#we were both obsessed with kingdom hearts as well
sunny-daysss · 2 years
I was curious so I searched up ‘Gorillaz’ in the server with my friends and I didn’t realise how many of them had put Gorillaz songs into the music bot akjsdhaksdh
BUT, I also found out that my ex-friend (I might’ve talked about them here before, I was super upset when we had a big falling out) requested Slow Country at some point which meant he was DEFINITELY a huge Gorillaz fan and it makes me sad because I could’ve shared my obsession/excitement over the band with him :/
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annwrites · 2 months
sons & daughters. aemond | king’s landing outtake.
— pairing: aemond targaryen x fem!reader
— type: outtake from this series
— summary: aemond is made aware of your new marriage.
— word count: 1,384
— tagging list: @beebeechaos @crypticlxrsh @amindfullofmonsters @yeolsbubbles @icefrye19
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Aemond listens idly as Ser Tyland drones on about expenditures, eye glancing to his brother who sits at the head of the table, watching as he puffs out his cheeks, eyes widening before he slumps forward.
Ser Tyland ceases talking. “Your Grace?”
Aegon lifts his head, holding it between his hands, fingers tangled in his hair. “Must we be apprised on every fucking coin that’s spent?”
Aemond’s lip twitches.
Tyland shifts in his seat. “Well, Your Grace, it…it is important that we—”
Ser Otto enters the Small Council chambers then.
Aegon leans back in his seat, gesturing toward their shared grandsire. “Ah, there you are! I would ask where you have been, but you as you have only missed Ser Tyland’s riveting accounting of—”
“She has the North firmly in-hand now,” Ser Otto states, cutting Aegon short, holding up a rolled page of parchment.
Aegon shrugs dramatically, shaking his head. “Who does? Whore Queen of Dragonstone, I presume. We already knew they would defer to her. This is not new information.”
“There has been a development,” Otto replies shortly.
Aemond’s fists tighten in his lap, heart beginning to pound.
“Princess Y/N has wed Lord Cregan.”
He turns to look at Aegon. “The North is the largest Realm in the Seven Kingdoms. And with his army at their complete disposal—”
“I won’t allow it,” Aemond says lowly, all eyes then turning in his direction.
Aegon looks at him in interest.
“Won’t allow—” Otto starts, until Aemond stands abruptly, chair loudly scraping against the floor.
“She belongs to me.”
Alicent shakes her head, looking to him. Hoping that such news would finally cement the realization within him that you were now permanently gone from his life—belonging to another—turns out to have been done in folly.
“Your obsessions with that bastard girl are at an end, Aemond. She is gone. For good. And you have promised yourself to one of Lord Baratheon’s daughters in exchange for his loyalty.”
Aemond’s anger quickly develops into a raging tempest then—his mother the sole object of his ire.
Her fault. It is all her fault.
He takes his marble dish and ball in-hand, and chucks them both across the room—dish shattering against the wall, ball rolling slowly across the floor, causing her to jump—and Aemond stalks toward her.
He leans down, one hand planted atop the table in front of her, other gripping the back of her seat firmly.
“You do not command me.”
A beat of silence.
“You see,” he cocks his head to the side. “She was meant to be my betrothed. She was created for me to have. I would not expect you to understand, but it is mine own blood which I am meant to wed.”
He stands, voice raising as he paces the room. “Some unwashed northern fucking lord is not suitable for her needs! I am!”
He turns swiftly round toward her, Alicent’s emerald eyes now wide.
“You are the one who is to blame.”
He grins then. “So much effort you took in keeping us apart.”
He returns to her, speaking quietly, so only she can hear. “No measure by you, or anyone else, was ever going to ensure that. Do you want to know, then, mother? The things we did with only the Gods to bear witness?”
“That is enough Aemond,” Otto states, coming closer, lying a hand upon his shoulder. “That is quite enough.”
Aemond rises, standing tall, hand gripping the pommel of his sword. “I want her back.”
He pushes past his grandsire, heading toward the room’s doors, which the Kingsguard quickly open for him.
“I’m going to get my bride back!” He shouts, boots echoing against stone floors as he makes to head out of the Keep and toward the Dragonpit, prepared to mount Vhagar and ride North.
He will raze the entire kingdom to the fucking ground, so long as it returns you to him.
You will hate him for it. Though, he imagines, you already would, given that business with Luke.
He had meant what he said in that letter—had hoped his guilt would lessen the devastation in some form, making it easier for your gentle heart to handle. But returning the ribbon had been a mistake. For you would return to him. Mayhaps not in the way he had so many times envisioned—you sneaking into the Red Keep, winding your way through those hidden passages the two of you had utilized so very many times to seek the other out in hours of need—and you finally saying yes to his proposal.
He would then spirit the two of you away to the Dragonpit to mount Vhagar, and ride to Essos where you would finally be free.
Now… Now plans have changed.
His hand has been forced.
How could you have done it? Forsaken him—your uncle, your lover, your blood, for him? He had believed your hearts to always be one. But now you had handed it off to another.
It belonged to him. You did.
And you still would. Whether you wished it or no.
He would bring you round to it—to him. The two of you would have nothing but time once having crossed the Narrow Sea and settling in one of the Free Cities. He knew your mind better than you.
He will not make you happy—Lord Cregan. Not as he had. And would.
You will one day thank him for it.
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Aemond paces his chambers like an animal locked in a cage.
He’d returned to it to gather a few things—clothes, coin, a few valued possessions. Such as a hairbrush you had left behind when Rhaenyra took you away from him to reside on Dragonstone so many moons ago. And a bit of cloth you had embroidered when you’d just begun learning the craft when you were a girl—his and your initials bound together crudely in thread.
Once those doors had shut behind him, however, they’d been barred from reopening from the outside. And when he had tried the hidden door in the wall near his hearth? The same result.
He roars in frustration as he considers the balcony one last time, hearing Vhagar do the same from across the city in fury.
He returns to his room then, seating himself before the fire. He leans forward, staring into it, elbows atop his thighs, hands cupped round one another as he holds his chin. And he waits, mind swimming in thoughts…of you.
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He does not rise from his seat when the doors open, then close again.
Nor does he react to the sound of soft footsteps or the brush of skirts.
He does not turn when his mother seats herself beside him.
She sighs softly, placing a hand upon his back.
He wishes to be comforted, instead, by another. Wants to have you naked and in his bed—in his arms—as he finally claims you. Fills you with his dragonseed, forever binding you to him.
His niece. His beloved niece…
The hand falls away, into her lap. “What did you think to do, Aemond? Mount Vhagar, turn your sights North, and then what?”
She turns more toward him, clasping her hands. “She is lost to you. Wed to another. She isn’t returning. Nor are you going to retrieve her. We require your presence here. Bringing the North’s forces into the fold needs be avoided as long as is possible.”
A pregnant pause settles between the two of them. He cares naught for her words—her attempt at convincing him to let go of one he has loved since the day she was born.
So he finally tells her then. “I love her.”
“She loves another now,” Alicent replies simply—quickly, as if she’d been waiting to throw such hurtful words at him for some time—before standing, smoothing her skirts. “And, if you are fortunate, so shall you, too, when you and Floris wed in due time.”
He finally turns to look at her, and she bristles at the sight of his empty socket.
He knows you never would have.
“As you did my father?” He asks, repaying the cruel favor.
She swallows, then turns away, exiting.
He begins to cry softly, still clutching that bit of embroidered cloth—only now to his lips—praying for the first time since he was a child…for you to come back to him.
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makingqueerhistory · 2 years
Queer Book Recommendations
Every once in a while I like sharing some queer book recommendations on here as I read a lot and I get requests to share some of the books I love, so here we go! 
Tell Me I'm Worthless: Three years ago, Alice spent one night in an abandoned house with her friends Ila and Hannah. Since then, things have not been going well. Alice is living a haunted existence, selling videos of herself cleaning for money, going to parties she hates, drinking herself to sleep. She hasn’t spoken to Ila since they went into the House. She hasn’t seen Hannah either.
Our Wives Under The Sea: Miri thinks she has got her wife back, when Leah finally returns after a deep sea mission that ended in catastrophe. It soon becomes clear, though, that Leah may have come back wrong. Whatever happened in that vessel, whatever it was they were supposed to be studying before they were stranded on the ocean floor, Leah has carried part of it with her, onto dry land and into their home. 
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty: Feyi Adekola wants to learn how to be alive again.It’s been five years since the accident that killed the love of her life and she’s almost a new person now—an artist with her own studio, and sharing a brownstone apartment with her ride-or-die best friend, Joy, who insists it’s time for Feyi to ease back into the dating scene. Feyi isn’t ready for anything serious, but a steamy encounter at a rooftop party cascades into a whirlwind summer she could have never imagined: a luxury trip to a tropical island, decadent meals in the glamorous home of a celebrity chef, and a major curator who wants to launch her art career.
Silver Under Nightfall: Remy Pendergast is many things: the only son of the Duke of Valenbonne (though his father might wish otherwise), an elite bounty hunter of rogue vampires, and an outcast among his fellow Reapers. His mother was the subject of gossip even before she eloped with a vampire, giving rise to the rumors that Remy is half-vampire himself. Though the kingdom of Aluria barely tolerates him, Remy’s father has been shaping him into a weapon to fight for the kingdom at any cost.
Disintegrate/Dissociate: In her powerful debut collection of poetry, Arielle Twist unravels the complexities of human relationships after death and metamorphosis. In these spare yet powerful poems, she explores, with both rage and tenderness, the parameters of grief, trauma, displacement, and identity. Weaving together a past made murky by uncertainty and a present which exists in multitudes, Arielle Twist poetically navigates through what it means to be an Indigenous trans woman, discovering the possibilities of a hopeful future and a transcendent, beautiful path to regaining softness. 
