#we stand next to eachother they line up it’s cute
Can you do a Remus Lupin and Reader where she gets hurt during quidditch and he helps her around the castle? Thank you so much and I love your writing
A/n: Thank you so much for the request!! I literally dropped everything to do this, oml. I will always priorities Reqs but this was so cute!!
Also, just realized requests weren't set to allow annon automatically?? That has been fixed on my end
Break a Leg Not My Heart
Can't Help Falling in Love Elvis Presley
Remus Lupin x Reader
Wc- 4960
Cw; Use of Y/N, Cussing, negative thoughts, reader is unhinged, reader is unsirius, (Tell me if i missed anything!)
taglist- @otterlockholmes
Everyone knew Remus Lupin could be a bit of a push over. 
Now, that's not to say he wasn't stern and serious when he needed to be, when he knew what was best, or just when Sirius said much of anything that started with ‘Hear me out.’
He was a Prefect, he was known for being a certain quality of student. Studious, always in the library studying with Lily Evans and {Y/N} {L/N}. Wise beyond his years, helping anyone who needed it. He volunteered to help tutor some of the first years with {Y/N} most Sunday evenings. Punctural, made a point to be on time to everything. Well, if he could help it, you did like to sleep in.
Not many people noticed the common theme in his actions. The traits that made up the Lycan were so tightly woven into his friendships, well, more particularly his friendship with you. He never gave up who he was, he never went that far, but it was clear that in the forethought of his, you were in every equation. Sirius certainly noticed.
Sirius would bemoan about it all the time, how you both insisted you were friends, absolutely clueless. He stood by it, however, friends don't look at eachother like you do. Remus insisted you were friends. Best friends.
The feeling was mutual, of course it was. Who doesn't want to spend every second of the day with their platonic soulmate? You would make a point to drag him around with you everywhere you went. You were never shy about it, your words slowly going from questioning to affirmatives. 
“Remus, I am heading to lunch now, come with me?”
“Remus, we are going to the Black Lake, it's hot.”
“Remus, I have Quidditch practice.”
That was another trait of Remus Lupin. He could care less about Quidditch, but not much less. He would complain about going, as he followed you upstairs to your dorm to help bring your gear down. Would try to decipher the ridiculous rules while finding a seat in the stands with Lily and Mary, both coming to support their respective partners.
That's how you got here now, same routine. You were floating above the stands, even as a backup beater you still had to attend every practice. You would complain to James about it, seeing as you only agreed to it as a favor, but he would tease you about it every time. He was lucky some stuff he said was funny. He so rarely was.
You watched Sirius, who was currently the one you were assigned to tag out. It was a lot of time wasted, just floating near your friends and talking when you were sure James didn't notice. Eventually, you turned to Remus in the stands and smiled to see him furrowing his brow at the strange reps James was making the two beaters do. 
“Rem!” You called over to him and lowered down to his eye level, still a good few yards away from them. He looked up at you and lifted an eyebrow. 
“Knock knock!”
He looked at you confused before Lily nudged him. “The muggle joke?”
He furrowed his eyebrows at her next before they shot up in realization. “Ah! Who's knocking?” He called over and you threw your head back in a laugh as Lily covered her mouth with a snicker. Mary holding Lily's shoulder as Remus looked at you three incredulously. 
“That's the bloody line, right?”
“Who's there?” Lily laughed out, and you began to dry your tears.
“Tank who?”
“You're welc-” Before you could even finish the line there was a loud thud and your head jerked forward. You were confused for a moment, smile slowly falling as you looked at the three.
Everything was slowing down, and no matter how hard you squinted, your vision continued to blur. Suddenly, and gradually, hot burning pain rushed threw the back of your head. It was so jarring you teared up, and you could faintly hear a bunch of voices, but you couldn't make out what they said. Slowly, your grip on your broom lessened. 
Warm drops of what you could only assume was your own ichor dropped down your face. Then, your vision started to flash. You were far too loopy to panic, images of you on your broom slipped into a slideshow of you falling, that ended right before you hit the ground.
“She'll need to rest for the next two days for it to heal, her head is fine but her leg will need some getting used to. Two days in a cast should do her fine.”
Madam Pomfrey’s voice filled the room and you stirred with a whine. Eyes fluttering open and blinded by the lights above. 
“Ugh.. my head…” You groaned, bringing your wrist to your throbbing temple. You fluttered open your eyes and looked around you, seeing James pacing the room and Sirius in front him, while Remus seemed to be shouting at him. Your ears began to ring as your blood rushed, so you couldn't hear him, but you could see the vain in his neck bulging out at his irritation. His tanned face a deep red, and Sirius looked apologetic, just taking the verbal battering.
There was a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Lily and Mary sitting on the chairs beside you, Peter was behind them smiling softly. “Hey,” You couldn't hear him, but you could see his lips moving. You frowned as the words became more elaborate so you couldn't quite track them.
You looked around at your friends' concerned faces. Lily looked past you and you turned, seeing Remus was kneeling by your bed and saying something you couldn't hear. You huffed and rubbed your temple, closing your eyes. The ringing slowly stopped, but the sounds of the room never returned. You opened your eyes and Remus was looking at you, filled with concern. “Starlight?”
That was a mouth shape you recognized. You reached out to touch his hand and squeeze it, blinking a bit before you spoke. “I can't hear a damned thing. But did you get my joke?” 
You watched as Remus seemed to go through the five stages of grief, before he settled on giving you the most unamused, annoyed, dead inside look you had ever witnessed. That made you smile. Well, smirk, mischievously. “That joke is literal gold, you just don't know talent.”
This time, Remus stood up and walked over to madam Pomfrey and after a small exchange she walked off. You looked around the room idly, trying to pretend you weren't anxious, patting your palms against your blanket covered legs. You could see your friends talking, but you couldn't hear a thing. Your nerves were on end. They looked worried, but you tried your best to keep calm and collected. You knew that if you began to worry, show even a bit of panic or upset, everyone else would too. What was the point anyway? Panicking wouldn't fix your hearing.
At least you don't think so-
Eventually, a hand rested on your shoulder. It was comforting and large, your right hand instinctively crossed your body to rest on it. You turned and smiled up at Remus. He held out a parchment to you and it had large chicken scratch on it. You always found how messy his handwriting was hilarious. He thinks faster than he writes.
‘You broke your leg. Pomfrey says it has to stay in a cast for a day or two, as for your hearing, she says it's a trauma response. Your body will return it when it's ready.’
You scoffed and looked at your hands with an offended bravado. “Who says they get to pick when my hearing goes? No appreciation! I keep you alive, you dumb thing!”
You didn't notice how Remus laughed at how ridiculous you were being. He always admired how easily you could brush stuff so big off. Like when you found out about his condition.
“Oh damn. That's.. so not the bee’s knees.’
Not the bee's knees. He had to have Lily explain that to him. Who in their right mind says that? To their friend in the hospital wing after confessing one of his most hated parts of himself?
He didn't know if he hated or loved you in that moment.
It grew on him, even if he denied it. You were just so damn strange.
“Darn, I guess no classes, hm?” You gave a faux sigh of disappointment. You turned to see Remus say something to Madam before turning back to you, smiling and waving his hand the quill began to write.
‘She says I can monitor you for classes, you should be fine.’
You gave him the dirtiest look you could muster.
“Hey, Rem, so you actually suck a lot.”
Remus had insisted on walking you back to the Gryffindor commons, carrying your equipment the whole way. You had to use a cane for the time being, so the second you tried to pick up the heavy bag you about gave Remus a heart attack.
Sirius, still pouting even after you accepted his millionth apology, coasted behind you both. You really wish you knew what Remus had said to him. 
When you got to your dorm Remus set your things down and set your bed up with a prop for your leg. You continued to complain about the special treatment as he nagged you for your messy side of the dorm while he was at it. You had to admit, Remus was incredibly sweet. It made your heart clench a bit at how much he seemed to care about your current state. 
You sat on your bed, taking off your robe and letting it fall behind you. Watching Remus rant on, for once, a little sad you couldn't hear his lecture. He seemed so determined to make sure you were comfortable.
Little did you know, to Remus, this was the perfect opportunity to return your kindness. To repay you for all the nights you spent with him in the infirmary, the forgiveness and patience you extended to him during the days up to the full moon, and the doting you gave him after. Not to mention, it felt a bit domestic. He would process his guilt over it later, indulging up such a thought with you unaware. 
Eventually, your roommates got annoyed with his rambling. Marlene threw a pillow at him and she grabbed you from behind making you almost scream in surprise. 
She said something to Remus that made him look away bashfully, and he looked at you, mouthing a goodnight that you returned.
Remus was at your door early in the morning, which gave you a right scare. He offered you his hand and you looked at it before tilting your head at him curiously he mouthed something and you'd don't quite understand, slowly setting your hand in his extended one.
He gave several different expressions in the matter of a second, before he threw his head back in a laugh. Usually, you'd be embarrassed, but you ended up laughing along with him. He looked happy and you knew Remus would never make fun of you out of malice.
He calmed his breathing and lowered your hand back to your cane, before reaching over this time to take your books and make, your mouth opening and a low, “Ooooohhh,” left you. He laughed at that too.
When you made it to breakfast you were talking animatedly and Remus was listening thoughtfully. He would occasionally make a nod or shake his head at some things you said, not able to face you with how your gaze was locked on him to gather all his micro expressions. He had set himself up for disaster.
Once you sat at the table and greeted everyone, you hardly paid attention to Remus. You focused mostly on your food. 
You loved being around your friends, you did, but not being able to hear them was so isolating. You could see Remus talking to James, and by the look on his face, it was likely about something they had done they most certainly shouldn't have. You could see Lily, also giving James the most incredulous look ever. 
Mary and Marlene were talking and glancing at the Hufflepuff table, but you couldn't gather a thing otherwise. Sirius was debating something with Peter who you could only describe as distressed. Some interesting hand movements later and a slap from Marlene, you could assume it was something vile. Soon, you gave in and just soaked up their presence. You didn't need to hear them to be a part of the group, just.. the conversation. 
Suddenly, you gave a small yelp as your leg was lifted. Remus, without stoping his verbal battle with James, lifted your ankle and rested your hurt foot on his lap. You melted a bit, it was always the smaller things he did that let you know you had a best friend in him. 
Just a best friend.
Even as his thumb trailed circles on your exposed knee, his forefingers resting on your inner thigh. Yup. Totally best friends.
Your leg ended up falling asleep like that. You playfully reprimanded him and he just gave you a laugh that you couldn't hear but your mind filled in the blanks. You noticed how proud and confident he seemed to be, taking care of you. It was sweet.
As you walked from class to class he carried your things and was there at your desk the second the bell rang. Then there were potions.
You shared potions with all of the boys and Lily, so you usually sat with Peter so Sirius could bum off of Remus’s hard work, leaving James to swoon while his girlfriend did all the work. You looked to the board and grimaced, wiggenweld. You knew it was a practice instead of theory day, but you were hoping for an easier potion.
