#we need to rewatch crimson peak. movie of all time
pastinawitheggs · 2 years
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lucille 🥺
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cissa-calls · 9 months
Rewatching Crimson Peak & Things of Focus and Notice:
As a child at her mothers funeral, Edith wears butterfly/moth earrings
Is the pen her father gifts her the one she later uses to stab Lucille? He describes the importance of having “The right tool for the job,” is that foreshadowing for gifting her the tool to begin her escape from Crimson Peak?
Is Edith wearing a butterfly hair clip when she dances the waltz with Thomas?
Lucille’s iconic crimson red gown is so detailed, so beautiful. It represents the skeletal ghosts with its spinal column along the back, crimson peak itself in color, the carapace of a bug on the sleeves and structure, and the upper bodice has trim that blooms outward (present similarly in her blue gown) but is bisected by buttons…creating a familiar shape…a moth?
The candle they hold during the waltz is held at the same level Edith holds her iconic candelabra, a subtle parallel
The trim on the collar of Lucille’s black dress references the spikes and trims of gothic architecture - which is very heavily featured in Allerdale Hall
Lucille says that: “At home we only have Black moths, formidable creatures but they lack beauty.” Knowing the parallel between her and moths, it implies that she sees herself as a survivor and powerful, but something no longer beautiful because of it
Lucille places the butterfly she holds directly into the ants, an action that’s brutal but quick. Is it foreshadowing to her execution of Edith’s death? Something quick for such a beautiful thing, done by her hand?
The LOOK Lucille gives Thomas when they realize Edith’s father knows their past. THE LOOK (JESSICA CHASTAIN YOUR ACTING)
“You seem the more collected one my dear” Lucille is called this. She always holds the mission undetered in her mind, as opposed to Thomas who seems more easily swayed by emotions
When Thomas breaks Edith’s heart by ripping apart her book. He says: “What do you dream of? A kind man? A pure soul to be redeemed? A wounded bird to be nourished?” He is telling her exactly what he is. None of those things, none of the dreams she has built of him in her mind. Not with a past and life such as his.
The significance of gramophones and wax cylinders: it is what plays when Edith’s father is murdered, it is also what saves her from meeting the same fate
I want to know more about Lucille!! Her character is so rich, so so complex, she needs more screen time!!
Need a prop replica of the ring NOW
[the house] “is a privilege we were born into, one we can never relinquish” METAPHOR ALERT METAPHOR ALERT metaphor for the cycles of abuse and trauma they could not break
HOW THE FRICK did I MISS the fact that Thomas’ workshop is in the attic when that was where him and Lucille were locked up as children. SO MANY IMPORTANT SCENES HAPPEN THERE. So many significant to their past we never see, so many ghosts not visible but are so real and present to have caused this
The trail of smoke like red essence that emanates from the ghosts as they walk, like they are still bleeding
Lucille’s hair looks black in darker lighting, but a dark brunette in others. It’s provides a black, dark shroud when she’s in America, and catches more light when she’s in Allerdale Hall
“I like to think she can see us from up there. I don’t want her to miss a single thing we do.” UM MA’AM
“…in time, everything will be right” LUCILLE QUEEN OF FINAL OMINOUS STATEMENTS IN SCENES
The amount I WISH to explore this set. To pry apart each detail and pick apart each piece, so much of it had to be handcrafted pieces for the movie or vintage pieces sourced for it. LET ME IN
The ghost in the hallway has a rope dragging behind her…is this a gory detail, or an allusion to how she may have died (if not by poison)?
The ghost in Edith’s dream is pointing, though it is never shown to what. Is it to the exit, her warning to leave as all the other ghosts try to do?
The children’s laughter after the presumed scream of their mother’s ghost as she is stabbed, is it just for creepy effect, or did Lucille and Thomas actually laugh after they murdered her?
The scar on Lucille’s lip? Never noticed it before!
Not the first time I’ve noticed it, but the act of her clutching hot steaming food with her bare hands is chilling every single time
Were the bodies of Thomas’s wives left in the vats of clay? I don’t know HOW I didn’t make that connection before, originally i thought it was merely for creepy effect.
Many people villainize Lucille and try to make Thomas out to be solely a victim. But as stated in the wax cylinder, he was fueled by his desire to pay for and make his machine. Him and Lucille are both complacent in using their victims money for their own gain
We need to bring Chatelaine’s back into fashion. That is all.
The scrape of the spoon over the porcelain cup, it screeches and is a subtle way that shows Lucille act of caring has a harshness to it, an unpleasant sound resulting from an otherwise pleasant action: tending to Edith
Such an interesting camera choice to have the camera focus in a circular inwards and outwards
also also Lucille has a temple scar on her forehead?
The small amount of glee Lucille takes saying Edith “thought [she] was was a writer” as she throws the pages to her novel in the fire.
