#we could’ve had it
loveandthings11 · 2 years
Just to make everything worse, it’s worth noting that because they didn’t know if it was ending when they started filming season 4, the entire cast must have already agreed to do a season 5 if Jesse decided to.
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thejadecount · 2 months
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
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When the misunderstanding is mutual but they’re both so sweet about it (coffee shop au edition)
Inspired by the tags below (originally on this post) from @blahblaheverythingisgay and @lovelyprincejehan accompanied by some thoughts:
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thank you for bringing this GALAXY brain take to my attention 😂 this guy comes in, all cagey about his past and his scars, always wearing baggy clothes but complaining about compression clothes (being on the run does a number on your joints and muscles), picking out a name for himself??? OBVIOUSLY he’s trans right
They somehow manage to have like three separate conversations about it without realizing they’re talking about two very different scenarios. Andrew only was so wrong for so long because scars on their own (and even being a criminal lbr) are such non-issues that it didn’t even occur to him that Neil could be talking about anything less important than being trans lol
Andrew had his little crisis about it and landed pretty solid on yeah he’s still into Neil regardless, and yeah he’s still super gay. He’ll figure out the rest from there. The only thing he didn't prepare for was Neil being uh. Cis
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morganbritton132 · 5 months
Eddie during a Q&A where he specially asked his fans to ask him questions about his marriage: Oh, just saw the question who proposed to who and-
Steve, loudly off-camera: I proposed to him and he said no!
Eddie: …first of all, you couldn’t even get gay married at the time. And second, I said no because I-
Steve: He said no because he wanted to propose to me and then DIDN’T
Eddie: I did!
Steve: A year later.
Eddie: I had to plan! I had to prep! I wasn’t going to halfass our gay fake wedding!
Eddie: And, just for your information, internet! He’s complaining and he’s making me look bad but do you know what he did? Do you know what he did the next day? I put together this beautiful ceremony with all our friends and family and you know what he did the very next day?
Eddie: He went to the courthouse and married a woman!
Steve: …Well that was for tax benefits
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my-coven-is-claudia · 3 months
i did not expect to be so devasted by madeleine and claudia’s relationship but here we are. the show goes out if it’s way to convey how good of a match madeleine is for claudia; she’s confident, twisted enough for vampire life and most importantly sees claudia as her own person. as she’s turned, she looks to the light to anchor herself, a source of comfort, but we see that all she sees in the light is claudia - that’s what brings her comfort. claudia who initially was nothing more than an annoying little girl who brazenly ordered her to modify a dress for her, paying in rings and dirty coins speaking in a tone as if she had been on the frontlines herself. claudia who now appears to her as an equal, a woman with desires of companionship like herself, a desire to break free and escape, and who doesn’t shun her for her past dances with evil but instead embraces her for everything that she is. claudia who looks at her and says ‘this is the x.’
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pinkiepig · 5 months
I haven’t drawn a human in 8339849 years
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sophiathetrainwreck · 2 years
god i wished i lived in the timeline where companies respected animation
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fitpacs · 6 months
you just know that in an alternate timeline we’re all watching the cutest easter egg hunt on the server rn with all the eggs having special costumes
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This has most definitely been said before, but we were robbed of the core four quarantining on-screen together at Buck’s place. ROBBED I say
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petition for chappell roan to guest star on what we do in the shadows
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ollyrewind · 1 year
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jedi knight merlin on a diplomatic mission?
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goodluckbabeheffron · 1 month
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this pic has kinda changed my life
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thenameisgul · 3 months
In 15 seasons Supernatural we had only two female main cast members and that too for only one season. Homophobia may have been SPN’s biggest problem but misogyny was definitely a close second.
