#we have to learn how to take care of each other —psychologically spiritually physically!!
Lord Peter telling Ann Dorland that some day she’ll find the right man to appreciate her but it won’t be what she thinks—-very Important to me.
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ahopkins1965 · 16 days
James 3:14-16 Commentary By Anthony Joseph Hopkins
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James 3:14-16 Commentary
James 3:14-16 says: However, is you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, then stop bragging and living in the ways that deny the truth.
Next, all of this means that if we disclose selfish ambitions inside of our hearts, then the Lord God will be disappointed.  For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom, but of the world.
Moreover, I want to say that I used to be just like what the Bible verses are talking about.  I used to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana for a total of 18 years.
 This means that from the age of 7 years old until I turned 25 years old, I was inside of the streets of Dayton, Ohio and doing the things that were of the world.  Just like Theologians used to say that the Lust of the Flesh; The Lust of the Eyes, and; The pride of Life is of the world.  I know that this is a plan of action that is utilized by Satan Himself.
However, it affects man spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically as well. I know for me, it caused me to disrespect all of my authority figures, and act the fool at school.
 I started using vulgarity at an early age as well.  I have changed a whole lot since 1990.  I know that I read the Bible, say my prayers each day and night.  I also read the Bible a whole lot.  I am still learning all about the Bible and how to comply with God Himself.  Frankly, I have to learn how to officially stop using vulgarity for good.  I ask God to always forgive me; whenever I commit a sin of this magnitude.
In Addition, I have to stop arguing with other people because it is not worth it.  What I am doing right now, is taking a walk away from my environment.  I learned this during my anger management classes.  At least, it keeps me out of trouble.  It also keeps me away from the Criminal Justice System. 
Meanwhile, I have been reading and studying Bible verses like this so that I can learn how to watch the things that come out of my mouth.  My AA Sponsor stated to me that I have to start all over doing the 12 Steps of AA Recovery.
 I am starting all over because things have changed whenever it comes to the curriculum of the self-help programs.  I know that there are new things that I have to write down when it comes to working the 12 Steps.  I have to write down a powerless list, accountability list, and responsibilities list as well.
I am responsible for my AA Recovery.  I know that my AA Sponsor is responsible for telling me the things that are feasible in the 12 Steps.  I am responsible for listening and learning these things.
Furthermore, I am supposed to help those who are suffering from alcoholism and other drugs.  I know that every time I read Galatians 6:1 it convicts me.  What this Bible verse is saying that a spiritual person always has to help those who are committing sin.  I also have to be careful myself.
The Bible itself is a manual of rules, regulations, and precepts when it comes to governing human behavior.  I know that things have changed for me during the last 14 years.
 I will admit that I was court ordered to move back to Dayton, Ohio because I was non-compliance for an extended period of time.  Therefore, from 2010-the present, I was ordered to take certain medications for my behavior.  The Mecklenburg County Courts sent me back home because I was evicted out my residence three times in one year.
I know that this is not a laughing matter, but a person’s behavior can and will get you into trouble.  I know that I have to resolve all of my active issues before I pass away.  I have to make direct amends with my family members and friends to whom I have offended in the past.
I also know that I have to pay my student loans debt of $28,000 dollars in interest from my student loans while I was a student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
 I was enrolled in my classes in August of 2003.  I had other student loans to pay in another state.  I have to pay a whole lot of money to all of my creditors.  During that time, I was online at my job.  I was solely responsible for crashing computers by looking at porn online.  By doing so, I ended up causing a Worm Virus that contaminated the hard drive of the computers.
Even though, I was responsible for doing a lot of damage to the computers each time that I used them.  I ended up losing my job because of my behavior.  The University of North Carolina at Charlotte classified me as a threat to the public safety of the staff and student body of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Campus Community as of Wednesday April 9, 2009.  I was terminated from my job.
I know that this is something that I am supposed to keep to myself.  It even affects me whenever I am applying for jobs anywhere in the United States.  I am also a victim of age discrimination as well.  There are employers who will not hire me because I have to be certified in certain things.
Finally, I want to inform all of you that I am doing a lot better right now.  I know that things have changed for me during the past 14 years.  I am putting things into perspective right now.
 I have been clean and sober for 34 years now.  I have been trying to still pay on my student loans.  I know that every time I apply for a job of any kind, they will be asking for a reference from my previous employers.  I have to be transparent by saying that this is a very serious matter.
In Conclusion, I want to inform all of you that I know how to survive in any city that I have lived in during the past 34 years.  I know that my life is really what I am supposed to make of it.
 My biggest problem is that, I am not able to obtain any job because of my past.  I have changed my overall behavior because I am going through Continued Commitment because of my behavior.  I know that there are people who are trying to compromise my information and use it against me.
These are the people who have scammed me out of money in the past.  This includes a woman to whom that I was involved in a relationship with from September of 1989 to September of 1990.
 I was responsible for giving her money just to satisfy her drug appetite. During a four-month period, I had given her money to do whatever she wanted because I was working two jobs during the time from 1989 through 1990. I am not going to mention her name but there are many people who know who I am talking about.
I have managed to pay my rent and other bills right now because I am no longer involved in any online relationships.  I know that I am solely responsible for engaging in reckless behavior by giving people money that I did not know.  This had taken place from Friday March 13, 2008 through February 28, 2010.  I have given several people a total of $16,977 dollars in Western Union Funds.  I had given a young lady a vast majority of the money.  I had given her a total of $8,865 dollars in Western Union Funds. 
I also had given a young lady some money from September 1, 2016 through July 2, 2017.  I was responsible for giving her a total of $1,550 dollars in Western Union Funds because she stated that she was from Accra, Ghana in Africa.  I want to inform all of you that I used to play the fool myself for a number of years. 
In Summary, I want to inform all of you that this is all my fault and no one else.  I will admit that I felt so bad that I have to start all over in the 12 Steps of AA.  I know that I am taking entirely too much medication for a number of ailments.  To put things into perspective, I am responsible for my own actions.
 I have made a number of mistakes in the past.  Right now, I am paying all of my bills first and foremost.  I am also changing everything in my personal life.
 I know that I have been responsible for making changes in my life because I am staying out of trouble.  I no longer have a desire to drink alcohol and beer.  I no longer have a desire to smoke Crack Cocaine and Marijuana Cigarettes.  Thank You Lord Jesus for saving me from myself.
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venusremediespharma · 4 months
Body & Mind Balance: A Guide to Holistic Health
Welcome to a journey towards holistic health and well-being, where we delve into the intricate connection between our body and mind. In a fast-paced world filled with constant demands and distractions, finding balance can seem like an elusive goal. However, by incorporating mindful practices, nourishing our bodies with nutritious foods, and embracing holistic approaches to common health issues, we can strive for wholeness in both body and mind. Join us as we explore how to achieve this equilibrium in our daily lives!
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The Concept of Holistic Health
Holistic health is a comprehensive approach to well-being that considers the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Rather than focusing solely on treating symptoms, holistic health looks at the root causes of imbalances in our lives. It recognizes that physical ailments can often be influenced by mental and emotional factors. In this holistic framework, optimal health is viewed as a state of balance and harmony within all aspects of our being. By addressing not only physical symptoms but also psychological and spiritual aspects, we can achieve true wellness. This approach emphasizes the importance of self-care practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and proper nutrition. By embracing holistic health principles, individuals can empower themselves to take charge of their own well-being and make choices that support overall vitality. Holistic health encourages us to nurture ourselves from the inside out for lasting transformation and healing.
Understanding the Connection Between Mind and Body
Our mind and body are deeply interconnected, influencing each other in profound ways. The way we think and feel can impact our physical health, just as our physical well-being can affect our mental state. Stress, for example, can lead to a range of physical symptoms like headaches or digestive issues. Similarly, chronic illnesses or pain conditions can take a toll on our emotional health, leading to anxiety or depression. Practicing mindfulness and meditation techniques can help bridge the gap between mind and body. These practices encourage us to be present in the moment, tuning into both our thoughts and bodily sensations. When we prioritize self-care by getting enough rest, eating nourishing foods, and engaging in regular exercise, we support both our mental clarity and physical vitality. By recognizing the intricate connection between our mind and body, we empower ourselves to cultivate holistic health from within.
Tips for Achieving Balance in Daily Life
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of daily life? Achieving balance between work, family, and personal time can be a challenge. Here are some practical tips to help you find harmony in your day-to-day routine. Prioritize self-care by setting aside time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's taking a walk in nature, practicing yoga, or reading a book, make self-care a non-negotiable part of your schedule. Learn to say no when necessary. It's okay to decline additional commitments if they will stretch you too thin. Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining balance and preserving your well-being. Practice mindfulness by staying present in the moment. Mindfulness can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Engage fully in whatever task you're doing without distractions. Remember to maintain a healthy work-life balance by establishing clear boundaries between professional responsibilities and personal time. Disconnecting from work during off hours is crucial for overall well-being. By implementing these tips into your daily routine, you can cultivate a greater sense of balance and fulfillment in all areas of your life.
Incorporating Mindful Practices into Your Routine
Incorporating mindful practices into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Start by setting aside dedicated time each day for mindfulness activities such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. These practices can help you center yourself and reduce stress levels. Mindful eating is another important aspect to consider. Take the time to savor each bite, chew slowly, and pay attention to how different foods make you feel. This can lead to better digestion and an improved relationship with food. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's going for a walk in nature or practicing yoga, can also contribute to a more balanced mind-body connection. Remember to be present in the moment and let go of distractions. By incorporating these mindful practices into your routine, you can cultivate a sense of calmness and inner peace that will benefit both your mental and physical health in the long run.
Nourishing Your Body with Nutritious Foods
In a world filled with fast food and processed snacks, it's crucial to prioritize nourishing your body with nutritious foods. The food choices we make directly impact our overall health and well-being. Opting for whole, unprocessed foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can support not only physical health but also mental clarity. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet is key to providing your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally. These foods can help boost immunity, improve digestion, increase energy levels, and even enhance mood. By focusing on nutrient-dense options such as leafy greens, berries, nuts and seeds, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon or mackerel - you are giving your body the building blocks it requires to thrive. Remember that balance is key - enjoy treats in moderation while prioritizing whole foods for sustained vitality.
Holistic Approaches to Common Health Issues
When it comes to addressing common health issues, holistic approaches focus on treating the root cause rather than just the symptoms. Instead of simply masking discomfort with temporary solutions, holistic methods aim to restore balance and harmony in the body. For example, stress and anxiety are prevalent concerns in today's fast-paced world. Rather than solely relying on medications, incorporating mindfulness techniques like meditation or yoga can help alleviate these issues by calming the mind and reducing tension in the body. Similarly, digestive problems such as bloating or indigestion can often be improved through dietary changes and herbal remedies. By nourishing your body with whole foods rich in nutrients and enzymes, you can support optimal digestion and overall well-being. Holistic approaches also emphasize the importance of emotional well-being in physical health. Practices like acupuncture or energy healing work to unblock stagnant energy flow within the body, promoting healing from within for a more balanced state of being.
Conclusion: Striving for Wholeness in a Modern World
In a fast-paced modern world where stress and distractions are rampant, achieving holistic health by balancing the body and mind is more important than ever. By understanding the connection between our physical well-being and mental state, we can make conscious efforts to nurture both aspects of ourselves. Incorporating mindful practices into our daily routines can help us stay grounded and present, reducing feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. Taking time for activities like meditation, yoga, or simply going for a walk in nature can have profound effects on our overall well-being. Nourishing our bodies with nutritious foods not only supports physical health but also impacts mental clarity and emotional balance. Choosing whole foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can boost energy levels and improve mood. When faced with common health issues, exploring holistic approaches alongside traditional medical treatments may provide additional benefits. Whether it's incorporating herbal remedies, acupuncture, or mindfulness-based therapies into your healthcare routine, taking a comprehensive approach to wellness can lead to better outcomes. Striving for wholeness means recognizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of ourselves – body, mind, and spirit. By prioritizing self-care practices that support overall balance and well-being, we can navigate the challenges of modern life with greater resilience and vitality. Embracing a holistic approach to health empowers us to live more fully and authentically in an increasingly complex world.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 5 months
Self-Love Month: Commit to Preserving Yourself
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Between 1661 and 1675, Baruch Spinoza, a Portuguese-Jewish philosopher, in his book Ethics said “[t]he striving to preserve oneself is the first and only foundation of virtue’”. With this Spinoza doesn’t argue for indulgence in hedonistic pursuits, but is rationalizing the want for self-improvement.
He adds “the more each one seeks his own advantage, and strives to preserve himself, the more he is endowed with virtue, or what is the same, the greater is his power of acting according to the laws of his own nature, that is, of living from the guidance of reason.” Meaning that humans can only be virtuous if they are fully self-preserved.
This was further emphasized by Black political movements in the 20th century, where Black movements called for self-reliance and self-determination more than integration. In 1966, Stokely Carmichael demanded the cultural, political, and economic power to strengthen black communities so they could determine their own futures rather than settle for legal rights and integration into white society.
All these laid the foundation for the modern trend of self-love and self-reliance. January is celebrated as Self-Love month. It is a month to invest in your growth whether it be personal, professional, psychological or spiritual.
In this article, we will be looking at some ways you can practice self-love.
Know Yourself
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Aristotle said ‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’. You can only be the best version of yourself if you know what drives you from deep within. Trying a new hobby is one of the best ways to know who you are. You will find out something that you never knew about yourself. Travelling solo, without the burden of pleasing others, is also another way of learning about how you fulfil yourself deep within.
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There are three types of hobbies that you should have:
Hobbies that keep you creative
Hobbies that keep you in shape
Hobbies that build your knowledge
Preparing a plan to indulge in these kinds of hobbies is one of the best ways to practice self-love. It is building habits that support your well-being. These practices cultivate your physical, emotional, and mental health. These habits can range from daily lifestyle changes to lifelong commitments. Remember to pick and choose what suits you the best.
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We all believe in practising kindness and treating others well. But when it comes to our own self, we are quick to bully and demean. Keep reminding yourself to treat yourself with the same amount of compassion and empathy that you would exercise towards others. Start by accepting that everyone makes mistakes and hurdles are a natural part of human experience. Also remember that you deserve dignity and respect, just like every other human being.
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The revolution starts with your own self. Dismantling norms and societal expectations is only possible when people start embracing their uniqueness. Express yourselves through your style, writing and artistic endeavours. Get involved in causes you are passionate about and create art which fulfils you creatively.
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We have been taught that looking for attention is a bad thing. But is it a bad thing or just a norm that we have all accepted? There are times when you want to hear good things about yourself, and there is nothing morally bad or wrong about that. Hearing compliments is good for your self-esteem or self-affirmation. When you learn to intake compliments, you will naturally be endowed with a positive outlook on life.
Filaantro, along with its crowdfunding partner Child Help Foundation, regularly conducts mental health sessions to educate people about taking care of their mental health.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Make sure to share this blog with all your friends and family members.
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ealohaofficial · 1 year
EALOHA - Coaching for the Awake
About Us:
We, Justina and Florian, thought that it is time that we share our gifts with the world and thus help people. This is our heart project, because we want to help people from our hearts.
