#we fucked ravenwoods reputation oh my god….
ghostcond · 1 year
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“It’s Alfred dayyyy” - Batfam x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : Every year, every single year, your family reunites to celebrate the marvel that Alfred Pennyworth is.
Because Alfred does deserve his own “holiday” really. This has been sitting in my draft for almost two years, someone send me an ask that reminded me of it and I just suddenly really wanted to write it. I hope you’ll like it : 
my master list : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Midnight, a new day :
“And we will be waiting for you at 8 am, your mom and I forced him to sleep in, but we all know he will be awake by that time anyway.”
“Ok, I’ll pick Jaybird on my way there.” 
“Jason is coming ?” 
“He said he would.”
“Oh. Good.” 
Dick did his hardest not to roll his eyes. “Oh. Good.” he says, as if the news didn’t make him wanna jump in joy. But of course, the Batman has a reputation to keep, if he showed too much emotions in one sitting, he’d probably explode. 
The truth was that if Jason was coming...Well if Jason was coming, it meant they were finally on the road to forgiveness. And Dick knew that Bruce had been waiting a long time for this. Bruce...and everyone else really. 
Especially you and Alfred. 
“In any case, be there by 8. We’ll do the usual. Now that I think of it, could you maybe pick up his cake at West Side’s bakery ? Your mother was going to do it, but if you pick up Jason...I think he lives in the area ?” 
Of course, Bruce knew exactly that Jason indeed lived not far from Alfred’s favorite bakery. Because he was keeping an eye on him. Not out of mistrust, or thinking he would kill again (he promised his mom, you, he would stop, but the promise was still recent, so was his return), but because...Well, it was his boy. 
Ever since Bruce adopted Dick, he never stopped worrying about his kids. He never stopped trying to keep an eye on them. It got even worst after Jason’s death...He was actually overbearing many times, which lead Dick away more than once. 
But he’d always be back. 
Just like Jason, eventually, would be fully back. 
For the moment, it was enough that he’d come by tomorrow. 
For tomorrow was the one and only...”Alfred day”. 
“Yeah sure, we can pick the cake up.” 
“Alright. Well. I’m going home, and you lot should too. We promised Alfred, after all. An entire day without any vigilante’s business. Unless there’s an emergency of course. Good night.” 
“’Night dad.” 
Bruce turns to his youngest kids, expecting them to follow him, but Damian says : 
“We’re right behind you, we’re just gonna hang out with Grayson a little more. Since he moved to Blüdhaven, we almost never see him...”
“Guiltripping me will not work little brother.” 
“Are you sure ?” 
Silence. And then Dick turns to his father : 
“I’ll get them home soon, we’re gonna go get some ice cream.” 
Bruce smiles, of this small genuine smile he only has when around his children. He nods, tell them not to stay out too late, and leaves, on his way back to you. 
12:30 pm, Batcave.
“You are late, Master Bruce.”
“Only by half an hour. I had to see Dick before coming back. Logistic talk.” 
As he speaks, Bruce takes his armor off, stretching a little after this short night full of not much happening. As if every villain in Gotham knew this day was happening, and they too would give a break to the butler (because if Bruce was resting, then Alfred could rest too). 
“Well it means you’ll have to start half an hour late tomorrow, this is the deal. Where are the children ?” 
“Alright. I will. And they’re getting ice cream with Dick. Now please, go to bed before she catches you up.” 
“Lady (Y/N) will understand that I was making sure you are home on time.” 
“She does understand yes, and she’s also telling you to go rest this instant ! You have slept even less than Bruce this past few days for god’s sake !” 
Both Bruce and Alfred jumps a bit as you enter the bat cave, smiling at them. Alfred raises his hands in a sign of peace, smiles at you, gives you a kiss goodnight on your forehead (a nightly tradition, by now...you never had a dad, and Alfred took it upon him to catch up lost time), and leaves. 
You turn to Bruce, and gives him your hand. 
He takes it gladly, a smile on his lips. The kind he only shows when around those he loves... 
A “glad you’re here” kiss, and a few words : 
“You know, my favorite thing about this day is that you’re home all day long, and I don’t have to miss you...” 
As usual, your words grip his heart, and his arms tighten around you. Even after years of being together, you could always make his pulse race with only a few words. Sometimes just a look...
He doesn’t resist or look back, when you give his hand a pull and leave the bat cave. 
Rare were the occasions Bruce would forget about his vigilante work. In fact, only one day a year, would he completely forget about it. Because he promised. And because it was a special day. 
A day to celebrate the man he came to view as his father. 
Alfred day. 
1 am, in “Giovanni’s 24/7 gelato” shop. 
The waiter of the place didn't even blink, as he served ice creams to a bunch of kids at 1 am, in the heart of Gotham. Used to it really. Nothing in this city was like any other place. Most people were night dwellers, even children.
Probably because, thanks to a certain group of vigilante, they all felt safer when the sun was down. 
“So, how did it start exactly, this Alfred day ?” 
Duke asks, after taking a full scoop of his favorite ice cream, curtesy of a certain Dick grayson. 
You had told Duke, about a week prior to it, that he had to clear his schedule for this particular day but didn’t really explain what it was exactly. Just that it was to celebrate Alfred. Not giving much more context. 
Dick smiles, and say : 
“How did it start ? Haha, oh man, it’s quite the story.” 
With an annoyed sigh, Damian says : 
“Just out with it already Grayson, we know, you were the only one that knew them by then blahblahblah.” 
“Do I sense a hint of jealousy, little bird ?” 
Damian doesn’t answer, but plants his spoon a little bit more aggressively in his gelato. Ah yes, maybe he was a tiny bit jealous that Dick had the luck to have their parents all for himself, once upon a time...Maybe. 
“Well anyway, legend has it that mom chose the date.”
Dick takes a dramatic pause, making the siblings who already heard the story (so everyone but Duke) roll their eyes. Their oldest brother had a flair for dramatic retelling of past events. 
“A long long time ago, on this day, when I was only 8 and just came into the family, they got into a bad fight. When I was little, before Jason came in, they got on the verge of breaking up a few times. Even did really broke up once, worst fucking time of my life, feeling like I was losing another family (A/N : referencing this story : The break-up)...”
A shot pause, this time, not for dramatics, but because the memory was genuinely painful and Dick had to take a short break. He continues : 
“So anyway, on this day, a long time ago, Mom discovered how vital Alfred was to this family. She said it’d been a day where she wanted to literally kill our father because he was so damn annoying, and overly brooding, and stupid – her words not mine- and that Alfred calmed her in just a few words. I don’t quite know what he told her, or what he told dad. All I know is that he told me that he wouldn’t let them break-up again over a stupid fight, and um, next thing I know, I’m avoiding the East wing for a few hours.” 
“Oh...Oh no Dick gross !” 
Dick chuckles, enjoying a bit too much messing with his little siblings. 
“Anyway, mom decided that Alfred deserved a day, in the year, where we would do everything HE wants because without him, our family would crumble. It just sort of became a tradition. So from midnight right now, to midnight of next day, no vigilante business. And we spend the day all together with him.” 
“That’s actually...a really sweet story ?” 
“It really is Dukie, it really is.”
“Dukie ?”
“Ah sorry, you’re part of the family now, which earns you a nickname from me. Jaybird. Timbo. Dami. Cass or Cassie if I feel like being a particularly doting older brother. So...had to find one for you. It was between Dukie and Dukester so-”
“Dukie is fine.”
Everyone snickers as Duke rolls his eyes, and then he asks : 
“So...What exactly are we gonna do ?” 
“Oh, well it’s simple. It starts at 8 am when we arrive, and we kick off with...”
4 am, Alfred’s bedroom. 
You open the door to Alfred’s room quietly, as you would sometimes to make sure your children sleep. 
This time, you were checking to see if the butler did really go to bed. One of the point of Alfred day, was that he had to feel perfectly fine, and he never had a full night rest ! 
So if you had to make sure he did during that time, then you would. 
Your children had came home a few hours ago, happy they had some time with their oldest brother. Dick had been away often lately, and they missed him...You knew they were gonna guilt trip him into buying them a snack. 
You and Bruce had had some alone time before they came home, that you definitely took advantage of...But for now, you escaped your husbands grip to come and check on Alfred, making sure he was sound asleep. 
And he was. Good. Perfect. He’d have a good night sleep. A full night of sleep. 
Quietly, you left the room again, unaware that a smile slowly rose on the Butler’s face... 
8:02 am, Alfred Day : 
Bruce is the one that opens the front door for them. They have their own keys, of course...but they both forgot them, as usual. 
They’d normally just climb through a window, or sneak into the backyard, knowing where all the security devices were (the back door was never closed because of this), but decided that for this day, they’d just ring the bell and come in the right way. 
Without much surprise, Bruce answers the door. It’d either be him or you, during Alfred’s day. Or anyone that wasn’t Alfred really. 
Dick and Jason move to remove their shoes (house rules, NO SHOES inside) and coats, while Bruce looks at them, waiting for them so they can all walk back to the kitchen. 
Jason is the fastest, and there’s this embarrassed silence between the three of them. Bruce smiles awkwardly at Jason, who looks away as soon as their eyes meet. With a “tt” very typical of his little brother, Jason says : 
“Don’t misunderstand this, I’m here for Alfred. And...For mom.”
“I know.” 
Silence. Awkward, as Dick takes way too long to untie his shoes, and pretend he’s not hearing anything.
Bruce knows what he’s doing. He knows his oldest son is trying to give him some more time “alone” with Jason. But he’s not really sure what to say...
“I’m um...I’m glad you came.” 
Good. That was good. Keep going on that path Bruce, that’s actually-
“Yeah, whatever. I’m going ahead, you know the way Dick.” 
Damn. Almost there. Almost there with an actual moment between them two. Dick sighs, and puts a hand on his father’s shoulder. 
“He’ll come around.” 
Bruce doesn’t answer, he exhales slowly and nods, not very convinced...But today was not a day to dwell on the bad. Jason and him would make this work, if only for today. 
Because today was Alfred’s day.
8h30 am, the Kitchen. 
The butler came down in the kitchen, well rested and pleased to be greeted by his entire family. Your smiles already made his day perfect, and if “Alfred Day” was done in this instant, he’d still be happy. 
“Sit down Pennyworth, we have made breakfast for you ! Well...Mom and father did...but we helped ! I was in charge of making tea ! And I think you will appreciate the way I brewed it. I followed an ancient Japanese recipe, and I reckon an aficionado like yourself will appreciate it.” 
Damian bloomed when he was with his family. To people who didn’t know him as well as his siblings and parents, he could seem like a petulant and arrogant child, but he was the opposite of that. 
He was insecure, and unsure. Scared of being left alone. And so to overcompensate all the fear instilled in him by years of abuse from his “grandfather”, the infamous Ras Al’Ghul, Damian could be quite a little jerk sometimes. 
But when he was with his family...He opened up. He smiled. And he spend hours trying to brew the perfect cup of tea for the grandfather he actually chose to have. 
“Bruce made your favorite Alf’, didn’t do half a bad job either -you smile at your husband, and give him a quick peck, which have the famous result of making your children make their best “ew” face-. You taught him well.” 
You say, smiling widely at the butler.
It’s true, Alfred did teach Bruce how to cook really well. People often had the misconception the billionaire was bad at housework, which was wrong of course. 
When his parents were alive, they’d insist he still had chores to do, so he wouldn’t be too spoiled. And when Alfred raised him, he taught him as much as he could so that the boy could hold his own. 
Bruce was a great cook (you could definitely attest to that, what with him cooking your favorite meals on date nights and all). And he always made Alfred’s perfect breakfast for his special day. 
“Jason and I just arrived so we didn’t really participate, but we picked up your favorite cake so it counts right ?” 
Dick says, a wide smile on his face. Oh master Dick, Alfred blessed the day this little boy walked in their lives. 
He wasn’t so little anymore, but he was always such a joy to have over. Even when he had his tantrum as a youngster (and now sometimes too, although he became better in controlling his burst of anger), Alfred couldn't help but love that child. 
The butler turned to Jason, who shyly smiled at him and...Alfred’s heart was full. 
“I am very happy to see you in this house, Master Jason.” 
He said, as he sits around the kitchen table. Jason’s cheek tints slightly of red, as they always do when he’s a bit embarrassed and overwhelmed. 
Jason was such a kind and sensitive child. He never quite got used to compliments, having been used to abuse and hate, and he would always blush under them. Alfred was glad to see that, even after the horror Jason went through, small things could still make his cheek turn rosy...
Jason sat down at the table, looking happier than he had in ages. 
“For you.” 
Cassandra said, settling in front of him a plate full of food, while Damian put the the cup of tea down. 
Sweet little Cassandra. It was always a pleasure to hear her talk. Poor little thing was never taught love, or even how to talk...Having you in her life greatly helped. Having a family, greatly helped. 
She still didn’t talk very often, but when she did, all of her words truly counted. She laid a small kiss on Alfred’s forehead, to bid him good morning, and went to sit in her usual spot, right between you and Damian. 
“You will be happy to know, Alfred, that all of our electronic devices have been off since midnight last night ! Yes, even mine. Promise !” 
Tim exclaims, smiling at him. 
Tim was the only one out of all of Bruce’s children to have entered this life willingly. The only one that came knocking at their door, just really wanting to help. 
Unfortunately, him too lost his parents over time (although they weren’t particularly great ones)...But the first impulse the boy had, was that he just loved Batman and wanted to give a hand ! 
Tim was selfless, maybe a little too much, and often worried you to death. He would get wrapped up in his projects even more than his father, and needed a constant reminder to take care of himself...task that you, Bruce, Alfred and his siblings would share gladly. He would give back anyway, working his ass off and putting his own life on the line for them any hour of the day... 
At the furthest side of the table from him, sat Duke. 
This was his first “Alfred Day”, and he was looking at things curiously, nonetheless happy to be here. 
Young Duke’s situation was a little special. His parents were still alive, and he still hoped they’d find a cure for their madness. Because of this, the boy would often distance himself on purpose from some family events, finding it hard to find his own place. 
This was one reason he didn’t wear the Robin mantel for long, and almost immediately went to be The Signal. It didn’t help either, that he was the only metahuman. 
And yet...Yet as the days went by, Duke felt more and more at home at the Manor, and would more and more hang out with everyone. More and more felt like he was truly part of the family, now. 
Of course, him moving to Wayne Manor was all very recent, and he needed time. Time that everyone was giving him willingly and gladly. Time to adjust and find his place. 
But here, sitting around the kitchen table bustling with activity and laughter, Duke felt like...he felt like this Alfred Day brought him one step closer to truly be a part of it all. After all, to him too, the butler had been nothing but great. 
Alfred had that talent, to congregate everyone around him... 
You felt happy, there, sitting amongst your children, your love, and the man you came to consider your father. 
Alfred had a good feeling, when he first met you. He knew. He knew you’d be the one to “tame” the bat, to not take his shit when he was being a jerk, and to give him unconditional love. 
It was important, to be in a relationship with a man like Bruce Wayne. 
But oh. Oh he was giving you back every bits of love you ever gave him, times a hundred. He let you in in his world, and had no intention of ever letting you go. 
Breakfast went by fast, as everyone talked away, and enjoyed each others company. 
It was very rare, nowadays, that everyone could be in the same place. At least one of them would be busy normally. But on this day...on this day they surely made sure they would be free. 
And so here they were, having breakfast altogether, happy. 
If only people from the outside could see this scene; If only. 
Then they’d know, just like Alfred knew, that this family was the strongest, tightest that ever existed, and that there was nothing but love between all of them. 
11 am, the theater.
Before the first “Alfred Day” happened, Wayne Manor did not have a “theater”. 
It had a “Ballroom number 3″. 
It was your idea, to turn it into a small theater, so that Alfred could perform for everyone. 
Over the years, you had realized that Alfred was actually a very talented actor. After all, he filled in Batman’s shoes many times, to pretend that Bruce couldn’t possibly be him. And he might’ve use his dramatic talent to convince you and the rest of your family to do what he wanted you to do...
