#we kept in touch back when i had my old ig but like. my old ig was SO EMBARRASSING
chiritori · 2 years
sometimes i reflect on my absolute cringelord online behavior from 2018-2021 and immediately want to spontaneously combust
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urcrowley · 3 months
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Floral Flame
— Florist!Touya X Reader —
YOGiNotes: I can’t believe I’m writing this but here we are!! We need more male reader fics guys.. I feel left out /j
Completely made this in a rush and out of boredom! I apologize for any spelling and/or grammar mistakes. It is a bit short for my liking but I do hope you still enjoy! 🙏
Warnings: some swearing ig (?) ; very unfunny author ; angst will cook soon (not in this chapter though….)
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“My flower…”
Y/N muttered to himself, staring at the now-wilted flower. With a gentle touch, he reached out and tapped one of the fragile petals, watching as it detached from the wilting bloom and fell to the ground.
“I should probably ask that old hag for some advice again, huh?”
He was talking about the older yet amicable woman who ran the flower shop just a few blocks away from his apartment. He regretted not remembering her name. With a less-than-careful tug, Y/N detached his backpack from the corner where it had been gathering dust and carelessly dumped its contents onto the bed, each item making a soft thump sound as it hit the mattress. Y/N cautiously placed the flower pot into his bag once everything was out and grabbed a random coat from the rack beside the door. As he walked out, he tried to tie his shoes while keeping up with his pace.
Almost causing himself to fall.
Well, almost.
He strolled over to his locked bicycle, hopping on it shortly. He rode his bicycle to the shop. But when he arrived..
He was not greeted to the usual ‘good day’ of the kind old woman; rather, a man who didn’t look too far off his own age.
‘This guy definitely listens to mcr..’
Y/N thought to himself, as he waved at the guy. Putting up a front, smiling politely.
“Excuse me? Do you know where—“
“She’s not here today.”
…okay, rude?
“Oh.. When will she—“
“Next week.”
This guy was getting on Y/N’s nerves if he was being completely honest.
“Who are you anyways?”
Y/N was only met with silence and a cold blank stare. He stared back because— well, to be Frank, he didn’t know what else to do.
“I work here.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
He could hear the man click his tongue in annoyance.
“I don’t have to answer to you,” he rolled his eyes, “now, do you need help with anything or something?”
“Is that how you usually treat your customers?”
“…yeah? So what?”
“Nothing, just saying it’s a big.. contrast to what I’m used to.”
The man's gaze fixed on Y/N with a steely glare, his eyes narrowing as if affronted by Y/N's audacity to utter such a statement. “Whatever.. just tell me what you need so we can be done here.”
“Right.. so um..”
Y/N withdrew the flower from his backpack and gingerly placed it on the counter of the checkout. He then glanced up at the man, a sheepish smile playing on his lips.
“I don’t know what went wrong.. I did what I was told and kept managing my watering time..”
Dabi, as indicated by his nametag, meticulously examined the flower, leaning closer to get a better look. It was clear the flower was already dead, leaving him to ponder Y/N's actions beforehand. Y/N, however, contemplated if Dabi was thinking something profound like 'this plant hadn't received the precise amount of water it required,' or if it was something stupid simple and meaningless like ‘I wonder what I’ll have for dinner later.’
Jokes on him, Dabi was thinking of both.
Dabi let out a sigh and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the tattoos on his arms. Y/N was tempted to take a peek, but quickly reminded himself not to be nosy. However, despite his best efforts to focus, he couldn't help but sneak a quick glance at the intricate ink designs on Dabi's skin.
‘Shittt.. that’s sick.’
Y/N thought before quickly snapping out of it.
“Did you make sure your flower gets enough sunlight every day?”
“Your flower?? Gets sunlight?? Hello??”
Dabi slowly shifted his gaze towards Y/N, his face betraying a mixture of disbelief and surprise. His expression seemed to convey a silent question, as if wondering what on earth Y/N was even doing to this poor plant.
“Are you fucking with me right now?”
The two stared at each other…
After a moment of silence, Y/N spoke up again. “How was I supposed to know this flower needed sunlight?”
“Google exists.”
“I’m a busy man!”
“Busy doing what? Being uneducated?”
DAMN, that hurt more that it was supposed to.
“Okay.. okay, it’s a dumb mistake on my part. Can I buy another one to try again?” Y/N puts his hands on his hips, waiting for Dabi’s answer. “Well.. I don’t have a choice I guess.” Dabi said, the sound of defeat evident in his tone. He walked away to find the same flower as Y/N stood there.
Y/N found himself strangely familiar with the odd man before him. There was something about him that he couldn't quite pinpoint, and it frustrated him. Crossing his arms in annoyance, Y/N observed Dabi carefully examining the flower selection. He realized maybe he should cut the newbie some slack since he just started working here after all.
Dabi finally located the specific flower Y/N had requested and assisted in transferring it to a fresh pot. He then helped Y/N carefully tuck the potted flower into the latter's backpack, gently securing it in place.
“Thanks, I appreciated the help.”
“Ugh, please never come back.”
Y/N snorted at that, almost unable to hold his laughter. He handed his payment to Dabi, and waved goodbye.
“Unfortunately for you, new guy, I’m a regular here!”
He said as he walked out of the store.
Dabi— no, Touya exhaled a frustrated sigh once that idiot guy was gone. He hated working at the flower shop but knew he had no choice. His current situation forced him to hide, and this job was a means to keep a low profile. He longed for a better life, but for now, he was stuck here in this cramped shop, surrounded by fragrant blooms.
Welp, that’s the life of a man on the run he supposed..
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This chapter is just me trying to get the idea out of my head, I swear I’ll cook better in the next one ☹️☹️☹️💥💥💥💥
This was supposed to be an artwork idea but I couldn’t really draw rn
Also, mind you, I’m posting this at 3AM in my timezone, PLEASE PLEASE EXCUSE THE BADWRITIGNNFNF 😭😭😭😭
(I am ashamed of myself 😞)
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anamenooneowns · 5 months
an: another moodboard/ficlet ig? is this allowed? um, youre from nyc in this one and moved to the obx, yeah. if you didnt get the memo either with the moodboard you're black and you say a few words in Spanish bc youre also hispanic (idk how to speak Spanish so if its wrong i'm apologizing beforehand😃) enjoy!
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"Ma, why'd we move here again?" you groaned, tugging at your shirt to generate some sort of cool air as you walked in the sun.
Your mother ignored your question after having answered it for the umpteenth time. Rent was rising crazily in NYC and it was getting more dangerous by the day. And your family down here that she had lost contact with due to her own mother practically begged your mother to come back down and just move in, so that's exactly what your parents did.
The culture down South was something you weren't acclimated to. In NYC, people kept their heads down and kept it pushing, but you were perceived here. 'Good morning/afternoon/evening' along with 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' were integrating themselves into your vocabulary. Still, it was obvious these folks didn't exactly... like you. They didn't like the way you dressed with multiple gold chains on your neck and rings galore, or the fact that your nails were so long, and too many old people commented that they could hang onto your hoops.
It was annoying.
"Oh, mama, go into the beauty supply right there and see if they have products for our hair. Here- take this to pay for it, and get us some drinks too from the deli, it's hot as hell out here," your mother ushered you away, pushing three twenties into your hand.
You sighed and turned on your heel, going into the beauty supply and greeting the cashier before scanning the shelves. Thankfully, they had all the products your family used and it came out much cheaper than it would have in your old store when you paid for it. Next was the store at the corner of the strip mall. Your mother drove you out here since you definitely wouldn't find what you guys needed in the rich part of the island so you had to come to what your extended family called 'The Cut'.
"Dude, I-I'm tellin' you this is the right idea, when have I ever led you astr- fuck," a voice hissed.
You gasped as something wet poured down your front, ruining your crop-top and getting you sticky in the process. Slowly, you looked up, mean mug getting even meaner as you glared at some blond who was looking down at you with his eyes wide and pink lips parted like a damn fish, some other boy behind him.
You were yelling at him, that much he could tell, but all he could see was some phantom light shining behind you and making you look even more ethereal in presence and all he could hear was 'Sha la la la la, la laaaa'.
"He-fucking-llo?" you hissed, snapping your fingers in his face. "Does he have a brain or something?" was directed at his tall, brown-haired friend who sputtered as he tried to apologize for JJ, elbowing him.
"I... huh? Oh, shit! I'm sorry, my bad," he grabbed tissues and started to dry your own shirt for you making you freeze up, eyes widening while John B watched in literal horror as his dumbass best friend dabbed the paper towels against your chest.
"Eres un idiota," was the last thing you said before leaving.
And JJ was touching his cheek and looking at the door where you left like a lovesick puppy as your fragrance of vanilla and shea butter lingered. "Dude... I think I'm in love."
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an: comments and reblogs are appreciated! thanks for reading💕
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bigmack2go · 2 months
Ok so it’s been two days so i think I’ve finally processed everything enough to talk abt it
(Lmao that sounds like trauma. It actually about meeting sky)
Yk he texted me to meet him infront of the bar. I read AT the bar so i didn’t see him for a while (i didnt realise this until today) and the. He came in instead. He was rly confused for a second and didn’t see me. He looked around and the other person other than me (besides the bartenders) was some rly old man. Mind you: i told him what i looked like and that was NOT it and he looked a little lost but in an abnormaly adorable way (he was fidgeting with his hands and ahh. Sometimes i forget he’s human(💀) so that was a very beautiful reminder of that)
Anyway so i went to him and i he still didn’t notice me for another few seconds. My mind was blank though so i just stood there like 🧍 until he saw me. The next few seconds are just gone from my memory. (I have extreme memory loss and i didn’t take my meds that day so any second i wasnt hyper aware of what was happening, is just,,, gone. And since i have adhd too, that happens a lot)
well anyway so i said “i made something… well they’re not done yet but” and i took the shoes i made out. I asked if he could sign them and he was just like really in shock. He was really flashed by the shoes but also that i wanted him to sign them. He just looked at them for a while and kept complementing them (i died btw) and then at some point he just stopped mid sentence and was like “wait- hold up, did you say you want me to sign those?!” Like he was Not Prepared ForThat At All. Like bro was so flashed and then i think that thing that i wanted him to sign it hit him off guard idk. I magically had a pencil apear (i hid it in my sleeve before that bc for some reason i thought that was a good idea) and he was like doinh a double take at something he didn’t even look away from? Idk. Well so he signed them and he was like,,,, spelling it aloud and it was adorable and i wanna die. (He also really didn’t wanna sign anywhere he shouldn’t and he was rly unsure and askee a few times”
“Okay lets see where do i— where do you want me— there, i’ll sign there is that okay? Okay. Okay so….. there. S. Mhm. K… oh that’s a weird K. And Y. There. Sky. Thats my name” (thats word by word what he said) (how cute do u wanna be? Him: yes.) and then he gave them back to me and there was A LITTLE HEART BEHIND HIS NAME AND WHEN I TELL YOU I ALMOST SCREAMED IN HIS FACE. It doesn’t look like a heart. More like a defirmed triangle but the intention is clear…
Well the. I asked if we could take a foto. Mind you, my phone has one if thos protection thingys where you cant see the display when you lopl from the side. Anyway i dint remember what he said or when he put his arm around me but the next thing i remember his arm was around my shoulder and his face was like…. Touching mine(?) (that sounds creepy as hell wtf) i was really shaking and i couldn’t see the display i just say that he was frowning a little after not taking another foto. I didn’t think anything of it in the moment and just thought he was still suprised i wanted a foto.
Well now this part i remember VIVIDLY. We were tlking a bit more and i was shaking even more now on account of I WAS LITTERALY HAVING one of SKY FLAHERTYS ARMS AROUND ME TWO SECONDS EARLIER.
Well he noticed i was shaking and put a hand on my shoulder (i double died) and then he like hugged me. (I got revived) It wasn’t like a side hug but also not a face to chest hug, but something inbetween. It was slighty awkward but at the same time not at all and ig even felt sort of casua? This time i was caught of guard and i was just staring at the air. (The bardender saw it and she winked at me and i did like a little silent scream with my face and she chuckled) well that all happened in like three seconds tops. So when we pulled apart (sounds like we were kissing WTF) i was like, ‘ok this felt like a good bye hug, this is a good time to leave’ (i regret that with every part of me.) and i started to leave. (He looked a bit confused. He probably thought i was gonna stay a bit longer, conciddering how we talked earlier)
Now this is where the bad thing happened.
Okay so Sky like,,, realises i’m leaving and he’s like “oh okay, uhm well, again, rly like the shoes and… nice meeting you!”
Now what did i do? The logical thing would be (not to leave at all ever again ever. why did i do that???) to say “thanks, nice to meet you too!” But no. Brain-less little me walked backwards (almost tripped) nodded and said “Guten Appetit” IN GERMAN. (For the record sky does not soeak german. And if he did, what i said was “bon apetit” in german. He was NOT about to eat) he looks at me like the moron i am. Like he looks at me like a literal moron like i’m a crazy idiot or smt. He literally did the Albert face when Race says “I’m famous!”(but i’m pretty sure that was just pure confusion. It didn’t look like an action he had any control over)
Anyway so i blush. Turn around and just,,, get away as fast as possible. When he gained back his composure (which was a lot faster than me obviously) he was like “Wait i still have your magic— oh whatever” (i pretended i didn’t hear it cause i was so embarrassed ydek) well it turns out he still had my pencil.
Anyway so then i texted him like this that “what i meant was nice to meet you too. Sorry. Got nervous” and he said “your fineeeeee” and i didn’t know what to answer but i had already read the message. So i take a screen (no tume for copy paste) and send a message to everyone person i can think of with the question of what to say. (Shoutout to @chaosfairy18 who saved me from an actual breakdown there. She answered rly rly fast)
I ended up saying thanks again and that it was rly cool. Then for some reason i said “also my mom says hi” (she didn’t. Idk why i did that. I legitimately do not remember.)
And thats it. I’ve said most stuff before but you wanted to know what exactly happened so here it is ig
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cmdrfupa · 2 days
Winters Blessing
Suguru x Reader
an: idk yall. This has been sitting in the files for a minute and I finally found how I wanted to go about this. Little to no proofreading so uh.. Slight copium ig.
Cw: claustrophobia mention, reader and Suguru have a child, mentions of death, Cursed Child Arc which is a warning in itself.
Suguru looked curiously into the crib, "She looks just like me." You didn't say anything, instead keeping your eyes on the sleeping child. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Soft golden light spilled from the windows as the night's snow flurry was underway. The gentle winds blew against the window.
"If I told you, what would be different?"
"I would've helped." his tone was neutral.
"You wouldn't have chosen us nor dismantled your following," noticing how closely he looked at the baby, you inched closer to him.
Suguru's views caused too much chaos, so you left. You followed him longer than you should have, choosing to stop trying to find ways for him to spread his opinions without aggressive forces. You were understanding (complacent) until you found out you were expecting, and his actions became more volatile. " I did what was necessary." The emotional turmoil was evident in your voice, a testament to the unresolved struggles.
The strings of white, green, and red lights twinkled around the window trimming. You kept the house toasty as small gusts of winter chill swept across the floor of your older home.
Suguru smiled, "Fair point," accompanied by a light laugh. A bitter taste lingered at the edge of his tongue. "We wouldn't have been able to agree, true. But when two parents have conflict about their child, the healthy option would be to have a conversation." He felt like a teenager again, the sick side effect of love, the kind that makes you do things you never thought you would. It was a pathetic realization that he would've done anything for you and still would.
"Healthy conversation? Geto, please," the subtle rise in your voice caused the baby to stir. You rubbed her back lightly. "I tried telling you. More than once. Just for you to have your assistant put me in your room like some concubine without a voice."
He tried to ignore the ache from the formality of you calling him Geto. "I did that to keep you safe. Did you think I was just going to let you roam? I don't trust those ingrates."
"That's not the point, Geto."
"Then what is? You're not giving me a good excuse," The lack of understanding between you was palpable.
"The point is you didn't give me a chance to help from the beginning. When we left Tokyo, you were confrontational about literally anything I said. You were tired and underappreciated. We were on the same team. But you never let me into your world enough to be there for you."
You stepped away from the crib, attempting to step directly into his sight.
"You say that as if we were ever the same. "We weren't then, and we aren't now," Suguru said. He wanted to touch the child's dark hair, but he held back. He placed his hand on the crib railing. That action alone would make this more challenging than it is. "Almost 10 years of knowing me in my truth and your views on life and humanity are weak. You are weak. You walked among non-sorcerers for too long, and it made you soft. You coddle them as if it's your purpose. I've been fixing what you've had a hand in ruining." Suguru's voice was sharp. But, it hinted at your old bond beneath his pointed words.
"And that is why I stopped trying to tell you."
"Not a good enough excuse. It is my child. My blood." You were just as stubborn as he was; he was out to hit a nerve. "Will you resent this child as they grow older? You do know she will be a sorcerer who appreciates her place in the world. She won't be weak, like you." his lips turned up, looking down at his daughter. Her hair haloed around her cherub face as she slept peacefully. "Your child is better than you... honestly rather shameful, no?"
"Hallway. now." Your eyes said everything. You opened the door, holding it for him.
Suguru wasn't stupid enough to argue. Without another word, Suguru walked out to the hallway, grinning.
"Suguru. You have some nerve coming to me like this when I tried to be understanding for years." Looking into his eyes was setting a trap, but you needed him to see you. "My view on life and humanity might make me look weak. But you kept me. You loved me. I left everything and everyone behind for you. To support you. To understand you more. And all I was given was dust."
The smirk on his face was disgusting. It made your skin crawl. "You wanted to support me? Fine. You left everything behind and stood by me." tone dripping with condescension. "But I kept you with me because your weakness made me look stronger amongst fools who lead with emotion." Already a tiny space between you, he takes a step forward. "The minute you don't get your way, you run. Just to be in need. Always needing to be saved. Never necessary.."
"Don't you dare." the heat in your chest pooled as you cut him off; this was beyond anger as Geto attempts to manipulate your emotions. "If I've always been weak and never necessary, tell me why you loved me. And don't lie."
"What I thought was love was simply us being teens. Even then, you accepted me and my flaws." He pauses again, a flicker in Suguru's eyes. A sense of longing in his voice has already faded from him. "But I know you're not the same anymore, and neither am I." Exhaling, he knew he wasn't lasting against you for long. "You're too compassionate and open. I'm cold and willing to set the world on fire for my goals. Perfect disastrous match." His words didn't match his feelings. Suguru was losing his inner battle.
The silence was thick as his brown eyes couldn't look away from you. You had him. He was letting you in.
"I've only read your thoughts once before."
“And that time, you asked me.” He tsked, putting on a face of disappointment. “Shame on you for not getting my consent this time, sugar.”
“You didn’t look away. You know how this works Geto.” You quickly retorted. “And consent wasn’t an issue when it was your followers I was doing this on.”
Since that one time in school, he had kept you from accessing his thoughts and feelings. Knowing that eye contact was key to your technique, Suguru made it a habit to look at the tops of your brows when he spoke to you. There would've been no success if you'd discovered his plans before he was considered defected. But he was tired. He was tired of hiding emotions and thoughts that made his will waiver. He needed you to see him, all of him.
"Why are you letting me in now?"
"Because you have power over me, I don't want to forfeit that."
"How did you find me?"
"I had one of the cultists following you since you left. You went to Gojo. That makes me believe you did it out of spite." Suguru sucked in a breath and clenched his jaw before continuing. "Did he try to turn you in for being an accomplice?"
You shake your head. "I stayed with him during the pregnancy. I didn't have much of a choice, considering the other option was being sentenced to death for my collaborative efforts. You weren't an option, Ever."
Your words sliced him open. Was he so horrible that a death sentence was more appealing that coming back to him wasn't an option? A grotesque feeling of shame filled his body.
"Why are you back? Is it the child?"
"Both you and the child..” hesitance spread across his face before he shook his head. “And I have business in Tokyo.”
Was your defection inevitable?” The locks that kept the gate his emotions locked up rusted and fell off. You heard everything. felt everything.
“When Yuki and I spoke. She understood what I felt but we saw different ways of achieving that goal. I saw eradication as the only way.” His eyes were stuck as he saw you in his mind. You were in his temporal lobe and only planned on going deeper. “If I didn’t go that route of taking others' lives, I would’ve taken my own.”
The way your throat tightened was a threat for tears to spill. 
You took a deep breath, placing your hand on your chest before tapping it lightly and the room slowly dimmed. The surroundings transform into a cold, sterile interrogation room. Geto was seated across from you, bound to a chair with restraints unseen by the naked eye, unable to move or escape. With a harsh light overhead and a tense feeling pressing down on you both, you broke the silence, “Geto. Speak.”
“It wasn’t supposed to go this way. I let things get out of control. I lost myself. I lost my best friends. I lost you.” His words spilled out, no longer playing tug of war as it was a losing battle with your power no longer holding back.”The way things felt. Like I was second best despite being told I was the best with Gojo. Seeing how life was worth nothing to those fucking ungrateful, ancient, careless fucks who look down on us from the safety of their hiding spots. I needed to be heard. To be seen by them.”
The lights grew brighter as Suguru's emotions intensified. He hung his head, tears dropped down the front of his robes. “Geto.”
“Then you. A fucking child. Our child. You hid a child from me!” The walls drew in, the space between you closing as the sterile room became a claustrophobic nightmare. “I know I wasn’t the strongest. I knew I was unstable. But you didn’t even give me a chance to fail.”
 Shaking your head with confidence, you clenched your fist. “That is a lie. I gave you ample chances. Every day was a chance and you being the strongest would’ve meant nothing.”
A harsh, anger-fueled laugh left his throat before Suguru spit on the floor. “You gave me a chance to come to you so you could feel better about leaving me. You already knew you were leaving me the day I told you I’d leave no stone unturned when it came to getting the ending I wanted. Being pregnant was just a convenience. And you’re lucky it happened the way it did.”
“Thats not true. Geto, I-”
“Yes, the fuck it is.” Eyes bloodshot, Geto struggled against the restraints, failing to get up. You walked over to him and kneeled to look directly into his face. “You what? Loved me? You never loved me as much as I loved you. You gave me part of you while the rest of you stayed behind at that hell on earth of a fucking school.”