Welcome to our coaching business - your partner for holistic coaching and consulting. We understand that every person is unique and has individual needs when it comes to mental health, nutrition, relationships and personal development. That's why we offer a wide range of specialized coaching programs and consulting services to help you achieve your goals.
As a coaching institution, our focus is on helping people through difficult life situations. We offer counseling and coaching for trauma, depression and schizophrenia, as well as specialized coaching for couples.
Our trauma counseling services aim to help people cope with the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic experiences. We help clients understand and process their feelings, and work with them to develop strategies for dealing with the effects. Note: This treatment does not replace therapeutic treatment with a trained therapist!
In depression counseling, we help people recognize and manage their depression symptoms. We work with our clients to create a plan to develop healthy habits and a positive attitude, and help them focus on the positive aspects of their lives. Note: This treatment is not a substitute for therapeutic treatment with a trained therapist!
Our schizophrenia counseling services provide support for people who have schizophrenia. We work closely with our clients to understand their symptoms and learn how to cope. In doing so, we place great emphasis on reducing the stigma and prejudice against people with mental illness. Note: This treatment does not replace therapeutic treatment with a trained therapist!
As part of our couples coaching, we help couples improve their relationships and resolve conflicts. We provide support and practical tools to enhance communication and understanding between partners, helping them build a strong and healthy relationship.
Overall, we strive to help our clients achieve their goals and live their lives in a positive way. We want to help people improve their mental health and build relationships that are filled with love, trust, and respect.
As a coaching business, we offer a wide range of counseling services designed to help our clients improve their physical, emotional and spiritual health. These include but are not limited to.
Our health counseling services focus on helping our clients live healthy and fulfilling lives. We offer advice in areas such as fitness, nutrition, and general health care.
Our Reiki Coaching provides spiritual support through energy work to improve the emotional well-being of our clients.
Our Shamanic Coaching uses spiritual methods to help our clients strengthen their connection to nature and their inner self, and enhance their spiritual development.
We are proud to offer coaching programs for victims of narcissists, people with psychosis and bipolar disorder. We understand that these individuals have unique challenges and need special support to improve their mental health and well-being. Our empathetic and experienced coaches will work with you to help you identify your strengths and achieve your goals. Note: This coaching does not replace professional therapy with a trained therapist!
In addition to our specialized coaching programs, we also offer a wide range of counseling services. Our vegan nutrition coaching will help you develop a healthy and balanced diet that takes into account your individual needs and values.
Our dating coaching can help you improve your relationships, increase your self-awareness, and find your dream relationship.
We are also proud to offer a unique combination of homeopathy and astrology to provide you with holistic support for your body, mind and spirit. Our special combination complements each other very well to help you relieve symptoms and improve your well-being.
Our coaching team is made up of highly qualified and experienced coaches who are passionate about helping you reach your full potential. We provide a compassionate, supportive and encouraging environment where you can discuss your challenges and goals in a safe and confidential setting.
We believe that everyone has the potential to live a fulfilling and happy life, and our coaching program is designed to support you on that journey. If you are ready to make positive changes in your life, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our coaching program and consulting services.
Hello dear people in here. Since we are just getting started, I am taking my first 10 coaching clients for free to practice! Please get in touch with @Anders_on-the-go on Telegram or +41764245688 directly to me on Whatsapp. I will then set up coaching appointments! As I said, the first 10 people to sign up will receive a free coaching session with me for one month. Our website is under construction and will be added here as soon as it is ready!
You may contact us under: [email protected], my business number +41764245688 and soon our upcoming professional website which will be posted here!
Kind Greetings from the heart Florian & Justina & Nicole & Tanja & Christian & Michael!
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trexova · 1 year
The Importance of Daily Yoga Practice
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A commitment to yourself and your development is a daily yoga practice. To keep us physically fit, psychologically stable, spiritually connected, and emotionally solid, we need daily practice. It is an inexpensive, straightforward practice that may be carried out practically any place. It doesn't have to take much time or be difficult; even 15 minutes a day will help your body, mind, and spirit.
Sometimes it is not possible to do it on my own, look out for an online yoga class and follow the practices with professionals.
Yoga teaches us that to establish our practice securely, we must devote a significant amount of time to it without stopping, with an attitude of commitment and service, and a full heart. Daily practice helps us build a strong foundation and focus our attention clearly so that we can advance on the path to enlightenment.
How to begin practicing yoga every day?
Choose a time
I advise making time each day to perform a quick yoga program. Find the best time to practice self-care by looking at your daily schedule. To remind yourself to practice, set up reminders on your phone.
Begin modestly
Committing to a quick practice will increase the likelihood that you'll complete it every day. It can be as easy as doing five minutes of sun salutations or a few basic yoga positions, followed by some pranayama (breathing techniques), and finishing with a short period of meditation. Start small and work your way up; you don't need to practice on your mat for hours.
Select the proper level
Make sure the yoga courses you sign up for are the right length and level of difficulty for your commitment and skill. If you try to take on too much at once, you could become disheartened and disappointed. Additionally, think about if you require advice beyond what is provided in class. Many instructors provide private teaching so they can work directly with each student and guarantee they are receiving the right instruction.
Look for a yoga instructor who motivates you
Find a teacher whose classes are hard enough to propel you to new heights and whose teaching style you connect with. Find out who your friends' or relatives' preferred yoga instructors are by asking around. There is much excellent online yoga class available to practice with if you don't have access to a teacher.
Go with your gut
Don't be too concerned with how a yoga pose "looks." Just follow your body's instructions. On other days, I'll do a few sun salutations before breakfast to start my morning. Sometimes I might just sit still and take long breaths. It doesn't matter what makes sense to you.
Off the mat with that
Anywhere, at any time, you can begin a daily practice by taking a moment to slow down and pay close attention to what is going on both insides of you and outside of you. Keep in mind that yoga isn't exclusively physical. In actuality, self-awareness and mental focus are stressed in many types of yoga. Spend a few seconds concentrating on your breathing while in traffic.
Be tolerant
You can experience difficulty maintaining your practice's consistency at some point. This occurs as a result of your learning more than you anticipated. Keep in mind that patience is essential when this happens. Remind yourself frequently of the reasons you initially committed to practicing yoga regularly. The benefits and experience of yoga and meditation get stronger with practice, just like anything else.
Keep going
The most crucial thing to remember is that if you want to see results, consistency is crucial. Making consistency a part of your lifestyle is the greatest approach to keep it going over time. Set aside a certain period to meditate or practice a yoga pose.
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Dreaming of snow
Dreaming of snow is mysterious and magical. Winter and snow are a time of hibernation in relation to our inner being. Snow dreams are a symbol of spiritual awakening and inner awareness. It is the season of winter when the spirit gradually releases itself from daily, earthly concerns. Snow dreams allow us to forget the rules of space and time, allowing us to travel to a distant faraway land - even if we have never been there physically. The dream can be connected to our emotions due to the frozen crystalline water that is made within the snow life cycle. 
Spiritual dream meaning of snow
The way you view thesnow will be affected by where you live. It is important to recognize that our psyches also go through seasonal cycles throughout our lives. These cycles could be of rest, growth, death, and/or growth. If the winter is significant in your dream, think about whether it reflects an inner cycle that you are currently going through or need to enter. Snow is naturally translucent in color, this indicates that light does not pass through it, but is reflected. Snow is made up of ice crystals that are almost suspended in the environment, within the clouds. From a spiritual perspective dreaming of snow is about how you reflect on events in your life. Wavelengths bring color to objects and these are opaque and semi-opaque in nature. The key element of this dream is to remember why you are really here and what is it that you want.
Quick Snow Dream Meaning
Pure white snowy landscapes in dreams indicate releasing negative energy 
Seeing others in snow during the dream can suggest cold emotions towards others
As snow is translucent it indicates reflecting your own personality or spiritual development
Snow falling in dreams is about cleanness, clarity, and a new start or beginning, as each snowflake is unique it can incite intricate patterns of behavior from others
Driving or seeing deep snow is about our own challenging in life
If snow was represented as fun then this is a positive dream meaning that you will have a great number of weeks ahead
If the dream was negative in any way or the snow was a danger or hazard it represents that a situation will require your commitment.
Fluffy snow or playing in the snow is about your inner child
Freud wrote that in dream psychology snow is about love and relationships
Biblically snow in dreams indicate a refreshed lifestyle according to scripture
The warning of this dream is that snow is translucent it often indicates a problem in life that you just cannot see and is about spiritual development.
Snowy landscapes in dreams are connected to our wants and how we navigate life itself.
To dream of positive spiritual adventures in the snow (sports, skiing, etc) indicates that you will spend time with people you love.
My advice from this dream
I have some advice from a general snow dream. Today you have a choice to do the best that is required, take care of yourself, talk to your guides, medicate and produce. The snow has appeared as this is a time of spiritual reflection. Bear in mind that those around you who naturally fear change may challenge you. This could be due to a number of reasons. If you are able you can strengthen your mind. You have a choice to learn, this is your choice and the snow featured in your dream indicates that it is your personal responsibility to plant and care for your garden of life. 
Is the dream of snow good or bad?
If you are “snowed under”, it means that you are at a loss in your current circumstances. When the words of snow are uttered, I automatically cross-check a distant memory of seeing snow. It is really a perceptual spiritual experience in dreams. Dreaming of snow is associated with cleanness, clarity, and a possible fresh start ahead. A stage in your life is over and there is a new beginning coming. Since snow is water in solid form, it symbolizes something in life will take shape and be more concrete going forward.
The water connection makes the snow appear in dreams in association with our inner feelings, maybe because you have been suppressing your thoughts lately and they remained frozen, which means it is time to reanimate them. Spiritually, the snow represents your beauty and serenity, as well as the melting of your problems. There is different types of snow such as hard snow, soft snow, powder snow (which is light and generally fluffy), and of course artificial snow. I will cover all these meanings in this dream interpretation, I’m Flo, and welcome to my website, just scroll down to find your dream.
Scroll down as I have covered the following dreams
Dreaming of deep snow
Dreaming about fluffy snow
Dream psychology of seeing snow
Biblical meaning of snow in dreams
Dreaming of a blizzard
Dreaming of cleaning up and shoveling snow
Dream of an animal in the snow
Dream of being trapped or escaping the snow
Dreaming of melting snow
Dream of a hill or mountain with snow on top
Dream of seeing snow for the first time
See snowy roads in a dream
Dream of eating snow
Dream of snow sports
Melting snow in your dream
Cable car and snow dream meaning
Cars, driving, accidents and getting stuck in the snow
Sledding on snow in your dream
Lost in the snow in your dream
Snowfall in slow motion in your dream
Flying over a snow landscape
Falling on snow and big snowbanks
Walking on snow
Dying in relation to snow
Seeing both snow and ice in your dream
Dreaming of dirty snow and snow falling irregularly
Snow melting in your hands in your dream
Snow at work, rain and snow, and a whiteout in your dream
Snow in summer and Christmas time
Footprints in the snow and an animal’s fresh tracks in snow during a dream
Walking and struggling to walk in snow during a dream
Dream of snow falling on the ground in a hot country
Dreaming of snow inside or outside a house
Dreaming of skiing or snowboarding
Trapped in a house due to snow in a dream
Snows then rain in a dream
Walk barefoot on snow in your dream
Spectator of a snow-induced sports activity in your dream
See a backyard covered with snow in your dream
See your hair covered with snow
Dream of being a child in the snow
Dream of clearing your driveway of snow
Snowman, snow fight, log cabin and 
Seeing a log cabin covered in snow in a dream
Dreaming of a snowy road, looking out a window seeing snow
A snowy road in your dream and driving in snow
Trees covered with snow in your dream
Dreaming of an avalanche and brushing off snow in a dream
What does it mean spiritually to get stuck in a snowbank in your dream
Snowballs and what they mean in your dream
Flying over a snow-covered ground in your dream and the general meaning of snow on the ground
Dreaming of a blizzard or wall of snow
Feel snow touch your body in your dream
Snow glittering in the sun in a dream
What does it mean to shovel snow in your dream
What do large snowflakes in your dream
Falling into snow in your dream
Dreaming of seeing yourself caught in a snowstorm in your dream
Recurring dreams of snow
Dream of someone in the snow
Dreaming of playing in the snow
Dreaming of snow in a school setting
Ancient (1930s) Snow Dream Meanings And Interpretation 
I have many dream books that are old and from the 1930s and feel it is important to convey the meaning when analyzing a dream. In order to understand the dream from an ancient perspective, I have consolidated the general older meanings below.
The snow can represent a cold personality or even frigidity and loneliness, but also spiritual development and a new start.
Snow falling in the older dream dictionaries represents a cold person coming into your life.
Seeing a snow-filled landscape in a dream means in several books that a visitor will come with bad news
A snow fight is a positive dream. However, sinking in snow could mean that your feelings for someone you used to love have cooled off. It is possible that dreaming of snow foretells a change in your personal relationships. Having a hard time walking through deep snow means that you will soon worry about someone unnecessarily.
Sometimes seeing snow in a dream is the sign of growing old, this is the “general” meaning in ancient dream books.
For a man, this could refer to his fear of being impotent.
If the snow melts, this portends softening of the heart.
In general, snow, hail, or ice could portend that your most secret desires will not come true.
Dreaming of melting snow tells you there is something you do not pay attention to and slowly gets out of control. This dream is an omen for dangers and temporary difficulties.
Dreaming of yourself playing in the snow suggests that you might be cheated by a woman.
If you see snowflakes in your dream, it means unhappiness ahead.
Seeing dirty snow in your dream indicates anxiety, emotional confusion, stress, fear of rejection or failure, being misled, and confusion.
Clean snow is an omen for strength, economy, stagnation, waiting, rigidity, and passivity. If you are walking in the snow you are sure of yourself, this refers to your trust in other people or in your loved ones.
If you are running in the snow you are unsure of yourself, this means caution, especially in relation to others, distrust, doubt, and a fear of being wrong.
To see powder snow is positive it denotes according to Sigmund Freud a way to approach problems that are troubling your subconscious mind.
If you experience the fear of freezing in a snowy landscape, this suggests that you probably are in situations in which you not only feel your close relationships could freeze or even come to an end, but also that you might have a hidden fear of life or failure, especially in regard to finances and your love affairs. This dream could also make a reference to a possible cold attitude in a relationship with others, your tendency to isolate yourself, and not express any warmth and love to other beings. You should change quickly if you do not want to end up lonely. Dreaming of being surrounded by snow in your dream is an indicator that you are an observer of difficulties and hardships which you may be encountering.
To see a ski pole, or lose one in deep snow indicates that you will coach others.
To ski in deep snow in dreams means you are going to coach and find this personally gratifying, it doesn't matter if you win or lose this is a positive dream.
To see a snowy mountaintop indicates our sharing in life. Maybe you need to share with others to enjoy the real “happiness” that being on earth can offer us. If you are an athlete in the dream and conduct sports in deep snow this can indicate that you plan to engage in a new phase of life. Deep snowcan also look blue in some cases this is due to the fact the snow has multiple layers and appears to absorb the red and blue light. To see snow a different color indicates changes are on the horizon!
