#way harder than the kenjaku one
uriekukistan · 4 months
aita for abducting my nephew’s boyfriend and using his body as a vessel? 
i (1000+M) was minding my own business as a set of 20 cursed preserved fingers when some brat (15M) ate one of my fingers to save his friend (15M). i tried to make him my vessel, but he resisted, and ended up being more of a cage than anything. i also realized later that he was also my nephew, but i’ll get to that in a bit. 
i was getting pretty bored in there, since he wouldn’t let me out to massacre local populations, even after eating another one of my fingers, but then i got my opportunity. he asked me for help defeating a powerful curse, so i took advantage of his pathetic state to get out and wreak havoc in the world. i ripped his heart out (literally) for good measure so he couldn’t come back without dying, but that idiot came back anyway and died.
while i was wreaking havoc though, i found out that his little friend had a really cool jujutsu technique! i thought he would be an interesting opponent, but he wasn’t really using it as well as i thought he would :/ i thought it was kinda unfair that he got to have such a cool technique when i could use it better and especially since i’m stuck in this brat’s body who has no technique, so i cooked up a plan to get my hands on it and brought the brat back to life.
some time later, i got the opportunity to massacre civilians again. well, technically, i was exorcising a disaster grade curse i guess. massacring civilians was just an added bonus. well, the brat didn’t take that very well and was saying all this shit about wanting to die, which i thought was kinda ungrateful, since i saved both his life and the life of his boyfriend. granted, i had ulterior motives for both, but still! 
anyway, he somehow figured out that i had a plan for his boyfriend, and he started running away with his half brother (150M). i was especially worried that i lost my chance when this guy (17M) briefly killed my nephew, but he brought him back to life. 
one thing i’ve never understood is love, so i was a bit confused, but relieved, when my nephew’s boyfriend found him and managed to persuade him to help him out with some game my frenemy (1000+X) set up. some super nauseating bullshit about saving him and not being selfish blah blah blah.
i bet a lot of you are wondering how this 15 year old brat is my nephew when i’m 1000 years old, so since i brought up my frenemy, i should just tell you they’re a bit of a weirdo. basically, when i was in the womb, i consumed my twin to survive, but their soul still existed in the universe. somehow, my frenemy got their hands on his soul, and when he was reincarnated a thousand years later, he took over the body of his wife and had a son with him. that’s my nephew. i think they did it just to spite me, but they also helped me cheat death by becoming a curse, so i can’t complain too much.
back to the main point, i finally got my hands on my nephew’s boyfriend and made him my new vessel. i was right! his technique was sick! and the look on that brat’s face was priceless!
it took me a while to break my nephew’s boyfriend down enough to use his body and technique effectively, but it was kind of entertaining to watch, and now i can move freely! the only problem is now i have all these sorcerers swarming around me like flies trying to defeat me, and it’s getting a bit frustrating, if not tiring. every time i think i take one out, another one shows up, or they just stand back up. 
they all seem seem pretty mad at me. i’m not really sure why. first, it’s the right of the strong to prey on the weak. second, it’s not my fault that my nephew wouldn’t just be a good vessel and let me massacre civilians, and it’s also not my fault that his boyfriend had a cool technique. i think i did what anyone would do in this situation. aita?
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redtsundere-writes · 1 month
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 13: Make A Wish
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
Tags: MDNI. +18. Murder. Blood. Cannibalism. Sukuna Ryomen Is The Warning Itself. Nudity. Sexual Display. Vaginal. Fingering.Sometimes fluff, sometimes angst.
Word Count: 7307 words. (long boi)
Beginning. | ← Previous | Next →
You were running out of time, less than two weeks to accomplish the task Sukuna had given you and you still doubted if you could do it. You sat up in bed as you watched the sunlight stream through the window, heralding the arrival of a new day, jumped out of bed to get to the dresser, opened the top drawer, and there it was. A small glass jar containing the favor you had asked Kenjaku for on the day of the harvest. You carefully examined the whitish mushrooms with brown caps. 
Amanita phalloides, the most deadly mushroom for humans. From what you had read in one of the giant encyclopedias in the library, it has caused the death of numerous people by being very similar to some mushrooms that are edible. The toxins in this mushroom act on the liver and kidneys, resulting in liver failure. You could serve it to your victim in a mushroom omelet and the poisonous mushroom would take care of the rest. All you had to do was the hardest part, pick a victim. 
It had to be a human, so Kenjaku and the rest of the curses didn't enter into the equation. Not being strong enough, it couldn't be someone with a cursed technique. That's how you ruled out Uraume and Yorozu. Whichever way you looked at it, your target had to be a servant. You couldn't kill Mrs. Inoue, you saw her as if she was your tender grandmother who worries that you eat well so that you grow up a lot. You could never betray her friendship for the sake of the king. 
“What do I do?” you asked yourself anxiously, putting the jar back in its place. 
You entered the dining room promptly as you did every morning for breakfast. You wished the servants good morning along with a smile. Now, it was harder for you to choose who to kill, as they had all been so kind to you over the past few weeks. They greeted you, chatted with you about their lives outside the castle, and looked out for you. The vast majority of servants saw you as just another fellow servant who was there because of a terrible fate, rather than a figure to be feared. You felt like a hypocrite greeting them when inside you knew the terrible fate you had planned for an unfortunate man. As soon as they knew you killed one of them, you could not restore their trust in you. You approached your designated place and were surprised to see that Mrs. Inoue was the one in charge of your chair. 
“Happy birthday, Miss,” she congratulated you with a smile.
“Oh, you remembered! Thank you!” You said before hugging her gently. 
You had spent so much time worrying about studying, taking care of your sister and choosing who you were going to kill that you had forgotten your own birthday. The days passed quickly between your responsibilities. Wake up, study, train, sleep, repeat. A vicious cycle filled with anxiety, insecurity and effort. Life at the castle really was complicated, but there were good parts. It was nice to know that someone cared enough to remember this special date.
Sukuna arched his brow at how tightly you hugged the lady. He didn't understand why they were making a fuss about the anniversary of your arrival in this horrible world. He doesn't remember how he came to this world. His earliest recollection was opening his eyes and being thirsty for human blood. From the moment he stepped onto this existential plane, he knew he had a greater purpose than being a mere man-eating curse. Birthdays don't matter when greatness is waiting. 
“Today is your birthday?” Sukuna asked you curiously as soon as you sat down at the table. You nodded excitedly. “Why didn't you tell me? If your birthday was so important, why didn't you let him know?”
“You never asked,” you replied. “Touche” he thought before taking his glass of wine. “Yorozu hasn't shown up yet?” You asked him while examining the room.
For the past month, Yorozu has not left his master's side even for a moment. She accompanied him when he did paperwork in his office, they trained together until sunset and followed him everywhere like a puppy obedient to its mother. So much so that the servants began to call her: “the dirt on the king's fingernail” or, as her friends call her, “the dirt”. It was rare that she was not present as soon as you entered the room. 
Sukuna was about to answer when a shrill voice started singing happy birthday. Yorozu kicked open the kitchen door to reveal the surprise she had planned for you. Your sister was singing at the top of her lungs, while Uraume held a small strawberry and cream cake with some lit candles. They didn't seem too happy about being part of the plan. 
“Happy birthday, dear sister!” She sang off-key. 
This brought back memories. Yorozu did the same thing every year. She would bake you a cake or something sweet from whatever was in the cabin cupboards, light a couple of candles and parade around the room you shared at 5 a.m. while crowing like a rooster. Your mother and sisters would yell at her to shut up while throwing pillows at her, but she never stopped crowing. It was annoying, but something about it seemed tender. Yorozu always wanted to make sure she was the first to wish you a happy birthday. 
“Did you bake it?” You asked Uraume when they placed the cake in front of you. 
“Only because your sister asked me to,” Uraume answered reluctantly. 
The strawberry and cream cake was a masterpiece of pastry making. Each fluffy layer of sponge cake bathed in a soft syrup that gave off a sweet and delicate aroma. The freckled fruits, fresh and juicy, rested elegantly on top of the cream. Its vibrant red color stood out against the white background and the silver platter in which it was served. At the top, perched the largest strawberry you had ever seen in your life. It made your mouth water just looking at it. Your sister knew you so well.
“Thank you, Uraume,” you said as you admired the delicious dessert in front of you. 
“Make a wish,” Yorozu excitedly proposed as she sat down next to you.
What did you really wish for? Just like your birthday, you had forgotten what you really wanted. You wished for your family to be well, not to be killed and to eat good food, but those are not really wishes, they are priorities. What was it that your heart really longed for? You had been at the mercy of other people for so long that you began to forget who you were. Your empty eyes gazed at the small flames dancing on the white candles, slowly melting around the edge as you experienced an existential crisis. Time was running out. What were you doing?
“Sis?” Yorozu called you worried. 
You blinked and focused back on reality again. The king to your left, your sister to your right and all the servants around you were looking at you worriedly. You coughed a couple of times to regain your posture and blew out the candles quickly. Everyone applauded you while you forced a smile as if nothing had happened. 
“What did you ask for, sis?” Yorozu asked you while a servant cut the cake to serve it to those at the table. 
“If I say so, it will not come true,” you excused yourself so as not to reveal that you had not ordered anything. 
The servant handed you a slice of cake with the biggest strawberry of the cake, you smiled cheek to cheek at the kind gesture. You were about to take it with your fork, but someone beat you to it. Yorozu snatched the strawberry with her hands and put it in her mouth without a care in the world. She chewed happily while looking at you with a mischievous smile. Despite being in the body of an adult, she still acted like a child. The servant, annoyed at the scene, placed two strawberries on top of your slice. 
Sukuna knew something was happening to you. He didn't know exactly what, but he recognized that expression anywhere. Nervous smile, watchful eyes and anxious hands. The signs couldn't have been clearer. You were uncomfortable. It was the expression all servants made when they saw him up close. He drank his glass of wine while you ate your cake without saying a word, while Yorozu chattered incessantly. It was odd that you were acting like that.
You stared intently at the blackboard with the double-digit numbers and letters to be solved. “Since when did math have letters?” you mentally grumbled as you paced back and forth across the library without taking your eyes off the wooden rectangle. After that archery lesson, King Sukuna ordered Kenjaku to continue the research he had been asking him to do for months. In the last few weeks, your teacher would leave you the lessons written on long scrolls or on the blackboard to focus on his new task from the darkness of his room. Sometimes you missed the company of a teacher, but the peace of solitude was fine too. The heavy door opened slowly, revealing Mrs. Inoue's head, asking if you were too busy. A smile crept onto your face as soon as you saw the colorful desserts on the golden tray. 
“Mrs. Inoue, what a miracle!” You greeted her by taking the tray from her hands so she could take a break. 
“I had to visit you on your special day. I had to visit you on your special day,” she answered as you handed her a chair to sit on. “The desserts and the card are from everyone.” 
The gold tray glistened in the dim light coming from the window. The small desserts were displayed with a precision that bordered on the artistic, denoting the creativity of the servants who were in charge of the kitchen. Small fruit tarts, a cup of chocolate mousse and tiny macaroons glistened with color in the dim light coming from the window. 
The gold tray glistened in the dim light coming from the window. The small desserts were displayed with a precision that bordered on the artistic, denoting the creativity of the servants who were in charge of the kitchen. Small fruit tarts, a cup of chocolate mousse and tiny macaroons glowed with color.
“How is everyone?” You asked worriedly as she checked the small card that was signed by all 53 servants.
“Well, what can I tell you? These last months of winter are the coldest in the dungeon. Do you remember the time when we had to sleep together to avoid hypothermia?”
The dungeon was the main cause of illness from the low temperatures that came with the season, muscle atrophy from the uncomfortable beds and broken bones from the old men falling out of the giant bunks. You were saddened to know that the situation hadn't changed at all since you stopped being a maid. You felt guilty that you were able to sleep in a comfortable bed in a heated room when several old people were sleeping in the worst possible place. The only thing that pitied your remorse was that they were safe from the clutches of curses during the dangerous night. 
“How many have fallen ill?” You asked as you looked back at the blackboard. 
You knew exactly why you were asking.  Partly it was because you did care about the servants, but you also wanted Mrs. Inoue to give you a victim to kill soon. 
“3. Less than last year,” Mrs. Inoue replied optimistically. 
You have influenced her way of thinking for months now. Even though they lived in constant fear of dying, it was better to make the most of the days alive because it was the only thing they could do. 
“Who is the worst off?” you asked. 
You prayed inwardly that he wouldn't ask you why you were asking that. Just as you were about to answer, the door slammed open again. Mrs. Inoue stood up in panic thinking it was the king or Uraume, but it was only Yorozu with a wide smile as always. 
“You're studying on your birthday!” She scolded you, offended by the sight. “Let's go practice archery like last time!” She proposed while running towards you furiously.
“I can't. I must solve these problems,” you answered. 
“Then solve them," Yorozu answered with a certain obviousness as if it hadn't occurred to you before. 
“It's not that easy,” you sighed. 
Yorozu grumbled when you looked back at the board. It wasn't fair that you were doing something so boring on your special day. You should be having fun with it. You took one of the mini fruit tarts from the tray and ate it in one bite. Quickly, he noticed Mrs. Inoue's presence. 
“Long time no see! How are you doing? Getting older every day, aren't ya?” Yorozu joked. 
“Yorozu!” You scolded her while writing something on the blackboard. “Be nice to the lady.”
“It seems they didn't teach you any manners at home, child,” the lady grumbled in annoyance. 
“What did she say?” Yorozu asked, offended. she reached over and pulled her ashen hair. “Say it again, old woman,” she challenged her. 
You looked back as you heard the lady's moan of pain. You couldn't believe what Yorozu was doing. You knew she was a troublemaker, but you never thought she would get that angry with a lady three times her age. Yorozu's hand was turning red from the pressure she was exerting, but the lady was not going to bend easily. After all, she suffered worse humiliations from the king and Uraume. You clenched your fist and lunged at your sister to punch her in the face to get her to let go, but she blocked your blow with her arm covered in glowing green armor. Your fist hit so hard that a certain part of the armor shattered, but it still hurt you more than it hurt her. 
“Don't you think my new armor made of beetle skin is cool? Although it looks like I need to perfect it,” Yorozu said excitedly before releasing the lady. 
“Apologize. Now,” you challenged her while holding your injured hand. 
“Are you really defending the old lady?” Your sister asked you in surprise. 
You only answered her with a knockout look. It was one of the few times she saw you upset. Seeing you as a second mother after the biological one, she knew she shouldn't bother you anymore if you were already angry. She undid her armor to return her posture to the lady. 
