#we had to prep bc the school is getting observed when we get back from Thanksgiving break
diobrando · 10 months
Mr. Lee stopped by my room to see if I wanted to prep with the 8th grade history teachers and that was so nice of him to do
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mysterystarz · 3 years
the romance checklist:
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summary: a chance meeting with kageyama has you striking up a bet to see if one of you could fall in love with the other before the year was up. cue the romance checklist, a piece of paper that molded your fate and his.
pairing: kageyama tobio x g!n reader
word count: 3.2k
genres + themes: literally pure fluff, reader is a first-year karasuno student, reader is also kind of a romantic
warnings: none
a/n: so this is my first time writing for kageyama and i know he's probably pretty out of character, so my apologies!! this was inspired off some headcannons i wrote for one of my irl friends, and this wiki-how article which i used to structure the actual checklist! to all my lovely kags simps, this is for you <3 (also to all the people who hate angst, you lucked out bc i was about to add an angst part but got lazy)
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You had never thought a trip to the vending machine could be so eventful.
It had been lunch break, and you found yourself wandering towards the machine, money in hand as your eyes trailed the snacks. It had become routine to sneak away during lunch hours for this, enjoying the fresh autumn breeze as you bought your snacks. It had always given you time to think and the time to recompose yourself when you didn’t have a clue what to do.
Usually it also provided you with time alone.
That wasn’t the case today though. Standing in front of the vending machines was Kageyama Tobio, frantically pushing the button for milk with a grumpy sort of scowl on his face. From the distance you stood, you could make out his height and the way he tapped his foot continuously, as if he didn’t have the time to wait for the milk to be dispensed from the spot.
Strolling up to the spot, you stood silently next to him, watching the way he retrieved the milk from the slot wordlessly as he walked away, not even a glance in your direction.
You knew full well who he was. In fact, you could barely walk through the halls of school without hearing a murmur about the prodigy setter and his closed off ways. The girls found him intriguing from afar, and while they never dared to approach him, they all wanted to.
You hadn’t really understood what they saw in him. He was average...if not below that in academics, and he seemed to dedicate most of his time to volleyball, not caring much for other people. He didn’t seem to have many friends, and was almost always grumpy.
All of this should’ve been reason enough to avoid him, and yet you couldn’t help but be intrigued. There was something about him that was different. You just needed to find out what that was.
The next day came around, and sure enough, he stood at the machine again, toe-tapping as his milk was dispensed from the slot. This time his eyes scanned the courtyard as if he was seeking something before they finally landed on you.
You weren’t prepared for the full impact of his gaze. It was calculated and pointed, with some sort of intent that was expressed in every inch of those dark blue eyes. You weren’t put off by it.
In fact, it was charming in its own way.
“Are you looking for something Kageyama?” You asked as you walked towards him, pulling a few yen out of your pocket. “You’re staring.”
“I’m not.” He deadpanned, his eyes still trained on you as you selected a snack from the machine’s buttons. “I see you everywhere. Who are you?”
You hadn’t expected that. You knew he was observant...when it came to volleyball specifically, but never realized how it translated anywhere else. “I’m Y/L/N Y/N.”
You weren’t sure what else to say to him. Gently grabbing your snack, you politely nodded at him before leaving him behind, the thoughts rapidly accumulating in your brain. Did he notice you the entire time? Why did he ask? Did he know something? Was he planning to use you as some example to the other girls who wanted to know him?
You wish you had an answer.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t think of any.
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It had been two weeks since you had met Kageyama by the vending machines. It had now become routine to expect him there during your lunch breaks, milk box in hand as he regarded your very presence with something that felt a whole lot like curiosity. Every now and then he’d offer commentary on the mundane happenings of Karasuno, or ask about you, but you weren’t sure how you could hold a conversation with just these things.
“Kageyama.” You nodded, strolling towards the machine as you always did. He whipped around almost immediately, offering a solemn nod in return, clutching his milk box.
“Y/L/N.” He murmured, taking a sip of his box.
“Have you ever thought about love?” You found yourself asking, internally screaming at the word choice. Great, now he was going to think that you were some crazy person.
“I think so…?.” Was what he offered in response. His features seemed to soften at this question though as he scrunched his brows in thought. “What type of love?”
You raised a brow at him in question. “Kageyama...what type of love are you talking about?”
“Well...I love volleyball and milk.” He shrugged. “That counts.”
“That...wasn’t the type I was referring to.” You said, suppressing the laughter that bubbled into your chest. “I was talking about the other kind.”
“The other kind is stupid.” Kageyama replied instantaneously. “There’s nothing special to it.”
You felt confusion seep into your system before you quieted it, letting your mind wander. With Kageyama’s status, you assumed that he’d at least thought of the concept at least once, although it seemed that he’d never even pondered the idea altogether!
“You’d have to feel it to come to that conclusion,” you countered, “Have you?”
“No,” he scoffed, “It’s still stupid.”
“Why?” You asked, feeling the curiosity surface. “Any specific reason?”
“Why would anyone want to dedicate all their time to another person?” Kageyama asked straight back, his gaze unwavering. “I just don’t see the point.”
You stared back at him, feeling the challenge bubble in your veins. “I bet...I can make you fall in love with someone by the end of the school year.”
At that moment, the boy in front of you looked thoroughly surprised, throwing his empty milk box at the garbage can nearby. He seemed speechless to some extent, as if he wasn’t able to process the words that had just left your mouth.
“And what happens if you can’t?” He asked, hesitantly bringing his gaze to your face. “What then?”
“I’ll buy you milk for a whole month.” You placed your hands on your hip as you kept your glare firm. “I stick to that.”
“Okay then,” he sighed, “Game on.”
With a shake of your hands, you cemented your fate.
You would win that bet. That much was certain.
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“What’s this Y/L/N?” Kageyama asked, pointing at the piece of paper you held at him. “How are you going to win a bet with this?”
The two of them stood in the courtyard of Karasuno, the fresh autumn breeze rippling the paper you held in your hand. It had been a good day so far, and Kageyama had surprisingly stuck to his resolve, meeting you at the vending machine when he could’ve easily avoided you.
It was always more fun to challenge a competent opponent.
“This is the romance checklist.” You grinned proudly. “This has all the things we need to get you to fall in love.”
“How is it fair if you don’t do the checklist’s things too?”
“Well, that’s why I’m doing them with you.” You responded, already anticipating these types of questions. “I drafted the checklist off of the things I’ve observed over the years that should totally lead to feelings of love!”
“Whatever.” Kageyama said, his blue eyes scanning the paper’s contents. “How do you plan to do this?”
“We follow the steps.” You nodded. “Since I’m doing this with you, it’ll be foolproof.”
“Y/L/N...what if we competed against each other?” He mumbled. “We follow the checklist and use it against each other. Whoever falls in love first loses.”
“Do you really want to risk that?” You smirked, “That’s a bold move you’re making.”
Kageyama stood up straighter at this, the challenge burning deep in his eyes. “I’m going to win, so it won’t be an issue.”
“Suit yourself,” you grinned. “I’ll be winning this anyways.”
He simply smirked as he looked down at the paper, the promise of a challenge fresh and bright between them.
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After a long time, you had finally gotten some free time away from schoolwork and the obligations that pinned you down. It was a rare occurrence with the amount of pressure that the college prep class placed on you, and you intended to make the most of it.
You found yourself on the pathway of a cafe you used to frequent in the summer with your friends. It had always been a place to collect your thoughts and let your worries float away with every sip of one of the immaculately crafted beverages that they offered there. You felt your lips twitch in an involuntary smile at the memories.
“Y/L/N?” You heard a voice call out, a shocking contrast to the normal chattering you heard within the shop. Looking up, you were met with Kageyama’s eyes, narrowed and confused as you sat at the table frozen. “What are you here for?”
“It's a break for me,” you shrugged, “I come here all the time. I haven’t seen you here before.”
“They have good drinks,” Kageyama replied bluntly. A few beats of silence passed between them, with neither of them knowing what to add to the conversation.
“You can sit down with me.” You offered, gesturing to the empty seat across from you. “The more the merrier.”
He didn’t question this as he slid into the seat, fingers drumming on the table as he looked at the window. From your point of view, it was almost picturesque the way he managed to appear. His blue eyes were focused on the trees outside, and his posture was ever so casual and relaxed as he sat there, as if he had no other care in the world.
It was unfair how model-like he managed to appear, even despite the fact he wasn’t trying.
Ah. Perhaps this is what the girls at school noticed.
Once the drinks arrived at your table, the two of them drank in comfortable silence, admiring the flavors on their tongues as their surroundings continued on as normal. You didn’t feel the need to contribute anything to the silence, finding it calming in its own right.
“So Kageyama, are you feeling anything yet?” You teased, setting down your half-empty cup.
“No.” He admitted, setting down his drink as well. “I am supposed to?”
“Well technically no, but it’d be good if you did.” You chuckled, finding amusement in the cluelessness of his ways. “Step one of the romance checklist: meet somebody.”
“We already met though.” He countered, “How does this count as anything?”
“Well, we just encountered each other out of nowhere.” You smiled, “That counts as a meeting in my book.”
He wrapped his mind around this information, nodding solemnly. “I guess so then. I still don’t feel anything.”
“Neither do I.” You said, willing the slight butterflies in your stomach to subside. It was really nothing. This was simply a chance meeting, nothing more than luck and fate that had you encounter each other today of all days.
You shouldn’t have been affected this quickly. You felt far too warm, far too...fuzzy, for a meeting of chance. It was simply far too intimate.
Well, it seemed that Kageyama had gotten the one upon you at this stage.
You’d beat him next time. You knew you would.
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“You look good today Kags,” you smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction creep up in your veins at his flushed cheeks,
Over the course of the weeks spent together, you had been able to learn more about the mysterious boy in front of you and had even formed a friendship of sorts. For starters, he was flustered very easily, which is why you decided to make your move so early in the morning.
“I look like how I do every day, dumbass!” He growled, the red deepening in his cheeks when you merely winked in response.
Ah yes. He tended to insult those he befriended. That was yet another endearing thing about the boy in front of you.
“No, something is different today,” you commented, “Did you do something with your hair?”
“No,” he frowned, the flush never subsiding from his cheeks. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“I’m just saying genuine things you know.” You laughed, punching his shoulder casually. “Besides, I think I’m succeeding so far.”
“Succeeding? This is that stupid checklist again, isn’t it?” He sighed. “Step two: flirting. What is the point of this again?”
“It’s to show interest.” You remarked. “Besides, if you want me to fall for you, you’re going to at least have to act like you’re interested in me. I know it’s working on you so far.”
“No it’s not!” He yelled, although the defense was half-hearted. You knew he was merely putting up a front. You could tell it from his body posture alone.
You had the upper hand right now.
You waved him goodbye as you entered the Karasuno grounds, climbing the stairs to reach your class as he walked in the opposite direction. Even if you had the upper hand right now, you knew that you had to be on-guard the rest of the day.
If there was one thing you knew very well in the time you had spent with Kageyama, it was that he was extremely competitive. There was no way he’d ever go down without a fierce fight, especially when a month’s worth of milk was on the line.
You had been absolutely right to doubt him.
When lunchtime rolled around, he stood at the vending machine like he always did, leaning against it casually as he waited for you, his focus placed on the entrance.
The first thing you noticed was how calm he was. There was none of his usual frantic energy or the practiced insults that you threw back at one another. He simply stood there, content, as he watched you make your entrance.
The second thing you noticed was how an unconscious smile crept onto his face when you waved at him and slipped away the minute your eyes darted to his mouth. He sipped his milk casually, although you knew that internally, he was definitely scheming.
He could be a gremlin if left untapped.
You were about to purchase your snack in silence, thinking about all the ways he could win against you when you felt his hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw him holding out a container of your favorite snack, handing it to you wordlessly.
“I thought I would get it today,” he shrugged, taking a sip of his milk. “You’ve bought me milk sometimes. It’s only fair.”
He didn’t consider it much of a big deal, but you felt your heart begin to accelerate in its pace at the thoughts that came flying into your head.
He had paid attention to your favorite snack? He had actually cared about when you bought him milk?
He noticed all of this?
“You...have a nice smile.” He mumbled, a flush rising onto his cheeks once again. You felt yourself fluster a bit at the compliment, not used to hearing it that often.
“Uhhh thanks.” You exhaled, not knowing how to respond to such an out-of-the-blue remark. “Your smile looks a lot like the Cheshire cat you know.”
For a moment his face was contorted into an expression of horror before he laughed a bit, the low chuckles sending heat straight to your cheeks.
Damn it. His laugh was adorable.
It was a low chiming sound, but it still managed to uplift your spirits in the brief time that you heard it. It was absolutely perfect.
You’d like to hear it again if you could.
A small smile was on his face as he looked to the ground, thinking about something while you took the time to really look at him. Behind the stone exterior, was someone talented, clueless, and amusing in every way you could possibly imagine.
You noticed how his posture mirrored yours, and the way how he smiled when your eyes finally met his own.
Damn it! He got the one-up on you. Again.
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“Tobio! Let’s go on this one!” You yelled as you dragged him towards the large rollercoaster that caught your eye.
It was a beautiful Saturday with the most perfect weather. Sunny skies met a fresh breeze as you dragged Kageyama around the amusement park you had insisted on going to together. He kept with your quick pace as you went from ride to ride, never once letting go of his hand.
If anything, you were more confused why he didn’t comment on the fact that you had been holding hands that long. Rather he silently followed you from ride to ride, occasionally commenting on how small it looked for them.
From where you stood, the rollercoaster looked positively incredible with the multiple loops and drops in its track. This certainly fit the bill for thrilling. Maybe Kageyama could finally agree to ride this one.
“Y/N, do we really have to do this one?” He asked, his gaze not tearing away from the ride. “Doesn’t it look a bit too small for us?”
“Well if it’s too small, then we can still ride it as a joyride, don’t you think?” You grinned as you shoved him into the line of the coaster. Soon enough, it was your turn as you were ushered into the seats while the employees strapped you and Kageyama into the rollercoaster.
The wait was excruciating, with every second that passed sending a wave of anticipation and adrenaline through your system. Looking to your side, you saw Kageyama’s face, which was composed, even though his fingers drummed rapidly on the bar.
Was he nervous?
Hesitantly, you reached to clasp your hands together, relishing in the feeling of your palm on his as the rollercoaster suddenly began moving, bringing you up the tall lift hill.
“Tobio, are you okay?” You questioned as you neared the top, the grip he had on your hand tightening ever so slightly.
“I’m fine!” He yelled, just as the roller coaster fell over the lift hill, sending them into a plummeting drop.
You felt the exhilarating feeling of soaring as the ride propelled you forward, shouts of glee leaving your mouth ever so often. On the other hand, all you heard from Kageyama was the occasional shout of horror when they encountered yet another drop on the track, the grip he had on your hand deathly tight.
“Tobio! You’re afraid of rollercoasters?!” You shouted as you were guided into a loop.
“No I’m not!” He shouted back, shutting his eyes when he was finally upright again. “They just make me feel like I’m about to die!” When he opened his eyes, they first found yours in a look that was both petrified and fond. “I think I lost the bet!”
“You did what?!” You yelled as the wind rippled in your ears again.
“The bet Y/N! I think I’m in love with you!” He yelled. “I thought I should tell you before we die!”
You felt your heart soar at the words that had just been exchanged, a testament to the budding feelings you had felt for months around him.
“We’re not going to die.” You sighed as the ride finally slowed, feeling exhilarated as you smiled at him. “I love you too.”
Stepping off the rollercoaster, Kageyama was more silent than anything, red flush adorning his cheeks as you massaged soothing circles onto his hand. “We both lost it in the end.” You laughed.
“I think it was worth it,” he chuckled, the beautiful chime, showing you that he meant every word.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved, please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics in any way even if credited
taglist (bold cannot be tagged): @moi-bunni @kousukii @littlecatfairy @iwasunshine @kawaii-angelanne @haikyuutothetop @dearkousei @catchmewiddershins @perqabeth @sunarinluvr @elektrosonix @milktyama
reblogs are very appreciated <3
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jaekaicx · 3 years
you guys remember that one post i made abt an amphibia spidey au? well heres what ive got so far
(referenced amphibia spoilers, also ig spoilers? in case i actually make this a thing? which i doubt but who knows)
(edit: slightly outdated now)
(edit 2: even more outdated now, a good chunk of this has been changed)
semi-canon divergent where they dont get sent to amphibia, but all of the amphibia characters are human. also slightly aged up by a year or two
some sort of sashannarcy will happen i will make sure of it
these events take place over the course of a couple years, this doesnt happen all at once
marcy is an intern of dr. andrias “andy” leviathan, who is the head of some big science corporation. they met when marcy wandered away from the group on a school field trip and they hit it off well. dr andy made them his intern once they were old enough (age 15/16)
marcy still gets the news that theyre moving away, but this time he ends up running to dr. andy and venting to him.
on an unrelated note (/s), those moving plans end up falling through bc of a tragic accident w marcys parents (~ age 14)
marcy gets taken in by dr andrias (by this point ally has moved out and is in college. she wouldve took marcy in but she couldnt afford it at the time :(). they bond a lot more and andrias basically becomes marcy's main father figure
flash forward a bit, where marcy is helping dr andrias out with a project involving messing around with spider genetics and stuff like that. thing is, marcys still clumsy as hell, and he accidentally releases a bunch of the spiders. they try to contain them all but one of them sneaks out in marcys jacket (~ age 16)
it eventually makes its way to anne and bites her, and them boom, spider anne (~16/17)
she goes to sprig and polly for help (smth in her says not to go to marcy…) and they help her out with suit designing. theres a bunch of failed trial runs and they actually get help from ally and jess at one point (anonymously) and soon enough annes on her way to being a full fledged spider person
cut back to marcy, who’s been hearing news abt some spider-person vigilante or whatever and freaking out bc hOLY SHIT WE HAVE A LOCAL SUPER HERO?!?!??!! coincidentally, he finds out that his grip is rly strong? and their vision just got ten times better? and wait a minute i haVE FANGS?!?!?! and they figure out holy shit i have spider powers too?!?!?
so marcy quickly gets to work making their own spider gear. he decides not to tell anyone despite his excitement, and they dont rly need to tell anyone bc hes got all the resources to make a suit (dr andy’s lab) and the knowledge.
the two spideys end up running into each other a lot on patrol (which may or may not have been orchestrated by marcy). theres a bit of animosity at first but eventually they decide to team up whenever theyre together. however they decide not to tell each other their identities
i have not watched miraculous lady bug but based on what ive heard anne n marce have a similar dynamic. neither of them know the other is a spidey, so theres a ton of dancing around each other bc of it. also theyre gay so yeah
meanwhile andrias is observing from a far watching his experiments play out. turns out marcys powers DIDNT come from a spider bite. nah, andrias had been secretly experimenting on them, combining their dna with spider dna. kinda like a spider man 2099 type thing but not rly bc i dont actually know his lore
he’d been prepping marcy to become the ideal host for the symbiote hes been harboring. it claims to be the best of the best sent by their people to check out other worlds, and decided to have andrias work for it. (havent decided whether to call it the night or the core yet)
they work together bc andrias has access to a bunch of resources bc yk hes some big science ceo guy type thing. the symbiote doesnt just want some normal human bc we’re boring and squishy. so it has andrias do research on gene splicing and combining the dna of humans and various other species. which means that theres more than just radioactive spiders in andrias’s labs
andrias probably goes through some arc abt wanting to be the host for the symbiote but it doesnt want him. still not quite sure yet, but he goes through some villain phase that’s a combo of a bunch of spidey’s villains (lizard/doc oc/green goblin/etc) and he goes on a rampage after being denied by the symbiote. he almost gets captured and defeated by the spideys but hes slippery so he escapes
eventually they capture marcy and put the symbiote in him (he goes missing for a while bc they got stuck in the pickle jar). shit goes down w host marcy going on a rampage and anne trying to stop them and her maybe finding out abt marcys identity but i havent gotten there yet shhh
theres probably a whole arc with marcy running off and dealing with the symbiote, but eventually they work out some sort of arrangement and marcy gets back most control over himself
no i did not forget abt sasha, shes just not as fleshed out as the others
her parents are the heads of a sort of rival company to andrias’s and theyre kind of assholes. like theres a lot to them theyre not terrible parents to sasha exactly but theyre def not good people and they treat their workers like shit
sashas actually super good with tech in this au btw, and at some point she finds out abt some super secret project her parents are working on thats rly horrible and needs to be stopped. he tries undoing it from the inside at first but it fails horribly and gets her in huge trouble with his parents. (~16/17)
she ends up running off and finding this gang that agrees to let her join and take down the corporation. sasha becomes a leader-type figure among them, plus she helps out with creating weapons
eventually he tries recruiting anne into her cause, not knowing that shes one of the spideys and doesnt rly condone their cause (neither wanna get marcy involved). the two have some whole arc kinda like the miles morales ps5 game. HOWEVER unlike the game sash lives but like barely. he spends a long time in the hospital and maybe also serves jail time im not sure yet
this all happens a bit before host marcy is a thing, or maybe while marcys missing in the pickle jar.
she eventually becomes a vigilante type figure and teams up with the spideys sometimes. the authorities know abt sashas identity but he doesnt let them catch her
also heres some extra notes
anne (she/her):
inspo: “classic” spider-man type deal with a bit of miles morales
general spider powers: wall climbing, heightened senses + reflexes + agility, spider sense, super healing, super strength
extras: miles-type venom blast (kinda like her calamity powers in a sense); has spinnerets in wrists so she can make her own webs; more “power” based fighting style
mainly relies on polly (and ally & jess sometimes) for help with gadgets and stuff like that. polly’s a smart kid
hop pop almost dies on her watch, and it becomes her “great power great responsibility” moment
practices her quips with sprig.
marcy (they/he):
inspo: spider-man 2099 and mcu-ish spider-man ?? plus venom spider-man from the trilogy but he never got it out
general spider powers (see above) with some exceptions
Does not have spider sense. or at least it seems like but its just rly weak. also cannot make his own webs, so he made web shooters
slightly higher resilience/healing ablities
extras: miles-type camouflage/invisibility powers; FANGS THEY HAVE FANGS and they can inject a paralyzing non toxic venom :3; has super vision, but in the sense that its very heightened and they can see a LOT better than a normal human. so like night vision, and they can see a lot farther than normal (makes up for the spider sense sort of); more “gadget” based fighting style
(debating this) can communicate telepathically with others, acts as some form of an extension of their spider sense
had to wear sunglasses a lot once the heightened vision started kicking in bc they were rly sensitive to light
while the fangs were rly cool at first, they actually make it kinda hard for marcy to talk normally and theyre hard to hide. he tries wearing a face mask for a bit but they still struggle speaking normally at times
sasha (she/he):
inspo: phin mason (miles morales ps5) plus a bit of harry osborn(?)
no “powers” powers, but is an amazing strategist, pretty strong (by “normal” standards), and great w tech
dont wanna say her smarts are quite on marcys level, but shes up there. in school tho she barely puts effort into the work. also, tech/engineering is the main field he’s good in, everything else (language arts, history, etc) shes just around average
p much the same types of gadgets as the tinkerer in mm ps5, programmable matter gear (computerized nanomaterial that can reform into a bunch of different weapons)
im honestly not sure yet abt sash i’ll probably change stuff abt her soon. tho i rly liked the thought of her wielding smth like the tinkerer’s sword
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amaranthprincess21 · 4 years
As the Curtain Falls
Rating: M Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Pairing: Vil/Reader (Eventually >:3c) Synopsis: As summer approaches, you look for a job on El Capitan: Twisted Wonderland's version of Broadway. Getting into a show is the chance of a lifetime, but as rehearsals go on, the flaws of the show and its production team slowly come to light. The ship you're on is burning and there's no way of backing out. You will have to make the best of things and deal with the drama that comes your way. And here comes Vil, your co-star, making things more complicated as the two of you become closer during rehearsals.
