#we had lunch with a friend and dnd tonight
foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
not a question, i just love your romance comics very much and hope you're having a good day.
i hope the courts aren't a fuck and they grant your name change. or perish.
So luckily the boat I’m in was that the possibility was present to change my first name as part of getting married. That ship sailed. So now I have to go to a court and have a judge sign off but luckily unless you’re trying to escape the law they don’t say no. It’s just money and time.
Even more luckily a very lovely friend paid for the name change portion so I get to worry about the logistics without stressing on budget. Today didn’t go as planned but it could’ve been worse!
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kjsfandoms · 1 month
Lust and Love
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Description: Eddie is dating the girl he's been pinning over for years- Chrissy Cunningham. What happens when a new girl enters his life?
Word Count: 3k
Chrissy and Eddie have been dating for a good few months now and they both truly are happy. Eddie had been crushing on her since their middle school talent show and was insanely surprised when she came to him to buy drugs. The Chrissy Cunningham High buying drugs from him? He couldn’t believe it. 
Not long after their first deal, Chrissy started to realize that she really enjoyed Eddie’s company. One thing led to another and soon enough the freak of Hawkins High was dating the queen of Hawkins High.
Though they were dating and loved spending time together they still always made sure to have time for their friends. Hence why Eddie still sits at the hellfire table for lunch (also totally not because the majority of the popular kids hate him). 
One day during lunch as Eddie is sitting at the front of the table, munching on his pretzels, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike join him. “Hey, fellas.” Eddie says as the boys start eating their unpleasantly looking school lunch. They talk about DND for a good minute until Dustin turns around mid-conversation when he notices Y/N sit down at the table next to theirs.
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Hey there, Dustin.” Y/N replies as she takes off her headphones and gives him a friendly smile. Mike and Lucas then notice her as well and say their hellos. Eddie looks back and forth between the boys and this girl, Y/N. He takes in her appearance and notices the eyeliner, dark denim jeans, and the loosely hung Black Sabbath t-shirt. How the hell did these boys know this girl and why has he never seen her around?
She turns back to her own table and puts her headphones back on. He can briefly hear Judas Priest coming through them before being interrupted by Gareth sharing some more DND ideas.
After school he walks Chrissy to her cheer practice before heading over to the drama room to set up for the upcoming hellfire session tonight. In there he spots Dustin who is also usually there sometimes to help Eddie set up. “Hey, man.” Eddie greets. “Hey, Eddie. I already set up everyone’s character sheets.” “Thanks, Henderson.”
As Eddie and Dustin continue to set up, the question from earlier still lingers on Eddie’s mind. Who was that girl? ‘Might as well ask’, he thinks to himself.
“Henderson, who was that girl you guys were saying hi to at lunch?”
“Oh, Y/N? We’ve known her for a few years now. She’s friends with Jonathan Byers so we met her by association. She’s really cool though. I’m surprised you guys have never met considering you have a lot in common. But why do you ask?” Dustin says as he pulls out some dice.
“Was just curious. Never seen her around.”
“Yeah, she can be more on the quiet and loner side, but she’s great when you get to know her.”
Hellfire went pretty good as Eddie had been playing that campaign for weeks now. The boys and Erica have already left by now, but he stayed back to clean up. As he’s putting away their chairs he hears the drama room doors open. In walks her. Y/N.
“Oh, hi! Sorry, didn’t know you guys were doing hellfire today. I’m just setting some things up for the talent show this weekend.” She says. That’s when Eddie notices her carrying two guitars and an amp. “Don’t worry, you’re all good. Just cleaning up. You want some help with that?” “Please,” she says with a breathy laugh, “carrying these all at once is not easy.” “Oh, trust me I know. I play in a band.” He says as he walks over to take the amp out of her arm.
They walk to the stage and as Eddie plugs in the amp Y/N sets up the guitars. Wanting to break the silence, Y/N asks, “So, you’re in a band. What do you play?” “Guitar. I also help write some of our songs.” Y/N looks up at him with a smile and says, “No way! I also play guitar and write songs. Though, it’s just for fun. I’m not in a band or anything.” Eddie looks shocked at this. He’s never met a girl that’s been into music like this, not to mention music that he likes. “That’s sick! Think I could hear one of your songs one day?” “Only if I get to hear one of yours.”
Continuing their conversation, they’re eventually interrupted when the drama doors open once again, this time revealing Chrissy. “Hey, babe!” Chrissy cheers and she walks over to give Eddie a hug. “Hey, Chris. How was practice?” Y/N watches as the obvious couple interact, slightly disappointed in the fact that he has a girlfriend. But Y/N isn’t the one to overstep boundaries and disrespect someone’s relationship, so she pushes those thoughts to the back of her mind. 
“Bye, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” Y/N says with a smile as she starts to leave. 
“You too, Y/N.”
It's been a few weeks since the first interaction, but over those few weeks the two have created a friendship. They hang out every now and then, Eddie sharing his time between Y/N, Chrissy, and his hellfire friends.
This day in particular, Y/N and Eddie finally decided to act upon the deal they made when they first met, which was to hear each other's music. Eddie invited her over, but Y/N declined. She thought it’d be rude to hang out one on one with a man who is in a relationship inside his own home. Eddie understood where she was coming from, but assured her Chrissy knew. Still, she stuck to her word and the two agreed to meet up in the drama room after school instead.
“So, you wanna go first?” Y/N asks as the both of them sit criss cross on the stage floor, both holding guitars in their lap. “Why not.” Eddie replies as he takes his guitar pick off his neck and starts strumming. He opted to playing a more simple rock song of his rather than metal as he thought it’d be way too extra. When it came down to Y/N’s turn, she stuck to more of one of her indie-rock songs. 
“You’re better than I thought you’d be.” Eddie says with a playful grin.
 “Same for you, Munson.” 
“I’d like to state for the record, that was an easy song I played. I’m usually ten times more metal.” He says with a slight smirk, “You should really come watch me and my band play some time. We perform at the Hideout on Tuesdays. Maybe you could even perform one of your songs.”
“I’d love to watch you guys play, but as for me performing, hard pass. I’d rather stick to putting on a show for my stuffed animals rather than real people.” Y/N replies with a smile and small laugh.
“Oh, come on! I’ll be there to cheer you on. I bet your stuffed animals can’t do that.”
Y/N let out a dramatic playful gasp and jokingly says, “What?! Peter the pig always makes sure to give me a round-of-applause.” The two share a laugh and Eddie replies, “Fine. You can stick to your stuffed animal crowd. As for me, I can pick you up around seven after I pick up Chrissy, if that’s fine with you?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Tuesday comes around and Y/N is patiently waiting on her couch for Eddie. She eventually hears loud heavy rock music coming from outside and takes that as her cue to grab her things, not forgetting her guitar. Even though she said she didn't want to perform, she decided she wanted to surprise Eddie tonight by performing a new song of hers.
She runs outside and slides open the van door and greets Eddie and Chrissy as she goes to sit in the back. Soon enough they’re there and Eddie is parking the van. “I’m just gonna go help the boys set up. Are you guys good with waiting inside for a few minutes?” Eddie asks as they all start getting out of the van. “Yeah, that’s fine, Eds.” Chrissy replies back with a smile. Y/N had a few interactions with Chrissy since becoming friends with Eddie and from what she can tell, she’s the sweetest girl Y/N ever met. Eddie is a real lucky man, she must say.
As Y/N and Chrissy start walking inside, Chrissy notices the guitar case. “Oh, you’re playing too?!” Chrissy cheerfully asks. “Yeah, but don’t tell Eddie. Was gonna surprise him.” Y/N happily replies back, hoping that that didn’t upset Chrissy. Thankfully, Chrissy saw no problem with it and the two headed inside.
Chrissy takes a seat at one of the tables while Y/N places her guitar case next to the stage. They patiently wait and talk for a little bit as they wait for Eddie’s band. Soon enough, they hear the name ‘Corroded Coffin’ being announced on stage.
You watch as Eddie pours his heart and soul into his performance as his passion for guitar shines through. Chrissy wishes she could watch as deeply as you are, but she can’t help but pay attention to how whenever Eddie looks down at their table, his eyes travel to Y/N. 
The band finished up their last song and then walked off stage. As Eddie is putting his guitar back in his case, he hears the bar owner announce, “We have one more performance tonight! Please welcome, Y/N!”. Eddie perks up at this and immediately his attention is on the stage. Chrissy sees this. She nervously plays with the ribbon in her hair and looks at how Eddie’s eyes never left you as you walk onto the stage with your guitar.
Chrissy knows Eddie loves her, no doubt about it, but seeing the way Y/N and Eddie have bonded over the past few weeks, she knew his love for her was slowly decaying. They had so much in common, she should have seen it coming sooner. And Chrissy being the sweet girl that she is, couldn’t bring herself to be mad at it. She’s had her fair experiences with love and is well aware that you can’t choose who you fall for. 
She brings her focus back to the stage as Y/N starts playing guitar and eventually singing her most recent lyrics. ‘They even have similar writing styles’, Chrissy thinks to herself. She sighs and looks down at her hands. She loves Eddie, but this isn’t right. Chrissy isn’t the girl he wants anymore. Those years he spent pinning over her have gone to waste, which hurts Chrissy to admit.
She looked over at Eddie and that’s all it took for her to accept what was going to have to happen. His eyes were so full of admiration, lust, and love. The same way he used to look at her. 
Y/N walks off stage and Eddie immediately runs to her and gives her a hug so big he’s picking her off the ground. Y/N is first to break it as she knows Chrissy is right behind them. Chrissy notices this and sadly smiles to herself. She can’t even blame Y/N. She could tell how Y/N always made sure to respect their relationship and set boundaries. Y/N always made sure Eddie was spending more time with Chrissy than he was with her, she always made sure Eddie still walked Chrissy to practice after school even when he would offer to walk Y/N to her car, and she always made sure Eddie never stopped showing his love to Chrissy. 
Chrissy feels a tear slide down her face but quickly wipes it when the two of them start making their way over. 
“You guys were great!”, Chrissy cheers. 
“Thank you.” Both Eddie and Y/N say, almost in sync.
