#we are not your parents/guardians/authority figures
infinizero · 2 months
Ok so
There is this trope about ghosts not reaching maturity until they've been ghosts for several centuries
There is ALSO the trope that ghosts fight as a sort of way to communicate
With the power of these two tropes combined-- I give you this strange headcanon:
Ghosts become mature adult ghosts after 500 years.
Danny and his usual troublemakers are all in the same "daycare".
He's just the youngest + most unique ghost so they like playing around with him the most. In other words, it's the ghost version of older siblings ordering their younger siblings around
As far as ghosts go,
There are blobs, ghost animals, shades (those are ghosts as we know it) and ghosts (aka Infinite Realms Beings) etc etc
The blobs and etc are, well, blobs and etc
But ghosts need a while to fully grow up and be considered adult
And so, if these ghosts are children, they need guardians or caretakers at the daycare right?
Baby ghosts are under the care of the nearest authority (Ancient or Leader or etc etc)
Except baby ghosts usually stay near where they were born and Danny and Co just so happen to be near Pariah Dark
Pariah Dark is asleep
But Fright Knight is there!
Except Fright Knight is also sealed
And it's one thing to wake up the ultra powerful megalomaniac tyrant kinda parent figure but not really you're supposed to have and another to drag your oldest adult sibling out of their room to touch grass
In other words, the surrounding authorities just went eh the babies can contact fright Knight if anything happens
But then Danny defeats Pariah and inherits his authority
So he technically becomes the caretaker of baby ghosts in the area while being the youngest baby ghost himself
Hence the other ancients visiting and *playing* with him to see if it's ok to leave the babies with this other baby
And since they're ghosts who don't have human guidelines or morals, decide that since he's that strong it should be fine to leave it alone
Besides he has Fright Knight! Good 'ol Frighty will definitely help out this new baby kid ghost with doing everything!
Meanwhile, Fright Knight waiting for Danny to come claim the crown and ring: ...
Cue Danny's rogues coming up to him to show him shit they accomplished
Youngblood : Phantom look at this cool baking soda volcano that spews out real lava!!
Danny: It does WHAT
Youngblood: Look!
Danny: NO
Ember: Hey Babybop wanna listen to the new song I wrote? It compels humans to start cults based on my name!
Danny: Ember, no
Ember: I think you mean Ember YES
Skulker: Ghost boy I have skinned an alien and brought you a pelt turned into a coat
Danny: ...you did WHAt
Skulker: It is nearing winter time and one must always be ready for winter time
Danny, having an existential meltdown after seeing his parents and Vlad get it on together: Desiree what the actual fuck??? Did you do????
Desiree: I merely fulfilled a wish
Johnny: Hey Phantom look we got matching tattoos to celebrate our anniversary!
Kitty: Wait what did you just say?
Johnny: uh, we got tattoos for our anniversary?
Kitty: ...our anniversary is in TWO MONTHS. THAT was for my DEATHDAY.
Johnny: ...oh shit
Danny, about to soup them both: Man, get good
Lunch Lady: Phantom have you eaten your proteins today?!
Danny: uh... Yeah?
Lunch Lady, already throwing meat at him: EAT MORE
Danny: oh come on seriously
And on the other hand,
Walker, dumping ten piles of paper in Danny's room: Phantom, here are the latest forms that need revisions
Spectra: What do you MEAN you're not allowing me to open a beauty salon in order to dig into other girls' insecurities and maintain my own beauty?! That's why it's called a beauty salon!!
Cujo and Wulf who are both the best boys and favorites, with smug faces:
Fright Knight still waiting for Danny to accept the ring and crown:
Plasmius: What the heck is this weird feeling my ghost side keeps making me feel??
Plasmius: is it... Is there perhaps a ghostly way I can adopt the little badger??
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff, angst. menstruation comment. WORD COUNT: 2.3k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, boyfriend!gojo, child megumi fushiguro x fem guardian!oc, adoptedkiddos!megumi & tsumiki
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SYNOPSIS: it's been two weeks since learn to love, and megumi still hasn't opened up to oc gojo girlfriend or satoru yet. so oc gojo girlfriend decides to teach him something about promises. AUTHOR'S NOTE: i have a soft spot for gojo being megumi's guardian. oc gojo girlfriend is trying so hard, little does she know, megumi actually really loves her already, he's just too shy to show it. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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it was dinner time at the dining hall for all the tokyo jujutsu high school students. while the men were cooking dinner (and by men, that meant all the men were watching nanami cook dinner), you and shoko spoke about the recent gossip that spread like wildfire across campus: you and satoru gojo becoming parents.
“so, gojo brought these kids to your room and basically said that he’s taking them in?” shoko repeated. 
“yeah, crazy right? as of two weeks ago, i'm a mother.” you said as you watched megumi and tsumiki in the corner of the kitchen, they were coloring with crayons.
“do you really think that you and gojo can be parental figures in their lives?” she questioned as you were still gazing over at them.
“satoru seems to think so. i didn’t think he’d make me a teen mom.” you joked.
as you watched the two young fushiguros, you wondered if you would be good enough to give them parental advice as they grow up in yours and satoru’s care.
could satoru really raise megumi to be a jujutsu sorcerer? everyone knew that satoru gojo was the strongest, but could he raise a jujutsu sorcerer even if he wasn’t fully trained himself? satoru was still working on perfecting his own techniques like his long distance teleportation and his domain expansion. only you were second to him in laying out your domains.
who would give the birds and the bees talk to megumi? and who would be there for tsumiki when she starts to mature? when she gets her first period? that would be up to you to teach her about puberty and becoming a woman. god, satoru gojo couldn’t even talk about the reproductive system without giggling.
“how does (y/n) feel about you taking the kids in?” suguru asked as he and satoru watched nanami flip over gyozas in the frying pan. 
“she didn’t take me seriously at first.” satoru replied to him. his mouth watering at the sight of the crispy gyozas. the oil in the pan danced along with the sitting gyozas.
“i mean... have you seen yourself? we can’t even take you seriously.” nanami retorted.
satoru frowned, “thanks nanami...”
“(y/n) is kind. she would do anything to help.” yu haibara put in his two cents. he was a big fan of yours, it was because you were so nice to him and nanami when they joined jujutsu high. you were the one to show them around campus on their first day.
“haibara is right, (y/n) is the best. satoru is lucky to have her. i don’t know how she deals with him.” suguru laughed as he put his arm around satoru's shoulder, teasing him.
“she said she’d help, but that’s after i begged.” satoru grumbled. he hated to admit that he had to beg.
“you? beg?” nanami snorted. he flipped the last of the gyozas and put them on the shared plate. he turned back to the stove and stirred the soup that was boiling away.
“i told her the circumstances, it was up to her ultimately. i could've raised them myself.” satoru folded his arms in defense. he looked over at you and shoko and saw that you were watching the kids too.
you and shoko got up to walk over to where megumi and tsumiki were coloring.
“megumi? tsumiki?” you called their names. megumi continued to color and tsumiki looked over at you obediently. her smile could blind a country. she was such a happy child despite her situation.
“kids, this is shoko ieiri. she’s a second year like me and satoru. she’s studying to be a doctor, so if you guys get hurt, you’ll see shoko, okay?”
“hi kids.” shoko waved to the children. she was able to hold a steady conversation with tsumiki, but megumi continued to color and color and color. he didn’t pay anyone any mind.
“dinner’s ready!” haibara called out. 
“come on, let’s eat.” shoko grabbed tsumiki’s hand and guided her to the dining table. you were about to leave with them, but saw that megumi didn’t get up from the little table to join everyone.
“megumi, are you hungry?” you crouched down to ask him. he ignored you, like he had been doing for the past two weeks. you folded your arms in discontentment.
how were you going to get through to this kid? his walls were up and you didn’t know how to bring them down. how could you let megumi know that you were there for him?
“megumi! let’s eat dinner!” tsumiki called out to him, but he just brushed her off. 
“i'm not hungry.” he said quietly.
“it’s okay, shoko, tsumiki—go ahead.” you shoo’d them away.
you stood back up and let megumi color in peace. you made eye contact with satoru and frowned in defeat. you were worried about megumi. these past two weeks have been hard on you because you tried everything you could to get through to him, to build a relationship with him.
as you sat at the dining table with everyone, you couldn’t work up an appetite. you poked at your gyoza and sipped at your soup.
“you not hungry, babe?” satoru asked, putting his arm around your shoulder as you softly sighed, his free hand rubbing your thigh. 
“not really. i'm worried about megumi. something seems to be bothering him.”
satoru squeezed your hand as both of you looked over at megumi. he was still coloring. you saw him look over at the table a couple of times when tsumiki started to laugh while talking to shoko and haibara. 
you got up from the dining table as satoru’s arm fell from your shoulder to the back of your now empty chair. he watched you while you grabbed a small bowl of soup and a couple pieces of gyoza. you made your way back to the table where megumi was coloring.
you greeted him, “hi megumi, i brought you some food.”
“i said i wasn't hungry.” megumi repeated himself again, avoiding all eye contact with you. 
“well, you haven’t eaten since breakfast, you must be hungry.” you frowned.
“no, i'm not.” 
did you just hear some sass in his tone? you squinted at him.
“well, i'm not leaving until you eat your food.” you quipped back at him.
if megumi fushiguro wanted to have a stubborn competition, he was going to have a stubborn competition—and you were the reigning queen of this (satoru would know).
you watched him color. he was drawing two dogs, a white one and a black one. you remembered your older brother, touya, teaching you about the zen’nin clan and the ten shadows technique. the first shikigami a ten shadows technique user could summon were the demon dogs.
was megumi already seeing his shikigami?
“are those your dogs?” you asked him as you pointed at his drawing.
of course, he just ignored you. you dug deeper. “are they the demon dogs?” 
megumi stopped coloring and looked up at you, “what do you know about the demon dogs?”
“well, i know that it’s the first shikigami a ten shadows technique user can summon. they are used for many different things like tracking, fighting, or just being there by your side to keep you company.” you told him.
megumi put down his crayons—it seems like you finally piqued his interest.
“hmmm, it looks like she got the kid to stop coloring.” satoru announced, looking over at the table as he watched you and megumi.
he felt a weird feeling inside—it was a warm and fuzzy feeling. his heart swelled watching you with megumi.
all the second years and first years looked over at the table to watch you and megumi as well.
“can you tell me about the ten shadows?” megumi asked you quietly. 
“only if you eat your dinner.” you made him a deal, it was up to him to take it or not.
megumi furrowed his brows as he slowly reached for the pair of chopsticks to pick up a piece of gyoza. you felt that you could continue telling him what you knew now that he started to eat. 
“there’s a specific hand sign that you have to do in order to summon any of the shikigami.” you explained. 
“do you know the hand signs for the dogs?” megumi asked, chewing his food. 
you smiled softly. “i don’t, but i know who does.” 
“satoru gojo does.” 
“oh, the creepy guy with the white hair and sunglasses?” megumi’s comment made you laugh out loud. that was the first time someone called satoru gojo creepy.
“he does give you the creeps, huh? me too.” you joked with him. megumi cracked a smile. 
“oh, did i just get a smile from the megumi fushiguro?” you feigned with shock.
megumi started to grin, but he quickly contained himself. he ate some more gyoza and sipped at his soup.
“megumi... i know your father and mother left you and tsumiki—” you started to say, but megumi interrupted you. 
“and? it doesn’t matter—everyone always leaves in the end anyways.”
you blinked in shock at how straightforward this 5 year old boy could be. you actually weren’t even sure if he was 5 anymore with that last comment of his. 
“well, satoru and i won’t—we’ll always be there for you and tsumiki. i promise—and (y/n) (l/n) never breaks her promises.” you held out your pinky to megumi in hopes that he’ll pinky promise you back. 
“what are you doing?” megumi looked at you confused. 
“have you ever done a pinky promise before?” you asked him.
megumi shook his head—he hadn’t.
you explained the story of a pinky promise to him, “people make pinky promises so that they don’t break their promise—if you break your promise, you have to chop off your pinky.”
“you’re going to chop off your pinky if you break your promise to me and tsumiki?” megumi asked you with skepticism. he seems like he’s had one too many promises broken in his lifetime.
“yes—and satoru will too.” you answered back.
satoru would understand if you spoke for him. he softly intertwined his pinky with yours and you kissed your thumb to seal the deal. megumi didn't follow you on the kiss back though—it was okay, you'd get him to do it next time.
“do you and that creep pinky promise on stuff too?” megumi wondered. 
you smiled at him, “all the time.”
“on what?”
“well, satoru pinky promised me that he will be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer so that he can protect me.” you told megumi.
one day, satoru would have to tell him the story about megumi's own father and how satoru’s near-death fight with toji made him have an epiphany about his own powers. (read ‘the honored one’ here)
you looked over at satoru. he was watching you and megumi. he waved when you made eye contact with him. you winked at him and he blew you a kiss. megumi’s eyes wandered to him as well.
