#we give kouki anxiety so much
geometricalien · 1 year
Realistically, people can lose feelings toward someone who had hurt them greatly. No more rekindles, not even a spark.
This wouldn't happen to my fav ship Akafuri, but I love angst and I would like to put them in that situation.
Seijuurou and Kouki broke up last year due to reasons (Seijuurou was under succession process stress and Kouki was depressed). Seijuurou tried to take him back, but Kouki was still under clinical depression and the only reason he accepted the offer was because Koutarou (Kouki's bro) has a startup company and their main client was a subsidiary of Akashi Corporation.
It's the last thing Kouki could do for his brother whose business plans were paused for choosing Seijuurou last year.
Seijuurou tries everything to make Kouki smile while staying in their old apartment where they stayed as a happy couple, but all he could do is to watch Kouki eat himself away in the apartment, scared of him and wary of him. In these instances, Seijuurou would remember how Kouki made his life colorful, but he drained all those colors away.
Kouki's love is simply gone, his dreams unreached, his youth unrealized, and his life meaningless.
What had Seijuurou done to turn such cheerful being this way?
Can he wake up Kouki's soul again? Even not his love for him. He just wants Kouki happy again, even not for him.
hell yeah!! put them in situations!!
This is an interesting idea, especially with japan's attitude towards mental health and at the core of this premise is that yes Seijuurou distancing himself from Kouki when he was under succession scrutiny surely didn't help Kouki's depression- it is not the actual cause.
From the way you've described this, I can't help but think that in this Kouki has untreated, undiagnosed, clinical depression. Which will be a life long battle for Kouki, not a quick fix, tada!! you're all better! thing. It comes in waves and it ebbs, coasts, rushes, drowns- and Seijuurou needs to realize that. Kouki needs to confront that.
Seijuurou is a perfectionist with (although he would describe it as an entirely truthful and whole view) a very specific view that if things are not the way he wants them to be then he can make them the way he wants. And while some things definitely do work like that, another person's mental health isn't one of them. Especially if he trusts, loves, and respects that person. His character development arch would be centered around accepting this fact - which for a control freak like him it would be fairly difficult - and doing what he can to support Kouki be it holding him in the night, giving him space, offering to pay for any medical support like therapy or medicine, and even if it calls for it- walking out of his life.
It must be difficult for Kouki to be back in their old apartment and feel the ghost of who he was, of his hopes and dreams, and not recognize himself anymore. The memories of bad lonely nights, his insecurities bubbling up when Seijuurou wouldn't come home because he was "working late" and although Kouki 100% trusts him and knows that Seijuurou wouldn't cheat or anything those intrusive thoughts are so fucking loud. (Codependent Kouki lets goooooo :'( ) And unless Kouki got that mental health help and therapy, he won't be able to stand being back in the same environment, stuck in the same thought loops, and feeling awful about himself. And even if he does get help or therapy, he might still need to break off from Seijuurou to start fresh and actually have a safe place from the person who all of this is connected to...
And like you said, if their full and final dissolution is what will make Kouki finally able to make progress with his mental health and create better coping mechanisms/habits, Seijuurou would pack his bags for him.
I am banking on a ten year later reunion when Kouki has better control over his mental health and they can rekindle the spark that never truly died
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greycaelum · 3 years
AHSISJEJS HELP I JUST SAW THE PROMPT LIST COULD I GET AH 3. “Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?” Clouds on mochi one please AKGSSJSKJS everything is up to you ma'am 🙇 im just here for the fluff I hope I didn't bother you too much💔🧍 i had to read everything im scared making an request
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru X Reader
(Kaleidoscope Series ||Clouds and Mochi Chapters||)
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500 followers Event || Prompt List ||
[Note & Warning: Fluff, gender reveal, pregnancy cravings]
[Grey says: Eh? Why? Hahaha, just follow the format next time. Don't be scared I don't bite, only Satoru does. I hope you enjoy this, thank you for joining!]
Fluff Prompt 3:
"Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?"
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January 13
"You hold it, and loosen the string... Yeah, that's right Kikufuku. Good job buddy."
Kouki nod while Satoru let go of his hand guiding the string of the kite they're flying. You watch from the shade of the tree's foliage, sitting on a thickly cushioned bench with snacks and cold drinks on the table beside. Ever since he came back from months of separation and sorting out things while he was away; Satoru has been sticking beside you and Kouki.
Last time you went to the nearby bakery with Yūta to get your boys fresh bread, when you came back everyone was in panic looking for you all over the place Satoru calling your phone for more than 50 rings but you left it in the house...
Those lingering fears of Satoru after being sealed flooded you, and it took you lot of time and coaxing to ease him.
"So hot," Satoru sighed and wiped the sweat on his brows as he approach you.
"You put sunblock on Kouki right?" You asked and made space so he could sit beside you. Satoru accepted the towel from you and wipe his sweat requesting a glass of orange juice.
"Yeah, he'll be alright." Satoru grinned and sip on the juice. You both stare at your son seriously dedicated to playing with the kite he made with Satoru yesterday.
Kouki has been skipping his supposed classes with the kids in the estate. You and Satoru are starting to consider asking if he wants to go to a Montessori, but with the situation right now, maybe you'll both ask him a few months later when he had his fill of time and bonding with you both.
"What time is our appointment today?"
"11, we could go out for lunch in the city after." You smiled and saw the kite fall down, Kouki running to get it from the ground and walk in your and Satoru's direction.
"Tired?" You asked the little mochi who run to Satoru's lap and wiped his sweat too.
"We'll get a bath then we can go to Mommy's ultrasound." Satoru set aside the kite and slip his hands around Kouki to heave the little mochi up his lap who is drinking from his father's glass while wiping his son's sweat he asked. "What do you think is our little treasure? Girl or boy?"
Kouki turned to look at you and your baby bump. He shook his head and shrug. You smiled and asked if your boys would want to go inside and start preparing. Satoru agreed, taking Kouki to the bath while you change clothes and pack your bag.
"Should we buy a gift later for your baby sibling?" You asked Kouki while changing him to his clothes and fitting the mask to his face. Kouki nod and after you give him his backpack, filled with his sweets and toys he ran down to find his Papa.
Your hand landed on your 6 months baby bump, the stress and anxiety you went through without Satoru, it's a miracle you didn't lose your baby.
"Hon, let's go the car is waiting," Satoru called you from the door of the bedroom. You both agreed to stay in the Gojo Estate for the time being instead of returning to your home. It's safer and convenient this way. "What's wrong?" Satoru frowned and walk to your side.
"Nothing just thinking, let's go?" You smiled and tug him out.
"It's a girl," Satoru said. His hand shielded your head as you get inside the backseat of the car.
"Again with your wild guess?" You raise a brow and properly strap the seat belt on Kouki who's in between. Satoru went in and the car steadily drove out of the Estate to the city.
"It's a sister," Kouki supported and raise a high five with Satoru.
"See, I told ya," your husband flicked his fingers and started to browse on his phone where to eat for lunch later.
The sonographer applied the gel to your exposed belly and gently move the transducer while explaining to you.