The Perks of Loving a Wallflower: As a master of disguise, Thomasina Wynchester can be a polite young lady—or a bawdy old man. She’ll do whatever it takes to solve the cases her family takes on. But when Tommy’s beautiful new client turns out to be the highborn lady she’s secretly smitten with, more than her mission is at stake . . . 
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror: Horror movies hold a complicated space in the hearts of the queer community: historically misogynist, and often homo- and transphobic, the genre has also been inadvertently feminist and open to subversive readings. Common tropes—such as the circumspect and resilient “final girl,” body possession, costumed villains, secret identities, and things that lurk in the closet—spark moments of eerie familiarity and affective connection. Still, viewers often remain tasked with reading themselves into beloved films, seeking out characters and set pieces that speak to, mirror, and parallel the unique ways queerness encounters the world. 
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture: Everything you know about sex and asexuality is (probably) wrong. The notion that everyone wants sex–and that we all have to have it–is false. It’s intertwined with our ideas about capitalism, race, gender, and queerness. And it impacts the most marginalized among us. For asexual folks, it means that ace and A-spec identity is often defined by a queerness that’s not queer enough, seen through a lens of perceived lack: lack of pleasure, connection, joy, maturity, and even humanity.
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flowering-thought · 1 year
Ganon brainrot won in my heart so here we are-
Please know that this version of Ganaon is influenced by BOTW and TOTK as I never got the chance to play the older games and I'm hopefully going to purchase TOTK soon (I'm a broke bitch so I look at spoilers in envy and awe). Also note that due to the complicated timeline of the games I'm going to say that Zelda has traveled back maybe 10,000 years because as of right now there's no telling how to fit it into the timeline for sure-
Not gonna lie I wanna do more of this, maybe a part two?? Should I do a part two?? I want to do more but I didn't want to make it too long-
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
AFAB reader and reader is described as feminine and chubby/plus sized.
Yandere themes, obsessive behavior, hints at stalking
Yandere Ganondorf x Archeologist Reader
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Zelda and Link. Two people you had come to know well as you had helped Link grow used to life in Hyrule after waking from his 100 year nap.
You were an assistant who occasionally helped Purah but also looked for things to research on your own when you could.
And when Link had saved the kingdom from Calamity Ganons grasp? You had grown close to Princess Zelda, who shared many interests with you. You two got along quite well, having fun and sharing research with each other and having long conversations about the past and the link between technological advancements and a declining birthrate.
And with Link? You appreciated the times when you could just relax. You would both sit by the fire and relax or you would tell him stories to pass the time.
Before Link had managed to defeat Calamity Ganon you would empathize with the struggle of not remembering his past, of the emotions that came with the weight of the world on his shoulders. And you would help him find ways to find happiness in the small things, even talking with him and having conversations to make things seem less stressful than they were.
So with Link and Zelda by your side with ruins of the ancient past? What would you have to worry about? Zelda is knowledgeable about ruins and Link is strong enough to help either of you if something were to happen.
But things don't always turn out how you want them to be huh?
Walking up to what looked to be a corpse deprived of light and dehydrated to the point it was practically a standing mummy, a hand attached to its chest and a spiral of light emitting from the contact.
And as though it were fate, that hand detached, a stone falling with it. A part of you felt as though you weren't supposed to be here, you took a step back, behind Zelda and Link, your eyes fixated on the mummified corpse.
As if you had walked into some tale of horror, the cracks of bones could be heard from the body, it slowly moving in what could only be described as terrifying.
Just as it opened its eyes Link blocked the first attack, and you grabbed Zelda's wrist, ready to run with her if need be. And the shattering of the master sword echoed through the chamber.
"The sword that seals the darkness? Such a fragile sword cannot defend you from me." He stated, a raspy voice speaking out.
"Zelda.. And you who carries that sword are Link." He continued.
The conversation did not last, another attack carried and both you and Zelda are knocked into the abyss. And even if it would be your death, you did not let go of Zelda, knowing that you'd rather be together in death should you die from that fall.
But all you saw was a burst of light before you inevitably passed out, your consciousness fully collapsing as the world around you changed.
And then there you were, in a field in Hyrule, both you and Zelda lain among the grass for a certain King and Queen to find you.
Zelda was the first to awaken to their voices, explaining who she was to them before they explained their own title.
And just before Zelda could gasp, you awoke. You held yourself as you woke up before fully awakening and looking around frantically for Zelda.
You didn't mind the strangers as you crawled over quickly to check for wounds, "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt?" You asked.
And upon realizing where you were, and looked upon by strangers, both you and Zelda explained what had happened to the young King and Queen as they brought you to the peak
Of course what followed was being brought to the founding kingdom of Hyrule, Rauru and Sonia treated Zelda like their daughter, smiling and making sure she was well fed.
They had claimed that both you and Zelda were distant relatives despite you saying you were not a part of the Hylian royal family. But they stated it would be better to claim that for now.
And while they treated Zelda like their child, when it came to you they were gentle as though you were someone they loved. You did not have powers like them and so they made sure you had a guard with you at all times.
Often times you would be found by the pair with Mineru, both of you enjoying different topics and you found immense enjoyment from learning everything that the Zonai technology could offer.
Sometimes you would actually fall asleep in Minerus office, and you could have sworn one time to hear Sonia and Rauru conversing as your head was supported by a lap and your hair pet gently. It was such a warm and gentle feeling so you eventually drifted back to sleep only to wake up in your chambers the next day.
And then, the one and only Gerudo King known as Ganondorf made his appearance.
Far too many times had you seen the depictions of a monstrous beast called Ganon, and upon hearing the name in another form you could feel shivers roll down your spine.
You stood next to Zelda, deciding to take your mind off of the King and look to his group, finding the differences in the attire of the past and future was fun to you rather than thinking about the anxiety that came with meeting Ganondorf.
And while you gazed at his group, Ganondorf had been staring at the stones for a time, noticing Zelda had one so he assumed that you would as well. And as soon as he noticed you did not have one he should have brought his gaze back to Rauru but he couldn't.
The way those robes fit on your figure, your soft looking features and that gaze of intelligence and warmth in your eyes had him nearly move his head to look right at you. But of course he knew better than to make his interest clear right in the throne room.
He couldn't keep his eyes off you, even when he and his group of warriors were escorted to different chambers to rest he had your face in mind. And before he was escorted to the separate nicer chamber he would stay in for his standing in the Gerudo tribe was the highest, he pulled two warriors aside and told them to keep an eye on you in secret, to learn more about you.
"And what kind of information on her would you like us to gather?" One asked, prepared for whatever her king would ask of them.
"Everything." He stated, turning to follow the Hylian maid who stood quite a bit away.
And so for an entire week, while observing many schedules of those who had the secret stone, he would try to find the places you tended to wander in.
He learned of the foods you prefered, how you spent a lot of your time either in the garden or the library, snacks such as fruit you often snacked on. He also found out the size of the robes you wore, getting a messenger to send that information back to the tribe to prepare you clothing. And he also tried his best to search into your orgins, but even most servants of the palace did not know where you came from.
It was frustrating that oftentimes you were with a member of the royal family or in places he couldn't get to without arising suspicion when it came to trying to get close to you.
Until finally, you were in the garden, only a single guard standing a couple of feet away as you sat in the grass and with a sketchbook open drew the different kinds of plants in front of you.
He found it beautiful. How your fresh flowed around you in the grass and your hunched form taking in the details of nature.
A part of him thought it suited you. But another thought how much better you would look smiling at him and waving him over.
But alas he had to make the first move.
So that's what he did, he stepped into the garden and made a light cough, the guard startling and immediately formed a stance while you turned to face what was only a pair of legs till you craned your head up to look at him.
You stayed completely still out of shock, till Ganondorf tilted his head a bit, wondering why you merely stared.
"Am I truly that shocking to see my lady?" He asked, a small smirk adorning his face. You nearly wanted to run but at the same time a part of you didn't want to create problems for Rauru or Sonia or even possibly Zelda so you decided to be neutral and scoot over a bit.
"Not as shocked as you would think, sit down and maybe I could see your face without needing to break my neck." You said, hoping that maybe he wouldn't be too interested so you wouldn't have to be too on edge.
But much to your surprise you heard a loud chuckle and next thing you knew had the King of the Gerudo sitting next to you in a garden of flowers.
You couldn't stand the awkward silence so you decided to form a conversation with him instead. "So how is your stay? I hope you're finding things enjoyable?" You ask, fumbling with the pages of your sketchbook, the notes written between the pages among illustrations and dried flowers and plants.
Ganondorf took in everything. How lovely your face looked up close, how tiny your hands were as you held that book in hand, and how your fingernails would get under a page to flip to another as you tried to make conversation.
He wanted you. He knew for certain then and there that he wanted you. It was love at first sight yes. But it wasn't the kind that he would throw away everything for until this point.
Now he understood the tales of foolish people throwing things they had worked hard for away for love. But it's a good thing Ganondorf is a greedy man. He'll have you first even if it means abandoning his first plan. He can always create another.
So as his mind processed these thoughts he gave a hum of confirmation before gazing down at you, "Do you know anything about the desert?" He asked. You would never know this was a conversation to prepare you for the harshness of the desert when he would eventually find a way to sweet talk his way into taking you there.