“Well, well...” She reluctantly surrendered. “I'm sorry she's so old.” 
“I was only joking. I'm sorry.” Finally, she apologized to your friend. 
“Aren't you supposed to be training?” You asked annoyed.
“Are you kicking me out?” Yorozu returned the question offended. 
“Yes,” you answered seriously. 
“Oh how boring…” She huffed in annoyance before walking quickly out of the room while complaining to herself. 
As soon as she was out of your sight, you collapsed into the chair next to Mrs. Inoue. The fist you hit her with stung against your other hand wrapped around her. You grabbed a macaron to eat it to calm the adrenaline rushing through your body. You couldn't believe what had just happened. It wasn't the first time you had hit your sister, but this time it felt personal. 
“What am I going to do with this girl?” You asked Mrs. Inoue rhetorically as you grabbed your forehead. 
“Thank you for defending me, but the truth is I didn't want to tell you this because she is your family, but... May I get this off my chest?” You looked at her curiously, wondering what she had kept so much to herself. “Your sister is a real bitch. She's rude, useless and stupid. She's a real pain in the ass. A fucking bitchy little bitch that nobody wants. I hope she eats a hill so she won't hear her bark. She thinks she's a good dick just because she has the king's permission...”
You only listened to her complain about how scandalous her snoring was, how rude she was to the servants and how much she talked about King Sukuna as if he were God himself. You knew Yorozu's behavior was bad, but it seemed to have gotten worse after the discovery of her powers and would only get worse as time went on. She was a barking bitch, but at some point she would bite back. 
“And you know what angers me the most?! How dare she take your strawberries?!” The lady complained. 
“She always does. I have always shared with him what is mine,” you tried to justify her on the only thing you could defend her on. 
“But that doesn't make it right,” she argued back. 
“It's my fault she's like that.” It was also your mother's fault that she was like that, but you never corrected her.
“Be that as it may. Let me give you some advice.” The lady interrupted you to stop excusing your sister's shitty attitude as she got up from her seat to face you, making sure you paid attention to her. “I may not know much about royalty, but what I do know is that if you're going to make a queen, you should learn to stand up for what's yours.” Leaving you with the word in your mouth, she wished you a happy birthday and walked out of your sight. 
You took another macaron to relax your posture on the chair and look at the ceiling of the library. You ate it slowly while admiring the splendid painting depicting a reddish sky and grayish summer clouds. You swallowed the viscous mixture of jelly and wafer before dropping your hands to your sides. “Fucking hell, Yorozu,” you thought. 
Sukuna was up to his neck in paperwork, so much so that he had to send Yorozu to practice on his own for the day. Document after document. Report after report. Sukuna loved being a king, but this was the part he hated the most. After finishing reading a mining production report, he put it away in the file cabinet and leaned back on the leather chair. He held his forehead to rest his eyes. He was sick of reading. A couple of knocks on the door woke him from his brief pause. He ordered with an annoyed grunt to the person behind the door revealed itself. Kenjaku bowed and approached the desk. 
“You'd better have moved on with your investigation,” Sukuna threatened him. “He's in a bad mood today,” the minor curse thought.
"Of course. It's the only thing I've done in the last two weeks,” Kenjaku said wryly behind a smile. “I have good news.”
“And what are you waiting to tell them?” The king grumbled.
“Since you are the reincarnation of a sorcerer, you have almost human genetics.” 
“Almost?” Sukuna arched his eyebrow.
“Humans don't have four arms and two penises, my king.” Kenjaku replied. “Your double genitalia are what makes it difficult to know if the conception will be effective or not.” 
“And how will you find that out?” Sukuna asked, trying to understand what he was talking about. 
“The only way we can know is by empirical research,” Kenjaku replied. 
“Empirical research, huh?” The king tasted the words in his mouth in confusion. 
“You know what I mean, don't you?” Kenjaku quickly deduced that his boss was not keeping up with the conversation. 
“Not at all,” Sukuna answered honestly. 
“Coitus,” Kenjaku replied. The older curse looked at him with no fucking idea what he was talking about. “Sex?” The master asked. There was no reaction. “The devil’s tango?” He tried a more vulgar version of the concept. Nothing. “Do you know how humans reproduce?” Sukuna shrugged.
This was worse than he imagined, but it didn't surprise him in the least. Sukuna should remember almost nothing of his past life as a sorcerer. Besides, he has been murdering and eating humans for as long as he can remember in his entire life, so he knows a lot about them. As a hunter he knows hares and deer to stalk, but not enough to understand them. He knows how they act under stress, sadness and life and death situations. Now, Sukuna was to learn about one of the greatest causes of joy for humans: reproduction. 
“Human reproduction is complicated.” Kenjaku mentally prepared himself to give a lesson to the ignorant king. “It is divided into many phases, but we will focus for now on the first one: the sexual act.”
“Just tell me what to do and I will do it,” the king ordered him to get to the point.
 “It's not that simple and even less so if it's you,” Kenjaku joked to himself.
“There is nothing I can't do,” Sukuna threatened him with the look that he was losing his patience. 
“I don't doubt it, my king, but it will be difficult to go from causing pain to pleasure,” he explained. 
“Pleasure? That's a waste of time. I just want an heir,” Sukuna scoffed. 
“If you want an heir so badly, you must give y/n pleasure,” the teacher explained. 
Now that would be tricky. The only pleasure Sukuna knew was terrorizing and killing people. It was the reason he woke up every day. He doubted it would even cause you to smile since you cared so much about others. Every time you saw him it was the same anguished and timid face as always. Like you were walking through eggshells every time you saw him. 
“Luckily, I got ahead of this problem,” Kenjaku said. “I took the liberty of choosing some novels that illustrate what he must do to satisfy the lady and conceive a seed,” he announced while handing her a couple of books marked with dividers indicating what she had to read. “If you still have questions, I will answer them in the morning.”
“Do you plan for me to read all of this by tomorrow?” Sukuna asked him while going through the books. 
“What, you can't?” Kenjaku asked sarcastically, knowing it would hurt the king's ego. In the blink of an eye, Sukuna cut Kenjaku's cheek with his technique. “That's my cue to leave,” he said with a bow to get out of her sight as soon as possible.
“Wait,” he ordered him, stopping the master suddenly. “Do you know if Mahito is busy?” Now it was Kenjaku who arched his eyebrow.
You were brushing your hair in front of the dressing table. The red moon was seeping through one of the holes in the rose window. You had put on a pink nightgown that matched your fuzzy slippers. Bedtime was approaching, along with the night's anxiety. You still had no clear target for your assassination, but at least you knew that one of the servants would naturally die soon. That calmed your worries about choosing a victim, but the anxiety of having to kill someone was getting the better of you. 
The door abruptly opened. You jumped out of your seat and grabbed the golden comb like a boomerang, ready to throw it in case it was a surprise attack. You were reassured to see that it was only Yorozu, who was laughing hysterically at your frightened reaction. 
“You should see your face, you look like you've seen a ghost!” He scoffed as he jumped onto your bed. 
“What are you doing here? You know it's curfew.” You asked worriedly. Uraume would cheat her if she found out I was in your room. 
“Are you kicking me out again?” I already apologized to the old lady. We are already the best friends in the world,” you really doubted it after hearing how Mrs. Inoue had expressed herself about her. 
“I just want you to know that even though we have more privileges than the servants, we still work for the king so we must obey his rules,” you explained gently as you sat down next to her. 
“Nah, we are not equal,” Yorozu said proudly. 
“We are humans, just like all the servants,” you shook your head. 
“No, you are equal to all humans. I, on the other hand, am superior to all humans,” your sister answered stubbornly. 
“But the king will only use you like all of us.” You told her in frustration. “Don't you see? If it weren't for your powers, you would have died by now.” Clearly, you were worried about her. 
“You don't know that,” Yorozu pouted at you. 
“I've seen the king kill people just for looking them in the eye without their permission. He's a bloody tyrant.” You grabbed her by the shoulders in an attempt to talk some sense into her.
“Do you hate him that much?” Yorozu asked you, in an attempt to change the conversation. 
“It's complicated,” you answered with a sigh. 
“Then why don't you give me your job?”
“What?” You asked dumbfounded. 
“Just think about it. You don't want to marry him. He seems interested in me for his personal use. I have everything it takes to be a queen. It's a win-win,” your sister explained as if it was the best plan in the world.
“I don't think you realize you're missing out on all this. King Sukuna may be acting gentle, but he's a cold-blooded killer. One wrong step and you're dead. Do you really want to die like that?” You were trying to talk sense into her at all costs, but she just wouldn't try. 
“If it's at the hands of the king, yes,” she replied. 
“You're crazy,” you whispered in disbelief at how foolish she was before you let her go. Where had it all gone wrong? “Just answer me something. Would you kill for him?” You asked her, begging her with your eyes to say “no”. 
“All the men he asks me to,” you recoiled in defeat, but a new feeling of justice grew in you. 
After hearing what Mrs. Inoue had to say and from what your sister herself was making clear to you, you now had a wish you wanted to fulfill. No matter what. Yorozu wouldn't be Sukuna's queen. If the king was already a horrible tyrant, then her as his queen would only make things worse. If you were the queen, some would die. If your younger sister was the queen, thousands would die. You were sure of that. You couldn't let her become a tyrant.
“Wow, you really love him, don't you?” You asked with a smile.
“That's right! The king is so strong, big, rich, and handsome. I love him and I want him to be mine, but I need your help,” Yorozu asked you with a pout.
“Tell me and I'll do it,” you replied.
“Tell him about me. Tell him that I'm a better candidate for queen than you and that I'll be the happiest girl in the world if he looks in my direction. If you do, I promise I'll give you the best life in the world.” You already knew that speech by heart. It was the same silly speech she told your mother to buy her a new dress with the few savings she had. Only you weren't stupid enough to fall for her empty promises.
"How about I tell her now?" You proposed excitedly.
"Really? Would you do that for me?" Yorozu replied.
"Of course. I owe you for hitting you," you told her remorsefully. "Just stay here. I'll take care of everything." You forced her to sit on your bed.
"You're the best!" Yorozu exclaimed as she clapped her hands proud of you.
"It didn't take long!" You said with a smile before closing the door.
The fake smile disappeared as you walked through the dark hallways with determination towards your king's room. You walked stealthily to avoid attracting the attention of Uraume or any of the curses that guarded the halls in case of a surprise invasion. Now you had a clear objective. Prevent Yorozu from becoming a queen at all costs.
The count opened the door with his heart in his hand. She must be the only person he expected to see under the beauty of midnight. It was her, his beautiful beloved wrapped in pink lace. His lips pounced on her with the force of a desperate hurricane. They couldn't waste a second of this spontaneous encounter away from everyone. He unwrapped her like a birthday present and laid her down on the bed. He was going to make love to her as if this were the last night he would be alive.
"So love is made?" Sukuna wondered as he read Letters of Passion. One of the novels that Kenjaku had asked him to read so he could learn about sex. He read in the comfort of the armchair that faced directly in front of the lit fireplace. The small crackles of the fire against the wood were the only things that accompanied him on this cold night, along with the hundreds of golden artifacts that shone from the warmth of the flames excited by the fuel. Now he understood why Kenjaku had told him to let him know his doubts in the morning. He wasn't understanding anything he was reading. Sukuna has always been a direct and initiative-taking being, he just wanted to leave his seed and that's it. Why waste time on kisses, caresses and hugs? Kenjaku had told him that he should do it for you, but he doubted that you would want him to do something like that. Surely you also wanted him to finish quickly. You weren't the enamored count and his beloved, you were just a monster and a slave. He licked his finger to turn the page, but a familiar voice distracted him.
“My king, are you awake?” You asked from the other side of the door.
Sukuna opened the door, finding you in pink pajamas. He was going to ask you what you were doing in his chambers after the clear curfew hour, but he ended up hyper-focusing on the lace that delicately decorated your chest. “Like in the book,” he thought in surprise. “Choosing some novels that illustrate what he should do with the young lady,” Kenjaku quoted in his mind. Was this how it all started?
“I’m sorry to bother you late at night, but…” Your words were interrupted by your king’s lips against yours.
In a kind of surprise attack, Sukuna bent down to your level to kiss you softly on the lips. If this was how he was supposed to do it, he might as well take advantage of it. Even though he was on the right track, he was missing one detail: that you wanted to kiss him too. Your eyes widened in shock as you felt the gentle attack against your person. Your first reaction was to step back, but Sukuna quickly grabbed your waist to stop you from escaping. His four eyes stared back at you before deepening the kiss. You had no choice but to play along with your tongue as your mind searched for answers. “What does he think he’s doing?!” you thought in panic as his kisses moved in accordance with the rhythm he had set. “Did the king steal my first kiss?!”
Kissing the king felt like you were committing the worst of crimes, but you slowly got used to it like an acquired taste. He was fierce but kind, like the calm in the middle of the terrible storm. After a few seconds of special tasting, you realized something. “Wait, this is perfect for Yorozu not becoming queen!” you thought before closing your eyes, letting yourself be carried away by the passionate act. Your arms wrapped around his neck to keep him just as close, melting into the warmth of the approach in an attempt to coax him in your own way.
It was strange. Too strange. Why were you closing your eyes? Why were you hugging him? Were you really enjoying it? Is this how it should be? Sukuna had no idea what he was doing, but he was enjoying it. He knew you would reciprocate, but surely it was because you would do anything for him. Your lips were juicy and sweet, it must have been because of all the desserts you had consumed during the day. If he concentrated he could guess the taste of the macaron you had eaten after dinner.
As the novel dictated, he carried you by the thighs with ease to get you into the room without breaking the kiss that slowly became wilder. He laid you down on the bed gently to take possession of your body. You knew so well that he didn't seem to want to stop anytime soon. You were so gentle with him even though he deserved to be punished for his multiple genocides. With his lower hands, he took your pajamas and lifted them up to show your naked body. "Are we really going to do this?" you thought worriedly as you closed your legs feeling the wetness in your crotch.
Sukuna threw the pajamas on the armchair where he was sitting and broke the kiss to admire you beneath him. Your leg over the other, your hands covering your breasts shyly and your cheeks flushed, was something he hadn't seen since the last time you showered together. You were very nervous, more than other times. Your lips were parted and shone against the firelight from the saliva you had exchanged. You looked beautiful, but there was a small problem.
“Is something wrong, my king?” You asked him worried when you saw that he just looked at you without doing anything else.
“I don't know what to do now,” he admitted.
“Excuse me?”
