#we r upgrading baBY
peonypyxels · 1 year
i figured out how 2 make heterochromia eyes >:)
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ozlices · 6 months
started a new save and experienced the new summer event for the first time............ bro what the FUCK
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wileys-russo · 1 year
lessi blurb: lessi having a headache during/after a game - r being protective and looking after her/shushing people on the bus so she can sleep
headaches II a.russo
"are you alright?" you sat down beside your girlfriend at her cubby with a concerned look, the blonde not joining in with the celebrations despite having scored the match winner in their latest WSL win.
"i've got the worst headache." the taller girl admitted quietly, massaging her temples with a wince as you placed your hand on her knee. "did you drink much water today baby?" you asked softly, the guilty look sent your way being all the answer you needed.
"lessi-" you sighed, forever on the blondes back about her water consumption given her tendency to forgo it in favour of iced coffees, protein shakes or wellness shots. "i know, i know. i've already finished this since we came back to the change rooms." your girlfriend sighed holding up her empty bottle.
"i'll go refill it and grab you some hydralite and advil for on the bus." you kissed her cheek sweetly as the blonde nodded and squeezed your thigh in a silent thanks.
"WINNERS ONCE AGAIN BABYY!" you yourself winced at the loud outburst from the obnoxious irish woman who slung her arm over your shoulder before your hand quickly smacked over her mouth.
"inside voice mccabe." you patted her chest before yanking your hand away with a grimace, wiping her salvia onto her shirt. "katie!" you smacked her shoulder at the juvenile action as the older girl simply grinned before collapsing onto the bench beside caitlin to take her boots off.
"ONE MORE FOR THE BOOKS GIRLS! THREE POINTS THREE POINTS-" beth stood up and began to chant encouraging everyone to join in as your eyes flickered worriedly to your girlfriend who was once again massaging at her temples.
"meado!" you interrupted her chanting, hands coming down on her shoulders as she paused and raised an eyebrow. "shut up. please?" you smiled hopefully, the blonde only laughing and resuming her chants with a pump of her fists.
"beth! less has a headache, please lower the volume." you nudged her and spoke quietly, the older girl simply grinning in amusement. "ah young love! what a good little girlfriend, always looking out for your blondie aren't ya." the girl pinched sharply at your cheeks with a coo, jen quick to join in and ruffle your hair as you pushed them both away with a scowl.
"just shut up!"
on the bus things only seemed to worsen, the girls of course arguing over what movie was being put on to watch for the three hour ride back while beth and steph belted out strawberry kisses on the karaoke machine.
you'd sat with your girlfriend right toward the front of the bus in hopes it would put as much distance between you and your team mates as possible. lotte and viccy had both sat behind you though keeping quiet and content to nap weren't the ones attributing to your blonde lovers ongoing headache.
unfortunately an upgrade to the karaoke machine had meant it now went hands free, and beth was dancing her way down the aisle toward you belting out the chorus at the top of her lungs.
alessia's head dropping onto your shoulder with a pained sigh you frowned and kissed her forehead gently. "i'll be right back." you promised quietly, prying her off of you and slipping out of your seat.
"meado!" you started toward her with your fists balled, the blonde pointing toward you and shimmying, singing louder as a point to wind you up before sprinting back down the bus.
"I'VE BEEN MISSING YOUR STRAWBERRY KISSES!" you were almost toward the back when a pair of tanned arms wrapped around your waist, dragging you back. "steph!" you whined and struggled in her grip as she belted out her favourite song in your ear.
"SHUT UP!" you eventually snapped, snatching her mic and yanking her arms off of you before advancing toward beth and snatching hers, the bus falling silent. "some of us are tired and would like to be able to hear ourselves think over this tone deaf nonsense!" you huffed, making a point of taking the batteries out of the wireless mics and tossing them onto the lounge where manu and frida were playing cards.
the silence after your outburst was almost as deafeningly loud as the ruckus beforehand. that was until jen made a whipping noise and motion with her hand, beth loudly filling everyone in on the real reason you were so wound up about keeping the noise down.
"oh thats so thoughtful, why didn't you just tell us?" steph replied kindly and you looked to her grateful for the lack of teasing from at least one of your team mates.
the rest however ripped into you relentlessly as you flipped them off and headed back to the front of the bus, but with a few shoves and stern looks from kim they quietened down and you dropped into your seat.
though not before you sneakily snatched katie's noise cancelling headphones from her lap, shooting her an innocent smile as she tried to get up to take them off you but caitlin pulled her back down with a shake of her head.
"here lessi." you gently nudged the tired blonde whose head had slumped against the window, grateful for the cool glass resting against her throbbing forehead, holding out the headphones which she hung around her neck.
"medic said take two now and then if its still bad in two hours you can take another two with some food." you rummaged around in your backpack, pulling out the small satchel of advil and dropping two pills into the strikers outstretched palm.
"and finish this if you can, please." you requested softly, dumping a satchet of orange flavoured hydralite into the blondes water bottle, giving it a shake and tucking it back into her lap.
"thank you baby you're the best, i love you." the taller girl smiled tiredly, kissing your cheek appreciatively and slipping the headphones over her ears, head resting on your shoulder as she tucked herself as much into your side as she comfortably could.
turning around with the occasional protective glare toward one of your friends as they laughed too loudly or yelled a protest about an outcome of a game, they all rapidly got the hint you weren't to be messed with today and left you be.
and that was how the two of you sat together for the whole journey home, alessia falling asleep after half an episode of hijacked as you tucked her phone into her backpack and stretched your stiff neck.
it felt like you'd only just drifted off when the lights flicked on and you realised you were back at colney. glancing beside you toward alessia your face softened seeing her curled into herself now, cheek smushed against the glass window as she remained dead asleep.
"shut up cait!" you hissed a warning as your team began to file out, smacking the australians leg as she let out a loud belt of laughter right beside you, the girl holding up her hands and continuing on her way.
"oh look at the sleeping baby." beth cooed sarcastically before steph shoved her to keep walking and sent you a wink, gently nudging lotte who was also dead asleep behind you as the brunette blinked sleepily and rubbed her face, waking viccy beside her.
once the two of them had also tiredly dragged themselves off the bus you gently slipped katie's headphones off your girlfriend and shook her gently. "lessi baby, we're back." you murmured quietly, running a hand through her hair as she squinted and nodded.
pausing for a moment to check back in the taller girl sighed deeply and pulled herself to sit up, taking your outstretched hand as you helped her to her feet, carrying both of your backpacks.
you knew the girls headache hadn't eased when she wordlessly handed you the keys to her merc and dropped into the passenger seat, closing her eyes and folding her arms over her chest.
you joined her once you'd placed your bags in the back, settling into the drivers side with a small grin. the blonde beside you cracked one eye open as you started the engine, seeing the obvious joy plastered on your face at the rare thrill of being on the opposite side of where you normally sat.
"don't get used to it, passenger princess."
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your-local-grubdog · 1 year
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Welcome to the water park - Tumblr edition. We hav c rab
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WHY R U SO FLUFFY??? Aslo return of the mamutaaaaaa
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F E E S H pufferfish
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House elephant???? HOUSE????????? That looks ACTIVELY LIVED IN or VERY RECENTLY ABANDONED
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EEPY collin (not dead)
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UI! New day meter! Oatchi has a health bar! If anything happens to him I'll loose my mind!
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Marchin on with da crystals
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Oatchi sneeze and spooka da pikmin
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Today Bloyster and Skeeter Skates
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(grub) DOG FIGHT
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frowns loudly
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gayme boi gonna fix the radar
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CANNON BEETLES ARE BACK sorry I let him loose in da house. It's so big tho I could keep one as a pet maybe
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ok many cave shots but this is by far the most interesting to me just LOOK at it
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wollywog in an aquarium
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(oh and what looks like a blue onion in the back)
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CREATURE. Grew more hair from dying.
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EVIL Olimin >:( gotta fight the master it seems.
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I can and will kick your ass old man
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BASE who is the blue mother fucker in the back there
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Oatchi training (unlock via "pup drive") and upgrades (unlocked with the blue gems), plus ICE ATTACKS?
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New character, Yonny!!!!
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Kinda like a tower defense game! Can make pikmin into a magic ball attack!
Ok I hit image limit let me make a reblog
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tomtenadia · 9 months
Our solstice miracle
@leiawritesstories helooooo I am your secret Santa. Here I am with your present. Turns out that watching the NHL (the game between the Dallas Stars and Nashville predators was live and I had in it the background - neither of them are the team I support but the sound of hockey was perfect for writing) was all I needed. Not a huge story and definitely not a masterpiece but I hope the fluff will give you fuzzy feelings.
It's a Rowaelin as parents, we have Maya being her usual adorable self, lots of cuteness and a very small hint of smut at the very far end.
Merry Christmas and also thanks to @rowaelinscourtfor organising this event.
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Aelin loved the solstice. Loved winter and snow. The whole season made her giddy and Terrasen was big on winter since the snow was a permanent feature of the land.
But that year the celebrations had been a little subdued.
