#we dont get much rep in hollywood.
entropy-sea-system · 2 years
spoilers for pacific rim: uprising, character death mentions
I feel like the two major deaths were rather unnecessary.. Mako Mori dies so early on that we hardly know anything abt her??? And Cadet Suresh (like.. the cadets are older teenagers at most too..) too??
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sapphicconservative · 4 years
It always annoys me when people play " white people can get treated like shit because they were never oppressed" card because yes some were and still are. Red head were seen as Satan's spawn/witches/ vampires aka EVIL and in some places killed at birth for something out of their control and people still see red heads as bad. You want to know what I see everytime a character gets racewashed into a minority (usually black, sometimes Hispanic, that's it) Hollywood has no talent and cannot created a likeable OC minority because everyone knows its most likely going to be how oppressed they are or how much their personality revolves around their race because that's how hollywood sees minorities, oppressed and their lives revolve around their race. No depth, just a blank Tonkin. So they borrow a white character's personality and popularity (sometimes changing personality too so it can match their race) and call that rep. Because at the end of the day they only care about 2 things: your money and attention. They do not care about real rep. They don't care about the characters They re working with unless its about how they're using them to get your money. They don't care about the heartbroken kid once they find out the character they like so much is nothing more than a cheap knockoff of a different( usually better written) one. THEY DONT CARE. And unless you stop praising the talentless knockoffs, they will just keep coloring the skin color darker, slapping some appropriate BLM, I'm so oppressed rederic, and calling it BRAVING AND STUNNING rep for the (people of) colored folkx.
“It always annoys me when people play " white people can get treated like shit because they were never oppressed" card”
It’s a good time to remember the origins of the word “slave” comes from the Slavs, who are white people and were, as it implies, slaves in Europe. This notion of “white people cannot be oppressed” is a very poorly American line of thinking.
“Hollywood has no talent and cannot created a likeable OC minority because everyone knows its most likely going to be how oppressed they are or how much their personality revolves around their race because that's how hollywood sees minorities,”
Mostly truth in here. Hollywood doesn’t know how to make something with an appropriately diverse cast without skewing it to be heavily for one race or the other. And, when it is heavily skewed for minorities (or even women), they have to try to pander with “woke speak.” 
They are playing right into Hollywood’s hands, rather they know it or not. Instead of having to think about the universe they have created (or are trying to turn into a movie), they allow Hollywood to be as lazy as possible and alter the existing cast.
There is nothing brave or exciting about this. They just singlehandedly said, “We don’t deserve our own original representation.” Hollywood can damn well expand on a universe by adding in new minority characters or even shine a light on already existing minority characters. But, that requires work and they don’t want to do the creative work. They’ve basically signaled to minorities that “you aren’t worth the creative energy” and they ate it up with no questions!
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starlightsins · 4 years
rant about trans rep in hollywood
dont know a ton about eliot page but totally support him and like am so glad for him coming to terms w his identity, but can we also acknowledge that the media's embrace of him is also not the holy grail of trans progress but ummm sort of the opposite in a lot of ways?
like I see folks expressing worries that he will lose his job / acting gigs, but y'all,,, he is a conventionally attractive (fitting western beauty standards) already well-established actor who 1. passes and 2. has access to so many resources like hormones, surgery, etc. his trans struggle is not the same as yours <3 and him being looked at as the community spokesperson is bullshit. again a lot of the idolization of him is coming from younger fans and like, yes it's cool asf to see someone who shares your identity in the media! but he is not the first trans actor in hollywood. he is not nearly the first.
moreover, personally i think the media's fawning over him is a step back. yall see why he's interesting to the cis right? he's trans and he presents a linear narrative / doesn't challenge the dominant conception of trans: trans person with a neat identity: masc name, masc appearance, married to a woman, etc. he's textbook trans, so ofc he's getting media support, whereas other trans actors who have undergone the same struggles as him, have received so much less attention bc like 1. not as famous as him, 2. identities less linear/ more indefinable, 3. less access to the resources he as, etc.
totally feel free to disagree w me, just my 2 cents post nap sleeby rant.
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stargazinggirk · 6 years
In response to PR, Lucy and Rami
Since another post directly referencing mine has been going around I’d thought I’d just clear up one of two points I guess I hadn’t well enough the first time around.
One I like Lucy and Rami both very much. If they are now dating or end up dating I’d be very happy. The man is 38 years old he deserves life partner or wife. And Lucy does too because we all deserve to be happy and loved. I shall never ever in a million years get the chance to meet or date either of them so why should I hate them if they are together? Why be jealous? if Lucy is the one than good she doesn’t seem like a bad or evil person she just seems highly career driven. Just like Rami was in his youth but when a woman show cases that we tend to cast her in a negative light that we don’t on men. That was the motivation for my post but I felt in order to express that I also needed to share what I have come to believe is the truth. Which is that the relationship is or mostly has been a PR stunt. Not talking about that fact felt wrong to me.
The reason for the PR stunt I gave was the nicest out of the three. Which was award season a little googling should explain that or maybe in the future I’ll write a non Rami related cliff notes post on how award season works in Hollywood and the millions of dollars that go into it and why. Because Oscars are still star makers and cash cows ( Bri Larson, Octavia spencer A24, Weinstein anyone) There are two other rumors flying but I don’t feel like they have enough ground or proof to bother writing about.
I came under fire for posting this as it was viewed as an attack on both actors privacy. Which depending on your definition of a public figure could very well be true. I’d normally agree 100% with that poster on this fact. It’s why I’ve with held my knowledge on their relationship and the PR rumors under wraps for sometime and the word in Hollywood till they made it quite clear that they are out in the public like this together and those public actions and comments in blogs,red Carpet interviews and speeches can be discuss and used as a point of reference. When you sit court side though you can get free tickets for more private places you want to be seen and don’t want privacy.
As for breaking rami’s privacy about the PR stunt it’s kinda all over and joked at among those close to a certain part of his inner circle. There isn’t much privacy left to be had. Why do you think almost right after it seemed like they were dating that there was a huge surge in people claiming it’s PR. No one claimed that when it Timmee and Lily Rose because Hollywood had known they were dating for months. No one within a ten foot radius of there social circle was shocked because it had always been tastefully known. There was no doubt they were a real couple. People date their co stars all the time and PR stunt rumors never spread because there is no grounds for it. It’s a when there is smoke their is fire moment and so far none of the smoke has cleared it’s only gotten thicker.
His acting coach ( current or former haven’t gotten a clear answer on that) is openly talking about it with many. If anyone has betrayed rami’s privacy it’s her. But maybe she didn’t really because maybe it’s not a secret Rami is too hot on keeping as it’s spread pretty far and the PR team is making basic moves. Play book moves on all of it. Their biggest mistake was the golden globes mini melt down which they’ve been correcting ever since.
As for why the press doesn’t ask about if it’s PR stunt? Oh my word. You do know how press for actors work right? It’s not journalists actors speak with. Their talking heads. Literally that’s what they are not so nicely referred to as because that’s their job. reps pick the questions. Anyone who is going to interview an actor is sent a list of no go questions and then submits their questions back so the actor can prep their answer. Why else do you think Live Aid is the main talking point of so many interviews? It’s been preplaned to be brought up. Also most of those people respect their guests and don’t want to shame them or make them uncomfortable by bringing up stuff they’ve been asked not to. It also a nice safety net if they get internet shamed for not asking questions. I couldn’t I was given orders not too.
So why doesn’t an interviewer break the rules? If you’re Ellen you can if you are a smaller red carpet person you get black balled. That PR team is never going on to let you speak to anyone of their stars again.
As for the London bffta comment which got mentioned in regards to my post rami is filming doctor doo little - or parts of it in London and possibly James Bond mostly at Pinewood in London. That sounds like a good reason especially given how much more layer back unhollywood like London is. Lucy could be a reason or it could be practical business investment most actors buy places where they film and then rent them out or make them over and sell them for a much higher price ( Angela Jolie’s Budapest short lived Budapest rel estates love affair anyone)
Look was my making the post or even the post the smartest choice of my life no. But the lack of understanding around Hollywood especially when it’s so easy to read the trades and follow key people on Twitter kills me.
So yes people of the internet doubt me. I am hidden behind a screenname and while I’ve made cases no solid proof has been offered. All I can encourage you to do if you want to argue or are curious is do research. Or better yet ask yourself what you are using to say if they are a couple or not. Or what you define as privacy. Or why you don’t like Lucy or don’t like rami or hate Hollywood. Think study learn and don’t consider not speaking on the internet till you can make sound well rounded response otherwise you are just adding to the noise.
And on a bottom bottom note time will tell us more about their relationship. How often she visits the mr robot set or hangs in New York how much he flies back to London over the 3 months after his Oscar win will let us know.
No they won’t break up right after. There will be a post Oscar honeymoon phase for at least a month and then Lucy is will slowly start a social media rebranding of sorts. Showing more of her life and career than she had before and rumors of power moves and the roles she is up for and in talks for will poor in. Then after about 3 months nothing 6 months they don’t be dating but with probably only one or two vague stories of them growing apart - but how successful they are either on E! Or entertainment tonight.
If none of the above follows then I was wrong and my sources mislead or mistaken and I shall be the first to congratulate Lucy and rami and cheers their loyalshippers. Because none of this is an attack against them it’s about the bs we force on movie stars as fans and what the industry does to them.
And on a petty note of this level of breaking down Hollywood and explaining all that I have at a university level with years of experience on this matter sounds like a 12 year old crap post out of jealousy to you then why are you on the tumblr fighting for moviestars honor when you clearly are too brilliant for the likes of this? Just saying that was a really dump attack against me and my credibility t - go on correct my English it’s not my first language nor my second.
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mits-archive · 6 years
Could you please do 22, 26, and 29 from the "Hi I'm not from the US" ask game?
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
I am proud that our social system is good actually, compared to others. We dont have to pay uni fees at all except for our public transport ticket and uni books. we have services that help even with these expenses if ur parents cannot cover it for you. unemployed people get a place to live and money. everyone has a health insurance (or, technically) and health care doesn’t cost thousands like in the USA. everyone is paying a bit so everyone can go to the doctor or hospital or call the ambulance without paying anything. the only thing u gotta pay for is maybe expensive dental stuff (like for example, some fillings are for free, some prettier fillings u gotta pay yourself.) Your therapist is free too as long as they diagnose u with depression or a disorder. our currency is doing pretty great rn, but that’s just a bonus. I also am proud of some other parts of our history, the politicians, writers and artists who stood up against fascism.
oof. I’m from Germany so there’s this particular part in our history I am very mad about. But that, everyone knows. What I am ashamed of TODAY is that some people want or seem to forget and that people are, much like in the usa today, still xenophobic. We have a ‘refugee’ situation, taking in a lot of Syrian people, and the right wing is spreading its usual modern propaganda, a lot of videos and pics on facebook, u know the procedure, its the same in the usa. Maybe my family is just a bit bigoted, but some of them are lowkey against Muslims, or at least, are afraid of them, and I cannot tolerate that either. A classmate once said with an eye-roll that everything is about the Holocaust- and I am like, well, rightfully so! We have to create a remembrance culture so THINGS LIKE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