Sukuna stood up to take the book he was reading and throw it at you. You sat on the bed confused to try to figure out what was going on. You looked at the king and then at the suggestive title of the novel he had given you. You opened the book to the passage he was reading and immediately blushed. “I just acted out what was happening in the book” you concluded before slamming the book shut.
“Kenjaku told me to do it,” Sukuna explained. “Kenjaku?!” you thought astonished. “Love is made?” He asked you directly as if they were casually chatting and you weren't completely naked. Sukuna really was a strange curse.
With that question you could deduce what was going on. Sukuna wants an heir, but he doesn’t know how to get one. So, he sent Kenjaku to investigate and gave him an erotic novel so he could understand. “Why didn’t they ask me before?” you thought as you covered your uncomfortable nakedness with your arms.
“Something like that…” you answered. “Love must already exist for it to happen. Making love is a mere literary expression that refers to sex.”
“Damn! Everyone keeps repeating that word, but I don’t know what that is!” Sukuna complained.
You couldn’t help but laugh at his ignorance. You had always seen Sukuna as a powerful curse that knows everything. Seeing him so frustrated at not being able to understand a subject so simple for you made you laugh a little. “Wait, does this mean that the king is a virgin too?”
“You know what it means, don’t you?” He asked you directly. You nodded shyly.
You knew what sex was thanks to the education your mother gave you, but you knew how to do it thanks to the friends Yorozu made at the balls. They always talk about the gorgeous knights and what they wanted to do to them in such detail that sometimes they surprised you at how graphic and vulgar they could be.
“You owe me a favor for saving your sister at the harvest,” Sukuna reminded you. You had already forgotten that detail. “Teach me what sex is.”
“That means you want to make your heir… Now?” You asked him confused.
“What?!” The king was really lost. He had many questions and almost no answers.
Not expecting that reaction, you burst out laughing. You were laughing. You were laughing with him. It had never occurred to him that he could hear you having fun so close. It was as if you weren't afraid of his reaction for making fun of him. You were treating him like he was just another human. He blushed when he realized that he was surely acting like a lunatic in front of you.
“Let me explain,” you took his hand to sit him on the bed next to you. He obeyed your guidance. “Just pay attention”
You explained to him how sexual relations worked, the difference between the types of sex and how vaginal penetration is the only way to achieve conception. Sukuna listened intently as you explained everything to him as if he were an innocent 12-year-old boy. Then, you explained how pregnancy works. That was the easiest part to explain, since you had seen your mother get pregnant twice. The king nodded at everything you said as a sign that he was paying attention to you.
“Wow, it’s more complicated than I thought,” Sukuna said when you finished your master class.
“You just have to worry about the conception part, I’ll take care of the rest, my king,” you explained.
“No, I have to make sure you and the baby are okay,” he said before rubbing your bare stomach as if there was already a baby there. “Let me worry about it.”
Your cheeks turned red at those words. You really thought the king would leave you alone once conception had taken place like many families did. After all, Sukuna was a very busy king so it wouldn’t surprise you, but you had misjudged him.
“Thank you, my king,” you told him before kissing his cheek softly.
You smiled genuinely at him and he tried to return the gesture, but he only showed his teeth like a dog trying to smile. You laughed at how silly he looked and shook your head to stop him from doing it. You and Sukuna sat on the edge of the bed in silence for a while while you watched the small bonfire. The heat was so much that it didn't bother you to be naked, but it was better to look for your clothes before you caught a cold. You got out of bed to look for the nightgown that the king had taken from you.
"And by the way, what are you doing here at this hour?" Sukuna asked you to remember the time it was. "Ah, that's right, I came to tell him something."
"I wanted to ask him to stop training Yorozu for a while," you asked the king, starting the operation: "Yorozu can't be queen."
"Excuse me?"
"I understand that she is a sorceress that can be used for future battles and protection, but her attitude has worsened since she arrived at the castle and it makes everyone uncomfortable," you explained. “It bothers everyone in the service, even Uraume.”
“I know that,” he answered. “Uraume had never given me a service report as bad as your sister's”
He remembers the day Uraume left the report on his desk like every two weeks. Even though her face was monotonous as always, he knew from her attitude that she had left him a bomb in the form of words. She had dedicated herself to writing three pages explaining what a terrible servant Yorozu was and why she should kill her soon. She had a headache just from resisting the urge to kill her for your sake.
“Even though we are both adults, I am still her older sister, so it is my duty to discipline her.”
“And what does this have to do with training?” Sukuna asked.
“She sees training with you as a reward, it is fun because she can tempt you to her liking and that must stop. She must learn how to behave around you. What good is a powerful weapon if it's going to act under its own regime?” You knew that wasn't the reason you didn't want me to stop training with him, but if you wanted the king to be on your side, you had to give him his side. “Plus, it'll give me the chance to practice how to deal with a rebellious child once I become a mother.” You also had to infantilize Yorozu as much as possible so that the king wouldn't see her as a possible candidate for queen.
“Okay. I'll stop training her until I see that her attitude has changed.” Sukuna accepted your notion. Maybe too quickly, since you thought he would fight a little harder because he wanted to make his new weapon more powerful as soon as possible, but it had worked. “Check” you thought, avoiding a smile to prevent the king from seeing your true intentions.
“Thank you, my king,” you thanked him with a bow. “That would be all. I'm leaving to let you rest.” You turned around to go back the way you came, but Sukuna grabbed your arm. You looked at him confused as he stopped you.
“It’s curfew. If Uraume or some curse sees you in the hallways, they have the right to eat you alive.” You gasped, you didn’t know that was the reason for the curfew. “You’ll stay with me tonight,” he ordered.
Sukuna pulled you by the arm to get you into bed. He carefully tucked you in next to him so you were as warm as possible. You had known each other for so long that you felt comfortable with the idea of ​​sleeping next to him. Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you watched him settle into the large pillows. His skin glowed orange from the fireplace, while he combed his pink hair back, causing his muscles to flex in front of you. “I can’t believe this king was my first kiss” you thought before turning around so he wouldn’t notice your blush.
It had been a while since you slept with him, but this time was different. Before, you were just a servant who only obeyed his orders to the letter and trembled just by looking at him. Sukuna had only slept with you because he saw you as a sleepy pet, but now you felt like he really wanted to sleep with his future wife. You felt Sukuna’s arms snake over your body like that time to catch you by the waist and shoulders. He pressed you against his body while you felt his heavy breathing in your ear. If only he knew that this was the only thing he had to do to give you pleasure.
“My king,” you called him in a whisper.
“What?” he asked you as he closed his eyes.
“Do you have feelings for me?” you asked him curiously.
“Like what feelings?” he asked back.
You smiled and closed your eyes to drift off to sleep. You didn't know why you had asked now, but it confirmed that he had no feelings for you. He only saw you as the future mother of his heir and that was it, but for some reason that made you happy. You hugged back his arms that held you while you caressed his hands.
“Forget it, my king. Rest well,” you said before resting your head on his bicep.
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tag list: @bbnbhm @pxnellian @kbirdieee2540
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kenjakusbrainstem · 11 months
Too Much (Kenjaku x Reader x Mahito)
Contains: Double penetration in one hole, manhandling, cunnilingus, m/f/m threesome.
Hello! Day 16 of Kinktober: Double penetration in one hole! This was fun as I just love writing Kenjaku and Mahito together. No real thoughts on this one other than how nice it was to write them having a consensual threeway for once! Crossposted to Ao3 under the same name and shared to twt at kenjakusbrain! Comment or rb if you like <3
Over the decades of devotedly following Kenjaku, you’d met a lot of eccentric people. From strange sorcerers, to power hungry humans, you really felt like there was no way anything could surprise you anymore. However, with Kenjaku’s curiosity and love for chaos, he always managed to keep you on your toes. 
His latest group was no exception, though they did treat you a little differently. While Kenjaku was playing the role of Suguru Geto, you found yourself in a role not too far from your true identity: a devout follower, someone that would do any and everything they were told. While you had more autonomy than that, it did amuse you to be so open about your dedication. To the group of curses he was working with, you were sure they thought of you as some mindless curse user, regardless of how much work you did for their cause. 
The only one that seemed interested in you was Mahito, ironically the one parading as a human. You felt that he understood you in some way, the same way Kenjaku did. While you never explained too much about your technique or identity to the curse, his curiosity showed you that he saw through your mindless devotee mask. Though you did choose to humor him on the occasion you saw each other, Mahito’s near ignorance was integral to Kenjaku’s plan.
You never minded helping either of them though, so when Kenjaku approached you with an odd proposition, you were inclined to agree. His interest in breeding and creating ideal offspring to be vessels had waned over the years, but you knew how much fun he had when experimenting. You’d aided him when he inhabited the body of Noritoshi Kamo, so you were intimately aware of what he was capable of. You weren’t sure how much of this proposal was about procreation, or if he was genuinely interested in exposing Mahito to new human experiences.
Kenjaku had asked you to aid him in teaching Mahito about sex. You knew he’d fucked the curse before, so it wasn’t too far fetched for him to include you. Something about being able to get the full experience, he’d said. Apparently it was harder for him to properly guide Mahito when he was buried inside the curse, which made sense to you. The vessel he currently inhabited was more sensitive than others he’d used. 
That was how you ended up in your current situation, fully nude on Kenjaku’s bed with Mahito in between your thighs. The curse’s tongue was something you’d never experienced in all your years. It had split in two and was lazily pumping inside of you while circling your clit at the same time. You convulsed in pleasure, not expecting to feel so much from a curse that needed to be taught. 
The only thing grounding you was the body pressed up against you. Kenjaku lay at your side, head resting on your chest as his hand was in Mahito’s hair, making sure the curse kept up the pace and didn’t stop until you were ready. The way Mahito’s tongue wrapped around your clit, flicking at the sensitive bud made your thighs quiver. 
“Make sure she’s ready to take you, Mahito. I showed you just how important stretching is, now give her the same courtesy I gave you,” Kenjaku ordered, his voice gentle as he pressed Mahito’s face against your pussy. You knew Kenjaku wasn’t speaking to you but you still felt the need to do as he said, there was just something about his tone that made you want to please him. 
Shifting your hips, you ground your pussy into Mahito’s face, his tongue pressing deeper inside of you with each thrust. As if he too wanted to do what Kenjaku said, you felt the tongue inside you become thicker, pressing against your walls instead of teasing them. Before you knew it, Mahito’s tongue was almost too big to fit inside of you.
Each thrust of his tongue made you feel impossibly full, it was more than you’d ever had inside of you at once before. You could feel how wet you were, a mix of your juices and Mahito’s saliva coating your thighs. It was hard to tell because of how wet you were, but you hadn’t even hit your peak yet. The curse was making you feel so good, but it just hadn’t been enough to push you over the edge.
Mahito’s tongue increased in pace, fucking inside of you just a little faster. The speed change made you clench around his tongue, he was so close to getting you off you could almost taste it. 
Suddenly, the fullness was gone along with the hot tongue wrapped around your clit. You whined, clenching your aching pussy around nothing. Opening your eyes you noticed Kenjaku wasn’t at your side anymore either, he had pulled Mahito up and was kissing him feverishly. You were accustomed to Kenjaku’s more eager, violent kisses, but it was more than arousing to watch him suck your juices off of Mahito’s tongue.
Mahito’s eyes rolled back as Kenjaku held him by the hair still, forcing his head back in a deep kiss. You enjoyed the view, being able to watch Kenjaku take control of someone like this, watching his body and tongue move when you knew how they felt made you want him even more.
“Switch places with her Mahito, I think I know just what you both need,” Kenjaku said, his suggestive voice adding even more fuel to the lustful fire inside of you. You watched as he let go of Mahito, reaching out to you. 
You grasped at his hand with both of yours, allowing him to help you pull yourself up. Forgetting Mahito’s presence for a moment, you pressed your face into Kenjaku’s broad chest, loving the feeling of your bare skin pressed together. He places a soft kiss to the top of your head before he turned you around, your back pressing against his torso.
Looking down at the patchwork curse’s nude body, you had to admit he was the most attractive looking curse you’d ever seen. His features were similar to Kenjaku’s but body was much more lithe than sturdily built. His cock was hard and leaking against his pelvis, not too big to intimidate you. Though knowing he could manipulate his body at will did make you a little nervous.
Kenjaku’s hands went to your hips, urging you forward. You followed his lead, putting your knees on either side of the curse’s hips. When you were in position on top of Mahito, you felt Kenjaku’s hand on your back, pushing you down onto the curse. Leaning forward you felt Kenjaku’s hand slip in between your bodies, grabbing Mahito’s cock and rubbing the tip up against your entrance. 
You moaned, unable to keep your sounds in any longer as you felt Kenjaku press the head of Mahito’s cock inside of you. Kenjaku’s hands moved out from between you and grabbed your hips, pushing you down and forcing the curse’s cock inside of you. You watched Mahito’s face contort in pleasure as he throbbed inside of you. According to Kenjaku, he’d not let Mahito fuck him yet, only sucked him off, so this was likely the first time he’d been buried inside someone else.
A little more manhandling from Kenjaku and you were full of Mahito’s cock, he pulled you up, your back flush with his chest once more. Kenjaku’s hands didn’t leave your hips, he wanted full control over both of you and it seemed you were both eager to give it to him.
As Kenjaku started to bounce you on Mahito’s cock, you let yourself get lost in the way he felt inside of you. Mahito was average size, so you wondered why Kenjaku had been so insistent on stretching, but you were barely able to even think about that with the way he moved your body. Being on top was always fun to you, but now it felt so good, Mahito’s cock bumping into your spot with ease as Kenjaku controlled the pace. 
Mahito’s hands reached out, sliding up your body and grabbing onto your breasts as they bounced in front of them. He squeezed the flesh harshly, making your pussy squeeze around him. It was like he wanted to touch you, but didn’t know what to do exactly, the curse’s inexperience showing.
Kenjaku slowly bent your body forward, your sensitive breasts rubbing up against Mahito’s chest with every bounce of your hips. You were now face to face with the curse, both of you moaning messes. With your open mouths so close, you couldn’t help but kiss Mahito. The kisses were sloppy and both of you moaned into each other's mouths, pleasure too much to keep inside.
Trailing kisses down your spine, Kenjaku sat himself upright, leaving you to focus on kissing Mahito for a moment while he got into position. The whole point to this, the guise of teaching Mahito how to properly fuck someone, was so that he could enjoy you both together. You likely would have agreed even without that, but it was fun for him to have another layer of motivation.