The appointment might take around 45 minutes to an hour and Satoru took Kouki to the near arcade after walking you to the examination room. They'd be back just around you to finish your ultrasound.
The sonographer asked you to hold your breath for a few seconds.
Over the past months, you had your appointments but avoided the topic of knowing your baby's gender, you wanted to know it when Satoru comes back...
The sonographer wiped the gel from your belly and sent the results to the radiologist. You waited for your doctor to reveal the much-awaited news, she congratulated you and filled you in when you're supposed to come back, she also added you to look out for dizzy spells with your circulation changing. You should also avoid standing for a long time and drink lots of water.
You opened the door to step out of the clinic and saw Satoru and Kouki sharing a cup of ice cream in the waiting area. Until now, your mind can't wrap to the fact you're doing these domestic chores with Satoru and Kouki again after months of absence, it's like those months just flew by and everything is back to normal...
Normal, huh?
Just how much did Satoru exhaust this time to regain these peaceful days with you?
"Mama!" Kouki came running to you with a wide smile. Satoru trailed behind the little mochi with a hopeful smile etched on his lips.
"How was it?" His arms snake around your waist and rub your belly.
"I'll tell you both over lunch, can we stop by a shop first?" Your palm found the back of Satoru's and squeeze it in reassurance.
"Okay," he nod. "C'mon Kikufuku, we're going to grab lunch." Satoru leaned down to scoop his son to his arms.
"I'm a big boy Papa, I can walk," Kouki insisted and went to your side to hold your hand instead.
You turn to look at Satoru of the sudden rejection. Not used to the little mochi saying 'no' to being carried.
"Does that mean Kouki will walk until we get home?" You asked the mochi who nod. "Okay, as promised, no carry until we get home. Can you give me your word?"
"Kouki, promise," Kouki nod and held out his pinky to loop it with yours. Disciplining him to keep his word even at a young age is important.
Along the way you stopped the car in a shop to buy an envelope, you slide in the results and ask for a sandalwood scented paper, writing down your surprise for them and slip it in the envelope too. After paying, you went back to the car and the three of you went straight to Ginza for lunch.
"I want coconut with caramel syrup," you grumbled. You watch Satoru and Kouki eating their canapés while you poke the Peruvian toasted sweetcorn, avocado, and quinoa salad on your plate. You're in a VIP room of the restaurant with lavish furnishing in beige and gold, on the side is the clear and wide window wall with a skyline view of Ginza.
"Mama, you want?" Kouki extended you his bite-size canape. Smiling you took a tiny bite and thanked him. After your father-son duo finished their lunch, the dessert is served, panna cotta for Satoru and creme brulee for Kouki. You watch the both of them stare at you with excited eyes. Your hand reaches into your shoulder bag and brings out the grey envelope with gold linings.
"It's a sister," Kouki repeated and continued eating while Satoru anxiously made a 'gimme' with both hands.
"I'm starting to feel this is a boy," Satoru cleared his throat and you chuckled depositing the envelope in his awaiting hands.
Your heart raced, on edge to what his reaction would be, you reach your phone camera, switch it to video, and record his expression.
Satoru giddily but carefully opened the seal of the envelope, there was a small sonogram picture, he took it out and frown, giving you a confused look. A few more seconds passed and he set it down still frowning and opened the envelope to pick a white piece of sandalwood-scented paper.
Once upon a time, a little princess will be born
"A girl?" Satoru's jaws drop open showing you the card with wide eyes, coaxing a verbal assurance from you. "Fuck, for real Honey?!"
You laughed and nodded. Satoru stare at the paper again and let out a shaky breathe rubbing his chest and shaking his head with a palpable smile of amazement and happiness plastered on his face. He looks at you, dazed and unbelieving.
"Oh my, what have I done to deserve such a beautiful smile?" You chuckled and lean over to pinch his cheeks to bring Satoru back to Earth.
"Thank you," Satoru breathe, shaken and laughing to himself, his hand found yours on his cheeks and gave you a firm squeeze with a heart-aching smile. "I love you," he brought your hand to his lips and kiss it. "It's really a girl," Satoru repeated. But to you it sounded more like he's trying to convince himself more than announcing it.
"You're going to have a sister Kikufuku," Satoru poked the little mochi's cheeks who's holding the sonogram trying to decipher the black and white picture.
"You're happy?" You turn to your husband who is fawning over the paper, smelling it over and over while reading the contents.
"Very," he grinned.
The lunch was ended earlier when you told them you're tired and sleepy. But you still had the energy to spare for keeping your promise with Kouki earlier to buy a gift for his baby sister.
Satoru pushes the big cart with one hand while keeping his other large palm resting on your waist, you walk beside him at a slow pace leaning slightly to his hold. Kouki on the other hand roams the department store, going back and forth in the kid's aisle filled with toys and baby things.
"Mama, I want this," Kouki pointed to a basketball and large unicorn stuff toy.
"You don't have a ring in the house," you reminded him.
Satoru beat you to it and told the Kikufuku to go get the ball and put it in the cart along with the unicorn stuff toy.
"You're spoiling him too much," you murmured to Satoru watching Kouki hug the ball to his chest and walk back to you.
"He'll only be a kid once, a few more days he's not gonna fit in my arms anymore," Satoru said softly and press a kiss on your temples. "Treat it as his gift for being big brother," His fingers rubbed your elbows and accepted the ball and stuff toy from Kouki to be put in the cart.
"Where did Papa go?" You asked Kouki who's reading on the carpet. A yawn escaped your lips and you stretch out your limbs which are a little sore from your nap.
"Papa went to buy something, Mama can you read this for me?" Kouki jumps to his feet holding his book and runs to your open arms.
Reading to Kouki for a few minutes you notice his eyes starting dropping while sitting on your lap, another more minute and the little Kikufuku totally dozed off. Tucking him to the bed you kissed his forehead and slip in the covers.
The door to your bedroom opened and Satoru came in holding a tray with a bowl of coconut meat and the smaller cupfuls of syrup. He smiled and set down the treat beside you.
"Where is my kiss of thank you?" He demanded and puckered the peachy lips of his.
"Thank you," you grinned and ignored him, choosing to eat your cravings first, generously dipping the white meat on the caramelized sugar. You popped the piece into your mouth while Satoru look at you with an evident pout.
A shadow loomed over your face and Satoru leaned over, his lips brushing against yours, you felt him smile between the quick kiss and withdraw.
"Hai! I win," he grinned holding half of the white meat on his teeth, and chuckled at your 'just robbed surprised' face.
"Hey! I'm the pregnant one here!" You groaned and grabbed his blindfold but Satoru escaped your hold and stuck his tongue out to tease you.
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Check out the Masterlist for more.
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned, image(s) and song(s) used belongs to their respective owner(s).
Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @gummy-dummy
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lilixloveswriting · 3 years
Welcome to another installment of I suck at titles Kouki gets his ass kicked! Ft. @summer-of-whump No. 8 allergies/force-feeding and No. 9 bugs/animals
Summary: Kouki misses lunch due to a prior appointment with some bullies, but not to worry. They would never let him go hungry.
