#we also might’ve been at a mall
Had a dream I was telling Brett Goldstein about my Roy Kent sliding doors fic aka there is no other land. I woke up before I got to the good stuff but he was very interested.
He also tried to tell me Jamie was responsible for his accomplishments not because Roy trained him and I had to be like “let me have this, please, it’s fan fiction.”
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berzahoes · 10 months
when you know you know | tom blyth
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summary: the idiots finally meet (nepo baby!reader)
an: i can always count on reddit for inspiration bc i rewrote this a bunch of times 😭 also these are just random names for the friends lol @astheni-a
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“don’t look now, but the guy behind you is staring.” your friend, meg, whispered to you. you and a couple of your girlfriends were seated in the food court of the mall. after a while, meg noticed that a group of guys sat a few tables away, one of them occasionally glanced at you.
“he’s cute,” your other friend, layne, joined in.
your other friend beside you, louise, smirked at you. “someone’s got a crush. think about it, we can all go on dates together if he asks you out.”
you rolled your eyes. “i don’t even know what he looks like. meg told me not to look.”
“he has brown hair, probably six feet and really pretty eyes. i think that’s all you need to know about your future man.” meg said.
“you just described almost every boy here,” you replied. you looked down at your drink and noticed it was almost empty so you gathered your trash and decided to go throw it away. “i like being single anyways. i have more me time.”
“babe, we know you don’t like it. just talk to lover boy over there and if you don’t like him then that’s that. we won’t push you to talk to any one else ever again.” layne said.
“just this one time.” you sighed. secretly, you did want someone to love. you never had an official boyfriend. during high school, you were talking with a guy from math class, but you quickly found out he just wanted to meet your famous dad. after that, you had difficulty knowing what relationship and friendships were real.
you stood up with your empty drink cup and walked to the nearest trash can. after throwing your trash away, you tried to look over your shoulder to see what boy meg had been taking about, but you couldn’t figure out who it was. brown hair, pretty eyes, tall . . . that could be anyone.
you sighed and decided to just turn around and look instead of looking like a creep, but just as you turned around, a guy had walked right in front of you almost causing his drink to spill.
“oh my god, i’m so sorry.” you immediately apologize.
“it’s okay, um are you . . . okay?” he asked shyly.
“yeah, I’m good. i’m sorry again. i . . yeah sorry.” you kept repeating as you looked at his eyes. they were a beautiful blue color. you were a sucker for colored eyes. well the british accent was a bonus too.
“i’m tom.” he introduced himself.
“i’m yn. nice to meet you. sorry for almost making you drop your drink. sorry, i apologize too much. it’s a habit.” you chuckled nervously.
get it together, yn
“no, it’s fine, wasn’t really drinking it anyways. so . . are you here alone?” he asked, but regretted it immediately when he noticed it might’ve sounded creepy.
“no, i’m with my friends. i’m sorry, again, i noticed the accent, you’re british. are you visiting good ol’ new york?” you questioned.
“studying here actually. i go to juilliard. what about you?”
“i’m actually from los angeles but i visit here quite often. it’s my second home. but i do travel a lot so i call multiple places my second home. sorry if i ramble, i do that when i start getting comfortable.”
from the table, your friends saw how you talked with a stranger.
“does anyone know how to lip read?”
“shhh! shut up layne!”
“who’s gonna tell her that’s not the guy we were talking about?”
“i don’t want to break her heart. plus he does look exactly like how meg described so a win is a win.”
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hauntedhokage · 3 months
Megumi Fushiguro/Reader
kiss prompt: kisses shared under an umbrella from this list
word count: 310
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You hadn’t been expecting the rain; but somehow Megumi always seemed to be prepared, pulling a small retractable umbrella from the tote bag he was carrying for you and opening it before letting you step outside the grocery store. It had been so beautiful when you left in the morning, the forecast had completely slipped your mind so you were surprised to have Megumi request that you wait for a moment before producing the yellow object before he takes your hand and continues as if it were nothing. 
“You knew it was going to rain?”
“No, I noticed the clouds getting darker as we left the mall so I got an umbrella to have just in case while you were looking at shoes before we went for groceries.” 
So, that’s where he disappeared off to. Which also explained the bright yellow color - Megumi wasn’t a bright color kind of guy, so this was definitely an impromptu decision.  Yellow was either the only option or he just grabbed the first one he saw to ensure that he was prepared to keep you dry on the short walk back to your apartment. 
“You’re so good to me, Megumi.” Your praise has him blushing, even though it was the most thoughtful gesture, he seems a bit uncomfortable at the recognition and looks away from you as you turn to face him fully under the umbrella. He leans in when you crook a finger at him, and you feel his face get hotter when you wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him under his new yellow umbrella. He only needs one hand to hold the umbrella and, despite his initial bashfulness, uses his free arm to wrap around your waist to pull you in closer. You might’ve been blocking the sidewalk, but that didn’t really matter to either of you right now. 
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skzdust · 3 months
Room 514
Part 5
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Despite hating parties, I love writing party scenes, so here we go! Debating continuing the party in part 6, but I also might skip ahead to another scene... let me know what you all think!
Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: parties, alcohol, drunk kissing, kissing to make someone jealous, 3racha being icons, jisung being adorable and also hot
Word count: 1.6k
Taglist (Comment on a post/send an ask if you'd like to be added): @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345, @katsukis1wife, @tsunderelino
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
You’d been hanging out with Jisung a lot, but you were getting closer with your other roommates as well, and it was Changbin who was now peer pressuring you to go to a party.
“It’s just at Jeongin’s place! Which is also Minho’s place. And Hyunjin’s, and Seungmin’s, and Felix’s. It’s Jeongin’s birthday party.” He spread his arms. “So all our friends will be there! There’s no reason not to go!”
“Parties are boring, I don’t like dancing, and my old friends were a little…” You shook off the memories of the parties they used to throw. “Not a fan.”
“All due respect, fuck your old friends.” Chan walked out of the bathroom, pushing back his hair. “They sound awful.”
You forced a laugh. “Yeah, they… they were something.” You look down. “Kinda makes me feel bad to just shit talk them, though.”
“They deserve it.” Changbin nodded decisively, as if he’d declared a universal truth.
“Yeah.” Chan agreed. “Come with us, though. It’ll be fun.” He smiled reassuringly. “I promise.”
If I wasn’t so into Jisung, Chan would be pretty attractive. You thought. He had the hair, the kind smile, the eyes anyone would fall for.
Not quite your type, though. Your type was closing his room door behind himself, and it took all your willpower not to drop your jaw as you took in his appearance.
He was wearing a high-necked, quarter-zip black top with white stripes down the short sleeves. His jeans were ripped, his hair was fluffy, and he was wearing eyeliner.
He ran his fingers through said fluffy hair, ruffling it a bit. “Y/n, you coming?”
“I, er… I probably shouldn’t.” You did your best to recover.
“You should!” He leaned against the back of one of the armchairs. “It’s gonna be fun, we’ll all be there with you.”
The idea was becoming more and more appealing the more the boys talked it up—especially the idea of being there with Jisung.
You bit the inside of your lip. “If I go, will someone stick with me? I don’t want to be abandoned the second we step into the house.”
“Wow, how bad were your old friends?” Changbin raised his eyebrows. “We’re not going to just leave you.”
“Pretty bad.” You mumbled.
“‘Course we won’t leave you.” Jisung smiled reassuringly. “I’ll stick by your side the whole night.”
You pointed to him. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”
“So you’re coming?” Changbin looked excited.
You sighed. “I suppose.”
“Yay!” He clapped. “Go get changed!”
“What’s wrong with this?” You looked down at your t shirt and jeans. “I feel like it’s fine.”
“You should wear that top we got at the mall.” Jisung grinned.
Your face burned. “Let me go get it on.”
You got the top and a sweater on as quickly as you could and walked back out, doing a twirl for the boys.
Changbin clapped again. “You look great!”
“Yeah, you look really good.” Jisung’s eyes raked over you, and it might’ve been your imagination, but it sounded like his voice dropped just a bit.
“Yes, it’s a great top.” Chan smiled. “Lets’ get going, though. A little late is fine, good, even, but we don’t want to be too late to the party.”
The four of you walked off campus and to your friends’ house. It wasn’t snowing, but it was cold enough that you were glad you’d grabbed a sweater.
You rubbed your hands together, trying to be discreet as you mentally yelled at yourself for not wearing a single article of clothing with pockets.
Jisung reached out to take your hands, holding both of them in his. “Aw, you cold?”
“No.” Your body betrayed you, a violent shiver shaking through your limbs.
“Shut up.” You bumped his shoulder.
“You shut up.” He bumped back.
“Just make out already!” Changbin said over his shoulder.
“Changbin!” Jisung let go of your hands to run up by Changbin, and you swallowed, looking down at the sidewalk.
You didn’t have to worry about being cold much longer, when you got to the house it was bustling with people and energy. Jisung waited back for you as Changbin and Chan went in, leaning into your ear. “You drink?”
“Yes.” You nodded. “If I’m going to survive the night I will need some alcohol.”
“We can do them together!” Jisung grabbed your hand, leading you inside. “I know where Minho hides the stuff he doesn’t want to share.”
“Won’t he be mad?” You laughed, letting him drag you into the throng.
“He’ll be fine.”
“Jisung!” An unfamiliar voice boomed, and both of you whirled around.
“Hey!” Jisung’s face split into a giant grin.
You loosened your grip, ready to walk away so Jisung could say hi to his friend, but his fingers tightened around yours, and he pulled you in with a move that gave you butterflies.
To your surprise, he introduced you to his friend, whose name you immediately forgot, and the three of you chatted for a moment before Jisung excused the two of you so you could go find drinks.
“What do you want?”
“Looks pretty picked over already.” You raised your eyebrows at the sad selection of cans.
Jisung shrugged, grabbing a beer and popping the tab open. “Eh, I’m not picky.”
“Mm.” You hummed, taking a hard seltzer.
“Wanna find Jeongin and wish him a happy birthday?”
“Yeah, any idea where he might be?”
Jisung took a long sip from his can. “No clue.”
“Helpful.” You grinned.
He winked. “I live to serve.”
You and Jisung walked out of the kitchen, and Jisung took your hand so you didn’t get separated as you wove through people. The feeling of his fingers around yours was sweet, welcome. He was so touchy, it was endearing.
You found yourselves back in the kitchen a few times, getting new drinks. You were a lightweight, and evidently so was Jisung, because it only took a few drinks for both of you to be giggly and even touchier than usual. And it was the kitchen, as you were doubled over and holding onto Jisung’s arm at something he’d said, when you saw her.
You felt cold, the smile slipping off your face. There was no way it’s actually her, right? You’d managed to avoid her around campus for the past few weeks, but as she threw her head back to laugh at something the guy she was talking to said, you couldn’t deny it. It was definitely Catherine.
“What’s wrong?” Jisung looked concerned.
“Old roommate’s here.”
He followed your gaze. “Her? Wait… Catherine?”
You looked at him in surprise. “You know her?”
Jisung sighed, looking annoyed. “Unfortunately. She dated Changbin for, like, two seconds, and she was… unpleasant.”
“To say the least.” You mumbled. “So, she’s Changbin’s ex? Why is she here?”
“I’m not sure.” Jisung squinted. “I dunno who she’s talking to.”
“Me neither…” You squinted, too, trying to make out anything about him, but he was facing away from you.
Catherine suddenly looked up, over the guy’s shoulder, to make direct eye contact with you.
“Oh, god.” You mumbled, looking away.
“Oh… and now they’re kissing.” Jisung sighed. You glanced up, and they were practically making out. Catherine kept her eyes on you.
I know what this is. I know her game. She’d made fun of you for being single half the time you’d lived together. This was a cruel extension of that, it was her rubbing in your face that she had a new guy who was neither her old boyfriend nor the guy she’d cheated on him with, and you still had no one.
Two can play that game.
You set your drink down on the counter. A part of you knew this was a bad idea, but the alcohol clouded your better judgement, and you looked at Jisung. “Can you help me with something?”
He blinked. “Huh?”
“She’s trying to make me feel single, and I’m not gonna let her… I need you to kiss me.” You looked at him with as much intensity as you could muster, your stomach dropping out like you were on a roller coaster as you said the words.
Jisung ran a hand through your hair, gently pulling you closer to his face by the back of your head. “And how do you want me to kiss you?”
You were sober enough to know you’d remember this in the morning, but drunk enough to say, “Like you’re in love with me.”
His gaze flickered down to your lips. “I live to serve.”
He slowly leaned towards you, and you had a brief moment of, oh my God, this is actually about to happen, I’m gonna kiss Han Jisung, before his lips met yours.
The kiss started gentle, tentative. Jisung’s hand carefully wove through your hair, combing through it, playing with it, and you let out a soft moan at how nice it felt. You melted into his lips, which pushed against yours in careful, practiced motions. Life can’t get any more perfect than this.
And then it did. Jisung deepened the kiss, his lips demanding more from you as he tangled his fingers in your hair. His other hand found yours, pulling it to his hip and holding it there. You tried to fight the urge to grab onto his shirt and pull him even closer, but the alcohol won, and you grabbed his neckline. He groaned, and sparks flew through you. It was low, and sexy, and you wanted to hear more of it.
You wondered how this would change things between you, but the thoughts felt far away, pushed deep into the recesses of your brain by his lips. Everything felt far away, the alcohol and the sensations Jisung was giving you mixing together to make this moment all that mattered.
Too soon, Jisung pulled back, panting, and rested his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes, trying to bring your own breathing back to normal.
“You did it.” You whispered.
You looked up, met his eyes. “Kissed me like you’re in love with me.”
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zepskies · 2 years
Never Say Goodbye - Part 10
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
AN: Bear in mind, season 2 aired/took place circa 2006, so references like iPods are going to be dated lol. 
Word Count: 5,500 Warnings: M-rated chapter ahead—18+ only! Angst, smut, fluff, and feels. Oh yeah, and kidnapping.
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Part 10: Worthy
In the months after John Winchester’s death, Sam and Dean spent even more time on the road than before. Hunting down the demon, as well as trying to find the Colt. 
You helped them the best you could with research on their various cases. However, now that you had been promoted to Library Curator at the museum, you had even more access to scholarly research and ancient texts, but even less time on your hands. 
If you were honest (and you weren’t), it was getting harder to balance your real job and Sam and Dean’s requests. But you knew if you said so, Dean would never ask you for help again. At the end of the day, it kept you connected to them. And you liked helping out.
The next time the brothers came home marked a few months shy of two years since you’d met Dean. When they were a day’s drive away, he called you to ask you something he’d never asked before… 
He wanted to take you out to dinner. 
You had cooked for him before. He had cooked for you. You two had ordered in and gone to grab dinner with Sam in tow. But in almost two years, you and Dean had never gone on an actual dinner date, getting dressed up, just the two of you. 
Needless to say, you were very excited…but you also had no idea what to wear. 
Dean had seen you in the professional blouses, slacks, and skirts you wore for work. He’d seen you in ratty old college shirts and yoga pants while slurping ramen noodles from a plastic cup. He’d also seen you in nothing but one of his old buttoned-down shirts, and then, in nothing at all.
But he’d never seen you dressed to kill. That wasn’t to say you couldn’t pull it off, because you most certainly could. It had just…been a while. 
So you dove into the shadowy recesses of your closet and searched for something you knew he hadn’t seen before. And you might’ve gone to the mall and bought a couple new pieces of lingerie, just in case the night went really well.
You were grateful Dean gave you a full day’s notice. It gave you the time to mentally prepare, but you still had to call him again to verify a few things.
“Okay, but where are we going?” you asked. “Casual dressy or dressy, dressy?”
