#we love a canadian prairie boy!
excelsior9173 · 7 months
tagged by @vamprlestat thank youuuu!!!
6 albums i’ve been into lately
take me back to eden- sleep token
of course i have to have my boys in here, i am jamming all their albums but especially this one as i get ready for their show in may!
all the right reasons- nickelback
gotta rep my prairies trash canadian side lol. been listening to this album since it released! we got it stuck in the cd player in our minivan when i was a kid so it was the only album we could listen to for a year lmao. follow you home will forever be one of the hardest album openers
si vis pacem, para bellum - seether
been really loving this album lately, i love this band! beg is one of the best songs i’ve heard, the attitude and anger in it is incredible. also i love that the album title is in latin, i got to put my schooling to use! (it means ‘if you want peace, prepare for war’)
envy- whale and the wolf
debut album for these boys! they’re partially from my (current) hometown and i try to see them every time they swing through the city. one of the greatest live bands i’ve had the pleasure of seeing and i truly hope they blow up because their music deserves to be heard everywhere!
the death of peace of mind- bad omens
ah the album that was responsible for my descent into metalcore/metal/whatever you want to call it. i love the overall feel of this album, it’s so dark and sexy and the vocals are incredible
the crow (original motion picture soundtrack)
i love love love this movie and this soundtrack is incredible. no movie soundtrack will ever live up to this one, the mood is incredible. i am tentatively excited for the remake as i love bill skarsgård, but i fear the soundtrack will not be as good. how do you beat the cure and stone temple pilots and nine inch nails?!
thanks again for the tag :)
i’ll tag @foxgloveinspace and @a-little-lynx (no pressure!) and anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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fleurcareil · 1 year
East Manitoba: Winnipeg
After leaving Kenora and driving into Manitoba, the forest gives way to the Prairies and quickly there's no tree in sight! The famous big skies were blurred though from yet more smoke so not getting the pretty views but rather feeling like the sky was leaning down... 🤔
After checking in at the AirBnB, I went over to Harman's parents' house where I had stayed in 2017 when I was here for a canoeing trip & of which I have great memories so it was fun to go back & meet his parents again! The house was decorated for the upcoming wedding celebration and full of relatives that had come in from all over, and it was great to see Harman and meet his wife Ankita and their little boy Mir... they were married 3 years ago during covid but couldn't celebrate it with friends & family so now it was the occasion to have everyone together. When I received the invite, I hadn't made any plans yet for the roadtrip so this was a perfect event to plan my trip around!
As anyone knows who's been to one, Indian get-togethers tend to be quite chaotic 😁, so had fun conversations over delicious (& not too spicy) appetizers but darted home at 11pm before dinner was served 😅
Next morning, I did the first car wash since the trip started so now the car looked slightly less dirty (although it will need a power wash to remove all dead bugs 🥴), and then I went downtown to the Forks going back to what I loved most when I was here previously; lunch at the Commons Market and then a visit to the Human Rights Museum, going progressively from dark to light to its Tower of Hope. I had stayed here for 5 hours last time, learning a tremendous amount about Canadian human rights issues that as a newcomer to the country I was not aware of, so wanted to revisit now I've lived here longer and became a Canadian citizen. Every nation has skeletons in the closet they prefer not to talk about, but it's important to be aware of all history, the good and the bad, to truly appreciate the place you call home and be more socially aware of how governments take care of its people. I would dare other countries to follow suit with a similar place of human rights education & reflection!
On the way, I ran into two familiar faces; my old Sumach street in Toronto and Mahatma Ghandi, who I just read a book about 😃
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I had been instructed to show up early for the wedding ceremony, so I donned the dress that I had sent in advance to Harman's mum to keep it clean from camping smoke and dirt 😆 and made my way to the pretty gardens of The Gates on Roblin by 4.30pm.
As for a traditional Indian wedding, we danced in the courtyard while the groom made his entrance (with their little son as the best man 😍) and then attended a lovely ceremony followed by a reception, delicious dinner and fun dance party. I got no pics apart from the video-booth below as I was too busy enjoying and meeting interesting people while shaking my best Indian moves 🤣 on the dance floor... it was a really fun night! 🤗
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krakenshipwreck · 2 years
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The pride of Irma, Alberta! 🇨🇦
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s11e17 · 3 years
Hi, I wanted to say I just read Mouth to Manhattan and it really got to me.
I loved Sam with my whole heart, and I was so happy about how you made him shine through the whole fic. Also some parts absolutely broke me, about the violence they carry with them and that the bring to other places, about the abuse they suffered through their whole story and the opportunity of healing in death felt so poetic and true. Other parts took me back to grieving for the lot of people we (generally, I personally) lost recently and for this 2 years that I feel where so dark in so many ways and also I had to grief a little about how we won't get them back. The years and the people.
I think it's a really serious reading and a beautiful one too. So I wanted to say thank you, it's a rightfully hard/heavy text but also so beautifully mournful and it had this kindness in it... It was great.
I also wanted to ask if you wanted to talk some more about the settler colonialism theme at the core of the fic, I think it was so interesting and I'd love to read more about it if you'd like to share some more thoughts. No pressure tho.
I'm really grateful. Thank you for sharing such a well thought out work.
Thank you so much for this lovely comment. I'm so glad Mouth to Manhattan resonated for you... it was really a labour of love and also came out of some personal/existential grief, so I'm happy all of those feelings now have a home in this fic :) I do have some thoughts on the settler colonialism theme which I'll add under a cut, because there are mentions of anti-Indigenous violence, as well as fic spoilers and spoilers for the novel Ceremony.
Re: settler colonialism - I grew up on the Great Lakes and have always loved the flatter landscapes of the Canadian shield and the prairies, so understanding these lands as a) agents in themselves, and b) sites of just unbelievably massive systems of violence, is important to me on a personal level and also feels like the core of Supernatural. Especially after reading On the Road last year, it became clear to me that all roads (highways especially) are graveyards (this is even more the case when we recognize that many missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and 2-spirit people are abducted or murdered on highways).
Supernatural is, to me, a TV show about driving down a highway to find evil and reckon with it. In its canonical iteration, that means a TV show where two white dudes kill marginalized people. In Mouth to Manhattan, though, I was hoping to kind of address the fact that it's actually not possible for the boys to ever "win" the war on monstrosity (at least, not without a proletarian revolution, which will happen in semicolonies long before it happens in the US) because the highway system itself is maybe the best possible representation of settler colonial violence.
This also ties back to the main crisis of Mouth to Manhattan which is Sam's lost year. Sam goes to a place and is disappeared, which is both a displacement in time and space (or as Kaia says in the fic, if you get close enough to them, time and space become the same thing). I was really inspired by Leslie Marmon Silko's novel Ceremony, where these issues of displacement, dissociation, and lost-time coalesce in a Pueblo landscape. At the end of Ceremony, the protagonist (a Pueblo man) escapes the cops and finds a pond of water which he drinks from, without realizing that the water is contaminated with tailings from a uranium mine.
Obviously nuclearity also comes into the end of Mouth to Manhattan. To me, the nuclear history and landscape of the US is a perfect representation of the temporal and spatial development of US settler colonialism and imperialism: the nuclear bomb (mined and produced on occupied Indigenous land in the American southwest and northern Ontario) is tested on Pacific islands (the first frontier of US imperialist expansion) and used to kill hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians (workers and intellectuals, themselves exploited by the imperialist Japanese ruling class). Silko does it a lot better than I do, obviously; she is able to subtly and powerfully link the experience of Pueblo colonial repression to the ultimate chaos and imperialist expansion of the nuclear bomb.
As a side note, I've always loved episode 6.20, and one line that particularly strikes me every time is when Crowley and Castiel talk about human souls as an "oil well." There is clearly an imperialist cold war happening between Heaven and Hell, resulting in a hot proxy war on Earth (this is kind of the whole premise of S5 too - obviously the writers would never admit to it, but I'm compelled by a reading of S5 where humans are a colonized species resisting both imperialist powers of angels and demons battling it out on their turf). I was really struggling with how to end Mouth to Manhattan, and reconceptualizing angelic power (especially Lucifer's power) as nuclear power got me out of my stuckness. If we consider angels as allegories for US imperialism (which I do, in this fic and generally), it only makes sense that the light and awe of angel-power would translate to one of the most destructive developments in science and technology to come out of capitalist society.
The fic ends with Sam's escape from his life-death limbo (or, to unveil the metaphor, capitalist alienation). He reconnects to the earth and his own body, rejecting the imperialist incursions of angels and demons. This particular act is also the final nail in the coffin for God (the ultimate coercive power in the show). In some ways, Sam's liberation from the narrative is representative of a liberation from imperialist incursions, although even in the fic, the systemic issue of settler colonialism (which is the same as angelic and demon violations of human agency) is left up in the air.
I hope that was interesting - I have been thinking a lot about how Supernatural can be read, and it's especially fascinating how many different interpretations the show has. The show itself is certainly not critique, but it's an excellent mirror through which to understand contemporary American society.
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c’mon join the marty party
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or, why you should love jordan martinook
I initially thought of Jordan Martinook as merely the means to a mistah svechnikov end. But as it turns out, I like Marty a whole lot too. So I thought I would take a few minutes to get you up to speed before I inflict svech/marty fic upon you. A full primer on that ship will follow, but for now, let’s get to know Marty, okay?
Unless otherwise sourced, all the information that follows is from here or here.
Marty is unquestionably the Canes’ energy guy, on and off the ice. There are countless articles referencing his “relentless energy” and describing how the entire team is less effective if he’s not playing. If a conversation is happening, Marty wants to be involved. If there’s a fight, Marty probably started it. If there’s a team event, Marty is planning it. If someone is getting punched by Evander Holyfield, it’s going to be Marty.