“You don’t know shit.”
"That child is your reminder. A reminds of my love for you. That if they handed you stones to end me and watch me die, I'd be a part of you for the rest of your miserable, lonely life.” It was like watching Jekyll and Hyde with how much he tried to hide his true thoughts. “No matter how far you ran, I’d be right there looking at you through the eyes of that precious angel. Our angel.”
“So why didn’t you get rid of me? Tell me to stay behind or leave me with hopes that you’d return?”
“If anyone were to ever try and forget me, you’d remind them of what I did. Of who I was at my core.” He wiped his wet cheek on his shoulder, trying his damndest to stop from tearing up as he let out a half-hearted chuckle. “God I really hate your stupid technique. It’s too potent.”
“It works when it needs to.” You stood up, your domain dissipating as you gave Suguru space to get up. “You were never going to be forgotten because I was never going to stop you. I just needed you to be here. To be present.”
The familiarity of your home embraced you as the pale-colored hall was now in view. “You were going to keep me grounded and out of my own way and honestly, I fucked up.” Suguru took your hand. His cold fingers squeezed yours as he needed you to see his soul in yours one more time. “When I’m done, you’ll see my efforts haven’t gone to waste.”
“What are you telling me, Suguru.”
The heater roared to life down the hall and the chills that crept up your body were soothed by the rush of warmth.
“I’m telling you that I don’t regret a single thing. My defection, my love for you, our child. You will remind them of who I am because you know the real me.” A punch to the chest after every word, the truth cemented behind tired eyes. “You made me feel known. And I won’t ever regret being known by you.”
Showing understanding with nothing but a nod, you touched his cheek gently. Suguru closed his eyes for a moment, releasing every bit of tension he’d held onto for the last 2 years without you. “There is always love when I’m with you. I’ll carry it with me until my last breath.”
Tears at your waterline, you smiled, attempting to combat the somber energy that now filled your home. “Niina should be getting up soon. Do you want to help feed her? I can make dinner for us if you want to stick around for the rest of the evening.”
“Are you certain?”
“Sugu. I want you to meet her. You can be a dad, see our little mastermind in action. It will be good for you. For us.”
It was a night that felt suspended, heavy with stillness, where the world seemed paused in the embrace of winter’s grip. Calm and serene as if the world knew to slow down for you to enjoy your last night together in the stillness of December.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
She fell first but she fell harder kind of trope
with any of the unnie line of nmixx😌👍
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break my heart myself -> bandmate! seol yoona
-people cope with things in many different ways
warnings: they make out ig
genre: angst (poor attempt at)
notes: i think i should give up writing angst idk what this is
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
you could feel sullyoon’s chest rise up and down shakily as you laid on top of her. although you two only made out, her breathing was uneven, just as was yours. you aimlessly drew soft patterns on her collarbone as she gently ran her hands up and down your back in a comforting manner. the silence around you brought a peaceful feeling to your heart, though you were about to break it.
“you miss her, don’t you, unnie?”
she hummed before your words registered in her brain. you felt the hand on your back stop it’s movements. “what do you mean, y/nnie?”
“yunjin. i think… i think you really do miss her, unnie.”
sullyoon froze before lifting your chin gently to meet her eyes. “why are you saying that?”
“because you wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t… because you wouldn’t be here with me, if you didn’t.”
“…i thought you said-“
“i know, unnie. i’m… please, forget i said anything.” you nuzzled more into her chest, ignoring the way she looked at you, waiting for explanation.
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
for context, sullyoon’s been a mess since yunjin left. they low key kept in touch but trying to talk about what they had, what happened between them… it was too awkward.
all of the members could see jinni leaving nmixx took a toll on sullyoon. especially you. but that she couldn’t see.
haewon offered her to take some time off, but they both knew she couldn’t. her laying off after another member left the group would just raise suspicion, be it rumours of them being together or yunjin leaving because of sullyoon.
so instead of a break, she found easier ways to forget. she asked you, the member that always liked to be nearby although they weren’t that close.
you knew she was using you but everyone copes with loss differently, right?
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
you didn’t know why or when, but sullyoon somehow managed to have you head over heels for her, without even trying. without even knowing.
your group was fairly big, 8 members until december. it was understandable, not being particularly close with every single person in the group. sullyoon wasn’t close with you, you didn’t talk all that much with yunjin etc.
when the news broke out, at first you were just sad. yunjin was nice, the two of you talked sometimes, but that was it. you were barely friends.
your heart hurt when yunjin said goodbye. all of your members were crying, promising to keep in touch. it pained you more when you looked at haewon, your leader. she held her composure but deep down, she thought she failed as a leader.
only when you walked up to haewon to comfort her, your heart really broke. you saw the way sullyoon looked at yunjin, how she cried after her. you also saw the way yunjin looked at sullyoon and lily.
that night for the first time, sullyoon knocked at your door. when you opened, half asleep, she did not waste a second, her lips landing on yours blindly.
“we can forget together, okay?”
you thought she knew but… she never tried to see you like you saw her.
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
“please, forget i said anything.”
she tried but your words kept repeating themselves in the back of her mind like a broken record.
even when the morning arrived and she slipped back into her own bedroom, she couldn’t let go of your conversation. having nothing better to do at 5 before practice, she walked to the dorm kitchen to make some tea.
as she was pouring the boiling water into the cup, she heard quiet footsteps behind her. she flinched, but fortunately didn’t burn herself nor the other person.
sullyoon turned her head to see lily and pouted. “you scared me, unnie!”
“…you’re hurting her, yoona.”
she hesitantly placed her cup of tea down on the counter, turning to face the older girl.
“what are you talking about, lily?”
a small scoff fell from her lips. “are you jealous, unnie? we aren’t doing anything wrong.”
lily held her gaze coldly, which was very unusual for the oldest member. “i care for all of my members, yoona. i don’t care if you think this isn’t wrong of you, but you need to stop hurting her.”
“how exactly am i hurting her, unnie?” sullyoon felt weird, having lily speak to her in such a harsh tone. it was so out of character for the oldest.
“…are you blind, yoona? she loves you. stop playing with the poor girl’s heart. you’re a close friend of mine, but i won’t let you cause harm on my other friends.”
lily left the room before she could react. only one thought kept repeating in her head.
she loves me?
all of a sudden, sullyoon felt guilty. a weird heaviness pressed on her chest, making it hard to breathe. and on that morning, at 5 am, sullyoon didn’t know how to cope anymore.
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
you wondered if you pushed her away with you words that night. after your talk, sullyoon stopped visiting you at night. your heart ached for her, because while you didn’t have to fill yunjin’s place in her heart anymore, you felt like you didn’t hold a place there no longer.
when sullyoon stopped visiting, lily suddenly started showing you more affection that usual. it was good for you, it took your mind of your little love life problems.
then, practice became a bit harder, hence a comeback was nearby. you suddenly didn’t have time to think about all the things bothering you.
sullyoon on the contrary couldn’t sleep well since her talk with lily.
she told herself it was the reason she came to you that night.
you thought she missed yunjin again.
lily sighed deeply when through the gap in her doors, she saw you let yoona inside your dorm again.
she couldn’t do much, but hope the younger one didn’t do you more harm.
sullyoon didn’t know what to do at first, when you invited her in. why was it so hard suddenly, when being with you was always so easy?
her eyes met your soft ones, that held a familiar warmth.
”she loves you.” lily’s words echoed in her mind.
you looked at her the same way she looked at yunjin.
she remembered all those times with the ex member. she couldn’t look at jinni like that anymore.
a mirror stood on your nightstand. she looked into her own eyes, averting her gaze from yours. her eyes held… that warmth…
you blinked, and her lips met yours. it was so gentle, softer than ever. she slowly moved away, speaking the words in a whisper.
“i don’t miss her, y/n. i missed you.”
you looked into her eyes, searching for the truth. never before did her gaze feel so warm.
“why, unnie?”
“you love me.” so she knew. you nodded, as she only spoke truth.
“i have loved you for as long as i can remember.”
she pulled you close again, another kiss being shared between the two of you.
“please, let me love you back.”
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ..
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localguy2 · 1 year
We know Dragons Rising is gonna be split into two parts, and I think it's safe to assume that part 1 is mainly gonna focus on World building and introducing Arin and Sora properly into the team, alongside Lloyd and Kai and Nya of course.
And I think it's also safe to assume that Zane, Jay and Cole (and probably Wu and PIXAL) are gonna show up in part 2 or at the very end of part 1.
So that got me thinking, did Quest For the Lost Powers have a hand in this?
Canon wise of course it did, 4 OG ninja get their powers back and all hooray ig
But did it influence the decision of the producers and writers? Mainly in the decion of not including Jay and Cole and Zane (and Wu and Pix) in part 1?
Heck, you could potentially as far as back as crystalized and ask if it also affected that decision?
Because like think about it:
Quest For the Lost Powers gave Zane, Cole, and Jay all small but satisfying stories, Zane Jay especially benefited from this considering how lack luster they were in the wildbrain era compared to Nya, Cole, and Lloyd (Kai is also extremely lackluster but I'm touching on that in a bit)
Nya had an awesome arc in Seabound, Cole had an absolutely fantastic story in MotM, and Lloyd had multiple small but great arcs across the all the wildbrain seasons, well until crystalized at least...
You see, crystalized sorta... Damaged Lloyd's and Nya's arcs, Cole was spared thankfully.
Lloyd's apprehension to accept his father's change and his anger towards his father, while great ideas, were done poorly at best, not to mention the ending where he forgives Harumi (which might I add absolutely Anhiliated his character)
And Nya's status was reduced to a slightly worse Samurai-X that kept being thrown around by all villians and mocked, especially with how they say she's nothing without her powers.
And worse yet the show sorta reinforces this by having her defeat the mechanic using her powers, and calling for backup from marlopia via her powers as well.
So yeah, Crystalized really damaged these 2.
Now, where does Kai fall into this?
Well... Unfortunately for Kai, he's been lackluster since... Season 7? Somewhere around there.
His arc in Season 11 was honestly just sorta sad with how small it was, what we got was great but it also left a lot to be desired.
And his character was only made worse when they made his entire arc within the book another retelling of his S11 arc, this time featuring Skylor.
It didn't help either that the arc itself wasn't great like the S11 one, and it only served to make his character less intertsing.
So you've got 3 characters now, 2 heavily damaged by Crystalized and 1 becoming even less intertsing.
But if you look at the other side, you've also got 3 characters, 2 of them benefiting massively from the book, setting then up for potentially great stories in the future, and 1 of them already being good enough from the start.
And as a writer, you want to improve those 3 previous characters so they're on par with the other 3.
But that suddenly become more difficult when the thing plaguing your show is the lack of change in the status quo, and certain demands having to be met, as orders from the higher ups.
What I'm trying to say is, you have to change stuff up, while also fixing up older messes, and while also working on meeting certain goals set by a higher authority, Lego in this case.
So where do the ninja fall into this?
Personally (only my opinion) I think that the reason the producers and writers behind ninjago chose to not include Jay and Cole and Zane and Wu and PIXAL in part 1 of Dragons Rising, is to give Kai and Nya and Lloyd emergency character development, to try and at the very least fix some of old problems and issues left by Crystalized, in what limited run time you have.
Because aside from fixing up old characters, you also have to set up new ones, and also explain this new world and it's many inhabitants and many areas, and you have to do all of that while also making Lego's set ideas work with the show, or basically make a fancy advertisement for their products work within the universe of the show.
So it's a lot to do.
Technically, you can do all of this while also making Zane and Cole and Jay stick with the team, but it's only gonna make things harder for you and your fellow writers.
And those characters are already great enough, they've got the development they need just for now at least, so it's better to just remove them from the picture for a while, until you've got a stable work frame at least, than you can introduce them later again.
As long as you give a logical in universe explanation as to why they're weren't there in the first place, while also shedding light on what they were doing before being reintroduced.
Kai, Lloyd and Nya need this character development because of how Crystalized and QFTLP left them, otherwise people are gonna be upset with how they're progressing.
But Jay, Cole and Zane?
Not really, QFTLP (and MotM for Cole) has already done wonders for them, they can wait for now in favour of saving other characters from bad writing fates.
Ultimately, do I think this is all exactly what happened?
No, absolutely not.
But in my eyes, to a certain extant in some areas, it serves as a logical explanation as to why the writers and producers of the show made the decision they made.
And you know what?
Even if all of this is wrong, even if all of this is just random rambling and bad theorising, I'm still happy with the decions they've made.
It's a nice change of pace.
Could have it been communicated better?probably.
It didn't help either that in the trailers none of the characters state what happens to Jay, Cole and Zane, or even Wu and PIXAL.
But that was most definitely an intentional move, and you can't really be mad at it in that case, plus this is the first time the team has been this open of us, so let's cut them and Lego some slack.
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tadpal · 3 months
26, 36 and 45 for the ask game? <3
hi laura!!!!! 💌♥️
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
hmmmmmmmmm im actually not a person who suffers from personal embarrassment a great deal anymore i have some pretty good NOPE DONT CARE reflexes. maybe maybe maybe when (you touch me like this and you hold me like that, you just have to admit that it's all coming back to me)(<-guy who's had celine dions it's all coming back stuck in his head all day and maybe x3 was a close enough rhyme to trigger it) but maybe during my first mountain goats concert and i was on barrier and john kept looking my way and every time he did i would stutter (old speech impediment) until one time we were singing together and i didn't trip up and i stg he grinned at me!! hi john hiiii!!!!!!!
36. how many times have you changed your url?
maybe five or six times on this account! (which is like 12-13 years old i think) not a big url changer, more of a New Account/Side Account creator
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
yeah i got the highlight reel pretty much stacked and stored. we'll find out later ig!
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poselyssgeekos · 1 year
RE1remake - RE2remake - RE3remake
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- Quite goofy since it was done in 2000 right after RE3:Nemesis
- Love that we play Claire!
- Steve is as annoying as I was told…
- The game doesn’t really have music, you only hear it during intense fight sequences, cinematic or the save room (love the save room music 🫶)
- why did Claire send a email to Leon so someone could come get her??? Like, lore wise, how would she know that send an email to, LEON? Like once they separate she immediately goes back to searching for Chris, so how do they even keep in touch during the months in between RE2 and code Veronica???
- The map in this game is SO ANNOYING, it’s really hard to figure out what the rooms are sometimes, and the colour scheme is not the best….
- The Steve sequence has no real purpose 💀…HE has no real purpose
- I play with a friend on her ps4, and to me it’s really challenging to play it on the ps4 with the controls, so she plays, and I help
- Love how goofy the antagonists feel (Wesker and Alfred)
- hm the INCEST??? Why did they feel like that was necessary?
- Alfred having a split personality disorder… he dresses up like his sister and becomes her sometimes while she was in her coma, like he loves his sister so much he… ???uncontiously??? Becomes her…
- Enemies are cool ig, just regular resident evil enemies…
- The Tyrant boss fight on the plane was SO DIFFICULT it took at least 10 fucking attempts
-talking about planes… how the fuck does the 17 year old know how to drive a cargo plane?
- The Antarctic part is hell, we had to go and find a walkthrough….
- Nevermind the Chris part is worse 🗿
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- Please Capcom I beg you, do a remake!!! You can make some things better!! Please!!!
- Too many rooms that don’t really have a purpose other than give you ammo or plants, with too many objects to collect to be able to move forward in the game
- AleXIa???
- Chris’s hair is BAD in the cinematics that are supposed to look better than the in game models and “low” cinematics
- actually Chris doesn’t really look like Chris…
- Alexia looks like some jenovah wanna be during her first phase
- Alexia obviously has to still look like a woman after mutating…. 💀
- I wasn’t the one playing but it sure looked a bit annoying
-They had the opportunity for Wesker and Chris to have to unwillingly work together against Alexia… and they didn’t
- they could also have made Chris and Claire fight Alexia together but obviously they didn’t
- once Chris arrives Claire becomes the damsel in distress 💀 like come on she went through Raccoon City
- you play Chris a bit more than Claire
- Like it was supposed to be HER game
- And you play her just ONCE more after Chris arrives and it’s 2 seconds, then she cries about Steve and then Chris has to save her AGAIN
- also he’s the one who fights Alexia…
- I mean at the beginning of the game I felt that she was “badass” and independent, so reminiscent of her in raccoon City kinda
- And, again, once Chris arrives….like we french people say, MISKINE! Like her energy completely changes, the man arrives let’s let him do everything 💀
- it’s so weird when the game before this one was re3: nemesis, with Jill as the main protagonist trough out the whole game AND Girlbossing her way through the game… Claire deserves to girlboss too…..
- Steve’s design after the mutation is uh… not the best design we’ve seen
- The ending??? Like my friend said “looks like the ending of a power rangers episode”
- My friend who is used to rating games gives it a 12/20
Notes: Oh! Here’s how we did btw, keep in mind I touched the controller for a few minutes, but kept cursing and getting angry because of my inability to play 💀 so my two friends took turns playing
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monpalace · 1 year
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ships .. (legend of zelda) link & (original character) s'avahili dragmire.
content .. in her mourning, s'avahili is visited by an old friend.
word count .. 2,455.
warnings .. i wrote this 3 years ago, then rewrote it in january (?) and haven't looked at it since then. beta'd by grammarly (not premium), so. i think i wrote this when i had gasli go by they/she pronouns and not he/him.
notes .. link and s'avahili's love language being food will never not be my favorite thing to write even if neither of them made it. i also wrote about this before thinking about the rest of venom's plot so ig this was my personal proof of concept + this was supposed to be in an act by itself with the first chapter called the beginning but nvm that ig😋✌🏽
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S'avahili has long since been accustomed to wiping blood off her hands, both literally and metaphorically.
This time, unfortunately, is literal.
It was always literal when the chosen hero reached the end of his journey.
Her brother bled like a pig when Link plunged his sword into the jewel that adorned his forehead every lifetime; he did so even more when Zelda thought it best to pierce an arrow of light through his heart.
Ganondorf was still bleeding, his pig features making themselves present as Malice caused his skin to char and crack into a coal black, his blood instead seeping into the ground as though it were lava. It even had the viscosity.
When S'avahili drops to her knees beside Ganondorf's head and reaches for the hand he held out, she wonders when she became so accustomed to the feeling of blood on her hands and tragedy in her heart.
They'd never caught any semblance of a break in any of their incarnations either.
Ganondorf's hold tightens when she slides hers against his palm. She tries to return the gesture despite feeling weak and faint. When he turns his head against her knee (despite the discomfort) to better meet her eyes, S'avahili finally feels her eyes start to burn and water.
Though his expression was neutral and anger-drowned eyes were beginning to fill with other emotions, S'avahili still felt the need to speak.
"Remember when I died of heartbreak during the Era of Prosperity?" Incidentally, her voice cracks when she speaks, but she can't bring herself to mind when it does. Her other hand lowers to hold itself against his face. "I'm having a very similar feeling to then."
Ganondorf's grip tightens before immediately becoming lax. His strength was greatly diminishing, the master sword draining him of everything he was as the light arrow kept him weak.
She'd use the Triforce of Power to heal him if it weren't for the look Zelda was giving them from over the line of Gerudo warriors.
Rubbing her finger against the back of his hand, S'avahili sniffles again. "I don't think that'll happen again this time." She meant to add that she was still a child, thirteen, but words fail her. "I just.. feel it."
Ganondorf uses the last of his strength to make his other arm cusp the back of her head, letting it fall like deadweight so her face came in contact with the junction between his chin and neck.
A guttural noise makes its way to the ear that was pressed between her head and his throat. S'avahili was able to hear his low groan of comfort as his life finally left him, the noise and vibration slowly fading off into nothing.
She refuses to move until Gasli moves behind her and spreads his wings in front of his body, waiting for her to move. Itha had followed her husband, kneeling beside S'avahili to place a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Your mothers are home preparing the ceremony," they say in a gentle tone. She places a hand on S'avahili's side when she doesn't twitch at their touch. "If we leave now, we'll arrive in the valley before they finish. Caliban had his soldiers bring a carriage large enough to fit the both of you comfortably."
Finally forcing herself off Ganondorf's corpse, S'avahili takes a deep breath as she stands. "Have them bring it here." Her voice was no longer on the verge of sobbing, but instead filled with rocks and gravel.
She takes a moment to wrap her hands around the hilt of the Master Sword and ignores the pain that shoots its way throughout her body. She refuses to place her foot on his body for leverage, instead gathering strength with their Triforce to yank it out in a single, swift, and clean yank.
S'avahili wipes the blade of his blood before dropping it onto Gasli's wings. "Take that to Link, please."
He doesn't say anything, instead doing as requested as he tucks the sword into the leather band that wrapped around his waist. Gerudo warriors switch places with him, S'avahili maneuvering herself to stand at his head.
Gasli was never good during these moments. Itha had always taken the role of the leader for the coming months after the death of Ganondorf.
There was always consistency when it came to the end of the journey; S'avahili's glad she at least had that in her life.
It always went as followed;
First, the death of Malice and, subsequently, her brother. She'd gone through it hundreds of times before and she'd go through it thousands more times due to Ouroboros they were stuck in.
Second, the dispersal of all Hylians in the near vicinity. Everyone said it was for their own safety given there were only two with a Triforce and even they could barely handle the exertion of raw malice Ganondorf's body released upon his death.
Third, all Gerudo, Twili, Sheikah, Goron, Zora, and Rito returned home to mourn their losses and bury their dead before gathering together in the Sand Temple to perform the ceremony for Ganondorf's death; which was currently underway.
When one of the warriors calls her name to break her from her thoughts, she lets out a blank hum of acknowledgment. To be truthful, she almost jumped when one reached out to touch her shoulder when the blank look doesn't leave her eyes.
("Little sister," she had called. Not "Chieftess," "Chief," or "S'ava.")
(S'avahili feels a painful throb in her heart.)
"The carriage," another says between wary breaths, "it's here."
"Lift him," S'avahili directs, already squatting as she slid her hands beneath his head. She bites her tongue to keep herself from adding on "carefully," knowing they'd be so attentive with his body regardless of if she said it.