A/N: okay so I need to make some things explicit: 1) Although this going to heavily riff on LND, a lot of experiences that are in this fic are experiences I had while acting and a lot of this fic is honestly just me trying to make sense of some of the weird shit I went through. A bad sequel musical is really just the setting and I doubt any of this stuff actually happened during LND production so don't like, look into too much? I just wanna bitch about acting drama I went through years ago and also make some jokes about LND. I'll most likely talk about those experiences more in author notes so I guess look forward to that? 2) also i'm sorry if you genuinely like LND bc I will be making fun of it a lot. And also Phantom like I'm a fan but I'm def gonna roast it 3) For reals tho, I don't know if this is going to be slow burn or not so alskjdfahsd
The moment I stepped into the large rehearsal space, a sense of dread and excitement washed over me. The space looked like a small warehouse more than anything else. Large props or set pieces (I couldn’t tell) were pushed towards the back of the room. One whole wall was full of mirrors. I wasn’t the first one here, thank God. But seeing just how many people were in the room was… not reassuring. Along one wall there was a long table set up and several people were seated behind it. It had to be the investors and the production team. 
Man, I was really in over my head, wasn’t I? My callback would be getting judged by ten people and I was up against so many people. But then again, I should’ve expected this. This wasn’t some school musical: this was the Broadway of Twisted Wonderland. Everything was bigger here and the stakes were higher. I needed to make sure I was perfect. I needed this job. I needed this role. 
A few people were already warming up, stretching on the ground. Okay, let’s be social. After all, these might be my new coworkers. I tried to exude friendliness and confidence as I went over to the group, saying hi and introducing myself, but I just wanted to throw up. More people trickled in and every time the door opened, I found myself looking over. Some joined us in warming up, others went behind the table. 
“So, what’s your background?” a tall redhead woman asked. My head whipped to look at the group to see everyone staring right at me, expectantly.
“Oh, uh, I don’t have much of one, to be honest. I did musical theater in school, but this is my first professional audition,” I told them.
“Really? Congrats on making it to callbacks, then!” someone said. I wasn’t sure if it was genuine or a snide remark. 
“T-Thanks.” Might as well err on the side of niceness. “What’s your guys’ backgrounds?”
“I’ve only ever done ensemble before, so this is my first time being called back for a principal role,” one said. As they all started talking about their backgrounds, the door opened again and I instinctively looked. I had to do a double take as Vil walked in, joining the others behind the table. 
“Am I seeing that right?!” the brunette next to me demanded, elbowing me. “Is that Vil Schoenheit?!”
“That, or we’re having the same hallucination,” I told her. It wasn’t like I was friends with him or anything, but I didn’t know he liked musical theater. I thought he was just a model with some TV guest star credits. But then again, I didn’t know him. We just saw each other during prefect meetings with Headmaster Crowley. But I think Jack mentioned one time he was wealthy. Maybe he’s investing in the show? I mean, it’s that or he’s a part of the production team.
“Well, this just got way more interesting,” she commented. I glanced back over to the table. Vil seemed deep in conversation with the other auditioners. Yeah, interesting seemed like a good fit. An older man with a bright teal tie stood up from behind the table and clapped his hands. All conversation died and we all looked at him.
“Welcome to the callbacks for Romance is Immortal. You’ve all done well to make it this far. But sadly, only a few of you will make it into the cast,” he said. Way to pile the pressure on. “We’ll start with the sides and song we emailed you. We’ll call you in as small groups. The holding room is through that door.” He pointed and wordlessly, a few actors got up and made their way over. 
Okay, this was happening. This was really happening. The callback was starting. The brunette helped me to my feet and as I walked to the holding, I stole another glance at the panel. Vil’s sharp amethyst eyes caught mine. He gave me a small nod. This was weird. This was so weird. To think Vil would be judging my audition was a strange one. Would things stay this weird if I got the role? Would it be weirder if I didn’t? 
The holding room was fairly spacious and I found a spot by the water cooler. One of the auditioners was at the door, calling a few names already. The auditioner and actors left and the door shut behind them. Quiet conversation started up, filling the room. I pulled my phone out of my bag and saw a few texts from Ace and Deuce, telling me to break a leg. Those poor guys. I’d dragged them along on this journey and sang so much in our hotel room that Ace left to get noise cancelling headphones at one point. It wasn’t the most reassuring thing, even if he told me he just got them because he couldn’t hear his video game audio. But I knew he wasn’t really into musical theater. Deuce wasn’t either, but his mom loved musicals so he at least was willing to try and sing opposite me for prepping this callback piece. That was awkward. I never want to act like we have sexual tension ever, ever again.
I texted them back, thanking them and asking how sightseeing was going. I opened Magicam to see if they posted anything. They hadn’t put anything up yet, but Vil did. He had some vague things on his story. Showing he clearly wasn’t at Night Raven College, getting a smoothie this morning, basic things like that. I started scrolling through his profile, wondering if I’d find any past work of his on there. Mostly it was just selfies and modeling pictures. He really was pretty. Beautiful, even. Unfairly so. A notification popped up on my phone; a text message from Deuce, saying they were at an observation tower taking in the views. I really wish I could’ve seen that with them, but I had a job to get. Maybe if I got this role and got a place here, I could go sometime.
I waited and waited and waited for what felt like hours, although my phone said it was just a half hour. The first group returned and the assistant called out a few more names. My stomach lurched as my name was called. Trying not to shake, I stood up and followed him and a few others out to the main audition space. The room looked so much bigger without all the actors there. The assistant motioned for us to sit on the sidelines against the mirrored wall. As I sat down, I glanced over to Vil again, only to see him getting up. Was he leaving?
“We’ll start with auditioning our potential Opera Ghosts and Carolines. We’ll be double-casting these roles,” the man in the teal tie told us. “We’ve already had Mr. Schoenheit sign on as our main Opera Ghost -” Huh?! He was already in the show?! Was there another audition session I missed? Something about this unnerved me and I couldn’t place my finger on it. Sure, it was unusual, but I couldn’t tell why it was bothering me so. 
The man in the teal tie called out a name and a woman stood up, joining Vil in front of the auditioner’s table. I looked down at my script, reading through the lines again. I didn’t really need to; I was a fast learner and Deuce and I had gone over this enough times for me to remember it. But it was nice to stare at something that wasn’t other people.
Nerves were starting to eat at my stomach. The other actress sounded so good. Was I really cut out for this? I mean, I’d be thankful for any role in this show, but what if I bombed this so badly I wasn’t cast at all? 
… No. I couldn’t think like that. I had to get this job. I had to. I just needed to put everything I had into this. Nerves or awkwardness be damned. If I didn’t get this job, I wouldn’t have the money to get a place to stay this summer. I’d be homeless. Grim would be homeless. If I blew it, it wouldn’t be just me that would suffer. I needed to get this role at any cost.
I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself as one by one, each actress went up and read with either Vil or another man. I listened to the notes the auditioners gave, watched the way each actress portrayed Caroline, decided what choices I could make. I needed to keep a level head. I needed to destroy the competition. 
Suddenly, my name was called out as someone returned to sit with us. A deep breath. I could do this. I could do this. I got up and walked to where Vil was standing. I wasn’t sure if reading with someone I was acquainted with was going to be the most comfortable, but whatever. 
“Are you off-book on the sides?” A woman from behind the table asked. 
“I am,” I replied. She grinned.
“Go ahead and stow your script under the chaise lounge, then,” she instructed me. I gently tossed it under the lavish chaise right behind Vil and I. She was writing something down when I looked up; a majority of them were. My stomach was starting to knot itself again as I waited for the go-ahead.
“Hey.” Vil’s voice in my ear made me flinch. I looked at him. Up close, he was ever more beautiful, more beautiful than any photo could capture. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
“Huh? Yeah, it’s totally fine. Is it all right if I touch you?” I asked back. 
“Don’t mess up my hair or makeup,” he replied. 
“If you set your makeup right, that shouldn’t be a problem,” I said, grinning. He raised an eyebrow and I couldn’t decipher the look on his face. He was amused or pissed. One of those.
“All right, places!” the man in the teal tie called. Vil and I hurried to our spots, him on the chaise lounge and me just off to the side. I tried to channel Caroline, the heroine of the show. “Begin scene!”
After the sudden disappearance of the Opera Ghost, my mentor, I’d found his hiding place. I barged in, breathless, relieved that I’d found him. Yet, despite my joy, I was unsure, no, in denial about the true reason I wanted to find him. He shot up from his seat, shock written on his face.
“I…” The situation was hitting me. What could I say to him after everything that had happened? “I’ve found you.”
“So you have.” Cautious. He moved behind the chaise, keeping it between us. “Why are you here? To bring a mob to me?”
“No,” I breathed. I couldn’t bear the thought of him being hurt. “I don’t want you to be hurt.”
“Even after everything I did?” he demanded. Slowly, I started to move toward him.
“Even then.” I reached out to grab his hand, but in a flash, he moved away from me. My hand slowly fell back to my side.
“You have always been too kind for your own good,” he said softly. “...  I am not worthy of your kindness.”
“Don’t say that!” I cupped his face with my hands, praying my touch could convey my feelings for him. “You are deserving of love…” He smirked, his fingers brushing against my cheek. The touch made my heart race. I leaned into him.
“Do you really believe so?” he asked with a smirk.
The music began, the keyboard blaring. The heavy notes filled my blood and I could only imagine how it would sound with a full orchestra. Vil’s honeyed voice filled the air and I had to fight back surprise. Who knew he could sing? His hand slipped into mine, leading me around the room. His words dripped with innuendo and the walls around my heart were falling. Although I was to be wed soon, I fell under the Ghost’s spell. 
Soon, he wasn’t just leading me. I grabbed at him, pulling him close, desperate to be closer to him. His fingers dug into my hips. In an instant, he twirled me around, body pressing into my back. Oh, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to touch me; his hand was right on top of my thigh. Our duet was becoming faster, heavier. All I wanted was him to take me, to ravage me, to make me his. I was tired of his teasing touches. I needed more.
Once again, his hands gripped my hips tightly, walking me back to the chaise. Carefully, he laid me down. My heart was racing as he climbed on top of me. This wasn’t the closest we’d been and yet my heart was thudding so loudly I worried other people could hear it. I reached out, hand resting on his back and bringing him closer to me. We sang our last notes together, voices melting together. His face got closer to mine, our lips practically touching. But he didn’t close the small gap. We froze, waiting for the auditioners to end the scene.
“End!” someone called. I breathed a sigh of relief as Vil got off of me. My heart was still racing in my chest and I hated to admit it, but I felt winded from that scene. Vil offered his hand to me and helped me get off the chaise lounge. Was it so obvious? 
Some auditioners were still jotting down notes, others looking up at us. Vil stood by me, waiting patiently to receive notes.
“Your chemistry is fantastic,” one person said to us. They turned to me. “Towards the end, you were losing a little bit of energy. Be sure to keep that up through the whole piece.”
“Thank you,” I replied.
“Your vocal performance didn’t suffer too much from it, but again, it wasn’t as confident as we’d like,” another added. It hurt, but I nodded.
“Thank you,” I replied again.
“Vil, come back here. We’ll audition for another Opera Ghost.” Vil didn’t spare me a single glance, heading back to the table to join the producers and creative team. It’s not that I wanted him to stay with me, but man, I needed a breather after doing an intense scene like that.
The rest of the audition went fine. No one was as intense as Vil was and I did my best to take the notes I’d been given and improve on it. As I sat on the sidelines, I watched after time and time again Vil be fairly aggressive with the other potential Carolines. Part of me wished they were intimidated by it, but no, they all did really well. As expected of professional actors. 
“Great job, everyone,” the man in the teal tie told us as callbacks wrapped up. “We’ll email you with the results. If you don’t hear back within the week, you haven’t been cast.” Why did we have to wait so long? I’d have to spend this whole week anxious and checking my emails every hour.
“Have a good evening, everyone,” one of the auditioners called out from behind the table. The tension in the air disappeared immediately. It was over. I pulled out my phone, ready to text Ace and Deuce that I was done. As I left, I glanced over to the table. Vil was deep discussion with the producers. Oh well. I could get away with not saying bye. 
“So, did you have to do anything other than the song and lines?” Deuce asked me as we sat in our hotel room, boxes of pizzas in front of us. 
“Yeah. We did a quick dance portion, but it was mostly the sides and singing,” I replied. Now the audition was done, I could indulge a little in junk food.
“Doesn’t sound too bad,” Ace said, mouth full.
“It wasn’t. It was tiring, though,” I admitted. “I started off intense so it was an uphill battle. Vil was pretty aggressive.”
“Vil? He auditioned too?” 
“Yeah. It was that seduction scene Deuce and I suffered through and he was going for it. A couple times I legit thought he was going to touch me. But he didn’t!” I added hurriedly as looks of rage came over both Ace and Deuce. “He asked if he could touch me and I said it was fine, don’t worry. He wasn’t going around just grabbing my thighs like a life preserver without consent.” Their bodies relaxed.
“Are you sure you want to do this show if the audition is like this?” Ace asked. 
“Of course I do! If I get into this show, it’s a job and I don’t have to rely on Headmaster Crowley for everything!” I fired back.
“Jeez, calm down.” Ace crossed his arms in front of his chest. “This just seems like a weird show.”
“You’re saying that as if the first musical wasn’t weird,” Deuce commented.
“I’ve never seen The Opera Ghost and I’m not going to. My grandma took me to see Dance of the Vampires when I was a kid and that’s the first and last musical I’ll ever see,” Ace said indignantly.
“You can’t base every musical off of one you saw,” Deuce argued. I just grabbed another slice of pizza and kept eating as they fought. As much as I hated it, Ace’s words stuck with me. Sure, I didn’t know the first musical, but this was a job. A job I needed. Right now, I was technically taking dorm funds for necessities and although I doubted Crowley cared, I needed some way of making my own money. Who knew how long I was going to be here? 
I needed to start trying to be independent.
… No. I’ve worked hard. I can worry about money later. I pushed the anxiety to the back of my mind, jumping back into the conversation Deuce and Ace were having. The night went on and despite my long day, I had a hard time sleeping. 
I lay awake in the stiff hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling. Deuce was sound asleep in the roll-away bed that was wedged between mine and Ace’s beds. I sighed, rolling over towards him and the night stand. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. Instinctively, I double-checked I was on the hotel’s wifi before doing anything.
There was a notification bubble on my email app and my stomach did a backflip. I took a deep breath and opened it. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but still, my insides were starting to vibrate. There were two emails, one from the school about something I didn’t care about and the other from the people who’d sent me the music and sides for the audition. My body was shaking as I opened the email. My eyes read over the words quickly and that bubbly feeling grew and grew.
They offered me the role of Caroline.
My phone fell onto the mattress with a soft thud. My heart was about to beat out of my chest yet again today. I did it. I got the part. I wouldn’t have to worry about money soon. I had a job. I had a paying job. 
I got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. My body shook and I jumped up and down, trying to get the adrenaline out of my body. I did it! I had a job! Everything was going to be okay.
But as I tried to calm myself down, something came to mind. My audition with Vil. Who was already cast. … Was I going to have to do that scene again in front of more people?!
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badsext · 5 years
idk if you're still taking requests but i'd love some more robert/klaus smut bc i think i've read all there is up to date lol, was thinking something hella dirty with a the reader being british, also bonus if it ends with someone else walking in on them ;)))
Kitchen Heat: Robert Sheehan x Female Reader
Thanks for the request, anon!  Requests and comments make me so happy! I hope you enjoy!
Words: ~1800
Warnings: It’s pretty smutty :)
After years of culinary school and working as a sous chef in some of the top restaurants in the UK, you decided to move to Los Angeles to open your own restaurant.  The concept: classic British comfort foods updated to suit the health conscious and eclectic millennial palate.  You had recently been graced with a glowing four star write up in Food and Wine magazine which created quite a buzz.  It also drew the attention of your celebrity obsession, Robert Sheehan.  You’d been a devoted fan ever since Misfits.
The first time he came in the place was jammed!  Your staff struggled to keep up with the demand, but you didn’t want to turn anyone away.  The host seated Robert and his friends at a table far enough away from the kitchen to be considered a good table, but close enough that you had sight lines through the narrow kitchen window.  You observed him talking and gesturing enthusiastically with his friends, imagining what he might be saying about your food.  Whatever it was, he looked pleased and your heart swelled with excitement.
That’s when Kim, the waitress came back into the kitchen saying, “Robert wants to meet the chef.” You nearly had to pick yourself off the floor at the news. 
“Tell them I’ll see them straight away,” you said, imitating confidence.  You ran back to the loo to put yourself together.  Working in a busy kitchen has a way of making you look like you’ve been running a marathon through a food fight.  You took off your apron, restyled your bun and applied a bit of powder to manage the shine.  You looked in the mirror and smiled sarcastically at your reflection.  This was about as good as it was going to get without a shower and a change of clothes.  You bravely walked out to the dining room for Roberts critique.
He smiled and got up from the table when he saw you.  He started clapping and his friends joined.  It was surreal.  The blush heated your cheeks.  You took a little bow in response. 
“Y/N, this food is…I can’t describe it…In tastes like the past and the future.  It’s delicious.  I love it.,” he said, gesturing wildly with his hands. 
You laughed. “Wow, thank you, Robert…I don’t know what to say.“  You really didn’t.
You sat down for a few minutes to chat with the group.  Kim brought you a glass of wine, turned away from Robert, her eyes wide, mouthing the words ‘oh my god.’ You tried so desperately to act casual at first until you actually did feel at ease with your new friends.  Robert was so warm and kind.  He had so many questions.  You tried to learn about his current project but he kept bringing the conversation back to the restaurant and the food.  He was really enthusiastic. 
You soon realized that you were needed back in the kitchen, so you excused yourself and went back to your frazzled kitchen staff.  Your memory of those moments with Robert would be etched into your brain forever.  Now it was back to reality, whisking and chopping, searing and garnishing tall, savory dishes long into the night.
A few weeks later Robert returned to the restaurant.  He was alone this time. It was odd seeing a celebrity dining alone.  He ordered the beef wellington and a glass of red.  He was reading something.  A script maybe?  Kim came back to tell you that he had tipped her a hundred bucks, said he wanted to camp out at the table for the rest of the night.  "I think he’s waiting for you,” she said gently digging her elbow into your ribs.
Your heart started pumping at double speed.  Maybe he was interested in you. God knows you had been fantasizing about him for nearly a decade.  After meeting the real Robert, maybe those fantasies weren’t so crazy after all.  It looked like he was actually a fan of yours.  That realization lit a spark in you as you swaggered out into the dining room and up to Robert’s table, sliding into the booth across from him.  “Hello, Robert.”
He dropped his script, clearly flustered. “Y/N, you surprised me!”
“You came back.”
“Well, the food is amazing and I think I’ve got a thing for the chef,” he said with a shy smile.
“A thing, you say? Let’s explore that, shall we?” You looked down at your watch.  "The restaurant closes in twenty minutes.  I could give you a private tour of the kitchen, then we can hit the pub or something."   
"Yes! I like this plan,” he said grinning. 
You spent the next twenty minutes in a daze of growing anticipation.  You made stupid little mistakes trying to manage the final clean up and prep for the next day.  The cooks and sous chef were headed for the pub.  They asked if you’d be joining them. You mumbled something noncommittal and focused on pulling yourself together.  You were now just seconds away from being alone with Robert.
“Everyone’s gone.  Come with me,” you said, grabbing his hand, surprising yourself with your boldness.  The touch of his skin sent electricity to your brain and back down to the heat between your legs.
The overhead lights were off and pilot light from the stove cast a gentle glow when you entered the kitchen.  Robert stepped in close to you, still holding your hand.  "I’ve had everything on your menu.  His head tilted slightly and his gorgeous green eyes looked deeper into yours.  “Is there something else I can try?”
You smiled, acknowledging the innuendo, but decided it would be more fun to tease him. “I’ve got a new desert I’m working on.  It’s a bit like classic trifle, but I’ve added an American twist.  You went over to the walk-in and returned with your latest experiment.  Robert leaned forward curiously, tucking a wayward curl behind his ear.  He watched intently while you assembled the sponge cake, fresh berries, and cream.  "Let’s see if you can guess the secret ingredient.”  You dipped a strawberry in the cream and slowly brought it up to his lips.  He opened his mouth and devoured it sensually, closing his eyes then moaned softly and exhaled. God, everything this man does is erotic, you thought as you watched him swallow the desert.  You inched closer until your lips were a few centimeters from his. “Bourbon,” you whispered. “It’s the secret ingredient.”
“I didn’t have a chance to guess,” he laughed. You studied his long, curly lashes as he blinked. In what felt like slow motion, his lips finally met yours.  You drew a suddenly necessary breath in through your nose, wondering if this was real.  He slid his hands up around the back of your neck and gently slid his tongue into your mouth.  You tasted the lingering sweetness from the strawberry and creme as your tongue mingled with his.  You hooked your arms around his waist. He pressed his body to yours.  Even through your double breasted, heat resistant chef’s coat you could feel his stiff cock pressed against you.
His hands slid down to the buttons of your coat.  He managed the first few, then became frustrated. He pulled away from the kiss with an audible wet smack.  “So may buttons,” he lamented with furrowed brows.  You giggled and finished the job, removing the coat.  Your clingy T-shirt was damp with sweat.  You cringed for a second, worried that would kill the mood, but quite the opposite happened.  Robert was intoxicated by your scent.  He kissed your damp neck, peeled the T-shirt up over your head, then removed his own.  His smooth chest and lean muscles took your breath away. 
You thought for a second about the fact that this was happening in your kitchen.  You were about to break every rule in the book, but that just excited you more.  Besides, you’d sanitize the whole goddam place in the morning anyway. 