But unexpectedly you nodded and smiled, "Yes! While during the day it reaches its hottest point at noon, and its coolest point at midnight. But the sunsets and sunrises in the desert are breathtaking!" You started, smiling as you opened another page to some of the flora and fauna you've observed in the future.
"See I love how things can still manage to survive, it's so interesting how they form their own ways of survival and manage to thrive. Just like people do!" You stated.
"And how clear the sky looks at night when you're in the desert, it almost looks like an endless sea of stars. It does get cold at night but I've never been one to grow cold easily." You add, a bright smile on your face only keeping the man stunned in place.
How positive you were when he had only seen the negatives of his homeland. The vast desert is dry and harsh. He hated the Hylians who had taken for granted their habitable home and yet here he was, in love with a Hylian even before you would confess of your love for the desert.
You went on about how to build the most efficient homes, how staying near an oasis is the best move, and how white paint or tiles would help reflect the sun off the roofs. How different muds and rocks and soil can affect how to build a home there. And how you enjoyed the feeling of warm sand on your feet.
It took you at least an hour of talking to realize he had listened intently for a whole hour.
It left your face feeling hot and putting your book to cover your mouth and nose, hoping to cover up whatever blush had formed on your cheeks. "Sorry, here I am drawling on and talking your ear off." You muttered, avoiding eye contact but also realizing that looking at his well-toned body was a bigger mistake as you felt your heartbeat rise and then looked to the scenery to try and calm yourself down.
Ganondorf only chuckled, smiling as he set a hand on your head and gave your hair a little ruffle. "It's okay little Vai, I quite enjoy listening to you talk." He claims, getting up before looking down once more, "We should talk again." He adds.
And with that he walked off, leaving you slightly bewildered.
Unknown to you, that guard had reported back to Rauru and Sonia at the end of the day after making sure you were safe in your chambers.
The next day Rauru and Sonia would pull aside Zelda and Mineru while you were in one of the libraries researching.
"What do we do? Why on earth would he take an interest in Y/n?" Zelda asked, her hands held together in anxiety.
"He should have been targeting one of us. Someone who holds a secret stone. Y/n doesn't even have a stone!" She adds.
Mineru and Rauru sat silently in thought while Sonia put her hand over Zeldas, "Do not worry. I don't think he has the intention to hurt her." She claims, her calm voice carrying Zelda out of all the thoughts of you becoming hurt.
"But that doesn't mean he doesn't hold other intentions with her." Rauru says, looking slightly agitated as his gaze stays focused on the table.
"She wouldn't betray us. That much is certain. So if he doesn't seek to harm her or get information out of her, what could it be?" Mineru asks out loud, her question plaguing the thoughts of all four of them.
And they all knew only time could tell.
And unfortunately for them, Ganondorf would come to find you often, growing closer to you and making you feel comfortable around him. And due to that, coming up with a new plan to propose to his tribe and the warriors who followed him was easy.
He would take you as his wife. A surefire way to ensure a "peace treaty" between the Gerudo and Hylians. And your knowledge of the landscape and ways to improve their housing would prove useful for keeping his people safe, many warriors agreed with this plan as the longevity of their tribe mattered to them more than stealing a stone.
If they managed to strengthen their tribe with knowledge you could lend then they could form a better plan to take over Hyrule.
So with the support of his warriors, he asked to meet with the Hylian court, including you.
And it was tense. When you stepped into the hall, you could have sworn Sonia was on the edge of yelling and Rauru was bewildered. Zelda took notice of you and immediately brought you close to her and went closest to the thrones to keep you within reach.
You had made it late so you didn't know that Ganondorf had just announced his wish to marry you.
"Are you insane? You propose such a thing to keep the peace between our people?" Rauru asked, his voice commanding an answer from the brazen Gerudo King.
"But it is not unreasonable. I understand that Y/n is a distant relative yes? Not only is she of noble lineage she is also intelligent and capable of helping my tribe prosper. Would it not benefit both you and me? You would have my word of peace and know that your relative would be in capable hands and protected by my people as she would become one of us by wedding me, trying our people together." He concluded, looking straight at Rauru.
You were shocked at the information, never expecting to be proposed to by such a man. Yes, he seemed to be kind to you but how would you know he would keep his promise of peace? The history you read was different from this!
You felt overwhelmed as Rauru and Sonia went on about rejecting and Ganondorf would try to talk about the benefits. It took you a minute to collect yourself so you could speak.
"That's enough!" You yelled. You hated all the attention turning to you but this was your life. You were not going to allow anyone else to choose anything for you.
"Give me a couple of days. And I will reply to your proposal Ganondorf. Please allow me that." You stated. Rauru and Sonia wanted to object, and Zelda held onto your hand desperately.
Ganondorf smiled, giving a nod before speaking, "I hope you will give me good news soon my lady.".
After the meeting Rauru, Sonia, Zelda and Mineru profusely asked you to reconsider saying anything but no. That this was insane and that you don't know any of his intentions. It took at least an hour of their constant pestering for you to hole up in a library with snacks and comfort items.
You quite literally locked them out and spent your time reading to try and find any wisdom to help you.
Eventually you came across an old scroll, your body wrapped in a blanket and a few grapes in a bowl nearby while you read what this scroll had to say.
"Time is a complex device. One that has too many layers to have one conclusion. Some say time is final, that the past cannot be changed, and nor can the future. But some say that one single element can change that. The outcome is split into multiples and time divided. Should you find yourself at a crossroads and the future you envision challenged, take the chance for there is no telling if the future is sure. And if changed with a sure future, know that while things around you may change, you will not."
And with that you had decided.
You had bathed and gotten dressed and called a meeting to answer Ganondorfs request. And Rauru, Sonia, Zelda, and Mineru looked as anxious as can be.
And with a couple of words, fate was changed.
"I accept your proposal."
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opinioncore · 4 months
7 Colors `-. ° Perlas (Pearl)
·˚ ◌༘͙ ` .— pairings! -Yan! Ibong Adarna (Don Juan) x FEM!Modern!Isekai'd! Reader
# >·˚ •— warning! -slavery, abuse, sexism, misogyny, murder, blood, men, stereotypes, reader is a feral woman and would most definitely kill anybody if she deems it fit, mentions of murder and suicide (you), yandere, obsessive behavior, kidnapping, harassment, power imbalance, threatening, actual murder (Juan),
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡·˚ — note: I listened to the voices and here we are. Might draw their appearances in my imagination... (Pedro as a dilf [alongside his father and King Salermo] and the girls as milfs....)
You're from the modern timeline, having to study Filipino literature because you were forced to. Ibong Adarna was what you studied first
The vast kind of characters and how they act in the story. You kinda felt bad cause Don Diego and Donya Juana barely had anything to do with the plot
And how Don Juan pulled all the bitches, how Don Pedro was a piece of shit, and how you felt bad for Donya Leonora
And there's the OP Donya Maria
So, like, basically the story, is the three brother's— Pedro, Diego, Juan— set on a journey one by one to find the Ibong Adarna, the supposed magical bird only capable of healing their sick father. Pedro and Diego both fail and Juan finds the bird, saves his brothers and the brothers were supposed to kill him to take his glory but Diego resorts to only beating him up, and he gets healed, goes back home to his kingdom with the Adarna bird snitching (and healing the king), almost sending the brothers' to the dungeon but with Juan's kindness, they were free. And the brother set the Adarna free just to fuck with Juan, and Juan then starts pulling girls on the way.
Now what would you do if you were transported in this magical world?
You, of course, is a commoner. You work at a farm and you have a poor family
All goes well (except for the fact you now have to work against your will and how your "in this world" parents are always worried about your marriage)
Until some corrupt and rich noble decides to buy your farm and turn you guys into slaves.
Some ugly looking noble but wearing fancy clothes walked all over the wheat you just planted, you of course glared at him with your mouth agape. "This bitch!" You muse as you grit your teeth and glare at this ugly noble. The noble starts speaking, "(L/N), let's have a deal, I'll pay you 1,000 in exchange for this farm and the females in your family." He proposed, and you could feel your eyes twitch by this. You stood up and almost insulted him, "Yes." Until you hear Your "in this world" father agrees immediately.
You stared at your father in disbelief, you felt your breath hitch. "What?" You spoke as you felt your heart stop. The noble chuckles and gives him the money and then you, your mother and your big sister get taken away by what you assume is people who work with/for the noble.
You fought back, pushing them, kicking, punching, and you yelled. "Curse you! You stupid mistake of a father!" You spat out, you hear your mother cry. Your father holds the money. You could feel the noble 'tsk', the men were having a hard time restraining you to the point they almost forgot your mother and your big sister existed and all ran to restrain you.
You lost, obviously, you were against 6 trained men, and you're just a measly farmer. You were panting and breathing immensely, after a whole 6 minutes of fighting them off, you're finally tired. You've never really fought nor exercised physically. The men of the noble tie you up (they are all bruised and tired), and your bruised and fatigued little self gets dragged away by 4 men, the other two escorting your mother and your big sister.
You are tired, so you just get dragged away tied up and you fall asleep as you get roughly thrown on the carriage.
And there your life gets ruined. You get sent to the kingdom, "Berbania". And you are to work on the field of the castle...
And there are some occasions where some guards use the female slaves as "relaxation", but when you were escorted there and forced to work, no one seemed to want to approach any single female slave for those reasons anymore after that one incident.
You plant another wheat. Tired, you sighed, you don't understand why you are here at all, it felt like you time travelled or something (You still don't know you are in Ibong Adarna because you never saw the princes at all). Then you get called by some snobbish guard, and they said something about letting off some steam. And you immediately refused, then they got mad and were about to hit you and you let him hit you and you immediately hit him with your hands despite being cuffed, the guard hissed, and was about to hit you again when someone stopped him.
