#we all know the picture I’m referencing right
yesandpeeps · 9 months
Picture that makes you go hmmm
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Imperium: (noun) absolute power.
Has he bit off more than he can chew?
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sugurusombereyes · 4 months
sleepy mornings with suguru
“c’mon we have to get up.”
sunlight peeked through your half closed curtains, the liquid gold painting your exposed skin in the warmth geto gave you whenever you were in his presence. you attempted to cover your eyes from it since you already were going blind from your horrible eyesight that suguru would always tease you about.
(he would then later tell you in bed how it was a joke and he wasn’t making fun of you. you would then smile and tell him that you knew, his small doubts sending a flutter to your heart that was practically beating outside your chest)
shoko and gojo would constantly talk about how you and geto were complete opposites all the time. how he was the sunlight that everyone would be trying to get in pictures and how you were the night sky that he would disappear into.
(it was supposed to be somewhat of an insult to geto as he would always be teased about how he was so much softer around you. but he took it as a compliment as he truly felt like he could be himself around you)
“wake up.”
you groan for the fifth time in the past minute, you both had slept in for the past three days as you the two of you didn’t have work. but it got to a point where you most literally wouldn’t leave the bed, as much as you weren’t a morning person you had to take some control over your zombie body.
and zombie boyfriend.
“m’tired angel go back to sleep.” he groaned, turning over to your side and attempting to rest his head on your chest as you pushed him off. you rolled your eyes and tried to rub the tiredness out of them, “we all sing.” you referenced to that one video of victoria justice that would make geto cringe as you would cry out laughter which would make tears fall out of his eyes at your reaction to his facial expression. “close your eyes.” geto slapped his hands over your eyelids and attempted to close them as you giggled.
“i’m not sleepy sugu, we need to-.”
his big arms immediately wrapped you up in a giant bear hug, trapping you towards his body while your face met his chest and his chin meeting the top of your head. “getooo.” you groaned as he let out a laugh, his husky voice dripping like honey into your veins and slowing down your blood rushing as well as the moment. “i rarely get these with you so let’s just relax a bit, yeah?” he murmured into your hair, pressing a soft kiss onto your forehead.
(the same feeling heat that would make him blush rising up to your cheeks)
“you always have me.” you say quietly, relaxing your body into his. intertwining your legs and practically sewing together your hearts even though they were at very different placements geto still felt like his heart was stitched with the colour of your eyes.
“mm i know baby, just wanna love on you right now.” suguru rubs your back soothingly, slowly and gently as you sigh in content; your eyes drooping down as he snaked a hand underneath your t shirt and drew shapes that you were too tired to guess on the curves of your hips. “love you.” you sleepily mutter, your breathing slowing down as you couldn’t fight off the drowsiness. “don’t say you love me more or i’ll haunt you in your dreams.” suguru nods while fighting off a laugh. you yawn as his heartbeat fades out as you fall into a deep slumber.
“i love you most angel.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
We're Getting Married Now?
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!LAPD!reader
Summary: When Tim finds out you need a fake boyfriend to take to your cousin's wedding, he steps up and offers to go with you. After a night in his arms, you learn that his "boyfriend act" isn't just an act.
Warnings: I referenced a few lines from The Rookie (no spoilers though), a few vague mentions of insecurities and rude family members (they apologize). lots and lots of fluff!! one bed trope?
Word Count: 4.3k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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When your phone rings on the way to work, you don’t expect to see your aunt’s name on the caller ID. 
“Hello?” you greet. 
“Hey, sweetheart. I was going through the seating chart for your cousin’s wedding and seemed to have misplaced your RSVP,” she explains. 
“I, uh, I didn’t get an invite. She’s getting married?”
“Of course. You lot aren’t getting any younger, as I’m sure you know, and when she met her fiancé, well, I think we all knew. Anyway, you say you didn’t get an invite? Must’ve gotten lost in the mail, those incompetent kids aren’t as reliable as they used to be. I suppose that explains your lack of congratulations, though, which I’m sure everyone will be relieved to hear.”
“I bet,” you mumble before asking, “So what do you need from me? Sorry to interrupt, but I’m nearly to work.”
“Oh, yes, I’m sorry, I suppose the wedding planning is making me a touch scatter brained. All I need from you is a confirmation that you are attending. It’s at her fiancé’s family orchard, I’ll send you the address. Everyone is coming out Friday evening and the wedding is Sunday afternoon.”
“Uh, yeah, I have this weekend off. I may be a bit later on Friday, but I’ll be there.”
“And I’ll assume you’re still single, so no plus one. Although, sweetie, you really shouldn’t let this discourage you. I’m sure you have plenty going for you and the right man is out there somewhere,” she says, lowering her voice as pity laces every word. 
“Actually, I’ll be bringing my boyfriend. If there’s room for one more, of course.”
The words come out before you can stop them, and after you slam your gear shift up and set your brake, you grip your steering wheel with both hands. 
“Boyfriend? Well, good for you, sweetheart, I didn’t want to seem insensitive before, but your clock is ticking! I will put you down for two then. Oh, one more thing-“
“I’m actually at work and can’t be late. I’ll see you Friday,” you rush out before ending the call. 
Hitting the back of your head against the headrest, you wonder who you can ask on such short notice. Getting a fake boyfriend is entirely avoidable, of course. You’d have to tell another lie about him being sick or dumping you or call your aunt and explain that her constant jabs at your lacking love life pushed you to speak without thinking. 
“That would go well,” you murmur as you gather the strength to get out of your car. 
She’d probably say something like, “Well then he just wasn’t the one,” before telling everyone that you did something to get dumped, or she’d remind you that you’re running out of time, it’s practically too late, so you should stop trying. You don’t mind being single, but she rips you apart, finding a way to make it your fault for being too busy with work, unwilling to compromise, or “looking too chubby in red.” (Her words.)
As you walk into the station and change into your uniform, you are struck with the perfect idea. 
“Nolan!” you call, rushing to his side before he can enter roll call. “I need a favor.”
“Uh, yeah, I’ll do what I can,” he answers kindly. 
“Long story short I need a fake boyfriend to go to my cousin’s wedding or my aunt will expose me as a dirty rotten liar who can’t get a boyfriend.”
“Wow,” Nolan responds. “Does she really- never mind. When’s the wedding?”
“This weekend.”
“Bailey and I are going to San Diego to meet Henry for a few days. I’m so sorry, I’d help you if I could.”
“Yeah, no problem. Thanks anyway,” you tell Nolan while looking for someone else you can ask. “Aaron!”
Aaron turns in the doorway, stepping back toward you and Nolan with raised brows. 
“What’s up?” he asks. 
“I need a date, a fake boyfriend for a wedding this weekend.”
“I don’t do weddings.”
“Aaron, please,” you plead.
“Look, I’d love to help you, but my family’s got a big dinner thing this weekend and they rarely end well, so I’m booked.” He pats your arm and adds, “Hope you find someone who can help.”
You nod as he walks inside. Looking around the station, you realize your options are very limited. 
“Think Angela would let me borrow Wesley for a few days?” you ask Nolan. 
“Why don’t you just find someone to actually take as a date?”
“Because that’s the entire problem, Nolan. I can’t get a date.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”
As you follow him into roll call, you whisper, “I’m going to have to ask Smitty.”
Nolan stifles a laugh, shaking his head as he takes his seat. You tune Wade out after receiving your assignment for the day, glancing around the room as you try to find someone else you can ask. Maybe you should just cancel, tell your aunt that you’re the one who got sick, and now neither you nor your boyfriend can make it. 
Standing in the bullpen, you have your aunt’s contact pulled up on your phone but can’t seem to press the call button. 
“Sergeant Bradford,” Nolan says. “I need some advice.”
“I already don’t like this, but go ahead,” Tim replies, resting his hands against his belt. 
“If a fellow officer, a close friend, was going to cancel going to a family member’s wedding because she couldn’t find a fake boyfriend to keep her controlling aunt off her back, would you help her?”
Tim doesn’t answer, turning away from Nolan. As he walks toward the bullpen, Nolan raises a fist in victory, hoping it works out for you and Tim. It’s clear to everyone that you have feelings for each other, but neither of you seems eager to do anything about them. Maybe this is the push you need to take the next step. 
Tim’s hand covers your phone screen before he takes it from you, holding it by his side. 
“You need a fake boyfriend?” he asks. 
“Who told you? ... Nolan, I should’ve known not to trust him and his big mouth.”
“Who’s getting married?”
“My cousin,” you answer, pursing your lips in confusion about why he’s interested. 
“The cousin from the aunt that manipulates and belittles you every time you see her?”
“I’m still sorry for calling you that day, I shouldn’t have. Just didn’t have anyone else to cry to.”
“She lied to you, told you things about yourself that couldn’t have been further from the truth. So, now that you have lied to her, what are you going to do about it?”
“Cancel,” you whisper. “If I can just press the button to call her.”
“I’ll call her,” Tim offers, raising your phone. “Or I can go with you.”
“Tim, I can’t ask you to do this- to lie for me and spend your weekend off at a wedding, around people you don’t know.”
“You’re not asking,” Tim reminds you. “Which one? I make a call, or I go with you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Tim smiles while assuring, “We’re friends, and we’ve been on vacation together before. This is just like that.”
“I don’t want to go…”
“But you don’t want to deal with the grief you’ll get if you don’t. I get it, but I’ll help in any way I can.”
You nod, taking your phone from Tim. “Thank you.”
“When do we leave?”
“Friday night. The wedding’s Sunday.”
“Two days before? Why?”
“I don’t even want to think about that right now.”
Tim raises your right hand, pushing a bent paper clip over your finger as he promises, “I will make sure you survive this weekend.”
“And I… will apologize in advance.”
When you get out of the shower Friday night and get dressed, all you can think about is the weekend ahead. If you or Tim get uncomfortable, you could put your relationship on the line to look like a happy couple in front of your family. 
Tim’s knock draws you from your thoughts, and when he takes your bag from you, you realize something: Tim already acts like your boyfriend, so he really is boyfriend material. Your crush on him is bound to be affected over the next 48 hours, but he agreed to this, so maybe there’s a chance he feels more than friendship, too. Shaking the idea from your head, you accept Tim’s help as you climb into the passenger seat of his truck. He waits until he’s on the freeway to ask you about the wedding and your family. 
“What’s the fiancé like?” he asks. 
“I haven’t met him. Didn’t even know they were getting married until a few days ago.”
Tim nods, laying his elbow on the center console and moving closer to you without thinking. 
“I- I want to go ahead and tell you that you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. My family can be a lot-“
“I’m not here for them. I’m spending the weekend with you, and nothing more. Remember that, okay? So, if you need an excuse, a buffer, anything you want or need, that’s me this weekend.”
“I can never repay you for this.”
“I’ll give you a call next time I need a wedding date,” Tim suggests. 
“Deal,” you reply with an easy smile. 
Someone squeals your name, and Tim grips your hand when you flinch. 
“I’m so glad you made it!” the woman says, pulling you into a hug.
“Of course. And congratulations!” you reply. “Sorry about the invitation confusion.”
“Oh, no worries, I get it. Stuff happens. My mom said you were bringing your boyfriend?”
Tim steps forward, wrapping an arm around your waist as he offers his other hand. “I’m Tim, the boyfriend your mom mentioned.”
“Oh,” your cousin says, shaking his hand. She looks between you and Tim, and as you begin to expect a sarcastic comment, she says, “Nice to meet you, Tim.”
“That wasn’t so bad,” Tim whispers in your ear. 
“I guess I could’ve been overthinking it,” you admit. 
“You’re in chateau Sauvignon Blanc,” a man says, passing a key to Tim. “Follow the white path and you won’t miss it.”
“The chateaus are named after wine,” Tim muses. “Must be nice to be marrying into a family of nepotism.”
You laugh at him, and when he refuses to let you carry your bag to the chateau, you fall into easy conversation on the short walk. Entering, however, you stop in the doorway. 
“What’s wrong?” Tim asks quickly, stepping forward so his chest presses against your back. 
“Nothing, just- there’s only one bed in here,” you say quietly. 
“I think we can make it work. There’s always the floor if you want to treat your fake boyfriend like that,” Tim jokes, closing the door and tossing your bags on a nearby chair. 
“I- why’d you agree to come?” you ask him. 
“You needed a date.”
You don’t quite accept that. It’s not enough reason for someone as logical as Tim Bradford. You don’t have time to question him further, though, as you receive a text that dinner is being served in the main tasting room in just a few minutes. 
“Hey,” Tim says, laying his hands on your shoulders. “We’re two people on vacation together. It doesn’t have to be awkward.”
“Sorry. It’s just, this isn’t what I was expecting.”
“That’s okay, but we’re going to keep moving. No one knows me here, so I’m whatever-“
“I need you to be,” you repeat. “Thank you.”
Tim smiles, and you take your bag into the bathroom to get ready while he changes. When you exit, wearing your favorite outfit and hairstyle, Tim stands, offering both his hands. 
“You look stunning.”
“Clean up pretty nicely yourself, Mr. Bradford.”
“Oh, so you’re a flirty girlfriend?”
You roll your eyes, attempting to pull away from Tim. He tightens his hands around yours and pulls you into a hug, hooking one arm around you as he leads you back to the white path. 
Sitting beside Tim, your hand stays in his until the food is served. So far, all of the attention has been on your cousin and her fiancé, and you’re more than happy to listen along to their chatter rather than talk yourself. 
“What about you two?” your grandfather asks. “How’d you meet?”
Tim moves his hand out of yours, patting above your knee as he answers, “We met at work; different divisions, but we joined forces for a narcotics bust and I just couldn’t get her off my mind, so I had to ask her out.”
“How long have you been together?” someone inquires. 
“5 years,” you and Tim say together. You add, “But we’ve only been serious for what? 6 months or so?”
“Since you finally agreed to my begging, you mean?” Tim asks, sending you a comforting smile. “Yeah, about that.”
“Cute,” your cousin comments before the conversation returns to her. 
You close your eyes and release a breath, leaning toward Tim when his hand covers yours again. 
“How are we doing this?” You ask, standing at the side of the bed with your arms wrapped around your waist. 
“It’s a bed,” Tim says, blinking at you. “Seems pretty straightforward.”
“Well, yeah, but… what if I, like, snore more or something?”
“I’ll live. Just get in the bed.”
You crawl under the covers, murmuring, “Thought you were gonna call me boot there for a second.”
“I still may,” Tim responds as he turns the light off, lying beside you. “Is this okay?”
“Yes. Thank you, Tim.”
“No problem.”
When you wake up, it’s a few minutes before dawn, and a strong arm is holding you against the mattress. When you try to move, Tim pulls you closer before tucking you against him as he relaxes again. 
“Friends on vacation,” you remember, pressing your cheek against his chest as you get comfortable. 
Suddenly, you remember you have to survive another night by his side. The idea makes you want to pull away, but his touch and heartbeat lull you back to sleep before you can. 
“Your cousin is here,” Tim whispers, shaking you gently. “She wants to talk to you about dresses.”
“You’re a snuggler,” you mumble as Tim pulls you out of bed. 
“No one will ever believe you,” Tim says darkly. 
“Is she really here?”
“I wouldn’t lie about that. This isn’t a horror movie.”
Nodding, you pick up a change of clothes and move into the bathroom. Tim’s voice is muffled through the wall, but you can tell he’s being civil even as his patience wears thin. Straightening your outfit, you open the door and smile at your cousin and Tim.
“You’re wearing that?” she asks.
“You’re beautiful,” Tim says, smiling at you.
“What exactly are we doing?” you ask.
“I wanted to see the dress you’re planning to wear to the rehearsal tonight and the wedding and reception tomorrow. If you need something different, we can-“
“I won’t need different dresses,” you interrupt. “I like the ones I brought.”
“As do I,” Tim adds. “But I’ll leave you two to talk about dresses.” He stands, kissing your temple and pausing by your side to whisper, “Call if you need someone to save you.”
Smiling, you tell him to be careful. Your cousin waits until he leaves to sit on the end of the bed, waiting for you to show the dresses you packed.
As you hold them up, you remember Tim's compliments this morning as you hide your smile at her surprised reaction. And his arm around you last night. He’s taking his fake boyfriend duties seriously, and you’re unsure if your feelings can survive another night beside him.
“They’re pretty,” your cousin says finally. “I have a few more things to do before the rehearsal this evening, but I’ll see you around.”
“Congratulations again,” you call, exiting the chateau behind her to look for Tim.
When you round a corner on the white path, you run directly into Tim. His arms come up to catch you, holding you against his chest as he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
“Did it go okay?” he asks, rubbing a hand down your spine.
“Yeah. She said the dresses were pretty, so that was unexpected.”
“Wait ‘til she sees them on you,” Tim replies. “Can’t imagine getting upstaged at my own wedding.”
“What do you want to do for the rest of the day? The rehearsal isn’t until 5 and then most of the wedding party is leaving for bachelor and bachelorette parties.”
“You could model the dresses.”
“Stop,” you plead, laughing as you press against Tim’s chest.
“It’s my duty as your boyfriend.”
“I knew I should have asked Smitty.”
Tim narrows his eyes, shaking his head. “Don’t make me think about that.”
“Where do you think the red path goes?” you ask.
“Are you asking me on a treasure hunt date?” Tim replies.
“Maybe. Care to follow our own version of the yellow brick road? See if you can find your usual personality on the way back to Kansas?”
“You don’t like my new personality? The one I created just for you?”
“Tim,” you warn. “Red path, yes or no?”
Tim takes your hand, leading you out of the chateau and back toward his truck before turning onto the other path.
“If we find a crime scene or something,” you begin.
“What?” Tim interrupts dramatically.
“If we find something unexpected, what then?”
“Wait,” Tim calls, gently pulling you back toward him. “What is this about?”
Glancing down, you say, “Last night.”
“Look, if I made you uncomfortable-“
“No, not at all. The, uh, the unexpected part was how much I liked it,” you admit quietly.
Tim taps his knuckle lightly against your chin, smiling as you raise your head to look at him.
“Just tell me what’s bothering you.”
“I don’t want to ruin anything. We’re friends, and I care about you, but this weekend could ruin everything if I make one wrong move.”
“You said it yourself, we’re friends, and we’ve been friends for years. Walking on eggshells around me all weekend is unnecessary, not to mention more dangerous than just telling me you like being cuddled.”
“You like being cuddled.”
“Never say that aloud again.”
You chuckle, taking Tim’s hand as you begin walking again. After a few minutes of walking in silence, you stop.
“The red path looks exactly like the white path,” you point out.
“Not true. The red path is red, and the white is white.”
“Wow. You should have been a detective.”
“Are we on the same page?” Tim murmurs.
“Yeah, I’ll be myself with you this weekend. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Nerd.”
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry, Dorothy.”
You roll your eyes, walking away from Tim. He laughs before taking a few long steps to catch up with you. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, Tim apologizes, and you lean against him, trying to remember what he said about being honest.
“Hi, sweetheart,” your aunt greets you as you enter the venue for the rehearsal dinner. “You are at table 2, and your boyfriend is at table 9.”
“You didn’t seat us together?” you ask.
“Well, it was late notice, learning you were bringing a plus one. Sorry.”
“Uh, okay. Thanks.”
Tim lays his hand on your lower back, leading you to your table.
“I’ll be right back,” he says, reaching over the table before leaving.
You watch him walk to his table, switching a nameplate before returning to your side. He sets his nameplate on the seat beside you, sighing as he sits.
“Have I told you recently that you’re the best?”
“You don’t have to, I know,” Tim answers smugly.
“What do you want to do when this is over?”
“Planning ahead, aren’t we?” Tim smiles as he leans toward you.
Exiting the venue, you take Tim’s hand, wrapping your other hand around his forearm as you walk beside him. He tugs you closer, keeping you close until you’re back in your chateau. After changing quickly and washing your face, you collapse onto the bed.
“I thought my family was tiring,” Tim jokes.
“Still up for cud- lying closely on the same piece of furniture?” you correct.
Tim leans over you, smiling as he says, “Since you asked so nicely.”
You stare at the ceiling until Tim returns and pulls you into his side as he lays beside you. Rolling against him, pressing your ear to his chest so you can hear his heartbeat, you accept that things are changing.
“I don’t think we can go back to how things were before,” you mutter.
“Me neither,” Tim agrees softly, moving his hand to your upper back.
“Did I ruin everything by letting you come with me?”
Tim rolls onto his side, facing you rather than holding you.
“What’s the plan for tomorrow? Does everything get awkward after the wedding?”
“You didn’t ruin anything,” Tim answers. “I offered to come because it was an opening to spend time with you.”
“We’re friends, right? That’s what we say but that’s not how it feels.”
“How does it feel?” you whisper.
“Like more. Tell me you’ve been pretending, and I’ll let this go, but nothing I’ve said this weekend has been a lie or an act.”
“I have feelings for you,” you confess. “I have for years, but I didn’t know how to tell you or what you’d think. So…”
“We both did. Stay quiet to preserve a friendship that could have been much more.”
Inhaling deeply, you move forward, closing the distance between you and Tim.
“You asked what happens after the wedding,” Tim says. “I’d like to keep going from here.”
“I’d like that too.”
Tim smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist as he rolls over, pulling you with him. You laugh against him, falling silent when you look into his eyes.
“Can I-“ Tim begins.
“Kiss me,” you demand.
Tim cups your cheeks as he pulls you down against him, kissing you softly. You slide your arms over his chest, holding his jaw as you reciprocate his every move. Tim’s arm tightens around your waist before someone knocks on the door.
Pulling away, you sigh before getting out of bed, cracking the door open to see who it is.
“Hi,” you greet, surprised to see your aunt outside.
“I moved your seats for the wedding and reception,” she tells you. “Since you seem inseparable.”
“Thank you.”
“Sorry for earlier, and for interrupting. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
After you close the door, you press your hand against it and take a few breaths, surprised by her apologies.
“Are you okay?” Tim asks, sitting up as he watches you.
Walking back to his side, you lie down and move against him, smiling as you answer, “I’m great.”
Tim holds you close, both of you falling asleep on the same side of the oversized bed. When you wake up the following morning, you chuckle at the sight of it, with one side still made after a night in Tim’s arms.
“You’ve been in there for a while,” Tim calls, tapping his knuckles against the bathroom door.
“Maybe she was right,” you answer. “I mean, the dress looked great on the mannequin, but…”
“Open the door,” Tim demands.
“I will kick it down. You know I can.”
You pull the door open before he can do anything, and Tim’s eyes widen when he sees you.
“You look…”
“I know.”
Furrowing your brows, you look down at the dress.
“How do you feel?” Tim asks. “In the outfit, in general?”
 “I feel good, really good.”
“Well, you look even better. Don’t let whatever someone said make you think otherwise. And I was right.”
“You’re gonna look better than the bride.”
Tim’s smile, accompanied by his kind words, makes you smile, wrapping your arms around his waist as you hug him tightly. Your relationship with him has changed this weekend, and you’re still giddy because you can tell him you love him whenever you want.
“I love you,” you say against his suit.
Tim pulls back quickly, looking into your eyes as he asks you to repeat it. After you do, he smiles and replies, “I love you. I’ve loved you for years.”
“We’re going to be late,” you remind him, narrowly dodging a kiss.
Shaking his head, Tim offers his arm, keeping you close as you walk to the wedding venue entrance. Finding your seats, you sit beside Tim, pulling one of his hands into your lap as you look at him.
“Those bouquets are really bright,” you say.
“Our wedding will be much better,” Tim agrees.
“We’re getting married now?” you ask, smiling.
Tim looks at you from the corner of his eye, shrugging as he says, “Why not?”
“I love you, Tim Bradford.”
“Thank you for letting me be your boyfriend this weekend,” he replies. “I love you.”
“Oh, you’re going to be my boyfriend for a lot longer than this weekend.”
“And after that?” Tim asks, interlacing his fingers with yours.
“That part is up to you, I think.”
You stand, keeping your hand in Tim’s as the wedding procession begins.
“Then, yes, we’re getting married,” Tim whispers. “But it will be perfect.”
Keeping your attention on one another throughout the ceremony, you fall in love with Tim again. After the bride and groom walk down the aisle together, you pull the paper clip ring from your dress pocket. Tim stands, and when he turns to you, you raise it.
“Tim Bradford, will you be my boyfriend?”
Tim chuckles, pulling you up to kiss you before you slide the ring onto his finger. He had nearly forgotten about giving it to you before leaving the station but seeing it on his finger makes him even more eager to marry you someday.
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divine-donna · 1 year
a fair trade
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pairing: miguel o’hara x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,010 words
ao3 link: 🕷️🕷️🕷️
summary: your help is needed to defeat a multiversal entity, one that you’ve defeated before. but what can miguel offer in return for your service?
notes: kind of mishmashing the movies and comics together. do not fret if you haven’t read any of them! it’s mostly just referenced (much like how it was referenced in the last post). the fic on ao3 is also locked to registered ao3 users only. it’s a precaution i’m taking in response to ai using ao3 fics to be trained.
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“(Y/N), we need your help.”