To see yourself in the middle of a frozen lake fishing through a hole indicates an enjoyable time in life. To catch a fish can often mean a new phase of life is on the horizon. To scoop slush from the hole indicates that you are trying to remove obstacles in your life right now!
In dreams to see yourself surrounded by snow indicates a new phase of life.
What does it mean to dream of snow falling?
There are 1 septillion snowflakes that fall on the United States every year that is (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) Snow is synonymous with our perceptions of past experiences of snow. Do you remember as a child playing in the snow? This dream could just be a memory of the past. Every single snowflake is unique and if you look at the snowflake you will see intricate patterns. They are actually beautiful. Did you also know that the snow is not white, it is rater a translucent but the reflection does result in us thinking it is white? Ok, I am getting carried away with the wonderful facts of snow. But, this all means something in a spiritual context to see snow falling in your dream.
Snow can fall at speeds (up to 9 mph) it indicates that there is something that is worrying you that is just around the corner. If you dream about snow sports, you may desire relaxation and freedom. Hazards are plenty in the snow. We can experience closed roads, damage, and blizzard-like winds. If you are currently experiencing a snowy winter, and you're stocking up on hot chocolate and Netflix then this dream is just symbolic. It is what Freud described as a symbol of our own perception. Scroll down to see some spiritual meanings of this dream because you will never know the dream might actually mean something!
What does it mean to dream of deep snow?
Deep snow and foot-high drifts of snow can indicate in dreams an adventure on a deeper level. Spiritually, it indicates your soul and spirits will be renewed if you dream of deep snow. It is inherent of the challenges that you will face in life. Just like the breathtaking beauty of snow. To see an avalanche in a dream indicates that you will be completely thrown into a task. To be buried in snow indicates a situation that will require you to realize some great gifts in life.
What does it mean to dream about fluffy snow?
Fluffy snow is associated with feeling light and fluffy with your inner child. The air is normally cold, and if the snow was not wet or sludgy spiritually this is about releasing your anxiety. All of us have an inner child. Your inner child can be found when you are feeling happy, silly, or creative. You may feel ill, defenseless, or neglected. The inner child is often represented by fluffy snow. 
What is the dream psychology of seeing snow?
In winter people gain a bit of weight and the libido is lost, this is important when looking at the Freudian interpretation of this dream. He believed most dreams are connected to our sexual urges. In the book, Cambridge Companion to Freud by Jerome Neu it mentioned that the phrase “the snow is white” is just the same as drinking water when we are thirsty. It could just mean therefore, you would like it to snow in waking life. According to a famous dream interpreter, Carl Jung indicates that the presence of snow can give a brand new perspective on a situation in waking life.
Take note of the other symbols in this dream when trying to determine its meaning. Occasionally, snow can be associated with love, so it is crucial to understand the context of the dream. Psychologically, snow in dreams indicates coldness, and in this context, the dream may end up indicating the need for you to unfreeze your emotions. Snow can symbolize purity, attractiveness, and gentle consistency.
What is the biblical meaning of snow in dreams?
Snow was rare in Palestine times, in the mountains there were flurries of snow that used to melt straight away. A heavy snowfall would only happen every 10 years, and this meant that the roads were blocked. In Lebanon, the higher mountains snow would fall for the entire window and all year long. In poetic books and the bible snow is mentioned in regard to forgiveness of sins (psalm 51:9) Also snow-fed mountains are mentioned in relation to being refreshed in life. In the bible, snow is mentioned a total 23 times. Snow is believed to have made drinks cool in the hotter times of the year. (Proverbs 25:13) The snow in the bible is often connected to how white something is, such as the leprous skin. 
What does dreaming of a blizzard mean?
Blizzards in dreams is about situations in waking life, as blizzards that are severe normally alter our visibility in life. This leads me to wonder if the dream is about how you visually see yourself through positive change. If the blizzards occurred with snowfalls, high winds, whiteouts or snowdrifts this can suggest that you will be seeking advice to be supportive to a family member or a friend. 
Everybody in life always goes through various difficulties, if you are traveling by car during the dream and you are seeing a blizzard then this can be a direct spiritual indication of an urge to protect a friend who can't visually see what is going on. 
If you are traveling by foot in blizzard conditions then this dream is associated with memories that perhaps relate to how you visualize where you should be right now. This may be a dream that reflects your own mood, maybe you are feeling empty and you're not able to understand why certain things are the way they are. This is the message of your dream, that you need to try to uncover your freedom and keep your mind clear and be observant of any dangers in life.
What does dreaming of cleaning up and shoveling snow?
During the winter months, we sometimes long for the spring or summer temperatures. You could have dreamed of dangerous driving conditions or that you were shoveling your driveway then there is something you need to clean up in your life. The snow has a direct impact on your own well-being. This is a dream that is in connection with change and clearing out old beliefs. If you are shoveling the snow off your driveway for example then this is connected to your own anxiety. In dreams, you may find yourself in various situations or reliving the past. Drawing upon the associations of snow cleaning up the snow can represent that the cold days are over.
Perhaps your dream is your unconscious mind reflecting that worries and despairs are going to be something of the past. In uncertain times we often dream about clearing or cleaning in some aspects of our dream state. Therefore, my advice to you is that if you dream of clearing snow and this can represent you're going to enter into a new phase of life and channel your own assertiveness going forward.
What does it mean to dream of an animal in the snow?
A power animal is one that can give you the energy, insight, or protection you need. You may need this animal for a specific time or it can be something short-term. It is possible to find an animal in the snow during your dream that will be your totem animal for the rest of your life. This animal is one that you feel is most important and which will often appear in your dreams. This animal can help you balance your energies by acting as a guide.
What does it mean to dream of being trapped or escaping snow?
When we think of snow we often are connected to the cold climate, if you are escaping the snow in the dream this is connected to trying to escape our own subconscious mind. There is a vast amount of emotional development that is required when you dream of being trapped in snow. If you are seeing the fluffy white stuff in your dream then this is connected to escaping a negative situation.
Being trapped in snow during your dream could be rather worrying, especially if the dream actually turned out to be a nightmare. There are many reasons could see us being trapped in snow, it could possibly mean that there are problems that surround you at the moment.
What does dreaming of melting snow mean?
To see water or snow melting in your dream indicates that new changes are on the horizon - and this dream is connected with your emotion. If you see the snow melting into freshwater, perhaps floating in a river or lake and this can suggest that you will find challenging ways to overcome problems. To dream that snow is melting and evaporating can indicate you're offsetting a change in your career.
It should be obvious that dream symbols can have multiple meanings. There are some common meanings of melting snow. Dreaming that snow is melting indicates that you feel out of control and that you have to be aware of dangers in life. Every snowflake is unique and the intricate appearance of the snow can indicates that areas of your life will be unique. Melting snow can indicate out of control and may see countless issues or problems in life.
What does it mean to dream of a hill or mountain with snow on top?
If you climb hills that are covered in snow during a dream - it means you will reach higher places, which will give you a better view. These hills can be difficult to navigate and may pose a challenge. You will be able to get over them quickly if you have confidence in your ability to overcome obstacles. Think about the snow as barriers like gates and fences. These mountains can be a sign of emotional problems. The mountain in a dream can be oppressive, worrying, or even suffocating. The message here is that situations can hold you back. 
What does it mean to dream of seeing snow for the first time?
The first fall of snow is a magical event, and when you go to bed knowing it is snowing it brings about enchantment. If you saw snow for the first time or observed the translucent snowflakes in a dream then it means you must tune into the mystical part of your nature and understand how other people can help you. 
What does it mean to see snowy roads in a dream?
If you see yourself driving on snowy roads the dream means you are fully aware of your surroundings and you will overcome problems on your journey in life. If you could see snow falling on the road in a dream it implies you will succeed but without an emotional impact. Your alertness will serve as a guide to make you feel self-assured and relieved of all events in your life.
What does it mean to dream of eating snow?
If in your dream you see yourself eating snow, it denotes that, you are receptive and open-minded to the opinions, ideas, beliefs, and ideologies that others have. Your education or upbringing could be the reason as to why you have a high awareness that you are dependant on others as well as you need to help them too. It is a dream which symbolizes that you understand the concept of unity in diversity.
What does it mean to dream of snow sports?
Snow sports can come in many different varieties. From skiing to snowboarding. This dream generally indicates there is a dilemma on whether to help someone in a difficult predicament which will include many different things. To be on a snowboard or to see yourself skiing on the snow indicates something will positively occur and make you feel positively awestruck! There is a renewal of your should due to an experience you are likely to undertake in life.
What does it mean to see melting snow in your dream?
Melting snow in your dream implies that you are hanging onto irrational fears and anxieties of some unimportant things in your life at the moment.
What does it mean to dream of a cable car and snow mean?
Seeing snow when on a cable car in the dream is a sign that, you have a great ambition. It indicates that you could be achieving goals in life. The goals, though not yet achievable, could make it possible for people who would otherwise not respect you, to do so. To climb a snow-covered mountain in a cable car indicates your goals will be realized.
What does it mean to see sledding on snow in your dream?
To see people sledding on snow in your dream is a symbol of hardships and difficulties which you would go through to attract a man or women for a relationship. It is a sign that there is stiff competition for the same lover and thus it is a dream which is reminding you to be prepared to apply your best tactics to win him over to your side.
What does it mean to get lost in the snow in your dream?
Seeing yourself lost in the snow in your dream is a sign that you are going to get involved in long personal and professional struggles. It could be a result of wrong decisions made and miscalculations regarding relationships, undertakings, or family life in the past which have caused you to undergo what you are incurring.
What does it mean to observe snowfall in slow motion in your dream?
Observing slow falling snow in your dream can suggest something or someone has brought sadness into your life, I am sorry this is the ancient meaning. Discouragement and disappointment have been featured in your life recently, according to old dream books. This may be due to a relationship that failed to kick off or failed in some way.
What does dreaming of flying over a snow landscape mean?
Dreaming of flying over snow can indicate that you will surely feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you the most. The fact that you are flying above the snow can suggest that you will grow in life. This can sometimes be a crazy dream depending on the details, it strikes the powerful symbolism in the characteristics of feeling “above” your own universal focus in life. 
If you are facing a decision in waking life that requires power and determination - then often a snowy landscape will appear. Perhaps you’re even close to a deadline or you’re worrying about up-and-coming events. 
Dreams that focus on being above in any landscape point us back to being in tune with your higher self. Perhaps in your dream, you are reaching an essence of your own internal self and this is represented in the visuals of the snow.
Sometimes you might find yourself flying high above the ground and enjoying a bird’s-eye view of the snow. Other times, you may find that you are unable to get off the ground or want to fly. You can fly high if you have clear goals in life. It is possible to feel unfocused in life if you have many obstacles in your path and it is hard work.
What does dreaming of falling on snow mean?
You might feel anxious about falling down cliffs, drops, or terrains. At the moment, you might feel uncertain about your future one normally has a falling type of dream. Maybe you are looking for a safe way to cross the snow or to return to 'down to Earth'. To dream of falling down a cliff into the snow can indicate that you are figuring out what it is that you are resembling. Falling in the snow indicates it is time to limit what has occurred in regards to falling out with another person.
What does it mean to dream of big snowbanks?
Seeing big snowbanks in your dream could imply that, you are going to experience peace, contentment, and happiness in your life. Your desires and pleasures are going to come true because you don’t lust for the amassing of great wealth or gaining widespread fame. You are easy to please, you forgive your offenders easily, and your wishes are modest. Your life is simple, and thus, you life easy.
What does dreaming of walking on snow mean?
Seeing yourself walking in the snow is a sign that you are in deep affection and love that you feel for your partner or children. It is a dream that is trying to give you a focus on the fact that in life love overrules everything. Now, you should be grateful that you have someone who loves you and you love them back; this is a wonderful dream to have. To walk in the snow and be chased by the abominable snowman indicates problems in life, but you can overcome anything!
Walking on snow in real life can be slippy and exceedingly slow. Walking in deep snow can mean you are trying to find a way out of a problem. Walking up a snowy mountain in real life can help you get a better view of the landscape and the meaning is making sure you do not get lost in your thoughts. Walking is also a great way to get in touch with nature and keep fit. Walking across a snowy landscape in dreams can mean you need to review your life. Walking in a dream can suggest moving forward in a direction. The act of walking stands for your own present life and in connection with snow, you may find that walking in your dream is arguably the balance between both Yin and Yang forces (earth and snow). Therefore, walking in snow represents your own freedom and powerful associations with others. Remember, we all have an internal passion to focus on what excites us the most in life.
What do dreams of dying and snow mean?
It can be very scary to have a nightmare in which you see your death or the death of someone close. Sometimes it can be a warning sign. However, the death involved in the dream is not physical death. This is more psychological death. When snow is involved it refers to the death of old beliefs/stems, or ways of being. The death dream can be extremely empowering, and in dreams, the death connected to snow can suggest that it is time for a fresh start in life.
What does it mean to see both snow and ice in your dream?
Seeing snow and ice in your dream at the same time means in old dream books - you are a lucky person. It symbolizes a season of plentiful harvest after good farming. But, of course, these are older dream meanings. Your experience and hard work are in life is what is going to enable you to reap a bumper harvest. So maybe a new job is on the horizon?
What does dreaming of dirty snow mean?
Dirty snow in dreams is a rare dream, we have all seen on the ground black snow or covered in tire marks. To see dirty snow may indicate that you feel vulnerable, exposed, or under attack by others. It is possible that you have a pang of secret guilt about something. 
Snow falling irregularly in your dream?
Seeing snowfall at irregular intervals in your dream is a positive sign which denotes memorable moments and good times which you are spending with your partner. It seems you are doing good things together like sharing meals, watching movies, and this is creating a strong bond. The small things in life result in a magical experience with your loved ones. In case you are married, such a dream is an indication of being happily married, happy and peaceful, material abundance, and profound love.
What does the snow melting in your hands in your dream mean?
A scene in your dream where you see the snow melting in your hands denotes that, before indulging in a certain project, you need to know that things are going to work out well in the future. There is a focus on financial backing and a strong mind which will see you through the whole process of advancement! Alternatively, it could mean that you are developing a strong relationship that is focused on commitment, maturity, emotional and financial stability.
What does dreaming of snow at work mean?
Our work environment is often featured in dreams when change is coming. To dream that snow covers the office is connected to how you navigate life itself. Work is connected to how we focus on life, transport ourselves through earning a living in our everyday challenges. As snow is connected to new beginnings in a work context the dream could be associated with a new job, career move, retraining or alternatively a new co-worker or boss. This is a time of deliberation for you and that over time it will become apparent what the snow in connection with work indicates.
What does it mean to witness both snow and rain at the same time in a dream?
When you witness snow and rain in the same dream, it is a sign that you are going to receive good news followed by some negative news, according to a psychic paper on dreams by Nicola Graham in the 1930s. Very strange right! This means that you will be joyful then followed by an awkward situation - in quick succession. Yes, this can cause you to have emotional confusion. It is a dream which foretells of receiving good news first which make you extremely happy. I am not sure, spiritually how much of this is true but if this happens then make sure you contact me!
What does it mean to observe snow whiteout in your dream?