You alongside other people got shocked by the one who stopped the fight.
There in all his mighty, Don Juan, the protagonist of the Ibong Adarna. The youngest out of all the princes, the kindest and a charmer, pulling all the girls... he looked so young, like your age?
"What is going on here?" He speaks with a charming smile, oh wow, no wonder he gets bitches.
The guard immediately tensed up and tried to explain themselves. "Prince! I-it's this worker who's misbehaving... I just wanted to discipline-" "if you are disciplining the girl, she wouldn't be fighting back." Juan immediately speaks up, the guard flinches. "But, if you want your workers to refrain from misbehaving, I suggest you do it with less physically, ahaha! I understand though!" He says wholeheartedly.
Oh yeah. He's kind hearted to the point of naivety... He smiles and the guard is just speechless, you're dumbfounded.
"You're the one who tried to get your hands on me!" You immediately spoke, gritting your teeth and fighting the urge to murder the guard right there, Juan blinks twice, thrice... And you're still frowning. Once this prince is gone and this guard goes unpunished, you're definitely making them sleep with one eye open—no make that two EYES opened.
Juan noticed the dark aura emanating from you, he put a hand on his chin, "Oh is that so?" He hums, "Then Mr. Guard, come with me! We will report your behavior to your superior!" He smiles, You raised an eyebrow, "His superiors are as corrupt..." You muttered and was about to walk away, when you felt a hand on your chained wrists, you swore you could feel the chains snapping any moment. You stared at the smiling Juan, "I'll have you speak for your rights, alright?"
You blink twice, and nodded. The way he worded that sounds so wrong.. You keep your lips firmly shut, avoiding eye-contact like how the others do when they are in the presence of a royal. You don't know, why are you here becoming a slave, almost getting harassed and having to go and complain now and shit. Annoying honestly.
Maybe you shouldn't have read that suspicious book, it looked old but it still could be read with. You just didn't feel like paying so much for better books, especially when this kind of book explains more and gives more specified information.
When you first got here [isekai~], you didn't believe it at first. Until some supposed family members of yours called out for you and told you to not slack off and work especially because you're a woman. This irritated you of course, and you were about to talk back when you see your supposed older sister get hit by your father for making a mistake.
So what was your first thought of action? Yell at him and tell him off. That caused you to get hit too. And you almost hit back if it weren't for your supposed mother.
"women aren't supposed to fight this, can't fight back" blah blah bullshit. You just cross your arms, roll your eyes and scoff. And you worked.
"I just decided to read a book and this is what it gets me? I am so gonna come back to reading online..." You mutter in your breath as you plant your crops. Your sister sighs next to you, she is unable to understand what you are talking about but she is aware you are complaining, she doesn't understand, the women of the family are supposed to listen to every word of the men, she doesn't understand why you are defying them and is fearing the worst for you.
"[Name] please, listen to our father. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, you know how our father can get angry." She says as she pats your shoulder, making sure the dirt in her hands is cleaned first—so don't worry, your clothes aren't dirty— "He can stay mad." You state.
And that is when your life of overly misogynistic and stereotypical life started. Having to deal with a bitchy father, alongside a whiny mother and a take-it-all older sister. You fight the urge to not kill your father everyday.
Okay enough with the flashbacks
Juan is still smiling happily in front of you. God this is so awkward. You don't make eye contact and Juan stares at you with that charming smile of his.
What was supposed to happen here? Your sister stares at you in worry, she doesn't think she can even take the blame with this one. "So, while the guard takes his time to get his superiors, how about introducing ourselves to each other?" He says with a toothy grin, you are so surprised, royals don't talk to commoners, much less slaves—which is unfortunately you, fuck that noble by the way— you blinked twice and your mouth is agape when he suggested the idea.
He almost laughed at your response. Yes, as a prince, he shouldn't be talking to commoners, much less slaves, but he just wanted to talk, is it bad to talk with his subjects?
"My name is Don Juan. Though, I'm sure you already know that. What about yours?" He tilts his head. You bit your lip to fight the urge to lie and fake your name, who knows? He might just behead you for lying to him. "[Name]." You bow your head, he's probably gonna forget about you anyway.
After the whole thing got reported, the noble got sent to the dungeon alongside all of his men, with the help of Pedro. All the slaves get sent free that means, you and your (this world) mom and sister is free. Oh my god, took them long enough.
It took 3 whole days to arrest all of them, and in all of those three days, you were (forced) spending time with Juan.
# ⑅·˚ ♡︎ — Day 1
Your wrists are getting bandaged recklessly by Juan. He does not know his way with bandages, but he wants to do it instead of those medics! Ever since you told him your name, he can't stop repeating it in his name over and over again like a mantra. It honestly shocked him because he was just being courteous, didn't really expect to remember your name, but that way you said your name left him breathless. He wonders how good it would sound if you called him by his name... Unfortunately...
"Prince. Are you alright?" You asked, he's zoned out and stopped bandaging your bruised wrists, the chains used to lock your wrists were tight and bruised your wrists. There was the unfortunate part he was talking about, you wouldn't say his name at all! You'd call him prince, your highness... It's great and all but at least just say his name once!
he snaps out of it, he really doesn't know how to bandage and sweatdrops at how bad he did it. You sigh, you know little about medicine, but this was basic knowledge! Well I guess not for him... You held his hand and guided him how to do it properly. And he was just staring as if on a trance. Your hands guiding his left him on a daze.
Finally, your wrists are properly bandaged, it wouldn't have taken 30 minutes to do it if it weren't for Juan's persistence to do it instead. And when you were about to let go of his hand, he held your hand tighter. You looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Prince?" You spoke. He looks at you, you're quite puzzled at his expression as you cannot properly tell what he is thinking of or feeling at the moment. "You seem adept with bandages." He says, 'Duh, it's basic knowledge...' you mused to yourself, you nod.
# ⑅·˚ ♡︎ — Day 2
You were given a choice on either to be a personal maid or just the castle maid.
(Juan route) You chose to be a personal maid, and of course they assigned you for Juan. So you serve him.
You sighed, it's hard to deal with this man when he's acting so stubborn and so... Odd? How do you describe it?
There are times he's acting like such a brat, always whining and bitching about things, then there are times he's acting like a puppy? Like how he'd always melt at your touch—you could just go and touch his hand and he'd lean closer for more.
"Oh c'mon!" Juan whined, "You're always so busy! Despite you being my personal maid, you shouldn't be so occupied with work—unless you're working for someone else." His eyes darkened for a split second, his voice deepening. But his childish pout is back once more.
"You aren't right?" He asks you, his voice sounding desperate. You blinked thrice at his words. You smile and pet his fluffy brown hair. "No, I really don't think anyone but besides you would take me in anyways— I'm just a fortunate servant." You reassure the young prince. He melts in your touch and he treasures your touches. It almost feels like he's purring, like a cat...
So you pull away. A servant spending time with its royals can cause scandals—you don't want to lose your head. You noticed the way his eyes darkened and the way he started frowning. "I should get going..." You held your broom back and walked away from him to continue your duties, leaving the disheartened prince alone.
# ⑅·˚ ♡︎ — Day 3
The noble who bought you and put you in this predicament died, in a brutal fashion. When the news spreads, you feel your face pale, yeah he was a piece of shit, but he was a noble either way. Your family is in danger—! Well this world family—and you! Because of what happened, you are 100% a suspect.
Juan looks so happy today, while you look scared, it's obvious how you tremble, how you flinch at everything, everyone is always staring or has something to whisper about you, and you can hear it clearly.
Your hold on the broom tightened, you flinched when you felt Juan hug and snuggle you—like how he does ever since you became his personal maid—he smiles wholeheartedly, oblivious with your obvious discomfort.
"So, are you free today? What do you think about marriage?" He asks happily, no shame or filter or whatsoever. You stayed silent, he noticed that. "Hey?" He nudged you.
"Is it about the murder? Well don't worry about that! I had that settled with Pedro." He tells you. You perk up at his words, he could almost chuckle at the way you lightened up just because of that. How silly of you.
"Pedro? Yeah. I dealt with the noble and the consumer." Juan thought of those words he told his big brother, but he puts it in the back of his mind. He smiles at how you brighten and gets more lively at the news.
"So are you free?" He asks, you nodded, unable to see the reason why not.
PRESENT (double it and give it to the next person)
Biggest mistake ever. You breathed heavily, and that echoed through the room. You moved around, chains making sound.
You're chained on the bed at an abandoned tower part of the castle.
You've cleaned this place before, he has made you clean this place a lot. If you would've known that you'd be locked inside, you'd give more effort in cleaning it.
But the worst part is—
"Hey (Name)!" A happy voice calls out as they open the heavily locked door with glee.
There stands... Juan.
You immediately backed away, as far as you can while chained. He pays you no mind and sits at the very bed you're chained on, "I have good news!" He announces, is he finally letting you go?
If you'd paid mind to his actions, you would've noticed how he was trying to court you— HOW HE ACTED DIFFERENTLY AROUND YOU. Maybe if you weren't denying that he had feelings for you— Maybe if you weren't so sure that he wouldn't fall for you because you're a servant— you wouldn't be here by now.
You would've never found out how horrible and deranged he is, how he killed that noble— well you half-heartedly like him for killing that wretched dastard— but even your (in this world) whole family? Your older sister, mother, and disowned father?—you thank him for killing him too BUT-!
"Well, I finally got my father to agree! In fact, he gave his blessings to our marriage because it makes me happy— you too! We'll finally get married!" He says wholeheartedly and holds your chained wrists.