“Miguel, I’m in the middle of eating lunch. Because, you know, I didn’t have breakfast.”
“That’s on you.”
“Some of us don’t like breakfast.”
“Okay that’s not the point! The point is that we need your help!”
You were just sitting at your table, peacefully. After a mission earlier today, you thought you enjoyed a nice break. All you’ve been doing is going on missions across the multiverse, at the expense of your personal life back home. Your friends missed you and were constantly wondering why you would dip all of a sudden. After all, it wasn’t like you to just...cancel last minute. You loved your friends. You always made sure to be there. What you didn’t expect when accepting Miguel’s invitation was to be worked constantly. There was always a multiversal threat at stake, even for something small.
You were literally the local expert on the multiverse. Small things wouldn’t cause catastrophe. But Miguel believed they would. He believed in a domino effect. You believed that it was necessary to stay vigilant but not every small thing required attention. Sometimes the multiverse acted weird. It was a multiverse. It acted on its own accords.
“Miguel, is it actually something to worry about? Or is it something like the Vulture ended up in the wrong reality which can be cleaned up without my help?” You took a sip of your drink.
“It’s someone by the name of Verna. And she’s brought with her an army.”
“Verna? Never heard of her.” You shake your head.
“Really? She claims she’s fought you before.”
“If I saw a picture, then maybe I would recognize her.”
Miguel doesn’t hesitate. “Lyla.”
Part of you wondered what it would be like if your name was always on the tip of his tongue, ready to speak on a moment’s notice. You always wanted someone who could say your name with such ease, who thought of you constantly.
“Already on it.” Lyla pulls up a video. “This is live footage of the whole thing. We’re lucky she hasn’t spread her destruction further.”
As you were taking a sip of your drink, you choked on the liquid. Thankfully, you did not die. “We need you alive (Y/N).” Miguel says.
“I thought I banished her to the ends of the Multiverse!” You exclaimed.
“So you have fought her?” Lyla questions. “Was this the multiversal being you battled before?”
“She’s the reason I have no magic!” You crush the metal cup in your hand. “It took everything for me to banish her! And she just comes...comes back like nothing happened?” You squint a little. “She also looks a lot different than I remember. You said her name was Verna?” Lyla and Miguel look at each other before nodding. “She went by a different name. Called herself the Matriarch of...something. I don’t remember.”
“All the more reason for you to finish up and join us.” He crosses his arms over his chest.
“I lost my appetite.” You picked up the dishes and cleaned out the plates, dropping them off with the conveyor belt of dirty dishes. “You owe me Miguel.”
“Owe you what?”
“A break. Like a real break. My body needs to properly recuperate, you know.”
He inputs the numbers and opens the portal. “I can do that. You’ve done good work so far.”
“Exactly. Not getting paid here.”
“None of us get paid.”
“It was a joke. You know, Peter was right. You’re like the only one of us that isn’t funny.”
“That’s hilarious.” His voice did not change in tone and his facial expressions did not give away that he was humored.
“Lighten up a little. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re extra stoic because you want to kiss me.”
“I do not want to kiss you.”
“Everyone wants to kiss me.”
He looks at you, eyebrow slightly raised. “You should pay me in kisses actually. Think that’d be a fair deal. I help you guys stop Verna, again, and I get a kiss. It’d be the perfect reward.”
You feel his gaze on you. “It’s a joke, I promise. You don’t have to actually.” Even if you did want to kiss him.
He takes a step towards you, much to your surprise. His hand reaches up, fingers curled slightly, and his knuckles graze the skin of your cheeks. It’s reassuring in a way and his touch is gentle. It reminds you of when you first joined, how his fingers gently wiped away the crumbs at your face. His hand uncurls and cups your face. “How badly do you want a kiss?” He asks.
His voice made your legs shake. “If I answered that I think you’d make fun of me.”
“I mean...it’s a simple yes or no question.”
You weren’t expecting his lips to crash against yours. The sheer force almost causes you to fall over and your hands fumble to grip onto his body. You could feel his muscles flex beneath his suit. You kiss him back, but most certainly not with the same amount of force he does. Miguel even goes as far to nip your bottom lip, causing a small gasp to emerge from your throat. It was a little embarrassing and your cheeks grew warm. He pulls away, satisfied and with that cocky smirk on his face.
“Make it back alive and I’ll give you another.” He puts his mask on. “Maybe even more.”
“You...have a lot of confidence that I will.” You were out of breath. Very much out of breath.
“You’ve beaten the odds before. It’s part of who we are.”
Miguel walks through the portal and you clench your hands for a few seconds. You were nervous. It wasn’t just the kiss that made you nervous (though your heart certainly was pumping for that reason primarily). Lyla looked at you with a smile. “You better come back. Or else I’ll lose the primary thing I make fun of him for.”
“I’ll try Lyla. For you.”
“Sure, sure. Now get going before people die.”
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
Got a prompt messaged to me by someone who wants to remain anonymous. The prompt is: Melissa likes reader or OC that looks like Jodie. And the woman in the picture with Jodie is the reader/OCs best friend. Melissa thinks the brunette is dating reader/oc but they aren’t dating.
I had a lot of fun writing this, I’ll be honest. Also I would have had this up yesterday but audition season is here and I’ve been really busy going to those. I left this on a steamy cliffhanger, I might make a part 2. I’ll post the picture it’s referencing at the end of the fic in case you want to see it for reference. Anyways, as always not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: After I’m finished with all the prompts I currently have, I’m thinking of writing Marilyn and reader (redheads are my biggest weakness… I regret nothing)
Part 2
Blood As Green As Her Eyes
Warnings: Jealous Mel, references to smut, small not very detailed unfinished smut scene, good luck! 😉 😈
Words: 4.4k
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Melissa walks into the break room and looks over to try and find you and sees you near the couch but you’re talking to someone she’s never met before. She walks a little further in and gets the tail end of the conversation.
“Alright see ya later beautiful.” You tell her.
“Right back at ya sweets.” The woman says and then leaves.
You see Melissa is there now and you go to her and sit at the table with her and Barb.
“Hello ladies.” You tell them and Barb smiles at you and Melissa glares at you.
“Who was that woman you were talking to?” She asks.
“Nicole? Oh she’s my best friend!” You say as you straighten your posture. “We’ve known each other for years. We met in high school and it was like instant connection.” You tell them excitedly.
Melissa doesn’t buy it though. With the way you talked to her and about her, it was obvious to Melissa that you’re dating her. Melissa ignores the sick feeling in her stomach.
The next morning you walk in the break room and your blonde hair is wet from the rain.
“Did you forget an umbrella hun?” Melissa asks you and you nod with a pout.
You go to sit down but then Nicole rushes in and you turn around.
“Hey you forgot your lunch on the way out. I gotta get to work but just wanted to drop it off quickly for you.” She tells you and hands you your lunch.
“Oh thanks love.” You tell her and Melissa scrunches her eyebrows. She knows you’re British, you have the accent and you told her, but the nickname threw her off.
“No problem sweets.” Nicole says and gives a quick kiss to your cheek then leaves. Melissa glares at Nicole the entire time. She clenches and unclenches her fists a few times to calm down. You put your lunch in the fridge then sit down at the table.
“Maybe I should go to the bathroom quickly and use the blow dryer to dry my hair.” You say with a chuckle and Barb laughs with you. Melissa just gives you a forced smile and you give her a confused look.
Melissa is bringing her kids to gym class that you teach. You see her and her class and you put your phone away instantly and give them a smile.
“Hey kiddos! Go on and get changed!” You tell them with a smile and they all run to the change room. You see Melissa still hanging around. “Hey, aren’t you gonna use the break to relax or whatever you do during this period?” You tell her curiously.
“No, I think I’m gonna hang around this time. Watch why they’re always so excited about gym class.” She tells you with a smile and you blush a bit.
“Alright! That’s not a problem at all! I would love for you to stay actually.” You tell her and the smallest blush makes its way to her cheeks.
“What were you doing on your phone btw? You put it away rather quickly. Are you sexting or something?” She jokes with you and you giggle.
“No! I was just texting Nicole something but it’s not as important as gym class.” You tell her and her blood boils a bit at the mention of her name. The kids start coming in with their gym clothes on and you turn to face them. “Alright guys! Today we’re playing dodgeball!” You tell them with a one clap of your hands and they all cheer. “And before we split up into teams, remember, no aiming at anyone’s face. And I’m looking at you Niyah.” You say and the girl just shrugs. Melissa goes to sit on the edge of the stage with her legs dangling off.
She watched as you picked 2 team leaders who then chooses their team. You then blow the whistle when they’re all ready with the balls in the middle of the gym. And then they all run to the middle to get a ball. You walk onto the stage and sit beside her and watch everyone. At some point, a ball comes directly at Melissa and you catch it then hand it to whoever is near you guys. You two end up talking while you still keep an eye on the kids.
And then Niyah throws a ball and hits a kid in the face and they fall. You immediately jump down and blow your whistle. “FREEZE!!!” You tell them and they all immediately stop and you run to the kid that was hit. “Niyah, we talked about this.” You tell her and she just shrugs again. You help the kid that fell to get up and make sure they’re alright. “Are you ok sweetie?” You ask very soothingly to him. He nods but looks upset. “Do you want to come sit with me and Ms Schemmenti on the stage for a bit?” You ask him and he nods again. You guide him to the stage and once he climbs up, you blow your whistle, signalling for the kids to continue the game. The boy ends up sitting in between you and Melissa and you look at his face again. “You have a small bruise forming but other than that, I don’t think there’s anything else.” You tell him and he seems upset that he got hit. “You know you’re very strong.” You tell him and he looks up at you. “You got hit in the face, fell down and you still got up.” You tell him with a smile. “That’s the mark of a strong person.” You continue and he smiles at you when you tell him that.
Melissa looks at you and sees how you are with the kids and can’t help but think of how beautiful you are, inside and out. 5 minutes later the boy asks if he can rejoin the game again and you nod at him. “Of course, you can rejoin whenever you want.” You tell him and he jumps off and runs back to the game.
You and Melissa continue talking and you notice how her hand is subtly touching your hip and you blush. The power this woman holds on you with just a touch.
In the morning the next day Melissa is on her phone scrolling through instagram. She’s mindlessly doing it until she comes across one of you and Nicole sitting together on a couch and you both have big smiles. Melissa freezes and stares at it and unconsciously grips the phone tightly.
“Melissa, are you ok?” Barb says and gently puts a hand on her upper arm for comfort.
“What? Oh, fine.” Melissa says and you walk into the room then and she smiles, then that smile immediately drops when she sees Nicole following you. “Actually I gotta go.” Melissa then says and grabs her stuff then stands up.
“Morning Melissa! Oh are you going somewhere? We were gonna join you.” You say innocently and with a big smile.
Barb sees how Melissa grips her pen so tight that her knuckles are turning white, while you are none the wiser.
“I’ve just got some stuff to do before school starts. I’ll see you later Barb.” She says with a frown and then walks out of there.
“Is she ok?” You ask Barb and she just looks at you confused as well. Then she replays in her head what happened. Melissa was scrolling on her phone through instagram and obviously saw something she didn’t like, then you came in and she smiled, and then it dropped. Why?
“Did you post something on instagram lately?” Barb asks and you nod. You showed her the picture you posted an hour ago that you took yesterday afternoon, then suddenly the pieces fall into place for Barb. Melissa likes you and she’s jealous of Nicole. Barb has to do some digging, cause while she doesn’t think you and Nicole are dating, Melissa might, and Barb has to be certain before she talks to Melissa. “Just out of curiosity dear, are you and Nicole going out? I mean like are you dating?” She asks and you shake your head.
“Me and Nicole?” You say while pointing towards you both, even Nicole is confused by the question.
“Why would you think that me and y/n are dating? I mean not that there’s anything wrong with y/n, it’s just, she’s not my type. Gender wise.” Nicole says.
“I mean ya I guess we can come across as a bit flirty but we’re just comfortable with each other.” You say with a smile. “Besides she’s not my type either, personality and looks wise.” You say and Nicole nods.
“Ya y/n is a great friend but would be a terrible partner for me.” Nicole says and all 3 of you laugh.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is your type dear.” Barb asks you and you have to think about that. You know your type, and it’s Melissa, you have a crush on her and the only person who knows about your crush is Nicole and she’s been pushing you to get closer to her and ask her out. You want to tell Barb but she’s Melissa’s best friend, and while you know Barb won’t tell her if you tell her not too, it’d still be awkward if she knew. So you have to say your type without letting on that it describes Melissa.
“Well I guess women that have like a lot of spice to their personality, like they’re not plain.” You say with a big smile. “And I guess I do have a soft spot for fiery redheads.” You say a bit cautiously and you see that Barb’s expression hasn’t changed so I guess she hasn’t figured it out yet, so you continue. “And older women, I think they’re hot.” You say and Nicole playfully smacks your shoulder.
“Ya you and those milfs, I swear.” She tells you and you giggle. Barb looks at you two confused.
“What’s a Milf?” She says and you both look at her.
“It stands for Mom I’d Like to Fuck. But it’s also meant to describe older women that you think are hot.” You explain to her and her eyes widen a bit but you think it’s because of the description of Milfs and not of the woman you like.
“Is there anyone that you like right now dear?” She asks you and you nod timidly.
“Ya she does!” Nicole says and you glare at her. “I’m gonna leave now, gotta get to work, see ya sweets.” She tells you and waves at you and Barb goodbye.
“Is it Melissa?” She asks you and you snap your head at her and eyes wide a bit. That was all the answer Barb needed but of course you try to defend yourself.
“What?!? N-no…of course not! Why would you think I like Melissa?” You say, stuttering and stumbling through the entire sentence.
“I’m just wondering dear that’s all. I have something to do before school as well. I’ll see you at lunch dear.” She tells you and you say goodbye to each other.
Barb gets to Melissa’s room in time to see Melissa throw a pen across the room, and she sees no others on the redhead’s desk.
“How many pens have you thrown across the room?” Barb asks her and Melissa whips her head to her.
“I lost count.” She says to her, then goes to collect all of them. She picks up what looks to be about 10 pens and a couple markers and highlighters.
Barb wants to tell Melissa what she knows but thinks that Melissa might brush her off, so she decides to tell her tomorrow after she has time to blow off some steam. Which in retrospect, turns out to be a mistake.
Melissa goes to a gay club after to blow off some steam, and she ends up chatting it up with a girl there and then makes out with her at the club. You end up seeing that, as you also went to the club to try and move on from her since you think Melissa will never have an interest in you. Melissa ends up taking the girl home and you were watching her the entire night, she never saw you though. You really have to move on now. You end up telling Nicole what you saw and she said she can be around with you more in the mornings and after school so when you see the redhead, she can provide comfort for you.
So on the Friday morning, Melissa comes in with a small pep to her step as she had sex with the girl last night and you notice it. Nicole is with you though on the couch, you decided to stop sitting at the table with Melissa and Barb to avoid the redhead. As soon as Melissa walks in, she sees you and Nicole on the couch, and Nicole has an arm wrapped around your shoulders. Melissa gets angry at that and ends up taking it out on Jacob and throws his android at the wall with a “GO BACK TO THE BLUE BUBBLE!” She yells at him and Jacob tries to act like that didn’t faze or scare him.
You look over at Melissa when that happens and she catches your gaze. You two lock eyes for a second then you turn back to Nicole and Melissa stomps out of there. Melissa ends up telling Barb that she went to the gay club last night and hooked up with a girl, and later you end telling Barb that you went to the club as well when she asked what was wrong.
“I went to the gay club last night and being there just didn’t help anything.” You told her and even if you don’t say it, Barb knows you saw Melissa there, and she knows Melissa didn’t see you.
Over the next couple of weeks, Nicole has been coming with you into the break room in the morning or you go to your classroom with her to avoid the redhead, and she meets you after school to avoid Melissa as well.
“Hiya sweets!” She greets you one Friday afternoon and then you end up catching Melissa giving a glare in your direction. You see that it wasn’t directed at you though, it was directed at Nicole and you got confused.
You and Melissa both end up at the club again only it was reversed this time. She sees you there and you don’t see her. She sees you there alone looking upset and Nicole nowhere to be seen. And then she decides to go and talk to you. Before she gets to you however, a girl comes up and starts talking to you before she does. She freezes and sees that the girl is flirting with you and you seem to be liking it. That makes her confused because as far as she knows, you’re dating Nicole and you’re monogamous. She starts to get jealous again and stomps out of there before she starts a fight with either that girl who’s flirting with you or some random person.
On Monday morning she decides to talk to you at lunch. She knows that for some reason you seem to avoid the break room now so she’ll have to go down to your classroom. You at the moment are having a discussion with Nicole before school starts.
“What are you going to do y/n? Cause you can’t avoid Melissa forever and I can’t always come down to support you.” She says and you sigh.
“I know, it’s just hard right now. I mean ever since I saw her take that girl home a few weeks ago. I just keep thinking about it.” You tell Nicole and she nods.
“I keep telling you to talk to her.” Nicole tells you and you sigh.
“You know I won’t. You don’t have to come with me in the mornings anymore you know. I can just hide out in my classroom. I mean there’s what? 16 weeks left until summer break. And then I can spend the summer just getting over her. And then she’ll never even know how I felt cause then it’ll go back to normal next school year.” You say confidently. Melissa sees your door mostly closed and decides to keep walking, knowing that Nicole’s in there too. You hear her heels and you go and look out your door and see her walking to her classroom. You think it’s good that she didn’t stop by your classroom or else she might have heard your confession and you let out a sigh of relief.
“If you just tell her then you’ll know if she likes you or not. I mean what if she likes you back?” Nicole says and you shake your head at her. “Honestly you lesbians are so dramatic.” Nicole teases you and you flip her off. “I love ya too y/n.” She says and then leaves for work.
At lunch Melissa comes to see you after grabbing her lunch from the fridge. She runs into Barb and tells her she’s going to see you and Barb smirks and tells her good luck.
She arrives at your door then Melissa takes a deep breath and knocks on your door. You open it and almost slam the door back in her face but instead you just freeze.
“Hi.” She tells you and leans on the doorframe. She’s so cute you think and then remove those thoughts, not the time to check her out.
“Something you want Melissa?” You ask her as neutral as possible and she’s slightly taken back by this. You usually have a big and bright smile when you greet her.
“I just wanted to know if you were ok? I haven’t seen you as much lately.” She says and you look at her eyes then look away from her eyes as fast as possible.
“I’m fine, just don’t feel like being in the break room.” You tell her.
“That’s personal.” You tell her with a bit of a snap to it.
“Can I come in?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“No.” You tell her flatly.
“Why not?” She asks you confused. “You always were happy to have people around in your classroom to visit you.” She tells you.
“Well I decided that I’m going to avoid people from now on.” You say and go to close your door, but Melissa with quick hands, stops it and pushes it back open and you stumble back from the force a bit. Melissa takes the opportunity and walks in and closes and locks the door. She then turns to look at you with an unimpressed look. “What?” You ask her and she walks towards you, you however began to walk backwards to avoid her and she keeps walking towards you. You then get stopped by your desk and Melissa traps you there and looks at you closely.
“What’s going on with you hun?” She asks and you begin to breathe deeply. You don’t reply and she continues to try and get you to talk. “I saw you at the club on Friday night, flirting with that girl.” She tells you and your eyes go wide then you narrow your eyebrows at her.
“So?” You question her.
“You seem to be enjoying it and playing along. I thought you were dating Nicole.” She tells you and the built up anger that was starting inside you immediately disappears and all that’s left is confusion.
“You think Nicole and I are together?” You tell her and press your lips together to try and suppress a laugh.
Melissa looks confused. “Um ya, I mean it’s kinda obvious. She’s always with you, you guys constantly are talking, she comes in with you to school and picks you up after. You’re constantly flirting and posting pictures of the both of you together.” She says those last 2 with some anger and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“Melissa, her and I are just friends. We may sometimes seem flirty but it’s innocent. She’s straight and she’s not my type.” You say and Melissa leans back, immediately releasing you and you get out from her entrapment. “Melissa what is all this about? You’re acting distant lately.” You say and she looks at your desk and has her fingers on it.
“I don’t like seeing you two together.” Is all she says.
“Because I thought you were together.” She says plainly and then it all hits you at once. The way she leaves when she sees Nicole with you, the glares she sends at Nicole, the way she ignores you both when you go to talk to her, the way her personality changes as soon as Nicole is in the room. Melissa is jealous.
“Is it because you don’t have a partner? Because it can be so easy for you to find one. I mean you found someone to hook up with a few weeks ago.” You tell her and her eyes widen.
“You were at the bar that night?” She asks and you nod.
“I saw you make out with her and then take her home with you.” You say disappointedly.
Melissa pieces it all together right then and there and smirks. She stalks towards you and traps you against the wall on the side where your doors are.
“Did you get jealous by that?” She asks you and you shake your head.
“What?!? Me? Jealous of you with another girl? Why would I get jealous of that?” You say and your voice gets high in pitch and she grins. You gulp as she gives you a look that she doesn’t believe you.
“I think you are jealous by that.” She tells you and lowers the pitch of her voice. “Tell me, did you want it to be you that I took home that night?” She asks and you look at her with a huge blush and you can’t find it in you to lie to her, so you nod. “Well do you want to know what I was thinking when that girl flirted with you?” She asks and you nod again. “I thought that I wish it was me flirting with you instead of that girl. She is just a girl who probably doesn’t know how to properly satisfy another girl yet.” She tells you and then leans in to your ear. “I’m much more experienced and know how to satisfy a girl all night.” She whispers in your ear and you shiver. “Ugh I was so jealous when I thought you and Nicole were together, I was mad. And then you started avoiding me and she was over every day and I wasn’t able to keep taking it. I went to that club every night and kept sleeping with girls to get my mind off of you and blow off some steam.” She tells you and you look at her surprised.
“You’ve been sleeping with a bunch of girls?” You ask her shyly and she nods.
“And either they weren’t experienced or maybe it’s because they weren’t you, I don’t know which one but it wasn’t any good.” She says and you look at how close she is.
“Can you let me go?” You ask her and she shakes her head.
“Do you know how much time I’ve spent picturing you in my bed, underneath me or up against my wall at my house. How many times I’ve spend fantasising about you when I’m touching myself?” She asks and you shake your head. “I mean fuck y/n, you drive me crazy.” She tells you and you’re a blushing mess right now but find enough strength in you to speak.
“I… I fantasise about you too.” You tell her and she smirks at you.
“Really?” She asks and you nod. “What do you fantasise about?” She whispers near your ear and you gulp.
“I-I picture you on top of me, domi…dominating m-me.” You start and you’re very nervous, but her smirk makes you continue. “And I imagine what it would be like to feel you inside of me and making me beg to let me come.” And while you speak, she drives her knee closer and closer to your core. Until she hits it and you squeak and buck your hips.
“Keep going.” She tells you while grabbing your hips and you gulp again before continuing.
“I thought about…about what your breasts would look like and-” you get cut off by you gasping as she moves your hips forward, making you grind against her thigh. “I thought- I thought about what your lips would feel like on mine and all over me.” You continue with difficulty and eventually you don’t need her hands guiding you as you’re turned on enough and you continue grinding her thigh on your own. She removes her hands from you and places them beside your head and then places her lips on your neck and starts kissing and sucking. She then tells you to continue. “Omg, Mel-Melissa.” You say a bit loud and she has to cover your mouth with her hand.
“I guess you can’t continue, since you’re loud.” She says against your neck. You’re close to coming about a minute later and she pulls away and you whip your head at her in shock.
“What? Why’d you stop? I was so close.” You say and she smirks.
“Oh I know. But I want to see your whole body and be inside you while you come underneath me.” She says seductively. “I want to take out all my jealousy on this pretty body of yours.” She says and bites your ear then pulls back again. “Why don’t you come to my house after school?” She asks and you immediately nod. “Good, now don’t touch yourself during the rest of lunch, I want you begging me for release tonight.” She tells you and you nod her head.
Melissa then grabs her lunchbox and then goes back to the break room. She enters with a grin on her face and the trio looks at her confused, Barb sees the grin but doesn’t comment on it. She just smiles and shakes her head.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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dailytomlinson · 10 months
London recap
Louis showed up wearing a Saul Nash rib tank top paired with Saul Nash trackpants
Setlist had 22 songs
Special intro saying “London sold out! Thank you!”
Louis’ 1st speech: “I have been so overcome with emotion coming out here tonight. I don’t remember ever feeling like this on stage. Look at what we’ve fucking done! Look at what we’ve done! I can’t really put my emotions into words right now, I feel very, very overwhelmed, I feel very, very proud of what we’ve achieved together, together. I might even have a little cry tonight, who knows! Alright then, fucking ‘ell, we’re here, we’re here.”