You hooked your index finger into Robert’s ridiculously low waistband.  You heard the anticipation in his breath.  He grabbed your wrist, and turned your hand over in his so he could softly kiss your palm.  “Not yet,” he said.  You started walking toward the empty stainless steel prep table, looking back at him over your shoulder.  He grabbed your hips and positioned himself behind you, answering your non verbal question.  Then he kissed your back and shoulder blades as you unclasped your bra.  His wet kisses sent shudders down your spine.  He cupped your breasts and gently pinched your nipples while grinding his cock against the small of your back. 
Your pussy was already soaked when you both started feverishly wrestling with your pants.  You kicked off your shoes and Robert took care of the rest.  You stood before him naked but for your socks.  He gave you a boost up onto the table, your knees spread apart.  You leaned forward placing both palms down in front of you.  Robert’s hands grabbed two handfuls of your ripe ass.  You whimpered when he ran his fingers up and down your wet slit, then gasped when he eased them inside you.
You were about to get off on his fingers alone when he slowly pulled them out and replaced them with his mouth.  His lips and tongue explored every part of you from your clit to your asshole and back again. He made swirling rhythmic motions that made you twitch and moan until you came like an earthquake.
Rob guided you down off the table until your feet were back on the ground and gently bent you over. Then he slid his cock inside you, bucking his hips until he was as deep as it would go.  He grabbed your hips and began grinding and thrusting.  Your nipples grazed against the cold stainless steel table with every movement, adding to your pleasure.  Just as you were rounding the corner to your second orgasm the lights flicked on.  You shrieked.  
“Oh shit!”  Kim screamed and shielded her eyes with her hand like you do in the bright sun.  You and Rob tried to cover up the best you could, using your hands as fig leaves. Kim laughed nervously.  “Well, you two…keep calm, carry on,” she mumbled and turned to go, forgetting why she came back in the first place.  “My phone”…she reached awkwardly for the object on the counter… “forgot my phone.”  Then she bolted for the door.  As soon as she was gone you both burst out laughing.
“Y/N, I don’t mean to sound forward, but would you like to come over to my place?”  
You laughed and nodded.  "That sounds lovely, Rob.”
Want more?
@moorehollandplz @helena-way07 @turtlease @zohrayoung @vices-brendon @fangirl110603 @addan-anye @wow4stories @clockworkchild @isabellagiron@lilim13 @becka1703 @this-bitch-actually @ineffablecrowley666 @tootsie-noodels @ohyoubringmejoy @yeetskeetbuddy @klaushollandyoung
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whumptober day 6
prompt: dragged away
whumpee: kyle valenti (probably literally no one else whumps him but oh well) 
fandom (figured i should probably start including this): roswell new mexico
i kinda really super hate this but at least its something right? anyway there’s a little bit of mylex bc i would fucking die for that ship ok
Losing a patient is something that most surgeons have to experience at some point. Sometimes complications arise. Sometimes they make a mistake. Sometimes, despite their best efforts, there’s just nothing that can be done.
Kyle Valenti knew what it felt like to lose a patient. He’d dealt with a lot of bad situations, and usually he managed to come to terms with the loss. Some guilt remained with him, of course, but he tried to focus on his successes. He’d saved a lot more people than he’d lost. He knew it was important to remember that, but it didn’t make dealing with the losses any easier. 
Today had already been a long day, and it was only just lunchtime. Kyle had completed a risky surgery on an elderly patient, and she was currently in recovery. It was impossible to tell for sure at this stage, but it looked as though she was going to be okay. So he was currently trying to relax in the cafeteria, a task that was proving to be impossible as he was paged back into surgery.
He knew it was going to be a rough one as soon as he heard the description- “gunshot wound to the abdomen, potential organ rupture.” He and his team prepped for surgery. The victim was young-seventeen at the most, and apparently the injury had been sustained in a shootout of unclear circumstances. 
Kyle hated it when the hospital received cases like this-no kid should be the victim of a gunshot wound, and yet, this wasn’t the first time he’d had to do an operation like this. 
They began the surgery. It quickly became apparent that this was going to be an especially difficult one-there was, indeed, an organ rupture, not to mention a lot of blood loss. 
The team, led by Kyle, worked tirelessly, trying to save the boy, whose name, they had learned, was Sam. His mother had arrived half an hour into the surgery, frantic. The hospital staff had explained that they had a team of their best surgeons doing all they could to save her son. Kyle had been asked briefly about his condition (“his mother just got here and she’s panicking. How’s it going?”).
Kyle knew how it was going. Bad. He and his team were doing absolutely everything they could, but the fact of the matter was, there was too much internal trauma. After about two hours, his heart started flatlining. Kyle had been working frantically, trying to stop the internal bleeding while avoiding causing more trauma to the boy’s organs. 
At the sound of the steady beeping tone, one of the surgeons grabbed the defibrillator, and managed to restart the boy’s-Sam’s-heart. Everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief as his heartbeat returned to the screen, faint but there. Kyle continued his precarious work-and then everything fell apart. Alarms started going off, resuscitation failed, and finally, at 3:14 p.m., after nearly three hours of desperate work, Samuel Gonzalez was pronounced dead. 
Around him, Kyle’s team began cleaning up, each of them looking miserable. Kyle himself, the leader of this surgery, the one who was supposed to save this kid, couldn’t tear himself away from Sam’s body. “There has to be something…” he whispered. “I can’t...I can’t have let him die.”
He heard a wail from outside the door. Sam’s mother. He had killed her son! If he had just been better, faster, more observant! He should have done something, should have saved him! It was his fault this kid was dead, his fault, his fault…
“Doctor Valenti, you need to exit the room, please,” said a nurse from the door. He knew her-Lydia, a recent graduate of nursing school. She stepped into the room when he didn’t respond. “Kyle,” she said softly. “Come on.”
He just stood there. He couldn’t make himself move. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Lydia walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “You did everything you could,” she said. 
“No, no, I should have...should have…”
“There was nothing else you could do for him.”
He grabbed onto the edge of the operating table. “I couldn’t save him…”
“Come on, Doctor. We have to clear the room.”
He still didn’t move. Lydia gently grabbed his arm. “Kyle.”
He still didn’t move. She walked out of the room, returning shortly thereafter with another, taller nurse in tow. “Doctor Valenti,” this nurse said, crossing her arms. “You have to leave the room.”
When he didn’t reply, she sighed and picked him up around the waist. 
“No! Wait!” he yelled desperately. “Wait…” he said, pleading. 
The nurse pulled him away from the table, his fingers desperately grabbing at its edges as he was peeled away. “No! No! I should have saved him...I should have saved him.”
Out in the hall, the boy’s mother was being comforted by one of the surgeons on Kyle’s team, who was reassuring her that she would be allowed to see her son soon, explaining how they had done everything they could. She was shaking, and she looked so small and so broken. 
The nurse set him down as she closed the door behind her. He sunk to the ground next to the door and stared ahead blankly. 
A shadow stood over him. Slowly, Kyle looked up. “You were the one in charge?” He nodded.
“They say you did everything you could.” He nodded again, numbly. She nodded back at him, then took a deep breath and opened the door. He could hear her whimper of grief as she saw her son’s body.
He sat in that hall, staring at the wall, until someone came to find him and inform him that his shift had ended. He walked to his car in a daze and somehow managed to make his way home without getting into an accident. 
As he reached his door, he realised there was someone in his house. The lights were on and he could hear the muted sound of his TV playing. He found he didn’t really care too much and opened the door anyway. 
Alex and Michael stood up from the couch as soon as the door opened. Kyle stood there, looking utterly devastated and empty. They shared a quick look before approaching him, enveloping him in a hug. 
“Why’re you here?” he asked quietly.
“One of the nurses called me,” Alex explained. “Lydia, I think? I met her a couple weeks ago. She said you’d had a pretty bad day and asked if we’d come visit you. So here we are, of course.”
The three of them settled down on the couch, Kyle squished in between them. Alex grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and pulled it over their laps, and Michael slid an arm over Kyle’s shoulders. 
They fell asleep like that, at some point, tangled together in a pile of blankets, an old movie playing quietly on the TV. In the morning, there would be lots of stiff limbs and heavy hearts, but for now, at least, there was nothing.
i know this really fuckin sucks i hate it too im so sorry
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drewsleung · 5 years
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⌠ ROSS BUTLER, 24, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, ANDREW LEUNG! according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in THREAT ELIMINATION + PROTECTION & ENFORCEMENT; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (various sports equipment, faded photographs of people he holds dear, and the academy handbook). when it’s the virgo’s birthday on 08/24/1995, they always request their SNOWSKIN MOONCAKE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ jess, 21, she/her, cst ⍀   
its ya girl..back again w a qt PI
family background: for as long as he could remember, his immediate family has always been in san francisco. sure, he’s got some cousins in sacramento, anaheim, and a swanky dj cousin in los angeles, but san francisco was it. the leungs had a local bookstore that they’ve had for generations. how they manage to keep it up despite the subtle changes in town was something that none of the leung children ever questioned. they knew the answer. they didn’t wanna know anymore than that.
as the oldest of the three leung sibs, andrew was used to mediating and protecting for pretty much every day of their lives. he was the one the others turned to for advice and as a human shield against their classmates that would have rather mean (sometimes racist) things to say to their face. at his family’s shop, he helped out with inventory and being the person in front. sometimes he would give out flyers. all in all, it was a relatively normal childhood.
the only thing that wasn’t normal ( at all ) was his knack for learning physical things quickly. whether it was a friend’s hiphop choreo for a party or some really inaccurate (but still cool looking) kung fu moves on television, andrew could watch it and practice it for a bit before being able to do it near perfectly.
his uncle noticed this particular ability of his and all but told him to start working with him in his gym. andrew’s protective spirit finally began to have a body that matched - large, rather formidable. his uncle was also handy with a few makeshift weapons - namely whatever the kids had lying around - baseball bats, tennis rackets, etc. 
the thing is: andrew is not that violent. at least, he’s not unnecessarily violent. *robert deniro vc*  he don't like to cause pain for no reason, because all his sadistic urges are satisfied when he cause pain for a good reason
personality: he’s more of a teddy bear than anything. sensitive. he likes (and writes) poetry. really good and really fascinated with words (remember zeke from the get down??? like tHAT). he also likes corny jokes a lot. that saying, his smile could honestly mean anything at any point. whether he’s smiling because he’s genuinely amused or he’s hiding his urge to physically confront someone is anyone’s guess. he usually doesn’t hesitate to communicate his thoughts. ( idk how else to explain bc im a lil sleepy but .. he’s..not afraid to cry in public.. its that type of energy. )
back to the story! his skills caught someone’s eye and subsequently invited andrew. however, he knew the family couldn’t afford it and he really didn’t want to leave san francisco ( just yet! ) and he refused. thinking that was the end of it, he went back to his normal routine thinking that all’s well ( but....he’s being observed still! )
with that, andrew spent his teenage years in sf. going to high school, helping out his fam, normal teenage stuff (with the added badassery of martial arts knowledge ig) and then....he fell in love. a girl by the name of celia whose parents were friends with andrew’s parents. after high school, the two decided to become steady and began to live together - though no plans of marriage was ever said ( im sure they thought about it tho ) and at some point during their time living together, celia became pregnant with andrew’s child. a son. ( they were like..20 years old when this happened, so they both have graduated already and were going to community college ) -- theodore michael leung ( a qt pi all on his own!! a star!! )
( death tw ) then tragedy happens when teddy turns 1. celia’s parents must have gotten the triad upset and celia’s parents were tragically slain in their home. andrew was watching teddy when he learned that in celia’s haste to get away, she was also caught in violent act. a neighbor had tried to take her to the hospital, but she was already dead when they arrived.
andrew was devastated. he moved back in with his parents, who were scared for him. his uncle ( who had triad connections ) vouched for him, however, and was told that him and teddy would be left alone. celia’s parents mistakes were not their mistakes.
but celia’s death hit him hard. his parents and the rest of the family were trying their best but he knew that a simple word wouldn’t be enough in the future. he wanted to secure teddy’s future. 
so when he was offered to go to blackthorne, he didn’t refuse. and no matter how bad things got there ( not to mention how bad the actual facilities were ), he trained hard and he didn’t try to cause a lot of trouble. 
the move to gallagher wasn’t surprising to andrew. blackthorne was basically a wilting plant waiting to be put out of its misery. it was a relief, almost. yet he knows that gallagher’s original students would take some time to get used to. i mean, come on. they have their own chefs! and the floors are so shiny, you could see yourself in them!
andrew is just here to learn the necessary skillz to protect his family, his child!1!!
the fun part! wanted connections: friendos (pleathe...), roommates (u get to squeal over pictures of his son!), some flirtationships ( drew is bi wink wonk ), and some people that he can complain about blackthorne to ( “blackthorne was wack yo. we had mystery soup” )
thank u for reading all this. ur a blessing and i hope u hav a great day!! 
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vvitchcrvfttm · 5 years
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* . ROSS LYNCH,  TRANS MALE,  HE/HIM.  —  looks  like  CYRUS GOODE  is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they're  the  TWENTY-ONE year  old  child  of  THEODORA / THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST ( ADOPTED BY GLINDA ) ,  which  means  they're  from  OZ .  heard  they're  OBSERVANT  &  CHARMING ,  but  can  also  be  INSECURE  &  LONELY  ;  we  all  have  our  bad  days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  BLACK BRIMMED HATS & DIAMOND HEADBANDS , CANDLES LIGHTING BY THEMSELVES , BLONDE HAIR WITH DARK & INGROWN ROOTS , BLACK POLISHED FINGERTIPS CLINGING TO A STAR-TIPPED WAND.
                                        ❛  dreams unwind and LOVE’S a state of mind. ❜                                             playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.    
yeah I cracked. I saw ‘oz’ n immediately had 2 bring my og witch child... this oc i’ve had for like, three years?? and he’s changed so much over my course of writing him bUT doing that is literally so !! fun n I’mm so excited to introduce him 2 u guys. please proceed w/ caution however bc the following contains trigger warnings for toxic relationships , manipulation , depression , and mentions of drug / alcohol / cigarette use. none I dive deeply into , but pls be cautious !!
He’s conceived as a product of an affair between the Witch and the Wizard - as of course , the story does start out when he first arrives in Oz and she , still kind and innocent , falls for a conman’s game. But the events that follow after spiral so quickly that she doesn’t even know she’s pregnant until everything’s over , and she gives birth in seclusion.
Well , almost seclusion.
The only person there is Glinda.
It’s slated for her crimes against Oz that she be sent to the Isle - and Glinda knows for multiple reasons that sending her child with her to the Isle of the Lost will be a horrible idea.
1.) The Isle is essentially a large prison. A child can’t be raised in a prison.
2.) All of the good that Theodora held inside of her , all of the love in her heart , was stolen and taken away from her by her wicked sister. And that’s not Theodora’s fault - but can she give a child love and affection when she’s in such a state ?? Maybe it’s possible , but it’s risky.
3.) If the child is Oscar’s , the child will have to at least have a chance of experiencing life in Oz. Even though , the Wizard has to keep up his facade.
4.) When he settles down from his crying , he looks up at Glinda with innocent , big brown eyes that she finds her heart melting for. He doesn’t sport the same green shade of skin his mother does , but his eyes are Oscar’s and his features are similar to Theodora’s before she turned wicked. And she can’t turn away a face like that.
Glinda selfishly makes the decision to hide away the child and raise him as her own - and Theodora is sent to the Isle , knowing that her baby is in the good witch’s hands and anguishly lamenting for days - until of course , he’s an afterthought.
But the baby does indeed get care from Glinda - too much , in fact. Her child is spoiled - thankfully not rotten , given that a good witch teaches her child to be a good child. And every time he talks to her , she gives him the utmost love and care a mother can give - when he discovers his identity , she’s more than willing to accept him and makes adjustments around Emerald City so everyone else knows to as well. Whenever he’s hurt or sad or sick , she refuses to leave his side so she can comfort him and protect him as much as he needs. Whenever he asks for something , if it’s not out of reason , she can’t say no. He’s spoiled - but not rotten. He’s spoiled sweet. 
But Glinda can’t protect him forever - and she knows she can’t hide his real origin from him forever. He doesn’t know why he’s had such a weird allergy to water since he was little , hence why he bathes with heaps of soap and bath salts so the water becomes a solution that won’t sting. He can’t stay in the ocean for too long since the saltwater’s definitely not pure , but will hurt after a long while. And soon he’ll begin to ask questions - and Glinda prepares herself while Cyrus experiments with other means.
Boys included.
Falling for another Auradonian boy is expected , and Cyrus sees him as the perfect gentleman. But underneath the flattering words and sweet nothings lies an ulterior motive to break into Glinda’s quarters and steal her wand since his parents were followers of Evanora’s - and Glinda killed her. And before it even comes to a breaking point , the relationship grows toxic , growing more and more evident that he’s being used for not only his status in Oz , but also because of his parentage.
It finally ends when he breaks into Glinda’s palace , finding not only the wand but the crucial information that Glinda’s son is not her biological son. And when Cyrus catches him , he firstly tells Cyrus that he’s never loved him ( along with the million things he finds wrong with him that drill into the young man’s self-esteem ) and that his mother - his mother who’s done nothing but love him his entire life - has lied to him. His biological mother is a dirty criminal on the Isle , and Cyrus will probably be just like her when he gets older. 
He’s thwarted , thank Oz ; but there’s enough damage already done. 
Cyrus grows confused and cold - disgusted that he gave his trust away so quickly to someone so VILE , but also wondering how he could easily believe the lies from both that individual and his mother because he doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand. And a heated argument with Glinda - probably the first awful one they’ve ever had - leads Cyrus to running away from the palace for a few days , now feeling like a good portion of his life has been a lie. 
He spends his time wandering around the Emerald City - at least his mother knows he’s safe in the Emerald City , so she keeps her distance. And in the meanwhile , he researches the woman who gave birth to him to a T , reading about how she used to be so kind and sweet but then the Wizard led her to giving her heart away , and she turned wicked soon after . . . 
Her story matches up with his up until the part she turns wicked , so he’s left worrying if that’ll be his fate , as well.
When he returns home , he’s become DISTANT AND ANGRY AND MOODY - while he lets his mother hug him and kiss him and tell him how much he loves her , he’s closed off still and allows himself to fall deeper into a low he can’t seem to get out of. Everything hurts. Everything hurts and nothing seems to make it better so he decides he must have to change in order to stop it. And the only way he can seemingly change is if he takes after the roots he’s only dug up now.
To try and start anew , Glinda proposes they move to Auroria. He finishes prep school and graduates at eighteen , moving onto University ; but the change of scenery means only it’s a different palace and a different area with a bunch of faces that will also probably judge him for being different. He’s always been a quiet loner of a child - and he wants it to end.
So yes , he starts going out more. And in that sense , he starts making himself more social with parties and drinking and smoking and learning to do things his mother can’t imagine. He makes a reputation for himself as a DELINQUENT as he starts to act out , getting into fights with people he disagrees with and even using that magic she taught him for petty vengeance. Also , for business - since he’s growing talented with potions and enchantments.  
While maybe he’s opened back up to his mother , he’s still different. He’s no longer sweet and trusting and his heart is no longer upon his sleeve - instead , there’s a MASK , a mask of cockiness and callousness to hide the fact he still hurts , and he throws himself into discomforting situations to dedicate himself to acting like he’s someone he isn’t. And the more he plays into this , the more he wonders about who he really is , and who the identity of ‘ Cyrus Goode ’ is.
It used to be easy to answer the question , ‘ Are you a good witch or a bad witch ?? ’
Now . . . he’s not so sure. And with now people coming from where his mother lies , he’s wondering if he can figure out that answer. Especially maybe if he can fit in with people . . . like him.
So yES thank u sm for reading that super long backstory !! Again Cyrus is one of my deeply beloved OCs , he’s a rly confused boy trying to figure out who he is while also trying to convince himself he’s someone he isn’t to lessen his pain of being hurt. That being said , lemme be frank - how he is on the outside vs. how he is on the outside are two very different things.
On the OUTSIDE , he’s a cocky loudmouth who probably gets into way more trouble than he needs in. He’s also willing to indulge into more risks considering he thinks it’s going to numb him. A party boy through and through , he’s . . . an acquired taste. He acts careless , like he’s invincible and there’s nothing you can do to break him.
But on the INSIDE , he’s still sad , lonely , scared - but immensely sweet and soft. There’s a part of him that still wants to be himself , to openly trust and love and all - but he doesn’t think that’s an option anymore since he let himself get hurt so easily. But he’s not proud of the person he’s becoming but he doesn’t think . . . he has many options.
Sometimes , though , that mask will crack , and Cyrus will break. Sometimes it’s when he needs a release , and other times it’s unwarranted. He’s so afraid of that happening in front of other people since the fear of being vulnerable is too real , since he’s worried that’ll lead to him being taken advantage of again.
So even if he does have a lot of ‘ friends, ’ not many he’s close with. And while he has a habit of flirting and sleeping around , relationships aren’t his thing - despite the fact he actually WANTS love and validation and affection to a t.
But that isn’t to say his charm is fake - no , not at all. He’s naturally a bit of a charming kid , extremely observant with body language and reading the atmosphere. And he’s pretty good at keeping a conversation , genuinely knowing the right spots to hit as well as how to keep a conversation going on how to end it. It’s what makes people want to keep him around despite the fact he can be fucking annoying at times.
He’s a good kid underneath everything - there’s just a lot of confusion & denial & fear covering it. 
He’s EXTREMELY talented & bright in both magic and art !! He’s fond of painting and sketching and often expresses his true emotions in his artwork - it’s a bit why he’s so hesitant to show him to people.
And magic.... well , Glinda taught him everything he knows. And his own studies made for him to teach himself valuable practices , as well.
He’s a practicing witch religiously , as well. Crystals , sigils , tarot cards , etc. He’s an expert in all of it. He almost ALWAYS has at least one crystal on his person - and a lot of the jewelry he wears is enchanted. 
SPEAKING OF JEWELRY & AESTHETICS ,,,, dude’s fashion sense has changed a bit since he’s tried to embrace more of his inner West Witch but I will say. Both styles are cute.
When he was more in tune with his ‘Good Witch’ side , he wore very nice silver , blue , white etc. vests with glittery patterns over nice white shirts with rolled up sleeves. Yk how Glinda has her crown ?? He had ( and still has ) multiple bejeweled headbands bc frankly they look cute on him. 
Over tIME THOUGH he’s definitely embraced the ‘witch in all black’ thing 100%. Likes the big, floppy black hats and almost always has a black headband to accompany it. Choker necklaces, biker gloves, leather jackets - also his own pair of ruby boots , but they’re not powerful or anything they just look cute. Also almost always has some pair of sunglasses on bc they make a nice accessory even when you’re wearing them on the top of your head and not ur face.
And again - both ways , 100% is always wearing a few crystals and enchanted pieces of jewelry. 
To express himself a bit more he’s also gotten a few tattoos !! Mainly on his arms for now , but there’s one exception since he has a teeny , tiny star on his right cheek. It looks more like a little freckle if you’re not up close - but other than that , it’s stars and stuff along his arms as well as sigils , spells , etc.