Her husband Rowan had gone to work for a month across the sea. He was an aircraft engineer working in the R&D department for a company manufacturing airplanes. He was quite renowned in his field and they had asked for him specifically. He was meant to be back already but the airport in the country he was at the moment, had shut down due to heavy snowstorms.
Aelin had cursed them and complained that they needed to be ready for all sorts of weathers and do not stop her husband from coming home and enjoy the holidays with his family. 
She and Maya, their six years old daughter, had called him that morning to wish him a good holiday and Rowan had joked that he was going to suggest an upgrade in planes to be more resilient in heavy snow. 
“Mama, can we skate?”
They lived outside Orynth in a huge chalet style house with nature around them and, to their delight, a lake behind the house. Such lake usually froze over around the beginning of November  until usually the end of March.
Aelin smiled, the lake had a lot of memories for her and Rowan. He had taught her to skate when they were young and he was a hotshot hockey player at uni. They had their first date on a bench on its banks. He proposed while they lay on the ice and admired the northern lights painting the sky with colours. She had announced him she was pregnant with Maya on a summer day during a walk.
She sighed “yes, baby we can go and skate before it gets dark.”
Maya squealed in delight and ran to her bedroom to grab her skates.
When she came back she had her backpack on her and a pair of small skates in her hands.
Rowan still played hockey in the local amateurs club and loved the more relaxed attitude.
He had the skills to go pro but he was more concentrated on finishing his degree with flying colours and get a good job so, although he had been the captain and he led his team to numerous victories he had no interest of playing hockey professionally. When then he met Aelin, the fiery med student who loved to figure skate occasionally, he knew his heart had been stolen. They fought when they had to share the ice, until they started practicing together.
They both had very demanding degrees but together they faced all the adversities and the stressful exam sessions. They even survived the four months that Rowan spent away for a prestigious work experience after graduation.
Seven years of marriage and this separation of a mere month was taking a toll on her. It was the first solstice apart and she was definitely not a fan.
“Why are you taking elf?”
“Because he wants to see the lake.”
Aelin kneeled near her daughter “Maya, leave elf home, you don’t want risk losing him, do you?”
“No mama.” The little girl removed the toy from the bag and placed him on the sofa telling him that she would be back soon.
Maya loved that stuffed elf. Rowan’s mum had gifted it to her when she was one and they had been inseparable.
“I am ready.”
Aelin got ready and made sure her daughter was all wrapped up.
“Do you want to take your stick?”
Maya had of course grown up surrounded by hockey. It was a religion in Terrasen and with her grandad being a famous THL player and her dad a keen player, it was bound to happen that she’d be obsessed too. She had just started her basic hockey lessons and going to games was a family tradition. Having Aelin’s father as a living legend it was enough to grant them great seats most of the home games and a lot of meet and greet with players.
“Yes mama, I need to practice and show dad I am good.”
Aelin smiled and grabbed the equipment and then left the house and headed to the lake.
The scene in front of them was stunning. The sky was a stunning deep blue and the air was crispy with temperatures at a mild -2C. Well, mild for Orynth standards.
At the bench Aelin sat her daughter down and helped her changing into her skates. Maya was still learning to tie her shoes so Aelin did it for her “now, wait for mum to change too and we are going, okay?”
“Mama, will you dance for me?”
Aelin smiled. Once, during a family outing Rowan had pushed Aelin to show their daughter some of her skills. It took some convincing but Aelin managed to re enact some of her routines. She had been in the figure skating team at uni but never had the time to take it seriously. Med school did not agree with extracurriculars. She loved skating and with time it had become a way to relax after a stressful day.
Together they reached the middle of the lake and Maya sat down on the ice, her heavy snow trousers keeping her warm and dry.
While keeping an eye on Maya Aelin did a loop while gathering speed. She pulled up her leg and spun quickly, listening to Maya giggle and cheer her on and when she was sure she had enough speed Aelin moved her body in position and executed a toe loop jump. A big smile painted on her face as she landed and with that  boost of confidence she did another loop gathering momentum for a Salchow.
Maya whooped in the background and Aelin skated back to her daughter “did you like that?”
“Yes mama, you are so pretty.”
Aelin never really learned the other more complicated jumps. She could land a decent Lutz but never had the time to learn something like an Axel. She knew the theory but never tried it.
Maya got up “mama, me too.”
Aelin laughed and took time to show Maya what to do. While her daughter was busy trying to jump, Aelin snapped a few pictures of her and sent them to Rowan We are at the lake and we miss you deeply. It’s not the same without you.
His answer came very quickly I miss you madly too. The hotel offers very little in terms of entertainment and people here cannot deal with the snow.
Aelin sighed and started at the background of her phone where she had a picture of Rowan and Maya. 
“Come on muffin, play with mum.”
Aelin extracted a puck from her backpack and collected her stick from the ice. Maya got ready too and as soon as the black disc was on the ice, Maya sprung forward and grabbed it.
Aelin was speechless. Maya had definitely inherited her father’s skills on the ice.
“Mama look.” She skated away and pretended to score in an imaginary net. Aelin burst out laughing and move forward towards her daughter and then stole the puck “it’s mine.”
Maya groaned in a way that sounded a lot like her father when he was frustrated and started give chase to her mother.
Not long after, both girls were splayed on the ice laughing while Aelin kissed her daughter on her rosey cheeks.
“Fine, munchkin, you are a better skater.”
“Can I tell dad?”
“Of course, my love.”
The sun had started to fall at the horizon and Aelin was about to tell Maya it was time to go home, when a tall figure appeared at the edge of the woods.
She would recognise that silhouette everywhere. But it was not possible. Rowan was far away, stuck in a foreign land away from them. He had texted her a few hours ago. Surely she was dreaming.
He stopped to change into his skates and then moved towards them.
“Dada.” Maya screamed and put all her strength into skating to her father.
Rowan met her halfway and lifted the girl in his arms “dada, you are back.”
“Yes, my love, I really could not stay away anymore from you and your mum.”
“Did you miss me?“ her face snuggled in the crook of his neck.
Rowan’s gaze found his wife’s and smiled “I did. So very much.”
Aelin moved closer and a sob erupted from her lips and once she was in his arms she melted against him, inhaling his scent of pine and snow that always made her feel at home.
For a time that seemed endless they remained like that, Rowan with his arm around Aelin’s waist and Maya sandwiched in-between her parents.
“Ro, not that I am complaining but how?”
He chuckled “one of the guys stuck with us is ex airforce. He got tired of being away from his family so, with the help of the big boss of the company we managed to get a private jet organised and have clearance. He flew us home safely. The storm had abated, it was just the airport which was in bad condition.”
“Well, we need to buy a few drinks to this colleague.”
Rowan laughed and deposited a kiss on Maya’s head “I guess I just have to beg your dad for a few extra VIP hockey tickets.”
Aelin kissed her husband “all you want, hotshot.”
“Dada, will you play with me?”
Rowan placed his daughter on the ice and grabbed the stick Aelin passed him “come on muffin, show me what you have got.”
Aelin moved to the bench and changed back in her shoes while admiring father and daughter play.
Later on that night, after Maya was cozy in her bed and asleep after an intensive round of storytelling from her dad, Rowan joined his wife in bed.
Aelin placed the book on the nightstand “how many?”
“Five stories.”
“She missed you, Ro.”
Aelin pulled her husband closer “She is not the only one,” he added while snuggling closer.
His lips found her and devoured her mouth in an hungry and avid kiss “next time, we are meeting here and we’ll teach them something about winter flying.”
Aelin chuckled as her hand sneaked into his boxers “now, dear husband, show me just how much you missed your wife.”
Rowan growled as he pulled the t-shirt off her and his mouth closed to a hard nipple.
“Yes, my love?”
“Maybe tonight we can work on making Maya a big sister?”
His head lifted and his green eyes lit up in joy and the statement “oh well then, you know I love a good challenge.”
“Then get to work, old man.”
Rowan laughed and caged his wife in his arms.