Louis’ 2nd speech: “Oh, this is fucking crazy. This is crazy. I’m trying to find the right words, but honestly? I’m just… in awe of what we’ve fucking created. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I don’t really have any other words other than thank you very much. This is… No, let me try [find the words]. I should try harder, this is my time at The O2, I’ll give it a go. This is… It felt like it took me— let me do it like last time [squats] It felt like it took me a long time to get here, a long time to get here. And even when I dreamt – and I mean this wholeheartedly – even when I dreamt of what touring might look like, never in a million fucking years did I think I’d play here. Never, never. I spent like the first 3 or 4 songs of this gig like– I’m always like this, and it’s fucking annoying; after every lyric, every moment, I’m cross referencing in my head ‘how was that?’ FUCK THAT! FUCK THAT! I hope you all feel as proud as I do on this stage tonight. Alright, before I fucking choke up, alright…”
Louis appreciating his band:  “London O2, let’s take a picture! [gets the band around him] But before we do, I do wanna take this special opportunity– [looks at his band who starts moving away] no no no, stay where you stood! I’ve spent the last two years or so touring with the most incredible band in the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you boys. I fucking love you, tonight’s for us. Give it up for my fucking incredible band!”
Louis’ last speech: “Alright, last thing, last soppy thing. I got something on my mind, right. Normally, in this kind of situation for me, this is too much fucking pressure man; O2, sold out?! You lot, unbelievable right. This might be the first time in my career – I might’ve bullshitted in the past right – this might be the first time in my career where I have been under pressure tonight, and I feel fucking great about it. I’ve said it before, but you don’t have that confidence onstage unless you know you’ve got the best fucking fans in the world. I never feel like I can find the words to ever truly thank you, but thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Saturdays light project: here / here / here
Closing: Silver Tongues
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vaaaaaiolet · 7 months
“Where are we anyway?” you ask, pulling him to the present. “Maine.” Leon breathes. “Why?” “They’ve um…got good lobster. You haven’t had lobster if it’s not from here.” “Leon.” He lets out a hum, tacking a question mark on its tail end as he stares at the wall. “You remember you’re allergic to seafood, right?”
Leon moves away from the place where he spent 20 years pining for you after it all gets taken away from him in a flash. This is the story of a particularly dull morning in which no boxes are unpacked, no walls are painted, and he accomplishes nothing.
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f / m, emotional hurt, hurt / no comfort, implied / referenced character death
i watched one day on netflix and this is my take on that one scene near the end, leon is dexter you are emma, i hate myself for writing this too
word count: 940 // read on ao3
A lull – despite the chaos that comes from unpacking – seeps into Leon’s bones. 
It’s the first time he’s allowed his mind to take the wheel from his body in a while. He’s used to it being the other way around, his body chugging along, all relentless go go go, but this time, something at the back of his head urges him to give in. Inner voice, subconscious, whatever the hell psychologists call it.
He ought to sit this one out. 
The bedroom wall cradles his back as well as wood paneling and wallpaper can as he slides down its length. In the quiet stillness only early morning can bring, Leon watches as swirls of dust illuminate in the air. The hypnotizing dance of particles flying out from his half-unpacked boxes pulls his mind every-which-way, making his eyes furrow and his head hurt. There’s too much dust, too much he’s doing and somehow not enough, he really should be working on the downsta-
“Rather grim photo of me,” your soft voice snaps him out of his muddied thoughts.
He turns his head to see you sitting next to him, knees pulled up to your chest. Your finger points to a framed picture on a shelf he’d set up yesterday with Claire. The picture had been one of the only things she’d gotten out from his boxes before he’d snapped at her; told her in no uncertain terms that she was messing with his process.
You frown, lowering your finger. “My eyes are all screwed open and I look crazy.”
Leon snorts in response, shifting to shrink the space between you two. It’s the most beautiful picture he’s ever taken of you. 
He wishes he was out of the frame so he could see even more of you in that white dress, running along the Aegean shoreline with him. The dress whose hem he’d fingered under the velvet dark of night as he itched to slip it off your shoulders. Your eyes were open and full of stars. Full of him, too.
“Where are we anyway?” you ask, pulling him to the present.
“Maine.” Leon breathes.
“They’ve um…got good lobster. You haven’t had lobster if it’s not from here.”
He lets out a hum, tacking a question mark on its tail end as he stares at the wall.
“You remember you’re allergic to seafood, right?” 
God, and he groans. Puts his head into his hands and rubs his now-bruising temples until he feels the veins shift around. Can’t you let him have this one thing? 
“Maine’s not all seafood,” he mutters petulantly back, “it’s got…” Damn it, the only thing he can think of are Cape Cod kettle chips and the lighthouse on the bag. Is Cape Cod even in Maine? “Maine’s got pretty lighthouses.”
“I’m sure you came for the lighthouses, babe.” you chuckle.
“I just…” Words evade his dry mouth. He settles on dropping his head on your shoulder instead, slowly and carefully like a teenager making the first move on a movie date. You throw out a hand, carelessly gesturing towards the innards of Leon’s moving supplies strewn all over the floor.
“I don’t mind, you know,” you say after a beat, “if you just got rid of it all.” 
The same anger he felt when Claire rifled through the moving boxes with your name written on them surges through Leon again, and he picks his head back up to look at you in disbelief. 
“No.” He says stubbornly.
He cuts you off with a tired glare. There’s no bite behind the gray-blue of the eyes you once believed could see right through you. 
“I could never do that.” he finally whispers.
He always thought his eyes did the talking for him. This isn’t your fault, Leon tries to make them say this time, it’s mine. I never told you what you needed to hear when you needed it. I know you wrote poetry for me. God, I read it all. I still have the journals your bumbling idiot of an ex dropped off at our house. You can still put your head in the hollow of my back if you try, I’ll let you do it whenever you want, just please. Please don’t make me get rid of what you left behind. 
“You’re actually quite gorgeous in that picture, you know?” he interjects his own barrage of telepathic apologies. “You’ve always been gorgeous.”
The smile that blooms on your features at his words is one that’s arguably more stunning than the one in the picture, but Leon won’t tell you. He commits it to memory instead. A safe place where you won’t see the flaws in yourself. It’s the place you live in these days. He thinks you understand anyway because you brush your hand over his and give it three short squeezes. 
One: I’m thinking of you, two: I miss you, three: I love you. 
“I didn’t really appreciate it at the time.” Your words taste bitter in his mouth even though you laugh.
“I did.”
“Sometimes.” Leon hates how small your voice has become.
He sits there for several minutes, back against the wall, relishing in the weight of your palm on the back of his hand until the sensation becomes nothing but warmth, and then a ghost of that, until it becomes nothing at all. The picture of you laughing with your eyes wide open watches him steadfastly from its perch on top of his shelf.
Eyes wide, alive, in love. That’s how he’d like to remember you, he thinks.
Organizing the downstairs can wait just as Leon once did.
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barbika1508 · 1 year
Claiming what is mine (Sebastian Sallow x MC x Ominis Gaunt)
Word Count: 18,2k
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Smut
Warnings: Threesome,Female oral receiving, Riding, V Fingering
Summary: Jealousy is something MC has gotten familiar with, always managing to reign in her boys loving them the same even through sometimes ridiculous tantrums. But when it’s her turn of feeling envious things tend to turn out spellbinding,
Authors Note: L/N – stands for Last Name. I referenced the song Ekaterina Shelehova - Savage Daughter. Finally wrote a one-shot, not that it took me a dang long while but here we are. This is pure selfishness from my parttttt, hope you enjoy it :3
I've sadly no idea whose this picture or screenshot belongs to I got it from tiktok.
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‘’How about it, L/N? Fancy an outing to Hogsmeade before exam’s start?’’
I hum at the question the conversation that flew between the girls redirected to include me ‘’Ah so predictable. She is going to blow us off girls.’’ Imelda snorts ‘’The hesitation is enough of an answer.’’
The amusement in her tone and comment have me frowning as I crack an eye open, to send a glare at the Slytherin girl. With 2 classes cancelled I’ve been dragged outside my napping spot relocated, Poppy being impossible to say no to. They’ve chosen to take us to the big expanse outside of the Bell tower to the Hogwarts grounds. Unfortunately, other students had a similar idea as my friends. Luckily, we took a detour away from the fountain and benches picking a patch of grass covered land of to the side.
I’ve made good use of my one-shoulder bag and cloak turning them into a makeshift pillow, having laid down first the girls settling on my right, leaving me be as they began chatting.  That is until Natty brought up the topic, their almost weekly trip to Hogsmeade always extended to me to join in. It’s not that I always said no, but being an ancient magic wielder that is still in rigorous training – not to sound arrogant it’s just the truth – and trying to keep up with studies time is somewhat a luxury.
‘’Can you stop speaking for me? How do you know for certain I’mma say no?’’ I grumble watching her smirk knowingly crossing her arms, keeping a confident demander while Natty and Poppy giggle, amused by us.
‘’Oh, I’m sorry girls, Sebastian asked to copy my notes, Oh I’m so sorry I promised Ominis to help him with bla bla bla…’’ Imelda raises her tone bringing her hand to her forehead exaggerating in her imitation of me. I sit up quickly ready to send a harmless jinx at her choosing to give her a deadpanned glare instead. It leaves her unphased doubling over in laughter pointing her finger at me ‘’Spot on, wasn’t I?’’ she shouts through laughter while Poppy reaches over brushing something from my shoulders.
‘’Don’t mind her Mc.’’ she begins sweetly ‘’We understand you have important responsibilities to tend to.’’ Turning slightly right to face the girls and oversee the castle I pout at the Hufflepuff that despite the jab remains all to innocent looking for me to tease her in return or take it to heart.
‘’Alright settle down, I’m sure Mc finds it difficult to say no given her very realistic load of obligations.’’ Natty the voice of reason comes to my defence to which I give her a thankful smile her seriousness an attempt to placate the girls.
‘’Hey if I had two dotting boyfriends, I would blow us off too. All the time.’’ Imelda comments lying down propped up by her elbows, her words causing heat to hit my cheeks.
‘’I do not blow you off all the time!’’ I counter ‘’I hardly spend time with them if you must know.’’
My outburst causes them to explode into another fit of laughter, bringing attention to us from some onlookers. As grumpy as I feel I cross my arms momentarily ending up throwing them in the air for dramatics letting myself fall back on the ground, eyes closing ‘’Laugh all you want, girls. I know what I’m about.’’
More teasing ensues at my expanse, Imelda having a fieldtrip of a day. Seeing her so animated and engaged I let her be, even Natty coming up with a few blows of her showing her Gryffindor spirit. Poppy remains the only neutral one, discouraging them succeeding only when she switches the theme over to Imelda liking a fellow Slytherin boy as of recent.
While the Hufflepuff and the Gryffindor gals begin their interrogation I readjust myself by propping my head on my arms now raised and bent behind my head. Oh, the beginning stages of liking someone. I don’t miss the whole cat and mouse chase, people tend to do at all. Liking one person is hard enough as it is but liking two people? Unable to decide between them? Favouring a life of loneliness instead of breaking someone’s heart? That sounds about right in my case. The confusion and fear were too real.
Fortunately, what I thought were one sided feelings turned out to be recuperated on both sides. It still feels quite unbelievable even now that we’ve been together for more than a year. Yeah, the 5th year was a bit much to entertain the notion of romance as I’ve had too many near death experiences. The whole ancient magic ability still something of a puzzle even today my familiarity better but caution ever present.
I digress, nonetheless.
The thought of my boyfriend’s instantly calms me down, memories of horrors laid to rest as I smile softly at the image of them in class right now. I’m not sure which subjects they are attending so I let my imagination run, seeing Ominis leant on the desk propping his head up with his hand half asleep as Professor Bin rambles about some battle that happened way to long ago. Sebastian on the other end is stuck in charms class I’m sure trying to get Garreth in trouble for no good reason. Even after going through what he did, he still hasn’t matured to the point of losing his mischief the trait evolving in my opinion into a more undetectable approach his detention days over as he has gotten bloody brilliant at the mischief he manages.
‘’…speaking of future boyfriends and regular ones, isn’t that Sebastian?’’ Natty pipes up in question.
‘’Hey, I didn’t say I was going to court him!’’ Imelda hisses in protests, while I remain unmoving trying my best not to be obvious or too eager to see one of my boyfriends.
‘’You don’t need to use words; it’s written all over your face dear Imelda.’’ Poppy giggles in delight. Curiosity getting the best of me I open my eyes taking in the cloudless blue sky, eyes briefly watering thanks to the sun shining directly at us prompting me to sit back up.
‘’It really is my dear friend.’’ Natty confirms, our Slytherin companion grumbling without much fire, her cheeks coloured pink. I don’t bother with chiming in Imelda having revealed much more than she intended to, Natty having good intuition with guessing things portraying herself as knowing when she in reality is just bluffing.
I scan the grounds noticing several students making their way from the Bell tower outside. So, my gaze takes me directly to the castle’s entrance things looking normal. Normal at first glance that is. Were the girls trying to get a rouse out of Imelda or me? Because Sebastian is nowhere in sight. And I pride myself in finding him and Ominis easily, their magic a song in my ear whenever they are close.
Placing my right hand on the ground touching the grass and earth I take a breath, grounding myself so to speak only now noticing a few girls past the entrance point crowded together finally finding my boyfriend. Although I’ll admit I’m not too keen on the sight.
He’s surrounded by girls from the 6th year, our classmates even, the younger ones shyly standing aback but still hovering, nonetheless. Ever the flawless charmer he is, he chats effortlessly I’m sure replying to anything thrown his way, turning to each and every girl making sure to look in their eyes. And give them his full attention if only for a moment. ‘It’s just the way he is’ Ominis’ words ring in my head ‘He’s not doing it on purpose.’. I exhale through my nose watching as Sebastian gets flustered by something, right hand reaching behind his head to scratch awkwardly the action making some girls swoon – they aren’t subtle, ogling him brazenly – his fans oblivious to his nervous habit. Good. I’m glad he’s nervous. Being too polite and nice to shoo them away, knowing full well he’s a taken man. The audacity.
‘’It seems our Mc doesn’t have to eat Pepper Imps to have smoke coming out of her ears.’’
The remark has me snapping my attention back to my friends their mirth tripled as they observe me, as if waiting for me to snap at any moment. Their looks bring me back to myself so to speak felling how tense I’ve gotten, even grinding my teeth together. Shaking my head, I tsk lying down again, arms crossed as the scene of my boyfriend’s admirers hogging him keeps playing before my eyes.
‘’Ut was a high concentration of magic passing by.’’ I bluff glaring at the sky ‘’Another side-effect to add to the never-ending list of dealing with ancient magic.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah sure.’’ Imelda mocks good-heartedly, Poppy leaning over me all the sudden sporting her never changing gentle smile.
‘’Still with us?’’ she asks to which I immediately nod playing nonchalance.
It’s a well-known fact that Sebastian has something about him that draws girls to him. So many whispers are still ongoing to the present day, of how handsome and capable he is, his admirers eager to boost his ego. Even after finding out about our relationship the persistency of some girls is infuriating to say the least. Their audacity knowns no bounds, which is a topic of argument whenever jealousy gets a hold of me.
I am mortal after all. As much as the boy’s spiral into most of the time reckless and possessive jealousy, mine remains undetectable most of the time. But it grows deep and doesn’t relent so easily.
I’m stressed enough with the exams coming up and tasks needing to be completed the Keeper’s still finding ways with teaching me new things, uncovering, and solving mysteries that don’t all lead to happy endings. I shouldn’t be surprised at these curveballs being thrown my way. Jealousy is a mundane feeling. I don’t have time for it. And yet the image keeps on taunting me even as Poppy nudges me gently.
‘’…got tired of your fan club there Sallow?’’ Imelda teases, my boyfriend’s presence bringing me to look towards his presence, his magic a gentle hum in the back of my mind. Spotting him he’s carrying his cloak and suit jacket over his shoulder, sleeves of his white’s shirt rolled up. Hair messy. A handsome heartthrob.
‘’Bugger of Reyes I don’t have a fan club.’’ He retorts, eyes meeting my own his expression softening immediately as he offers a smile approaching me.
‘’You can’t deny what we’ve all seen Sallow. You better get those girls in order. Or else someone might take it upon themselves to do so. Not so nicely.’’ Glancing over at the Slytherin girls her smirk is devious eyes glinting with ideas I’m sure eager to offer her assistance as soon as we’re alone.
‘’Ahhh give Mc some credit. She is too proper for petty jealousy.’’ Natty counters her words optimistic. Even though I’m ready to accept whatever Imelda has in store for any girl that dares to even think about snatching my Sebastian away.
‘’You are being ridiculous both of you. There is nothing to be jealous of.’’ Sebastian answers, sitting himself on my right side near my hip his hand finding my own immediately ‘’Right darling? You know I have eyes only for you.’’ To prove his point, he gives me a kiss on the hand a wink following that brings me to a smile nonetheless.
‘’And Ominis.’’ Poppy adds as I push myself into a sitting position melting slightly at the look my boyfriend is giving me, as if I’m the only light in darkness.
‘’That goes unsaid.’’ I finally speak up, watching as he relaxes obviously having been worried about my reaction given the teases sent his way from the girls.
‘’That’s called having a strong bond, Imelda. Something unfortunately, we all know is unknown territory for you.’’ At his clap back, I automatically swing at the back of his head with my free hand hitting him gently but enough to get his attention as I shake my head at him.
‘’What?! I dare you to say that…’’ the Slytherin girl explodes like we all know she would, Natty rising on her knees to block the irked girl from attacking my boyfriend as she for now only has her finger pointed.
‘’Not for long if that’s the case.’’ Poppy chirps happily rising her arms in the air waving out of the blue whilst still sitting on the ground ‘’Luckily for you, Percival happens to be my partner in herbology. Enough reason to hang out with us.’’ The sweet Hufflepuff is cunning as a Slytherin sometimes her smoothness and effortlessness rising some flags in my head to be aware of her despite knowing Poppy is as pure as the morning sunlight.
‘’Poppy you…’’ Imelda begins chocking on air looking away in embarrassment as she settles into a more proper sitting position smoothing her skirt and cloak, Natty helping her for a moment turning to greet Percival who greets us having come over. Sebastian pulls my focus away from everyone a greeting of my own falling from the tip of my tongue as he leans forward, still holding onto my hand making sure to whisper into my left ear that is turned from the others.
‘’Reyes is into Periwinkle?’’ he whispers in disbelief and joviality, his crocked smirk giving him away entirely, the glance he sends his two fellows Slytherin investing.
‘’Why not?’’ I shrug watching as our always loud and outspoken Imelda turns into a semi-serious lady shyness an unfamiliar trait on her as she silently listens to Percival who happily converses with Poppy and Natty, herbology the main theme predictably enough. The fact alone has me smiling as our dear Slytherin’s skills in that class are the worst from us all, the girl managing to kill almost every plant she touches and tends to. Not with intention.
‘’What do you mean why not?’’ Sebastian inquires turning to me ‘’They are complete opposites.’’
I raise an eyebrow at that ‘’Opposites attract.’’
Still bewildered at my apparent approval he glances away I’m sure his thoughts taking him to ridiculous places. I’ve learned a long time ago that boys, and men tend to go to weird places in their mind for no reason.
‘’Besides he’s not a bad looking chap. Imelda could have done way worse. Jeremy Levingston? That was a whole circus, remember?’’ I snort in the end, not at all phased at his sudden turn of head offering a pointed glare with his eyebrows furred, lips in a line ‘’What?’’
‘’Not a bad looking chap?’’ he repeats my words, making me pause as I attempt to look towards the guy and shrug, Sebastian’s hand following to cup my cheek and turn me to face him.
‘’No.’’ he says calmly ‘’Your eyes are to be on me and Ominis only.’’ He states seriously clearly displeased with my observation, jealousy coming from Sebastian a normality.
And I would normally play along, reassurance’s easy as I know exactly what to say to calm him, reign him in if you will. But with his popularity rising again, bringing unwanted attention I keep calm. Almost cold even lowering my chin to give him a warning look of my own which at first doesn’t faze him.
‘’Does that rule not apply to you?’’ I ask trying my best to keep the raising anger at bay ‘’If it were the case, you’ve already broken it multiple times. Not even 5 minutes ago.’’ Raising an eyebrow, I pull my hand from his ignoring the shaking of his head, mouth opening to try and convince me otherwise ‘’No matter. I’m sure they were only interested into academics, right?’’ narrowing my eyes I raise onto my knee’s avoiding his hand catching my own as I reach for my bag and cloak. The whole academics thing is a well-known excuse from Sebastian – even though I have every reason to believe him and his faithfulness the words just slip out.
‘’Love it’s not…please just…’’ he attempts as I stand up bringing attention onto myself. So, I muster up the fakest smile I can, petulance simmering.
‘’I bid you adieu my friends. It seems I’ve forgotten of a meetup with Professor Weasley.’’
Unmissable is Imelda’s smirk, Natty’s curious eyes, and Poppy’s genuine nod as she buys into the little white lie. I give my boyfriend a last look his apologetic expression nearly making me reconsider punishing him too much. But I’ve set on this path, jealousy an emote that can overwhelm the most rational of thoughts.
Instead of giving Sebastian a kiss goodbye I raise an eyebrow to “seal the deal” so to speak making him aware that I am cross with him. With that I make my way away from my friend’s their silence noticeable. Safe to say I’ve left an impression.
Ugh boys.
*The next morning*
‘’So, I’ve heard Periwinkle is joining the gang tomorrow.’’ I greet Imelda as she sits down next to me, the Slytherin table mostly empty as it’s still early in the morning for students to be up. The students who are present are the early risers the Great Hall scarcely occupied and not noisy.
Wordless her face twists into a glare, sleep still clinging onto her. It makes it all the more amusing that she can’t hide her feelings.
‘’Is this your way of telling me, you’ll be joining us?’’ her retort comes as I twist my teaspoon around the cup of cocoa I’m drinking.
‘’Irrelevant. Undecided. What is interesting is that you’ve got a pass on quidditch practice. For the first time in your career.’’ I exaggerate as I speak to punctuate my words, Imelda ending up groaning in annoyance stopping her action of buttering up a piece of toast. I giggle at her reaction nudging her with my shoulder ‘’No need to be shy about it, fearless captain.’’ Her sigh and defeated look send me to burst into a fit of chuckles, the always loud and confident Imelda brought to silence a feat in on itself.
‘’M not shy.’’ Grumbling she munches on her toast ‘’Besides it came to be, I didn’t lie to get out of anything.’’
‘’Oh yeah, no volunteering to repot mandrakes which is such a milestone that anyone would jump at the chance to do it. Once in a lifetime opportunity and all.’’
She elbows into my side, making me groan this time around my amusement still ongoing even as she turns with her body towards me sitting casually.
‘’Shut up. Like you’re any better.’’ Her poor attempt backfires as I nod exaggeratedly.
‘’I’m not.’’ I wink having the time of my life at Imelda being so placid, tiredness not the cause of it.
‘’Speaking of boys, unfortunately…’’ my smile widens as I calm down at her tone dipping ‘’…where are your guard dogs?’’ I click my tongue reaching for a croissant having had my fill of jam and fresh baked bread but craving an additional sweet to mainly preoccupy my hands ‘’Is Sallow taking the silent treatment badly as the rumours say?’’
‘’This place has to many rumours going around, for it to be fun anymore.’’ I pout nibbling on the pastry.
‘’That’s because they are mostly about you Hero of Hogwarts.’’ She teases looking smug as I cringe at the title still not used to it, or really feeling worthy of it.
‘’They weren’t lately. With quidditch practice on the regular, and you winning most games tides have been turning.’’ I try to deflect, Imelda pushing at my shoulder for me to shut up as I chuckle having redirected the conversation back to her.
‘’I know you’re secretly obsessed with me L/N but recently it’s not been so secret anymore.’’
Confidence radiates of my friend, as she beams patting me over the back not so gently. I don’t even bother replying as she’s certain in herself like one of my boyfriends, their charm knowing no bound quick to deflect any protests.
‘’You’re impossible.’’ I mumble taking a sip of my now cooled drink looking ahead of us, towards the Hufflepuff table spotting Natty there conversing happily with some Hufflepuffs, Poppy not in sight. She’s an early riser as well her absence unusual.
‘’And yet you adore me.’’ At the comment I glance at her in curiosity but end up confused as she leans closer into my personal space even scotching on the bench the cough, she lets out somewhat awkward as she tilts her head forward.
Silently I get her hint tuning my head to the right looking towards the entrance seeing more students make their way to breakfast, her change in behaviour puzzling me. Looking around I’m lost for a solid moment not spotting anything out of the unusual util I see what had her halting.
‘’That’s a rare sight.’’ She remarks neutrally.
I on the other end am left stunned quite literally. At the pillar near to doors stand my calmer boyfriend conversing rather animatedly with a Ravenclaw girl. Bertha Kettleburn. Known for being one of the pretties’ girls at school she is equally smart. With long black hair, pale skin, and on the skinny side even from halfway across the hall, I find myself admiring her.
Which is why it’s odd that she is talking to my boyfriend. Standing rather close to him, the pretence of avoiding other students’ bollocks frankly speaking as they have space to move back into, and yet the two remain front and centre so everyone can see them together. My thoughts have me glancing at other students who are looking towards them in confusion some meeting my eyes on accident. I groan lowly knowing the new wave of rumours are about to start.