One of his hands left your hip, the other continuing to guide you up and down Mahito’s cock. You wondered what he was doing, but it didn’t take long for you to figure out. Kenjaku’s movements paused, the hand that was bouncing you was now holding you both still with Mahito still buried inside of you.
Before you had a chance to ask what he was doing, you felt the head of his cock prodding up against your entrance alongside Mahito’s. Your eyes snapped open, lips still pressed up against Mahito’s so you were unable to speak. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Kenjaku, you were just worried Mahito hadn’t stretched you enough. 
“Both of you hold still. It’s my turn to join the fun now,” Kenjaku said, voice an almost whisper as he tried to press the head of his cock into your already full pussy. If Mahito was average, Kenjaku’s cock was large, his vessel was more well endowed than nearly all of the ones you’d been intimate with in the past.
It wasn’t long before his insistent rubbing against your wet entrance allowed the head of his cock to slip inside. The stretch was unlike anything you’d ever felt before, it burned but didn’t exactly hurt. The feeling was indescribable, you could feel your pussy clenching around them but tried to relax your muscles. You knew it would be harder for Kenjaku to fuck you like this if your pussy was trying to push him out.
Kenjaku’s hands both returned to your hips, thumbs massaging circles into your flesh as he slowly pressed further into you. Your kiss with Mahito had turned into you trying to focus on breathing while he kissed around your lips, tongue cleaning up evidence of the sloppy kiss you’d shared. His little moans told you that he was also enjoying the way Kenjaku’s cock felt beside his.
Once Kenjaku was fully inside of you, you felt like you were on the verge of passing out, the stretch and feeling of his cock so much further inside of you than Mahito’s made your legs tremble. 
“You’re so tight like this, it shouldn’t take long now just hold on,” Kenjaku said, voice barely composed as he slowly started thrusting in and out of you. Being so full, you felt so much more. Each thrust, no matter how slow you could feel every vein, every twitch of Kenjaku’s cock inside of you.
Even Mahito’s cock felt like too much, Kenjaku’s cock forcing it to stay pressed up against your spot. With every one of Kenjaku’s thrusts it rubbed up against it and filled you with even more pleasure. 
After a few thrusts, Kenjaku picked up the pace and began to fuck into you in earnest. You hadn’t known it was possible to feel this full, or that it could feel this good to have your pussy stuffed with two different cocks. The sounds leaving your mouth were pitiful, each thrust left you whining, only able to stop moaning when Mahito’s tongue entered your mouth. The curse kept trying to kiss you, as if he was unsure what to do with himself. 
You could see that he was enjoying this too, his moans blending in with your own to make a lewd chorus of praise for the way Kenjaku used you both. The only other sound you could register was the slick squelching noise of Kenjaku fucking into you. It was almost embarrassing to know that such a sound was coming from you, but you were far too lost in pleasure to care about that.
Kenjaku’s fingers moved to spread you open more, making it so he could look down and watch his cock disappear into your messy pussy. You felt so tight even though you had never been more open for him. The sight made him pump his cock into you faster, harder than he had been. The gentle edge to his thrusts gone as he fucked into you, chasing his own pleasure.
It was too much for you, from the stretch of the cocks inside you, to Kenjaku’s rough thrusting, even Mahito’s insistent sloppy kisses were pushing you over the edge. You felt yourself release, pussy spasming around the cocks inside of you. The intensity of your orgasm was so much more than you had expected, you weren’t sure if you had blacked out for a moment or if your eyes had rolled back into your head too far. Everything around you felt dizzying.
At the feeling of your pussy spasming, Mahito also was forced over the edge. His cock throbbing as he spilled inside of you. The pleasure being too much for him, he bit down on your lip, adding the taste of blood to your kiss. 
Through both of your orgasms Kenjaku just kept thrusting, it was hard for him to not get off immediately when your pussy was trying to milk him dry with each twitch of its walls. He was close though, leaning down he rested his forehead on your back, body bending at a strange angle to give him more leverage. Fucking into you as hard as he could, not caring about keeping rhythm or how violent his thrusts were.
It was easier for him to move inside of you with Mahito’s cock now soft, each thrust felt different than the last and that was what finally pushed Kenjaku to join you both in bliss. Pressing in as deep as he could, Kenjaku emptied himself, hot release filling you up. You could even feel it leaking out around his cock. 
The three of you stayed like that for a moment, Kenjaku being the first to move when Mahito started whining about being sensitive. After he pulled himself out of you, he lifted you up off of the curse’s cock. You’d hoped he was going to let you rest but when your back hit the mattress you felt him lift your trembling legs into the air. 
Kenjaku kissed at your thighs, not caring that Mahito was watching the strange display of affection. Gently, he spread your folds open to look at the effect he’d had on your pussy. It was puffy and leaking, you wanted to close your legs at the thought of him looking into your gaping entrance. He pressed a sloppy kiss to your clit, pulling a high pitched whine from your throat.
“You did so good, once you rest a little more we can show Mahito even more fun he could have,” Kenjaku said, grinning up at you like he had more in mind. His words were teasing and threatening at the same time. You were, as always, excited and aroused at what he meant.
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neonscandal · 4 months
Okay, if you were asked who are in JJK & BNHA that you can see based on canon that are gay/bi/pan/demi, which characters are they?
For me satoaugu and bakudeku are definitely not straight (yes, I ship them but I don't think they "must be into women only" like a post I just saw). Also, kaminari, jirou, toga, nobara, megumi, kenjaku....
Ah yes, a person with discerning tastes. ✨ While this feels like a sure fire way to get me into some hot water, let's dive right in.
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✨🌈 Happy pride to the queer people in my phone 🌈✨
But especially these
Megumi "Only Interested in Compassion" Fushiguro - pansexual (very much choosing to overlook very subtle implications of siscon as a red herring to, of course, further contextualize ItaFushi). See also Gojo and the uncharacteristic Miwa agenda.
Satoru Gojo - Let's be so for real. Man is down astronomical for Suguru but I think there's still evidence/reason to believe he could be ace or demisexual. Can strength be conflated with love?
Kinji Hakari - waving the white flag on this one considering I'm 4 weeks behind and I don't know if there's been further clarification that might swing this verdict one way or another but support Hikari's love regardless of Kirara's gender expression/identity. Also, given current events, it'd be pretty weird if Gege slipped that in out of nowhere.
Kenjaku - 🗣️ IF GIVEN ENOUGH TIME, DO WE NOT ALL BECOME A LIL GAY!? I understand straight people probably don't have such realizations so I'm just going to sit with that reflection.
Nobara Kugisaki - be so for real. I think she had a misplaced crush in her idolization of Saori that made more sense when she left the bumble fuck countryside and could live her best life, out and proud with her muscle mommy girlfriend, Maki. Also explains, a bit, why Saori was ostracized where Nobara may have lacked understanding/context.
Maki - Plenty of gay icons without last names, queen. This one just happens to also be gay.
Eijirou Kirishima is almost so straight that he unintentionally makes a hard U-turn into flirting with queerness. His phrasing is baffling as he tends to pop up in those threads frequently with assumingly unintended innuendos but it is also reminiscent about how no one third wheels harder than a dude's girlfriend when he's with his best friend? I don't know if that makes sense but I'm throwing him in the mix as someone who maybe just needs some time ✨ regardless of the BakuDeku to KiriMina parallels.
Denki Kaminari - This kid has eyes and he uses them, gender be damned. A bi-disaster if I've ever seen one.
Minoru Mineta - IDK if his Deku confession was a translation faux pas or if Mineta, too, has fallen for the male lead's quintessential charm that wins over hearts and minds. While the Council on Bisexuality would fight me on this one... his membership is still pending.
Izuku Midoriya - I have it on good authority that Izuku is Bakusexual. Flustered by girls in the same way that any awkward and bullied kid might when encountering the opposite sex but his heart has always had its allegiance to one person. Whether that makes him gay, demi or even bi, I think it tracks.
Katsuki Bakugo - bi, pan or gay, the consensus is he is Not Straight.
Kyoka Jiro - in Smash, Jiro is a total fujoshi (she just like us fr). If you'll allow submitting MHA Smash into evidence, coupled with the canon main story, I say bi. A girl who knows Momo is stacked but also reasonably wants the attention and company of a Class 1A boy as a girl would at that age.
Himiko Toga - one thing about Toga. She is going to know and live her truth. Confidently bi ✨
Ochaco Uraraka - SPEAKING OF LIVING TRUTHS. She a little late but she has the right spirit.
Bonus, if including Kirishima didn't some how get me booed, I was going to add Yuta Okkotsu too but I thought better of it. 👉🏾👈🏾
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artoriarts · 5 days
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there’s a lot of talk about missed potential in jjk, and I agree, while culling games onward was a good ol fight shonen, shibuya incident was something special, dark and painful but built on a core foundation of hope and positivity that drives yuji as a character, but it kinda peaked there, never hitting the same emotional depth after, with the exception of maki and the zenin assassination arc.
But from the many things I’ve seen brought up, one of the things I haven’t seen is just the core premise of cursed energy not being used like it could be from the getgo. Instead of just being Ki, it was something developed *through* the negative emotions that pool and spawn curses. This is just gonna be me spitballing but listen listen.
Yuta’s the best way to segue into this. A sensitive kid loses his best friend and spirals into grief, unknowingly channeling his cursed technique (instead of just being able to copy, him being able to replicate/leech soul ‘data’ in general) as he hangs on to every memory and memento of her, acting as almost ritual and binding her soul to his, resulting in the vengeful spirit we know of rika, his raw cursed energy output resulting from the feedback loop of negativity that comes from the mass guilt of the horrors rika enacts in his defense, as well as the guilt of trapping her with him in the first place when he learns it’s his fault. His power is the direct result of the weight he carries with him.
And in the same way, other characters bear their trauma in their power. Maki’s frustration and spite at the circumstances of her birth placing her under every disadvantage with the system as it is. Sukuna’s raw hatred and disdain for his fellow man. Gojo’s isolation from his own humanity as The Strongest, growing up both closer to everyone than anyone could ever know, as the six eyes’ ability to see the flow of cursed energy allows him to practically read people’s minds emotionally, and yet expectations and power have placed him on a pedestal so far away from humanity, pressured and forced into sorcery, not a single other interest permitted, from the moment of his birth. Yuji, being a newcomer, predominantly working off fear and the still fresh grief of his grandpa, along with the pressure he now feels as someone capable of sorcery to protect those who are not, one bornout of love but no less harsh, and after shibuya, like yuta, he gains a burning core of guilt for what his life has allowed to happen. Stretching more now but instead of becoming racist and getting skilljacked, geto breaking at the end of hidden inventory is where his character launches off from, instead of how it dooms itself to end; I would need to put more thought into it to make it make concrete sense but his want to rid the world of nonsorcerers and “evolve humanity” is not out of hatred for the weak but his love for humanity as a whole, he wants a humanity that can defend itself against the natural consequence of its existence that is cursed energy, and sorcerers are basically the only ones who can do that, so non-sorcerers are simply liabilities and sources of cursed energy that don’t pull their own weight, and kenjaku is maybe more like a symbiote to him, his patron that just so happens to have the same practical goals as him, albeit a different motive of pure scientific curiosity (assuming they still want the tengen merger or if they’re still in the story at all, they don’t fit into this brainbaby idea quite as well as everything else, but I digress).
And this isn’t just a story thing, it also affects the battle system too. Desperation while losing a fight actively makes you more powerful - also means consequently that like people who keep their cool like gojo (ignoring the minor insanity (and him seeing his ex-boyfriend)) have an inherent power limiter; he may be the strongest but he doesn’t get the same power buffs that everyone else can. Maybe positive energy actually like exists aside from mahoraga and rct. it’s harder to use because well people latch onto negative emotion easier than positive emotion and if you’re fighting obviously things are not sunshine and rainbows, but it is more effective against pure curses and can heal (also then if you can only rct off positive emotion, that power swing from negativity kinda shifts you into a glass canon with more damage but less ability to heal).
Do I turn this into fanfic. Do I do that thing where you make fanfic but break it so far from anything canon it’s basically just original content. or do I just keep it all locked in my head because I’m lazy. Decisions decisions.
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Get in loser, we're going vessel shopping!
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Yuji and the gang were exhausted, having just finished exercising a group of curses. It was getting late so they then went to catch a ride back to Jujutsu Tech with Ijichi.
"Man, I'm beat! I had to hit those little fuckers harder than King Dedede's Jet Hammer!"
"Language Kugisaki."
"C'mon Fushiguro, I know you want to hit Gojo sensei as much as I do!"
Before they could continue their conversation, Yuji spoke.
"Is anyone else hearing music?"
Megumi and Nobara stopped. A faint jingle could be heard. Almost as if there was an ice cream truck nearby. But that was impossible. Before Yuji could speak, Kugisaki stopped him.
"No! Do you really think an ice cream truck would be here? In this time of year (fall)? At this time of day? In this part of Tokyo? Localised entirely within the woods?"
"Okay but when you put it like that it sounds bad!"
Suddenly a white van pulled up in the distance. Fushiguro gave a double take and then stated "There's no way I'm going near that thing."
Kugisaki then turned towards Itadori.
"Shouldn't you be going "jinkies!" or is this is the part where your spidey senses forget to activate? Yuji?"
The boy was no longer standing next to her for he had begun running faster than Todo at a Takada chan signing.
"What should we do?"
"I don't know but I'm calling sensei and telling him to bring a dog leash and some Jennifer Laurence magazines."
"Lucky me, I can't believe you guys are open! Anyway I'll take one fudgicle please!"
After paying, an arm reached out and handed him the frozen treat.
"Thank you!"
Yuji was going to peel off the wrapper only to find that there wasn't one.
"That's odd. Oh well, down the hatch!"
It was dark so he couldn't see very well but something was off about his popsicle. After swallowing, he then began to wonder if there was a recall that he should know about because ice cream isn't supposed to be spiky right?
An extra set of eyes then peeled open.
What a moron of a vessel. Sukuna couldn't wait to be free of him. It was then that the window opened.
"I should have figured you had something to do with this."
Inside was totally not Geto, aka Kenjaku, wearing a milk man uniform.
"Hop in Sukuna, let's go to the mall."
"What is your game here?"
"Don't be like that! I figured you would want to join me for some shopping. You know as well as I do that we could use a change of vessels, hm?"
Sukuna grinned and then jumped through the passengers side like in Dukes of Hazard, only the window was rolled up so now he was coated in shards of glass."
Are you feeling alright?"
"Couldn't be better! After all, I'm not the one who's body will be paying for the damage."