Mindful they are when they join S'avahili in lifting him. Precise, calculated movements as they place him in a coach, the interior of it surrounded entirely by plush, pillowy walls.
They were quiet as they removed their hands from him and left the carriage. Quiet enough that she could hear Yusef whispering with Sahir about his plans to join him in Kakariko village after Ganondorf's ceremony.
S'avahili presses the jewel on her forehead to his.
Though the weight of the carriage is heavily favoring its weight to the back, it tries to balance itself out when another body joins Yusef in the front.
"Link," Sahir hums with faux pleasance. S'avahili presses her jem against Ganondorf's with more pressure. "What brings you over here? Is your princess not going to chew your head off?"
Though she can't see him, S'avahili can imagine what he was doing as he spoke in a harsh rasp.
A shake of his head as he looks at his princess from over his shoulder. "She'll be fine," he says before biting his lip and adding an airy, "hopefully. Where are you all heading?"
"The Valley." Yusef had answered Link's question this time around, his voice making it sound curt. His eyes were likely on Zelda, locked in a heated, silent battle of their own. "Then home; for all of us."
"You're going back to Hyrule?"
"Going back?" Sahir had an amused expression on his face. "Are you not returning?"
There's a baited silence from all three parties that are cut by the bells of the horses' rein being pulled.
"Will you travel to another continent?" Yusef asks as the horses begin pulling the carriage along. His voice was less tense. He'd stopped his staring at Zelda, instead focusing his attention on the extra passenger. "It's been a while since I've heard anything of the Chosen Hero leaving Hyrule."
"Maybe," Link responds in a simple tone. "I don't know."
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S'avahili doesn't remember the last time she didn't suck up all her feelings as she left the battlefield.
Either way, she's ashamed to admit she still cries when she's alone, so many times after doing these cycles. It was the one thing she wished her subconscious hadn't tacked onto her internal schedule lifetime and lifetime again.
All she could taste was salt despite a month having passed since Gannondorf's burial. She had thrown up several times, both from refusal to eat and a frigid chill overwhelming all the systems of her body.
S'avahili's throat was sore and she hadn't been able to have a coherent thought in two weeks because of the migraines that had haunted her for the past two weeks.
It'd been a week since Ganondorf's burial and yet she still yearns to hold his hand, warm herself with the fires that burn beneath his skin, and help him cool down after an entire day's worth of training with their mothers— she couldn't care less. Just so long as she was able to feel his comfort before they were reincarnated again.
The world was uncharacteristically dark despite Ganondorf being gone. Din always refused to raise the sun until she was finished mourning her son. It happened every incarnation.
From what S'avahili had heard from Yusef, anyone who traveled relied on doing so in groups of seven or more. Torches weren't adequate enough to light more than a few wings-lengths ahead and monsters were acting as though every night was a blood moon.
(She was too tired to calm the monsters down. She had lost his mask long ago, but she doubted Agnar had anything to do with it.)
S'avahili covers her head with her blankets when she hears a pair of boots from outside the door of her room. There were very few options for who it could be.
No one who had access to the capital of the Gerudo wore boots.
Link's knocks to the wall were weak, full of hesitance. He was a little confident with the first and second, a few seconds cutting between the third and eventual fourth.
Was he trying to annoy her into answering? Knocking some secret code they had made in another lifetime that his subconscious never forgot? Regretting his visit?
Did S'avahili care?
She wishes she didn't.
"Sand Bunny?" Link's voice was soft and reserved, unfitting of the fourteen-year-old farmhand. She's sure his voice would've cracked if he were any louder. Puberty was starting to hit him and, like always, it was essentially a golden Lynel charging straight at him.
S'avahili forces her head to lift from her pile of pillows, face freed from the silk fabric. "What," she croaks painfully, unsure of if it came out as a question or statement.
He doesn't need anything else to enter her room, using his back to push the curtain aside and slide inside. His eyes momentarily catch on the unfinished mural of her ceiling before he turns to reveal the tray of food in his hands.
"Your moms sent me up here." His drawl messes with the way he pronounces each word, making S'avahili squirm to turn on her back so she can better hear and understand him. Link briefly lifts the tray higher to bring her attention to the food plated on it, placing it on the foot of her bed once he was in close enough range. "They said you'd listen to a friend when they tell you to eat."
His voice returns to normal upon making her in the candle-lit room.
Still quiet, but more Link.
"When's the last time you ate?"
"I don't have to eat as often as a Hylian."
At some point, Link had a gentle smile on his face. It was quickly wiped off upon registering her reply. "'n' how often is that?"
".. .. .. Often enough.."
He was well enough acquainted with her tastes to know what order she wanted to eat each plate.
Link starts small with the less filling food, wiping his hand off on his shirt, having long abandoned the matching green tunic and cap. He picks the fruit up with his fingers, cupping a hand beneath it before pressing it to her lips. "Open."
"I'm not hungry."
"Stop bein' stubborn."
S'avahili turns on her side to face away from him and uses her hands to cover her face. "I didn't realize not having an appetite made me stubborn."
"S'avahili." Link puts the plate down and forces her to move onto her back again. He hops onto her bed for extra measure, sitting on her thighs to ensure she wouldn't turn again. "Koume says you haven't eaten in weeks and Kotake won't stop talking about how she has to keep the entire city from freezing over."
(That certainly didn't make her feel any better.)
S'avahili removes her fingers from in front of her eyes, peeking out to look at him. "My mothers talked to you? The Heavens must be running rampant with malice."
"They love me," Link responds, picking the plate up to try again.
S'avahili lets out a guttural noise of displeasure. She lowers her hands but refuses to open her mouth or lips. "I'm not stupid," she groans, instead using her hands to push his away, "it'd do you better to visit Dread. I heard he came up with—"
"I didn't call you stupid," Link interrupts with a furrow in his brow. "'n' I wasn't called all the way down here just to leave because you said no. I always finish something if someone asks."
"This isn't some pre-destined fate given to you. You're just doing a friend a favor."
He rolls his eyes and instead feeds himself the food, shifting off of her to instead lay beside her. "You talk about fate a lot," he says, gaze focusing on the mural once more. Tracing each era with his eyes, he points at no one in particular. "It's very.. characteristic of you at this point."
"As a child, when our mothers are training my brother, I always beg him to tell me a story when he returns home for the night. It's always the story of," S'avahili briefly stops rasping to take hold of his wrist, directing it to an era where his hair was white, "the First War. It's just the origins of each race and what led to the Triforce being created, but I've always been fascinated by it— fate, I mean."
She pauses for a moment to rub at her eyes tiredly. "I guess I get it from him," she adds upon noticing Link staring at her rather than the mural.
"Can you tell it to me?— Our past lives too."
"You want me to tell you a bedtime story?"
"The sun hasn't risen in a month, every story is a bedtime story."
Clearing her throat and folds her arms over her stomach, S'avahili dabs at her eyes a final time. "Then get comfortable," she directs. "It's a long one."
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lpfreakification · 10 months
2023 Schaumburg Adventure Post!
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I'll actually start from the Plan Of Attack I created this morning.
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1. Left the house with money given to me from dad.
The default outfit I wore all day (with my lovely assistant + husband, Axel ☺️)
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2. Recognized a store clerk I haven't seen in a long time. He was the one who taught me how to buy gas from the counter. ("$.. on pump #... please") I told him how lots had changed the last time I saw him. He asked if I still worked at my old job next door. That was one of the big changes I mentioned: me leaving my old job of 6 years to focus more on school + how I'll be quitting my other job in January b4 school starts again. After a nice bit of catch-up, I filled up my car + went to Target.
3. I was able to stop at Target to find what my brother's fiance wanted: a pair of dumbells. I quickly texted my brother if this brand + set was ok. Thankfully, he answered fast + got a yes. Yes! Not knowing I'd find a set like this, I didn't grab a cart (had a basket instead) + was hauling this with my two arms thru out the store 😵‍💫
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Also managed to grab an item of food my brother wanted for Xmas + some grapes for the kickboxing Xmas party.
It was quite an endurance test bcuz an old lady was in front of me. I kept thinking to myself, "damn, I should've grabbed a cart if I knew I'd find this. At least, this is a good workout for my arms."
I was able to set these dumbells on the ground as I waited in line. I lightly scooted my basket as I carried the heavy item 😵‍💫 I was telling myself that if someone asked how I'm doing, I'd say I'd be sweaty.
As I was approaching the next available self-checkout, that's when my coworkers from my old job ran into me with their Starbucks drinks. Hugged one fully + the other carefully bcuz she had Starbucks drinks. Ha, I was right about a person asking how I was doing, + my response was being sweaty 😆 One grabbed a cart for me as they saw my struggle. Once she came back, I was catching up as I was scanning my items. My Plan Of Attack, the coffee for the guys back at my old job, Genshin (Sumeru is gonna be long), + their recent cheer conference 😄 I finished scanning + paying as we parted ways. That encounter cheered me up, too (my reason is on IG Stories). I can't help but remember how much my favorite manager loves his pink drinks X3
(Quickly doodled my favorite manager from memory)
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(He's still such a bad@$$! 😍)
4+5 I'll skip bcuz I got everything at Target + used the atm drive-thru. Nothing eventful.
6. I showed up at 1:30. It was locked. I definitely had a good time jamming in the car to Linkin Park's Faint, Cascada's Every Time We Touch, + The Killers' Somebody Told Me as I waited. Didn't take too long until the owners came to open the door + set up. I set down the grapes + jammed to Linkin Park's More The Victim.
[Time out, I need to drown out the sound of praying with loud Linkin Park >B( *does that, starting with A Place For My Head* Much better 😊 Ok, time in 😚]
They were setting up the majority of the time I was there. I set a timer to 45 minutes so I wouldn't lose track of time. I mostly (happy) danced to whatever music was playing in the bg, whether hard or soft.
The best part during my short time was that there was one of my kickboxing classmates dressed up as Santa! He brought some homemade habanero jam with cream chese + crackers. Normally, I don't like spicy foods (despite having a "spicy" personality at times). However, I was a bit curious. I had a bit of heat kicks underneath my tongue. I surprised myself that I liked it??? The Santa classmate was right: my mouth wasn't on fire, + no steam coming out of my ears 😂 He looked like he was happy that I liked it.
[Aw, my speaker died. Faint was next 😭 *listens* Ah, silence. Good.]
There was another dip made from Little Debbie's cakes + Nilla wafers. It was too sweet, even for me, the one with the sweet tooth. Strangely enough, the Habanero jam was more memorable. The sweet dip's 2nd
As I hung out, I checked my phone + saw my very pregnant sister wanting me to pick her up on the way back 🙃 It's not bcuz it's far (it's actually close), it's my fear of driving with passengers ever since... *flashback* My car accident in February 2021? 2022? (the day Russia invaded Ukraine). Long story short, bad weather + got hit in the passenger side, totaling my previuos red car. I was lying to the internet about "losing my car" + kept that a low profile so they wouldn't freak out as much + didn't want unwanted attention. I was like, "Are you sure???" (Clearly still traumatized)
It's too bad people were trickling in by 2:30, aka the time I had to leave. So I said my goodbyes, + left with a plate of food.
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(It's a good thing I bought + brought the grapes, or else it would've looked bad, grabbed food, and + not contribute anything)
7. And so, I drove to my preggo sister's place, I switched to the passenger side, + she drove my car back to the house. What a relief! I was so scared of driving a passenger, let alone, the very pregnant sister.
8. The main event: the Schaumburg Adventure Post!
We didn't enter thru our usual entrance at the now-extincted Sears. Instead, it was like the opposite side of the mall. It's like standing in one place + starting to spin around in circles in one direction + then spinning around in the other direction. It feels weird.
1st store I saw was SuperDry. I fell in love with this store when I went to Washington DC in 2018 😍 The hoodie im wearing rn is fron SuperDry. I managed to try on two sports bras. The size 8 is a tight fit but good for keeping my chest in place. The size 12 is a comfortable fit but doesn't secure my chest as well. The siblings weren't too sure of the initial sizes, henced the reason i tried them on. As i was leaving, the preggo sister arrived. I showed her the two items i tried on. Needless to say, I got both.
Urban Outfitters, i got my other brother a candle that says "Magic S***" + two Pokémon card packs.
Next, Sephora. *c+p Twitter post*
"The line at Sephora is incredibly long. It's not my favorite place to be in, considering how anti-makeup I am. I'm near halfway there only to find out that someone already got the thing but didn't mark it as "Bought."
F*** it, imma buy it anyway so my time won't be in vain." - 12/3/2023 4:50 PM SUNDAY...
(I also bought an item online for her, just in case >BP)
Vera Bradley - a black lanyard strap for myself
Too Cool - An Aggretsuko pencil case + more OHSHC stickers 😍
Box Lunch - initially, I bought two bib sets for my future nephew. As soon as I got out of the line, The Blue Eyes White + Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragons pins caught my attention. I went back in line + bought them 😅
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Hot Topic - I was looking at the band shirts. Obviously, I was looking at the Linkin Park shirts. I was like, "I already have that one, I already have that one, + oh? I don't have this one o.o" It was the One More Light shirt. What a find for me! And I got loads of pins/buttons. I resonate with the big crying corgi one the most (bcuz this was when I was running low on money).
Mall - I found this timeline that wasn't here b4 😮 Apparently, it's this mall's 50th anniversary. Woah.
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I took pics so I could read it later, + there's also a link to all these pics + history:
Needless to say, A LOT has changed. I think I'll make a separate post on that. I think.
The mall was close to closing.
I traveled towards the old Sears entrance. The Rainforest Cafe is now Peppa Pig World 😢 The 1st floor of the now-extincted Sears is closed off. The 2nd floor has been replaced with "Primark". Combining descriptions of what my sister + dad say, it's like a Kmart version of Forever 21? Idk, I can't really wrap my head around it bcuz it's so new, the vibe + fashion isn't for me, + I'm still holding onto my childhood nostalgia of Sears.
I quickly visited F.Y.E. nearby. It triggered a memory of buying yaoi Manga there. Thus triggered another memory of being a bookstore that had so much more yaoi Manga. My memory has served me correctly of where it was located, but it was too late.
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(Noooooooooo!!!!!) The mall was closing up at this point, so some stores were already closed 😞 I could've redeemed myself to get Heavens official blessing, but then again, I haven't touched my yaoi Manga all year long 😨
As I was making my way towards the exit, one last store caught my attention.
Ximi-V - This was where I went ballistic with pen shopping. I had trouble with paying bcuz I didn't have enough, so I put some things back + reduced my purchase by half. In short, I bought 8 pen refills, 6 pens, a multipen, + a mini Zhongli mirror ☺️
(I can only fit 10 pics on a Tumblr post so words will have to do)
Of those 6 pens, one of them was a mystery Genshin pen. Apparently, I grabbed their last one. The character I got was the Raiden Shogun (a very powerful character in the game). A lucky find for me. Although, it looks like I can fit a Zebra Sarasa +/or Pentel Energel ink refill in half of these pens. The barrels look cute, though 😍
I was the last person to meet up with everyone else this time because of how ballistic I was in that last store.
Overall, stores were relocated (like Urban Outfitters), some stores are gone (like where I found the Sora bust last year), + more anime stores are popping up. 🤔 I feel like it'll get overwhelming by the next one or two years. It was a good nice + short visit this time around. Either bcuz we had a short amount of time or bcuz we're getting older, thus getting slower. Oh yeah, there's online shopping, too.
9. We went to City Works to dine. We all had to run to the bathroom b4 we got settled into our seats. The men were hypnotized to the football game on TV, the women were feeling baby's kicks, + I was lost in thought. About my purchases, my plan of attacks, + ideas. Ordered two drinks, my usual amount, + devoured my food. I felt like I wasn't satisfied enough + didn't want dessert. Usually, I drink my 1st drink fast, + my 2nd drink is slow due to the amount of food I just ate.
10. Finally, I will end this post (+ Plan Of Attack) now that I've been home, + been writing this for the past 3 hours 🫠 Time is short. I want to catch up on Genshin b4 I actually fall asleep. I got kickboxing in the morning, too. Ultimate question: How should I go about publishing this to Twitter if Twitter Circles are now gone?
Option 1 - upload link publicly (+ make sure siblings don't see)
Option 2 - dm this to my two favorite mutuals (you guys know who you are 😎)
Option 3 - Figure out some alternative?
Option 4 - don't, + leave it here on Tumblr.
I'll see to this (eventually?)
Nite y'all!
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0 notes
blackhellokittys-blog · 11 months
welp yall i went visit my lil brothers and they got so big i cried when i saw them
and yk what i now cant kms no matter how sad i am no matter how worthless and weak and pathetic i feel ima jsut have to cry it out and say fuck it bc i cant die the way my brothers love me i cant leave them here and have a dead mother no father and a dead older sister
tht would be the most selfish thing i could ever do
so no i dont need a therapist anymore when i am feeling sick and wanting to kms i think they should jsut send me to my little brothers
also yesterday there was this 14 year old boy who is in 9th grade
i was with my brothers and at sum one else house and he had a lil girl and other boy and tht other boy had a friend come over
when i first saw him i was like o dam he cute
i thought oo he cute and we like locked eyes r whatever and he waved to me
then i didn’t notice he liked me but he was coming up to me close and my brothers said he was showing off ig
and my brother told me he liked me
amd later on he started touching me and picking me up and everything 😭
like he was like i can pick u up and i was like ahah..noo i dont think so then my brother said i can pick lay up it easy THEN he pick me up and o dude was like tht not how u pick someone up
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like tht bru omg this dude is one year younger then me n tall?!?!?! like omg😭😭😭😭😭 wahhhhh
anyways yeah i noticed he liked me and he was funny and goofy and drew me
o also he tried to pick me up
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like that which was scary bc he kept doing it without my permission 😭😭😭 i hate being picked up but i didn’t wanna be mean
and tHEN he kept asking me to ride his back and i declined twice and he asked again and my brother join in conversation and said lay u rid his back and i rid yours a 3 man piggy back rid
and i could decline my brother 🥲 i was hoping he was gonna get mad at o dude for flirting with me bc he did a lot but accepted this😭😭😭 anyway
so i did and got on his back and dudut tried to get on but messed and he took off with me😭😭😭 which was again scary bc i hate tht sm so blah blah blah we got dudut on and we was together and i got off yay
and how ik bc ig his friend was talkjgn to me a lot and showing off and OMG YALL every single time i looked at tht dude he was mean mugging tf otta me😭😭😭 like i can see so well in his face he HATES ME
likeeeee i am sorry pookie i didn’t mean to steal yo man😭😭😭 like u can have him i dont even live there no mo
0 notes
riffaist · 2 years
innocent — riff x reader
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warnings: childhood friends to lovers! taylor swift inspired imagine! riff being... riff ig. sex talk. some SLIGHT dirty talk but not much. anita's tauting scene. tried to make this a really angsty one.
i guess you really did it this time
left yourself in your war path
lost your balance on a tightrope
lost your mind trying to get it back
"riff, i don't -" y/n mumbled, feeling her body shrunken, her hands clapped together. "i don't think that's gonna be a good thing."
"well, sweetheart." the overly sweet voice made her sick to her stomach. the stern tone. seeing riff displeased was a pretty unusual thing. "we don't have that many options."
"you do have more options.." calling the rumble off was on top of her list. "but a gun? you know that tony's not gonna agree with it, and besides-"
"if tony would stop being a wuss, and came to the fucking thing," he cut her sentence in the middle. "then we wouldn't need the gun."
"you don't mean that."
"oh, i don't now?" he scoffed, slowing down once he saw they're both getting close to the location. "these sharks are sneaky as hell, y/n, and i don't want any of my boys-"
"hey! look what the cat dragged in." mouthpiece announced once the couple came infront of the bar they were supposed to get the gun from.
"the chicks should cut out, right, riff?" action confirmed, glancing sideways to velma, grazi and y/n.
"we might" the taller blonde said, crossing her arms. grazi wasn't going anywhere. "but then again we might not."
"the cops are already after us." ice took the floor. "i'm sure you don't want to be in the middle of it. it's dangerous stuff, you know?"
"we can deal with it," she replied. " 'cause we ain't stupid, and won't take shit from anyone."
some slight buzz started, between the blonde and some of the boys. y/n kept quiet, only turning her face to the side, feeling a familiar touch in one of her wrists.
"just promise me you'll go." riff said, quietly, once he pushed the girl aside, holding y/n's hands, with a serious look on his face.
"if you promise me to get the gun and go as well." she replied. holding her breath. "no funny business in the middle."
"promise." he touched his own forehead with hers. his voice merely a whisper. y/n could feel her boyfriend's shoulders tensing up. but she didn't even brought the fact up. not in a time like that.
"please, be safe." was her final whisper. interlocking arms with velma, seeing grazi storming off, hoping that the end of the day wouldn't take so bad of a turn.
wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?
always a bigger bed to crawl into
wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything
and everybody believed in you?
way before things started going downhill. y/n and riff had their own little story.
the little boy, who had just turned 10, lost a hide and seek game to tony, and found himself sitting at one the old school's outdoors benches. one knee completely scrapped, and the hope no one would find him there and take him away. no one, besides her.
the small girl, always dressed in lilac or blue, wearing tiny dirty sneakers with a big smile on her face, and way too big of a heart, who always gave him something for her lunchbox.
he wasn't used to the pain. not yet. but letting his tiny group of friends - the future jet boys - see him cry over some blood, was definitely not in riff's plans.
"i hope it helps" she said once the bandaid was carefully place on the wound. "i can draw a star on it if you want."
the dark haired boy kept quiet, shaking his head, making y/n nod, sitting right next to him.
"you know.. when people do good things for you, you should thank them?" she muttered, not offended by the silent, already opening up the pink lunchbox, taking half of her sandwich from there, giving it to him.
"shouldn't you be with you other girl friends?" the boy replied quietly, accepting the food, taking a big bite of it. he was starving.
"you're my friend, riff." y/n smiled, choosing to take a bite from her apple. "my favorite friend, even. i wished you were at school with me every day..."
wasn't it easier in your firefly-catching days?
when everything out of reach, someone bigger brought down to you?
wasn't it beautiful, runnin' wild till you fell asleep
before the monsters caught up to you?