Word Count: 2k
TW: minor whump (Kouki is a high schooler), physical violence, bullying, swearing, force-feeding, vomit (mention), non-con touching/restraints, sex joke made by a minor (they're teenage boys you know how it is)
BNHA OCs Masterlist
Kouki’s back hit the chain-link fence, irritating the bruise from earlier that day. It had almost disappeared, but if the sudden spike in pain told him anything it was that the force had only made it bigger. He grunted, planting his hands at either side of him on the ground, pushing himself up from the slouching position as Ichioka sauntered up to him.
“Damn, light as a feather!” He smiled, wickedness glinting in his eyes as they stared Kouki down. “I mean, really. Do you eat anything?”
Kouki blinked up at him, nervously glancing back at Ichioka’s lackeys. Yamane, upon meeting eyes with him, curled his lip up, taking a few stalking steps forward. “Eh? What’re ya lookin’ at me for? He asked you a question, pretty boy.”
Kouki’s eyes widened as Yamane continued towards him, and his legs scrambled to back himself up further against the fence. His efforts were wasted, however. If his back were pressed into it any more he would become one with the metal.
“Uh, uh-” He stuttered, tearing his gaze away from Yamane to address Ichioka. “I-I-I do! I-I just have f-fast metabolism! That’s it! It’s just cuz of my quirk!” Kouki squeaked, pulling an arm up to shield his head and squeezed his eyes shut. He peeked them open again when no blow came, the silence loud, lifting his head to see the three hyenas simply looking at him. Not in the eyes, though, Kouki realized Ichioka’s gaze was aimed at his forehead.
“So why hasn’t that cut healed yet?” Ichioka asked the question yet again making Kouki aware of the dull pain in his head that he’d managed to ignore since he had gotten it earlier that day.
Kouki swallowed, bottom lip trembling, and to his foes, it looked like fear, but that wasn’t quite it. “...I need food to get energy. And I didn’t have any time at lunch.” It was almost a sneer. Almost. But almost was better than nothing, Kouki reasoned, proud of himself for having the guts to fire anything back at them.
Ichioka chuckled, shoulders bouncing with the laugh. “Chatty today, are we?” His smile dropped shortly after he spoke and he leaned forward with a glower. “Maybe a broken jaw’ll shut you up?”
He didn’t even give Kouki a chance to register his words before throwing his head to the side with his fist. Kouki yelped, initially too disoriented to process anything, but eventually coming to to realize the pain on his face was too high to have broken his jaw. He whimpered as his fingertips made contact with his cheekbone, but at least they came away clean. It would be hard to hide a split cheek. He was going to run out of band-aids soon.
“Don’t worry, Kirishima. We weren’t gonna let you starve. What kinda friends would we be then?” Ichioka said, and Kouki placed his shaky hands on the concrete to better grasp his bearings before lifting his head. Ichioka had his back turned to him, but not for long as he turned back around, one of those coffee tumbler mugs in hand. “Hope you’re hungry.” Ichioka shook the cup, a rattling noise coming from within as he shot Kouki a poisonous smile. “Taketa brought the biggest one he could find!”
“Wha…” Kouki sat back on his knees, squaring his shoulders to face Ichioka. The latter took another step towards him, and Kouki fell back, raising a hand above his face to give him the illusion of having some sort of defense. “Wh-what...what is it?”
“Aww don’t want him to waste his food on you?” He tossed his head over his shoulders at his friends, “That’s our Kouki, huh? Always so considerate.” They snickered, as did he as he turned his attention back on the cowering boy. “Don’t worry. Taketa has plenty crawling around his walls at home. He won’t miss one or two.”
Kouki’s eyes widened. “Crawling?”
Taketa’s laughing stopped, his face screwing up into an offended scowl. “H-hey! I don’t have roaches!” He shouted, hands clenched into fists at his sides, blushy embarrassment creeping up his head.
Ichioka paused his pursuit, shoulders slouching before he slowly turned back to glare at Taketa. Kouki couldn’t see his face, a silent mercy he decided, seeing how Taketa’s expression immediately shifted. “What was that? Seems you can’t keep your mouth shut? Maybe I should stuff yours with something instead.”
The air was thick with silence as Taketa’s lower lip trembled, then his body relaxed, arms dropping with his head. His eyes met with Kouki for a split moment, and though neither of them said anything, the surprise Taketa caught in Kouki’s eyes was enough to irritate him, causing Taketa to grit his teeth, scoffing as he snapped his gaze away.
“Agh, shit…where was I?” Ichioka groaned, dropping the scary calm tone he’d used to threaten Taketa as he rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah. Open up, Kouki.” His smile returned and Ichioka continued toward Kouki, tipping the mug side to side in his hand.
“N...n-no, wait!” Kouki waved his hand out in front of him, scooching back on his bottom until he hit the fence again. Still, Ichioka pursued him, crouching down to the boy's level. “P-please! Hold on! I- AH!” He screamed as Ichioka grabbed hold of his chin, the sound of his own skin sizzling in his ears from where Ichioka had licked his fingers.
“That’s it! Say ‘ahh!’” Ichioka mocked him, and Kouki felt the sting of tears begin to well up in his eyes.
“No! Please...mmph!” Kouki clamped his mouth shut when Ichioka ignored his begging, proceeding to raised the mug and flip the cap to the drinking part off. He screamed as hard as he could with his jaw locked closed, the tears now spilling onto his cheeks as he struggled in Ichioka’s grip. He tossed his head this way and that, defiantly dodging the opening of the cup every time Ichioka pressed it to his face.
“Urrg, fuck!” Ichioka growled, his irritation reaching its peak as he ushered Yamane towards him. “Fucking grab him when I say.”
Kouki almost broke, wanting to shout out in protest when Yamane extended a hand out towards him, but he didn’t even have time to pride himself on keeping his mouth shut before it fell open again, the breath being expelled from his body as Ichioka’s fist made contact with his chest. Kouki couldn’t even hear Ichioka give his order over his coughing, which came to an immediate halt when he felt Yamane’s hand on his neck.
Kouki froze, unable to move or speak or do anything but scream as Ichioka readjusted his grip on his chin, tilting his head back in time with the cup, pressed forcefully to his lips, trapping his distressed cries inside the 20-ounce mug. He wanted to thrash, to fight back, to do anything, but with Yamane’s quirk stiffening all of his muscles, Kouki was completely at their mercy, or more accurately their disposal.
The wait was torturous. It felt like it went on forever, as though the bug knew what was waiting for it and was trying to delay its death for as long as possible. Ichioka wasn’t quite as patient and shook the cup in agitation, thunking it against Kouki’s mouth, bruising the exposed parts of his lips, and splitting the skin on the softer side open with his teeth. Finally, after much shaking and tapping, the insect made an appearance.
And again, Kouki screamed. Its antennae danced on his immobile tongue, feeling around for any threats of danger as it continued to slowly emerge. Somehow Ichioka could tell when it was all the way out of the mug, likely from Kouki’s cries, and tossed the empty cup to the side, the metal clanking down loudly on the pavement.
For a split second, Yamane let Kouki go but only long enough for Ichioka to cup his hand over Kouki’s nose, manually bringing his jaws together, holding his mouth closed in the same way someone would a dog’s. Kouki felt all of his muscles flex again and grunted at the way Yamane squeezed the nape of his neck.