They finish up their night at the hideout with some fries and drinks then eventually head back out to Eddie’s van. Y/N is first to be dropped off which leaves the couple alone.
 “Eddie?”, Chrissy says sadly. 
“Yeah, Chris?” Eddie replies as he head bops to the music playing on the car radio.
“We need to talk.”
Eddie pulls up to Chrissy's house and stops the van in her driveway. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He asks.
 “I think we should break up.” 
Eddie sits in shock for a few moments before turning to face Chrissy and asks why. “Eddie, you know I love you and I know you have love for me. But you’re no longer in love with me.”, Chrissy says with watery eyes.
“Woah, woah, woah. What makes you think that, Chris?” Eddie says as he reaches for Chrissy’s hand, only for her to pull it away. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know, Eds. You like her, don’t you?”
At her words, Eddie looks down, refusing to make eye contact. His silence confirms Chrissy’s question. 
“It’s okay, Eddie.” “No, it’s not. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” Eddie’s eyes start to gather tears as he still has yet to look up at Chrissy. “What do you mean?” Chrissy asks with furrowed eyebrows. “I mean,” he sighs before continuing, “I’ve had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. Never once have I ever felt that way towards another girl, so when me and you got together, I was the happiest man in the world. I truly started to believe that opposites do attract,” He finally looks up at Chrissy as he says, “but I think that’s only because I thought there was no other girl out there that was like me. But then I met Y/N.” Chrissy looks at him with sad eyes, but a soft smile. Eddie returns a sad smile back. “I really am sorry, Chris. This isn’t how I meant for things to go. But I do want you to know I truly was happy with you and I enjoyed our time together.” “It’s okay, Eddie. And me too. I don’t want to trap you in a relationship that you don’t want to be in.”
They sit in awkward, yet somewhat comforting silence for a moment before Chrissy asks one last question, “When did you know you fell for her?” “Today, actually. At the hideout.” This somewhat shocked Chrissy as she would've thought it’d be way earlier, though she lets Eddie continue, “Sure, these past few weeks my crush for her did start to develop, but it felt wrong considering I’m with- or well, I was with you, so I pushed the thought of being with her to the back of my mind. But seeing her today on that stage, I couldn’t hide it from myself anymore.” Eddie says, looking at his lap, somewhat disappointed at himself. He had been chasing Chrissy for years, and once he finally got the girl his heart decides to do a whole u-turn on him.
“Again, Chrissy, I really am sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Eddie. It’s okay. Go get her.” Chrissy says with a happier smile this time. Even though the smile was definitely forced, Eddie smiled back and gave Chrissy one last hug as a goodbye.
Eddie pulls out of Chrissy’s driveway and heads straight for Y/N’s house.
He climbs to her bedroom window and knocks. Y/N opens her curtains, not surprised to see Eddie as he surprised her with a similar visit a week ago for a quick smoke sesh. She opens the window and welcomes him in. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He pants out, slightly out of breath from climbing through your window.
“What’s up, Eddie?” Y/N asks. She notices Eddie is fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, a habit of his she recently noticed. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something. About us.” He says, head down as he can’t bring himself to make eye contact. He notices the shift in Y/N’s stance, sensing that she probably has an idea of what he’s about to say. 
“I like you.”
 She sighs before saying, “Eddie-” 
“I know,” Eddie cuts her off, “I know, I know, me and Chrissy. But we broke up.” Y/N looks up at him with shocked eyes and says, “What?! Why would you dump her for me?” Eddie grabs both of Y/N’s hands into his and looks her in the eye as he says, “She dumped me, Y/N.” Y/N takes her hands from his and puts them in her hair, slightly panicking. “No, no, no, no, I feel like a homewrecker, Eddie. This is wrong.” “I know it is, but I can’t control my feelings, Y/N.” 
He sits on the edge of her bed. She takes a seat next to him and deeply sighs. “I don’t even know what to say, Eddie.” He looks down at her and puts her hand in his once again. “Just say how you feel. If you don’t feel the same way, it’s fine. I can get up and leave and pretend this conversation didn’t even happen.” Y/N sighs once again as she responds, “Eddie, I like you too. But this feels so wrong.”
Eddie’s heart lightens at her confession. He smiles to himself before saying, “It’s all up to you, love. If it makes you feel any better, this was all Chrissy’s idea. I don’t want you to think she hates you for taking me away from her. None of this is your fault, okay?” He places a finger under her chin and lifts her face up to meet him eye to eye. He can tell how her eyes are full of so many different emotions right now, but he gives her a reassuring look.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I want to be with you, Eddie.”
“That’s all you had to say, sweetheart.” He replies with a smile, slowly bringing her face to his and letting their lips connect.
Y/N feels the guilt seep into her gut as she kisses Eddie, but can’t bring herself to stop. She had been crushing on this boy the moment she laid eyes on him. Sitting at the table next to his was totally not on purpose. She of course feels for Chrissy, but when Eddie and Y/N walked into school the next day hand in hand, she saw Chrissy give her a genuine smile and a thumbs up, and all of a sudden the guilt slowly started to disappear. 
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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final-girl96 · 1 year
May 10, 1984
I sat at a table in the back of the cafeteria book in front of me occasionally eating my lunch. I wasn't paying attention to anything that was going on in front of me. There was a table for each clique in the school. The cheerleaders and jocks sat in the center on the left as you walked into the cafeteria. The popular people who are always throwing parties sat behind them. The table in front of where I was sitting was the "nerds".
The table on the other side by the doors was where the band and the kids on the newspaper sat. Eddie and his friends sat diagonally from the jocks. The table was known as the freak table. From the first day I came here I picked a table in the very back of the cafeteria away from everyone else. I did not want to be in any clique or want to make friends period. It made no sense for me to make friends when we would graduate. We'd never see each other again.
A ring clad hand slammed down on the table, a white paper under it. I jumped and trailed my eyes up to see Eddie standing in front of me with a wide smile spread around his face. "Jesus Christ, Munson!" He spun the chair that sat across from me around and sat down. He pushed the paper towards me. "Look at it!" I took the paper, flipping over to see a red capital B at the top of it. Written beside it was 'great job!' In Ms. Adlers handwriting.
"Hey, that's great Eddie. Just need to pass the next test and the final." I slid the paper back to him and went back to reading my book. I could feel all the eyes on me and it was causing anxiety to bubble up. I've been invisible since day one with the occasional comment from fucking Misty Everton. So with everyone watching us it made me very uncomfortable. "You okay," Eddie asked. I nodded my head, "yeah. I'm fine."
"You're worried about what everyone is going to say aren't you?" I looked up at him "What?" He gestured around us, "You're worried what people are going to say with me sitting here. Maybe even worried about other girls getting jealous." I scoffed, "I'm not worried about shit, Munson. I could care less about what anyone, especially you little whores, think." He raised his eyebrows at me in amusement. Luckily the bell rang at the same time. I gathered my stuff and quickly made my way to my next class.
I was sitting on the couch watching The Evil Dead when the doorbell chimed. It was almost nine and I was home alone. The doorbell chimed again and I paused the movie and stood up off the couch. As I made my way through the house and to the front door the person started to knock. It started to rain about an hour ago. Thunder rolled in the distance getting closer and closer. The rain was getting heavier as the night went on.
I walked up to the door and looked out the small window beside it. "What the fuck?" I unlocked it and pulled it open to see a rain soaked Eddie. "Eddie? What're you doing here?" I asked. "Can I come in or are you going to let me catch my death?" I moved to the side and he walked in. I quickly shut and locked the door. Water dripped off of him and onto the marbled floor. He shook his hair like a dog and I gasped when the cold water hit me. "Eddie!"
He laughed and did it again. "I will put you back outside!" He laughed even harder and slipped his sneakers and jacket off. "Sorry, sweetheart, I had to." Sweetheart? The hell is that about. "What're you doing here?" I asked. He didn't say anything and just continued to walk to the kitchen. "Excuse you! You can't just walk into my house like it's your own!"
He opened the fridge and took out a beer and leftovers. "Hello!" He turned and looked at me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm starving. Had a long fucking campaign tonight. Those little sheep didn't know what was happening!" He laughed and started talking about his DnD thing. I had no idea what he was talking about. It was just a bunch of gibberish to me. "Why are you here?!" I said over his rambling.
"Huh? Oh! Right. Um…I wanted to say I was sorry. I could tell you were uncomfortable with everyone looking at you and I was an ass. I am truly thankful that you're helping me." My eyebrows shot up at how…'not up his own ass' Eddie was being. "Oh. It's no big deal." He pulled the leftovers out of the microwave and set them down before walking over to me.
"It is a big deal. I should have waited to show you after school. I was just so fucking stoked about passing. I mean I had planned to show you after school or tomorrow but when I walked into the cafeteria and saw you all the way in the back…look I'm sorry. I also know you're not jealous of other girls."
"Thanks. And for the record I am proud of you for passing the test." He smiled and sat down on one of the stools across from me. "So you home alone?" He asked, taking a bite from the lasagna. I nodded my head, "yeah. Dad's back in L.A. to meet with their agent and the recording studio." He hummed and took a drink of his beer. "Do you not have food and beer at your own house?"
He looked up at me and smiled. "I do. My uncle has to work a double so he won't be home until like…probably nine tomorrow morning." I looked at him and hummed. "He works at the factory." I shrugged my shoulders and he laughed. "I can leave if you want but it's really starting to come down out there. Not very much visibility." I rolled my eyes, "you can stay, Eddie. Just don't go snooping where your nose isn't supposed to be."
"Aww… I was hoping to snoop in your pantie drawer." My eyes widened and he threw his head back, letting out a loud laugh. "I'm kidding! Calm down, sweetheart. I'm a perv but I have some fucking respect. Besides, I'm guessing you're the plain Jane kind of girl. All cotton white with little bows in the front. Maybe ones with little pink flowers and some black ones for that time…" I held up my hand to stop him.