"sure, y/n! good choice, huh?" the woman in the clear drunken state said a bit to loud.
"mom, please.." y/n wished she wasn't causing such a scene. being the center of attention was never her thing. "not here.."
"it's alright, darling. go hang out with riff-raff out there why don't you?"
"goodbye, mom.." y/n closed the door, and took a deep breath.
the fifteen year old girl turned around with an embarrassed smile on her face, shrugged, walking in the direction on the jet boy.
"afternoon, princess." riff said with a smirk, already grabbing one of her hands. "did mommy want to lock you up in the tower?"
"something like that, yeah.." he passed his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek. "so, where are we going today?"
"well.." he spun her around, smiling once he heard the girl's laugh, starting to walk through the moving streets. "someone told me that watching the stars was super romantic.."
"oh, shut up, riff.." y/n covered her own face with one of her hands, shaking her head. "i can't believe you remeber that.."
a flushed y/n and a smirky riff kept the calm and soft conversation while walking to the secret place the boy insisted he had prepared for them.
once the sun was completely set, both of them laying down at the hill, holding hands. the moonlight shining on the girl's face made riff shiver, and the silence was comfortable. it always was for them.
"so, tell me." he finally said, looking at her, trying to not sound so worried. he couldn't deny the fear on his tone, but tried anyway. "what is it that's been bothering you?"
the jet girl took a deep breath. eyes still focusing on the night sky ahead of both. the stars always caught her attention, and that day wasn't different.
"my mom doesn't think you're a good influence.." y/n replied, taking some seconds to continue. "it's annoying 'cause it's not like she can say something about being a good influence, you know?"
"adults are complicated as hell, princess," the boy stood up by his elbow, turning to the side. "come here."
she quietly came closer to him, letting him hug her to the side. both of her arms wrapped around her waist, carresing the place softly, until the girl fell fast asleep.
it's alright, just wait and see
your string of lights are still bright to me
oh, who you are is not what you've been
you're still an innocent
y/n's head was peacefully resting against riff's bare chest. both of their body's almost completely covered by the sheets.
her fingers interlaced with his, and the warm bodies were comfortably glued together.
"thank you for waiting for me..."
she knew seventeen year old boys had needs. she had some of her own as well. ignoring the fact all of her girl friends had already done it. y/n wanted to wait. not for the right person - she had found her right person years ago - but until she was totally ready for it.
"don't even thank me, girly girl." a kiss was left on the top of her head. "i would wait the fucking eternity for you if i had to."
"eternity huh?"
"to see you like that again?" the teasing tone came to riff's lips way to quickly, causing the girl to roll her eyes. "to have a chance to listen to that little sounds you made? i-"
"please, my love," she cut him off, laughing quietly "don't even think about ruining this for me."
"you ready for a second round now or..?" the jet boy asked with a smirk on his face, eyes focusing on every bit of her face and bare shoulders. they couldn't stop at the sight of her perfectly translucent breasts covered by the sheets.
"god, riff, shut up."
did some things you can't speak of
but at night, you live it all again
you wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
if only you had seen what you know now then.
"he was left laying there." y/n said quietly. her boy. her riff.
he died. in a way no one thought he would.
the jet girl wasn't there. not to hug him. to see him for the last time. to stare at the dark brown eyes for ten more seconds. they took him away from here without a previous warning.
she was wearing riff's blue shirt, her hands couldn't stop shaking while she held velma's ones. the tears stains on her cheeks kept getting covered by new ones.
"that's bothering me too." ice muttered.
"they didn't let you see him at the hospital, y/n/n?" balkman this time. she could swear she never saw the whole gang in such a low energy.
"no, uh-" she shook her head. "i wasn't legally his family or, anything.." the last part made her swallow a sob.
the silence wasn't comfortable this time. it was almost sick and saddening. all heads turned to the door once bernardo's girlfriend appeared. she looked as miserable as the rest of every teenager in the room.
"i have a message for your friend.. tony?" she waited. waited like her life depended on it. but all of the jets stayed quiet. "where's valentina?"
the second the sneaky comments started to appear. y/n stood up, in a failed attempt to control her breath.
"valentina! és anita!" the woman started to walk into the store, making y/n feel her heart right on her throat. "puedes subir? que tengo que.."
"spanish?" grazi stood up this time, the raspy crying voice taking the floor. "you come here speaking spanish?"
"grazi, please.."
the boys continued to talk, but the girl could swear she wasn't assimilating anything. her head was aching, and her knees were shaking. anita tried to go, but some of them got right in front of the door.
"let her pass." graziella tried one more time. "no one wants you here."
"you hear that boys?" ice said. y/n was starting to feel like throwing up. "she wants to pass."
"numbers, stop it." y/n tried to get him away from the woman, feeling herself being held up, throwing out of the pharmacy.
the next second was a blur. a fucked up blur. the girls found themselves outside doc's, in a desperate notion, hitting the door in front of them. in a miserable attempt to stop the scene of happening.
"i'm so sorry." y/n sobbed. still trying to hit the glass door. she started to realize what was going on right beside her eyes. she lost balance. it was the rumble, the fights, the deaths.
things were failing apart. little by little.
riff wasn't there. to be the one to stop it, to control it, to be their leader. she didn't have him by her side now.
her best friend, her boy.
lost your balance on a tightrope, oh
it's never too late to get it back
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elysiashelby · 3 years
In Another World - T.Shelby Imagine Ch. 31
Paring: Thomas Shelby x Aliena Welsh (OC)
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Word Count: 21,521
WARNINGS: Cursing, Fluff, POV! Shifts, TIME SKIPS!!, SMUT! (NSFW): oral sex (female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, A LOT of hinted at sex
Summary: Aliena and Tommy have fallen into domestic bliss. Experience that with them and all it’s challenges.
A/N: This chapter also took a lot longer than I thought it was going to take. Sorry about that. Anyhow, I just kept falling in and out of love with Tommy and made it harder to write. Plus, life. But I’ll try to be more consistent in the future.... Sadly, I won’t make any promises.
This chapter is another filler, ig? Season two won’t appear till about chapter 34... HOPE YOU ENJOY!!
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It’s been three months since Percy’s birth, and the majority of it has been great. You know, your child lucks out when they get two insomniacs as parents. So, the lack of sleep was bearable, but it was the crying that got to me. Tom was always a pillar of strength, but I had to learn not to cry when Percy was crying. It was somewhat embarrassing, but I was aware of the possibility. 
There was a short time when he was two months old that I thought he had colic, but I think he was just feeling my stress. I have no clue! We asked the doctor, and he said it could be several things, but that Percy was healthy and did not have an illness. I’m guessing that colic was discovered in a different decade ‘cause he had no idea what I was talking about when I brought it up. It was frustrating. Plus, I had only heard of the “illness” and knew nothing other than it made babies cry uncontrollably.  
Ah! I used all the tips I learned from the internet. I wrapped him in a towel and gave him a water bath. I held him in certain positions that mimicked him still being in the womb. I focused on meditating as much as possible, even though I despise the practice. After two weeks, Percy calmed down, and it was smooth sailing after that.  
It was like all that crying regulated his little body or something ‘cause he’s been sleeping through the night since those past two weeks! Another thing is that despite us having a nursery, we hardly use it. Percy only sleeps in his crib for his naps; otherwise, he sleeps with Tommy and me. If I have to step out of the room, there’s usually a maid nearby to help me look after him. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had to leave Percy in his crib while I had to do something while he was awake. 
Sleeping through the night was a significant milestone for Tommy and me seeing as we’ve yet to have sex since five months ago. It was around the time the doctor put me on complete bed rest, and even though we were given the okay to have sex again— we just haven’t. So many things got in the way, sadly, including our child. Not that we were celibate either. A lot of oral sex. It was nice, and I never thought that there’d be a day where I’d rather be fucked, but here we are! I guess I just miss it, if I’m honest. 
But then there was the fact that I haven’t been feeling great about my body since Percy’s birth. It was challenging juggling exercise and taking care of a baby, and I was managing, but not as well as I’d like. It’s easier to put off exercising to spend more time with my baby, and it’s obvious that I’d rather drop some freaking push-ups for an hour over staring at my son as he sleeps. I know that my body just needs time, but I wanted the time to be now. Not even for Tommy, but myself. It took so much hard work to achieve my ideal body, and I just really want it back.
My sex drive disappeared after Percy was born, and during the weeks, I was healing, but since then, it’s returned two-fold. Worth noting that Tom couldn’t keep his hands to himself during that time. Not even in a sexual way either, it was there— of course, but there were usually softer touches. I smacked his hands away from my breasts and hips more times than I cared to admit. I never thought that would be a problem either. 
Tommy hasn’t helped my increased urges in the slightest. I don’t know if he realized it or not, but he hasn’t had a haircut in a while, and I swear I’m in heaven. Not that I hate his usual style, but there was something about the way he looks with his sides grown out a bit and the top being floppy! If I had to pick an era, Tommy looks like the Shivering Soldier from Dunkirk or William Killick from The Edge of Love. Sometimes I wonder if he feels my staring— if he’s seen the moments where I clench my thighs together or bite my bottom lip.  
If you’ve ever seen Thomas Shelby playing with a baby, you too may just develop a breeding kink. You’ll be entitled to financial compensation for any emotional distress. 
Hell, Percy doesn’t have a lick of me in ‘em. He’s all his father! Spittin’ image he is. Tommy loves to beg to differ, but the man is blind, so I don’t take his words to heart. I know when a child looks more like the father than the mother! I thought that perhaps Percy had gotten his hair from me, but now with Tom’s hair growing out— I figure I might not even have that. 
I swear if this kid gets his attitude from me, then God help us!
I was sitting down on the sofa, staring down at those precious blue eyes of my Percy’s. He was having his dinner: milk. With a single finger, I began stroking the side of his face. Percy’s eyes found mine, and he smiled, then giggled.
“Are you happy? Huh?” I asked softly. “Filling your tummy up.”
Percy gave me another smile, cooed a little, and then began sucking again.
“Daddy is coming home soon, and then you’ll be stolen from me. But that’s alright, innit, ‘cause we’ll get to see that smile of his. No matter how big or small.” 
Percy smiled at me again before he moved his face away from my breast, began moving around in my arms, and reaching from me while babbling away. 
“What?” I asked excitedly while holding his tiny hand in mine. “What is it, Percy? Do you want to touch Mama’s face?” I giggled, which he mimicked. I leaned down ‘n began placing a bunch of kisses upon his closed fist. His giggles grew louder. As much as this was great fun, I knew he had to be burped sooner rather than later. “Okay, love. Up we get!” I rearranged Percy to face my shoulder where the towel I had there lay. Just in case Percy threw up. 
I expected my son to claim his first victim among the Shelby clan, but they were all experienced with babies. All except Michael. John deliberately set up the poor lad; gave ‘em Percy after the bastard spent his time throwing him up in the air. Quite the sight. 
I patted his back till I heard that belch. Stank like hell but always put a smile on my face. When Percy was done, he immediately tried getting away from me— throwing himself back while trying to push me away. He’d just started picking things up, getting a hold of things with an iron grip, building up the strength in his arms. 
I chuckled as I held him in my arms. The little tyke was still throwing his weight back. “Alright, alright! Hold on a sec’!” I rose to my feet, hauling him up in my arms as I walked over to the blanket I had laid out from him to roam about in. I set him down gently, threw the towel on the table, covered my breast, and then gave him my full attention.
Percy started showing signs of learning how to roll from his back to his belly, but I don’t think that was his goal right now. His arms were flailing about, as were his legs, but he wasn’t fussing. He was just babbling. I leaned over, grabbed hold of a rattle, and then shook it near him. 
“How about this, honey? Do you wanna play with the rattle?” I asked as I continued to shake it near him. Percy tore it from my hand and began shaking it like crazy. I chuckled at the sight. “Hmm, someone is trying to stay up for daddy. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, young man!”
The rattle went in his mouth for a second, then out, and then back in. This went on for quite some time before Anne entered the room.
“Ma’am, dinner is ready. Shall I leave it here, or are you eating in the dining room?” She asked as her eyes kept fluttering from me to Percy with a smile on her face.
“Uh, we’ll—!”
“--Aliena! I’m home, love. Where are you?” It was Tommy.
I gasped, crawled closer to Percy, and whispered. “Daddy’s home!” I turned my face away, taking Percy into my arms as I shouted. “In here, love!” I quickly rose to my feet and didn’t have to wait long as Tom’s head peeked ‘round the corner.
He smiled, holding out his arms. “There’s my little bugger!” Percy was calmly chewing on his rattle, but the excitement in Tom’s voice made him squeal. 
“Oi, what about me?” I jokingly asked.
Tommy took his son from my arms ‘n replied. “Oh, hi, love.”
I tsked and smacked the side of his arm. He ignored me and gave his full attention to our baby. 
“How were you, eh? Did you have a bunch of fun with Mummy?” Tommy bounced Percy in his arms before walking over to the sofa and sitting down. Percy released his rattle to take his father’s face in his hands as he spoke unintelligible words. “Yeah! Really? My goodness, it sounds like you had a busy day. Not as busy as Papa’s, though.”
Anne cleared her throat, saying, “Shall I prepare a plate for you as well, Mr. Shelby?”
Tom told her yes while he extended his arms, holding Percy in the air without looking back. Percy squealed happily with his little fist in his mouth.
I glanced at Anne and said. “We’ll be eating in the dining room, Anne. Thank you.” She nodded then left the room. “He already ate,” I said. “Just a little while ago, so be careful with him. So, how was your day?”
Tom was so wrapped up in playing with Percy that he almost ignored me. He thrust him up into the air then swooped him down for kisses. Tom only stopped to answer me. “It was good. As good as it could be.”
“Nothing else happened? Like I don’t know, um, I don’t know. Maybe someone fucked up the books again?” 
Tommy shook his head. “Nah. It was just paperwork and deadlines.” 
I hummed. “Well, come on then. We need to eat.” I waited as Tommy rose to his feet with our son in his arms. I locked arms with him, and we walked together to the dining room. Once we entered the room, a maid and a butler came rushing out with our meals in their hands. As we neared the chairs, they set down our food then pulled out our chairs. 
The maid stood aside while the man stayed. I sat to the right of Tom, who sat at the head of the table as he still held Percy. The butler came ‘round and pushed my seat in for me. The poor man could only jerk toward Tom’s direction before my fiancé held up his hand and scooted his seat forward. 
Tom cleared his throat before asking, “Now, in all seriousness, how was your day, love?”
I held a hand over my mouth as I hurried to chew my food. Once I was done, I replied. “Oh, it was a lazy day today. We spent most of our time upstairs, playing, talking, and taking naps. Speaking of, he, obviously, didn’t go right to sleep after he ate, so he’ll probably be sleeping through the night again if we’re lucky.”
“Did he give you any trouble? Throw any fits?”
I shook my head. “No, he hasn’t thrown a proper fit since last month. No bad moments today.” My eyes fell upon my baby, who was gumming his papa’s tie. I reached over and tickled his chin. “This little one has been giggling all day!”
Percy squirmed away from my touch with a big smile on his face. 
Tom hugged Percy tighter as he hummed. “Growin’ up to be just like his Mummy, then? That’s good to hear. You had a good day with mummy, Percy, huh?” Tom leaned down and kissed the top of his head. 
Tommy leaned forward and shoveled some food in his mouth, but proved to be a challenge as our son attempted to steal his fork from him. As we ate, Percy continuously tried to steal his father’s fork away from him to the point where he began letting out little whimpers. 
“Tommy,” I began.
He peered up at me, saying, “I know.” He looked back down at Percy. “Percy, behave. Daddy’s trying to eat.”
We both knew that the babe wouldn’t understand exactly, but perhaps he would. Our hopes were swiftly crushed as our son continued to make grabby hands for the fork, and his whines bumped up an octave. Tommy and I shared a sigh. I glanced behind me, and as expected, Anne was standing near the threshold of the room.
I beckoned her over, asking, “Anne, can you take Percy upstairs for his nap?”
Anne hastily walked over to Tommy, who didn’t hesitate to hand over our son. “Of course, Madam.”
Tom cleared his throat. “Bathe the boy before you lay him to rest. Thank you, Anne.”
Anne nodded with a smile on her face. “Of course, Mr. Shelby.”
I ignored the soft whimpers from my baby, stuffing my face with food. There was an ache in my heart and a pit in my stomach whenever he was sad. I just needed to learn that some actions called for the proper consequences and that coddling him too much would do him no good. 
Just like it had been done with me.
Besides, Percy was probably beginning to grow fussy from the nap he never took. That’s how it usually is with babies. I took a deep breath and soothed the worries in my mind. I glanced over at Tom and smiled. 
I cleared my throat. “So, I was thinking with Percy born ‘n all, we should begin talking abar the weddin’?”
Tommy had this pensive look on his face before saying, “Right, I forgot all about that.”
I tutted, leaned toward him, and tried to smack him. Tommy didn’t flinch away, and my hand didn’t connect with his arm either. He just sported a smirk as he took another bite of scran.
“Right then, first things first. We need to ‘ave an engagement party.” He said before taking a sip of whiskey.
I nodded. “I was thinking we have it when Percy’s six months.”
“Six months?”
“All right, I see no problem with that.”
“Why, thank you for seeing the logic in it.” I teased before taking a rather large gulp of my water. “Plus, it gives us ample time to prepare for the occasion.”
Tommy hummed in agreement. “We’ll announce it at the next family meeting. We have one coming up next week. We’ll do it then, and I’ll leave the party planning to you.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise, and I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me. “Me? Leave it to me?”
Tommy nodded with his face expressionless. “Yes. You are capable of planning a party, correct?”
The way he said it was like a taunt— a challenge. 
I straightened my back and hardened my expression. “Of course.” ‘I’ve killed close to a hundred men in my life! I can handle planning a goddamn party!’
“Then, there’s nothing to be worried about.”
I squinted at him before picking my glass up and taking another sip of water. “I was thinking that we have the wedding next year instead of anytime soon. I don’t want to rush things, and well, how do you feel about it?”
Tommy nodded. “I agree. We can have the wedding next year but at the beginning of the year. Around January or February, but no later than March. Agreed?”
I snickered at how we handled this, and then the snickering turned into cackling. “Why are we talking like we’re doin’ a deal, Tommy?”
Tommy’s lips twitched upward before replying in a playful tone. “I was following your lead.”
I sighed. “¡Ay, Dios mío! ¡Chingados!” I took another deep breath before continuing, “Agreed. Probably in February, my love. I wouldn’t want to hold too many celebrations in January, and I want Percy to have his birthday month all to himself.”
“Ali, your birthday is just four days later.”
I cocked my head to the side as the information hit me like a bag of bricks. “Oh, shit! You’re right.” I giggled a little as I shook my head. “We could combine the birthdays then.”
“He’s not gonna like that when he’s older.”
I shrugged and pouted. “Time will tell. Besides, by the time he begins to even think like that, I’ll probably be too old to celebrate my birthday anymore anyhow.”
Tom huffed and smiled. “I’ll always want to celebrate the day you were born.” I smiled then reached for his hand. He took it in his and brought my hand to his lips for a kiss.
Afterward, Tom and I finished the rest of our meals briefly talkin’ about how we would tell the family and what my vision for the engagement party looked like. Then, we went upstairs only to find that Percy had fallen asleep after his bath as planned. Our baby had fallen asleep in his crib. Tommy ‘n I decided to leave him there for the rest of the night in fear of waking him up. 
We continued to whisper, and we even took a shower together, but there were nothing but sweet touches— kisses on the neck and gentle caresses. I can’t describe the disappointment I felt when we simply went to bed without anything else happening.
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Tom woke up just as dawn crept up. He had work today as it was a weekday, but he sensed it was nowhere near the appropriate time he should be awake. Carefully, Tom swiped his watch off the bedside nightstand and read the time. It was barely five in the morning, meaning he had an extra hour before he actually needed to be up. 
‘There was no going back to sleep now,’ He thought pitifully. Tom placed his watch back onto the nightstand and then drew his attention to his side. Aliena clung to his side with a hand on his chest while the other was tucked under his arm. He raised his available hand and lovingly stroked her cheek.
This woman filled his mind 24/7, consciously and subconsciously. Tom wondered and worried if Aliena would ever understand the depth of his devotion toward her now that he had her. He didn’t care if no one else ever saw it— he just wanted her to know. 
Tommy leaned down and placed a small kiss upon her lips. He continued to peck his fiancée till she stirred.
“Tommy?” She muttered questionably. 
He gave her no answer and continued to kiss her with a bit more passion behind it now. The hand on his chest flew to his cheek as she propped herself up to meet his kisses. 
Their kisses grew with passion, their breaths fell heavier, and their hearts were in their ears. Tom tore himself away from her lips and nestled his head along the crook of her neck, where he feverishly began laying his kisses there. Aliena let out a breathy moan as she ran her fingers through her lover’s hair, bringing him closer to her neck. 
Tom didn’t cease his assault on her neck till every inch of skin was practically covered in his love bites. Ali was putty in his hands with her pussy throbbing for attention— almost on the verge of climax. He slipped the straps of her nightgown down her arms while kissing the top of her cleavage. Once Tommy uncovered her breasts entirely, he immediately went to wrap his lips around her nipple but was stopped. 
Through heavy whispers, Aliena said, “Tommy, you can’t! Percy will need to eat soon.”
Tommy chuckled with a rasp that went straight to Aliena’s pussy. “He probably won’t be up for another hour, love.” He gave her left tit a teasing suck, breast milk filling his mouth slightly. “That means these,” he gave each breast a squeeze which caused milk to drip from each one. “Are mine for now.” Though he talked a big game, Tom stayed at her breasts for only a few minutes longer before trailing further down.
Aliena was utterly restless. She had been waiting for this moment for so long but was worried that their time together would be cut short. Tommy bunched up her dress so that it rested under her breasts— giving him full access to everything below. 
“Tommy, please…” She rasped while throwing an arm over her eyes while her other hand found its place in Tom’s hair. 