Kenjaku then began to drive to the nearest mall. Unfortunately they were now stuck in traffic.
"The sidewalk is wide enough. Go."
"You really haven't changed after a thousand years, huh? All right, just let me put on my mixtape first."
Before Sukuna could ask what that was, he began to hear loud music. It was too loud to hear what the other was saying but he was giving a look that said "Want to watch a massacre unfold?" Sukuna gave a nod and then Kenjaku put the vehicle into to overdrive. Tokyo's poor citizens tried to run for their lives while all one could hear was "Gas, Gas, Gas" by Manuel. They both began to cackle maniacally.
Eventually they made it to the parking lot after leading the police on a wild goose chase.
"So we'll go our separate ways and meet back here in a hour. Don't be late!"
"Fine with me! And it's not exactly like I have all the time in the world, this brats body is on a time limit!"
Sukuna then realized he didn't know where to start.
"Where am I supposed to find the strongest among a crowd of ants? This will prove to be more difficult than I initially thought!"
The first thing Kenjaku did was buy a new set of clothes.
"That last guy had no fashion sense! I'll need to choose more wisely this time."
He looked around until he saw a familiar face.
"No way! Tengen's here too? Alright, change of plans. I'm going to steal her intended vessel before she can make the switch!"
Sukuna was approaching a fitness store when he felt two arms place themselves snuggly around his stomach. He then prayed to Gege and hoped that it better not be who he thought it was. The king of curses then turned his head around to find the culprit. Shit. Why did he always have the worst luck?
"Yorozu... I see the restraining order failed to keep you away..."
"Oh Sukuna, we both know a piece of paper could never get in between the way of our love!"
It took all his willpower to not kill her on the spot.
"...So what are you doing here?""Kenjaku texted me and told me you would be here! It's almost like we're on a date!"
Before he could tell her that no, it was not like a date, she took his arm and began to drag him.
"Unhand me! What are you doing!?"
"What does it look like silly? I'm taking you to Build-a-Bear! It's what all the cute couples are doing!"
"Stop. One, if you were the last woman on earth, I would rather split myself into fingers then and two, I already have plans and I don't need you interfering with them!"
"Aww! Can't I come with you?"
"No! I'm shopping for a new vessel and I don't have time to-"
Yorozu then cut him off
"Wow! Like, you're going to be renting a new body? Let me help! I can help find the perfect choice for you!"
The king of curses scoffed.
"Yeah right! You can't even get your poetry right. How am I supposed to trust you when it comes to good taste?"
"Because if you let me help than I'll stop taking pictures of you when you're not looking."
Yorozu had a massive shrine dedicated to her love with so many creeper shots that her collection put other stalkers to shame.
"Fine. But you're also going to be burning the ones you already took."
What Sukuna didn't know was that the girl had figured out how to navigate technology far quicker than him, already having stored her files on a two terribyte hard drive.
Kenjaku watched his targets from behind a small potted tree. Once the two had met and started arangments, he knew he had to put his plan into action. Suddenly the speakers could be heard.
"Would Tengen please arrive to the head office - Your powers are being requested by management and there is an emergency - Thank you for your consideration -"
"I'm sorry but you'll need to wait a little longer before assimilating. Just know that your sacrifice won't be in vain."
Kenjaku watched her walk off and then nonchalantly came up beside them.
"Nothing personal kid."
He then twisted their neck causing instant death. Kenny began to drag the corpse with him to the bathroom stall so no one would interrupt him.
"Time to get to work."
Yorozu had taken Sukuna to the food court and was now arguing with the staff.
"Whadda mean you don't serve monkey brains! I'm calling corporate to file a complaint! Let's go dear!"
Sukuna and the worker then shot each other a look of pity. Yorozu was angrily babbling when she bumped into someone.
"Oh, hey Kenjaku. I see you're already finished."
He took off his hat, revealing fresh stitches on his forehead.
"Gross, what is that! A thumb thumb!?"
"Yo, granny!"
It turns out that it wasn't grandmother willow but Tengen. Or at least it used to be.
"Don't you "hey granny" me! Do you realize what you have done!?"
"Don't look at me like that, can't you just get a new one?"
"You know damn well that that's not how it works! I'm now stuck as this creature for all of eternity!"
Kenjaku waived his hand dismissively.
"Being immortal sounds pretty cool to me. Besides, do you know how irritating it is to constantly hop from one body to another?"
"Didn't ask, plus I don't care!"
Tengen then pulled a glock from underneath her robe and shot Kenjaku at point blank range. He was still alive so she would have to move fast. Tengen then began to unscrew the heads top lid and revealed a brain with teeth. It was hissing and citizens started to take notice. Panic ensued and while the crowd was screaming, Tengen pulled out a jar and plopped the brain into it.
Kenjaku's rabbit teeth tried to chomp through the glass but she quickly sealed it up in a layer of talismans, followed up by flex tape. Tengen was now leaving and Sukuna looked towards his side to find a missing Yorozu.
"Where did she go?! I mean, I'm glad she's gone but what can she be plotting."
He didn't know it but she leapt outside and was laying face first in the grass to study the bugs.
"Well there goes my ride."
Suddenly sirens began to blare."
Shit, it's the cops!"
Sukuna took the chance to switch places with Itadori. When Yuji woke up, he was at the police station and locked in handcuffs.
"Not again! I guess I'll have to use my one phone call on Gojo sensei and ask him to bail me out."
Panic began to set in.
"What was his number again?"
Yuji tried to ask Sukuna but he refused to answer, too amused in the boys misery."
Looks like I'm never eating ice cream again!"
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tonycries · 4 months
bro i read the leaks I WOULD HAVE PREFERRED KENJAKU TBH. that would have been sexy and antagonistic. yuta in gojo's body is just,,, yuta does NOT match gojo's vibes sdhfjkglsfdhg
thematically however it absolutely FITS for yuta to be back in the fight. no way yuta was dead. think about it! he didn't get a imaginary-final-moments scene like nanami, jogo, nobara (hhhh), or gojo.
i also SUPER appreciate that there was gojo characterization. yuta says that gojo was forced to be a monster all by himself, gojo tells yuta that he has to do this/to leave him alone, etc.
the "gojo had to be a monster" thing deserved so much more development. gege probably realized how much harder people would swoon if we got to see gojo being lonely, isolated, having people scared of him (not unlike yuta).
like damn gojo why did you train these students if you didn't want to fight alongside them? you literally said "no one will ever have to be alone"? it could have been a really moving story arc but it feels like we're only seeing pieces of it.
gege will show us yuji befriending junpei, nanami saving baker lady, nobara and her old friend, megumi and the delinquents, but not one (1) second of gojo forming connections with ordinary people, living his life.
and if gojo DOESN'T have a life outside sorcery then we deserved a scene of gojo coming home to an empty sterile apartment, not even turning the lights on, just brushing teeth, throwing off some clothes and falling into bed while he stares at the ceiling and dissociates -
ksjfhghlsdgf SORRY i'm rambling but listen. gojo is alive in our hearts where gege cannot reach him!!
TRUEEE when you put it like that it really does make sense for Yuta to take over, because Gege definitely hadn't used his full potential.
I think it just felt kinda like crammed into one chapter with all the flashbacks and everything. Though I DO appreciate how we get to see Gojo be more of a teacher.
Somehow some stupid little part of me STILL thinks Gojo will be back though?? Chat am I delusional???
I should know better than to trust a man, especially Gege but idk it just doesn't feel COMPLETE. Like fym Gojo was THAT sure he'd win??
Here's some lil predictions:
Both Yuta and Gojo end up dead, Yuji awakens some power and we see him get more MC treatment and defeat Sukuna.
Gojo and Yuta's powers get transferred to Yuji?? Somehow?? Maybe???
Yuta and Yuji fight together but ehhhh.
Oooo how cool would it be if Yuta actually defeats Sukuna but then gets corrupted or goes crazy and then Yuji has to defeat HIM.
I dunno either way I'm just sad that Gojo is a weapon both in life and in death. Let my baby REST.
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cursedvibes · 1 year
"Don't interfere with Gojo's fight, you'll only be a burden" 🤡 anyways I think we all agree this was a terrible fight with a terribly executed ending. It feels like bad writing, with Gege unsealing Gojo and not knowing what to do with him having a bunch of characters waiting to progress and be developed. Just unnecessary, like what did the fight accomplish? Gojo straight up forgetting about Megumi and being like "oh nvm, i was never gonna win anywyay" just feels OOC.
One of the most anticipated fights in the whole manga and it was kinda trash. I hope the plot moves along now. Like you said, I want to see the students fighting Sukuna and Kenjaku, also give me the parent Kenjaku reveal moment with Yuji, Gege, and some KenJin flashbacks. Perhaps add in a little "Jin is actually alive". As compensation.
Also waiting on that Sukuna/Yuji fight. Please Gege let that one be good.
I don't know if it's because Gege lost passion for the story, but there would've been dozens of better options on how to do the fight besides "students sit on their ass and watch the live stream of their teacher's death". F in chat, guys! No, don't interfere, that would be too interesting and feel way too natural.
I really don't want to be this harsh, but everything since Gojo's unsealing has just been very questionable writing decisions. I like the Culling Game actually, I enjoyed it more than Shibuya, even when we were focusing on characters I didn't care as much about. It didn't have the constant threat of death I expected, but it was still good and I especially liked all the new lore and character exploration. Execution of Yuki's death was meh and there could've been done more with the fight, but it still moved me. Tsumiki turning out to be a piece of cardboard was my first real disappointment, but I could've looked past that if her and Yorozu's death would've been executed better. And after that it was just kinda...bad.
Angel agrees to unseal Gojo without explanation despite refusing to do that earlier. Backdoor has no drawbacks, Gojo is just out now. He's kinda weird post-Prison Realm and definitely different from before with changed priorities, but we don't get anything concrete about him or his time in containment that would give more depth to this. He just feels kinda detached. And then one month timeskip. I still remember when people said we would get flashbacks during the fight to explain what the characters were up to. But nope, nothing. Who knows if the main characters have an actual plan, Gojo definitely doesn't seem prepared. We get vague hints at Gojo using his time in the Prison Realm to adjust his domain, but we don't hear his perspective on that (would've been too interesting), we are just told about how he must feel by other characters. It's such basic things that could have made this fight more engaging and moving, but we barely get anything. On top of that it is stretched over 14 chapters and 4 months for no reason. Just make it hit harder from the beginning and shorten it that way. Kenjaku and Yuki were powerhouses and they didn't need this much time. Also the constant Gojover teasers got old very fast.
However, Gojo did manage to strip Sukuna off his domain and Mahoraga, so that will make things a little bit easier for the others. Sukuna can't just vaporize everyone with Malevolent Shrine anymore.
With the Kenjaku vs Gojo fight not happening, I am more confident though that we will get more focus on Kenjaku & Yuuji and explore their relationship and past. Feels like there will be more time dedicated to them, although that also depends on how Yuuji vs Sukuna goes. I am very excited for what's to come either way.
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chaoslulled · 1 month
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NIMBLE FINGERS TYPE OVER SOLID KEYS, knowing full well that his strokes are being tracked.  by morning, jogo will have deciphered them and sent them off to mahito in order to see where to proceed to next.  each one is typed harder than necessary  ––  the frustration is building and has been building since that damn gala.   the sweats that he wears now complete with the black tank top do nothing to hide his form like the tailored suit had;  all muscle is put on display, along with the tattoos that label him as a member of the cursed souls.   foundation has been wiped clean of his skin and his tattoos are on display there too  ––  he feels a little more human once the disguises are off, once the act is dropped, even if it's only behind closed doors.  
being back in the safe house is both relieving and frustrating all in one breath; coming in means double checking every corner, knocking against every wall and stomping against every floor board, ensuring that they haven't been tapped.   he leaves the actual perimeter sweep to persephone  ––  at least she can be good for something.   another harsh pound of fingers against keys before he's sending the email off  ––  something absolutely mundane, but the strokes have now been logged, the mission now ready to actively be debriefed without having to say a damn thing. 
good.  he doesn't want to hear kenjaku's bitchfest after he finds out how this had gone belly under.  they've been waiting for this moment for three months now.  all they had to do was get close to the target, close enough for the circular scanner on the back of persephone's bracelet to skim the information off of the card in the target's pocket, and then they could actually go home.   OF COURSE IT DIDN'T WORK OUT THAT WAY.
a growl settles in his throat as his fist comes down on the table, pushing away from it as he whirls around on @huntershowl.   they don't look particularly bothered and they have the height advantage on him, but he has the build advantage.  not that it'd do anything against their prosthetics, but it's just the point of the matter.
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❝ son of a bitch, seph!  why couldn't you have just let him cop a feel for two minutes while it loaded?  you can't even tell me that that's sexist, because if he had made a move on me, i would have done it. ❞    a finger reaches out and jabs at the center of her sternum firmly, eyes narrowed.   it's not their fault, not really  ––  he would've wanted to break the guy's hand too if he had just made a move on him.  but it was the damn mission that was at stake here and an opportunity like this wasn't going to come knocking again.  if anything, the asset was going to end up suspicious as hell and things were about to get far harder from here.
jaw ticks, moving the ink that rests there.   ink that wasn't entirely his choice  ––  but it branded him as a member, was his initiation as their newly acquired pet assassin.  so now he bares their marks and he has nothing to show for it.   a seasoned assassin on his own, and he's been forced to work with a newcomer because they want to impress the tower.   he has more of a reach than they do, and he knows kenjaku is practically champing at the bit in order to gain more alliances, more power, more more more.
another quick jab of his finger into her sternum before he crosses his arms.  ❝ got anything to say for yourself now that you probably just lost us the best chance we're ever going to have at the satoru gojo? ❞
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Jujustu Kaisen, Chapter 208 Thoughts
Well, this is a shocker. Though maybe we should have expected that Tengen and Kenjaku knew each other in the old world, because Tengen knew so much about Kenjaku's original name and motivations, Kenjaku's remark that he's lived a thousand years in the world while Tengen has lived outside of it, and the fact they act like bitchy exes towards one another. So anyway here's some thoughts on the Kenjaku and Tengen divorce , and the foiling between them.
1. The Strongest Duo
The place my midn jumped right away was there's a possible comparison in Kenjaku's relationship with Tengen, to the breakdown of Geto and Gojo's friendship. One aspect of their relationship that is often overlooked, is that the both of them have superiority complexes (in fact borderline God Complex's).