Background: Born in Manitoba, raised in Saskatchewan, claims Alberta. We love a prairie boy playing pond hockey, yes we do! A late bloomer who was passed over the first two years he was draft-eligible, Marty was finally drafted in the second round by the Arizona Coyotes in 2012. When asked what he wanted to be doing in five years, this 20-year-old softy said he’d hopefully be on his second contract "and be settling down in my life with a wife and kids.”
and look! he did it!
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This is Chase. He was born the same week Marty signed his new contract with the Canes, but Marty would like you to know he also went to a Metallica concert that week. It was a big week. I would like you to know that Marty dressed Chase up as a Canadian moose for his first Halloween, but unfortunately I cannot find pictures. However, there are plenty of pictures of Marty’s gassy french bulldog Gus. Marty’s wife Courtney also seems lovely but this is an rpf zone so I don’t think about her too much.
Marty made his NHL debut in 2014, and in 2018 he was traded to Carolina. Possibly you could say this happened because the Yotes had a surplus of wingers with Lawson Crouse on the way up, but cosmically this happened because Andrei Svechnikov needed Marty.
Marty played it cool the first few weeks in Carolina, but he released the Marty Party after that and he has been the best beloved of the Canes social media team ever since. Here is Marty extremely drunk after tailgating at an NC State game (with a little bonus svech for you):
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The Canes gave him an A in his second year, and truly there is no one better suited for the role. As I understand it, one possible job description for an A is Vice President of Good Vibes and Making Sure Everyone Feels Included (please note that I could be wrong about this, my sample size is Kevin Hayes), and Marty excels at this responsibility. Brind’Amour describes him as “kind of that guy that glues it all together.”
Here’s Marty bellowing the starting lineup. And here’s Marty tweeting at Ryan Suzuki because Marty is the kind of guy who researched the Canes’ brand new draft pick and found out his go-to karaoke song is Love Story:
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Marty takes karaoke extremely seriously. His worst fear, other than rattlesnakes, is getting booed off the karaoke stage. This happened to him once, in Portland ME, but he acknowledges it was his fault for choosing an Eminem song. (”I’m from Alberta, I can’t rap.”) His go-to karaoke song is I Wanna Dance With Somebody, but he notes that other appropriate choices for someone from Alberta include country music and Sarah McLachlan.
Oh, a little more about that Nickelback thing:
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Here are some other important Marty facts:
Was a drama kid in high school! He had the lead in the school play and they had to reschedule it because Marty had a hockey game.
The team was already calling Martin Nečas “Marty” when Jordan Martinook arrived in Carolina, but Jordan pulled rank and claimed the nickname and made everybody call Martin Nečas “Junior” instead.
If Marty was an animal, he’d be a dolphin (because he loves water and can do a very plausible dolphin squeal.)
Speaking of loving water, last summer Marty took a river float trip with Joel Edmundson, Brock McGinn, Jake Gardiner, and Svech. Sometimes I lie awake at night and think about this.
Marty is a hairy motherfucker who regularly waxes his eyebrows (because threading is too painful and laser hair removal did not work) and has been chirped about his back hair in every locker room he’s ever been in.
Speaking of hair, Marty would like you to know that when he was 16 or 17 he and his brother-in-law “fell into some beers” and his brother-in-law tried to wax Marty’s asshole with drywall tape. (Are you starting to see why Marty is the best hockey podcast guest ever?)
I think it’s important for you to know that Marty has hot pink swim trunks:
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Finally, it should be noted that Marty comes by it honestly. His dad is legendary for partying like a rock star on every dads’ trip. I will leave you with this photo of small Marty and his dad, two generations of party:
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voterajdhaliwal · 3 years
Raj Dhaliwal - Vote for Raj Ward 5
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Raj Dhaliwal was born in India and, at a young age, immigrated to Canada with his parents and younger brother. His family decided to settle in Northeast Calgary. His father, who had been a professional engineer in India, and his mother worked hard at several jobs to provide a better life for their family.
Raj was your typical Northeast Calgary kid. He loved to spend his time shooting hoops with his friends and playing hockey and cricket at Prairie Winds Park. His first part-time job in high school was working at a local Northeast convenience store. Raj is happily married with two young boys. He has been working for a leading oil and gas company in Calgary for over ten years.
Ward 5 is one of the most diverse and dynamic areas in the city. It is what makes Calgary one of the best cities in the world to live in. Over the past few years, Ward 5 has faced many challenges, from the Covid-19 crisis to the hailstorm of 2020, the fourth most costly natural disaster in Canadian history. I am inspired by our resilience in the face of the many challenges we have faced, but I know that there are still many that remain, and there will be more to come.
I believe Ward 5 deserves a better future and that we must be bold, courageous, and united to move forward. I am ready and committed to serving our community and fighting for an equitable, inclusive and fair tomorrow.
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lihikainanea · 4 years
Can we talk about Landon? He has the same questionable friends as Bill. I think he's a Capricorn, what do you have to tell us about this Canadian boy? 🤷‍♀️
Can we talk about Landon, they ask.
Can we talk about Landon.
Buckle up. Because I would very much like to have all the sex with Landon.
Landon is my Alpha. My Omega. Landon is my exact type--quiet but confident, a little reclusive, loyal, old school. Not an ounce of toxic masculinity in him. Landon is the romantic, without being suffocating. I can, and I most definitely will, end up with a dude like Landon. A gentle soul. An old soul. A wise one. Those gruff farm boys from the Prairies are just...unnnnf, they’re what dreams are made of.
Landon is like, the beta version of Gustaf. Still in training, but as promising as his mentor.
I fucking love Landon.
And as for the friends thing...I mean, do they have the same questionable friends? I realize they all hang out as a trio, but I’ve always associated Creepy to be more of Bill’s friend than Landon’s. It’s rare you ever see just him and Landon hanging out, but him and Bill seem to be joined at the hip. Didn’t they live together? I think he said it in a podcast or an interview or something, that him and Creepy were roommates.
Either way, Landon loses a few points on the perfection scale. He can regain those by dating 1) me, or 2) Elizabeth Olsen, who is the female equivalent on the perfection scale.
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curlytemple · 4 years
niche interests list 
okay sure yes this is fun! i havent posted a thing like this in such a long time. thank you new gal pal @scottspack for tagging me! 
alright first lets throw it back to preschool! my fav childhood toys were my baby doll (snookums) and a plush pig that my grandma got me that i just called ‘pig’ ...i watched the babe movies countless times, and piglet? that anxious little guy GETS ME bro. when my preschool did a nativity play and my class got to choose an animal to be in baby jesus’ manger, my mother recalls me saying that i would be a pig because jewish people (jesus christ) wouldnt eat me. she has no idea how or when i learned about kosher foods. ironically despite my namesake i was too afraid of the movie charlotte’s web to watch it more than once because the scary farmer tries to kill wilbur for being small and the pretty spider dies. 
sugar creek gang 
OKAY this is a book series from the 40s-70s about a group of christian little boys in indiana who went on adventures in the woods and helped people. my dad read a LOT of chapter books to me as bedtime stories when i was little (see also the mandie series, nancy drew and the hardy boys, little house on the prairie) but sugar creek gang is one that really hit. i read all 36 books with dad and at least once again on my own. there was a series of 4 or 5 movies in the early 2000s when i was the Perfect age to have a crush on most if not all of them. this might be too much detail but i have to tell you about these boys. we WILL not be revisiting the heavy religious themes. 
 the narrator is bill who is Good and Kind and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. his best friend is a chubby boy nicknamed poetry because he memorizes and quotes poems, he is the Detective of the group. BIG JIM is the leader of the group who is supposed to be like, 14, which was very cool and hot, to me. and yes there is a little jim, who is the baby of the group. then there is CIRCUS who is known for his climbing and acrobatics, and his FIVE SISTERS AND BEAUTIFUL SINGING VOICE. dreamboy. i’m almost done listing boys, i promise. a boy called dragonfly who is allergic to everything and hella superstitious. later in the series a new boy named tom moves to town and tom has an older brother bob who is NOT A CHRISTIAN (bully) 
tangentially, the buttercream gang, a movie from 1992 that was almost definitely made by some christians who grew up reading the sugar creek gang series which i’m guessing on vibes alone. will spare you Good Boy details but scott is in love with his best friend pete who moves to chicago and falls in with a bad crowd and scott just refuses to stop LOVING HIM. very gay christian film in retrospect. 
peter pan
so i know liking disney’s peter pan isnt niche, but it was the way i liked it. tinker bell stan from day one, i watched all of those disney fairies movies, even the ones that came out after i was definitely not intended audience. there was an online pixie hollow game where you could design your own fairies and play mini games where you gathered dew drops or something. had a HUGE CRUSH on jeremy sumpter in peter pan (2003) then i got really darkly obsessed with the idea of growing up when i was 12 or 13, and everything peter pan was deeply My Shit for my entire adolescence. i read the original book and every other twisted version of the story i could find and seriously freaked myself out about wasting my youth. 
you’ve probably heard of jenny han now, or at least the netflix adaptations for to all the boys i’ve loved before and the sequel ps i still love you (always and forever, lara jean, coming soon?) but before she wrote THOSE, she wrote my first ever Favorite Book, about annemarie “shug” wilcox, a girl in the summer before starting middle school. it is SO engraved on my heart i cannot explain. i felt so incredibly understood and cant even tell you how many times i read it. thinking about all of the ways it made me feel SEEN is actually making me very tender so i’m gonna go on.  