Dean chuckled. “I have no idea what that means.” 
He sounded tired to you, but the playful note in his voice still made you smile.
“It means just tell me where we’re going,” you said with a laugh. 
“Nope,” he refused. “But here’s what I can do for you. I’ll be leaving the leather jacket at home this time.”
You tapped your chin thoughtfully. “Okay. That’s something, at least. Man, you really are the worst with these little guessing games.”
“I think you mean the best,” he joked. “Remember, I’ll be there by seven tomorrow.”
You let out an annoyed huff. “I hate you.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He was still laughing when you hung up on him. You now had a plan though. 
The next day was a Friday. You were able to get off work right at five, but that still only gave you two hours to shower and fix yourself up. Not nearly enough time, you lamented, but you made it work. 
Your dad, blessedly, was working late again. So you had the house to yourself as you played your music loudly and danced to the beat while you finished up your makeup. 
Then around seven, a knock sounded at the front door. Wow, he’s actually on time.
You swallowed a small swell of nerves in your throat. Stop being silly, you told yourself. And you were careful in your heels on your way down the stairs. You checked yourself real quick in the mirror, just to make sure your hair and everything else was in place. Then you looked into the door’s peephole.
With a smile, you unlocked and opened the door. Dean was there to greet you with a familiar grin, and then his eyes went wide at the sight of you. You crossed your arms and leaned on the door frame.
“We’re all stocked up on Girl Scout cookies, thanks,” you teased. Dean’s grin kicked up into a smirk. 
“I’m not here to sell you anything, sweetheart,” he said. His hot gaze took you in—from your softly curled hair to your dark red lipstick, to the black suede dress that clung to your every curve and fell to mid-thigh, and finally down to your scarlet red heels. Then his eyes traveled all the way back up to yours. 
“But I’ll bet you could get me to sell my soul with just those heels,” he said. 
Your brain stuttered to a halt. You couldn’t help but blush at the flirtatious depths in his voice, overlayed with a fine layer of charm. It didn’t take much for Dean to turn it on, but when he did, you could guess how many panty-dropping one liners he’d had in his arsenal before he met you.  
And he’d cleaned up nicely himself. True to his word, he’d forgone his typical leather jacket (though you were fond of it) for a solid black jacket. He’d paired it with a charcoal gray button-down and some dark wash jeans. (You suspected that Sam had given some pointers for this ensemble.)
His familiar pendant still hung from his neck though, along with his mom’s ring on his right hand. He was still Dean, but he looked good enough to eat. 
His smirk deepened, and you realized he’d likely heard that thought. 
Damn it. 
You hadn’t seen him in a long time, so you forgot you’d have to pull your thoughts back from the soul bond sometimes. Right now though, it was all you could do to stop from dragging him into the house and kissing him senseless.
Dean shook you out of your thoughts when his hands found the curve of your waist. You looked up at him, holding onto the edges of his jacket. 
“Sam’s not joining us for dinner?” you asked innocently, while knowing full well he wasn’t. Dean leaned down to brush his lips against your cheek, down to your neck where he caught the pleasant, sexy scent of your perfume. He felt you shudder a bit at the sensation of his lips across your skin. 
“Nope. It’s adults only tonight,” he said. Pressed against him as you were, you felt the reverberation of his voice in your chest. It was a very pleasant sensation that pooled warmth in your lower belly, and down between your legs. 
Dean came back to your lips, letting his ghost over yours. He didn’t want to ruin that pretty red lipstick (but he also really, really did).
You played into it; your smile brushed against his lips while your fingers dragged down his chest. “Then, maybe you should take me…”
You shifted on your feet, letting your thigh graze between his legs. You felt his fingers dig into the small of your back, and you reached back to grab his hand and unwrap his arms from your body.  
“…To this mystery restaurant,” you said. “‘Cause I’m really freakin’ hungry.”
You flashed him a smile and slipped between him and the front door. You tossed him your house keys so he could lock it. As you walked down the driveway toward the Impala, you felt his disbelief, a lance of annoyance, but also his amusement. And a hot flare of desire while he watched you walk away from him.   
You crossed your arms again and leaned against the passenger door of the Impala while you waited for Dean. He locked the front door and returned to the Impala while pointing a finger at you.
“You play too much,” he said. Your smile deepened. 
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As it turned out, he didn’t take you to the most expensive restaurant in town, or just to the local diner either. It was a nice Columbian steakhouse that ended up being the perfect place for both of you: a cozy atmosphere with Latin music, a historically Columbian-owned restaurant, and an interesting culture of food for you to enjoy—and a series of revolving smoked meats for Dean. 
You noticed though, that while your boyfriend was enthusiastic about the food, he still seemed off somehow. His smiles didn’t always meet his eyes, and while he looked great, he also looked tired. He didn’t have 100% of his usual swagger going on, and that was enough cause for concern. From what Sam had told you, Dean had been doing better in working through their father’s death.
“Dean.” You laid a hand on his knee while he put yet another cheese bun into his mouth. You earned his attention regardless. “You okay? You seem…I don’t know. Tired.”
He shook his head and thankfully answered after he swallowed. “Nah, just a long drive. What, you’re not having fun?” 
You smiled. “No, I am. I just want to make sure you’re okay, that’s all.”
Dean smiled back. “I’m good, baby.”
But you could tell he was hiding something—from the bond, and from you. You frowned at him.
“Dean, we’ve been over this,” you said in a quiet, but firm voice. “You don’t have to lie to me. Whatever it is, I can handle it. You can trust me.”
After a moment, Dean’s pleasant expression faded. A more genuine, rueful smile overtook his features. He took your hand from his knee and pressed it to his lips. He looked down for a few seconds, just thinking, and you gave him the time he needed to do it. 
He appreciated that about you. Though you were a curious person by nature, and stubborn about it, in moments like this you never rushed him. You gave him room to breathe. 
“Do you know what a djinn is?” he asked. 
You blinked at him in curiosity. That wasn’t at all what you’d expected him to say. 
“Yeah. I mean, djinn, genies—they’re all over Middle Eastern mythology,” you said, and with a more teasing smile, “And not just in Aladdin.”
Dean inclined his head. “Very good, Professor.”
“I’m guessing they’re real too?” you asked. 
“Yeah, nasty sombitches,” he confirmed. He explained that with just one touch, a djinn could propel you into a fantasy of your own making. A dream world, where you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of—at the price of getting your blood sucked dry in the real world. 
You grimaced. “Ech. Sounds like a party.”
“Yeah, it’s freakin’ Disneyland,” Dean quipped. 
“I’m assuming you and Sam ran into a djinn?” you said. 
Dean nodded. His gaze fell away from you as his thoughts drifted back to that world. That place where his family was more or less whole. Where his mom was still alive, and his family had never been sucked into hunting. Where Dean had met you while on a road trip with his dad and married you a year later. Where his little brother had become a lawyer and Dean a firefighter.   
His father had died too soon in that world too, but it hadn’t been a gruesome, lonely death caused by a demon. The only real obstacle in that perfect world had been that he’d drifted away from his little brother. They didn’t have a great relationship in that world, but it wasn’t anything that they couldn’t overcome with a few beers and a couple of heart-to-hearts in the Impala. 
But it hadn’t been real. 
Dean explained all of this to you over dessert, and you listened with rapt attention. You felt all the emotions he couldn’t readily express. 
“I saw what my life could’ve been like,” he admitted. “And I wanted it, more than anything.”
“But this is what’s real, and you chose it,” you said. “That’s what matters.”
Dean didn’t look convinced. You were grateful that he shared this with you, but you could also tell that this had been plaguing his mind. You also didn’t want him to have to wallow in it anymore. What you wanted was to help perk him up, or distract him somehow…
So when he dipped his spoon into the large chocolate brownie in front of him, you parried his spoon with yours and stole his scoop. He looked up at you with raised, incredulous brows. 
“What just happened here?” he asked.
You shrugged, smiling as you licked your spoon clean. Dean’s lips pressed together, but in the name of keeping the night pleasant, he decided to let it go. 
Once again, he delved into the brownie. And once again, you took his piece with your own spoon, even taking a bit of vanilla ice cream with it. 
“This is really good,” you said, humming in delight. “You should try some.”
Dean quirked his head at you. He didn’t know whether to be irritated or amused. 
“I’m tryin’,” he wryly replied. With a purposeful hand, he wielded his spoon and took a nice corner piece. Sure enough, your spoon came in to intercept him. But his left hand closed around your wrist. His gaze flicked up to yours. 
“You’re playin’ with fire here, sweetheart,” he warned. You went for your glass of wine with your free hand and took a sip.
“Am I?” you asked. “I thought we agreed to share.”
He leaned in close, until there were mere inches between your faces. “I don’t share food.”
You took his challenge for what it was, and you leaned in until your lips were nearly brushing his.
“Fine,” you said. Then you sat back and sipped at your wine again. You seemed to have no further interest in dessert, so Dean nodded to himself and raised the corner piece of brownie to his lips. 
Only to have you snatch his spoon from his hand and take the bite yourself. You washed it down with some water this time. While Dean sat back in shock, you offered him a smile. 
“This’s a great place. We should definitely come back here,” you said.  
For a moment, all Dean could do was stare at his damn-near empty plate. When he gathered himself, he looked over at you and smiled dangerously. 
“Yeah, we should,” he agreed. 
You finished your wine while Dean paid for the meal. He wouldn’t accept your money even though you offered to pay half. He asked you out, so he should pay, he reasoned. (He also ordered an extra brownie to-go.)
Anticipation ran down your spine the longer it took to get back to the car. You could feel his silent simmer, but also his patience. You knew he wasn’t going to let you get away with teasing him, but you also knew he was waiting for the right moment. Most likely when you two had some real privacy. 
But before you could open the passenger side door of the Impala, Dean’s hand stopped you. You let him maneuver you around and press you against the door, and you held onto his jacket for balance. You grinned when he bent down and claimed your lips with his own, demanding, sensuous, and greedy. 
You clung to his arms as he basically devoured you in the restaurant’s parking lot. His hands were hot on your hips, then kneading your butt, pulling you flush against him as your fingers curled into his hair.  
You hadn’t taken Dean for a PDA kind of guy; he was very private about who knew you were together. But then again, it wasn’t too often that you two went out in public, considering this was the first proper date you and Dean had ever been on. 
“You’re in so much trouble,” he said against your lips, but the effect was kind of lost when you could feel his amusement and searing desire. You giggled against him. 
“Okay,” you agreed. “I can deal with that.”
He pinched your butt, making you yelp and tighten your hand in his hair on reflex. He groaned into your mouth. 
“Take me home,” you said. Dean nodded, but he was reluctant to let go of you. Eventually he withdrew his hands and opened the passenger side door for you. 
First, you smoothed down his jacket and wiped away some of the lipstick from his mouth and chin with your thumb. His charming, full-watt Dean grin was back, and it warmed you up from the inside out. 
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That night, in your bed, you and Dean made up for months of separation. You were starved for his touch, and Dean realized that with no small measure of guilt. 
He tried to focus on being here with you, but in the back of his mind, he still felt like he was somehow taking something from you when he made love to you. Like that hit and run you once accused him of.
This is what Dad warned me about, he couldn’t help but think. 
You both laid on your bed together afterwards, dewy with sweat and a hand on your chest to calm your racing heart. But as great as it had been for you, you knew that Dean was distracted again. 
The moment you heard him think about his father, it brought you back to that day in the hospital. 
“I’m sorry I told you not to go after her a few years ago,” John had said. 
But why? You sat up against the headboard, bringing the sheets up to cover yourself. Meanwhile, Dean was coming back from freshening up in the bathroom. He then started tinkering with your iPod and speaker on your nightstand. But he frowned while scrolling through most of the songs. 
Ugh. Avril Lavigne. Really? You heard him think to himself. A smile threatened to curve your lips as he continued to grumble at your playlist. But eventually he settled on “Going to California” by Led Zeppelin. That was neutral ground you could both agree on.
“Dean,” you found yourself saying, before you could think about it. He joined you back in bed, sitting beside you. 
“When I was fourteen, I remember it snowed the day of my mom’s funeral,” you continued. “I was standing there in the cemetery when it started. I was…well, a wreck. I looked up at the flurries, and I heard something.”
It’s not fair!
“I didn’t realize it then, but I think I was hearing you for the first time.” You looked over at Dean, and he met your gaze. 
“Sam and I were carted off to Bobby’s a few times when we were kids,” he admitted. “It’s possible.”
You gathered your courage, and you asked the question you had been holding onto for almost a year. 
“Did you ever…hear me? Before last year.”
Dean sensed that this was a leading question. You already knew something, or at least thought you did. He sighed.
You sat up straighter and faced him.
“Talk to me,” you implored. Dean hesitated, but after a moment, he answered. 
“It was around seven…eight years ago now. I was working a case with my dad near your school. That university.”
You thought back, and it must’ve been when you were getting your bachelor’s degree. Dean explained that he was about twenty-three, making you twenty at the time. And he started to feel you, hear you. It freaked him the hell out. 
“A killer dog nearly took my head off because…anyway, the point is, I figured out what it was,” he said. 
“But you left,” you said, both hurt and angry. “Why the hell didn’t you reach out to me?”
“My dad told me something,” Dean said. “He said I shouldn’t bring you into my life if I couldn’t hang up my gun. You know what…he was right.”
Your mouth fell open in shock. “How can you say that?”
“Look at what’s happening,” he said. “I’m on the road with Sam tryin’ to hunt this demon, pulling you away from your job with research, dragging you out in the middle of the night because I’m on death’s door. It’s enough!” 
You didn’t like the sharpness in his tone, or the stubborn look in his eyes. That was another thing you’d learned about Dean. When he got an idea of something in his head, a conviction, he wasn’t going to let it go in a hurry. 
Too frustrated to remain in bed, Dean got up and started dressing. You watched him put on his underwear and jeans in disbelief. But you stole his gray dress shirt before he could put it on. He wasn’t about to leave you like this. 
So you put on the shirt yourself and stood in his way. 
“It’s not supposed to be like this,” he told you.
“Who says?” you challenged. “We’re doing what works for us.”
“That’s my point. It’s not working. And it’s not fair to you.”
“When have I ever asked for fair?” You wanted to know. You had never complained, never asked anything of him except for two things: to keep in touch with you, and not to lie to you. 
“This WiFi connection goes both ways, remember?” he countered. “You can try hiding it all you want, but you hate this long-distance crap. Pretty soon you’re gonna start hating me…and shit. I wouldn’t blame you.”
You didn’t know what to make of that resigned look on his face, but it struck at your heart. 
You hefted a sharp sigh. “Didn’t you say that this was just temporary? That after you and Sam killed the Yellow Eyed demon, then you could come home?”
“It took Dad our whole lives just to track Yellow Eyes down,” Dean said. “Then it killed him.”
So he was saying this could take his whole life too. Part of you knew that, but you didn’t want to accept the reality that you could be living half a life with him forever. 
You didn’t realize it then, but Dean took your silence as a sign.
“Look, I get it,” he said, rubbing a hand over his face. “It’s not like we can just…cut the cord here. But I’d understand if you don’t want to keep doing this.”
For a moment, you stared at him uncomprehendingly. But if he’d just taken half a second to look at your face—to read the truth in your roiling emotions, he wouldn’t have kept running his mouth.
“Truth is, you deserve better than what I got to give,” he said. His hand raised to card through his hair, an anxious gesture. You knew in the way his eyes shifted away. 
A tremor of disbelief and dismay coursed through you.
What he had to give.
A man who'd first offered his protection while barely even knowing you. Who comforted you when you needed him, and celebrated your achievements instead of belittling them. Who believed in you when you told him about working yourself up at the museum. Who empowered you to hold your ground, and speak up for yourself.