“so he’s the strongest?” he asked with uncertainty.
he couldn't believe that satoru gojo was the strongest. megumi thought he looked like an idiot, especially with the lack of tact he had when he first approached him and tsumiki. why couldn't you have been the one to find them instead?
“yes, he is,” you smiled brightly at your man, “—and he’ll be your sensei when you’re old enough to attend jujutsu high school.”
you thought about the conversation you had with satoru about him becoming a teacher once he finishes his third year. would megumi be okay with satoru being the one to teach him how to channel cursed energy and how to fight?
“are you strong too, (y/n)?” megumi questioned you.
“i'm the second strongest,” you looked at him intently with a promise, “—and i will protect you and tsumiki, just like satoru will.”
“why did he pinky promise that to you?” megumi changed the subject as he started to blush. he wondered why satoru promised to protect you if you were already strong enough to protect yourself. 
“well, megumi—satoru is something you call a boyfriend to me. he loves me. and well… you protect the people you love.”
“he was talking about you when he picked us up. he said you were his girlfriend. is that the same thing as a boyfriend?” 
“yes it is,” you said laughing. kids were so damn cute with their comments these days, “you might be too young to understand, but when you get bigger, you’ll find a someone you love and maybe you can be a boyfriend too.”
megumi ended up finishing his food. (y/n) 1: megumi 0. you had won the stubborn competition. he took the empty soup bowl and put it in front of you.
“can i have more soup... please?”
the kids were sleeping in your room as you spent the night in satoru’s dorm room—this was how it had been for the past two weeks.
you climbed into bed as your boyfriend watched you. you sat closely next to him. he was expecting you to tell him the juicy gossip of what happened at dinner with megumi. after giving him a brief run down, he sighed.
“so, megumi is already seeing his demon dogs?” satoru asked. you scratched at the back of his undercut and tilted your head at him. 
“yes, baby, and you’re gonna have to teach him how to use them. i told him you know the hand symbols.”
“that’s fine, we can do that. the demon dogs are loyal and loving according to my sources—they would be good to have by his side.” satoru closed his eyes and sighed in bliss, he loved when you scratched his undercut. you stopped scratching as he hugged you close. 
“satoru... are you going to tell megumi about his father?” you quietly asked.
“you know—i tried telling him when i found him, but that little shit just cut me off. i told him that if he ever wanted to know about his dad, he can ask me any time.”
“you promise you’ll tell him the whole story?”
satoru intertwined his pinky with yours and kissed you firmly on the lips. 
“i pinky promise.”
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shepherds-of-haven · 10 months
Caine looks at MC as if they hung the moon but he's currently twelve. Will it stay that way as he grows up ?
I answered this in a Patreon Q&A (and had a devil of a time finding it lol), so I'm just going to copy-paste my answer here!
How would Caine be as a teenager? Would he sneak out to drink while underage, cause mischief and ,y'know, just be a teenager. Would MC be the one to act the parent and scold/ground him?
Would caine ever enter an emo phase
Answering these two questions as one! ☝🏼 Honestly, I think the extent of Caine's rebellious phase is the stage he's in now, as a preteen! While pretty obedient towards authority figures he admires, he does have a mind of his own (as evidenced by how he disregarded Ebert) and, among his friends, he is entering or is in the midst of a mischievous hooligan era, where he fancies himself the ringleader of a small band of troublemakers. Their activities are mostly benign, but they do certainly disregard the rules of other parents/authority figures, and he can be a little bit of a shit and quite sassy to other kids--and a real terror to his enemies. MC just doesn't really get to see much of this side of him because most of the time when they interact, he's in work mode! But when left to his own devices, he's quite headstrong, a bit of a smartmouth and smart aleck, and has been known to flout the rules. Think cackling little pie-nabbers with a missing tooth, that kind of thing. Other parents around the neighborhood aren't nearly so fond of him as the Shepherds are, but that's because none of the Shepherds are 100% aware of what he's up to outside of the compound, lol!
When he's older, I think he's going to go straight into becoming a really sensible, upright, responsible teenager who seems much wiser and more competent than most others of his age. He won't really be sullen, irresponsible, truant, or snippy the way we imagine modern teenagers to be: he's going to be a very sensible, thoughtful, mature, and sensitive teen, who will probably look back on his wilder behavior of a few years back with some chagrin.
(And even if he didn't turn out that way, I don't think I'd feel comfortable with MC being the one to scold or ground him, unless it was on a professional/working basis and as a higher-ranking officer, not as his parent. In my mind, MC is not his parent or guardian, adopted or otherwise, or even really his official employer. I think of them as a young adult (MC) with a young friend (Caine) who are bonded together because of what they've gone through, and they love each other and look out for each other, but I don't think it would be MC's place to "discipline" him by telling him to go to his room or taking away his privileges. He's his own person and recognized as his own entity under the laws of the Autarchy, so it'd be like if I (a 30-year old) had a coworker who was like... let's say 16, and they were rude to a customer or to me, and I told my teenaged coworker I was grounding them and to go home to their room and I was taking away their phone until they earned it back, lol. It's just not done, no matter how good of friends we are! Caine and MC are not living together in the same (legal, literal) household, MC doesn't have any formal rights or power over him, and it would sort of be a strange thing to do, even to other Shepherds--like if Blade "grounded" an apprentice for shirking his duties. It's one thing if MC were to go, 'I don't think I'm going to continue our training sessions together until you can learn to be responsible with the weapon I'm giving you,' or 'Hey, Caine, someone approached me and told me you'd painted on their wall, you know why you can't do that, right?' and another thing entirely for Caine to talk back to them in a snotty way and MC to respond with, 'That's it, I don't like your tone, mister, go to your room and I'm taking away your toys (or whatever teen accoutrements you have) until you're sorry!' It would drastically change the dynamic between them, and I don't think Caine himself would be very happy about it. He has a mother, he wasn't looking for a new one when he started trailing after MC, and he's technically a working person with his own wages in the eyes of society, so it'd be a bit strange if a non-familial adult suddenly started disciplining him out of nowhere. So I think that dynamic wouldn't really translate, even if he did end up being a surly teenager!)
I think the adolescent trouble will come whenever he gets his heart broken for the first time. I think Caine's going to be something of a "late bloomer" (relatively speaking) in the romance department, probably only noticing that other people are attractive to him until like 19-22. I think that's the period that will come closest to his "emo phase," because once he does tentatively maneuver himself into a romantic situation and then get his heart broken, I can see him being really mopey and dramatic about it. If Caine can invest this much emotional energy into hero-worshipping MC, he's certainly going to be very unguarded with his heart in romance, and then he's going to be really droopy and sulky and "woe is me, what's the point of anything" sighing and maudlin about everything in typical teenager fashion around that time. That's how I imagine his emo phase going, and it'll probably take him almost a year to recover from it! 😂
Edit to add: Anyway, all this to say that I don't think Caine will ever lose his deep respect and admiration for MC, even as a (potentially-crabby) teenager. He'll get over being so fanboy-ish and childlike about it and may learn to question and examine MC's decisions now and again, but MC will always be his hero; he'll just be more normal about it and their relationship will evolve into one of deep and abiding loyalty and respect as he becomes an adult, rather than the excitable "MC IS GOING TO PLAY CARDS WITH ME??? WITH MY FRIENDS??? THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Bouncing in here like a madman again
Do you think Captain Marvel (seperate from Billy) considers the Wizard SHAZAM as their father as a sort of creator and creation relationship? Giving room for Billy and grandpa wizard relationship kinda?
I've had a lot of sugar today, so I'm not sure how that sounds, but I kept thinking about your fic, "Split", and how if things took a different turn and Captain Marvel revealed he existed because of the Wizard, would the JL come to the assumption that the wizard was his father/Billy's grandfather?
Or if things took an angstier turn, if Captain Marvel let slip accidentally that he didn't believe that the death of Billy's mother (and actual father) was a genuine accident/had suspicions about it, how would they react? Would they suspect the wizard bc of all the suspicions they're having? Also, I'm not sure if I remember, but did the JL get to have a conversation with the wizard?
Kinda factors into that one ask I sent before, where the gods killed the parents of the champions of magic to challenge and prepare them without them knowing, which might include the wizard, too. (Sorry, I re watched the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 recently and it's been doing numbers on my little mind)
In all seriousness you could write an AU for your fics and we'd eat it all up and ask for seconds because your writing creates a universe of wonder for us.
That was a lot, wow :0
Okay first of all you are so sweet! It's driving me crazy (in a good way) that I can discuss AUs of my fics!
I think that the Wizard already plays a sort of wise grandfather figure to Billy (in my preferred version of him) regardless of Captain Marvel's feelings towards the Wizard.
But I think it's totally logical for Captain Marvel to think of the Wizard as a creator figure, especially in his current incarnation since it was just Shazam who made him instead of a full Wizard's Council. There's respect between them, but Marvel also wants to make Shazam proud, wants to prove he's a good Champion. And I think that can translate to a father-son type dynamic even if it's a lot more complicated than that.
If we're talking Split in particular, the JL "met" the Wizard but Shazam didn't bother talking to any of them so their many confusions and suspicions didn't get brought up to him directly.
But if they had reason to believe Shazam was Marvel’s father, Flash in particular would have been having a freak out because the Wizard would have gone from possibly sketchy mentor to controlling and possibly abusive father/grandfather. He might have even had more people on his side if that was the case (especially if we add in the idea that the Batsons were killed as some kind of test of Billy’s pure heart).
There would still be those who insist that they shouldn't get in the middle of their complicated and potentially messy family situation. But there would also be those who wonder if Marvel had a choice in becoming a hero if his father was the one who imbued him with his powers because it was his "destiny". I can definitely picture Marvel bluescreening if someone asked him if he'd had a choice in being a hero (he didn't, and Billy didn't either) or if he'd ever wanted something else for himself (it had never occurred to him that he could be anything else because he was created to fight evil). His answer would definitely send up some red flags to whoever he's talking to.
There are so many cool ways having people think Shazam is Marvel’s father could play out and it would be so fun to explore that.
And since you mentioned it, while I don’t currently have plans to write an AU of my fics, I AM completely open to other people writing AUs of my fics if they are inspired enough to do it! So long as you credit me as the original author/check the Inspired By box when you post, I encourage you to go for it!
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horrorwhores-posts · 1 year
Arts pet.
Summary: Your family decided to reopen the miles county carnival. And you soon catch the eye of a certain black and white clown.
Word count- 6307 (it’s a doozy)
Warnings: blood, mentions of dead bodies, sexual themes (but no smut), torture, reader/ character was written as afab but you should be able to read it as gender neutral.
Authors notes: this is my first ever fan fiction I’ve written so please be gentle on me. Also not proofread so there might be some errors. And this is about Art the clown soo, yeah. This big ol’ dork has me wrapped around his horn.
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Maybe reopening the rundown carnival in Miles county wasn’t a good idea. But no matter how many times anyone told my father not too, he’d just brush it off. Working with your family is hard, even harder when you’re a carny family. My family and I have been on the road ever since my parents got married back in 93’. Soon after they had my older brother, sister, me, and finally my little twin brothers. My father joined the Barnum and Bailey circus when he was a teenager after his grandmother and sole guardian died. Being 15 with no other options, the circus became his new home and they welcomed him with open arms. My mother was the complete opposite, coming from a prestigious, well off, loving family; well if they liked you that is. My mother never really fit into her family, she had always been the black sheep and problem child. And no matter how hard her parents tried, she was never suited for their perfect world. She actually met my father when she was on a date with a “proper'' young man, as her mother put it. After spending roughly an hour listening to the high collared sleaze belittle every performance and worker he came in contact with, they got to my father’s act. Over the years he had climbed the ranks from being a cage cleaner to the circus’s headlining daredevil, and he was really good at it. His stunt that night was riding his motorcycle around a metal cage that was lit ablaze. Even my mother’s date was dumbfounded. After the show was over my mother refused to spend another second with her dick headed date. She snuck away from him and with the help of a hopeless romantic bearded woman she was able to go back to my fathers trailer. He said the second he laid eyes on her he knew he was going to marry her. And that night my mom decided to run away with him. My parents have been inseparable ever since.
Growing up the way we did, my siblings and I have developed multiple talents and were able to pick our own personal acts. My oldest siblings are aerial artists. I was one myself for a while and will even join in on their performances, but my actual love is contortion and fire breathing. The twins are in their teens and still learning about themselves every day. My father had always wanted to own a circus/carnival for himself, and over the past few years his craving to get off the road grew. Through the grape vine he had heard of the Miles county carnival being sold for little to nothing, we later found out that there were multiple murders there, which explained why the value was so low. My mother, sister and I all had our reservations about buying the place, but yet we still found ourselves standing at the entrance of the carnival in all of its glory. It took us months to spruce the place up, fix broken rides, and rebrand the whole park. My father even built a circus tent in the park where my family and other performers could perform if they wanted. We had our handful of protesters over the past few days but we also had a lot of tickets sold for tonight, opening night. I stood in the circus tent, looking at the time on my phone. 8:30; 30 minutes till opening and an hour till the show starts. Deciding to practice some of my aerial work for tonight's show, I gripped the soft silk as the music blasted through my speaker in the corner of the stage. I started going through the routine one last time, not noticing the black and white figure watching intently from the shadows. I ended on my finishing pose and nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard loud, sporadic clapping coming from the echoing seating area. I safely dismantled and shielded my eyes from the spotlight to see who was there. A black and white clown stood in the middle of the aisle between the seats still clapping with a large smile on his face. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment and anger.
