the beavers (hard work, diligence, and transformation) as well as the sign of Gemini (communication, adaptation, and versatility). I also imbued this spell with the element of fire-- not only in the choice of the candle magic medium but also in several of the ingredients-- in order to kickstart the momentum.
Energetic Amplifiers:
The Chariot: This is the tarot card to represent momentum, change, or relocation.
Green Aventurine: Very often used in money and job spells! Associated with prosperity and success.
Sigil Work: I crafted a chaos magic sigil to be charged and activated by being set aflame by the candle. (I won't be showing the sigil or divulging what the power phrase was because a sigil is highly personal and must be created by the practitioner themself. If you choose to use this spell, by all means create your own-- or forgo the sigil entirely if sigil work is not your jam!)
Cast a circle and ground yourself within your sacred space
Light incense and white tea light candles for protection while working
Create and prepare the sigil (I drew my prototypes in my journal before settling on the final design, then I drew the sigil on a small piece of paper to be burned in a later step)
Bless and dress the candle!
Light the candle while speaking aloud these affirmations: "I am happy at my new location. I am thriving in this new environment. I am happy at work. So mote it be."
Burn the sigil to charge & activate it with the candle's flame
Let the candle burn and work its magic! Visualize the desired outcome!
Perform some divination to check for any possible obstacles that might crop up (I used my Moonology oracle deck for this as well as evaluated the candle's flame while it was burning and the way the wax melted during the spell)
Cleanse yourself and your space, close your circle, thank the elements, etc.
I did a very simple 3 card pull for the divination aspect of this working. The first card represents the current status of the situation. The second card represents any potential obstacle I might face. The third card represents the outcome!
First Card: Void-of-Course Moon
The current status is stagnant. Nothing has happened yet, and the whole process is beholden to the red tape of policy. Nothing is moving... yet.
Second Card: New Moon in Scorpio
A phoenix rises from the ashes. Scorpio energy is all about death and rebirth, new beginnings, and reinventing oneself. It also endures hardship. The situation may actually get worse before it gets better or there may be a setback or some kind. However, the intention of this entire spell working is in part an attempt to counteract any setbacks.
Third Card: Third Quarter Moon
An attitude adjustment on my part is definitely needed. Admittedly, I have had quite a negative attitude about my job for some time now due to being in a toxic work environment. In order to get through this situation with grace and professionalism, I need to surrender the negativity and just try to have patience. The change is coming, and I have to do my part to ensure it is a positive change.
Candle Flame & Wax:
While the spell was burning, the candle's flame was tall and bright and burned extremely steady. The air in the room was still, so the flame stood proud and tall and burned without issue, indicating that the spell had a strong and pure energy. The wax was burning cleanly and evenly. However, at a certain point, my home's central air kicked on and created a strong current in the room that affected the candle for a short time and caused the flame to blow toward one side and melt the wax unevenly. I decided to incorporate that into the reading of the candle wax anyway, and this resulted in a large dripping pattern down one side of the candle. It gave me the impression that some kind of "unexpected side effect" may also come about during the course of this situation. Only hindsight may tell me if that was relevant or if it was just a result of some wind in the room, lol.
Closing Thoughts:
I am still a beginner witch, so it will be interesting to look back on this spell after my relocation is finalized and I've settled in to my new routine to reflect on the efforts I put in here! I'll be sure to update this once that comes to pass.
If anyone reading this is also in a toxic work environment and is waiting on a transfer, either to a new location or department within the same company or a transition to a completely new job, and you feel that the vibes of this spell resonates with you, please let me know if you give it a try yourself! Feel free to adapt any aspect of it to suit your own preferences and practice as well. :)
Blessed be!
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thanidiel · 6 months
It never could have been peaceful. 
She could lie to herself, to Evilie, all she fucking wanted - but peace has never had a proper trajectory in her. If, for her lover, peace was like an arrow in which all she had to do was imagine where it would go, and it would simply go, clean and deliberate in its area of impact… then, for Xiaohu, peace was like a comet. It blared through the cosmos, violently. It sparked, blindingly, like a meteor hammer crushing metal and blood vessels. And it roared like the scrape of artillery’s monstrous joints as onagers fire. 
In other words; it was observably finite.
An arrow does its job, and it stays there until someone sees fit to cut it free. It’s a frank object that conveys everything about who loosed it.