A man who'd rather be alone than keep hurting you.
“Baby,” you tried, grasping his arm. Still, he didn’t quite meet your gaze.
“I’ve gotta go,” he said. 
You pushed him back with both hands on his bare chest when he tried to get around you. “Stop!”
He said your name in a sharp warning. You shook your head stubbornly. 
“Do you want me out of your life?” you asked. “Is that really what you want?”
Dean finally looked down at you, his mouth pressed in a firm line, his brows crunched over his eyes…but he couldn’t answer you.
“Then stop it!” you said. “Just fucking stop it. I’m tired of hearing you think that you’re not good enough.”
Dean’s expression slackened. 
“Stop lying to yourself,” you said sternly. “I don’t care what you think I want. Whatever ‘together’ means for us is what we’re going to do. Because you are worth it.”
That was your conviction. He'd been fighting for his family his entire life. And now for you, in a way. So the least you could do was fight for him.
“Yeah, it’s really fucking hard right now. On both of us,” you said with a nod. “But if you think I’m going to let go just because of that, then you don’t know me at all yet, Dean.” 
Your frown solidified into a look of determination. 
“But goddamn it, you’re gonna learn.”
His mouth fell open a bit, and his soft surprise gave way to shock when you rocked forward, taking his face between your hands. He accepted your hard kiss, the uncharacteristic way you demanded from him, claimed his lips and his tongue, and the frustrated pace of removing each other’s clothes again. 
For once, you took control and pushed Dean down to the bed. He let you do it too. It was an electrifying turn on—to have your hands be firm instead of gentle, but still purposeful in how you touched him. 
And you did. You straddled his lap, and between fierce kisses, you mapped out his body with your hands. He held you by your hips, but you soon pushed him down onto the bed. With wet, nipping kisses, you burned a path from his neck, down his chest and sternum, down the defined “V” between his hips. 
His breathing deepened the further you went, because Christ had it been a long time since anyone but himself had touched him. He supposed you weren’t the only one starving.
Your lips grazed and nipped the inside of his thigh, getting ever closer to where you knew he wanted you. His hand raised to tangle in your hair, but you moved his hand away and trapped it onto the bed. Your challenging gaze met his, and Dean raised his brows. 
No touching, unless I say so, you said through the bond. A smirk raised the corner of his lips. 
Yes, ma’am, he replied, making you smile. You then renewed your attention to the task at hand. You settled between his legs lowered down, where the object of your focus was standing perfectly at attention. You let your lips graze his dick. Careful touches, and really, a bit teasing. Dean sucked in a breath when your hands joined your lips, just soft caresses along its length, underneath, over its sensitive head. It was both exactly what he wanted and nowhere near enough.
His hand fisted into the pillow behind his head and the comforter underneath him. Your name fell from his lips—both a prayer and a plea. He felt the shape of your smile in a kiss, pressed against his thigh. 
I’ve got you, baby, you said. Finally, your lips descended on him and you took as much of his dick as you could into your mouth. Something between a moan and a grunt fell from Dean’s lips as you worked him over, with your hands joining your warm, wet mouth. He itched to touch you, but you were relentless and held his wrist down onto the bed. 
With his free hand, he grabbed onto the headboard as his back arched involuntarily, but there was nowhere to go. You had him trapped, and he was exactly where he wanted to be.
But just when he felt that crest of pleasure nearing and thought he was going to see black on the edges of his vision, you let him go with a soft pop. You leaned your arms on his raised knees and wiped your mouth. You looked down at his incredulous face with a mischievous little smile. 
Dean made a sound of both shock and frustration as he tried to catch his breath. His head hit the pillow while his hand went to his wildly beating heart. 
“Well, that’s just rude,” he uttered. When he was able to speak, that is. You stifled a laugh and moved up to cover that hand on his chest with yours. He flinched, but you were able to offer apologetic kisses. He reluctantly accepted them. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” you whispered against his lips. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of his palm, then brought it to your cheek. Despite the playful, annoyed suspicion in his eyes, he stroked your cheek with affection. He saw your game, and he begrudgingly admired it—and you.
Smiling, you sat back on his bare thighs and brought both of his hands to your body, grazing down your neck to cup your breasts. You sighed as his thumbs brushed over your pert nipples and kneaded the soft flesh. 
“Is this for me, or for you?” he teased. You shot him a playful glare. For that, you lowered his hands further down your body and guided his hand to the very wet folds between your legs. 
“I’m letting you touch me now,” was your cheeky reply. 
Dean smirked, but he sat up and obliged, gathering your wetness with his fingers and stroking your clit with deliberate movements. You shuddered a breath as he slipped a long finger inside you, followed closely by another. All the while, his thumb drew wet circles around your sensitive clit and brought you to the edge of your release. 
From that very first night together so long ago, he’d been learning how to play you like a five-string guitar. Tonight was no different, and despite how you’d edged him earlier, he had no qualms about making you come all over his hand. 
Your fingers delved into his hair, and you mentally praised him while you caught your breath, resting your forehead on his shoulder. He held you to him as you shook. But after a few moments, he leaned back to look into your eyes. 
Through your connection, you felt his playfulness grow and you just knew he was about to say something smartass. But right now, you were still in control. So you stopped his smart mouth with yours and claimed his lips with another deep kiss. 
You slipped a hand between your bodies, and this time you took a firmer hold of his dick. It was still a bit wet from your earlier treatment, and you stroked him a few times. His grateful moans sounded in your ear as he gripped your arms tight. You closed your eyes for a second, inwardly preparing yourself, before you sheathed him inside you. You both breathed hard as you adjusted and settled on top of him. 
He grabbed a fistful of your hair. “Fuck, baby—”
You nodded, soothing down his back. “I know. Damn, you feel so good.”   
You pushed him back down again so you could find the right angle that would serve both of you. Then you started to move over him. Dean dropped his head hard against the bed. To help him out, you gave him something to grab onto and guided his hand to your hip. He squeezed the flesh there, hard enough to leave fingerprint bruises later, you were sure. But the brief pain was a good motivator—it let you know when he was close to his breaking point. 
You reached down with your fingers to further part your folds and rub hot circles around your already sensitive clit again. You felt a flutter in your lower belly as that familiar, inexplicable thread of energy within you stuttered; the part of your soul that recognized its equal, its match. The bond hummed and grew hot and pulsing. 
Finally, its warmth washed over you. 
You gasped and grabbed ahold of Dean’s arms as you almost got lightheaded at the feeling. Dean was going through the same tumble of sensations as he uttered a strangled sound, spilling inside you. 
But he had good reflexes; he steadied you, with his arms wrapping around your frame and holding you to him. He eased you over back onto the bed, and then slid out of you.
For a little while, neither of you spoke. The frenzy of your earlier argument had fueled what just happened, but now that tension had dissolved into a hard-won peace. 
When he was able to move, Dean reached out to hold the side of your face. He tucked a loose, sweaty strand of hair behind your ear. Your smile for him was soft. You sensed he was thinking, searching for what he wanted to say. So again, you waited, slipping a discarded blanket over your naked body. 
“Okay, I think I hear you,” Dean said. “I love you, you know that?”
Your smile grew. He’d repeated the words you confessed to him when he was in the hospital all those months ago. And it was the first time he’d said what he felt for you.
You held a hand by your ear. “What was that?” 
Dean’s lips raised into a smirk, but his eyes were soft. He slid an arm underneath you to pull you against his side. 
“I love you,” he said, “so damn much.”
“I love you too,” you replied, but not without some exasperation. All this craziness, just to finally get on the same page. You grabbed his face with one hand and squeezed his cheeks. “That's my point.”
You made a sound of frustration before you released him. Dean laughed a bit, closing his eyes. You enjoyed his more carefree smile as you rested against his chest.
This man, you thought, is damn lucky he’s adorable.
He cut into your thoughts dryly, Pretty sure that’s my line, sweetheart.
You rolled your eyes. 
At least we made it through our first real fight, you said. In spectacular fashion, I might add.
Yeah, but you played dirty, said Dean. 
You just smiled. 
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The next morning, you and Dean woke up after your dad had presumably left for work. You were grateful. It spared you from the awkwardness of a “morning after” in your father’s presence. 
I really need to get my own place.
So you made coffee while Dean made some toast and eggs for breakfast. But he got a call just as he was plating the eggs.
“Yeah, Bobby,” he answered. The more your uncle spoke, the more serious Dean’s expression got. You sensed a flare of his panic and you turned to him in concern. The plate in his hand hit the table with a clatter. 
“Where?” Dean said. His tone was sharp and worried. “I’m comin’ now.”
Dean ended the call and abandoned the food to grab his jacket. He explained before you could ask the predictable question. 
“Sam went missing this morning on a coffee run,” Dean said. “When Bobby got to the diner to check on him, the whole place had been cleared out, except for the bodies of the brunch crowd.”
You gasped and raised a hand to your mouth in shock. “What happened to Sam?” 
Dean’s face became grim and angry as he grabbed his wallet and keys. 
“Bobby found sulfur all over the place. He thinks Yellow Eyes took him,” he said. “…I’ve gotta go.”  
It was late fall, so you grabbed a coat from the rack and your purse. “I’m going with you.”
Dean halted at the doorway, and that stopped you short behind him. He turned around and gave you a firm look.
“No you’re not, damn it!” he said. “You’re staying here.”
“Are you kidding me?” you said. “The last time you faced this thing, it almost killed you!”
“You’ve got a job, remember?” he pointed out. You shook your head.
“It’s Saturday. I don’t have to be back to work until Monday, upon which I’ll take a couple of sick days if I need to.” Your words were both a warning and a promise. “Just let me help you find Sam. I’m handy with research. You know I can help!”
Dean didn’t like it. He had half a mind to keep arguing with you, but he really didn’t have time for this. He made a sound of aggravation and rubbed a hand over his face. 
He then levied a finger at you. “You’re staying in the car. When we get there, you don’t argue with me. You do as I say, got it?”
You nodded. Normally you would take issue with being ordered by your boyfriend, but in the world of dark and evil things, you would follow Dean’s lead. 
So you hid a triumphant smile as you locked up your house, then followed him to the Impala.
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AN: Whew! Well, then lol. The reader finally gave Dean a piece of her mind (among other things). How'd you like their first date? 😉
Dean definitely gives me Joey vibes from Friends when it comes to sharing food. 😂
But as the chapter title implies, we also dug in a bit on how Dean sees himself vs. how his soulmate sees him.
So a lot of drama this time, but ending on another good ol' cliffhanger. AKA: Where the hell is Sam?
Next up, some action! Heading into 2.21: All Hell Breaks Loose (Pt. 1).
To keep reading: PART 11
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Series Masterlist
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fandoms-in-law · 2 months
Summary: A songfic to 'Petrified' from Taboo the Musical. Steve understands his life and the people in it through a mixture of fear and acceptance.
Authors note: This song is so comforting and I love it. Too comforting for my idea to actually stick as most of the lyrics I use became things Steve says.
My Idea for todays fic: Petrified - Taboo is a Steve Harrington song when he finally breaks down, either asking for help or screaming at a mirror
“Hate the way you look at me, Like you can tell so much about my life” Steve had been home for a while, just mulling over everything that had happened and how Billy was treating him, for no reason he could figure out. The ranting aloud just started happening.
“Assassinate so carelessly, So assured how sweet you twist the knife.” Nancy had come over, wanted to talk through the most recent fight against monsters from the gates. Dustin had explained where it had all come from when he and Steve followed the train tracks trying to catch a demodog. Before that Steve hadn’t been told much more than a monster came through the Byers’s ceiling.
The words to cut off her insistence on asking about how he’d got involved and what had been happening while she was where? Steve hadn’t asked yet, but felt like he definitely should do.
“Are you strong, inside? are you full of pride?” He had asked easily, joking and trying to defend himself against the you suck board. Robin was frowning now, clearly uncertain over what he meant. “You’re judging me pretty freely for someone who claims to hate me. Seems like an overly proud approach to me, but I bet you’re as scared as everyone else inside, not strong as you seem.”
She smirked at him then, “Just like you then, Dingus.”
“When you're alone, at night, do you run and hide?” He’d asked it gently, seeing how tired Will looked, as well as how uncertain every kid except Mike and Max seemed to be. “Cause that’s okay. We’ve been through shit, but if you want someone to tell about those nightmares I can do my best.”
“Are you strong, inside? Are you full of pride, or just petrified?” Steve hummed the words thoughtfully. Robin had insisted on coming over, claiming she was terrified of ending up back under the mall and sticking to him helped.
“You asked me that before, and since I’m queer I could say yes, but petrified is so much more fitting.” She replied.
Steve nodded, before snickering, “And we’re both pretty strong inside; strong enough to kick commie ass.”
“But I can see the terror in your eyes.” Eddie had been staring at them, every time they saw him. Steve wasn’t prepared to leave him so scared and pointing it out seemed to be the first step to helping with it. Except he also got distracted by just looking at Eddie and carried on to mutter, “Your eyes.”
“I know, they’re emotive.” Eddie nodded as if the repetition made sense, “And aren’t you terrified? There’s a person breaking into peoples minds to kill them. That is literally terrifying.”
Steve nodded. “Kinda used to this happening yearly though. It’s your first time.”
“Don't you know, I'm just a lot like you.” Steve laughed. It might’ve only been a week since everything went down, and two of the party might be in hospital severely injured, but the realisations he’d had were enough for him to relate to Robin like that.
She looked at him dubiously, “How? And why is that funny to you.”
“Cause I’m figuring out just how I need all the Godly things that you do, and some of those things come with Eddie’s name. Isn’t that petrifying?” He looked from her to the door to Eddie’s hospital. They’d just stepped outside for a moments reprieve from worrying.
Robin smiled sadly at him, reaching out for his shoulder, “Not so much when we have company in it. About time you joined us weirdos.”
“So, Nancy mentioned some things about this latest go around. Apologised for some of it even.” Jonathan didn’t look happy, while Nancy seemed far too comfortable at his side.
Steve narrowed his eyes, pretty certain he knew what was being referred to and decided to take tips from Eddie’s cafeteria displays, bowing to her instead of addressing Jonathan, “You pull the trigger. Your smile is sweet, but I don't care if we never meet: That's fine. It's alright.”
“What are you talking about?” The pair shared a glance but Steve was done with the charade.
“It’s called seeking comfort in familiarity, but no Nancy was right, some time right before she cheated on me with you, cause we didn’t break up until after the gate was shut and Will’s possession was over.” Steve stood, reciting the term Robin had started using since they’d spoken about Eddie in the hospital. “We were bullshit, and she was. The flirting wasn’t one sided but it was a mixture of blood loss, and using the only dynamic she ever built between us to work together. I know those shitheads more than either of you and that’s fine with me, but don’t act high and mighty over shit she did to me first and never apologised for. Wait until she’s telling you you almost deserved to get shot to really put things in perspective.”
He turned without waiting for a reply. “If it wasn’t for Mike and Will, I’d gladly never see either of you again, but those kids deserve to stay together.”
“I’m telling you, it was true love. Why aren’t you trying to win Nancy back? You refuse to even consider Robin so why not Nancy?” Dustin had taken everyone’s recovery time to once again focus too much on Steve’s love life.
“Because it wasn’t and I don’t want her.” He sighed, “Take a look at your life, then take a look in my eyes and see if I actually am that focused on romance right now?”
Dustin groaned, “But you’re King Steve. Of course you’re looking for a date.”
“No. I’m looking for Max and Eddie out of the hospital and safe at home. I’m looking for peace to heal these wound Robin forced me to let doctors stitch up and I’m looking for time to get to know me, and Eddie as the newest to the party.” He tried to explain, but could tell already Dustin was resolute over what he needed.