After a month away, being back with his family was all the solstice miracle he needed.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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saym0-0 · 4 months
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this post on pinterest has somehow made me start thinking about a comedy human au,, all the bots are siblings, ages are fucked, all the walters live in one big house,, the bots r all teenagers (imagine having six teenagers jc). their parents are iris and peter i. they have two adult siblings, ii and iii. mark, wanda and iv are their nephews and niece. peter i has an oc sibling that isn't around anymore but is V's parent, and VI is his son (the bot's cousin).
i dont think the original inspiration post fits in at all but its funny so im not removing it amen
anyways. ages i think would be like,,
II & III in their early thirties
V in his early thirties but younger than the rest of em.
rabbit and spine are 18 and twins
hmm my zer0 headcanon is that he was built first but powered on later so maybe hes like 19 but adopted/a half sibling that moved in slightly later? idk hes 17 or 19
next i think is hatchworth he is 15 and draws on a moustache every morning and tells everyone its real (jon is convinced)
jon is um uh 12 little boy 🫵
upgrade is 9
mark is 11
wanda is 9 (woah two 9 year old girls. yhey tell everyone they're twins)
realising that i cant keep the age difference the same as canon because iv would be -1. oops. hes a little baby
vi is also a little baby.
sorry i lied they're not all teenagers lawl. also realised zer0 couldn't be a half sibling because they have two way older siblings too oops
yeah this au makes no sense but i do think its funny. sitcom au. highschool au.
they all go by their canon robot names, its unclear whether they were named that or if they're nicknames or a mix of both. five is older than four because of a mistake on his birth certificate, he should have been four but they all just kinda went with it and named the next one four
i think rabbit would come out to her [younger] siblings at 13 and come out/start transitioning at 14, partially in reference to the year she transitioned in canon and partially because i was that old when i came out teehee. i think maybe she always knew and expressed it though, she just didnt know trans people existed and didn't have the terminology for it
do they have all-through schools in the us? like elementary all the way to high school? we do in the uk but idk about over there. if they do then that could be funny i think
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Any favorite Car Games™ of yours? Forza, GT, Beam, Automation, etc.?
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Auto/Beam are particular favorites of mine and also i have 10,000 hours logged between them
Since I wasn't a spoiled bitch, I can literally just list all the car games I had in my childhood. All for PC that is, because since I wasn't a spoiled bitch I didn't have a console. Okay actually there was NFS Carbon: Own The City and Herbie for DS but that was it. We were saying.
Colin McRae Rally 04 You've no idea what pain I brought to those poor little cars. Frequently I got to the end of one of those 2/4m stages with the car dying every 10/15 seconds. Such a good game. It also ran without having to insert its CD, which was very cool at the time, and very useful when I was gaming on the go on Father's Dell. idk if I also played it on his Toshiba but no such memory surfaces. Man I loved Father's Toshiba. I should try to retrofit it with new internals sometime.
Colin McRae Rally 2005 Liked that one too, but memories are hazier since at one point I was no longer able to play it for reasons I cannot recall so I just moved to 04 instead.
Test Drive Unlimited Got it recommended and didn't like it much. In hindsight it was an absolutely gorgeous game structure, but I just didn't care because I didn't like the way the cars drove. It collected dust.
Race Driver GRID For a long while, by far the latest racing game I ever had. Enjoyed it quite a lot! I even submitted an absolutely incredible gameplay clip to FailRace, though unfortunately it never did get featured. Bullshit, I say. And yes, for the longest time, I think until like 2020?, I had one single game that was younger than '06. See the part about not being a spoiled bitch. <-absolutely green with envy
GT Legends Played it a little during my youth, then tried to reinstall it years later to see if it lived up to my few memories of it and if I could get more out of it then by being less of a stupid baby. It corrupted the entire operating system and made the computer unable to start. A solid "no" to both.
And of course, who could forget, the Need For Speed series! In their chronological order:
Need For Speed Underground In my early childhood I didn't play it much, because I was still using the auto gearbox like a PLEB and you couldn't map controls in that game so when I got to the first drag race I couldn't figure out where the shift up key was nor could find it or remap it in settings and just abandoned the game. It should be noted as a child I was, in absolute, cosmically stupid. Later on I did pick it back up and see it to completion, loving it throughout (except for the part where you unlock the final boss' Civic you were neck and neck with on an R34 Skyline GT-R and they tell you it was stock. Sure honey now if you wait how did this bag of Fuck Off get here?). If only it had free roam, more races, a more varied environment, refillable NOS, the ability to have different cars simultaneously, and you get where I'm going with this don't you.
Need For Speed Underground 2 Man I loved this game since I started playing it at some ridiculously low age and I never stopped loving it and I was right throughout. I love love LOVE this game. I know the map by heart, the soundtrack by heart, the circuits by heart, the upgrades by heart, the starter cars specs by heart, you have no idea. This has been my childhood. This is by far and away the one I played and loved the most, even though due to the needlessly convoluted and completely obscure progression mechanics that childhood never saw me finish it - although I guess that helped me keep playing it, as when I got stuck with no way to progress further I'd just start from scratch again with no clue what to fix. I was able to pick it back up and finish it later on in life, through middle/high school, and later on still through the power of mods I squeezed and crushed and stretched that game like Tumblr did with Danny Phantom episodes. I modded it so much it crashed every ten minutes. I ran it off an iPod Nano. I messed the cars up so bad I'd essentially created new game modes. I managed to make a good desktop computer over a decade younger than the game itself run it at seconds per frame just by editing four wheel coordinates. And now you spoiled bitches can download it for free on somewhere like MyAbandonware (dot com, of course) and give it a try. And I can't recommend it enough. Literally; because if I could, friend of the blog @demoness-one would have done so by now >:(
Need For Speed Most Wanted The best Need For Speed game of all time, according to everyone. Everyone but me. I mean, I did go through it, but it looks bleak, the cars just seem to want to bounce from wall to wall, and I just don't like police chases - it's a game, why would I want a limited number of attempts? Also, they madly stressed me out, so, and here begins a funny story, I abandoned it when unable to rack up enough chase points to challenge the final boss. I picked it back up a while later to find out if it was just me being a baby, and no, I still didn't like it - but luckily I'd learned of the bug where if you park on a certain railing all the cop cars will pile up under you but never bust you, and decided to actually finish what I'd started so long before. Those points racked up, I worked myself through the good hour of bullshit unfairness of the duel with Razor (I have to win every race to win but he can win any race to win? Understandable. hey the bag of Fuck Off's back), even quitting the whole shebang three races in over a wrong input and having to start again, until, after hours of unsaveable progress, I finally was able to win the last race. And did you know that after that, just when you think you're done, you get the biggest, most intense car chase of the whole game? :) Well, I sure didn't, because right after I finished the race the game crashed and I had to do all those five races over again. :) And then I did that and it crashed again and I uninstalled the game and watched the ending on YouTube. :)
Need For Speed Carbon The takes get hotter still: I like this one more than MW. The colors got fixed, I liked the handling better (while obviously not as good as the mighty Underground 2 OF COURSE), drifting, my favorite race mode, replaced drag racing, my least favorite*, and yes, the car chases, and I may even like the soundtrack better? Nah, that's bull, I don't remember much of those two soundtracks at all off the top of my head. But I saw this one to the end and enjoyed it very much. *For the unaware, in every NFS game I played in my childhood, drag races did not give you steering control - to avoid traffic or obstacles, you tapped the arrow keys and the car would switch lanes. So you told the car to move out the way and if it did, good, if it instead took too long and/or had an unappealable loss of control and crashed automatically terminating your race, too bad.
There were also a couple other games there's not much to say about (Ford Streetracing, loved it, V-Rally 3, I think it had some issues and I never did play it, London Racer World Challenge, I recall nothing)... and now we move on to the car games I played since.
Assetto Corsa I've only ever dabbled in it a couple of times, but it's very fun when it works. My hardware is limiting on this front and I think I've some config issues, but when I'll have time to solve those I will be very glad to jump into it - especially because I really love driving simulators. Where with other games you kind of need some external validation of how hard it was to win with the tools the computer gave you -because it's not inherently cool that you beat a game, it was made to be beaten from the start- proper simulators just chuck you into an experience where no accommodation has been made for you (short of the damage level set, that is) and whatever you manage in it is your own accomplishment, not something the game let you accomplish. And on that note...
Richard Burns Rally This game is absolutely fucking incredible. "It's a 2004 game, how engaging a driving experience can it be" enough to make many still call it the best rally simulator out there and one of the best driving simulators period. Enough to motivate thousands of people to keep making a plethora of mods for it every day (which i've never been able to make work lol). Enough to make me seriously recommend buying yourself a wheel with force feedback* just to play this abandonware game (because using anything but a wheel for it is like using anything but a spoon for soup). And to be clear, this game is HARD. It just gives you a brief but extremely good rundown of how to master the driving basics and then have fun around rally stages where, again, the road has not been widened for you, the ditches not been filled, the car has not been programmed not to roll over too easily… essentially, the main way in which they are substantially easier than driving them IRL is the luxury of trial and error. So when, through however many days of trial and error it'll take you, you finally glide through those bumps smoothly enough to wipe the red off that time delta, this commercial flop the dozen-people-team from the Animaniacs GBA game developed when RAM was measured in megabytes becomes the most exhausting, intense, rewarding experience a computer has ever provided me. And a computer has gotten me laid. *I recommend the Logitech G25s, found for well under a dub, and the G27s, a small revision of the G25 with more buttons and a better shifter usually found for not much more (I found mine for 80!). They're from 2004 and 2010 respectively, and the wheel Logitech sells today is just a G27 with more buttons which says it all about how good a budget wheel it is.