The absolute deadpan, matter-of-fact-ness Lucille has to Edith when she signs the papers “you have nothing to live for” & “mercy killings.” This is a familiar repeated cycle
“Sign your name! Sign your bloody name!” Bloody is not just for emphasis. Edith’s name is soon to be nothing but blood
Lucille’s night gown sleeves as she flies down the stairs in pursuit - like a moths wings fluttering towards its prey
Lucille and Edith fought each other with bare feet on the stone and in the snow
Lucille is the only one of the two who knows how to start Thomas’s machine, because she was the one who witnessed it working
It is only the stab wound on Thomas’ face that bleeds and smokes when he is a ghost, perhaps because it is the wound that bears his betrayal by Lucille, reminiscent of tears of his lingering pain
Edith now has a facial scar, gifted to her by Lucille, who bore ones of her own. It is a passage, a continuing of the cycle, but it is its finale. It is Edith’s souvenir from Lucille, who took her own souvenir (her hair) from the other like a prize
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misledmiseries · 2 years
i rewatched crimson peak, one of those gothic pieces that i savor, and i want to talk:
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the setting, as nobody knows i’m weak for architecture and buildings as creatures, i can’t even explain how much i am enamored with allerdale hall, the house bleeding in the snowfall, the house breathing when the wind pass it broken sinking body, the suffocating warmth of lavish interiors, every ornate corridor a painting, but also everything is grimy, dark and cold, torn and faded, the sunken ceiling open to heaven’s whims, leaves and snow fall throughout the day. as the few inhabitants goes about their day. 
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i literally can’t live knowing that house isn’t real, i physically need to visit a similar castle, mansion, manor, hall, and live my yearnings for allerdale hall where all nightmares in red they begun.
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i want to devour allerdale hall, this’s how much i love that place. though might give me diarrhea with all the mold and shit. anyway-
Edith and the Sharpe's mother, i noticed how there’s might be parallel between Edith and Beatrice, how she’s wearing her ring, sleeping in her bed, how Lucille finally pulled the cleaver out just for her, but i honestly don’t know, because then i have to think of all the wives before, except they were slowly poisoned wearing the ring and sleeping in that bed. and “ funny that’s the last thing mother said too.”
Thomas and Lucille though living, all these years they were ghosts, as he told her “ we were dead”, they were haunting allerdale hall, with all the other crimson apparitions, haunted by the past. the regret, the blood, the love, Lucille seemed as if she cannot even comprehend the chance of abandoning her hell, the death of her innocence, the purgatory of her sins, the hell of a monstrous love.
the abandonment her love sent her into bloody frenzy, i noticed through the entire movie the wariness eats at her, after all he chose Edith. and Lucille can’t be alone, she can’t handle the desolation of Thomas even loving another, there’s no remedy nor mercy after that, it’s like all her life in suffocating him she also can’t breath, and in killing him she killed herself too.
Lucille :“you couldn’t leave me, you wouldn’t.”  Thomas :“ i can’t...i can’t.” isn’t he here baring his teeth at her? like he’s frustrated that his heart won’t let him. Lucille :“i know.” 
another thing i noticed is how Lucille is totally really alone with this power dynamic, Lucille multiple times in the movie would state “somebody has to do something about this.” knowing that she’s the one who will deal with whatever is happening, and when she finally shoved Thomas to finally kill Alan she said:” go get your hands dirty.” she’s furious with Thomas slipping from her desperate grasp, mad she’s doing all of this while he stands aside like a wet dog, as if he not aiding her bear the horror on her own, she can’t see that he loves Edith and can’t will himself into harming her despite his love for her.
in conclusion i wish crimson peak gave me more to chew on, i watch the movie and i just want more, it’s like a cherry filled donut with not enough jelly you know? the movie isn’t without flaws but i guess getting me to ponder is an evidence of a decent movie-and allerdale hall my sweet rotten beloved <3- anyway I'm going to check the movie novelization for funsies. 
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veliseraptor · 2 years
Favorite fictional sapphic relationship? 👀
are we talking favorite actual or favorite hypothetical because those are kind of two different things. also there are a lot more of the latter unfortunately. and while a part of me is like "it's gotta be Qiyan Agula/Nangong Jingnu, doesn't it, truly the f/f pairing that delivered all of my favorite things (betrayal! disguised identity! reluctantly falling in love with your hated enemy! incredible amounts of emotional dysfunction!)" I actually feel like I might have to give this one to Catra/Adora? for the emotional place it holds in my heart that I think is somewhat comparable to the way many people around my age feel about Korrasami.
I feel like while Korrasami is very important to me in the abstract, Catra/Adora was sort of...my Korrasami, in a sense, in that it was the pairing where when I was watching She Ra I was like "oh man this is so perfectly a dynamic that I love between these two characters, I love the arc this is taking and the messiness of this relationship" and the sheer...euphoria? of it actually happening, textually, on screen? like, I don't need something to be canon for me to care, obviously, I'd be shit outta luck in a lot of ways if that was my expectation. but the absolute SCREAM that came out of me when it became clear that OH WE'RE DOING THIS. it was really something. like, I guess the lesbian representation I really needed was the one that involved more murder attempts which really just figures.
as I wrote at the time:
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...maybe I should rewatch She-Ra.
my favorite "not hypothetical, absolutely subtextually present but not overt/on screen" sapphic relationship is definitely Lucille/Edith from Crimson Peak though. the more I think about it the more into it I am. also the less I find myself caring about Thomas and the more I'm just like. dang the movie where they fucked though. it would defeat the purpose of the sublimated sexuality that actually makes this better but also. hot.
also @veilchenjaeger got me singlehandedly attached to Liu Mingyan/Sha Hualing as a concept because of all the ways it plays with all kinds of fun things that I feel like I don't usually get in f/f ships. like, it's not fucked up in the way that I'm usually after but it's got a lot of other interesting stuff going on and damn do I need to get back to that sex pollen fic
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xthrenody · 2 years
Crimson peak / ATLA
I was rewatching Crimson Peak (one of my favourites movies ever), and seeing the dynamic between Lucille and Thomas Sharpe reminded me of the dynamic between Zuko and Azula. (warning, spoiler alert)
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First, both dynamics starts at an early age. Lucille and Thomas were always together in the nursery, since they were forbidden to go anywhere else.