LOL IT’S BAD. We’re always the Nazis and bad scientists or sth- also everyone thinks that bavaria is germany, which IT ISNT- its just one of our states and NOT ALL BAVARIA IS LEATHERPANTS AND PRETZELS AND BEER. its ur typical stereotype, like when ppl think of usa only as cowboy hats, hamburgers and guns. imagine having this image in every piece of mainstream media. 
our country is very much modern and globalized so I never identify with any german rep in media. 
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
ok so yes, everyone doesnt like bavaria for a reason? XDDD and bavaria I think even had a political party to be independent?? I personally have no beef with anyone. I think Berlin and Hamburg are sort of Rivals but in a sexy way?? They like each other but still think they are better than the other LMAO Enemies with benefits, I ship it. also new states and old states are still not very friendly. at least here in berlin, and remember it was split up for decades, u still hear phrases like ‘thats the east for u’ - ‘typical easterners’ in a slightly negative way, but only by older ppl who witnessed this history (id say 40 and up)
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Last Bulk and its a long one
~~mod~~ everything else concerning this topic will be kicked to the modblog. ill try to add to the comments today. i feel like i got ran over so i may not be on at all. sorry for slacking on you and for probably being a world class asshole today. please keep it medium.
Anon: What kind of woman ALLOWS “her boyfriend” to make her hideout so she’s not seen with him? What kind of man DOES that? Be happy for them all you want. I think they look and act like morons. As “adorable ” as people think he is , he seems lately like a total douchebag. Good thing all the fucking booze he consumes gives him the balls to “allow” her be photographed with him. And how fucking desperate does one have to be to let themselves be treated like that? Typical Hollywood. I give this a week.
Anon:Okay, NOW do you think he will make an announcement on Jimmy Fallon about DK? Or that Jimmy will mention it? ~~mod~~  dont know dont care. as long as we get some couch action im good.
Anon:No new stories talk about the trip to italy right before dk dumped pacey. They dont talk about how long nr knew pacey before sky. Wonder how much that cost
Anon:I’m so sad mod….. 😢 Twd’s cast are finally coming to my country and i thinks that is very hard for they bring Norman because he is very expensive…. I mean, Norman is so rich, why he charge that much??! 😢😢 (Sorry for the english) ~~mod~~ aww maybe its not the money but more if he has time. where are they coming? you english is awesome
ahauntedfool: My two cents. I feel badly for disappointed fans who have invested so much time, energy, and possibly even money, on their beloved celebrity, only to see him acting in a way they do not agree with. That must be very hard for them. Maybe I can offer some hope and positivity?I believe no two relationships are alike, and none are black and white. Who really knows everything about their relationship besides them? But it does seem like they are together, and if that is the case I hope they make each other happy. I truly mean that. Love is not something we can plan for, but life is short and happiness is everything. I am still a fan of N, I enjoy many of his films and photographs, his charisma is pleasing, he makes me laugh and he makes me smile. There are some things I don’t like about him, but that’s how it is with people. We are all complex and flawed individuals, and in our imperfections there is beauty. I don’t know much about D yet, but I think I’ll check out her work, watch a few of her films and read some interviews. Maybe I’ll learn something about her that inspires me in some way. With that being said, I think they are an attractive couple, and I love seeing him smile like that. They appear happy in those photos and I hope they are. Maybe this relationship will be good for both of them. Oftentimes we learn from our partners how to be better people.
Anon: Wait for the other shoe to drop on fallon, the baby shoe, lol. He has an extra 0 on his paycheck now, so dk can stay in ny and give up her career while nk goes to ga and cons to keep her in designer duds and pap shots shopping and fashion shows. She can laugh with jdms wife about ppl who pay $$$$ to wait in line for a pic, and we get crappy cgi on twd ~~mod~~ come on the deer really wasnt that bad, if you squint it almost looked real
awesomebrokenheartuniverse: What the fucking fuck??? This is beyond baffling.  The public make out session.  Even as a teenager I didn’t make out on the street for 30 min.  They clearly wanted to be seen.  Have we been fooled by NR with some fake persona all these years?  Has he drastically changed due to DKs influence?  Is he whipped?  Is he tired of keeping it a secret and overjoyed to let it all hang out?  Does she have dirt on him and forcing this on him (sounds crazy but ya never know)? Is this a juvenile shit show for publicity to benefit both of them?  So many questions!  Maybe it’s not our business but when they flaunt themselves like this they are kinda asking for it.  This is like reality show in your face over the top attention whoring.  I feel embarrassed for them.  At least she is age appropriate. I don’t know a lot about DK, but the opinions here are largely unfavorable.  JJ seems like a decent guy.  Why would he stick with her 10 yrs if she’s such bad news?   I keep remembering a quote from AL where he said something like “the longer I know N, the more he is an enigma.”  NR seems totally all over the place to me right now.      
Anon: There’s a video of them kissing now. ~~mod~~ ok
Anon: Hey mod! Sorry to keep adding to this but I’m SO aggravated. Now she’s acting like CS posting pics from his apartment. An her fans are saying to stop bringing up Norman an respect her privacy to people. She doesn’t want privacy! Hence the photo! An the photos taken of them on the street the other night for a hour. If I’m w/ my bf I dont stop and post on SM things from his house. She wants everyone to know she finally got Norman. When will this “relationship” end 😭 personally he deserves better
Anon: Why would Norman be so open about his relationship? This PDA doesn’t fit to him, he never showed so much of his relationship, making out on the street, like in the video it looks like they were making a show. They just stood in the same street walked around kissed hugged just to make a show for the pap, my guess they called him, don’t know why
Anon: Re: the “lie.” Doesn’t it look like Norman’s reps said “friends” because of JJ? Timeline: Pic of Norman and DK at the car looking friendly with story about vacation. Rep said “friends.” Weeks later: picture of JJ kissing and snuggling with another woman at a restaurant. Stories: He’s moved on!! Two - three days later, Norman/DK are completely public. The “lie” was so JJ could say he moved on first. It had nothing to do with manipulating Norman’s fans. Anon: Daily mail has just released an article on NR and DK confirming their relationship and they’ve got a few new pics in there and in one of them NR is looking directly at the camera. I guess we know for sure it was planned and a bit staged now.
Anon: Mod - this was an absolute publicity stunt but I don’t understand why. It makes him look like the biggest possible lying fake asshole alive so why would he want that image? I’m secretly hoping this is some kind of early April Fools day joke.
Anon: Mod when do you think NR and DK became more than just friends? ~~ mod~~ would you be offended if i said i have no idea becasue i dont care enough about them as a couple to even guess. sorry if i sound like a jerk im still not feeling well
Anon: I hope Norman doesn’t think we’re just going to “get over it”? It doesn’t work that way. There is a difference between lying about who you ARE and just simply having a girlfriend. (I won’t even go into how fake SHE is) You Lied to the people that supported you Norman. This isn’t just jealous fangirls. This doesn’t just go away in a few weeks.~~mod~~ im sure he knows it isnt just gonna go away in a few days
Anon: Woke up today with tears in my eyes. Every day I used to go check out all he cool Norman/Daryl fan art on instagram. Now I can’t even look at him.~~mod~~ dont cry anon we can find you someone else to look at.
Jan: Listen up To those deeply upset and disturbed by Norman’s recent actions, please read this - Nothing in your life has actually changes NOTHING! You still breath the same air, work at the same place, hang with the same friends and are surrounded by people that love and care about you in REAL LIFE. You have never, nor will you ever, know the real man behind Norman Reeds and thats probably for the best. All that has happened is that the fantasy you have of him in your head is altered, but you have the power and control to change that narrative back at any point, back to thinking he is kind and sweet and honourable and all the other things that gave you comfort and joy, use him for whatever purpose you want - because I have news for you as a fan/consumer of his brand he is just USING you. He is clever, he will smile and be nice as pie if you are paying for his time, (he is a professional actor), what he is actually like once the show is over, behind closed doors, is probably a very different story that really would shock and upset you. He is part of an ugly dark industry and his values are probably way off the mark to what any of us would consider acceptable. The clues are all around us, the fake hollywood friends he has, the partying showbiz life he leads, his love of attention and the limelight, the blind after blind about his shitty behaviour. It does upset me to see people defending him with the best of intentions, when they have no clue that he doesn’t deserve defending, he is surrounded by wealth and privilege and I highly doubt he cares one bit what faceless avatars on the internet say about him when he is home surrounded by his millions of dollars and fake narcissistic hollywood friends. Me, I love Daryl and I will always love Daryl, he is a real sweetheart and the subject of many a fantasy, Norman not so much, I could never fantasise about someone like him -a shallow and highly privileged actor who can have any beautiful woman he desires at the drop of a hat, and knows it. His priorities are clearly material things, this set up relationship with DK that will be played out in the public eye will just be linked to and part of that agenda in some weird way…(I do have my theories as to why he is so keen to play along with it, but best kept to myself) So seriously people go back to your Daryl (or nice sweet Norman) fantasises… Whatever helps you sleep at night…
Anon: You know what’s even worse than finding out he’s a lying sneaking jerk? That he let her troll his fandom for the whole year. He let us try to defend him the whole time when it was all true. It just shows that his fans don’t really mean anything to him. He didn’t care that she was playing with us and mocking us. It’s just so unbelievable that he is the complete opposite of what he made us believe.
Anon: sorry but I feel betrayed. And before I get jumped on it’s not jealousy or that he can’t have a private life, it’s about thinking one thing about Norman and admiring that person for so long then suddenly finding out that it was all a lie. He made us think that he was our friend but he’s not. he’s laughing at us behind the scenes watching how we buy into the image that he made us think was the real him. it’s not him now. he’s a phony. anyone want walker stalker tickets? don’t want to meet him now ~~mod~~ no need to be sorry anon lots of people are feeling all kinds of way right now. i hear craiglist is a great place to sell those
Anon: God Mod it just breaks my heart to see how fake he looks. Allowing himself to be papped is something I never thought he would do. I admired Norman for being down to earth and real. Where is that man now? He’s gone. He sold out. He’s not who he claims to be. Honest? Lol nope. So this is the real Norman we have been tricked into supporting? He looks just as fake as we know she is. It’s so sad and disheartening and I never thought it would happen to him. He’s just like all the rest. :( So sad.
Anon: Wonder how this will work when he starts filming in May will she go to Georgia she doesn’t seem the country girl
Anon: Mod why do think NR’s reps have the statements that they were “just friends” 3 weeks ago only for them to walk done the street holding hands and kissing now? Do you think NR’s reps didn’t know about the relationship? Or he didn’t consult with them before going public? Or do you think it was all planned? I’m just really confused about the whole thing!
Anon: Sorry…this is a long one… People seem to focus on others being upset because he lied.  But I think a lot of people are upset for 2 main reasons.  One, they really don’t like DK.  It is hard to swallow watching someone you like, date someone you hate.  I had a good guy friend date a girl that the rest of us LOATHED.  She was just a horrible person and we were all so disappointed when he started dating her.  When we asked him why, he just replied, “well, she is not like that towards me”.  Um..ok…so since she’s “nice” to you, it’s ok that she is a a-hole to everyone else?  It lasted all of 4 months, but I just remember we were all so disgusted.  So, anyway, I think that plays a big part in the fan hate.  Fans love Norman and think he is wonderful/nice/kind/good to his friends and fans and they can’t understand how he could fall for someone who is the opposite of all those things.  The second reason is the cheating.  Let’s face it, this didn’t start AFTER she split from JJ.  We would be naive to believe that.  Personally, I think it started during the filming of SKY.  They are together constantly, in the middle of nowhere, I am sure they got very close.  Even if there was nothing physical, they could have been having an emotional affair…which is often worse than physical.  Although we can argue that with his schedule and her being with JJ, they didn’t actually see each other a lot after filming SKY was over, they still could have been texting and calling, thereby continuing the connection and closeness that was formed during filming.  Looking back, I can’t help but wonder if someone DID see them hooking up in a NYC bar (before the break-up with JJ).  If they did in fact have an emotional connection, add a lot of alcohol to that and you can definitely lose control for a minute.  Obviously, this is my own speculation, but no matter when the physical aspect of their relationship developed, I truly believe, the affair started long before it.  As for the people talking about a possible pregnancy.  I can see it.  Even though Norman is pushing 50 and may not want a baby, as some people pointed out, it may not be up to him.  There are many ways for a woman to “accidentally” get pregnant.  Someone, I think it was PR wife, mentioned that DK’s star faded long ago.  She is definitely someone who will do anything to bring attention to herself.  Well, having NR’s baby would certainly bring the spot light.  It may be far fetched but I think DK is really sketchy and I would not put it past her.  I guess only time will tell if there is a baby as well as how long this thing will last.  We shall see…