“The show doesn’t start till 9:30, I’m sorry but you have to leave.” I said from atop the stage as I quickly gathered my items. The clapping ceased immediately and I glanced over my shoulder and saw the clown standing there, arms stiff at his sides, an emotionless face looking back at me. A shiver of dread prickled up my spine and I quickly exited backstage, still feeling his icy gaze on me. I briskly walked to my dressing room and locked the door behind me. I glanced at my phone screen and noticed it was only 8:50. ‘Wait, if we aren’t open yet how did he get into the tent?’ My thoughts were broken when three gentle raps came from my door, a common knock my sister used to let me know she was the one wanting in. I strode to the door and unlocked the handle, my sister stepped in and gently shut the door behind her.
“You okay? You rushed into this room like your ass was on fire.” she asked as I sat at my vanity, my head in my hands. With a deep sigh I rubbed my hands down my face and finally looked at her.
“Yeah, I think I’m just tired. I didn’t get much sleep last night.” I weakly responded. She lowered her eyes at me, assessing if she believed me or not. Her eyes softened as I guess she decided it wasn’t worth pressing.
“Maybe you should take a nap before you go out on stage, I’m going on first so I can wake you up when it’s almost your time to go on.” My eyes light up at the thought of getting some sleep.
“You promise? Like really?” I ask with hopeful excitement. She nodded her head, opened the door, waved, and gently closed it behind her. I glanced back at the mirror and saw the dark bags under my eyes, deciding a power nap would be best. I got up, turning off my main light, leaving my vanity lights on, and crawled on to the small gray couch. I had some burgundy throw pillows and a black blanket, I used to get nice and comfortable. In the dim light I could barely make out the posters I had adorning my walls. Mostly old Barnum and Bailey posters my dad snagged before he left, but there were a few photos of me performing. After a few minutes my eyes felt heavy and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.
‘The colorful lights were twinkling against the night that engulfed it. My nose was invaded with the sweet yet salty smell of popcorn and cotton candy. Energy buzzed around me like electricity, lightly shocking my senses. All around me were people playing games, eating food, and laughing with pure joy. In the distance you could hear the screams of ride goers as they raced into the air, some of them twisting and turning along the tracks. The environment was warm and inviting, glowing with delight. I soaked it all in. Embracing the happiness that flooded me, I pranced around the carnival, seeking out my next adventure. As I wandered through the fair I accidentally ran into a figure. He was tall, holding a bunch of red balloons, concealing his face from my view. A black sleeve emerged from the crowd of latex, holding a floating sphere out to me. I gently took it from his gloved hand, immediately hearing a loud, threatening crack from the sky above. Glancing up I noticed a fiery red glow erupt from behind the thick clouds rolling in the darkness of the sky. Suddenly the cheery demeanor of the festival dissipated and the screams of joy turned into ones of pure horror. I whipped around and saw multiple rides on fire, the patrons festering in their seats. Mutilated corpses laid strewn across the park, blood and guts splattered everywhere. My tears were singed on my cheeks from the heat of the flames. The scream that was bubbling in my throat was cut short as long, strong arms wrapped around me.’
I was startled awake, my body jerking up and my brain still fuzzy. I looked around my dimly lit room, looking for what caused my sudden consciousness. There were alarm bells going off in my head, but I couldn’t place what was causing them. Scanning my room for a second time, I immediately froze when I noticed the figure in the dark corner, my breath catching in my throat. Panic coursed through my veins as I fumbled to come up with a single coherent thought. The figure slowly stalked out of its hiding spot and into the dim light. My eyes finally focused on the lanky black and white clown towering over me, the same blank expression on his features as before. With my heart racing, I choked back a scream as he slowly bent down to my eye level, getting uncomfortably close. His dark eyes were threatening as he looked me up and down, assessing me. For what? I’m not fully sure. My chest was heaving from my rapid breath and pounding heartbeat, something he picked up on. He reached forward and placed a gloved hand on my chest, rolling his eyes back and breathing in deeply through his nose. I sat frozen as he smirked, opening his eyes and making intense eye contact.
My mind immediately went blank as the panic dissipated from my body, being replaced with a strong need. As I gazed into his onyx eyes I felt a strange, intimate connection to the man in front of me. His hand climbed from my chest to caress the side of my face, gently gliding his thumb over my lips. I slowly opened my lips, inviting the digit into my mouth, and sucked lightly as it hit my tongue. His taste was bitter and salty, and he smelt of fire and sweat. Normally I would be repulsed but for some reason I was intoxicated. The clown’s mouth was hung open with lust, chest quivering from his deep breaths. If he had pupils, I knew they would be dilated. My eyes closed as I savored the flavor of him, moaning softly. He pulled his hand away, I released his thumb with a soft pop. My eyes shot open as I felt a rough yank on the ponytail atop my head. I fell back and the man followed me, climbing on top of me. His long lanky frame just barely fit on the small couch with me. His hands roaming my sides as he buried his face into the crook of my neck, sucking and biting with a hunger I’ve never experienced before. I moaned as his hand snaked under my shirt, roughly grabbing at my chest.
A sharp pain radiated from my neck and I shrieked. His hand quickly clamped over my mouth as he continued the assault on my neck, warm blood trickling down my shoulder. Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks as I struggled to get out of the grip that was holding me down. Finally the man sat up, blood adorning his mouth and filled his smile. Hand still over my mouth, he ripped my shirt exposing more of my chest. A muffled scream was ripped from me as the clown dug his finger into my fresh neck wound. He then took said digit and proceeded to write something on my flesh. Once he was done, he leant back over me with a sick, mocking sad face. Dragging his finger down his cheek, mimicking a tear. Finally placing a finger over his mouth in a shushing manner, he leant down and kissed my temple with a surprising gentleness. The hand covering my mouth moved to wipe the tears off my face. I whimpered as he placed another tender kiss on my forehead. The mysterious man gave me one more smile and wave of his fingers before he was gone without a trace. I laid in silence, my mind completely blank try to make sense of the last 10 minutes.
A loud banging startled me out of my daze, as whoever knocked started to come in. Fearing it was the man from before, I sprang up and used my entire body weight to slam the door shut. I heard a muffled grunt and exclamation of “what the fuck” as the lock clicked back into place, preventing anyone from coming in.
“Hey, you missed the whole performance!” My older brother yelled at me from the other side of the door. Ice ran through my veins as I scrambled for my phone and noticed it was 10:45 pm.
“Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” I exclaimed while throwing my phone back down on the couch. I caught a glimpse of myself in my vanity mirror and I looked horrible. Somehow the bags under my eyes were worse, my body was flushed, and my hair was completely disheveled. My neck was still dripping crimson, with obvious teeth marks. My shirt was jaggedly ripped with dried blood marking the visible skin. In messy, dripping lettering, ‘Art’s pet’ was written across my chest. A strange shiver ran back up my spine, and I stood there wondering if I’d ever see this man again. Most of me hoped I never would, but a tiny part of me begged to differ.
A few weeks have passed since the strange encounter with the black and white clown, I now know as “Art”. He’s also known as the miles county clown with a long list of victims. I thought for a second he was just a weird fever dream, but the tiny teeth shaped scars on my neck prove otherwise. I’ve constantly been thanking the powers above that it was getting colder out, with me having to wear turtle necks to obscure my markings. My dreams have also been haywire since that night, filled with decimated remains and burning fire. He’s always there too, welcoming me with his demented gifts and acts of passions. Whether it's a still beating heart, a crude mural of me in coagulated blood, or gory jewelry from his victims, he always has something to give me. Greeting me with his signature wide smile, accompanied by some flourish to produce the gift of the day. With his palms out stretched, eyes blinking innocently, he’ll traumatize me yet again with a morbid curiosity.
Luckily I’ve been able to push his invading presence out of my mind during performances and when I’m around my family. My sister has noticed I’ve become a bit more reclused and only asked me about it once. When I snapped at her with an anger she hadn’t seen before, she never pressed the issue after. Tonight I sat in my heavily decorated trailer, covered in old rock n roll posters, tapestries and sentimental trinkets. I had a small dark brown vanity sitting in the front of the small room, my burgundy red twin sized bed laid adjacent to the vanity. My clothes and costumes were strewn about and hung up on a small portable hanging rack, a small bookcase sat at the foot of my bed with a vintage, delicate, lamp sitting on it. Books lined the shelves, ranging from the classics like Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and Bram Stokers’ Dracula. Tonight I was reading The Complete Tales of Edgar Allen Poe, my head was laid at the foot of my bed, my tiny lamp dimly lit the pages. I lounged lazily in only my black satin robe, trying to turn my mind off for the night, preparing for sleep. A sudden loud knocking came from my front door. With a jump, I bookmarked my spot and slowly sat up. The pounding came again, even louder and more aggressive than last time. I stood up and wrapped the robe tighter around myself, slowly reaching for the curtain covering the small window on my door. The fervent banging picked up once more, and with a flourish of anger, I ripped the door open without looking first. There, in the misty night, stood the clown of my nightmares. The white and black mirage stood stone still, eyes wide, a bouquet of wild flowers outstretched towards me. ‘No , no, no’ raced through my mind as the door started to close. My ragged breath caught in my throat as a large gloved hand slammed on the door as I tried to shut it. He slowly climbed the feeble stairs and stepped into my tiny trailer, hunching to prevent from hitting his head on the ceiling. I stared up at him with pure shock and a hit of fear. He gleamed down at me and he stretched the bouquet back to me. With shaky hands I gently pulled it from his humongous mitt, ogling the beautiful flowers in my hand and gave them a gentle sniff. The scent of fresh florals and the musky scent of the impending rain wafted towards me and I hummed with satisfaction. He bowed down, gently grasped my other hand, and gingerly pressed a kiss to my knuckles. A blush creeped up my face as I shyly looked away, pulling my hand from his grasp. He smirked and stalked towards my vanity, taking a seat on my small chair.
He patted his lap and looked at me expectantly with a big smile. I gingerly placed the bouquet on my bed, wiping my sweaty palms on my robe and approached him sheepishly, finally standing in front of him. He reached out and wrapped his long arms around me, pulling me into his lap, causing me to yelp. He nuzzled into my neck, his warm breath tickling the sensitive scar tissue, sending shivers down my spine. Smirking at me through the mirror, he rubbed my sides, gently squeezing, almost threatening to tickle me. I made direct eye contact with him in the mirror, trying my best to give him the stoniest stare I could. He frowned, looking down, twiddling with the satin belt. I swiftly grabbed his hand before he could untie my robe and I just stared at his reflection as he continued to look down with his ‘sad’ face. Slowly his eyes connected to mine in the glass and we just sat there staring at each other for a long pause. My expression stayed cold, and his frown curled up into a scowl. With a silent huff he rolled his eyes and pushed me off his lap. I stood, stunned, as he walked over to my clothing rack and palmed the sequined outfits. His face broke out with a wide smile as he grabbed a shiny red one piece body suit from the hanger, rushing up to me and pushing it towards me. I jumped at his erratic actions, my arms limply holding the outfit. I looked up at him with confusion, as he started miming taking off his clothes sensually, almost in a cartoonish manner. I gulped and tightly gripped the belt of my robe till my knuckles were white. With another silent, irritated huff, he tapped his clown shoes impatiently on the ground and looked at his wrist as if there was a watch there. Not wanting to anger the man in front of me, I turned around and with trembling fingers I picked at the knot holding my robe together. It finally fell free and it gently slinked off my shoulder. I laid the one piece on my vanity and slipped the robe completely off, avoiding my gaze from the mirror entirely. I was never one to stare at myself naked, let alone in front of the miles county murderer. Somehow I didn’t hear him sneak up behind me, instead being scared by his hands snaking around my waist.
“Why?” I whisper, finally locking eyes with him in the chrome glass. His chin was buried into my neck and his breath fanned against my cheeks. His eyebrows quirk up in a question and his face falls to the side, feigning innocent curiosity. With an annoyed huff I yank my way out of his grasp and turn to face him. My hands cemented on my hips.
“What do you want?” I ask rather gruffly. The look of shock briefly took over his features before being taken over by a look of malice. I felt the spurt of confidence I had immediately disappeared as he reached forward. His hand gripped my throat and in a flash I was thrown onto my bed. He laid atop of me with a look of glee as he watched me struggle for breath. I knew my face was on the verge of turning purple when he finally let go. He leaned over me and stuck his long sharp nose into my neck. I could feel his hot breath against my skin and a shiver ran down my spine. Somehow I just knew he was breathing in the scent of my fear. That thought caused yet another shiver to rack through me, and the clown wasn't oblivious to it. I felt something warm and wet run up the side of my neck. His tongue left a prickly sensation in its wake as he faced me again. A smile adorned his face and his finger came up to boop me on the nose. Clumsily, he crawled off of me and I remembered that I was nude. I grabbed my blanket and covered myself as Art grabbed the one piece setting on the dresser. He brought it to his face and took a big sniff. Yanking it from his nose he made a silent gagging motion and threw the one piece at me. It hit me in my chest and with caution I took a small smell of the fabric. My eyebrows drew together as the scent of laundry detergent invaded my nostrils. The clown had his nose pinched between his fingers, sticking his tongue out in yet another gag and I rolled my eyes.