Not many wizards and witches are nice or decent enough to talk to Ominis. Most tend to avoid him, the family name giving him a bad reputation even after the past two years of my beloved helping with protecting students and creatures still not shaking off certain allegations. Unfortunately, even as brave ad friendly as Natty is for example she isn’t too keen on him. And she is one of the nicest people I know.
So, this comes as a surprise to everyone that Bertha is talking to him, enthusiastically out in the open.
I narrow my eyes at my boyfriend surprised to find him paying her full attention not even having his head hung down but is facing her.
‘’What’s that all about?’’ Imelda inquires resting one arm over my shoulder leaning onto me. I find myself quiet, my stomach beginning to churn.
‘’So much for the tables turning.’’ I grumble my mood dampened.
‘’Not everything is about you, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.’’ my Slytherin friend attempts to cheer me up, even running her hand soothingly down my back.
‘’Very reassuring.’’ I can’t help but to glance forth noticing curious looks sent my way, snickers unmissable the buzz gaining traction. Specially as Bertha skips over to her friends having the nerve to wave in greeting.
‘’What a knob.’’ Imelda says under her breath, as I notice movement on my right Ominis making his way over, a small smile on his lips.
‘’Uh huh.’’ I hum absently taking in his state how cheery he looks.
‘’Hmmm.’’ Imelda adds as he approaches taking a huge bite out of her second piece of toast.
‘’Good morning, darling.’’ Ominis greets obviously in a good mood ‘’Imelda.’’ Acknowledging her he does raise an eyebrow his wand that he has lifted pulsing red ‘’Did something interesting happen?’’ the question follows as he sits down, pressing his thigh against my own the closeness a new development.
‘’You could say that.’’ my fried starts, to which I give her a warning look watching as she visibly restrains herself from saying I’m sure something outrageous the pause to long my boyfriend rising his eyebrows in question ‘’I’m stealing your girl.’’ And to demonstrate it with surprising strength she wraps both arms around my shoulders and pulls me against her, leaning us both away from my boyfriend who looks further confused his free hand placing itself over my mid-thigh as if to hold me in place.
‘’Seriously…’’ I begin to protest her protectiveness adorable, even if it’s startling the amount of touching, she has done.
‘’Yes seriously.’’ She interrupts ‘’You should’ve treated her better Ominis. Your girl is to pretty and too nice to be unappreciated. I’d not have time to bother with anyone or literally anything else if she was with me!’’
The taunt has me rising both eyebrows looking up at the Slytherin, her face intent as she’s watching my boyfriend like a hawk, my own gaze slipping back to him watching as he hangs his head expression controlled the shenanigans happening confusing. His hand is rather warm still resting over my skirt.
‘’Heyyy guys!!!’’ breaking the growing tension is Poppy who is way too spring and happy for morning as she bounces over to us, unbothered by our closeness ‘’Morning hugs?’’
I immediately smile at how pure she is glad that it spurs Imelda to release me, acting tough suddenly brushing her shoulders straightening out her coat and uniform ‘’You saw nothing.’’ She even turns forward putting distance between us, as I exchange looks with the Hufflepuff.
‘’I’m always up for hugs.’’ I comment wanting to spread my arms but get intercepted by Ominis’s hand taking a hold of mine. My usually more reserved boyfriend places a kiss onto the corner of my mouth, I’m sure his intention different given the too serios look he gives ‘’And kisses.’’ I smile exchanging a look with Poppy that glances between the three of us, understanding enough to nod and make way to Imelda’s left side to eat breakfast.
‘’Not feeling shy this morning Mr. Gaunt?’’ I tease smiling at my beloved, seeing and knowing that something absurd is going on in that brilliant head of his. The PDA is enough of a tell in its own.
‘’I wouldn’t use the word shy when I’m around you darling.’’ He replies so sure of himself, bashfulness not a trait to describe my boyfriend compared to the fumbling and blushing boy I met 2 years ago ‘’Care to explain what this was all about? Has Imelda taken a fancy of you?’’
No longer is his head hung but rather his entire posture proper, milky eyes shifting left and right the closeness again something out of character for him.
‘’It would seem so.’’ I glance over at the two girls engrossed into a conversation. Ominis’ hand comes under my chin turning my head right back to him, sternness fixated on his features.
‘’Too bad. You are already taken little dove.’’ His voice is steady, not leaving room for rebuttal his hold unwavering keeping me in place. I let out a loud hum narrowing my eyes at my blonde boyfriend admiring how handsome he us, attire, and hair all in place, words and actions showing off his certainty. And yet the switch the seriousness he’s portraying in my company while he was offering smiles and rapt attention to Bertha have my blood cooling. His possessiveness which I’d usually find rather charming – having gotten used to it – right now is doing the opposite.
‘’A well-known fact, I’m sure.’’ I click with my tongue taking a hold of his hand bringing it to the table. I retreat my own hand instead of intertwining our fingers keeping myself in check ‘’I am curious about something, love. Did Bertha need something? Or did she bump into you?’’
I try to keep my voice light, given I can’t really keep myself from hiding away my emotions on my face trying my very best not to find the witch and show her how I really feel currently.
‘’Bertha?’’ he repeats her name making me poke my cheek with my tongue as I hum in confirmation ‘’We’re classmates for the most part this year. I was surprised when she asked for a study date in regards of history of magic there being so many years to remember. So, in exchange, she’ll help me with me finding potion ingredients. Apparently, she knows some places to get rare plants.’’
I don’t speak after he’s done explaining surprised, he has so much to say about it his tone as well revealing some form of excitement at their plan.
‘’Why are you silent, darling? I’ll make sure to bring plants for you too.’’
I close my eyes at his obliviousness, exhaling through my nose rather loudly. I can feel eyes on the back of my head.
‘’So, study dates and adventures with Bertha Kettleburn. What a lucky gal.’’ the last part I mutter under my breath turning forward to peer and confirm that my cup is empty which I slide away from me whilst receiving a nudge from Imelda on my left.
‘’First or second round?’’ Imelda asks as Ominis catches my hand resting on the table.
‘’It’s purely academic Y/N. Why would she be lucky?’’ my boyfriend asks baffled getting upset.
‘’First.’’ I whisper to my friend who giddily cheers I’m sure planning something extra like usual.
‘’First what? You’ve been mysterious ever since I’ve come over. What is Imelda up to? I hope she’s not dragging you into trouble!’’ the Slytherin boy rumbles urgently hold firm on my hand.
‘’I’ve no idea what goes on in her head sometimes.‘’ I sigh watching as he blinks in question ‘’Not to worry though, boyfriend.’’ I unintentionally bite out the last word ‘’You’re going to be to busy with your study dates to worry about little ol’ me. Don’t let thoughts of me exhaust you. You know very well I can take care of myself.’’
I grin widely Ominis’ expression only now shifting into something akin to panic.
‘’Study date no, my love, my heart. It’s not meant like that! It’s just an expression…’’ he rushes upon his realization, my gaze for whatever reason turning forward spotting Bertha frighteningly fast, her eyes already on us. Her fellow Ravenclaws that are around her are talking excitedly their attentions not subtle in their glances sent our way as well. The Ravenclaw girl even dares to give another small wave, eyes shifting to Ominis who tries to get closer to me, arms settling around my waist.
‘’…we are friends, classmates. We will only revise the subject of this year.’’
 I turn to face him abruptly trying my best to keep calm because his words remind me of our boyfriend ‘’Purely academic huh?’’ I state sounding madder than I intended to ‘’You and Sebastian can go running around letting girls ogle you left and right, ask you on studyyy dates, and other ridiculous idea’s they come up with. And you fools oblige them. Bollocks.’’ In my rant I manage to untangle his hands, which he does willingly pull back giving me room to stand and climb over the bench his wand in hand pulsing red, expression pleading ‘’You say everybody knows I am taken. But when it comes to you two? The audacity.’’ I huff ‘’Gods forbid I do anything, without you two freaking out.’’ I brush my hand over my face feeling hot from anger spotting Sebastian making his way over, cautious as he looks between us knowing something’s up.
‘’Do what you want.’’ I raise my hand in surrender shaking my head ‘’Go and bedazzle everyone with your knowledge, kindness, handsomeness whatever.’’ I begin to walk ‘’Be free.’’ I add staring straight at Sebastian aware how ridiculous and dramatic I’m being emotions taking the best of me.
‘’So free.’’ I grumble marching past my brunette boyfriend that stares at me with puppy eyes knowing better than to get in my way.
Ridiculous, men are ridiculous.
‘’Rather thirsty, aren’t we?’’ I roll my eyes at the comment, Imelda nudging me from humour un-fazing me, her good mood tonight noticeable to everyone, as our friend group is more relaxed than the usual. Even with the addition of Imelda’s crush sitting opposite of her.
‘’Just plain thirsty. Its good butterbeer.’’ I reply nonchalantly placing the metal jug back on the table it being my second round of the evening.
‘’That I agree with.’’ Natty cheers taking a drink of her own sitting on the end of the table, free from being sandwiched unlike I, with Imelda on my right and Garreth on my left busy checking out a fellow Gryffindor two tables away from us, the usually shameless red-head lad tame. Percival seems happy to just be here sitting opposite of Imelda, with Poppy next to him and Amit on her other side.
‘’To good butterbeer and excellent weather for stargazing tonight guys.’’ The Ravenclaw cheers his future plans not surprising anyone his cheer charming everyone drinking to it.
‘’So, I’ve been hearing some things.’’ Percival speaks up tone filled with curiosity leaning forward his gaze going back and forth whilst I angle the jug finishing my drink ‘’Did you really take care of an encampment of poachers??’’
The question seems to be sent towards our Slytherin quidditch captain the less acquainted Slytherin boy genuinely curious at the rumour he picked up on. One of the many I’m sure.
At his question even Garreth looks towards us having a knowing smirk, everyone’s eyes landing on Imelda. Except for my own as I lean onto the table on my arms trying to capture Sirona’s gaze. Unfortunately for me she’s busy but nonetheless happy as she serves her other patron’s drinks The Three Broomsticks being packed even for a Friday night.
‘’I mean…’’ Imelda begins everyone sort of holding their breath for her reply, the lack of confidence I’m sure still a novelty coming from out friend.
‘’Oh yeah, she did.’’ I find myself stating observing wizards and witches having harmless fun around us ‘’She isn’t captain by mere strike of fortune.’’ I turn to look at Percival seriously ‘’A master strategist this one.’’ I send a glance at a blushing Imelda that has her eyes averted ‘’Planned the whole thing. Impromptu if I may add.’’
I turn back towards the bar not seeing the barkeep and owner there anymore ‘’Did you stumble upon them? Either they are desperate enough to be unafraid of being close to the main roads, or they are plain foolish.’’ The Slytherin thinks aloud as I sit back in defeat, exchanging a look with Garett whose smile disappeared turning into a glare, our friendship lately growing thanks to his ambition of creating a more powerful wingleweld potion. He’s rather defensive of my honour as some students like to diminish some of my accomplishments, while I got rather good at taming some of his experiments and dragging him out of trouble, his mouth faster than his brain.
‘’We were looking for Horklump Juice actually.’’ Poppy speaks up ‘’Took us a hike to the north of the castle. Luckily, we stumbled upon them. I’d rather hate to imagine what they had in store for those poor Fwooper’s.’’ always sympathetic Poppy’s tone makes it even more worth it ‘’They would’ve taken out the entire den if it weren’t for us.’’
At her tone turning sad I send a glance her way, eyes meeting my own the memory replying in my mind how sad she has gotten over one of the creatures getting hurt.
‘’But wouldn’t it have been better to call a professor? Sent a distress signal?’’ Percival presses. I can feel his burning gaze on me, feeling the shift in the air his curiosity a bit pressing.
‘’Nahh mate, it would’ve ruined the whole surprise attack. Sometimes all you need is a bit of bravery and sparkle of strategy to have the upper hand,’’ Garreth defends his commentary brining a smile to my lips. Finally, as Sirona is back at the bar she glances up, my hand shooting halfway up catching her gaze.
Making a gesture to signalize another round she returns a kind smile offering a nod to which I give a thumbs up sitting back comfortably ‘’Next time you should join us.’’ Natty chuckles looking pointedly at Percival ‘’There’s never a dull moment. Even with gathering basic ingredients. Such is the way of magic.’’
I nod at her words seeing that our collective answers haven’t really satisfied the Slytherin. And luckily for the newest addition – yet to be added to our group in my personal opinion – Amit brings up the conversation of the upcoming quidditch game’s the mention alone springing Imelda into action, quick to defend her house and honour being so sure of her skills and team that a bet gets made.
A bet which I for once remain neutral from, happily drinking another round of butterbeer simply listening to my friends laughing, teasing, and even arguing Garreth chirping in jokes at times only for me to hear, our own brief but meaningful adventures for potion ingredients causing our platonic bond to grow fonder. To the displeasure of my boyfriends. Specially Sebastian and the whole house rivalry which I don’t exactly get even less support. I am loyal to my house, proud of it it’s colours representation, but can’t find it in myself to rival or envy others given I’ve got friends in all houses and help any student of Howards in need regarding of their house.
At the mention of rivalry, I’ve been good so far trying not to think of my beloveds who are obviously missing out on the merriments of tonight. To be honest and with slight guilt I admit I am not sure if they were even invited to join. I’m sure Poppy wouldn’t lie and told them the truth if she was asked, as well as Natty.
It makes me wonder what the two have been up to since the arguments I’ve engaged them into. The silent treatment had been working, the boys redirected mostly by Imelda that has been truly clinging onto me since that morning, I’m sure her words messing with Ominis’ head as sometimes as smart as intelligent that he is emotions play crucial roles in our lives, nonetheless.
I assume they must be in the undercroft planning. What exactly I’m not sure. And yet my gut is telling me they must be up to something to gain my favour. Sebastian impatient even when he’s mad at me – mostly due to some ventures going wrong usually – doesn’t keep distance for long. Ominis is the one I want least to disappoint the always composed and logical of my boyfriends setting me into an ambitious path to keep making him proud, and Sebastian on the other hand safe, and most definitely away from danger. For the most part as trouble and danger find me.
What could they be doing thought? Its rare and weird that they’ve not looked for me, its…
‘’If you keep twisting those eyebrows of yours any tighter, you’ll remain with permanent grump face.’’ Garreth points out as Poppy proudly debates with Amit about mooncalf’s, Natty explaining about the difference in magic with Imelda and Percival who has lost the edge he had in the beginning.
Turning to the red head he has a smile, eyes taking me in ‘’You’re supposed to be having fun L/N. The Hero of Hogwarts should have days off too.’’
At the damned title I blow raspberries tapping my fingers against the jug, my right foot under the table beginning to move in circle ‘’I am having fun.’’ I reply genuinely, taking a sip watching as the Gryffindor’s face portrays his disbelief ‘’I am!’’ I exclaim shoving him gently ending up chuckling ‘’I’m not thinking about the never-ending list of to-dos the assignments I’ve yet to start, the requests I’ve got to tackle…’’
‘’Alright, alright you’re spiralin’.’’ He interrupts grabbing a hold of his own drink, which he bumps against mine gently prompting me to follow his lead ‘’Sorry I’ve asked. Here’s to less things to do instead.’’
At his words I nod, taking a long sip exhaling loudly finishing the round before everyone again ‘’What woes you my friend huh? You’ve been rather preoccupied as well.’’ I throw an arm around his shoulders leaning closer for effect, not missing the not-so-subtle blush rising on his cheeks.
‘’That’s not the word I’d use.’’ He tries to hide behind his cup slowly sipping on his butterbeer to which I pat him over the shoulder humming.
‘’If I were you, I’d finish that drink faster. Because your crush is standing at the bar. And I happen to have finished my drink.’’ I let go of him slowly playing nonchalant, ignoring the haziness that’s made an appearance the butterbeer’s I’ve consumed finally taking hold.
As Garreth takes a look his head twisting, I fish out some galleons from the pocket of my discharged coat behind me sliding them over to my friend ‘’Come on Mr. Bravery. A sparkle of tactics and you’re there.’’ I repeat his words from earlier downright manhandling him to take the money and our empty jugs.
I get myself more comfortable to prevent him from chickening out, his nervous look noticed by Natsai as she looks between us in confusion whilst I give Garreth an okay sign ‘’You’ve got this, I believe in you Weasley.’’
And just like that off he goes without a second thought or taking a breath, Imelda having fared way worse when chatting with Percival the first few times we’ve deliberately pushed then together to interact.
‘’There he goes.’’ I comment drumming my fingers of my right hand over the wooden table ‘’Like a baby giraffe learning how to walk.’’
My comparison has Natsai burst into a fit of giggles as we watch after him, bump into an older wizard in the attempt of standing next to his crush who finds it amusing as Garreth apologizes but offers a charming smile her way, our drinks entirely forgotten as the smitten boy remains holding onto the empty jugs.
‘’Boys are so hopeless aren’t they.’’ Natsai’s comment has me humming in agreement as we observe him for a while longer making sure he doesn’t need saving ‘’How are your better halves faring? Their absence is quite noticeable tonight.’’
I sigh with my entire chest propping my head on my arm ‘’Honestly, I do miss…’’
‘’Hey, they are about to start playing some music.’’ Imelda announces fully leaning onto me, nearly dislodging me if I didn’t have my feet planted on the ground. Slightly bothered but buzzed enough I get distracted at the said band of musicians in the corner of the pub suddenly beginning to play, the atmosphere of the entire place getting livelier.
I follow along sitting up straight letting Imelda push me for a bit, the song that’s being played familiar to everyone but myself as I watch students and adults alike singing along the lyrics. I clap with the rhythm content to sway left and right, watching as my friends lighten up enjoying themselves. It brings me to a peaceful state despite the chaos around me.
People get up to dance, cheers and encouragements shouted and whistles joyous as everyone’s troubles seem to melt away at least for tonight. Not for everyone.
I’m not like everyone after all. Surrounded by my kin, my friends, those who already proved they’d protect me, and intend to remain in my life should make me feel at ease. I should feel okay, happy seeing them so free.  I offer smiles nodding along, as some go dancing, Amit getting asked by a girl our age to dance with her has everyone’s attention on the Ravenclaw.
Imelda strikes up a weird dance that Percival across her plays along with the two showing great potential and chemistry if they are to court. Poppy always so cheerful is a true cheerleader, Natsai having been one of the first to have left the table. Garreth has only made the appearance of bringing the entire table another round of drinks but was cutely pulled to dance with his crush, her smile reaching the stars.
I don’t regret coming out I really don’t. It’s fun and a rare moment in life where everything is good.
Except it’s not.
I’ve let my emotions get the better of me. I got petty over ridiculous things that could have been thought through. My choice was to listen to my friends teasing and well-meant words than talk to the two people who matter the most to me. What a fool.
I’d exchange this moment for some quiet and cold of the undercroft to spend time with my boys.
But I’ve made my bed.
The dancing eventually comes to a stop, the participants heavily breathing atmosphere still lively, the musicians taking a break along with others ordering more drinks chatter filling the air. Conversation flows back my group mates spilling jokes and random information, discovering new things about one another. I’m happy nobody ropes me into any discussions. I happily drink the butterbeer and munch on chips that Sirona brought over a while ago.
‘’Y/N-ah I’ve noticed you haven’t sung any of the songs, the whole evening.’’ Percival once more speaks up, his tone tinted with nosiness. He has a talent of bringing unwanted attention to me, as my friends’ chatter begins to die down.
I keep the silence going as I munch on the chips offering a shrug ‘’I’m not in a singing mood tonight.’’
He frowns at my response shaking his head offering a smile ‘’Oh I’m sure you are. You’ve certainly clapped to the right beat, better than anyone. Do you dislike the classics perhaps?’’
The details he keeps bringing have me questioning who this guy really is.
‘’Dislike no.’’ I begin clicking my tongue ‘’I’m into all kinds of music. It just has to be…I’m lacking words.’’ I drag my words out hoping he’ll get the hint of backing off. Glancing towards Imelda she has an eyebrow raised displeased with what’s happening I’m sure as she glares at Percival.
‘’She truly is. All kinds of music that is,’’ Poppy confirms ‘’Knowing fae music, Nordic war songs to name the ones that stood out to me, she even knows muggles tunes. But she sang a song for me a while back. She’s very tuneful and the lyrics were profound. Where did you learn that song?’’ the Hufflepuff turns to me purely curious as well, now everyone’s attention stuck onto me.
‘’I um…it’s not really the right settings for it…’’ I hesitate leaning back the excuse of going to the bathroom right on the tip of my tongue.
‘’Oh, sure it is my friend.’’ Natsai enthusiastically eggs on ‘’You can even tell the band the melody if you’d like. I’m certain they’d comply to your request.’’
‘’Sironaaaa!’’ Imelda raises her tone standing up her greeting exaggerated but avid.
‘’Such enthusiasm.’’ Shirona laughs in amusement placing shot glasses on the table along with a bottle of firewhiskey ‘’Have I heard right about a song request?’’
I immediately shake my head watching the bottle floats in the air magic doing its thing, pouring us all equal shots. Even small tricks as these meaningless to my companions are a wonder to me even to this day.
‘’Oh yes, Y/N here is apparently a great singer.’’ Imelda is immediate to encourage gone the glare she sported earlier.
‘’She truly is.’’ Poppy pouts giving me pleading eyes as I wrap my fingers around the glass. Full blown kicked-crup-puppy look.
‘’Dear Y/N you keep on surprising us.’’ Sirona compliments hovering still, firewhiskey floating away as she folds the tray under her arm ‘’Drink up. It will help with hesitancies.’’
For one she isn’t one to encourage drinking, this being a rarity to bring over a strong alcoholic drink. Knowing Shirona after doing task for her getting to know her, I’m certain her approach and timing was intentional. She must be aware of something. With the promise of a stronger buzz, the liquid looking dangerously red the need to forget about myself overpowers rational thoughts, as I grasp the glass switching it into my left hand.
I curl my fingers on my right hand making a fist and bring it down onto the table repeating the motion as I create a beat, all the while I drink the entirety of the glass content, grimacing at the scorching heat not giving myself time to recuperate as I reach over and save Poppy from drinking her own beverage.
Finishing the second shot I feel like I can breathe fire, shaking my head in reaction to the fire traveling down my throat warming me, my hair falling from the lose ponytail I’ve tied it up some time ago.
I let out a groan to clear out my throat before beginning to sing trying my hardest to ignore everyone’s apt attention.
‘’I am my mother's savage daughter, the one who runs barefoot, cursing sharp stones, I am my mother's savage daughter, I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voiceeee…’’ I let my voice tremble in the end looking at my friends Poppy already overjoyed, even if the version I sang to her was quieter and calmer. I’m erasing all tenderness singing from my throat trying to keep my voice heavy, words holding meaning to them.
I spare a look at my companions Natsai grinning ear to ear, Amit dazzled, Poppy lulling left and right, Percival completely taken aback but watching intently, while Imelda looks like she’s concentrating on the beat I’m creating looking like she wants to jump in. Sirona remains on the side silently observing. The banging brings attention over to our table. Thanks to the fire churning in my stomach, the feeling of bravery and confidence washing over me I lose all reservations raising my voice.
‘’My mother's child is a savage, She looks for her omens in the colours of stones…’’ something prompts me to stand up, now banging with both hands Imelda the first one to join the others quick to follow giving my voice more power ‘’…I will not cut my hair, I will not lower my voice.’’
Before I know it, I’m up on the table, stomping my boots on it, everyone cheering as I continue singing the lyrics that are flowing like a spring breeze, the power behind them filling me in a similar manner that ancient magic does.
I’ve captured enough attention to gain an audience as unabashed shouts and screams of encouragement join. It’s easy to sway to the music, the table become to small prompting me to jump past Natsai that makes way letting me dance onwards everyone else upkeeping the beat.
The talented Gryffindor casts a fire illusion after me, it dancing along creating I’m sure a more alluring effect as I hold onto my skirt making sure it doesn’t ride to high as I move to the rhythm pulling girls to dance with me.
Before I know it most of the pub is up, the girls cheers more potent than before I’m sure the lyrics enticing even as I near the end, some picking up on the words singing with me. The dance shifts almost on que into guys joining, them spinning the girls around. I avoid many outstretched hands fully intent on escaping but get stopped by Garreth out of all people catching me. I let him twirl me around only realizing after a few firm steps that he’s pushing us into the direction of what I call freedom.
‘’We are our mother's savage daughters, The ones who run barefoot, Cursing sharp stones, We are our mother's savage daughters, We will not cut our hair, We will not lower our voice.’’ The girls that have picked up the words out-sing me, leaving the Gryffindor to pull me faster towards our booth his hold on my hand firm even as mid-laughter and disbelief feeling extremely hot – enough that I’ve shed to be only in my white school shirt having only throw over a mint coloured jumper leaving for Hogsmeade in a hurry – I end up stunned at the sight of my boyfriends present.
‘’Great escapade L/N. I’d stay for a chit chat, but Lydia is waiting for me.’’ Garreth leans close to my ear from the back, still holding onto my hand as he speaks revealing his crushes name sounding smitten as he lets go. Glancing back, I watch as he eagerly disappears between the dancers as the band has picked up their instruments and have begun playing.