Tom chuckled breathily, “Patience, love.” He placed open-mouthed kisses down from her stomach to the top of her covered pussy. Tom pulled the garment down at a teasingly slow pace that had Aliena near tears. 
She was a hair away from throwing a fucking tantrum, but somehow— she still had her pride.
Instead, the lass took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Tommy, who was beneath the sheets, kissed her labia many times before even daring to use his tongue against her. The bastard was truly going at his own pace, determined to kill his wife. 
At the snail’s pace, Tom was going; it would take Ali, perhaps, thirty or twenty minutes to finish. That would leave enough window time for their early sleeper to awaken at any given time— during or afterward. 
“Tommy, please. I want you to fuck me already.”
“All in good time,” he said before throwing her thighs further apart and began to ravish his lover as she liked.
The change in tempo forced Aliena to bite down on her arm as she attempted to stifle her squeal. This man knew how to drive her absolutely mad! The woman was a gasping, panting mess. 
Tom was in utter heaven. He could eat her for hours on end— had done it before ‘n God, did he miss it. Some minutes later, Tommy added his fingers into the mix, driving Aliena wild. Her hips bucked, and her thighs desperately tried to clamp shut. Tommy wouldn’t allow it. Lord knows how he loves Ali’s plump thighs around his ears, but no. Any other time he might’ve allowed it, but this time he was in control.
Tommy had two fingers thrusting into his lover’s tight pussy while he suckled on her clit before he felt her shake. 
“Oh, Tommy! Tommy, I’m coming!” She exclaimed softly, an arm still shielding her face while the other fisted the sheets. Tommy didn’t make an effort to respond as he was dead set on making her come. Within seconds, he got his wish, but he didn’t let up. 
Aliena whimpered from the oversensitivity. “No… Tommy, no…” She begged against her better nature. She felt her sensibility slip from her with each stroke of his tongue. Falling deeper into her haze of lust.
Tommy’s cock was painfully hard— he had half a mind just to begin rutting against the mattress. But this wasn’t about his pleasure; the man didn’t want it to be about him. So, when he parted from this sweet cunt of his, it was but for a moment as he flung the covers off of his body. 
Tom yanked Aliena further down the sheets causing her to let out a series of giggles. He groaned loudly as he returned to his ministrations. Aliena threw her head back, biting her bottom lip while both hands found a home in her lover’s hair. 
Ali threw herself into the chase; the original goal was lingering in the back of her mind but coming again definitely topped the list. Tom’s grip on Ali’s hips was bruising, his pace was rapid, and he had no intention of stopping anytime soon.
“Oh, Tom! Fuck!” Aliena gasped as she arched her back. “I’m so close… Don’t stop!”
However, the room came to a standstill as a shrill cry came from the nursery.  
Though deep down Aliena wanted to whimper and cry, she was already gathering herself together.
Tommy lifted his head and cursed. “Fuck! Aliena, love, wait! Let him cry a little. He’ll be alright.”
Already propped up on her elbows, Ali switched her gaze between her lover and the door to her son’s nursery. Her lustfulness was begging her to listen to Tommy, but the cries of her son weighed on her conscious. She shook her head. “N-No, I can’t. I’m so sorry, Tommy.” For reasons she can’t explain, tears sprang to her eyes as she scurried away from Tom. 
Tom released his grip in defeat ‘n watched as his girl scrambled back up the bed, pulled the straps of her nightie up, and then climbed off the bed toward their son’s nursery. He got up to his knees, then sat on his legs, fists curled up on thighs. The man threw his head back as he heaved a large breath and closed his eyes. 
He was so fucking close.
The tension in his jaw mattered not— the fact that Ali was now saddened did. Tom took one more deep breath before he sat up properly on the side of the bed. Checking the watch on his nightstand, he read the time, “6:34.” 
That son of his was getting too good at tellin’ time, he didn’t make his wife come a second time, and now he was running late for work. 
Today was not going to be a good day.
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No way was that going to be the end of it. No fucking way! Tommy took a shower and got ready while I was still breastfeeding Percy. I think he was even running late ‘cause he zipped out of the house like a bat out of hell. I’ll give him that, but no way was I going to let that be the end of it!
I’m not even chasing my own high! I want his! I’m having sex with my fiancé today if it’s the last thing I fucking do!  I’m a woman on a mission, and nothing is getting in my way today. 
So I didn’t waste time as I made my arrangements. Tommy made it easy for me by never taking lunch, so I’ll use that as my excuse. I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to leave Percy with Cassie or Polly, but the thought of facing Pol’ with shagging her nephew in mind was too much a burden to bear. I rang up Cass ‘n asked if she could take care of her godson for a couple of hours. I was grateful that the nosy Nancy, for once, wasn’t prying.
She seemed genuinely ecstatic at the thought of seeing Percy. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she called Dougie to join her. Cassie and the lot of them haven’t been ‘round the house much, but that’s mainly my doing. My baby is barely three, four months! Usually, I wouldn’t even dare take him outside ‘de ‘ouse till he was six months old, but these were different times. 
I couldn’t even do that if I tried; after all, I wasn’t raising him by myself. My mother would’ve had an absolute fit if she found out I took Percy out without all his shots. Though, to be fair, I don’t even think they have all the baby vaccines yet anyhow. Which is still worrying, but I know that none of the people around me will catch an illness anytime soon. 
Well, excluding my friends… 
I should probably be more cautious about that in the future.
In fucking conclusion, after feeding Percy, I ate breakfast then we both took a bath. I made it fun ‘n my baby boy was full of smiles the whole time. Even made a show of picking out my scandalous outfit that I was going to use to seduce his father, kinda like that scene in Look Who’s Talking.
However, he wasn’t old enough to sit on his own and join me by my vanity. That’s when Anne came in, and I enlisted her help watching him as I did my hair and makeup. Truthfully, the dress I was in was more appropriate for the summer as a nightgown, but I’m wearing it in the spring. 
Do I care? No, I’m on a mission. I feel sexy in said dress, and I’m looking for something that I can easily slip on and off. It’s beige and best resembles a curtain, if I’m honest. It’s tough to describe, but it was a lace boho sundress. Spaghetti straps, by the way— not long-sleeved or anything else. I used foundation and concealer as my base. Added some mascara ‘n foxy eyeliner, added in some light brown almost nude eyeshadow, and a pink lip. Not obnoxiously pink, but not precisely nude either. 
I left my hair to curl up on its own, only fixing up a few stubborn hairs. It was around eight in the morning by the time I was done. I retrieved my beige fur collar coat from the rack slipped on some black high heels. I have no idea what they were called. The salesperson surely told me, but one ear out the other with me. 
Percy and I spent time together downstairs after I sent Anne on the hunt for a basket to put the food in. I had the good sense to tell the cook what I wanted made beforehand; otherwise, I would’ve been late leaving. 
Lunchtime at Shelby Company Ltd. was at 1:30 for all office employees, and that’s the time I intended on arriving, which is why I had to leave at the latest nine! It was a two-hour drive to London from Warwickshire and another two hours to Birmingham. If all goes according to plan, I will arrive in the city around 12 or 1. 
I should mention that I eventually managed to get my car onto our estate. I asked Cassie and Dom to make it a big thing ‘n act like I was being gifted the vehicle for the first time. Tommy wasn’t exactly happy about the extravagant gift, and I’m confident that when they switch up the company cars— I’m getting a switch as well. 
However, I wasn’t driving today. I had other duties to conclude during the ride to London. You see, breast pumps weren’t really a thing in 1923. Formula is, for sure, a thing, but I didn’t want my Percy to be drinking that stuff. So, I needed someone else driving while I got creative in the back seat. Do you want to know what also isn’t invented yet? Baby car seats and seat belts are nowhere near being developed in the 1920s. 
Yes, you guessed it. Anne was joining me on this journey. The driver (a Peaky Blinder) was in the front— driving. Eyes on the road! While Anne and I were in the back, Anne took care of Percy. My baby boy looked positively a-fucking-dorable! My little man looks like a sailor with a cap ‘n all. I was beside them with my coat open…and my tits out as I coaxed my milk out into bottles. I planned to fill four to six bottles, depending on how much I could get out. 
I had never done this before, but I figured it would be the same method back home. Ya know, keep it chilled or at least refrigerated ‘n all will be well! Which is why I had a basket filled with ice packs to cool the milk. It’s not a particularly hot day here in England, but I wasn’t taking any chances in anything concerning my child.
Well, I am doing a lot just to get my own fiancé to make love to me. Quite embarrassing and telling about the things I do to satiate my sexual urges. Hmm, burying my head in a hole right now sounds nice!
Anyhow, you’re all caught up! Welcome to the present!
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When I noticed we were nearing the Ritz, I quickly redressed myself and ensured everything was there for Percy. It didn’t matter that Anne and I had already checked thrice beforehand— I had to do it once more. 
I managed to fill six bottles. It was hard work ‘n my tits hurt like hell, but my child would be fed. I pray Tommy will let them rest, but I could deal with the pain should he decide to pay special attention to them. 
With a heavy sigh, I sat up straight after closing up the basket and faced Anne. “Alrighty, then. Give ‘em here, Anne.” I waved both arms then smoothed my hands around his tiny body. She passed my baby over to me. “Thank you,” I muttered. I shimmed back against the seats and ran a finger down the side of Percy’s face. “‘Ello, my love. You’ve been such a good boy.”
Percy just fussed in response with an absent look on his face. I giggled, then leaned down to nuzzle my nose against his. “Mummy is gonna miss you so much!” Guilt was starting to settle in ‘n fast. 
‘I mean! I could’ve waited till Tom got home, but I didn’t wanna. There was something scandalous about what I was planning that I missed. Our spark is still there, and I want to make sure it stays lit. I don’t want him to get bored with me and with him not—! For lack of better words, penetrating me! It was creating dark thoughts in me head.’
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves I had built up. I looked back down at my baby and smiled. “Mummy and Daddy will be there to pick you up, and you’ll have a fun time with Auntie Cassie. I know you will!” I kissed his forehead and continued to lay kisses all around his face. 
“Mrs. Shelby, we’ve arrived.”
I picked up my head, and sure enough, we were outside of the hotel. I inhaled deeply before exhaling with puffed-up cheeks. I looked at Anne and nodded. “Let’s rip the band-aid off, eh.” She nodded with a slight smile on her face as she grabbed Percy’s things. 
Cassie and Dougie were on the steps waiting anxiously as if they were adoptees about to receive their child. I swallowed down my anxieties and pulled on a smiling face. I shouted, “Hello, hello!” Cassie rushed over to me with Dougie close behind. 
“Oh, it’s so good to see you!” She said before kissing my cheek. I replied the same. She looked down at Percy and gasped before glancing back at Dougie. “He’s gotten bigger since the last time we’ve seen him. Oh my god!”
Dougie scoffed behind her, sporting a smirk. “Jesus, love, you saw him only a few weeks ago.”
She sucked her teeth in annoyance and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, so? Babies can grow a lot in a few weeks!” 
“It’s true; they can.”
She huffed triumphantly before her sights set on me. “So, are you sure about this? Maybe you can stay awhile, you know? Get him settled in if you’d like.” 
I looked down at my perfect boy and felt my drive slip. I shook my head as if someone else were controlling me. “No… It’s alright.”
Anne cleared her throat beside me. “Perhaps I can stay with the young master if you’d prefer that instead, madam?”
My eyebrows furrowed, Percy made wiggling motions in my arms. It felt like he could feel my confusion and frustration. My mouth opened, and an utterance was let out, but not a word came to mind.
She looked over at Anne, her face just as conflicted. Dougie stepped toward me with his arms stretched out. One hand cradled the back of Percy’s neck while the other cradled his body. He said while gently taking Percy into his embrace, “We’ll be glad to have the company. I’ve had older sisters but never had them into my care this early on. Met the little ones when they were older ‘cause of the war. Plus, I’m not sure Cassie’s ever had to take care of babies, either? Right, love?”
Cassie pulled her lips in and shook her head bashfully. I nodded and smiled. “Oh, then, Anne, it’d be wonderful if you could help them.” I took Cassie’s hands into mine and whispered, “There’s nothing wrong with you not knowing. If Anne weren’t there to help me 24/7, then I’d be like a headless chicken. I promise.”
Cassie nodded again, her eyes flitting toward Anne. “Thank you,” she muttered. Anne simply flashed her a grin ‘n bowed her head. 
I swallowed harshly with my eyes locked on Percy. “Okay, well, I hafta get going. Anne will help youse with everythin’ so—!'' Another deep breath. “This is see youse later.” I shuffled over to Dougie and smothered my baby boy’s face with kisses. “Mummy loves you and will see you later. I love you.” I gave the rest of them a kiss goodbye, told them I loved them too, and then got back into the car.
I spent a good half of the car ride just getting myself together mentally. Anne would help Cassie and Dougie take care of Percy. Everything was going to be just fine. I know it will be. I wanted this pit in my stomach to be gone. So, I began fantasizing about Tommy. About his body, his face— anything and everything about him. 
Eventually, I began to feel the shift in my body. Blood rushed to my cheeks, my thighs were clenched together, and there was a throbbing between my legs. I cleared my throat and glanced over to the front. The man kept his eyes on the road. I didn’t remember his name. I probably should, but I’m hardly ever outside, and when I am, I’m accompanied by one of Dom’s men and one Peaky Blinder.
Their names were Will and Frank, good men. 
I cleared my throat. “Hey, can you tell me what time it is?”
There was a bit of shuffling around before he replied, “12:22, ma’am. We’re almost in Birmingham. I’d say about ‘alf an hour more.”
I hummed and thanked him. I went back to fantasizing about Tommy. It just helped in general. It helped ensure I was in the right mindset for the awful stunt I was about to pull. 
But was it genuinely awful? I feel like it’s actually quite common. I mean, didn’t Linda do this with Arthur? Well, that bitch wanted something from ‘em, didn’t she? Linda was manipulating the poor man. I just want to have sex with mine ‘cause I desire him. I think that makes me a way better woman. Yeah, conscious soothed. 
When the streets became too familiar, I gathered the basket from the car floor onto my lap then started smoothing out my hair. Soon the car was pulling into the company street; then, we were parked right outside. 
“What time is it?” I asked while scooting closer to the car door. 
He cleared his throat with a stifled cough. “1:40, ma’am.”
“Good!” I bit my lip in excitement. “Um, you can return to the estate. I’ll get Tom to drive me back.”
“Are you sure, ma’am? I can wait if you’d like!”
I shook my head. “I’m sure. Goodbye.” I didn’t care if he responded or not. I had already climbed out of the car. There was no one to open the door for me, not that I cared, but usually, I caught someone as they were heading out. I beelined it directly to Tommy’s office, and I gotta tell ya, it was fucking weird seeing it so barren.
But I was glad of it ‘cause it meant no one would be here for the start of the show. “Shelby Company Ltd” was plastered on the doors to Tom’s office. I sincerely hated that he chose to have glass on ‘em. Granted, it’s not see-through glass, but they’re not wooden doors either. Those who would dare sneak a peek into his office could see what the pair of us were up to. 
Sure the image would be blurry, but hardly the sound!
I knocked on the door ‘n waited. 
He shouted, “Come in!”
I didn’t hesitate to open a door and walk on in. I turned ‘round to check if the coast was clear one more time, then shut the door. I was locking the door when I heard from behind me, “What is it?” 
I steeled my nerves then twirled ‘round to face ‘em. Tommy’s eyes instantly met mine, and it was like all my worries melted away. I dropped the basket; my heart was beating faster. I worked on untying the belt of my coat, unfastening the buttons afterward— my breathing picked up. Tom didn’t say a word. He leaned back in his chair ‘n while keeping his eyes on me; he reached for his cigarette case. 
I watched as he lit it up and did a French inhale. I couldn’t help but bite my lip as I let my coat slip off my arms. 
Tom held the ciggie between two fingers. His facial expression was stone-cold but oh so sexy. “Are you not wearing a bra under that?” 
I huffed, then smirked. “Why don’t you come over here ‘n find out for yourself?”
Tom raised his eyebrow as he took another pull. “Our son?”
“With his godparents and Anne.”
“Clever girl. Had this planned, did you?”
I bit my lip again but quickly released it. I nodded as I whispered, “Yes.”
Tommy hummed before rising to his feet. I went to meet him halfway. He walked to the front of his desk then leaned his body against it. I didn’t stop walking till I was in front of him. I slid my arms around his waist, pressing my body against him as I maintained eye contact. 
His eyes were so beautiful and clearly showed how badly I was affecting him, as was the erection poking my midsection. Tom cupped my face, and we continued to stare at each other. His pointer finger from his left hand began stroking my face. Tom raised the other to his ciggie and hissed softly as he inhaled. 
“You couldn’t wait till I got home to get was denied to you, hm? Even shipped our son away so that you could come here ‘n visit me.”
Heat enveloped my face ‘n my eyes became heavier as they fluttered. I was embarrassed, yes, but it also turned me on. “I need you, Tommy. Please, I need you.” I tried pulling his mouth down on mine, but he stood firm. I huffed, prodded my cheek with my tongue, and shook my head as I scoffed. 
It was cute at first, but now it was all too “asshole-ish.” I stepped away from him as I continued to shake my head. “Okay, then. See you at home.” I spun on my heels and made it about five steps away from him before I felt his tight grip on my arm. Tom yanked me back toward him, and I was left breathless as he smashed his lips on mine. 
I moaned in surprise, and it didn’t matter that all I wanted to do was be putty in his hands. The fucker pissed me off. I pounded away at his arms, trying to part away from him, but God was he strong. Our teeth clashed, and our tongues fought for control. 
I wasn’t allowed to part from ‘em, not for anything. Not even to breathe. Instead, we parted till Tom trailed off from my lips to my neck. I gasped for breath and let out a moan. My eyes rolled back as his tongue ran over my neck, his teeth nipped at it, and he sucked. 
I let out an open-mouthed, breathy chuckle before I rasped, “I fucking hate you sometimes.” Tom groaned into my neck as his hands traveled down south. Giggles erupted as he squeezed my arse while tugging my body closer to him. When Tom squeezed once more, I realized the ciggie was still between his fingers. “Tommy,” I whispered. Our bodies shifted slightly as he turned his attention to the left side of my neck. “Your ciggie, it’s still burning.”
Muffled, he replied. “Aye, hold it for me, will you?” The bastard didn’t give me a chance as he placed the stick between my lips. I held onto it for dear life. I didn’t want it falling on ‘em! 
He successfully silenced me all while continuing his assault on my neck. My panties were getting increasingly more annoying. They were soaked, and I hated feeling it against me. We stayed there, writhing against one another as he littered my neck in love bites. God and I loved every second of it.   
My eyes shot open when Tom abruptly stood up straight. His crazed eyes met my hooded ones before he plucked the ciggie away from my lips and inhaled. A hand roughly nestled its way in my hair, his fingers curling around my strands. I gasped as he forced me to walk with him back toward his desk. 
Tom stubbed out the ciggie then faced me. His mouth crashed on mine, and I felt the bitter smoke enter my mouth. I didn’t hesitate to inhale. We continued to kiss for so long that I had no choice but to exhale from my nose. His other hand threaded itself into my hair, and it felt so fucking good. 
My hands were fisting his lapels, but I decided to start unbuckling his belt. He let me and only gave me that before roughly pulling us apart. It was such a noisy parting. 
Breathily, Tom whispered. “Woman, you drive me fucking wild.”
I scoffed. “Not too bad yourself.”
He chuckled, a smile on his face as he shook his head. “I don’t think I can treat you how you deserve to be treated right now.”
My eyes fluttered at the threat, a hand raising to one of his. I clutched his wrist and smiled. “Then don’t.” His tongue prodded his cheek before a smirk etched across his face. I didn’t think I could get any wetter. Our lips crashed onto one another, but this time he was leading me somewhere. I trusted him enough to follow his lead as he led me backward. 
Nothing could’ve prepared me from gasping as I was roughly spun ‘round and pinned against the wall. Tommy kicked my legs further apart, and I’m so fucking glad I chose to wear heels with some height to them. With my breasts pressed against the wall as well as my hands, I waited for Tommy to unsheathe himself. 
Could hear his zipper being pulled down, and then there was pressure around my hips along with a rip. I couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Jesus, woman, you’re fucking soaked. Haven’t been treatin’ you right, ‘ave I, Aliena?”
I shook my head. “No, but you can fix that right here ‘n now.” I felt so lightheaded with adrenaline. I wanted his cock so fucking badly.
“Yes, ma’am.” Then without warning, Tommy thrusted into me. I cried out in a cocktail of pleasure and pain as Tommy moaned into my ear. “Fucking heaven,” he muttered. “You’re fucking heaven. So fucking tight. God, I fucking missed this pussy.” He pulled out till only the tip was in, then slammed back into me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and my toes were curling in my heels. 
He continued with this a couple of times, and regretfully that was all it took. My thighs, my legs— they both trembled violently as I came. Tommy was laughing behind me. “Don’t even think we’re gonna stop just ‘cause you got yours! No, we’re not stopping till I say we are.” An’ like a flip of a switch, Tommy was pounding into me with newfound fervor. 
A high-pitched squeal escaped from me as pleasure tingled all over my body. I was stuck between throwing myself into mindless abandon and being conscious of the fact that we were still in his office. I whimpered and let out a strained, long breath. “Fuck me…!” 
Tommy was worse than me with his heavy, strained pants, moans, ‘n whines. But being both of us being pent up for so long meant quick finishes, ‘cause after a couple of more pumps, Tommy’s hips were stuttering ‘n then warmness spread within. It didn’t end there, though. No fucking way.
Tommy pulled out of me, but only to drag me toward his chair. He hurriedly threw his belt away, and I worked on the hundreds of buttons he had on his torso. Tom brought down his pants just enough before sitting down and pulling me onto his lap. My straps, which were already falling off my shoulders, were pulled down.
My breasts were naked, and my dress was hiked up. Both of us hurried to slip his cock inside me again, and we simultaneously moaned once he was. I kept the tempo slow, not wanting to rush into it. I would’ve, honestly, but the times I had— Tommy would be quick to stop me. So, I’ve learned to ease into it. 