TrackMania Nations Forever I hate this game, I fucking despise this game. "Alright, it's the same game we made two years ago with new tracks, and it has no story, opponents, traffic, cutscenes, or really any dynamic beyond checkpoints, a finish and a timer. But even still, there are so many fun mechanics to master anyway, like jump distance control, which you hopefully figure out you have because it's not like there is any tutorial to tell you! Or drifting, which is necessary to beat the best time in one of the last levels - you do it by pressing brake, accelerator and a steering direction simultaneously. Hope you randomly decide to do it autonomously to see what happens and find out that can be faster! And if you don't have a specialized keyboard with more than the normal 2 key rollover, hopefully something possessed you to map one of those controls to a completely different keyboard zone than all the others, or pressing all three will make only two register and you never will find this out! But at least not making any tutorials or the likes and keeping the interface absolute garbage allowed us to have the driving on absolute lock! Well, except for that bug where if you take the fastest line through a corner your car may decide to ragdoll and fuck your run. Oh and also the one where if you land a jump on all four wheels you may randomly lose your speed. Good luck!" I now get why they hate French people. Unfortunately, as for a lot of destructive hatred of mine, it manifests in yet more determination to conquer the little shit. I've gotten author times on every single one of the tracks except the last one, not because it's eight times longer than by far the second longest at an entire goddamn hour but because I wanted an effort that lengthy to be a special occasion and that never manifested. ...Maybe a stream?
Actually, I visited MyAbandonware to check the NFSU2 page and apparently they include a mod that puts the uncensored edits of the songs in the soundtrack and honestly I hella want to play it again just to hear that, so that could also be a cool stream idea if it wasn't a criminal deed to play copyrighted music on stream (I've not kept up with that whole mess, can you do it if you don't keep a VOD?). Or I could stream myself playing Richard Burns Rally and make you go "oh this is HARD hard".
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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stumpyjoepete · 3 months
We were having a goodbye dinner w/a friend a few nights ago at Jon & Vinny's, and at the table right behind us, David Schwimmer was on a date with a 20-something gal. Googled it later, and apparently Jon & Vinny's is his favorite LA restaurant. Why???
Andy Warhol's "All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good" bit feels so outdated. It's like cyberpunk's entropification of "the company man" on the eve of its complete disappearance from reality, except it's the post-modernism version. The tail got longer, baby! Now every Liam, Noah, and Aiden can watch an auto-generated youtube video where five spidermen and one Elsa sing the baby shark song while their dad sips a tall glass of this Gerolsteiner sparkling water he heard about on r/HydroHomies.
Anyhow, a celebrity having Jon & Vinny's as their favorite restaurant gives me "A Coke is a Coke" vibes, but it's been upgraded from like McDonalds to In-N-Out.
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cyberphuck · 1 year
Prince of the Sacred Pool (or, that story about the Fish Prince and the parasitic aliens)
(I have no idea if I’ll continue with this or if I’ll get distracted by something else and move on from it like I do most things, but here’s, uh, this.)
-IGT Engine three offline. Double tap YES to engage restart sequence.-
 I miss mechanical control boards, I really do. There's something very satisfying about the click of a physical switch, and of course quickly flipping a series of switches and toggles and blinky lights always impressed whatever dwarf-planet yokels I was hauling to their new jobs as lithium miners.
Plus, you could holler and pound an old board with your fist. Abusing equipment always makes me feel better.
 But after a particularly good payout several stancycles ago I'd let a dealer at port convince me that my rig needed an upgrade, and I'd blown my whole nest egg on converting my control board to Okuda touch screens. One of the screens was already dark, a hairline crack spiderwebbed across it, the definitive answer to "can you hit a touch screen if you're mad at it?"
 -IGT Engine three offline. Double-tap YES to engage restart sequence.-
 I'll do it one more time. Just one more time, third time's the charm. If I could just get it going, the other engines could supply energy to keep it running until we got to Pisces and then I promise, I promise I'll stop putting off the repair. C'mon sweetheart, one little spark, one tiny little spark is all I need from you, please, baby, please--
 -IGT Engine three offline. Double-tap YES-- -
 "God damn fucking piece of shit!" I slap my palm against the screen, wishing I had the balls or the money to smash it to pieces. The display flickers merrily. To my right, another Okuda blinks on.
 Oh, fuck me.
 "Sorry," I say aloud, lifting my head. "Er, I apologize, Your Highness, I was feeling frustrated. One of the engines on my r-- on this space transport vehicle is not working correctly. It will extend the time that it will take to reach your destination."
 The liquid in the tank sloshes.
 "Yes, we will still arrive in time for your ceremony." God, the translation software on these Okudas really fucking sucks. Wait, sorry, 'it is not optimal compared to my expectations.' Don't want the shitty AI that runs the translations telling the Prince of Vakartic that my touch screen controls are mating and fellating each other.
 "Five sols." Probably less, but I always like to underpromise. I glance back at the transparent panel that separates my cockpit from several million gallons of liquid. "Is there anything I can do to make your journey more comfortable, Your Highness?"
 His Highness Genfun Va Yenna Vakartic, Champion Prince of Colony Pota of the Vakartic Commonwealth, sixteenth in line for the Sacred Pool of Anadromous, is watching me from behind the panel. I've dimmed the lights in the cabin to keep from blinding him, so it's hard to see much other than his eyes-- large and luminous, yellowish-green like a pond in summer-- and the dozen or so glowing false-eyes surrounding them. The rest of him is a sinuous shadow bracketed by the winglike fins keeping him hovering a few inches from the bottom of the tank.
 Vakartians are not generally well liked in this part of the galaxy, owing to their previous habit of waging biological warfare on every planet within splashing distance of their homeworld and then claiming it in the name of the Sacred Pool. They'd poison all the natives, flood the place, then chuck a bunch of bivalves in to filter the water to their liking before settling in and carrying on with their true passion, which was having billions and billions of offspring. Once things started to get too crowded, someone would be sent offworld to find another poor, backwards dirtwalking culture that desperately needed to be shown the ways of being wet all the time.
 (I'm human, on my mother's side. I'm aware of the hypocrisy.)
 I'm not sure how old Prince Fishlips is, but he definitely wasn't born yet when the survivors of the Vakartians' millenia of colonization finally banded together and turned the ti-- tables, using the same bioweapons to poison the vast oceans of the commonwealth. The Vakartians who didn't go belly-up had been chased out to the far reaches of the local cluster, a handful of little outposts and holdouts where the only thing more popular than 'remembering the good old days' was inbreeding.
 That's what I remember from AP Galactic History and Channel Two documentaries, anyway. The point is I'd never have taken this job if I hadn't just bought a whole bunch of Okuda screens and then immediately broken one of them. It was clear that the Pota Vakartians were desperate, too: they were paying a ridiculous amount of money for a relatively short and easy trip, ten sols from one tiny port to another, and they'd even covered the cost of modifying my rig to accommodate the Prince's temporary living quarters. I was basically flying him from one neighborhood to the next so he could get impregnated by someone who wasn't his first cousin and bring back some fresh genetic material to his home colony.
 Oh, didn't I mention that? Yeah, I'm escorting a genocidal fish prince to get knocked up by-- from my high-school understanding of Vakartian royal titles-- a genocidal fish duke.
 The money is really good.
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
Babybunnie previously posted is healthy &as big As his dad now;-; he has been upgraded 2 little bunny. Lots of cutie videos 2 post of him &we all call him Little Rocky now! mamabunnie+ papabunbnie had more babies And unfortunately none of them survived. It’s been horrible Honestly but iknow they R all being taken care of somewhere safer 4 them& brighter. I would like2 post my videos of them sometime ^-^ Alice + B.B . + Ivan +the angels I never got 2 meet You R so loved forever & I will see U again! myboyfriend carved their names in2 a bone And i just bought some plushies that look like them,it makes It feel a bit easier
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up Ep 6 Recap Part 1: Bad News
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Welcome back to the only recap series about MNET’s Build Up that is being written by me! In the previous post, we finished episode 5 (almost) and covered the first performance of round one of the 3x3 death match, Pray (I’ll Be Your Man). In this one, we’ll cover the ranking from the end of episode 5 and then dive in to the second performance, Bad News. There will also definitely be some actual bad news, no matter which team you prefer. Let’s face the music. 
First things first I’m the realest: Let’s cover the ranking from the end of episode 5, which I forgot to mention in the previous recap. I am not clear what these rankings are for, as a lot of the people on the list have already been eliminated, but here we are. Those who have been eliminated already have a strike through in their name. I also will note how much they rose/fell since the previous ranking. Here we go:
Jay ⊖ 
Donghun ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seokhwa  ▲1
Seunghun ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲2
Bitsaeon ▲3
Yeo One  ⛛ 1
Hwanhee ⛛ 3
Jeon Woong  ⛛ 1
Taehwan ⊖
Jeong Inseong ▲1
Geonu ▲1
Sunyoul ⊖
Kang Hayoon ⊖
Neon ⊖
Bain  ▲2
Hong Seongjun  ⛛ 1
Lee Gwangseok ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Kim Minseo  ▲3
Yoon Inhwan ▲1
Park Joohee  ⛛ 1
Hyukjin  ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung ▲1
Hong Sungwon ⛛ 1
Choi Suhwan  ⊖
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Taewoo ▲10
Ma Jaekyung ▲2
Kim Sungjung ⊖
Hwang Inhyuk ⛛ 2
Kwon Euibin ⊖
Choi Haram ▲2
Jo Hwanji ⊖
Jeong Yunseo ▲2
Lee Minwook ⛛ 8
Lim Jun Hyeok ⛛ 1
Ji Yeonwoo  ▲1
Jang Intae ⛛ 6
Ok, let’s get to episode 6! 