"Okay! For one, cotton panties are comfortable. And for two, who said I wear panties?" I asked and walked out of the kitchen. I heard his fork hit the plate and then a little bit of coughing. "Hey! Wait. Wait. Wait! What do you mean?" I turned to see him running after me, slipping on the floor almost falling. "W–what do you mean you don't wear any? Like you're not wearing any now or…"
I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "You're right. You are a perv!" I said, hitting his shoulder. "It's not nice to tease a man like that. It's very cruel," he said. "Good thing you're not a man. Make sure you clean your mess up. I'll go get you something more comfortable to change into." I turned on my heels and walked away to go upstairs.
I was pulling a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt from my dad's dresser when there was a knock on the door. "Hey. For the record I am a man." I turned around, walked over to him and shoved the clothes into his chest. "Here go. There's a guest bedroom down the hall to the left." I walked around him and walked back down the stairs.
I sat on the couch, book in hand, Evil Dead still paused on the TV. The storm was getting worse, thunder rumbled, lightning flashed lighting everything up, and the rain beat hard against the windows. I pulled the throw blanket closer to me and tried to read but I just kept reading the same line over and over.
"Thanks for the clothes. Your dad's not going to mind though, right?" I looked up to see Eddie walking into the living room. His hair was more wet than it had been and the gray sweatpants were showing things I should probably not gawk at. "Um…nope. He would rather you be dry and warm than wet and cold."
What the fuck am I fucking saying? I cleared my throat and put my book down on the table. Eddie came over and sat down on the couch beside me. "Storms really starting now, huh? I was sure I would be electrocuted in the shower. It is okay that I took a shower, right?" I nodded my head, "yeah, that's fine. And I'm pretty sure the chances of that happening are like one in five hundred thousand."
He shrugged, "knowing my luck I'd be that one." I laughed and shook my head. "What're you watching?" I looked over at the TV. "I was watching The Evil Dead until you rang my doorbell." He leaned over to the table sitting in front of the couch and grabbed the remote. "Well, I'm going to rewind it so we can watch it together."
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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Happy Easter to those who celebrated and happy trans day of visibility for everyone. It was a nice day off. Not as full and exciting as yesterday but it was still really good. I feel more rested. Still tired but not in an upsetting way. Like I am just a little sleepy and cozy.
I had a ton of trouble falling asleep last night. But I got to sleep until 9 so it was fine. When I woke up I was still real tired though and thought I would take a nap later but that just didn't happen. Ah well.
I got up and got dressed. I need to wash my hair tonight but that's a late problem. I would go find Sweetp and have some breakfast.
I would spend time in our room. Making the bed. Picking outfits for the week. Laying in bed and scrolling on my phone. It was a lazy kind of day.
Eventually I would go down to the studio and actually got some work done. I put on a video and set up my new folding table and it is just so nice to have a good surface to cut fabric on. It made it a lot easier and I was able to get 14 new bears cut out with the new pattern I drew out. Longer arms so I can make them segmented. I'm very pleased.
I would set up my machine and sewed 4 of them before I stopped to have lunch.
I would make cream cheese wontons. And they were good. And after that gave me some energy I did some cleaning and vacuuming. I also realized how nice it was outside so I figured out how to wedge the screen door using some blocks of wood so I could have the back door open. And it worked! Like it's not perfect or permanent. But for now it's great. I will have to figure out a bit for drilling into the metal or the stone of the house itself for actually attaching a door. But for now this makes a huge difference.
Once I had that set up I would clean the floors and put some stuff away. I also hung up a few things we had sitting and waiting. I sorted the mail we had sitting on the island. It felt good to get stuff done.
I had another food break. And hung out with sweetp. I considered doing an Easter thing but I chose not to do anything but rest. Just enjoy the day. And waited for James to get home.
When James did get back I had to unwedge the door so they could come in. But that was fine. Getting it wedged again was the hard part. But we will try again tomorrow probably to get an actual screen door that actually fits. Or another solution. The weather won't be as nice tomorrow so it's not a rush but it is something I want to handle ASAP.
James would jump into making us Tex Mex. And they would get on a call with friends to play DND while they cooked and I played Pokemon for an hour. It was fun but since it's so close to being completed totally it's barely fun and it's just grinding. But it was still nice to play a little.
Now James is sitting on the couch still playing with their friends. And the sun is setting. And I would like to go wash my hair. And hopefully sleep better tonight.
I hope you all had a really nice day. I love you all. Goodnight!
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bumblebeau · 8 months
Happy posting but with sad things mentioned below (Talk of suicide and all that jazz that goes with it)
A few months ago (I’m not sure exactly how long ago it was, but it was sometime towards the end of last year), shit got *bad* for me. Real fucking bad. I felt lost, and alone, and so utterly fucking hopeless and suicidal. Moreso than I’ve ever been before. I remember laying awake in my dorm bed, spiraling so fucking hard, and then hitting that breaking point. I decided that I was going to kill myself. That was my only option. That was all that I could do.
I picked out this week to do it. The week of January 26th, I was going to kill myself. I didn’t know how, but I knew when.
It’s January 26th today.
Yesterday I spent time with my roommate and my friend, we played undertale together and we had fun. I had no idea what day it was. I did not want to kill myself.
Wednesday, I played DnD with people that I care about. We had a good time. I had a fitness test in one of my classes that day. I couldn’t squat right or lunge with one of my legs. My teacher was unbelievably kind to me about it. My partner for the test was so fun to be around and I didn’t feel stressed or judged at all. I did not want to kill myself.
Tuesday, I was sick and didn’t go to any of my classes. But I still felt good. I was still semi-productive, and I still felt so proud of myself. That evening, my roommate and I played Undertale on our own and had so much fucking fun. I did not want to kill myself.
Monday, I was still sick, but I went to therapy and it was wonderful. We talked about things that needed to be talked about and they told me things that I needed to hear. That evening, my roommate and I had one of our friends over. And that was so nice. I did not want to kill myself.
Today, I had lunch with a friend. We talked about so many things, and we laughed so much, and it was so nice, and we were both so happy. Tonight, I have assignments that I need to work on. My roommate is going to cut my hair. I want to get back into writing if I have the time. I have created so many things this week. I had no idea what day it was until I checked the calendar to schedule plans with yet another friend. I have not wanted to kill myself.
I didn’t think about my plans at all this week. I never wanted to act on them. This week has meant nothing but joy and laughter and wonder for me. I never wanted to kill myself.
The week of January 26th has come and passed. And I have made it. And you have made it. And we are both all the better for it. Things get better. Things get so much better. All you have to do is hold on until then.
Wishing you a wonderful January 26th, and hoping that tomorrow brings us both so much joy.
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9ttimestudies · 1 year
weekly update! 9.23-9.28 (day 28-33)
hi again!
this week was terrible to me. I've been feeling nauseous and dealing with a sudden mood drop isnt fun (i call these depression episodes). I'm guessing my period is coming, since thats what usually happens.😭 This means a reduced productivity...and I'm just trying to get by.
day 28//09.23.23
Dnd time! I joined a group recently, so we made our character that day. I kept making terrible rolls 😭😭 but it was fun!
day 29//09.24.23
social battery recharge time. break day. Started to feel nauseous. I actually made lunch tomorrow :3
day 30//09.25.23
studied for my test a bit for friday. I felt nauseous still and I was really feeling down. :'(
day 31//09.26.23
Still felt the nausea and down. But I did catch up with my notes when I overslept a bit. I took it easy since I was still not feeling well
day 32//09.27.23
I celebrated my friend's birthday! We had a fun time for dinner, and I got some ice cream! ;9 social interaction with friends is fun. Some notes were done and studying, but my textbook's free trial expired and I didnt know I was even on the free trial 😭
day 33//09.28.23
Still feeling a bit sad. Saw my bf, and I went and got groceries. Did my quizzes (I had to buy my textbooks so that was a bruh moment). I'm too tired to study but also...I dont feel so confident in this test 😫 maybe i should sleep tonight and try tmrw morning....
gotta do the dishes too :P and pack lunch :P
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lilacponds · 2 years
my sleep schedule is so fucked that i actually genuinely havent had lunch in a couple of days now
so im sitting here, 10am, tired as HELL because i woke up at like . 6pm? 7pm? and have been awake all night, but for the love of god i want to have two meals in a day SO BAD so im staying up until i eat lunch or so help me.
i will then proceed to sleep for like 5 hours because i also have dnd tonight.
i told my best friend we could hang out after dnd but if i conk out im sure he'll understand and also it might help me reset my sleep schedule WE'LL SEE
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Battle of the Bands - Chapter 11
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chpt 1 / chpt 2 / chpt 3 / chpt 4 / chpt 5 / chpt 6 / chpt 7 / chpt 8 / chpt 9 / chpt 10 / chpt 11 / chpt 12 / chpt 13 / chpt 14
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Genre: Chrissy doesn't die and Eddie graduates :)), lil bit of fluff, and just the slightest bit of angst, eventual smut
Warnings: basketball players, you meet Robin and Steve for the first official time, mentions of a (false) one night stand, mentions of bullying, Jason Carver
Word Count: 1K
It’s the next day and you couldn’t help but wake up when Eddie got ready for work. The absence of weight and warmth behind you instantly woke you from your slumber. He’d apologized, but you told him it was fine, glancing at his window and seeing the sun was just barely lifted above the horizon.
Before Eddie left, he told you that he’d be back around 2-ish and that Wayne was home, but he might sleep/relax all day to be prepared for his shift tonight.
And after Eddie left for his shift and your mind wouldn’t let you go back to sleep, you got up and made some scrabbled eggs and some toast. You’d made more than enough scrambled eggs so you could put them away in tupperware for Wayne later. Then you were officially up and dressed, so you decided to drive around town and stop at the video store Eddie had mentioned that two of his friends worked at. So when you walked in, you were greeted with-
“You! Weren’t you the girl at Eddie’s last night?” A man at the counter ask. He had dark brown, styled hair, about shoulder length. And he was pointed an accused finger at you as he leaned on the counter that encircled the register area for staff working that shift.
“Uhhhh… yeah..,” You stood in the doorway still, like a deer in headlights.
“I told you!” He looked to his companion, a shorter girl with short curly hair. She was pretty, almost in a way that made you speechless.
“How do we know she’s not a one night stand?” She asked
“I’ll ask,” The man turned from his companion to you. “Are you Eddie’s one night stand?”