“Mmhmph! Mm! Mph!” Kouki huffed, finding his breathing somewhat constricted by the pressure on his nose.
“Shh! Shh, Kouki, listen.” Ichioka hushed him and Kouki felt his face grow hot under his tears. Ichioka kept using his first name. Kouki never gave him permission to use his first name. He hated the way it sounded coming from him.
“MMHMPH!” He shut his eyes, really it was all he could do. His chest heaved as his body tried to break free from Yamane’s quirk.
“Calm down.”
Calm down?! How could he?! He could feel the bug in his mouth, its little feet pitter-pattering all over his taste buds, violating his tongue as it sniffed around with long antennae, tickling his uvula.
Kouki gagged feeling it near the back of his throat, eyes widening with absolute and utter repulsion.
“Shh! No, don’t throw up! Kouki, listen, look at me.”
His eyes peeked open, though he really couldn’t see anything through his tears.
“You can do this. Come on. You’ve gotten through way worse than this, I know you can do it.”
Kouki whimpered. He was right. He’d been through a lot of awful shit, arguably more torturous than this. And this was something he could actually end. He couldn’t tell where the bug was anymore, the sensation had spread all throughout his mouth.
“Just finish it, yeah?”
He didn’t have to chew it, he just had to get it down. He just had to swallow. Kouki worked his tongue, eyes fluttering shut in disturbance as he tried to decipher where the insect was sitting. It stopped its movement temporarily as Kouki moved, desperately working the bug towards the back of his mouth. He was started to get short on oxygen, he realized. As his anxiety levels rose his breathing wanted to quicken as well, and it only got worse as the realization sparked panic.
“HHN!” Kouki gagged again at the feeling of the bug’s wings beating at the roof of his mouth, but didn’t let himself dwell on it, throwing all of his focus into just getting it down. His fingers braced themselves on Ichioka’s arms, desperate to ground his consciousness. He had to stay conscious, he’d never be able to swallow it if he didn’t. And with the steady diminishment of oxygen, it was getting easier and easier to dissociate.
The bug was fighting back now, but Kouki was bigger. He could do it. It was at the back of his tongue now, all he had to do was push it down into his throat. A simple motion, really, a bodily reflex. To the back of the throat and down the esophagus, just like anything else. He could still feel the antennae, the legs, the wings, feeling around, pushing back, but his tongue was stronger. And finally, finally, he got it past his uvula.
But that was about as far as it got. He felt it squirming around, scratching its way back up his esophagus and hanging on his epiglottis, using it as leverage to grab onto his tonsils. Kouki retched, body convulsing as he choked and Ichioka backed off, jumping back to avoid getting puked on. Kouki didn’t puke, but allowed his jaw to drop open, his hands clawing at his throat before diving into his mouth, fingers scraping at his tongue to help the damn thing crawl out. He heaved dryly and beat on his sternum with the ball of his palm, hunching himself over on his knees to use gravity to his advantage. He let his tongue loll out of his mouth, coughing, and with one final, painful, forced gag the intruder flew out. Through blurry eyes Kouki could make out the shape of a cockroach almost the size of his thumb on the ground, drowned in spit and mucus. Barely alive, but then, so was he. Kouki continued to cough, ears ringing as his body worked to replenish his brain with oxygen. It was sitting there, trying to regain his bearings once more with nothing to hold onto that he realized he had been using Ichioka. He wasn’t holding him when he was first restrained because...well because he couldn’t move. He couldn’t move anything, not his hands, his eyes, his tongue— which means Yamane had let him go. Yamane had to let Kouki go for him to swallow. Yamane had let him go and yet…
His hands were on Ichioka’s arms, his head clung to Ichioka’s voice...he wasn’t even struggling in his grip. He stayed. Kouki stayed. The only thing holding him in place was Ichioka and even then, all he had done was hold Kouki’s jaw closed. It was Ichioka’s voice that calmed him down enough to think straight, it was Ichioka—
FUCK! Damn it! What the fuck?! Why…
Kouki sobbed, still coughing up his lungs with every attempt at a breath. He was so compliant. So...small and...damn it...he wasn’t manly at all…
“Oh, that won’t do at all, you ungrateful piece of shit.”
Kouki wailed as Ichioka’s foot met with his side, sending him flying back into the fence again, only this time he didn’t have the strength to keep himself propped upright, only continuing to cry as this body slammed into the pavement. There were hands on his shoulders and arms, yanking him up into a sitting position as Ichioka walked forward, bending over to dangle the roach in Kouki’s face.
“Let’s try again, shall we? And this time I expect you to do more than just deep throat it.”
Tags: @grizzlie70
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dennou-translations · 5 years
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Violet Evergarden Official Fanbook: Character Profiles
Please do not distribute my translations without permission and feel free to point out any corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases here.
Index >>
A few warnings before we proceed:
The data below is pertinent only to the anime, not the franchise as a whole. Much of what is written here does not match the novel. Please keep that in mind when finding any controversies or additional information. This also applies to the characters from the anime who are not in the books and vice-versa.
The profiles follow summaries of each episode. They’re the same ones from the official site, all of which I’ve already translated, so I’ve embedded links to their translations.
The order of introduction of each character corresponds to the order of appearances in each episode, hence the numeration and hence why they don’t follow the official main character line-up. The only exception to this is Gilbert, whose profile is introduced by episode 8.
Unlike the other characters, Violet has three profiles. That’s surely for the sake of showcasing her development.
A few characters have their names written wrong. The people in charge clearly took their translations from the Netflix subs, which everyone knows got many things wrong. I’ve taken the liberty to correct them. Specifically, it’s Dietfried written as “Diethard”, Abelfreya written as “Eberfreya”, and Ale written as “Yale”.
Episode 1
Violet Evergarden CV: Ishikawa Yui
An Auto-Memories Doll of the CH Postal Company. Unknown background. Estimated age is 14 years.
She became an Auto-Memories Doll in order to learn the meaning of the words “I love you”, which her superior from the battlefields back when she was a soldier, Gilbert, had told her. Until becoming an Auto-Memories Doll, as she used to live only for the sake of fighting, she was neither able to understand the feelings of other people nor her own. However, through interacting with her clients, she comes in contact with all sorts of emotions, such as the feeling of loving someone and the sadness of losing an important person, and grows up step by step.
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Claudia Hodgins CV: Koyasu Takehito
The president of CH Postal Company. His family is a wealthy one, which also invested in damage relief expenses during the war. Formerly, he served as a lieutenant colonel in Leidenschaftlich’s army, and so is able to take on jobs by using connections from the time when he was a soldier even after having retired.
He met Gilbert during their days as students in the Military Academy and became close to him. As per a request by Gilbert to take care of Violet, he now watches over her in the CH Postal Company, which he himself founded after the war. Understanding that Violet still did not comprehend people’s emotions and admiring her will of wanting to become an Auto-Memories Doll, he warmly sees her growth through.
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Cattleya Baudelaire CV: Endou Aya
A popular Doll who is the face of CH Postal Company. She specializes in love letters, and there is no end to the number of clients who commission her. Upon observing Cattleya notice the feeling of “love” from her client, Violet took interest in Auto-Memories Dolls.