Clever man. 
On Alfred Day, the first activity, after breakfast, would be to take part in a monologue of his. Usually shakespearian. But sometimes he’d come up with small surprises. He once recited the “heaven” part of the Divine Comedy by Dante, because he knew you loved that poem. 
It was absolutely brilliant, and you almost wished he had pursued an acting career instead of becoming the Wayne’s butler...but then, you would’ve never met him. 
By 11 am, breakfast would usually be done and it was time for a performance of a year. By that time, Barbara and Stephanie would’ve join. 
They didn’t live in the Manor, but they were close friend of the family. Friends that definitely knew how precious Alfred was to everyone. 
This year, Alfred decided to entertain you with a series of short monologues taken from a wide array of material, from Shakespeare to movies. It was fascinating. They all had their snacks as if they were at the movie theater, and were captivated by his performance. 
For Alfred, it was a way to relive his youth, working in London’s east end’s theaters. And to perform his hobby in front of a live audience. 
So sure, maybe said live audience might’ve been a bit biased towards him, but he knew their applause and praises were genuine. 
1 pm, East Wing living room. 
Lunch was always skipped, as you snacked too much during Alfred’s performance, and he was never hungry after he acted. 
You’d directly skipped to Alfred’s compliment session. 
He both loved and hated this time. Loved it because it was a treat to see he positively impacted his family. Hated it because it was never comfortable to just hear people compliment you The moment they gave him a cherished memory they shared with him...
Each year, one by one, they would tell him something he did for them that really was important to them. 
It was custom that the youngest would start. So Damian stood up, and said : 
“My memory this year, is one that happened not long after I came to live in Wayne Manor. I had just gotten into a fight with Tim, and been mean to mom as she tried to talk to me about it...I felt terrible. I felt like I would never be someone good. Pennyworth came in my room, ignoring me when I told him to get away from me. He settled some cookies for me, and told me a story of my father when he was young. Of how stubborn he used to be, and how sometimes, he’d say very hurtful things he didn’t mean...Alfred explained to me that it was normal to feel angry, when we’re hurt. That it was ok to not always be on our best behavior. That the people who love us will understand, and do understand. That they’ll still be there if they really care. Then he left, and I went to apologize to my mom. And she was there. I also apologized to Tim, and him too, was there...”
Damian sat back down, avoiding everyone’s eyes, as he felt too overwhelmed with feelings. You threw an arm around his shoulder, and he instantly hid his face in your own shoulder, acting like a little scared kitten who’d hide under his mom. 
It melted everyone’s heart, but nobody would say anything of course. This was between Damian and Alfred. 
It was Duke’s turn, and he was a little nervous, as it was his first time : 
“Mine is...Well...It’s going to sound so silly, after Damian’s heartfelt story, but one of my best memory with you Alfred, is when I first put The Signal mantel, and immediately hurt myself that night. I came back to the bat cave early, feeling shameful I couldn’t finish my patrol. You took care of my wound, and simply reassured me. It was just...soothing. I didn’t feel bad, as you stitched me up and calmed me down. I felt at peace, for the first time since my parents went mad...I can’t quite remember what you told me, as you just talked about random things, to calm me down. And it worked. As silly as it can sound, it worked. And that’s um...That’s when I started to feel good, here. Ok. That’s all.” 
Duke sat back down too, hoping Tim would start speaking soon. Thankfully, he did. 
“The memory I chose to share today, is one that is rather recent. I was struggling with some...self-worth issues. I felt like I could never fill dad’s shoes. Or Dick’s. Or Jason’s. Or anyone’s. I felt like I was trash. Like I was wasting away. I felt anxiety eating me up, and I was too scared to talk to anyone about it. Even to you, mom. I knew you’d find the right words, but I was just too scared you’d be worried about me. I know you worry a lot. So I didn’t say anything. Alfred walked in on me having a panic attack...and he helped me fight it. Then he scolded me because I didn’t tell anyone anything, and that it was a bad habit to always take all the burden on my shoulders. He then brewed me some tea, and talked about my favorite TV show with me to take my mind off of things...” 
Tim smiled at Alfred, and sat down. You reached for him, and squeezed his hand, making him understand you too, were there. And you worried about all of them all the time anyway so, ya know.
It was Cass’ turn now. Cass always had some interactive things, because she never spoke too long. She held up some drawings she had made (with the help of Damian). It represented her at a ballet recital (to which you all went by the way, and which was amazing. Cass was a talented little star). She gave the small comics to Alfred, took a deep breath, and said : 
“Thank you for helping me work on my dance, even when you were busy. You are a good teacher. For everything, from dance to how to make a perfect loaf of bread. I love your bread. I love your dance lesson. I love eating bread after our lessons. I love you more than bread. Even the sandwiches mom make with your bread and my favorite homemade jam.” 
She then did a few ballet dance move, and sat down again, holding her knees with her arms, and breathing deeply. It was still a difficult exercice for her, to speak. And to convey her feelings through words. It was always difficult, and quite an exploit that she said that much. 
Alfred smiled at her, before turning to Jason. 
“I’ll never forget the day you yelled at Bruce because he tied me up after I stole the batmobile’s tires. How livid you were, and how you threatened him to tell everything to mom. How he instantly looked scared at the idea of her being angry, and how you made him realize he went too far. How you were there, every step of my way adapting to life in a mansion, after living in the streets. But yes, above all, I’ll never forget the day someone stood for me for the first time, when you yelled at da-Bruce. When you yelled at Bruce for me.” 
He almost said “dad”. And that alone, was making Alfred’s heart happy. It was proof there still was some hope to salvage their relationship... 
“Ok, well I’ll be quicker than everyone else. And just say : you’re the best grandfather I could ever ask for.” 
With Dick, there was only two solutions. He would either go into a lengthy reenactment of a very specific event, or throw affirmations like that that would make Alfred feel tears coming to his eyes. 
Today, Dick decided on a short and sweet version, and it fitted perfectly. 
It was now your turn : 
“Every year, I’m reminded how vital you are to this family. And every year, it is tough to chose just one memory I love about you. I always have to think, because there’s so many. But I think this year, I will choose that time I said “yes” to Bruce after refusing his marriage proposal three times, and you screamed in happiness, through your broom across the room, and ran to hug me. It was so out of character for you, it makes me happy just to think about it. But I mean, I can understand the excitement...I was pretty content myself.” 
You smile, looking at your love, and he rolls his eyes at you, before smiling too. Of this pure smile he only shows you. And then he turns to Alfred, and tells him : 
“You made the loss of my parents bearable. Without you, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I’d probably turn...very dark.”
There was a small silence. 
Bruce’s speech was always short and to the point. 
And every time they were all done talking, Alfred would find himself with tears in his eyes. With those last few words from his son, this time didn’t escape the rule, and he found himself dabbing at the corner of his eyes. 
Damian’s next word released the emotional atmosphere as he looked at his father and said : 
“Tt, show off.” 
Everyone bursted in laughter, and this great day continued on... 
4 pm, interlude. 
This was Alfred’s few hours of utter peace. Everyone would leave him alone, and he could relax doing something he liked to do (usually reading or something of the sort) while not worrying about anyone. 
You’d give him space. It was very rare, for Alfred to be all alone with his thoughts, thoughts that he was forced to NOT have about his family. 
It was even rarer that he wouldn’t think about Bruce or you, or his “grandkids”. So in this day, when he knew none of them were doing anything dangerous, he took full advantage of it to relax his mind. 
In the meantime, you’d watch a film or two. 
Damian and Tim were in the process of choosing when Duke turned to Bruce, and a smirk on his face asked : 
“Soooo…I heard Alfred Day exists because you annoyed (Y/N) ? »
Bruce glares at Duke, ah he never quite likes to remember why Alfred Day exists…But before he can answer, you enter the room (you went to get some snacks for the movies) and exclaim :
“Don’t let Dick downplay how truly unsufferable he was that day ! Dick always manages to forgive his dad, and make things less worst than they are. It’s a talent really. Annoying doesn’t even cover how awful he was. He had one of those « dark days », decided he should break up with me for my own safety out of literally nowhere, yelled at baby Dick, was mean to Alfred saying he could fire him…I swear I could’ve slapped him.”
“You tried.”
“And if Alfred hadn’t stopped me, I would’ve succeeded. Anyway. Yes. You see, Bruce and I almost broke up that day because he was being really stupid, and Alfred...salvaged everything.”
“I was being stupid indeed...I almost lost...I...”
Sometimes, when he would remind himself of that day he almost went too far and truly drove you away, Bruce would feel almost like an anxiety attack coming over him. Because if he had lost you, and had continue on the path he was taking with Dick...Well he wouldn’t have had that second shot at having a family.
And it was enough of a frightening thought to be overwhelmed with anxiety.
“To be honest, I also was quite stupid. I can be stubborn too, sometimes. And there were time, at the beginning, where I wouldn’t try to be in your place...” 
You say, letting soothing fingers run through his hair, a motion you knew always relaxed him. Bruce instantly calmed down, as your kids made some disgusted faces at your closeness, and the incident was over. 
It was good, though, that Duke asked. First because it was actually pretty funny to think of the fearless Batman getting his ass kicked by his wife...but also because it was a good reminder to him of what he almost lost, and who he used to be. 
Alfred saved him. 
You saved him. 
His children saved him. 
And now, he could appreciate a relaxing movie time with all of you (minus Alfred, who was in his room, probably devouring the cake you got him (because yes, that cake was for him and him only), finally relaxed). 
The movie chosen, everyone took their usual spot on the massive couch, that Bruce had ordered specifically so that his big family could all fit on. 
At one point, both you and Bruce drifted off to sleep, in each others’ arms, and barely noticed your kids placing a blanket on you, rolling their eyes at how teeth rotting sweet you two were. 
6 pm, a walk through the park. 
Alfred loved Wayne Manor’s gardens. 
And he loved even more peacefully walk through them with his family. 
This was the time you were always reminded how massive the “backyard” was, when you’d go through acres of it. 
The kids would play soccer, baseball, football, or anything really. Alfred would often join. He was actually very athletic, and the kids would fight to have him on their team. 
You and Bruce would take part in it too, and your children would always make sure you’d be in the same team. Sure, sometimes you’d stop playing to smooch each others, like two damn teenagers...BUT, having you both on the same team would avoid triggering your crazy competitive minds. 
For some reason, whenever you had to play against each others, you’d both get very ruthless and petty, and it would often time get annoying (for real, you were forbidden to play UNO since a long time by then). 
You’d all spend some times outside, no matter the weather, enjoying a normal family outing. 
Alfred loved this time of the day. 
Because he loved the gardens, but most of all, he loved seeing his family being happy and together... 
9:30 pm, the dinner. 
Dinner was entirely prepared by you, and Alfred only had to come at the table and wait. 
By then, you had a perfect system that made it so the meal was prepped efficiently. It was Alfred’s favorite, of course. 
The table would be filled with all his favorite meals, prepared mainly by Bruce with you guys’ help. 
Your kids would pretend to be waiter in a fancy restaurant, and exaggerate everything, which was very funny. 
And you’d all share a meal, something that was quite rare, in this day and age. 
In fact, you were pretty sure that your entire family being reunited for a dinner happened max three times a year. For the holiday season, for Alfred Day, and for Batman day (you just thought it was funny to celebrate it). 
This was just a time to catch up, and to be together. 
Alfred would ask countless questions to everyone, and everyone would be polite and listen. It’d just be so nice, and relaxing... 
11:30 pm, almost the end. 
The day would end in the batcave, with everyone enjoying each others’ presence for a few more minute before you’d go back to a “normal” life. 
You’d talk about your favorite moment of the day, and how you always really liked “Alfred day”. 
And then it’d be over. Alfred would retake his butler position, and the Batman would prowl the streets of Gotham once more. 
You’d be their home support again, working the computer often, and you-
Ah. Yes. But not yet. 
There were still a few minutes. And it sounded like the perfect time for you to finally talk about a certain news...
You see, Alfred was the one you went to to vent. You loved your family with all your heart... But anyone knowing them just à little bit knew they could be à handful. And Alfred, he was always there. 
So it just seemed fitted for you, that you’d announce this news on that day. While everyone was around, and celebrating Alfred’s existence. 
Because what you were about to say, was one of Alfred’s dearest hope...
12:28 pm, 2 minutes before the end. 
You waited the very last minute, because you thought the effect would be even better. 
And as your husband and kids were ready to leave, you said : 
“Oh wait, I have one last thing to say on this very special day !” 
They all stopped, and turned around, looking at you. You smiled. Nervous, but happy. You knew that you and Bruce wanted this anyway, so it would be fine. And you knew your kids...your kids would be happy. For sure. 
But Alfred. Alfred would be over the moon. And so, without further ado, you said : 
“I’m pregnant !”
Bruce’s eyes went wide, and his mouth opened dumbly. He froze on the spot, before smiling widely and starting to laugh stupidly. His first reaction was to go to Alfred, which you were expecting. 
Your children all reacted at the same time, rushing you like a wave of noise and excited screams and...pfiouh they could be overwhelming. 
Alfred was indeed over the moon. 
And he was the one calming your children, tearing them off of you so he could hug you, and give you some space, too. 
Because that’s what Alfred did. Take care of you. Of his family. 
And Alfred day, this year, ended with him looking at you and Bruce hugging tightly, overjoyed by the news of a future new little addition to the family. 
Up until next year, and this future baby’s first Alfred day...
Annnnd it’s 9:12 am, kept my promise to post something “today” haha. Probably not the best time to post. Buuuut...well, another sleepless night (or early morning, all about perspective really haha) of writing. I’m definitely back :). I hope you liked this story, I’m a little nervous after being gone for so long, I feel like I don’t know how to write anymore, and this is all very...mmmmbadhgezhe. I still do hope you liked it a little bit. 
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3. 
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Cig’ Break - Jason Todd x Reader
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I think I’m going to write a story about this. That’s what I think. So here we go, a little love for Jay, because he deserves it. Also, remember kids, smoking is bad, also stay in school and...stuffs. Hope you’ll like it :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
Forty nine. 
That was the number of time Jason Todd’s family tried to convince him to quit smoking. Forty nine times. It always made him feel better, to keep track of their attempts, because it made him feel like they cared about him...Even if, sometimes, their way of showing it would be to grunt at him to stop smoking, because it’ll be the death of him. 
 As a child, Jason was bruised and abused, forgot, abandoned and left to fend for himself, by the very people who were suppose to take care of him...His parents. He had to fight for his life for so long, and met all the wrong people. 
All the wrong people ? 
Not quite. One day, in this dark hazy world he was living in, in one of Gotham City’s poorest neighborhood, he decided that it would be a good idea to steal the famed Batman’s tires and...The rest is history. 
Sure, his life didn’t suddenly become full of rainbows and happiness. Oh no, he really went through Hell and back, he had some extremely tough times but...He gained something he never had before. 
A family. 
A family that cared enough about him to try and convince him to stop smoking almost fifty times. A family that, though he went back to some very dark places never fully gave up on him (though it took Jason a long time to realize that). 
A true family, not bound by blood but by an unbreakable bond forged over the years. A family, like no other, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
So sure, things weren’t always pretty, and sure, he fought a lot with them and such...but at the end of the day, deep down, he knew now that they would always be here for him. Always. It took him a while to understand and realize that, years even. 
For the longest time he thought they didn’t care. He thought he was just a replacement for the Batman, to replace the golden son, Dick. He thought he wasn’t really their brothers. He thought...But he was all wrong. Dying and coming back to life, though at first it made everything worst (oh god so much worst), put things into perspective.
He finally understood the man he came to call “dad” (though it took him some times), Bruce Wayne. Understood why he didn’t kill the Joker, understood why sometimes he was so harsh with him...
Yes. It took years to Jason Todd to understand that he mattered. That he was valid and loved. That without him, the family wouldn’t be the same...It took him years, and it all came down to that moment he decided to start smoking. 
