#we love you mod komaru
danggirlronpa · 5 months
If it's not too much trouble, do you have headcanons for Kotoko/Monaka? I like to imagine post-canon they work out their issues with each other and get to a much healthier place, like, when they're teenagers. I related a lot to Kokoto's toxic relationship with Monaka, I definitely had relationships like that when I was in elementary school too. It's kind of nice to imagine a world where - whether romantically or platonically - they work out their issues and work out, even if that might not be exactly realistic, aha...
Oh MAN do I have post-canon Warriors of Hope headcanons. I really do love imagining these kids and the lives they lead when they come of age.
I try not to use read mores, but this one got way longer than the usual headcanon posts, and it very much is less "Kotoko/Monaca headcanons" and more "elaborate set-up for how Kotoko and Monaca feel about their crimes as teenagers." So more under the cut I guess!
Firstly, some setup. I love adoptive family relationships, and especially mother/child adoptive relationships. So of course I love daydreaming about Aoi "Bleeding Heart" Asahina adopting Kotoko, and it becoming a Kyoko (or Miaya!)/Hina-parenting-Kotoko, friends-to-moms slowburn. SOMEONE'S adopting these children, and it's not Komaru "I Just Spent A Full Year In Solitary Isolation (:" or the "We Taser Ourselves To Decide Whether The Serial Killer Fronts (:" Fukawas. Hina's upbeat, she keeps it light, and unlike Makoto "Spotless" Naegi, she understands the guilt of attempting/committing mass murder. Kyoko isn't quite any of that but deep in my heart. Through The Power Of Love And Elaborate Metaphors About Her Relationship To Her Father
And I mean. I'm going to be honest. Monaca's, like, 10. She spends three days in space before she goes 1. Wow this sucks 2. I did not in fact prepare enough materials to live like this indefinitely. I'm like 10. I packed enough for about 13 hours and thought I was good Forever. I need more marshmallows.
So it takes Monaca all of half a week to admit her failures and crash land somewhere on earth. The island with the Remnants? Misaki and Takumi? In-universe versions of the V3 students as adults? Personally I'm a fan of Yasuhiro and Kanon adopting her in the world's absolute weirdest fantasy. What matters is SOMEONE finds her. And we get Mod Loves Sappy Adoptive Relationships V2: Now With The Green One.
Because listen. Listen. These are kids. They have committed heinous, unforgivable crimes of extreme ethical concern, and they are also ten years old. Their only frame of ethical reference is a manipulator and abuser so good at what she does that she ended the world. People generally remember this with the other Warriors, but they almost always set it aside for Monaca, so I want to be clear: Monaca Towa is redeemable. Because she was 10 years old, and the moment she was out from under the thumb of the people who taught her how to do these cruel and unusual things, her first plan was Run Away To Space To Escape The Things That Have Happened Here. They're children.
In general, I actually think Kotoko struggles with guilt the least amongst the Warriors. Firstly, I think having a parent who understands and can help her come to grips with what she's done from a very personal place really helps her work through it. But I also think Kotoko is low-empathy in general. I think eventually, she comes to understand intellectually what she's done wrong, but I don't think she ever struggles with the idea that she shouldn't have done it. I think she would be very practical about the circumstances that she was in, and in her mind, well. What else was she supposed to do? She'd been abused all her life. She was up against Junko Enoshima. Obviously what she did was wrong, but any other kid in that situation would've, in Kotoko's mind, done the same.
On the other hand, I believe Monaca would get hit with guilt very intensely once she finally processed everything she'd been through at high-school age, but that she would absolutely keep that under wraps and act as though it was meaningless to her.
Monaca is, in my opinion, a compulsive liar. You can see that in a lot of canonical ways, but I choose to extend it a bit to headcanons - it's not that she Doesn't need a wheelchair, it's that she has days when she needs it and days when she doesn't, and pretending she never needed it at all gives people a huge shock. She didn't plan to not kill herself with the rest of the Warriors as a prank; she really planned to do it, but people look at her when she says that. It's a defensive mechanism, and a method of feeling in control. At least I can choose for them to hate me by lying and being terrible, instead of being hated when I haven't done anything.
So I think, when she is finally faced with the enormity of what she has done, Monaca does what her first instinct is always to do: runs away from it and lies herself into culpability. Of course I killed all those terrible adults, and now that I'm almost their age, I'll just die instead of becoming one of them! That sort of thing. I think she traps herself into her own persona, no matter how hard she tries to improve, because Monaca is a child who internalizes until she breaks.
So when Kotoko and Monaca meet coincidentally at high-school age. Ho boy. Kotoko who still sort-of blames Monaca who blames herself, and neither of them completely aware of how to comfort a person or how to hate a person in a way that isn't lethal...oh the GROWTH. The Strawberry Wine by Deana Carter of it all
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Mod, I have a genuine question and I mean this in the least disrespectful way possible.
What were you going through while creating Kuripa? Cause you have to be the most deranged person in the world to come up with a character like this.
//Originally I planned on doing a full-length character analysis of Kuripa, but kind of wanted to save doing any more mod talks for when I was less busy, but I can give you some points now and then maybe reiterate them later.
//Kuripa is a moral quandary of a character. He's fucked in the head, and willingly admits that, but he is generally still on the side of good. He just has an obsession with justice and vengeance that drives him to commit atrocities and spill copious amounts of blood.
//When you boil it down and get to the roots, he comes from a good place. The reason he kills is because he figures that someone has to in order to rid the world of evil, but at the same, he doesn't want that responsibility to be pushed onto anyone that doesn't deserve it. Likewise, when he falls into despair, there's no stopping him, as you've just seen today.
//In terms of my overall thoughts, I wanted Kuripa to be different from every other DR protagonist that came before him, especially the ones that are also on the blog. And I don't know if anybody else has ever noticed it, but I kind of take to extreme in the sense that everything Kuripa embodies as a character, in ideals and in terms of actions is the COMPLETE ANTITHESIS to EVERY other DR protagonist.
//Makoto usually embodies ideas of Hope, and how that no matter what happens to you, life keeps moving on and you can find a way to move on with it, even if it means you have to rely on others. Kuripa on the other hand is mostly a lone wolf despite his dedication to Makoto, and thrives in situations where he's either feeling, or causing, Despair for his enemies. He's emotionally damaged to his core and has been for a long time to the point where it's questionable whether he can even be saved or redeemed.
//Hajime and by extension his friends embody the idea of moving on from the past and creating a better future for yourself, but Kuripa can't do that. He's stuck in the past, unable to move on from the death of his sister, and has spent so many years of his already short life hunting Matta with the intent to murder him, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, all from this one obsession.
//Kaede and Shuichi embody truth and how even if it's scary, it's important to understand reality as it is, and face it to better yourself. Kuripa however is a capsule of deceit, manipulation and lies at his absolute worst, and still hides many secrets about his life even now.
//And as I mentioned in the Toko analysis I did, Ultra Despair Girls' unspoken theme is Companionship VS Solitude, with Toko and Komaru's companionship being a key factor of their story and their progression as characters. Meanwhile, we literally had an ENTIRE ARC about Kuripa (and Uchui) turning their back on and betraying the people they love to suit their own interests and motivations.
//Now, I love writing Kuripa, he's hands down my favorite on the blog, but I'm not going to outwardly defend any of his actions because that's not the point. Everybody knows he's messed up, and even he's aware that he's broken and unfixable, so he just rolls with it.
//Early on, quite possibly the biggest inspiration for Kuripa's character was Goro Akechi from Persona 5, a character who is in a very similar situation, having suffered a lot in the past and spent his entire life obsessed with revenge, letting it shape him into the monster that he became. A story as tragic as it is pitiful.
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Electric Angel
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Good morning, afternoon, or evening, depending on your time zone! My name is Mod Kiibo! My gender is lunarian, and I'd like you to use she/they pronouns to refer to me. I hope we can get along!
My main fandoms are Danganronpa, Vocaloid, and to a certain extent, Puyo Puyo. This blog will mostly be centered around Danganronpa, though.
Please don't give me requests that involve heavy/graphic gore or explicit NSFW, and put "Kiibo don't look" at the beginning or end of the ask if you send something like that to Kokichi. Also, if she won't do the request, it's likely I won't either. Please refer to my main blog, @get-outside-nekomatsu, for my DNI list, as I don't feel like retyping all that at the moment, lol- I appreciate the courtesy!