Once we get the recappy stuff out of the way, we get back to the second team to perform, the team consisting of Bain, Bitsaeon, and Kim Minseo. In the previous round, Bain and Minseo sang River and came in second place; new recruit Bitsaeon had been partnered with Jay for their excellent (but losing) performance of Dangerously. 
The team is really nervous because the stakes are high and the previous team, Jeup’s team, did really well with Pray (I’ll Be Your Man). 
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Dahee asks Team Bitbain if they’re nervous. The English captions punk out a bit, but it’s the same clip that we saw at the end of episode 5. Basically Bitsaeon just says that the other team did well, but they themselves practiced hard too and believe in themselves. 
VCG encourages them, saying “You were my top three in the last round.” That doesn’t quite make sense, since they weren’t a team of three in the last round, but I get what he means. They’re good! They’re really good. We’re reminded of how well Bitsaeon did with Dangerously and how well the other two did with River. 
Then we’re also reminded of the Rival Choosing ceremony, when Jay’s team went to the Moodboard of Doom and set it so that Team Bitbain would have to face the team they most wanted to avoid -- Jeup’s team. Guys, I don’t feel well. Why did these two teams have to get matched up? Sigh. 
Bitsaeon says he’s been thinking about song selection.
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When he thinks about Jeup’s team and their harmonies, it makes him feel dizzy. He kind of wants to avoid going straight up against Jeup’s team by also doing insane high pitched harmonies. Instead, he wants to come up with a song that will be unexpected. Bain and Minseo feel like Bitsaeon knows what he’s doing and are happy to let him strategize. 
On a day that we’re told is the next day but clearly isn’t based on how much everyone’s hair has grown…
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Check out Bitsaeon's s w e a t e r !
Bitsaeon says he wants something kind of like River or Dangerously, but “upgraded” -- something new. Bain seems to be the one who suggests Kiss of Life’s song Bad News. I knew I liked Bain. You guys, I’m a Bain fan for life. 
You guys, I don’t even talk about how much I love, love, love, LOVE Kiss of Life because I feel like they’re invisible somehow. I just don’t see people talking about them. But omg, I love them. They’re so talented, and they’re all adults. They’re like a supergroup but they’re rookies. I love them so much. Let me just tell you about them for a moment.
Natty was the ultra talented li’l baby on Sixteen, the show that created Twice. She’s Thai and is a fantastic and charismatic dancer, and also a singer of unusual range
Belle is an S+ tier singer with whistle tone ability. She’s like Ariana Grande or something, but she also writes songs, and in fact co-wrote Unforgiven by Le Sserafim.
Julie is from Hawaii and has a velvety vocal color and the best smile and the most swag and can also pirouette on one foot like what what are you
Haneul is the only fully Korean member and is a cute maknae who attracts a lot of stans, and is also a very good vocalist
They do a thing where their videos are like mini movies with intersecting storylines. So, if you want to watch the video for Bad News, be sure to watch the video for Nobody Knows right after it to get the rest of the story. Also, then you should watch a live performance of Nobody Knows because their live singing is unbelievable and also the choreography is EVERYTHING. 
I’ve been thinking about how a team should have done Nobody Knows as their song for the second round, because it’s so sexy and interesting, but then I thought, yeah, but Kiss of Life are rookies -- would anyone even know these songs? And they do! And my favorite team is going to do one! I’m so happy!! Even if they lose, this is going to be a great performance.
Ok anyway back to it. The on screen captions describe Bad News as a mix of rock and hip-hop, which is fair, and Bitsaeon says that it’s different from anything they’ve done so far, which is also true. They’re having a little trouble deciding how to handle Belle’s really cute squeak on the word “moves” in the chorus. Bain is a little stressed out about it but it sounds good. He says he’s going to practice it to death. 
Oh no, Bain, please don’t overpractice and destroy your voice. 
The performance begins.
Here’s an in-studio audio version for you to add to your Youtube playlist. Omg, I love it. I love it so much. The arrangement works so well. I actually like the song slightly better in this key, and they made it more Western-y and less hip-hoppy and I love it, which surprises me because I don’t listen to country music or anything. But this WORKS. Ok, let’s see the live version. Please, oh please, may Bain’s voice hold out. 
Full version without reactions 
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Sorry, I just thought this freeze frame was so funny
My thoughts:
Well, this was obviously fantastic. Amazing, great, loved it, perfect, wouldn’t change a thing about the performance itself. I have to assume, without seeing any of the others, that this performance would have/could have/should have beaten almost any other performance.
And just as obviously, it will lose this round.
They spent too much time rapping and not enough time showcasing their fantastic vocals, and the song is just not emotional enough to overcome the juggernaut of Jeup’s team.
I mean, maybe I’m wrong and they win but I feel pretty sure that they lost. I’m just glad they went down swinging and hopefully they won some new fans.
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Minseo was possibly the weakest of the three, and he was still fantastic. I think some of the notes were slightly too deep for him, and others were a tiny bit too high, and it made him occasionally a bit pitchy. But I still love, love, love his vocal color, his absence of nasality, and his swagger and confidence on stage. Minseo, fighting! I hope you debut soon! 
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I also love Bitsaeon’s voice. He shines so much better with this team than he did with Jay’s. Like, ok, maybe he didn’t wear a fuzzy sweater this time, but he sounded like a real rapper when he rapped and his power notes were powerful. No nasality, no pitchiness, just all good technique and plenty of stage presence. Bitsaeon, fighting! I’ll keep up with M.O.N.T. to keep up with you!
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Bain has my favorite voice of the three. Ok, is he Park Jeup? No. He doesn’t have Jeup’s insane range. But Bain’s natural vocal color is nicer than Jeup’s (to me) and he can still hit fairly high notes without straining or using falsetto. I can feel the proper technique just oozing out of him. He’s so good. Also, he raps just as well as he sings. He hits every consonant and vowel and brings interest and *blam* to it as he goes.
I don’t know, fam -- for me he’s got that RM / Joohoney energy that I love so much in an idol. Like, ok, maybe he doesn’t meet Kpop beauty standards but he doesn’t have to because he has an “it” factor on stage. Like his “to the left to right back and forth…” part in the bridge, I mean, it was kind of sexy, wasn’t it?  Also, I’m predicting now that his “on & on & on” toward the beginning will get an instant replay and reaction. Let’s see if I’m right. 
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So many awkward screenshots 
In the MNET edit, we hear a judge call out “Oh, cowboy!” in English at the start. And overall, everyone seems to be having a great time watching. The other contestants look amazed and the judges are bopping. And yes, of course, Bain’s  “on & on & on” did get an instant reply. 
VCG cheers for Bain’s high pitched squeals.
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Jaehwan jumps to his feet. 
I feel like this is the most we’ve seen Wendy enjoy a performance on the show.
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Backstage, balladeer Yoon Inhwan turns to Donghun and says, “It’s as if he’s possessed!” (I think he’s talking about Bain.)
Dahee is also having a great time. 
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When they’re done, everyone cheers. 
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Sorichir-ra! (MAKE SOME NOISE!!)
Geonu points like, “that’s my teammate!” 
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Everyone loved it. Someone -- I think Wendy? -- says “I was completely slain by Bain.” Yes, Bain was undoubtedly the MVP here. VCG and Jaehwan, still talking about Bain, say “He’s at his peak. He totally knows what’s going on. He totally knows what he’s good at.” Wendy agrees, saying, “IT all comes out on stage.”
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It’s time for the judges to evaluate, and they don’t really want to, you can tell. They’re like, “how do you judge something like this?” It’s like choosing between a pair of shoes and a bowl of ice cream. Like, what do you want to do with it? What do you need right now? 
Baekho says, “I have nothing to say. It was just so good. I forgot that it was a survival program -- it felt like I was just watching a concert.”
Dahee is grinning, looking over at the guys to see how this praise is affected them, but you can see that it’s not quite enough. They won’t feel at peace until they know the actual outcome.   
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But Dahee is still the best. What is she wearing? What is that? She’s still the best. 
Baekho goes on, “There was a part that was particularly impressive. Bain-shi, the performance really showed how well you use your voice.” And we get the “on&on&on” part again. Fair. 
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Baekho continues, “Bain gets possessed on stage! If there were someone like him on my team, I’d feel so thankful.” 
Wendy says, “I really enjoyed watching it. I felt like I was watching a concert, too.” She likes how they walked in at the beginning, like cowboys, and how they kept the energy up. 