He’s definitely not as strained w/ his mom rn since he’s taken a chance to like. Think things over. Since it’s been about 4-5 years since the initial reveal his biological mother is Theodora. While he’s still very confused about . . . everything , he stills takes walks with his mom through her garden and routinely talks to her about stuff. Maybe it’s not super duper close like before , but it’s better than four years ago. 
It takes a lot to earn his trust. Like , a shit ton. If u rly wanna form a close bond with him and earn his trust ur gonna have to work for it bc Cyrus is determined to not let himself get hurt again and that means he’s extremely guarded.
Still has that water allergy : ( But it’s not all liquids it’s just !! Pure / natural water. So the more gunked up the water is with a solute , the less likely it is to make him sizzle.
Also has 100% taught himself how to ride a broom thx to his mother aka ‘SURRENDER DOROTHY’
and also smoke cigarettes out of crushed poppy seeds bc again, gotta stay tru to mother
Again I think I specified this earlier ago bt he’s determined to try and fit in with at least some Isle kids since . . . his mother’s on the Isle. She’s a villain. His mom is Glinda but his mother is Theodora and he wants to be closer to her and he thinks he’s sort of doing so by embracing the Isle kids and wanting to be a part of them.
I still feel like he’s very. Teeter tottery on it since he grew up in Auradon and probably has some meaningful connections there and he doesn’t want to say goodbye to that but also he learns now it’s by a twist of fate he didn’t end up on the Isle and almost wonders if he was meant to.
I’m going very ‘Fire Emblem Fates’ on this idk I just found the idea of an AK adopted when he was supposed to be a VK as. Intriguing.
He’s also dealing w/ like. If his Mom ever decides to like , retire or something ?? Is he the next Good Witch of the South or is he destined to be the next Wicked Witch of the West ??? It’s tough.
Also bc I forgot to mention it already !! He’s panromantic pansexual and 6′3 bc I fckin said so. May or may not have researched height spells to make himself taller.
I also just wanna let u all know if this intro seems v. Serious I promise u Cyrus is a witty memefucker and not in a Luke ‘deadpan snarker’ way he’s just. Loudmouthed n uncensored and makes jokes at every given minute he can bc eVERYONE likes a funny guy.
Again he’s like. A comfort character. This dude means so much to me n I’m so excited to throw him at u guys.  
I wanted 2 list characters that helped inspire who he is today bt. I think I might save that 4 like... a graphic or smth. :^)
Also friends that r just. Rly shocked by how much he’s changed. and kinda miss how he used to be before he got hurt : (
friends that sorta prefer how he’s changed?? maybe partygoing friends n stuff???
folks who are lowkey ‘wow goode got cool/hot/badass/etc.’ bc it’s definitely a signficant Shift
VKs who are encouraging him to embrace tht side of him more n dig down to his roots !!
AKs who are encouraging him to not have to try n change for that n be how he always was !!
Ppl in general who just rly would like for him to be himself and embrace who he is rather than trying to stick to a single side !!
AKs who see him as kind of like. A traitor 4 wanting to get close with the VKs
VKs who see him as too much of an AK and r basically like ‘idc if ur mother literally coined the term ‘wicked witch’ u can’t sit with us.
Rly I’m just so addicted to this ‘CHOOSE A SIDE’ thing like I generally find that as a plot so. Interesting n I def want all the connections that are sort of impacted by it since Cyrus is discovering so much abt himself
I also wld love some folks in generals he can like... be soft around. Let down his walls around. Slowly they get to know him and take the time and patiently earn his trust even tho he rly is a lot to handle.
Ppl who solely like him for the fact he can do magic bc again haha y’all can deffo use him idm
Ppl who rly dislike him whether it be for the fact he acts like a cocky dick on the outside or they don’t like how he’s trying to change himself and he doesn’t seem authentic at all literally Cyrus can b kind of sucky so pls make ppl dislike him. None of my OCs get along w/ him. Luke maybe dated him for a day n got tired already. 
He’s a lot 2 handle.
Okay he’s kind of a flirt like Luke and even tho he’s not nearly on their self-proclaimed philanderer level he still kinds. Gets around so pls gimme hookups on either end
Old crushes he used to have in Auradon when he was a lil kid, in middle school, high school w/e that never happened for whatever reasons
Also an angsty unrequited crush bc I love pain
Exes that were folks he tried to date in Auradon after he got hurt bt it just. Didn’t work out for w/e reason - probably bc Cyrus is terrified of getting hurt again.
Would also lov that one longterm relationship that lasted for like. A year or so while Cyrus was going through his shit that was probably rly good for him and they though it’d last but he had to break it off out of his own fear : (
First healthy love plot based off of San Francisco by TDE per piacere?
Listen I kno I already have a first love plot wanted for Luke bt this one’s sad for dIFFERENT REASONS 
I’d lov like ?? A will they/won’t they where Cyrus kind of has to open up n’ stuff before they can rly be together and it’s just up in the air even tho there are mUTUAL feelings ?? I wanna explore the relationship part of this tho instead of just. Throwing them into a ship n the next day they’re 2gether. Also would have to b discussed when seeing chemistry between the characters since. Ya.
Thats it.
me: i kno i just listed the obligatory shippy stuff but i want to remind u again i love it when other characters hate mine
I love just exploring. Connections and relationships between characters in general whether they’re hostile, platonic, romantic, etc. like I love exploring that stuff like I’m here 4 everything.
ibh sometimes i worry abt posting shippy connections just bc i dont wanna give the impression thATS ALL I WANT even tho i think i listed more non-shippy connections than shippy
...i still worry.
bt yeah licherally give me anything. I’m a plot hoe even tho I suck at it.
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hayjeon · 6 years
All I Ever Wanted (m) ft. Seokjin
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→ teacher!jin, enemiestolovers au aka fluff → 10k words, rated for smutty scenessss
A/N: my bio and chem teachers in highschool hated eachother bc my chem/physics teachers were bad ass bitches and would tell our class that bio wasn’t shit and we’d literally sit in class like “OOooooOOHHHHH! she said it wasn’t SHIITTTT!” bc we lived for that drama and then the bio teachers would tattle to the principle and i was bff’s with that guy so he would vent to me sometimes and it was the pettiest funniest shit EVER
also ive never written anything about seokjin so this was actually really hard orl....but i hope you guys like it! this is a oneshot, so please don’t ask me for any sequels or prequels, but feel free to ask me any questions regarding the characters, and also give me feedback about how the story went, how the smut was, how i framed the characters, etc. it’s been a while since i wrote a fullfledged fic and i feel a little rusty :’) help me out 
“Okay class, we need to focus for the next few weeks because your exams are coming up! This is your chance to show them how hard you've been working!” you say excitedly as your students groan and mumble amongst themselves.
Smiling, you try to cheer them up, “C’mon, you guys have done so well this semester and the entire country knows that you guys are the best group of students they’ve ever seen!” 
You pass out some study guides that you prepared, and turn on your powerpoint to go over the important topics for the class. “Oh, and don’t forget after school tomorrow, I’ll be holding a study and review session so you guys can ask questions and we can go over the study guide together!” 
You hear some kids sigh in relief but one of your sweet kids raises her hand. 
“Yes, Yoona?” 
“Umm there’s a small problem teach.” She looks hesitant. You smile and raise your eyebrows, urging her to continue. “Mr. Kim scheduled his study session for chem at the same time as you did.” 
You frown. “Did you guys not tell him I scheduled your bio session beforehand since last week for tomorrow?” 
Another kid, Mark, pipes in. “Yeah, we did. But...”
He hesitates, but his friends urge him on. “Mr. Kim told us not to worry about bio too much and to focus more on our chemistry exam because biology isn’t even considered a legitimate science.” 
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“Okay, okay, Y/N, you’re my best teacher here, but we can’t have you coming in here for permission to beat up one of my other best teachers.” The principal sits back in his chair, having seen this before. 
“But Principal Lee!” you wail, throwing your hands in the air. “He scheduled his study session purposely at the same time as mine! And I intentionally booked that time a week beforehand.” 
He smiles and strokes his beard. “Well, definitely we can figure out something there. Those kids would really appreciate those study sessions.” 
You nod. “These kids are the smartest kids in the country, and have been doing well at the most competitive high school! They deserve to be able to take biology without their chemistry teacher trying to sabotage their education!” 
He chuckles, “Now, now, Y/N, I wouldn’t say Seokjin is trying to sabotage their education. He’s an exceptional--heck maybe even the best-- chemistry teacher out there! He has as many teacher-of-the-year awards as you do!” 
“He told my kids that biology isn’t even a science!” 
The old man is about to respond when a voice pipes up behind you. “Because biology isn’t a science.” 
You huff and whirl around to see the cocky chemistry teacher leaning against the doorframe. “And what makes you say that Seokjin?!” 
He saunters in, taking a seat at the chair in front of Principal Lee’s desk. “First of all, biology is based on chemistry and physics. All the laws of bio are fundamentally inexistent without the presence of chemistry and physics.” 
You roll your eyes. “Are you kidding? Don’t you know that the reason why scientists began studying chemistry and physics in the first place was because they were intrigued more at the human body and its patterns?! Especially chem! You have no right to say that Seokjin!” 
He’s about to respond when Principal Lee stops the two of you. “Okay!” he yells, clapping his hands. “You two! Quiet down, I called you into my office not to make you two argue again but to propose an idea!” 
You huff and sit down, scooting your chair as far from Seokjin as you can. He rolls his eyes at you and rests his chin on his hand. The old jolly man ruffles through some packets before putting one in front of the both of you. 
“So, last year’s statistics show that a lot more of our kids are showing interest in pursuing careers in medicine. And a lot of our graduates said that their chemistry and biology classes prepared them well enough, but their hardest challenge yet was the biochem course in their respective universities.” 
You raise an eyebrow as he continues. “So, the board and the district has come up with an idea. Since you, Y/N and Seokjin, have been exceptional teachers the past five years you’ve been teaching together here, earning awards everywhere you go and always having the best ratings from fellow teachers and students, the board wants you two to come up with a curriculum together for the first ever biochem class to be offered in a high school academy prep.” 
He waits, a huge smile on his face, as he observes both of your faces. But you two don’t respond, processing the information. Your eyes scan over the pages of the packet laid out in front of you, and amongst the information about salary additions, rating improvements, and the benefits for the high school that are incentives for the work, your eyes land on a few familiar names of old students who have left personal requests/surveys to add a biochem class. 
But Seokjin responds first. 
You whip your head towards him, frowning. There was no way he would just agree to the idea without a catch. But Principal Lee cuts in. “Yes! I knew you’d say yes! And you, Y/N?” 
You sigh, turning back to him. “Yes, Principal. But it’s for the kids.” 
He laughs gleefully. “Great! There’s a meeting next week so try to come up with a good curriculum by then. Maybe think of combining your study sessions as well! That might help!” 
You don’t hesitate to give a glare to Seokjin on your way out. 
“What’s the catch Seokjin?” 
He turns to you with a frown. “Huh?”
You cross your arms. “There has to be a catch. You don’t just agree to things.”
He smirks, “And how do you know that?” 
You huff, “Oh I don’t know! Maybe it was the time you poured Butyl seleno-mercaptan down my sink drain, making my classroom smell like skunk spray for an entire week! I had to dry-clean all my clothes after that week!”
He snickers. “You’re the one who put one of your dissected frogs in my desk drawer first. It smelled so bad!” 
“Because you put Methylene blue in my drink! I peed blue for like three days!” 
“Okay, for the fifteenth time that was an accident! You asked me to get you powerade but I forgot I made a concoction and left it in a soda cup on my desk!” 
You scowl and turn towards your classroom, just a few doors down from his. He yells as you march away in your little heels that he secretly loves. “See you tomorrow at the review session!” 
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You don’t know where, or when, it went wrong. You remembered five years ago, getting hired at the best academy prep for high school and entering the campus with a bright eyed attitude. There were two other teachers who were hired at the same time as you. Seokjin, the apparent chemistry genius, and the new music teacher, Min Yoongi. 
And you recall, falling hard and fast for the handsome chemistry teacher who gladly offered to drink your drinks at the teacher dinner outings because you were really bad at drinking. Or he would bring you a cup of coffee in the mornings just because he felt like it. 
The teacher of the year awards stopped mattering, it was quite easy to get those because the students here were getting sick of the older, lazier teachers and tended to enjoy the way the younger teachers framed their lessons with interactive activities and labs that made them enjoy what they were learning. You and Seokjin took Seoul Prep by storm and were dubbed the “power couple” of the campus. Students began giggling about how Seokjin would always stop by to borrow staples when he could’ve just gone to the teacher supply closet, or the way he walked you to your class every morning. And his students would bug him why he didn’t just ask the pretty bio teacher out and date her. 
But somewhere along the way, feelings developed into annoyance as prank after prank became apparent and it started becoming super important who got the teacher of the year award, and instead of walking you to your classroom, he would trip you. And instead of delivering homemade brownies after school, it was taping a ziploc with a disembowled frog soaked in formaldehyde underneath his computer desk, right where it would take forever for him to find it. 
And he never backed down from a challenge. You walked into the study session later that day with a bunch of books and packets you made in your arms, but as you stepped into his classroom, you tumbled over a small stool that was strategically placed right in front of the door. 
“Argh!” You growl as your books go tumbling and your hands reach out to brace your fall. Your heel twists in an odd angle and you yelp as you hit the floor. 
Seokjin turns from his lab station, eyes wide as he rushes over to you. “Oh shit! Y/N, are you okay?!” 
He’s still in a lab coat and goggles as he helps you sit up. You wince as you try to stand up, the pressure on your heel making you double over. He glances down. 
“Is it your ankle?” He reaches for it. 
“Who the fuck puts a tiny chair in front of the door?!” You growl as you move your ankle away from his reach and cup it in your hands. 
He bites his lip. “Uh, sorry. I thought you’d be able to see it and just dodge it or something. And who the hell wears these high ass heels to work?” He seethes, gesturing to your new pair of shoes. 
“For your information, the entire english department wears heels higher than mine! It’s not my fault you’re too busy staring at their asses and tits to realize they’ve got 5 inch stilettos on.” You grumble as he helps you up and onto a chair near his desk. 
He rolls his eyes. “The english department has carpet, Y/N. You have tile because your classes rip open animals and poke at their insides. Don’t you know that it’s more slippery?” 
You grit your teeth. “Well, bio kids don’t have a dress code like you do! Not until Fridays!” 
Your quarrel is cut off when one of your kids coughs in the doorway, and the both of you turn, faces inches away from each other, to see a group of your students awkwardly waiting outside the door. You see one of them, Mark, elbow the kid who coughed. 
You clear your throat as you back away from Seokjin and begin organizing the papers that Seokjin picked up for you. 
“C-can we come in? It’s 3:30...” Taeyong pipes up, awkwardly hanging near the entrance. 
Seokjin fixes his tie nervously. “Ye-yeah, come in. Sorry.” He turns to you as they shuffle in, chattering amongst themselves. “Uh, I’ll be right back with an ice pack for that ankle. Stay sitting.” 
You nod as he briskly walks out. 
Johnny pipes up. “Um, so when are you guys gonna marry?” A couple of students snicker in the back and you give them a glare. 
“Ugh, stop.” You roll your eyes and begin searching the computer and figuring out how to project your powerpoint onto his screen. But his is set up differently than yours and you struggle a bit, frowning as you scroll through the settings to try and find your usb properties. 
But all you can find are folders with obscure lab names on them or chemical jargon and you huff as you scroll through the endless folders trying to find yours titled, “Review sesh.” You pause and scroll back as you come across a folder with your name on it. 
Frowning, and glancing at the door and not really seeing him near, you bite your lip and hover on the folder. You’re not usually the nosy type, but you had a little feeling that this might be where he kept his plans for his pranks towards you. But instead, at that precise moment, you can hear him jogging back so you click out and return to the list of folders and pretend to be scrolling endlessly as Seokjin runs in with an ice bag and a few packages in his hand. 
Without thinking, he kneels by you, grabbing the sore ankle and removing your heel and opening one of the packages and sticking on a compression medicine pad onto the heel. You mumble as he continues, “Seokjin, it’s okay, I can do it.” 
He just frowns and grabs your ankle tighter as you squirm, glaring up at you. “Stop moving, the nurse said to just apply it and then rest your ankle and go get it checked.” 
You roll your eyes as he stands up and begins rummaging in his closet for something, and he returns with a pair of tennis shoes and a fresh pair of socks. Setting it in front of your sitting figure, he grumbles before he stands up. “And don’t wear those heels for the rest of the review session. Since it’s your right ankle, I’ll drive you to the hospital after the session.” 
You just sigh and turn back to the computer, trying to ignore the giggles and knowing smiles from your students. You grumble as you reinsert the usb and try again, to no avail. He’s currently setting up some equipment on the side, but when he sees you struggling, he walks over and leans over your shoulder to see the screen. 
“Okay, I know you’re not a computer science major but come on, this shit is so easy.” He reaches over your shoulder to place one hand on the desk and another on the mouse. With a few clicks he’s finished and you can literally feel his breath on your cheek as he opens a file and runs the program to get it onto his projector screen. He smells absolutely amazing. 
He starts the session, checking his watch. “Alright class, let’s begin. I’m going to start the chemistry portion, and for the students who don’t need my portion, Y/N has created a review worksheet for you guys to do while you wait for her to begin her portion in an hour.” He passes the stack to a kid. “And if you’re only here for my portion, you’re fine to leave after I’m finished or stay behind and work on the worksheet that I made for you guys to do. Staying would be better in case you have any questions. Any questions before we start?” 
The knuckleheads in the back chitter and Seokjin raises a brow at them. “Are you and teacher Y/N dating?” Jaehyun giggles, and high fives Seulgi. They look at you two expectantly, and Seokjin turns around to your unimpressed expression behind him. 
Smirking, he responds, “Not yet.” 
Your eyes round along with the rest of the class and immediately your students erupt into questions as Seokjin’s vague response leaves all of you second guessing. 
But he moves along so smoothly and quickly everyone quickly cedes and moves along into the study session. Except you. You frown for the entirety of his portion. 
When you get up for the biology portion of the session, Seokjin scrambles to grab a high stool from the back so that you can sit while you teach your section. You click through your powerpoint and explain the concepts that would most likely be on the national exams, and answer questions along the way. 
Seokjin sinks into his computer chair, resting his chin on his hand as he watches you from the side. You’re wearing a new cardigan, he notices, which was probably why you wore such high heels today, because they complimented the beautiful deep navy of your cardigan. He loved it when you dressed up, even though most of your outfits were quite nicely business casual, but seeing you a little more casual without your heels made him grin as he watches you teach your section. 
You were the prettiest teacher on campus, he could say without doubt. Now, he wasn’t sure if the other male teachers on campus were still saying that about you ever since the new dance teacher, Irene, came to replace the newly retired one. But you were still so beautiful in his eyes. 
Maybe what made you so pretty to him was that you were just absolutely so kind and smart and passionate about everything you did. Given, one of the things you eventually became passionate about was driving him up the goddam wall and putting dead preserved rotting frog carcasses in his desk drawers, but nonetheless, he adored your drive. 
Also he had an hour long class, five days a week, timed exactly 7 minutes after yours ended to hear his students gush about how great of a teacher you were and details about how exciting you’d made their lesson that day. He adored you as a fellow teacher. You were always positive, trusting in your students, and always pushing them to be better and offering them exciting and fun ways to learn. Before the both of you became some sort of rivals somehow, he actually enjoyed hearing you lesson plan and often would ask you for advice on his own. 
Which was why he’d agreed so easily for the biochemistry decision, amongst other reasons that had nothing to do with the folder in his computer that had detailed lesson plans that he planned to suggest to you someday. 
The review session ends quite smoothly, and the students one by one filter out through the door, collecting their things, and Seokjin lingers by the lab stations to clean up his equipment. He’d been oddly well-behaved during this session, not throwing lewd or snarky comments at you, but you assumed it was because there were so many students around.  
You notice one student lingering behind, and you smile at her. She glances around nervously, making sure everyone is gone before slowly walking up to you with a guilty expression. 
“Teacher?” She asks lowly. 
“Yeah, Yeri?” She was one of the best students in your class. 
“Um, about the science program that you talked about last week...I don’t know if I can do it.” She wrings her hands nervously in front of her. 
You frown concernedly. “Hm, why not Yeri? If it’s okay of me to ask.” 
She nervously glances around. “I-I have financial issues. My parents are both working full time to support me going to this high school and I don’t know if summer programs are a possibility for me right now. My younger brother is also planning to attend this school next year as a freshman and it’s just not possible to support both of us and the science program.” 
You sigh. The science program was for gifted students and would be a number one ticket to the best colleges in the world. The only downside to the great opportunity was its pricing and their lack of scholarship opportunities. “Hm, and you’ve talked to your parents about this?” 
She sighs. “Yeah, I know they really want me to go and do my best, but, at the same time I also don’t want to take away any opportunities from my brother as well. I’d rather just not go and have him get a chance to shine here at this academy. Coming here is an honor in itself.” 
You nod, “Let me get back to you. Yeri, you’re so gifted and I just want you to be able to shine even brighter. I’ll try to think of something we can do.” She leaves with a smile and you begin tidying up your things. Seokjin grabs his keys. 
“Are you ready to go to the hospital?” He asks, looking down at your ankles. “Put on the sneakers, Y/N.” 
You suspiciously eye him. “You didn’t put a spider in them? Or itch powder?” 
He rolls his eyes at you. “You’re hurt. I don’t mess around with shit like that.” You sit down and roll on the socks, and shove your foot in the left shoe, and then gently place your right foot into the sneaker. It’s quite big, compared to your tiny feet, and quite comfortable. You bend down to grab your heels but you have quite a lot of books in your arms and your full purse on your shoulder. 
“Here, give me these.” He grabs the books from you and your heels, shoving his phone into his pocket now to free his hands. You protest, trying to grab your stuff, but he’s way taller and already briskly walking out of the classroom with your stuff that you just sigh and follow him out with a roll of your eyes. 
His car is quite close, and he dumps your books in his backseat before jogging over and opening the car door and helping you in. You eye him suspiciously when he gets in the drivers seat. “Why are you being so nice?” 
He doesn’t look at you when he responds. “I didn’t think you’d end up getting hurt by the chair. I’m sorry.” He mutters the last part, trying to pretend like he’s focusing too hard on the calm road in front of him. 
“What?!” You screech, catching him off guard. 
He flinches, turning to you with a glare. “What the fuck? Don’t scream like that.” 
You frown at him, “Did you just apologize?” 
He laughs, turning onto a street. “I’m a gentleman. I know when I did something wrong.”
You scoff, chuckling a bit. “Wow, the world is going to end. Seriously, you should’ve thought of being a gentleman when you made my pee turn blue.” 
He rolls his eyes. “I told you it was a mistake!” 
You mutter, “Whatever.” And let him help you to the doctor’s office. Later, you find out it was just a twisted ankle and that you should try to prevent from straining it and using it too much. Which meant: no heels, crutches for a week, and definitely no driving. 