♡My Whitelist♡
K1-B0/Kiibo Ibadashi (duh)
Mikan Tsumiki
Chiaki Nanami
Komaru Naegi
Sora (SDRA2)
Kiibo Ships (blacklist characters excluded!)
Hatsune Miku
Eleanor Forte
MikuRin (lesbians baaaaybeeeee!)
Sig (Puyo Puyo)
Tee (Puyo Puyo Tetris)
TeeRin (objectively the best PuyoTet ship, I don't care what anybody thinks)
Nekos (aaaa they're so cute)
♤My Blacklist♤
Hifumi Yamada
T3rut3ru H4n4mur4*
N3k0m4ru N1d41*
G0nt4 G0kuh4r4*
Non-platonic relationships for the WOH
Characters from the anime (nothing against them, just haven't watched it yet!)
Vocaloid songs I haven't listened to (ask about this one!)
Really fucking complicated character designs (for art)
💮💙𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵 ~ Mod Kiibo💙✨ (general Me Stuff)
💮💙Leave it To Me! ~ Request Accepted!💙✨
💮💙Are You Another Robophobe? ~ Request Denied💙✨
💮💙Please Give Me Data! ~ Friendly Chatting💙✨
💮💙You Don't Need to Hesitate! ~ Promo!💙✨
💮💙Hope Moves Forward! ~ Not a Request💙✨
💮💙This Is... Quite A Fascinating Item! ~ Not Mine💙✨
💮💙I Won't Let You Reject Hope! ~ Update💙✨
💮💙 Will You Please Help Me? ~ Ask Game💙✨
💮💙I Feel That You And I Are Equals... ~ Friends💙✨
💮💙That's Robophobic! ~ Anon Hate💙✨
💮💙I Think I Might Already Be In Love With You... ~ Gifts💙✨
💮💙To Think That I'd Feel Such Gratitude... ~ Stuff I Requested💙✨
💮💙Our Wish Will Surely Be Received By Someone! ~ Gifts For Others💙✨
That's all for now! This post will be updated if need be, but otherwise, this is pretty much it!
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yourlocalshinguji · 3 years
Can I request Yandere Komaru, Junko, and Sonia headcanons thank you
Yandere Junko, Sonia and Komaru HCS
I just realized I forgot to put Komaru in my masterlist. Sometimes you just forget she exists, you know. Also, forgive me for using the word 'punishment' over 100 times.
Trigger warning for yandere content (I mean... yeah-), toxic/abusive relationships, kidnapping, torture and one of them killing the reader.
Most of that only happens with Junko anyway, what did you expect?
The reader is g/n.
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—Mod Korekiyo.
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—I'm so sorry for you.
—Probably one of the most dangerous yanderes from the entire cast.
—Junko didn't hesitate at all when it came to kidnapping you, and in fact it was very easy for her to do so, considering all the power and influence she has as the Ultimate Despair.
—She would punish you at the slightest mistake, and sometimes even for no reason at all. Seeing her darling begging to stop, crying and falling into despair is what she enjoys the most, and one of the few things that doesn't bore her.
—She won't go easy when it comes to punishments, physical or not.
—If you get the chance to go out for a while (allowed by her, of course) and someone has a minimal interaction with you, you're both fucked up.
—Junko doesn't actually kill others to make sure no one can steal her darling, but she definitely asks her sister to do so.
—As for you, Junko getting jealous is just another reason for another torture.
—She'd make sure you remember who you belong to: her and only her. One of her favourite punishments is to 'write' with a knife her name on your back. Not only is it effective to make sure her darling doesn't misbehave, but also useful to let others know who claimed you... in case they see it.
—Another one of her punishments is to break the fingers of your hand slowly, one by one, and then watch you struggle as you try to use it. Even if you don't want to, Junko would have to be the one helping you at almost everything, something she doesn't really complain about.
—After every punishment, every torture, she waits for you to throw yourself into her arms and comfort you. Claiming that it was all for your own good, that no one else could tolerate someone like you besides her and that she's the only one you've got at that point.
—And when she repeats it enough to make you believe her, she crushes your hopes again, insulting you, blaming everything on you and torturing you once more.
—She absolutely loves it.
—You certainly keep her entertained for a while, but once she gets bored of you... how bad. She might just get rid of you.
—Don't expect it to be a quick, painless death. She's going to enjoy it as much as she can one last time.
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—Definitely not as dangerous as Junko. Sonia would still be able to easily kidnap you whenever she wanted though; she's the future ruler of a kingdom, after all.
—She would make sure you have everything you need once her obsession with you reaches that point, not only food or clothes but also whatever you want, no matter how expensive it is.
—She's usually pretty busy so you'd spend a lot of time alone, locked in the same room. However, when she does find time to check on you, she kindly smiles and asks how your day has been, as if you weren't there against your will.
—She hates to punish her darling, and in fact, she never would. But she understands that sometimes it is necessary to make clear how things work there.
—Very delusional. She doesn't understand why her darling isn't as happy as she expected them to be. After all, they've got everything they need there: food, water, clothes, space, a bed, the most expensive room you could ever see in your life and of course, Sonia herself. So why weren't you smiling as she wanted you to smile?
—Of course, she expects you to rule her kingdom with her once it's possible.
—"Oh, darling! You'll be such a good monarch, don't you agree? We will look so good together!"
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—Probably the only one who doesn't have the guts to kidnap you.
—Her obsession would only reach a possessive point, but nothing further than that.
—Would never put a finger on you to cause you any kind of harm; she only wants to see you as happy as possible. With her by your side, but still as happy as possible.
—Expect her to be very clingy with you, even more than necessary when there are people around. Sometimes she even makes up excuses to step in during your conversations with your friends and drag you away from them, making sure that everyone notices how she's holding your hand.
—When you ask what's gotten into her, she nerviously laughs and quickly changes the subject so you two can spend time together.
—Would probably start to stalk you at some point, only to make sure you don't get too close to anyone else.
—Komaru wouldn't go as far as killing or even hurting someone if she gets jealous.
—So instead, she just smiles and waits for her chance to be alone with that person. The next time you see them, they don't even look up to you, and they're not the only one.
—As much as she hates it, if she has to spread fake rumors about you in order to get people to stay away from you, she'd do it.
—And when you realize that you somehow lost most of your friends without knowing what you did wrong, she's there for you. Smiling and offering her hand, Komaru promises that she'll never leave your side, no matter what happens. She means it quite literally.
—I can see her secretly worshipping you as a religion.
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i-moved-blogs-ffs · 4 years
Danganronpa request can a reader who is really kind and a sweetheart adopt the warriors of hope and helpem to forget they traumas and also can the reader beat the hell up the warriors of hope parents after everything they done to those innocents children's please
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Of course, my darling! I love the WoH so much- I adopted them too, they're your adoptive siblings now so you all gotta get along ok-
These are probably gonna spiral into parenting headcanons because I cannot help myself- just let these kiddos have a happy home life man- :(
TW for mentions of abuse. It's nothing explicit, but it can be upsetting to some. Please be cautious.
Anyways, let's get started!
- 🌸🍭mod mikan🍭🌸
S/O adopting the WoH!
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Now, we all know these kiddos had a bad time.
They were all abused in different ways, neglected, put down to the lowest point they could be.
Junko was like a light at the end of the tunnel for them, a savior - someone who cared, someone who they could trust, someone who loved them. But it was all lies.
She didn't care.
They couldn't trust her.
She didn't love them.
But then, you came around. At first, they thought you were like every other demon; evil, cold and uncaring.
And yet, there was this warmth radiating off of you... Almost like another light they could chase to get to true joy.
After Komaru and Toko defeated each of them, they felt lost. What were they supposed to do now that their empire has failed? Were the adults going to punish them, by abusing and taking advantage of them even further?
The group wandered the streets of Towa City, alone, hiding from every adult they could see and fending for themselves.
However, they stumbled upon you and Komaru. You two have been actively looking for them after finding out they survived.
But the reason why you were looking for them, was pretty unexpected.
You wanted to take them in as your own. They were just kids after all, no matter how much they tried to make themselves seem bigger. You wanted to help them, teach them that not everyone will hurt them, because they deserve to be loved like any other child does.
And so, they went with you. Very reluctantly mind you, but they didn't have much of a choice.