“But you’re lonely,” He scoffed, as if that discredited Steve’s points.
He sighed again, hands going to his hips. “Fine, I need all the Godly things that you do, but romance and dating isn’t that necessarily. I’ve got Robin, you, the other shitheads and Eddie. You need to stop acting like you’re so strong inside, so sure of what I need, and accept that I tend to know that well enough.”
“Don’t believe you.”
“I gathered.” Steve pursed his lips, but decided to let the conversation lie there rather than try explaining again.
Eddie had healed, and after Wayne pointed out their trailer was gone, and rewards, or rather hush money, was taking a while to pay out, they’d moved in with Steve. It had taken Wayne a week to joke that if one of them wasn’t screaming when he got home from the night-shift then the other one was.
“Robin said I should tell you I’m gay and get in really weird messes of emotions when you come to comfort me after a nightmare all topless, hot and cute.” Eddie grumbled late one night.
Neither of them had been able to sleep but this was not where Steve had expected their midnight rambling to go. Nevertheless he couldn’t not reply, “I like both and it’s pretty terrifying.”
“Yeah?” Eddie hummed, sounding closer to sleep than he had a moment before, and a glance over showed relief in his eyes, as well as the drowsiness of having realised he was safe taking over them. “Are you petrified…”
In the morning Steve would admit he was, would explain how he realised he liked both. He might even try asking Eddie to date, but that was a decision for after one of them wakes screaming and they have coffee with Wayne. For now he drifted off, hopeful instead of scared for what felt like the first time in years.
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
picture perfect - kim jungsu
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☆彡 I just need y’all to know that every time I wrote “3, 2, 1!” I thought of Shinee. Also, keep an eye out because my request might be opening up again soon!
synopsis: capturing the first time you tell your boyfriend you love him
word count: 704 | pronouns used: none | genre: established relationships, fluff | cws: not proofread (oopsies)
Mall dates weren’t out of the ordinary for you and Jungsu. Even before you started to date, you admired how well he dressed. So after you started dating, you would frequently go shopping together- picking out outfits for each other, buying matching accessories, and then taking everything back to either your or his house to give each other a little fashion show.
You watched as he walked through the mall, looking between all of the stores. You haven’t been dating Jungsu for very long, but something felt different about him. Unlike all of the other people you’ve liked or dated, you felt like something shifted inside of you once you met Jungsu. It was apparent- like an arrow to the chest- and you felt it every time you looked at him. Your whole world seemed brighter with him, and the giddy feeling you got around him when you first started to like him never seemed to go away.
You heard Jungsu gasp. “(Y/N)! They have one of those photo booths!” You watched as Jungsu lightly jogged a few feet ahead of you to examine the photo booth. “We should go in!”
You weren’t a huge fan of getting your picture taken, but the excitement on Jungsu’s face overruled your dislike of being in front of a camera. You approached Jungsu, now taking your turn to examine the booth.
“Looks fun,” you agreed. “I’m in.”
Jungsu smiled and opened the curtain on the side of the booth for you. You stepped inside first, with him following closely behind you. Once you both sat down in the photo booth, it was a pretty tight squeeze. Between the fact that the bench hardly sat two people, and Jungsu’s broad shoulders, you were practically sitting on his lap- causing you to blush at the close proximity. Jungsu put money into the booth to pay, and you set your bags onto the minimal space left on the floor.
The screen on the wall of the photo booth gave you the instructions for your pictures. The photo booth would take four photos, with 30 seconds between them for you to choose a new pose. Then, the booth would count down from three, and your picture would be taken.
“What should our first pose be?” Jungsu asked, turning to you with a smile.
“Let's just do a normal one first.” Jungsu nodded, and you both turned towards the screen and smiled.
“3, 2, 1!” click!
You and Jungsu looked at one another, and you could imagine the pink tint on your cheeks. “What now?” You asked him.
Jungsu wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him and placing a kiss on your cheek. You laughed lightly at him as the countdown began again.
“3, 2, 1!” click!
Jungsu pulled away, and now it was his turn to have pink cheeks. He was laughing too, and the sound of his laugh made something blossom in your chest. You looked him in the eyes, smiling up at him.
“I love you.”
Jungsu’s eyes went wide, his jaw dropping.
“3, 2, 1!” click!
Jungsu blinked rapidly at you. “What?”
“I love you,” you repeated. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jungsu smile so wide. Cupping your face in his hands, Jungsu leaned in and kissed you. It was soft, yet passionate, and you could feel him smiling into the kiss.
“3, 2, 1!” click!
Jungsu continued to kiss you for a short while after the final photo was taken, completely disregarding any instructions the photo booth might’ve been giving you. Once you both finally pulled away, Jungsu didn’t let go of his hold on you. He looked deep into your eyes, the smile still not leaving his face.
“I love you too, (Y/N).” A beat of silence passed between you both as you continued to soak in the moment. Eventually, there was a rustling outside of the photo booth, seemingly snapping you both back to reality. The excitement came rushing back to Jungsu’s voice. “Let's go look at our photos!” He took your hand as you both slid out of the booth.
“Thank goodness we caught that moment,” you told him with a laugh. “Because your face was priceless!”
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borntoocry · 1 year
ellie x fem!reader
reader is Tommy and maria's adopted daughter Who's never been outside of jackson and also has a BIG crush on ellie
Tommy decides One day to invite his Brother ,Joel , over for a family dinner where while the olders are talking , reader and ellie are in reader's room where She tells the auburn haired girl her Wish (going to a real Mall)
funny thing ellie found One and decides It would be a perfect date to ask reader out ,they sneak out and ellie brings reader to this Mall where they have a almost-death experience since our smartass ellie forgot to clear out of infected some shops , they make It out alive but reader ends up with a medium/big wound (NOT A ZOMBIE BITE PLEASE) and they're like " well good luck to us explaining that to Maria"
They go home to find very angry and upset Brothers +Maria
(if you like It i also have an idea for a Little part 2 AND ALSO SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH🤍)
THIS WAS SO GOOD??? HELLO??? OFC! the first part will be the dinner with a bit of an argument, and the second part will be the mall. we'll see how long we can drag this on for. thank you for this anon!
this is a fem!oc x Ellie williams fic. she's a poc. sorry if this diverges from what you wanted, I just wanted to write something in first pov instead of YN. (is that okay??)
warnings: conversation about death. drinking. some kissing. that's about it.
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I fucking hate the apocalypse. Then again, who enjoys it? Besides psychos testing out their survival skills. 
The apocalypse means losing people: people you’ve known since birth, people you’ve known since your mind could render memories, and people who you never got to know due to your young mind. Like my mom. Young and full of hope, which is something everyone says when they talk about the dead mom they don’t remember. But from what I hear, that’s what she was like. 
Her name was Poppy, which means that I might’ve had weird grandparents. And because my name is Clementine, that means I might’ve had a weird mom. From the pictures tacked onto my wall, it seems so: she had blue hair as a teenager, she dyed it every so often from shades of pink to purple and orange. She had piercings all over her ears and a couple on her face, and she had tattoos that littered her soft tan skin. 
I have… nothing. I’m bare. All that I have is curly hair and tan skin from my mom, and an odd shade of hazel eyes from my dad. I don’t match myself whatsoever. But I guess that’s why I’m like my mom–I don’t make sense. 
But the one person who has made an effort to make me make sense is Ellie–Joel’s ‘daughter,’ who isn’t truly his daughter because they are not related whatsoever. She’s just been around him since she was 14. I make an effort to make that known, because people around town consider me Tommy and Maria’s daughter, which then implies that I’m Joel’s niece. Which I am not. Because if I was, that would make the entire situation of me liking Ellie sort of… incest-y. 
But me and Tommy and Maria are not blood related, and me and Ellie and Joel and whatever this family is, are not related either. I’ve just been taken in by Tommy and Maria since I was three years old.They care for me like their own. And for that, I’m grateful. 
Tommy enjoys inviting Joel and Ellie to dinner at least once a week; because we’re a group of  put together people that have been through more shit than we probably should’ve. And every week, they come over. Sometimes with food, sometimes with alcohol. Maria allows me to drink because she says I’m mentally old enough. That and from what Tommy says, laws don’t really exist anymore, so they can’t really go to jail for letting me drink underage.
This week, Maria has made lasagna and her famous salad, which is just a mixture of pickled vegetables tossed in oil and goat cheese with lettuce. It really is good, but I won’t lie and say I haven’t gotten a bit tired of it. I eat it anyway, because Maria is a marvelous cook and I’d rather stab my eye than ask her to make something different. 
I set up the table and lay out five wine glasses. I usually sit next to Ellie while the old adults sit next to each other around the end of the table. I somehow still get nervous sitting next to her even after four years of knowing one another. It starts off with a rumbling in my stomach, and then a batch of butterflies find their way into my chest and absorb all of the liquids spewing into my body. I can’t really stop it, but at least they don’t attack my vocal chords. 
“You done?” Tommy asks as he walks into the room with two bottles of wine. This week, Ellie is making her famous garlic rolls, which pair amazingly with Maria’s lasagna. Because she never makes them, I eat one too many and end up tipsy and bloated. 
I nod and grab the bottles from his hands. I set them in the center alongside the other bottle of wine and one singular bottle of whiskey. This family drinks too much, but no one seems to care. It’s a Friday, after all. 
“How does it look?” I ask, waving a hand over the table. 
Tommy smiles, which force his wrinkles to dance about his face. “It looks wonderful like always, sweetheart.” He comes around and wraps an arm around my shoulders. I pat his hand and lean my head against his. 
I love Tommy–he’s truly my father even though I’ll never call him dad. I guess he knows that, but he’s fine with it. I call him ‘My Tommy’ to everyone I know, which is somehow more special than the title ‘dad.’ 
“Awe, look at you guys,” Maria says as she enters the dining room. She places her lasagna and salad in the center of the table and can’t stop her smile from spreading along her entire face at the sight of us. “My Tommy and my Clem. You are adorable.” 
I kiss Tommy’s cheek and pull away, smiling back at Maria who has now run around the table to kiss Tommy. I don’t watch as she kisses him, but I hear the peck. 
 I take one last look at the table, trying to see if there’s anything I need to perfect. But as nothing comes to mind, there’s a knock at the door. I turn to look at Tommy and Maria, but quickly leap towards the door when I find them kissing. 
I already know who it is, so I don’t check the peephole. I unlock the door and twist the handle, opening it up to see Joel and Ellie on the other side. Joel holds a bottle of whiskey and Ellie holds a dish of rolls. 
I smile and take the whiskey from Joel. “I don’t think we need anymore of this, but thank you.” 
They step inside and I shut the door behind them. “There’s no such thing as too much whiskey.” 
“Or wine,” Ellie states, which draws me over to her. 
I look at her and smile. “Well wine, no. Whiskey, maybe.” 
Her hair that’s tossed into a low bun shakes along with her head. Some tendrils of hair fly into her face and I fight against my fluttering stomach not to push them out of my face. To fight it, I look away and take the whiskey to the dining table. 
Tommy watches me place the whiskey next to the plenty of other bottles and chuckles. “Thank you brother but that might be too much.” 
“That’s what I said,” I tell him. “Do you want me to take it to the kitchen instead?” 
Tommy shakes his head. “Leave it. It’s a Friday and I’m sure we’ve all had a rough week.” 
I nod even though I don’t do much around Jackson. I’m not really allowed to go out on patrol like Ellie. My mom died that way. Maybe not riding around safely like Ellie, but she died out on patrol. And ever since I was old enough to take on tasks, I was labored with tending to the farm animals. 
I have never gone outside of the walls of Jackson. I’ve begged Tommy and Maria, but they always say no. We’ve even gotten into fights about it, which have led me to nights in Ellie’s room, where she tells me stories of what she’s seen out there. And some of those stories have included a mall. 
Because of her stories, I have dreamed about sneaking away and finding that said mall. Even though I know it won’t happen, I dream about it–because how harmful can a dream be? 
“Alright, has everyone washed their hands?” Maria asks. 
Tommy and Joel nod but Ellie and I look over at one another, shaking heads. I head into the kitchen with her behind me and the butterflies come out in full effect, knocking into the walls of my stomach. 
I eject soap into my hands and turn on the sink, quickly shoving my hands underneath the slow stream to get some bubbles forming. As I knead the soap into my hands, Ellie clears her throat. I look over at her with a smile and she begins a conversation. 
“How are you doing?” she asks. 
I nod. “Good. So far, I’m doing good.” 
“Has that guy Jacob been bothering you?” she asks, referring to this one guy around our age that can’t seem to stop pestering every girl in Jackson. He used to catcall me everyday during the summer. I wore shorts and thin shirts so I wouldn’t overheat, and he’d come over whistling at me, hoping I’d feed into his delusions. 
I never told him I wasn’t into his type, so he kept coming onto me. Until a couple weeks ago when I punched him so hard that he fell back and got a concussion. I guess that gave him the memo. 
I wash the suds out of my hands as I shake my head. “He hasn’t talked to me since you know what.” 
She laughs and takes my spot by the sink. “That was badass, by the way,” she tells me as the soap suds up in her hands. 
My cheeks become hot and I laugh. “Thanks,” I say, “you’ve told me that quite a couple times.” 
Her cheeks heat up and swell with blood, but I try not to think of it. Instead, I focus on her hands and the way the soap begins vanishing from her fingers. The new tattoos that tread down her hands come into full effect and I have to turn away. 
“I say it ‘cause it’s true,” she tells me as she dries her hands on her jeans. 
I shrug. “It’s no biggie.” 
“What’s no biggie?” Joel asks as he steps into the kitchen. 
“Me punching Jacob,” I tell him. 
He laughs and grabs a couple more napkins from the counter. “That was bad ass, by way.” 
Ellie and I turn to one another and laugh. Joel, as confused as he is, turns away and re-enters the dining room, where we follow him into and sit down for dinner. 
We’re three bottles of wine into dinner and I’ve had about two very full glasses. Even though I’ve been allowed to drink around Tommy and Maria since I turned 17, I haven’t gained a high enough tolerance. So now I drunkenly sit in my seat with one of Ellie’s garlic rolls in my hand. 
Tommy and Joel are laughing at something Maria said, and Ellie is staring me down. 
“You don’t think you’ve had enough to drink?” she asks as she glances at my wine glass. 
I shrug. “You want some?” 
She shrugs. 
“Have it,” I tell her. 
She chugs the rest and places the glass next to her, as if to say, ‘Now you can’t get any more.’ I’m fine with that, so I chow down on the garlic roll and listen to the adults. 
This runs for about ten minutes before the conversation is redirected towards the teenagers. “So,” Maria says, “how are you girls?” 
I glance at Ellie and I catch her looking back at me. Her red cheeks make a re-appearance and I mistake it for the wine and whiskey. Ellie looks back at Maria and smiles. “We’re good. Well–I’m good. I’ve been doing fine on patrols and all that.” She turns to me again and with her red cheeks and perfectly molded lips, asks, “And you, Clem?” 
I shake out of my drunken thoughts and crookedly smile. “It’s been fine on the farm.” 
Joel glances between me and Ellie and chuckles. “You hate it at the farm, don’t you?” 
I shrug. I pick at the leftover pieces of dead lettuce on my plate and try to find words that don’t come off as bitchy. But I fail. The words tumble out of my mouth before I can slap a hand over my lips. “Nothing new ever happens and I can’t do anything else, so yeah, I kinda do hate it.” 
Maria sighs and I look up at her. “You know you can’t go on patrol, Clem.” 
“Well I can’t do anything else here either.” 