Anon:I gave a heads up months ago that Diane had a plan and that she and Norman were playing out a fantasy as if they were living their film “Sky”. Health issues included. But guess what comes next (not the end) ;)
Stephanie Kumke: Maybe it´s not DK in the photo, but come on, a naked bully with lights on it with the message “ Waking  up to good News”… ~~mod~~ maybe she got a job that wasnt in Europe
Anon: Ya’ll need to be realistic. Daryl isn’t the cash cow of TWD anymore. Not sure if no one sees this but the ratings last week dropped. Why weren’t they higher? I mean Daryl was in it a lot yet they weren’t as good as the week before. I’ve noticed whenever Carol and the Kingdom are on the ratings go up. Seems like she’s more of a cash cow now. She makes more viewers tune in. So I really don’t get when people say Daryl is the No 1 cash cow. It’s not true. It may have been years back, but not anymore
Anon: It disgusts the shit out of me when I see people support their relationship and are happy and even say DK is gorgeous. Wtf NOTHING on this woman is gorgeous. She’s manipulative, attention whore and snobby. I can’t believe his fans (not all of them) support her. She’s the worst nightmare. Norman went down to her level. She is unsympathetic to fans, Norman clearly isn’t the man he claimed to be. Not sure if I’m more disappointed or disgusted because he played all of us the whole time for his image
Anon: I think some people are not getting it…NR didnt own anyone anything but he was not coherent and yeah he deceived and lied when he said he doesn’t like cheaters and loves honest people. Regardless of course he have the right to date who the fuck he wants. not my problem. now the way he did it, for someone that calls himself honest is very questionable when you can see CLEARLY how this pics were staged. When you stage pics like that and you claimed for years being the opposite of course  people are going to question who you are and who was the person they have been a fan off all this years. People defended him exactly from this behavior. People defended him when people called him sell out and asshole and manwhore and honestly he just proves the others right. This have nothing to do with DK this have to do with him as a person and how he carries himself. He didnt assume her before because he was sticking his dick somewhere else too and the other kick him to the curb.
dandelioncherokee : Interesting. Norman and Diane are not looking AT EACH OTHER in one single picture. A loving couple would do that ALL THE TIME. One word. FAKE. I honestly haven’t got a clue WHY ALL THIS. Oh Norman,you had it going all good for you.Now I can only pray that the universe will give you another chance,so you can try to fix this. Kisses to you,mod ❤️hope you are alright.~~mod~~ i feel like i got kicked down 10 flights of stairs.. you flirting makes me feel better
Anon: I was just thinking about the happy anniversary post and the ‘comment’. Turns out the DK part of that was true and it makes me wonder how many of the other parts were also true. Maya Angelo said when people show you who they are, believe them the first time. Eyes opened, I get it now and I’m just here for wicked gifs, and weird banter. Good things always come from bad, you’re the good thing Mod.
Anon: Pic look good, his fans on ig congrat to him so lol. Congrat to him too. We know here it so far from jealous but it is about who is this guy. Why he won’t hint their relationship at all.jdm said I think he’s single. So he happy it’s foiod but it different story from why he lid like liar, completely behave another and then be another man. And I didn’t see any pic that he look at her face. He smile to ppl. Wake up idiot fans! ~~mod~~ Please dont call fans idiots we all have our opinion
Anon: Another blog says they KNOW that Norman and DK were a thing since Sky. They supposedly have a source but won’t reveal it, they’re also saying no one knows if cheating was involved because no one knows the status of DK and JJ’ relationship. DK moved to NYC in late 2015 to be with JJ AFTER sky was finished. They bought a home together in LA in early 2016. So if her “source” is correct than yes, they were cheating all along, which makes the dec 2015 rumor seem not so false. They’re disgusting
Anon: Who knows…Maybe they both have an agreement? Maybe he agreed to help her with her image by doing this. He may think what’s the harm in helping a friend?? I am soooooo not on her side…I’m just trying to ration it out. Unfortunately we may never know. I still haven’t seen pics of them full on kissing. That one pic where they’re close looks like he was lighting a smoke. Hand holding? Even friends do that. He seemed pretty drunk anyway. Ugh and her IG? Tries to be like N & HC. UMM no.
Anon: Thinking if the 2 of them together makes me so ill but hey…He’s a big boy. I’ve been going thru the stages of grief (as stupid as that may sound) and I don’t regret smashing my DVD copy of Sky! Didn’t much like it anyway lol now I’m past the anger and just sad. I’m not as mad at N as I was a few days ago but I still think DK is a snake. I hope that he guards his heart from her nasty ways! I also think the whole thing with the paps is strange. N is very impulsive and sometimes too too nice!
Anon:Hahaha I share the same first name as DK, so at least I know when Norman is having sex he is screaming my name. Seriously tho at least she is age appropriate and who cares anyway. You are a fan of his work or not no matter who he is boning.
Anon:Is it me or is Norman avoiding liking DK IG posts? I believe he may have been drunk that night and is regretting what he did
rebellacycle:Are you going to watch jimmy Fallon tonight ? Wonder if he will talk about the new relationship. Or just TWD~~mod~~ i will probaly be asleep. probaly just talk about he twd
Norman and Diane are happy and in love so the haters have already lost ✌🏼
I have a question for those fans who keep saying things like “Be respectful of Norman’s private life!”…. But they’re the ones who are (unnecessarily!) publicizing it. They staged and sold pics and video. In PDA, the P doesn’t stand for Private. If they are not respecting their own relationship, why should we? Also is talking about Norman’s penis size respecting his privacy? So what exactly do y'all mean? They don’t seem to want that. They want people to talk, comment, click the links.
:Feel better soon Mod! I don’t understand something about the whole DK Shitshow. If this is legit (and not just publicity) then how come no other gossip sites are picking it up??? TMZ doesn’t have anything to say about it after they just ran the garage pics/got his denial?? It looks like People ENews DM UsWeekly and a few less known sites are the only ones going with it, so how come??? I don’t get it! I don’t understand how Norman can be one thing one day and the TOTAL OPPOSITE the next!??! WTAF
Anon: The photos and the video of NR and DK … Looking at it I just feel DK is walking with his trophy. She wants everybody to see her new toy, her little puppy that she will manipulate as she pleases. DK wants everyone to see his new trophy !! While NR smiles like a fool who does not understand the situation. Yes he became the DK puppet
I appreciate this blog and your work, but you have to moderate some comments that appear on your site. I read comments accusing Norman of lust after teenage girls. This is defamation and it is very serious. It is unbearable to see all this hate and these lies dumped on an actor we have supposed to love. It is all the more intolerable that currently the world is experiencing serious problems. Thousands of people are dying of hunger, London and Paris are the target of terrorists, but some people prefer to waste their time to dumped their hate on Norman. Treat him as if he was a criminal just because he’s in love and he lied because he didn’t want to reveal his private life in the press.I doubt that you post this message on your blog but I needed to say. Many of us live very difficult moments and see all this hate for a simple relationship is ridiculous. Some may express their disappointment but have no right to invent lies and spill their hatred. Sorry for my aproximative English, I hope to find a warm and funny blog. Good luck to you Mod….
~~mod~~ just a few things. 1.tumblr rarely lets me delete comments, the tumblr app hates me…2. the quickest way to get your post deleted is to say “you probaly wont post this”.. i hate that.
Anon:Hope you feel better soon mod. This is for when you do the bulk: at this point I think I’d be happier finding out he did accidentally get her pregnant one drunken night but actually can’t stand her and did this for appearances only and they aren’t really a thing. At least that way he would be the same guy who just made one huge mistake while intoxicated. One night stands happen all the time. But being with her?? it changes everything about him and it makes him a liar.
been two days I haven’t looked at anything to do with N and I still can’t get over this. He’s a complete fake. short of telling us he was abducted by aliens and this was an imposter in his body I will never understand. ’s like he just revealed that he is the opposite of everything he made people believe for the past seven years. Liar. Fake. Hollywood. Stupid. Ingenuine. That’s what this makes him look like now. It makes me want to cry. someone say it was all a nightmare. where’s the real norman
:Happy Today, Mod! I hope your body parts will all in good working order soon. Please take care of yourself. The drama of Norman Reedus means nothing in the long run. Kind people like you who take the time to create community are what matters!
Anon:If DK’s marrage broke down because she cheating then norman gotta run far and fast, they cheat WITH you they cheat ON you. You should look at enty and type in Norman reedus/Diane Kruger this shit been stirring for a while Anon:Will Jimmy Fallon grill Norman about DK? ~~mod~~ dont know
:Have you seen the pap walk pics & videos?? Omg I’ll swear DK slipped a Mickey Finn in Norman’s whiskey. For him to agree to call the paps on himself, something was totally wrong with him! I don’t recognize that Norman. DK is destructive & opportunistic. She manipulated her way into his life from day one when she recommended him for the SKY role. She is as TOXIC as they come! Wtf’s he doing with her? He’s in self-destructive mode, I pray he comes to his senses in Ga surrounded by good ppl.
Anon:Diane manipulates the media and manipulates Norman. An avid woman who likes to manipulate her little world. How can people defend it? I saw her in truth, she behaves like a haughty princess.
Anon:I no longer see goodness in Norman.
:Just canceled my trip to San Fran wsc. I was gonna meet him but I can’t even look at him nevermind meet him. How are we supposed to pretend he’s the same guy? He’s NOT what he told us he was! It’s NOT bc of a gf but 1) that it’s HER of all ppl (she is the epitome of famewhore sell out and no one I’ve talked to who met her have ANYTHING nice to say) and 2) He LIED about everything. He’s not any of the things we thought, made his reps look stupid and sold out to let himself be papped. WTF is that
: Personally I’m wondering if she got him drunk, got him to agree to this to make the rumors look true, and that he was too wasted to care. This is NOT the guy we know and love. This is also coming from a mutual friend of his not just some fan. he never calls the media, like TMZ on himself. He’s a private, fairly normal dude, and that’s why I think DK set it up. To boost her American publicity and get noticed for work here. Sad, sick, and sketchy.
Anon: I’m definitely over reading about it Mod but I don’t understand how anything is gonna go back to the way it was anyway so I vote to keep it on the main blog. He’s a lying jerk and this is what we have to see now every day because how can we not if he’s seriously with her. I think I’m gonna have to quit being his fan altogether bc I can’t take her I don’t want to see her ridiculous face every single time he goes anywhere ~~mod~~ here the  thing its an N blog, i dont have to post anything with her in it. im really good at cropping things out of pics.
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panicatthesin · 8 years
Please read all of it.