To your surprise, Peter was sitting with a pouting Sirius, your usual spot cleared up. Before you could make a remark Remus put his things down and sat where Peter usually did. You found yourself smiling bright. “What the heck Remus?” You teased and sat down, once again, he lifted your leg onto his lap to keep it elevated.
Like a best friend would do.
“Can't leave me be for a half hour, Remmy?” You teased him as he took out his parchment and began to pull aside ingredients you couldn't reach with your stationary leg.
You were distracted storing out the ingredients by order and scribbling down notes on the more vague steps. You didn't get a chance to notice Remus smiling at you, his eyes sparking with new found fondness. “No I can not.” He muttered to no one in particular.
Not noticing himself as Sirius gestured aggressively to you two in aspiration. Lily laughed at his display and James covered his mouth to hide his smile. Seems Remus was finally clued in.
You began to work on the potion as Slughorn dismissed the class to their assignments. You prepped the ingredients and fell into an easy and fluid motion with Remus. You didn't have a clue why you hadn't worked together before, you did everything together anyway, and Sirius could suck it.
Your friends watched as you smiled down at the horklump, rubbing a spoon over it threw a strainer, giving a laugh as it splattered on your face. Remus watched you, smiling softly. He seemed distracted the whole practical exam, but there wasn't a moment he wasn't listening to you. 
Your test ended with a passing grade, that's all you really needed. Still, Remus apologized for being distracted. 
Remus Lupin was a perfectionist in everything he did. He felt that even in his best moments he was seconds away from failing. He improved himself until there was nothing to improve upon. He aced assignments, mentored underclassmen, pulled off some of the most outrageous pranks in Hogwarts history, he even turned down the head boy position for James, everything he had done in the last seven years felt unsatisfactory. Apathy wasn't a foreign concept to him.
Neither was pity. Those two things were handed out to him in the eyes of everyone he'd ever met. No matter how far Remus came, disappointment was still holding him by his in a silent reminder that nothing would outshine the worst of him. It swallowed him whole most days, his self doubt. So he stayed distracted, chasing the high of praise and approval. 
He was much like Sirius in that regard, but Sirius acted out and Remus did his best to go unnoticed by anyone other than the people closest to him. Unless it was about his achievements.
He wanted to be remarkable and unnoticed, it was the contradiction that was Remus Lupin.
You made him feel those two things, like he was the most important thing in the world, like you couldn't do anything without him. Then, you made him feel like a normal student. Like he was just someone in the herd. He liked that about you.
But having you depend on him, just today, there was something new brimming in his chest. He grappled with the realization that you being dependent on him for a change was more fulfilling than his collective five years of overshadowed achievements.
You seemed him out; when you found him you needed him. Not that it couldn't be anyone else, you chose him. Well, he volunteered, but when you looked up at him with those eyes of yours he knew you had no qualms with it. He felt strong, he felt needed, and he felt like he wasn't the one hurting. 
{Y/N} {L/N} never needed anyone. You made that clear since first year, you were remarkably strange and friendly, you never filtered yourself out for anyone. You were you, that's all you needed to be. You didn't need to be witnessed to live.
But you wanted Remus to witness you.
He was learning that he loved to. To witness you. 
Yet here you were, none the wiser, while Remus realized how far he had fallen for his best friend. And in all honesty;
He wasn't scared.
Once dinner came around you were reminded just how out of the loop you were without your hearing. You were poking at your meal with your head down, pushing around a bit of your uneaten food. Today had been long, and every break mostly consisted of you trailing after your group and watching them laugh and indulge in each other's presence. 
You knew it wasn't the end of the world, tomorrow morning you would be cut free of your cast and eventually your hearing would come back.
It drove you mad not knowing when though. You knew it wouldn't stay forever, you were self assured in that fact, but knowing the possibility of it being weeks, months, Merlin, even a year? An entire year of not hearing your friends' voices. Dragging Remus down with you.
You didn't notice your friend's concerned look. Eventually, as you stared down at the fork in your hand, a note slid into your peripheral, it was Lily's handwriting, the only person you know to be able to flow her letters so perfectly.
You looked up to see people had started packing up. You nodded and began to stand, Remus slipping his hand behind your lower back making you jolt a bit. He flinched away and you immediately cursed, ‘come baaaccck.’
Your thoughts followed you to the common room. Before you could escape your friends, go allow yourself to mope, everyone insisted on drinking and talking. 
You didn't want to. You really didn't. Remus was staying behind, however, and you know how much he hated when you'd leave him to be the only responsible drinker. Not that he had to worry too much, Mary always stayed sober to reel in Marlene.
You let yourself believe he just wanted to spend time with you. 
So here you were, sitting on the couch, leaning you back against the arm rest and staring at the group as they talked. Your legs were resting over Remus’s, his lithe fingers rubbing up and down your exposed knee to the bottom of your skirt. Now, this was something Remus would never do, but you didn't even have time to enjoy the satisfying moment of slight intimacy, still too in the dumps.
Your frown deepened as you watched people get up to dance around you. Lily had put a song on the record, you only knew it to be ‘Love Grow(where my Rosemary goes)’ by Edison Lighthouse, because of the album cover she brandished to James with a little wiggle of her eyebrows. One of your favorites. 
At this point, your arms were crossed in a pout as you watched everyone dance but you and Remus. You blinked away those thoughts and turned to Remus. 
“You can go dance, I won't be offended.” You muttered out with a pout. He turned to look at you from the dancing figures. He seemed to come to some conclusion, and tapped your calf. You moved your legs and went back to watching the group before his hand was in your face. You looked up at him confused to see him offering it to you. You carefully took his hand and he lifted you up, leading you on the dance floor. You were wobbly, but he nudged your hurt foot until you arched it up, he took on most of your weight and you leaned into his chest to balance.
He began to sway, you laughed, and he beamed at how happy you seemed. It was ridiculous, you both looked ridiculous, Sirius gave a wolf whistle you couldn't hear and he couldn't give less of a fuck. 
As you got more comfortable he pulled back and began to spin and slide with you. You were a giggling mess and he wrapped his arms around your waist and faced you away from him, making you tilt your head all the way back to see him. He could have died right there. 
As the song faded out, you guys stopped your completely tone deaf moves, and he looked back with a dazzling smile at Lily who put on another song. He was panting, he could see all his friends watching with what seemed to be far too interested looks.
When his eyes went back to you, you were still staring up at him with a bright rush of affection. Somehow, always, Remus knew just what to do. Just what to say. 
The song kicked up and Remus thinned his lips a bit.
‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ by Elvis Presley. 
He knew he shouldn't. He should fool himself with something so intimate. But you were looking back at him with so much excitement, so much love, who the hell was he to say no?
… Wise men say
Only fools rush in
He nodded to you and you spun to face him again, leg swaying a bit from where you kept it up. You moved to put some space between you, but instead, he wrapped one hand around your lower back and took your other hand. His movements were identical to Marlene with Mary and James with Lily, Sirius even managed to get a girl from one of the many onlookers to dance with him. His being much more professional.
But I can't help falling in love with you
You were confused at first, but you wouldn't say you hated it. It was intimate, as he pulled your chest to his and gave you his smile now. You pressed your tongue to your cheek and smirked at him. He gave you a playful wink as you rolled your eyes.
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you?
He gave you a slow and careful swirl, and when you returned to him, he pulled your head to his chest and rested his chin to your head.
… Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
He gave you a playful dip and you finally laughed, relaxing fully into the oddly familiar feeling. He's held you before, but never so carefully. Like he could loser you at any point if one thumb was misplaced. 
… Take my hand
Take my whole life, too
He suddenly flattened out his hand against yours. You turned to look from where your face was peacefully nuzzled into his chest. You watched as he spread his fingers, and in turn, yours. Before he interlocked them. You bit your bottom lip and looked up at him. He was mouthing some of the lyrics, and you just managed to watch the last verse.
“For I can't help falling in love with you.”
Your eyes widened. Was he.. was he serious? His eyes were staring into yours like he was putting himself on the line with those words. You took a deep breath and held it, as he leaned down towards you as you both slowed to a stop. You stared at his lips, waiting so patiently for his next words.
“I love you, {Y/N}.” 
The words looked so natural on his lips. You didn't know what to say. You knew what he said. You didn't have a doubt in your mind about it. You suddenly moved in and kissed him, eyes closed before you pulled away. It was quick, it was a bit hard. His lips were chapped and his eyes were still on yours when you opened them. 
He looked stunned, and you couldn't hear the loud, “Finally!” From Sirius.
Nor could you hear Lily’s delighted gasp when he moved in and kissed you again. His hands left your side and hand, grabbing your cheeks. His fingers loosen when you meet him halfway, moving down to your neck and resting his thumbs on your cheeks.
You broke the kiss again, forgetting how to breathe. His lips followed yours before his eyes fluttered but stayed closed. You looked at him in pure shock. What do you do now? What do you say? Did it matter?
Suddenly his face scrunched up and you narrowed your eyes a bit.
“Ow ow ow ow..” Remus muttered and you flinched back when you read his lips. You had rested your casted foot against his toes. Wincing and apologizing like crazy, you moved too quickly and the weight shift caused you to fall back. He quickly caught you in a very deep dip. One hand around your neck and the other around your lower back. Your arms wrapped around his neck and everything was slow.
What a lovely cliche. 
It got even better, as he lifted you closer and kissed you again. His hand from your neck sliding down to help keep your casted leg bent to his hip. 
It was perfect.
~~~ Bonus Scene ~~~
You woke up to the sound of Marlene and Lily talking idly in your dorm room. A few days after the dancing and you and Remus had slipped from friends to more in such a simple and seamless mesh. 
A mesh of messy kisses and rushed ‘I love you’s in the hall. Late night rendezvous in the common room grossing out your friends with all the stolen kisses and messy cuddles where limbs weren't easily identifiable in the dark.
You smiled softly, unable to tame how your heart clenched and a goofy smile took your lips. Then it hit you. You could hear.
You shot your head up and began tos scramble for Remus’s jumper he left over last night. Marlene and Lily snapping over to look at you but not getting a word in before you were dashing out of the room in just your pajama pants and his sweater. 
You don't know how quickly you were running until you made it to his dorm. Your healed leg throbbing from lack of use but you couldn't care less. You slammed your way into the prefect dorms, Remus long since given you the password.
You ignored fussy prefects and walked right up to Remus’s dorm. You knocked in a rush, and the door opened to show James. You'd didn't even care to ask him why he wasn't in the Head Boy dorms, just shoving past him to hurry into the room. 
Sirius looked up from a lounge chair in the corner and smirked when he saw you, opening his mouth to make a smart remark before you interrupted him. 
“Starlight?” Remus called out from the closet, stepping out in pajama pants as well, no short, and a towel in his messy hair. He couldn't help but smile at your rosey cheeked winded gasps, despite his confusion. “What are you-”
“Say it.” You demanded quickly and closed the gap between them. He looked at you confused before it suddenly hit him that you had responded and reacted to his words. You could hear him.
He let the towel fall from his hair to his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around your waist and brought you close. “Say what?”