“Clementine, don’t start your arguing,” Tommy warns. 
I scoff. “I’m not arguing, I’m just trying to understand why you won’t let me go on patrol.” 
“Because–” Maria starts. 
“Because what? Ellie goes on patrol!” 
“That’s different,” Joel mutters. 
I avert my gaze towards him and ask, “How? How is it different?” 
“Your mom died while out on patrol,” he continues. 
“From what I know, combat skills aren’t hereditary. Y’all can teach me! Ellie can teach me.” 
Ellie stays silent. I suddenly  feel bad for jamming her into our conversation. She sits next to me and places her hand on my hand, forcing my trembling fingers to die down. She leans in and tries to whisper something in my ear, but I shove her away and continue with the conversation between me and the adults. 
“Stop trying to fight this, Clementine,” Tommy tells me. 
“But you can teach me! How do you know I’ll die if you don’t teach me how to defend myself?” 
“Your mother knew how to defend herself,” Maria says, but before she can continue, I cut her off. 
“Okay then! So teach me how to defend myself.” 
“But she was stupid and got herself killed. And I’d rather keep you locked in Jackson than have you do the same.” 
“So I’m stupid?” I ask. The color drains out of my face and leaves me as pale as a ghost. I’ve always been mistaken for Tommy and Maria’s daughter due to my skin color, but now that my color has drained from my body, I feel like everything that used to connect me to this couple is gone. “You think that because my mom died stupidly, I’ll do the same?” 
Maria shuts her eyes and pulls herself away from the table. She stands up and gathers her and Tommy’s plates. “We’re not talking about this. Talk to your Tommy and leave me out of it.” 
Tommy glances at me and I look away, pulling myself away from the table and fleeing. I trip over the chair and try kicking it away, but Ellie latches her hand onto my arm and pulls me around the tipping chair. 
She helps me up the stairs as my vision becomes blurred and once we enter my bedroom, I flop onto my bed. She shuts my door and I instantly sob. 
“Hey, you’re okay,” Ellie whispers as she plops down next to me and rubs her hands along my spine. “You’re okay, Clem.” 
I shake my head. “Fuck them!” I exclaim. “They’ve kept me locked up in Jackson my entire life and expect me not to want to go out? I’m a fucking human, not a pet!” 
“They just want to keep you safe, Clem.” 
I drunkenly disobey, pushing her off and scooting up to the back of my bed. She crawls towards me and sits in front of my legs. She places her hands on top of my knees and slowly rubs her thumbs along the grooves. 
“Leave me alone,” I whisper. 
“Nothing they said was true,” she tells me. 
I look up at her with a frown. “How do you know that?” 
“You’re the smartest girl I know, Clem.” 
I roll my eyes. 
Ellie slaps my knee and cowers over me. “I mean it. You’re incredibly intelligent with animals. You practically speak to them!” 
“I’m telling you, I’m weird.” 
She shakes her head and places her hands on both of my knees. She spreads them apart and crawls between them. I gulp down the nervousness cinching my throat and try to push myself back against my bed. But I’m already against the wall. 
I’ve wanted this ever since I met Ellie. Sure, it was inappropriate for a fourteen-year-old to be thinking about this very moment where Ellie kisses me, but I couldn’t just knock those thoughts away. They have been imprinted onto my mind ever since, and now it’s happening. 
Or maybe not. We’re drunk. But I so badly want this. 
“What’s so bad about being weird?” she asks me in a seductive tone that makes an awful whining noise come out of my throat. She chuckles and lowers her head even more. “What was that?” 
I shrug. “I’m nervous,” I say. “And we’re drunk.” 
“And what about this is making you nervous?” 
“It looks like you want to kiss me…” I whisper. 
“And what if I do?” 
I raise an eyebrow. 
Ellie places her lips on my forehead and smoothes the wrinkles lining my skin. “You are nothing they say you are. You’re intelligent, you’re beautifully weird and you I know you’d be one badass fighter.” 
I look up at her, our lips mere centimeters apart, and frown. “Then why don’t they see that?” 
Ellie’s fingers move up from the bottom of my neck up to my cheeks. She rubs her thumbs along my lips and whispers, “They do, I promise you they do, Clem. I think maybe they don’t want to risk losing you, even if they can show you how to be a badass warrior.” 
I crack a smile, even though it might be the fakest one I’ve ever put on. She must notice, though, because she leans in as close as she can. “If I kiss you, is there a chance this frown will disappear?” 
I lick my lips and stare up at her dark eyes that seem to seep into my body. “Maybe,” I whisper, and allow her lips to sink into mine. 
Her hands wrap around my cheeks and mine wrap around her hair. She pushes me down into my bed and I slowly lean back, wrapping my legs around her waist. I act needy, because I am. I kiss her like I’ve always dreamed of, with my lips following hers and opening up my mouth when she wants to dart her tongue in. 
I’ve kissed one person before Ellie, but it was to get her off my mind. She was spinning in my head, owning every single crevice of my brain. I used to think it was on purpose–the universe was trying to drive me mad before the walls of Jackson did. But now I think… Well, I don’t know  what the universe was trying to do. What I do know is that all those times I made out with Kennedy was to prepare me for the making out Ellie and I are doing. 
The kissing between Ellie and I is fervent. She’s kissing my lips, sucking my bottom lip, kissing along my neck down to my collarbones. She’s trying to pull a leg over one of mine so she can–what I assume–hump it, but before she does, I pull away. 
“Maybe let’s go back down,” I whisper, out of breath. 
She pulls her head away from my neck and brushes her hair out of her face. “Not yet,” she says. “I have something to tell you.” 
I nod. “Do you like me?” I ask. 
She chuckles. “Yes, but that’s not what I was going to say.” 
I frown. “Oh.” 
“I thought that was obvious,” she tells me. “That I like you. I’ve been staring at you ever since I showed up.” 
I drop my head in embarrassment and sheathe my eyes with my hands. “I couldn’t tell. I’m sorry.” 
Ellie lifts my head with both of her hands and sits on her calves in front of me. She kisses the corner of my lips and pulls away. “It’s okay, Clem. Don’t worry about that right now.” 
I nod. “So… then… tell me what you were going to say.” 
She nods and drops her hands onto my shoulders, where she rubs my blades. “You remember that mall I told you about ages ago?” 
My eyes open wide and I smile. “Yes. The one you found when you went on patrol the first few times.” 
She nods. “What if I sneak you out one of these days and take you there? Just us. We can look around and make it memorable for your first time outside of Jackson?” 
I nod. I nod like a child who’s just had a tub of sweets. “Yes!” I exclaim, but quickly run a hand over my mouth. “Sorry… But yes! We should.” 
Ellie nods and kisses me one more time. “How about next Friday? Our dinner will be at 4, and we can sneak out and make it back here by midnight. They won’t even notice we’re gone–they’ll be drunk by eight o’clock.” 
I nod. “Okay. Deal.” 
Ellie kisses the side of my head and pulls away, crawling off my bed. She walks over to my record station and thumbs through my vinyl records. I crawl to the end of my bed and watch as she grabs one and pulls it out of its sleeve. She pulls the needle up and sets the record down. Then she places the needle back down on the record and we wait for the music to begin. 
Ellie turns and extends a hand. “Wanna dance? To get you out of your bad mood?” 
I bite down on my lips to hide my smile and nod. I take her hand and she pulls me up, almost launching me into the air. I hold onto her as she spins me around, and once we’re tired, we plop back onto my bed. 
I turn my head to her and smile because she’s already looking back at me. “I’m excited about this trip,” I whisper in case anyone is standing outside.
“Me too. I’ll make sure to make it extra special.” 
“You promise?” 
She nods. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.” 
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thelonesomequeen · 2 years
Even weirder that HE's been spotted many times this whole time alone or w/Dodger, family & friends but nothing with her. // I’m struggling to think what “many” sightings are being referenced here? I can recall a few off-the-set solo sightings of him over the last year, but not many. Re: your similar point not spotting them in friends’ pictures or posts, can you think of any photos that his friends or family have posted this year which feature even just Chris (no Alba)? Cause I can’t.
On the other hand, there were alleged sightings made by a journalist in Lisbon in May, and a Twitter sighting of him in Vancouver in June, but these are often discounted because they don’t fit people’s theories. Tara followed Alba in late June and commented on one of her posts in July. Chris was filming from late August onward, and we know Alba was in ATL beginning in September because of the yoga course (as much as people will protest otherwise). Earlier in the year, we know her IG location was in the US for all of February / part of March. (Yes, I acknowledge knowing all this overkill. It’s why I take weeks-long breaks from Tumblr. 😆)
I dunno, I’m curious about examples of the holes you see in the timeIine cause I’m not seeing them tbh. The only one I can maybe see is Shanna’s wedding, but if I were in Alba’s shoes I might’ve sat that event out so as not to steal thunder. Imagine the fandom abuse Shanna could’ve gotten following such a joyful day, or the news articles a couple sighting might’ve spawned. I can see if they decided Shanna deserved not to have her day overshadowed that way.
Not trying to be combative at all, by the way. Y’all know I think the PR theory is bogus, but that doesn’t mean I’m the authority on the relationship timing. I’m genuinely trying to understand what others are seeing that I’m not.
There actually were a few photos of him in friend’s posts from this year where he is pictured and she isn’t there. But on the reverse side of that, I think these photos all came at the same time she was knowingly preoccupied with other things. Examples: Tara posted a photo with him from his LA home before The Gray Man premiere. His friend Chelsea posted a photo from a mutual friend’s wedding over the summer plus a golf outing. I think Scott’s boyfriend Steve also posted some cute photos from the Lightyear premiere to his story. I remember thinking it was sweet he was still invited along to join the family even though Scott couldn’t be there. But I believe all of those line up with the same time she was doing Mrs. Harris press?
I also think it’s entirely possible for her to had visited him while he was filming and go essentially undetected. I really don’t think she’s very recognizable to the public at all.
The only issue I have with the Vancouver sighting is that it apparently took place in a mall? Unless I’m confusing that with some other sighting. I just feel like if he was in such a public place that at least someone would have snapped a picture that would have ended up on twitter or something? It’s so hard to know when sightings are real or not anymore when there are so many trolls running around the fandom these days. I feel like I don’t remember the May Lisbon sighting at all, but I don’t doubt the sighting didn’t happen. So much has happened that it’s easy to lose track of. I was also doing a huge home renovation at the time, so I was only occasionally popping in to see what was going on, and I’m sure I missed things because of that.
I do think it makes sense that she didn’t attend his sister’s wedding if they were together. If anyone remembers, I actually played devil’s advocate back then and pointed out that it didn’t make sense for her to fly in when they wouldn’t be able to spend time together. He literally flew in for that weekend only and went right back to filming. He was also a part of the wedding party. Anyone who has been in a wedding party knows how busy you are the entire weekend. There really isn’t much time to spend with a significant other if they’re also not in the wedding party. It’s essentially only part of the reception and that’s it. If she had flown in, they barely would have had any time together that entire weekend between the festivities and returning back to set. So if they were together, I don’t find it odd that she didn’t go for that reason alone. But I also completely agree with you about not going to avoid stealing Shanna’s thunder. If she was there and had been spotted, it would have been articles galore about Chris and Alba. I just can’t see him being the type of person to steal the spotlight from Shanna on her big day like that.
Where I get a little stuck on things is the photo we received of her over the summer with another man. While it doesn’t prove she was dating that guy, it’s still pretty close for two people to be if one of them is in a relationship with someone else. I certainly wouldn’t be happy with my husband if he was wrapped around another woman that way. He’d have a lot of explaining to do 😂 that’s the one kink in the story I can’t really get past. It’s what makes me wonder if they only casually saw each other for a while before making things official? But that’s also a theory of mine that could be wrong. But long story short, late spring through summer is where I see potential holes in the relationship. But it could simply be explained away as them both being busy or us just not being entitled to see every moment they’ve spent together. I think that’s a concept a lot of fans tend to forget about. Just because we want to see them together, doesn’t mean we’re entitled to that.
For the most part, the longer this all lasts, the more I’m inclined to think it’s all real. Specially when she and her friend group pop up and it isn’t being used for PR in any type of way like this year’s NYE Vermont trip. People love to argue that “PR is for the fans to see, too!” but it’s really not. PR is for the public and it’s something that’s very blatantly obvious. You shouldn’t have to follow private accounts of friends, friend’s significant others, and whoever else in order to connect the dots of them being in the same location. I think there are a small handful of PR theories that make sense, but a majority of them are so out of this world I don’t even know what to say about it. I really don’t. I honestly wonder if people hear themselves sometimes. The idea that absolutely everything that happens is part of some elaborate conspiracy theory in order to control a narrative is a bit much for me, personally. That’s when I wish people would truly log off and spend some time in reality to hopefully be able to see some of this with clear eyes and an open mind. Or at least be able to hold respectful discussions about it all. And I also don’t negate the fact that this really could be both. A real relationship that will be used for PR when it suits one of them best. Anyway. This was super long and I feel like I’ve rambled on and on. Sorry! 😂🦎
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as Txt members as Taylor Swift songs from Evermore:
warningz/info: a little bit of angst sprinkled in. Noting major though, discussions of infidelity, discussions of having to keep feelings/relationships secret, like one curse word, hints of people being considered “players” (not in the heart breakers sense tho if that makes sense?) lemme know if I missed anything! ps. also not proofread 
Yeonjun: Cowboy like me. "You asked me to dance but I said dancing is a dangerous game." Need I say more? The song itself is about a man who, after everything, "hangs from my lips like the gardens of Babylon." Basically, saying that they might've never been there and or nobody besides the two people involved ever knew they were there in the first place. I believe I've heard someone also say she might be alluding to the fact that while it's a great love, it never really excised. To others, in actuality, who knows. They both have tricks up their sleeves and both have to pay for it at the end. "... All before I locked it down." No matter how much everyone else wants them, they’re still yours and vice versa. It's giving me chance encounter ("husting for a good life never thought I'd meet you here"), fake dating, with just a hint of enemies to lovers if you so please. "The ladies lunching had their stories about when you passed through town." PPPFFFFFF please, if this isn't Yeonjun then I don't know what is.
Soobin: Hear me out... Cony Island... I was debating between this and right where you left me but alas Cony Island prevailed. I feel like Soobin would be the type to really like carnival dates and would find them cute and romantic. “Did I close my hand around some delicate? Did I shatter you?”  I also feel like one of his worst fears would be accidentally hurting his s/o. Even though we all know he’d never really mean something he says that hurts you he still worries about it a lot. The thing I really like about the song itself is that it’s kinda relating an abandoned and once booming place to a relationship. (”we were like the mall before the internet.”) At its core it talks about a person wishing they’d told the other person they loved them more often or something like that. So imagine this: he’s sitting at your old spot after a fight all sulky and thinking to himself he never did enough. Or that maybe he put his career over you too much. Both things he values beyond words. He’s sitting there on a rotted wood bench, a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He realizes, that no matter how many times you said you want him to pursue his dreams that, he wants you more than any of it. “Whats a lifetime of achievement if I pushed you over the edge.” *Takes a deep breath* THAT LINE BRO. It’s giving reminiscing over past good memories and past mistakes, second chances, meeting up at old spots.