We were not allowed in here as children. We were confined at the nursery. In the attic. Mother played piano sometimes. We’d hear her through the floor. That’s how we knew that she was back in the country.
Lucille Sharpe
Zuko and Azula were the only children around the palace when they were young (except for Mai and Tai Lee, which were already manipulated at some extent by Azula). Sure, they knew their cousin Lu Ten, but he was already in the army when they were like 7-8 years old. Ozai didn’t spent time with them, and favoured Azula over Zuko, whereas Ursa did the contrary.
A brutal father
Another interesting thing. Lucille says that their father “was a brute” and that he hurt their mother very much.
Father was a brute. He hated mother. Broke her leg. Snapped it in two under his boot. She never quite healed. She was bedridden for a long time. But I cared for her.
Lucille Sharpe
It is hinted in the Smoke and Shadow comic (not so good btw) that Ozai abused Ursa. Clearly, if that happened, Zuko and Azula probably didn’t know but they could sense something, as many children do when in such situations.
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Furthermore, Ursa apparently called Azula “a monster”, and when Edith says “You’re monsters, both of you”, Lucille answers “Funny, that’s the last thing mother said too”.
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Of course Azula isn’t as much a monster as Lucille, since they are clearly not the same age, but we can imagine that Lucille was quite like Azula at the same age. After all, Azula killed Aang (before he was saved by Katara), which proves somehow that she was ready to kill, just like Lucille killed her mother.
Both Azula and Lucille are also really good at manipulating their respective brother.
Azula manipulates Zuko into helping her defeating the Avatar, making him believe that all rested upon his shoulder (which seems like a lie, even though Zuko helps her against Katara during the fight). He betrayed his uncle and who he is at the core for her.
I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle, but Zuko, Prince Zuko, you’re a lot of things but you’re not a traitor, are you ? (...) It’s not too late for you Zuko, you can still redeem yourself. (...) I need you Zuko, I’ve ploted every move of this day, this glorious day in Fire Nation history, and the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back, you will have father’s love, you will have everything you want. (...) You are free to choose.
Lucille has a similar way of manipulating Thomas, to such an extent that the sentence seems to be anchored in him “We stay together, never apart”.
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She could make him marry four women, and watch them being poisoned by her without him saying a word, even though we can guess that he didn’t condone the crimes, especially when Edith mentionned - on purpose - Milan. He looks away, regretful.
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Lucille is very protective, to a very toxic extent, saying that she took their mother’s cane strokes instead of Thomas, which must have made it even easier for her to manipulate him.
You should have seen him, as a child, Thomas. He was perfect. So from all his small infractions, from my mother’s cane, I protected him. I took so many beatings.
Lucille Sharpe
About the similarity between Zuko and Thomas, both of them struggles with doing what is right.
Zuko betrays his uncle and Katara’s trust by siding with Azula.
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Thomas betrays Edith by sleeping with his own sister, and letting Lucille poison her without saying a word for a very long time.
- You lied to me!
- I did.
- You poisoned me!
- I did!
- You told me you loved me!
- I do!
Edith Cushing, Thomas Sharpe
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Thomas overcomes his sister’s toxicity and protects Edith at the cost of his own life. Zuko overcomes his father bad influence and is even willing to sacrifice himself for a former enemy (Katara).
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I know the stories are very different, and that the demonstration isn’t perfect and all, but I needed to write about it. (please, forgive my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue and I wrote it as I went along ;)).
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Halloween Spooktacular Part 3
Whatever Happens to Baby Jane is a fascinating psychological horror and cautionary tale of child stardom and pitting siblings against one another. It is a masterpiece of storytelling, whose story starts as horror but ends in tragedy. The suspense is held entirely by two powerhouse actresses. Bette David, who earned her Oscar nomination, and Joan Crawford are outstanding. Overall, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane has stood the test of time and is still one of the best psychological horror films ever made.
Rating: A
From a visual perspective, Crimson Peak is a masterpiece. The costume and production design are outstanding and imaginative. The ghost designs are unique and horrifying. Guillermo is at his A-game here. However, the story is kinda a miss. It's predictable and a redundant story that has been done numerous times before. I was expecting more out of this story from Guillermo given all the effort he put into visuals. The acting for the most part is fine. Tom Hiddleston is the main stand-out but the performance from the lead, Mia Wasikowska is lacking depth. Overall, I am a little disappointed.
Rating: C+
Mandy holds a special place in my heart because it is one of the films that got me into filmmaking. When I watched it for the first time, it was unlike anything that I'd ever seen before. I had no idea that film could be this artistically creative. Now, rewatching it a few years later, I love it even more. It's a classic revenge story with a psychedelic, metal-infused acid trip, with Nic Cage losing his shit masterfully. Because every once and a while we need to see the Cage Rage. Overall, a fantastic film with my only complaint being the beginning is a little slow. Thank you to everyone who worked on this movie, because you got me into filmmaking.
Rating: B+.
