#we love you jess
luna-lovegreat · 1 month
Wars and Wild as knights in Lu
They have issues.
I have a lot of thoughts on Wild and Wars and their relationship (Order of this post is talking about saluting, Wild and Wars' different perspectives, memory issues, and fire) Rant time.
No saluting!!
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So Wild took a formal- almost/awkwardly saluting pose when Wars confronted him in 'Entrance pt.2'
It's similar to the first time Wild addressed Wars as 'captain'. His left hand is up from where a salute should be, and his overall posture is awkward, with his shoulders and right hand raised, but it's clear he's trying to do a salute in the presence of a fellow knight.
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In the second example his hand is behind his head, but his posture is very straight and his right arm stiff- he's again attempting a formal saluting position. Which is still awkward
It is less clear but his changes in posture clued me in. He goes from like a deer in the headlights to visibly sweating to straight backed and looking up at Wars- looking at the changes in his body language
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Side note but I literally love how Jojo draws the champions tunic so much-
We can't see the action of Wild's body language in a comic, just the positions he went to. But he visibly leaned away from Wars before switching to a straight backed saluting-like posture. He's clearly freaked out, hence Twilight's face: >:(
I think that Wild taking somewhat military poses around Wars is important to their relationship issues because it comes from his struggle with memory and identity
So like. All of them have different perspectives
I adore Wars. He is baby and I love him. I think it is also important to acknowledge that he would not speak to any of the others this way.
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And the scarf man cmon it's so pretty they are so cute-
Why is Wars talking to Wild like this? He's called him out and reprimanded him multiple times in front of the others. Wild has taken it well but tbh if it was Legend I think he would be on fire.
To some extent I think he is in captain mode. I think that he has trouble seeing Wild as not a knight. Wars gives Wild respect as a knight who sacrificed for his kingdom, but now it seems he's taking it away as a knight who's not doing well enough since he 'disregarded the plan'
At least I think that's the outside (or Wild's) view of it. But Wars internally really cares about Wild and he saw him run up to a giant and lose it. Different ways of showing concern perhaps?
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Who wouldn't want to keep Wild from getting more scars?
I just. Don't doubt for a second Wars really cares about Wild- even if the way he's acting still isn't cool. He has no right to treat him like a soldier any more than the rest of the chain, and right now I think Wild is acting as the more mature person.
I adore Wild. He is baby and I love him. I think it is also important to acknowledge that although he is clearly making efforts after Twilight's injury, Wild has ignored Wars for the majority of Lu, by not speaking to him much, and not thanking or acknowledging Wars when he directly helped him. (Small example being walking with Hyrule not Wars when injured and not directly responding to Wars)
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Wars cares about and respects Wild, but it seems Wild wants nothing to do with him, and he's been cold towards Wars for the majority of Lu. To Wild, Wars reminds him of his perceived failure. Which is valid feelings, but still not fair. And I think that ask is talking about these two.
The thing I love about this is each of them are right and wrong in some ways, leading to the tension between them. So fully blaming either of them is not logical
The rest of the chain is just vibing. Except twilight who's mad and wants them to just grow up, but. Heros of courage not wisdom @uniquevoidflowers ;)
And that ask- '''Are any of the Links ever jealous of another Link for adventures that were less difficult/life threatening?'' ''When you hear Wild say he 'hates' someone you'll have your answer.''' somewhat leads to my next point-
Wild's identity and memory issues exacerbate all of this
In Entrance, Twilight is being stressed and defensive, that's ok. What concerns me most is that Twilight has talked with Wild through stuff like this in his rough moments
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Wild has tried to be formal several times- he is not very good at it
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Four's face I can't didnwidkekfjej
Wild isn't and can't be 'him'- the same 'perfect' (<actually has crippling anxiety) knight he was before, and Twilight knows this. And I agree with him a bit, I think, that Wars is making things worse in Wild's mind by being that perfect soldier, and seemingly holding Wild to a standard he isn't
Wild's attempts at saluting is symbolic of that- Wars makes him feel like a failure trying to be the person he should be. But Wild shouldn't be anyone but himself.