“You love me.” You commanded with puffy flustered cheeks. Suddenly so much less confident now that you faced him. He laughed and moved his hands to your cheeks.
“You came running all the way here for that?”
“Remus, I've been waiting years.”
“I love you, {Y/N}.” He whispered and pulled you into a kiss. You smiled and gave a sigh of bliss into it. This time, you were able to hear Sirius wolf whistle behind you.
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s3raphimssins · 9 months
Can I request Dazai x fem!reader in an arrange marriage??? Also a Royal AU?
I think id be a very cute oneshot!
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷prompt: All the pretty stars shine for you my love, am I that girl you dream of? all those times I said that I'm your girl, you make me feel like your whole world. -pretty when you cry
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷pairings: Dazai x fem!reader royal au
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷warnings: royal problems that's it.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Felix's note: OMG! ofcourse, I love this request so much thank you for this, sorry if its a little long I got carried away also can you recognize one of the Enola Holmes reference?. pink hearts divider by: @cafekitsune <3
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"hello Prince....?" you were standing next to a small boy after your parents told you you'll be spending a lot of time together.
"Dazai, and you are...? princess?"
" 'name' " you smiled reaching out to shake his hand. Your parents and Dazais Father smiled at you two and continued to carry on their conversation at the table. As you two talked to eachother at your own table. Due to the issues between 2 of the most prosperous nation, both the children were given in the marriage of one another. It was for diplomatic reasons.
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And that is how you ended up right now. As the two of you gre older your parents forced you together. Dazai's father training him to take the throne and you were forced to learn all the rules and regulations. "please, leave" you said annoyed, your parents were throwing you two an engagement ball in Dazais nation and he was here to pick you. You didn't mean to lash out on him but you've been learning since morning about your duties and how to run a nation all the while keeping within the lines.
You heard him sigh and leave as your stylist shut the door, to get ready. You stood on the platform and she picked some items of clothing for you. It wasn't that you didn't like Dazai, he was a charming prince who every commoner to royalty liked but you couldn't express or find the words to what you were feeling.
"oof" you huffed as the stylist tied your corset. You went to the dressing table to get everything done and after an hour you were ready. You exited the dressing room to be greeted by Dazai standing beside your door waiting. "you waited?" you asked a bit surprised. "Would rather stay here than out". He said looking at you like you were the most beautiful pearl in the ocean. He had thought about it. He didn't mind being engaged to you at all but he knew that you hated it. You weren't mean to him per say but agitated at the things you were forced to do.
"well then what are you waiting for? shall we go?" you asked and walked past him to open the door. You both walked the halls and all of the servants stared in awe at you two. You looking like a majestic angel and he a celestial being in his formal attire. He stopped in his tracks and you looked behind at him and raised a brow in a questioning look. He took out a white rose and put it in your hair. "well, thank you" you gave him a half smile while he returned it with a genuine smile "anything for my lady". You cringed at that "oh shut up". You two continued to walk to the car.
You reached the ball and heard the people saying how good you two looked, how some ladies and dutchess envied you. You two sat on the thrones next to your parents. As the ceremony commenced you couldn't help but look at Dazai and how he talked to people, how he acted and the little to no details you noticed about him. You wanted to be independent, to rule on your own if not for the stupid deal, you thought he was going to slow you down, but you cant help but feel attached to him, ofcourse he didn't have to know anytime sooner, or...as you planned?
Something made you ick at the Dutchess of your own state talked to Dazai, twirling her hair, laughing, fluttering her fan, and then in the end you saw her and Dazai leaving together in a room...wait IN A ROOM?! That's when you drew the line. Yes you were in denial about loving him and you didn't like the forcible engagement but he was still ENGAGED to you.
You stood up and began to walk to the room and opened the door to see the two talking. "Dear Fiance please tell me where the restroom is in your palace" it came off a bit passive aggressive but ok. . She looked at you and then spoke to Dazai "please sir, i've been meaning to talk to you". He says "perhaps another time i do share your interest" as he left the room to lead you to the bathroom. "your seeing the dutchess??". You said abit agitated.
"shes gone she was flustered. It's okay she wanted to discuss diplomatic relations." You rolled you eyes. "i'm telling you really i have no eyes for anyone but-". You went deep into thought zoning out not hearing what he says. He said something about the reason he gives you gifts or something before you tapped out remembering the first time you met. When your parents signed your life away. When you felt him grab your arm.
"Did you understand what i said?". "YES. you were saying that you..." you stopped to think remembering the times he did stuff for you, When Dazai comforted you after harsh lessons, when he brought you gifts. He looked at you with a serious expression. "It means I love you, now we must return outside Father is looking for me bu-". You interrupted "yes we must return we have much to talk about my dear dear lord you love me, and it appears i love you to" You looked at him with a soft smile. He smiled, not a smirk like usual, a genuine smile as he closed the gap between you two kissing you softly for real.
A Happily Ever After. <3
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yandere-fics · 6 months
A One Night Stand With Selene
"Good morning! oh..." you groaned, realising your bed was empty, the woman beside you long gone. You tried to recall her name as you searched around your apartment for her, but she was gone. Not even a note.
Your entire body ached as the warm shower water sprayed you down, washing off the evidence of last nights adventure as your head throbbed with a nasty hangover.
You'd been so wasted, wandering around the bar making out with any girl who'd give you the time of day, they were cute, but not your type. That was until you saw her. Impossibly tall, straight black hair and piercing eyes. Built like a goddess.
"Tall ladyyyyyyy~" you squealed, stumbling over to her, clearly catching her a little off guard
"Wowwwwww you're so bigggggg~ can you lift me up?!?!" You giggled, she kind of stared at you for a moment, the cogs turning in her head, deciding if you'd be her prey for the night.
"Uppies!! Uppies!! Gimme uppies!!"
"Careful pretty girl, if you hop too much those lovely tits of yours might spill out of that dress" she cooed smugly, scooping you up into the air. You squealed at the feeling of being so high up, earning a bunch of stares as you giggled. She gently placed you back down, trying to gauge just how wasted you really were.
"Do you want to run along now pretty girl? Staying around a woman like me could be dangerous for a sweet thing like you."
"Pshhhh nuh uhhhh. You're not scary at'all. You're just. Big. Big lady. Big sexy lady."
"My my, how forward of you, how about we get a booth together? You can sit on my lap if you'd like~"
You spent the next half hour in her arms, she forbid you from drinking anymore, she told you it was for your own sake but really it was for her own conscience. It didn't stop her from getting tipsy though.
"So what brings you here pretty girl? You have any friends here with you?"
"Nnnooooo I'm here by myself. My stupid girlfriend... stupid... ex girlfriend... cheated on... on me.... and... and..." you choked on your own words, starting to tear up, Selene shuffled awkwardly as you burst into tears. She rubbed your back and shushed you, letting you get it all out.
"Hey... big lady..." you whispered in her ear, the tears not yet even dried off your cheeks as you grinded against her lap
"Do you... wanna take me home?"
You felt her cock throb in her jeans, you didn't even need to say another word before she took you to her car.
You stumbled through the door, cramming your lips against eachother, her hands gripping and squeezing every part of you she could grab as her tongue slithered down your throat. You moaned as she pulled your dress down, letting your tits spill out, she cupped a hand tightly around them and squeezed, causing you to shiver and grip onto her tighter. Your head spun and your insides burned, you always got horny when drunk but tonight you were another level of desperate.
You soon found yourself on your knees, her hand pressed against the back of your head as you bobbed up and down on her cock. It was huge, making you gag and drool messily all over her, thick lines of spit dripping from your chin.
"Fuck, pretty girl... how about I give you what you want?" She teased, you looked up at her and nodded, but before you could lift your head back up, her hand gripped tightly to your hair
"First I just need one more thing ok?" She chuckled, forcing your head down to the knot at the base of her dick, luckily it didn't get stuck in your throat, her cock was big enough she could see the bulge it made in your throat. She held you down there for a good ten seconds, letting you gag and struggle to breathe, before she let you rise. She admired the way you sat there gasping for air, your spit-covered tongue hanging out of your mouth.
Before you could say anything else, you were beneath her, hands desperately grabbing at the pillows as she fucked you mercilessly, her fingers gripped into your hips tightly, using them as handlebars as she pulled you onto her cock. She wasn't even moving her hips, she just pulled you back and forth onto her, fucking you like a toy for her own pleasure. Her cock abused your cervix, it was painful, but fuck it was amazing. She continued to pound into you, before her rhythm became faster, and faster, you felt yourself getting close and then -
She pulled out, moaning to herself as she pumped her cock, covering you in thick ropes of cum. It was all over your dress, your tits, even a bit on your mouth. You whined and curled your lip, pouting as she stared at you.
"What?" She huffed
"I didn't get to cum..." you sighed, she only chuckled in response, flipping you over, causing you to squeal as she pressed back into you.
"Don't worry, we're not done."
She had you every way she wanted that night, fucking your brains out, turning you into mush as the two of you came over and over. She had enough stamina to the point you couldn't believe she was still going, she fucked you from behind, had you ride her, fucked you against the wall, held you in the air, she even ended off the night with the grand finale of a mating press. You begged her every time to cum in you, to knot you, and though she refused each time prior, she agreed when she had you in the mating press. She pushed herself deep inside of you, as deep as she could go, locking inside of you with her knot. Your legs shook violently as you felt her fill you, you screamed and cried at the sensation, it was so warm. The two of you were sweating like crazy, the room stank of sex, and now here she was, knotting this drunk girl at 3 in the morning. You fell asleep in her arms, still covered in bodily fluids, sticking to eachother as you were too tired to shower.
But that was three years ago. And to this day you never saw her again. You never got into another relationship after that night, after months of trying to find her you tried sleeping around again, but no one quite filled the void she left behind... both emotional and physical. So here you were again, getting wasted at that very bar, prowling the crowd for any tall women, that was when you felt those long arms wrapping around your waist.
"Hey pretty girl~"
Selene is such a fuck boy, now I need the aftermath of Selene realizing that was her mate she abandoned.
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cheesiestburger · 3 months
a/n: brain in permanent rot for this- just grrrr bark bark, also, sorry for not replying to this eirlier lol, brain fog is killing me. ngl hes a little ooc in this, idk why i wrote his like this but its what my brain demanded soooo (also aslo, this is not proof read. apologies for any spelling mistakes of just flat out missing letters.)
Characters: Alpha! Katsuki bakugou x Omega! Reader
Warnings: suggestive towards end
Summary: Pro-hero Dynamight catches a glimps of you as he walks by on his patrole, and wants to know more about you.
Katsuki Bakugou is all that an alpha should be. He's years spent working to be a hero, working to protect, climbing the ranks to the top 10 after only a few years in the feild- earning his title an Alpha- and it shows.
The man is built like a god, strong arms made for carrying heavy loads, thighs like treetrunks, always working to push him forward to where he needs to be. The area surrounding him exudes pure power, that, and his scent. He could have anything, anyone, he wants- whether he asks for it or he takes it himself.