You sputter before answering, “One night stand? Wait aren’t you the guy that picked up the kids after DnD.”
“How do you know the kids?” The man asked.
“DnD night, obviously. When I arrived at Eddie’s his band was there, and some high school kids there, maybe freshmen?” You told him.
“How’d you meet Eddie?” The girl asked, a little more calm that her companion.
“Battle of the Bands. He went on after me, then I had lunch with his band, and then we competed against each other. We bonded over a lot those weeks, then he offered for me to visit so I did. Well I am. I’m here for this week and then back home I go. He took me out for ice cream yesterday,” You explained to the duo, still not moving from your spot by the door.
“OOOOOHHH!!” The both said, looking at each other before whipping their heads back at you.
“So you’re Y/n,” The man said. “I couldn’t believe it when Eddie said he met a girl, never mind you visiting. I think when I came by for movie night/DnD night Eddie was on a call with you or something.”
“Not gonna lie, we all thought Eddie was lying when he said he met you, or that you might come,” The girl said.
“Is he that bad with the ladies?” You ask.
“Well… as Hawkins local drug dealer..,” She trails off.
“Ah,” You nod. “Gotcha gotcha. So not the most attractive when it comes to common folk.”
The duo shake their heads.
“I’m Robin,” The girl holds out a hand.
You walk forward and take it, realizing how comfortable you’d gotten with the pair in your interrogation.
“And this is my side chic, Steve.”
Steve shakes your hand before looking wildly at Robin, “Side chic?!?! Is that all I am to you?”
“Yes,” She says bluntly. “Anyways, it’s nice to have another girl around, even if it’s just for a little while. Are you staying for movie night?”
“When is it?” You ask.
“Every Friday.”
“Yeah, I’m staying.”
“Good,” She pauses. “Top three movies, go!”
“Uhhhh…,” You pause, not used to being on the spotlight so quick. “The Goonies, Ghostbusters, and Back to the Future.”
“Not a horror fan?” Robin asks.
“Depends on the movie,” You tell her, leaning on the counter
“Just so you know, Eddie loves horror movies. We always have to watch one or two when we have movie night as he place,” Robin tells you.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” You tell her.
Robin hops up to sit on the counter, legs facing the inside of the register confines, but before Steve can protest and before you two can start a conversation, the doors to Family Video burst open and a plethora of voice interrupt the otherwise empty and quiet store.
You observe the group, made of of men, as they disperse into pairs around the store. They all look around your age or younger. They’re dressed in blue jeans and green and white lettermen, donning the school name, their last names, and their achievements this year. You piece together some scattered pieces and your brain suggests that these kids must be friends with that guy that interrupted you and Eddie’s ice cream not-date.
“I saw one of them yesterday,” You tell Robin. “Who are they?”
Steve walks to stand close to you and Robin, eyeing the men, “The varsity basketball team.”
“They’re the kind of kids who peaked in high school,” Robin adds. “Hell, half of them graduated this year and they still talk like they’re gonna play next year with the high school.”
You only hum, all three of you eyeing the group as they all join together again and make their way up to the counter. The guy up front is one you recognize as the one who tried to flirt with you.
Steve moved to stand behind the register.
“Stevie,” The man sets the movies on the counter.
“Carver,” Steve practically spits out, ringing up the movies.
“So you leave me to come hang with Buckley instead?” Carver smirks, eyeing you.
You stand up straight, glancing to the side at Robin. And Robin hops down from the counter.
“Oh don’t be like that, sweetheart,” He practically purrs.
“Don’t you have some school supplies to shop for, kid?” You use the nickname that rubs him the wrong way again.
“UGH- I-“ You’ve stumped him again. “I’ve already graduated!!”
“You sure? Maybe from like sophomore year, yeah?” You prod.
“Well! Uh! Don’t come crying to me when The Freak tries to sacrifice you!” The former basketball star spits out.
“I didn’t deem you as the sacrificing type, but whatever floats your boat, kid,” You shrug, watching for a reaction.
“I-I’m not The Freak!!” He cries.
You only look at him.
“$20.30, Carver,” Steve tells him, blank face, but amusement dances in his eyes.
Carver slaps a $40 on the counter, fumbling with the movies, “Keep the change.” And he’s bumping past whomever is coming into the store.
“He’s the one I had a bump in with at the ice cream parlor,” You tell Steve and Robin when they face you.
“Yeah, he’s their little ring leader or whatever,” Robin rolls her eyes. “He’s so annoying though, like not everyone’s gonna fuck you, Carver.”
“Carver, again??” A voice says from over by the entrance. “Almost knocked me on my ass.”
All three of you look over to see a slightly greasy Eddie Munson. He looks like he did his best to clean himself off with a paper towel and sink water.
“So you’ve met our local duo?” Eddie asks you, slinging an arm around your shoulder, something that Steve and Robin both eye.
“Yeah!” You smile at him. “Apparently I’m your one night stand, yeah?”
Eddie whips his head towards the two, and they shoot straight up. Both of their hands are up in defense.
“Yeah, they didn’t believe me when I said I met you,” Eddie mumbled. “Nor when I told them you might visit.”
“I’ve noticed,” You bump Eddie a bit, winking.
“Are we still doing movie night at my place?” Eddie asks Steve and Robin.
“Yeah,” Steve confirms. “El’s coming. Max told her you have cats.”
“Oh yes, El and animals,” Robin sighs, a soft smile on her face.
“That’s fine,” Eddie shrugs. “I’ll have to remember to get more treats so the girls can spoil them. Mama’s got kittens too now, they’re the cutest. Maybe when they’re bigger and weaned off Mama, y’all can take one?”
Steve shrugs, “Everyone knows I need something to keep my company.”
"Absolutely," Robin nods, a big smile blooming on her face.
"Alright, hopefully I can get them socialized enough in time," Eddie tells them, glancing at the clock behind the duo. "Alright kids, I gotta get home and shower, you coming?"
He's looking at you.
"Yeah," You nod
And with that, you and Eddie bid Steve and Robin a farewell. You follow Eddie home in your own van and quickly get settled in Eddie's room while he goes off and takes a shower. You look around, laying on his bed, eyes flickering to and fro the posters covering all four walls of his room. You barely register Eddie walking into the room, aware of his presence once he plops down onto the bed beside you, guitar in his lap and plugged into the amp on the side of Eddie's bed.
"So...," You trail, interrupting Eddie's tuning. "The basketball players?"
"Horrible people, really," Eddie answers your unspoken question, not looking away from the head of the guitar where he turns the pegs to get the strings to just the right sounds. "A bunch of bullies and pervs, except Lucas. He's the only exception."
"Sounds like they suck," You tell him.
It's silent for a moment before Eddie speaks up.
"Once I hit my first senior year, the then basketball players started bullying me, then the others just followed suit. But this last year was the worst year of it, Jason seemed to know how to push all my buttons," Eddie explained, still not looking at you. "He even pushed ones I didn't even know I had."
You nod in response, even though Eddie can't see you, "I'll punch him for you."
You say the sentence oh so casually, contrasting Eddie's surprise that flicks in and out of his eyes, barely noticeable for the few seconds the emotion popped up.
"Really?" The metalhead looks at you now, an endearing smile on his face.
"Absolutely," You tell him, sincerity in your voice. "Nothing would make me happier."
Eddie only laughs at you, turning back towards his guitar.
The conversation fades out, replaced by the soft melodies of Eddie's experienced fingers. You could feel yourself relax more and more with every note, practically sinking into his bed.
Taglist: @calizmor
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first tintin day of 2023 whoo!!!!!! i haven't been on tumblr much today so i haven't reblogged ms edorazzi's art yet but i'm so so excited to 👀
speaking of new year things i watched the bm&am 2022 video!!! it was hilarious, i had such a good time <33
okay y'all i wore SUCH a cute outfit today!!! i was SO so cute like y'all don't even KNOW, i was so cute <3 and i wore the heels that i was planning to wear a couple weeks ago but couldn't bc weather?? SO cute you guys
i made an omelette!! it was a bit of a mess but it tasted good <3
and then my fam brought me cookout for lunch! they got me a peach milkshake and i have not actually eaten it yet* but i'm looking forward to doing so on like. tuesday**
*i finished off my cookie dough instead!! yum yum yum so good <33
**we have dnd tomorrow!! i'm so excited !! i have a bag of pineapple gummy bears saved to snack on while we play a;lkjdfsl;kf
there are these really good rolls that my family likes a lot and we had them with dinner tonight <3
i had more of the tea i had last night!! it's a new flavor for me but it's really good :]
i played minecraft with my sister!! we made a world together a few days ago and our spawn point was in a forest so we have been constantly under attack 😫 it's really fun though, and we just made a second bed so we can sleep through the nights now
also played skipbo with the whole family!! it was p fun? kinda more chill than highkey enjoying myself y'know, but it was neat to play with everyone + there was music in the bg that i had fun singing along with
watched some rottmnt vids!! that was fun <33 cassandra jones my beloved <333
listened to eureka from the backyardigans on loop while playing spider solitaire?? vibes <3
oh oh like a week? ago then i mentioned a fic i was reading that i was like playing chicken with myself bc i didn't think i was going to finish it but i wanted to see how far i got before i stopped reading? yeah i got past the part i thought was going to make me stop and now i am just enjoying the fic alkdjf;sdkjfa;slf
OH ALSO a fic i loved updated and !!!!!!!!!!!! going to go reread that whole series 👀👀👀
speaking of fics then i read two (2) of my friends' fics today and left comments on them aslkjfs >:3
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ghostsofchernobyl · 6 months
tell me about your day: what have you eaten, what are your plans for tomorrow, have you hugged somebody? (you should) If you received this ask in the morning just wait till evening to respond. No rush. /@i-send-you-random-asks
I pushed off waking up and getting out of bed at least three times today. When I finally got out of bed, I made a call to a community college because I have to sign up for a summer course.
I had lunch for breakfast. They had turkey meatloaf (which tasted horrible), along with broccoli and overly buttered mashed potatoes.
I then went to Calculus III, which lasts two hours. Integration isn't fun :(. At least the professor is chill.