“What ?” You might wonder, but it all makes sense. 
You see, when Jason died and was brought back to life by Ras Al’Ghul, he was angry. He hated his family, and even more his “father” who had abandoned him, left him to die at the hand of that heinous clown. So everything this man he used to adore told me not to...he did. 
He killed, he hurt others, he stole, he emptied his heart of any warm feelings and...he started to smoke. Because once, when he was ten, Bruce had told him that smoking was a terrible habit, after he scolded a man for smoking near him and Dick at a gala. Because that man he used to trust told him not to...he started to smoke. 
And though over the years after his resurrection he finally understood and forgave his father, hell started to call him “dad” again and came back to the live at the mansion, though he accepted to see a therapist and to talk about his feelings, to heal himself of all the pain, though he stopped killing and opened up his heart more...He never stopped smoking. 
Because he kinda liked it. He knew it was a bad habit. He knew it wasn’t healthy. But...he couldn’t quite do everything his dad was telling him to do right ? He had to stay a little bit rebel. So if he had to say a lot of swear words, and to smoke just to piss him off, then he will. 
He couldn’t be the perfect son (hell, none of his brothers were either, his reputation would be RUINED if he was the goody two shoes one right ?). And so, he smoke...besides, after all he’ve been through, listening to his dad, to his brothers, or to Alfred trying to convince him to stop smoking made him feel good. Reassured him that they cared. 
Bruce would always grunt at him whenever he’d light a cigaret. He’d try to snap it out of his hand, though Jason, knowing that, would always end up out of reach before he could. He’d then talk about all the risks that tobacco has, all the single sickness you can get from it, and end with a barely audible : “and I care too much about you to let you do that to yourself so quit it please”. Sometimes, if he was in a good mood (which happened rarely really), he would say those last words louder, from the bottom of his heart, and finish it with a “I love you, son”. 
Dick always joked about his bad smoking habit, but there and there, would put in some comment about how he should stop. But it would always end up with Jason feeling uncomfortable because, if there was one in the “Batfamily” who wasn’t afraid to talk about what he had on his heart, it was Dick, and oh he loved making his little brother feel uncomfortable whenever he started to talk about how it would be impossible to live without him, how awful it was when he was actually dead, how he never wanted to go through that again, how he was suppose to die first because he was the oldest...Yes. His heartfelt revelations would always make Jason feel weird (but also, good), and somehow, they always made him not want to smoke. At least, not around Dick. 
Tim was, just like his father, very pragmatic. He always told Jason how it was. If he kept smoking, then he would die. If he died...then it would break this family, again. The balance of their family was fragile, and losing one of the counter weight would be dramatic. Without Jay, life wouldn’t be the same, and the family couldn’t recover. Always very pragmatic...he almost made Jason cried, once, by telling him how much the family depended on him, and how much it would be such a sad and dark world without him.
Damian was the worst. He wouldn’t really say anything, just take the cigaret out of Jason’s mouth and throw it away, ignoring his protest. It would rarely happen though, because Jason tried to never smoke around the kid...But on those rare few occasions, he wouldn’t even be able to anyway because Damian wouldn’t let him. He would also hide his cig packs, even though he always denied it. For Damian, it was impossible to admit that he wanted to protect his older brother, that this idiot meant so much to him that he had to do something...But Jason knew. Jason knew and, whenever he realized one of his packs of cigaret would be missing, he’d always go spend some times with the brat, annoying him affectionately, ruffling his hair and...Yes. They both knew what they meant for each others, but god forbid they’d ever admit it. 
Jason was never smoking around Alfred, because the butler, whom he came to think about as his grandfather, was too damn convincing. Jason knew that if he listened too much to Aflred, he would quit smoking for good, and he didn’t want to...maybe, one day, when he’ll realize that being a rebel is “stupid”. In the meantime, Alfred would always leave little snarky and full of wits comments whenever he smelled the gross scent of cold cigaret on Jason. Sometimes, he would even make him flinch, by telling him things like : “If you ever die from cancer before me my boy, my heart will be broken” and such. 
Yup. His family always tried to make him quit but...he wouldn’t. Not now at least. Besides, if he had listened to them, then he would never have met you..
That night, you were restless. You just couldn’t sleep, it was too fucking hot ! 
The problem in Gotham City, is that when it’s cold, it’s really goddamn cold, and when it’s hot ? Burns as if you were living in Hell (and maybe, somehow, you were, though you loved your hometown). 
Your AC was broken and you couldn’t really open your windows...this was Gotham after all, one open window could lead to a lot of trouble. And so you decided to climb on your building’s rooftop, with a blanket and a pillow. 
The rooftop was always empty, why would anyone go up there ? It was where you went when you wanted to be alone. To look around the city, without being seen. Besides, a few time, you saw one of those night vigilante jumping around ! It was just a really cool place. 
And on really hot nights ? The best. It was the best. A fresh breeze would always be up there, and you managed to sleep comfortably more than once. You had made a little nest up there, with an old mattress you stopped using a while ago, and fairy lights. 
It felt safe too, because...again, why would anyone go up on the rooftop ? Especially in the middle of the night. 
And here you were, climbing up the ladders to get there, with a blanket and a pillow...and that’s when you met him. 
He was sitting on your old mattress, back to you.
At first, you froze. The Hell ? Who was that ? What was he doing there ? No one ever got up there but you ! You quickly realized thought that he was...one of them. And his mask was off. 
Or rather, his helmet. It was sitting next to him...Red Hood. 
Yup. That was Red Hood, the most violent one (and that was saying a lot). But you weren’t afraid, because wasn't he just violent toward criminals ? 
You lived your entire life in Gotham, and you never even nicked a candy bar ! And so you slowly walked toward him, wondering what you were going to say to him...What ? “Hum excuse me, but you’re in my bed ?”...
He scared you when he turned around, ready to fight and...Oh my god. It was Jason Todd Wayne ! One of Bruce Wayne’s adopted son ! ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS MAN IN GOTHAM !
And it suddenly hit you. Of course. It would make sense. Bruce Wayne had a motives to become the bat, and the money. And all the little Robins around him...of course. They were his kids. Well damn. What a discovery. 
-Wow. You’re one of the Wayne boys. 
Was all you were able to say on the moment. The stranger tried to put his helmet back on fast, but he knew it was too late. Fuck ! 
You walk up to him, and he stares at you. You notice the cigaret in his hands and you say : 
-Can I have a drag ? 
He looks at you, surprised. He’s almost a hundred percent sure you recognized him so..why don’t you react much ? 
Truth is, you don’t want to react. I mean, you don’t want anyone else but you to know their secrets, because it would ruin them ! And Gotham needed the “Batfamily” (it’s how gothamites came to call all of them). 
Unsure, Jason gives you the cigaret and you take a drag, coughing because you’re not use to actually smoke. You turn to him, and he slowly takes his helmet off again. What’s the point in hiding, you knew who he was.
He looks at you curiously, as you smoke on his cigaret and look in front of you, at the view of Gotham you have. Why don’t you say anything ? 
The truth is, you don’t really wanna talk. You’re tired. And you just made a really cool discovery that you’ll forever keep secret because that’s the right thing to do. So you don’t want to talk. You just want to sit there, in peace. 
He doesn’t really seem to mind so, you know. Besides, he’s sitting on your bed. If anyone was to leave, it would be him ! But he doesn’t. 
Oh no. No, Jason is captivated by how little you seem to care that he’s  the famous Red Hood (famous for doing some awful things, not just for saving the city). He can't get over the way you just discovered that he was Jason Todd Wayne, that he saw the shock on your face and yet...a small smile replaced your shocked face rapidly, and you just casually went to sit next to him, asking to take a fucking drag off of his fucking cigaret ! 
Who were you ? What was your name ? Why weren’t you running away ? Or yelling everywhere that you knew who the Red Hood was ? 
Later. You’d tell him later. In fact, you’d answer all his questions another day. Because today, he wouldn’t ask you anything else. And you wouldn’t speak, just look upon Gotham. 
He takes the cigaret out of your hands and smokes a bit too, before giving it back to you. 
You spend the night there, in comfortable silence, with an almost total stranger (you only knew things you saw on TV about him). You barely recall falling asleep at some point...when you wake up you’re alone, but you have the intimate conviction you’ll see him again. 
It becomes a habit. Every night, you go up on your roof, and he’s there. Sometimes he doesn’t stay much, just the time to smoke a cigaret with you, and then he leaves. Probably to fight crime. 
Sometimes he stays hours...and that’s when you start to talk. 
(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Your name rolls so perfectly on his tongue. 
You explain to him why you won’t tell anyone who he really is, or who his entire family really is. You explain why you’re grateful for him to exist, because you always lived in Gotham and you know without them it wouldn’t be the same. You tell him so many things, and oh, he talks back. 
He finds himself talking to you more than he ever talked to anyone else. Whenever it’s your turn to take drags on the cigaret, he would tell you about himself. What he liked and disliked. 
Eventually, he talks about the dark part in himself. Why it’s there. What happened. That time he first speaks about it...is the first time you actually touch him. It’s not just a small brush of your hand on his as you take his cigaret from his hands. No. You lay your head on his shoulder. You close the gap that was there since day one between you, and lay your head on his shoulder, wrapping an arm around his waist. 
His breath hitches slightly, before he wraps his own arm around your shoulder, and you stay like that. For a long time. Just snuggling against each others. 
The nights he can’t stay long are the one you hate the most. Those nights, you usually just share a cigaret in silence. You sometimes listen to music, discovering each other’s taste in that...realizing that all your favorite bands are the same. Most of the time, you’re in each other’s arms. 
Nothing else happen. No. You just...hug, give each other warmth. 
The calm nights, when he can say...Those are the best. You talk for hours, about everything and nothing at the same time. 
He quickly becomes your best friend. 
And always, you share a cigaret, your touches lingering each time longer whenever you pass the cig to each others.
He tastes...like ash. Of course he does. He smokes too much. 
You taste like that too, like cigaret. But there’s also a hint of raspberry that he loves...and, lime ? 
The first time he kisses you, it’s on one of those nights he has time to say. One of those nights he’s not called to go fight crime. 
It’s well into Autumn by the time, and the nights aren’t as hot anymore. You’re wrapped in a blanket when he arrives and...he’s hurt. He bleeds slightly from his brow. 
You go down in your apartment to fetch some stuffs, but he doesn’t follow. It would be too dangerous. What if someone sees him going in your apartment ? 
So he stays up, and it’s so damn cold. 
Oh Gotham. Only two settings. Freezing cold, or hot as hell. Or rainy. Like, “Noah, I hope you build a kick ass ark because man that’s a lot of water” rainy. 
You’re back in an instant, and clean his wound rapidly. And...you don’t really know how it happens. It just sort of...does. 
Your hand lingers on his wound, and he reaches up to catch it. 
Your breath lets out small clouds and he realizes that you must be freezing...He feels guilty because he’s the reason your up there, so he wraps you better in your blanket and brings you close to him. Only, instead of laying your head on his chest, as you often do, you keep your eyes up. 
You stare at him. At his cut. And he can’t help himself. 
His lips are on yours all of a sudden. And they’re so oh so soft, even if a little chapped. You respond to his kiss instantly, and it only feels natural when you open your mouth to let his tongue go in. 
He taste like ash. And you do too...but you have a little taste of raspberry and lime as well. He loves it. 
Sometimes, you fight. 
But it’s never too bad. It’s always about somethings stupid. And it would usually result in you guys kissing...
It’s funny, how the fact that you kissed doesn’t change anything. You guys still meet up every night, as if nothing. Sometimes, you kiss again. Sometimes, you don’t. And always, you talk and embrace. Always. 
But one day, it’s not enough. Your cigaret breaks are amazing but...it’s time that Jason Todd and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) becomes a thing out there as well. 
It’s weird, the first time you see your face on a newspaper with the title : “Sorry Ladies, the second Wayne boys, Jason, is not single anymore !”, with a picture of you and him walking in the streets, hand in hand.
But it’s ok. It’s fine. Because...He’s your best friend. He’s...Because...you love...Because. 
-I love you, (Y/N). 
He tells you, while it’s your turn to take a drag off of the cigaret you share that night. You almost swallow the cigaret out of shock. It’s the first time he tells you that, it’s a big deal. And yet...and yet it’s not. 
-I...I love you too. 
He nods. Brings you closer, and takes the cigaret. His turn to take a drag. And so it’s done. But of course. You love each others, as simple as that. 
There’s only one night that you guys didn’t meet on the roof. You were sick that day, and knew you couldn’t go up there...
You were utterly surprised when you heard a knock on the door and there he was. Even more surprised when he explained that his father gave him a day off of patrol to take care of you...
And though you were sick, that night...That night is the first time you and him made love. And oh it was so delicious and warm to wake up in his arms come down morning. 
This went on for years. It was your little ritual. 
Of course, nowadays you’d live together, in a nice apartment Bruce found for you two, in Gotham Central. 
And of course, he would now have days off given to him by his father, to be with you. Oh Bruce. He absolutely adored you. He said he noticed a change in Jason after he first met you. A nice change. A noticeable one. He stopped smoking since with you...of course, you didn’t talk about that one cigaret you always shared, every nights. This was your thing, with you and Jason. 
Yes. Jason’s father adored you. And the positivity you had on his entire family, because oh you were such a ray of sunshine. And there was nothing better than to witness you and your recklessness put someone in their place at a gala...he loved how you always spoke your mind ! (He’ll never forget that day you told him to fuck off after he was a bit of a dick to his sons...it was so refreshing to have someone stand up against him and put him back in his place when he was being a douche, so beneficial). 
Really, his entire family came to love you. His brothers like a sister, Alfred like a granddaughter etc etc. How could they not love you ? You saved Jason from himself, after all. And he quit smoking for you ! 
Oh but if they knew about your little nightly ritual...
Your little ritual, of going ont he rooftop to smoke a cigaret was happening almost every night. It was great. It was calm moments, and though sometimes they were short because Jason still had to save the city...They were always great. 
Up until one day...
It’s another one of those extremely hot summer night in Gotham. You and Jason met almost ten years ago, and have been together for nearly eight. 
You’re waiting for him. Right now, he must have left the bat cave and will be there soon. You’re waiting for him, looking upon Gotham as you did all those years ago.
And finally, finally he’s here. 
He kisses you, and smiles. He always smiles when around you. 
He takes his cigaret pack off and...you stop him. 
-Not today Jason. 
He looks at you curiously. Uh ? What...What’s the matter ? What is wrong ? ...Are you going to leave him ?! 
The thought terrifies him and he finds himself petrified, not able to utter a single word. You instantly see how he stiffens, how he freezes and you understand. So you reassure him : 
-I’m not going anywhere honey, I just...I’m...I can’t smoke tonight. It wouldn’t be safe. 
He’s confused. What ? 
And then it hits him. The way you look at him, and the hand you have on your stomach. His breath hitches, and, voice shaking a bit, he asks : 
-...Really ? And...Mine ? 
You roll your eyes at that, but you nod. Yes. Really. His. 
And it’s like all the hardship he went through vanished, all his worries, his pain...everything disappear. He feels a surge of happiness growing inside him, as he lunges towards you and takes you in his arms. 
Finally, just in case, you confirm : 
-Yes Jay. Really. And it’s yours. You’re going to be a father Jay, you’re going to be a father...
The pack of cigaret he had in his hand falls to the floor and...it’s the last time he ever touched one. Because this is it. This is the time. 
The time when he realizes that being a rebel and annoying his father...it’s over (well, the rebel part at least, he could never stop driving his dad crazy). 
The time he realizes it’s time to grow up. To be more responsible. To...To change truly. 
Because he’s going to have a child. And there’s no way he’ll ever let this kid be in danger, threatened or anything...ever...especially not by him. 
And so on that day, Jason Peter Todd took a decision. 
And you did too. 
There would be no more cigaret in the Todd-(Y/L/N) household ever again (well, at least until your child will decide it’s time to enter a rebel phase as well, and will sneak on the rooftop to smoke...just like you used to). 