Funny how he was the one that removed your chained wrists back then, but now he's the one putting it on.
"We'll finally be together, like lovers and make a family!" He says happily, you paled at the thought of that. You don't like the thought of the process in giving birth— much less giving birth itself! You shudder at the thought of fucking him.
You want to shove him off— push him away and step on him and run away from this shit hole and kill yourself. Because what the hell, maybe you really should've not been cheap and bought a proper book for ibong Adarna—fuck yourself.
Spoiler: he was good in bed
He defo got married with you. And now you're a princess with him.
And you're trying to not get killed by his concubines.
Wait no— you're trying to not kill yourself and get those hot mamas concubines killed.
He's defo shameless.
for some reason the whole plot of ibong Adarna never happened because of this
Pedro becomes king
Diego is nowhere to be found (locked in his room like always)
And Juan is a two faced whiny brat 😔
Either the nicest or the brattiest. No in between.
Bro is spoiled, expect him to be a brat, but also a sweetheart <3
Remember when I said that he purrs like a cat? He's actually a dog
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Cause I can't draw (I'm not done drawing yet) have a chibi version of what he looks like 🗣️🔥
I preferred giving him green rather than blue—I think blue fits Diego more honestly (I like purple shhh, but I still think blue suits Diego more >:[ )
I also don't draw dogs sooo
I also have drawn him so many times on paper that I think I really like drawing him now 💀
I listened to the voices, so have this
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ceruark · 20 days
Hi ! Dont worry about not being as active, health and happiness comes first, and there is always someone whos willing to wait for you.
I just found the entwined au which i loved. I also had my theory for the follow up, that it was Robin who sabotaged Sunday. Because they have the same intentions but go about it differently. Probably she was the one who noticed Sundays obsesion the most and wanted to free you from that future.
As for Ratio, we are lucky he is on our side and cares for us, because, like you said, he isnt unwilling to use our trust to his benefit. Also Im guessing he was orphaned young but actually has royal blood? Probably his kingdoms court threw him out because they were corrupt? Those are my theories. Hopefully he doesnt find out or else we will be in trouble haha.
Also loved that Gepard was the best option among the suitors, is he not yandere? Hes like a puppy.
Finally the whole time i was imagining Himeko as my late mother but her dying would make me sad so Im wondering what the rest of the astral express is up to.
These were a few of my thoughts while reading! You wrote the scenes so well, when sunday won my heart dropped after all the tension. I was really hoping he would lose haha.
(entwined au masterlist)
Thank you so much for your kind words, it really means a lot to me :) <3
I'm so glad you like the Entwined AU! As for Robin, she's an interesting figure here, for sure. She cares deeply for both you and Sunday, her childhood friend and her dear brother, but even she can't turn a blind eye to Sunday's unhealthy obsession with you. She knows him better than anyone else, and she knows that his love is going to destroy the both of you if it goes unchecked. She loves her brother and wants to see him happy, but not at the cost of anyone else's prosperity and freedom.
I wouldn't say Robin is bold enough to cut the sash herself, but who's to say she wouldn't conspire against him? If beloved Princess Robin was seen talking in hushed whispers to Imperial Advisor Ratio before the dancing started, it's anyone's guess as to what they were discussing.
Yes, we're certainly in a lucky position when it comes to Veritas being on our side and being unknowing of his past— it'd be far too easy for him to seize your hand marriage if he knew the truth. You already trust him so easily, what reason would you have to deny him?
But yes, your guesses are correct: Veritas is a prince by blood, but was thrown out of his kingdom the moment he was born. His father had long since perished in a terrible war, and his mother perished in childbirth. It was far too easy for some corrupt advisors to get rid of him and say that the prince passed on with his mother. It was easy to hand the throne off to a different prominent family who promised them riches unfathomable if they managed to pull it off.
Queen Ruan Mei's advisory court are awfully nervous in your presence when it's Ratio at your side instead of Welt, though you and the queen herself cannot possibly imagine why.
Gepard is not yandere in this AU... I personally cannot imagine him being yandere in any capacity, so he is by default the best option of all the suitors. He's such a golden retriever, he'd treat you right and would protect you! Hopefully. Belobog's forces could stand against Penacony's... right?
I could never kill off Himeko, that would break my heart! I hadn't really thought about the other express members besides Welt, but now you've got me thinking... Maybe after the Entwined incident with Sunday, it's finally time for you to start gutting your advisory court and get rid of those who don't respect your wishes.
Welt is quick to recommend Himeko, a military strategist with a sharp mind and flawless record. After some more searching, you manage to also recruit March, a young but optimistic and sociable woman who's very in touch with the common people. You also recruit Dan Heng, a reserved but dependable political and economic analyst who plays the advisor role oddly well despite claiming to have no prior experience. (You'll have to look into those rumors about him having been a Xianzhou advisor. The last thing you need is Jing Yuan slithering his way into your business.)
It's so good to hear that you enjoyed the main story. I never could have imagined it would spawn into an entire world/AU like this! Your support means so much :)
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
You make me better.
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Dark!Yandere!Aegon II Targaryen x Sorceress!fem!reader. Drabble
Plot: Aegon is sick of being the person he is, and he needs you to make him better.
Notes: This is just something I thought of because I love to think about Aegon being so in love with the reader he became wants to become better person….It’s apart of his obsession. Aka: Like the fic with Bastard reader.
⚠️A will put a little warning because this is a little bit darker then most of my fics. ⚠️
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, Aegon being a little forceful, reader being a little scared, aegon crying. Spelling mistakes.
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As long as you’ve known Aegon you could remember every glance had given a girl or woman. Anything that had breasts and could walk he would fawn over them, he was always sneaking out in the middle of the night going to brothels. But when ever he was with you he couldn’t take his eyes away from you, he didn’t pass a glance at the serving girls or the ones that walked by. He just looked at you.
You knew the pressure that was put onto him and it made you sad, you couldn’t blame him for needed something to cope, but you could blame him for how he did it. What was unusual was that he never failed to make you feel like you were someone he loved. He would bring you a flower he found that smelled fresh, always holding your arm while you walked, complemented your hair and made you laugh. He was sweet when the two of you were alone.
Being the kingdoms only sorceress you were important. Always having task after task, healing the king as best you could or the towns people. Making potion as well, anything they asked you got it done. Though you kept most of your talents secret, Aegon knew more then anyone. He was your closest friend and you trusted him to show him things. Aegon was overjoyed when you did because he knew he was the only person you trusted. It was only him.
You knew who he was. Better then anyone, all the nights he cried on your shoulder and held you tight. The small moments of just the soft comfort you gave him, from the moment he first saw you. He was always going to be there.
But you never saw this coming.
Kneeling before you was Aegon, sobbing and clinging to your hands. He had yet another fight with his mother and he couldn’t take it anymore, your heart did feel heavy for him.
“Please, I can not stand the way they look at me anymore. I am constantly blamed and pushed for things I do not want, it is not I who should be crown king. They plot for me to usurp the thrown each day, I will not stand for it.” His voice roared and you could see the truth in his glaring but swollen eyes.
“Aegon, I do not understand what you ask of me. Yes it sadness my heart to see you cry, so filled with sorrow that it burns me too.” Your soft hands meet his warm damp cheeks while stroking the tears away. “It is you. Each day I walk up and wish to be better and that’s because of you, but I fail time and time again.” He admits to you.
“You make me better, but it is not enough for me to do it on my own. I need you by my side, I have conspired against my mother and grandsire to break my marriage and wed you. I know helaen is just as missable in this marriage as me, we both need something- Someone else.”
Was he truly saying these words to you? Was the feeling you had tried to bury so deep inside you from the moment you found out it cured you, returned? He wasn’t the best person, you know just how monsters he was in the dark but still you had feelings for him. You could not help it. But was this the reason he treated you so differently?
“Aegon,” you sighed and forced a smile as tears welded in your eyes, “we can not marry.” It hurt you to say it but it was the truth. “Your mother will not allow it, I will be sent away or even killed-” your arm felt slight pain as he grabbed it and pulled you down to the floor with him.
“I will not allow you to be killed. It is you who I breath for each day and night, the light that shines through me.” Taking your head into his hands you could see something that almost scared you. “You will use your magic to make me a better man, one that you could be proud to call your husband.”
You tried to find any ounce that he was lying but you found non, he wanted this. But you couldn’t, no matter how bad he was you were not going to change a man with your magic. And certainly not him. 
“I will not use my magic on you, if you want change then I will help. But one does not change over night, it is you who has to make it.” He looked disappointed but when you grabbed his hand to resume him, “I will be by your side to help you each step of the way. But as to our marriage-”
“I swore myself to rhaenrya.” He shouted and it made you shocked and taken aback. “I told her of the plan that my grandfather has, and that my mother was doing the same. When the time comes I will step down and hand it over to her,” his lips cured into a small smile and he leaned closer, “In returned I am granted to marry you.”
“What about your family? Alicent and otto will not be treated kindly, and you know aemon will not follow with your plan-” gasping as he grabbed your jaw and squished your cheeks together. His face now darken and the smirk on his face sent shivers down your spine, he looked like a man you hand never met.
“I don’t fucking care. I only need you in my life, what happens to them is non of my concern. It was them who refused for me to have you, it was them who kept me from you. I could even kill them myself, I might even enjoy it.” The feeling in your stomach grew and you felt like you were going to vomit. Eyes flickered and you shook with fear.
Was this the guy you had known all your life? Where was the sweet boy who brought you flowers and walked you around the castle. Who was the monster that took his place?