Seokjin offered to drive you home after. As he neared your home, he turned to you. “You’re joking right?” 
You frown, “What?”
He nods towards the crossstreets that you’re directing him to. “You live here?”
You nod hesitantly. “Yes? My roommate and I moved here after college. Why?” 
He chuckles a bit. “What the heck, I live right there!” He motions to the condos across the street. “How did I not know you live there? I thought I was the only one who lived in this area. We should carpool.” 
You shrug, as he drives past the gate. “Didn’t expect you to live here either. And no, Seokjin, I could never ask anyone to do that...I can maybe...call a cab?” 
He rolls his eyes. “Do you even know how to call a cab in 2018? Seriously? Do you like, never use uber or anything?” 
You shrug. “I’d never had to. I just...drive.” 
He sighs, “Well, I’ve done it before when i had to get an oil change that ended up turning into like five thousand other repairs. It’s a lot of money one way. Maybe around 30$?” 
You blanch, “What?! 30$? It’s like, a 15 minute drive!” 
He shrugs, “Well yeah, but you’re leaving around 7AM every morning at rush hour, driving through 30 minute traffic, and then having to come back. I’d charge that much if I were an uber driver.” He sees you visibly deflate and turns. “C’mon, you live right there, it’s literally going to be no extra time or mileage to carpool. Just, let me do this, Y/N. I already feel bad for putting the stool there.” 
You sigh, glancing at the distance between your homes. “Well...you do have to pass my house anyway to get to the freeway entrance...I guess I could possibly just walk out into this side of the street and meet you here in the morning.” 
He grins at you expectantly. “Perfect. Well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow, 7:05?” 
You nod, and he helps you bring your heavy books to your door and sets down your heels in your doorway. You remove your shoes and hand them to him. “I’ll, uh, wash the socks and return them to you. Thanks, for today, I guess. Uh, do you want to come in?” 
He smirks, “Are you flirting with me right now?” 
You gawk. “What the hel-- Ugh nevermind, see you tomorrow, bye!” You turn around, and he just greasily laughs and winks at you as you slam the door. You later peek out of your curtains to see him drive away. 
You sit down and sigh, picking up your phone to give a call to Yeri’s mother, trying to figure out a financial situation for her summer program when her mother tells you something.
“You know, I appreciate the concern, teacher Y/N, but I just don’t know how we’ll ever come up with that much money for this summer program. I mean, Teacher Seokjin has already been helping us so much.”
You frown, “Uh, sorry, excuse me Mrs. Kim, what do you mean?”
“Oh, Mr. Kim has been paying for Yeri’s textbooks and lab fees since her sophomore year. It’s been quite a while now.”
Your mouth falls open as you hear the news. There was no way that this was the same person who pulled pranks on you. 
When you don’t respond, she backtracks. “Oh no, I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. If he gets caught he’ll be in quite big trouble. I can trust that you won’t tell anyone teacher Y/N, right?” 
You assure her, “Oh! Yes, no. I’m so sorry, I was just thinking. No of course, I will not say a word. I am very supportive of Yeri and if Seokjin didn’t do it, I would’ve done the same. She’s one of the most brilliant minds I’ve come across in my years of teaching.” 
Her mother thanks you and you scroll through your laptop later that day, trying to find some scholarships you could recommend Yeri to. But even as you go to sleep that night, you don’t forget that maybe, just maybe, Kim Seokjin wasn’t as much of an asshole as you’d thought him to be.
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For weeks after that day, you and Seokjin had created some sort of routine. Both your houses were a bit away from the school, so you both began carpooling to work and district meetings. It was convenient, actually, because on days where you were just too tired to do anything, he’d offer to drive while you knocked out for thirty minutes in the passenger seat. And after your foot healed enough to be driving, he’d be grading papers and catching up on some emails on his phone or something. 
After school, the both of you agreed to stay an hour later in your classroom to answer student questions for finals and to work on the curriculum together. Students eventually ended up getting used to always seeing you together and you always got questions like “Where is Seokjin teacher?” or “What time are you both staying until?” 
And during meetings, you and him would just slump together in the back, muttering obscene jokes and comments about the other horrible fat administrators that literally knew nothing about the education system and were just there for the money. 
Despite all the jokes and the pranks, you realized Seokjin was actually a good friend. But you just didn’t know where it went wrong, because if it weren’t for those times he was such a dick, you’d be entirely down to date someone like him. Your mother would be proud that you managed to snag a catch like him. The both of you’d managed to find a scholarship for Yeri, and she was able to go to the science program and have her brother attend the school. Seokjin agreed to continue paying for her lab fees and textbooks, and you agreed to write a proposal to the district to organize a new scholarship for aspiring students like Yeri. Your mom was so thrilled when she learned about this, she wouldn’t stop talking about him.
In fact, she was the one, after Seokjin offered to drive your mom to her friends’ dinner one night when you were overloaded with errands and parent-teacher meetings, who consistently egged you to date him. He’d insisted on coming in and greeting your mom and her friends before leaving. 
“Oh, dear, Y/N, just date the sweet boy!” 
“No mom, it’s weird.” 
“Honey! He clearly likes you, and you too. He’s such a kind sweetheart, why don’t you just give it a try?” 
She was right. Although Seokjin still teased you here and there and constantly made your eyes roll upwards, he showed his kindness through his actions.
Like how he’d always hold the door for you, or carry your heavy paperwork to and from the car as he walked you to your door. He brewed you your favorite tea with some lemon and honey that one time you got the flu, and even cooked some amazing porridge for you when you weren’t feeling well for a few days after catching the cold. 
He always remembered to pack you a lunch, the plastic containers of your lunchbox always brimming with new recipes of stews, steaks, and dishes that you always shared in the teacher lounge during lunch together. His insistence, he really enjoyed cooking, from what he said. In place, you’d made a habit of washing the dishes at the sink after your lunch together and handing them back to him for him to fill. 
It wasn’t until a teachers night out, where the principal bought dinner for all the teachers to celebrate yet another year of successful test scores and student awards, that you realized that maybe, you had more than just a tiny bit of interest for the bio teacher. 
He was gorgeous, and incredibly tall. You loved the way he still towered over you in your tallest heels. And he was smooth. He literally charmed all his students, and you included, were always in awe of how passionate he got when he talked about chemistry. He was fun, too. He had a dorky side to him that you absolutely lowkey adored, not that you’d ever tell him that. 
And he was currently three shots away from passing out. 
You giggled at him, as he swayed in his seat, his eyes hooded and his lips stretched wide in a dumb smile. 
“Do you see-mmph,” he mumbles into his fist, trying his hardest to whisper in the state that he’s in, “Yoongi is so into the new counselor.” You turn to see the said teacher, gazing at the young new counselor with honey dripping from his eyes. Snorting, you giggle back. “Could he be any more obvious?” 
Seokjin giggles again as his head drops onto your shoulder. 
“Are you good at catching those kinds of things?” 
You take another swig of your beer. Your shrug makes him frown, because his head bobs on your shoulder. “I guess.” 
He rubs his eyes, looking like a little kid. His lips purse into a pout as he glares at you cutely. “No you’re not!” He drunkenly fumbles with the soju bottle as your coworkers erupt in chants to egg on the newbies that were chugging their beers. 
You roll your eyes and move the shot glass further from him. “Ah-ah, no more for you. You’ve had enough.” 
He glares at you as his long arms scramble for the glass that you hold away from him. “Give it!” 
You sigh as he stumbles, and crashes into you, collapsing on the chair. “C’mon, Jin-ie, let’s go. You’re drunk and you have class first thing tomorrow. I’ll kill you if you don’t wake up on time and make me late like last time.” 
He crinkles his nose as you help him up, “That was you! You were the one that was late.” 
You roll your eyes as he struggles to get his coat on. “Whatever. Just put this on.” 
You say your goodbyes to your fellow coworkers as they drunkenly wish you a safe trip and help Jin stagger out of the barbeque restaurant, calling an uber from your phone the way Seokjin taught you a couple weeks back, and settle into the backseat as Seokjin snuggles closer to you. 
“Mmmm Y/N...’ts cold,” he mumbles, arms wrapping around your arm and cheek pressed into your coat. 
“I didn’t know you were a sleepy, annoying clingy drunk,” you mutter, as you try not to get too distracted by his lips. 
“’ou don’t know a lot,” He breathes heavily. 
“You, don’t, know, a, lot,” he drawls, staring drunkenly into your eyes. 
“I heard it the first time, Seokjin. What do you mean? What don’t I know?” 
He rolls his eyes, sighing loudly as he settles back into the crook of your neck and breathes in. “You’re so dumb, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes, pinching him and sighing at his yelp. “Ugh, I should’ve known. You don’t ever lose an opportunity to call me that, dontcha?” 
He grumbles to himself, but he’s cut off before he can answer as his phone rings. “Huh?” He mutters, fingers fumbling blindly in his coat pockets as he searches for the device. 
“Ugh, give it,” you grouch, hands slipping into his pants pocket to get the phone and picking it up when you see Yoongi’s name pop up. 
“Hey Yoongi, it’s Y/N.” 
Yoongi doesn’t even seem surprised when you pick up. “Oh, ya, Y/N. Are you taking Jin home right now?” 
You nod, letting Jin rub his eyes and wrap his arms around your arm again. “Yea, we’re in an uber and about a couple blocks from home. What’s up?” 
He sighs, “Shit, I was hoping you were still close by. Seokjin left his keys at the table.”
You sigh as you glance around to realize he’d definitely forgotten his keys in his drunken stupor. “Shit, we’re almost home...is there anyone who can drop it off?” 
Yoongi sighs. “I’d love to, but you two live in the opposite direction and we all took ubers here because we knew Principal Lee was gonna get everyone shit faced.” 
You sigh, cradling your phone in between your shoulder and ear as the cab slows down and pulls into the street. You smile and mouth a thank-you to the driver as you drag Seokjin out of the car. 
“Oh, yea...okay, well, we’re home now. Seokjin can just crash at my place since he doesn’t have his keys. Do you mind just bringing them over to his classroom tomorrow morning? He needs them to open the lab room.”
“Sure, see ya Y/N.” 
“Thanks!” You hang up and slip the phone into your pocket in a rush as you see Seokjin swaying. “Ugh fuck, you’re heavy.” He grumbles something and you throw his arm over your shoulder as you make your way up to the elevator. He slumps against you, his long legs supporting him as he leans against you, and you struggle to punch in the button. But he stays still, and in the quiet whirr of the elevator, you get a chance to catch your breath and look up at him. 
His eyes are closed, and his plump lips open in a little rush of air everytime he breathes out. His cheeks are tinged pink from the alcohol, and even in his drunken state, he smells so good. You sigh as the doors slide open and you drag him into your house. You drop him into your bed with a grunt, and he breathes out loudly as he snuggles into your covers. 
Groaning, you gasp, “Seokjin! Get up, you’re not sleeping in my bed with your shoes still on, that’s gross!” 
He groans and sits up, and lets you take his jacket off and throw it over your chair, and you slide off his shoes and socks too, before letting him slump down into your pillows. Groaning, you throw your blankets up over him and sit on the edge of the bed to catch your breath. You stare down at him, sighing, and reach out a hand to smooth his fringe behind his ear in the dark, and suddenly his hand snatches out to catch your wrist. 
You gasp as he catches you by surprise. His eyes slowly open, gazing up at you with narrowed and dark eyes. 
“S-seokjin?” You croak out, cheeks heating up. “S-sorry you just had something stuc--” 
“Y/N,” He rasps. 
His voice tonight is deep, and low and husky as he gazes up at you with intent in his eyes. The large hand wrapped around your wrist is firm and hot, and your breath catches as he slowly sits up inches away from your face. 
“Y/N,” he repeats. 
You just gulp at him and stare at him, entranced for a second. “...Y-yes?” You stutter. He was gorgeous. Maybe it was the couple of drinks that you’d taken earlier at your boss’s insistence that was making you so hazy. Why did your tongue feel like it was a thousand pounds? You couldn’t speak and your skin was hot and searing and your palms sweaty. The moonlight in the window right next to your bed shined in brightly, illuminated the side profile of his face, making him look even better than he’d ever looked. 
He rasps, “I promise I’m not that drunk.” 
You frown, “Huh?” 
But he doesn’t respond as he inches closer to you, pulling you closer to him by the firm grip on your wrist. Inches away from your face, he whispers, “Can I do this?” 
You just stare into his eyes, breath hitched in your throat and eyes wide open at the sudden confession. 
His hand releases your wrist, coming up to cup your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him better. “Say it, Y/N. I won’t do anything until you say it.” 
Your brows furrow as you think about all the ways this could go wrong. You were co workers, partners in planning the new biochem course, practically neighbors, and he was also slowly and surely becoming your best friend. 
Best friend. 
Your lungs deflate as the thought crosses your mind. 
He was your best friend. This could go wrong in so many ways, but if he was truly your best friend, wouldn’t anything that happened after that be fine, because he would understand? Because he would still care for you? 
So you muster up the courage and whisper it. 
He breathes out, as if he were holding his breath, and swoops in, sealing your lips on his. The kiss is slow, and calculated, different from what you’d expected after his 5 shots in a row he took earlier. The kiss is smooth and slow and deliciously intentional. He tilts his head, getting a deeper angle as he licks into your mouth. You sigh into him as you scoot closer and move a hand up onto his broad shoulders. He groans at that and curves over your body, a hand coming onto your waist to press you against him even more firmly. He doesn’t stop kissing you. 
Your lashes flutter when he licks into your mouth again. He was such a good kisser, licking and moving his lips cleanly against yours like he has no rush at all. You’re losing yourself, mind completely hazy and lost with everything about him. His lips, the taste of mint and the tinge of alcohol on his tongue, the feeling of his strong figure underneath his sweater, the smell of his cologne, it floods your senses underneath your closed lids, and it doesn’t let you think properly. He deepens the kiss even further, his tongue moving forth from slight kittenish flicks a little into your mouth, onto heady and steady tastes of you, insisting behind your teeth and tasting you. 
When he detaches from your lips and kisses down your cheek and jaw, you moan, completely lost in it. He moans in response as he presses desperate but gentle kisses down the column of your throat, fueled by your husky groans of desperation. “S-seokjin,” you stutter, blinkly thickly as you try to break out of the haze. 
“Hm?” He mutters into your neck, but the feeling of his breath over the places he was just kissing make you shiver. As if sensing your approval, he moves back to your lips, throwing you into a loop of happiness and lust all over again. You’re thankful the both of you are sitting because right now, the hand twisted into the shirt your wearing and the other one anchored on the back of your neck are the two things that are keeping you from just melting into a puddle of nothing. 
You’re just sitting there, trying your hardest to keep up with his kisses, when he grips your chin and detaches from you, lips shiny and glistening as he narrows his eyes down at you. Your lashes flutter as you come out of the haze of the moment, smaller hands coming up to grip his wrists as they hold your cheeks. 
He’s breathing heavily, another testament to how thoroughly he’d kissed you, in addition to his blown pupils and swollen lips. You blink up at him. He takes a few more seconds, just looking down at you hard, and huskily asks you, “A-are you sure you want this?” 
His question carries so much weight in it. But even before he can ask again, you’re leaning in, whispering “yes, yes,” and he relents, understanding immediatley. His large hands rake down your back and settle on the small of your waist, lifting you slightly and helping you curve closer to him and clamber on his lap.
There’s something prodding against your inner thigh, and you sigh into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck at the sensation. It’d been so long, since you were last kissed or even held like this. Your fingers are scratching at the nape of his neck, and he groans as you do, loving the sensation. 
The sound pools straight in between your legs and you become embarassing conscious of how wet you are. Cringing, you focus on gripping the hem of his sweater, and carding it up over his head. When you break away from him to get it out of the way, he lets you take it off of him, but immediately grips your hands from undoing the buttons of his dress shirt underneath. He kisses you fiercely, letting go of your wrists and finding the waistline of your skirt, where your blouse is tucked into. 
You help him, raising your arms over your head as he untucks your blouse and discards it to the floor. You’re kneeling above him, hands finding purchase and balance on his shoulders, trembling and unsure of what to do when Seokjin keeps kissing you with your now bare torso pressed against his still clothed one. 
Somehow, admist the kissing, he’d removed your bra, and your nipples are bare and cold and hard against the soft material of his shirt. He cuts off the kiss, wrapping a strong arm around your waist as he mouths along the skin right above your breast, nipping and licking the soft skin there with soft kisses. 
He breaths in heavily when he reaches the center of your chest, closing his eyes and muttering a low, “Shit.” The other hand slowly comes up over your waist and rests right against your ribcage, centimeters away from your breast. “Fuck,” he mutters, and you grow infinitely more wet. You’d never heard him curse like that before. 
And there’s no warning when at once, he swoops down to nip lightly at the swell of your breast and suck onto your hardened nipple, this other large hand coming up to cup your other breast, thumb swiping over the nipple and holding the weight of your breast in it. 
“O-oh my god, S-seokjin,” you whimper, head dropping low and curling into him in morbid embarrassment at how good this feels. You’re hot and burning all over, all of your sensations and emotions at the moment focused in the place where his mouth is sucking, licking long and warm licks over you. “O-oh my g--” All you can croak out ugly, are moans and croaks of his name and very in-comprehensive strings of words. 
When the sensations become too much, and the wetness in your underwear becomes uncomfortable, you regretfully detach him from your breasts and tilt his head up to yours as you kiss him desperately. He groans into the kiss, reading your arousal easily. “Fuck,” he whispers against your lips, “do you want this?” 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whimper, shaky fingers undoing his shirt. “I’ve never wanted anything more in this world.” 
His eyes widen at that. “Seriously?” 
You nod, biting your lip as you finally get the shirt open, your eyes widening at the expanse of skin that’s revealed, and you smooth your hands over his torso. He was so chiseled! He didn’t have an Abercrombie-worth model six pack of abs, but the faint lines in his chest and his abdomen were the perfect mix of Seokjin and attractiveness that made you moan like an animal in heat and grind down onto his hardness. 
At the motion, he groans, gently gripping your hair and moving it to the side to mouth at your neck again. His other hand grips the hem of the dress shorts you’re wearing and unbuttons it quickly. Your hands card his shirt down his arms and out of the way, and you stand up away from his lap to yank your shorts down and away along with your underwear. 
He drops to his knees like a starved man, zeroing in on the wetness that pools in the crotch of your underwear right before you kick it out of sight. From his position on the floor, he looks up at you, eyes blown wide with lust, “Fuck, you’re so pretty. So fucking beautiful and gorgeous. I’ve dreamed about this moment for so long.” 
You sputter, clenching your thighs together at the praise, almost buckling down again at the wave of arousal that rushes through you. He leans forward, kissing down over your ribcage, and down your stomach, you watch him with furrowed brows and unfocused eyes. When he ghosts near your core, you stutter. 
“Seokjin w-what,” 
“Please,” he breathes out, deatching from your skin like it pained him and gazing up at you with a hunger like you’ve never seen before. “Please let me taste you.” 
You almost pass out, your knees buckling and immediately Seokjin scrambles up to catch you, strong arms around your waist as you slump heavily against him. 
He chuckles, a low laugh reverberating through his chest thats pressed against your cheek. “I’ll take that as a yes?” 
You nod sheepishly, and he laughs again. “We’ll sit. Maybe standing wasnt a good idea.”
You nod again, cheeks burning hot and hands coming up to frame them as he turns the both of you and walks you backward until your knees hit your bed. You fall with him and immediately he curves over you, all broad torso and hot skin and kissing you senselessly again. 
His fingers smooth down your torso and slide over your pelvis, slipping his fingers in between your folds and parting them, rubbing down and up to collect your wetness and smear it around your clit. Your lips part in a surprised cry as your eyes squeeze shut. He chuckles at your reaction, detaching from your lips and crawling down your body as his fingers continue to rub intently at your clit. 
Your legs are useless at this point, sprawled around, so he grabs them and slowly maneuvers them up and over his shoulders as he situates himself between your legs. He kisses your inner thigh first, mouthing at the thin skin there, breathing in the heady and sweet scent of your skin first. He then lowers his mouth on you. 
“Oh m--” you’re a mess when he finally sucks your clit into his mouth and slides his fingers into you in one single motion. His fingers are slender, but long and skillful as they slide into find the exact spot that has you keening and arching up from the bed to inch towards him. His lips are thick as they seal over the entirety of the warmth between your legs, sucking and kissing and licking like he was made to this. He groans at the first taste, head reeling at how perfectly close you tasted, just as he’d imagined. He sucks at the slick arousal coating you, replacing it with the slickness of his saliva, and alternating long lasvicious licks with heady and firm circles over your clit. 
He continues with intent, paying no regard to your twitching body, but instead using your cries as fuel as he kisses you even more firmly and twists his fingers in you until you’re pushing him away, scared that you’ll cum too quickly. 
“W-wait, wait,” you stutter, eyes closed as you focus on calming your twitching your body, “g-give me a second.” 
He chuckles, and nods, waiting for you for a couple of seconds to stop twitching. “You’re so cute” he breathes lazily, watching you sitting upright as he lays down between your legs with his chin in his hands. His fingers are drawing slow circles in your thigh, and you give him a sheepish smile. 
He keeps talking though, “You’re amazing, I would never trade this for anything else, you taste so good. Fuck.” He mutters, and you squeeze your eyes as you grip his hand to stop all the sensory influx of arousal. Your core clenches around nothing as intense and heady waves of arousal pour through your body and shoot straight to your core. 
You drag him upward and kiss him intently, trying to distract yourself. He chuckles and lets you kiss him, and when you finally feel yourself relaxing a little, you somehow manage to say, “P-please, just--” You can’t seem to say it, blushing heavily and cutely muttering to yourself, so he helps you out. 
He grins and takes off his jeans and covers your body after, and helps you get comfortable against the pillows. Your mouth is so dry and you swallow thickly to dry and clear your mind, but then he grips himself and lines up with you and you lose it. 
“P-please please please,” you jumble out, garbling like a mess of emotions and syllables that you can barely understand over the haze of your emotions. “Please,” you cry, feeling like if he doesn’t put it in you, you might die. 
He takes a moment, brows furrowing at the effort of taking it slow. “Y/N, I--” he croaks out, holding himself inches above you with an elbow next to your head. You nod, hands smoothing over his cheeks. “I...I am so happy right now. I will never ever never hurt you. I promise...and I imagined for so long,” he chokes out and stumbles on his words, but you get exactly what he’s saying. You nod, smiling dreamily up at him, because at this moment right now, he’s everything and all you’ve ever wanted in your life. 
He smiles thankfully at you and presses in slowly, agonizingly slow. But he’s careful and slowly curves insistently into you until you’re gasping and clutching onto his shoulders because it’s so hot and wet and tight and you feel like you’re going to die and fall apart right that moment. 
“Shit,” he says hoarsely, sweating from the effort and weakly grinning down at you. “Y-you feel so fucking good.” 