The End.
As usual, I drifted away from the initial idea again...Sorry ‘bout that, I can just never control my writing, I never know what I’ll end up writing based on a prompt I receive so...yeah, hope you still like it :/. Also guys, let’s be honest, is this too descriptive ? I realize there’s almost NO dialogues in there...is it bad ? Should have I made them talk more, instead of describing scenes ? You tell me...I just felt like this would be a “not much talk” kind of stories but I might be totally wrong eh
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
I’m done with you, Mr. Wayne - Bruce Wayne x Reader (angst?)
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First, thank you very much for your comment, and then here for a somewhat angsty story based off your prompt  :-) ( I never know if I achieved my goal in making people feel with my stories so you know...). Hope you’ll like it :
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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No matter what his brothers were telling him, how hard they were trying to reassure him and convince him that he did nothing wrong, Damian still thought it was his fault. Without him, none of that would have happened.
If he had been more careful, this all situation could have been avoided. His father wouldn’t be heart broken, and his mom…his mom…
No matter what his brothers were telling him, how hard they were trying to reassure him and convince him that he did nothing wrong, Damian still thought it was his fault. Without him, none of that would have happened.
Without him, his mother…He couldn’t even think the words. It hurts too much. To think he was the cause of it all ? It was even worst.
No matter what his brothers were telling him, how hard they were trying to reassure him and convince him that he did nothing wrong, Damian still thought it was his fault. Without him, none of that would have happened.
Without him…Without him…Without him his mother would have never left.
It wasn't a secret to anyone : sometimes Bruce could be very insensitive of other people’s feelings. He could be harsh in his words without even realizing that he was hurting his interlocutor’s feelings (or worst, he knew he would hurt their feelings and yet still went through with it because of his damn misplaced pride). 
It used to happen a lot, in the beginning of your relationship, that he’d be like that...but as the years went by, your stubbornness, the fact that you stuck around with him even when he was his worst self...It softened him. 
Or rather, it turned him into what he truly wanted to be. 
His insensitiveness was a result of his parents’ death, a result of him thinking he would never love anyone or anything again. And he never thought that there would be a person in the World able to help him heal this wound, able to almost make him forget his pain. 
Nothing prepared him for the tornado that you were. He wasn’t ready when you entered his life and refused to let him go, knowing he was only trying to push you away because he didn’t want to get hurt anymore. 
He did that to everyone before you (except Alfred, who was basically his only “friend”). But after ? Well, he still pushed most people, but he let you in. And then he let Richard in, Jason, Tim, and Damian. He allowed himself to be happy, truly happy. 
Of course he would still act like a “loner” around his League friend, and crack some witty and sarcastic jokes about it to them, giving him a reputation of being kinda...difficult to make smile and all but oh, when it was just him and you ? Him and your sons ? Him and Alfred ? He was a different man. He would smile more often than not, of that small genuine smile of his. 
But sometimes...Sometimes, his darker side would come back up. Kick him right in the stomach, right in your guys’ faces. 
He could never really ever forget the promise he made to his parents all those years ago, he just couldn’t. He wasn’t able to. He tried to not be Batman anymore when he married you and Jason died but...He couldn’t stop. 
Batman was his true self. And you totally accepted him. You even helped more than once, monitoring the bat computer almost every night. You supported him in his crime fighting activities, and you agreed with many people that Gotham needed The Batman...But sometimes, it would go too far. 
Occasionally, he would be too engrossed in a case to think about anything else, and would be a dick to anyone getting in “his way” (and when he was like that, “getting in his way” could simply mean ask him if he was hungry or something of the like...). Bruce wasn’t a man to half-do things. He was always on the extremes. 
He was either a caring husband and father, a man who would do anything for his family and though the Batman held a special place in his heart, he would skip patrol to say with one of kid if he was sick, or with you if you weren’t feeling well...Though the Batman was still a massive part of his life he would stay inside just to be with you if you needed him, or with Alfred or his sons. He would stop a case mid-way to take care of you. Stay at home to watch a movie with one of his boys (or sometimes, all of them). And he’d take at least one day a week off to relax and rest. Those days were important for his sanity, and if he took such great care of you, his sons and Alfred, cared about what you felt and such (even if sometimes he was a bit clumsy trying to talk to you guys), it was because you gave everything back to him times a thousand. Because without you he would be nothing. 
But he could also be what his parents’ murder turned him too, before you and your boys saved him. He could forget to eat, to sleep. He could not talk to any of you for days on end because he would be too focused on a case. Because all of a sudden, something triggered him in that particular crime (it could be about someone’s parents’ getting murdered, it could be related to his family, or it could be about one of his biggest arch enemies and such), and he would be obsessed with him. Those times, where he’d turn himself into a heartless machine in order to solve a case as fast and efficiently as possible were the worst. And though they were rare nowadays, they still happened (more than you wished). 
Like today. Today was one of those dreaded time...where he would go to the extreme of the spectrum, and turn toward his darker side. 
It was Damian’s birthday, and you knew something was going to go wrong when you woke up alone in bed. 
It happened very rarely that this would occur, that Bruce wouldn’t be around when you’d open your eyes, fast asleep next to you, or staring at your sleeping form, caressing you lightly, ready for some awesome lazy morning sex. 
So as you touched the empty space next to you, feeling the coldness of the sheets there...you knew something wasn’t right. 
Now that you thought about it...You don’t recall him coming to bed at all ? 
You come down in the kitchen and your suspicions are confirmed.
The way they all look at you, especially your youngest one...he’s still in the Batcave. Obsessed about his current case. What was it again ? Oh, but of course. The fucking Joker. He’ve always been darker when it came to that God awful clown...but ever since Jason death, it was worst. 
Whenever that psychopath broke free, you could be sure your Bruce...wouldn’t really be “your Bruce” anymore. 
You turn to Damian and give him a sympathetic look. Of course it had to fall on hid birthday...You walk around the kitchen counter to go kiss his forehead and wish him a happy birthday and...The way he clings to you a little bit longer than he usually would, and the way he buries his face in your shirt, his arms wrapped tightly around you...You know he’s not happy. 
Of course he’s not happy. Your own father forgetting your birthday wasn’t really nice...But, maybe there was a chance he didn’t forget ? Maybe, later in the day, after school, he would remember ? And wish him a happy birthday as he come down in the bat cave ? 
It doesn’t happen. As you and your sons, followed closely by Alfred arrives in the cave, he doesn’t even look up to you and...Yes. Definitely one of those days where he’s turning himself into an insensitive bastard to be able to solve his case faster. You always thought it was idiotic but...it would past rather fast usually, and your normal husband would come back soon enough, apologizing for being such an ass and things. 
Only, usually it wasn’t Damian’s birthday. And you had hoped that that at least would wake him up a bit...but no. Here he is, typing away on his computers, burning his fingertips on his keyboard, not even taking a look at any of them. 
You’re about to say something, unable to bear this sad look on your son’s face, when Bruce’s harsh and strict tone resonate through the walls : 
-Let’s go, we have a lot to do. 
When you stop him, catching his shoulder, he shrugs you off and gives you a look of annoyance. But he does stop, though you know you only have a few seconds before he leaves and ignores you. In a voice you’re trying to control, you say : 
-Don’t you have something to say to Damian ? 
Bruce turns toward his son, and looks severely at him before saying, not even looking back at you as he prepares himself : 
-What has he done now ?
-...Nothing. He hasn’t done anything. In a long time. What the Hell is wrong with you Bruce ? 
You know what’s wrong with him. He turned on that part of him that even himself doesn’t like very much, that part of him that needs to go out in Gotham and spread Justice through the streets. That part of him, the only part of him, that you almost hate. 
He doesn’t bother answering you and goes toward the car, when you yell, quite frustrated (this feeling enhanced by the way your son squeezed your hand, signifying to you that you should probably drop it and that it was ok if his dad forgot his birthday...) : 
-It’s his birthday for God’s sake ! 
Oh ? A reaction ? Bruce finally turns again to look at you. He narrows his eyes at you, then look at his son, before looking back at you and saying : 
-...And ?
He jumps in the Batmobile before you can say anything else. Before you can get mad at him for his answer. 
What did he mean “and ?” ?! It was his son’s birthday and he was ignoring it on purpose now ! It was worst than forgetting it ! And the way he left with the bat mobile without any of his boys ? Leaving them to get on some motorcycle to follow after him ? 
Yes. You were right. It’s not going to be a good day. 
The way Jason’s jaw clenches, the way Dick’s fists are tightly closed, the way Tim’s shoulders hunch, and the sad, heartbreaking look on Damian’s face...You know it. This night isn’t going to go smoothly. So you say : 
-Boys, stay with me tonight. Let him...wind out. Just let him. 
They turn to you, and though you know they’re all angry and disappointed at their father (though they know he really can’t help it, that it’s not totally his fault and it happens so rarely that they can almost forgive him on the spot...almost), you know what their answers will be : 
-We can’t leave him alone when he’s like that mom. 
Dick sighs, and you understand...Tim continues : 
-You know he gets even more reckless than usual. 
-Besides, maybe someone will need to punch him back to reason. 
Jason’s words bring a small smile on your lips, and it makes them feel better, but the mood is soon tarnished by their little brother’s words as he burst out of the cave full speed on his motorcycle : 
words bring a small smile on your lips, and it makes them feel better, but the mood is soon tarnished by their little brother’s words as he burst out of the cave full speed on his motorcycle :
-He’ll wish me a happy birthday when he’ll care again...
“And ?” he said. Because he doesn’t love him.
Damian knows it.
“What has he done this time ?” he asked, as if Damian always got in trouble...Hell, he tried really hard those past two years since he arrived in the Wayne household to behave himself ! For you, for his brothers, for Alfred...But mostly for his dad. And what does his father say ? “What has he done this time ?”, because he doesn’t trust him.
Damian knows it.
He also knows that maybe he shouldn’t be bothered that much about it all, after all, his mom always said that whenever his father unleashed his dark side he wasn’t the same but...What if he was just being honest in those moments ? What if he was just lying to all of them ? To him ? What if he truly didn’t care...
Those thoughts plagued his mind as he fights the Joker’s goons. The Joker himself is not too far, But it didn’t stop him from fighting fiercely, because the sooner all of this was going to be over, the sooner he’d get his true dad back (if such a man ever existed...).
Damian can see his brothers fighting too, often glancing their father’s way to be sure he’s not being overly reckless. And the boy can’t help but be impress by his older brother Jason, who shows the most amazing self-control Damian ever witnessed. How could he not delve toward the Joker and, if not killing him (as he promised you he would never kill again), hurt him ? Bad ? Make him suffer for ruining his life all those years ago ? For being the reason he struggled so much, for being the reason of almost all of his problems ?
Jason was impressive. Maybe that’s why his father didn’t forget his birthday ?
“And ?” he said, when you told him it was Damian’s birthday. “And ?”, because he doesn’t care...It’s difficult to focus on a fight when you think one of your parent doesn’t love you and...
He hears Dick’s voice yell before everything turns into a blur. Something runs into him harshly, his brothers are rushing toward him, his father is screaming something ?
It takes Damian’s a few minutes to start seeing straight again, to come out of all this blurriness and...he’s in his father’s arms. And things suddenly make sense. His dad lunged toward him to get him out of the way of a bullet, he dad saved him, he saved him ! He did care and...
-Because of you, he escaped.
Bruce says, throwing his son harshly back on his feet and looking around, realizing the Joker left. The man groans, and doesn’t even look at his tumbling son...Fortunately, Tim’s shoulder is immediately next to him so he can supports himself on it. And Dick’s arm is soon around him to help him stand up straight too...His two brothers are too worried about his well being that they don’t notice the way Bruce threw him back on the floor, and they didn’t hear what he told him...They’re too focused on making sure he’s unwounded and...it seems so. It seems he’s unscathed. Just dazed because his father ran full speed into him !  
But Jason ? Oh Jason heard, and he’s not happy.
He walks toward his father who’s already looking around for tracks that’d lead him toward where the Joker ran away and...he punches him right in the face. Without any preamble. Just a right hook in his nose. Bruce isn’t fast enough to counter the attack and falls flat on his ass, a bit stunned.
Tim, Dick and Damian turn to them, and listen to Jason :
-How dare you telling him such a thing ?! It’s his fault the Joker ran away ? HELL NOW ! He almost died ! You saved him ! It was that or catching the Joker ! What’s the best uh ? Wait don’t even answer that. I swear to God sometimes, Bruce, you’re such a douche. The worst of them all. Come on guys, let’s go home and leave him for his little hunt.
And as he watches his sons leave, piercing him with their eyes full of disappointment, sadness and resentment...He makes himself stop feeling. He hermetically closes himself into his own shell, and forces himself to not feel anything and to focus on his mission.
As thousands of daggers shove themselves into his heart as he sees his beloved sons leaving...he forces himself to ignore this displeasing and heartbreaking feeling to focus on his task. And he lets them go...
Bruce doesn’t come back until late in the morning, and his apparent exhaustion doesn’t stop you. Your sons don’t stop you, and Alfred certainly don’t either.
You walk straight towards him and, for the second time this day, Bruce is surprised by a punch...Though yours isn’t as powerful as Jason’s, and you hurt your hand a bit as your knuckle encounter his nose. You punch him with all your might and he barely moves, though you know he’ll have a bruise there soon enough.
He just looks down on you, with emotionless eyes, and listens as you start, your voice low, calm and dangerous :
-I’m not going to yell at you, I’m too mad for that. I’m not going to argue with you about it, I feel like my fist encountering violently your face is an explanation enough of my feelings. I’m not going to talk about the Batman, or how much of an asshole you were today. More than you have been in a long time. No. I’m not gonna do any of that. Instead, I’m going to ask you simple questions, “yes or no” type of questions, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t an important one. That it can’t change everything, and here it is : do we mean less to you than your “mission” ? Are we not enough for you ? Are you going to risk your own sons life just for your stupid justice ? And to hell with the “yes no”, why are you like this ? Why do you delve back in darkness when we’re here ?
No. No of course you don’t mean less. No, he would give everything up if it meant saving you all...but he can’t tell you that. He can’t because once again he’s making himself feel less. And he doesn’t know why.
He doesn’t know why he delves back in his dark past, in the years before meeting you, when he started to be Batman, when only his mission counted...He doesn’t know why sometimes he goes back to that state of mind while he’s happy now.
He doesn’t know why he can’t stop, he doesn’t know why sometimes it comes back, why sometimes he feels that way. It’s like a nightmare, the same over and over again, and he’s stuck in it...sometimes he just can’t help it.
But he doesn’t tell you any of this. He doesn’t tell you that even him don’t know why he acts that way, why he’s such an awful person sometimes. He doesn’t tell you that he can’t understand himself sometimes...if he had, you would have helped him as you always did. You would have helped him finding the answers but...he doesn’t say any of the things that are on his heart.
He doesn't tell you that he loves you all too damn much, and that sometimes all this happiness is overwhelming and so, for reasons he doesn’t even get, he shuts himself in his work and turn into an insensitive bastard. He doesn't tell you that he’s afraid to loose you guys, too feel empty again, and so he voids himself off of emotions as...practice maybe? In case he does lose you and has to force himself to not feel anymore to avoid the pain ?
He doesn’t tell you any of that and instead... :
-Yes. Yes my mission is more important than you.
It feels like someone else is speaking. He doesn’t even recognize himself. Inside his mind, part of him is screaming that no, it’s wrong, you matter so much more than his mission, and to Hell Justice if it meant loosing you but...he’s stuck in the dark part of his brain, in the one that refuses to listen.
You chuckle darkly, and, tears welling up in your eyes but not falling you say :
-You know, sometimes, I wonder why I ever married you. Why I ever put myself in harm’s way like that. Why I decided to live like that, in constant fear for your life and...with you sometimes being so damn emotionally unavailable. I sometimes regret ever saying “yes” to this first date...but then I think : no. I love you too much to regret anything, I love you so much it hurt. And without you I’d never have my beautiful boys and such but...Right now ? I’m done. I’m so done. I’m done with you, Mr. Wayne.