the summer series
on the subject of jenny han, since she was now my Favorite author, when she came out with the summer i turned pretty in 2009, i was ALL IN. it’s not summer without you, and we’ll always have summer were published the next two years. a coming of age series about a girl isabel “belly” conklin who stays at her mother’s best friend's house at the beach in the summers. i really could talk about it forever yall. i actually dont know how to be succinct about it. i will try. her mom’s friend has TWO BOYS. one brother, jeremiah, is the golden boy and her best friend who is in love with her! the older one CONRAD is her childhood crush who's just sort of around while belly is firmly getting over her childish feelings and going out and experiencing teen beach life with jeremiah for the first time and figuring out who she is and wants to be! by the end of the summer he admits he feels differently about her (hence belly internalizing this as The Summer I Turned Pretty) and they get together. this is already too much so i will just say that the next two books deal with a PROFOUND LOSS and the selfishness of grief and the SELFLESSNESS OF CONRAD and i will absolutely lose my shit if netflix picks it up for a second jenny han series adaptation. 
this was a kids show in the 90′s that features a character named Pappy Drew-It, an artist dressed like a 49er who lives in a magic cabin in pappyland. there’s tons of characters and music and life lessons but the meat of every episode is a detailed drawing how-to (pappy is actually a cartoonist, michael cariglio) and i have a hard back cover sketch book from my grandpa that i FILLED with drawings that pappy and DOODLEBUG taught me to do. there is a running gag that pappy always breaks his crayons.  
boy meets world
i KNOW this is beloved by many but i’m counting it because i’m simply too young to have such an obsession with it! the show ran from 1992-2000. i was born in 1996, but reruns on the disney channel and abc family cemented it as one of my favorite shows. cory and shawn, closer than brothers, shameless homoromantics, shawn is cory’s first wife!!!!! truly showed me what a best friend can and should be!!!!!! the great love of your life!!!!! TOPANGA, the og weird feminist girl who said stop shaving your legs and start speaking your mind, ladies! the characters are so richly developed that they are real people to my heart. YES every character on this show is in their late 30s-early 40s and YES i feel like we grew up together. in season one they’re in the 6th grade and we follow them all the way to COLLEGE. countless poignant life lessons, often literally dictated by the wise and hilarious MR. FEENY, cory’s next door neighbor and somehow one of his teachers for YEARS. my love was only solidified by the 2014 girl meets world reboot, centered on cory and topanga’s daughter and her best friend. (which was literally cancelled because disney didn’t want to transition from a kids show to a teen show, something essential to the original. also because that teen show would have had CANON LESBIANS. extremely shameful move in 2017!) boy meets world lives rent free in my heart and i will never evict it!!!!!!!
i consulted my mother when i got stumped for more and she reminded me that i had obsessions with the impressionist art period and babies and ANYTHING fairies or pixies, and i was way too young when my love of the canadian teen after school special degrassi began. she also said bob ross, which i was hesitant to include because he’s been super ~trendy in recent years, but to be fair (To Be Faaairrr) she’s right! i don’t think people really watched the joy of painting as much as i have throughout my life. best sick day show of all time.
lastly i could honestly list anna herself as a niche interest, my mom actually metioned that ive always hyperfixated on my girl friends (gay) but i’ll just note that YES friday night lights, YES barry lyga novels. love to share so many things with you, niche or not, they’re niche in Our Mind.
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heyktula · 4 years
Fic Breakdown for Closer, Chapter One (aka, the DVD Extras)
So, chapter one of Closer, the first installment in Somewhere in Canada (the Terror kink AU)... went up today! And let me tell you what, I am hype because this is my very first longfic in the Terror fandom, and it's centered around a subject very near and dear to my heart—BDSM. It's a love letter to power exchange, the sheer joy of kink, conventions, and sex education.
Like other fic breakdowns I've done, this'll be in three parts—technical notes (like POV and stylistic choices), story notes (like characterization and kink info), and then, instead of the editing section I usually include, I'm going to talk about specific lines at the end.
I blame Edward for the line notes, tbh. I love him, but he's a himbo, and many things went unobserved in the course of this story.
(Okay, fine, it's not entirely his fault. Some of it is that he's just so steeped in kink that he doesn't think twice about a bunch of the stuff going on.)
Technical Considerations
Inspiration: So this fic is a love letter to kink, and kink education, and conventions, which in my experience can be life-changing opportunities to meet people with similar interests, and also to be able to do some exploration of your own and figure out what makes you tick. I'm pretty sure there's an AU version of me that makes their living off kink education and the convention circuit, but (un)fortunately, in this particular universe, I am a fic writer (and, occasionally, a paid one as well).
Closer is also a love letter to rough physical play. I remember sitting in my very first workshop on the topic, and just being wide-eyed that a) this is a thing, b) it looks fun. (It is, actually, fun.) There's a ton of reasons I love it—and hopefully, after Closer concludes, you'll be able to see some of the reasons why—but I also love that physical play doesn't have any financial barriers to entry. (The irony of Edward "rich boy" Little being heavily into it has not escaped me.)
Timeline:  Hilariously, I actually started this verse for a Fitzier fic—it takes place six months from Closer, at the winter version of the conference—but while I was working my way through the Fitzier setup, I was like 'fuck it, I should write a quick one-off joplittle to establish the verse', and lo and behold, my "quick one-off" turned out to be sixty k, and it runs parallel to a Tozer/Irving that I  have yet to write, but which is visible in Closer if you squint. So, uh, oops.
So this story fits into a very specific space in the timeline—that is, it's prior to Fitzjames and Crozier having met, but it's after the (second) Cracroft/Crozier breakup. (If you were wondering if that's why Francis isn't running his own damn booth, yes, that's why. He's very likely depression drinking in London at this very moment.)
Setting: I wanted to stay true to the spirit of the whole, you know, boatload of white men going to Canada and being confused, but I wanted them to go for better reasons. It's so rare that we get shows set in Canada, you know? And I feel very passionately about our winters here, in that I complain about them while they're happening, but I do also kind of enjoy the challenge, in a really fucked-up sort of a way. So I set the fic in Canada too, and then, because I was explicitly setting it here, I also got to lean into a bunch of Canadian stereotypes (like Goodsir living his best life in plaid and denim and the inevitable Tim Horton's jokes) and I actually had a lot of fun doing it, so I guess that was something I learned about myself.
Story Considerations:
Primary Kinks: So most people involved in BDSM have a "thing"—you know, the thing that they care about more than they care about any other things. And one of the most fun things for me about creating an AU like this is going through the characters and figuring out what everybody's niche is. Like, it makes sense to me that Hickey would be that edgeplay asshole that's in the kink scene specifically so he can fuck with people. Tozer having a military fetish (and also being a bit of a kink snob) totally fits with his whole "now what the bloody hell do people think that means?" speech.
If you've ever been to a fetish convention, you've seen guys like Blanky, who have been in the scene forever, and made their name handcrafting BDSM gear. They're easy to talk to, and will totally tell you about that time they ran an entire scene using only items found in their kitchen. You've seen women like Sophia Cracroft, who have a cluster of people surrounding her at all times, and who is never short of someone who will bring her tea if it looks like she's thirsty. And you've also seen guys like Ross, who are reasonably famous in their areas of expertise—the kind of guy that you see across the hall, and you're like "shit, is that James Clark Ross?" (And it is! Holy shit!)
Canadian Kink: So! I live in the prairies, and it's as conservative as hell out here. That means there's some specifics to kink culture that I'm not sure translate to other parts of Canada—and they definitely don't translate back to England. For example, every public event I've ever been to (by which I mean every event that wasn't being held in someone's house) has mandated that penetration cannot occur during the event. No toys in orifices, no bits in other bits, no mucous membranes touching, no oral, no fingering, no handjobs, no intercourse, all that kind of stuff. I'm not convinced that you couldn't have sex in a dungeon in, say, Vancouver, or Toronto, or any of the other bigger centers—but that hasn't been my experience in the prairies, and I kept those restrictions for plot purposes in Closer. (Sorry, Jopson. I promise I still love you.)
Canadian weapons laws being what they are also means that some of the gear that's totally okay in other places (like butterfly knives) is totally illegal in Canada (sorry, Tozer. No apologies for you, Hickey.). The sap gloves that Edward is mourning are, unfortunately, one of the items that get lost in the shuffle. Sap gloves are pretty neat—they're leather gloves which are weighted with lead on the knuckles/backs of the hands. They make your punches harder, but they also protect your hands—and, for somebody like Edward, who does a lot of punching when he plays, that protection is definitely beneficial. Plus, they're a bit of a signalling thing—having a set of sap gloves hanging off your belt makes it very clear what kind of things you're into, and I think Edward is a bit bereft not having that this weekend, because he's not used to having to make those introductions cold.
Edgeplay: There's sort of a, er. Spectrum of what is and isn't considered to be "acceptable" kink, even within the kink community. Some kinds of kink are seen as more publicly acceptable, and some kinds are relegated back to the fringes and the dark corners. In the context of Closer, that means Tozer, Hickey, and Little are our resident edgeplayers. This isn't a judgement on the type of play they do (well, it is a judgement on Hickey, but we don't have time to go into *gestures* all that), but it is a statement about the way that type of play is perceived. Sophia Cracroft can, with very little finessing, put photographs of her in rope suspension onto her various social media accounts, and as long as she's clothed, it's perfectly acceptable content to just have out there, and people are going to call it artistic and Instagram-worthy. Tozer, on the other hand, ain't getting any recordings of interrogation scenes he's run posted anywhere except to Pornhub.  (The less we say about Hickey's knife-play, the better.)