You nod in agreement, not being able to produce any coherent words at this moment. And Seokjin also takes it as a sign to move. He pulls out slowly, scraping at the front walls of your core and then fucking back deeply and back in again. You throw your head back into the sheets next to his elbow in pure ecstasy, moaning loudly as he repeats the motion, building momentum and speed. 
An arm leaves the side of your head and curls down to grip your thigh and hook it up over his hip, and you cry out as the head of his cock prods the spot in you that has you clenching down and trembling with a hoarse cry of his name. He moans loudly in response to your tightness, his voice cracking at the effort of trying not to cum too early. To distract himself, he leans down and mouths at yours, swallowing your moans and cries. 
When you quiet down, he continues to grind against you, fucking deep and slow into you so that his cock hits your spot with every stroke and it’s only a few strokes into it that you feel it coming. Your lower belly clenches with tension, the rush of hormones and emotions through your head growing louder and more hot as he groans into your mouth at your tightness. 
“I-I-” you cry out, detaching from his mouth at the approaching orgasm, “I’m gonna c- oh my god, S-seokjin, I-I love you so much,” you cry out, clutching at his shoulders as his rhythm speeds up to match your declarations. 
He groans into your neck as you spasm around him, crying out his name and back arching into his chest as you’re thrown over the edge roughly, the heat and wetness rushing through you, throbbing around him. He grunts as he continues to grind against you through it, thrusting once, twice, before he too is thrown over the edge at the sensation of your tightness and wetness. You’re still shaking by the time he’s sane enough to talk, eyes shut and trembling in the subsiding waves of your orgasm. 
His cock is hard and deep in you, and you’re so relieved you might cry, finally being able to orgasm with someone else after years of having to put up with your clumsy fingers and boring porn videos. He’s so perfect, and so good, and the perfect size for you and your body. He leans down and kisses you as he waits for you to come back, thumbs swiping away the tears that slipped past your lids, lips gently swiping against your open mouth. 
His hand comes up and presses firmly against your chest, rising and falling with the heavy breathing that you’re doing, waiting until your breathing calms and your eyes flutter open to blink up at him. 
He smiles down at you. “Me too.” He whispers back, and new tears pool in your lashes because you know exactly what he means, and it meant the world to you. When you don’t say anything in response, he assures you, “I love you, Y/N. So much I thought I was gonna die if I waited another day to tell you. I’m sorry you beat me to it.” 
You shake your head, crying tears of joy as you wrap your arms around him and pull him close to you. You’re crying and laughing and kissing him which is pointless because he’s smiling and laughing so much that you can’t even kiss him properly. But it doesn’t matter. 
Nothing matters, except him. 
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2 years later
“Guys,” Seokjin calls, and the class quiets down as he stands, tall and happily in the front of the room. You watch him from your desk in your shared classroom. Today was the last month of school, your students now seniors and in their graduating year, ready to be sent off to amazing universities and programs for their futures. 
It had been a great 2 years of wonderful dating. There had already been a hundred rumors going around as the students watched the both of you interact, and it was no secret that there was something. But this was the class of students who had been there through it all, from when the fued had started as the both of you pranked each other, became partners and co-taught a class, helped students through their programs and exams, and eventually became best friends and lovers. You thought you owed them an apology for telling them so late and giving them the truth that indeed, the both of you were dating. 
He’d been enthusiastic about it too, for some reason, and had insisted that you do it on the day of their graduation, with the specific class clustered in the classroom like right now. 
You rolled your eyes as he begins speaking. 
“Well, I’ve heard a lot of rumors circulating around the school that Ms. Y/N and I are dating.” 
Giggles and whistles erupt around the room as the students laugh and tease about it. 
He quiets them down. “And I just want to say, yes, we are dating.” 
The room erupts in screams and yelling as the students jump out of their seats in cheers and yells and high-fives at the news. You grin sheepishly from where you’re sitting, too shy to try and do whatever the hell Seokjin is doing. 
“But!” he yells, and the students quiet down. 
“We’re more than just dating! I really really really love Ms. Y/N!” 
You widen your eyes as he turns to you, and the class begins to grow restless as they watch him walk up to you. “Y/N, you’re my best friend, my partner, my girlfriend, my favorite person to watch The Office with, the best driver I’ve ever known, and the best teacher and educator I will ever know. But one thing is certain, is that all of these qualities are why I love you so much, because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and that’s all I could’ve ever wished for.” 
You sit there in shock as he gets on one knee in front of you and holds up a ring. “Will you marry me?” 
The class erupts in cheers as you tearfully nod and throw your arms around him and immediately the doors of your classroom bang open and all your coworkers and friends and family are there to cheer along with you as you hold onto Seokjin. 
He grins down at you amidst all the loud cheering and whooping and yelling, and pecks you on the lips. “I love you so much.” 
You wipe your tears, mock punching him in the shoulder. “I thought you were gonna just tell them we were dating, moron.” 
He laughs, not even minding. “I wanted everyone you love to be there. Like you’ve always wanted.” 
You smile and nod, leaning up to press your lips against him again, ignoring the cheers and whistles in the background. 
“I love you too. You’re all that I’ve always wanted.” 
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thrcshold-blog · 6 years
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i’ve been laughing at this gif for five minutes straight, hELPSFDKJGSDF
hey guys !! i’m kat, 21 yo struggling uni student from east coast canada who’s whipped for fromis, boa and brockhampton and currently ignoring finals prep in favour of typing my soon-to-be bland and long-winded intro ! sjfkgdf so i’m gonna get to the point as quickly as possible and present my messy sagi baby, zoe who’s kinda just. cracked tbh. you can check out her ( slightly unfinished ) stats HERE, and like this or im me if you’d like to plot !
EDIT: btw, my d*scord's EXO'S BITCH#2030 if anyone wants to hmu over there !
< park jiwon, cis female, she/her, twenty-one > welcome to the witching community of chicago, ZOE RYU ! you’re a HEDGE WITCH right ? some of the locals around here have described you as being RESTLESS and CANDID, but others have said you’re PERCEPTIVE and VERSATILE. i guess i’ll have to see for myself. now, being a hedge witch, i hear you excel at DREAM MANIPULATION. the chicago witching community prides itself on having skilled witches so make sure to keep practicing !  < kat, 21, nt >
so i still haven’t figured out the full backstory with her but i’ll edit this a little later when i have my wits about me sjglfgd
that aside, zoe grew up with her parents in a suburb of halifax, canada and it was a fairly simple life they had — papa ryu's a hedge witch and is just living a chill life as a cop.. just handling a lot of petty crimes and traffic violations bc i’m p sure halifax is about the same criminally as my own province dklgsg
and her mom’s a green witch who’s like, the closest thing to a hippie that you can get given she’s got a policeman for a husband sgkdfjsgfdkl anyways she did her own Thing by running her family’s little garden centre uptown before delving into a venture with a uh, microbrewery 
that whole set up sounds Dumb but. one of her parents has to be cracked like zoe in some ways and it clearly won’t be her dad so ! moving on !
sdfhjhgsh so zoe was a middle child with an older brother and twin smols of opposite sexes, and the only one of the four to end up becoming a hedge witch, or showing signs of becoming one i should say, like her dad ! she was always an imaginative and creative kid — something her mom especially let her expand upon — and a little wise beyond her years
she often had vivid dreams and, in her soon-to-be proven crackhead fashion, would tell them in a dramatic, outlandish way
the bitch was born to be a Loud theatre kid. anyways DKSFGJDSGFK
her dad saw this and other little things as a sign that she might just become a hedge witch like him and was Hyped, so like any proud parent he.......... kinda projected buT with good intentions
ig ?? idk but yeah, a hedge witch she would become sdglkgdk
she did delve into her powers and was interested in being a Good little witch, but she likely didn’t make it her top priority if the rest of this intro will be anything to go by 
her school life was p ordinary, she was extroverted and enthusiastic but so fucking Annoying all the same
performed decently but def excelled in language arts/english. not just saying that bc Me but —
joined the drama club in high school and was a little thespian until she graduated and headed off to uni at acadia for an arts degree !
but after a couple of years, and despite the friends she had there, she took a step back. def the type of person to wanna escape and explore, and her studying so close to home limited her ability to do that
so she moved to chicago like, a couple of months before tr*mp became president-elect bc she would’ve cancelled everything, demanded her deposit back, had she arrived after that SKLDFGSDGFL
her brother had been a little more focused on his abilities than she had been at the time, and had visited a couple of larger witching communities to idk, see what they were like ?? since theirs was quite small in comparison; and he told her about them only for her to decide to check one of them out for a bit
and she picked chicago bc....... tbh she only really picked chicago on a whim, and her weird love for that one episode of victorious with trina doing her one woman show might’ve played the smallest role in it all KDSGJKDSGF
so she’s been here for a couple of years now and had started her studies again a couple of months back at a uni near her little apartment ( haven’t checked out possible places to add to her stats just to have a uni Set, so i’ll do that later gdklsdg )
and that’s really it for her bg !
so she needs action or something of interest in her life to keep her Up, but the feeling can fade quickly
like i said, she left her province — and country — to experience more, both in her abilities and in general; and while the latter is a little defunct given her time here already, whatever else comes with it tends to keep her from wanting to run off to the next enthralling adventure as soon as she possibly can
she also can’t sit still for v long if we wanna keep this short and show less Grand ideas sgdklfg
given her partially goofy ass, it’s hard to fathom her as being a blunt, serious or even snide person, but she can be given the situation or..... perhaps it’s just how she is in the moment sdjgsfdg
zoe does, however, show her blunt side in a more quick-witted, casual way than serious so it’s unlikely that you’ll see her act up, and uncommon but definitely not rare to see her be mature and handle shit accordingly
idk if that made sense but we’re gonna keep going for now sdgkjgdf
she’s a solid, loyal person, but she’s also quite observant and wise — well, wise when she wants to be anyways
and she’s definitely NOT a mary sue, but she is, as i said in her app, versatile
she’s adaptive in certain settings and situations, she doesn’t limit herself in what she can and can’t do and is a semi-functional multitasker DGKHJDF
the second thing prob has something to do with her ( over ) confidence but anyways
uhhhhh last but not least, she’s a Crackhead.
she’s a living, breathing level 4 shitposter and my patience is definitely gonna wear thin with this brat, i sweaR
tho at the end of the day, she’s chill despite it. by some miracle at least
when it comes to dream manipulation, she’s always found it to be cool
and one thing that makes it rewarding and interesting is how it would help her little sister with nightmares when she started becoming proficient at the actual manipulation aspect of it
bc who wouldn’t use a power to help a distressed kid :(
eventually it’s escalated to her just chilling with her mom in her dreamland bc phone and skype calls are boring af and not enough for them to be dumb bitches together sdgfklsgfdj
and to just fuck around with her neighbours and what not. in a good way
........ for the most part, the witch can’t guarantee that the rude girl down the hall won’t see her long-time crush run off with zoe out of subtle revenge for knowingly closing the elevator door in her face when she had her arms full of grocerieS —
and while it is.. p invasive, it also fuels her creativity by using some elements as inspiration for her writing 
it’s an ethical dilemma that she wrestles with, rest assured folks
what else, what else.............
she’s good with her family if i didn’t imply it enough
she’s bi but..... girls disappoint her far less than guys so she has a Preference DJFGSKGDKF
likes to act like she isn’t a massive party girl but, she’s a massive party girl
how else will she release her pent-up energy ?? sgkjhgsdj
loves garlic fingers, but bc america’s behind on shit from what ik, she’s as disappointed as i am that she has no access to them
honestly, she’s just v atlantic canadian when it comes to food, her fondness for fog and the ocean and neither are Really a thing in this part of the states so she’s struggliNG still
uh, feels like the only one who’s following a more...... human life path, one not as connected to magic as other witches she’s met, and feels a tad embarrassed bc of it, but it’s what she feels most comfortable with
loves horror movies and halloween, is That bitch who laughs at the former and goes all out with the latter
thinks virginia woolf is a legend and is Right in doing so SGKDJFGD
idk what else to add so let’s end it here !
forgot to mention that i don’t have her plots page finished, so i’ll link it when i do !
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axelsandwich · 7 years
yuzuru hanyu: an exhaustive introduction
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the weird goat noise crying at the end is yuzu himself basically going ‘nooo no way, no I don’t want this, that was scary, so scaryyy’
choose your fighter
he’s happy a lot
basically the embodiment of the n__n emoji
and cute
the cutest 
loves nature on the rare occasions he goes outside
hitting his coach with a fan
scaring his other coach and then running away
adorable w kids
loves teaching
but also falls down a lot. very cutely.
sometimes in a stupidly beautiful way
factual info you could probably Wikipedia but are too lazy to do so: Yuzuru Hanyu is a Japanese figure skater from Sendai, born 7 December 1994 who competes in the men's singles discipline.
PSA: YUZURU HANYU IS NOT THE MODEL FOR KATSUKI YUURI FROM YURI ON ICE (yuuri katsuki is canonically based on tatsuki machida thank u)
japanese media (esp in sendai) basically filmed him growing up and called him a young prodigy so we’re lucky to get footage of chipmunk-cheeked yuzu with his (flying) mushroom hair 
look at this tiny bean
he was interviewed in ice rink sendai with japan’s other figure skating gold medallist shizuka arakawa. to quote, when asked “can you become a gold medallist too?”, he said “probably”. and then he went and did exactly that.
he would get into fights with his rinkmates, used to ball up skate rink magazine flyers to hit like a baseball and basically had a 5min attention span after which he would get bored
he also remained top 5 in his class academically while competing internationally during high school and does online education at waseda university, which is one of the most prestigious universities in Japan (this kid was away the day God handed out laziness and procrastination I s2g)
he’s studying Human Informatics and Cognitive Sciences (ie. basically a massive maths nerd)
my favourite in-depth and extended interviews with yuzu are his press conferences with the foreign correspondents club in japan, he really lets his intelligence and thoughtfulness shine here in particular:
2014 post-sochi olympics
2018 post-pyeongchang olympics
2018 post-pyeongchang olympics (japanese media)
memelord mc memeface (no, I am serious)
literally can’t control his face
I could go on.........
for a long time
(this is my fave)
the duality of man
10 expressions for the price of one
‘yuzuru will also respond in english’
yuzuru was a victim of the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami and lived in an emergency shelter with his family for about a week. spent the summer afterwards skating 60 different ice shows to raise money for the victims. he lost his home rink because of the earthquake and so would go to the show rinks early to practice ): 
it’s heartbreaking that he’s still very affected by the memories. he’s said he doesn’t take anything for granted and is always grateful to have a rink to skate on, and the impact he had on the survivors had a profound effect on his skating
he mentioned it in his post olympics interview
if you feel like crying really really hard today, watch yuzuru visiting sendai’s disaster affected areas and where he stayed initially in the days after the disaster
he donated all his olympic winnings to helping tohoku recover
the only regular TV appearance he does every year is 24hr TV which is a charity marathon to raise money for various causes, especially for areas affected by natural disaster 
“If it is because I visited them that those who suffered from the disaster can forget about their hardships for even just a moment, to me that would be something very meaningful. Therefore, at that moment, I thought that I wanted to get another Gold medal at the next Olympics.” 
the reason why he’s going for another olympic medal. cry with us
gets on with nobunari oda like a house on fire and carries out shenanigans whenever they meet
nobu and ex-tennis player matsuoka shuzo have been his most zealous and purest hype men since he was sixteen, it’s the cutest thing in the world, they’re regularly worried about him, stunned by him and moved to tears by his performances
here they are reacting to his olympics programs
here’s yuzu thanking shuzo for his support by putting his gold medal around shuzo-san’s neck
has the cutest bromance ever with training mate javier fernandez (eg. when he cried bc he didn’t win but was also super happy for javi, and when he watched javi’s free skate)
gives the best hugs to javi
just before the Olympic medal ceremony, yuzuru cried after javi told him this would be his last olympics and saying ‘no I can’t do it without you’ wow I didn’t need my heart or anything today
has the cutest interactions with all skaters including his direct competitors
here’s boyang jin giggling about how he got a hug from ‘the guy who likes Pooh’
nathan chen commenting on yuzu & both of them complimenting each other
dodges media attempts to pit him against shoma uno as bitter rivals bc they are NOT ABOUT THAT LIFE 
olympic gold medallist checking to make sure the olympic silver medallist has his jacket on straight and teaching shoma to wave bc he is actually just a mother
the only person who has the ability to make him lose focus: his forever-idol evgeni plushenko (now in motion) 
probably the only asian boy who willingly opted for a bowl cut 
who he shamelessly cheers on during ice shows
literally not capable of not being extra as fuck
here’s his pre-competition rituals aka. lipsyncing silently at a wall
he does it a lot
where every other male skater is in sensible shirts and pants, you will find yuzu standing there BEDECKED IN SEQUINS AND FEATHERS
he don’t give a fuck about your gender norms
and looks excellent while doing so
here he is, single-handedly destroying toxic masculinity
here he is just generally being Extra, with the rest of the men, bullying junhwan, bullying boyang... speed skating
tbh his milkshake seems to bring all the boys to the yard...seriously. and obviously most of the girls...
famous for his death glare murder face of hyper-competitive intensity
scariest thing is how quickly he can switch it on
there’s literally a collection of photos of yuzu - from when he was a bb to presently - eyeing the gold medal from another podium position like ‘my precious will be mine soon’ (here’s another one)
but also for being the sweetest kid ever 
he is truly SUPER polite wherever he goes
hugging his competitors at the 2018 pyeongchang olympics
staying behind to answer all questions from media at the competition
CRAWLING ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES behind competitor shoma uno so he doesn’t get in the background of shoma’s interview
mr worldwide (he thanked reporters at the Olympics in five languages)
watch him say thank you in korean
JP TV basically had entire TV segments where they were like ‘OBSERVE HIS GOD-LIKE BEHAVIOUR’. It continues to this day
there’s literally a shrine with kanji similar to his name and fans pray for him there
he has three dedicated shrines that his fans make pilgrimmages to - yuzuruha and the two seimei shrines. 
oda nobunari visited one and basically all the ema wishes were for him (yuzuru himself also visited the shrine to pray as well)
helping people repair the rink after competitions
single-handedly keeping the winnie the pooh soft toy industry alive.  
Disney-senpai finally noticed him in 2018
he donates all the toys he gets to local orphanages and charities
gives his fans regular heart attacks
watch him save jumps that shouldn’t have been physically possible
changing program halfway through when he failed a jump to accommodate #emergencyquad and #yolotripleaxel 
casually breaks world records because he was annoyed with himself
casual jump combinations during practices
casually says shit like wanting to jump hithero impossible jumps
jumped new quad when pissed off at the world team trophy It is REALLY IMPORTANT to know that the main reason for fan heart attacks is because he’s dealt with a distressing number of injuries, illnesses and misfortunes in his skating life but has somehow managed to come back and succeed in spite of them
a really scary accident that happened at cup of china 2014 and he decided to skate anyway because he wanted to qualify for the Grand Prix Final (which he then went on to win) and he really should not have been allowed to but he.......did that > <;
he then came back a month later to win the Grand Prix Final for the 2nd year in a row
he then had abdominal pain and surgery right after winning Japanese Nationals in 2014
and after spending a month recuperating, still managed to win a silver medal at worlds 2014
this is why we don’t talk about boston
important to note he skated his iconic chopin/seimei 2015 grand prix final programs WITH THAT INJURY
but then he came back and won the world championships in Helsinki in 2017
he missed almost the entire 2017-2018 olympic season he severely injured his ankle while practising the 4Lz in practice at the NHK Trophy, while recovering from a fever
is making his comeback from injury either at the pyeongchang team event or potentially yolo-ing it and going just for the individual event, we have no idea, we just know heart attacks are imminent
update: he skipped the team event and made his COMEBACK SKATE FROM INJURY after 3 months of no competitions and 1 month of prep at the individual mens event of the pyeongchang olympics.... AND FRIKKIN WON HIS SECOND OLYMPIC GOLD 
he then...injured himself again for the 2018-19 season, went out and skated anyway, won the event and showed up to the victory ceremony on crutches. he made a comeback at the world championships 2019 on painkillers yet again and still managed to get a silver medal
is proficient at disappearing like a ninja and subjecting his fans to radio silence for months on end, usually bc he injured himself ))):
so his fans made him a banner
(he has some ridiculously talented fans tbh)
a helpful guide to stanning yuzu (warning: you may feel Attacked)
did I mention he happens to be pretty good at figure skating? 
he’s broken the world record 16 times and counting (the video is his reaction to the first 11 (most of them are his own records)
he’s the first man in 66yrs since Dick Button to win back-to-back Olympic gold medals in mens figure skating (sochi 2014 and pyeongchang 2018)
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I cannot emphasise HOW FRIKKIN #YOLO HIS 2018 OLYMPIC SEASON WAS. this was the medal he wanted his ENTIRE LIFE, which he had literally planned since he was a novice skater and had seriously begun planning since right after he won the gold in Sochi. this plan had to be adjusted due to the truly distressing number of injuries, illnesses and misfortunes he sustained during the last quad (his Olympic athlete profile has PARAGRAPHS dedicated to all his injuries - and note these are only the post-2014 ones). but yuzuru started the 2017-18 olympic season with a plan to basically break all 3 of his WRs at the olympics by recycling his Chopin and Seimei programs but upgrading the layout and introducing a new quad - the 4Lz - which he had been preparing for years. and then this plan was, once again, thrown out the window when he sustained the injury in NHK in early November, which was much more severe than he first thought. he sat out of competition for 3mths despite hoping to return first at Japanese Nationals and then to the Pyeongchang team event, but pulled out of both as well. yuzuru made his comeback from injury debut at the individual men’s event, aka. the BIG DEAL, after marching into the airport like a BOSS. we were told he had only recovered his triple axel 3 weeks ago and his quads 2 weeks ago, but post-Olympics, he’s slowly revealing that it was even more dire than that. he skated the entire Olympics on painkillers that were not working 100% which meant every jump landing hurt.  and he. frikkin. WON. by doing this. and this.  (it was also the 1000th medal in Winter Olympics history because destiny rewards those who are Most Extra)
seimei is arguably one of the greatest masterpieces of skating programs and yuzuru was involved in every step of putting it together
his iconic moves ; _ ; 
edges, have you seen anything more ridiculous
romeo and juliet 1.0 at worlds, less than 1yr after the tsunami disaster and really launched him onto the international stage
sochi olympic short program (the thing that won him the gold lbr)
sub point: his reaction to gold
sub point: his reactions to BOTH HIS GOLD MEDALS
chopin and seimei at Grand Prix Finals 2015/16 
WR for highest short program and total program score and he’s gonna bring them both back and try to surpass them for the Olympic season because he wasn’t already under enough pressure.........