And as time went on, they opened up to you, one by one. And soon, you guys became like a happy family.
Somewhat dysfunctional, but still happy family.
Ok so, origin story's out of the way, now let's get in a bit deeper-
Parenting the Warriors is pretty hard- they each have something about themselves that you need to keep in mind.
And besides, taking care of 5 children wouldn't be easy even if they weren't traumatized-
You have to be patient, warm and kind to them, and to you that's no problem!
I would imagine Masaru would be the first to let his guard down around you, because he could tell that you weren't a bad person from the start.
He would start to admire you greatly, seeing you as the only cool adult around!!
He's always trying to impress you or get your attention because of that. And you always give him praise, telling him he's the most awesome kiddo ever!!
He always gets a bit bashful when you do, scratching his head as an "awhh, shucks!", escaping his lips.
He's very fond of you! He wants to do the things you do, like trying out your hobbies or imitating your mannerisms. He just wants to be as cool as you are.
While it is cute, you have to teach him that he's only the best when he's himself!
Kotoko was probably the second to open up. The first thing she noticed is that you never, ever used her trigger word in a sentence, not even on accident. You always used words like "soft", "tender" or "mallow", maybe even "delicate".
Not me looking up synonyms on thesaurus.com rn shHDHS
Like Masaru, her initial gut reaction always told her you were a good person, but the walls she had built up just couldn't let you in right away.
And when she does get comfortable, she becomes super clingy. She's almost as fond of you as Masaru is, honestly-
She always goes to you for any sort of help. She feels like you're the only person she can trust 100%, whether it be with her feelings or some other problem.
You're like- the only person who she's super nice to all the time. She used to be like that with Monaca, until you took them in.
Actually, speaking of that, they completely stopped literally worshipping Monaca's every move once you entered their lives.
Now, next up is Jataro. He initially thought you hated his every move, and that you only took him in because of pity.
But, you were proving him wrong every day. Going out of your way to talk to him, being so incredibly kind that it made his heart hurt.
You always help him out with his art! He loves when you sit down and paint, sculpt or draw with him, even if you're not artistic yourself. He feels like he's wanted, and all of that self-hatred almost completely washes away.
The biggest moment was when you finally convinced him to take off his mask. And when he did, you could tell he was way happier.
You two burned the mask together, leaving that part of his life behind you and turning over a new leaf.
And because of your influence, the rest of the kids are way nicer to him as well now!
Nagisa was the fourth one to take his guard down.
He saw how much Masaru, Kotoko and Jataro trusted you, and after observing you further, he began to see why.
He was always very distant from you, and you respected that. So, you were pleasantly surprised when he suddenly started going out of his way to help you, talk to you or spend time with you. However, you never questioned it, which made him relieved.
It's like you two silently agreed that you were cool with eachother.
He's very mature for his age, so he's the first one to try and help you with regular day-to-day tasks, even without you asking for said help.
Mans over here about to start doing your taxes HDHDH-
You always tell him to chill out, but he insists. He knows how much trouble he and his adoptive siblings are making for you, and it's his own way of thanking you.
Now, Monaca's a little interesting.
At first she was only pretending to care about you, like she did with the rest of the Warriors, but after a while she genuinely grew to love both you and her siblings.
She doesn't like the fact she cares one bit, but she can't help it.
She still has very manipulative tendencies, but you always see through them and her lies. You call her out on it, but never berate her.
She's very kiss ass-y, I guess?? Always complimenting you for the smallest reasons and calling you sweet nicknames.
She sometimes just wants to make you mess up to try and get herself to stop caring-
Like whenever a problem comes up, she always goes, "S/O can fix it!😌🙏 Our (affectionate parental term) dearest can do anything!🥰💞" and the rest of the kids are like "yah!!💖💕" because they love and support you while you're just there like🧍
Because no you can't rebuild the economy do you look like bob the fucking builder-
AnywaY their parents are already dead, so you guys beat up H*ji instead. :)
Ah, family bonding time. 💕
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And done!! I love these little spawns of satan so much you guys don't even know- this was literally so fun to write that I think I got carried away a bit hshGhd- I hope this is ok!
Make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated, take any meds you may need to and stay safe! You were so brave, have a lollipop! 🍭
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inumaki-roll · 4 years
hi!! could i please request mha (( deku, bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki, sero, shinsou, tamaki, mirio, shindo, monoma, shiggy, dabi + hawks ?? I’M SO SORRY IK THIS IS A LOT..... )) + danganronpa guys (( nagito, hajime, makoto, rantaro, shuichi, chihiro, byakuya, izuru, kazuichi, & kiibo )) with an s/o who is like tall & chubby ? they get insecure about it and really are body-insecure to the point it’s like super frustrating bc they want to express themselves through their outfits but absolutely hate clothes shopping and will break down bc of the amount of people, the clothing sizes, and being upset after trying things on... sorry this got kinda personal lol i just really am in need some comfort and would appreciate this!! thank you so much!!
hi anon !! unfortunately i don’t have writing requests open for bnha !! i’m sorry abt that !! but here are the dr ones you requested !!
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- mod rantaro ✧・゚: *✧
- makoto would love it that you’re taller than him omg 
- he’d be so confused on why you’re insecure abt it bc he finds it so cute 
- if you can’t find anything to wear he’d let you wear his jacket if you want !! 
- he would 100% ask komaru for clothing advice and she would let you borrow some of hers to avoid going to the store and being uncomfortable in the store 
- she could also help you online shop !! 
- if you guys were ever in the store together and you started panicking bc of insecurities, he’d immediately get you out as soon as he senses your uncomfortable 
- hed hype you up if you were trying clothes on in a store i know it 
- he doesn’t know much about “fashion” but i think he’d like picking out clothes for you but he’d also be nervous bc he doesn’t wanna pick out the wrong thing 
- he’s also short so i think he’d think it’s so cute that you’re taller than him 
- he literally dressed in both masculine clothes and then feminine clothes. he’d know a lot about how to dress 
- he’d give timid little tips of advice it’d be so cute please 
- he’d like clap for you when you try things on 
- like cute little claps with the biggest smile like “y/n! you look amazing in that!” 
- he’s also quite insecure so you guys would be able to comfort each other !! 
- he’d always feel so worried if you got upset and would try his best to calm you down but he’d be so panicky 
- i think he’d also make a website that like... gives you clothes recommendations like specifically for you 
- he’d be very shocked when he finds out
- like he’d be like “y/n! why are you so concerned about something so insignificant? looks do not matter, although the feelings you feel are valid. many people experience this problem as well, so you are not alone. if you wish, we can go shopping together sometime if you are comfortable with that.” 
- he’d be very concerned about you and would constantly check up on you
- he’s also tall so like,,,, power couple 
- he’d buy you whatever you want no matter how expensive 
- he’d be very nervous if you started crying at a store, he’d pull you to the side and talk to you to calm you down 
- he’d say very heartfelt things to you, and he’d really mean them 
- “if y/n pretty... 🤨 why they not think so... 🤔”
- he’s the biggest simp so he thinks you look amazing in literally anything 
- if you try on clothes at a store his jaw would be on the floor the entire time 
- like if there’s a commercial on tv and it’s for clothes he’d look at the outfits and points to the ones that you would look good in (it’s every single outfit btw)
- he would want to try his best to help 
- he’d find your height so cool too though 
- he lets you take your time, he lets you call the shots when you want to go shopping so he won’t invite you bc he doesn’t wanna offend you accidentally by inviting you to go shopping with him 
- i feel like he’d like immediately hug you when he found out 
- like he’d be genuinely SAD that you feel that way 
- he’d wrap you up in his big jacket and lay you down on the couch and hold onto you 
- if you do want to go shopping he’d be willing to spend sm money 
- he’d also be literally drooling over how you look the entire time too
- he wouldn’t even notice
- he would have to have a flat out sign that you’re insecure 
- as soon as he suspected it, he was a little hesitant to confront you 
- he had no clue what to say 
- but he did give you many compliments and saying that if you need something to always come to him because he will try his best to help 
- if y’all ever went to the store together he’d be blushing the entire time bc he thinks you look so good bye 
- he would give recommendations occasionally but when he does give recommendations they’re wicked good 
- he would immediately know and would know exactly how and when to comfort you 
- when he notices that you’re having a particularly bad day, he’d drag you to lay with him and pet your hair with no words whatsoever 
- he’d give the best recommendations. like they literally look perfect on you 
- i think he’d also like buy you clothes without taking you to the store 
- he already knows your taste in clothes and what would compliment you, he would go out and buy them for you 
- he could also make clothes for you !! 