“But you’ll be here every step of the way, and I will be right by your side loyally and faithful. My love, my darling and savior. Only mine.” The words come out in a growl as he rushed forward to kiss your lips. He didn’t waste anytime to make you feel his passion, it wasn’t a gentle kiss but it was a rough one. His hands went down to grip your waist and you were sure he was going to leave a bruise.
He was never going to let you go and you knew that. It was no use trying to fight him off, because you weren’t sure he would even agree. But if you played your cards right you could bring some of the sweet boy you loved back, even if he had a darkness to him. But you’ll stay by his side willingly.
Because deep down, you enjoyed being his pray.
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Can I have yandere Macaqua and sun x mk older sister. Separately
Like the reader is from the future and was sent to the past on a accident Join the journey to the West with the monkey boys
But the boys fell in love with her and was obsessed with her but didn't know she was from the future.
So when the reader final got back to the future with her precious little brother mk who is also like a son to her cuz she raised him. But also finds out that the monkey king is his mentors and Macaqa as well and she try to tell mk don't tell them about her. Plus she doesn't want to break his heart about what they are like. There true SLef plus she pergent with there cub. So during the fight with lbd mk says he needs to get his sister/mom and says reader name and says there with cub
And they snap at that and fight and win against Lbd and sun who was taken over snaps out of it when he hears that cuz his dealing is having another Cub ( we all know sun and Macaqa think of mk like a son.
And this time they won't let them go
I am speechless as this is such a cool and interesting request!! Hope I do it justice that it deserves!!
Also me and hoshi (this lovely darling) both talked and she meant that mk is the cub that (Y/n) raised as her little brother so letting you guys know about that before I start!
I checked in with how his and she changed from them being separate to being shadow peach x reader so a heads up about that!!
Warning: noob author, female reader, yandere characters, and others
Characters: sun wukong, macaque, separately.
It was when you were attacked by a group of demons did you meet sun and the others. You had heard stories from tang about them so you quickly know who they are and that they would save you because of Tripitaka being with them.
Sun was still suspicious of you even though he can clearly see that you hold no aura like a god/goddess or demon would have when he looks at their direction. Pigsy like you but that was because of his fixation and liking towards woman. Sandy was definitely like the one from your time and like with your sandy you get along great with this sandy as well plus it confirms both yours and sandy theory about the reincarnation. Tripitaka was a sweet and caring one, trying to make sure you’re comfortable, but is simply too naive and such a damsel in distress that it gets tiring and stressed when he believed every demon made up story.
Which is why you and monkey king gets along with each other than before now with how you two try and convince Tripitaka that he should at least be cautious and suspicious with how there’s been many demon kidnappings .
Some of the demons also went as far as kidnapping you and Tripitaka which infuriated monkey king than it should have which he soon understands why when the group had visited a town and he saw another male flirting with you even though you clearly showed signs you weren’t interested plus one time when you were helping a lost child find their mother.
You had met macaque the sixes eared by pure chance when you went up on the roof for some fresh air also making sure to bring your weapons that you soon started to use against the demons that try to come after you as well as Tripitaka you two talked for a a bit and he told you about how you shouldn’t trust the monkey king as he betrayed him and his kingdom all those years ago but you quickly explained to macaque what had happened about when he disappeared from them.
You were shocked that monkey king was in a relationship with macaque as there wasn’t anything said about their relationship but you guess that it was kept a secret for reasons unknown to you.
You, monkey king, and macaque had started falling in love with each other once you finally had them rekindled their relationship that monkey king didn’t know was even broken. Though soon after you three become an item monkey king soon gave you permission to call him sun, macaque had already allowed for you to call him macaque.
With the intimate times you three had spend together with no sort of protection it wasn’t long before you fell pregnant you were going to tell them but before you could you were swiftly pulled back into your time like when you were pushed back to the past. Your sudden disappearance made the two demon monkeys furious with each other as they thought the other was hiding her for themselves which lead to sun killing macaque out of blind rage, though what the two did know was that she was with a child from their senses put together.
Tang and pigsy were shocked to finally see you’re pregnant after a month of searching ways to get you back. Pigsy scolded you but you had explained that it the child was made from love rather than a one night stand gone wrong though the more you thought about it you think it would be best if you raised the child as you’re brother rather than your son, which tang and pigsy hesitantly agreed as it was your child and they only want the best for you and the child.
Your son grew up to be a energetic young man;he get’s your kindness, suns liking for bright coulombs, and dark hair from macaque though he doesn’t know about this as pigsy, tang, sandy and you kept it a secret as you didn’t feel exactly ready for a child at that very moment and cause of protection of any kind as there still could be enemy’s from macaque and sun still alive till this day.
When mk showed off sun’s staff he interpreted your shock as something like the others but really it’s how he found his actual father’s staff. When he started training with sun and soon after macaque you had hoped that he only briefly mentioned you or never mentioned you at all as you don’t want to go through the heart break of seeing them having moved on from what happened between the three of you so hopefully mk took pity on you without him knowing and spared you.
When sun had heard your name from mk he couldn’t only think it was someone different and not his (Y/n) as she and their cub would most likely be dead by now, maybe the cub still being alive with his and macaques blood but with how the cub has a quarter of humans blood they could be too old to be able to do the things he sadly missed out on.
Though when he finally joined the group and seen you still young and thriving made him have all sorts of emotion in him which lead him to only stare at you most of the time if it weren’t for the others questions and needing to guid the others to the samadhi fire.
Macaque had known you were alive but couldn’t interact with you in fear of what lbd would do to you if she found out about you.
When sun got amnesia from the pepper he was shocked to see you as it been a long while that he started to think you and the cub had passed away before the cub was able to be born. He hugged you but made sure to be carful and mindful as he has a lot of strength and caused he might hurt the non existing baby that he doesn’t know is already born.
It wasn’t until sun got possessed by lbd did mk’s true father or fathers were brought to light which broke lbd spell that she had on sun and soon after lbd was defeated and you three rekindled your relationship plus having a sun along with another one on the way soon after.
(A/n: hoped you like what i did with it! And i did more than 7 paragraphs as i thought it was needed for this request. Anyway hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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shiftingwithjaidyn · 3 months
🕸️,🍎, &🌊!
answering for my writer/fame dr
|| shifting ask game 🕸️; where will you be when you first wake up in your dr? what clothes will you be in?
very basic, i know, but i'll wake up in my room! i want to wake up somewhere where i am already comfortable in (especially since i mostly do sleep methods.). plus, i really want to wake up to my sweetheart princess of meow meow kitty kingdom mari໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა i'm personally very obsessed in anything vintage and romanticizing my life in general/in every single universe being the drama queen that i amso i'll probably be wearing those pretty vintage slip-on night gowns/dresses
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🍎; what are three songs that remind you of your dr and why?
● midnight city - m83 - this song reminds me so so sooo much of l.a. (it was a close tie between lady killers II by g-eazy) and the song itself is sort if adrenaline rush was a song which i'll most likely feel the moment i first shift. ● there she goes - the la's - this song is more on how i see myself in my dr/my vibes in my dr, y'know? i've always been a fan of 2000s rom-coms and i've always wanted to be sort of a main caracter in one, so i'm always so happy and thankful whenever someone says i do have that type of personality/aura and i'd like to have it in this reality as well! ● no 1. party anthem - arctic monkeys - this song can be interpreted in numerous ways and while majority of them are a pretty sad interpretation (and i can do a whole essay on every single one but let's do that some other time), i genuinely adore this song with my whole heart and consider it as a love song about me and my dr s/o. there's a specific verse in its bridge "the look of love, the rush of blood. the "she's with me"s, the gallic shrug. the shutterbugs, the camera plus the black & white and the colour dodge." that brings me to my knees and make me go "hey that's us!". me and my dr s/o sort of have a love at first sight (the look of love, the rush of blood) friends-to-lovers trope, so obviously there's a lot of mutual pining and slow burn there, but i think it's sort of bittersweet to have those moments. not in a "oh, i want to be cheesy and corny and blah" (which you can do obviously but that is not my intention here personally), but in a "we get the chance to understand each other to a deeper level that no one else can, but there's this risk, and it's up to us if we want to take it or not.". especially with the fact that we don't act upon our feelings until much later (thought a lot of our friends already speculate || "the "she's with me"s, the gallic shrug") also connects me to this song more for this song is a representation of longing and yearning for someone who you're unsure if they like you back especially knowing everyone has their eyes on the both of you (because he's a well-known actor and i'm a well-known writer || "the camera plus the black & white and the colour dodge") (there's so much words for the last song omg i'm so sorry y'all my lover girl slipped out of her cage.)
🌊; pretend your dr has one of those filler-beach-day episodes. what’s everyone doing?
omgg this reminded me of a scene in this show i'm a part of in my dr (yellowjackets) where it does have a filler-beach-day episode (well more like scene and they were in a lake but whateverrr) anyway, going back to the question! i'm mostly close with drag queens in my dr since i've worked for rupaul's drag race (the og and all stars) for about 10 years so i can only imagine most of the queens like shea couleé, trixie mattel, katya zamolodchikova, violet chacki, jaida essence hall, plastique tiara, etc. relaxing in the corner enjoying the sun and other queens like nymphia wind, dawn, gottmik, symone, plasma, kandy muse, xunami muse, morphi, naomi smalls, bob the drag queen, monet x change, etc. probably ready to drown each other during a game of beach volleyball. (i'm so sorry if this answer's like super messy and not accurate to the question my head is so empty rn HDJKFHSKFHDSJ)
this was such a fun questionnaire session tysmmm gaiaaa!!!! <3333
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
・Many people think Aegon rarely visits Visenya’s bed because he isn’t attracted to her. That’s far from the truth. 