hope and legacy FS at Worlds 2016/17 where he came back from 5th place in the short program to win the free and break his own world record yet again (annotated version)
broke his 12th WR in the first event of the 2017-2018 Olympic season at the ACI Challenger event with a sore knee and downgraded jump layout
hilariously, his coach brian orser was - uncharacteristically - warning everyone that his first skates of the season are like ‘first pancakes’ and to not expect too much from him before the SP
his fans, needless to say, were amused
he did go ahead and die in the free skate the following day though, and finished with his obligatory Canadian silver
Jumped and landed his first 4Lz in competition at the Rostelecom Cup 2017 (watch it clean - it’s a THING OF BEAUTY) and now has landed 4 types of quads in competition (4T, 4S, 4Lo and 4Lz). Has now said that being the first person ever to land the 4A - his childhood dream - is one of his key motivations. 
just go watch all his programs lol
has a majestic jump face. it’s art. literally. 
seemingly endless appetite for getting better and continually challenging himself
his favourite word: kuyashii (ie. frustrated)
one of my favourite interviews of him ever was right after his broke all 3 world records and went over 200 and 300 for the FS and total competition score for the first time at NHK 2015.  “[On losing to Patrick Chan at Skate Canada & the fact he was practising during gala rehearsal where everyone else was chilling] I thought I want to improve, even here right now.  Patrick was nearby and it was a really good motivation.   It’s like, ‘Watch me.'  I will definitely practise all kinds of jumps and I will grow for sure.  I will win the next time for sure, I have been practising with that in mind.”   Then 3 weeks later, at NHK Trophy, he had a different lay-out. Yuzu:  This is not related to Patrick anymore.  I was really fired up this time. Boyang Jin got 95 points in SP, right?  When I saw that score, I thought, wow NO MISTAKES!!  He gave the best of his abilities!  OH YES!!!! Matsu: You didn’t think OH NO!!!  You thought OH YES???? Yuzu:  I thought “It’s here!!!"  Since I was a child, I have never liked winning a competition when others made mistakes.  Everyone skates to their best, but I still come first, above all.  That is what I like. I like pushing myself to the edge—.” (translation cr: yuzusorbet) says volumes about his competitive mentality.
this is also iconic AF. ‘In your mind, what do you mean by wanting to win with a commanding lead?’ yuzuru (no hesitation and immediately): after everyone goes clean, I go clean and win. (matsuoka shuzo’s face is a MOOD)
oh, also he’s had asthma since he was two 
he talks about it here
it was referenced in a movie
he got an asthma attack 2wks before the World Championships in Helsinki 2017 and still went out and Did That
the new york times did a long feature on him and it’s mostly a pretty comprehensive article if you want an overview
has remained at number one in the world standings for the entire olympic cycle since 2013 despite aforementioned heart-attack-inducing injuries and illnesses
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sucks at finding suits that fit him. because he needs one imperfection
questionable fashion sense in general (generally remains stuck at ‘japanese teenage boy circa 2005′)
he wears toe socks and has been seen wearing crocs once, ho n e st l y
Good Guy Yuzuru: doesn’t wear fitted suits often because he knows it’ll kill his fans and/or will only do so if he gets paid for it tbh
unless he’s wearing under armour
he can keep wearing under armour
seriously, why isn’t he being sponsored by under armour
really obsessed with earphones and has like 50 pairs, many of which are custom-made and cost over $1000. he gets really excited about sound quality & bonds with sound technicians over their headphones. basically it’s the only thing he talks about when interviewers want to know what he likes to do in his spare time
that and play games in his room by himself
he’s hyper-competitive about games too
is this a surprise at this point
he’s basically a shut in when he’s not on the ice rink, in competition or at an ice show. he is not v exciting
he got really obsessed with kendama and now has like 8 of them
can’t dance but has no shame (yeah) (YEAH. you’ve been warned). werq it boi
made his japanese film debut in a bald cap, playing the young lord of Sendai which he SORT OF BASICALLY IS
get you a man that loves you like the entire city of Sendai loves yuzuru
their cheer video for sochi and pyeongchang
as of originally writing this intro post - part of the top six men in figure skating right now. probably possesses the Most Lack of Chill, being world champion, olympic champion and holder of all 3 figure skating records. we’re all drinking heavily this olympic season, not in the least because Olympic season has been a Pretty Big Disaster So Far
BUT HE WON THE GOLD MEDAL AND THE MENS EVENT WAS - FOR THE MOST PART - PRETTY DAMN BRILLIANT, especially given all the disasters that happened this season.......so I recommend watching it all. ; __ ; 
alas Patrick Chan and Javier Fernandez have now retired ;;
he’s also b e a u t i f u l 
um excuse me, rude
apparently not interested in sex appeal......... 
want to research more? 
here’s a recommended watchpost
a compilation of interesting interviews by tsukihoshi14
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gif cr: balladestorm
in conclusion, thank you for reading and I hope you know more about this special, brilliant boy ( : 
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hazftcor · 7 years
Promise #2
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“Promise me you’ll always stay in control.” You said to your best friend who was also your crush. You were the second person to know he was bitten, after Stiles. Why wouldn’t you know? Scott was your older brother. He had anger issues and was struggling with control. You weren’t a supernatural of any kind, but almost all your friends were some type of supernatural so you got your experience from them. You met him at the boys first Lacrosse practice after Liam transferred. Liam was dominating Scott and Stiles. You laughed at the human-made failures made by them. By the end of the practice, you went up to him and thanked him for making a fool out your brother and his best friend. He introduces himself to you right before Scott and Stiles walk up to him suspiciously, questioning on his good abilities. You defended him which was a shock to your brother, and Liam gave you a hug for getting him away from those two ‘freaks’. That was how the two of you became best friends. 
“Y/n, no need to worry. I can control it over the supermoon.” He tells you before getting a text from his girlfriend Hayden. His smile became a frown. He waved at you sadly before leaving in a hurry. You didn’t really like Hayden, not only because she was dating your crush but that she’s clingy. Liam would always listen to her and ditch you for her. You were a little bit afraid that one day, Hayden’s going to tell Liam to stop being friends with me, and he’ll listen to her. But still, you hoped nothing bad is going to happen even though everything was falling down. You hoped everything would come out right. Man, were you wrong.
You knew your brother was at the library that night of the supermoon. Lydia texted him saying she to meet up at the library. He was a true alpha, he could defend himself. You weren’t worried. Until you got a call from your mom. You were at the store when you find out. You ran out of the store and got on your motorcycle, heading home. When you got there, you harshly open the door and enter Scott’s room.
“Scott Mccall! You better tell me who did this to you so I can beat their ass for hurting you.” Scott looks at your mom.
“Sorry, sweetie. I had to. She’s your sister.” Scott sighs heavily while Melissa gets up to leave the two of you.
“Are you okay, by the way?” You ask, changing your mood from angry to gentle. 
“I’m okay Y/N. The pack... they’re all gone. Liam tried to kill me. Theo almost killed me. I lost them, all of them.”
“Scott...” You sat down on the side of his bed and grabbed his hand. Then you realized what he just said.
“LIAM F*CKING DUNBAR DID THIS TO YOU? I don’t care who he is to me, I’m gonna beat his ass up for killing my brother for a girl. That son of a b*tch.” 
“LANGUAGE!” Your mom yells from downstairs. You angrily got up and headed for the exit.
“Y/n, it was Theo too. He manipulated Liam into killing me so Liam could get alpha status and then Theo would kill Liam so Theo can finally be an alpha. Liam didn’t kill me enough so Theo did the final touch.”
“F*ck that b*tch too. I’m pissed at my best friend. I’m going.” You said.
“Where are you going?”
“To f*ck up Liam Dunbar, and tell him that I hate him.” You told your brother. But you knew for a fact that you could never hate Liam, and so did your brother. Even though Scott called your name a couple of times, begging you to not go, you left anyway. You went straight to Liam’s house. His stepdad opened the door.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you’re here, Liam came home crying and he’s been in his room ever since.” He tells you. You gave him a fake smile before heading to Liam’s room. You knock on his door.
“Go away.” You can hear him say. Instead of following his orders, you barge in. His head snaps up.
“What the hell, Y/n?! I said go away.” He says, quickly wiping his tears away.
“Liam Dunbar, you son of b*tch. I can’t believe you would kill my brother for Hayden!”
“Y/n, i could explain! Hayden was dying! The doctors injected Mercury into her! The only way for her to survive is if Scott bit her!”
“So just because Scott declined your stupid ass request means that you could kill him??” 
“Wanting to save the person you love the most is not a stupid ass request! I was mad and it was the super moon! I didn’t want to lose Hayden! She is my first love! What would you do if the guy you liked was dying?”
“The guy I like doesn’t even like me back! Don’t change the subject Dunbar, you stupid little piece of shit, you broke your f*cking promise!”
“What promise?” You were done with him at that point.
“Do I even mean anything to you? I’m your so-called best friend and you basically forget everything I say to you because you’re so in love with Hayden. You ditch me for her all the time now. I swear that I’m nothing to you. What a great best friend you are!”
“Y/n, i didn’t-”
“wait what?”
“Liam Dunbar. From this moment on, you are not my best friend anymore. I hate you, and I never want to see you again. Goodbye.” You ran out of the house, tears falling down your face. You headed home and slammed the door to your room. You cry onto your pillow. You hear a soft knock on the door. It opens to reveal Scott.
“Hey Y/N, you okay?” You get up and wipe your tears away before shaking your head. He comes and hugs you.
“Shh, everything will be okay.” You cried in his arms until you fell asleep. Scott was curious on what had happened but didn’t ask you as he didn’t want to make you more sad than you already were.
You didn’t go to school for a few weeks. You didn’t want to see him, or anyone in fact. Scott kept you updated on what was happening outside. He told you Theo resurrected Hayden and 3 other chimeras, the day before you were about to go back to school. You kept a emotionless expression when you heard the news but inside you were dying. On your first day back to school, you ignored everyone and went to class. Liam tried to talk to you but when he walked towards you, you would walk the other way. 
That day, the pack was discussing how to figure out the beast’s identity using the charity lacrosse game. After they made their decision to cancel the game, you guys walk out of the library. Liam tries to talk to you, but Scott quickly interrupts him. 
On the night of the lacrosse game, the pack discuses their job. You were to keep everyone safe if the beast attacked. When you guys split up, Stiles secretly told you that Liam broke up with Hayden. You gave him a shrug before heading to the bleachers. 
You watch the boys terribly lose to Devenford Prep again. Kira wasn’t her usual self, and Malia hasn’t finished the wiring. Something was gonna happen, something bad. You felt weird just sitting at the bleachers, not only because you felt like you were useless to the pack but also because Liam kept staring at you whenever he got the chance. You awkwardly smile at him. Suddenly he starts to play hard and scores a few times, catching up to the opposite team. Leading into overtime because of a tie, a sudden squeal from the speakers enters everyone’s ears, which was eventually replaced by a growl. You watch as Liam, with glowing eyes walk towards the growl. You quickly run towards him, hoping you’ll be able to stop him, but it was too late. 
“Liam. Liam, wait!” Stiles yells 
“LIAM!!!!” You scream, as you watch the beast jumping over the bus and attacking Liam. Everyone else started to scream too. You yell for eveyone to get into the school and find a safe hiding place. You run up to Liam.
“Stiles! Help me! Bring him into the school.” The two of support Liam as you guys run into the school and into an empty classroom. The halls were filled with screams from fleeing people. 
“I swear to god, Stiles if you faint, I will kill you myself.” You said once the two of you put Liam on a table and saw the deep scratches.
“I’m okay, I’m fine.” Liam mumbles out.
“No you are not, Liam! You could’ve died out there! What were you thinking?”
“Is it bad?” Liam asks. You shake my head while Stiles nods.
“Stiles!” You glare at him.
“Whatever, How do we fix him?” Stiles asks. 
“Pain! Maybe we could trigger the pain since pain makes them human.”
“I mean he’s already in pain?” Liam groans in pain.
“Okay I don’t know! Why can’t you think of anything?”
“Because there is blood all over him, there’s screaming in the hallways and a bunch of people are probably dead by now.” 
(a/n: this took me forever to think of a solution to heal liam. It sucks though)
“ugh such a negative nancy. I think we should bring him to my mom or Deaton. If only one of us was a werewolf.” Stiles nods. You hear roaring outside and you decide to go out the window. It was a struggle to get Liam out and to the animal clinic.
“Deaton? Are you here? We have an injured Liam!” Deaton appears and quickly we put Liam onto the table. Deaton does a bunch of observing and asks Stiles some questions. Your phone vibrated. You checked it out. Malia texted you.
Mals: It’s chaos here, I called Braeden to help, you better be safe:)
You: yikes okay, I’m out safe, Liam got injured bcs he think hes so strong that he can hurt a beast lol
Mals: lmao good, if he gets better, come back.
You: gotcha :)
You look up from your phone. Deaton is looking for something. Deaton finds it and puts it in a needle, stabbing it into Liam. Liam shoots up from the table, transformed, and roars very loud. You run up to him, ignoring the ringing in your ears and grab his hand.
“Liam?” You say, but you get no answer. You start to repeatedly say his name. 
“Liam wake up! No don’t go, I miss you, and I need you. Please don’t go. Wake up! You promised me that we’ll go to London together someday! You can’t break promises! Liam, please wake up, I need you with me. What am I supposed to do without you? Liam... please... I’m sorry, I don’t hate you anymore. I just want you to wake up Liam Dunbar. Please wake up for me!” You hold his hand so tightly that your hands turn white. A tear slips down your face. 
“I get it! Are you just doing this so I can realize how hard it is to lose the one you love the most? Just get up and lemme say I’m sorry! Please Liam, just wake up. I love you.” More tears slip down your face. You feel Liam’s hand grip onto yours.
“I love you too... not as a friend.” He whispers. You carefully lift him up 
“Do you think you can walk?” Stiles asks. Liam gets up and takes a few steps forward. He nods. “Great now lets go help everyone else! I swear to god Liam if you get injured again, I’m not helping you.” You roll your eyes, You say goodbye to Deaton and the three of you head back to the school. By the time you guys get there, there is the sound of gunshots which meant that Braeden made it. You guys quicken your speed and head to the library. 
“You didn't seriously think you were gonna have a chance against that thing, did you?” Braeden was asking Scott when you got there. 
“No, but I got its scent.” He says, struggling to get up. You run up to him.
“Scotty, are you okay? And don’t worry, I’m okay.” He looks you in the eyes and nods. He gets up with the help of you. Then he heads out. You and Liam exchange glances before following him. The two of you follow Scott to the parking lot. Liam kept telling him to slow down. Somehow you weren’t as worried about him than Liam. Scott makes it to a car, Mason’s to be specific and opens the trunk. Inside reveled two shoes, and one of them was bloody. You gasp as Scott closes the trunk. Mason saw us.
“It’s you...” Scott says.
“What? Liam, What does he mean?” He backs up a bit and Corey suddenly appears, He takes Mason and they both turn invisible. Scott yelled out no but it was too late. They were gone.
“I think we should get a good night rest, Scott. You need to heal, Liam needs to heal. Let’s go home.” Scott sadly nodded and the three of you went back to school to meet up with the rest of the gang.
That night, the pack stayed over at your house. While Kira and Scott were in the bedroom doing who knows what, Stiles, Malia and Braeden were discussing about the desert wolf. During all of that, you and Liam sat in your bedroom in silence. Until Liam spoke up.
“Um well about what we said earlier...”
“What about it?” You ask.
“Did you really mean it?” You blush. 
“I mean, kinda? I don’t know.” Liam walks over to your position on the bed and kneels down so your eyes are at the same level.
“Because I meant it.” He stares deeply into your eyes. You avoid his eyes but his hands make it up to your face and he turns it so you are facing him again. 
“I love you Y/n, I didn’t know that until I lost you. You’re not just my best friend y/n, you’re the love of my life. And I was stupid to break your heart. At school, you ignoring me pains me, Because I can’t stand a day without talking to you. I love you Y/n, I love you so so much and I hope you still would take me back and love me again, but this time more than just friends.” 
“I can’t love you after what you’ve done to my family.” You said as confident as you could. He smirks
“You’re lying. Did you forget I can listen to your heartbeat?” You frown.
“I hate you.”
“You love me.” 
“Hate you”
“Love me” You shake you head.
“Only if you deserve it.”
“Did you see me risk my life out there?”
“I know! How could you do such thing? I was so worried about you!”
“Are you saying you love me?” You shake your head. Suddenly, warm lips comes into contact with yours. Consciously, you kiss back. When you let go, he smirks while you blush madly.
“How about now? Do you love me yet?” You smile widely.
“You’re so desperate, What a loser.” He laughs
“Well I can be your loser.” He says before you kiss him again. And some things lead to the next. That night, you lost your virginity to your best friend and first love, Liam Dunbar.
From then on, you and Liam were the power couple. That was all you wanted. To be with your best friend. You were safe, he was safe, everyone was safe. You were his anchor and he will always be yours. Liam Dunbar will always be the love of your life.
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“Promise me you’ll change for the better.” You said to your secret boyfriend, Theo Raeken. You weren’t suppose to even talk to each other because your best friends, Stiles and Scott didn’t allow it. Of course you didn’t listen. You fell in love with Theo and the two of you became close. That night Theo opened up to you about killing his sister and working for the dread doctors. You didn’t mind, but you didn’t want him to continue on with being evil. 
“I promise babe. I’ll be a better person for you.” He smiles and kisses your forehead. You cuddle with him on the bed, slowly falling asleep. Little did you know Theo still had some things he kept away from you, and little did he know that he was slowly falling in love with you.
That was the promise he made. But when you saw Theo’s claws in Scott’s body, your heart broke into pieces. 
“T-Theo?” You call out, tears threatened to fall down your face. You couldn’t believe what was happening. Theo looked at you with evil in his eyes, but when he saw your tears, his facial expression softened and he let go of Scott.
“Y/N. I could explain.” He takes a few steps towards you.
“What is there to explain? That you manipulated me? That you lied to me? That you broke your promise? You killed my best friend for power, because you’re so power-hungry. I get it, you were just using me to get to the pack. I was just being a stupid naive girl who was just so desperate for someone to love her.”
“Y/n, no, I’m sorry. Babe. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Well you already did. Theo, you’re a monster. I hate you.” Tears slip out of your eyes. Theo walks sadly past you. Melissa arrives and does CPR on Scott. Mason, the only other person there that witnessed that, came up to me. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He embraces you and you cry. Through your sobs, you hear Scott roar. He was alive, but you were broken.
After that, you saw a totally different Theo than the one you fell in love with with. You watched him form his own pack and kill half of them. You watched him attempt to save Lydia from the Eichen House. You watched him try to take the power of the beast, but miserably failed. The heartbreaking thing was whenever he saw you, he would pretend he didn’t know you and never loved you.  The worst part, was seeing him get dragged down to hell by his sister, and not being able to help. He kept calling your name, calling for you to help him, but Scott stopped you from doing so. It was a painful moment to watch.
Three months later, the pack was dealing with the wild hunt. They took Stiles already. Scott, Lydia, and Malia has gone to Canaan for clues on how to find Stiles. You didn’t want to go. You haven’t been active in the pack as much as you did before. Liam and his small pack always came over. Sometimes Brett would come with them too, even though Corey and Liam hated that. But ever since Stiles was gone, they were too busy to come over. Until that night, when Scott, Malia and Lydia came back from Canaan, Scott called you.
“Y/n? Oh hey y/n. I’m pretty sure what I’m doing isn’t a good idea but i need you to come to my place. There’s something here that you might want to see.” Scott states before hanging up. You sighed as you got dressed and headed to Scott’s.
You opened the door using the spare key someone gave you (a/n its stiles) But you couldn’t remember who. When you looked, Malia punching a familiar looking guy. You couldn’t make out who he was but when Malia was pulled away from him and he sat up, your eyes widened. You couldn’t believe it. It was him, the guy you fell in love with. He looked up at you.
“y/n?” he whispers. Scott takes a few steps toward you, but your head was spinning and you couldn’t hear or see clearly.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” A concerned Scott asks, holding onto you to keep you balanced. Once everything stops spinning, you look at Scott and blink a few times.
“Yeah. I’m fine. I’m, I’m just gonna go.” You said, walking quickly out of the house. You knew Scott was following you. 
“Y/n? Listen, if you’re not okay, you can always tell me.”
“I’m sorry Scott. It’s just... everything happened so fast. One minute I love him and the next I hate him.” You sigh in defeat
“It’s like all those memories i tried to forget came rushing back. He killed you Scott. He tried to kill my best friend, the person who means the most to me. You’re aren’t just my best friend Scott, you’re my brother. I don’t remember much about Stiles, but I know you guys were like brothers too. Theo tried to take you away from us. You’re someone special in my life. Not only do you protect me, but you care for me and love me, way more than Theo ever did. But the funny thing is, after all that he has done, I still manage to love him.” A few tears slide down your face. Scott embraces you in a tight hug.
“It’s okay Y/n. I will always forgive you. Even if you choose to be with him, I’ll understand, because you’re like my sister, and I love you. Everything is gonna be alright. Everything will work out just right, just wait.” You manage to laugh. The two of you walk around the streets for a while.
“Who and why did they bring him back anyway?” You ask as Scott was walking you home.
“Liam did. With Kira’s sword. He thought Theo would still have his powers to help us capture a ghost rider, but turns out he doesn't have it anymore. I guess the only reason on why we’re keeping him right now is because he remembers Stiles.” You nod. You reach your place.
“Thanks Scott.” You said. He smiles and kisses you on the forehead before walking away. 
The ghost riders have taken almost everyone. Scott, Malia, and Lydia have gone to trigger memories of Stiles. You didn’t go with them as you weren’t really in the mood. You wanted to stay home all night but Liam told you it wasn’t safe and that you should come with him to distract the Ghost Riders. Reluctantly, you agreed. And now you are stuck in the hospital with Liam and Theo.
“I don’t even know why I agreed, Liam. I’m only human. I have no supernatural powers. I can die Liam. I don’t even know what I was thinking.” You complained while walking into the hospital with the two boys. Theo pauses for a bit, looking at the main hallway. 
“Theo?” You asked, concerned. He quickly snaps out of it.
“I’m fine. I just thought I was somewhere else for a second.” He told us before we started walking again. Liam suggested that you guys hide in the morgue, which was a ridiculously stupid idea. When you reached the morgue, Theo and Liam instantly started arguing.
“You should've left me in the holding cell.” Theo complained
“I should've left you in the ground.” Liam retaliated
“Oh, really?” 
“Yeah. Really.”
“What do you think I was doing down there? Just hanging out with my dead sister? Having a good time catching up on childhood memories?” Your eyes snap up at Theo, confused.
“I think you were rotting down there.”
“Liam finally gets one thing right.” Your heart broke when you heard him agree to Liam. You realized his sister was torturing him down there, getting revenge on him for taking her heart and killing her. 
“I also think whatever happened to you, you deserved it.” You had enough at that point.
“Liam! Shut up! You’re being rude!” You defended Theo and the two boys just looked at you in awe. You didn’t dare look into their eyes and instead you focused on the sound of the siren until it suddenly stopped. 