Amongst the Dolls employed in CH Postal Service, she’s the one with the longest career on the job, and so she watches over Violet with her juniors as the latter begins her own. She is an old acquaintance of Hodgins’s, and so she tags along with him in a friendly relationship to give advice about Violet and about work.
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Episode 2
Erica Brown CV: Chihara Minori
An Auto-Memories Doll who works at the CH Postal Company. She was inspired by the novels of the writer Molly, and thought that she also wanted to write texts that could resonate with people’s hearts, thus aspiring to become an Auto-Memories Doll. However, due to her introverted personality, she tended to struggle in her interactions with costumers, and inwardly embraced anxiety while wondering if she was actually not suited to be an Auto-Memories Doll.
When meeting Violet for the first time, she could not fathom why the latter wanted to become an Auto-Memories Doll, but upon being touched by her straightforward desire to understand what “I love you” meant, Erica reminisced to her own dreams.
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Benedict Blue CV: Uchiyama Kouki
A delivery boy (postman) of the CH Postal Company. He mainly does deliveries by bike. He appears to have an obsession with dressing styles, and so does not wear the company’s uniform. He seems to be the rude type at first glance due to not being too friendly, but also has a kindhearted side that casually showed concern for Violet, who had just barely joined the CH Postal Company.
He never stops quarreling with Cattleya over trivial matters, but he is trusted as a comrade who had been supporting the company along with Hodgins ever since its foundation day.
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Bridget CV: Aizawa Yurika
A female costumer who came to the CH Postal Company for a ghostwriting request. Her hand had been asked in marriage by a young man who had started an automotive business, and so she commissioned an Auto-Memories Doll to ghostwrite a letter of response.
Bridget was overcome with the desire to attract the affection of the one that had asked her in marriage and test his sincerity. However, Violet was unable to grasp Bridget’s true intentions while ghostwriting the letter, which had her enraged.
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Nerine & Lilian CV: Saitou Aya || CV: Hikisaka Rie
Female staff members who work as receptionists at the CH Postal Company’s front desk. They deal with the costumers who visit the post office. Same as with Auto-Memories Dolls, the reception is one of the fields in which socially progressing women are active.
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Episode 3
Luculia Marlborough CV: Tadokoro Azusa
A girl aspiring to become a Doll, who attends the Auto-Memories Doll Preparatory School. The trigger being that they were paired together to write letters during a school activity, she started getting along with Violet. As Violet receives a critique from the teacher Rhodanthe and becomes upset, Luculia brims with sympathy and tries to make her feel better by showing her the beautiful view of Leiden from a bell tower.
On the other hand, she was unable to convey to her older brother Spencer, who suffered from emotional after-effects of the war, that she was “happy he at least was alive”, and so was burdened with worries. However, her feelings were delivered to him through a letter that Violet wrote in her stead.
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Spencer Marlborough CV: Kimura Subaru
Luculia’s older sibling. He fought as a soldier during war times, but the western battlefield he had been assigned to was invaded, and so he lost his parents, who had come to a western city for work. He convinced himself that this was his own responsibility and wound up with psychological problems. Even as the war ended, he would drink continuously regardless of whether it was during the day or at night, unable to lead a proper lifestyle.
Through the letter that Violet delivered, he realized the feelings of his only blood relative Luculia, and gradually recovers. Later on, he visited the CH Postal Company in order to send Luculia a letter.
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Rhodanthe CV: Nozawa Yukari
An instructor of the Auto-Memories Doll Preparatory School. She upholds the goal of nurturing “optimal Dolls” and works hard on teaching. She taught in a way that rubs where it hurts even on Violet, who was brilliant in the subjects, by stating things such as, “What you ghostwrote cannot be called a ‘letter’”, and did not break her strict posture in order to raise optimal Dolls.
Once the course ended, she read Luculia’s letter and acknowledged Violet’s graduation, for she was the one who had ghostwritten said letter as per accepting Luculia’s request.
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Episode 4
Iris Cannary CV: Tomatsu Haruka
A newbie Doll from the CH Postal Company. She admired working women and moved to the capital Leiden from her hometown Kazaly. She had just become employed after finishing going through the Auto-Memories Doll Preparatory School. She was still in the process of maturing her will towards work, but was not following it through on the inside, and so she ended up going round in circles sometimes.
When Violet joined the CH Postal Company, Iris did not welcome her into becoming an Auto-Memories Doll, but as they went together to Kazaly on a business trip, the distance between their hearts shortened through Violet ghostwriting letters to her parents.
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Eamonn Snow CV: Inagaki Takuya
A male childhood friend of Iris’s, who lives in Kazaly. He received a love confession from Iris in the past, but was unable to view their relationship as anything other than childhood friendship and rejected her feelings.
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Iris’s Mother CV: Soumi Youko
Iris’s mother, who lives in Kazaly. She was worried for her only daughter, who had moved to the capital city to work, she used a fake name, made a request to CH Postal Company and called Iris over. Despite showing support for Iris as a Doll, wishing for her daughter’s happiness, she made a plan to throw a birthday party for Iris, but her thoughts ended up crossing purposes with Iris’s feelings.
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Iri’s Father CV: Matsumoto Yasunori
Iris’s father, who lives in Kazaly. Just as the mother, he was worried about Iris. He came to know about his daughter’s serious feelings regarding her job upon reading the letter ghostwritten by Violet, and saw off his daughter as she headed to Leiden once again.
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Episode 5
Charlotte Abelfreya Drossel CV: Nakajima Megumi
Third princess of the Drossel Kingdom. She was raised by the court lady Alberta. Her upbringing is that of a great princess, but on the inside, she is but a 14-year-old crybaby girl in love. In preparation for a tradition of Drossel Kingdom, the ritual of “Public Love Letters”, she gave thorough thought to her marriage with Prince Damian of the Fluegel Kingdom.
Nevertheless, she was unable to see the prince’s true intentions in the beautiful texts written in his Public Love Letters, and so she became anxious. As per a suggestion of Violet, who had been invited for the sake of ghostwriting her Public Love Letters, she wrote the love letters with her own words and conveyed her feelings.
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Alberta CV: Koyama Mami
A court lady of Drossel Kingdom. She had served the court since before Charlotte had been born and watched over the latter’s growth, raising her as if she were her own child. She knew Charlotte better than anyone else, enough to realize that Charlotte was not satisfied with the reply from Prince Damian, which had been written by an Auto-Memories Doll. On Charlotte’s wedding day, she endured her loneliness and sent the latter off with a bright face.
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Damian Baldur Fluegel CV: Tsuda Kenjirou
First prince of the Fluegel Kingdom, a neighboring nation of the Drossel Kingdom. He has the right to inheriting the throne of Fluegel Kingdom, but has never pretended to be composed. Due to him coming to talk to Charlotte on her birthday as she was alone in a garden of white camellias, their engagement happened.
Afterward, he came to know about Charlotte’s passionate feelings for him through their love letters, and becomes determined to marry her. He proposed to Charlotte in the garden of white camellias where they had first met. After their wedding, he took zealous care of national affairs along with Charlotte.