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romanitas · 3 years
tagged by @lovelylikepie
1. Favourite colour : red is top tier but i also like various blues and purples lately
2. Currently reading : rereading graceling by kristin cashore, before that was 1177 bc: the year civilization collapsed by eric h cline 
3. Last song : beggin by maneskin
4. Last series : just finished midnight mass tonight. liked it more than bly manor but hill house is still my favorite of the three. rahul kohli should be in all these horror shows from here on out tbh
5. Last movie : uhhh fuck i rewatched the craft a few days ago but my last “new” movie was crimson peak about a week ago??
6. Sweet, savoury or spicy : sweet or savory ig?? where is the salty option, that’s my fave
7. Craving : thai food
8. Currently working on : absolutely nothing bc i am too tired to exist
i am also too tired to tag anyone but i needed one last distraction before bed time so here we are!!! 
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Rewatching “Crimson Peak”
Discussing this movie on the Gotham group chat with @ckatattack and decided “Eff it, Imma watch it again.”
Lez go!
“Rent movie for $3.99″ absolutely
Holy crap, I forgot about this opening lullaby during the logo.  Holy shit.
For some reason, the bloody Edith in the opening shot really looks like something the girl behind MadeYewLook should do.  Other Alexis, hear me out!
These colors (in young Edith’s bedroom)!
*flinches when the first ghost puts her hand on Young Edith’s shoulder*
You ever had someone put their hand on your shoulder when you’re like seconds away from falling asleep?  Scariest shit ever.
*silently jams out to the music when Edith is traveling to the publisher*
I freaking LOVE Edith’s yellow dress in this movie.  The puffy shoulders, the black under dress, the straw hat, love it.
“Actually, Mrs. McMichael, I would prefer Mary Shelley.  She died a widow.”  *z snaps*
“The ghost is just a metaphor.  For the past.”  Boom there’s the whole movie.
“He told me it needed a love story.  Can you believe that?”  AGAIN-
Also holy shit, Bobby from Supernatural is Edith’s dad!
For a second, I thought this typing house looked like a science fair.
AND THERE HE [Tom HIddleston] ISSSS!!
I’m sorry, I’m just smiling... so hard at this [Edith and Thomas’s first scene together]
Listen, if we get a scene in the Loki TV show where we see him in an outfit very close to the one he wears in this movie, I will... die.  That’s it.  I’ll just die.
The aesthetics for most of Guillermo del Toro’s movies are wonderful.  The like 95% period accurate clothing, the yellow lighting, the red and green wallpapers OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED THE RED AND GREEN
*The door knob starts creaking*  Oh boy
That shot of Edith’s face in half shadow when she’s about ready to close the door but she sees the ghost of her mother?  Good stuff.
*Thomas waits near the staircase*  OH SNAP HE LOOK GOOD
OHHHHHHH THAT TRANSITIONNNNN [from the staircase to the ballroom]!!
I also love the detail that Lucille’s dress is ten years too old for her because she is still stuck in the past when it comes to life.
*grins like an idiot when Thomas offers the candle to Edith*
There are so many people gasping in this scene
I wonder if they actually did try to do the waltz with the actual candle lit for filming or did they do some VFX to make it look like it was lit the whole time?  Part of me thinks that that flame’s real but I don’t know.
Where have I seen the guy who plays the investigator before?
“The man that just left, among other ailments, is colorblind....only the majority around him does.  Now that man will never perceive the colors red or green.  He only accepts their existence because the majority around him does.”  “Perhaps we only notice things when the time comes for us to see them.”  OH MY GOD ALL THE RED AND GREEN IN EDITH’S HOME
Charlie Hunnam’s Britsh accent slipped in when he said “understand”
Also I want this man to play Green Arrow in the DCEU
Did she [Lucille] just rub the dead butterfly on her face?
*Close of ants feeding on dead butterfly*  Thanks, that was needed.
*Thomas reveals the ring he was going to give Edith*  BOY YOU KNEW HER FOR LIKE A THREE DAYS AND A NIGHT
Were those all the previous marriage certificates?
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have an unexpected announcement.  Sir Thomas?”  *sinks down in seat and hisses nervously*
*is extremely uncomfortable when Thomas has to insult Edith’s novel in front of her*
*Edith slaps Thomas*  Well he took that pretty well.
*Lucille in the doorway of the dining room*  You know what, eff you.
*jaw drops in horror when someone smashes Mr. Cushing’s face in the sink repeatedly, killing him*
I love that Edith is still in her nightgown and she still has bed head (of a sorts) and yet she ran to the hotel, just throwing on a coat and leaving her reading glasses on.
*slams hands on laptop*  THESE.  TRANSITIONS.
I’m sorry, was that a slight kiss mark on Edith’s chin?  Did I see that right?
Boy, you be hugging your sister for way too long...
*Lucille refuses to give Edith a copy of the keys*  Electric chair.
“You chose her.  Why?”  BECAUSE HE LOVES HER YOU BITCH
*One of the ghosts sneaks up on Edith in the bathroom*  We see you, @actordougjones!!  I see you!!
*Thomas loudly stirs Edith’s tea for her*  I’m suddenly flashing back to the tea cup from “Get Out”
So would the Sunken Place for this scenario just be completely red from the red clay?  Thoughts to think about.
Wait, how long is Mia Wasikowska’s hair?  Is that all real?  Jeez!  The last time I had hair down to my butt was in elementary school.
“Mother.”  Oo woo oo...
Look, I’ve already seen this movie, but I already want Lucille to shut the hell up.
I’m sorry, was that a porn book Lucille just showed Edith?
Well damn they replaced that sink real quick!