- pls. imagine him sewing. why is that so cute bye 
- he’s got 12 sisters, he’s used to this 
- he’d know immediately as well 
- but he’d confront you almost immediately 
- i feel like he’d make a little plan to make you feel better 
- like when he notices, he’d buy you a little “comfort sweatshirt” and a bunch of flowers and would buy a new movie so you could hang out with him and watch it together, to get your mind off of insecurities 
- he’d give you a bunch of his jewelry and say they look pretty on you 
- he’d let you wear his shirt too bc that shirt looks wicked comfy 
- okay he’d also put all the clues together and know immediately 
- he would not say anything about it, he doesn’t wanna make you upset 
- instead, he does little things that might make you feel better 
- he’d let you wear his hat while shopping, to block out other people 
- he’d be very comforting and would avoid crowds of people bc that makes you uncomfortable 
- if you ever complained about yourself this boy would not be having it 
- “y/n!! don’t talk so bad about yourself!! you need to see how pretty i think you are!! i don’t care how tall you are, or what you look like! you’re very beautiful to me!!” then he’d realize he was kinda yelling so his voice would soften up
- “ah, y/n, i’m sorry about my tone- i d-didn’t mean to be loud. but you get what i meant. i think you a very.. pretty and i wish you would see yourself that way too.. please?” 
- he’d google how to help you and would be kinda shy about helping you but he knows that he needs to help you 
- i feel like he’d be kinda lost on this since he’s a robot and he’s always looked the way he looks 
- he would.. understand how you feel though? 
- not exactly the same as how you feel but he would relate in a way because he does get teased and discriminated on for being a robot 
- he’d give you little pep talks 
- “y/n. as your significant other, i think it would be good for me to confront you on this subject. this subject may be a bit awkward but i hope to make you feel better about this. i have noticed you are not confident in looks, but there is no need for you to feel this way. you are extremely attractive, and it’s insignificant what you look like anyways. what matters is how you treat others. i am a robot, i an aware of that but i am not ashamed of it. this is why if you think you are lacking in something to acknowledge it and to embrace it. there are plus sides to being a robot as well as there are many plus sides to being tall like you are. if you would like to accompany me on a shopping trip i would be more than happy when you are ready.” 
- i dont think people realize how short kiibo is so he’d think the way you’re taller than him is absolutely endearing
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cassahina · 3 years
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Thanks so much everyone, I can't believe I already hit over 50 followers. To celebrate, I thought I would hold a raffle! I will still be taking requests while I hold my raffle, but this will be my pinned post so you can find my introduction post and blog info here while this is pinned. Sorry for any inconvenience :)
1. Reblog this post to enter, and please specify whether its a promo, an entry, or both! (You can specify in the tags if you’d like.) You can only enter on one account, so no entering on different accounts please (promos on others are okay though). The raffle entries start now and end July 1st at 12 p.m., EST.
2. You cannot enter if you are anything on my DNI.
3. You must be following me to enter, if you are not then I won't count your entry, sorry.
4. If you win, I will only be doing edits from my own listed sources that I'll link down below.
5. Do not request anything from my blacklist if you win, we can talk about gray list topics though if you'd like! Also with this, I do hold the right to decline anything that I am uncomfortable with or that stresses me out. I haven’t had to decline much yet, but I still want to mention it.
The prizes of the raffle:
1st place: 18 icons, 8 headers, 1 mood board, 1 match up, and 1 of anything I can do for you (editing and writing wise, within my comfort :) )
2nd place: 9 icons 4 headers, 1 mood board, 1 match up.
3rd place: 6 icons, 2 headers, 1 mood board and 1 match up.
4th place: 6 icons and 2 headers.
My sources for the raffle:
Danganronpa, Your turn to die, The owl house, She-ra, My hero academia, Demon slayer, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Kakegurui, Jackson's diary (limited for edits), Rwby, and Assassination Classroom.
Because I have so many sources, I'll be limiting the ones that can be picked for the raffle for whats fastest for me to work with. If you win and want one of my other sources though, I can make acceptions, it would just take me more time to get the winners their prizes.
Thank you so much again everyone for all your support, and I'm excited to hold this raffle for you guys :D
Can I maybe get a promo please? (Feel free to ignore or request to be taken off, I totally understand)
@kotobxki @froggykinz @pek-pek-editss @avocado-headcanons @mod-komaru-blog @lou-edits @ibuki-loves-you @komaruwu @shu-edits @twisted-lies @ultimate-yakuza-editing @fuyuhikoslt @lovingkaede @himikos-magic-shop @editingmusical @multiedits @miodas-dr-imagines @cuibic @radiaes @lawliiedits @skellychan and anyone else willing to, it would be greatly appreciated :D
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mod-komaru-blog · 4 years
May i please request the fluffiest of fluff for Korekiyo? and good luck with your blog!
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Fluffiest of fluff...and it's for Korekiyo! Let's hope my heart can handle it! Also thank you for the support, I'll do my best to make this blog great!
Korekiyo loves you so much!
He always travels to different villages to study different cultures
He'll bring you along with him so you can learn with him
Just making sure nothing happens to you while you're here in the village
If he notices anything you really like he'll gladly buy it for you
He loves seeing your excited reaction!
When you two are at home you're usually just reading or he'll tell you stories of his past travels
He'll brush your hair as he tells his stories to you
Kiyo knows how to style hair!
Off topic but can we talk about how flustered and scared I was for korekiyo's love suite scene
He also makes sure you're always taking care if yourself! Drink water today? Eat a healthy amount of food? Getting enough sleep? He's all about your well being
After all
You're a beautiful part of humanity
Of course he wants to keep someone as precious as you in good condition
I also headcanon he's good at giving massages
So after a long day of working he'll massage away all the tension in your body
Flashbacks to him bring out the red rope
Korekiyo is a really good boyfriend
Smart, Caring, loving
You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend💕
- Mod Komaru
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mikimagines · 4 years
Imagine this Quiet s/o that doesn’t say much just suddenly start rage quitting for any 4 characters .
i am a rage quitter sometimes. but I don’t destroy my computer or controllers, cause it costs too much to get back :’)
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I will make many video game references, get ready.
mod mikan
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Kaito Momota
“god damnit just come home qiqi im begging you” you said in your mind but, what where you playing right now?
you were playing the gacha hell of it all.
genshin impact.
the one that makes people lose life fortunes for fictional characters.
kaito was out to do NASA training as you were playing genshin impact with tsumugi.
“Ah don’t worry! I got Mona on my first try and I didn’t even want her!”
also what tsumugi didn’t know that it pissed you off, but you stayed slightly silent..!
finally she left to watch that attack on titan season 4 debut, of course she was...also she wished you luck to bring qiqi home!
When she left you went all over again, getting a sword and a sword then you got Mona, it was slightly good but you wanted qiqi for your sake.
then there it was after almost 210 times, you got a golden one.
but sadly...lmao get this.
it was a qiqi!
just kidding!
it was a sword.
as you turned around to see a kaito, possibly wondering what the hell is going on.
then you pointed at the screen.
“so I guess we both have gambling addictions huh?”
don’t worry, after all the cuddling and whatever lovers do. hahah you finally got her.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu
He wasn’t into that gaming shit, he had “better things to do”.
but you didn’t so...!
time to guess the game with your host~
mod mikan!!
alright here we go.
it’s a nintendo switch game, has mini games , and is about Mario and other characters from the Mario series.
alright then! if you guessed “Mario Party!” You are correct!
yep, indeed the fact you were playing Mario party in your room, online with some random strangers.
of course peko checked on you many times.
you asked her to join you but she nicely declined and says it’s orders from her master to check on his lover. you know, just in case.*
(In case that some big rival gang is just going to grab you and take you away while peko and the other guards aren’t looking.)
but moving on, the person who was playing toad made your team fail, On purpose. (you can guess who it is.)
and he was victorious in every single one. It’s a game where we have to win or lose...so we might as well do it.
why? well let’s say he randomly calls you in a middle of a match and makes you fail.
again. and again and again.
damnit kokichi.
then you just rage quit and fell down on your bed done with kokichi.
which leads up to peko and fuyuhiko running up to your shared room to see your head in a pillow screaming.
fuyuhiko what the hell did you do to your quiet s/o???
but luckily you weren’t kidnapped like they thought you where as you were yelling.
but you were yelling at a tv screen for a ruined game rigged by kokichi and his members from D.I.C.E.
oops forgot to say that..!