You, however, work at a local bakery, usually behind the cash register, or waiting tables with all kinds of sweet treats and coffee- whatever was needed at the time. A few weeks ago, Pro-Hero dynamight had a change to his schedule, with a new patrol route that just happens to pass by your workplace.
He saw you through the window on the first day of his new route, as he grumbled away to himself about 'how stupid this is' (he was a creature of habit, after all), and he was struck at first by your face. He thought it was beautiful- intricate lines making up your eyes, the creasse in your brow as you lost yourself in thought- and then he walked past, and you were gone. He had half wanted to turn around and see more, maybe go inside and ask your name, but of course that would seem strange- stupid, even, he told himself, so he continued walking, with you at the back of his mind.
The next day, as he bagan partol, he passed your bakery again, this time looking for you, but only to become slightly disgruntled when you werent there- only for you to walk direnct past him from behind and rush into said bakery, giving him a facefull of your scent.
As you rushed inside,accidentally running into what felt like a wall, you were hit with the smell of orange zest and caramel, with the slightest undertone of a burnt or smokey smell. It smelt amazing, calming even, but as you turned to see who it belonged to, you were met wiht Dynamight. The Dynamight. you would spontaniously combust on the spot if you could. Katsuki Bakugou was standing outside your work and you not only ran into him, but only turned around because of his scent.
Katsuki, on the otherhand, was floored. Immediatly addicted to your scent, taking a deep inhale through his nose, and locking eyes with you. He could feel his alpha clawing at his chest to get to you. you just looked so cute! Standing there, face beet red, awkwardly fidgeting as you just stared up at him.
'uhm.. im sorry,.. i didnt mean to bump into you-' you began to babble but got cut off as he smirked down at you, beefy arms crossing across his chest. 'yeah? well how about you be more careful? wouldnt want that pretty face getting hurt, would we?' he teased, your face getting redder by the second. 'okay- sorry, again' you muttered to him, eyes still locked on his. moments pass, the both of you just sort of staring at eachother, before you remeber you do infact have a job and are now running late.
As you turn around, walking back into the bakery, you hear him chuckle and begin to walk away. For the rest of the day, you cant stop thinking about him; his scent, the rippling muscles on his arms and shoulders, so strong you though he was a wall. Katsuki's thoughts are much the same throught the day, except the are directed at you; the way your hair blew slightly in the breeze, the way you smelt like cinnamon and honey, about how your apron sat on your waist, about how good you would look in nothing but your apron.
Katsuki shook his head, trying to rid himself of any more thoughts about you, but to no avail, and decided he might stop by for a coffe tomorrow.
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youngveinsworld · 1 year
quotes from a fan's recap of meeting the young veins at their first show in los angeles on 13 march 2010
It all started when we were in line outside. Ryan and Jon walked right next to us and got in a car to drive away somewhere... I shocked myself by not screaming and/or squealing.
someone asked Jon why he wasn't wearing his flip flops and he was like "Its cold in here!" lol it was awesome. So then, after the song, I wanted Ryan talking to me on video, so as I was recording, I yelled "I love you Ryan!" And he turned around again, looked at me and smiled and said "Thank you". And Jon steps up to the mic and says "Thanks" all sarcastically. So I yelled "I love you too, Jon!"
Theeeen, they were done so we booked it over to the waiting place to meet them and we were standing in theis group thing and Ryan was standing next to us and I said "Hey Ryan! Good job!" because I didn't know how to speak or what to speak. So he was like "Oh, thank you! Thanks for coming tonight, I really appreciate it." Then he smiled and said "I'll be right back to hang out, I have to go help clean up" So he left to go help clean up and we met Jon and he was awesome.
I got a picture with Ryan, got him to sign my shirt, and my camera, and he was holding my sharpie and looking around so I told him "You can keep that." And he said "Oh, thank you so much! I didn't expect anyone to actually show up!" And we laughed, etc. And he signed my shirt right under my panic necklaces. It was awesome. And he said "I really hope to see you guys again soon!" I melted. lol
Then we left Ryan, and moved over to Jon. Jon was so awesome, like...Ryan was SO cute and stuff but he wasn't too good at conversing. But Jon was so talkative. I love him! So he signed my shirt and camera and took a picture with me and as I was looking at the picture he leaned over REALLY close and looked with me and said "Aww! Thats a cute one!" lol he was such a sweetie!
And after that everyone was kind of gone, so Jon gave us all hugs and thanked us multiple times for coming. And before we left I said "Can I ask something?" And Jon said "Sure" and I said "Do you guys like still talk to Spencer and Brendon?" And he said "Well, we've just been really busy with recording and stuff, so it's been hard, but I talked to Spencer on his birthday." So I said "Yeah, its just that a lot of people think you guys hate eachother." And he replied this: "Well...." Insert extremely long pause here. "Hate is a strong word...." So yeah....Panic! and TYV, they don't like eachother. lol I SOLVED THE MYSTERY FOR YOU! You're welcome.
So after that, we said goodbye and left without my sharpie. lol
THE END. BEST. NIGHT. EVER. <33333333333
– from this post
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kingdom-mcnd · 1 year
Can we have some more nine.i content!! I'd like to request a "what they would do when they first meet you" scenario!
Nine.i scenario: when they first meet you
Hiii thank you so much for request. I haven't done any scenarios yet but I will try my best. I hope you like it. Also if anyone would like please let me know wich member you want me to write a full imagine for because I really want to do that but I just don't know who yet.
Jewon ->
You and you're friends where just playing around in the arcade. When you suddenly bumped in to someone. You started to apologise eminently. He said he also was sorry and didn't mean to bump in to you. When he got back to his own friends he started to tell them about how pretty you looked. And that he hoped to see you again soon.
Eden ->
When he saw you doing a kpop random dance in the street. He thought that you could dance supper good. He knew that he wanted to approach you. But he was to shy to do so. Once he finally got the courage to do so it turned out that you were supper nice.
Winnie ->
You were just sitting in the library when he first saw you. And he thought you looked cute so he decided to approach you. You were just peacefully reading a book. When suddenly you had a boy tap your shoulder. He handed you a note. "You look cute wanna hang out" you nodded at him and that's how it al started.
Minjun ->
You had booked a ballet practice room. When you came in you also saw someone else standing there. You were confused what was he doing here. Turns out the company accidentally rented the room to you both. After spending time with him figuring out what to do you two just decided to practice together.
Vahn ->
He saw you walking in the streets and thought you looked so cool. He made Taehun go and get your phone number for him. When he saw you look at him because Taehun pointed at him he shyly waved at you. Taehun came back with your phone number in hand. The other members teased him about it all day but he didn't mind.
Vari ->
You both were at Eden's birthday party. You were Eden's cousin. He was actually the one to introduce you to eachother. It was nice to talk to someone that wasn't completely drunk or just stupid. You two started to talk alot. And he even offered to take you to a nice lunch the next day. Which you gladly accepted.
Seowon ->
Mnet was holding a survival show for a mixed group which you both were in. He was the one to pick teams. He had noticed you from the beginning. You were extremely talented and pretty. So the first one he picked was you. And you two grew closer during the practice of the song and the rest of the show. You also ended up debuting together. And the fans started shipping you together.
Taehun ->
You were also a K-pop idol. You were backstage eating to start. When someone came up to you. Turns out he was a big fan of your kpop group. He asked if you could do a TikTok trend after your done. And you accepted. So you stared filming together and it was really nice. You felt that he was genuinely nice and didn't have a fake personality. You became good friends and later maybe more.
Joohyoung ->
You were at the dentist to get your braces out. He was also there sitting and waiting for the same thing. He saw how nervous you looked. And he decided to help you calm down by talking to you. After you were done you waited for him. He asked if you wanted to do something together. So you ended up going to a restaurant and a movie.
Jiho ->
You were a fan of his bothers group blitzers. You were at a fan sign and Jiho was also there to support his brother. You were in front of him at the line. And you started a conversation with him because you were bored. He already really liked you from the start. He decided to just ask for your phone number. And you surprisingly gave it to him. He still gets teased about it from him members and his brother.
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midnightmisadventures · 9 months
Dream catcher part 2
So now.....i remember being with friends. Bff, interesting characters from s p a. And we had to show up with our lunch and personal item bc we were going straight from here to the plane or whatever.
So its this huuuge gym slash hall. I called it alumni. Oh also it was Halloween? It was halloween so everyone was dressed cunty and i remember telling sarah this is the cuntiest alumni has ever looked.
So here was the schedule:
We can go to day one of three of an on campus music festival
Training for activity abroad
Bus/plane abroad
Once we get abroad...do the activity and then have the rest of the time to yourself (meet up with erikka)
So in my "friend group" is this guy Olly? I think thats his name. He was white, and kinda gave steve/anthony vibes looks wise. Personality wise we were both silly and kept making eachother laugh. like we were a group but we had to sit in filed lines and olly and i just got closer and closer like all of a sudden we were hitting it off and he was so sweet.
This is blurry? But we are planning for camping/the music festival and being like holy shit why dont we have any water or ice like we're gonna be so hot walking around. Just because its not as hot as coachella we need water. So its euphoric we're all excited and having fun. One scene olly and i ran out onto the festival field together and was just gleefully dancing lol
Then we were somewhere we had to sit, and there was a swarm of wasps. around the group next to us. And im terrified like i hate bees. So im telling olly like im genuinely so scared and uncomfy i really want to be farther away from them. Then theres THOUSANDS of them, on the grass in front of us. And they start stinging us. It didnt hurt like an actually wasp but just tiny red dots on our arms. So Olly and i are trying to get out. And this random girl is like standing over me keeping me from being able to get up bc shes trying to leave to. But im being crushed and stuck. So i started yelling like "hey I NEED THIS SPACE to be able to get up and escape like you cant just trample me" so me and the girl start arguing and then Olly in my defense just SHOVES the girl onto a PILE of wasps. And everyone is like holy shitttttt
And yesss daddy so protective, aww, he was really trying to help but also that was a little harsh and i do feel bad for the girl. So i get up and help her a little just bc if that was me i'd literally off myself.
So she gets help, and we all disperse. I find olly and hug him like thank you for sticking up for me, that was really kind. And hes like ofc
And now we're like little honeymooners we are reading eachothers minds, laughing at eachothers jokes, trying to stay quiet during "instruction." attached at the hip. And i wasnt overthinking it, cause he was in our friend group and i thought he was cute and i was just glad he was just as interested as being close to me as i was to him.
um.....next part?
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ultraviolencced · 2 years
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newest tattoo ✨
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loverssfevers · 2 years
hairy disaster - adrian pucey
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Description: The boys make you feel a bit better after you try to cut your own hair Warnings: Swearing. Mainly dialogue Word count: 640 A/N: wrote this after absolutely butchering my hair last night and now i have almost a bob no its fine guys i promise.
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“I fucked up”
That statement alone was enough to snap Adrians attention away from his conversation with Terence and Graham. When he saw you walk up he smiled, nodding in acknowledgement whilst patting the cushion next to him, careful not to disturb Graham's train of thought. He assumed you would nestle yourself under his arm and join in as they spoke about the upcoming holidays. Yet there you stood completely still, shoulders hunched in defeat and embarrassment. 