Anyways. Fire.
Wars and Wild have issues, and I want them to work through all their relationship drama so they can reach their PEAK dynamic, which is obviously this
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I mean like. We need these two to be friends
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Anyways. Wild is in this constant state of identity crisis, and being around Wars has not been beneficial- neither of them is or has been showing the other the respect they deserve. Not as knights, but as people and brothers. They need a get along shirt.
All this Art is by Jojo @linkeduniverse au!
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jaarijani · 5 months
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baby lasagna wishes this were him
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I Am All In Rewatch - Jess & Rory - Episode 2x21 (Part 3)
Jess moves her and they move each other. Jess moves her and she doesn't know why. That's why she got on a bus, you know. -Scott 
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Someone said that Minho is waiting to get an individual insta account until Jisung is ready (because of his social anxiety) and now I’m crying in the club.
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i-am-grell · 3 months
“When I got out no one said they love me! The hell?”
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ftl-faster-than-life · 10 months
If you're a Flash fan and you can afford the $8, please buy The Speed Force and Jay Garrick: The Flash. This is the first time since the 90's that we've had more than one book at a time and it's really important that we let DC know that there's support and an audience for Flashfam books. Hit or miss, the important part is supporting the titles so that they keep making this extra Flash content. If you like an 'obscure' Flashfam member, this is how you tell DC there's room to tell their stories. You can find digital editions on Amazon and through the DC store, and you can also order them in hard copies here: https://www.tfaw.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=speed+force https://www.tfaw.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Jay+Garrick+The+Flash
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blackbatcass · 5 months
watching mark waid slowly, gradually, and very intentionally build up a cast of characters that over time become extremely precious to wally and become so interconnected and deeply important to his life that they’re family.. flash v2 it was an honor🫡
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whorejolras · 5 months
in my dream production of les mis Enjolras has his own reprisal of I Dreamed A Dream right when he's lost hope before grantaire joins him after all their friends have died thanks for listening 🫶🏻
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lazybakerart · 1 year
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Very Important Moments Part 3 in The Righteous Gemstones, I Will Take You By The Hand And Keep You
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qrowpilled · 1 year
so we basically just got confirmation that bumbleby HAS been planned from the start. 10 years in the making...yeah it's greatest love story ever told
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iwozlegit · 7 months
|| 🍍• What if the first time Husk realises he’s fallen for Angel is when he’s about to lose him to heaven?
What then?
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garvalhaminho · 9 days
btw here is a list of every blackthorn ever mentioned (that i wrote down) either by blood or marriage/name
adelaide ‌
grace ‌
jesse ‌
lucie ‌
andrew ‌
helen ‌
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leviiackrman · 1 month
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SIMS 4 OC BUILDS: Sunset Cosy Cabin
Up next we have my girl Margot’s retirement cabin deep in the woods; living with her hubby, daughter and fur baby! A small home but perfect for this trauma bonded couple and their recovery life together!
Lookbooks: Ackermans || Rikihisas || Enatsu || Kyutoku || Olalias || Hatakes || ATLA || Ginnivan || Ishimoto
Builds: Saitama Loft
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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Would you consider this the greatest kiss? And we'll, and we'll dive right into the episode after this question that I had for Hannah though. Was this the greatest kiss in in in in television history? In sitcom history? I would say. -Lamorne 
Honestly, I genuinely feel like it is in TV history. It matches like the greatest movie kisses of all time. Like, you watch it and you're just like, whoa. Okay. Like everything somehow like ticks every box of all the like, romantic fantasies that girls have at least of just like, wow. There was just like, it was authentic and it was powerful. He went back in for a, a little kiss at the end. it was just like, woo. -Hannah
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cleanfloss · 1 year
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jesse tlou2 u will always be famous
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karihighman · 4 months
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Thank you for portraying Hailey Upton over these last 7 seasons of Chicago PD! I’ll miss seeing her onscreen every week! Wishing you luck and success on your next adventure! One Chicago won’t be the same without you. 😭
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