A whiteout is associated with your visibility being affected by snow. Normally when driving. So, in your dream, this will result in heavy snowfall. But what does it mean in dreams? Dreaming of observing a snow whiteout is a sign that there will be a commotion in your social circle where there will be blame game due to blunders committed and nobody willing to bear the blame. Whether the issue is resolved or not, someone has to get blamed, and you emerge victoriously.
What does it mean to dream of snow in the summertime?
Snow falling in the summertime during a dream is a sign that you are going to experience pleasant surprises. It could be due to recent changes in your life to improve your situation; there are other changes that will occur that you had not foreseen and which is going to turn your life around to be in a better position.
What does dreaming of snow at Christmas?
Christmas is a time for family, thus, dreaming of snow at Christmas can indicate that you need advice from like-minded people. It’s useful to understand if you have any problems regarding communication with others then seeing family gatherings is common. The centrality of notions of the family is brought up in our dreams when we have to connect with our family members. The snow can represent family privacy and that you need to be private. 
In my view, there is an “ethics of care” especially if you dream of a Christmas tree covered in snow, this is about your family support network. Of course, we all have changes to patterns and trends in the family network. The rise of divorce and two-parent involvement have been lamented. The dream itself could be about the fragmentation of stability that you find in a support network. 
As human beings, we are reimagining our own families which has happened over the years and this has taken on a greater cultural significance. If you feel the tension in your family then dreaming of Christmas and snow is common. To dream of family members in the snow can indicate that you need to bear the weight of expectations and embrace the belonging the family environment can bring.
What does it mean to see footprints in the snow in your dream?
Seeing someone’s footprints fading in snowfall is not a great omen - meaning that, your inner thoughts which are clouded with skepticism and doubt that is likely to cause you to show antisocial behavior thus making you fall out of your social circle. You might end up shying off from your friends and family who have been supportive of you all this while, but you now view them with suspicion. There is a danger that is likely to grow due to this trait of yours as you might develop paranoia.
What does it mean to see an animal’s fresh tracks in snow during your dream?
To see dog tracks in the snow can indicate a friend will need your help. A deer tracks in the snow indicate care and spiritual enlightenment. Seeing an animal’s fresh tracks of snow foretells of you becoming persevering and persistent due to the prevailing circumstances around you. To see small tracks in the snow but you are unable to identify the animal indicates that there is going to be a long time until your success. Hard work The dream reminds you that there is nothing which can be too big or too difficult to prevent you from achieving your goals as long as you have a big heart and a determined mind.
What does it mean to struggle to walk in snow during a dream?
A dream where you are struggling to walk in snow is a sign of the struggle that is present in your waking life. It could be that you are facing problems or jumping through tough hurdles and obstacles in either your professional career or your personal life. This dream will come as no surprise if you have faced recent problems.
What does a dream of snow falling on the ground in a hot country?
If you see yourself observing snow falling on the ground in a hot country then it denotes a great change coming your way. You are going to undergo a series of changes that will be in connection with your physical appearance, career, marital status, project or business. The positiveness or negativity of the changes will depend on how you perceive life from your point of view. To see snowfall in the desert generally means a new change!
What does dreaming of snow inside or outside a house mean?
Is the house brightly lit or darkly covered in snow? This may reflect your mood - dim lights can indicate you are feeling sad, and if the house and snow were bright it if you feel happy. These questions can reveal surprising aspects of your current view of the inner self. You might feel vulnerable and insecure because the snow was covering your furniture. Perhaps snow is slowly rising to fill your living room. Do you have deeply repressed fears that it will engulf you?
The house in dreams is connected to our physical arrangement and well-being in spiritual life, you can make a comfortable or uncomfortable home. To dream of snow in your home indicates that you are feeling exposed, if it is snowing inside the house in your dream it can mean you feel isolated. 
If the walls are completely covered in snow or only partially it can indicate that you are feeling exposed. Seeing snow falling in rooms of a house during your dream might mean there is an unexpected visitor in your house. The foundation of this dream indicates that your own human spirit, energy, and cosmic breath will connect with other people in the universe. 
Houses are considered places that are alive, and the house symbolism in a dream is a representation of you. There is a focus that when you see snow inside a building then you are moving from a materialistic to a spiritualistic view of the house. If the snow makes the house weaker then this is about minimizing differences. 
What does dreaming of skiing or snowboarding mean?
To dream of skiing or using skis gliding on snow indicates transporting from one part of life to another. If you have seen competitive skiing in a dream this can indicate undeveloped spiritual development. To jump on skis in a dream can suggest that you are trying to find a way to combat your difficulties in life. Skiing may be a sign of your emotional state. If you have a dream about a calm, large ski slope, it is likely that your emotions are calm. Consider the details of the dream, and consider how they could be applied to your emotional state of mind. To dream of snowboarding can indicate that you want to move into another phase of life. 
What does it mean to be trapped in a house due to snow in a dream?
Ummm. Spiritually, seeing yourself stuck in a house during your dream, due to the snow indicates you are going to go through a series of bad luck. There is a tough situation that is going to occur in your career, personal life or current project which will test your limits! You may end up winning the battle if you gather the patience you need! Try to focus on a positive solution in life.
What does it mean when it snows then rains in a dream?
A snow dream where you are trying to determine whether it is snowing or raining is indicative of your desire to lead a life that is based on your values and beliefs. It is a reflection of your resistance to the lifestyle of others and not being ready to venture into territories outside your comfort zone. According to ancient dream books happiness is yours if it snows then rains in your dream.
What does it mean to walk barefoot on snow in your dream?
A dream where you walk barefoot on snow is a sign of a worrying time - which is about to happen. Being barefoot in a dream is quite a substantial spiritual experience. It can suggest that you need to review your spending patterns. You could be of the opinion that just because in the past you have been working hard, you deserve to reward yourself and that is why you are spending lavishly. It is a dream which acts as a warning that, you need to slow down - when it comes to spending. Otherwise, you will lose track of your finances.
What does it mean to be a spectator of a snow-induced sports activity in your dream?
In order to define the dream, we need to return to older dream interpretations.Being a spectator of a snow-related activity or game is an indication that you need recreation or rest. It denotes that, very soon you are going to recuperate from your daily activities and go for a holiday just to relax and have fun, but it will be for a short period.
What does it mean to see a backyard covered with snow in your dream?
A backyard covered in snow is a symbol that there is going to be happiness in the family. You are going to rely on a member of your family who is very close to you. If in your dream you go outside and discover a snowman it means that the person whom you are going to lose is the elderly. You may encounter someone cold but sincere.
What does it mean in a dream to see your hair covered with snow?
Having snow-covered white hair is a sign that you are going to receive great pleasure in the near future. So lucky you! There is a possibility of receiving wonderful news or going on new adventures. You could meet new friends shortly. The dream is a sign that you are going to receive good news. Snow white hair in your dream or hair that is colored with snow is a sign that you are going to find a new skill. You are going to embrace a lucky time in life. It can foretell that you will become successful. It is the right time to start dreaming and putting your goals into reality.
What does it mean to dream of being a child in snow?
Seeing yourself touching snow in your dream, as a child denotes isolating yourself. If you're a child in the dream then this can relate to our inner child and the fact we need care. coat in your dream, it is a sign about the wall you have built around yourself for self-protection. Having snow on your end and rain on your father’s end is the realization of feeling stronger towards your family rather than distancing yourself. The image in the dream will automatically make you realize that it is important to be close to your family because that is where you will draw your strength from.
What does it mean to dream of clearing your driveway of snow?
A scene where it is snowing, and you clear your driveway is a sign of steady progress. You are heading towards your goals, and are trying to beat all the odds, using your own willpower and motivation to get where you need to be. To clear snow from your car indicates you will cease ruthless efforts and clean your outlook on life.
What does a snowman mean in a dream?
Snowmen in dreams is generally positive it means that you have the potential to deal with any emotional requirements. You must also give yourself permission to choose the way that you behave in life. The snowman represents a wealth of wisdom and experience. A dream where you are fighting with a snowman is indicative that you have fears in your waking life. If you see yourself trying to get rid of the snowman, or the snowman is running after you indicate problems you are trying to escape from in waking life. It means you are fighting back.
What does dreaming of a snow fight?
Snow is a representation of isolation if used as a “weapon” therefore, in this dream it indicates, you feel there is a lack of support. If you see a snowball fight in your dream, it is a warning which foretells of a negative time that will be caused by financial decisions. It could be that you are surrounded by individuals who can support you.There is no limit to what occurs in our dreams. A snow fight is normally a time of happiness. This dream could indicate that you are suppressing feelings of joy and you will eventually be able to let out your fun. This dream could indicate that you will find happiness in a relationship. If so, don't ignore it.
What does it mean to see a log cabin covered in snow in a dream?
A happy life is predicted if you dream of seeing a log cabin surrounded by beautiful snow. It could be as a result of the people around you are somewhat exciting or controversial. If you look out the window of the log cabin and see snow - it is a sign that you are ready to move out of your comfort zone. The image of falling snow is indicative of you feel like a spectator while everyone else is living a vigorous, happy life. Seeing a roaring fire in the log cabin means that, there is a manifestation of the developments taking place in your life.
What does it mean to look out a window and see snow?
Observing snowy weather through a window in your dream is a sign that you are looking for answers, but the problem is that, as of now, you are not getting the answers to the questions you have. As you are behind glass in this dream it can spiritually mean that people who are surrounding you are not ready to share information with you. Until the weather calms down around you, it might be hard for you to get any answers.
What does it mean to dream of a car, a car accident, or driving fast in the snow?
Remember that everyone has the same right to live a peaceful life. If you dream of locks freezing up or that you run out of petrol during the poor weather - this can suggest that you are going to have a very positive future ahead. A car accident in the snow can indicate that you are going to fast in life and that you need to approach life smoothly. To drive fast in the dream of the snow means you are at risk of losing momentum in life. Maybe you are feeling depressed. Snow and ice mean our braking speeds should be less, a four-wheel drive vehicle in the snow will give greater traction therefore, if you see this as a symbol in a dream it can indicate that you are locking in your emotions. Dreaming of being on the highway/motorway in the snow can suggest that you are facing slippery conditions when it comes to another. Seeing snow, ice, and slush on the road in the dream can mean that you need to keep your emotions in check. If you get stuck in the snow this is connected to feeling “stuck” in life. Are you feeling stuck?
What does a snowy road in your dream?
A snowy road is an indicator that you should follow a better path in life. Roads in dreams are about our journey in life. For the road to be hazardous can indicate that you will encounter hazards along your life path. These can be easily overcome. If adverse weather conditions presented themselves as a dream it can suggest that visually you can't see what's coming next. If you have winter tyres for example, (which offers extra grip) this dream can suggest you can grip onto your life. If anything went wrong with your cars, such as your car battery going or your screenwash was not topped up then this dream can mean there may be an issue with a relationship. Remember that everyone has the same right to live another. If you dream of locks freezing up or that you run out of petrol during the poor weather - this can suggest that you are going to have a very positive future ahead.
What do trees covered with snow in your dream mean?
Seeing trees covered with snow in your dream denotes that, you are being forewarned of spiritual development. Trees indicate grounding and you need to focus on that work. You could be translating spiritual and cultural developments in your community. To see a row of snow-covered trees indicates the spirit of cooperation, unity, collectivity, and moral values of high standards.
What does dreaming of an avalanche mean?
Avalanches are falling masses of snow and can be a danger to someone in their waking life. Snowy avalanches in dreams about the conditions in your life. There are various types of avalanches in the world, depending on the terrain and the weather conditions in the dream. To see the disaster of an avalanche can suggest that something is going to slide in your life. Seeing snow slides or large chunks of ice or glaciers is largely a warning spiritually.
To see an avalanche of snow in your dream is indicative of receiving discouragement and disappointment in equal measures which are making you feel vulnerable in life. The dream is reminding you that your emotions are deep when it comes to change. Change your ways and make sure that you treat people the way you would want them to treat you in return.
Some of you have contacted me about this dream coming true. People experience a dream that appears to warn them of a potential disaster, such as an avalanche in real life. If this happens, it's best to cancel your trip if you are going to snowy terrain. This will save possible anxiety and worry about your trip, even if it does not turn out to be a disaster. Think about what part of the dream is most frightening to you. Sometimes, disaster dreams can be a warning sign that something is not right with a significant relationship.
What does it mean to brush off snow in a dream?
A dream of cleaning or brushing off snow can denote hardships, conflicts in life. If you brushed the snow from your car it indicates a change in life. Now, to brush off snow from your body indicates a positive change is on the cards. When you dream that you are washing or rubbing snow from your body, it means you are a lucky person. Your aspirations, ambitions, dreams, and desires regarding your career, personal life, your undertakings, business, and everything will go well for you!
What does it mean spiritually to get stuck in a snowbank in your dream?
When you visualize yourself stuck in the snow in your dream, it implies that there are a number of positive events which will shadow your life. The good news is that your businesses will prosper, your plans will work out, and you are going to progress well in your projects. Everything will work out as you expect. To see yourself deep in a snowbank is actually rather positive. The great news is that happiness is coming your way unexpectedly, and this is creating a joyful atmosphere in the future. So lucky you!
What do snowballs in your dream mean?
Shapes such as circles in dreams indicate that you are going to be transformed into a new phase of life. This dream is connected to energy, beginning, and a new phase in life. Snowballs represent that something is completing in life and that you are looking for a new start in life. Think of the circle going round and round and that you need to move to grow. To dream of large balls of snow indicates a time in life where you need to focus on yourself. Snowballs can represent the fact you need to step away from problems.To be a target of a snowball fight is an indicator that, you are going to encounter issues with your relatives concerning money. Old dream dictionaries denote that seeing small snowballs could result in a task that will take time and drain you of your energy.
What does it mean to dream of flying over a snow-covered ground in your dream?
A dream where you see yourself flying over a vast landscape of snow implies that you are going to succeed in a partnership. You, together with your partner will be bringing out the best in one another regarding skills and talents which will in time complement both of you. If you see yourself looking down at a snow-ridden landscape in a dream - it can indicate that you will create harmony in your working environment - you will gain more success and happiness.
What does a snow-covered ground in your dream mean?
A dream where you see snow covering the ground without any footprints is a sign of unrewarded efforts. You may be in the process of seeking answers to questions that are in your subconscious mind - or you are taking an interest in an evasive person or elusive object. It could also suggest that you are trying to get to know more about a mysterious phenomenon happening in your life. Are you interested in psychic affairs?
You could be trying to develop a business enterprise, but it seems all your efforts are not being rewarded - keep on trying - this is the spiritual message when you see snow on the ground. Seeing valleys and landscapes covered with snow denotes the end of a long season of misfortunes and bad luck that have been present in your life. After a period of misery and suffering, you are about to enter into a season of plenty and empowerment.
To see the snowy terrain in your dream indicates that you are feeling that you want to develop yourself. If we look at the images and perhaps even stories that are focused on snow this can translate to grounding our inner child, due to snow on the ground exciting children. Snow on the ground in a dream is associated with both the inner child and our own internal love. Perhaps a dream is telling you that feeling worried about forthcoming situations. The point is, that this dream is about viewing your own inner child and developing a spiritual foundation that will help you protect that child from the snow, keep that child warm in all conditions.