・Aegon doesn’t visit because ... you’re already in her bed. 
・Although they’re still married, Aegon isn’t judgemental about Visenya’s relationship with you
・ He thinks it’s only fair for Visenya to have someone while he has Rhaenys. And he wouldn’t have been able to conquer and unite Westeros if he wasn’t a level-headed and grounded man
・It took a while for you and Visenya to get together 
・You had grown up together as your families were, and still are, close
・One of the things that Visenya has always loved about you, is the fact that you make her feel safe. 
・Even though she is one of the most fiercest and fearsome warriors in the seven kingdoms, she likes being around you because you don’t assume she’ll take the lead
・Her commanding nature doesn’t stop with you however
・And that means her love may seem ... harsh at times. But she doesn’t mean it to come across as negative or threatening 
・ She just wants the best for you. And sometimes, it comes across differently than she intends it 
・Likes to have her hair played with, especially when you’re both lying in bed. 
・The first time you flew with her, Vhagar made your stomach drop. The beast ... and she is a beast, was incredible to see up close. 
・You had encountered Balerion and Meraxes, both huge and formidable. But up close, dragons were completely different. 
・To get onto Vhagar’s back, it felt like you had to climb a breathing mountain. The ropes tied to her body felt unstable, but that didn’t seem to worry the Targaryen Queen. 
・ Calls you my heart in High Valyrian: “Issa prūmia “
・You’re always next to her on the battlefield. Even though the risk of you getting hurt is high, she knows she cannot stop you from fighting 
・The difficulties of politics are heavy on your mind, however, and the thought of you having to marry someone looms over your head 
・But Visenya is constantly reminding your father that there is no one worthy of your love, and at times, even she is not
・Neither you or Visenya know this, but Aegon makes sure that the Velaryons are always protected
・He tries to get them off of your backs’
・(Not that Visenya needs any help)
・Visenya is ALWAYS awake and out of bed before you. When you drag yourself from the comfort of your blankets and get ready for the day, she’s already had her morning run and is putting on armour for training 
・Rhaenys absolutely adores you. She’s happy for her sister, so overjoyed that she has someone who will love her
・And Rhaenys was actually a huge influence in getting you two together
・Well she had to, both you and Visenya are as stubborn as mules 
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
Your Hands Are Cold by Dario Marianelli
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
  ✧ It’s Always Been You / I’ve Loved You Since We Were Children
  ✧ Independent, Doesn’t Love To Get Pampered (Visenya) x Loves To Pamper Them At Every Opportunity (You)
  ✧ Emotionally Unstable (You) x Also Emotionally Unstable But Tries To Hide It (Visenya)
  NSFW🔞minors dni!
・Visenya is a switch - she likes to be both dominated and to be dominant
・Depending on her mood, and how much aggression she’s let out during training. Visenya could be slow and sensual, taking her time devouring you. 
・On the other hand, she could absolutely ravish you. Pushing you against a wall and loosening your pants, yanking them down viciously and kneeling in front of you
・ She’s obsessed with your nipples. Sucking, biting, squeezing, pulling. When you’re grinding on each other, she’ll slip off your tunic and free your tits, giving them unabashed attention
・One of her favourite places to fuck is in the dragon pits. Amongst the dirt and leathery smell of the dragons, Visenya will take you on the ground, dirt covering your back and making a mess of your hair
・Some nights the whole castle can hear the moans from your room 
・She likes to hear you say her name while you’re cumming. The breathy noises and pleasured cries drive her crazy
・Although she isn’t much interested in PDA, as soon as you’re alone, she’ll show you how horny she is. Her hands can’t stop touching you, her lips never leaving your body. She’s like an animal on heat.
・Visenya’s favourite thing to do after sex is to have a bath
・She’ll gently wash you, humming as she does so. Her mind clear and heart full. Nowhere else would she rather be. 
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golvio · 3 months
One of the less jokey reasons why I’d love to see a Cultist Simulator style game with Ganondorf is because I feel like a Ganondorf game would be the best opportunity to explore a side of Hyrule we’ve never seen before.
CultSim & Book of Hours were all about this secret side of the world devoted to magic, the eldritch and esoteric, and the forces trying to suppress it so individual quests for ascension don’t cause too much collateral damage (which then go too far, as police and bureaucracies often do). The game’s format itself was based around peeling back the layers of the mundane world to get at that secret world, and from there to go still deeper to discover the purpose of your game and possibly ascend to godhood/end the world/etc.
In Zelda, we get constant vague references to a secret occult world—a cult of dorks in black robes who live in the woods in AoC, a reference to an unnamed tribe of dark mages in FSA, mentions of “lost writings” or deteriorated scripts holding forbidden knowledge in TotK, etc. And there are countless witches here and there, from Maple to Twinrova, which suggests there might be at least a couple less formal covens kicking around, some transference of more secret magical knowledge between masters and apprentices throughout the ages.
So…who are these people learning this obscure and sometimes forbidden knowledge? What eldritch secrets are there to actually know, beyond the bright and fenced in path of what Princess Zelda is taught, diluted down to “what Link/the player needs to know in order to do their job?” Who keeps preserving the knowledge of Ganon’s existence? Who keeps trying to resurrect Ganon and why?
Not to mention who are these people, specifically? Cultist Simulator featured all sorts of factions that borrowed inspirations from everything between Mesopotamia to the lost ceremonies of the Mysteries of Ancient Greece to the Spiritualist and Occultist movements in the UK and US in the latter half of the 19th century. On one end, you had grand spiritual societies like the Ordo Limiae, which devoted itself to the study and navigation of boundaries between the occult aspects of magic, only to dissolve into countless schisms and petty infighting once the society’s heyday had passed. Then you had more recent up-and-comers like your own cult, with even more petty infighting and backstabbing between upstarts jockeying for ascension into the Mansus in the vein of Aleister Crowley’s rivalry with William Butler Yeats. Then there are the Libraries, which each devote themselves to the collection, preservation, and distribution of occult knowledge, as well as the containment and dispelling of cursed tomes that could be dangerous to the general populace. And then that’s not to mention what the Edge folks have going on, with the underworld organizations that traffic in tallied years of life, loosely organized bands of monster hunters, that one Edge/Heart cult that was “a society of physicians and duelists” obsessed with the saving and taking of life, and so on.
What kind of networks of occult knowledge would a hitherto squeaky-clean and spiritually orthodox universe like Hyrule have? What other gods are out there, once you stray from the kingdom-approved domains of the church of Hylia and vague myths of the Golden Goddesses before her, beyond even the more localized shintoist style cults in isolated villages worshipping local nature spirits and tutelary deities? What were the networks of people both Ganon and his mothers studied under, who made Twinrova who they were, and, in turn, made Ganon who he is?
Who is Ganon to these people? An aspirational figure? A god/demigod the mages just getting started down this path whisper prayers to? A fellow acolyte of forbidden knowledge they could learn from? A rival to backstab to guarantee their own ascension? A resource to exploit? More importantly, how does Ganon feel about all this? Does he ever communicate with any of these people, or does he fuck off to a tower somewhere until Link shows up and the cycle starts over?
I doubt anybody at Nintendo has ever thought about this as hard as I do, but overthinking is kind of my thing. Right now, I’m overthinking the question of “Where the hell do all these dark wizards keep coming from?”
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Hello again!
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your corner of the internet (it really feeds into my Ac obsession, as if I needed more of that lol, but really it’s nice to see other ppl that like some side characters ahem *likeFedericoand Greencoat*ahem). And thank you for your answer abt Feducia as well, I’m glad you liked the library gifting idea for I have another one : Imagine if the library had secret alcove(s) and/or passage(s) and one of them lead to a small balcony. Do you think Federico would stand below said hidden balcony to read poetry/Lucia’s favourite pieces while she stood up there and admired him from above ? (A bit like the infamous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, the inspiration came after reading @giuliettaluce’s seriously adorable fanfic “Upon their holy act, the heaven smiles”)
Oh! I also really like your Aranea x Mephisto ship and I’m so excited abt your new(?) OC Tatiana Volkov bc I seriously thought the Flables/The Wolf Among Us fandom was dead when I arrived late as usual 😂 And I love both ships dynamics, I think it just suits them very well
Hope you had a good day and keep going, xx
(Ps Im sorry abt the long long asks I’m just excited to share my ideas with you)
Hello there again, Nonnie!!!
Please, do partake in coffee that I just made (wish I could truly offer you one through the screen)!!
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I myself have been going strong for almost 5 years, AND AM STILL GOING STRONG.
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So please, do sit tight and enjoy the ride!
Like, I still get super SUPER salty about the fact that Federico has met his end basically 5 minutes in the game (infact, around here, we absolutely throw canon out of the window, and Fede is alive, well and living his best life with his love, somewhere in Italy - in my particular case, in the Kingdom of Sicily with Lucia. Trapani has never been more beautiful than when they lived there!).
As salty as I am about that, I am also immensely grateful, because if the Baguette Bois were full-fledged NPC, then I would have never created my Mathias, and as you will see now that you are here, he is my most beloved brainchild alongside my darling Dorothea <3.
Now, onto your question:
I *absolutely* believe that Federico would stand below said balcony and recite Lucia's favourite poems ( probably the Canto 5 passage of Paolo e Francesca from Dante's Commedy, her most favourite AMONG ALL).
I can envision it so well, with Lucia just beaming and listening to him as he recites those poems, waiting for him to just climb up her to her balcony (because she KNOWS he would do that. Man cannot stay away from climbing around, as much as he likes to make it believe that it's becasue he needs to follow Ezio and make sure he's not going to fall face first lolol).