Beomgyu: Ivy Ivy Ivy Ivy!! “My pain fits into the palm of your freezing hand.” To me, mans is just emanating a person who swoops in unannounced and doesn't mean to. “Meet you where the spirit meets the bones. In a fate forgotten land.” Everything is barren and muggy and horrible, but he brings you “in from the snow.” idk maybe its because if he told me to run no doubt about it i would.lol. Like, he doesn’t mean for you to realize hes head over heels in love with you. Especially now that you’re engaged, but somehow it happens. He didn’t think it would happen, but he also didn’t think you’d also return those feelings. “My house of stone. Your ivy growths.” That implies that you’re only soft for this one person. The song also to me at least gives middle of winter vibes... like you have a cold heart but this man comes along an unfreezes it. “Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow.” The word incandescent literally means emanating light when as a result of something. You cannot tell me Beomgyu isn’t the type to make you shine even brighter. Because of his love, or just the fact that you wanna be better because of him/with him! The song talks about how its a literal struggle to stay with this person even though you want to So much. But they literally cant stop them from putting their “roots” in the other persons “dreamland.” I always took “dreamland” in the song as a to-the-naked-eye dreamland, or a should-be dreamland so do with that what you will. “Clover blooms in the field” So we all know clover means luck right? Well, right after she says: “...so does fear.” Imagine this: the coast is clear and all but you’re still terrified you’ll get caught. Also, “... freezing hand.” That line reminds me of ‘cold hands, warm heart.’ The definition of that expression is someone who does not show ther feelings outwardly, but inwardly they’re the most warm and loving person. Beomgyu is described as being either a 3am person or a 3pm person right? More than that, in this situation outwardly hes just your best frieind, he doesn’t go any further than giving your friendly side hugs, but internally all he wants to do is kiss you, and walk you home and bring you flowers, and take you out on a date free from watchful and judging eyes. It’s giving meeting up in secret and stealing glances, ultimaitly running away with each other, healing each other, a little angst sprinkled in, and childhood best friends to lovers.
Teahyun: Long story short ya’ll. I dunno. I relistened to the whole album for this and out of everything this song seemed to give off Teahyun vibes. The song talks (especially the bridge) talks about realizing that the prefect person for you is out there somewhere. “Don’t get lost in those petty things.” Because as it later says, “he’s passing by, rare as a glimmer of a comet in the sky.” Someone like him is rare but beautiful to find. So just like you’d treasure a comet in the sky you value him even more. It conveys a sense of everythings-fine-as-long-as-i’m-with-you. Noting else matters, not your nemeses, not anybody trying to get in ya’llss way. “I was in the ally surrounded on all sides.” But Teahyun was there to help you. Even when maybe you didn’t appreicate him as much as you should have he was still helping you. The first time you met, like really met and talked was after he unexpectedly showed you kindness. After that, it was pretty easy to talk freely with him. Everything bad is happening around you-- to you. But “long story short you survived.” You know you can always count on him, and he, you. (”when i dropped my sword I threw it in the bushes and knocked on your door.”) you both are something you can believe in. Theres no more tug of war, no more keeping scores. Neither of you worry about seemingly stupid things like that now.  Its giving soulmates, one true love you finally found after a lifetime of searching, world is burning but im with you, waiting, and healing.
Huening Kai: Two words, Gold rush. Now you can take this song a couple different ways but this time lets go with the “wow omg you’re so out of my reach.” one. And the person is envisioning them “padding across your wooden floors.” but also is trying to stop themselves from loving them by reasoning that they “don’t like a gold rush.” In this au Everyone wants you, and of course Kai does too cause duh you’re so amazing. But he knows deep down that it’ll never work. If word gets around both of you would sink like ships. So he’s trying to come up with each and every excuse every time he sees you and your beautiful face, that will snap him back to reality. But still, as much as you both want to, and probably need to because word gets around and because of your image, “At dinner parties I won’t call you out on your contrarian shit.” Because, in all honestly nether of you ever could act strictly professional around each other anyways. The floodgates were bound to be opened soon enough. and youd know how he actually feels about you. It;s giving rivals to lovers, forced proximity, best friends brother
2021 copywrite shutupheathersorryheatherr
alrightyyyy thats it! im tagging @jasminexox5 cause they’re an awesome writer and id like to hear their thoughts on this one :)
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nyrator · 2 years
Ny updates:
... I got nothing.
Art’s still difficult for me lately, but I want to try to draw more... somehow. Also got a carrd recently-ish that I don’t think I’ve posted- still want to add more to it, like more commission info (with updated prices for 2023), and some Rotten Nyan details maybe, but hey, it has my OCs and socials so far.
I also applied to another job (I applied to a used video game store a little back but got no response, but now I’ve applied to a Hot Topic so we’ll see how that goes- though I realized they had a separate section for seasonal employee that might’ve been better to apply to..)
My social anxiety has been pretty pretty bad lately (last week I went to the mall and had to hide behind a pillar and hold back a panic attack), not sure how I’m going to handle a job when I hyperventilate so randomly in public (especially since it’s a physical kind of anxiety and not really mental), but we shall see how it goes
(fun fact, I found out my old boss’s daughter works there now, interesting)
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Through the Valley Deleted Scenes
After a nearly 2-hour trip out to Boston to visit my mom's friend and her daughter (Instagram pictures to come), I have finally gotten this post together and ready for reading! At first, I was just going to keep them short and summarize them all, even the ones I had written things out for, but decided that it wasn't fair to keep all the scenes to myself. Some of them are entirely written out while others are just summaries because I didn't have anything for them, ideas that I never fleshed out, or just snippets of conversation that never got incorporated. They're sorted in chronological order so that it reads a bit easier. I hope you enjoy them!
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The earliest section of Through the Valley that was changed from my original plans was Vivien meeting Royce and Bentley for the first time in part 3. Originally, it was going to happen in part 2, but I quickly changed it. Also, they were going to meet in Hobby Lobby, but since I was basing it on a real mall and I needed them to be in the same general area as they were when Mick and Viv fought the infected the day before, I had to change it. This is what that scene would’ve looked like if I hadn’t changed it:
"While the others took clothing and things from JCPenney, Mick gave me her walkie-talkie and told me I could explore the hobby store on the next floor down. I think she was just trying to spare me from repeating what had happened yesterday, but once she told me about how stores like that were usually left untouched during raids, I wasn’t going to argue the matter. I left most of my weapons with her in case she needed them, but kept the gun strapped to my thigh and my pocket knife. If the store had been cleared out by the other girls yesterday, I didn’t have much to worry about.
It was nice to look through places that hadn’t been entered in years. Looking around the dusty entrance of the Hobby Lobby, I shrugged and turned my Walkman on, listening as I Was Made For Lovin’ You by KISS came through one of my earbuds. As I walked through the store, I found it exceedingly difficult to fight the urge to grab things off the shelf to bring back to base. I wasn’t much for arts and crafts anymore, but I knew a few people who had offered to teach me things before that might’ve taken half of the store home with them if given the chance. The store wasn’t nearly as ransacked as some of the others, but there were quite a few empty shelves past the handful of cash registers. I have to admit, it was nice looking through all of the supplies they had. 
As I made my way through the embroidery section of the store, I found a set of fresh footprints in the dust that had settled on top of the linoleum floors. It didn’t have the stumbling, dragged steps of a runner, and, based on the prints, there were two different sets of shoes. One set looked like the hiking boots Mick liked to wear while the other looked fairly similar to my sneakers. Deciding to follow the footprints, I was almost in the paint section of the store when the sole of my sneaker screeched against the floor. Instantly, I heard someone take off in a run. Following the sound, I tucked my earbuds into my shirt and kept a hand over my holstered gun, spotting a head of blonde hair as whoever it was ducked into one of the Halloween display coffins that had stayed in the store since before the outbreak.
Nearing the display with a shake of my head, I announced, “Look, I don’t care who you are, but if you’re planning on jumping out of there to scare me, it isn’t going to work. Just come out and let’s talk.”
To my surprise, I heard a male voice ask, “How do we know you won’t try to kill us?”
With a scoff, I replied, “What am I going to do - wrap you in ribbons and stab you with safety scissors? That’s all there is in this store.”
“You have a gun,” another voice stated.
“And I’m a terrible shot,” I added. “Trust me, I’m far better with a bow. Now, am I going to have to pretend I’m talking to Count Dracula all day, or are you going to come out so we can talk?”
Another one of the first deleted scenes was going to be around this same time frame, but with one of my favorite movie quotes. Basically, it was going to be a bit of back and forth between Vivien and Royce following the conversation between Kat and Patrick in 10 Things I Hate About You. When I realized that I didn’t like it for the two of them, I was going to alter it a little and use it for something between either Vivien and Aiden or Mick and Aiden, but it never worked out, so here’s the quote:
Him - “You’re not as mean as you think you are, you know that?
Her - “And you’re not as badass as you think you are.”
Him - “Ooh, someone still has her panties in a twist.”
Her - “Don’t for one second think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties.”
Him - “Then what did I have an effect on?”
Her - “Other than my upchuck reflex, nothing.”
I had this whole arcade scene planned in the mall, but I completely scrapped it because it made very little sense with the rest of the timeline. You can pretty much tell I was building up for it toward the end of part 3, but I decided it wasn’t going to work out with everything else I had planned. It was pretty much just the Troublemaker Trio (Royce, Vivien, and Bentley) hanging out in the arcade while the others searched the rest of the mall. Vivien would’ve shown the boys how to bowl, play pool, and throw darts in the arcade (based on the Round One arcade that I go to in the mall the story is based on). One of the more important scenes would’ve been Vivien teaching the boys to play arcade games with their imagination because the games are broken. Here’s a little snippet of that:
"It was sort of upsetting, you know, seeing an arcade empty and untouched. The one back at the stadium was always full of people, especially on weekends and after school got out. Round One had probably sat abandoned for a lot longer than the mall itself since it wasn’t really a “useful” place in the apocalypse. Isn’t it funny how many arcades had shooting games, especially ones based in worlds filled with zombies, but these places were deemed “useless” and “pointless” by the media after the outbreak? I mean, I could understand why, but still, I think they should’ve kept arcades open as a sort of morale booster for people. 
As we passed a machine labeled “The Walking Dead,” I thought about how ironic would it have been if someone was inside when the outbreak started. Peering inside the machine, however, I spotted only cartoonishly red blood splattered around the inside to add to whatever ambiance the makers of the game were trying to achieve. As we kept walking, I found myself wondering how many people had been inside the mall during the outbreak. Based on the handful of crusty copper stains that dotted the once blue and white carpets, my guess would be a lot.
Most of the claw machines had the glass shattered and the toys were stolen, but there were a couple that had at least one prize still hanging on by a thread. The prize room itself had very little left, but I was able to snag myself a new skateboard and a stuffed purple Yoshi from the top shelf while the boys looked around. Eventually, we met back up at the ticket counter where the boys were looking through whatever was behind the counter.
Upon noticing my return, Bentley leaned over the counter and pressed a few red cards onto the white surface. “What are these?” he asked.
Picking up the card, I chuckled, “These are game cards. People would pay real money to put tokens on the card, then they’d be able to go play as many games as they could with what was on the card.”
I could practically feel the excitement rolling off of him in waves. “Do you think they’ll still work?”
With a shrug, I said, “We can try. If you find a machine that’s working, let me know and I’ll show you how to work it.”
Bentley’s smile only seemed to grow as he pushed himself over the counter and made his way over to the arcade machines, a handful of red cards clutched tightly in one fist. Royce rounded the counter and joined me as I walked past the pool tables to where twelve lanes of bowling sat empty. “You’re pretty good with Bentley,” he remarked as we climbed the steps to the bowling alley.
“He’s the same age as my brother and sister, so it comes naturally to me, I guess,” I replied, grabbing a purple ball from the rack and making my way to one of the lanes that had pins still standing.
“What are you doing?” Royce asked.
“Bowling,” I replied. “Grab a ball and I’ll show you how.”
Royce contemplated the idea for a moment before shrugging and grabbing a ball from the rack of greens. Standing at what had once been the sixth lane, I stared down at the pins that were illuminated under a dull, flickering light. I took a few steps toward the end of the lane before releasing the purple ball, watching it roll its way toward the pins, knocking a group of them over with a satisfying clatter.
When I turned to Royce, I found him watching me with a curious smile. “What?” I asked.
“Nothing,” he chuckled, “you just looked so serious watching the ball roll.”
Without missing a beat, I shot back, “I take my balls very seriously, Royce.”
Obviously taken aback at my choice of words, Royce let out a squawk of a laugh before joking, “So do I.”
With a smirk, I took a seat and watched Royce make his way to the lane next to mine and let his ball roll toward the pins. Just as the ball collided with the pins, I felt someone drop into the seat next to mine. Finding Bentley had made his way over, I greeted him before turning back to Royce, finding all but three pins had fallen. After congratulating Royce, Bentley led us over to the arcade game he wanted to play: The Turning. I’d played it before in the arcade back at the stadium, but this one had a static-covered screen like many of the others in the area.
After pressing a few of the buttons and even resorting to kicking the machine, I muttered, “It’s not working.”
“What?” Bentley asked. “Don’t tell me it’s busted.”
Placing a hand on his brother's arm, Royce sighed, “It’s busted.”
Bentley let out a long, upset breath, “Man, I thought I was gonna be able to play it.”
Taking a look at the disappointed shine in Bentley’s eyes, I said, “You still can.”
“How?” he asked.
Taking a deep breath, I pulled Bentley over so he stood in front of the machine. “Close your eyes.” Before he could ask me why, I said, “Just do it.”
“Okay,” he said softly, closing his eyes and turning toward the screen.
I took Bentley's left hand and wrapped it around the joystick. “Use this to move.” After taking his other hand, I moved his fingers over the corresponding buttons as I told him, “This is your punch. This is your kick. And you block with this.”
I caught a glimpse of confusion in Royce’s gaze as I gestured for him to stay quiet. Then, trying to force all of my game knowledge to the front of my mind, I began, “First, you have to choose your character. You’re playing as the person who uses people’s pain as a weapon, Tormentra.”
After a moment of silence, Bentley’s eyes flutter open and he looks at me in disbelief as he says, “Am I supposed to be picturing all this?”
“Eyes,” I reminded him.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” he replied, closing his eyes again and turning back toward the screen.
Resuming my storytelling, I brought back my action-movie voice and said, “Tormentra stands on the edge of the Shadow Temple, an ancient, mythical building where they hold the tournaments of the immortals. Your opponent, Blackfang, steps out of the temple. He’s this super ripped dude with three arms.” I watch Bentley’s eyebrows scrunch as the silence in the room grew. Then, I added, “He’s out for your blood.” The concentration on Bentley’s face grows and I notice his grip on the joystick tighten as I pull my walkman out and raise the volume so the music could be heard as I talked. “The music kicks up as Blackfang gets into his fighting stance. Are you ready?”
Bentley’s head tilts down as a smirk pulls at his lips. “Bring it,” he claimed confidently.
I quickly gesture for Royce to read the side of the machine and he soon smiles as he says in a deep voice, “Round one. Fight!”
Smiling, I watch Bentley’s smirk disappear and his fingers hover over the buttons as I begin narrating again, “Round one begins. Blackfang rushes towards you. He throws a double punch in your direction. Jump up!”
Bentley’s reflexes on the joystick are quick as he pushes it up. Soon, I find myself narrating the entire battle from start to finish. I guess Mom was wrong, video games can help you in everyday life. Between the excited concentration in Bentley’s expression and the fond look in Royce’s eyes, I find myself glad that I spent so much time in the arcade back at base. By the end of the third and final round, Royce and I give the order for Bentley to, “Finish him.”
Bentley moves the joystick and presses a couple of the buttons before pausing as I say, “The screen turns dark. Tormentra’s spirit power begins to glow a bright red. The magic pierces Blackfang’s torso again and again until his heart flies out of his chest. Tormentra’s spirit wolf bites his head clean off. That is an Ultra Kill.”
“Oh, nice!” Bentley exclaims.
“Tormentra’s wolf howls as the screen turns black. You win,” I finish.