What does it mean to dream of a wall of snow?
Financial stability in your life is the key message when you dream of a wall of snow. This is a great dream denoting a higher position regarding a career, wealth, ownership or career advancement. Due to your wisdom, you are going to use whatever you receive to invest in profitable projects and businesses for the future stability of your family.
What does it mean to dream of a blizzard?
A blizzard is basically snow that has fast speeds of around 30-35 mph and it is considered rather a severe storm, we often notice that your visibility is lost when encountering a blizzard. But what does it mean in our dreams? There are two types of blizzards, firstly a severe one which reaches around 45mph and a ground blizzard that is more focused on strong winds. So, it might freak you out after waking up to seeing a heavy blizzard in a dream. It can mean that you are feeling things are unsettled and difficult at the moment. If you see the storm blow down power lines, houses and trees it can just be a reflection of how you are feeling in life. To struggle in a lizard is basically energy from our psyche that is locked away. It can mean you are trying to gain control of your life to focus on your own habits in life. There is conflict but you can overcome anything!
What does it mean to feel snow touch your body in your dream?
If you feel snow touch your skin, foretells sexual fulfillment and satisfaction. If you are in a romantic relationship or have met a new partner then this dream can indicate your sexual fantasies.
What does it mean to dream of snow glittering in the sun?
To dream of seeing snowflakes glittering in the sun, it implies that you are going to embark on a new job possibility. The sun shining on snow in a dream indicates a possible wedding, a birthday or a family reunion. It is a rare occasion, but when this dream occurs, you will enjoy the warmth and togetherness of being in the company of people who are on the same wavelength as you.
What does it mean to shovel snow in your dream?
To dream that you are shoveling snow is an indication that you are involved in a project or activity which needs your devoted energy and time. To see yourself clear away snow from a sidewalk, or laying salt in your dream indicates that a problem in life will leave you feeling drained physically and emotionally. Alternatively, it could be symbolizing legal issues involving you and other people in your circle.
What do large snowflakes in your dream mean?
Each snowflake is unique, no two are the same. Sometimes we have particularly strange dreams.A dream where you see snow falling in large flakes can denote a problem in life. The good news is that you will overcome these problems or issues. Seeing large snowflakes also reveals an opportunity to take a more integrated approach to achieving your goals.
Falling into snow in your dream?
A scene where you see yourself falling into snow in a dream foretells of the sporadic and temporally period of difficulties in your current business or career. All you need to remember is to spend wisely as you wait for things to stabilize. A scene of fluffy powder snow falling on the ground in your dream is a sign of happiness.
What does it mean to dream of seeing yourself caught in a snowstorm in your dream?
To see a massive snowstorm in a dream can indicate a time of great adventure. If you notice sleet then this indicates a new phase of life is on the horizon. Accumulating snow in a dream can indicate extreme approaches to problems. After reviewing many dream dictionaries to see yourself caught in a snowstorm is a sign that you are feeling emotionally depressed and stressed.
What do recurring dreams of snow mean?
If a dream of snow is repeated over and over, it is likely that your unconscious is trying to get a message across to you. However, you aren't receptive to this. Your unconscious is trying to relay the message in slightly different ways, but still keeping the same basic theme. The snow theme often relates to deeper-seated anxieties and fears that can sometimes be due to your own beliefs and attitudes that you have carried into adulthood. 
Sometimes, your dream can be telling you that it's time to take a look at these beliefs and discard those which don't serve one's purpose. Snow is about being reflected. Now that the snow has been brought up by your unconscious, you can look at it in a more mature way and maybe even be more accepting of yourself.
What does it mean to dream of someone in the snow?
Dreaming of someone in the snow is connected to your own archetypal figures. Archetypes can help you identify and address issues you may need. Maybe you should be more like the person you want to be. Perhaps that figure in the snow is preventing you from growing personally. The archetype person in the snow often points out to you a role in your life or a role you could benefit from. To see a family member in the dream can indicate that you might need to improve the relationship. The archetypal energy of males is both assertive and intentional. Females in the snow are passive and receptive. Both of us have energies focused on our psyches. An unknown person or people in the snow is generally a reflection of the archetype figures.
What does dreaming of playing in snow mean?
This dream can occur due to the repetitive nature of children's play in the snow in waking life. Is it snowing outside? I believe, if it is snowing or not you could be feeling stressed and need some fun. To go outside, in your dream, to play in the snow with children or alone is about your connection and relationships with others. If you see your children playing in the snow this means you are thinking about the role of Father, Mother, or Carer in your life. The dream of playing in snow indicates that you may want to 'break free from the mold' and focus on caring for others.
What does it mean to dream of snow at school means?
If you dream that your school is covered in snow or it begins to snow while at school this dream is about your learning and view of education at the moment. When a person projects snow in a school setting this normally relates to childhood and how one continues to grow throughout one's life. If the dream is misunderstood, or a nightmare in any way this can mean there is confusion and problems in relationships. 
What does dreaming of sledding mean?
Sledding in a dream can indicate that you are going forward to focus on success in life. The best way to animate your goals in dreams is through the roles they play. They can also be identified by recurring dream people who are sledding, a feeling of happiness when sledding, or sledding appears time and time again. Keeping a journal of your dreams will help identify them. 
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casasandovalblog · 2 years
The Impacts of Socialization on Overall Health
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Most of us know physical exercise is important to healthy aging. It can help us recover from injury, ease chronic pain, fight off depression and boost our energy level; but just as important are social connections. We are social beings and interacting with others has a big impact on our overall health. 
The American Public Health Association reports socialization improves mood, cognition, memory recall, and is associated with healthy behaviors, including exercise. The National Institutes of Health reports elderly adults’ social participation reduces loneliness, depression and stress; and a robust social life enhances quality of life, self-efficacy and self-esteem. As socialization keeps the brain sharp it may even decrease the risk of developing dementia or slow down its progression.
Michael Rambarose, President and CEO of the Whitney Center, a Life Care community in Hamden, CT, writes, “Socialization is like the secret ingredient that makes a healthy senior lifestyle come together.” Although he is quick to add its psychological benefits shouldn’t be kept secret. He explains, “We encourage the seniors that we serve and work with to make their social lives a priority. The people and loved ones we share life with can give everything else we do more meaning.”
At Casa Sandoval, we understand the importance of community and staying engaged. Through wellness programs and activities promoting physical, intellectual, spiritual and social connections; residents can choose how busy they wish to be each day. In addition, we provide senior care and hospitality services along with luxury amenities and a choice of floor plans designed to feel like home. If you are looking for exceptional memory care, assisted living or independent living, Hayward CA’s Casa Sandoval may be your answer.  Please visit our website for more information.
MorningStar takes tremendous pride in the reputation we have earned for excellence and authenticity since our inception in 2003.  We believe the human capacity to grow, to learn and to contribute is ageless; and we act upon that truth daily, as we care for, inspire, and love the residents under our roof. Contact us to learn more about the finest memory care, assisted living and independent living Hayward, CA offers.
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stethohealthsystems · 2 years
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How to Practice Self-Love
Self-love can be defined as putting your own needs before others. Self-love is prioritizing your well-being and happiness. Self-love is appreciating yourself by doing things that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. As a woman, it can be hard to practice self-love, especially with social media and images that paint women to be a specific way. It is important to understand that each woman is different, and you should love yourself for who you are, not how others think you should be. When you practice self-love, you can show up as your higher self and when you love yourself first and take care of your needs it allows you to show up for the people you love the most.
At Stetho Health Systems we want to emphasize the importance of women loving their selves and their true beauty. We can educate women on how to properly accept themselves, their bodies, and all they have to offer to the world through proper education and tips.
Here are a few ways to practice self-love:
1. Remember you’re more than your body:
Your body doesn’t define you or make you less valuable. You are more than a body and should always feel comfortable, confident, and proud of the body that you have. Don’t let society, social media, and other people tell you anything about your body because it is not their body to judge. If you can’t love your body how do expect anyone else to?
2. Prioritize yourself:
Do activities that make you happy. Don’t stress whether you are pleasing others when your happiness also matters. Making decisions that benefit you shouldn’t cost you your mental or emotional well-being. If the people you surround yourself with love you, they will understand that the decisions you make are important to you and they should love you either way.
3. Get rid of the idea of being perfect:
Growing up you may have been told that nobody is perfect, and everybody makes mistakes but that doesn’t stop people from trying to strive for perfection. Get rid of the idea of trying to be perfect because it will never happen.
Everyone makes mistakes, has insecurities, and goes through obstacles that make them far from perfect. Accept the idea that you are as flawed as the next person. When it comes to social media it can be easy to think that someone has a perfect life based on their post, but even behind the most “perfect” post or social media page, those people are still flawed in some way. Except for your flaws and love those flaws because that is what makes you, YOU.
4. Write down positive affirmations about yourself:
Write down all the positive things you love about yourself. The things you want to love and let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings you believe about yourself. Affirmations can help you build a positive mental attitude and help you realize all that you have to offer, whether it is inside or out. You can get rid of negative or self-sabotaging thoughts by believing in positive affirmations.
5. Practice Self-Care:
Indulging in activities you love and relax you can reduce stress and put you in positive head space. There are many ways that you can practice self-care such as taking a bath, reading your favorite book, or going on a hike. When you are taking care of your needs, are relaxed, and feel stress-free, you can better take care of the needs of people in your life.
Practicing self-love comes in many forms but it is important to remember that you can’t show up for the people you care and love for when you don’t love and care for yourself first. Embrace your flaws, do what makes you happy, and love yourself for all you have to offer. You are one of a kind and when you show up as your highest self it allows the people around you to accept you for you. The same flaws you learn to love and embrace your favorite people will learn love.
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honeyleesblog · 2 years
meaning of snow in a dream
Snow Dream Meaning And Dreaming Of Snow Dreaming of snow is mysterious and magical. Winter and snow are a time of hibernation in relation to our inner being. Snow dreams are a symbol of spiritual awakening and inner awareness. It is the season of winter when the spirit gradually releases itself from daily, earthly concerns. Snow dreams allow us to forget the rules of space and time, allowing us to travel to a distant faraway land - even if we have never been there physically. The dream can be connected to our emotions due to the frozen crystalline water that is made within the snow life cycle.
Spiritual dream meaning of snow The way you view the snow will be affected by where you live. It is important to recognize that our psyches also go through seasonal cycles throughout our lives. These cycles could be of rest, growth, death, and/or growth. If the winter is significant in your dream, think about whether it reflects an inner cycle that you are currently going through or need to enter. Snow is naturally translucent in color, this indicates that light does not pass through it, but is reflected. Snow is made up of ice crystals that are almost suspended in the environment, within the clouds. From a spiritual perspective dreaming of snow is about how you reflect on events in your life. Wavelengths bring color to objects and these are opaque and semi-opaque in nature. The key element of this dream is to remember why you are really here and what is it that you want.
Quick Snow Dream Meaning Pure white snowy landscapes in dreams indicate releasing negative energy Seeing others in snow during the dream can suggest cold emotions towards others As snow is translucent it indicates reflecting your own personality or spiritual development Snow falling in dreams is about cleanness, clarity, and a new start or beginning, as each snowflake is unique it can incite intricate patterns of behavior from others Driving or seeing deep snow is about our own challenging in life If snow was represented as fun then this is a positive dream meaning that you will have a great number of weeks ahead If the dream was negative in any way or the snow was a danger or hazard it represents that a situation will require your commitment. Fluffy snow or playing in the snow is about your inner child Freud wrote that in dream psychology snow is about love and relationships Biblically snow in dreams indicate a refreshed lifestyle according to scripture The warning of this dream is that snow is translucent it often indicates a problem in life that you just cannot see and is about spiritual development. Snowy landscapes in dreams are connected to our wants and how we navigate life itself. To dream of positive spiritual adventures in the snow (sports, skiing, etc) indicates that you will spend time with people you love. My advice from this dream I have some advice from a general snow dream. Today you have a choice to do the best that is required, take care of yourself, talk to your guides, medicate and produce. The snow has appeared as this is a time of spiritual reflection. Bear in mind that those around you who naturally fear change may challenge you. This could be due to a number of reasons. If you are able you can strengthen your mind. You have a choice to learn, this is your choice and the snow featured in your dream indicates that it is your personal responsibility to plant and care for your garden of life.
Is the dream of snow good or bad? If you are “snowed under”, it means that you are at a loss in your current circumstances. When the words of snow are uttered, I automatically cross-check a distant memory of seeing snow. It is really a perceptual spiritual experience in dreams. Dreaming of snow is associated with cleanness, clarity, and a possible fresh start ahead. A stage in your life is over and there is a new beginning coming. Since snow is water in solid form, it symbolizes something in life will take shape and be more concrete going forward.
The water connection makes the snow appear in dreams in association with our inner feelings, maybe because you have been suppressing your thoughts lately and they remained frozen, which means it is time to reanimate them. Spiritually, the snow represents your beauty and serenity, as well as the melting of your problems. There is different types of snow such as hard snow, soft snow, powder snow (which is light and generally fluffy), and of course artificial snow. I will cover all these meanings in this dream interpretation, I’m Flo, and welcome to my website, just scroll down to find your dream.
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astro-syd · 3 years
Jimin’s Duality (From an Astrological Perspective)
Jimin has become quite famous for the dual nature of his personality, so today I’m here to give a bit of astrological insight into this phenomenon! Jimin easily transitions between his sweet, adorable, mochi self and his passionate, intense stage persona. Neither of these “personas” are an acting stunt of any kind. They’re true aspects of Jimin’s personality! He simply knows which moments are the most appropriate and effective for channeling each side of himself, and all of these sides show up clearly within his natal chart. Let’s take a look!
Cancer Ascendant: child of the moon
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Jimin’s Ascendant falls within Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the moon. This also means that the moon is Jimin’s chart ruler! It holds a lot of significance in his natal chart.
Because Cancer rules over your home, family life, childhood and foundations, people with their Sun or Ascendant in this sign tend to have a very sweet, innocent, even childish nature about them. They tend to keep in touch with their inner child as they grow older, and might have something of a mischievous nature because of this too!
Cancer and the Moon often rule the mother in astrology, so people with this ascendant can easily take on a very motherly, nurturing quality. Jimin has been known to keep a close eye on the other members and he’s often the first one rushing to comfort them if need be.
This also somewhat stems from his emotional intelligence and sensitivity. Those with a Moon ruler tend to be very sensitive to emotions and mood swings, and Jimin is no exception. He’s highly empathetic, and with his Libra Sun & Mercury in his 4th house (ruled by Cancer), one of his natural gifts revolves around bringing balance to others’ emotional states. Others will feel magnetically drawn to him for healing.
Cancer is a common Ascendant to see in people within performing arts careers. This is because of their emotional availability and talent for expressing feelings. There’s something about Jimin’s vulnerability which makes people empathize with him, understand him on a very human level, and even want to protect him, much like you would a small child. It definitely contributes to his very “cute” and “sweet” vibe, even if he is a fully grown adult who’s capable of handling himself, haha.