*Thomas watches Edith as she watches one of his contraptions*  S T O P
Mr. del Toro, you have been reading my list of favorite romantic tropes.  Sir please-
*Edith and Thomas kiss passionately*  OH... OHH...
*gestures in the air with frustration when Lucille enters the room*
Can we start taking shots every time Edith starts wandering around the halls in her nightgown holding a candelabra in this movie?
*One of the ghosts starts crawling on the floor, moaning and wailing*  Haha me
“My hands are getting rough.  Your father would approve.”  Why would I just realize that?  Man, I’m getting slow.
The last time I watched this movie was in 2016.  I watched the trailer back when I was a senior in high school.  And I watched that trailer multiple times.
I love the ghost as the scarecrow
Girl, you are coughing up blood.  You have been poisoned.
Edith back at it again wandering around at night!  Take a shot!
This was a terrible decision for me to watch this at like midnight.  Why did I do this?
OK, so which one of these ghosts is Javier Botet?
Oh my gosh, the chair Edith is in is bigger than last time because she’s being swallowed by the house. 
“Sir Thomas is already married.”  BUM BUM BUMMM!!
*has to look away as Thomas and Edith get it on*
Aaand there’s the English countryside right there.  I’m gonna look back away now.
“Lucille, we’re back!”  Lucille, you son of a bitch.
“You slept there?  You two... alone...”  Yeah, that’s what husband and wife do.  They get together, sleep together, do a lot of things together.  Jesus.
“I was so alone.  I can’t be alone.”  Lady, I just want you to shut the hell up.
OK, so now I forget what’s in the ES suitcase?  Enola’s body?  What’s up?
Oh, it’s just a suitcase full of other stuff.  Never mind.  I thought it was gonna be her body.
Lemme guess the ghost is gonna rise out of the red goo?  Yep!
I’m getting a lot of callbacks to “The Shining” like with all the red and then the ghost with the ax in her head climbing out of the tub
Jessica Chastain’s accent keeps slipping.  Am I the only one who’s noticed?
*laughing*  Oh my God, again!  Take a shot!
Oh my God they freaking swindled a lady in a wheelchair.  Ohhhh my God...
“The poison... is in the tea!”  Funnnnnnnnn....
Oh but of course she got snowed in. 
“I [Lucille] tended Mother in this bed.”  *so done*
So is Lucille the older sibling?  Oh yeah she is because she said she tended to their mom
*completely done with Lucille’s BS*
Whoever did the set design for Allerdale Hall, I want to send them flowers and my love
OK I know for a fact that that’s Doug Jones as the ghost of Enola
*quickly rips out earphones*
*cue a very long string of expletives and looking up and away from the screen*
“I’m [Alan] here to take you [Edith] away.”  *singing*  They’re going to take me away, a ha, they’re going to take me away!
Wait he’s a doctor and he just yanks that sucker out of his arm pit?  You’d think he’d be smarter than that.
*shakes head at the whole fiasco*
*ends up glaring at Lucille as she tosses Edith’s manuscript in the fire*
Edith, while she’s looking away, just freaking tear that... *mimes tearing motion*
Oh my God of course she [Lucille] has a drawer full of the victim’s hairs
“You told me you loved me!”  “I do!”  AGH
*Thomas throws the law papers in the fire*  YAASSSS!!
*gasps when Lucille stabs Thomas*
*jaw drops in horror when Thomas just shanked IN THE FACE*
*Thomas dies*  Jeeesus... that was a good death scene.
God the shot of Lucille running down the stairs from behind?  Ugh!  And with the flowing fabric behind her!  Freaking gorgeous
*Edith goes down in the elevator*  Bye bish
That is a huge freaking meat cleaver
Seeing Edith with her steak knife going up against Lucille reminds me of that freaking chainsaw fight from “Mandy” with Nicholas Cage
This final set piece!
*Edith goes up against Lucille with a shovel*  MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA!  YOU KILLED MY FATHER!  PREPARE TO DIE!
*Ghost Thomas*  Those prosthetics look amazing
*Ghost Thomas nuzzles against Edith’s hand before disappearing*  God it’s the little movements.  del Toro freaking GETS it
*nods when the end credits start*
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noonetosmilefor · 5 years
Let's talk movies!
@uneven-odds asked me to answer all of these. thanks, love. <3
A movie you’ve seen most times in cinema. - Probably Doctor Strange or Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I’m not sure about that. I think it’s a tie.
Your most rewatched movie. - Spider-Man: Homecoming.
A movie you quote on a daily basis. - Star Wars, from all different movies.
Favorite movie soundtrack. - The Greatest Showman and Inception.
Top 5 films of your favorite actor and actress. 1. Spider-Man: Homecoming 2. The Amazing Spider-Man: Rise Of Electro 3. La La Land 4. Spider-Man: Far From Home 5. Heart of the Sea. I think by now you can tell who’s my favorite actress and actor haha.
Top 5 performances of your favorite actor and actress. Cause there are only two characters I LOVED THAT MUCH: Emma Stone as Mia in La La Land Tom Holland as Spiderman.
A movie storyline you wish you had actually lived. - The storyline of Harry Potter. I loved the books, I loved the movies, I wanted to live in this world so bad.
A movie that reminds you of your mom. - Notting Hill.
A movie that reminds you of your dad. - Der Schuh des Manitu.
Favorite movies from your childhood. - The Jungle Book, Pocahontas, Edward Scissorhand and Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Favorite quote(s). - My ultimative fav quote of all time is: “It’s only when we wake up, we realise something was strange.