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Episode 6
Leon Stephanotis CV: Uemura Yuuto
A staff member of the codex department in the Shaher Astronomical Observatory. In his childhood, he watched his mother abandon him and leave home to search for his father, who belonged to the literature collecting department and had gone missing, thus becoming distrustful of women and of romantic love. He was also disgusted by Auto-Memories Dolls because of this, yet wound up falling in love with Violet at first sight upon meeting her. As he squeezed out some courage and invited her to an astronomical observation, he realized that a different special someone is reflected in Violet’s eyes, perceiving the end of his short-lived love.
With his meeting with Violet as the trigger, he decided to become a literary collector like his father.
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Kile Zenich CV: Yokota Daisuke
A staff member of the codex department in the Shaher Astronomical Observatory, who lives in the same dorm room as Leon.
As the complete opposite of Leon, he was happy that Auto-Memories Dolls were coming to the workplace of the codex department, which was lacking in women. He was chosen to pair with Iberis from the Fujimi Post Office, and the two of them got along with each other as they proceeded working together, so he made active moves, such as inviting her to the observation of the Alley Comet.
He also displays a friendly side that is familiar with Leon, who was bullied by the people around him for not having parents, and worries about the latter’s relationship with Violet.
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Le Verrier CV: Hoshino Mitsuaki
The section chief of the codex department in the headquarters of the Shaher Astronomical Observatory. He commands the staff that works in the codex deparment. He invited the Auto-Memories Dolls who visited the headquarters, explaining to them the contents of their job. His thoughtfulness towards his work is extremely high, enough for him to discuss about the rare documents and records about to be lost.
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Iberis Konoue & Bluebell Junoa  CV: Doi Mari || CV: Yuzuki Shouko
Classmates who attended the same Auto-Memories Doll preparatory school as Violet. They finished the course before Violet did, and while Iberis was employed by the Fujimi Postal Office, Bluebell was employed by her hometown’s postal agency, the two of them working as Auto-Memories Dolls. They reunited with Violet through the job at Shaher’s headquarters.
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Episode 7
Oscar Webster CV: Taki Satoshi
A worldwide famous and renowned dramatist. He lost his beloved daughter Olivia, leading his life surrendering himself to alcohol due to the shock.
In order to finish his new play, he made a request to the CH Postal Company, and upon meeting Violet, he saw that she had the same hair color as Olivia and was reminded of his deceased daughter, which wound up disturbing his heart. However, as Violet showed Oscar the miracle of walking onto the surface of a lake, which Olivia had told him that she wanted to show him when she was still alive, he was able to rid himself of the darkness that he had been carrying in his heart.
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Olivia Webster CV: Senbongi Ayaka
Oscar’s only daughter, who has a lovely smile.
Even after losing her mother to illness, so as not to make her father worry, she would entretain him by smiling incessantly. She used to like her light blue parasol and waterfowls, and had promised Oscar to show him that she would jump over the lake in their backyard with said parasol someday. However, Olivia was also plagued with an incurable disease, and contrary to her father’s wishes, her life came to an end.
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Episode 8
an orphan girl CV: Ishikawa Yui
An orphan girl found by the military in a northern battlefield. All information such as her place of birth, real name and the whereabouts of her parents are unknown. Her body age was of about 10 years, yet she could not speak properly, and was mostly unable to communicate with people.
She was taken in by Gilbert and joined the Continental War between North and South.
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Gilbert Bougainvillea CV: Namikawa Daisuke
A major of Leidenschaftlich’s army. He was born to a famous household, a family that had remained in the military continuously from generation to generation, and had led life fervorously fulfilling his responsibilities as such.
During the Continental War between North and South, he received an orphan girl from his older brother Dietfried as a “weapon”. He gave the name “Violet” to the girl who had none, telling her that she should become a person fitting of said name.
He was fatally injured during the last battle at Intense, leaving to Violet the words “I love you” and going missing in action.
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Episode 9
Violet Evergarden CV: Ishikawa Yui
Through working as an Auto-Memories Doll, Violet was touched by many sorts of emotions. And so, she came to realize that there are definitely emotions within her as well. She was able to understand feelings she had never noticed until then; for that part, her sadness towards the fact that Gilbert is gone deepens, and it was painful to accept her past, from which she could not erase the things she had done. Her past could not be erased, yet she realized that neither could her memories with the people she had met nor the ghostwritten letters from her new life as an Auto-Memories Doll, and decides to move on.
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Roland CV: Kagami Riki
An elderly postman who works at the CH Postal Company. He is an old man whose plentiful beard causes an impression.
He would watch over the lifestyles of the young ones with a cheerful smile, to the point of eating fried noodles with Benedict out of consideration, as the latter was treated coldly by Nerine and Lilian, and delivering a letter to Violet, who had locked herself in her room.
Every letter contains the precious feelings of someone. The words that Violet told Ann, “there is no such thing as a letter that needn’t be delivered”, were said by Roland to Violet.
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Episode 10
Ann Magnolia CV: Morohoshi Sumire
The daughter of Clara, Violet’s client. She lives with her mother in a large manor in the outskirts of their town. She believed Violet to be a real doll and treated her as such. She would ask the latter to tie her hair and read picture books, thus becaming emotionally attached to Violet, but those were signs that she had wanted her mother, who was bedridden due to a disease, to do all of it instead.
She felt that her mother did not have life expectancy, and so begged Violet not to steal the little time she had left to spend with her mother. She was gently soothed by Violet, who knew of the whole situation, and parted from her with a smile in the end.
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Clara Magnolia CV: Kawasumi Ayako
She had lost her husband in the war and lived together with her small daughter Ann in the manor. She suffered from sickness, and realizing that she had not much time left, she wrote letters together with Violet for 50 years in the future addressed to Ann.
Upon finishing preparing the latters that would be delivered after her death, she spent her remaining time with Ann, departing to heaven along with the arrival of spring.
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Ellis CV: Horikoshi Mami
A servant who works in the manor. As Clara suffered from the disease, she began to take care of Ann, and is responsible for all of the housework in the manor. She was aware of the contents of Clara’s commission, and during the times when Violet was typing out the letters, she was attentive of not letting Ann go to the two.
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Episode 11
Aidan Field CV: Asanuma Shintarou
A young male Soldier from the southern part of Ctrigall. When being recruited as a soldier, he found an advertisement of the CH Postal Company and made a request for ghostwriting. However, he was drafted to the front lines of a civil war and shot by the Anti-Peace Faction, finding himself on the verge of death. At that time, he met Violet, who had accepted his ghostwriting request and come rushing to him. And so, as his consciousness faded, he entrusted to her his feelings addressed to his parents and beloved girlfriend, Maria.
In his last moments, he was able to convey the words “I love you” to Maria through his letter.
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Maria CV: Sudou Yumi
A childhood friend of Aidan’s, who lives in his hometown. She was raised together with Aidan since babyhood, and he used to show affection for her as if she were his younger sister. Love had blossomed between them when Aidan was still in their hometown, and so she kept waiting for him to return safely, but her wish did not come true.
She received the last letter from Aidan delivered by Violet, and amidst her sadness, she expressed her gratitude.