Cancer rising people are very sensitive to their environment. When Jimin is put on unfamiliar ground, he will tend to withdraw or act shy until he feels more comfortable. He’s also likely to become flustered easily, especially when he’s in public and knows he’s got many eyes/cameras on him. His overarching moods and personality take on a very changeable quality, much like ocean tides. The ways in which he chooses to present himself are often highly based upon his immediate environment.
The Ascendant also holds a lot of weight over someone’s physical appearance. Cancer rising people can have a round, moon-like face shape and cute apple cheeks, especially when they smile. They’re known for a very large, bright smile, and large, puffy lips. Cancer natives often possess tiny hands and feet, and might even have something of a frail appearance.
They usually are quite soft-spoken, and with Jimin’s Moon residing in Gemini, this sign will have a lot of influence over his tone of voice. It definitely contributes to his light, “angelic” tone and the emotional quality of his singing. The Gemini influence here also appears in his sloping jawline and more pointed chin.
Moon in Gemini: messenger of emotion
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Within Jimin’s chart ruler residing in communicative Gemini, he definitely knows how to put his feelings, memories, and experiences into words. Even if he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings too often, they’ll naturally bleed into his speech, his writing, and his art.
His emotions are easily influenced by others’ words as well, and this is especially true of his family and the people he loves. ARMY has picked up on the fact that our Jiminnie loves praise, but he’s not really using it as an ego boost. His feeling states are genuinely affected by the words of those around him. Watch the way his whole face lights up when the members compliment him and you’ll see what I mean. This also makes him more sensitive to negative feedback though, so he has to be a little careful about the opinions he chooses to expose himself to.
One of his greatest life lessons is to learn how to articulate his own inner feelings and experiences, as well as encouraging others to do the same. Allowing himself to be vulnerable and emotional is not only extremely healthy for him (even more so than the average person), but it also helps others to feel more comfortable and healed when doing the same.
In his childhood, his family members probably spent a lot of time talking about their feelings, but they might have struggled to actually feel them and discuss these emotions from a genuinely vulnerable standpoint. This is part of Jimin’s ancestral lesson to carry out in this lifetime!
His moon resides in his 12th house, which is a highly intuitive and spiritual placement. The 12th rules all things unseen, including spirits, dreams, secrets, hidden enemies, and religion. It’s a very foggy, mystical house. A lot of his feelings and mood swings are at least somewhat subconscious, which is also why it’s very healthy for him to speak about them. Communication will help to draw his emotions out of this hazy house and into the light of day where he can then process and make sense of what he’s feeling.
The 12th also rules the collective unconscious, so Jimin unfortunately also has a very good understanding of all of the underlying pains, traumas, and wounds of our societies. He’s very good at understanding human nature and human suffering, which makes him a great artist and an incredible healer, but it’s also a heavy burden to bear. Much of his empathy stems from this awareness which he’s possessed from a very young age. It’s possible that he even has psychic or empathic abilities of some kind, regardless of whether or not he’s in touch with them.
He’s a very trustworthy confidant. Jimin is a great listener, and because the 12th house rules secrets, he’s fantastic about protecting people in this way. He can be trusted with just about any information and will genuinely take these secrets to the grave. He enjoys the process of healing and supporting others, and protecting their most sensitive memories, experiences, and information is just another way for him to nurture those around him. This is another part of his appeal as a celebrity- he simply feels trustworthy, especially when he’s speaking from the heart and caring for those around him. He’d also make a great therapist, haha!
Libra Sun & Mercury: creator of harmony
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Jimin has both his Sun and Mercury residing within fair and balanced Libra. It’s a sign which enjoys showing a polite, friendly, peaceful, and harmonious attitude, especially in public. Jimin is very much aware that there’s a time and a place for all aspects of his personality, and he knows when to utilize each side in order to achieve the best response from the public. He knows how to play an audience very well while still coming from a very genuine place within himself.
Because Libra is ruled by Venus and rules over the house of partnerships, these people tend to be natural flirts- and Jimin is definitely no exception. Flirting with others and generally being a huge tease is very fun for him, in fact he sees it as something of a game (more on that in the next section). He likes to charm others and be received well in the eyes of the public as much as possible.
Libra is a very non-confrontational sign which dislikes conflict, and Jimin can act as a peacemaker within their group whenever disputes or misunderstandings occur (though all BTS members share this energy to some extent). When appearing in public or voicing his opinion in interviews, he often has a very well put-together, diplomatic vibe about him.
Scorpio Venus, Mars, & Pluto: the playful devil
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So, we’ve discussed our charming, diplomatic prince Park Jimin, as well as our cute and loving mochi, but where on earth does that stage persona come from?! Let me introduce you to Jimin’s most deadly placements: His Venus, Mars, and Pluto all within his 5th house in Scorpio.
Venus and Mars are both planets which deal with romantic relationships. Venus in astrology tells us about the sorts of people, things, and experiences we’re attracted to, as well as the kind of person we’ll be within a romantic relationship. It rules over the arts, fashion, partnerships, and commitments. Mars, on the other hand, is a lot more masculine and aggressive. It rules over our anger, our motivations, and our drive. It can indicate how we’ll chase after the people, goals, and experiences we desire in life.
Jimin has both of these romantic, charismatic planets in his 5th house, which rules performance, the arts and creativity, fun and games, parties, lighthearted romance, and children. It’s very common to see actors and performers with strong planetary placements within this house, but Jimin certainly has quite the combo working for him here.
The emphasis around his intense, passionate, and charismatic stage persona comes from the sign we’re in: Scorpio. It’s ruled by Pluto, the Underworld planet, and rules over all things dark, mysterious, and taboo in society. Secrets, mystery, the occult, psychology, sexuality, and power all fall within this planet’s reign.
People within strong Scorpio placements like to dive deep into their relationships and experiences. They like a little mystery, but the appeal comes from the act of uncovering these secrets. They often make great detectives or psychologists because they’re fantastic at understanding human nature and getting to the bottom of a situation.
This is the reason behind Jimin’s intense stare. Many Scorpios are known for having really intimidating eyes, and it’s because they almost seem to peer straight into the depths of your soul. It can feel as if they’ve exposed all of the things you wish to keep hidden simply by watching you- and with their keen observational skills, maybe they have.
That said, the lure of the dark and mysterious catches the eyes of many- and Jimin uses these placements to his advantage when performing. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, so you can think of it like the depths of the deep ocean. His art, movements, and power are all influenced by this energy. His movements are fluid but powerful, his art is deep, emotional, and moving but still mysterious and somewhat guarded, and even just this side of his personality seems unique and captivating when compared to his usual off-stage personality.
This is also a sign which is prone to obsession. Jimin’s work ethic and attention to detail has been praised time and time again, and it likely stems from the careful attention he gives to every aspect of his work until it meets the image he wishes to portray. He knows what the audience wants to see and how best to meet their expectations. He lets you glimpse into his power, his depth, and his sexuality through his performances, but never exposes more than he wants to.
Remember that those Libra placements love to tease, and in the 5th house here, he plays his movements like a game. His performances become a place where he can momentarily flaunt the darker Underworld energies within his personality, knowing that the audience will respond well when it’s within the right context. The sides of himself which are deep, obsessive, jealous, intense, and passionate find an outlet on the stage, and he needs this outlet to avoid taking these energies out on either himself or others in more destructive ways.
His Mars conjuncts his Pluto here, which is a wildly powerful placement. Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation, and in joining with the God of War in a chart, these two become a major force to be reckoned with. You can see it in his confidence on stage, his presence, and the ways in which he influences a crowd. He’s magnetic and attractive, and he can command attention without hardly lifting a finger.
In any other sign, this combination of planets has the power to become incredibly destructive (and in fact, it can be the worst in Scorpio if not handled properly), but Jimin’s grasp on this force he embodies is admirably strong. Remember when the other members said that he’s the scariest when angry? You wouldn’t want to see this placement out of control. The same forces which can give the strongest ability to understand, uncover, and heal others’ hidden wounds also has the potential to use them for harm.
Jimin, however, understands his power and channels the most intense sides of his personality into his art. When he steps onto a stage, he knows exactly what he’s there to do. He has rehearsed tirelessly, he knows what he wants to portray and how to achieve it, and he has a great sense of how the public will respond to his every move.
His chart is water dominant, and he’s a constant reminder that the water element is not just sensitive and emotional. Jimin’s Moon ruler pushes and pulls at ocean tides in the same way he influences our emotions. The same waters which flow through Jimin’s heart and psyche also have the power to create new life or flood entire cities. He’s a great example of how our charts become what we make of them. He’s successful and powerful while still retaining his humility, he’s sensitive and emotional without being too fearful or avoidant, and he’s understanding and manipulative but uses these forces for healing. An angel, perhaps?
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c0smicheaux · 4 years
Synastry House Series-Ascendant in the houses
First house-
With one’s Ascendant falling in someone’s first house for some can mean they have the same rising sign, if not the ascendant sign often has to do with first impressions that we show to the world and this can show that these two will more than likely be able to see the world in the same view and have similar likes and dislikes. While this may seem like a favorable indication for a relationship, too much similarity tends to create tension and sense of boredom. Both partners understand how the other person approaches the world the way they do. There is understanding why each other feels the way they do or why they might put on a face even if the other themselves do not approach the world in the same way. It feels as no one has to explain themselves.
Second house-
There is an attraction for the Ascendant person’s style when the second house partner sees them, almost immediately drawn towards them. House will be drawn to the Ascendant partner’s style, beauty, and the confidence that the Ascendant person radiates, the house person will bring up the ascendant partner’s confidence if it’s low, boost up physical attraction and feelings of passion in house. There can be some comfort in similar things that they both enjoy.The house person may bring out a more indulgent side of the Ascendant partner, the house person can also give the Ascendant person comfort and feelings of security in a relationship.
Third house-
There is a familiarity for third house person when someone’s Ascendant lands in third house synastry, a familiarity of even almost sibling like. There can be at often times an easy, smooth harmony flow between these two and the house person can get the Ascendant partner to open up quicker than anyone before. The basic spiritual awareness of the Ascendant person will have an influence on how the house partner’s thinking and mental attitudes, may even be able to manipulate house depending on rest of the chart. The ideas and mental confidence, the way that the house partner does communication more than likely have an influence over the self-image and basic attitude and of the Ascendant person.
Fourth house-
There will be strong emotional ties in the fourth house’s family relationships, whether they are good or bad when they met someone whose Ascendant lands in fourth house synastry. The ascendant partner’s actions and self-expression can have quite a strong emotional impact on the house person as the fourth house represents our deep locked away emotions and seeing how the Ascendant person shows that willingly to the world, could try to open themselves up a little more than they normally would. There is also an influence that can involve the house person’s family and domestic affairs. The house partner can provide a home and comfort for Ascendant to be able to freely express themselves without judgement.
Fifth house-
The house of romance, children, creativity, and pleasure is the theme of this synastry, most likely to be a romantic attraction as the fifth house partner is quickly find themselves in an immediate interest in the Ascendant person. This overlay can also bring a strong competitiveness between the partners as the Ascendant person will inspire the house partner to bring out their creative ideas to show the world. To the house partner, the ascendant person is their ideal or dream romantic type, but it’s the ascendant and appearances can be misleading, regardless, these two can have a lot of fun together. The house person could bring a boost to the Ascendant person’s ego, placing them on some pedestal, but house needs to be cautious about this as they may not receive the same attention in return.
Sixth house-
Sixth house synastry for someone’s Ascendant to land in brings an attention to house person’s overall health and routine, possibly enhancing house’s life and health even bringing a positive boost to the self-worth of the house partner. This can indicate a smooth working environment or where there is cohabiting in some form together. The house person is able to show the Ascendant partner a orderly structure to the relationship, being helpful towards Ascendant, the Ascendant person ends up willingly want to become a better person. This can be a good placements for roommates and coworkers if the rest of the chart is good, other wise there is a chance that the Ascendant person could bring on more stress and tension to the house person’s routine.
Seventh house-
There may not be an instant connection like there is with fifth house Ascendant synastry, but when in the seventh house there is still a strong connection between the two partners that cant keep the two away from each other, there may just be a phase of awkwardness to overcome. The Ascendant person represent everything the house person sees in a partner and may not realize til later how much they want the Ascendant partner around. The Ascendant person may be the one who approaches the house partner as they are quick to catch the Ascendant’s eyes quick. House here is able to make the Ascendant partner feel cared about and whether this is a relationship or a friendship a sense of balance and comfort for each person here to be relax and themselves freely. 
Eighth house-
This may not be an easy synastry when someone’s Ascendant lands in another’s eighth house at first for sure, the Ascendant partner is openly what the house person see as intense and taboo sort of style. There is along the road as the relationship grows, an encouragement for each other to make greater efforts towards physical and spiritual self-improvement as the eighth house also represents the house of transformation. The house partner can have a strong spiritual or occult influence on the Ascendant person’s consciousnesses and self-awareness being able to show Ascendant person the complexity and depth of their mind and what they likely take for granted that they do not realize they are doing,  all while the Ascendant person can help open up the house person, getting them to talk about things they consider taboo.
Ninth house-
It can feel like these two have an endless amount of topics to talk about when there is Ascendant ninth house synastry. The house partner will feel like the Ascendant person sees the world pretty closely to how they see it, the Ascendant partner can give an energy boost to help support whatever active cause that the house person is doing. There is an encouragement from the house partner to help the Ascendant person to work on bettering their spiritual self, bring on improvements to their self expression, and anything else that will bring a positive effect. These two can be natural friends and enjoy each other’s company, able to talk for hours about their worldview they can also find themselves getting excited about similar things and the Ascendant partner could talk house into making whatever dream come to reality while house can make the Ascendant partner question everything.
Tenth house-
When there is is tenth house synastry there will be some attention to happen, including Ascendant synastry. The house person will have an influence over the Ascendant person to become  mature and serious with their self-expression and approach to their career life and status taking more cautious steps in personal actions. These two can have a very similar view and approach to the world, agreeing often and having similar career choice or pursuits, and if the rest of the chart is not badly aspected there could be help from each other to achieve those goals for their path. Of course there may be some envy going on for the house partner as the Ascendant person is exactly what the house partner dreams to be.
Eleventh house-
Having someone’s Ascendant land in the eleventh house in synastry can have an instant connection for these two people. The Ascendant person will feel like they are truly accepted by the house partner and feel welcomed with the feeling they can be their true self around house. The house partner will be accepting of the Ascendant person quickly because the Ascendant embodies outward what the house person holds dearly, but there needs to be some caution as it could turn out the Ascendant person is not what they seem at first and come off ass a completely different person from when they first met. An encouragement for these two however can happen as they both can have a spiritual awareness develop and together they are able to express their unique creative skills.
Twelfth house-
Twelfth House Ascendant synastry can be tricky as this is the house of enemies and soulmates. The house person can have this strong psychic influence over the Ascendant partner, which can be either very spiritually uplifting or feel like there is gonna be a psychological war going on. The house person can help show the Ascendant partner learn how to embrace what they enjoy that they normally wouldn’t do around anyone. House could also help open them up spiritually, being able to go deep into the mind of the Ascendant partner able to examine their dreams and subconscious desires and help become a better person.