I then walked a friend back to his car. I had a question about an upcoming lab so I walked back to a building to get an answer from the professor.
I proceeded to procrastinate for 2 hours, before getting dinner. They had Orange Chicken, which was definitely under cooked. It came with rice. I had a bowl of ice cream.
I then tutored someone for an hour over a video call.
Afterwards, I played DND for a few hours with some friends, and we adopted a Party Child.
I'm now just finishing up some work I have due tonight.
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knittedkikwi · 7 months
Need to scream into the void. Please ignore.
I’m so tired. I need this work project to end. I worked ten and a half hours today, for the second time this week I might add. In fact, this has become a regular occurrence over the past couple months. I stopped early yesterday and by early I mean I only worked nine hours. I have been lying in bed for the past hour desperately trying to fall asleep but unable to because I can’t stop thinking about work. It’s midnight here and I just got out of bed to see if I had completely forgotten about something that would solve a big issue. Turns out I hadn’t, but the consultant we’re working with had already replied to my email listing that exact thing as a possible solution. I’m gonna take that as a good sign. Maybe I can put down one worry at least.
I’m so tired. I just want to go back to my normal 8 hour schedule. I want my evenings back. I want my puzzle breaks back. I want to come home without my work computer. I want to associate my home office with games again. I’ve developed an aversion to my personal computers because i’m glued to my work one so much. Any time not spent at my work computer needs to not be at a computer at all for the sake of my own sanity. Why couldn’t we have at least done this in the summer so I could go outside and get some sun after I clock out? But no, it has to be winter and dark for hours before I’m finished.
I’m so tired. I want to talk to The Guy. He was working from home today and we were both so busy that we didn’t even message each other until well after lunch and it was sporadic after that. I need a proper face to face conversation. He’s the most relaxing part of my day and this damn project barely lets us speak to each other anymore.
I’m so tired. I got less than 5 hours of sleep last night and it seems like I’ll be lucky if I get 5 and a half tonight. I’m writing this damn post because supposedly journaling helps a restless mind stop worrying at bedtime. Fingers crossed it works, but I have a feeling I’m going to just keep thinking about work.
I’m so tired. I wish I understood how a desk job can be so physically draining. I’ve been so tense lately (and probably had such bad posture that) that I had to take ibuprofen for my back. It doesn’t help that I overheard a friend telling the new person at our dnd game that this is my “intro to an adult job” or something along those lines. I wanted to punch him once those words sunk in through this haze of exhaustion. First adult job my ass. Your job’s not actually supposed to work you to death! Besides, I’m fairly certain my last job gave me ptsd because I was carrying so much. I stop breathing when I see that company’s products. I have nightmares about going back to work there. I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the shirts they gave me, so instead I would stumble across them in my closet and panic for a moment (I finally did toss them a few weeks ago, though. That was a relief). The weird thing is I can’t remember the specifics anymore. Like, I know it was miserable and I had too much to do and it was so overwhelming that I occasionally shut down. I remember I would regularly scream as I drove home because I just needed a release. But I don’t remember why exactly. I remember it felt like people hated me, but I can’t come up with examples. I get nauseous when I try to think of them, yet I can’t help but try. I know my memory is bad in general. This feels like that whole experience has a big scab over it though. There’s an outline of the injury, but you can’t see the actual wound anymore. Doesn’t stop me from picking at it.
I’m so tired. The end of this project is in sight, even if feels so far away. One thing I’m sure of, though, is that no matter how much pressure I’m under right now, now matter how much lingering dread from my old job persists, no matter how little time I get with The Guy, I’m in the right place. Things will go back to normal eventually, and I’ll be so grateful when they do.
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gr4v3y4rd · 1 year
I have nothing to motivate me. I dont sepnd enough time out in nature feeling whimsical. Everything in life feels so dull. I feel so much more motivated to care for myself when im able to take the time to be outside in natural environments. I have no irl friends to hang out with right now. Im trying to make friends with my bfs friends because i know that i can talk to them about shared interests like dnd and warhammer40k and one of his friends hosts a radio show for the college. So i know i dont have to try super hard to find topics to talk about. Thats the hardest part of making new friends for me is an adult... i have to find out what their interest are and if we're even compatible. And i just dont really have the energy for that right now. The only other option i have for making friends is the college club i joined for gender and sexuality. I love having a safe space to do activities with my fellow queers but i dont necessarily want to make friends with them especially since im hyperfixating on dnd and warhammer rn and i dont think many of them are into that sort of thing... i thought about maybe going and joining the DJ friend tonight while he hosts the radio show as he said im welcome to join him anytime.. it just feel weird because i just saw him yesterday for dnd and i dont want to seem too eager to hang out. I just dont know how to properly socialize as an adult and its not like im im college taking classes where i see these people everyday. The most social interaction i get is the dnd sessions we have once a week. I just feel weird wanting to hang out with my bfs friends more than he hangs out with them but its because he's busy with schoolwork and im not. Maybe i feel insecure about not having anything to do during my free time, but right now i really want to spend my free time building a good support system and gaining trust worthy friends. Ive had my trust severely broken by so called "friends" over the past few years. I dont know if im trying to convince myself that im worthy of having friends or if i just rely too heavily on the people around me. But im not even sure if thats a bad thing to want? Like so many people these days think its not okay to rely on the people around you but to me thats what makes a society? Ive felt abandoned by those around me so much that ive begun to abandon myself. I cant get myself to do anything anymore i have to have breakfast brought to me or i wont eat i have to have help getting lunch or dinner or i wont eat that either most days. I cant get myself to clean up after myself anymore because i just dont have the energy for it. Sure I'll have coffee or tea to wake me up but i have absolutely no motivation to do anything. I want things clean and organized but i cant be bothered to do it myself. And the main thing that helps me regulate that and be able to help myself is honestly being able to socialize and go outside and interact with things outside of myself. And im just not getting enough of that. I feel like a goldfish who's been left in a tank with nothing but a skull to hide in. At this point im just waiting for somwthing to trigger me into fight or flight so that i get up and do something about my situation. It hurts.
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casper-the-rose · 2 years
Hello there!!! May I request a suuuper fluffy piece for Gareth? Maybe where you’ve been friends since you were little, and you both love each other but think the other doesn’t (so cliche I know but it makes my heart happy) and the hellfire boys are tired of it so they do their best to get y’all together and adorable-ness ensues? If possible, thank you so much!! 💕💕💕
Thanks so much for the request!
Gareth Emerson x Fem!reader
Summary is basically the request
1.3k words
"So close! Try again!" You giggled as Gareth missed for what had to be the 100th time. 
It was lunch, and Gareth had been trying to throw a tater-tot in your mouth the entire time. The rest of the table was audibly groaning, and Mike had a very readable look of disgust on his face. 
"Are you sure they're not dating and just very, very bad at hiding it?" Dustin whispered to Eddie. 
"Sadly, I'm sure. "
"Are we gonna do anything about it?" Lucas questioned. 
"Please do something, I don't think I can watch this for much longer without vomiting," Mike muttered.
"You're right. Freshmen, it's time to get the childhood best friends together once and for all." Eddie smirked. 
“God they’re such a cliché,” 
The boys spent the rest of the week trying to get you and Gareth together, like sticking notes in you or Gareth’s lockers (turns out you two already did that) and saying it was from the other or making comments whenever Gareth called you a pet name. 
“What's up buttercup?”
“Buttercup? Doesn’t that sound like something a boyfriend would call a girlfriend?”
“Shut up Lucas.”
It got to the point where Eddie even got your friends outside of Hellfire involved. 
“Look, Y/n, all I’m saying is I see the way he looks at you. And c’mon, he calls you stuff like “Honeysuckle” and “Lovebug” Isn’t it obvious?” 
“Since when have you been one to play matchmaker Alex?” 
“Whatever. Just saying.”
None of their tactics were working, so by the end of the week, the boys devised a much more straightforward plan.
You worked at the local arcade, right next to family video.
Just before your shift ended, a familiar boy ran in, out of breath. 
"Wheeler? Did you run all the way here?" You chuckled. 
"L/n! Uhh, yes actually. Last minute change. There's a hellfire campaign starting tonight that we need you to sub for because Lucas had a last-minute basketball thing. It starts at 8 pm." Mike practically wheezed, still out of breath. 
" ’Kay, I’ll be there. But you realize you could've just called right-?"
You walked up to the clubroom, only to see a giddy Eddie, Dustin, Mike, and Lucas waiting outside the room. 
"Hi! Are we supposed to go into the clubroom or..?" You questioned, feeling as though something was off.
"It's a common tradition that the Dungeon Master enters the room last." Dustin quickly explained. 
"Well, then why are you guys out here-?"
"Eddie gets lonely out here," Lucas said, patting Eddie on the shoulder. "So we wait with him."
"Yep," Eddie said through gritted teeth. 
"Lucas? Wait if you're here who am I subbing for?"
"Just get in the room." Mike practically screamed, before pushing you in. 
You stumbled into the room, which as far as you knew was not set up for a DnD game. There were light candles, dim lighting, rose petals sprinkled on the table and floor, and... Gareth. 
"Helloo?" You awkwardly asked more than said, which made Gareth jump. 
"Oh hey!" he waved before his eyes widened. "I-I see how this might look, and I promise I didn't set any of this up. Mike shoved me in here and locked the door. I mean we're just best friends! Nothing romantic." Gareth quickly explained, his voice uneasy.
“Oh yeah. O-of course.” 
Soon you heard the door click and realized you’d both been locked in. 
“ L/n, Gareth has something to tell you. Something verryyy important.” Eddie shouted, emphasizing the word very.
You quickly turned to Gareth, whose face was bright red. “I-I don’t know what Eddie’s talking about.” He stuttered out before practically running to the door and banging on it. 
"What the fuck are you doing Munson?" 
“Sorry Gareth, this doors not unlocking until you tell L/n what's been bugging youuu.” Eddie said in a sing-song tone. “Oh, and I'm sure L/n'll have something pleasant to say about it. Now I’m taking the freshmen for a drive, by the time we get back you better have told each other what you need to.”