Mmmmmm dont you love being taiwanese but so many people are like, oh are you chinese?? Japanese??? Wait isnt taiwan a part of china?? Whatever yall look the same?? Ever had someone ask if you put soy fucking sauce in your rice bc youre eastern asian, “i thought thats what asian people do!!!” Okay but bitch what part of fucking asia are you talking about???? Oh wow i love asian girl.. OK BITCH BUT NO BC THAT IS SO PROBLEMATIC ON SO MANY LEVELS LIKE HONESTLY smh so many pissin me off with their narrow minded views, and like i try to educate them on eastern asian culture and then theyre like “but itsnt it like this??” Like were you even fucking listening?? “Omg if youre asian you totally watch anime!!! What do you think of naruto??” Like the fuck?? Dont assume all asian people watch anime, and like what part of fucking asia are you reffering to??? And also ive had so many people ask me if ive eaten cats abd i cant describe how fucking pissed this makes me and how much i was the smack the fucking disrespect out of ur face, and like when i see other people disrespect their parents (its normally white people if im being real) like? Do you have no respect for the people who gave birth to you, and sacraficed so much of their like to put you in priority??? Also i get so mad when i see so many fucking white washed movies, like why is it that fucking hollywood makes eastern asian people either the fucking villian or the old man who teaches the white person gongfu like??? Wow ok thanks, why cant we have a japanese person play a role thats ment for a japanese person??? Like in memoirs of a geisha its a korean/chinese person that plays the main girl, and like white people are like wow!!! This is so progressive!!! But its really not bc it teaches people that it’s ok to assume that japanese/chinese/korean/taiwanese/etc all look the same, but WE FUCKING DONT and the whole thing with wow let me wear this kimono!!! Im so hipp and cultured!! #cochella!! Omg florals!!! This makes me so mad bc my grandparents lived when taiwan was under japanese rule, and kimonos are used for cerimonial purposes, and like??? This is defacing japaness fucking culture and im so heated about peoples ignorace and lack of ability to apolojize and educate themselves about it if some bitch thinks its okay to just say every eastern asian person is chinese you smack that bitch and educate them on how fucking hard it is!!! And how there is no asian representation in most media, and you tell them its not okay to mash so many cultures together and to call it fucking “asian culture” and honestly, im glad that there is a blacklivesmatter movement, and there is so much of poc rep in tumblr community, but out of it, there is rarely any of western/eastern asian cultures, plus the differences between them, and BASICALLY I NEED MORE REPRESENTATION OF DIFFERENT POC CULTURES bc it honestly sucks growing up and the only movie i related to was mulan, and she was chinese, and i was taiwanese. I grew up wanting blue eyes, and curly hair. I grew up in a white childhood. I lost my representaion, so even today i can barely even speak to my relatives, and it makes me so sad. I grew up with kids my age asking me what ching chong means in chinese. I had people ask my why i dont wear a kimono to school. Ive had people ask me if i bind my feet. Ive had people ask me if i eat cats for breakfast. I had people ask me if i draw with a yellow highlighter on my skin, whether or not it will show up. Ive had someone yell at me to go back to china to work in a sweatshop. I had someone randomly ask me if i could teach them karate. I had someone tell me that chinese and taiwanese are the same thing. And some people are so naive that i want to cry.
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii Song Lyrics – Busta Rhymes Featuring P Diddy And Pharrell
Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii Song Lyrics
Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist Busta Rhymes Featuring P Diddy And Pharrell from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” Busta Rhymes Featuring P Diddy And Pharrell ” in Year 2002.
Lyrics of Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii :
busta rhymes dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna busta rhymes act a fool you better watch out uhhuh hot shit be bringin the cops out cmon street niggaz is ringin them shots out p diddy short circuit and blacken the blocks out now open up the garage and pull the drops out rockin the fur coat bringin the blue fox out busta rhymes diamonds light up the block runnin the blue rocks out uh whylin till all of my crew knocks out cmon p diddy get yo ass up on the floor busta rhymes huh throw ya hands if you want some more ho p diddy baby wiggle your crotch out huh and peep the way we be blowin them spots out busta rhymes cmon look how we got em ready to act out girl im ready to give it twistin your back out lets go p diddy drink yack till a nigga fallin out busta rhymes flat on his back now watch a nigga crawlin out talk to me pharell i said busta whassup son you leave them girl rollin and it look like cmon they asses is swollen and they ass gettin big now but if your man babysittin uhhuh then what you gon say what we gon tell em man we gon tell that nigga pass the courvoisier we gon tell that brotha pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier waah oooooooooooo oh p diddy girl you need to shake it off busta rhymes too much hair on your chocha p diddy then shave it off busta rhymes cmon jump smack yo ass and break it off p diddy and if its too hot for yall busta rhymes you need to take it off thats right p diddy in case you aint knowin niggaz we on a roll now busta rhymes diddy like we done stumbled on a pot of gold now cmon food spillin all out yeah of the bowl now huh money thick get harder to fold now cmon p diddy ladies tell me if youre feelin alright busta rhymes and are you sure that you up for doin it all night p diddy i like this busta rhymes listen before you ass bet nigga we wreck shit and we aint even blacked yet cmon p diddy niggaz all around and police rapidly shut down the block busta rhymes and the club aint even packed yet cmon nuff drinkin at the bar hold it down whylin out til the club is closed down talk to me pharell i said busta whassup son you leave them girl rollin and it look like cmon they asses is swollen and they ass gettin big now but if your man babysittin uhhuh then what you gon say what we gon tell em man we gon tell that nigga pass the courvoisier we gon tell that brotha pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier waah oooooooooooo oh busta rhymes jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna busta rhymes rob a bank my nigga cash rule p diddy bust it lets get this money and act like a damn fool busta rhymes fuck it act stupid and jump in the damn pool huh p diddy bone bitches and me and they mans cool busta rhymes cmon shit im sayin just put your bank up nigga put me and diddy together you bankrupt cmon p diddy fly niggaz we full of finesse yall yeah busta rhymes me and my niggaz is fittin to bless yall cmon dont talk about it be about it shut up live niggaz come and be around it whattup cmon rep to the fullest now huh these niggaz aint knowin how we gon put it down cmon c aim and shoot p diddy to spray it down busta rhymes steamrollin you niggaz p diddy and lay it down busta rhymes niggaz frontin with they thug image p diddy but we pay them no mind busta rhymes now drink until the bottle finished talk to me pharell i said busta whassup son you leave them girl rollin and it look like cmonn they asses is swollen and they ass gettin big now but if your man babysittin uhhuh then what you gon say what we gon tell em man we gon tell that nigga pass the courvoisier we gon tell that brotha pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier everybody sing it now pass the courvoisier waah oooooooooooo oh busta rhymes jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump dont this shit make a nigga wanna jump jump
Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, Busta Rhymes Featuring P Diddy And Pharrell, Edit, English, Hollywood, Pass The Courvoisier Part Ii from WordPress https://ift.tt/2YNabwm via IFTTT
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janiedean · 6 years
oh hey you have a submit page!
yeah regarding Firth/RDJ’s “yellowface” plotline, it was more like “is the yellowface really necessary for the plot? is it still okay if we changed the character to a kenyan illusionist so you have to use blackface?”
Oh and I’m not the anon who asked about why can’t asian actors play other asian nationalities, but want to give my 2cents:
while i think the perfect situation is to have an actor of the same nationality of the character, as an asian american, i feel like im asking too much. let’s take GitS for example.
i know that there’s a few big name east asian american actresses in hollywood, let alone japanese (american) actresses. in hollywood, afaik lucy liu is /that/ asian actress, you know, the most popular; the only one that might have a chance of getting that role if we’re talking about star power, and she can’t even compete with the popularity of other a list white actress. that’s why i/we settle on her.
we settle with “as long as you look (east) asian, so at least i can relate & be proud”, because there arent any big asian american actresses in hollywood (aside of her, and constance wu, and she’s big just recently). its not like we dont care about the “correctness” of the nationality, but its because we feel we’d be demanding too much (asking for an east asian lead is already too much, now we want proper nationality? smh hollywood doesnt care haha)
you might argue “if your point is SCARJO IS NOT JAPANESE then your possible alternative should be rinko kukuchi, not lucy liu.” while this is true, but represented by lucy liu is a lot better than scarjo. represented by scarjo meant another lost chance for east asian to main a hollywood movie slash another movie out of thousands of movie that has a white actress as the main character. represented by lucy liu is a big win for the east asian community slash one of the few hollywood movies that has east asian character as the lead. 
in the end having lucy liu is a lot better than any white actress. if it’s up to us, then we want 3 steps forward in the direction of proper representation; but we’re not the one who’s making the shots; 1 step (as long as she’s east asian) is a lot better than 1 step backwards (scarjo), that’s why we “settle down”. but still, in the end we “lost”, right?
tldr; represented by the wrong nationality >>>> represented by white actress, because at least it’s still somehow a representation for us east asians.
by the way, in your tags, if tw is trigger warning, what is cw? thank you for answering!
in the end im sorry, when i write a long post, i tend to go in circles, and repeating things i may have said before. sorry for the troubles & confusion!
I have a submit I just don’t publicize it for obvious reasons ;)
that said: I think that with RDJ it was necessary because otherwise the satire doesn’t drive the point while CF seems wholly unnecessary but then again with RDJ.. I mean satirizing blackface means doing the exact same contrary of what blackface is supposed to be doing so I don’t think it’s the same thing at all and like… if you wanna have a satirical movie where you show that blackface sucks getting a black actor wouldn’t cut it I think because black actors don’t blackface you know X°D
that said I 100% get your point but the thing is that a) people shouldn’t have to settle and should actually ask for the whole cake imo, b) the point with GITS was that it was put as a thing going against asian actors’s interests and like…. if it’s a japanese franchise and you’re aiming to have a correct recast then you should want the japanese actress, if your issue is rep in american movies fine but then say you want it as asian-american, because to a japanese it changes nothing if it’s scarjo or lucy liu, she’s still not japanese. like, my issue is people saying that scarjo’s casting hurts the japanese but then propose not-japanese actresses, at that point say that the issue is asian-american rep, not japanese rep. which is what 99% of the people on here do, that was my problem X°D if they were straight up about it being an issue with their market without bringing in the japanese who cares, but if you market it as ‘I WANT JAPANESE REP’ and then don’t push for a japanese actress then it doesn’t look too coherent if you get my meaning X°D  
that said idk if you lost because that movie wasn’t a total box office bomb but it underperformed and they got more criticism for it at least in the us/anglophone spheres than else so I don’t think they’re gonna do it again if they get that kinda backslash, but like the thing is that when it happens people actually criticize it so it’s not a bad thing, it means people have more sensitivity to the subject. at least that’s my two cents.
(that said sorry if I’m butting in on a thing I might not have a leg to stand on, I think that it’d be great if people actually tried to publicize what media is there with good/appropriate casting, I mean for one I know tumblr has a hateboner for clint eastwood but gran torino’s plot point was the protagonist getting to know his hmong neighbors and bonding with one of the kids and the hmong actors were actually hmong or sons of hmong parents emigrated in the US and if you look at reviews online while not faultless most hmong people who auditioned for it were ecstatic they actually went looking for them instead of casting from other backgrounds, and his letters from iwo jima was about the iwo jima battle from the japanese pov and all the actors were japanese acting in japanese and he prevented the distribution from dubbing it even if it meant losing money, and no one on here ever mentions those movie exist even if GT was a box office success. when marco polo was airing not many ppl were watching and on tumblr people complained that ‘the lead was too white’ […] and then it got canceled, and those are like… THREE things I can think of, but I mean, some people try to do accurate castings and then get shot down so I think that other than protesting like in scarjo’s case, more supporting/promoting what is there would be more eventually proactive but like…. idk I think I saw four people in the last years promoting fresh off the boat which I’m told is good asian-american rep but I saw all of my dash going hard on scarjo and people saying that since ‘not many asians went to see black panther then we should boycott crazy rich asians’ [out of whacked statistics anyway], you get what I mean? XD like I get protesting scarjo but giving money to products with asian actors would also be a better idea and would push producers to go in that direction, but I don’t see a lot of that happening on tumblr at least D:)
also, cw = content warning, I use it when I’m discussing a thing but it’s not… VERY MUCH IN YOUR FACE, I mean like we’re discussing racism, I’m not showing you a racist person doing racist things, in that case I’d have used tw XD I usually use both if I’m extra cautious XD
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shitneytears · 7 years
taking stock of where I'm at
long ass ugly ass post but I'm just thinking about a lot of things rn so I'm just gunna vomit it all out here and deal with it………. never
if you know me irl feel free to read this y'all know I'm an open book anyway idc.
I need to go to a dentist p bad now, my teeth have been fine my whole life like pretty straight and healthy jus a lil stained but thats fine whatever I'm not after hollywood white anytime soon; but atm I'm noticing they look like they're slowly moving and starting to misalign and look BAD and i want to deal with it before it gets too bad. I don't mind if i have to have braces (even tho i cant afford that l o l) but i DONT want braces on for next summer because if i have to graduate and have my grad pic taken with braces in i will fuckin end everything i cant i caNT have that. Also i want a hygienist to scrape all the shit off my entire mouth and like, polish and blast it back to neutral bcus even when i am cleaning my teeth atm they're just… they never LOOK clean which is starting to……… get me down??? not rlly but its just another thing I'm thinking about.