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Ale Koster CV: Sasaki Takuma
A boy soldier who was in the same troop as Aidan. As Aidan did not have anything to use his money on, he suggested Aidan to write letters to his homeland. He was the youngest of the troop and close to Aidan, but was met with an attack from the enemy, losing his life amidst despair.
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Lindsey Nicks CV: Akagi Susumu
The master sergeant of the troop that Aiden belonged to. As a civil war broke in Ctrigall, he gathered the soldiers and headed to their base in Menace. However, he was shot by the Anti-Peace Faction led by Isidor and collapsed.
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Episode 12
Elias Vandal CV: Sakuya Shunsuke
President of the Vandal Aerial Post Office, which he runs in Ctrigall, and certified pilot. He rides a two-seat monoplane. He has a lively personality, and taking a liking on Violet, who did not reflect on danger and attempted to go to the battlefield her client was in, he rode her to the Menace Base. Afterwards, he also lent his utmost strength to her and took her to Aidan’s hometown.
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Toby Sewlyn CV: Kobayashi Chikahiro
An employee of the Vandal Aerial Post Office. He is puzzled by Violet’s request of wanting to go to Menace Base, which is at the forefront of the battlefield, but together with the president, Vandal, he helps fulfill said request. He refers to Vandal as “boss”.
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Isidor CV: Mikami Satoshi
A member of the rebel faction’s force, which had raised the flag of resistance against peace. After the war, he had been imprisoned in a military camp of the Galdarik Empire, yet succeeded in escaping through the guidance of Brigadier-General Merkulov. He led the remaining soldiers and took part in an operation to destroy the Intercontinental Railway. When the strategy was taking place, his flank was shot by Dietfried on top of the train and he fell onto the railing.
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Brigadier-General Merkulov CV: Hirota Kousei
A brigadier-general of Galdarik Empire’s army. He served as the captain of the troops that conquered Intense. Many of his fellow man were killed by Violet during her days as a girl soldier, and despises her as the cause of Galdarik Empire’s surrender.
The soldiers that had fought with their lives on the line for Galdarik Empire, which was defeated, were spoken ill of by the citizens, and indignant of their situation of mistreatment, he revolted as a member of the Anti-Peace Faction. He attempted to destroy the Intercontinental Railway, which was in part a symbol of peace, and take advantage of the commotion in order to have Intense back, but was once again hindered by Violet and disappeared into the darkness.
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Episode 13
Dietfried Bougainvillea CV: Kiuchi Hidenobu
A colonel of Leidenschaftlich’s navy. He is the eldest son of the Bougainvillea family and Gilbert’s older brother. As the polar opposite of the serious Gilbert, he would let his hair grow long and his bad conduct would stand out.
Albeit his actions not showing it, he cherishes Gilbert. Unable to accept Gilbert’s disappearance, he one-sidedly decided that Violet was to blame for the fact that Gilbert could not be saved, burdening himself with thoughts that had no outlet.
However, through the incident with the Intercontinental Railway, he acknowledged Violet and allowed her to meet his mother, Mrs. Bougainvillea, in person.
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Mrs. Bougainvillea CV: Takashima Gara
Gilbert and Dietfried’s mother. Her memory is becoming faint, and she currently lives quietly in the Leiden residence of the Bougainvillea family. She thinks very fondly of her two sons, and while her chest ached with Gilbert’s disappearance, she spoke kind words to Violet, who had been living her life burdened with the same pain.
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sugaandyams · 5 years
What are Koba senpai's opinions on his teammates and managers? (Opinions on personalities, skills whatever, just go wild winks winks)
This took a while hahahaha, thanks for the ask!!! :D
Third years:
Aki, captain, @starbubs -Koba had strong feelings for him even before his crush started. I mean, who wouldn’t? Aki is a cinnamon roll that must be protected (even though he’s a secret sinnamon roll); he first spot Aki and went “I must protect.” Koba admires how caring Aki is, and how he can let loose a lot (which is something Koba sometimes has trouble with unless it’s at a function like team sleepovers). Koba started crushing on him in second year, and has become the famous gay disaster we all know and love. Aki and the other third years are really the only ones who can get him to reel back if he’s ever being a troublemaker or too sassy.
“Don’t fucking curse in front of Aki-kun” -Koba to Sango
Tatsuo, ace, @tetsuyaku -Koba’s crush on Tatsuo hit him like a truck during third year. Much like with Tatsuo, Koba has protective instincts for the ace even before his crush. Whenever Tatsuo is directly sassy or sarcastic, Koba is a little taken aback because usually Tatsuo isn’t like that around the team, but he finds all Tatsuo’s remarks funny. When he starts crushing on Tatsuo, Koba notices Tatsuo’s quirks more and has to try not to stand too close to him, for fear of stuttering and blushing madly.
“Even though he can kick my ass, I must protect him”
Chihiro, manager- Koba has always liked Chihiro, she’s sassy so they get along well. Koba likes to help her with anything because she does a lot for the team. They sometimes gossip about the team, even though Koba is one of those people that claims, “I hate gossip.” He knows how to braid hair and how to do other hairstyles since he does them for his little sister’s hair whenever she has a dance recital, so many times people catch him doing Chihiro’s hair. Sometimes she’s the guinea pig for styles he wants to surprise Kotoe with.
“if I wasn’t gay, she’s the kind of girl I’d go for, because I know she’s out of my league”
Second years:
Sango, libero-, @celestisnothere -Koba thinks of them as the team’s most chaotic little shit. After the incident where they were both cleaning banners and got in touch with their emotions and serious issues, Koba feels more in touch with Sango. Even though they have a weird relationship that is half-bickering, quarter-flirting, quarter- “what the fuck are you doing, Sango,” Koba really appreciates everything that the libero has done for him.
“You thirsty hoe” -Koba whenever Sango mentions someone they find attractive
Hikari, middle blocker, @brokurooo -whenever a crash happens, Koba automatically assumes Hikari (as well as the other second years) were involved with it. And he’s usually right. He has a similar relationship with Hikari as he does with Sango, though a little more lowkey (as in, Hikari and Koba don’t bicker as much, and they don’t flirt). Thinks his hair is cool.
“Chaotic gecko with great snack tastes”
Kouki, setter, @kunimiiakiraa / @yellowwclouds -Koba finds Kouki’s humor funny, since a lot of times it’s dry and witty. Kouki is probably his favorite setter he’s had, including the team’s old setter and his middle school setters, because Kouki knows how to set really well for each person. He always makes sure Kouki (and all the kouhai) to come to him if they need anything. Whenever the second years do something really dumb, Koba will sighs and ask why Kouki didn’t stop them (but he always knows the answer). Also glasses squad for the win.
“The reasonable one of the chaotic trifecta, which doesn’t say much” -Koba about Kouki
which translates to “kinda like being the tallest dwarf” -Veronica Sawyer, Heathers musical
First years:
Duda, middle blocker, @bia-trees -a pure bean that must be protected. He melts whenever he sees Duda crafting something. Totally teared up when Duda gave the team gecko charms. Duda is pretty quiet but Koba still tries to get to know them and be a good senpai. He’s asked Duda if they’d teach him how to fold some animals to surprise Kotoe (and two other certain people later, hint hint). Also likes his dyed hair.