“What happened?”
He straightens his back a tinge of concern knotting in his stomach. You bite your lower lip scratching at your tied up hair. 
“I cut my hair” you pause sighing shamefully “and it’s pretty bad”
“You cut your own hair?” Terence squeaks out eyes brightened in surprise. 
“Oh I'm excited to see this,” Graham grins, leaning back in his seat, legs spread open in front of him. 
“It can't be that bad” Adrian reassures you but your face twists unconvinced “Go on show us then” 
You sigh again, taking your hair in your hands and slowly pulling out the hair band that was protecting your dignity. You want to tell them not to laugh but part of you would rather them do it to your face than later on. 
Your hair drops, zigzagged lines, uneven ends. Layers that weren’t supposed to be there. 
“Oh it can be that bad” Terence laughs standing up to run his fingers through the choppy hair. 
“What the hell did you use? What was it again Terence, a chainsaw?” comments Graham scratching his cheek trying to recall their muggle studies lesson from earlier. 
Your gaze travels between them and you grimace as Terences fingers brush through already made knots.
“No, a chainsaw would do a better job than this,” Terence responds, his laugh ringing louder in your ear.  
You could take their jokes and stupid remarks knowing their affections as friends wouldnt change. However your stomach churns in fear at Adrians opinion. You’ve known him long enough and been officially together for months to be certain he wouldn't break up with you, not over this at least. When you think about it you had both seen eachother go through every ugly phase and loved each other just the same and even more.  
When you finally look at Adrian he has a twinkle of amusement in his eyes and he grins as assesses the damage “Cute”.
“Adrian shut up it's horrible” you groan, slapping away Terences hand just as he tries to undo another knot.  
“It's fine we can fix it” his shoulders shrug unbothered. 
“No we can’t”
“I'm not sure if you want me to comfort you or agree with you?” he questions, eyebrows frowning with a cheeky smile. 
“I don't know either”
“Hey at least it's not as bad as Graham's hair in second year-” Terence begins pointing at his friend reclined back in his seat.
“Enough” Graham interrupts “We’re meant to make her feel better not bully me”
“No that did make me feel better thank you” a weak smile spreads across your face remembering Graham's infamous second year hair. He had shown up after summer holidays wearing a beanie and it wasn't until Miles Bletchley snatched it off his head that everyone saw what lay beneath. 
Adrian drags himself up from the seat, cupping your face smiling down at you softly “We’ll go to the hairdressers tomorrow yeah? They’ve got a potion that will grow it out and they can fix it” 
He kisses the top of your head before leaning his forehead against yours “Its fine, I promise”
“Thank you”
“Remind me to never let you touch my hair with a pair of scissors though” he hums, sneaking a kiss to your cheek as he grabs your hand to pull you towards the couch. 
“Seriously shut up”
(join my) Taglist: @limerenze @lilyswh0re @dayangestre @rottenstyx @solacestyles
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
nct dream reaction to you displaying affection infront of the other members
finally back with another reaction! i tried my best to suit each scenario with the member,, i hope you enjoy reading it! 
i don’t think he would mind
but he’d just be surprised
so when you hug him and pepper him with kisses (after not having seen him in weeks) infront of the dreamies
(you didn’t know they were all watching)
mark’s face washed completely pink
“why are you being weird? kiss me back” you whine, still not realising the others were there
until haechan let out a mischievous chuckle
“oh shit” both you and mark muttered
you quickly pulled away from mark, trying your best to ignore what had just occurred
but that wasn’t easy,, haechan was a menace
the rest of the night was filled with light teasing
“markie! come kiss me” haechan would exaggerate pouted lips
you and mark tried to ignore it, simply opting for mark’s arm to be slung around you as you sat next to him
once you were both able to get some alone time
mark was all over you,, literally,, would not get off you
“i’m sorry about before, here is your kiss now!” he would giggle as he lightly pecked your lips
it was nice to have him in your arms again
doesn’t seem like the one to initiate affection in general, unless you are both alone
the dreamies invited you over for lunch, in which you kindly accepted
you sat next to renjun at the table, munching on the delicious food they had set out
everything was going great, the atmosphere was up and everyone was having a great time
you noticed that renjun had some sauce (HOT SAUCE) on the side of his mouth
you quickly pulled his face to meet yours, ignoring the looks of the other boys
“ah let me clean you up” you mumbled to yourself, wiping off the sauce with your napkin before leaning in to peck his lips out of habit
it was a normal thing to do between you and renjun
he would have done the same to you
but definitely NOT infront of the members
you immediately widened your eyes after the kiss, wanting nothing more than to crawl under the table and stay there for the rest of the day
“i want to make a joke but i don’t want renjun to kill me” jeno chimed in
renjun glared at all of them, he knew how flustered you were
so he tried to change the subject, calming you down by gently resting his hand on your thigh
he gave it a small squeeze before leaning over to whisper to you “thankyou for keeping our little ritual, babe. i will make it up to you when we’re alone”
it wouldn’t be unusual for the members to see jeno pecking your cheeks or having his arm around your waist
but it was unusual when they saw you quite literally attack jeno with cuddles and kisses when you thought no one else was at the dorms
before jeno could even give you a heads up, you engulfed him in a warm hug, kissing his forehead repeatedly
“i love youuuu” *kiss* “more than anything!” *kiss*
jeno was enjoying it way too much to even notice the other members standing to the side
renjun let out a loud cough, signalling the group’s presence
you literally froze in your place, hiding your face in your boyfriend’s chest
“oh hey guys, care to join us?” jeno snickered, knowing it was only making you more embarrassed
renjun and haechan both pretended to vomit
jaemin took a step towards you guys, mark having to stop him
“please just keep the pda to a level 1 when we’re here, we don’t need to know what happens during lovey dovey time” mark sighed as the rest of the boys joined you on the couch
you still had your head hidden in jeno’s chest, not wanting to face them
jeno only chuckled softly, pulling you to his side, stroking your hair as the boys changed the subject completely, now setting up for a competitive game of mario kart
“you’re so cute, i love you” jeno whispered so the other’s couldn’t hear
“i love you too” you muttered, ears heating up
he messaged you that he had just returned from schedules, asking you to keep him company for the night as he wound down from his long day
you didn’t think much of it, rushing to his room once you had arrived
you practically jumped into his bed, giving him smooches left, right and centre
he was basking in all the glory of having you with him
but when chenle and jisung walk into the room, ready to ask haechan to play some games with them
they didn’t expect to see you on top of him
you loudly screeched once you heard them knock on the door
hitting your head on haechan’s headboard
the two boys scurried off, probably already telling jaemin and jeno what they had just witnessed
“oh god i can never show my face here again! those two twats are gonna make it seem like we were...gonna do it!” you cry dramatically
“wait so we aren’t gonna do it?” your boyfriend tried his best to light up the mood
earning a loud slap from you to his shoulder
you weren’t the type to initiate affection in general, so haechan couldn’t help but enjoy how flustered you were
eventually you both forgot about it, cuddling as you caught up on eachother’s days
there was another series of knocks at the door, this time jaemin and jeno entering
“uh y/n, we know you miss haechan a lot these days, but can you please lock the door if you’re gonna have se-“
“WE WEREN’T DOING ANYTHING!” you groan in frustration, hiding your face with a pillow
haechan just sat and giggled, way too entertained with the entire situation
he couldn’t have felt more proud
so this is what you get for showing affection...
adores you so much, even more when you initiate affection
but never pressures you to kiss / hug him or anything, he just lets you do it when you please
you were hanging out with the 00 line, deciding to go on a walk to the pier and have ice cream
all was going well, jaemin held your hand tightly as always
the others trailing behind you both, making comments like:
“we get ittttt, you two are the cutest couple ever, dont need to rub it in!”
“atleast they haven’t kissed yet!”
you smirked to yourself, knowing they were only teasing
jaemin pulled you closer to him, telling you to ignore them
you shook your head, an idea coming to mind
you show your boyfriend a mischievous smile, pulling his face closer to yours as you both stop in the middle of the walkway
“let’s give them a show” you didn’t give jaemin enough time to react before you pressed your lips against his
jaemin’s hands immediately attached to your waist, pulling you into him as he smirked into the kiss
he was just as shocked as the rest but who was he to deny a kiss from you?
he didn’t want to admit it but he was enjoying this way too much
haechan was ready to leave right then and there
renjun just shook his head, wanting nothing more than for you two to stop making out in public
jeno couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight  
you finally pull away from jaemin, sending the boys a shy smile before taking jaemin’s hand and skipping off with him
jaemin couldn’t help but lick his lips after, wanting to kiss you once more
“they are gross, but somehow it’s endearing” jeno shrugged, leading the two grossed out boys to the ice cream parlour
i feel like he enjoys affection, but isn’t usually the one to initiate it himself
you’d both be sitting with the other members, playing board games or something
you would lean closer to him, rubbing your shoulders together
or gently pushing loose strands of hair from his face
he enjoyed small touches like that, but when you decide that you want a kiss from him, he freezes
“please, just one?” you whispered, completely ignoring the game at this point
he felt his ears heat up, feeling the eyes of his members on him now
he was having an internal debate 
of course he wanted to kiss you, but he was always the one who would tease his members if they did anything like this 
karma was going to get him real good
“r-right now?” you nod eagerly
he nodded back, leaning closer to you as you finally pressed your lips on his
a choir of moans and groans from the other members erupted
chenle immediately pulled away, feeling slightly embarrassed but also enjoying the feeling of kissing you
he started getting cocky when the other members began expressing their disgust
“you guys are just jealous that i’m getting kissed and you’re not” he huffs
“you wish! you two are disgustingly adorable” jisung rolls his eyes, earning laughter from everyone at the table
the board game resumed, jisung still having a distasteful look on his face
“i hope i didn’t embarrass you too much” you mumble to your boyfriend
“i don’t get embarrassed, love” he cheekily grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you rolled the die for your turn
my shy baby boy
pls he would combust the first time you ever held hands
you knew he felt uncomfortable at times with pda so you refrained from doing too much infront of others
but one day, you were just feeling extra cuddly and loving
and it happened to be the day of the weekly movie night with the members
you sat to jisung, playing with his hands gently as you tuned into the movie
you started to feel yourself drift off to sleep, slowly leaning your head into his shoulder
jisung would immediately freeze up, hoping the others wouldn’t notice
but they did
you subconsciously brought your arm to wrap around his torso, snuggling into his side
jisung’s face was as red as a tomato at this point, he didn’t want to push you off but he also felt the stares of the six other boys on him
“psstt, y/n” jisung whispered to you, gently stroking your hair as you felt your eyes flutter open
you quickly pulled away from jisung, after making eye contact with the rest of the group
“jisung, why did you wake them up? they looked so peaceful!” chenle teased, making jisung even more flustered than he already was
“i’m sorry, sung. it won’t happen again” you felt bad (kind of) since you knew how he didn’t want to be teased
jisung just shook his head, deciding to pull your head back to rest of his shoulder, and your arm to wrap around him once again
it took you by surprise to say the least 
“don’t stress, it’s about time we cuddle like this” he placed a soft kiss to your forehead, smiling softly while ignoring the looks from his members
truth was, they all found it endearing how soft jisung got with you
their little baby was finally growing up!
jisung would feel proud of himself (and you) for finally displaying affection openly
it solidified that your relationship was the real deal!