my DIET fuck ME. It was fine when i started it and it was a LOT of hard work for me to try some new foods but I've done it and proud of that, like iKNOW thats a huge step for me! but now the initial novelty is worn away I'm very very over it. I've learnt there are some veg i don't mind eating, but they're not \GOOD/ they're just there, and id always rather cook a recipe without them, the things that are new that aren't veg are the only things I've tried that id want to adopt into my actual normal eating habits??? like I'm enjoying sushi, sea bass, and steak too! (yeh I've never had steak before I'm fucking poor we don't buy nice meats so fuck off) couscous is very dependant on what you add to it but hey it is good sometimes! carrots are evil and sweet potato is just not the same as normal potato its nowhere near as good stop pretending sweet potato fries are good they're weird. I like yoghurt lots and should buy it more often tbh. anyway its just another thing I've got to think about and I'm TIRED of having to think about so many things
on a related note to that, it is having good results! i am loosing a lil bit of weight and can see a difference and I'm enjoying seeing my arms and legs looking a little more defined even after just 3 weeks!!!1! but my workouts are starting to have a lot less energy and I'm finding it VERY hard to find the mental and physical energy to drag myself to the gym at the moment. I mean i also do rlly miss going with michael bcus those few weeks were like the gym golden times honestly. so much fun.
i keep just sleeping, then spending like 3 hours slowly dragging myself to the gym nd doing breakfast and stuff and getting back home with my food for the day to cook off. its just. a lot. then i tend to just sit on my phone doing NOTHING until going to bed… I'm just so sleepy and low energy its shiIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT
The house maintanence is ridiculous too, we are so nearly done, i NEED them to replace that awful carpet and ill be good, its become such a huge mental block for me i cant SETTLE in my own home because its not quite done yet which is yet aNOTEHR task
dont ask me about my dissertation don't ask me about it i want to work on it but i feel like I've got no time even tho i clearly do its just something i cant face when I'm this low on energy truly
men are all evil idiot babies so jot that down
helping nathaniel in london is still fun and even tho it takes a whole day away from my own life I'm really enjoying it and its a positive in this GLOOMY time!
i am SO grateful for the energy I'm getting from rebecca in this time honestlyyyyyy laughing and getting coffee with her so often is getting me THROUGH and my convo with amy last night uhhhhhhhh i miss me graphics buddies
i wanna be back at uni making work again, really bad, and i don't want that to end! and also balancing my work with my studies is gunna be hard but i wanna get back into my roles on the board and hopefully course rep again.
i just wish i wasn't so POOOOOOORRRRRRRRR, honestly its such a real thing being in uni and going through this experience I'm very clearly not from the same place as most of these people and I'm doing the very stereotypical gay thing of having to EXCEL in EVERYTHING to prove I'm worth being here whilst some of the other richer people can just waste away their days and squander the whole degree its so frustrating they have that sense of entitlement to their space here when 100000 working class people would happily take that place and work harder with it.
having to be UR OWN male role model is exhausting but i gotta keep going, even if i need a 4 month break, gotta keep pushing as hard as possible all the time, because i gotta prove to my family that studying art wasn't a waste of money and time and i gotta be the positive male energy my brothers need so bad that i didn't have.
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tune-collective · 8 years
Lea Michele Emerges Reborn With 'Places' Album: 'F--- It If People Don't Like It' (Exclusive)
Lea Michele Emerges Reborn With 'Places' Album: 'F--- It If People Don't Like It' (Exclusive)
After splitting time between ‘Glee’ and recording her first album, Michele says of her follow-up, “This record deserves all of my time and care.”
How do you come up with a title for for your album if your record label says that it’s due tomorrow, and absolutely nothing is coming to mind? If you’re Lea Michele, you hold a wine-fueled seance at home, of course.
Well, not a seance, exactly — the 30-year-old pop singer and former Glee star was not trying to channel the deceased, but the spirit of Stevie Nicks. “I poured myself the biggest glass of red wine, I put Fleetwood Mac on my vinyl, I lit candles, and I legit started praying and looking for a sign,” Michele tells Billboard. “I have this incredible book that Stevie Nicks gave me in 2013 when my boyfriend [Glee co-star Cory Monteith] died. She gave me this art book of hers that she put notes in over the years and song lyrics, and then she rewrote personal notes for me that say things like, ‘Keep singing, and have faith.’
“I was looking through this book and praying that there was an answer in it, somewhere. And there was something in there that said, ‘The only thing that matters is you, and who you are.’ That’s what I’ve been trying to do with this whole record — just connect to me and where I’m from.”
The message led Michele to frantically call her best friend, fellow Broadway star Jonathan Groff. “I was like, ‘What’s something from our time in New York — a word, or a phrase, or something that is from theater, or from us?’ And he said, ‘What about “Places?”’ When you’re on Broadway, you get your 30-minute call, then your 15-minute call. You hear ‘Places everyone!’ And that means it’s showtime.”
For Michele, sophomore album Places, due out later this year, is the rising curtain that she’s been awaiting for her entire solo career. From 2009 to 2015, the New York starred as Rachel Berry on Glee, a cultural phenomenon that produced smash soundtracks and required countless hours of studio sessions from its regular cast. In the penultimate year of its run, Michele released her long-awaited debut album, Louder, on Columbia Records; the 2014 full-length was recorded simultaneously with her Glee covers, and has sold 110,000 copies to date, according to Nielsen Music.
In hindsight, Michele says that balancing her pop debut with the rigors of Glee — as well as the untimely death of Monteith from an overdose in July 2013 — overwhelmed her first album. “It was a lot,” she admits. “I was singing 10 songs a week for Glee in the studio, from Salt N Pepa to Kelly Clarkson to Celine Dion [covers]. When it came time for me to make my own album, I think it was a little clouded for me in terms of wanting to figure out what my own sound was. And it was also clouded by a big tragedy that had happened to me, in the midst of making that album. And you hear that in that album — you hear the darkness of what was going on in my life. I don’t think there is a consistency to the record that I was hoping for, but that’s life.”
Michele says that the process of creating Places was “so much more personal than the last one,” and that she kept her inner circle small. She holed up in Harmony Studios in West Hollywood with Amanda Berman-Hill, her A&R rep at Sony, and Alexandra Tamposi, a songwriting who worked on Louder. “I didn’t sing with anyone other than those two girls, which created a consistency,” Michele explains. She also used a smaller list of producers compared to Louder, relying heavily on veterans like John Shanks (Van Halen, Bon Jovi) and Toby Gad (Beyonce, Demi Lovato).
Whereas Louder also leaned into Top 40 songwriting — Sia co-wrote lead single “Cannonball,” and Michele says that she was listening to a lot of Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson at the time — Places will cater more to Michele’s powerhouse voice, which was featured in Les Miserables and Spring Awakening on Broadway. Songs like “Love Is Alive,” “Run To You” and “Getaway Car” are designed to be raised-fist sources of inspiration, with Michele not shying away from personal revelations or elongated melismas. Meanwhile, “Hey You” will appear at the end of the album, and although Michele won’t confirm what specifically the song is about, “extremely special and personal” is how she describes it.
“We have two songs that veer a little bit more in the pop direction, but for the most part, I sat back and listened to all of the songs that I grew up listening to, and most of them were Celine Dion, four-minute-long vocal Olympics,” she says. “This is a vocal album, and there are definitely love songs in there, but there’s also a sense of freedom. I went back and listened to all of the divas that I loved, and tried to find how that music resonates for me, in 2017.”
For Michele, the most crucial part of the Places rollout depends on something she could not do enough of for Louder: perform live. She’s “hoping” for an extended tour in support of her sophomore LP, but guarantees that, whatever happens, fans will get to see these songs performed live in some fashion.
“I’m a live singer, I come from Broadway, that’s what I do!” she exclaims. “I didn’t really have the opportunity to perform [the Louder] songs for people and get on a stage. Now, I’ve had the time to sit back and go, ‘Who am I? What is my voice? I don’t want to sound like anyone else but me.’
“Fuck it if people don’t like it,” she continues. “This record deserves all of my time and care, and that’s what I plan on doing this year.”
Source: Billboard
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– mod–
I’ll add to the comments as usual. Anon:
The DM ran photos of DK in the exact same outfit with the exact same shopping bags iSaturday – walking alone. Check it out. No way she wore the identical outfit and had the same bags yesterday. The story conveniently tags them as yesterday when it was known N was back in NYC. The “getaway” makes for a much better story than 2 friends hanging out like he’s done with several female friends in the past few weeks (Ira, Jarah, Liz) – and been photographed with them too. These pics were set up.
what is everyone talking about with norman and what did this DK woman do? i’m late and curious because i really don’t want to find a way to dislike norman
grooooooooossssssssssssss. well if the other rumours are true, she wants a baby w him.
I honestly am surprised about Norman and Diane. And to the person that said Norman is a horrible person, you’re wrong. Norman liked Diane and I believe that Norman can do whatever he wants to do with his life. If Norman wants to date Diane, that’s fine.
So he is w a disgusting famewhoere. completely changes the way i see him. bye bye norman, no longer your fan (and im a lesbian, so this isn’t butthurt shit here)
Anon: If this is true, I don’t want to go to WSC London now. I don’t feel like meeting him if he has been lying to us this whole time.
Anon: Norman has to address this. He’s getting so much hate. I hope he shuts it down. Please Norman say it’s not true.
I can’t believe he lied to us. If this really is true, then everything he says is bullshit.
Anon: Mod, I am at a loss how this whole narrative in the NR fandom went from “DK is vile, they’re not friends ” to “DK is vile they’re definitely not dating cuz NR is sweet and great” to “They’re dating! They’re both vile!”…. Like, where is this coming from? Norman’s own fans would rather believe he’s some sort of vile scumbag than the alternative that maybe, just maybe 1) NR and DK are both decent people? And 2) none of us knows the private details of when/how they got together?
Anon: Mod in your opinion do you think he would have done that? He did things that made us believe he was single so do you think he was really lying to us the whole time? I want to cry if he was. I thought he was different. Do you think there’s a chance that he is just friends with her?
Anon: Just friends my ass. They’ve been together off and on for over a year. Time for fans to take off the delusional glasses and accept it. He’s a good ACTOR, isn’t he?
Anon: II thought that if this happened I would feel angry and sad and disappointed. But I feel relaxed and calm and I wish Norman finally have found the woman that will stay with him till the end. I feel really happy for him.
Anon: I hope that Norman realizes that Diane probably called the paparazzi and set that whole thing up so they would finally be outed as a couple. She is a real piece of work.
Anon: A few choice words like unwise, irresponsible, childish, selfish, asinine, and dishonest, as well as many more like them are all coming to mind right now.
Anon: I know it’s his life but I think he needs to say or do something for his fans now. Just like when he shut down the EK rumor. Btw, TMZ also reported that as official too, if I recall and that was never true either. Please say something about the truth of this, Norman
Anon: In the midst of this DK stuff, someone on Facebook who works at LaGuardia airport says she talked to Norman at work today. Do you know if he’s heading somewhere?
Anon: What had Diane done and why does everyone hate her?
Anon: I am an extremely disappointed… I was gonna say fan, but I can no longer even bring myself to write that much less say it. What an effing nightmare. Seriously, I’m not sure if Norman could make a more foolish decision.
Anon: I want to be clear this is not a DK hate (or even dislike) post. I have to say I find it a bit ironic of NR fans blaming the trash mags for NR not being able to “live his personal life”. If I’m not mistaken didn’t the pap pics originate in daily mail? Doesn’t DK and her people have a deal with them and they set up pics all the time? So I’m assuming DK or both of them are courting this attention, yes? I think we need PR wife again, lol.
Anon: Ok wait, it doesn’t have to mean they are together. She could have been hanging with him like he does with a lot of his female friends. And I stil think the pics are only one day. Not a “weekend getaway” I really hope he says something now, though. This back and forth is too much. I pray it’s friendship and nothing more because I don’t want to have to stop supporting him. Say something Norman.
I cannot think of a single nice thing to say about Norman right now and I’m not sure I will ever be able to again. Anon: Dont you think that this is kinda ridicilous , this whole dk / nr is going on since 2015 , if they were together , they would already admit that and dont forget joshua and diane broke up a long time ago , so nr and her had a long time chance to admit it 🙄(sorry my english is not very good ) 