“Heck yeah, I win!” Bentley says with a brilliant smile as his eyes slowly open.
“Did you have fun?” Royce asks with a grin.
Bentley is quick to nod as he turns to me and says, “I wanna go again.”
With a chuckle, I nod and say, “When we get back to the stadium, you’ll get to play the real thing.”
All he needs is a single nod before he launches himself at me in a hug, squeezing me so tightly that I worry my ribs will crack. “Thank you, Viv!” he exclaims.
“Anytime, Beemer.”
Some of my favorite cut scenes revolved around music, but most of them weren’t written out at all and were scrapped at the plotting stage. The only cut song that I wrote anything out for was Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Taylor and would’ve been in the mall in part 4. The first part is similar to a scene in The Last of Us: Left Behind, but I did change a lot of it to fit what I needed. I took this scene out because I realized that I didn’t want to have the whole story take place in the mall and the way I wrote it made me feel like it would’ve kept them there a lot longer than they needed to be, especially since they already knew about Miles being in the hospital. Also, if you can’t tell by the grouping in the first paragraph, Lugnut wasn’t in the picture when I wrote this out.
"The mall was fairly easy to navigate even with the lights off. We had flashlights and, while it wasn’t much, it gave us enough light to see in front of us. Mick, Butchy, and Lela had split off to do heaven knows what on the top floor, leaving me, Royce, and Bentley to explore the bottom floor. I guess you could say we got the short end of the shit stick, but we seemed to be managing just fine. I had my bow, Royce had his pistol and some earbuds, and Bentley’s rifle was easily accessible from his backpack. 
As we entered the Target, we stayed on guard, but didn’t see or hear any infected in the area. Toward the back of the store, I found a line of speakers that seemed to be what was playing music throughout the electronics department. While the guys looked around for anything of importance, I headed over to the speakers and hooked one of the smaller ones up to my walkman through the slot next to the headphone jack, turning the volume up as the last song I had been listening to began to fade out. 
“What are you doing?” Royce asked.
Instead of answering, I pushed myself onto the glass case that held some of the more expensive electronics. “Come on,” I told them, “get your asses up here!”
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Bentley asked.
“There’s no infected in here and the glass is bulletproof,” I replied. “We’ll be fine!”
Bentley turned to Royce with a grin and tried to pull his brother along, but Royce seemed glued to the floor. I shrugged and danced along to the music as the next song on my cassette began playing. Soon enough, I was joined by Bentley who had left his backpack on the floor and taken to hopping around to the beat of the music. Royce took a bit more convincing, but eventually, he left his things and joined our little dance party, claiming it was “so stupid” as he pushed himself onto the thick, glass case. After dancing around for a minute, he seemed to change his mind, laughing and bouncing around with us as we jammed out to the mixtape Mick and I had made ages ago. Then, in the dip of silence between One Way or Another and Holding Out for a Hero, Royce froze and gestured for us to be quiet.
“What is-”
“Wait,” he interrupted, hand latched onto the hoster of his gun.
Almost as suddenly as our fun started, it came to an abrupt halt as the sound of groaning infected reached my ears. We quickly threw ourselves off the glass, grabbing our backpacks and whatever else we’d taken before sprinting toward the exit of the store. Bentley gripped onto Royce’s arm as he ran, pulling Royce to move faster as the hoard chased us down. Once I felt like there was enough distance between us and the infected, I nocked an arrow and turned to the group behind us, firing off an incindiary round and delighting in the flames that erupted from the now screeching crowd, but that only held them back for so long. Music was still blasting from my Walkman and I let it drive me to move faster, propelling myself to at least attempt to fill the gap between me and the boys.
As I ran, I heard yelling from above and, once I spared a glance to the next floor up, I found Mick, Butchy and Lela had made their way to the space above the food court and were trying to ecourage us to make our way to them. There was no way we could take the escalator up since the steps had collapsed in on themselves, but there was a staircase on the other side of the gap. I yelled for Royce and Bentley to head to the stairs and, in an instant, they headed for the other side. Sparing a glance at the hoard, I realized how screwed we - scratch that - I was. 
Sucking in a breath, I fired off another arrow, but didn’t bother to watch it explode as I took off again. The distance between me and the boys had gotten so big that they were already propelling themselves up the stairs, but as I watched Royce run up behind Bentley, a couple of steps before the middle landing creaked eerily. Picking up the pace, I heard gunshots echo through the building, making me shriek and duck as I ran. Looking up, I found the others shooting whatever ammo they had at the infected.
From their spot on the middle landing of the stairs, Royce and Bentley yelled for me to run faster as they readied their weapons. My lungs screamed and the stitch in my side only seemed to worsen as I forced myself to move faster. As I made my way to the stairs, I slowed, but only enough to make it up without slipping. However, luck didn’t seem to be on my side. The creak from before sounded deeper this time as the steps closer to the landing crumbled to the floor on the next floor down. With my only other choices being to join the rubble or get pulled apart by the infected, I pushed off the stair closest to the gap, hoping my aching legs would propel me far enough to reach the landing.
The air in my lungs left me as the upper half of my body slammed into the concrete landing, my legs dangling uselessly in the air as infected stumbled their way up the stairs behind me. I heard a few rounds fire from one of the brothers’ guns as the other pulled me onto the landing. As he helped me to my feet, Royce asked, “Are you alright?”
“Peachy,” I panted in response.
“They can’t make that jump,” Bentley declared, lowering his gun as Royce pulled me toward the next segment of stairs.
“Good,” I heard Lela say.
As we joined them, Mick nodded and said, “Once they’re all down on that floor, we can burn the shit out of those fuckers.”
“Good riddance,” I breathed as I practically collapsed onto a bench near the top of the stairs. With how many infected had chased us and no sign of where they’d come from, the mall wouldn’t be safe until we could completely secure it and close up whatever hole they were coming in from.
Another thing that I swapped was Miles being immune. Originally, it was Royce, but I decided I wanted the whole drama in the Trauma Center so I traded Royce for Miles. In the very beginning, I had written down that I wanted Royce to breathe spores while with Vivien in the Trauma Center and have this moment where she’s having flashbacks of her time with Lexi and he has to help her out of it and tells her about his immunity. Sadly, I don’t have anything written out for it, but it was a solid plan until I finished working on part 4.
Now, for the most part, part 5 didn’t have many deleted scenes, but there was a segment in part 5 where I was going to have them go through the MGM casino/movie theatre and shops in Springfield on their way to the hospital, but it’s too far out of the way and felt kind of pointless to keep.
Part 6 was going to have a few more Vivien and Carrie interactions, but I was really excited to write out the action in the Trauma Center, so they never got written. Mostly, it was going to be Vivien tailing Carrie around while she visits other patients, pestering her about how she knew Butchy and the gang, if they were trustworthy people, and things like that. It was going to show a bit more of their friendship, but I ended up adding the ideas to my “write later” folder and never actually going through with them. Instead, I ended up working more on Vivien’s relationship with Miles.
Part 7 is another one that didn’t have much taken out. The only thing I took out was a scene where they find what remained of the very first person to be brought to the hospital with a bite - a little girl named Kona. That’s right, Kona was going to be Patient Zero instead of a recurring character. It was going to be this very sad moment where the kids of the group find this girl who was maybe four, strapped to a hospital bed in a small room with only her stuffed animal by her side. Due to paperwork and notes in the room, they would’ve found out her name and how the hospital had decided to run vaccine tests on her, but the tests failed. Originally, it just going to be a little nod to her existence, but I love writing Kona’s character, so I ended up just completely scrapping that idea and making her Vivien’s roommate.
Part 8 had quite a bit changed, but most of it was just things I added to the part, not deleted scenes. There are a few that didn’t quite make the cut, though, here they are:
(When Vivien sent the video of the concert to Mick)
As I stood from my desk and crossed over to my dresser to grab something to change into, I heard a noise from my desk. It sounded different from the usual ping I got, telling me the message couldn’t be sent and that it would keep trying. It was a sort of deep swoosh sound With a shrug, I pulled my dad’s old shirt and a pair of shorts on and made my way back to the desk, picking up the phone and finding that not only had the video gone through, but I had received a message as well - ‘Can’t talk. Ilysm. Miss u - M.’
Staring at the little gray message in confusion, I came to the realization that I had received a message from Mick’s phone number. I had accidentally sent things to myself over the months, but this wasn’t one of those times. The contact at the top of the screen was Mick. I checked it a few times to make sure before digging my nails into my arm to make sure I wasn’t dreaming or making this shit up due to lack of proper sleep. Putting together that I was, in fact, seeing something that was real, I felt even more confused. Did that mean they were over the border? If they were over the border, that meant they would be home soon. A million thoughts ran through my head at once, but only one thing remained: they were coming home.
(This is the same premise - Vivien getting something from Mick for the first time - but this one was in August and she would’ve gotten it around the time Mick’s phone was being fixed in Littleton)
Nothing really eventful happened in the beginning of August, but I did get a ping on my cellphone one day that sent me into a frenzy. Kona and I had been eating some lobster that we’d caught on one of our fishing trips when my cell phone buzzed on the table. Guessing it was a text from one of the other girls, I picked up the phone and checked my notifications only to find a text from the only contact I had labeled as Mickie Mouse. The message wasn’t even a text, it was a picture. The picture was of a white, brick house with a group of people standing in front. Every person in the picture was decked out in winter gear, but I could make out everyone in the shot. Mick, Butchy, Lugnut, and Lela were standing to one side while Miles, Royce, and Bentley stood with a woman who was just a little bit shorter than Miles, and two graying people who each had an arm wrapped tightly around Miles, Royce, and Bentley. It seemed as though they’d found the rest of the Murphy family.
I tried sending something in response, firing off a barrage of messages that all came back saying they couldn’t be delivered. I stared at my phone in complete confusion and showed Kona what had happened. I showed Mick’s parent’s the next time I saw them, but it didn’t make any sense. How come I’d gotten the picture if I couldn’t send anything in return? I tried sending a picture of me and Kona, but that didn’t go through either. At least I knew they were alive. I could cling to that hope until they came back.
The ending was originally going to be Vivien smashing her Walkman and leaving the stadium for her home in Sanbornton, never wanting to see or hear from anyone else again. She was pretty much going to become like Bill from The Last of Us - a man who secluded himself in a tripwired town, living out his days in solitude, angry at the world and everyone in it. However, I felt like that wasn’t the best outcome I could’ve gone with.
Another ending that I tried was the “Everyone Dies” ending. Vivien was going to join the group on their Canada trip and, on the way back home without Mrs Murphy, they’d lose the people around them. Lugnut would’ve been shot just over the border, Butchy would’ve died protecting the group from a hoard of infected, Miles was going to die in the car crash, Mick would’ve died in the jump from the bridge, and Royce would’ve drowned in his frantic search for Bentley in the waters. Basically, the only people to live would’ve been Vivien and Bentley. Like the other ending I mentioned, they would’ve gone back to Sanbornton and lived out their time there in peace. Vivien would’ve trained Bentley with whatever weapons they had, taught him to scavenge the way she’d been taught, and use the radio to find people in need of help. They would pretty much follow the same lifestyle the group had been living before - helping people in need and then returning home. While I loved this ending, I could nerve bring myself to write it out. It felt too out of character for many of them to die the way they would’ve. In the end, it joined the scrap pile 
Here are some of the cut songs and what would’ve taken place:
One Way Or Another would’ve been playing over the speakers in the mall while both the Hunters of Artemis and the Rodent crew were playing cat and mouse with a group of hunters that broke in. In the end, our favorite groups would’ve hunted down the hunters and returned to the safe houses. I took it out because it felt like it would’ve taken forever to get through and I wanted them to go to the hospital at that point.
Another One Bites the Dust was going to take place in an abandoned hideout in the sewers. They would’ve found their way to a gated door, but upon opening it, it triggers a heavy metal door to drop, separating the group in half with Vivien, Butchy, Miles, and Lela on one side and Mick, Royce, Bentley, and Lugnut on the other. Mick and her group get chased away from the metal door by clickers who found them with echolocation while Vivien and her group watch them run away. They navigate their way to a room that leads outside and meet up with the others there, leaving the area and using an old vending machine to keep the infected inside the building. At this stage, I was pretty much taking ideas straight from the first Last of Us game and took this out for that reason.
Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This was going to be either on their way to the hospital in Springfield, through Boston to get to the stadium, or in a city on their way to Canada. It was just going to be them running from a group of hunters and, sadly, I have nothing else for that idea. It was just running and hiding, I guess. That’s literally all I have written for that scene lmao.
Finally, Hit The Road Jack (cover version by 2WEI) was the last song I would’ve used and it was going to be in the main story, but I liked it better for the epilogue. This was the song I listened to while writing the car crash/running from Xander’s group/jumping from the bridge scene. It felt very fitting as I was writing, but there was no way for me to use that song since Royce had no Walkman and there wasn't a radio or speakers they could use. Also, the cover version wasn’t released until after the outbreak would have started (2013).
Sadly, that's all that I've got in my notes folder and my Google Doc. I really wanted to expand on a few of these a lot more than I did, but my family is busy planning a fundraiser for a family friend as well as trying to get my sister's new house ready so that she, her husband, and their three kids can be settled in before winter hits. I haven't had the time to sit and write for a few days, but that should change soon! I'll have more things ready to post - maybe a few Halloween-themed stories - in the next week or so, hopefully. I hope you liked the deleted scenes and I hope to post something new soon.
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sinistershepherd · 2 years
Idea 3: Pizzaplex is an engineering disaster waiting to happen.
An idea that I don't see brought up at all, is the idea that the Pizzaplex is not constructed well.
Remember in FNAF 6 when the tutorial unit said this?
"There may be times when you purchase something of questionable quality, and we don't blame you. Cutting corners is just good business."
Keep this statement in mind while I bring up my next point. As someone who's taken an engineering class, when you are constructing a building, there are a VERY large number of codes (rules) that you need to follow for every conceivable part of it.
Fazbear Entertainment would probably find it a lot cheaper just to pay off the people inspecting the plex than to actually put money into making sure everything is up to code.
They would also try to construct the building as cheaply as possible, trying to "cut corners" wherever they could. They use substandard materials and contractors that don't double-check their work. They built the mall itself over the subterranean remains of their old restaurant, despite this making the ground very unstable.
This all works in my mind because Fazbear Entertainment has been proven to follow the "be as cheap as possible" and "maximize profits by any means necessary" approaches many times in the past.
Here is just one example of a code being violated, according to Section 1006.2.1.1 of Utah Building Codes, "Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000." We only see 2 public exits in the game, and the Pizzaplex likely holds well over a thousand people at any one time. What's worse is that one of the exits, the only one designated for emergencies, requires a VIP pass in order to be used.
If Fazbear Entertainment is willing to do this to cut costs, who knows what else they have done?
It's why, in my mind, I don't have Gregory live at the pizzaplex after the 3-star ending. Freddy would calculate that it is statistically safer for Gregory to live in his box than at the plex. He instead lives with Vanessa, creating opportunities for them to grow closer.
BTW This has happened in real life, even down to the shoddy construction and profit maximization. It was the Sampoong Department store collapse. Link
The amount of exits always unnerved me in the game. Due to the fact that this has been a MAJOR issue in history since before the Sampoong Department collapse, I personally think that the pizza plex might’ve actually been MADE to be a death trap. It’s so obvious that there aren’t escape routes. They make no effort to hide it. Ever since the Triangle Factory fire all the way back in 1911, exits, entries, and fire-escapes have become a HUGE point of controversy for many large businesses and companies. This was only further proven by the attacks on Twin Towers, as both towers had only one main stairwell that filtered down to the ground floor, and easily compromised elevators. I personally think that many buildings should be required to pass certain guidelines in order to continue business.