Turning forward with a smile as I’m happy for my fried I focus on who I’ve missed the entirety of the night, not missing the way they are holding themselves. Ominis isn’t one for crowds for obvious reasons while Sebastian…oh yeah. He’s screaming trouble with the look he is giving me.
Only for a moment I remain stunned brain going blank at the sight of how handsome my boyfriends are.
‘’You’re here!!!’’ I squeak in excitement throwing my hands in the air body already moving as I run towards them.
‘’Wha…wow wow wow Mc …’’ Sebastian warns as I dash coming to a stop by jumping into his arms, clumsily grabbing onto his shoulders squishing my face roughly into his chest hearing him groaning at the impact. Of course, he catches me, and tries to steady us. I on the other hand and practically buzzing from the aftermath, feeling his familiar large hands settle over my back.
‘’Oh, Merlin’s beard Mc, you’ve not seen them for a few hours can you stop being a love-sick puppy already?!’’ Imelda groans calling me out.
‘’Oh Captain! Your absence this morning was quite the rouse. Leaving us unsupervised. Bold.’’ Sebastian calls after her, letting me place a clumsy kiss to his jaw as he’s still somewhat battling with keeping me still, my excitement rising.
I brighten up more as Ominis hand find my own ‘’Sallow don’t!!!’’ Imelda warns attempting to climb the bench but gets pulled back by Percival who is sitting on her previous seat trying to wrestle her, but also be nice about it, but also not rouse her even more as she turns to bicker with him her shyness around him gone finally.
‘’Oh, my word you’re so handsome tonight. Extra.’’ I blur out bypassing Sebastian who keeps his hand on my back, while I move to embrace Ominis wrapping my arms around his neck, somewhat hanging of off him, feeling the way his muscles tense to support us.
‘’Ooooofff darling…’’ he chuckles letting me lull us side to side happy to be hugging him.
‘’You came just at the right time lads.’’ Natty’s voice reaches my ears ‘’What took you so long?’’
‘’YEAH! WHERE WERE YOU?’’ I shout angry at their absence, to which I make it known by pouting and glaring at Ominis first who remains unreadable while Sebastian looks amused, quirking an eyebrow my way.
‘’To be honest, we…’’
‘’SEBASTIAN!!’’ a loud and enthusiastic shout cuts through the air, the shrill voice nearly causing me an immediate headache. We all turn to a way enthusiastic 7th year, a girl dressed to the nines in all green, hair a light shade of blonde with two diamond blue eyes shining as she rushes over ‘’You finally came!!!’’
‘’Ahh, Agatha.’’ Comes Sebastian’s surprised response. It’s the way that he speaks her name hands retreating from us, and the fact that he turns his attention to her that has me sobering up. Even though the firewhiskey is doing its job tremendously well, making every second thought logical and perfectly make it make sense.
‘’My love don’t do anything unreasonable.’’ Ominis even sightless knows sometimes before I do of how I’m about to react. Or at least knows to prepare for the inevitable.
As the girl comes to a stop inquiring about whatever, her words muted as I zero in on the way she’s looking at our boyfriend with literal stars in her eyes, I move without thinking making sure to grab Ominis hand pulling him with me.
‘’…that’s what I was wondering.’’ She remains looking at Sebastian only turning to look at me after she finishes her sentence, a perfectly shaped eyebrow rising above her blue eye. In the meantime, Ominis’ other hand settles on my waist as if to hold me back – or to prepare himself to do so.
‘’Hi.’’ I greet overexaggerating with my smile, ignoring the look our brunette boyfriend is giving us as I zero in on the girl. Agatha.
‘’Am hi.’’ She awkwardly responds clearly confused with our presence.
‘’Hmm.’’ To taunt her I hum out loud narrowing my eyes slightly, keeping eye contact more than it’s necessary, only after a while turning to Sebastian who is looking at me, with bathed breath.
Wordlessly I grasp the back of his neck with my free hand, pulling him down into a kiss the move catching him of guard as our mouths clash at first. I chuckle into the kiss smoothly transitioning it into a proper kiss as I move my lips, the brunette easily following even through his hesitancy.
‘’Ah I beg your pardon, Agatha. It’s a very excitable night as you must have seen.’’ Ominis speaks up, polite as ever, still keeping his hands on me.
‘’Oh no worries. The song got us all on our feet. They’ve dragged even Sirona into it.’’
As they chuckle at that, the friendliness is too much even with the distraction of Sebastian’s hand on my cheek and his mindless devotion to showing affection in public. The man is shameless after all. Breaking apart I offer him a smile feeling rather pleased seeing his dazed expression, a tint of rose colouring his freckled cheeks.
‘’Have you finished with your ostentatious display?’’ Ominis inquires, my eyebrows furrowing as I look at how smug he’s holding himself.
‘’I know we’re speaking English right now but was that English??? That last part?’’ I blur out accepting Sebastian’s hand as he bids goodbye to the girl with an excuse I don’t quite catch as I stand starstruck whenever I hear my quieter boyfriend laugh genuinely.
‘’Don’t overthink it sweetheart. You polyglots tend to overanalyse simple words.’’ He sooths delivering the sweetest of kisses onto my forehead as I feel heat warming my cheeks. Sebastian presses himself behind my back leaning over my shoulder.
‘’That was the cutest, most raw, hot, and out there demonstration of jealousy, darling.’’ He smugly points out, Ominis’ smile not helping.
‘’Hmm not at all.’’ I deny attention briefly caught by my friends engaging into another popular song, the pub gaining energy once more, the atmosphere magical to put it bluntly ‘’It was merely a show of affection that’s all.’’ I play innocent, shaking of their hands smiling as I begin to clap to the rhythm the wizarding songs not familiar enough for me to sing them as others do.
‘’Sebastian is quite right little dove.’’ Ominis fuels on pressing himself over my back, both hands settling over my waist my clapping coming to a halt thanks to his proximity ‘’Honestly, you’re very endearing when you’re jealous.’’
Unable to help how my body reacts I feel how the blush hits my cheek not aiding my denial. I puff out my cheeks in defiance, Sebastian raised brows not undetering me.
‘’I wouldn’t use that word.’’ I shake my head crossing my arms, remaining in Ominis’ embrace even as Sebastian steps closer ‘’I would…’’
‘’Ahhhh MC!!!’’ My voice gets overpowered by Imelda’s. My friend makes her way over in between us, plastering herself over my back clumsily, the waving of the metal jug quick to make my reflexes work as I grab for it from her hands, attempting to steady her ‘’Gaunt! Get your hands of my girl.’’
Her exclamation stuns both of my boyfriends but makes me burst into giggles at how bold she is. With more strength than necessary even on unsteady feet, she pulls us a step backwards pushing Ominis’ hands away.
‘’Your girl? What game are you trying to play at Reyes?’’ Sebastian springs into action grasping my left and free hand, not achieving anything as Imelda holds me firm.
‘’No game.’’ She says confidently tapping the jug, guiding my hand along to bring it to my mouth ‘’I said you should have appreciated her more.’’ She clicks her tongue as I begin drinking butterbeer finding myself thirsty actually ‘’I’ve stolen her away from you lot. Paying too much attention to bimbos leaving this treasure right here, alone for the taking.’’
Proving that she is gutsier than usual – thank you alcohol – she grabs for the empty jug, lowering it turning my head with her other hand that’s wrapped around me. I stare at her with wide eyes ready to duck and run away, but she swiftly delivers a kiss to my left cheek. To my horror and fascination at what this evening is turning out to be she hoovers inches away from my face, flush as a tomato upkeeping the staring contest.
‘’Hey, hey!’’ Sebastian protests finally springing into action getting in between us as stunned, and very stupefied I accept Ominis’ pull of hand, as he tucks me into his side. I raise an eyebrow in question as a hand reaches for my cheek not to caress it but to begin wiping the spot where I’ve received the Slytherin girl’s kiss.
As Sebastian and Imelda begin the battle of berating trying to outdo one another, I remain focusing on Ominis who looks way to focused on the task he’s doing gently stroking my cheek. I can see how the gears in his brain are turning, mulling something over. The frown on his pretty features reveals his emotions and state of mind too, milky ocean eyes set onto one spot to my left.
‘’He…’’ a hiccup along with a burp rush up my throat before I can stop it, the action not something I do in front of anyone. Shocked I stare with wide eyes as Ominis shows his surprise as well.
‘’Oh gods…’’I grumble, ending up groaning and then whining ‘’Yahhhh, Omi I’m tiredddddd.’’ My mood shifts, the events of the night catching up even past the haziness in my mind. I throw my hands in the arm draping them over his shoulders, fully leaning into him. I giggle at his stumble but quick save as he grabs me awkwardly trying to hold on.
‘’Omfff darling…’’ he huffs ‘’You know I always love your…am…touchiness but could you…’’
‘’Oh goodness me.’’ Comes our boyfriend’s exhale. I get promptly picked as if I’m a child, Sebastian pulling me into his arms with ease ‘’Your rather naughty aren’t you.’’ He shakes his head but keeps smiling in amusement ‘’Running off to a pub, singing and dancing, drinking sweet nectar without us. Letting yourself get snatched by others.’’
I raise an eyebrow at the last part but grin nonetheless ‘’I hope you don’t expect of me to be proper at all times dear lover. I’m not that kind of a gal.’’ I shrug nonchalantly the added buzz from the butterbeer making me melt into Sebastian’s arms who holds me easily ‘’But you’re aware of that already.’’ I muse seeing his amusement eyebrows quirked looking rather pleased.
Crowing our space, Ominis looks like he is a man on a mission, not missing a beat as he brings our lips together his kiss very unlike him. Cheers erupt from my friend’s table, Ominis behaviour catching others attention as frankly he is acting more so like Sebastian than himself, taking control entirely teeth biting at my lips whenever he pleases, one hand possessively holding the nape of my neck.
‘’Only we get to see the improper parts of you, MC.’’ He speaks lowly once he parts ‘’Only we get to snatch you.’’ He delivers another hard kiss ‘’Because you’re ours.’’
‘’Correct.’’ Sebastian confirms crowding against my back, both of them shielding me from the world. But it’s wrong. They’ve got it all wrong. It’s the other way around. They are both mine as much as I’m theirs. And yet we’ve fallen into the predicament of being here because the unwanted attention delivered to my boyfriends and their obliviousness of my feelings.
Even through the haze Ominis put me under, my body heating up at their bold touches in such a public space the alcohol buzzing in my veins adds fuel to my fire. I can feel ancient magic buzzing on my fingertips. Ready to take action.
‘’Say it.’’ Ominis encourages my silence stretching, big warm hands settling on my waist, Sebastian’s holding me in place by my hips rather as he nuzzles in my hair. My face hardens at their demand always needing reassurance. They are always the ones staking claim, showing of their jealousy unabashedly.
Reaching up I grasp Ominis chin directing and tilting his head downwards, aware his pretty opal eyes aren’t meeting mine, but the gesture has his attention the possessiveness that was coming out broken into a questioning rise of an eyebrow.
It takes it less time to manoeuvre and bring my right hand up, behind Sebastian’s head slipping my fingers between his locks and pulling on them hard knowing he enjoys it much more than he’ll ever admit, making him bend lower to my shoulder.
‘’You’re forgetting yourselves boys.’’ I begin my tone cool ‘’Do you need a reminder of the past few days?! How despite your claims of devotion, your attentions seem to be split onto other gals. One might not find themselves feeling so specially anymore.’’ I end up grumbling letting my emotions get the best of me the feeling of power ready to spiral over making me surge forward crushing my lips against Ominis’s first unleashing a fraction a spark if you will.
It manifests in the kiss I think but through the haziness of my mind I’m unaware and far too gone to stop as I leave the blonde breathless spinning and grabbing Sebastian roughly by his cheeks bringing him down combating his own dominance the brunette usually competing even when it comes to kissing.
And just like that, giving them a taste of my emptions dragging them in so to speak I break apart entirely, lulling to the song. Grinning pleased with events so far, I waltz over to Natty giving her a half hug at the table, mumbling about heading out her words of safety always welcomed as I grab my coat and wave at the others not turning around or waiting for my boyfriends.
‘’Ohhh. You’re so pretty when you’re desperate.’’ I coo grinning with delight, easing my hips lower the slight wobble of Sebastian’s lips bringing so much joy its intoxicating. ‘’So pretty.’’ I repeat in a whisper running my hands over his biceps not in the slightest bothered over the light layer of sweat coating his skin as I run my lips and tongue over his neck tasting the slight saltiness, settling on his left side proceeding to leave blooming marks on his freckled skin.
Curiously I peek at our quiet boyfriend sitting on the other end of the couch, not letting out a sound, usually tidy blonde hair a wicked mess of strands, suiting him more-so than the properness with which he holds himself by. The rest of his clothes are gone, long milky legs bent, lithe body shuddering but not from cold oh no.
The only accessory is my tie adoring his wrists holding them together. Long slender fingers are wrapped delicately around his wand, as it sets out pulses of red frequenter than a human’s heartbeat. His usually tilted head is upright, opal galaxy eyes set towards us. The blush on his cheeks runs down his neck and chest, only a faint mark on his collarbone beginning to make an appearance. I’ll have to rectify that later our introduction short lived.
I grin with delight seeing him shifting subtly, his patience giving as seconds go by. Hmmm so close, he’s so close to giving in.
‘’Ughhhh.’’ Sebastian moans as I circle my hips, hands lifting of the couch for a moment, catching himself in the action fingers curling into fists after.
‘’Hmm that was a close one.’’ I wonder out loud, watching as he’s recollecting himself trying to hold back stretching out my time to rest my aching thighs ‘’Are you still with me, love?’’
He immediately nods but keeps his eyes closed, body in the beginning stage of the trembles. To be fair we’ve been going at it for a while my edging harsh to be frank specially for Sebastian who is the one with the shortest fuse between the three of us.
‘’My sweet, sweet Sebastian.’’ I sing acting merciful by lifting my hips a little, and dropping back onto him, slipping my arms around his neck cupping the back of his head petting his soft brown tangled mess of hair. I focus on the torture that is taking my sweet time in lowering and rising but only halfway the movement diabolical if I do say so myself.
And not only for him! Our usually frantic chase towards release has been halted entirely with great patience the pace I’ve settled on effective in its agonizing way. Biting onto my lower lip from glee I observe how his eyebrows furrow, expression twisting, muscles tensing as the trembling hasn’t subdued, the knuckles on his hands white resting near his thighs on the couch.
Slowing to a stop again he whines out loud, panting as he opens his eyes. Those pretty brown eyes of his settle over my smirking lips, expression dazed.
‘’Eyes on me handsome.’’ I encourage gently cupping his cheek, Sebastian doing so immediately as his face changes into one of pleading. Desperation. ‘’There he is.’’ I lean close giving him bunny kisses as I’ve learned they are called gently rubbing my nose side to side with his.
I shift my hand to take a hold of his chin readjusting my bent knees and legs on the couch, running my other hand down his front as I bring our mouths together happily, giving in only for a moment letting him guide us at one point.
The suave, flirt that he naturally is has been erased this evening as I have a putty boyfriend in my hands, moaning and groaning at the swipe of a tongue, his gasps and whimpers rising in tone once my hand that slid down his chest reaches the base of his hardness, feeling where we are connected. Even the thought of it seems erotic, causing me to clench around him automatically pretty brown eyes pleading me silently, the trembles endearing.
‘’Tell me how good this feels.’’
He visibly gulps as I slide my right hand onto the back of his head, grasping his hair pulling his head back as I raise until only the head of his cock rests inside me. I place my left hand on his throat not applying pressure but keeping it there as a reminder.
‘’So good…’’ he’s trying so hard to hold himself together ‘’…it’s so…aahhh g-good…’’ I lick over my lower lip dropping lower at an antagonizing slow pace ‘’Aaaaaa f-fuck…’’ he’s a stuttering mess is what he is.
‘’Is it?’’ I tease tapping the fingers on my left hand over to his shoulder, bicep, forearm, and to his trembling hand ‘’Don’t tell me you’re close, darling.’’
Prying his hand open his eyes remain on me as I give him a predatory look, bringing our now joined hands upwards directing his hand onto my hip, only needing to reach over albeit awkwardly for him to get the message his other hand following suit, the rule of keeping his hands to himself ended.
‘’Are you close??’’ I tilt my head for effect, watching as he hesitates the shudders running through him telling enough.
He ends up nodding furiously fingers digging into my skin to which I let go of his head tsking. I raise my hand up between us moving my pointing finger left and right ‘’I gave you permission to touch. Not to grip or mark me.’’ My tone lowers ‘’I’ve been nice to you. Patient. Merciful. But some things…’’ as I talk, I let my fingers run over his chest sending a glance at Ominis who has shifted legs dropped against the backrest in defeat, wand still pulsing eyes hooded and fixated on us ‘’…oh. Some things do get under my skin.’’
And just like that my mood darkens. At the hint of disobedience and the ridiculous notion of them having admirers who aren’t getting the gist that they are taken.
Wordlessly I grab Sebastian by the shoulders, digging my nails into skin his hiss low but loud in the silence of the Room of Requirement, the newly transfigured couch finally put to good use.
With a clenched jaw and new determination, a plan set in mind; game time is over. I begin to raise and fall, keeping it basic at the start as I build a rhythm. And for the first time I go against the whole ‘people pleasing’ tendency and keep the pace how I like it, fully knowing Sebastian is one for action and friction.
And yet this time around he has no choice or word in the matter. Since they’ve apparated us here from Hogsmeade thinking the night will turn into their favour things have turned upside down. Jealousy is a green-eyed monster that lingers like a pesky bee relentless in its pursuit.
‘’Ahhhhh…’’ I groan in delight finding the friction, the feeling of him inside me filling me up so satisfying, that I throw my head back closing my eyes for a moment as he squeaks at, I’m sure a painful hold from me. I switch up the pace rolling my hips like belly dancers do in my own kind of way, changing the tempo spreading my legs wider.
‘’F-fuck, MC…’’ he moans strong robust hands slipping behind my back to support me. I can feel him begin to lean forward, to which I snap back to attention, my knees proving my only anchoring point as I push against him.
The move takes him by surprise as he falls back ‘’Just imagine what would all those girls in their pretty skirts, bows in their perfectly styled hair, and fluttering eyes, rosy cheeks, think of the best dueller of Hogwarts, the unbeatable beater, the troublemaker of Slytherin at the mercy of me.’’ I all but growl the last part getting in his face, still moving my hips getting closer to him physically earning some friction against my clit against his lower belly ‘’They must be over the moon with their silly thoughts of having a strong man to take care of them, protect them. Have the perfect boyfriend.’’ I chuckle darkly ‘’They couldn’t handle the reality of you being such a good boy for me, groaning and whimpering for my touches. My pretty boy putty in my hands letting me use you however I please.’’
I raise an eyebrow in question admiring how desperately he’s trying to keep it together my words having a big effect ‘’Ah ffffuck…’’ I mewl fingers dragging down his chest for sure leaving marks ‘’Fuck you feel gooooddd…’’ I purr the built up of an orgasm in sight, the burn in my thighs causing me to temporary grind my teeth as I push through the pleasure and spiking pain.
He doesn’t seem to be minding my rougher treatment judging by the broken moans parting his glossy lips ‘’Sebastian.’’ I whisper leaning closer his eyes not leaving my own ‘’You’re mine.’’
I ground my hips against him harder than its necessary, my frustrations getting the better of me ‘’Your both mine.’’ I lean against the brunette boy turning to Ominis ‘’Ominis.’’ I call for him, the ache in my thigs beginning to present a problem the further I ride Sebastian.
Our blind boyfriend obligates eagerly moving stiffly forward, lowering his hands as he scootches closer ‘’Ominis my love.’’ I whisper and with shaky hands reach to untie the tie, letting him free not minding Sebastian’s hands as they glide over my skin to my front fingers quick to begin rolling my nipples, the added stimulation perfect.
Giving him a glance, I offer a smirk reaching for our poor neglected boyfriend who eagerly moves his right hand finding it’s place over my back, left hand holding his wand on the backrest.
‘’Kiss me.’’ I breathe out watching as the blond like a man possessed raises onto one foot, his lips finding my own with spectacular precision despite our rocking. It’s a clumsy kiss from my part I’ll admit, my focus thorn thanks to the sounds Sebastian is providing, along with his touches and the feel of him.
Ominis with the patience of a saint keeps the kiss going stepping behind me at one point, the burn in my thighs starting to hurt to the point of it being hard to ignore.
‘’I’m not going to last…MC…please…love of my life…’’ Sebastian’s slurred words have us parting ways, as I push the last bit of energy, I have into hardening the pace into the one we both love, Sebastian readjusting us sliding forward and begins to thrust taking most of the strain of me.
‘’Ah Seb…Seb…Seb…’’ I cry my body wanting to curl up desperately, tingles rising everywhere. Along with that it starts to feel hot, so melting hot and suffocating but in the best way possible both my boys’ anchors to keep me tethered to earth in a way, while at the same time absolutely destroying me, as Ominis leans over one hand sliding in between us his touch against my clit electrifying as my mind begins to shut down.
Blindly reaching behind me I successfully hold onto Ominis that is ever so accommodating his front pressing against my damp back, holding me upright as the explosion of the long-awaited orgasm washes over, leaving tingles and sparkles in its wake the serotonin that floods my whole being on another level.
It always is with them.
I smile at the sweet gentle kisses being trailed over my shoulder, the closeness proving the added temperature something I don’t usually mind. I reopen my eyes that have shut automatically, giving a look to Sebastian who lies limp against the couch. He’s in a similar state floating in his world, eyes half closed as he admires from his end thumbs rubbing circles into my thighs the trembles involuntarily as they still run through me.
Looking down a shiver runs down my spine and not only due to Ominis’s ministrations, hands exploratory in the sweetest manner. We’re still connected with Sebastian, the thought still arousing, the clenching involuntary bringing our troublemaker of a boyfriend back to life as he hisses in protest due to oversensitivity.
‘’Oh darling…’’ he begins trying to shift but gets stopped by my hands as I plant them on him pecks, pretty brown eyes gracing me again. I wordlessly lean forward observing him, the roundness of his features, freckles that dot his skin painting galaxies. He’s irresistible, in the simple way he smiles, compliments always at the ready coming from his heart. He is genuine in the way he loves someone – wholeheartedly ready to burn the entire world down if needed.
He doesn’t say anything matching me in my observation’s eyes not straying from my features. He does get distracted once I capture Ominis’ wandless right hand, guiding it upwards moving away enough to give Sebastian a hint of what I want.
Ominis breathing pattern changes as he’s waiting for what’s coming next. He trembles subtly, as Sebastian takes two of Ominis fingers into his mouth and starts to suck on them. The same two fingers that have brought me to my release.
‘’Other girlies can want you all they want. They can continue fluttering their eyes at you, or even lift their skirts…’’ I give him a pointed look as Ominis draws his fingers out, to which I deliver a gentle peck on top of his knuckles, not minding his saliva slick digits as I intertwine our hands enjoying his hug not missing his hardness against my back ‘’…but remember Sebastian…’’ I drawl his name out sensually, running my thumb over his lower lip as I close the distance encompassing his focus onto me ‘’…none of them can have you.’’ I press a peck onto his nose a whine rising from his throat ‘’You’re mine.’’
I pause once more to let my words settle ‘’Y-yours.’’ He ends up speaking without needing any prompts, my tongue darting out to lick my lower lip his eyes not missing it.
‘’Yours.’’ He repeats sounding surer ‘’Yours MC.’’ At my name being spoken in such a sweet manner I close the distance, keeping the kiss light but meaningful, Sebastian trying to rush it. I’m sure it’s to show his emotions, actions after all speak louder than words. I don’t let him though, biting his lower lip preventing him from taking control.
‘’Mine.’’ I confirm leaning against Ominis that has been silent tonight so far, and beyond calm ‘’And you my beloved…’’ I hum happily attempting to push myself up my legs not cooperating as I remain seated, Sebastian grunting as we’re still connected.
‘’Need a hand, MC?’’ he asks but proceeds to bend down, letting me wrap my arm around his shoulders, his hands secure wand finding its way into my hand as he flawlessly takes a hold and begins lifting me, Sebastian’s cum leaking from me a familiar sensation that I’ve gotten used to ‘’Ah there we go.’’ Confidently Ominis says pleased not at all preoccupied with the fact that he so easily trusted me with his wand.
‘’Hmmm so helpful and eager.’’ I tease dipping my head below his jaw, pressing slow kisses there savouring his clean and unmarked skin ‘’And so strong.’’ I compliment using his own wand to trace it down his other shoulder and arm as he takes a step back, chest getting flushed anew ‘’So tolerant and composed.’’ I continue with the compliments sending a glance behind him watching as the doors to my bedroom opens.
It appeared at the beginning of the year, my train of thoughts leading me to assume it accommodated me because I’ve spent to much time napping and falling asleep on the couch. That somewhat innocent thought proved wrong as I’ve not soon after finally revealed the room to my boyfriends, the bedroom providing another part of usefulness the room obviously knowing something before I was even aware of it myself. Magic is truly wonderful.