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ziptieparty · 2 years
i havent seen anyone alloromantic specifically talk about their experiences in aplatonicism, so i thought that more input from a different perspective could be useful?
i relatively recently (maybe 2-3 months ago) saw someone use the word "aplatonic" to describe themselves, and several things clicked into place with me, my general thought process being something like "of course theres a subset of aspec labels for platonic attraction, people feel romantic and sexual attraction separately so obviously theres a platonic side to." and i left it at that for awhile but something about it stuck with me.
i suppose ill start at the beginning,
when i was a kid i was mainly friends with boys, and for awhile i attributed this to being trans and just relating more to male peers. i do still believe this to be a factor but now thinking back on it i realized there was a pattern to my relationships.
at one point or another, i had had crushes on almost all of them.
i realized all at once that the only reason i had even spoken to a majority of my childhood friends was because i had been romantically attracted to them at the beginning of our friendships.
now, i can anticipate some kind of argument along the lines of "thats just how crushes and friendships grow with everyone" or some such nonsense
but i can say with my whole chest that thats not what was happening.
im not very good at explaining things in a way that makes sense to most, but i will attempt to be as clear as possible.
a lot of people wanted to be my friend.
i was funny and loud and friendly to my classmates. i liked to play tag at recess and brought pokemon cards and my tamagotchi to school before they were banned. i shared the parts of my lunches i didnt want, i stood up to bullies, and sat with people that were alone.
but that was about the extent of it
i was friendly
but i was never your friend
i generally considered myself a "loner" and no matter how friendly or talkative or persistent or technically compatible my classmates were-
it never took.
i just. wanted to do what i wanted to do.
i had kids i interacted with often and i named them friends when prompted to list any, but i never actually. spoke to them? it was more like i sat next to them and we did things alongside eachother (parallel play style) and i would say little things to them like hello or good morning or maybe that i liked their shoes but i never like. discussed what i liked with them or vice versa. i couldnt tell you a thing about them beyond their names.
this pattern continued until i started to develop crushes, suddenly i was initiating contact with kids without outside factors. i sat with them and gave them the sweet parts of my food and for the first time
i asked them questions
i wanted to know if they liked the cartoons i did and who their favorite characters were, i was curious about what they liked and what they thought. their input mattered to me.
a majority of my relationships from then on followed similar patterns, i thought they were cute or funny and so i talked to them and could tolerate the connection that followed.
i didnt keep my feelings for a lot of them of course, i had no way of knowing who these people were before getting to know them but the point still stands; i had to have a crush on them first.
this wasnt always the case with my friends, sometimes when i would interact with someone the stars would align and id stay in contact somehow and id end up with a friend that didnt start with romantic feelings.
my life gets messy from my teens on and i will spare you my life story, but i ended up in a position that i only had one person i could pass off as a friend. the relationship was just like the ones from my early childhood, i just kind of existed alongside her and i couldnt really tell you anything about her.
ive never formed bonds with anyone without outside influence and the ones i did were rare or romantic at first. isolation doesnt really bother me, i dont like or need to talk to people often, my own family barely knows me and has to force my interaction
sometimes i kind of joke with my husband that id never had a real friend before because i could never tell him anything about the friends i still had when i had met him, and now i think i have the words to describe why?
im not entirely sure what i should label myself, demiplatonic fits but i feel is a disservice to the people that i was or am friends with that were faster and didnt start romantically. perhaps grayplatonic or something but im just going with aplspec for the moment.
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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Precipice vs Poly Part 1
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Yandere Erasermic x Reader
When the couple reunites with you, you're a renowned hero in (c/n) and have been forcefully given a vacation. On a goal to feed your nostalgia you decide to travel back to your high school’s hometown of Musutafu, Japan.
On your voyage back your former principal and now dear friend Nezu invites you to temporarily teach for free room and board. You decide this was the perfect way to not overwork yourself and still be productive; something you fought tooth and nail about when your agency sent you packing.
“Oh the high and mighty Precipice, I hope your travels weren’t too stressful.”
“Thanks for having me! Traveling is traveling. So are these the little hills I’ll be taking care of?”
Right off your agency’s private jet, you were told to be at the campus’s new training grounds. You weren’t expecting to see such a lively group of young children. You resist the urge to completely belittle them just because you could. But they are just so cute!
You were so busy fawning over the children that you missed their starstruck instructor. He’s glad his scarf and scruff hide the pink painting of his pale cheeks. Shota was trying to remember how he forgot the one-sided romance that he had with you. Half the times he and Yamada met outside of school it was because he kept getting caught tailing you.
“You won’t have to teach all alone, this is Aizawa-san’s class after all.”
You completely shifted your focus onto Shota, ”Oh my Gosh! Cat-kid Shota? It's crazy you're smaller than me, now.”
A kid with yellow hair and a black streak in his hair was one of many who were laughing; interrupted by the tight binds of his teacher’s scarf.
“I’ll have you know (L/n) I run my class with no room for slacking.” He was trying to intimidate you, though he doubted you saw it that way. You couldn’t read a room if your life depended on it.
“Of course you do, you were always so particular about stuff like this. And Yamada would be just around the corner to wreck your flow. But you guys were always such a good team…” You were just rambling off all that you could remember about him and Yamada.
You remembered him?
The curve of his lips quickly reverted to a scowl at which he barked out that the giggling and gossiping students had to run 10 laps around the entire perimeter. As the students begrudgingly started their trek you moved to stand next to Shota, amused as he tried to hide his face from you. You would continue to fluster the teacher for the entire day.
“(Y/n)’s here?!”
Shota and Yamada were allowed to spend lunch together ‘grading papers.’ While (Y/n) broke off to get lunch off campus Shota thought catching Yamada up was best.
The radio host was totally thrilled. It was rare to have both of his obsessions in one place. In a cruel twist of fate crushing on you was what got Shota to even look in his direction. After they confirmed their feelings for eachother all that was left was you but consequently you moved back to (c/n). Now that you are back, maybe they could try again!
“Don’t get any crazy ideas. They’re only here for a week or two for vacation.”
Shota huffed in pretended exasperation; he really hated when Yamada made his pouty face.
“But they were willing to hang out with us while on their visit.”
He was still pouting but not as much. Shota wanted his partner to not forget that this was a scheduled visit. If you didn’t return after a set time, an alarm would be raised; this wasn’t open season.
“Hey (Y/n)-babe!”
You had agreed to meet them at a quiet space on campus for lunch. The only time you all were able to hang out during school hours. You were still doused in nostalgia as you got in line to get food from lunch rush. You may have shoved some of your temporary students out of the way but you needed to eat.
When your mountain of food was prepared you had began to leave the cafeteria only to be stopped by Present Mic who suggested we go to a private place to catch up. He at some point left to get his own food and Shota, returning with both.
“Soo how’ve you guys been? Did you guys finally tie the knot?
“That's funny you should ask what we did a couple months ago.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Well what about you? Anyone at home?”
Shota snuck a glance at Yamada; he knew what he was doing, he just hoped it didn’t leave either of them in shambles.
“Well other than my sweet Venus there isn’t anybody, nope.”
Did you actually move on? Was he too late?
“Oh, my baby flytrap!” You said it so casually as you pulled out your phone. “I found her while on a mission in the Amazon. Apparently she had been feeding off the chemical waste of some underground experimentation-”
You went on as your phone faded with the photo of an 8 ft Venus Flytrap cuddling you in your hero suit. While they were slightly unnerved about the fact you were so belittling of a flesh-eating plant, at least you weren’t dating anyone.
When he arrived at school ,after his nightly patrol, he decided to take the scenic route to the roof. He wasn’t expecting to see you there looking solemnly at the rising sun. He sat next to you and you both sat watching the sun rise.
“It's always this breathtaking y’know? Even at the top of Mount Everest when the clouds sometimes block it...It's always..like this…”
His gray eyes focused on your face and then your lips before turning back to the rising sun.
“If you’ve seen it so many times then why do you still do this?”
Without looking at him you loudly inhaled and exhaled, throwing your hands in the air as you jumped to stand.
“Because it always reminds me that at any moment now something can and will change. Whether that's my death or someonelse's the sun will always come up and mountains reach for the sun; so I have to be like it, like the sun.”
He would be an absolute idiot to let you walk out of his life again.
“A date? With all three of us?”
Present nodded enthusiastically. He was sure you’d be willing considering that's how you always were: relaxed, open-minded, experimental. He wanted to prove Shota wrong, that they didn’t need to get underhanded for you to agree. His cat-loving partner doubted you’d even consider because of how focused you were on becoming an awesome hero.
“That is a bit new for me…I’m used to going on one-on-one dates….”
You spoke nonchalantly looking at the students through the glass. His confident stance slugged a bit. Please no no no-
“But sure! What time?”
Part 2 Coming Soon
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technowoah · 3 years
Wait imagine a fic where Jack and the reader are long distance or something and when Tubbo and Tommy are doing the man hunt irl the reader surprises Jack.
That would be cute I think 🤔
Just One Livestream
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You surprise Jack with a spontaneous visit to the UK, little did you know that they were livestreaming.
- Jack Manifold x gen neutral!reader
- Anon Requested!
⚠︎ swearing, fluff!, not proofread
an// I hope yall enjoy! Much love! And sorry it came out so late I have no inspiration rn but imma get it done! Also I used the difference of American hours to London hours so sorry of
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"Love, why are you up early?" Jack asked through the phone.
You two were facetiming eachother as he propped his phone up on his dashboard while he started to drive. It was around 1 am for you and 6 am for Jack. Sadly you two were in a long distance relationship. You had met Jack when you were on a college trip to London to study abroad for 3 weeks. You were sad that you had to leave your home country, but this was a opportunity you couldn't oppose.
During this trip you had found a cafe that you would go to often. The first time you sat at the cafe alone you always noticed it was only you and this other man in the cafe. He was always on his computer and sat by a window, he always came early too, even earlier than you. As the days went on you continued to see him around more and he seemed to notice you as well. You made a note to yourself to always try and show up a tad bit earlier to the cafe to stay around the same time as he did.
You two got to know eachother throughout the three weeks you had to stay in London. The small nods became hellos, and the hellos turned into full on conversation by the window. He had told you his name was Jack Manifold and was kind of surprised when you didn't immediately know who he was. To him it was refreshing not to be immediately noticed based on his appearance. You both had exchanged numbers one day and after each morning you two would text non stop even during your classes. Luckily trying to get to know Jack changed your sleep schedule and because of that you always made it to class on time.