Similarly, because the rough physical play that Edward does looks fairly intense from the outside (and is pretty intense from the inside), he gets to live in the not-that-publicly-acceptable area of kink. The area of kink where they usually put the crash mats at the far end of the dungeon, because that way, if you don't want to watch two people whaling on each other with their fists, you don't need to see it. This "stigma" is important in Edward's conception of himself, because on one hand, we see in his conversation with Goodsir that Edward absolutely knows his shit and, hero-worship of Crozier aside, has the knowledge base to be a fantastic educator in his own right—but we also see the subtle kinkshaming coming from both Hickey and Tozer about where Edward's place is in all this. That is to say—Edward's place is with them, in the dark shadowy spots, and not in the "socially acceptable" circles that Crozier's circle of people (Jopson included) are perceived to be running in. (There's a sense, coming from Tozer, that there's no point in Edward pursuing getting onto the org committee for the conference itself, because they won't want someone like Edward there—but, again, that's some pretty insidious kinkshaming coming from Tozer, and we could all just let that go and be better for it. Goodsir clearly doesn't feel like Edward's presence would be a detriment.)
So, yeah. I'll excuse Tozer's kinkshaming bullshit temporarily, as he needs to sort himself out. I don't think he's trying to drag Edward down so much as he just thinks Edward's being a bit delusional, and wants to save him the disappointment when Jopson invariably rejects him for being way too kinky and intense. (If Edward is moping around all weekend, he'll be in the hotel room, and how's Tozer supposed to get his dick sucked by random hookups then? "Yeah, come on back to mine, don't mind my roommate, he's a moody bastard and won't participate even if we ask." Not winning any prizes there, lads.)
I won't excuse Hickey's kinkshaming; he's definitely trying to make Edward feel like shit on purpose. I could speculate as to the reasons, but they're probably gross. (I mean, I know the reasons. Hickey's gonna Hickey.)
(There's a whole entire essay I could write about incorrect assumptions that literally everyone is making about the type of play Thomas Jopson must be into, based on his nice hair and nice eyes and nice smile, but I'll just let Jopson handle those corrections on his own, as he's very capable of doing so.)
Concerning the Chapter Title: If you were gonna take a risk, Neddo, the social was the time to do it—and you done fucked that up, sweetheart.
Tomorrow is another day. Give it another shot then, yeah?
Line Notes:
Edward looks across the hall again, cringes. “No, fuck, that’s—no, I think that’s Sophia Cracroft, Sol, I’m not—Christ. Sophia Cracroft, Jesus.”
I will never not find this introduction to Edward Little fucking hilarious, because he comes off as so competent from Jopson's POV when he's arguing with Hickey in the parking lot, and yet the moment we see Edward in his own POV, he's just a mess. I love him very much, but he's a mess. This was one of the deciding factors in the dual POV as well—I knew going in that the brunt of the story was going to be from Edward's POV, but weaving in those occasional Jopson bits lets us see how Edward looks from the other side.
(Also, Tozer three hundred percent knows exactly who Sophia Cracroft is, because he demonstrates that, like, two sentences later, meaning that he’s literally just winding Edward up here, and it goes right over Edward’s head. God.)
It’s the older guy across the hall that’s laughing his ass off, but the cutie is standing right next to him, looking down at his phone, his ears charmingly pink. 
As a reminder, Edward is wearing a white tank, and just stretched his arms out behind his back. The nipple piercings are very obvious, Jopson was three hundred percent staring, and Blanky definitely caught him and is laughing his ass off about it.
“…I know what this is about,” Tozer says, tying an orange bandana around his left bicep.
The orange bandana is a hanky code thing—which, yes, it's dated, and it's not really in use anymore, but Tozer seems like the kind of guy that would tattoo his kinks on his forehead just so everybody could see them if they would all fit. Failing to find any way to gracefully do that, we instead have the orange hanky ("anything goes") on the left arm ("top").
(Older guy, thankfully, is wearing a ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. Cutie isn’t. So there’s no obvious problems there.)
Jopson not wearing a ring indicates literally nothing about whether or not he's available, but I guess whatever makes Edward feel better about himself is fine. He's right with his assumption about Jopson, in this case, but it's literally nothing more than a wild guess, and the mental hoops he's jumping through only exist to make him feel better about himself.
(Esther usually attends these events with Blanky—but somebody needed to hold down the fort in London this time, and so she's in London at present. It's for the best, she can check on Francis every so often.)
[Hickey] sticks his hand in the pocket of his latex cargo shorts...
I won't take criticism on this fashion statement, constructive or otherwise.

So, that's it for this week! Chapter two, Aware, goes up next Friday! See you then! And if you have questions or anything in the meantime, you can always drop me an ask on tumblr or Curious Cat!
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jurornumber59 · 5 years
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Okay, here me out. I’ve just spent the last hour having the absolute best and also probably the worst idea I’ve ever had. In the spirit of live action remakes that simultaneously cash in on and also destroy our childhoods with a healthy dose of ‘80s nostalgia... I bring you, the live action movie of the BRAVESTARR cartoon.
So first of all, I know that cartoon was an absolute CLUSTERFUCK. Look I know, oh god I know. I mean, we got the token chick, little people played for laughs, grossly misunderstanding and fetishising the culture/religions of first nations people, furries. Oh there’s more and it’s probably worse. As an adult looking at it now, I cringe. But 8 year old me wanted to bang Bravestarr like a screen door in a hurricane before I fully knew what that meant so this is entirely fanservice for me and I’m making all 3 of you who follow me watch.
Marshal Bravestarr - Adam Beach 
Hear me out okay, I know he’s actually Canadian and a tiny smidge too old (a teeny tiny smidge but I’m not complainging because at least he isn’t an infant like Boo Boo Stuart) but he’s got the acting chops, and the cheekbones. He’s also actually First Nations, not a white boy with a tan.  And if this were really being made we coud throw him into the gym for 20 hours a day in prep and he’d look that beefy.
Judge J.B. McBride - Jessica Chastain
This is MY fancast and we’re going to class up the place with Jessica Chastain, who also is not an infant. This woman is a judge, I want some maturity and no I will not accept her diet coke version Bryce Dallas Howard. If this were being made in the 90s I would have cast Gillian Anderson.
Thirty/Thirty - Ron Perlman
Look, in the 90s, he was dressed up in Lion-face in Beauty and the Beast and we also wanted to fuck the kitty man. If anyone can play this badass horse cyborg, it’s Ron Perlman. And I’ll still want to fuck him. Plus he has horse teeth. I love you Ron. I love you more when you wear prosthetics.
Shaman - Wes Studi
Fuckin Wes Studi tho. This character is probably the most problem-in-the-attic but Wes Studi could do it. Again, ACTUAL first nations actor, not a white boy with a tan or Johnny Depp we are looking at you after that lone ranger atrocity.
Deputy Fuzz - Warwick Davis
If you’re going to have a little person character in your movie, it’s either gonna be Warwick Davis or Peter Dinklage. And I’m getting both coz I fancast Peter as Outlaw Scuzz. Anyway, poor Fuzz. The comedic sidekick. I wouldn’t play you for laughs. The prairie people do all the mining on New Texas. We could make this a commentary on indigenous people being exploited to mine minerals for the their human overlords and and just because the Prairie People have representation in law enforcement that doesn’t mean racism is fixed. Is it too late to make this a gritty reboot?
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: GM 7 - ANA - Pandemonium at the Pond
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The Anaheim Ducks have actually had a pretty good start after being ass bad most of last year like the Sabres. Counterpoint: Fuck the Ducks! Like most Western Conference teams who really has strong feelings about Anaheim? Unless you have some personal vendetta or a weird anger for the Stanley Cup Final that never happened in 2007 you probably don’t feel anything strongly about this tacky California Club. Last night we were all given a reason to hate these mother fuckers! We’re all just happy to get some weird kinky tweets out of our draft bin for #SabresAfterDark and y’all dirty old shits decide to brain dudes on the boards! What the fuck!? Are we having some kind of whose-actually-for-real pissing match here? You guys decided to jump right into my Top Ten shit list with this second period. I had to work at 8am this morning! Do you think I’m staying up for the third period anyway? Of course not! But with the hate flowing threw my veins like a blue and gold hulk I actually wanted to! With how this game went I looked up the other game against the Ducks later this season: it’s the Sunday afternoon of February 9th. Even if this team is circling the drain per usual by that point I want a fucking revenge game akin to the Andrew Peters versus the Ottawa Senators! I hope we send them home with their little stubby Duck tails between their legs! You SoCal goons sell your shit real good: you watch a game like that and the stupid, monkey part of the brain tells you to goon up as an organization. That Old Time Hockey don’t work no more and Teemu Selanne is the only reason you won a Cup! Eat shit! Luckily Linus Ullmark putting a couple haymakers on Nick Richie’s smarmy face allowed me to turn this one off and go to sleep at a near-decent time. *deep breaths* Okay, you’re probably reading this sober during daylight hours so how about we talk about this game: Pandemonium at the Pond Part One.