“Guys, They’re here.” You hear the sound of footsteps. 
“Y/N, stay here.” Liam and Theo bring out their claws before attacking the nearby ghost rider. From the window, you watched them fight. Once they finished fighting all the ghost riders nearby, they were about to fist bump when they looked down the hall at something. You took a peek and saw more ghost riders. Theo runs to the elevator and presses the button while Liam shows his fangs. When the elevator door opens, Theo pushes Liam into it.
“What are you doing?” You hear Liam ask. 
“Being the bait.” He smirks before the elevator door closes. You hear Liam yell out “No!”
You decided to stay in a corner of the morgue. While you hear Theo fighting, you think of how he’s risking his life for Liam instead of fleeing himself and leaving him for dead. There was a gunshot which startled you. You got up to check it out. When you entered the hallway, there was no one. 
“Theo?” The elevator door pushes open and reveals Liam. 
“Y/N! You’re okay!” He runs up to hug you. The two of you let go and head to the reception area, where Liam sees a train station departure board. The first city name flips for a bit until it lands on Beacon Hills. Tracks have appeared on the floor. “We have to tell Scott!” Liam looks at you.
“But what about Theo?” You ask. You were really worried about Theo
“Nobody cares about him, let’s just go. He’ll be fine.” Liam says pulling your arm to the exit.
“No! Liam, you know how much I love him. I need to find him, I need to see if he’s okay. Please Liam. Let me find him.” You tell him. He looks deep into your eyes, and nods reluctantly. 
“Stay safe.” He adds. You immediately perk up and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you! I’ll meet up with you later!” You wave goodbye before running into the empty hallways of the hospital. 
“Theo! Theo!! Where are you? Please tell me you’re okay. Theo!!” Turning the corner, you hear some whimper. 
“Theo? Theo! Is that you? Theo!” You shout. You follow the source of the sound and end up back in the morgue. You see Theo curled up in a corner. He was slightly injured and dirty. From his facial expression, he was terrified. 
“Theo! Theo! You’re alive!” You run up to him, making him flinch and curl up tighter. 
“Please stop, I’m sorry.” You hear him mumble.
“Theo, It’s me, Y/n!” You softly touch him but he flinches and looks you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry! please stop! I get it, You’re mad at me but please stop it hurts, please stop. I’m-” You cut him off my kissing him. When you let go, Theo was finally not terrified.
“Why’d you do that?” He asks.
“Because I love you. And never do I want you to be hurt.” He faintly smiles. You take hold of his hands. “What you did with the ghost riders was really brave of you. I actually couldn’t believe you did it.”
“I promised someone that I’ll change for the better. I might of broke it already but I wanted to make it up to her.” You smile.
“Because I love you. And I never wanted to lose you.” He caresses your cheek before kissing you. “Would you mind being mine again? I’ll promise that I’ll be better. All for you.” Instead of answering, you kissed him. At the moment, you knew he has changed. He held you in his arms tightly and you felt safe. You were finally back in the arms of your first love, and you’ll always love Theo Raeken, for as long as you live.
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“Promise me you’ll be fine without me by your side.” You told your secret boyfriend, Brett, in an empty classroom of Beacon HIlls high school. He was a secret because your brother hated him and you didn’t want him upset.
“It will be hard, but I’ll try. For you.” He says. You kiss him. You hear the door open and you quickly pull apart. You see Liam come you way. Liam punches Brett in the face.
“Stay away from my sister!” He yells before grabbing your arm and walking out of the room. You looked back with a worried face and Brett smiled at you for reassurance. Liam takes you to his car.
“What the hell were you doing with him??” I roll my eyes.
“Why don’t you like him?” I ask
“It doesn’t matter.  I don’t know what’s going on between the two of you but-”
“We’re dating.” You said interrupting him. His eyes widen.
“Y/n Dunbar! I told you how much I hate him and yet you still interact with him. As your older brother, I demand you to stop seeing him.”
“You’re not the boss of me! You can’t demand me to stop seeing him! I love him!”
“I don’t care! It’s either you break up with him or I break up with him for you.”
“That’s not fair! Why do I always have to listen to what you say? I’m only 30 seconds younger than you!”
“Yes and that makes me the older brother! Y/n, listen to me, break up with him. He’s not what you think he is.”
“Stop trying to break us apart! You’re such a selfish person. All you care about is yourself. But what about me? Just because you and Brett had some mishaps back at Devenford doesn’t mean that I can’t date him.”
I don’t care, I’m not breaking up with him. And you can’t make me.” A sudden sharp pain hits your face. Liam had slapped you. 
“I f*cking hate you.” you told him before running away. Your legs took you to the woods, away from everyone. Your phone rings. It was from Brett. You decline the call and text him instead.
You: I’m sorry to do this but I have to break up with you.
Bae: It’s okay, I understand. I’ll always wait for you.
// You changed Bae’s name to Brett \\
You: Thanks for understanding. 
Brett: No problem. Remember I love you
You: I love you too. Goodbye :(
You turn off your phone and walk to the woods. A bit of rustling is heard from behind you, causing you to turn around. A wolf jumps out of nowhere. The wolf then transforms into a human male, who goes by the name Theo Raeken.
“Hello, y/n, fancy seeing you here.”
“what are you gonna do to me? He chuckles.
“Look y/n, I might have done bad things in the past, that doesn’t mean i’m gonna kidnap you or rape you of some sort. Just wanted to see if you’re okay.”
“You’re joking right? Raeken has a heart?” He laughs.
“yes but only to pretty girls like you.” He flirted. You blush. 
“Well you’re showing me a lot right now and I am very uncomfortable so I’m just gonna go.” You say before heading in another direction. Theo grabs your arm and turns you around. Somehow he has put on clothes.
“C’mon Dunbar, just tell me if you’re okay. I saw your brother yelling at you.”
“It’s nothing...” You say, avoiding his gaze.
“Y/n?” Tears start to fall out of your eyes.
“My brother hates my boyfriend and is forcing me to break up with him. I didn’t want to, but he kept on insisting so I told him that he can’t tell me what to do and then he slapped me.” You blurted out. “I feel like Liam is trying to take my first love away from me.” You put your hands on your face and sob in them until warmth fills your body. Theo Raeken had just hugged you.
From then on, You and Theo were best friends. He would always take you to your classes, flirt with you, and become protective whenever Liam comes near you as Liam hurted you. Even with him, you weren’t as happy as before. Theo knew that. But he didn’t say anything about it. Theo was always around at your house. Your parents loved him; Liam, not so much. After all Theo had done to the pack, Liam, along with Stiles, never trusted him and always gave him a glare when he was around. Theo told you all his plans about taking the beast’s power. But he never got you involved, and you never told anyone else about his plans. Until the day came.
It all happened so quickly.
“Your sister wants to see you.” Thunder Kitsune Kira said, shoving her sword onto the floor. The floor cracked and opened a hole beneath Theo. Tara came out and grabbed onto his feet, pulling him down. 
“Y/N! Y/N!! Help me!!” You stepped forward to help but Liam held you back.
“Theo!” You shouted as he fell down the hole and the hole closed up. Angrily, you pushed Liam away from you.
“What the hell is wrong with you guys. First, you take away Brett, and now Theo! You guys are the greatest friends I ever had. Thanks for trying to make my life miserable.” You yelled at all of them, a few tears sliding down your face.
“Y/n, we did what we had to do. You shouldn’t had even been friends with him.” Scott told you. 
“Well then take my life away. Because I just lost two important people of my life. What is life without them for me? They made me happy, happier than any of you have ever done.” You cried, walking out of the tunnels.
You got home with a wet face. Your parents asked you what’s wrong but you ignored all of them. You head to your room, falling on to your bed. You get out your phone and the first thing you see is Theo in your lockscreen. Angry, you throw your phone across your room and snuggle up with your pillows, falling asleep.
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Help!” you hear someone say. You search for where the voice came from. 
“Y/n!!!!” You hear louder, and you quicken your speed. You find yourself at the tunnels again. Two things were happening at the same time. Brett was tied up and Liam was there in werewolf form with his claws out. He was gonna attack Brett. Theo was getting dragged down to hell. You were stuck; should you save your best friend or the love of your life? You were too slow and both of them disappeared causing you to scream.
“Y/N!!” Liam opens the door to your room to see you screaming. He quickly runs up and hugs you. Tears form in your eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/n.” Liam whispers, kissing your temple. Instead of answering you fall back asleep in his arms. The nightmare stopped coming.
Brett stands in the corner, watching you as you get drunk and dance, a hint of jealousy can be seen from his face as he watches you dance with other boys at the party a few days later. You have been getting quiet lately so Liam brought you to a party. 
“Hey Talbot.” Liam walks towards Brett in the corner.
“Dunbar.” Brett says back. 
“Look, I know we have some mishaps in the past but Y/n has nothing to do with it. I took you away from her, and then I took her best friend away from her. You know, Theo Raeken who got sent to hell. He was the only other person other than you that made her happy. We couldn’t, we just made it worse for her.”
“I’m calling you selfish for the fact that you disapproved with us because of what me and you had. But Theo was an evil guy, you’re not selfish for that. You were only trying to protect her from what he could have done to her.”
“Yes, but the problem is when I see him with her, she’s happy and Theo is so kind to her. He takes her to her classes, hangs out ALL the time at our house, and gets protective when shes hurt. Theo had a heart around her.”
“I understand. But did he touch her in anyway?” Liam shrugs.
“I know he flirts a lot with her, maybe a few kisses on the cheek, hugs. But nothing you need to worry about.” Brett’s jaw clenches but manages to stay calm. 
“Last night, Y/n had a nightmare. She told me when I went to calm her down that she watched you and Theo die and couldn’t do anything about it. She didn’t know who to save. The worse part was that I was there too, about to kill you. She’s been having the nightmare lately, and she’s been crying a lot.”
“So what are you trying to say?”
“I want my sister to be happy again. So I am allowing you, Brett Talbot, to date my sister, Y/n Dunbar, once again. But I swear to god if you hurt her, I will deal with you myself along with Scott.” Liam says to him, putting out his hand.
“Deal.” Brett smiles and shakes Liam’s hand before heading into you.
“Y/n, can I talk to you? Or are you too drunk to process anything?” You look at him in the eyes and your eyes sparkle with joy. You nod and the two of you head out to the back.
“I see you’re doing well.” You say once you get out of the place. 
“Well, I promise a girl that I will do fine without her. So here I am, somehow surviving without you.” He smiles. You smile back.
“So what did you want to tell me?”
“Your brother, Liam had just allowed us to date again.” You widen your eyes for a second.
“Because he thinks he was a bit selfish and he wants you to be happy.” You smile. “He told me that you’ve been crying a lot lately and having the same nightmare every night. It hurts him to see you like that so now he has set aside our differences to allow me to date you. My question is: would you like to go out with me?”
“In that case, I do.” You say hugging him. tightly.
Finally, you were happy. The nightmare stopped coming but every once in a while you get a nightmare about Theo. But, with Brett, he makes you happy. You weren’t fully happy, but you were happy. You were with the love of your life. Everything has changed.
“Now, tell me y/n. How many times have you and that Theo guy kissed?”
Well not exactly everything.
Bonus Part for Brett’s section
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You were in the tunnels once again. 3 months ago, you watched you best friend get dragged to hell here. You miss him a heck of a lot and you still have him on your lock screen even with your boyfriend’s protests. Liam and Hayden have brought you with them to the tunnels again without telling you what they were doing. What you were more worried about were the ghost riders taking you away.
Mrs.Yukimura is at the end of the tunnel, holding Kira’s sword. Liam and Mrs.Yukimura exchange words, but you didn’t focus in on their conversation. All you really want was to get out of here and go home. Mrs.Yukimura leaves and you see that Liam now has the sword. He takes a few steps, and hesitates for a bit.
“Liam wait!” Hayden calls out, just as Liam shoved the sword into the ground. The floor cracks and opens up a hole. A figure crawls out in beta werewolf form. He growls and attacks Liam, pinning him to the wall. You stand in shock because not only did Liam open up a hole, he brought back Theo.
“Where's my sister?"
"Your sister’s dead. She died a long time ago. You killed her remember.” Theo growls, eyes still glowing amber. You were too shook to speak at the moment. 
“I’m gonna kill you, too. I’m gonna kill all of you.”
“Hopefully not me, because I've done nothing bad to you.” You finally had found enough confidence to speak up. Theo turns his head towards you. HIs eyes stop glowing.
“Y/n!” He shouts happily. You happily smile back.
“Hey hey, hey. You know what this does? if you look at her like that again, I will use this again.” Liam gestures to the sword he was holding.
“Don’t!” You say quickly. You walk in front of Theo.
“Nobody is allowed to separate me and Theo or Brett ever again.” You say, glaring at your brother, who looks down ashamed. 
After that, Liam and Hayden explained what they wanted from Theo. They tried it out but unfortunately Theo had no more powers. Again Liam, Hayden and Mr. Douglas, who you were very suspicious of, wanted him to go back down. But you defended Theo again.
“Whoa, hold on, who’s making decisions around here? Where’s Scott? Where’s Stiles?” Everyone looks at Theo.
“You remember Stiles?”
“Why wouldn’t I remember Stiles?”
“Maybe he is useful after all.” Liam says. I mouth to him ‘told ya’, and he shakes his head.
“I’m allowing you to stay here, not only because you remember Stiles, but because you were the other person who made my sister happy.” He says. I happily jump up and down before running to hug my brother.
“Oh my god, I love you so much!” You say and Liam chuckle. 
“Love you too.” He says hugging back. 
After the two of you finish hugging, Theo explains everything he knows about the wild hunt. He also told us that he knows something about Mr. Douglas, making you fist bump him for thinking alike. Then you guys head home, with you and Theo talking non-stop, making Liam have a headache. 
“Malia! Stop punching him!” You yelled, pulling her off of Theo .
“T, are you okay?”  He nods. But you knew he was lying. 
“It’s okay princess, i’m fine.” He flirted.You smiled a blushed at the name he called you. You missed him calling you that.
While you tended Theo’s injuries, Scott, Liam and Malia argued about if they should put him back.
“He’s going back to the ground.”
“He remembers Stiles.”
“Scott remembers Stiles. Lydia and I remember Stiles.”
“C’mon guys, let’s not think about the past, but the present. He completely remembers Stiles and he knows a lot about the wild hunt. He can be useful. Plus think about Y/n! Remember how broken she was when we sent Theo to hell? How she didn't talk to any of us for an entire week? Do you guys want her to be like that again? He’s also my responsibility now, I have the sword.” The trio looks at you, who was busy cleaning off the blood on Theo’s face.
“Tell me if i’m wrong, but look how happy she is. She’s extra happy now.” Scott nods. The door opens and in comes Brett. The smell of jealousy quickly fills the room as Brett clears his throat. You turn around and smile.
“hey babe.” You turn you attention to the trio for a second. “If you guys are done arguing, I would like to formally introduce my boyfriend to my bestfriend.” You say rolling your eyes before, going to help Theo up. 
“Okay. Brett, this is Theo. My best friend who just got back from hell. And Theo, this is Brett, my boyfriend.” The two boys star at each other for a while before shaking hands and saying hello. 
“I reckon that you know that me and Y/n are dating, so I hope you won’t steal her away.”
“I won’t have to do so unless you hurt my princess.” You smile. Brett narrows his eyes at the two of you.
“yes, and if any of you hurt my little sister, then I'll have do some bad bad things to you.” Liam intervenes
You smile at their protectiveness. Finally you were 100% happy. Living a happy life with your pack, boyfriend, brother and best friend. Life was good now and you loved it.
second imagine!!! yaay!! Hope y’all like it. Requests are open and I also have prompts. :) I added a bonus to brett’s because I truly believe that reader deserves 110% happiness which means bringing her bff back.
also this blog is now theo raeken and liam dunbar stan, 85% of my posts will be about them. 14% teen wolf, 1% other. so most of the unrequested imagines will be about one of them :)
BRett TALbot DEServed f*cKIng BETter I’m SUing
lots of love x
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haeroniel-doliet · 7 years
thoughts on ice skating
supposed to be under read more, sorry if mobile is weird! 
i mean ive missed multiple weeks and alll in all the society/ practice is quite weird like the beginners teacher dude keeps rambling off about like olympics skating or how higher levels have this and this move and look ive taught that advanced kid over there and heres how they do that technique rather than concretely helping us develop those basic skills that were apparently flawed at. like how do i do that correction youre just showing me bc clearly im about to fall over bc idk how to do it. and i tried being all professional and interested and make the most of it for myself, but cant help the frustration when it goes out of the easy shit into the stupid spins because apparently i just cant do it. be it my skates are too thin or too sharp blades or my ankle is not strong enough  or enough support thats why its going bad? idk even but i cant spin. cant do it. idk i kinda know multiple things that are fucking up and its frustrating and annoying and its just not gonna work yknow i can kinda turn 180. no i cant do the multiple spin spin spin that seems so easy. is it my skates or is it my inadequacy? im not getting new skates tho, im only here because i have my own skates a while back, im clearly so shit that im not even gonna be a milkly good figure skater im not gonna get in on that. i might as well do fuckin ballet rather than this. im actually looking into that kinda now id love to try. 
ice skating is dumb in the way that ive done it since im a child but never as a hobby, like ive done it with most the time my own owned skates since like 3-4 yrs old like young. but school only ever teaches forwards and basic backwards (apparently its cheating backwards) and basic stop and turns and idk things you learn somewhat naturally and my coolest tricks always been sausages (or bubbles as they call them here) and those are apparently baby level beginner stuff and im just :| yeah i can do those tho. and now ic an do them backwards which is kinda cool, and im more confident one foor skating/gliding. but like never as a hobby so i guess none of that matters, i did try to do intermediate and could keep up to an extent but i guess my basics are so shoddy i wasnt doing well enough for my own standards, and even now looking over tho the teacher is better and more encouraging, everyone seems to be doing crazy tricks and jumps and spins and one leg up fancy shit and im just... ya. guess i cant be over there. cant do it. lemme just stand with mr blabber mouth. it is frustrating bc yeah maybe i wanna be that intermediate level, maybe i wanna go skate with my family/old friends and show off bc look i can do like 3 4 cool things im almost a real skater. but fuck i guess my skates are limiting me and i should try use the rental skates? that are dull af but have better support? idk, ive got blisters from them the last i used them and i dont particularly wanna use shitty skates. but i dunno even what to do, i dont particularly wanna drop on some fancy skates just to find smths wrong again and im shit and cant do it. maybe id suddenly improve and feel a lot better about myself and take it as a proper hobby but realistically nah. im actually kinda frustrated i dont even know if i wanna continue. yes i have a friend that goes, yes i have skates and you only get better by spending time on ice and id like to be better bc only recently ive realised how shit i am, (trust me its confidence boosting to have skated with bambis on ice who are afraid of moving at all and then i can at least go kinda fast if i want) but i cant even turn properly, cant stop properly neither. its just ugh, i dont think im getting as much out of it as i should be, i dont know if its the teachers fault, my skates fault, or my own personality/inability. 
no im not doing the dumb kinda competition theyre organising in a few weeks. the criteria for intermediate (that i havent participated in enough anyway recently) is fuckin hops and drags (my skates do not drag! to sharp? idk) and spins and fancy shit i havent even ever tried to. yeah sure i could for the fucks of it do the beginners bc its uh, bubbles forward and backwards that i can do, and i can kind of do the chassee thing kind of. but i cant do a god damn spin for the life of me apparently so i might as well save my 5 pound and ‘pride’. ugh. besides the fun part was that he was talking abt the higher levels leg up glide thing, and had us do it against the wall bc ‘afraid well just face plant’ and i guess i can bring my leg up decently high when supported by the wall which is fun, and otherwise im not the worst of the 5 beginners that showed up. but yeah im just frustrated with it over all. dunno how long the clubs even gonna continue for, theres only one friend there that i would continue for which isnt great considering means i dont consider the others easy to make friends with or ones i could be fond of enough to over look the struggle of the hobby. 
i think my plan was to call my dad not only to ask if they had a preference for when my friend would fly down to visit  so she could buy her tickets, but i guess also i was going to say about the skate apparently being too soft and too thin/too sharp and express this frustration that i still cant do shit, that maybe even using unsharpened (and uncomfortable) rental skates could be better for skating and just wonder what im even doing abt this all. clearly not competing but idk even if we could just come to observe/skate for fun during the competition etc or if i should just skip to catch up/pack and clean idk. also im kinda annoyed at myself otherwise bc i just tuesday saw with J and shes off for a few weeks and i made such a good verbal plan saying id do an email and a summary im weeeeeks behind on on tuesday evening and prep for class today (didnt prep but it went okay anyway) and today i would have gone to class and to skating with a healthy meal (check check check) and come home to sign up and send the other email thats been bugging me, and then do my report due midnight i havent even started on. said id work after midnight if it was taking so long so id have it done..... i had a nap instead. not even a god damn shower i was planning to have tuesday and now its 3 am on thursday. ayy. sure i could skip classes tomorrow to shower and clean my room and maybe complete a task before i drag myself to an archery arrow lesson and badminton after (no thatll be fun, but ill be back rly late) but ive skipped so many classes and i wana see and be with my friends i might as well go, and if i get abandoned work on work somewhere in between classes and maybe actually get something done? gasp. shock. and still get home and do smth like clean and do dishes to be productive while anticipating fun thing, do it and come home and actually sleep bc im fuckin that over eh. but fuck. its not just that i have 1 overdue summary from two weeks ago, i have another summary due thursday night. maybe, in between classes i could do both, miraculous i guess yes but would be cool. do two summaries, send off both and an apology email for the other, take the spare chance to book myself another experiment if theyre still running and if not send an apology email bc i missed one in class one and ask what now. and then maybe even since the calendar is out get my 3 planned viewings booked so that i can see them b4 going back home and dont get fucked. maybe even add the corrections i got yesterday to my other report. wow wouldnt that be great. i could do them now but i should get to sleep right now heres hoping ill remember the corrections then. and then id need to look at the video for the assignment that was due yesterday and bring up the files and find the debrief and begin filling it in and maybe email researcher if i need to, and do the easy part. so that maybe logical me in a clean room will fill in the ethics part between classes on friday or after class or gasp on saturday bc im not going to st andrews after all... its a lot.. i hate that two days are wasted already. ugh. uGH. well get by. lets just try stay positive, now im going to sleep and wake up to go to my 11 class prepared to do some easy work between classes. yes yes. its probably weird that who ever has read this far has read all this shit and maybe i should just keep my shit personal and not post on my main blog bc surprisingly its open to anyone who just slightly would wanna see it,and though you likely dont know me in person its a bit weird huh idk. maybe this is here so my cousin can read it if she happens to , maybe its so that you can read it and be like ya i do that and i think like that too pretty cool im not alone, maybe its for me to read back and not have to be exposed to my worst ugly vents on my plain vent blog and can remain positive thomaybe not. its under read more anyway. lets try bury it guys. 
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