VCG asks Minseo how long he has been a trainee, and he says 4 years. VCG says that if Minseo is this good after only a few actual performances, what more is he capable of in the future? Both VCG and Solar are excited to see where he goes next. Solar is like, “You’re obviously with an agency, right?” And Minseo says, “um, actually… no…” And Solar is like WTF? VCG says that if he were CEO of an agency, he’d take Minseo immediately. I think that’s on the horizon….
 Backstage, Woong looks right into the camera and says “Brand New Music! Call him right now!!!” (At least, I think that’s what he says. They bleep out part of the company name.)
I guess there’s no time to compliment Bitsaeon, which is a bummer; I think he also did really well. But now it’s time to make BPR Unnie unhappy. 
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The judges have to vote for which team did better, and they joke about going on strike, saying that they just can’t choose. But they do choose, of course. 
Who are we losing of my two favorites, Jeup or Bain? 
I repeat, who are we losing of my two favorites, Jeup or Bain? 
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The blue votes are for Team Bit-Bain, and the red votes are for Jeup’s team. So guest judge, Wendy, and Jaehwan went with team Bit-Bain, while Baekho, Solar, VCG, and Eunkwang went for Jeup’s team.
We’re losing Bain, Bitsaeon, and Minseo.  
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They hold it together with dignity. Bain even has it in him to give the other team the thumbs up. Class act.
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Jeup is sort of pacing around with his hand on his ribcage, as if he’s trying to calm his heart. He’s crying a little. Oh, no, MY heart! And your heart! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT ALL OUR HEARTS? 
Suhwan steps forward to speak on behalf of his team, and says things like they worked hard and think both teams did well and thank you everyone and yadda yadda. 
Dahee talks to Jeup, saying, “You must have been very nervous.” 
Baekho picks up his mic and says, “Careful now, you’ll lose your muscles if you don’t stop crying.” If anyone would know, it’d be Baekho!
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Jeup clears his throat and says, “I normally don’t cry. Actually, this performance was a bit scary. The other team was so good, and I’m the oldest member of my team. I thought I shouldn’t let my teammates know about my anxiety. I think it was very difficult in many ways. Before the performance, I told my teammates to be calm, but I think I was talking to myself. Thank you, everyone.” 
Dahee says that Bain, Bitsaeon, and Minseo have been eliminated. 
Bain says, “I had a lot of fun on stage. Bitsaeon and Minseo worked so hard.”
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He’s fighting back tears, but he goes on. “Of course, I do feel sad. But it was great to show you myself through Build Up.
The judges reassure them that they really did a really good job too. They’re sad that they have to send away a team that did so well.
But backstage, Bain’s team seems to be relatively at peace. They know they did well and they’re still proud of the job they did, even if they’re sad that they lost. At least they went out on a high note. 
If you’re sad about losing Bain, watch this video of him singing Unholy by Sam Smith. 
And I think I'll end this post here, because this is almost 30 pictures already. So I'll see you in the next one, when Team Gruff N'Smooth takes on Team sweeties. Take care until then!
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automatayaoi · 1 year
will that be for here or to go 📝
👋 - Do you like to hold hands? What are their hands like?
YES!!! YES YES YES I LUV HOLDING HANDS SO MUCH 💕 constant need to be holding onto him like some kind of weird tick. arle's hands are sooo long and pretty and delicate, ofc since he's a musician hes gotta have long fingers hehe. ive always imagined him to have porcelain-like skin, mostly bc of the way his face fractures during that fight with brighella reminds me of how cracks form in porcelain or ceramic. dont ask me how solid porcelain can move and bend we're talking abt living dolls infused with will thru alchemy ok AJSDKLHASK. anyway!!! i also think unlike most automata, bc of the combustion device in his chest he has his own body heat hehe :3 so hes nice n warm, perfect for holding. augh his hands r so much bigger than mine probably...longer but not a lot wider since his hands are probably on the thin side. again perfect 4 holding.
👬 - What kind of hugs do they give? (Do they lift you off your feet? Bear hug you? Softly cuddle you?)
uwa,, i think at first arle would be v gentle and tentative abt hugs at first, both bc he is completely unused to any kind of physical affection, and bc he's afraid of hurting me: squishy fragile human. he's spent a very long time only hurting maiming and murdering so he's nervous abt it u know. What If He Squishes Me To Death. after a while tho he gets more comfortable (and has a better understanding of how much force the average human can withstand) n he hugs me more often :) hes so fockin tall so a lot of times he'll pick me up for a hug so he doesnt have to bed down ajskdlja Picks me up like a naughty cat. abovely mentioned combustion and fire canister in his chest make him soooo warm n great for cuddles hehe
😘 - Do they kiss your hands, cheeks, forehead etc? What kind of not-on-the-lips kisses do they give most?
CAN I GET A MF HAND KISS ⁉ pleaseeeeeeee hes so fucking dramatic and like stereotypically chivalrous in a way that you know he learned it all from theatre performances n columbine's romance novels so of COURSE hes into hand kisses. constantly kissing the back of my hands, my palms, my fingers, etc etc. ALSO he does the french thing of cheek kisses for greetings hehe. excuse to kees me more
💇 - Do either of you play with the other’s hair?
ABSOLUTELY BABY!!!!!!! oughh his hair is one my favorite things abt himmm 💕💕 its so long n pretty n silky i love running my hands thru it brushing it for him braiding ALL OF IT!!! hes my everythang 🥰 im not good at braiding but i get a lot of practice in. when he was being rebuilt by the a.r.c. kero was helping to make new clothes for the pionniors and i maaaay have designed him an outfit that shows off his pretty hair more >:3 i saw that reveal during the brighella fight and lost my shit. i think he plays with my hair pretty often too hehe he likes how soft n fluffy it is, and he's new to actually being able to Feel Things (we gave him and the others an upgrade so they have the same simulated nerve endings as dernier) so he's like, a little fascinated by the sensation
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quiethydra · 2 years
First Look Wrap-Up - The One With Karens, Tiles, and Day Dreams! Oh My
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Hey, y'all! Another First Look Friday in the books with some really fun games to talk about. Keep in mind the games below are DEMOS and are in the early stages of development. My thoughts will be on the demos as is with the knowledge that things may improve and change as the game gets ready for release.
And hey, this is our first official First Look Wrap-Up post on Tumblr, so please enjoy and share and comment down below.
So let's cut the chat and get to talking about some games!
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Attack of the Karens - Studio Primitive
A dangerous pathogen of unknown location has spread through the world and transformed four people of questionable intent into deadly-ranging cyborgs bent on asking for the manager. It's the Attack of the Karens BABY, and it's up to us to take them to Twitter jail (hrmm) and cancel them forever in this wildly exciting roguelite shoot 'em up.
Give The Assistant Manager A Hug
Attack of the Karens is what it says on the label: a roguelite shoot 'em up. Challenging gameplay that pushes you to learn and adapt as the cards are stacked against you is sharp and snappy. But this never takes away from the fun and your progress as you are given tools in the form of powerups and pre-match ship upgrades to realign the scales. Combat is random and procedurally generated, keeping you on your toes and making each run and replay a new puzzle to understand.
Design-wise, the game is wonderfully delightful in a satirical romp that will make you smirk as things like expired coupons fill the screen. The game design is delightful in every way, from character design to color palette to sound design. It's a feast for the senses that is easy to get lost in and it's a bummer that we're only playing a demo because I want more.
I Want To Talk To Your Manager
Is it all wine boxes and Instagram tablescapes? Not really. Even with the wonderful design and lovely color scheme, I find myself a bit lost at times, with lighter-colored enemies getting lost in the sky background. It's not horrible, and I love the design, but I did find it hard at times to keep track of that random bullet or sky mine.
Powerup text is a bit long to read and you have no time to read what's on the screen when trying to dance among the field of bullets and enemies. I would love to see a tab to read and learn what powerups look like and do, even if it's before a match.
Call Of The Wine Mom
Attack of the Karens is filled with so much lovely false nostalgia for games like R-Type or Zero Wing. I feel like I've played this game before completely knowing that's a total lie and I should go to jail. Attack of the Karens is a side-scrolling shoot 'em-up filled with the feeling of a classic but seasoned with a modern sensibility and design. This is what modern game design should be like, capturing what was loved about the games in sticky, coin-smelling arcades but honed and evolved to a sharp point. It's an easy add to my Wishlist and I look forward to its 2023 full release.
Wishlist on Steam // Twitter
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Land Above Sea Below - Glasscannon Studio
With this Razer Basilisk v2 mouse, I will build the most beautiful island and keep the rising water at bay. In Land Above Sea Below we are island architects tasked with building our ever-sinking island to protect our Tree of Fall that's the heart of everything. But with randomly generated tiles and a ticking season tracker that hails the coming of the next flood the game tries to stop us at every turn.
Waiter There's A Puzzle In My Soup
Land Above Sea Below comes in the form of a tranquil tile-laying game with a dangerously complex puzzle at its core. Much like the fan favorite Dorfromantik, Land Above Sea Below touches its finger on a calming want and need to make lovely things. Every tile layer is unlocking a burst of good feels and fields and forests unfold around you. It's a magical spell that you and the game are casting as the whispering calm clouds your mind into the game's safe embrace. Is it though?
