#we are Fucked
stars-fall · 3 months
We are so fucked.
- an American watching the presidential debate.
Biden isn't speaking comprehensively whatsoever and he fades in and out and Trump is making shit up
Trump is looking better (I would choke before I vote for him) he's charismatic and composed, although that is probably because he's lying out his ass
This is the bad timeline, we are living in a dystopia
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nosleepschedule · 3 months
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Sources: Project 2025’s own website, BBC News, Wikipedia
This isn’t all of it either.
Project 2025 will basically turn America into a dictatorship, limiting free speech, having the president take over almost everything, and removing rights. Including lessening the strength of or just altogether eliminating major departments and institutions like the Department of Education and the FBI along with others. Specific words will be eliminated like “gender equality” and “diversity” from schools. Abortion will be criminalized and will have punishing consequences. It wont be considered as healthcare anymore either. The LGBTQIA+ community will also be criminalized. So much more comes with the project that eliminates and criminalizes everything even slightly considered “woke.” This isn’t getting helped either since the people in charge are getting benefits (like tax cuts) from this and are also extremely right-winged and conservative. All we can do is speak out against this and hopefully get enough attention to start revolts and knock some sense into the people who are in charge.
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prisoner-000 · 1 year
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how are we doing guys
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helluvaboss98 · 3 months
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Get ready Stoliz Nation! Here comes Apology Tour!
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mf-artdump · 2 months
Dear MILGRAM Community,
I am not okay. I'm in absolute shambles and filled with dread.
Someone who is afraid of Trial 3
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So the US Supreme Court just issued a decision that basically took away government agencies’ regulatory powers and gave all that power to the courts. This is ALL agencies from FDA to EPA to every single regulatory agency that keeps us safe. If any corporation doesn’t like a regulation, boom lawsuit to overturn it. We are fucked completely and totally.
This is why this election is so important. I don’t give a shit if you don’t like Biden, you are voting for an entire administration AND the judicial branch. If Trump wins, he will get to fill not only the Supreme Court but other federal courts with people who will fuck us over even more. This ruling just made this election even more serious and the implications of a Trump presidency even more dangerous.
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khaosritual · 7 months
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nuthin-up-my-sleeve · 3 months
Political analyst Van Jones said it best last night after that Beavis and Butthead shitshow. We have a choice between one that shouldn’t be president and one that must not be president”.
I try to stay out of politics and keep my anarchy faith, but it’s hard to do.
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Someone I used to follow—someone I used to greatly respect—is reblogging the claims (mostly screenshots from Twitter) that Hamas didn’t slaughter babies and children in their attack, and that actually it’s the (((Israelis))) who beheaded Palestinian babies. This person runs a fandom blog, where they also talk about human rights. This is someone who is not radicalized by most standards, who holds opinions that are the norm within progressive spaces—and they are engaging in the aggressive and unfactual denial of Jewish torture and murder.
We are not safe. They are going to kill us.
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midzurugi · 30 days
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darthschabba · 9 months
On the news this morning.
Your life style is wrong.
And if you change your lifestyle to make it better ... you're wrong.
But also... you re wrong.
So your choices are : a. You are fucked
B. You are also , fuct.
c. You are fucked .
D. But . Don't forget. You re fucked.
And E.
You re probably fucked.
( and F. Don't forget . You re fuct. )
Well . There you have it.
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mari-bellis · 3 months
Me learning new languages so i can gtfo of this country in the next year.
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spiderlegsmusic · 2 months
Biden isn’t an ideal candidate. We’ve established that. But these people telling us Biden should drop out don’t give us any alternatives. Who are they going to run instead of Biden? The democrats don’t have anybody. Ok, say you get Biden to drop out of the race. Then what?
They don’t have another Obama or Clinton lying around. They have to outrun a cult of psychos. One thing Trump has exposed since 2016 is exactly how many people in the electorate are mentally ill. The Trump cult including their big orange daddy, is a large population of crazy racists. It’s embarrassing that there are so many deranged people in this country.
It’s embarrassing the democrats don’t have a viable candidate to replace Biden. The only one i would accept is Bernie or or maybe Elizabeth Warren. And who knows if they can defeat the army of crazies?
The world should tremble in their shoes that the dominant superpower in the world is full of crazy people who are running a convicted felon, rapist, racist to be president who has promised to dismantle democracy and withdraw from NATO.
And that the democrats can’t get behind anyone but old Joe. The only person who’s beaten Trump in an election. The democrats are this amorphous pusillanimous group of non-charismatic lumps of playdough who yell that Biden should drop out without giving us an answer for who should replace him.
Kamala Harris? No. I don’t believe in her as anything but a credible VP. So we are going to go down swinging and missing because the democrats have no one who can beat a convicted criminal in an election knowing everything we know about him.
We are going to lose our democracy. Our economy is going to fail. Our standing in the world will fall farther than it ever has. We are going to become the 4th Reich. Do you understand that, people of the world? Do you understand that, people on the left? Democrats?
I will be honest. I will vote for any piece of shit the democrats throw out there because I’m a more or less sane individual who recognizes what Trump is after having lived through the disaster of his last term, while living in Texas which is a state full of insane christofascists.
I don’t want to lose democracy. I don’t want America to become an authoritarian autocracy led by the single worst person to ever live during my lifetime: A bulbous turd who worships Hitler and wants to be a dictator like his buddies.
And then I look at the democrats full of these back biting weak career politicians calling for Biden to drop out without giving us anyone to replace him with. And I hang my head. Literally the most important US Election in my lifetime and it’s going to be a clusterfuck which leads to civil war.
These are dark days in America. Darker than the days after 9-11, Pearl Harbor, because democracy was still going strong after those events. Democracy is on life support right now. And there are no heroes. No one can save us from the big orange criminal turd and his army of insane cultists who are racist and hate women. It is for all the women in my life that I mourn. All my closest friends are women. I love my friends dearly. And I’m watching a bunch of rich crazy racists flush the rights of all women down the toilet while all the rest of us watch it happen with our thumbs up our sad asses.
And these are people that will then fight our civil war? The strength of women will not have have ever been needed like it will be in these coming years starting in 2025. Project 2025 wants all women pregnant, submitting to husbands and worshipping an imaginary cloud guy—sky cake!
To the women of America: please have a plan to leave this country if trump wins. Do not get trapped here. America is sinking and democracy is in its death throes and the crazy racist misogynists have blood in their eyes and the devil in their hearts. Not one of these christofascists has Jesus in their hearts—they’re insane.
Hope gets beaten and raped before it gets murdered. This is a colossal disaster. God damn convicted felon Trump and his cult on insanity. God damn broken down old Joe. God damn the weak democrats who can’t come up with anybody who can beat an overt racist rapist wannabe dictator and his cult on insanity. And god damn the United States and the 4th Reich which will put the 3rd Reich to shame.
And god damn me for not having a cyanide pill…
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niallsblckgirlfriend · 3 months
I am so fucking serious when I say I feel like looking for a job is pointless
Like the country is fucked
Why am I even looking when I’m not getting any responses anyway
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readthephible · 3 months
what if dan and phil react to like the toxic cover by melanie remix or the et by katy perry edits or-
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feralbutfluffy · 1 year
Okay I love this. David Tennant must have had so much fun.
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