Komaru Naegi
Ah, poor her.
you guys were playing Kirby
(I wonder how you rage over that.)
oh... right.
both of you guys where speed running it.
gosh komaru left for a second to get food
yeah you actually got on your last life since god damn marx took it all.
and now, you guys have to delete your data and start all.over.again.
but komaru was actually shocked, like normally.
I mean she never thought a cute quiet flower like you could ever curse or even yell.
and now it’s going to her family and brother.
ahaha you are going to hear that incident for a long time.
Miu Iruma
With her gorgeous, amazing, beautiful brain she knew you had a voice of a speaker!
oh god.
when you first played guess this...
yes I’m not joking. cuphead
(Damnit now I’m getting flashbacks from...my cuphead phase, don’t ask)
god damn you hated when you died as miu was honestly fighting for your well-being attention for her new invention.
then when you died...in and you were literally so close on killing it.
“GOD DAMNIT” as you threw softly at the controller to your bed.”
“hhhhhh what did I do..??”
you turn around to see a miu.
“T-that was p-pretty hot y’know, throwing your gaming control like that”
mod mikan was intensely screaming in the inside for writing this.
You are going to hear this incident for the rest of your life.
and she didn’t know you can tell that loudly. Translation: (that was hot)
oh god, that’s miu for us.
(I love her so much.)
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all-an-act · 4 years
Possibly another adopted by tokomaru hcs but if they were all adopted together?
I gotchu~
~ Mod Noire
"We'll Save You"
(TokoMaru x Platonic!Warriors Of Hope)
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They heard that they were going to be adopted by Komaru and Toko, and were all instantly ":O" faced.
Masaru and Nagisa immediately take on the protective roles of the rest, stepping in front of them at all times, as if ready to accept a beating in order to protect the others.
This deeply saddens Toko, who reassures all five kids that they have nothing to worry about.
Monaca gets shunned for a while by the other four, despite deeply regretting all she had done to them prior.
This is intervened by Komaru, who stages a mini "intervention", so to speak. She basically allows Monaca to express her regret, and the other Warriors to hear her out.
"Deal with it." - Komaru, in the middle of a peaceful argument with Toko.
Masaru, surprisingly, broke down crying, and the other Warriors were not happy.
Honestly, if it weren't for Monaca and Nagisa, both Komaru and Toko would have probably gotten killed by Kotoko's wrathful self-
Jataro was the comfort to Masaru, and Monaca joined in on that after mediating the fight.
If anyone says the word "gentle", I kid you not, Nagisa socks them in the jaw so fast-
NOBODY gets to hurt HIS little sister. His words, not mine.
Kotoko helps Monaca bedazzle her wheelchair with cute jewels, stickers, and googly eyes!
The first time a Warrior called one of them "mom", it was completely an accident.
And it was, surprisingly enough, Jataro who said it.
Toko was helping Jataro sew up his mask after it had come apart, when he blurted it out.
"Thank you, M-M-Mom."
Toko's heart felt like it could burst right then and there.
But it shattered when he began apologizing for it.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what g-g-got into me... I didn't mean t-to... I'll never s-say it again, I p-p-promise..."
Toko hugged him so tight, she almost squeezed the oxygen out of him.
"N-No! No! I like that you see me as your mom, because that's what I a-am now!"
Jataro was confused. All his life, his mother hadn't wanted him. The idea that someone did, especially someone so kind and sweet, baffled him. It just seemed so foreign to him, and the warm affection almost seemed to burn.
"N-N-Naegi-San, too?"
"Yes! Naegi-San is happy to be your mom, too! We love you! We both love all of you!"
The first secret came from Monaca, where she revealed that she had faked her disability. She was willing to give up the faking, but wanted to keep her wheelchair for comfort. Komaru agreed to this, and allowed her to keep her wheelchair as a comfort item.
Kotoko and Nagisa were a bit upset about that, but they eventually forgave Monaca, understanding that she only used it to obtain sympathy enough to escape from the abuse of her brother and father. Masaru and Jataro forgave her right away.
Nagisa revealed once that he was getting picked on in school, and that he wanted to be homeschooled because of it.
Genocide Jack was NOT HAVING IT.
He showed up at the school, and threatened the kids' lives with scissors had a talk with them.
That was when Nagisa realized that he really could depend on the two women. He did begin to show affection, albeit in his own kuudere way, much more often.
For example, he was a lot less snarky when correcting their grammar, math, etc., and he genuinely smiles and compliments them all the time.
Kotoko gave the first hug. She was so overwhelmed with emotion, that she shamelessly, unapologetically hugged both Komaru and Toko!
Uncle. Makoto. Is. Their. Favorite. Person. In. The. History. Of. Everything.
Komaru and Toko totally put all five of the kids in therapy for their trauma.
None of them are upset with it, though. They actually appreciate it.
New Year's is a surprisingly fun holiday with this family!
Kotoko, Masaru, and Monaca stay up to watch the ball drop with Komaru!
Nagisa, Jataro, and Toko are all out before eleven o'clock.
The four that are awake do fun things while waiting for the ball to drop!
For example, Monaca reads them her favorite books! She takes requests, though, and if one of them requests a specific story, she will try her best to read it. Komaru makes sure not to request anything too difficult for someone her age.
Masaru gets them all to play ping-pong with spoons and mini cupcakes.
The rounds are as follows: Masaru vs. Monaca, Masaru vs. Kotoko, Masaru vs. Komaru, Komaru vs. Monaca, Komaru vs. Kotoko, and Kotoko vs. Monaca.
Kotoko paints all their nails. Yes, even Masaru's. Masaru genuinely doesn't care, and he wants his the brightest, boldest red color she has. Komaru goes for a paler green. Monaca goes for bright green. Kotoko gets her nails painted by Masaru and Monaca; one hand for each of them.
Kotoko ends up with a half pink, half black handset, courtesy of Monaca and Masaru, respectively.
Toko and the others are disappointed that they missed all the festivities, but Komaru reassures them that there's always next year.
Valentine's Day is another fun holiday for them!
Jataro saves up all his allowance for almost four months in order to buy everyone presents!
Precious babey-
Jataro ends up giving Komaru a Ouija board, tuna eyeballs, and a new electric fan to talk to.
Yes, Jataro has witnessed her strange habits, and is curious of them.
He gets Toko a little clip-on nightlight to help her through her fear of the dark. She clips it to her shirt twenty-four-seven, and always makes sure that it has batteries.
Masaru is given a cool red basketball with his name written in white letters. He never plays with it, though, preferring to keep it in a safe place, where it won't get dirty or broken.
Nagisa is gifted a large encyclopedia. It's a simple gift, but he appreciates it, and gives Jataro a long, genuine hug.
He gifts Kotoko with a cute book with kawaii, adorbs stickers. Surprise, surprise, everybody wakes up with their faces stickered, and there are stickers all along the walls, floors, and appliances. Anybody who comes over thinks it's cute, and that only encourages Kotoko to "spread [her] adorbs-ness everywhere"!
He gives Monaca a sewing machine, because Monaca had brought up her love of fashion. He thought that maybe she would want to design her own. Monaca burst into tears, exclaiming that she felt so selfish for accepting a gift from someone she used to treat so cruelly. Of course, Jataro reassures her that that's in the past, and they're siblings now. Monaca ends up with a soft smile, and hugging the life out of a very blushy, flustered Jataro.
When St. Patrick's Day rolls around, Monaca puts her Valentine’s Day present to use! She makes cute green outfits for everyone, and takes their senses of style into account. Masaru's is designed like a jersey, Kotoko's has lots of glitter and frills, Komaru's and Toko's are designed like schoolgirl uniforms, Nagisa's is formally styled, Jataro's is leathery, and her own looks steampunk.
Kotoko convinces everyone to go look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, or at least some leprechauns.
They didn't find any. :(
April Fool's Day is a D A N G E R O U S day to exist, as long as they live with Masaru.