I don’t know where to begin with this game. Buffalo had a great first period almost to the very end. Jack Eichel opened the scoring with an absolute magic touch. Our hunky Captain (#SabresAfterDark) got the puck in the neutral zone and went in unassisted. He took three, maybe four strides in a hook route right up and around John Gibson. He tapped it in around Gibson after he split and fell on his face. 1-0 Sabres and let me be very clear, the Ducks had no response for the majority of the first period. Buffalo could have scored two or three more goals than they did before Anaheim even got a shot off in either of the powerplay opportunities this period. We dominated every statistical category for fifteen to eighteen minutes. This team I hardly recognize called the Buffalo Sabres was knocking forwards off their lines on penalty kills. John Vogl said he didn’t know if he saw that kind of drive all last season! This team is now able to pass the puck. I believe the term I’m trying to get at here is puck support. This team can now get possession, transfer that possession between zones and through several passes, and then setup a firing squad in the offensive zone. This first period was a textbook example of this and it’s paying dividends. This new puck support offense is then near fatal on the powerplay. The powerplay was running at 42% going into this game. That’s record levels for the league, and it is bound to regress, but I don’t see why the Sabres can’t stay a top five PP with the units they have running it and our very own Mr. Powerplay Victor Olofsson! Olofsson continued to extend his lead on the record for first goals of one’s career scored on the powerplay with eight after Adam Henrique went to the box for holding Jack Eichel. The mess in front of the Anaheim net went on for what felt like a little while before the puck squirt out (#SabresAfterDark) and Olofsson one timed it to put his team up 2-0. The Randy Carlyle Era is over in Anaheim and though John Gibson will still be left out to dry many games by his defense, Dallas Eakins is not a Coach to let his team lay down and die. Adam Henrique redirects a shot that originated with Josh Manson and Linus Ullmark had no chance of stopping it. 2-1 at the first intermission.
Anaheim’s first goal was a redirect so there’s only so much you can do. Rasmus Dahlin was the defender on Henrique and he didn’t do all he could to force him out. This was one of Dahlin’s worst games as a Sabre. There were several instances this game him and a couple other D-men looked static. Sidebar: Dahlin can screw up all he wants, and you don’t bench him. Did you read that clearly Ralph? I love what you’re doing so far but you can’t bench number 26. That is not an acceptable decision. Good talk. Krueger was open in postgame about where this game really took a turn. Rickard Rakell fired home an equalizer and for the first time this season the Sabres challenged the goal for offsides. It was clearly offsides, pretty obviously even without the replay.  Another sidebar: even when we win it, I could do without offsides challenges stalling out games. Krueger said it: that review broke the momentum Buffalo had even after conceding that first Ducks goal. Hopefully as this club grows it can move beyond relying on momentum to making their own luck but hey, let’s savor what we got going here while we still got it. Moments, and I mean MOMENTS after his goal was called back Rakell, he did a Jack Eichel impression and out maneuvered Ullmark to actually equalize it this time. From here on out the game turned into a real 1970s-style shit show (#SabresAfterDark). It’s time to punch faces, boys and girls! This must be what I hear about when people say the Ducks are hard to play against. It’s not 2007 anymore so it’s not because they’re good at ice hockey! Evidently they’re good at bareknuckle boxing!
I counted at least three fights involving more than two combatants. I damn near threw something at my TV when Carter Rowney came in on Victor Olofsson corralling a puck in the corner and absolutely brained him into the boards. That caused an immediate response from Sam Reinhart and the Sabres; the kind of response a shit team like the Ducks baits you into. A response that is disappearing from the game and should be outright banned. At least two pairs of gloves hit the ice and prairie-ass white dudes galore went at it for the Canadian Dream: stopping being polite for a minute to get into a physical altercation. After that fight there were four major penalties passed out and the two clubs played 4-on-4 for a bit before Rakell shows up again to brain Rasmus Dahlin into the boards at center ice. Dirty as fuck (#SabresAfterDark). Guess who got called for a penalty: Dahlin for putting his HAND ON THE PUCK! Whether or not he did that is beside the point: he’s laying on the ice squirming around because he just got BOARDED! What in the name of Hockey Butts is that!? I am only going to say this once because complaining about the zebras is super-played out and it makes you sound like a sore loser: the refereeing is bad in this league, really bad. Swallow that whistle or blow it (#SabresAfterDark). You know it’s #SabresAfterDark because I felt like I was getting personally fucked by these refs like they had to preserve the Ducks brand or something. Piss off! Ryan Getzlaf capitalized on the Ducks’ stupid powerplay because of course he did, but before they even went up 3-2 Marcus Johansson got hauled down in the defensive zone. No call. At one point the MSG broadcast is about to go commercial, like the outro is rolling and the camera catches Vladimir Sobotka bleeding and Marco Scandella getting hauled off of resident Ducks douche bag Nick Richie only to see Linus Ullmark come out of the net and start pounding him. They came back from commercial and everyone is standing around as penalties assessed. Universal good guy and all-around awesome, gentle daddy Linus Ullmark is fighting!? The Sabres had a brief powerplay though Jimmy Vesey served a penalty to Ullmark and the whole affair was glazed over by officiating. Why did Vladdy bleed? I don’t know and frankly I was so pissed by this point in the second period that when Adam Henrique scored again in the dying seconds of the middle frame to put the home team up 4-2 I just threw my hands up and said bedtime.
Evidently that was a good choice; not just for the sake of my shift this morning but for the sake of resetting on this Sabres team. There was an empty net goal and Anaheim won this one 5-2. The Sabres were going to get that regulation loss sooner or later and apart from being absolutely jobbed by the refs and a Ducks team leaning on MMA when the going gets tough, they looked strong in this game. All told they outshot Anaheim and broke down only after being forced to breakdown. They’ll be okay. My next benchmark for this team is not only can they maintain motivated, puck supporting, “together” hockey, but can they bounce back? Not just tonight up the road against the Kings, can they bounce back within games like they did against Montreal and Florida with some consistency? That’s part of what makes good teams good teams. Are they good now? I think its still too early to tell because consist compete is what makes you good and that’s still spotty. Fuck the Ducks. Casey Mittelstadt had a good game and nobody will remember it because of Ryan Getzlaf. Evan Rodrigues on the other hand has been rough in his return for the injured Conor Sheary. Unfortunately he may have blown his chance. Curtis Lazar got called up and don’t be surprise if and when the Hamburgler’s Knight gets the start over ERod. Since I’m writing this postgame the next day that earns you New Look Sabres reply guy tweet of the game. I made a #SabresAfterDark joke involving Jack Eichel’s domination and @theboonarmies (B Chalk-outline) replied with “Eichel brought his Dom boots to Anaheim.” I know that’s not really analysis, but I thought why not stick with the theme after this Pandemonium at the Pond?
Like this blog, share it with a friend and comment because even though I’ll certainly be writing another day-after postgame after tonight’s LA game your reply could be the next New Look Sabres reply guy tweet of the game. I’m reasonably confident the Sabres can powerbomb the Kings from lower earth orbit tonight like a crappy COD Black Ops sequel. I know that sounds like vain pride given this team’s history but if Vancouver can hang 8-2 on this shell of a franchise then why can’t the other 1970 expansion team? Their celebrating the 20th anniversary of Staples Center tonight. If they’re going to parade around their banners from a half decade ago I’d love to crash that party. I really do want to see a Home opener style rout and I don’t see why not. In spite of how it ended with Anaheim you got to believe they have it in them to beat this Kings team. Until tonight for another #SabresAfterDark, Let’s Go Buffalo!
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. Taylor Hall is never going to be a Sabre but just the fact that in a Post-Skinner world Sabres fans can realistically dream that dream is pretty amazing.
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sierradorotheia · 5 years
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Ack! What, am I doing already posting about snow? Yes, this photo was taken from one of our ski trips last year... but although the temperature in the City still reads double-digits, I can’t help but think how I can make the seemingly-longest season in the Canadian Prairies be somewhat bearable? I’ve had quite a bit of a rush planning my summer last season when I made a checklist and I thought doing the same thing for Winter would also be great.
Ski at least five times this season.
Last year, I have taken up skiing. I won’t say I am 100% comfortable with skiing yet, but I am looking to overcome that fear. J got a ski pass for his birthday so I know he would be doing a lot of skiing this season, and I for sure would be doing the lessons once again. I am hoping to be so much better than I did last year- both physically and mentally.
Check out any Christmas lights festival. 
There does not seem to be a shortage of festivals in town- and sometimes it just irritates me to see “festival” of pretty much anything when I scroll through my Facebook--- but I would like to check out one of the indoor lights festivals we have in town. Winter should be milder (I hope) so even outdoor lights would also work, if that would be cheaper/free of charge.
Plan a bangin’ New Years Eve party...for two.
The last two New Years, Justin and I have been privileged to spent it on amazing places (Houston in 2019 and Cancun in 2018) but we’re both out of vacation days (and funds lol) this year so we’ll have to stay in town for both Christmas and New Years. This would be our fourth New Year’s Eve party and I am thinking about just having it for the two of us- just like what we’ve been doing the last three New Years. I’ve been looking at parties in town for NYE but it’s still pretty early to see anything remotely good, I guess. So I’m keeping my eyes peeled for now.
Take the plunge and stay at the Pomeroy for a weekend. 
J and I are toying with the idea of not giving each other Christmas presents and just treating ourselves to a weekend at the Pomeroy Kananaskis lodge. We’ve stopped by the property a few times after hiking for some grub, and man was the food amazing. They also have a spa! So it would be great apres a ski weekend.
Do some easy Winter hikes.
Trails on my list so far are Troll Falls and Johnston Canyon! I would also like to be able to check out some ice caves during the season.
Keep playing (indoor) tennis.
I just checked the Tennis Academy in town for come clinics they offer during Winter- and I would have been interested but the time is just too late. Every Mondays from 8 pm - 10 pm, which puts me back home at 11 pm... and then I would have to get ready for bed and be up by 5 am the next day sounds a tad too horrendous for me. For now, I guess I would try to do as much drop-in tennis as I could with J, and take advantage of the fact that the sun does not go down until about 7ish and the nets are still up in town.
Spend more time with nephews  ♥
We absolutely adore and love our three nephews, and did not get to spend a lot of time with them during the summer for sleepovers because of my schedule and we wanted to get as much hiking done as we could every weekend. We’re having two of them over this weekend though! Their parents still believe that three boys under five would be too much for us, and I guess I have to take their word for it. But I’m always grateful every time we get to spend time with the boys and get to know them as they grow. I hope their time with us would also be good memories they will look back on someday.