His next words pierce through your heart like a poisoned dagger :
-Then just go.
You don’t even think of the impact of your next words as you say :
-Aren’t you the greatest detective ever ? Don’t you understand that “I’m done” means I’m already leaving ? Goodbye, Mr. Wayne.
And on those words, you leave the cave, under your boys’ and Alfred’s desperate gaze...And Bruce ignores his heart slowly breaking as he goes back to work on the bat computer.
It doesn’t matter, what Dick says. That he did nothing wrong. 
It doesn’t matter, what Jason says. That he isn’t the cause of any of this. 
It doesn’t matter, what Tim says. That he didn’t trigger anything. 
It doesn’t matter that his brothers are trying to reassure him and tell him none of what happened was his fault...because Damian knows it is. 
Without him putting himself in stupid danger because he wasn’t focused enough, without his stupid birthday, then his parents would never have fought ! Then you would still be here. 
You packed a suitcase. 
You and Bruce already fought before, mostly for stupid things, not even Batman related things, and you never packed a suitcase before...
You took all of your favorite books with you. And left without a word. 
You were definitely gone, out of their lives, and it was...all his fault. Damian knows that it is...
He cannot stop the tears running down his face. He barely got into his bedroom away from his brothers, and locked it before he started sobbing uncontrollably. 
Because of him, because of him his family was broken ! 
Bruce is staring out of the window of his bedroom, tears in his eyes. He finally came out of his trance as he caught the Joker a few days earlier but...he has no news of you. When he allowed himself to feel again, you were truly gone. 
You weren’t waiting for him, warming the bed. 
You weren’t waiting for him to talk, and to try to work everything out...no. You left. Truly left. And here he was, heartbroken...
The butler enters his bedroom and puts his breakfast on the bed, before starting to leave. Ever since you left, even Alfred stopped talking to him..at least, stopped willingly talking to him. 
-She took her favorite books with her, Alfred. 
-I know, Master Bruce. 
-And her favorite clothes...Her favorite perfume...
-I know, Master Bruce. 
-She...She really left Alfred.
-She said she would. 
-But I thought..I thought...I thought it was just bluff. So far it has always been bluff. And she said she loved me, she loved the kids...how...how could she ? 
-I’m sorry Master Bruce, I cannot feel sorry for you. You had this one coming, since a long time. It’s truly a miracle, actually, that she stayed so long. 
And before Bruce can say anything, his butler leaves. Alfred never talked to him as coldly as this before...But oh, Bruce understands. 
Because of him, the central pillar holding everything in this family was gone. But...he couldn’t understand...Each time before you understood him ! You always understood him ! Every time he has been a total ass to you, you still stayed. Because you were stubborn ! Because you were in love ! You always stayed with him no matter what. It always ended up with him apologizing profusely and you saying : “I understand”. 
So what happened ? Did he go too far ? 
Oh but Bruce was lying to himself in this moment. He knew he went too far. He knew there were a reason for you to leave him. He pushed you too far this time, he finally ruined everything, after years and years, you finally cracked...
Dick leaves the room as Bruce enters it, he doesn’t even look at him. Dick. The one who, quite like you really, never held the grudge, wasn’t speaking to him anymore. The one that always forgive all of his mistakes, couldn’t let this one pass...And Bruce’s heart broke even more as his older son left without a single look for him. 
Jason completely left the house. Said he couldn’t stay or he would punch Bruce in the face whenever he saw him. And as Bruce goes into Jay’s “ex”-room and sits on his bed, look at the things he left behind...He cannot hold back his tears. He really did broke his family. 
Tim never acknowledge his presence anymore. Whenever they’re in the same room (which happen rarely anyway), Tim just stays focus on his computer and ignores every single thing he tries to tell him. One time, out of anger and frustration, Bruce took the computer violently away and...Tim just sat there, not moving, still ignoring him. 
And Damian ? Oh Damian...Bruce hadn’t seen him in days. He was always out in the garden, walking in circles, and ran away whenever his father would come close, with...fear in his eyes ? Of course Bruce didn’t know that if Damian ran away it was because he felt guilty, because he thought HE broke the family apart...Maybe if he knew that, things could have improved ? 
Alfred wasn’t speaking to him unless he talked first. It was horrible. 
Bruce felt empty again. It was exactly his worst fear. The reason he stupidly “practiced” making himself heartless. He felt empty, and beyond sad but...He couldn’t access this dark part of his mind. The gate was locked. Forcing him to feel every single thing. 
The pain of loosing you. The suffering of his sons. How he became more and more estranged with them each day and...It had only been three days ! You were only gone for three days and it made him realize so many things. 
How could he leave without you ? 
It felt like an eternity to you. 
Hiding out in the attic, Alfred discreetly sneaking some food to you. 
And as those three, long agonizing day went by, you were starting to wonder if it was really such a good plan ? ...Probably not. Besides, Alfred’s report made your heart flutter and bleed at the same time. 
Bruce was miserable. Crying often. He still went out as Batman, because he truly couldn’t stop but...he just wasn't happy. He couldn’t be. That’s what made your heart flutter because, and though it made you feel a bit guilty to be happy that he was sad...it confirmed that he truly did love you. That his “mission” wasn’t more important, as he already told you before but damn, when Bruce was in his “dark mode”, he could be so convincing when he wanted to hurt you that...for a long dreadful moment you thought he was serious. That you mattered less than “Justice”. But when he caught the Joker and got out of his “trance”, when he truly realized you left (though you really didn’t) and he was alone...It hit him. And you felt awful for feeling happy about this. 
But your heart also bleed for your kids. You couldn’t tell them your plan, you couldn’t tell them you hid in the attic in the hope to teach their father a lesson, they would let something slip and then your entire plan wouldn’t work and...
-I can't believe you did that. 
The voice of your youngest son startles you and you turn around quickly, to be faced by your four kids, standing in the entrance of the attic. 
-I can expl...
You never have time to finish your sentence as they run into your arms and hug you tightly. They all talk at the same time and you don’t understand much and...it doesn’t matter. Damn it feels good to have them back into your arms...
You finally all pull away, and explain to them your plan and...They totally agree with it, though they’re still a bit mad that you didn’t let them in on it. 
Damian tells you how his father apologized to him, how his gave him a heartfelt speech about how much he was sorry to not be the dad he deserved, and how he finished on a chocked “happy birthday” and let a gift down...But he also tells you he couldn’t quite forgive him, or forgive himself for letting you go and...Oh you hug him. you hug his tears away. You hug his sorrow away. And Damian, for the first time in days, almost feels happy. 
Almost, because now, he tells you you have to go “fix his dad” and...he’s right. It’s enough. Three days is an long enough punishment. 
Bruce is in the library, walking around it, trying to avoid to look at your favorite chair in the corner, or a bookmark you forgot on a shelf or...The door open and he turns around, ready to witness one of his son, or Alfred, avoiding him once more and...
It’s you. 
He can smell your perfume from here and he just knows it’s you...your smell somehow still lingered in the house everywhere, but right now, it was strong and comforting and...It was you. 
You were all of that to him. You’ve always been. Ever since his eyes met yours, one day, long ago, you became his main source of comfort. 
The one that made him realize that he was allowed to be happy, the one that made the darkness in his head get smaller and smaller each passing day at your side, the one that finally, finally made it totally disappear. 
You stand there for a minute, unsure of what to do. And you’re about to talk but...he starts. He falls down on his knees and in a weak voice that doesn’t resemble his he says : 
-I’m sorry. 
His voice breaks, and it’s instinct. It’s something coming from your guts. You go to him and you kinda just melt right in his arms and...There’s no need for words. 
You understand. You always understand. 
It’s gone. 
This part of himself he doesn’t understand. This part he couldn’t stop from coming back, that turned him into a heartless machine. It’s gone. 
Of course, some pain and traumatisms can never go away fully, of course his parents’ death will always weight on him, of course he’ll always HAVE TO be Batman but...this part of Batman, of his true self, that just never allowed him to be fully happy finally left. 
It realized that it didn’t have its space in him anymore. That he didn’t have to force himself to not feel anything anymore. 
Thinking that he lost you, that his sons hated him, that even his Alfred didn’t want to talk to him...Loosing everything truly made him realize that there really was something to loose. And that he could never feel NOTHING if he ever lost any of you. No matter how trained and such, he couldn’t stay stoic in front of the loss of you, his sons or Alfred.
This part he never understood, that tainted his happy days often...Was finally gone.
Of course, every traumatisms, all the pain and such didn’t fully go away, there were things he couldn’t erase, and his personality would always be to be too damn serious and such but...That part that kept self-sabotaging himself ? 
-I love you (Y/N)...
He says as he holds you tight against his beating heart. 
And you say “I love you back”, of course you do, because there’s a reason you stuck around all those years. There’s a reason you never faltered. And even when it seemed like you gave up, you didn't actually and it was just part of your plan to make him feel better ultimately and...Well. You succeeded. 
Those were the worst three days Bruce had had in a long time. And it made him realize that...yes. He was allowed to be happy. And though life wasn’t always easy and full of joy...It was ok to feel. 
For some reason Tumblr bugged and I had to rewrite the part between when Damian gets almost shot and the end..so a good chunk of the story :/. And I feel like my initial writing was better than this cause like...it kinda sucks now, I just couldn’t remember what I wrote in this part, but I know it was worded better and just better plot and UH ! ...Also I feel like I’m getting maybe too far from the original request ? And damn I can’t write angst for shit. Anyway. The End is shit, I had no real idea where I was going and EEEEEEH. Hope you still liked it..? Ok I’m gonna go hide in a hole now. 
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Behind closed door - Bruce Wayne x Reader (Erotica)
I feel absolutely awful, and for some reason, writing smut is oddly comforting, so here we go for some Bruce smutty story ! (with feelings, like the story is actually mainly relationship things between Bruce and Batmom and a little smut around there ;-)). Sorry again that I haven’t posted in a while, I just...had a major change in my life and wasn’t feeling fit to write if that makes sense. Anyway, hope you’ll like it :
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives.
Behind closed doors, Bruce Wayne was different. Of course, it takes time to get him there, to crack his shell and for him to allow him to be that man, only behind closed doors. 
Behind closed doors, Bruce Wayne was different. He could be himself...Finally.
The first time it happened, it was rather early on in your relationship.
On the anniversary of his parents' death, to be exact.
You had been together for, technically, eight months by then.
Officially though ? Only 4 months. Half of your relationship has been spend hiding from paparazzis and people in general.
Hell, even Alfred didn’t know anything about you !
You understood why though. He was the famous Bruce Wayne ! He had a reputation to keep ! He couldn’t date a nobody from a poor part of town like you ! He couldn’t seriously date anyone ! Especially not you, a way younger girl who wasn’t even that beautiful, intelligent or famous ! (Bruce would argue that you were the most beautiful and intelligent woman he ever met though, but he was always so nice to you...).
Besides, you also thought that the reason you guys always went on secret dates, the reason for Bruce to sneak in your room quietly, or for you to “infiltrate” his office to go have a quickie on his desk, the reason you guys kept thing hidden...was because he didn’t want you to think this...”thing” you had between the two of you was something serious.
He didn’t want you to think he wanted to actually date you.
And if it was known that you and him went on little dates (or worst, if anyone heard about how you often went to just have sex with him in his office, or how the famous Bruce Wayne would sneak into your apartment complex to fuck you everywhere in your apartment...Well, it was a bit unrealistic and crazy to think anyone would know that but what if ?) and such, then you’d become his “official girlfriend”, and the day he’d want to finish this “thing” you had ? The day he’d want another girl ? ...Then you’d be humiliated. You’d just be his woman toy and everyone would talk about you for days. The woman who wasn’t just a date, but a regular booty call...Of the great Bruce Wayne ! Surely, this would be all over the news for weeks.
You knew Bruce enough to know that he wasn’t that kind of man, he could sometimes be a bit insensitive and such but you knew him...No matter what he liked to say right after he slept with you, when his defenses were a bit down and he was trying to convince you he wasn’t good for you, he was actually a good man.
Sure he was known to be a womanizer but every women who ever went out with him knew what “this” was, they knew they probably wouldn’t stay long with him, even if they had hope about it. They knew that the next week ? They’d be out.
Sometimes, you thought about how, four months later, you were still not “out” but at the same time, you knew, just like those women he dated that you were probably just a phase. You were already so amazed that a man like Bruce Wayne would have any interest in you so...But yes, despite what he said about himself, and what the news sometimes portrayed him like, he was actually a true gentleman (thanks Alfred). So he kept it hidden, he kept it to himself because...It was just fun casual sex right ? Right. No.
The reason he hid your relationship like that for all this months was out of fear. Fear for your life. Fear that something would happen to you because of who he was (at night AND during the day). Fear of loosing you.
When he first met you, at a small charity event you organized (it was a charity to give better access to books and such to disadvantages communities in Gotham), he was instantly drawn to you, hypnotized by you.
At first, he even thought you were a meta-human who had the capacity to play with people’s mind, to control them, because the attraction he had to you ? It was just too strong to be natural and yet...And yet as his eyes laid on you for the first time, as you were telling off a rude woman who kept bothering you about champagne, and felt his heart race for seemingly no reason (at least no reasons he understood at the time)...He kind of knew that you didn’t have super powers. That you were just...Special.
He found himself talking to you without really knowing how it happened. And a week later, when he backed you up against a wall to kiss you passionately ? It just felt as if it was meant to be.
But a dilemma was killing him from inside. Somehow, he couldn’t stop himself from coming back to you over and over again but...he couldn’t put your life in danger willingly. You could never have a life with him, his nightly activities would forbid that forever and...So he kept all of this a secret.
He made you think what you had was just casual while after only four months together he was head over heels for you. He hid you from the World, kept you to himself and he almost fooled himself into thinking this could be it. It wouldn’t really be fair to you, to only have a secret thing going on with him, with no prospect for the future, but at least...At least he could be with you.
He could hold you in his arms, kiss you, make love to you...even if in your mind it was probably just casual sex with the richest man in Gotham ! (It wasn’t , you never cared about his fancy gifts and money, in fact, the same kind of spell that got him hit you as well when you saw him for the first time, when your eyes met...you were deeply in love already, and so was he, but God forbid that any of you would admit that first...Too scared of having your heart broken).
And then one day, a solution offered itself.
You discovered that he was Batman. Pure luck. He saved you and...Oh you would recognized that jaw line anywhere. And you suddenly understood (Bruce always said you were a smart one).
You understood why he kept everything a secret, you understood why he never said anything, you understood why he never spoke about his feelings, even though when he made love to you, it seemed so genuine...
You understood everything.
And you told him he was a “dumb stupid idiot” for thinking he had to protect you somehow.
This was your life. You made the choice. Not him. He wasn’t allowed to decide for you what you’d do, how you’d live. Him leading a dangerous life wasn’t a reason for him to break up with you, as he wanted when you discovered who he really was. Nope. He had no right to choose for you...It broke his heart, to know that he was dragging you down with him, and into the madness that was his life...But if he was completely honest with himself, deep down, he was beyond happy that you told him off, that you didn’t let him self-sabotage himself by breaking up with you, that you were all like : “fuck you Bruce, you don’t get to decide for me, only I is allowed to fuck my life up ! Now kiss me you dumb stupid idiot !”.
It was a relief, really, to be able to finally be free. To be able to finally hold your hand in public, and show how fucking in love he was with you.
It was a relief for him to know that you’d always be there for him (deep down, he knew you would, even when he was in his darkest hours, and when he was acting like a proper asshole...because it was who you were, made to keep him grounded, to tell him to fuck off if need be, and such things. You and him were a match made in Heaven). And it was a relief for you to know all of that wasn’t just casual sex...Because fuck, you loved that dumb stupid idiot !