Jack was such an amazing guy to you, but during the first week you had developed a small crush on the man, and he had developed a crush on you too. The second week you two had ventured out onto different territory than the cafe. Jack started to call those small outings after class, dates and you weren't opposed to the dates at all you loved them. The second and third week were mostly dates and the night before you left he asked to be your boyfriend and of course you accepted not knowing the pain of a long distance relationship.
You had to answer his question on why you were up so early. "Yeah- Um, Im up because of you." You chuckled. "You changed my sleep schedule ever since I met you."
"Well you're welcome, because before me I heard you were missing classes." Jack payed attention to the road but still talked to you.
"Because I told you! And I am grateful, but there is nothing to do at one am here." You sighed while you started to walk around your room as you lied to him.
Jack was talking to you while you did a clean sweep around your house to check if you had everything for your trip.
Two weeks ago you had decided to pack your bags and take a trip back to London. Right now your flight will be leaving early in the morning and that's why you are up so early.
You wanted to surprise Jack instead of straight up telling him that you will be in the country. You missed him dearly, and this will be a great way to spend time together instead of seeing eachother across a screen. One of you had to make that sacrafice and that would be you.
While Jack continued to talk you checked everywhere to make sure you arent leaving anything behind.
"What are you doing, darling?" Jack asked and that snapped you out of your trance. "Are you even listening to me? Im hurt." Jack faked being hurt.
You smiled at him and shook your head. "Im sorry I wasn't listening. What were you saying?"
"I was saying, when you were ignoring me, that I'm going to the cafe right now and that we should plan a trip soon. I miss you." Jack confessed and you awed.
"I miss you too Jack! I hopw we can see each other soon." You tried to contain your smile as you hid your surprise.
"Me too."
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Your plane finally landed as you let out a sigh of relief. You had collected all of your shit fast so you could finally get off of that horrible plane. Every stereotypical airplane scene happened to you in the hours you were on that plane. You had a child crying behind you with a mother who couldn't keep that child calm, you were sat next to a man who snored the whole ride here and you just felt cramped.
Sadly you couldn't return any of Jack's messages or calls that you saw when you were in the airplane terminal. You tried calling him twice but they both went to voicemail while you rolled your bag through the huge building. Finding yourself outside you ordered an Uber and once you did that your phone began to ring showing Jack's name and picture of you two together on the screen.
You quickly answered the phone. "Hey!"
"Hi!" Jack chuckled. "I called like, 17 times!"
"I know! Im sorry. I was busy." You weren't lying getting a plane and basically leaving early in the morning and arriving in the afternoon in London. "So, what are you doing today?"
"I am hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo at the park! Im picking them up now!" Jack responded and you heard him close his car door.
"Which park?" You asked quickly as you saw your Uber arrive.
Jack started to laugh. "Uh I'll text you the park I guess. Why would you want to know?"
"No reason! I just want to make sure you are safe. Dont make me call 999." You tried to joke around and take the attention off of your question.
"I cant believe you still remember 999." Jack laughed.
"I still do!" You said as you got inside your Uber and gave the driver the directions to your hotel forgetting that Jack was on the other line.
"Wait hotel?" Jack questioned through the phone.
"Hotel? What are you talking about?" You acted oblivious.
"I- I thought you were talking about a hotel." Jack hesitated.
"No!" You tried to cover up your mistake.
"Well Im going to pick up Tommy soon. I'll talk to you later okay? Answer my calls this time!" Jack chuckled.
"I definitely will!"
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You had recived the name of the park you were surprising Jack at. You began to walk around the parking lot after you got dropped off and noticed his car sitting there. There were tons of people at the park today and you didn't know where he would be. As you walked on the dirt trails of the park your thoughts took over, what if you made a mistake and should've told Jack that you were here in London and wanted to meet up at the cafe?
You looked at people as they passed by you ok the trail wishing that you had that energy that you had before, thinking that you would find Jack easily when in reality you were in a busy part of the park and he could be anywhere.
When you thought all hope was lost you heard some loud voices on the trail to your right. You were already walking aimlessly through the park and your first instinct was to go left and walk away from the loud voices, but then you heard something.
"Tommy this was a bad idea!"
"I dont think it was!"
You stood in the "intersection" of the dirt trails thinking that you heard those voices right. You rounded the corner and followed right to see Tommy and Jack doubled over, out of breath while Tubbo was still standing up breathing heavily. There were far away from you, but not far away that you couldn't see them clearly.
You began to call out to them. "Tommy! Jack! Tub-"
They quickly turned around and took off running. Confused on why they were doing that you took off running after them trying to tell them to stop. They were yelling and you were yelling and getting weird glances from stangers, and you dont blame them. You're chasing after your boyfriend and his two friends in a quiet public park. You continued to hear their groans of tiredness and their speed started to slow down.
"Jack! Tommy! Wait up!" You yelled out of breath as you slowed down as well.
"We give up! We give up!" Tubbo yelled and came to a complete stop while trying to catch his breath. He turned around to finally face you. "Y/N?!"
"Wait what?!"
"You're here?!" Jack ran up to you and gave you a bone crushing hug, rocking you two back and forth.
"I am! And Im our of breath thanks to you three." You said while still hugging Jack.
"M'sorry I thought you were a fan and I took off and they followed suit I guess." Tommy rubbed his forehead.
"A fan?" You questioned and Tommy and Tubbo lifted their phones up gesturing that they were recording.
"We're doing manhunt in real life, darling." Jack kissed your temple and wrapped his arn around your waist, holding you tight.
"Next time look before you run okay." You smiled still out of breath while kissing Jack's cheek.
"Enough with the PDA!" Tubbo yelled still recording you two.
"We havent even started!" Jack yelled back giving you a huge hug. Jack closed the distance between you two and gave you a passionate kiss on the lips while the two boys groaned in disgust.
"I think that's enough streaming for today boys." Tommy sighed.
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"Sorry again, love. That won't happen again."
You and Jack walked hand in hand down the streets of London. People had to walk around you two because you were basically taking up the whole sidewalk and you weren't letting go of his hand anytime soon.
"It better not! I dont want to run after you again." You smiled as you bumped shoulders.
"And you wont have to!" He smiled back at you as you two continued to walk and people dodged the two of you.
"Have you ever thought of moving here?" Jack asked out of nowhere.
"I have actually! On the plane ride here I thought of leaving and moving to London." You thought about it constantly. It was nice being close to Jack and it was a major risk.
"Well wherever you're ready, I'll be here for you." Jack kissed your cheek. "And I wont run away when you come here!"
You two finally made it to your destination which was the cafe you two met at. It was busy at this time because it was the middle of the day and not the beginning. You two entered and took your seats by the window where you two usually sat.
"I love you. I missed this." Jack said.
"I love you too! And of course I missed this. Maybe you can show me more places around London and convince me to stay longer." You gave him a proposal.
"Longer than what?" Jack asked.
"Four weeks." You grinned.
Jack grabbed both of your hands and kissed the back of them. "Hell yeah. I get you for more than four weeks?!"
"That's if you show me places to stay longer." You teased.
"Okay babe. You like ferris wheels?"
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iwadori · 3 years
hii i saw ur taking requests and I wanted to ask if you could do a fic with the miya twins,suna and iwa comforting their s/o after they have a dream of them cheating on her? tysm!
Cheating Misunderstandings with the haikyu boys (Osamu,Atsumu)
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Word Count:1.8K
AN: This was kind of on the lines of what you wanted, but I hope you enjoy it. Also you guys will see an ‘Empress appearance’ in this work....so don’t kill me.
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You were walking to miya onigiri ready to pick up Samu to go home
But when you got to the front door you see Osamu in the shop winding touching another girl
You couldn’t see the girl or Osamu properly because of the angle you were at
But you wouldn’t say your eyes were decieving you, so you did what you should do turn on your heel and get out of there.
You were back at your apartment and you were fuming, you were at your desk and decided that distracting yourself with your mountainous amount of paperwork that you had for your job would be better than sitting down and stewing over watching your boyfriend cheat on you.
‘How long has this been going on,’ you thought to yourself ‘Who even is she? She can’t be a worker’ since you knew everyone that worked there and the manager Empress would definitely not let a worker get with Osamu since you were besties after all.
Distracting yourself, obviously didn’t work and you sent yourself into a spiral of social stalking, trying to find this girl. Which didn’t work, as you only saw her hair and her height which was around a foot shorter than Osamu’s. ‘Stupid Osamu’ you thought, how could he do this? Why would you do this?
You wanted to cry, you were going to cry. Outside you heard a car door shut, and looking out your window you saw Osamu walking out the car with his keys in his mouth and bags (presumably food) in his hand.  
You heard some knocking, well kicking at your front door and a light shout of “Babe, can you open the door my arms our pretty full here.” You didn’t answer, you didn’t even move cause you knew if you saw his face it’ll most likely be him saying ‘Y/N im sorry, but theres someone else’ the thought alone made you cringe. You were knocked out of your thoughts with again the kicking of the door and Osamu saying with a laugh “C’mon babe all you really gonna leave a guy stranded out here, ive got your favourite too and its going to get cold”
You reluctantly opened the door, not actually greeting Osamu and just going back to your room to pack away your paper work and close your laptop. To your surprise Osamu was behind you and gave you a quick kiss to your cheek, which you would usually smile and ease into but today you cringed and quickly moved. Making Osamu look at you with a side eye.
By time he was setteled in you were sitting down at the dinner table eating, with the sound of Gordon Ramsey’s Hell Kitchen filling your awkward silence. Osamu did try to speak to you but you always just responded with “yeah,” “sure,” or “maybe.” Short simple answers that Osamu definitely didn’t like.
When dinner was over and it was the time when you two usually watched a shitty reality tv show together, you decided to go to bed early to avoid any more awkward conversation with Osamu. But before you could clamber into bed, Osamu grabs your arm saying “Y/N, what’s wrong with you?”
“What do you mean Samu?” you say with a forced smile on your face even though he couldn’t see it, you just did so he didn’t see you start to tear up “nothing’s wrong with me.”
“Are you Y/N?”
“mhm” you murmured trying to shrug off his hold, you sniffled a bit (attempting to do it quietly) but he heard it.
“No y/n, what’s wrong can’t you just turn around.” The force of you pulling away and he pulling you close, left you falling onto your bed and the tears just started to fall. Osamu immediately crouched down to your eye line “whats wrong love?” he said with a tender voice.
You shook your head in response, “what’s wrong?? Please tell me Y/N.”
“Why would you do that to me?” you say your voice breaking as the tears streamed your face. Osamu started to panick seeing you cry.
“Do what Y/N, what do you mean?”
“You cheated on me? Was I not enough for you? Don’t you love me anymore.”
“Who Y/N!Who.?”
“You touched her, I saw you. I can’t believe you would do that. In public as well” you accused “How could you do that to me.”
“Y/N, baby listen I don’t know what you mean?”
“Don’t call me that Miya, you’re such a fucking liar oh my god.”
“Can you please explain to me what you’re talking about?”
“You. In the shop. I saw you, touching her” you say scowling saying the last line as if It was poisonous.
“In the shop? What do you-” a spark flashed in Osamus eyes before he stood up and started pulling you out the room “You need to come with me.”