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boyneriver-fraser · 6 years
Beyond Outlander’s Online Fandom: There’s a whole other world out there 🔭
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I know a lot of people — of all ages and stages — who read Outlander and watch Outlander and have never HEARD of the online fandom, much less participate in it. 😳 One of them recently flew across the Canadian prairie to spend eight sleeps with me and the wee cheeties. And boy, were her arms tired.
Sally, which isn’t her real name, is a vibrant, well-educated, well-travelled, married mother-of-two-teenagers, with a professional career and a ton o’ personality. She read The Books long before I’d heard of The Show or knew there were books. She’s watched The Show since Claire first said, “Strange, the things you remember” on August 9, 2014.
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Sally, not as illustrated
One of the first things Sally cheerily said to me once she settled in was, “The season finale is Sunday night, right?” THEE season finale…
I said, “Right” because I don’t lie to my guests until they’ve been here for at least one sleep and asked her what she thought of Season 4.
She said, “I love it. It’s one of my favourite seasons.”
🎶 DUN DUN DUN… 🎶 🤯
I’ll pause while the majority of you pick yourselves up off the floor and adjust your rolling eyes. (Commence Music-On-Hold)
Let’s review. Sally is a vibrant, well-educated, well-travelled, married-mother-of-two-teenagers with a professional career and a ton o’ personality. And she enjoyed Season 4. (Reinstitute Music-On-Hold)
Sally doesn’t Tumblr. She doesn’t Tweet. She doesn’t use Instagram or Facebook or any social media. She has no idea who Caitriona Balfe or Matthew B Roberts or Jon Gary Steele is beyond names and faces on the TV screen. Nor does she care. The horror! The horror! 😱
Rewind to that torturous week between 4x12 Providence and THEE Season Finale, if you dare: I told me ol’ pals @saint-hildegard-of-bingen and @wherethepupsare and the former @little-wine-lac a long and winding story — quelle surprise — about my having been an “easily contented” child. Boyneriver-Fraser: An Easily Contented Child available on iTunes and in the Kindle Store, March 14.
The story ended with:
It would seem that Boynie is still easily contented. I enjoyed Providence, start to finish. I was entertained, intrigued, and content. So content that when my eyes moved to the clock during a commercial, I was stunned to see it was 1:03 a.m., one hour and three minutes into the broadcast. Boredom and disappointment were strangers to me. Absolutely I would have enjoyed “more Claire and Jamie,” but I did not miss them. The story and the other characters maintained my interest, so much so, before I looked at the clock, I didn’t realize the episode was imminently over…
My only conclusion is, whatever it is I need from Outlander-on-TV, I’m getting. 
Has anyone ever mentioned I (had been) a vibrant, well-educated, well-travelled, single-mother-of-two-wee-cheeties, (who had) a professional career and fakes a ton o’ personality? (Re-Reinstitute Music-On-Hold)
My point — and I do have one thank you, Ellen — is there ARE intelligent people who have read The Books (and who don’t use social media and/or communicate with Outlander personnel disqualifying them for sycophant status) and who STILL ENJOY the show.
I’ll be talking a bit more about them — and how we could all get along, short of joining hands and singing Kumbaya — when I offer more ridiculous drivel my thoughts on some-things-Zen, as foreshadowed in my previous post. Now’s as good a time as any to unfollow me. Blame Tumblr. Hurry. Hurry hard.
If only I could Zen-handle my dashboard like I can Zen-handle the show and Zen-handle the ship… Can you say “foreshadowing?” Sure. I knew you could. Is there an echo in here?
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February 28, 2019
Gifs: Sally Brown - Pinterest, Zen Cats giphy.com
#Personal #Beyond Outlander’s Online Fandom #Sally’s Visit #Not her real name #Music-On-Hold #Easily contented child #Sleep now, Zen later #If you read this entire post you’re a good sport 😀 #I do enjoy a good rendition of Kumbaya #73 #022819
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“The Trip of the Convicts,” The British Whig (Kingston), May 30, 1873. Page 02, c. 4. --- THE NEW PENITENTIARY - DEPARTURE FROM KINGSTON - ALONG THE ROUTE - LANDING AT ST. VINCENT. --- (Montreal Gazette.) When the Boy’s REformatory was vacacted at St. Vincent de Paul and transferred partly to Montreal and partly to Sherbrooke, it was to make room for the convicts of this Province who were detained at the Kingston Penitentiary. This was in accordance with a recent legislative provision, that each province should have its own penitentiary. On Monday, the 19th inst., the translation took place, but in such a manner, and by such a novel route, that the public of Montreal knew nothing of it, and would probably long remain in ignorance of it, but for the following account which we append.
On the day just mentioned, a squad of a  DOZEN OFFICERS belonging to the St. Vincent Penitentiary, started to Kingston by rail to take charge of the Quebec prisoners who were that day to take their departure from their old cells. On reaching Kingston they found everything in readiness and immediately went on board the steamer Watertown which had been chartered for the transportation. The scene at the moment of departure was peculiar and withal impressive. A large multitude had gathered on the wharf; handkerchiefs were waved; loud hurrahs rent the air. Mr. Creighton, warden of the Kingston Penitentiary, was there shaking hands with the departing convicts, many of whom testified to their respect and affection for that gentleman by shedding tears as they bad him good-bye. Mr. Moylan, one of the Penitentiary inspectors, was also present, having come up from Ottawa to see that everything was done to ensure both the safety and the comfort of the transported convicts. 
At half-past five p.m., THE WHISTLE SOUNDED and the Watertown moved out of Kingston harbor. A little later, supper was served, and then the prisoners - the whole number of whom was 120 - asked and obtained permission to sing. All that night, the old Canadian chansons, from the rollicking lumberman’s barcarole to the love ballad of the innocent village days, were rehearsed in solos by the better voices, in loud choruses by the deep-chested. About ten o’clock the moon rose, and as the vessel threaded through the flowery maze of the Thousand Islands, the balmy light, the silver reflection, and the fragrance of the wet grasses came like a triple benediction on the hearts of the poor unfortunates. No wonder that when the  EVENING PRAYER was intoned by the chaplain they all joined in it with loud and hearty responses. It had been decided that the vessel should go through the canals, and shoot none of the rapids. This made the route longer, but it was a wise precaution, nevertheless, as, in cases of any accident, it would have been difficult to save the prisoners, who were chained two by two. At 8 o’clock, on Tuesday morning, the Watertown entered the canal at Cornwall. At every lock where the boat stopped, crowds of people came up, attracted by the loud singing of the convicts and by their quaint costume.
THE PRISON DRESS consists of a trouser, waistcoat, shirt and cap made of a stuff which is one side yellow and the other black. This motley has a peculiar effect on the eye. At three o’clock, of the same day, the steamboat passed through the Beauharnois Canal, and at 7 1/2 entered into Lake St. Louis. The evening was spent in listening to a long and interesting story told by a clergyman to the convicts who had formed a ring around him. The passage of Lachine Canal and the rest of the way down to the Church of Riviere des Prairies were accomplished without difficulty. Early on Wednesday morning the Rapids of Riviere des Prairies were reached. The engine was not powerful, the vessel was large and the load of passengers very considerable. It was therefore a full hour before the Watertown could get out of the rapid, spending all that time nearly stationary or creeping forwards and backwards. At half-past 8 a.m., she was safely moored at the  PENITENTIARY WHARF, and all St. Vincent - men, women and children - was there to see the convicts land. They came forth in twos and marched up to the gates of the Penitentiary, between a double hedge of gaping sight seekers. They were received by Mr. Prieur, another gentleman of the Board of Inspectors. In the court-yard the roll was called, and when every one of the convicts had answered his name, they were all led to their cells and eased of their irons. A good dinner was next spread and then the monotonous round of prison life began once more. Poor men! poor women! Let us hope that they enjoyed this two days’ voyage - with its sight of the open face of nature, the cool waters, the free air, the bright flowers, and a certain liberty from prison routine. For many it will be a trip to be long remembered. For the few, alias! who are condemned to captivity for life, it will be the only trip they will ever make prior to that great one which hath no return.
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slingspeacea · 6 years
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a collection of research exploring the idea, that if not for wynonna earp’s low budget and physical filming location, purgatory and its key landmarks should have been based in the united states,            around the colorado river specifically.  !important: earp roleplayers are more than welcome to also adopt this divergence if they agree with it, and may 100% feel free to REBLOG this post. please remember when interacting with my character, in all verses, that they are from purgatory, colorado, and not from canada. if after reading this, you feel bothered, please let me know and we can absolutely follow writers’ show canon in our threads!!
☆  // WARNING!!
this divergence is strongly opinionated. the writers of the show have confirmed the plot setting for the television series wynonna earp, is in fact located in alberta, canada. i am 100% aware that alberta is absolute show canon. however, as a roleplayer, creative writer, and western fanatic, i can neither ignore, nor let wyatt earp and doc holliday’s history get completely washed away for the sake of filming convenience. make no mistake. i love the show, the storyline, and i love the characters immensely;  but because of both the comic book series, and nonfictional history, their story’s location does not make any sense to me or add up at all. 