And here you were, 4 months later, after your relationship “officially” started, though you’d really been with him for almost eight months, waiting for him in Wayne Manor, watching stupid soap operas on the Bat Computer.
Here you were, exactly where you were meant to be...
And this is when it happened the first time.
When for once in his life, Bruce Wayne totally lost control, and let go off of things.
Of everything.
Thanks to you, and your damn stubbornness.
He came home as the sun was going up, and you instantly knew something was wrong...Yeah ok, you knew because he looked sad and such, but also because Alfred told you today was his parents’ death anniversary.
Bruce’s all life revolved around his parents’ death, and really, it was quite a miracle that you were able to crack his shell that far, that he let you enter his life (but really, it felt like he didn’t have a choice, he needed you, he was desperately in love with you and...he just couldn’t resist anymore, he needed you). So you could only guess that on the anniversary of their death, things were a bit...Difficult.
And when he exited the Batmobile as if he was a robot, when he approached the computer without even noticing you, and how his face was fixed and even more serious than usual (you couldn’t believe that it was possible) and...Yes, it was definitely a difficult day.
You woke up before him, very early in the morning as you had important affairs to attend in Gotham City. He was deep asleep as you were getting ready, and you knew that he had such rare times to sleep that you didn’t dare to wake him up...So you settled for a soft kiss on his forehead (even though he was sleeping, you could have sworn a small smile installed itself on his face at your touch) and left.
You were free only around six pm and knew that it would be too late to see him, therefor, you just went to wait for him in the Batcave. Alfred made you the most wonderful lunch ever and you told him he should just go to bed, as he looked so tired...Only you could convince such a man to do anything, and with a kiss to your cheek, like a father would give his daughter, the butler went to sleep, as you took care of monitoring the Batcomputer instead of him.
You liked doing that. It was a way of keeping an eye on Bruce and making sure he was ok. Usually you’d talk to him in calm moments but...Tonight ? There wasn’t one time where you were able to talk to him. It seemed like he was constantly LOOKING for trouble. Usually, as the night went by, he’d have plenty of work already but tonight ? It seemed as if he wanted to get into fights. He even beat up a bunch of young men trying to rob an ATM...
And the worst of it all ? He disconnected his mic when he got into the bat mobile to get back home. It seemed like the great Batman just wanted to be left alone...but that wouldn’t do with you. Nope.
You weren’t going to leave him alone while he was going through such a tough time ! And so you stayed up all night and waited for him.
He arrives at the bat computer and turns his chair to sit in and...oh the look of surprise on his face when he sees you is absolutely priceless.
-(Y/N) ? What are you doing here ?
There’s a harshness in him that you’re used to see, only, usually, it’s gone the moment he sees you...Right now ? It’s still there, and he looks past you and on the computer, clearly ready to work some more even though he had a long day.
He looks at what you were doing on the Batcomputer (curiosity killed the cat...fortunately for you, you weren’t a cat, and somehow, Bruce didn’t seem to mind much you snooping around in his files...also, the fact that your name and your birthday were his current password filled you with glee) then looks at you severely and...yup, nope, you’re not about to take his shit.
Without being delicate as he would usually be, he gets you on your feet and...even if he wants to, he still begrudges to move you too forcefully, and you know it’s the first step to break his shell and talk to him.
It’s the first time though, that he seems so resolute, so set on staying broody and such and...You understand. It’s his parents’ death anniversary, he feels like he has to be sad on that day, and the fact that he isn’t as sad as he used to be troubles him greatly. You know it does. And so patiently, you take his hands that he wrapped around your arms to get you out of the chair, and unwrap them from there...
He turns his head away, unable to look at you in the eyes because he knows...He knows he won’t be able to hold himself up if he sees the worry in your eyes, if he sees the concern. He tries to pull away from you but you hold tight on his hand and, not wanting to hurt you, even in this dark state of his...He doesn’t resist. 
When your palm touches his cheek softly, he pulls away brutally, as if the contact of your skin on his bared jaw burned him but..it’s because he can’t handle this. Not today. 
Alfred knows, which is probably why he went to bed early (or at least, one of the reason why). On this particular day, he couldn’t handle it...He couldn’t handle love. He couldn’t handle affection. No. Not today. 
On the day of his parents’ death, Bruce always made sure he’d be on his own most of the times, that he’d unwind by kicking some ass in the night, and then would come back to mourn alone but...it was the first year that there was actually someone. Someone who stayed. 
He cursed at you. He tried to push you away. But you stayed. Right there. In front of him. Way shorter than him and yet, your aura and will was almost suffocating his. 
You wouldn’t go anywhere, no matter what. You knew he wouldn’t really hurt you, and you knew that even though he tried to push everyone away, he never actually wanted to be alone that night. He never wanted to not feel anything, as he felt everything. 
He needed you. If you ever felt like no, he really needed to be alone, then you would be gone but...if he really wanted to, then why wasn’t he letting go of your hands ? Why was he leaning in your touch when you brushed your fingers against his cheek ? Why was he slowly “falling” towards you, in your arms ? 
If he really wanted to be alone, why was he avoiding your eyes when he told you to leave him ? Why couldn’t he just ask you ? Why ? Why ? 
He knew the answer. You knew the answer. 
He didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to be alone...
Your voice is like an electric shock running through his body and finally, finally he looks at you. He truly does. He doesn’t look around your face, behind you or elsewhere. He looks deep into your eyes. 
You slowly remove his cowl, to see his face, and he lets you. 
And that’s when it begins. That’s the first time it happens. 
Because of your damn stubbornness and love, or rather, thanks to your damn stubbornness and love, for the first time since his parents died, Bruce Wayne is about to let everything go. To loose control (in a good way). To truly, really, let go off of everything. 
He closes your eyes as you massage his temples softly, a gesture you know he always found soothing beyond measure. You can already feel his feature relax, his stern mouth drops a bit, small tears are welling up in his eyes, afraid to get out and...It happens suddenly. 
The first step of this all thing, the first step of a plan you just made up on the spot. “Helping Bruce, the love of your life, to let go”. 
It happens so suddenly...You fall on the floor as his weight comes crashing on you, his arms wrapping around your form, squeezing you against him in a tight hug. 
Your in his arms for what feels like hours. Hours of murmuring soothing words in his ears. Hours of caressing his hair lovingly. Of him clinging to your pyjamas, not wanting to let go. 
Words spill out of his mouth without him even noticing. He tells you everything. How on this day, each year, the pain of his parents’ death is a bit less strong. How on this day, each year, he feels guilty that it doesn’t hurt as much as it used to. How, on this day, each year, he tries to empty himself of everything but the loss of his parents, to not forget them, to not fail them...How, on this day, each year, it gets more and more difficult. 
How your presence makes everything even worst. Because with you, something happened. Something he never expected...He was happy. Truly happy. And...He couldn’t be happy with his parents gone right ? 
He tells you everything, and for each of his tears, and sobs, you’re here. You reassure him. Of course it’s not forgetting or failing his parents to not be in pain as much as he used to. Of course it’s not being a traitor to them to be happy...In fact, they would probably want him to be. 
Each of your words hit him, right in the heart. And there, sitting on the floor, holding you tight against his heart, he takes the first step. 
The first step of letting things go.
All of your words hit him right in the heart, and help him realize that...Yes. It’s ok. It’s ok to feel better, after all this years. It doesn’t mean he loves them any less. IT’s ok. It’s...ok. 
He let them go. For the first time since their death, he makes peace with all of this. The anger subsides, the sadness is still there, but bearable and...it feels good. It feels perfect. To let them go. Or rather, to let himself go, and forgive himself. Of course he could never truly let them go, but he could let his feelings go. He could loose control over them, even if for just a few minutes. 
And there, in your arms, that’s exactly what he does. 
You don’t exactly recall how it happened, as everything kinda turned into a blur. It was the first time Bruce told you all about what he felt. Absolutely everything. From the day his parents died to now. How he felt when they got murdered in front of his eyes, to how he feels about you know. 
How the pain he felt at the time, can only be echoed by the love he has for you now. The intensity of his feelings for you were as strong as the pain he felt all those years ago. 
And all his pent up feelings hit you like a tsunami. All of this pain he refused to acknowledge or talk about, not even to Alfred. All of this sadness and despair. And then the fact that you were his beacon of hope...it makes you feel too many things, and your mind enter a sort of daze. 
You recall taking his hand and getting back on your feet, kissing him passionately because that’s all you could do after such revelations.
You recall him getting rid of his Batman armor and following you wearing his undershirt and such. You remember tumbling into his room (you didn’t know it yet, but in just a few weeks he would ask you to move in with him) and onto his bed. 
You have little piece of memory about how you teared each other’s clothes off, eager to get that skin to skin contact you both craved so much...The usual foreplay was skipped, you both felt such raw emotions that there was no time for any teasing at all, and you were both sure that if you tried to blow him or if he would eat you out, you both would come too quickly to your liking...
And here you were, below him, with his tongue in your mouth and his cock buried deeply inside you. 
But something was wrong. It didn’t feel right. Not him being inside you of course, oh no, this always felt right but...He was still trying to hold himself. 
You could feel it in his muscles all around you. You could feel it in his very being. He wasn't letting go, and this was a problem. 
You first noticed it when he got rid of your panties and settled himself at your entrance. In his eyes, only lust and love, though there was still...Something shining in his pupil. Something that held him back. It wasn’t his guilt, that was for sure, it was something else. 
You raised your hip and grinded against his erection, to show him that you were ready, to show him that you were waiting for him to slide inside you...You left a wet trail of your juice on his member, tearing a low moan from him, and your smile...Oh your mischievous smile as you did all this on purpose ? It made him loose control. Good. But only for a second. 
In one swift and rather brutal move, he was inside you, and he might have had let go off of everything right there and then, as he felt your tight flesh clenching around his dick, but...You. 
You were the one that was holding him back. The little light in his eyes, that stopped him from completely letting go, it was his love for you. His fear of hurting you. And when he pushed violently inside you like that, your wincing face stopped him right in his track. 
Yes. That was it. He was afraid to hurt you. Afraid to break you in half. You know he could do exactly that, Hell, you wanted him to...But he would never do it, and all of that because you couldn’t help but grimace at his sudden entrance. 
You cursed at yourself a bit. You didn’t mean it. It was a reflex. You just couldn’t hold the slight little grimace of pain because....Well, he was bigger than most men, definitely bigger than anyone before, and his sudden intrusion inside you, though you consented to it, was painful. But what he didn’t understand was that it wasn’t a bad kind of pain. 
-Sorry (Y/N) I didn’t mean to...
Your finger on his lips shuts him up. Your free hand running up and down his scarred back soothed him. But you knew this wouldn’t change anything. 
Just like every time you two had sex, he would hold back and make sweet vanilla love to you. Not that it wasn’t pleasurable, oh no, not at all, on the contrary, the man knew how to use what was between his leg. And his mouth, too (it’s important to notify this). But you always felt like he wanted to do more, without daring to ask, or maybe not wanting to because he knew it could inflict you pain...And there, the way you winced as he entered you, was a sure way of making him slow down and make love to you with passion, but not a primal one, not letting fully go. 
This wouldn’t do. 
You weren’t about to let him ruin your effort. The hours you spend on the cold floor in the bat cave to soothe him and to help him loose control, to truly cry and tell you what was on his heart. If he didn’t let himself go now, it would ruin everything ! And so, even though it was difficult to not just enjoy what he was making you feel as he slowly pushed out and then back inside you, you pushed him off of you. 
You weren’t about to let him slowly bring you to ecstasy, to let him ignore his own need and put you first. He could do that later, now, it was all about him and what he wanted. He had to realize that right now, YOU were putting HIM first. He had to loose control, to fucking let go. 
-Did I hurt you ? 
He asks, worried that you pushed him off like that. His eyes were full of concern for you and it made your heart melt. 
But you didn’t push him off of you because he hurt you, oh no. You pushed him off because you needed to take care of him, and to help him loose control. 
-(Y/N) ? 
He asks hesitantly, and it’s like he’s a small lost boy again and...it tears your heart away. You’re suppose to help him right now, not make him feel like he did something wrong ! You smile and it seems to sooth him a bit. 
Your hands go on his chest, and you push him on his back, softly, with languid touches. He catch a heavy breath and you know you’re on the right way. 
-Let go Bruce. 
Your words turn inside his head as you straddle him and settle yourself above him. He knows what you’re about to do, and he’s about to stop you because...You slam down on his length, and the sudden pleasure is to intense for him to be able to do anything but gasp and grab your hips. 
He doesn’t mean for his fingers to dig into your flesh like that, but he can't help it, he can't...He can’t control it. He can’t...he can’t even...He can’t even think about it. 
You raise again, and slam back down, hard, taking all of him inside you. Again, it’s a good kind of pain, to feel him stretch you like that. To feel him pulse inside. His fingers will surely leave marks on your waist but you don’t care, and when your nails rack down his chest, the way his cock twitch inside you...you know you’re on the right track. 
You ride him as hard as you can, like you had wanted to ride him for so long. You take him deeper than he ever dare go, feeling him hit a sensitive place deep within you. You ride him and...you loose control too. 
Your screams of pleasure can’t be fake, he knows it. Your face, above him, like that...Oh...Oh...
-You’re so beautiful...
He manages to tell you between two moans, before you slam back down on him and a wave of pleasure washes over him. You smile at him and move your hips in a circle, as he’s deeply sheathed inside you, making him groan. 
His fingers squeeze your hips once again, and you know he’s close. Not close from cumming, oh no, he could go for hours without doing so. No. He’s close from letting it all go. But you also know he needs just that small little push. 
And you’re willing to give it to him. To slow your rhythm, which doesn’t make anything less pleasurable, and you slide languidly on his member, using one of your hand to massage what isn't inside you, to malaxe his balls and his eyes roll back. It’s the first time you see him like that. 
He came multiple times, in and on you. In your mouth, in your pussy, on your boobs, on your ass...He orgasmed hundred of times with you beneath or above him. With you wrapped around his body. But all those orgasms and pleasure he felt, it was nothing compare to now. 
Because he was close. Close to let everything go. Even when he was orgasming, he would always worry about your well being, or even about stupid things like “would Alfred hear you two ?” or something...but right now ? Nothing seemed to matter, but him being inside of you, and you willingly giving him your entire being. Not that you never before, but he was always so reluctant to accept it, to let himself go in you...But today ? Today is the day. 
That dreaded day, the worst day of his life, of his year...that day, thanks to you, would become the first day of him finally letting everything go. 
You know he’s close, and so you bend forward, your boobs brushing his chest. One of his hand travels from your ways to the small of your back, going all the way up to settle behind your neck, while the other one caresses your ass softly, pinching a little bit (not enough to your taste). 
You know he’s close and your next word finishes him : 
-Bruce...My heart...Let go. Let go Bruce. Don’t let anything hold you back. Let go. Drill me into the mattress. Toss me around and pound me until I can’t walk straight. Pin me against the cushions and take me, as hard as you can. Please Bruce, let go. You won’t hurt me, I like it...Just, let go. Come inside me, as deep as you can, fill me up. 
Your murmurs in his ears are pure torture. He can’t. He can’t let go. He ca...
-I can feel you twitch inside me Bruce. I know you want it. And I do to. So why are you holding back ? Loose all control my heart, please Bruce. I love you. I want you to take me like that. I want you to..AAaah yes !
It is done. He really can’t hold back. And your sudden spur of pleasure was started by him sitting back up and smashing his hips into yours, getting back deep within you. 
He pushes your back against the mattress and...You want him to drill you into it ? Those were your words right ? With an almost agressive kiss, he raises his hips and starts to pound into you harshly, hard, just like you asked. And if your moans are any indication, you do like it.
Him who was always so afraid to break you, so afraid you wouldn’t be able to take it...Oh he was wrong. You can. Of course you can. And it oh it feels good. 
The sound of skin slapping skin has never been that loud before, and when he bites down on your neck, you know he’s lost. He lost all control. Good. Because you too. You bite his earlobe and he groans, pounding even faster inside you. 