After dressing in my red leotard, Art led me to the performance tent. I felt uneasy as I stood on the pitch black stage. A loud crack emanated through the room as the lights sprang to life, eerie silence followed in suit. I was temporarily blinded, squinting my eyes until they adjusted. Almost immediately I recognized the 5 people sitting in the front row. My family was duck tapped and gagged, unconscious in their confines, blood coming out of differing cuts and scratches on their faces, proving they put up a fight. My family wasn't the only people in the crowd. Decapitated torsos, gutted stomachs, and carved up bodies surrounded my family. Staring at the mutilated and bloody corpses caused bile to rise in my throat. Panic wracked through me causing tears to cloud my vision, falling to my knees, wretching. Art started clapping in a way to get my attention. I turned my head towards him, a giant blanket covering something behind him. He gestured to my family, an evil smirk adorning his face as I slowly looked back at them. They were gently stirring as they slowly started becoming conscious again. That’s when it dawned on me. 5. The twins, mom, dad, and my older brother. I whipped my head back towards the black and white clown.
“Where is she?” While Looking straight at me, he reached up, grabbing the thick white tarp. Yanking down, the cloth fell from the giant round shape. It revealed my sister strapped to the wheel of death, the spinning circular board we used for our knife throwing acts. She was also coming to lucidity, fear flooding her features once she was able to comprehend a little of what was going on. Art slowly stalked towards my crumpled frame, bending down and dropping daggers in front of me. Immediately looking between my sister and the blades I was able to piece together what he wanted.
“No, fuck no!” I screamed, crawling backwards away from the sharp knives. Art grabbed my upper arm in a Vice grip, almost immediately bruising. Picking me up by said arm he pushed me towards the pile of metal. I violently shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself, staring at the ground. He pinched my chin between his fingers and jerked it towards him. I stared at him with glossy eyes. He frowned at me and gestured his hand towards my sister. My face morphed from fear to complete hard anger.
“No.” I glowered, refusing to break eye contact with him. His face became stony as he pushed my chin from him. Standing to his full height he glared at me and walked off stage. With him gone I rushed to my sister to untie her from the spinning board. As I got to one of her wrists she looked at me with tears streaming down her face. Muffled words escaped her taped lips.
“Hold still, I’ll get you down faster.” As I was distracted with the buckle my sister seemed to notice a familiar figure creeping up behind me. Her silence quickly turned into muffled screaming and thrashing. Finally focusing back on my sister, her wide eyes told me everything I needed to know. Looking over my shoulder I saw the clown raise his arm with something in it. With a quick strike down, I felt searing pain rip through me. I was lurked forward with the sheer force of the whip, screams being torn from me with every strike of the weapon. My sister's tears rained down on me as I clung onto her for support as the lashing continued. My back felt like it was being sliced open by a million little knives. The searing pain caused my consciousness to start to waiver. My sisters muffled screams faded from me as my ears started ringing, only hearing the crack of the cat o’ nine tail. My mind focused on nothing but the constant burn radiating from the wounds, refusing to let my legs buckle from the pain. Finally the lashing came to a halt as I heard a voice ring out.
“Okay! Okay. She’ll do it, just stop!” I looked up at my sister, noticing the tape dangling from the corner of her mouth. Her tears must have loosened the adhesive. “Do it. I trust you. Just get it over with.”
With heavy breath I slowly and painfully turned, looking at the demented man in front of me. Cautiously limping towards the pile of throwing blades, my knees wobbled slightly. I stopped to regain my balance, before bending down to grab the steel daggers. The cold metal bit at the warm skin of my palms, and the weight of them threatened to pull me down. Turning back to face my sister, I saw Art forcing her mouth shut with fresh tape. She struggled a bit, glaring with a hatred I’ve never seen. I stole a glance back at my tied up family, differing levels of horror adorning their faces. My mothers face was covered with tears and my fathers face was hard with a fire licking behind his eyes. Nothing but fear adorned the twins faces, and my older brother was looking around. Forming a way to get out, I assumed. Clapping for attention, I turned back to the black and white demon, watching him grab onto the wheel, to heave it down with his full body weight. My sister started spinning and I took a deep breath. Separating a knife from the bundle, I aimed it, cocking my arm back and tossing the blade directly at the board. It landed right between my sister's legs. Grabbing another blade, I wretched my arm back and threw it again. Thinking was never a good idea when it came to knife throwing. Just aim, breathe, and throw. The more you stall, the more you hit the target. Before I knew it I only had one dagger left. All the other throws were perfect misses and I readied myself for a final good throw. A loud piercing honk rang into my left ear. My throw was ruined. And I watched in horror as the sharp steel plunged itself into the soft flesh of my sister's thigh. Her muffled scream was drowned out by the intense ringing in my ears as I turned and looked at the clown. He was pointing at my sister and silently belly laughing, holding his stomach.
“I hate you! You stupid, annoying motherfucker!” I ran up to Art, hitting him on his sturdy chest. He barely reacted as he looked down his nose at me, watching me pound onto him with my full weight. He snatched my wrists and held my arms out, staring at my red face as I continued screaming profanities at him. Smiling sinisterly, he let go of my wrists and stalked towards the, now still, round board my sister was still attached to. I had no clue what his plan was but I tightly grabbed his arm, refusing to move. Realizing he was anchored, he slowly faced me again. “What will make you stop?” I basically whimpered. His grin widened even more than I thought it could. He stood back up to his full height, and I couldn't help but gawk at his towering stature. Gazing up, he tapped his chin in a ‘thinking’ manner until he snapped his fingers in a eureka moment. Cocking his head to the side, he grinned at me, leaning his face down. Becoming eye level with me he gently tapped his cheek, as an indication to give him a kiss.
A wave of nausea hit me, but I also got a fuzzy, warm feeling course through me at the same time. I hated it. I hated myself, for having some sort of affection for the man who’s done nothing but torture me and my family. I snapped back to reality when a loud clap erupted in front of my face. I blinked and refocused on the man in front of me. His face was almost child-like as he watched me with pure, I’m not sure, adoration? I took a deep, quivering breath, and stepped forward. Wrapping my arms around his neck, balancing on my tip toes, and I gave him what he wanted. Granted it wasn’t on his cheek, but he didn’t seem to mind. His lips still had that rich smokey flavor as last time. His hands immediately found my hips and pulled me in closer, almost desperate to get me closer. His tongue licked at my lips and I opened eagerly. I just let him have control, not feeling strong enough to put up a fight. I pulled back with a gasp as a sharp pain came from my lip. A small trickle of blood ran down Art's chin, causing me to reach up and gingerly touch my bottom lip. Pulling my hand back, there was warm blood covering my finger tips, and my lower lip throbbed.
“Let them go.” I croaked out. Art still had his grip on my waist, and squeezed almost threateningly. His eyebrows knitted together and his eyes squinted together in distrust. “If you want me, let them go. I’ll be all yours, no questions asked. As long as they’re safe.” I gently cupped the side of his face and placed our foreheads together. Our breathing slowed and we shared a moment of peace. Running my thumb over his jagged cheek bone, I felt my eyes water.
“Please.” I whimpered. Tears ran down my face as I finally looked up at my tormentor. His eyes almost softened when he saw me. His hand moved from my waist to my cheek, brushing the tears off as they fell. With a gentle kiss to my forehead, he stretched up to his full height and stepped back. He turned to the side and lifted his arm towards my sister. I slowly looked between the appendage and her. Making eye contact with the man again, I nodded and sped walked up to my sister. She was barely lucid. I lightly slapped her face and her eyes finally focused on me. Pulling a knife out of the board, I cut away at the leather straps holding her to the panel. When she finally tried to put weight on her leg she screamed. She grabbed the knife sticking out of her thigh and I supported her the best I could. I looked over my shoulder to see Art was gone. Not waiting a single moment I hobbled her across the stage, refusing to listen to her pleas to stop. We finally got to our trapped family. They sat there with nothing but pure terror and tears on their faces. With the dagger I cut my father loose first. Immediately he wrapped me in a bear hug, almost squeezing me a bit too hard. He held me for what felt like years but was no longer than a few seconds. My sister struggled to release my mother from her confines when we heard a loud boom. The heat came soon after as the back of the stage was lit ablaze. The fire grew to the top of the tent within seconds.
“Jesus Christ!” My father hollered as he, and the rest of us, scrambled to free our brothers. The smoke was thick and dark, making breathing almost impossible. Coughing, we were able to untie my brothers. We all were kneeling down toward the ground, trying to avoid the thick musk above us. “We’re not gonna be able to make it!” My mother screamed, as the loud crackle of the flames almost drowned her out. I could tell my sister was worse for wear, and I had no idea how to get her out. While my head was swimming with panicked thoughts, my eldest brother noticed the dagger I still had clutched in my hand. He grabbed the blade out of my hand, dashing towards the closest tent wall and carved into it.
“Come on!” He screamed as everyone rushed to the new opening. I grabbed my sister and supported/ dragged her out of the tent. Her consciousness was faltering when I laid her on her back. We hacked and gagged as we finally got some of our breath back. The tent was completely ablaze. I heard sirens wailing in the distance as my head started to spin. I started dry heaving while slowly crawling away from my family, not wanting them to see me like this. My vision blurred from the tears and the spinning when I suddenly saw I black shape in front of me.
“Get away from her!” A distorted familiar voice rang out as I looked up and saw a blur of white and black. For a split sec I was able to focus and I saw Art standing there. Blank faced and fists balled to his sides, he raised his foot. In a split second everything went black.
Waking up was almost like a nightmare to me. My head pounded and I was freezing. The room was still spinning and My eyes couldn’t focus on anything. I tried to move, but I was cramped in something small. With a groan I reached out and touched something cold and metal. But it wasn’t solid, it felt like it was made out of metal wiring. I adjusted myself and once again heard the ringing in my ears start up. The floor was solid underneath me, but I could see outside of my confines. My fingers once again grasped the walls around me and it all clicked. I was in a steel cage. Visions of what happened before I was knocked out bombarded my brain. Adrenaline mixed with panic and caused everything to come into sharp focus. There wasn’t much to see, it was dark and dingy, a single light swung above my cage. A smashed tv sat on the floor across from a table with a little stool. Blood and various sharp objects littered the table. I immediately scattered backwards until my back hit the chain wall. The reality of what I agreed to dug its way to the forefront of my brain. I agreed to be with this man. For whatever he shall need me for. My stomach flipped as all the possible scenarios ran through my mind. My leotard -covered body shivered in the corner of the cage. My erratic breathing caused me to notice that there was something around my neck. My throat felt constricted and panic wracked through me as I clawed at it until I got a decent grip, ripping it from my throat. In my hand sat a collar. A. Fucking. Collar. My ears weren’t ringing, it was the bell on the collar the entire time. I was drowning in my thoughts when The entire cage rattled, as someone else shook it. I snapped my head up and was greeted with Art's smiling face. He lifted up the top of the cage, revealing the door. His face slowly morphed into frown as he looked at my face, then my neck, and finally to the collar in my hand. He held out a finger initiating to give him a minute and closed the cage. Prancing over to the table I saw him pull a thin sparkling string up and hold it close to himself. After finagling with it for a moment, he walked back over, and completely flipped the top of the cage open. He held out his hand, dangling there was a necklace with a heart dog tag. It read “Arts pet”.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for headcanons for dating Solomon, Simeon, Barbatos, and Diavolo please?
Sorry this took so long I've been busy and lowkey unmotivated
Fandom:Obey Me
Character: Solomon,Simeon,Barbatos,Diavolo
Author: Mod Betty
Warning/tags: fluff, reader is the MC,I haven't played obey me in forever so I apologize if these are slightly OOC,Slight hurt/comfort on Solomon's part, not proofreaded
Reader is gender neutral
Word count :1,431 words
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-A cheeky motherfucker that's also secretly clingy
-When dating he's usually the one to playfully tease you,the way your face contorts into embarrassment is just too cute! But don't worry he's not the type to make you feel humiliated it's all light hearted
-Despite his mysterious and shady aura he's actually a huge dork
-Whenever he's experimenting with potions he likes to have you nearby, though he'll make sure that you're 100% safe and after each experiment that went wrong will immediately ask you if you're alright
-Also likes to take you on walks where he usually collects ingredients for potions and he'll talk about random things that come to mind
-If you're struggling on a certain task he'll offer to help which is often and he usually says "What are you going to do without me ____" in a jokingly way before continuing with his tutoring session
-When you haven't learnt how to use magic yet , he'll be extra protective of you and always be nearby( not in a weird way)
-He knows how cruel demons are and to them you look like a scrumptious lunch that's just begging to be devoured
-In public he doesn't mind affection,he'll hold your hand or plant a kiss on your cheek
-Devildom is usually cold so he offers you his jacket, it's not like he wears it properly anyway
-In private he lets his walls crumble slowly as he hold you closely
-Some nights he just holds you tightly as he stays wide awake,simply thinking about how events you'll have to depart from this world,a world without you? No he can't have that! He can't lose you! His grip on your body tightened which caused you to wake up
-He really appreciates when you comfort him,it makes him feel less lonely but most importantly it makes him feel loved
-His kisses are usually desperate and needy
-He needs to feel your presence, that you're still there,in his arms.He needs to know you'll never leave him and that you'll always be by his side.