My hands were on his shoulders as I slowly rode his cock. My clit was rubbing against him, making it all the more pleasurable. Though, I guess I was going too slow ‘cause Tommy thrusted upward ‘n then kept going. I picked up the cue and hastened my pace. I loved the burn in my muscles, but not as much as the blissed-out look on Tommy’s face. 
I felt the moan build up in my throat ‘n I couldn’t find myself caring to quiet myself anymore. Throwing my head back, my left hand flew to Tommy’s knee as I leaned back. 
I can’t even describe what I was doing. I was following my body’s instinct. Was I just rolling my hips instead of bouncing? Was I grinding on him? I don’t care… God, I wanna come so fucking much!
“That’s it, love, chase it! Make yourself come with my cock. Wanna feel it.” Tom tugged my torso closer to him, and I practically shouted in my surprise as he began suckling my tit. He stayed there a bit longer, drinking my milk before parting. He kissed my nipple, then tugged on it with his teeth. While leaning back into his chair, Tommy’s gaze was locked on my breasts. His hands trailed upward from my sides to them. I hissed loudly when Tom squeezed.
“Fucking love these tits. All fucking mine.”
I giggled, my hips coming to a stop. 
“What’s so funny, Ali?”
I shook my head, my hands falling back to his torso. “It’s just that. They’re not all yours.” Tom rolled his eyes. “Oi, if your son could understand the implication of what you just said, he’d throw a fit.” The thought made me laugh again. Tommy smiled and shook his head.
With a hand in my hair, we leaned toward each other and met with a kiss. Tommy hooked his hands in the crook of my knees, and then I was lifted into his arms. My heels were begging to come off my feet, but I arched them just enough so that they would stay on. 
Tommy set me down on his desk ‘n led me down till my back was draped over his desk. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Our lips never parted. Not when he began thrusting— only when we grew near to our orgasms again. 
We were practically moaning into each other’s mouths before Tommy stood up straight, grabbed my hips, and started pounding into me. I reached down and played with my clit— I was coming in seconds. Eyes rolled back, one heel came off, and my back was arching as my other hand fondled my tit. Tommy was not too far off.
When the ringing in my ears ‘n my vision came back, I realized that Tommy had dragged us back to his chair with me resting on top of him. Plus, there was rustling outside. I cursed under my breath as I closed my eyes again.
“What is it, Ali?” Tommy asked, somewhat breathlessly. 
I shook my head, saying, “It’s nothing. I’d hoped we had more time to ourselves before the staff came back.” I picked myself up from his chest and swiped away the hair that had fallen into my face. I took a deep breath; my cheeks puffed up. “And I really wanted to get the chance to use the fucking restroom.”
Tommy scoffed softly; a grin flashed across his face. “Mm, looks like you didn’t have it all worked out then, eh?” He ran his hands over my thighs before spanking my arse with both of his heavy, ring-bearing hands. I gasped breathily, my body flinching. 
He was lucky I was so exhausted. Otherwise, I would’ve hit him, but I just slumped against him instead.
“Fix it, Tommy.”
He sighed loudly before whispering, “What am I gonna do with you?”
I only blew raspberries as a response.
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To save me from any further embarrassment, Tom called it a half-day, and we left his office together. Not before I hit the restroom on the way out, though. The drive to the Ritz was pretty hazy, and I ended up taking a nap in the car, only waking up when the car rolled to a stop. 
We picked up Percy and Anne, thanked Cassie ‘n Dougie, and headed home. I was so happy to see my baby boy again and be with his father. We spent the entirety of the rest of the day with him after I freshened up a bit, of course. 
It was like that weird block between us vanished ‘cause this fucker was insatiable. I had to actually deny him once! Plus, there was the addition of a condom when we made love. I was serious about not wanting another child so soon after Percy. I wanted our son to have his alone time with us as much as he could before we gave him a sibling. 
The family meeting came up relatively quickly, and after Tommy ‘n them got business out of the way, we were going to announce our engagement party. 
Keyword: Were.
We were rudely interrupted by Linda and, by association, Arthur. 
I was standing beside Tommy with Percy in my arms. All attention was on us after Tommy called for it, and I was just about to open my mouth when Linda cleared her throat as she shot up from her seat. Arthur stumbled to follow her lead.
I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. I bounced my sleeping babe, waiting for the woman to say what she interrupted me for; however, Linda only nudged Arthur. 
The man stammered over his words. “Um, uh, sorry to interrupt you, Aliena.” I nodded. Arthur fiddled with the cap in his hands before straightening up. “I would’ve liked to do this once Tom ‘n Ali said their piece; however, plans change. They change all the time.” He cleared his throat as Linda nudged him again, even harder this time as she hissed his name. “I-I would like to announce that I’ve asked Linda to marry me ‘n she’s said yes!”
At that moment, I wasn’t proud to admit that I felt nothing but annoyance. I’m 100% sure that Tommy felt the same ‘cause he did not move an inch, not even his facial expression. He looked as deadpan as could be, but cheers erupted beside us. 
I took a short shuffle closer to him ‘n nudged him like Linda has been doin’ to Arthur. He looked at me from his peripherals, and I demonstrated the facial expressions we should both be sporting. A big ole’ smile spread across my face, and he mimicked it. Since my hands were busy holding our son, Tommy clapped for us.
My gaze fell on Polly just as she turned to look at me. Her eyes said everything, and I felt the same. Tommy moved closer to his older brother to personally congratulate him. John ‘n Tommy took turns hugging and patting Arthur on the back. It was nice to see smiles on their faces, especially Arthur’s, seeing as Tommy’s was somewhat insincere.
I followed my fiancé’s lead and walked over to Linda to congratulate her more intimately. I held Percy closer to my chest as I leaned in to kiss her cheek as I congratulated her. Funnily enough, the thought did cross my mind that I was holding Percy closer to me to shield him from the awful person I thought Linda was.
‘She didn’t like my Tommy, and I’m sure she didn’t like me, so why the hell did I hafta like her?’
John cleared his throat, saying, “Right, congratulations Arthur, again! But Ali, Thomas, what did youse ‘ave to say?”
Everybody looked around the room before shuffling back to where we previously stood. Tommy and I took our places quicker than the rest, and we used it to our advantage. 
I was staring up at him, hoping he could read my mind, and all he did was give me a nod. So, I took a deep breath before saying, “Right! Tommy and I wanted to tell all of you that we’ll be holding an engagement party in five months’ time, and we’ve decided that the wedding won’t be till next year. The date isn’t exactly set, but it’ll happen at the beginning of the year.”
Tom wrapped an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side. “We don’t have any details on the party yet. Only that Aliena’s friends are sure to attend as well, so you’ll all be expected to be on your best behavior. It’ll most likely be fancy ‘n posh—” The comment made snickers and chuckles spread throughout the room. “, so perhaps take the time to buy something for the occasion. Does anybody have anything to add before we end this meeting?”
Everybody held their tongues, and that was that!
Polly and Ada were quick to surround me to ask if I had any ideas in mind. I told them I had a vague one, and we spent a good hour just brainstorming ideas. I was utterly clueless about how to plan and host a party. It seemed easy enough, but it would take a lot of talking and— ew, work.
I knew I wanted to be either at the Ritz or home, but I just wasn’t sure which. The Ritz-Carlton has barely begun its rapid climb to fame, but it’s still fucking expensive. Cassie and Ange went halfers on the venue last time as a kind gesture towards Tom ‘n I, but we would probably rent out more than one venue this time ‘round. 
When I met with the girls, my suspicions were proven correct. There were at least three separate rooms that I would need to book to host an engagement party there, and it wasn’t going to be cheap. I spent the first party meeting just shooting the shit ‘cause I didn’t want to make any moves without consulting Tommy first. Hell, we didn’t even discuss a budget, and I know we were making good money, but I didn’t know how “good” we were talking about here!
And the truth was that I could pay for the party myself. Probably put a dent in my savings, but I wasn’t above going back to work later in life. I could do a hit or two when Percy or my future children were at school. I got really good at disguise makeup to the point where I couldn’t even recognize myself at times. I’m sure I could get back into the game! Well, only if it came to that.
But like I said, the first meeting was filled with “what-ifs,” then when they left, I waited for Tommy to come home. When he did, I discussed everything with him. He told me that the starting budget would be £50,000 ‘n if I needed more than that, we could talk. 
In all honesty, I thought that was enough. I asked if he wanted the party to be at home or the Ritz, and it took him a while before he could respond. 
“Whatever you want, love. Just try ‘n stay within the budget, yeah?”
I nodded with my heart pounding away at my chest so profoundly I thought it was trying to escape. “Tommy, it wouldn’t matter to me where we have the party. Hell, I wouldn’t mind skipping it. All I want is you ‘n Percy. You know that, right?”
Tommy and I stared into each other’s eyes. The corner of his mouth twitched upward before he schooled his expression. He nodded, softly saying, “I know, Ali. I know. Now, hand over my son, eh. You’ve had your time with ‘em now it’s my turn! ‘Ello, ‘ello, you!”
Talking about money was always tricky and made me feel guilty. My mates were all rich toffs, richer than Tommy even. I just didn’t want to make him feel insecure or like inferior. I didn’t want to make it seem like we had to have all our events at the Ritz just because I was so used to being there. I would’ve been happy with the other hotel that Tommy’s destined to buy. I forgot what it’s called, but I’m sure it’s just as lovely. 
I know that sounded somewhat backhanded, but I frankly forgot the hotel’s name! And the money truly doesn’t matter to me! I said many things in the past about marrying rich, but that was a survival tactic. You know, if I can’t live and marry for love, I might as well do it for the money. Or something along those lines, you know?
Anyway, soon all my plans were coming together with the help of my darling boy. Couldn’t bear to leave Percy alone for a second. I loved having him in my arms way too much, but I can’t deny that he was a distraction. He still helped, nonetheless. Percy forced me to take breaks and clear my mind when I felt it was all becoming a bit too much. 
I met with the girls, including Polly and Ada (I invited Esme and Linda; they just didn’t come), and we hit the town. The first stop was the Ritz to get a quote on how much reserving three rooms would be, and it totaled £33,000. However, the catering would be an add-on, not a joint expenditure, and we would need to put some money down for any damages if any. The deposit would depend on if we chose to add in the catering plus an additional charge should we have to make any last-minute changes. In actuality, it was more around £38,500. 
I talked it over briefly with everyone, and I decided to sign the contract. I made an £8,000 deposit for June 16th. It would be a Saturday and not too early within the month! I would have to make the full payment at most a week before the event. I would’ve paid upfront, but everyone advised me not to. I’m guessing they would’ve tried something…or something.
I had £11,500 leftover, and I was so glad I had all the ladies by my side, or else I would’ve probably given the money back to Tommy. I was dead set on buying my dress with my own money, but I think I could buy it with the budget instead. A lot was already settled by booking the rooms at the Ritz, including the floral arrangements, chairs, tables, and catering. However, it didn’t include entertainment, aka music. Angie and Cassie suggested I do party favors, but Polly was against the idea. She didn’t see the point in it, and truthfully, I saw both of their issues.
Hell, did you know Tommy and I weren’t even supposed to be throwing our engagement party? According to Angie, it’s supposed to be thrown by the bride’s parents or a friend or relative. It stung to hear that it was supposed to be my parents’ responsibility, but I was swift to bury the feeling. 
I loved them with all my heart, but it was time to move on… You know?
I’m guessing the reason Tommy wanted us to throw the party rather than leave it into someone else’s hands was a grab at staying in control. I would’ve had an issue with someone else planning the party, too, but would’ve liked to have the conversation first. Plus, I didn’t want this to become a big thing on the day either. 
I was dreading the whispers these posh bitches were gonna have! They would go on and on about us being lower class ‘n it showing ‘cause we didn’t have the party the “proper” way. 
After booking the Ritz, we headed back to Cassie’s flat to reconvene and get started on those invitations. They were to be handwritten as per Angie’s instruction. Having about seven pairs of hands writing was better than only one, so I was thankful for the help. It was going to be a grand party, alright! Immediate families were definitely invited, but then came the outsiders. 
While working for Dom, I made a few friends and thought it was only fitting to invite them. Some of them saved my arse a few times on the job, so might as well! Then I took Tom’s interests into mind and thought about inviting some businessmen to the party. Luckily, I didn’t even have to introduce the notion since my gals brought it up themselves. Angie said she’d be happy to invite some people she knew, as did Tina, but I reckon her connections were women rather than men. Cassie said she would as well ‘n ask Dougie for some names, including his father if I wanted. 
I told them I’d ask Tommy if it was okay. Polly seemed to like my response as she rubbed my thigh under the table ‘n gave me a grin. We continued with the invitations till we decided to eat lunch. Afterward, we just hung out. Some point during that time, Polly and Ada both told me how they were upset with Linda since she did what she did at the family meeting. I aired my grievances too, and we took the piss outta ‘er. Refreshing really!
At the end of the day, when I was at home with Percy ‘n later on, Tommy, I asked him about how he felt with all these outsiders coming to our party.
This man was a fucking master at micro-expressions, but I had the eyes of a hawk!
Tom tried to appear indifferent about the proposition, but I saw the furrow in his brow. I never thought I would ever go through the whole “coaxing the truth out of my partner” event, but there I was. After softening him up with neck kisses and a massage, he finally told me the truth. 
There were two things: he wasn’t sure that I would be 100% okay with him doing business on the day, and he didn’t like the fact they would be by default “my connections.” Like I worried, Tom felt emasculated that he was getting help from his wife-to-be rather than his own influences. 
“Oh, my love.” I kissed his shoulder before shuffling off the bed, standing before him, then straddling his lap. I took his face into my hands and peppered his face with kisses. “First of all, I know you, Thomas Shelby. There will hardly be a day that you’re not working, and I know eventually that’ll get on me nerves. However, who gives a fuck, eh? It’s just an engagement party.” I chuckled.
Tommy scoffed with a smirk on his face. His eyes drifted all over mine just as he began stroking my cheek with his thumb. 
I continued, “Meet these people, hmm? Give them a run for their money, or whatever it is you do.” We both laughed at that. “People will always talk, love. You told me that, no? They’ll gossip abar how we got together, our age gap, and our pasts. I say fuck ‘em. All that matters is that we persevere and appear as a solidified unit.”
“That right?”
I nodded. “Is fucking right. We’ll both give them one hell of a stern look. Make them shake in their boots.” I ran my fingers through his hair before placing a hard kiss on his lips. 
Tommy took a deep breath through his nose, staring into my eyes. “Aliena Welsh, the love of my life, how was I so lucky to ‘ave found you?”
I looked away and pursed my lips as my head tipped to the left. I hummed, “I don’t know.”
Tom caressed me as he whispered, “Don’t ever change, Aliena. I need you. I need you by my side more than you know.”
“And I you.” Our mouths smashed together, which led to us having sex.
I asked about the entertainment the morning after, which was again left up to me. I met up with only the girls this time, seeing as Polly and Ada had work ‘n we went looking for a band or something. 
See, I wanted a jazz band, but the loudness of the playing might’ve not been appropriate for this kind of party. I also wanted a female and male singer because as much as I love some good plain instrumentals— I fucking miss lyrics! I hired a Blues & Jazz band or company by the end of the morning. I don’t know. I let Angie handle this one. 
I was there at the transactions, giving my input when asked, but I was more concerned about Percy. He’s been babbling more, sleeping through the night, loves colours, and has a bit more object permanence. That means he loves peek-a-boo right now, and his case of the grabby hands has gotten worse. But I love it all!
I was happy to tell the girls that Tommy approved of the extended invitation list, and we spent the rest of the day writing the rest of them. Once I returned home, I had taken the time to handwrite my loved ones’ invitations myself. It would’ve been too awkward had I done them at Cassie’s flat. 
Eventually, I decided against doing party favors but welcomed Cassie or Angie to take up the job if they wished. They both told me that if I didn’t want them, then the idea was sacked. By the way, the entertainment cost £3,000 since it was £100 an hour and I decided 10 hours would be best. 
The day after, I went dress shopping with Anne. I wanted to see if the dress I had in mind existed before I went ‘n visited Sinead, my dressmaker. Sinead was a master of her craft even at her young age. I’ve been with her from the very beginning, though I’ve only recently remembered her name. 
‘Sorry, Sinead.’
I didn’t manage to find what I was looking for and, as such, went to give Sinead a visit. The lass always knew what I sought. My clothing descriptions sucked, but she never failed to understand my gibberish. It’s why I paid her so much. This outfit would cost me around £650. After ordering the dress and the matching headband, we went for a walk in the park. Playgrounds weren’t a big thing yet, and even if they were— I wouldn’t take Percy anywhere near one. 
I didn’t want him contracting anything from other kids. He stayed in his pram the entire time and was only out in my or Anne’s arms. We went home around midday. Upon Tom’s arrival, I reported all my expenses to him and was happy to say that I had more than £7k leftover of the budget. 
I swear to God that his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree! There was no way he’d ever express it, but I knew he loved having that much money left over from the budget.
I knew my soon-to-be husband. I asked him whether or not he would order himself a new tailored suit for the occasion. He loved the idea but acted indifferently. He was on cloud fucking 9. It led to some enthusiastic love-making that night! However, even if everything was in order— the party planning continued. 
I had to pick the decorations, the table pieces, the flowers, the chairs, the tables, the food, the drinks, and then the music. I had to choose which pieces I wanted to listen to, what was acceptable ‘n at what point during the night. It was insane, and quite frankly, I wanted Tommy beside me. I wanted him to help me pick everything seeing as this was a party to celebrate us, and I was confident enough to ask him. 
I don’t know why I was worried; he gave me an automatic yes. We made a whole day of it with Percy and Anne. Anne was only there if we needed her to take care of Percy. However, it was more like she got the day off, seeing as Tommy wanted to carry his son the entire time. It was so cute! Tommy was wearing his signature peaked cap, but he’s been wearing ones without a razor ‘cause of Percy’s grabby hands. Anyway, Percy eventually decided to attack his father’s hat ‘n the cap kept passing between them!
My ovaries were hurting at the sight! I almost broke my promise, I swear, just to keep that sight!
It was funny seeing Tommy ordering people ‘round with a baby in his arms. One I got to see all to myself! God, if this is a dream— I don’t want to wake up. By the way, this took place in the course of three months. When it was May, it was a lot of rehearsals and making sure everything was as planned. Yeah, another “event” that took place during May was another announcement made by the newly engaged couple.
Linda and Arthur announced that they would be having the wedding this year and two months after Tommy and I’s engagement party. Honestly, Tommy and I were miffed, but not as much as last time. I think if they tried to have it anywhere near the same time we chose, then it was going to be a real problem. Do I even have to mention that Polly was annoyed? No, right? Because that has to practically be a given by now! 
May came ‘n went till finally, it was the big day!
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June 16th of 1923 was a momentous day for the Shelby Estate. The lady of the house spent the whole morning being pampered by her maids. The madam was given a massage, a facial, a good scrubbing, a manicure, and a pedicure. Everybody in the house knows that the madam took special care of her body just for this one day. 
Aliena Welsh exercised her arse off to fit into her new dress that was designed to be one size smaller than what she previously was. Every woman in the house was holding their breath, begging to all that’s holy that she fit ‘cause if she didn’t, then God only knows what will happen! They’ve yet to see their mistress freak out, and they were hoping today wouldn’t be the day. It would be pitiful. 
She even got her hair done again since the roots had grown. Anyway, after the spa morning— they got into the real nitty-gritty of this operation! The Shelby maids have till 6 o'clock this evening to make their madam look the most beautiful belle of the ball. 
Aliena’s hair was covered in pins seeing as she was going for finger waves. However, she had too much thick hair. That meant that while the top of her head was covered in pins, the lower half was to be curled. Though Anne wanted to be the one to take care of her mistress, she was given the task to oversee the young master. Perseus Shelby would attend the party for a good hour or two before being whisked away by his most trusted maid/nanny, Anne. 
Speaking of the boys, Tommy took his son to visit the stables. He brought him real close and personal to the beasts he so openly adored. Percy loved them, especially their soft coats. Tom couldn’t describe how proud he felt that his son managed a smile. He wouldn’t know what he’d had done if he began to cry. Perhaps, Tommy would have just tried another time when the lad was a bit older. Seeing as babies are often frightened at loud noises and tall beings. 
When they were done with the horses, Tommy and Percy took a bath together at Aliena’s request. She said it’d be a bonding experience for them to have. Tom didn’t think it appropriate at first, seeing as he’d never heard of it being done before; however, he grew rather fond of it when he actually tried it. It was a pure moment that Tom would remember for the rest of his life. Afterward, Tom handed off his little one to Anne.
It wouldn’t take long for the men to get ready, but it was best to prepare beforehand. After all, they had to be at the hotel earlier to ensure everything was perfect. 
Tommy Shelby recently received a fresh cut, so his hair took up no time. He shaved, added aftershave, then wiped off the excess. Tommy took his time putting on his suit, which he had to do within the confines of his bathroom, seeing as his fiancée was hoarding their bedroom. After smoothing everything out ‘n tugging on his suit jack and cuffs, Tommy walked confidently into the room and chose his watch as well as his accessories. 
Tom decided to wear the ring and earring Aliena had gifted him. How could he not after finding out she was doing the same? She planned to wear the same earring and the butterfly ‘n teardrop earrings. There was something oddly possessive about Ali wearing the jewelry Tommy bought for her. He knew she would be hard to resist come the time she adorns them.
Tom kissed her cheek as he walked by; the women were still fussing over her hair. His fiancée was in nothing but her white, lace undergarments and robe. God have mercy on his soul! After annoying them, he walked into the nursery, where it would seem Percy was having a grand ole time.
Tom had instructed Anne earlier that it would be best to put Percy in something light after his bath. Aliena had picked out Percy’s outfit, and Tommy was not going to run the risk of being the reason why his son managed to ruin it. So, his boy was romping around on the rug-covered floor with Anne. He and Anne were playing with the blocks Tommy had got him. 