Susa206: Everybody should calm down! In my opinion it´s obviously, that they are a couple. I think we don´t have the right to judge about his or her life! Nobody knows what really happened between DK and her former boyfriend….. I never liked her … but the most important thing, is that he is happy…. and we have to accept his choice…. ( sorry again for my bad english)
Anon: So are we to believe they have been so careful to not be seen out together in more than a year and now they are caught in his parking garage? Set up
Anon: she is just so unlikeable. ive read her interviews and seen her interviews. she is not likeable. this is bad new for his brand, but its his life. i know i won’t tune into anything he does if she is accompanying him or being mentioned. i know celebs are humans, but i also consider them brands that i choose to consume. ive no interest in using my money & attention to help her brand, and won’t consume anything she is attached to. sorry normski, not interested if you come w her as an add on
Anon: But hold on remember when he was photographed with Elsa Hosk? and they aren’t together. I know because of DK, it’s strange but I don’t think it proves it yet. Until Norman comes out and says it.
Anon: Mod , i would like to help you a bit. I also dont believe that they are together , in fact i do believe Diane might have a crush on Norman (who not) and im sure Norman knows that , but it seems he is enjoying his single life and told her that , and still wants to hang out as friends with her , because why not? Maybe they were out having dinner , maybe he or she made dinner at their homes! 😊( just what i think about the whole dk/n thing)
Anon: this norman stuff with TMZ, is utter bullshit. they are probably just friends and so what if they are dating, they should be happy that they are happy.
Anon: Mod , it seems you doubt about if they are friends or not ….
Anon: Mod, do you think they really are together or do you think the friends theory is possible? I just want to cry if it’s true. It’s not that he’s with someone but that it could be her! I hate her. She is nothing like him she is so full of herself and now he looks like a cheater and a liar. I didn’t think he was anything like that but now he looks like such a fake person. Not who he said he was to his fans. I’m so sad. What do you think Mod??
Anon: If them unloading a car together is the smoking gun on their relationship… damn! I am in a relationship with a bunch of cab drivers! Dammit… and here I am thinking I’m single! 