(it kinda helps that my FC for Lucia is the beautiful Olivia Hussey as Juliet from Zefirelli´s movie).
Seriously, she wrote for me the Federico/Lucia one-shot based on Romeo and Juliet that was EVERYTHING, and she wrote for me a one-shot about Mathias/Dorothea that I have never shared, but that I reread truly often and it melts my heart each time. She is such precious friends and beautiful person, it warms my heart SO MUCH knowing that you appreciate her writing <3 she deserves ALL THE PRAISE.
they are my "dark pairings", so to speak, because while I love to dwell in FLUFF galore, and this is something that I generally explore with my Assassin's Creed pairings (though, there is a certain dose of darkness there as well), with Mephisto/Aranea and Bigby/Tatiana I LOVE to explore the darker side of the relationship between two lovers (though, tbh, Mephisto/Aranea take the crown in this, but that's easy because Bigby and Tatiana are still very much decent people altogether, while Mephisto is a freaking Archdevil and Aranea is his Warlock/Consort, so they are bound by their own character alignment - which is firmly on the evil side).
So trust and believe, no fandom is ever truly dead, and you are MORE THAN WELCOME to discuss whichever fandom you fancy at present! :)
(and please, do not worry about sending me long asks. I *ADORE* reading them, the longer the better. GIMME A DOORSTOPPER ASK OR GIVE ME NOTHING LOLOL I am kidding of course! always feel free to send asks as long or as short as you prefer, at your own convenience <3 just know that they are always welcomed! <3)
*gives lasagna in tupperware*
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betterfettered · 1 year
Imagine this, Soft Yandere Diavolo and Soft Yandere Lucifer with soft, obedient, sweet, and emotional but accepting MC. Like, both demons are craving something or someone in their relationship, the feelings for MC were always there but they never acted upon them. They'll start seeing how sweet and compassionate she is and their feelings will grow and grow until one day they just decide she's theirs, and ultimately she'll be okay with it. Whenever she stays at HoL, she only listens to and obeys Lucifer. Mammon gambles too much? MC tells Lucifer. Beelzebub destroys the kitchen in his search for food? MC tells Lucifer. MC tells Lucifer any thing and everything. If she's with Diavolo? Screw his princely duties, they're together constantly. Lucifer, MC, And Diavolo though..... Poor MC will be sore and tired with them. It's apparent that there's many things that go on behind Diavolo's bedroom doors. :)
Hello friend!! I think this is a really interesting idea. It makes me think of how Lucifer and Diavolo are both kind of the only two people that keep a lid on the general chaos of the other brothers and the rest of the devildom. So once their level of obsession reaches this point, I think that things would start to kind of, fall apart around them? Which will likely have the effect of drawing them closer together as like an oasis in the desert of headaches.
To be honest, I don't see this ending well for MC LOLLLL. Firstly, there are some really powerful/high status demons that I dont think would tolerate Diavolo totally abandoning is princely duties and things getting chaotic, like Mephistopheles and Barbatos. Barbatos in particular is who I'd be worried about, because he's arguably more powerful than even Diavolo is and so I don't think it would be hard for him to get rid of you and then (over many years probs) convince Diavolo to focus again on ruling the kingdom. He's more likely to do this covertly and in the background so you wouldn't even suspect him until it's too late hahaha
On the other hand, as we see all the time in the game, the brothers can't really, like, survive without Lucifer holding them together. One of the brothers may decide to get rid of you (cough belphie cough) but actually I think its more likely that Lucifer decides to distance himself on his own will. He has the level of self control to do it and loves his brothers enough to sacrifice his own happiness in that way when he sees how they are suffering.
So our sweet cutie pie MC will either get got or get their heart broken LOLLL the threesomes were probably worth it though ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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raayllum · 1 year
I wonder if the show will address Callum taking Viren’s personal path being somewhat of a result of the amount of loss he’s suffered. The poor kid has spent his childhood losing three parents, not to mention Viren and Claudia who he says were like a second family to him. He clings desperately to the loved ones he has left, particularly his two pillars (Rayla and Ezran), because he simply can’t lose anyone else.
Given that the Puzzle House talks about Viren's progressive losses in quick succession (Soren getting sick, Kpp'Ar 'disappearing' which must've been painful for Viren to do either way, and then Lissa leaving) I think we'll likely see something like that for Callum in the future. Since the star arcanum has to do with time/space I could see us getting a tiny flashback of him with his bio dad, maybe - a timeline moving through the different losses in his life, including when Rayla was gone.
And while some of it is undeniably a trauma response, though... I do think a lot of it just comes down to personality. Rayla puts off saving her parents for the good of the world, but Callum goes full throttle in trying to help her in 5x04 and isn't really willing to delay it for much. Ezran loves his family and friends dearly, but we haven't yet seen that protective edge come out much (although he does defend Bait in 1x06, bless his heart) so he can definitely have an indignant streak. He's very world and kingdom focused. All of the characters in the show have faced a ton of similar and interrelated losses (Claudia and Soren most blatantly with Lissa perhaps, but the way they reacted, and where their interests lay, very much pre-determined their paths, y'know?)
It's kinda like why aren't Ezran and Rayla mages, if they want to help people, and magic can do that, and they both have somewhat magical powers and both seem to be born with them? Well... Magic like that just isn't in their inclination. It's useful, and they'll use and rely on it, but it's not in their tendencies to chase it. It's not in their natures to be fascinated or lured in by it. Just like it's not in their natures to so certainly do some of the things that Callum has. Not that they wouldn't, but I've never felt entirely certain that they would, whereas for him it's always been extraordinarily clear that he would (and that he has, and will again).
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Which ties back into mages, as Aaravos and Zubeia identify, just tend to gravitate and fall under certain personality types, the way most occupations do: curious, obsessive, intelligent, ambitious, and often times a certain amount of ruthlessness.
And I think it also comes back to how TDP at its absolute core, in a lot of ways, is just an exploration of how people respond to Loss in a variety of ways and patterns and choices. Some good, some bad, some entirely circumstantial or simultaneously both and neither, but... IDK. Selective loyalty can, from what I've seen, absolutely be heightened by loss, but isn't necessarily born from loss. It's just how some people are wired, including a couple of my closest loved ones (hence why I've seen it up close)! In a lot of ways, 1x03 was Callum choosing Ezran (and subsequently Rayla) above all else, including Harrow, and we've just... never seen him walk back that choice. I don't think he ever will.
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luffysprincess · 19 days
Your games are always the highlight of my tumblr week ♡ Today I choose Alhaitham
I know you already know vaguely that me and Alhaitham don't know how we ended up together, let alone how we ended up with a child. We see for like 2 weeks every 2 months because of our undercover line of work. What you dont know yet though is that her name is Aurelia. It means Moon Jellyfish. I didn't know this, and just fell in love with the name. As basically a genius he did know this though, and hates the name jkashdjkahsdj. But I won, and now she has a pet Jellyfish that he caught her. He named it Channary, meaning moon girl. He did this to be a smartass but she loves it and is none the wiser.
We literally have no idea when we started dating, we just know that one day we were in love against our will.
Our daughter lives with his grandmother that gives him hell but absolutely loves me. She does hate that we won't just work regular jobs and be at home with the family though.
Our wedding was a small one, with a max of 30 people, just those closest to us. We planned it and were wed in less than 2 months but it looked so gorgeous it was as if i took 2 years. Kaveh still lived with us until our child was born. She was born about 3-4 years after we got married.
I think that's somehow more than 5 facts idk i was into it i'm sorry kajbsdjkashd Anyways, I cant wait to see this. I'm still completely OBSESSED with your k-drama you made me for my bday with Jackson Wang ♡
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⌱ TITLE: The Dagger of His Heart
⌱ GENRE: Historical Romance, Action, Adventure
⌱ PREDOMINANT TROPE(S): strangers to frenemies to lovers; almost arranged marriage but one of them ran away
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As word spreads across the Kingdom of Ilm of a vigilante who goes by the name Ryder, Prince Alhaitham sends orders to capture “him” in hopes of easing civilian’s unrest. So when Ryder continues to evade each ploy to capture themself, Alhaitham gets restless and ventures out in the desert himself to find his target. But things take a turn when Ryder captures him instead. Even more so when the prince finds out Ryder’s true identity and the real reason she’s kidnapped him. Now he must decide if the notorious vigilante is to be trusted and learn who his true enemies are.
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In case it wasn’t clear, Ryder is thought to be a male by everyone. However, Alhaitham figures out very cleverly that she’s female the first time he sees her in person.
Ryder’s true identity is that of the runaway princess of the kingdom across the desert. It’s been three years since her disappearance. Alhaitham figured this out on his own as well, shortly after meeting her.
The reason why she ran away and is now capturing Alhaitham is bc she knows the corrupt secrets of both kingdoms and needs his help to end it all. Which he accepts.
Alhaitham is instantly impressed by Ryder the first time he heard any news of her. He was secretly rooting her persona on everytime news came of a vigilante raiding an army base etc etc.
Alhaitham and Ryder bicker a looooot. On their adventure, they are assumed a married couple multiple times bc of it.
First kiss happens in book 2, pg 286 when the two are running away from a deadly group and hide in an alleyway. The tight space and need to stay hidden pressures the prince to swoop down and kiss her. And then they kiss again and again…and again for a looong time.
Ryder’s true name is revealed to Alhaitham but it’s never written out in the book. The author chose for only Alhaitham to ever know her name. Not even readers are privy to this information.
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