“I don’t know how they ended up with our mess of a team, but godspeed”
Saru, middle blocker, @ennobaka -another pure bean that must be protected. Koba finds it adorable that Saru is always scribbling about the team and when he finds out that Saru does it to help with anxiety, he makes a point of finding really cute notepads and pens/pencils to give him (gecko stationary, anyone?). After being sassed-out by Saru concerning cursing, he tries not to curse too much in front of him. Generally finds Saru adorable.
“The cutest monkey I’ve ever seen”
Yuki, manager- the third bean that must be protected. Koba smiles to himself whenever he sees Yuki’s fun socks (and totally asks where to get some because he secretly wants some). Loves Yuki’s baking because Yuki is really good at it but even if he wasn’t, Koba would still eat it because he’s a good senpai, even if he’s a tsunderes. Because Yuki looks so pure, he’s surprised whenever Yuki roasts anyone, but finds it hilarious.
“And here I thought Yuki couldn’t get any cuter” -Koba after Yuki does pretty much anything            
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souldast · 6 years
How I run my blog
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SPEED: When it comes to threads and replies, I either reply barely 5 minutes after my partner respond or about a few weeks later. There’s very little in-between. It honestly depends on how motivated I am to write and how enthused I am for said thread. Same with asks; sometimes I just don’t answer them until a while later.
STARTERS: Unless I do a starter call, my starter calls just come in the form of silly little one-liners and the like. Note that I count my dash commentary posts as starters, meaning you’re free to reply to those and start a thread (keep in mind it’ll likely be just one-liners unless you tell me otherwise).
INBOX: Always open!! I love receiving asks about anything. Anons bothering Kouki, random headcanon questions, prompts, memes, stupid stuff, anything goes! The only thing off-limits is explicit NSFW and anonymous hate. Don’t do that, amigos.
I’m quite picky, unfortunately. Sorry mates :S  Nothing against you, I just want to keep my circle of mutuals manageable so I’m not constantly stressed out having to communicate with everyone.
WISHLIST: People developing loving, meaningful relationships with this sad alcoholic man, whether it’d be platonic or romantic. As much as I like to make my muses suffer sometimes, I also want Kouki to be happy and loved. Things with the soul-splice AU are another thing I’d really love to do; y’all have no idea how much I am into that AU.
 I’m a slut for AUs in general. If there’s an AU I can actually fit Kouki into, I’m 99% all for it. I especially love group AUs that involve muses joining up together for whatever reason, and becoming closer as a result (becoming a squad basically). Just give me all of that. Give me friendships and sacrifices and slow-burn romances and people fucking working together to deal with a conflict that ends up bringing the whole squad closer than man just gimmie that.
HONEST NOTE: I can (unintentionally) be a dick sometimes but I promise, I want to make friends here and come up with meaningful, fun things to write so we can develop the characters we made as a whole. I know as a community, we’re going to run into problems with differing opinions or boundaries and the like. Just remember communication is important. 
I fucking hate vagues and call-out culture (I only partake in it if said person had done some extremely toxic things that can affect the whole community, so please leave me out of your petty shit) because it really triggers my anxiety. So just be upfront with whoever you have beef with and we can get along. If it brings you too much anxiety or you’re too mentally exhausted to deal with it, the block button is an option.
Tagged by: @estrellawn and @renegaied THANK YOU ME LOVES
Tagging: anyone into aggrestuko
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lin369 · 8 years
┗|∵|┓Honeyworks Translation - Romeo/LIP×LIP(CV:Uchiyama Kouki・Shimazaki Nobunaga) [N.EDIT ver.]
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I worked with DenZero, who also uploaded a subbed video, on this one! Once I heard the preview in the crossfade I... I had to y’know. I HAD TO. Please do tell if you found errors/mistakes! (much better to DM me on Twitter)
僕のお姫様にね なってください
Hajimemashite ojou-san
Nishi no kuni kara ai no tame ni anata ni ai ni kimashita
Kyuu na hanashi desu ga douka odorokanaide
Boku no ohime-sama ni ne, natte kudasai
Nayanderu no? Ojou-san
Ukanai kao wa niawanai yo, hora hora mimi wo kashite yo
Moshimo yoroshikereba desu ga ore to issho ni
Subete sutete nigeyou higashi no kuni e
Sabishisou na sono akai kuchibiru ni
Yasashii mahou kakeru yo
Saa sa doresu ni kigaete
Sekai ichi no ohime-sama odorimashou ka?
Dare mo ga anata wo hoshigatte
Bokura wo muchuu ni sasechatte
Ubau yo ai no KISS
Hitomi tojite PUREZENTO
Sora ni hikaru ano hoshi wo futari no mono ni
Sekai ga anata wo hoshigatte
Oretachi honki ni sasechatte
Sono na wa JURIETTA
Inochi ni kaete mo mamorinuite misemasu
Saa oide
Koukai wa sasenai iroasenai keshiki e
Saa oide
Watashitakunai hoka no dare ka ni wa
Yuzurenai no sa dare ni mo
Saa sa hadashi de kakedase
Sekai ichi no ohime-sama yume no sekai e
Fuan na omoi wa keshisatte
Choppiri RUURU yabuchatte
Nerau yo ai no KISS
Te wo tsunaide tsureteku yo
Umi ni nemuru houseki wo futari no mono ni
Sekai ga anata wo hoshigatte
Bokura wo honki ni sasechatte
Sono na wa JURIETTA
Anata no koto shika mienakute
Bokura no honki wo misechatte
Sono na wa JURIETTA
Pleased to meet you, milady 
I’m from the west country, I’ve come pursuing your love
I know it’s a sudden request, but I beg you not be surprised
Won’t you please? Become my princess
Are you worried? Milady
That sad face you’re making, it doesn’t suit you. C’mere and lend me your ear
If you permit me to do so, would you
Abandon everything else and run away with me to the east country?
On your lonesome rosy red lips
I’ll be casting a tender spell of magic
Come now and go put on your gown
To the world’s finest princess, shall we dance?
Everyone’s yearning for you 
Drowning us in ecstasy full of you
We’ll be stealing a kiss of love
I’ll give you a present so close your eyes 
In the night sky, that shining star that’ll soon be ours
The whole world wants you 
You sparked the passion within us
Thy name is Juliet
I’ll protect you till the bitter end, even if it takes my life 
Now come to me
I won’t disappoint you, let’s go to a never fading scenery 
Now come to me
Which will you choose?
I don’t wish to hand you over to somebody else
I won’t surrender you to anyone
Ready? Let’s break into a run, all barefoot 
To a world of dreams for the world’s finest princess
Clear away your anxieties
Break the rules just a little bit
Our target will be a kiss of love
Hold my hand and I’ll lead the way 
The slumbering jewel beneath the ocean that’ll soon be ours
The whole world wants you 
You sparked the passion within us
Thy name is Juliet
I can’t look at anyone else but you 
Let’s show how serious we are
Thy name is Juliet
1. BIG THANKS TO haru-usagi for Romeo’s full lyrics!!!!
2. MV link here
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