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loonarjester · 2 years
Woman's fate in lithuanian literature
A person’s destiny is an uncontrollable force that determines what happens in their life. No one can change their destiny — neither men nor women. Therefore, living in this world, we realize that life will not always be joyful, especially for women. Although most would like it to be untrue. Since the beginning of human history, most women have lived in difficult conditions. Their duty was to marry a man, give birth to children, take care of the home. Women could not live otherwise. They had fewer rights than men. Their value was measured by what kind of wives or mothers they would be. This has also been shown in literature. In both the myths of ancient Greece and the tragedies of W. Shakespeare, women's life was similar, despite the differences in culture of those epochs. This is also revealed in Lithuanian literature. V. Mykolaitis-Putinas, J. Bilūnas, Žemaitė, Šatrijos Ragana - all these writers depicted Lithuanian women. So let’s consider how the fate of a woman is depicted in their creations.
Famous XXa. Lithuanian writer V. Mykolaitis-Putinas depicts a woman of tragic fate in his psychological novel "The Shadow of the Altars". The main character in this work is Liudas Vasaris, who meets several different women on his journey of self-discovery. One of them is Lucy, the first woman to come to Liudas Vasaris' life. A young, cheerful, charismatic and brave country girl is not at all like the typical modest Lithuanian woman. Her unique character and temperament intrigue "Pavasarėlis". Lucy becomes one of the most important women in his life. The protagonist's beloved is not the only woman in "The Shadow of the Altars". However the readers learn most about her life story. Lucy’s feelings for the young cleric are forbidden, so the girl marries a man she doesn’t love and carries him a son. Lucy is a morally strong man, but every tragedy in her life hurts her spiritually, especially the death of her son Vytukas. Although Liudas and Lucy renew their relationship at the end of the story, they cannot be together due to Liudas' new love interest. Without her son and beloved man, Lucy no longer has a will to live. She is frustrated with her life — love, family and failing to achieve her goals and dreams. So she decides to take her life. This book reveals how a cruel fate can destroy a woman if she does not have enough strength to carry on.
In another work of Lithuanian literature, the short story “Sad Tale” by J. Biliūnas, the 19th-20th century creator of lyrical prose, depicts a woman who is also experiencing a tragic fate. The book reveals the life story of the Baniai family. Peter and Jozapota-newlyweds who love each other endlessly and are trying to start a family. However, their happy lives are interrupted by the 1863 uprising. In it Peter dies. Jozapota is imprisoned for her husband's involvement in the uprising. In prison, she loses her baby and sanity. Before those events, the woman dreams of a prophetic dream. Nevertheless, it is hard for Jozapota to believe that the dream will come true and that her family will end calamity. In the beggining of the story she believes that the marriage will be happy. Her eyes shine with happiness like stars. After the tragedy that destroys Jozapota's family, the woman breaks down and, according to the narrator, her eyes look like extinguished stars. Once upon a time, Jozapota had hopes and dreams. Now she's just repeats the same question, "Where's Petriukas?" This book shows how tragedy can break a woman not just emotionally, but also physically.
The tragic part of a woman's life is shown in another work of Lithuanian literature - the famous twentieth century short story “Marti” by Lithuanian realist Žemaitė. This work reveals the life story of her main character Katre. A hard-working, tidy and pleasant woman. At the beginning of the story, she is married to Vingis Jonas against her will. Living with a new family is always difficult, but Vingiai is not a nirmal family. They are lazy people who want to command others. Neither her husband nor her husband’s parents love Katre. To them she is a maid, perhaps more accurately a slave. Fearing the anger of her new parents, marti even kisses their hands. But Vingiai still make fun of her. Over time, Katre's personality changes. The humble and gentle girl becomes angry like Vingiai themselves. Her presence in this family has changed her. She even dares to retaliate against them. One would think that these people have a bit of humanity, but Vingiai has not shown it once. When Katre falls out of the carriage, Vingiai leaves her. When marti gets seriously ill, they don’t think about calling a doctor at all. The sick woman can’t even see her parents. Jonas as Katre’s husband had to feel responsible for his family. Take care and protect his wife, but he doesn’t do that. Therefore, Katre faces a terrible fate - death. Being forced to live in a family that doesn’t love you is a sad reality that Katre and many women have always been facing. This work reveals the possible tragedy of marriage and the helplessness of women in a family from past ages.
Famous XIX-XXa. Lithuanian writer Šatrija Ragana also wrote about the fate of a woman in her short story "In the old manor". However, the main character of this book and her life situation are different from the women in the works discussed prevously. Mary, or mama, is the lady of the manor, the wife of the landowner Ludvikas, the mother, guardian and teacher of three young children. She has an artistic soul. Therefore, music is one of the most important parts of this woman's daily life, because playing the piano allows Mary to relax and feel like herself. However, she often puts her hobby aside. Ladies children Irusia, Nika and Jonelis are the World for their mother. She strives to teach her children by educating and instilling in them the principles of faith and high morals. Mama’s goal is to make her children know that life is not easy, so it is essential to educate, learn, and not break because of difficulties. The children love her because she incourages them to be themselves. Mary respects her husband Ludvik, but their relationship is not close. The lord does not understand his wife and her worldview. He takes care of farms and estates, he is a pragmatist, and she is a romantic and an altruist. Mary not only takes care of her children, but also helps others: she educates, treats and helps the manor workers. Although it is difficult for Mary to remain an altuist in a family with a progmatic husband, she still has a positive view of life. So while Mary’s destiny is complicated, she discovers an alternative to living-serve others.
In summary, it can be said that the fate of a woman in Lithuanian literature is usually depicted as unhappy to say the least. Four different women were discussed in this speech. Each of them lived in different conditions and times. Each one of them has experienced some kind of life disaster. Lucy and Jozapota lose their children. Katre and Mary do not have a loving husband who can understand them. Lucy and Katre die, Jozapota goes mad, and Mary is has to live in a routine that does not make her happy. They all live different lives. Katre and Jozapota are rural women, and Lucy, an intelligent townsman, who was born in a village. The most different of them is Mary, whose life is happier and safer. Although they are all different, their lives reveal the unfortunate fate of all the women of the past. These works show one of the most important missions in women's lives - to have a loving and happy family. When they lose that, women usually feel misunderstood, lonely and unsatisfied with life.
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psycholadki · 4 years
Virgo North Node in the 2nd House
Two of the most difficult axes of north node are in the signs of Virgo-Pisces and Taurus-Scorpio. The life lessons encompassing the axis of 2nd-8th house combined with the signs of Virgo-Pisces have to do with healing and security.
The sign of your north node shows what work you have to produce in this lifetime whereas your house placement shows which area of life will be affected.
House placement is more important than the sign of the north node.
Focus on achieving 2nd house goals as the main theme using the undertone of Virgo sign on your North Node.
Let's unpack what North node in 2nd house means, when you have your north node in the 2nd house, it serves similar purpose to the sign of Taurus but 2nd house and Taurus are not the same.
It is imperative to be self-sufficient in this lifetime as dictated by your north node in the 2nd house instead of being reliant on other's resources. You have to earn a living and learn how to manage wealth.
With 2nd house on your north node you derive easy money from others, but you really have to push yourself to create for yourself and build your self-esteem.
Plod on like a persistent and patient worker, stick with your vision for manifestation even if it takes longer than expected.
Never compromise your values for anything or anyone. Do it because it is at the core of who you are not because you want to please others.
Don't second guess yourself, don't be afraid of your choices and love the people you love even when they are not approved by the society/status quo.
Let go of your dependence on others for everything. Trust yourself, define your values, and work on your goals, non- attachment to material and who you were.
Having north node in Virgo means you have to embrace practicality and discernment over fantasy and escapism from the past lives. The most straightforward explanation of north node in Virgo would be you have to value maintaining a balance between your mind and body, discriminate between what is best for you vs what you are best without and devoting yourself to service to the society in a practical way.
The challenge comes from your south node in Pisces, when you may feel as you have achieved enlightenment and have become ego-less, you do not need to deal with the material world since you are over this. You are from the bottom of your soul a very kind and selfless person. You are so giving that your giving nature proved to be a detriment to your last lives.
Added to the mix of Pisces south node, if you combine 8th house what you get is someone who has devoted lives to spirituality and was unfairly manipulated by power struggles since you were not the ones in charge, you were dependent on others for resources and wanted to merge with the universe. Often the only possible way was through day-dreaming, addictions, alcoholism and any other means of escaping.
The key in this lifetime, with North node in Virgo in the 2nd house is be grounded in reality. Virgo and 2nd house (Taurus) are both earth signs, they trine each other (so do Pisces and Scorpio on your south node) but having the combination of earth signs on your north node means that practicality and being grounded will help you achieve your goals. Becoming and bringing in earth energy will help you stay focused, being in the nature, being aware of your surroundings, being worldly wise and being able to earn one’s own income through practical avenues.
Seeing your ideas (Virgo- ruled by Mercury) into a physical manifestation (product of 2nd house) is your ultimate quest in life.
You are called upon to be a hard worker with values of devotion to mankind, minding your own business, drawing strong boundaries to understand what you want in life and how much are you willing to share and how much should you keep with you. Having a balance between give and take in relationships as well as realizing that you help others through helping yourself.
Your self-care is also a service to the society, build your self-esteem by working towards concrete goals.
Becoming a writer, doctor, healer, therapist or writing your business plan and then implementing a plan of action to achieve the goal is where your pot of gold lies.
You have already seen that material world is not the answer, the idea is not to immerse yourself with material world but rather to strike a balance in your universe so that nobody can take advantage of your kind heart and you can still achieve 100% of your goals by providing service to humanity and that uplifts your self-esteem and zest for life to give back more to society from a place of healthy self-love.
Life Purpose in two words: Grounded Earnings
South node in Pisces: - Ungrounded, floating in the mystic world without proper ground beneath one, giving other people one’s personal power to save relationships and other people.
South node in 8th house: - Learning to come to balance with matters relating to intimacy, co-dependency, and deep things in your life. Let go of support from others- financial, physical, moral, spiritual, legacies, sex, occult, assets of partner, psychic sensitivity.
North node in 2nd house:-Discover your own values, depend on yourself and to establish our self-worth through our own efforts. We cannot develop our self-worth through others alone, it needs to come from within.  Learning to define our goals based on our values, and then to work toward achieving them in a patient manner, will help us achieve more happiness and inner balance.
North node in Virgo: - You are learning how to discern between real and fantasy, practically moving towards one’s goals by following routines. Practically healing and nursing people through concrete ways.
The Issue of Values-
"You don’t go shopping for your own valuables because you only value what other people own. You want what they have because you don’t value your own experiences or your own feelings. Other people hold all of the power. Taking what they have is your way of feeling less inferior and invisible." – Heather Havrilesky
Another issue with this placement is feeling others have it better, going after your best friend's guy, or buying the latest gadget as per society's approval or wanting whatever other people are having because you value 8th house and you are just beginning to learn about 2nd house (your own values), so therefore you value other's viewpoints more than your own. 2nd house points to minding one's own business and doing hard work and taking a break here and now to smell the roses, to appreciate the small things in life about nature we take for granted such as spending a day in the field. With your south node in the 8th house, you've experienced trauma, psychological torture, wars, famine and what not, so this is the lifetime where you get to experience the opposite swing and enjoy life's simpler pleasures with gratitude and by being generous. Live and let go~
Havrilesky, H., 2018. [Blog] THE CUT.
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More therapy thoughts part 1/?
Behavior Theory Frameworks/Conditioning and What the fuck does Master Chief talk about in therapy?
Ramblings below - like a lot, like I spent too much time writing this and you should not read this
Behavioral Theory could work well as a framework with rehabilitating Spartan IIs if the case worker focused on Operant Conditioning Theory and Cognitive Social Learning Theory, which I talked about in this ask because I think I’m funny and this blog is an archive of me applying human behavior theories to video games.
Spartans have always been taught the mission comes first! Always! The 2s are indoctrinated from age 6-14 and then have that reinforced the rest of their lives. From the beginning they are taught to push themselves to the limits, earn their food by winning, form bonds with teammates but be ready to sacrifice them for the mission. The whole lives wasted vs spent conversation between John and Mendez after the augmentation surgery!
What the UNSC/ONI wants comes before their lives, the lives of other soldiers, civilians, AI etc. This constant conditioning of expectations and rewards has created the norms cemented in their minds. This becomes standard operating procedure.
Spartans are also an entirely separated social group, other people have made really great posts on how they are Othered and have their own way of communicating with body language. ODSTs hate Spartans, marines see them as cyborgs or saviors, and while they’re allies, Spartans are not seen or treated as human, by literally everyone. They are a means to an end, with the original goal being to maintain the UNSC’s position of power and crush the insurrectionists in the outer colonies, but uh oh Aliens!
Maybe the 2s aren’t as expendable as the 3s but the mindset and reinforcement of “mission first, people second” being repeated their entire lives is going to stick. So is the constant mistreatment and abuse from their fellow soldiers and handlers. 
Addressing the cognitive distortions that come from their upbringing while also balancing the fact that Spartans are so fundamentally different from the way they developed to survive would be so much work, especially considering how much information on them is given to their therapist.  The main distortion I would apply is minimization, making large problems small and not properly dealing with them, and specifically for John, personification, accepting blame for negative events without sufficient evidence. 
Like these are grown ass super soldiers who can kill you in less than a second and calculate the amount of gravity in a room on the fly but then also can flounder when trying to comfort civilians or make small talk because their experiences and values are so alien to adults who had more developmentally “normal” lives. 
Literally applying therapy to Spartans would be like, what was done to you was wrong, the ends do not justify the means, you were children and the adults in your life failed to protect you. You are a human person who is fallible and did the best you could with what you had. And the Spartan would say, “sounds fake but okay, can I pass my psych eval and go back to war now please?”
Jumping back to Behavior Theory
Different approaches to therapy under the Behavior Theory umbrella help modify negative behaviors with treatments like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical behavior therapy that teach individuals adaptive coping like emotional regulation, distress tolerance, cognitive distortions, and interpersonal communication. And that’s just one framework under the umbrella of human behavior theories.
Social work therapy is different from psych as it approaches individuals with heavily researched, evidence-based theories and frameworks in a holistic viewing of person-in-environment, instead of a strong focus on internal psychology. 
Social work looks at all the interacting systems, environment, history, and internal and external factors affecting an individual. One of the most useful frameworks is the Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Frameworks (BPSS) when helping a client. It helps with identifying all the intersecting factors, both risk and protective, that shapes a client’s lived experiences. The most important thing to remember is that the individual is an expert in their own life, they know their experiences best.
The hardest part is applying this to Spartans because they Are So Fucked, their lived experiences, their environments and systems and institutions interacting with them, and the amount of their personal information that is probably so classified.
BPSS is a tool to help social workers assess individuals and their situations by collecting info that is related to the presenting issues and current and past circumstances. Info like medical history, hospitalizations, substance abuse, mental illness, personal relationships, family history and background, culture and norms, education, legal history, spirituality and participation etc. is all under this framework. 