Masaru is basically a miniature Kokichi Ouma when it comes to pranks.
He switched the sugar for salt once, and Kotoko ended up sick for two weeks, considering she eats too much of it, and probably eats it in spoonfuls.
Mother's Day is a fun one! They split Mother's Day up into five days, that way each kid got to spend time with each mother.
On the first day, Toko took Masaru to a basketball game that she had scored third-row tickets to prior to Mother's Day. He cheered so loud, and it warmed her heart to see his joy at her surprise. Masaru ended up giving her a pack of colored chalk for her to write on her chalkboard with. Komaru ended up taking Nagisa to watch Harry Potter in a theater with her, after realizing they had both read the book. In return, he gave her a meal of tuna eyeballs that he cooked, himself. They weren't perfect, but... he tried. :'3
On day two, Toko took Nagisa to go write short stories together. They googled writing prompts, and each used the same one to comprise a story of under five thousand words in ten minutes. Then, they judged and gave constructive criticism to one another. He gave her high-quality pens to write down her ideas with. Meanwhile, Komaru took Jataro to plant a garden of vegetables in the backyard, and tend to it everyday. Sometimes, Jataro talks to their plants when he feels lonely. He gave her a pretty rock. Again, he tried. :'3
On day three, Toko took Jataro on a food tour, where she drove around and they got a small snack from every food place they drove past, eventually ending up with a whole big meal! He gave her a pretty flower. All the while, Komaru took Kotoko to a fashion show where they showcased pretty glittery idol clothes and lolita clothes. She gave Komaru a song she had written in her honor. Yes, Kotoko actually spent weeks writing a song for Komaru, and even got the other Warriors to play the instruments for the music. Masaru played guitar, Nagisa played the piano, Jataro played the drums, and Monaca played the bass. Of course, Kotoko was the vocalist. (Band AU?)
On day four, Toko took Kotoko to a Morning Musume concert. I swear, everyone must have had bleeding ears from how loud Kotoko screamed for it. She ended up getting an autograph and a picture with Tanaka Reina, so she was a very, very happy girl. She gave Toko a pink card that had a painted sweet message on it and was practically swimming in pink glitter. Meanwhile, Komaru took Monaca to play video games and order Monaca's favorite food. It was something simple, but something Monaca really appreciated. They played Pac-Man, Super Smash Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, and Crash Bandicoot. And they had tons of fun. Monaca gave her a cute new outfit, made in steampunk design, that she made, herself.
On day five, Toko took Monaca to a planetarium, where they looked at all the beautiful constellations. Monaca, being the smart cookie she is, told her all their names, what they represented, etc.! And at night, they went stargazing for real, Monaca pointing out her favorite constellations again. Monaca gave Toko an invention of hers: a program she designed that filters out spelling errors, grammar errors, etc., and suggests new ideas when writer's block comes around. Meanwhile, Komaru took Masaru to play laser tag! Komaru got "shot" sixteen times, while Masaru got "shot" three times. The two made jokes about it the entire way home, and it was just an overall fun day. He gave her the baseball that he had batted to hit the final, winning home run in his last game. It was the only winning baseball he had ever hit, so Komaru felt quite special receiving the gift.
Now, onto Father's Day~!
Genocide Jack takes an hour to spend with each kid!
He plays soccer, basketball, and baseball with Masaru for the first hour!
He reads stuffy, boring novels with Nagisa for the second hour.
He cooks the best, most fanciest meal with Jataro for the third hour!
He acts out movie and show scenes with Kotoko for the fourth hour.
He helps Monaca make inventions and sew for the fifth hour!
He refuses all of their gifts in return, however, as he doesn't believe that children who have been hurt in the past, just as Toko herself was, should be allowed to pay homage to adults.
Despite them not technically being his kids, he cares enough to step into that role for them, Toko and Komaru allowing him to do so.
The fourth of July is great!
Genocide Jack brings up the idea of taking the kids to a carnival for it, to which Toko and Komaru agree.
They all get facepaints, funnel cakes, and they ride all the rides!
They play most of the games as well, and win eight or nine stuffed animals!
It becomes an annual tradition to take the kids to the carnival for the Fourth Of July!
For Halloween, of course they're all the cutest things!
Masaru is Yasutaka Okayama. Nagisa is Albert Einstein. Jataro is Frankenstein's Monster. Kotoko is a Fairy Princess. Monaca is female Izuku Midoriya.
Kotoko has no issue using her cuteness to get extra candy.
When Thanksgiving rolls around, it's always fun!
Toko and Komaru prepare dinner the night before, while the Warriors aren't allowed downstairs. They have to call if they want something, like water, and there is a bathroom in the attic.
In the morning, when the actual cooking happens, Kotoko and Masaru beg to help, but only Nagisa is allowed to, because Nagisa is the responsible one.
Even so, they invite their family members that they are still in touch with, such as Uncle Makoto, Aunt Kyoko, Aunt Aoi, Uncle Byakuya, Uncle Yasuhiro, and even Genocide Jack makes his "grand appearance".
Honestly, it shouldn't even be surprising at this point.
Christmas is another fun time!
They do Secret Santa, but Komaru and Toko make sure that they get each other.
Masaru gets Jataro; he ends up getting Jataro a whole new array of spices and flavorings for his cooking hobby! Jataro appreciates this greatly, and uses it whenever he cooks.
Nagisa gets Kotoko; he gets her a toy microphone that works like a real one, just on a smaller scale. Nagisa can now consider himself the reason "One Room Sugar Life" is belted through the house at two in the morning every day.
Jataro gets Monaca; he buys her a whole stack of fashion magazines with her beloved Big Sis Junko in them, along with new fabric to sew with. She appreciates the gifts, and assures Jataro that he can revel in despair with her when she obtains it.
Monaca gets Masaru; she gifts him with a ping-pong set, a table tennis set, and an air hockey set. Masaru is surprised that she cared enough, to which Monaca replies, "Monaca is a changed person now. Monaca cares about you now."
Birthdays are the same as Christmas, but all their efforts focus on that one person.
They grow to all love each other very much, and all of them would happily die in defense of the others.
Monaca even eventually gives up on her obsession with Junko, hope, and despair, with their help.
All the Warriors will forever appreciate everything that Toko and Komaru have done for them.
Overall, just a completely wholesome family.
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fuck-off-gurothetic · 3 years
a talk about recent events
guro seems weirdly active this week, so i needed to make a post compiling what’s happened - especially since i have received new screenshots. i also aim to resolve a misunderstanding caused by guro herself. this is a small timeline that includes information that i have received today. i will only be using new screenshots. other screenshots have already been posted.
TW - the usual. rape, death threats, harassment. you know the drill.
4th of June
on the 4th of june, guro reappeared by sending me an ask on my main account inquiring if i could assist them with their new blog.
guro attempted to impersonate eli’s friend on anon.
shyclues received an ask from guro asking them to make mikan and chiaki reply icons.
guro attempted to re-establish herself as a forgotten edit account from when she was using bwabie-mel, the url being dreamiieditz. she tells shyclues and the ex mod of fluffyeditz that she is dreamii.
shykinns claimed to be dreamiieditz. shykinns deactivated on the same day.
iheartkuroo was contacted by guro, who tried to defend her identity.
guro pretended to be lilacapedia to shyclues, similar to the way she attempted to trick eli.
speculation of a guro copycat begins to float around. this theory was never confirmed nor denied.
6th of June
the final message from her alt, lovecoreeditz, was sent to koto, describing how guro wishes to sexually assault and harm them.
i message lovecoreeditz and am subsequently ignored. the account is deactivated on the same day.
guro makes a new alt, luveditzzz, and proceeds to harass koto again. this time, she threatens to graphically murder them as well as rape them. the account is deactivated on the same day.
guro contacts kuroo again, writing a mini essay about why she’s not guro and about her ‘sad’ backstory of getting eye surgery. for some reason.
7th of June
delusional-sketch is contacted by guro, making a request for komaru reply icons (spelt kumaru)
galaxy-empire-blog asked me to take a look at a suspicious account, hxlxkiio. this account had blocked this blog despite us never interacting. i was hesitant to accuse them of being guro, despite the similarities.
multiple blogs come forward claiming that hxlxkiio (who will here on out be referred to as guro), had interacted with them in a suspicious manner. guro was outed to having an edit blog, chxrrits, which used stolen edits from mods-imagines. the hxlxkiio account was created on the 6th of june.