Gareth groaned and fell against the door as you both heard footsteps walking away. There were a few minutes of comfortable silence as you walked around the clubroom and Gareth just sat by the door with his head in his hands. 
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, your heart was beating a mile a minute. You and Gareth had been best friends since you were both six when he was trying to skateboard and nearly crashed into you while you were biking. 
“Watch it, nerd!”
“Sorry, princess.”
“I’m not a princess, nerd.”
“Oh yeah? Then what are you and why are you riding a pretty pink bike?”
“I’m Y/n L/n. And this is a hand-me-down from my sister.”
“ I’m Gareth Emerson. I got this skateboard for Christmas.”
"Well you need to keep practicing buddy."
"I bet I'm better than you!"
"Let me see the skateboard, nerd."
You couldn't help but smile to yourself while thinking of the day you two met, and other childhood memories. When you skipped school to goof off at the arcade, all the sleepovers, or that one time you slipped down a muddy trench during an especially rainy spring and Gareth found you in the pouring rain and helped you home. You figured that was the day you fell in love. Your parents didn’t even notice you were gone.
You'd been zoned out for who knows how long, trapped in the clubroom for even longer.
“Helllooo? Princess?” Gareth’s voice was soft, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
“Augh, I told you to stop calling me that.” You rolled your eyes.
“Did you even hear what I said?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“I asked why your smile is so pretty,” he said matter of factly like there was no doubt about it.
“W-what?” You stuttered, his sudden complement catching you off guard.
“Why is your smile so pretty?” Gareth tilted his head like a dog while giving you puppy dog eyes. God that man was the human embodiment of a golden retriever. 
The most you could do was shrug before burying your head in your hands, afraid you were blushing. 
“I’m sorry.” Gareth’s voice was barely a whisper, so quiet you were surprised you even heard it. 
You looked up to see Gareth shaking his head, looking away from you and off to the side.
“Sorry for what?”
You frowned and walked over to him, sitting down beside him. 
“Well, what’s everything?”
“All this.” He motioned to the room. “Promise?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Promise what?”
“You’ll still want to be my friend after this? After the shocking news I'm about to reveal?”
You giggled and nodded. “I’ll never not want to be your friend Gareth Emerson. Promise”
“Okay, good cause I’ve like… had the biggest crush on you since we were eight.” When the words were out of his mouth, Gareth brace himself as if he was expecting something catastrophic to happen, or you to slap him. 
Instead, you smiled and cupped his face in your hands. 
“Can I kiss you?”
Gareth nodded, his face turning a light shade of pink. 
You softly pressed your lips against his, and he moved you closer. 
Close. This was as close as you'd ever gotten. And as close as you wanted to be, yet still not enough. 
Gareth pulled away, a big goofy grin on his face. 
“Well, you have me beat Emerson.” You giggled. 
“I think I’ve had a crush on you since the trench incident which was when we were…” you trailed off, trying to remember the exact age. 
“Ten.” Gareth quickly finished the sentence for you.
“Yeah, yeah ten.”
“So that means I win by two years.” He smugly declared. 
You rolled your eyes with a grin and shook your head. 
“Can I sit in your lap?”
Gareth acted like he was thinking about it for a moment. “Sorry, lap privileges are reserved for my gorgeous girlfriend.” He teased. 
You pouted, crossing your arms. 
“I could be your girlfriend.”
“I’d love that.” 
“...Can I sit in your lap now?”
Gareth chuckled, before patting his lap and putting his arms out. “Come here honeysuckle.”
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Can you do. Dustin henderson x reader where the reader is a freshman like him but a football cheerleader who likes dnd so since it's the basketball game she can sub for Lucas. (At my school we separated cheerleaders by sports because the seasons often overlap)
On The Sidewalk
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(gif not mine credit to owner)
a/n: sorry it took me a hot minute to do this. i wasn't expecting it to be FOURTHOUSOUNDWORDS?? but, it turned out pretty cute. kinda proud of it ngl. sidenot: did i use ericas dnd character cause im unoriginal... yes BUT THATS THE ONLY PROBLEM I SWEAR enjoy :)
word count: 4.2k
summary: walking to your spot next to chrissy you overhear a conversation as you pass a table. sparking an interest in you that has been missed.
warning: none, if there are any let me know
st - masterlist m.masterlist
You entered the cafeteria, scanning across the crowd. The same people sitting in the same spots as usual. The white and green uniforms showed through the crowd like the north star at night. You fidgeted with your fingers, biting your lip nervously taking in the different groups.
Today was full of nerves. The fact the championship basketball game was tonight had your table filled with tension that could be sensed where you remained, across the room. To be honest you really didn’t want to go. You were happy for the guys, really. It was great they made it this far. It was just… you didn’t really like basketball. It was the main reason why you did cheerleading in the fall during football season. You made the executive decision in August that at the beginning of your freshman school year would be spent on the sidelines of a field for hours rather than spent durring the winter and spring in a small space on the gym bleachers every Friday and any other time needed.
Your attention was broken as someone jumped up onto one of the lunch tables. Shouting across the room. Jason suddenly stood up making your eyes fall to him. He said something you couldn’t hear. Your sight fell to your shoes, bringing a hand up to your mouth to nervously bite your nail.
So here you were; thinking of an excuse on how to get out of going to the game tonight. You doubt blaming it on sickness would work as that's what you used last time. Or saying you had to babysit with the fact you know most of the people at that table knew you hated children. With their sticky hands and grubby faces. And you couldn’t say that you had plans with a friend for the fact all of them were already booked to go to the game tonight. 
Sighing in defeat you dragged your shoes across the floor’s tile. The amount of looks you received was enough for you to accept that you would have to face an endless amount of time tonight witnessing boys passing balls back and forth to one another. Looking up you met Chrissy’s eyes. A smile finding its way to her face as she raised a hand to usher you over. You gave a meek one in return picking up your pace to take your spot next to her.
“It’s not that we want to postpone it. It’s just that most of the subs will be at the championship game.” You stopped in your place overhearing a conversation as you passed by. Was this… your opportunity. Had grace from whatever gods that existed decided to shine down on you; to support your hatred for basketball. You tapped your foot pondering if you should approach them. I mean you didn't even know what they needed a sub for. A game night? Gambling? Some satin ritual that needed a certain amount of people to be successful with it?... Eh you could deal with worse.
You turned to your left, placing your hands rather roughly on the edge of the table. Making you wince slightly as the group's attention snapped to you. You let out a meek ‘sorry.'
“I heard you needed a sub,” you stated, looking across the individuals. Taking in their matching Hellfire Club t-shirts. You furrowed your brows, the name seemed familiar. Your eyes widened as you recalled Jason talking about them once. “DnD right?” you questioned.
The guys just kind of stared at you while you stood there awkwardly, waiting for a response.
“Y-yeah,” one of them stuttered out. You turned to the voice, gaze falling on his curly hair. Dropping it to your face you met the eyes of Dustin Henderson. Someone who was in your intro to chem, math, and english class. A smile broke out on your face as you rushed to the spot empty next to him. Sitting down at the table you brushed your arm against Dustin’s, giving him a light smile.
“I know how to play. My dad taught me when I was like 12. I’m a little rusty but I swear I can do it.” Nobody made a sound as you frantically searched each of their faces for some kind of answer. Turning to who you were pretty sure was Eddie Munson, the guy who was struggling to graduate. You were getting desperate at this point. “Please, I don't want to go to the game tonight. If I don’t have an excuse to tell Chrissy, she’ll make me go and I cannot handle another game of boys shooting balls into holes.”
Gareth let out a snort, covering his mouth in his hand as he turned away to compose himself.
“Aren't you literally a cheerleader?” Mike asked, you gaze went him.
“Yeah but that’s for football. This is basketball. I can stand being on the side of the field, but being in the stuffy gym for hours watching people move back and forth in less than a 100 foot space? I’d rather not.”
“Isn’t it basically the same thing? In football they go back and forth the whole time.” You rolled your eyes.
“This is off topic, that’s not the point, can I join or what?” Turning away from Mike you looked back at Eddie with a raised brow. He leaned forward in his seat, a smile growing on his face.
“Absolutely not.”
“You did ask for a sub,” Dustin stated, “This is the sub.” You pointed at Dustin, nodding with his statement.
“This is Hellfire club. Not some excuse for you to be able to cancel some plans.” You raised your hands up defensively.
“Hey man, if that’s how you view it, fine. But, I bet that you’ll struggle to find somebody…” You motioned your finger in a circle, “In this place that knows what the heck they’re getting into..” Some quiet ‘ooohs’ were heard amongst the group. Eddie snapped to them, shutting Gareth and Jeff's mouths. Eddie pushed himself out of his seat, taking a spot to the right of you. He bent his head down to your level.
“What’s your class?” he questioned, “Level one dwarf?” Another sound of commotion came from the boy. You gave him a light smirk.
“I’m called Lady Applejack, thanks. Who’s a level-14, chaotic good half-elf rogue and can sneak up behind any monster that you throw my way. And stab them with a smile as I watch them die a slow, agonizing death,” you ended your sentence in a deathly whisper. You tilted your head to the side. “So are you gonna let me join or are we just going to keep chatting away?” Eddie was silent for a moment, his brows furrowed. Before standing up straight and holding out his hand.
“Welcome to the Hellfire club,” he replied. A smile broke out on your face as you grabbed it, shaking it gently.
“Okay, so the campaign starts at four. In case you have anything you need to get, you got enough time to do so,” Dustin explained as the two of you walked to English together after the lunch bell. “It’s going to go on for a while so make sure you tell whoever that you’ll be home late.” You nodded, approaching your locker quickly grabbing some items you needed for your next class. Dustin stood next to you and suddenly went quiet. You pulled out a folder as you looked over at him.
“Anything else?” You took in his expression. “What?”
“It’s just,” he paused, “You were the last person I expected to actually like DnD.” You let out a snort.
“Even Jason came before me?” He pondered the thought.
“Second to last person to expect.”
“Or Jarry Theft.”
“Or Francis Finch.”
“Or-” Dustin waved around his hands, cutting you off while you chuckled.