Top 5 favorite female performances. 1. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa 2. Brie Larson as Captain Marvel 3. Winona Ryder as Kim Boggs 4. Tilda Swinton as The Ancient One 5. Liv Tyler as Arwen
Top 5 favorite male performances. 1. Tom Hiddleston as Loki Laufeyson 2. Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man aka Tony Stark 3. Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing 4. Elijah Wood as Frodo Baggins 5. Tom Holland as Peter Parker
Favorite year for movies. - I quite liked the year 2017.
Your favorite movies from 2014. - Interstellar, The Amazing Spider-Man: Rise Of Electro and The Imitation Game.
Favorite Johnny Depp movies? - (insert every Johnny Depp movie EVER) No, but my fav “3″ are: Edward Scissorhand, Sleepy Hollow and the first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
List all you’ve seen from Tom Hiddleston. - Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, The Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, Miss Austen Regrets, Midnight in Paris, The Deep Blue Sea, Only Lovers Left Alive, I Saw The Light, High-Rise, Crimson Peak, Kong: Skull Island So yeah, basically every movie he’s in haha.
An underrated actor. - Dane DeHaan.
An underrated actress. - Emily Blunt.
An underrated director. - Wes Craven (ALWAYS LOVED HIS HORROR MOVIES!)
An overrated actor. - Don’t have one.
An overrated actress. - Don’t have one.
An overrated director. - Don’t have one.
A film you wish you had seen on the big screen. - All Star Wars movies. I haven’t seen all of them because, yeah well, I wasn’t born or too young.
A movie you’ve seen that you think no one else’s here will have heard of? - This Beautiful Fantastic.
Favorite movie characters. - Thranduil, Luke Skywalker, Jyn Erso, Loki Laufeyson, Peter Parker, Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, Arwen and Luna Lovegood.
A film that was better than the book. - Uagh idk really.
Best remake. - IT. I LOVE IT, by “IT” I mean the movie haha.
Your first favorite actor. - Mark Hamill. 
Your first favorite actress. - Carrie Fisher.
Favorite animated film. - The Jungle Book.
Your most anticipated films. - Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker and IT Chapter 2.
Last movie that disappointed you. - The remake of The Lion King.
Last movie that surpassed your expectations. - Captain Marvel.
Actor in need of new agent. - Tom Holland, Imma be his new agent haha, jk.
Actress in need of new agent. - Jessica Chastain, Imma be her agent as well haha, no jk.
Share an unpopular film opinion you have. - I think that romantic movies, most of the times are all the same and really boring. Sorry, not sorry.
Favorite Oscar win/speech. - Viola Davis speech from 2017. I cried a bit.
Biggest Oscar snub(s). - There are so MANY, but I guess no. is Leonardo DiCaprio. It took way too long for him to get an Oscar.
Who do you think is overdue for another nomination/win? - Viola Davis, I love seeing her win, she’s just wonderful and I love listening to her speeches.
How many movies have you seen (rough estimation)? - Around 300 maybe.
A movie that made you go ‘wtf was that’. - Only Lovers Left Alive. I’m sorry Tom, I love you, but that just freaked me out.
A film that scarred you. - The Shining but just because it was SO BAD.
Most movies watched in a single day. - 5.
A film that always makes you cry. - Me Before You. One of the few romantic movies I LOVE. Maybe because it has a sad ending to it. Yeah I’m weird, I know.
A film that always makes you laugh. - Der Schuh des Manitu.
Movies that you think everyone should watch (not necessarily your favorites). - The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, all Star Wars movies, but especially Rogue One, it’s so underrated, all movies belonging to the MCU, A Long Way Down AND DEFINITELY BlacKkKlansman.
A movie that took you a couple of viewings to appreciate. - Legend.
A book you want to see adapted to the big screen. - Noah by Sebastian Fitzek.
A book you really, really, really don’t want to see made into a film. - The Silmarillion, I don’t think a movie will do this book any justice.
Favorite child performance. - Natalie Portman in Léon: The Professional
Favorite pre-code. - Safe in Hell.
Favorite silent film. - Nosferatu.
Favorite coming of age film. - The Breakfast Club.
Favorite superhero film. - Uff, that’s really though: Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Best cinematography. - The Revenant.
Movies you know you should watch, but can’t bring yourself to do it? - Idk, I really do watch what I want to, so currently none.
Favorite genres. - Horror, thriller, drama and fantasy.
Least favorite genres. - Comedy and romance.
Biggest movie pet peeve. - Idk rn.
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trashqueenkyloren · 7 years
Longass Meta on Kylo Ren’s Redemption Arc/Rey and Kylo
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SO, to begin, this is something I’ve wanted to write literally since Dec 2015 but the fear of being hated on has been so strong that I’ve just recently felt confident enough to post it and I really just want this out there before The Last Jedi comes out so I can compare although it’s so close to the release date this is all probably irrelevant now oh well
So I went into The Force Awakens basically as a blank slate (I’ll explain later) and I really just want to point out a few thoughts I had while watching it the first time that point to a potential Kylo Ren Redemption arc and the possibility of Rey and Kylo at least teaming up (this is mostly just my opinion, feel free to disagree!)
(way more under the cut guys, read on if you like!)