Tom sniffed loudly before hiking up his pants as he crouched down. “Is all right, Anne. I’ll take care of him now. Go ‘n help Aliena finish getting ready.” The man shuffled closer to his son before sitting down next to him. Anne rose to her feet gracefully and bowed before leaving Tom to his child. 
When Anne returned to the bedroom, the maids were still fretting over Aliena’s hair. The older woman clapped her hands, and the room fell silent. “Okay, everyone,” She began, “let’s all calm down and tell me what’s going on.” Multiple women talked over each other, trying to inform Anne of their dilemma, but ultimately it came from the Madam herself.
Ali sighed as her right elbow rested on her vanity mirror. She looked pretty exasperated. “It seems they are worried about whether or not my curls will hold. My hair is too thick; they said ‘n fear they should’ve started earlier.”
Anne tutted as she waved off the other maids from her mistress’s hair. “Poppycock! Let’s see what we can do, huh!” Anne worked her magic as she added in styling products ‘n knowledge she wouldn’t divulge to any of her other coworkers. Perhaps she would tell Aliena all her secrets if she asked.
 Though Anne solved the hair issue— they’ve yet to start on Aliena’s makeup. Only when she looked into the mirror Ali’s face was finished. The young woman glanced at Anne via the mirror and continued to apply mascara. Ali couldn’t help but chuckle at the older woman’s surprised eyes. Ali muttered, “I got it, Anne. Can you tell me what time it is?”
Anne cleared her throat silently before looking around the room. Another maid noticed this and said, “‘S 2:25.” Anne nodded, turned back to face Ali, and repeated the time. 
Aliena sighed as she looked over her face. She applied her usual base but went with thick winged eyeliner, mascara, brown eyeshadow, white inner corner, blush, and a bold red lip. Aliena smiled at herself before turning toward her staff. “Anne, can you get Percy ready or tell Tommy to get him dressed?” Turning toward the rest of them, she said. “I’ll be putting on my dress; then we’ll take my hair down.” 
Everybody took their places. Anne briskly walked back into the nursery, where the master and young master were taking a nap. Her heart soared at the sight, but she had an emotionless facial expression plastered on. Anne stood at the doorway with her hands at her stomach. “Mr. Shelby.” She began. Tom’s eyes flew open as if he were never awake.
“What is it, Anne?” He asked without missing a beat.
“The Madam would like Percy to be changed now. Shall I do it, or shall I leave it to you, sir?” Her gaze fell upon the sleeping five-month-old and found her heartbreaking at the thought of waking ‘em up.
Tom looked down at his son’s sleeping face. He was absolutely adorable with his drool ‘n all. Tom shook his head. “I can do it, Anne. Go ‘n help, Aliena, as I’ve told ya.” Tom slowly rose to his feet and gently tossed Percy higher in his arms just as Anne bowed before leaving the room. 
There was no easy way to wake your child, but Tom was determined. See if Tom tried and let Percy sleep, then he’s the arsehole when the baby wakes up while he’s being changed. Tommy began rocking Percy ‘n softly, calling his name in the little one’s ear. Percy whimpered but slowly opened up his eyes. 
Tommy cooed at the boy, trying to stop Percy from bawling his eyes out, but there was no stopping the floodgate. “Aw, I’m sorry, son. Daddy’s sorry, darling. Daddy’s so sorry.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at the situation he was in. Tommy never thought he’d have this. He felt he didn’t deserve it. “How about you help me get you all dressed up, and then you can go back to sleep, eh? Do a deal with Dad?”
Though Percy was too young to comprehend his father’s words, the bouncing ‘n his daddy’s voice soothed him to the point where his cries settled into whimpers again. The clothes had been lying on the changing table since Percy’s got out of the shower, so all Tom had to do was lay him on it. 
It wasn’t often that Tommy had to change a dirty nappy, but when he could, he did. In all honesty, Aliena and Tommy left the dirty nappies to their maids whenever they could. That’s what they’re there for. But Tommy began changing his baby boy into a clean one. He put the dirty nappy in the laundry bin, wiped all of Percy’s private areas clean, and added some baby powder. Tommy made sure to rub the power into his son’s chubby leg rolls as Aliena instructed before finally slipping on the boy’s clean nappy. 
Also, under his wife-to-be’s instructions, Tommy tried being as comical as possible. Tom made various faces ‘n talked in an exaggerated tone, but it was worth the smiles his boy gave him. Percy’s outfit includes a blue-collar white shirt with black trousers. There was an undershirt the baby was to wear as well. The only thing Tom was unsure about was whether or not she wanted him to tuck in Percy’s shirt. Tom voted tucked in, so tucked it was! 
When Tom was done, he picked up his baby boy in his arms. He cleared his throat loudly as he hauled Percy up before reaching into his pocket and grabbing his watch. They were cutting it close for time. Tom sniffed before walking back into his bedroom. 
Aliena was nearly done as she held out her arms for two maids to slip on her white satin gloves. Once they had, Aliena tugged them at the elbows and again at every finger as she started to walk back to her vanity. However, she caught her boys standing at the nursery’s doorway.
Simultaneously, Tommy was looking at his fiancée in awe. She looked beyond beautiful in her white beaded and fringed gown. Her makeup was bold, something Tommy had never seen her in. It was more sophisticated than the natural look she usually adorned. Tommy swears he’s never seen Aliena’s hair so short, and while it went well with the look— he wouldn’t trade it for her long hair for anything. 
His Ali was standing there, dressed more appropriately to the times, but her personality still shined through. As always, Tommy was correct; the dress was designed to have a plunging sweetheart neckline which wasn’t common till about the 1940s. Her bejeweled headband was white and had a floral pattern. The length of her dress covered Aliena’s shoes, but they were white heels. The heels were no more than four inches, as were favored by the times. 
Tommy smiled— genuinely smiled as he said, “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
Aliena’s blush intensified, and she couldn’t help but act silly. She struck a pose before waving him off. They met each other halfway and shared several kisses. “You look rather handsome yourself,” Aliena replied as she stared deep into those familiar baby blues. Speaking of baby, Ali dropped her gaze to Percy, and she squealed. “Who is the most cutest baby boy around? Huh! Give me my baby!” 
Ali reached for Percy ‘n Tommy helped her carry him. Ali limited her range to his temple to save Percy from having very apparent red kisses on his face. “You are just so cute!” She gushed while swaying him back and forth. The boy laughed in his mother’s arms. 
“Love, we ‘ave to be leaving soon.” Tommy felt guilty cutting short such a sweet moment, but they had to be going seeing as they had a two-hour drive ahead of themselves. 
Aliena groaned before parting from Percy, who remained all smiles. She exhaled sharply before holding Percy out for Tom to take. “All right, then! Let me take a look of myself in the mirror, and then we’ll be off.” However, she didn’t stop there. “Anne, go ‘n make sure we ‘ave everything ready for Percy. His nappies, bottles, change of clothes if necessary— everything! Marie, dear, fetch Mr. Shelby’s and I’s coats. The white one for me and—”
“Marie, I won’t be needing my coat,” Tommy cut in. 
Ali’s gaze remained on herself, but she asked. “Oh? Why?” Before the man could respond, the Madam stood up straight ‘n dusted off her hands as she continued. “Nevermind his coat then. Just find a white scarf for ‘em, just in case. That alright, darling?”
“Yes, that’s all right.” Tom nodded, his eyes locking with Ali’s as she walked past him toward the bathroom. Tom looked around the room and noticed hardly anyone but Anne had moved. However, one glance from ‘em and they were scattering outta the room like rats. 
Tom bounced Percy in his arms, noticing the boy was trying to get his small grubby hands on his bowtie. “Oh no, love, that’s Daddy’s. Aliena, will you be long, or shall I go ‘n get the car ready?”
“Go ‘n get the car ready, hun!” She shouted over the toilet flush. Tommy didn’t hesitate to walk out of the room with their son in his arms as he made his way throughout their mansion. Meanwhile, Aliena was upstairs drying her hands then rushing to put back on her gloves. 
As she made her way out of the bedroom, Aliena caught Anne leaving the nursery. Aliena asked her, “Didja get Percy’s coat and hat as well, Anne?”
Anne nodded, her hands full with a suitcase and basket. “Of course, Ma’am. I’ve got it all in here.”
“Thank God! I swear, Anne, I’ve never been so nervous in my fucking life!”
Anne chuckled behind Ali. “Oh, you’re going to be just fine, Aliena. Relax and let your hard work pay off.”
Ali giggled as she waved off Anne’s words. “I know you’re right, but I can’t get that stupid pit out of my stomach. Oh well, not like I can back out now, can I?” Aliena laughed again as she hopped off the last step of the stairs. 
Under her breath, Anne muttered. “No, you can not.”
Aliena was out the door and in the door in no time. “Is everyone out of the house? Who’s gonna lock up?”
Tom replied, “Yeah, everyone’s outta the house. I’ll have some men guarding while we’re gone, but gone ahead and told one of them to lock up once we leave.”
Ali nodded. “Good. Well, I’m ready. You have my coat, right?”
“Right here.”
“Leo, drive.”
“Yes, Mr. Shelby, sir!”
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The party was going off without a hitch. Anyone who received an invitation accepted and elected to go. This included all the “outsiders,” Johnny Dogs, the Lees, and Isaiah ‘n Jeremiah. It made for quite a big event! One where Tommy never left his lovely fiancée's side. 
Well, at least he didn’t leave her side till night fell. 
But before we talk about the night, let’s start at the beginning. First of all, before the rest of the Shelby's arrived— Aliena was running around making sure everything was perfect with Tommy not too far behind. People didn’t start showing up till an hour later, and the first was Cassie and Dougie. Cassie lived at the Ritz, so it was hardly a journey. She arrived on the dot and practically kidnapped Percy from his father.
Next to arrive were Polly and Michael, who sucked at hiding his true feelings. Everyone could tell that the lad was more or less sad at the union, and I mean everyone! After was John and Esme, along with their horde of children. The pattern of arrival began switching from Shelby to Aliena’s mates. 
A potential business connection would surprise the couple with their early arrival here and there, but they kept their calm appearances. Johnny Dogs and the Lees were tricked in their invitations. Aliena wrote them that the event took place two hours earlier than it was as a way to get them to arrive on time. 
Dougie’s, Angie’s, Tina’s, and Horace’s parents arrived later than the rest. Dom came not long after the party began, and Aliena’s reaction to the man’s arrival threw Tommy off. If she had told him that Dominic Johnson was her father, he’d have to believe her ‘cause of her reaction! The girl practically jumped into his arms!
Tommy’s interactions with said parents were strained since many were classists at heart, but he managed to charm Dougie’s and Tina’s parents. Dougie’s father worked in a trade like Tom’s, so they bonded in that. However, with Tina’s father— well, the man was just weak. He was easy to befriend, charm, and manipulate. Tina’s mother was no better, and Tom realized where Tina got her timid nature from. Aliena came to the same realization.  
Angie and Horace’s parents were so far up their own arses that they didn’t realize they were rude to the literal couple they were supposed to be congratulating. Aliena and Tom handled it like champs, though! They kept their smiles and took turns putting the older couples on their arses. Witty banter ‘n all that jazz!
Tom and Dom had a weird talk. Again, the older gentlemen came across as Ali’s father figure. Something he had never been expecting, seeing as the girl’s birth father is dead. Tom didn’t stand down and took Dom’s challenge head-on. He took the insults, the suspicions, and thinly disguised threats. Tom only hoped to God that he’d only have to suffer through it this one day.
Once everyone arrived within the allotted hour they were granted, Tommy and Aliena urged everyone to find a table as dinner began. Tommy and Aliena sat at the most oversized table surrounded by their families. The room was filled with chatter, smiles, and grimaces. The only saving grace was the food. Of course, they served sophisticated courses at the Ritz-Carlton!
Both sides of the family decided it appropriate to share stories about the celebrated couple. Something the two felt conflicted about. They were fine when the accounts were sweet and harmless but felt the sweat comin’ on when specific information was divulged. Shins were kicked often during dinner, as were subtle glares. 
After dinner, the guests were allowed to move around all three rooms that Aliena booked for the evening. Percy stayed with them for at least another hour before he was sent to Cassie’s room to rest with Anne. Meanwhile, the party was roaring strong downstairs. 
Tommy left Ali’s side in favor of talking business to those extra guests while Aliena spoke to anyone who came to her. It seemed to go reasonably well, and Tom made new contacts. However, throughout the night, two obstacles become clear to him—the gossip of his unfamiliar guests as well as the interference done by Aliena’s mates.
Just as they feared, loud-spoken people drawled on and on about how shameless the two were. They ragged on about their age gap, social standing, and Tom’s “obvious” shortcomings. They were both leeches, according to some of their guests. Aliena and Tom paid no mind to these loud whispers, and if someone dared to voice their concerns to their faces— they dealt with that as well.
“We are two consenting adults, who fell in love,” Aliena replied with a tranquil tone ‘n smile. “Did you feel the same when you married your husband, Mrs. Roberts? I’m sure despite the arrangement, it was still a happy union made, right?”
“Yes, I am indeed quite a bit older than my soon-to-be wife; however, you’ll find that we are both quite happy. She’s one of the great joys of my life, along with my son. But thank you for your concern. We’re going to be just fine.” Tommy would eloquently state.
“Yes, Tommy was born in Small Heath, Birmingham. He’s come a long way since then using his intelligence and drive. I’m proud to say I’ll be wedded to a man who not only fought for his country but fought for his ambitions in life. It built the foundation of his company and all we are thankful for. Not all men can say they earned what they own like my fiancé can.” Aliena said sweetly before sipping her champagne. 
That was all one thing, but then there was the second. It was not only the mates Tommy was familiar with, no. There were people coming up to him— many of whom were men, telling him all about his Ali and how lucky he was to have her.
Tom was having a conversation with Douglas, who’s had a few since dinner. The man was 27 years old and fought in the war same as Tom. For that, Douglas had Tom’s respect, but he wouldn’t go as far as to call ‘em a friend. 
Douglas cleared his throat before taking a pull of his cigarette. “Say, Thomas, do you know Aliena’s favorite colour?”
Undisturbed, Tom replied. “It’s teal.”
Douglass hummed. “Do you know what her favorite alcoholic beverage is?”
Tom blinked before replying, “Ah, I think it was a gin ‘n tonic. It’s been almost a year since she’s had a drink.”
“Yeah, it has, hasn’t it? God, you should’ve seen her, Tom! She was the absolute life of the party! Ali’s gone drink for drink with me before, has she told you?”
Tom looked down at his whiskey before shaking his head. “No, she hasn’t.” 
Douglas hummed again, taking another pull. “You know, Thomas, I didn’t say this last time ‘cause it was our first time meeting ‘n all plus you scare the shit out of me. But, I love Ali like a younger sister, and that’s saying something ‘cause I have older sisters. So, I’ll just get this over with.”
“That would be nice.” Tom quipped.
“If you hurt her, I’ll hurt you, and despite us being on good terms now— don’t doubt my ability nor any of our abilities to make your life a living hell.”
* * *
“Oh, I’m a friend of Aliena’s. We met during her time in London. She’s a strong woman,” said an American man.
“I’m a friend of Aliena’s. We met at a party. She’s one of a kind, isn’t she! You’re one lucky man. A woman like her will walk with you through the fires of hell,” said another man.
“Oh, I was invited. Yeah, I met Aliena through a mutual mate. She was a real party girl when we met! Had all the lads lookin’ at her when she walked into a room, especially when she danced! And Christ, that girl knows how to dance.” The raven-haired woman looked Tom up and down before smiling. “I’m glad to see that she settle down. She kind of worried me from time to time. Hopefully, you ‘n her will live a long life together, eh!”
There were at least eight more interactions like that. It became so ridiculous that Tommy eventually felt annoyed. He was annoyed and confused. It had Tom so dazed that he naturally drifted back to Aliena, who wasn’t expecting him back that soon. He took her into his arms, hugging her from behind. Aliena welcomed the surprise and acknowledged him with a kiss before turning back to her conversation. 
Tommy stood behind her like a pillar as he worked on compartmentalizing his feelings. Storing it away to be dealt with another day. He never questioned their relationship before, and he wasn't now. However, Tom was barely coming to terms that she had a life outside of the family. He knew the girl could befriend the damndest of people, but that was a lot.
The party ended around two in the morning. Everyone stumbled out of the hotel in droves. Tom drove his little family back home and delighted in the sight of his lover holding his child. Aliena tried to fight it, but she was yawning every five seconds. Tom's sure that she would've been passed out if it wasn't for the babe in her arms. 
Percy was everything to them. They'd murder, maim, frame anyone for him. It's just instinct to a parent. Or at least, it should be. When they arrived home, it was four in the morning. They'd be sleeping all day if their little one allowed it.
Only as Tom watched Ali put down their sleeping son from the doorway connecting their rooms, he wasn’t feeling tired anymore. They ended the day making slow, sweet love.
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Tom’s had a lot to deal with during these past two months. He was getting hit from both business and familial prospects of his life. Arthur asked him to be the best man at his wedding while Churchill put him through the wringer. The man wouldn’t tell him what he was needed for, not yet anyhow! Churchill was sending him on wild goose chases— tests! Testing Tom’s ability to see if he could handle whatever big mission he had in store for him.
The only thing that kept him going was his wife and son. Arthur was a pain in the arse because he became an awkward man after his “conversion.” His older brother was in this limbo between redeemed man and the dog he’d once been. The dog had been leashed, and ownership was taken— stolen. Linda swiped the leash from Tommy’s hand, and he knew there was no way he’d get that leash back fully. He could borrow Arthur but had to give him back by the end of the day.
That being said, the dog knew who his original owner was and remained submissive. As long as Arthur remained in his place, everything else didn’t matter.
The wedding would take place on the 15th of August as chosen by the happy couple. It was laughable how insecure and jealous Linda was of Tom’s family. Perhaps it wasn’t that; maybe she just wanted to secure her position as Arthur’s legal spouse. That woman wanted her claws so far into his brother that no one would question if there were ever there. Again, Tommy didn’t care as long as they both stayed in their place.
So, Tom accepted the position. He was honored and glad he could help his older brother in such a monumental moment in his life. Lord knows that Arthur would need the help if he wanted to be included in his own wedding at all. Otherwise, it’d be a one-woman show. 
Rather fondly, Tom remembers the conversation he and Ali had as they made their way back to ‘de ‘ouse. They both complained about the couple. How Linda acted the entire time they’d known her, and how subservient Arthur had become. It was laughable, so they did. That’s when Tom knew that he didn’t like it when they stepped out of line either. 
Tom was King, and since Aliena’s the mother of his child ‘n fiancée, she’s to be Queen. The sharks were sniffing for blood. The storm was brewing: Blah-blah and all that good jazz. Point was money was being made; the situation allowed for positions to rise. His family wasn’t idiotic; they were just slower on the uptake. Some desperately wanted a new King to ascend, but Tommy was never letting go. Not until he was good and ready, and since he’s barely received his crown— it wasn’t going to be any time soon.
Plus, Tom wasn’t so sure that he ever wanted to stop. Talking to Ali changed a lot of things. She made it his decision— it would be all on him whichever path he chose. If he tried to go straight and ended up soft, it might bite him on the arse later in life when the wolves come to the door. On the other hand, continuing on this path means he might accumulate more enemies over time, putting his family’s lives in even more danger. Either way, he’s fucked! 
Tommy kept telling himself that he didn’t have to choose now and that he could put it off; however, deep down, he knew he had already made his choice. He just hopes Percy can forgive him. Hopes that all his children will understand his decisions. 
Tom kept his head down as he walked into the building of Churchill’s office. Upon his first encounter with the man, he was instructed that he was to meet him at 12:30, always. Their meetings would, hopefully, only take 30 minutes to avoid being seen by Churchill’s secretary. Tom beelined it from the man’s office and knocked before he entered. 
The older man was diligently sitting at his desk ‘n didn’t even lift his head as he acknowledged Tom. “Good afternoon, Mr. Shelby. Have a seat, and let us discuss business.”
Tom closed the door behind him before sitting down in the chair Churchill suggested. He fished into his pocket for his cigarette case. True to his word, Tom didn't smoke around his baby, but he smoked a helluva lot outside. 
"So, I've read the report. You've impressed me with the results once again, Mr. Shelby," said Churchill as he shifted through a manilla folder. 
Tom exhaled before leaning back. He didn't care to respond, seeing as no reply would benefit the conversation. 
"Yes, well, I suppose killing a man becomes easier the more times you do it. After all, we had plenty of practice in the war."
Again, Tom said nothing to the comment. He only scoffed softly before taking another drag. 
"Mr. Shelby, I've decided that you are now ready to receive the full details on what these whole tedious meetings have been for." Churchill reached down into his drawer and tossed a bulky manila folder toward Tom. "It would seem that we've recently come into business with Russia."
Jesus fucking Christ! Russia! What the ‘ell was the government getting involved with Russia for? How the hell was Tommy gonna benefit from this situation? And how far would this take his family up the food chain? 
Churchill gave him a summary of the background of the mission before getting to his objective. 
Churchill cleared his throat. "So it's finally out in the open. You can't tell a soul, and if you do, no one would believe you, and the government would hang you for treason. If anyone from your family should spread this information— because you will eventually tell them, they will reach the same fate. No matter the gender or age. Do we have an understanding, Mr. Shelby?"
Without hesitation, Tommy replied. "Yes, I understand." He wasn't threatened in the least. Well, he felt the weight of the threat, but Tom would never let it show. He couldn't deny the sharp pain in his heart when the man in front of him practically threatened not only his family but his future wife as well. He couldn't stop the image of her swinging past his mind no sooner than he'd like. 
"Good. Now, enough with that. I'd like to meet with you at least one more time before we get into things, seeing as these meetings must be kept brief and all. It's been brought to my attention that someone is beginning to notice these secret meetings between you and me. As far as I know, they haven't discovered your identity, but nonetheless, the venue of where we meet will have to change. You see, there is a charity party being hosted in New York next month; I am working on getting you an invitation. Very exclusive this charity, but still, who could question your right to be there as a businessman and the social standing your fiancée has. I'm sure convincing your lovely fiancée will be easy for you, but make it happen."