In this instant, your both back in your most animalistic form. And it feels great. 
He pulls out of you and you groan in protest, but then he’s turning you around and rises your ass up and...Oh when he pushes back inside you, it feels even deeper than it was, if that was possible. 
He takes both your hands and pin them with his on the headboard, as the entire bed rocks with each snap of his hips against yours. You can’t help but revel in the sound of pleasure he lets out...It’s the first time you hear him so loudly. 
Usually, he’d make small little groans and sexy discreet moans, while you’d scream his name. He’d “hum” in content while you’d loose all control and moan louder than ever...He would always be so calm and collected even in sex. The only time you got a big sound out of him was that one time you blew him off in his office, taking particular attention to it because you thought it was fun to try and break him while people were waiting to have a meeting with him right fucking next door ! 
So right now, feeling and hearing him letting go just like you always did ? It made your pleasure even more intense. When he moaned loudly as you clenched around him, you couldn’t help but smile widely. 
He rammed into you like this for ages, which was perfect but...Hey, he had to loose complete control. You knew he had fantasies that the was too afraid to speak about so...Why wouldn’t you help him a bit ? 
As he was taking you doggy style, his hands digging into your hips, your fingers wrapped around the sheets tightly, and idea came to you...You took one of his hand in yours, and directed it toward your backside. 
He knew what you was going to do, and he would have usually protested, he would have usually not done it...he couldn’t humiliate you like this ! But in the state he was in ? Oh he would do it, he wanted to do it !
Besides, you were guiding him, didn’t this mean you wanted it too ? Slowly, you let him push a finger into your tight asshole and...oh the wave of sensation ! Somehow, his intruding finger in your ass makes your pussy even tighter, and Bruce groans loudly at the sensation while you...You’re a mess really. 
He’s completely undoing you. 
By pushing his damn impressive dick deep inside you, in and out with a bone shattering rhythm. And by pushing his finger slowly inside your asshole, and then out, this foreign and new sensation amplifying everything. 
You heard about how there were nerves there that could make the sexual act even better but...oh you could never imagine. You wanted more. Always. Though you were getting closer and closer, your breath hitched more and more and you knew you were close to coming...
He suddenly took his finger and dick out of you, and turned you around. You groaned at the loss of sensation but...seeing his face you understood. Oh. Ok. He was close to. This time, from his orgasm. And he wanted to see your face. 
He turns you around and you’re both back in your initial positions. 
This time, it goes slower, it’s sweeter, and you understand. 
He wants to show you that he can let go and not be a complete animal. He wants to show you you just..You just...
You’re coming, as he pushes inside and out of you languidly, slowly, pressing open mouthed kiss on your chest and everywhere he can reach. You’re coming and it’s...more intense than anything you’ve felt before. 
You and Bruce had been together for eight months. Four months spend in secret, with just random fucking session and kisses. Four months spend officially together...He told you “I love you (Y/N)” for the first time about a week ago, and you told him back but...all those time spend together, all those orgasms shared and all the time he made love to you ? This was nothing compare to what you felt right now. 
You whispered his name, too out of breath to scream anymore, and he let out a strangled desperate moan as he came too, deep within you, filling you up with his seed, just like you told him to...
He falls, boneless, above you, and he doesn’t try to catch himself up. He can’t. Letting go wasn’t easy, and Bruce Wayne had just let go years of total and perfect control...He was exhausted. Both physically and mentally. 
At some point, he made a move to pull out of you and roll on his side but you held him her, his soft cock still inside you, his weight fully resting on you. Somehow, it felt so damn safe and comfortable...You woke up the next day, late in the afternoon, tangled around each other, with him still inside you and..Well, let’s just say that it got hard pretty fast. 
This was the first time Bruce truly let go of things. Of everything. Of his feelings and of his needs. The first time, and certainly not the last. Not as long as you were around at least. 
You made sure that he would often talk about his frustrations, what was on his mind, what you could do to help...You never pressured him to, if he didn’t want to say something, then he wouldn’t. But then one day, you knew you’d be able to convince him to let it go and talk about it to you. 
And you did the same to him, you both had no secrets for each others...And as the years went by, you got over the awkwardness of talking about what you felt, about what you truly felt. About each others and about things and people around you. 
The love you shared was the purest and most intense one in existence, allowing the both of you to always speak freely. Sure, sometimes he was an asshole and you were in a bad mood, sure you would argue and such...but you’d always talk it out, because on that night, when you helped him let go for the first time in his life, an unbreakable bond was forged between you two. 
Your best friend Diana once told you about a greek legend that people used to have two face, four legs, four arms...used to be “attached” by two, and one day, the Gods, afraid of their powers, split them right down their middle with his thunderbolt, leaving people wandering, sometimes forever, alone, without their soulmate...She also said that it was obvious you and Bruce were soulmates. 
You couldn’t agree more. With who else would you talk casual about doing anal and then about what you’d like to eat for dinner ? To who else could you say your deepest and darkest secrets ? 
And Bruce...With who else could he let go ? Behind closed doors, thanks to you, he could be himself. 
You knew enough about him that you’d be able to ruin his reputation (just the fact that he love nearly violent sex, to tie you up or to be tied up, or the one of his many dirty kinks...oh and how he was actually never that sure of himself ?). Of course you’d never do it but...Yes. With you he could be himself. In your arms he felt...safe and warm. He felt like he was home. Finally. 
After years, thanks to you, Bruce Wayne could finally let thing go, and loose control when need be. 
Yes, behind closed door, the famous Bruce Wayne could be someone else completely. He could be almost like a child, wanting attention, affection and love. He could be a kinky bastard ready to try anything in bed with you (in bed or on other surfaces really, and in other places than the bedroom). He could be a lost man in need of help. 
Behind closed door, when it was just you and him, he could finally let go. Leave control behind. Control over his emotions, over his body, over...everything. He could let go. Just with you. Show you his vulnerable side, his darker side, anything...he knew you’d always accept it. You made sure he knew. 
Behind closed door, when it was just you and him...Bruce Wayne could finally be. As simple as that. He could be himself. Without fear of judgement or anything of the like. Without fear of scandal, or of his ennemies taking advantages of his weakness. Without any fears. 
Behind closed door, Bruce Wayne could finally be. 
As the years went through though, it wasn’t just you and him anymore. Sometimes, Alfred popped in too. And the boys...oh the boys, they were always welcome to see the real him. 
But still. You were the one who allowed him to let go all those years ago, with a simple few words whispered in his ears... 
Behind closed door, Bruce Waybe could finally be, and it was all thanks to you. 
This is pure shit all over the place as usual. And long, way too long (barely any dialogue, probably too fucking descriptive and shit), it was meant to be just a small smutty story and turned into...this long ass awfulness. Evidently, I forgot how to write (not that anything I wrote before is any good). I hope you’re not too disappointed ? Anyway. Here.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“Hey mom ! ...I mean Mrs. Stark...” - Tony Stark x Reader x awkward!Peter Parker
Summary : Peter calls Tony and his wife (the reader) “dad” and “mom” by accident and...oh it’s awkward. 
Just a silly little story. Wrote in ten minutes on the verge of exhaustion, because I have almost no free time lately and...yeah. Uh. Hope you’ll still like it.
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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It was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him. By far. 
It outdid that time when, as Spider-Man, he hit a signboard while swinging from web to web, and fell face first down in a busy NYC street...There were videos on YouTube, and pictures on the internet of “The Friendly neighborhood Spider greatest fail”...but at least, no one saw his face. No one actually knew him. 
But now ? Oh God. He was good old and regular Peter Parker and everyone knew it. And this all thing was embarrassing beyond all measure ! 
He had just called Mrs. Stark “mom” on live TV ! 
He obviously didn’t mean to but...it was the stress really. 
People were starting to get curious about Anthony Stark’s mysterious intern, and he just had to give an interview about it so as not to blow his cover. After all, it was the first time Tony’s company was taking interns ! And everyone was curious about that guy that teenage boy who got the first one ever. 
With how obsessed with the Starks the World was, the interview was a huge deal...Millions of people watched the great Iron man’s new protégé, the boy so many were jealous of for landing the best internship ever at Stark Industries.
The journalists asked him hundred of questions, and everything was going smoothly. Besides, Peter felt like with Mr. Stark by his side, he was invincible, his hero and role model giving him strength...Up until he talked about you and used the word “mom” to do so...And you were right next to him...Oh, awkward.
It happened barely a second ago but he already rewinded the scene in his head a thousand times...The journalist asked :
-How is it to be so often in the presence of Tony Stark, a genius and also one of the biggest and most famous superhero on Earth ? 
And stupid, embarrassing, idiotic, nervous Peter answered :
-It’s ok really, Mr. Stark is amazing, and his wife, Mrs (Y/N) Stark is really great, right mom ? 
And he turned to you. Right after he called you “mom” in front of millions of people...and just froze. Why didn’t he stop at “Mrs. (Y/N) Stark is really great”, why the Hell did he turn to you and said “right mom ?”...he would never know. 
There was a sudden silence in the room, all the journalists and even the damn security guards staring at Peter. He cleared his throat and laughed nervously, but he wasn't able to say anything. 
He glanced quickly at Tony and your husband was just like everyone else right now, staring at him, probably thinking : “wait...what did he say ?”.
This was Peter’s worst nightmare. Public humiliation. Saying something so damn stupid. In front of so many people...
The awkward silence has now been going for over a minute and a half when he turns back to you, and you can visibly see sweat forming on his forehead. In his eyes, there’s this teenage fear of his social life being forever ruined and...oh man the embarrassing person you were when you were a teenager come to surface back in your mind and you just gotta help the kid. 
You smile at him, and somehow, it instantly reassures Peter, who relaxes a bit...You then proceed to burst out in laughter and push the boy away from the mic to say : 
-You guys should see your faces, it’s hilarious really ! Chill everybody, the “mom” thing is an inside joke between me and Peter ! I mean, the kid spends almost all his time at Stark Enterprises, I spend almost all my time at Stark Enterprises...we’re practically family by now ! 
How you seem so confident, how you don’t tumble on any words, and how you just say those things as if it wasn’t a big deal...it greatly impresses Peter. And in his mind, you suddenly replaced your husband as “coolest person ever”. 
The journalists have a good laugh, the security guards already forgot what happened, even Tony just smiles and wink at Peter. And just like that, you saved his reputation. He would be forever grateful to you for that. 
The rest of the interview goes perfectly well, but Peter is still shook after accidentally calling you “mom”...Especially since he knows you and him don’t have an “inside joke” about it ! 
He’s so very nervous when all the journalists start to leave, and he’s left alone with you and Tony. Oh and, Happy, but that guy was always around really. 
Your husband turns to him and with a wide smile says : 
-You did good kid. Happy’ll contact you when we need you. See ya later. 
And on that note, he leaves, gesturing to take your hand and...you snap it away. 
The curious look he gives you is answered by one of your trademark winks meaning : “I’ll tell you later” and, with a slightly dazed smile (you always made him so damn cheesy and stupid ! Just a smile from you and he was melting at your feet, just a touch from you was driving him crazy, just a look and he wanted to...oh he just loved you, and you were the only one who ever had that effect on him, wanting to just always be with you, to make you happy more than anything. You were the only one he loved that much, the only one to whom he wasn’t afraid to say “I love you” even in public and...He just loved you too much, but that was another story), your husband leaves. Happy following right behind, after he gave a look to Peter that meant : “Don’t send me pictures of cats anymore” (yes, it’s totally what it meant, words for words, Peter knew it). 
You turn to Peter and he shifts awkwardly on his feet, smiling nervously, a hand rubbing the back of his neck. He says : 
-Well, i’ll better get going, I have class soon and...hum...I...I need to...swing back to high school and...
Your hand on his shoulder stops him straight in his track and...He can see what Mr. Stark sees in you. Well. Not in the same way. Like, you were too old and too “motherly” for him to ever see you the actual way Mr. Stark was seeing you (oh, he suddenly had very gross imagery in his mind and...what was wrong with him ?!). 
But, he understood what he loved in you. 
Beyond the fact that you were a very beautiful woman, you just had the best personality ever. Peter already witnessed (both on TV and actually in real life) your wits and sarcasms, and your beyond smart back talk whenever Tony was getting too cocky or something, and he loved it ! But, what he really, REALLY liked about you was how you could make anyone comfortable. 
A smile from you was enough to take away all nervousness in his shoulders. And your hand on his shoulder was enough to make all his worries fly away. 
-Peter, don’t sweat too much about it. It was a silly mistake. I mean, I can recall a lot of times I called my teachers “mom” or “dad” in class and man that was embarrassing so...I understand. And it’s totally ok. You answered all the questions marvelously and it’s ok to have a little slip up. No big deal, really. You can call me however you like...well, except “Mrs. Stark”, that just doesn’t fit me. Just call me (Y/N) please. 
Peter couldn’t believe it. Those words were EXACTLY the one he needed to hear. That it was ok to fail sometimes, and to be embarrassed. So, with an awkward smile he looked at you and said : 
-Thank you Mrs St...(Y/N). 
You smile and wink at him, and with a snap of your finger, that would have looked so has been and lame if it was done by someone else, you tell him : 
-Well, I could make another speech about how everything is fine and you can call me however you want as long as your aunt May is ok with it and all that shit, oh and I should probably not fucking swear in front of a fifteen year old kid but...To be honest I don’t want to, I just wanna go home, get a nice warm cup of tea, and do nothing until the next world threat so like, see ya later Peter. Peace. 
And with a last wink, you leave, making peace signs at him that, again, would have looked totally lame made by someone else...but you ? Oh you made everything looked cooler ! 
And yes. You definitely replace your husband as “coolest person on the planet” if not the “universe”. And when, the next day, he saw you rocking a new jet black and electric blue Iron Man suit and kicking ass on live television, while Tony was looking at you from afar and cheering for you, he decided that yup, you deserved that position. 
At first, Peter was afraid that May would be sad about the fact that he was getting closer and closer from you and Tony. 
Maybe she’d think he was being an ungrateful brat ? That SHE should be the one he ended up calling “mom” but...No. Oh no. 
Of course May wouldn’t think something like that. Ever since she and her late husband Ben took Peter in, she made sure that he’d call them “Aunt May” and “Uncle Ben” because...well, she doesn’t really know why. 
It was just the right thing really. They considered him their son but...It was all such a complicated matter. Peter would always see May as his “mother figure” and May would always see Peter as her little boy, but they’d never actually call each other “son” and “mom”. Because that’s how things were. It didn’t mean there wasn’t any mother/son love in there oh no. 
Peter was still so relieved though, when he started to talk about you and Tony more often, and how great you were and how much he admired you etc etc...and May didn’t mind. I mean, who said you could only have ONE mother figure anyway ? Or ONE father figure ? No one. 
And if her Peter started to see you as another mother figure, and Tony could take the place Ben unfortunately left...why would she be mad ? 
She just wanted her boy to be happy. 
Still, it was such a weight off of his shoulders when Peter finally understood that his beloved aunt May didn’t mind him thinking of you and your husband as his mentors/parental figure. 
Though, he had no intention on calling you “mom” again in front of so many people haha...
It had been MONTHS since Peter defeated Falcon and started to genuinely hang out more and more with you and Tony. Mostly with you though. You’d talk about anything, and everything, and it was just...so great. Peter felt closer from you every seconds he spend with you and it just made him feel happy. To know that someone as awesome as you would spend so much time with him...He was afraid to ruin it every time he met with you ! But hey, you were actually way more awkward and shy in private that the public persona you build yourselves (you discovered that acting a bit more like Tony in public helped coping with the fame and obsession people had with you and your husband...), and more often than note, you and him found yourselves in awkward situations. 
Like that time you both ran into old people as you weren’t looking where you were going, too engrossed in the conversation you were having about Star Wars...Being called a “nerd” by octogenarians who wore their pants way too high was kind of embarrassing. But...