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formerprincewille · 3 months
let’s talk about the mike and will convo on top of the car. not because it parallels jancy (tho it does), or the interruption trope (tho it happens), or the [tender, emotional music] (tho it’s there), but because of what is specifically said. mike says “i should’ve explained myself cuz then maybe eleven would’ve taken me with her and things would be different, but…i didn’t…i didn’t know what to say.” then will says “sometimes i think it’s just scary to open up like that. to say how you really feel. especially to people you care about the most. because what if…what if they don’t like the truth?”
what if they don’t like the truth?
that is such a choice to use that specific line. as an audience, we know that will is talking about his own feelings for mike, but this little speech from will is also supposed to apply to mike’s situation with el. just like when will confesses his feelings to mike using el as a conduit, it’s supposed to also apply to el’s actual feelings for mike.
but the thing is, mike is thinking about the fact that he didn’t tell el he loves her. because if he had, maybe she would’ve taken him with her and things would be different. because “i love you” is what el wants to hear. if loving el is mike’s truth, why wouldn’t el like to hear it?
and then mike’s nod after, like he agrees with what will is saying. like he knows will is right. but why would el not like “the truth” of mike being in love with her?
unless that’s NOT the truth.
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persephryne · 2 months
Making Aegon a rapist was straight up bad and lazy writing.
Let me elaborate.
In the show, the first thing we learn about Aegon as an adult is that he is a rapist. We haven’t seen him yet but still we already know that he is an horrible despicable rapist, especially since Dyana is so young, which pretty much makes him a pedophile too. How could anyone root for a man like that ? And that’s where the problem begins.
Rhaenyra had already been established many times as the rightful heir to the throne in season 1. It has been made obvious that she would make a decent Queen too. In the meantime, it had already been shown that Aegon is not even a good person. He’s selfish, inconsiderate, a bully, and does not act like a prince at all. To put it plainly, he sucks big time and we as viewers already know it. Add what we saw in season 2, how reckless he gets, how he’s an alcoholic immature asshole, how he obviously knows nothing about strategics nor how to rule efficiently, or even how bad he is at high valyrian, and you can’t have anyone tell you in good faith that he would’ve been a better ruler than Rhaenyra.
However, had Aegon not been made a rapist, you would still feel for him even though he is not cut out to rule. Because he knows it too and tried to escape it and he was forced to attend his own coronation . Because this crown that he did not want does not fit him, even though he really tries to show that he is not as worthless as everyone seems to think and he just keeps failing. You would feel for him because the war ,that he has started when he was made an usurper by the people around him, has cost him his son’s life. Because the brother, who is partially responsible for his son’s death has now betrayed him and tried to kill him with dragonfire. Because the injuries he suffered make him look more and more like his father who never cared for him, never loved him and that he definitely hates. Which also probably why he tries so hard to make his mother proud of him and love him but he can’t and his main attempt has left him half-dead, half-burn. Not only that but his dragon, with whom he has the strongest bond known in Targaryen’s, history probably died during this futile attempt to prove himself. The only thing about his Targaryen’s heritage that he seems to care about has been destroyed all because he wanted to prove himself. Because he truly resents his Targaryen’s, his father’s heritage, it’s obvious, just as it is obvious that he didn’t want to marry his own sister but was forced to. It’s completely legitimate of him to want to distance himself as much as possible from everything that is Targaryen related. He is indeed more of an Hightower than a Targaryen, but can you really blame him for that ? Would you not try to fit somewhere else too, if you were in his place ? It’s all absolutely and undeniably tragic.
I wholeheartdely believe that, even if you would’ve root for Rheanyra to be Queen, you woud’ve probably still thought that Aegon, as bad as he is, did not deserves this much pain.
But because he is a rapist, well, he honestly does.
By not trusting the audience to see that Aegon is not a good person, nor a good a king, without having him comitting a literal crime, by making Aegon a rapist, the writers have annihilated any possibilities for an internal conflict regarding Aegon and Rhaenyra. The whole concept of « teams » just goes down the drain because of this lazy, manichaean, writing. And that, my friends, is bad writing at its peak.
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segasys · 10 months
Ramune :]
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(oops image is kinda big)
alternates under
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I couldn’t decide which one was best, I’m just a sucker for blue->purple->pink blend hue whatever you want to call it
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