But starlight burns, and it goes away. A con-artist that uses this singular moment of grandeur, of excellence, of good behavior, and stretches it out as this story of infinity. And every time you hit something hard (bone, metal, aether) with the same weapon - you are casting a spell that makes it fade away. Microshavings dispersed by the blow, wearing it down for brittleness’s eventual characterization; the snap at the moment you needed it to stay whole.
How much ash is in the wind you breath after flame and stone meld into one self-destructive bomb?
How sticky is it in her spouse’s lungs, this piecemeal and crumbling offering?
She’s tried to smile. She tried to smile across years (it’s been years now?).
It was new, she had to get used to it.
It was uncomfortable, but she liked it ultimately.
It was her responsibility to change her very nature yet again, for this.
It was a long road she had to walk, but you all would walk with it her, wouldn’t you?
Did anyone believe her in all of her half-negative, half-positive, confessions, her soft assurances, or did they all just learn from the very best on how to convince even yourself on how genuine that smile is?
When did she become so foolish again, so as to successfully brainwash herself until the fractures finally made her buckle?
She thought she would have known better by now on how to direct a life. Shouldn’t she know better than anyone, at that? On how to mould to the circumstance? To force oneself to bend and flex into the adequate vessel for the occasion? 
Why is it so hard? Why is it always so hard? 
Nothing should be hard for her, especially not of her vast mind.
But this is hard. 
This dormancy is hard.
And now what has been the occasional tremor, that hungry rumble, across the last moons makes her shake. It makes her restless. It is the constant rhythm of keratin clicking and sheathing, her tendons tight with urge. 
Sometimes, when Evilie isn’t looking, when she rests with the illusion of peace’s feather quivering just inches above her skin— Xiaohu is pacing back and forth in the study, her palms squeezing her temples like the action could pop the celestialness planted in her skull like the madness-rich tick that it was.
From discontent waxing, to explosions that rapped at her mind near-constantly and pressed upon what was hidden behind her outward delicacy. Her breathing burned with every ash-flecked swish of air, she could gag upon the fumes shed from this feeble attempt. She has gagged. She is gagging.
There, the smoke.
There, the bile.
There, the lunacy.
There, the infiniteness, the perplexity of her, that refuses to be contained by finite matter.
Crawling out, expansive like the cold emptiness of the forever room.
Lonely and dizzy; metamorphosis and menorrhoea—
“I’ll do it.”
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themanicnami · 1 year
Heya Nami!!!! It's good to see you back :D Nice to hear you had some reliable people to fall back on and let you unwind. You always sounded like you were working pretty damn hard so you more than deserve the break. I had a question about magick related to attracting wealth and money: in your personal experience did the time of day or a certain moon phase play a huge part in making your spells work? You mentioned casting a spell once that landed you several job interviews so I was curious about that one if you still remember it. Thanks in advance! I'm trying to sell stuff and making opportunities in general for money flow so it's been slow going.
Its good to be back!!
For magick relating to growth, money matters and expansion waxing moons are ideal. New moon is also a good idea if you need 'a new start' or a 'jumpstart' to something. I personally often do magic at night but thats more personal preference. Noon and afternoon are often more often associated with money if i recall. Jupiter is a good planet to look to for business and monetary successes too!
Job interview spell i mentioned (on mobile so link may be messy)
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
New Spell Saturday - New Moon Good Luck Spell Jar
With the new moon this Saturday, I thought it'd be a great idea to create a good-luck spell jar to infuse with our intentions for the new moon.
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a jar
clear quartz
blue and yellow candles
acorn, preferably gathered by yourself (don't forget to ask and thank the tree spirits)
bay leaf
frankincense incense & ash from the incense
Of course, if there are any materials you are missing/don't have access to, you may be able to find a list of alternatives online. Since this is a 'good luck' spell, just be sure to look for materials that correspond with luck or abundance.
Light the incense and candles. Start your spellwork prep how you normally would - meditate, open/cast a circle, etc. I personally like to begin my spell work by meditating on the flames of the candles, and really channel my energy and make my intent clear.
Once you've got yourself grounded and focused, use the smoke of the incense to fumigate/cleanse the inside of your jar. Imagine the previous energy of the jar washing away; fading into nonexistence.