"I don't want my fiancée anywhere near this business," replied Tommy as he flicked off the ash at the end of his cigarette. 
Churchill sighed before stating, “Unfortunately, Mr. Shelby, that was not a suggestion. It was an order. Having Ms. Welsh there will provide sufficient cover for you. Otherwise, your appearance at an elite social level event will draw in wandering eyes.”
Thomas Shelby was a secure man who loved his fiancée with all his “cold heart.” Aliena’s time by herself proved to be fruitful since she made connections to influential people in a social class higher than theirs. 
Thomas wasn’t used to the help or at least the help from someone he didn’t manipulate into helping him.  Did it hurt his pride? A little, but he’d never admit it to anyone. 
The point is that Tom always thought of Aliena’s higher social status as an advantage, but at that moment, he’d wished her friends had hidden her away like a dirty secret. Tom said nothing in reply to Churchill’s statement and took another drag instead. 
The older man did the same to his cigar before asking, “Do we have an understanding, Mr. Shelby?”
Tom cleared his throat. “Yes, we have an understanding.” 
“Good. I will send you the invitations for you and your fiancée as soon as possible. Dismissed, Mr. Shelby.”
Without reply, Tommy stubbed out his cigarette and left. Inside he was irritated. He desperately wanted to keep Ali away from this business, but there was no way out of this. He knew that if he gave it to her straight, she’d understand, but there was just something in the back of his head preventing him from talking. 
Tom knew his lovely little wife was capable of bloodshed ‘n violence. She’d killed a man, and he had a front-row ticket to the bloody assault of a woman who messed with her best mate. However, the information just wasn’t sticking to his brain. He saw his quirky, crybaby Aliena. 
He was the brooding grump who could make people tremble from a single look while she drew people in. After you got over your initial impression of her. As Aliena states, “She has a resting bitch face that makes people think she’s mad all the time.” Aliena was a short glass of giggles, smiles, twitches, and ramblings. Like the residents of Birmingham said, she was the Light of the Peaky Blinders. 
There was something in him that wanted to keep that statement alive for as long as they lived. Tom didn’t want to wake up one day and hear people calling her the she-devil to his devilish status. 
Tom made it back to the office around two or three in the afternoon. He spent much of his time catching up on work that the meetings with Churchill usually took. Tom didn’t eat lunch ‘n he didn’t stop working for anything— only to pour himself another drink. 
On an average day, he’d sit in that chair till around ten at night or something like that. However, today would be one of those special days when he’d surprise his small family by coming home early. He left the office around six and arrived home at seven. 
Tom had his last whiskey and smoke at the office ‘n now that he was home— he’d refrain from all his vices. Anne greeted him at the door and quickly helped him out of his coat. He handed her his cap as well before shouting, “Sweetheart, I’m ‘ome!”
He heard her pounding footsteps before he actually laid eyes on her. Aliena had a black headband on with a few framing hairs curling around the sides of her face. She had on a black silk slip and a gold dressing gown accented with various coloured flowers. As for shoes, she had on some black house slippers. 
She was absolutely breathtaking.
Before he could greet her with his semi-usual embrace and kiss, she took his hands in hers as she shouted with a grin on her face, “Tommy, you have to see this! C’mon, c’mon!”
Her infectious happiness had a habit of rubbing off on him, so he tried his best to stifle the smile that threatened to stretch across his face. “All right, love, I’m right behind ya.”
She dragged him into the parlous-slash-family room, where his son was sitting down on a blanket as he played with his toy horse. “Sit,” Aliena commanded as she pushed Tom down onto the sofa. She gave him one last ecstatic smile before turning around and getting down on her knees. Tom patiently waited to see what she had in store for him and wondered how it involved their baby.
Aliena scootched closer to Percy before holding her arms out and saying, “Percy, my love, come to Mummy. Come to Mama, baby.” Tom’s heart skipped a beat, and he sat on the edge of his seat. Their son didn’t give Aliena any mind at first, but when he realized his Mama was calling for ‘em— he didn’t hesitate to throw his horse away. 
Ali continued to call for Percy, and not a second after throwing away his toy, did their boy fall onto his hands ‘n knees and made his way toward her. Tom felt an indescribable amount of love and happiness that made him almost feel like he wasn’t in his body. Like this wasn’t his life, a life that he didn’t deserve to have due to all of his many sins. But here he was, with the loves of his life. 
Percy crawled to Ali’s knees and was beginning to push himself up when Ali scooped him up. She pressed a bunch of kisses against his cheek and cheered him on for doing so well. Her gaze fell to his, and she smiled at him. “He just started today. We were working on it practically all day.”
Tom smiled without any reservations, but he didn’t know what to say. Aliena shifted her gaze from Percy, then back to him, then asked. “Do you want to see if he’ll crawl over to you?”
Surprisingly when he replied, “Yeah,” it came out soft and strained. Tom could feel all the beginnings of a good cry, but he didn’t want to deal with it. So, he tried calming down as much as he could. 
Aliena kissed Percy’s cheek once more before placing him on the floor. “Go to Daddy, Percy. Go on. Crawl to Daddy.” 
Tom bent down and reached out for ‘em as best he could. “Come to Papa, Percy.” Tom and Ali kept repeating themselves until Percy made his way over to Tom. Percy crawled up to Tom’s shoes and managed to curl his fingers around his Papa’s pant legs before being hauled up into his father’s arms. Tommy pressed a kiss to his son’s temples, then his cheek. He muttered against him, “Oh, my sweet boy. Eh, kiddo, you did it! Hmm!” Tom didn’t want to let him go, so he didn’t. The man was so enamored with his son that Tom didn’t want to hand Percy over even when Ali sat beside them.  
“Soon, he’ll be saying his first words,” Aliena whispered as she stroked the side of Tom’s head. “Sometimes, I swear Percy calls for me. His babbles have been sounding more and more like ‘Ma-Ma-Ma’.”
Tommy pulled away from Percy and found himself staring into the same blue eyes he had. “He’s growing up so fast.” Tom stroked Percy’s face with his thumbs before pulling him back in with a kiss to the babe’s forehead. Percy was busy trying to take Tom’s tie. 
Aliena hummed in agreement. “Yeah, he is.” She reached over and began stroking Percy’s tufts of hair, which was growing along nicely and had some waves to it. “So, how was your day?”
Tom kept his eyes on Percy but replied, “It was good. Had a meeting that ended early, so I was able to finish all I had to do today. ‘S how I was able to get home so early. What about your day?”
“Well, other than working on his crawling, I worked on introducing him to solid foods. He ate some cut-up pieces of fruits and veggies, but I don’t feel comfortable giving him meat yet.”
“How is he doing on his teething, love?”
Aliena audibly winced, which drew Tom’s attention. She began rubbing her breast as she said. “It’s still there if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve tried getting him to teethe as much as he could on anything other than my nipples, but something tells me that as long as he’s teething and I’m breastfeeding— I’ll just ‘ave to suck it up.” Ali chuckled humorlessly before shaking her head. “God, I hope it ends sooner rather than later.”
“I do too, for your sake.”
“Thank you.” They both looked back at their babe, who had snuggled closer to his daddy. Percy’s face was hidden in Tom’s neck, and his eyes were fluttering. Aliena sighed softly. “Aw, we outta take this little one to bed. C’mon, love.” 
Aliena rose to her feet first and waited for Tom to stand with their son in his arms slowly. Then, they made their way upstairs to the boy’s nursery. Tom and Ali parted from Percy with kisses, laid the babe down to sleep, and then shuffled into their room. 
Aliena sighed loudly before launching herself backward onto their bed. Tom smiled at the sight. She propped herself up by her elbows and stared directly at him. “I forgot to ask you downstairs, but were you hungry? I can ask Anne to whip you up something.”
Tom shook his head. “No, that’s all right. I-uh, actually have something I want to ask you.” Tommy sniffled loudly before walking over to Ali’s vanity bench. He hitched up his pant legs before sitting down. 
Aliena scooted closer to the edge of the bed and let out a deep breath. “Uh oh,” she muttered just as Tom took her hands in hers. Not a second later did she let out a bout of nervous giggles and snap her fingers a few times. 
Something Aliena did from time to time when she was anxious. 
Tom shook his head. “Nothing like that, sweetheart.” It took him a couple of seconds to come up with a good lie. “That meeting I had today isn’t exactly a done deal. He’s a powerful man and harder to…persuade than most. He invited me to a charity in New York, and I was wondering if you’d like to accompany me?”
Aliena’s eyes widened, and she drew a hand over her mouth. “Oh, Tommy! New York!”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“What about the baby, Tommy? We-We can’t just leave him.” Aliena looked away with a hand pressed against her cheek.
“We can talk to Pol or Cassie about taking him while we take the trip.”
“How long is it gonna be?” She asked with furrowed brows.
Tom wracked his brain for a minute. The last time he seriously thought about making a trip to New York was when he was caught up with Grace, but he hadn’t gone that far into planning. “I believe it will take about a week or two to get there.”
Ali’s hand slapped over her mouth. “To get there, Tommy! But—!”
“Ali, love, think about it. We’ll have time together. Just the two of us. It’ll be like our honeymoon ‘cause you know, we’re not gonna be able to have one after the wedding.”
Aliena’s hand finally dropped back down, and Tommy didn’t hesitate to rub that one like he had been the other. She looked around the room, thoughtfully, before meeting his gaze. “That’s true…”
“So, what do you say? We’ll have about a month to ourselves. It’s gonna be you, me, and the sea. Then, we’ll take over New York.”
Aliena chuckled while shaking her head. “You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Shelby!” Tom waited for her answer. He could see her brain working. The worry in her expression, but he knew. Tom watched as her face softened. She nodded. “Yeah, alright. Let’s go to New York.”
Tommy was on top of her in a blink of an eye, and his lips muffled the squeal that wanted to escape her lips. “We’ll go to New York ‘n have us a grand ‘ole time. I’ll make love to you as many times as I like and hear those delicious moans of yours. Take you shopping, out to dinner— anything you want, love.”
Aliena ran her fingers through Tom’s hair and moaned softly, “Tommy.” 
Tom pulled away from Aliena to take all of her in for a second. Safe to say, he fucked her all night long.
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August 15th didn’t come soon enough. Lord knew Tom wanted to get the day over with ‘n just go home with his family. Not that he wasn’t happy for his brother— he just didn’t especially like Linda.
“Brother, I-I’m nervous. You don’t think she’d leave me at the alter, do ya?” Arthur asked Tom for the millionth time.
Tom shook his head as he cleared his throat. “No, Arthur, I don’t think Linda would leave you at the alter.”
Arthur fixed his stance, straightening up his back, then nodded. “Right, right! Just nerves is all.” 
Tom didn’t respond. His gaze fell to Ali, who had Percy in her lap. She looked to be reading him the Hymn sheet. Tom couldn’t help but grin a little. Polly didn’t need one, but he knew his fiancée sure as shit needed it. The girl hadn’t stepped a foot in a church since Ada’s wedding, but before that, it was when she was baptized as a babe. Meanwhile, his mother had hauled him and his siblings to Sunday Mass for most of their childhood.
Tom had no plans of making Percy or any of his future children suffer through the same thing. He wasn’t religious, and it made it easier that Aliena wasn’t either. Eventually, the Bridal Chorus began playing, and everyone stiffened up as Linda started walking up the aisle. 
Arthur and Linda were getting married in Birmingham’s nicest church, with the pews being side-by-side. Linda’s side was hardly filled, but some people were sitting in them. As far as Tommy knew, her mother was either dead or not in her life.
Think her mother was a whore, or at least a “sinful” woman in her daughter’s eyes. Linda’s father was definitely walking her down, but otherwise, there was nobody of importance on Linda’s side. A bunch of Quakers and churchgoers. The ceremony in itself was as plain as a wedding could be, and Tommy found himself inside of his head. 
When the ceremony finished, everybody hurried outside. Tom didn’t hesitate to find his way back to Aliena, who was just as exasperated as he was, and Percy. 
John rounded up all the immediate family as Finn corralled the women fighting for the bouquet away from the steps. 
Tommy shouted, “All right, let’s take this photograph! Come on!” The photographer rushed to set himself up. Tom glanced over at Ali before saying, “Give me him, eh?”
Aliena said nothing in return but passed the man his son. She wrapped her hands around Tom’s biceps and smiled toward the camera. Tom managed a quick kiss to her temple before looking ahead. 
John shouted, “Take the fucking photo!”
Blinding lights fucked with the lots visions a couple of times from the number of photos taken, and then it was time to get their cars ‘n drive to the reception. The drive to the place wasn’t long. The newlywed couple had decided to rent out a hotel just as Tom ‘n Ali did for their engagement party. 
It wasn’t as extravagant as the Ritz, but it wasn’t a cheap place either. Tommy spent his time with Aliena and Percy. Mainly, Percy since his lovely fiancée as gossiping about the bride with his Aunt. Eventually, he gave Percy back to his mother ‘n went looking for his brothers. He had a drink with John and Arthur, but only one with Arthur since the man turned over a new leaf. 
 Arthur was swearing off everything— booze, drugs, fighting, and other women, which Tom was all the happy for ‘em, as long as the man didn’t become a thorn in his side. Didn’t want his older brother growing soft.
So, after sharing that drink with his brothers— it was time for dinner. After dinner would be Tommy’s speech. He went over it with Arthur beforehand and more with Ali. It was short and sweet. Arthur and Linda were together for such a short amount of time that he couldn’t put a lot of thought into it. So, short ‘n simple/sweet, it’ll have to be.
Dinner went well. Tom had a fun time trying to see which foods Percy would eat. Ali wouldn’t stop smacking him for “teasing” ‘em, but Tommy didn’t mind. To be fair, he was being a bit of an arsehole on purpose, making Percy reach for some things and wait for others. A part of him hoped to push his son over the edge so that he and his family would have to make a break for it. The victim himself foiled his plans. Percy was a naturally calm child, so even if he would be whining one second the next, he’d already be relaxed. 
Once dinner was over, Tom put on his big boy pants, swallowed his ‘tsk,’ and rose from his seat. It was time to give the half-heartfelt speech. “Hello, everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of my eldest brother, Arthur, and his lovely new wife, Linda. Linda’s been an overwhelmingly good influence for my brother from the moment these two got together. He was in a dark place for a long time, but she made it better. Changed him for the better. Arthur has waited a long time to meet his match, and Lord knows he was impatient to find ‘er.”
Tom received chuckles from around the room, but he continued. “‘N now he’s found her.” He raised his glass, and the whole room followed suit. “To Arthur and Linda!” The room repeated his words. “And may their union be filled with happiness and long-lasting!” Everyone took a drink from their glasses and continued with their business.
Arthur and Linda thanked Tom for his words while others complimented him for his speech. Meanwhile, his little Ali had a hand over her mouth with her shoulders shaking. 
“Have I said something funny, love?” Tom asked.
She shook her head, took a deep breath, and replied. “That was rather short, wasn’t it? You said like three lines at the most.”
Tom cleared his throat as his mouth twitched upward. “My mother used to say if you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it at all.”
Aliena’s laughter grew an octave which caught Percy’s attention. He began mimicking his mother and laughed with her. The pair of them set their sights on the babe just as Tom reached over and began ticking Percy’s stomach— giving him something to laugh about. The babe’s giggles turned genuine, and Tommy couldn’t handle the cuteness. He took Percy from Aliena and began kissing his cheeks. 
The day went into the night, and eventually, it was just immediate family. Before everyone was ready to say their goodbyes, Tom called a family meeting. Arthur looked hurt, but Tom tried to send him a reassuring look. It didn’t do much.
They all looked a little miffed at him if he was being honest. However, he also didn’t care. “Right, now that we’re all settled down, you all can stop with the glares. It’s not about business.” The stale air immediately lifted. “Aliena and I have an announcement to share. Just as Arthur and Linda will be taking a honeymoon, so will we. Aliena and I have planned to go to New York next month, and seeing as we’re going to the states— the trip will take a month. Fifteen days to get there and fifteen days to get back.”
“That’s a whole bloody month, Tommy!” John exclaimed.
Tom’s expression never changed. “Yes, like I said,” he repeated like he was talking to a child. “While I’m gone, Polly will be in charge, and I trust that you all hold down the fort. We’ll be leaving on the 24th, and we’ll be back around the 29th.”
Finn chimed in, “But you said it would take fifteen days each way.”
Aliena, who was closest to the boy, stroked his arm and replied. “He meant we’ll be leaving on the 24th of this month, and we’ll be back by the 29th of September, love.” 
Finn went redder than a tomato but asked another question, nevertheless. “What about Percy? Are you taking him along, or…?”
Tom shook his head, his gaze falling on Ali. She immediately went crestfallen. “Percy’s gonna be with his godparents. You’re all welcome to check up on him from time to time, but he’s to remain in their care while we’re gone.”
Polly hmphed from beside him with her arms crossed. Ali giggled at the sight and walked over to the woman. She hugged Polly, who embraced her back. “You can take care of him too, Pol. I’m sure they’ll need your help.”
Polly hmphed again. “As if I’d let them hog, that beautiful boy from me!” Polly kissed Ali’s temple and shook her head. All eyes were then set back to Tommy. 
The man looked over his family and nodded his head. “That’s all. Let’s say good night to the newlyweds and be on our way, eh.”
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* “Oh my God! Fuck!”
TAG LIST: @amirahiddleston @nemesis729 @salvatoreitmeanssaviour @tlfshelby1 @halepea @lilymurphy03 @marsfireeyes @masumiyetimziyanoldu @i-love-superhero @thatweirddaydreamer @xxbeckybeexx-blog @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @well-hydratedpvssy @the-jess-life @babaohhhriley @7shadesofharold @melissamaine @urbankaite2 @skinny-bitch-juice​ @abzidabzy
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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mintjasias · 2 years
amphibia ending.... 😭😭😭 spoiler-y talk (mostly sashannarcy, the ot3) under the cut
the extended credits and post-credits scene. i wish i was able to see the extended credits after i finished watching the broadcast of it because it changes how i was thinking about the trio at the end
in my initial thoughts i was like. though it’s hard to see that they fell into other friend circles, it’s still obvious that they were friends, kept in touch, and were meeting up for anne’s birthday and stuff so. tbh it made sense (also especially with them going to high school (where one would usually change up friend circles and grow and change more) and with marcy moving away) and i could see how they would still grow into their own people, just not in the exact same tight-knit dynamic as before
it also makes sense to me as someone who’s maintained long distance friendships with people :’) and how friendships can look different and change, but it doesn’t change that we care about each other still, etc.
but with the post-credits scene... now i’m thinking more about how. in friend trios, sometimes it’s just... not the same to hang out when one of the three are missing, so now my hc is more that sashannarcy kept up a group chat and stuff constantly, or as much as they could as they got busier over time, but that’s also how/why sasha and anne (and marcy, wherever she moved to) made other friends outside of just their trio and hung out more (irl) in other circles
and they just don’t get as many opportunities to see each other in person and really catch up - maybe the last time was a few years ago by then?? and now they’re old enough to have a drink together and just catch up 😭😭🥺 and also get together b/c they’re in love, (like them having other friends outside of just them is a Good thing imo, and esp nice in the sense of. giving them a “i like my friends, but i like my childhood best friends that i’ve been through [all of amphibia] with together in a different way”)
i knew they were keeping it open-ended (with the trio) from that interview, but tbh. they did a good job of making it open-ended in a hopeful way? like there’s room for imagining a future ot3 without having to rewrite canon (since ppl can imagine and ship however, generally lol, with canon or not), and they give some nice hints with just. everything (like ig some of it was them not wanting to ruin how shippers see things (for pairs) but as a trio.... chefs kiss)
so ultimately. thinking about amphibia. lots of nice thoughts and reflections about just. friendships, in general (i’ve thought semi-recently about how i have a lot of friendship trios), and on growth and change and how friendships and relationships with other people change over time; the journey of self-love with anne; found family...
and also a great ot3 for me to revolve in my brain. i feel like i don’t often have ot3s but sashannarcy are truly. really well done imo. you can really feel how much the girls all care about each other, even through it all 😭🥺 (besides being a ship that has it all: friends to enemies to friends (to lovers), sword fighting each other, changing for the better because of the other, believing in the others and them being your light in the darkness.... caters to me and my tastes specifically actually)
it’s also nice to see how the others are doing in amphibia, even if v bittersweet knowing that anne and sasha and marcy can never go back or really get to see how they’re all doing (though there was technically a very small portal that one time, so tbh maybe it doesn’t have to be completely out of the question to get some little updates here and there, one day)
also yulivia canon :’) but rip to grimepop (LOL) (though unironically i think it’d be interesting to see sylvia and hop pop and grime interact as another trio, but that’s neither here nor there) (also how we had the divorce trio. lots of trios in amphibia and imo it’s quite purposeful, at least in the case of the divorce trio (trio gone wrong) vs sashannarcy (trio that doesn’t go wrong))
man. i want to rewatch it so i don’t have to deal with commercial breaks (they felt. So Long. and also v mood-breaking) but i don’t feel like i’m ready to rewatch it yet LOL. at least by the time i get around to rewatching it, the extended post-credits should be included in the video, which imo is just. the best way to end it all
the leitmotifs of all the girls was like. everything i wanted to hear (some kind of medley that goes through all the girls’ leitmotifs together), and then the very ending shot........... :’))))))) man. man
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the handholding. the blushes. drinks together. taking a new polaroid. the heart. anne has two hands. yea .
i also love seeing some of the crew’s doodles and fanart (now that they can share ones related to the finale) and like. the description of them being messy and in love is just. yeah. LOL. them
also canon bi sasha :’)))))) hell yea
as an aside. i rewatched the whole show leading up to the last two eps, and man, you can really feel the difference in how anne was at the beginning to where she is now 😭 her growth... also tbh. lots of fun to see all the references they made and have a little mental check of like, where they are then vs now
amphibia as a whole is just more lighthearted, and more humorous (compared to TOH), but for me it just. really stuck the themes of growth and change and friendship, taking it in as a whole/thinking about it after the finale (even if a part of those thoughts are me thinking about sashannarcy eventually getting together and figuring that out haha)
i’ll miss this funky lil frog show..............
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