8th of June
shitty-boyfriend-sakuta provides vital information. guro’s alt account is revealed to be iheartkaede and she is confirmed to be hxlxkiio for sure.
guro had harassed his girlfriend, changed her bio to say that she was a minor, tried to engage in a sexual roleplay and sent sakuta anon hate on the hxlxkiio account. when caught for her actions, she blamed it on iheartkaede.
iheartkaede deactivates. hxlxkiio remains.
9th of June
fairyhimiko sends screenshots of guro essentially saying this on hxlxkiio: she’s making a new editing and writing account. admits to stalking people who have blocked her. denies the fact that she is gurothetic and has been proven to be gurothetic. spouted more pity nonsense about having an ear infection.
speculation rises around the account candl3-light. we didn’t say that she was guro directly, instead speculating the possibility.
10th of June
guro sends anon hate to sakuta, admitting to having 5 main blogs, 4 side blogs, that she stalks him and also brags about us not being able to find her new main. which we did almost immediately lol.
guro throws a tantrum about the discovery of candl3-light, claiming to be the admin while also attacking the admin.
guro claims on her hxlxkiio account that she isn’t guro, and is in fact guro’s ex. she makes multiple baseless claims, providing no screenshots and providing no real argument. this in our eyes confirmed candl3 as guro. guro reveals her pinterest account in an attempt to take away the attention from herself.
kuroo sends in screenshots from an anonymous mutual revealing that guro created the now deactivated blog m0kkeb0nk, and the still active blog bxdbvy-errxr.
guro accuses multiple edit blogs of being herself on anon.
guro harasses koto again through inbox, this time pretending to be kuroo’s friend for some reason? guro says the n word again for no reason twice. she also makes sexual comments. guro claims that she will leave the anime edit community and become a kpop fan. i do not believe her.
11th of June
sakuta re-enters the picture to defend candl3 (who i will refer to as candle from now on), providing valuable screenshots and information about their true identity. i was skeptical considering the fact that guro had confirmed this account to be hers, but everything was valid and true. screenshots are below, but i will summarise them too.
guro had interacted with candle in the past in a similar way that she did with her usual alts. admitting to being this blog combined with her other behaviour has led me to believe that she purposely mislead us, setting this belief up from the second she began interacting with the account. guro is getting smarter, which is concerning.
guro sends messages on throwaway accounts attempting to badmouth a victim. they were all obvious bait to make us angry, so i deleted them. i still have the screenshots though. we suggest that you block throwaway971 and kyskotonxnh93274. surprisingly, considering the url, these messages were not about koto.
TLDR for screenshots: the main points
guro proudly reiterates how she has committed crimes, specifically mentioning her involvement in the rape server.
guro threatens candle and her boyfriend while denying that she is hxlxkiio.
guro wonders why people hate her, and claims that she will stop at nothing to find an answer. which is really fucking hypocritical considering the fact that i not only dm’d her, but have written her a letter detailing what she can do better. as well as the entire contents of this account really. guro, we hate you because you’re a stalker, harasser, pedophile, you make death and rape threats, you lie and much more.
guro says that she is a physiopath. good to know that she is a licenced physical therapist! /j
guro lists off some random accounts that she used to own.
guro professes her sadistic love for harassing people.
guro admits that her new main account is an agere account.
guro calls herself a yandere.
all in all, this interaction was completely cringeworthy and she ruined her own plan to frame candle by sending them these messages.
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chiaki-fil-a · 4 years
...oh, hey hey... welcome 2 chiaki fil a...
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Shop (Sources, other stuff):
-Main source is Danganronpa... but we can take some for DDLC n Butterfly Soup n maybe more...
-We made our reaction images n header n stuff
-Credit isn't necessary, but appreciated...
-Ask box is always open for whatever
-Pls don't claim anything we make as yours
-Requests might take a while cuz:
-Not fronting
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Menu (What we can do):
-General photo edits
-Platonic, family, romantic, etc.
-Writing in general
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N/A (What we can't do):
-Bouncy gif things
-Haiji, Hifumi, Yasuhiro, romantic WOH
-P3d0, 1ns3ct, etc.
-Any illnesses/diseases/etc we don't know well
-Will add more if necessary
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Staff (Mods):
-Mod Ibuki
-Mod Chiaki (hey hey, it's me...)
-Mod Hiyoko
-Mod Mikan
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Please leave... (DNI):
-'Super sexual'
-Battle axe bi/Have the same ideals as them
-Anti neo-pronouns
-Other normal DNI stuff...
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Trash (Triggers):
-SDR2 chap 3
-Hate of any of our sources/ships
-Deaths of our sources
-Our p4r3nts
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Promo? (Feel free 2 ignore):
-@dangankingdom , @mod-komaru-blog , @softclinic ,@ibuki-loves-you , @ibuki-mioda-offical ,@detectives-imagines ,@miraedits , n anyone else who wants to...
(hope u don't mind for the @'s...)
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Thx for cmn... Hope u enjoy what we can give...
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Explaining my absence yesterday.
//So I think I owe you guys an explanation. Considering I kind of went AWOL yesterday and didn’t really give a good explanation as to why.
//The chapter of the story that I posted that morning ended up doing really good and a lot of people have sent messages in regards to what happened in it, which pleases me, but the reason for why I wasn’t able to follow up on any of them the previous evening is very serious, I assure you.
//Oftentimes when I take a day off, I won’t go too deep into why if it’s something personal, but in this case, I have some things that need to be said.
//For some background information, for the last couple of years, my Grandmother/Nanny on my mum’s side of the family has had problems with breathing. She’s gone in for several procedures and was always incredibly skinny every time I saw her, and her arm was bruised from where all the syringes were. She also needed to carry an oxygen tank with her basically wherever she went.
//And yesterday morning she finally succumbed to her illness, and left this world.
//My whole family is heartbroken, myself included. In fact, my mum, dad and sister were all up in Liverpool for the weekend, but as soon as they heard the news, they drove back through 4 hours of traffic immediately. I only heard the news when they returned.
//My mum hasn’t been well for the past day since, and we visited her house with my aunt, uncle and cousins on that side of the family too.
//To me, my nan was always one of the most instrumental figures in my life. According to my mum, she had a big hand in teaching me how to read and how to talk; two skills that have become vital for me. Especially in recent years. She was a kind soul, who helped everyone around her and gave advice. My mum and my Grandfather, who had been married to her ever since they were legal age, basically relied on her for advice whenever they were stuck. But now she’s gone, and neither of them know what to do with themselves.
//I’m trying my absolute hardest to put on a brave face, and to move on with my life, but it’s difficult. Loss is something that everyone has to deal with, but for it to be something this important isn’t easy for anyone. Not even me.
//My biggest regret is that she couldn’t be around to see me turn into a proper adult. I’m 19 years old and am a University student, but I wish she could have been around to see me to the end. I also wish I’d spent more time with her in her final days, but due to COVID issues, I was being precautious and keeping my distance. If she contracted the virus, she would absolutely have died from it.
//However, this relates to something that I wrote once on the blog. Near the end of “The Fugitive” arc, when Kaede asks Kuripa to help her train, Kuripa prompts her to go and tell Shuichi how she feels about him. However, his specific line is “If you love someone, let them know it.” And never has a simple line been more relevant to me.
//Danganronpa Survivor deals with death and loss a lot, especially from the perspective of the protagonist characters. Makoto losing Mukuro, Kuripa losing Kotoko, Komaru and Toko losing Hiroko, Hajime losing Ayumu, Kaede losing Chinami Hasami and more of course. But real world feelings of loss and depression aren’t so easily put on paper.
//Which I sincerely hope that as readers of the blog, you’ll take this message to heart, and realize that death is a natural, but cruel and unfair thing, and grief is destined to come for those left behind. I love my Nan, and I will miss her, but all I ask is that if you have any family members like that, who you haven’t spoken to in a while, but want to, then you probably should as soon as possible.
//You never know if it might be the last time.
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dangan-happy · 4 years
Dangan-Happy Rules
DISCLAIMER / Under no circumstances, should you take in the words of advice found here as professional help or a diagnosis; This blog is built by volunteers who are willing to do their very best to provide comfort, advice and entertainment to all. We are not professionals. Our words are not to be treated as such.