To begin, let me explain a little bit about myself
When I went to go see TFA in theaters, I knew almost nothing about Star Wars. I had seen the originals like once when I was like 5 and had not really gotten into it. In fact all I knew was that 
1) The force and the light/dark side are a thing
2) Darth Vader is Luke’s father
3) Han is Leia’s love interest and Luke is her brother (and even this I had to ask my friend to clarify/make sure I had it right)
and obviously I knew the names of yoda and r2d2 and other really basic knowledge, you get the idea
The Force Awakens is what made me become a Star Wars fan (don’t worry, I have since then made up for my mistakes by rewatching all the movies and such)
but anyway what this means is 
I went into TFA as basically a blank slate, meaning I had no biased Star Wars thoughts to cloud my judgement 
I saw what the filmmakers wanted me to see
In addition, being a person who currently studies Literature, Psychology, and Film Studies at college (yeah, yeah, I fit the stereotype, kill me), if there is something I know well it’s Storytelling 
The only things I really knew about TFA before going into it were that 
 1) It was a sequel to the originals 
 2) Rey and Finn are the main characters (had seen pictures and was already lowkey shipping FinnRey) 
 3) The bad guy was some masked dude
That's it. I wasn't a huge fan so I hadn't bothered to look up anything else about the movie and hadn't seen any spoilers. But enough about me .
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Now, while viewing TFA, one thing that struck me and captivated me in a way that no other Star Wars movie had was the character of Kylo Ren. I had definitely not expected to like this character at all. Two things changed this for me
1) The reveal that he is the son of Han and Leia
Never before (in the movies) had Star Wars had a character that was so clearly torn between the two sides. Him being the son of Han Solo and Leia gave him a legacy and a reason for us to want him to be good. We want Han and Leia to get the happiness they deserve. Honestly, if you don’t want a Kylo to be redeemed just think about poor Leia losing her son and still having hope for him (Do it for Leia!!) .
2) His feeling the pull to the light
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This scene surprised me because the fact that Kylo is talking to an old helmet about his inner feelings means that 
a) he has no one to confide in so he is withholding a lot of strong mixed emotions and feelings, which is unhealthy
b) he is tempted by the light side while being on the dark, which is very, very different from most villains, who (it seems to me) disregard the light completely. Which means despite wanting desperately to be bad he can’t even do it because of an inborn light side like a teenager going through a rebellious phase
and c) he is being honest about his call to the light because he has no reason to lie if he’s not talking to anyone, which means he really does still feel a compulsion to be good
Star Wars, being a family-friendly film saga, usually has a pretty clear dichotomy on good and evil (hence, light and dark sides). We root for the good guys, not the bad guys. It’s always been sort of a black and white morality going on, but Kylo is one of the few characters that enhances the Star Wars universe by bringing to light (heh) the potential for gray morality in an otherwise black and white world (as it is) 
He is a person that really should be on the light side because of his family and such, but because of Snoke’s constant manipulation and unfortunate upbringing he’s been struggling with the dark side his entire life. It’s really a sad thing to think about. 
While initially hating him, I ended up feeling a great deal of sympathy for him throughout the film, so much so that I wondered why they had even made him a villain at all
He was not a weak villain like I had heard in reviews, just a conflicted one. A lot of people don’t like it when villains don’t fit perfectly into a “pure evil mustache-twirling-type”. I found Kylo infinitely more interesting because of this.
He’s no Darth Vader. But that’s the point. Both he and the audience, in a sort of meta twist, know that he’ll constantly be in the shadow of Darth Vader. So, instead, he’s younger, more volatile, more emotional, uncontrollable, unpredictable. He’s contrasted from all these villains to show how he stands out as different. He seemed to me separate from the Hux/Snoke kind of evil that didn’t have any sort of redeeming qualities at all. Evil for the sake of evil, if you will
The viewer’s sympathy for the villain and how obviously they showed his flaws and potential for good is the crucial foundation of a redemption arc
I liked him a lot as a character pretty much up until he killed Han Solo. Then, I obviously believed he was a lot more evil than he looked, although the fact that he definitely didn’t seem happier or better or more dark-side oriented in any way after this still suggested that he didn’t become completely evil 
After this, it hit me that the ONLY sure-fire way to make people absolutely hate Kylo Ren as a villain and squashing people’s complaints that he was too wishy-washy or not bad enough as a villain was to have him kill off one of the most beloved characters in Star Wars history (who also happened to be his father)
He was so obviously drawn to the light and not bad enough throughout the first half of the movie that the writers had to take a huge step in order to get him to the actual level of villain and add a lot of unlikeability
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(My favorite part of the movie ^ Has been my laptop’s background wallpaper since Dec 2015. I would get a poster of it if I could)
In this section, I will describe some things I picked up both about Kylo’s characterization around Rey and their interactions between them. I think that Kylo’s actions towards Rey played a large part in getting the audience to think he was “too weak” of a villain (Something I heard in reviews a lot after watching the movie)
1) The infamous bridal carry scene
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Okay my first thought when I saw this was that he was way too gentle with her. Honestly, Kylo, you need your hands to use your lightsaber and the force, so this is much you rendering yourself completely useless on unsafe territory
He could’ve slung her over his shoulder? Or passed her off to a Stormtrooper? So this struck me as very strange, to say the least. To think that he would carry her so gently. But then we see this 
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Now, the importance of the combination of the bridal carry and the crossing of the threshold was not lost on me 
It reminded me a lot of a movie a had scene only a few months earlier (which I would highly recommend), Crimson Peak.