I like to reference @causticwit's post when talking about Gojo's god complex and the way he views himself in comparison to normies.
gojou 100% has a god complex and thats why getous downfall hit him harder than anyone else. he saw himself and getou as above everyone else and exempt from ‘regular’ peoples flaws, he never thought either of them could be led astray and when getou finally snaps hes bewildered that something like that could ever happen to either of them. hes not just heartbroken over his best friend becoming an enemy, hes thrown for a loop because getou, the one person he thinks of as just as above everyone else and incapable of failing as he is, could ever do something wrong, could ever be wrong. hes finally put into a position where he has to face the fact that hes just as capable of screwing up as anyone else and he can’t make sense of it. gojous hesitance in killing getou isn’t just a byproduct of their friendship, it’s also him realizing that it could have easily been him on the other side of the conflict, which breaks the illusion of him being better than everyone for a second. 
One of the core parts of Gojo and Geto's relationship is because they were special grades at such a young age, they both believe being the strongest makes them above other people. They just start out with radically different ideas about what that means, or what that obligates them too. It's literally in their introduction.
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Gojo comes to Utahime's rescue and then immediately mocks her for needing help. Geto then intervenes and scolds Gojo for picking on someone weaker than him, and it seems like he's standing up for her but really he's just looking down on her too by labeling her as weak because Geto just has another brand of superiority complex.
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Afterwards, they forget to put the curtain up and get lectured for it. Gojo complains post lecture that they shouldn't even need to put a curtain up to keep the Jujutsu World seperate from normal people. In this argument their difference in opinion is established, Gojo doesn't see any responsibility in being strong, whereas Geto believes that strong people are obligated to protect the weak for noblesse oblige reasons. Whereas, Gojo sees no such obligation to be responsible.
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Even if they disagree on what they are responsible for by being above others, they both think they are fundamentally above other people because of their power as Jujutsu Sorcerers. Geto's trouble throughout the entire arc is whether Non-sorcerers are worth protecting in the first place, seeing as Jujutsu Sorcerers have to continually die and young ages at that to protect a population that is oblivious to their suffering. Geto didn't believe in protecting other people out of the goodness of his heart, he believed having more power than other people, being in a superior position obligated him to protecting others.
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When we see Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen Zero trying to make an argument for his position, he's dropped all pretense about this and straight up preeches that Jujutsu Sorcerers are inherently superior, humans who can't use jujutsu are lesser, and Geto himself has developed a god complex to rival Gojo's. He's even like, the leader of a religion and dressed up in monks robes it's not subtle.
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Whereas, Gojo is now a follower of Geto's teaching, ironically because Geto reached out to him in that moment and stopped the slaughter of hundreds of people who were clapping for Riko's death. Gojo now believes that he should use his powers for a reason, whereas before he believed "applying reasoning and responsibility to jujutsu sorcerers is what weak people do."
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All of this to say, since Gojo and Geto is two different flavors of two incredibly strong sorcerers who develop a god/superiority complex that they think puts them above all other people, who then have a falling out over their differences, this makes them a pretty clear parallel to Kenjaku and Tengen.
2. Marvel's The Immortals
To an even more extreme extent, Kenjaku and Tengen have left all of their humanity behind.
They are both two different versions of a 1000+ year old being, who has transcended death. They both have themes of evolution pertaining to their characters.
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Tengen is referred to have evolved to the point where the entire world became himself. They're so connected to the world if they didn't control himself and seal himself in a barrier they would erase the boundaries between individuals. They're more cursed spirit than human being as well.
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Kenjaku even mocks them for their physical appearance, their four eyed face makes them resemble Sukuna, who was also just a normal sorcerer to begin with and amassed so much power they evolved into an even more terrifying cursed spirit.
Tengen is then therefore someone who has seperated themselves entirely from their humanity and left it behind, they live completely outside of society barriered away from it. They even announced that they cannot read the human heart (though that could be a lie, because apparently they knew each other beforehand back when they were still humans).
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Kenjaku also, has removed himself from humanity. Rather than Kenjaku himself evolving he is instead trying to force humanity around him to the next stage so that he can observe it. Tengen is the one who evolves, Kenjaku wants other people to evolve.
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They both take an observational role, witnessing humans and sorcerers pass by them for a thousand years. They both cheat death and escape the usual limits of mortality in order to continue their existence. They both also seem far removed from human emotions, when Choso tries to interrogate Kenjaku about a motive for his actions he responds "Lol, why not?"
Considering Kenjaku either doesn't care, or doesn't seem to understand why Choso would be so upset with him for his bad parenting it's safe to say Kenjaku understands the human heart about as well as Tengen does. Relationships are entirely transactional for Kenjaku, he only cares what he can get out of people or what benefit he can reap, so he only understands people so far as how he can use them.
The biggest difference between the two of them however, si that Tengen is someone who has completely removed themselves outside of humanity. Tengen left all of society behind to go meditate on a mountain somewhere. Kenjaku throws himself into the center of conflict, he strikes deals with sorcerers from the various eras in order to bring his plans to being. Tengen is entirely passive and seems to obey fate or even believe fate exists, Kenjaku is entirely active, battles against fate and order in order to try to create chaos and change.
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However, they are both essentially still appraoching the world from the same point of view, Tengen manages the barriers, and the order and stability of the world for Jujutsu Sorcerers because they are stronger than everyone else and immortal. The fact that they sacrificed young girls in order to perserve their own lifespan, rather than trying to kill themselves if their evolution was such a threat to the world shows they think they are more worthy of living. Kenjaku also tries to control the world because they believe they are inherently superior and knowledgable, they just try to push the world towards change rather than maintain the world as it was beforehand.
This chapter also plays with the idea of "Living as a human" and "Living as a curse." Choso himself believes that living as a curse was taking the easy way out, because he was scared it would have been harder for him and his brothers to live amongst humans because of possible rejections.
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In this sense weakness is openness to vulnerability and exposing yourself to the possibility of pain. They could live as strong curses unafraid of society's rejection, or they could try to live within society but have to cope with the fact that humans and Jujutsu Society would probably not accept them entirely, which is a painful way to live but not completely impossible.
Choso choosing to live as a curse was in a way his attempt to protect them and spare them that pain, even though he himself admits he was treating them like they were weak and couldn't survive people looking down on them.
He also mentions if he had chosen to live as a human to begin with, Yuji would be fighting together with three brothers isntead of being isolated and alone. Which is the inherent benefit of living as a human, you're able to form close relationships with people. Ironically, their superiority complexes is what destroys Gojo and Geto's relationship because they can't emotionally support each other as friends, and is implied to have destroyed Kenjaku and Tengen's too.
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Kenjaku tells Yuki to die as a human. Associating "death" with "humanity" implies that by surpassing death, both Kenjaku and Tengen have surpassed humanity itself. However, just like Choso's belief that living as a curse was taking the easy way out because they didn't have to try living with humans and spared themselves the pain, then aren't Kenjaku and Tengen also choosing the easy way? By trying to be curses, or something beyond human rather than human beings, they've completely denied any human vulnerability. They may be strong physically, but they're completely incapable of any kind of connections. They are entirely alone, both see themselves as above people, but their lives are empty and meaningless, Tengen doesn't do anything but watch, Kenjaku does everything he does for incredibly stupid and superfluous reasons. What I'm saying is, they're both losers. That's the takeaway at the end of the day.
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Opinion on Maki?
I like Maki as a character, I’m not sure I’d be close friends with her as a person but I think she could be an okay person to know. 
I like how Maki’s story isn’t really that closely related to the main story of JJK i.e. Kenjaku’s plan. She gets to have her own stuff, her life doesn’t exclusively revolve around Kenjaku, Sukuna, etc. At the same time her story is very strongly tied to the themes of JJK. It’s a story about an oppressive, abusive system and about how it can’t be reformed, just destroyed, and how it won’t be satisfying for those who would do that because of what it will cost them. It’s a story about a woman in a patriarchal system. About dehumanisation, being valued through the lens of strength, gender and assimilation into the status quo. About family. About loss and loneliness. About how much it costs to be true to yourself. How much strength is a false idol and power ups don’t mean shit, they are not worth it. About how sometimes it’s impossible to reconcile opposing desires/goals. 
But this is probably not what you’re asking for in terms of detailed answer XD
But for the longest time this was all I could come up with because I didn’t know how to frame a more complex answer. XD
I don't know if you wanted salt either but well, this is what I came up with. Sorry it took me months...
I think Maki is one of the characters that the fandom mistreats a lot. And various parts of the fandom mistreat her in various ways. 
“OMG Maki’s the worst for what she did to Mai” aka the victim blaming crowd
So to this group Maki not staying with the Zen’in for Mai’s sake is the worst crime. Often worse than what the Zen’in actually did to Mai, because hadn’t Maki left… 
I will be honest, I’m biassed against these people because Mai really reminds me of my abuser and the way these people excuse Mai’s behaviour rubs me the wrong way. Especially with how many of them openly say that they identify with Mai, or hint at that. To me it often feels that by excusing Mai’s rancid behaviour they try to excuse their own, and like whatever trauma you go through, it’s not okay to harm strangers and then excuse it with the said trauma. It may explain the behaviour but never justifies it, it’s still shitty behaviour and I actually like that JJK’s stance on that is consistently critical. 
The situation into which Maki and Mai were born was abusive and traumatising to both of them. Women in the Zen’in clan are less than men, their worth is measured by their looks and willingness to be meek and subservient. Also non sorcerers are treated as less than. 
Which actually made Maki’s start in that family harder and Mai’s. She had her Heavenly Restriction and a blunt personality, didn’t want to become a servant. Mai’s cursed technique and personality, on the other hand, made her seem slightly more palatable to the Zen’in. 
And this difference between them informed how they tried to cope with the abuse. 
Mai chose to try and make herself smaller and participate in the system, make herself as invisible as possible so that the oppressive system would not pay attention to her. The joke was on her because that strategy doesn’t offer much protection. Even if Maki had stayed, sooner or later the family would’ve remembered about them. If Naoya had forced himself on Mai there’s not guarantee that Maki could’ve protected her, if he groomed her, which I actually find more likely, then he would’ve forced a wedge between them first, isolated Mai maybe by showing her favour. Like Maki’s presence there would not have made Mai safer and would not have guaranteed that the Zen’in wouldn’t have turned them against each other.
Maki chose to try to defeat the system by playing by its rules. She wanted to become the head of the family, to become someone so strong and respected in the jujutsu society that she could take over the family. The joke was on her because the clan rules or the jujutsu society rules were never meant to work for her, they were meant to uphold the status quo. 
In their circumstances there was no right choice for either of them to make. It was the Zen’in’s choice to target Mai after Maki left. It was the Zen’in’s fault Maki wanted to leave in the first place. 
The Zen’in acted like textbook abusers who try to put the blame for their behaviour on the victims, want to make the victims feel responsible for what happens to other victims. And the fact how much the fandom is okay with that framing is sickening. Older children that get old enough to leave an abusive household often are blamed like this and often feel guilt that they wanted to protect themselves, as if they owe others their suffering. 
Maki wanted to come back, to make the Zeni’n clan more livable for herself and Mai. Her thinking was very naive, but so was Mai’s. They were both abused kids who had nowhere to turn for help. They both tried to survive in the way that felt the most reasonable to them. They both failed at what they tried.
The even more far gone “Maki exploited Mai” aka the victim blamers meet performative feminism crowd
Some fans go further, claiming that Mai was exploited for Maki’s power up. 
After their father brutalises the twins and leaves them to be mauled by the curses, Maki is ready to die with Mai. It’s very clear Maki missed Mai, that she loved her dearly despite their differences. Maki feels defeated and done. She and Mai are finally close again, finally talking again. And Maki is ready to die there with her. She finds closure in their reunion, however brief and tragic it is. She does not want Mai’s gift, she doesn’t not want Mai to leave her, she doesn’t want to live without Mai.
I could even call that moment Mai’s little revenge. But like endearingly, without any malice. I don’t judge Mai for what she does then, like I don’t judge Maki for what she did. The roles here are reversed. 
When Maki left the clan, she made that decision despite knowing Mai would not like it and that she was leaving Mai behind. As I said, she was justified to do that because she didn’t owe suffering to Mai. 
In their death scene, in the curse pit, Mai makes the decision to leave Maki behind even though Maki asks her not to. Maki doesn’t want to stay in the world without Mai, she calls Mai her heart. Maki’s subsequent revenge on the Zen’in is performed without any sense of achievement. It’s clear she feels nothing at that point. 
Saying that Mai got exploited for Maki’s power up does not only willfully ignore how Maki behaved in that situation and how she reacted. It also disrespects Mai.
Abuse strips people of true agency and reclaiming even a sliver of that agency always comes at a cost. Maki’s was separation from her beloved sister. Mai also showed some agency then, it may feel awful to call it that, but she did make a choice to stay because it aligned more with her personality and desires. The alternatives both of them were presented with were awful, and neither made a true free choice, but they both showed some agency. Because abuse usually offers people such shitty choices, so their acts of agency are marred with regret and doubt and maybe even resentment.
In their death scene Mai shows her agency again, this time it is her who makes a choice for both of them because she’s the one with the power in that situation. Maki wouldn’t have been able to heal Mai and leave her with a weapon or with her strength. She also wouldn’t want to because she knows that Mai doesn’t not want to fight. Maki never pressures Mai to leave the Zen’in with her because she knows Mai doesn’t want the sorcerer's life. 
Mai still chose between two shitty options: die alone and leave Maki or die together. But she chose the one which aligned the most with her own desires and the one that she surely thought was the most aligned with Maki’s. 
When Maki left the Zen’in clan, Mai felt abandoned by her. I wish she understood that it was the Zen’in who took Maki away from her because they made it impossible for Maki to stay there, maybe then Mai’s fans wouldn’t be so confused. Maki actually realises who took Mai away from her. 
The nastiest part of the exploitation take is when its proponents pull gender into it. Try to align Mai with femininity and Maki with masculinity. I’ve written about how messed up it is to call Maki masculine. And this is done very deliberately to make hating on Maki “excusable”. 
When this sort of terfy “feminism” is used, it comes with the belief that masculinity is by default bad and anyone aligned with it becomes by default the exploiter, the abuser, the powerful one in the situation. And hating men has become normalised in terf infested online “lefty” discourse. 
So if they first align Maki with masculinity and Mai with femininity, then they can sound justified in talking about Mai being exploited, Mai being the sole victim of that situation. And Maki is the evil one.
They can willfully misinterpret the Zen’in massacre as some male power fantasy that Maki has enacted and ignore Maki’s words or state of mind. Maki is not “feminine” enough in her grief, she’s not hysterical and crying. Maybe if she was like Megumi or Yuuji, those unmanly crying weaklings, then it would’ve shown that she really cared.  