I drop my right hand over to my knee prompting him to stretch his fingers out, not cruel in denying my partner his tool of sight as I put his wand back between his fingers the pulses coming immediately back to life ‘’Handsome, handsome Ominis.’’ I sigh dreamily caressing his cheek admiring the constellations of birthmarks on his chest and face blank eyes seemingly looking right back at me ‘’Shall we get more comfortable, beloved? You’ve already proven your strength enough times.’’ I muse my heart fluttering at the smirk he gives memoires quickly playing in mind.
‘’As you wish, my heart.’’ He speaks relaxed proceeding to turn around and walk. I give a glance at a spent Sebastian that looks content half lying on the couch. I give him a come hitter motion sending him a wink, before he disappears from my sight Ominis reaching the bedroom in no time the dimly lit and mostly green and black themed room a perfect ambiance. Clearly not only my influence.
‘’You’ve waited for so long haven’t you.’’ I begin to play even pouting as I cling onto my boyfriend, letting him climb onto the queen-sized bed not bothering with the covers as he lays me in the middle of it manoeuvring himself between my legs. His member barely brushes again me, as he settles down keeping his weight on his elbows body as close to mine as he can, both hands cupping my face my smile instantaneous, as he begins touching and exploring my face his touch utmost gentle.
‘’With the beautiful sounds the two of you kept making, it was entirely worth it.’’ He happily replies, one hand going over the roundness of my cheek, the other letting his fingers trace my lips that remain in a smile.
‘’Did we? I’d rather pin this on Sebastian this evening. He was the singer and star of the show.’’ I spare a glance up at our boyfriend that is making his way closer to the bed, blush covering his cheeks, his member at half hardness.
‘’A poet of pretty sounds.’’ Ominis confirms hands once more cupping my cheeks as he looks towards Sebastian, feeling him more so than seeing him as he’s once more wandless. The faith he puts into the two of us, letting go of his wand so many times being so comfortable too is the testament of his love. It aways gives me the good type of flutters in my stomach.
‘’Divine.’’ I sing happily reaching my hand out, Sebastian gladly accepting it as he less gracefully sits on the bed, Ominis in the meantime preoccupying himself with leaving kisses on my cheek, progressing lower, hips lulling at random. Not enough to reprimand him yet.
‘’You, okay??’’ I softly inquire looking over the brunette that has been on the quieter side, prettily marked up, my handiwork still blooming over his flushed skin.
‘’Divine.’’ He teases and settles the spike of worry as he lies next to us, not touching but merely hoovering close, hands twisting around my own as I hiss in surprise Ominis teeth clamping around my left nipple.
‘’What was that for?’’ I pout at our sightless lover his nimble fingers tracing up and down my heated and flushed shin, the man clearly eager to proceed with things.
‘’Merely self-indulgence, beloved.’’ He quips the smirk not escaping me. With a tender yet firm touch I cup his chin with the pads of my fingers stopping his progression all together capturing his attention the surprise showing on his face.
‘’And who allowed you to be so bold?’’ I state running my thumb over his slightly dry lower lip while Sebastian continues holding my hand, scotching closer to us. ‘’Bertha?’’ my disapproval is evident in the way I say her name.
The look of shook on Ominis face says it all his sputtering wild in contrast to his always composed self, while Sebastian freezes.
‘’Wha…darling…Mc, that’s preposterous! Not to mention highly inappropriate of you to suggest anyone else…specially like this…you know I’m entirely devoted to you…that’s…oh Merlin, how can you…’’ its clear that he’s rushing to get out his stream of thoughts and at the same time trying to process everything.
Pulling my hand away from him he flinches at the abrupt action. I regain his focus and ease his anxiety - which didn’t go past me by the tensing of his body – by cupping the back of his head steadying him, preventing my beloved Ominis to put distance between us as I crush our lips together harder than it’s necessary, even going as far as to bite his lower lip his whines music to my ears. I reserve these sorts of ministrations for Sebastian who is the cheekiest of the two and needs to be ‘disciplined’ the nips only mellow warnings. Which of course he loves and sometimes is all to eager for, bruised lips not an issue.
To my astonishment I’m left encouraged by the way Ominis gives in his control entirely, letting me guide him however I please, not even questioning the way I tilt his head and switch the pace of our kiss. But alas as the kiss picks up, getting heated as I let my tongue dart out to taste him, it takes all of the willpower I can muster to break apart, my hurried breathing matching my lovers. Observing him as I catch my breath, he looks dazed, flushed cheeks always a good look on him the collectiveness he holds himself always under, only broken for us to see.
‘’Don’t act so scandalized, darling.’’ I growl pecking his lips to which I drop back onto the pillow my hands finding themselves on his chest ‘’You’re not yet forgiven.’’ I frown watching as his expression morphs into disorientation ‘’I’m frankly let down by the way you’re portraying yourself beloved Ominis.’’ I tsk in disapproval his head lowering as he frowns ‘’Spewing endless romance in my ear, promising forever and then setting up ‘dates’ and promising help to suddenly relevant female companions.’’
‘’Now now, Mc, you know you are twisting my words. You are well aware I’ve no wish in participation in any…’’
As I hold him at arm’s length, having forced him to sort of hoover over me with strength I didn’t know I’ve had I raise into a sitting position immediately my blood boiling, two fingers finding their way into his mouth, the choking noise un-fazing me as it comes from surprise ‘’Suck my fingers.’’ I instruct cooly his lips wrapping around my two fingers immediately, conflict still written over his expression.
‘’I’m not one for excuses, am I?’’ I ask glancing at Sebastian who with a mere nod understands what I’m implying and is up on his knee’s settling himself behind me, legs landing on either side of my own ‘’And your defiance, even if I know you’ve expressed yourself wrongly is incorrectly placed Ominis.’’ I begin to prod at his tongue that keeps daring over my digit’s ‘’You’ve both in the wrong.’’ I place my free hand onto Sebastian’s thigh and dig my nails into his flesh without putting pressure – yet.
‘’So, given your previous babbling words currently not being your strong suit or thinking…’’ I pause for effect his eyes furrowing as he gives in further hands set over my bent knees warm, expression softening ‘’…let’s put that pretty mouth and tongue to good use hm?’’ pulling my fingers out, Ominis the devil licks his lips but follows blindly – well literally – as I grasp his messy blond hair and guide his head lower, Ominis familiar with this position as he readjust on the bed, finding his way lower on his own. He doesn’t waste time or words, no sassy remark brewing. He just dives in, my breath hitching at the first kitten lick he delivers, my entire body shuddering.
‘’So pretty.’’ Sebastian comments in a low tone, hocking his chin over my shoulder enjoying the sight of our boyfriend between my thighs as much as I am, along with his touches his tongue by now tasting Sebastian’s cum.
‘’He loves it don’t you Omi?’’ I soften in my approach, beginning to brush his hair back the moans he lets out as if being delighted by the taste a massive turn on, the need to have him undone always a desire of mine ‘’Loves the taste of us.’’ I lick over my lips as the blond moans louder in confirmation, Sebastian suddenly rutting against me prompting me to dig my nails deeper.
‘’Ah sorry, Mc, I can’t help it.’’ He literally whines hands that have settled over my biceps, slipping around me as if to hold me still when he’s the one that’s already losing it, leaking anew behind my back, standing hot as he’s practically glued onto me.
‘’You can, and you will.’’ I run my nails till his knee leaving marks behind, my whole-body twitching at the way Ominis twists his tongue, my hands flying to his hair simultaneously as I hold him in place prompting him to double down on his efforts. It has me gasping for air, twitching thanks to the zaps running through me, pleasure buzzing and rising the more relentlessly he pays me attention not even coming up for air.
‘’Ah, ah, ah Omiiiii…’’ I cry out pathetically, heat hitting me tenfold thanks to the slurping noises that arise the absolute filthiness of his actions addicting.
‘’You both look and sound so fucking good.’’ Sebastian compliments keeping still as instructed, choosing to litter kisses over my neck and under my jaw, keeping it civil. I think it’s a form of mercy from his side given Ominis is destroying me, my legs beginning to shake uncontrollably as the need to cum raises, two fingers entering me only raising the stakes higher. The feel of them both surrounding me their scents filling my nose and senses, touches grounding has sanity taking a back seat, the need to have control spilling through my fingers, as they begin to topple my world over.
Unlike usually having free reign to flail as much as I need to, Sebastian holds me firmly against him even hocking his feet over my calves grounding me further leaving me to Ominis to devour. And devour does he, bringing a pleasant but sparkly wave to wash over me, like a cool blanket soothing my shaky limbs that still have a mind of their own even once I’m startled from the brief haze by lips pecking my lips.
Blinking my eyes open I catch as Ominis is directing his attention to a silent Sebastian their lips and tongues locked. In any other situation I’d be happily watching their display the way that our brunette boyfriend licks at Ominis’ chin even. It’s addictive the two of them together, seeing how they fit so well together.
Reaching between us, Ominis breaks away with a hiss of surprise as my fingers wrap around his hot and leaking cock, the pressure I apply a bit mean, but he deserves it, quick to part ways head hung down arms shaky as he holds himself upwards.
‘’Oh. Shame.’’ I tut running my left hand down his lighter skin, marks standing out immediately ‘’But bad boys don’t deserve rewards. Or privileges as such.’’ To make my point I tighten my hold on the base of his manhood, Ominis falling onto his elbows face being buried between my breasts, Sebastian’s arms reaching out to catch our sightless boyfriend, as I begin moving my hand torturously slow over him.
‘’Not ones that flirt with other girls. Give into silly ideas, when up until now they were reclusive.’’ I grab the back of Ominis blond hair bringing his head up, his eyes half open as I hover close ‘’You’re no foolish man beloved. Her intentions aren’t pure.’’ I lean in, to bite onto his lower lip, ignoring the whine that trembles out of his throat ‘’To give so much attention…’’ I sigh deeply as he readjusts his arms on either side of us ‘’You are mine.’’ I glare at him, feeling that with a snap of a finger I could set the world on fire ‘’You’ve been mine the moment your pretty lips touched mine.’’ I let go of his manhood letting my thumb run over his lower lips watching his tongue dart out tasting himself.
‘’You’ve belonged to me since our first meeting in front of the Undercroft.’’ I whisper rising his head watching as his Adams apple bops, my lips kissing first there ‘’Despite your stubbornness and denial you’ve always been meant to be here.’’ I pause as I suck a mark into his neck knowing I can’t hold back forever but am intent on marking both of them more than its necessary ‘’Right here. Between my legs, beloved.’’ I smirk in satisfaction left hand this time taking a hold of him his hips jerking forward causing me to shush him as if he’s a frightened animal.
‘’A proper gentleman raised, pristine and bloody perfect huh?’’ I taunt guiding the head of his dick to my entrance sliding it up and down, loving every sound that comes from both as Sebastian has always been vocal ‘’To think I’d have you be so obedient in my arms, eager to lick away another man’s cum, tasting your own. eagerly so doing anything I wish for. Oh, how scandalous.’’ I laugh watching in delight as a new flush raises over his constellation filled skin, the tremble in his lips adorable.
‘’Absolutely devious.’’ I whisper positioning him at my entrance, pulling him flush against me a gentle nudge oh my hand, getting him going as he begins entering me ‘’Ah there we go.’’ I encourage leaning my head back against Sebastian my muscles singing in relief as I’ve unconsciously held myself taunt this entire time.
‘’Feels good?’’ Sebastian asks politely pressing a kiss to my temple his presence welcomed, even if he’s radiating heat basically.
‘’Meant for me.’’ I sigh happily, finding Sebastian’s hand in the meantime guiding it over to Ominis’ chest where his heart is ‘’Both of you. My boys.’’
Ominis jerks his hips I’m sure involuntary. He’s not used to needing to hold himself back and pay to my whims to much – no let me rephrase that. He has not been on the receiving end of my whims as much.
‘’Yours.’’ Ominis finally finds his voice eyes transfixed onto me as if he can see right through me, his brows twisted as he looks pleadingly but at the same time sorry ‘’Yours Mc. I’m yours. Yours only, okay? We are yours.’’ He rambles rushing his words this time around cupping my cheeks.
I can see he wants to say so much more something plaguing him which is holding him back. That’s why I wrap my legs around his thighs both of us groaning in relief as he sinks deeper, stretching me further as he’s slightly longer than Sebastian our brunette lover girthier in size.
‘’Only mine.’’ I agree letting go of the ‘reigns’ for now, holding onto Sebastian as Ominis begins a rhythm savouring our contact in a sense, rolling his hips in an artful manner. It’s a joke we always fool around with Sebastian at how gracious Ominis is even in bed, taking things to another levels unlike the two of us being clumsy ogres most of the time.
‘’Ahhhhhhh…’’ I mewl as he shifts on his knees changing the angle, the sneaky snake – it’s an affectionate term – changing things up as he stops playing around, his skin hitting against mine firmer. By distracting me the devilish man dives in for a kiss, hungry in his need to gain some control.
The cheekiness of his actions has me giggling even into his display of passion.
‘’Oh, mercy me. That laughter is not as carefree as it sounds.’’ Sebastian taunts his hands finding their way onto my breasts to kneed them readjusting us accordingly to Ominis as he stands on his knees looming over us, a moment of respite enabling me to catch my breath.
‘’You wound me, dove.’’ Ominis declares hands exploring the outside of my legs grasping my knee’s the muscles of my calves.
‘’It would take a lot more effort and intent to wound you, beloved. We all know your words are empty.’’ I grin cockily not even letting out a sound as he grips the back of my knees and raises my legs bending me in half ‘’Hmm, but a man fulfilling his promises…that is something I’ve always valued.’’
He snorts at that a mischievous smirk drawing itself upon his lips ‘’Need to prove and show you, how much I love you.’’ As if to prove his point he thrust all of the sudden, the quickness and roughness catching me of guard, Sebastian’s hold once more capturing me ‘’How much, I appreciate you. How much you’ve got me wrapped around your finger.’’ With each sentence he pulls out and thrust back in, his movements calculated and precise the strength he’s using something new.
‘’Not enough.’’ I muse rising an eyebrow ‘’Given I had to remind you of your place.’’ I bite back Ominis getting serious, the cushions of his slender fingers digging into my flesh. He leans forward bending me further so, the position nothing new but still somewhat challenging as I keep myself composed despite the different type of pressure, he’s putting me under.
‘’My place has been carved into you dove.’’ The innuendo and lightness of his tone has me smirking wildly this man truly making me crazy and always for new different reasons.
Without needing further instructions or permission, Ominis with animalistic strength to call it lightly takes charge, hips fluid and firm as he starts fucking me properly. His pace is unrelenting, remarkable as if he is a musician the tempo not missing a beat or faltering.
Its rather a lot to take in specially after cumming twice already. My thirst for both of my boyfriend is a cup never full but by the gods this is taking everything out of me. For once I’m grateful to be held down as I am because I wouldn’t know what to do with myself otherwise. I give in easily with letting my mouth run free, all kinds of noises spurring both of them on, evident in the way Sebastian has been rutting against me, Ominis pretty lips turning into a cocky smirk if only for a moment.
The wave of a rather thunderous orgasm rumbles to life from 0 to 100 taking my breath away. I go with the current of it thought, trembling convulsing letting it overtake every corner of my brain with the thoughts of my boys, Ominis touches firm and controlled, Sebastian’s kisses and words of praise clouding my mind deliciously so.
I barely feel but feel it nonetheless the way Ominis begins to stumble his confidence and persona of steel giving out as his always controlled expression breaks into one of want, and despair breath escaping him as well as his chest raises and falls quickly. And yet he never stops moving.
My world falls apart in quick progression once fingers come in contact with my throbbing clit the extra touch unexpected that words fail me, as I’m being hurdled over the edge the waves of pleasure not as intense as it seemed to be at first but rather pleasant and long-lasting leaving me disoriented, even with Ominis cumming and lying down on top of me again breathing raged, skin sweaty and warm to the touch.
I try blinking away the fuzziness in my sight, tired arms barely able to raise as I push his hair from his eyes knowing he dislikes the feeling of it. It’s hard to gather my mind at first as I’m startled by Sebastian’s kisses over my jaw, the area feeling ticklish making me twist in his hold the giggles he lets out adoring as he holds the both of us. He’s still a furnace behind me.
‘’I gotta admit…’’ I begin my voice coming out as if I’ve woken from a nap ‘’…you are very comfortable to rest on.’’
‘’Firm and cuddly.’’ Sebastian confirms making me hum as he delivers an obnoxiously loud kiss to my cheek making me grimace but with a smile ‘’What? Don’t tell me you’ve had your full of affection for the day.’’
Looking up right to see him peek at me he spares me a brilliant smile as I admire his features, pretty eyes full of sparks of life in the darkness of the room ‘’I could never have enough of you.’’
Excitedly he leans in meeting me halfway in the chase kiss he initiates, Ominis in the meantime groaning as I move to get more comfortable probably dislodging him enough to protest.
‘’I for one don’t find you that comfortable, Sebastian.’’ Our blonde boyfriend comments having captured our attention. He leans up giving a sweet kiss to my cheek his right hand moving around the side of the bed, prompting Sebastian to move over in search for our boyfriends mysteriously disappeared wand.
‘’Hobwash.’’ I point out even as he separates himself from me, pulling out the mess between my legs not feeling pleasant as my body is lowering in temperature thanks to the seizure of our activities ‘’You love it as much as I do. Cuddling is the best cure for anything and everything. Evidently in you two sleeping together at the dorms so you cannot deny it beloved.’’ I cheerfully announce letting Ominis bring my legs together, expectantly reaching out his hand.
Glancing up it’s as if they’ve telepathically talked as Sebastian comes up with Ominis’ wand, mine appearing in his hand as well to my surprise as I lie against the bed on my own.
‘’Don’t need to fight over me love’s there’s plenty of me to go around.’’ Sebastian cockily fires back, casting a cleaning spell. It not being the same as taking a shower or a bath but its proficient in its nature as it does the job to remove the mess.
‘’Hm I’d be careful about those words.’’ Ominis hums in thought his wand pulsing red, hand landing to rest over my left tight as Sebastian proceeds to clean him as well.
‘’That’s why you got in trouble in the first-place you oaf.’’ I grumble arms that I’ve had outstretched above me against the cool sheets, grasping a pillow which I fling at the brunette, rolling onto my front intent on crawling up the bed.
‘’Oh no you don’t.’’ Sebastian is quick to pounce hands splayed over my back as he pushes me flat onto the bed ‘’No running away sweetheart!’’ boyishly he exclaims ‘’Come Ominis hold her steady.’’ He encourages my curiosity making me turn to an unfazed Ominis who proceeds to move up the bed untucking the covers ‘’Ominis!!!’’
‘’How are you so lively Sebastian, it’s around 4 in the morning.’’ He complains looking towards us incredulously ‘’Merlin’s beard. You’d think after all that happened, you’d take it easier.’’
I agree with him on that, attempting to get up to get under the covers myself but Sebastian has other plans suddenly climbing over me keeping his weight half of me, pressing me into the bed, nonetheless.
‘’I am! I’m preventing our little dove from escaping.’’ He counters quite roughly moving and pushing me towards the centre of the bed once more, successful in the way he pulls the covers from underneath me, settling us down way to eagerly as he plasters himself onto my now right side having flipped me over, Ominis slightly cooler touch finding my left hand first.
‘’I wasn’t going to escape.’’ I whine in defeat turning to him ‘’I was going to settle down too.’’ I give him a look as his cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink ‘’You really are trouble, Seb.’’ I sigh sounding defeated but offer a reassuring smile as he relaxes resting his cheek against my shoulder, pressing himself as close as he can comfort a bit on the downside which I’m not really complaining about having gotten used to him hogging up all the space. He is an affectionate man I’ve learned it the hard way.
‘’Not always.’’ He defends himself to which I give a kiss onto the top of his head looking over to Ominis that remains rather civil, the distance he has put between us for my sake. I’ve learned to read his micro expressions.
‘’That is correct. Sometimes Ominis is a fool to.’’ I tease pulling onto his hand, watching as he gasps dramatically giving me a stern look all the while scotching closer.
‘’Such vile name calling Mc. I may be a bit of a knobhead sometimes, but a fool is not a word to describe me with.’’ He’s quick to retort, arm finding its way over Sebastian over me.
‘’A tosser then.’’ Sebastian quips to which I deliver a gentle tap on his head.
‘’A man overtaken with certain emotions that are hard to contain.’’ I narrow my eyes staring at the ceiling of the room, magic having painted it in green and blue shades, gold drawn constellations prettily stretched across the entirety of the ceiling.
‘’Love is dangerous.’’ Sebastian mumbles his agreement having stopped fidgeting.
‘’Brings men to their knees.’’ Ominis adds sighing, tiredness catching up to him.
‘’Brings men to do foolish things.’’ I smile taking my boys in, letting myself feel how warm they are how their holds are protective yet tender ‘’Turns logic into madness.’’ I continue running my hand over Sebastian’s back who is on the verge of sleep, Ominis not faring better as I scratch his scalp just the way he likes ‘’Has innocent gestures be seen through an extreme lens of the green-eyed monster.’’ I sigh to myself peeking at the blooming marks I’ve left all over them, already hearing their complaints in my mind about them in a few hours.
Good. They will serve as a reminder of this night. And remind them that their jealousy even though petty at times and thrown around like tantrums don’t compare to my own emotions. I’ve gone soft tonight compared to what I’d do with a completely sober mind. The buzz of bravery thanks to the fire whiskey had me acting instead of biding time.
But there’s always tomorrow as they say.
And with these two knuckleheads I’m sure they won’t mind a replay.
After all. They are mine. My boys.
Copyright 2023© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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lavendermunson · 1 year
state of grace | steve harrington x fem!reader
+18 nsfw. steve calls reader kitten, hickey session sorta, thigh riding, fingering, needy reader. no mention of pronouns, reader has a vagina. no use of y/n.
“Slow down, kitten” He whispers in your ear , your legs are straddling his waist, sitting on his lap with his face buried in your neck giving you kisses and bites all over your delicate skin.
“The yearbook club is going to kill me if i show up for picture day like this”
“Can you please not mention school while we are…”
“I will have to put a lot of concealer on”
“Baby just leave it, let anyone know who you belong to” his calloused fingers hide under the soft fabric of your shirt, he squeezes your breasts as you begin to grind over his leg.
“If i’m showing up like this then you too” you start nibbling on his skin, trying to leave a decent purple mark.
Your kisses go down to his collarbone, where you start to lick his skin like a kitty referencing the pet name he gave you.
“You are so fucking needy my little kitty, i can feel my thigh getting wet already”
You always do it and it kills him, your little tongue presses down wet kisses in the most sensitive parts, his cock gets hard with the feeling “Stevie, shut up!”
He laughs at your words, his giggles come back from the deepest part of his throat giving them a lower tone. The sound invades your ears and you let out a moan.
“Good, good kitten” Steve leans his head to one side while giving you space to kiss his neck more, and more. He notices you eager for friction and he gets comfortable, while the muscles on his leg tighten.
You feel your pussy starting to burn, you search for more friction while he bounces his leg , softly, up and down.
“C’mon i know you want to make a mess on my leg, i can feel it already princess”
A desperate whimper falls from your lips, is the sign Steve has been waiting for. He keeps you steady on his thigh while you grind in it. Pulling you down so your clit can feel more friction.
A hand slides down your skirt, he touches the wet spot between your legs and over your panties.
“I think this has to go” he maneuvers his fingers taking the lace of your panties, his full hand takes a part of them ripping them apart. He earns another whimper from you “I’ll buy you a new pair, baby”
Two of his fingers go easy inside you, he bumps them in looking at the pleasure on your face.
“Can i cum, please please can i cum?”
“Sure thing, kitten. Give it to me” his teeth burry in his bottom lip, your mouth keeps itself in a perfect shaped “O”
While your core starts to feel hotter than earlier, your tummy starts relaxing and letting out sticky cum from your orgasm. You lean your head back, closing your eyes, swearing you can see right now.
Steve’s thigh gets wet and sticky, he doesn’t mind. He smiles while staring at it and his hand travels to your hair.
“You are so pretty” his lips come to crash into yours, a soft kiss while you get down from your high.
“You too, Stevie” you whisper in his mouth, your words tickling his bottom lip “Let me take care of you now”
“Who am i to stop you? Go have your breakfast baby”
You roll your eyes chuckling, he does too.
The yearbook club will have to wait more time to take your pictures.
made this randomly today after work, gooodnight 😵‍💫🤤 REBLOG TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR
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loviingpedri · 1 year
let’s be tourists
My first published story here
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prompt: tourist!mason x local!female-reader
mason mount and his girlfriend take a quick vacation to New York during his break. mason enjoys visiting his lover’s city.
word count: 461
warnings: minor grammar issues.
all pictures used are not owned by me <3
—> 8 am
“mason, it’s been years since i’ve been here.” you looked over at JFK in shock at the changes.
he looked at you with so much love. your face was piercing with excitement.