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-The sweetest man you've ever met
-He's always gentle with you and makes sure he doesn't overwhelm you I mean you're in a completely different realm where hungry demons live
-He often comes to the House of Lamentation to invite you to Purgatory Hall because he doesn't want you walking alone and possibly getting hurt( the brothers will have his head if he let their precious human get hurt)
-Offers you tea and sweet treats for you and is always glad to hear your thoughts on them
-Also dating Simeon means you also have a child to take care of
-Luke is a ball of sunshine and also has taken a liking to you
-You were like his other parental figure and would always come to you if Simeon was busy or if they got into a small fight
-Luke sometimes helps Simeon with his little tea party dates with you cuz Solomon is uh not a great help
-Likes cooking with you ,even if you're terrible at it he'll help out! I mean your cooking can't be as bad as Solomon's right? RIGHT!?
-Simeon also doesn't mind PDA and often indulges in small touches like interlocking hands or putting his hands on your face before drawing your face closer to his and eventually your lips connect.. " Alright lovebirds we should get going save your romance for when we get back" Solomon said which caused the 2 of you to quickly pull away from the kiss,Simeon's cheeks now being a slight shade of red " R-right"
-He's sorta your guardian angel and magically everything that goes wrong doesn't end terribly. Accidentally tripped? Don't worry he's there to catch you! Feeling overwhelmed when you can't understand assignments? His relaxing aura and soft gestures always manage to calm you down
-His kisses are soft but full of love,he enjoys the texture of your lips on his,doesn't matter if they're smooth or chapped.Everytime he kisses you on the lips,it's usually followed by a " I love you " or " you mean the world to me" and those aren't just sugar coated words, he's ready to sacrifice his status as an angel if it means being able to love you and feel your love for him.
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-He's such a gentleman and always tends to your needs
-Don't worry about feeling like a burden about him doing everything! He's a butler and it's his duty to serve,besides he enjoys doing things for you
-Since he's the butler of the future Demon King ,he's usually busy so his way of showing affection is by acts of service so please let him serve you
-He doesn't usually invite you to the castle but Diavolo can sense when Barbatos starts missing you so he invites you to the castle and quietly leaves the room to leave the 2 of you some alone time
-He probably has a 6th sense when it comes to you,like if you're in need of comfort or are in danger or just simply miss him he'll be right at your doorstep
-When he makes treats for Diavolo, he purposely makes more than needed just to give them to you
-He's not much into PDA honestly,maybe hand holding here and there but he usually keeps affection in private
-He's more willing to show his emotions in the privacy of his room
-After a tiring day of butler duties he only thinks about going to bed with you next to him
-Cuddles are usually exclusively to nighttime unless Diavolo gives him a break day
-He likes to be the big spoon,your back pressed against his chest as he holds you protectively
-It's almost an instinct for him to protect you
-His kisses are always sweet that leaves you wanting more
-He always kisses your hand as a greeting and as a goodbye but everytime he kisses your lips,it assures you that you're loved by him and you'll always be safe with him.
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-Oh he's just so happy and giddy when you started dating
-He's so used to people fearing him for his status and only being nice to him mainly because he's a future king so when you showed genuine kindness to him he bursted into a happy mess
-He always spoils you rotten and will not take no for an answer
-Please let him spoil you cuz he wants to show how much he loves you and how much he cares for you
-Material gifts aren't his only way he expresses his love for you
-He also loves praising you and getting praise from the Devildom's Prince is a tough thing to get
-If you did well on a test he'd say that he's really proud of you and always makes sure you feel good about yourself
-The whole Devildom already knows about the fact you two are dating so he doesn't see the point of hiding his affections in public but only if you're comfortable ,however he saves the more passionate gestures and words in private
-You two would be cuddling on his bed, his hand on your cheek as he looks in your eyes,oh how captivating they are " Do you know you look absolutely stunning" he asks,a smile on his face " Yeah I mean you mention it at least 3 times a day" you giggle,reaching for his face to mimic his gesture " And you are quite beautiful yourself" you said as you close the gap between the two of you.After your lips parted,Diavolo smiles " And those beautiful eyes of your,more beautiful than any rare gem" he kisses your temple "And such pretty lips and forms a smile that never fails to make me feel warm and fuzzy " he says,kissing the corners of your mouth, another compliment and another kiss
-When cuddling, he has his arms wrapped around your body,pulling you in a snug embrace but not too tightly to hurt you since he is award of his strength
-But he also loves being held! Likes it when you play with his hair and kiss his forehead, it's like you've casted a sleeping spell on his and he knows that everytime you kiss his forehead,he will have good dreams
-Kisses are abundant but full of love and passion.He pours his entire love for you in every kiss,each kiss being treated as the last one. He knows that the world can be cruel sometimes so he wants to have every possible happy moment with you.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Wait I’m genuinely curious about the mechanisms of this - so I know about ao3 and copyright law, but what about zines? I think the earliest are from the 1970s but how have they, as a media form, survived for so long if they’re also technically breaking the law by profiting off an IP? I get a lot are for charity and companies would be reluctant to sue projects for charity but I’ve seen some being sold that aren’t?
And also what about authors who post early updates on patreon or have patreon exclusive fics? That surely has to break copyright law?
Possibly answering my own question but maybe it’s because companies don’t care about this but I also did live through Nintendo viciously taking down let’s plays because they thought it breached their copyright by disincentivising people from playing the games?
Companies can be really strict about their IPs, so I’m really curious as to how this is happening and how people are protecting their works.
Getting away with shit and shit being legal are two very different things. ;)
And, to be fair, shit being illegal and companies threatening you with legal action are also very different things.
The oldschool ones were not for charity. You could make a fair use argument, but most zines survive simply because rights holders don't bother to go after them. Small print runs of physical objects are often not seen as significant enough to bother with. Zine makers often argue that they're only charging because they need to cover the printer's bill. Some prices on old zines bear this out; others don't.
Plenty of zines did get shut down by rights holders, however, from big-for-sff-publishing names like Chelsea Quinn Yarbro to Hollywood types like George Lucas. The reasons ranged from "My historical figure vampire is super original and your random-ass zine is endangering my copyright" (Fuck you, CQY. I'm never reading a page of your crap!) to "I just don't like Luke/Leia for some reason but won't tell you why" (LOL). I hear Lucas went after horny zines in general too. I wasn't around for any of this, obviously, but there are writeups online, including on Fanlore.
I presume modern zines benefit from the greater awareness around fair use and around bad press from suppressing fanworks, but they could still be in danger from big rights holders. Being legal or illegal is less important than who has the money for lawyers. Sometimes, a fan can get a big corp to back off by brazening it out, but you have to tell them your legal name and go "Come at me, bro!" Who wants to do that?
Fic Patreons are not only on shaky legal ground, but Patreon does not allow that use of the site. It's a private company, not a public service, and it can pretty much do as it pleases. Here are the guidelines in part:
Restrictions We don’t allow creations and benefits that violate our terms or policies. You can learn more by visiting our Community Guidelines and Benefit Guidelines. A high level summary of those rules is that we don’t allow:
illegal creations or benefits;
creations or benefits that are abusive towards other people;
creations or benefits that use others’ intellectual property, unless you have written permission to use it, or your use is protected as fair use;
or creations or benefits with real people engaging in sexual acts.
If your fans include people under the age of 18, then please remind them that they need their parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to purchase an offering or membership subscription on Patreon, and that those under the age of 13 cannot use Patreon. We are not required to allow any particular person or group of persons to be a patron or otherwise access Patreon services.
Now, yes, they do make an exception for fair use, but I doubt they'll side with the majority of fanworks creators on their particular Patreon works counting as fair use. (Actually, they might be more lenient on RPF. That "real people" rule is about porn starring live actors, not about RPF.) They might rule in favor of the person selling their fic on there, but they very well might not, and even if you were willing to fight it out in court, you probably couldn't since Patreon would be denying you service on their site, not suing you. They can deny service to whomever they want any time they want.
I don't advocate tattling to Patreon simply because I don't think there's any social contract around respecting Patreon's wishes, nor are Patreons I don't back super visible and in my face. Patreon is built by people who get paid to do that; the extra ethical issues present on AO3 are not present here. I don't really approve, but I'm also not going to go out of my way to rat on people. However, I'm sure that fandom enemies of BNFs with Patreons do tattle. I'd advise anyone monetizing this way to have other contact info for their patrons in case they suddenly get kicked off.
Basically, people are flying under the radar, and then periodically, there's a big drama where a rights holder or hosting site destroys everything.
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ones-g · 10 months
"I'm not a minor"
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Synopsis: Y/N owns a piercing shop where she also does piercings herself. The rule of any site like this is to always ask for authorization from parents/guardians of minors to be able to do their job without any complaint. But this rule could be broken only this once thanks to a stubborn blonde.
—Ding Ding Ding.
The door of the premises had been opened, achieving the sound of the bell located on its threshold. A not-so-tall figure entered slowly while looking around the room.
"Welcome, please wait at the counter now I'll take care of you" You exclaimed when you noticed the presence of the feminine. You were accommodating some new products that had recently arrived, you were busy.
The blonde had heard you, of course she did. She had approached the transparent counter, inside it some jewelry or piercing materials were displayed. Natalie was entranced observing those pieces.
You finished accommodating most of the things and returned to your workplace. You met the feminine silently watching the exhibited pieces. "Thanks for waiting" You said.
She raised her head and saw you, face to face. He gave you a smile and then said. "I was passing by and... well I really wanted a piercing"
Leaning against the counter you examined it. He looked too young. "Sure... I'm Y/N, nice to meet you" You reached out your left hand towards her.
"Natalie Scatorccio, the pleasure is mine I guess..." He whispered as he shook hands with yours.
"Okay Natty, I need your ID" you informed after separating their hands and leaning back on the counter.
The blonde's eyes widened a little, apparently she didn't expect that request. "My ID?"
"That's right, you look very young honestly and I don't want a complaint to my precious place" You answered laughing a little at her, it was obvious that the girl was underage.
The girl in front of you sighed, scratched her eyebrow, and looked at you again. "I'm not a minor" He justified himself. "I implore you to remove the idea from your head that I am a minor"
You raised both hands to the height of your chest, you kept laughing at her. "In any local you're going to have to answer that question, honey."
"It's policy, a rule, something we respect so to speak." You walked around the counter until you reached her side. "You should lie better, Natalie"
The aforementioned gave a nervous giggle. "I'll give you double just for a fucking piercing," he spat.
"Are your parents capable of denouncing? Or setting the place on fire?" She fell silent after your questions. "If they are capable of that... there is the door, get out"
Natalie quickly shook her head, snapping her fingers as she approached you "Believe me, they don't even care" She clucked and crossed her arms. "But if you refuse, I'm leaving, I won't insist. It's not my style"
You narrowed your eyes, was I playing a psychological game on you? You deigned to look out through the window, you noticed that few people passed by over time. You looked back at her and sighed heavily.
"Okay Natty Scatorccio, which one do you want to do?"
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"Breathe, you'll just feel a sting in a matter of seconds."
The girl had decided on the eyebrow piercing. It had surprised you since apparently the blonde was already more than sure that this was her definitive piercing.
The pointed object quickly penetrated the little meat located on the girl's eyebrow. She simply winced in 'pain'. "Okay, just let me…put this in its proper…" You placed the curved piece carefully while biting down on the tip of your tongue for concentration and balance. "Perfect, that's it" You informed walking away from the blonde removing both gloves from your hands.
The girl got up and went to the mirror in front of her. An ear-to-ear smile grew on his face. "Don't touch it so much, just to take care of it..." You said
"It's perfect..." he murmured. "How much do I owe you?"
You turned to her and shook her head "Nah, it's free"
His face changed drastically. "You're fucking with me" You denied again.
You walked back to the counter and entered it. "Are you really telling me? Are you letting me have it for free?" He asked again making you laugh
"Yes Natalie and take it" You handed her a paper which she received "It's a guide to cure it, you don't want to lose your eyebrow right?" you joked
Natalie chuckled a bit. "Thank you, you really are good at your job" You shrugged your shoulders and smiled.
"Get out before I change my mind" And without further ado, that younger blonde for a few years said goodbye to you.
But apparently he didn't realize that behind that piece of paper was your number. You liked Natalie Scatorccio.