Like a lurking monster in the shadows ready to rip you apart, Land Above Sea Below hides a complex and challenging puzzle to steal away the happy trees of your land. With every tile placed is a ticking time bomb of poor choices ready to sink everything at the end of the season as you try to build tile combos to keep things afloat. Planning and keeping track of your lowlands is key to survival. The game engine hums once you get the balance of when and where to place and tile and use your limited power cards. It takes time to find it, but the world is peaceful and calming to bring you back for it.
A Sinking Land
There is very little to dislike here about this game. Land Above Sea Below brings a love game style with a complex puzzle to unwrap. The lack of tutorial was understanding due to its state of development, but I do feel it's hard to convey to new players what they might need to do with walls of text. I'm sure this will be fixed, but be aware when diving in.
The part that bothered me (harsh, I know) the most was the right-side progress bar. The white text and lines became hard to track even when focusing on it. It's not the end of this beautiful world, but may be a challenge when you are trying to keep track of what's happening.
Let Me Walk Among The Tiles
I love tile placing games from the physical, like Carcassonne, to this lovely entry that is Land Above Sea Below. It dances brilliantly between beautiful biomes and a maddening puzzle craft. I ask myself with every tile, what's the neighborhood like and when can I move in, soon it gets swallowed by the cold hands of the ticking seasons and I push forward. With a planned early access in Q4 of 2022 and a target of Spring 2023 for the full game, I'm on pine cones and needles waiting to add this to my cart but for now, it will be warm and comfy in my wishlist.
Wishlist on Steam // Twitter
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Day Dream: Forgotten Sorrow - Frozen Line and Ravenage Games
In the darkness lurks a rotting hand reaching for something that we hide. With the power of friendship, we guild Griffin and his stuffed bear Birly through a strange surreal world of puzzles and dangers. We find a world of life and sky whales that feel lived and old. The partner mechanics work well and add to the charm of a kid and their bear.
Light In The Darkness
Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow finds itself in a family of some amazing dark fantasy puzzle adventure games. Though the skeleton is similar and well worn we find ourselves thrust from the dark moody worlds of shadows and creaking cities plunged into nightmares into a bright and vibrant world of light and distant lands that Finn and Jake would be proud of. The creepy nightmare still haunts the halls but it's about the hunt more than the isolation of a nightmare. The world feels like we live because of it instead of the world built around Griffin and Birly.
The puzzles are sweet and fun to overcome, directing Birly to pull a lever or push a box is intuitive and works. The platforming feels solid and even on pipes I don't feel like we're tightrope walking, but still watch your step. It's delightful and charming and offers just enough challenge to slow your pace but allows you to solve them and feel accomplished.
Darkness In The Light
Lurking under its lovely exterior is a bear who at times proves to be as clever as a stuffed bear can be. Birly, the key to many puzzles can be unruly at times opting to get in the way when making a daring jump or trying to solve a puzzle, opting to freeze up or fall from a ledge. Nothing that will hurt the experience but, for me, has led me to toss our cuddly friend into one too many pits.
In adventure puzzle games there is a balance that needs to be found between how to lead the player to the solution. Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow finds this well for the most part but I did find that at times I was following Birly more than it was following me. It's lovely to have a friend, but at times I feel like the bear was rushing me when all I wanted to do is take in the beauty of the ornate bedroom.
Tossing Friends Over The Ledge
Like a lucid dream, the world unfolds into a vibrant display of sights. Following the framework of its predecessors Daydream: Forgotten Sorrow allows the world and environment to tell the story. This demo is a story of friendship and beauty and the slow dread of a rotting hand in the shadow. With its target release of Spring 2023, I look forward to many nights of tossing Birly off so many ledges. until then I will be adding this daydream to my wishlist and waiting for its awakening.
Wishlist on Steam // Twitter
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Well, kids, that's the end of my first, First Look Wrap-Up post on Tumblr! I hope you enjoyed it as I loved thinking more about the indie games I play on stream. Sometimes it's too easy for me to play a game on stream and say "hey I like this". Stopping and putting my thoughts down have given me more love and appreciation for the art that is gaming and the work developers put into it.
If you like this and the work I do follow this channel and check out my other accounts. I also stream and post gameplay videos of these games and more on Twitch and YouTube. If you want to support what I'm doing please consider checking out my Ko-Fi and buying me a coffee. Until next time - Keep your heart open, and rolls twenty.
Twitter // Twitch // TikTok // YouTube // Ko-Fi
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themculibrary · 1 year
Romantic Fluff Masterlist
a kiss a day (anything for kate bishop) (ao3) - dare121 yelena/kate T, 49k
Summary: Adjusting her fake glasses, Kate moves in the direction of the nearest painting and settles herself in front of it, doing her best to look like she’s taking notes on the notepad in her hands. The lanyard around her neck swings uncomfortably close to the rope that separates herself from the art on display as she tries to take in her surroundings at the same time. She only spares a glance at the picture, and squints at the three alien creatures on it that mostly resemble common house cats, while being just off enough to unnerve the observer.
Beneath the Mistletoe (ao3) - sunrow steve/bucky E, 21k
Summary: Bucky had a bet with his sister that if he didn’t have a boyfriend to bring home for Christmas by the time he was 25, he had to give her $200 and go blonde for a year. But now he's 25, it’s nearing December, and not only is Bucky as single as ever, but he’s also running low on cash. He doesn’t exactly want to bleach his hair, either.
At least Steve is willing to upgrade their relationship from best friends to fake boyfriends.
Causing an Incident (ao3) - The_Winter_Writer loki/tony N/R, 3k
Summary: Tony might have a propensity for being where he wasn't supposed to be. He didn't feel an ounce of guilt about it and right now, with the realization of who was striding towards him setting in, Tony felt thankful for it.
Cinnamon Honey (ao3) - toffeecape steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: The newlywed adventures of two dirty old men.
dry your eyes and love you warm (ao3) - Ellessey steve/bucky E, 31k
Summary: "Hey, come here," Steve says, pulling Bucky close enough to wrap his arms around his waist. Bucky sinks into him, forehead resting on the crown of Steve's head. "How can I help?"
He's not even thinking about it at first, about the way he helped before, but then Bucky breathes warm and heavy in Steve's hair and suddenly it's all he's thinking about—those little gasps Bucky had let out, and the way his skin had flushed pink while Steve brought him off.
Bucky's arms get a little tighter around him now, like maybe he's remembering too. And he must be, because then he says, "Could you… Stevie, would you mind? Like before?"
When Bucky needs him, Steve will be there. In any city, in any century, in every way that Bucky will have him.
If Your Heart Is A Dog Fight Then I'm Ready To Go To War Like (ao3) - fandomfluffandfuck steve/bucky E, 78k
Summary: Bucky isn't used to alpha's being the nicest to him, he knows why even if he doesn't get it- he's a male omega. A very rare subset of the already rare part of the population that's second gender isn't beta. Which is what makes it all the more shocking when his "perfect match" walks in during one of his shifts and is irrefutably nice to him.
This is that story. The story of how they went from a patient nurse relationship to an alpha omega pair who's bond is unbreakable.
In Paper Rings, In Picture Frames (Oh, You're The One I Want) (ao3) - OceanSpray5 druig/makkari G, 14k
Summary: Or, Druig and Makkari get married and wait for the rest of their oblivious family to figure it out.
Love and Family (out of order) (ao3) - AvocadoLove bucky/tony T, 7k
Summary: When Steve brings Bucky home shortly after the fall of SHIELD, it's obvious he's keeping a few secrets to himself. Tony knows the truth because he can smell it: Bucky's pregnant, and the baby is Tony's. Except, that shouldn't be possible. Tony has never met Bucky Barnes—or the Winter Soldier—before.
Lucky Thirteen (ao3) - agentsimmons bruce/tony N/R, 150k
Summary: Widowed father, and billionaire genius, Tony Stark and single father, and nuclear physicist, Bruce Banner meet at a science conference. One has six kids and the other has seven. So of course that's a recipe for disaster love in the making.
No Need (ao3) - surveycorpsjean tony/stephen E, 5k
Summary: Tony groans, “We are too old to have sex in a bathtub.”
“Who said anything about sex in a bathtub?”
“Me, obviously."
Not a Trick (ao3) - somanyfeels (orphan_account) bucky/tony T, 1k
Summary: Bucky had never seen a more beautiful human being in his life. He was perfect, if a bit jumpy, suspicious, and untrusting. Bucky wanted to treat him right, wanted to love him with everything he had, and hopefully convince Tony that he would never hurt him.
Romance me (ao3) - ririsasy tony/stephen E, 67k
Summary: Tony just wanted to go to The coffee shop Peter keep telling him about in the Bleecker Street area, the one with a nice caramel coffee, he didn't know that the place is crowded enough that The billionaire has to share a table with a handsome, middle-aged man, who dresses eccentrically in his blue robe, and thick book in his hands just to enjoy his coffee, he never imagined that the guy will be someone so important in his life, ending all his conquests as playboy and actually making him consider about settling down for the first time in his life.