“Fine, whatever, you were like the… twenty second to last person I expected.” You rolled your eyes playfully, shoving a loose binder back on a shelf and closing your locker with a slam. You let out a sigh.
“I get it,” you stated, continuing your way down the hall, “I’m not the most passionate about the subject. But that doesnt mean I don’t like it. I don’t really have anyone to play DnD with. I mean I knew you guys played it but-”
“Didn’t want to hang out with the freaks,” Dustin once again stopped you. You looked over at him.
“It’s not really that per say. Jason really doesn’t like you guys. He would most likely pull Chrissy away from me if I did approach your club,” you tried to explain.
“What about now?” You shrugged, huffing.
“If Chrissy does let him do that, so be it. The more I think about it, the more I don’t think she will allow it. I mean soon as school started we clicked. She’s one of the sweetest girls I know. I have no idea how Jason pulled her, but I know the fact of how she and I get along will play a factor in it.” You nudge your shoulder with his, “Plus you guys seem cool and not like the satanic worshipers the school has made you out to be.” Dustin winced.
“Was that supposed to be a compliment?” You let out a laugh as you approached the classroom door.
“It sounded better in my head,” you replied. You paused in front of the desks, turning to face Dustin. “Do you want to come over to mine after school?  To help see what I’ll need?” He blinked at you, slightly talking aback by the request.
“I-I mean, sure I guess.” You smiled at him.
“Cool, I'll meet you by the flagpole?” He nodded watching as you separated from him to make your way to your seat. Dustin’s eyes watched as you walked away. Snapping himself out of his gaze before going to his own.
The final bell of the day rang. You packed up your items from your desk. Following the other kids into the hallway. People stood next to you shoulder to shoulder, walking robotically down the halls. All with the same mind set of getting the hell out of here.
You pushed your way lightly through to get to your locker. Opening the lock and door, you placed a folder on the shelf and grabbing your backpack. Out of the corner of your eye you saw someone lean onto the locker next to yours. 
"Are you coming to the game tonight? You never gave me a proper answer," Chrissy asked, her voice soft like usual. You smiled sheepishly looking over to her.
"I actually have plans with a couple people," you replied. She furrowed her brows.
"Who?" You bit your lip.
"Dustin Henderson and some of his friends." Her eyes widened excitedly before leaning closer to you. She spoke in a whisper,
"Didn't you say you liked him last year?" You sighed jokingly, shutting your locker.
"Yeah, but that was last year. It was just a little thing after a project we had to work on that's all."
"Just a little thing?" Chrissy scoffed playfully. " If I recall, you said it lasted from when you danced at the Snowball to spring break."
"Like I said a little thing. We barely even talked after the dance," you said between giggles. She linked her arms with your as you directed her towards the exit. You walked through the doors, continuing down the sidewalk. Someone called her name from behind the two of you. Looking over your shoulder you saw the voice belonged to… Jason. He waved you guys over. You turned to face Chrissy.
"I'm meeting him at the flagpole," you briefly explained to her, pulling away. She nodded, pulling you back in for a quick hug.
"Have fun," she said with a smile. You returned it.
"Yeah, you too." She gave you a squeeze on the shoulder, walking back to join Jason. He peered over Chrissy to stare at you. You have an awkward wave. He gave one back, gaze lingering on you as Chrissy approached.
"Where's she going?" Jason asked. Chrissy looked back at you, seeing your back as you headed in your own direction.
"She has plans tonight," she simply stated.
"With who?"
"A boy." A light smile fell onto her features. Jason furrowed his brows.
"Actually?" Chrissy nodded. Jason looked back up to see you were no longer in sight. "Huh, didn't think she would ditch you for anyone." Chrissy shrugged. 
"It's okay. I knew she'd find someone, sometime this year."
Your feet walked across the concrete. Turning the corner to see Dustin, hands in his pockets scanning the area. His eyes landed on you, his face lighting up. You smiled.
"Hi," he greeted.
"Hey," you replied back, placing your hands on the straps of your bag. "My house is just a five minute walk from here," you informed, looking left and right on the street. He stood next to you waiting for the signal to cross the road. Both of you lightly jogged across and once again found yourself on a sidewalk.
"Do you usually walk?" Dustin questioned. 
"Mhm." You nodded.
"Even in the winter?" 
"Depends on the weather. If it's a snow storm I have someone usually drive me to and from," you explained. Silence passed over the two of you. You took a left, Dustin following.
"Who drives you?" Dustin asked, trying to keep the conversation going.
"Usually one of my parents in the morning but they couldn't really do it after with work and all. Jason did it after practice if it was really bad outside. Which was probably like five times." Dustin furrowed his brows.
"Didn't I have to give you a ride with Steve or something last winter? When we had that science project?" You stuttered a breath at the memory. An anxious chuckle left you.
"Yeah, that was a bad day. I swear I thought he was going to crash." Dustin laughed. 
"He nearly hit a fire hydrant on his way back over when he came to pick me up." You giggled. Another beat of silence passed by, Dustin broke it once again.
"You know we never really talked about the snowball. I didn't get to thank you for the dance," he mumbled, bumping his shoulders with yours. You kicked a fallen pine cone.
"Ofcourse, I couldn't resist the hair, y'know?" He let out a snort.
"Oh yeah, that was… something."
"Definitely something," you agreed in a fit of giggles. You looked up to see your house come into sight. "It's the third one," you informed him. He hummed in response. 
Approaching your driveway you opened the mailbox to check if anything was in it. Taking the few envelopes in your hand you made your way up the lawn. Dustin followed behind you. Going up the steps you opened the front door, keeping it open for the boy behind you. He shut it while you took off your shoes. He did the same, stepping out of them and looking around the space. Not much has changed since he had last been here. Just some furniture pieces in different places. 
Dustin noticed you moved down the hall, he took after you. Entering a new room her had not been in. 
"This is my dad's office," you explained in a murmur as you searched the area. "He keeps all the DnD books in here." Dustin hummed in response. He took in the rather bland wall paper on three of the walls, while the other was filled with posters. From movies, to bands, to fantasy games, the ultimate nerd wall.
"You said your dad taught you it right?" Dustin asked, taking a closer look at one of the papers.
"Yep," you said looking through a drawer on a desk, "He was a total nerd in highschool. And some of the nerdiness obviously carried into adulthood, cause here we are now," you finished with a grunt pulling out the different binders and books. Searching through them you grabbed the one that suited for the event and went to place it in your bag.
You grabbed Dustin's hand to drag him away from the wall. His eyes widened at your actions, taking a look at your conjoined hands but not pulling away. You made your way into the kitchen, to look through the cupboards.
"Are we going to need any snacks?" you questioned sifting through the different foods. 
"I mean if you want you can bring whatever you want. It's gonna take a while for it to finish up so…," he trailed off, leaning against a counter. Dustin peered at you as you scanned the different options. Pulling out some sort of chips that were already eaten  and Oreos. He nodded, solid choices.
Dustin cleared his throat as you placed the foods in your bag with the books, zipping it up and once again placing it on your back.
"Ready?" he asked, straightening his posture. You nodded before following him out the door. 
You found yourselves again on the sidewalk, silence casting above the both of you. You sighed lightly, kicking a rock before walking up and continuing to kick it across the concrete. Dustin passed it back to you when it veered off in his direction. Making you smile to yourself lightly.
"Thanks for coming with," you spoke up, attention still on the rock as it ended up in the grass. You frowned slightly then turned to look at Dustin. His gaze met yours.
"Ofcourse it was no problem," he stated. You gave him a great full smile. You took a right watching the school approach slowly.
"Sorry if I suck tonight. It's been like… a year since I last played," you mentioned. 
"That's fine, I'm just glad we have you so Eddie isn't on mine and Mike's asses about not having a sub. Then he'd bring up Lucas and blah blah blah," he dismissed with a wave of his hand. "And you'll do good, don't worry about it. Even if you do mess up a little bit it's not like we're gonna kick you out or anything. Just do your best, that's all that could be asked of you." The two of you paused waiting for a car to pass. You looked over at Dustin as he turned to you giving a reassuring smile.
"You're just as I remember you Henderson," you spoke in a whisper. "Always the sweetest guy around." A blush settled itself lightly on his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Well I wouldn't say sweetest but-"
"Take the compliment," you laughed, pushing his shoulder lightly.
"Just a heads up, all that I just said could be a lie. Depending on how into it Eddie gets," he mentioned. You let out another chuckle, once again taking his hand to pull him to cross the street. 
"Well at least you gave me a heads up," you replied opening the school doors, yanking him inside in the process 
The lighting was rather dramatic. A red hue casting along everyone's bodies. Candles lit across the table.It was nearing the end of the campaign, you could feel it. The question was; will it be a good or bad ending?
“The hooded cultist chant, “Hail Lord Vecna.’” Eddie looked among the group with a dangerous gaze. “‘Hail Lord Vecna,” he repeated. You slowly bit onto a chip, the crunch breaking the silence. “They turn to you, remove their hoods. You recognize most of them from Makbar. But there is one you do not recognize, his skin is shriveled…” Eddie turns sharply to Jeff, “..desiccated. And something else. He is not only missing his left arm, but his left eye.” Eddie covers his own, rising from his seat, as the group bursts with complaints. You threw your hands up in defeat as the others slammed theirs on the table. You put your head in your hands.
“Vecnas dead,” Jeff exclaimed.
“He was killed by Kas,” Mike added.
“So it was thought my friends, so it was thought. But Vecna lives,” Eddie informed, putting a little Vecna man on a throne. “You are scared, you are tired, you are injured. Do you flee Vecna and his cultists? Or do you stand your ground and fight?” Eddie asks to take his seat once more. Everyone's brows furrowed in thought. “Come on,” Eddie coaxed.
“I saw we fight,” Dustin stated, “To the death.”
“To the death,” Mike agreed. You nodded.
“To the death.” Everyone began hitting the table in sync chanting, ‘To the death!’
You anxiously held the dice in your hand before deciding it was now or never. You quickly rolled them and as the numbers revealed, the group cheered.
Mike's turn came, only his roll knocked him down. 
Then came Jeff and he followed Mike. Back and forth it when, offense and defense knocking each other down. The stakes grew higher as the end grew near.