Rebellacycle: I’m sorry I’m laughing at a lot of this this man can’t be any where near a woman or his female fan loose their shit “ oh he’s with her no ” if he is dating her at least she is close to his age if she slept with him I’d hi- five her good for you Diane 😂🤣💪🏹 let him live his life I don’t know her we really as fans don’t know the both of them it’s his and her business if they are dating or not what ever and I would love to be at his next convention to see if these “ fans ” ask him about it
Anon: Sorry!! I meant good luck to HIM. I want the man to be happt but she is just YUCK. My bad. You always rule. I’m going to drink whiskey til I puke this weekend. Why do I care? I have no clue but am just disappointed.
Anon: Can someone post the pics of DK that are supposedly from Saturday, please. Also, are those pics on tmz from yesterday or Thursday. I’m confused!
Sooooooo are they together or were they just carpooling to like Whole Foods and Best Buy or something?
I’m done with NR. Cannot support this disgraceful behaviour whatsoever. More to the point how can he be okay with a supposed partner calling the paps on them? Entire thing is a mess. he is not who he pretends he was.
NR and DK kept their relationship hidden this long because they knew people would never forget about how their relationship got started (cheating) and they knew if they went public they would be one of the most hated couples in Hollywood. I seriously want to throw up she is such a horrid human being. N has developed really shit taste in women.
Here it goes. Seems like we finally got our proof and Norman and DK came out and made it public finally. They are together. You can’t tell me she’s just a friend cruising around with him and unloading his car. Not after all. I’m so disgusted, I almost vomited. I can’t believe Norman fell for this woman. I’m SO SO disappointed and disgusted! 😞
Those two horrible people deserve each other. And they deserve every ounce of hate that they get as long as they are together.
Isn’t there a simple way to clear it up? One or both of their reps will confirm or deny the rumors, right? NR had to do that with the EK thing. Plus I think isn’t DK going to LA for Oscar weekend stuff? If she gives any interviews I’m sure they’d ask about this, right?
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You know how it goes 
Am i the only one that actually dont believe that they are dating? There is none proof that they are dating or in a relationship , in fact i think Diane is behind this , im sure there have been " ilove you" text around those 2. And dont you think she will be seen at all the events he went in 2016? Steve's wedding , the concerts , and traveling with him (ofcourse except the Paris thing) . Like Mod said and what i also believe , they prob just friends with benefits 😉