“funny how i’ve never visited sooner with how much you talked about it,” he laughed softly while trying to navigate his way to baggage claim. he squeezed your hand tightly in hopes of you trying not to get carried away by the upgraded airport.
“what should we even do today. i know we’re here for two weeks but there’s so much you can do in this city.” you tried to process everything that was happening at once. you passed by the gate that was the last thing you saw before leaving for england.
“check-in to our hotel is an hour, but we’ll get there on time if we take an uber after we get our bags. maybe after we can go into times square. i was also looking at tickets to the empire state building.” mason was busy looking around to find your bags, but he didn’t realize you were looking at him in pure disgust.
“mason, we’re in new york city. there is a lot of activities instead of tourist attractions,” you sighed at his decisions. “if you did want to go to times square, we could go at night. i just want to take our first day easy.”
“this is where concrete dreams are made of, no? i’m just referencing how you were when first moving into fulham. doesn’t hurt to be a tourist.” he slowly bent down to grab your light blue suitcase.
“no, it doesn’t hurt. i was thinking of breakfast right now. it’s only 8 am and i want to grab bagels before the streets are fully awake.” he nodded in agreement since the airline food wasn’t as enjoyable then expected.
-> 3 pm
“i wanna go to the Louis Vuitton store,” mason slowly told you while walking towards the entrance of the famous fifth avenue.
“i don’t think the store will compare to the one on bond street though. more exclusive and have a greater selection." you replied to him while admiring st patrick’s cathedral.
“says the one who won’t stop talking about this city,” he laughed while trying to fix his sunglasses with one hand, the other occupied with your fingers being intertwined. “i vote that we go to times square after your daily shopping. i would love some pictures of you on my instagram.” he shrugged slightly.
you looked down, shy at the fact he wanted to show you off. “looks like london boy knows a way to my heart. i don't mind going. i really wanna go to the line friends store."
-> 7 pm
masonmount added to his story
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ronearoundblindly · 7 months
WAIT jimmy + a kiss in public
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Strange New World, a tale for Valentine's Day 2024
Jimmy Dobyne x professor!reader from Common Education
Summary: After years of this secret, on-and-off relationship with Jimmy (a student only a few years younger than you), he's determined to make it official before his graduation.
Warnings for a man who knows what he wants ⚠️woah boi⚠️, referenced smutty times, and Jimmy maybe turning me into a fan of the South g'damn. MINORS DNI. There is plenty else for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this one is not for you! WC 2k
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You hate the habit and the smell, but at least James Dobyne’s smoking makes him predictable.
He’s a sculpted, contrasting vision in his crisp suit, something majestic about the billowing plumes pushed so deftly from his mouth. It warms you even though the breeze envelops your shoulders and flutters the black satin of your gown.
The Dean’s List party—a formal celebration for the upcoming graduates—is always a big deal for students and faculty, and it just so happens to be the only campus event where you both have had reason to attend.
Just not together.
None of these people really know about you. Jimmy is not a major in your field, and he hasn’t been in a class of yours for over three years now, but you’re still hesitant to ‘come out’ as a couple. This party doesn’t even involve plus-ones. It’s more taboo to be seen as a pair here than anywhere else.
Instead, you’ve found him outside with his vice.
 He sees you immediately, taking a long drag of his cigarette, blatantly undressing you with his eyes, not unlike how he left hot kisses up your skin while he zipped you up two hours ago.
You grin and swing the skirt of your dress playfully. “Wha’ch’doing?”
The searing tip dies out while Jimmy cracks his own smile.
“Tryna cover the taste of ya,” he husks, wiping the corner of his mouth.
You strain to hold your amusement though your thoughts are transported to when he helped you with the small clasp on your strappy heels and slid his hand all the way up your leg. He snapped the gusset of your panties for fun before moving them aside.
You have to clear your throat. “And the whole dinner you just ate couldn’t do that?”
“No,” he adds slyly. He’s natural and happy as he leans in, reaching for a hug and a kiss, but you panic.
“Jimmy, not here.”
“Why not? We came here from the same apartment.” He has the wherewithal to lower his voice, exhaling another puff of smoke. “I sleep at your’s most nights. That whole crowd is celebrating a bunch of kids graduating out of this system, so if not here, and if not now, when?”
You can’t resist pointing out his own word. “Kids…”
He straightens, stance defensive and eyes detached, the picture of a film noir character.
“If you had your way, you’d only acknowledge I exist once I’m good and gone, Teach—” he flicks ash off the cig “—tucked back away in Tennessee.”
“That’s not true,” you deflate at the mention of him leaving.
You want to hold him, you really do, but your whole body screams in awareness of the few others loitering outside the event for a minute of fresh air.
“Well, that’s what it feels like.” He stomps out the butt of his cigarette. “They do this every year, don’t they? Fair to say they expect us to mingle.
“Then let’s mingle. And you—“ Jimmy reaches out again, sure to tough your bare neck this time “—are gonna call me your boyfriend.”
“You heard me.” He uses the same finger to brush away one of your dangling earrings. “Introduce me as your boyfriend to someone here, right now.”
“People don’t need to know we’ve been…intimate,” you gulp back.
“Intimacies often end up in marriage. People’d know about that, wouldn’t they? Eventually.”
You don’t know whether to run away or drop your panties at the dark look he pins you with, but that is the exact problem.
You’re worried about how the man who fucked you in the dress on your kitchen counter earlier—the one who called you greedy for desperately begging to come a second time before leaving the apartment—is going to behave in public to your colleagues. You’ve had to be so careful for years, and you fear the very real possibility that Jimmy will break. He might not care about his reputation, but you do; you have to care.
Quietly, you ask, “and what if I can’t do it?”
He looks around, clearly disappointed.
“Woman,” he huffs, standing within an inch but making no contact with any part of you, “I’m sayin’ if you can’t choose us, then we never existed.”
He has every right. You’ve been at war with your heart all these years, and it’s high time you declare a victor.
Jimmy Dobyne is twenty-eight years old, and he’s more than proven he adores you. It’s only at your insistence this has been secret for so long.
You give in.
“Ok,” he beams, giddy and boyish, and you hope beyond hope that he’ll keep it together.
He offers his arm. You take it, thrilled at the substance of the thick sleeve. The moment does feel fancy and official.
As you pass beneath the archway inside though, you round on him.
“But under no circumstances are you to call me ‘Teach,’ got it?” Because that’s all you need to really blow up your life.
Jimmy holds your hand fast to the crook of his arm, bowing his head ever-so slightly. “Yes, ma’am.”
You roll your eyes but accept, stepping into the noisy, enormous ballroom, together, his hand still sheltering yours.
“Don’t worry. I’mma pick the stuffiest looking guy,” Jimmy muses, “someone so aloof ‘e won’t care a lick what you’re even saying.”
That’s when you see him—your ex.
The man who wrecked the flow of your life and trampled on your self-esteem is talking to a pretty, young colleague, and Jimmy is steering you right for them.
“Not him,” you hiss, savagely gripping Jimmy’s arm.
“Why not?”
“I’m telling you. Please, don’t—”
“Too late. I’ve made eye contact.”
Tyler is rarely at these function, and if it weren’t a university-wide event, he likely wouldn’t be here now. That was the beauty of polar-opposite departments; it served you well until the one only moment you needed it to serve you.
“Long time, no see.”
Bespectacled with salty streaks in his dark hair and a haughty expression that radiates superiority, you are not surprised Tyler fit the criteria for men-who-don’t-listen. You force a smile anyway.
“Tyler…it’s been a while.” Do not faint. Do not punch him. Do not tip that bastard’s scotch right into his face. “Jimmy,” you motion. “This is Tyler Brinwood.”
 “Doctor Tyler Brinwood,” he corrects, “and this is Giselle Whitley, my department co-chair.”
Of course. Of fucking course.
For a man so consistently belittling of your education, god forbid you forget about his.
“Oh, yes, Missus Whitley—“ whose husband is a well-known banker and about two decades older “—I’ve heard great things. You’ve been a wiz at securing funding.”
“Thank you. It’s a lot harder than it looks,” she says with a wink.
Jimmy makes it clear he doesn’t recognize either name, and he wouldn’t because you’ve never talked about it, ever.
You snap back to the point of this horror show.
“Tyler, Giselle, this is James Dobyne.” A sharp breath in flares your nostrils. “My boyfriend.”
Your ex chuckles in the most humorless way.
“Interesting. Certainly giving the term ‘boy’ a run for its money, eh, Dusty?” He takes a sip of his scotch and looks to Giselle and then you for validation.
“What did you just call her?” Jimmy asks flatly, a hard edge to his tone that implies volumes of distaste.
“It’s about the smell of old books, that’s all.” Tyler can’t believe no one else finds this amusing.
Jimmy is more shocked by this stuffy, tactless man than when he walked up. “Why would you call a lady ‘dusty’?”
Giselle makes a face. “I’m afraid I agree with Mister Dobyne.”
You hope it chafes Tyler that his own friend already remembers Jimmy’s name.
“Well…” Tyler licks his lips and waves his free hand dismissively. “Old friends have…inside jokes.”
You’re not laughing. You’re actually about ready to crawl into a hole and seal it with a boulder.
“Giving that term ‘old’ a run for its money, huh, Brentwood,” Jimmy rumbles in the most sincerely cruel voice you’ve ever heard from him.
If you could carry just one photograph with you for the rest of your life, it would be a shot of Tyler’s face right there.
“It’s Brinwood.”
Giselle discreetly covers her grin with a large swig of her white wine. The men continue to stare each other down.
“So Jaime—“ asshole, you think “—are you a history major?”
Jimmy lets that slide. “Business.”
“Ah yes, the most common curriculum at this prestigious institution. Plan to do anything with your degree?”
Boisterous, pompous mother-fucker, you internally rage. You have the urge to spin around and leave without another word.
“Actually,” Jimmy starts with excitement, curling his arm around your waist as if sensing your will to run, “I took over my family’s general store when I was fourteen—nineteen, if you looked at the official paperwork—and I plan to expand the parking lot into a permanent farmer’s market.” He waits for Tyler, but there’s no immediate response. “I’m sorry, did you follow that? What do you study again?”
“I teach mathematics.”
“No shame in that,” Jimmy adds easily. “Love numbers. Been keeping the books since I was in elementary school.”
“Pure mathematics,” Tyler specifies, bitterness souring his already puckered look.
Jimmy sucks at his teeth in mock admiration.
“Wow. You plannin’ to…do anything with that?”
The silence that follows is palpable.
Giselle snorts while you try to corale a runaway, bug-eyed expression. If you had a drink in your hand, you would have choked.
When Tyler continues to frown, Jimmy looks at you and smiles sweetly, no hint of judgment for your ex’s behavior to be found.
“Ready, beautiful?” He rubs the satin at your side, and Jimmy cannot possibly understand how comforted you are by his presence.
Then he turns back, his point made, the ultimatum complete.
“If you’ll excuse us, it was nice to meet you, doctor, ma’am, but we’ve got a lot of mingling to do before the night’s over.”
He kisses your temple, a gesture somehow more intimate than if he’d bent you backwards and made out with you. It implies you’ve already done that. He’s announcing this isn’t new. Jimmy’s showing that he is neither a boy, nor a recent addition to your life, and that Tyler is, in fact, an old-old friend no longer inside your sphere.
Tyler’s niceties are barely audible, but Giselle wiggles her fingers with a cute “tohdaloo.”
Jimmy guides you through a throng of faceless people. You realize it doesn’t matter who sees you because none of them matter to this: to you and Jimmy. This is the pair of you, a couple, a girlfriend and a boyfriend and no one else. 
Your boyfriend keeps you glued to his side until you stop at the bar. He releases your hip so you can face him, his crooked finger holding your chin high.
There’s a loving sympathy in his soft blue eyes.
“Thank you,” Jimmy whispers and gently kisses your lips, hardly enough to transfer your lipstick. Regardless, he checks the supple line with a sweep of his thumb. “Sorry I picked that guy though.”
Jimmy’s shrug of apology is plenty.
He might never understand, but that little interaction has soothed more fears than you could ever voice about how real what you have with Jimmy is.
Jimmy comes from a simple life. It’s straight-forward and without fuss. You do the chore; the chore is done. Rarely do social complications come up. Rarely would emotions derail the success of that work. New York is different, and it’s felt so wrong to expose a man brought up so simply, so wholesomely, to that complex and unfair game of egos. 
He deserves a simple love, but you do not live in a simple world.
And yet, you already love him.
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Jake Jensen and a kiss where it doesn't hurt ⬅️ ➡️ Ransom Drysdale and a kiss out of spite
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @rogersbarber @spectre-posts
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baddiecarl · 1 year
Streamer! Carl Grimes x Streamer! reader
Like Chandler Riggs, Carl Grimes in a normal world would also totally be a streamer. Here’s a peek into what it might be like to be his streamer crush!  (Also I’m pushing a slight resident evil agenda in this, I grew up watching my dad and brother play them and waited with bated breath to actually be able to play them myself!  It’s my favorite video game series of all time if you can’t tell lol)
For maximum enjoyment, please watch the clip I put right under this because I referenced it in this story!
  “Do I know who (your screen name) is?”  Carl says, reading his chat.  “No, I’ve never heard of them, gimme a second.”  He picks his phone up off his desk and types the name into google, coming up with endless pictures of you playing video games, doing cooking and baking streams, making art, reacting to the memes people made for you, all the things your streams are widely loved for.  Realizing he was quiet for longer than he probably should’ve been, he speaks up. “Oh yeah I’ve seen her before, she does awesome resident evil speedruns! I didn’t recognize the name at first, but yeah, I know who she is!”  
“Omg he’s blushing!”
“Is bro blushing rn?”
“Looks like no one’s immune to the charms of (y/s/n) lmfao”
  The teasing comments poured in while Carl did his best to play it cool and laugh them off, “yeah she’s pretty cute,” he admits through a soft smile as he focuses on the game he was streaming before he looked you up.  Teasing chats trickled in every once in a while, but for the most part, the topic was changed completely and by the time the stream was over he had almost forgotten about the situation entirely. 
  Little did he know that the next day your viewers would also ask you if you knew Carl.  Having been a streamer for quite some time you’ve seen a lot of clips of other streamers and you immediately recognized the name Carl.  “Oh my god, is that the dude who sucks at fall guys?”  You joked as you pulled up the clip of him failing epically at fall guys. “If you get eliminated at this part then you don’t deserve a single win,” he said, seconds before getting eliminated on the exact part he was referring to.  “He’s fucking hilarious,” you remarked as you smiled while you watched the video.  Well, that didn’t go unnoticed by any of your viewers either.
“She’s straight up giggling and kicking her feet lol”
“He called you cute on his stream yesterday”
“He called you cute on his stream yesterday”
  Man, did your fans come in clutch or what?  Returning to your game, you saved that bit of information for later, knowing that it probably got clipped and posted by now.  After you finished up your game and ended the stream you finally got to look up the clip.  You couldn’t help but laugh while you watched him read the comments and grow more and more red with each one that came in.  “Yeah, she’s pretty cute.”  THERE IT IS! HE ACTUALLY SAID IT!!  This was all you needed to want to reach out. 
  A couple of days later, Carl was streaming again as usual when he felt his phone vibrate.  A DM from…(y/s/n)??  Holy shit, okay, play it cool.  He tried to hide his shock and excitement as he opened the message but still, a goofy smile crept onto his face while he read it.  
“Hey, Carl!  It’s come to my attention that we have quite a bit of an overlapping fanbase so I thought it’d be a great idea to play a game together sometime!  Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to play fall guys ;)”
  By the time he was done reading your message, the grin had broken out into a full-blown smile and he hid his nervous and excited laughing behind his hand.  To no avail, his viewers saw this immediately and began teasing him, asking if (y/s/n) was making him blush again.  “No guys, that’s not it, don’t worry about it,” he said, still trying to hide his bashfulness.  Yet, again clocked by his fans, they knew he was lying.  But they weren't the only ones who knew he wasn't telling the truth, because you had joined the stream just before you sent your message.  You wanted to see him blush just by the sheer mention of you one more time, so you arranged to send it while he was streaming.  You were overjoyed to see him pick up his phone, and judging by his reaction you knew he had to have read it. 
He’s quiet for a minute while he types on his phone and you watch the text bubble pop up on your phone.
“I’ve noticed the same thing haha! I think that’d be awesome, but for the record, we will be playing fall guys so I can prove I’m not ‘the guy who sucks at fall guys’”
  You grinned at his message, not failing to see the humor in the fact that he did the exact thing you did, looking up the clip from your stream where the chat had brought him up.  You respond to his message simply and sweetly.
 “Fair enough! I get to pick the game we play next time we do it then!” 
“Sounds like a deal!”  Carl replies, his heart skipping a beat at the implication of you wanting to do a stream with him more than once.  Carl’s voice coming from your computer removes your attention from your phone. “Alright sorry about the pause there guys, I had a very important message to respond to,”  he says, refocusing on his game all while he's still being teased for his very obvious change in behavior since his phone buzzed.  Giggling at him regarding your message as very important, you sat back and watched him play his game, cracking up at the jokes he made.  After he wraps up his stream, you’re left sitting at your computer, alone with your thoughts and they’re all about Carl.  
  About three minutes into zoning out, you're startled by the buzzing of your phone.  You unlock your phone to see another DM from Carl. 
“Do you think I could have your discord or maybe your phone number if you don't have that? I just thought it might be easier to communicate that way if we’re going to be doing streams together.”  How does his nervous dorky voice translate so well through text?  It’s almost like you could hear him stammering over asking for your phone number.  Doing your best to reassure him, you reply: “I do have discord! But you can have my number too!  It’s ***-***-****!”
“Thanks (y/n), I’m really excited about collabing with you!  I was kinda shocked to see that you messaged me, even though I’m pretty sure this was orchestrated by our followers lol”
What can you say?  Your followers really do come in clutch!
Me again! I hope you guys like this while you wait on the next part of Carl Grimes x Dhampir! reader! Also I hope you enjoyed that clip of Chandler sucking at fall guys, I really wanted to include that in this fic lol
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audrey-carr1 · 2 months
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 4)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
warnings/tags: fem!reader, hettyxreader, a pinch of hettyxtrevor, angst, suggested smut (none written)
A/N: two parts in two days! I think I may be beginning to spoil you all lol. Hope you enjoy this latest installment.
word count: 3.8k+
Still December / month 2 
Nadine and I break apart from our kiss laughing. 
“Alright you got your mistletoe kiss, are you happy?” I say sitting back down on my bed.
“Eh, I’ve had better,” Nadine says putting the mistletoe back down.  
“Hey!” I say in mock hurt.
“I should hang this over Hetty’s door, so you two can finally work it out,” Nadine says with a suggestive grin waving the mistle toe in my face. 
“We have only kissed and it was once! I don’t think it’ll happen again,” I say swatting the plant away from my face. 
“Well hello, I have the picture perfect solution to that,” Nadine says referencing the mistletoe again, “Why can’t you just let go of the anxiety and lead with your heart.”
Without warning I begin to cry thinking of how Hetty has practically become a stranger all over again. 
“This is foolish, she doesn’t feel for me the same I feel for her. Besides where is the relationship going to go? She’s dead and I’m not,”I say wiping my eyes. 
“Well by your ghost power logic, you’re like half-dead,” Nadine says. 
“Not helping Nadine,” I say with a watery laugh.
Meanwhile Hetty and Trevor are in Trevor’s room. 
Hetty was trying to allow herself to enjoy the moment, but she could not stop thinking about what she saw. Now her mind begins to throw play tricks on her. She imagines (y/n) and Nadine on the bed like her and Trevor are. She imagines the little noises you’d make, and how she wishes she was the source of them. Hetty feels her hands start to ball into fists. 
Noticing Hetty’s lack of enthusiasm, Trevor breaks the kiss. Leaving Hetty a bit surprised, and a bit relieved even if she wouldn’t care to admit the second part. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Trevor asks.
“Talk about what?” Hetty asks feigning ignorance.
“Hetty,” Trevor says a bit sternly. 
“Oh alright, fine. Maybe I was thinking about her, but only a little,” Hetty admits sitting up.
“Well it’s not like this is the first time. I honestly don’t know why you’re pursuing whatever this” Trevor says gesturing between them, “When you clearly have a thing for (y/n).” 
Trevor sits up in bed and adjusts his jacket. 
“I do not have a thing for (y/n),” Hetty says becoming defensive. 
“Once while you were straddling me, you called out her name…not mine,” Trevor says matter of factly. 
Hetty wishes she wipe the smuggness from his face. 
Trevor continues, “Usually I would be hurt any, but I kind of figured you were using me to let off steam. Especially since you don’t have your washing machine. I’m fine being friends with benefits, but I can’t be a place holder for someone who you can easily pursue.”
“Could you all leave that blasted thing in past, I have clearly moved on,” Hetty says a bit annoyed. Hetty begins to fidget with her collar before fidgeting with her hands. 
“But you haven’t though. I think you’re afraid of rejection,” Trevor says. 
“Oh please,” Hetty guffaws,“When did you have time to obtain a degree in psychology?”
“About the second time you called out her name in the midst of our tryst and this is the third,” Trevor says, “That’s not the point right now though. The point is that you are letting fear take control over you again. You have a woman that has the biggest crush on you, and you have one on her. Don’t think I didn’t hear you giggle like a school girl when she compliments you. I have always seen the way you look at her when her and Flower are outside doing yoga. It’s like you were watching stable boy video.,”
Hetty laughs softly and  shakes her head. “Trevor you do not understand, these are brand new feelings. I certainly did not feel this away about Elias, I did not feel this way about the painter paramour. I cannot stop thinking about her, and when she is not near me. There is like an innate need inside me that craves her presence. I want to watch her smile and laugh without a care, and oh so much more,” Hetty admits, “But she does not want me. I have had that confirmed tonight. When that muscle bound brute is around they are always flirting. I walked in on her kissing Nadine, and earlier they were practically eating chocolate off of each other. ”  
“Where was I that missed that action?” Trevor asks. Hetty quickly slaps his thigh.
“Ouch, okay yeah not the right time,” Trevor says trying to soothe the sting in his thigh,  “Hetty have you ever stopped to think that you might be jealous that she’s getting outside attention? I think you should try talking to her. You might be reading into things that aren’t really there. I do know that Riley has a girlfriend back home. I heard them talking on the phone the other day. I’ve also seen Riley and her around each other, and they act more friends than lovers. And Nadine is just a natural flirt, and you think of her as a threat. I have also noticed that Nadine is just a bit touchy feely, like another person I know.” 
Hetty knows that he is referring to her.  
“I can’t believe I am taking love advice from a pantsless playboy,” Hetty says giving Trevor a playful push. 
“You’re letting your jealousy cloud your judgement, and you know that she wants you,” Trevor stands up,” I think that’s enough psychology for me. If you’ll excuse me (y/n) and have Super Mario Tournament.” 
Late Christmas Eve/ month 2
"Hey look more mistletoe! We should hang it for the guests. Maybe the ghosts can get in on the action. I’m going to go hang these up,” Nadine says as she gets up and leaves the room. 
I hear Hetty huff in annoyance, but I choose to ignore it. I pull out my phone and begin to finish my Christmas shopping online.  Hetty, Alberta, and I sit in silence. The tension in the air could be cut with a kinfe. 
“So Hetty, have you and (y/n) watched the new episode of Bodices and Barons?” Alberta says trying to break the ice. 
“I have,” Hetty says indifferently. 
“You have?” I ask in surprise. I haven’t had time to watch with Hetty as I usually would. 
“Well ofcourse, was I supposed to wait for you?” Hetty asks.
“No, of course not,” I mumble, “ I should go and see if Riley needs me or if Nadine needs my help,”
“Oh yes, maybe you two can eat cheese of each other next,” Hetty says one she is sure you’re out of earshot.
“Hetty, what has gotten into you?” Alberta hisses. 
“Oh Alberta, I do not know. Everytime she mentions her name I just feel…” Hetty can’t seem to find the right words. 
“Jealous.” Alberta says finding the word for her.
“Oh there you go using that word again,” Hetty says throwing her hands in the air infrustration while rolling her eyes. She was getting really tired of her friends throwing that term around. 
“Because that is the right word to use girl. Hetty why is it so hard for you to admit that you have feelings for her? You are going to drive her into the arms of somebody else. You know livings are very sensitive. Is it because she’s a woman?”
“No that is it not the matter at all! It’s just,” Hetty feels at a loss for words. 
“Just a moment Nadine, I think I left my phone upstairs, I’m going to run and get it,” I say.
I head back up the stairs and towards the upper living room in time to hear Hetty say, “The kiss was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened.”
I cover my mouth to keep silent, and lean in closer to the door. 
“Besides, I believe Trevor and I are going to give our relationship another try,” Hetty lies to Alberta. Though Hetty was beginning to make progress in talking about her feelings. Rome was not built in a day, she despised feeling so vulnerable in front of others. Whenever they bring up the relationship between her and (y/n), she feels as if they keep poking at the same scab. “I just need more time,” Hetty thinks to herself.