Simple Pleasures (ao3) - JobethDalloway yelena/kate E, 72k
Summary: "Can I tell you something I wanted to do at the museum all day, Kate Bishop?" Kate waited for her to say something, but instead, Yelena just shifted her hand closer to Kate's and threaded their fingers together. // A hopelessly romantic lesbian finds herself the one person an emotionally guarded former assassin wants to open up to.
The Sweetness of You (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 6k
Summary: Loki wasn't affectionate by nature and Tony had gotten used to that. They might have been lovers for two years and might even have loved each other - but they didn't talk about it. Loki simply wasn't into public or even private displays of affection. It was just who he was, and Tony hadn't expected it to change.
Which was why, when his lover surprised him with a hug from behind - in the middle of an Avengers party - Tony was really fucking stunned.
The Tears We Hold Back (ao3) - Scarlet_Black wanda/natasha M, 115k
Summary: After losing her brother and her home, Wanda moves in with the Avengers, where a friendship grows between her and Natasha - and eventually develops into something more. But life catches up with them when someone interferes with the missions Wanda goes on and Natasha finds out that the Red Room is still operating.
This is a slow burn, post AoU tower fic (that takes place in the Avengers compound).
Trauma Makes the Heart Grow Softer (ao3) - mabbbbs yelena/kate T, 21k
Summary: This started out as the stereotypical/cliche carry your crush to bed and accidentally cuddle them trope we all want and deserve.
Until It Sleeps (ao3) - frickss75 steve/bucky M, 407k
Summary: Steve finally has Bucky back in Brooklyn with him, but he is finding out that his issues are deeper than he thought. His PTSD manifestsin many ways, including some very bizarre sleep behavoir. And Bucky is fighting internally with constantly returning memories and some deep seated fears about himself. Steve loves Bucky no matter what and is determined to prove it to him however he can.
What A Feeling (ao3) - roe87 steve/bucky E, 33k
Summary: Bucky is a young, struggling actor living in New York City, and he works as a male stripper to pay his bills.
Steve is a very rich and handsome businessman.
One night Steve comes into Bucky's club to get a lap dance, and asks Bucky to come back to his hotel.
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sherrifdoggo · 1 year
The Map's Setting, A History
Long Talky One Again, this time it's gonna get autobiographical.
So, as i've eluded to in the past, the map (rp_chicago, see previous posts) is not say in our 1930s. It's set in my funny lore setting that i've been cultivating for the past few years that even though has had more abandonded projects tied to it than i can count still doesn't have a name that isn't a working title.
Ladies, Gentlemen and Etceras, It is my honor to present my baby to the world,
The Staten Island Universe
Yes the name sucks and makes you ask more questions than a title should, but there's a fun story behind the bizarre name i promise. Anyways here i go.
The beginings of the Staten Island universe started back in my highschool days, when i used to DM some D&D for a big friend group i had. One day, after playing too much Grand Theft Auto on my PS4 (This was in 2017? or so i think), i had a moment where the stars aligned.
What if i made a D&D campaign set in a modern crime story, without removing all the D&D elements.
And so it was, i never finished it, but we did play an unfinished version of it a couple times and it was very enjoyable. Specially the quest where you had to kill a bard with an electric guitar in the abandoned times square toys-r-us.
Unluckly, me sucking at math caused my grades to slump and now i had less time to make more D&D shit, and ended up throwing the whole project away in the dreaded vault of dead projects.
Now skipping ahead a couple years and it's my last semester of high school, in 2020. So i'm locked in my room pretending to be paying attention to whatever the teacher was saying (maybe related to my slumped grades from above) and making a new D&D campaign that my friends and i were gonna run over the internet this time. The plot of it was unimportant but what was important was my recent (at the time) acquisition of my current computer and a vr headset.
Before i got the VR headset, and around the time I upgraded from a ok-ish Acer Nitro 5 gaming laptop to this thing, i was making a really shit gmod map.
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Stallen Island i called it,
and it was my headcannon version of what the missing part of New York City (Staten Island) would look like in GTA IV's map, of course with nowhere near the amount of skill and art-direction to pull it off in fucking Gmod, but i tried my best.
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Eventually i got bored of making this map, and/or ran out of ideas for it so i receded into doing whatever it is i did for fun back then. Until my high school friends contacted me over the internet.
They wanted to play some more D&D over the internet, so i obliged. I made them a new campaign and had a silly little idea for it. What if all the maps for it were actually gmod maps instead of PNGs.
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These are my only published maps, The D&D map collection.
Info about them individually on their pictures, but i did actually get to play it with them and they enjoyed it very much.
Around the same time i had finally gotten my VR Headset. And i'd been playing a lot of Skyrim VR, which influenced the design of this D&D campaign. Specifically I inserted my Khajiit into it, Mr. Ralasajeeno as a Theif.
But all this is just autobiographical shit right what does this have to do with the big name you put in yellow up there?
Well one night i was writting more shit for the campaign when it hit like how the best ideas hit you, blasting directly into your brain at 3AM.
I remembered the other D&D campaign again, and i revived it as a really big design doc i still have on my computer for a open world crime sandbox game that plays like a mix of GTA and D&D / Skyrim, A.K.A. a game that would cost too much time and money for me to ever make.
Every day, i would wake up and add more and more lore, characters, ideas for situations, missions, locations, items and it would grow so god damn big that eventually i felt like i had to make something for it.
So i had an idea, how about i make a new version of that map i mentioned earlier.
It's name was Staten Island, and it fucking rocked
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Staten Island was the biggest map i ever made, and i never really finished it.
Not because of a lack of ideas, because i had plenty of ideas for it, i just outgrew it. Though it forever holds a part in my heart as the map that really kickstarted the Staten Island Universe as it's own thing. Many of the things written down in the lore for it are direct from either me needing assets for the map or questions people would ask while playing on it.
Afterwards there were a couple more Modern Staten Island Universe maps. Pictures Here:
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Finally, how does Chicago fit into all this?
Well after a really long time of making smaller maps that didn't go anywhere, making other types of addons and being a support dev for other people's addons, i finally had a good idea for a map again.
This map was the current map, Chicago.
I had the idea while playing lots of Mafia: Definitive Edition a couple months back and having a grand old time.
I always wanted to do something in the past of the Staten Island Universe, so the idea was to make this map and then make a couple more maps.
Each map would pick a different time period and location, moving slowly towards today. Chicago is step one of this plan and unlike all these other maps, i do intend on sticking with this one all the way to the finish line.
trust me bro, i swear
please trust me
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apthepotat · 1 year
AP’s art dump time!! (Part two yippeee :D)
let’s gOoo
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Sonic is my childhood and I keep returning and sinking in it AAAND I watched recently sonic prime
so why wouldn’t I be in the fandom and make a sonic oc XD?
even tho I drew this last December coUgh
everyone meet Alice the wolf!
this is the first time I draw digitally full body in sonic/Mobian style :,] and there are errors and I think I need to upgrade her design a biiit- but that can wait I’m still very happy and proud and satisfied with how I drew her - ^^
and with no reference for pose? That is definitely something to be proud of ✨
She’s a 3’8 bubbly sweetie of a wolf that only means well :,D
And gets sick and cold easily like me and doesn’t get out much in winter
She loves crystals and gems as well as tea Aand- she can be a bit childish and playful and she’s really comfy and hanging out with friends
okay enough rambling moving onnNNn- my thumbs starting to h u r t
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my stupid scrunkly baby that is too clumsy for his own good/hj
meet Vanilla! He’s a cat-loving,sweet,clumsy blind,affectionate café owner!
.. cat café owner 🚶‍♀️
And he lives in another Au I made that’s named Anilliatale!
he has two children 🍵 and they’re twins and here they are :D!
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The boy bb is named Neo and the girl is Poli ^^
they are very chaotic but sweet caring twins and also absolutely loves felines XD
they like to help their papa during the job whenever they can :D
imma digitalise and fix some stuff later
nextttt we have-
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One of the artworks I am most proud of this year hshshs- and one of my fav
his name is Tracer-! He’s a variant of Ink from an AM named Destructverse ^^ .. I couldn’t think of a better name it’s - :,D all I thought of in 2021 and stuck to it HSHSH
also for once I adore the background
anddd a year ago I made a “future”(?) version of Tracer XD that goes by Ace
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And there he is :D
this is the first time I do an artwork like this like a “reflection” or smth
in this one Ace is sitting against a Sakura tree he takes care of in DV and - well he’s quite an overthinker and memories haunt him
Iii dunno how to explain more without going in a long ramble and dig deep into the lore of the Au-
it’s one AM rn and I don’t feel like it rn HSHSH
one last art work:
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A humanised art of ✨ Ace ✨
I finished this art on his birthday so I decided to do a lil ‘birthday special’
Ace and tracer are the same ink variant in DV and Ink ofc belongs to the lovely creator @/comyet ! :D
I suppose that’ll be it :D bai bai nowww
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