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While the bridal carry itself could indicate romantic interest between the two characters (somebody already wrote a really good meta about this so I won’t go into it here) the additional crossing of the threshold is a step in the traditional “Hero’s Journey,” a set of steps in a literary work that star wars loves to rely on, where the hero’s journey begins and the hero’s life is changed
Typically, it’s the point of no return for our hero, as things change in a permanent sort of way for their journey moving forward
2) The Unmasking Scene 
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I was shocked by this scene for a few reasons which I’ll go into here
a) First off, I was shocked by how youthful he looked. I was expecting a creepy looking old dude or someone with a bunch of scars on their face, but instead we get this young, handsome boy. (Yes, I find Kylo Ren attractive, but does this somehow invalidate my thinking in this meta? No. I can put aside attraction for an objective analysis.) But what I also realized is that he doesn’t need the mask to live, like Darth Vader did. He needs a mask for the entirely opposite reason, in order to make him seem intimidating. Without it he just looks like a lost child, he needs the mask in order to be taken seriously.
b) The second thing that shocked me was that this is the first installation of a trilogy and they’ve already unmasked the main villain. This speaks volumes to them wanting the audience to humanize him as early as possible. Darth Vader didn’t get unmasked until the later part of the last movie of the trilogy. If they wanted him to remain purely antagonistic, they would would have left his mask on. This means that they aren’t going to want us to view him as the one-dimensional cardboard cutout villain, they want us to view him as a human with flaws.
c) The final thing I want to touch on is that Kylo’s unmasked came directly after Rey’s quote “That’s what happens when your being hunted by a creature in a mask”. When Rey said this, my reaction in the theater was, So just take it off! And then he did. And I had really not expected him to actually take off his mask for her, as this meant he did not want her to view him as a “creature” or a “monster,” but he wanted her to see he is a human, just like her. He wanted to create empathy between them. This move, along with me noticing that Kylo was much younger and more attractive than I thought, coupled with his attempts to reassure her (tells her he doesn’t know where her friends are, “you’re my guest,” “don’t be afraid, I feel it too”) led me to believe the Kylo Ren might actually be Rey’s love interest, instead of Finn. It seemed like a unique plausible twist and it was just kind of an instinctual gut feeling that hit me. Of course, the thought of this went out the window when Kylo murdered Han, but, after reviewing the movie a couple more times, the thought kept coming back to me.
(Okay quick side note, my friend and I came across a Kylo Ren action figure for The Last Jedi that says different phrases in Barnes and Noble recently, so I pressed it, and one of the phrases is just Kylo saying “Don’t be afraid” in a gentle tone and my friend and I were laughing because what kind of villain just says “don’t be afraid” even in their action figure? That’s like, the least threatening thing, so anyways...)
3) The Final Fight 
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I really, really liked the fight at the end, aesthetically it was beautiful. I really liked that neither Rey nor Kylo seemed to overpower the other, even though Kylo should’ve easily been able to overpower Rey because he’s physically stronger and has had more experience and training. 
The fact that Kylo says “It’s just us now” clearly to Rey honestly made me laugh because Finn is standing literally right there, but Kylo clearly doesn’t view him as a threat because he knows that Rey is strong with the force and therefore, she is more of a threat to him. A lot of what Kylo says can actually be applied to Rey too, which I find interesting. When he says “Han Solo can't save you,” yes he’s talking to Rey but he’s also talking about himself, as he believes Han Solo was unable to save him.Then he’s obviously not trying to flat-out kill Rey in their fight, he’s trying to get her to join him because he believes he can train her (“I can show you the ways of the Force”) which also surprised me.
It was interesting to see Kylo weakened by his wicked act, instead of strengthened as he thought. This, to me, meant that he still had the potential for light and redemption in him, given enough character development in future movies. I’m excited to see what The Last Jedi and Episode IX holds for him, and what they decide to do with his character. All I’m saying is, he has a lot of potential for a good redemption arc, as the foundation has already been laid for it.
I think that both reylos and “antis” have a lot of valid points, but miscommunication seems to be a main problem. 
I guarantee you that literally no reylo wants Kylo Ren and Rey to make out, like, right now, as it stands with the ending of The Force Awakens that we know. They need Kylo to go through a redemption arc FIRST and there needs to be a lot of things that need to change for this to occur. If Kylo Ren didn’t threaten Rey in any way in this movie then they would not be enemies, and there would practically be no plot. Also, I’m pretty sure no one wants Rey’s story to be eclipsed by Kylo or her story to revolve around saving him. This should come about through Leia/himself. But also, love does not make a character inherently weaker.
Right now, Rey and Kylo are enemies, on opposite sides of a war. But they have a lot of potential for the “Enemies to Allies to Lovers” classic trope (with TFA as enemies, TLJ as allies, and then ep 9 as Lovers) But things must proceed in this order for this to occur. There is no skipping stages here. It is their potential for more which intrigues reylo shippers so much.
Personally, I am intrigued by their yin and yang, with one person in the dark being drawn to the light, another in the light being tempted by the dark, and I want them at least to team up (it could remain platonic) to bring balance to the force. To me, seeing this play out would be extremely satisfying, and be something unlike what Star Wars has done before.
Now, if you don’t ship reylo or don’t want Kylo Ren to be redeemed, awesome. That’s your opinion and you are free to have it. I don’t wish to start arguments or discourse, I simply wanted to vent some thoughts. This post shows my opinions, which I am also free to have. Thanks for reading about it!
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