My heart drops to my stomach, and tears sting my eyes. I do not bother to hear the rest of the conversation. 
“Hetty, you know I can see straight through that bullshit,” Alberta says crossing her arms. 
“Damn it. Alberta I just need more time to process these feelings,” Hetty says. 
“Hetty you are going to process those feelings until the girl is gone. She already has one foot out the door. She is an heiress that has an obscene amount of money, she can travel and find love anywhere. She isn’t obligated to stay here, yet she has stayed for almost a year her head in clouds over you, a ghost. If she wanted a living, I’m sure she would have one by now,” Alberta says. 
“Exactly! What do I have to offer her? The girl has everything she could ever want and she can go anywhere she wants while I am stuck here. I am not meant to have my happy ending this easy, it has never been that way so should it start now,” Hetty says in defeat.
Christmas morning / month 2
“Are these dinosaur nuggets and dinosaur cookie cutters?!” Isaac gasps. He runs over to me and embraces me in a hug. 
“This is the best gift I have been given in all my life and afterlife. Thank you! When can we cook these?” Isaac asks.
“I’ll turn the oven on as soon as we’re done here,” I tell him. 
“Last but certainly not least, Hetty it’s your turn to open your gift!” I say pulling her gift from under the tree. 
I hand Hetty her gift, and I wait in anticipation for her to open it. 
“Maybe it’s the nerve for her to finally ask (y/n) out” Pete whispers to Alberta. Alberta elbows Pete and bites her cheek to keep from laughing. 
Hetty tears away at the wrapping paper to reveal paints, brushes, and a canvas. Hetty feels her heart flutter in chest. She only mentioned she enjoyed painting once and how she missed. Now (y/n) has given her the chance to take up the hobby again. Hetty begins to examine the brushes and paint. She feels tears begin to prick her eyes, and she tries to push down the emotion.
“I would wrapped the easel, but feel it would have given away the surprise. Nadine and I left it upstairs in my room, and we’ll move to any place you want when you’re ready” I say nervously noticing Hetty hasn’t spoken yet. 
“I helped her pick out the paints!” Nadine says in excitement placing a hand on my shoulder. 
Immediately Hetty looks up and at Nadine and I. The look in her eyes a mix of hurt and anger. Again I find myself confused as to what I could have done.
“They went on a shopping together. They probably even went on a date” Hetty thinks to herself. 
“I’ve had better,” Hetty says indifferently before placing the gifts on her lap. In fact Hetty knew that these paints and brushes were some of the best. She couldn’t help the jealous monster that always rears its ugly head at the worst moments. 
"Oh well, I can take them back and get you something better,” I say a bit crestfallen and my voice gets thick with emotion. 
Um actually I have to-" I say fumbling for an excuse to leave the room before I start crying in front of them.
“Whichever one of you made my friend cry, that was rude!” Nadine calls out to the before running after me. 
“Yeah” Riley says and follows behind Nadine. 
All eyes left in the room turn towards Hetty. 
“This third time this month you make her cry,” Thor says. 
“Yeah it’s really starting bring everyone down,” Flower says. 
"Alright Hetty, we all  are getting tired of this game. If you cause her to leave, we are going to have major issues,” Alberta says. 
“Don’t be so dramatic Bertie, she isn’t going anywhere,” Hetty says. 
“Well actually, she is planning a trip soon,” Pete chimes in “Sam and Jay are coming back since renovations on the restaurant seem to keep moving along faster. They suggested that (y/n) take a mini vacation before they go back looking for more locations to set up another B&B. She asked me to be her trusted travel agent. She’s currently thinking beach vibes”
“You better fix this so she comes back after that vacation. I’ll be damned if I lose my duet partner to some beach heartthrob,” Alberta says storming out of the room. The other ghosts leave behind her. 
Alberta’s words from earlier echo through her mind. She already has one foot out the door. 
Christmas afternoon
Riley and Nadine walks into the room unsure if the ghosts are still in there. Specifically she needed Thor or Alberta since they had powers to help her more quickly. 
“Thor if you’re in here, can you flicker the lights,” Nadine asks crossing her fingers. 
The lights flicker. 
“Holy shit,” Riley says in disbelief. 
“Great! If Hetty is in here, if yes flicker the lights. If it is just you with the other ghosts keep the lights on” 
The lights stay on. 
“Oh this is so fun!” Nadine says clasping her hands in excitement. “Alright, I have a plan to get those two oblivious love birds alone. I remember (y/n) saying that there was a vault in the house that ghost cannot walk through. I think we lock the both of them in the vault and let them finally talk out there feelings. I am starting to go mad myself. Anyway, I need you to find a way to get Hetty into the vault, I’ll find anyway to get (y/n) in there. In an hour I need you to flicker the lights once you have Hetty in there, and then I’ll get the other in there. If this works, they’ll finally work things and if this doesn’t work God help us all,” 
Christmas evening
“Hey let us out! This isn’t funny!” I pound my fists against the vault door.
“They aren’t going to,” Hetty says inspecting her nails, “ I think I heard Pete say something about us finally talking things out and coming to terms with our feelings for each other before that door opens,”
“Oh great, I’m trapped here,” I mutter to myself knowing Hetty would never admit her feelings.
There is a moment a silence. We stand opposite of eachother as if we were going to engage in a duel. 
Hetty speaks up first, "I was jealous.”
"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that," I say. 
“Okay you are going to make me repeat it…,” Hetty mutters to herself. 
She clears her throat before saying, “ I said…I was jealous.”
“Of Riley and I?” I ask my face scrunching in confusion.
“Of you and Nadine!” Hetty hisses.
“Why are you jealous of Nadine?” I say even more confused. 
“Oh don’t act so obtuse, you’ve been throwing yourself at her since she’s arrived.” Hetty crosses her arms. 
“Throwing myself?” I begin to stutter over the accusation, “Hetty she’s my friend what are you talking about?”  
Hetty doesn’t think before she speaks. The jealousy she’s been trying to control rears it’s ugly head once more, “You know what I speak of! You allow her to sleep in your bed, then the kissing started, and heaven knows what else y’all have been up to,” Hetty says pointing a finger at me.
“All of this because we’ve always shared a bed?! We practically grew up together having sleep overs, so yes sometimes we sleep in the same bed. There’s nothing else going on between us,” I say in disbelief. 
“So why did you kiss her?” Hetty asks
“What are you talking about?” At this point I feel exasperated going back and forth.
“Last week, I walked into your room and saw you two kissing!” Hetty raises her voice and I flinch a little not used to her doing so. 
“Hetty what you saw is not what you think it was. Also what are you doing in my room without my permission,” I say. 
“Do not try to change the subject. You have been traipsing around here like some trollop,” Hetty quickly covering her mouth as she realizes what she just said.  
Trollop. That word hit as if she hit me herself. All the frustration I’ve been holding back finally boils over. 
“Trollop?! You’ve been screwing Trevor! You want to call me a trollop when you have some friends with benefits situation going on, and you want me to just sit and wait for you look like some sad little puppy,” I say raising my voice. 
“I was not aware that you knew I-”
I cut Hetty off,“I know everything that goes on around here. It’s kind of my job. Plus I’ve seen you throwing yourself at him. How you two have been “meeting”, and how you hold on to him way more than you used to. I have been trying to talk to you for weeks, and you avoid me. Now you want to say it’s because you were jealous?”
“You are quite observant,” Hetty says quietly. 
“We became so close, we kissed, and then you shut me out. You didn’t talk to me, we stopped going on our walks, you watched our show without me!” I say, “I felt so out place watching you and Trevor sneak around. I cried to Nadine over the phone over a week about that. I began to my feelings towards you were misguided. That maybe I had overstepped a boundary, and I should apologize. Then you tell me you’re jealous of Nadine’s and I relationship. I don’t know what to think anymore. Hetty do you want me or not?”
“Ofcourse I want you!” Hetty admits
“Then why do you keep toying with my emotions?” I ask. 
“Darling, I am not a woman who used to these feelings. In fact I have never felt them at all. That night we danced, I felt as if we were the only two people that mattered, and when I finally kissed you…” Hetty closes her eyes reminiscing on the memory before continuing, “I felt as if my world were finally complete. I never felt that way about the painter I almost married nor the man I did marry. Then Nadine showed up, and I admit I did not like the idea of her being in your bed. I saw you two interact in way I wish I could with you. She ate chocolate off of you, I mean that ignited a fantasy I was not aware I had. You make me feel things that I didn’t know were possible, and to feel those feelings in the afterlife is overwhelming to say the least. I cannot give you what it is that you’ll truly want. We could start this relationship, and you can leave at any point. You can walk away, I cannot.” 
“Hetty I’m not leaving,” I say.
Hetty begins, “Pete said -”
I cut Hetty off again, “I assuming Pete told you I was going on vacation. I do not think Pete would have said I’m leaving without said explanation.”
“He may have mentioned that,”Hetty says with a sniff. 
“Darling, you have to stop jumping to conclusions. I need you be upfront with me, and I will be upfront with you. I am sorry if I have been pushing you past your comfort level, if it felt like I was rushing you that was not my intention. I also apologize for Nadine, she can be a little flirt but I assure she is harmless. We only kissed under the mistletoe because she said she wasn’t going to kiss Riley and guests were out of the question. I was like a last ditch option.” I say grabbing her hand. 
“I’m sorry too. I promise to talk you instead of jumping to conclusions. I know that Nadine is a wonderful friend to you, and I apologize for letting my judgment get clouded. I should have been more upfront with you,”
Hetty and I embrace in a hug, and I melt into the embrace. 
“You know, we probably have this moment to ourselves a little longer than we think,” Hetty says suggesrively. 
Without further hesitation, I grab Hetty by the shoulders and kiss her forcefully. It was a messy kiss, our teeth clinked and our noses mashed into each other. It was not as graceful as our first kiss was.It’s if a dam broke, and all of the frustration and tension have come rushing over. Our hands paw at eachother, with Hetty having the upperhand on feeling skin action. Hetty soon takes charge and backs me up against the wall. 
Hetty pulls away from the kiss and takes a closer look at what I’m wearing. “I have to tell you, this little Mrs.Claus number is really turning me on…way more than I thought it would ” Hetty’s voice in that low tone she sometimes speaks in.
“Yeah? You don’t think the short skirt and pushed up cleavage is too trollopy?” I tease, “I was hoping you would enjoy this as part of your Christmas present.” 
This would not be the time to add that Nadine suggest I wear it to see if it got a rise out of Hetty during gift opening. 
“Well it is a very nice present,” Hetty says her finger tracing the low cut fur collar of the shirt. Her eyes meet mine, and I see her pupils are blown. I’m sure mine are no better. 
“How about you unwrap me, and see what’s underneath,” I say pulling her back into a searing kiss.
90 minutes later
“Did you two finally get it over with?” Trevor as you two emerge from the vault.
I blush and look to see Hetty smirking at the double meaning of that phrase. 
“Yes I believe we are on the same page, are we not (y/n)?” Hetty replies first.
“I would have to agree with the Lady of the House,” I say adjusting my hair. 
“ Oh (y/n), your shirt is on inside out,” Isaac points out tilting his head in confusion.
“Oh um that is actually the style isn’t it Hetty?” I say quickly looking for Hetty to back me up. 
Hetty scrunches her eyebrows and looks to me wondering why I brought her into this.
“Oh yes, she was explaining to me in the vault that inside out fashion is new trend,” Hetty says grabbing your and hurriedly walking you out of the room. The last thing Hetty wants is for them to get any ideas.
“That was a hickey on (y/n)’s neck wasn’t it?” Pete asks.
“Yup,” Trevor says.
“They screwed each other didn’t they?” Alberta asks already knowing the answer
“Big time,” Trevor replies. 
“I wonder if they’ll have a third,” Flower chimes in.
A/n: Finally am I right? Thank you for continuing to read my little drabbles! Don't forget I take requests!
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three times Taylor presented us the same character in ttpd and we didn’t notice (or maybe you did)
So, what if I told you I found a connection between who’s afraid of little old me, the albatross and Cassandra?
As most of you have been doing, I’ve been listening to ttpd nonstop, but while I was reading some of the lyrics, I found a very interesting connection I wanted to share with you.
In this post, I’m gonna introduce you to the character of “the monster”. But to start this analysis, I decided to construct our protagonist through a short story first:
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“Once upon a time, there was a monster. Well, she wasn’t always a monster. In fact, she was once tame and gentle, living a life that was far removed from the terrifying existence she now endures. But once she started to become something people weren’t ready to embrace, she turned into a threat in the eyes of everyone else. It was the harsh and unforgiving world around her that transformed our protagonist from a harmless creature into a being that others now fear and despise.
That's why society has decided to lock her in a cell. The “monster” is now incapacitated enough, so she can’t defend herself anymore. They stripped her of her power, taking out her defenses and leaving her vulnerable.
“I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"” (taken from "who's afraid of little old me")
After enough time had passed, our protagonist decided to accept the hardest of truths. She was never gonna convince her cagers that she was anything but the dangerous creature they think they’re protecting their people from.
“I was in my tower weaving nightmares Twisting all my smiles into snarls” (taken from "Cassandra")
The monster started calling herself a monster. She has come to accept this identity society has bestowed upon her: she wasn’t born as a monster but was taught to be one. Society's cruelty and rejection have finally forced her to become something she never wanted to be.
“You caged me and then you called me crazy I am what I am 'cause you trained me” (taken from "who's afraid of little old me")
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Yes, her monstrous label stems from society's refusal to accept something about her—something that she now knows was right all along. But even if somehow the truth finds its way out (that it will), the damage has already been done. Her cell had already been filled with snakes countless times.
“So, they filled my cell with snakes, I regret to say Do you believe me now?” (taken from "Cassandra")
Our story ends with our monster finally finding a way to haunt those who wronged her and remind them of their cruelty. And she had to do nothing. When the deception died, everyone saw what had always been there.
“Locked me up in towers But I'd visit in your dreams And they tried to warn you about me” (taken from "The albatross")
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Her transformation into a monster was not just a physical or mental change, but a profound shift in how she saw herself and how others saw her. Society created her monstrous persona through their fear and rejection, but in the end, she embraced it as her own.
This character of the monster, therefore, is not inherently evil or malicious. Instead, she is a product of her environment, shaped by the cruelty and misunderstanding of those around her.
The specific vocabulary she uses to describe this character (such as “tame”, “snarl”, “took out her teeth”, “caged”, etc.) is what makes it clear that she’s expecting everyone to picture the idea of a “monster” (or what is considered a monster by the people she’s referencing in these three songs). In a way, she’s trying to convey the feeling of being dehumanized by people’s opinions. Yes, she literally calls herself a monster, but it’s an obvious metaphor for how society strips those who are different of their humanity, reducing them to something less than human, something to be feared and controlled. Taylor is trying to remind us how social pressure and prejudices can transform the innocent into the feared and the gentle into the dangerous. She takes the figure of the monster and makes her stand as a symbol of resilience and survival, a testament to the strength it takes to endure and adapt in a world that seeks to cage and define you.
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iodrawsandtalks · 9 months
Yet another HSR lore discussion: Eidolons.
Thought it would be fun after overanalyzing E2 eyes, and thinking some more on E6’s
First off, E1’s.
yeah, there’s nothing special about 1st eidolons……They consistently feature the backs of heads.
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Things start getting interesting from E2’s however. While at first glance it seems to just be an eye of the given character, the eye sides arent consistent.
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as we see here, from a viewer’s perspective, herta’s eye is from her right side of her face, while bronya’s and serval’s are left. Applying this in relation to every in game eidolon so far give you this:
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….there’s strangely no correlation between eyes here. no moral alignment, no region based pattern. It may make more sense with more characters or it may continue to appear random.
E3’s are once again, inconsistent.
Characters E3’s and E4’s are interchangeably one holding a personal object, and one making a different expression.
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As you would guess, these are all E3’s, while these are their respective E4’s.
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Tingyun’s 3 and 4 are reversed in order but she isn’t the only one which once again rules out any pattern. Every single 5th one shows a character’s mouth so i am once again skipping over this to the most interesting Eidolon.
The 6th eidolon for every character shows them unconscious, and lacking their clothing/equipment.
My first assumption with these two details was that the character is dead.
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….except Imbibitor Lunae’s is clearly his hatching rebirth.
and the trailblazers have the stellarons on the outside of their bodies,
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so it’s probably their “births” too. It’s still not birth based though because almost everyone else is clearly the same age as in game. For once I’m bringing in names too because a lot of of final eidolon names are sus.
Fu Xuan — Omnia Vita (translate to All Life)
Luocha — Reunion with the Dust
Guinaifen — Catching bullet with bare hands
Luka — A Champion’s Applause
Dan Heng — The Troubled Soul lies in Wait
Arlan — Self-Sacrifice
Serval — This Song Rocks to Heaven!
most of these reference a termination of some sort. At the end of all life is death, which is also a reunion with the dust. Catching a bullet with bare hands sounds like it could be fatal if any mistake is made. Self sacrifice does not need an explanation. Neither does “rocks to Heaven”.
Now weirdly, Luka’s is referencing the end of a fight, not death or finality. Dan Heng’s is straight up saying he is merely asleep as that’s what lying in wait is. And most Eidolons besides these ones do not reference death or conclusions.
We also have 4 images in E6’s that don’t line up with the other characters.
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Hook and Bailu still have their full outfits but Hook is missing her goofy ugly oversized hat. Bailu is even stranger bc unlike Hook, nothing is missing. And unlike Imbibitor Lunae, the only other vidyadhara with eidolons, she doesnt appear in an egg. The one thing that sets this apart from her other eidolons is that she is shedding a tear. side note, hook is clearly doing that thing kids do when they’re trying to sleep.
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Welt’s 6th’s Eidolon is strange comparing it to Herta’s. Welt Yang’s E6 depicts the child form he appears as when new people came into the sea of quanta post-him being trapped there. This made me think Eidolons had some relation to a true self, because otherwise there is no relevance or reasoning behind Welt’s not being his current appearance. Welt’s younger self(birth name Joachim) pictured with appearance 8 years younger than HSR welt.
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Herta is very much not her true self as we know her puppets are proxies of the real Herta, which makes her doll being shown kinda strange. This one can be excused however bc maybe this Herta with eidolons is ONLY in game representing the doll, not the person.
ookayy there are a few more inconsistencies(why is NUMBY in topaz’s e6, when svarog isnt in clara’s?)
Here is a compilation of the words and meanings in the titles of sixth eidolons
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Lynx is ascending bc from my understanding she goes from exploring the unknown, to mapping it so others know
qingque’s sixth one is going beyond her game
fire trailblazer’s is city-forging bulwark(wall.) that word was just so stupid to scrolll past so wtf tier
the stupid tier being below the two “repeat” tiers is intentional. All of Yanqing’s start with S and contain two words……and all of Jing Yuan’s are three words and start with s. there is no reason for this.
gui’s tricks get more dangerous the further down in eidolon levels so while her 5th one could probably kill somebody if done incorrectly, i think there’s more room for error attempting to catch a bullet barehanded.
This is a discussion post bc as you can see there’s no conclusive pattern in eidolons that applies to EVERYONE
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starsandhughes · 11 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (Four)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: three
next: five
referenced: sweet sixteen
i skippy skipped the lightning game bc i missed it, i’m behind, and quinn didn't do a thing :)
tell me what y'all think!<3
OCTOBER 21, 2023
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liked by _quinnhughes, matthew_tkachuk, and 14,519 others
yourusername welcome back to my post game penalty box update show: bestie vs my rat edition!
quintin popped OFF tonight, my lovelies! he got his first goal of the regular season, which also happened to be the first goal of the game at 11:09!
(barky got his first goal of the season 20 seconds later and i love that an unreasonable amount) (and him) (@/barkovsasha mwah!) (anyways, back to quinnjamin!)
not only did the canucks win 5 to 3, but quinn is also at FIVE GAMES without a penalty! he has yet to get one this season! (yes, there's been lots of trash talking in the group chat) (yes, there's been violent threats) (no, they're not all from me) i’m so proud of you, q💙
before i bid you farewell, allow me to share with you what one of our commentators (dave tomlinson, i believe) said about my matty ratty: "he led his team in points and penalty minutes... and chewing mouth guards!" so true, dave!
quinn, congratulations on your first goal of the season! let's get a personal best this year! and matty, step it up! fight quinn next time! give me drama!
quinny, i love you way past infinity<3
matty ratty, i love you with my whole butt<3
tagged _quinnhughes and matthew_tkachuk
view all 277 comments
jackhughes @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
_quinnhughes @/matthew_tkachuk don't fight quinn
lhughes_06 @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
trevorzegras @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
_alexturcotte @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
colecaufield @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
dylanduke25 @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
edwards.73 @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
colemcward @/matthew_tkachuk FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN! FIGHT QUINN!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername this is your fault
yourusername @_quinnhughes it's my community service
matthew_tkachuk @_quinnhughes i'll let you swing first
yourusername @_quinnhughes PLEASE
_quinnhughes @/matthew_tkachuk i’ll think about it
yourusername @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 @.trevorzegras @/colecaufield @_alexturcotte @.dylanduke25 @/edwards.73 @.colemcward HE'S GONNA THINK ABOUT IT! GO TEAM!
_quinnhughes i love you way past beyond, sissy! i’ll accept sharing this post with matthew to not have as many embarrassing pictures
yourusername who tf is matthew? i only know my rat! and don't think you're safe all year, mister! i’ll come back with a vengeance
_quinnhughes that sounds about right
yourusername you love me
_quinnhughes yeah... i do
yourusername SAP!
_quinnhughes no... i don't
yourusername DILDO!
user3 matty t is a professional mouth guard chewer. everyone else wishes they could be him.
user37 quinn stays looking haunted AHA
matthew_tkachuk i love you with my whole butt, little mouse! now let me munch in peace
yourusername i will not❤️ you're getting teething toys for your birthday
matthew_tkachuk @/trevorzegras she's kidding, right?
trevorzegras @/matthew_tkachuk she buys her presents months in advance... she is not
yourusername you're welcome!
matthew_tkachuk thank you so much :) i’ll treasure them with my life
yourusername i know!
jamie.drysdale @/matthew_tkachuk you get out of pocket presents with your "real present," too?!
matthew_tkachuk @/jamie.drysdale we all do
jackhughes @/matthew_tkachuk @.jamie.dysdale can't relate
trevorzegras @/jackhughes we get it! you're the only exception because you're twins!
yourusername @/trevorzegras it would ruin our tradition!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras we can't ruin traditions!
matthew_tkachuk @/jackhughes WE GET IT
user53 both captains getting their first goals of the season to open up the scoring for their teams is beautiful
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes proud of u
yourusername that is not what i wrote for you
lhughes_06 sissy? admitting she sometimes curates her comment section? test was not on my 2023 bingo card
yourusername lukey moosey? brutally maimed by his shorter, big sister? i got bingo
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 thank u
yourusername @_quinnhughes i repeat: dildo
nicohischier @/yourusername don't maim him. we need him.
yourusername @/nicohischier you did pretty good without him last season
nicohischier @/yourusername trades have happened since then!
yourusername @/nicohischier then WHOOP HIM INTO SHAPE
barkovsasha i love you, too, chucky's little mouse!
yourusername i’m proud of you! i’m sorry i'm not mad my nuckies won!
barkovsasha i forgive you, don't worry
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername i don't
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk *gasp* MY RAT!
user22 "my least favorite hughes" sissy's love language is bullying and i’m here for it
_eliaspettersson where's my love?
bboeser @/yourusername and my love?
_eliaspettersson do we mean nothing to you?
yourusername @/bboeser @_eliaspettersson I'M SORRY MY ROYAL BLONDES! I LOVE YOU BOTH SO MUCH! I'D BE NOTHING WITHOUT YOU!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername ahem
jackhughes @/yourusername excuse me?
lhughes_06 @/yourusername we are right here
trevorzegras @/yourusername DO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!
yourusername @/jackhughes @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 have you fools ever heard of a hyperbole?
_eliaspettersson @/yourusername excuse me?
yourusername i’m throwing my phone into the atlantic
trevorzegras @/yourusername we live near the pacific
yourusername @/trevorzegras that's why i’m going to maine to throw it
jackhughes @/yourusername what's in maine?
yourusername @/jackhughes not you
user85 trevor wishes he could be at 5 games since his last penalty
user48 quinn really said 😮
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i’m afraid you've ratted your last tatouille, sir
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras why are you the way that you are?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras also matthew is the rat?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you don't even know what you are
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras who do you think you are i am
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you don't even know who i am so how do you know who i am?
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i know who you are, i just don't know why you're that way
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes then why are YOU this way?
yourusername @/jackhughes @/jamie.drysdale do either of you have a clue about what they're saying?
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername questionable
jackhughes @/yourusername yes but i’m gatekeeping it
yourusername @/jackhughes so no?
jackhughes @/yourusername i got the original reference! i just got lost from there
trevorzegras @/yourusername i know what we're saying!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras do you?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes questionable
yourusername @/trevorzegras you're soooo pretty! i love you, always
trevorzegras @/yourusername RUDE! but i love you, forever ❤️
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