Now, for these next few steps, I hold each ingredient in my hand, and meditate on each item before dropping them into the jar. This personally helps me stay focused, and helps me to really push my energy into the jar. However, if you have a different method for creating spell jars, please do that instead!
Add your quartz, dill, and the acorn to the jar.
For the bay leaf, white your intentions on it: maybe you need some good luck for a new job, or a new relationship, or a promotion at work. Either way, write a few words on the leaf so you can target where you want that good luck energy to go. Add it to the jar when complete.
Allow the incense to burn completely, meditating/focusing on your spell jar. Once the incense has extinguished itself, collect the ashes and place them in the spell jar.
Once you've got everything inside your jar, you may seal it with a cork or lid. At this point, you can 'seal' the jar with the wax from your blue and yellow candles by gently pouring the melted wax onto the top of your jar. Be careful during this step!
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Now you have a perfect good-luck charm to carry with you for whatever purpose you see fit. I like to let my candles burn completely as I relax and regain my energy, however, you may choose to extinguish them or blow them out - that's entirely up to you!
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Job Seeking Spell This spell will help you find a job! You will need the following items for this spell:
  • Four candles: yellow, green, black and brown • Patchouli oil • Cinnamon oil • Four slips of paper • A marker /pen • A chalice or other receptacle Casting Instructions for 'Job Seeking Spell' This spell is best worked during the waxing phase of the moon. It can be performed with or without a circle depending on whether you intend to call on the deities. While visualizing the job you are seeking or the type of work you wish to do anoint the black candle with patchouli oil, working from the base upwards to the wick and place in a holder. Wash your hands of all traces of the oil before using the other candles. Still visualizing anoint the other three candles with the cinnamon oil, this time from the wick to the base, and place in holders. Wash your hands of all traces of the oil and set up your altar. Place the black candle in the center of the workspace with the yellow candle above it to the north, the brown candle to the left in the west, and the green candle to the right in the east. The chalice can be placed wherever convenient but within easy reach, don’t forget the matches or lighter. Before starting your rite, you may wish to meditate for a while on how to achieve your goal. Burning a prosperity incense (Benzoin, Cedar, Cinnamon or a mixture) may also help. Form a magick circle (if your using one) and call the Goddess and God to aid your spell. As you light each candle focus your intent. Start with the yellow astral candle, light it and say something like: " I seek to change, for what feels right. Open the way and clear my sight". ”   Visualize yourself reading through and selecting jobs out of the vacancy sections in the local newspaper or looking through the notice boards at the job center. Write on a slip of paper a single word or brief description symbolizing your intent (in this case it might be “change”). Light the paper in the candle and as it burns push out your thoughts and see yourself finding what you are looking for. Place it in the chalice and let it burn out. Light the black candle and say something like: " Negate bad luck, let obstacles fall. Break-down barriers, heed my call! "   Visualize yourself filling in application forms or mailing out your C.V. to prospective employers. See your mail-outs arriving at their destinations being accepted, and your name being added to interview lists. Write on a slip of paper your intent (break-down barriers”). Light the paper from the candle, push out your thoughts and see interview appointments being made in your favor. When it’s burned out, light the green candle and say something like: " Bring prosperity, security too. Just rewards for the work I do. ”   Visualize yourself arriving for the interview calm, confident, and smiling. See yourself shaking hands with the interviewer and discussing and agreeing to details. Write on a slip of paper the intent (“Just Rewards”). Light it from the candle, push out your thoughts and see, feel and know the interview has gone well. When it’s burned out, light the brown candle and say something like: " Opportunities, work and rewards I see. As I will, so must it be! "   Write the intent (Opportunities, Work, Rewards) on the last piece of paper. Light it from the candle and visualize yourself in a successful new job receiving your first pay packet, push out your thoughts to make it real and happen. When you have finished thank the deities for their help and close the circle. Leave the candles to burn out completely. Remember a spell won’t work on its own, you need to actively seek a job. Listen to all your hunches and follow up on any leads. Each night for a week, burn a 2nd brown candle for 10 minutes while meditating in preparation for the job and the good you will gain from it.  