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first, let’s begin with wyatt earp’s original routes and a few historical events. i’ve taken the time, and mapped wyatt and doc holliday’s trail out below in order. they were obviously riding on horseback and taking ferries or trains, so they wouldn’t have been using main roads or highways ( although busy trails later became paved highways and roads throughout america ). at only one point does wyatt travel through canada and it is during his two, long journeys to alaska. as you can see below, he really goes nowhere near alberta or calgary on his way to his next stop, seattle, washington. 
it would make way more sense for purgatory to be located somewhere in the united states, in one of the towns wyatt earp lived or stayed in for a prolonged period of time. not to mention the old west  is well... united states history, and all notable events regarding the old west happened in the states. the original 1993 wynonna earp comics even pay homage to places like tombstone ( and can i mention when the t.v series says they’re loosely based on the comics, they are hardly anything like them? like barely even remotely? ). it mentions white trash and trailer parks, hill billys, pabst blue ribbon, you name every southern stereotype, and they cover it. no surprise, it is based in america.
“ two u.s. marshals and a sheriff lie dead in san diablo, new mexico. when marshal wynonna earp hits the trail to bring the killers to justice, she uncovers connections to a devastating new drug...and a pack of redneck vampires! modern firepower and frontier justice --that's wynonna. “          wynonna earp, comic issue #1, summary.
but that’s totally besides the point, and another post probably worth making entirely. let’s get back to the real wyatt earp and docs holliday’s actual history. below are some maps, and i’ve linked bigger versions so they’re easier for y’all to see.
larger map images for reference:     a,   b,   c.
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exhibit one: map a.  ↳ this displays his route from dodge city in 1875, up until his last ride to los angeles where he would also die in 1923. this map is all prior to docs death specifically, which is extremely important. why? because doc had obvious connections to both constance clootie and bulshar. this has become even even more so evident in season 3. wyatt earp did not travel through canada until after docs actual death. this alone raises a red flag as someone who thinks placing purgatory in canada was an easy cop-out by show writers, and as someone who often ponders plot holes in the show’s storyline. 
another point i have to to stress, is that a majority of wyatt earp’s time with doc holliday throughout life was spent in the southwestern united states. their stomping grounds are where a majority of the route lines cross on the map, and they traveled between each of those cities, owning saloons, gambling, hunting outlaws, etc.. countless times. i’ll have more to add about this later under section iii, which heavily regards the revenants.
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exhibit two: map b. ↳ map b is probably the most important of all three. it depicts what his ride would have looked like from wrangell, ak to nome, and then from wrangell, ak to seattle, wa. google maps actually wouldn’t let me map the whole thing through from idaho and washington to alaska, because fun fact, you have to fly and take ferries to get around from the usa to those alaskan towns. phew, can you imagine wyatt’s adventure to alaska on horseback and water?? his wife actually tried to stop him from making the journey because she was pregnant at the time, but of course, he saw an opportunity for wealth and didn’t listen.
alberta is a far stretch out of the way. he would have had to go over or around the canadian rockies, and since he was traveling to and from alaska from either washington state and/or idaho with a clear destination in mind, it would make no logical sense whatsoever. the red triangle, accurately labeled show’s location wtf??  is where the show’s canon ghost river triangle is located. i know what you’re probably thinking, they never say it straight up in the series,             but writer’s confirmation aside, upon researching there is one particular episode which gave us show purgatory’s exact location right away. here is a picture of waverly in s01e03, with a map of purgatory. . . and here is another .... and now here is an actual, real map which indisputably matches waverly’s layout. note: those are not my screencaps, you can find the original post i got them from here !!
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exhibit three: map c. ↳ vildal, california is where he built his home in 1911.  the earps bought a small cottage in vidal, the only home they ever owned. beginning in 1911 and until Wyatt's health began to fail in 1928, Wyatt and sadie earp summered in Los Angeles and spent the rest of the year in the desert working their claims. The "happy days" mine was located in the whipple mountains a few miles north of vidal.  wyatt had some modest success with the happy days gold mine, and they lived on the slim proceeds of income from that and oil wells.  ( source:  wikipedia. )
so, my question is likely the biggest plot hole in the whole freaking television series. how the heck did wyatt’s family homestead end up all the way near calgary, alberta, canada?? the show writers ignore this entirely and uses an insane amount of liberties. wyatt never had any children to begin with, but if one wants to paint the picture of family, love, loyalty, and closeness as they do on the show, i would think that the earps would have remained somewhere closer to wyatt’s grave. at the very least in the same country.
the other major thing to take into consideration, is that by the time map b and map c were traveled, real doc holliday was also dead and no longer amongst the living. i bet your thinking,  ❝   okay so maybe vidal, california would have been an alright place for the show to take place, since that was wyatt’s actual only home.  ❞  and i totally agree, but the more i thought about making this wynonna’s hometown and ground zero for the homestead, the harder i could picture the gang there. problem is, the landscape is nothing but desert. it’s hot and arrid. in vidal there are there are no prairie winds, or great plains, or chinook rocky mountain sunsets. on the show we see mountains, rivers, forests, and more importantly, large amounts of snow. 
this leads the divergence trail back to none other than the myth, the man, and the legend, doc holliday. let’s dive a little more into his relationship with wyatt in the next section.
how wyatt and doc met in history & the show. ↳ earp had run two cowboys out of wichita earlier in 1878. during the summer, the two cowboys—accompanied by another two dozen men—rode into dodge and shot up the town while galloping down front street. they entered the long branch saloon, vandalized the room, and harassed the customers. hearing the commotion, earp burst through the front door, and before he could react, a large number of cowboys were pointing their guns at him. 
in another version, there were only three to five cowboys. in both stories, holliday was playing cards in the back of the room and upon seeing the commotion, drew his weapon and put his pistol at morrison's head, forcing him and his men to disarm, rescuing earp from a bad situation. no account of any such confrontation was reported by any of the dodge city newspapers at the time. whatever actually happened, earp credited holliday with saving his life that day, and the two men became friends.
how wyatt and doc actually parted ways in history. ↳  according to a letter written by former new mexico territory governor miguel otero, wyatt and holliday were eating at fat charlie's the retreat restaurant in albuquerque, "when holliday said something about earp becoming 'a damn jew-boy.' earp became angry and left…." holliday and dan tipton arrived in pueblo, colorado in late april 1882. ( source: wikipedia. )
doc’s death in real history. ↳ in 1887, prematurely gray and badly ailing, holliday made his way to the hotel glenwood, near the hot springs of glenwood springs, colorado. he hoped to take advantage of the reputed curative power of the waters, but the sulfurous fumes from the spring may have done his lungs more harm than good. as he lay dying, holliday is reported to have asked the nurse attending him for a shot of whiskey. when she told him no, he looked at his bootless feet, amused. the nurses said that his last words were, "this is funny.”  holliday died at 10am on november 8, 1887. he was 36.
wyatt visited sick doc before he died. ↳   wyatt heard of doc’s death shortly after he had died. he was close by in aspen, colorado at the time, and it’s thought that he may have visited doc before his death. josephine  earp told a story about sitting beside doc’s deathbed, but it’s thought that she may have confused this with another occasion ( because of old age ). she additionally gave an account of doc and wyatt’s last meeting in the lobby of a denver hotel. both men were quite upset and josie said that wyatt cried afterwards. there’s also a story that doc’s gun was also sent to wyatt although again not a lot of evidence to prove whether or not it’s true.
wynonna earp flashbacks. ↳   in s01e03, wyatt visited his bedside, where doc is very ill and lying down in a tent. it’s implied doc was resting, wyatt packed up his things for him, and dispite his sickness, earp keeps urging him to ride with him to purgatory. doc rejects knowing he can’t and says goodbye. this is likely right before he seeks out constance clootie for immortality, in whatever town they were in. there is no viable way his transformation could have happened in purgatory, because the church in wynonna’s vision quest later on was somewhere on the outskirts of town.
on the series, doc holliday had already come across constance clootie, and gained his immortality before the best friends had their argument and wyatt disowned him for becoming something of the devil’s work. wyatt also finally admits to his family being cursed. doc was also as equally heartbroken about wyatt’s opinion of his choice, and throughout the series, we see how deeply he considers and takes an earp’s opinion to heart. despite being set in modern years, and appended romantic aspects aside, his relationship with wynonna mirrors that of his and wyatts.  
consider that wyatt already killed constance clootie’s sons, and bulshar clootie is the man he was fixed on punishing for cursing him. it’s entirely plausible doc followed closely behind wyatt’s tail after being shunned, and that wherever wyatt was going was only a few days ride from doc’s staying place. the witch clootie admitted she turned doc ageless to hurt wyatt and succeeded, but we also know that where blushar goes, clootie is looking for vengeance. it’s conceivable to theorize certain suspicions such as, but not limited to; doc wanting take back his immortality due to wyatt’s rejection, and in turn while meeting clootie, got tossed with the final  seal into the well.
the “earp well” lol. ↳  we know doc winds up in a well , but it’s location seems to appear elsewhere from it’s original place on the earp property in season one’s pilot episode, to somewhere in a random forest, in s02ep08. the earp property is said by wynonna to be only 10 acres ( 0.125 sq miles ).  for a farm where you have to drive to get from point a to point b, this is not very large or inaccurate. all shots of the property are also mainly rolling farmland with no large forest vegetation resembling that of the well’s site. i’m going to chalk this discrepancy up to this scene having been in the pilot, having a low budget and limited choices for pilot filming location.
doc’s well was never on the actual earp property like some probably assume at first glance, but instead, somewhere else entirely. just go on ahead and re-watch. after retrieving peacemaker and talking to dolls, wynonna drives up to the purgatory town line, truck facing towards the town. it makes for a clear ( or not so clear ) clue hinting the well’s whereabouts. in s2ep08,  juan carlo takes wynonna outside of purgatory to the outskirts for her vision quest. the well is clearly located in that area and tied heavily to the flashback in the church. from a teen wynonna was a drifter. she could have stashed the gun in an abandoned well anywhere, somewhere safe, and no where too close to the homestead.  but here is another thought, doc and wynonna’s fates were entwined, so who knows? maybe she felt specifically drawn to that area and frequented there to clear her head when she was younger. merely a concept.