Triggering topics we will absolutely NOT answer include: r/pe, p/d/philia, inc/st, NSFW (explicit) messages, p/litical d/bates, r/cism, plans to end your life or having a s/icide plan. Anything that relates to those topics will be deleted. Keep things PG-13!
We reserve the right to decline any ask the mods deem uncomfortable. S/lf H/rm related asks fall under this rule, for example, some mods are not comfortable answering things that relate to SH.
Ship teasing is allowed but please don’t expect anything to be defined as “canon”, this is to avoid disagreements. Also, don’t be rude to someone who doesn’t ship the same thing you do, it’s not needed.
The max characters per ask is THREE. Keep that in mind when sending in who you’d like to answer your ask.
Be respectful of the Staff, users and characters; We do not tolerate any form of hate in this blog, so please refrain from making remarks and comments with the intent to harm others.
REMINDER — All forms of love displayed in this blog are strictly platonic. 
Limit topics to one per ask, you can use multiple asks to divide the original one into parts if the ask exceeded the maximum amount of text; Asks that are unrelated to one another should be asked separately.
Be precise with who the ask is for to avoid confusion within the staff.
When sending an ask, be sure to use the password of the week.
Password: The Danganronpa fandom is dying...spread the word so it dies faster!
These passwords are to ensure that you have read our rules and agree to them.
Please don’t harass us about your ask, be mindful that we have lives outside of the blog that include school, work, etc.
Mod App: https://forms.gle/9CyWKyvxw1aUWkAVA
Needed Mods:
Akane Owari
Angie Yonaga
Daisaku Bandai
Hajime Hinata
Hiyoko Saionji
Juzo Sakakura
Kazuo Tengan
Koichi Kizakura
Komaru Naegi
Kyosuke Munakata
Miaya Gekkogahara
Seiko Kimura
Sonosuke Izayoi
Taichi Fujisaki
Teruteru Hanamura
Ultimate Imposter
Yasuke Matsuda
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
Toko Fukawa x Reader - prompts #86, #98
whateverthe said: Been in my mind for a while but i saw your angst prompts open and was like lets go ham |Toko having a fight with Reader but because toko cant handle herself very well she ends up kinda crumbling and leaving because she doesn't know how to fully defend herself even though you were in the wrong and sho has to go get you to to talk when shes in control cause although SHES not in love with you toko is, [Promts 86 , 98 ] ( i just find no platonic sho x toko :( where sho protects her or sum ]
I loved this idea! It’s very cool. I feel like some people don’t really know that Syo formed in Toko’s system in order to protect her, due to tramua. 
I used what information I know and do have on DID writing this, please let me know if I need to change anything! Not as angsty as the others, but I’m proud of it, considering I’m posting at 8 in the fucking morning-
Enjoy! -Mod Akane
“There’s gotta be a way to fix you, Toko!” 
“Wh-Who told you I needed fixing!? A-And why would you.. B-believe them!?” Toko yells angrily. 
“Look at yourself in a mirror, Toko!” (Y/N) shouts, causing their girlfriend to flinch from the volume, the gesture, the pure meaning. 
“I-I’m doing f-fine!” She tries to retaliate. Toko’s mind is racing, because she knows she’s right, and fine isn’t the right word but ‘fixing’ isn’t either. 
“No, you are not!” (Y/N) argues. “You are a wreck, Toko! You share a split personality with a fucking serial killer!” 
“I-It's not like I have control over her!” Toko shouts back. She’s shouting, but it looks like she’s starting to dissociate and distance herself slowly. “I-It’s not my fault..” 
“I know it’s not your fault, Toko.” (Y/N) says, wanting to scream again because why won’t she fucking listen, but withholding the frustration. “But that doesn’t change that something is wrong and needs to be fixed!”
“You’re not listening to me!” Toko shouts. “I-I-” She starts yanking on her hair, though her braids had fallen out long after she had been caught in Towa City, the habit never changed. “Just shut up! Shut up!” Toko screams, and she turns and begins to head out a door. 
“Where are you going?!” (Y/N) shouts.
“To go see Komaru!” Toko shouts. And the door doesn’t slam, but it felt like she wanted it to.
(Y/N) takes a few breaths, the air is still heated even as they’re by themselves now.
They inhale and exhale once more, knowing they need to calm down. Maybe they’d go sit outside. Try and figure out what to say when Toko gets back.
(Y/N) sighed, leaning back as they sat on the rooftop to their apartment building, staring up at a still ever-red sky. Toko had been gone for a while, and they hadn’t even seen her enter the building again. Figured she was upset, since everything flew off the handle.
“You know…” The person who began speaking halts. “You don’t seem to listen to Toko much.” (Y/N) certainly recognized that annoying voice. It was Syo. Of course. Just the person they needed to see. Full sarcasm.
“Don’t act like you care.” (Y/N) scoffs. “I know how much you wanna slit my throat.” They sit up, sighing as they see Syo sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of the rooftop, without a care in the world as her tongue hangs out. 
“I know!” She turns and smiles at (Y/N). “But I care about Toko.” Her smile fades.
“Last I heard, you two can’t tolerate each other.” (Y/N) looks away from her, watching the recovering city below.
“Did you tolerate your siblings when you were younger? Or, like, cousins?” Syo asks sarcastically. Her serious tone was so unfamiliar. “Sure, she’s lame, and a spaz, we don’t even share a memory, and whatever! But I’m meant to protect her.” 
(Y/N) raises a brow. “Protect her? You murder people.” 
“Kyahah, that’s not relevant!” She laughs. “You don't know how dissociative identity disorder works, huh? Ugh, that’s a mouthful!”
“Not exactly.” (Y/N) sighs. “Toko never told me details.” 
“I exist to protect her. That’s why I’m around!” Syo giggles. “Trauma forms people like me. People like me are stuck takin’ care of lame-o’s like Toko!”
“So you’re around cause Toko had trauma?” (Y/N) asks.
“Ugh, how clear can I make it? Yes!” Syo shouts. “There’s no fixin’ us, no gettin’ rid of me! It’s the only reason Toko’s still around, you know!” (Y/N) thinks for a second. And then they realize what Syo means by that.. “O-Oh.. my god.” 
“Yeahahah!” She laughs. “You’ve dug your own grave.” “..So how do you.. Know all this?” (Y/N) asks more slowly, careful as they process the new information Syo provides.
“We don’t exactly share a memory.” She says. “But we share a headspace. So there’s a general communication, Toko just isn’t up for communication!”
(Y/N) forces a small laugh. “That sounds like Toko, alright..”
“..How would you know?”
“Huh?” Syo pauses, before looking at them. “You don’t listen to her.” 
“..I’m trying my best.” (Y/N) states.
“Had you not been, and had she not loved you,” Syo begins to laugh- “I would’ve sliced ya’ like meat by now!” She grins. “But Toko loves you. So you should figure out a way to love her back.”
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mod-komaru-blog · 4 years
Could I please get some fluffy mikan tsumuki? Also I'm really excited to be here, good luck with your blog!
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I love Mikan she's such a sweetheart
And deserves so much better
Mikan will try her best to make you happy
You tend to stick by her side a lot to protect her from bullies and them hurting her
She fears that one day she'll make you angry or you'll hate her so she's either by yourself side all the time or remaining far away
With your reassurance, she'll cry tears of joy knowing that you'll love her no matter what
She loves cuddling with you so much
Mikan prefers to the be the little spoon but if you're sad or stressed out that day she'll be the big spoon
She just feels so safe in your arms and that nobody is going after her
Since she's the Ultimate Nurse, whatever injury you get she'll immediately be ready to help
Mikan sometimes likes to bake for you
She isn't the best, but you love her treats regardless
We call know that Mikan had a really terrible past, so she's sad really easily and remembers a lot of the stuff she went through
But you're always there to listen to her vents or rants and give her the comfort she deserves
She just might cry from how nice you are to her
Mikan will do the same
She'll listen to your rants or vents and just be there for you like how you are for her
This girl loves praise...especially from you, it makes her feel special
Due to having such an extremely low self-esteem, she'll have a hard time accepting the commitment without feeling like she doesn't deserve it
But over time when you help her cope with her trauma and give her the love she's wanted all her life
She'll begin the accept the praise you give her
Mikan is just grateful that one person in her life is there to protect her and help her heal from everything she's been through
- Mod Komaru
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