“Miya, what are you doing? I’m not going anywhere with you.” you groaned
“Yes you are, and stopped calling me that.”  
He dragged you outside to his car and opened the door for you, standing expectedly waiting for you to get in. “Im not getting in,” you say folding your arms
“Oh yes you are. Just get in the car.”
“But im in my roblox pyjamas” you groaned again feeling like a child.
“And you still hot babe don’t worry” he said winking at you ushering you into the car “Just get in it’ll be a quick ride anyways.”
You pulled outside of onigiri miya and Osamu begin to drag you out again taken you to the office where the security cameras are. He did something on the community and pulled up a date and time which was the time you were at the store earlier.
Playing on the screen was the recording and the incident which you saw before, but this one was a differnet angle. You saw a girl walking one way and Osamu walking the over with a drink in his hand, him spilling the drink on her and cleaning her off with a paper towel. Which you thought was him groping and touching her.
Your cheeks heated up hard in embarrasment, as you realised how you acted and how you got it all wrong. You saw Osamu with a glint in his eye and smirk on his face and before he could say anything you said “Dont. Let’s get back to the car.”  
All was forgotten on your car ride home and you decided to discuss eachothers days (skipping out the ‘cheating’ part.) However after you watched you shows and finally gotten into bed, when Osamu was holding you right against his chest (so close where you could hear his heartbeat) he said, “Y/N, although we agreed to not talk about this incident...even though I will definitely be telling Empress, I just want to let you know that I will never even think about cheating on you let alone actually doing it, I love you so much that the idea of cheating is so uncomprehendable I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Love you ‘Samu, and I'm sorry for making this into a big old thing when I could’ve just asked you about it.” you say in response
“It’s okay babe,” he said kissing your forehead “It’s okay.”
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You and Atsumu have been dating fairly recently meeting in your through your friend Empress who was the manager at Atsumu’s brother Osamu’s shop Onigiri Miya.
You’ve only been together 6 months and you’re ready to tell him that you love him
However you being the perfectionist that you are, wanted it to be perfect so of course you had to practice on friend, Empress’ boyfriend Hajime.
“Okay so go.”
“Atsumu, I think you’re a stand-up guy and you’re pretty cute can I love ya.” you said punching Iwa on the arm.
“Y/N, you can’t say that.” Empress said face palming.
“Okay, Atsumu I’ve fallen for you and I can’t get up?”
“No dad jokes Y/N.” Hajime said shaking his head
“Why theyre soo funny, what about Atsumu you’re a pain in my ass.” you said winking at Empress.
“Gosh Y/N! Take this seriously for once.” Hajime said blushing at your obvious innuendo.
“Well how did you two confess you undying love to eachother?” you asked and smiled at both their reactions, knowing that they definitely haven’t done that.
“Just say your confession Y/N,” Empress said rolling her eyes
“Okay Atsumu,” you said taking a deep breath “Ever since I met you after your brother spilt a drink on me at his shop and you tried to cheer me up with your terrible jokes I knew that you were the one for me. I love your passion, your drive your determination to make me feel better all the time even when I don’t need you too. I love being with you and I...”
Hajime looked at you expectedly, “I love you,” you said smiling “There I said it I love you!”
“Oh my gosh Y/N! That was so cute you should definitely sa-”
“What the fuck Y/N!” exclaimed a voice next to you “You love this clown.”
“Who are you calling a clown,” said Iwa squaring up to Atsumu making both you and Empress roll your eyes at the heeping testoterone filling the area.  
“Haji let’s go,” said Empress dragging her boyfriend away “and Y/N I'm pretty sure you two need to talk.”
When Hajime and Empress were an ear shot away, Atsumu looked at you with a glare. “So Y/N, is this what you’re doing now slu-”
“Don’t even go there ‘tsumu, you’re such an ass sometimes.” You say walking away “And by the way I was practicing with Iwa to say I fucking love you, you asshole.”
You already stormed off before Atsumu yelled, “Wait! You love me?”
“Of course I do you ass.” you say scowling.
Atsumu jogs over to you and says, “I love you too Y/N” he picks you up and tosses you about in the air, practically doing sommersaults, “Im so happy! Wait till I tell Osamu bout this he’s probably hasn’t told his girlfriend about this.”
“Babe, they’ve been dating for years” You said with a laugh “But go ahead ‘tsumu tell the world.”
“I’m sorry for misunderstanding things.”
“And I'm sorry for calling Iwa a clown, knowing he would definitely beat my ass.”
“And I'm sorry for being an ass.” he said with his head down.
“You are an ass Atsumu,” you said with a smile “But you’re my favourite pain in the ass.” You said winking at him making him burst out with laughter at your stupid innuedo.
Whenever Atsumu sees Osamu he tells him about how much you both love eachother, which always leads them into an argument about who has the better girlfriend and who loves their girlfriend more which always has you laughing.
AN: do you guys see the connection between the two?? Cause if you see the connection I’LL LOVE YOU FOREVER :3 Hope you guys enjoyed it, what do you guys think?
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dvlboy · 3 years
himbo top s/o x mondo
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I do plan on posting a thingy where anons can ask questions about me just so that we get to know eachother a bit more hehe
tw: NSFW corruption, size kink, dumbification, degrading later in chapter
you first met mondo through The Crazy Diamonds
your brother joined the gang, and you being the nosey little shit you were decided to follow him and see where your big brother went, so you tagged along a few blocks behind after seeing him sneak out after dark
OH BOY you were never caught so fast and scared so shittily in your life lmao
scary men on bikes = danger
Thats when you met mondo, who was thrown with you seeing that the two of you were the same age
It was kind of awkward in the beginning, the two of you had nothing in common but when you clicked YOU CLICKED
you were young n clueless so you kind of just followed your brother and him around, happy and not a thought in your mind
one day you didn’t show up, and stopped showing up after that
turns out your parents heard you leave and thought they were getting robbed, when they found out they panicked and forbid you from coming
your brother went anyways lol, he kept the gang updated on their little brother :’)
mondo was quite sad because he missed you and could only hear you from another person :(
the next time that you two met was in Hope’s Peak. When you walked through that door mondo was shocked
you looked like God took some clay and slapped you with it. how one person could get beefier and taller then he was, was above his head
you looked really excited to meet everyone, but mondo could tell from the way you looked at him showed that you didnt recognize him :(
you kind of flocked between people before locking eyes with him
you thought you knew him but you didnt?? what?? before you could say anything the teacher came in and started :(
but after class, the first thing you did was flock over to him and poke him. 
He was kind of annoyed but his soul almost flew out of his body to see someone giant staring down at him
The two of you had to have a few conversations before it finally clicked that you DID know him. man did you stick to him like glue after that.
mondo sometimes gets a bit insecure because you cant catch a hint at all, and he wonders why you choose to stick to him when your entire class loves you
it does make him smug that no one unwanted interrupts him because his status as a gang leader scares everyone off
doesnt work on his close friends they watched him fall down stairs
anyways you really enjoy bein with other people
carrying chihiro on your back? chucking baseballs as hard as you can to leon and watching him gulp in fear? yes
but in all honesty, you like (most) of your class, and it shows because you would be the person to help them with anything
youre the person that waits for them to finish tying their shoelaces before walking with them so theyre obviously VERY protective
you make the first move and show up to his dorm with flowers and blankets n movies
mans is sputtering and is flustered all over but he does enjoy getting coddled
he enjoys having someone else take care of him but sometimes you need to get a hint
youre a dumbass and it really shows
when you tell the class they were very sweet but did let mondo know that if he hurts you his pompadour will just be pom.
despite being a sweetie, when people first meet you they are very scared
so when you get with a gang leader on the same level of beefyness and scariness its terrifying
when he gets into fights he will 100% say “oh yea? here comes my boyfriend, the one that can easily rip out your spine >:)”
sometimes fails as you come walking in with a tiny cactus in a pot, with a massive grin on your face
he really enjoys when you lean your head on his lap
he really is whipped for you and would  really do anything
which leads to really fun dates because you two are just “head empty, fun with lover”
and do stupidly cute shit
you two would go on a date day and just run through all he things you both wanna do
cat cafe, arcade, beach, checking up on the gang in like 6 hours its like a speedrun like me trying to post this before it gathers too much attention cause its unfinished and i messed up
he stumbled in on you trying to convince terteru to help you learn to make one of mondos favourite desserts 
it was so funny because youre all pouty and begging to get help from a gross slime child whos like up to your kneecaps LOL
he managed to hear the explanation as to why you were begging and he had to walk away or else his blush wouldn’t go down
loves pda
sits on your lap, pushes you against the wall and kisses you, holds hands with you, and sometimes gives you a little love bite on the neck during lunch 
really likes cuddling between your chest but not in school 
Also really loves when you brush his wet hair and play with it
its a very fun relationship to witness, with two himbos in love 
mondo is a power bottom. I will not be taking any feedback no sir 
despite you being physically much larger in all aspects, youre his little toy to play with
you knew very little about sex with a male before you met him. he is smug that hes the one to take you.
it may be your very large cock going up his ass, but hes the one in charge.
he loves giving oral, and likes the feeling of his throat bulging to make room for your large size
has a thing for facials, and likes the feeling of your warm cum on him
his favourite positions are ones where he has control
cowboy, reverse cow boy, along those lines yeah
for part of his birthday gift you agreed to let him use your body and to try out bondage
you got handcuffed to your bed as he milked you dry with his mouth and ass
he is a very handsy person, and an incredibly loud moaner
you actually enjoy when he rides you because sometimes you get scared that you’re hurting him so you want him to be comfortable
his favourite thing to do is to bury his face inbetween the crevice of your neck, and hearing your deep grunts in his ear
his hands either wrap around your neck, or he uses them to fondle and play with your pecs
mondo can go 2/3 rounds, and each time he tries something different
when he gets horny he gets what he wants, you guys have messed around in parks, behind food stands and in school
he will whisper in your ear about 
he likes to put his hands over his stomach and feel the flesh make way for your girth, and he finds it incredibly hot to find a bulge the shape of your cock
he can’t help how sensitive he is, and after the first round he finds it hard to communicate, with him just becoming a babbling mess that sloppily rides up and down your body.
once pleasure rots both of your minds and you can’t think properly, if you lovingly call him your dirty little slut, or your cum whore and tell him to let you take control, he will whine and slop over, giving you access to him.
you dont want to hurt him, but sometimes your mind gets a bit too hazy, and the next thing you know hes pressed against a wall, and you’re grabbing his hair or neck as you plow him, his moans echoing 
you find it cute when you whisper about how he corrupted you, how he’s the reason why you’re acting like an animal, or how he’s the reason why you’re always horny because you can’t get enough and he needs to take responsibility especially because his grunts and moans get louder and he clenches around you
when he cums, he cums alot. most of the time its over your chest or on the wall
either way, he loves the duality between the man in the streets and the beast in the sheets, sometimes he wonders how you can be the same person
just dont forget to give him aftercare, lotion his body and cuddle him after
tag list: @kenniethedumbass
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