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clarythericebot · 2 years
The Guardian
As heartbreaking as this fact may be, they cannot do this for all the sick children.
The child must be the perfect mixture of sleepy and awake; innocent enough to still believe in wondrous things and lucid enough to know they are not dreaming, that they are being trusted with a precious secret they must keep for however long they have left. Delilah only has three days.
That night, the guardian – the title they have come to know themself over the years – bundles Delilah’s frail body in the wheelchair and whisks her out into the hall.
“Is it another surgery?” the ten-year-old mumbles. Two years ago, the girl threw screaming fits at the thought of going under the knife, and her parents made a point of reassuring her and promising her treats and rewards weeks well in advance. These past few months, that ritual had been thrown out into the wind. There had been far too many emergency operations, and by now, Delilah was used to it.
“No, child,” they say. “You’re far past need of that now.”
Delilah doesn’t hear their voice catch. “Good,” she sighs as she sinks into the metal seat. It can’t be the most comfortable space, but the guardian understands that at this point, almost nowhere feels comfortable. The place they are taking her is perhaps the final one, in this life, that pain cannot completely follow. Delilah tugs at their sleeve. “Can I take a nap?”
“In a while. I have something to show you.” They point to the end of the low-lit corridor. “Do you see that door?”
“The door to the exit?” Delilah blinks and sits up. “No, wait, that’s different. That’s…” She frowns. “I’ve never seen it before.”
“I should hope not. I only put it there a minute ago.”
“You can’t just put doors-“
“I can.”
The guardian says it with so much authority that Delilah twists to look at them. Her lips form a small oh. “I’ve never seen you before, either,” she says.
“You haven’t.”
“But I thought you were my favorite nurse.”
“You sound just like her. No—you feel just like her. And my parents, too. You feel like whenever they give me a hug.”
“Is ‘safe’ the word you are a looking for?” they offer.
“I am safe. Even though I’m not your nurse, I am your friend.” That hadn’t always been the case, of course. There was a time long ago when they were far from a friend of any human. But that no longer matters. “I want to show you something through that door. It’s the world that I came from.”
“You’re not from around here?”
“I guess I should’ve figured. What are you waiting for?”
“Your permission, Delilah.” For the second time in five minutes, the girl’s mouth rounds in surprise. “Will you allow me to take you through the door? The decision is entirely up to you.”
It will probably be the last decision entirely up to her. They want to give Delilah that.
“Yes,” the young girl says. Then, belatedly: “Please.”
_ _ _
On the other side, the world is made of light.
When they first brought children here – Adrian, the first one, had been shaking with tremors even when his eyes were wide saucers of excitement – they were afraid that the shift between worlds would destroy the children’s already precarious health immediately. It is so different from their universe made of mud and blood and soil; here, essence is stripped bare and free to float along. Galaxies can be experienced with a single touch; so can oceans of anger, clouds of love, flights of whimsy. A lifetime’s worth of marvels—that’s what they wanted to give.
Why they had been willing to risk it.
It was, happily, what they managed. There is a brightness in the bones of humans—that essential kind of light that carries them even in a world so different. Adrian had stopped shaking. Delilah laughs as they wheel her through the spirit of a waterfall.
But while the guardian’s world did not lean so much on organic matter, that did not mean it is completely divorced from it.
Soon, treacherous coughs wrack Delilah’s body once more. The guardian asks her if she would like to go back to bed.
“Will we come back here tomorrow?” she asks.
“No.” They had never seen the point in lying to children.
“Okay.” Delilah nods her head. “Can we pass by the part that tastes like Chocnut one more time?”
They do, and fifteen minutes later both of them are back in the hospital ward, Delilah’s curtained-off part sparkling softly with pink fairy lights her siblings had decorated from her. Those look like stars from another galaxy now. Delilah grins so hard her cheeks ache. “I can’t believe I thought you were a nurse.”
“I am a nurse,” they chide lightly. They hold Delilah from her underarms and smoothly place her onto her bed.
“An ordinary nurse, I mean. From here. You’re so obviously from that other place.”
“How can you tell?” Even though the children often made this observation to them after the trip, the guardian is still puzzled by how the kids make that connection. In the mirror, their disguise of a frizzy-haired Filipino woman is immaculate, and no adult ever remarked otherwise.
“You’re golden.” Delilah places a hand on her heart. “In here.”
“Thank you. But I don’t think that’s limited to people of my world.” They tussle her hair fondly. “You’re golden, too.”
Delilah ducks her head, bashful. “Thank you.”
“I need you to keep this a secret, Delilah. Me and the other world.”
“Grown-ups aren’t supposed to know about it.” Neither are children, but what the Council doesn’t know won’t hurt them. Besides, the guardian has never been a stickler for the rules.
“I promise I won’t tell.”
“May I ask one more question, please?”
“That’s already a question.” They smile. “But go ahead.”
“Why’d you let me visit?”
The way children asked questions like this is always so different from how grown-ups did. Whenever they had been pushed to deal with adults in one way or another, those adults regarded the guardian's gifts with deep suspicion. What do you want from me? always lurked behind their words.
Delilah’s inquiry isn’t like that at all. She, like the other children before her, simply wanted to know.
A few years ago, the guardian might have replied with: “To stop the pain for a while.” That answer is true. It had been enough for Adrian.
But it isn’t complete, and they’ve struggled with getting it exactly right; the guardian considered it the least they could do. Their answer shifted from “I thought you might like it” to “it’s a goodbye present” to “you deserve one more beautiful thing.”
For Delilah, they think they might finally found what they’ve always meant. “To help you understand something I learned long ago.”
“What’s that?”
“You’ll be leaving this world soon.” Delilah doesn’t flinch. That much, she understands by now. “Years ago, I had to leave my world, too, even if I didn’t want that.” Banished, to be precise. For crimes so savage and bloody the guardian still shudders to think of them. “I didn’t think I would ever find my way back. It was-“
“That’s right. It was scary.”
 “Change is always scary.” Compassion fills the young girl’s voice. The guardian’s heart breaks for her, mourns all that Delilah is and could have been, but they refuse to show that in their face; the time for mourning is not now.
“But even if that was the case,” they say, “This world , your world, surprised me. I wasn’t expecting it at all, but I found it to be as amazing as you found my own.”
Adrian had scoffed at that.  Dimitri had laughed, Mina had frowned, and Jenna rolled her eyes while clutching the guardian’s hands tight. Delilah yawns sleepily and smiles. “If Heaven is even half as cool,” she says, “I guess it won’t be so bad.”
. . .
A/N: Made it! Thanks @inklings-challenge for setting this up, and congratulations to all the other writers! I look forward to reading your stories :)
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journeytomonkiekid · 2 years
going to keep this civil as possible, but there's nothing confirmed about Mk looking up to wukong as a dad, the only person who he called dad was pigsy (he called him dadsy but still). I'm not sure about Tang but I guess he serves as a fatherly figure as well due to in SQ's debut episode, he stated that he's practically MK's father figure.
idek where the wukong and mk thing being father/son dynamic thing came from, but some of the defenses on it tends to offend asian culture (I see loads of caucasian individuals say that mentor/mentee always has to be a parental figure, which is a false claim).
the whole headcanon is getting very uncomfy, since wukong neglected mk to be traumatized by a scary demon, and macaque literally beating the life out of mk in a couple eps (which irl standards you would loose all custody of your kid and/or likely to get convicted for child abuse).
First and foremost; the creators of the show frequently include Macaque and Wukong (among Sandy, Pigsy and Tang) as MK’s father figures. That by itself tends to indicate that the relationship between him and Wukong is a parental one.
In Chinese culture; as I’ve been told by other Chinese people; a mentor tends to fulfill a very parental role as a consistent authority to the mentee. Regardless of if it’s consistently the case; it’s a long term relationship where the mentor passes down teachings to someone younger and more dependent on them. It doesn’t matter if the individual view it as parental or not; a mentor/mentee relationship is always a power imbalance seeing as the mentees future depends on the mentor being willing to teach them.
In Wan Ji’s case, her future doesn’t depend on Macaque. It will help her and Macaque depends on her participation equally. In a mentor/mentee relationship; the mentee has everything to lose while the mentor has nothing to lose (they can always just find another mentee) which is what makes the relationship inherently “parental”. You could say; I suppose, that a mentee could also just find a new mentor; but a mentee depends on trusting that the mentor knows what he’s doing. It puts a young, inexperienced individual under direct power of someone who knows better and is capable of handing down whatever information they deem necessary (with good or bad intent)
The stuff you mentioned are illegal irl, yes; but they’re not legal guardians. The same “rules” don’t apply. Besides that, Wukong and Macaque are both immortal beings; as well as Wukong being classified as a god as well. You may not be suspending your disbelief appropriately if you’re applying real world legality to this show. (Also it would be child abuse and neglect if MK was a minor; which we have no idea if he is or not.)
I understand if your uncomfortable with the subject; or if you don’t want to view Wukong and Macaque as strictly parental figures; that’s your prerogative, but please don’t try picking a fight with me over it. I’m not interested in arguing details of a culture I can’t speak for.
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hererafjastori · 1 year
I don‘t know if it‘s fanon or canon, that some of Hunter‘s scars where inflicted by Belos when he was in his cursed form, but I can‘t get this scene out of my head.
There is this specific kind of fanfic that I love, where Hunter gets adopted into the owl house and slowly unlearns all the toxic nonsense Belos taught him. He is allowed to be loud. He doesn‘t have to earn his bed, his meal, medical supplies, the roof over his head, etc. He is allowed to be loud. He is allowed to be childish. He is allowed to take a break. He is allowed to make mistakes. He is allowed to talk back to, and disagree with authority figures. Love and care (especially from a guardian to their child) should be unconditional. Getting physically punished is NEVER an appropriate reaction, he deserved better, and Eda would never do that, no matter what he does. And so on.
But I want to focus on the curse thing. Because in Belos has a cursed form. And the worst physical scars Hunter has, were inflicted upon him by Belos when he was in this state. And Hunter thinks that Belos isn‘t at fault for those things because he wasn‘t in control. That it was his own fault for triggering his uncle in some way or another. That he deserved those injuries because he set Belos off in the first place.
Eda also has a curse she doesn‘t have total control over that makes her more volatile. And we know, that even after turning into the harpy, she still needs those elixirs to stay in control (see ftf). There are infinite ways this can play out, but I can think of these:
1. Eda turns into a harpy and Hunter inacts plans to put himself in harms way to let Luz escape without injury. (physically shielding her; playing distraction;…)
2. Eda gets stressed/scared/starteled/frustrated/… and starts growing feathers. Hunter immediately panics, backpedals, apologises, maybe he has a panic attack.
3. Luz gets injured somehow. Maybe elixirs have run low and they couldn‘t get a hold of Morton in time. Maybe Eda grew claws at an inopportune time. Maybe there was a trial and error phase before she was able to properly judge the Harpy‘s strength.
4. Luz was injured by the owl beast in the days leading up to the season 1 finale, where Eda transforming seems to have been a regular occurence. She could have been attacked. She could have stood too close during a transformation. She could have held a shiny in her hand and get badly scratched whem the beast grabbed it. No matter what happened, she and Hunter start comparing scars inflicted on them by their guardians, and tell wildly different stories.
No matter how they got there I want to see Hunter react to Eda‘s reaction. She is in a similar position as Belos. She could use the same excuses: ”I couldn‘t control myself, why didn‘t you move out of the crossfire, or better yet, never let it get to this point in the first place, this is your fault”. She doesn‘t. If there are injuries, she helps patch them up. She gives them space if they need it. She apologizes. She takes accountability. She does everything in her power to keep then out of harms way. She is open and clear about what sets her off, what can be done to avoid that, what she does to keep the curse at bay, what are signs of an oncoming transformation and what they/ he can do in case she does transform/ lose control. She offers to help him move in with Darius/ the Parks/ Gwendoly/ Dell/ anyone who can protect him, and won‘t sell him out to Belos he would feel comfortable with, if he isn‘t willing to bear the risks of living with her. She doesn‘t demand forgiveness for whatever harm she caused, or for him to trust her in spite of that.
And Hunter is confronted with the fact that Belos could have - no, should have done the same, and has no excuse for doing what he did to him.
tldr: Eda would be the second parental figure of Hunter, that has a curse liable to cause anyone in her vincinity harm, and I want to see Hunter confronted with that and the way she handles such a situation.
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script-a-world · 7 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I'm trying to devise a world where there are no traditional families. Children are not obligated to be taken care of by their biological parents or anything. In fact, babies are usually incubated in labs without requiring a womb. It is entirely a community society. Anyone takes care of others who need them and everyone helps everyone. But I'm trying to figure out some logistics because people in society always have disagreements with how to raise children and everything so I'm not sure how well this might work in the long term? Maybe the highest authority should be a school instead?
Licorice: The concept of a world without traditional families is one that has been tackled many times in fiction, most famously in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I encourage you to read it, as his ideas are in some ways very close to yours; it will help you to clarify your thoughts on what you do and don’t want in your own world-building. 