finally, bobos imprisonment in the well further proves it’s located elsewhere, since revenants can't step foot on earp land without being burned. this gives us some room to play for setting up wynonna earp’s story in colorado.
tying history and flashbacks together. ↳  this is where it gets complicated, where it’s hard to put things into words, and where my divergence really starts, because the show canon entirely ignores actual history when it comes to the true separation and deaths of both of these men.  we have no clue as to the location in either of these flashbacks on the show, but we do see wyatt is wearing a jacket and scarf. it’s apparently cold outside so there’s at least that to work with. the state of colorado has cold winters, which also works in this divergence’s favor.
if the real doc holliday died in glenn springs, colorado, and the real wyatt earp was in aspen, colorado around the time of his death, we could place purgatory somewhere in that area. doc faked his death on the series, between the time he decided he would became immortal, and the time he was thrown in the well shortly after. sewing these realities together puts purgatory in colorado. doc’s death would make the location default. in regards to the comic taking place in the deserts of the united states, this divergence will also have that covered later on.
the canadian show takes an extreme with creative freedoms and gives no resolution  whatsoever as to how wyatt earp somehow settled down in alberta, candada ( did they even do their fact checking?? ) or how every family member has lived there ever since. the actual wyatt earp had no children, and his home was and will always historically be in vidal, california. 
so, let’s make this more believable. what if in another universe that isn’t real history, but makes a hell of a lot more sense when unified with the show’s,            wyatt earp made a home in colorado after bulshar was buried?  not only close to where is thought to be his best friends grave, but where he can keep an eye on, and protect, bulshar’s remains until he dies? bobo moved him, but where were they prior? on the show wyatt is also said to have been partially involved in entombing bulshar’s body. therefore, this explanation would make 100% total sense as to why wyatt and his wife never made it to vidal, california. his life’s journey would have been stopped dead in its tracks, so he could keep the demon who cursed his family from the widows, and make sure bulshar never returned. one could claim, in a historically based, fictional western series, that wyatt earp built a ranch because of this, and settled down with his wife in a town called purgatory, colorado.
wyatt earp’s curse. ↳  the earp curse makes all people that wyatt earp had killed in his lifetime resurrect over and over again. those revenants can only be killed by the peacemaker which only the current heir can use.           wait a minute. wynonna voice: say whaaaat?? wyatt never killed multiple people in canada. at any point in history. how would the 77 people he killed even get to canada if revenants can’t leave the ghost river triangle in the first place??         can you say, major woops? this is personally my favorite fudge up.
the ghost river triangle. ↳  the ghost river triangle is an area of cursed land, partially framed by the splitting of the ghost river into two, that imprisons the resurrected outlaws killed by wyatt earp. should a revenant cross the boundary line, they experience hell on earth. to quote waverly, in leavin' on your mind: '...everything from the mountains to where the north and south ghost rivers meet, forms the ghost river triangle. it cuts through the big city, contains thousands of square miles of forest, foothills, prairie, the badlands. and all of it...cursed.'
forest, foothills, prairie, and badlands? yeah, if we want to place divergent purgatory somewhere in the united states to make the show a little more historically accurate, the ghost river triangle definitely parallels to none other than the colorado river. the colorado river runs through colorado, utah, arizona, nevada, california, and all the way down to mexico. at least three of those states were in fact, wyatt’s stomping grounds before and after his historically recorded vendetta ride. 
not to go with some total, mythical, movie cliche here, but in an alternative wynonna world set in the united states, the ghost river triangle could have also been named by the native americans who inhabited the land along the colorado river. factually, many parts of the colorado river are actually suspected to be haunted. let’s not get too carried away, though. alberta canada is in fact home of a real place called the ghost river valley, and there’s totally no disputing that.
wyatt’s vendetta ride ↳  in history the vendetta ride was a deadly search, where wyatt lead a federal posse for outlaw cowboys they believed had ambushed, and maimed virgil earp and killed morgan earp. the earp brothers had been attacked in retaliation for the deaths of three cowboys in the gunfight at the o.k. corral on october 26, 1881. from march 20 to april 15, 1882, the federal posse searched southeast cochise county, arizona territory for suspects in both virgil's and morgan's attacks. several suspects had been freed by the court, owing in some cases to legal technicalities and in others to the strength of alibis provided by cowboy confederates. up to this point, wyatt had relied on the legal system to bring the cowboys to justice. now he felt he had to take matters into his own hands.
i could be wrong, but i have a feeling the chase for bulshar is loosely based on this part of wyatt earp’s history. the parallel of his two own brothers dying, and two of clootie’s sons dying, is a little thought provoking, no? coincidental even? an eye for an eye, perhaps? there is a lot of wyatt’s history left to be uncovered and explored, and that’s if the show writers even decide to reveal anything else at all. on the show, wyatt got innocent people killed, there was one hell of a lot of collateral damage surrounding him. 
i feel 100% comfortable standing firmly by the headcanon that after wyatt was cursed and his brothers were killed, that he went on a tear after bulshar and destroyed anyone who got in his way. this is important, because these events could be tied to his life in tombstone, arizona, and the events which took place in and after the shootout at the OK corral. if he was cursed in tombstone, then there is no way around it,          one of the ghost river triangle’s points would have to begin there.
the revmap, i mean . . . revamp. ↳ below is a map which bases a divergent ghost river triangle heavily off of history. it takes into consideration doc holliday and wyatt earp’s routes, where doc’s last known whereabouts were, where wyatt would have killed the most men, and finally, his vendetta ride. in total the divergent river triangle’s perimeter is about 2,500 miles and takes 36 hours nonstop to drive. in contrast, the show’s ghost river triangle is 617 miles and takes about only an easy 12 hours to drive from point to point. purgatory is west of denver, and the homestead is about where the house icon is.   ( larger image version is here. )
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yeah okay, so the size may be of some issue, but vastness aside, there are three things this triangle does have, that the other doesn’t. firstly, historical accuracy. it includes nearly all of the areas where a number of wyatt’s targets made their peace. if we tie back to wyatt’s vendetta ride and the whole paralleling idea for a moment, many of the revenants who rode with bulshar would've died in various areas of colorado and the purgatory area. secondly, the terrain might aid with narrowing revenant whereabouts down. deserts and mountains surround a majority of these iconic towns.          and lastly another argument can be made that because some revenants do want to end the earp line, few might've simply migrated to colorado and placed themselves somewhere closer within wynonna’s line of fire.
i could continue ridiculously blabbering on and on about why i chose this location divergence for my character. everything from climate, to terrain, and how there are salt flats in utah nearby, or my really strong distaste for how the show writers erased wyatt earp and doc holliday’s real history,            but in honesty i think everything i’ve covered above nicely sums up my research and premise. anywhooo, that’s all for now folks, hope you enjoyed the read!
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elys-book-of-laurel · 7 years
Where I see the theoi in Canada
I see Zeus in the clear blue prairie skies and dancing northern lights, Vancouver's endless rain and Winnipeg's endless snow. He is in the voices of those who search for the murdered and missing indigenous and stands with the Aboriginal men and women who demand their rights.
I see Hera in the broken and reformed and forever families, in the endless variety of couples and ceremonies who swear "till death do us part". She is in the immigrant family brought back together.
I see Ares in the Human Rights Museum, in the unbridled passion of hockey fans and riots. He sits with those we send as peacekeepers and prepare them for when peace is no more.
I see Athena in the universities and passionate students, in the short list of banned books. She watches the bone-diggers in Drumheller pull up more and more dinosaurs that reveal the world before man.
I see Artemis in the wild and unkempt forests of British Columbia, alongside the bears and moose. She is the treacherous Rockie Mountains and arctic tundra. She is the snow hare of the north and the lynx on the hunt.
I see Apollo in the old artists of Quebec and the Royal Symphony and Ballet, the Neil Youngs and Leonard Cohens. He lives in the largest hospitals in the country and signed the bill of Medicare.
I see Dionysus looking down at the grape-growers in Ontario and going "not bad" when a glass reaches his hands. He is that lynx on the hunt, the animal that sits in the heart of every human soul, the pride of the unashamed minority.
I see Aphrodite in the celebration of the cultural mosaic I see my generation embrace, in the beauty of others' cultures and customs, and the civic unity of being Canadian. She is the love common to all.
I see Hermes as the Golden Boy and his call to the youth. He is the Hudson Bay Company and old beaver trade. He is every checkout at the West Edmonton Mall and every rushed break on Boxing Day.
I see Hades enjoying his wife and queen half the year, their happiness bringing Demeter's wrath and Zeus's snowstorms. He is the oil sands of Alberta, in every metal and resource we extract from the earth. He is the chosen dignity at the end.
I see Poseidon in the still lakes and muddy waters, the roaring crash of waterfalls, and the fishermen of the Maritimes. He is in the ice floats and every river that flows through the nation that stretches "from sea to sea".
I see Demeter in the waving fields of prairie wheat, in the local farmer's markets and greenhouses of Nunavut. She brings the six-month winter and tells the birds to fly south and the beasts to hibernate.
I see Hephaestus in the rough hands of blue-collar workers, undervalued and overworked. He was with the Chinese slaves who built the railroad and now the construction workers who struggle to maintain the winter roads.
I see Hestia in the Parliment of Ottawa. She is the thread between the blocks of the Quilt of Belonging, the patient hand that asks Quebec to remain. She is on the shoulder of each new immigrant, far from their birth-town and searching for a new home.
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