The “Maki is just Touji 2.0” aka the what the heck is story analysis and reading comprehension crowd
I don’t even want to devote too much time to these people. Because their point boils down to: Maki has the same powers as Touji so she’s exactly the same character as him, or like a replacement for him. And my main reaction to this is honestly just sighing and rolling my eyes.
Because seriously, both characters have more to them than just their powers.
 They have different personalities. 
The Zen’in clan had a different attitude to them, despite the clan rejecting them both. 
The way they relate to other characters is completely different.
Their character arcs are different.
Their role in the story is completely different. 
The way they play into the themes of the story is different. 
Their Heavenly Restriction and blood relation are the only two similarities. And the fact that the Zen’in shitstains only see Maki through the lens of her gender or her strength. Maki had failed as a woman, completely when she became disfigured, Naoya was very clear about that. So she was measured by them only by her strength. And the only way they could find a point of reference for that strength was by equating her to the one they had all rejected and feared: Touji.
Oh, okay, I forgot Maki now has the same hairstyle as Touji, my bad, they are the same character.
I think that there are two major drivers for people to hold the opinion that Maki is just Touji 2.0. 
There are the “archetypes, tropes and parallels” people. People who when they interact with new stories try to find similarities to other stories and when they catch a glimpse, a faint scent, of a trope or archetype they will latch onto it and then zero in on everything that will  confirm that yes, this is it, it is done exactly the same way as in other stories. And they will willfully ignore any creative deviations in how the story uses the trope or archetype. 
Or if the cognitive dissonance becomes too much they will get upset at the story and the author, which is extremely common among the JJK casual watchers/readers turned haters when the story turns out not to be what they assumed it would be. 
And the same for inside the story parallels. For them a parallel between X and Y often means that X and Y are the exact same thing. Like they will aggressively try to prove that Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi are a repeat of Gojou, Getou and Shoko due to I guess, the gender ratio matching, even if doing that means ignoring everything about these characters. And they will also do it when it comes to Maki and Touji. 
The other group are the fandom rancid homophobes who are often, but not exclusively, Gojou or Getou or SatoSugu fans. Their main point is that they decided that Gege is a man (which may be true, but Gege doesn’t officially gender themself) and that Gege wants to fuck some of the characters they’d created. 
There are 2 characters that are most often mentioned as the objects of Gege’s supposed carnal desires: Touji and Sukuna… 
Okay, I will be blunter because it’s not only homophobia but also like with an extra layer of bottom prejudice. Gege is accused of “dick riding” the characters, and that’s not an accident. As isn’t the fact that disrespecting Kenjaku, when it takes a sexualised form, is always about them taking it from behind from Jin. Because these people - and I can’t stress this enough, a lot of these people ship M/M ships - these people will still love to treat homosexuality as degrading, especially being a bottom. 
These people will just say that Gege can’t live without Touji so Maki is in the story solely so Touji can be mentioned. They will also often frame it in performative feminism, because how dare Gege mention Touji sometimes when Maki is concerned, that means that Gege doesn’t care about Maki at all and is just thinking about Touji. When it’s most likely the fans just see Maki as Touji because they don’t really care about either character and they don’t know what they are about.
The “Gege killed Maki on International Women’s Day” aka the no object permanence meets performative feminism crowd
So these are the “champions of feminism” in the fandom. Those who will scream that “Gege hates women”. And the moment Maki gets hurt and isn’t instantly shown to be alive, those people will instantly assume Maki was killed. And scream that “Gege hates women”.
It doesn’t matter that it makes no sense considering what Maki’s been through in the story thus far. It doesn’t matter that it reeks of terfism and misogyny to assume that even small damage a female character takes means that she is incapacitated/dead, when it’s not assumed of male characters in the same story who are taking much more serious damage. 
What matters is performing feminism on social media and feeling justified in posting vitriol targeted at Gege.
In the way the fandom treats her, Maki suffers from not being a sexyman but sharing her powers with one. She also suffers from not doing the victim of abuse and dehumanisation right.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 1 year
Becoming Enemies with Gojo Satoru (BEEF Series)
description: mentions of recent jjk spoilers, gojo unsealing. this post was originally going to center around my girl shoko because what did our girl go through??? and also I added the reader as a sort of moral support for her and since she's a caring friend she sort of ends up having some 'beef' with gojo (maybe I should call it that).
additional tags: slow burn (series), enemies to friends to lovers, future mentions of mental health struggles (not in this chapter), and witty conversations to come.
warnings: mentions of drinking and smoking. Enemies to friends in this post. idk what this is btw, it's like a mix of head cannons and a story so enjoy!
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru starts before meeting him. It starts in the manifestations appearing in Shoko’s face. The bags under her eyes, the slight change of mood, and the new cigarette box you spy from the corner of your eye. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru feels justified, reasonable to hold dislike at the world’s strongest when a fellow friend of his dwells in the past, in stress of bringing him back. You assume if he was this bad of a friend, then surely he’d be a terrible partner. 
You grow to resent the man. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru leaves your stomach with an unsettling feeling. You mentally throw profanities at the man while you pick up Shoko from the bar, nudging her to get some rest. Her hair is disheveled and you begin to worry if she’s emotionally in the now or then. 
It doesn’t matter as long as he returns, she says that drunken night. He has to return. 
You worry if she’s doing it for her sake. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru has altered your concept of time, you feel as though you’ve spent years hating the man burdening your friend. 
“We’ve found a book,” shoko tells you one night, “It might work.”
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru means that you’re not there for him. You’re not there when he’s unsealed. You’re not there when he defeats Sukuna or Kenjaku; you’re a busy woman with an occupied schedule working alongside Shoko. If no one has, you have made it your personal goal to stick beside her. Even as much as she may grumble, you know deep down she appreciates you. 
And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru has centered your life. You hear daily news in the jujutsu world that the man has been acquainted with a young man who is believed to be immune to something (you don’t pay enough mind). “There’s still a chance for you to get out of this world,” Shoko informs you one sunday night, “Being a jujutsu sorcerer can bring you pain, so it’s not too late if you wanna call it quits.” 
You lean forward and squeeze the hand of your friend. 
“I’m not leaving you in any world.” 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru comes with the luxury of not having to think about him for a few days now, until you walk in on him and Shoko conversing inside a patient room. Your friend calls your name, “This is Gojo. Gojo, this is my friend and colleague.”
It takes more effort than you’d like to admit to smile and shake his hand. “Pleased to meet the pretty lady.” The white haired man grins, “Let me guess, you also cheated your way through med-school?”
You wished your hand were made of fire. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru makes you raise your guard. He has been visiting Shoko’s lab for a few days now, and while you won’t ask Shoko why, you hope he’ll leave soon. His face is starting to tire you and his height makes you wonder if he could really lift you. His hands seemed strong enough. 
Maybe it was best to consider a vacation. 
Or a date. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru is harder than you’d like to admit. You think this one late night. The lab was busy and paperwork needed to be filled, so you offered Shoko you’d stay to finish. 
“Hey!” a long hand waves, calling your name. “You’re Shoko’s friend. What are you doing here late at night?”
You feel yourself deflate, great.
“I’m going home,” you answer coldly, hoping that he’d get the message to leave you alone. 
He doesn’t. 
Becoming enemies with gojo satoru turns to tolerating his presence, including his jokes.
“Do you normally get out of work in these ungodly hours?” you ask, enough for the man to know you’re not happy with his presence. 
“You mean cursed-ly hours.” he laughs to himself as if it were the funniest thing to have crawled out of his mouth, “but not always. You see, curses linger during specific hours of the day, generally defined by their grade level. So you can have a grade 1 curse one night, and a special grade for another.”
It was like you were being schooled first grade math. 
“Uh huh,” you nod, not really impressed by what he had to say, “So what grade did you get this time?”
He grins, “Special grade.”
 “So you made it back in one piece.” you say, half sarcastically, motioning to him with your eyes.
The sorcerer beside you is quick to use the scan you give him to his advantage. Yup, all arms and limbs intact. Pity. 
“Why?” he asks, teasingly. “Wanted to check me out?”
“Absolutely not.” 
“Then… why are you blushing?”
“I’m wearing blush, idiot.”
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mexfavecharacters · 2 months
Wrote another one. Wasn't as proud as I thought I'd be with the other one. Unsure about this one too but whatever
I do not give permission to repost this on any other platform. If you see this anywhere else, that isn't me and it was probably stolen
This is a self insert, NOT an x reader
Also tw for incest. If that's not your thing, please don't read. I do what I want
Being the anchor to this polygamous relationship is much harder than one would think. Different people with different opinions, people who were/still are enemies with one another, not to mention a literal curse who killed someone. That's what C.C. has in his daily life. He revived Kento, Suguru, Satoru, Kokichi, Toji, and even Mahito. It's still funny seeing that people who were against one another are now dating in some way or another, like Mahito and Kento or Toji and his own son, Megumi.
Despite everything and despite Megumi being in existence, everyone hasn't fucked before. C.C. was everyone's first. The numerous times C.C. and everyone fucked each other made them all pretty good at it more or less. But that's another thing for another time.
Right now, none of that matters as C.C. and her spouses are all in bed, snuggled up to one another, naked.
C.C. crawls on top of Toji, and starts grinding, much to Sukuna's displeasure. He moves closer, grinding his two cocks against C.C.'s ass, growling. "Heh, looks like someone is jealous lmao" C.C. chuckles, moving away from Toji, and gets out of the shared bed. Giving a look to Toji and Sukuna, the two move quite close to one another. They know.
C.C. gets back in bed, and crawls on top of Sukuna and Toji, before lowering themselves down onto their cocks. "C'mon guys, no need to lay there watching. Come join" was all C.C. had to say before everyone joins in.
Satoru was the first, who lubed himself up via his spit, and went in her ass. Suguru was next, who inserted himself in Satoru.
Megumi was next, only he grabbed a fist full of Toji's hair and forced his cock into his mouth. Kento gets up and does the same thing Megumi did to Satoru, followed up by Mahito inserting himself into Kento.
Somewhere else on the bed, Kenjaku does his own thing to Uraume, while they kiss Sukuna.
Yuji is more gentle to Megumi, who slowly inserts his cock into Megumi's mouth, without choking him, and finally Kokichi goes in Megumi.
Giving the usual signal, everyone moves together, C.C. riding Sukuna and Toji, and everyone else fucking one another. "Fuck C.C." Toji groaned as he's still forced to suck his own son off, his voice going a higher pitch, trying to bring C.C.'s head down so he can burry his head into his neck, to no avail. "You feel so fucking good. So fucking tight" Sukuna moaned, successfully burring his face into the crook of C.C.'s neck. "Take it all Satoru, you got this baby" Kento growled out, shoving his full length into Satoru's throat, "Damnit your mouth feels amazing" he continues, unable to stay silent. Lots of moaning, groaning, and whimpering can be heard. "You ok Meg?" Yuji asks, making sure he isn't going too hard, to which Megumi gives a thumbs up. "FUCK SATORU, FUCKING DAMNIT YOU FEEL TOO GOOD!" Suguru shouts and moans, cumming already. Despite that, he keeps going.
"Hehe, you're so tight, Kento." Mahito then lets out a chuckle, "Damn, I didn't think you'd be so turned on by me," he continues, chuckling more. "Sorry dear, there's something I have to do," Kenjaku speaks before pulling out of Uraume. He gets up and forces Suguru to suck him off, earning a gag from Suguru. Uraume sighs and gets up and lowers themself on top of Sukuna's face. "Fuck Sukuna, your mouth does wonders" they moan out, continuing to pleasure themself. Sukuna's stomach mouth licks C.C's bellybutton which earns him a laugh from her. "I know right" C.C. laughed, replying to Uraume. "Guess he should be called the king of oral" they continued, earning a chuckle from everyone. Moans, groans, whimpering can all be heard as everyone is fucking, getting louder and louder as everyone reaches their climax. "Fuck C.C., you have a nice ass" Satoru tries to say through Kento's cock.
Kokichi only lets out grunts, and some moans, but like C.C., he's also pretty silent.
"Megumi, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum" Yuji whimpers out as he spills his fluid inside Megumi's mouth, who is happily taking it all
"Gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna cuuuuuuuummmmmm" Satoru moans out through Kento's cock, filling up C.C.'s ass, some of it leaking out and onto Sukuna and Toji's inner thigh, following up with Sukuna and Toji cumming inside, moaning loudly. "Ugh, Satoru, take it. Take it aaaallllllll" Kento goans out, shooting his load in Satoru's mouth. Kenjaku is next, groaning out as he forces his length into Suguru's mouth, finishing inside. "Yes, yes yes, take it all you dumb fuck" Kenjaku growls as Suguru chokes a little. "Oh fuck, oh shit, gonna cum" Kokichi whispers as he shoots his cum in Megumi.
"Take it all sweety" Mahito cooes, cumming inside Kento, who moans through it. Uraume releases their fluids as Sukuna laps it up like a dog drinking water. Finally after everyone finishes their release, the noise dies down, as everyone pulls out of one another, except for C.C., who is way too tired, choosing to stay on top of Sukuna and Toji. Everyone gets back in bed and snuggles up to C.C.
"I love you all" was all they said before falling asleep. Many "I love yous" and other varients can be heard before everyone else falls asleep.
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kenjakusbrainstem · 1 year
Roleplay (Kenjaku x Mahito)
First NSFW prompt of Mahito Month and it's a small taste of an idea I've had for sometime now. Maybe I will expand upon this in the future but for now here is my take on Mahito's side of my idea! Hopefully you enjoy it~ reblog or comment if you have any thoughts! Cross-posted to Ao3 under the same name and shared to twitter as kenjakusbrain!
It had taken quite a little time for Mahito to come to this conclusion. He had been trying to figure out a way to keep Geto’s attention focused on him. Lately they had been so entrenched in getting things ready for Geto’s plan in Shibuya that the man was more distracted than he normally was. He certainly hadn’t been paying enough attention to the curse, and that was annoying to Mahito.
What was so special about Gojo Satoru anyway? He hadn’t even heard of the man until Geto came around so he couldn’t be that important. Even Jogo had begun to talk about the man ever since he was unable to beat him in a fight. Even if he was strong, he had been the only thing they had spoken about for a few days, and Mahito was sick of it!
The curse did have a plan though, he’d done some research on the sorcerer. Maybe he could scare some sense into Geto, seeing as the man had mentioned that one of the most important parts of the plan was that Gojo didn’t see him until immediately before they planned on sealing him.