Another fictional world which contains some elements similar to the one you propose is The Giver. In their world, children are born to women whose job it is to have babies, and after the infants are checked to make sure they aren’t defective, they are given to couples to raise as their own. Family connections do exist, but they are very weak, because there’s no blood bond. 
There have also been a fair few real-life experiments in raising children outside of traditional families. Two that spring to mind are the Romanian orphanages of the Ceaucescu regime, and the collective education experiment practised on Israeli kibbutzes up until the 1980s. The gruesome orphanage regime in Romania left many children permanently stunted, emotionally, psychologically, and often physically, due to a lack of love and nurturing. On the kibbutzes, the pull of family ties proved stronger than the ideology of collectivism, and collective education was eventually abandoned. 
Human beings have evolved to spend the first nine months of their development inside their mother’s wombs. We don’t know how it would impact a baby’s intelligence, psychology, or ability to form emotional bonds with other people if they were deprived of that experience, because it’s not the kind of thing we could ever do an experiment to find out; such an experiment would be a crime against humanity. We can make a pretty solid guess, though, that those nine months are crucial. 
However, it’s possible that being grown in a test-tube or pod instead of in a mother might have no negative effects on a human being. You could certainly have it that way in your story if you liked. You envisage your society as one where “anyone takes care of others who need them and everyone helps everyone.”  This supposes a universal degree of unselfishness that has hardly ever been seen in human beings up till now. Fostering that selflessness, that generosity, that pre-eminent sense of duty towards others, is going to be the core goal of your society’s education system. 
Since in your society nobody has parents, the state will presumably stand in loco parentis. People will not have mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, cousins and so on. Each individual will be both everybody’s child, and nobody’s child. Their state, whatever form it takes (democracy, autocracy, oligarchy, etc…) will be each child’s guardian and make all the decisions regarding their welfare. It can then use the power of the state to enforce obedience to its decrees. 
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henzoortega · 9 days
Building A Strong Parent-Teacher Relationship In Preschool
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As a parent or guardian of a preschooler, you want the best for your child as they embark on their educational journey. You may have heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child,” and in the world of preschool education, this couldn’t be truer. While the teacher is the primary guide within the classroom, parents play an equally crucial role in shaping a child’s early learning experiences.
In these formative years, building a strong parent-teacher relationship can be a powerful tool in ensuring your child’s successful transition into school life. It’s more than just an exchange of pleasantries during drop-offs and pickups; it’s a dynamic partnership that can significantly impact your child’s growth, development, and overall happiness.
In this post, we will explore why a strong parent-teacher relationship is essential, not only for your child but also for the school community as a whole. We’ll provide you with practical tips on how to initiate and nurture this relationship, share the benefits it offers to both children and teachers, and offer solutions for common challenges you might encounter along the way. 
Why a Strong Parent-Teacher Relationship Matters
In the early years of your child’s education, the bond between parents and teachers plays a pivotal role in shaping their learning experience. You might wonder, “Why is a strong parent-teacher relationship so crucial at this stage?” Well, here are a few reasons!
Fostering a Sense of Security and Trust
Preschoolers are at a tender age where their world is expanding beyond the comfort of home. The teacher becomes a new figure of authority and guidance. When parents and teachers work together, it creates a consistent and reassuring environment for the child. This consistency fosters a sense of security and trust, helping children feel more comfortable in the classroom.
Holistic Development
Preschool is not solely about academic learning; it’s a time of holistic development. Children are developing socially, emotionally, and intellectually. A strong parent-teacher relationship ensures that your child’s education is not confined to the classroom. It extends into the home, where you can reinforce the values, skills, and concepts introduced at school.
Early Identification of Needs
Preschool teachers like those at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool, are skilled at observing and assessing children’s behavior, learning styles, and developmental milestones. A strong partnership with parents allows for early identification of any potential challenges or areas where a child may need extra support. Early intervention can make a significant difference in addressing these needs effectively.
Creating a Supportive Learning Environment
When parents and teachers collaborate, they send a powerful message to children: education is a shared priority. This teamwork creates a supportive learning environment where everyone is working together to help each child thrive. It’s not just a teacher’s job; it’s a collective effort.
Building Effective Communication Skills
In preschool, children are not only learning academic concepts but also crucial social and communication skills. By witnessing effective communication between parents and teachers, children learn valuable lessons in cooperation, empathy, and problem-solving. This sets a positive example for them to follow.
Tailoring Education to Individual Needs
Each child is unique, with their own strengths, interests, and challenges. A strong parent-teacher relationship allows for a personalized approach to education. Teachers can gain insights from parents about their child’s learning style and preferences, enabling them to tailor their teaching methods to better meet individual needs.
A strong parent-teacher relationship matters profoundly in the preschool years because it provides children with a secure and nurturing environment, supports their holistic development, and allows for early intervention when needed. It is the cornerstone of a successful and enriching preschool experience for your child. 
Tips for Parents on Building a Strong Relationship
Building a strong parent-teacher relationship doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort and a positive attitude, you can create a partnership that benefits your child’s education and development. Here are some practical tips for parents to initiate and nurture this vital connection.
Initiate Early Contact: Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year or as soon as possible. A warm and friendly greeting sets a positive tone for the partnership.
Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings: Make it a priority to attend parent-teacher conferences and meetings organized by the preschool. These meetings provide dedicated time for discussing your child’s progress, goals, and any concerns.
Be Approachable: Let the teacher know that you are approachable and open to communication. Provide them with your preferred contact information and encourage them to reach out if needed.
Active Listening: When in communication with the teacher, practice active listening. Show genuine interest in what they have to say, ask questions, and seek clarification when necessary.
Respect Their Expertise: Trust the teacher’s professional expertise and respect their decisions. Remember that they have training and experience in early childhood education.
Be Supportive:Demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by supporting classroom rules and expectations at home. When children see their parents and teachers working together, it reinforces the importance of following rules and respecting authority figures.
Volunteer When Possible: Offer to volunteer in the classroom or during school events if your schedule allows. Your presence and assistance can be valuable to both the teacher and your child.
Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about the preschool’s policies, schedules, and any important announcements. Being well-informed allows you to be an engaged and supportive parent.
Be Mindful of Communication: Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your communications with the teacher. While open communication is essential, it’s also important to respect the teacher’s personal space and time outside of the classroom.
Express Gratitude: Most Importantly, take the time to express your gratitude to the teacher for their hard work and dedication. A simple thank-you note or a small token of appreciation can go a long way in building a positive relationship.
By following these tips, you can lay the foundation for a strong and productive relationship with your child’s preschool teacher. This partnership not only benefits your child’s education but also contributes to a positive classroom environment and the overall success of the preschool community.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
While building a strong parent-teacher relationship is immensely beneficial, it’s important to recognize that challenges may arise along the way. Being aware of these challenges and knowing how to overcome them can help maintain a positive and productive partnership. Here are some common challenges and strategies for addressing them.
Challenge: Miscommunication or misunderstandings can lead to confusion and frustration.
Solution: Practice active and clear communication. Be sure to ask for clarification when needed and provide feedback in a constructive and non-confrontational manner. Utilize email or written communication when discussing important matters to ensure clarity.
Differing Expectations
Challenge: Parents and teachers may have different expectations or goals for a child’s education.
Solution: Schedule a meeting to discuss goals and expectations for your child’s development. Collaboratively set realistic and specific objectives that align with the child’s abilities and needs. Open and honest communication can bridge gaps in expectations. Don’t expect to have this meeting at drop-off or pick-up times, be respectful of the teacher’s time and understand that a private meeting time would be best. 
Limited Availability
Challenge: Parents may have limited availability due to work or other commitments, making it challenging to engage in school activities.
Solution: Prioritize involvement in activities that best fit your schedule. Even occasional participation can make a significant difference. Communicate with the teacher about your availability and explore alternative ways to contribute, such as sending in supplies and treats or participating in evening or weekend events.
Balancing Involvement
Challenge: Finding the right balance between being involved and allowing independence can be tricky.
Solution: Respect your child’s need for independence and gradually encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. Maintain open communication with the teacher to strike a balance that supports your child’s growth without stifling their independence.
Resolving Conflicts
Challenge: Conflicts or disagreements may arise between parents and teachers.
Solution: Address conflicts privately and in a respectful manner. Approach the issue with an open mind, and try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. If necessary, involve a school administrator or mediator to facilitate a constructive resolution.
Overwhelming Expectations
Challenge: Parents may feel overwhelmed by expectations to attend every school event or volunteer for every activity.
Solution: Prioritize your involvement based on your capacity and availability. Remember that quality matters more than quantity. Focus on meaningful participation that aligns with your schedule and interests.
Cultural Differences
Challenge: Cultural differences between parents and teachers can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
Solution: Embrace cultural diversity and seek to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives. Effective communication is key to bridging any cultural gaps. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and learn from one another.
By acknowledging these common challenges and approaching them with a proactive and open mindset, parents and teachers can work together to overcome obstacles and maintain a strong and productive relationship. The ultimate goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment that benefits the child’s education and overall development.
Remember It’s A Partnership
The partnership between parents and teachers is a cornerstone of success. It’s evident that this connection goes far beyond the classroom walls and it’s a dynamic collaboration that nurtures a child’s sense of security, fosters holistic development, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. By initiating contact early, attending meetings, being approachable, and demonstrating trust in the teacher’s expertise, parents can create a supportive environment where their child can thrive.
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uptoolateart · 1 year
‘No more adults...’
Thinking back to that line in ‘The Bubbler’ - ‘no more adults means total freedom.’
I like to think that in real life there are plenty of kind parents, teachers and other such authority figures out there. However, most of the adults in Miraculous Land are overbearing, overreactive, or downright corrupt.
It’s not just the parents. It’s Sabrina’s father as the police officer. It’s the teachers sending everyone to the office immediately, for minor offences or even things that are clearly no one’s fault - my favourite being Ms Mendeleev sending Chloe up to the head office for being...attacked?? I mean...what did she really do, to deserve that?
What we are seeing is this theme of bad authority figures, which crops up again and again in the show.
I always say that being an adult does not mean you get to do whatever you want. It means being the one to choose to do all those annoying little things you were forced to do as a kid, e.g. waking up on time for work, not eating ten slices of chocolate cake, etc. It means being the one to set the rules, and this comes with its own form of pressure.
This is highlighted best through Marinette becoming the Guardian. When the show began, she really was ‘just a kid’, with rules doled out to her and Cat Noir. When Fu renounced Guardianship, he renounced his authority and handed the baton to Marinette. She is now the authority figure, and this means it’s up to her to make the rules. It’s up to her to make the decision to do things as Fu did or dare to set her own boundaries.
Yes, she has Su-Han in the background. But he is so useless that I feel like: what, really, could he do? We have seen him threaten to take away their miraculous...but could he?? He has no powers. He just puts out his hand, expecting Ladybug and Cat Noir to hand over the jewels, no questions asked. We saw in Transmission that they’re willing to do this for Tikki and Plagg, but they stood up to Su-Han. So, the kwamis earn more respect than the Order of the Guardians, the rest of whom we haven’t even seen.
And on the subject of the Order of the Guardians, Su-Han criticised Fu for using a miraculous himself. Apparently, the Guardian is not meant to be a holder, which implies that the Guardians use others to do the fighting for them...basically like Gabriel. I do not think these Guardians are worthy of respect.
So, without Fu, and without any viable replacement through Su-Han, Ladybug and Cat Noir have effectively been left without adults to guide and protect them in their superhero forms. Does this mean ‘total freedom’? Only inasmuch as Ladybug has the freedom to set the rules, now...though she hasn’t fully embraced this yet.
But that’s pretty scary. You can’t pass the responsibility to someone else to deal with. Every decision rests with you. It’s your head on the chopping block, when things go wrong. You’re the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror, after each choice and action.
Also, I think Marinette and the others are going through a classic period of disillusionment, when you realise adults don’t always have all the answers and don’t always keep you safe.
Being an adult definitely does not mean total freedom. I think many of the adults in the show behave as if it does, by taking liberties (which in itself means ‘freedom’) - but they are bad adults. There are plenty out there in the real world, but we can all work to fill the world with good adults, the way Marinette and Adrien are learning to do.
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intuitivesef · 1 year
Timeless reading
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Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Author’s note: I felt the need to do a timeless reading so here we are.
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
If you’re pregnant, then you will have a baby girl.
I hear some of you are pregnant but don’t want to hear the baby’s gender, so please ignore the black words that are crossed out (I’ve also made it small as well).
The pregnancy will go smoothly, but there will be some ups and downs emotionally. Find a supportive person to help you overcome these obstacles. If there is no one for you, be that supportive person. Although, I know how hard it is not to have someone but once you learn to be that person, not only does it change your horizon, but it expands your perspective on things. It changes your mindset and views about people and yourself.