“Guys, I hate to say this, but we’ve got to flee,” Gareth stated, as you guys were huddled together.
“I concur.”
“Did we not just say it was ‘to the death?’” you asked sarcastically.
“That wasn’t literal,” Gareth seethed.
“Vecba just decimated us,” Jeff informed,” We can’t kill him with two players.” You looked over at Dustin.
“You too? He only has 15 hit points left. Don’t be pussies,” he replied.
“Pussies? Really? Cause we’re not delusional?” Gareth shot back. You spoke up.
“Delusional? How about not being a coward.”
“Hey!” Eddie called from behind you, “If I may interject, gentlemen, Lady Applejack. Whilst I respect the passion, you’d be wise to take Gareth the Great’s concern to Heart. There is no shame in running,” he insisted. “Don’t try to be heroes. Not today, ‘kay?” 
Dustin held up a finger.
“One Sec,” he turned back to the group, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and mikes, beginning the group back down. You leaned into him gently, “What do you think?”
“How many hit points do you and LadyApplejack have left?” Mike asked. 
“Twelve,” you both said in unison.
“It’s risky as hell. But you’re the ones on the battlefield. So it’s your call,” Mike replied.
“What do you say, Lady Applejack?” Dustin questioned, turning to you. You gave him a teasing smirk.
“You really gotta ask?” His eyes lingered on you for a moment before looking down at his shoes again. He looked back,
“Screw it.” You and him turned back to Eddie. “Let's kill this son of a bitch.
“The chances are twenty to one,” Eddie mentioned.
“Never tell me the odds. Give me the D20.” Dustin held out his hand, Eddie tossed it to him.
Dustin stood at the end of the table, shaking the dice then releasing it onto the table. Eleven. 
“That’s a miss!” Eddie called with a shake of his head. Once again the group erupted in complaints. 
Now it was your turn. The last hope of anything good coming out of this. You shook the dice anxiously with both hands, the rest of the individuals stood behind you, cheering you on. You let it roll onto the table.
“Come on!” It rolled across the table, agonizingly slow, taking its time to stop. Only to land on a…
“Crit hit!” you cheered as the die revealed a twenty. Your arms went up into the air as you faced Dustin. Catching him in an embrace as the others were celebrating with each other. Letting go you faced Gareth, giving him a high five. Doing so you missed the stunned look on Dusin’s face.
You burst through the doors, everyone still howling with excitement as you exited the school. Everyone went their own ways. And once again you found yourself alone with Dustin Henderson on the sidewalk. You looked over to him, a smile still casting over your face.
“This was the most fun I’ve had…,” you paused, “In a while.” Dustin nodded, making his way down the school’s pathway.
“It was really good and we couldn’t have done it without you Lady Applejack,” he said, bumping his hip with yours. You let a giggle escape you as you cross the street. He turned to you. “Gonna make it home alright?” You nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay.” The two of you were silent for a moment. Gazing into each other's eyes. You looked away shyly, clearing your throat. “I better get going though, don’t want to make my parents worry too much.” Dustin agreed watching as you continued down the street.
You paused mid-step and quickly turned around, making your way back to him. You cupped his face lightly, placing a kiss on his cheek and giving him one last smile.
“Have a goodnight, Dustin,” you whispered lightly, walking backwards. He nodded absent mindedly, trying to come up with anything it responde.
“Y-you too,” he stuttered. You chuckled, facing in front of you again. 
Dustin watched you go, a hand coming up to where your lips touched his face. Leaving him stunned on the sidewalk.
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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puggemon · 2 years
* Dustin’s Babysitter *
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You are Lucas’ substitute
for the big game.
[ TW: Cursing ]
If someone had asked you earlier on in the day of the big game what you would have been doing later that night, you definitely wouldn't have suspected you'd be in a dark, ominous, room filled with Eddie Munson and the group that everyone deemed "Freaks". But you'd been approached by Dustin Henderson during lunch time, who was clearly in distraught, as he rambled to you the story of why he needed a substitute for the Hellfire Club meetup.
"Lucas backed out on us and left us missing a player for tonight," He sighed, pressing his hands together in a begging motion, and sticking out his bottom lip in a pout. "And you're the first person I thought of!"
He'd done this puppy-dog bribery many times before, every time you babysat him and he wanted something that was on the list of things his Mother wanted him to avoid. Any violent movie, or sweet snack that could possibly induce a sugar coma.
"What's in it for me?" You spoke sarcastically, knowing that in no way could you say no to the young boy who you'd grown super close to. But that didn't mean you couldn't tease him, exactly like an older sibling would.
"You can have one of our t-shirts! They're handmade. And we all get one." He pulled the fabric in between his fingers and smiled a big, dorky, smile. "Super soft too,"
"Fine, Dusty. I'll go. But I definitely want mine in [FAVORITE COLOR] or I'm not wearing it. Deal?" You held out your hand for the not-so-secret secret handshake the two of you have.
He let out a sigh of relief at you agreeing to the DND session, before playing into the handshake. "Deal."
Thus how you ended up here, creating a DND character and living out in a fantasy world, under the gaze of a few males you'd never even introduced yourself to, and Dustin's friend, Mike Wheeler. You didn't know what to expect out of this game, but it was definitely different than what you expected. Everyone was genuinely enjoying their time, knocking back Mountain Dews and bantering back and forth, going through the scenes that the Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson had created.
That was, until he revealed the ultimate plot twist in the map and everyone grew tense, as they all fought against Vecna, who was supposed to be dead. Multiple people from the group of players, got downed along the way, until it was just you and Dustin...
"We have to just give up, there's no way we can win this," One of the guys said, as all of you were huddled in the corner, away from Eddie, discussing game plans. "Give up? But he's on such low health!" Dustin argued, looking over to you, hoping you'd agree with him.
"Dusty's right. We've basically got this guy in a body bag,"
"Did they even have body bags in medieval times?" Questioned the other party, in attempts to settle the situation down. Each one of you let out a soft chuckle, before Mike spoke up with his opinion. "I think it's pretty risky, but there's only two of us left, so I think it should be their choice."
They all turned their attention to you and Dustin, who were already looking at one another. Silently, you agreed to continuing the fight with a nod of the head. That's when the circle disbanded and all of you went back to the table.
"What did the jury decide?" Eddie asked, a smirk on his face as he looked between you and Dustin.
"Let's kick some ass," Dustin spoke up from beside you, making you give a side eye and scold him on his foul language. You were still his babysitter, after all.
"Sorry, let's kick some butt." He reworded his sentence making Mike snort from the sidelines.
"It's all or nothing, one of you two must roll a twenty on the dice, or you'll be at a loss." Eddie explained, hand holding out the blue die. You grabbed at it, your hand briefly brushing against Eddie's, making goosebumps form along your arms. Your eyes were locked with his as you handed the dice to Dusty, who was impatiently waiting beside you. "I'm going in," he spoke up, blowing the dice in between his hands for good luck. It was at this moment that you broke the staring contest with Eddie Munson, heart beating out of your chest. Your eyes wandered down to the dice that Dustin had just let go onto the board. 12. Everyone groaned, Dustin facepalming at the sight of not meeting the goal. It was now your turn.
Eddie watched carefully as you took your turn, checking you out, his eyes going up and down your figure. How had he never met you before tonight? He'd never even heard Dustin talk about you. He actually didn't even know Dustin was young enough to have a babysitter. But with Dustin's Mom being who she was, he wasn't surprised about it. The fact that you would actually be seen around with them, as you'd walked around campus with the group, meant that you were just like them, even though you looked nothing like them. He dug it. Totally and utterly, dug it.
In fact, the first moment he saw you he thought you would be mean. He thought that nothing was going to work out, and you'd probably piss on his gameplay. But as you started getting more into the game, he started getting more into you and your presence.
"Oh my god," Dustin whispered, watching the dice fumble around the board, before landing on a 20. "OH MY GOD! [Y/N] YOU DID IT!" He screamed, happily, wrapping you up in a giant bear hug. You reciprocated the hug, and everyone around started cheering you on, excited that the one in a million chances you had, was enough.
It was at that moment that Eddie had deemed you to be a permanent part of the HellFire Club. Knowing that if it needed anyone, it needed you, and solely because he had a fascination with the idea of having someone who looked like they didn't belong, belonging.
Everyone stepped out into the night sky, a smile swept across all of your faces. You'd really enjoyed your time, and was thankful Dustin had thought of you first, to play the game with him. "Goodnight guys," Mike spoke up, receiving a few goodnights in return, before running off towards his chained up bicycle.
"Thank you for coming today," Dustin said, happy that he got to spend some bonding time with you outside of babysitting and school. And because you saved his ass.
"No problem, Dusty." You ruffled his curls, causing him to groan in dissatisfaction. He bumped his shoulder into you, playfully as the two of you continued walking along the concrete path.
"Hey, wait up!" Eddie called from behind, in a slight jog, trying to catch up to the both of you. Once he was finally beside you, he smiled, and it was the cutest thing you'd possibly ever seen.
"What's up, Ed?" Dustin asked, looking towards the leader of his club, awaiting an answer.
"I don't think I properly got to introduce myself to you before the game. I'm Munson. Eddie Munson." He held out his hand for you to shake, which you took happily into your own. "I know who you are, I'm [Y/N]."
Eddie wasn't quite surprised at the fact that you knew of his existence, considering he was called the biggest freak in school.
"Well, just so you know Hellfire Club is every Friday night, and you're welcome to join anytime that you like. What you did today was pretty great."
"Enough flirting kids, I'm ready to go home." Dustin interrupted, taking both of you aback. You shushed him before playfully pushing him away, to the side. "But you're my riiiideee," he whined, before taking the hint to leave and walking over to the other group members who were in another conversation.
"I should probably get him home, but.. it was nice finally introducing myself to you, Eddie."
"Not quite the freak you thought I was, huh?" He laughed, twirling his hair in between his fingers, mocking the actions of a flirtatious woman.
"I never said that." You retorted with a playful tone of voice, and a wink, before walking off to collect the kid that you had to take home for the night.
Eddie was left there with an extra beat to his heart, and a newfound desire for you.
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