Sorry to bother you but is NR and DK "dating thing" official or not? This situation is such a mess that I can't understand anything 😂😂😂 --mod-- Right now it's still just rumor and speculation

OMG MOD! So it was all about publicity wasn't it??? She did that to get her name out there for Oscar weekend. I feel so much better now. They can't state a denial and then be caught again or it would look HELLA bad

i think that i'm just sad because he isn't single anymore ahahahah is that bad? --mod-- Not at all

I don't understand how they could be together. She embodies everything he hates (glitz glamour hollywood) She also screws with his fans worse than CS. Are they really going to go walking around holding hands like she did with JJ? He doesn't do that shit. And what about attending award shows? Are we gonna have to see her stupid face every time he goes somewhere? I think I quit. If he's with HER, he's exactly the person he said he wasn't. I so hope it's not true

Holy Heck, at this point I don't think a denial would even do much. Consider that when that old EK story broke in TMZ and People he denied it by then, but there are still fans who believe they were (or are!) together even though she hasn't been in GA in two yes and has a long term bf. On NR's newest post are some comments to "pls clear up the DK rumor and admit you're still with EK". Like...what? More ppl follow tabloid gossip than follow NR's IG I guess. 

Do you think Norman even knows or cares about disappointed and sad maybe even disgusted fans? Seems like the majority of them don't care when you read through the comments on his ig picture. i kinda wish he'd get more backlash. -- mod-- He is filming right now and being down or whatever doesn't make for a good show

I think as fans we put Norman on a pedestal and expect more from him than a non celebrity. Yes he spoke of his dislike of cheating but no one likes to be cheated on. If the rumors are true he was on the other side of the fence this time and might have felt different. But he ain't no saint! He's just a dude. I'm not condoning his actions either way and DK has a history of being vile, but that doesn't seem to matter until it does. If ur taking this personally, take a breather. Its not gonna last

nurseyanon: I don't care/never have about Norm and DK. It's not like we're engaged or anything...I do have a date every Sunday night (when I'm not working and saving lives that is!) to watch him and my beloved Crazy Rick kick ass. I don't know what Norm is like in real life, I DO NOT plan to attend a con or a cruise to meet him, I certainly am not going out of my way. I confess an attraction to Negan, or JDM, or sorta kinda both???

With all the kindness and consideration he's shown over the years he deserves better fans than this. Choosing between the actor who's Skyped with dying kids or people being cruel on the internet I'm going to stick with NR being the person I continue to prefer. No one is speaking for me when they say he's let fans down or owes us explanations. I'm not upset whether its true or not and he owes me exactly nothing. I'm ashamed by some of the behavior I'm seeing directed at him. 

That Norman or his reps didn't come out as of yet tells EVERYTHING. He denied the Emily rumors years back immediately. The rumors with DK are going on since almost a year now and he still didn't say anything. Disgusting, gross and ridiculous! Makes him look like he's got no balls and is such a wimp if he can't even admit it. I hope he gets backlash, I get why fans are hella disgusted and disappointed in him. Seems like he's definitely not the man he claims to be. And that is disappointing.

Honestly: that neither Norman nor his reps said anything or denied the DK thing yet says it all. He denied the EK rumors within 2 hours and even made fun of it. He went all silent now and doesn't say anything at all. Actions are sometimes more proof than words. They are dating if you want to admit it or not. I for me lost all my respect for the man and it's not about being jealous. It's because he claimed to love honesty yet he looks like a big liar and fool. 

Mod I know I'm late to the party but I just woke up, checked the news, and I have to say I'm stoked that it looks like Norman might be finding love again! And who really knows what he and DK are like, they might be very good for one another, who knows! And as for people who are upset because he "lied?" How'd he do that exactly? I'd want to tell those people to not judge unless they've walked a mile in his (or her) shoes. That's all I want for him (and told him so at WS ATL), peace & happiness.

My God.I don't know what the hell to think.I have always adored Norman and the way he brings Daryl to life.He seems to be such a captivating,interesting person.I want to be on his side still,but the rumours leave a bad taste in my mouth,I can't help.There is so much confusion,nothing fits together.For all we know he could have simply driven her home because she had all these bags.But the rumours just won't die. And he should be smart enough by now to avoid her.Why does he allow her to do this?
--mod--why do any of us keep the company we do. It's all rumors at this point so maybe wait and see what happens in the coming days and weeks.

Also notice how Norman stopped liking DK's pics on IG. Probably because he was with her all the time. He also didn't go back to NYC THAT often before in between filming last year. He did it to see her, come on. It grosses the hell out of me to just think about it. He's such a good actor, making himself look like he's an honest man yet he's the opposite.

Hey Mod, I just saw all the talk, is it true or just another rumor? How come these pics always come out right when there's something she's doing that she wants attention for? --mod-- Right now just rumors. No ideas why they dropped on Friday when they were taken days before.

Do you know if Norman is currently getting a lot of hate for the shit he did or not? I don't follow Norman blogs on Twitter or Tumblr/IG so I don't see anything. Would like to know if people are more disgusted or happy for him. I can't believe one could be happy with what he did, lying and probably cheating like how can one support his behavior? Nothing to be proud of. So anyone knows what the majority of his fans think? --mod-- He's getting both. I think he's fans are divided into like 3 groups those that hate it, those that approve and those that don't care.

Nothing makes sense Mod. If this was supposed to be him coming out w/ her, (since the pics were obvs set up), then why didn't he do it on Valentine's Day instead of leaving a day early /ignoring it? &why did he go out w/ Jarah to bury the rumor if he was still gonna come out w/ DK a month later? If it's true it looks SO much worse now b/c he went out of his way to hide it again even after ppl were talking about Paris. So it looks like he lied twice. Either it's not true or he's REALLY stupid.

No those were pap shots. Those aren't they type of shots you get for "coming out"

One question: were the pictures taken in Norman's NYC garage or upstate. If it was upstate she might've helped him with stuff since he's going to move there. I don't believe it myself but it could be just helping a friend. If it was in his NYC garage it's kinda weird. They unloaded a whole lot of stuff, even cartons. Looks even a bit as if it might be her stuff and she moved to his appartment? Can someone help me out, I'm lost. Because to me it doesn't look like just stuff from a shopping trip? -- mod-- It was taken somewhere in NYC, so not upstate. His place in NYC doesn't have a garage. Side note he's not moving permanently upstate. That home is already set up.

Total speculation but I can't help but think that when NR was with HC over the holidays maybe she warned him about DK's..love of tabloids and to steer clear if they were just friends, fwb or exes? Now, even if she set it up, he was physically in her parking garage just last weekend. Its not like it was a random super old pic her people gave to DM/TMZ. It's new. So as crappy as it is for him to be set up I can't be sympathetic because, how could he not see this coming?

I guess for me I am just really having a hard time understanding why someone would want to keep their relationship so secretive. If they are dating. Unless the cheating rumors are true and they don't want anyone to know. I would think if you love someone you would want everyone to know. The possible cheating is the worst part for me. I guess if the cheating rumors wind up being true then it will make me see him in a different light. I am definitely still a fan of his movies and TV shows. --mod-- Again at this point it's speculation at minimum they are friends. So we just have to wait and see how things go from here 

So people are just going to ignore all the good things Norman has done? He's seen with another female and doing things what friends do and now he's the devil. People need to stay the fuck out of his personal life and stop acting like 13 year olds. He isn't some band member. Chill out.

It used to be DK deleted every comment about Norman on her IG posts but now she is only deleting the negative ones. She's keeping the comments that say they make a good couple and all that. I'm taking that as a confirmation to be honest.

Is it official that norman and diane are dating or in relation? --mod-- Nope

Do you think it's all true Mod? I was so excited for RIDE now I don't even care. It's like he's not the same as we thought he was.

--mod-- I don't think it's true. Even if it was it doesn't really bother me.

So I'm annoyed with Norman's "choices" like others and totally see this TMZ "photo scandal" as an attempt by the untalented DK to "stay relevant," the timing / Oscar weekend is so convenient. However, my main gripe is...why does Norman look so greasy and in character 24/7? Others in the ZA have bathed and cut their hair, and in that Georgia heat it might feel better while slaying zombies. His gross factor is turning up. --mod-- Feral Daryl makes the world go BOOM 💥. I have no idea where that come from.

Did you see what they all unloaded from his car? It looks like it's someone's whole household stuff, bags but also bigger cartons. I wonder if it's her stuff and she moved to Norman's house? That's not just stuff from a usual shopping trip 😷 Or can someone help me out?
--mod-- Just stuff from a normal shopping trip. She isn't moving in.

I really don't want to believe NR and DK are a couple based on a couple of pics of them hanging out but it's so weird that NR isn't denying it. We've had these kind of rumours before. It was TMZ who also released the "NR and EK are dating!" story and NR took to social media to deny it AND had his reps deny it too within hours of the story breaking. But this time... nothing? I'm starting to think he can't deny it because it's true.

Even if it turned out to be true , i would be dissappointed in Norman , but do we actually think he is that stupid? To love a hollywood woman thats been acting like a diva? He isnt even like that , she will hate his fans and try even more attention from all the media. I really hope his people says something about this situation because this is going to give him a bad reputation 😖

Some things are objectively clear 1) DK, who has a deal with DM, orchestrated the pap pics *without NR's knowledge or consent*. She arranges weekly pics with DM and this time they just happen to "catch" NR--in her garage? 2) The content of the original articles (DM TMZ) is a lie. She wasnt upstate with him 3) DK was aware the pics, article (and lies therein) were gonna come out, but NR wasn't, it seems. Doesn't seem like something a loving gf or even friend would do. Thoughts?

Tripping across the dark playground 🤐. It seems like she 'confirmed' by liking insta comments about him being good at hiding the relationship. --mod-- New favorite phrase "tripping across the dark playground" I'm stealing it anon 

why are people so upset about if norman and diane turns out to be couple? I dont really follow them to much but I cant see the problem.. --mod-- Mostly because of the cheating allegations if they've been together. She was in a long term relationship which ended.

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