For those of you who are depressed or are dealing with a depressive episode, I hear, “baby, everything is going to be okay. One step at a time. Don’t push yourself because you aren’t focusing on yourself. It’s okay. Everything takes time and you need to be patient with yourself.” If you feel the need to do something even though you feel it’s pointless or the feeling isn’t the same; try it and if u can’t, that’s okay. Maybe try watching videos about it for motivation and inspiration. I’m also picking up that many of you are feeling this way and I’d like to let you know that everything is truly going to be okay. This life is challenging with its roller coaster, but with all of that, we learn a lot of wisdom along the journey. I’m picking up that you should use the wisdom that you learned and apply it to this feeling.. but personally, I think you should focus on telling yourself it’s okay. Telling yourself today may not have been my best day and that’s okay. Tell yourself that every day cannot be your best day and that’s okay too. And when you wake up every day, you tell yourself how proud you are of yourself because you deserve to compliment yourself. And you deserve so much love. Not only do you deserve it, but you are WORTHY of it. Understood?
As for those of you who are dealing with family issues, spirits are telling me to tell you that you need to find a way to break out of the barrier. I feel that it has something to do with traditions, parents' (or your guardian's) expectations, or religion.. is what I’m picking up. Religion, I feel a bit iffy on it, but that’s due to the energy I’m feeling. I’m feeling like someone wants to leave the religion they were born in to either rebel against their family’s expectations and traditions or they don’t connect with it. If you don’t connect with it, then it’s your choice to leave, but if you can’t because of family, then leave and play along. Does that make sense? You can leave the religion, but with your family, just act like you’re a part of it. I hear, “be careful, child.” For those of you who want to rebel, ask yourself if that’s what you really want. Because I feel like some of you don’t want to, and you can’t deal with their expectation because it’s too much. I feel for the rest of you, this is it. This is what you want. So, figure out if it’s a feeling of rebellion or if you want to leave. You need to break your family traditions is what I’m hearing. Most family traditions are toxic and that’s what I feel for you guys. Although it’s hard to break them, the feeling you will achieve is so freeing and amazing. Breaking a cycle is not only hard, but it's necessary (in most cases) to gain freedom. Although, I believe some of you guys are the black sheep of the family so be careful with this. I’m really hearing for you guys to be careful. Though being cautious is good at times, I believe it’s best to be a bit risky when it comes to life because without risk there is always regret. I also hear LGBQT+. So your family might not accept that you’re part of the community or you came out to them and it didn't go well. For that, screw them. Honestly, screw them. You’re 100% fine just the way you are and you’re fucking awesome, got that? But in all seriousness, I hear, “you will find a community that will support you and gives you so much love you cannot handle.”
For those of you who are looking for a job, stop. All I hear is stop. I hear the reason why you aren’t finding a job or aren't being accepted to one is that you need to heal. Yeah, you need to find out who you are as a person. Do shadow work, focus on your goals, manifest your desires, and find out what you really want. Basically, find out who you are, and your guides will do the work behind the scenes. So once, you do that for yourself, boom a job opportunity. Now for those of you who need a job to pay the bills, are you looking for a job that doesn’t suit your traits and skills? Why are you looking for a job that won’t pay well either? I know times are tough when we are running out of time, but you shouldn’t feel desperate to lower your standards to find a job. If you want to then do it as a side hustle, but find a job that suits YOUR NEEDS. This may sound harsh to you, but this is what you need to hear, so I will not sugarcoat it for you.
As for you guys who are working your butts off in your workplace, but don’t see any results and feel helpless/hopeless, I hear promotion. You will get a promotion from your boss and/or a raise. This promotion or raise from your boss will help expand your rank. You will achieve a higher rank in the long run so don’t worry. I hear some of you are anxious about it and I can feel this insane amount of anxiety, but you are forgetting how much of a hard worker you are. I believe these anxious feelings are coming because you may be a perfectionist or there are expectations. Okay, so this is definitely to do with family expectations or yours, but I’m hearing family more. One thing to say is, family expectations are always impossible to achieve mentally and/or physically. Do not follow someone’s expectations instead of your own. Your expectation is important, however, if it’s mentally damaging then change your idea about yourself. Do you know what I mean? I’m saying to change your mindset, but I’m also saying, if you expect to do all your procrastinated homework (an example) in one day, then either learn to do it every hour (2-4 assignments per hour), split the days, or schedule the days. Everyone works differently, so find out what works best for you. I cannot tell you to stop worrying about such and such, but what I can tell you is that everything is alright, and your boss will be HAPPY with you, so congratulations!!<3.
For those of you who are getting married around the springtime, everything will go as planned, but for those who want it in the summer, be careful of the heat. Yes, everything will be okay, just be wary of your guests and yourself (of course your partner as well). There also could be wind coming and it might ruin your decor. I do see the wind coming in and people are kind of shielding themselves? So be cautious of that. For anyone getting married, first and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Second, the first positive idea you have about your wedding will come to fruition. I also hear, "manifest it, baby." So, manifest everything you want and keep at it. Want a celebrity to show up (something I heard), then they will show up or someone close to that (I needed to confirm it for someone). I hear about an arranged marriage for some of you and I feel this sense of sadness. Let me ask you this, is this what you REALLY want or is it because of your family? Now, I know how the arranged marriage works with religion and families, and getting out of is so fucking hard and can cause a bad reputation with you and the family, not only that, but the shame and painful memories you will get from your family and mostly everyone… but is that what you really want? Because you’re the creator of your reality even if you believe in god, gods, higher beings, etc., you’re still in control of your life. So, is this what you really want? (I keep hearing this). Don’t you want to find someone for yourself that you genuinely love? Don’t you want to achieve freedom? You may not be able to achieve it without breaking family traditions, but once you do this, I swear to you, it will make you see a new light. If you don’t break it and go forth with the relationship, it will have a rocky boat for a while.. but I see some of the relationships will work and for others, no. I think it depends on how you view it and the work you put into the relationship, but I really don’t see love for those of you who don't want this. Like I don’t see the real definition of love with them. I really do feel sad and hurt energy. My heart is breaking for you, but I also know that feeling all too well. I am here for you (you can dm me).
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Angel numbers: 1155, 1211, 1511, 222 and 999
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
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i wish this was spoilers for t&b2 2nd cour but its not. i just wish yuri adopted lara because her mother sucks. i think yuri would be a great dad despite him probably not believing he can be an explicitly positive influence on anyones life...
i think yuri would uniquely understand lara because theyve experienced some similar things in their lives (awful parents & accidental manslaughter in self-defense)
this is just an AU but huge spoiler warning for t&b 2nd cour happenings under the cut where i explain this AU in more detail (seriously dont read unless you already saw the 2nd cour):
again if you clicked the readmore open on accident, implied and explicitly stated huge massive spoilers for t&b2 2nd cour just below this text.
first of all, did i cry while drawing this? yeah. dude i am not coping....
anyways i cant get over the fact that lara killed a villain in self-defense and on accident in the 1st cour and it wasnt brought up again, she was just fine about it. plus im seething that her mother “cared about lara for real actually”, or so i understood and i dont feel like rewatching that. i dont have any sympathy for her mom...
i think the only person who could possibly know half of it and also understand lara is yuri, in regards to awful parenting and killing someone as a child in self-defense both.
yuri definitely has looked up laras information and is at least peripherally aware of her mothers circumstances, etc, we know for a fact yuri keeps up-to-date on classified information on the heroes, and just in the 1st cour he was effortlessly holding a law class for children.
i think laras mother couldve given her an ultimatum on how she is her mother and legally lara cant really do anything without a guardian- shes 14, so i dont think she can be a hero without her parents approval, and realistically paolin couldnt whisk lara away from her legal guardian no matter how much she wanted to help.
given an ultimatum from laras mother, i think paolin shouldve definitely tried to whisk lara away in the childish sense of “lets run out of here now, i dont have time to think it through but i dont want to let your horrible mother take you to a different city to put you through all of this again because i care about you”.
its not realistic, of course, and i think paolin would be aware enough of it and also retroactive enough to seek help she can think of: agnes and yuri, who are her superiors and the first authority figures she can think of since the heroes are more familiar to her
i do want to think the heroes would have some sort of legislature considering child heroes, that while imperfect (obviously, since why do child heroes exist in the first place...) are in some ways effective in protecting the rights of underage heroes, including something that makes sure theyre not manipulated in their position or somesuch.
i think the legislature would allow the judicial bureau to immediately restrict the activities of a hero if applicable and place them under alternative guardianship and for the reasons of yuri ending up as laras guardian, include something that the guardianship can be immediately transferred if a suitable guardian is found (has to be a higher-up or somesuch to begin with maybe)
its just for plot reasonings, though, and similarly i think laras mother would realize where paolin mustve taken lara and follow the two girls.
i think yuri couldve lost his mother shortly before this, but in any case, agnes isnt evil but she really doesnt feel like someone who wants to take care of a child. in a moment of weakness and his sense of justice and personal trauma, i think yuri would sign the motion and when questioned who the guardian may be, he just says its him.
i like to think he wouldnt have let laras mother take her, not after any hurried explanation from paolin and just laras body language around her mother...
which yuri regrets immediately afterwards mostly because he doesnt see himself suitable to take care of anyone any longer, even if his mothers death doesnt have anything to do with him etc.
lara would definitely think yuri is scary and intimidating, and he can be very stoic, but hes not cruel at all. lara could hug him without permission and scare herself, especially with how she got tears and snot all over his suit. yuri would be surprised by a hug but only because he doesnt know how to deal with positive things happening to him, and the rest of it is quite alright.
as it turns out, hes actually very kind and very mindful of laras feelings, whereas lara has never been in a position where she has felt free to express herself in any negative manner without being reprimanded and controlled by her mother.
yuri is also undeniably a foil to kotetsu in many ways, and to have him assume a parental role with a child would be very fitting. in contrast to kotetsus mother and bother supporting him freely and kaede being his biological child, yuri is inadvertently making his own family after fully losing it (in more ways than one, by having terrible experiences and quite literally his parents dying) by growing very fond of lara.
and i think kotetsus career in heroism has led to him at times neglect kaede, especially when she didnt know about his hero identity (despite his best efforts, because hes been so busy). yuri, however, would be such a wonderful parental figure in every way in a relatively effortless way, even if he may appear distant at times- he would just be worried about lara.
but i think lara would grow to trust him quickly, because he doesnt raise his voice nor punish her, and hes very gentle despite his meticulous demeanor.
yuri getting enrichment in his cage of sorrows because somehow, due to this, hes breaking the cycles that have kept him captive his entire life. he becomes gentler with himself because of lara talking about her feelings to him and he has to accept that if it was not a sin for lara to have killed in self-defense, perhaps he can truly forgive himself for his original sin.
i think lara couldve been cleared fit for herowork again, but yuri sees her hesitancy and asks her whats wrong, and lara would trust him enough to dare to eventually admit that she doesnt want yuri to abandon her because she cant be useful as a hero anymore, but that she doesnt even want to be a hero.
her heroism was her mothers dream, and after what happened to her and accidental manslaughter, she doesnt want anything to do with hero work on the field anymore.
it wouldve been refreshing to have someone who just doesnt want to be a hero anymore, for very understandable reasons. yuri wouldnt have been angry with her, he wouldve told her that she doesnt have to be a hero if she doesnt want to. she doesnt have to be anything... and what she experienced on the field was undeniably frightening, even without her mother having pushed her into the hero career.
and anyways, at that point, lara could just say she wishes yuri was her dad and cause yuri enter such an emotional turmoil he doesnt know what to do with himself but in a way thats somehow positive.
he would have his own reservations about it, but like, thats something hed solve by himself instead of dumping it on lara.
paolin wouldnt have been disappointed in lara either, and whereas laras mother things you have to pick between things, paolin wouldve respected laras wishes and assured her that of course theyll be best buddies forever, even if she ends up getting a new buddy hero partner. she doesnt have to choose between friends, she can be friends with multiple people at once.
i think lara couldve just become yuris daughter. yuris ties are as garish as they have always been, but theyre so cutesy now because he lets lara pick them. he has ties with hearts and flowers and stars and licensed cartoon characters. all of his private folders are now marked with cute stickers in addition to the meticulous numbering system he uses.
lara couldve been part of the whole message of “you can still be a hero even if you dont have X power or do X things”, because even if her NEXT ability is powerful, she just doesnt have the will to be a superhero. instead she would be free to choose her own path and i think she still wouldve wanted to help people some way: maybe she wouldve gotten interested in yuris career as a judge and study hard so that she could be just like him.
t&b really hasnt had anyone who has just given up on heroism,and sometimes “giving up” is the kindest thing you can do to yourself... and i just feel if theres someone else who would benefit seeing “giving up” as something positive, its yuri. because hes so strict with himself.
it wouldve been lovely to see him gain some more substance in his life and for him to see that even if he doesnt feel that way, he can be kind and gentle and a positive influence on someones life, because hes not an awful person...
like my status if you cried lol (yeah im fucking crying btw)
anyway if anyone else thinks this concept is cute and doodles something or whatever i would LOVE to see it and would love if you could tag me in that stuff... or hearing your opinions
well thats it... if you read this far youre a fucking trooper but thanks for doing so. accepting thoughts and prayers in these trying times (said through gritted teeth)
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