It seemed that every time Peter thought : “this is the most embarrassing thing ever” he jinxed himself into getting in an even more embarrassing thing...Like that time he called you “mom” on live TV ? That was the most embarrassing thing right ? Well no. 
He outdid himself once again. 
On a very important day. 
The day Tony was going to formally introduce him to the other Avengers. He would stay a “friendly neighborhood’s Spider” but still said that if they really needed him, he’d come help the Avengers and...well, they were all wondering who was that kid that stole Cap’s shield once. 
-This is Pe...Spider-Man. He’s from Queens and likes to babble a lot so like, if you have questions for him, ask away, he’ll love to answer them and be the center of the attention. 
Tony said, as all the remaining Avengers hung out in their new “upstate” common room. You rolled your eyes at him and stepped in, looking at your friends, adding : 
-That’s wrong. P...Spider-Man is a very simple kid, he does NOT like being the center of attention...except if it involves a pretty girl. And I’m sorry guys, none of you are pretty enough for his standard. 
Peter was so glad that his mask hid his face that was reddening like crazy..He really liked you and your husband, seeing you as his mentors and all...but he HATED when you teased him like that. Especially in front of famous people ! 
But none of you were cruel and with a soft smile you gestured to ruffle his hair and...well...the mask...And therefor you just kinda tapped his head awkwardly and it made your husband roll his eyes. He took a step forward, laying a soothing hand on Peter’s shoulder and said : 
-Be nice to him, he’s a good kid and will help us tremendously if we need to. 
The Avengers smiled to him and with a voice a bit higher than usual (he was really impressed right now ok ?) he said : 
-Thanks dad...UH I MEAN, MR. STARK !! 
And he made it an even bigger deal that it was, rambling for a very long and painful five minutes about how he didn’t mean to call “Mr. Stark” “dad”, and how he was excited to be here and, did he call him dad ? No no of course not, it was a collective hallucination and oh my god...
None of the Avengers reacted, slightly smiling at this new young man nervousness, and after checking if it was ok to leave, they went on their way, not even mentioning the “dad accident”. 
Not even Tony nor you mentioned it either and...Wow. Ok. That was something. Not even a slight teasing or anything of the like. Ok. That was...good ? 
But of course, the teasing arrived, when finally Tony said : 
-So, are you going to stand there all day, your mouth opened like an idiot, or are you going to like...move along, -slight pause- son ? 
Tony’s smirk was enough to completely relax Peter and with a little chuckle, he did finally snapped out of his haze and “moved on”. 
So he called his hero “dad”, and ? No big deal. 
Besides, both you and Tony started to grow very attached to the kid, seeing him more and more as some sort of surrogate son...
The Iron Man always been Peter Parker’s hero. 
Peter was but a six years old child when the world got vent of “The Iron Man” and how it was actually billionaire Tony Stark. 
Peter was always fascinated by him. He thought he was just the coolest dude ever (well, before meeting you). But...There was another one Peter admired very much, and it was Captain America. 
He heard so many stories about him ! And then he came back from a cryo-sleep that lasted for years and WOW HE WAS SO COOL ! Well, except that time he dumped an entire plane on him...but still ! 
And now, faced with him again, yet for another battle, Peter is as excited as ever. Sure, he admires the guy, but they were outlaws now and potentially dangerous and like, he’d fight him anytime, just for fun really ! 
Though Mr. Stark told him to stay away...Oh well, he knew the boy wouldn’t listen (maybe that’s why he told him to stay away ? Even Tony Himself didn’t know but hey, he would have the boy’s back, and you were there too, things were going to be alright). 
And things turned out alright ! None of the Avengers and ex-Avengers really wanted to fight. And it turned more like a little...kid brawl than anything else, with punches not really being full forced ones and threat thrown in the air that didn’t mean anything. Hawkeye even missed his target a few times so...It was really more of a show for the american’s government than anything else. 
And everything would have been just fine if Peter didn’t say yet again : 
It made everyone on the “battlefield” froze...”dad” ? 
Steve turned to Tony, whom he was fighting, and gave him a questioning look...And Tony’s answer made Peter’s heart flutter : 
-Thank you son ! 
And that was it. 
In the end, it did become some sort of an inside joke between Peter and the Starks...except that, they were all acting like it was an inside joke, when really, they were all feeling like they were almost a family...
Peter would call you “mom” or Tony “dad” often and...the more he said it, the less it was awkward. People started to get used to it. You and your husband didn’t think it was a big deal so, why would anyone else do ? After all, whatever trends you and tony would set would be the ultimate trend so...if that kid wanted to call you mom and dad occasionally, why would it matter really ?
You got invited over to Queens often, and Aunt May was absolutely in love with you ! And so glad that Peter decided that YOU would be his second mother figure. 
May was sure you were the perfect choice when you invited her and Peter over for dinner and she saw your library of comics and DVDs...Yes, you could be the geeky mother figure. 
And though Tony Stark had a lot of flaw, May could see that he was trying to teach Peter valuable lessons...Though she was still mad at him for giving him this super-suit. 
Int he end, it became quite regular for Peter to have a slip of tongue and call you or Tony “mom” or “dad”, but it became the most natural thing ever. 
This is shit. Out of character right ? And the action happens fast. But I’m so tired man...Still, not an excuse. Like, I’m still posting it am I not ?
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
“I’m not drunk, you are” - Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary : Reader never drinks alcohol, so obviously, the day she decides to taste some champagne, she’s quickly...Rather drunk. Bruce and his sons are fortunately there to take care of her...and to film her embarrassing moments.
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
You never drink alcohol. Never. You just don’t like the taste of most of the beverages. Champagne or wine, tequila or vodka, even just a light cider...No thank you. 
When you go out with Bruce, you usually drink a soda or soft drink, even just water sometimes. 
But tonight, at yet another charity ball, your mind was elsewhere.
You had done it again. It often happened, and you always regretted it. Always. But you just couldn’t help it. Sometimes, you just had to be a sarcastic little shit full of witty answers. It always got you in trouble, since your early days in school, to now, in an important and very public event.   
This time, you had been a sarcastic little shit full of witty answers to the Mayor himself. The man already had a problem with your family ever since Bruce decided to support Harvey Dent to become the new mayor of Gotham, and was probably one of the most corrupted people in the World...so, needless to say that, when he left you company, clearly upset, you knew your actions would have repercussions, consequences, and it stressed the hell out of you. Why couldn’t you just control that damn mouth of yours ? 
Bruce wrapped a reassuring arms around your waist, bend down to your ears and whispered into it : 
-Relax (Y/N), no matter what, I’ll handle it. As Bruce Wayne or as...the other one. 
You gave him a weak smile and shook your head. 
-I’m so sorry Bruce...I really try to control myself, but when people like that man complain about not having a fourth plasma screen, or shit like that, while the city is drowning in poverty, I just can’t help myself. More than usual. 
-I know. I don’t blame you. At all. I already told you dear, your big mouth is one of the thing I love the most in you. I always know that you’re honest with me, which is rare, and you don’t hesitate to tell me when I go too far or something...I really love your big mouth. 
He paused as you squeezed his hand lovingly, and added in a very low whisper : 
-I also like it when you use it for...other performances. 
And with a wink, he made you blush like crazy. You hit him without much force in the ribs, and he chuckled, taking a sip of his little glass of bourbon. 
You really appreciated his effort to make you feel better...but Mayor Hady was a dangerous man, and you couldn’t help but think that telling him that he was proof evolution could go in reverse was definitely not your best idea...Oh my god and you said so much worst. You made people around you laugh. He was humiliated...You started sweating a bit, and got stressed again, not being able to bear the thought that you might have put your family in danger. 
Bruce was really not worried, he kept all of the mayor’s actions monitored, and  discovered that Sebastian Hady wasn’t actually as dangerous as he loved to pretend. You didn’t know however, and in this moment, Bruce didn’t really think about reassuring you on that, because really, for him, all of this story wasn’t much of a big deal at all. 
Your husband got called by a bunch of old men that he knew, and you had absolutely no intention of joining in in the conversion, so you went to your sons, and ranted a bit about your latest mistake. They all laughed, loving your antics...
And that’s the story of how you ended up with a glass of champagne in your hand. Jason said it’d loosen you up some, and you definitely needed to get rid of some stress...So you drunk. 
Jay was right, the first glass did loosen you up. 
The second one helped even more. 
At the third one, Dick warned you not to drink more, as since you never drink alcohol, it could have quite an effect on you. 
He didn’t see you drink the fourth and fifth glass, as you got separated to talk to different acquaintances. 
When you felt Bruce’s arm go around your waist, you just slumped on him and he looked down on you, worried you might have fainted or something. 
You were drinking your seventh glass. 
You were also drunk as fuck. 
-Are you Ok ? 
Your husband ask in your ear, bending down to reach it as he was quite taller than you. Your looked at him with a serious expression, and said :  
-No Bruce, I’m not OK. 
-What is it dear ? 
You squinted at him, and pointed a finger to his face. 
-You damn well know it mister. 
-Please, enlighten me...
-You didn’t tell me. 
-...What didn’t I tell you ? 
Silence. You look at him with the expression of a child that is annoyed, and you push him a bit away from you, gesturing around you (working really hard on keeping your balance). 
-You didn’t tell me that it was a costume ball ! 
Bruce just stares at you as if you’re crazy, and quickly understand that you drank too much. He glares at Dick and Jason who are laughing in a corner while looking at you yelling, and they immediately stop. 
-Do you think I didn’t tell you it was a costume ball because...it isn’t one ? 
-Nonsense my beloved Bruce, look at those people, look what they’re wearing, it’s too...too...bourgeois to be their real clothes. It look more like a...masquerade kind of ball you know. I mean, look at her over there, she’s wearing something out of the Renaissance, for real. And look at that guy’s tuxedo, it looks like it’s made out of Gold...Wait, is it actually gold ? 
Before you could walk up to the man to ask him what his clothes were made of, Bruce dragged you away with him to a nearby corridor, out of sight and out of ears. You kept commenting the “awful choice of wardrobe” of the people present, and some heard you and got totally offended. Though, they knew who you were. You had a reputation to be too brutally honest sometimes...
-What are you doing Bruce ? ...Are you ashamed of me because I’m not wearing an extra fancy dress that looks like it use to belong to Marie-Antoinette or some shit ? 
He couldn’t help but chuckle, as your sons joined you. Damian looked worried, but when you winked at him he let out a sigh of relief and awkwardly winked back. You smiled, and let out a loud burp. Ew. So much for a cute mother/son moment... 
-I’ll never be ashamed of you my love, but you are very drunk, I wouldn’t want you to embarrass yourself. 
-Tuh, baby, I can embarrass myself sober...Besides, I’m not drunk. I never drink. 
More chuckles from your sons. Tim took his phone out and started to record you making faces at the camera. He was so going to make an edit of that to show you later, and use as leverage when he’d want something and you’d say “no”. 
-Ok, I know that in general you’re very self-aware of what you are, and all of that. But from what the kids have been telling me, you drunk about seven glasses of champagne, and since it’s the first time you actually drink...
-Bruce, babe, if I was drunk, I’d know right ? I’m not...Holly shit honey, I didn’t notice before but, you look dapper ! Every men in this room should take example on you, nothing can go wrong when you wear a tuxedo. Well, except for Oswald Cobblywhateverhislastnameis. That man looks like a...penguin or something, with a tuxedo on. 
It was getting very hard for your boys and husband not to laugh, and when you started to breakdance to Beethoven, they totally lost it. People were starting to stare at the famous Waynes, all standing in the corridor, laughing their asses off while one of them was dancing to classical music...Minded, your dance move were on point. Especially since you wore high heels. Great balance. 
Bruce stood in front of you, his large frame shielding you from people’s view. 
-(Y/N), let’s go home, you’re drunk.
You stopped dancing, and turned to him with vivacity. You melted a bit when you saw his amused expression, it was so rare to see it on his face...But then, you remembered that he was totally wrong, and went to grab your handbag. 
-If I was drunk, could I make paper cranes ? Look. 
You took Bruce’s wallet out of your purse (how cute, you were keeping it for him), and got a hundred dollars bill out of it, quickly starting to work on your origami, sticking your tongue out as you were deeply focus. 
Tim wasn’t missing any action with the camera of his phone, and your other sons, even Damian, were almost suffocating because they laughed so much. Bruce just stared at you making a paper crane, a bit confused. He turned around too see that everyone was now staring at all of you, and some were even getting their phones out. He decided it was time to go. 
-Dick, go get the car please...Oh for god sake stop laughing like an idiot and get a move on ! We’re leaving, we gave them money, we won’t be missed. Come on, on we go. 
Still laughing loudly, your sons took the corridor to slowly exit the building. You were still making your paper crane when you felt your feet leaving the floor. 
-What are you doing Bruce ? 
-Carrying you back to the car. 
-But...Why ? 
-Because you’re drunk. 
-Look how flawless my origami is my sweet Bruce, do you think someone drunk could have done such a perfect paper sculpture ? 
-You don’t know how to make origamis when you’re sober baby...
You shrugged your shoulder, rolling your eyes as you mouthed the word “nonsense”, and tried to get out of his arms. He let you get back on the floor, but as you took a step, two...you lost balance and fell back in his arms. 
-Oh Bruce, the World is spinning...I think I might be a little sick, I feel somewhat dizzy and all...
He just smiled, and this time, when he took you up into his arms, you didn’t resist. 
You fell asleep in the car, and Bruce carried you in the mansion with his strong arms. As soon as they entered the place, your sons ran to Alfred to show him the videos Tim took, and to tell him everything...Needless to say, that night was filled with laughter and plans to embarrass you later on. 
Bruce didn’t take part in the conversation, as he took you up to your shared bedroom. He laid you down on your bed, and took his clothes off, putting on some comfy sweat pants, leaving his chest bare, and moved back to you. With delicate hands, he took your dress off and...you kicked him in the face. He fell back as you sat up in the bed. 
-How dare you, you filthy animal ! I’m not an easy woman ! You can’t just take me home and take advantage of me ! 
A bit stunned, Bruce stayed where he was, sitting on the floor, and just stared at you as you were ranting. You talked like this for quite some times, and your sentences were making less and less sense, when you finally stopped to look at Bruce, still on the floor, not really knowing what to do. 
-...What are you doing down there hun ? 
-You pushed me...
-No I didn’t. 
-Yes, you did. 
-I did ? 
-Yup. I hurt my elbow. 
He was trying to guilt trip your drunk self, and it worked. 
-I’m so sorry honey, oh my god what woooops...
You tried to stand up to reach him, but you also fell, and ended up falling on him, your dress slipping down around your knees. Bruce caught you as best he could, and you both just laughed. How sweet it was to just laugh. Moments like this were so rare...And even though you were drunk, it was still enjoyable, and you’d remember it for a long time. 
-Oh my love, what am I going to do with you ? 
-Show me your amazing prowesses in bed ? 
He laughed. He gave up any prospect of sex as soon as he saw you stumbling around the charity ball, as he knew that you’d probably get too drunk...But your passionate kiss ignited a fire in his lower stomach, and he responded fiercely. 
Turned out though, he was right to not expect anything, as mid-kiss, your tongue stopped massaging his, and your hand stopped touching his body...You had fallen back into a deep slumber that you wouldn’t come out off until the next morning. 
The next day, pictures of your husband carrying you to the car with the headline : “Bruce Wayne is a perfect gentleman...even when his wife is embarrassingly drunk” were on every newspapers. 
But you couldn’t care less as the biggest (and first) hungover you ever had was taking away all of your energy. It wasn’t all bad though, as the entire day, your boys and husband took amazing care of you. 
When you finally started to get better, right before their night patrol, Bruce showed you his “amazing prowesses in bed”, and enjoyed a quiet moment cuddling with you before leaving. Whenever he thought he couldn’t love you more, something came up, like you getting totally drunk and being hilarious, and he realized that he could totally fall for you even more deeply. 
You were too damn awesome. Even when “embarrassingly drunk”. 
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