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shiftperception · 25 days
dreamt there was a show about aliens infiltrating the world government to strip humans of their humanity. a bunch of people worked (or lived) in a huge shopping mall where you weren’t allowed to show emotion. everyone smiled blankly and talked like a robot. a main character might’ve been my oc who was also me, and we still had emotions but pretended not to so as to not raise suspicion.
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ponds-of-ink · 8 months
I have a feeling Puddle Creature would approach FNAF like watching Star Wars in release order. And then completely ignoring the Phone Guys and such because they’re too boring.
To show what I mean by sort of being in-character…
(And I’m putting this under a cut so you can prepare to have your head spin..)
FNAF 1 - Guy named Mike Schmidt takes a creepy six-day job, then gets fired. The animatronics “working” there are confused and bummed out afterwards… Unless we’re talking about the Angry Yelling Yellow Bear, then he’s just happy he gets to sleep again.
FNAF 2 - Guy named Jeremy “Fritz-Gerard” takes the same job, but he’s in the 80s. Everytime the animatronics scare him, they knock him out and show their past involvements with some magenta-and-purple-wearing guys. He doesn’t get fired, but he does retire in the 90s or something. Meanwhile, some other Fritz gets fired for messing with 10-ish animatronics at once.
FNAF 3 - Meanwhile, in Present Day Somewhere-Ville, a robot-bunny named “Spring-Trap” plays tricks on another guard. He doesn’t give out any hints about his past, but the arcade 3Guard plays at home does. That arcade might’ve been by five sad ghosts that vanished after he played… Doesn’t explain the “Bad Ending”, but oh well.
Oh and one of the Purple Guys turned into Springtrap, but that’s probably not as important as you might think. Probably.
FNAF 4 - In a different part of Somewhere-Ville, a random kid gets hunted by monsters at night. Then bullied by his older brother at dawn. Then he’s bitten by Angry Yellow Bear’s brother on his birthday. Yellow Bear’s “son” (Yellow Bear Jr.), however, promises to fix him… Though we never learn how.
FNAF 5/Sister Location - A guy named Eggs Benedict is a technican at a brand-new pizza robot rental service. He fails after getting thwacked by a huge claw on his fifth night there. This… somehow turns him into a zombie? That throws up gray spaghetti??
Also, another guy named Michael Afton tells his dad that he freed his lost sister from… somewhere— But nearly lost his life while doing that. Michael is not happy, and neither are Elizabeth and The Board Member of Somewhere-Ville Technology— Who might’ve been kept from some terrifying secrets Mr. Afton had.
FNAF 6/Pizzeria Simulator - Somebody opens up a new Freddy’s that somehow hasn’t gone wrong… Until an angry cassette player sets everything on Saturday. The casette might be haunted by a very angry manager from the ‘80s.
At least those mean robots from FNAF 3 and 6 are gone now?
UCN - Uhh… A scaredy-cat plays with Freddy’s ‘Ultra Cybernetic Network’ while a red crocodile and Angry Yellow Bear talk about him. They… might be ghosts trapped in another arcade game??
Help Wanted 1 - Freddy’s finally got its act together! Yay! They’ve even made a VR game to celebrate.
Too bad the guy from Ultra Cyber Network might’ve put a rabbit-looking bug in the system.. Or it’s Springtrap’s fault. Either one.
Security Breach - A boy called Gregory gets lost in Somewhere-Ville’s Freddy Pizza-Plex Mall. The Freddy there helps, but nobody else does— Not even this Security Guard named Vanessa.
Also there’s two rabbits named Vanny and… Springtrap but Burnt? One is mean and chases after you while the other one stays behind and calls for help from his “friends”. Freddy doesn’t like Springtrap, which is understandable.
It’s a Choose-Your-Own thing, so there’s no real ending… Well, apart from Gregory escaping.
Ruin - A year later, a girl named Cassie gets called into the mall by “Gregory”. She’s hunted down by Springtrap’s ‘Friends’ (and a blue hare that kinda looks like Purple Guy, with that huge smile…?) until she makes it to the basement. Then she realizes that it’s not Gregory, runs for it, and then… uh..
Either she falls down an elevator or she gets stuck down there. Either way, she’s turned into a ghost for sure. It’s just a guess of how and when.
Help Wanted 2 - Rabbit Bug gets squished by Vanny. That’s the only surprise here. Everything else is just training stuff for Freddy’s or some Freddy-type carnival rides…
The Story as Puddle Sees It: Freddy’s has a history of ghosts haunting arcade games, broken machines, and bears making messes of things. Most guards either quit or—if you’re Eggs—get turned into zombies with severe spaghetti allergies. Freddy’s has been refusing to shut down, but they might just have to resort to supplying Carnival rides to state fairs at this point. Yay?
Oh and in case you’re wondering about the not-guards:
Michael Afton is still looking for his dad.
Springtrap is messing with Freddy’s somehow.
Yellow Bear Jr. and Bullied Boy have long disappeared.
Elizabeth and The Board Member are probably gonna team up with Michael soon… If Elizabeth wasn’t a ghost trapped in a game, that is.
Mr. Afton is retired and has no clue what’s going on with Freddy’s anymore
Angry Yellow Bear and The Crocodile are still laughing at Ultra Cybernetic Network Guy
Ultra Cybernetic Network Guy still can’t beat Jeremy’s “number of animatronic tampered” record from the 80s.
The Hare is sad he didn’t catch Cassie. And that he’s still trapped in a box in the basement.
Cassie is sad because there’s no arcade machines to haunt (don’t blame her).
Gregory is sad that Not-Gregory is wreaking havoc after trapping Cassie.
Vanny and Vanessa are probably arguing with each other about the Rabbit Bug.
Magenta Guy is nowhere to be found. He probably got arrested?
The Arcade Ghosts from 3Guard’s house are at peace now. They’ve told their story, so now they can move on.
Oh and Mr. Cassette got his daughter back. Dunno which arcade cabinet she was hiding in, but at least she’s free now.
TL;DR: Puddle would assume the ghosts are in the arcade machines, not the animatronics… Among other things.
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deathon1leg · 2 years
we all know by now that blue represents mike and yellow represents will but... i’m also a FIRM believer that red represents el. (and this is a good thing for byler!)
here’s why.
⚠️spoilers ahead for all of st but mostly s4⚠️
this is gonna be a long one, so, strap in. i promise i’ll make it worth your time!!
also, i’m sure someone’s talked about this at least a little already so i’m sorry if i end up reiterating someone else’s point!
i’m gonna be focusing mainly on season 4, but i wanna start by saying stranger things has always heavily utilized primary colors, aka blue, red, and yellow, for characters’ clothing, set design, lighting, and promotion. now, this doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything but things add up when we get further into it.
here are just a few examples:
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in the poster, clothing, and even the background lights in the s3 mall pic, primary colors are the main ones used.
so... what’s with the colors?
if you’re here you probably know fellow delusional bylers have made wonderful analysis posts about the strategic use of yellow and blue to represent will and mike, and i’ll add some links if i can find them, but to summarize: will is most seen wearing yellow, mike is most seen wearing blue, and they often wear each other’s colors in elements of their outfits. here’s a couple examples from season 4:
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anyway, these are obviously two out of three of the primary colors that stranger things loves to use so much, and mike and will could be considered two out of three of the main characters.
the third primary color is red.
the third main character is el.
i know this sounds like a reach, but hear me out, okay?
eleven is often seen wearing red. it’s hard to say if it’s to the extent that mike and will wear their own colors because of all the time she’s spent in her hospital gown or the sensory deprivation suit, but it’s definitely prominent. mike and will’s outfits also often have red in them, just as el’s outfits often have blue and yellow.
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she usually doesn’t wear a LOT of red, it’s almost always an accenting color to the rest of the outfit. i’ll explain what i think the reason for this is later, and more on why i think it’s her color. this is just me establishing this notion so we can get into it.
what does the use of each color in their outfits mean?
mike, will, and el’s clothes often include each other’s colors, be it a whole shirt or a few stripes, as you can see in some of the pictures above.
from what i’ve gathered the use of each color indicates how much the wearer is thinking about the character it represents, or how important the character currently is to the wearer. this includes when they’re wearing their own color.
i think el beginning to wear more red than she used to signifies her becoming more of her own person, which could also be why she still doesn’t wear that much of it—her life since escaping the lab has been all about saving the world and obsessing over her boyfriend, she hasn’t had time to fully realize who she is as a person.
that, and the idea that the the colors they’re wearing correlate to who they’re thinking about/who’s important to them helps put the s4 ending scene in better context.
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i believe (at least in this scene) that white symbolizes neutrality, as in either no specific person at all or maybe every person as a whole. i included her white sensory deprivation tank outfit because i think it encapsulates neutrality, because being in one of those makes it feel like you’re sort of floating in nothingness.
her outfit in the last scene of s4 is almost completely white with a little bit of pink on the bottom of her sleeves and the flowers in her shirt, and an even smaller amount of yellow and green as a part of the flowers. mike’s confession and max’s near-death might’ve caused her numbness and/or confusion, explaining the neutrality. pink is just a lighter version of red (or red + white) showing that her sense of self is still there, but dimming. then there’s yellow for will, and green for will + mike. there’s no blue at all—she’s probably just done with mike’s shit.
even though i’m focusing on clothes i should point out that all around her in the field are yellow, red, and blue flowers. from some camera angles yellow flowers are the majority which could be hinting at will becoming the main character again in s5. all of the flowers are dying as the upside down takes over their world, and the sky flashes with red lightning. el picks up a dead flower and you can’t tell at that point what color it was, but it might’ve been yellow based on the others in the bunch, which... i’m not actually sure what that means.
the dying flowers look a whole lot like the ones mike brought her in the airport and they’re even the same colors, suggesting a m*leven breakup.
the previous “person they’re thinking about” theory also goes for set design and lighting, but in terms of clothes, here are some of what are imo the most concrete examples of this in s4
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in the top left, will’s waiting for mike to arrive at the airport and he’s SO excited to see him and give him his painting. his shirt is all blue, because his head is completely full of mike.
in the top middle, mike is having a serious argument with el but he doesn’t really care about it. he’s mostly thinking about himself hence the blue shirt, and thinking a little bit about will, hence the thin yellow stripes.
in the top right, el’s shirt is blue and the flannel over it has blue and red stripes, but the base of the flannel... is green. green = blue + yellow. to be fair, the brightness on that picture is significantly turned up and in the original it mostly looks blue, but there is undeniably green in there, especially in other pics. she wore this during her and mike’s fight and while being arrested when mike was telling her that he would fix everything. i don’t think she believed him. i think the green is her beginning to get suspicious.
in the middle, will is emotionally supporting el during her presentation and comforting her when she gets bullied, so his shirt is mostly red stripes. it’s very hard to see here but there are super thin lines of blue, yellow, and green between the red ones.
in the bottom left, el’s dress has big blue, red, purple, and green stripes with scribbles of yellow on most of them. once again green = blue + yellow, but the ones on her dress are leaning more toward blue. then of course, purple = blue + red, mike and el. the stripes on her flannel are blue with yellow on the edges. she’s excited to see her boyfriend for the first time in a while, and will’s tagging along, so she’s thinking about all of them, including herself, and her and mike as a couple.
in the bottom middle, mike’s hat is mostly blue and orange. orange = red + yellow, so he’s thinking about el and will at the same time, and blue means he’s thinking about himself. there’s also some blue-ish green and a few small red circles for el. he wears this when he first arrives in cali, showing that his mind is pretty much split on will and el even though he gives el all his attention.
lastly, in the bottom right is another shot of mike’s cali outfit with his t-shirt being blue and his over-shirt being yellow. this illustrates even further that he’s thinking a lot about will even when seeing his gf for the first time in ages and focusing on her! even his glasses chain is yellow! mike wheeler i know what you are.
so. that was long. but we’re not done yet.
does each character’s color have a deeper meaning?
honestly, yes, i think so.
i’m not some color theory (or film theory) expert and even the small bits i’ve gathered could be wrong, but here’s what i think:
will’s yellow represents the sun
mike’s blue represents the sky
el’s red represents the upside down
let me elaborate.
i’m mostly gonna go in depth for my thoughts on el to support my “red” theory, but i’ll start with will and mike.
the sun and the sky go hand-in-hand, you can’t have one without the other... kinda like two boys we know. they’re also (at least to me) the most obvious blue and yellow “duo”s i can think of, and there’s lots of symbolism of them that fits mike and will as a duo.
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i can’t think of a lot of examples for this off the top of my head, but notice the pictures of will being hit with direct sunlight while mike’s in the shadows beside him. also a picture of el during her fight with mike in nearly the same spot as the pic of will next to it, but no sunshine is on her. this could be meant to show us how mike views will vs how he views her.
mike is the vast, never-ending sky and will is the giant, warming star that lights him up.
okay, now for el. this one’s important.
el opened the first ever gate to the upside down—this is one of the most crucial plot points in the entire show, let alone for just her character. el sent 001 to the upside down and he created his own area of it to keep his victims in. el bleeds out of her nose when she uses her powers, and out of her eyes and ears if she overworks herself.
in general, she has a connection to the upside down and vecna different from any other person in the show.
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all of these things are red.
are you convinced yet?
what do their colors mean in relation to each other?
as i just mentioned, will and mike represent the sun and the sky, some of the most basic symbols for the universe and the earth out there. the sun and the sky are worldly, natural, supposed to be there.
here’s where things look up for byler.
i wanna preface this by saying i absolutely LOVE eleven. she’s always been one of my favorite characters, and i’ve been watching since the beginning. i’m not trying to say she’s unnatural or not meant to be with the rest of the group, hell no. this is just my interpretation of what the show has given us and what it could be for the future of mike, will, and el.
el’s red represents the upside down, which is quite literally the opposite of worldly, a dreadful mirror of the natural universe. this isn’t to say el’s from the upside down because she’s not, she just happens to be connected to it not of her own volition, and opened a portal to it without knowing what she was doing.
this blatantly separates her from will and mike. their motifs are embodiments of the universe and go together effortlessly, while el’s motif is, well, basically the anti-universe. sorry el. love u.
but, is there any other significance behind the use of primary colors besides them being the “main” colors and these three being the main characters?
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i don’t know about you but this looks awfully like a triangle to me.
it’s love triangle symbolism, everyone. pack your things, we’re going home.
besides the obvious that there’s nothing going on between el and will because they���re siblings... there’s a clear love triangle between the three of them regarding el dating mike while will has a crush on him, and the fact that mike will inevitably have to choose who he wants to be with if they continue the storyline they’re on.
they’ve given us some pretty blatant imagery of this in s4. will is in the middle or on the sidelines of basically every m*leven scene this season (and they want us to root for him!)
additional primary color imagery
there’s a few more things i want to point out.
had anyone else noticed they’ve shown us three different versions of the upside down with three different colors?
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i’m gonna be real and say i have no idea what this could mean. i’ll leave that up to you. what i do know is that the top one, the yellow upside down, is the untouched version of it before vecna altered it. the middle blue one is the current version of the upside down, BUT it does have lots of flashes of red lightning. the bottom red one is... honestly i don’t even know, but vecna takes his victims there.
one more thing i noticed before i go:
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this season 4 poster that uses the three primary colors and... green.
we all remember that green = blue + yellow, so.
this could very well just be a graphic design choice, because green is usually what’s added to the other three if another color is needed, but... who knows.
in conclusion, we already knew that mike and will are blue and yellow, but i’m also positive that el is red.
byler endgame is in our sights!!!
if you read this entire thing, first of all, wow. second, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! i hope you found this interesting :)
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