For Spartan 2s most of this info is lost or classified and helping someone who has repressed every negative emotion they've had for the sake of the mission would be so much to unpack but that’s also why you’re reading the mad ramblings over an over caffeinated nerd on the internet.
Life Course Theory which looks at developmental milestones and the individual’s experiences versus the socially expected markers, how do you apply that to children who were taken and have lived such different lives? 
While early adolescence is when “normal” development of thoughts of self and identity take place alongside the physical changes of puberty, Spartans were being turned into emotionless calculating weapons. Sorry John, no forming a sense of identity and peer bonds for you, go kill that Watts guy who betrayed us and joined the insurrectionists. 
And now that I’ve gone this insane and opened 2 whole textbooks up, let’s get to Master Chief thoughts. If you’ve read this far thank you, I swear I’m normal, 2020 has just been a weird year. 
Why the fuck did I think I could write a therapy fic on a guy with 20 minutes of actual dialogue across almost 2 decades of games?
I make fun of him and call him a himbo, but he’s smart, he knows he’s being used and there is resentment there that’s been building for years. 
There’s also decades of trauma and combat experience, physical, and emotional abuse, the lack of a support network,  lack of an identity, the biological factors and aftermath of the augmentations and injuries he’s received, a whole lot of grief and self-inflicted guilt. 
The loss of a third of his peer group with the augmentation surgery, Sam’s death, the loss of Reach (the only place he’s considered home), Keyes, the Pillar of Autumn crew, Miranda Keyes, Johnson, Cortana. He cares about the marines who fight with him!!!
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He just stands there and takes it and rarely snaps, and even then it’s just small cracks on the surface with fissures running deep. The few details I will pull from Halo 5 are Blue Team’s reactions to John pushing himself so hard from the beginning of the game, and the literal crack in his armor from the fight with Locke. Like dude.  
John’s a leader and will get the mission done but he tugs on the leash. He’s earned enough of a reputation and uses it to get his way.
Halo 2’s “Permission to leave the station” with Mr. “I’m going to hand deliver a bomb to the fusion reactor of a covenant supercarrier and hope my friends catch me”. 
Halo 4 is when we see him say no to a superior officer and then 5 is him going AWOL. Palmer literally points out that no one is going to stop him.
Halo 5 kills me for many reasons but John bringing up Halsey and what she did to him and also pointing out that he knows Halo 5 Cortana is trying to manipulate him with psychological tactics hurts. 
He knows what’s been done to him!
I cannot remember which book it was but John isn’t used to working alone. He literally takes fire because he was expecting someone to have his back! 
He’s lost without Cortana! She was in his brain! Y’all! I played Halo Combat Evolved on the original xbox when I was like 8 and I knew these two were meant to be together. From the moment they met they had great chemistry and relied on each other! Cortana literally goes after people who have it out for John! John wants her approval and shows off for her in one of the books. 
I’ve already written too much here but like all of the games have John showing off for Cortana, making dry jokes, jumping out of things he shouldn’t. 
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The whole point of this rambling is to try and get my thoughts about how to approach John’s character under control.
And that’s the thing. He’s lost control. He’s lost people, he’s losing his position and being phased out as an aging spartan, a relic. John’s used to following orders and making some decisions on the battlefield but it was always short term.
He has no identity beyond being a weapon. Complete the mission, clear the LZ, get put in cryo. Rinse, repeat. 
The timeline of the games are what I'm most familiar with but with the comics and books too it’s one long run from Halo 2 to Halo 4. Cairo station to the Dreadnought to the crash landing to Forward Unto Dawn to Requiem to “The Didact is Dead but not really but we’ll deal with him off-screen”.
I know Hood apparently gave John R&R orders before Halo 5 that he ignored and kept running himself into the ground. This is a man who has to keep moving and keep being useful. 
I imagine him giving in and seeking help as a last resort to fix any problems he has with performing his duties rather than helping himself be healthier. 
Any professional he sees is going to have to approach him like they’re approaching a self sacrificing feral cat, with lunch meat and quiet. This man needs to have his support network closer, set up long term goals, and do some serious, and most likely incredibly painful, self reflection on where he’s come from and where he wants to go. Get him out of that tin can and into therapy. I don’t have a nice neat ending because this was a ramble and also therapy is not neat and tidy. Thanks for reading my words about mr halo
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snarkywrites · 4 years
Saturn in Aquarius: New Terrain
Saturn enters the sign of Aquarius on March 21st. This can bring a lot of gloom and doom to some people, but this is generally an exciting period of time as we see the end of one chapter with Saturn in Capricorn and get ready for the innovation that this Aquarius transit offers to bring us all. The month of March has been riddled with a lot of challenges, but this is something that we have come to expect, especially with the Saturn and Pluto conjunction from earlier this year still leaving some of the residue after the transit alleviated. With Saturn entering Aquarius, we can expect a drastic change with energy since there won’t be as many planets in the sign of Capricorn, slowing down the potency of its power. In Aquarius we can expect changes in philosophies from many people, a higher dedication from those in power and a need for us all to connect. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius, we saw the birth, expansion and the impact that the internet has had on us all. Technology is such a major aspect of our lives that because of recent events, we have seen how corporations have been forced to embrace sending employees to work from home, entrepreneurs are being pushed to incorporate technology into their small businesses more and educational systems have also been pushed into distance schooling. A major shift at the 29th Degree of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, showing a mirror of what is to come for the next three months, and then Saturn will go back from Aquarius into Capricorn. By 2021, we will have a clearer picture of what we will be expecting and how the innovations of Saturn in Aquarius will shift the entire collective for the next 30 years when it returns to this sign.
Aries – The last few years you have been focused on establishing your place in the world; concentrating on top goals and trying to spark the energy within to tackle any challenges. Saturn in Capricorn was a test, not only for your sign, but for all Cardinals. You may have learned a lot about yourself, how you present yourself to the world and what the world views you as. If you had trouble managing your temper, this transit was going to teach you how to be more in control and diplomatic. To second guess showing your rage and to carry yourself more maturely were more focal points. Capricorn is a sign of self-control, putting the reigns on your impulsive sign. With the shift into Aquarius, your focus will be on putting into practice what was learned during Saturn in Capricorn. These tools can help you achieve greatness if you practice patience. Most likely, you will be accustomed to taking on roles that demand for you to be in positions of power with grace. Interpersonal relationships now take on a greater meaning to help you climb higher and reach for more. Continue to dream and believing in yourself but know that depending on how well your connections are with the collective will determine how much further you can advance.
Taurus – While Saturn in Capricorn focused on how you broadened your stances as well as promoted the exploration of philosophies, you are now going to be given a taste of what you will deal with for the next three years beginning 2021. This brief transit will be eye opening for you, especially as it will shift your attention to the future. Saturn in Aquarius will be applying some pressures on your sign, to become more comfortable in the spotlight, to get ready to take action and to set a good foundation for what you want to achieve in the future. This transit is a rebuilding for your character, and it will show you sides of yourself you did not know of until now. Don’t panic, embrace this. It will be a very tough road ahead, but this will be a very satisfying transit and one that you will look back on in the future. For now, when everything feels overwhelming, make sure to take that step back and analyze what plans need to be made and restructured in order to keep on going. Success is within your reach, so get ready for the impossible.
Gemini – You experienced intensity during Saturn in Capricorn which pushed you to the limits, making it almost too much to bear. But now things will be changing for more pleasant waters as you dip your toes into Saturn in Aquarius. You will be more thankful for this change because it takes off some of the pressures you had faced in the last thee years. It will be a surprise to have this upcoming shift in sign, because things will be more aligned with what your sign represents. This Saturn in Aquarius transit will be more on the spiritual level as you embrace new methods of thinking and will dive into learning more about the collective. As Saturn moves into an air sign, you will be more willing to embrace what it has to offer and learn from it. Your view of the world will change, as Saturn continues to rise up towards the highest point in your chart. Get ready for a new experience, that will teach you more about yourself
Cancer – Saturn in Capricorn taught you about sacrifices and understanding the meaning of relationships. This transit was a learning experience as you dealt with coping with your selfishness and ability to compromise with partnerships. This does not only affect your romantic partnerships, but your friendships as well. The ugly sides might have crept through as you noticed some disheartening sides to you, but you learned. In Capricorn, you focused on the dynamic you had with others. When Saturn moves into the sign of Aquarius later this month, you will see the impact that the lessons in Capricorn have taught you. It will be a moment of self-discovery, of shedding old ways and learning to handle the psychological aspects of yourself that you might have been repressing. Saturn in Aquarius will force you to break some chains, make things uncomfortable as you dive deeper in your mind to seek answers. It is a radical period for you, but you will learn to navigate through it. A shift in mentality will be focused on your stability, how you see yourself and your place in the world.
Leo – This transit will be an eye opener for you since you will now be on some unexpected terrain. With Saturn in Capricorn, you learned what it meant to work hard in order to move forward. For the last three years, you were put to the test and experienced some highs and lows because you may have felt as if your efforts were in vain. But you are close to the finish line. Saturn in Capricorn taught you endurance and to practice (a lot of) patience. It was a way to explore parts of yourself that you did not want to confront. In Capricorn, the struggle might have felt endless and each test was harder than the last. Now, with Saturn entering Aquarius, you will feel some of that weight lifted (for three months) before it retrogrades back in Capricorn. With this new shift in sign, you will understand your dynamic with others and the value in relationships and partnerships. It can be a period of reflection and more frustration as you decide who to keep in your personal space and who to isolate. Here you will flirt back and forth with the idea of asserting your independence but at the same time practice a form of codependency. Nevertheless, you will find your footing and push on forward to understanding yet another piece of you.
Virgo – You have been feeling the pressure of this upcoming transit just looming. For years, it might have felt as if every moment of potential happiness just withered and faded. But you Saturn in Capricorn has taught you that the show must go on, even when life moves too fast for you to keep up. You have embraced practicing being in hermit mode, opting to stay away from the drama and learn more about yourself and keeping close to your loved ones. You may have even ended a few close connections and relationships in order to “find yourself” but now you will be accustomed to the energy that Saturn in Aquarius will bring to your life starting this upcoming week for its three month stint and then later this year before we look toward 2021. Virgos will be able to handle this energy (surprisingly) because Saturn in Aquarius will ask “what can you do for me today?” As the sign that enjoys tasks and service, you will be more than willing to take on the challenges that will be presented in your day to day life. This is comfortable energy for you, especially since it will reshape how you approach your daily routines and it might even prompt you to begin (or make more of an effort) to take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Libra – Saturn in Capricorn may have brought some nightmare moments to a few of you as you struggled with establishing some foundations to expand your roots while dealing with the pressures of the world. This transit might have shaken you to your core, but it forced you to evolve, to become stronger and to cope with the changes that were to come. During this three-year transit, you learned how to steer through waters that you were not familiar with. While Saturn in Capricorn will be gifting you a coat of armor, you will be using this to further expand during the Saturn in Aquarius transit. Since Saturn will be in a fellow air sign, you might be more receptive to the transition. It may or may not feel seamless at first, as we pull further and further away from the Earth sign’s domain and acclimate to the air sign’s energy. Here you will learn about what matters to you and what you should not be taking for granted. It might also feel as if you are going through a slump, but this is just the grounding needed in order to prepare for what comes next. Your coat of armor will be strengthened, and you will endure when this transit officially begins in 2021.
Scorpio – While you faced challenges in the last two years under Saturn in Capricorn with communication. You have made peace with some old issues with siblings or distant relatives thanks to this Jupiter transit which may have alleviated any tensions. Now with Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius, you will deal with your roots and foundation. Saturn in Aquarius might feel like the rug is being pulled from under you, as you find a way to regain your footing. The transit begins this week, for three months and then it will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn. You will see what aspects of your life need to be stabilized and it might even all begin with home. Aquarius promises to make you rethink how you view your comfort zones and what changes you can make or that Saturn will decide to make for you. A lot of patience will be needed with this transit, as it will be a learning period for you. After this transit, you will look back and think on how the old you has transformed into a formidable leader.
Sagittarius – You might feel like the veteran now with these Saturn transits since Saturn in Sagittarius was a bit of a doozy not only for you, but for the collective. We experienced a new era in politics and how it related to humanity through Saturn’s transit in your sign. In Capricorn, you felt the relief, but the pressures of stabilizing the material and how it related to you. Now, with Saturn in Aquarius, you will go back to the philosophical moments that your sign brought. It will be a comfortable transit, riddled with its own challenges but you will be mentally stimulated by what it has to offer. Your perception of the world and how it will impact you comes to play. You will also become more aware of the impact that your words might have as well as the strength of your connections with others. You might even want to partake in making changes for the collective or become a disruptive force with your pen. Take heed and be wise now. Saturn will teach you the patience needed when it comes to expression, which can cause conflict and frustrations with others. Remember to take things one day at a time, to keep going strong and to think before you speak.
Capricorn – An awakening with the shift from Saturn in Capricorn to Aquarius. The mountain of responsibilities and challenges begins to slowly dissipate as you await the verdict on everything that you have dealt with so far. The next three months will be a bit of a Spring Break for you as you sort and put yourself back together. The puzzle pieces that have been left at your disposal will now scream out for you to put them back in place. You have learned a lot; you have dealt with the trials and have found the key to everything. Your period of reflection begins now, as you shed the skin of the past and look forward to a new chapter in your life. Saturn in Aquarius will make you focus on solidifying your foundations, on reclaiming your power and bringing order to what you foresee in the future. It all begins now with the struggles you will face with finances and how you relate to the material. Put your game face on, especially during the Saturn and Mars conjunction in Aquarius happening later this month.
Aquarius – Saturn is finally in your sign, bringing a moment of transformation that will begin for the next three months. Saturn officially enters Aquarius December 2020, so use this period as a learning guide for what you will be expecting early next year. The last couple of years might have felt like a dream state where you were waiting for something to finally wake you up. You have felt the calm before the storm for years now, struggling with any internal battles, waiting for the resolution to your problems as you seek others for guidance in understanding what was happening and where you were going. As an Aquarius, you were probably more concerned with your place in the world and the connection, the dwindling connections between you and the outside world probably created pressures. Saturn in your sign will break down aspects of yourself and rebuild them into stronger versions. This transit will be tough, because it is happening in your sign but the rewards after it will be worth it. It is a period of hard work, reflection and changes. Life lessons learned during this period will help you grow more in the future. Now is the beginning of your moment of empowerment because after this transit is officially over (three years from now) you will be more powerful and shine brighter than before.
Pisces – Pisces placements can pretty much handle most transits that deal with the subconscious and Saturn in Aquarius will be something you might be able to understand. Saturn in Aquarius brings you back to your moments you felt most vulnerable and makes you evaluate your sentiments regarding them. This shift will be an eye-opening experience, but for the brief period Saturn is in Aquarius you will learn what to expect beginning in December 17th, 2020. All the lessons that have been learned throughout the years will be pivotal for this transit. It will make you more in tune with who you are and will awaken some of those moments that you have felt weak and powerless. Nevertheless, you are used to finding your inner strength and emerging more powerful from the darker times. While Saturn in Capricorn taught you how to cooperate with the collective, to come together as a team, this brief transit will show you what it can feel like to be alone but to find your greatest ally in the darkness, which is you.
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