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musicmushi · 1 year
Focus, Wandering, and needing to be Heard
I am not currently sure what I’m supposed to accomplish here. I have a list of things that I should be doing. A terrifying focus of should bes but never are. I should script, I should edit, I should focus on art, I should focus on family, pets, clean, focus, focus, focus…
Focus on what I need but what is a need when you live your life for others. For the focus and attention of others. The praise of loved ones or worse…strangers. What is a need without the knowledge that others would praise you for reaching it. Meeting it like an old friend or a new acquaintance in the sullen alleyway of yourself. Meeting an old aching need like agreeing to chat with a friend over coffee. The light jazz sprinkles our words with a special emphasis that says ‘this is here. This is now.’ Meeting aq new need that feels self-taught, self-created, innovated by the devil's idle hands. In the loneliness of quiet when there is no one to meet. No one to update but myself and the moon.
The moon feels like it could be a good listener. The waxing and waning crescents wipe away the old to gladly accept the new, the harvest at its fullest ready to sit and to ponder. To let the silence simmer and the stars shimmer in information shared like a secret betwixt lovers only to have the crescent become eager for knowledge once more. Am I afraid to continue shouting into the silence? Do I fear the moon not care for me anymore? The universe does not care for any one individual so then why must we be plagued by the desire to be heard. Why does the notion that the moon does not listen hurt? Why must I always hinge my creations on the praise of others? Of strangers?
Why must we crave loved ones? Humanity has been built on community and the instinct of pack mentality. Being Shepard'd as one of the herd. One of the herd begging to be heard. It’d feel like a joke if it weren’t so tragic. I’ve seen people put trust in the stars. As if the galaxy could tell anyone anything about themselves and how they can judge others. I beg the moon to listen to my cries of loneliness and yet I know the moon does not care. The stars were not built out of empathy. There is not a fortune to be spelled out amongst the stardust that dances in the night sky. No matter how many stars you manage to count, there will never be an answer. You will not gain access to self-knowledge nor will the galaxies give you any excuse to belittle others.
If the star signs give you personal stories to tell, tell them with your full chest! However, you should never forget empathy. You must always maintain enough empathy to know that you will never truly know anyone enough to judge, berate, or belittle them for being different than you. Never let those giant balls of gas traveling at the speed of light, being the measures for light speed, they are not built with empathy. Never let the stardust excuse your ignorance and hurt you cause others. Never let the twinkling lights in the night explain away your monstrosities. Stars can mean quite a lot to a lot of people, but they do not give permission to ANYONE to abuse.
Anything that gives you self-hope should not also fuel your cruelties.
But who am I to say such things? I’m but a lone stranger writing my thoughts into the nether because I cannot think of anything else to focus on. Who am I to request to be listened to?
I don’t know what I crave from doing this. I wonder if I post it, perhaps someone will read it. Maybe someone can tell me that I did a good job? Perhaps I can be informed that I made some excellent points. That I’m truly well read and poignant and artistic and creative. That I truly am smart and wonderful and friendly and courageous and all the things we always secretly wish we are.
Or maybe I’m searching for empathy? I cast my message in a bottle and toss it out to sea with the vain hopes that this reaches someone else who only has themself and the moon to open to. Maybe I’m reaching for another soul that reads what I say and feels a sort of connection. Someone that would hopefully not feel as alone as when they started. Is that selfless? Or do I still just want validation from strangers. ‘Look at that young man! He reached out to the lonely and the broken! What a good man that is!!’
Is wanting to hear that selfish? Does that defeat the purpose of compassion, selflessness, and empathy?
…Do those answers matter?
I’m left to think about that episode of Sanders Sides where Janus (Deceit) emphasized the importance of self-care. Selfish is bad but self-ish behavior can be lifesaving. You should not wait for a catastrophe to remember that your own self matters just as much as others.
Selflessness and compassion are wonderful virtues but what happens when you focus so much on compassion for strangers or loved ones that you run out of energy for yourself? And when is there “enough” self-care?
When is it ever enough??
When will I feel heard?
When can I focus on others?
When does what I want or need matter?
When will I make a sound?
When, when, when, nothing but when buzzing around in my brain. A static buzz begging for a timeline. A set date where everything works out and finally falls into place. I know wanting such things is foolish but without power, all I have is wants. Foolish, stupid wants.
Let me put my line in the sand. My pencils are sharp enough; even the dull ones will make a mark. Fuck it, let's do this!
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