Shape shifting was something that Mahito did regularly, though he usually emulated animals instead of people. It wasn’t so difficult for him, though the slightly taller frame was somehow harder to adjust to than when he turned into a fish. The easiest part was obtaining clothing, since he was a curse, it hadn’t been hard for him at all to sneak into a shop and grab something similar to Gojo Satoru’s normal clothing.
Mahito was ready to put his plan into action as he waited outside of the entrance to Dagon’s domain. The curse waited until he could feel the strange soul that was Geto approaching. Funny, he too could see just fine with the blindfold on.
As Geto stepped onto the same floor as Mahito, he waited til the man put his hand on the doorknob to step out of the shadows. Mahito knew if he spoke he would lose his chance at keeping the illusion up so he kept quiet, the smirk Jogo had complained about so much plastered on his face.
It was as if all the air left the hall in which they stood. Geto’s hand hovered inches away from the doorknob as his head slowly tilted to stare at Mahito. The look on Geto’s face was completely unreadable. He didn’t look angry, confused, or even amused. The curse felt a wave of unease wash over him, but he stepped closer regardless.
Or at least, he tried to. Some force was holding him still, he was completely able to move as if some gravitational force was anchoring him down.
“Mahito, what do you think you’re doing?” The question left Geto’s lips as the man still hadn’t moved more than to see the curse better. 
The curse didn’t answer, being unable to move had left him speechless. For the first time, Mahito felt that he may be experiencing regret for the first time. Especially with the way it felt like Geto’s gaze was what was trapping him in place.
“Did you want attention that badly? Were you trying to startle me?” Geto asked, turning to walk toward the curse as he spoke. 
Mahito could feel the pressure around him dissolve enough for him not to feel as strangled. Lifting his hands he pulled the blindfold down, though the stitches remained on his face, his eyes brightly glimmered in the light. As blue as any six eyes user.
“You only talk about Gojo and I was hoping you’d look more frightened if you thought your big plans were ruined,” Mahito said. His words were honest, he had been jealous and wanted to play a trick on the curse user. It wasn’t the smartest idea he’d ever had, but it was something the curse had found amusing.
Geto stopped walking as soon as Mahito dropped the blindfold. It wasn’t the fact that Mahito had tried to trick him that upset Geto, it wasn’t even the use of Gojo Satoru’s form so close to their hideout. The sight of the eyes that had bested him time and time again set alight a fire inside Geto’s body. Mahito’s words barely registered in his head as he stared into the shiny eyes sitting where a different shade of blue should be.
Mahito once again felt a weight come down on him, try as he might the curse was unable to move from where he stood. 
“You’ve had your fun with the six eyes, now it's time for me to have my fun,” Geto threatened as he stepped closer toward the curse.
Mahito was dizzy, he was still held still by the strange gravitational force that had to have been some kind of jujutsu Geto hadn’t told him about. The man had moved him into one of the abandoned apartments in the complex their hideout was in and forced him down in front of a mirror.
At first all Mahito could focus on was the way the invisible force pressed him into the cool counter. Now he could barely form a thought as Geto’s thick cock slid in and out of him at a violent pace. It felt so good and yet so overwhelming, Mahito would have been grinding back into it could he move.
The lack of control made him feel weak, yet it didn’t make him angry. He wanted more of what Geto could give him, he’d never seen the normally so composed man fall apart quite like this. The sensations Geto was making him feel were addicting.
Geto’s hand had been in his hair, or rather Gojo’s short white hair, grip tight and holding the curse’s face up. While Mahito’s eyes had glazed over from all the pleasure he was feeling, they still shimmered brightly in the dim light. Gleaming even in the reflection of the dusty mirror. The sight kept Geto’s thrusts sharp and constant.
“You didn’t expect this, did you, six eyes?” Geto’s words came out in between pants. He sounded like his composure was slipping, as if Mahito had somehow sparked something inside of him neither of them fully expected.
Mahito couldn’t respond, even to tease the man about not really being Gojo Satoru. This was clearly something personal to Geto, though Mahito had no way of knowing this. All the curse knew was that Geto had never fucked him this hard before. 
The curse was far too lost in pleasure to notice that Geto’s eyes had not left his own even for a second since they’d made it into this room. He’d never felt more powerful than when he was holding down Gojo Satoru and using him like his own personal toy. That Mahito could do this for him, made the curse all the more valuable.
Mahito was already entertaining enough to keep around, yet through all of his shape shifting, this wasn’t something Geto had thought of himself. He was attracted to Mahito so this layer of roleplay wasn’t needed, but the opportunities it presented made Geto’s thrusts stutter, losing their rhythm and becoming random. 
He had no need for imagination when this powerful curse could be anything he wanted. The possibilities were limitless.
As Geto reached his peak, finishing inside of Mahito, he let out a moan neither of them expected. It was desperate sounding, the vulnerable sound coming from Geto paired with the way he fucked himself through his own orgasm made Mahito finish against the sink. 
Through his own pleasurable haze the curse noted to himself, he wanted to be able to pull that noise from Geto himself. Without changing into someone else, without needing to be the six eyes.
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ultfreakme · 10 months
One thing that bothers me about jujutsu is that the author doesn't know how to develop some characters. 1 Shoko Ieri is an interesting character but I find her apathetic without a cold and superficial personality. 2 itadori yuji doesn't seem to be a protagonist he seems more like a tool than the protagonist of the work. 3 nobara had no development dry and emotionless death. and many other characters. There were only 2 characters that really had development, which was gojo and geto, for me, they were the only ones that had it. Why do you think the author did this, is it because he didn't want to develop the characters that's why he killed many important characters? I would appreciate it if you respond.
Yeah he's bad at developing female characters. Shoko seems very interesting but her powers haven't been really explored and she's relegated to waiting on the sidelines. Obviously she doesn't have to fight to have development but her skills can still be interwoven into the story. Although, I do think her personality makes a lot of sense. All her dead friends and colleagues are deposited at her feet and their life or death depends on her. If she becomes emotional, she wouldn't be able to survive it. The detachment is necessary for her to do her work. My only gripe is her lack of screen time and lack of focus on her during the Hidden Inventory Arc.
Nobara's death feels like such a waste. Now I'm not a professional writer but I do know a thing or two about planning stories from writing fics.
I usually plot out key events and fill in the blanks as I go along. There are times when I have to remove or alter a key event from the outline because while filling the gaps, the characters reacted differently to what I first imagined. So I come to a crossroads; modify the character so they'd trigger the key event, or change the key event? It's a juggle between both.
I think Akutami had all his key events in place to convey the overall theme of his story but when filling the gaps of the outline, the characters gained their own voice and started acting too differently to accomplish the key events. So maybe he chose to alter and remove characters instead of changing the story trajectory?
Eg: Yuuji v Mahito needs to happen -> Yuuji defeats Mahito but fails in killing him -> Kenjaku gets Mahito -> Start the Culling Games
Now, Mahito needs to be alive by the time Kenjaku arrives and perhaps this could've made sense if it was just Yuuji v Mahito & maybe Todo. BUT. Nobara is handcrafted to destroy Mahito. She is accidentally the perfect opponent for a majority of the main villains(she could probably find a way to take on Kenjaku or be key in figuring out how he works).
Nobara's capable of being a grade 1 sorcerer and is aware that Mahito can transform souls. We saw Nanami being unaffected because he protected himself with CE so Nobara SHOULDN'T HAVE DIED THERE even if she wasn't aware of the Mahito switch because we have precedent that a grade 1 or similar level sorcerer is harder to transmogrify and can protect themselves! Nobara is fine with excruciating pain and likely has a good grasp on souls because of her powers so even if was changed, I don't think she should have died in Shibuya.
That Mahito fight, emotionally would have paid off way better if Yuuji + Nobara destroyed him. But that fully deviates from whatever emotional arc Akutami has planned for Yuuji so it just, couldn't happen. So he removed a character (also Mahito needed to be taken by Kenjaku to start CG so, it's for practical reasons as well).
I think Yuuji's lack of presence is also because of this altering the character thing. I don't know if Akutami like, really thought about the power scaling well? Because prior to the last 10 or so chapters, Yuuji was NOT strong. Him not having a CT really set him back in terms of ability. Plopping him into a setting where everyone is more powerful than him accidentally made him seem futile in taking down Sukuna and Kenjaku. The problem, I think, is:
Yuuji's been nerfed.
The story itself keeps mocking or rejecting his dreams to help others and makes his dreams seem futile and foolish.
Strength and selfishness is important in Culling Games and even Shibuya arc. In Shibuya arc he got to grow stronger but in CG he's nothing extraordinary or stand-out. CG is like a bunch of egomaniacs fighting so I thought Yuuji's uniqueness would be exemplified to discuss what true strength and selflessness means but it just, continues being an ego clash of 'might is right'. Right now, it's getting more even but it took way too long for Yuuji to find his footing and now everyone has lost track of Yuuji and his visions. It's like his goal of giving everyone a respectable death has been deemed too stupid.
Like you START the series by giving your character a goal; be strong, protect others, don't die alone. It's fine to change these goals....but now Yuuji's goals haven't been given enough focus so I have no idea where he's at right now because the series turned into a death game.
I think Culling Games is terrible at giving the main characters anything. The new characters are fine, but after watching the old cast die off, it feels harder to get attached to any of the new people because-- Why? None of the main characters interact with them and when they do it's all just fights, and we never know the new characters beyond their CT. Often times they just die anyways or disappear.
I think it's coming back to Yuuji now. I binge-read the manga up to the middle of the Sukuna v Gojo fight so I'm not really done processing all the information to really see what Akutami is trying here.
On Gojo and Geto- yeah they feel really well developed. Geto's arc is contained and done so it's impossible to tamper with or make worse. I find that a lot of writers do well when a story is shorter and there's a specific start and end goal. Gojo too, I agree although Akutami seems to have had a hard time (I think him dying was tragic but I see no point in him coming back anymore, his death was done well. I think we just grew numb as readers to deaths because it keeps happening repeatedly). Gojo and Geto were plotted even before the main series so they probably had a lot more time to be fleshed out and written so it's no surprise they're so well done.
WRT why Gege Akutami made the choices he made? I don't know. I've only been back in JJK fandom for a like a month or two. I don't want to speculate on his thought process when I'm not really that good at keeping track of the characters and their progressions but if I had to guess....I think this is happening for practical reasons. CG characters are numerous and new, each with weird CTs. I can't imagine keeping track of ALL of them and using their weirdly specific CTs to their full potentials at all times and writing on a weekly basis.
Characters will be left behind, powers will go unused. I think this wouldn't be as much of a problem if we had a main cast focus but we don't. We spend a little too much time with the side characters and one-off characters with zero involvement from Yuuji so when these characters disappear, it feels all the more strange.
My boring answer to the lack of development on many side characters is a weekly schedule pressure thing.
His other reason for killing off characters might be two things;
the man doesn't know how to write female characters
the themes of JJK makes it so that death is normal and plot armor isn't spared for main characters.
First point's self-explanatory, but the second...I think this is what happens when you don't put plot armor on anyone. The entire franchise imo is a critique of social systems that oppress the people living under it and even having the ability to see the damage the social systems cause isn't enough to stop them, only potentially raise awareness and do small fixes. Geto's arc is like, a very on-the-nose example of how capitalism makes it so that the laborer is detached from the product their work is contributing to. Just like in real life, we may be aware, but we individuals can't do shit. The only ones who manage to thrive are the ones who are already powerful.
If JJK is following this theme, then it's mandatory for characters to suffer. No one can escape this(well, no one has found a way to). These deaths become important in showing how depressingly futile things are. It is unfair, it is wrong. But modern society is just, like that. The weak get trample, only the strong can speak. In a world ruled by strength, there is no point pursuing anything else(*ahem* Sukuna *ahem*).
So in a way I think the death part works. They would work better and feel justified if the characters weren't forced to be developed on a tight schedule and Akutami knew how to write women.
That's my......huge answer. Idk if this properly answered the ask. It's just my opinions. Idk, what do you think?
Thanks for sending me this btw!
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midnightshade · 2 years
Kenjaku & His Emotional Attachments: An Analysis
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Kenjaku is a character with a lot more emotional depth than a lot of the fandom tends to give him credit for. He's peculiar in the sense that he's an incredibly charismatic and lively character who seems to push back against any notion of being close to someone.
I joke with my friends sometimes that Kenjaku is a Tsundere™ but I do think that holds some weight to it. Not in the traditional meaning of the word, mind you, but I have noticed that his words don't always align with his actions 
In his battle against Choso, he refers to Yūji as a "thing" and claims he doesn't have any real plans for him. Despite this, not only did Kenjaku go out of his way to kill the ones who ordered Yūji's execution, he personally thanked Sasaki for being kind to "his son."
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We see the same treatment extended to Tengen. He refers to her as an "it" or a "thing" just as he did with Yūji, but as soon as he's alone with her after defeating Choso and Yuki, he refers to her as a friend
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Angel, in a previous chapter, refers to Kenjaku as a social chameleon with a forked tongue —
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— and I think that's spot on. Kenjaku is a people person. He's not just the manipulative villain pulling the strings from behind for his own curiosity. He actively enjoys living, and I imagine that same zest for life extends to people as well. He almost reminds me of Greed from Fullmetal Alchemist in that aspect. He isn't a good man, but he is nice and honestly very likable.
He has more layers and complexity to his emotions than people give him credit for, but I think part of it is because he himself is so adverse to getting close to people. He's charming and can be polite, but we haven't seen him make any real, deep connections with his current allies.
I think he's scared in some way. He gets connected to a few people without meaning to, namely Yūji and Tengen (who he obviously has history with) and it seems his knee-jerk reaction is to deny that he actually cares for someone, even if it's a twisted version of love
He may have been burned in the past and, as a result, puts up walls to ensure he doesn't get hurt. That, or perhaps he realized getting attached when you're essentially immortal, is foolish, or maybe he really has lived so long it's harder for him to access those emotions
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That aside, you can't convince me that a character who is steeped in depictions of motherhood and fertility wouldn't have an attachment to the one child he personally carried and birthed. It might not be a conscious decision on his part, but he definitely feels something for Yūji
Gege always goes the extra mile to humanize his villains. They're treated as real people who, despite their crimes, are still capable of feeling and of having some positive interactions with others. Kenjaku is no exception.
He's still deeply threatening, powerful, and villainous while showcasing a more human side to himself because at the end of the day, that's what he is: a human.
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